B777 Study Guide (Emirates)

March 25, 2018 | Author: rogersno | Category: Takeoff, Turbine Engine Failure, Landing Gear, Runway, Stall (Fluid Mechanics)



EMIRATES B-777Page 1 of 158 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE B-777 STUDY GUIDE The pages following are designed to be a study guide. This information is not updated, any differences between this guide and the Company Manuals are unintentional, the Company Manuals are controlling. Selected personal techniques have been added in green highlighted text and are additional to company SOP and are not intended to change existing SOP. If errors are found, corrections are required, or you have additional information to add to the guide please forward your comments to [email protected] EMIRATES B-777 Page 2 of 158 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE INTENTIONALLY BLANK EMIRATES B-777 Page 3 of 158 TABLE OF CONTENTS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. QRH NON-NORMAL MEMORY ITEMS................................................................ 7 UNANNUNCIATED CHECKLISTS ......................................................................................................................... 7 AIRSPEED UNRELIABLE ...................................................................................................................................... 8 ABORTED ENGINE START L,R ............................................................................................................................ 9 ENGINE AUTOSTART L,R .................................................................................................................................... 9 ENG LIM/SURGE/STALL L,R .............................................................................................................................. 10 ENG SVR DAMAGE/SEP L,R .............................................................................................................................. 11 FIRE ENG L,R ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 DUAL ENG FAIL/STALL (RR) .............................................................................................................................. 13 DUAL ENG FAIL/STALL (GE) .............................................................................................................................. 14 STABILIZER ......................................................................................................................................................... 15 CABIN ALTITUDE ................................................................................................................................................ 15 2. FCOM SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES ....................................................... 17 3. QRH NON-NORMAL MANEUVERS ................................................................... 25 APPROACH TO STALL RECOVERY .................................................................................................................. 25 REJECTED TAKEOFF ......................................................................................................................................... 25 TRAFFIC AVOIDANCE ........................................................................................................................................ 27 UPSET RECOVERY ............................................................................................................................................ 28 FOM EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ................................................................................................................... 29 FCOM STANDARD ENGINE OUT PROCEDURE............................................................................................... 29 4. QRH & FCTM FLIGHT PATTERNS .................................................................... 31 180° CIRCULAR TURNAROUND ........................................................................................................................ 31 180° HAMMERHEAD INTO TURNAROUND ....................................................................................................... 32 180° HAMMERHEAD FROM TURNAROUND ..................................................................................................... 33 TAKEOFF - VNAV ................................................................................................................................................ 34 TAKEOFF ............................................................................................................................................................. 35 TAKEOFF – BASIC MODES ................................................................................................................................ 36 ILS APPROACH ................................................................................................................................................... 37 INSTRUMENT APPROACH USING VNAV ......................................................................................................... 38 INSTRUMENT APPROACH USING V/S OR FPA ............................................................................................... 39 VISUAL TRAFFIC PATTERN ............................................................................................................................... 40 CIRCLING APPROACH ....................................................................................................................................... 41 GO-AROUND AND MISSED APPROACH .......................................................................................................... 43 5. FCOM LIMITATIONS .......................................................................................... 45 AIRPLANE GENERAL.......................................................................................................................................... 45 TAKE OFF CROSSWINDS .................................................................................................................................. 46 LANDING CROSSWINDS .................................................................................................................................... 47 WEIGHTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 48 DOORS................................................................................................................................................................. 49 AIR SYSTEMS ..................................................................................................................................................... 49 AUTO FLIGHT ...................................................................................................................................................... 49 AUTOMATIC LANDING ....................................................................................................................................... 49 RADIOS ................................................................................................................................................................ 50 ENGINES.............................................................................................................................................................. 50 AIRPLANE STRUCTURE..................................................................................................................................... 51 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS, DISPLAYS .................................................................................................................. 51 FLIGHT MANAGEMENT, NAVIGATION.............................................................................................................. 51 FUEL SYSTEM ..................................................................................................................................................... 52 GEAR DOWN DISPATCH .................................................................................................................................... 52 WARNING SYSTEMS .......................................................................................................................................... 52 ................................... 57 TAXI ............. 53 LIDO ROUTE MANUAL ...................................... 72 APPROACH .............................. 66 REJECTED TAKEOFF ...............................................................................................104 ARRIVAL SOP ................ 98 START PROCEDURE .......................................102 DEPARTURE SOP ....111 PRESSURIZATION PROBLEMS ......................100 INSTRUMENT APPROACH USING VNAV................................. 109 EICAS MESSAGE PROCEDURE .......................... 106 MEL & CDL GUIDELINES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 110 ENGINE FAILURE AT CRUISE ALTITUDE MANUAL PROCEDURE .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 114 VNAV APPROACHES TO MDA................................................................................................................................................. 98 BEFORE TAKEOFF PROCEDURE ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................113 LOW VISIBILITY OPERATIONS ............................111 ENGINE OUT PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................................................................EMIRATES B-777 Page 4 of 158 TABLE OF CONTENTS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE 6........................................................................108 ENGINE MALFUNCTION AFTER V1 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 69 CRUISE ........................................................105 EMIRATES MANAGEMENT MODEL ................................. 100 ILS PROCEDURE ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 99 CLIMB/CRUISE PROCEDURE ................................................................................................... PERFORMANCE .....100 GO-AROUND PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................. 87 9.................................................................................................................. 72 HOLDING......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................110 ENGINE HANDLING AFTER AN AIRSTART............................................................................................................................ 76 POST FLIGHT ............................................................... 66 TAKEOFF .......................................................................................................... &SAAAR RNP .......................................................................... 79 BOEING FCOM BULLETINS............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 82 7......................................................................................... 53 PREFLIGHT ................................................................101 SECURE PROCEDURE .......... 99 TOP OF CLIMB PROCEDURE ............................................................... 98 TAKEOFF PROCEDURE ............................................ 101 TURNING ONTO THE PARKING STAND PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 110 ENGINE FAILURE AT CRUISE ALTITUDE ........................................................................................................................................ 99 DESCENT PREPARATION ........................................................................ SOP GUIDE ........................................................................................................................................................116 ....................................................................................................................................90 BRIEFINGS............................................................................................................................. 112 ILS PRM APPROACHES ...................... 85 8.................. FUEL POLICY...................................................................... 76 LANDING ........................................................................................................... 73 MISSED APPROACH .................................... 111 LANDING PROCEDURE – G/S INTERCEPT FROM ABOVE ................101 SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 67 CLIMB ...................................................................... LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 70 DESCENT ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 98 BEFORE TAXI PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................. 107 RTO ACTIONS ................................................................................................................. 89 PREFLIGHT CHECKS....................................... 99 APPROACH PROCEDURE.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 89 WALK AROUND COMPONENT LOCATOR GUIDE ............................................................................................................................................................................... 80 EMIRATES FCOM BULLETINS ........................................... 97 BEFORE START PROCEDURE . DA................................................................................................................................ 101 AFTER LANDING PROCEDURE . ................................................................... 134 ETOPS ALTERNATE WEATHER REQUIRMENTS ................. 130 DIVERSION CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................................. 155 SUSPICIOUS ARTICLE DISCOVERED .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 145 MOR REPORT ........................... 137 10............. 157 CABIN CREW BRIEFING................................................................................................................. 152 PARTIAL OR ALL GEAR UP LANDING PA..................................................................................................................................... 151 GO-AROUND PA ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 124 SEVER TURBULENCE OPERSTIONS ................................................................................................. 148 C15 ............................................................................... 128 QFE OPERATIONS............. 126 EGPWS .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 124 THUNDERSTORM AVOIDANCE ................................. 148 FMS NAVIGATION DATA REPORT .......................................................................... LESSONS LEARNED ............................................................................. 131 INHIBITS DURING TAKEOFF........................................... 148 GEN DEC ............................................................................................................................... 135 MNPS PROCEDURES ................ 147 GROUP SAFETY REPORT ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 152 EMERGENCY DESCENT PA ................................................................ 158 ......................................... 156 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ............ 148 E6 LOCKER STOWAGE WAYBILL FORM........................................................................................... 136 NAT CROSSING PROCEDURES ...................................................................................................................................................... 148 PED INTERFERENCE ...... 151 WEATHER DIVERSION PA ................ 153 SABOTAGE / BOMB THREATS ON GROUND ....................... REPORTS AND FORMS............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 158 TOP OF DESCENT PA ............................................................................................................................. 145 AIR SAFETY REPORT............................................................................................................. 151 SICK PASSENGER DIVERSION PA ................................................... 146 PASSENGER / AIRCREW ACCIDENT REPORT ................................................................................................................................................................ 147 MISSING PASSENGERS REPORT .................................................................................... 129 DIVERSION PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 124 WINDSHEAR ................................................... 152 PRECAUTIONARY DISEMBARKATION .............. 118 COLD WEATHER OPERATIONS .... 149 12.............................................................................................................................................. 154 SABOTAGE / BOMB THREATS IN FLIGHT ........................................................................................................................................ 151 TECHNICAL DIVERSION PA..................................................... 151 HOLDING PA ................................................................................................................ 133 ETOPS FUEL REQUIREMENTS .................... PA ANNOUNCEMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 152 DEICING PA .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 149 VOYAGE REPORT REQUIREMENTS ............................. 123 HOT WEATHER OPERATIONS ..................................... 145 CAPTAIN’S SPECIAL REPORT ................................................................................... 147 CONFIDENTIAL HUMAN FACTORS REPORT................................................................ 139 11.................EMIRATES B-777 Page 5 of 158 TABLE OF CONTENTS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE CONTAMINATED RUNWAYS ..................................................................................................................................................... 148 FMS NAVIGATION REPORT ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 120 DE-ICE PROCEDURES ON THE GATE ........ 148 CAPTAINS DISCRETION REPORT .................................................................................................................................................................. 122 DE-ICE PROCEDURES ON A REMOTE DE-ICING BAY ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 148 OM-C RAIG FEEDBACK FORM ...................................................................................................... 158 WELCOME ABOARD PA ....................... 155 WORLD TIME ZONE MAP .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 151 FIRE PA .................................... 132 INHIBITS DURING LANDING .......................................................................................................................................................................... EMIRATES B-777 Page 6 of 158 TABLE OF CONTENTS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE INTENTIONALLY BLANK . Flight deck door auto unlock light illuminated indicates correct emergency access code has been entered and flight deck door is programmed to automatically unlock after a time delay. shattered. (If FOD consider not reengaging starter) Airspeed or Mach indication suspected to be unreliable. . or cracked condition of any flight deck window is observed. Checklist ABORTED ENGINE START L.This Unannunciated Checklist is to be used when Fuel Jettison is required. A landing at greater than maximum landing weight is required. Airplane ditching and evacuation are required.3. Engine speed for both engines is below idle. Airplane TAT probe or engine TAT probe icing is suspected. abnormal engine noises are heard.R FIRE ENGINE TAILPIPE L. Do an ABORTED ENGINE START checklist if there is no oil pressure rise after EGT increases. An engine tailpipe fire is reported on the ground with no engine fire warning. The Checklist may be covered on the Lower EICAS display as it will be the displayed again when the checklist is displayed. Remember it is a FOM requirement to call the Fire Department for assistance ASAP FOM 20.The EICAS message should be left displayed until the Fuel Jettison has been completed. Engine start is needed after a shutdown with no fire or apparent damage. vibration. Static discharge around the windshield. Flight deck door lock fail light illuminated indicates flight deck door lock has failed. FCOM 21. bright glow in the engine inlets.EMIRATES B-777 Page 7 of 158 1.R . Landing gear lever cannot be positioned to UP. smoke or dust on the flight deck. A concentration of air conditioning smoke/fumes are identified. TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 10 An in flight fuel leak is suspected or confirmed. an abort engine start condition occurs.R ENGINE SVR DAMAGE/SEP L. Engine has severe damage. . or acrid odor indicates the airplane is in volcanic ash. QRH NON-NORMAL MEMORY ITEMS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE QRH NON-NORMAL MEMORY ITEMS It is a requirement to know all of the checklists in the Unannunciated Chapter of the QRH. or flight deck access system switch is OFF. however. or suspected or confirmed bomb on board. ENGINE LIMIT/SURGE/STALL L.2 Fuel jettison is required. or there is no response to thrust lever movement. Specific threat that a bomb is on board.R UNANNUNCIATED CHECKLISTS Conditional Statement Remarks During Ground Start. or has separated. delamination. only a few of them have RECALL items. Engine indications are abnormal or are approaching or exceeding limits. Arcing. Electrical smoke/fumes/fire is identified.32 Can also be completed for FOD.R AIRSPEED UNRELIABLE AUTOMATIC UNLOCK BOMB ON BOARD DITCHING DUAL ENGINE FAIL/STALL ENGINE IN-FLIGHT START L. Smoke/fumes removal is required. There are other Checklists triggered by EICAS messages.R FUEL JETTISON FUEL LEAK GEAR LEVER LOCKED DOWN LOCK FAIL OVERWEIGHT LANDING SMOKE/FUMES AIR COND SMOKE/FUMES/FIRE ELEC SMOKE/FUMES REMOVAL TAT PROBE ICING VOLCANIC ASH WINDOW DAMAGE L. EMIRATES B-777 Page 8 of 158 1. QRH NON-NORMAL MEMORY ITEMS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . EMIRATES B-777 Page 9 of 158 1. QRH NON-NORMAL MEMORY ITEMS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . EMIRATES B-777 Page 10 of 158 1. QRH NON-NORMAL MEMORY ITEMS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . EMIRATES B-777 Page 11 of 158 1. QRH NON-NORMAL MEMORY ITEMS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . QRH NON-NORMAL MEMORY ITEMS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE .EMIRATES B-777 Page 12 of 158 1. EMIRATES B-777 Page 13 of 158 1. QRH NON-NORMAL MEMORY ITEMS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . EMIRATES B-777 Page 14 of 158 1. QRH NON-NORMAL MEMORY ITEMS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . QRH NON-NORMAL MEMORY ITEMS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE For Expanded Procedures see FCTM 7.6. Pressurization Problems . 9 SOP. or Study Guide Chap.EMIRATES B-777 Page 15 of 158 1. QRH NON-NORMAL MEMORY ITEMS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE INTENTIONALLY BLANK .EMIRATES B-777 Page 16 of 158 1. FCOM SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE FCOM SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES (Relevant Procedures) .EMIRATES B-777 Page 17 of 158 2. EMIRATES B-777 Page 18 of 158 2. FCOM SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE EMIRATES B-777 Page 19 of 158 2. FCOM SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE EMIRATES B-777 Page 20 of 158 2. FCOM SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES EXPANDED SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE 1. AIRPLANE GENERAL, EM EQUIP, DOORS, WINDOWS HOT WEATHER OPERATION COLD WEATHER OPERATION SECURING FOR COLD WEATHER AIRFRAME DE-ICING OPERATION WITH DE-ICING / ANTI ICING FLUIDS SEVERE TURBULENCE • Turbulence Penetration Speed: 270 below 25000 ft. 280/0.82M at or above 25000ft – whichever the less • Seat Belt Sign - ON • No Smoking Sign - ON • PA: “CABIN CREW BE SEATED” • Advise Flight Attendants to secure Pax and Galleys, suspend service and sit down and fasten seat belts • Use Autopilot • Use V/S Mode during Climbs and Descents. VNAV/ALT may be used during cruise • Fly at Turbulence Penetration Speed • Select Manual Thrust. Thrust to be set slightly above Magenta EPR Target • Delay flap extension or divert • Secure Flight Deck of loose items • Fasten Shoulder Harnesses • Consider Altitude and Buffet Margins • Purser to advise when cabin is secure WINDSHEAR DOORS EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT REFUELING 2. AIR SYSTEMS GROUND AIR CONDITIONING CART USE PACKS OFF TAKEOFF 3. ANTI-ICE, RAIN ANTI-ICE USE ENGINE ANTI ICE USE WING ANTI-ICE USE 4. AUTOMATIC FLIGHT 6. ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL POWER DOWN NOTES • This is the procedure to be followed if completing the SECURE CHECKLIST. • Refer to FCOM SP.6.1 for this eventuality ELECTRICAL SAFETY CHECK PROCEDURE NOTES • This procedure must be performed by reference to FCOM SP.6.2 in the event one has to power up an unpowered aircraft. This must not be performed by recall This is to ensure that the min duct pressure of 15 PSI is achieved • After a normal APU start the ground pneumatics are disconnected before the Packs are put to Auto CHECKLIST: NOTES: ENGINE BATTERY START CONDITION: REASON: • No Ground Power Unit or APU is available to provide the electrical power to start the engines. • APU is inop or APU GEN inop and no GPU is available • SP 7.EMIRATES B-777 Page 21 of 158 2. it should be used. the FCOM SP ENGINE GROUND PNEUMATIC START and then the ENGINE CROSSBLEED START procedures may need to be performed in the course of this checklist • Accomplish the drill by reference to the Supplementary Procedures. loadsheet. Plan carefully and Take each stage slowly . Pneumatics from the APU or Ground cart is required to provide duct pressure. doors closed • Ensure Ground Crew are ready. APU APU GROUND PNEUMATIC START CONDITION: REASON: • The APU requires to be started using Ground pneumatics to provide duct pressure so that the APU air turbine starter can be used to start the APU • The electric start motor is unavailable. (Autostart is a normal engine start. RTOW figures etc. ENGINES. Pneumatic Air (if required) is available and Aircraft is clear • Get permission to start one engine in the bay and advise that it will run for a while until ready • Do SP procedure asking for air when applicable • Perform Ground Pneumatic Start if required • Start Left Engine in bay • Complete SP and restore pack operation for air conditioning • Complete cockpit set-up • Get start and pushback clearance • Pushback. FCOM SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES EXPANDED SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE 7. Careful planning is required • Find out if there is any slot time and plan accordingly • Ensure that extra fuel is on board for the increased ground run time (25 Kg per min) 500 Kg min • Ensure that the flight deck is set-up as far as possible including completing paperwork. set brake and start second engine (if no APU then this will require an ENGINE CROSSBLEED START ) • If there are additional problems like Autostart inop. which is to be accomplished in these procedures). to minimise delays after start • Loading should be complete and all passengers on board. this could become quite complicated.1 • The Packs must be off before the manifold is pressurised. This may be due to starter motor or circuit problems • FCOM SP 7. • Read SP procedure. If Autostart is available.1 CHECKLIST: NOTES: • If using a ground cart. De-icing required or ENG START VALVE. 2 procedure • Before connecting the ground air conditioning cart.EMIRATES B-777 Page 22 of 158 2. (The OFF lights will be illuminated. FCOM SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES EXPANDED SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE ENGINE CROSSBLEED START CONDITION: REASON: • Air from an engine is used to start the other engine when APU air is not available • APU is inop or APU Bleed Air is not available • With the APU Bleed Valve OFF. thrust is increased 5% on the operating engine to provide a minimum 25 psi duct pressure from which the second engine is started (If the duct pressure is above 25psi at idle thrust then a thrust increase to 5% N3 above idle is not necessary) • In this case a Ground Pneumatic Source starts the first engine on the stand. and the aircraft clear. switch the packs and recirculation fans off. but packs must be selected off). The second engine could also be started but in some cases this may prove too much for the Tow Truck or the Tow Bar Pin • This case must be used if a 777 Tow Bar is not available CHECKLIST: NOTES: ENGINE GROUND PNEUMATIC START CONDITION: REASON: • • • • • Ground pneumatics are used to start the engines • APU is inop or APU Bleed Air is not available Select both packs to OFF.7.7. • Do SP procedure asking for air when applicable • Start one engine at a time • Start in bay • Disconnect Ground Pneumatics and reinstate Packs • Get clearance to push and start 2nd engine • The second engine may have to be started using an Engine Crossbleed Start • Advise the Purser to reinstate the power to the cabin if required (See ENGINE START WITH EXTERNAL ELECTRIC POWER ) . A min duct pressure of 25 psi (less 1 psi/1000 ft Press Alt) Engine(s) are started normally Ground Pneumatics must be disconnected then Packs are selected to Auto CHECKLIST: NOTES: • If APU is inop then an ENGINE START WITH EXTERNAL ELECTRIC POWER must also be performed. See FCOM SP.3 • Ensure Ground Crew are ready and Tow Truck and Pneumatic Air are available and Aircraft is clear • Get permission to start one engine in the bay • Read FCOM SP. 3 ENGINE GROUND PNEUMATIC START if required • Disconnect GPU and Ground Pneumatics • Get Pushback clearance • Set Brake and start 2nd Engine if required using ENGINE CROSSBLEED START FCOM SP. E.g. which is to abort the engine start. CONDITION: REASON: • • An Engine start is required while using a Ground Power Unit as the only AC power source. • Start one engine at a time. CM2 can say something like "We're looking for EGT within 30secs. do the recall items and call for the aborted engine start checklist. FCOM SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES EXPANDED SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE ENGINE START WITH EXTERNAL ELECTRIC POWER This Procedure has been removed from the removed from FCOM SP but I left this note in as helpful information. • SP.7. Once fuel control switches are to Run. start both on the stand • Refer to FCOM SP. Advise ground crew and decide next course of action i. and tow truck is capable. now we need N1 rotation by 45%N3".7.4 or Laminated checklist under glareshield • Read the checklist through together first as a crew. and then perform the checklist as an action list.2 • Advise purser to reinstate the power to the cabin if required MANUAL ENGINE START CONDITION: REASON: • An engine start is required without the use of the Autostart System (Engine start using the autostart system is the normal method to start the engine) • The Autostart is inoperative or selected off. If the autostart switch is selected off and the fuel control switch is placed in Run before max motoring you'll get an ENG AUTOSTART L/R caution.EMIRATES B-777 Page 23 of 158 2. CHECKLIST: NOTES: • Unlike during an autostart the spar and engine fuel valves open as soon as the fuel control switches are placed to Run. Clever! • The procedure lists the start parameters to be monitored in a sequential order. • In the event of a start problem / need to abort the start. • Don't forget that you only put the fuel control switch to run when fOil pressure increases gEGT below 100ºC and hN3 at max motoring or 25%. this will also require an ENGINE GROUND PNEUMATIC START and possibly an ENGINE CROSSBLEED START • This will require a start on the stand. CHECKLIST: NOTES: • If APU is inop. Contact EK engineering if necessary. CM2 to keep CM1 in the picture as each stage of the engine start approaches. . This should prompt you to carry out the recall items.e.7. we have EGT rise it must remain within limits. restart or not. • APU is inoperative or APU GEN inoperative. Either 1 or Both Engines • Get permission to start in the bay • If a 777 tow bar and pin is available. • Use the FCOM SP ENGINE GROUND PNEUMATIC START and the FCOM SP ENGINE START WITH EXTERNAL ELECTRIC POWER to start the engines at the stand. . complete the start on the good engine.P ENGINE CROSSBLEED START procedure using the running engine to provide duct pressure. FCOM SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES EXPANDED SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE MANUAL OVERRIDE ENGINE START CONDITION: REASON: • • The engine start valve must be manually opened and closed with a tool • The engine starter valve has failed. If a B777 tow bar is not available. Is ground air conditioning required? • Consult EK engineering. Disconnect the Ground Pneumatic Air and GPU and push back.Is ground power available and ground cart for air start available. Get them to advice ground staff at destination of requirements. • Put on EAI if required on the operating engine • Read the ENG START VALVE L/R checklist • Consult the MEL for dispatch • Advise the ground crew that a Manual Override Engine Start is required and ask them to get the Tool from the E&E compartment • Read the SP • Arrange a system of hand signals and demonstrate this with the ground engineer while he still can speak to you (when at the engine he may not be able to use his interphone) APU INOP DISPATCH NOTES: • Considerations: • MEL . accomplish the S.4 CHECKLIST: NOTES: • This procedure is used after the ENG START VALVE L/R has appeared or the aircraft is dispatched with the start valve inoperative • Following the EICAS message ENG START VALVE L/R. • Then. • Next stations . ETOPS limited to 120minutes. Etc. then use the above procedure to start one engine. FCOM SP.7.EMIRATES B-777 Page 24 of 158 2.Backup generators must operate. 