B. Z-050 Green Technology Compliances.pdf

March 19, 2018 | Author: Muhammad Asraf Nor Asyrafjpk | Category: Waste Management, Alternative Energy, Sustainability, Waste, Environmental Technology



JABATAN PEMBANGUNAN KEMAHIRAN KEMENTERIAN SUMBER MANUSIA, MALAYSIA ARAS 7-8, BLOK D4, KOMPLEKS D, PUSAT PENTADBIRAN KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN, 62530PUTRAJAYA, MALAYSIA COURSE OF STUDY Z-050 GREEN TECHNOLOGY COMPLIANCES JANUARY 2013 Z-050 GREEN TECHNOLOGY COMPLIANCES TABLE OF CONTENT PAGES 1. SYNOPSIS 2. MEMBERS OF DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 3. INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE OF USAGE 4. TRAINEE ENTRY REQUIREMENT 5. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT 6. NGCS GROUP & ABILITIES 7. TRAINING PATHWAY 8. NOSS MATRIX 9. SCHEDULE ON MINIMUM LEARNING HOURS 10. MODULES 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 M01 M02 M03 M04 GREEN TECHNOLOGY ESSENTIALS GREEN TECHNOLOGY PRACTICES GREEN TECHNOLOGY ACQUISITION GREEN TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH & INNOVATION i ii iv vi vii x xii xiii xiv 1 17 37 51 SYNOPSIS This Course of Study (CoS) is an integral component of the Training Manual (TM) used by Accredited Training Centers (ATC) of Department of Skills Development (DSD) when implementing their approved training programmes. It is the bridge that links the expected knowledge and performance objectives in Green Technology Compliances (program code: Z-050). Its purpose is to standardized content and practical training delivery among training providers. Module developers and trainers are to utilize this CoS in developing their in-house instructional materials or in DSD environment, a Written Instructional Materials (WIM). This CoS in Green Technology Compliances (Z-050 CoS) shall contain essential information on the scope and coverage of knowledge, expected performance objectives, trainee entry requirements and performance assessment methodology. Module developers and trainers are to use it as a guideline in which to build units of instructions, lesson plans, practical activities and different modes of assessment. (i) MALAYSIA (drxander@gmail. THONG CHI WAH I SMART EDUCARE. MALAYSIA DATO’ TAN TUAN KIM CLEANTECH VENTURE CAPITAL SDN BHD DR. MALAYSIA ([email protected]) DATO‘ KANAGARAJA RAMAN MALAYSIAN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH PROFESSIONALS’ ASSOCIATION.COURSE OF STUDY Z-050 GREEN TECHNOLOGY COMPLIANCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE DR.com) LIM HONG YEOW I SMART EDUCARE.AIZI RAZMAN BIN ISMAIL HEAD OF DEPARTMENT MINISTRY OF LOCAL AUTHORITY MOHD HAFIZAM BIN MUSTAFFA MALACCA GREEN TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL NUR WAHIDAH BINTI ZAKARIA PETALING JAYA CITY COUNCIL NORDIANA BINTI ROSLAN PETALING JAYA CITY COUNCIL YASMIN BINTI RASYID PRESIDENT OF ECOKNIGHTS/MENGO (ii) . BLOK D4. JABATAN PEMBANGUNAN KEMAHIRAN DEVELOPED FOR JABATAN PEMBANGUNAN KEMAHIRAN KEMENTERIAN SUMBER MANUSIA. PUSAT PENTADBIRAN KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN. 62530 PUTRAJAYA. MALAYSIA (iii) . MALAYSIA PROOF-READER JOANN LIM PHAIK SIM ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA FACILITATOR TUAN HJ RAZALEE BIN CHE ROS MOHD LUTFI BIN DARJAK JABATAN PEMBANGUNAN KEMAHIRAN ROZITA BINTI ISMAIL NOR AZMAN BIN AHMAD CIAST. MALAYSIA ARAS 7-8.NITHI NESADURAI PRESIDENT OF ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA DAVID FOO KHAR CHING ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA JOANN LIM PHAIK SIM ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA SOO LI KENG I SMART EDUCARE. KOMPLEKS D. practices. Every aspect of life in Malaysia has started to orientate towards green endeavours.1.3 by intensifying human capital development on green technologies. research and innovation which is contained in this Course of Study (CoS). The Z-050 training programme represents the fundamentals of Green Technology. It covers a wide scope of knowledge and performance objectives on green technologies in terms of fundamentals. especially in manufacturing. The Department of Skills Development (DSD) supports this development with the introduction of skills training programmes in Green Technologies. One of the skills programme is Green Technology Compliances (program code: Z-050) under the National Competence Standards (NCS). abilities. government and households. This CoS has detailed out the scope and coverage of desired knowledge and performance objectives to be delivered and assessed. In mainstreaming green. Malaysia has abundance of natural resources and using technologies help to reduce. the purpose is to up-skill Malaysians citizens with the knowledge. This green orientation has been applied to many different sectors in Malaysia. Under the Z-050 programme. repair and recycle these resources efficiently. Solar photovoltaic technologies generate electricity. 2.0 INTRODUCTION Since 2008. Ministry of Human Resource Malaysia. (iv) . prepared and proof-read by a volunteering panel of experts and has been specifically tailored for applications relevant to Malaysia. Malaysia is steadfast and committed towards the development of a green economy.0 COURSE OF STUDY DOCUMENT This CoS will serve as a guideline to module developers and trainers who are responsible for the development of the instructional manual or Written Instructional Manual (WIM) on Green Technology Compliances (program code: Z-050) under the National Competency Standards with Department of Skills Development. while rain harvest technologies are most ideal in Malaysia with tropical rains. procurement. skills and competency in technologies related to green development. reuse. Malaysian government has chosen the green development through deployment of technology. services. which complement any vocational skills training programme related to green technologies. This document has been developed. The sole aim is to complement the National Green Technologies Policies under Strategic Thrust No. 3. This CoS contains: i. vii. Yahoo! and/or Wikipedia. evaluation and monitoring the effectiveness of course delivery. a set of Abilities which provides a comprehensive description on the knowledge to be delivered for each training module. information on the training modules titles to be conducted and the sequence of the learning delivery. ii. and. iv. new methodology in assisting module developers and trainers on developing instructional manual or Written Instructional Manual (WIM) by using the Internet keyword search method. through as Google. training implementation. guidelines to conduct assessment to determine competency achievement by trainees. for a learner to achieve the skill competency required. methodology to carry out assessment on the understanding of knowledge delivered. methodology to assist module developers and trainers in course planning. vi. (v) . v.0 PURPOSE/USAGE A CoS will provide module developers and trainers with a guide and direction when preparing training materials or Written Instructional Materials (WIM) for the Z-050 Green Technology Compliances programme. information pertaining to the scope and coverage of knowledge to be delivered and the abilities to be demonstrated. iii. and c. Open to all Malaysian citizens with minimum age of 16 years. (vi) . The trainee entry pre-requirements are set as with followings: a. Department of Skill Development (DSD) encourages Malaysian citizens and foreign residents to upskill themselves with green technologies. Trainee does not need to possess any Malaysia vocational skill certificate. the defined skill abilities are to be incorporated into any vocational skill certificate relevant with green technology. Open to foreign passport holders. For certification purposes.TRAINEE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS The NCS Green Technology Compliances (Z-050) is a competent skill training and certification of personnel within the field of Malaysia’s Green Technology. where the trainee must be pre-approved for the training. In pursuant on the greener and cleaner Malaysia. b. Being part of the National Competency Standards (NCS). the trainee must received his/her training and assessment within the territory of Malaysia. as well as manipulating equipment (such as laboratory equipment. The assessment strategies being utilized are divided into three (3) distinct parts: (a) a performance task – tasks are assignments (including individual and group case-studies. with the final appraisal scoring complying to the requirement of National Competence Standards (NCS): Not Yet Competent 0 – 59 Competent 60 -100 The purpose of Performance Assessment is to evaluate the actual process of doing and complying with green technology in Malaysia. (b) a combination of procedures. These Performance Assessments examine trainees' actual application of knowledge and