Automatic Transaxle (Service) [Gf4ax-El]

March 23, 2018 | Author: Макс | Category: Valve, Gear, Clutch, Bearing (Mechanical), Electrical Connector



AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] BEARING COVER COMPONENT ASSEMBLY [GF4AX-EL] ezf051719205102 Assembly Procedure 1. Apply ATF to the new O-ring and install it to the bearing cover. O-ring inner diameter 85.1 mm {3.35 in} 2. Press the new bearing race into the bearing cover. 05 w6u517adr 3. Press the new oil seal into the bearing cover using the SST. End Of Sie control valve body w6u517ads CONTROL VALVE BODY DISASSEMBLY [GF4AX-EL] ezf051721100142 Caution • Denting or scratching these components will reduce the ability of the transaxle to shift properly. When handling these components or the valve body that contains them, be careful not to drop or hit them. 1. Disassemble in the order indicated in the table. 2. Neatly arrange the removed parts to avoid confusing the similar parts. Warning • Using compressed air can cause dirt and other particles to fly out, causing injury to the eyes. Wear protective eye wear whenever using compressed air. 05-17B–41 AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 3. Clean the removed parts with cleaning solvent, then use compressed air to dry them. Use compressed air to clean out all holes and passages. ymu517aa9 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TFT sensor Pressure control solenoid valve 3-2 timing solenoid valve Shift solenoid A TCC control solenoid valve Front control valve body Front/premain front gasket 05-17B–42 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Premain separator plate Front/premain rear gasket Rubber balls Premain control valve body Jet orifice and nut Rubber ball Oil strainer AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Premain/main front gasket Main separator plate Premain/main rear gasket Rubber balls Oil strainer Oil pipe component Oil baffle Shift solenoid B Shift solenoid C 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Rear control valve body Main/rear rear gasket Rear separator plate Main/rear front gasket Rubber balls Oil strainers Rubber balls Oil strainers Main control valve body 05 Disassembly Procedure 1. Remove the TFT sensor. 2. Remove the pressure control solenoid valve, 3-2 timing solenoid valve, shift solenoid A and TCC control solenoid valves. 3. Remove the O-rings from the solenoid valves. ymu517aaa 4. Remove the bolts indicated by the arrows, then remove the front control valve body and premain separator plate and gaskets. 5. Remove the front/premain gaskets and separator plate from the front control valve body. 6. Remove the rubber ball from the front control valve body. 7. Remove the rubber ball from the premain control valve body. w6u517adv 8. Remove the bolts, the premain control valve body and the main separator plate and gaskets. 9. Remove the premain/main gaskets and separator from the premain control valve body. 10. Remove the jet orifice and nut from the main separator plate. 11. Remove the rubber balls and oil strainer from the premain control valve body. 12. Remove the rubber balls and oil strainer from the main control valve body. w6u517adw 13. Turn the assembly over and remove the oil pipe, baffle plate, shift solenoid B and shift solenoid C. w6u517ady 05-17B–43 AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 14. Remove the bolts shown in the figure and remove the rear separator plate and gaskets. 15. Remove the main/rear gaskets and separator from the rear control valve body. 16. Remove the rubber balls and oil strainers from the rear control valve body. 17. Remove the rubber balls and oil strainers from the main control valve body. End Of Sie w6u517adz PREMAIN CONTROL VALVE BODY DISASSEMBLY [GF4AX-EL] ezf051721100143 Caution • Denting or scratching these precisely machined components will reduce the ability of the transaxle to shift properly. When handling these components or the valve body that contains them, be careful not to drop or hit them. • Using a magnet in this procedure could magnetize the valve body inner components, reducing the ability of the transaxle to shift properly. Do not use magnets or magnetized tools when carrying out maintenance on these components. Note • If a valve does not slide out under its own weight, place the valve body open-side down and tap on the valve body lightly with a plastic hammer. 1. Disassemble in the order indicated in the table. Warning • Using compressed air can cause dirt and other particles to fly out, causing injury to the eyes. Wear protective eye wear whenever using compressed air. 05-17B–44 AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 2. Clean all parts and holes using compressed air and apply ATF to them immediately before assembly. . 05 xme5614a025 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Spring retainer Pressure modifier accumulator spring Pressure modifier accumulator valve Stop pin Stop plug 3-2 timing valve 3-2 timing spring Stop pin Stop plug Cut back valve A Cut back valve B Cut back spring Stop pin Stop plug Bypass valve Bypass spring 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Bolts 1-2 accumulator plate 1-2 accumulator gasket Small 1-2 accumulator spring Large 1-2 accumulator spring 1-2 accumulator piston Bolts N-R accumulator plate N-R accumulator gasket N-D accumulator spring N-D accumulator piston N-R accumulator piston Large N-R accumulator spring Small N-R accumulator spring Premain control valve body End Of Sie 05-17B–45 Tighten the plate bolt. pressure modifier accumulator spring.5—7. 6. 58—69 in·lbf} w6u517ae2 11. and stop pin. 14.7 17.039} 1. and spring retainer. • If not within specifications. Measure the spring free length.2 {0.0 {0. Install the N-R accumulator gasket and plate.6 {3. cut back valve B.21} 52. stop plug.85 {0.5 7.325} 8. Apply ATF to the seal rings. 2. 5.067} 2.039} 1.5 12. and stop pin.2 {0. stop plug.02} 0.32} 8. Install the cut back spring.2 {0. 58—69 in·lbf} w6u517ae1 7.5—7.8 {0. Apply ATF to the seal rings.50} 35.2 Wire diameter (mm {in}) 1.394} 29.8 N·m {66—80 kgf·cm.091} 1.7 {0.20} No.3 {0.17} 29.32} 6.3 {0.16} 81.08} 60.6 {0. Install the piston and N-D accumulator spring. 4. 9.21} 81.583} 20.25} 14.2 15.063} End Of Sie PREMAIN CONTROL VALVE BODY ASSEMBLY [GF4AX-EL] ezf051721100145 Assembly Procedure 1. Install the pressure modifier accumulator valve. 3-2 timing valve.25 {0. Tightening torque 6.2 {1.5 12.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] PREMAIN CONTROL VALVE BODY INSPECTION [GF4AX-EL] ezf051721100144 Spring Inspection 1. 13. Install the N-R accumulator springs and piston.4 11.0 26.0 {2.8 {1.047} 0.02} 1. 8. Tighten the plate bolt.0 {0. Apply ATF to the seal rings. replace the spring.4 {1.1 {2. cut back valve A.37} 56.6 {0.2 {0. End Of Sie w6u517ae3 05-17B–46 .033} 0.8 N·m {66—80 kgf·cm.7 12.795} 9.5 {1.8 {0. of coils 16.441} Free length (mm {in}) 38.28} 11.39} 7. 10.6 {3. Install the bypass valve spring.2 {0. Tightening torque 6. stop plug. 3. Install the piston and 1-2 accumulator springs.2 {0. Specifications Spring Pressure modifier accumulator spring 3-2 timing spring Cut back spring Bypass spring Small 1-2 accumulator spring Large 1-2 accumulator spring N-D accumulator spring Small N-R accumulator spring Large N-R accumulator spring Outer diameter (mm {in}) 8. bypass valve.9 {2. 