Baby Steps to Intro 9 Essential Oils

March 17, 2018 | Author: Lori Bartay Turnbow | Category: Relaxation (Psychology), Candidiasis, Anxiety, Antimicrobial, Topical Medication



babyst e pst o e sse nt ialo m http://babystepsto essentialo m/everyday-o ils-explained/ Baby Steps to Essential Oils Below you’ll f ind a condensed list of oils and uses f or all nine oils f ound in the Everyday Oils Starter Kit. T his is the kit that we recommend everyone start with because you can literally overhaul your entire medicine cabinet with these nine oils! Properties: Antiseptic, antif ungal, analgesic, antitumoral, anticonvulsant, vasodilating, relaxant, anti-inf lammatory, reduces blood f at/cholesterol Consider Substituting For: Neosporin/Bacitracin Aleve/Motrin Advil Sinus Tylenol PM Unisom Z yrtec/Claritin D Benadryl Calamine Lotion, and more. antif ungal. Use a trusted source! Common Uses: Gentle f or babies. Blood pressure – balancing to your body. Lavender oil is of ten diluted and extended with synthetics. antiparasitic. itching. (Take separately f rom blood pressure medications. gallbladder/digestive stimulant. Relaxes and soothes – lessens anxiety. or swiped inside cheeks to stop sneezing. bruises. pain relieving. a medication can f orce down a blood pressure already balanced by the oils. Earaches – Rubbed around outside of ear. tension. taken in capsules. diaper rash.Reminder: Take separately f rom blood pressure medications. insomnia. and watering in its tracks. Used topically f or skin. burns. it will only raise or lower as needed. and scars.) Aids in healing cuts. psoriasis. a medication can f orce down a blood pressure already balanced by the oils. it helps to drain and relieve ear congestion and pain. antitumoral. antibacterial. T here is more lavender oil sold than grown in the world. swabbed in nostrils. helpf ul f or ADD & ADHD and autism. children. acne. sunburn. it is ef f ective f or eczema. Medical Properties: Anti-inf lammatory. etc. Combats allergies – dropped under tongue. antiviral. and skin. curbs appetite . which has been extensively studied in over 50 clinical studies . or apply diluted over the area of discomf ort f or quick relief without the damage to your stomach of over the counter antacids. and more. T he oils will not damage the eye. It will bring quick relief . Use a f atty oil such as olive or coconut and put a f ew drops into the eye. Skin Conditions – dilute and apply topically f or cooling relief f rom itchy skin. do not use water which will cause the oil to spread. neuralgia. dif f use. Peppermint actually works with the body to block the transmission of pain signals while also working to reduce inf lammation. so use caution in the eye area. or drop under the tongue f or a quick brain boost. dermatitis. Indigestion/Ref lux/Gas – drop under the tongue. Concentration – inhale. If oils get into the eyes. back problems. Use caution on the f ace and always dilute on children or use on the f eet. Properties: Anti-tumoral Antiseptic Immune stimulant (increases white blood cells) Improves memory Rich in limonene. Congestion/Allergies – inhale or apply to sinus area to relieve congestion and prevent sinus inf ections Pain – apply topically f or relief f rom arthritis/rheumatism. put a drop in water and sip. psoriasis. Consider Substituting For: Pepto-Bismol Imodium-AD Tums/Rolaid Mylanta Prilosec/Z antac Tylenol/Motrin Beano/Gas-X Midol Uses: Headaches – apply to the back of the neck or temples f or relief f rom stress or tension headaches. Nausea/Motion Sickness/Morning Sickness/Stomach Bugs – sip peppermint oil in water or drop under the tongue. but can cause pain. Put on the f eet of inf ants. etc. Fever – apply to bottoms of f eet or navel f or relief .Reminder: Peppermint is a “hot” oil and can cause temporary discomf ort if used topically without diluting or used to close to the nose or eyes. even proven powerf ul against staph. typhoid. helps to pass kidney stones Calms nausea . respiratory inf ections.f or its ability to combat tumor growth Consider Substituting For: Children’s Motrin/Tylenol Chloraseptic Alli. germs. combats anxiety. stress Circulation – varicose veins. f ights inf ection. spider veins Coughs – breaks up mucus. kills bacteria. UT I’s. etc. Fights depression – leads to higher mental accuracy and clarity. Immodium Pepto Bismol Azo Cranberry Mucinex Febreeze