abilities/skills in solving assigned problems. internet search engines. the solution of the problem may imply (a) the application of a specific procedure learned in class. computers. In some cases. and/or (c) it may require a thoughtful (vii) . solution presentations and others) designed to assess a trainee’s ability to use newly acquired knowledge and abilities.PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT The Performance Assessment is an appraisal method designed to judge trainee’s abilities to use specific knowledge and demonstrate newly acquired abilities or skills. (c) a predetermined scoring system – the trainee is scored by comparing the performance against a set of written criteria. (b) a format in which the trainee must responds – trainee can either complete the assigned task in front of the Internal Assessor or use a written response sheet on paper or electronically. documents and others). (viii) . It is often found the highly-structured format useful when working with largeenrollment classes. in pairs. less structured assessment tasks give students more opportunity to make judgments in determining the procedures needed to solve the problem. some tasks require systematic procedures that do not yield multiple entry points or exit points. If it is administered in pairs or groups. it should be clear on the criteria of the assessment is (such as how well trainees’ ability to interact and collaborate with others. In contrast. originality and others).adaptation of trainees' knowledge and abilities/skills. In this context. the goal and the composition of the group will affect the student’s individual performance. Assessment Method 2: Collaborative Groups Performance assessment can be administered individually. or collaborative groups. a check list system can be appropriately used by an assessor or a highly-structured trainee-answer sheet in which each aspect of the procedure and result is described in detail. creativity. Highly -structured assessment tasks provide students with step-by-step instructions to follow. trainee should write in their own answer/response sheet. The assessment of trainee's knowledge will eventually focuses on the performance and the result during assessment sessions. It is important to keep in mind that when trainees solve the problem in pairs or groups. In this case. Assessment Method 1: Checklists for Highly Structured Tasks In green technologies. The examination paper must be structured with either multiple-choice. (ix) . open or close-ended question or an assignment essay.Assessment Method 3: Written Examination Performance assessment must include a final written examination that is set in the National Competence Standards (NCS). 02 UNDERSTAND SUSTAINABLE USAGE OF RESOURCES 01.02 04 (x) .02 UNDERSTAND COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS 03 03.03 02 02.02 MANAGE WASTE 02.04 ABILITIES COMPLY TO HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDARDS 01.03 GREEN CULTURE UNDERSTAND IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE 02.01 MAINTAIN WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 04.05 LOW CARBON ECONOMY UNDERSTAND GREEN PROCUREMENT UNDERSTAND GREEN OPERATION & PROCESSES 03.01 UNDERSTAND POLUTION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS 01.GREEN TECHNOLOGY NCS PROFILE GROUP ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS UNDERSTAND LEGISLATION RELATED TO GREEN 01.01 03.03 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PRODUCTIVITY PARTICIPATE IN GREEN COMMUNITY PROGRAMS 04.01 REDUCE WASTE PRACTISE GREEN LIFESTYLE REDUCE USAGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES 02.05 COMPLY TO GREEN RELATED STANDARDS 01 01.04 02. GREEN TECHNOLOGY NCS PROFILE GROUP ENERGY EFFICIENCY & ALTENATIVE ENERGY UNDERSTAND ENERGY PERFORMANCE 05.01 ABILITIES USE GREEN PRODUCTS & PROCESSES 05.01 IMPROVISE POTENTIAL GREEN SERVICES 06.02 UNDERSTAND ALTERNATIVE ENERGY 05.02 IMPROVISE POTENTIAL GREEN PROCESSES 06.03 06 (xi) .03 05 RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IMPROVISE POTENTIAL GREEN PRODUCTS 06. 01 1/1 GREEN TECHNOLOGY PRACTICES Z-050 ( M02 ) UNDERSTAND LEGISLATION RELATED TO GREEN 01.02 3/2 UNDERSTAND COST + BENEFIT ANALYSIS 03.01 4/2 UNDERSTAND ALTERNATIVE ENERGY 05.02 2/4 COMPLY TO GREEN RELATED STANDARDS 01.01 1/4 IMPROVISE POTENTIAL GREEN SERVICES 06.01 1/2 GREEN TECHNOLOGY ACQUISITION Z-050 ( M03 ) UNDERSTAND GREEN PROCUREMENT 03.01 1/3 UNDERSTAND POLLUTION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS 01.05 9/2 END Z-050 GREEN TECHNOLOGY COMPLIANCE (xii) .03 6/1 USE GREEN PRODUCTS + PROCESSES 05.03 7/2 REDUCE WASTE 02.03 5/1 MAINTAIN WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 04.04 2/1 COMPLY TO HEALTH + SAFETY STANDARDS 01.01 3/1 PRACTICE GREEN LIFESTYLE 02.02 5/2 GREEN TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH & INNOVATION Z-050 ( M04 ) IMPROVISE POTENTIAL GREEN PRODUCTS 06.02 2/3 UNDERSTAND ENERGY PERFORMANCE 05.02 6/2 IMPROVISE POTENTIAL GREEN PROCESSES 06.02 2/2 UNDERSTAND GREEN OPERATION + PROCESSES 03.03 3/4 REDUCE USAGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES 02.04 8/2 MANAGE WASTE 02.05 4/1 PARTICIPATE IN GREEN COMMUNITY PROGRAMMES 04.START Z-050 TRAINING PATHWAY Z-050 GREEN TECHNOLOGY COMPLIANCES GREEN TECHNOLOGY ESSENTIALS Z-050 ( M01 ) UNDERSTAND IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE 02.03 3/3 UNDERSTAND SUSTAINABLE USAGE OF RESOURCES 01. 05 02.03 01.04 02.02 03.01 04 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PRODUCTIVITY 04.01 06 RESEARCH AND INNOVATION 06.03 02.02 02 GREEN CULTURE 02.04 01.NOSS MATRIX Z-050 GREEN TECHNOLOGY COMPLIANCES GREEN TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH & INNOVATION M04 GREEN TECHNOLOGY ESSENTIALS GREEN TECHNOLOGY PRACTICES GREEN TECHNOLOGY NCS PROFILE MODULE GROUP NO GROUP ABILITY NO 01.03 06.02 ABILITIES UNDERSTAND LEGISLATION RELATED TO GREEN COMPLY TO HEALTH & SAFETY STANDARDS COMPLY TO GREEN RELATED UNDERSTAND POLLUTION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS UNDERSTAND SUSTAINABLE USAGE OF RESOURCES UNDERSTAND IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE PRACTICE GREEN LIFESTYLE REDUCE USAGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES REDUCE WASTE MANAGE WASTE UNDERSTAND GREEN PROCUREMENT UNDERSTAND GREEN OPERATION & PROCESSES UNDERSTAND COST AND BENEFIT ANALYSIS PARTICIPATE IN GREEN COMMUNITY PROGRAMMES MAINTAIN WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY UNDERSTAND ENERGY PERFORMANCE USE GREEN PRODUCTS & PROCESSES UNDERSTAND ALTERNATIVE ENERGY IMPROVISE POTENTIAL GREEN PRODUCTS IMPROVISE POTENTIAL GREEN SERVICES IMPROVISE POTENTIAL GREEN PROCESSES M01 M02 01 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 01.02 05.01 03 LOW CARBON ECONOMY 03.03 04.01 05 ENERGY EFFICIENCY & ALTERNATIVE ENERGY 05.02 06.01 02.03 (xiii) GREEN TECHNOLOGY ACQUISITION M03 vii .05 03.02 05.01 01. 5 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.1 Recognise legislation related to green technology 2.0 1.5 0.0 1.7 Group case-study assignment & Presentation 2.3 Grasp energy efficient use (energy performance) 1.4 Group case-study assignment & Presentation 4.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 Group case-study assignment & Presentation MINIMUM COURSE HOURS KNOWLEDGE (Hrs) 1.MINIMUM LEARNING HOURS SCHEDULE Z-050 GREEN TECHNOLOGY COMPLIANCE NO MODULE STEPS 1.0 1.2 Differentiate pollution control and requirements 1.5 0.0 1 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.7 Reduce usage of natural resources 2.5 1.0 (By Group Assignment) 0.5 4.0 2.0 1.0 2.10 Group case-study assignment & Presentation 3.5 Adopt alternative energy 1.2 Adhere to health & safety standards 2.5 1.0 1.5 0.5 PERFOMANCE (Hrs) 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.3 Comprehend cost + benefit analysis 3. (xiv) .6 Utilize green products and processes 2.5 0.0 1.5 0.4 Grasp sustainable usage of resources 1.0 4.1 Improvise potential green products 4.0 2 GREEN TECHNOLOGY PRACTICES 3 GREEN TECHNOLOGY ACQUISITION GREEN TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH & INNOVATION 4 32 NOTE: DSD Accredited Training Centers are required to conduct a minimum of 32 hours or 4 working days (8 hours per day) in continuation or separation to meet the requirement of MINIMUM COURSE HOURS.5 1.0 0.0 1. However so.5 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 16.5 0.0 TOTAL (Hrs) 1 GREEN TECHNOLOGY ESSENTIALS 8.5 0.4 Participate in green community programmes 2.2 Improvise potential green services 4.8 Reduce waste 2.1.0 0.5 (By Group Assignment) 0.2 Grasp green operations and processes 3.5 0.0 2. Comprehend the effects of climate change 1.6 Fulfil green technology related standards 1.5 (By Group Assignment) SUB-TOTAL (Hrs) 1.0 1.5 0. there is no restriction applied if the training centers are to extend beyond minimum course hours of 32 hours or more than 4 working days.9 Manage waste 2.0 0.1 Comprehend green procurement 3.0 1.5 (By Group Assignment) 0.5 0.5 Maintain workplace environmental quality 2.3 Practice green lifestyle 2.0 2.0 2.5 0.3 Improvise potential green processes 4.0 1. SUSTAINABLE USAGE OF RESOURCES. SUSTAINABLE USAGE OF BOTH NATURAL AND MAN-MADE RESOURCES. ENERGY EFFICIENCY USE (ENERGY PERFORMANCE) AND WASTAGE AND ALTERNATIVE ENERGY AVAILABLE IN MALAYSIA. Module Objectives: THIS MODULE WILL IMPART DECLARATIVE KNOWLEDGE PERTAINING GREEN TECHNOLOGIES AVAILABLE IN MALAYSIA AND GLOBALLY. IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE. 1 .COURSE OF STUDY GREEN TECHNOLOGY COMPLIANCE ( Z-050 ) MODULE 01 : GREEN TECHNOLOGY ESSENTIALS Module Synopsis THIS MODULE CONTAINS THE SCOPE OF GREEN TECHNOLOGY (DECLARATIVE KNOWLEDGE) PERTAINING TO GREEN RELATED STANDARDS. THE OBJECTIVES ARE PRIMARILY TO HIGHLIGHT AND EMPHASIZE THE CONCEPTS. POLLUTION CONTROL AND REQUIREMENTS. ENERGY PERFORMANCE AND ALTERNATIVE ENERGY MATTERS IN MALAYSIA. IDEAS AND KNOWN REGULATIONS IN RELATIONS TO GREEN TECHNOLOGY ON POLLUTION CONTROL. 