automatic coin operated mobile batery charger

April 2, 2018 | Author: triloksawant | Category: Rectifier, Printed Circuit Board, Power Supply, Battery Charger, Direct Current



“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER”CHAPTER 1 PLAN OF WORK  Weekly work P.V.POLYTECHNIC, S.N.D.T. University, Mumbai-049. Page | 1 “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 1.1. WEEKLY WORK: Project Name selection Literature Survey Problem Definition Block diagram Details of individual block Rough circuit diagram Availability of parts in market Purchasing parts Testing individual Parts Finalizing circuit diagram PCB designing Soldering of parts Testing & troubleshooting each module Complete testing of final circuit Writing individual module of software Final testing of software module Final testing of hardware & software Finishing final project Report preparation 1st week 1st week 1st week 2nd week 3rd to 5th week 6th week 7th week 8th week 8th week 8th week 9th week 9th &10th week 11th week 12th week 13th week 14th &15th week 16th week 17th week 17th &18th week P.V.POLYTECHNIC, S.N.D.T. University, Mumbai-049. Page | 2 “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Table 1.1. Table for Weekly work CHAPTER 2 INTRODUCTION  Introduction  Functional description  Technology used P.V.POLYTECHNIC, S.N.D.T. University, Mumbai-049. Page | 3 Emergency Coin Operated Mobile Phone Charger is a new business milestone because many are attending business conventions and forgetting their charger at home or in hotel rooms. Internet cafes. colleges. University. health clubs. hall of residence. exchange halls. S.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 2. training centers.POLYTECHNIC. Many critics argued that a public mobile phone charging service is not a lucrative business because most users can charge their phones at home. The need to provide a public charging service is essential. train terminals. so that the mobile phone users can reactivate a low or dead battery by simply plugging in and charging for as low as one rupees. in their office or in their cars..V. serviced offices. the mobile phone business is currently worth billions of dollars. and supports millions of phones. conference centers. Recommended locations include: Hotels.D. motels. Students and many that use the public transportation that don't know that their level of their battery is low are prospective customers for coin operated mobile phone charger service. etc.2 Functional description: P. golf clubs. exhibition halls.N. Page | 4 .1 Introduction: With mobile phones becoming the major source of business/personal communication. airports. retail outlets. Mumbai-049. universities. shopping malls. leisure centers.T. 2. Hence within 30 sec the user has to first insert the predefined rupee coin and then has to press START switch which will finally start the charging process for a predefined time and is indicated by a green LED. S. Then he has to press select switch in order to make channel ready for charging. Mumbai-049. Each channel can be operated simultaneously. which can be called as channel select switch with a red LED as an indicator for selected channel.V. 2. The user who wishes to charge his cell phone has to first check out for the compatible charger jack in a channel.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” The coin operated public cell phone charger is a cell phone charging station having four charging channels providing charging facility to various type of cell phones. University. The number of channels can be increased further. Completion of charging will be indicated by an OFF green LED.POLYTECHNIC.D. Also there is a START switch and a COIN inlet which is common for all the channels. Page | 5 .N. The channel will remain in selected mode for 30 sec. Any other channel selection is not considered within 30 sec of previous channel if selected or until it has entered in to charging mode.T. the selected channel will be indicated by a red LED. If failing to do so within 1 min. The operation of coin operated chargers is very simple.3 Technology Used:   Coin recognition using proximity switch(metal detector) Constant voltage charger P. will reset the channel and the user has to again follow the same procedure. Each and every channel is having a select switch. University. Page | 6 . Mumbai-049.V.POLYTECHNIC.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” CHAPTER 3 DEVELOPMENT STAGES & PROCESS P. S.D.N.T. Writing actual code for Microcontroller.1. The charger operates like a vending machine. Mumbai-049.N. all a user has to do is plug the mobile phone into one of the four adapters and insert a coin. Implementing circuits and components. Page | 7 .POLYTECHNIC.D. At inconvenient times when access to a standard charger isn't possible.1. 3. The aim of “Emergency coin operated mobile charger” is designed to solve this problem. DEVELOPMENT STAGES & PROCESS: The complete development of this project can be divided into the following stages:         Problem definition stage. Compiling the code. Testing and Running. Designing block diagram. Burning the hex file into microcontroller with programmer. S.V. University. the phone will then be given a micro-pulse fast charge in just 10 minutes! P. Developing algorithm for software.T.1 Problem definition stage: This is the very first stage to develop any project. It actually defines the aim and the concept of the project.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER”  Development stages and process of the project 3. 3 Implementing circuits and components: This is the actual implementation of circuit of each block. Mumbai-049.T. It also simplifies the entire debugging and testing process.2 Designing block diagram: At this stage we have categorized the whole system into different individual modules.1.e.4 Developing for software: To get the logical flow of the software.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 3. So that we have to analyze the complete system and organized the algorithm in such a manner that one can understand the complete working of the software.7 Burning the hex file into microcontroller with Programmer: In this stage the compiled hex format file was downloaded or burned into flash Phillips p89v51RD2 Microcontroller.5 Writing actual code for Microcontroller: After the development of the algorithm and flowchart we have actually translated them in Embedded C language for Phillips p89v51RD2 Microcontroller so that it can understand the instructions and run as per our requirement.1. 3.1. After removing several compiling errors the program was converted into machine language i. S.6 Compiling the code: The hand written code on paper was then transferred into computer.1.1. the development of algorithm having a prominent role.POLYTECHNIC. Philips hex format. University. For that we have used Keil pre-install on PC.1. 3. P. 3. The instructions are in ANSII C Language. This was done by using the Philips insystem programming software provided by the manufacturer itself. Page | 8 . These modules (block diagrams) will be helpful in understanding the concept and working of the integrated system. At this stage we have actually designed each block separately and finally integrated them into the complete working system. 3. The Keil is a Computer Aided Program to simulate the working of Microcontroller in real time without burning the software into actual IC. 3.D. We simulated and compiled our program for error checking.N.V. Mumbai-049.1. This is the last and final stage of development of our project.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 3. Any errors found were removed successfully. after loading the Software into the microcontroller. Page | 9 .N.T.POLYTECHNIC. S. CHAPTER 4 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE PROJECT P.8.D. University. Testing and Running: This time we tested our project for actual working.V. N.D.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER”  Block Diagram  Brief Explanation 4. University.T.V. S. Mumbai-049.1 Block Diagram: P.POLYTECHNIC. Page | 10 . T.POLYTECHNIC. University.V.D. Page | 11 .N.1 Block diagram of the project 4. Mumbai-049. S.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Fig 4.2 Brief Explanation: P. 2.5.V. COIN INPUT AND LEVEL CONVERTOR: Coin input is a sensor which senses a metal and produces an output voltage. 4.7. 4. This voltage is high as compared to the input required for microcontroller. University.T.2.2. 4. Mumbai-049.D. DARLINGTON PAIR ARRAY: Darlington pair array is used as a relay driver. S. It is also used for programming the microcontroller in its ISP (in system programming) mode. 4.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 4.2.N. CHANNEL READY INDICATOR: It provides visual indication for the channel which is in charging mode 4. CHANNEL IN CHARGE INDICATION: It provides visual indication for the channel which is in charging mode.2. 