B. Tech. All Branch Ist Scheme AKTU

March 29, 2018 | Author: sanjay kumar | Category: Amplifier, Operational Amplifier, C (Programming Language), Optics, Ordinary Differential Equation



DR. A.P.J.ABDUL KALAM TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY LUCKNOW Evaluation Scheme & Syllabus for B.Tech. First Year (Civil/Computer/Chemical/Electrical/Electronics/Mechanical/Textile/Carpet/) On Choice Based Credit System (Effective from the Session: 2016-17) DR. A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY LUCKNOW B. TECH. FIRST SEMESTER Sl No. Subject Code 1 RAS103 2 RAS101 REE101/ 3 RME101 RAS 104/ 4 RCS101 REC101/ 5 RAS102 RAS151/ 6 RAS152 REE151/ 7 RME151 RAS 154/ 8 RCS151 RME152/ 9 RCE151 TOTAL Th/Lab Marks Subject Name L-T-P Engineering Maths-I Engineering Physicss-I Basic Electrical Engg/ Elements of Mechanical Engg Professional Communication/ Computer System & Programming in Basic Electronics/ Engineering Chemistry 3---1---0 3---1---0 Sessional Total Credit Test Assig/Att. 70 20 10 100 4 70 20 10 100 4 3---1---0 70 20 10 100 4 3---0---0 70 20 10 100 3 3---1---0 70 20 10 100 4 0---0---2 50 50 100 1 0---0---2 50 50 100 1 0---0---2 50 50 100 1 0---0---3 50 50 100 900 2 24 Engg. Physics Lab/ Engg. Chemistry Lab Basic Electrical Engg Lab/ Elements of Mechanical Engg Lab Professional Communication Lab/ Computer Progm. Lab Workshop Practice/ Computer Aided Engg. Graphics TECH. 70 20 10 100 4 70 20 10 100 4 3---1---0 70 20 10 100 4 3---0---0 70 20 10 100 3 3---1---0 70 20 10 100 4 0---0---2 50 50 100 1 0---0---2 50 50 100 1 0---0---2 50 50 100 1 0---0---3 50 50 100 900 2 24 Engg.J. 9 RME252 Graphics/ Workshop Practice TOTAL . Lab/ RCS251/ Professional Communication 8 RAS 254 Lab RCE251/ Computer Aided Engg. Chemistry Lab/ Engg. Physics Lab Elements of Mechanical Engg RME251/ Lab/ Basic Electrical Engg 7 REE251 Lab Computer Progm. Code 1 RAS203 2 RAS201 RME201/ 3 REE201 RCS201/ 4 RAS 204 RAS202/ 5 REC201 RAS252/ 6 RAS251 Th/Lab Marks Subject Name L-T-P Engineering Maths-II Engineering Physicss-II Elements of Mechanical Engg/ Basic Electrical Engg Computer System & Programming in C/ Professional Communication Engineering Chemistry/ Basic Electronics 3---1---0 3---1---0 Sessional Total Credit Test Assig/Att.P. A.DR. ABDUL KALAM TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY LUCKNOW B. SECOND SEMESTER Sl Subject No. V.Jain & S. 3. O’ Neil. Rank of a matrix (Echelon & Normal form). E. Higher Engineering Mathematics. Advance Engineering Mathematics. Total derivatives. B. Limited.5: Vector Calculus Point function. Pearson Education. Application of integration to lengths.John-Wiley & Sons 2. Limit . A. Engineering Mathematics – I.Srivastava & P. Jacobian. Text Books: 1. Unit .Hill Publishing Company Ltd. Euler’s theorem for homogeneous functions. Vol. Higher Engineering Mathematics. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Consistency of linear system of equations and their solution. Calculus. Characteristic equation. R.I. Leibnitz’s theorem.2: Differential Calculus . Tangent and Normal. Inverse of a matrix by elementary transformations. Directional derivatives.K.C. Stoke’s and Gauss divergence theorems (without proof). Narosa Publishing House 4. Complex and Unitary Matrices and its properties Unit . Expansion of function of several variables. Narosa Publishing House. Curve tracing: Cartesian and Polar coordinates. Grewal. Reference Books: 1.3: Matrix Algebra Types of Matrices.K. Diagonalization. Applications of Green’s.I L 3 T 1 P 0 Unit . Surface areas and Volumes – Cartesian and Polar coordinates.4: Multiple Integrals Double and triple integrals. Lagrange’s method of multipliers (Simple applications). Line.Srivastava. Engineering Mathematics. Cayley-Hamilton Theorem. Change of order of integration.R. Continuity and Differentiability of functions of several variables. New Delh . Peter V. Thomas ( Cengage) Learning. Unit .1: Differential Calculus – I Successive Differentiation. Ramana. Tata Mc Graw. Divergence and Curl of a vector and their physical interpretations. Kreyszig. Linear dependence.K. Partial derivatives. Eigen values and Eigen vectors. Iyenger.II Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s Theorem. Vector identities. B. Extrema of functions of several variables. Surface and Volume integrals. Gradient. Change of variables. Dirichlet’s integral and its applications. Change of variables. PHI Learning Pvt. Rukmangadachari.S. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Thomas & Finley. 2.RAS103 Engineering Mathematics . Khanna Publishers. Approximation of errors. 3. Beta and Gamma functions. Unit . Inertial & non-inertial frames. Variation of mass with velocity. He-Ne lasers and laser applications. Fresnel’s theory. Unit – III: Wave Optics 10 Hrs. Wave-particle duality. Concepts of Modern Physics . Weins law and Rayleigh-Jeans law. Propagation mechanism. Lasers Principles. Laser: Spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation. Specific rotation. Acceptance angle and cone. dispersive power. Nicol prism.RAS101 ENGINEERING PHYSICS-I Unit – I: Relativistic Mechanics 08 Hrs. Galilean transformations. Newton’s rings and its applications. Unit – V: Fiber Optics and Holography 06 Hrs. Dispersion and Attenuation. Polarization: Phenomena of double refraction. Mass energy equivalence. Bohr’s quantization rule. Construction and working of Ruby. Interference: Coherent sources.Brijlal & Subramanian (S. Concept of rest mass of photon. Relativistic addition of velocities. Fiber Optics: Fundamental ideas about optical fiber. Chand ) 5. Construction and reconstruction of Image on hologram and applications of holography. Planck’s law. New Delhi) 4. Phase and Group velocities. Davisson-Germer experiment. Length contraction & Time dilation. Reference