B-63494EN_01_fin(Dual Check Safety Ops Man)

March 29, 2018 | Author: nzbrad | Category: Numerical Control, Safety, Central Processing Unit, Machines, Reliability Engineering



OPERATOR’S MANUALB-63494EN/01 Ȧ No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form. Ȧ All specifications and designs are subject to change without notice. In this manual we have tried as much as possible to describe all the various matters. However, we cannot describe all the matters which must not be done, or which cannot be done, because there are so many possibilities. Therefore, matters which are not especially described as possible in this manual should be regarded as ”impossible”. B-63494EN/01 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS This manual includes safety precautions for protecting the user and preventing damage to the machine. Precautions are classified into Warning and Caution according to their bearing on safety. Also, supplementary information is described as a Note. Read the Warning, Caution, and Note thoroughly before attempting to use the machine. WARNING Applied when there is a danger of the user being injured or when there is a damage of both the user being injured and the equipment being damaged if the approved procedure is not observed. CAUTION Applied when there is a danger of the equipment being damaged, if the approved procedure is not observed. NOTE The Note is used to indicate supplementary information other than Warning and Caution. - Read this manual carefully, and store it in a safe place. s-1 B-63494EN/01 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS................................ ................................................................ ................................................................................................ ....................................................................................... ....................................................... s-1 s-1 1 OVERVIEW OVERVIEW................................ EW................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ......................................................................... ......................................... 1 1.1 DIRECTIVE AND STANDARDS ..................................................................................................... 3 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 Directives.................................................................................................................................... 3 Related Safety Standards.......................................................................................................... 3 Risk Analysis and Evaluation................................................................................................... 3 Certification Test ....................................................................................................................... 4 General Definition of Terms ..................................................................................................... 5 Definition of Terms Related to the Safety Function................................................................ 5 Features of Dual Check Safety ................................................................................................. 6 Compliance with the Safety Standard (EN954-1, Category 3) ............................................... 7 Latent error detection and cross-check ...........................................................................................8 Safety monitoring cycle and cross-check cycle ................................................................................9 MCC off Test .....................................................................................................................................9 Error analysis .................................................................................................................................10 Remaining risks..............................................................................................................................10 DEFINITION OF TERMS ................................................................................................................ 5 BASIC PRINCIPLE OF DUAL CHECK SAFETY .......................................................................... 6 1.4 2 3 GENERAL INFORMATION........................................................................................................... 12 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION CONFIGURATION ................................................................ ................................................................................................ ........................................................................... ........................................... 14 SAFETY FUNCTIONS ................................................................ ................................................................................................ ..................................................................................... ..................................................... 16 3.1 3.2 APPLICATION RANGE ................................................................................................................. 17 BEFORE USING THE SAFETY FUNCTION............................................................................... 20 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Important Items to Check Before Using the Safety Function .............................................. 20 MCC off Test of the Safe Stop Function ................................................................................. 20 Stopping the Spindle Motor .................................................................................................... 21 Stopping the Servo Motor........................................................................................................ 22 Stop States ............................................................................................................................... 22 STOP ................................................................................................................................................ 21 SAFE-RELATED I/O SIGNAL MONITORING ............................................................................ 24 EMERGENCY STOP ...................................................................................................................... 29 SAFE SPEED MONITORING........................................................................................................ 30 SAFE MACHINE POSITION MONITORING .............................................................................. 31 c-1 ................................ 37 DI/DO CONNECTION (VIA THE PMC) ............... .................................... 35 4....................2 4............. ..................... 63 PARAMETERS ............................................................. ............................................................ 41 4............4............................................. 35 For Two-path.............. 62 6.4.........................................................................................................................................3 6..............................................3 7 Tandem Control ........1......... 74 Multi-path Control......................................... 75 7............................ 43 FSSB I/O Specification List..........................................................2 5.............................................5 OVERVIEW ................ 41 FSSB I/O Attachment................................................................................................................................5.. .....................................2............................................................................................................................. 40 DI/DO CONNECTION (VIA THE FSSB) . 58 One-CPU Two-Path Control................................................ ....................................4.................................................................................................... 60 Loader Control ...................1 START-UP OPERATION............................. 61 PARAMETERS ...................................................8 4 B-63494EN/01 MCC OFF TEST ...........3................................................................1 4........1.........................................................3 5.......................................... ............................................................................................................... 47 I/O SIGNALS .............................2 4............. ........................................... 57 Two-CPU Two-Path Control (With Axis Change between Paths) ............................. 55 SAFETY SIGNAL MODES..................................................TABLE OF CONTENTS 3.......... 74 Simple Electronic Gear Box and Electronic Gear Box 2-pair ...1 Acceptance Test and Report for Safety Functions...........................1..................................................................................................... 64 PARAMETERS RELATED TO THE USE OF FSSB I/O UNIT ............. 50 SIGNAL ADDRESSES.................2 6.......................................... 49 SIGNALS ......................................3...........................................4 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................5............................................................................................. .... 32 INSTALLATION INSTALLATION .............................................................................................. 48 5..3 For One-path........................................... .......................................................................................................... 74 START-UP .............................................................................3...........................................................4 5.......1.................. 59 Two-CPU Three-Path Control.........................................................................................................................................................1 5......................2 4.............................................. 56 NOTES ON MULTI-PATH CONTROL ...........................5 6 Two-CPU Two-Path Control (Without Axis Change between Paths)........ 57 5....78 c-2 ...........................1 6..........................................2 7.................... ......................................2 6......................................................................... 74 6.................................. 33 4....................... ..........5.................................................. 72 FUNCTIONS THAT REQUIRE SPECIAL PARAMETER SETTINGS.......5......1...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 5........................2 5.................. .........................................................................1 4..............1 6...........3 5 FSSB I/O Connection..................................................3 5................................................1 7............................................................................................................................................. 78 Initial start-up ............................................................................................1 OVERALL CONNECTION DIAGRAM ............. ................ 76 7.............................................................................................. ...........................5.....1 5..................................................... 76 Start-up of the Dual Check Safety Function................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................... ... 93 Boot System Alarms ........................................................................................................................................................2 8.......................................... ............................................................................................ 80 MAINTENANCE ..................................................6 9 Overview...............2. 97 SAMPLE CONFIGURATION........................................................ 94 9.................................... 108 SOFTWARE COMPONENTS............ 102 Test Mode Signal (OPT) ......................... 91 Alarms Displayed on the Spindle Unit..........................................2....................................................2 For One-path...........................2 7.............................................2. 86 8...................................................................................5 11 Emergency Stop Signal (*ESP1.2.........1..........................................................................................................................80 7....2..............................................................................................................................................................................................4 8...................................... MCC Contact State Signal (*SMC)......................3 10...... ......................2................................................................................1. 107 11......................................2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS... 111 c-3 ...................... .............................. *ESP2)...............................1 10........ 98 10..............................1............................................ 96 SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFI CONFIGURATION GURATION ................................................................1 8....1......3 10.........1 10.....................................................................................................................2.............................. ... ...2............3 Hardware Components for Series 16i/18i/21i/160i/180i/210i/160is/180is/210is-MODEL A107 Hardware Components for Series 16i/18i/21i/160i/180i/210i/160is/180is/210is-MODEL B107 Hardware Components for Other Units................................................................................2...........................................................................................................................................................................4 10...................................... .................................................................................................................................................................. Guard State Signal (SGD).........................................................................2......2..... 93 DIAGNOSIS .............................2 10......................1..............5 8............. .................................... 105 COMPONENTS LIST .................................. 109 SERVO AMPLIFIER........ 103 MCC On Enable Signal (MCF)...... 101 10.. ...........................................................................................................1.....2 10.................... ....................................... 98 For Two-path (When the main side and sub side use a common MCC)........1 8...................... 92 System Alarms ..................2 10 OVERVIEW ...........................................1................................................. 86 Servo Alarms.......................................................................................................................................................................3 8..................3 8 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Guard Lock State Signal (GDL)........................................................................................................ 82 ALARMS AND MESSAGES .......2 11........................................... ....... ................................................................................... 102 Guard Unlock Signal (*LGD)..................... 95 DIAGNOSIS.................................. 99 For Two-path (When the main side and sub side use independent MCCs and protection doors) ................... 87 Serial Spindle Alarms............................................................2 11............................... ................................... 81 8..1 9................................ 106 HARDWARE COMPONENTS ............................2.B-63494EN/01 TABLE OF CONTENTS Series start-up .....1 11..........................................1 10................................................................. 100 SAMPLE CONNECTIONS ...............................3 11............................................... 101 Guard Open Request Signal (ORQ)...............................................................................1..........1 11..................................................................... . and moving it to the machining start point while viewing it. however. and power to the motor is shut off via two independent paths. the dual check safety function stops operation safely. and the use of many safety relay modules results in a large and complicated power magnetics cabinet circuit. With the dual check safety function. An error in speed and position is detected at high speed. When an abnormality related to safety occurs. a safety-related hardware and software test must be conducted at certain intervals time. The dual check safety function ensures safety with the power turned on. A major feature of the dual check safety function is a very short time required from the detection of an abnormality until the power is shut off. -1- . detectors built into motors. A cost advantage of the dual check safety function is that external detectors and safety relays can be eliminated or simplified. However. The dual check safety function provides a means for ensuring a high level of safety with the protection door opened.B-63494EN/01 1. The dual check safety function need not have an external detector added. so that an operator can open the protection door to work without turning off the power. only a detector built into a servo motor or spindle motor is used. and amplifiers that are specified by FANUC are used. the addition of an external detector may pose a response problem. Processing and data related to safety is cross-checked by two CPUs. In this case. The simplest method of ensuring safety when the protection door is open is to shut off power to the motor drive circuit by configuring a safety circuit with a safety relay module. To prevent failures from being built up. This drawback can be corrected by adding a motor speed detector to ensure safety.OVERVIEW 1 OVERVIEW Setup for machining. no movements can be made on a move axis (rotation axis). This configuration can be implemented only when those motors. which includes attaching and detaching a workpiece to be machined. Moreover. some time is required before machining can be restarted. two independent CPUs built into the CNC monitor the speed and position of motors in dual mode. since the power is shut off. Instead. is performed with the protection door opened. Safe machine position monitoring function The safety function operates regardless of the NC mode. If a position or speed mismatch is detected by a cross-check using two CPUs.Safe-related I/O signal monitoring function . this function should be used in the setup mode. Usually. IMPORTANT The dual check safety function cannot monitor the stop state. -2- . power is shut off (MCC off) to the motor drive circuit.1. For details.Safe speed monitoring function . The European standard certification organization has certified that this safety function satisfies the European Safety Standard EN954-1 Category 3. see the example of system configuration.OVERVIEW B-63494EN/01 The dual check safety function consists of the following three functions: . general principles for design – Part 1: Basic terminology.1.1 DIRECTIVE AND STANDARDS Directives Machine tools and their components must satisfy the EC directives listed below.Basic concepts.Basic concepts. a machine and machine components must be designed and manufactured.B-63494EN/01 1. Directive Directive 98/37/EC Directive 89/336/EEC Directive 73/23/EEC 1998 Safety of machinery 1989 Electromagnetic compatibility 1973 Low Voltage Equipment 1. especially the machine directive. Important safety standards EN292-1 1991 EN292-2 1991 EN954-1 1996 EN1050 EN60204-1 1996 1997 DIN V VDE0801 (1990) including amendment A1(1994) Safety of machinery . general principles for design – Part 2: Technical principles and specifications Safety of machinery . Based on such risk analysis and evaluation.OVERVIEW 1.Safety-related parts of control systems – Part 1: General principles for design Safety of machinery . methodology Safety of machinery .Principles for risk assessment Safety of machinery . the international standards and European standards need to be observed.Electrical equipment of machines Part 1: General requirements Principles for computers in safetyrelated systems 1. -3- .1. the manufacturer of a machine or machine components and a responsible person who supplies a machine or machine components to the market must conduct risk evaluation to identify all risks that can arise in connection with the machine or machine components.1.2 Related Safety Standards To be compatible with the directives.1 1. Risk evaluation must reveal all remaining risks and must be documented. The FANUC CNC systems with the dual check safety function are compatible with all of these directives.3 Risk Analysis and Evaluation According to the machine directive. 1.4 Certification Test The German certification organization TUV PS has certified that the dual check safety function satisfies EN954-1 Category 3. Certification of the dual check safety function -4- .OVERVIEW B-63494EN/01 1.1. Safe machine position When the drive system has reached a specified positional limit. adjustment. a maximum move distance traveled until a stop occurs must be considered. a transition is made to the safe stop state. A measure must be implemented to prevent a set limitation speed from being changed by an unauthorized person.2. Example: Protection door state signal Safe-related I/O signal Safe stop When a safe stop occurs. When a positional limit is set. maintenance. These signals are valid for each feed axis and spindle with a built-in safety function. disassembly. The drive section can generate neither a torque nor dangerous operation. power to the drive section is shut off.B-63494EN/01 1. and are used with each monitoring system. and disposal Reliability and safety Safety 1.2 Definition of Terms Related to the Safety Function Safe-related I/O signals are input/output signals monitored by two systems. an additional measure (such as a mechanical brake) must be securely implemented to protect against such a force. or equipment to perform its required function under a specified condition for a specified period Capability of a machine to perform its function without injuring the health under a condition of use for an intended purpose specified in the operator's manual and allow its transportation. A measure must be implemented to prevent a set positional limit from being changed by an unauthorized person. -5- . machine component.2 1.2.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS General Definition of Terms Reliability and safety are defined by EN292-1 as follows: Term Reliability Definition Capability of a machine. installation. Safe speed Feature for preventing the drive section from exceeding a specified speed.OVERVIEW 1. The following are measures for incorporating the safe stop feature: Contactor between the line and drive system (line contactor) Contactor between the power section and drive motor (motor contactor) If an external force is applied (such as a force applied onto a vertical axis). it is fed to two CPUs: a CNC CPU and a monitor CPU.OVERVIEW B-63494EN/01 1.Cross-check function for detecting latent errors Detection A servo motor detector signal is sent via the servo amplifier and is applied to the CNC through the FSB interface.Two-channel configuration with two or more independent CPUs . it is fed to two CPUs: a CNC CPU and a CPU built into the spindle amplifier.3 1. -6- . Evaluation The safety function is monitored independently by a CNC CPU and monitor CPU or by a CNC CPU and spindle CPU. Then. Response If the monitoring function detects an error. Each CPU crosschecks data and results at certain intervals. the CNC CPU and monitor CPU switch off the MCC via independent paths to shut off the power to the feed axis and spindle. Then.1 BASIC PRINCIPLE OF DUAL CHECK SAFETY Features of Dual Check Safety .3. A spindle motor detector signal is sent via the spindle amplifier and is applied to the CNC connected through the serial interface.1. the power to the motor drive circuit is shut off. Category 3 requires the following: • The safety function of a safety-related portion must not degrade when a single failure occurs. Cross-monitoring using 2 CPUs Two CPUs built into the CNC are used to cross-monitor the safety function.OVERVIEW 1. the power is shut off via two power shutoff paths. Each CPU is periodically checked for errors. This cross-check is constantly made. the servo system and spindle can be stopped safely. Category 3) The dual check safety function satisfies the requirements of Category 3 of the safety standard EN954-1. • Single errors must be detected at all times when natural execution is possible. Monitoring of servo motor and spindle motor movement CNC CNC CPU CPU Motor detector signal Door switch signal Shut off power Cross-check of data and results Magnetic contactor Monitor Monitor CPU CPU Shut off power CNC controller Data output from the detector built into each motor is transferred to the CNC through the amplifier. To satisfy these requirements. The safety of this path is ensured by using motors and amplifiers specified by FANUC. the dual check safety function is implemented using the two-channel configuration shown below. Input signal safety Safety-related input signals such as the protection door lock/unlock signal is monitored doubly. If one system fails.B-63494EN/01 1. -7- . Power shutoff via two paths If an error is detected. The paths need to be tested for built-up failures within a certain time.2 Compliance with the Safety Standard (EN954-1.3. If a mismatch between the two occurrences of a signal is detected. This MCC off Test is not mandatory when machining is performed with the protection door closed. -8- . (See Chapter ?.1 Latent error detection and cross-check This detection function can detect latent software and hardware errors in a system that has a two-channel configuration.3. an allowable cross-checked difference is set for the actual position. When the system is operating in the automatic mode (when the protection door is closed). An error in one monitoring channel causes a mismatch of results.OVERVIEW B-63494EN/01 Output signal safety A signal is output (via two paths) to the relay used to shut off the power to the motor drive circuit.2. For numeric data. the safetyrelated portions of the two channels need to be tested at least once within an allowable period of time for latent errors. Detection of latent errors CAUTION Forced detection of a latent error on the MCC shutoff path must be performed by the user through a MCC off Test (after power-on and at intervals of a specified time (within 24 hours)). a MCC off Test needs to be conducted at certain intervals. Cross-check A latent safety-related error associated with two-channel monitoring can be detected as a result of cross-checking. An error is detected by a MCC off Test. 1.1. So. an allowable difference between the two channels is set in a parameter. For detection of built-up failures. so that a cross-check detects the error. (For example.) NOTE An error detected as the result of forced latent error detection or cross-checking leads to a safety stop state.). this detection processing is not requested as mandatory. Monitoring cycle: 16 ms The cross-check cycle represents a cycle at which all data subject to cross-checking is compared. turn off the test mode signal.OVERVIEW 1. A MCC off Test must be conducted at specified times (after power-on and at intervals of 24 hours) to check that the MCC shutoff paths operate normally. A MCC off Test is conducted once on the CNC side and once on the monitor side.2 Safety monitoring cycle and cross-check cycle The safety function is subject to periodical monitoring in a monitoring cycle. All vertical axes must be secured firmly beforehand.B-63494EN/01 1. After the MCC off Test execution request signal is turned off. NOTE The machine tool builder is to warn and prompt the operator to conduct a MCC off Test when a MCC off Test execution request signal is output. MCC off Test execution condition • • All axes and the spindle must be stopped beforehand. a MCC off Test is conducted.2. To detect a latent error in the MCC shutoff paths forcibly. -9- .3.3 MCC off Test The MCC is shut off using two CPUs: a CNC CPU and monitor CPU. Cross-check cycle: 16 ms 1. A MCC off Test is executed by turning on the test mode signal.2. Select-test termination When a MCC off Test is completed. the CNC outputs a MCC off Test execution request signal to the PMC. This test is essential to dual check safety. the MCC off Test execution request signal is turned off.3. When a MCC off Test becomes necessary. Action Safety limitation speed monitoring function EN60204-1 Category 1/0 stop Safety limitation speed monitoring function EN60204-1 Category 1/0 stop Safety limitation speed monitoring function EN60204-1 Category 1/0 stop Safety limitation speed monitoring function EN60204-1 Category 1/0 stop Error analysis Amplifier or control unit failure. Error analysis when the protection door is closed Error Input/output signal error Cause Wiring error. operation error. The safety function cannot be activated if any one of the components of the control or drive is not powered on. Electrical faults can also result in the response described above(component failure too). etc. Feed axis safety machine position error Input/output signal error Amplifier or control unit failure. . Error analysis when the protection door is open Error Spindle safety excessive speed Excessive feed axis speed Cause Amplifier or control unit failure. etc. b) Interchanged phases of motor connections.5 Remaining risks The machine tool builder is to make a failure analysis in connection with the control system and determine the remaining risks of the machine. system controlled to brake to zero speed. operation error.3. If abnormal speed detected. etc.2. The dual check safety function has the following remaining risks: a) The safety function is not active until the control system and drive system have fully powered up. reversal in the signal of encoder and reversal mounting of encoder can cause an increase in the spindle speed or acceleration of axis motion. control unit failure.3.1. but no effective for above error. Wiring error.OVERVIEW B-63494EN/01 1. etc.4 Error analysis The table below indicates the results of system error analysis controlled by the dual check safety function. MCC off is not activated until the delay time set by parameter has expired. control unit failure. operation error. etc.2.10 - . Action Safety limitation speed monitoring function EN60204-1 Category 1/0 stop 1. this corresponds to a maximum linear motion of approximately 1. The simultaneous failure of two power transistors in the inverter may cause the axis to briefly(motion depend on number of pole pairs of motor) Example: A 6-pole synchronous motor can cause the axis to move by a maximum of 30 degrees. e.OVERVIEW c) d) Faults in the absolute encoder can cause incorrect operation of the safety machine position monitoring function. a category 0 or category 1 stop function according to EN60204-1 is activated.11 - . This must be noted. The parameter related to encoder must be set carefully. With a 1-encoder system. Safety machine position monitoring function does not apply to rotation axis. There is a parameter that MCC off test is not to be made in the self test mode at power-on as in the case of machine adjustment. With a lead-screw that is directly driven by. This parameter is protected. but by various HW and SE monitoring functions. The required level of safety can only be assured by thorough and careful acceptance. Depending on the error type. e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) .20mm per revolution. when the protective door locking mechanism is opened. only changed by authorized person. the speed may exceed the set value briefly or the axis/spindle overshoot the setpoint position to a greater or lesser degree during the period between error detection and system reaction depending on the dynamic response of the drive and the parameter settings(see Section Safety-Functions) The category 0 stop function according to EN60204-1 (defined as STOP A in Safety Integrated) means that the spindles/axes are not braked to zero speed. but coast to a stop (this may take a very long time depending on the level of kinetic energy involved). MCC may not be off at stop response is measured. an exact motion may be executed incorrectly untie the safety functions setup correctly and confirm test is completely.B-63494EN/01 1. for example. encoder faults are detected in a single channel. IF MCC off test is not conducted. Dual check Safety is not capable of detecting errors in parameterization and programming made by the machine manufacturer.6mm. When a limit value is violated. Drive power modules and motors must always be replaced by the same equipment type or else the parameters will no longer match the actual configuration and cause Dual check Safety to respond incorrectly. During machine adjustment.g. There are 3 CNC training course. MAIN ITEMS OF TRAINING • Function and configuration of Power Unit • Function and configuration of CNC system • Include AC servo and AC spindle • Self-diagnosis function • Interface between CNC and the machine tools • Data saving and restoring operation • Trouble shooting . confirmation test regarding safety functions can be performed accoding to Chapter 8. • Programming in ladder logic should be referred to programming manual (B-61863E). FANUC recommend studying and learning in the training center how efficiently operate FANUC products. also how to restore it promptly if a trouble should occur. The course is recommended before taking more specialized training courses to gain best effects. When safety related components are exchanged. Training FANUC Training Center provides versatile training course for the person who is concerned with hardware installation. operation and programming.12 - . • The procedures for the changes in the System (either HW or SW) should be referred to maintenance manual (B-63005). [CNC ELEMENTARY COURSE] Provides basics of CNC functions. maintenance and operation.1. MAIN ITEMS OF TRAINING • CNC functions • Configuration of CNC • Configuration and function of servo system • Basic programming of CNC • Part programming of milling machine • Part programming of turning machine • Introduction of Custom Macro function [CNC MAINTENANCE COURSE] To master maintenance technique that permits you to maintain and inspect CNC.OVERVIEW B-63494EN/01 1.4 GENERAL INFORMATION The following requirements must be fulfilled for the Dual-Check System: • All conditions of the certification report has to be respected. JAPAN Phone : 81-555-84-6030 Fax : 81-555-84-5540 Internet: www. to develop an original CNC machine tools or new application of CNC.OVERVIEW [CNC SE INTERFACE COURSE] Training course offered to the engineers who design CNC machine tools or CNC application system for the first time. Yamanashi Prefecture : 401-0501.13 - .fanuc.B-63494EN/01 1. This course is also suitable for customers who provide to retrofitting. MAIN ITEMS OF TRAINING • Configuration of CNC system • Interface between CNC and machine tools • Ladder programming of machine control sequence • Setting of parameter related to machine • Setting of parameter related to servo and spindle More information and course registration Yamanakako-mura.jp/eschool .co. αi series servo amplifier .Series 18i/180is/180i .Series 16i/160is/160i : 4 maximum 6 maximum 8 maximum Number of spindle controlled axes .α series spindle motor .SYSTEM CONFIGURATION B-63494EN/01 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION The dual check safety function has the following components.I/O module (FSSB) Software .αi series servo motor .αi series spindle motor I/O .Series 21i/210is/210i .I/O unit (I/O Link) . Applicable CNC FANUC Series 16i/18i/20i/21i/160is/180is/210is/160i/180i/210i (LCD-mounted type) FANUC Series 16i/18i/21i/160is/180is/210is/160i/180i/210i (stand-alone type) Number of controlled axes .14 - .β series servo motor .Series 18i/180is/180i : .Dual check software .αi series spindle amplifier .α series spindle amplifier .α series servo motor .Series 16i/160is/160i : : : 2 maximum 2 maximum 2 maximum Amplifier .αi series power supply module Motor .Series 20i/21i/210is/210i : .2.α series power supply module .α series servo amplifier . .βΙ64B.BZ sensor . αI1000i.Spindle detector . βΙ32B .αA16000i .M sensor .Servo motor built into α1000.15 - .MZi sensor .Separate detector (A/B phase pulse) . αA1000i.Mi sensor .SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Detector system The detectors below can be used.BZi sensor . αA32 .Feed axis detector .B-63494EN/01 2. β A32B . αA64.β A64B.MZ sensor . αA64i . SAFETY FUNCTIONS B-63494EN/01 3 SAFETY FUNCTIONS .3.16 - . the protective door is locked. When the request to open the protective door is canceled.B-63494EN/01 3. power-down) in redundant mode. Some of the safety functions continue working while the protective door is closed. safety is assured. the system judges that an abnormal event has occurred. Whether the two-path output is normal is judged in a MCC off Test.17 - . and power-down are checked in redundant mode. At the same time. . WARNING Each machine tool builder should take measures to assure safety while the protective door is closed and to ensure safety related to a rotation axis and travel axis. If a speed exceeding the range is detected.1 APPLICATION RANGE The dual check safety function assumes the following configuration: A) One protective door is provided. and the safety functions are disabled. If the two corresponding inputs do not match. When the operator makes a request to open the protective door. the safety functions are enabled. protective door lock/open/close state. The power-down (MCC off) signal is output in redundant mode (from two paths). protective door lock/open/close state. B) If the protective door is closed. Safe speed monitoring This function checks that the rotation speeds of the servo motor and spindle motor are within a predetermined speed range. as described above. while the door is open. The dual check safety function has the following safety functions: Safe-related I/O signal monitoring This function in redundant mode monitors I/O related to safety (emergency stop. the active safety functions assure safety. The emergency stop. safety measures for the FANUC servo motor or spindle motor need to be taken. using two CPUs in redundant mode.SAFETY FUNCTIONS 3. The dual check safety function provides these safety functions while the protective door is open. While the protective door is open. and the protective door can be unlocked. the system judges that an abnormal event has occurred. 