Banana Flour

June 4, 2018 | Author: Laila | Category: Food Ingredients, Food & Wine, Food And Drink, Foods, Diets



Banana flourFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Banana flour is a powder traditionally made of green bananas that is often used as a gluten free replacement to wheat flours [1] or as a source of resistant starch, which has been promoted by certain dieting trends such as paleo and primal diets and by some recent nutritional research.[2] Banana flour, due to the use of green bananas, is noted for its very mild banana flavor raw and, when cooked, it has an earthy non-banana flavor; it also has a texture reminiscent of lighter wheat flours and requires about 25% less volume, making it a good replacement for white and white whole wheat flour.[3] This has led to rising popularity among those suffering from celiac disease and gluten free dieters. Historically, banana flour has been used in Africa and Jamaica as a cheaper alternative to wheat flour.[4] Contents  1 Production methods  2 Uses  3 Health benefits  4 Availability  5 Environmental and economic benefits  6 Production concerns  7 References Production methods Banana flour is generally produced with green bananas that are peeled, chopped, dried, and then ground.[5] This process can be completed traditionally by hand where the bananas are sun dried, dried in an oven, or a residential food dryer and then either ground in a mortar and pestle or with a mechanical grinder.[6] The green banana process requires 8–10 kg of raw green bananas to produce 1 kg of banana flour.[7] In recent years, large scale commercial production has began in Africa and South America using the same basic methodology.[8] Chile has been developing an alternative method of banana flour production using ripe banana waste. Chilean researchers have developed a process that uses over ripe banana peels to add dietary fiber to the ripe banana fruit, which does not have the resistant starch properties of green [11] During WWI. Department of Agriculture considered plans to produce banana flour as a substitute for wheat and rye flour. and colon cancer. is used not only as a replacement for wheat flour in baking.[20] However. Banana powder is made from dried and ground fully ripened banana puree and thus does not have the fiber of banana peel flour content nor the resistant starch of green banana flour.[17] Resistant starch refers to a type of starch that the human stomach cannot easily digest and thus acts similarly to soluble and insoluble fiber.[18] Banana flour has a high resistant starch content (17.[9] While lacking resistant starch. [21] Natural Evolution ( Mt Uncles Banana Flour) has produced grades of up to 40% resistant starch. banana flour is often used raw. the U. because cooking reduces the resistant starch content. banana flour was produced as an alternative to high priced wheat flour in various parts of Africa and Jamaica. [19] For this purpose.[12] Gluten free alternative Banana flour has been imported or produced by American and Australian firms. and marketed by them as gluten free alternative to wheat based flours for those suffering from celiac disease and those who choose a gluten free diet.[16] Preliminary research has shown that increased resistant starch intake may reduce risk of obesity. the addition of banana flour increased total resistant starch content in appreciable amounts.[10] Banana powder is typically used as an additive for baby food and smoothies for the large amounts of potassium and other nutrients contained in bananas without the starchy properties of green banana flour.[13] Ugandan public authorities have also marketed banana flour as a gluten free alternative and have plans for global exportation. but also as a thickener for sauces and soups and as a breading for meats and vegetables. Animal feed and glue manufacturing .bananas. Uses Historical use Traditionally. there are clear advantages over banana powder. in that resistant starch eases the passage of food through the digestive system like insoluble fiber while also be slowly digestible like soluble fiber. Uncle’s. for example as an ingredient in smoothies. diabetes. in this capacity. Some of the highest clinically tested in the world for resistant starch food source foods. WEDO Gluten Free and Mt.5%) combined with excellent cooking/baking characteristics that allow it to act as a replacement for wheat flour. [15] Resistant starch Banana flour (green variety) has gained the attention of nutritional researchers and dieters as an excellent and useful source of resistant starch (other sources include potato starch).