03 COMPLY TO GREEN RELATED STANDARDS 01.03 UNDERSTAND ALTERANTIVE ENERGY 2 .04 UNDERSTAND POLLUTION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS 01.01 UNDERSTAND ENERGY PERFORMANCE 05.05 UNDERSTAND SUSTAINABLE USAGE OF RESOURCES 02.Module Content Task ( s ) No & Statement 01.01 UNDERSTAND IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE 05. industrial production and societies (social systems). climate change agent climate change sea level. b.1 Intergovernmental Panel on 1. 0.1 Able to utilize two (2) of the Climate Change (IPCC) on following key indicators as impacts of changes of global temperature. b. Modified weed.The industrial effects on agriculture and food production and supply around the world are causing: a. e. in demonstrating and explaining the effects of climate change within any selected geographical location. The emission of Green House Gases (GHG) by human activities. and d. Climate temperature.3.3 The impacts of climatic changes to human health. 3 .5 Collaboration (in group case study) 1. d. c. Radiative Forcing on climate factors by human activities. b. c. Higher global temperatures c. a. Radiative Forcing by natural changes 1. Altered precipitation and transpiration regimes. Acute climate events.1.0 DELIVERY MODE Lecture ASSESSMENT Areas of Assessment Module 1: Green Technology Essentials (a) Individual Assessment (b) Performance Assessment via Group Collaboration (c) Final Written Examination with Multiple-choice 1. a. Understand the 1. Increased frequency of extreme events. extreme weathers events as combined indicators. Elevated CO 2 levels in the atmosphere.1 Able to utilize two (2) of the industrialization consequences that are causing a rapid changes to societies within any selected geographical location. Extreme weather events. pest and pathogen pressure. Sea levels.2 The impacts of global warming and other changes in climate systems by.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS 1. 1. Coastal region. Tropical forests. Invasion of species. The direct effects on ecosystems are causing natural disruptions or disturbances as such: a. Drought. c. Peat swamps. g. e. 1.5 The impacts of climatic changes to ecosystems. Mangrove.5.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 1. Forest fire. 4 . Coral bleaching.4 The increase of infectious diseases (vector and water borne) that are linked to climate changes. d. including coral reefs 1. Flood. plants and animals (biological systems). d. Storms. 1.6 The effect of biodiversity loss by climate shifts at: a. Wetlands. f. Soil stability.1 Able to utilize one (1) of the natural disturbances that are bringing about the loss of habitat of animal and destruction of living plants within any selected geographical locations. c.6. b. 1.1 Able to list two (2) of the effect of biodiversity loss that is common in Malaysia. e. affecting humans and societies. b. recall and reorganise this knowledge acquired. The Great Smog of 1952 b. 1.7 The compilation. Bhopal Disaster 1984 f.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 1. Understand pollution control and requirements 2.5 Collaboration (in group case study) 2.2 Well-known pollution events in the world: a. Three Mile Island 1979 e. point source pollution.1 Able to remember. non-point source pollution.1 Open to new concept methodologies. Chernobyl Disaster 1986 5 .1. 2.8 Group presentation on impact of climate change at the end of module 1: Green Technology Essentials 1. PCB-Hudson River 1974 c.0 Lecture 0. and b.1 Classification of pollution in Malaysia are: a. and 2. 1. Amoco Cadiz oil Spill 1978 d.7.1 Able to differentiate and name two (2) of sources of point and non-point pollution. study and employment of recorded data sheets on the impacts of climate change via class room casestudies presented by study group basis. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 1: Green Technology Essentials. Attitude: 1. Pollution control. 2. Ozone. Haze. Emission. e. Soil contamination.6 Hierarchy of pollution control: a. f. 6 . and b. c. c. 2.1 Able to identify the environmental pollution at workplace or home. Waste minimisation.3 The major forms of pollution in Malaysia are: a. b. d. Toxic chemicals. Nitrogen oxides. sewage 2. Carbon dioxides.4. Noise. Sulfur dioxides. b. and c.1 Able to remember and recall three (3) forms of pollutions in Malaysia. Water pollution. f. Radioactive contamination g.4 The pollution causes on environment in Malaysia and worldwide are: a. 2. d.3. b.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 2.5 The methods or processes of pollution control in environmental management are: a. Air pollution. e. Pollution prevention. Effluents 2. Light pollution. Fossil oil. d.1 Able to remember and recall the various forms of energy generation. Scrubbers c. Coal. 1.1.5 Collaboration (in group case study) 7 . Nuclear power.1 Forms of energy generated through the following nonrenewable fuel types are: a. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 1: Green Technology Essentials. phytoremediation 2. Industrial wastewater treatment e. Attitude: 1.8. Open to new concept methodologies.1 Able to remember. Sewage treatment d.7 Pollution control devices and processes: a. b.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 2. Natural gas. Dust collection systems b. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired. Vapour recovery systems f.0 Lecture 0. c.8 Group presentation on impact of pollution at the end of module 1: Green Technology Essentials 2. Understand energy performance (energy efficient use concept) 3. and 3. 3. 4 Green technologies that promotes sustainable energy policy by renewable energy: a. Geothermal energy.2.5 Energy efficiency by practicing energy conservation and technology through The Efficient Energy Pyramid model.4.1 Able to recall two (2) motivational factors for energy efficient practices for Malaysians. Wind energy. Bio-fuels 3. Biomass combustion g. Hydropower.1 Able to utilize two (2) of the green technologies available which are referred as renewable energy sources.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 3. b.6 Green Building designs that conserve electricity in minimizing energy consumption. 3. Energy efficiency. Solar photovoltaic. Renewable energy. b. e.2 Motivational factors in practicing efficient energy usage in Malaysia are: a. 3. 3. Wave power. Indirect reduction in CO2 emissions. c. 3. d. 8 .3 Twins pillars of sustainable energy policy contains: a. Reduction in energy costs. b. 3. f. 7. and 9 . 3.1 Able to remember.7 The issue of rebound effect in energy efficiency.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 3.1 Able to explain the problem of rebound effect which causes due to over-consumption energy efficiency. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 1: Green Technology Essentials.9. 3. Attitude: 1. Open to new concept methodologies.9 Group presentation on energy efficient use at the end of module 1: Green Technology Essentials 3. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired.8 Electricity consumption with standards set by International Energy Agency (IEA) and/or Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 3. Distribution f.1 The concept of sustainability in responsible management of resource use are: a. Processing e.5 Collaboration (in group case study) 4. Maintenance. Corporate sustainability reporting. Understand sustainable usage of resources THEORY 4. Transformation 4. Transportation d.3. Triple Bottom Line accounting c. Cultivation/extraction c. (2) HRS 0.1 Able to utilize PAT formula in measure human impact within any selected geographical location. c.2. 4.1 Able to recall two sustainability practices. Ecological.1. 