B-CHS_TG_Modules 1-4(1).pdf

March 20, 2018 | Author: Levi Lico Pangilinan | Category: Educational Assessment, Competence (Human Resources), Personal Computers, Troubleshooting, Learning



richardrrr.blogspot.com Kto12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM Information and Communications Technology COMPUTER HARDWARE SERVICING Grade 9 Module 1- 60 hs. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is one of the four (4) components of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE). One of the courses offered is Computer Hardware Servicing (CHS). This course covers Process and Delivery (PD) which is consist of the core competencies that a Grade 9 student ought to possess namely: plan and prepare for plan and prepare for installation, install equipment / devices and systems and conduct test on the installed computer system. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts, underlying theories and core competencies in computer systems and networks. Performance Standard The learner independently provides quality and marketable service in computer hardware servicing in terms of computer systems and networks installation and diagnose and trouble shoot computer systems as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation. MODULE. 1 (PERSONAL ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCIES) Individuals possess different Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs). These PECs include characteristics, attributes, lifestyles, skills, or traits that make a person different from others. When one aligns these competencies with the competencies of successful practitioners/entrepreneurs, he/she may become ready to face the challenges of starting a business. What to KNOW  Ask learners to name people in the nearby community/municipality/city/province who are successful in establishing their own computer related business.  Why are they successful?  Do you wish to be like them?  Explain to learners the importance of assessing their PECs.  Guide learners in assessing their PECs on the following:  Character/Attribute/Trait  Lifestyle  Skills 1 Assist learners in analyzing and interpreting the results of the assessment of their PECs.  Ask essential questions to draw out the initial understandings of learners about how practitioners/entrepreneurs succeed in their chosen career. The teacher may distribute meta cards for learners to write their answers. These may be posted on the wall and revisited during the Firming-up. What to PROCESS  In order to firm up their understanding, learners may be asked to work individually or in groups in collecting information about how practitioners/ entrepreneurs succeed in their chosen careers. Some suggested activities: interview with successful practitioners/entrepreneurs, inviting successful practitioners/entrepreneurs as resource person in class, video documentaries of successful practitioners/entrepreneurs, web searching, etc…  Ask learners to perform activity 1: practitioner’s assessments by referring from page 8 of this module. Guide learners to select the appropriate characteristics and traits to accomplish the activity. Let learners present their work, encourage student to student interactions, and then process their understanding.  Have learners analyze (in the form of a chart, Venn Diagram or Comparison Alley, etc.) the similarities and differences among successful entrepreneurs in the following aspects: characteristics, traits, attributes, lifestyles, skills.  Have learners reflect/rethink understanding of how practitioners/entrepreneurs succeed in their chosen field. Refer learners to their answer posted on the wall.  Process learners’ learning and check it against the significant insight culled from the lesson.  Check learners’ understanding against the content standard. What to REFLECT and UNDERSTAND  Have learners align their PECs with those of a successful entrepreneur of their choice  Have learners reflect on their development areas as well as their areas of strength. Ask what they plan to do with them. What to TRANSFER  Have learners prepare an Activity plan that aligns their PECs with the PECs of successful practitioner/entrepreneur.  Assess learners’ plan of action based on the set criteria. (Note: The 2  Help learners in presenting the result of the data gathering activity reflective of the needs and wants of the target market. community mapping. etc. Consider learners’ responses as their tentative understanding that they need to explore further. and appropriate technology can help a new entrepreneur in seizing a business opportunity.  Assist learners in conducting a community mapping to identify business establishments or industries in the town/city. Needs and wants of people in a certain community that are not met by existing business establishments may be considered as business opportunities. What to PROCESS  Lead learners in analyzing the assessment conducted on the environment and market in the town/city. (Note: Teachers may develop an instrument to “survey the costumer’s needs and wants”). cultural. K-W-L and other appropriate teaching and learning tools. needs and wants of target market with the use of the following:  Survey questionnaire. etc. MODULE 2.  