B.A. (Mass Comm.)

March 18, 2018 | Author: Anil Beniwal | Category: Advertising, Journalism, Sociology, Public Relations, Editing



Bachelor of Journalism & Mass communicationSyllabus Duration: Three Years Eligibility: 10+2 or Equivalent Degree 2013 Onwards DEPARTMENT OF JOURNALISM AI\D MASS COMMUNICATION CH. DEW LAL UNIVERSITY SIRSA V@ ft'.?'.".:*lf.*:trt,X;uncir vide Resorution No 2.v in its Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Communication FIRST SEMESTER a lJ r..l-l ,l Paper Code Nomenclature BMC- Hindi I (Compulsory) 80 28 20 3Hrs. Sociology-I 80 28 20 3Hrs. 80 28 20 3Hrs. Max.Marks Pass Internal Marks Assessme Time nt 101 Nl BMC. ^ Z 102 BMC- -P 103 Introduction to Communication-I a BMC. Reporting 80 28 20 3Hrs. Computer Applications 80 28 20 3 Hrs o (.) 104 C) BMC105 C) SECOI{D SEMESTER ()R .9 ;O --: F Paper Code Nomenclature Max.Marks Pass Internal Marks Assessment 80 28 20 3Hrs. Time ,^qz, co ^ cuq OU BMC.2O1 <q Hindi II (Compulsory) (u >, -q -o oo '15 .= aoJ BMC.2O2 Sociology-II 80 28 20 3Hrs. BMC-203 fntroduction to 80 28 20 3Hrs. 28 20 3Hrs. 96 (n- il,= Communication- II BMC.2O4 Editing 80 BMC.205 Practical (Print Media 'lao \ qk) k\w 3 Hrs Third Semester Paper Code BMC-301 Nomenclature Theory Internal Total Marks Duration 100 3 Hours 80 BMC.3O2 English-I (Comnulsorv ) Economics-I Assessment 20 80 20 100 3 Hours BMC.303 Advertising-I 80 20 100 3 Hours BMC.3O4 Public Relations 80 20 100 3 Hours BMC.3O5 Electronic Media (Practicals) Environmental 50 2-flo.c4 BMC.306 40 l0 50 2 Hours Theory Internal Duration Assessment Total Marks Studies Fourth Semester Paper Code BMC.4O1 Nomenclature English-II 80 2A 100 3 Hours ( Comnulsory ) Economics-II 80 20 100 3 Hours Communication Skills Corporate Communication 80 20 100 3 Hours 80 20 100 3 Hours BMC.4O5 Advertising-Il 40 10 50 2 Hours BMC.4O6 Internship 50 3 Hours BMC-402 BMC.4O3 BMC.4O4 V"tsgt{rylr.> Resolved by Academic Coul-rcil vide J 8'h meeting held on 03 .01.2A14. W 5O4 BMC. in its .5O3 Traditional Folk Media Media laws BMC.01. T.V/P rint/Adv.sO1 BMC. 604 BMC. 603 BMC.5O2 Nomenclature Sixth Semester Paper Code Nomenclature BMC.V Production 80 Assessment 20 Current Affairs Issues 80 20 100 3 Hours New Media 80 20 100 3 Hours Community Radio 80 20 100 3 Hours 100 2 Hours 601 BMC602 BMC. 605 Media Production (Radio/T./PR Resolv'ed by Academic IB'n meering held on 03.V Journalism 80 Assessment 20 80 BMC.5O5 Paper Code BMC.Fifth Semester Total Marks Duration 100 3 Hours 20 100 3 Hours 80 20 100 3 Hours Radio Journalism 80 20 100 3 Hours Indian Constitution & Current Affairs 80 20 100 3 Hours Theory Internal Total Marks Duration 100 3 Hours Theory Internal T. 80 Time: 3 Hours Pass Marks-28 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER.gyft itq-< L U *-ih+ Resotreci tly acaderrric Council vlde Resolution No. ffiqTeff. vXenlo n< .Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Communication First Semester BMC-101 Hindi-I (Compulsory) Max.q{ q_s *. D and E.01.eet.Bfr Section-D q-qf {q-q.in its 18'h r. have two questions from the respective sections c. All the Sections cary equal marks i.2014.ng held on 03 . Marks. . (dffi ugu qsETft-o-.. Section-A qTST fB--O qrqr or efEE ft-firr{ mq ss e)ffi or iri*R cR-{q a--{m)q:s!q)-JTGqrg tr-fr a1 ftfr Section.r ul$. c and D' In questions from Sections B & c internal choice will be given where in students will be required to attempt any Four of the Seven words/sentences.e. qrfilT d-{m qR*dqi-. sri{Td-fi. Sections A.B YI-<"Tq sTlrq H-{a-fl fr=fr ii rrq vrqil ys rql. qrqrq. B.c and D will of the syllabus. B.SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A.q-o) G elo)ftrC or c-q)l7 E-{ Ts Grfui or sqqtrr Section-C 5_ut+* 3Tsq. q-sq. 16 Marks per Section.B. sqrrd. qqfuzrfr. L7. Section E will have Six shorl answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FoUR' The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A. s qqeTfof. r$ rrs-o.6 frd dq : sro qtE frq. sro UtE fu-rd. 11002. I & *"t. og . ffi 21_ g ERqFrq.i "H.l Gd . R*ft_ o 2 qrq.s6r{rm'lIrzl 1 *qi-crqw. qroft qrm-yq.1002 qq)E=rlFf. do$odo cift-rq q-+lwr. tC F 4 cei ffi ----s^^ IE tqQgit. q1uft AA I . sro fui-q 3il-.T : ErrE srcd.h1 ffryimmfimru'"imarn Z-il t .-tsq 21_\. fto"ft qq)qq{cT-6 B* : frEl-d eit{ q-q}. ERqFrq. d-flN-qE TftqT. Tq.rr1q r{Fe : eroft s-mtyq.qFrr ffi 3 . qlnft e?h. . BMC-I02 Sociology-I Max. Marks- 80 Time:3 Hours Pass Marks-28 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A, B, have two questions from the respective sections answer type questions from the entire a +) c, D and E. Sections A,B,c w,r of the syllabus. Section E will have Six shor.t and D \l syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FouR' The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A, B, C and D' All the Sections ca*y equar marks i.e. 16 Marks per Section. Z Section-A NI o -Concept and definitions of sociology -Importance of sociology a o & () -Relation of sociology with other social sciences -Importance of studying sociology for media students o Section-B \JX .q -: H 6P '(Jlu oQ -Types of Family -Kinship: Terms and usage ii -Community ti -Caste and Class ao -Institution <= >. -c -o -Meaning of family 0)r? aa (A- .\ ,ia= Section-C -Concept of socialization -Social stratification -Social change -Agents of social change -Understanding of contemporary changes in India Section-D -Characteristics of Indian Culture -Religion and Society -Population and its growth -Simple and Complex Society Suggested Books: 1. Sociology- Simon Griffiths 2. Indian Sociology_ T.K. Oommen et al. 3. Handbook of Indian Sociology_ Veena Das 4. Indian sociology_ S. Devadas pillai 5. The Family in India: Structure &practice_Tulsi patel 6. Indian Caste System_ C.H. Rao 7. Caste System in India_Ekta Singh 0,*-{qa \ Resolved by Academic Council vide Resolution No. 18th meeting held on 03 .01.2014. 27 tn tts BMC-103 Introduction to Communication Pass Marks-28 Max. Marks- 80 Time: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A, B, C, D and E. Sections A,B,C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus" Section E a rJ will have Six short attempt answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to any FOUR. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A, B. C and Al NI D. All the Sections caffy equal marks i.e, 16 Marks per Section' -7 (- Section -A -Evolution of Human SocietY ) o a -Peculiarities of l{uman Beings vis-d-vis Animals -Evolution of Communication () -Modes of Communication in Primitive Societies c.) -Concept, Meaning, Definition -5 -Senses & Scope of Communication of Communication O ;) <+ Section-B \JX c.l - -Communication as a Social Science 6R -Relationship of communication of with other Social Sciences 6h oe <48 -Need of Communication .o (.) - Process of Communication oo -Elements of Communication 96 .(J -Functions of Communication OE u)E qZo Section -C -Verbal Communicatton -Non-Verbal Communication -Written Corymunication CI,A-ru N 2ori'. Characteristics & Imporlance of: -Intra Personal Communication -Inter-Personal Communication -Group Communication -Public Communication -Mass Communication -Concept of Global Village -Impact of Globalization on Mass Communication Suggested Readings: 1) Mass communication theory: Sage Publication-Dennis MC Quail communication-V. Educational. cultural.. iR'h meeting Leld on 03.