Books: 1. Einstein’s postulates. double and N. Introduction to Special Theory of Relativity. Wave function and its significance.K R Nambiar (New Age) 7. circular and elliptical polarized light. Optics –Ajoy Ghatak ( Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd. Single and Multi Mode Fibers. Michelson-Morley experiment. Mani Naidu(Pearson) 6. Black body radiation spectrum.. Engineering Physics. Eigen values and Eigen function.Aurthur Beiser (Mc-Graw Hill) 2. Heisenberg uncertainty principle and its applications. Optical Activity. Retardation Plate. Production and analysis of plane. Optics . Concept of 3 and 4 level Laser.Slit Diffraction. Interference in thin films (parallel and wedge shaped film). Assumption of quantum theory of radiation.C. population inversion. Types and Applications. Holography: Basic Principle of Holography. Numerical aperture. Diffraction grating.Robert Resnick (Wielly) 3. de-Broglie matter waves. Unit – II: Modern Physics 10 Hrs. Einstein’s Coefficients. Schrödinger’s wave equation ( Time dependent and time independent) – particle in one dimensional potential box. Grating spectra.Neeraj Mehta (PHI Learning. Rayleigh’s criterion and resolving power of grating. Unit – IV: Polarization and Laser 08 Hrs. New . Lorentz transformation equations. Applied Physics for Engineers. Diffraction: Single. To determine the focal length of two lenses by nodal slide and locate the position of cardinalpoints. 11.RAS-151/RAS-251 ENGINEERING PHYSICS LAB LTP 002 List of Experiments Any ten experiments. To determine the specific resistance of a given wire using Carey Foster’s bridge. High resistance by leakage method. 10. 14 To determine E. To study the variation of magnetic field along the axis of current carrying . To determine the specific rotation of cane sugar solution using polarimeter. 4. To determine the ballistic constant of a ballistic galvanometer. To determine the coefficient of viscosity of a liquid. 3. To determine the energy band gap of a given semiconductor material. To determine the wavelength of monochromatic light with the help of Fresnel’s biprism. Measurement of Wavelength of a laser (He. 5. To study the polarization of light by simple reflection using laser. 12. Group -A 1. 18. 13.mobility of a given semiconductor using Hall effect set up. 6. 15.this to determine magnetic susceptibility and permeability of the given specimen. .E. 19. 20. To determine the wavelength of monochromatic light by Newton’s ring.Ne) light using single slit diffraction. Magnetic Susceptibility of paramagnetic solution. To determine the wavelength of spectral lines using plane transmission grating. To verify Stefan’s Law by electrical method. 7. Measurement of fiber attenuation and aperture of fiber. 16. To study the Hall effect and determine Hall coefficient.C. Group – B 8. 9. 2. carrier density and . 17. of copper using Tangent or Helmholtz galvanometer. at least four from each group. To calibrate the given ammeter and voltmeter by potentiometer. To draw hysteresis curve of a given sample of ferromagnetic material and from .Circular coil and then to estimate the radius of the coil. Nylon 6. Textbook of Engineering Chemistry by Dr. Terylene). causes and its prevention. Oxford University Press 8 . Wiley India 5. Atkins’ Physical Chemistry by Peter Atkins & Julio De Paula. applications of cement. Chemistry Concepts and Applications by Steven S. Engineering Chemistry Author: Abhijit Mallick. Elementary ideas and simple applications of UV. Cengage Learning 4. Setting and hardening of cement. Finar. Barrow. Pearson Education 9. Determination of Calorific values (bomb calorimeter & Dulong’s method). Volume 1(6 ed)& 2 (5ed) by I. Buna S. 8 Unit-3 Electrochemistry: Galvanic cell. mechanism and applications. Phase Rule and its application to water system. Reverse osmosis. Classification of fuels. Pearson Education 11. Visible. by S. Techniques for water softening. Boiler troubles. 8 Unit-4 Hardness of water. Nylon 6.RAS102/ RAS202 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY LTP 310 Unit Content Hours Unit-1 Molecular orbital theory and its applications to homo-nuclear diatomic molecules.6 .D. Biogas. Engineering Chemistry. Conducting and biodegradablepolymers. Chemistry (9th ed). Tata McGraw-Hill 3. Lime-soda. 8 Unit-5 Fuels. Organic Chemistry. Structure and applications of Graphite and Fullerenes. Liquid crystals and its applications. Disadvantage of hard water. Band theory of solids. Lubricants. Analysis of Coal.blends and composites. Chemistry for Engineers. Plaster of paris. Vairam and Suba Ramesh. Lee. Neoprene. Sonali Publications 7. 8 Unit-2 Textbook 1. Gopal Krishna Bhatt. electrode potential. General methods of synthesis of organometallic compound (Grignard Reagent) and their applications in polymerization. Concepts of nano-materials and its applications Polymers: Basic concepts of polymer. Wiley India 8. Zumdahl. L. Acme Publishers 2. by Raymond Chang. Point defects in Solids. Mc-Graw Hill 10. Wiley India Reference Books 1.. Lead storage battery. Ion exchange resin. Organic Chemistry (6 ed) by Morrison & Boyd. IR and H1NMR spectral Techniques. Zeolite. Preparations and applications of some industrially important polymers(Buna N. Corrosion. Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J. Viva Books 6. Text Book of Engineering Chemistry by Harsh Malhotra.Classification. Physical Chemistry by Gordon M. The method involves the use of KCN as a chelating agent and the measurements are carried out at 480nm. Element detection and functional group identification in organic compounds. 9.RAS 152/ RAS 252 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY PRACTICALS LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. pH. Preparation of Bakelite and Urea formaldehyde resin. Determination of iron content in the given solution by Mohr’s method. 