2 .EMIRATES B-777 Page 25 of 158 3.1 No further aft trim AIRSPEED LOW Displays A/T Advances Stick Shaker activates. and the Slats automatically extend from the midrange position to the fully extended position QRH MAN 1. QRH NON-NORMAL MANEUVERS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE QRH NON-NORMAL MANEUVERS QRH MAN 1. EMIRATES B-777 Page 26 of 158 3. QRH NON-NORMAL MANEUVERS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . 4 .31 Weather RADAR and TCAS are not displayed in CTR APP. and PLAN modes on the ND.10.4 ADVISE ATC FOM 13. QRH NON-NORMAL MANEUVERS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE QRH MAN 1. ADVISE ATC FOM 13.20. FCOM 15.EMIRATES B-777 Page 27 of 158 3.8 FCOM L.17 The STATUS message TCAS displays if the ADIRU is off or not aligned.9 FCOM 10. CTR VOR.10. QRH NON-NORMAL MANEUVERS QRH MAN 1.9 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE .EMIRATES B-777 Page 28 of 158 3. 5 FCOM NP 50.3.EMIRATES B-777 Page 29 of 158 3. QRH NON-NORMAL MANEUVERS FOM 20.40.2 FOM 20.4 .2 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Emergency Procedures FCOM NP. EMIRATES B-777 Page 30 of 158 3. QRH NON-NORMAL MANEUVERS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE INTENTIONALLY BLANK . QRH & FCOM FLIGHT PATTERNS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE QRH FCOM FLIGHT PATTERNS Min width of pavement for a 180 turn 772 Min width of pavement for a 180 turn 773 155.10. 56 meters for nose gear FCOM 1.5 meters for nose gear FCOM 1.7 .5 183.8 feet.8 feet. 47.10.EMIRATES B-777 Page 31 of 158 4.7 FCTM 2. ... 47.... 56 meters for nose gear FCOM 1..5 meters for nose gear FCOM 1..8 feet.8 feet...12 777-200 .7 180 Degree Turns in less than 45 m FCTM 2.... Turn tiller to maximum steering angle..5 183....... QRH & FCOM FLIGHT PATTERNS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Min width of pavement for a 180 turn 772 Min width of pavement for a 180 turn 773 155...4m 777-300 .............. Keep the inside brake locked until nose wheel clears the far edge of the turn.... Apply sufficient outside thrust to turn the aircraft.....6m 777-300ER..... Apply full inside brake..7m - Non Normal Ops. Line up outside tires on outside edge. Come to complete stop....... ..EMIRATES B-777 Page 32 of 158 4.... 43... Inspection of runway and aircraft required. (Not an Emirates approved procedure) Can only be used after landing as the Aircraft and Runway must be inspected...10. 38.. 43....10... 7 .5 meters for nose gear FCOM 1.8 feet.8 feet.EMIRATES B-777 Page 33 of 158 4.5 183.10.10. 56 meters for nose gear FCOM 1. 47. QRH & FCOM FLIGHT PATTERNS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Min width of pavement for a 180 turn 772 Min width of pavement for a 180 turn 773 155. Boeing has removed it from the current QRH.EMIRATES B-777 Page 34 of 158 4. . QRH & FCOM FLIGHT PATTERNS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE This diagram is for reference only. QRH & FCOM FLIGHT PATTERNS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE .EMIRATES B-777 Page 35 of 158 4. Boeing has removed it from the current QRH. .EMIRATES B-777 Page 36 of 158 4. QRH & FCOM FLIGHT PATTERNS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE This diagram is for reference only. QRH & FCOM FLIGHT PATTERNS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE .Page 37 of 158 EMIRATES B-777 Transition Check T Transition C Checklist C Cabin Ready L LOC… Identified P PA Completed 4. . IGS . TACAN. 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Checking raw data may be accomplished by : . NBD.Transition Check T Transition C Checklist C Cabin Ready L LOC… Identified P PA Completed Page 38 of 158 EMIRATES B-777 4.Displaying the VOR and or ADF pointers on the map display and using them to verify you position relative to the MAP display.27 LOC. QRH & FCOM FLIGHT PATTERNS A/P Off by 50´below MDA CHECKING OF RAW DATA FCTM 5. Example: The VOR radials and raw DME data should overlay the VOR/DME stations shown on the MAP and the GPS position symbol should nearly coincide with the tip of the airplane symbol. VOR. GPS…etc.Pushing the POS switch on the EFIS control panel and comparing the displayed data with the navaid symbols on the map. LDA.Raw data must be monitored. LOC B/C. RNAV. . SDF. IGS . GPS…etc. VOR.If the next altitude constraint is not at an even 100 foot increment set the MCP altitude to the nearest 100 foot increment below the altitude constraint. Example: The VOR radials and raw DME data should overlay the VOR/DME stations shown on the MAP and the GPS position symbol should nearly coincide with the tip of the airplane symbol.45 . LDA. TACAN. 4. . . 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Checking raw data may be accomplished by : . LOC B/C. QRH & FCOM FLIGHT PATTERNS V/S 1 click = 100fpm FPA 1 click = .Consider establishing final approach pitch mode and configuring for the approach and landing earlier than the FAF. SDF.27 LOC. .1° Both F/Ds Off PNF F/D ON CHECKING OF RAW DATA FCTM 5.Transition Check T Transition C Checklist C Cabin Ready L LOC… Identified P PA Completed Page 39 of 158 EMIRATES B-777 FCTM 5.Raw data must be monitored.Pushing the POS switch on the EFIS control panel and comparing the displayed data with the navaid symbols on the map. RNAV. NBD.Displaying the VOR and or ADF pointers on the map display and using them to verify you position relative to the MAP display. Where possible instrument approach aids should be utilized.5 nm’ horizontal from cloud .500 AAL FOM 15.000m or 1. 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Company VMC FOM 0.Significant met and terrain considerations that may cause optical illusions.3 sectors must be flown .1 . .5.1.5 .10.2. .5. Min Altitude 1.Missed Approach Procedure .Downwind leg must commence abeam the upwind threshold.Recommendation Page 40 of 158 EMIRATES B-777 Use PROG page 2 to Display cross track info and to give Headwind / Crosswind components.Cat D 205 kts. .000 feet vertically from cloud .10.The required visual reference must be maintained throughout the approach.Confirm missed approach procedure with ATC .5 4.5.000m or 3sm visibility .Terrain awareness and EGPWS concerns . QRH & FCOM FLIGHT PATTERNS Briefing Points FOM 15. . Recommendation Page 41 of 158 EMIRATES B-777 Min Altitude higher of 1.000 AAL rounded up to nearest 100 or Jepp Minima FOM Chap 19 page 6 Min Visibility 5000 M or Jepp Min if higher FOM Chap 19 page 6 4. If not it is difficult to change from G/S/S to ALT. If Approach is an ILS use V/S to descend. QRH & FCOM FLIGHT PATTERNS F/Ds OFF PNF F/D ON 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE .Recommendation Use PROG page 2 to Display cross track info and to give Headwind / Crosswind components. Page 42 of 158 Recommendation If Approach is an ILS use V/S to descend. 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . The procedure is still valid. Emirates have cancelled the FCTM Vol 2.000 AAL rounded up to nearest 100 or Jepp Minima FOM Chap 19 page 6 4. If not it is difficult to change from G/S/S to ALT. This diagram is for reference only. however. EMIRATES B-777 PNF F/D ON Min Altitude higher of 1. QRH & FCOM FLIGHT PATTERNS Min Visibility 5000 M or Jepp Min if higher FOM Chap 19 page 6 Recommendation Use PROG page 2 to Display cross track info and to give Headwind / Crosswind components. Fleet Facts July/August 2007 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE .The acceleration altitude on a missed approach will be Jeppesen published missed approach altitude. FOM 15.11 Page 43 of 158 EMIRATES B-777 4. QRH & FCOM FLIGHT PATTERNS Caution for Single Engine Go-Around Loss of control prior to reaching stick shaker may occur after an engine failure at light weights. Minimum Recommended Speed is Vref+5. QRH & FCOM FLIGHT PATTERNS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE INTENTIONALLY BLANK .EMIRATES B-777 Page 44 of 158 4. EMIRATES B-777 Page 45 of 158 5. FCOM LIMITATIONS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE FCOM LIMITATIONS . - Max Speed to Extend Landing Gear 270KIAS /M.82 Aircraft Placard - The Overhead rest compartment must not be occupied when the aircraft is below 25,000 feet. FCI 2006/77 EMIRATES B-777 Page 46 of 158 5. FCOM LIMITATIONS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . FCOM L.10.2 FCOM SP 16.2 - Take-off from an icy runway is not allowed. - Icy runway is more that 25% of the runway surface area within the required length and width being used is covered by ice, including wet ice. FCI 2006/03 RTOW User Manual FCOM SP 16.3 FCI 2006-103 - Assumed Temperature Method is not permitted SLUSH, SNOW, STANDING WATER, it is permitted for takeoff on a wet runway. AFM Section 1 page 9A – Max Tire Speed for Takeoff is 235 mph – 204kts EMIRATES B-777 Page 47 of 158 5. FCOM LIMITATIONS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . FCOM L.10.3 FCOM 16.4 VREF Adjustments FCTM 1.16 A/T Engaged - VREF + 5 knots. A/T Disengaged - VREF + ½ the headwind component + All of the Gust component to a maximum of 20 knots. - Calculate HW as: - 50% Direct HW - 35% for 45°HW - Interpolate between AFM Section 1 page 9A – Max Tire Speed for Landing is 260 mph – 226kts Metric Winds 1 meter / second = 2 kts FCTM 4.15 TRENT 892 FMC IDENT 777-200.2 .2 TRENT 892 FMC IDENT 777-300 GE90-115B FMC IDENT 777-300. FCOM LIMITATIONS TRENT 877 FMC IDENT 777-200 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE GE90-115BL1 FMC IDENT 777-300.EMIRATES B-777 Page 48 of 158 5.1 Landing Weight + Trip Fuel + Under load = Allowed Take-off Weight .1 TRENT 892 FMC IDENT 777-200.1 GE90-110B1L1 FMC IDENT 777-200. .1 FCI 2007-98 . FCOM LIMITATIONS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . FOM 15.10. .5. .EMIRATES B-777 Page 49 of 158 5. 000 lbs 115.000 lbs 115. Maximum and minimum limits are red.000 feet at ambient temperature between 32°C and 53°C.000 and Below) YES (17. FCOM LIMITATIONS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE FCOM L. The Limits in the table below are from the AFM are provided for reference only. 777-200 777-200ER 777-300 777-200LR 777-300ER 777-300ER/ULR AFM RR Trent 877 RR Trent 892 GE90-110B1L1 GE90-115B GE90-115BL1 Max Rated Thrust 76.000 lbs 110.10. Starting In-flight Starting 900°C 5 minutes* 1090°C 5 minutes* 1090°C 5 minutes* 1090°C 5 minutes* *10 minutes allowed in the event of loss of thrust on one engine during take-off 850°C 1050°C 1050°C 1050°C 700°C 750°C 750°C 750°C 700°C 825°C 825°C 825°C Jet A -40°C Jet A1 -47°C FOM Chap 11 page 10 .42 NO 900°C 5 minutes* 850°C 700°C 700°C NO YES (17. the thrust increase provides additional take-off thrust at runway pressure altitudes between -2000 and 3.900 lbs 90.7 Engine Limit Display Markings.000 and Below) NO (17.000 and Below) 920°C 20 seconds 920°C 20 seconds 1095°C 30 seconds (All Altitudes) 1095°C 30 seconds (All Altitudes) 1095°C 30 seconds (All Altitudes) Max EGT TOGA Max Cont. FCOM 11.000 lbs Thrust Bump When TO B is selected. caution limits are amber.40.EMIRATES B-777 Page 50 of 158 5. 89 Non Normal Ops. FCOM LIMITATIONS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . ( Not an Emirates approved procedure) . AFM Section 1 page 7 – MMO is . QNH/QFE Selection is on the APPROACH REF page .EMIRATES B-777 Page 51 of 158 5. FCOM LIMITATIONS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . . .EMIRATES B-777 Page 52 of 158 5. . 42 FCOM NP. .17. . . To Reset OPT to original page. st th Winter 1 Nov – 14 Apr Jacket required for all flights. -300ER/ULR -300ER -200.3 FCOM S.40. . -200LR.19 FOM 11.NOTAMS and weather for departure.40.emiratesstaff.Every effort should be made to provide Crew Scheduling with early notification. Jacket may be carried at the discretion of the commander.13 FCOM Bulletin 10R3 Instructor Technique FCOM 11.1 FCOM.OFP for accuracy and validity .42 RTOW Chart User’s Manual 1-10 Assumed Temperature Not Authorized New OFP FMS Auto Init Failure Cockpit Printer Paper End of Roll Indication Door Entry code Door Emergency Code Upper Crew Rest Area Oxygen FOM15.10 FCI 2007-080 FOM Chap 15 page 5 FOM 18.2 FOM 4. If lower check manual for dispatch requirements.000 to+3. “SEND TO FLT DECK PRINTER”.2 FCOM S.Relevant FCIs .The commander should conduct the landing in non-normal situations where the aircrafts performance is affected… No ops on contaminated runways.Must only be used if Pilot Incapacitation is suspected.No CAT II III approaches until 50 hours or 20 sectors on type. Reference http://emirates. .2 FOM 10.-300s OPT OPT Laptop Printing from EFB OPT T/O Performance Preference T/O Bump FOM 12. Door Entry Code 123 ENT Must not be occupied when the aircraft is below 25.46.Standard sign-on procedure .2 FCI 2007-97 FOM Chap 3.Sign-on with Staff number (s-----) and pelesys password_____________ .4.8 Transport to CBC FOM 14.To Access LH FIV Web Applications / Flight Operations / LH Systems FIV User ID UAEFLEET Password uae4XzB .To Access GABI sign-on with Staff number (s------) second password_____________ .47. -200ER. .4.Two Recently Trained Pilots must not fly together until they have completed a 45 day consolidation period. . .If transport has not arrived :20 after expected pickup time make your own transport arrangements.5 Daily Inspection Sheet FCOM PD Crew Oxygen . whenever sickness occurs prior to a flying or standby duty.Pickup time is STD -2:15 .2 P R E F L I G H T Minimum requirements for Preflight Planning / Briefing New Commander Restrictions Emergency Procedures FO Restrictions Minimum Width of Runway -200LR.Access to the Emirates travel website . .emirates.1.P.000 feet. .EMIRATES B-777 Page 53 of 158 6. Take-off vis. 773-ER/ULR .1.1 FCOM SP.Potential Windshear conditions exist.+ 100 meters for CAT II III Approaches until 100 hours or 40 sectors.com Uniform Policy FOM Chap 14 page 3 Sickness Notification FOM 2.If the ZFW changes by 3000 kgs the commander may request a new OFP nd After 2 failure send message to DXBOVEK A single line means there is 5 meters of paper left.21.Additional thrust is provided from PA -2.pelesys.Access to the Emirates training website . Minimum for DXB departures 1500psi Out stations approximate min 1. MEL 73-21-02 . If denied keypad is inhibited for :10 min.000 psi. .26 FCOM SP2.Website providing information on ZED flights . In cases where runway is less than 45 meters approval of the VPFOT is required.Alternate EEC mode operation. “COMPLETE”. Any crew member reporting sick less than 4 hours before the commencement of duty will be required to explain the reason for the late notification to his Chief Pilot.com www.P. . ALT TAB The OPT T/O PERF page can be printed Select an invisible button at L8.Sign on with Userid _____________and Password_____________ th Summer 15 Apr – 31 Oct Jacket only required for Layover Flights.345 ENT will open the Door after 30 seconds.Contaminated Runways. . LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES Item www.2 FOM 18. -300 1) PACKS ON 1) PACKS ON 1) PACKS ON 2) APU to PACKS or PACKS OFF 2) APU to PACKS or 2) PACKS OFF 3) T/O BUMP PACKS OFF .SP. alternate. 1 ENT Generates a doorbell tone in the cockpit . and enroute airfields within st the 1 hour of flight.For MACTOW C of G 26% and greater use alternate C of G. Minimum width of runway for Emirates operations is 45 meters.flyzed. Is more than 500 meters.Sign-on with Staff number (------) and PIN_____________ . A double line means there is 2 meters of paper left.com Limit / Policy . .000 and temperatures between 32°C and 53°C. No crosswinds in excess of 20 knots. destination. Minimum width of cleared runway for operation on Contaminated Runways 30 Meters.16.2 FCOM 1.10 FCOM 1.1 FCOM 11.com/ www.flightcrew.If transport has not arrived :10 after expected pickup time call Central Services. 5.4 FCOM SP.Available on the 772LR.16.At Pilots discretion full thrust can be used. ...............................2 .................... 001 602 236 3627 Ed Davidson [email protected] INAD pax a C15 form must be completed by ground staff and given to the Purser and PIC.........B77L B-777-300 ....B77W Boeing 777-300 ..... LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Limit / Policy SMNC .. nd .....6 FOM 16. WCHC Pax are completely immobile and require wheelchairs to and from their cabin seats......... .1........... 971 4 229 6061 971 4 218 2200 FDM .PIC must be advised of all passengers who could require special assistance in the event of an evacuation..............When a pregnancy has entered the 28 week a medical certificate or letter is required stating fitness to fly and confirming the delivery date...INAP Inadmissible Passengers are not limited to any number and do not require special authorization to travel.........Emirates Security evaluates each Prisoner and determines if they may travel. prior approval and authorization Chief of Group Security is required............... ..........1...... ................ ..2..............................Ambulatory Passengers… no Restrictions .............. use steps but cannot walk long distances........ .1 FOM 16... 971 4 218 2221 971 4 218 2220 CBC .............E6 Locker Stowage waybill form will be filled out and Captain advised via NOTOC.......... ..... shown in the ICAO ATS-FPL: Boeing 777-200 ... .... walk long distances........... if additional seat purchased an additional 3............Non-Ambulatory Passengers… must be able to feed themselves and manage own body functions… if not the must be accompanied by an able body person/attendant..................Prisoners are escorted at all times and remain under close supervision of the escort.......2.....The letter must be returned to the passenger after verification................... .. if additional seat purchased an additional 2... When ordering a wheelchair WCHS Pax can exit aircraft.................................. Flight and Cabin Crews must be on board whenever passengers are on board or embarking/disembarking at all stations...... ........................ ....Treated as unaccompanied valuables and stored in lockable stowage in the cabin........6 FOM 16. th ................ ........Multiple pregnancies accept up to the end of the 32 week..8 FOM 16..................................No Letter is required up to the end of the 27 week............3 FOM 16.....................1........ One member of Flight Crew will be sufficient to meet the above requirement.1............ .............Economy or Business 1 per seat...............................Duty Manager 971 4 708 1012 Dispatch General 971 4 708 1014 971 4 299 1042 MCC ...6 FOM 16......If the total number of DEPOs and Prisoners exceeds 8 the Chief of Group Security or his deputy must give permission and provide Flight Operations with the required criteria.. FDM@emirates. B773 B-777-300ER ..... ..com 971 4 229 8089 971 4 218 4410 DISPATCH ....No more than a total of 8 DEPOs and Prisoners should be carried on any flight............ B772 B-777-200LR .......................No approval required from Medical services up to the end of the 36 week......................... ..... ........................com 971 4 208 5540 971 4 208 5539 971 4 208 5710 971 4 208 5711 FAX 971 4 224 4380 Crew Control ..............................Emirates Security evaluates each DEPO and determines if they may travel unaccompanied or require an escort......... 971 4 218 4407 971 4 218 4408 CS Transport ....................Office 971 4 703 6408 Mobile 971 50 550 8351 Reference Useful Telephone Numbers Caution With the move to the new HQ these numbers may have changed PIC Responsibility for the Passengers............................10......1......................... WCHR Pax can exit aircraft..... th ........... Standard aircraft identifications The following new ICAO aircraft designators are are required in the Tech Log.....SVPFO or rep may grant exceptions for VIP passengers.....3 FOM 16.1 FOM 16.................. .................................3 Company NOTAMS FOM 15.The number of falcons on a wide body aircraft should not exceed 15 ..... .........For prisoner pax a C15 form must be completed by ground staff and given to the Purser and PIC and there travel documents and tickets are handed to the Purser or SFS...........3 FOM 16..............3.........1....For DEPO pax a C15 form must be completed by ground staff and given to the Purser and PIC and their travel documents and tickets are handed to the Purser or SFS.......... and the boarding ramps are withdrawn....................First Class 2 per seat...EMIRATES B-777 Page 54 of 158 6........ th .............. 971 4 218 4537 971 4 218 4540 971 4 218 4539 971 4 218 4538 Medlink ... but cannot use steps but or use the appropriate code..... B772 B-777-200ER ........... ............If more than one unaccompanied DEPO is to be carried................... ............... the aircraft doors are closed................... Passenger Care P R E F L I G H T INAD DEPO Prisoners Disabled Passengers Wheel Chair Codes Pregnant Passengers Falcons Human Eyes Aircraft Designators The PIC becomes responsible for the Passengers when he accepts the release of the aircraft from an authorized member of the ground staff...... B773 FOM 16..No more than 1 unaccompanied DEPO should be carried on any flight with an exception permitted for families..... ............ Repeat Inspection M ..........3 FCOM 15..........................26 Power Outlets Circuit Breakers QRH Checklists by Recall Medical Power Outlets locations are described in FCOM AIRPLANE GENERAL.... Fuel P R E F L I G H T STATUS messages A ...................................3....... or if the situation does not allow reference to a checklist FOM 17............... 10 days D ..............6 Window Locations for reporting window heat problems 1 2 MEL 30-41 3 FCOM 1........ i..... & D......... ............The Validity period of a Daily check is 48 hours..STATUS messages are checked prior to engine start and the condition should be corrected or dispatched per the operator’s MEL.....................................10... LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Daily Inspection Limit / Policy ..... ................Used to dispatch an aircraft with unserviceabilities not normally permitted by the MEL.................. page 2 MEL Preamble FOM 19..... ....... ............ if not prohibited by manufacture’s instructions a tripped CB may be reset after a 2 min cooling period if in the captains judgment the Tripped CB would have a significant adverse effect on safety........ (sufficient time to divert and recover the aircraft should be considered) Reference FOM Chap 15.............e. can the problem be repaired or dispatched from the destination airport) Check Performance for return flight MEL Preamble MEL Definitions 2... .. No Performance / Penalty C .......1................ C...... Performance Penalty. ...3......................2....2 FOM 11.... 3 days C ... ..... The Pilot flying may direct reference procedures to be done by recall if no hazard is created by such action....................................................ETOPS Items are to be considered as Inflight Dispatch Items ........... o If maintenance actions are required...................The inspection must not expire before the planned arrival time.....Resetting of buss tie sws on ground after ELEC BUS ISOL EICAS message comes on after engine start is permitted.... (e.......... however...... ........Initiation of a request must be the Commander’s exclusive prerogative........ ..... ..3..................A ground reset of a CB by the flight crew should only be done after maintenance has determined that it is safe to reset the CB..Day of Discovery: The calendar day an equipment/instrument malfunction was recorded in the aircraft maintenance log and or record................... P ..........The time period specified shall start at 00:01 UTC on the day following the day of discovery...............MEL does not apply........3...................STATUS messages are inhibited from beginning of first engine start until :30 minutes after lift-off.....Contact Company and review situation............Consult EICAS complete required FCOM/QRH procedures....... Specified Interval B ..............6 Dispatch Use of MEL after Dispatch MEL Section 2 Introduction MEL Preamble MEL Concession ..............Continuation of flight is at Captain’s discretion................Flight crew reset of a tripped CB in flight is not recommended..........3 MEL Repair Intervals MEL Deferred Defect DD Types Stations without an Authorized Engineer Use of Conti................................... Any tripped CB event must be recorded in the Tech Log or Cabin/IFE Defect Log..... (FMGS or RM Chapter 10) .....2.......... Passenger Cabin / Entertainment L.... categories “A....11 EKIB-8R1 QRH CI...............5 ......EMIRATES B-777 Page 55 of 158 6.Flight crew cycling of CBs to clear non-normal conditions is prohibited unless directed by a non-normal checklist or FCOM procedure/bulletin.The aircraft commander must receive a written copy of any concession prior to dispatch and this copy is to be kept with the aircraft Technical Log....g......2 Tech Log Page Divider FOM 16..2 Tire location for entering defects FCOM 14..... .......... B....... MEL Section 0 Introductions Concessions FOM 15..... Autoland or ETOPS restriction R ........There are no inflight crew procedures associated with STATUS messages... 120 days .....................1........... Loan / Pool N ...... Any other defects not covered by above codes The PIC is authorized to certify the Tech Log for: 1) Refueling 2) Transit Checks 3) Transfer of acceptable Defects to the ADD section Contingency fuel can be used after the fueler disconnects... This provision is applicable to all MEL items......30..................................................... Return to the stand if: o Failed equipment does not allow the continued safety of the flight........2 MEL Section 1 General EICAS Mess. o Continuing the flight with the failed equipment is determined inappropriate..... ........... This day is excluded from the calendar days or flight days specified in the MEL for the repair of an inoperative item of equipment.Review MEL for considerations..... ...............00-01-00........................................The moment at which the Ground Engineer is released prior to taxi.10......... .. ........ .......... 3 take-offs and landing as PF in the preceding 90 days.Beyond 120 days the recency requirement must be satisfied by simulator training.20. CARS-OPS 1. The FCOM shall have second priority after the FOM.Crew members shall have an average of at least 8 days off in each consecutive 28 day period. Check Date MANUALS FLIGHT SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION 1) FOM 1) OFP 2) FCOM Vol 1 2) Aircraft Tech/Journey Log 3) QRH 3) Filed ATS flight plan 4) MEL 4) NOTAMs 5) Weather 6) Load and Trim Sheet 7) Notice of Special Pax C15 8) NOTOC 9) Maps and Charts 10) FCIs 11) Forms Binder The FOM shall take precedence over all Manuals.970 .In exceptional circumstances the SVP-FO or his nominated deputy can alleviate all recency requirements except CARS-OPS 1.May be exceeded up to 120 days by flying under supervision of a Training Captain.Crew members shall have 2 days off in any consecutive 14 days following the previous 2 consecutive days off.4.1 Take-off/Landing Requirements FOM 3. .1 FOM 2.1 Days Off FOM 21. . Checking.900 hours in 12 months . but may be th positioned to the usual operating base on the 8 day provided they are allocated at least 2 consecutive days off.1 FOM 13. . Concessions. Autoland 1) EICAS Messages 2) MEL 3) CDL… Now relocated to the AFM 4) MISC .970. averaged over three such consecutive periods. ETOPS Sensitive Items.4 Prioritization of Manuals FOM Part A Chapters FOM FOM Part B Chapters FOM MEL Chapters MEL FCN Validity FOM 2.At least one take-off and landing as PF in an aircraft or simulator within the preceding 35 days. Emirates Policy . FCIs may supersede any document except the AFM.100 hours in 28 days .1 .3 months from date of issue.4. Jeppesen Manual takes precedence over OM-C/RAIG 0) Definitions and Abbreviations 1) Duties and Responsibilities 2) Company Regulations 3) Training.Crew members shall have a minimum of 7 days off in any consecutive 28 days.EMIRATES B-777 Page 56 of 158 6. Qualifications. Reference FOM 21. Recency 4) Flight Crew Rostering 5) Administrative Instructions and Forms 10) Safety and Security 11) Fuel Policy 12) Flight Preparation & Planning 13) General Flight Rules 14) General Crew Procedures 15) Normal Operations 16) Handling Operations 17) Use of Equipment 18) Adverse and AWO 19) Special Operations 20) Abnormal Operations 21) Flight Time Limitations 0) Introduction. AIRCRAFT DOCUMENTS CREW DOCUMENTS 1) C of R 1) Crew Licenses 2) Crew Passports 2) C of A Check Date 3) Certificates of vaccination.4 P R E F L I G H T Documents Required on Board FOM 2. 3) Original Copy of Noise Certificate 4) Copy of LPC/OPC 4) Original Air Operator Certificate. . 5) Company ID card 5) Aircraft Radio Station License Check Date 6) Third party liability insurance certificates. . . LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Flight Time Limitations Limit / Policy .Crew Members shall not be on duty more than 7 days between days off. ‐ Altitudes in red represent Minimum Terrain Clearance altitudes up to the IAF.3%. Speed Communications . ‐ At or above 9600.Approach add-ons for failed or downgraded ground equipment. ‐ At or above 9600. ‐ General 1-10 . ‐ Name of chart is in upper right side and required equipment is listed. AFC 2-10 Airport Facility Chart AGC APC LVC EOSID SID SIDPT STAR STARPT IAC VAC MRC FAM TEMPO RFC 2-20 Airport Ground Chart 3-30 Airport Parking Chart 3-X0 Low Visibility Chart 4-01 Engine Out SID 4-X0 Departure Chart 5-10 SID Procedure Text 6-10 Arrival Chart 6-X0 STAR Procedure Text 7-10 Instrument Approach Chart 7-X0 8-10 9-10 X-X0 Visual Approach Chart Minimum Radar Vectoring Chart Familiarization Chart Tempo Chart Route Facility Chart ENROUTE PART ‐ Enroute Charts are oriented to True North. Warnings Departure 1-30 . ‐ At or above 9600. after take-off and in case of emergency. ‐ Parking bays with a solid arrow are pushback bays. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE LIDO Route Manual.000 are in red. with an open arrow are self maneuvering bays. Rwy/Taxi restrictions APU restrictions. changeover instructions.000 are in red. LAHSO.000ASL and above. Warnings Arrival 1-20 ..000 feet protection for 6. (Aerodrome specific differences located on the AOI page). Take-off Minima  Speed Communications . ‐ Altitudes in brackets indicate obstacle clearance at cold temperatures.EMIRATES B-777 Page 57 of 158 6. ‐ Minimum Grid Altitude (MGA) provide 1.000 ASL and 2. Diversions.000 feet protection below 6. Com Failure Procedures Arrival Procedures Vis approach. ‐ Details of SID. Airport Hours Airport Information (RFF. Clearance Deicing Departure Procedures Warnings ‐ Plan view. 101 ‐ HF frequencies and IFR cruising altitudes ‐ Chart NOTAMS RFC Supp.000 ASL and 2. at or below 9600. runway Information. at or below 9600. .000 feet protection below 6. at or below 9600. and departure gradients >3. ‐ MGAs above 10. ‐ Total approach distance indicators at the start of each transition to the FAF/FAP. at 9600.000ASL and above.000 feet protection for 6. ‐ Altitudes in red represent Minimum Terrain Clearance altitudes up to the IAF. and communication information ‐ Quick reference for approach and landing. IOI RFC Supplement Intermediate Operational Inform. 