3. using the two independent CPUs. The dual input check of the safe-related I/O signal monitoring function and the emergency stop function are always active. If a safety error results in the safe stop state. the dual check safety function shuts off the power to the motor driving circuit. regardless of whether the protective door is opened or closed. the operator must turn off the CNC. . The user must conduct a MCC off Test every 24 hours in order to detect a potential cause of error.18 - .SAFETY FUNCTIONS B-63494EN/01 Safe machine position monitoring This function checks that the position on a servo axis is within a specified range. remove the cause of the error. this safety function is disabled. then turn on the CNC again. The state in which the servo or spindle motor stops because of power-down is referred to as the safe stop state. CAUTION This safety function is enabled while the protective door is open after a request to open the protective door is made. If the request to open the protective door is canceled and if the protective door is closed. the system judges that an abnormal event has occurred. using two CPUs in redundant mode. If an abnormal event (safety error) is found. If a position exceeding the range is detected. a MCC off Test must be made. protective door lock/open/close state.B-63494EN/01 3. relay state for turning off the MCC Dual signal output Output signal for shutting off the power (turning the MCC off)To detect the potential cause of an abnormal state of this output.SAFETY FUNCTIONS The safe speed of the spindle motor is checked by the CNC CPU and spindle CPU in redundant mode. safe speed of the servo motor. and machine position are checked by the CNC CPU and monitor CPU in redundant mode. CNC Dual monitoring of emergency stop signal Emergency stop Dual monitoring of protective door state CNC CPU Cross-check Spindle CPU Spindle motor SPM Protective door Protective door lock signal Safe speed monitoring Servo motor SVM Door lock/ open/close monitoring Cross-check PSM Monitor CPU Safe speed monitoring Safe machine position monitoring Dual monitoring of MCC I/O. Powerdown (MCC) Power-down Dual monitoring of MCC Dual power-down Detection of potential cause of error by MCC off test Safety functions • • Safe-related I/O signal monitoring Emergency stop input. Spindle motor Safe speed monitoring Servo motor Safe speed monitoring Safe machine position monitoring • • .19 - . " If an absolute-position detector is used.SAFETY FUNCTIONS B-63494EN/01 3. A return reference position must be made on each axis. This test must be carried out when the CNC is turned on or when 24 hours have elapsed after the previous test is completed. So. replacing a part. In this case. the user must check that all safety parameters are correct and that all safety functions are working normally. the user need not make a reference position check. reference position data is stored in the CNC memory. If the CNC is turned on or if 24 hours have elapsed after the previous test is completed.2 3. reference position data is lost each time the power to the CNC is turned off and then back on. • • • • 3. and reference position return has been performed once.2 MCC off Test of the Safe Stop Function A MCC off Test of the safe stop function monitors the contact state of the electromagnetic contactor (MCC). and checks that the safe stop function works normally.3. after the power is turned on. another reference position return operation must be performed. "START UP. At the every power on the safety area must be tested. The test must be carried out by the user of the machine. compares the state with a command to the electromagnetic contactor. or changing a safety parameter (such as a safe speed limit or safe range as described in Chapter n).2.1 BEFORE USING THE SAFETY FUNCTION Important Items to Check Before Using the Safety Function • When using the safety function for the first time upon assembly of the machine.2. If an incremental pulse coder is being used. see Chapter 8. At each power on there is a message: "Please execute safety test" Without this message dual check safety is either not installed or not yet activated (option bit). For details. a guard open request (protective door open request) is not accepted until the test is performed.20 - . The user must also check the absolute position of the machine. . If this processing is not performed. CAUTION The CNC outputs a DO notifying of an alarm. In that case. power-down during rotation causes the motor to continue rotating for a certain amount of time. To speed down and stop the spindle. For this safety parameter. this DO may not be output when a single failure is detected. the PMC must input the spindle emergency stop signals (*ESPA(G71. but the MCC is finally shut off and brought into the safe stop state. If necessary. the spindle slows down and stops. two different values can be specified. From a safety standpoint. power-down causes the spindle motor to continue rotating at the speed prior to power-down (and eventually stopping in the end).SAFETY FUNCTIONS 3. If a spindle amplifier alarm or any other state in which the spindle motor cannot be controlled is encountered. To implement the function.1). (A Ladder program for inputting this signal in case of alarm must be created. and so on). Normal operation of the two CPUs are mutually checked to ensure the safety of the timers. the motor may have to be stopped immediately. This wait period can be specified as a safety parameter.21 - . the spindle should be stopped. . *ESPB(G75. it waits until the rotation of the spindle stops. Because the DO output is not duplicated.) The emergency stop input (connector CX4) of the PSM has the same effect. the spindle slows down and stops in the emergency stop state. One value is used when the safety function is active (the door is open).B-63494EN/01 3. the CNC CPU and monitor CPU individually incorporate a timer function. The values must be determined in consideration of the stop period calculated from the spindle speed.1 STOP Stopping the Spindle Motor Because the spindle motor is an induction type motor. then shuts off the power. If the CNC detects an error and judges that the spindle can be controlled.1).3. the speed cannot be reduced. When this signal is input. immediate power-down is carried out. If the emergency stop signal is connected to emergency stop input (connector CX4) of the PSM. and the other value is used otherwise.3 3. the motor is slowed down to a stop and then brought into the dynamic brake stop state. the servo motor does not coast because of this function. If the spindle motor cannot be controlled. Additional braking is provided by an internal resistor.SAFETY FUNCTIONS B-63494EN/01 3. Different parameters are used in the safety monitoring state and in other states. some parameters must be specified in the CNC. If those parameters are not specified.3. The dynamic brake stop is electric braking in which the excited rotor is isolated from the power source and the generated electric energy is used up in the winding.2 Stopping the Servo Motor Because the servo motor is a synchronous motor. the motor is immediately brought into the dynamic brake stop state.22 - . In some circumstances where a controlled stop cannot be made.3. If the power is shut off immediately. the power is turned off. Unlike an induction motor. the spindle motor continues at the same speed prior to the abnormal event and eventually comes to a stop. the CNC automatically specifies a command to zero the speed and reduces the speed to zero (controlled stop). If the spindle motor can be slowed down to a stop. the motor is immediately brought into the dynamic brake stop state. If the input of the emergency stop signal or an error of a safe-related signal or speed monitoring is detected. To slow down and stop the motor. the power is immediately shut off. If the spindle motor can be controlled. Safety parameter number 1947 1948 Name MCC off timer 1 MCC off timer 2 If the protective door is closed If the protective door is opened . If the servo motor can be controlled. the power is shut off after the spindle motor is slowed down to a stop. IMPORTANT The time period until the signal for shutting off the power (turning off the MCC) is output depends on the parameter. If the motor cannot be controlled. After the motor slows down and stops.3 Stop States The following stop states are possible: Safe stop state The power to the motor is shut off (MCC off state).3. and the motor is brought into the dynamic brake stop state. a dynamic brake stop is unconditionally made. the operation is performed as instructed by the PMC and then the power is shut off. power-down results in a dynamic brake stop. 3. Example) Brake mechanism that would not drop the vertical axis after the power is shut off 2 If the power to the spindle motor driving circuit is shut off. the motor is brought into the safe stop state.B-63494EN/01 3.23 - . the spindle motor continues rotating at the speed before the power-down and eventually comes to a stop. The servo motor and the spindle motor are controlled to stop. If a further abnormal event occurs. WARNING 1 The machine tool builder must design the machine so that the machine is kept in the stop state if the power to the servo motor driving circuit is shut off. A measure must be taken so that this coasting does not affect safety.SAFETY FUNCTIONS Controlled stop state The power to the motor is not shut off. . In the controlled stop state of either motor. the safety function is active if the condition for enabling the safety function is satisfied (the door is open). see Chapter 5. a Ladder program must be created to establish a oneto-one relationship between the actual input (X) and the input to the CNC (G). If a mismatch between two corresponding signals is found. except for emergency stop input signals. are connected to the I/O module. . 1945 Name Safe-related input signal check timer The following signals are not defined as safe-related I/O signals and are not duplicated. the system enters the safe stop state. the pair of signals may not match for some period because of a difference in response. "OPERATION.3.Input signal for starting the test mode . IMPORTANT If the safety input signals. When a signal state changes. The following safe-related I/O signals are monitored or output in redundant mode: • • • • • Emergency stop input signal Protective door state input signal Lock state input signal Input signal for monitoring the MCC contact state Output signal for turning off the MCC (power-down) To configure the two-path system. The check period must be specified as a safety parameter.Output signal for specifying a command to lock the protective door . The dual check safety function checks whether a mismatch between the two signals continues for a certain period of time. so that an error resulting from the difference in response can be avoided. regardless of whether the safety function is active or not. the machine tool builder must connect these signals to both the I/O module and the FSSB I/O." For specific connections. however. The signals. . Parameter No.Output signal for requesting a MCC off Test This section briefly describes the signals. The duplicated input signals are always checked for a mismatch. For details. are necessary for the system.4 SAFE-RELATED I/O SIGNAL MONITORING A set of safe-related I/O signals are connected to the I/O Link and the servo FSSB through separate paths. see the sample system configuration in Chapter 10. The two independent CPUs individually check the input signals.SAFETY FUNCTIONS B-63494EN/01 3.Input signal for making a protective door open request .24 - . 2. If the safe speed range is exceeded in the door open state. *ESP Emergency stop signal (input) Emergency stop signal. The signal is connected so that it is normally set to 1 while the protective door is closed and locked (door open) and set to 0 otherwise (door close). SGD Guard state signal (input) The signal is provided for double monitoring of the protective door state. . These states are implemented by the combination of the safety door and safety relays. The signal is monitored in redundant mode. 3.SAFETY FUNCTIONS CNC I/O I/O LINK UNIT DI DO Machine CNC CPU Cross check FSSB I/O DI Monitor CPU FSSB DO Duplicated I/O Symbol *ESP SGD GDL *SMC MCF ORQ OPT *LGD RQT Signal name Emergency stop signal Guard state signal Guard lock state signal MCC contact state signal MCC on enable signal Guard open request signal Test mode signal Guard unlock signal MCC off Test execution request signal I/O address <X008#4> <DI+000#0> <G191#4> <DI+001#4> <G191#5> <DI+001#5> <G191#6> <DI+001#6> <F191#1> <DO+000#1> <G191#3> <G191#2> <F191#0> <F191#2> Dual input monitoring Dual input monitoring Dual input monitoring Dual input monitoring Duplicated output Input Input Output Output Safe-related I/O 1.25 - .B-63494EN/01 3. the system enters the safe stop state. GDL Guard lock state signal (input) This signal is not usually used. The CNC monitors these states. The signal is connected to the *ESP input of the servo amplifier as well. IMPORTANT The Ladder program cannot be checked for an error. 5. the protective door is locked. an alarm occurs and brings the motor into the safe stop state. In the test mode. OPT Test mode signal (input) When the signal is input. the MCC is shut off from both the I/O Link side and the FSSB side.3. the protective door can be unlocked. the guard unlock signal (*LGD) is set to 1 (guard unlock enabled). and whether the contact of a relay is closed cannot be detected. If both the machine position and speed are within the safe range. *LGD Guard unlock signal (output) If this signal is set to 1. CAUTION When the signal is set to 1. a MCC off Test is executed. and safety is ensured. *SMC MCC contact state signal (input) B-63494EN/01 The MCC contact state is monitored in redundant mode. execute a MCC off Test by the PMC and make necessary corrections before inputting this signal. If the protective door is unlocked while the signal is set to 0. *LGD becomes 0. a closed contact of a relay can be detected. Then. If an error is found as a result of speed check or machine position check during that period. In normal operation. When carrying out the MCC off Test manually. The MCC off Test checks whether the contact of the MCC is closed. 7. 6. a signal to unlock the actual protective door should be output through the PMC. the CNC checks the machine position and speed.26 - . ORQ Guard open request signal (input) When this signal is input. Connect the signal output. Check the safety function (see Chapter 7). there is a time delay (depending on the Ladder program) before the signal to unlock the actual protective door is output. If a single failure occurs in this state and if the actual protective door is unlocked. the MCC is active. Signals other than safe-related I/O The following signals are not safe-related signals (are not checked in redundant mode) but are important signals in the system. Meanwhile. an alarm occurs.SAFETY FUNCTIONS 4. . MCF MCC on enable signal (output) With this signal. The machine tool builder must provide an output signal that opens the actual protective door through the PMC. 8. The machine tool builder must create an appropriate Ladder program. a MCC off Test must be executed. The CNC exits from the safe state. Operations can be performed with the door open. The door is closed and locked again. If this signal is output. this signal is output. RQT MCC off Test execution request signal (output) If the execution of a MCC off Test is required. The request is transferred to the CNC. A safe speed check and a machine position check prove that there is no failure and that the CNC can enter the safe state. The guard open request is canceled. for instance. At power-on. The request is transferred to the CNC. If the signal is output. Normal operating state E D F G A 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Safety function enabled IMPORTANT If the CNC detects that the protective door is open (SGD is set to 0) while ORQ is set to 0.SAFETY FUNCTIONS When the safety function of the CNC is enabled. This can occur. and the door is locked. this signal is output. Guard open request signal and guard unlock signal Door open request 24V X Ladder ORQ-I LGD G ORQ F Ladder Y LGD-O Protective door CNC (PMC) The figure shows a sample connection of the protective door open request switch and the guard unlock signal.B-63494EN/01 3. In the normal state. the CNC judges that an abnormal event has occurred and enters the safe stop state. State transition A B C D ORQ-I 0 1 1 1 ORQ 0 0 1 1 *LGD 0 0 0 1 *LGD-O 0 0 0 0 A protective door open request is not made. The actual safety door is unlocked. when the door happens to open (or to be unlocked) while machining is in progress with the protective door open . this signal is output. A guard open request is made. the following state transition takes place before the safety monitoring state is established. the signal to unlock the actual protective door should be output through the PMC.27 - . 9. After this. the Ladder program turns on the unlock signal. the CNC turns *LGD off. the unlock signal is turned off. it checks that the machine position and speed are within safe ranges. . an alarm may be raised when the door is closed (locked). the guard unlock signal (*LGD) is turned on. (2) When *LGD goes on. (3) The door is open. ORQ_P ORQ *LGD *LGD_P1 (Actual door unlock signal) SGD_P SGD2 Actual door status Door closed Door opened t (5) Door closed (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) When the guard open request signal (ORQ) is input. (4) The protective door is closed and locked.3. (5) When ORQ goes off. If this time requirement is not satisfied. Then. the guard open request signal (ORQ) must be turned off.SAFETY FUNCTIONS B-63494EN/01 Timing diagram from door close state to door open state The following diagram shows the timings at which the door is opened and closed again.28 - . While the door is open. CAUTION Reserve a time of 100 ms or longer (t in the figure) from when the door is closed (locked) until the guard open request signal (ORQ) goes off. This example assumes that the protective door has an electromagnetic lock mechanism. the motor maintains the high speed prior to the power-down and coasts. the processing to open or close the protective door depends on the Ladder program created by the machine tool builder. if the protective door should not be opened in the emergency stop state. This is mandatory. the servo motor slows down to a stop (*) and enters the dynamic brake stop. the corresponding parameter must be specified. CAUTION To enable the function to slow down and stop the servo motor.29 - . If the parameter is not specified. The spindle slows down to a stop(*) as instructed by the PMC. a Ladder program of the processing must be created. and the power is shut off.5 EMERGENCY STOP The emergency stop signal is monitored in redundant mode. depending on the state. For instance. When the emergency stop is canceled.SAFETY FUNCTIONS 3. the motor immediately enters the dynamic brake stop state. When the emergency stop is input. if the emergency stop state is canceled with the protective door open and if no door open request is made. the CNC enters the safe stop state. . an alarm may occur. the CNC judges that an error has occurred and enters the safe stop state. In the emergency stop state.B-63494EN/01 3. WARNING In the emergency stop state. If an illegal speed is specified because of a failure on the PMC side while the safety function is active (the protective door is open). For instance. IMPORTANT Emergency Stop Button must fulfil the Standard IEC60947-5-1. The spindle motor slows down and stops as instructed by the PMC (Ladder program). the guard unlock signal becomes 1 (the door opens). If the PMC does not instruct this. If the speed does not exceed the safe speed range and if the machine position is in within the safe range. IMPORTANT 1 The period from when an error is detected until the MCC is shut off can be specified in a parameter. In this parameter.6 SAFE SPEED MONITORING When the guard open request signal is input. and the like must be carefully selected so that a safe speed can be kept on the feed axis. a single safe speed range is specified in a safety parameter. 3 Before inputting the guard open request signal. the dual check safety function starts monitoring whether a safe speed is kept on each feed axis and spindle. different values can be specified and used when the safety function is enabled (the protective door is open) and disabled (normal operation is performed). CAUTION If an illegal speed is detected. If a speed exceeds the limit. If the door is forced open. If the safe speed range is exceeded while the protective door is open. the function cannot detect this state.3. The period is reserved to stop the spindle safely. If an error causes a movement on the feed axis at a speed lower than the safe speed range while the protective door is open. the power to the driving circuit is shut off (safe stop state). For each feed axis and spindle. the guard open request signal is not accepted (the door is not unlocked). the dual check safety function immediately enters the safe stop state.SAFETY FUNCTIONS B-63494EN/01 3. The machine must be designed so that this state does not affect the safety of the machine system. reduce each axial speed and spindle speed to a safe speed range or below. A large value means that a long time is needed to shut off the MCC. the MCC is shut off after the time specified in the parameter. WARNING The safe speed monitoring function monitors whether the traveling speed exceeds a specified limit. . for instance. 2 A gear ratio. the guard unlock signal is enabled. The function cannot monitor the stop state (zero speed). The value of the parameter for the former case must be carefully specified.30 - . ball screw. If the reference position return is completed and if the protective door is open. the CNC checks whether a reference position return is completed. (The function cannot be disabled by any means after the reference position is established. . in the safe stop state. the dual check safety function checks whether the position on each feed axis is within the safe machine position range defined by safety parameters. safe machine position monitoring and safe speed monitoring are performed. Depending on the safety parameter setting.B-63494EN/01 3. safe machine position monitoring cannot be performed because the coordinates are not set. After a reference position return is made. the safety functions start working. Accordingly. If it detects a machine position beyond the safety range. If the reference position return is not completed. This check function is enabled after the reference position is established. To avoid this alarm. an alarm may be raised. At power-on. the system enters the safe stop state.7 SAFE MACHINE POSITION MONITORING While the door is open. however. Then. After power-on. specify the safe machine position parameters before making a reference position return.31 - . the dual check safety function immediately enters the safe stop state. the check function is disabled. the machine position monitoring function is disabled.SAFETY FUNCTIONS 3. The travel distance depends on the traveling speed and other conditions. CAUTION The safe machine position monitoring function does not keep monitoring the specified range. this function is enabled. the safety function does not work. an overtravel has occurred on the feed axis. If the reference position return is not carried out. In this state.) A safe machine position limit on each feed axis is specified in a safety parameter. The user of the machine must first carry out a reference position return in order to obtain the initial position. Only after the function detects that a position on a feed axis exceeds the range. The protective door can be opened only after the MCC off Test is carried out accordingly. prepare the system for mechanical MCC shut-off before starting the MCC off Test. Because the test shuts off the MCC.32 - .SAFETY FUNCTIONS B-63494EN/01 3. IMPORTANT Carry out the MCC off Test with the protective door closed.3. A message telling that the MCC off Test must be carried out is displayed at power-on or when 24 hours have elapsed after the previous MCC off Test. so that the safety functions would not be damaged by a possible cause of failure. .8 MCC OFF TEST A MCC off Test must be carried out in intervals of 24 hours. no condensation 10% to 90% RH. no condensation than 1 month) Operating 0.5 G or less Non–operating 1. Environmental conditions for CNC units Condition LCD–mounted type control unit and display unit (except unit with data server function) 0°C to 58°C –20°C to 60°C Stand–alone type control unit LCD–mounted type control unit with PC and data server functions 5°C to 53°C Ambient Temperature of the unit Humidity Operating Storage Transport Normal 0°C to 55°C 75% RH or less.INSTALLATION 4 INSTALLATION Except FSSB I/O module.B-63494EN/01 4. power supply. no condensation . IP40 without oil-seal Servo and Spindle amplifiers: IP1x CNC and other accessories: Ipxx NOTE Servo/Spindle amplifiers.0 G or less Operating Up to 1000 m Up to 1000 m Non–operating Up to 12000 m Up to 12000 m Normal machine shop environment (The environment must be considered if the cabinets are in a location where the density of dust. EMC problem should be referred to EMC guideline manual (A72937/E). coolant. CNC are to be installed in IP54 protected cabinets. should be referred to connection manual (B-63003EN) for CNC units and (B-65162E) for servo amplifier.) 10% to 75% RH. Degree of IP protection: Servo Motors: IP55 Spindle Motors: IP54 with oil-seal. no condensation Vibration Meters above sea level Environment Short period(less 95% RH or less. and/or organic solvent is relatively high. the hardware installation such as field wiring. etc. The peripheral units and the control unit have been designed on the assumption that they are housed in closed cabinets.33 - . and condensation-free (3) Vibration In operation : Below 0. .34 - .INSTALLATION B-63494EN/01 Environmental conditions for servo amplifier The servo amplifier α series must be installed in a sealed type cabinet to satisfy the following environmental requirements: (1) Ambient Temperature Ambient temperature of the unit : 0 to 55°C (at operation) -20 to 60°C (at keeping and transportation) (2) Humidity Normally 90% RH or below.5G (4) Atmosphere No corrosive or conductive mists or drops should deposit directly on the electronic circuits.4. etc. 24VDC CPD1 JD1 JD1 JA3 Manual pulse generator Operator's panel Power magnetics cabinet .1.INSTALLATION 4.B-63494EN/01 4.1 4.1 LCD display unit OVERALL CONNECTION DIAGRAM For One-path Mother board 24V-IN(CP1A) 24V-OUT(CP1B) MDI UNIT CK2 CK1 24 VDC supply power To I/O device Soft key cable MDI(CA55) R232(JD36A) R232(JD36B) RS-232C I/O device RS-232C I/O device Touch panel HDI(JA40) High-speed skip input Distribution-type I/O board 24VDC I/O-LINK(JD1A) CPD1 JD1 JD1 I/O unit.35 - . 36 - .) Separate detector interface unit 24VDC CP11A COP10B COP10A JF101 JF102 JF103 JF104 JA4A Battery for absolute position detector Linear scale axis 2 Linear scale axis 3 FSSB I/O DC24V CP11A CB155A COP10B CB156A COP10A SV-CHK(CA54) Power magnetics cabinet Servo check board .INSTALLATION B-63494EN/01 Mother board LCD display unit SPDL(JA41) JA7B JA7A Second spindle SPM JY2 TB2 Spindle motor Axis 1 servo motor FSSB(COP10A) COP10B COP10A COP10B COP10A COP10B COP10A SVM SVM SVM TB2 JF1 TB2 JF1 TB2 JF1 Axis 2 servo monitor Axis 3 servo motor (This diagram assumes the use of a 1-axis amplifier.4. 2 For Two-path I/O module for operator’s panel JD1B CE56 JD1A CE57 Machine operator’s panel Main board I/O Link (JD44A) I/O module for connector panel JD1B CB150 JD1A Power magnetics cabinet SPDL (JA41) To next I/O unit Safe-related and other signals FSSB (COP10A-1) 200VAC 2φ 200VAC 3φ PSM CX1A CZ1 CX4 CX3 MCC Emergency stop TB1 TB1 SPM JA7B JA7A CXA2A CXA2B JYA2 CZ2 Spindle motor TB1 To next SPM (JA7B) TB1 Axis control card SVM1 COP10B COP10A CXA2B JF1 CZ2 CXA2A Servo motor To next SVM (COP10B) .1.INSTALLATION 4.37 - .B-63494EN/01 4. 4.38 - .INSTALLATION From previous SVM (COP10A) Separate detector interface unit COP10B JF101 COP10A JF102 JF103 JF104 JA4A B-63494EN/01 Separate detector Separate detector Separate detector Separate detector Battery Safe-related signals FSSB I/O module COP10B CB155 COP10A CB156 Power magnetics cabinet . B-63494EN/01 4.INSTALLATION Sub CPU board TB1 SPM SPDL (JA41) JA7B JA7A TB1 To next SPM (JA7B) TB1 Axis control card FSSB (COP10A-1) SVM1 COP10B COP10A CXA2B JYA2 CZ2 Spindle motor CXA2A CXA2B JF1 CZ2 Servo motor to next SVM (COP10B) From previous SVM (COP10A) Separate detector interface unit COP10B COP10A JF101 JF102 JF103 JF104 JA4A Separate detector Separate detector Separate detector Separate detector Battery Safe-related signals FSSB I/O module COP10B COP10A CB155 CB156 Power magnetics cabinet .39 - . "OPERATION.INSTALLATION B-63494EN/01 4.2 DI/DO CONNECTION (VIA THE PMC) For DI/DO signals connected via the PMC. see Chapter 6.40 - . via the PMC: PMC→CNC G008 PMC→CNC G191 CNC→PMC F191 #7 #6 #5 #4 *ESPG #3 #2 #1 #0 #7 #6 *SMC1 #5 GDL1 #5 #4 SGD1 #4 #3 ORQ #3 #2 OPT #2 RQT #1 #0 #7 #6 #1 MCF1 #0 *LGD For the meaning of each of the above signals.4. the I/O signals of the unit connected to the FANUC I/O Link are to be input to or output from the following addresses." Hatted signals means dual monitoring. . the I/O signals are to be directly connected to the I/O unit connected to the FSSB.INSTALLATION 4.1 DI/DO CONNECTION (VIA THE FSSB) For DI/DO signals connected via the FSSB.B-63494EN/01 4. The connection to CP11B is the same as for CP11A. . FSSB I/O Connection Power supply connection External power supply CP11A 1 2 3 +24V 0V 24 VDC stabilized power supply 24 VDC±10% Cable CP11A AMP Japan 1-178288-3 (Housing) 1-175218-5 (Contact) +24V(1) 0V(2) External power supply Select a one that matches the pins of the external power supply.3. The 24 VDC power input to CP11A can be drawn from CP11B for distribution. Recommended cable specification: A02B-0124-K830 (5 m) An M3 crimp terminal is provided on the external power supply side.3 4.41 - . " of the above signals.B17) For the meanings "OPERATION. DOCOM CB155A(B06) Signal name +24V 0V +24V stabilized power supply CB155A(A11) Relay DV MCF2 DV CB155A(B11) Relay CB155A(A17. CB155A(A01) CB155A(B01) CB155A(A02) CB155A(A07) CB155A(B07) CB155A(A08) CB155A(B08) CB155A(A09) CB155A(B09) CB155A(A10) *ESP2 RV RV RV RV RV SGD2 GDL2 SMC2 RV RV RV Pin No. see Chapter 6.INSTALLATION B-63494EN/01 DI/DO connection Signal name +24V Pin No.4.42 - . . 2 FSSB I/O Attachment External dimensions CP11A CP11B Upper:CB156A Lower:CB155A COP10A COP10B .B-63494EN/01 4.3.43 - .INSTALLATION 4. INSTALLATION B-63494EN/01 Screw attachment Mounting hole machining diagram .44 - .4. So. provide about 20 mm between the adjacent unit and this unit. As a guideline. a sufficiently large working space must be provided on the both sides of this unit.B-63494EN/01 4.45 - . a screwdriver is inserted at an angle. Working space around the I/O unit .INSTALLATION CAUTION When attaching/detaching this unit. provide about 70 mm between the adjacent unit and this unit. When installing this unit near the side of the cabinet. provide about 70 mm between this unit and the cabinet. if the front surface of an adjacent unit is flush with or set back from the front surface of this unit. If the front surface of the adjacent stands forward of the front surface of this unit. INSTALLATION B-63494EN/01 Attachment to a DIN rail Attachment DIN rail Detachment DIN rail Attachment 1.4. . Hook the unit over the top of the DIN rail. be careful not to damage the lock section by applying excessive force. Pull down the lock section with a standard screwdriver. Detachment 1. if possible. to prevent force from being applied to the side (where the cooling rents are provided) of the unit.46 - . hold the upper and lower parts of the unit. Pull the lower part of the unit toward you. When attaching or detaching the unit. Press the unit down until it snaps into place. 2. 2. CAUTION When detaching the unit. ±10% includes momentary variations and ripples.) (1) Use the unit in a completely sealed cabinet. or a relatively high concentration of organic solvents. Installation conditions Power supply capacity Supply voltage 24V±10% is fed from the CP11A connector of the basic module. transportation -20°C to 60°C Temperature variation 1.3 FSSB I/O Specification List Ambient temperature Operating 0°C to 55°C of the unit Storage. the FSSB transfer period and ladder scan period need to be considered.3A+7. and Other conditions provide a space of 100 mm or more above and below the unit.47 - .B-63494EN/01 4. . Output signal specifications Maximum load current at 200 mA or less including momentary ON time variations Saturation voltage at ON 1 V (MAX) when the load current is 200 mA time 24 V +20% or less including momentary Dielectric voltage variations Output leakage current at 20 µA or less OFF time Driver delay time: 50 µs(MAX) Delay time In addition. 16 mA or more 1 mA or less (when the voltage is 26.5G or less Normal machining plant environment (Check is required if the unit is to be used in an Atmosphere environment exposed to relatively high levels of dust or coolant. the FSSB transfer period and ladder scan period must be considered. (2) Install the unit on a vertical surface.1°C /minute maximum Normally Relative humidity 75% or less Humidity Short term (no more than one month) Relative humidity 95% or less Vibration Operating 0.3.3mAxDI Remarks Number of DI points in DI = ON state Input signal specifications Contact capacity Leakage current between open contacts Voltage drop across closed contacts Delay time 30 VDC. Do not install equipment that dissipates much heat under this unit. Power supply capacity 0.4 V) 2 V or less (including a cable voltage decrease) Receiver delay time: 2 ms (MAX) In addition.INSTALLATION 4. 48 - .I/O SIGNALS B-63494EN/01 5 I/O SIGNALS .5. for an input signal.I/O SIGNALS 5. see Subsection 5. That is. its classification. function.2. If either is 0. a signal name is followed by its symbol and addresses <via PMC> and <via FSSB>.2. For information about the emergency stop mode. MCC off Test mode. and the other for output from the monitor via the FSSB. the MCC may be turned on.B-63494EN/01 5.49 - . If such a state lasts for the period set in a parameter or more. the MCC must be turned off.2. the signal is assumed to be 1. and safety signal modes A/B/C/D described in Subsection 5. its classification. (Dual-check for safety input signals) For output signals (safety output signals). and the other for input to the monitor via the FSSB. Then. the CNC and monitor independently detect an alarm. In Subsection 5. For input signals (safety input signals). in this order. . the signal is assumed to be 0. When both a signal via one path and the same signal via the other path are 1. If a mismatch is found between a safety input signal via one path and the same signal via the other path. For an output signal. and operation are described. and output condition are described in this order.1 OVERVIEW The dual check safety function provides two input paths and two output paths for safe-related signals (safety signals). function. The MCC-on enable signal (MCF) is output via these two paths. if the signal (MCF1) via the PMC and the signal (MCF2) via the FSSB are both 1. two paths are used: one path for input to the CNC via the PMC. If either is 0.2. two paths are used: one path for output from the CNC via the PMC. the signal is assumed to be 0. The CNC and monitor exchange the safety input signals with each other at all times to check each other. When test mode signal (OPT) is 1. If a MCC off Test is not completed within the time set in parameter No. the guard unlock signal (*LGD) is set to 0 (to disable guard unlocking). When emergency stop signal (*ESP) is set to 0.) In the emergency stop state or while a servo or spindle alarm is present. the MCC off test processing is not performed. In this mode. When *SMC = 0 (MCC-on state ). CAUTION Emergency stop signals (*ESP) via the PMC <X008#4> (<X1000#7> for loader control) and via the FSSB <DI+000#0> are checked each other (dual-check for safety input signals). and an emergency stop occurs.50 - . the guard unlock signal (*LGD) is set to 1 (to enable guard unlocking). When emergency stop signal (*ESP) is set to 0. *ESPG <G008#4>. the CNC is reset. and a test is conducted to see if an appropriate MCC contact state signals (*SMC1/*SMC2) pattern is input. 488 is issued. 1946. .5. the CNC performs safety output signal MCC off Test processing. the MCC contact state signal (*SMC) is checked. respectively. but *ESP via the PMC <G008#4> is not checked. the servo ready signal SA is set to 0. Test mode signal OPT <G191#2> [Classification] [Function] [Operation] Input signal This signal notifies the CNC that MCC off Test mode is set with the dual check safety function.2 SIGNALS Emergency stop signal *ESP1 <X008#4>(<X1000#7> for loader control). the emergency stop mode is set with the dual check safety function. In general. Test mode signal (OPT) is not input via the FSSB. *ESP2 <DI+000#0> [Classification] [Function] [Operation] Input signal Stops machine movement immediately in an emergency. When *SMC = 1 (MCC-off state). When an emergency stop occurs. servo alarm No.I/O SIGNALS B-63494EN/01 5. (MCC-on enable signals (MCF1/MCF2) is output in various patterns. emergency stop signal (*ESP) is specified by the pushbutton switch B contact. MCF1 (PMC) MCF2 (FSSB) *SMC1 (PMC) *SMC2 (FSSB) Timer limit Timer 1 2 3 4 Alarm !! Test start Example 2) Timing chart 2 of MCC off test (abnormal state) . MCF2 via the FSSB connected to tool posts 2 and 3 under two-CPU three-path control is tested by the MCC off test on tool post 2 and is not tested by the MCC off test on tool post 3. avoid bringing the test mode signal (OPT) to 0. avoid carrying out an MCC off test on those paths simultaneously.51 - .I/O SIGNALS CAUTION 1 While the MCC off test processing is in progress. 4 If the MCC off test processing is in progress on one of different paths sharing the MCC under multi-path control. the remaining paths sharing the MCC should ignore a VRDY OFF alarm by using the following: all-axis VRDY OFF alarm ignore signal (IGNVRY <066#0>) or axial VRDY OFF alarm ignore signals (IGNVRY1 to IGNVRY8 <G192>). WARNING While the MCC off test processing is in progress. Test No. 2 If multi-path control is carried out. MCF1 (PMC) MCF2 (FSSB) *SMC1 (PMC) *SMC2 (FSSB) Timer limit Timer 1 2 3 4 5 Test start Test completion Example 1) Timing chart 1 of MCC off test (normal state) Test No. 5 MCF2 via the FSSB under one-CPU two-path control is tested by the MCC off test on tool post 1 and is not tested by the MCC off test on tool post 2. the MCC-on enable signal (MCF) goes high and low to turn on and off the MCC. 3 If different paths under multi-path control share the MCC.B-63494EN/01 5. Never run the MCC off test simultaneously on tool posts 1 and 2 under one-CPU two-path control or on tool posts 2 and 3 under two-CPU three-path control. run an MCC off test on individual paths independently. Carry out the MCC off test in such a state that the turning on or off of the MCC will not cause a problem. (In emergency stop state.4. Input this signal according to the guard state. 0: Guard open state 1: Guard closed state This input signal is used together with safety input signals such as guard open request signal (ORQ) to determine a safety signal mode that specifies the operation of the CNC. however. see Subsection 5. monitor and spindle software make a machine position check and safe speed check.4. but please input same signal (GDL1) both via PMC and via FSSB all time because dual-check for guard lock state signal (GDL2) is executed by CNC and monitor. the guard unlock signal (*LGD) is set to 1. Guard state signal SGD1 <G191#4>. SGD2 <DI+001#4> [Classification] [Function] Input signal This signal posts the guard open/closed state to the CNC and monitor with the dual check safety function. For details. If the results of the checks assure safety. the CNC and monitor set guard unlock signal (*LGD) to 0 (to disable guard unlocking). Guard open request signal (ORQ) is not input via the FSSB. GDL2 <DI+001#5> [Classification] [Function] Input signal This signal posts the guard lock state to the CNC and monitor with the dual check safety function. monitor. [Operation] . guard unlock signal (*LGD) is set to 1 (to enable guard unlocking). This is mandatory.I/O SIGNALS B-63494EN/01 Guard open request signal ORQ <G191#3> [Classification] [Function] [Operation] Input signal This signal requests the CNC to unlock the guard with the dual check safety function. the CNC.5. When the guard open request signal (ORQ) is 1. [Operation] IMPORTANT Interlock switch must fulfil the Standard IEC60947-51. Guard lock state signal GDL1 <G191#5>.52 - .) See Subsection 5. When guard open request signal (ORQ) is 0. and spindle software. 0: Guard unlocked state 1: Guard locked state This signal is usually not used. this signal is state to 1 (to enable the MCC to be turned on). [Output condition] MCC-on enable signal MCF1 <F191#1>. the machine is positioned within the safety area. *SMC2 <DI+001#6> [Classification] [Function] Input signal This signal posts the MCC state to the CNC and monitor with the dual check safety function. the guard is unlocked. this signal is set to 1 (to enable guard unlocking): • When emergency stop state is set.53 - . When either of the MCC on-enable signals (MCF1 and MCF2) is 0. this signal is set to 0 (to prevent the MCC from being turned on): • When a safety-related alarm is issued • When the emergency stop state is issued In cases other than above. the servo and spindle motors rotate within the safe speeds. When *LGD is 1. [Output condition] . When both MCF1 and MCF2 are 1. the MCC is turned on. and MCC off Test execution request signal (RQT) is 0 In cases other than the above. [Operation] Guard unlock signal *LGD <F191#0> [Classification] [Function] Output signal This signal notifies that guard unlocking is enabled with the dual check safety function. In the following cases. the MCC is tuned on. 0: MCC-on state 1: MCC-off state When the MCC contact state signals (*SMC1 and *SMC2) are 1 in the emergency stop state. Guard unlock signal (*LGD) is not output via the FSSB. this signal is set to 0 (to disable guard unlocking). the guard is locked.I/O SIGNALS MCC contact state signal *SMC1 <G191#6>.B-63494EN/01 5.MCF2 <DO+000#1> [Classification] [Function] Output signal This signal posts notification that the MCC can be turned on with the dual check safety function. and MCC contact state signals (*SMC1 and *SMC2) are 1 (MCC-off state) • When guard open request signal (ORQ) is 1. the CNC sets the guard unlock signal (*LGD) to 1 (to enable guard unlocking). In the following cases. Input this signal according to the MCC state. When guard unlock signal (*LGD) is 0. The MCC contact state signals (*SMC1/*SMC2) is used to check if the MCC-on enable signals (MCF1/MCF2) operates normally in MCC off Test mode. 5.I/O SIGNALS B-63494EN/01 MCC off Test execution request signal RQT <F191#2> [Classification] [Function] Output signal This signal requests that MCC off Test mode be set, and a check is made to determine whether the safety output signals (MCC-on enable signal (MCF)) operate normally. When MCC off Test execution request signal (RQT) is set to 1, set MCC off Test mode and conduct a safety output signal MCC off Test as soon as possible. When MCC off Test execution request signal (RQT) is 1, guard unlock signal (*LGD) is set to 0 to disable guard unlocking even if safety signal mode B (state in which a guard open request is input, and the guard is closed) is set and the conditions including speed are satisfied. When safety signal mode C (state where a guard open request is input, and the guard is open) is set, and MCC off Test execution request signal (RQT) is set to 1, guard unlock signal (*LGD) is 0 to disable guard unlocking until MCC off Test execution request signal (RQT) is set to 0 after the guard is closed once. When MCC off Test execution request signal (RQT) is 1, the warning "PLEASE EXECUTE SAFE TEST" is displayed on a screen such as a parameter screen. (On some screens, no warning is displayed.) MCC off Test execution request signal (RQT) is not output via the FSSB. In the following cases, this signal is set to 1: • A MCC off Test is not completed after power-on (when bit 3 of parameter No. 1902 is 0). • Twenty-four hours have elapsed since the completion of the last MCC off Test. [Output condition] CAUTION 1 If the current date and time lags behind the date and time of the previously completed MCC off Test due to a clock change or the like, it is assumed that 24 hours have elapsed since the previous MCC off Test. 2 From February 28 to March 1, the elapse of 24 hours may be assumed even if 24 hours has not elapsed after the completion of the previous MCC off Test. 3 MCC must have forced guided contacts and must fulfil the Standard IEC60204 and the standard IEC 255.This is mandatory. In the following case, this signal is set to 0: • A MCC off Test is completed. - 54 - B-63494EN/01 5.I/O SIGNALS 5.3 SIGNAL ADDRESSES #7 X008 (For loader control) X1000 #7 *ESP1 #7 G008 #7 G191 #7 F191 #6 *SMC1 #6 #5 GDL1 #5 #6 #5 #4 *ESPG #4 SGD1 #4 #3 ORQ #3 #2 OPT #2 RQT #1 MCF1 #0 *LGD #1 #0 #3 #2 #1 #0 #6 #5 #6 #5 #4 *ESP1 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 #3 #2 #1 #0 Via the PMC Via the FSSB #7 DI+0000 #7 DI+001 #7 DO+000 #6 *SMC2 #6 #5 GDL2 #5 #4 SGD2 #4 #3 *BRK #2 #1 MCF2 #0 #3 #2 #1 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 *ESP2 #0 CAUTION 1 The signals of shaded boxes are duplexed. 