6. Determination of temporary and permanent hardness in water sample using EDTA . 10.. 4. Determination of available chlorine in bleaching powder. Determination of iron concentration in sample of water by colorimetric method. Note: Institute can replace two experiments from the aforesaid experiments as per . 3. 5. Determination of alkalinity in the given water sample. Viscosity of an addition polymer like polyester by viscometer.metric titration. 7. 2. Determination of chloride content in water sample. 8. Operation. Output offset voltage. 6 Text Books: 1. Modulation and Demodulation Techniques of AM. CC amplifiers and AC analysis of single stage CE amplifier (re Model ). Summing Amplifier. Voltage-Multiplier Circuits Special Purpose two terminal Devices :Light-Emitting Diodes. Block Diagram of Oscilloscope. Differential amplifier circuits. Field Effect Transistor: Construction and Characteristic of JFETs. Liquid-Crystal Displays. 3. Basic Principle. Zener Diodes breakdown mechanism (Zener and avalanche) Diode Application: Series . CB. Latest Edition. Common Collector Configuration DC Biasing BJTs: Operating Point. Zener diode as shunt regulator. current phase and frequency using CRO. Clampers. H S Kalsi. Voltage-Divider Bias Configuration. Non inverting Amplifier. TMH Publication. . CRT . “Electronic Instrumentation”. Latest Edition. Diode Equivalent Circuits. RAMP Techniques Digital Multimeters: Introduction Oscilloscope: Introduction. AC analysis of CS amplifier. V-I characteristics. MOSFET (Depletion and Enhancement)Type. Simple CRO. 2. Common Emitter. Common Base. Pearson Education. “Electronic Communication Systems”. OPAMP Parameters: Input offset voltage. diode resistance. CE. Unity Gain Amplifier. ideal and practical. Basics of Signal Representation and Analysis. Parallel Diode Configuration. Input biased current.. Clippers. Electromagnetic spectrum and typical applications. Varactor (Varicap) Diodes. Input offset current Differential and Common-Mode Operation 6 IV Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements: Digital Voltmeter : Introduction. Transfer Characteristic. Fixed-Bias. Tunnel Diodes. Parallel and Series. Robert L. III Operational Amplifiers : Introduction and Block diagram of Op Amp. Integrator. Latest Edition. Boylestand / Louis Nashelsky “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”. Measurement of voltage. Need of Modulation. Differentiator). Emitter-Follower Configuration. George Kennedy.REC101 / REC201 ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Unit Topics Lectures I PN junction diode: Introduction of Semiconductor Materials Semiconductor Diode: Depletion layer. Emitter Bias. 12 II Bipolar Junction Transistors and Field Effect Transistor: 10 Bipolar Junction Transistor: Transistor Construction. Introduction of Digital Storage Oscilloscope and Comparison of DSO with Analog Oscilloscope. Half and Full Wave rectification. 6 V Fundamentals of Communication Engineering: Elements of a Communication System. capacitance. Introduction of various analog modulation techniques. TMH. Bias Stabilization. Ideal & Practical characteristics of Op Amp.Collector Feedback. Transition and Diffusion Capacitance. Fundamentals of amplitude modulation. Practical OpAmp Circuits (Inverting Amplifier. Amplification action. TMH. Latest Edition. 2.C. Bell. Oxford University Press India. C. Latest Edition. Latest Edition . “Electronic Devices and Circuits”. Oxford University Press. 3. . “Electronic Devices and Circuits”.Reference Books: 1. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements. Jacob Millman. Halkias. Bell. Staya brataJit. David A. David A. Tensile Test diagram for ductile and brittle materials. Kelvin Planck statement. Concept of Centre of Gravity and Centroidand Area Moment of Inertia. Non-flow work Steady flow energy equation. Turbine. Boilers. Zeroth law of thermodynamics: Temperature and its’ measurement. Shear force and bending moment diagrams. Carnot cycle. 9 . T-s and h-s diagram. classification. shear and bending moment. Internal Combustion Engines: Classification of I. Microscopic and Macroscopic approaches. Perpendicular axis theorem and Parallel axis theorem 9 UNIT-II: Plane Truss: Perfect and imperfect truss. Relationships between load. Concept of continuum. Throttling process. bars in series. Beams: Types of beams. Rankine Cycle. members of varying cross section. Condensers. Internal energy and enthalpy. Strain energy. Clausius’ statement Heat pump. Equilibrium of coplanar force system. Elastic constants.C. refrigerator. Carnot theorem and it’s corollaries. Coefficient of Performance. Pumps etc. Quasi static process.RME-101/RME-201: ELEMENTS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING L T P: 3-1-0 UNIT-I: Force System: Force. 8 UNI-IV: Basic Concepts and Definitions of Thermodynamics: Introduction and definition of thermodynamics.Clausius inequality. Bending (Flexural) Stresses: theory of pure bending. First law analysis for non-flow processes. First law of thermodynamics: First law of thermodynamics. Work and heat. Varignon’s theorem. Concept of Entropy. Thermodynamic properties. Engineering Materials: Importance of engineering materials. neutral surface and neutral axis. Thermodynamic definition of work. Statically Determinate Beams. Resolution of a force into a force and a couple. Principle of Transmissibility of forces. Assumptions and Analysis of Plane Truss by Method of joints and Method of section. Parallelogram Law. One Dimensional Loading. stresses in beams of different cross sections. Thermodynamic equilibrium. Shear force and bending moment in beams. Properties of pure substances: P-v. path. surrounding and universe. Heat engines. Couple. 