BA7201 Operations Management

April 2, 2018 | Author: kismugan | Category: Project Management, Inventory, Operations Management, Strategic Management, Forecasting



VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGESRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES QUESTION BANK II SEMESTER BA7201 – OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Regulation – 2013 Academic Year 2016 – 17 Prepared by Mr. K.Suresh – Asst. Professor Mr.V. T. Baalaji Amuthan – Asst. Professor INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SYLLABUS: Operations Management – Nature.A S. Kattankulathur – 603 203. Differences between Services and Goods. Level 5 Evaluating Interpret the bottleneck in operations 6 Level 6 Creating management. Transformation Process. Operations Strategy – Strategic Fit. functions. DEPARTMENT OFMANAGEMENT STUDIES QUESTION BANK SUBJECT : BA7201 – OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SEM / YEAR: IInd Semester / Ist Year UNIT – I . Supply Chain Management PART. 7 What is production system? Level 1 Remembering What facts show the historical development in 8 Level 2 Understanding operation management? 9 Identify the importance of production system. 13 Define the term production sharing. current priorities. VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE SRM Nagar. Level 5 Evaluating Interpret the transformation process in 12 Level 6 Creating operation management. challenges. 4 State the elements of operation management? Level 4 Analysing 5 Discuss the concept of competitive priorities. Level 1 Remembering Can you explain what is meant by control 2 Level 2 Understanding decision? List the major components of a production 3 Level 3 Applying system. Framework.NO QUESTIONS BT LEVEL COMPETENCE 1 Define Operations strategy. Historical Development. Level 2 Understanding How would you show your understanding of 15 Level 3 Applying the term system perspective? 16 What is meant by Supply chain management? Level 4 Analysing 17 What are current priorities? Level 1 Remembering 18 Can you explain production function? Level 2 Understanding 19 What is Operations Management? Level 1 Remembering 20 What is lean production? Level 1 Remembering . A system perspective. Recent Trends. Level 1 Remembering 14 Compare service and goods. importance. Level 3 Applying 10 What is the nature of operation management? Level 4 Analysing 11 Define the concept of a value chain. . Level 2 Understanding How would you show your understanding on the charact 3 Level 3 Applying eristics of modern production and operation function? Can you list the four different basic types of 4 Level 4 Analysing manufacturing process? What evidence can you find for the role of operations in 5 Level 5 Evaluating strategic management? Evaluate the issues in operations strategy. Also explain 6 Level 6 Creating the process of operations in strategy formulation. How would you describe the characteristics of modern 7 Level 1 Remembering operation system? With illustration from India and international context 8 enumerate the recent trends in production and operations Level 2 Understanding management.(8Marks) In today’s global environment scenario the nature of 13 operations management in any country is similar to Level 4 Analysing International Operations Management – Comment Enunciate the role of operations in Strategic 14 Level 1 Remembering Management. Explain how the concept of 10 production system helps in understanding of production Level 4 Analysing and operations management. a) Explain the various elements for adopting operation strategy in a manufacturing firm. (8Marks) 9 Level 3 Applying b) Give a distinction between services & goods? (5Marks) Define production system. PART.NO QUESTIONS BT LEVEL COMPETENCE How would you explain the historical development of 1 Level 1 Remembering operations management? 2 Discuss in detail about supply chain management. a) What is meant by Operations Management? (5Marks) 11 Level 1 Remembering b) Explain in detail how the internet has changed the fundamental way of doing business (8Marks) a) Describe the characteristics of Products and Services(5Marks) 12 Level 2 Understanding b) Briefly describe the differences between products and services with suitable examples.B S. No Questions The XYZ Co. which is purely 3 a service organization? Can you develop an appropriate manufacturing strategy in any organization which 4 involves a sequential and structured set of activities? . operates an assembly line for electric refrigerators with eight stations. PART . (i) What is the allowed maximum cycle time per work station for this assembly line? 1 (ii) What is the efficiency of the third work station responsible for a set of tasks requiring 1.C S. Design a supply chain 2 network for effective distribution of Detergents in the markets How would you show the transformation process of an MBA institution. The line has been set up for a daily output of 240 for one 8 hour shift.5 minutes? (iii) What will be the effect on