101 ‐ Taxiways with limitations are shaded in brown. ‐ Lists departure frequencies.. and Reverse.Contains differences to ICAO Standard. PCN) Operation Pref Runway. NETWORK PART . at 9600. ‐ MGAs above 10. ‐ Altitudes in red represent Minimum Terrain Clearance altitudes up to the IAF. Com Failure Procedures ATC Slot. (Some may be oriented for polar grid navigation) ‐ Minimum Grid Altitude (MGA) provide 1. at 9600. Limitations detailed on the AOI pages.. GENERAL PART PFL IFL ADR MET NAV COM RAR LAT ABB SAI BUL ADM CRAR AOI Preflight Inflight Aerodromes Meteorology Navigation Communication Rules and Regulations Legends and Tables Abbreviations Special Airline Info Bulletin Administration Country Rules and Regulations 1-10 Airport Operations Information . LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE METAR / TAFOR Abbreviations P R E F L I G H T .EMIRATES B-777 Page 58 of 158 6. EMIRATES B-777 Page 59 of 158 Application of TAF 6. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE FOM 12.2 P R E F L I G H T No Forecast Weather If no forecast is available for a selected airfield. FOM Chap 12 page 12 . it must be considered as being below Company minima for planning purposes. Add 900 meters to the minimum visibility to a minimum of 1500 meters for planning purposes.Next call “CABIN CREW REVERT TO NORMAL OPERATIONS” or “EVACUATION CHECKLIST”.1 Cabin Spraying Procedure OM-C RAI G Chap 2 Pg.Weather required before Dispatch: APPROACH MINIMA AVAILABLE CAT III CAT I CAT II CAT I + 100 ft / 300 m CAT I Non-precision 600 feet / 2.Restricted Electronics Devices must be switched off .3 Cans sprayed.Sterile Cockpit procedures. . 1 row / sec.200 / 5. . o Aerobridges must be connected and/or Passenger Doors armed. FOM 20.NP approach + 200 feet / 1. USA Ops require weather above USA Alternate Minima.When Performance or Met conditions preclude a return to the departure airport a take-off alternate airport must be selected.On taxiway or runway request Fire Department to inspect Cargo Hold.“ATTENTION CREW AT STATIONS”.On ramp have Ground Personnel inspect Cargo Hold.000 AAL.000 AAL.EMIRATES B-777 Page 60 of 158 6. if no circling available. Aircraft Hold Disinfection Certificate completed and given to Purser… Cabin Certificate completed by Purser. .4 cans sprayed into Cargo hold. related to one engine inoperative operations must be taken into account. and Landing. FOM 17.Packs are turned off and turned on 5 minutes after spray completed. . .Nav aids required to designate an airport as an Alternate: (Terminal radar is a Nav Aid) o Wx CAVOK One Serviceable Nav Aid. FOM 20.7.For night operations at least runway edge.Runway edge and stop end lights are required for takeoff.Weather required after Airbourne: o Only Jeppesen chart minima need be considered. . . o Wx less than CAVOK 2 serviceable Nav aids .10 NAV aid NOTAM Ground checked only Night Operations HAIL and LIAL unserviceable May be used for enroute navigation.Spraying should commence once catering is onboard and before passengers are boarded. .Within a distance of NON-ETOPS aircraft 420nm ETOPS aircraft 840nm For USA Ops 420nm (as long as no ETOPS MEL restrictions apply) Reference FOM 0. .2 FOM 17.No Distractions permitted. .4 USA Departure and T/O Alternate Planning Minima FOM 19.3 .3 .000 m. threshold.1 FOM 13. and runway end lights must be on.1 FOM 15.5 FOM 17. Circling 1. Non-precision or.000 meters . o Aerobridges must be connected and/or Passenger Doors armed.000 feet. .5 . CAT II and III minima are applicable and ceiling is required for non-precision approaches.1 FOM 17. 79 Cargo Smoke after Cargo Hold Spray with no evidence of smoke Personal Procedure P R E F L I G H T Alternate Airport Planning Minima FOM 12. FOM 12. 3) All other Flight Operations below 20. but not as an approach aid.4 Take-off Alternate - Required weather 1 hour before and 1 hour after ETA above applicable landing minima.4 FOM 15. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Critical Phases of Flight Limit / Policy 1) Taxi to 10. Any limit. 2) Approach to Land below 20.000 m. .Overhead/Side lockers open all doors closed except L1. or 1.000 feet/5. . .000 meters Company circling minima-higher of Jepp. .Flight Dispatchers on official duty...* ..4.. .42 Flex...Perishables packed with cooling agents can be loaded in the FWD or AFT compartments but can not be loaded in the BULK compartment. FOM 16. 20kg Male .........Trainee Cabin Crew for their “supp.... FOM 16....37 Flex..His Highness the Chairman....The use of mini-suits is prohibited unless an additional attendant above the minimum required by the applicable operating rules is present and whose primary duty is to ensure that the minisuite doors are properly latched in the open position for taxi. takeoff.2....2.....53 Flex.........* . ..........000 absolute numerical number changes on a manual loadsheet only require a new trim sheet... LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Limit / Policy B-772 B-772ER Rigid .President of Emirates Airline.Ops staff on the Gen Dec.........”This authorization and approval is not applicable whilst the aircraft is in Canadian airspace......2.....Auditors from other airlines… .................... .Can be reduced by 1 if the associated cabin door is considered inoperative...Emirates Group Staff on Duty or Canadian airspace.Exec VP Eng.. Max change of 8 passengers...UAE GCAA Inspectors. More than 1...7 PCN Values (Medium subgrade @ MLW) B-772LR B-773 B-773ER - P R E F L I G H T LMC Minimum Number of Cabin Crew Engine/Tailpipe Fires Admission to the Flight Deck All weights including fuel may be amended... 85kg Female .3.. 38kg Crew without bags .13 Jeppesen Manual Airport Directory Page 18-19 FOM 20.47 Reference FOM 15......... he will take precedence over any other requirement for the seat...2 FOM 14. Max change of 3 crew.....2........ ... More that 1.......4 FOM 14.......36 Rigid ....When a training captain is on board to fulfill a training requirement. 70kg Live animals are classed as A B C D E and limits are in FOM 16... ..... visit * This authorization and approval is not applicable whilst the aircraft is in UK or ...3.EMIRATES B-777 Page 61 of 158 6..... 100kg Bag .Vacant cabin jump seats are not to be used for takeoff and landing.........34 Rigid ....Vice Chairman and Group President. .Div...... ..Perishable cargo will be loaded in the AFT or BULK cargo holds..2 FOM 16... Authorized persons include: ...000 kgs......... to 1.. and Ops.... Senior VP Flt Ops...2 ...... PASSENGER WEIGHTS Child ...3 .3 ...For any engine/tailpipe fires.The Commander decides on the assignment of any vacant crew seats.... 85kg Infant.... 300 kgs.* ........... 772 8 Cabin Crew 773 10 Cabin Crew .... Less than 300 kgs. emergency travel…........... no changes required.5 FCI 2007-95 FCI 2007-62 FOM 14................2%...... FOM 16.5....2. adjust the ZFW TOW LW.....2 AFM page 12A MEL 52-11-1 FOM 20.........000 absolute numerical number request new computer loadsheet.. the Fire Department must be called to assist as soon as possible..... .4 International Mail will only be offloaded after all other cargo........... .. .....................2.47 Flex..If a person carried on a jump seat is not a part of the operating crew they must be in possession of a valid passenger or staff ticket.Engineers and if required Traffic Personnel...MAC must not change by more than 1.2......3 FOM 16.41 Rigid .* ...... 10kg Crew with bags ... FOM 16.46 Rigid .3 .* ....... and landing........... ...55 Flex. See for MEL for further restrictions..Dangerous Goods must never be loaded in the BULK cargo hold... 4 .1 FOM 19.1. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item ETOPS Validity Limit / Policy Reference FOM19.SA and FT indicate weather will remain at or above Aerodrome Requirements Operating Minima ETOPS Pre-Dispatch Alternate Wx Requirements P R E F L I G H T .4 FOM 19.1.EMIRATES B-777 Page 62 of 158 6. Before Dispatch….Is renewed annually at the annual recurrent training program.Above ETOPS Enroute weather Planning Minima ETOPS Alternate Wx After Dispatch…….1. .... • Engineering will make an entry in the Defect Column of the inbound flight “ETOPS VERIFICATION FLIGHT REQUIRED” they will then sign it off and move it to the ADD section of the Tech Log.......... the forecast crosswind component.5 FOM 19...... After the aircraft arrives at the destination where the Dangerous Goods are to be offloaded... All may be lowered by 2 categories by the GCAA...1... ......An Adequate airport is considered Suitable for dispatch purposes when it satisfies the ETOPS dispatch requirements in terms of ceiling and visibility minima within a period one hour before the earliest time of use to one hour after the latest time of use. • Failures occur requiring a non-ETOPS routing in accordance with the FCOM.4 FOM 16...Dry ice is limited to a total of 1..........Perishables packed with cooling agents cannot be loaded in the Bulk hold...... (NAT MNPS......When there is a flight crew change at a Transit Station the NOTOC must remain on board. Reference Cargo Heat - FCOM 2. ..... Condition Crosswind Limit ETOPS 80% Crosswind Limit Dry 40 32 Slippery 35 28 Contaminated 20 16 Ice 15 12 .For Emirates operations Dangerous Goods must never be loaded in the BULK cargo hold of the aircraft....Runway conditions should also ensure that a safe landing can be accomplished......... the NOTOC is no longer required.. CAT 8 ETOPS Suitable Alternate more than 180 minutes away (200LRs & 300ERs only) ......... CAT 9 Destination Alternate .........4 Cargo Locations Dangerous Goods P R E F L I G H T .................... High +18°C -+24°C.... RNP........ including gusts............An Adequate airport is considered Suitable for purposes of in-flight diversions when meteorological conditions indicate that the ceiling and visibility are above the published JEPP landing minimas.1........ must be within the specific aircraft limitation.. ..................... CAT 6 ETOPS Adequate Alternate .............. ....... (Letter from Capt Sameer Moorjani................ In addition... • Weather at nominated suitable airport(s) go below the company operating minima or become unsuitable for an reason prior to reaching entry point...2..................Items labeled “CARGO AIRCRAFT ONLY” are prohibited from carriage on Emirates aircraft..Flight crew shall have completed initial or recurrent Dangerous Goods training within the preceding 24 calendar months.. Low +4°C-+10°C................ FOM Chap 12 page 13 FCI 2007-81 FCI 2008-06 FOM Chap 0 Page 9 FOM Chap 19 Page 6 FOM 19.....6 FCOM SP 20 FCOM SP 21 FCOM SP 22 .... . or CANUTEC 1 613 996 6666) FCOM 2......EMIRATES B-777 Page 63 of 158 6........ Note that the MEL is not applicable after dispatch inflight and should not be considered limiting at this stage. ......... Deputy chief Pilot Airbus) BULK and AFT Compartments are heated............. If NOTOC temperature requirements cannot be achieved it is OK to accept the Cargo...No Dry Ice is allowed in the BULK cargo hold.... It should be used for crew information only........ (See ICAO ERG page 5… CHEMTREC 1 202 843 7616 / 1 800 242 9300...... CAT 7 ETOPS Suitable Alternate ..... ........ . The crew will not be held accountable........... Rerouting or Diversion Required • Failures occur requiring a diversion to the nearest airport in accordance with the FCOM..... CAT 4 Destination and Destination Alternates may be lowered by 1 Category by the VPFO.4 FCI 2008-003 RFF Requirements ETOPS Suitable Airport ETOPS Verification Flight ETOPS Re-routing or Diversion Decision Making Destination ... Sky Cargo have made the decision to accept the cargo fully cognizant of the fact that the requested temperature may not be achieved. This temperature is a target for the crew to try to achieve........On flights to or from the USA the NOTOC must contain a telephone number that can be contacted during an in-flight emergency to obtain information on any DG onboard... RVSM) • Excessive fuel consumption exceeding available ETOPS critical fuel reserves.000 kgs in the FWD and/or AFT cargo holds ........... LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Limit / Policy Instructions for the location and temperature requirements of live animals... • After completing 90 minutes of the flight the captain will record in the Defect column of the Tech Log “ETOPS VERIFICATION FLIGHT SATISFACTORY”.............10.10......... EMIRATES B-777 Page 64 of 158 6. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES Hand signals from the CAA Visual Aids Handbook Meaning of Signal Description of Signal 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Marshalling Signals Handy Info Meaning of Signal Description of Signal T A X I . EMIRATES B-777 Page 65 of 158 Description of Signal 6. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES Meaning of Signal Description of Signal 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Meaning of Signal T A X I . Code Max Wing Span Max Width of Main Gear A 15m 4........4 777-300 ....8 FCOM 1...Not permitted to taxi if the parking guidance system requires the aircraft to be aligned and stopped with the eye position of the left hand seat..... In cases were runway is less than 45 meters approval of the VPFOT is required... ..5m B 15m-24m 4..8 feet... 31... LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Taxi fuel consumption Limit / Policy 2500 kgs/hr . 43.. In this case CM1 must taxi the aircraft from final turn to the parking stand. ice.....9 Meters 212’7” 64..visible moisture is present..or standing water...5m up to but not including 6m C 24m-36m 6m up to but not including 9m D 36m-52m 9m up to but not including 14m E 52m-65m 9m up to but not including 14m F 65m-80m 14m up to but not including 16m 11 Meters 772 . .....1. 30 kts...4 FCTM 2.. ..16.... 773 ...2 FCOM 1.....4 FCOM 1... (Visibility is less than 1 sm or 1600 M)..1..1.. ...............7 Is not recommended above 30 kts.... 43....6 777-300ER .....2 Instructor Briefing RTO Decision Making After 80 knots .......If OAT is 3°C or Below do an engine run-up to 50% N1 for approximately 1 sec duration every 60 minutes... 38...... 47....5 meters for nose gear 183.OAT is 10C or below and.5 Icing Conditions CM2 Taxi Restrictions Minimum Width of Runway Maximum taxi speed T A X I Aircraft Codes for Taxiway limitations Width of Main Gear Wheel Base 200 and 300 Wingspan 200LR / 300ER Wingspan Turning radius for a 772 Turning radius for a 773 180° less than 45 meters Not an Emirates approved procedure Tiller Steering NITS Briefing to Purser Passenger briefing also NATURE INTENTION TIME SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Prior to 80 knots Activation of the Master Caution system System failure Unusual noise or vibration Tire failure Abnormally slow acceleration Unsafe takeoff configuration warning Fire or fire warning Engine Failure Predictive Windshear warning If the airplane is unsafe or unable to fly Fire or fire warning Engine Failure Predictive Windshear Warning If the airplane is unsafe or unable to fly R T O QRH MAN..EMIRATES B-777 Page 66 of 158 6...13 FOM Chap 15 page 22 FCI 2007-68 JEPPESEN Introduction Chart Glossary Page 1 FCOM SP.16. Minimum width of runway for Emirates operations is 45 meters.3 FCOM 1....10.....5 FOM SP. Minimum width of cleared runway for operation on Contaminated Runways 30 Meters..8 FCOM SP........Not permitted to do a 180° turn............ 56 meters for nose gear 777-200 .. or snow is present .8 feet......9 Meters 199’11” 60....10........12 FCTM 3..8 Meters 155... 10 kts........ 25.10......6 FCI 2007-052 FOM Chap 15 page 5 FOM 18... for a slippery surface Crews may exceed these limits when backtracking on an active runway.10......8 FOM 15.........2 Meters Reference Rule of Thumb FOM SP............ Any limit.When Performance or Met conditions preclude a return to the departure airport a take-off alternate airport must be selected. .10 .6 FOM Chap 12 page 12 Company NOTAM FOM 19.Within a distance of NON-ETOPS aircraft 420nm ETOPS aircraft 840nm For USA Operations 420nm .For lower than standard minima see FOM Chap 19 page 29.The company minima for take-off will never be less than that shown below. Reference FOM 3. . . . USA Ops require weather above USA Alternate Minima. Airport pages apply. in the Jepp.10 Minimum Vis. Take-off vis.Where special State approval has been obtained for a reduction in take-off minima to below that in the Jeppesen it will be shown on the 10-AWO chart. CAT II and III minima are applicable and ceiling is required for nonprecision approaches.4.Required weather 1 hour before and 1 hour after ETA above applicable landing minima.10 Take-off Alternate FOM 19. .A pilot in command shall not take-off from an aerodrome under IFR unless the weather conditions are at or above the weather minimums for IFR take-off prescribed in the Jeppesen Airways Manual. USA Alternate Minima FOM 15.Refer to 10-AWO for Takeoff Minima. No crosswinds in excess of 20 knots.1 T A K E O F F . for Takeoff FOM 15.If 10-AWO is not published the Standard min.Centerline lights = 15 meters .When no reported met visibility or RVR is available the Captain may determine that sufficient visibility reference exists. Runway edge lights = 60 meters .7. . at the time of departure and ETA.EMIRATES B-777 Page 67 of 158 6. .10 FCI 2007-080 FOM Chap 19. related to one engine inoperative operations must be taken into account. . LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item FO Restrictions Takeoff Minima USA Operations Limit / Policy No ops on contaminated runways. Is more than 500 meters. ceiling and visibility are required. STAR. . . .Below 5. or snow is present .16.7.7. the take-off must be preceded by a static run-up (RR 50%N1) (GE to as high a setting as practical) to confirm stable engine operation before the start of the take-off roll.visible moisture is present.For all phases of flight while carrying passengers is 30°.or standing water. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Limit / Policy Prior to 80 knots Activation of the Master Caution system System failure Unusual noise or vibration Tire failure Abnormally slow acceleration Unsafe takeoff configuration warning Fire or fire warning Engine Failure Predictive Windshear warning If the airplane is unsafe or unable to fly Reference QRH MAN.Runway edge and stop end lights are required. . unless specifically required by the SID. or noise abatement procedure.000 AAL compliance is mandatory.5 FOM SP. for takeoff. .16.15 FOM 18.If Engine Anti-ice is required and the OAT is 3°C or below.1 FOM 17.3 FCOM Bulletin 12 Standard Engine Out Procedure FCOM NP. .Turns shall not normally be initiated below 500 AGL.5 Night Operations FOM SP.3 FOM 15.50.EMIRATES B-777 Page 68 of 158 6.For night ops. takeoff or landing is not authorized and the airfield must be considered closed FCOM 11.OAT is 10C or below and.7. threshold. Between 10. If the surface mean wind speeds of 60 kts or above are reported. .2 FMS Offsets Max Wind Offsets are not available while on a SID. at least runway edge.000 AAL speed may be increased by crew’s discretion with ATC approval.15 page 24 Noise Abatement Procedures . or Transition.000 AAL in climb and descent 250kts IAS or VREF30 +80 whichever is greater.8 FOM 16. . obstacles. 777-300 – If no EICAS message continue the flight Maximum speed FOM Chap 15 page 5 FCI 99/2005 FOM 15. . 777-200 – Accomplish TAIL STRIKE checklist and land at the nearest suitable airport.10 Icing conditions T A K E O F F Min Altitude for turns Max bank angle Tail Strike FOM 15.If OAT is 3C or below do an engine run up to 50% N1 for approximately 1 sec duration every 60 minutes. ice.1.42.000 AAL and 5.2 Reject Takeoff Items Instructor Briefing After 80 knots Fire or fire warning Engine Failure Predictive Windshear Warning If the airplane is unsafe or unable to fly Below 10. (Visibility is less than 1 sm or 1600 M). and runway end lights must be on. Please check Jeppesen Charts to confirm that these levels are available. reduce V/S if required Reference FCTM 4. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Best Rate of Climb Speed Best Angle of Climb Speed RVSM Operations Limit / Policy VREF 30 + 140 On VNAV CLIMB page .V/S Select and Set .. Dispatch is to include the letter “W” in the ATC Flight Plan.Monitor Thrust to maintain IAS.8 FCI 2007-85 Instructional Technique (Not required if operating in VNAV) C L I M B As of November 21. At least two main altimeter indications on standard setting must be within 200 feet in flight.V/S speed must always be carefully monitored.ALT SEL SET and Select (Starts Climb and changes THRUST REF to CLIMB) . . V/S should be monitored to keep speed within 500-1000 ft per minute. although when the Auto-flight system is operated in VNAV it is designed to take into account TCAS performance when determining vertical rates for altitude capture. .IAS/MACH Selector to MACH if required .4 FCOM SP21 FCOM SP21 ALTEON CBT FOM 19. Do not exceed 1500 ft per minute.RVSM airspace is where aircraft are separated vertically by 1.000 feet between FL290 and FL410 inclusive. Required Equipment located in FCOM SP21.EMIRATES B-777 Page 69 of 158 6.4 FCTM 4. If not climbing in VNAV when approaching cleared level. 2007 it has been reported that China will implement RVSM airspace. . ...500 feet cabin altitude.. or Telephone 001 602 239 3627 If MEDLINK not available: Portishead Radio for free medical advice… See Jepp. 777-300ER provide (CAA/JAR .000 feet below the current CRZ ALT and up to MAX altitude.1. System Replacement by Cabin Crew OPT .Max altitude to pressurize the aircraft 22. 578-Weight in Metric Tons.000 feet. and temperature forecast. Check Hold Speed Use Cost Index of 140 or select LRC on FMS Cruise page. The FMC does not apply wind corrections to LRC.TOC fuel remaining.. (Attempted Hijacking or Actual…has the cockpit door been breached) FCOM 11. Above 82° North SATCOM is unavailable MEL 36-11-1 FOM 17.With ECON speed selected. Passengers .7 Rule of Thumb Rule of Thumb C R U I S E VNAV Cruise Altitudes Least Risk Bomb Location Hijack Communication Hijacking Procedures Flight Deck APU only pressurization Pass.2.1 Oxygen requirements FOM 17.1 FOM 10.6.. Ent. Increases 100 feet every :10 minutes. or SEL speed selected. SATor ISA deviation . and constant altitude cruise over a fixed distance taking into account the route of flight. . Wind.Provides 1. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item OFP items be completed Limit / Policy .A pressurized flight may be operated up to FL 250 with an inop.9. . . revised ETA. .3G margin or 40° bank protection) o 777-200LR..000 feet step size.42..Displays the most economical altitude to fly for the next 500 nm based on gross weight. 3) Advise ATC with as much info as possible.. 1) Ensure cockpit door is closed and remains locked.. Communication ATC Satellite Coms...6 Maint. The recommended cruise level is set to CRZ ALT when within 500 nm of the T/D Note: The recommended altitude may be above or below cruise altitude. the recommended cruise level is selected assuming a 2. 2) Select Transponder to 7500. . EO.Passengers must use oxygen when the cabin altitude is above 15. EO...At significant waypoints ETA. 777-300 provide (FAA . Medical Assistance SATCOM FOM 17.000 feet The Captain must be advised prior to and after repairs are made. displays altitude which minimizes trip fuel based on weight. .. If a step size of zero has been selected.3G margin or 40° bank protection) RECMD . . Refer to RTE DATA and WIND pages for wind and temperature data. LRC... selected cruise speed. The FMC evaluates altitudes up to 9.9 OMC RAIG FOM 16.2G margin or 33° bank protection) (CAA/JAR .6. .2 FCTM 4..With LRC. Door R4 (772) or R5 (773) Center of Life Raft Cabin crew will use the phrase ”A Passenger Demands to come to the Flight Deck”.Does not reflect the effect of speed if speed intervention is selected.5 G Protection and 48° Bank Protection.. CO..Displays maximum sustainable altitude based on: • Current gross weight • Temperature • Number of engines running • Cruise reference thrust limit set by airline (CRS or CLB) • Speed (ECON. .EMIRATES B-777 Page 70 of 158 6.1 Crew Oxygen inop. Recommended altitudes are selected consistent with the step climb schedule and specified step size.26 FCTM 4... MAX . and ATA... entered winds. displays altitude which minimizes trip cost based on weight and cost index.000 Above bank protection is 40°. Reference FOM 15.. MEDLINK via: SATCOM.If diverting fuel remaining at time of diversion. 2. oxygen system provided portable oxygen bottles are readily available for each Flight Crew Member. SEL...Flight Crew must use oxygen whenever the cabin altitude is above 10..9.2 4) Plan to land ASAP at a suitable airport of choice. .5 Removed from FOM FOM 10..15 . in flight Minimum Speed at Altitude LRC Optimum Altitude Optimum Altitude Maximum Altitude FOM 17. For problems requiring assistance or coordination send message to DXBMCEK Short Codes for ATC SAT phone numbers are located in OMC RAIG Chap 3.O2 masks deploy at approximately 13.000 feet. Flight Crew .6 Instructor technique CBT FCTM 4. . including specified cruise speed segments. or CO) option • Residual rate of climb default set by airline (range 100-999 fpm) • Disregarding altitude or speed constraints • Does not reflect the effect of speed intervention • If the limit is due to buffet or maneuver limited altitude o 777-200.At :30 intervals Fuel Remaining. .TOD fuel. 5) Advise Network Control Center use SATCOM if available. Get portable oxygen bottles from cabin and descend to FL 250. ( they are to check pilots every :15 minutes) . 6) Analyze flight operational aspects. 4) Summon a Cabin Crewmember immediately for assistance.000 AGL. Jeppesen MORA .MORA Altitudes of 6. 2) Take over the controls immediately.Hand over duties and establish wakeup arrangements. 6) Structural damage 7) Positive bomb threat (Red Threat) 8) Non-normal checklist has the words “Plan to land at the nearest suitable airport.During Low Visibility Approaches any call not repeated is assumed to be an incapacitation.7 CCEM Section 200 FOM 20. 9) Any other situation determined by the crew to have a significant adverse effect on safety if the flight is continued.A system malfunction. Pilot Incap.000 or lower have an obstacle clearance of 1. . A written report shall be submitted.1.2 FOM 20. . .Brief the Purser/SFS. if fire fighting is not possible or not effective.Both pilots must remain at their stations. including engines.The Purser shall be informed via interphone or personally. Advise Dubai Network Control. 3) Failure of an engine on a two-engine aircraft.One verbal communications when below 1.There shall be a post rest operational briefing.1.:10 minutes should be allowed after wakeup.Any Verbal communication associated with a significant deviation from the intended flight path. In dire emergencies the commanders are authorized to land below charted minima. Rerouting or Diversion Required • System failure requiring diversion See above • ETOPS equipment failure • Excessive fuel consumption exceeding available ETOPS critical fuel reserves.21 Direction of MECCA Requirement to land at nearest Suitable Airport Enter ISLAM into 1L LEGS Page 1 . . The remaining pilot may continue the approach 1) Assure a safe condition of flight. TERR DISPLAY Altitudes in hundreds of feet of the highest and lowest terrain displayed on the ND Reference FOM 14. √Altitude in feet = Reception range in nm FOM 20.000 AGL.7 C R U I S E Jeppesen Text Safe Cruise Altitudes FCOM 10.1 QRH CI 2. b) The remaining flight time of the planned flight leg.40. . . . 5) Remove the incapacitated Pilot form the controls. • Weather at nominated suitable airport(s) go below the company operating minima or become unsuitable for an reason prior to reaching entry point. Ensure to ERASE after entry In the following cases a landing must be effected at the nearest Suitable Airport that is considered safe and operationally acceptable: 1) Any fire on board an aircraft. .MORA Altitudes of 7. c) The suitability and knowledge of enroute airfields for an emergency landing.3. a) The condition of the incapacitated pilot.Two verbal communications when above 1.6 FCOM SP 20 FCOM SP 21 FCOM SP 22 FOM Chap 15 page 27 FOM Chap 15 page 7 Rule of Thumb ETOPS Re-routing or Diversion Decision Making ETA changes >:30 minutes :20 Minutes prior to TOD VHF Com Range . . when :20 minutes remain to Top of Descent. must be suspected when a Flight Crew Member does not respond to: .No more than :40 minutes sleep should be taken.7 Pilot Incapacitation FCTM 2 Action in the Event of a Pilot Incapacitation FOM 20.2 4) Total loss of electrical power 5) Dual hydraulic failure.EMIRATES B-777 Page 71 of 158 6. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Controlled Rest on the Flight Deck Limit / Policy . EK continuation policy FOM 20.000 feet.1 FOM 19. . 3) Engage the Autopilot. they may authorize increased speed if fuel allows.000 feet. 2) Persistent smoke of unknown origin.000 or greater have an obstacle clearance of 2. . 777-300ER .4 FOM 20.. the pitch mode changes from VNAV PATH to VNAV SPD.001 .Notification of ATC of an engine failure after take-off shall be a PAN instead of a MAYDAY...9.000 fpm to 5.000 AAL if holding or other form of arrival delay is anticipated.000 AAL and 5... Reference Interception Procedures FOM 20. If further correction is required. the autothrottle changes from IDLE/HOLD to SPD to provide thrust to accelerate to the target speed.6.. execute the change on the CDU.Light signals from tower in ATC section of Jepp..1. ICAO FAA Altitude Max Airspeed Altitude Max Airspeed 0-14. speed reversion occurs. .. Political/Military Orders for Unscheduled Landings.5.000 265 kts Above 14.000 200 kts 14.8 FCI 2007-85 FOM 15. Above FL 250 use VREF 30 + 100 knots 777-200LR.000 fpm to 3.. Seat belt sign must be on at or below 20. mode. Below 5... Above 10. Follow Interception Procedures from the Jeppesen Emergency Section...EMIRATES B-777 Page 72 of 158 6. this will place ADS into emerg.000 unless briefed. VNAV varies speed to maintain the path up to the following limits: ..23 Holding Speeds FCTM 4...Below 10.000 AAL compliance is mandatory. It may be delayed to between 20... Airway Manual Loss of Communications FOM 20..000 240 kts 6..5 C R U I S E .000 ..Between 10.000 fpm below 1...2. If VNAV can no longer maintain the airplane within 150 feet of the path without further acceleration. and select the LOAD FMC button. 777-300 ..000 AAL. Select the COM page.1 Spurious TCAS warnings Maximum descent rates VNAV PATH A/T ON FCOM 11.000 fpm to 1.21 Holding Speed Not available in FMC 20.000 AAL in climb and descent 250kts IAS or VREF30 +80 whichever is greater.6 Distress Calls Seat Belt Sign Maximum speed D E S C E N T H O L D I N G .Follow ICAO Communication Failure Procedures Emergency Section of Jepp..When the Auto-flight system is operating in VNAV it is designed to take into account TCAS performance when determining vertical rates for capture. .1 FOM 19.83M Use Flaps Up Maneuvering speed 777-200.000 .. .000 .000 230 kts 210 in Wash.With greater than 314 knots (VMO/MMO minus 16 knots). o 121.9..2 FOM 17. ...22 .000 230 kts 0 .31. and KJFK FIRs 265 kts FOM 20. .34..000 AAL and 10. If confirmed correct.When logged onto CPDLC send an Emergency Report page.7 FOM 15. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item CPDLC Clearances Limit / Policy It is possible to load CPDLC route changes directly from the COM page..If no answer on assigned frequency use the following frequencies: o Any other aeronautical en-route frequency.001 .3. .3.To avoid spurious TCAS warnings descent rates should be reduced to 1. clear the bottom line.. The airplane may accelerate up to 319 knots (VMO/MMO – 11 knots) to maintain the path.000 0.000 feet use VREF 30 + 120 knots FCTM 4.000 AAL speed may be increased by crew’s discretion with ATC approval.1 FCI 99/2005 FOM 15. ..14.20..5 o HF 2182 .000 Above 34.With greater than 15 knots below the target speed. .000 fpm passing through 500 feet above assigned altitude.001 .3. VNAV may allow the airplane to rise up to 150 feet above the path... VNAV reset the target speed to 314 knots (VMO/MMO-16 knots) and the scratchpad message DRAG REQUIRED displays again. The call of MAYDAY should be restricted to instances where the aircraft is believed to be in imminent danger. the scratchpad message DRAG REQUIRED displays. 