SWOT analysis  Ask Essential Questions to draw out their understanding of environment and market in generating business ideas.  Have learners assess their immediate environment and market to determine the existing industries. What to KNOW  Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge on environment and market as an entrepreneurial lens in generating business idea/s through a diagnostic test. available local specialized skills. (ENVIRONMENT AND MARKET) Entrepreneurs who want to take advantage of business opportunities need to explore the economic. and social conditions prevailing in the community. 3 .teacher may develop an assessment tool to determine learner’s level of performance).  Guide learners in making a graphical presentation of the information revealed as a result of the data-gathering activity such as: interview.  Ask learners to do supplementary reading and other complementary activities to support the information presented. its resources.  Interview guide. survey.  Checklist.. Identifying the needs of the province. This teaching guide would allow teachers / instructors to strategically teach 4 . and evaluate the learner’s evidences of learning. Process learners’ understanding. What to TRANSFER  Ask learners to generate business ideas as a result of the SWOT analysis of environment and market. MODULE 3. efficiently assess learner’s knowledge and skills. installing equipment / devices and systems and conducting test on the installed computer system. Ask learners to administer the prepared survey questionnaire to generate data on the potential costumers.  Assess learners’ business ideas based on the set criteria.  Guide learners in forming small groups in their class. II . INSTALL COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS I . (Note: The teacher may develop as simple interview guide for this activity). This curriculum document shall assist and guide the teachers/instructor to effectively teach the content of this module. Lead learners in presenting their survey form. In this year level. (Note: The teacher may develop an assessment tool to determine learner’s level of performance). learners / trainee should also be competent and knowledgeable and skillful in planning and preparing for installation. assist them to construct a survey questionnaire which is focused on identifying the profile of potential customers. process learners understanding.Introduction The primary purpose of CHS is to provide the learners with the knowledge and skills that will help them become computer hardware technicians.What to REFLECT and UNDERSTAND  Ask learners to interview seasoned entrepreneur to gather salient information on how he/she was able to seize a business opportunity.Learning Competencies The competencies expressed as learning outcomes in this teaching guide are the exact competencies that will be used to assess the learners / trainees for them to secure COC or NC in Computer Hardware Servicing.  Assess learners’ level of understanding. .  Compare whether the information collected during the interview will complement/harmonize with their skill in generating business ideas. /systems. process learner’s understanding. systems. and assist the learners in applying what they have learned to an entirely new context. systems and/or installation to determine its conformity with the requirements  Undertake final inspections on the installed devices. LO1. Utilizing effective teaching methodology and strategies suitable to the learning needs and requirements of the learners. Install equipment/devices and systems  Implement OHS procedures in installing devices. systems to ensure conformity with the requirements  Accomplish technical reports on the tests conducted 5 . and peripherals  Install computer systems. Plan and prepare for installation  Implement Occupational Health and Safety policies and procedures in planning for installation activity in accordance with requirements  Familiarize with computer peripheral/ devices/systems in accordance with established procedures correct operation and safety  Consult appropriate/ technical personnel to ensure that work is coordinated with others who are involved in the activity  Obtain materials necessary to complete the work in accordance with established procedures  Check the materials received against job requirements LO2. networking devices. and peripherals  Comply with the requirements in installing devices. guide the learners in performing the activities. networking devices. networking devices and peripherals in accordance with job requirements  Perform installation of devices and variety of operating systems in accordance with customer/client’s requirements  Obtain approval from appropriate personnel before implementing contingency procedures  Respond to unplanned events or conditions in accordance to established procedures  Check