2 Emergency stop signals (*ESP) via the PMC <X008#4> (<X1000#7> for loader control) and via the FSSB <DI+000#0> are checked each other (dual-check for safety input signals), but *ESP via the PMC <G008#4> is not checked. 3 *ESP1 (<X008#4> or <X1000#7> for loader control) is directly checked by the CNC. All signals via the FSSB are directly processed by the monitor CPU. None of the signals is processed by the PMC. - 55 - 5.I/O SIGNALS B-63494EN/01 5.4 SAFETY SIGNAL MODES Depending on the safety input signal state, the CNC, monitor, and spindle software internally have one of the six modes (safety signal modes) indicated in the table below. Safety signal mode Emergency stop mode MCC off Test mode Safety signal mode A Safety signal mode B Safety signal mode C Safety signal mode D Safety signal state *ESP = 0 OPT = 1 ORQ = 0, and SGD = 1 ORQ = 1, and SGD = 1 Machine state Emergency stop state State for conducting a MCC off Test Normal operation state State in which a guard open request is input, and the guard is closed ORQ = 1, and SGD = 0 State in which a guard open request is input, and the guard is open ORQ = 0, and SGD = 0 Abnormal state (state in which the guard is open although no guard open request is input.) In general, safety signal mode transitions are made as described below. Usually, safety signal mode A is set. In safety signal mode A, guard unlock signal (*LGD) is 0, and the guard is locked. When an emergency stop is required, emergency stop mode is set. In emergency stop mode, the MCC contact state signal (*SMC) is checked. When *SMC = 0 (MCC-on state), guard unlock signal (*LGD) is set to 0 (to disable guard unlocking). When *SMC = 1 (MCC-off state), guard unlock signal (*LGD) is set to 1 (to enable guard unlocking). When a MCC off Test is to be conducted, MCC off Test mode is set. In MCC off Test mode, safety output signal MCC off Test processing is performed. (MCC-on enable signal (MCF) are output in various patterns, and a test is conducted to determine whether appropriate MCC contact state signal (*SMC) patterns are input respectively.) When the guard is to be opened, safety signal mode B is set. In safety signal mode B, the CNC, monitor, and spindle software check the machine position and the speed on each axis. If safety is assured, guard unlock signal (*LGD) is set to 1 to enable the guard to be opened. When the guard is opended in safety signal mode B after guard unlock signal (*LGD) is set to 1, safety signal mode C is set. In safety signal mode C, the CNC, monitor, and spindle software check the machine position and the speed on each axis. If an abnormality is detected, an alarm is issued, MCC-on enable signal (MCF) is set to 0, and the MCC is turned off. Safety signal mode D represents an abnormal state in which the guard is open although no guard open request is made. In safety signal mode D, an alarm is issued, the MCC-on enable signal (MCF) is set to 0, and the MCC is turned off. - 56 - B-63494EN/01 5.I/O SIGNALS 5.5 NOTES ON MULTI-PATH CONTROL This section describes cautions about safe-related I/O signals that should be taken in multi-path control. 5.5.1 Two-CPU Two-Path Control (Without Axis Change between Paths) If there is no axis change between paths under two-CPU two-path control, a single independent group of safety areas can be provided for each path (two groups of safety areas in total). Two FSSB I/O units, that is one unit for each path, are required. (The two FSSB I/O units are required even if just one group of safety areas is provided.) Two groups of safety input signals are cross-checked. The first group consists of a safety signal input to tool post 1 (DI1C: X008#4, G191 in the figure below) and a safety signal input to the FSSB I/O unit connected to tool post 1 (DI1M). The second group consists of a safety signal input to tool post 2 (DI2C: X008#4, G1191) and a safety signal input to the FSSB I/O unit connected to tool post 2 (DI2M). Safety output signals should be provided to the safety areas, as follows: Provide a safety signal output from tool post 1 (DO1C: F191) and a safety signal output from the FSSB I/O unit connected to tool post 1 (DO1M) to the safety area of tool post 1; Provide a safety signal output from tool post 2 (DO2C: F1191) and a safety signal output from the FSSB I/O unit connected to tool post 2 (DO2M) to the safety area of tool post 2. MAIN BOARD Path 1 SUB BOARD crosscheck Path 2 DO1C DI1C CNC CPU Monitor CPU DO1M DI1M DO2C DI2C CNC CPU crosscheck Monitor CPU DO2M DI2M Safety Safetyarea area11 Guard Guard MCC MCC and so on and so on Safety Safetyarea area22 Guard Guard MCC MCC and so on and so on - 57 - 5.I/O SIGNALS B-63494EN/01 5.5.2 Two-CPU Two-Path Control (With Axis Change between Paths) If there is an axis change between paths under two-CPU two-path control, a single group of safety areas can be provided. Two FSSB I/O units, that is one unit for each path, are required. (The two FSSB I/O units are required although just one group of safety areas is provided.) Two groups of safety input signals are cross-checked. The first group consists of a safety signal input to tool post 1 (DI1C: X008#4, G191) and a safety signal input to the FSSB I/O unit connected to tool post 1 (DI1M). The second group consists of a safety signal input to tool post 2 (DI2C: X008#4, G1191) and a safety signal input to the FSSB I/O unit connected to tool post 2 (DI2M). Because just one group of safety areas is provided, these four safety input signals (DI1C, DI1M, DI2C, and DI2M) should be equal. Safety output signals should be provided to the single group of safety areas, as follows: Provide a safety signal output from tool post 1 (DO1C: F191), safety signal output from tool post 2 (DO2C: F1191), safety signal output from the FSSB I/O unit connected to tool post 1 (DO1M), and safety signal output from the FSSB I/O unit connected to tool post 2 (DO2M) to the single group of safety areas. MAIN BOARD Path 1 SUB BOARD crosscheck Path 2 DO1C DI1C CNC CPU Monitor CPU DO1M DI1M DO2C DI2C CNC CPU crosscheck Monitor CPU DO2M DI2M Safety Safetyarea area Guard Guard MCC MCC and so on and so on - 58 - and safety signal output from the FSSB I/O unit (DOM).I/O SIGNALS 5. The second group consists of a safety signal input to tool post 2 (DI2C: X008#4. and DIM) should be equal. A single FSSB I/O unit is required.B-63494EN/01 5. these three safety input signals (DI1C. Because just a single group of safety areas is provided. Two groups of safety input signals are cross-checked. The following three safety output signals should be provided to the single group of safety areas: safety signal output from tool post 1 (DO1C: F191). G1191) and a safety signal input to the FSSB I/O unit (DIM).3 One-CPU Two-Path Control A single group of safety areas can be provided under one-CPU twopath control.5.59 - . The first group consists of a safety signal input to tool post 1 (DI1C: X008#4. safety signal output from tool post 2 (DO2C: F1191). DI2C. G191) and a safety signal input to the FSSB I/O unit (DIM). MAIN BOARD DO1C DI1C DO2C DI2C Path 1 CNC CPU Path 2 crosscheck Monitor CPU DOM DIM Safety Safetyarea area Guard Guard MCC MCC and so on and so on . The second group consists of a safety signal input to tool post 2 (DI2C: X008#4. Two FSSB I/O units are required: one unit for tool post 1 and the other unit for tool posts 2 and 3. G1192) and a safety signal input to the FSSB I/O unit connected to tool posts 2 and 3 (DI2M). and DI2M) should be equal. (The two FSSB I/O units are required although just a single group of safety areas is provided.5. MAIN BOARD Path 1 SUB BOARD crosscheck DO1M DI1M DO2C DI2C DO3C DI3C Path 2 DO1C DI1C CNC CPU Monitor CPU CNC CPU Path 3 crosscheck Monitor CPU DO2M DI2M Safety Safetyarea area11 Guard Guard MCC MCC and so on and so on Safety Safetyarea area22 Guard Guard MCC MCC and so on and so on . the three safety input signals (DI2C. safety signal output from tool post 3 (DO3C: F2191). Provide a safety signal output from tool post 2 (DO2C: F1191). as follows: Provide a safety signal output from tool post 1 (DO1C: F191) and a safety signal output from the FSSB I/O unit connected to tool post 1 (DO1M) to the safety area of tool post 1. The first group consists of a safety signal input to tool post 1 (DI1C: X008#4. and safety signal output from the FSSB I/O unit connected to tool posts 2 and 3 (DO2M) to the single group of safety areas of tool posts 2 and 3. G2191) and a safety signal input to the FSSB I/O unit connected to tool posts 2 and 3 (DI2M).) Three groups of safety input signals are cross-checked. Safety output signals should be provided to the safety areas. The third group consists of a safety signal input to tool post 3 (DI3C: X008#4.5. G191) and a safety signal input to the FSSB I/O unit connected to tool post 1 (DI1M).I/O SIGNALS B-63494EN/01 5. Because the second and third groups share the same safety area.60 - . two groups of safety areas can be provided: one group for tool post 1 and the other group for tool posts 2 and 3. DI3C.4 Two-CPU Three-Path Control Under two-CPU three-path control. the single FSSB I/O unit for the loader is required. independently of that for the machine controlled with the main CPU board and sub-CPU board. (Even if the machine and loader share a single safety area.) The following safety input signals are cross-checked by the loader: a safety signal input to the loader (DILC: X1000#7. Provide the following safety output signals to the safety area of the loader: a safety signal output from the loader (DOLC: F191) and a safety signal output from the FSSB I/O unit connected to the loader (DOLM).5.I/O SIGNALS 5. Besides the FSSB unit for the machine.B-63494EN/01 5. a single FSSB unit is required for the loader.5 Loader Control A single group of safety areas can be provided for loader control. G191) and a safety signal input to the FSSB I/O unit connected to the loader (DILM). MAIN BOARD DO1C DI1C crosscheck DO1M DI1M LOADER BOARD DOLC DILC crosscheck DOLM DILM CNC CPU Monitor CPU CNC CPU Monitor CPU Safety Safetyarea area11 Guard Guard MCC MCC and so on and so on Safety Safetyarea area22 Guard Guard MCC MCC and so on and so on .61 - . 62 - .6.PARAMETERS B-63494EN/01 6 PARAMETERS . . and spindle software check the matching of the parameters stored at the two locations. For information about emergency stop mode. 3226) for the safety parameters. The CNC. monitor. 3225) for the safety parameters. Section 6.1 OVERVIEW The parameters related to the dual check safety function (safety parameters) are protected by a code (No.4 describes the functions that require special parameter settings. see Chapter 5.3 describes the parameters related to the use of the FSSB I/O unit. If the setting of a safety parameter is modified. The new setting of the parameter becomes effective after the power is turned back on.B-63494EN/01 6. the power must be turned off then back on.63 - . If a mismatch is found.PARAMETERS 6. MCC off Test mode. The value of a safety parameter cannot be modified unless the same value as the code for the safety parameters is set as the key (No. Section 6. an alarm is issued. and safety signal modes A/B/C/D described in this section. The safety parameters are stored in two locations on the CNC. the CNC and monitor always check the position deviation amount on each axis. Specific requirements are as follows.410 is issued. To use the dual check safety function under multi-path control. For details of the setting.2 PARAMETERS 1023 Servo axis number for each axis [Data type] [Valid data range] Byte axis 1. A controlled axis number represents an array number for an axis type parameter or axis type machine signal.1023 is set to 1. CAUTION To use the dual check safety function.6. 1829 Positional deviation limit during a stop for each axis [Data type] [Unit of data] [Valid data range] Word axis Detection unit 0 to 32767 Set a positional deviation limit for each axis at stop time. the first servo axis cannot be changed between paths. number of controlled axes Set which servo axis corresponds to each controlled axis. a servo alarm No. If the monitor detects that the position deviation limit is exceeded during a stop. 2.1023 is set to 1. Usually. In the dual check safety function.PARAMETERS B-63494EN/01 6. 3. one-CPU two-path control.1023 is set to 9. set the same value for a controlled axis number and servo axis number. and an immediate stop (same as an emergency stop) is performed. refer to the description of FSSB setting in the connection manual (function part).64 - .. a servo alarm No. If a positional deviation limit during a stop is exceeded at stop time.474 is issued only in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input and the guard is open). and tool post 2 must have an axis for which parameter No. and loader control: Tool post 1 (or loader) must have an axis for which parameter No. .. the first servo axis is required. For one-path control. . For two-CPU two-path control and two-CPU threepath control: Tool post 1 must have an axis for which parameter No.. CAUTION 1 The STP parameter is used temporarily. the CNC and monitor always check the position deviation amount on each axis. and an immediate stop (same as an emergency stop) is performed. #7 #6 DCE #5 0 #4 #3 STP #2 #1 #0 1902 0 [Data type] STP Bit When the power is turned on. WARNING Set STP = 0 after the STP parameter is used temporarily as in the case of machine adjustment. 1: Enabled. If the monitor detects that the position deviation limit is exceeded during moving. 2 Even when STP = 1. and the guard is opened) when the dual check safety function is used. In the dual check safety function. a servo alarm No. when a MCC off Test is not to be made at power-on as in the case of machine adjustment. set a value smaller than a positional deviation limit during movement (parameter No.65 - . 1828). set STP = 0. axis movement is performed at a speed not exceeding the safe speed.411 is issued.B-63494EN/01 6.475 is issued only in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input and the guard is open). and MCC off Test execution request signal (RQT) is output. (The warning "PLEASE EXECUTE MCC OFF TEST" is displayed at power-on. Usually. a MCC off Test is required if the power is turned 24 hours or more after the completion of the previous MCC off Test. for example. a MCC off test is: 0: Conducted. usually.) 1: Not conducted. a servo alarm No. So.PARAMETERS 1838 Positional deviation limit during movement for each axis in safety signal mode C [Data type] [Unit of data] [Valid data range] 2-word axis Detection unit 0 to 99999999 Set a positional deviation limit during movement for each axis in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. When the guard is open. If a positional deviation limit during movement is exceeded during movement. DCE The dual check safety function is: 0: Disabled. . 1: Not made. IS-B IS-C 0 to 240000 0 to 96000 0 to 240000 0 to 100000 0 to 48000 0 to 100000 Millimeter machine 1 mm/min Inch machine 0. WARNING Always set bits 5 and 7 of parameter No. The state in which the safe speed is not exceeded on any axis is one condition for setting the guard unlock signal (*LGD) to 1 (to enable guard unlocking). the safety functions may be executed incorrectly. 2 Set the DCN bit to 1 for the slave axis under tandem control or for the tool axis of a simple electronic gear box or electronic gear box 2-pair. CAUTION 1 The DCN bit cannot disable the checks by the dual check safety function for all the controlled axes. If one of these bits is set "1".1902 to 0.66 - . . Set the DCN bit to 0 for normal axes. If the safe speed is exceeded on one axis at least. #7 1904 #6 DCN #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 [Data type] DCN Bit axis The checks of the target axis by the dual check safety function are: 0: Made.6.1 inch/min Rotation axis 1 deg/min Set a safe speed for each axis. the guard unlock signal (*LGD) is brought to 0. The system cannot start-up because MCCon enable signal (MCF) = 0 when the DCE = 0. The CNC and monitor always check the velocity command of each axis in the dual check safety function. 1942 Safety speed for each axis [Data type] [Unit of data] [Valid data range] 2-word axis Increment system Unit of data Valid data range IS-A. WARNING The checks by the dual check safety function are not made on an axis for which the DCN bit is set to 1. to disable guard unlocking.PARAMETERS B-63494EN/01 CAUTION Usually set the DCE = 1 in the dual check safety function. WARNING 1 CNC and monitor check the machine position of each linear axis. if there is at least one linear axis whose machine position is not in the safe machine position (safe machine position (.494 is issued for the corresponding axis. Accordingly. CAUTION The checks are made on the basis of the speed converted to the detection unit. In safety signal mode B (state in which a guard open request is input.001 [Valid data range] -99999999 to 99999999 Set a safe machine position for each axis.0001 0. 2 CNC and monitor check the machine position of only each axis whose reference position is established.477 or No. and the guard is closed).67 - . .001 0.direction) ≤ machine position ≤ safe machine position (+ direction)).0001 IS-C 0. Accordingly. a calculation error may occur.495 is issued.B-63494EN/01 6. 1943 1944 Safe machine position of each axis (+ direction) Safe machine position of each axis (.00001 Unit mm inch Millimeter machine 0. and not check it of each rotation axis. The state in which the machine positions of all linear axes are within the safe machine positions is one condition for setting the guard unlock signal (*LGD) to 1 (to enable guard unlocking). a servo alarm No.direction) [Data type] [Unit of data] 2-word axis Increment system IS-A IS-B 0. a calculation error may occur.01 Inch machine 0.476 or No. a servo alarm No. and not check it of each axis whose reference position is not established. The CNC and monitor always check the machine position on each linear axis in the dual check safety function.PARAMETERS If the safe speed is exceeded in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input and the guard is open). the guard unlock signal (*LGD) is set to 0 to disable guard unlocking. CAUTION The checks are made on the basis of the machine position to the detection unit. If the machine position on a linear axis exceeds the safe machine position in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input and the guard is open). If a MCC off Test is not completed within the time set in this parameter. If a value of less than 16 is specified. 1946 MCC off Test timer [Data type] [Unit of data] [Valid data range] Word ms 0 to 32767 When MCC off Test mode is set with the dual check safety function. the timers are not used. a servo alarm No. MCC-off timer 1 MCC-off timer 2 1947 1948 [Data type] [Unit of data] [Valid data range] Word ms 0 to 32767 When the MCC-on enable signal (MCF) needs to be set to 0 (MCC off) with the dual check safety function for a cause such as an alarm or emergency stop. or tool posts 2 and 3 under two-CPU three-path control. The CNC and monitor exchange the input signals with each other at all times to check each other. If a value of less than 0 is specified. two tool posts under one-CPU two-path control. If the MCC is cut off while the spindle motor is rotating.488 is issued. the spindle motor will continue to rotate (free-run) and stop after time. If a spindle alarm is issued. and the other for input to the monitor via the FSSB. CAUTION Set identical values in parameters No. If a mismatch greater than the time set in this parameter is detected between an input signal via one path and the same signal via the other path.68 - .486 is issued.479 or No. the CNC conducts a safety output signal MCC off Test. however. the CNC and monitor set MCC-on enable signal (MCF) to 0 when an MCC-off timer value has elapsed after the alarm or emergency stop state. Instead.PARAMETERS 1945 Safety input signal check timer B-63494EN/01 [Data type] [Unit of data] [Valid data range] Word ms 0 to 32767 For input signals related to the dual check safety function (safety input signals). a specification of 10000 ms is assumed. two paths are used: one path for input to the CNC via the PMC. a specification of 16 ms is assumed. a servo alarm No. When the .6.1945 for the following: two tool posts under two-CPU two-path control with axis change between paths. MCC-on enable signal (MCF) is set to 0 immediately. 1948 likewise.B-63494EN/01 6. If 1 is set. Set identical values in parameters No.1959 to 0. two tool posts under one-CPU two-path control. State When a spindle alarm is issued When the guard is closed When the guard is open Timer used No timer is used. and after that cut MCC off.1947 for the following: two tool posts under two-CPU two-path control with axis change between paths. WARNING Always set all bits of parameter No. CAUTION Set identical values in parameters No. 2500 ms is assumed. please use these parameters and control the spindle motor to stop. a safety function is not worked normally. Usually.PARAMETERS spindle motor should stop as quickly as possible. . or tool posts 2 and 3 under two-CPU three-path control. If a value less than 0 is specified.1950 for the following: two tool posts under two-CPU two-path control with axis change between paths. or tool posts 2 and 3 under two-CPU three-path control. MCC-off timer 1 (No. two tool posts under one-CPU two-path control. specify 0.69 - . 1948) CAUTION Set identical values in parameters No. 1950 Brake signal timer [Data type] [Unit of data] [Valid data range] Word ms 0 to 32767 Set a time period from when the monitor in the dual check safety function detects that the MCC contact state signal (*SMC2) is 0 (MCC on state) until the brake release signal (*BRK) goes 1 (brake release enabled). 1947) MCC-off timer 2 (No. #7 1959 0 #6 0 #5 0 #4 0 #3 0 #2 0 #1 0 #0 0 [Data type] Bit set all bits to 0. 2078 and No. At this time. 3225 Code for safety parameters [Data type] [Valid data range] 2-word 0 to 99999999 Set a code (password) for protecting against modifications to parameters related to the dual check safety function (safety parameters). set parameters No. However. when making this change.2078 or No.2000) is set to 0) is selected. 5 Parameters No. set parameters No. When a code for safety parameters is set.2079 again. 2 Changing parameter No. the result indicated in the table below is produced.PARAMETERS 2078 2079 Monitor conversion factor (numerator) of each axis B-63494EN/01 Monitor conversion factor (denominator) of each axis [Data type] Word axis Set the following values. Input method Result MDI input Warning "WRITE PROTECT" G10 (programmable parameter input) P/S231 FORMAT ERROR IN G10 L50 Input via the reader/puncher interface No alarm is issued.2079 to the values calculated on the basis of the feedback pulse count of the built-in pulse coder.2079 will not cause a P/S000 alarm (PLEASE TURN OFF POWER).2078 and No.2079 = Lowest possible terms of the feedback pulse count of built-in pulse coder per motor revolution over one million CAUTION 1 The monitor in the dual check safety function takes in the feedback of the built-in pulse coder. turn off the power. .2079 are used also for the dual position feedback function.2078 and No. Even if a separate position detector is used. No. 3 Parameters No. the parameters are locked. the setting (code) is not displayed but is blank. depending on the method of input. After making the standard servo parameter setting. and safety parameter input is disabled.2078 and No. 4 Set both parameters No.2079 are cleared if the standard servo parameter setting (turning on or off the power when the DGPR bit (bit 1 of parameter No.70 - . but parameter input is disabled. If an attempt is made to input data in a locked safety parameter. No attempt is successful.6. The changed parameter value takes effect after the power is turned on again.2078 and No.2078/No.2079 to 0 for the slave axis under tandem control. the value set in this parameter is cleared.1904#3. the CNC and spindle software always check the speed of each spindle motor. No.1904#5. a spindle alarm No. Moreover. No. CAUTION Once a key is set. No. No. In safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input and the guard is open).767) or AL-69 is issued for the corresponding spindle. No.1948. No.3225. No1904#6.1950. No.1959. In safety signal mode B (state in which a guard open request is input. or when the code for safety parameters is the same as the key for safety parameters (No. No. No. With the dual check safety function. No.B-63494EN/01 6. No.1829.1944. No.1902 #6.1946. No.1023.1904#0.PARAMETERS Input through a window Completion code 7 (write protect) A code for safety parameters can be set when the safety parameters are not locked. when the code for safety parameters is 0. Be careful when setting a code for safety parameters. . No.1945. guard unlock signal (*LGD) is set to 0 to disable guard unlocking. if a spindle speed exceeds the safe speed.1943.1947.1904#1. No.1904#4. No.1942. if there is at least one spindle whose speed is greater than the safe speed. 4372 Safe speed of each spindle [Data type] [Unit of data] [Valid data range] Word min-1 0 to 32767 Set a safe speed for each spindle in terms of motor speed.757 (No.1902#5. The value set in this parameter is not displayed. No.1838. No. No. the key is opened to enable modifications to the safety parameters. No. the key must be cancelled or memory must be cleared before the safety parameters can be modified. and the guard is closed). No.71 - . the code for the safety parameters cannot be modified. No. When the power is turned off.1904#2. The following safety parameters are protected by a code for safety parameters: No. that is. 3226).1902#3. The state in which the speeds of all spindle motors are within the safe speeds is one condition for setting guard unlock signal (*LGD) to 1 (to enable guard unlocking). resulting in the locked state.4372 3226 Key for safety parameters [Data type] [Valid data range] 2-word 0 to 99999999 When the same value as the code for safety parameters is set in this parameter. 6.PARAMETERS B-63494EN/01 6.3 PARAMETERS RELATED TO THE USE OF FSSB I/O UNIT #7 1902 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 FMD [Data type] FMD Bit The FSSB setting mode is: 0: Automatic setting mode. 1: Manual setting 2 mode. CAUTION When using the dual check safety function, set the FMD bit to 1, to select manual setting 2 mode. #7 1905 #6 #5 IO2 #4 IO1 #3 #2 #1 #0 [Data type] IO1 IO2 Bit axis A first FSSB I/O unit is: 0: Not used. 1: Used. A second FSSB I/O unit is: 0: Not used. 1: Used. CAUTION 1 The FSSB I/O unit and separate detector interface unit (pulse module) are handled as units of the same type on the FSSB. The term "first unit" or "second unit" used in the following description means that the unit is the first or second one when counted disregarding the difference between the FSSB I/O unit and separate detector interface unit. If one FSSB I/O unit and one separate detector interface unit are connected and if the separate detector interface unit is closer to the CNC on the FSSB than the FSSB I/O unit, for instance, the FSSB I/O unit is referred to as the "second unit." 2 The FSSB I/O unit is controlled on the first servo axis. Set IO1 (or IO2) to 1 for an axis for which parameter No.1023 is set to 1 (to 9 for tool post 2 under two-CPU two-path control or two-CPU threepath control). For the other axes, set both IO1 and IO2 to 0. - 72 - B-63494EN/01 6.PARAMETERS 1910 1919 1970 1979 Address conversion table value for slave 1 of FSSB channel 1 (ATR) : Address conversion table value for slave 10 of FSSB channel 1 (ATR) Address conversion table value for slave 1 of FSSB channel 2 (ATR) : Address conversion table value for slave 10 of FSSB channel 2 (ATR) [Data type] [Valid data range] Byte 0 to 7, 16, 40, 48 Set the address conversion table values for slaves 1 to 10 of each FSSB channel. "Slave" is a generic term for the FSSB I/O unit, separate detector interface unit, and servo amplifier connected to the CNC by an FSSB optical cable. The slaves are numbered 1 to 10 in ascending order of distance from the CNC. A two-axis amplifier has two slaves. A threeaxis amplifier has three slaves. If a slave is a separate detector interface unit or FSSB I/O unit, set 16 for the first unit and 48 for the second unit. CAUTION The FSSB I/O unit and separate detector interface unit (pulse module) are handled as units of the same type on the FSSB. The term "first unit" or "second unit" used in the following description means that the unit is the first or second one when counted disregarding the difference between the FSSB I/O unit and separate detector interface unit. If one FSSB I/O unit and one separate detector interface unit are connected and if the separate detector interface unit is closer to the CNC on the FSSB than the FSSB I/O unit, for instance, the FSSB I/O unit is referred to as the "second unit." - 73 - 6.PARAMETERS B-63494EN/01 6.4 6.4.1 FUNCTIONS THAT REQUIRE SPECIAL PARAMETER SETTINGS Tandem Control To use tandem control, set the following parameters. • Master axis No special parameter settings are required. • Slave axis No.1904#6(DCN)=1 No.2078=0 No.2079=0 6.4.2 Simple Electronic Gear Box and Electronic Gear Box 2-pair To use a simple electronic gear box or electronic gear box 2-pair, set the following parameters. • Workpiece axis No special parameter settings are required. • Tool axis (EGB axis) No.1904#6(DCN)=1 6.4.3 Multi-path Control To use multi-path control, set the following parameters. • Two-CPU two-path control (without axis change between paths) No special parameter settings are required. • Two-CPU two-path control (with axis change between paths) No.1023 The first servo axis cannot be changed between paths. Accordingly, set parameter No.1023 to 1 for the axis of tool post 1 and to 9 for the axis of tool post 2. No.1945, No.1947, No.1948, No.1950 Set identical values for the two tool posts. • One-CPU two-path control No.1023 Set parameter No.1023 to 1 for the axis of tool post 1. No.1945, No.1947, No.1948, No.1950 Set identical values for the two tool posts. • Two-CPU three-path control (No axis change can be made between tool post 1 and tool post 2 or 3.) No.1023 Set parameter No.1023 to 9 for the axis of tool post 2. No.1945, No.1947, No.1948, No.1950 Set identical values for tool posts 2 and 3. • Loader control No special parameter settings are required. - 74 - B-63494EN/01 7.START-UP 7 START-UP - 75 - 7.START-UP B-63494EN/01 7.1 START-UP OPERATION The machine tool builder has to do tests for insulation and protective bonding. Testing must be performed according to Chapter 19.2 and 19.3 of the standard IEC 60204-1 by an appropriately authorized person and recorded. Continuity of the protective bonding circuit When the machine is installed and the electrical connections are complete, including those to the power supply, the continuity of the protective bonding circuit can be verified by a loop impedance test in accordance with 612.6.3 of IEC 60364-6-61. For further details, please refer to Chapter 19.2 of IEC 60204-1. Insulation resistance tests The insulation resistance measured at 500 V d.c. between the power circuit conductors and the protective bonding circuit is to be not less than 1MΩ. For further details, please refer to Chapter 19.3 of IEC 60204-1. 7.1.1 Acceptance Test and Report for Safety Functions The machine tool builder is to conduct a dual check safety function check test during machine start-up operation. In this test, limits need to be exceeded to check that the dual check safety function operates normally. Acceptance test for Safety function Acceptance report A qualified person is to check each dual check safety function and record the test results in a check report. MOTE When modifying dual check safety function data, conduct an additional check test on the modified dual check safety function and record the test results in a check report. Safe-related I/O monitoring test Data cross-check operation is tested with the I/O device connector detached. MCC off Test check The test mode signal is used to check that a MCC off Test is conducted. Negative test: Conduct a MCC off Test by disconnecting the MCC contact signal (input). Check that an alarm is issued and the MCC remains to be shut off. - 76 - Thus. . and the position is moved at many different speeds in a rapid traverse mode. A positional limit is placed at the center of an axis. and the test results need to be recorded in a report. The machine tool builder is to determine a safety limit stop position including a safety margin.START-UP Safe speed monitoring test This test checks that when the actual speed exceeds a speed limit.77 - . Data modification The user needs to enter the correct password before setting safety parameters with the system.B-63494EN/01 7. Safe machine position monitoring test A positional limit test is conducted by making many different movements. a check test needs to be conducted on the related safety function. the distance traveled on the axis until stop state is set by a stop response is measured. After a safety parameter is modified. safety stop state is set by a stop response. 2. 1913 to 1919 = 40 Meaning Manually sets the FSSB setting mode. 1023 less 1 when the slave is an amplifier 16 when the slave is a FSSB I/O unit 40 when there is no slave . 1905 = 1 No. that indicates MCC is turned off.1. from I/O. To enable the dual check safety function. and FSSB I/O unit is set as slave 2 Make the settings indicated in the table below. 1911 = 1 No. Parameter setting Bit 0 of No. Step 2 FSSB I/O setting Make the same settings as for the pulse module. So. Uses the first FSSB I/O unit.START-UP B-63494EN/01 7.2 7. 1023 less 1 when the slave is an amplifier Sets the value of parameter No.1. 1912 = 16 Nos. the MCC on enable signal (MCF) is not output.78 - . Sets the value of parameter No. Disable output (MCF). 1910 = 0 No. check that the machine starts up normally when the dual check safety function is disabled.1 Main flow Start-up of the Dual Check Safety Function Initial start-up Disable dual check safety function Machine start-up FSSB I/O setting Safety parameter input Step 1 Initial state First. reset the temporary connection. make a connection to temporarily disable MCF. Bit 6 of PRM No. 1902 = 1 Bit 4 of No. Example: When a two-axis amplifier is set as slave 1. 1902 = 0 Connect the relay for driving based on I/O output CAUTION When the dual check safety function is disabled.7. Preparation 1 Preparation 2 Disable the dual check safety function. Parameter setting 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1838 2078 2079 4372 Meaning Safe speed on each axis Safe machine position (+ direction) on each axis Safe machine position (. from I/O. Enables output (MCF). Set the safety parameters indicated in the table below. The parameters are used to start up the series. 1902 =1 Enable I/O output. A password is used to disable unauthorized persons from modifying safety parameters. Preparation 1 Preparation 2 Enable the dual check safety function. the password value must be set as the keyword (No. Bit 6 of PRM No.direction) on each axis Timer for safety input signal check Timer for MCC off Test Timer 1 for MCC off Timer 2 for MCC off Positional deviation limit value in mode C Dual position feedback conversion coefficient (numerator) Dual position feedback conversion coefficient (denominator) Safe speed on each spindle Step 4 If alarm 478 or 496 occurs. Then turn off the power of the entire system (included servo amplifier). Step 8 Set a password. 3225) is set can be modified.2212 to 1.B-63494EN/01 7. Before safety parameters of the equipment for which a password (No. set the bit 4 of parameter No. Only those persons authorized to conduct a check test should know the password value. that indicates MCC is turned off.START-UP Step 3 Safety parameter input Enable the dual check safety function. and reset this bit to 0. and enter the safety parameters. . 3226). safe machine position) Step 6 Test for checking the safety function Check test execution and report creation Step 7 Parameter preservation Save all parameters including the safety parameters. Step 5 Execution of general machine tests Axis and spindle optimization Dual check safety function adjustment (safe speed.79 - . When a component related to the safety function is to be replaced. 7. .1. Perform a safety function check test in addition to the normal start-up procedure.80 - .7. an authorized person must conduct a safety function check test. Correct the cause of trouble according to the chapter describing alarms and messages in this manual.1.START-UP B-63494EN/01 7.3 Troubleshooting Alarms related to the safety function are output on the ALARM screen.2 Series start-up The parameters for the safety monitoring function are transferred together with other parameters to the CNC as in the case of normal series start-up.2. B-63494EN/01 8.81 - .MAINTENANCE 8 MAINTENANCE . or perform any other function related to the products described in the product manuals. maintenance and operation. install. Examples of such qualified persons are defined as follows: • System application and design engineers who are familiar with the safety concepts of machine tool. apply. and service personnel who are trained to install and maintain such machine tool.8. It is essential that these precautions be observed by users to ensure the safe operation of machines equipped with a CNC unit (all descriptions in this section assume this configuration). CAUTION Maintenance on a live system requires careful planning. • Operating personnel trained to operate machine tool and trained on the specific safety issues and requirements of the particular equipment. startup. QUALIFIED PERSONNEL Only qualified personnel should be allowed to specify.MAINTENANCE B-63494EN/01 8. TRAINING FANUC Training Center provides versatile training course for the person who is concerned with hardware and software installation. and the appropriate permits and permissions. FANUC recommend studying and learning how efficiently operate FANUC products. These matters are the responsibility of the owner/operator of the system and are outside the scope of this document. commissioning. adherence to operating and maintenance procedures. maintain. Users must also observe the safety precautions related to the machine. . take time to become familiar with the manuals provided by the machine tool builder and FANUC. CNC maintenance involves various dangers. operate. CNC maintenance must be undertaken only by a qualified technician.82 - . as described in the relevant manual supplied by the machine tool builder. Before checking the operation of the machine.1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS This section describes the safety precautions related to the use of CNC units. • Installation. To replace the battery. stand in a safe location when checking the operation. perform idle operation without workpiece. Therefore. If the battery voltage drops. stand away from the machine to ensure that your clothing does not become tangled in the spindle or other components. Because this work is performed with the power on and the cabinet open. Touching the uncovered high-voltage circuits presents an extremely dangerous electric shock hazard. replace the batteries within a week. . and apply an emergency stop to the machine. When replacing the batteries. This presents a serious danger of injury. When checking the operation.MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE PARTS TO BE MAINTAINED PERIODICALLY • Memory backup battery replacement WARNING When replacing the memory backup batteries. (2) When checking the operation. and parameters even while external power is not applied. possibly scattering fragments throughout the area. a malfunction could cause the workpiece to be dropped or destroy the tool tip. because it must retain data such as programs. When a workpiece is mounted in the machine. only those personnel who have received approved safety and maintenance training may perform this work. NOTE The CNC uses batteries to preserve the contents of its memory. keep the power to the machine (CNC) turned on. WARNINGS RELATED TO CHECK OPERATION WARNING 1. thus presenting a danger of injury.83 - .10 of the maintenance manual B63005EN. see the procedure described in Section 2. When a low battery voltage alarm is displayed.B-63494EN/01 8. Otherwise. offsets. the contents of the CNC's memory will be lost. a low battery voltage alarm is displayed on the machine operator's panel or CRT screen. be careful not to touch the high-voltage circuits (marked and fitted with an insulating cover). When checking the operation of the machine with the cover removed (1) The user's clothing could become caught in the spindle or other components. (2) Within the power magnetics cabinet. Never attempt to machine a workpiece without first checking the operation of the machine. possibly causing damage to the workpiece and/or machine itself. When using a tool compensation function. or machine lock function or by operating the machine with neither a tool nor workpiece mounted.MAINTENANCE 2. Before starting a production run. possibly causing damage to the workpiece and/or machine itself. or injury to the user. Be careful when working inside the power magnetics cabinet. it may behave unexpectedly. 