8 UNIT-V: Second law: Thermal reservoir. Nonferrous and composite materials. process and cycle. Determination of reactions. difference between SI and CI engines. Moment of a force. System. Pv and T-s diagramsof Otto and Diesel cycles. comparison of efficiency. mechanical properties and applications of Ferrous. Energy and its forms. Resultant of coplanar force system. Free body diagrams. Engines and their parts. 8 UNIT-III: Simple stress and strain: Normal and shear stresses. working principle and comparison between 2 Stroke and 4 stroke engine . Lami’s theorem. dryness fraction and steam tables. Efficiency. Laxmi Publications 12.L Meriam . C. PHI 13. Engineering Mechanics By S. C. Rajashekarappa.K. An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering by Wickert& Lewis. S. Chattopadhyay. Cengage Learning 10. Internal Combustion Engine by V Ganesan. K. Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering by Sawhney. Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach by Cengel& Boles. McGraw Hill 6. 9. Hibbler. Strength of Materials by Thimoshenko& Young 4. McGraw Hill 7. Pearson 3. Bhavikatti. Basic Mechanical Engineering by Agrawal&Agrawal. Engineering Thermodynamics by P. Wiley 2. Mechanics of Solid by R. G. Anne Books Pvt Ltd 16.Books & References: 1. Engineering Mechanics by R K Bansal. New Age International 11. OXFORD Publication 8. McGraw Hill Pub . Basic Mechanical Engineering by Pravin Kumar. Hibbler. Engineering Mechanics: Statics by J. Engineering Mechanics : Statics and Dynamics by R.Nag. Engineering Thermodynamics by P. Wiley 15. Elements of Mechanical Engineering by Singh. Pearson 14. Pearson 5. Elements of Workshop Technology by Hajra Choudhary Media Promoter . 2. 3. To conduct experiment on Torsion of Rod/wire. To conduct experiment on Force Analysis on simple truss and Jib-crane Apparatus. 5. To determine the coefficient of friction on inclined surface. To Study various types of Mounting and Accessories of Boilers. To determine the efficiency and Mechanical Advantage of Worm & Worm-wheel. To verify the parallelogram. 4. 2. 3. and Triangle law. To verify the polygon law of force. Module 3: 1. 3. percentage elongation for a mild steel specimen. To Study the working of 2 stroke Diesel/Petrol engine. To conduct the tensile test and determine the ultimate tensile strength. 4. . 4. To determine the hardness of the given specimen using Vicker/Brinell/Rockwell hardness testing machine. 6.RME-151/RME-251: ELEMENTS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LAB LTP: 00-0-2 Note: Any 10 experiments (Minimum of 3 from each module) are to be conducted Module 1: 1. 2. Module 2: 1. To conduce friction experiment on screw-jack. To Study and working of 4 stroke Petrol/Diesel engine. To conduct the Impact-tests (Izod / Charpy) on Impact-testing machine to find the Impact Strength of the specimen. To Study the model of Babcock and Wilcox and Lancashire boiler. Kirchhoff’s laws. Concept of Resonance in series & parallel circuits.REE 101/REE201 BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LTP 310 COURSE OUTCOMES 1. DETAILED SYLLABUS Unit-I : Electrical Circuit Analysis: Introduction. Loop and nodal methods of analysis. Form and peak factors. Voltage and current sources. bandwidth and quality factor. . Apply the concepts of measurements in measuring electrical quantities. phasor representation of sinusoidally varying voltage and current. Star and delta connections. Demonstrate the working principles of basic electrical machines including DC as well as AC machines and identify the type of electrical machine used for a particular application. Concept of power factor improvement and its improvement (Simple numerical problems) Network theorems (AC & DC with independent sources): Superposition theorem. Active and passive elements. Solve and analyze the DC & AC electrical circuits using KVL/KCL and network theorems. Norton’s theorem. Concept of linearity and linear network. 5. Balanced supply and balanced load. Solve and analyze the behavior of magnetic circuits and demonstrate the working of single phase transformers. Apparent. Circuit Concepts: Concepts of network. AC fundamentals: Sinusoidal. Line and phase voltage/current relations. Three-phase power and its measurement (simple numerical problems). Unit-II: Steady. Concept of phasors. Unilateral and bilateral elements. 4. active & reactive powers. 3.State Analysis of Single Phase AC Circuits: Analysis of series and parallel RLCCircuits. Power factor. auto-transformer and their applications. Source transformation. Maximum Power Transfer theorem (Simple numerical problems) Unit-III : Three Phase AC Circuits: Three phase system-its necessity and advantages. 2. square and triangular waveforms – Average and effective values. Star-delta transformation. Solve and analyze the behavior of AC electrical circuits and resonance. Thevenin’s theorem. New Age International 4.“Basic Electrical Engineering”. Construction. New Age International Publishers 3.“Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering”. Edward Hughes.S. Del Toro.. Kataria and Sons Reference Books: 1. Types. S N Singh. Power losses. applications of DC motors (simple numerical problems) Three Phase Induction Motor:Principle & Construction. Introduction to auto transformer.“Basic Electrical Engineering”. Mc Graw Hill 3. “Basic Electrical Engineering”. “Electrical Engineering”. Oxford University Press . Gupta. J.M. Use of shunts and multipliers (Simple numerical problems on shunts and multipliers) Unit-IV: Magnetic Circuit:Magnetic circuit concepts. A Tripathi. B Dwivedi. Magnetic circuit calculations (Series & Parallel). Three Phase Synchronous Machines: Principle of operation of alternator and synchronous motor and their applications. B-H curve.K.