the quality of the work undertaken in accordance with the established procedures LO3. Conduct test on the installed computer system (components)  Follow OHS policies and procedures in conducting tests  Check circuits and systems being isolated using specified testing procedures  Test devices.the competencies spread out in the module. the following are the competencies that should be mastered by learners / trainees after finishing this module. equipment and testing devices What to PROCESS     Guide learners in performing simulation on applying OHS & Policies and Procedures Instruct the students to identify the different types of computers described in each of the sentences given. Guide the students in solving the puzzle for them to reveal the parts of a computer.  Process learner’s responses. LESSON 1. tools. PLAN AND PREPARE FOR INSTALLATION What to KNOW     Guide the learners in understanding OHS Policies and procedures Guide the learners to understand the different types of computers Guide learners in identifying the different components of a computer and their functions.  Guide learners in assessing their knowledge and skill using:  Paper and pencil test  Skills test  Other appropriate tools  Check their answers using the answer key. revise or rethink their understanding. let them reflect. Explain the use of different materials. Follow procedures in forwarding documentation to appropriate personnel and/or authority on the test conducted III – Pre / Post Assessment  Prepare a comprehensive pre / post assessment tool to evaluate learner’s knowledge and skills. Instruct the learners to identify the different tools and materials and let them give their uses. 6 . IV – Reading Resources and Instructional Activities  Guide learners in answering the guide questions and performing the activities to measure how much they know about the topic  Let learners share their experiences to the class. What to TRANSFER  Have learners communicate and collaborate with each other through a role playing pertaining to the devices of a computer.  Let learners do their task after the presentation on page 68. peripherals and networking devices are done. Proper location / storage of the devices / systems and materials. Fill up job order forms.  Discuss how to install equipment. Check their 7 . INSTALL EQUIPMENT / DEVICES and SYSTEMS What to KNOW  Guide the students in identifying the different Personal Protective Equipment and their uses. devices.  Familiarize/ educate the learners on the basic configuration set-up.  Develop learners understanding by crafting appropriate activities to deepen their experiences in consulting appropriate technical personnel to ensure that work is coordinated with others who are involved in the activity.  Familiarize the students on how to install windows XP and 7.  Introduce to the learners the different systems specification. and appropriate procedures in checking the materials received  Have learners self-assess their performance.  Enhance learners understanding on networks by utilizing the internet for some video presentations about the subject matter. Correct way of obtaining the necessary materials to complete the work.  Let learners have an oral presentation of the activity given in the reflect and understand on page 75. LESSON2.  Discuss the principles on installing computer system. What to PROCESS  Let learners answer the short formative test on page 78. request form and report sheets.  Process learners understanding by answering the guide questions after each video presentation on page 61.What to REFLECT and UNDERSTAND  Guide learners in deepening their understanding by watching video presentations regarding different components /devices of a computer. Rate the learners’ performance using the performance score card on page 63. Planning for installation and Windows XP installation. Guide the students in answering the different essential questions about system specifications.  Have learners self-assess their performance.  Guide the students in doing the actual activity on installing device drivers. LESSON3.  Enhance learners understanding in implementing contingency procedures in unplanned events and obtaining approval from appropriate personnel by watching a video presentation and actual interview to a person practicing in the field.  Use the performance score card in evaluating their work.  Guide the in doing the performance test on PC Assembly and Disassembly and connecting peripherals. CONDUCT TEST ON THE INSTALLED COMPUTER SYSTEM What to KNOW  Let the students be aware of the health and safety regulations needed in testing installed equipment and devices. Use the performance card in assessing their output.  Guide the students in installing windows XP and Windows 7. Cite examples and different situations  Let learners be familiar with the different principles of testing installed computer devices What to TRANSFER  Guide the students to analyze the given situation. 8 . Instruct the learners to write their answers in their notebook.   