3) Only small changes in heading and pitch are required to correct flight path. at which the approach is to be discontinued if stable approach criteria are not met.000 fpm. not targets.For all phases of flight while carrying passengers is 30°.1. 5. Not applicable to circling approaches).10.2 FOM 15.10. Horizontal distance from cloud 1.Minimum visibility required prior to starting the approach.3 FOM 18.If a reasonable certainty exists that the aircraft will become stabilized by 500 ft AAL. .Min wx is Company VMC . .500 AAL.1 FOM 15.000 ft AAL point. you can still go-around.1. .1.5 FOM 15. 1.Approach charts for a particular runway are not required if a visual approach and landing can be completed. .10. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Approach Authorization Limit / Policy .000 meters. and ii.500. Offset NPA. 250 knots and 5. Circle to Land. & Visual Approaches FOM 15. Establish gates: 3 x Altitude +10 nm = Distance required to continue a clean descent.000 meters visibility required Reference FOM 15.10. 3) 500 feet AAL is the cutoff point by which the approach is to be discontinued if a stable approach criteria are not met. This is permitted only if both the following conditions are met at 1.EMIRATES B-777 Page 73 of 158 6.10. Think of the Landing checklist as a CONTINUE Checklist.000 On Landing have touchdown targets to deal with long landings or extended Flares… Be Go-Around minded.For AWO the flight must be stabilized by 1. 1) The runway of intended landing must be in sight and a go-around is mandatory if this visual contact is lost.2 Stabilized flight Stabilized Approach Criteria FOM .Company VMC In-flight visibility 5.Pilot initiated must be daylight VMC. 1. 2) The 1.3 A P P R O A C H Special Criteria for Sidestep maneuver. 9) Unique approach procedures or abnormal conditions requiring a deviation from the above elements of stabilized approach require a special briefing.7 FOM 15.000 fpm a special briefing should be conducted. 6) The aircraft is in the correct landing configuration. for an orbit Circling Minima Visual Circuit Approach Max bank angle FOM 15.5 nm .10.10.7. or as adjusted by minimum ground speed techniques.000 ft AAL is the cut-off point. Landing flap selected at 2. The autopilot must be engaged. 1) The aircraft is on the correct flight path. 4) Rate of descent is no greater than 1.For CAT I and non-precision approaches only the touchdown RVR need be considered. . (Landing Gear Down and Landing Flap Selected prior to 1. Stabilization criteria are minimum criteria.000 feet at 25 nm from airport Gear down at 2. 7) The aircraft speed is not more than VREF +20 kts indicated airspeed and not less than VREF.500 feet AAL.2 FOM 15. 5) Power setting is appropriate for the aircraft configuration and is not below the minimum power for approach as defined by the AFM. if an approach requires a rate of descent greater that 1.2 Aircraft Categories .1. 8) All briefings and checklists have been completed.000 feet.17. FOM 15.. Vertical distance from cloud 1.It is prohibited for Emirates aircraft to conduct approaches to runways which there are no appropriate Jeppesen charts. The Landing Checklist is completed. The threshold or the associated approach lights of the intended landing runway were clearly visible and identified prior to the 1.10. 2) ILS approaches must be flown within one dot of the G/S and LOC.4 ALAR Approach and Landing Accident Reductions Personal Procedures from SEP Training Four Levels of Automation Emirates Automation Policy Radar vectors to final FOM 17.000 Meters or pub Jepp minima whichever is higher.2 Minimum alt.000 ft AAL: i.500 feet AAL or circuit altitude whichever is higher. 1) Full – LNAV VNAV 2) Basic – CDU/MCP manipulation 3) Manual with F/D 4) Manual without F/D Use the highest level of automation as appropriate 5. the cutoff may be amended to 500 ft AAL.000 AAL rounded up to the nearest 100 ft or pub Jepp minima whichever is higher. .2 FOM 0.ATC initiated may be accomplished in IMC Day or night. .500 ft AAL configuration Selection does not apply. . 4) Wings shall be level by 300 feet AAL Strategies for preventing and minimizing unstable approaches. .RVR when reported overrules MET VIS for all approaches. For circling approaches it is the IAF.RVR for a particular runway shall not be used for other runways.Final Flap selection may be delayed to accommodate ATC and conserve fuel.33 0. . FCTM 4.10. Verify/Enter .5 A P P R O A C H - The ABP is the FAF or the published G/S intercept. approaching 1.EMIRATES B-777 Page 74 of 158 6... RNP appropriate for approach (if required) . Manual approaches may only be flown down to a landing when the weather is at or above FOM 15.33 620 1240 1850 2460 3090 3700 4930 6170 Overhead 340 950 1560 2190 2800 4030 5270 .5. FCTM 2.10.310 ⇒ 250 knots level flight.00 2.10 FCI 2008-009 If south of 60° long.66 1. Add 900 meters to the minimum visibility to a minimum of 1500 meters for planning purposes.20.1 CAT I minima. . For noise sensitive areas Landing gear may be delayed until 2. .5 RNP Requirements FOM 15. .It is not permitted to carry out a practice or training NDB.250 ⇒ Flaps up maneuvering speed: 50 seconds and 4 nm.000’ AAL.NPA approaches often require more visibility than the min visibility published on the approach plates. if the reported visibility/RVR falls below the applicable minimum. And no RVR or runway visibility (PIREP) for the runway of intended approach is available. .2 FCOM SP.13 Modified to EK Specs FOM 17.66 3.Some SIDS from DXB specify RNP of 5.66 2.500 select landing flap.33 1. or an RNAV approach is available. The ABP is the FAF inbound or where the final approach course is intercepted. or when RVR is available.0 Reference FCOM SP.3 must be manually entered if not defaulted to this value. . for circling Approaches it is the IAF.After passing the Approach Ban Point. and only meteorological visibility is FOM 15.ABP – Is the OM or equivalent point.3 reported and equivalent RVR (Factored Visibility) can be obtained by multiplying the reported visibility by the factors in the FCI 2008-015 table.. or LOC (with or without a FCI 2007-093 DME) if there is a valid ILS (LOC and G/S) radiating. .As long as the charted minima of RVR/Visibility for approach does not have suffixes “R” for RVR or “V” for Visibility.4. Factoring Approach Minima Manual Approaches Practice or Training Approaches When can it be used? . .5.10. no speedbrakes: 60 seconds and 6 nm. the approach may be continued to the DH/Alert Height.3 FOM 19. or MDA. This is often compounded by the lack of approach lights on these approaches. Intercept G/S with gear down and flap 20. for AWO. Height AGL(ft) Distance from Threshold (NM) Horizontal Vis (meters) required to see Rwy Threshold Horizontal Vis (meters) required to see 900M (3000 ft) Approach Lighting System NPA Slant Range Requirements 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 0.10..2 FOM 15.00 1.20.. An approach shall not be continued beyond the Approach Ban Point if the reported visibility/RVR at the Approach Ban Point is less that the applicable minimum. and ground visibility is reported to vary between distances less than and greater than the minimum visibility the approach may be continued.For VNAV approaches.19 FCTM 5.1 Deceleration Planning Delayed Flap Approach HAIL and LIAL unserviceable Approach Ban Point See 10-AWO for RVR requirements and Approach Ban Point. . If the RVR is varying between distances less than and greater than the minimum RVR the approach may be continued.VOR. .Factored Vis must not be used for takeoff.For GPS approaches the RNP or 0. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Limit / Policy . . The airplane has sequenced the first waypoint on the published approach or. . Fuel Jettison Airmanship New Commander Restrictions FO Restrictions FOM 4. . .4. □ ISA minus 30°C or colder DA or MDA. .17.Malfunction that renders the aircraft unairworthy.The airplane has sequenced the FAXXX or .Serious illness of crew or passengers.Condition where safety could be compromised. No crosswinds in excess of 20 knots.38 FOM 20.Overweight landing above MLW and RLW is permitted for Emergencies. . Correction Requirements: □ ISA minus 15°C or colder Enroute MSA.31.Temp.25 VNAV APPROACH A P P R O A C H FCTM 5. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Limit / Policy The FMC transition to ON APPROACH under the following conditions: . . They may be flown down to this temperature without applying corrections.The Pilot selects TO/GA.Some approach procedures planned for Emirates have a TLIM (Limiting Temperature) published. .The airplane flies beyond the last waypoint in the approach (missed approach waypoint or runway). No ops on contaminated runways. Take-off vis.A published instrument approach has bee selected and incorporated in the active flight plan and: .The airplane lands.3 FCI 2007-049 FCI 2007-053 FOM 15. If Overweight Landing completed Tech Log entry required actual landing weight.2 FOM 3. . VNAV commands the set speed.The IAS/MACH window can be opened and the command speed can be set while VNAV remains in the VNAV PATH descent. If VNAV ALT has engaged beyond the FAF . . In this case VNAV PTH changes to VNAV SPD. . . If landing is delayed.EMIRATES B-777 Page 75 of 158 6. .The airplane is enroute to a DIRECT-TO or INTERCEPT-TO the RWYYY waypoint and the airplane is within 25 NM or the runway threshold. .Should deviation from a cleared altitude be required ATC approval must be obtained prior. corrections to all approach procedure altitudes must be applied . jettison or overweight landing above the MLW is permitted if it is a Non-normal operation.3.7 Overweight Landings Vs. flap setting and estimated rate of descent at touchdown . Flight crews are not permitted to execute SRA approaches.11 .Performance issues should be considered: LANDING CLIMB LIMIT WEIGHT LANDING DISTANCE BRAKE ENERGY ENGINE INOP GO-AROUND CLIMB GRADIENT (if Engine is inop) .In mountainous regions during any Cold Temperature Operations.Brief for higher Descent rates if required.Two Recently Trained Pilots must not fly together until them have completed a 45 day consolidation period.No CAT II III approaches until 50 hours or 20 sectors on type.When it becomes necessary to land at an airport other than the originally planned destination. .+ 100 meters for CAT II III Approaches until 100 hours or 40 sectors.If below the TLIM the aircraft may fly down to the LMAV MDA for that approach. □ ISA minus 45°C or colder All minimum procedure altitudes. The FMC transitions off of ON APPROACH under the following conditions: . Is more than 500 meters. Flight crews are not permitted to execute fly-bys for the purpose of ground observation. (Does not apply to DA / MDA) Reference FCOM 11. Execute a missed approach if the deviation above path becomes excessive enough to prevent achieving a stabilized approach.The aircraft is in the descent phase and the flaps are out of UP. When the desired MCP altitude setting is at least 300 feet above the current airplane altitude. VNAV continues to command a descent.VNAV remains in VNAV PTH and follows the descent path unless the airplane accelerates to within 5 knots of the current flap placard and the airplane rises more than 150 feet above the path. The number of approaches to any airport is limited to 2.2 FOM 18.A VFR approach has been created and incorporated in the active flight plan and: .The MCP altitude can be set above the airplane altitude for the missed approach. .If NPA altitudes are corrected VNAV guidance shall not be used. . . The VNAV page title changes from “ACT xxxxx DES” to “ACT END OF DES” When the FMC is ON APPROACH the following features are available: . . FOM 13. .Set DA/MDA in the MCP and select altitude intervention without delay to enable continued descent on the final approach pant.10 FCI 2007-080 Cold Weather Corrections SRA Approaches Fly-by Maneuver Max Approach attempts . unless there is a significant rd improvement in the weather conditions and there is a good possibility of landing off a 3 approach.The airplane is enroute to a DIRECT-TO or INTERCEPT-TO waypoint (DIRECT displays at 1L or the RTE page) and the airplane is within 12 NM of the runway threshold. If in VMC and terrain/obstacle clearance can be maintained.3.5%. .4.The aircraft must not be dispatched with an expected landing weight which exceeds the calculated maximum landing weight.Jeppesen M/A Climb Gradients is not published unless it is above 2. Minimum width of cleared runway for operation on Contaminated Runways 30 Meters. .Once decision is made.3. No crosswinds in excess of 20 knots.The acceleration altitude on a missed approach will be the Jeppesen published missed approach altitude.16 FOM 17. In cases were runway is less than 45 meters approval of the VPFOT is required. In this case CM1 must taxi the aircraft from final turn to the parking stand. FOM 15. and runway end lights must be on.All engines operating: o Follow the missed approach instructions. .VREF + ½ the headwind component + All of the Gust component to a maximum of 20 knots. .6 FCI 2007-68 FOM SP.6 FOM 15. .16.OAT is 10C or below and.13 FOM 3. . 10 kts.Interpolate between . ice. (Visibility is less than 1 sm or 1600 M).11 Missed Approach Acceleration Altitude CM2 Taxi Restrictions Maximum taxi speed L A N D I N G Icing Conditions VREF Corrections Night Operations Minimum Width of Runway FO Restrictions .35% for 45°HW .EMIRATES B-777 Page 76 of 158 6. a visual track can be flown. No ops on contaminated runways. Take-off vis.Not permitted to taxi if the parking guidance system requires the aircraft to be aligned and stopped with the eye position of the left hand seat.For night operations at least runway edge.1 FOM 18. (the visual track must be briefed before commencing the approach) .5 FOM 15.50% Direct HW .6 FCI 2007-052 FOM 15.This will be exceeded by almost all ALL ENGINE MISSED APPROACHES.Diversion.or standing water. 30 kts. .1% for a normal approach. for a slippery surface Crews may exceed these limits when backtracking on an active runway.There is no requirement to use the runway which was the basis for dispatch.Initiate the missed approach. or snow is present If OAT is 3C or Below do an engine run up to 50% N1 for approximately 1 sec duration every 60 minutes.5% for an approach to less than DH of 200’.Not permitted to do a 180° turn.The Engine Inop Climb Gradient requirement for the higher of: o 2.8 FCTM 1. For the actual landing: .6 FOM 20. o If the missed approach gradient cannot be achieved . advise ATC the missed approach procedure will not be flown.10 FCI 2007-080 . LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Limit / Policy Prior to dispatch the max landing weight is calculated to meet: .visible moisture is present. . o 2. and then track as per the corresponding procedure for the EFATO.Calculate HW as: .16. .5 FOM SP. .VREF + 5 knots. Reference FCI 2007-089 QRH PI M I S S E D A P P R O A C H Missed Approach Climb Gradient FCI 2007-089 FOM 20. Minimum width of runway for Emirates operations is 45 meters. A/T Disengaged . . Is more than 500 meters. .One Engine inoperative: o If the missed approach gradient can be achieved follow the Missed approach procedure. . o Published missed approach climb gradient. track latterly to the departure end of the runway. A/T Engaged . threshold. T-VASI.3 FCTM 6. and PAPI FCTM 6. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Limit / Policy Reference Approach Lighting System Old FCTM Vol 2 L A N D I N G VASI.EMIRATES B-777 Page 77 of 158 6.6 . The “Hard Landing” entry the tech log will be the instruction for an engineering inspection to be carried out. and must be reported in the aircraft Technical Log as a “Hard Landing”. . Data from this page is for information only.5.If flight crews suspect that a hard landing has occurred. . REAR.7 Overweight Landings Vs.36 L A N D I N G Emergency Landings Evacuation Video Hard Landings . FWD.During certification.Serious illness of crew or passengers. o :30 seconds before touchdown (approx 200’ AGL) “BRACE. ensure that the following are carried out: o raise an ASR o make a Tech Log entry o advise MCC and/or local engineer o ensure timely follow up action is initiated before leaving the aircraft. The Commander is the only person who determines if the landing was indeed “Hard” as defined above.Normal sink rates during touchdown are between 120 to 180 feet per minute.On occasion.4 FOM 20. .3. . . RH. . If Overweight Landing completed Tech Log entry required actual landing weight. Terms such as “Firm” or “Bounced” are not acceptable.Malfunction that renders the aircraft unairworthy. jettison or overweight landing above the MLW is permitted if it is a Non-normal operation. .When an emergency landing or ditching is imminent. BRACE”.Condition where safety could be compromised.The commander initiates the evacuation: o “(LH. EVACUATE. and PRINT if required.1 FOM 20. Hard Landings .When it becomes necessary to land at an airport other than the originally planned destination. Fuel Jettison Airmanship Landing on a Slippery Runway Hydroplaning Technique FCTM 6. EVACUATE”. . ALL AVAILABLE) EXITS.Performance issues should be considered: LANDING CLIMB LIMIT WEIGHT LANDING DISTANCE BRAKE ENERGY ENGINE INOP GO-AROUND CLIMB GRADIENT (if Engine is inop) . DISPLAY. .After an exceedance report on the COM page. the Captain (or his delegate) shall announce: o :02 minutes before touchdown (approx 1. .3.Brief for higher Descent rates if required. . If landing is delayed.A “Hard Landing” is defined as a landing with a sink rate of 600 feet per minute or higher.7 FCI 2008-008 Personal Procedure .000’ AGL) “ATTENTION CREW AT STATIONS”.Overweight landing above MLW and RLW is permitted for Emergencies. flap setting and estimated rate of descent at touchdown Reference FOM 20. OVERWING. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Limit / Policy . while less comfortable are often mistakenly called “Hard landings”.EMIRATES B-777 Page 78 of 158 6.If evacuation is likely and sufficient time is available the Commander must order the showing of the Emergency Briefing Video. . FAA regulations require the demonstration of landings at maximum certified landing weight. FOM 20. Data on the Landing can be collected from the Maintenance Panel: o Select Other Reports o All Reports o Current Flight Leg o Select the required report. Touchdowns with sink rates of 360 to 420 feet per minute. This data is only collected 4 times a second and may not give a full picture of the landing. Engineering may receive an automated downlink from the aircraft after a landing that is indicative of a hard landing. Significant uphill taxi at high gross weight and thrust settings required to accommodate that maneuver.EMIRATES B-777 Page 79 of 158 6. Engine out taxi following an overweight landing is not recommended due to higher thrust settings required. The inbound crew must not leave the aircraft until the new crew has physically arrived and a crew to crew handover has been conducted. Tight turns or operations in confined areas.1. if the aircraft has landed overweight with one engine inoperative it may be safe to taxi to a suitable parking position. However. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Limit / Policy ENGINE OUT TAXI – TWO ENGINE AIRCRAFT Engine out taxi after landing on a 2 engine aircraft is recommended for fuel conservation. Reference P O S T F L I G H T FCI 2008-005 FOM 15. due to consideration of all the factors listed above.3 . Use of the APU. Stations that do no allow crew to remain on board for this handover are listed in the OM-C RAIG.14 Engine Out Taxi After Landing Transit or turn-around stops with a Cabin Crew change FOM 16. Specific airfield restrictions in navigation charts or OM-C. Prior to shutting down an engine during after landing consideration should be given to the following: Taxiways or aprons that may be wet or slippery. . Procedure to follow to discriminate between nuisance alerts and actual problems.Excessive engine flow. . . EAD-54R1 FMC Departure Routing Anomaly. . To inform crews of a Fuel Quantity Processor Unit FQPU anomaly that may cause blanking of the fuel temperature indication. use HDG SEL or TRK SEL to fly the correct course.Fuel Jettison is not possible if both ELMS P110 and ELMS P210 are displayed.Procedures for Fuel Jettison if required. . . If so confirm correct position of switch and override checklist item. . . EAD 43R1 Electronic Checklists not completing correctly.Once Fuel Jettison is initiated it must be terminated manually. EAD-53R3 777 Fuel Quantity Indication System Fluctuations.Taxi in time from previous flight may be included if in same conditions.Control wheel deflection Complete the Fuel Leak Checklist To direct the crew to remove discontinuities after entering the departure procedures in the FMC.If EICAS alert messages display perform the associated non normal checklist as required . EAD-62 False Engine Out Indication. Intermittent contacts on the switch may not close to complete the checklist item. or C tanks. WHITE FCOM BULLETINS (BOEING) Notes To inform crews of false PWS warnings EAD-40R4 Stabilizer Green band nuisance EICAS message. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item EAD-24R2 PWS warnings Kansai airport Osaka Japan. When Starting the APU. Do not use synoptic displays to perform procedures. . EAD-46R1 APU Start Failures Due to APU Start Switch. ELMS P110.Visual observation of fuel spray. Condition Freezing Fog and Visibility 300 meters or less.EMIRATES B-777 Page 80 of 158 6. EAD-68R2 Fuel Quantity Blanking on the Progress 2/3 page of the CDU. ELMS P210.0°C to -6°C run-up the engines to 50%N1 for 60 seconds. .Further exceptions included in Bulletin. . . To advise crews of fuel quantity indicating system fluctuations.If OAT is less that -13°C engines must be manually deiced.Approach to an Autoland (LAND2/LAND3): continue the approach and landing.Typical Fuel Flow is 55kgs per minute an internal FQIS anomaly will result in 270 kgs per minute in the L. Crews should avoid abrupt thrust lever movement in the forward thrust range during the time period immediately following thrust reduction to idle. . .0.Operations above FL200: Climbs and Descents not affected. . . Jet A1 -47°C FOM Chap 11 page 10 If during a turn the A/P should start a turn in the opposite direction to that displayed on the map. . To inform crews of a Loss of N3 Indication anomaly on Rolls-Royce engines. .-7°C to -13°C run-up the engines to 59%N1 for 60 seconds. EAD-64R1 GE90-115B Flameouts Following RTOs. To inform crews of a FMC performance predictions anomaly following ABEAM PTS selection. hold the start switch in start for 1 second. If the N3 Engine display arcs blank and the digital display shows 0. EAD-55R2 Fuel temperature blanking indication. EAD-58R2 Incorrect turn during a SID EAD-60R2 New Ice Shedding Procedures for Trent 800 Engines in Freezing Fog.If Takeoff cannot be achieved within :45 minutes of taxi time complete the procedure below every :45 minutes before takeoff. manual landings are not affected.Does not apply to the 777-300ER or the 777-200LR. . .After Selecting ABEAM PTS review the ALT/OAT on the WIND page. R.Jet A -40°C. During Cruise disconnect the A/T and set power for the desired speed.The FUEL TEMP LOW EICAS will not display. Some of the airplane systems will appear faulted when they are not and some airplane systems may not display EICAS alert or status messages. EAD-69 Fuel Flow Blanking with GE-90-100. EAD-67 FMC Performance Predictions Anomaly.If signs of fuel leak observed . . . reenter the correct altitude and the SAT.Procedures for entering a Manual Fuel Quantity.During Fuel Balancing make sure the fuel is being balanced in the correct direction. accomplish normal procedures. Takeoff Config sounds at 60%N1.If fuel temperature blanks use the TAT as a conservative indication of the fuel temperature. The erroneous fuel indication and resultant messages have been observed to recover in several minutes but may repeat throughout the flight. Maintain the TAT greater than 3°C above the fuel freeze point. ELMS P310 Status Messages. Nuisance Blanking that only occurs at or near idle during descent. . .If Take-off within :45 minutes total taxi time. EAD-50R2 Electrical Load Management System ELMS AIRINC Communications Faults. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item EAD-71 Generator OFF light On After Engine Start with no EICAS message WHITE FCOM BULLETINS (BOEING) Notes After Engine Start. EAD-75 Honeywell Flight Management Computer Anomaly .EMIRATES B-777 Page 81 of 158 6. flight crews should check that the generator OFF lights on the electrical panel are not illuminated. If they are on. use speed intervention (enter speed constraint in the MCP Speed Window) until the constrained waypoint is sequenced. To prevent exceeding a speed restriction when accompanied by an AT-OR-ABOVE altitude constriction. maintenance action is required. After passing the waypoint select VNAV as desired. :30 seconds after engine reaches idle. 777-300ER/ULR aircraft use alternate C of G in the OPT if the C of G is 26% or greater. EKIB-10R3 Alternate C of G on Takeoff EKIB-12 Continued Flight after tail strike during takeoff when no EICAS TAIL STRIKE message is displayed. Keep the crossfeed valve closed unless directed to open the valve by a non-normal checklist. (. If the ELEC BUS ISLN L and ELEC BUS ISLN R EICAS message occurs during an engine start pushback or taxi phases. cruise speeds that result in a vibration that is uncomfortable to passengers. EKIB-15 Inadvertent Over Speeds. . Try second start if successful consider it a nuisance fault. . When the engine approaches idle it will respond normally to thrust lever movement. One in NORM one in TRUE.Center the Captains steering and wait at least 5 seconds prior to applying greater than 60% N1. EKIB-21 777-300ER Maneuver Margin and the FMC CRZ CG Value. In-flight Starts above 20. This could be misinterpreted as a hung start. . . It is sufficient to damage the aircraft. Change displays to the required settings when required. Do not cycle the rudder from full scale one side to full scale the other side. Autoland should not be used for Overweight Landings.05>VMO or 20kts) Loss of an engine Parameter does not require engine shutdown as long as there are no accompanying indications of an engine malfunctions. . LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item EKIB-2 Loss of Engine Thrust Control. 777-300. displays will revert to the default settings. Above 1500 feet the system can be reset by pushing the APP button twice. Intermittent failure of the HDG REF switch cause the Left and right FMS to operated in different heading modes.. Promotes awareness of Engine Surges and encourages a methodical analysis of the problem prior to taking action. Near terminal areas in high congestion areas the Interference Limiting (IL) area prevents TCAS from tracking and displaying traffic that is not deemed as a threat. Consider cycling the AFDS OFF then ON. FD switches cycled. EKIB-22 GE-90 In Service Observations / Differences EKIB-23 CONFIG GEAR STEERING EICAS message during takeoff EKIB-24 Magnetic Variation Difference Event. Leave the AFDS engaged unless it is apparent that a significant overspeed will occur and the AFDS is not correcting. EMIRATES INFORMATION BULLETINS Notes Continue Takeoff or remain airborne until the ENGINE LIMIT/SURGE/STALL checklist can be completed If there is a Power interruption during the power transfer. Failure of one PCU may result in the deflection of 1 degree of rudder trim.EMIRATES B-777 Page 82 of 158 6. EKIB-16 Flight Crew Considerations for Engine InFlight Shutdown. This is considered normal and the flight can continue normally.000 feet the engine may accelerate slowly as it approaches idle speed.777-200 accomplish the TAIL STRIKE checklist and land at the nearest suitable airport. If at all possible this procedure should be done while in contact with engineering/MCC.5 to avoid high altitude. EKIB-25 Occurrences of Un-powered Right Transfer Bus during triple channel autoland bus isolation EKIB-26 Over Weight Landings Using the Autoland System EKIB-28 AFDS MCP Faults IF MCP selections not working try alternate selections. EKIB-4 Electrical Power Transfers – APU to External Power EKIB-5 Fuel Crossfeed EKIB-8R1 Procedures for resetting Bus Tie switches on the ground only. Many EICAS messages will appear. EKIB-19 Flight Crew Considerations for an Engine Surge.No Start condition and ENG AUTOSTART L/R EICAS message are common. EKIB-9 Use of Rudder on Transport Airplanes.777-300 continue the flight. For 777-200LR. Below 1500 the Autopilot must be disconnected. EKIB-29 Rudder Deflection EKIB-30 TCAS Operation and Display of Traffic . The Default CRZ C of G in the FMC is set to 7. 777-300ER. EKIB-17 ENG IDLE DISAGREE message and slow engine acceleration during in-flight starting. .High Vibration due to bowed rotor dissipates approx :15 . and APP Selected again A buss Isolation is not likely on the second attempt.Engine Oil Gulping or Hiding is common. flight crews may re-set the Bus Tie switches without checking for the correlated maintenance messages on the ground only. If excessive ground returns occur in AUTO mode.Maximum descent rate of 1. .System available above 16. LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item EKIB-31 VR and V2 Speeds – OPT vs. o APU generator Power and primary external power. . and the IFE PASS/SEATS switch in the Flight deck. Additional thrust of 3%N1 may be required to open the valves.F/D or A/P must be used.000 feet. and two independent ground power sources are available. the APU should be switched off to conserve fuel.5000 feet. as needed. FMS EMIRATES INFORMATION BULLETINS Notes If OPT VR = V2 in the OPT Enter the Data in the FMS as VR and V2 +1 Whenever icing conditions are forecast enroute crews are required to perform an operational check of EAI valves during initial taxi. Excessive ground returns will be removed within 30 seconds.There is no requirement to add 50 feet to DA.VNAV pitch mode must be used.VNAV Approaches to DA require GPS Displayed on ND and QNH set on Altimeters. . On Selected routs the system may be used after the Purser makes PA above 20. .000 fpm is not to be exceeded. . FCI 2008-33 . Cycle each engine EAI switch to ON. the VCC IFE master switch. look for the green EAI annunciation on the EICAS and switch back to AUTO. . . FCI 2008-13 EKIB-32R1 EAI operational check after engine start EKIB-33R1 Use of Barometric Vertical Navigation for Instrument Approach Operations Using Decision Altitude EKIB-34 ELMS Power Panel Damage Due to Arcing Power Contactor EKIB-35 Excessive Ground Returns displayed on Rockwell Collins Weather Radar EKIB-36 GSM connectivity onboard 777 aircraft . deselect weather radar on both EFIS control panels for more than one second.EMIRATES B-777 Page 83 of 158 6.Use of mobile phones in the flight deck during preflight and after landing is at the commanders discretion.If conditions permit. Reselect weather radar. .Use dual electrical sources to power the aircraft during ground operations as much as possible in the following order of priority: o Primary and secondary external power.Controlled by CCP Panel in the F3 Galley. . welcome text sent to all registered phones. . LIMITATIONS AND POLICIES 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE INTENTIONALLY BLANK .EMIRATES B-777 Page 84 of 158 6. If Destination weather is forecast below landing minima ±1 hour..1%....... Fuel Decision Point Procedure FOM 11.....300 / 29..300 / Aux 5. Defuelling with passengers onboard must not take place.....700 / 28..300 / 29. 3% of Trip fuel (min of 600 kgs) i............ How much do we require? Return Fuel + APU and Taxi Fuel + Trip Fuel there = Required Fuel for round trip .. climb.... 2..6 FOM 12....3 +3% +5% FOM Chap 11 Alternate Fuel Final Res... At intervals not exceeding 1:00.... 151. ...545 FOM 11.900 / 31....... -300ER/ULR .AZFW + Trip + Taxi ............... cruise...300 .... there is no restriction to MLW .2. or Disembarking” outlined in the CCEM.2..Tanking planned to1% below MLW. descent......1 FCOM 12.....300 / 82..... Reference FOM 11.... 2) Inform the Cabin Crew of the beginning and ending of fueling...100 . 4...Fuel On Board – Arrival Fuel + APU Burn = Calculated Uplift .....3 FOM Chap 11 FCI 2007-004 FOM 11....Actual Uplift ....Missed approach... 