the allowed maximum cycle time per work station if the output rate is increased to 360 units /day? Assume you are running a Detergent manufacturing company. II FORECASTING.A S. Overview of MRP. Capacity Planning – Long Rage.NO QUESTIONS BT LEVEL COMPETENCE 1 Define capacity requirement planning. Level 3 Applying 10 What is a base‐stock system? Level 4 Analysing 11 Define the unit load concept. Objectives and Steps. UNIT . CAPACITY ANF FACILITY DESIGN SYLLABUS: Demand Forecasting – Need. 9 Identify the different facility location models. Planning Tools and Techniques PART . Types. Facility Layout – Principles. Level 5 Evaluating 12 What can you say about demand forecasting? Level 6 Creating 13 How would you use planning tools and techniques? Level 1 Remembering 14 What is the theme of cellular layout? Level 2 Understanding 15 Can you explain FMS? Level 3 Applying 16 What is your opinion of operations planning? Level 4 Analysing 17 Define MRP II. 3 How would you use tracking signal in forecasting? Level 3 Applying 4 What is the theme of Bill of materials? Level 4 Analysing Can you elaborate on the reason why forecast is needed 5 Level 5 Evaluating ? 6 How could you justify capacity utilization? Level 6 Creating 7 Define aggregate planning. Level 1 Remembering Compare mean absolute deviation (MAD) and mean 2 Level 2 Understanding squared error (MSE). Overview of Qualitative and Quantitative methods. Overview of Sales and Operations Planning. Types. Steps in Selection. Facility Location – Theories. Level 1 Remembering 18 Compare MRP I and MRP II. Level 2 Understanding 19 What are the inputs of MRP system? Level 1 Remembering 20 What is facility location? Level 1 Remembering . Location Models. Level 1 Remembering Differentiate material requirement planning with enterpr 8 Level 2 Understanding ise resource planning. MRP II and ERP. Types. Developing Capacity Alternatives. NO QUESTIONS BT LEVEL COMPETENCE 1 How would you show the evolution of MRP and ERP? Level 1 Remembering 2 What can you say about MRP II? Level 2 Understanding a) How would you explain the types of capacity? (6Marks) b) Alpha company has the following sales pattern. It has narrowed down the choice to 3 locations A. Give a detailed account on Material Requirement 7 Level 1 Remembering Planning A company has to decide on the location of a new plant.S. 5 Compute the efficiency of the plant and its utilization.B and C data in respect of which is furnished below: Locations Data A B C (Rupees) (Rupees) (Rupees) Wages and Salaries 20000 20000 20000 Power and Water 20000 30000 25000 Expenses Raw Materials and 80000 75000 60000 Other Supplies 8 Total Initial Level 2 Understanding 200000 300000 250000 investment Distribution 50000 40000 60000 Expenses Miscellaneous 40000 25000 30000 Expenses Expected Sales Per 225000 250000 225000 Year Use a suitable criterion and advise the company on the best choice. (7Marks) 3 Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Level 3 Applying Sales in Lakhs 6 8 11 23 29 34 40 45 56 Compute the sales forecast for the 10th Year a) How would you use the different alternatives for 4 capacity development? (5Marks) Level 4 Analysing b) How would you classify the facility layout?(8Marks) a) A steel plant has a design capacity of 50. . effective capacity of 40.000 tons of steel per day. Level 5 Evaluating (8Marks) b) How would you explain the problems in implementing ERP?(5Marks) How would you describe the capacity requirement 6 Level 6 Creating planning? Explain with suitable example.000 tons of steel per day an actual output of 36.000 tons of steel per day. A) Past data about the load on the stamping center are as follows: 9 Level 3 Applying i. Take (a=0. Compare your answer with five months moving average forecast. 14 Explain MRP I and MRP II Level 1 Remembering .33) (4Marks) ii. Explain various functions of Production Planning and 12 Level 2 Understanding Control 13 Explain Capacity Requirements Planning with suitable Level 4 Analysing example. Find the exponential smoothing forecast for the month of December 2009.(4Marks) B) How would you classify the various types of demand forecasting and explain in detail any two qualitative and quantitative methods of demand forecasting? (5Marks) A) What factors should be considered when selecting the appropriate capacity? How does the choice of capacity relate to other decision in operation management and to other 10 Level 4 Analysing functional areas? (6Marks) B) Can you assess the principles and techniques of facility layout? (7Marks) State the factors which should be kept in mind while 11 Level 1 Remembering deciding upon a suitable type of plant layout. 2 and F1 =21.(5Marks) (iii) Find the simple exponential smoothing forecast for all the 20 weeks and also forecast the demand for 21st week.(5Marks) . 250 days a year and has the usage data of a machine as given below: 3 Determine the number of machines required. Arun Exports limited is a major garment export house based at New Delhi. Calculate the system capacity and system efficiency? 