-Proximics & Kinesics gical.B. -Vertical & Horizontal Communication -Mass Line Communication Section-D Meaning. Social. Semantic -Barriers of communication: Linguistic. A 2) Publisher-Concept Publishin g -Blumler 3) 4) 5) & &).""" 27 in *s \ . Concept.0 1." Resolved b' Academic c'ouncir vide v tus ntrSult Resorution No. Psycholo & Mechanical etc. B. Definitions & lmportance C) -Elements of News -I' -. C and a (. All the Sections carry equal marks i. Section E -z {- will have Six short answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt +i any FOUR.80 Time: 3 Hours (t) :F) INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER I\ N The question paper ^ will consist of five sections A. B.) Section-B As 0)"- M- -Reporting hierarchy in News Paper Organizations -Concept.B.\" ry \ . -Reporting: Concept.BMC.) D. Sections A.e. Verification and Validation C) -o b0 -Qualities of a Reporter 96 a c. UR c-f icn (L' ^ dh ov 4E -News Value -Sources of News -Cultivation of Sources -Tools or Reporting -News Gathering.. D and E. 16 Marks per Section. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A. Marks.104 Reporting Pass Marks-28 Max.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. Need and Importance of Photo Journalism -Use of Internet in Reporting -Journalism: A Mission or Commission 0r. Section-A (J '. C. Duties & Functions of Bureau Chiel Staff Reporter. tl. Srivastava.Reporting Staff of a News PaPer . Financial & Political -Interpretative & Investigative Reporting -News Analysis -Difference in Modes and Methods of Reporting for various Mass Media -Challenges of a Rural Journalist -New Trends in Reporting in India Suggested Readings: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Journalism in India by Rangaswami Parthasarathi. New Delhi. Journalists Handbook by M. Developmental & Social. New Delhi.-fU" IIo. Courls. Hospitals. Professional Joumalism By M.. New Delhi.-Feature Writing -Article Writing -Editorial Writing Section-C . Vikas. Accidents. V' Kamath. Vikas. J.)'.esolved by Academic Councii vide Resolution I X"' rneeting hekj o. Basic Photography by M. V.r C3 . The Press by Chalpathi Rau. National Book Trust. Sterling. M. New Delhi. Crime. News Reporting & Editing by K. Kamath.clopedia of Photography. Legislative. U. Complete Digital Photograph)'by Ben long.01. Focal Enc]. Comespondent & News Reporter -Free Lance Journalism -Citizen Journalism -Niche Journalism -Syndicate Journalism -Sting Joumalism Section-D -Reports: Concept & Types -News Reports: Human Interest. Disasters. Z"h in its .. Long ford.2014. oi. Editing.e. *" ?rin iis . C. Sections A.h& N\ [iil:::.lJn #:ii..i. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A. All the Sections carry equal marks i. Column. Section-A - Introduction to Computer Computer Generations Computer Hardware and Peripherals Application of MS Office MS Windows Section-B - Designing & Lay Out Basic Concepts: Font. Marks- 80 Pass Marks-28 Time: 3 hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A.B.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. Text Formatting Illustrations Color Concepts Section - -C Page Maker Creating a File Placing Graphics ' u.. n. B.i"^r . D and E. Alignment etc. C and D.Tt . 16 Marks per Section. B.. Gutter Space..BMC-105 Computer Application Max..io. Section E will have Six shorl answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR. 3. New Delhi.91. 2.2014' 10 LT in rts . )'Y & Resclvec .MAN &WAN Section-D - Internet: Origin.* - Power Point Presentations Use of Printer and Scanner Concepts of LAN. 18e meetirrg held on 03 .by Academic council vide Resolution No. BPB publications. The ABC's of Internet. Computer Fundamentals by P. Crumlish. Growth & Importance Types of Internet Connections Photoshop Corel Draw Quark Express Suggested Books: 1.K. Web Technologies A Systematic Approach by Dr. Sinha Published by BPB Publications. Archana Kumar UDH Publications and Distributors Ltd. 1998. et qNT @1 s-Efr gs fre)qf.Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Communication Second Semester BMC-201 Hindi-II (Compulsory) Max.rdfr @-t 3TRI|{] Section-B ffiqT ftRsl n qTqT 6-T g. Section-A E@rqlT \-q q-dfr s@Nur gq rdfr EIE rgtsT q-r.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. .qqi.e. Marks- 80 Pass Marks-28 Time: 3 hours INSTRUCTIOI\S FOR THE PAPER. AII the Sections carry equal marks i.SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A.l. 16 Marks per Section. B.J.T gq qEEI ftRur. C and D.Tq g sqqiq Eli sT-a offiq vrq qrTqrti q ffif +nql ftRqT frRqT Section-C ii qi s-qd-c of qrqr d frmri gs Er-sl\ q.01. D and E" Sections A.B.flq {46ft U.2014.1 qrEI Section-D 3rEq{rc v+ Tqg - stgR-o aaf . vq frqrq T€ vanq qq . Section E will have Six short answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR. C. f.-M-\ LL Resolved by Academic 1Sth Corr. qclqrf.tEilqf.it vide Resolution No. Z*z:irt its rneeting held on 03 . The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A.o: qqr6. B. qrofr lirlrt=t 21-\.T : E.)^wN Resolved by Academic Council vide Resolution No. q-{ 11002 4 s-q)\JT-rltilfi fr<I ' ero ffiq rki. qft=illTq. 18'h meeting held on 03. sro dq o{ft-flq q-dlrrq.2Al4. ql't gcD]-q{ 21.0 t.rfr grd.q ERq-Irs. ftd I \ q". 12 27 in its . ftd- ffi AA fdc"c'il - ' S'<v fuE-d. s q-q-ErR-o ffi cff-i ssq : epft e-fiTsq. q-$ 1Ts6. 11002. do$odo o fu{r< sili q-q}'.H6rqi5'rel 1 qdq-rp-fi ftf : sro qtq frq. q-$ ft-d. Marks.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus.BNIC. The students are required to attempt one question each frorn the Sections A. B.:'F.2014. Section E will have Six short answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR. Authority anf Legitimacy 13 U.B. l8n meeting held on 03 . . 16 Marks per Section. Deaths and Migration -Causes and Consequences of Population -Population and Social Development Q Section-C -Political Procgsses: Power. Industrial and Post-Industrial -Market (Free) Economy and Controlled Economy -Industrial and Urban Society: Rural-Urban Continuum -Urban Growth and Urbanization -impact of automation on Society Section-B -Social Demography: Population size.i:solved by Academic Council vide Resol ution No. Al1 the Sections carry equal marks i.2O2 Sociology-II Pass Marks-28 Max.e. !t'. Section-A -Types of Society: Tribal.80 Time: 3 hours INSTRUCTIONS F'OR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A. D and E. C. Agrarian. C and D. B.01. Composition and distribution in India -Components of Population growth-Birth. Sections A.i:r irs . Madan Social Issues in India.0l. 3.-Political Socialization -Political Modemization -Pressure Groups -Caste and Politics Section-D -Weaker Section and Minorities -Social Justice -Equal Opportunity and Special Opportunity -Protective Discrimination Constitutional Safeguards Suggested Reading: 1. 2.A-"v N Re-solved by Academic council vide Resolution l d-' meeting held on"03. 