AW 450 kwicknotes
AW 450 kwicknotes
March 22, 2018 | Author: Numan2 | Category:
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AW 450-43LEPreliminary Information About a Transmission You’ll Be Seeing Soon! Produced by AAMCO Transmissions Inc. Technical Services Department AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Table of Contents AW 450-43LE TRANSMISSION ................................................. 1 Construction .................................................................................. 2 Electrical Diagnosis ...................................................................... 3 Typical TCM Connector Pin Layout......................................... 11 Clutch & Solenoid Application Chart ...................................... 12 Specifications ............................................................................... 13 Torque Specifications.................................................................. 16 Component Parts ........................................................................ 17 Oil Pump ...................................................................................... 20 Overdrive Planetary Gear ......................................................... 21 Overdrive Brake ......................................................................... 22 34 Continued...... AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Table of Contents Front Clutch ................................................................................ 23 Rear Clutch ................................................................................. 24 Second Brake............................................................................... 25 Planetary Gears, One-Way Clutch and Output Shaft ............. 26 First and Reverse Brake............................................................. 27 Extension Housing ...................................................................... 28 Valve Body ................................................................................... 29 35 AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES AW 450-43LE TRANSMISSION 1 . AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Construction 1. 2 One-way Clutch 13. Oil Pump 19. Rear Clutch 11.164) St al l i ng 990. Output Shaft 17.306) kPa(PSI) D R Line Pressure Test Port 2 . Torque Converter Housing Torque Converter Transmission Case Overdrive Direct Clutch Overdrive Brake Overdrive One-way Clutch Overdrive Planetary gear Front Clutch 2nd Brake 10. Valve Body 21. Extension Housing 25. 5.1480 (144.2107 (203. Rear Planetary Gear 15. 2. 7. 4. 3.215) 1401. Parking Lock Gear 16. No.784 (77. 6. PTO Drive Gear 23. Intermediate Shaft 24. 8.114) 755. Oil Pan 20. Speedmeter Drive Gear Line Pressure Test Engi ne Speed Range I dl i n g 529. Overdrive Input Shaft 18. 9.1127 (110. Input Shaft 22. 1st and Reverse Brake 14. Front Planetary Gear 12. 3 . 2. 2. Connect a suitable jumper wire between terminal 11 and terminal 4 or 5 of the DLC. 4. You may also find a 16-pin OBD II type DLC. 4. Shift the transmission to the NEUTRAL position. Each code will be displayed three times. 5. Turn the ignition switch on but do not start the engine. 4. Flashes of the “CHECK TRANS” light will display any trouble codes present (See Figure 3). The codes will appear as groups of short flashes. Isuzu NPR. Connect a suitable jumper wire between terminal 11 and terminal 4 or 5 of the DLC (See Figure 2). If no faults are present code 1will flash repeatedly. 3. Clearing Codes 1. For example a code 31 would look like this: flash-flash-flash pause flash = 31. For example a code 31 would look like this: Flash-flash-flash pause flash = 31. Depress the accelerator pedal fully. If no faults are present code “1” will flash repeatedly. 