94....... Additional fuel for :05 at holding speed at 1500 feet Contingency fuel can be used after the fueler disconnects..2.Uplift x Specific Fuel Gravity = Actual Uplift . Before trying this procedure I suggest contacting the SMNC and FCDM for guidance.300 777-200ER 29. 4) Liaise with the Purser to determine the two safest and most practical passenger/cabin doors intended for a possible evacuation........100 / 79........100 . 3...AZFW = X MLW........ On Board . 6) Be familiar with the ‘Refueling when Passengers are Embarking.. -300ER......... Fuel transfer -200ER... Pilots Discretion Fuel Tankering is planned to MLW less 1%... 23...... There is no guidance given in the FCOM.3 FOM Chap 11 FOM Chap 11 Use of Conti.1 FOM 11....... ... A Trip can be planned with less than the above contingence fuel if it will have the greater of the following two fuels.. or is expected to improve to those minima within a time period for which supplementary fuel is carried.......Uplift Difference ÷ Calculated Uplift = % Difference Tolerance ±5% 1) Establish communication with the Engineer.300 / 37. By means that remain available during refueling.1.. 9. Flight Log requirements require fuel checks every :30 minutes US Gallons to Liters . 300 ...900 Departure Cruise Approach and Landing... approach.1 ...900 / 31..... Fuel Tankering is not recommended if Take-off or Landing runway is contaminated..1% MLW = Y Lesser of X & Y =Max Fuel Available...000 kgs.Two alternates are required. 5% of Trip Fuel (min of 600 kgs) b..... (Ensure 2 exits are available for exit) 5) Be prepared to initiate a passenger evacuation if necessary.20. Start and taxi...... Enroute Alternate planned: ii.. It is the commanders discretion to board required fuel. and landing.... FUEL POLICY 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE FUEL POLICY Item Company Policy Standby Fuel Tank Capacities Limit / Policy The company policy is to plan fuel requirements on Minimum Total Cost and Maximum Payload 3 tons below flight plan fuel...100 begins when either main tank is less than… -200LR..4 FOM Chap 11 FOM Chap 11 FCI 2007-002 Common Sense Extra Fuel Fuel Tankering Fuel Tankering Calculations Fuel Uplift Check Refueling with Pax onboard Refueling with One Engine Running Fuel checks Fuel Conversion How much fuel can we take? MTOW.... 137.700 ......... ...000 kgs ...4.500 777-200LR / 300ER/ULR 31. The higher of 1 or 2 1.. FOM Chap 11 FOM 12..4......... Fuel Taxi Fuel Additional Fuel ..300 / 82.....500 777-200LR A6-EWD 31.5 Center Tank Scavenge Trip Fuel Contingency Fuel FCOM 12..1...... Within a circle at 25% of trip distance from destination or 20% of trip distance + 50nm whichever is greater.. ...100 / 79.4 FOM Chap 11 FOM 15.... (Fuel for the furthest alternate is required) :30 holding fuel at 1500 AAL Based on a statistical database... 777-200 28....500 With the main tank pumps on a scavenge system operates automatically -200........... :20 minutes flying time if fuel consumption monitoring is valid and used.785 IMP Gallons to Liters .100 to transfer any remaining center tank fuel to the main tanks.. and indicate fueling has been completed by illuminating the “FASTEN SEATBELT” sign 3) Listen for possible fire warning from the ground engineer.. 137... Either a.... Circle will have a diameter of 20% of the flight planned distance c.. ETOPS The forecast weather should be at or above tha applicable planning minima at the ETA±1 hour. 13...3...........4 FOM Chap 11 FOM Chap 11 FOM 11..Calculated Uplift = Uplift Difference Tolerance + 2... 145....300 ...20..1...............EMIRATES B-777 Page 85 of 158 7........... plus an additional 5%.... ......200 No Aux Tank FCI 2008-004 777-300 29.. APU ops for :30.. Some information is given in the FOM....Calculated on a minimum distance of 100 nm............... iii. 000 feet AGL ensures complete fuel evaporation. Within two hours. provided that account is taken of fuel burn due to likely ATC delay. Jettison Rates: .g. . If maximum delay not known and EAT at destination not received.600 kgs/hour Ground consumption 240 kgs/hour In-flight consumption 140-270 kgs/hour dependant on Altitude and Weight FCI 2007 002 FCTM 1. Avoid jettisoning fuel in a holding pattern with other aircraft below.400 kgs/min. A landing is “assured” if in the judgment of the commander.EMIRATES B-777 Page 86 of 158 7.4 kgs will remain in main tanks after jettison is complete due to stand pipes in the tanks. Fuel jettison above 4. the flight may still continue towards destination if it is possible to reach at least two airports at which landing is assured with at least final reserve fuel reserve fuel remaining at touchdown. .No Center Tank Fuel 1.000 feet of drop.3 Communications Fuel Jettison - Taxi Fuel Burn APU Fuel Burn - Landing can be assured if weather is sufficient to do the next worst approach… e. the flight can continue to destination or to hold regardless of the number of runways as long as landing at destination is assured and it is possible to reach the destination with at least final reserve fuel remaining at touchdown. Reference FOM 11. It is permissible to continue to destination with less than Alternate + Final Reserve fuel provided: If max delay known or the EAT at the destination is received from ATC.08. At least 10. FUEL POLICY 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Item Fuel at Touchdown In-flight fuel management for commitment to destination Limit / Policy Not less than: Destination = Alternate fuel + Final reserve fuel Commitment to destination = Final reserve fuel Alternate = Final reserve fuel The commander shall declare an emergency when the actual fuel onboard is less than final reserve fuel. Get ATC Clearance Do a PA to the Passengers.500 kgs/min. If Precision approaches are in use there must be sufficient weather to do a NPA If the aircraft MAY land with less than Final Reserve Fuel use PAN PAN PAN. Forecasts should be used to assess the probability of landing success when more than two hours from the relevant airport. it could be completed in the event of any forecast deterioration in the weather and plausible single failures of ground or airborne facilities.3.8 .000 kgs/Hour RR Engines 1.4 FOM 11. Two separate and independent runways at a single airport within a flying time of two hours may be considered to be equivalent to two airports.Note the time to jettison the fuel synoptic page. Use the Unannunciated Checklist for Fuel Jettison. Jettison Time Rule of Thumb 2/3 of Jettison Fuel = time in minutes GE Engines 2. Downwind drift of fuel may exceed 1 mile per 1.3.Center Tank Fuel 2.16 Rule of Thumb Rule of Thumb QRH PI 47. actual weather reports and trend information may be used. The “MIN FUEL ADVISORY” may be used in the USA in place of the PAN PAN PAN If the aircraft WILL land with less than Final Reserve Fuel use MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY Ensure adequate weather minimums exist at airport of intended landing. 2T :52 FL360 7.580 Flex Rigid 209.106 Flex Rigid 224.682 Flex Jeppesen Manual Airport Directory PCN DISPATCH LIMITATIONS 42 36 42 36 47 41 53 MLW.2T :25 FL170 5.0T 1:06 FL350 9.0% 3.207 201.044 Flex Rigid 199. ISA+30 2100m 2100m 2263m 2300m 2400m 2600m 2400m 2989m 2600m 3000m 2400m 3000m QRH PI FLAP 20 FLAP 30 FLAP 20 FLAP 30 NON-NORMAL LANDING DISTANCE ENGINE INOP Unfactored 1823m 1659m 2072m 1880m Wet Runway. . PERFORMANCE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE PERFORMANCE 772 FCOM LIMITS 772ER 287.4T :53 FL340 9.370 237.276 343.101 340.0T :53 FL320 8.6% (0. MLW @ start of diversion (Add 4.0T 1:06 FL350 9.652 138kts 772ERA6-EML 263.2T for holding and an approach) 3.0% 6.848 136kts MTW MTOW MLW VREF Flap 30 MZFW Rigid 190.2T :24 FL160 5. Flap 20 G/A) MTOW.5T FL260 7.6T :53 FL350 8.3% 350T 2. 2.804 286.7% 8.682 149kts 773ER 341.3% Fuel Time Flt Lvl 3.Charted gradient if higher.0T :41 FL270 6.7% for 773ER) .4T :53 FL350 8.8T 1:06 FL330 10.8 1:21 FL350 100 nm 200 nm 300 nm 400 nm 500 nm .3% 6. above this Temp Flap 20 Landing Flap 5 G/A is required (Big reductions for operating in icing conditions) 44°C 40°C 47°C 42°C 34°C 39°C 38°C N/A 38°C 30°C 40°C 36°C 32°C 29°C N/A N/A N/A N/A 30°C 29°C 26°C QRH PI MLW MTOW NORMAL LANDING DISTANCE Unfactored 2100m 2300m Flap 30.369 223.083 213.4% 320T 2.188 140kts 772LR 344.6T 1:21 FL350 3.0% 320T 0.8T :40 FL310 6.990 263.000 AMSL.897 208.508 Flex Rigid 195.6T :53 FL350 8.9T :40 FL290 6.115 247.266 251.194 251.528 Flex Rigid 237.000 AMSL.2T :40 FL260 7.5 1:21 FL330 3. 30°C.5% 5.8% 280T 2.8 1:21 FL350 :40 :25 SHORT TRIP FUEL AND TIME FCOM PD 40 knot HW.4T :53 FL340 9.5T 1:21 FL370 3.278 299.5% 5.000 PA 4000’ PA LANDING CLIMB LIMIT WEIGHT (Flap 30 Approach.290 150kts WEIGHT LIMITATIONS 248. Wet Runway.173 349. .000 ASL Icing conditions reduce by 0.0T 1:06 FL350 10.1%.1T 1:21 FL360 3.Basic minimum requirement 2.6T FL160 5. 15kt tailwind 1858m 1883m 1930m 2095m 2177m 1690m 1712m 1785m 1872m 1927m 2285m 2155m 2531m 2433m 2663m 2069m 1954m 2362m 2172m 2413m 2177m 1927m 2717m 2467m MTOW MLW QRH PI Weight MLW Ground Distance G/A CLIMB GRADIENT ENGINE INOP Flap 20.6T :25 FL160 5.0T :40 FL290 6. Max available reverse. 15kt tailwind.682 Flex Rigid 237.6% 4. Gear Up. FCI 2007-035 220T 3.0T 1:06 FL350 10.7EMIRATES B-777 Page 87 of 158 8.1T :25 FL170 4. 2.0T 1:06 FL370 9.1T :25 FL180 4.7% 340T 2. 2.5T :40 FL260 7.290 150kts 773ULR 350. Medium Subgrade 46 55 47 55 47 37 34 QRH PI 240T 234kts 3460 HOLDING FUEL CONSUMPTION @ FL 100 260T 243kts 3690 240T 234kts 3460 220T 224kts 3170 200T 216kts 2890 See QRH PI for Optimum Altitude 260T 280T 243kts 3690 238kts 3510 240T 234kts 3460 220T 224kts 3170 200T 216kts 2890 260T 229kts 3270 240T 223kts 3030 220T 217kts 2800 280T 253kts 3920 260T 243kts 3720 240T 234kts 3500 220T 224kts 3220 300T 251kts 3870 280T 242kts 3610 260T 233kts 3360 240T 226kts 3110 Wt KIAS FF/Eng 300T 251kts 3870 280T 242kts 3610 260T 233kts 3360 240T 226kts 3110 FLAPS UP 220T 224kts 3170 200T 216kts 2890 180T 209kts 2630 QRH PI 0’ PA 2.7T 1:21 FL350 3. Autobrake 4.5%.167 139kts 773 300.If decision height is below 200 feet 2.2T :26 FL160 5. Max Manual Braking.8T 1:06 FL360 9.7% 280T 2. 3T 54°C 54°C 54°C 54°C 54°C 204.200kgs/hr 220T 9.A conservative factor should be added to all unfactored distances to allow for average pilot abilities (In the near future Emirates will be providing guidance on this factor) .3T 241.3T 1:46 FL260 Flt Lvl 5.9T 256.000 PA 4000’ PA LANDING CLIMB LIMIT WEIGHT GEAR DOWN (Flap 20 Approach.Ensure bottom statements are understood and applied if applicable.4T 1:09 FL260 17.1T 198. ENGINE INOP Go-Around Climb Gradient QRH PI .1T 234.460kgs/hr 280T 11.9T 1:38 FL200 21.2T 48°C 181.To be used when considering an overweight landing to determine if approach can be made with flap 20 and landing with flap 25 or 30.4T 2:00 FL180 4.8t 197.2T 205.5t 247.5T 1:37 FL200 20.6T :31 FL180 9.3T for holding and an approach) 4.To be used to determine the UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE for various configurations and conditions.6T :30 FL190 9.7T :53 FL210 12.5T :50 FL240 13.4t 209.0T 256.1T 50°C 239.3T 205.7T :52 FL240 14.0T 1:27 FL290 18.1T :31 FL170 8.7T 2:00 FL220 5. .1T 1:56 FL240 5.6T 1:15 FL210 16.0T :31 FL170 8.680kgs/hr 240T 9. .5T :50 FL240 13. PERFORMANCE 772 772ER 772ER A6-EML 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE 773 773ER 773ULR Fuel Time 772LR Ground Distance SHORT TRIP FUEL AND TIME GEAR DOWN FCOM PD 40 knot HW.1T 239.2T Max Weight and temp from chart (Big reductions for operating in icing conditions) 211T 211T 249.8T 1:37 FL220 19.5%.6T :30 FL190 9.3T 1:45 FL290 5.640kgs/hr 260T 10.4T 1:09 FL260 17.3T 1:46 FL260 Wt Total FF/Hour 100 nm 200 nm 300 nm 400 nm 500 nm FCOM PI HOLDING FUEL CONSUMPTION GEAR DOWN @ FL 100 240T 11430 kgs/hr FLAPS UP 220T 10550 kgs/hr 200T 9690 kgs/hr 180T 8870 kgs/hr 240T 10890 kgs/hr FLAPS 1 220T 10000 kgs/hr 200T 9130 kgs/hr 180T 8290 kgs/hr 260T 12340 kgs/hr 240T 11430 kgs/hr 220T 10550 kgs/hr 200T 9690 kgs/hr 260T 11800 kgs/hr 240T 10910 kgs/hr 220T 10040 kgs/hr 200T 9200kgs/hr 260T 12340 kgs/hr 240T 11430 kgs/hr 220T 10550 kgs/hr 200T 9690 kgs/hr 260T 11800 kgs/hr 240T 10910 kgs/hr 220T 10040 kgs/hr 200T 9200kgs/hr 280T 11.9T :53 FL120 12.7EMIRATES B-777 Page 88 of 158 8.060kgs/hr 280T 13210 kgs/hr 260T 12320 kgs/hr 240T 11480 kgs/hr 220T 10640 kgs/hr 280T 12650 kgs/hr 260T 11750 kgs/hr 240T 10890 kgs/hr 220T 10000 kgs/hr 300T 12950 kgs/hr 280T 12080 kgs/hr 260T 11280 kgs/hr 240T 10500 kgs/hr 300T 12620 kgs/hr 280T 11740 kgs/hr 260T 10910kgs/hr 240T 10100kgs/hr 300T 12950 kgs/hr 280T 12080 kgs/hr 260T 11280 kgs/hr 240T 10500 kgs/hr 300T 12620 kgs/hr 280T 11740 kgs/hr 260T 10910kgs/hr 240T 10100kgs/hr FCOM PD 0’ PA 2. MLW @ start of diversion (Add 6. Flap 30 Landing) 205.3T :49 FL270 11.6T 1:08 FL290 15.9T 1:15 FL210 16. Normal Configuration Landing Distance Non-Normal Configuration Landing Distance QRH PI .940kgs/hr 240T 10.9T :29 FL210 8.To be used when conducting a one engine approach and the climb gradient is in question.1T 50°C 50°C 50°C 50°C 50°C 198.5T 1:28 FL260 21.7T 2:00 FL180 5.0T 1:12 FL250 18.0T 46°C 46°C 46°C 46°C 46°C 46°C 46°C Landing Climb Limit Weight QRH PI .840kgs/hr 260T 10.4T :53 FL240 12.3T 1:28 FL260 21.860kgs/hr 220T 9.Jeppesen does not publish the Missed Approach climb gradient until it is above 2. If not the approach must be made flap 5 and landing with flap 20.9T 48°C 190.1T 1:15 FL220 15.3T 54°C 247.0T 1:33 FL240 21.8T :31 FL190 8. . 5) Aircraft Station License Check Date 6) Original or a copy of the Third Party Liability Insurance Certificates. DOCUMENTS FILE FOM2.EMIRATES B-777 Page 89 of 158 - 9. Check Date . SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Preflight Checks. 4) Original or a copy of the Air Operator Certificate.1 1) C of R 2) C of A Check Date 3) Original or a copy of the Noise Certificate. EMIRATES B-777 Page 90 of 158 9. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Walk Around Component Locator Guide. . SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE .EMIRATES B-777 Page 91 of 158 9. EMIRATES B-777 Page 92 of 158 9. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE .EMIRATES B-777 Page 93 of 158 9. EMIRATES B-777 Page 94 of 158 9. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . EMIRATES B-777 Page 95 of 158 9. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . .0 ↓ • LEGS ↓ Check Departure (Use Plan Mode on ND) ↓ Load winds or Insert the Average wind ↓ Load descent winds ↓ • Nav Rad ↓ • Prog (Check ground distance) ↓ • Route 2 Copy ↓ • FMC COM (Check for incomplete entries) Flow 1 FCOM NP. .The Purser should provide details of special passengers.Checklist Reset……Datalink Initialize • Ident 8 • POS – Check UTC time Seat and Rudder adjusted • Route Laptop Initialize • Perf – Enter Step Size Get ATIS • Thrust limit Calculate RTOW • T/O page 2 (Noise abattement restrictions) • Legs Departure…{Check against PLAN mode} 6 Electrical Lights Wind 8 Hydraulic Lights • Nav Rad 3 Fuel Pump Lights • Prog (Check ground distance) 2 Bleed Air Lights RTO Brakes • Route 2 Copy 6 EICAS (may vary) • Fix 5 EICAS Com Msgs. . • Check for 5 Gear Pins • Adjust seat and organize documents Aircraft Documents Flow 1 FCOM NP. Preliminary Preflight Procedure CM1 or CM2 • Ensure ADIRU OFF :30 sec. Data Transfer T/O Data to the CFP Cross Check Perf.Policy to enter the flight deck. Prog 2 Advise ground crew to inform the Fueler Advise Load Control of the Final Fuel Fueling Complete……………Seat Belt Sign On Calculate ATOW and ALW Calculate ATOW and ALW Compute Perf.EMIRATES B-777 Page 96 of 158 9.2 .Security Procedures.Delegation of Command. 2 Doors open or armed if refueling • Emergency Equip.9 Clear for Boarding if Tech Log OK. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE CM1 CM2 Minimum Requirements for Preflight Planning FOM 12. .11. .21.. .Any other items particular to the flight. . MEMO.21 • FIX (Optional insert MSA restrictions and EOP waypoints) 2 • Resting Page RTE page 2 3 7 EFB initialize flight and clear FAULT. .Relevant FCI’s .Ensure all crew members are in possession of valid personal documents. ENGINE. Alternates.Augmented Flights: Rest Periods-Meal Arrangements-Use of Rest Facilities.NOTAMs and Weather Departure.Details of the flight.check 3x Upper EICAS.5 ↓ • Ident ↓ • POS – Check UTC time ↓ • Route ↓ • Perf (Default C of G) 200.Introduction of Pilots.Enroute NOTAMs and Weather for first hour of flight.200ER.5% ↓ • DEP/ARR ↓ • RTE (POS page 2 check RNP) (Verify or enter correct RNP (FCOM ↓ SP 20) See Jepp SID chart or RNP 1. Cabin Crew Briefing FOM 12. • COM / MASTER / MANAGER / DATALINK RESET • Flight Deck Door Key • IDENT page / Position Ent / Route Request / ATIS Request • Camera (wait :10 minutes after registering IN time before making a ROUTE REQUEST) • Overhead Panel / CBs • Start EFB / Check Camera • Park Brake set if required to check brake wear indicators. .21. 300-30%//200LR-14%//300ER ULR-7. Destination. then ON • Nav Charts • Check lighting set for walk around • Laptop • Check EICAS Messages. 4 Laptop Check 5 Walk Around (If checking brakes ensure park brake set) 6 FMC Initialize FCOM SP. 2 Remind the Purser that you are refueling with 3 passengers on board.2 . Fuel Page. and STATUS pages • Aircraft Documents • Check DOORS page.OFP. Data . . MSG items FMC Check ………. Seatbelts On APU Running Resting Page PERF INIT SAAPD Autobrake RTO Check FO Setup Park Brake On Seat Adjust Doors Manual Laptop (Check RTOW calculations) Call Load Control and request Final Load and C of G Confirm that fuel is acceptable…. we will continue the take-off. apply maximum manual braking (or observe operation or RTO autobrakes). Use the CAMERA Page to asses the aircraft. verify speedbrake lever up and call “SPEEDBRAKE UP”. • I will verify reverse thrust applied.1 FOM 15. retract flaps. or “NO SPEEDBRAKE” as appropriate. Our options are: • FUEL JETTISON ____ minutes. autothrottles are disengaged. • I will verify thrust levers are closed. PA announce “ATTENTION CREW AT STATIONS”. • Recall actions will be called for once the Flight Path and Navigation are stabilized. enter or Verify the EO Accel Height Accel Height (at or above EO Accel Height) Thrust Reduction Height (at or above EO Accel Height) T/O page 1 set Flap & C of G Enter the Takeoff speeds TO Speeds Call Flap 30 VREF and confirm with the OPT -0+1 Confirm Gross weight Call Assumed Temp / TOGA as appropriate Call EO Accel Height THRUST REF T/0 PAGE 2 T/0 PAGE 1 Call out the Takeoff Flap Call the Takeoff Speeds & confirm takeoff speeds entered Compare Flap 30 VREF with the OPT -0+1 Resting page RTE Page 2 Laptop Computer Stowed Exterior Doors verify closed FLT Deck Access Switch to Norm Flight deck windows closed and locked APP REF T/0 PAGE 1 Set MCP set V2. • Type of approach for immediate return or intentions if return to landing unavailable due to weather at departure airfield. • Once the aircraft has stopped on the runway I will set the parking brake..1 FOM 15. If any malfunction occurs before V1 I will call STOP or GO. and after retraction to ___ call for the appropriate checklist. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Briefings FCOM 50. FOM 15. • We will accelerate at ____ feet. • Call “AUTOBRAKES” if displayed on the EICAS. and maximum braking. I will immediately and simultaneously close the thrust levers.4 EMERGENCY BRIEFING PF • If a malfunction occurs after V1. • No actions other than raising the gear. • If the call is STOP. and apply maximum reverse thrust. set MCP ALT & Transp). If appropriate PA announce “CABIN CREW REVERT TO NORMAL OPERATIONS”.EMIRATES B-777 Page 97 of 158 9. application of TO/GA and silencing any aural warnings will be completed until the aircraft is safely established in the climb above 400 feet AGL. . V1 __kts” CM1 CM2 CM1 • This will be a LEFT/RIGHT seat take-off.4 REJECT BRIEFING On Subsequent flights on the same day with the same crew it may be abbreviated with the comment “Standard Reject Briefing. Proc.4 FCI 2007-77 NORMAL BRIEFING PF Both pilots conduct a diligent self brief and Check FMS “Are You Ready for a Briefing” Select RTE Page read RWY / SID / TRANSITION C Chart T Terrain W Weather O Operational Preflight Checklist Complete Checklist – Display Doors on MFD Final Load Data Received – record on Flight plan – Calculate ATOW & LW CDU Set PERF INIT Monitor Actions ZFW enter Fuel Quantities check CDU / EICAS / CFP Gross Weight Call compare CDU with OPT Set Assumed Temp and verify TO Thrust Call out assumed thrust and verify Climb Thrust T/O page 2. • Then inform ATC and carry out any required actions. Select LNAV VNAV and confirm armed on PFD Set Initial Heading & Initial Altitude Resting page Take-off Page 1 IF “PRE FLIGHT COMPLETED” NO DISPLAYED Flight deck windows closed and locked Captains PA ATC Clearance (Confirm CDU Dep. • Overweight Landing considerations o Our Take-off Weight is ____.4 Requirements • Initial flight path including Engine Out Procedure. ¾ of Fuel To Jettison = time to Jettison • OVERWEIGHT LANDING checklist. raise the speedbrake lever. and our MLW is ____. Request ATC Clearance and taxi clear of the runway. call “60 KNOTS”. • If an evacuation is required I will call “EVACUATION CHECKLIST”. and check the GEAR page for brake temperatures and tire pressures. FCOM 50. together we will assess the problem and I will call for the appropriate RECALL or CHECKLIST. FOM 15. disconnect the autothrottles. • If no evacuation is required I will check the DOORS page to ensure no doors are open. if FUEL IN CENTER EICAS displayed Center Tanks On Beacon “Recall” Call out the displayed messages ENGINE SHUTDOWN TCAS OFF Cancel EICAS Checklist Display BEFORE START Flight Deck Door Closed and locked Radios Set Data on Central Radio 121.EMIRATES B-777 Page 98 of 158 9. Call “Cancel EICAS” Set the Trim Flight deck door closed and locked If Starting before pushback or off gate and no pushback is required “Cabin Crew Arm Doors” Before Start Checklist “Clear to Pushback. “Pushback Facing ____. Position Start Selector(s) to START Observe Oil Press increase by initial EGT rise. Release Brakes. Before Taxi Procedure to be completed when red EGT Limits disappear. Blocks Off At ____” Announce Start Sequence GE engines must be started individually Call “START__ENGINE(S)” GE engines are not allowed dual engine starts Position Fuel Control Selectors to Run Observe Oil Press increase by initial EGT rise If not Abort Start Observe Gen OFF light not illuminated after start. EAD-71 APU Selector Off Engine Anti-Ice as required “Recall” Read off remaining EIAS messages “Checked” Ground Engineer Dismiss “2 Good Starts. Facing ____”. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE CM1 After Cabin Secure received Transfer Power to APU Call Ground Engineer “Confirm: Ground checks complete. EAD-71 Start Procedure. Fuel Panel Main pumps on. Command CM2 to request push and start CM2 Call ATC for start and pushback clearance Hydraulic Panel Pressurize right system first to prevent fluid transfer. All doors and hatches closed. VNAV Armed 5. Hand Signals on the Left/Right” Verify ground equipment is clear Call Flaps __ Flight Controls Check Check EAI valves if required EKIB-32 Call for “BEFORE TAXI CHECKLIST” Display Checklist Ground Equipment Clear Position Flap Lever “BEFORE TAXI CHECKLIST COMPLETE” Obtain Taxi Clearance Turn on Taxi light and Turn Off lights On Clear Right Takeoff Review CDU Flap __ Required. Flap __ Indicated EICAS ND RWY __ PFD V2 ___ TOGA. Set (PNF) LEGS or (PF) T/O page 1 or CLIMB Transponder 1326 TAKEOFF REVIEW COMPLETE Display Checklist Wx or Terr On Complete Before Takeoff Checklist “BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECKLIST COMPLETE” Before Takeoff Procedure May be done by CM1 or CM2 Brief Taxi Clearance Clear Left Release parking brake Engine Anti-Ice Select On. TOGA LNAV.000 249 Track FMS SOBRA 1G.” “Parking Brake Released. and clear to pressurize hydraulics.5 on Right Transponder TA/RA “BEFORE START CHECKLIST COMPLETE” Engine Display Push Start Clock Before Start Procedure After Start Clearance is given. Observe Gen OFF light not illuminated. Flap __ Selected. B-777 tow bar connected.Auto EKIB-32 Call “TAKEOFF REVIEW” When Takeoff Review Is Complete And Cabin Ready Received Wx or Terr On Call for “BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECKLIST” “CHECKLIST COMPLETE” . “Confirm Tow bar Disconnected and Steering bypass pin removed” “Clear to Disconnect. Complete a check of remaining Weather and NOTAMS. FOM 15. 10.Complete Flight times on the CFP .At TOD record fuel on Flight Plan When Passing lesser of 20. Set NAV RAD page. Record Fuel on Flight Plan Set RADAR for Cruise Complete Flight times on the CFP Enter winds if required Descent Preparation and Procedure.EMIRATES B-777 Page 99 of 158 9.7. . Set RADAR for Cruise Discuss Engine-Out drift down capability. QNH.000 AAL or TOD. or “Cabin Crew Cleared for Duties” All Landing Lights Off NAV page manual selections off. Discuss Depressurization Strategy. Check the ENGINE and STATUS pages. Top Of Climb Procedure. Transfer Control DEP/ ARR Select Select Approach and Transition Confirm and Execute Modify LEGS. followed by a look at all other system pages.7. Nominate Diversion Airports and check weather. FOM 15.2 CM1 Starts Clock 1. Verify VREF (Ensure CM1 sets Standby ASI) Set Baro Minimums (Ensure CM1 sets Standby ALT) Check CDU C Chart T Terrain W Weather O Operational F Fuel FCI 2007-075 “DESCENT CHECKLIST COMPLETE” . Verify Runway heading with ND ± 10°.000 AAL Seat Belt Selector as required. RTE Copy as required Set Fix page to 25nm circle around dest. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE PF Takeoff Procedure. and RNP(Ensure CM1 pre-selects STBY ALT QNH) Set VREF (Ensure CM1 sets Standby ASI) Set Auto Brake Transfer control back APPROACH BRIEFING Both pilots conduct a diligent self brief and Check FMS “Are You Ready for a Briefing” Get ATIS Complete prior to 10.000 MSL Rough Calculation 3 x Altitude + 20 nm Confirm FMS Review all Alert Messages and Operational Notes.2 Cleared for Takeoff “CHECK” Set Thrust prior to 80 kts “THRUST SET” “80 KNOTS” V1 Auto Callout “GEAR UP” “LNAV” “AP ON” After 200 AGL “THR REF. POS page 2 RNP Manual Selection Deleted Approaching Transition set Altimeters “TRANSITION” “STANDARD FL ___” “CHECK” When FUEL LOW CENTER EICAS is displayed turn CENTER FUEL PUMPS OFF. When Cleared to Lineup on runway Release Brakes Confirm Correct Runway Align A/C on Runway MLG Steering centered for :05 before takeoff. and insert Trans LVL Set Baro Mins.05 EPR or 55 % N1 “TAKEOFF” push TOGA sw “THRUST REF” “CHECK” “HOLD” EKIB23 PNF Landing and Strobe Lights On PA “CABIN CREW PREPARE FOR T/O” Confirm Correct Runway Verify Runway heading with ND± 10°. VNAV SPEED” Call all FMA changes and engage Autopilot ASAP At Acceleration height start Flap retraction “FLAPS ___” Verify climb thrust set Call “AFTER TAKEOFF CHECKLIST” “ROTATE” “POSITIVE CLIMB” “400” Verify VNAV engaged Position Flaps as commanded When flaps selected UP Checklist Display Push Engine A/I AUTO “AFTER TAKEOFF CHECKLIST COMPLETE” Climb/Cruise Procedure. Seat Belt Sign On Call for “DESCENT CHECKLIST” Landing PA . Approaching transition level. FLAPS 20” Arm the Speedbrake .Speed Brake Armed . VNAV PATH.Flap 30 . SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE PF Approach Procedure.000 AAL “APPROACH CHECKLIST” At 10. Flaps 20.Set Speed . and set and missed approach altitude by at 300 feet below FAF Altitude for a VNAV Approach and 300 feet above MDA for a V/S approach .Flap 20 .Set Speed 2500 “Check” Before 1.000 AGL CABIN READY received from Purser PA “CABIN CREW PREPARE FOR LANDING” On LOC intercept heading….EMIRATES B-777 Page 100 of 158 9. Checklist display POSITION Flaps Call “FLAPS __ LANDING CHECKLIST” “Check” Instrument approach using VNAV.Set Missed approach altitude.500 AGL .Landing Gear Down “GEAR DOWN. Taxi and Runway lights On Checklist display push Transition Check “APPROACH CHECKLIST COMPLETE” T C C L P Transition Checklist Cabin Ready LOC… Identified PA Completed ILS Procedure. Call for Flaps according to schedule On Intercept Heading…. FLARE and ROLLOUT ARMED” 1000 “Check” 500“Check” Plus 100“Check” Minimums “LANDING” or “GO-AROUND” At FAF/OM “FAF or OM ____ feet” “MISSED APPROACH ALTITUDE SET” Before 1. Verify ILS Tuned and Identified LOC and G/S pointers displayed Landing Gear Down. or VNAV ALT Set MDA +50 in MCP Select VNAV Engage Speed intervention Approaching the Glide Path “GEAR DOWN. Checklist Display Position Flaps “LANDING CHECKLIST COMPLETE” At FAF/OM “FAF or OM ____ feet” “MISSED APPROACH ALTITUDE SET” “Check” Set MCP below platform altitude. ARM LNAV or LOC Approx 2-3 nm before the FAF and after ALT.000 (ASL or AAL) select Landing . Verify ILS Tuned and Identified LOC and G/S pointers displayed Arm App Mode At G/S Alive…………….Landing Checklist “LANDING CHECKLIST COMPLETE” CHECKLIST COMPLETE” At G/S intercept set missed approach altitude on MCP “LAND 3. . set altimeters Verify correct arrival and approach procedures selected Confirm Approach Briefing PNF When cleared to an altitude and below 10. Call for Flaps according to schedule On LOC intercept heading…. FLAPS 20” Arm the Speedbrake Beginning the final descent Call “FLAPS __ LANDING CHECKLIST” 300’ below Platform Altitude and M/A Altitude Set M/A Altitude in MCP 2500 “Check” 1000 “Check” 500“Check” Plus 100“Check” Minimums “LANDING” or “GO-AROUND” CABIN READY received from Purser PA “Cabin Crew Prepare for Landing” On LOC intercept heading…. Verify NAV Aid Tuned and Identified LOC or VOR pointers displayed Call “APPROACHING GLIDE PATH” Position Landing Gear Down Flaps 20. When reverse idle achieved stow the reverse thrust levers. Notify Cabin Crew “CABIN CREW PREPARE DOORS FOR ARRIVAL” Turn Off Runway Turnoff and Taxi lights Display to DOORS synoptic page CM1 Shutdown Procedure.TOGA” Position Flaps to 20 PNF Verify rotation to go around Attitude and thrust increase Verify thrust adequate and adjust if required “POSITIVE CLIMB” Position Landing Gear Up and ensure F/Ds on “GEAR UP” Above 200 select A/P ON (If F/Ds not on the can be reengaged by hitting the TOGA switch twice) Verify MA Altitude is set Above 400 select LNAV or HDG/TRK SEL At Flap Retraction Altitude (Jep.Electrical Power Establish Verify Cabin Doors Disarmed Verify Engines have spooled down to 10% N1 Hydraulics Set C1&C2 Demand Pumps OFF. Call for “AFTER TAKEOFF CHECKLIST” Complete checklist After CM1 positions Speed Brake Lever Down. Seat Belt Selector Off EFB Close Flight Director Off When Wheel chocks are in release the Parking Brake.. C2&C1Electric Primary Pumps OFF. Minimum Recommended Speed is Vref+5.EMIRATES B-777 Page 101 of 158 9. R Demand Pump OFF. FLAPS 20” “THR. Monitor Roll and Proper Auto Brake Operation Call “SPEEDBRAKES UP” or “NO SPEEDBRAKES” Call “AUTOBRAKES” if displayed on the EICAS Call “60 KNOTS” Move the Reverse levers to the reverse idle detent. L Demand Pump OFF. Missed Approach Altitude) set Position Flaps speed to the maneuvering speed for the desired flap setting Display Checklist Call for “FLAPS __” according to flap schedule After Flap Retraction select FLCH or VNAV as required Caution for Single Engine Go-Around Loss of control prior to reaching stick shaker may occur after an engine failure at light weights. CM1 Stops Clock Position Strobes Off Select Wx Radar Off Landing Taxi lights as Required Select Wx Radar Off Position Auto Brakes Off Flap Lever Up Checklist Push Call “AFTER LANDING CHECKLIST” “AFTER LANDING CHECKLIST Complete” After Landing Procedure Turning on to Parking Stand. Park Brake Set Fuel Control Cutoff Cabin Doors Disarmed N1 below 10%. (prevents Fluid Transfer) Fuel Pumps Off Beacon Off Flight Director Off Checklist Push EFB Close Transponder Standby “SHUTDOWN CHECKLIST Complete” APU Selector Set Flight Deck Access System Off . Call “SHUTDOWN CHECKLIST” Status Message Check disregard until :03 min after HYD PRESS SYS L+C+R LOG required defects CM2 Stop Clock…. In contact with Ground Engineer report the Aircraft Status. Taxi instructions received and understood. Fleet Facts July/August 2007 Verify missed approach route tracked and missed approach altitude captured. Position Engine Anti-Ice as required Stow the Speed Brakes Start APU at an appropriate time. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE PF Go-Around Procedure Push TOGA Call “GO-AROUND.TOGA. Ensure Aircraft and Cabin Log Books signed for next flight.EMIRATES B-777 Page 102 of 158 9. Reset Flight instruments R Com to RVHF. Call “SECURE PROCEDURE” ADIRU OFF Emergency Lights Off Packs Set EFB Power sw Push Checklist Push CM2 EFB Power sw Push Call “SECURE CHECKLIST” “SECURE CHECKLIST Complete” Laptop computer Stowed power supply connected if below 30% Flight Deck Door key check Last Items Prior To Leaving Cockpit 3 minutes after HYD PRESS SYS L+C+R message is shown record the STATUS and ALERT messages in the maint. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE CM1 Secure Procedure. FLT. Log. SPKR Volumes set to 12:00 Transponder Standby 2000 Seat Belt Stowed . FLT. L Com to RVHF. SPKR Volumes set to 12:00 Seat Belt Stowed. EMIRATES B-777 Page 103 of 158 9. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE INTENTIONALLY BLANK . 000’ ASL FL200 Climbing FL280 Standard FL ___ Check Transition After T/O Checklist Display the Checklist Engine AI Auto Flap Up Flap 1 THR REF VNAV Hold V1 A/P On Gear Up LNAV 400 After T/O Checklist Complete Lights Off Seatbelts Off 10.000’ ASL SPEED. Cleared to line up on runway Departure SOP 28. CDU LEGS Transponder ____ TO Review complete Display Checklist All Calls will be responded to with an action call or “Check” . LNAV VNAV Armed 5.000 Climbing FL280 Transition Altitude 10.000’ AAL DEPARTURE BRIEFING Reject Briefing Emergency Briefing CAT of Aircraft and Airport NOTAMS Route Briefing Notes NOTAMS Threats Pushback and Taxi Departure 1. VNAV PATH 27.TOGA.000’ ASL FL 270 Climbing FL280 20. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE . 80 Knots Rotate Ldg Lts & Strbs On PA Cabin Crew Verify Rwy Hdg Positive Climb PF Calls PNF Calls Auto Callouts V1 TAKE OFF REVIEW Flap __ Rwy ___ V2 ___ TOGA. THRUST SET.000’ AAL 400’ AAL Takeoff. THRUST REF PF Procedures PNF Procedures Taxi Clearance Brief Taxi Taxi lights ON Release park brake Call For T/O Review Prior to Takeoff the duties of the PF will be completed by CM1.000 249 Track SID PF CDU T/O PNF.EMIRATES B-777 Page 104 of 158 9. 000 Seatbelt Sign On FL 200 or TOD whichever is lower QNH ____ 15. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE 28. LOC CAP. Fix page as req Set NAV/RAD page Check MSGS and NOTES Select VREF Ensure CM1 sets STBY ASI Set Minimums Ensure CM1 sets STBY ALT Set Auto Brake Transfer Control Back Check FMC Complete Briefing Call for Descent Checklist ARRIVAL BRIEFING Messages. missed approach altitude set Flap 30.000’ ASL Transition Altitude 10.000 Descending 8. G/S CAP. Taxi.000’ AAL Speedbrakes Up or No Speedbrakes 60 knots Landing or G/A Minimums PF Procedures PNF Procedures PF Calls PNF Calls Auto Callouts 2500 For the purposes of this explanation the PF will remain so even during control transfers.000 Descending 8. and Rwy Turn Off lights On Display Checklist 9.000’ ASL Advise purser :20 to TOD ATIS PA Arrival SOP FL200 Descending 8. Notes.000’ AAL 1. Flap 20 Arm the Speedbrakes LOC armed.000 Transition Check 10. FLARE and ROLLOUT ARMED Transfer Controls Set FMC DEP/ARR page Confirm and Execute Modify LEGS page.000 10. G/S armed. Landing Checklist LAND 3.000’ M/A Altitude Set 500 Plus 100 Approach Checklist ILS idendtified Flap 1………Flap Landing Gear Down.000 Procedure Landing. ALT HOLD ILS identified Cabin Ready PA Cabin Crew Prepare for Landing 2500 FAF 1000 1. RBN.EMIRATES B-777 Page 105 of 158 9.000 SPEED-ALT CAP. All Calls will be responded to with an action call or “Check” . NOTAMS Threats CAT of Aircraft and Airport & why STAR Approach amd Missed Approach Fuel and diversion plans Autobrakes and Reverse Thrust Taxi intentions Missed Approach Calls 20. If your current condition gets better or worse or there is significant new information go back to FLY and start over.. .Protect the airplane ..Other Pilot – Purser – Company – ATC – fuel – weather – diversion ..Diversion? . I .EICAS – Normal Checklists… MAN . .Several Acronyms available… o D o I o S o C o S Rapid Depress with TCAS When making decisions that enter gray areas consider the following: FOM 1. and do you have a REASON.Bring in other pilot. purser.Is it Time Critical??? ACT ACTION MANAGE Decisions... Divert...Protect the controls .. SLR Is it SAFE. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Emirates Management Model Emirates Management Model FLY FLY NAVIGATE COMMUNICATE ASSESS Examples EFATO .. Pax. If required SUGGEST a better option.....Protect yourself… NAV .… .Approach? COM . LEGAL. Company...... Uncontrollable Fire after T/O Tips for dealing with differences with other crew member: A. ATC Company) ( Send Position Report and Diversion Message) or (ACARS Message to DXBOWEK) Setup Checklists Special Requirements Engine Failure in Cruise .EMIRATES B-777 Page 106 of 158 9.....Slowly read the EICAS (stress control).. .. ATC as required..Hold? ... . S . If required INSIST on the change.Who do I need to speak with Urgently ASS RTO ... ASK what he/she is thinking. Purser.01 Flight Operations Mission Statement To operate Emirates aircraft in the safest and most efficient manner.. Dump… Inform (PNF..Recall – Checklist .. EMIRATES B-777 Page 107 of 158 9. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE MEL & CDL Guidelines . .EMIRATES B-777 Page 108 of 158 9. open R1 door. - CM2 Supervise A/C Evacuation R/H. ATC. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE RTO Actions Stop the Aircraft Alert the Crew PA “Attention Crew at Stations” Call for required Recall CM1 Set the park brake Access the situation FLT Instruments. Purser. abandon A/C. CM2 Complete the required Recall NO Evacuation Decision PA “Cabin Crew revert to Normal Operations” CM2 READ AND DO YES Turn on the STORM LIGHTS “Passenger Evacuation Checklist” required PA CM2 Challenge CM1 Respond “Left/Right/All Available Exits Evacuate Evacuate” Evacuation Switch Pull Horn Silence - CM1 Supervise A/C Evacuation L/H. CM2. and Emergency Services. If necessary. open R2 door. take command until arrival of rescue units. Abandon A/C after complete evacuation of passengers and direct them away. If necessary. After evacuation. Cancel the EICAS . . 6 units Approach .Come up with a mini plan... .3..EMIRATES B-777 Page 109 of 158 9. SEVERE DAMAGE..After Flap retracted confirm MAX CON Thrust...Close the Speed Window or Set Speed to Flaps Up Speed. Tell them to standby. CM 1 Start Clock 1. o Climb to MSA and proceed to a holding fix or follow ATC instructions. Dump… I Inform (PNF.At 400’AAL THR REF will engage and retard them to the original T/O Thrust… possibly D-TO. Complete required Recall Example Of Recall Procedure “FIRE ENGINE LEFT” Confirm the correct A/T switch “CONFIRMED” Guard the Operating Thrust Lever “CONFIRMED” Guard the Operating Fuel Control Switch “CONFIRMED” Guard the Operating Fire Switch “CONFIRMED” “LEFT A/T OFF CONFIRM” Switch the A/T OFF “OFF” “LEFT THRUST LEVER CLOSE CONFIRM” Close the Thrust Lever “CLOSED” “LEFT FUEL CONTROL SWITCH CUTOFF CONFIRM” Select the Fuel Control Switch to CUTOFF “CUTOFF” “LEFT FIRE SWITCH PULL CONFIRM” Pull the Fire Switch “PULLED” Discharge bottles as required “FIRE OUT” Recall Complete and above Engine Out Acceleration Height and Turns Complete FOM 20. (If Required) Call Engine Indications and Report the Problem.05 EPR or 55 % N1 “TAKEOFF” push TOGA sw “THRUST REF” “CHECK” FCTM 3..Review the EICAS. TAC OFF Trim Settings Take-off . Landing and Strobe Lights On PA “CABIN CREW PREPARE FOR T/O” Confirm Correct Runway Verify Runway heading with ND± 10°..If TOGA selected it will lock onto the current track and you will be unable to change this until above 400’ AAL.4 PNF When Cleared to Lineup on runway :05 before takeoff.27 QRH MAN 2. ..Retract the Flap. “WHAT IS THE PROBLEM” Stabilize the Flight Path and Navigation Call for Required Recall Caution: . Select FLCH if required..1 FOM 20. ATC Company) S Setup C Checklists S Special Requirements After 400 feet and required Recall actions complete.4 . ... FOM 20.. Purser.. contact ATC with PANPAN for a Failure or MAYDAY MAYDAY for FIRE.3. Roll Modes LNAV and HDG/TRK will be available below 400’AGL Caution: . SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Engine Malfunction After V1 PF Release Brakes Confirm Correct Runway Align Aircraft on Runway MLG Steering centered for Verify Runway heading with ND ± 10°.. 3 units Rule of Thumb Rudder Trim should = Fuel Flow . 12 units Downwind ..50.4 .1 FCOM NP.. Cleared for Takeoff “CHECK” Set Thrust prior to 80 kts “THRUST SET” “80 KNOTS” “HOLD” V1 Auto Callout “ROTATE” “POSITIVE CLIMB” “GEAR UP” “LNAV” Ensure Aircraft is in Trim “AP ON” Above 200 AGL 400 Feet “400” (An awareness call of a Lateral Mode Selection) Select Speed Intervene (If Required) Select TRACK and follow the Engine Out Procedure.... Pax. Divert.3...If Thrust Levers advanced for additional thrust.. .. SEPARATION.Call for the required Non-Normal checklists .Call for the AFTER TAKEOFF checklist D Decisions. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE EICAS Message Procedure TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 10 PF EICAS “(EICAS MSG) RECALL” “(EICAS MSG) CHECKLIST” PNF Complete the Recall Items“ “(EICAS MSG) RECALL COMPLETE” “ADDITIONAL NON-NORMALS” Complete the Checklist Items“ “(EICAS MSG) CHECKLIST COMPLETE” “NO ADDITIONAL NON-NORMALS” Read all EICAS messages “REVIEW EICAS” Call for any further checklists if required “CANCEL EICAS” “CLEAR CHECKLISTS” Cancel EICAS Clear Checklist FCTM 4. PF “ENGINE FAILURE” Select CONT Thrust Select a Lower Altitude Select FLCH Adjust Speed Disconnect A/T and ensure CONT Thrust Adjust the Speed and Altitude settings.11 FCOM SP23 FCOM 11.MAYDAY. MAYDAY” Turn on all exterior lights Complete the Checklist Items“ “FIRE ENGINE L/R CHECKLIST COMPLETE” “REVIEW EICAS” Read all EICAS messages Call for any further checklists if required “CANCEL EICAS” “CLEAR CHECKLISTS” Cancel EICAS Clear Checklist Ensure VNAV Engaged “ENGINE FIRE L/R CHECKLIST” Engine Failure or Fire at Cruise Altitude Manual Proc. PNF Select E/O on the VNAV Cruise page Advise D/D Speed and D/D Altitude .EMIRATES B-777 Page 110 of 158 9.31.MAYDAY.31 Engine Failure or Fire at Cruise Altitude PF “ENGINE OUT DRIFT DOWN PROCEDURE” PNF “ENGINE FAILURE” Select FMS CRUISE page ENGINE OUT Select a lower altitude on the MCP (Do Not Push) Execute Ensure VNAV Engaged “MAYDAY. MAYDAY” Turn on all exterior lights Complete the Checklist Items“ “ENGINE FAILURE CHECKLIST COMPLETE” Ensure VNAV Engaged “ENGINE FAILURE L/R CHECKLIST” “REVIEW EICAS” Read all EICAS messages Call for any further checklists if required “CANCEL EICAS” “CLEAR CHECKLISTS” Cancel EICAS Clear Checklist PF “EICAS” “FIRE ENGINE L/R RECALL” PNF Complete the Recall Items“ “FIRE ENGINE L/R RECALL COMPLETE” “ENGINE OUT DRIFT DOWN PROCEDURE” Select FMS CRUISE page ENGINE OUT Select a lower altitude on the MCP (Do Not Push) Execute Ensure VNAV Engaged “MAYDAY. 50. A handy acronym to remember is AAA APU select OFF Remember the company procedure of not applying power to an engine until the OIL Temp is above 50°C. A A A ALL ENGINE select on the VNAV CRUISE page.42 .21.2 Landing Procedure – G/S Intercept from Above FCOM NP. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Engine Handling after an Airstart After an In-flight Restart there are additional items required to reconfigure the aircraft.EMIRATES B-777 Page 111 of 158 9. AUTO THROTTLE select ON Engine Out Procedure FCOM NP. These Items are not covered by the checklist or SOP. . SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Pressurization Problems ..DESCENT. FOM 17....3... .......... ESTABLISH ... ON Remove headset....CABIN ALTITUDE AND RATE...............Flight Crew requires Oxygen Masks for Cabin Altitudes above 10...Take control of the aircraft and ask CM2 to go off Oxygen CM2 ...Call 2...............Remove Mask • Close Left O2 door and reset O2 • Establish Communications .000 Stow the Speed brake.EMIRATES B-777 Page 112 of 158 9......... .......... FOM 20. ALTEON CBT ....Notify ATC and request Altimeter Setting .Call out Altitudes If the cabin is uncontrollable or the “CABIN ALTITUDE” EICAS Warning comes ON “RAPID DESCENT” Descent Accomplish • Set a lower Alt...000 and above.The CABIN ALTITUDE EICAS warning message displays and the Siren will activate when the cabin altitude is excessive (Above 10..6 PF “CABIN ALTITUDE RECALL” .... place on shoulder O2 mask on Headset on .............. • Reselect Altitude to 10.000 Above Level Off Altitude .......000 above Level Off Altitude After aircraft has leveled off at a safe altitude at or below 10.........Transfer Control to CM2 ......000 PA....... Establish LRC or 300 knots .....CREW COMMUNICATIONS. .....OXYGEN MASKS.............. The Cabin Altitude displays Amber for Cabin Altitudes above 8...Passengers require Oxygen Masks for Cabin Altitudes above 15......... The Cabin Altitude Displays Red for Cabin Altitudes 10.....5 FCTM 7....Remove Mask • Close Left O2 door and reset O2 • Establish Communications ..........Lights On ....6 ...000 or Min Safe Altitude “CABIN ALTITUDE CHECKLIST” At 2.......OXYGEN MASKS....000 PA.. ON Remove headset.... .....PASS OXYGEN SWITCH. ALTEON CBT . ALTEON CBT ......................6 ....... ACCOMPLISH ...500PA...... CHECK IF CABIN ALTITUDE UNCONTROLLABLE: ................ ..............500 PA)........... .000 Reduce the Speed to LRC At 1..............Call 1.Make a PA “PURSER REPORT TO THE FLIGHT DECK” ... place on shoulder O2 mask on Headset on ...CREW COMMUNICATIONS.000 CM1 .. • HDG SEL • FLCH • Close Thrust Levers • Speed Brake Deploy • Set Speed to VMO (or present speed if structural damage) • Adjust Heading per ATC request.................. PUSH AND HOLD 1 SECOND .......... ESTABLISH PNF ...Read the checklist aloud ...The Oxygen masks deploy at Cabin Altitudes above 13..........Make a PA to the Passengers and advise the new cruising level... FOM 17.500 PA........ .....The AIR Synoptic will display on the EICAS when the Cabin Altitude is above the normal range (8..000 PA).. o An Instruction to turn will be issued.Training requirements are: 1 ASA Video FAA Video Familiarization with PRM approach Procedures Company Training Familiarization with Breakout Procedures and Phraseology.300ft in the USA .500m in Australia o 4.EMIRATES B-777 Page 113 of 158 9. A/P ON” Reconfigure AC as required. During a breakout ATC turn instructions should be followed and TCAS Climb/Descent instructions are controlling. o by a distance specified on the Jeppessen All User Page.2 . Right Radio to PRM freq Receive only and volumes set equally. “TRAFFIC ALERT EK203 TURN LEFT/RIGHT IMMEDIATELY HEADING ___ CLIMB/DESCEND AND MAINTAIN ___ ALTITUDE” .22 FOM Chap 19 Special Operations USA OPS page 26 TM 5.If an Aircraft penetrates the NTZ: o A BREAKOUT ALERT will be issued. . . . Turn Both F/Ds Off Set MCP as instructed Complete requested Actions . SET ALTITUDE _____ FT”.When ATIS advises that ILS PRM approaches are in use Pilots should brief for the PRM approach: o Brief using the “Attention All Users” page and the “ILS PRM Chart”. . During a missed approach or breakout TA/RA should be reselected. Pass an Exam . o the monitor frequency is no longer required.If unable to fly a PRM approach you must advise ATC: o by 120 DME from Sydney Airport. After Breakout Complete “F/DS ON. . o TA/RA should be selected.Breakout Procedure: PF PNF Disengage A/P Manoeuver as per ATC Instructions “F/Ds OFF” “SET HDG ___°. . or if departing from within 120 DME of Sydney on first contact with ATC. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE ILS PRM Approaches FCTM 7.Minimum Separation between runways is: o 1.USE of TCAS on PRM Approaches: o When in contact with tower TA or TA/RA may be selected.ILS PRM Approaches are designed for closely separated runways at YSSY and some US Airports. o Ensure VHF Radios are set up Left Radio to ATC Transmit and Receive. “BREAKOUT ALERT EK418 TURN LEFT/RIGHT IMMEDIATELY HEADING ___ CLIMB/DESCEND AND MAINTAIN ___ ALTITUDE” o A TRAFFIC ALERT will be issued.ATIS will broadcast when PRM approaches are in use. o If PRM approaches are cancelled the approach may be continued after briefing o new minimums.If an Aircraft will penetrate the NTZ: o An Advisory Broadcast will be issue. USA Operations use 420 nm Wx should be above landing minima.25° Minimum 2.ABP – Is the OM or equivalent point. .20.Above 1.Unservicability in excess of 50%. Follow procedure FCOM SP17. . if SINGLE SOURCE .500 AGL. If Auto callouts fail the PNF will make the required callouts (50-40-30-… not required) Maximum Allowable Wind Speeds Glideslope FCOM L. CAT II 3 consecutive lights + a lateral element CAT IIIA 3 consecutive lights CAT IIIB 1 centerline light FOM 18.3 FOM 18. Below AH (200’ AGL) .See 10-AWO Chart . for circling Approaches it is the IAF. if the reported visibility/RVR falls below the applicable minimum. If the RVR is varying between distances less than and greater than the minimum RVR the approach may be continued. .500’ .Check ASA if above required minimum continue or downgrade.During Setup Preselect CAT I Baro Min.The higher minima must be briefed prior to commencing the approach. AWO qualifications remain valid between PPCs.17 Non-Normal Procedures FCOM SP.DISPLAYS – RAD ALT .17 FCTM 2. The autopilot flight director system (AFDS) autoland status annunciation must display LAND 2 or LAND 3.After passing the Approach Ban Point. - The ABP is the FAF or the published G/S intercept.7 Auto Callouts Autoland Limitations FCTM 2 . . .For approach add ons for failed or downgraded equipment refer to LIDO General Part.Continue the approach unless there is a Master Caution Aural and Light.17 FOM 12.17.17. or one engine inoperative.EMIRATES B-777 Page 114 of 158 9.5 FCOM SP. the complete failure of the first ½ of the runway lights has to be considered as a total failure. RAR (Rules and Regulations) .3 FOM 18. The visual aid has to be considered as unserviceable.A system malfunction .17.The minimum altitude to downgrade an approach is 200 AAL.A partial unservicability of a Visual Aid of up to 50% has no effect.5 Incapacitations are assumed when a Flight Crewmember does not respond to: . N NO AUTOLAND A AUTO THROTTLE S SPEEDBRAKE A AUTO PILOT .000AGL to 2 verbal communications.5 Pelesys CBT Downgrading Approaches FCOM SP.2 FOM 18. .Normal Procedures Above AH (200’ AGL) .Low Visibility Procedures must be in force CAT C aircraft 125 meters CAT D aircraft 150 meters . .15 FOM 15. or MDA. USA require weather to be above Alternate Minima (ceiling and visibility required from time of departure to ETA) NZ and Australia require T/O Alternate if wx below CAT I landing minima. . Non ETOPS 420 nm ETOPS 840 nm.Downgrading Calls “LAND 2” RESPONSE “CAT IIIA SET FIVE ZERO FEET”.CAT II III approaches are only authorized at airports with JEP 10-AWO chart.20. An approach shall not be continued beyond the Approach Ban Point if the reported visibility/RVR at the Approach Ban Point is less that the applicable minimum.* RVR Stop End SE requirements are at Captain’s Discretion but not below 75 meters when stop end of runway is required by landing distance.000AGL to 1 verbal communication. FOM 20.5° Automatic Landings can be made using flaps 20 or 30.ASA must be displayed by 500 AGL or G/A .17.EICAS ALERT and MASTER CAUTION G/A . . if not G/A. . if not G/A.5 HW 25 knots TW 15 knots CW 25 knots Maximum 3. If it is not possible to return to the departure airport a TO Alt is required. .The remaining pilot may continue the approach. . and set DH as per FCOM SP17. with either engines operative. .3 FOM 19. however.10 Visual Ref.2 FOM 15. .10 TAKE-OFF AWO TO General rules Take-off Alternate Recency Requirements 10-AWO Stabilization Point Lighting Requirements FOM 18.17.Below 1. For circling approaches it is the IAF. The Aircraft must be stabilized by 1.Centerline lights = 15 meters .Check EICAS.3 Prior to 1.ILS is displayed G/A. ceiling is required for a non-precision approach.21 LANDING Approach Ban Point See 10-AWO for RVR requirements and Approach Ban Point.1 FOM 18.3 FCTM 3.Any verbal communication associated with a significant deviation from the intended flight path. the approach may be continued to the DH/Alert Height.4 FOM 19.G/S scales on the PFD change color to amber and flashing on the pointer below 200’RA G/A. .All RVR are required to be above minimum RVR . Reference FOM 18.17. The ABP is the FAF inbound or where the final approach course is intercepted.EICAS ALERT continue the approach.5 FOM 17.17. . FCTM 2. SOP GUIDE FCOM SP 17 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Low Visibility Operations Item LVP Reduced TO visibility Less than 400 meters Remark . and ground visibility is reported to vary between distances less than and greater than the minimum visibility the approach may be continued.Above AH failure of an operational system requires a GA.10.Below AH failure of an operational system is ignored.2 FCTM 5. . at DH Crew Incapacitation If south of 60° long.Monitor to confirm corrective inputs are applied. Reduced thrust is permitted. .G/S scales on the PFD change color to amber and flashing on the pointer .If no RVR available the Captain can determine Visual reference Runway edge lights = 60 meters . And no RVR or runway visibility (PIREP) for the runway of FCI 2008-009 intended approach is available.10.3 .17.MP RVR can be substituted for a inop TD or SE RVR Above 80 kts loss of visual reference should not cause an RTO. or SGL SOURCE ILS displayed. or SGL SOURCE ILS displayed. One or two engine.20. Flap 20 / 30. Flap 20 / 30. SGL SOURCE RAD ALT. or IIIB with DH Callouts Condition 500 feet “CHECK” 200 feet RA with DH At Decision Height “LANDING” or “GO-AROUND” “50” FLARE (NO FLARE) “40” “30” “20” IDLE (NO IDLE) “10” ROLLOUT(NO ROLLOUT) “TWO HUNDRED” radio altimeter “CHECK” “MINIMUMS”” radio altimeter 200 feet RA 0 DH CAT IIIB Callouts Condition 500 feet “CHECK” “TWO HUNDRED” radio altimeter “LANDING” or “GO-AROUND” PF PNF “500”(Auto callout from baro altimeter) PF PNF “500”(Auto callout from baro altimeter) “50” FLARE (NO FLARE) “40” “30” “20” IDLE (NO IDLE) “10” ROLLOUT(NO ROLLOUT) FOM Chapter 15 page 35 FOM Chapter 15 page 34 EKIB-25 Occurrences of unpowered Right Transfer Bus during triple channel autopilot autoland bus isolation… EKIB-26 Autoland System should NOT be used for overweight landings FOM 20. One or two engine. SGL SOURCE RAD ALT.18-19 LAND 3 YES FAIL OPERATIONAL 2 ASA.14. One or two engine. Below AH Go-around for N A S A - CAT II NO NO - NO SGL SOURCE DISPLAYS. or SGL SOURCE ILS displayed. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE FCTM 4. Flap 20 / 30. Below AH Go-around for Equipment Required For LVO Approach Type F/D NO AUTOLAND LAND 2 CAT IIIB NO NO NO - YES FAIL PASSIVE 2 ASA.2 L HYD SYS Auto Land will not be possible due to the reduced control of the Stabilizer .EMIRATES B-777 Page 115 of 158 9. Below AH Go-around for - N A S A NO AUTOLAND AUTO THROTTLE SPEEDBRAKE AUTO PILOT - N A S A NO AUTOLAND AUTO THROTTLE SPEEDBRAKE AUTO PILOT CAT II. NO SGL SOURCE DISPLAYS. 5. Flap 20 / 30. One or two engine. One or two engine. IIIA. Flap 20 / 30. SGL SOURCE RAD ALT. or SGL SOURCE ILS displayed. or SGL SOURCE ILS displayed. SGL SOURCE RAD ALT. NO SGL SOURCE DISPLAYS. Autothrottle Engaged. Below AH Go-around for - NO AUTOLAND AUTO THROTTLE SPEEDBRAKE AUTO PILOT YES FAIL OPERATIONAL 2 ASA NO SGL SOURCE DISPLAYS. SGL SOURCE RAD ALT. Below AH Go-around for N A S A CAT IIIA NO NO - N A S A NO AUTOLAND AUTO THROTTLE SPEEDBRAKE AUTO PILOT YES FAIL PASSIVE - NO AUTOLAND AUTO THROTTLE SPEEDBRAKE AUTO PILOT YES FAIL OPERATIONAL NO SGL SOURCE DISPLAYS. 5. 2. or an RNAV approach is available. RNP 0. GPS GO-AROUND. 4. & SAAAR RNP . AUTOPILOT DISC If unable to re-engage. AUTOPILOT If unable to re-engage. Stabilization during a turn may be required due to a RF (Radial Fix. NAV ADIRU INERTIAL LNAV and VNAV lost.IF DECISION IS TO GO-AROUND: At 400 feet AAL select or verify LNAV is engaged. unless runway in sight. FCI 2007-093 FCTM 5. or LOC approach if there is a valid ILS (LOC and G/S) radiating.VOR. A maximum rate of descent of 1. .4. however.10. FCOM NP 21. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE VNAV Approaches to a MDA. DA. 7. Approaches to MDA are not authorized to use VNAV if altitudes corrected for cold temperatures. (remote altimeters settings are not permitted) F/D and or A/P in VNAV mode must be used.IF DECISION IS TO CONTINUE APPROACH: Ensure LNAV/VNAV remains engaged.5. 8.5. 5.It is not permitted to carry out a practice or training NDB.5 FCOM SP20. 2. Lateral track on the LEGS page should be ± 1° of the published track. 4.2 1.3 is required.25 – 5. 6. 3. 4. FOM Chap 13 Page 6 Additional Validation Criteria For VNAV Approach To DA EKIB 33R1 FCI 2007-086 1.) Additional Criteria for RNP SAAAR Approach and Departure FCN 2008-004 1. GO-AROUND. unless runway in sight. NAV UNABLE RNP GO-AROUND. 8. 5. Approach angle greater than or equal to the charted value. VNAV Approaches to DA require a current QNH altimeter setting for the landing airport to be inserted into the main aircraft altimeters. Arc) approach. 6. GO-AROUND. this is acceptable.5 9. 7. Select/Verify LNAV as soon as possible to ensure proper tracking. VNAV guidance is required. The Approach must be flown in LNAV/VNAV. 4. Deviation Due to weather is not possible. 2. or FPA) must not be used. unless runway in sight.42 10. 3. . unless runway in sight.EMIRATES B-777 Page 116 of 158 9. Selected vertical guidance (V/S. 7. The Distance between FAF to the Runway/MAWP should be within 1 mile of published distance. No minimum crossing altitude is infringed. (A turn may be part of the approach following selection of TOGA. The Approach must be Database selectable. FCOM SP. RNP 0. PROG PG4 There is no requirement to add 50 feet to the DA.3 is required for GPS approaches. Non-Normal Procedures for RNP SAAAR Approaches FCN 2008-004 . Pilots must be RNP SAAAR qualified. unless runway in sight. Commander must decide whether to continue or GO-AROUND. 2. 3.1 FCN 2008-004 Validation Criteria For VNAV Approach To MDA FOM 15. GO-AROUND. ENG FAIL on Approach: Position of aircraft on the approach must be considered. Check that RNP is appropriate for the approach. 7. 5. FMC LNAV and VNAV lost. 3. Vertical or lateral modification of waypoints at or beyond the FAF is not permitted. 6. using the A/P and F/D. Correct entry of QNH upon the PF/PNF Altimeters is essential.2 FCOM SP. unless runway in sight. Not authorized for QFE Operations. a speed constraint may be added at the FAF only.000 fpm (777-300 may reach 1200 fpm at high altitudes) is used to detect a miscoded approach Approaches to DA are authorized to use VNAV to published MDA limits (MDA +50) if altitudes corrected for cold temperatures. GPS must be displayed on the ND. 9. GO-AROUND. 6. Pilot deviation of +100 or -50 feet is acceptable.4. PROG PG4 . Altitude at the RWY or MAWP is appropriate. GPS is required. 1.10. 2 A/Ps and 2 F/Ds are required.40 FOM 15. Displaying the VOR and or ADF pointers on the map display and using them to verify you position relative to the MAP display. LDA.27 LOC. LOC B/C. 4. If VNAV ALT displayed consider selecting the next lower constraint and selecting altitude intervention. PF briefs from the CDU. 2. Set the Missed Approach Altitude when 300 feet below the platform altitude. 5. Open the speed window.EMIRATES B-777 Page 117 of 158 9. (SAAAR RNP Approach must have A/P and F/D) 8. SDF. . If available the autopilot and flight director must be engaged. 2 nm before the FAF and after ALT. 8. Select VNAV. Transition Check T Transition C Checklist C Cabin Ready L LOC… Identified P PA Completed 6. 6. or VNAV ALT is annunciated Set MCP to DA or MDA +50 as required. On Intercept Heading Arm LNAV or LOC. Auto Pilot by 50 feet below MDA for approaches to MDA. Verify landing airport QNH has been set. GPS…etc.Pushing the POS switch on the EFIS control panel and comparing the displayed data with the navaid symbols on the map. Check the Validation Criteria Modify Speed at FAF to be VREF30+20. TACAN. NBD. 10.43 PF 1.Raw data must be monitored.20. SAAAR RNP approaches confirm ANP does not exceed RNP 9. Select a Database Approach. 3. PNF must monitor Raw Data. 3. CHECKING OF RAW DATA FCTM 5. 5. PNF confirms with the chart. 7. Beginning final descent call “FLAPS__” “LANDING CHECKLIST”. Check that VNAV PATH is annunciated. Example: The VOR radials and raw DME data should overlay the VOR/DME stations shown on the MAP and the GPS position symbol should nearly coincide with the tip of the airplane symbol. or MDA +50 feet as required. Checking raw data may be accomplished by : .arm the Speed Brake. RNAV. Set Baro Minimums to DA. - PNF Monitor Approach on Raw Data For NDB approaches monitor in MAP CENTERED mode. 7. 4. 2. VNAV PATH. . VOR. Call “APPROACHING GLIDE PATH” Approaching Glide Path call “GEAR DOWN” “FLAP 20”. IGS . PROCEDURE FCOM NP. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE SETUP 1. as a basis for performance corrections for Takeoff and Landing. etc. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Contaminated Runways Do not use Braking Action or Runway Braking Coefficient as reported in SNOWTAMs.3 . FOM 18.EMIRATES B-777 Page 118 of 158 9. When deciding if Assumed Thrust can be used the Runway Categorization chart FOM 18. FOM 11.Aircraft will not be dispatched until the flight crew and a qualified deicing person are satisfied the critical surfaces are clean. FOM 18. FCTM 3. however . FOM 18. .Take-off from an icy runway is not allowed. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Contaminated Runways .13 can be used.Engine-on de-icing is only permitted at designated stations. a PCI is mandatory if the minimum holdover time is exceeded.Contaminated Runway Takeoff procedure – Apply slight nose down pressure to 80 knots.2 .The available cleared or treated runway width shall not be less than 30 meters. and will blow off on the taxi or early on the take-off roll.Flight Crew do the Initial CSI during the walk around. .10 .F/Os are not permitted to do Contaminated Runway Operations. FOM 18. FOM SP. FOM 18.4. A qualified Engineer will do the Secondary Inspection after deicing is complete.If the maximum Holdover time is exceeded it is still permissible to takeoff if the PCI shows no signs of contamination. FOM 18. it should be blown off using dry unheated air. YOU MAY CONTACT GROUND OR APRON CONTROL” prior to moving the aircraft after de-icing. . and crosswind limitations.Flights may be dispatched if Captain and a qualified person agree that the snow on the surfaces is light. FOM 18.13 .16.Less than 3 mm of standing water on a grooved or porous runway is considered dry. not adhering.If precipitation has occurred at any time since the final fluid was applied to the aircraft.Icy runway is more that 25% of the runway surface area within the required length and width being used is covered by ice.The OPT Contamination and Depth entries can be used and are much more conservative. including wet ice.4 . FOM 15.2 LIDO MANUAL .Must have a verbal communication “ALL EQUIPMENT IS CLEAR OFF THE AIRCRAFT.Use the Correlation of Runway Condition.3 .1 FOM 18. Runway Category and Performance Basis to determine proper entries for the OPT.Decision of flight crew or qualified person can not be overridden. .15 .13 .1.13 .The use of Engine Anti Ice is recommended while taxing on contaminated taxiways even if it is not required for take-off.13 .EMIRATES B-777 Page 119 of 158 9. QRH PI.Fuel Tankering is not recommended when Take-off or Landing runway is contaminated or expected to be so.4 FOM SP 16.13 . . FOM 18. . FOM 3. PCI must be done within :05 min of take-off. See OM-C Aerodrome specific information . .TOGA thrust is required for Contaminated Runway take-offs.2 . 16. FOM 18.. leading edge devices.16. FCOM SP.10 • GE ENGINES when engine anti-ice is required and the OAT is 3°C or below take-offs require a static run-up to a as high a thrust setting as practical and stable engine operation checked prior to start of the take-off roll. or contaminants are adhering to the lifting surfaces of flight controls of the aircraft. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Cold Weather Operations T/O in light freezing rain is permitted T/O in moderate or heavy freezing rain is not permitted.13 • F/Os are not permitted to do Contaminated Runway Operations. . FOM 18.Engine Anti-ice must be ON or AUTO during flight when icing conditions exist or are anticipated (OAT is 10°C and below in visible moisture).16.16 • RR ENGINES when engine anti-ice is required and the OAT is 3°C or below take-offs require a static run-up to a minimum of 50% N1 and stable engine operation checked prior to start of the take-off roll. □ 25 mm of wet snow.1 • Cabin Crew during Pre-flight.If the OAT is -7°C to -13°C run-up the engine to 59% N1 for :60 seconds every :45 minutes.5 • • • • • • - - ENGINE ANTI ICE FCOM SP. accomplish a static run-up to a minimum of 50% N1 and stable engine operation checked prior to start of the take-off roll. .FREEZING FOG REQUIREMENTS: EAD 60R2 • RR ENGINES operation in Freezing Fog: □ If takeoff can be achieved within :45 minutes total taxi time. or slush. • Regulations provide that a light coating of frost is permissible on top of the fuselage and up to 3mm (1/8 inch) thickness of frost is permitted on the under surface of the wing due to fuel cold soaking.Do not use ENGINE ANTI-ICE when OAT is above 10°C.1 Prior to deicing communication with Crew and Passengers is mandatory. The engine core must be manually deiced. reduce the thrust to idle then increase to a minimum of 70%N1 for 10-30 seconds.If OAT is 0°C-6°C run the engine to 50% for :60 seconds every 45 minutes. snow.10 Aircraft with an inop.EMIRATES B-777 Page 120 of 158 9.4. . and Passengers prior to Engine Start. • The Commander is satisfied the aircraft is Clean. . . □ If Take-off can not be achieved within :45 minutes accomplish the core ice procedure within the :45 minutes total taxi time. FCI 2007-092 Take-off from any icy runway is not allowed.Engine Anti-ice must be ON during all ground operations if icing conditions exist or are anticipated except when OAT is below 40°C.Take-off is not permitted if total taxi time in freezing fog with visibility of 300 meters or less exceeds :60 minutes without the core ice procedure being completed. T/O in ice pellets is not permitted. • All fuselage vents. T/O in heavy falls of wet snow is not permitted. FCOM SP. wings. control surfaces. FOM 18. FOM 3. or any other stabilizing surfaces of the aircraft must be completely clean of all adhering contaminants.FAN ICE REMOVAL: FCOM SP.16. horizontal stabilizers. ice or snow is present on the ramps. Tech Log Entry is required if the aircraft is de-iced.If the take-off can not be completed within :60 minutes total taxi time in fog a log book entry is required and a borescope inspection will be required within 10 flights. taxiways or runways.1 If PCI required it must be completed no earlier than :05 minutes prior to takeoff. . .16. APU may not be dispatched into airports where de-icing may be required. • When engine anti-ice is required and the OAT is 3°C or below periodic engine runs are required during taxi out and ground holding to a minimum of 50% N1 for approximately 1 second duration at intervals no greater than 60 minutes (inclusive of Taxi In time in icing conditions) FCOM SP. If Cabin Crew or Passengers express concern a PCI must be completed. ice. .12 • RR ENGINES during flight iif fan icing is suspected fan blades must be cleared.If the OAT is -13 or below there is no effective procedure and manual de-icing is required. • GE ENGINES During flight in moderated to severe icing conditions for prolonged periods with the N1 settings at or below 70% or when fan icing is suspected due to high engine vibration.7 . □ 100 mm of dry snow. FOM 18. One engine at a time quickly reduce the thrust to idle for 5 seconds if this does not work advance the lever to 90% N1 momentarily. FOM 18. Emirates De/Anti Acing Sheet Partial Deicing is permitted provided: FCI 2005-117 (Use phrase “Local Wing Frost Removal”) • The aircraft is treated symmetrically with deicing fluid.16. FCOM SP. vertical stabilizers.10 . • If anti-icing applied it must be applied to the entire wing or stabilizer.GROUND RUN-UP REQUIREMENTS: Bring up ENGINE EICAS page to check vibrations and Oil Temp above 50°C.13 • Take-off may not be attempted if frost. Take-off is not permitted from runways covered with more than: □ 13mm of standing water. use the existing procedure. . . Icing conditions exist when TAT is 10°C or below and visible moisture is present (less than 1600 meters visibility) or standing water. One engine at a time. Final Fix.EMIRATES B-777 Page 121 of 158 9. In Mountainous Regions All approach procedure altitudes must be considered. ISA -45ºC or colder Corrections must be applied to published Procedure Turn. Intermediate Fix. ISA -30ºC or colder Corrections must be applied to published Approach Minima. OM-C Appendix L page 4 . and Missed Approach Altitude. SOP GUIDE OM-C Appendix L page 3 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Altimeter Corrections in Cold Temperatures • • • • FOM Chap 13 Page 6 FCOM SP 16 ISA -15ºC or colderCorrections must be applied to published Minimum Safe Altitudes. . 2....A light coating of frost is permissible on the top of the fuselage. SOP GUIDE FOM 18..1-4 ....3mm of frost is permitted on the undersurface of the wing due to cold soaking 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE De-ice Procedures on the Gate Initial Critical Surface Inspection NO YES Monitor surfaces for future changes Brief FO & Cabin Crew Timeline Events Pax Boarding Complete GMT : Deicing Started : GMT Pushback : GMT Taxi GMT : T/O Slot Time GMT : Co-ordinate slot time and de-ice time with Ground Staff and Engineer Review Sequence of events 1..... De-ice Worksheet Check holdover times vs.10 ..11 ....16. 5. ……………………………. 4... you may contact Ground or Apron Control” Check Slot Time Pushback & Engine Start Delay Flaps 10 kts taxi speed Asymmetric Thrust Exercise Nose Wheel Steering PCI required if: Min Hold Over exceeded in precipitation Passenger or Cabin Crew Report (PCI must be done within :05 minutes prior to T/O) Extend Flaps Check Crosswind Check cleared width (min 30 meters) Engine Run-up Engine page displayed Take-off ..16...7 ...8-9 ....... Cabin Crew. New Ice Shedding Procedures for Trent 800 Engines in Freezing Fog Get Verbal Clearance “All Ground Equipment is clear of the Aircraft. fluid types Brief Engineer.. De-icing / Anti-icing SP....... & Ground Staff Accomplish Normal Procedures SP.16.... Ground Air Conditioning Cart Use When Ready for De-ice (Doors Closed) Welcome Aboard PA and Deice PA SP.... Before Takeoff Procedure SP...EMIRATES B-777 Page 122 of 158 9.. Engine Anti-ice Operation In-flight EAD 60R2 ....16.... Taxi Procedures SP... …………………………….....2...16...16...... ..1 .. ……………………………. 3. expected taxi times vs............1 .... Wet or Contaminated Runway Conditions SP.... Engine Anti-ice Operation on the Ground Accomplish Supplementary Procedures Follow the De-ice sheet Deice Aircraft Secondary Critical Surface Inspection Complete Deice Worksheet Make Tech Log Deice Entry SP. 6. ……………………………. ……………………………. …………………………….........7-8 .. ....A light coating of frost is permissible on the top of the fuselage.8-9 .7-8 . fluid types Brief Engineer...16.....7 ... Engine Anti-ice Operation on the Ground Accomplish Supplementary Procedures Follow the De-ice sheet SP..1-4 .EMIRATES B-777 Page 123 of 158 9.... Taxi Procedures SP.........10 ... 4... Cabin Crew.16..2...... you may contact Ground or Apron Control” Delay Flaps 10 kts taxi speed Asymmetric Thrust Exercise Nose Wheel Steering PCI required if: Min Hold Over exceeded in precipitation Passenger or Cabin Crew Report (PCI must be done within :05 minutes prior to T/O) Extend Flaps Check Crosswind Check Cleared Width (min 30 meters) Engine Run-up Engine page displayed Take-off . 6... New Ice Shedding Procedures for Trent 800 Engines in Freezing Fog Deice Aircraft Secondary Critical Surface Inspection Complete Deice Worksheet Make Tech Log Deice Entry Get Verbal Clearance “All Ground Equipment is clear of the Aircraft.. ……………………………..16.... 3... Wet or Contaminated Runway Conditions SP..1 ... SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE De-ice Procedures on Remote Deicing Bay Initial Critical Surface Inspection FOM 18...... & Ground Staff Accomplish Normal Procedures When Ready for Pushback Welcome Aboard PA and Deice PA Check Slot Time SP.... ……………………………... expected taxi times vs.... ……………………………..11 . ……………………………...16.. ……………………………. Ground Air Conditioning Cart Use Pushback & Engine Start SP.....16.. Engine Anti-ice Operation In-flight EAD 60R2 . ……………………………........16.. 2. . De-ice Worksheet Check holdover times vs.... De-icing / Anti-icing SP........1 ..3mm of frost is permitted on the undersurface of the wing due to cold soaking NO YES Monitor surfaces for future changes Brief FO & Cabin Crew Timeline Events Pax Boarding Complete GMT : Pushback : GMT Taxi : GMT Deicing Started GMT : Taxi GMT : T/O Slot Time : GMT Co-ordinate slot time and de-ice time with Ground Staff and Engineer Review Sequence of events 1. Before Takeoff Procedure SP... 5... EMIRATES B-777 Page 124 of 158 9. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Hot Weather Operations - FCOM SP.16.17 Recurrent Training Phase II 2006 Weather is considered hot when temperatures are above 27°C. High Temperature and High Elevation will: • Decrease FAF crossing altitudes. • Increase Ground speed on approach and for touchdown. • Increase Landing distance required. • Engine Thrust is reduced. • Field and Climb weights are reduced • Altimeters under read. o ISA +15 Altimeters will under read by 10%. o ISA +30 Altimeters will under read by 20%. • Brake cooling times are increased. • Cockpit and passenger comfort become a concern. o Increase Airflow. o Turn off unnecessary electronics (lights). o Close shades. o Close doors. o Use Ground Air Cart or APU. FCOM SP.16.17 Severe Turbulence Operations Seatbelt Signs On ................. Advise passengers to fasten seat belts prior to entering area of known turbulence and have Cabin Crew check that all seat belts are fastened Structural Considerations.... Delay Flap extension as long as possible as the airplane can withstand higher gust loads in the clean configuration. Climb...................................... Avoid VNAV or FLCH they may result in excessive pitch changes. V/S with A/T ON is recommended for climb and descent. Cruise ................................... During Cruise VNAV and ALT HOLD modes with A/T ON can be used. In Severe Turbulence in may be necessary to disconnect the A/T. Set VNAV Speed or MCP Speed to the desired speed (M.82/280kts or 270kts below FL250) disconnect the A/T and set the EPR at or slightly above the magenta VNAV target on the EPR/N1 indication. Change thrust setting only if required to modify an unacceptable speed trend. Descent ................................. Avoid VNAV or FLCH they may result in excessive pitch changes. V/S with A/T ON is recommended for climb and descent. Thunderstorm Avoidance - FOM 18.25 UK CAA AIC 81/2004 SL-FL 200 Avoid strong radar returns by 10 nm. Above FL 200 Avoid strong radar returns by 20nm. Fly over storms clouds by at least 5,000 feet Do not fly under a CB. EMIRATES B-777 Page 125 of 158 9. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE INTENTIONALLY BLANK EMIRATES B-777 Page 126 of 158 9. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Windshear REACTIVE WINDSHEAR FCOM 15.20.23 WINDSHEAR “WINDSHEAR, WINDSHEAR, WINDSHEAR” - GPWS provides an immediate windshear alert when an excessive downdraft or tailwind is occurring. GPWS WINDSHEAR ALERT AND PWS FCOM 15.20.24 - The PWS alerts are enabled 12 seconds after the weather radar begins scanning for windshear. - Prior to T/O the PWS alerts can be enabled by selecting WXR ON, or when the thrust of either engine is in the takeoff range and the thrust reversers are not unlocked or deployed. - In flight with WXR ON or OFF weather radar begins canning for windshear below 2,300 feet RA and PWS alerts are enabled below 1,200 feet RA. - When windshear is not predicted by the PWS, weather radar returns are displayed only when WXR switch is ON. PWS WINDSHEAR CAUTION QRH MAN.1.11 - New PWS caution alerts are inhibited from 80 knots till 400 feet RA. FCOM 15.20.31 PWS WINDSHEAR WARNINGS EAD-24R2 - New PWS warning alerts are inhibited from 100 knots till 50 feet RA. FCOM 15.20.31 Be aware of False PWS warnings at the Kansai Airport Osaka, Japan PWS RECOVERY • • • • QRH MAN.1.11 TAKEOFF WINDSHEAR “WINDSHEAR AHEAD, WINDSHEAR AHEAD”. Prior to V1 reject take-off. After V1 perform windshear escape maneuver. If insufficient runway rotate at VR, once airborne execute the windshear escape maneuver. If insufficient runway to reach VR, initiate normal rotation 2,000’ before runway end. Yellow edge lights define the last 2,000 feet of the runway LANDING • WINDSHEAR “GO-AROUND, WINDSHEAR AHEAD”. Perform windshear escape maneuver or at pilot’s discretion, perform a normal go-around. 16. If Autothrottle is disengaged apply wind correction factors to a maximum of 20 knots. Stabilize Approach early.19-. (RTOW CHART USER MANUAL 1-10) Use Flap 20 or 15.21 Use Max Take-off Thrust. SOP GUIDE QRH MAN 1.EMIRATES B-777 Page 127 of 158 9.13 Make a PIREP Make a PIREP TAKE-OFF PRECAUTIONS - FCOM SP. Consider increasing VR to MTOW VR ( not above VR+20). use the most suitable runway. SIM NOTE If you see or hear a thunderstorm treat it as a possible windshear condition APPROACH PRECAUTIONS Use Flap 25 or 30.12 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE OTHER WINDSHEAR INDICATIONS WINDSHEAR RECOVERY PROCEDURE QRH MAN 1. Use the FD after Take-off.12 1. . Use Longest Runway. EMIRATES B-777 Page 128 of 158 9.1.9 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE EGPWS Ground Proximity Caution Ground Proximity Warning . SOP GUIDE QRH MAN.8-. The preferred method is to set QNH when descending through the Transition Level and convert QFE Levels to QNH altitudes using the airport specific conversion chart.10. or conversion info on the Approach Chart.1 Emirates are not currently using this procedure at any airports.EMIRATES B-777 Page 129 of 158 9. Route Manual. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE QFE Operations FCOM SP. Chapter 1 Beijing PEK 4 . OM-C. o FUEL.2.EMIRATES B-777 Page 130 of 158 9.9 Coordinate diversion with Company and ATC o ADVISE COMPANY – Send Position Report. o APRON PARKING. o GROUND HANDLING FACILITIES. a Diversion Message. o Line Select R1-R4 to choose the desired Alternate Airport.Flight Time Limitations . Landing Distances…) o I Inform (PNF. and contact SMNC via ACARS.First choice Alternates may fill up quickly and parking availability may make it unable to accept additional aircraft.Curfew . OFFSET. ATC Company) (Send Position Report and Diversion Message) or (ACARS Message to DXBOWEK) o S Setup o C Checklists o S Special Requirements If Returning to Gate Consider: .Forecast or trend must show weather above Jeppesen landing minima.Flight Plan Validity . Divert. Purser. Pax. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Diversion Procedure DIVERSION DIVERSION FOM 15.12 FOM 15. o Select DIRECT.Fuel (Sufficient?)(Can you consider a faster speed?) .PAs . OR OVER ____ o Select DIV NOW o Execute.Deicing . ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS o D Decisions.Consider availability and time required to refuel.Consider the airports ability to handle a large aircraft and its passengers. o WEATHER. o INFOM CREW AND PASSENGERS T O W N C A R P Terrain Ops Hours Jeppeen Airport Directory Alternate Selection Weather NOTAMS Charts Authorized Route Manual Performance FMC DIVERSION PROCEDURE o Input desired airport or choose an existing airport on the FMS Alternate page.Complete AFTER LANDING FLOW/CHECKLIST… . Use Sat Com if required.Slot . Dump… (Consider Performance E/O G/A Climb Gradients.Tech Log (New page required for ADD or Fuel) . Confirm if B-777 tow bar is available and consider off gate parking. . □ Passengers shall be requested to take all personal belongings with them.Name of ground handling agency. FOM 16.Refueling.3.3.1.TRANSIT checks.6 Retain Bills and receipts and submit with Report FOM 16.Purser responsibilities FOM 16. and Landing Fees if required. Leave a copy with the Handling Agent.3. o ASR must be filed for landing at an airport other than destination for reasons other than weather. . SHJ-DXB.If Passengers to be disembarked.6 □ Two Cabin Crew members should escort passengers to terminal. FOM 16.. o GENERAL DECLARATION.5 OM-C 9. . and If Crew or Passengers are seriously ill etc… Emirates Destination Airport With No Company Support Terminate Flight OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES FOM 15. .12 .3. give details of any settlements made in connection with any service. FOM 15. Calculate rest periods separately and crew sched.2 Get contact number for Airport Services Manager and ensure SMNC DXB can contact the Captain in the Hotel ASR must be filed for landing at an airport other than destination for reasons other than weather. o o o o o o o o o Advise SMNC. and cargo. .4 o Co-ordinate passenger handling with Emirates Staff. □ Inform Station Staff of any Deportees to ensure the instructions for custody are carried out. o If passengers asked to disembark they shall take all personal belongings with them. o Record the following details in the VOYAGE REPORT: .2 If assistance is unavailable the PIC can certify the TEC LOG for: .3. AUH-DXB.Date and time of landing/takeoff. (No hand bags left behind) □ Remaining Cabin Crew should check cabin and arrange storage of the sealed bar boxes. . Handling. RKT-DXB. FJR-DXB.3 o Make Arrangements for a CFP. BAH-DXB.3. etc) □ Liaise with SMNC or nearest Emirates Station. Consult the Route Manual for additional information and ground contacts. DOH-DXB. FCOM SP. FOM 16. o Fill out DIVERSION FLIGHT LOADSHEET from blank forms folder.6 Do not leave airport until suitable arrangements for passengers. □ Other service (if possible furnish duplicates of Work Orders).1.3. □ Technical service. Continue Flight . □ Ground transportation of passengers and crew. Transit Checklist located in Blank Forms Folder. and If Crew or Passengers are seriously ill etc.Crew members may be delegated to handle responsibilities. o Have SMNC file an ATC Flight Plan.5 Refueling procedure. FOM 21 Activate the Captains Credit Card. accommodation.3. o Number of passengers on board. (Max change 5 pax / 500 kgs).3. such as: □ Ground handling. □ Handling of cargo and mail according to instructions from Operations Control. o Expected duration at the alternate airport. . hotel. Arrange for aircraft Maintenance / Catering / Cleaning / Security. . in terminal are Station Staff responsibility. o Passengers onboard are PIC responsibility. o If maintenance required from outside contractor obtain written permission from QA Dubai FOM 16..3.12 GROUND HANDLING FOM 16. o Fill out TRIMSHEET from blank forms folder. o Any maintenance requirements. If maintenance required from outside contractor obtain written permission from QA Dubai FOM 16.1. o Complete the AIRCRAFT TECHNICAL LOG.Servicing of Aircraft.Organize Ground duties □ Passenger service (meals. FOM 15.6 o PIC will liaise with local staff to ensure local regulations are not infringed. Advise a handling agent if available ASAP.12 o ETA at the airport. o Diversion Master Logs are available.Name of the diversion airport. Leave the pink copy with the Handling Agent.3.Transfer defects into the ADD if they are acceptable and in accordance with the MEL.Safeguard aircraft.3.Information regarding the services rendered. Leave a copy with the Handling Agent. If flight duty limits exceed arrange accommodation and transport for crew. and aircraft security are made.EMIRATES B-777 Page 131 of 158 9.5 o Co-ordinate passenger handling with Contracting Agent Staff and contact SMNC. .6 Fuel Purchase & Credit Card… . (Transit Check) □ FOM 16. MCT-DXB. AAN-DXB. if applicable. o Any Medical assistance required GROUND HANDLING FOM 16. (No hand bags left behind) o Inform Station Staff of any Deportees to ensure the instructions for custody are carried out.5 . SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Diversion Considerations Have Flight Dispatch or SMNC send the following info to the Alternate Airport. Leave a copy with the Handling Agent. FOM 16. Instructions in RAIG Appendix E-F-G. passengers. FOM 16.3. o It is the responsibility of the PIC to arrange for the safe and efficient conduct by ground staff to: .2 o Arrange for payment of Fuel. Aural Beeper and Advisory level Alert messages inhibited from 80 KTS to 400 RA or 20 sec after rotation. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE FCOM 15. This inhibit is also cancelled by a RTO. or RTO speed below 75 kts.EMIRATES B-777 Page 132 of 158 9. . TAC is available above 70 knots PWS starts when WX turned on or T/O power achieved.30 Inhibits During Takeoff Landing Config Warning Alert inhibited from VR till 800RA 800’ RA 80 Kts V1 VR 400’ RA Autobrakes arm at 85 kts ENGINE FAIL Call starts at 65 kts. Master Warning Lights and Fire Bell inhibited from V1 until 400 RA or 25 seconds after V1. Cabin ALERT is exempt Passenger Entry door memo messages are removed from T/O thrust till 60 seconds after landing Status Cue inhibited from engine start till :30 minutes after Rotation. Stops 6 knots before V1 T/O Config Warnings inhibited above V1. Master Caution lights.20. New Cautions inhibited from 80 kts to 400 RA New Warnings inhibited from 100 kts to 50’RA. EICAS caution and advisory level messages are Inhibited from Start of Start Until first engine reaches idle or start Communications Alerts Inhibited from T/O Thrust till 400 RA. Exemptions include N A S A NO AUTOLAND. SPEEDBRAKE. AUTOTHROTTLE .AUTOPILOT.EMIRATES B-777 Page 133 of 158 9.3 Altitude Alerting inhibited from G/S capture or Landing Flap selected and Landing gear down. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Inhibits During Landing FCOM 15. 800’ RA Status Cue and Com Alerts and aural chime inhibited from 800 RA to 75 kts ground speed. CABIN ALERT is exempted G/S Capture or Landing Flap selected and Gear Down 200’ RA MASTER CAUTION lights and Aural Beeper inhibited from 200RA to 75 kts.20. 6 .10.EMIRATES B-777 Page 134 of 158 9. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE ETOPS Fuel Requirements FCTM Vol 2 3. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE ETOPS Alternate Weather Requirements .EMIRATES B-777 Page 135 of 158 9. NAR and ER connect the NAT to Domestic airspace. Oceanic Clearance is required prior to entering Shanwick or Santa Maria Oceanic Airspace.EMIRATES B-777 Page 136 of 158 9.0 1035Z N4300. If given a reroute request a new NAR or ER. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE MNPS Procedures 1115Z N4300.g.0 W01200.0 - Waypoints will only be entered as LAT LONG… no named waypoints will be used. If not enter hold.0 W02200. N51W051. AUSOTS – Use Master CFP – Check Track and Distance – Plot Position 2-3 degrees after waypoint. OM-C Ch 8 Pg 6 . e. EMIRATES B-777 Page 137 of 158 9. Set cleared Mach number. SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE OMC RAIG 2. Leave right VHF radio on 121. • Crosscheck Entry Waypoints and next two Waypoints against CFP. 30 minutes into OCA. Cross-check primary altimeters. (0.11 FCOM SP. • At Exit Point ensure clearance for new domestic routing. Check Suitability of ETOPS diversion alternates. Establish ADS CPDLC see OM-C. Set left VHF radio on 123. (:40-:30 best) Entry Point / ETA / Mach/ FL / highest FL include TMI and Clearance Sequence # in read back. Item 15 of flight plan includes cruise TAS. (Should agree within 200 feet) Revised ETA required for 3 minutes or more. • Load new waypoints into RTE 2 • Follow normal loading and verification procedures. If re-cleared on a different track than planned: • request revised enroute CFP from DXBOVEK. weight / time and fuel at deviation wpt / cleared FL / Track or routing. Consider descending below NAT below FL290.11 Item 10 of flight plan includes R (RNP) S (Standard Equipment) W (RVSM). Request mach number if it differs from Oceanic sector. • Activate RTE 2 and check new route fuel. • If Print inop use reclearance form in spare forms folder. Confirm aircraft at correct oceanic crossing altitude. Chapter 10.45 and 121.22 Oceanic Crossing Procedures NAT / MNPSA B777 • • • • • • • • • • PF PNF Preflight Checks FCOM SP. Check Tech Log for restrictions to RNP. • If new CFP not available select FMS Print function. • Prepare a new Plotting Chart. R2) Check track and distance to next waypoint. (777 Check GPS display on the ND) Captains Preflight Announcement required for USA flights: Ladies and Gentlemen: US Regulations require me to inform you that during this flight today you should not congregate in groups in any area of the cabin. required if requested) Mark the OFP / to form an X. Transponder set to 2000. • Divert to Alternate. • Turn on all lights and broadcast intentions on 123.22. I would also ask you to use only those lavatories dedicated to your own class of service. and X (MNPS). • Parallel Track by 15nm. Thank you. Plotting Chart is available. If the flight on the OTS check that the waypoints agree with the OFP. MNPS . • Verify Clearance (Must be compared with the FMC) • Track and distance check of MNPSA sector (PF selects Heading to TRUE and reads FMC.2 OM-C RAIG 2. Confirm turn in correct direction. Check NAT Track message for Validity. Obtain HF frequency and establish HF SELCAL. and oceanic landfall and cruising TAS. • Compare FMS tracks and distances to new CFP. • Obtain Oceanic Clearance :50 Prior to Entry (Jepp AT1/2 for specific Instructions) • CPDLC request to Shanwick 1:30-:30 prior to Oceanic Entry. For Australian Flights Item 18 should be RMK/ADSB is aircraft is operating ADSB. ETOPS and MEL considerations. Send an ACARS revised ETA.5. FIRs. • • • Cancel the SLOP and return to centerline. POS page 2 GPS / ADIRU / FMS. oceanic entry point & cruise mach. Altimeters crosschecked in tolerance (max allowable difference between Captain’s or FO’s altitude display and field elevation is 75 feet) UTC time check with GPS. • Check weather at ETOPS alternates above aerodrome operating minima. RSVM.45 if not required for ATC. If route changed obtain new domestic clearance.5. • Verify Clearance • Track and Distance check of MNPSA sector Prior to Oceanic Entry Reclearance • At each Oceanic Waypoint After Waypoint Wx Avoidance JEPP Chart AT 1/2 • 2-3 degrees after waypoint plot the FMS position. • Beyond 10 nm North of track descend 300 feet South of track climb 300 feet Request ATC Clearance… If unable Clearance: • Turn 90º Left or Right off the track. • • • • • • • • Navigation accuracy check required if no ground stations will be received for 4 hours or more. PNF confirms with Flight Plan (acceptable tolerance 2 miles and 2º) • Plot the Clearance. Consider use of SLOP for traffic avoidance. Descend or Climb 500 feet. Record Position on the OFP and Mark OFP with a \ Select PROG – POSITION REPORT and transmit Position to ATC. R1. Procedure JEPP Chart AT 1/2 At Oceanic Exit • . • • • • • (Wx only • • If clearance unavailable avoid weather • Up to 10 nm maintain cleared altitude. In-flight Cont. Contact next domestic frequency :10 prior to the boundary. Requested FL / Alt Route / Max FL .CPDLC is primary for communications. . request to CYQX. Requested FL / Alt Route / Max FL .Arrange domestic route and FL . 1:30 . continue to point.ADS is the Primary means of position reporting.SELCAL check required. Shanwick . Requested FL / Alt Route / Max FL . . point. .ADS is the Primary means of position reporting. .Expect “position reports not required” . clearance to the required entry .Contact next Oceanic CTA at FIR for Entry Point / ETA / Mach Number / SELCAL.CPDLC clearance not available.If HF Communications Lost. voice is backup. .Aircraft must not enter Santa the boundary.Available via CPDLC send secondary.Contact via VHF/HF.Voice reports are required in New York FIR unless advised.Arrange domestic route and FL clearance to the required entry point.Arrange domestic route and FL clearance to the required entry point.Revise estimate if ≥:03.CPDLC clearance not available. DOUGAL/1255 M083F350/2ND NAT D F350 MAX F370 . point. Communications Position Reports . .Revise estimate if ≥:03.Arrange domestic route and FL clearance to the required entry point. .CPDLC is primary for communications.Contact via VHF/HF. . . Maria Oceanic Airspace without a clearance.Aircraft must not enter Shanwick Oceanic Airspace without a clearance. . . Entry Point / ETA / Mach Number / .Voice is primary.Arrange domestic route and FL .2. . .Contact next Oceanic CTA at FIR for see Jeppesen.Contact next domestic frequency :10 prior to .CPDLC is primary. HF is .CPDLC clearance not available..ADS is the Primary means of position reporting.83 TMI ___ . .Revise estimate if ≥:03. revert to voice procedures. . OCA.Revise estimate if ≥:03.Contact next domestic frequency :10 prior to Requested FL / Alt Route / Max FL the boundary. (Oceanic Route Clearance Authorization) or . . 1:30 .EMIRATES B-777 Page 138 of 158 9.Contact via ACARS using ORCA . . .CPDLC is primary for communications.Expect “voice reports not required” . Entry Point / ETA / Mach Number / .Contact next domestic frequency :10 prior to the boundary.Contact New York Clearance via . . . . .VHF/HF is primary for communications. Entry Point / ETA / Mach Number / SELCAL. .Arrange domestic route and FL the boundary. .. secondary.ADS is the Primary means of position reporting. KZWY :15-:45 New York BIRD :15 Reykjavik LPPO :15-:45 Santa Maria EGGX :15-:45 Oceanic Clearance required before logon. Bodo CZQX :15-:45 Gander .Contact next Oceanic CTA at FIR for clearance to the required entry SELCAL. . SOP GUIDE 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE OM-C 10. . . Other times use current ATC.Expect “position reports not required” .Revise estimate if ≥:03.14 Station CPDLC Logon ENOB :15-:25 ADS Only Oceanic Clearance . HF is . VHF/HF is secondary. . . .Clearance Delivery Frequencies are on NAT track message and are usable from 23:30-07:30 GMT.Contact next domestic frequency :10 prior to . accepted. .Manual CPDLC logon with next sector required.Voice report still required unless advised.:30 Before OCA. . . . . .Voice position reports still required unless advised.Contact via VHF/HF.Contact next Oceanic CTA at FIR for Requested FL / Alt Route / Max FL SELCAL.Manual CPDLC logon with next sector required.Expect “voice reports not required” . EK___ OMDB Via CARPE Track B (or Random Route . Requested FL / Alt Route / Max FL . VHF.Revise estimate if ≥:03. or via VHF/HF..Contact next Oceanic CTA at FIR for VHF/HF.If “CLA RECEIVED CLEARANCE CONFIRMED END OF MESSAGE” not received the clearance must be confirmed on VHF. adhere to clearance and do not invoke radio communications failure procedures.Contact next domestic frequency :10 prior to the boundary.CPDLC clearance not available.ADS is the Primary means of position reporting.Voice position report not required unless advised.SELCAL check required. .SELCAL check required.ADS is the Primary means of position reporting.:30 Before SELCAL.Call Island Radio at OE for SELCAL and Prim Entry Point / ETA / Mach Number / and SEC frequencies. .. .If “NO CLEARANCE RECEIVED WITHIN 15 MINUTES OF OCEANIC ENTRY POINT REVERT TO VOICE PROCEDURES END OF MESSAGE” not received within :05 minutes of sending CPDLC request for clearance.11. Entry Point / ETA / Mach Number / . .Read back Coordinates) Expect FL 330 from CARPE M.Contact next Oceanic CTA at FIR for clearance to the required entry SELCAL. Simulator... THRUST LEVERS: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 10 During takeoff the CM2. THRUST LEVERS: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 10 It is recommended that thrust levers be guarded: During takeoff .13 FOM Chap 15 page 29 Delayed final flap selection on ILS and VNAV Non-ILS approaches is an approved technique. However. 2. however the MDA should not be set until approx 2nm before the FAF... when PF..... it is not intended to change company SOP but enhance safety. Once the non-normal requiring procedural steps has been completed. STANDARD CALLS: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 9 To confirm in flight CDU changes the pilot making changes should ask confirm” and the other pilot should state “execute” when he agrees with the change. Multiple EICAS recalls that then display a host of messages that could not then be cleared under this philosophy would be limited. and shared experience from other pilots. EICAS ALERT MESSAGE MANAGEMENT: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 10 An EICAS alert message associated with a checklist should be left displayed on the EICAS until the checklist is complete.... should remove his hand from the thrust levers after the takeoff decision is made and the TOGA switches activated. The review and clearing of the EICAS is the last step once all checklist items are complete. Additionally the standard call “missed approach altitude set” is also required... the the crew is within its rights to deal with the EICAS as necessary as long as good judgment prevails.. 1. STANDARD CALLS: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 9 During approach the auto callout at 1. 5. 