1.Urlah & Nissan l 4") f.R. Political & Social lssues.ZQI .Smarak Swain India: Economic.4 No. ZZ in its .G. Indian Social Problem. B.le-L Q [f. Sections A. Section E D will will have Six short answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR.. C.C and have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. All the Sections caffy equal marks i.).B..fi:i:ifr8ouncii vide Resorurion No zy in its .BMC-203 Introduction to Communication-Il Max" Marks- 80 Pass Marks-28 Time: 3 hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A. 16 Marks per Section" Section-A Models of Communication & Mass Communication: -SMR Model -SMCR Model -Laswell Formula -Osgood Model -Wilbur Schrumm's Models -Gate Keeping Model -Helical Model Section Theories of Communication -B & Mass Communication: -Two-Step Flow theory -Multi-Step Flow theory -Media Cultivation Theory -Media Dependency Theory -Stalagmite Theory -Theory of Selectivity 1s T.1J. D and E..[:.e. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A. C and D. B. Kanishka Prakashan. 4.. K.M. 6.R. Hough A. David Keith: Broadcast Journalism. Prentice Hall.Marshal Mcluhan's Theory Section-C Media of Mass Communication: . H.Nl \ 1. New Delhi. Shrivastava: News Writing for the Radio and TV. Nature & Scope -Features of Mass Communication . 3. P. New Delhi. t . Sterling Publication. \.6 ftryi::*Jr". 2.News Papers -Magazines -Radio -Television -Films -New Media Section=D -Mass Communication: Definition. Pearson.fl:iilffo4uncl vide Resorution No z7 in its . Cohler. Luthra: Indian Broadcasting. 5.George: News Writing. sage Publication. Publication Division.Characteristics of Media Audience -Factors Influencing Audience -Feed Back: Modes & Importance -Limitations of Mass Media -Media Activism -Media as an lndustry Suggested Books: 1.C.Chaterjee: Broadcasting in India. New Delhi \ )-{u. James Glen Stovall: writing for the Mass media. New Delhi.New Delhi. Associate Editor. Section-A -Editing: Concept. 2? V . D and E.------ n " &. Marks- 80 Pass Marks-28 Time:3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A.Headlines: Need.2O4 Editing Max.0I.\) tt\i in its . Definitions and Importance -Elements of Editing -Process and Principles of Copy Editing -Style ofNews Writing -Letters to Editor Editing & Proof Reading: Changing Scenario Section-B . B.e. j 8"'rneeting held on 03 . News Editor & Sub Editor Section-C . B.2014.Lead/Intro:Need and Types -Parts of News Story -Inverted Pyramid & Diamond Style -5-W's and 1 H -Hierarchy of News Rooms in Newspapers -Duties and Functions of Editor.t \ ?lha Re-solved by Academic council vide Resolution No. C. All the Sections carry equal marks i. C and D. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A.BMC. Sections A. Section E will have Six short answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR. 16 Marks per Section.B.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. Importance & Types Importance -Editorial Page: Contents & lmpoftance -Sports & Business Page -Page Make-up: Types & . New Delhi. Vistaar Pub' New Delhi. Bums. & M"ttug. Kamath. National Book Trust. Long ford. Anmol Pub' Nai Patarkarita Aur Samachar Lekhan.Imug. Ruinn. New Delhi. M. Lester 3'd Ed' Ethics of C)zber Space. Kamath. Vikas. Sterling..V. FocalEncyclopediaofPhotography.Joseph. Digital Sub-Editing & Design. News Reporting & Editine by K.K. M. Journalists Handbook by M' V. Professional Journalism By M. Focal Press' Vii rul Co*rnrrniltion. q) {U^ (\ N 18 vide Resolution No' Resolved bY Academic Council 18'h m""ting Leld on 03 '01'2014' w in its . The Press by Chalpathi Rau. J. Basic Photography by M. Vikas. Takshila Pub.--Photo Editing -Caption Writing Section-D -Audio Editing: Different Software -Audio Editing Techniques -Vision & Sound Editing -Dubbing -Writing & Editing Messages for Cellular Telephony -Multi Media functions of Cell Phone -Uses of Cell Phones for News gathering & transmission Suggested Readings: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 12) 13) t4) 15) 16) L7) Journalism in india by Rangaswami Parthasaratht. Hamelink. Media Lekhan by Ramesh chandra Tiwari & Pawan Aggarwal ( Hindi)... Complete Digital Photograph)'by Ben long. Srivastava' Patra Karita Ke Mool Sidhant by Navin Chandra Pant (Hindi). Savits Tidha. New Delhi. New Delhi. SAGE Publications' Outline of Reporting. Understandinq Journalism. LwN 19 Resolved by Academic Council vide Resolution No. Z 7 in its lSth meeting held on 03.2014. April in and .01 .BMC-205 Practical (Print Media) Max. An External & till 15ft an intemal examiner will evaluate these assignments distribution of Marks is as follows: Distribution of Marks: 25 Marks Written Test +25 Marks Port folio + 50 Marks Viva Contents of Portfolio: News RePorts: 10 Personality Features: 02 Photo Features: 02 Travelogues: 02 Film Review: 02 Print Media lnterview: 01 Letters to Editor: 10 Editing Press Notes: 05 Photo Captions: 08 Classified Advertisements: 05 &. Marks Pass Marks-40 -100 In this Paper the students will have to submit the following Practical Assignments the format given below. 2? in its.One word Substitutes u. B.01.Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Communication Third Semester BMC-301 English-l (Compulsory) Pass Marks-28 Max. . The students are required to attempt one question from the given two each from the Sections A. Section E will be based on the entire syllabus. D and E. Marks. C. B.F Resolved by Academic Council vide Resolution No. 16 Marks per Section.)-. Section-A -Tense -Modals -Determiners Section-B -Common Errors -Phrases and Phrasal Verbs -Articles Section-C -SynonymslAntonyms -Tag questions -Prepositions . C and D. All the Sections carry equal marks i.80 Time: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus.B. I8m meeting held on 03 . Sections A. There will be Ten items/Exercises in each question out of which the students are required to attempt any Eight items.e.2014. in its .01.2014. 3.Wren and Martin Revised by N. 2t "/7.Vandana R.-* hrq^ 6. 18th meeting held on 03.Ramji Lal &.Section-D -Voice -Narration Prescribed Books:- 1. Singh High School English Grammar and Composition.V. Prasada Rao ''fi%. \ Resolved by Academic Council vide Resolution No. Vinod Kumar 2. A Book of English Grammar and Composition.D. The Written Word. MNCs -Unemployment: Meaning & TyPes Section-C -Consumer Behavior -Major eontemporary economic issues of Indian Economy -Present state of Indian trade and commerce Section-D -Introduction to Indian EconomY -Green. MarksTime: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER.BMC-302 Economics-l 80 Pass Marks-28 Max. White & Blue Revolutions: Concept.e.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus.SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A. Need & Importance -Characteristics of Indian Economy \ ft'#*W I\y. B. C and D. All the Sections carry equal marks i. N . 16 Marks per Section' Section-A Economics of -Concept. Section E will have Six shorl answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR.Entry of MNCs -Swadeshi vs. D and E. B. Sections A. C. w. definitions and importance -Relation of Economics with other Social Sciences Micro & Macro Economics: an Introduction -Importance of studying Economics for Media students Section-B -Principles of Demand and Supply .B. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A. The lndian Economy: Problems & Prospects.r' jain & V'K' Ohri 3. /v in its . lndian Economic Problems. lndian Economic Developrnent.Gurumukh Ram madan &a-N Reeolved by Academic council vide Resolution i8'*'rneeting held on 03 . Economic Problems of Modern lndia.2014.T.01. 23 No.R.N.K.Suggested Readings:- L.Prasad 4.Jain 2.T. lndian EconomY.BimalJain 5. from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempl any FOUR" The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A. Indoor and Transit advertising Section -D . C. Section E will have Six shorl answer type questions.B. B.80 Time: 3 Hours Pass Marks-28 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A. C and D.an overview -Pre-budget thinking -Mehtods of determining Advertising Appropriation -Monitoring and Control of budget -Production and Cost Analysis Section-C -Media Planning -Median characteristics -Advantages and Disadvantages of various Media -Outdoor. Marks. B.BMC-303 Advertising-l Max.e. 16 Marks per Section" Section-A -Advertising: Concept & Definition -Function of advertising -Nature and Scope of Advertising -Evolution and Growth of Advertising Classifi cations of Advertising -Parts of Advertisement copy Section-B -Advertising Budget. D and E. All the Sections caruy equal marks i. Sections A.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. Suggested Readings:- 1.01. 1992. New Delhi 2000. Rathore. 2" 3. Kumar. Chunawala.\- N Resolved by Academic Council vide Resolr"rtion No. 5.v. Advertising Management Concepts 7 Cases by Mahender Mohan.2014. Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co ltd. 6. Advertising Principals & Practices by Chunawala & Sethia. 25 ZT is its . Namakumari Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong Advertising: A Critical View by Kewal J. S. 1999. New Delhi. l Bth meeting helC on 03 . 10" Marketing Management - Philip Kotler Fundamentals of Marketing - Marketing Management . Advertising Management by B. 6. 7 8. Advertising Theory & Practice By S' A. Advertising by Jail Shri Hethwaney. 9. Phoenix Publishing. Nirali Prakshan Pune. 4. Ramaswamy and Edition - S. Principles of Marketing 9th Stanton S. The studenls are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A. Meaning & lmportance -Media relations: Press Conference. Lobbying. B. 16 Marksper Section. Interviews Meetings. management and execution -Functions and responsibilities of PRO -Feedback and Evaluation Section-C . D and E.304 Public Relations Pass Marks-28 Max.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. Section-A -Public Relations: Concept and definition -Principles of PR . Section E will have Six short answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR.80 Time: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A.e.B. Seminars & Workshops -Process of developing corporate identity -Role of PR in damage control & crisis management -Corporate communication: Planning. C and D. Sections A. C. Marks. Allthe Sections carry equalmarks i.BMC. Media Briefings.PR and Allied disciplines: Publicity. -Public Opinion and Attitude Mobilization -Tools of Public Relations -Publics in PR: Internal and External Public Section-B -PR Campaign: Concept. Propaganda. B. g ireld on 03. Making PR work by Sushil Bahl New Delhi wheeeler Publishing.N. 1992. 3. Newson. Jaico Publication. 27 in its . Strategies. 1990. Nolte.IPR code & the International Codes of conduct Section-D -Event management: Concept. Sarkar.^-cadernic council wrr vide v rLrr Resorution r\trSUIL Nu. Allied Publishers.-Sensitivity to Socio-Cultural Issues -Duties of the PR practitioner . l E'h meeti.R. U*. Bombay Public relations. Handbook of Public Relations in india by D. & Tools by jaishrijethwaney.2014. 8.N. New Delhi.S"'L 27 -- Resul'vcd b\' . 12. Adadsh K' Varma & N. Targeted Public Relations by Robert W Bly. 5.Problems & Prospects by Anul Basu. 1993.Mehta. 10" 11. apptiea Public Relations & Communication by K.1994. Wilcox & Lawrence W. wards worth. 7.0 1. Public Relations Concepts. 2000 Sultan Chand & Sons. Balan.Kaul" Effective PR by Scott M. Cutlip. PR Writings & Media Techniques by Dennis L. lgg7. Tusk. Handbook of Public relations & Communication By Philip Lesley.S. 4.Ltt' New Delhi. Corporate Public Relations By K" R. New Delhi This is PR: The Realities of PR. 7'h edition. Sterling Publisher Pvt. New York. Meaning .Exhibitions: Role. Importance & Importance & Objectives -Importance of Direct Contact & concept of Neutral Temitory -Role of Media in promotion of an event -News Release: Seven-Point formula & its importance -Role of Photography in PR -Importance of Marketing Research for the PR Practitioner Suggested Readings:- 1. 2. Krskerberg. Public Relation in India by M. 6. 9. Heny Hold & Co. Allen H. Balan.2"d edition. Center & Glen m Broom. 01 Council vide Resolution wo. Marks -50 In this Paper the students will have to submit the following Practical Assignments the format given below.2A14.Panel Discussion -Radio News bulletin -Digital Recording & Editing -Radio Feature .T. An Extemal & arr internal examiner will till 15ft evaluate these assignments and distribution of Marks is as follows: Distribution of Marks: 15 Marks Written Test +10 Marks Port folio + 25 Marks Viva Contents of Portfolio: -Radio News -Current Affai rs progra mmes -Radio Talk . .V Anchoring Resolved by Academic r6 meetrng held on 03.V News bulletin -PTC -Voice Over -News Reading -T.BMC-305 Electronic Media (Practical) Pass Marks-2O Max. April in 2I in its . D and E..Need for public awareness via media -Natural resources and associated problems: i) Forest resources ii) Water resources iii) Mineral resources iv) Food resources -Role of an individual and media in conservation of natural resources. B. 8 Marks per Section. C. National and Local levels -Media's Role in Disseminating of Information in Ecology \ Sl 2s U*tv""LN [?.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus.ifouncl'ide Resorution No Lv in its . Consumers and Decomposers -Biodiversity at Global.B. Sections A. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A. scope and importance .BMC-306 Environmental Studies Max. C and D. Section-B -Concept of an ecosystem: structure and function of an ecosystem -Producers. Marks- 40 Pass Marks-l4 Time: 2 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A. Section-A -Definition. A11 the Sections carry equal marks i. Section E will have Six shorl answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR.*::flJl.e.t::i:T. B. Role of Media in Disaster management: Foods. earthquakes. iv) Wildlife Protection Act. -Role of Media Awareness in Environment and Human Health Issues &\"\.Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions Section-D -Laws for Environment Protection i) Environment Protection Act. effects and control measures of: (a) Air pollution (b) Water pollution (c) Soil pollution (d) Noise pollution -Role of an individual and media in prevention of pollution . ii) Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.Section-C -Definition of Environmental Pollution: Causes. 