5. or injury to the user. or injury to the user. Generally. (1) The power magnetics cabinet has a high-voltage section (carrying a mark). Refer to the manual provided with the machine to determine the maximum allowable feedrate. 3. ensure that the machine is operating correctly by performing a trial run using. Before starting any check of the operation. Operating the machine with incorrectly specified data may result in the machine behaving unexpectedly. 4. possibly causing damage to the workpiece and/or machine itself. When the high-voltage section itself must be checked. Failure to confirm the correct operation of the machine may result in the machine behaving unexpectedly. .8. B-63494EN/01 When checking the machine operation with the power magnetics cabinet door opened. note that touching a terminal presents a severe danger of electric shock. The high-voltage section presents a severe risk of electric shock. for each machine. there is a maximum allowable feedrate. The appropriate feedrate varies with the intended operation. thoroughly check the entered data. Never touch the high-voltage section. the single block. Before operating the machine. possibly causing damage to the workpiece and/or machine itself.84 - . for example. If a machine is run at other than the correct speed. internal units present potentially injurious corners and projections. thoroughly check the direction and amount of compensation. or injury to the user. Operating the machine with incorrectly specified data may result in the machine behaving unexpectedly. confirm that the cover is mounted on the high-voltage section. 6. feedrate override. Ensure that the specified feedrate is appropriate for the intended operation. or by operating the machine without mounting a tool and workpiece. If the machine is used before confirming that it operates normally. the replacement unit could slip and fall. unpredictable machine movement could damage the workpiece or the machine itself. the servo amplifier and spindle amplifier may retain voltages for a while. power may continue to be supplied to the serve section. the machine may move unpredictably. . replacing a unit may damage the unit. so that those parameters usually need not be modified. 5.MAINTENANCE WARNINGS RELATED TO REPLACEMENT WARNING 1. After the power is turned off. close the machine cover. feedrate override function. possibly causing injury. When a heavy unit is to be replaced. conduct a check test on the safety related and record the test results in a check report. ensure that you fully understand the function of that parameter before attempting to modify it. (For details. 4.85 - 2. ensure that the new unit has the same parameter and other settings as the old unit. If the replacement is attempted by only one person. and machine lock function. 3. After replacing a safety related unit such as encoder and I/O module. When machining a workpiece for the first time after modifying a parameter. confirm normal machine operation by using functions such as the single block function. refer to the manual provided with the machine. the machine may move unpredictably. 2. The CNC and PMC parameters are set to their optimal values. Always turn off the power to the CNC and the main power to the power magnetics cabinet. the task must be undertaken by two persons or more. such that there is a danger of electric shock even while the amplifier is turned off. while also presenting a danger of electric shock. When a parameter must be modified for some reason.) Otherwise. If only the power to the CNC is turned off. and presenting a risk of injury. Never use the automatic operation function immediately after such a modification. and present a danger of injury. . In such a case. When replacing a unit. If a parameter is set incorrectly. possibly damaging the machine or workpiece. WARNINGS RELATED TO PARAMETERS WARNING 1. and presenting a risk of injury. Allow at least twenty minutes after turning off the power for these residual voltages to dissipate. possibly damaging the machine or workpiece.B-63494EN/01 8. Instead. For information about emergency stop mode.2 8. see Chapter 5. and safety signal modes A/B/C/D. MCC off Test mode.2. . remove the causes of the alarms.86 - . To cancel the alarms.1 ALARMS AND MESSAGES Overview Alarms related to the dual check safety function cannot be cancelled by a reset.8. then turn on the power again.MAINTENANCE B-63494EN/01 8. turn off the power. SERVO ALARM: SV CARD The axis control card is not provided. Replace the α pulse coder. Replace the α pulse coder. Confirm a proper value is set to parameter No. Replace the axis control card. or take measures to correct noise on the feedback cable. SERVO ALARM : CARD/SOFT For the axis control card. 1838. and the guard is open) is set with the dual check safety function). Confirm a proper value is set to parameter No. 1829. and the guard is open). n AXIS:SPC SOFT The servo control software detected an alpha pulse coder signal error on axis DISCONNECT ALARM n (axis 1 to axis 8). Meaning n AXIS: SOFT PHASE ALARM(INT) 402 403 410 411 453 470 471 473 474 475 . 1838) in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. 1829) in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. 364 Servo Alarms Description The servo control software detected an abnormal data skip in a velocity feedback signal on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8). Replace the alpha pulse coder. Replace the α pulse coder. or take measures to correct noise on the feedback cable.87 - . 1828 (parameter No. n AXIS:SPC SOFT The monitor detected an alpha pulse coder signal error on axis n (axis 1 to DISCONNECT (MNT) axis 8). Confirm a proper value is set to parameter No. n AXIS:EXCESS ERROR The monitor detected that the positional deviation during movement on axis n (MOVE:MNT) (axis 1 to axis 8) exceeded the setting (parameter No. When the dual check safety function is used: • An incorrect axis control card is mounted. NOT EXIST This alarm will be issued also if the eight-axis control card dedicated to dual check safety function (5DSP card) is mounted on a machine without the dual check safety function. 1838. and install the correct servo software and monitor software in flash memory. the correct servo software is not installed in flash MISMATCH memory. • Monitor software is not installed in flash memory. This alarm can not released by reset function at dual check safety.2 No. n AXIS:SOFT PHASE The monitor detected an abnormal data skip in a velocity feedback signal on ALARM(INT/MNT) axis n (axis 1 to axis 8). Confirm a proper value is set to parameter No. • Incorrect servo software is installed in flash memory. and the guard is open). n AXIS:ILLEGAL RAM (MNT) An error occurred in a monitor RAM check. 1829). Mount the correct axis control card. n AXIS:EXCESS ERROR The monitor detected that the positional deviation during a stop on axis n (axis (STOP:MNT) 1 to axis 8) exceeded the setting (parameter No. 1828 or No. 1829. 1838 when the safety signal mode C (state where a guard open request is input.B-63494EN/01 8. SERVO ALARM : n AXIS The CNC detected that the positional deviation during a stop on axis n (axis 1 EXCESS ERR to axis 8) exceeded the setting (parameter No. SERVO ALARM : n AXIS The CNC detected that the positional deviation during movement on axis n EXCESS ERR (axis 1 to axis 8) exceeded the setting in parameter No.MAINTENANCE 8.2. This alarm can not released by reset function at dual check safety. Accordingly. confirm a proper value is set to parameter No. No. set parameter No. No. If an alarm is issued in safety mode C (state in which a guard open request is input and the guard is open). guard unlocking is disabled. MONITOR SAFETY An error occurred in safety functions of monitor: FUNCTION ERROR 1 Monitor or CNC detected the inexecution of monitor safety functions. replace the servo amplifier the alarm occurred. A machine position check is carried out just on a linear axis on which the reference position has already been established. 1945) between a safety input signal via the PMC and the same signal via the FSSB. 1944) in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. No. and the guard is open). n AXIS:ILLEGAL MACHINE The monitor detected that the machine position on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) is POS. n AXIS:SAFETY PARAM The monitor detected that a safety parameter error occurred with axis n (axis ERROR (MNT) 1 to axis 8). this alarm may be issued.1838. In the former. an axis for which parameter No.8. No. Relative parameters are as follows. Then an axis number is automatically set. No. Accordingly.1945. the alarm is issued only for the first servo axis (axis for which parameter No. the alarm is issued for all axes. and a pulse for adjusting the coordinates is generated. The monitor detected that the specified speed on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) (MNT) exceeded the safe speed (parameter No. 3 An error occurred in a monitor CPU test.1950 n AXIS:AXIS NUMBER NOT The monitor detected that the axis number of axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) is not set SET (MNT) with the servo amplifier. . No. 476 B-63494EN/01 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 Meaning Description n AXIS:ILLEGAL SPEED CMD. Turn off the power of the entire system. and then turn off the power of the entire system. and reset the bit to 0. If the alarm occurs after performing axis number setting for the servo amplifier. confirm proper values is set to parameter No. n AXIS:ILLEGAL AXIS DATA The monitor detected that an error occurred on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) during (MNT) axis data transfer. and the guard is open). In the other case. When the guard is open. for tool post 2 under two-CPU two-path control or two-CPU three-path control.1023 is set to 9).1829.1948. No machine position check is made on a rotation axis or a linear axis on which the reference position has not yet been established.1942.1944. Replace the axis control card. 1943 and No. No. 1944. and the operation is done within the safe speed. n AXIS:ILLEGAL SAFETY The monitor detected that safety signal mode D (state in which the guard is MODE (MNT) open although no guard open request is input) was set. When the guard is open.1947.2212#4 to 1. this alarm can be issued. or the guard is open when guard unlock signal (*LGD) is not output. In the latter.1943. Check if the guard state signal(SGD) is correctly connected. 1943 and No. 1942) in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. and operation is done in the safety area. Set the safety parameters again. No. 2 A mismatch between the monitor results of the safety functions and the servo software or CNC results of them occurred. 1942. ILLEGAL SAFETY DI (MNT) The monitor detected a mismatch exceeding the set time (parameter No. No.1023 is set to 1 or.88 - .MAINTENANCE No. Check the safety input signals via the PMC and via the FSSB are equal. If an alarm is issued in safety signal mode C. the movement of the machine immediately stops.1023.(MNT) not in the safety area (parameter No. No. No. No. Replace the mother board. the movement of the machine immediately stops.1023. 2 A mismatch between the servo software results of the safety functions and the monitor results of them occurred. No. The mother board may be faulty. 3 An error occurred in a CNC RAM test. this alarm can be issued. ILLEGAL SAFETY MODE The CNC detected that safety signal mode D (state in which the guard is open (CNC) although no guard open request is input) was set. 484 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 494 Description An error occurred in safety functions of servo software: 1 Servo software or CNC detected the inexecution of servo software safety functions.1945.1829. Accordingly. No. Relative parameters are as follows. and the operation is done within the safe speed. ILLEGAL SAFETY DI (CNC) The CNC detected a mismatch exceeding the set time (parameter No. No. F-BUS TEST ERROR An error occurred in an F-BUS test.4372 CNC SAFETY FUNCTION An error occurred in safety functions of CNC: ERROR 1 CNC or monitor detected the inexecution of CNC safety functions. Check if the guard state signal(SGD) is correctly connected. If an alarm is issued in safety mode C (state in which a guard open request is input and the guard is open). No. 2 A mismatch between the CNC results of the safety functions and the monitor or spindle results of them occurred. Check the MCC contact.MAINTENANCE No.1942. 4 An error occurred in a CNC CPU test.1838. guard unlocking is disabled. No. No.B-63494EN/01 8. LOCAL BUS TEST ERROR An error occurred in a local bus test. The CNC detected that the specified speed on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) (CNC) exceeded the setting (parameter No. No.1946. The F-BUS test is carried out if a sub-CPU board or loader board is used. No. Replace the CPU card. and a pulse for adjusting the coordinates is generated. or the guard is open when guard unlock signal (*LGD) is not output. (CNC) Set the safety parameters again.1948. 3 An error occurred in a servo RAM test. The mother board or option board may be faulty. 1942) in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. 4 An error occurred in a servo CPU test. n AXIS:ILLEGAL SPEED CMD. and the guard is open). If an alarm is issued in safety signal mode C.1944.1904. 1945) between a safety input signal input via the PMC and the same signal input via the FSSB. Replace the axis control card.89 - . confirm a proper value is set to parameter No.1947.1943. this alarm may be issued. Check the safety input signals via the PMC and via the FSSB are equal. SAFETY PARAM ERROR The CNC detected a safety parameter error. Meaning n AXIS:SERVO SAFETY FUNCTION ERR . 1946). When the guard is open. Accordingly. 5 Test at power-up was not executed. 1942. No. No. No. SAFE TEST OVER TIME A MCC off Test was not completed within the set time (parameter No.1950. and operation is done in the safety area. Then an axis number is automatically set. and then turn off the power of the entire system. A machine position check is carried out just on a linear axis on which the reference position has already been established.8. If the alarm occurs after performing axis number setting for the servo amplifier. 1944. Turn off the power of the entire system. 1944) in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. The CNC detected that an error occurred on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) during axis data transfer. A safety parameter transfer error occurred on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8).MAINTENANCE No. When the guard is open. No machine position check is made on a rotation axis or a linear axis on which the reference position has not yet been established.(CNC) B-63494EN/01 496 n AXIS:ILLEGAL AXIS DATA (CNC) 497 498 n AXIS:SAFETY PARAM TRANS ERROR n AXIS:AXIS NUMBER NOT SET (CNC) Description The CNC detected that the machine position on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) is not in the safety area (parameter No. 495 Meaning n AXIS:ILLEGAL MACHINE POS. and the guard is open). replace the servo amplifier the alarm occurred. 1943 and No. confirm proper values is set to parameter No. In the other case. 1943 and No. Replace the CPU card or the axis control card. set parameter No. The CNC detected that the axis number of axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) is not set with the servo amplifier.2212#4 to 1. .90 - . and reset the bit to 0. Check the safe speed parameter(parameter No. (For the second spindle) Same as alarm No. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-78 in Subsection 8. An error occurred in any spindle safety functions on the first spindle. If this alarm occurs when CNC power supply is turned on or when this alarm can not be cleared even if CNC is reset.4.2. Replace the CPU card or spindle amplifier module. Replace the CPU card or spindle amplifier module.2.2. For the first spindle. 2 A safety parameter transfer error occurred.2.2. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-69 in Subsection 8. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-77 in Subsection 8. option 2 board or spindle amplifier printed board. the CNC detected a mismatch between the CNC and spindle software. and the guard is open).2. (For the second spindle) Same as alarm No. for the first spindle. turn off the power supply also turn off the power supply in spindle side. 4372) in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input.4. Replace the CPU card or spindle amplifier module. (For the n-th spindle) No.91 - . When the guard is open. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-74 in Subsection 8. Replace optical cable. Check optical cable connection between main CPU board and spindle amplifier printed board. perform operation at a speed not exceeding the safe speed.4. Same as alarm No.4. as to which of the speed of the spindle motor and the safe speed (parameter No.2.4372).2. Check the spindle amplifier connection state and spindle amplifier hardware setting. If this alarm is issued because the spindle amplifier configuration is changed. (For the second spindle) See the description of AL-16 in Subsection 8. Alternatively.4.3 Serial Spindle Alarms Description It is serial communication error while system is executing after power supply on. 756. 757.4. main CPU board. the CNC detected a mismatch between the spindle amplifier connection state and spindle amplifier hardware setting. Meaning 749 S-SPINDLE LSI ERROR 755 SPINDLE-1 SAFETY FUNCTION ERROR 756 SPINDLE-1 ILLEGAL AXIS DATA 757 SPINDLE-1 SAFETY SPEED OVER 765 SPINDLE-2 SAFETY FUNCTION ERROR 766 SPINDLE-2 ILLEGAL AXIS DATA 767 SPINDLE-2 SAFETY SPEED OVER 7n16 SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-16) 7n69 SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-69) 7n70 SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-69) 7n71 SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-71) 7n72 SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-72) 7n74 SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-74) 7n76 SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-76) 7n77 SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-77) 7n78 SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-78) . correct the setting on the spindle amplifier side.2. For the first spindle.2.4. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-76 in Subsection 8. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-71 in Subsection 8.4.4. 4372) is greater.B-63494EN/01 8. 755. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-70 in Subsection 8. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-72 in Subsection 8.MAINTENANCE 8. the CNC detected that the speed of the spindle motor exceeded the safe speed (parameter No. 1 CNC detected that some spindle safety functions were not executed. The safety functions at power-up for spindle were not executed. An error occurred in a spindle ROM CRC test. Replace the CPU card or spindle amplifier module. Replace the CPU card or spindle amplifier module. correct the setting on the spindle amplifier side. An error occurred in a spindle amplifier CPU test. perform operation at a speed not exceeding the safe speed. Set the safety parameter again. Relative parameters are as follows. Meaning AL-16 RAM Alarm AL-69 Safety speed over AL-70 Illegal axis data AL-71 Safety parameter error AL-72 Mismatch the results of motor speed check AL-74 CPU test alarm AL-75 CRC alarm AL-76 Inexecution of safety functions AL-77 Mismatch the results of axis number check AL-78 Mismatch the results of safety parameters check AL-79 Inexecution of safety functions at power-up . The spindle software detected a mismatch between the CNC result of the axis number check and the spindle result of it. Replace the spindle amplifier.8. Check the safe speed parameter(parameter No.92 - . 4372) in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. The spindle software detected a mismatch between the CNC result of the safety parameters check and the spindle result of it. Any safety function was not executed. No. If this alarm is issued because the spindle amplifier configuration is changed. Replace spindle amplifier module. Replace the CPU card or spindle amplifier module. Replace spindle amplifier module. If this alarm is issued because the spindle amplifier configuration is changed.MAINTENANCE B-63494EN/01 8.4 Alarms Displayed on the Spindle Unit Description An error occurred in a spindle RAM test. and the guard is open). Replace the CPU card or spindle amplifier module.4372 The spindle software detected a mismatch between the CNC result of the motor speed check and the spindle result of it. Replace spindle amplifier module. The spindle software detected a mismatch between the spindle amplifier connection state and spindle amplifier hardware setting. When the guard is open.4372). No. correct the setting on the spindle amplifier side. Replace spindle amplifier module. Replace spindle amplifier module. Replace the CPU card or spindle amplifier module. The spindle software detected that the speed of the spindle motor exceeded the safe speed (parameter No.2. The spindle software detected a safety parameter error. Replace spindle amplifier module. Check the spindle amplifier connection state and spindle amplifier hardware setting. Servo alarm (first to fourth axis). A watchdog alarm condition occurred. In the dual check safety function with 8-axes control card. or monitor). macro. a servo alarm (fifth to eight axis) is issued. or a RAM parity error occurred in the axis control card. CRC error of the CNC basic ROM Reinstall the CNC basic ROM in flash memory. Replace the axis control card. servo alarm (first/second axis. Parity error of the CNC basic ROM 2. When the dual check safety function is used: 1 Parity error of the CNC. ROM PARITY ERROR: NC BASIC.6 Boot System Alarms Message Description Parity error of the CNC basic ROM. A watchdog alarm condition occurred. In the dual check safety function with 6-axes control card. An NMI of an unknown cause occurred. or monitor). or a RAM parity error occurred in the axis control card.B-63494EN/01 8. If the 8-axes control card dedicated to dual check safety function (5DSP card) is used with the dual check safety function. . even when a servo alarm (monitor) is issued. or servo ROM. Replace the axis control card. Meaning 900 ROM PARITY 920 SERVO ALARM (1-4 AXIS) 921 SERVO ALARM (5-8 AXIS) 973 NON MASK INTERRUPT 8. When the dual check safety function is used: 1.2. macro. Servo alarm (fifth to eighth axis). If the 8-axes control card dedicated to dual check safety function (5DSP card) is used with the dual check safety function.MAINTENANCE 8. In the dual check safety function with 4-axes control card. servo alarm (fifth/sixth axis.2. No. servo alarm (monitor). or monitor ROM Reinstall the indicated ROM in flash memory.5 System Alarms Description Parity error of the CNC. HIT SELECT. or servo ROM 2 CRC error of the CNC. this alarm is issued. servo.93 - . DIAGNOSIS B-63494EN/01 9 DIAGNOSIS .9.94 - . and safety signal modes A/B/C/D. MCC off Test mode.DIAGNOSIS 9. see Chapter 5. For information about emergency stop mode. .B-63494EN/01 9.1 OVERVIEW The information of safety signal mode and safety input signal of the dual check safety function is displayed.95 - . 377 PTS PRQ PGD PGL PMC The current states of safety signals input via the PMC are displayed. The state of the guard open request signal (ORQ) is displayed. The state of the MCC contact state signal (*SMC2) is displayed. The state of the MCC contact state signal (*SMC1) is displayed. 378 ESP MDA MDB MDC MDD TST ESP Diagnosis No. When the test mode signal (OPT) is set to 0 to clear the MCC off test mode. After the MCC off test mode is selected by the input of the test mode signal (OPT). #7 #6 PMC #5 PGL #4 PGD #3 PRQ #2 PTS #1 #0 Diagnosis No. the test number is cleared to 0. The state of the guard lock state signal (GDL2) is displayed. 379 The current safety signal mode is displayed. the test number is 128.9. The state of the test mode signal (OPT) is displayed. Safety signal mode A Safety signal mode B Safety signal mode C Safety signal mode D MCC off test mode Emergency stop mode Test number of MCC off test The test number of the MCC off test is displayed.2 DIAGNOSIS #7 Diagnosis No. When the MCC off test is completed.DIAGNOSIS B-63494EN/01 9. #7 #6 TST #5 #4 #3 MDD #2 MDC #1 MDB #0 MDA Diagnosis No. the test number increases by 1 from 0 as the MCC off test proceeds. The state of the guard state signal (SGD2) is displayed. Zero is displayed if the system is not in the MCC off test mode. The state of the guard lock state signal (GDL1) is displayed. The state of the guard state signal (SGD1) is displayed.96 - . . 376 #6 FMC #5 FGL #4 FGD #3 #2 #1 #0 FGD FGL FMC The current states of safety signals input via the FSSB are displayed. B-63494EN/01 10.97 - .SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 10 SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION . 1 10.SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION B-63494EN/01 10.1 SAMPLE CONFIGURATION For One-path .98 - .1.10. 99 - .2 For Two-path (When the main side and sub side use a common MCC) .1.SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 10.B-63494EN/01 10. 10.SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION B-63494EN/01 10.1.3 For Two-path (When the main side and sub side use independent MCCs and protection doors) .100 - . *ESP2) +24V I/O-Link I/O UNIT *ESP1 (X008#4) FSSB I/O UNIT *ESP2 (DI+000#0) 0V PSM CX4 ESP NOTES Use a two-contact emergency stop button with a forced dissociation mechanism.2. Machine side I/O-Link I/O UNIT PMC Emergency stop factor Emergency stop button Emergency stop factor other than emergency stop button X008#4 Ladder program X00n#n *ESPG (G008#4) . Connect the emergency stop button to the PSM.101 - .B-63494EN/01 10. Create a Ladder program so that [X008#4] becomes a factor of [G008#4]. Input a power-down factor to [G008#4] other than the signal from the emergency stop button. When the signal is input.SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 10.2 10.1 SAMPLE CONNECTIONS Emergency Stop Signal (*ESP1. the spindle slows down and stops. as illustrated in the figure. • 10.SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION B-63494EN/01 10. then input the program to the PMC side [G191#2].10. . Close the guard (SGD is set to 1). If the CNC is not safe. the CNC enters a safely stopped status (state in which the guard is open although the guard open request signal is not input). then cancel this signal. When the guard open request signal (ORQ) is input and when CNC safety has been confirmed.2 Guard Open Request Signal (ORQ) +24V Guard open request button I/O-Link I/O UNIT X00n#n PMC Ladder program ORQ (G191#3) NOTES • • Create a Ladder program of conditions for making a guard open request and then input the program to the PMC side [G191#3].2.2. If the input of ORQ is canceled while the guard is open. the guard unlock signal (*LGD) is output. ORQ input will not result in output of *LGD.102 - .3 Test Mode Signal (OPT) Test start button +24V I/O-Link I/O UNIT PMC X00n#n Ladder program OPT (G191#2) NOTES Create a Ladder program for performing a MCC off Test. 4 Guard Unlock Signal (*LGD). RY3: Safety relay I/O Link I/O UNIT X00n#n PMC SGD (G191#4) *LGD (F191#0) Y00n#n Ladder program FSSB I/O UNIT SGD (DI+001#4) . Guard State Signal (SGD) +24V Guard closed SW1 SW2 Guard-monitoring limit switch SW3 Safety relay RY1 RY1 RY3 RY2 RY2 RY3 0V RY3 RY1 RY2 0V [Sample control components] SW1/SW2: Guard state monitoring switch with forced dissociation mechanism SW3: Guard lock switch RY1.103 - .SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 10.B-63494EN/01 10. RY2. Guard Lock State Signal (GDL).2. The illustrated sample system determines that the guard is open (sets SGD to 0) when the guard is unlocked. State transition of components SW1 1 2 3 Guard closed Guard locked Guard closed Guard unlocked Guard opened Guard unlocked CLOSE CLOSE OPEN SW2 CLOSE CLOSE OPEN SW3 CLOSE OPEN OPEN RY1 ON OFF OFF RY2 ON ON OFF RY3 OFF OFF ON SGD 1 0 0 In a normal operation. The state of the GDL signal does not affect the dual check safety function. and the guard state signal (SGD) affects the dual check safety function. If GDL is not used. tie [G191#5] and [DI+001#5] to 1.SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION B-63494EN/01 OPERATING PRINCIPLE This section describes the operation of various guard monitoring limit switches with lock mechanism and safety relays. SGD input is turned off. 3. The guard state is monitored. Based on this signal. NOTES This example does not use the guard lock state signal (GDL). the transition of 1.10. If an unusual event is detected. the guard unlock signal (*LGD) is output. use a Ladder program to create a guard unlock signal. and so on is repeated.104 - . 1. as in this example. RY3 detects whether RY1 and RY2 contacts are made. 2. 2. . The guard lock state signal (GDL) only indicates whether an input mismatch is found. When the guard open request signal (ORQ) is accepted and when it has been confirmed that the CNC is in a safe state. .B-63494EN/01 10.105 - . directly connect [DO+000#1].5 MCC On Enable Signal (MCF). MCC Contact State Signal (*SMC) +24V I/O Link I/O UNIT X00n#n PMC *SMC1 (G191#6) Y00n#n 0V FSSB I/O UNIT *SMC2 (DI+001#6) MCF (DO+000#1) 0V PSM 200A 200B CX3 MCC MCF1 (F191#1) U V W Electromagnetic contactor (MAIN MCC) NOTES With the MCF signal of the PMC side. allocate [F191#1] to generalpurpose output. as illustrated in the figure. Also connect MCF to PSM.SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 10. the PSM turns off the MCC. On the FSSB side.2. If an error occurs in the PSM. COMPONENTS LIST B-63494EN/01 11 COMPONENTS LIST .106 - .11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hardware Components for Series 16i/18i/21i/160i/180i/210i/160is/180is/210is-MODEL B Description Specification number Of primary component A20B-8100-0660 A20B-3300-0311 A20B-3300-0244 A17B-3300-0500 A20B-3900-0160 A20B-8100-0720 A20B-8002-0190 A20B-8100-0830 Specification number of secondary component A20B-8100-066X A16B-3200-042X A20B-8100-079X A20B-3300-031X A20B-3300-029X A20B-3300-024X A20B-3900-016X A20B-3900-018X A20B-8100-0851 A16B-2203-0751 A16B-2203-0740 Remarks Main board CPU card Servo card FROM/SRAM MODULE Power supply module Sub CPU board Loader control board .B-63494EN/01 11.1 No.2 No.1 11.COMPONENTS LIST 11.1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 HARDWARE COMPONENTS Hardware Components for Series 16i/18i/21i/160i/180i/210i/160is/180is/210is-MODEL A Description Specification number Of primary component A20B-8100-0130 A20B-3300-0170 A17B-3300-0200 A20B-3900-0131 A20B-3900-0060 A20B-3900-0011 Specification number of secondary component A20B-8100-013X A20B-8100-014X A20B-8100-054X A20B-3300-0050 A20B-3300-0070 A20B-3300-0260 A20B-3300-012X A20B-3300-020X A20B-3300-024X A20B-3900-003X A20B-3900-004X A20B-3900-013X A20B-3900-005X A20B-3900-006X A20B-3900-002X A20B-3900-001X A20B-3900-007X Remarks Main board CPU card Servo card DRAM MODULE SRAM MODULE FROM MODULE 11.107 - .1. 11.COMPONENTS LIST B-63494EN/01 11. 1 2 Hardware Components for Other Units Description Specification number Of primary component A20B-2100-0270 Specification number of secondary component Remarks FSSB ADDITIONAL DETECTOR INTERFACE I/O module 3 4 5 I/O Unit base module I/O Unit interface module DC digital input module A20B-9001-0020 A20B-8000-0410 A20B-9000-0901 A20B-9000-0902 6 DC digital output module A20B-9000-0921 7 8 9 10 11 DC digital input/output module AC digital input module AC digital output module Relay output module FSSB I/O module A20B-2100-0390 A20B-2100-0150 A20B-2100-0410 A20B-2100-0411 A20B-2002-0470 A20B-2002-0521 A20B-9001-0040 A20B-2000-0510 A20B-8000-0420 A20B-8000-0820 A20B-9000-0970 A20B-9001-0011 A20B-9001-0281 A20B-9000-0972 A20B-9001-0490 A20B-9001-0220 A20B-8000-0440 A20B-9001-0490 A20B-8000-0741 A20B-9001-0681 A20B-8000-0780 A20B-8000-0750 A20B-8000-0730 A20B-8000-0341 A20B-8000-0470 A20B-8000-0321 A20B-9001-0200 A20B-8000-0500 A20B-2002-0400 A20B-2002-0401 A20B-2100-0320 A20B-2002-0520 A20B-2000-0550 A20B-8000-0710 A20B-9000-0971 A20B-9001-0010 A20B-8000-0341 A20B-9001-0280 A20B-8000-0510 A20B-8002-0070 A20B-8000-0510 A20B-8000-0740 A20B-9001-0680 A20B-8000-0760 A20B-8000-0751 A20B-8000-0731 A20B-9001-0940 A20B-8000-0480 A20B-8000-0880 A20B-8000-0101 .1.3 No.108 - . CNC functions for machining center with up to 6 servo axes and up to 2 spindle axes.109 - . CNC functions for lathe with up to 6 servo axes and up to 2 spindle axes.B-63494EN/01 11.COMPONENTS LIST 11. CNC functions for manual milling machine with up to 4 servo axes and up to 1 spindle axis. CNC functions for machining center with up to 6 servo axes and up to 2 spindle axes. CNC functions for machining center with up to 8 servo axes and up to 2 spindle axes. CNC functions for machining center with up to 4 servo axes and up to 2 spindle axes. Simultaneously controlled axes : max 4 axes CNC functions for machining center with up to 4 servo axes and up to 2 spindle axes. CNC functions for manual lathe with up to 2 servo axes and up to 1 spindle axis CNC functions for machining center with up to 8 servo axes and up to 2 spindle axes. Simultaneously controlled axes : max 5 axes CNC functions for machining center with up to 6 servo axes and up to 2 spindle axes.2 SOFTWARE COMPONENTS [i series MODEL A CNC software] Series / Version FS16i-TA FS160i-TA FS160is-TA FS18i-TA FS180i-TA FS180is-TA FS21i-TA FS210i-TA FS210is-TA FS20i-TA FS16i-MA FS160i-MA FS160is-MA FS18i-MA FS180i-MA FS180is-MA FS21i-MA FS210i-MA FS210is-MA FS20i-FA B1F2 B1F4 BEF2 BEF4 DEF2 DEF4 D1F1 B0F2 B0F4 BDF2 BDF4 DDF2 DDF4 D0F1 Functions CNC functions for lathe with up to 8 servo axes and up to 2 spindle axes. [i series MODEL B CNC software] Series / Version FS16i-TB FS160i-TB FS160is-TB FS18i-TB FS180i-TB FS180is-TB FS21i-TB FS210i-TB FS210is-TB FS16i-MB FS160i-MB FS160is-MB FS18i-MB5 FS180i-MB5 FS180is-MB5 FS18i-MB FS180i-MB FS180is-MB FS21i-MB FS210i-MB FS210is-MB B1H1 Functions CNC functions for lathe with up to 8 servo axes and up to 2 spindle axes. CNC functions for lathe with up to 6 servo axes and up to 2 spindle axes. BEH1 DEH1 B0H1 BDH5 BDH1 DDH1 . CNC functions for lathe with up to 4 servo axes and up to 2 spindle axes. CNC functions for lathe with up to 4 servo axes and up to 2 spindle axes. 11.COMPONENTS LIST [Monitor software] Series / Version Monitor Monitor 90A9 / 03 90B9 / 01 Functions B-63494EN/01 Monitor functions Monitor functions [Servo control software] Series / Version Servo Servo Servo 90A5 / 01 90B0 / 09 90B7 / 04 Functions Servo functions Servo functions Learning control [Spindle software] Series / Version Spindle Spindle 9D20 / 10 9D50 / 04 Functions Spindle functions Spindle functions .110 - . 5i PSM-11i PSM-15i PSM-26i PSM-30i PSM-37i PSMR-1 PSMR-3 PSMR-5.COMPONENTS LIST 11.B-63494EN/01 11.3 No.5 PSM-11 PSM-15 PSM-26 PSM-30 PSM-37 PSM-45 PSM-55 PSM-5.111 - . 1 SERVO AMPLIFIER Module Name PSM-5.5 SVM1-2 SVM1-4 SVM1-12 SVM1-20 SVM1-40S SVM1-40L SVM1-80 SVM1-130 SVM1-130S SVM1-240 SVM1-360 SVM1-20i SVM1-40i SVM1-80i SVM-160i SVM1-360i SVM2-12/12 SVM2-12/20 SVM2-20/20 SVM2-12/40 SVM2-20/40 SVM2-40/40 SVM2-40/80 SVM2-80/80 SVM2-40L/40L SVM2-4/4i SVM2-20/20i SVM2-20/40i SVM2-40/40i SVM2-40/80i Specification number A06B-6077-H106 A06B-6077-H111 A06B-6087-H115 A06B-6087-H126 A06B-6087-H130 A06B-6087-H137 A06B-6087-H145 A06B-6087-H155 A06B-6110-H006 A06B-6110-H011 A06B-6110-H015 A06B-6110-H026 A06B-6110-H030 A06B-6110-H037 A06B-6081-H101 A06B-6081-H103 A06B-6081-H106 A06B-6096-H121 A06B-6096-H122 A06B-6096-H101 A06B-6096-H102 A06B-6096-H103 A06B-6096-H104 A06B-6096-H105 A06B-6096-H106 A06B-6096-H116 A06B-6096-H107 A06B-6096-H108 A06B-6114-H103 A06B-6114-H104 A06B-6114-H105 A06B-6114-H106 A06B-6114-H109 A06B-6096-H201 A06B-6096-H202 A06B-6096-H203 A06B-6096-H204 A06B-6096-H205 A06B-6096-H206 A06B-6096-H207 A06B-6096-H208 A06B-6096-H209 A06B-6114-H201 A06B-6114-H205 A06B-6114-H206 A06B-6114-H207 A06B-6114-H208 Remarks Description Power Supply Module (Standard) 2 Power Supply Module (Resister Discharge type) Servo Amplifier Module (1 axis type) 3 4 Servo Amplifier Module (2 axes type) . 11.112 - .2-4 SPM-5.5i SPM-11i SPM-15i SPM-22i SPM-26i SPM-30i Specification number A06B-6114-H209 A06B-6114-H210 A06B-6114-H211 A06B-6096-H301 A06B-6096-H302 A06B-6096-H303 A06B-6096-H304 A06B-6096-H305 A06B-6096-H306 A06B-6096-H307 A06B-6114-H301 A06B-6114-H303 A06B-6114-H304 A06B-6102-H202#H520 A06B-6102-H206#H520 A06B-6102-H211#H520 A06B-6102-H215#H520 A06B-6102-H222#H520 A06B-6102-H226#H520 A06B-6102-H230#H520 A06B-6102-H245#H520 A06B-6102-H255#H520 A06B-6102-H102#H520 A06B-6102-H106#H520 A06B-6102-H111#H520 A06B-6102-H115#H520 A06B-6102-H122#H520 A06B-6102-H126#H520 A06B-6102-H130#H520 A06B-6102-H145#H520 A06B-6102-H155#H520 A06B-6111-H002#H550 A06B-6111-H006#H550 A06B-6111-H011#H550 A06B-6111-H015#H550 A06B-6111-H022#H550 A06B-6111-H026#H550 A06B-6111-H030#H550 A06B-6112-H002#H550 A06B-6112-H006#H550 A06B-6112-H011#H550 A06B-6112-H015#H550 A06B-6112-H022#H550 A06B-6112-H026#H550 A06B-6112-H030#H550 B-63494EN/01 Remarks 5 6 Spindle Amplifier Module (SPM HRV Type I ) 7 Spindle Amplifier Module (SPM HRV Type IV ) 8 Spindle Amplifier Module (SPM HRV Type A ) 9 Spindle Amplifier Module (SPM HRV Type B ) . 4 Description Servo Amplifier Module (2 axes type) Servo Amplifier Module (3 axes type) Module Name SVM2-80/80i SVM2-80/160i SVM2-160/160i SVM3-12/12/12 SVM3-12/12/20 SVM3-12/20/20 SVM3-20/20/20 SVM3-12/12/40 SVM3-12/20/40 SVM3-20/20/40 SVM3-4/4/4i SVM3-20/20/20i SVM3-20/20/40i SPM-2.5i SPM-11i SPM-15i SPM-22i SPM-26i SPM-30i SPM-2.5-4 SPM-11-4 SPM-15-4 SPM-22-4 SPM-26-4 SPM-30-4 SPM-45-4 SPM-55-4 SPM-2.2-1 SPM-5.5-1 SPM-11-1 SPM-15-1 SPM-22-1 SPM-26-1 SPM-30-1 SPM-45-1 SPM-55-1 SPM-2.COMPONENTS LIST No.2i SPM-5.2i SPM-5. ........ 102 Guard state signal ...... 107 Hardware Components for Other Units................. 101 Error analysis ..... 7 COMPONENTS LIST.. 10 ety monitoring cycle and cross-check cycle ................................................................... Category 3) ...................................... 96 DIRECTIVE AND STANDARDS ............................. 29 Emergency stop signal .................................................................................................. 108 Hardware Components for Series 16i/18i/21i/160i/180i/210i/160is/180is/210isMODEL A ..................... 5 Definition of Terms Related to the Safety Function .......................... 103 D DEFINITION OF TERMS ...................................... 74 B BASIC PRINCIPLE OF DUAL CHECK SAFETY....................... 37 For Two-path (When the main side and sub side use a common MCC) ....... 100 FSSB I/O Attachment...... 4 Compliance with the Safety Standard (EN954-1..................... 94... 35............ 41 DI/DO CONNECTION (VIA THE PMC)......................................... 50 Emergency Stop Signal (*ESP1....................................................... 107 Hardware Components for Series 16i/18i/21i/160i/180i/210i/160is/180is/210isMODEL B .............................................................................................. Guard Lock State Signal (GDL)............................................ 52 Guard unlock signal............................... 43 FSSB I/O Connection............... 92 APPLICATION RANGE............... 17 For Two-path............... 6 For One-path...... 98 i-1 ............................ 5 GENERAL INFORMATION ......... 99 For Two-path (When the main side and sub side use independent MCCs and protection doors) .. 41 FSSB I/O Specification List. 48 Important Items to Check Before Using the Safety Function ........ 12 Guard lock state signal...................................... 93 C Certification Test ................................................ *ESP2)......B-63494EN/01 INDEX INDEX A ALARMS AND MESSAGES ................. 106 G General Definition of Terms .... 5 DI/DO CONNECTION (VIA THE FSSB) ...................................................................... 47 FUNCTIONS THAT REQUIRE SPECIAL PARAMETER SETTINGS............................................................................. 3 H HARDWARE COMPONENTS...... 52 Guard open request signal ..................... 6 BEFORE USING THE SAFETY FUNCTION 20 Boot System Alarms ........................................................... 52 Guard Open Request Signal (ORQ) ........................................................ Guard State Signal (SGD)............................... 107 E EMERGENCY STOP.................................................................. 20 F Features of Dual Check Safety ..... 3 Directives ............................................................... 9 I I/O SIGNALS ....................................................................... 86 Alarms Displayed on the Spindle Unit ..... 53 Guard Unlock Signal (*LGD)............................. 40 DIAGNOSIS................................................................... ............... 76 STOP................................11....... 59 OVERALL CONNECTION DIAGRAM....................... 58 Two-CPU Two-Path Control (Without Axis Change between Paths) .............. 74 SOFTWARE COMPONENTS .. 21 System Alarms .......... 54 MCC off Test of the Safe Stop Function.................................... 30 SAFETY FUNCTIONS.......................... 16 SAFETY I/O MONITORING............................................. 35 Overview ........................ 20 MCC On Enable Signal (MCF)....................................... 3 Remaining risks....... 