4. Renewable. Discovery b.5 DELIVERY MODE Lecture ASSESSMENT 0. Sustenance or nourishment PERFORMANCE 4.4 The Resource Processing Model include the following stages: a.3 Best known sustainability measurements are: a. b. b. 4.1 Able to list out three (3) of the sustainability measurements available 10 .2 Human impact on Earth systems is the destruction of biophysical resources by PAT formula (I=P x A x T) in expressing human impact on Earth’s scarce resources.TOPIC 4. footprint measurement d. Carbon footprint measurement. 0 Lecture 0. Mini-hydro power.1 Able to list out three (3) of the alternative energy sources available in Malaysia. Attitude: 1. a. Understand alternative energy 5. Bio-fuels. Open to new concept methodologies. b.2.2. c. 5. g. Biomass. Solar energy. Collaboration 11 . and 5. The definition of alternative energy in accordance with IEA.5. d. Common types of alternative energy available in Malaysia.1 Able to remember.1. 5. Solar thermal energy. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired. 1. Natural Gas.5 Group presentation on sustainable usage of natural resources at the end of module 1: Green Technology Essentials 4.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 4. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 1: Green Technology Essentials. e. Wind turbine power. f.1.5 5.1 Able to recall one (1) of the definition of alternative energy via internet dictionary or other methods. Geothermal power. Biogas digestion.3. c.4. Technology limitations c.5. Battery electric vehicle (EV) e. Fuel cell vehicle f.5 Each alternative energy technologies are relatively in terms of the followings: a. e.1 Able to list out three (3) of the alternative fuel available for vehicular transportation.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 5. Hydrogen vehicle 5. Bio-fuels (ethanol and methanol) c. Hybrid (combustion electric vehicle) d. Algae fuel. 12 . b. Natural gas vehicle (NGV) b.1 Able to recall the advantages and disadvantages for one (1) of alternative energy available in Malaysia. 5. Advantage and disadvantage b. New technologies for alternative energy through continuous research and development are: a. 5. d. Biological hydrogen production. Floating wind farms.4. Alternative energy (fuel) within transportation fields are: a. Benefit and cost of implementation 5. TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 5. Attitude: 1. b. via KeTTHA are: a. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired. d. Conserve the use of energy and natural resources.6 Group presentation on adoption of alternative energy at the end of module 1: Green Technology Essentials 5. e. Minimize the degradation of the environment.1 The standards or criteria for green technology in Malaysia. Promote the use of renewable resources. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 1: Green Technology Essentials. Open to new concept methodologies. 6. Safe for use and promotes healthy environment for all forms of life.6.1 Able to recall three (3) of the criteria for green technology recognition by KeTTHA.5 Lecture 0.1. 0.5 Collaboration 13 .1 Able to remember. c. Zero or low green house gas (GHG) emission. and 6 Comply to green related standards 6. Promotion and public awareness 6. Intensify green technology research and innovations e. Attitude: 1. Open to new concept methodologies and 14 .2 The strategic thrusts in the Malaysia’s National Green Technology Policy by KeTTHA are: a. Intensify human capital development in green technology d. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired.3 Group presentation on standards relating to green technology at the end of module 1: Green Technology Essentials 6.1 Able to remember.1 Able to list two (2) of the strategic thrust of Malaysia National Green Technology Policy.3. b. 6.2. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 1: Green Technology Essentials. Strengthen the institutional frameworks. Provide a conducive environment for green technology development c.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 6. Aswathanaraya & Rao S. Mousdale. Anne Maczulak PhD. Wiley 2010. ISBN: 978-0-415-46985-2 6. Greening Household Behaviour: The Role of Public Policy. Jill Potvin Schoff. Green Up Your Cleanup. Vaughn Nelson. Dealing with Climate Change: Policies and Measures in IEA Member Countries. Wind Energy. Energy Portfolios. Earthscan 2006. Guide to Green Building Rating Systems. ISBN: 9781-58011-395-3 10. KeTTHA & GPNM. Green Impact: Low Carbon Green Growth. Palgrove Macmillan 2009. 5. Facts on file Inc 2010. ISBN: 978-92-64-06362-4 12. ISBN: 978-0-470-40194-1 15 AUDIO VISUAL MATERIALS . Linda Reeder. CO2 Emission from Fuel Combustion. Climate Change 2001: Summary for Policymaker. ISBN 0521-01495-6 2. CRC Press 2008. CRC Press 2009. Financing Energy Projects in Developing Countries. Pennwell 2007. Hossein Razavi PhD. ISBN: 978-0-230-61428-4 14. OECD/IEA 2007. CRC Press 2009. ISBN: 978-0-8160-7202-6 11. Biofuels: Biotechnology. Highlight 1971 – 2005. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5124-7 9. Divi. John A Dixon et al. The Green Workplace. OCED 2011. ISBN: 978-1-59370-124-6 13. 2010 3. Renewable Energy and The Environment. David M. Leigh Stringer. Cambridge university press. ISBN: 978-1-85383-185-0 7. Economic Analysis of Environmental Impacts. OECD/IEA 2001 ISBN: 92-64-19518-1 4. U. Chemistry and Sustainable Development. Pollution: Treating Environmental Toxins. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7568-7 8. Mixed Sources.Selected References and Audio Visual Materials REFERENCES 1. 3. Equipment and Materials ITEMS 1.Tools. 5. 4. LCD Projector Laser Printer Personal Computer/Laptop Wifi-Access (Internet) White Paper (Mahjong Paper) Writing Notepad Green Technology Compliance (Z-050) Manual RATIO (TEM : Trainees) 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:5 1:1 1:1 16 . 6. 7. 2. PROCESSES AND NATURAL RESOURCE. Module Objectives: THIS MODULE WILL IMPART FUNDAMENTAL AND CRITICAL KNOWLEDGE PERTAINING GREEN TECHNOLOGY AVAILABLE IN MALAYSIA AND GLOBALLY. WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY. 17 . HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDARDS. THE OBJECTIVES ARE PRIMARILY TO HIGHLIGHT AND EMPHASIZE KNOWLEGDE RELATED TO GREEN LEGISLATION. PROCESSES AND NATURAL RESOURCE. WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY. USAGE OF GREEN PRODUCTS. HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDARDS. GREEN LIFESTYLE. USAGE OF GREEN PRODUCTS. . WASTE REDUCTION AND MANAGEMENT RELATED MATTERS IN MALAYSIA.COURSE OF STUDY GREEN TECHNOLOGY COMPLIANCE ( Z-050 ) MODULE 02 : GREEN TECHNOLOGY PRACTICES Module Synopsis THIS MODULE CONTAINS THE SCOPE OF GREEN TECHNOLOGY PERTAINING TO GREEN LEGISLATION. WASTE REDUCTION AND MANAGEMENT. GREEN COMMUNITY PROGRAMMES. GREEN LIFESTYLE. GREEN COMMUNITY PROGRAMMES. Module Content Task ( s ) No & Statement 01.01 UNDERSTAND LEGISLATION RELATED TO GREEN 01.02 COMPLY TO HEALTH & SAFETY STANDARDS 02.02 PRACTICE GREEN LIFESTYLE 04.01 PARTICIPATE IN GREEN COMMUNITY PROGRAMMES 04.02 MAINTAIN WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 05.02 USE GREEN PRODUCTS & PROCESSES 02.03 REDUCE USAGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES 02.04 REDUCE WASTE 02.05 MANAGE WASTE 18 TOPIC 1. Understand legislation related to green technology THEORY 1.1 Energy legislation related green technology (directly indirectly): a. Energy b. Water c. Sewage (Waste) d. Transportation e. Building to or PERFORMANCE 1.1.1 Able to name one (1) legislations related to green technology directly or indirect. HRS 0.5 DELIVERY MODE Lecture ASSESSMENT Areas of Assessment Module 2: Green Technology Practices (a) Individual Assessment (b) Performance Assessment via Group Collaboration (c) Final Written Examination with Multiple-choice 0.5 Collaboration 1.2 Renewable Energy Act 2010 is to provide for the establishment and implementation of a special tariff system to catalyse the generation of renewable energy (RE). The special tariff system is known as or FiT. The Feed-in-Tariff objective of this Act are: a. To increase RE contribution in the national power generation mix, b. To facilitate the growth of the RE industry, c. To ensure reasonable RE generation costs, d. To converse the environment for future generation, e. To enhance awareness on the role and importance of RE. 19 TOPIC THEORY 1.3 The compilation, study and employment of recorded data sheets on green procurement via class room case-studies presented by study group basis. PERFORMANCE 1.3.1 Able to remember, recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired, and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 2: Green Technology Practices HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 1.4 Group presentation on legislation related to green technology at the end of module 2: Green Technology Practices Attitude: 1.1 Open to new concept methodologies. and 2. Comply to health and safety standards. 