Balcer, Jack Martin_The Liberation of Ionia. 478 B.C._historia, 46, 3_1997_374-377

March 25, 2018 | Author: the gathering | Category: Ancient Greece, Classical Antiquity, Classical Greece, Greece, Ancient Europe



The Liberation of Ionia: 478 B.C.Author(s): Jack Martin Balcer Source: Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, Bd. 46, H. 3 (3rd Qtr., 1997), pp. 374-377 Published by: Franz Steiner Verlag Stable URL: . Accessed: 22/02/2015 23:42 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . Franz Steiner Verlag is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte. This content downloaded from on Sun, 22 Feb 2015 23:42:36 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 97. The Hellenic League's liberationof Ionia from Persianimperialdomination.8. Steinbrecher. But neitherthe ATL3 nor Cawkwell's argument left the Ionianpoleis to Greek"liberation. Thuc. Our ancient records of the Greek military liberationelsewhere.1. necessitatedduring the springof 478 B. Thuc. D.106-7.1. volume 3.1-106. 9.3-4. 100 2-3. Paus. the remaining military forces then turned to the leadershipof the Athenian Aristeides. 7.4.bypassIonia. 7.1.37. for the League's entry into Byzantionas June478 B.2. Band XLVI/3 (1997) ? Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH.C.we cannottell. Diod.98. andperhapsthe arrivalof his SpartancounterpartDorkis as his replacementin the springof 477 B. 1. 1. In 1968. offered in 1950. in Thrace. we must accept the threeancientGreekreferencesto thatrejectionstemmedfrom mainlandIonians as well.1-115. Sitz Stuttgart This content downloaded from 132. 23.1-2. 4.9.after the League's destructionof the Persiannaval fleet at Mykale (late September-earlyOctober479 B. in the Hellespontineregion. Thuc. 11. 3 (Princeton 1950). Steinbrecher(1985) has radicallyrevised the chronologicalframework offered by the authorsof ATL 3.C.34. Cawkwell. and in southernKaria. 12.unfortunately. Cawkwell published in the journal Arepo the suggestion that the Persian militaryforces directedby the GreatKing Xerxes abandonedthe Ionianpoleis and."4 our presentquestionsaboutthose recordsand and evidence scant ancient rests well with the the events in doubt. that the Hellenic League's fleet raid Cyprus. 7. has remainedproblematicin modernscholarlystudies.H.). 114.199.9. Wade-Gery. G. Plut.Der delisch-attischeSeebundund die athenisch-spartanischenBeziehungen in der kimonischen Ara (Stuttgart 1985).and M. F.THE LIBERATIONOF IONIA:478 B.. Cim. The Athenian Tribute Lists.avoid affairson Rhodes and in Karia.56-61. Historia.C. Meritt. M.106.1-8.2. The date profferedby B. vol.1-2. 175. andbesiege ByzantionthatJune.C.C. The problemremainsa critical issue in the historicalrecordof GreekPersian events following the battle of Mykale and prior to the founding of the Delian Confederacyin the summerof 477 B.2. 191-3.therefore.2Thatdate. T.90.1. 1. 2. Diod.5 This suggestion would place the Ionian rejectionof the Spartangeneral Pausanias'leadershipof that fleet sometimein the autumnof 478 not give similarwitness to the League's liberation of Ionia. 12. 131. 98.60. 1-5.2.'and in that brevityrests our inabilityto controlthe pertinentchronology and the events thereof.Herodotus'andThucydides'all too brief recordsof the events in the two years following the affairat Mykalecompoundsthis historicalproblem.248.89. B. 6 Hdt.perhapsthe I 2 3 4 Hdt. Therefore. 9. Wade-Gery. Recent study by M.89. 11. Polyaenus 1.the authorsof TheAthenianTributeLists.1. D. and suggests the entry of the League's fleet into Byzantion's harborlate in the summeror early in the autumnof 478 B.2. "The Power of Persia. T. McGregor. 22 Feb 2015 23:42:36 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions . 8. unfortunately. McGregor.6 How many.C. and not reflective of historicalreality.8 on Sun. Sic.C. remainssuspect. With the Ionian rejectionof both Spartansand their ships. G. 94.24. Nepos Cim. thatprecludedno military activity along the Ionian coast toward the liberationof the Persian subjugatedEast Greek poleis.C. Ephoros FGrHist 70 F191. The crux of the issue at hand is what did the League's fleet do and whereduringthe year 478 B." Arepo 1 (1968). 1. Meritt. Dem. 94. H. Ratherthan consider only the liberatedeasternislands as the lonians supporting Aristeides. L.4.C.3 But that may be the natureof our extant sources. Hdt. 5 M. 49. 44. J.10 Unfortunately.7 The expedition was decisive. As Pausanias'fleet sailed fromCyprusto Byzantion.possibly even vigorously. M. Balcer.94. "Gli loni tra Greci e Persiani:il problemadell'identitAionica nell dibattitoculturalee politico del V secolo. 9 J.1-2. Persian abandonment.C. not all of the Ioniancoast sustained liberation.1. 6. Kim. M. 10 Ionia is absentin Thuc.2. 11 ATL3.2-3. The argumentof the ATL3 requiresthe improbablefirst meeting of the allied ambassadors of the newly foundedDelian Confederacyto have convened duringthe blusterywinter months of 478/7 B. therefore.8 on Sun. W.Spardaby the Bitter Sea (Chico.98-9andDiod Sic.199-204 suggestedtwenty-fivepoleis: Assos. on throughthatsummerbecomes more reasonable. Balcer." Achaemenid History VI. for. 4. SimonidesF89. 6 (London 1990).8 Persian controlof Byzantionhadneverbeen secure. Plut. expedition to have included the mainland Greek military liberation of Ionia. 22 Feb 2015 23:42:36 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions . Dios Hieron. "Byzantium.was not to seize and control Cyprusbut to destroy the remnantsof the PersianRoyal Navy stationed there and to preventthe returnof other Persiannaval forces into the Aegean."Historia 39 (1990).9. 41-55.25-8. as we shall see.a key Persiangarrisonport. was a majordecision. Plut. 5. fasc. after which the League's fleet returnedto the Aegean and sailed on to Byzantion. "Pr6senceet influence perses A Chypre.therefore."in E. Petit.).It would be.Their issue was not freedombut the practicalquestion of rebuildinginternalstabilityafter the turmoilof Persianwithdrawal. 557-65. vol. Nepos Paus. Loomis." Turningto later years.The attack. 3. 2. with personalfunctions and ambassadorialproceduresquestionableduringthe turbulentandrainywinterseason. Corsaro.Diod Sic. 487-92. EncyclopaediaIranica.C. Calif. While Cyprus remainedfirmly underPersiancontrol. in Ionia to liberatethose East Greekpoleis.248. 1.the attacksdid eliminatea Persiannavalcounterforce into the Aegean for more than a decade. Kim. and also plausibly suspect Cawkwell's suggestion of Persianabandonmentof the lonians. 11. 12. Paus.9. we can justifiably prolong Pausanias'478 B.J. 161-178. Scholars.ForCawkwell.we do not know the exact membershipof the Delian Confederacyduring its early years.Ephesos.44.3. 11. 11.5.C. T.33. besieged that polis and took it. in the incompleterecordsof the Athenian 7 Diod Sic.Byzantionand the Formationof the Delian League. have offered a variety of explanations:no League liberation.and League liberationeither partialor total. on the tiny mid-Aegeanisland of Delos.4. 8 Hdt.the starklackof evidence led him to considerthe thesis thatXerxes had directedmost of his Persianforces to withdraw. M. Thuc.5. For the Greeksto attackCyprusin 478 B.Miszellen 375 now prolongedmilitarycampaignby the HellenicLeagueduringthe summercampaignof 478 B. 1984) 330-4. Balcer.An initial meeting from spring477 B.C. witnessed the forces of that Leaguecampaigning.not a questionof Greek liberationof the East Greeksbut of the East Greeksimmediatelyseeking alliance with the militarilyoffensive League for theirpersonalprotection. M.Alaia. thus by necessity most East Greekswould have soughtalliance with the League.andthe Byzantinesmay have facilitatedthe Greek siege."AchaemenidHistoryVI (Leiden 1991).C.thereis very little ancientevidence to suggest Greekattacksupon the Persiansstationedin the Ionianpoleis.Therefore. For the authorsof ATL3 the fleet's passageprovided nothingmorethana quicknominalandtokengestureto the Ioniansof mainlandGreekinterest in thatarea.44.2. T. Yarshatar(ed.60. 