4.8. Page | 12 . START SWITCH: Start switch is used to start the charging process of a mobile phone.2. POWER SUPPLY: Power supply is used to deliver power to the circuit.3. It delivers +5Vdc to microcontroller and other peripherals and +12Vdc delivers power to relay. RELAY ARRAY: P.6.RS232 INTERFACING TO PC: RS 232 is a protocol used for communication between computer and microcontroller.4 . Hence a level shifter is used to bring down the voltage level which could be readable to microcontroller.2. POLYTECHNIC.V. According to the conditions defined in the microcontroller by the programmer. CHARGER ARRAY: Charger array is used to provide charging power to the mobile phones through the electromechanical switches. P.11. 4.9. 4. University.D.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Relay array consists of relays for each channel to provide electromechanical switching in between charger and mobile phone. CELL PHONE TO CHARGE: Channel select switch is used for selecting a channel on which the mobile phone is to be charged.10. Mumbai-049. 4. Page | 13 .N. Microcontroller reads input signal from input device and triggers the output device.T.2. MICROCONTROLLER: Microcontroller is used to control the whole operation of the device. S.2.2. “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” CHAPTER 5 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM EXPLANATION P.V.POLYTECHNIC, S.N.D.T. University, Mumbai-049. Page | 14 “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER”  Circuit diagram  Circuit diagram explanation  Working 5.1. POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT: 5.1.1. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: P.V.POLYTECHNIC, S.N.D.T. University, Mumbai-049. Page | 15 “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Fig.5.1 Circuit diagram of the power supply 5.1.2. WORKING: TRANSFORMER Bridge Rectifier Filter Voltage regulator Load Fig 5.2 Block diagram of the power supply:  Transformer: A step-down transformer is used to achieve our requirements of the power supply. It steps down high voltage ac mains to low voltage ac mains.  Bridge Rectifier: A bridge rectifier makes use four diodes in a bridge arrangement to achieve full wave rectification. This is a widely used configuration, both with individual diodes wired and with single component bridges where the diode bridge is wired internally. It also converts ac to dc, but the dc output is varying. One advantage of a bridge rectifier over a conventional full-wave rectifier is that with a given transformer the bridge rectifier produces a voltage output that is nearly twice that of the conventional full-wave circuit.  Filter: The output of the rectifier is a pulsating dc wave. We need a constant dc output. To do this, we need to filter out the oscillation from the pulsating dc wave. This is obtained with a diode capacitor combination.  Voltage Regulator: P.V.POLYTECHNIC, S.N.D.T. University, Mumbai-049. Page | 16 5. Mumbai-049. In the case of IC 7805.1. +5V SUPPLY UNIT: +5V supply is obtained from the +5V supply unit for microcontroller and digital ICs. The ripples are minimized with the help of capacitor filter to get a smooth DC supply. This provides a protection to the circuits in the case of fluctuations. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM EXPLANATION: Regulated power supplies are commonly used in engineering projects. and the output is taken at Pin 3 and Pin 2 is grounded. +12V SUPPLY UNIT: The ±12 V supply required by the relay is provided by the 12V supply circuit arrangement.V. Since the input voltage to the regulator IC should be more than its output voltage. University.3. the unregulated DC voltage is applied to Pin 1. Page | 17 . The rating of the chosen capacitor filter is 1000µF. Power supply is food of any circuit. The regulated DC voltage is obtained by using a regulator IC 7805. S.D.The ripples are minimized with P. Initially 230 V AC supply is reduced to (15V-0-15V) with the help of a step down transformer having a capacity of 1A and the center tap of the transformer is grounded.This low voltage is rectified with the help of bridge rectifier.  Load: The load can be anything which wants to switch ON by using power supply. Another capacitor filter of rating 10µF is connected at the output of regulator IC to eliminate the voltage oscillations at the output due to the large voltage oscillations at the input of the regulator.N. Since the input voltage to the regulator IC should be more than its output voltage.POLYTECHNIC. It eliminates ripples by setting dc output to fixed voltages. transformer secondary voltage is 9V. transformer secondary voltage is 15V-0-15V.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” A voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation in the circuit. Initially 230 V AC supply is reduced to (0-9V) with the help of a step down transformer having a capacity of 500mA.T. This low voltage is rectified with the help off bridge rectifier. 3 Circuit diagram of the battery charger P.D. S. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: Fig 5. University. CONSTANT VOLTAGE CHARGER: 5. 5. The pair of capacitors of 10µF is connected at the output as shown in figure to eliminate the voltage oscillations at the output due to the large voltage oscillations at the input of the regulator. The regulated DC output voltage is obtained by using regulator ICs. Page | 18 . For regulated +12V DC supply. IC 7912 is used. Mumbai-049.2.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” the help of capacitor filter to get a smooth DC supply. The rating of the chosen capacitor filter is 1000µF.V. and the output is taken at Pin 3 and Pin 2 is grounded. In the case of IC 7812 the unregulated DC voltage is applied to Pin 1.T.POLYTECHNIC.N.1.2. IC 7812 is used and for regulated -12V DC supply. with a corresponding rapid decrease in charge current as depicted in the illustration below.POLYTECHNIC.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 5. Given this behavior.An Illustration graph of the charging function of constant battery charger P. Repeated discharges without returning the cell to its full charge will eventually decrease the battery capacity and may damage individual cells. This reduces the potential that has been driving the current. S.2.2.V. A constant-voltage charger may return as much as 70% of the previous discharge in the first 30 minutes.D. constant-voltage chargers are frequently found in applications that normally allow extended charging periods to attain full charge. Fig 5. Constant-voltage chargers should not be used where there is frequent cycling of the battery. University. As the battery charges its voltage increases quickly.4. Constant-voltage chargers provide a high initial current to the battery because of the greater potential difference between the battery and charger. even though the battery reaches partial charge quickly. Page | 19 . regardless of the battery's state of charge.N. obtaining a full charge requires prolonged charging. This proves useful in many battery applications involving multiple discharge scenarios. Mumbai-049. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM EXPLANATION: Constant-voltage (often called constant-potential) chargers maintain nearly the same voltage input to the battery throughout the charging process.T. As a result. V.1.3. 5. RELAY DRIVER CIRCUIT: 5.3. University. Fig 5. S.POLYTECHNIC.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Constant-voltage chargers are most often used in two very different modes: as a fast charger to restore a high percentage of charge in a short time or as a float charger to minimize the effects of overcharge on batteries having infrequent discharges. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: P.T.N. Mumbai-049.D.5 Relay driver circuit Page | 20 . 3.hence the relay is inactive. These outputs are connected to one end of the relay coil RL1 to RL4 same way pin 2 of J6 is connected to pin 3 of RL2 . J6.2 of relay and other end of coil i.3. pin no. S. pin 2 of J8 is connected to pin 3 of RL3. WORKING: While taking Relay1 (RL1) into consideration we will discuss the working of relay card.POLYTECHNIC.N.5 is connected to +12V with A LED (J3.e. pin no. Initially there is no signal or logic 0 on the pin1 of IC U1. J8 and J10.V.e.2. hence the internal transistor of the IC are in cut off region which causes an open circuit so there is no current flow flowing through the relay coil . where +V is commonly applied to pin 1 i. CHARGING ON indicator.9 which is COM is supplied with +12V. J2 is used to connect power supply to relay card. COM (common) contact of relay and GND is shorted with pin1 of J4. P. Pin no. If LED is fused or damaged the path will be open and relay will not be energized and if relay is damaged the led will not be illuminated. The same above process is applies for all relays.e. J9) in series as shown in figure.T.J11 denoted as CHARGER IN carries the charging voltage +V and GND (ground). pin 16 to 13. Mumbai-049.hence the cell phone charging process starts. Page | 21 So the LED here is used as a FAULT indicator and a .