“Principles of Electrical Engineering”. EMF equation. analogy between electric & magnetic circuits. Kuldeep Sahay. Equivalent circuit. Wiley India 4. B. applications. Prentice Hall International 2. Efficiency (Simple numerical problems).H. Pearson 2. Unit-V: Electrical Machines: DC machines:Principle & Construction. Kimerly. Construction and working principles of PMMC and moving iron type voltmeters & ammeters. V. Text Books: 1 . Prentice Hall International 5.Measuring Instruments: Types of instruments. Single phase dynamometer wattmeter. Applications (Numerical problems related to slip only) Single Phase Induction motor: Principle of operation and introduction to methods of starting. Shukhija. Hysteresis and eddy current losses. W. Nagsarkar. Hayt& J. Slip-torque characteristics.“Electrical and Electronics Technology”.“Engineering Circuit Analysis”. C L Wadhwa. Single Phase Transformer: Principle of operation. EMF equation of generator and torque equation of motor.“Basic Electrical Engineering”. Types.E. T. voltmeter. o Conduct experiments illustrating the working of magnetic circuits. Study of phenomenon of resonance in RLC series circuit and obtain resonant frequency. . 7. Verfication of Thevenin’s Theorem and Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. Determination of (i) Voltage ratio (ii) polarity and (iii) efficiency by load test of a single phase transformer 11. 8.REE 151/REE251 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY LTP 002 COURSE OUTCOMES At the end of the course. Determination of parameters of ac single phase series RLC circuit 9. single phase transformers and auto-transformers. 6. Connection and measurement of power consumption of a fluorescent lamp (tube light). 10. o Demonstrate the working of various measuring instruments like ammeter. wattmeter. Measurement of power in 3. Verification of Superposition theorem 3. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Note: A minimum of ten experiments from the following should be performed 1. o Conduct experiments illustrating the behavior of DC and AC machines and identify the type of electric machine used for a particular application. To observe the B-H loop of a ferromagnetic material in CRO. 4. To study running and speed reversal of a three phase induction motor and record speed in both directions. the student should be able o Conduct experiments illustrating the application of KVL/KCL and network theorems to DC electrical circuits. energy meter etc.phase circuit by two wattmeter method and determination of its power factor for star as well as delta connected load. Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws 2. Measurement of power and power factor in a single phase ac series inductive circuit and study improvement of power factor using capacitor 5. Determination of efficiency of a dc shunt motor by load test 12. unsigned. Unit3: (10 Lectures) Conditional program execution: Applying if and switch statements. register. Computer Basics and C Programming by V. Unit2: (8 Lectures) Standard I/O in “C”. short. Programming in C by Kochan Stephen G. static and external. 3. Storage classes. their mutual conversions. functions with array. passing values to the compiler. function. single and double floating point. Unit 4: (6 Lectures) Arrays: Array notation and representation. Functions: Introduction. enumerated data types Unit 5: (8 Lectures) Pointers: Introduction. union. Standard I/O in C. and Ritchie Dennis M. Operators and expression using numeric and relational operators. mixed operands. multiple loop variables. Computer Concepts and Programming in C by D. Components of C language. functional components of computer. operator precedence and associatively.RCS101/RCS201 Computer System and Programming in C Unit1: LTP 300 (10 Lectures) Basics of Computer: Introduction to digital computer. type conversion. logical operators. 2. Fundamentals of C programming: Structure of C program. Fundamental data types. use of break and default with switch. integer. writing and executing the first C program. PHI Learning Pvt. Basics of programming: Approaches to Problem Solving.Rajaraman .. Classification of computers. Binary arithmetic. using multi dimensional arrays. assignment operator. types of functions. Number system: Binary. 4. program loops and iterations: use of while. conditional compilation. Pearson Education . Limited – 2015. basic operations of computer.Structure. services and types. New Age International Publication . do while and for loops. Concept of algorithm and flow charts. defining and calling macros. bit operations. Loader and Linker. manipulating array elements.Machine Language. Linux and Android] purpose. declaration. recursive functions. The C programming by Kernighan Brain W. Reference: 1.S. use of break and continue statements. octal and hexadecimal number systems. nesting if and else. Yadav and Rajeev Khanna. Introduction to operating system: [DOS. passing values to functions. Compiler.Character type. Assembly Language and High Level Language. Windows. standard C preprocessors. long. .automatic. Types of computer languages:. applications File handling. Pearson Education – 2015. Concept of Assembler. WAP to find the reverse of a number. 10. 7.WAP that finds whether a given number is even or odd. 22. 6.WAP that accepts the temperature in Centigrade and converts into Fahrenheit using the formula C/5=(F-32)/9. 6. Forouzan. 8.WAP to print the sum of all numbers up to a given number. 17. McGraw Hill Computer Science. 15.WAP to print sum of even and odd numbers from 1 to N numbers. 7. Rate ofInterest and Time are entered through the keyboard.WAP to print the Fibonacci series. 12. . 