answer using the answer key provided in this teaching guide.  Instruct learners to have documentation to process their understanding. Evaluate their work using the Performance Score Card. What to TRANSFER  Group the students and let them work on the task regarding the PPE. Instruct the students to rearrange the procedures in personal computer disassembly and personal computer assembly What to REFLECT and UNDERSTAND  Guide learners in deepening their understanding by performing the activities on page 121 with regards to the overview of Windows XP.  Use the performance card in assessing their work. PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learner independently diagnoses and troubleshoots computer systems as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation. Guide learners in create another video showing how you can test the assembled computer system for functionality. DIAGNOSE AND TROUBLESHOOT COMPUTER SYSTEMS CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of the underlying concepts and principles on diagnosing and troubleshooting of computer systems. enrich and improve learners understanding in conducting a test on the installed computer system and computers’ devices. All the basic and fundamental knowledge are discussed in each lesson as well the primary skills that a technician should acquire in order to produce marketable product / service which is one of the goals of entrepreneurship.  Let learners create a video to demonstrate how to install the hardware components. What to REFLECT and UNDERSTAND  Teacher may offer / develop different activities to enhance. MODULE 3. What to PROCESS  Teacher may provide variation of activities for this lesson / Learning outcome to process learners understanding on the subject matter. LEARNING COMPETENCIES 9 .  Guide learners in assessing their themselves using:  Paper and pencil test  Performance test  Other appropriate tools  Check their answers using the answer key VI – Summary / Synthesis / Feedback Computer Hardware Servicing is actually a basic foundation of the higher level of PC troubleshooting and repairs. V – Summative Assessment  Prepare a comprehensive summative assessment that covers all the important topics that were discussed. Show how to configure any device installed in the computer. skills and underlying principles in the process and delivery of Computer Hardware Servicing such as:   Follow OHS procedures in planning and preparing diagnosis of computer systems errors Determine the computer systems errors using manual and software diagnosis Follow OHS procedures in planning and preparing diagnosis of computer systems and network errors Identify the diagnosed computer systems and network errors based on the job requirements Configure computer systems and networks        Follow OHS procedures in inspecting and testing configured computer systems and networks Inspect configured computer systems and networks Replace defective components Reinstall defective computer systems Identify networks errors Repair networks errors based on standard procedures Test the configured computer systems and networks Follow OHS procedures in testing systems and networks  Test computer systems and networks in accordance with the job requirements Accomplish technical reports on the tests conducted      II. PRE-ASSESSMENT  Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge and skill in Computer Hardware Servicing using:  Skills Self -Assessment test 10 . Plan and prepare for diagnosis of computer systems errors  Diagnose and configure computer systems and networks  Inspect and test the configured computer systems and networks  Test Systems and Networks I. OBJECTIVES Guided by the teacher and this module the learner is expected to: Acquire knowledge. V. What to TRANSFER  Let the students create a diagnostic plan for troubleshooting a power supply with the use of the different tools.  Let the students develop a simple diagnostic plan checking all possible components to be checked on the symptoms.  Assist/Guide learners in accomplishing their goals and targets using the format provided in the module. Explain why and how the diagnosing of computer systems is done. What to PROCESS  Let the students perform the activity on simulating / role playing on how to use PPE. materials and equipment. Ask the learners to write their goals/targets on their notebook/ answer sheet.  Let the students identify the different PC problem. What to REFLECT and UNDERSTAND  Instruct the students to answer the questions on the proper use of PPE. Guide the students in identifying the different types of computer system errors. LEARNING GOALS AND TARGETS Based on the objectives of the lesson and results of the preassessment. LESSON 2: DIAGNOSE AND CONFIGURE COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS. let the learners define their personal goals and targets to be achieved at the end of this module.  Discuss the use and relevance of setting goals and targets for the mini.  