“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 5. pin 2 of J10 is connected to pin 3 of RL4. When a high signal or logic 1 is applied to the two pin1 of IC U1 the internal transistor goes in to active region and completes the path i. common and normally open contact get connected and provide a path to flow current from J11 i. Pin no. provide ground to the relay coil so the current flows through the LED activating the relay. University. As the current flows through the relay coil it gets energized and switch over the contacts i.D. J5. 5. 2 of J4 is connected to NO(normally open)contact of RL1 i. 8 of IC U1 is grounded and pin no.3.3.e.CIRCUIT DIAGRAM EXPLANATION: Input from the controller is connected to the relay card through connector J1 which carries input signal for CH1 to CH4 to the base of integrated Darlington pair switch IC U1 pin number 1 to 4 and o/p is taken on the opposite pins i.e. pin no.e. J7.e.e. charger into the load connected at J4 . T. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: P. Page | 22 .1.D.4.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 5. S.POLYTECHNIC. MICROCONTORLLER CIRCUIT: 5. Mumbai-049.4.V.N. University. 6 Microcontroller circuit diagram 5.N. S. Mumbai-049.2. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM EXPLANATION: P. Page | 23 .D. University.V.T.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Fig 5.4.POLYTECHNIC. e.5 through SW5.V. MAX232 and capacitor C6 to C9 forms a circuit used to establish communication between PC and a microcontroller through connector J3.4. Crystal XL1 is a 11. University.0 to P1.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” CHANNEL SELECT SWITCH CH1 to CH4 are connected to port P0.7.D. terminal block J1is used to facilitate power supply connection.7KΩ SIP (Single Inline Package) RN1 and RN2 resistance network. Page | 24 .0592MHz crystal connected to pin 18 and 19 of microcontroller. Components C1. IC U3 (4N33) is an OPTO-COUPLER which is used to provide isolation between the proximity switch and microcontroller and convert its output readable to microcontroller. Led L9 and L10 with a series resistor R6 and R7 indicates the ongoing communication process. Port 0 and Port 1 is pulled up using a 4. R1 and push button S1 forms reset circuit which provides a power on reset for the micro controller and even provide manual reset. 5.3.T.N. COIN IN signal is connected to port P0.4 through J4 and START switch is connected to port P0.0 to P0. Anodes of CHANNEL INDICATOR LED L1 to L4 are connected to port P1.4 to P1.POLYTECHNIC. capacitor C2 and C3 are 22pf capacitor used as loading capacitor for crystal.3 with the help of relimate connector denoted as SW1 to SW4. PORT ASSIGNMENTS FOR 89V51RD2FN: P. Mumbai-049. IC U2 i. Where C4 and C5 are used as filter capacitor.3 and cathodes are connected to ground through 470Ω series resistor R2 to R5. S. Output for relay card is taken on port P1. V.3 = channel 4 red LED4 (ready system4) P1.4 = channel 1 relay (start system1) P1. Page | 25 .4 = switch5 for coin input sensor (proximity switch) P0.1 = switch2 for channel 2 P0.POLYTECHNIC.0 = channel 1 red LED1 (ready system) P1.5 = switch6 for start charging P1.0 = switch1 for channel 1 P0.5 = channel 2 relay (start system2) P1.2 = channel 3 red LED3 (ready system3) P1.3 = switch4 for channel 4 P0.1 = channel 2 red LED2 (ready system2) P1.T.7 = channel 4 relay (start system4) P. University.N.6 = channel 3 relay (start system3) P1.2 = switch3 for channel 3 P0.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” P0. Mumbai-049. S.D. T.V. Page | 26 .N. University.POLYTECHNIC. Mumbai-049. S.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” CHAPTER 6 LIST OF THE COMPONENTS  List of the components P.D. Push switches  DARLINGTON PAIR IC (ULN2003a)  SERIES VOLTAGE REGULATER IC (78XX)-7805 & 7812  SERIAL COMMUNICATION DRIVER IC (MAX 232)  OPTOCOUPLER IC (4N33)  MICROCONTROLLER IC (89V51 RD2)  RELIMATE CONNECTOR.1 LIST OF THE COMPONETS:  RESISTORS  CAPACITORS  LIGHT EMITING DIODES (LEDS).D.N.V. S.T.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 6.Green.POLYTECHNIC. Page | 27 .2 pin & 4 pin  RS-232 PORT CONNECTOR P. Mumbai-049. Red  RELAY‘S TRANSFORMERS  RECTIFIER BRIDGES (W 10)  OSCILLATOR  SWITCHES. University. “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” CHAPTER 7 INTRODUCTION OF COMPONENTS  Working of components  Features or Uses of components  Testing of components P.T.N.D. S.V. Mumbai-049.POLYTECHNIC. University. Page | 28 . 2. RESISTOR: 7. Page | 29 . The higher the value of resistance (measured in ohms) the lower the current will be. Resistors "resist" the flow of electrical current.D.T. system uses a combination of alpha-numeric characters.V. more recent.1.2. S.1. The first of these uses colored bands. A zero resistance reading on all ohmmeter scale settings.3. 7. Mumbai-049. and the second.N.2. SPECIFICATIONS: To completely specify a resistors characteristics requires knowledge of the following parameters:• Value • Tolerance • Temperature Coefficient • Power Rating The specification of a resistor may be marked on its surface using either of two systems of coding. Tolerance should be considered with the ohmmeter reading. WORKING: Resistors limit current.1. resistor is shorted. CAPACITOR: 7. University. WORKING: P. 7. known as the ‘colour code‘.1. TESTING: Read the indicated color code value then select the OHM-scale within but not way below the indicated value.POLYTECHNIC. While. 7.1. no resistance reading at all on the ohmmeter scale settings.1. A resistor is good if its resistance is close to the indicated. Resistors are considered to be the most used and the most important component of all the electronic circuits. the resistor is open.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 7. “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” When DC voltage is applied to the capacitor, an electric charge is stored on each electrode. While the capacitor is charging up, current flows. The current will stop flowing when the capacitor has fully charged. Capacitors find use in circuits for a variety of purposes. They are used in time delay generation RC circuits. In power supplies for filtering and power supply decoupling, as blocking capacitors, for power factor correction and motor starting, in LC tank circuits and so on. 7.2.2. TESTING: To test a capacitor, set the multi-tester to Rx 10 or Rx1K scale. Connect the tester negative probe to the capacitor positive terminal, the positive probe to the negative terminal. A good indication for electrolytic capacitor shows the meter needle deflecting towards zero and moves back again to infinite resistance position. A defective indication for an electrolytic capacitor shows that the meter will rest on zero and remain stationary at a point which is an indication that the capacitor is shorted. 7.3. LIGHT EMITING DIODE (LED): 7.3.1. WORKING: LED's are special diodes that emit light when connected in a circuit. They are frequently used as "pilot" lights in electronic appliances to indicate whether the circuit is closed or not. A clear (or often colored) epoxy case enclosed the heart of an LED, the semi-conductor chip. In our project, Green LED are used here for mainly two purpose: a. Charging ON indication. (when ON) b. Channel fault indication (always OFF) 7.3.2. TESTING: The good and working LED will then light up or glow, a busted LED will not. LEDs must have a resistor in series to limit the current to a safe value, for quick testing purposes a P.V.POLYTECHNIC, S.N.D.T. University, Mumbai-049. Page | 30 “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 1k resistor is suitable for most LEDs if your supply voltage is 12V or less. LED cannot be directly connected to a battery or power supply. It will be destroyed the LED. 7.3.3. FEATURES:  Single color  High bright output  Low power consumption  High reliability and long life 7.3.4. Descriptions:  Dice material: GaInN  Emitting Color: Super Bright White  Device Outline:φ5mm Round Type  Lens Type: Water Clear 7.4. RELAY: 7.4.1. WORKING: A relay is an electrically operated switch. Current flowing through the coil of the relay creates a magnetic field which attracts a lever and changes the switch contacts. The coil current can be on or off so relays have two switch positions and most have double throw (changeover) switch contacts Relays are like remote control switches and are used in many applications because of their relative simplicity, long life, and proven high reliability. 7.4.2. USES:  The main operation of a relay comes in places where only a low-power signal can be used to control a circuit.  It is also used in places where only one signal can be used to control a lot of circuits. P.V.POLYTECHNIC, S.N.D.T. University, Mumbai-049. Page | 31 “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER”  The application of relays started during the invention of telephones. They played an important role in switching calls in telephone exchanges. They were also used in long distance telegraphy. They were used to switch the signal coming from one source to another destination. 7.4.3. TESTING: A relay will usually have a coil, pole terminal and a set of contacts. The set of contacts that are open when the relay is not energized are called normally open (N/O) contacts and the set of contacts that are closed when the relay is not energized are called normally closed (N/C) contacts. The following steps can be used to perform the testing of the relay using a multimeter.     