4. Turn the ignition switch on but do not start the engine. Depress the accelerator pedal fully. 5. Depress the brake pedal fully. GMC Tiltmaster 2000-2003 Checking Codes Locate the 16 pin OBD II type Data Link Connector (DLC) under the left side of the dash near the brake master cylinder. Connect a suitable jumper wire between the two outside terminals of the green 3-pin DLC. In either case use the green 3-pin connector. If memory is clear the “CHECK TRANS” light will flash rapidly for 10 seconds. Each code will be displayed three times. If memory is clear the “CHECK TRANS” light will flash rapidly for 10 seconds. 3.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Electrical Diagnosis Isuzu NPR. The codes will appear as groups of short flashes. Clearing Codes 1. GMC Tiltmaster 1999 Checking Codes Locate the green 3-pin Data Link Connector (DLC) under the left side of the dash near the brake master cylinder (See Figure 1). To retrieve trouble codes use a suitable jumper to connect the two outside terminals of the DLC. With the jumper in place any trouble codes present will be displayed on the “CHECK TRANS” light (See Figure 3). Depress the brake pedal fully. Shift the transmission to the NEUTRAL position. AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Figure 1 Green 3-Pin Diagnostic Connector Location Isuzu. Tiltmaster 1 23 4 56 7 8 9 10111213141516 Figure 2 OBDII Diagnostic Connector Location Isuzu. Tiltmaster 4 . Tiltmaster 99-03 5 .AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Figure 3 Check Trans Light Isuzu. 13. 31. 38. 3. 24. 7. 2. When the memory is cleared the “ATM” warning indictor will flash rapidly for 10 seconds. If no faults are present code 1will flash repeatedly. 5. GMC Tiltmaster. 33. 35. 17. Tiltmaster Only 6 . Depress the brake pedal fully. Depress the accelerator pedal fully. Place the shift lever in the PARK position. Description Vehicle Speed Sensor #1 (on transmission) Engine Revolution Sensor ATF Temperature Sensor Inhibitor Switch Accelerator Sensor Vehicle Speed Sensor #2 (on transmission) Shift Solenoid A Shift Solenoid B Timing Solenoid Lock-up Solenoid Line Pressure Solenoid Exhaust Brake System Engine Warm-up Cut System* * Isuzu. 21. If the memory is not cleared repeat procedure as necessary. Each code will be displayed three times. 34. Code list Isuzu. Connect diagnostic connectors 1-14 and 1-15 together. 15. Clearing Codes 1. For example a code 31 would look like this: Flash-flash-flash pause flash = 31. Flashes of the “ATM” warning light will display any trouble codes present (See Figure 5). The codes will appear as groups of short flashes. 4. Turn the ignition switch on but do not start the engine. 6. 37. Using a suitable jumper connect diagnostic connector I-14 (blue/yellow wire) and 1-15 (black wire) together (See Figure 4). Nissan UD Code 11. 32.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Electrical Diagnosis Nissan UD 1999-2003 Checking Codes Locate the group of diagnostic connectors under the left side of the dash near the drivers kick panel. AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Manual Code Retrieval Figure 5 ATM Warning Light Nissan UD 7 . Keep the Diagnosis Switch connector connected 2. For example code 24 would look like this: long-long-short-short-short-short = 24. 5.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Electrical Diagnosis Mitsubishi Fuso 1999-2003 Checking Codes Turn the ignition switch on but do not start the engine. Disconnect the Diagnosis Switch connector located under the dash to the left of the steering column (See Figure 6). If no faults are present code 1 will flash repeatedly. The Memory Clear Switch connector will have a black/white wire on one side and a black wire on the other. After three seconds the codes will be cleared. Disconnect the Memory Clear Switch (See Figure 6) connector located under the dash to the left of the steering column. Each code will be displayed three times. 