18.WAP that simply takes elements of the array from the user and finds the sum of these elements.WAP that tells whether a given year is a leap year or not.WAP to print Armstrong numbers from 1 to 100.WAP to find the minimum and maximum element of the array. Angadi and Manvi. Computer Concepts and Programming by Anami. E Balaguruswami. 2. Hanly. 19.WAP to convert binary number into decimal number and vice versa.WAP that inputs two arrays and saves sum of corresponding elements of these arrays in a third array and prints them. Wiley India Publication Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C. Gilberg.WAP that takes two operands and one operator from the user and perform the operation and prints the result by using Switch statement. 10. The Principal . Pearson Addison-Wesley. Elliot B. Problem Solving and Program Design in C. Oxford Publication Computer Concepts and Programming in C.WAP that accepts marks of five subjects and finds percentage and prints grades according to the following criteria: Between 90-100%--------------Print ‘A’ 80-90%----------------------------Print ‘B’ 60-80%---------------------------Print ‘C’ Below 60%----------------------Print ‘D’ 11.WAP that swaps values of two variables using a third variable. 23. 21. 3. 16.WAP to find the greatest of three numbers. Richard F. 5.A Structured Programming Approach Using C. 4.WAP that accepts the marks of 5 subjects and finds the sum and percentage marks obtained bythe student.WAP to check whether the entered number is prime or not. Thomson.WAP to find the sum of digits of the entered number. 8. by Behrouz A.WAP that checks whether the two numbers entered by the user are equal or not. 20. Computer Concepts and Programming in C by Vikas Gupta. Reema Thareja. 9. PHI Publication 11. 13. 2006.WAP to find the factorial of a given number. Third Edition .2007.WAP that calculates the Simple Interest and Compound Interest. Cengage Learning . by Jeri R.WAP to calculate the area and circumference of a circle. 14.5. 9. Acme Learning Publication RCS151/RCS251 Computer Programming Lab 1. Amount. Koffman. Computer Fundamental and C programming by K K Gupta. strcpy () using the concept of Functions.WAP to add and multiply two matrices of order nxn. 27. (ii)List all the trains that depart from a particular station at a particular time.Define a structure data type TRAIN_INFO.WAP that finds the sum of diagonal elements of a mxn matrix.WAP to implement strlen (). 28. WAP to swap two elements using the concept of pointers. strcat (). 32. If yes then find the number of times it occurs. 31. 23 29.24.: integer type Train name: string Departure Time: aggregate type TIME Arrival Time : aggregate type TIME Start station: string End station : string The structure type Time contains two integer members: hour and minute. 26. .WAP to check whether a given word exists in a file or not.WAP to compare the contents of two files and determine whether they are same or not. (iv)List all the trains between a pair of start station and end station.WAP to search an element in a array using Linear Search. Maintain a train timetable and implement the following operations: (i)List all the trains (sorted according to train number) that depart from a particular section. 30. 25. The type contain Train No.WAP to sort the elements of the array inascending order using Bubble Sort technique. (iii)List all he trains that depart from a particular station within the next one hour of a given time. Significance. R. 2011. Delhi. 6 Text Book Oxford Univ. Tata McGraw Hill & Co. Writing of Proposal. 2009. Singh. Oxford Univ. Intonation. V. Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis. Chronological etc. Concord. Reports: Types. 2.R. 2007. Interpersonal communication: Definition. Communication Skills for Engineers and Scientists. New Delhi. 2001. Body Language. New Delhi. Sales & Credit letters. 2 Unit-II Homophones. Deductive. Strategies and Team work. Ltd.Based (i) Humanistic and Scientific Approaches to Human Activity Text Readings by Moody E. PHI Learning Pvt. Parts. The flow of communication: Downward. Press. Job 3 Unit-III Application and Resumes.Principles and Practices by Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma. New Delhi.. 3. W. Words and Phrases: Word formation. & Distributors. Press. . Huxley (iii) Man and Nature by J. Business Communication Style & Writing of Reports. Lateral/Horizontal (Peer group) : Importance of technical communication. Ltd. 3. Press. Following essays from the prescribed text book with emphasis on 5 Unit –V Mechanics of writing.J. Types. Requisites f Sentence Construction: Paragraph Development: Techniques and MethodsInductive. Nuances and Modes of Delivery. Oxford Univ. Attitude. Language as a tool of Communications communications. 1. Accent. Synonyms and Antonyms. 1.Sharma & Krishna Mohan. Goyal Pub. Technical Communication. Barriers to Communication.C.P. Linear. Levels of communication: Interpersonal.RAS104/RAS204 Professional Communication S. Mass communication. Types. Select vocabulary of about 500-1000 New words. Written Communication correct Usage: all Parts of Speech.No. Way to improve Attitude Listening Skills : Soft Skills. Prior (ii) The Language of Literature and Science by A. Significance. Principles. Business Correspondence and Report Writing by Prof. Infinitives. 2001. Articles. Methods for improving Listening Skills. Functional skills in Language and Literature. Value. Arora and Laxmi Chandra. Upward. New Delhi. Organizational. Claim and Adjustment Letters. Bahm. Types. by R. Improve your Writing ed. Negotiation skills. Rhythm. Spatial . Pitch. 2005. Modals. Unit Contents Technical Communication: features: Distinction between General 1 Unit-1 Fundamentals of And Technical Communication. Technical Proposal. Paralinguistic Presentation features of voice. .al. Structure. Bronowski (iv) Science and Survival by Barry Commoner (v) The Mother of the Sciences by A. Transformation of sentences. 