Keep the multimeter in the continuity check mode. Check for continuity between the N/C contacts and pole. Check for discontinuity between N/O contacts and the pole. Now energies the relay using the rated voltage. For example use a 9V battery for energizing a 9V relay. The relay will engage with clicking sound.    Now check for continuity between N/O contacts and pole. Also check for discontinuity between N/C contacts and pole. As a final test, measure the resistance of the relay coil using a multimeter and check whether it is matching to the value stated by the manufacturer. If all the above tests are positive we can conclude that the relay is healthy. 7.5. TRANSFORMER: 7.5.1. WORKING: A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupled electrical conductors. A changing current in the first circuit (the primary) creates a changing magnetic field. P.V.POLYTECHNIC, S.N.D.T. University, Mumbai-049. Page | 32 electric charge will flow in the secondary winding of the transformer and transfer energy from the primary circuit to the load. 2.6. most appliances need DC current to run. by making it less. This effect is called mutual induction.N. or alternating current electricity into DC.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” This changing magnetic field induces a changing voltage in the second circuit (the secondary). 7. AC electricity goes from positive to negative constantly.5. S. The ohm meter is the deciding factor. unplug or unsolder the leads of the transformer from its circuit and measure the resistance of each coil. University.6. In an ideal transformer.D. However. TESTING: 1.V. whereas DC always flows in the same direction. a transformer thus allows an alternating voltage to be stepped up — by making NS more than NP — or stepped down. If a load is connected to the secondary circuit. the induced voltage in the secondary winding (VS) is a fraction of the primary voltage (VP) and is given by the ratio of the number of secondary turns to the number of primary turns. To check the resistance of the coil. or direct current. 7. By appropriate selection of the numbers of turns. AC electricity is more efficient to transmit and easier to convert into different voltages. which provides on single semiconductor chip. WORKING: A diode bridge rectifier is a device for converting AC.POLYTECHNIC. P. Putting the ohm meter on the lowest scale and then adjusting the knob to verify its reading is an easy step to the reading of the ohm. The next step is to test each coil for shorts to other coils. RECTIFIER BRIDGE (W 10): 7. 3. Page | 33 . In our project W10 is a bridge rectifier.1. Mumbai-049.2.T. A diode bridge rectifier is the most common type of power supply used to provide this current. These crystals are readily available and commonly used. or 'open'.8. Each set of contacts can be in one of two states: either 'closed' meaning the contacts are touching and electricity can flow between them.7. Working: An oscillator puts out an endless series of pulses. it can be divided to give you exact clock rates for most of the common baud rates for the UART. 19200). meaning the contacts are separated and the switch is non conducting. Page | 34 . Frequency stability of the output signal can be improved by the proper selection of the components used for the resonant feedback circuit including the amplifier but there is a limit to the stability that can be obtained from normal LC and RC tank circuits In our project instead of 12MHz crystal 11. One of the most important features of any oscillator is its frequency stability.POLYTECHNIC. OSCILLATOR: 7. S.V. 7. or in other words its ability to provide a constant frequency output under varying load conditions.0592MHz is used because. Some of the factors that affect the frequency stability of an oscillator include: temperature. WORKING: The most familiar form of switch is a manually operated electromechanical device with one or more sets of electrical contacts.1. Almost all digital circuits have some type of oscillator.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 7.1. The output constantly goes from 0 volts to Vcc and back to 0 volts again.T. SWITCH: 7. This stream of output pulses is often called a clock.N.7.8. P.D. especially for the higher speeds (9600. University. Mumbai-049. The mechanism actuating the transition between these two states (open or closed) can be either a "toggle" (flip switch for continuous "on" or "off") or "momentary" (push-for "on" or push-for "off") type. variations in the load and changes in the DC power supply. 7.T.2. can take less space than two individual transistors because they can use a shared collector. FEATURES: The ULN2003 is16 pins DIP monolithic high-voltage. in the case of integrated devices. a switch is an electrical component that can break an electrical circuit. high-current Darlington transistor array. Each input of this device has a zener diode and resistor in series to control the input current to a safe limit.POLYTECHNIC.V. interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another. WORKING: The Darlington transistor (often called a Darlington pair) is a compound structure consisting of two bipolar transistors (either integrated or separated devices) connected in such a way that the current amplified by the first transistor is amplified further by the second one. hammer drivers. University.1. lamp drivers. The ULN2003A has a 2. Integrated Darlington pairs come packaged singly in transistor-like packages or as an array of devices (usually eight) in an integrated circuit. Applications include relay drivers.2. This configuration gives a much higher current gain than each transistor taken separately and.9. display drivers (LED and gas discharge). It consists of seven NPN Darlington pairs that feature high-voltage outputs P. Page | 35 .8. TESTING: When the switch is ON it looks and acts like a wire. and logic buffers. Mumbai-049. S.9. line drivers.7-k Ω series base resistor for each Darlington pair for operation directly with TTL or 5-V CMOS devices. 7. When the switch is OFF there is no connection. 7.9. The Darlington transistor array used is ULN2003. USES: In electronics. DARLINGTON PAIR IC (ULN2003a): 7.8.3. Switch can tested by using multimeter in continuity range.D.N.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 7. As a general rule the input voltage should be limited to 2 to 3 volts above the output voltage.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” with common-cathode clamp diodes for switching inductive loads. usually having three legs.POLYTECHNIC.10. Page | 36 .1. The most common part numbers start with the numbers 78 or 79 and finish with two digits indicating the output voltage. 7. the regulator will shut down. The LM78XX series can handle up to 36 volts input. The 78XX series of voltage regulators are designed for positive input. As mentioned above. SERIES VOLTAGE REGULATER IC (78XX): 7.T. SERIAL COMMUNICATION DRIVER IC (MAX 232): 7. The LM78XX series typically has the ability to drive current up to 1A. The number 78 represents positive voltage and 79 negative one. P. They are available in a variety of outputs. For application requirements up to 150mA.D. 7.10. the component has three legs: Input leg which can hold up to 36VDC Common leg (GND) and an output leg with the regulator's voltage. Unless sufficient heat dissipation is provided through heat sinking. the regulator will overheat.N.V.1. If the input voltage is unnecessarily high. S.11. The Darlington pairs may be paralleled for higher current capability. converts varying input voltage and produces a constant regulated output voltage. WORKING: The MAX-232. University. which generates +10V and -10V from a single 5v supply. It includes a Charge Pump. 78LXX can be used. be advised that the power difference between the input and output appears as heat. WORKING: Voltage Regulator (regulator). Mumbai-049.11. The collector-current rating of a single Darlington pair is 500 mA. These Optocouplers can be used to replace P. There are also many variations of these devices. photocoupler. while keeping them electrically isolated — since the signal goes from an electrical signal to an optical signal back to an electrical signal.1.12. The second converter uses capacitor C2 to invert +10V to -10V on C4 at the Voutput. but are essentially a combination of two distinct devices: an optical transmitter.