30 No.2ol4.ol. cyclones and landslides . v) Forest Conservation Act. 2v in irs . iii) Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. Resolved bv Academic council vrr vide vr*w r\uD\rrL Resolution 18th nreeting held on 03 . Body & Conclusion -Paragraph writing \ -Story writing -Translation 3t 624 Itesolved by . B. LV" in. -Basic Sentence formation -Transformation of sentences -Parts of Speech: their need & significance Section-B -Use and Importance of language in Media -Nature and scope of media language -New trends in media language -Need & importance of English in the usage of lnternet Section-C -Structure of Writing: Preparation. Compound. lntroduction.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus" Section E will have Six short answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR.2014.Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Communication Fourth Semester BMC-401 English-l I (Com pulsory) Pass Marks-28 Max. B.e.B. D and E.Academic Council vide Resolution No. Section-A -Syntax . Complex etc. 16 Marks per Section. A1l the Sections caffy equal marks i. In questions from Sections B & C internal choice will be given where in students will be required to attempt any Four of the Seven words/sentences. Marks.80 Time:3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A. \ N .01. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A. C.different types of Sentence Formation: Simple. C and D. Sections A.its 18"' meering held on 03 . Warn and Martin Revised by N.esoiutioir"ffi nleetlrlg ireid on 03.ride p.-Comprehension -Punctuation: Need & Usage Section-D -Writing CV -LetterWriting -Report Writing -Press Release -Essay Writing Prescribed Books:- 1. A Book of English Grammar and Composition. Singh High School English Grammar and Composition.Ramji Lal & Vinod Kumar 2.D.. Prasada Rao &+*ww I $3*solve$ r6 by Academic couneil .01 .V. 3.2014. The Written Word. 32 il in irs .Vandana R. ai C)- 6n "CJ --. C and Ni I .#^ -i F !. Section E will have Six short answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt I-F any FOUR.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus.Union Budget: Process. Functions & lmportance . Services& Agriculture sectors Section-C .{-) will consist of five sections A. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A. lnflation.SETTER The question paper .Monopoly.1 : -p> 4 V* C-) a. . Open Economy: Meaning.. Concept. D and E. Formation. Marks.) -Share Market: Concept.n >-" _o '!.Industrial Institutions of India like SEBI. C oncept & Y Imp ortance 33 0r. Sections A.2^r.BMC-402 Economics-ll Pass Marks-28 Max.B.80 Time:3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER. .J.< '.u) *. RBI. C.t C) -c oo ' . Production. D. FICCI & CII -lnfrastructure.rt E O\J -7. Nature & Consequences (. Comprehension & lmportance Section-B o + J+ -Five Year Plans . -Era of Liberahzation -Economics of Media Houses -Foreign Direct Investment -Economic Depression Section-D -Glob alizati on :'Meanin g.^! v* f \ \r -. . .*^iU^) N" . B. Z Section-A o +) a ().e" 16 Marks per Section.9 6. A11the Sections carry equal marks i. B. Suggested Readings:- 1. Concept & Importance & Importance -World Bank. IMF: What is the International Monetory 5. G-8 etc. Mankiw 3. IMF.r:solved by Academic Council vide Resolution lSth. Principal of Economics. The Stock Market.David D. 27 tn its .N.01. Macro Economics. ASIAN.Roger A.2014.Llb er ahzation : Me anin g. C oncept -Consumerism: Meaning. Fundamentals of Economics.G.William Boyes 2.meeting held on 03 . Arnold Fund?.. Driscoll "k^Wz H. 34 N No.Bishnupriya Mishra 4. 18"' held on 03 . Meaning. Memos and Notices -Presentation: Pre. B. Types & Significance -Improving Reading & Public Speaking Skills -Written Communication: Content. nreeting . Group Discussions. Structure & Importance -Drafting Letters. Minutes. Section-A -Essentials of Communication Skills -Small Group Communication techniques -Public Speaking techniques -Body language -Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication -Interviews-Kinds.01. Section E will have Six short answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR. D and E. Sections A.2014. JAM Sessions Section-B -Dress Codes -Soft Skills: Concept.BMC-403 Communication Skills Pass Marks-28 Max. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A.Post-Presentation 35 & Follow Up $.B. 2V in .Presentation. Reports. 16 Marks per Section. C and D. Technique & Importance -Mock Interviews. Presentation Skills.e.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. All the Sections carry equal marks i. B. Marks. C.80 Time: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A.#^lu-r- Resolved by Academic Councij vide Resolution Nio. Creative Writing Steven Earnshaw Writing of Creative 9. Audio. Effective Communication Skills Frank P.Kumar 4. -q -o ()X .Section-C -Presentation Aids. Art and Print Production John Nielson 6.() Suggested Reading:- bl--r F' rJ) - 1. The Handbook 10. preparation-managing-post meeting ra :) Section-D a q) -Creative Writing: Fundamentals.N. Information and communication technology in Development: Subhash Bhatnagar :Kewal J. Teaching Creative Writing 11.Murphy Skills 7. : N.N. The Handbook of Communication Andele Ramet 8. Visual & Audio-Visual Aids -Power Point Presentation Basics of audio Recording -Bbasics of Film Production Techniques +r -Basics of Video Production Techniques .Sarkar 5. Mass Communication in India :N. Purpose & Importance i--7 A -Meeting: convening. Structure and Contents of Writing & () -News Analysis & Backgrounders -Book.Sound & Slide Productions N c\t -Meeting: Concept. Essentials of Public Speaking Graeme Harper Cheryl Hamilton 36U @ \J\- N . Film & TV Reviews O -Photo Features UR ^N <-l -i a)X 60X ot) 4t -Photo Editing and Caption Writing -Preparation of Resume -Official Correspondence & Report Writing () >.Sarkar Graphics and Production : Peter Zorkoczy 2. An Introduction to Information Technology 3. The Technique of Group Discussion @+^0+.12. AnEssential Guide to Public Speaking Quentin J.01.. Schultze Sandra Scott Julius Fast Jaime C.".2014. 37 No. Bulatao 13. Body Language 15. Writing Skills 14. Zl in its . w Resolvec'! by Academic Council vide Resolution 18m meeting held on 03 . Section-C -Corporate Communication and Media Houses -Corporate Commun ication Adverti sement agen ci es -Corporate Communication in Shopping Malls. B. Sections A. C and D.