12.6 {0. Install the 3-2 timing spring. Install the 1-2 accumulator gasket and plate. and stop pin. Clean all parts and holes using compressed air and apply ATF to them immediately before assembly. Wear protective eye wear whenever using compressed air. 1. causing injury to the eyes. w6u517ae4 . When handling these components or the valve body that contains them. Do not use magnets or magnetized tools when carrying out maintenance on these components. Disassemble in the order indicated in the table.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] MAIN CONTROL VALVE BODY DISASSEMBLY [GF4AX-EL] ezf051721100146 Caution • Denting or scratching these precisely machined components will reduce the ability or the transaxle to shift properly. be careful not to drop or hit them. reducing the ability of the transaxle to shift properly. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Spring retainer Converter relief spring Converter relief valve Stop pin Stop plug Solenoid reducing spring Solenoid reducing valve Spring retainer Low reducing spring Low reducing valve Stop pin Stop plug 1-2 shift valve 1-2 shift spring 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Stop pin Stop plug 2-3 shift valve 2-3 shift spring Stop pin Stop plug Coast timing spring Coast timing valve Stop pin Stop plug TCC shift valve TCC shift spring Stop pin Stop plug 05-17B–47 05 . Warning • Using compressed air can cause dirt and other particles to fly out. place the valve body open-side and tap on the valve body lightly with a plastic hammer. Note • If a valve does not slide out under its weight. 2. • Using a magnet in this procedure could magnetize the valve body inner components. 0 {0.0 16.031} 0.4 {0.7 {0.6 {1. stop plug. w6u517ae5 3.4 {0. Install the 3-4 shift spring.44} 36. stop plug.031} 0.8 {0. w6u517ae6 05-17B–48 .0 12. and stop pin. Measure the spring free length. of coils 13.5 12.6 {1. Install the coast timing valve.6 {0.24} 7.6 {1. and stop pin. • If not within the specifications.0 {1.024} End Of Sie MAIN CONTROL VALVE BODY ASSEMBLY [GF4AX-EL] ezf051721100148 Assembly Procedure 1. Install the TCC shift spring.29} 5.4 {0. and stop pin. replace the spring. coast timing spring.031} 0.57} 36.03} 0.27} 39.0 {0.2} Free length (mm {in}) 32.5 {0. TCC shift valve.7 {1. 3-4 shift valve. stop plug.34} 7.5 12.9 {0.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 29 30 31 32 3-4 shift valve 3-4 shift spring Stop pin Stop plug 33 34 35 Pressure modifier spring Pressure modifier valve Main control valve body End Of Sie MAIN CONTROL VALVE BODY INSPECTION [GF4AX-EL] ezf051721100147 Spring Inspection 1.7 Wire diameter (mm {in}) 1.31} 8.1 {0.44} 28.0 13.29} 7.24} 6.56} 38.4 {0.6 {0.9 {0. Specifications Spring Converter relief spring Solenoid reducing spring Low reducing spring 1-2 shift spring 2-3 shift spring Coast timing spring TCC shift spring 3-4 shift spring Pressure modifier spring Outer diameter (mm {in}) 7.02} 0.3 {1.10} 40.03} 0.0 {0.8 12.8 {0.3 {1.0 12.8 {0.29} 6.0 12.29} 8.0 {0.51} 36.02} 0.0 {1.043} 0.2 {0. 2.44} 19.75} No. When handling these components or the valve body that contains them. Warning • Using compressed air can cause dirt and other particles to fly out. Wear protective eye wear whenever using compressed air. Do not use magnets or magnetized tools when carrying out maintenance on these components. 8. Install the low reducing valve. low reducing spring. End Of Sie w6u517ae8 REAR CONTROL VALVE BODY DISASSEMBLY [GF4AX-EL] ezf051721100149 Caution • Denting or scratching these precisely machined components will reduce the ability or the transaxle to shift properly. causing injury to the eyes. and stop pin. and stop pin. Install the 1-2 shift spring. 2-3 shift valve. reducing the ability of the transaxle to shift properly. be careful not to drop or hit them. Install the 2-3 shift spring.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 4. stop plug. 05-17B–49 . 7. 1. 1-2 shift valve. spring. • Using a magnet in this procedure could magnetize the valve body inner components. 05 w6u517ae7 6. and spring retainer. Install the solenoid reducing valve. Disassemble in the order indicated in the table. stop plug. 5. place the valve body open-side down and tap on the valve body lightly with a plastic hammer. stop plug. converter relief spring. Note • If a valve does not slide out under its own weight. Install the converter relief valve. and stop pin. and spring retainer. 0 Wire diameter (mm {in}) 1. w6u517ae9 1 2 3 4 5 6 Manual valve Stop pin Pressure regulator plug sleeve Pressure regulator plug Pressure regulator spring seat Pressure regulator spring 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pressure regulator valve Stop pin 2-3 timing plug 2-3 timing spring 2-3 timing valve Rear control valve body End Of Sie REAR CONTROL VALVE BODY INSPECTION [GF4AX-EL] ezf051721100150 Spring Inspection 1. replace the spring. of coils 7.878} No.65 {0.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 2.0 {0.9 {1. .34} 22. • If not within the specifications.043} 0.1 {0. Measure the spring free length.026} . Specifications Spring Pressure regulator spring 2-3 timing spring End Of Sie 05-17B–50 Outer diameter (mm {in}) 12.3 {0.472} 4.7 {0. Clean all parts and holes using compressed air and apply ATF to them immediately before assembly.19} Free length (mm {in}) 33.0 14. Install the 2-3 timing valve. and stop pin. pressure regulator spring. pressure regulator plug. w6u517aeb 3. pressure regulator plug sleeve. 2-3 timing plug.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] REAR CONTROL VALVE BODY ASSEMBLY [GF4AX-EL] ezf051721100151 Assembly Procedure 1. pressure regulator spring seat. End Of Sie w6u517aec 05-17B–51 . 2-3 timing spring. 05 w6u517aea 2. and stop pin. Install the manual valve. Install the pressure regulator valve. 1 2 3 Main control valve body Oil strainers Rubber balls 05-17B–52 4 5 6 Oil strainers Rubber balls Main/rear front gasket .AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] CONTROL VALVE BODY ASSEMBLY [GF4AX-EL] ezf051721100152 ymu517aab . 4. Install the oil strainer and rubber ball into the rear control valve body. w6u517aee 2. w6u517aeg 05-17B–53 . rear separator plate. and new main/rear rear gasket on the rear control valve body. Set the rear control valve body onto the main control valve body. Install the oil strainer and rubber balls into the main control valve body. w6u517aef 3. Set the new main/rear front gasket.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Rear separator plate Main/rear rear gasket Rear control valve body Shift solenoid C Shift solenoid B Oil baffle Oil pipe component Oil strainer Rubber ball Premain/main rear gasket Main separator plate Premain/main front gasket Oil strainer 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Rubber ball Jet orifice and nut Premain control valve body Rubber ball Front/premain rear gasket Premain separator plate Front/premain front gasket Front control valve body TCC control solenoid valve Shift solenoid A 3-2 timing solenoid valve Pressure control solenoid valve TFT sensor 05 Assembly Procedure 1. Refer to the figure to distinguish the two gaskets. 10. main separator plate. Install and hand-tighten the bolts shown in the figure. Set the premain control valve body onto the main control valve body. 15—19 in·lbf} w6u517ael 9. Match the bolt letter with the letter stamped next to its installation hole on the valve body. Install the oil strainer and rubber balls into the premain control valve body. Refer to the figure to distinguish the two gaskets. Tightening torque 1. w6u517aek 8. w6u517aej 7.7—2. and new premain/main front gasket on the premain control valve body. Install the jet orifice and nuts to the main separator plate. Install the oil strainers and rubber balls into the main control valve body. w6u517aeh 6. w6u517aem 05-17B–54 .2 N·m {17—23 kgf·cm. Set a new premain/main rear gasket. Each type of bolt has a different letter on its head.