3. Flashes of the auto matic transmission warning light will display any trouble codes present (See Figure 7). Long flashes indicate tens and short flashes indicate ones. 4. After more than one second reconnect the Memory Clear Switch connector. Turn the ignition key on but do not start the engine. The Diagnosis Switch connector will have a green/blue wire one side and a black wire on the other. Clearing Codes MO35A4 1. Code List Mitsubishi Fuso Code 11 12 13 15 24 25 31 32 34 35 43 50 51 54 58 Description Abnormal Power Supply Voltage Vehicle Speed Sensor #1 ATF Temperature Sensor Engine Revolution Sensor Accelerator Sensor Vehicle Speed Sensor #2 Shift Solenoid A Shift Solenoid B Line Pressure Solenoid Lock-Up Solenoid Inhibitor Switch PTO Solenoid Timing Solenoid Exhaust bake system PWM Signal 8 . AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Fuso 1999-2003 Diagnosis Switch Figure 6 Memory Clear Switch Diagnostic Switch Connector Mitsubishi Fuso 99-03 Figure 7 Automatic Transmission Warning Light Mitsubishi Fuso 99-03 9 . 3W 3 2 1 B-80 B-80 B-80 GND ACC ON ST B-160 (3) STARTER SWITCH H-12 2 4 N 1 1 THROTTLE SENSOR OFF 5V 0.5BR/B 12 H-4 0.5W/R 9 0.5G 12 B-231 B-229 B-229 1 H-4 Meter Back 0.5B/R 0.5B B 67 H-12 9 Illum.5BR/R 4 H-4 0.5L/Y 0.3O/B 9 15 SW.5R/L H-5 29 0.5R/B B-110 (7) EBCM F-10 10A 1 0.ATF B-229 B-230 B-231 4 0. EXH Brake Cont 0.5GR/L 0.5W/R 6 J-69 N FL-2 8W 50A KEY SW B-51 AT OIL TEMP FL-1 MAIN 0.Tail B-22 (5) H 12 2 0.5G B-230 B-229 B-229 Stop Light B-66 B-66 Stop Light 0.5L/R 3 J-69 1 H-4 15 0.5BR/Y 13 H-4 0.3O SW.5BR/B 2 J-71 TIMING SOL B-230 B-229 1 2 0.5LG/W 12 J-19 (4) Relay. Stop Light B-233 (1) ECM 0.2 N N J-69 0.5BR/G 2 6 0.5B 9 P.5LG/W 18 H-4 0.5B 5W B-229 B-55 (2) METER 3B B 2 B 67 3W/B N 1 Relay.5L/Y B-229 B-229 2 5 0.4 J-12 FRAME (5) RELAY.5W/R H-4 7 0.5BR 5 1 7 6 J-71 J-71 LINE PRRESS SOL J-71 J-71 OIL TEMP SENSOR B-233 (14) ECM (2) Relay.5L/G 2 1 J-73 J-73 SP2 0. FISD B-230 B-230 B-229 B-229 2 0 0.3 P.5B VEHICLE 0.5R/L 7 J-69 5W 3W/B 0.5BR/W 1 1 0.5L/G 19 8 H-4 H-4 0.5BR/G 0.5G/Y F-12 10A SW.INHIBITOR 5 P J-69 R B-7 2 H 6 H 7 1 9 0.5L/G 23 4 B-229 B-229 1 3 0.5R/W 0.KICKDOWN B-76 2 0.3O 6 B-231 B-230 B-231 3 0.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Typical Wiring Diagram Data Link Connector Green 3 Pin B-79 B-79 B-79 B-79 5 4 7 11 0.3O H 12 B-51 OD OFF 8 0.5BR/Y 4 J-71 SHIFT SOL S1 V-2 (1) VSV.5B/Y B-233 (7) ECM 0.5B/G 0.5Y 6 15 1 6 0.5Y/G H-4 1 J-129 B-231 0.5L/O B-231 1 0 1 1 0.5B JOINT CONNECTOR B-29 7 2B Joint Connector2 0.5L/O 4 J-69 D 2 2 20 0.5B 3 1 B-76 SW.5B/Y 8 J-69 C 8B P.5BR 9 14 H-4 H-4 0.5L/R H-4 17 0.5L/Y 3 H-4 6 2 H-4 H-4 10 H-4 0.5LG/B N 1 B-229 B-229 B-229 TCM SW.3Y 0.5L/W H-4 16 8 0.5B 0. Eng Warm Cut2 0.5L/Y 0.5L/W 2 J-69 J-9 H-5 22 0.5Y/G B-231 6 0.5B/Y 16 1 B-230 B-231 3B/Y B-230 3 0. Eng Warm Cut 2 0.5B/G 0.5 10 2B B .5P 3 0.5W/R H-4 11 0.1 P.5B/Y B-51 CHECK TRANS 8 5 0.5B/Y 80A B-51 0.5B 0.STARTER 0.OD OFF 2 19 5 18 4 0.5B/R 0.5LG/R 1 N 1 3 BACK UP LIGHT 0.5B/W 2 8 B-229 B-229 B-230 B-229 2 4 0.3LG 4 B-232 9 2 0.5BR/W 8 J-71 LOCK UP SOL 5 H-4 0.5B/G 24 H-5 1 22 11 J-18 0.5L/G 0.5R/G 0.5B/R 12 J-69 P 2L P.5L 0. Cont 5 0.5L/O B-229 B-231 B-231 8 2 7 0.5BR/R 3 J-71 SHIFT SOL S2 J-19 (3) Relay.5Y 0. N range signal Not used Shift position. 