2 During which type of situations do you decide to improve or modify the existing layout? A department works on 8 hours shift. PART . (5Marks) (ii) Calculate the weighted moving average forecast for the given 20 weeks with the weights being W1 =1. 1 The capacity of the assembly line is 350 TV’s per day of single shift.No Questions A TV assemble unit has 5 work stations whose individual capacities per shift are given below. Assume α = 0. The sales figures (in 1000units) of a particular garment during the past 20 weeks are given in table below: 4 (i) Calculate the three week moving average22 forecast for the given 20 weeks and also forecast the demand for 21st week. W2 =2 and W3 =3. And also forecast the demand for 21st week.C S. Work Study – Objectives. Level 2 Understanding 3 Identify the main purpose of motion study. Approaches. Level 1 Remembering 2 Differentiate micro motion study with motion study. Selection. Strategy. Level 6 Creating 13 Define method study. Ethical and Environmental Issues. PROCESS AND WORK SYSTEMS SYLLABUS: Product Design – Influencing Factors.NO QUESTIONS BT LEVEL COMPETENCE 1 Define productivity.A S. Legal. Level 5 Evaluating 12 Interpret the criterion for Make or Buy decision. Level 3 Applying 4 What is the theme of line balancing? Level 4 Analysing 5 Discuss the concept of aesthetics. Level 1 Remembering 8 What is meant by work measurement? Level 2 Understanding List some of the influencing factors for designing a new 9 Level 3 Applying product 10 What conclusion can you draw from flow process chart? Level 4 Analysing 11 Discuss the concept of partial productivity. Level 5 Evaluating Interpret concept of mass customization with real life e 6 Level 6 Creating xamples 7 Define work study. Procedure. Level 2 Understanding 19 What is SIMO chart? Level 1 Remembering 20 What are therbligs? Level 1 Remembering . Level 1 Remembering 14 Compare method study and work measurement. Process – Planning. UNIT – III – DESIGN OR PRODUCT. Level 2 Understanding How would you show your understanding of the term 15 Level 3 Applying product design? How would you categorize the methods to improve prod 16 Level 4 Analysing uctivity for training? 17 What do you mean by simultaneous engineering? Level 1 Remembering 18 Compare agglomerative and deglomerative factors. Major Decisions. Work Measurement and Productivity – Measuring Productivity and Methods to improve Productivity PART . Method Study and Motion Study. NO PART . ethical and 3 Level 3 Applying environmental issues in product design? Examine the various approaches and influencing factors 4 Level 4 Analysing in deciding the product design. What conclusions can you draw from the work 5 measurement in industrial settings? Also explain the Level 5 Evaluating process of work measurement.B QUESTIONS BT LEVEL COMPETENCE How would you explain process planning? Distinguish 1 Level 1 Remembering between Standardization and Simplification. a) How would you evaluate the steps in developing a new product? 6 Level 6 Creating b) What are the key differences between a prototype and a production design? Define productivity and discuss the methods to improve 7 Level 1 Remembering productivity.S. Demonstrate the ‘process selection’ with a suitable 2 Level 2 Understanding example. What facts would you select to show the legal. Can you explain the relationship between Method Study 8 Level 2 Understanding and Time study? a) How would you show your understanding of Inter‐ relationship of process design & product design? 9 Level 3 Applying b) Can you make a distinction between the methods of time study to the method of work sampling? How would you explain the different techniques of work 10 Level 4 Analysing study? a) Explain Product Design and the characteristics of a 11 good product design Level 1 Remembering b) Discuss the various issues in product design a) What is meant by Productivity and how is it measured? 12 Level 2 Understanding b) Discuss the importance and factors influencing productivity a) Discuss the steps involved in Process Planning b) Describe the generic Product development process 13 Level 4 Analysing and how does the process change from technology push products a) Explain the procedure for Work Study 14 b) State the advantages and disadvantages for work Level 1 Remembering study . after observation. deputed to conduct a time study for a job.C S. PART . divided the job into 5 elements. Machine Times: Turning: 12 minutes Milling: 20 minutes 1 a) Estimate the number of machines required to machine 2500 components per week if available machine hours per week are 48. this worker turns out 320 4 components. probable errors in reading or recording data which should not be included in the analysis? b) Compute the basic time for the job and the standard time if a relaxation allowance of 12%. During the space of 8 hours working.e. b) What are the steps that you propose to reduce number of machines? 