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” This I. but does allow the passage of light.N. also includes two receivers and two transmitters in the same package. The two are separated by a transparent barrier which blocks any electrical current flow between the two. Switching can be achieved while maintaining a high degree of isolation between driving and load circuits. This is handy in many cases when we only want to use the Transmit and Receive data Lines. one for the receive line and one for the transmit. an opto-isolator (or optical isolator. WORKING: In electronics.12. However the MAX-232 is the most common. Dual Charge-Pump Voltage Converter The first converter uses capacitor C1 to double the +5V input to +10V on C3 at the V+ output. typically a transmitter and a receiver. or photoMOS) is a device that uses a short optical transmission path to transfer a signal between elements of a circuit.V.C.D. Optocouplers typically come in a small 6-pin or 8-pin IC package. but also expensive.T.POLYTECHNIC. typically a gallium arsenide LED (light-emitting diode) and an optical receiver such as a phototransistor or light-triggered diac. S. The 4N33 are optically coupled isolators with a gallium arsenide infrared LED and a silicon photo Darlington sensor. Page | 37 . optocoupler. OPTOCOUPLER IC (4N33): 7. University. We don't need to use two chips. Mumbai-049. Therefore other devices are available which use smaller capacitors and even some with inbuilt capacitors. 7. and thus we will use this RS-232 Level Converter. The large value of capacitors are not only bulky. electrical contact along the path is broken. MICROCONTROLLER IC (89V51 RD2) 7.POLYTECHNIC. high speed switching and elimination of magnetic field.N. ISP allows a device to be reprogrammed in the end product under software control. WORKING: These are wire to board type connectors used to facilitate proper and firm electrical connection between the relay card and microcontroller card. University. 7.13. WORKING: The P89V51RD2 is an 80C51 microcontroller with 64 kB Flash and 1024 bytes of data RAM. thus dramatically reducing the EMI. Mumbai-049. The design engineer can choose to run the application with the conventional 80C51 clock rate (12 clocks per machine cycle) or select the X2 mode (6 clocks per machine cycle) to achieve twice the throughput at the same clock frequency. The Flash program memory supports both parallel programming and in serial InSystem Programming (ISP). 7.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” reed and mercury relays with advantages of long life. of Ways : 2-20 Page | 38 P. The P89V51RD2 is also In-Application Programmable (IAP).13. The capability to field/update the application firmware makes a wide range of applications possible. A key feature of the P89V51RD2 is its X2 mode option.14. Parallel programming mode offers gang-programming at high speed.V. . S. The connector has following specifications: No.T. reducing programming costs and time to market.1.14. Another way to benefit from this feature is to keep the same performance by reducing the clock frequency by half.D. RELIMATE CONNECTOR: 7. allowing the Flash program memory to be reconfigured even while the application is running. This is done by RS-232 Level Converters. : 1000V AC/minute : 22-28 AWG (American wire gauge) The connector used for relay card is 2 PIN and 4 PIN connector.D.1.N. This may pose a problem in many instances where only a single supply of +5V is present. Page | 39 . University. S.15.POLYTECHNIC.15. 7.T. +7. P. Advantage of the connector is it provides a fast and easy connection and disconnection.5 to -15v. it also avoids polarity conflicts. either Drivers or Receivers.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Voltage Rating Current Rating Contact Resistance Insulation Resistance Dielectric Withstanding Crimp Terminal Wire Size : 250V AC. DC : 3A AC. DC : 20mW max : 1000MW min. Mumbai-049.5 to +15v and -7.V. WORKING: Almost all digital devices which we use require either TTL or CMOS logic levels. Two common RS-232 Level Converters are the 1488 RS-232 Driver and the 1489 RS-232 Receiver. Therefore the first step to connecting a device to the RS-232 port is to transform the RS-232 levels back into 0 and 5 Volts. The driver requires two supply rails. Each package contains 4 inverters of the one type. RS-232 PORT CONNECTOR: 7. “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” CHAPTER 8 IMPLIMENTATION OF THE PCB  Components layout designing P. University. S.T.V.D. Mumbai-049.POLYTECHNIC.N. Page | 40 . fiber.) can be defined as an insulating base material to which is permanently attached a flat metallic network of conducting path whose dimension depends upon the current that can be handled by them. S. Page | 41 .POLYTECHNIC.1. A Printed Circuit Board (P. Cutting. While designing a circuit.e. 8. In this case great care must be taken while tracing the circuit or layout on the board. Crossover are unavoidable then only of the jumper can be used. especially when circuit is complicated photography eventually reduces the P. which is commonly made twice as the finished circuit . Tinning 8.C.1.1. glass. Four PCB‘S used for this project is single one.2. designer should take care to avoid crossing of conducting path (tracks) as possible. BOARD DESIGN: PCB designed is the most important and requires great care during work. it is virtually impossible to alter it. since this makes the working on that much easier . THE MASTER DIAGRAM: The next stage lies in proportion to designing i. and the flat board configuration however is most widely used and it may be of the nature of the single ―Mother Board‖ into which smaller board are plugged by specially designed connectors which ensures adequate and permanent low resistance coupling.T. ceramic.D.N.B. Mumbai-049.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER”  Developing or Etching the PCB  Other operations like Drilling. to prepare ‗Master Diagram ―. Because once PCB is designed.V. The basic material used may be resin coated paper. University. IMPLIMENTATION OF THE PCB: A proper PCB ensure that various circuit components are interconnected as per the circuit diagram once they have been placed on the PCB in their proper positions and subsequently soldered.1. 8. A circuit board carrying on both sides can also help to solve this problem when circuit is complicated. P. It must be stressed that very accurate checking master is essential at this stage. In case of simple and need of number of less PCB economic and advisable to use the following lab method of PCB making. The space between the conductors must be strictly controlled to avoid the possibility of electrical discharges or unwanted capacitance.3.D. The amount by which the mater diagram is to reduce in size is thus a critical deign feature. There are several important factors that need not be taken into account. In this way number of copies of the original master diagram is set out exactly to cover standard sheet of copper clad laminate laboratory method of making PCB. Page | 42 . d.C. the components can be situated correctly on finished board. University.B MAKING: When the mater diagram probable twice the size of real PCB has been evolved. Next is called ―step and repeat camera‖.5mm. The conductor must be wider in those part of the circuits that are going to handle large current must be handle without undue temperature of conductors. Planning The Circuit: It is not a particular difficult. It is brought into operation. 8. The conductor is also main large at the point of holes. This is developed to give photographic negative. c. The minimum width of copper should not generally be less than about 1.T. Then the master point is mounted on a special frame on easy facing of a larger camera and with the aid of the very powerful illumination a master diagram is clearly photographed on a glass sensitive plate. if the finished device is to work properly we must consider gain factor P.POLYTECHNIC. the test major step consists of etching or dissolving the unwanted metal from copper claded board to create a circuit as depicted by master diagram.This is related to mechanical strength rather than electrical properties and it also ensure that strips remains securely bounded to the base material. This comprises the camera body mounted so that sideways after each exposure.1.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” size of diagram to that of the circuit. The points where the component holes for component lead wire occurs must be sited to suit the dimensions of the component and dimensions between lead-out wire. S. so that . Mumbai-049.V. before proceeding we must know some rules regarding the designing :a.N. b. It is essential to resist through hardening before etching is started. Now-a-days etching taps along with IC pads are commonly used.N.D. Page | 43 .POLYTECHNIC. A convenient way to do this is simply put the carbon paper between a copper surface of the board and working plan and carefully trace the lines of original plan with a ball pen. chances of P. To overcome this drying effect and to achieve the sharp edge of the trace on the PCB. Transforming the Plan: Now. Resist: Resist is nothing more than a substrate that is unaffected by presence etching chemicals. Other factors that have to successfully studied include availability of adequate return points on board and it‘s mounting from accessibility of switch connection made for mechanical fixing ventilation effect of vibration. when plan is clearly worked on clean copper that are to be left in fact as the copper conductor must be covered when resists the leaguer type of paints possess good resist properties but disadvantage of relatively long time taken for drying. S. To this. We must also ensure that conductors and components carrying high frequency current are well separated from the part of the circuit. Nail polished are better as they quickly and are less difficult to remove. running tap and the allowed to dry before resist is applied. Circuit is totally eliminated by making all earth as substantial possible consistent with nature of design.T.V. University. it can be easily seen the copper surface.