2 range signal Brake Switch Pin No. B229-3 Vehicle speed sensor (Transmission/-) Not used Throttle position sensor voltage Throttle position sensor ground ATF Thermosensor (-) Serial data (Scan tool) Exhaust brake cut signal QWS (Engine warming up system) cut signal (Not used UD) Lock-up solenoid Line pressure solenoid (-) Line pressure solenoid (+) Exhaust brake signal Not used Not used Idle up signal Not used O/D OFF switch Kick-down switch Diagnostic enable signal Idle Switch UD only Not used ABS (Anti-lock brake system) signal QWS (Engine warming up system) B229-24 B229-25 signal (Not used UD) B229-26 Not used Not used ATF Temperature switch Idle signal (Not used UD) 11 .AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Typical TCM Connector Pin Layout B229 B230 B231 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 12 11 10 9 8 7 (12 pin) (16 pin) (26 pin) Pin No. R range signal Shift position. 1 shift solenoid (S1) Not used Shield for No. 1 range signal Not used Battery ground Shift position. D range signal Shift position. 2 shift solenoid (S2) No. B231-1 B231-2 B231-3 B231-4 B231-5 B231-6 B231-7 B231-8 B231-9 B231-10 B231-11 B231-12 B230-1 B230-2 B230-3 B230-4 B230-5 B230-6 B230-7 B230-8 B230-9 B230-10 B230-11 B230-12 B230-13 B230-14 B230-15 B230-16 Function Ignition signal Battery Ground Shift position. B229-1 B229-2 B229-3 B229-4 B229-5 B229-6 B229-7 B229-8 B229-9 B229-10 B229-11 B229-12 B229-13 B229-14 B229-15 B229-16 B229-17 B229-18 B229-19 B229-20 B229-21 B229-22 B229-23 Function Engine speed sensor Not used Vehicle speed sensor (Transmission/+) Vehicle speed sensor (Speedometer) Throttle position sensor ATF Thermosensor (+) Not used Engine over-running light (Not used UD) Check trans indicator light (ATM) Not used Timing solenoid (ST) No. P range signal Shift position. AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Clutch & Solenoid Application Chart Shi f t Posi t i on P R N 1st 2nd D 3rd O/D 1st 2 2nd 3rd 1st L 2nd 3rd O ver r un For ward 3.4 O verdr i ve Second L ow/ Rever se I nput C l ut ch C l ut ch C l ut ch Br ake Br ake Br ake Spr ag L ow Shi f t Shi f t Spr ag Sol enoi d 1 Sol enoi d 2 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o x x x x x x x x o o o x x x x o x o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o .Applied x .Applied when accelerating 12 . AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Specifications 13 . AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Specifications 14 . AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Specifications Transmission Fluid Fluid Type Dextron III Capacity 13.5 QTS) 15 .5L (14. 5 8 8 15 l b.5 7 12.i n) 15 4 (47) 14 (69) 27 18 (61) 47 18 22 (78) (61) (78) 18 (87) (87) (87) 20 (78) (69) (69) 11 .5 25 10 10 10 27 12.5 19 8 37 25 7 64 25 29 12.5 5.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Torque Specifications Par t T i ght ened O i l pump cover t o O i l pump body Upper val ve body t o L ower val ve body M anual det ent spr i ng t o L ower val ve body Par ki ng l ock pawl br acket t o Ext ensi on housi ng C 1 accumul at or cover t o T r ansmi ssi on case T r ansmi ssi on case t o Ext ensi on housi ng Cent er suppor t set bol t O i l pan t o T r ansmi ssi on case T r ansmi ssi on case t o T r ansmi ssi on housi ng AT F t emper at ure sensor t o T r ansmi ssi on case O i l cool er uni on t o T r ansmi ssi on case I nhi bi t or swi t ch t o T r ansmi ssi on case I nhi bi t or swi t ch t o M anual val ve shaf t Cont rol shaf t t o T r ansmi ssi on case O i l pump t o T r ansmi ssi on case Val ve body t o T r ansmi ssi on case Sol enoi d val ve t o Val ve body O i l st r ai ner t o Val ve body D r ai n pl ug t o O i l pan Speedomet er sl eeve l ock pl at e t o T r ansmi ssi on case Speed sensor t o T r ansmi ssi on case Sol enoi d wi re t o T r ansmi ssi on case PT O cover t o T r ansmi ssi on case 16 N .m 21 5.f t (l b. Torque Converter Housing 17. Gasket 31. Control Shaft Lever 20. ATF Temperature Switch 7. Nut 17 . Oil Cooler Union 9. Bolt 25. O-ring 2. O-ring 27. Lock Washer 43. Lock Nut 37. Bolt 21. Clip 4. Oil Cooler Union 3. O-ring 10. O-ring 13. Extension Housing 38. Speedometer Drive Gear 15. Vehicle Speed Sensor 1 32. Clip 30.