[14] Banana flour. even in cooked products like pasta. banana flour was sold in Central America under the brand-name Musarina and marketed as beneficial for those with stomach problems and pains.S. As early as 1900. diabetes.[23] Health benefits Academic and institutional researchers in a number of countries have been conducting studies on the effects of banana flour on human health. even with cooking loss. and colon cancer.[33] While there is not an importer of banana flour in Europe. both from traditional production and commercial production.[31] Availability Banana flour is widely available in Africa and South America.Banana flour is used as animal feed in various parts of the world. to most food products in order to combat wide spread health issues much like many societies have added fluoride to drinking water in order to increase dental health.[25] It is these benefits that have had many medical professionals suggest that the resistant starch content of current food products should be increased in order to combat these rising societal problems. banana flour’s combination of good nutritional content.[26] In particular. Researchers from around the world came together to discuss their various research.[34] Uganda. A pair of researchers found that adding 30% banana flour to yellow noodle recipes significantly increased the resistant starch content with almost no sensory/palatability difference from the control group. There has been such strong interest in banana flour recently. as one of the world’s .[24] In May 2014. obesity. Their results showed that such an addition to a normal pasta recipe. One study by Thai researchers found that green bananas have the largest percentage of resistant starch. Uncle’s Natural Evolution is the sole producer and grower of banana flour in pharmaceutical production facilty. and excellent palatability gives it potential as a food additive in order to reduce societal rates of obesity. Natural Evolution produces bulk quantities and have established to become global. Iowa State University held an international symposium on the health benefits of resistant starch. out of numerous possible sources tested. and diabetes. appreciably increased the resistant starch content of the pasta.[22] Dynasty Banana Flour Manufacturing & Trading in the Philippines and Taj Agro Products in India export banana flour world wide for use in livestock feeds (where it acts as a coagulant) and for use in glue production. In some sense. like banana flour. In particular. some cooks and health food followers in Europe and America selfproduce banana flour following traditional techniques. the American company WEDO Gluten Free recently started importing banana flour into the United States and. but importation of commercial products into developed countries is limited so far. mainly plywood glue. researchers are suggesting adding resistant starches. in Australia. including that resistant starch reduces that risk of colon cancer. Maribel Ovando-Martinez led a group of researchers from Mexico and Spain did a study in order to find what effect the addition of banana flour to pasta would have on pasta’s resistant starch content.[29] In sum. Mt.[32] However.[28] Researchers have also conducted tests on the effects banana flour has on taste and general palatability. because of its high resistant starch content. along with legumes and glass noodle products.[27] Other researchers did similar tests adding banana flour to bread and also found banana flour increased the total resistant starch content of the final product. it is used as an ingredient in milk replacers for calves.[30] high resistant starch content. the environmental impact of those crops would be reduced. 3. if used for this purpose. 2012. 2013 [1] . Japan. Gray. References 1. which can occur to as much as 20% of bananas brought to market.[37] Chilean officials have started production of an overripe banana flour made from overripe banana peels and the overripe banana fruit. January 2002. page 104111. Many unripe green bananas are culled and thrown out as unsuitable for sale or export. “Pasta goes bananas: Green banana flour offers gluten-free pasta solutions. has plans to start the worldwide export of banana flour to Europe.” Marinya Cottage Kitchen.[35] Environmental and economic benefits Banana flour production has been offered as a solution to high rates of waste among banana crops by both researchers and officials of various countries.