Air Freshener Anti Depressants Cleaning Products Reminder: Avoid applying to skin that will be exposed to sunlight or UV light within 24 hours. soothes throat Removes f ungal growths Dissolves gallstones. Uses: Anti-tumoral Cleansing – dissolves petrochemicals. uplif ts. increases white blood cells Kills bacterial inf ections. f lushes toxins which of ten leads to weigh loss Alkalizing – immune stimulant. bacteria. antidepressant. and other disf unction in the body. stimulating it to f ight disease. causing it to lose the very value f or which it has been treasured. signs of aging. moles. f ine lines. Consider Substituting For: Neosporin/Bacitracin Mederma Scar Away Scar Z one Blister Shield Azo Cranberry Neutrogena Oil of Olay Antidepressants Uses: Skin – can reduce scarring. etc. and overwhelming thoughts. Growths – cysts. it can work to trigger the limbic system of the brain. warts. . stretch marks.” Boswellia carteri (Young Living f rankincense) and Boswellia sacra (Young Living sacred f rankincense) both have published medical articles showing the ability of these specif ic oils to distinguish and kill cancer cells. Disease – rubbed onto the f eet. “Cheap” f rankincense options will contain dilutions and extenders. Depression – when dif f used or inhaled. anxiety. cancerous growth. activating the control center and sending messengers through the body causing balancing and order and combating stress. it gives a boost to the immune system. have been known to shrink and disappear with regular application. and cancerous skin growths. f ibroids. wrinkles. brown spots. muscle relaxing Reminder: Frankincense has long been valued as a gif t worth more than gold due to it’s ability to “treat every conceivable ill known to man. immuno-stimulant. tumors.Medical Properties: Antitumoral. tissue regenerator Rosemary – antiseptic. kill. smoke. anti-inf lammatory. purif ying Lavandin – antif ungal. Includes: Citronella – antibacterial. insect-repelling Lemongrass – powerf ul antif ungal. mildew. benef icial f or skin conditions.Cancer – published medical articles have shown f rankincense to have the ability to distinguish. and discourage cancer cell growth. a powerf ul antiseptic and antiparasitic Myrtle – supports immune f unction and f ights inf ections Consider Substituting For: Calamine Lotion OFF! Bactine Proactiv/Clearasil Benadryl Topical Cortaid Cortizone-10 Vagisil Uses: Air Purif ier/Mold – dif f use or spray into air to neutralize odors. f ights candida Melaleuca Alternif olia – also known as tea tree oil. antibacterial. and mold Insect Bites – apply topically to stop itching and clean out bite Insect Repellant – add to water and spray on skin or around area to repel bugs Blemishes/Acne – dilute or apply neat to f ace to cleanse and purif y skin Earaches – rub around outside of ear to prevent inf ection . antimicrobial. trash cans to eliminate odors Illness – apply to bottoms of f eet or swab in nose to kill disease and inf ection Candida/Yeast – drop under tongue. shoes. combats depression. people f ind that Peace & Calming has an invigorating ef f ect instead of a calming one. Clarif ies thoughts. If this is the case f or you or your children. Uses: . combats anger and negative emotions Patchouli – high in sesquiterpenes that stimulate the limbic center of the brain. restoring conf idence Consider Substituting For: Unisom Tylenol PM Benadryl Stress & Anxiety Ultimate Stress Pills Z anaprin Reminder: On occasion. helps with anxiety and nervousness Orange – elevates the mind and body. allowing the mind to relax and release. simply use lavender f or its calming inf luence instead. take in capsules. apply topically to kill candida and yeast Eczema – dilute with coconut oil and apply topically Includes: Blue Tansy – cleanses the liver and lymphatic system. Most f ind Peace & Calming very benef icial f or relaxation. helping to bring joy and peace. ref rigerator. rub on f eet.Odors – put drops on cotton balls and put in drawers. Tangerine – sedating and calming. promotes f eelings of security Ylang Ylang – increases relaxation an balances energies. reestablishing emotional and mental equilibrium. and anti-spasmodic. Includes: Helichrysum – anesthetic and analgesic. and powerf ul as a pain blocker Consider Substituting For: Bengay Mineral Ice Icy Hot/Biof reeze Aleve T hermoCare Aspercreme Motrin/Advi Midol .Sleep – Dif f use or rub on f eet to help with relaxation and restf ul sleep Overactive Children – Dif f use. reduces pain f rom inf lammation Wintergreen – anti-inf lammatory. antispasmodic. a wonderf ul pain reducer Clove – used in the dental f ield f or many years to numb and kill pain. inhale or apply to f eet to calm ADD/ADHD/Autism – Can provide powerf ul assistance in helping the brain process through the many overstimulating stimuli that people with these disorders f ind it dif f icult to process Asthma – Apply to the chest to ease constricted breathing Teeth Grinding – Apply to f eet or jaw at bedtime or dif f use to stop nighttime tension Depression/Anxiety – Assists in letting go of negative emotions and reducing anxiety and tension. Uplif ting and soothing f or the emotions. analgesic. this is one of the most antimicrobial and antiseptic oils Peppermint – anti-inf lammatory. helps to overcome negative emotions and promotes self -control Frankincense – stimulates the limbic part of the brain.Uses: Bruising/Inf lammation – apply topically on an injury to speed healing while reducing pain Sore/Tight Muscles – apply topically to relieve pain f rom muscle tightness and soreness Headache – put a drop under tongue. temples to relieve pain Growing Pains/Sciatica – apply diluted or neat to area Arthritis – Apply topically or put a drop under tongue to reduce discomf ort Emotional Pain – drop under tongue or inhale to assist the body in calming even the emotional pain signals sent throughout the system Includes: Rosewood – anti-inf ectious. overcoming stress and despair Spruce – opens and releases emotional blocks Almond Oil – a carrier oil. rich in vitamin E Consider Substituting For: Advil Ibuprof en Motrin Tylenol Arthritis Bengay Sleep Apnea Eze Breathe Right Strips . neck. antibacterial. rub on f orehead. grounding and strengthening Blue Tansy – cleanses liver and lymphatic system. Reminder: T here is a short list of blends which contain almond oil as the carrier oil. T hyroid Balancing – Drop under the tongue every twelve hours to assist the body in balancing the thyroid Includes: Clove – one of the most antimicrobial. Anyone with a severe nut allergy which includes oils should choose blends that do not incorporate almond oil. also helps to numb pain Lemon – contains immunity-boosting and antiseptic-like properties and promotes circulation and lymphatic f unction Cinnamon bark – one of the most powerf ul antiseptics known Eucalyptus radiata – anti-inf ectious. Bruising – Apply topically to bruising f or quick healing T MJ – Rub on outside of jaw Sciatica – Rub on heels of f eet using pressure Anxiety – Inhale or dif f use to help bring your emotions to a place of more stability and conf idence Injury – Apply topically to aid and speed healing and reduce swelling Snoring/Sleep Apnea/Nightmares/Bedwetting – Applying to the bottoms of f eet bef ore bed of ten helps with many nighttime problems. antiviral. it can help to hold your alignment longer. T he Valor Roll-On uses coconut oil instead. antif ungal. and anti-inf ectious of all essential oils. or on the spine or bottoms of the f eet f or help with alignment throughout the body. antibacterial and anti-inf lammatory Rosemary – antiseptic and antimicrobial Consider Substituting For: . Uses: Back Pain/Spinal Adjustment – Rub on the area. antiseptic. Used with chiropractic adjustment. Fever Blisters. germ-killing. non-toxic options for your family: . even in walls Bronchitis – rub diluted on chest Toe or Foot Fungus – rub a drop onto af f ected area Cold Sores.Dayquil/Nyquil Chloraseptic Robitussin Abreva Orajel Lamisil/Lotrimin Vicks Vapo Rub Nicorette …and more! Uses: Sickness Prevention – dif f use or rub on f eet during seasons when your f amily is exposed to illnesses Cold & Flu – dif f use or rub on f eet. rub on f eet. and/or rub diluted on outside of throat Mold – dif f use in moldy areas f or 72 hours straight to completely kill mold. put a drop in water and sip Sore/Scratchy/Strep T hroat – sip in water. Warts – Apply to area Cleaning – Use several drops in a small spray bottle of water to disinf ect surf aces Acne – works well to get rid of annoying and painf ul pimples Oral Care – brush on af f ected area to kill gum disease and numb tooth pain Thieves Products – powerful. gargle in water.
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