Ask them to use a short bond paper for the answer.course. PROCESS AND DELIVERY LESSON 1: PLAN AND PREPARE DIAGNOSIS OF COMPUTER SYSTEM ERRORS What to KNOW     Guide the learners in identifying the different safety precautions involve in the preparation in diagnosing computer system errors.III. Discuss the different steps on checking PC problems and solutions. 11 .  Discuss the basic concepts of electricity. 12 . Call volunteers to discuss and share their answers. Task 2.  Let the learners have an actual use of diagnosing tools for testing computer system.  Let the students identify the tools in troubleshooting/ network troubleshooting tools.  Let the students identify the different concepts about electricity.  Let the students do the Task on Setting Windows Network Connection. What to PROCESS  Instruct the students to conduct a simulation activity on applying OHS Policies and Procedures.  Familiarize / educate the learners about the techniques for diagnosing computer system. Give them the performance criteria. LESSON 3: INSPECT AND TEST THE CONFIGURED COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS. Ask students to report their findings in class.  Use the criteria to check their performance.  Let the students do the Task on Creating Peer to Peer Network.  Let the students do the Task on Examining the Motherboard in Detail.  Discuss the troubleshooting computer system network.More Security for Remote Desktop  Guide the students to analyze the given situations and perform the task required.Network It  Let the students Do the Activity on Networking with Static IPs  Use the scoring rubric to rate their performance. What to TRANSFER Task 1.  Guide the students to do the task on Using the internet for research. Ask the students to give the importance of the lesson to CHS. What to REFLECT and UNDERSTAND  Let the students reflect and answer the questions.What to KNOW  Guide the students to understand the different safety precautions to be used in diagnosing and configuring computer systems and networks.  Let the students perform the activity on Networking with DHCP.  Let the students identify the different computer system and computer configurations. What to PROCESS Task: Accident Report  Let the students accomplish and prepare a sample accident report.Net Skills  Direct the learners to practice TCP / IP Networking skills by answering the guide questions.  Let the students give the functions of the different computer components and the factors to consider when replacing a component. 13 . What to REFLECT and UNDERSTAND Task 1.  Guide the students on performing the task on BIOS setting and CMOS setting. LESSON 4: TEST SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS What to KNOW     Discuss the different ways on testing computer system. What to TRANSFER   Guide the students on doing the activity on Upgrading Hardware Discuss them the assessment rubrics to be used in checking their performance.  Discuss with the students the computer parts replacement.  Let the students identify the different network error messages and the possible solutions. Task 2.  Guide the students in knowing how to upgrade computer components. Familiarize / educate the learners with the procedures on testing the software.What to KNOW  Familiarize / educate the learners with the safety precautions while working.  Familiarize the learners about the award BIOS / and setting up of CMOS. Instruct / Assist to fill up sample accomplishment report form..Investigate  Instruct the learners to have an investigation on Verizon FiOS. Familiarize the learners with the different error beep codes. Task 2.Understanding Hardware  Instruct the learners to analyze a manual for a motherboard PC and answers the guide questions given on the LM. Task 2. Ask the students to list all the common problems and solutions in testing a system. What to TRANSFER Task 1.  Rate learners according to the criteria. SUMMARY Computer Hardware Servicing is actually a basic foundation of the higher level of PC troubleshooting and repair.What to PROCESS     Instruct the learners to answer the different questions about error codes. Ask the students to identify the different tools used for testing a system. Use answer key to check their answer What to REFLECT and UNDERSTAND Task 1. (2) diagnose and configure computer 14 . IV. There are four (4) major topics that this module: (1) plan and prepare diagnosis of computer system errors. . .Teach Me How  Instruct the learners to do the activity on Teaching Yourself About Windows Meeting Space and let them answers the reflective questions.Testing Computer Units  Instruct the learners to Do the task on Testing a Computer Unit. All the basic and fundamental knowledge are discussed in each lessons as well the primary skills that a technician should acquire in order to produce marketable product / service which is one of the goals of entrepreneurship.Identify Error Codes   Guide learners in performing the activity on identifying error codes. Rate learners performance according to the criteria.  