2.1 At basic level, sustainability and safety are essentially about conserving and protecting resources. This resource includes human beings. 0.5 Lecture 0.5 Collaboration 2.2 Safe and healthy workplace and the protection of the general environment are important in green technology. 2.3 Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (ACT 514) is an Act for provision on securing the safety, health and welfare of persons at work, for protecting others against risks to safety or health in connection with the activities of persons at work, to establish the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health, and for matter connected therewith. 2.3.1 Able to identify one (1) basic function of this Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (ACT 514). 20 3.1 Able to provide one (1) definition of green lifestyle. 3. 21 .0 Collaboration 3.4 The compilation.1. study and employment of recorded data sheets on green operations and processes via class room casestudies presented by study group basis.1 Able to remember.5 Group presentation on green procurement processes at the end of module 2: Green Technology Practices. either in private or public domains. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 2: Green Technology Practices Attitude: 1.2 Everybody is using water and energy daily which create waste the that are impacting environment. 2.1 Definition of Green Lifestyle that are found in private or public domains. Practice Green lifestyle 3. Open to new concept and methodologies 2.4. 1. Accumulatively.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 2.0 Lecture 1. these wastes will lead to long term environment degradation. TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 3.3. gray water. Waste Conservation using reusable shopping bag. • Efficiency – use LED lighting. • Renewable – solar photovoltaic. no plastic bag. Renewable – rainwater harvesting system. compost c. select energy star rating devices. • • • Water Conservation – turn off running water taps. 3. wind turbine electricity generation. Efficiency – install water saving faucet. air-conditioned unit set not lower than 24°C. but not limit to the below practices: a. use dual flush cistern. • • • 22 . paper).1 Able to utilize three practices at home workplace. minihydroelectricity. Efficiency – ‘buy bulk’. repair leaking water pipes. (3) or b. Renewable – recycle all waste (plastic. Energy • Conversation – switch off electronic device not in use. glass.3 Green lifestyle being practiced in Malaysia based on The Efficient Energy Pyramid model. study and employment of recorded data sheets on green lifestyle practices via class room case-studies presented by study group basis.5 Group presentation on green lifestyle at the end of module 3: Green Technology Practices and 4. • • Transportation Conservation – use public transportation (MRT. 23 . bus). Collaboration 4.1 Open to new concept methodologies.2 Everybody can make a difference to the environment by launching green community programmes or projects.4 The compilation. hybrid 3. fuel efficient cars.0 Lecture 1.0 4.1 Able to utilize three (3) steps for launching green community programme. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired.4. 3. Efficiency – car pooling. LRT. 1. KTM.1 Able to remember. Identify the need and the scope of the green community project. Participate in green community programme 4. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 2: Green Technology Practices Attitude: 1. 3. Any successful project requires the following steps: a.2.1 Definition of Green communities and its associated programmes that are found in private or public domains.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT d. Organise the green community project by mapping out the goals. d. Planting tree in public spaces. g. Facebook postings. Compost garden and kitchen waste. c. Sustainability education workshops. f. Native plant gardening. d. strategies and contingency actions in case of project obstacles.3 The known green community programme (projects) can be as follows (but not limited to): a. state or federal grants or funding raising event from the targeted community.1 Able to utilize one (1) programme for green community project. Find like-minded people or people who share a similar vision from community clubs. Adopting a river programme 4. Raise funds through local. Raise awareness in the targeted community through bulletin boards.3. e. Growing own food. e. 24 . b. etc. youth groups or welfare organizations. 4. Organic food gardening. c.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT b. inefficient or unmaintained cooling systems.2 Workplace environmental quality frequently applied to Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) that includes Air Quality and Hygiene. Open to new concept and methodologies 5. scratchy 5.3. 5. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 2: Green Technology Practices 4.4 The compilation. itchy eyes. poor indoor air quality can cause sneezing.4. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired.0 Lecture 1.1 Able to list three (3) illnesses related to indoor air pollution. chemical-laden cleaning products.0 Collaboration 5.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 4.1 Able to remember.3 Research has shown that indoor air pollution levels can routinely be up to five (5) higher than those found outdoors as a result of contaminants from tracked-in soil. 25 .5 Group presentation on green community programme at the end of module 2: Green Technology Practices Attitude: 1. Maintain Workplace environmental quality 5. In short terms. 4. study and employment of recorded data sheets on green community programme via class room casestudies presented by study group basis.1 Definition of workplace environmental quality that can be found in private or public domains. 1. d. 26 .1 Able to list three (3) ways to improve air quality within workplaces. medical report contributes indoor air pollution to asthma. Clean air-conditioning units regularly to prevent filters trapping harmful particles (including pathogens) from circulating throughout the workplace. Mop floor after vacuuming to remove contaminants left behind. e. PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 5. however. Over the long term. 5.4 The known five (5) ways to improve indoor air quality within workplaces (and even homes): a. c. pet dander and dust mites.4.TOPIC THEORY throats and fatigues. cancer and even damage to neurological systems. Frequently use a vacuum with HEPA filter to eliminate common allergens like pollen. Use a dehumidifier and air conditioning unit to keep indoor humidity at 30%-50% range. f. b. Tobacco smoking free zones. Place ‘scraper’ floor mats outside entranceways to remove soiling from shoes and place walk-off carpet mats to capture any residual particulates. lung disease. b.1 Able to list all four (4) R related to green or ecofriendly products and processes.2 The criteria that defines green products or processes can be as follows: a.0 Lecture 1.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 5.0 Collaboration 6. Reuse. 6.5. Reduce.1 Able to list three (3) criteria related to green products and processes. study and employment of recorded data sheets on workplace environmental quality programme via class room case-studies presented by study group basis. 5. 27 . Minimize emission of greenhouse gases.3 Any green or eco-friendly products and processes are incorporated with one or more of the 4 R of the environment: a. Help conserve energy.1 Able to remember. Repair. Minimize carbon footprint d. Does not lead to toxicity or pollution of the environment.6 Group presentation on workplace environmental quality at the end of module 2: Green Technology Practices Attitude: 1. Label as eco-friendly product or process.2.1 Definition of green products and processes that can be found in private or public domains. b.3. c. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 2: Green Technology Practices 5. 6. 1. Use green products and processes 6.5 The compilation. Open to new concept methodologies and 6. e. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired. c. 6. 0 7. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired.5 Group presentation on green products and processes at the end of module 2: Green Technology Practices and 7 Reduce usage of natural resources 7.4 The compilation. d. b.TOPIC THEORY d. Over-population.5 of the earth sustainable levels by human beings. 28 . Over-consumption or excessive or unnecessary use of resources. 1.2 The usage of natural resources is exceeding 1. 6. Recycle.3 The causes of natural resource depletion in the planet earth are as follows (but not limited to): a. Collaboration 7. Non-equitable distribution of resources. Open to new concept methodologies. 