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 5. Each type of bolt has a different letter on its head. Each type of bolt has a different letter on its head. w6u517aes 05-17B–55 . Install the rubber ball into the front control valve body. 15. Install and hand-tighten the bolts indicated by the arrows. Install and hand-tighten the bolts indicated by the arrows. w6u517aep 13. Match the bolt letter with the letter stamped next to its installation hole on the valve body. Set the front control valve body onto the premain control valve body. Match the bolt letter with the letter stamped next to its installation hole on the valve body. w6u517aeq 14.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 11. Refer to the figure to distinguish the two gaskets. Install the rubber ball into the premain control valve body. Set a new front/premain rear gasket. 05 w6u517aen 12. premain separator plate. and new front/premain front gasket on the front control valve body. w6u517aer 16. 0039 in} End Of Sie ymu517aac 05-17B–56 .8 N·m {66—80 kgf·cm. Tighten the mounting bolts. 58—69 in·lbf} w6u517aet 19.5—7. Tightening torque 6.8 N·m {66—80 kgf·cm.10 mm {0. Tightening torque 6. Install four control valve body bolts as shown for alignment.5—7.8 N·m {66—80 kgf·cm.025—0. Tightening torque 6. 58—69 in·lbf} End Of Sie FRONT DIFFERENTIAL PREINSPECTION [GF4AX-EL] differential ezf051727100102 Backlash Inspection 1.0010—0. • If not as specified.5—7. Tightening torque 6. 22. Tightening torque 6. replace parts as necessary. 58—69 in·lbf} 21.8 N·m {66—80 kgf·cm. Apply ATF to new O-rings and install them onto the solenoid valve.10 mm {0. 20. Install the oil pipe component. 18.8 N·m {66—80 kgf·cm. Apply ATF to new O-ring and install them onto the oil pipe component. Install the TFT sensor. (1) Tighten the front control valve body. Install the baffle plate. 58—69 in·lbf} 23.8 N·m {66—80 kgf·cm. 58—69 in·lbf} 24.5—7. 58—69 in·lbf} (2) Tighten the rear control valve body. Measure the backlash of the side gear.0039 in} Maximum: 0. Install the solenoid valve. Tightening torque 6. Backlash Standard: 0.5—7.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 17.5—7. 2. Install the SST to the front differential as shown.) Screw Differential cover Bearing (See 05-17B-58 Bearing Disassembly Note) Thrust washer 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Side gear Roll pin Pinion shaft Pinion carrier Pinion gear Thrust washer Side gear Thrust washer Gear case Sun Gear Disassembly Note 1. Disassemble in the older indicated in the table. Remove the sun gear using the press. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bolts Ring gear Sun gear (See 05-17B-57 Sun Gear Disassembly Note. 6 SST 16 10 9 R 05 11 15 13 3 12 8 7 5 14 12 4 13 SST 6 10 9 R 2 1 bue517zaa002 .AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] FRONT DIFFERENTIAL DISASSEMBLY [GF4AX-EL] ezf051727100103 1. buj0517a297 05-17B–57 . Install the bearing using the SST.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] Bearing Disassembly Note 1. Install the thrust washer to the gear case. 4. Apply ATF to each part immediately before assembly. Set the sun gear onto the gear case. End Of Sie xme5614a033 FRONT DIFFERENTIAL ASSEMBLY [GF4AX-EL] ezf051727100104 Assembly Procedure 1. buj0517a401 05-17B–58 . ymu517aae 2. 3. Remove the bearing (ring gear side) from the gear case using the SST. 2. 5. Remove the bearing (sun gear side) from the gear case using the SSTs. Install the side gear. Install the roll pin. ymu517aal 11. 05 ymu517aah 7. ymu517aak 9. Caution • Assemble the roll pin so that the roll pin opening is perpendicular to the pinion shaft. Install the pinion gears and thrust washers into the gear case.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 6. Install the differential cover.7 N·m {80—110 kgf·cm. 70—95 in·lbf} ymu517aam 05-17B–59 . Install the pinion carrier. and crimp it to prevent it from coming out of the gear case. Install the pinion shafts. Tightening torque 7. Install the side gear and thrust washer. ymu517aaj 8.9—10. 10. 10 {0. 96—121 in·lbf} 4.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 12.10 mm {0.00 {0. 15. • If the backlash is not within the specification. Measure the backlash of the side gear as follows: (1) Install the left and right drive shafts in the differential.5 N·m {15. Select the thrust washer so that the backlash is as specified. and install the selector and bearing race to the output gear. Install the SST to locate gear case and sun gear.0039 in} ymu517aap 13. Thickness of thrust washer mm {in} 2. 3. Install the ring gear. 112—130 ft·lbf} End Of Sie output gear buj0517a408 OUTPUT GEAR BEARING PRELOAD [GF4AX-EL] ezf051719204103 1. Tightening torque 10. Tightening torque 152—176.087} 2. Backlash Standard: 0. Align the bearing cover with guide bolts as shown.05 {0.15 {0.8—13. Mount the converter housing onto the SST (transaxle hanger). (2) Support the drive shaft on V-blocks.085} 2.0039 in} Maximum: 0. (3) Measure the backlash of both side gears. adjust the thrust washer. Remove the guide bolts and install the bearing cover installation bolts. w6u517af2 6.5—17.025—0.080} 2. Remove the bearing race and adjustment shims from the bearing housing using a pin punch and a hammer. Install the bearing race removed in Step 5 to the selector.0010—0.20 {0. 16. w6u517af3 05-17B–60 .7 N·m {110—140 kgf·cm. 5. Install the sun gear using the press.10 mm {0. Set the output gear into the converter housing.083} — 14.9 kgf·m.078} 2. 7. Press the bearing cover in using the SST. 2. 3 N·m {2. Turn the selector in the opposite direction until the preload is eliminated (gap is reduced).AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 8. Set the SST (collars) in the position shown.79—3. Turn the SST (selector) to increase the clearance (arrow) with the SST (bars) until it no longer turns. Turn the selector to eliminate the gap between its two halves. 12.2—25. w6u517af5 10. w6u517af7 05-17B–61 . Set the bearing housing on the SST (selector) and install the SST (bolts).4—34.3 ft·lbf} w6u517af6 11. Tighten the bolts to the specified torque. 20.5 kgf·m. Tightening torque 27. 05 ymu517aaq 9. 325 {0.675 {0.042} 1.9—14.50 {0.70 {0.175 {0.00 {0.075 {0.6 N·m {9—17 kgf·cm.031} 0.3 ft·lbf} w6u517afa 05-17B–62 .60 {0.55 {0.031} 0.225 {0.044} 1. Install the output gear and idler gear. 20.05 {0.90 {0. Measure the gap between A and B around the circumference of the SST (selector) using a feeler gauge.625 {0.019} 0.045} 1. 2. Install the bearing housing.7 lbf} Note • Measure the clearance around the entire circumference.025 {0.80 {0.021} 0.925 {0.033} 0.025} 0. Preload 0.775 {0.017} 0. Use no more than one shim.035} 1.050} 1.015} 0.047} 1. Mount the SSTs and a pull scale or a torque wrench on the output gear. 20.020} 0.026} 0.046} 1.032} 0.425 {0.10 {0. ymu517aar 18.052} 0.575 {0.041} 1.028} 0. and select shims equivalent to the maximum clearance.875 {0. 19.7 kgf.038} 1.027} 0.475 {0.375 {0.054} 0.40 {0.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 13.725 {0.825 {0.95 {0. Remove the bearing housing and the SST.040} 1.024} 0.034} 0. 7.375 {0. Tightening torque 27.20 {0.048} 1.65 {0. 14. Take the maximum reading and determine the shims to be used.85 {0. 