Guide learners in performing the activity. Information and Communications Technology Learners Manual – Grade 7 & 8” Efraim Turban.com/articles/computer-memory-types.. Richarrd Potter “Introduction to Information Technology” 3rd Edition. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard. Pasco “K to 12 Basic Education CurriculumTechnology and Livelihood Education Learning Module –Computer Hardware Serviciing” Marigen N. Desktop Edition”. and (4) test systems and networks.html 15 . Ramilo. Ronaldo V..buzzle. The four major topics contains sub-topics which all leads to diagnose and troubleshoot computer systems. This module would help the reader to acquire at least the basic knowledge of the said field. IN 46256 Barry Press. IN 46256 Ron Gilster. V.. REFERENCES Books and Articles and Printed Materials: Barry Press.. Leosala. IN 46256 Ronaldo V. “PC Repair Bench Book”. Indianapolis. Ramilo And Deover M. (3) inspect and test the configured computer systems and networks . R. Kelly Rainer Jr.systems and networks . Wiley Publishing Inc. Marcia Press. Wiley Publishing Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard. Denver.. Indianapolis. “PC Upgrade and Repair Bible. Caoagdan.. Wiley Publishing Inc.2005 at Rosewood Drive. Ltd Electronic Resources: “Computer Memory Types” Retrieved from http://www. Marcia Press. Bobby P. Understanding a computer system is not an easy task. Desktop Edition”. John Wisley and Sons(Asia) Pte. Indianapolis. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard. Lujero “Technology and Livelihood Education. “PC Upgrade and Repair Bible. and Rosalie P.. com/popup/c-comp2.htm “Fundamentals of PC repair” Retrieved from http://www.“Measurements for Memory & Storage” Retrieved from http://www.com/assets/files/Environmental/ToolboxSafetyTopic s/20 /10/ProperToolSelection.pdf “Computer Hardware Basics” Retrieved from http://www.au/assessmentfutures/designing/assembling. Networking .athropolis.sa/psu/cis/kalmustafa/CISCO/Lecture%20Slides/ITE _PC_v40_Chapter2.instructables.com/howtoupsys.com/watch?v=6N7bqBsFL0w“How to install Computer Hardware” Retrieved from http://www.com/CrissCrossSetupForm.bechtel.pdf “Puzzles for Activities” Retrieved from http://puzzlemaker.asp “Occupational Safety Precautions” Retrieved from http://info.pdf “PC Assembly” Retrieved from http://www.psu.Operating Systems and Troubleshooting” Retrieved from www.com/sites/default/files/CHS-NC2%20Reviewer%20%20With%20Oral%20Questioning_0.directron.com/id/Disassemble-a-Computer/“PC Hardware.professormesser.html “Computer Basics” Retrieved from http://www.iml.wikihow.youtube.ustudy.html“Tool Selection” Retrieved from http://www.discoveryeducation.in/ce/hard/u1 “Occupational Health and Safety Precautions” Retrieved from http://danreb.com/Install-Computer-Hardware“How to install Computer components” Retrieved from http://www.edu.edu.uts.com- 16 . Network Interface 17 . Network 5. L 9. Answer key for Module 3 What to Process (page 60) 1. F What to Process (page 68) 1. Wearable computer Matching Type (page 61) 1. The glossary serves as additional reference material that will guide the learner’s practice of the skills and help the students when they commit errors. C 2. K 4. Network gateway 4. WAN 3. H 6. Minicomputer 4. Server 3. Digital 8. Modem 6. Netbook 6.VI. A 3. B 10. J 5. Desktop computer 7. Tablet PC 2. D 7. Microcomputer 5. PDA 10. Mainframe 9. G 8. Network Firewall 2. GLOSSARY The purpose of the glossary is to guide the teachers and the learners to be equipped with the technical terms and their meaning. This is very useful whenever the learners need to recall the concepts and vocabulary words relevant to the lesson since our working memory is very limited. A 10. Microcomputer 15. LAN What to Process (page 78) 1. True 7. B 5. B 4. C Summative Test Test 1. Bridge 8. C 7. Digital 18. False 6.7. True 4. Netbook 16. Routers 10. PDA 18 . D 8. True 2. C 2. A 6. Mainframe 19. B 9. Ethernet Switch 9. Minicomputer 14. True 10. 11. B 3. True 8. True What to Process (page 120) 1. True 3. Desktop computer 17. Tablet PC 12. True 5. True 9. Server 13. Output device 24. True 3. True 12. True 7. Hub 30. 5. Firewall 26. True 4. True 2. True 9. C D A C B B 19 . True Test III. True 8. Network 29. True 6. True 15. 4. Network gateway 28. True 5. False 14. Wearable computer 21. WAN 27. 2. Bridge Test II 1. Operating system 22. 6. Input devices 23. 3.20. 1. True 13. True 11. True 10. Storage devices 25. C 2. K Answer key for Module 4 Test I 1. A 8. B 10. E 7. Doesn't Boot 4. H 8. M 13. G 11. I 15. D 12. A 3. Sound on/off error 9. Application causes system to restart Test II 1. B 20 . D 9. O 5. No Video Output 3.7. P 4. Lots of pop up windows showing on standby mode 5. Lots of hardware installation windows appear 7. Never Ending Loading of Operating system 6. Q 9. Keyboard and mouse system restart 10. A 2. L 14. B Test IV 1. No Video Output 2. C 10. Safe mode doesn't work 8. J 6. 7. A B E C F D H G Test IV 3. A Test III 1. 1. 3. 4. B 8. 4. 2. 8. 2. D 5.3. 5. C 4. 6. 7. 6 Test V Answers may vary 21 . C 10. 5. D 6. C 7. A 9.
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