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” and ensure that the input and output parts are sufficiently well isolated to avoid the possibility. This is important because even slightest trace of graze (from figure of instance) will impure the etching process and when the circuit plan has been neatly transferred to copper in this manner the board is held under. once cleaning is done plan has to transfer on copper surface of PCB material. It is usually colored so that. Mumbai-049. We are also to make sure that all components need to return to earth are properly connected and that possibility of common impedance arising earth returned. Cleaning The Board: The copper side of the board must be thoroughly cleaned before circuit plan is transferred to it. Mumbai-049.POLYTECHNIC. It should be seen that there is no slight incomplete etching between the conducting parts of the PCB. S. Etching: Next comes etching of unwanted copper & whether a small single is all that is required as quantity of board to be produce certain precautions must be taken before operation is commenced the most used etch & I ferrite chloride to this is added small quantity of HCL to accelerate. The PCB‘s are coated coating material for protection in lab coating material itself it a soldier. Finishing Off: When all unwanted copper is dissolved from areas between conductor.V. Depth of liquid for storing the etchant process. This process of coating involve track with soldier. Page | 44 . This process is called Tinning. To ensure clear out lines round edges of copper conductors on board the resist must be applied with steady band. holes for filling & mounting the component on PCB are drilled with suitable drill bit.D. P. The resist must be removed using proper solvent. board should be taken from an etchant & washed in water. Advantage of tinning the effect of environment of conductors. But not critical as lab construction concerned.N. then PCB is drilled i. The depth of liquid must be sufficient to completely cover laminate. University. Agitation: Small plastic bath is ideal for storing the etchant process.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” short circulating due to paints are completely the avoid etching tapes and pads are available in different sizes. Correcting Error: When a result has been thoroughly hardened any errors that have been made can usually be corrected by gently scratching away with knife. A good etchant can be produced by mixing 10grams of ferric chloride & 25 grams of HCL with 15 grams of water.T.e. the laminated board carrying the resist patterns circuit is then cropped into etchant bath & the gentle agitation takes 5 to 20 minutes to complete depending on the strength of the enchant temperature and thickness of copper foil. After this the copper surface must be polished with any kind of cleaner. Mumbai-049.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Assembling On PCB: After the holes are drilled. the component have to be assembled on PCB before assembling the components it is necessary to clean soldering iron in order to get easy & accurate soldering. Page | 45 .V. CHAPTER 9 SOLDERING TECHNIQUE P. S.T.N. Removing impurity particles that are gathered on iron bit due to repetitive use cleans soldering iron.POLYTECHNIC.D. University. Page | 46 . It means that soldering is improper.1. the soldering iron is removed.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER”  Technique for good soldering 9. When joint is completely covered with molten solder.D.      The joint and the soldering iron is held such that molten solder should flow smoothly over the joint. a air gap remains in between the solder material and the joint. S.POLYTECHNIC. Now the joint to be soldered is heated with the help of soldering iron. Heat applied should be such that when solder wire is touched to joint.V. P. University. Mumbai-049. The joint is allowed to cool.T. without any movement. If required flux is applied on the points to be soldered. it must melt quickly.N. SOLDERING TECHNIQUE:   For soldering of any joints first the terminal to be soldered are cleaned to remove oxide film or dirt on it. The bright shining solder indicates good soldering. In case of dry solder joint. This is removed and again soldering is done. D.POLYTECHNIC. B.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER”  Thus. Mumbai-049.T. University. S. C. Page | 47 . CHAPTER 10 PCB LAYOUTS P.V. this way all the components are soldered on P.N. POLYTECHNIC.T.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER”  Schematic diagram  Bottom and top layout 10.1.1. Fig.1.10. Schematic diagram of power supply card Page | 48 . POWER SUPPLY CARD: 10. SCHIMETIC DIAGRAM: P. Mumbai-049.D.1.N. S.V.1. University. 10.TOP LAYER: of power supply card Fig.10.1.POLYTECHNIC. LEGEND MARKING: Fig.N. S.1.3.3. Page | 49 .D.V.2. University.1.2. Legend marking 10. Mumbai-049.T.1.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 10. Top layer of power supply card P. POLYTECHNIC. BOTTOM LAYER: Fig. BATTERY CHARGER CARD: 10. University. Page | 50 .1.4.1.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 10.1.4. Mumbai-049. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM: P.D. Schematic diagram of power supply card 10.2.2. S.10.T.V.N. Schematic diagram of battery charger card 10. Mumbai-049. Page | 51 .10.2.D. RELAY CARD: P.POLYTECHNIC.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Fig.3. S. University.V.N.1.T. POLYTECHNIC.10. S. SCHIMETIC DIAGRAM: Fig.3.N. Page | 52 .3.1.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 10.1. University.2.V. Mumbai-049.T.3. RELAY CARD LEGEND MARKING: P.D. Schematic diagram of Relay card 10. “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Fig.3.10.3.POLYTECHNIC. Top layer of Relay card P.10.3. Mumbai-049.3. TOP LAYER: Fig.2.N. Legend marking of Relay card 10.T.3.D. S. University.V. Page | 53 . 4. Page | 54 . S. BOTTOM LAYER: Fig.N.1.4. University.10. Bottom layer of Relay card 10.D.V. MICROCONTROLER CARD: 10. Schematic diagram of microcontroller card P.3.1.4.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Mumbai-049.POLYTECHNIC. SCHIMETIC DIAGRAM: Fig. POLYTECHNIC.10.4.2.V. ALL LAYERS: Fig. Page | 55 . S.T.D.4.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 10. Mumbai-049. University.N. All layer of microcontroller card P.2. Mumbai-049.D.POLYTECHNIC.V.N. University.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” CHAPTER 11 INTRODUCTION OF SOFTWARE  Keil (µVision 2)  Eagle (Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor) P. Page | 56 .T. S. compact code for the 8051 microcontroller family. The C51 Compiler generates object code that matches the efficiency and speed of assembly programming.  Details like register allocation and addressing of the various memory types and data types is managed by the compiler. Introduction to C51 Cross Compiler: The Keil C51 Cross Compiler is an ANSI C Compiler that is written specifically to generate fast. S.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 11.  Programs get a formal structure (which is imposed by the C programming language) and can be divided into separate functions.D. Page | 57 . Using a high-level language like C has many advantages over assembly language programming:  Knowledge of the processor instruction set is not required.  Existing program parts can be more easily included into new programs because of modular program construction techniques.V.  The C run-time library contains many standard routines such as: formatted output.1. This contributes to source code reusability as well as better overall application structure.T. numeric conversions.  Programming and program test time is drastically reduced. Rudimentary knowledge of the memory structure of the 8051 CPU is desirable (but not necessary).1.  Keywords and operational functions that more nearly resemble the human thought process may be used.N.  The ability to combine variable selection with specific operations improves program readability. P. Keil (µVision 2): 11. University. Mumbai-049. and floating-point arithmetic.1.POLYTECHNIC. D.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER”  The language C is a very portable language (based on the ANSI standard) that enjoys wide popular support and is easily obtained for most systems. which is easy-to-use.POLYTECHNIC. Create source files in C or assembly. Build your application with the project manager. Create a project. A block diagram of the complete 8051 tool set may best illustrate the development cycle. S.1.2. Mumbai- yet powerful tool for designing printed circuit boards (PCBs). select the target chip from the device database. 