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. Marks. All the Sections caffy equal marks i. Section E will have Six short answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR.e. Section-D -Impoftance of Research in the field of Cororate Communication -Cororate Communication in Multi National Companies -Feedback -Group Communication -Corporate Culture 38 U+=^M-N Resolved by Acaciemic Council vide Resolution No. C. D and E.80 Time: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of frve sections A. management and execution -Feature of Corporate Communication in India. B.. Section-A -Corporate Communi cati on : concept and defrnition -Evolution and History of Corporate Communication -Principles of Corporate Communication Corporate Communication and grorvth of the organization' Section-B -Role of Corporate Communication in damage control & crisis management -Corporate communication: Planning. I Bth meetirrg held on 03 .BMC-404 Corporate Communication Pass Marks-28 Max.2014. 27 jn its . The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A.B.01. 16 Marks per Section. R' Balan Handbook of Public relations & Communication : Philip Lesley Targeted Public Relations :. 6. 39 . Strategies. Balan This is PR: The Realities of PR : Newson et al Public Relations Concepts.+Resolved by Academic Council vide Resolution No.Problems & Prospects : Anul Basu Corporate Public Relations : K.S.2014. 18t! rneiting held on 03 .N'Kaul. Bly Applied Public Relations & Communication : K.01.27 in its .Mehta Public relations.R.Robert W.Suggested Reading:Handbook of Public Relations in lndia : D. & Tools : Jaishri Jethwaney et al Public Relation in lndia : M. D and E.2014.BMC-405 Advertising-II Pass Marks-14 Max. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A. B. Section E will have Six short answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOLIR. Sections A.ol. All the Sections caffy equal marks i.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus.vIlvIutrNeSolL zv in its . -Appeals in advertising -Copy writing for Print and Electronic media Adverlisements -Public service Advertising -Socio-economic effects of advertising -National and Global Advertising scene -New trends in Advertising. Section-B -Adve(isement Campaign -Commercial & Social Campaign -Campaign planning -Preparing campaign for the launch of a product Section-C -Impact of Advertisement on Society.e.50 Time: 2 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A. Resolved bv Academic Councir vide Resorution No.B. C and D. Marks. ]8. 8 Marks per Section' Section-A -Creativity and Concept. C. -Advertising and Marketing process of building Brand-equity and brand-image -Evolution of Campaign -Concept of Marketing Mix & Social Marketing Section -D -Cyber Advertisements -Youth and Advertisements -Posters -Folders -Hoardings -Banner Advertisements 'q'}*nfls".hmeetingireIdon03. B. Marketing Management : V. 7. S. Rathore. Chunawala.. Advertising : Jail Shri Hethwaney 9. Advertising Management : B.ing Leld on 03'01'2014' 41.. Advertising Management Concepts 7 Cases : Mahender Mohan 8. q)^WN Resol*ti(rn No' Resolved by Academic Council vide ig. Kumar 6. S. Advertising:A Critical View: Kewal J. Principles of Marketing : Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong 5. 10. Advertising Principals & Practices : Chunawala & Sethia. A. Fundamentals of Marketing : Stanton 3. Advertising Theory & Practice : S. Ramaswamy and S. Namakumari 4. L7 \n rts . Marketing Management : Philip Kotler 2.*.-Social Advertising Slogan Suggested Readings:- 1. The reporl must be submitted to the Chairperson of the Department before 15th July. Marks. DISCIPLINE & ACTIVITIES during the course of Field training. Students will have to produce a CERTIFICATE issued Each student by the Director/EditorlManager/Chairperson etc" of the concerned Organization regarding their PERI'ORMANCE.50 Pass Marks-20 will have to undergo FOUR weeks of Internship in some Media Organization of High Repute from 1't June to 28ft June. @+=-M- N vide Resolution No' council Academic by Resolved -held on 03 'al:2014' i eli *. A panel of Experts constituted by the chairperson will conduct the viva for the Internship Assessment.ting 42 2L in it:' ..BMC-406 MEDIA INTERNSHIP Max. Writing and Reporting for TV -Finding the story and developing the sources Section-C -Interview - types of news interview 43 Se. Section-A -Concept of T.Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Communnication Fifth Semester BMC-501 T. D and E. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A.-rtion No. '*: in rts . 16 Marks per Section. C. Sections A.01.V Joumalism -Formats and types for TV Programmes -TV News script format -Scripting for FictionA{on Fiction Section-B -Fundamentals of TV reporting - Reporting skills -Ethics for TV reporting .C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. Al1 the Sections carry equal marks i"e. Marks. C and D. B.SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A. B.2014... Journalism Pass Marks-28 Max.H*LN Resolved by Academic council vide Resol. ?*V l8th meeting held on 03 . Section E will have Six shorl answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR.V.B.80 Time: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER. Handbook of Broadcasting : 3.C. Broadcast Journalism: An Introduction to News 2. Shrivastava of Radio Journalism Paul Chantler.L. lndian Broadcasting H.News Packaging Section-D -Radio Studio -Audio equipments -Use of sound bytes. r 6 meetrng held on 03. ZV in its . -Radio-bridge . .-Art of conducting a good interview -Anchoring . Broadcast News Producing : Brad Schultz 5.P"Jain 10.M. Barua 6. Luthra 8. News Writing for Broadcast : Ed Bliss 4.C. Peter Stewart \ m) n"-q 44 Rensolved by Academic Council vide Resolution No. Pause. Chatterjee 7. Radio and 1 1. Broadcasting Journalism S.01 . Flow. Pronunciation Suggested Readings:- Writing : Mark W. Essentials Abbot and Rider TV Journalism K. This is All India Radio : U. Art of Broadcasting S.Phone in programmes -Voice Training: Enunciation.Live shows . Bhatt 9. Broadcasting in India : P. Hall 1.R.2014. Radio-TV News K. Community Radio and Public Culture Charles Fairchild 15.01. Understanding Radio Andrew Crisell 16. Stanley R.2014' 45 L7"in its . Broadcast Journalism : A Critical lntroduction Jane Chapman.Tim Wulfemeyer Writing 20. Br oadcast Journali sm 13.Al. Radio News Writing and Editing Carl Melson Warren @+^n4.- N Resolved by Academic council vide Resolution No. 18th meeting held on 03 . Fundamentals of Audio Production Drew O.K. Radio News Handbook 19.m. McDaniel trt. 17. Marie Kinsey 14. Aten Audio Basics Bookett Mosse 18. Shrivastava 12. B.01.solve. C and D.'ry$ \ ' . B.B. Dance & Drama forms of Haryana Section-C -Folk Theatre : Characteristics and Advantages -Street Theatre -Puppetry - Forms.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus.2014.B -Traditional Folk Media: Characteristics and Advantages -Traditional Games and SPorts -Prominent Folk Music. Marks.r'. Role and Significance 46q +*. . D and E.li i.t b. Section E will have Six short answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOi-IR. C.ing iiclC on 03 . No. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A.SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A. 2? in i1. 