7.0 Lecture 1.3. c. study and employment of recorded data sheets on green products and processes via class room casestudies presented by study group basis.1 Able to list three (3) causes of natural resources depletion on planet earth.1 Able to remember. PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 6. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 2: Green Technology Practices Attitude: 1.1 Definition of natural resources that can be found in private or public domains. Slash and burn agricultural practices. 6.4. 6 Green technologies are able to assist in reducing dependencies on natural resources.4. 7. Reduction in world food production. Technological and industrial development (non-ecological practices). h. d. global warming and expensive energy costs. 7. 7. Aquifer depletion. Mining for oil and minerals. b. Increasing territorial conflicts. g. Erosion. d. e. f.1 Able to list three (3) of the green technologies that assist in reducing dependencies on natural resources. Green building facilities (building). Solar hot water (energy). Contamination of resources.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT e.1 Able to list two (2) effects of natural resources depletion on planet earth. a. c. Hydro Electricity (energy). 7.6. f. 7.5 Reduction in usages of natural resources can assist in fighting air pollution. g. 29 . b. i. Solar thermal (energy). Higher energy costs or frequent supply interruptions. c. Solar Photovoltaic (energy). Solid waste management (waste). Increasing global warming.4 The effects of natural resources depletion in the planet earth are as follows (but not limited to): a. Water management (water). 1. Open to new concept methodologies and 8 Reduce waste 8. Biomass Technology (fuel production). 8. Natural Gas Vehicle (transportation). Solid waste. study and employment of recorded data sheets on reduction on usage of natural resources via class room case-studies presented by study group basis. 8. j. i. Collaboration 30 . b. Hazardous (scheduled) waste. Green fuel production (transportation).8 Group presentation on reduction of natural resources at the end of module 2: Green Technology Practices Attitude: 1.2.1 Able to list one (1) type of waste found in Malaysia. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired.1 Waste minimisation is the process and the policy of reducing the amount of waste produced by a person or a society.7. Fuel Cell Vehicle (transportation).2 The type of waste that can be found in Malaysia are: a. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 2: Green Technology Practices 7. 1.1 Able to provide one (1) reason in waste minimisation either individually or in a community. 7. 7.0 8.0 Lecture 1.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT h. k. l.7 The compilation.1 Able to remember. Electric Vehicle (transportation). cradle-to-grave analysis. Industrial waste.1 Able to list one (1) waste minimisation requirement. b. b.3.6 The key objective is to use fewer materials and less waste production on an equal amount of commercial output. knowledge of the composition of waste. 8. 8.5 Waste minimisation involves efforts in: a.7.4 The understanding on waste is paramount in hierarchy reducing waste. 8. Agriculture waste. Minimizing usage of resources.1 Able to list one (1) source of waste production. 8.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 8.7 Waste minimisation usually requires: a. c.6. 8.3 The sources of waste production in Malaysia are: a. c. Minimizing usage of energy consumption. 8. knowledge of the production process.1 Able to state the key objective in waste minimisation in commercial output. 31 . b. 8. Consumer waste. Open to new concept methodologies and 9 Manage waste 9. transport. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 2: Green Technology Practices 8. 1. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired.1 Waste management is the collection.10 Group presentation on reduction of waste at the end of module 2: Green Technology Practices Attitude: 1.8 Waste minimisation can be done through two areas: a.1 Able to remember. Reduction of toxicity of waste at the end of the product life cyle.0 Collaboration 32 .9. By Processes Resource optimization. processing (or disposal). 8. managing and monitoring of waste materials by definition.9 The compilation. By Product Design Waste can be reduced at product design stage. Waste exchanges Ship to point of use b.0 Lecture 1.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 8. study and employment of recorded data sheets on reduction on waste via class room case-studies presented by study group basis. 8. Reuse of scrap material Improved quality control and process monitoring. Energy recovery f.1 Able to state the distinct practice in waste management in delaying the rate of consumption of natural resources. Biological reprocessing e. 9. the environment and aesthetics. Resource recovery 9. 9. Waste hierarchy – 3R. 9. reduce. Recycling d.3 Waste management is a distinct practice from resource recovery which focuses on delaying the rate of consumption of natural resources. reuse. Landfill b. b. 9.1 Able to state one (1) of the widely used concept the waste management. 33 . Incineration c. liquid. whether they are solid.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 9.5. ‘Polluter Pays.6.1 Able to state three (3) of the waste disposal method available. recycle.6 Disposal of waste can be carried out in several methods available such as: a. principle. 9.2 The key objective of waste management is undertaken to reduce the impact on health. 9.1 Able to list the key objective in waste management at home or workplace.3.4 All waste materials. 9.5 Two (2) widely used concepts of waste management are: a.2. gaseous or radioactive fall within the remit of waste management. study and employment of recorded data sheets on waste management via class room case-studies presented by study group basis.1 Able to remember.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 9. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 2: Green Technology Practices Attitude: 1. 9.7 An important method of waste management is the prevention of waste material being created.8.9 Group presentation on waste management at the end of module 2: Green Technology Practices and 34 . also known as waste reduction or minimisation 9.8 The compilation. Open to new concept methodologies 9. CO2 Emission from Fuel Combustion. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5124-7 9. Green Up Your Cleanup. Aswathanaraya & rao S. Wiley 2010. ISBN: 978-1-59370-124-6 13. Cambridge university press. Greening Household Behaviour: The Role of Public Policy. Mousdale. ISBN: 978-1-58011-395-3 10. KeTTHA & GPNM. Energy Portfolios. Earthscan 2006. 2010 3. Hossein Razavi PhD. ISBN: 978-0-8160-7202-6 11. CRC Press 2008. Mixed Sources. 5. Pennwell 2007. ISBN: 978-0-470-40194-1 35 AUDIO VISUAL MATERIALS . ISBN: 978-92-64-06362-4 12. OCED 2011. Biofuels: Biotechnology. Vaughn Nelson. Dealing with Climate Change: Policies and Measures in IEA Member Countries. ISBN 0521-01495-6 2. ISBN: 978-1-85383-185-0 7. John A Dixon et al. ISBN: 978-0-415-46985-2 6. U. David M. CRC Press 2009. Climate Change 2001: Summary for Policymaker. OECD/IEA 2001 ISBN: 92-64-19518-1 4. ISBN: 978-0-230-61428-4 Guide to Green Building Rating Systems. Highlight 1971 – 2005.Selected References and Audio Visual Materials REFERENCES 1. Financing Energy Projects in Developing Countries. CRC Press 2009. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7568-7 8. Divi. Economic Analysis of Environmental Impacts. Chemistry and Sustainable Development. Pollution: Treating Environmental Toxins. Wind Energy. Palgrove Macmillan 2009. Anne Maczulak PhD. Linda Reeder. The Green Workplace. Jill Potvin Schoff. Facts on file Inc 2010. Leigh Stringer. Renewable Energy and The Environment. OECD/IEA 2007. Green Impact: Low Carbon Green Growth. 3.Tools. 7. 4. 6. Equipment and Materials ITEMS 1. LCD Projector Laser Printer Personal Computer/Laptop Wifi-Access (Internet) White Paper (Mahjong Paper) Writing Notepad Green Technology Compliance (Z-050) Manual RATIO (TEM : Trainees) 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:5 1:1 1:1 36 . 5. 2. .COURSE OF STUDY GREEN TECHNOLOGY COMPLIANCE ( Z-050 ) MODULE 03 : GREEN TECHNOLOGY ACQUISITION Module Synopsis THIS MODULE CONTAINS THE SCOPE OF GREEN TECHNOLOGY PERTAINING TO GREEN PROCUREMENT. 37 . THE OBJECTIVES ARE PRIMARILY TO HIGHLIGHT AND EMPHASIZE KNOWLEDGE RELATED TO GREEN PROCUREMENT. OPERATION AND PROCESSES AS WELL AS COST + BENEFIT ANALYSIS. Module Objectives: THIS MODULE WILL IMPART FUNDAMENTAL AND CRITICAL KNOWLEDGE PERTAINING GREEN TECHNOLOGY AVAILABLE IN MALAYSIA AND GLOBALLY. GREEN OPERATION AND PROCESSES AND COST + BENEFIT ANALYSIS ON GREEN RELATED MATTERS IN MALAYSIA. 