11. Eagle (Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor): The EAGLE is an editor. 1. 4. 11. This software consist of the following tool: 11. Schematic Editor: P. Test the linked application. Software development in KEIL 11. 3.T. Page | 58 . the project development cycle is roughly the same as it is for any other software development project. and configure the tool settings. Correct errors in source files.N. Software Development Cycle in Keil: When we use the Keil Software tools. Existing program investments can be quickly adapted to other processors as needed. Fig.V.2. It is a complete platform for the development of any type of complicated & sophisticated multilayered PCBs. 2. 5. University. This is done automatically by the software using the circuit in the schematic editor itself. Mumbai-049.2. 11. Page | 59 . Top Layer. Cam Processor: This is used to finally print the various layers of the designed PCB viz. Auto Router: This is an artificial intelligence based tool or subroutine that can do auto routing of the PCB tracks designed. Component Layer.2. University.T. Library Editor: This is very useful in case of customized component design that does not occur in the predefined library according to our need. Bottom Layer.3.N.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” In this one can develop & design circuits for the required PCB.4.2.POLYTECHNIC. P.V.5.2. S. Masking Layer etc. 11. 11.D.2. Layout Editor: In this one can develop & design actual PCB structure required. 11. D. Mumbai-049. Page | 60 . S.POLYTECHNIC.V.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” CHAPTER 12 INTRODUCTION OF PROGRAMMING P.N.T. University. P. k2==0||k3==0| |k4==0 Page | 61 .V.POLYTECHNIC.1. Sw1_op (P0. TH0=0X4B. University. S. TF0=0. disp =1. Flowchart: Start TIMER INITIALISATION TR0=0.T.0) ==0 My delay (10) flag1=1. TR0=1. TL0=0XFD. Mumbai-049. k1=0.N.D.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Flowchart of programming Program code 12. REady_LED4=0. flag3=0. flag4=0.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 2 flag9==1 flag9=1.D.V. REady_LED3=0. flag9=0. P. Sw2_op Page | 62 . S.POLYTECHNIC. University. flag11=0. flag11==1 flag11=1. Mumbai-049.N.T. Mumbai-049.N. flag5=0.D. P. S. disp2=1. k2=0. k1==0||k3==0| |k4==0] flag5==1 flag5=1.T. Page | 63 .“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” My delay (10) 3 3 3 flag2=1. flag1=0.V. University.POLYTECHNIC. REady_LED1=0. flag11=0. My delay (10) Page | 64 .D.V. REady_LED4=0.T.2) ==0 P. flag4=0.POLYTECHNIC. S. Mumbai-049. Sw3_op (P0.N.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 4 flag11==1 flag11=1. University. REady_LED1=0. University.T. flag7==1 flag7=1.N. flag5=0. Page | 65 .“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 5 flag5==1 flag5=1.D. S. P. REady_LED1=0. flag7=0. flag1=0.V. Mumbai-049. flag2=0. REady_LED2=0.POLYTECHNIC. Page | 66 flag5==1 . disp4=1.3) ==0 My delay (10) flag4=1.N. k1==0||k2==0| |k3==0 P. k4=0.V. S. University.T.D. Mumbai-049.POLYTECHNIC.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 6 Sw4_op (P0. Mumbai-049. flag7=0.V.N. University. P.D. S. REady_LED2=0.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 7 flag7==1 flag7=1. flag9==1 flag9=1. flag9=0. Page | 67 REady_LED3=0. flag3=0.T. flag2=0. .POLYTECHNIC. disp5=1 Page | 68 . flag9=1.D.N. flag2==1 flag7=1.POLYTECHNIC. disp5=1.T. disp5=1. S. flag3==1 P. University.V. Mumbai-049.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 8 flag1==1 flag5=1. T.5) ==0 My delay (10) flag1==1 && flag5==1 flag6=1. Mumbai-049. Page | 69 flag2==1 && . S.POLYTECHNIC.N.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 9 Sw6_op (P0. disp6=1.V. University. P.D. T.D. disp6=1 flag4==1 && flag11==1 flag12=1.V. flag8==1 Page | 70 .POLYTECHNIC. S. disp6=1 flag6==1 i++.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 10 flag10=1. University.N. P. Mumbai-049. Mumbai-049.N.T. S. Page | 71 .“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 11 flag12==1 M++.POLYTECHNIC. University. Stop P.D.V. // input switch5 for coin sbit sw6_op=P0^5.// sbit sw3_op=P0^2.2.// input switch for start sbit sw7_op=P3^7.T.POLYTECHNIC.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 12.// input SWITCH1 for sytem1 input SWITCH2 for sytem2 input switch3 for sytem3 input switch4 for sytem4 sbit sw5_op=P0^4.H" #define buzzer P2_0// buzzer indication //////////////// setting of i/p switch for following operation///////////////// sbit sw1_op=P0^0. Program: #include<stdio.h> #include<string.D.// sbit sw2_op=P0^1.N. //LED1 indication (ready system1) P. Mumbai-049.// input switch for exit ////////////////////////////output Led for indication/////////////////// sbit REady_LED1=P1^0. S.h> #include"IDA51.V.// sbit sw4_op=P0^3.H" #include"REG52. University. Page | 72 . //LED4 indication(ready system4) sbit START_LED1=P1^4.flag12.flag2.j=0. University.flag5.REady_LED3=0. // clear Ready indication led START_LED1=0.flag7.D.REady_LED4=0.flag3.flag6. //LED2 indication(ready system2) sbit REady_LED3=P1^2.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” sbit REady_LED2=P1^1.flag4. //LED1 indication(start system1 ) sbit START_LED2=P1^5.l=0.ll=0. // clear start indication led //////////////////start of while loop///////////////////////////////// while(1) // while loop with condition always equal to 1 to repeat loop infinite times unless and until we shut down the system { ////////////////condition for switch1//////////////////////////// ' if(flag1==1) // check swich1 pressed { if(disp1==1 ) { P.k=50 /////////////////////////////start of main programme/////////////////// void main() { init_timer().ii=0.k4=1.flag10.disp5=0.disp4=0.T. bit disp1=0.k2=2.flag8.N.m=0. //LED2 indication(start system2 ) sbit START_LED3=P1^6. //LED3 indication(ready system3) sbit REady_LED4=P1^3.k3=1. //k=390(1 minute) .// call it timer initialization function REady_LED1=0.disp2=0. //timer 0 initialization function //////////////////variable declaration//////////////////////// bit flag1. //LED3 indication(start system3 ) sbit START_LED4=P1^7.disp6=0.START_LED2=0. Page | 73 .V.POLYTECHNIC. unsigned long int i=0. S.START_LED4=0. //LED4 indication(start system4 ) ///////////////////function prototype declaration///////////////////// void my_delay(unsigned int value)// DELAY FUCTION void init_timer().k1=1.START_LED3=0.jj=0.flag11. “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” REady_LED1=1.ii=0.// turn on Ready indication of led 1 } disp1=0.T. if (ii==20) //turn on buzzer { REady_LED1=1.N. University. Mumbai-049. S. } } else { REady_LED1=0. START_LED1=1. Page | 74 .POLYTECHNIC.V.// turn on ready indication of led1 } else if(ii==40) { REady_LED1=0. } } else { P. if(flag5==1) //check coin is pressed { if(flag6==1) //START is pressed and start conversion { if(i<k) // loop will repeat for desired time of charging { if(i>=1000) { buzzer=1.D. START_LED2=1.POLYTECHNIC. flag5=0. University. flag6=0.V.D.} else if(jj==40) {REady_LED2=0. k1=1. } } } ///////////////////////condition for switch2////////////////////// if(flag2==1) // check swich2 pressed { if(disp2==1) { REady_LED2=1. buzzer=0.// turn on ready 2 led indication } disp2=0. S. } P.N. Page | 75 . flag1=0. if(jj==20) {REady_LED2=1. REady_LED1=0.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” START_LED1=0.T.jj=0. Mumbai-049.} } else { REady_LED2=0. if(flag7==1) //check coin is pressed { if(flag8==1) //START is pressed { if(j<k) { if(j>1000) { buzzer=1. T.D. flag7=0. } disp3=0.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” } else { START_LED2=0. k2=1. Mumbai-049. flag8=0.V. REady_LED2=0. j=0.jj=0. } } } } /////////////////////////condition for switch 3//////////////////// if(flag3==1) // check swich3 pressed { if(disp3==1 ) { REady_LED3=1.} } else P.N.POLYTECHNIC.ll=0. Page | 76 . buzzer=0. flag2=0. if(flag9==1) //check coin is pressed { if(flag10==1) //START is pressed { if(l<k) { if(l>1000) { buzzer=1.} else if(ll==40) {REady_LED3=0. University. if(ll==20) {REady_LED3=1. S. N.V. l=0. } disp4=0. Mumbai-049.T. S.ll=0. } } else { START_LED3=0.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” { REady_LED3=0. Page | 77 . flag10=0. if(flag11==1) //check coin is pressed { if(flag12==1) //START is pressed { if(m<k) { if(m>1000) { buzzer=1.POLYTECHNIC. if(mm==20) { REady_LED4=1. //LED2=0. } } } } ///////////////////////////// condition for switch 4////////////// if(flag4==1) // check swich4 pressed { if(disp4==1 ) { REady_LED4=1. k3=1. START_LED3=1. buzzer=0. University. REady_LED3=0. flag3=0.D. flag9=0. P. // timer lower value TH0=0x4b. Mumbai-049. k4=1.D. } } else { REady_LED4=0. Page | 78 . flag12=0. flag11=0.POLYTECHNIC.N. START_LED4=1. // start timer bit } //whenever specific time the interrupt will generate control will go in following function P.V. REady_LED4=0.T. S. University. } //////////////////////end of main programme////////////////////// ///////////////timer delay//////////////// void init_timer() { TMOD=0x01. flag4=0. // timer 0 in mode 1 TL0=0xfd. } } } } } while(1). } } else { // interrupt control bit TR0=1. m=0.