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Component Parts 1. Hose 5. Transmission Solenoid Wire 11. Oil Seal 34. Companion Flange 35. Bolt 24. Nut 19. Clip 6. Speedometer Sleeve 29. Bolt 33. PTO cover 23. O-ring 8. Bolt 12. O-ring 36. Spacer 16. Gasket 22. Grommet 42. Inhibitor Switch 40. Speedometer Drive Gear 28. Lock Plate 26. Parking Lock Gear 14. Nut 18. Bolt 39. Bolt 41. Bolt 9. Gasket 6. Spring 12. Center Support Apply Gasket 11. Oil Seal 24. O-ring 20. Spring 21. O-ring 16. Drain Plug 32. Oil Stainer 26. O-ring 3. Bolt 23. C1 Accumulator 4. O-ring 13. B1 Accumulator Piston 19. Oil Seal 18 . O-ring 5. B0 Accumulator Piston 14. Pin 35. Spring 2. Manual Valve Lever 36. O-ring 15. Magnet 25. C2 Accumulator Piston 18. Manual Valve Lever Shaft 28. Transmission Case 10. Gasket 33. Valve Body Assembly 22. Plate 7. Front Clutch Accumulator Cover 8. Oil Pan 31. Bolt 27. Spacer 29. Spring 17.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Component Parts 1. Parking Lock Rod 30. Bolt 34. Thrust Bearing 22. O/D Direct Clutch and One-way Clutch Assembly 8. One-Way Clutch and Output Shaft Assembly 29. Race 16. Bolt 2. Gasket 5. Oil Seal ring 20. Thrust Bearing 12. O/D Case Assembly 14. Front Clutch Assembly 21. Thrust Washer 27. Race 23. Snap Ring 28. Race 11. O-ring 4. O/D Planetary Gear. Thrust Bearing 9. Race 6. O-ring 19 . Rear Clutch Assembly 24.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Component Parts 1. O-ring 15. Thrust Bearing 7. Thrust Bearing 17. Race 13. Bolt 26. Race 18. Planetary Gear. O/D Ring Gear assembly 10. Oil Pump 3. Center Support assembly 25. Spacer 19. 2. 4. Spring 10.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Oil Pump 1. Check Ball 9. Oil Seal Oil Pump Body Oil Pump Driven Gear Oil Pump Drive Gear Oil Pump Cover 6. 3. Spring Seat 20 . 5. Oil Seal Ring 8. Bolt 7. Piston Return Spring 5. O-ring 3. Retainer 14.081 in. Snap Ring 10.201 Sprag Rotation 21 . Ring Gear Flange 20. Disc 8. Oil Seal Ring O/D Direct Clutch Clearance . 0. Snap Ring 11. Flange (Selective) 9. Thrust washer 18. 0.188 N o. C D T hi ckness i n. O/D Planetary Gear 17. Selective Pressure Plates N o. One-way Clutch Outer Race 13.181 0. A B T hi ckness i n.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Overdrive Planetary Gear and Direct Clutch 1. One-way Clutch 15. O/D Direct Clutch Drum 2. Plate 7. Thrust washer 12. Planetary Ring Gear 19.194 0.071-. O/D Direct Clutch Piston 4. Snap Ring 21. Thrust Washer 16. Snap Ring 6. 5. Snap Ring Flange Disc Plate Snap Ring Piston Return Spring 7. 6. O/D Brake Piston 8. O-ring 9. 4.073 in. Ring Retainer 11. Oil Seal Ring OD Brake Clearance .049-.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Overdrive Brake 1. 3. Not Adjustable 22 . 2. O/D Case 10. 0.094 23 . 3. Race 10. 5. Front Clutch Drum O-ring Front Clutch Piston Piston return spring Snap Ring Cushion Plate Plate 8. Disc 9.166 in NOTICE: P = This plate is used to adjust clutch clearance. 4. Front Clutch Hub 12. Thrust Bearing 11. 7.071 0. 6. 2. 0.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Front Clutch 1. Rear Clutch Hub 13.079 T hi ckness i n.155-. Selective Clutch Plates T hi ckness i n.087 0. Snap Ring Front Clutch Clearance . Piston Return Spring Rear Clutch Piston O-ring Rear Clutch Drum Rear Clutch Clearance 0.197 0. 8.087 in Selective Pressure Plates N o. 0.79 . 9. 4. 7. 0. 5.. 3. 2.205 N o.189 24 .181 0. E F T hi ckness i n. A B T hi ckness i n.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Rear Clutch 1. Snap Ring Flange (Selective) Disc Plate Snap Ring 6. Oil Seal Ring 11.081 in.073 . A B T hi ckness i n. Retainer Second Brake Clearance . Center Support 12.220 25 .197 0. 