75 Start-up of the Safety Function ......... 74 N NOTES ON MULTI-PATH CONTROL.......................................................... 56 SAMPLE CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................... 111 Signal Addresses.......................... 14 L Latent error detection and cross-check ......................... 57 O One-CPU Two-Path Control .............COMPONENTS LIST Initial start-up ..... 64 PARAMETERS RELATED TO THE USE OF FSSB I/O UNIT...................... 55 SIGNALS... 98 SAMPLE CONNECTIONS .............................. 74 Test mode signal ................................................................... 72 T Tandem Control .............................. 80 Servo Alarms......................................... 62.............................................. 1.......... 22 Stopping the Spindle Motor ........................................................................................................... 50 Simple Electronic Gearbox and Two Groups of Electronic Gearboxes ................................................................................................... 101 SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ................. 32 MCC off Test execution request signal................................................................................................................................................. 86 P PARAMETERS ............................... 87 SERVO AMPLIFIER ................... 61 M MAINTENANCE ......................... 8 Loader Control ........................................... 57 R Related Safety Standards .... 105 MCC-on enable signal ................. 93 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ........................................................................ 50 Test Mode Signal (OPT) ............ 81 MCC contact state signal ................................. 91 Series start-up.... MCC Contact State Signal (*SMC) .................................................. 33 B-63494EN/01 SAFE SPEED MONITORING ..... 60 Two-CPU Two-Path Control (With Axis Change between Paths) ................ 22 Stopping the Servo Motor............... 9 MCC OFF TEST .......................... 3 S SAFE MACHINE POSITION MONITORING 31 -2- ............................................................. 53 Multi-path Control..................................................................................... 10 Risk Analysis and Evaluation......... 80 Two-CPU Three-Path Control..... 21 Stop States ........... 109 START-UP............................................. 24 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .. 97 Serial Spindle Alarms..... 78 INSTALLATION.......................................................................................................... 102 Troubleshooting .................................................................. 78 START-UP OPERATION ......................... 82 Safety Signal Modes ............. 53 MCC off Test ..................................................................................... .Revision Record Dual Check Safety OPERATOR’S MANUAL (B-63494EN) 01 Feb. 2002 Edition Date Contents Edition Date Contents . . GE Fanuc-E  FANUC Robotics  CINCINNATI MILACRON  Machine tool builder  Sales agency  End user ○ 2. Summary for Sales Documents (Sales guide. Communicate this report to:  Your information only  GE Fanuc-N. B-63494EN/01-05 IDE General Manager Original section of issue Vice General Department Section Manager Manager Manager Person in Charge FANUC . Attached Document Drawing No.TECHNICAL REPORT (MANUAL) NO. Functional comparison list. Notice 4.) 3. General Manager of Hardware Laboratory Dual Check Safety USER’S MANUAL 1. etc.TMN 00 / 117E Date: . .2000. USER’S MANUAL B-63494EN-01 Version 05: 25th of July. 2000 . ......................................................... Category 3)............................................ 42 INSTALLATION .................................................................................................... 8 GENERAL INFORMATION.......................................................................................................................... 30 EMERGENCY STOP ................. 43 DI/DO CONNECTION (VIA THE PMC) ...............3...................3 OVERALL CONNECTION DIAGRAM ............................................................................1 3................1 DIRECTIVE AND STANDARDS .............................................2................................................. 26 SAFETY I/O MONITORING ............................................2.....................2 APPLICATION RANGE .....................................2 1.................. 18 SAFETY FUNCTIONS ..................................................................................................1........................................................................... 25 MCC off Test of the Safe Stop Function..7 3...................1 1......................................... 3 1....1 3........................... 5 General Definition of Terms ............................................. 27 Stop States..................2 1................................................................................6 3...........................2 1................................... 47 DI/DO CONNECTION (VIA THE FSSB) ............................4 3...........1............................................................................................3 1.................. 41 MCC OFF TEST ...........................................1 1............................................................................................. 3 Directives ......................... 48 4.........3....2.......................................... 8 Compliance with the Safety Standard (EN954-1.............................. 25 Important Items to Check Before Using the Safety Function .......................................................2 3.......................... 21 BEFORE USING THE SAFETY FUNCTION....Table of Contents B-63494EN/01 Table of Contents 1 OVERVIEW...................................................................................... 20 3....................................4 1..........................1 4..................................2 1............................................................................................................3.....................................1.. 27 3................................................8 4 STOP ..................................................................................................................................1 3.......3................................................................................1 c-2 .............................................................. 25 Stopping the Spindle Motor ....................... 37 SAFE SPEED MONITORING................................................3 3..................................................................................................... 8 DEFINITION OF TERMS .................2...........................5 3.......................................................................................................................................................... 1 1............. 3 Risk Analysis and Evaluation...................................................2 3............................1 1..3 3...................... 6 BASIC PRINCIPLE OF DUAL CHECK SAFETY ................... 39 SAFE MACHINE POSITION MONITORING ....... 26 Stopping the Servo Motor ...................1...................................3.......................................................................... 6 Definition of Terms Related to the Safety Function ..................................................3 1.......................... 3 Related Safety Standards.......................... 6 Features of Dual Check Safety..................................................4 2 3 Certification Test..............................................2 4................... 48 FSSB I/O Connection............3.................................................................................................................................... 43 4........................................................................................................................ 16 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION .............. .................................1 8................ 82 System Alarms .............................................................................................................3 9....................................................2 OVERVIEW .............2 SAMPLE CONFIGURATION......... 61 Safety Signal Modes .2 OVERVIEW .................................... 62 5................................................................................. 49 FSSB I/O Specification List .............................................B-63494EN/01 Table of Contents FSSB I/O Attachment ............1 START-UP OPERATION .........................2.3........1........................................................................................................ 85 8........................ 56 5.........3..................................2.................2.........................................................2...3 7......................... *ESP2)...................................... 88 Troubleshooting .......................................................... Guard Lock State MCC Contact State 9...............................2 9........... 86 Start-up of the Safety Function ..................4 7...............................................1 5..........................5 8 START-UP .......................................2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS.........................................2.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 7........................................... 97 Signal (*SMC) ........................................ 58 Signal Addresses...................................................................................... 93 SAMPLE CONNECTIONS .............................2.............................................................................................................................. 55 4...................................3 9 Acceptance test and report for safety functions ...............................2...... 84 7........................................1............................................. 95 Test Mode Signal (OPT) ...................................................................................................................................... 72 7.............................................................2 4....... 94 Guard Open Request Signal (ORQ) ..1 9.2................... MCC On Enable Signal (MCF).....................................1 9.................................................................................1 6......................................................2.............................................................. 66 7 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................. 99 c-3 .............5 Signal (GDL)................ 77 Servo Alarms ................................................................................................................... 95 Guard Unlock Enable Signal (*LGD)........................................ 84 Boot System Alarms...2 8.................2.............................2 6 PARAMETERS..............................................................................2 7.......................................................................................4 9.................................................................................... 73 ALARMS .................1 5......................... 86 8............................................................... Guard State Signal (SGD) ........ 77 Serial Spindle Alarms ...........................................................................................................1 7........... 57 SIGNALS .................................................3 5 I/O SIGNALS .......... 65 PARAMETERS .......................................................................... 92 9................................... 94 Emergency Stop Signal (*ESP1................................................................................................................1......................................... 64 6.................................................................................. 91 SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION.............................................................................................................................. 81 Alarms Displayed on the Spindle Unit...............2...................2......... ............................................................................ 100 c-4 ...........Table of Contents 10 B-63494EN/01 COMPONENTS LIST............................... In this case. no movements can be made on a move axis (rotation axis). The dual check safety system need not have an external detector added. and moving it to the machining start point while viewing it. An error in speed and position is detected at high speed. the addition of an external detector may pose a response problem. With the dual check safety function. which includes attaching and detaching a workpiece to be machined. since the power is shut off. some time is required before machining can be restarted. This configuration can be implemented only when those motors.OVERVIEW OVERVIEW Setup for machining. To prevent failures from being built up. Moreover. and amplifiers that are specified by FANUC are used. and the use of many safety relay modules results in a large and complicated power magnetics cabinet circuit. However. however. only a detector built into a servo motor or spindle motor is used. This drawback can be corrected by adding a motor speed detector to ensure safety. The dual check safety function ensures safety with the power turned on. Instead. -1- . The dual check safety function provides a means for ensuring a high level of safety with the protection door opened. The simplest method of ensuring safety when the protection door is open is to shut off power to the motor drive circuit by configuring a safety circuit with a safety relay module. so that an operator can open the protection door to work without turning off the power. When an abnormality related to safety occurs. is performed with the protection door opened. A major feature of the dual check safety function is a very short time required from the detection of an abnormality until the power is shut off. detectors built into motors. A cost advantage of the dual check safety function is that external detectors and safety relays can be eliminated or simplified. Processing and data related to safety is cross-checked by two CPUs.B-63494EN/01 1. two independent CPUs built into the CNC monitor the speed and position of motors in dual mode. a safety-related hardware and software test must be conducted at certain intervals time. the dual check safety function stops operation safely. and power to the motor is shut off via two independent paths. power is shut off (MCC off) to the motor drive circuit. see the example of system configuration.OVERVIEW B-63494EN/01 The dual check safety function consists of the following three functions: 1. -2- . 3. Safety I/O monitoring function Safety limitation speed monitoring function Safety machine position monitoring function The safety function operates regardless of the NC mode. 2. this function should be used in the setup mode. For details. If a position or speed mismatch is detected by a crosscheck using two CPUs. ! IMPORTANT The dual check safety function cannot monitor the stop state. Usually. The European standard certification organization has certified that this safety function satisfies the European Safety Standard EN954-1 Category 3.1. Electrical equipment of machines Part 1: General requirements (1990) Principles for computers in safety.1. especially the machine directive.3 Risk Analysis and Evaluation According to the machine directive.Safety-related parts of control systems – Part 1: General principles for design EN1050 EN60204-1 1997 DIN V VDE0801 including amendment A1(1994) 1996 Safety of machinery .OVERVIEW 1. The FANUC CNC systems with the dual check safety function are compatible with all of these directives.B-63494EN/01 1.Principles for risk assessment Safety of machinery . Directive Directive 98/37/EC Directive 89/336/EEC Directive 73/23/EEC 1998 Safety of machinery 1989 Electromagnetic compatibility 1973 Low Voltage Equipment 1. general principles for EN954-1 1996 design – Part 2: Technical principles and specifications Safety of machinery .related systems 1. -3- . methodology Safety of machinery .1.2 Related Safety Standards To be compatible with the directives.1 DIRECTIVE AND STANDARDS Directives Machine tools and their components must satisfy the EC directives listed below. the manufacturer of a machine or machine components and a responsible person who supplies a machine or machine components to the market must conduct risk evaluation to identify all risks that can arise in connection with the machine or machine components. the international standards and European standards need to be observed. general principles for design – Part 1: Basic terminology.1 1. Important safety standards EN292-1 EN292-2 1991 1991 Safety of machinery .Basic concepts.Basic concepts.1. a machine and machine components must be designed and manufactured.OVERVIEW B-63494EN/01 Based on such risk analysis and evaluation. documented.1. Risk evaluation must reveal all remaining risks and must be -4- . 4 Certification Test Certification of the dual check safety function The German certification organization TUV PS has certified that the dual check safety function satisfies EN954-1 Category 3.1.OVERVIEW 1.B-63494EN/01 1. -5- . and are used with each monitoring system.2 1. adjustment. power to the drive section is shut off. and disposal to perform its required function under a specified condition for a specified 1. Contactor between -6the incorporating the safety stop feature: . Example: Protection door state signal Safety stop When a safety stop occurs.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS General Definition of Terms Reliability and safety Reliability and safety are defined by EN292-1 as follows: Term Reliability Definition Capability of a machine. disassembly.OVERVIEW B-63494EN/01 1.2. installation. maintenance. machine component. or equipment period Safety Capability of a machine to perform its function without injuring the health under a condition of use for an intended purpose specified in the operator's manual and allow its transportation.2 Definition of Terms Related to the Safety Function Safety-related I/O signal Safety-related I/O signals are input/output signals monitored by two systems. These signals are valid for each feed axis and spindle with a built-in safety function.1.2. The drive section can generate neither a torque The following are measures for line and drive system (line nor dangerous operation. a maximum move distance traveled A measure must be implemented to prevent a set positional limit from being -7- . a set A measure must be implemented to prevent speed from being changed by an limitation unauthorized person.B-63494EN/01 1. When a positional limit is set. Safety machine position When the drive system has reached a specified positional limit. an additional measure (such as a mechanical brake) must be securely implemented to protect against such a force. Safety limitation speed Feature for preventing the drive section from exceeding a specified speed.OVERVIEW contactor) Contactor between the power section and drive motor (motor contactor) If an external force is applied (such as a force applied onto a vertical axis). a transition is made to the safety stop state. until a stop occurs must be considered. changed by an unauthorized person. Then.3 1. Then. monitor CPU. Response If the monitoring function detects an error. the CNC CPU and monitor CPU switch off the MCC via independent paths to shut off the power to the feed axis and spindle. Evaluation The safety function is monitored independently by a CNC CPU and monitor CPU or by a CNC CPU and spindle CPU. Category 3 requires the following: − The safety function of a safety-related portion must not degrade when a single failure occurs. − -8- . Each CPU cross-checks data and results at certain intervals.3. it is fed to two CPUs: a CNC CPU and a 1. A spindle motor detector signal is sent via the spindle amplifier and is applied to the CNC connected through the serial interface.1 BASIC PRINCIPLE OF DUAL CHECK SAFETY Features of Dual Check Safety − Two-channel configuration with two or more independent CPUs Cross-check function for detecting latent errors − Detection A servo motor detector signal is sent via the servo amplifier and is applied to the CNC through the FSB interface. it is fed to two CPUs: a CNC CPU and a CPU built into the spindle amplifier. Category 3) The dual check safety function satisfies the requirements of Category 3 of the safety standard EN954-1. Single errors must be detected at all times when natural execution is possible.2 Compliance with the Safety Standard (EN954-1.1.OVERVIEW B-63494EN/01 1.3. Power shutoff via two paths If an error is detected. The paths need to be tested for built-up failures within a certain time. Each CPU is periodically checked for errors. Input signal safety Safety-related input signals such as the protection door lock/unlock signal is monitored doubly.OVERVIEW To satisfy these requirements. If one system fails. CNC CNC CPU CPU Motor detector signal Door switch signal Shut off pow er Cross-check of data and results Magnetic contactor Monitor Monitor CPU CPU Shut off pow er CNC controller Monitoring of servo motor and spindle motor movement Data output from the detector built into each motor is transferred to the CNC through the amplifier. This crosscheck is constantly made. the servo system and spindle can be stopped safely. The safety of this path is ensured by using motors and amplifiers specified by FANUC. This MCC off Test is not mandatory when machining is performed with the protection door closed. Cross-monitoring using 2 CPUs Two CPUs built into the CNC are used to cross-monitor the safety function. the dual check safety function is implemented using the two-channel configuration shown below. the power to the motor drive circuit is shut off. If a mismatch between the two occurrences of a signal is detected. the power is shut off via two power shutoff paths.B-63494EN/01 1. An error is detected by a MCC off Test. -9- . For detection of built-up failures. Output signal safety A signal is output (via two paths) to the relay used to shut off the power to the motor drive circuit. a MCC off Test needs to be conducted at certain intervals. (See Chapter ?.2.). so that a cross-check detects the error. Monitoring cycle: 16 ms -10- . Cross-check A latent safety-related error associated with two-channel monitoring can be detected as a result of cross-checking. the safety-related portions of the two least allowable period of time for latent errors. For numeric data.3. this detection processing is not requested as mandatory. An error in one monitoring channel causes a mismatch of results. So.2 Safety monitoring cycle and cross-check cycle The safety function is subject to periodical monitoring in a monitoring cycle.1 Latent error detection and cross-check Detection of latent errors This detection function can detect latent software and hardware channels errors need to in be a system tested that at has a once two-channel within an configuration. Caution Forced detection of a latent error on the MCC shutoff path must be performed by the user through a MCC off Test (after power-on and at intervals of a specified time (within 24 hours)).OVERVIEW B-63494EN/01 1. When the system is operating in the automatic mode (when the protection door is closed).) Note An error detected as the result of forced latent error detection or cross-checking leads to a safety stop state. (For example. an allowable cross-checked difference is set for the actual position. 1.3. an allowable difference between the two channels is set in a parameter.1.2. A MCC off Test is conducted once on the CNC side and once on the monitor side.B-63494EN/01 1.2.OVERVIEW The cross-check cycle represents a cycle at which all data subject to cross-checking is compared. a MCC off Test is conducted. -11- .3. turn off the 1. Cross-check cycle: 16 ms 1. Select-test termination When a MCC off Test is completed.3 MCC off Test The MCC is shut off using two CPUs: a CNC CPU and monitor CPU. When a MCC off Test becomes necessary. the MCC off Test execution request signal is turned off.2.4 Error analysis Error analysis The table below indicates the results of system error analysis controlled by the dual check safety function. MCC off Test execution condition − − All axes and the spindle must be stopped beforehand. A MCC off Test is executed by turning on the test mode signal. All vertical axes must be secured firmly beforehand.3. test mode signal. Note The machine tool builder is to warn and prompt the operator to conduct a MCC off Test when a MCC off Test execution request signal is output. essential to dual check safety. the CNC outputs a MCC off Test execution request signal to the PMC. To detect a latent error in the MCC shutoff paths This test is and at A MCC off Test must be (after power-on forcibly. conducted at specified times intervals of 24 hours) to check that the MCC shutoff paths operate normally. After the MCC off Test execution request signal is turned off. 1.OVERVIEW B-63494EN/01 -12- . 5 Remaining risks The machine tool builder is to make a failure analysis in connection with the control system and determine the remaining risks of the machine.B-63494EN/01 1. Input/output signal error Wiring failure. reversal in the signal of encoder and reversal mounting of encoder can cause an increase in the spindle speed or acceleration of axis motion. monitoring function EN60204-1 Category 1/0 stop unit Safety limitation speed operation error. b) Interchanged phases of motor connections.3. position error etc. monitoring function EN60204-1 Category 1/0 stop unit Safety limitation speed error.2. The safety function cannot be activated if any one of the components of the control or drive is not powered on. The dual check safety system has the following remaining risks: a) The safety function is not active until the control system and drive system have fully powered up. monitoring function EN60204-1 Category 1/0 stop unit Safety limitation speed monitoring function EN60204-1 Category 1/0 stop Error analysis when the protection door is closed Error Cause Wiring error. If abnormal speed detected. or control failure. but no effective for above error.OVERVIEW Error analysis when the protection door is open Error Cause or control unit Safety failure. control unit Safety failure. control error. Input/output signal error 1. axis Amplifier operation or control operation Action limitation speed error. etc. Electrical faults can also result in the response -13- . etc. system controlled to brake to zero speed. etc. etc. Action limitation speed monitoring function EN60204-1 Category 1/0 stop Spindle safety Amplifier excessive speed Excessive feed Amplifier axis speed Feed safety machine failure. MCC off is not activated until the delay time set by parameter has expired. 1.OVERVIEW B-63494EN/01 described above(component failure too). c) Faults in the absolute encoder can cause incorrect operation of the safety machine position monitoring function. d) With a 1-encoder system, encoder faults are detected in a single channel, but by various HW and SE monitoring functions. The parameter related to encoder must be set carefully. Depending on the error type, a category 0 or category 1 stop function according to EN60204-1 is activated. e) The simultaneous failure of two power transistors in the inverter may cause the axis to briefly(motion depend on number of pole pairs of motor) Example: A 6-pole synchronous motor can cause the axis to move by a maximum of 30 degrees. With a lead-screw that is directly driven by, e.g.20mm per revolution, this corresponds to a maximum linear motion of approximately 1.6mm. f) When a limit value is violated, the speed may exceed the set value briefly or the axis/spindle overshoot the setpoint position to a greater or lesser degree during the period between error detection and system reaction depending on the dynamic response of the drive and the parameter settings(see Section Safety-Functions) g) The category 0 stop function according to EN60204-1 (defined as STOP A in Safety Integrated) means that the spindles/axes are not braked to zero speed, but coast to a stop (this may take a very long time depending on the level of kinetic energy involved). This must be noted, for example, when the protective door locking mechanism is opened. h) Drive power modules and motors must always be replaced by the same equipment type or else the parameters will no longer match the actual configuration and cause Dual check Safety to respond incorrectly. i) Dual check Safety is not capable of detecting errors in parameterization and programming made by the machine manufacturer. The required level of safety can only be assured by thorough and careful acceptance. j) There is a parameter that MCC off test is not to be made in the self test mode at power-on as in the case of machine adjustment. This parameter is protected, only changed by authorized person. IF MCC off test is not conducted, MCC may not be off at stop response is measured. k) Safety machine position monitoring function does not apply to rotation axis. l) During machine adjustment, an exact motion may be executed incorrectly untie the safety functions setup -14- B-63494EN/01 1.OVERVIEW correctly and confirm test is completely. -15- 1.OVERVIEW B-63494EN/01 1.4 GENERAL INFORMATION The following requirements must be fulfilled for the Dual-Check System: − All conditions of the certification report has to be respected. − The procedures for the changes in the System (either HW or SW) should be referred to maintenance manual (B-63005). When safety related components are exchanged, confirmation test regarding safety functions can be performed accoding to Chapter 8. − Programming in ladder logic should be referred to programming manual (B-61863). Training FANUC Training Center provides versatile training course for the person who is concerned with hardware installation, maintenance and operation. FANUC recommend studying and learning in the training center how efficiently operate FANUC products. There are 3 CNC training course. [ CNC ELEMENTARY COURSE ] Provides basics of CNC functions, operation and programming. The course is recommended before taking more specialized training courses to gain best effects. MAIN ITEMS OF TRAINING − CNC functions − Configuration of CNC − Configuration and function of servo system − Basic programming of CNC − Part programming of milling machine − Part programming of turning machine − Introduction of Custom Macro function [ CNC MAINTENANCE COURSE ] To master maintenance technique that permits you to maintain and inspect CNC, also how to restore it promptly if a trouble should occur. MAIN ITEMS OF TRAINING Function and configuration of Power Unit − Function and configuration of CNC system − include AC servo and AC spindle − Self-diagnosis function − Interface between CNC and the machine tools − Data saving and restoring operation − Trouble shooting − -16- B-63494EN/01 1.OVERVIEW [ CNC SE INTERFACE COURSE ] Training course offered to the engineers who design CNC machine tools or CNC application system for the first time. This course is also suitable for customers who provide to retrofitting, to develop an original CNC machine tools or new application of CNC. MAIN ITEMS OF TRAINING − Configuration of CNC system − Interface between CNC and machine tools − Ladder programming of machine control sequence − Setting of parameter related to machine − Setting of parameter related to servo and spindle More information and course registration Yamanakako-mura, Yamanashi Prefecture : 401-0501, JAPAN Phone : 81-555-84-6030 Fax : 81-555-84-5540 Internet: www.fanuc.co.jp/eschool -17- 2.SYSTEM CONFIGURATION B-63494EN/01 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FANUC Series 16i/18i/20i/21i/160is/180is/210is/160i/180i/210i (LCD-mounted type) FANUC Series 16i/18i/21i/160is/180is/210is/160i/180i/210i (standalone type) Number of controlled axes - Series 20i/21i/210is/210i - Series 18i/180is/180i - Series 16i/160iis/160i Number of spindle controlled axes - Series 21i/210is/210i - Series 18i/180is/180i - Series 16i/160is/160i Amplifier - α series servo amplifier - α series spindle amplifier - α series power supply module Motor - α series servo motor - α series spindle motor I/O - I/O unit (I/O Link) - I/O module (FSSB) Software - Dual check software DETECTOR SYSTEM The detectors below can be used. Feed axis detector - Servo motor built into α1000 - Separate detector (A/B phase pulse) Spindle detector - M sensor - MZ sensor - BZ sensor -18- : : : : : : 4 maximum 6 maximum 6 maximum 2 maximum 3 maximum 4 maximum System of more than twe protectctiv doors .I/O Linkβ .SUB CPU .EGB function .B-63494EN/01 2.Speed command of the axis control by PMC -19- .Background graphic function .Open CNC (LCD-mounted type) .Loader control function .HRV3 control .SYSTEM CONFIGURATION CAUTION The dual check safety system can not be used below functions .Linear Motor .two path control function .Spindle switching function . SAFETY FUNCTIONS B-63494EN/01 SAFETY FUNCTIONS -20- .3. If the two corresponding inputs do not match. When the request to open the protective door is canceled.1 APPLICATION RANGE The dual check safety system assumes the following configuration: A) One protective door is provided. safety measures for the FANUC servo motor or spindle motor need to be taken. The power-down -21- .SAFETY FUNCTIONS 3. At the same time. Some of the safety functions continue working while the protective door is closed. as described above. the active safety functions assure safety. power-down) in redundant mode. the system judges that an abnormal event has occurred. B) If the protective door is closed. WARNING ! Each machine tool builder should take measures to assure safety while the protective door is closed and to ensure safety related to a rotation axis and travel axis. While the protective door is open. protective door lock/open/close state. while the door is open. the safety functions are enabled. and the protective door can be unlocked. and powerdown are checked in redundant mode.B-63494EN/01 3. The dual check safety system has the following safety functions: Safety I/O monitoring This function in redundant mode monitors I/O related to safety (emergency stop. When the operator makes a request to open the protective door. and the safety functions are disabled. The emergency stop. The dual check safety system provides these safety functions while the protective door is open. protective door lock/open/close state. safety is assured. the protective door is locked. Safe speed monitoring This function checks that the rotation speeds of the servo motor and spindle motor are within a predetermined speed range. Safe machine position monitoring This function checks that the position on a servo axis is within a specified range. regardless of whether the protective door is opened or closed. using the two independent CPUs. then turn on the CNC again. The state in which the servo or spindle motor stops because of power-down is referred to as the safe stop state. If a safety error results in the safe stop state. this safety function is disabled. the system judges that an abnormal event has occurred. the dual check safety system shuts off the power to the motor driving circuit.SAFETY FUNCTIONS B-63494EN/01 (MCC off) signal is output in redundant mode (from two paths). Whether the two-path output is normal is judged in a MCC off Test. the system judges that an abnormal event has occurred. CAUTION This safety function is enabled while the protective door is open after a request to open the protective door is made. If a speed exceeding the range is detected. using two CPUs in redundant mode. the operator must turn off the CNC. The dual input check of the safety I/O monitoring function and the emergency stop function are always active.3. If an abnormal event (safety error) is found. The user must conduct a MCC off Test every 24 hours in order to detect a potential cause of error. If the request to open the protective door is canceled and if the protective door is closed. -22- . remove the cause of the error. If a position exceeding the range is detected. using two CPUs in redundant mode. and machine position are checked by the CNC CPU and monitor CPU in redundant mode.SAFETY FUNCTIONS CNC Dual monitoring of emergency stop signal Emergency stop Dual monitoring of protective door state The safe speed of the spindle motor is checked by the CNC CPU and spindle CPU in redundant mode.B-63494EN/01 3. Dual monitoring of MCC Dual power-down Detection of potential cause of error by self test -23- . safe speed of the servo motor. Spindle CPU CNC CPU CrossSPM Spindle motor Protective door Protective door lock signal Safe speed monitoring Servo motor SVM Door lock/ open/close monitoring Cross-check PSM Monitor CPU Powerdown (MCC) Power-down Dual monitoring of MCC Safe speed monitoring Safe machine position monitoring I/O. 3.Dual signal output Output signal for shutting off the power (turning the MCC off)To detect the potential cause of an abnormal state of this output. protective door lock/open/close state. .Double monitoring of input signals Emergency stop input.SAFETY FUNCTIONS Safety functions B-63494EN/01 . relay state for turning off the MCC .Servo motor Safe speed monitoring Safe machine position monitoring -24- . a MCC off Test must be made.Spindle motor Safe speed monitoring . 2 MCC off Test of the Safe Stop Function A MCC off Test of the safe stop function monitors the contact state of the electromagnetic contactor (MCC). The user must also check the absolute position of the machine. a guard open request (protective door open request) is not accepted until the test is performed. For details. In this case. This test must be carried out when the CNC is turned on or when 24 hours have elapsed after the previous test is completed. and reference position return has been performed once. another reference position return operation must be performed. At each power on there is a message: “Please execute safety test”Without this message dual check safety is either not installed or not yet activated (option bit). "START UP. and checks that the safe stop function works normally.2. the user must check that all safety parameters are correct and that all safety functions are working normally. If an incremental pulse coder is being used. reference position data is stored in the CNC memory. At the every power on the safety area must be tested.1 BEFORE USING THE SAFETY FUNCTION Important Items to Check Before Using the Safety Function − When using the safety function for the first time upon assembly of the machine.2 3. If the CNC is turned on or if 24 hours have elapsed after the previous test is completed.B-63494EN/01 3. reference position data is lost each time the power to the CNC is turned off and then back on. A return reference position must be made on each axis. after the power is turned on. compares the state with a command to the electromagnetic contactor.2. So." − If an absolute-position detector is used. -25- . see Chapter 8. the user need not make a reference position check. or changing a safety parameter (such as a safe speed limit or safe range as described in Chapter n).SAFETY FUNCTIONS 3. The test must be carried out by the user of the machine. − − − 3. replacing a part. power-down causes the spindle motor to continue rotating at the speed prior to power-down (and eventually stopping in the end). Normal operation of the two CPUs are mutually checked to ensure the safety of the timers. power-down during rotation causes the motor to continue rotating for a certain amount of time. If necessary. For this safety parameter. If the CNC detects an error and judges that the spindle can be controlled. the speed cannot be reduced. the motor may have to be stopped immediately. the spindle slows down and stops in the emergency stop state.1 STOP Stopping the Spindle Motor Because the spindle motor is an induction type motor. This wait period can be specified as a safety parameter.3. To implement the function.3 3.) The *EMG input of the PSM has the same effect. To speed down and stop the spindle. and the other value is used otherwise. If the emergency stop signal is connected to *EMG. the CNC CPU and monitor CPU individually incorporate a timer function.3. the PMC must input the *SPEMG signal. the spindle slows down and stops. One value is used when the safety function is active (the door is open). Because the DO output is not duplicated. In that case. two different values can be specified. but the MCC is finally shut off and brought into the safe stop state. The values must be determined in consideration of the stop period calculated from the spindle speed. the spindle should be stopped. CAUTION The CNC outputs a DO notifying of an alarm. this DO may not be output when a single failure is detected. then shuts off the power. If a spindle amplifier alarm or any other state in -26- . From a safety standpoint. it waits until the rotation of the spindle stops.SAFETY FUNCTIONS B-63494EN/01 3. If this processing is not performed. (A Ladder program for inputting this signal in case of alarm must be created. When this signal is input. 3. In some circumstances where a controlled stop cannot be made. the power is turned off. If the spindle motor can be controlled. and the motor is brought into the dynamic brake stop state.3 Stop States The following stop states are possible: Safe stop state The power to the motor is shut off (MCC off state). immediate power-down is carried out. some parameters must be specified in the CNC. is 3.2 Stopping the Servo Motor Because the servo motor is a synchronous motor. the motor is immediately brought into the dynamic brake stop state. 