16 Marks per Section.BMC-502 Traditional Folk Media Pass Marks-28 Max. Sections A. Section-A -Evolution of Human SocietY -Methods of communication in Primitive Societies -Traditional Society Section.v Academic council vide Resolution ' 'i":-"n+er. All the Sections caffy equal marks i'e.80 Time: 3 hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER. Section-D -Role of Traditional Media in Social awareness -Limitations of Traditional Folk Media -Impact of Electronic Media on Folk Media Books Recommended: 1. Parmar Folk Music and Mass Media : Richard Lanmerg The Speaking Tree: Study on Indian Culture and Society Balwant Gargi Folk Theatre in India : M. Madhusudan Traditional Media and Development Communication W N . 27 'in its iii'5 meeting held on 03. 47 . Durgadas Lesser Known Forms of Performing arts in India Kapila Vatsyayan Paramparik BhartiYa Rangmanch Mahesh Anand Kahani ka Rangmanch K. 6.2014. 3.. 7.solution i\o.€. 5. : S Parmar Traditional Folk Media in India : S.01.. 8.a iio. 4. Resolved by A. 2.-a.. i. e. All the Sections caffy equal marks i. C. B. 1867 -Official Secrets Act -Working Journalist Act 48 0.}.2014.o 18ft meeting held on 03 .BMC-503 MEDIA LAWS Mini. D and E. .01. B.Marks:80 Time 3 hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A.Marks:28 Max. Section E D will will have Six short answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR.C and have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. 16 Marks per Section' SECTION-A -Nature and scope of Media Laws -Fundamental Rights -Freedom of Speech and Expression -Law of Defamation -Contempt of Court -Press Council and Press Commissions SECTION-B -AIR Code of election coverage -Doordarshan commercial code -ASCI commercial code -Invasion of privacy and vulgarity -Advertising and ethics -Issues of ethics in media SECTION-C -Press and Registration of Books Act.. C and D. z? in tts .-t\a- Resolved bv Academic council vrr vide v rLrv r\\')urt Resolutio.B." Sections A. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A. K. Mass Media Laws and Regulations in India : K.-Copyright Act -RTI Act-2005 SECTION-D -Prasar Bharti Act -Cable Television Network Regulation Act 1995 -Information Technology Act. Press in the lndian Constitution : R. Freedom of Press and Right to Information in India : Dr. 5.Ravindrana 4. 2000 -Cinematography Act. Press Laws and Ethics of Journalism : P. 1 953 Books Recommended: 1.^rh : I E"'meeting held on 03 . . Press & Media Law Manual : Vidisha Barua 2.2014. 49 LTin its i .01.S. Ambrish Saxena @N lution No. Ravindranath 3.K. Marks.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. D" All the Sections carry equal marks i.BMC-504 Radio Journalism Pass Marks-28 Max.01. Section E will have Six short attempt answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to any FOIIR. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A.e' 16 Marks per Section' Section-A -History of Radio in India -Fundamentals of Radio Journalism -Radio News Reporting -Sound Bytes -News Writing & Editing Section-B -Basics of Audio Production -Radio Genres: Formats. 2? in its B' C and .80 Time: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A. D and E.2014. 18ft meeting held on 03 . Sections A. B. C.B.-HnrResolved by Academic Council vide Resolution No. Peculiarities & Purpose -Phone-in Programmes -Special Audience Programmes -Script Writing for Radio Programmes qJ. M" Shrivastava 8. Luthra 5. Radio and TV Joumalism K. Broadcasting Journalism S. Barua a J. Bhatt 6. Peter Stewaft 6F (_) \J 1'o O -o ao .Section-C -Audio Recording & Editing: Software & Techniques -Microphones: Types & Usage -Audio Console: Functions & Handling -Voice & Sound Recording {n . This is All India Radio U. Contents & New Trends r< +) -Radio Jockey L.Jain 7.C.C. Broadcasting in India P.:) t6 H _) . Handbook of Broadcasting Abbot and Rider 2.R.L.9 E 60 'l 51 @. Art of Broadcasting S.) a C) & -Typology of Audience d) lCommunity Radio and Social Change O UR Books Recommended: ()* 6r! E- 1.= -Microsoft Audio Audition fa\l Section-D ^ll ^ Z -Community Radio -FM Radio Broadcast: Purpose.P. Essentials of Radio Journalism Paul Chantler. Chatterjee 4. Indian Broadcasting H.*w N . McDaniel Et.M. Shrivastava : Jane Chapman. Fundamentals 14. Audio Culture : Charles Fairchild Radio of Audio Production Basics : Andrew Crisell : Drew O. Understanding 13.Al" : Stanley R.01. Marie Kinsey 11. Aten \ w 47u Br- Resolved by Academic Council vide Resolution l8th meeting held on 03.2014' 52 \e No' ZT tn tts .9. Community Radio and Public 12. Broadcast Journalism 10. Broadcast Journalism : A : Critical Introduction K. " C&. Section E will have Six short answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR. D and E. C and D.e.Preamble -Salient features of Indian Constitution -States and Union Territories -Citizenship Section-B -Fundamental Rights -Fundamental Duties -Directive Principles of State Policy -Composition of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha Section-C -President of India: Powers and Function -Prime Minister: Powers and Functions -Chief Minister:"Powers and Functions Rensotveg UV Academic Councii r6 meetrng held on 03.01 . Section-A -Constitution.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. C.ffi"N vide Resolution No. Zlin its. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A. .2014. Marks- 80 Pass Marks-28 Time: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A. B.BMC-505 Indian Constitution and Current Affairs Max.B. All the Sections calry equal marks i. Sections A. 16 Marks per Section. B. 2009 w*^wN vide Resolution No. General Current Awarness: Unique Publication. Survey of India Industries .GuPta 2.N.Current Socio-Economic: Political Issues in Haryana Suggested Readings: 1.. Mid Term Election and By Elections -Last Six Months National and Intemational Issues . Powers and Functions Section-D -Election Commission: Composition and Functions -General Election.S. Gol't. of India Survey Book 6.Delhi 3. Indian Economy by Rudra Dutt. 5.-Supreme Courts: Powers and Functions High Court. Resolved bY Academic Council 18th meeting held on 03 '01'2014' 54 L7 in tts . General Knowledge Advance: Tata Mcran 4. General Awarness: V. C and D. production and post-production -The production personnel - Single camera and Multi camera production Section-B -Use of graphics and special effects -Developing a video brief -Voice Over -Teleprompter Section-C -Aesthetic Factor of video editing -Types of video editing.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. Marks- 80 Pass Marks:28 Time: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of flve sections A.V Production Max.BMC-601 T.Non-Linear editing -Cut to cut. C.. assemble & inseft -On line Editing -Off -line editing -Designing. Sections A. n.B. All the Sections carry equal marks i'e' 16 Marks per Section' Section-A & utilization of a TV Program -Steps involved in production -Stages of production.#::i.. Evaluation and Field Testing Programme ss \ U'*IB"N [:1fl#J..pre-production..or. Section E will have Six short answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR" The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A.Tifo4un. D and E. ro. B.ioniro z? in its . B. ol. 14. Srivastav Video Camera Techniques: Millerson Gerald The Technique of Film Editing : Karel Reisz The Use of Microphones : Glen Elkin Our Films Their Films : Satyajit Ray s#ww Resolved bv Academic councir vrr vide vr\rw r\v)(rrt Resorution 1Sth meeting held on 03 . 