2. New Delhi.N. Dimensions of 4 Unit-IV Speech: Syllable. Sangeeta 7 Reference Books Sharma et. K.P. Krishan Nagar.4.I. 5.. 2013.Sinha.B. 2005. Pandey: A. Developing Communication skills by Krishna Mohan. Oxford University Press. Publications India Ltd. 2013. Spoken English. English Grammar and Usage by R. Delhi.B.U. . New Delhi. 6. Manual of Practical Communication by L. Bansal & J.T.B. 7. Delhi. Harrison Orient Blackswan.Macmillan India Ltd.A manual of Speech and Phonetics by R.S. Mecra Bannerji. New Delhi. 1990. B. 2. Delhi. Bansal R.T. 2. Orient Longman . Prentice Hall. 9. 4.Singh. 3.I. 4. Group Discussion: Practical based on Accurate and Current Grammatical Patterns. Presentation Skills of Technical Paper/Project Reports/Professional Reports based on proper Stress and Intonation Mechanics. 8.& Harrison: Phonetics in English.P.U. 7. Conversational skills for Interviews under suitable Professional Communication Lab conditions with emphasis on Kinesics. . Individual Speech Delivery/Conferences with skills to defend Interjections/Quizzes. A Manual of Practical Communication. 6. A. Comprehensions Skills based on Reading and Listening Practicals on a model AudioVisual Usage. Theme-Pressentation /Key-Note Presentation based on correct argumentation methodologies. 3. New Delhi. Reference Books 1. Joans Daniel. Official /Public Speaking based on Rhythmic Patterns. Pandey & R. Argumentative Skills/Role Play Presentation with Stress and Intonation. New Delhi.K. Press. Cambridge Univ.B. Communication Skills for Seminars/Conferences/Workshops with emphasis on Paralinguistics / Kinesics. India Ltd. Krishan Nagar.A) LIST OF PRACTICALS 1. Pub.RAS154/RAS254 PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION LABORATORY PRACTICALS Interactive and Communicative Practical with emphasis on Oral Presentation/Spoken Communication based on International Phonetic Alphabets (I. Sethi & Dhamija: A Course in Phonetics and Spoken English. English Pronouncing Dictionary. L. 5.S.P. Make perfect malefemalejoint. Carpentry Shop: (a) (b) (c) (d) Study of tools & operations and carpentry joints. To prepare half-lap corner joint. Planeturning. Machine Shop: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Study of Single point cutting tool. (d) Casting . (c) Fabrication of tool-box. drawing down. Simple exercises involving drilling/tapping/dieing. Welding Shop: (a) Study of tools & operations of Gas welding & Arc welding (b) Simple butt andLap welded joints. bending. (c) Oxy-acetylene flame cutting. 6. tray.RME-152/RME-252: WORKSHOP PRACTICE L T P: 003 1. Threading 7. electric panel box etc. Simple exercise usingjack plane. (b) Making Funnel complete with ‘soldering’. fullering& swaging. 5. punching. Foundry Shop: (a) Study of tools & operations (b) Pattern making. 4. Sheet-metal Shop: (a) Study of tools & operations. machine tools and operations. Simple exercise onwoodworking lathe. Black Smithy Shop: (a) Study of tools & operations (b) Simple exercises based on black smithyoperations such as upsetting. (c) Mould making with the use ofa core. 3. Step turning Taper turning. mortise &tennon joints. Fitting (Bench Working) Shop: (a) (b) (c) (d) Study of tools & operations Simple exercises involving fitting work. 2. pentagon.2 . VP. Section views. Shah. trim. Creation of 2D/3D environment. Sections. re ctangle.R. Ltd. Dimensioning line conventions and free hand practicing.S.Subash Publishers Bangalore. AUTO CAD. mirror. fillet. Commands and creation of Lines. Engineering Graphics . polygons. True and apparent lengths.M. hexahedron(cube).K International Publishing House Pvt. chamfer. Lettering. 1 – Sheet Projections of Solids (First Angle Projection Only) Introduction. poly-lines.Rana. Selection of drawing size and scale. 32nd edition. Ltd. extend. layout of the software.RCE151/RCE251 Computer Aided Engineering Graphics LTP 003 Introduction Drawing Instruments and their uses.2006. axes. B. standard tool bar/menus and description of most commonly used tool bars. spheres. move. circles. Reference Books 1. hexagon and circle. Isometric projection of tetrahedron. Eastern Economy Edition. Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing with an Introduction to Interactive Computer Graphics for Design and Production-Luzadder Warren J.. Co-ordinate system and reference planes. True and apparent inclinations to reference planes 2 – Sheets Orthographic Projections of Plane Surfaces (First Angle Projection Only) Introduction. prisms.Planes of projection.. reference line and conventions employed. off-set. 2. curves. Projections of points in all the four quadrants. Apparent shapes and True shapes of Sections of right regular prisms. 2005Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Definitions–projections of plane surfaces–triangle. Isometric projection of simple plane figures.Co-ordinate points. Section planes. pyramids. planes in different positions by change of position method only. rhombus. Gujarat. Projections of straight lines (located in First quadrant/first angle only). 2nd Edition. Definitions . 2 – Sheets Orthographic Projections Introduction. -I.N. splines. pyramids.C. Definitions – Projections of right regular tetrahedron. cylinders and cones resting with base on HP. Duff John M. Definitions of HP. square. copy. square. rectangle. pyramids.D. ellipse. RPP & LPP. cylinders and cones in different positions. 1 – Sheet Isometric Projection (Using Isometric Scale Only) Introduction. cylinders. right regular prisms . cut spheres. break. Sectional views. rotate. Bhatt & V. Gopalakrishna. 2. Isometric scale. 2005. 48thedition. Panchal.. text. 3rdrevised edition. hexahedron (cube). Computer Aided Engineering Drawing . 1-Sheet Text Books 1. Engineering Drawing . cones. 