03 UNDERSTAND COST + BENEFIT ANALYSIS 38 .02 UNDERSTAND GREEN OPERATION + PROCESSES 03.01 UNDERSTAND GREEN PROCUREMENT 03.Module Content Task ( s ) No & Statement 03. It is also called the three (3) pillars for measuring organizational and societal success by economic. 1. 1. Product-based.1 Able to list two (2) extrinsic cost consideration within conventional procurement practices.2.4 Green procurement has 3 approaches that can be combined: a.5 Collaboration 1. 1. 39 . Service-based.0 DELIVERY MODE Lecture ASSESSMENT Areas of Assessment Module 3: Green Technology Acquisition (a) Individual Assessment (b) Performance Assessment via Group Collaboration (c) Final Written Examination with Multiple-choice 0.TOPIC 1.2 Green Procurement must include extrinsic cost considerations within conventional procurement practices. ecological and social considerations.3 Exogenous considerations by ‘triple bottom line’ approach which takes into account of third-party consequences of procurement decision. social and ecology. beyond price and quality elements.3. This forms a ‘triple baseline or bottom line’ of external concerns that are economics. PERFORMANCE HRS 1. c. Understand Green procurement THEORY 1. Sustainable Procurement is an alternative term. b.1 Definitions of Green Procurement used by private and public policymakers. Supplier-based.1 Able to name three (3) of external concerns in the triple bottom line approach. 1. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 3: Green Technology Acquisition Attitude: 1. f. b. study and employment of recorded data sheets on green procurement via class room case-studies presented by study group basis.6 The compilation.1 Able to utilize the eight (8) steps method in Green Procurement in given case study. Establish a multi-disciplinary team. Integrate green criteria into procurement process. Translate subject-matter into measurable specifications. Choose the right supplier.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 1.6. 1. 1. 1. g.1 Able to remember. Define the contract subjectmatter.7 Group presentation on green procurement processes at the end of module 3: Green Technology Acquisition and 40 . 1. Set targets. Award the procurement contract.5. e. c. d.1 Open to new concept methodologies. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired.5 Green procurement or purchasing can be implemented through eight (8) steps method: a. Dividends Regulators Compliance with regulation. Fair dealing Managers/directors Business profits. Good working conditions. Suppliers Contracts. 41 . Understand Green operations and processes THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS 1 DELIVERY MODE Lecture ASSESSMENT 2. d. c.2. Performance 2.TOPIC 2. (brown) Business Operations and Processes. Fulfillment of organizational mission Other employees Employment security.1. e. f. 0.1 The implementation of Triple 2.2 Conventional operations management brings value to its stakeholder but may not be environmental friendly: a. value for money b.5 Collaboration 2. Job satisfaction. Fair remuneration Owners And other investors Growth in value. Customers (internal or external) Benefits from use of products/services.1 Able to list four (4) stakeholder value within the brown operations management.1 Able to list three (3) elements Bottom Line into conventional in the Triple Bottom Line. Waste collection (collectors). d. Reprocessing (reprocessors). Ethical behaviour PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT g. 2.3 Brown product input-output models that are Straight-line Linear model.5 Green operations and processes (green stakeholders) to be included into brown operations management are: a. Recovery (material recoverers).4.life and disposal.TOPIC THEORY improvement Local community Environmental stewardship. 2.4 Green operations are closed-loop supply chain that involves green stakeholders. Recycling (recyclers). ending at end-ofproduct. 2. Community involvement Society at large Contribution to general economic wellbeing. b. c.1 Able to draw the closed loop supply chain in the green production model. 42 . 2. Employment opportunities. h. processes and management. b. c. 2. 43 . Remanufacturing and closed loop supply chains the design of the complete forward and reverse supply chain to address environmental and other sustainability objectives through appropriate recycling and remanufacture. Green product and process development the design and development of products and processes that achieve high standards of environmental performance such as reduced energy consumption and ease of recycling.1 Able to utilize two (2) of the intervention approaches for building sustainability into business operations.6 Building sustainability into business operations.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 2. to address legal constraints. Lean and Green operation management the planning and control of processes to minimize materials and energy consumption. processes and management with three (3) intervention approaches: a.6. 1 Able to remember. either in private or public domains.7 The compilation.2 Carbon footprint forms the foundation for cost + benefit analysis pertaining to sustainability.7. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired.1 Definition of Carbon Footprint measurement used in private and benefit analysis public domain.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 2.0 Lecture 0. Open to new concept and methodologies 3. 3.3 Definition of Cost + Benefit Analysis (CBA) used by private and public organization.8 Group presentation on green procurement processes at the end of module 3: Green Technology Acquisition Attitude: 1.3.1 Able to provide one (1) definition of Cost + Benefit Analysis (CBA).5 Collaboration 3. 1. inclusive of green technology. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 3: Green Technology Acquisition 2. understand cost + 3. 44 . 3. 2. study and employment of recorded data sheets on green operations and processes via class room casestudies presented by study group basis. 3. c.6 Known categories of costs in relation with sustainability: a. Indirect costs. key 3. Valuation c.4. Time and discounting d. Government regulatory costs. Process-based b.1 Able to utilize three (3) categories of costs in CBA. to see whether the benefits outweigh cost and by magnitude of difference. 45 . d.1 Able to name three (3) CBA approaches used in green technology. To determine if it is a sound investment / decision (or justification / feasibility). 3. Ecological costs. To provide a basis for comparing projects in terms of total expected cost of each option against the expected benefits.5. f.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 3. b.4 CBA key purposes are: a.5 CBA concepts applicable to green technology or sustainability are: a. e. Real – resource costs.6. 3.1 Able to list one (1) purpose in using CBA. b. Risk and uncertainty 3. including compliance costs. Social welfare loses. Transitional costs. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired.7.6.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 3. • • • • c.1 Able to remember.8 CBA critiques an inefficient approach to assess any project not feasibility as it may internalizing environmental and/or moral costs and benefits. Commercial Green products.9 The compilation. 3.1 Able to utilize three (3) categories of benefits in CBA. • • • • Amenities Recreational facilities. Recreation and aesthetics Ecosystem services Existence and bequest values 3. Waste management. 3. Social facilities. b. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 3: Green Technology Acquisition 46 .7 Known categories of benefits in relation with sustainability: a. study and employment of recorded data sheets on Cost + Benefit Analysis via class room case-studies presented by study group basis. Sustainable transport. Human health benefits: • Physical. • Psychological. 3. and 47 .TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT 3.10 Group presentation on green procurement processes at the end of module 3: Green Technology Acquisition Attitude: 1.1 Open to new concept methodologies. OECD/IEA 2007. ISBN: 978-0-415-46985-2 6. David M. Dealing with Climate Change: Policies and Measures in IEA Member Countries. Economic Analysis of Environmental Impacts. Greening Household Behaviour: The Role of Public Policy. 2010 3. Jill Potvin Schoff. Anne Maczulak PhD. Wiley 2010. CRC Press 2009. Renewable Energy and The Environment. Guide to Green Building Rating Systems. CRC Press 2008. Leigh Stringer. ISBN: 978-0-230-61428-4 14. Vaughn Nelson. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7568-7 8. Financing Energy Projects in Developing Countries. Divi. Chemistry and Sustainable Development. Mousdale. Energy Portfolios.Selected References and Audio Visual Materials REFERENCES 1. ISBN: 9781-58011-395-3 10. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5124-7 9. CO2 Emission from Fuel Combustion. ISBN: 978-0-470-40194-1 AUDIO VISUAL MATERIALS 48 . ISBN: 978-1-85383-185-0 7. Linda Reeder. ISBN: 978-92-64-06362-4 12. Facts on file Inc 2010. KeTTHA & GPNM. Pollution: Treating Environmental Toxins. ISBN: 978-1-59370-124-6 13. CRC Press 2009. ISBN 0521-01495-6 2. Hossein Razavi PhD. Aswathanaraya & rao S. ISBN: 978-0-8160-7202-6 11. U. The Green Workplace. Green Impact: Low Carbon Green Growth. Palgrove Macmillan 2009. John A Dixon et al. 5. Pennwell 2007. Highlight 1971 – 2005. OECD/IEA 2001 ISBN: 92-64-19518-1 4. Wind Energy. Green Up Your Cleanup. Earthscan 2006. OCED 2011. Biofuels: Biotechnology. Climate Change 2001: Summary for Policymaker. Mixed Sources. Cambridge university press. 6. 3. LCD Projector Laser Printer Personal Computer/Laptop Wifi-Access (Internet) White Paper (Mahjong Paper) Writing Notepad Green Technology Compliance (Z-050) Manual RATIO (TEM : Trainees) 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:5 1:1 1:1 49 .Tools. 2. 7. 5. 4. Equipment and Materials ITEMS 1. . SERVICES AND PROCESSES TO BE SUSTAINABLE OR GREEN. THE OBJECTIVES ARE PRIMARILY TO HIGHLIGHT AND EMPHASIZE KNOWLEGDE RELATED TO IMPROVISATON ON PRODUCTS. 51 .COURSE OF STUDY GREEN TECHNOLOGY COMPLIANCE ( Z-050 ) MODULE 04 : GREEN TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH & INNOVATION Module Synopsis THIS MODULE CONTAINS THE SCOPE OF GREEN TECHNOLOGY PERTAINING TO IMPROVISATON ON GREEN PRODUCTS. Module Objectives: THIS MODULE WILL IMPART FUNDAMENTAL AND CRITICAL KNOWLEDGE PERTAINING GREEN TECHNOLOGY AVAILABLE IN MALAYSIA AND GLOBALLY. SERVICES AND PROCESSES IN MALAYSIA. 01 IMPROVISE POTENTIAL GREEN PRODUCTS 05.02 IMPROVISE POTENTIAL GREEN SERVICES 05.Module Content Task ( s ) No & Statement 05.03 IMPROVISE POTENTIAL GREEN PROCESSES 51 . durability.3 Improvisation by Product Attribute Approach for Potential Green Products: a. Improvise Potential Green Products THEORY 1.1 Able to utilize two (2) of the product attributes for improvisation in green products. Review Guidelines Green procurement guidelines Green label or seal Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) b. recyclability) 1.2. Identify Environment-Friendly Materials Create a new material inventory list Get ideas for green materials Identify Product Design Improvements Green packaging and distribution Design for environment (ie. 1.3.5 1.1 Definitions of Green Products or Greener Products used by private and public market places.1 Able to list two (2) green products available in production. upgradability.TOPIC 1. c.2 Green (or Greener) products have zero or lesser impact on human health and the environment than other products that perform a similar function. 52 . repairability. Collaboration 1. globally.0 DELIVERY MODE Lecture ASSESSMENT MODE Areas of Assessment Module 4: Green Technology Research & Innovation (a) Individual Assessment (b) Performance Assessment via Group Collaboration (c) Final Written Examination with Multiple-choice 0. PERFORMANCE HRS 1. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired. 2. 1. Marketing Green Products Certification or Green Label Placement into green procurement systems or directories 1.5 Group presentation on green procurement processes at the end of module 4: Green Research & Technology Innovation Attitude: 1.1 Open to new concept methodologies.1 Definitions of Green Services or Greener Services used by private and public market places.2 Green (or Greener) services have zero or lesser impact on human health and the environment than other services that perform a similar function.4.5 Collaboration 53 . globally. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 4: Green Technology Research & Innovation. Improvise potential Green Services 2. and 2. 2. 1.1 Able to remember.2. 1. study and employment of recorded data sheets on improvisation of potential green products via class room case-studies presented by study group basis.1 Able to list two (2) green services available in operations.0 Lecture 0.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT MODE d.4 The compilation. 5 Group presentation on green Attitude: procurement processes at the end of module 4: Green Research & Technology Innovation 1. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 4: Green Technology Research & Innovation. Setting goals for internal operations to promote environmentally sustainable business practices in service industries. and data green casegroup 2. study employment of recorded sheets on improvisation of services via class room studies presented by study basis.3 Improvisation by Business Operation Approach for Potential Green Services: a. Measuring carbon footprint by collecting and analyzing data on energy consumption at work place and business travels. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired. d. Establishing leading practices / guidelines around waste management. 2.1 Able to utilize two (2) of the business operations for improvisation in green products.1 Able to remember. c. and 54 .4 The compilation. 2.3.4.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT MODE 2. 2. Putting in place an environmentally responsible travel policy.2 Open to new concept methodologies. b. 2 Green (or Greener) processes have zero or lesser impact on human health and the environment than other processes that perform a similar output. 1.0 Lecture 0.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT MODE 3.1 Able to list two (2) green processes available in practice. Minimise use of energy and ancillary materials: Energy and water conservation Recycling programme Process optimization Regular equipment maintenance Employee training and incentive programme 3. 55 . 3.3.5 Collaboration 3.1 Able to utilize two (2) of the manufacturing processes for improvisation in green products and complementary services. Maximise the percentage of input material that leaves the facility as a saleable product: Process improvement Improved housekeeping Better inventory control Segregate waste streams Identify ways to turn waste into saleable products to other companies Recycling process waste b. globally.2. Improvise Potential Green Processes 3. 3.3 Improvisation by Manufacturing Processes Approach for Green Products and complementary services: a.1 Definitions of Green Processes or Greener Processes used by private and public market places. 5 Group presentation on green procurement processes at the end of module 4: Green Research & Technology Innovation and 56 .1 Able to remember.4 The compilation. recall and reorganise this declarative knowledge acquired.1 Open to new concept methodologies. 3. and apply it into case-study assignment provided in the Module 4: Green Technology Research & Innovation. and data green casegroup 3. Attitude: 1.TOPIC THEORY PERFORMANCE HRS DELIVERY MODE ASSESSMENT MODE 3. study employment of recorded sheets on improvisation of processes via class room studies presented by study basis.4. Anne Maczulak PhD. Leigh Stringer. ISBN: 978-92-64-06362-4 12. Facts on file Inc 2010. 2010 3. Green Impact: Low Carbon Green Growth. Financing Energy Projects in Developing Countries. The Green Workplace. Jill Potvin Schoff. ISBN 0521-01495-6 2. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5124-7 9. Green Up Your Cleanup. KeTTHA & GPNM. Greening Household Behaviour: The Role of Public Policy. Chemistry and Sustainable Development. Vaughn Nelson. ISBN: 978-1-59370-124-6 13. CO2 Emission from Fuel Combustion. Pollution: Treating Environmental Toxins. OECD/IEA 2007. ISBN: 978-1-58011-395-3 10. Wiley 2010. Cambridge university press. ISBN: 978-0-230-61428-4 14. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7568-7 8. Hossein Razavi PhD. Economic Analysis of Environmental Impacts. Renewable Energy and The Environment. U. Mixed Sources. Energy Portfolios. Dealing with Climate Change: Policies and Measures in IEA Member Countries. ISBN: 978-0-8160-7202-6 11. ISBN: 978-0-470-40194-1 AUDIO VISUAL MATERIALS 57 . OCED 2011. 5. ISBN: 978-0-415-46985-2 6. Linda Reeder. Wind Energy. Climate Change 2001: Summary for Policymaker. John A Dixon et al. Biofuels: Biotechnology. Divi. ISBN: 978-1-85383-185-0 7. Pennwell 2007. CRC Press 2009. Guide to Green Building Rating Systems. Aswathanaraya & Rao S. David M. OECD/IEA 2001 ISBN: 92-64-19518-1 4. Highlight 1971 – 2005. Palgrove Macmillan 2009. Earthscan 2006. CRC Press 2008.Selected References and Audio Visual Materials REFERENCES 1. Mousdale. CRC Press 2009. 4. 3. Equipment and Materials ITEMS 1. 2. 5. 6.Tools. LCD Projector Laser Printer Personal Computer/Laptop Wifi-Access (Internet) White Paper (Mahjong Paper) Writing Notepad Green Technology Compliance (Z-050) Manual RATIO (TEM : Trainees) 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:5 1:1 1:1 58 . 7.
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