16.75 {0.3 N·m {2.125 {0.30 {0.053} 0.25 {0.9—1.9—1. • The maximum allowable number of adjustment shims is seven.051} 1.030} 0.35 {0.055} 17.049} 1.036} 1. Thickness of shim mm {in} 0.7 in·lbf} Reading on pull scale 9—16 N·m {0.275 {0.039} 1.043} 1.0—3.029} 0.975 {0.15 {0. w6u517af8 15.037} 1.79—3.2—25.5 kgf·m. Install the required shims and press the bearing race into the bearing housing using the SST.023} 0.4—34.525 {0. Adjust the clearance of the SST (selector) to obtain the specified preload/pull scale reading.022} 0. AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 21. Remove the ring gear. 10.7 N·m {80—110 kgf·cm.9—2. Turn the selector to eliminate the gap between its two halves. Install the bearing race removed in Step 1 into the SST. 69. 7.1 kgf. Install the differential cover. return to Step 5. 7. Verify that the preload/pull scale reading is within the specification.4 in·lbf} w6u517afc 9.0 N·m {9—21 kgf·cm. Remove the short pinion shaft. • If not.0—4. Remove the differential cover.9—10. Preload 0. w6u517afd 05-17B–63 . Set the differential into the converter housing. 5. Tightening torque 7. Remove the sun gear. Install the bearing race into the converter housing using a suitable pipe. 8. Set the SST and bearing race onto the differential.9—18. 6.6 lbf} 05 22. 4. 2. 2. Remove the bearing race and adjustment shims from the transaxle case.2 in·lbf} Reading on pull scale 9—20 N·m {0. 11.9—2.5—95. 3. End Of Sie differential FRONT DIFFERENTIAL BEARING PRELOAD [GF4AX-EL] w6u517afb ezf051727100105 1. Remove the bearing housing and output gear component. Remove the roll pin. 13.8—5. Set the six SST (collars) on the converter housing in the positions shown. until it no longer turns. 17. Tightening torque 38—51 N·m {3. Set the transaxle case on the converter housing. w6u517afg 05-17B–64 . Tighten the SST (bolts) to the specified torque. 16. 28—38 ft·lbf} Note • Bend the bar as shown to turn the SST. Turn the selector in the opposite direction until the preload is eliminated (gap is reduced). w6u517afe 14. Install the SST through the transaxle case and attach it to the pinion shaft. Turn the SST (selector) to increase the clearance (arrow) using the SST (bars). This is to seat the bearing race.3 kgf·m.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 12. w6u517aff 15. 16 {0. 28. w6u517afh 20.14 {0.1 lbf} Note • Measure the clearance around the entire circumference.0079} 1.3 kgf·m.20 {0. 6.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 18. Install the transaxle case.0—3. • If not.0394} 22.0 {0.12 {0.9 N·m {30—40 kgf·cm. and select the shims closest in value to that measurement. w6u517afj 23. 05-17B–65 .3 mm {0. Measure the clearance as shown.0118 in} to the measured clearance.0071} 0. Tightening torque 38—51 N·m {3. • The maximum allowable number of adjustment shims is three.0047} 0. 28—38 ft·lbf} 25. Remove the transaxle case and SST (selector). Remove the differential cover.1 {0. Install the required adjustment shims and tap the bearing race into the transaxle case.5 N·m {5 kgf·cm. Add 0. 27—34 in·lbf} Reading on pull scale 30—39 N {3. Adjust the clearance of the SST (selector) to obtain the specified preload/pull scale reading. 05 19.70 {0.0039} 0.3 in·lbf} Reading on pull scale 5 N {0. Note • Read the preload when the differential starts to turn.0276} 0. 1. Preload 3. Verify that the preload is within the specification.0 kgf.0—4.18 {0. Thickness of shim mm {in} 0.50 {0. 21. w6u517afk 26. Install the new roll pin. • Measure several times and calculate the average value. Preload 0. Note • Measure several times and calculate the average value. return to Step 1.0062} 0. Install the SST and a pull scale or torque wrench.8—5.0055} 0. 4.8 lbf} 27.0197} 0. 24. Install the short pinion gear. and select shims based on the maximum clearance.5 kgf. Install the SST to the pinion shaft through the transaxle case.6—8. 29. 3. seals. Before assembly. and allow it to cure for at least 30 minutes after assembly before filling the transaxle with ATF. referring to Bearing Preload.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 30. 7. and gaskets must be replaced with the new ones included in the overhaul kit. 5. 152—176. and sliding parts. Select the adjustment shims. when assembling again. soak the new part in ATF for at least two hours before installation. Install the sun gear.7 N·m {80—110 kgf·cm. 05-17B–66 . Install the differential cover. If the drive plates or 2-4 brake band are replaced with new ones. 7. Tightening torque.5—17. Assemble the housing within 10 minutes after applying sealant. When it is necessary to replace a bushing. 6. apply ATF to all seal rings. rotating parts. O-rings. there is a possibility that the brake may not hold when the transaxle is held in a lopsided position on the stand. 4. Install the ring gear.9—10. Use petroleum jelly. All O-rings.9 kgf·m. 32. 2. Never keep the transaxle tilted to one side. Warning • Although the stand has a self-locking brake system. This would cause the transaxle to turn suddenly. not grease. replace the subassembly that includes that bushing. Always hold the rotating handle firmly when turning the transaxle. 70—95 in·lbf} 31. causing serious injury.5 N·m {15. Tightening torque. 112—130 ft·lbf} End Of Sie AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE AND TRANSFER ASSEMBLY [GF4AX-EL] automatic transaxle ezf051700000109 Precaution General notes 1. 83} 72.447} — 4 62.45} — 5 72.0 {2. and 7 are one-piece units.0 {2.83} 6 56.80} 72.0 {2. Outer diameter of bearing and race Bearing (mm {in}) Race (mm {in}) 1 86.46} 2 56.1 {2.24} 7 71.0 {2.1 {3.21} — 3 62. 3.0 {2.21} 57. 6.0 {3.1 {2.15 {2. 4.83} 05-17B–67 .15 {2.39} 88.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] Assembly Bearing and race locations 05 w6u517afl Note • The bearing and race at locations 2. 3 N·m {2.7 {80—110. 96—121} 4 R 4 R 1 2 4.4—34.8 {40—60. 35—52} 7 SST 16 3 R 6 SST 6 9 SST 6 5 4 R 8 11 13 15 14 R 6 7.9—10.3 ft·lbf} N·m {kgf·cm.7 {110—140.5 kgf·m.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] Components 10.8—13.79—3.0—5. 20.2—25. 70—95} 5 SST 10 12 R 27. in·lbf} bue517zaa001 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Converter housing Baffle plate O-rings Oil seals Adjustment shim Bearing races Bearing cover component Output gear 05-17B–68 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Idler gear Bearing housing Baffle plate Roll pin Orifice check valve Orifice check spring 2-3 accumulator Front differential . 1 2 3 4 5 Baffle plate Parking pawl Parking assist lever Actuator support Manual shaft and manual plate 6 7 8 9 Detent spring Low and reverse brake Output shell Transaxle case 05-17B–69 .AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 05 bue517zab062 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Turbine shaft 3-4 clutch Internal gear Low and reverse brake Retaining plate Snap ring Friction plate One-way clutch 2 and carrier hub component 05-17B–70 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Band servo Anchor strut and shaft 2-4 brake band Small sun gear and one-way clutch 1 Clutch component Snap ring Piston stem .AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] bue517zab063 . AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 05 bue517zab064 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Oil pump Control valve body Coupler component Control valve body cover Oil strainer Oil pan Oil pipe 8 9 10 11 12 13 TR switch Input/turbine speed sensor Transfer Oil dipstick and oil filler tube Oil pump shaft Torque converter 05-17B–71 . 