56 No.V Studio -T.V Transmission Techniques -Educational T. 4.Section-D -T. 9. H.V Crew -Studio Lights -T.V -DTH Suggested Readings:- 1. 8. 2.Shrivastava Writing your own Script and Speeches : Suzan and Mathur News Writing for Electronic Media : Denial8. T. 6. 5. Garvey Broadcasting Technoloty :Dr.. 7. Video Production Handbook : Millerson Gerald.H.V. Siegal Telivision Production : Gerald Millerson The Video Studio : Alan Birmingham Radio and TV Journalism : K'M. 13. Focal Press Working with Video: A comprehensive guide to the world of Video Production Winston Brian & Julia KeYdal 3.2ol4. 11. Production Handbook : Zettle Herbert Creative Radio Production : E. 12.O. 10. L? in its : . LTin -1.BMC-602 Current Affairs Issues 80 Pass Marks-28 Max. - its .e. B.B. 16 Marks per Section.C and D have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. All the Sections carry equal marks i. Section E will will have Six short answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR.01. MarksTime: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A. C and D. C. B.2014. Section-A -Major Current Issues of Parliament -Major Issues of Different Political Parties -Major Current Issues in India -Study ofCurrent debates on Social Issues Section-B -Current Issues in Health -Current Issues of Women and Child Right -Issues related to Human Rights -Current Issues of Education System Section-C -Current Issues of Business -Cument lssues of Entertainment and Spons -Current Issues of Internal Security -Current Issues of External Securitv Resolved by Academic Councir vide Resolution No. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A. l81n meeting held on 03 . Sections A. D and E. The Hindu Group of Publications General Knowledge Current Affairs-Upkar Parkashan Current Affairs.Publiiation Division India Today.The India Today Group Frontline.01. l8'h meeting held on 03 .Reckoner. 2. Manorma Year Book-Manorma Group of Publications Yojana. 58 D in its . 4.Laxmikanth +*ldvResolved by Academic Council vide Resolution No. 6.2014.Section-D -Feminist Media Perspective -Media and Marginalized Groups -Media and Violence. Obscenity & Trivialization -Media as an Educator Suggested Readings: 1. 5. 3. 2? in its .BMC-603 New Media B0 Pass Marks-28 Max.Ol.e. Social Media & Web 2'0 Section-C -Traditional vs. Online Joumalism-difference in news consumption . Section E will have Six short to attempt answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required A.2Ol4. All the Sections cany equal marks i. Section-A -Online Communication: Meaning and definition -Features of Online Communication . The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections D.Internet Characteristics -Types of websites -Video conferencing & Webcasting Section-B -Digital media and communication -ICT and digital divide -Information SocietY -New World lnformation Order and E-governance -Convergence: Need. nature and future ofconvergence -Emerging Trends: Mobile Technology.Presentation and uses -Online Writing & Editing: do's and don'ts se U-*fgrN Rescived by Academic Council vide Resolution No. 16 Marks per Section.B'C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. Marks_ Time: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A. C and any FOUR. C. B. B. D and E' Sections A. 18ft meeting held on 03 . V. Knowledge work : Parekh Harsha N Restrlved by Academic Council vide Resolution l Stl' meeting held on 03. Making Information Technology Work : Kanungo Sivraj Information Technology: An Intrdoction : Peter Zotkoczy Handbook of Satellite Communication: Pandey Sudhir Internet.-Cyber Crimes & Security: Types and Dimension -Cyber Laws & Ethics and the difficulty in enforcing them Section-D -Elements & Principles of Web Designing -Basic Programming for Web Designing-HTMl -Prominent Social Media Sites -lmpact of Social Media on Youth -Blog Writing -Twitter.0 l. WhatsApp and We Chat Suggested Readings- 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) India Information Revolution : Rogers and Singhal Information and communication technology in Development : Bhatnagar Subhash Communication for Development in Third World : Melkote Srinivas Science Communicational Development : Vilaniam J. 60 No.2Ot4. ZT in its . I8"' meering held on 03 . C..01. Marks.2014. C and D. D and E. Sections A. Section E will have Six shorl answer type questions from the entire syllabus out of which the students are required to attempt any FOUR.80 Time: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER-SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections A.6O4 Community Radio Pass Marks-28 Max. The students are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A.BMC. Health and Environment Education .otve! No. 16 Marks per Section. definition and objectives -Brief history of CR in India -Differences between Community Radio and Commercial Radio in Indian context -Present scenario of CR in India Section-B -Models of Community Radio - Co . All the Sections calry equal marks i.B. Education.CR & Promotion of Local Culture and Folk Traditions 61 tst e*}.operative models.ftA"r=R '/r" bv Academic council vide ResotJon [1. ??i. ito . B. Local administration and Trust Models -Study of some community radio stations in India: i) Namma Dhwani ii) Radio Sirsa iii) Rudi No Radio iv) Chanderi ki Awaz Section-C -Role of community Radio in: -Gender Empowerment.C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus. Section-A -Community Radio - Concept. B.e. . John D.P. 18ft meeting held on 03 .Francies P.Vinod Pavarana et. 2. Resolved by Academic Council vide Resolution No. 5. Alumukn Community Radio and its Influence in the Society. 3. al 0 +.Charles Fairchild Community Radio for Development. 62 ^ \ $r L? tn its . T. Dowing et.-w. al Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media.01. Community Radio. H.-Community Radio as Voice of the Voiceless -Impact of Community Radio on Society -CR and Community Upliftment Section-D -CR Policy in India -CR Studio and Equipments -Program Management Committee in a CR -Do's and Do not's in Community Radio Suggested Readings:- 1.2014. Kasoma Community Radio and Public Culture. Offor Other Voices: The Struggle for Community Radio in India.Joseph O. 6. 4. No.w Resolved by Academic council vide Resolution l8'' meetinli held on 03 ./PR) Pass Marks-40 Max. 01 Poster 10 Self Clicked Photographs 1 1. Boucher 02 9. Article/Feature 02 1. 5.6O5 Media Production (Ra dio/T. Folders 02 B.BMC. Leaflet 05 02 63 Qe. Radio Talks 02 7. ViP rint/Adv. LT in its . An Extemal & an internal examiner will evaluate these assignments and distribution of Marks is as follows: Distribution of Marks: 25 Marks Written Test +25 Marks Port folio + 50 Marks Viva Content for Portfolio: News Items 05 2.2Ol4. Photo features 02 3. Marks -100 In this Paper the students will have to submit the following Practical Assignments till 15e April in the format given below. Letters to Editor 05 4.Ol. Live Programme 02 6.
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