2 Prepare a flow process chart for a hospital admission procedure for surgery. A work study practitioner who conducted a work sampling study assesses the activity level of a worker to be 70%. a contingency allowance of 3% and an incentive of 20% are applicable for the job.No Questions A component is to be processed on two machines lathe and milling machine. An industrial engineer. He had noted the timings for four cycles of the job as below: 3 a) Are there any outliers in the data i. If the company policy is to inflate the normal time arrived at by work sampling study by 20% what should be the allowed per unit? . The sequence of operation is first turning and then milling. has. Level 2 Understanding 3 How would you use VED analysis? Level 3 Applying 4 Can you list the three vendor rating techniques? Level 4 Analysing 5 What are the reasons for stocking items in Inventory? Level 5 Evaluating 6 Explain material planning. Budgeting and Control. Classification and Coding. Purchasing – Objectives.A S. Costs and Control Techniques. Inventory – Objectives.IV MATERIALS MANAGEMENT SYLLABUS: Materials Management – Objectives. Layout. UNIT .NO QUESTIONS BT LEVEL COMPETENCE 1 Define Just In Time and list the objectives of JIT. Policies. Store Management – Nature. Level 1 Remembering 20 What is meant by Vendor Rating? Level 1 Remembering . Level 1 Remembering 2 Explain the purpose of studying materials management. Level 1 Remembering 18 What is meant by ABC analysis? Level 2 Understanding 19 Define value analysis. Planning. Level 6 Creating 7 How would you explain ‘KANBAN’ in JIT? Level 1 Remembering 8 What can you say about vendor/performance rating? Level 2 Understanding 9 How would you apply the steps in lean manufacturing? Level 3 Applying 10 Why do you think JIT is needed in manufacturing? Level 4 Analysing 11 List the components of Inventory Carrying Cost? Level 5 Evaluating 12 What is meant by Store Layout? Level 6 Creating 13 How would you explain centralized buying? Level 1 Remembering 14 Explain materials management manual. Level 2 Understanding 15 How would you use FSN analysis? Level 3 Applying What is the relationship between the “push” and “pull 16 Level 4 Analysing ” methods of material flow? 17 Define the term Re‐order point. Overview of JIT PART . Vendor Rating and Value Analysis. Functions. benefits & Level 6 Creating limitations of JIT? a) How would you describe the steps involved in value 7 analysis? Level 1 Remembering b) What are the criteria used for selection of vendors? a) How would you explain materials management 8 information systems (MMIS)? Level 2 Understanding b) Also explain the functions of MMIS. functions and policies of 5 Level 5 Evaluating purchasing? How could you determine waste in production and what 6 are the characteristics. nature and importance 14 Level 1 Remembering of Inventory Management with real world example .NO PART . basic elements. Briefly enunciate the objectives.B QUESTIONS BT LEVEL COMPETENCE 1 How would you explain inventory control techniques? Level 1 Remembering Can you explain the principles and factors affecting 2 layout of stores? What are the various records used in Level 2 Understanding stores? How would you use objectives of integrated materials 3 Level 3 Applying management? What conclusions can you draw from selective inventory 4 Level 4 Analysing control? What are the objectives.S. a) What facts would you select to show the different motives for holding the inventories and also explain 9 the cost associated with inventories? Level 3 Applying b) Can you list and explain the various selective inventory control techniques? 10 Can you explain the vendor rating techniques? Level 4 Analysing a) Explain in detail the procedure to carry out Value 11 Analysis Level 1 Remembering b) State the Pros and Cons of Value Analysis a) Give a detailed outline on Purchasing procedure 12 b) Give a brief note on Centralized and Decentralized Level 2 Understanding Purchasing a) What is selective inventory control? 13 b) State the procedure applicability and process of Level 4 Analysing Selective Inventory Control. 25 per unit. PART . find the economic order quantity. how much should be the increase? (8 Marks) b) A Company uses annually 12.No Questions As a purchase manager of an X company. Only 5.C S. The annual demand for the inventory item is 9.000 units of raw material costing rupees 1. Placing each order costs rupee 15 and the carrying cost 15% per year per unit of the average inventory. Each container occupies 10 square feet of store space. (7 Marks) .000 square feet of the storage space is available. What are your roles and responsibilities? a) Ashish keeps his inventory in special containers. priced at rupees 8 per container. Would you recommend to Ashish to increase his storage space? If 4 so. what factors do you consider to evaluate the 1 vendors? 