3. the spindle motor continues at the same speed prior to the abnormal event and eventually comes to a stop. If the power is shut off immediately. If the servo motor can be controlled. If those parameters are not specified. If the motor cannot be controlled. a dynamic brake stop is unconditionally made. powerdown results in a dynamic brake stop. the motor is slowed down to a stop and then brought into the dynamic brake stop state.3. If the input of the emergency stop signal or an error of a safety signal or speed monitoring is detected. the motor is immediately brought into the dynamic brake stop state. the CNC automatically specifies a command to zero the speed and reduces the speed to zero (controlled stop). The dynamic brake stop is electric braking in which the excited rotor is isolated from the power source and the generated electric energy is used up in the winding. the servo motor does not coast because of this function. If the spindle motor -27- . the power is immediately shut off.B-63494EN/01 3. the power is shut off after the spindle motor is slowed down to a stop. If the spindle motor cannot be controlled.SAFETY FUNCTIONS which the spindle motor cannot be controlled encountered. After the motor slows down and stops. Additional braking is provided by an internal resistor. To slow down and stop the motor. Unlike an induction motor. the motor is brought into the safe stop state. ! IMPORTANT The time period until the signal for shutting off the power (turning off the MCC) is output depends on the parameter. the spindle motor continues rotating at the speed before the power-down and eventually comes to a stop.If the power to the spindle motor driving circuit is shut off. Example) Brake mechanism that would not drop the vertical axis after the power is shut off . -28- . A measure must be taken so that this coasting does not affect safety.The machine tool builder must design the machine so that the machine is kept in the stop state if the power to the servo motor driving circuit is shut off. the operation is performed as instructed by the PMC and then the power is shut off. WARNING ! . In the controlled stop state of either motor. Safety number 1947 MCC off timer 1 If the protective door is closed 1948 MCC off timer 2 If the protective door is opened parameter Name Controlled stop state The power to the motor is not shut off. The servo motor and the spindle motor are controlled to stop.SAFETY FUNCTIONS B-63494EN/01 can be slowed down to a stop.3. Different parameters are used in the safety monitoring state and in other states. the safety function is active if the condition for enabling the safety function is satisfied (the door is open). If a further abnormal event occurs. SAFETY FUNCTIONS -29- .B-63494EN/01 3. Parameter No. the machine tool builder must connect these signals to both the I/O module and the FSSB I/O. The signals.3.4 SAFETY I/O MONITORING A set of safety I/O signals are connected to the I/O Link and the servo FSSB through separate paths. IMPORTANT ! If the safety input signals. the pair of signals may not match for some period because of a difference in response. If a mismatch between two corresponding signals is found. When a signal state changes. except for emergency stop input signals. the system enters the safe stop state. are connected to the I/O module.SAFETY FUNCTIONS B-63494EN/01 3. The two independent CPUs individually check the input signals. The duplicated input signals are always checked for a mismatch. are necessary for the system. 1945 Name Safety input signal check timer The following signals are not defined as safety I/O signals and are not duplicated. The following safety I/O signals are monitored or output in redundant mode: Emergency stop input signal Protective door state input signal Lock state input signal Input signal for monitoring the MCC contact state Output signal for turning off the MCC (power-down) To configure the two-path system. regardless of whether the safety function is active or not. however. The dual check safety system checks whether a mismatch between the two signals continues for a certain period of time. -30- . a Ladder program must be created to establish a one-toone relationship between the actual input (X) and the input to the CNC (G). The check period must be specified as a safety parameter. so that an error resulting from the difference in response can be avoided. Input signal for making a protective door open request .Output signal for specifying a command to lock the protective door .Input signal for starting the test mode . For details.B-63494EN/01 3.SAFETY FUNCTIONS . see Chapter 6." For specific connections. see the sample system configuration in Chapter n. CNC CNC CPU I/O I/O DI DO Machine Cross check FSSB DI Monitor CPU FSSB DO Duplicated I/O Symbol Signal name I/O address *ESP SGD GDL *SMC MCF ORQ OPT *LGD RQT Emergency stop Guard state signal Guard lock state signal MCC state contact signal MCC off signal Guard open request signal Test mode signal Guard unlock signal MCC off Test execution request signal <X008#4> <DI+000#0> <G191#4> <DI+001#4> <G191#5> <DI+001#5> <G191#6> <DI+001#6> <F191#1> <DO+000#1> <G191#3> <G191#2> <F191#0> <F191#2> Dual input monitoring Dual input monitoring Dual input monitoring Dual input monitoring Duplicated output Input Input Output Output -31- .Output signal for requesting a MCC off Test This section briefly describes the signals. "OPERATION. a closed contact of a relay can be detected. The signal is connected to the *ESP input of the servo amplifier as well. the MCC is active. These states are implemented by the combination of the safety door and safety relays. Signals other than safety I/O The following signals are not safety signals (are not checked in redundant mode) but are important signals in the system. 4. The CNC monitors these states. *ESP (input) Emergency stop signal. the MCC is shut off from both the I/O Link side and the FSSB side. SGD Guard state signal (input) The signal is provided for double monitoring of the protective door state. The signal is monitored in redundant mode. *SMC MCC contact signal (input) The MCC contact state is monitored in redundant mode. MCF MCC off signal (output) With this signal. 2. The signal is connected so that it is normally set to 1 while the protective door is closed and locked (door open) and set to 0 otherwise (door close). the system enters the safe stop state. 5. -32- . 3. If the safe speed range is exceeded in the door open state.SAFETY FUNCTIONS B-63494EN/01 Safety I/O 1. and whether the contact of a relay is closed cannot be detected. In the test mode.3. GDL Lock state signal (input) This signal is not usually used. The machine tool builder must create an appropriate Ladder program. In normal operation. The machine tool builder must provide an output signal that opens the actual protective door through the PMC. the protective door is locked. 8. the CNC checks the machine position and speed. *LGD Guard unlock signal If this signal is set to 1. the signal to unlock the actual protective door should be output -33- . When the safety function of the CNC is enabled. there is a time delay (depending on the Ladder program) before the signal to unlock the actual protective door is output. 6. If an error is found as a result of speed check or machine position check during that period. Check the safety function (see Chapter n). execute a MCC off Test by the PMC and make necessary corrections before inputting this signal. this signal is output. If the protective door is unlocked while the signal is set to 0. If a single failure occurs in this state and if the actual protective door is unlocked. the guard unlock signal (*LGD) is set to 1 (guard unlock enabled). If the signal is output. Meanwhile. 7. Then. a MCC off Test is executed. an alarm occurs. The MCC off Test checks whether the contact of the MCC is closed. an alarm occurs and brings the motor into the safe stop state. CAUTION When the signal is set to 1. If both the machine position and speed are within the safe range. ORQ Guard open signal (input) When this signal is input. OPT Test mode signal When the signal is input. *LGD becomes 0. Connect the signal output.B-63494EN/01 3. When carrying out the MCC off Test manually. a signal to unlock the actual protective door should be output through the PMC. the protective door can be unlocked. and safety is ensured.SAFETY FUNCTIONS IMPORTANT ! The Ladder program cannot be checked for an error. 3.SAFETY FUNCTIONS through the PMC. At power-on. -34- . Door open request signal and protective door unlock signal Door open request 24V X Ladder ORQ-I CNC (PMC) G ORQ F Ladder LGD-O Y Protective door LGD The figure shows a sample connection of the protective door open request switch and the protective door lock signal. RQT MCC off Test execution request signal B-63494EN/01 If the execution of a MCC off Test is required. In the normal state. 9. this signal is output. the following state transition takes place before the safety monitoring state is established. If this signal is output. this signal is output. a MCC off Test must be executed. Operations can be performed with the door open. The request is transferred to the CNC. for instance. The safety door open request is canceled. A safe speed check and a machine position check prove that there is no failure and that the CNC can enter the safe state. and the door is locked. The CNC exits from the safe state. The door is closed and locked again. The request is transferred to the CNC.B-63494EN/01 3. This can occur. when the door happens to open (or to be unlocked) while machining is in progress with the protective door open -35- . the CNC judges that an abnormal event has occurred and enters the safe stop state. The actual safety door is unlocked. A protective door open request is made.SAFETY FUNCTIONS State transition ORQ-I ORQ *LGD *LGD-O A B C D 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 E 1 1 1 1 D F G A 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 A protective door open request is not made. Normal operating state Safety function enabled IMPORTANT ! If the CNC detects that the protective door is open (SGD is set to 0) while ORQ is set to 0. This example assumes that the protective door has an electromagnetic lock mechanism. (4) The protective door is closed and locked. the guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is turned on. it checks that the machine position and speed are within safe ranges.3. ORQ P ORQ *LGD *LGD_P1 (Actual door unlock signal) SGD_P SGD2 Door closed Door opened t Door closed Actual door status (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) When the guard open request signal (ORQ) is input.SAFETY FUNCTIONS Timing diagram from door close state to door open state B-63494EN/01 The following diagram shows the timings at which the door is opened and closed again. an alarm may be raised when the door is closed (locked). After this. the CNC turns *LGD off. (2) When *LGD goes on. the guard open request signal (ORQ) must be turned off. (3) The door is open. the Ladder program turns on the unlock signal. (5) When ORQ goes off. CAUTION Reserve a time of 100 ms or longer (t in the figure) from when the door is closed (locked) until the guard open request signal (ORQ) goes off. Then. If this time requirement is not satisfied. -36- . While the door is open. the unlock signal is turned off. IMPORTANT Emergency Stop Button must fulfil the Standard IEC60947-5-1. The spindle motor slows down and stops as instructed by the PMC (Ladder program). -37- . the motor maintains the high speed prior to the power-down and coasts. In the emergency stop state. depending on the state. the corresponding parameter must be specified. an alarm may occur. the CNC enters the safe stop state. the motor immediately enters the dynamic brake stop state. if the emergency stop state is canceled with the protective door open and if no door open request is made. WARNING ! In the emergency stop state. If an illegal speed is specified because of a failure on the PMC side while the safety function is active (the protective door is open). if the protective door should not be opened in the emergency stop state.SAFETY FUNCTIONS 3. the guard unlock enable signal becomes 1 (the door opens). For instance. CAUTION To enable the function to slow down and stop the servo motor. For instance. If the PMC does not instruct this. When the emergency stop is canceled. and the power is shut off. the processing to open or close the protective door depends on the Ladder program created by the machine tool builder. When the emergency stop is input. the CNC judges that an error has occurred and enters the safe stop state.B-63494EN/01 3. the servo motor slows down to a stop (*) and enters the dynamic brake stop. a Ladder program of the processing must be created. If the parameter is not specified.5 EMERGENCY STOP The emergency stop signal is monitored in redundant mode. The spindle slows down to a stop(*) as instructed by the PMC. B-63494EN/01 -38- .3.SAFETY FUNCTIONS This is mandatory. A large value means that a long time is needed to shut off the MCC. CAUTION If an illegal speed is detected. The value of the parameter for the former case must be carefully specified. the MCC is shut off after the time specified in the parameter. the dual check safety system starts monitoring whether a safe speed is kept on each feed axis and spindle. different values can be specified and used when the safety function is enabled (the protective door is open) and disabled (normal operation is performed). In this parameter.6 SAFE SPEED MONITORING When the guard open request signal is input. For each feed axis and spindle. ball screw. ! IMPORTANT A gear ratio. the dual check safety system immediately enters the safe stop state. ! IMPORTANT The period from when an error is detected until the MCC is shut off can be specified in a parameter. a single safe speed range is specified in a safety parameter. The period is reserved to stop the spindle safely.SAFETY FUNCTIONS 3.B-63494EN/01 3. the guard unlock enable signal is enabled. ! IMPORTANT -39- . If the speed does not exceed the safe speed range and if the machine position is in within the safe range. If the safe speed range is exceeded while the protective door is open. and the like must be carefully selected so that a safe speed can be kept on the feed axis. If the door is forced open. for instance. the function cannot detect this state. -40- . the power to the driving circuit is shut off (safe stop state). the guard open request signal is not accepted (the door is not unlocked). The machine must be designed so that this state does not affect the safety of the machine system.3. If a speed exceeds the limit. If an error causes a movement on the feed axis at a speed lower than the safe speed range while the protective door is open. reduce each axial speed and spindle speed to a safe speed range or below.SAFETY FUNCTIONS B-63494EN/01 Before inputting the guard open request signal. WARNING ! The safe speed monitoring function monitors whether the traveling speed exceeds a specified limit. The function cannot monitor the stop state (zero speed). Only after the function detects that a position on a feed axis exceeds the range. this function is enabled. an overtravel has occurred on the feed axis. the safety functions start working. Depending on the safety parameter setting. Accordingly. This check function is enabled after the reference position is established. If it detects a machine position the safety range. -41- .B-63494EN/01 3. the dual check safety immediately enters the safe stop state. in the safe stop state.7 SAFE MACHINE POSITION MONITORING While the door is open. system within safety beyond system The user of the machine must first carry out a reference position return in order to obtain the initial position. safe machine position monitoring cannot be performed because the coordinates are not set. If the reference position return is not carried out. an alarm may be raised. the machine position monitoring function is disabled. Note) The safe machine position monitoring function does not keep monitoring the specified range. however. The travel distance depends on the traveling speed and other conditions.SAFETY FUNCTIONS 3. In this state. To avoid this alarm. the safety function does not work. the check function is disabled. specify the safe machine position parameters before making a reference position return. If the reference position return is not completed. After power-on. safe machine position monitoring and safe speed monitoring are performed.) A safe machine position limit on each feed axis is specified in a safety parameter. the system enters the safe stop state. At power-on. the dual check safety checks whether the position on each feed axis is the safe machine position range defined by parameters. Then. (The function cannot be disabled by any means after the reference position is established. If the reference position return is completed and if the protective door is open. the CNC checks whether a reference position return is completed. After a reference position return is made. SAFETY FUNCTIONS B-63494EN/01 3. ! IMPORTANT Carry out the MCC off Test with the protective door closed.8 MCC OFF TEST A MCC off Test must be carried out in intervals of 24 hours.3. so that the safety functions would not be damaged by a possible cause of failure. -42- . A message telling that the MCC off Test must be carried out is displayed at power-on or when 24 hours have elapsed after the previous MCC off Test. prepare the system for mechanical MCC shut-off before starting the MCC off Test. The protective door can be opened only after the MCC off Test is carried out accordingly. Because the test shuts off the MCC. and/or organic solvent is relatively high.INSTALLATION INSTALLATION Except FSSB I/O module. no Vibration Meters above sea level Environment or less. no Short period(less than 1 month) Operating 0.B-63494EN/01 4. CNC are to be installed in IP54 protected cabinets. EMC problem should be referred to EMC guideline manual (A-72937/E). IP40 without oil-seal Servo and Spindle amplifiers: IP1x CNC and other accessories: Ipxx Note Servo/Spindle amplifiers. Environmental conditions for CNC units Condition LCD–mounted type control unit and display unit (except unit with data server function) 0°C to 58°C –20°C to 60°C 75% RH condensation 95% RH condensation or Stand–alone type control unit LCD–mounted type control unit with PC and data server functions Ambient Temperature of the unit Humidity Operating Storage Transport Normal 0°C to 55°C 5°C to 53°C less. power supply.0 G or less Operating Up to 1000 m Up to 1000 m Non–operating Up to 12000 m Up to 12000 m Normal machine shop environment (The environment must be considered if the cabinets are in a location where the density of dust. should be referred to connection manual (B-63003E) for CNC units and (B65162E) for servo amplifier. The peripheral units and the control unit have been designed on the assumption that they are housed in closed cabinets. the hardware installation such as field wiring. no condensation -43- . no condensation 10% to 90% RH. etc. coolant.5 G or less Non–operating 1. Degree of IP protection: Servo Motors: IP55 Spindle Motors: IP54 with oil-seal.) 10% to 75% RH. -44- .5G (4) Atmosphere No corrosive or conductive mists or drops should deposit directly on the electronic circuits. and condensation–free (3) Vibration In operation : Below 0.4.INSTALLATION B-63494EN/01 Environmental conditions for servo amplifier The servo amplifier ≠series must be installed in a sealed type cabinet to satisfy the following environmental requirements: (1) Ambient Temperature Ambient temperature of the unit : 0 to 55°C (at operation) –20 to 60°C (at keeping and transportation) (2) Humidity Normally 90% RH or below. 1 LCD display unit OVERALL CONNECTION DIAGRAM Mother board 24V-IN(CP1A) 24V-OUT(CP1B) MDI UNIT Soft key cable MDI(CA55) CK2 CK1 24 VDC supply power To I/O device R232(JD36A) R232(JD36B) RS-232C I/O device RS-232C I/O device Touch panel HDI(JA40) High-speed skip input Distribution-type I/O board DC24V I/O-LINK(JD1A) CPD1 JD1 JD1 I/O unit. DC24V CPD1 JD1 JD1 JA3 Manual pulse generator Operator's panel Power magnetics cabinet -45- .B-63494EN/01 4. etc.INSTALLATION 4. INSTALLATION B-63494EN/01 LCD display unit Mother board SPDL(JA41) JA7B JA7A SPM JY2 TB2 Spindle motor Second spindle FSSB(COP10A) COP10B COP10A COP10B COP10A COP10B COP10A SVM SVM SVM TB2 JF1 Axis 2 servo monitor Axis 1 servo motor TB2 JF1 TB2 JF1 Axis 3 servo motor Six or eight axes maximum.4. depending on the model (This diagram assumes the use of a 1-axis amplifier.) Separate detector interface unit DC24V CP11A COP10B COP10A JF104 JA4A JF101 JF102 JF103 Linear scale axis 1 Linear scale axis 2 Linear scale axis 3 Linear scale axis 4 Battery for absolute position detector FSSB I/O DC24V CP11A CB155A COP10B CB156A COP10A Power magnetics cabinet SV-CHK(CA54) Servo check board -46- . the I/O signals of the unit connected to the FANUC I/O Link are to be input to or output from the following addresses.2 DI/DO CONNECTION (VIA THE PMC) For DI/DO signals connected via the PMC.B-63494EN/01 4. "OPERATION. -47- ." Hatted signals means dual monitoring. see Chapter 6. via the PMC: PMC→CNC G008 PMC→CNC #7 G191 CNC→PMC #7 F191 *ESPG #6 #5 *SMC1 #4 GDL1 #3 SGD1 #2 ORQ #1 OPT #0 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 RQT #0 MCF1 *LGD For the meaning of each of the above signals.INSTALLATION 4. +24V(1) 0V(2) Recommended cable specification: A02B-0124-K830 (5 m) An M3 crimp terminal is provided on the external power supply side.4.3.1 DI/DO CONNECTION (VIA THE FSSB) For DI/DO signals connected via the FSSB.3 4.INSTALLATION B-63494EN/01 4. The 24 VDC power input to CP11A can be drawn from CP11B for distribution. -48- . the I/O signals are to be directly connected to the I/O unit connected to the FSSB. The connection to CP11B is the same as for CP11A. FSSB I/O Connection Power supply connection External power supply CP11A 1 +24V 2 0V 3 24 VDC regulated power supply 24 VDC±10% Cable CP11A AMP Japan 1-178288-3 (Housing) 1-175218-5 (Contact) External power supply Select a one that matches the pins of the external power supply. 2 For the meanings "OPERATION. DOCOM CB155A(B06) Signal name 0V +24V +24V regulated power supply CB155A(A11) Relay DV MCF2 DV CB155A(B11) Relay CB155A(A17. FSSB I/O Attachment External dimensions -49- .3. Signal name +24V CB155A(A01) CB155A(B01) CB155A(A02) CB155A(A07) CB155A(B07) CB155A(A08) CB155A(B08) CB155A(A09) CB155A(B09) CB155A(A10) *ESP2 RV RV RV RV RV SGD2 GDL2 SMC2 RV RV RV Pin No.INSTALLATION DI/DO connection Pin No.B17) 4. see Chapter 6.B-63494EN/01 4." of the above signals. INSTALLATION B-63494EN/01 CP11A CP11B Upper:CB156A Lower:CB155A COP10A COP10B -50- .4. INSTALLATION Screw attachment Mounting hole machining diagram 付穴加 -51- .B-63494EN/01 4. provide about 70 mm between the adjacent unit and this unit. So. a screwdriver is inserted at an angle. -52- . If the front surface of the adjacent stands forward of the front surface of this unit. if the front surface of an adjacent unit is flush with or set back from the front surface of this unit.INSTALLATION B-63494EN/01 CAUTION When attaching/detaching this unit. As a guideline. provide about 70 mm between this unit and the cabinet. provide about 20 mm between the adjacent unit and this unit. a sufficiently large working space must be provided on the both sides of this unit.4. When installing this unit near the side of the cabinet. INSTALLATION Working space around the I/O unit Attachment to a DIN rail -53- .B-63494EN/01 4. 4. When attaching or detaching the unit. to prevent force from being applied to the side (where the cooling rents are provided) of the unit. Pull down the lock section with a standard screwdriver.INSTALLATION B-63494EN/01 Attachment DIN rail Detachment DIN rail Attachment 1. Press the unit down until it snaps into place. if possible. hold the upper and lower parts of the unit. 2. -54- . be careful not to damage the lock section by applying excessive force. 2. Detachment 1. Hook the unit over the top of the DIN rail. Pull the lower part of the unit toward you. CAUTION When detaching the unit. the FSSB transfer period and ladder scan period must be considered.3mAxDI Remarks Number of DI points in DI = ON state Input signal specifications Contact capacity Leakage current between open contacts Voltage drop across closed contacts Delay time 30 VDC. -55- . Output signal specifications Maximum load current at ON time Saturation voltage at ON time Dielectric voltage Output leakage current at OFF time Delay time 200 mA or less including momentary variations 1 V (MAX) when the load current is 200 mA 24 V +20% or less including momentary variations 20 μA or less Driver delay time: 50 μs(MAX) In addition.) (1) Use the unit in a completely sealed cabinet. the FSSB transfer period and ladder scan period need to be considered. Other conditions Power supply capacity Supply voltage 24V±10% is fed from the CP11A connector of the basic module. Do not install equipment that dissipates much heat under this unit. 16 mA or more 1 mA or less (when the voltage is 26.B-63494EN/01 4.5G or less Normal machining plant environment (Check is required if the unit is to be used in an environment exposed to relatively high levels of dust or coolant.1℃/minute maximum Normally Relative humidity 75% or less Short term (no more than one month) Relative humidity 95% or less Operating 0. transportation -20℃~60℃ 1.INSTALLATION 4.3A+7.4 V) 2 V or less (including a cable voltage decrease) Receiver delay time: 2 ms (MAX) In addition. or a relatively high concentration of organic solvents. and provide a space of 100 mm or more above and below the unit. Power supply capacity 0.3 FSSB I/O Specification List Installation conditions Ambient temperature of the unit Temperature variation Humidity Vibration Atmosphere Operating 0℃~55℃ Storage. ±10% includes momentary variations and ripples. (2) Install the unit on a vertical surface.3. 5.I/O SIGNALS B-63494EN/01 I/O SIGNALS -56- . function. two paths are used: one path for input to the CNC via the PMC. the MCC must be turned off.I/O SIGNALS 5. For input signals (safety input signals). -57- . (Dual-check for safety input signals) For output signals (safety output signals). For an output signal.2. function. two paths are used: one path for output from the CNC via the PMC. a signal name is followed by its symbol and addresses <via PMC> and <via FSSB>.1 Overview The dual-check safety system provides two input paths and two output paths for safety-related signals (safety signals). and the other for output from the monitor via the FSSB. If either is 0. and safety signal modes A/B/C/D described in Subsection 5. see Subsection 5. If a mismatch is found between a safety input signal via one path and the same signal via the other path. and output condition are described in this order. the signal is assumed to be 0. and operation are described. That is.2. if the MCC-on enable signal (MCF) via the PMC and the same signal via the FSSB are both 1.B-63494EN/01 5. the CNC and monitor independently detect an alarm. its classification. MCC off Test mode. the signal is assumed to be 0. For information about the emergency stop mode. If such a state lasts for the period set in a parameter or more. the signal is assumed to be 1. for an input signal.2. The MCC-on enable signal (MCF) is output via these two paths.2. and the other for input to the monitor via the FSSB. When both a signal via one path and the same signal via the other path are 1. The CNC and monitor exchange the safety input signals with each other at all times to check each other. In Subsection 5. its classification. If either is 0. in this order. the MCC may be turned on. Then. and an emergency stop occurs. respectively. (MCC-on enable signal (MCF) is output in various patterns. CAUTION Emergency stop signals (*ESP) via the PMC <X008#4> and via the FSSB <DI+000#0> are checked each other (dual-check for safety input signals). and a test is conducted to see if an appropriate MCC contact state signal (*SMC) pattern is input.) In the emergency stop state.I/O SIGNALS B-63494EN/01 5. In this mode. servo alarm No. When test mode signal (OPT) is 1. the CNC. the emergency stop mode is set with the dual-check safety system. MCC off Test processing is not performed. the MCC contact state signal (*SMC) is checked. When an emergency stop occurs. If a safety output signal MCC off Test is not completed within the time set in parameter No. the servo ready signal SA is set to 0. the CNC performs safety output signal MCC off Test processing. the CNC is reset. Guard open request signal (ORQ) is not input via the FSSB. When emergency stop signal (*ESP) is set to 0.2 Signals Emergency stop signal *ESP1 <X008#4>. emergency stop signal (*ESP) is specified by the pushbutton switch B contact. monitor and spindle software make a machine position check and safety speed -58- . 1946. In general. Test mode signal OPT <G191#2> [Classification] [Function] [Operation] Input signal This signal notifies the CNC that MCC off Test mode is set with the dual-check safety system. When *SMC = 0 (MCC-on state ). Guard open request signal ORQ <G191#3> [Classification] [Function] [Operation] Input signal This signal requests the CNC to unlock the guard with the dual-check safety system. the guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is set to 1 (to enable guard unlocking). When the guard open request signal (ORQ) is 1. however. *ESPG <G008#4>. the guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is set to 0 (to disable guard unlocking).5. When *SMC = 1 (MCC-off state). but *ESP via the PMC <G008#4> is not checked. *ESP2 <DI+000#0> [Classification] [Function] [Operation] Input signal Stops machine movement immediately in an emergency. When emergency stop signal (*ESP) is set to 0. Test mode signal (OPT) is not input via the FSSB. 488 is issued. This is mandatory. (In emergency stop state.B-63494EN/01 5.2.2. [Operation] MCC contact state signal *SMC1 <G191#6>.) See Subsection 5. 0: MCC-on state 1: MCC-off state -59- . For details. 0: Guard unlocked state 1: Guard locked state This signal is usually not used.2. the guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is set to 1. guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is set to 1 (to enable guard unlocking). but please input same signal both via PMC and via FSSB all time because dual-check for guard lock state signal is executed by CNC and monitor. however. and spindle software. Guard state signal SGD1 <G191#4>. Guard lock state signal GDL1 <G191#5>. [Operation] IMPORTANT Interlock switch must fulfil the Standard IEC60947-5-1. SGD2 <DI+001#4> [Classification] [Function] Input signal This signal posts the guard open/closed state to the CNC and monitor with the dual-check safety system. *SMC2 <DI+001#6> [Classification] [Function] Input signal This signal posts the MCC state to the CNC and monitor with the dual-check safety system.I/O SIGNALS check. see Subsection 5. If the results of the checks assure safety. 0: Guard open state 1: Guard closed state This input signal is used together with safety input signals such as guard open request signal (ORQ) to determine a safety signal mode that specifies the operation of the CNC. When guard open request signal (ORQ) is 0. monitor. the CNC and monitor set guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) to 0 (to disable guard unlocking). Input this signal according to the guard state. GDL2 <DI+001#5> [Classification] [Function] Input signal This signal posts the guard lock state to the CNC and monitor with the dual-check safety system.2. this signal is set to 0 (to prevent the MCC from being turned on): ・ When a safety-related alarm is issued ・ When the emergency stop state is issued In cases other than above. [Output condition] MCC off Test execution request signal RQT <F191#2> [Classification] [Function] Output signal This signal requests that MCC off Test mode be set. Guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is not output via the FSSB. the MCC is turned off. the guard is locked. the MCC is turned on.I/O SIGNALS [Operation] B-63494EN/01 When the MCC contact state signal (*SMC) is 1 in the emergency stop state. this signal is state to 1 (to enable the MCC to be turned on). When guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is 0. The MCC contact state signal (*SMC) is used to check if the MCC-on enable signal (MCF) operates normally in MCC off Test mode. When *LGD is 1. When MCC-on enable signal (MCF) is 0. this signal is set to 0 (to disable guard unlocking). [Output condition] MCC-on enable signal MCF1 <F191#1>. Guard unlock enable signal *LGD <F191#0> [Classification] [Function] Output signal This signal notifies that guard unlocking is enabled with the dualcheck safety system. and a check is made to determine whether the safety output signals (MCC-on enable signal (MCF)) operate normally.5. the CNC sets the guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) to 1 (to enable guard unlocking). When MCF is 1. and MCC off Test execution request signal (RQT) is 0 In cases other than the above. the machine is positioned within the safety area.MCF2 <DO+000#1> [Classification] [Function] Output signal This signal posts notification that the MCC can be turned on with the dual-check safety system. and MCC contact state signal (*SMC) is 1 (MCC-off state) ・ When guard open request signal (ORQ) is 1. the servo and spindle motors rotate within the safety speeds. In the following cases. Input this signal according to the MCC state. the guard is unlocked. When MCC off Test execution -60- . this signal is set to 1 (to enable guard unlocking): ・ When emergency stop state is set. In the following cases. (On some screens. MCC must have forced guided contacts and must fulfil the Standard IEC60204 and the standard IEC 255. In the following case. When MCC off Test execution request signal (RQT) is 1. ・ Twenty-four hours have elapsed since the completion of the last MCC off Test. When safety signal mode C (state where a guard open request is input. it is assumed that 24 hours have elapsed since the previous MCC off Test. this signal is set to 1: ・ A MCC off Test is not completed after power-on (when bit 3 of parameter No.B-63494EN/01 5. the warning "PLEASE EXECUTE SAFE TEST" is displayed on a screen such as a parameter screen. no warning is displayed. and the guard is closed) is set and the conditions including speed are satisfied.This is mandatory.I/O SIGNALS request signal (RQT) is set to 1. guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is 0 to disable guard unlocking until MCC off Test execution request signal (RQT) is set to 0 after the guard is closed once. [Output condition] CAUTION 1. guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is set to 0 to disable guard unlocking even if safety signal mode B (state in which a guard open request is input.) MCC off Test execution request signal (RQT) is not output via the FSSB. the elapse of 24 hours may be assumed even if 24 hours has not elapsed after the completion of the previous MCC off Test. this signal is set to 0: ・ A MCC off Test is completed.2. 2. 5. 1902 is 0). From February 28 to March 1. If the current date and time lags behind the date and time of the previously completed MCC off Test due to a clock change or the like.1 Signal Addresses Via the PMC #7 X008 #6 #5 #4 *ESP1 #3 #2 #1 #0 #7 G008 #6 #5 #4 *ESPG #3 #2 #1 #0 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 -61- . and the guard is open) is set. In the following cases. set MCC off Test mode and conduct a safety output signal MCC off Test as soon as possible. 3. and MCC off Test execution request signal (RQT) is set to 1. When MCC off Test execution request signal (RQT) is 1. In safety signal mode A. 5. Usually.5. and SGD = 0 Safety signal mode D ORQ = 0 and SGD = 0 In general. emergency stop mode is set.) Emergency stop mode *ESP = 0 MCC off Test mode OPT = 1 Safety signal mode A ORQ = 0 and SGD = 1 Safety signal mode B ORQ = 1. guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is 0. the MCC contact state signal (*SMC) is checked.2. safety signal mode A is set. and spindle software internally have one of the six modes (safety signal modes) indicated in the table below. monitor. When *SMC = 0 (MCC-on state). and the guard is open Abnormal state (state in which the guard is open although no guard open request is input. and the guard is closed State in which a guard open request is input. When an emergency stop is required. the CNC.I/O SIGNALS G191 *SMC1 GDL1 SGD1 ORQ OPT B-63494EN/01 #7 F191 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 RQT #1 MCF1 #0 *LGD Via the FSSB #7 DI+0000 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 *ESP2 #7 DI+001 #6 *SMC2 #5 GDL2 #4 SGD2 #3 #2 #1 #0 #7 DO+000 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 MCF2 #0 CAUTION Emergency stop signals (*ESP) via the PMC <X008#4> and via the FSSB <DI+000#0> are checked each other (dual-check for safety input signals). guard unlock enable -62- . Safety signal mode Safety signal state Machine state Emergency stop state State for conducting a MCC off Test Normal operation state State in which a guard open request is input. and the guard is locked. safety signal mode transitions are made as described below. and SGD = 1 Safety signal mode C ORQ = 1.2 Safety Signal Modes Depending on the safety input signal state. In emergency stop mode. but *ESP via the PMC <G008#4> is not checked. B-63494EN/01 5.I/O SIGNALS signal (*LGD) is set to 0 (to disable guard unlocking). When *SMC = 1 (MCC-off state), guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is set to 1 (to enable guard unlocking). When a MCC off Test is to be conducted, MCC off Test mode is set. In MCC off Test mode, safety output signal MCC off Test processing is performed. (MCC-on enable signal (MCF) are output in various patterns, and a test is conducted to determine whether appropriate MCC contact state signal (*SMC) patterns are input respectively.) When the guard is to be opened, safety signal mode B is set. In safety signal mode B, the CNC, monitor, and spindle software check the machine position and the speed on each axis. If safety is assured, guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is set to 1 to enable the guard to be opened. When the guard is opended in safety signal mode B after guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is set to 1, safety signal mode C is set. In safety signal mode C, the CNC, monitor, and spindle software check the machine position and the speed on each axis. If an abnormality is detected, an alarm is issued, MCC-on enable signal (MCF) is set to 0, and the MCC is turned off. Safety signal mode D represents an abnormal state in which the guard is open although no guard open request is made. In safety signal mode D, an alarm is issued, the MCC-on enable signal (MCF) is set to 0, and the MCC is turned off. -63- 6.PARAMETERS B-63494EN/01 PARAMETERS -64- B-63494EN/01 6.PARAMETERS 6.1 Overview The parameters related to the dual-check safety function (safety parameters) are protected by a code (No. 3225) for the safety parameters. The value of a safety parameter cannot be modified unless the same value as the code for the safety parameters is set as the key (No. 3226) for the safety parameters. The safety parameters are stored in two locations on the CNC. The CNC, monitor, and spindle software check the matching of the parameters stored at the two locations. If a mismatch is found, an alarm is issued. If the setting of a safety parameter is modified, the power must be turned off then back on. The new setting of the parameter becomes effective after the power is turned back on. For information about emergency stop mode, MCC off Test mode, and safety signal modes A/B/C/D described in this section, see Section 6. -65- 6.PARAMETERS B-63494EN/01 6.2 Parameters 1023 Servo axis number for each axis [Data type] [Valid data range] Byte axis 1, 2, 3, ..., number of controlled axes Set which servo axis corresponds to each controlled axis. Usually, set the same value for a controlled axis number and servo axis number. A controlled axis number represents an array number for an axis type parameter or axis type machine signal. For details of the setting, refer to the description of FSSB setting in the connection manual (function part). Positional deviation limit during a stop for each axis 1829 [Data type] [Unit of data] [Valid data range] Word axis Detection unit 0 to 32767 Set a positional deviation limit for each axis at stop time. If a positional deviation limit during a stop is exceeded at stop time, a servo alarm is issued, and an immediate stop (same as an emergency stop) is performed. When the dual-check safety function is used, the CNC and monitor make a positional deviation check in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input, and the guard is opened); in the other modes, only the CNC performs a positional deviation check. Positional deviation limit during movement for each axis in safety signal mode C 1838 [Data type] [Unit of data] [Valid data range] 2-word axis Detection unit 0 to 99999999 Set a positional deviation limit during movement for each axis in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input, and the guard is opened) when the dual-check safety function is used. If a positional deviation limit during movement is exceeded during movement, a servo alarm is issued, and an immediate stop (same as an emergency stop) is performed. When the dual-check safety function is used, the CNC and monitor make a positional deviation check in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input, and the guard is opened); in other modes, only the CNC makes a positional deviation check. When the guard is open, axis movement is performed at a speed not exceeding the safety speed. So, usually, set a value smaller than a positional deviation limit during movement (parameter No. 1828). #7 #6 DCE #5 #4 #3 STP #2 #1 #0 1902 [Data type] STP Bit When the power is turned on, a safety output signal MCC off Test in the MCC off Test mode is: -66- B-63494EN/01 6.PARAMETERS 0: 1: Conducted. (The warning "PLEASE EXECUTE MCC OFF TEST" is displayed at power-on, and MCC off Test execution request signal (RQT) is output.) Not conducted. CAUTION 1. The STP parameter is used temporarily, for example, when a safety output signal MCC off Test is not to be made in the MCC off Test mode at power-on as in the case of machine adjustment. Usually, set STP = 0. 