[41] Natural Evolution is the first in the world to develop unique processing in a developed country situation with the highest quality and standards to the world. Anna Maria. November 4th. Nathan.[36] These culled green bananas are still suitable for banana flour production and. Production concerns Banana production has long been associated with the exploitation of impoverished workers in third world countries. “Homemade Banana Flour and Banana Flour Apple Tea Cake. would significantly reduce waste in banana production. The company have revolutionized resistant starch levels in commercial production. Thus banana producers will be able to secure greater profits from their crops.” [foodnavigator. et al.[38] This reduces waste by utilizing bananas typically thrown out when unsold or accidentally over ripened. They have invented and developed growing methods and varieties and delivered huge process capabilities with their]. 2.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.[39] In these ways. June 25th.leading producers and consumers of bananas.[40] Banana flour production is naturally and closely connected with these concerns as some consumers worry about where the bananas going into their flour are sourced. and world food production would be increased as a once wasted food stuff would now be utilized. 75:2. “Effects of high-resistant-starch banana flour (RS2) on in vitro fermentation and small-bowel excretion of energy. Langkilde. and sterols: an ileostomy study. and North America so it is likely that availability in Western and Asian countries will grow rapidly in the next few years. However. which have been shown to increase worker welfare. many major banana producers have recently agreed to fair trade business practices. nutrients. banana flour can reduce waste on both ends of banana crop production. Gillespie. Wilson. March 18th. “Business goes bananas. Rooted in America: Foodlore of Popular Fruits and Vegetables. 2013. “Business goes bananas. eds. 2014. “Announcing Resistant Starch Symposium. Sinha. et al. Pages 28-29. Rooted in America: Foodlore of Popular Fruits and Vegetables.” Queensland Country Life. “Business goes bananas. “Chile: banana flour creates potential for fruit waste. “Resistant Starch: The Good. Wilson. May 13th. “Chile: banana flour creates potential for fruit waste... May 13th. 2007. 14. “Uganda goes Bananas. Lea.” Food Chemistry. Federico.. Lea.” Queensland Country Life.” WEDO Gluten Free. 6. Handbook of Food Products Manufacturing. of Tennessee Press. 2014. page 104111. 12. 5. Nirmal. 1999. [4] 9. “Effects of high-resistant-starch banana flour (RS2) on in vitro fermentation and small-bowel excretion of energy. Univ. November 4th. Page 873. [3]. Coghlan. Iowa State University.” Queensland Country Life. 2014. and Angus K.] 16. 13. Jocelyn. May 13th. Jocelyn. February 14th. Pages 28-29. and sterols: an ileostomy study. David Scofield.” Food Science and Human Nutrition. 2012. Tony. eds. Lea.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.” freshfruitportal. July 8th. April 22nd. Univ. 2012 15. Natalie. “Unripe banana flour as an ingredient to increase the undigestible carbohydrates of pasta. 2014. Langkilde.” Queensland Country Life.4. 20114. 121-126. “Utah company’s banana flour hits shelves for gluten free cooking. “Uganda goes Bananas. Ovando-Martinez. 2 Volume Set.” Global Post. Edwards. and Angus K. [6] 17. Lea. . April 22nd. 2013. January 2002. Coghlan.” Marinya Cottage Kitchen. Maribel and et]. John Wiley & Sons. Crofts. 8. And the Bacteria. May 13th. July 8th. 2013 [2] 113 (2009). “Recipes. The Bad. [bananaflour. Edwards. Coghlan. 1999. Coghlan. David Scofield.” Paleo Magazine. 75:2.” [freshfruitportal. of Tennessee Press. Gillespie. 2014.” Global Post. [5] 10. “Business goes bananas. nutrients. “Homemade Banana Flour and Banana Flour Apple Tea Cake. Anna Maria.” KSL. "Effects of banana flour and βglucan on the nutritional and sensory evaluation of noodles. “Using waste bananas as animal feed. 121-126. “Dynasty Banana Flour Trading. “Unripe banana flour as an ingredient to increase the undigestible carbohydrates of pasta. Maribel and et al." Kasetsart Journal (Natural Sciences) 43 (2009): 178-186. “Announcing Resistant Starch Symposium. [8]." Food Chemistry 119. 19. al. 25. Sajilata.” Taj Agro Products.” Food Chemistry. and et. 29. al.. Iowa State University. March 18th. “Unripe banana flour as an ingredient to increase the undigestible carbohydrates of pasta. Maribel and et al.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 20114. March 18th. 28. Iowa State University. Choo. Maribel and et al.” Food Science and Human Nutrition. 