2—25. (1) Install the orifice check valve spring and orifice check valve. Install the front differential. Install the selected shims and bearing race into the bearing housing using the SST. (3) Tap a new roll pin in using a pin punch and a hammer. 7.4—34. Tightening torque 7.3 N·m {2.3 ft·lbf} (2) Align the slot of the idler shaft with the mark on the bearing housing. 9.8 N·m {40—60 kgf·cm. Press the bearing race into the converter housing. Install the 2-3 accumulator piston. w6u517afr 3. 6. 70—95 in·lbf} 8. (1) Install the bearing housing on the converter housing.7 N·m {80—110 kgf·cm. Align the bearing cover with guide bolts as shown and press it in. Install and tighten the mounting bolts.5 kgf·m.9—10. (2) Apply ATF to new O-rings and install them into the 2-3 accumulator. 35—52 in·lbf} 10. Install the idler gear and output gear by tapping in with a plastic hammer. Install the bearing race into the converter housing. Install the selected shims and bearing race into the transaxle case. Install the bearing housing. Tightening torque 4. Tightening torque 10. Install the baffle plate.0—5. w6u517afs 5. Tightening torque 27. 96—121 in·lbf} 2. 4. 05-17B–72 w6u517aft . 20.79—3.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] Assembly procedure 1.8—13. and tighten the bolts evenly and gradually. (3) Install the 2-3 accumulator piston. 11. Assemble the SST.7 N·m {110—140 kgf·cm. 28—38 in·lbf} buj0517a332 17.80 in} 14.2 kgf·m. Install the manual shaft and manual plate. (1) Install the manual plate. spacer.3 kgf·cm. Apply a light coat of silicone sealant to the contact surfaces of the converter housing and the transaxle case. Tightening torque 38—51 N·m {3. Tightening torque 42—54 N·m {4. and tighten the bolts evenly and gradually. Install the SST into the differential side gears. Install the transaxle case on the converter housing. washer. (2) Tighten the nut to the specified torque. w6u517afv 05-17B–73 . (1) Assemble the turbine shaft and 3-4 clutch component. Install the turbine shaft and 3-4 clutch component.2—5. 31—40 ft·lbf} (3) Install the detent spring. and install the thrust bearing onto the output shell. 15.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 12.6 kgf·m. (2) Verify that the thrust bearing and race are properly installed.8—5. Install new O-rings into the converter housing. 13.0 mm {2.5—2. w6u517afu 16. 05 Tightening torque 15—21 N·m {1. and nut. Thrust bearing outer diameter 71. Install the output shell to the output gear. (3) Install the turbine shaft and 3-4 clutch component into the transaxle case. 18. 11—15 ft·lbf} (4) Move the manual shaft and verify that the parking pawl operates correctly. 7—1. 20.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 19. Install the piston stem. (2) Install it by turning the carrier hub component counterclockwise. (1) Hold the one-way clutch 2 horizontally. (2) Install the snap ring. Loosely tighten the piston stem by hand. 27. 25. Install the clutch component. Install the small sun gear and one-way clutch 1. (1) Verify that the thrust bearing is installed in the correct position. Height difference 0. If the height is not within specification.028—0. (2) Install the small sun gear and one-way clutch 1 component by rotating it. Install the band servo to the transaxle case. 29. Install the friction plate. Adjust the SST position so that it contacts and holds the turbine shaft. Install the internal gear. (2) Compress the servo using the SSTs.9 mm {0. Install the one-way clutch 2. Measure the height difference between the reverse and forward drum and the transaxle case. (1) Verify that the thrust bearing and bearing race are installed in the correct position. 22. Install the carrier hub component. (3) Install the snap ring. 21. Install the new snap ring into the bottom ring groove of the turbine shaft. (3) Install the snap ring. 24. assemble again beginning with Step 21. (1) Verify that the thrust bearing and bearing race are installed in the correct position. (1) Install the internal gear to the output shell. (3) Install the carrier hub component into the 3-4 clutch drum by rotating it. (2) Install the clutch component by rotating it. w6u517afz 05-17B–74 . 26. (4) Remove the SSTs.075 in} 32. and interlock it to the anchor as shown. 23. (2) Hold the turbine shaft with one hand to prevent it from rotating. Install the anchor strut. 30. w6u517afw w6u517afx 28. (1) Install the servo return spring and band servo. Install the 2-4 brake band in the transaxle case. w6u517afy 31. 31—0.2 mm {0. (8) Place the selected bearing race and a new gasket onto the oil pump.0394—0.055} 1.063} 1.4 {0.10 {0.2 {0.51—0. Adjust the piston stem and apply compressed air repeatedly until the stroke is within specification. causing injury to the eyes.078} 2. Tightening torque 19—25 N·m {1. (4) Set the oil pump onto the clutch component. (1) Set the thrust bearing onto the clutch component. Take several measurements and calculate the average value. 14—18 ft·lbf} (10)Install the oil pipe. Use the following procedure to adjust the total end play and select a suitable bearing race. (9) Install the oil pump onto the clutch component. (1) Loosen the locknut and tighten the piston stem to the specified torque.004-0. Wear protective eye wear whenever using compressed air.71—0. Tightening torque 11.027} 0.2 {0.012-0.11—0.70 {0.011} 0—0. w6u517ag2 Stroke 0.035} 0. set the dial indicator to zero. (6) Select a suitable bearing race from the chart below.0472 in} 05-17B–75 . Set the dial indicator against the piston stem.50 {0.8 {0. Adjust the 2-4 brake band. Air pressure 390—400 kPa {3. Clearance A (mm {in}) 0. and verify the piston stroke by inspecting the dial gauge.1 kgf/cm2.087} 05 w6u517ag0 (7) Remove the oil pump.003} Select this bearing race (mm {in}) 1.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 33.071} 2.028-0. and tighten the bolts evenly and gradually.036-0.10 {0-0.019} 0. (3) Set the thickest bearing race (2.7 N·m {120—150 kgf·cm. (2) Remove the bearing race and the oil pump gasket. 105—130 in·lbf} (2) Install a dial indicator and magnetic base to the oil pump.6 kgf·m.91—1.8—14.90 {0.6 {0.047} 1.020-0. 34.2 mm {0. w6u517ag1 (3) While keeping compressed air applied to the 2-4 brake band engagement passage.043} 0. Warning • Using compressed air can cause dirt and other particles to fly out.0 {0.9—4.8—1. 56—58 psi} (4) Stop applying compressed air.9—2. (5) Measure clearance A between the transaxle case and the oil pump.084 in}) onto the oil pump.30 {0. Install the input/turbine speed sensor. Install a new O-ring to the coupler component. 42.8—14.5—4. and oil pipe. Install the coupler component.9—10.4 in·lbf} 46. Install the oil pan to the transaxle case. Install the TR switch. Tightening torque 7.9—10. 73.7 N·m {85—110 kgf·cm. 19—28 ft·lbf} 35. Tightening torque 7. Install the control valve body into the transaxle case. Tightening torque 8.9—10. 70—95 in·lbf} 48. Install a control valve body cover.7 N·m {85—110 kgf·cm. Tightening torque 10.7 N·m {80—110 kgf·cm. Tightening torque 7. 40. 73.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] (5) Hold the piston stem and tighten the locknut to the specified torque. Apply a light coat of silicone sealant to the contact surfaces of the transaxle case and the oil pan. Install the bolt. and tighten the bolts evenly and gradually. 70—95 in·lbf} 49. 47.4 in·lbf} w6u517ag3 39. 70—95 in·lbf} 36. 43. packing. 96—130 in·lbf} 41.4—10. Tightening torque 25—39 N·m {2. Install the steel ball.8—95.8—95. 