3.000ft should be acknowledged by the PF with the response of “check”. and on approach. without delay. There are no adverse implications to this action as when the checklist switch on the MCP is selected the non-normal in progress will appear and. the EICAS relating to the event can be cancelled.. AWARNESS CALLS: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 9 At any time a crew member may give awareness calls in the interest of maintaining good situational awareness and flight safety. 9. ... LESSONS LEARNED 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Lessons Learned This Chapter is a collection of Lessons learned from the Training Manual.... All intermediate altitudes prior to the FAF shall be set on the MCP as per normal procedures.. a prompt in the lower right corner for any further non-normal that may need addressing.. If any further non-normal situations develop during this time. Company Flap selection and stabilization requirements must be met. 7... if necessary. For brevity it is acceptable to give one call of “check” after the missed approach altitude standard call as long as the crewmembers concerned are aware that they are responding to two different callouts. From “Positive Climb” or after the autothrottle HOLD mode has disengaged. and as such no awareness should be compromised. Instructor Technique... If there is a pause before completing a subsequent step in a checklist then the crew would be at liberty to clear the lower MFD if they chose to. in the event that a recall should create such a situation. During other phases of flight . 6. the EICAS has been designed to alert crew by the order and type of message displayed on the Upper MFD.EMIRATES B-777 Page 139 of 158 10. DELAYED FLAP APPROACH: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 10 FCTM 5.. 8. BRIEFINGS: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 9 There is no requirement for either crewmember to refer to the CDU legs page whilst briefing. NON-ILS APPROACHES: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 10 If the FAF is too close to the runway to permit a stabilized approach crew should consider establishing the final approach pitch mode and configuring for the approach earlier than normal . It is intended to collect information from several sources. During significant thrust lever movement... 4.... The PNF will review any remaining messages on the EICAS and then cancel them when requested by the PF. USE OF CANCEL/RECALL SWITCH: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 10 . Doing so prevents the engagement of ATT and VS as AFDS modes following a go around.Following an engine failure during takeoff the aircraft is normally accelerated on schedule until the flaps are up. . . 16. • The FD is then selected ON without first re-engaging TOGA. 12. task discipline.EMIRATES B-777 Page 140 of 158 10. and communication are maintained. 14. . It should be understood by both pilots that a silent visual confirmation of the selection of the correct control/switch is also carried before the PF responds “confirmed”. STANDARD ENGINE OUT PROCEDURE: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 11 . COMMUNICATION DURNING NON NORMAL OPERATIONS: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 10 It is accepted that PF and PNF duties may change during flight in normal and non-normal operations and the Commander is the final authority for the disposition of all tasks. or have a speed constraint. . NON-STANDARD ENGINE-OUT PROCEDURE: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 11 Should the engine out procedure require a turn. then speed intervention is the preferred technique to maintain the required speed until aircraft acceleration is commenced. Communication protocols are in accordance with the guidelines found under Crew Duties in the NP FCOM VOL 1 and crews must ensure that good R/T discipline is maintained at all times. LESSONS LEARNED 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE 10. 11. FLIGHT DIRECTOR USAGE: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 11 When the FCTM calls for both Flight Directors to be turned OFF and the PNF’s flight director selected back ON it is important that this is done.Configuration changes are approved during recall item actions. the FD bars appear in the ATT and VS modes. provided good awareness. ACCELERATION FOLLOWING ENGINE FAILURE DURING TAKE OFF: TM B777 Part 1 Chap 4 page 10 . 13. LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 11 “Plan To Land At The Nearest Suitable Airport” is a statement associated with some non-normal checklists. and • A go-around was commenced using TOGA modes. This situation occurs during the following: • Both flight directors were turned OFF prior to the go-around. . and • A Lateral mode is selected (LNAV or HDG SEL) causing the FD bars to disappear. management. Additionally with reference to the standard confirm/confirmed call before stating confirmed the PF agrees that the action to take place and that the control is correct.Depending on the circumstances several techniques are available to achieve the required aircraft acceleration. . .When Recalling EICAS messages the crewmember shall push the switch. 15.Crews maneuvering for return to the departure airport must carefully consider all relevant factors when determining the configuration management of the aircraft. announce “RECALL” and read out any messages.Acceleration in VNAV to flap limit speed minus 5kts or speed intervention are both acceptable techniques to delay aircraft configuration changes. . Flight Training recommends that this planning process should normal take place after all NNCs are complete and the EICAS has been reviewed.When all non-normal checklists are complete the PF shall ask for an EICAS review.When an EICAS message is displayed the PNF announces “EICAS” and reads the message.When an EICAS message has been reviewed the PF shall announce “Cancel EICAS”. and • The FD’s were not turned back ON after landing gear retraction.If acceleration in VNAV to flap limit speed minus 5kts or speed intervention are used engine thrust limitations and obstacle protections must be considered. it is deemed acceptable for the Captain to activate the evacuation command switch as per the philosophy of crew Duties FCOM NP. CIRCLING APPROACH AND AUTOPILOT USE: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 12 The circling approach is a visual continuation of an Instrument approach as such may be flown using the autopilot to the applicable visual autopilot restrictions. however.11. QRH MAN. be disconnected in accordance with the guidance shown in the QRH Maneuvers section. the Captain(CM1) orders the evacuation when necessary. The autopilot will. As part of the action “TO ADVISE THE CABIN CREW TO EVACUATE”.2 .2. LESSONS LEARNED STUDY GUIDE 17. 18. As this switch falls under the CM2 area of it is expected that the CM2 either confirms or completes this action as required.5 . EVACUATION COMMAND SWITCH: TM B777 Part 1 Chapter 4 page 12 In the case of evacuation.EMIRATES B-777 Page 141 of 158 28 April 2008 10. If you have to return to the gate after starting the engines. 24. e. SLOT. a.2D. Please ensure you achieve the second altitude on these missed approaches prior to accelerating and retracting the flap. ATC Clearance. . c. INBD073 RIGHT 1 MIN LEG) .EMIRATES B-777 Page 142 of 158 10. insert 128° .FIX page 2 KLO. Pas. Flight Plan Validity.0D. consider alternate departure procedures. HOLD S/W AT KLO21.FIX page 3 KLO141/4. f. 23. Departing ZRH Rwy 16 EFATO procedure: (AT KLO2. ensure you are beyond the speed restriction point prior to accelerating and retracting the flap. insert 141°. g. FOM 15. different runways. Curfew…etc. OSTIN for the EFATO procedure. AT KLO 4. Some missed approaches have a two stage climb requirement… LHR ILS27L. For departure insert the transition altitude in the R5 position. 22. a. When taking-off into weather. Pass. For VNAV approaches insert the IAF with a 2 nm circle as a reminder to configure the MCP. Tech Log. Maintenance. There are no specific instructions on the use the FIX pages. turns after take-off. Also HKG has a speed requirement on the missed approach.6D LEFT(<190KT) TO KLO. they can be used to increase situation awareness… e. 21. Departing OMDB Rwy 12. however. Flight Time Limitations. LESSONS LEARNED 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE 19. 25nm circle around the MSA point. arm the doors prior to starting the engines. Deice.FIX page 1 KLO154/2. SMNC. Do the BEFORE TAXI and AFTER LANDING Checklist to ensure the aircraft is configured correctly. or delaying take-off if weather is bad.2. LEFT TRK128. Station. For arrival insert the transition level in the R5 position. When using a Supplementary Procedure consider communicating with all concerned: Ground Engineer CM1 CM2 Cabin Crew ATC 20. d.g. Once back on the gate your continued considerations are Fuel. INCPT KLO253R. For arrival insert the time for :20 minutes prior to top of descent in the R5 position. INCPT KLO 141R OUTBOUND.6 . b. and the MSA altitude in R5 position. When starting engines at gate or when no push back is required.11 states the acceleration altitude on a missed approach will be the Jeppesen published missed approach altitude. request position and hold to examine weather.FIX page 4 KLO253/21. ZRH ILSDME14. (can also insert 253°) . Ensure all are included in your communications… Purser. Often it is possible to stop on the runway with lower brake settings and much lower brake temperatures. If you need to contact company use the center radio. 30. The normal procedure is to coordinate with the station and return to have the baggage unloaded.Find the Landing Distance for your Weight / Altitude / Wind / Temp / and Reverser condition. After a Depressurization and Rapid Descent remember to make a PA stating the level off altitude.Apply a VREF adjustment to your current VREF.66 1.33 0. EFATO: Prior to selecting the TOGA switch ensure the aircraft is tracking correctly. Time permitting contact SMNC and Engineering to determine why the engine failed and if it is desirable or recommended to try a restart. 28. This is often compounded by the lack of approach lights on these approaches.33 620 1240 1850 2460 3090 3700 4930 6170 Overhead 340 950 1560 2190 2800 4030 5270 26. 29. There is time after the checklist is complete to analyze and select a suitable airport. ( I cannot find a reference in the manual.5 If you are departing and receive a Final Load Data with a reduction of pax with baggage. Flight Duty Limits) there is another option. To Determin if a lower autobrake setting can be used: .00 1. 31. Advised by EK TRE 27. Remember QRH Landing distances are unfactored and require maximum manual braking.Consult the QRH NORMAL CONFIGURATION LANDING DISTANCE TABLE FOR FLAP 30. . During Abnormal Operations requiring an Overweight Landing it is common practice to use high autobrake settings. . One engine inoperative operations have a choice of landing with Flap 20 or Flap 30.66 3. When a Non-normal checklists instructs “LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT”… Just acknowledge this statement. NPA approaches often require more visibility than the min visibility published on the approach plates. After calculating the required distance add on your own factor for conservatism e.3. ILS approaches lock onto the G/S below 1. Leave the Right VHF on 121.5.9 32.00 2.EMIRATES B-777 Page 143 of 158 10. the best explanation I was given is that if Security is qualified to determine the severity of a bomb threat they are qualified to access the threat of connecting baggage) 35. 33. EK TRE 34.66 2. You can contact SMNC and have Security do a check on the missing passengers and baggage.g. FOM 20. Stephan Prugner gave this example of an actual flight during my upgrade interview.33 1. . Height AGL(ft) Distance from Threshold (NM) Horizontal Vis (meters) required to see Runway Threshold Horizontal Vis (meters) required to see 900M (3000 ft) Approach Lighting System 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 0. This should be considered before committing to an airport with a compromised aircraft. If the baggage has come from highly secure airports and they can verify the baggage does not impose a threat they can issue a waiver that authorizes carriage of the baggage without the passengers. If there are operational reasons that complicate this (Curfew. If not you will lock in the error and there will be no way to correct the tracking until above 400 AAL.500 AAL and will not level off at the required altitude. Fly it as a LOC approach. If you desire a restart of an Engine after an Engine Failure. Suggest an additional 500 meters. FOM 17. This can result in excessive brake temperatures and brake temperatures exceeding the FUSE PLUG MELT ZONE. If Conducting a Visual or Circling approach off of a ILS approach. LESSONS LEARNED 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE 25. It is Emirates Policy to use flap 20 and only use Flap 30 if it is required for landing distance considerations. Bomb on Board: There are two types of triggers to consider. Prior to giving the purser a NITS briefing. VSI. An Aid to recognize slow acceleration during the take-off is to check the speed vector. Instructor briefing 42. Continue the approach to landing. After the QRH Checklists are completed additional information for some Non-Normal situations is available from the FCTM Chapter 8. Instructor briefing 41. When receiving the threat stop your climb to freeze the cabin altitude and start your clock to be aware of the time it takes you to get the aircraft on the ground. Positive Climb Recognition. LESSONS LEARNED 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE 36. During the cockpit rises approximately 150 feet prior to the aircraft coming off the ground. Complete the BOMB ON BOARD checklist to establish a constant cabin altitude and note the cabin altitude for future reference. . Timer. At 80 knots it should be indicating a trend to 115-120 knots. When descending. 39. Listening for the Click of the autobrakes turning off can provide useful information as to the actual lift off of the main gear. Altimeters. level off at or above Cabin Altitude and Configure the aircraft for Landing (if the bomb is triggered by a decreasing pressure you are now configured prior to the explosion). (If the bomb is on a pressure switch it may go off while the aircraft is pressurized and the damage would be increased) 37. Resist starting the descent until after the Bomb On Board Checklist has been completed…. If on a Missed approach try to keep the cabin altitude below the maximum cabin altitude you have achieved ( to avoid the pressure trigger in the climb) Instructor briefing 40. 38. This will allow the pressurization panel to be set correctly. ask questions… How are you? How is the crew? What information do you have? This is also a chance to ACCESS the situation… Get information prior to giving the NITS briefing. Ensure the Purser writes down your briefing and get a readback to ensure understanding. If time is available consider consulting this source.EMIRATES B-777 Page 144 of 158 10. and Pressure. and Radio Altimeters will indicate a climb while the aircraft is on the ground. Bomb on board situations often require diversions to airports that are close and necessitate an immediate descent due to their proximity. EMIRATES B-777 Page 145 of 158 11.6 FCI 2006/97 ASR ACARS REPORTING PROCEDURE Send an ACARS message to DXBOWEK EKGS ASR*** Refer to the FCI for the relevant ASR *** codes . REPORTS AND FORMS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE REPORTS AND FORMS AIR SAFETY REPORT FOM Chap 10 page 5 37 items MOR REPORT FOM Chap 10 page 5 File an ASR when off-loading a DEPO/Prisoner passenger FOM 16.1. 1.5.1 Death on Board FOM 16.12 Captains must document the incident on a CSR .EMIRATES B-777 Page 146 of 158 11. REPORTS AND FORMS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE CAPTAIN’S SPECIAL REPORT FOM Chap 5 page 7 FOM Chap 16 page 4 FOM Chap 16 page 7 FOM Chap 16 page 13 FOM Chap 17 page 14 FOM Chap 10 page 15 FOM Chap 10 page 16 FOM Chap 15 page 7 FOM Chap 12 page 4 FOM 14. EMIRATES B-777 Page 147 of 158 11. Contact Group Safety Airport Safety Supervisor DXB +971 50 456 3341 Group Safety Duty Manager ( for serious incidents or incidents at outstations +971 4 343 6879 . REPORTS AND FORMS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE PASSENGER / AIRCREW ACCIDENT REPORT FOM Chap 10 page 7 CONFIDENTIAL HUMAN FACTORS REPORT FOM Chap 10 page 7 Group Safety Report Memo from Tim Jenkins SVP Safety Accidents or incidents involving contract Staff must be reported. Reporting procedures are located in the Group Safety Manual on the Group World website This manual was not printable off this website. and human Eyes.2 Any Coding or approach anomaly must be reported on the FMS Navigation Database Report. Goods to be locked in appropriate stowage position FOM Chap 26 page 23 Captain to be advised via NOTOC. C15 FOM Chap 16 page 9 GEN DEC FOM 5. In Dubai computer generated form can be requested from CBC. All Crew Members must be listed. contained within the Flight Documentation Folder. . OM-C RAIG Feedback Form FOM 2. REPORTS AND FORMS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE MISSING PASSENGERS REPORT FOM Chap 5 page 7 March 12 2005 Aircraft departing Dubai will receive an automated Missing Passenger Report.1 E6 Locker Stowage Waybill Form FOM Chap 16 page 22 To be filled out for valuable personal effects.10. .EMIRATES B-777 Page 148 of 158 11.5. CAPTAIN’S DISCRETION REPORT FOM Chap 5 page 7 FMS Navigation Data Report FOM 15. Indicate on the VR that the report has been made.3 - Required for all International Flights. Blank Form in Aircraft Documents Folder may be used.Not Required for flights crossing the Tasman Sea. 9 .EMIRATES B-777 Page 149 of 158 11. REPORTS AND FORMS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE PED Interference FOM Chap 10 page 7 FOM Chap 17 page 3-4 FOM 19. EMIRATES B-777 Page 150 of 158 11. REPORTS AND FORMS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Voyage Report Requirements Any discrepancies or missing pages of the manual must be promptly reported to the Manager Aeronautical Services & ATM via the Voyage Report. FOM Chapter 13 page 4 If Local Security attempts to breach the security of the aircraft without displaying a security pass it should be noted on the Voyage Report. FOM Chapter 10 page 16 If the fuel uplift check is in excess of ±5% or + 2000, - 1000 it should be noted on the Voyage Report. FOM Chapter 11 page 13 Out of date charts should be removed and returned with the ships papers. FOM Chapter 13 page 4 . Completion of a NAT MNPSA Route Familiarization form must be annotated on the Voyage Report. FOM Chapter 19 page 32 If the EMK has been opened the Captain should make an entry on the Voyage Report. FOM Chapter 13 page 4 . If a Captain Special report is filed an entry should be recorded on the Voyage Report. FOM Chapter 13 page 4 . If the crew is requested to place additional documents on the aircraft they must do so and annotated the voyage report when they are correctly inserted. FOM Chapter 12 page 4 If the passenger restraining devices are used a Special Report is to be filed and details recorded on the Voyage report. FOM Chap 16 page 13 Diversion Detail should be annotated on the Voyage Report. FOM Chap 16 page 33 If Forward facing cameras are switched off the reasons must be recorded on the Voyage Report. FOM Chap 17 page 4 If the FMS Navigation Database Report has been filled out. Log any significant event occurring during flight. FOM Chap 5 page 6 EMIRATES B-777 Page 151 of 158 12. PA ANNOUNCEMENTS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE PA ANNOUNCEMENTS HOLDING Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the Captain. We have just been informed by Air Traffic Control to join a holding pattern. The reason for this is heavy inbound traffic to ________. We expect to remain in the hold for about _____ minutes and we will therefore land at _____. Thanks for your attention. GO AROUND Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the Captain. We have had to discontinue our approach. The reason for this was _____. OPTION 2nd Approach We will now prepare for another approach and expect landing in approximately ___ minutes. Thank you for your attention. OPTION DIVERSION We are now proceeding to our alternate airport _____, where the weather is more suitable. We expect to land in approximately ___ minutes. The company and handling agents have been notified of our diversion and will provide assistance on arrival. Please follow the instructions of the cabin crew, and thank you for your attention. WEATHER DIVERSION Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the Captain. Due to the deterioration of the weather at our destination ______, we will have to divert to our alternate airport_____, where the weather is more suitable. We expect to land in approximately ___ minutes. The Company and handling agents have been notified of our diversion and will provide assistance on arrival. Please follow the instructions of the cabin crew, and thank you for your attention. TECHNICAL DIVERSION Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the Captain. Due to a technical fault in one of our systems, we have secured the problem and have decided as a precaution, to divert / return to ________ Airport where we expect to carry out a normal landing in approximately ___ minutes. Listen carefully to all cabin crew announcements and cooperate with them as they prepare the cabin for landing. JETTISON OPTION As part of our normal procedure we have to jettison fuel to reduce the aircraft's weight for landing. You may therefore see fuel spraying from our wingtips. This is normal so don't be alarmed. The Company and handling agents have been notified of our diversion and will provide assistance on arrival, thank you for attention. SICK PASSENGER DIVERSION Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the Captain. Unfortunately, one of our passengers has become seriously ill during the flight. In order to provide all necessary medical care as soon as possible, we will divert / return to ________ Airport, where expect to land in approximately ___ minutes. JETTISON OPTION As part of our normal procedure we have to jettison fuel to reduce the aircraft's weight for landing. You may therefore see fuel spraying from our wingtips. This is normal so don't be alarmed. The company and handling agents have been notified of our diversion and will provide assistance on arrival. . Please follow the instructions of the cabin crew, and thank you for attention. EMIRATES B-777 Page 152 of 158 12. PA ANNOUNCEMENTS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE FIRE May I have your attention, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the Captain with an important safety announcement. We have a technical problem with one of our engines / in the passenger cabin. We will divert / return to ________ airport, where we expect to carry out a normal landing in approximately ___ minutes. Please listen carefully to all cabin crew announcements and follow their instructions. Air Traffic Control and fire fighting services are aware of our situation and will provide all necessary assistance on arrival. Thank you for your attention. AFTER RAPID DESCENT Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the Captain. We have descended rapidly from our cruising altitude and are now flying at ________ feet. The reason for this was a depressurization of the aircraft. OPTION MASKS REQ. The use of the oxygen masks is still required for approximately ___ minutes, until we can descent to ____ feet. OPTION MASK NOT REQ. The use of the oxygen masks is no longer required. We are now carrying out all necessary procedures to rectify the problem and I will come back to you when we have decided on our further course of action. In the meantime I ask you to cooperate with the cabin crew as they prepare the cabin for a normal landing. Thank you for your attention. DE-ICING DEICING BRIEFING REQUIRED PRIOR TO DEICING THE AIRCRAFT Ladies and Gentleman, this is the Captain. Due to the weather conditions the aircraft will be cleared from snow and ice by spraying it with an Anti Icing fluid. OPTION AT GATE This procedure will take place while we are still parked at the gate and will last for approximately ___ minutes. OPTION REMOTE DE-ICING To accomplish this procedure we will taxi to a De-Icing area closer to our takeoff runway. After Anti Icing is finished you may notice a strange smell in the cabin. This is quite normal as some vaporized fluid may have been drawn into the passenger cabin by the air-condition system. This smell will dissipate quickly. Thank you for your attention. PARTIAL OR ALL GEAR UP LANDING Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the Captain. I have to inform you that a fault has occurred in our landing gear. We are now carrying out the specified procedure for landing with this situation. JETTISON OPTION As part of our normal procedure we have to jettison fuel to reduce the aircraft's weight for landing. You may therefore see fuel spraying from our wingtips. This is normal so don't be alarmed. We expect to land in ____ in approximately ___ minutes and the cabin crew will now begin to prepare the cabin. Please listen carefully to their announcements and follow their instructions. In case the landing gear will not be firmly locked in the correct position the landing may be very rough and you may experience some abnormal bumps and loud noises. After landing remain seated and strictly follow the orders of the cabin crew, who undergo regular training to handle such situations. Air Traffic Control and ground services are fully aware of our situation and will provide all necessary assistance on arrival. Thank you for your attention. EMERGENCY LANDING / DITCHING IS IMMINENT/PROBABLE: - :02 minutes prior to TD (1,500’) – “ATTENTION CREW AT STATIONS” - :30 seconds prior to TD (400’) – “BRACE BRACE” EVACUATION COMMAND “LEFT / RIGHT / FORWARD / REAR / OVERWING / ALL AVAILABLE EXITS EVACUATE EVACUATE”. 7 .EMIRATES B-777 Page 153 of 158 12. PA ANNOUNCEMENTS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE PRECAUTIONARY DISEMBARKATION QRH MAN.1. PA ANNOUNCEMENTS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE SABOTAGE / BOMB THREATS ON GROUND .EMIRATES B-777 Page 154 of 158 12. PA ANNOUNCEMENTS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE SABOTAGE / BOMB THREATS IN FLIGHT SUSPICIOUS ARTICLE DISCOVERED .EMIRATES B-777 Page 155 of 158 12. EMIRATES B-777 Page 156 of 158 12. PA ANNOUNCEMENTS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE World Time Zone Map . 02:00h 08-Mar. 00:00h - . 02:00h 26-Oct. 00:00h 16-Mar. 05:00h 04-Oct. 02:00h 08-Mar. 00:00h 12-Oct.Lord Howe Island New Zealand (Wellington. 00:00h - 20-Apr. 01:00h 08-Mar. 03:00h 29-Mar.Easter Island Argentina DST Start 30-Dec-2007. Jerusalem) Jordan (Amman) Lebanon (Beirut) Syria (Damascus) AFRICA Egypt (Cairo) Tunisia (Tunis) 25-Apr. 02:00h 30-Mar. 00:00h 15-Mar. 03:00h 05-Apr.South Australia (Adelaide) Australia . 03:00h 05-Apr. 02:00h 29-Mar. 03:45h 28-Sep. 02:00h 02-Nov. 02:00h 08-Mar. 02:00h 17-Feb.A.) Greenland (Denmark) CENTRAL AMERICA / CARIBBEAN Cuba (Havana) Bahamas (Nassau) Bermuda (Hamilton) Guatemala (Guatemala) Turks and Caicos Islands (Cockburn Town) ASIA Armenia (Yerevan) Azerbaijan (Baku) Gaza Strip. 01:00h 26-Oct. 03:00h 28-Sep. 02:00h 25-Oct.EMIRATES B-777 Page 157 of 158 12. 02:00h 08-Mar.S. 00:00h 04-Apr. 02:00h CANCELLED 09-Mar. 01:00h 30-Mar. 02:00h AUSTRALIA / OCEANIA Daylight Saving (Summer) Time Southern Hemisphere (2008/2009) DST END 2008 DST START 2008 DST END 2009 Australia (States & Territories below): • Australian Capital Territory (Canberra) • New South Wales (Sydney) 06-Apr. 04:00h 01-Apr. 00:00h CANCELLED 21-Mar. 02:00h 07-Sep. West Bank) Iraq (Baghdad) Iran (Tehran) Israel (Tel Aviv. 02:00h • Victoria (Melbourne) • Tasmania (Hobart) Australia . 02:00h 02-Nov. 22:00h 02-Nov. 03:00h 26-Oct. 23:00h 05-Apr. 00:00h Brazil (states below): • Rio Grande do Sul • Santa Catarina • Parana • Sao Paulo • Rio de Janeiro • Espirito Santo • Minas Gerais • Goias • Matto Grosso • Matto Grosso do Sul • Distrito Federal Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (Stanley) Paraguay (Asuncion) Uruguay (Montevideo) AFRICA Namibia (Windhoek) 06-Apr. 00:00h 29-Mar. 00:00h 08-Mar. 02:00h 30-Mar. 02:00h 29-Mar. 03:45h 02-Nov. 03:00h 05-Oct. 03:00h 29-Mar. 02:00h 30-Sep. Arizona) Canada (except Saskatchewan) Mexico (except Sonora) Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Fr. 03:00h 26-Oct. 22:00h 06-Apr. 00:00h 14-Mar. 00:00h 09-Mar. 00:00h 22-Feb. 03:00h 29-Mar. 00:00h 27-Mar. 02:45h 05-Apr. 00:00h 26-Oct. 00:00h 30-Mar.Western Australia (Perth) Australia . 02:00h 06-Apr. 02:00h 05-Oct. 02:00h 09-Mar. 03:00h 29-Mar. 02:00h 26-Mar. 01:00h 25-Oct. 02:00h 09-Mar. 02:00h 08-Mar. 00:00h 20-Sep. 00:00h 28-Mar. 22:00h 02-Nov. 00:00h 30-Mar. 02:00h 05-Oct. 22:00h 11-Oct. 00:00h 24-Apr. 00:00h 19-Oct. 01:00h 29-Mar. 00:00h 09-Mar. 00:00h 02-Nov. 04:00h 01-Apr. (except Hawaii. PA ANNOUNCEMENTS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE Daylight Savings Time Daylight Saving (Summer) Time Northern Hemisphere (2008/2009) EUROPE European Union and rest of Europe (except Iceland) . 22:00h 16-Mar. 02:00h 30-Mar. 02:00h 06-Apr. 00:00h 02-Nov. 02:00h 07-Sep. 00:00h 29-Mar. 02:00h 08-Mar.(time is GMT) Russia (time is local) NORTH AMERICA U. 03:00h 05-Oct. 00:00h 29-Mar. Auckland) New Zealand. 02:00h 28-Aug.Chatham Island SOUTH AMERICA Chile (Santiago) Chile. 02:00h 06-Apr. 02:00h 31-Oct. 02:00h 30-Mar. 03:00h 05-Apr. 02:00h 05-Apr. 02:00h 09-Mar. 02:00h 26-Oct. 02:00h 30-Mar. 02:00h 09-Mar. 02:00h 28-Mar. 03:00h 26-Oct. West Bank (Bethlehem. 02:00h 19-Apr. 02:00h 09-Mar. 02:00h 08-Mar. 02:00h 27-Mar. 02:00h 26-Oct. 00:00h 26-Oct. 02:00h DST START 2008 DST END 2008 DST START 2009 30-Mar. …. . this is your Captain ………… speaking. . /….. The planned flight time is .Policy to enter the flight deck. To ….…. We are cruising at ___ feet and will be starting our descent shortly. We anticipate landing at ___..Augmented Flights. .Details of the flight.. for your own safety.Any other items particular to the flight. just in case we encounter any unexpected bumps DEICING BRIEFING REQUIRED PRIOR TO DEICING THE AIRCRAFT Ladies and Gentleman. please keep your seat belts fastened at all times whilst seated. PA ANNOUNCEMENTS 28 April 2008 STUDY GUIDE FOM 12.... As always.EMIRATES B-777 Page 158 of 158 CABIN CREW BRIEFING 12. . on the sky show channel of your video screen. CAPTAINS PREFLIGHT ANNOUNCEMENT REQUIRED FOR USA FLIGHTS OM-C RAIG 2. After Anti Icing is finished you may notice a strange smell in the cabin.... and Destination WX will be ………. Thank you. . You can follow our progress. .Hrs . This is quite normal as some vaporized fluid may have been drawn into the passenger cabin by the air-condition system. o Meal Arrangements o Use of Rest Facilities.…ft. This is your Captain/First Officer Speaking. . Seniors ……. L&G.…in the Business Class Cabin/………in Economy. The Local time in ______ is ___°C.. We are now completing the paperwork and expect to depart shortly... WELCOME ABOARD PA Good ….Delegation of Command. & with an expected temp of …*C.. Our current position is ___.. and our Cabin Crew. . . Our route today is via …. Due to the weather conditions the aircraft will be cleared from snow and ice by spraying it with an Anti Icing fluid.. I would also ask you to use only those lavatories dedicated to your own class of service.. TOP OF DESCENT Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening Ladies and Gentlemen..8 Ladies and Gentlemen: US Regulations require me to inform you that during this flight today you should not congregate in groups in any area of the cabin. Please relax & enjoy our “award winning” inflight service. with a final cruising level of . FO ………. this is the Captain.2 .....Introduction of Pilots. This smell will dissipate quickly. . It is out Pleasure to welcome you on board EK flight ….The Purser should provide details of special passengers. OPTION REMOTE DE-ICING To accomplish this procedure we will taxi to a De-Icing area closer to our takeoff runway.Security Procedures. Thank you for flying on Emirates Airlines.Ensure all crew members are in possession of valid personal documents. led by Purser ……. o Rest Periods.. The forecast en-route WX is expected to be mainly smooth. We shall update you with the arrival details just prior to descent. OPTION AT GATE This procedure will take place while we are still parked at the gate and will last for approximately ___ minutes. Joining me is Senior.min. The Weather in ___ is ___.
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