599-600. perhapsduringthe autumnor winterof 478/7 B. A ChronologicalNote. however. "The East Greeks underPersianRule: A Reassessment. 11.however.6.2-3.C. This content downloaded from 132. "Pausanias."AchaemenidHistory VI. absolutelyfundamental to the goal of gaining Persianheld Byzantionandthe Bosporos. Astyra. therefore. Myous. but retained garrisons in several key regions that could be substantiallygoverned during this turbulentperiod. 11. Hairai. 7.15The majorloss sufferedby 12 13 14 15 Erythrai(includingthe foursubordinatemainlandkomaiin hersyntely).Persianpresence in the Troadjust beyond Sigeion persistedas a majorproblemfor thatEast Greekpolis. 1. 22 Feb 2015 23:42:36 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions .5.29. held the centersof GambreionandPalaigambreionas well as ruralregions of Myrinaand Gryneion.C. ATL 3. The geographical structureof the strategically importantriver valleys that traversed Spardafrom its core westwardto the Aegean providednaturaland militaryviable routesfor continued Persian control as did the networkof inlandroutes from Sardis and Daskyleion. Hofstetter.C. 1.9.which flow into the East Greek Ionian region. yet she maintainedthat connection.and Halisarnafor his sovereign Xerxes who had grantedhim those 2Nearby.Teuthrania.1-3.the Persians still claimed the ruralsections of MyrinaandGryneion. Maiandros. Paus. 1. often considered partof Lesbos' mainlandterritories. Athen. also in exile. 3. however. Ionia: A FrontierRedefined. Thuc. 1. Hell. Schol. J. the Persiansno longer controlledthe terminusof the Royal Road from Sardisto thatreligiouscenter.44.remainedthe importantnorthernlittoralfor the satrapyof Spardacentered in Sardis. 12).highly suspect for their many lacunae.successfullyduringthe secondquarterof the fifth centuryB. Sic. Kolophon.3.29.Priene. Plut. Balcer. Hofstetter.8. Hell. Klazomenai. however.but remained underPersiancontrol.1.. This strongly suggests that settlementsat those riverine deltas were not liberated.7.2.Lebedos.29. Them.1 1.Gryneion. did present problems.Die Griechenin Persien (cit. the urbancenters shortlybefore the PersianexpeditionagainstAthens in 480 B. This content downloaded from 132.29.C. Eq.J. Phokaia.Northof Atarneus. Hell. Lamponeia.6. "FifthCenturyB.7. the coastal and valley regions of the Kaikos River. M. 3.Deip. They similarly controlled the rural regions of Myous. Isinda. and thereafter.1. the Hermosvalley and the villages of Nymphaionand Smyrna. were the major east-west river valleys and their coastal outlets into the Aegean Sea: the Maeandervalley from Magnesiaand the ruralregions of Myous.248.Teuthrania.6.Pygela.Greekruled. 2. 2.6. Anab. Nepos Paus. Ar. Diod. Plut. east of Miletos.just south of Kyzikos."Revuedes ttudes anciennes 87 (1985). In losing Ephesos. the exiled SpartanBasileus Damaratosheld the towns of Pergamum. In the Troad. This zone. n. 70-1.C. and the regions of the Proponticcoast east of Kyzikos remainedunderthe satrapalcontrolof Daskyleion.128.Miletos. SEG X 13. Xen. This area the Persians diligently attemptedto retain. Notion.had not entirely abandonedtheir controlof Sparda'scoast. Athen. IG I3 17. andTeos. Marathesion. 