45. and connect the solenoid connectors and TFT sensor connector. Align the manual valve with the pin on the manual plate.4—10.7 N·m {80—110 kgf·cm. Install the magnets inside the oil pan in the positions shown in the figure. Install a new O-ring and oil strainer to the transaxle. spring. Match the harness coupler.7 N·m {110—150 kgf·cm. 05-17B–76 w6u517ag4 . Apply a light coat of silicone sealant to the contact surfaces of the transaxle case and control valve body cover.7 N·m {80—110 kgf·cm. and tighten the bolts evenly and gradually. Tightening torque 8. 44. 37.0 kgf·m. 38. Carefully install the converter to the torque converter housing.73—5. Distance A 16. Tightening torque 36. Tightening torque 6. Remove the transaxle from the SST (transaxle hanger).9—9.2—4. (1) Connect an ohmmeter between the terminals A and H. Tighten the manual shaft nut. 24—33 ft·lbf} 52. 54. Install a new O-ring onto the turbine shaft.7 ft·lbf} 55. 53. Rotate the torque converter to align the splines.g. Install the oil pump shaft. 70—95 in·lbf} 05 w6u517ag5 Note • When it is necessary to install the manual shaft lever to the manual shaft. Tightening torque 7.49 kgf·m.Dexron®II) 59. Install a new O-ring to the transfer. Tightening torque 32—46 N·m {3.5—53.9 N·m {3. (3) Adjust the switch to the point where there is continuity between the terminals. measure distance A between the end of the torque converter and the face of the DISTANCE (A) converter housing. To ensure that the torque converter is installed accurately.8 N·m {80—110 kgf·cm. 57.20 mm {0. Adjust the TR switch.5—95. hold the torque converter in an upright position and fill it with new ATF.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 50. 51. 69.0—39. then return it two notches to the N position. 58. Install the transfer to the converter housing. If the torque converter has been drained and washed. 60.9—10. (4) Tighten the switch. use an adjustable wrench to hold the manual shaft lever.4 in·lbf} buj0517a344 56. 27. as the transaxle may become damaged. (2) Rotate the manual shaft fully counterclockwise. ATF type M-III or equivalent (e. then use a wrench other than an impact wrench to tighten the manual shaft nut to the specified torque Caution • Do not use an impact wrench or tighten the manual shaft nut without holding the manual shaft lever.7 N·m {80—110 kgf·cm.6378 in} End Of Sie transfer bue517zab008 05-17B–77 . Install the oil dipstick and oil filler tube along with a new O-ring to the transaxle case.7 kgf·m. Warning • Always wear safety glasses when using compressed air since the foreign material could be blown by the compression air and damage your eyes. Clean the oil holes and passages with compressed air. Clean removed components with cleaning fluids and use compressed air to blow off the oil. • Disassemble with bare hand or using vinyl gloves.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] TRANSFER CLEANING [GF4AX-EL] ezf051727500103 Cleaning Precautions 1. This could cause the transfer to rotate accidentally. Clean the surface of the transfer using steam and cleaning fluids when disassembly. the self-lock mechanism could become inoperative. perform disassembly and servicing in a clean. resulting in injury. End Of Sie TRANSFER DISASSEMBLY [GF4AX-EL] ezf051727500104 Before Service Precautions • To prevent the foreign material from entering the transfer. do not use cotton work gloves or rag. Therefore. When turning the transfer. Warning • The engine stand is equipped with a self-lock mechanism. However. Disassembly buj0517a346 . 2. To prevent foreign material from entering the transfer. if the transfer is tilted. Do not use a flathead screwdriver. tap lightly with a plastic hammer. grasp the rotation handle firmly. • When disassembling areas of the transfer that are made of light alloy. 1 2 3 4 Side cover Rear cover Locknut (idle gear) Locknut (companion flange) 05-17B–78 5 6 7 8 Washer Companion flange Oil seal Idle gear . • Inspect the each part while disassembling. dustfree environment. make sure that the transfer is not tilted when it is on the engine stand. Install the transfer to the SST. secure the companion flange. Remove the O-ring from the side cover. buj0517a349 05-17B–79 . buj0517a348 7.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Spacer Bearing cap Spacer Adjustment shim Ring gear component Bearing outer race (side) Drive pinion gear Bearing inner race (rear) Collapsible spacer Bearing inner race (front) Spacer 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Clip Bearing Oil seal Spacer Bearing outer race (rear) Bearing outer race (front) Bearing inner race (side) Ring gear Ring gear shaft Transfer carrier 05 Disassembling Procedure 1. buj0517a347 6. Assemble the SST. Using the SST. secure the companion flange. 2. 3. Remove the side cover. Using the SST. 4. and remove the locknut and washer. Remove the rear cover and drain the transfer oil. 5. and remove the idle gear locknut. 9. buj0517a352 17. remove the oil seal. 20. 18. buj0517a354 05-17B–80 . 11. 10. Using a copper hammer and pin punch. Using the SST. Using a flathead screwdriver. 16. buj0517a351 14. remove the companion flange. tap the idle gear locknut lightly to remove the idle gear. Remove the spacer. Install an appropriate nut to the drive pinion to prevent the thread from being damaged. Remove the bearing inner race (rear) and distance piece. Make alignment marks on the bearing cap and carrier. buj0517a350 12. Using the SST. Remove the spacer (idle gear side). buj0517a353 19. Using the SSTs. Remove the bearing cap. Lightly tap the drive pinion using a copper hammer and remove the drive pinion. Detach the clip. 15. 21. remove the bearing inner race (front). remove the ring gear component. 13.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 8. Remove the spacer (locknut side). remove the bearing inner race (side) (locknut side). Using the SSTs. 23. End Of Sie 49 0839 425C (ATTACHMENT 39. tap the race end lightly and evenly. buj0517a356 25. then remove the ring gear. Using a flathead screwdriver. remove the bearing.5 mm {1.5 mm {1. 05 buj0517a355 24.56 in}) 49 H027 002 bue517zab001 26. remove the bearing inner race (side).56 in}) 49 H027 002 bue517zab002 05-17B–81 . remove the oil seal. 49 0839 425C (ATTACHMENT 39.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 22. Attach the brass stick to the notch. Using the SSTs. Using the SST. then remove the outer race. Therefore. the self-lock mechanism could become inoperative. do not use cotton work gloves or rag. However. Be careful not to damage it since it may cause oil leakage. To prevent the foreign material from entering the transfer. When turning the transfer. clean off the old sealant adhering to the sealing area and clean the sealing area with the cleaning fluids. leave the parts alone for 2 h or more. if the transfer is tilted. Do not add oil or operate the vehicle during this time. • After installing a seal. • Replace the transfer with a new one if the case alignment surface is damaged. • When installing silicone sealant. This could cause the transfer to rotate accidentally. grasp the rotation handle firmly. make sure that the transfer is not tilted when it is on the engine stand.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] TRANSFER ASSEMBLY [GF4AX-EL] ezf051727500105 Before Service Precautions • Assemble with bare hand or using vinyl gloves. Assembly buj0517a359 . Warning • The engine stand is equipped with a self-lock mechanism. and be careful not to damage when assembling. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Transfer carrier Ring gear shaft Ring gear Bearing inner race (side) Bearing outer race (front) Bearing outer race (rear) Spacer Oil seal Bearing Clip Spacer 05-17B–82 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Bearing inner race (front) Distance piece Bearing inner race (rear) Drive pinion gear Bearing outer race (side) Ring gear component Adjustment shim Spacer Bearing cap Spacer Idle gear . • Apply sufficient gear oil to the sliding surfaces and O-rings. resulting in injury. assemble the bearing outer race. Install the transfer to the SST. assemble the locknut side bearing inner race (side) to the ring gear shaft. Using a press. 4. assemble the ring gear side bearing inner race (side). buj0517a363 05-17B–83 . Using the SSTs. 05 buj0517a360 3. buj0517a361 5. 2. Using a press assemble the ring gear to the ring gear shaft. Assemble the SST.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 23 24 25 26 Oil seal Companion flange Washer Locknut (companion flange) 27 28 29 Locknut (idle gear) Rear cover Side cover Assembly Procedure 1. buj0517a362 6. Using a press. (7) Attach the dial gauge head to where the carrier bearing outer race (side) is installed and measure lowest position. buj0517a366 (8) Add the values for the both sides measured in Step 7 and divide by 2. (2) Assemble the spacer. subtract the value listed on the drive pinion end (if not written. bearing and SSTs. secure the SST.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 7. (4) Tighten the nut to the companion flange to where it can still be rotated by hand. Also. This is the pinion height adjustment value. (3) Assemble the bearing. and then add 1.47. buj0517a365 (6) Position the SST (49 0727 570) on the driver pinion model. Using the SSTs. From this value. Using an O-ring. it is “0”) divided by 100. washer. and nut. companion flange. buj0517a367 05-17B–84 . buj0517a364 (5) Place the SSTs on the plate surface and set the dial gauge to “0”. SSTs. measure the value of where the side bearing outer race (side) is installed on the opposite side. adjust the drive pinion height as follows: (1) Install the SSTs to the removed spacer and bearing. 20 {0.23 {0.1289} 3.305 {0.215 {0.395 {0.1354} 3. a spacer 0.1236} 3.1295} 3.14 {0.1278} 3.0—29.1360}  8.88—1.0 kgf·cm.38 {0.335 {0.1230} 3.1 in·lbf} 15. assemble the oil seal. the formula would be (-1. 7. buj0517a370 05-17B–85 05 .1242} 3.0020 in}. washer.1213} 3.1254} 3.26 {0. and new locknut to the drive pinion and temporarily tighten. Assemble the companion flange.32 {0.1325} 3.41 {0. 18.365 {0.37 N·m {9.1260} 3.47=-0.44 {0. assemble the bearing inner race 7 INCH SIDE/8 INCH SIDE (front) to the drive pinion gear.185 {0. Identification mark 08 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 47 Thickness (mm {in}) 3. 17. 10.35 {0.0—14. select the spacer nearest the required size and assemble. Install the bearing inner race (rear).17 {0. and the drive pinion end value is 2.1301} 3.1335} 3. Apply the grease to the bearing contact surface of the companion flange.125 {0.425 {0. Remove the locknut.1319} 3.1283} 3.0579 in} and 1.47 {0.9—12.275 {0.45)/2-2/100+1.11 {0. Assemble the spacer selected for pinion height adjustment with the round off side facing the gears.01 mm {0.45 mm {0.0 kgf·m.1331} 3.08 {0.1366} Identification mark 09 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45  Thickness (mm {in}) 3. washer.1248} 3. Using the SST. Tightening torque 127—284 N·m {13.1343} 3.015 mm {0.1313} 3.095 {0. tighten the locknut from the lower limit of the specified tightening torque and set to bue517zab003 the preload value.47 mm {-0.0004 in} thinner than the old one would be used.1307} 3.1224} 3. 13. and companion flange. Rotate the companion flange by hand and to seat 49 F401 337A the bearing. 95—209 ft·lbf} Drive pinion preload value 0. Note the tightening torque when the specified preload value is obtained. 14. Therefore.1348} 3. Assemble a new distance piece to the drive pinion SPACER 49 F401 331 gear.455 {0. 12. Using the SST.245 {0. Since spacer thickness varies by 0. 16. Assemble the drive pinion to the transfer carrier.1219} 3. 11.29 {0.01.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] Note • If the value measured in Step 7 and 8 is -1.1272} 3.1266} 3.0571 in}. 9. 19. Apply oil to the lip area of a new oil seal. Using the SST. companion flange.47)+ (-1.155 {0. 1772} 4. This is dimension A.60 {0. bue517zab004 27.1752} 4.1437} 3.1574} 4.40 {0.90 {0.1476} 3.9—12. If the total thickness of the installed adjustment shims is not between C1—C2. Place the side bearing race and on top of ring gear on the surface plate as shown in the figure. 05-17B–86 .0—14.1594} 4.1417} 3.1457} 3.60 {0.35 {0.20 {0.1791}  Note • When reusing adjustment shims.10 {0.75 {0.28 26. and measure the height using a vernier caliper and straight edge. use the shims as they are.1516} 3.95 {0.55 {0.37 N·m {9.0 kgf·cm.1811} Identification mark 355 365 375 385 395 405 415 425 435 445 455  Thickness (mm {in}) 3. 28. Using the SST.1535} 4.30 {0. • Do not mix up the right and left side bearing race and spacer. Reverify the preload.1 in·lbf} 22.1614} 4. 21. Preload value 0. If the total thickness of the installed adjustment shims is between C1—C2. 7.00 {0. Install the adjustment shim chose for the transfer carrier ring gear side and spacer on opposite side.85 {0. Total thickness C of the adjustment shims on both sides can be expressed by the following formula: B SPACER C1=B-A+0. Assemble the ring gear and bearing race to the transfer carrier.1555} 4.1634} 4.15 {0.1378} 3.1673} 4.1693} 4.88—1.1654} 4. Install the spacer to the bearing outer race (side) locknut side installation area. Measure the width of the transfer carrier ring gear installation area with the spacer installed.50 {0.1732} 4. Identification mark 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 Thickness (mm {in}) 3.1398} 3. 25.1496} 3.55 {0.096 C2=B-A+0.50 {0.1713} 4.05 {0. This is dimension B. tighten the new locknut to the tightening torque noted when preload was adjusted.25 {0. buj0517a371 23.65 {0.80 {0. buj0517a372 24.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 20. select two appropriate adjustment shims from the table below and use them. 29.70 {0. do not mix up the right one and left.45 {0. 11 mm {0.05 mm {0. (3) Inspect for gear tooth contact at four points on the ring gear circumference and verify that the gear tooth contact indicated by tooth marking compound is as indicated in the figure.09—0.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 30.002 in} thicker.80—2. Perform the drive pinion and ring gear tooth contact inspection. 34.5 ft·lbf} buj0517a369 36.70 kgf·m.5 N·m {1. If the backlash is not within the specified range above. assemble the selected adjustment shim in between the spacer and bearing race as shown in the figure. 31. 32. the left side shim must be replaced with one that is 0. Set the dial gauge with the measuring probe attached perpendicularly to the end of one of the ring gear teeth. Align the bearing cap alignment mark and assemble the bearing cap.0043 in} Caution • Perform the backlash measurement on the ring gear circumference at four points.6—26. If the right side adjustment shim is replaced with one that is 0. 05 buj0517a374 33. (2) Rotate the ring gear back and forth several times. buj0517a376 05-17B–87 . then adjust the backlash. wipe off the marking compound. 