2. Even when STP = 1, a safety output signal MCC off Test is required if the power is turned 24 hours or more after the completion of the previous MCC off Test. WARNING Set STP = 0 after the STP parameter is used temporarily as in the case of machine adjustment. DCE The dual-check safety function is: 0: Disabled. 1: Enabled. CAUTION Usually set the DCE = 1 in the dual-check safety system. The system cannot start-up because MCC-on enable signal (MCF) = 0 when the DCE = 0. WARNING All bits of parameter No.1902 except STP and DCE must be set “0”. If one of these bits is set “1”, the safety functions may be executed incorrectly. 1942 Safety speed for each axis [Data type] [Unit of data] [Valid data range] 2-word axis Increment system Valid data range Unit of data IS-A, IS-B 0 ~ 240000 0 ~ 96000 0 ~ 240000 IS-C 0 ~ 100000 0 ~ 48000 0 ~ 100000 Millimeter machine 1 mm/min Inch machine 0.1 inch/min Rotation axis 1 deg/min Set a safety speed for each axis. When safety signal mode B (state in which a guard open request is input, and the guard is closed) is set with the dual-check safety -67- 6.direction) ≤ machine position ≤ safety position (+ direction)). 1943 1944 Safety position of each axis (+ direction) Safety position of each axis (. When safety signal mode B (state in which a guard open request is input. the CNC and monitor check the speed command for each axis. WARNING CNC and monitor check the machine position of each linear axis. the CNC and monitor check the speed command for each axis. the guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is set to 0 to disable guard unlocking. and the guard is closed) is set with the dual-check safety function. If there is at least one axis for which a speed greater than the safety speed is specified. the CNC and monitor check the machine position of each linear axis. WARNING CNC and monitor check the machine position of only each axis whose reference position is established. a servo alarm is issued. If there is at least one linear axis whose machine position is not in the safety position (safety position (.00001 Unit mm inch Millimeter machine 0. 1945 Safety input signal check timer [Data type] [Unit of data] Word ms -68- .direction) [Data type] [Unit of data] 2-word Increment system IS-A IS-B 0. If there is at least one linear axis whose machine position is not in the safety position. and the guard is open). the CNC and monitor check the machine position of each linear axis.0001 0. a servo alarm is issued. the guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is set to 0 to disable guard unlocking. The state in which the machine positions of all linear axes are within the safety positions is one condition for setting the guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) to 1 (to enable guard unlocking). and not check it of each rotation axis. In safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. If there is at least one axis for which a speed greater than the safety speed is specified. and the guard is open).001 [Valid data range] -99999999 to 99999999 Set a safety position for each axis. and not check it of each axis whose reference position is not established.PARAMETERS B-63494EN/01 function.01 Inch machine 0. In safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input.0001 IS-C 0.001 0. The state in which the speeds specified for all axes are within the safety speeds is one condition for setting the guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) to 1 (to enable guard unlocking). When the spindle motor should stop as quickly as possible. the spindle motor will continue to rotate (free-run) and stop after time. however. and after that cut MCC off. the timers are not used. the CNC and monitor set MCC-on enable signal (MCF) to 0 when an MCC-off timer value has elapsed after the alarm or emergency stop state. State When a spindle alarm is issued When the guard is closed When the guard is open Timer used No timer is used.PARAMETERS [Valid data range] 0 to 32767 For input signals related to the dual-check safety function (safety input signals). If a value of less than 16 is specified. If a MCC off Test is not completed within the time set in this parameter. If a value of less than 0 is specified. If a spindle alarm is issued. 1948) 3225 Code for safety parameters [Data type] [Valid data range] 2-word 0 to 99999999 Set a code (password) for protecting against modifications to parameters related to the dual-check safety function (safety -69- . If the MCC is cut off while the spindle motor is rotating. MCC-on enable signal (MCF) is set to 0 immediately. Instead. please use these parameters and control the spindle motor to stop. MCC off Test timer 1946 [Data type] [Unit of data] [Valid data range] Word ms 0 to 32767 When MCC off Test mode is set with the dual-check safety function. MCC-off timer 1 (No. two paths are used: one path for input to the CNC via the PMC. and the other for input to the monitor via the FSSB. a specification of 10000 ms is assumed. MCC-off timer 1 MCC-off timer 2 1947 1948 [Data type] [Unit of data] [Valid data range] Word ms 0 to 32767 When the MCC-on enable signal (MCF) needs to be set to 0 (MCC off) with the dual-check safety function for a cause such as an alarm or emergency stop. a servo alarm is issued. a servo alarm is issued. If a mismatch greater than the time set in this parameter is detected between an input signal via one path and the same signal via the other path. The CNC and monitor exchange the input signals with each other at all times to check each other. the CNC conducts a safety output signal MCC off Test. 1947) MCC-off timer 2 (No. a specification of 16 ms is assumed.B-63494EN/01 6. 1947. Input method Result MDI input Warning "WRITE PROTECT" G10 (programmable parameter input) P/S231 FORMAT ERROR IN G10 L50 Input via the reader/punch interface No alarm is issued. No. Moreover.1945. No. When safety signal mode B (state in which a guard open request is input.1902 #3. Input through a window Completion code 7 (write protect) A code for safety parameters can be set when the safety parameters are not locked. the setting (code) is not displayed but is blank. depending on the method of input. 3226). No. the code for the safety parameters cannot be modified. the result indicated in the table below is produced.1902 #6. CAUTION Once a key is set.1942. No. No. No attempt is successful. or when the code for safety parameters is the same as the key for safety parameters (No. No.1946. the parameters are locked. the CNC and spindle software check the speed of each spindle motor. but parameter input is disabled. the value set in this parameter is cleared. the key is opened to enable modifications to the safety parameters. No. The value set in this parameter is not displayed. No.1829. No.1948.1838. If an attempt is made to input data in a locked safety parameter.4372 3226 Key for safety parameters [Data type] [Valid data range] 2-word 0 to 99999999 When the same value as the code for safety parameters is set in this parameter. When the power is turned off.3225. At this time. Be careful when setting a code for safety parameters. If there is at least one spindle whose speed is greater -70- . the key must be cancelled or memory must be cleared before the safety parameters can be modified. When a code for safety parameters is set. resulting in the locked state.1023. and safety parameter input is disabled. No. 4372 Safety speed of each spindle [Data type] [Unit of data] [Valid data range] Word min-1 0 to 32767 Set a safety speed for each spindle in terms of motor speed.PARAMETERS B-63494EN/01 parameters). The following safety parameters are protected by a code for safety parameters: No. No. that is. when the code for safety parameters is 0.6.1944. No. and the guard is closed) is set with the dual-check safety function.1943. No. If there is at least one spindle whose speed is greater than the safety speed. a spindle alarm is issued. the CNC and spindle software check the speed of each spindle motor. guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is set to 0 to disable guard unlocking.B-63494EN/01 6. -71- . The state in which the speeds of all spindle motors are within the safety speeds is one condition for setting guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) to 1 (to enable guard unlocking).PARAMETERS than the safety speed. When safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. and the guard is open) is set. MAINTENANCE B-63494EN/01 MAINTENANCE -72- .7. or perform any other function related to the products described in the product manuals. and service personnel who are trained to install and maintain such machine tool. startup. adherence to operating and maintenance procedures.1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS This section describes the safety precautions related to the use of CNC units. These matters are the responsibility of the owner/operator of the system and are outside the scope of this document. Because this work is performed with the power on and the cabinet open. only those personnel who have received approved safety and maintenance training may perform this work. CAUTION Maintenance on a live system requires careful planning. -73- . It is essential that these precautions be observed by users to ensure the safe operation of machines equipped with a CNC unit (all descriptions in this section assume this configuration).B-63494EN/01 7. keep the power to the machine (CNC) turned on. — Installation. maintain. CNC maintenance must be undertaken only by a qualified technician. and apply an emergency stop to the machine. Users must also observe the safety precautions related to the machine. commissioning. — Operating personnel trained to operate machine tool and trained on the specific safety issues and requirements of the particular equipment. install. as described in the relevant manual supplied by the machine tool builder. Examples of such qualified persons are defined as follows: — System application and design engineers who are familiar with the safety concepts of machine tool. CNC maintenance involves various dangers. maintenance and operation.MAINTENANCE 7. QUALIFIED PERSONNEL Only qualified personnel should be allowed to specify. take time to become familiar with the manuals provided by the machine tool builder and FANUC. TRAINING FANUC Training Center provides versatile training course for the person who is concerned with hardware and software installation. operate. apply. FANUC recommend studying and learning how efficiently operate FANUC products. and the appropriate permits and permissions. Before checking the operation of the machine. MAINTENANCE PARTS TO BE MAINTAINED PERIODICALLY − Memory backup battery replacement WARNING When replacing the memory backup batteries. a malfunction could cause the workpiece to be dropped or destroy the tool tip.7. When checking the operation of the machine with the cover removed (1) The user’s clothing could become caught in the spindle or other components. To replace the battery. note that touching a terminal presents a severe danger of electric shock. stand in a safe location when checking the operation. ensure that the machine is operating correctly by performing a trial run using. and parameters even while external power is not applied. perform idle operation without workpiece. replace the batteries within a week. Before starting a production run.10 of the maintenance manual B-63005EN/01. When checking the machine operation with the power magnetics cabinet door opened. When the high–voltage section itself must be checked. Before starting any check of the operation. Never touch the high–voltage section. When checking the operation. This presents a serious danger of injury. The high–voltage section presents a severe risk of electric shock. When a workpiece is mounted in the machine. When a low battery voltage alarm is displayed. Never attempt to machine a workpiece without first checking the operation of the machine. (2) When checking the operation. internal units present potentially injurious corners and projections. NOTE The CNC uses batteries to preserve the contents of its memory. (1) The power magnetics cabinet has a high–voltage section (carrying a mark). Touching the uncovered high–voltage circuits presents an extremely dangerous electric shock hazard. because it must retain data such as programs. (2) Within the power magnetics cabinet. confirm that the cover is mounted on the high– voltage section. offsets. Therefore. 2. a low battery voltage alarm is displayed on the machine operator’s panel or CRT screen. Otherwise. the single -74- .MAINTENANCE B-63494EN/01 When replacing the batteries. WARNINGS RELATED TO CHECK OPERATION WARNING 1. 3. be careful not to touch the high–voltage circuits (marked and fitted with an insulating cover). possibly scattering fragments throughout the area. the contents of the CNC’s memory will be lost. see the procedure described in Section 2. stand away from the machine to ensure that your clothing does not become tangled in the spindle or other components. Be careful when working inside the power magnetics cabinet. If the battery voltage drops. thus presenting a danger of injury. for example. Generally. while also presenting a danger of electric shock. Operating the machine with incorrectly specified data may result in the machine behaving unexpectedly. Ensure that the specified feedrate is appropriate for the intended operation. 3. Allow at least twenty minutes after turning off the power for these residual voltages to dissipate. possibly causing damage to the workpiece and/or machine itself. If a machine is run at other than the correct speed. After the power is turned off. If the replacement is attempted by only one person. or injury to the user. the replacement unit could slip and fall. and present a danger of injury.) Otherwise. or injury to the user. the task must be undertaken by two persons or more.MAINTENANCE block. or machine lock function or by operating the machine with neither a tool nor workpiece mounted. thoroughly check the entered data. ensure that the new unit has the same parameter and other settings as the old unit. for each machine. unpredictable machine movement could damage the workpiece or the machine itself. If only the power to the CNC is turned off. -75- . WARNINGS RELATED TO REPLACEMENT WARNING 1. feedrate override. Before operating the machine. 2. or injury to the user. (For details. Refer to the manual provided with the machine to determine the maximum allowable feedrate. there is a maximum allowable feedrate. power may continue to be supplied to the serve section. When replacing a unit. 6.B-63494EN/01 7. Operating the machine with incorrectly specified data may result in the machine behaving unexpectedly. 4. refer to the manual provided with the machine. 5. The appropriate feedrate varies with the intended operation. When a heavy unit is to be replaced. replacing a unit may damage the unit. possibly causing injury. possibly causing damage to the workpiece and/or machine itself. When using a tool compensation function. Always turn off the power to the CNC and the main power to the power magnetics cabinet. or injury to the user. the servo amplifier and spindle amplifier may retain voltages fora while. Failure to confirm the correct operation of the machine may result in the machine behaving unexpectedly. possibly causing damage to the workpiece and/or machine itself. it may behave unexpectedly. possibly causing damage to the workpiece and/or machine itself. such that there is a danger of electric shock even while the amplifier is turned off. thoroughly check the direction and amount of compensation. 4. In such a case. When machining a workpiece for the first time after modifying a parameter. Never use the automatic operation function immediately after such a modification. close the machine cover. ensure that you fully understand the function of that parameter before attempting to modify it. the machine may move unpredictably. and machine lock function. After replacing a safety related unit such as encoder and I/O module. If a parameter is set incorrectly. possibly damaging the machine or workpiece. Instead. The CNC and PMC parameters are set to their optimal values. and presenting a risk of injury.MAINTENANCE B-63494EN/01 5. confirm normal machine operation by using functions such as the single block function. or by operating the machine without mounting a tool and workpiece. When a parameter must be modified for some reason. feedrate override function. conduct a check test on the safety related and record the test results in a check report. possibly damaging the machine or workpiece. -76- . the machine may move unpredictably. 2.7. If the machine is used before confirming that it operates normally. WARNINGS RELATED TO PARAMETERS WARNING 1. so that those parameters usually need not be modified. and presenting a risk of injury. The monitor detected an alpha pulse coder signal error on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8). The monitor detected an abnormal data skip in a velocity feedback signal on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8). When the dual-check safety function is used: ・ An incorrect axis control card is mounted. Replace the alpha pulse coder. 1829). 1828 or No. see Section 6. MCC off Test mode. or take measures to correct noise on the feedback cable. Mount the correct axis control card. and install the correct servo software and monitor software in flash memory.2 Alarms Alarms related to the dual-check safety function cannot be cancelled by a reset. The CNC detected that the positional deviation during movement on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) exceeded the setting in parameter No. or take measures to correct noise on the feedback cable.MAINTENANCE 7. ・ Incorrect servo software is installed in flash memory. and the guard is open) is set with the dual-check safety function). To cancel the alarms. The servo control software detected an alpha pulse coder signal error on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8). For information about emergency stop mode. 1838. 1829. 411 SERVO ALARM : n AXIS EXCESS ERR Confirm a proper value is set to parameter No. Remedy Replace the alpha pulse coder. 7. 1838 when the safety signal mode C (state wherer a guard open request is input. 453 n AXIS:SPC SOFT DISCONNECT ALARM Replace the alpha pulse coder. For the axis control card. 1828 (parameter No. 470 471 n AXIS:ILLEGAL RAM (MNT) n AXIS:SPC SOFT DISCONNECT (MNT) n AXIS:SOFT PHASE ALARM(INT/MNT) Replace the axis control card.B-63494EN/01 7. -77- . An error occurred in a monitor RAM check. 364 Servo Alarms Meaning n AXIS: SOFT PHASE ALARM(INT) Description The servo control software detected an abnormal data skip in a velocity feedback signal on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8).1 No. 473 Replace the alpha pulse coder.2. and safety signal modes A/B/C/D. 403 SERVO ALARM : CARD/SOFT MISMATCH 410 SERVO ALARM : n AXIS EXCESS ERR Confirm a proper valule is set to parameter No. ・ Monitor software is not installed in flash memory. The CNC detected that the positional deviation during a stop on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) exceeded the setting (parameter No. turn off the power. the correct servo software is not installed in flash memory. 474 Meaning n AXIS:EXCESS ERROR (STOP:MNT) Description The monitor detected that the positional deviation during a stop on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) exceeded the setting (parameter No. The monitor detected that safety Check if the guard state signal(SGD) is correctly signal mode D (state in which the guard is open although no connected. 1942) in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. and the guard is open). and the operation is done within the safety speed. n AXIS:EXCESS ERROR The monitor detected that the (MOVE:MNT) positional deviation during movement on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) exceeded the setting (parameter No. or the guard is open when guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is not output. 1943 and No. 1943 and No. 1944. n AXIS:ILLEGAL AXIS DATA The monitor detected that an (MNT) error occurred on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) during axis data transfer. confirm a proper value is set to parameter No. 1944) in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. 476 When the guard is open. and the guard is open).MAINTENANCE No. B-63494EN/01 Remedy Confirm a proper value is set to parameter No. set parameter No. and the guard is open). and then turn off the power to the entire system. and operation is done in the safety area.(MNT) machine position on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) is not in the safety area (parameter No. Check the safety input signals via the PMC and via the FSSB are equal. 1829) in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. If the alarm occurs after performing axis number setting for the servo amplifier. guard open request is input) was set. 475 Confirm a proper value is set to parameter No. 1828. n AXIS:ILLEGAL SPEED CMD. 1838) in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. replace the servo amplifier the alarm occurred. 1945) between a safety input signal via the PMC and the same signal via the FSSB. 478 479 ILLEGAL SAFETY DI (MNT) 480 n AXIS:ILLEGAL SAFETY MODE (MNT) The monitor detected a mismatch exceeding the set time (parameter No. 477 When the guard is open. and the guard is open).7. 1838. -78- . and reset the bit to 0. 1942. n AXIS:ILLEGAL MACHINE The monitor detected that the POS. The monitor detected that the (MNT) specified speed on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) exceeded the safety speed (parameter No. confirm proper values is set to parameter No.2212#4 to 1. In the other case. No. 4. Turn off the power to the entire system. An error occurred in a servo CPU test. Servo software or CNC detected the inexecution of servo software safety functions. An error occurred in a monitor CPU test. 1946). An error occurred in a servo RAM test. n AXIS:SERVO SAFETY An error occurred in safety FUNCTION ERR functions of servo software: 1.B-63494EN/01 7. Meaning n AXIS:SAFETY PARAM ERROR (MNT) Remedy Set the safety parameters again. SAFE TEST OVER TIME A safety output signal MCC off Test in MCC off Test mode was not completed within the set time (parameter No. 486 Check the safety input signals via the PMC and via the FSSB are equal. A mismatch between the servo software results of the safety functions and the monitor results of them occurred. 481 482 483 484 Replace the axis control card. Replace the axis control card. 2. 3. or the guard is open when guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is not output. Monitor or CNC detected the inexecution of monitor safety functions. SAFETY PARAM ERROR The CNC detected a safety (CNC) parameter error. 487 Check if the guard state signal(SGD) is correctly connected. ILLEGAL SAFETY MODE The CNC detected that safety (CNC) signal mode D (state in which the guard is open although no guard open request is input) was set. -79- . 488 Check the MCC contact. A mismatch between the monitor results of the safety functions and the servo software or CNC results of them occurred. Then an axis number is automatically set. 1945) between a safety input signal input via the PMC and the same signal input via the FSSB. 489 Set the safety parameters again. MONITOR SAFETY FUNCTION An error occurred in safety ERROR functions of monitor: 1. n AXIS:AXIS NUMBER NOT The monitor detected that the SET (MNT) axis number of axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) is not set with the servo amplifier. 3. 2.MAINTENANCE Description The monitor detected that a safety parameter error occurred with axis n (axis 1 to axis 8). ILLEGAL SAFETY DI (CNC) The CNC detected a mismatch exceeding the set time (parameter No. An error occurred in a servo RAM test. 494 495 When the guard is open.7. An error occurred in a servo CPU test. and operation is done in the safety area. In the other case. 496 497 n AXIS:SAFETY PARAM TRANS ERROR n AXIS:AXIS NUMBER NOT SET (CNC) 498 If the alarm occurs after performing axis number setting for the servo amplifier. 1942) in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. and the guard is open). confirm a proper value is set to parameter No. CNC MCC off Test at powerup was not executed. n AXIS:ILLEGAL MACHINE The CNC detected that the POS. 490 Description An error occurred in safety functions of CNC: 1.(CNC) machine position on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) is not in the safety area (parameter No. Meaning CNC SAFETY FUNCTION ERROR Remedy Replace the CPU card. 1944. confirm proper values is set to parameter No. n AXIS:ILLEGAL AXIS DATA The CNC detected that an error (CNC) occurred on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) during axis data transfer. n AXIS:ILLEGAL SPEED CMD. 5. The CNC detected that the (CNC) specified speed on axis n (axis 1 to axis 8) exceeded the setting (parameter No. Then an axis number is automatically set. and then turn off the power to the entire system. and the guard is open). 1942. to axis 8). and reset the bit to 0. CNC or monitor detected the inexecution of CNC safety functions. 1944) in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. 4. LOCAL BUS TEST ERROR An error occurred in a local bus test. A mismatch between the CNC results of the safety functions and the monitor or spindle results of them occurred. B-63494EN/01 491 Replace the mother board. and the operation is done within the safety speed. 3. Replace the CPU card or the A safety parameter transfer error occurred on axis n (axis 1 axis control card. set parameter No. When the guard is open. -80- . F-BUS TEST ERROR An error occurred in an F-BUS test. The mother board or option board may be faulty. 2. 8) is not set with the servo amplifier. The mother board may be faulty.MAINTENANCE No. 1943 and No. 492 Replace the mother board or the option board. replace the servo amplifier the alarm occurred.2212#4 to 1. 1943 and No. The CNC detected that the axis Turn off the power to the entire number of axis n (axis 1 to axis system. the CNC detected a mismatch between the CNC and spindle software.B-63494EN/01 7. for the first spindle. is open).2 No. Replace the CPU card or (state in which a guard open request is input. CNC detected that some spindle safety functions were not executed. Replace optical cable.2. the CNC detected that the speed of the perform operation at a speed not exceeding the safety speed. correct the setting on the spindle amplifier side. (For Same as alarm No. spindle motor exceeded the Check the safety speed safety speed (parameter No. as to which of the speed of the spindle motor and the safety speed (parameter No. An error occurred in any spindle Replace the CPU card or spindle amplifier module. If this alarm occurs when CNC power supply is turned on or when this alarm can not be cleared even if CNC is reset. 755. (For the second spindle) the second spindle) Same as alarm No. Alternatively. 4372) is greater. 756. 755. For the first spindle. A safety parameter transfer error occurred. the CNC detected a mismatch between connectoin state and spindle the spindle amplifier connection amplifier hardware setting. When the guard is open. Replace the CPU card or state and spindle amplifier spindle amplifier module. Same as alarm No. option 2 board or spindle amplifier printed board. 749 Serial Spindle Alarms Meaning S-SPINDLE LSI ERROR Description It is serial communication error while system is executing after power supply on. If this alarm is issued because the spindle amplifier configuration is changed. turn off the power supply also turn off the power supply in spindle side. and the guard spindle amplifier module. 1. hardware setting. Remedy Check optical cable connection between main CPU board and spindle amplifier printed board. (For the second spindle) the second spindle) 755 SPINDLE-1 SAFETY FUNCTION ERROR 756 SPINDLE-1 ILLEGAL AXIS DATA 757 SPINDLE-1 SAFETY SPEED OVER 765 766 SPINDLE-2 SAFETY FUNCTION ERROR SPINDLE-2 ILLEGAL AXIS DATA -81- . 756. 4372) in safety signal mode C parameter(parameter No. (For Same as alarm No. 2. safety functions on the first spindle.4372). main CPU board.MAINTENANCE 7. Check the spindlle amplifier For the first spindle. 3. Meaning AL-16 RAM Alarm -82- .2. (For the fourth spindle) See the description of AL-16 in Subsection 7. 757.2. (For the second spindle) Same as alarm No. (For the fourth spindle) Same as alarm No. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-71 in Subsection 7. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-70 in Subsection 7. 755. No. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-76 in Subsection 7.2. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-74 in Subsection 7. Remedy Replace spindle amplifier module. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-77 in Subsection 7. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-70 in Subsection 7.2.3. 757. No.2. 756.3. (For the n-th spindle) 7.3. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-78 in Subsection 7. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-71 in Subsection 7. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-69 in Subsection (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-77 in Subsection 7. 756. (For the third spindle) Same as alarm No.2. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-69 in Subsection 7. 756. 767 775 776 777 785 786 787 7n16 Meaning SPINDLE-2 SAFETY SPEED OVER SPINDLE-3 SAFETY FUNCTION ERROR SPINDLE-3 ILLEGAL AXIS DATA SPINDLE-3 SAFETY SPEED OVER SPINDLE-4 SAFETY FUNCTION ERROR SPINDLE-4 ILLEGAL AXIS DATA SPINDLE-4 SAFETY SPEED OVER SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-16) SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-69) SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-69) SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-71) SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-72) SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-74) SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-76) SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-77) SPN n :S-SPINDLE ERROR (AL-78) Description Same as alarm No. 755. (For the fourth spindle) Same as alarm No.2.3.3. (For the second spindle) Same as alarm No. (For the third spindle) Same as alarm No. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-74 in Subsection 7. (For the fourth spindle) See the description of AL-16 in Subsection 7. 757. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-78 in Subsection 755. 757.2.2. (For the third spindle) Same as alarm No.2. (For the fourth spindle) Same as alarm No.3. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-72 in Subsection 7. 755.3. (For the n-th spindle) B-63494EN/01 7n69 7n70 7n71 7n72 7n74 7n76 7n77 7n78 Remedy Same as alarm No.7.3.3. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-72 in Subsection 7. 757. (For the third spindle) Same as alarm No. (For the n-th spindle) See the description of AL-76 in Subsection 7. (For the fourth spindle) Same as alarm No.3.2. 756.2.3.2. (For the third spindle) Same as alarm No. 757. (For the third spindle) Same as alarm No.3 Alarms Displayed on the Spindle Unit Description An error occurred in a spindle RAM test. perform operation at a speed not exceeding the safety speed. If this alarm is issued because the spindle amplifier configuration is changed. and the guard is open). correct the setting on the spindle amplifier side. Meaning AL-69 Safety speed over AL-70 Illegal axis data AL-71 Safety parameter error AL-72 Mismatch the results of motor speed check AL-74 CPU test alarm AL-75 CRC alarm AL-76 Inexecution of safety functions AL-77 Mismatch the results of axis number check AL-78 Mismatch the results of safety parameters check AL-79 Inexecution of safety functions at power-up -83- .Replace spindle amplifier module. The spindle software detected a Replace the CPU card or spindle amplifier module. Check the safety speed parameter(parameter No. Replace spindle amplifier module. mismatch between the CNC result of the safety parameters check and the spindle result of it. module. The spindle software detected a safety parameter error. The safety functions at power. An error occurred in a spindle Replace spindle amplifier ROM CRC test. Replace the CPU card or spindle amplifier module. No. The spindle software detected a mismatch between between the spindle amplifier connection state and spindle amplifier hardware setting. Replace the spindle amplifier. An error occurred in a spindle Replace spindle amplifier amplifier CPU test. Replace the CPU card or spindle amplifier module. The spindle software detected a Replace the CPU card or spindle amplifier module. mismatch between the CNC result of the axis number check and the spindle result of it. Check the spindlle amplifier connectoin state and spindle amplifier hardware setting.MAINTENANCE Description The spindle software detected that the speed of the spindle motor exceeded the safety speed (parameter No.4372). 4372) in safety signal mode C (state in which a guard open request is input. If this alarm is issued because the spindle amplifier configuration is changed. Any safety function was not Replace spindle amplifier executed. correct the setting on the spindle amplifier side. up for spindle were not executed. Remedy When the guard is open. The spindle software detected a Replace the CPU card or spindle amplifier module. module. module.B-63494EN/01 7. mismatch between the CNC result of the motor speed check and the spindle result of it. Set the safety parameter again. Parity error of the CNC. Servo alarm (fifth to eighth axis). Remedy Reinstall the indicated ROM in flash memory.7. or a RAM parity error occurred in the axis control card. or servo ROM 2. servo alarm (monitor). ROM PARITY ERROR: NC BASIC.5 Boot System Alarms Message Description Parity error of the CNC basic ROM.MAINTENANCE B-63494EN/01 7. or monitor). servo alarm (first/second axis. 921 SERVO ALARM (5-8 AXIS) Replace the axis control card.2. CRC error of the CNC basic ROM Remedy Reinstall the CNC basic ROM in flash memory. When the dual-check safety function is used: 1. macro. A watchdog alarm condition occurred. or monitor).4 No. -84- . HIT SELECT. 900 System Alarms Meaning ROM PARITY Description Parity error of the CNC. Parity error of the CNC basic ROM 2. CRC error of the CNC. 7. When the dual-check safety function is used: 1. A watchdog alarm condition occurred. or monitor ROM Servo alarm (first to fourth axis). In the dual-check safety system with 4-axes control card. servo system. In the dual-check safety system with 8-axes control card. or a RAM parity error occurred in the axis control card. 920 SERVO ALARM (1-4 AXIS) Replace the axis control card. or servo ROM. servo alarm (fifth/sixth axis. In the dual-check safety system with 6-axes control card.2. macro. START-UP START-UP -85- .B-63494EN/01 8. Note: When modifying dual check safety function data. MCC off Test check -86- .1.8.2 and 19. the continuity of the protective bonding circuit can be verified by a loop impedance test in accordance with 612. Insulation resistance tests The insulation resistance measured at 500 V d. For further details. please refer to Chapter 19.3 of IEC 60364-6-61.3 of the standard IEC 60204-1 by an appropriately authorized person and recorded. limits need to be exceeded to check that the dual check safety function operates normally. between the power circuit conductors and the protective bonding circuit is to be not less than 1 M Ω. Testing must be performed according to Chapter 19. 8.2 of IEC 60204-1. Safety-related I/O monitoring test Data cross-check operation is tested with the I/O device connector detached.c. Acceptance report A qualified person is to check each dual check safety function and record the test results in a check report. Continuity of the protective bonding circuit When the machine is installed and the electrical connections are complete.3 of IEC 60204-1. conduct an additional check test on the modified dual check safety function and record the test results in a check report.START-UP B-63494EN/01 8. including those to the power supply.1 START-UP OPERATION The machine tool builder has to do tests for insulation and protective bonding. In this test. For further details.1 Acceptance test and report for safety functions Acceptance test for Safety function The machine tool builder is to conduct a dual check safety function check test during machine start-up operation. please refer to Chapter 19.6. Negative test: Conduct a MCC off Test by disconnecting the MCC contact signal (input).START-UP The test mode signal is used to check that a MCC off Test is conducted.B-63494EN/01 8. safety stop state is set by a stop response. -87- . Safety limitation speed monitoring test This test checks that when the actual speed exceeds a speed limit. Check that an alarm is issued and the MCC remains to be shut off. and the test results need to be recorded in a report. Data modification The user needs to enter the correct password before setting safety parameters with the system.8. -88- .2 8.1 Start-up of the Safety Function Initial start-up Main flow Disable dual check safety Machine start-up Step 1 Initial state FSSB I/O setting Safety parameter input First. Thus. the distance traveled on the axis until stop state is set by a stop response is measured. a check test needs to be conducted on the related safety function. 8. and the position is moved at many different speeds in a rapid traverse mode.1. The machine tool builder is to determine a safety limit stop position including a safety margin. check that the machine starts up normally when the dual check safety function is disabled. A positional limit is placed at the center of an axis.START-UP Safety machine position monitoring test A positional limit test is conducted by B-63494EN/01 making many different movements.2.1. After a safety parameter is modified. Step 2 FSSB I/O setting Make the same settings as for the pulse module. Disable output (MCF). 1905 = 1 No. Meaning Manually sets the FSSB setting mode. make a To enable the dual MCC on enable signal (MCF) is not output. and FSSB I/O is set as slave 2 Make the settings indicated in the table below. Parameter setting Bit 0 of No. 1023 less 1 when the slave is an amplifier 16 when the slave is a pulse module Nos.B-63494EN/01 8. Connect the relay for driving based from I/O. that indicates on I/O output MCC is turned off. 1910 = 0 No. check safety function. Note) When the dual check safety function is disabled. 1913 to 1919 = 40 when there is no slave -89- . 1902 = 1 Bit 4 of No. and enter the safety parameters. 1023 less 1 when the slave is an amplifier Sets the value of parameter No.START-UP Preparation 1 Preparation 2 Disable the dual check Bit 6 of PRM No. 1911 = 1 No. the So. reset the temporary connection. 1912 = 16 40 Step 3 Safety parameter input Enable the dual check safety function. Example: When a two-axis amplifier is set as slave 1. connection to temporarily disable MCF. Uses the first FSSB I/O unit. Sets the value of parameter No. 1902 = 0 safety function. that indicates MCC is turned off. -90The .direction) on each axis Timer for safety input signal check Timer for MCC off Test Timer 1 for MCC off Timer 2 for MCC off Positional deviation limit value in mode C Dual position feedback conversion coefficient (numerator) Dual position feedback conversion coefficient (denominator) Safety speed on each spindle Execution of general machine tests Axis and spindle optimization Dual check safety function adjustment (safety limitation speed. Set the safety parameters indicated in the table below. parameters are used to start up the series. Enables output (MCF). Parameter setting 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1838 2078 2079 4372 Step 4 Meaning Safety speed on each axis Safety position (+ direction) on each axis Safety position (.8. from Enable I/O output. safety machine position) Step 5 Test for checking the safety function Check test execution and report creation Step 6 Parameter preservation Save all parameters including the safety parameters. 1902 = 1 function. I/O.START-UP B-63494EN/01 Preparation 1 Preparation 2 Enable the dual check safety Bit 6 of PRM No. 3225) is set can be modified. 8.2. Only those persons authorized to conduct a check test should know the password value.1. Before safety parameters of the equipment for which a password (No.B-63494EN/01 8. When a component related to the safety function is to be replaced.2 Series start-up start-up The parameters for the safety monitoring function are transferred together with other parameters to the CNC as in the case of normal series start-up. -91- .START-UP Step 7 Set a password.1. 