2 When a company has to apply value analysis and how to apply it? 3 Assume you are a storekeeper of a textile unit.000 containers. The ordering cost is estimated at rupees 40 per order and the annual carrying costs amount to 25% of the inventory value. Importance. PERT and CPM.V SCHEDULING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYLLABUS: Project Management – Scheduling Techniques. Level 1 Remembering 18 What is the main idea of Slack? Level 2 Understanding 19 What is load leveling? Level 1 Remembering 20 What is critical path method (CPM)? Level 1 Remembering . independent float and 14 Level 2 Understanding total float? 15 What approach would you use to show routing? Level 3 Applying 16 Can you list the ways of scheduling work centers? Level 4 Analysing 17 Define Johnson’s rule. Level 1 Remembering How would you compare forward scheduling and backw 2 Level 2 Understanding ard scheduling? 3 What is the purpose of PERT? Level 3 Applying 4 State the objectives of project management? Level 4 Analysing 5 How will you estimate expected time in PERT network? Level 5 Evaluating Can you assess the tasks that project team must per 6 Level 6 Creating form before the project begins? 7 Define PERT. Level 1 Remembering 8 List the differences between CPM and PERT Level 2 Understanding 9 How would you use Gannt chart? Level 3 Applying What inference can you make from the assumptions of 10 Level 4 Analysing flow shop scheduling? 11 State the nature and importance of scheduling? Level 5 Evaluating How would you determine the scheduling function of a 12 Level 6 Creating production system? 13 Define Shop floor control. Shop floor Control. Level 1 Remembering What can you say about free float. Flow Scheduling – Johnson’s Algorithm – Gantt Charts. UNIT .A S.NO QUESTIONS BT LEVEL COMPETENCE 1 Define project and project management.Nature. Personnel Scheduling in Services PART . Scheduling – Work Centres. Priority Rules and Techniques. second and third machine in that order. T. What is the value of T? 4 Level 4 Analysing 5 Can you construct the project management process? Level 5 Evaluating How would you determine the different scheduling 6 Level 6 Creating techniques in project management? What do you mean by priority rules for job sequencing? 7 Level 1 Remembering What are the objectives of sequencing? 8 Explain the steps in PERT planning process.N Part . each of which should go through two machines A and B.B Questions BT Level Competence o How do you explain PERT and CPM? State the 1 Level 1 Remembering differences between PERT and CPM? Can you explain the heuristic sequencing rules for 2 Level 2 Understanding scheduling production with examples? What ways would you use to explain personnel scheduling in 3 Level 3 Applying services? In a factory. The processing timing (in hours) for the jobs is given here. You are required to determine the sequence for performing the jobs that would minimize the total elapsed time.S. Find the sequence of the jobs that minimizes the total elapsed time to complete the jobs. there are six jobs to perform. 9 Level 3 Applying B) How would you classify the different types of Gantt Chart . Level 2 Understanding A) Five jobs are to be completed on first. in the order AB. 11 Discuss the Project Management Process Level 1 Remembering i) Explain Crashing in Project Network. How can you explain the following terms (i) Active schedule 10 (ii) Semi‐active schedule Level 4 Analysing (iii) Non‐delay schedule and (iv) Gantt chart. 12 ii) Differentiate between Resource Leveling and Resource Level 2 Understanding Allocation i) Compare PERT and CPM 13 ii) Explain material flow system and patterns in facility Level 4 Analysing layout and give their characteristics Describe how to calculate 14 i) Earliest Finish and Latest Finish Time Level 1 Remembering ii) Earliest Start and Latest Start Time . 3 (i) What is the variance for activity B? (ii) Based on the calculation of estimated times. (iii) Calculate the probability that the flood control dam will be ready not later than 2 week from its expected completion time Consider the tasks. and predecessor relationships in the following network. Repair work on a flood control dam will require completion of the activities indicated by the network. ii) Calculate total float for each activity. (ii) Determine the critical path for the project.C S. b) for activity duration (in weeks) due to weather uncertainty are shown along the activity arrows. m. durations. Draw the network and answer the questions that follow. Optimistic. what is the critical path? (iii) What is the estimated time of the critical path? (iv) What is the probability of completion of the project before week 42? A small project consists of seven activities for which the relevant data are given below: 4 i) Draw the network and find the project completion time. PART .No Questions Horizontal bar charts and other charting techniques offers operation managers macro‐ 1 control of projects. (i) Prepare a table showing for each activity early and late start and finish times and total 2 float. . Explain. most likely and pessimistic estimates (a. whereas CPM and PERT offers micro‐control.
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