31-42.Deip.16. The areas where the governmentsof Sardis and Daskyleion maintained militaryand political control. Thuc.I3The head of the Gulf of Adramyttionmay also have remainedsecure under Persian control and bound to the Persian satrapalsystem of strong vassalage holdings similarto those of Damaratosand Gongylos.8 on Sun. Xen. 3.196. Them. In the mid-century.and Halisarna. we note the absence of Ionian poleis at the mouthsof the majoreast-west riversin Anatolia. Kyme. 2.Yet to the north.17.376 Miszellen tributelists for 453 B.and the terminusof the inlandroutefrom Sardisto Adramyttionat the headof its gulf.138.7. the ruralregions of Perkote and Lampsakosalso continued under Persian control. Xen.Pitane.The Hermosvalley andits small village of Smyrnaformedan important coastal zone and outlet for the overlandroutefrom Sardisto Smyrnaand the coast.'2 EretrianGongylos.the Kaikosvalley and its coastalruralregionsof Myrina and Gryneion from the up river centers of Pergamum. Daskyleion's attemptto retaincontrolof the ruralregions of Perkoteand Lampsakosacross the rugged mountains of Mysia and the Troad.Die Griechenin Persien (Berlin 1979).'4 The Persians. 84.or membersof the Delian Confederacy.Gargara. and thoughAlfius is not explicitly namedhere."Historia 29 (1980). The Athenian Empire(Oxford 1972). 22 [I3. 54" (MRR2. 115-6."TheTributeQuotaList of 454/3 B. revised text by H..205-6. pi. it is perhapsworthdrawingattentionto this more explicit testimonium. Studien zum attischen Seebund:Xenia.454 B.since it was not cited by Broughtonin his collection of candidates: et hic tr. R. 17-31. however.Miszellen 377 the Persians due to the Greek liberationof the littoral regions. Caesarem. 3. but those few have not been fully or properly understood.3 I 2 3 His cursus now reads:"Tr. Gehrke. EnglemannandR. Bibulum obnixe adiuverat. facillime pervenisset(cf.1 1. Pol.Sitz Stuttgart This content downloaded from 132.8 on Sun. Bob. H. The contextof this passagemakesit clear thatit was the praetorshipfor which Alfius was "6passed over. 421-2. 38-47. 21]) and the Structuresof Alliances.-dixisse C. M. Early in 562 Cicero spoke publicly aboutthe reactionof Caesarto a recentelection: C. 2. within this argument."ZurGeschichteMilets in der Mitte des 5." Although it is not necessaryto cite the Bobbio scholium (p.Columbus JackMartinBalcer 16 ATL3. Quaesitor(perhapsPr. AthenianEmpire(cit. ALFIUSFLAVUS Alfius' shows up in few ancient sources..once we unlearn that untruth. Alfium praeteritum permoleste tulisse. 17). Schuller (ed. 484.His unsuccessfulpraetoriancandidacyhas been wronglydated.446-7. Sest. "Miletos (IG C)FranzSteinerVerlagWiesbadenGmbH. 14. 98 Hildebrandt). Broughton also failed to cite Cic.."Hesperia41 (1972).] Ath. 112-5. graviterque etiam se ferre praetorem aliquem esse factum qui a suis rationibus dissensisset (Vat.328.P1. p.Perhapsonly at Alopekonnesoson the westerncoast of the ThracianChersonesedid Persianforces hold out.1. IG I3. 346. B. Meiggs. 22 Feb 2015 23:42:36 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions .'7and Miletos. Jahrhunderts v. [Xen.)de maiestate. 114. qui repulsam meruit in praeturae petitione.D. 38). C.C.we can establisha lower terminusfor his date of birthand for his quaestorship. Konstanzer althistorische Vortrageund Forschungen(Konstanz1984).248. Meritt.that the Persian Empire retained control of the riverinedeltas into the easternAegeanregionandthatthe DelianConfederatedGreekshadnot liberatedthe entireeasterncoast in the 470s or even later. 17 IG I3.9. 18 ATL 1.18demonstrablyillustrates continued Persianinterferencein Ionianaffairswell into the mid-fifthcenturyB.Persiancontrolof the urbancenters (aste) of Ionian Erythrai.Schol. Meiggs. c. Caesaris consulis contra M. The Ohio State University. the context ensures that he and his repulsa are under discussion: non tenuit eum locum in quem. 406-10." in W. was the Thracian Chersonesealong the westernshoreof the Hellespontandthe key garrisonof Byzantionon the Bosporos. The trialof Sestius ended on 14 March:Cic. actiones C. ATL 1.C.4.). 21.Die Inschriftenvon Erythrai und KlazomenaiI (Bonn 1972).59.andde sodaliciis. 124 Hildebrandt)on this passage to prove the point. Merkelbach. n. quod in homine summam fidem probitatemque cognosset. 11-30. J.-J.C. Balcer. nisi popularis esse voluisset. Chr. Q.16 This implies. Historia.
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