3226). procedure. A password is used to disable unauthorized persons from modifying safety parameters.3 Troubleshooting Alarms related to the safety function are output on the ALARM screen. an authorized person must conduct a safety function check test. the password value must be set as the keyword (No. Correct the cause of trouble according to the chapter describing alarms and messages in this manual. Perform a safety function check test in addition to the normal start-up 8. SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION B-63494EN/01 SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION -92- .9. B-63494EN/01 9.SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 9.1 SAMPLE CONFIGURATION -93- . When the signal is input. Connect the emergency stop button to the PSM.1 SAMPLE CONNECTIONS Emergency Stop Signal (*ESP1. Create a Ladder program so that [X008#4] becomes a factor of [G008#4].SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION B-63494EN/01 9.2 9. the spindle slows down and stops. *ESP2) +24V I/O-Link I/O UNIT *ESP1 (X008#4) FSSB I/O UNIT *ESP2 (DI+000#0) 0V PSM CX4 ESP NOTES Use a two-contact emergency stop button with a forced dissociation mechanism. Input a power-down factor to [G008#4] other than the signal from the emergency stop button.2. Machine side I/O-Link I/O UNIT PMC Emergency stop factor Emergency stop button Emergency stop factor other than emergency stop button X008#4 Ladder program X00n#n -94- *ESPG (G008#4) .9. as illustrated in the figure. 9. If the input of ORQ is canceled while the guard is open. then cancel this signal.2. When the guard open request signal (ORQ) is input and when CNC safety has been confirmed. If the CNC is not safe.2 Guard Open Request Signal (ORQ) Guard open request button +24V I/O-Link I/O UNIT PMC X00n#n Ladder program ORQ (G191#3) NOTES Create a Ladder program of conditions for making a guard open request and then input the program to the PMC side [G191#3].3 Test Mode Signal (OPT) Test start button +24V I/O-Link I/O UNIT PMC X00n#n Ladder program OPT (G191#2) -95- . Close the guard (SGD is set to 1). the CNC enters a safely stopped status (state in which the guard is open although the guard open request signal is not input).2.SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 9.B-63494EN/01 9. ORQ input will not result in output of *LGD. the guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is output. then input the program to the PMC side [G191#2]. -96- .SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION NOTES B-63494EN/01 Create a Ladder program for performing a MCC off Test.9. RY3: Safety relay I/O Link I/O UNIT X00n#n PMC SGD (G191#4) *LGD (F191#0) Y00n#n Ladder program FSSB I/O UNIT SGD (DI+001#4) -97- .2.SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 9. Guard Lock State Signal (GDL).B-63494EN/01 9. RY2.4 Guard Unlock Enable Signal (*LGD). Guard State Signal (SGD) +24V SW1 SW2 Guard closed Guard-monitoring limit switch SW3 Safety relay RY1 RY1 RY3 RY2 RY2 0V RY3 RY3 RY1 RY2 0V [Sample control components] SW1/SW2: Guard state monitoring switch with forced dissociation mechanism SW3: Guard lock switch RY1. 2. NOTES This example does not use the guard lock state signal (GDL). The illustrated sample system determines that the guard is open (sets SGD to 0) when the guard is unlocked. The state of the GDL signal does not affect the dual check safety function. If GDL is not used. The guard state is monitored. 1. and the guard state signal (SGD) affects the dual check safety function. When the guard open request signal (ORQ) is accepted and when it has been confirmed that the CNC is in a safe state. If an unusual event is detected. RY3 detects whether RY1 and RY2 contacts are made. State transition of components SW1 1 Guard closed Guard locked 2 Guard closed Guard unlocked 3 Guard opened Guard unlocked In a normal operation.9. as in this example.SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION OPERATING PRINCIPLE This section describes the operation of B-63494EN/01 various guard monitoring limit switches with lock mechanism and safety relays. the transition of 1. tie [G191#5] and [DI+001#5] to 1. use a Ladder program to create a guard unlock signal. The guard lock state signal (GDL) only indicates whether an input mismatch is found. 2. OPEN OPEN OPEN OFF OFF ON 0 CLOSE CLOSE OPEN OFF ON OFF 0 SW2 SW3 RY1 RY2 ON RY3 OFF SGD 1 CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE ON -98- . 3. and so on is repeated. Based on this signal. the guard unlock enable signal (*LGD) is output. SGD input is turned off. SAMPLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 9. On the FSSB side. directly connect [DO+000#1]. -99- .2. If an error occurs in the PSM.5 MCC On Enable Signal (MCF). the PSM turns off the MCC. as illustrated in the figure. Contact State Signal (*SMC) MCC +24V I/O Link I/O UNIT PMC X00n#n *SMC1 (G191#6) Y00n#n 0V FSSB I/O UNIT *SMC2 (DI+001#6) MCF (DO+000#1) 0V PSM 200A 200B CX3 MCC MCF1 (F191#1) U V W Electromagnetic contactor (MAIN MCC) NOTES With the MCF signal of the PMC side.B-63494EN/01 9. allocate [F191#1] to general-purpose output. Also connect MCF to PSM. 10. 1 Description Main board Specification number Of primary component A20B-8100-0130 Specification number of secondary component A20B-8100-0135 A20B-8100-0140 A20B-8100-0145 A20B-8100-0142 A20B-8100-0144 A20B-8100-0136 A20B-8100-0137 A20B-8100-0138 A20B-8100-0139 A20B-8100-0460 A20B-8100-0461 A20B-8100-0462 A20B-8100-0463 A20B-8100-0540 A20B-8100-0541 A20B-8100-0542 A20B-8100-0543 A16B-3200-0320 A16B-3300-0070 A16B-3300-0170 2 3 CPU card Servo card A20B-3300-0170 A17B-3300-0200 A20B-3300-0050 A20B-3300-0070 A20B-3300-0031 A20B-3300-0033 A20B-3300-0121 A20B-3300-0030 A20B-3300-0032 A20B-3300-0120 A17B-3300-0101 A17B-3300-0103 A17B-3300-0201 A17B-3300-0300 A17B-3300-0100 A17B-3300-0102 4 Graphic card A20B-3300-0150 A20B-3300-0020 A20B-3300-0021 A20B-3300-0151 A20B-3300-0023 A20B-3300-0153 A20B-3300-0024 A20B-3300-0154 A20B-3300-0025 A20B-3300-0091 A20B-3300-0090 A20B-3300-0161 A20B-3300-0162 A20B-3300-0190 5 DRAM MODULE A20B-3900-0131 A20B-3900-0030 A20B-3900-0042 A20B-3900-0041 A20B-3900-0040 A20B-3900-0132 A20B-3900-0130 6 SRAM MODULE A20B-3900-0060 A20B-3900-0053 A20B-3900-0052 A20B-3900-0061 A20B-3900-0020 -100Remarks .1.COMPONENTS LIST B-63494EN/01 COMPONENTS LIST Table 10. HARDWARE COMPONENTS No. COMPONENTS LIST A20B-3900-0011 A20B-3900-0014 A20B-3900-0074 A20B-3900-0013 A20B-3900-0073 A20B-3900-0012 A20B-3900-0072 A20B-3900-0071 A20B-3900-0010 A20B-3900-0070 7 FROM MODULE 8 FSSB ADDITIONAL DETECTOR INTERFACE A20B-2100-0270 9 I/O module A20B-2100-0150 A20B-2002-0400 A20B-2100-0410 A20B-2002-0401 A20B-2100-0411 A20B-2100-0320 A20B-2002-0470 A20B-2002-0520 A20B-2002-0521 10 11 12 I/O Unit base A20B-9001-0020 A20B-9001-0040 A20B-2000-0550 A20B-2000-0510 A20B-8000-0420 A20B-8000-0710 A20B-8000-0820 A20B-9000-0970 A20B-9000-0971 A20B-9001-0011 A20B-9001-0010 A20B-9001-0281 A20B-8000-0341 A20B-9000-0972 A20B-9001-0280 A20B-9001-0490 A20B-8000-0510 module I/O Unit interface A20B-8000-0410 module DC digital input A20B-9000-0901 A20B-9000-0902 module 13 DC digital output A20B-9000-0921 module A20B-9001-0220 A20B-8002-0070 A20B-8000-0440 A20B-8000-0510 A20B-9001-0490 A20B-8000-0740 A20B-8000-0741 A20B-9001-0680 A20B-9001-0681 A20B-8000-0760 A20B-8000-0780 14 DC input/output module digital A20B-8000-0750 A20B-8000-0751 A20B-8000-0730 A20B-8000-0731 15 16 AC digital input A20B-8000-0341 A20B-9001-0940 A20B-8000-0470 A20B-8000-0480 A20B-8000-0321 A20B-8000-0880 -101- module AC digital output module .B-63494EN/01 10. SOFTWARE Series / Version FS16i-TA FS160i-TA FS160is-TA FS18i-TA FS180i-TA FS180is-TA FS21i-TA FS210i-TA FS210is-TA FS20i-TA FS16i-MA FS160i-MA FS160is-MA FS18i-MA FS180i-MA FS180is-MA FS21i-MA FS210i-MA FS210is-MA FS20i-FA B1F2 / ZZ BEF2 / ZZ DEF2 / ZZ D1F1 / ZZ B0F2 / ZZ BDF2 / ZZ DDF2 / ZZ Functions CNC for lathe with up to 8 servo axes and up to 4 spindle axes. CNC for manual lathe with up to 2 servo axes and up to 1 spindle axis CNC for machining center with up to 8 servo axes and up to 4 spindle axes. CNC for machining center with up to 6 servo axes and up to 3 spindle axes.2. D0F1 / ZZ [Monitor software] Series / Version Monitor 90A9 / 03 [Servo control software] Series / Version Servo 90A5 / 01 [Spindle software] Series / Version Spindle 9D20 / ZZ Functions Monitor functions Functions Servo functions Functions Spindle functions -102- .COMPONENTS LIST 17 18 Relay module FSSB I/O module A20B-2100-0390 output B-63494EN/01 A20B-9001-0200 A20B-8000-0101 A20B-8000-0500 Table 10. CNC for lathe with up to 6 servo axes and up to 3 spindle axes. CNC for manual milling machine with up to 4 servo axes and up to 1 spindle axis. CNC for machining center with up to 4 servo axes and up to 2 spindle axes.10. CNC for lathe with up to 4 servo axes and up to 2 spindle axes. NO.TITLE DRAW. SHEET CUST 1 . Notice 4. Attached Document Drawing No. Communicate this report to : ○ ○ Your information only GE Fanuc-N. 3.TECHNICAL REPORT (MANUAL) NO.TMN 02/071E Date July.2002 General Manager of Hardware Laboratory Dual Check Safety OPERATOR'S MANUAL Addition and correction of sample system configuration 1. . GE Fanuc-E FANUC Robotics MILACRON ○ Machine tool builder Sales agency End user 2. B-63494EN/01-06 EAO Original section of issue Senior Vice Department General Manager Manager Section Manager Person in Charge . Summary for Sales Documents Two sample system configurations are added to dual check safety operator's manual. Add. ・Delete part of 10.1.5. Type of applied technical documents Name Spec.06. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST. 02. SHEET FANUC LTD 1/9 . Another TITLE Dual Check Safety OPERATOR'S MANUAL Addition and correction of sample system configuration 01 EDIT.26 Arimoto First issue DATE DESIG. DESCRIPTION DRAW./Version 2. ・ Correction of symbol of part of contact of electromagnetic contactor in figure at 10.No.2.1.Dual Check Safety OPERATOR'S MANUAL Addition and correction of sample system configuration 1.2. ・Correction of figure at 10. Two sample system configurations are added. Summary of change Group Name / Outline New. NO. ・For One-path(When two PSMs are used) ・When two protection doors are used in a machine. Correct.2. Delete Applicable Date Dual Check Safety OPERATOR'S MANUAL B-63494EN/01 Basic Function Optional Function Unit Maintenance parts Notice Correction There are three corrections. DATE DESIG.1.1 as follows 10.1.1 For One-path(When one PSM is used) TITLE DRAW. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 2/9 . SHEET EDIT.Change a title of 10. NO. Cange 10.1. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 3/9 . SHEET EDIT. DATE DESIG. NO.3 and change figure as follows 10.3 For Two-path(When the main side and sub side use a common MCC) TITLE DRAW.1.2 to 10.1. DATE DESIG.Add 10. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST.2 For One-path(When two PSMs are used) TITLE DRAW. SHEET EDIT.1. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 4/9 .1. NO.2 as follows 10. 1. Create a Ladder program so that [X008#4] becomes a factor of [G008#4].3 to 10. NO. TITLE DRAW. Add statement shown below between a title of 10.Change 10.1.2. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST.4 and figure.2. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 5/9 . SHEET EDIT.1. When one protection door is used Example combined a guard-monitoring limit switch with lock mechanism and a safety relay in case of one protection door is shown below. DATE DESIG.4 Delete statement shown below and figure of 10. Input a power-down factor to [G008#4] other than the signal from the emergency stop button. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST..RY3:Safety relay TITLE FSSB I/O UNIT SGD (DI+001#4) DRAW. SHEET EDIT. +24V Guard1 closed SW11 SW12 SW21 SW22 Guard2 closed Guard lock 1 Guard-monitoring limit switch 1 SW13 Guard lock 2 Guard-monitoring limit switch 2 SW23 0V 0V Safety relay RY1 RY3 RY2 RY3 RY3 RY2 RY1 RY2 0V I/O Link I/O UNIT X00n#n PMC SGD (G191#4) *LGD (F191#0) Y00n#n RY1 Ladder program Y00m#m 【Sample control components】 SW11/SW12.2.SW23: Guard lock switch RY1.SW21/SW22: Guard state monitoring switch with forced dissociation mechanism SW13. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 6/9 . Example combined two guard-monitoring limit switches with lock mechanism and a safety relay in case of two protection doors in a safety zone is shown below. When two protection doors are used in a safety zone.RY2.4.Add statement and figure shown below between figure and OPERATING PRINCIPLE at 10. NO. DATE DESIG. SGD input is turned off. Two signals are outputed from I/O Link I/O UNIT to open each guard lock switch individually. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST.2. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 7/9 .Change OPERATING PRINCIPLE at 10. Two guard state monitoring switches of two guard-monitoring limit switches are connected series. When at least one guard is open SGD is turned off and the system determines that the guard is open. RY3 detects whether RY1 and RY2 contacts are made. State of components Guard1 Guard lock1 Guard2 Guard lock 2 1 2 CLOSE CLOSE LOCK UNLOCK CLOSE CLOSE LOCK LOCK CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE OPE N 3 OPE N 4 CLOSE LOCK CLOSE UNLOCK UNLOCK CLOSE LOCK OPE N OPE N OPE N OPE N 5 CLOSE UNLOCK CLOSE UNLOCK CLOSE CLOSE OPE N 6 OPE N UNLOCK CLOSE UNLOCK OPE N OPE N OPE N CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE OPE N OPE N CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE ON OF F OF F OF F OF F OF F OF F ON 0 ON OFF 0 OF F ON OFF 0 ON 0 ON ON OFF OFF 1 0 SW1 SW12 SW13 SW21 SW22 SW23 RY1 RY2 RY3 SGD CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE TITLE DRAW.4 as follows OPERATING PRINCIPLE When one protection door is used State of components is shown below. NO.1 is occured. If an unusual event is detected. SHEET EDIT. DATE DESIG. transition of 1.2.3. State of components is shown below. When at least one guard lock is released by these signals SGD input is turned off and the system determines that the guard is open. State of components Guard 1 CLOSE 2 CLOSE 3 OPEN Guard lock LOCK UNLOCK UNLOCK SW1 CLOSE CLOSE OPEN SW2 CLOSE CLOSE OPEN SW3 CLOSE OPEN OPEN RY1 ON OFF OFF RY2 ON ON OFF RY3 OFF OFF ON SGD 1 0 0 In case of no welding of contact in safety relay when state of protection door is changed to open from close and close.2. When two protection doors are used in a safety zone This example has construction added a guard-monitoring limit switch to example of "When one protection door is used". DATE DESIG. NO. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST. SHEET EDIT.7 CLOSE LOCK OPE N UNLOCK CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE OPE N OPE N OPE N OPE N OPE N OPE N OPE N OF F OF F OF F OF F OF F OF F ON 0 8 CLOSE UNLOCK OPE N UNLOCK CLOSE CLOSE OPE N OPE N OPE N ON 0 9 OPE N UNLOCK OPE N UNLOCK OPE N OPE N OPE N ON 0 TITLE DRAW. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 8/9 . 2. The guard state is monitored. and the guard state signal (SGD) affects the dual check safety function.1 is occured. NO. In case of that one protection door is used the illustrated sample system determines that the guard is open (sets SGD to 0) when the guard is unlocked. RY3 detects whether RY1 and RY2 contacts are made like "When one protection door is used". Based on this signal. SHEET EDIT. tie [G191#5] and [DI+001#5] to 1. If an unusual event is detected. the guard unlock signal (*LGD) is output. The guard lock state signal (GDL) only indicates whether an input mismatch is found. DATE DESIG. as in this example. The state of the GDL signal does not affect the dual check safety function. In case of that two protection doors are used in a safety zone the illustrated sample system determines that the guard is open (sets SGD to 0) when at least one guard is unlocked.4. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 9/9 .4.4 as follows NOTE This example does not use the guard lock state signal (GDL). B-63494EN/01-06 CUST. Change NOTES at 10. SGD input is turned off.In case of no welding of contact in safety relay when guard2 is open and close with keeping guard1 close transition of 1.7. When the guard open request signal (ORQ) is accepted and when it has been confirmed that the CNC is in a safe state. If GDL is not used. use a Ladder program to create a guard unlock signal. TITLE DRAW. Change figure at 10. NO.5 as follows(A symbol of a part of contact of electromagnetic contactor is changed.) +24V I/O Link I/O UNIT PMC X00n#n *SMC1 (G191#6) Y00n#n 0V FSSB I/O UNIT *SMC2 (DI+001#6) MCF2 (DO+000#1) MCF1 (F191#1) 0V PSM 200A 200B U V W Electromagnetic contactor (MAIN MCC) CX3 MCC TITLE DRAW. SHEET EDIT. DATE DESIG. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST.2. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 10/9 . ............. 14 Name No..... 2003 T................................................................................................................................ 9 ALARMS AND MESSAGES ............................................ 6 PARAMETERS........................... 1 02 Nov...........................................Abe corrected at [2] and corrected Fig........................................... 7.............. FS18i-MB5 Programmable Safe-related I/O signals 04 Nov.......................................................................................... Date Draw up Jul.....2 1......................... 4 SIGNALS ...... 20...4 1...................................... FS16i/18i/21i-TB/MB.......................... 2002 Contents A-78882E Page 1/14 .........................19.................................6 OUTLINE .........................5 1................................. 2002 O........Abe corrected at [1] Ed............................FANUC Series 16i/18i/21i–TB/MB FANUC Series 18i-MB5 Dual Check Safety Programmable Safe-related I/O signals Specifications Contents 1.Inagaki corrected at [3] 03 Nov.......................................3 1.. 2 SPECIFICATIONS...... 2002 O..................................................................................1 1........ 11................. 8 C-LANGUAGE EXECUTOR .................... These features are as follows. This function will be helpful to apply to the machine having 2 safety guards and flexible machine inputs logic. 1 02 Nov. “Safe-related I/O signal monitoring function” executed by the former method is applied to loader control. (2) Logic that handles those signals can be developed by machine tool builder using C-language executor and PMC ladder function. FS18i-MB5 Programmable Safe-related I/O signals 04 Nov. 7. (1) Each path can have 16 points of DI signals which are cross-checked by both CNC CPU and Monitor CPU as Programmable Safe-related I/O signals. Date Draw up Jul. (3) As output of above mentioned logic. FS16i/18i/21i-TB/MB.9F or later [3] [1] [3] Name No. This time. 2002 O. 20.Abe corrected at [1] Ed. note) The 2nd path of 1 CPU 2 path control and the 3rd path of 2 CPU 3 path control have no free DI/DO signals because they have no FSSB I/O module.19. “Safe-related I/O signal monitoring function” has been developed for the machine having only one safety guard. 2003 T. 2002 Contents A-78882E Page 2/14 .Abe corrected at [2] and corrected Fig. 11. each path can have 8 points of DO signals which are cross-checked by both CNC CPU and Monitor CPU as Programmable Safe related I/O signals. The C-language executor is required to use this function.1. This function is inapplicable to loader control.1 Outline In the Dual Check Safety function.Inagaki corrected at [3] 03 Nov. 2002 O. FANUC has added the new specifications to “Safe-related I/O signal monitoring function” as “Programmable Safe-related I/O signals”. The following software are required for this improvement: FS16i-TB FS18i-TB FS21i-TB FS16i-MB FS18i-MB FS18i-MB5 FS21i-MB Monitor Servo B1H1-22 or later BEH1-22 or later DEH1-22 or later B0H1-22 or later BDH1-22 or later BDH5-12 or later DDH1-22 or later 90B9-03 90B0-20 or later 90B3-04 or later 90B7-04 or later C-language executor library BY01-2. So these required software versions are subject to change without notice.Inagaki corrected at [3] 03 Nov. FS16i/18i/21i-TB/MB. 2002 O.NOTE This function will be under investigation at TUV soon. 2002 Contents A-78882E Page 3/14 . Date Draw up Jul. 7.Abe corrected at [2] and corrected Fig. 20. 2002 O.19.Abe corrected at [1] Ed. [1] Name No. FS18i-MB5 Programmable Safe-related I/O signals 04 Nov. 2003 T. 1 02 Nov. 11. 19. 2003 T.Abe corrected at [1] Ed. Concept of function Name No. Fig 1. 1 02 Nov. 7. GDL. FS18i-MB5 Programmable Safe-related I/O signals 04 Nov. SGD. *SMC. 2002 Contents A-78882E Page 4/14 . OPT MCF. Free 16 points ORQ.Abe corrected at [2] and corrected Fig.1. 11. FS16i/18i/21i-TB/MB. Date Draw up Jul.2 Specifications CNC C-language executor User Logic [f] [k] [l] Speed/ Position Monitoring and so on MCF. Free 8 points LGD Note) The mark [a]~[m] are for reference to “Sequence of Programmable Safe-related I/O signals Function” mentioned in the following page. 2002 O. 2002 O.Inagaki corrected at [3] 03 Nov.LGD [g] DO Crosscheck G191 G334 G335 [b] Free 8 Monitor DI Crosscheck [d] F191 G331 PMC [e] User Logic Speed/ Position Monitoring and so on [i] Y signals [e] [m] Free 8 points [a] X signals DI+000 ~DI+003 MCF [c] [h] [j] DO+000 DO+001 I/O Link #1 FSSB I/O #2 *ESP. 20. Monitor CPU outputs the signals (MCF) to machine via FSSB I/O #2 (DO+000). Sequence of Programmable Safe-related I/O signals function Programmable Safe-related I/O signals function works as following sequence. FS18i-MB5 Programmable Safe-related I/O signals 04 Nov. Date Draw up Jul. ORQ. SGD. [h] Monitor CPU outputs the signals (free 8 points) to machine via FSSB I/O #2 (DO+001). *SMC. GDL. G334. OPT and free 16 points) directly. [d] CNC CPU and Monitor CPU execute cross-check for input signals. Name No. 2003 T. and transfers the signals to Monitor.Inagaki corrected at [3] 03 Nov. SGD and free 16 points) are input to Monitor via FSSB I/O #2 (DI+000 ~ DI+003). [k] CNC CPU monitors the speed/position and so on and creates the signals MCF and LGD. CNC CPU and Monitor CPU judge that an illegality related to safety occurs.Abe corrected at [2] and corrected Fig. [c] Safe-related DI signals (*ESP.Abe corrected at [1] Ed. ORQ. 7. (Conceptual figure). 2002 Contents A-78882E Page 5/14 . SGD. OPT and free 16 points) are input to PMC via I/O Link #1 (X). [2] Illegal state watching When the states of the signal via PMC and of the signal via FSSB are different during a certain time. [b] The user program (ladder) on PMC creates the signals (G191. 1 02 Nov. (2) User can make 8 points free output from Free 16 points input signals. Please refer to Fig1. [l] CNC CPU outputs the signals (LGD. [e] The user program (ladder) on PMC creates the signals (free 8 points) based on the user logic.19. 2002 O. FS16i/18i/21i-TB/MB. [i] [j] Monitor CPU monitors the speed/position and so on and creates the signals MCF.Improving points for Safe-related I/O signal monitoring function (1) Free 16 points input signals are added to I/O interface. G335) by copying each signal (*SMC. 2002 O. GDL. [g] CNC CPU and Monitor CPU executes cross-check for output signals. MCF) to PMC (F191). [m] PMC CPU outputs the signals (LGD. [a] Safe-related DI signals (*ESP. MCF) to machine via I/O Link #1 (Y). GDL. 11. And both CPUs stop the power to motor drive circuit immediately. *SMC. and output the signals to CNC CPU (G331) and to machine via I/O Link #1 (Y). 20. [f] The user program on C-language executor creates the signals (free 8 points) based on the user logic (same logic used by the user program (ladder) on PMC). FS16i/18i/21i-TB/MB. FS18i-MB5 Programmable Safe-related I/O signals 04 Nov. 2002 O.3.1. These signals are able to be used freely by user. but not from CNC. 20.Inagaki corrected at [3] 03 Nov. G335> <DI+002. Date Draw up Jul. WARNING ・ The 2nd path of 1 CPU 2 path control and the 3rd path of 2 CPU 3 path control have no Programmable safe-related DI signals because they have no FSSB I/O module.Abe corrected at [2] and corrected Fig. 2003 T. WARNING ・ ‘DO’ used in these signals name means output signals from the user program. 1 02 Nov. So these signals is addressed in ‘G’ signals. 7. Name No.3 1. Programmable safe-related DO signal [2] SDO00~SDO07 <G331> <DO+001> [Classification] [Function] [Operation] Input signal CNC and Monitor use these signals only for cross-check for output signals in Dual Check Safety.Abe corrected at [1] Ed. 11. ・ The 2nd path of 1 CPU 2 path control and the 3rd path of 2 CPU 3 path control have no Programmable safe-related DO signals because they have no FSSB I/O module.19. These signals are able to be used freely by user. 2002 Contents A-78882E Page 6/14 .1 Signals Signals Programable safe-related DI signal [2] SDI00~SDI15 <G334. 2002 O. DI+003> [Classification] [Function] [Operation] Input signal CNC and Monitor use these signals only for cross-check for input signals in Dual Check Safety. 20. 2002 O. 2002 Contents A-78882E Page 7/14 .19.3. Date Draw up Jul. 2002 O. Name No.Inagaki corrected at [3] 03 Nov.1. 11. 7.2 via PMC Signal addresses #7 X008 G008 G191 G331 G334 G335 SDO07 SDI07 SDI15 #6 #5 #4 *ESP1 *ESPG #3 #2 #1 #0 *SMC1 SDO06 SDI06 SDI14 GDL1 SDO05 SDI05 SDI13 SGD1 SDO04 SDI04 SDI12 ORQ SDO03 SDI03 SDI11 OPT SDO02 SDI02 SDI10 SDO01 SDI01 SDI09 SDO00 SDI00 SDI08 #7 F191 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 RQT #1 MCF1 #0 LGD via FSSB #7 DI+000 DI+001 DI+002 DI+003 SDI07 SDI15 *SMC2 SDI06 SDI14 GDL2 SDI05 SDI13 SGD2 SDI04 SDI12 SDI03 SDI11 SDI02 SDI10 SDI01 SDI09 SDI00 SDI08 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 *ESP2 #7 DO+000 DO+001 SDO07 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 MCF2 #0 SDO06 SDO05 SDO04 SDO03 SDO02 SDO01 SDO00 WARNING ・ The 2nd path of 1 CPU 2 path control and the 3rd path of 2 CPU 3 path control have no Safe programmable DI/DO signals because they have no FSSB I/O module. 1 02 Nov.Abe corrected at [2] and corrected Fig. 2003 T. FS16i/18i/21i-TB/MB. FS18i-MB5 Programmable Safe-related I/O signals 04 Nov.Abe corrected at [1] Ed. this parameter is specified for each path.Inagaki corrected at [3] 03 Nov. please set the password for safe parameters to the key for safe parameters (parameter No.1. the 3rd path of 2 CPU 3 path control and the loader control. FS16i/18i/21i-TB/MB. This parameter is disabled on the 2nd path of 1 CPU 2 path control. 1 02 Nov. 7.3226). If those parameters should be changed. CAUTION When this parameter is set.4 Parameters #7 13800 [Data type] CIO Bit Programmable safe-related I/O signals are 0: Disabled.Abe corrected at [2] and corrected Fig. 2002 O. power must be turned off before operation is continued. In the multi-path system. 2003 T. 20. #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 CIO Name No. FS18i-MB5 Programmable Safe-related I/O signals 04 Nov. 1: Enabled. This parameter is protected by key and password of Dual Check Safety.19. 11. 2002 O. Date Draw up Jul.Abe corrected at [1] Ed. 2002 Contents A-78882E Page 8/14 . 20. This is same as the content of iodata[1]. Function code Return code Data length Data number Data attribute General data buffer Name No.Inagaki corrected at [3] 03 Nov. The CNC alarm information will be stored in "iodata[5]".Abe corrected at [2] and corrected Fig. Data structure of input/output memory is generally as follows. Date Draw up Jul.5 C-language executor These C-language executor libraries are added to handle the signals from/to Monitor. Returns return-code of CNC window. The return information of CNC window is stored in "iodata". FS18i-MB5 Programmable Safe-related I/O signals 04 Nov. "iodata" is input/output data memory for CNC window function. The application program sets the required information into this memory and calls this function. FS16i/18i/21i-TB/MB. 7.Abe corrected at [1] Ed.The pointer to this memory area is store DS:SI and passed to CNC window process. iodata[0] = 23 . cnc_window( iodata ) . Call CNC window <HILEV> [Name] [Syntax] [Arguments] [Return] [Description] cnc_window int cnc_window( unsigned int *iodata ) iodata : Input/output data memory. 2003 T. iodata[0] iodata[1] iodata[2] iodata[3] iodata[4] iodata[5] and after For example. you call this function as below to call "Read alarm status" function. unsigned int iodata[11] .1. Calls CNC window function. 11.19. 2002 O. 2002 Contents A-78882E Page 9/14 . 1 02 Nov. 2002 O. Work RAM area that CNC window requires (pointed by ES:DI) is provided by this function itself. 2002 Contents A-78882E Page 10/14 . (Read load data of servo axis) (16) Read Programable Safe-related DI Signal. Therefore. (12) Read alarm status. (7) Read relative position. (5) Read absolute position. 2002 O. (1)Read program number in executing. (6) Read machine position. FS16i/18i/21i-TB/MB. 11. 7. (15) Read A/D conversion data. 20.Inagaki corrected at [3] 03 Nov. Only following functions are available. FS18i-MB5 Programmable Safe-related I/O signals 04 Nov. Date Draw up Jul. 2002 O. This function takes approx. execution time (1 msec) by calling this function so many times because of increasing processing time.19. 1 02 Nov. (14) Read load information of serial spindle. (13) Read abnormal load torque data. (2) Read sequence number in executing. (17) Write Programable Safe-related DO Signal. (10) Read servo delay amount.High-Level application program can not call all CNC window functions.Abe corrected at [2] and corrected Fig. (4) Read actual spindle speed. 2003 T. (3) Read actual feed rate of controlled axes.Abe corrected at [1] Ed. (9) Read skipped position. Name No. (8) Read distance to go. The execution time may exceed the max. (11) Read acceleration/deceleration delay amount. you should use this function up to 10 times at maximum for each 8 msec processing. [2] [2] The detail descriptions of each functions will be offered later. 0.03 msec at least for calling CNC window (in case of FS16i/18i). Abe corrected at [1] Ed. 1 02 Nov. 2002 O. 11. programable safe-related DI signal iodata[5] upper byte:safe-related DI signal 1 (DI+000) [2] lower byte:safe-related DI signal 2 (DI+001) (17) Write Programable Safe-related DO Signal [2] Equivalence to "pmc_wrsafeprgio()" function.Abe corrected at [2] and corrected Fig.19. 2002 O. Date Draw up Jul. 3 Invalid data number. 20. [Input] Function code Data length Data number Data attribute [Output] Return code iodate[0] = 136 iodata[2] = 0 iodata[3] = 0 iodata[4] = 0 iodata[1] = 0 Successful.Inagaki corrected at [3] 03 Nov. 2003 T. [Input] Function code Data length Data number Data attribute iodate[0] = 137 iodata[2] = 1 iodata[3] = 0 iodata[4] = 0 ( char )iodata[5] [Output] Return code iodata[1] = 0 Successful. FS18i-MB5 Programmable Safe-related I/O signals 04 Nov. 6 Option for dual check safty isn't added. [2] [3] 6 Option for dual check safty isn't added. [3] programable safe-related DO signal (DO+001) [2][3] Name No.(16) Read Programable Safe-related DI Signal [2] Equivalence to "pmc_rdsafeprgio()" function. FS16i/18i/21i-TB/MB. 7. 2002 Contents A-78882E Page 11/14 . */ */ dummy . buf. [2] : Successful.Read Programable Safe-related DI Signal [2] [Name] [Syntax] pmc_rdsafeprgio #include <fwindow.cdata[0] ) . buf.Abe corrected at [2] and corrected Fig. 2002 O.Inagaki corrected at [3] 03 Nov. FS18i-MB5 Programmable Safe-related I/O signals 04 Nov. /* Not use cdata[2] . 2003 T. 7. /* I/O signal */ EW_OK( 0) EW_NOOPT( 6) cdata[0] cdata[1] Read programable safe-related DI signals via FSSB I/O for dual check safety. : buffer in which the signal datas for programable safe-related DI stored. /* Data No. struct iodbsaftyprg *buf ) . pmc_rdsafeprgio( 0 .Abe corrected at [1] Ed.cdata[1] ) . 20. 2002 O. &buf ).19. } } [3] Name No. { if( ret == 0 ) printf( "G334 : %02xh ¥n" . : Option for dual check safty isn't added. 11. safe-related input signal 1 (DI+002) safe-related input signal 2 (DI+003) datano . FS16i/18i/21i-TB/MB. buf. [2] void print_safetyprgio( void ) { int struct iodbsaftyprg ret = ret. struct iodbsaftyprg { int int char }. [Arguments] [Return] [Description] datano Buf : data number( = 0 ). Date Draw up Jul. 2002 Contents A-78882E Page 12/14 . [Examples] The following program reads signal datas for programable safe-related DI and display them. printf( "G335 : %02xh ¥n" . 1 02 Nov.h> int pmc_rdsafeprgio( int datano . else return( -1 ). 1 02 Nov.Write Programable Safe-related DO Signal [2] [Name] [Syntax] [Arguments] [Return] [Description] [Examples] pmc_wrsafeprgio #include data <fwindow.h> : data of Programable Safe-related DO Signals. 2003 T. [2] int pmc_wrsafeprgio( char data ) .Abe corrected at [2] and corrected Fig. if( ret == 0 ) return( 0 ). 7. ret = pmc_wrsafeprgio( 0x00 ) . [2][3] Write programable safe-related DO signals via FSSB I/O (DO+001) for dual check The following program initializes signal datas for programable safe-related DO.Abe corrected at [1] Ed. 2002 O. FS16i/18i/21i-TB/MB. 2002 O. 11. [2] int init_prgio_di( void ) { int ret. Date Draw up Jul. 20. : Successful.Inagaki corrected at [3] 03 Nov. } [1] [3] Name No. FS18i-MB5 Programmable Safe-related I/O signals 04 Nov. 2002 Contents A-78882E Page 13/14 . : Option for dual check safty isn't added. [3] EW_OK( 0) EW_NOOPT( 6) safety.19. 2003 T. [3] Name No. 7. 1 02 Nov. Check the safe-related output signals via the PMC and via the FSSB are equal. 2002 O.Abe corrected at [2] and corrected Fig. Check the safe-related output signals via the PMC and via the FSSB are equal. 485 ILLEGAL SAFETY DO (MNT) The Monitor detected a mismatch exceeding the set time (parameter No.Inagaki corrected at [3] 03 Nov. 486 ILLEGAL SAFETY DI (CNC) The CNC detected a mismatch exceeding the set time (parameter No. FS18i-MB5 Programmable Safe-related I/O signals 04 Nov. 20. 11.1945) between a safe-related output signal via the PMC and the same signal via the FSSB.Abe corrected at [1] Ed. Check the safe-related input signals via the PMC and via the FSSB are equal. 479 Alarms and messages Message ILLEGAL SAFETY DI (MNT) Description The Monitor detected a mismatch exceeding the set time (parameter No.1945) between a safe-related input signal via the PMC and the same signal via the FSSB. 2002 O.19.1945) between a safe-related input signal via the PMC and the same signal via the FSSB. 2002 Contents A-78882E Page 14/14 .1945) between a safe-related output signal via the PMC and the same signal via the FSSB. 493 ILLEGAL SAFETY DO (CNC) The CNC detected a mismatch exceeding the set time (parameter No.6 No. FS16i/18i/21i-TB/MB. Check the safe-related input signals via the PMC and via the FSSB are equal.1. Date Draw up Jul. 2002 General Manager of Hardware Laboratory Dual Check Safety OPERATOR'S MANUAL Addition and correction of sample system configuration 1. Notice 4. Communicate this report to : ○ ○ Your information only GE Fanuc-N. Attached Document Drawing No.TECHNICAL REPORT (MANUAL) NO. . GE Fanuc-E FANUC Robotics MILACRON ○ Machine tool builder Sales agency End user 2. B-63494EN/01-06 EAO Original section of issue Senior Vice Department General Manager Manager Section Manager Person in Charge . Summary for Sales Documents Two sample system configurations are added to dual check safety operator's manual.TMN 02/071E Date July. 3. 06. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST. Summary of change Group Name / Outline New. Type of applied technical documents Name Spec.5. NO. Correct. ・Delete part of 10.2.2. DESCRIPTION DRAW.Dual Check Safety OPERATOR'S MANUAL Addition and correction of sample system configuration 1.No. ・For One-path(When two PSMs are used) ・When two protection doors are used in a machine. 02. ・Correction of figure at 10.1. Another TITLE Dual Check Safety OPERATOR'S MANUAL Addition and correction of sample system configuration 01 EDIT. Two sample system configurations are added.1. Add.2. Delete Applicable Date Dual Check Safety OPERATOR'S MANUAL B-63494EN/01 Basic Function Optional Function Unit Maintenance parts Notice Correction There are three corrections. SHEET FANUC LTD 1/9 . ・ Correction of symbol of part of contact of electromagnetic contactor in figure at 10.26 Arimoto First issue DATE DESIG./Version 2. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 2/9 . NO.Change a title of 10. DATE DESIG.1 as follows 10.1. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST.1. SHEET EDIT.1 For One-path(When one PSM is used) TITLE DRAW. 3 For Two-path(When the main side and sub side use a common MCC) TITLE DRAW. DATE DESIG.3 and change figure as follows 10. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 3/9 .1.1.2 to 10. NO. SHEET EDIT.Cange 10.1. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST. SHEET EDIT. DATE DESIG.2 as follows 10.1.2 For One-path(When two PSMs are used) TITLE DRAW. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST.1. NO.Add 10. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 4/9 . B-63494EN/01-06 CUST. DATE DESIG.4 and figure. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 5/9 . NO. Input a power-down factor to [G008#4] other than the signal from the emergency stop button.2.1.1.Change 10.4 Delete statement shown below and figure of 10. TITLE DRAW. Add statement shown below between a title of 10.2.3 to 10.1. When one protection door is used Example combined a guard-monitoring limit switch with lock mechanism and a safety relay in case of one protection door is shown below. SHEET EDIT. Create a Ladder program so that [X008#4] becomes a factor of [G008#4]. NO. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 6/9 . +24V Guard1 closed SW11 SW12 SW21 SW22 Guard2 closed Guard lock 1 Guard-monitoring limit switch 1 SW13 Guard lock 2 Guard-monitoring limit switch 2 SW23 0V 0V Safety relay RY1 RY3 RY2 RY3 RY3 RY2 RY1 RY2 0V I/O Link I/O UNIT X00n#n PMC SGD (G191#4) *LGD (F191#0) Y00n#n RY1 Ladder program Y00m#m 【Sample control components】 SW11/SW12.4. Example combined two guard-monitoring limit switches with lock mechanism and a safety relay in case of two protection doors in a safety zone is shown below.SW21/SW22: Guard state monitoring switch with forced dissociation mechanism SW13.RY3:Safety relay TITLE FSSB I/O UNIT SGD (DI+001#4) DRAW.2.RY2.Add statement and figure shown below between figure and OPERATING PRINCIPLE at 10. SHEET EDIT. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST.SW23: Guard lock switch RY1.. DATE DESIG. When two protection doors are used in a safety zone. When at least one guard is open SGD is turned off and the system determines that the guard is open.2.3.Change OPERATING PRINCIPLE at 10.2. SGD input is turned off. State of components Guard1 Guard lock1 Guard2 Guard lock 2 1 2 CLOSE CLOSE LOCK UNLOCK CLOSE CLOSE LOCK LOCK CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE OPE N 3 OPE N 4 CLOSE LOCK CLOSE UNLOCK UNLOCK CLOSE LOCK OPE N OPE N OPE N OPE N 5 CLOSE UNLOCK CLOSE UNLOCK CLOSE CLOSE OPE N 6 OPE N UNLOCK CLOSE UNLOCK OPE N OPE N OPE N CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE OPE N OPE N CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE ON OF F OF F OF F OF F OF F OF F ON 0 ON OFF 0 OF F ON OFF 0 ON 0 ON ON OFF OFF 1 0 SW1 SW12 SW13 SW21 SW22 SW23 RY1 RY2 RY3 SGD CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE TITLE DRAW. State of components is shown below. NO. Two guard state monitoring switches of two guard-monitoring limit switches are connected series. SHEET EDIT.2. RY3 detects whether RY1 and RY2 contacts are made. DATE DESIG.1 is occured. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST.4 as follows OPERATING PRINCIPLE When one protection door is used State of components is shown below. transition of 1. Two signals are outputed from I/O Link I/O UNIT to open each guard lock switch individually. State of components Guard 1 CLOSE 2 CLOSE 3 OPEN Guard lock LOCK UNLOCK UNLOCK SW1 CLOSE CLOSE OPEN SW2 CLOSE CLOSE OPEN SW3 CLOSE OPEN OPEN RY1 ON OFF OFF RY2 ON ON OFF RY3 OFF OFF ON SGD 1 0 0 In case of no welding of contact in safety relay when state of protection door is changed to open from close and close. If an unusual event is detected. When two protection doors are used in a safety zone This example has construction added a guard-monitoring limit switch to example of "When one protection door is used". When at least one guard lock is released by these signals SGD input is turned off and the system determines that the guard is open. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 7/9 . DATE DESIG. SHEET EDIT.7 CLOSE LOCK OPE N UNLOCK CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE OPE N OPE N OPE N OPE N OPE N OPE N OPE N OF F OF F OF F OF F OF F OF F ON 0 8 CLOSE UNLOCK OPE N UNLOCK CLOSE CLOSE OPE N OPE N OPE N ON 0 9 OPE N UNLOCK OPE N UNLOCK OPE N OPE N OPE N ON 0 TITLE DRAW. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 8/9 . B-63494EN/01-06 CUST. NO. 4. In case of that two protection doors are used in a safety zone the illustrated sample system determines that the guard is open (sets SGD to 0) when at least one guard is unlocked. and the guard state signal (SGD) affects the dual check safety function. DATE DESIG. Change NOTES at 10. SGD input is turned off. RY3 detects whether RY1 and RY2 contacts are made like "When one protection door is used". as in this example.7. Based on this signal. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST.1 is occured. The guard state is monitored. If GDL is not used. tie [G191#5] and [DI+001#5] to 1. The state of the GDL signal does not affect the dual check safety function. If an unusual event is detected. SHEET EDIT. the guard unlock signal (*LGD) is output.4. use a Ladder program to create a guard unlock signal. In case of that one protection door is used the illustrated sample system determines that the guard is open (sets SGD to 0) when the guard is unlocked. The guard lock state signal (GDL) only indicates whether an input mismatch is found. When the guard open request signal (ORQ) is accepted and when it has been confirmed that the CNC is in a safe state.4 as follows NOTE This example does not use the guard lock state signal (GDL). TITLE DRAW. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 9/9 .In case of no welding of contact in safety relay when guard2 is open and close with keeping guard1 close transition of 1.2. NO. 2. NO.Change figure at 10. B-63494EN/01-06 CUST. DATE DESIG.5 as follows(A symbol of a part of contact of electromagnetic contactor is changed.) +24V I/O Link I/O UNIT PMC X00n#n *SMC1 (G191#6) Y00n#n 0V FSSB I/O UNIT *SMC2 (DI+001#6) MCF2 (DO+000#1) MCF1 (F191#1) 0V PSM 200A 200B U V W Electromagnetic contactor (MAIN MCC) CX3 MCC TITLE DRAW. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD 10/9 . SHEET EDIT.
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