35. and tighten the bolt temporarily. Tightening torque 17. • If the tooth contact points are normal. Secure the drive pinion and measure the backlash from when the ring gear is moved.1—19. Align the alignment mark of the bearing cap.002 in} thinner. • If the tooth contact points are not normal. buj0517a375 Note • Slide the ring gear in the shaft direction by replacing the adjustment shim. assemble the bearing cap. 13. Standard Backlash: 0.05 mm {0. (1) Apply tooth marking compound evenly to both surfaces of the ring gear.0035—0. adjust it by sliding the ring gear in the shaft direction. adjust the pinion height. Using the SST. buj0517a380 05-17B–88 . 38. assemble the bearing. 43. assemble the oil seal. TOE CONTACT FLANK CONTACT bue517zab005 (5) If heal and face contact is indicated as shown in the figure. TOE CONTACT FLANK CONTACT bue517zab006 37. Assemble the clip. 40. Assemble a new locknut. Using the SSTs. buj0517a379 39. 41.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] (4) If toe and flank contact is indicated as shown in the figure. replace the drive pinion spacer with a thicker one to bring the drive pinion closer. 42. Assemble the idle gear side spacer. Assemble the locknut side spacer. Align the idle gear and ring gear shaft serrations and tap the idle gear lightly to assemble. replace the drive pinion spacer with a thinner one to maintain the drive pinion further away. Using the SSTs. 95—151 ft·lbf} 05 buj0517a381 45.11 in} or more 2. Remove the oil level plug and washer. 48.11 in} OR MORE 46. 61—86 in·lbf} bue517zab007 Note • Before applying silicone sealant.37 US qt.35 L {0. 0. Tightening torque 6. 52.7 mm {0.8 N·m {70—100 kgf·cm.9—9. Add the specified oil through the oil level plug hole until it reaches the oil level plug hole filling port. Using the SST. • After connecting the sealing area. Position the transfer on level ground.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [GF4AX-EL] 44. 53.0 kgf·m. Tightening torque 6. completely clean off any old silicone sealant and remove any oil or grease. Apply oil to a new O-ring and assemble the side cover.7 mm {0.9—9. Assemble the rear cover. 47. 50. secure the companion flange and tighten the locknut to the specified tightening torque. install the rear cover within 10 min. quantity) 0.8 N·m {70—100 kgf·cm. Specified oil API Service GL-5 (SAE 80W-90) Oil capacity (approx. • After applying silicone sealant.0—21. leave it for 30 min or more.31 lmp qt} End Of Sie buj0517a383 05-17B–89 . Remove the transfer from the SST. Clean the alignment surface of the rear cover and transfer. Tightening torque 127—206 N·m {13. 49. then add transfer oil. and lightly apply silicone sealant. Crimp the locknut using a chisel and hammer. Assemble the side cover to the transfer. LOCKNUT Crimp size 2. 61—86 in·lbf} 51. 8 kgf·m. (1) Install the tube.9 ft·lbf} 05 bue0517a038 100. 5. — Install the fluid level indicator. • Coat the torque converter seal garter spring with petroleum jelly. 8 N·m {0. Note • Make sure the torque converter seal garter spring does not become dislodged during fitting.Install the turbine shaft speed (TSS) sensor.Using the SST. 13 N·m {1.Using the SST. (2) Install the TSS sensor bolt. v9610116 05-17D–103 . (2) Install the transaxle filler tube bolt. — Install a new O-ring seal. install the LH differential seal. install the RH differential seal.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [LA4AX-EL (CD4E)] 99. install a new torque converter seal. (1) Use petroleum jelly on the O-ring seal and position the TSS sensor.6 ft·lbf} bue0517a039 101. 49 B001 795 buj0517w039 102. If the garter spring does become dislodged. Install the transaxle filler tube component.3 kgf·m. 307-428 (49 UN30 7428) buj0517w038 103.Using the SST. install the torque converter fluid seal. 9. gd1439a 107.AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE (SERVICE) [LA4AX-EL (CD4E)] 104. 20 ft·lbf} bue0517a040 105.Install the drain plug.Install the output shaft speed (OSS) sensor.Install the pump drive shaft. Note • Inspect correct rotation of the pump drive shaft.Remove the transaxle from the SSTs. 27 N·m {2. End Of Sie yuj30701w02 05-17D–104 . v9910123 106.8 kgf·m. 43 {0.0472} 05-50–1 05 .6 {0.276}.5500} 0. 4.0—1.0008—0. .04 {0.6 {0. 7.04 {0.159}.8 {0.059} 1.076 {2.6 {0.063} 1. 7. 2.185}. .5503} 13.00492} 3/3 1.102}. 2.059—0. .75 {0.115 {0.2—0.154}. 2.91 {0.063} 1. 4.8 {0. 4. .20 {0.6 {0.060—0.60 {0.008—0.090} 0. .31} 24. . 4.079}.059}.0019} 13. .56 {0.5 {0.083}.094}.15 {0.059} 1.079}. .5 {0. 05-50–3 End of Toc TRANSMISSION/TRANSAXLE TECHNICAL DATA [GF4AX-EL] automatic transaxle ezf055000000101 Automatic Transaxle Item Transaxle type Torque converter Bushing inner diameter (mm {in}) Outer and inner rotor clearance (mm {in}) Oil pump Forward clutch Spool outer diameter (mm {in}) Standard Maximum Standard Maximum Standard Maximum Standard Clearance between the oil pump base and the inner Maximum rotor (mm {in}) Number of drive/driven plates Drive plate thickness Standard (mm {in}) Minimum Forward clutch clearance (mm {in}) Snap ring size (mm {in}) Sun gear drum Small sun gear Carrier hub Coasting clutch Bushing inner diameter Maximum (mm {in}) Bushing inner diameter Maximum (mm {in}) Clearance between pinion washer and planet carrier Maximum (mm {in}) Number of drive/driven plates Standard Drive plate thickness (mm {in}) Maximum Coasting clutch clearance (mm {in}) Snap ring size (mm {in}) Reverse clutch 3-4 clutch Number of drive/driven plates Drive plate thickness Standard (mm {in}) Minimum Reverse clutch clearance (mm {in}) Snap ring size (mm {in}) Number of drive/driven plates Drive plate thickness Standard (mm {in}) Minimum 3-4 clutch clearance (mm {in}) Snap ring size (mm {in}) Low and reverse brake 2-4 brake band Number of drive/driven plates Standard Drive plate thickness (mm {in}) Minimum Low and reverse brake clearance (mm {in}) Snap ring size (mm {in}) Piston stem stroke (mm {in}) Specification GF4AX-EL 53. 1. 2.087}. 2.30 {0.125 {0. .5 {0.096}.047} 1.2 {0.059} 3.80 {0. 4.2 {0.108} 33.164}.50 {0.69 {0.945} 0.4 {1. .039—0.00453} 0.0394—0. .970—13.00 {0.268}.091}.150}.6 {0. . 4.5—1. 1.070} 6. .8 {0.00157—0.110} 4/4 1. .5 {0.038—0. 3. 7.97—1.2 {0.5500—0.0 {0.065}.0015} 0.05 {0. 2.5 {0.299} 0.030 {2.8 {0.040—0.80 {0.4 {0. .02—0.980 {0.059} 1.970 {0.063} 1.2 {0. 1.063} 1. 2. .45 {0.6 {0.5—1.189} 4/4 1.028} 2/3 1.4{0.169}.8—1.25 {0.TECHNICAL DATA 05-50 TECHNICAL DATA TRANSMISSION/TRANSAXLE TECHNICAL DATA [GF4AX-EL] . .10 {0. 2.30 {0.174}.5 {0.070} 2. 2.089} 2/2 1. 4. 7.051—0. .283}.085}.6 {0. 2.071}.291}.047} 2.0 {0.80 {0.0 {0. .3—1.17 {0. .088} 53.179}.95 {0.059} 0.7 {0. 2.65 {0. 05-50–1 TRANSMISSION/TRANSAXLE TECHNICAL DATA [LA4AX-EL (CD4E)] .059} 1.063} 1.102}.077}. . . . . . . . . .SERVICE TOOLS 05-60 SERVICE TOOLS TRANSMISSION/TRANSAXLE SST [GF4AX-EL] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05-60–3 End of Toc TRANSMISSION/TRANSAXLE SST [GF4AX-EL] automatic transaxle ezf056000000101 49 0107 680A 49 0180 510B 49 0727 570 Engine stand Preload measuring attachment Pinion height gauge body 49 0839 425C 49 8531 565 49 B017 209 Bearing puller set Drive pinion model Attachment J 49 F017 1A0 49 F027 003 49 F027 005 Universal wrench Handle Attachment 62 49 F207 007 49 F401 331 49 F401 337A Attachment 72 Body Attachment C 49 F401 366A 49 FT01 361 49 FT01 439 Plate Bearing remover Idler gear shaft holder 49 G019 011 49 G019 012 49 G019 013 Bearing installer Leak checker Bearing remover 49 G019 017 49 G019 022 49 G019 0A0 Oil seal installer Attachment K Transaxle hanger set 05-60–1 05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05-60–1 TRANSMISSION/TRANSAXLE SST [LA4AX-EL (CD4E)] . .
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