121-126.1 (1993): 19-27. "Composition. “Resistant Starch. J. “Banana Juice Powder. Chong Li. 113 (2009). 27. and Noor Aziah Abdul Aziz. 26. [7] 23. Nednapis and et. March 18th. “Announcing Resistant Starch Symposium.18.1 (2010): 34-40. digestibility and application in breadmaking of banana flour." Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 61. et al.” Food Science and Human Nutrition. 21. Maribel and et al." Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 43. 20. Iowa State University. "Resistant starch contents and the in vitro starch digestibility of Thai starchy foods. Ovando-Martinez. Suntharalingam. E. 20114. Ovando-Martinez.” Food Chemistry. Sarathathevy. Vol 5. Juarez-Garcia.” Food Chemistry. 113 (2009). and et. 121-126. “Unripe banana flour as an ingredient to increase the undigestible carbohydrates of pasta. 113 (2009). 121-126. “Unripe banana flour as an ingredient to increase the undigestible carbohydrates of pasta. Ovando-Martinez. 22. Ovando-Martinez. 31.” Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 113 (2009). 30. "Physical and biochemical properties of green banana flour.” Food Science and Human Nutrition. Le Dividich.” importers. 2006. . and Ganesharanee Ravindran. 20114. al.A Review. “Announcing Resistant Starch Symposium.3 (2006): 131-137. 24. M.G.” Food Chemistry. Guillermo. April 22nd. “Homemade Banana Flour and Banana Flour Apple Tea Cake. 2012 36. 2013. 37." The impact of Fair Trade. July 8th. “Chile: banana flour creates potential for fruit waste.” freshfruitportal. and F. Equipment Knife . 2014. Coghlan. 35. “Banana starch: production. Vol. October. 2013. 41.32. 2013. Vol. "The impact of fair trade in banana production of Costa Rica. “Extreme Kitchen DIY: Banana Flour” The Old Foodie.a review. Pingyi and et. pages 443-458. “Uganda goes Bananas. [10] 33. Kepok. 59 (2005). July 8th.” Carbohydrate Polymers. physicochemical properties. Jocelyn. [14] 40. Guillermo. 59 (2005). “Business goes bananas. ripe and old for other varieties. Jocelyn. May 13th. Zuniga-Arias. November 4th." The impact of Fair Trade. 3rd.” Carbohydrate Polymers. pages 443-458. The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers (2008): 99-116. Zuniga-Arias. Sáenz Segura.” Global Post. al.” Marinya Cottage Kitchen. al. physicochemical properties. Sáenz Segura. April 22nd.wikipedia. [9].org/wiki/Banana_flour Materials Unripe but old banana var.” Queensland Country Life.” Global Post. Pingyi and et. “Uganda goes Bananas. Edwards. and digestibility. 38. 2013 [11]. The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers (2008): Zhang. Zhang.” freshfruitportal.” freshfruitportal. “Chile: banana flour creates potential for fruit waste. Lea. and F. https://en. 2013. [13] 39. “Banana starch: production. July 8th. "The impact of fair trade in banana production of Costa Rica. “Chile: banana flour creates potential for fruit waste. 2012. Edwards. [12] 34. and Remove banana fruits from the bunch. dry place. 4. 3. Read more at BusinessDiary. and facilitate the peeling 8. and for infant feeding. banana flour must be mixed with wheat flour. Banana Vinegar Materials .com.Plastic pail Slicer Plastic dryer rack Processing Method 1. to produce high quality cake. Soak in 5% citric acid for about 30 http://businessdiary. Benefits Banana flour can be used as a mixture material for various cakes/breads (wet and dry cakes). until 10% moisture content is achieved. Therefore. then drain. Mill and http://businessdiary. 2. Package and store in a closed. improve the flour color. Peel and then slice into small Sun-dry on the plastic rack. so it could not be used as the main cake material. Steam for about 10 minutes to decrease sticky sap. Banana flour contains low gluten. 6. 5. * Add water and boil for five minutes * Cool.medium-sized) * Two parts water * ¼ part sugar Procedures * Wash ripe bananas. * Ferment for one to two months. * Pasteurize at 70 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. * Add 100 cc of mother liquor to every kilo of fruit used. * Add sugar and heat again * Cool . fermented liquid into a sterilized container. * Pour into suitable containers. * Strain. * Plug mouthy of container with a piece of paper to protect it from dust * Ferment to two to three weeks * Siphon out clear. * Peel and cut into pieces. http://www.pinoybisnes. * Add one-teaspoon yeast for every kilo of fruit used.* One part peeled ripe bananas (25 pieces. * Plug mouth of container with cotton and cover it with clean paper.
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