7. C D T hi ckness i n.. 2. 0. Front Planetary Sun Gear 13. 5. 0. O-ring 9. 6.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Second Brake 1. Snap Ring 10. Selective Pressure Plates N o. Flange (Selective) Plate Snap Ring Disc Snap Ring Piston return Spring Second Brake Piston 8. 4.205 N o. 3.213 0. 17. Intermediate Shaft 13.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Planetary Gears. Oil Seal Ring 12. 19. 4. Ring Gear Flange Snap Ring Thrust Bearing Output Shaft Snap Ring Sprag Rotation 26 . Rear Planetary Sun Gear 10. 16. 1 Thrust Washer Front Planetary Ring Gear Snap Ring No. Thrust Bearing 11. 7. Rear Planetary Gear 9. One-Way Clutch and Output Shaft 1. 2 Thrust washer O-ring 8. Snap Ring 14. 5. 3. One-way Clutch Front Planetary Gear No. Rear Planetary Ring Gear 15. 6. 18. 2. 3. O-ring 10.. Snap Ring Flange (Selective) Disc Plate Cushion Plate 6. Snap Ring 7. N o. 4.2618 0. First and Reverse Brake Piston 9.2933 27 .150 in.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES First and Reverse Brake 1. Piston Return Spring 8. Selective Pressure Plates in.2776 0. 2. Output Shaft Front Bearing First and Reverse Brake Clearance . E F G T hi ckness 0.130 . 5. Oil Seal Ring Bearing Snap Ring Bracket 5. 6. Torsion Spring Washer Parking Lock Pawl Shaft Parking Lock Pawl 28 . 4. 7. 2. 8.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Extension Housing 1. 3. Lock-up Signal Valve 8. 2-3 Timing Valve 9. Primary Regulator Valve 6. Throttle Valve 5. Modulator Valve 4. Low Inhibitor Valve 12. Reverse Inhibitor Valve 3. Secondary Regulator Valve 6. 1-2 Shift Valve 3. 2-3 Shift Valve 2. Orifice Control Valve 11. Check Valve Lower Valve Body: 1. 3-4 Shift Valve 4.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Valve Body Upper Valve Body: 1. Cut-back Valve 29 . Pressure Relief Valve 5. Low Coast Modulator Valve 10. Reducing Valve 7. Manual Valve 2. Lock-up Control Valve 7. C0 Exhaust Valve 8. Accumulator Control Valve 9. Pressure Relief Valve 2.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Valve Body 1. Case 1. Strainer 30 . 97 i n. 2. 1.26 i n. 1. Lower Valve Body Bolts NOTICE: Each bolt length is indicated in the illustration. wi t h washer 1.10 i n.in. Plate Installation Torque All Bolts: 5.m (48 lb.42 i n.65 i n. B C D Upper Valve Body Bolts NOTICE: Each bolt length is indicated in the illustration.65 i n. 1. wi t h washer 1.5 N.) 31 .97 i n.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Valve Body NOTICE: Each bolt length is indicated in the illustration.97 i n.09 i n. Bolt length: A 1. Bolt length: A 1. B 1. 1. Bolt length: A B C D E 1.57 i n.97 i n. Free L engt h D i amet er C ol or 3.87 i n.598) (3.57 i n.882) C ol or W hi t e Yel l ow Yel l ow Bei ge Bolt length: Accumulator Installation Torque 10 N. 2. 2.1 (Upper ) B.10 i n. 1. Oil Strainer Installation Spring Diameter in.) 0.697 Red Accumulator Installation 32 . 1.77 i n.26 i n.2 (2.433) (0.673 0.1 (L ow) C. E F G H I 1.m (88 lb-in) NOTICE: Each bolt length is indicated in the illustration.197) (2.05 i n. Free l engt h B.220) D i amet er (0.24 i n. 1.63 i n.673) (1. 1. 1.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Valve Body Spring diameter and free length in.m (88 lb in. A B C 0.48 i n.831) (0. Valve Body Bolt D Bolt length: A B Torque 10 N.988) (0.0 B. 1.61 i n.28 i n. Inc. A. imprisonment or both ©2005 AAMCO Transmissions. of the illustrations or text in this book is a copyright violation and a criminal offense punishable by fine. Any Unauthorized use or reproduction.AW 450-43LE KWIK NOTES Produced By AAMCO Transmissions. S. by any means. Technical Service Department For exclusive use of licensed AAMCO dealers ONLY. All Rights Reserved. Inc. 80A-5270 33 . Printed in U.
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