2-Sheets Sections And Development of Lateral Surfaces of Solids Introduction. navigational tools. BIS conventions. New Delhi.K. Trymbaka Murthy..B. New Delhi. 2005-Charotar Publishing House. constraints. Engineering Drawing – M. Srivastava.R. Unit . Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Grewal. Ramana. K. Thomas (Cengage) Learning. Khanna Publishers. Narosa Publishing House. Applications to engineering problems (without derivation). Method of separation of variables for solving partial differential equations. Engineering Mathematics. Even and odd functions. Half range sine and cosine series. 3. Euler’s Formulae.4: Fourier Series and Partial Differential Equations Periodic functions. 5. Bessel and Legendre equations and their series solutions. – II. Reference Books: 1. Higher Engineering Mathematics. Unit step function. Solution of one and two dimensional wave and heat conduction equations. Inverse Laplace transform. V. Unit . C. Peter V. Dirac. Engineering Mathematics – II. Text Books: 1. PHI Learning Pvt.K.3: Laplace Transform Laplace transform. B.II L 3 T 1 P 0 Unit . Iyenger. Advance Engineering Mathematics. 3.K. Existence theorem. Prasad Mudranalaya 4.Hill Publishing Company Ltd. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Second order linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients. Unit . A.5: Applications of Partial Differential Equations Classification of second order partial differential equations. Dirichlet’s Conditions. Simultaneous linear differential equations. Laplace transforms of derivatives and integrals. E. Ltd. 2. Laplace equation in two dimension. Equation of transmission lines. Solution of second order differential equations by changing dependent & independent variables.RAS203 Engineering Mathematics . Convolution theorem. O’ Neil. John Wiley & Sons. Initial and final value theorems. Method of variation of parameters. . Chandrika Prasad. Higher Engineering Mathematics. R. Kreyszig. Properties of Bessel function and Legendre polynomials. B.S. 2.1: Ordinary Differential Equations Linear differential equations of nth order with constant coefficients. Tata Mc Graw. Laplace transform of periodic function. Vol. Complementary function and Particular integral.2: Series Solution and Special Functions Series solution of second order ordinary differential equations with variable coefficient (Frobenius method). Solution of first order Lagrange’s linear partial differential equations.Jain & S. Rukmangadachari. Advanced Mathematics for Engineers.delta function. Fourier series of arbitrary periods. Srivastava & P. Pearson Education. Unit . Gibbs Phenomena. Application to solve simple linear and simultaneous differential equations. Concept of effective mass. Position of Fermi level in intrinsic and in extrinsic semiconductors. carrier concentrations Fermi energy. Unit – IV: Band Theory of Solids 06 Hrs. Conductivity of semiconductors. Temperature dependence of critical field. persistent currents. Claussius-Mossotti equation. Concept of Modern Physics . Reference books: 1.by S. Phenomena of hysteresis and its applications.RAS-201 ENGINEERING PHYSICS. Free electron Theory. Bragg’s Law. Magnetic Properties: Magnetization. Piezoelectricity. Unit – II: Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of Materials 10Hrs. Charge carrier density (electrons and holes). Formation of bands in Solids. BCS theory (Qualitative). properties and uses of Fullerene. Ferroelectricity. Solid State Physics .II Unit – I: Crystal Structures and X-ray Diffraction 10Hrs. basis. Space lattice. Density of states. Important applications of dielectric material. Laue’s experiment. Josephson theory. synthesis of nanotubes. Dielectric Losses.by V. structure. Langevin’s theory for diamagnetic material.Dimensional). Diffraction of X-rays by crystal. Seven crystal systems and Fourteen Bravais lattices. Pillai. 7th edition (Wiley Eastern) 3. Compton Effect. para and ferro magnetism. Temperature dependence of conductivity in semiconductors. EM . Equation of internal fields in liquid and solid (One. Unit cell. D and P. Atomic radius and Packing factor of different cubic structures.Wave equation and its propagation characteristics in free space.O. Skin depth. Origin of magnetic moment. London equations. Materials Science and Engineering . Carbon nanotubes Single and double walled nanotubes. Dielectric Properties: Dielectric constant and Polarization of dielectric materials. Lattice planes and Miller Indices. Displacement Current. Dia. Superconductors: Temperature dependence of resistivity in superconducting materials. Properties and Applications of nanotubes. Bragg’s spectrometer. Unit – V: Physics of some technologically important Materials 08Hrs. Maxwell’s Equations (Integral and Differential Forms) and its derivations. Crystal structure of NaCl and diamond. Fermi-Dirac distribution. energy density of electromagnetic wave. 5th edition (New Age International) . Frequency dependence of dielectric constant. Solid State Physics . Equation of continuity. Poynting vector and Poynting theorem. Nano-Materials: Basic principle of nanoscience and technology.Hall India) 4. High temperature superconductors and Applications of Super-conductors. Kittel. Effect of magnetic field (Meissner effect). Unit – III: Electromagnetic Theory 06 Hrs. Classification of solids on band theory. Types of Polarization (Polarizability). Relation between E. Lattice parameter. Co-ordination number. Type I and Type II superconductors. Raghavan (Prentice.by C.by Beiser (Tata Mc-Graw Hill) 2. non-conducting and conducting media. Mani Naidu(Pearson) 7. Applied Physics for Engineers. Griffith (PH I) 6. New Delhi) . Introduction to Electrodynamics .C. Engineering Physics.5.by David J.Neeraj Mehta (PHI Learning.
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