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” } else if(mm==40) { //timer higher value IE|=0x82. buzzer=0. // SET RESPECTIVE FLAG FOR NEXT OPERATION if(k2==0||k3==0||k4==0) // IF SWITCH2OR SWITCH3 OR SWITCH 4 IS PRESSED THEN IT WILL GO INTO FOLLOWING LOOOP { if(flag7==1) // SET THE FLAG { flag7=1. k1=0.N. // CLEAR READY 3 LED } if(flag11==1) { flag11=1. flag3=0.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” void timer0_isr(void)interrupt 1 using 2// timer 0 interrupt { TR0=0. // load value of TL0 TH0=0x4b. University.// CALL DELAY FUNCTION flag1=1. REady_LED3=0.T. } else { flag9=0. // reset over flow flag TL0=0xfd. // LOAD VALUE OF TH0 TR0=1.D. } else { flag7=0. // SET TIMER BIT OR TURN ON TIMER /////////IF SWITCH 1 IES PRESSEDE THEN IT WILL GO N TO FOLLOWING LOOP///////// if(sw1_op==0 ) { // ready switch flag for system1 my_delay(10). } P. flag2=0.POLYTECHNIC. Mumbai-049. // reset timer TF0=0.V. Page | 79 . // CLEAR READY 2 LED } if(flag9==1) { flag9=1. S. disp1=1. REady_LED2=0. S. } else { flag5=0.N. Page | 80 . flag1=0. flag2=1. if(k1==0||k3==0||k4==0) { if(flag5==1) { flag5=1.V. flag4=0.T. } else { flag9=0.POLYTECHNIC. REady_LED1=0. } if(flag11==1) { flag11=1. disp2=1. flag3=0.D. } if(flag9==1) { flag9=1. } else P. REady_LED3=0. Mumbai-049. University. k2=0. // CLEAR READY 4 LED } } } /////////IF SWITCH 2 IS PRESSEDE THEN IT WILL GO N TO FOLLOWING LOOP///////// if(sw2_op==0 ) fready switch flag for system2 { my_delay (10). REady_LED4=0.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” else { flag11=0. REady_LED1=0. University. } else { flag5=0.D. } if(flag11==1) { flag11=1. } else { P.T. Page | 81 . disp3=1. S.V. flag1=0. } if(flag5==1) { flag5=1. } } } /////////IF SWITCH 3 IS PRESSEDE THEN IT WILL GO N TO FOLLOWING LOOP///////// if(sw3_op==0 ) { my_delay(10). flag2=0. flag4=0. REady_LED2=0. REady_LED4=0. } else { flag7=0. k3=0. if(k2==0||k1==0||k4==0) { if(flag7==1) { flag7=1.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” { flag11=0. // ready switch flag for system3 flag3=1. Mumbai-049.POLYTECHNIC.N. N. disp4=1. University. Mumbai-049. REady_LED2=0. REady_LED4=0. } else { flag5=0.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” flag11=0. flag4=0. if(k2==0||k1==0||k3==0) { if(flag7==1) { flag7=1.V. } if(flag5==1) { flag5=1.T.POLYTECHNIC. } } } /////////IF SWITCH 4 IES PRESSEDE THEN IT WILL GO N TO FOLLOWING LOOP///////// if(sw4_op==0 ) // ready switch flag for system4 { my_delay(10). flag4=1. Page | 82 . } else { flag9=0. } if(flag9==1) { flag9=1. } else { flag7=0. S. flag1=0. k4=0. P. REady_LED1=0. flag2=0.D. Mumbai-049. disp5=1. } if((flag2==1 && flag7==1)) P. } } /////////IF SWITCH 6 IES PRESSEDE THEN IT WILL GO N TO FOLLOWING LOOP///////// if(sw6_op==0 ) // start signal { my_delay (10). if (flag1==1) { flag5=1. REady_LED3=0.N. } if(flag3==1 ) { flag9=1. } if(flag4==1 ) { flag11=1. disp5=1. Page | 83 .POLYTECHNIC. University. disp5=1. S. disp5=1.T. if((flag1==1 && flag5==1)) { flag6=1. disp6=1. } } } /////////IF SWITCH 5 IES PRESSEDE THEN IT WILL GO N TO FOLLOWING LOOP///////// if (sw5_op==0 ) { my_delay (10). } // coin check if(flag2==1 ) { flag7=1.V.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” flag3=0.D. for(x=0. disp6=1.POLYTECHNIC.V.} } if (flag8==1) { j++. } if((flag4==1 && flag11==1)) { flag12=1.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” { flag8=1. Page | 84 . if (l>1000) {ll++.} } if (flag12==1) { m++. y.} } } /////////////////////DELAY FUNCTION///////////////// void my_delay(unsigned int value) { unsigned int x. } if((flag3==1 && flag9==1)) { flag10=1.x<1000.T. if (i>1000) {ii++.x++) P. if (m>1000) {mm++. disp6=1. S.N. } } if(flag6==1) { i++. Mumbai-049. University. if(j>1000) {jj++.D. disp6=1.} } if (flag10==1) { l++. } } CHAPTER 13 TROUBLE SHOOT P.T.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” { for(y=0. University.D. Mumbai-049. S.POLYTECHNIC.V. Page | 85 . y++).N.y<value. S. University. check all the components and circuit connections according to the diagram. Mumbai-049. If a newly assembled circuit is not working properly.POLYTECHNIC. Supply failure. Improper soldering. the P.N. TROUBLE SHOOT: A newly assembled circuit does not work may be due to:    Faulty components. Wrong connections. Page | 86 . diode and wrong supply terminal connection. The circuit may not be working due to wrong polarity of capacitor. Most of the times.1.D.T. Damaging of PCB Fault finding is very essential if you want the circuit to operate properly. Also any stop in working after some period may be due to:    Component failure.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER”  Troubleshoot 13.V. Also. It happens because of some soldering points are shorted during soldering PCB. one should proceed for Hot test i. some green LEDs was not glow. relay was not properly worked. Resistance measurement is also done which is known as Dry test.N.POLYTECHNIC. Voltage measurement at different points for example at Input terminal etc. University. therefore we replaced it. S. proper procedure is followed to have proper soldering. Page | 87 . Some ICs was get heated after starting the project. During this project work. We solved that problem. CHAPTER 14 P. Therefore. If faults are not observed during physical observations. Mumbai-049.D.e. then we checked it continuity and replace it.T.V.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” circuit does not work due to bad soldering. T. ADVANTAGES OF THE PROJECT:   Simple and hand efficient.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” ADVANTAGES OF THE PROJECT  Advantages 14.D. Microcontroller based system.1. P. Fast charging capacity.V. S.POLYTECHNIC. University. Page | 88 .N. Mumbai-049. POLYTECHNIC. P. Low power consumption. It can offer emergency charging for 4sets of handsets synchronously. S.T. Less expensive. Reduced man power.D. Mumbai-049. Page | 89 .N. Facilitates connectivity for 90% of cellular phones. Ease of mobility. University.V.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER”        Simple to operate. T.D. Page | 90 .“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” CHAPTER 15 DISADVANTAGES OF THE PROJECT  Disadvantages P. S. Mumbai-049.N.POLYTECHNIC.V. University. there may be a possibility that mobile phones of few brands cannot be connected for charging. P.D.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 15.T.POLYTECHNIC. therefore it cannot be portable. University. For this purpose we have to use separate connectors for that specific brand differently. Due to limited charging channels till now.1.  It does not have battery backup. S. Page | 91 .  It does not bring a mobile from ‗dead' to fully charged (full bars) just in 1 min. Mumbai-049. DISADVANTAGES OF THE PROJECT:   It requires mains supply to work project.V.N. T. Page | 92 .N. University. Mumbai-049.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” CHAPTER 16 APPLICATIONS OF THE PROJECT  Application P.V. S.POLYTECHNIC.D. N.POLYTECHNIC.1.V. from universities to health clubs. University. APPLICATIONS OF THE PROJECT:  The coin based mobile phone charger is very useful to public for using coin to charge for the mobile phone in any places. Mumbai-049. virtually any location where there is a high footfall. creating a large number of potential users. It can be installed in malls. railway stations. S.T.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 16.   It is used for emergency charging purposes. bus stops and other public places.from airports to pubs. Page | 93 .  The charger offers a unique revenue opportunity for a vast range of businesses .D.  It can be installed in offices and collages for pay charging facility. P. “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” CHAPTER 17 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT P.D.V. S.T. Mumbai-049. University.N. Page | 94 .POLYTECHNIC.     It will use with a stereo advertisement carrier that can display video advertisement. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTOFTHE PROJECT:  This project is very useful to people who are using mobile phone without charging condition in public places.D. S.1.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER”  FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT 17.N. Page | 95 . University.POLYTECHNIC.V.T. We can also increase the charging time by editing software of the project. It will provide battery backup for make it portable. It will also provide SMS system in future. Mumbai-049. P. Page | 96 . S.POLYTECHNIC.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” CHAPTER 18 COST ANALYSIS OF THE PROJECT P.D. University.N.T. Mumbai-049.V. 22uf 0.1. Mumbai-049.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER”  COST ANALYSIS OF THE PROJECT 18.T.V.1uf IC BRIDGE W10 L7812CV (TO-220) L7805CV (TO-220) Quantity Designators Rate 1 1 R2 R1 1 1 1 1 2 2 C5 C1 C6 C4 C2 C3 10 10 1 1 2 1 1 BR2 U2 U1 BR1 10 8 8 Connector CON PHO 2PIN CON PHO 3PIN 2 1 J3 J1 J2 16 12 LED3mm red Heat sink (TO-220) 2 2 L1 L2 1. S.5 16 Total 95.5 Page | 97 P. Component list for power supply card: Footprint Resistor 2.POLYTECHNIC. .D. University.1. COST ANALYSIS OF THE PROJECT: 18.N.2K 1K Capacitor 1000uf/25V 2200uf/25V 0.1. 1.00 1.2.00 93. S.00 RELIM-4 1 7.00 12.T.00 1 4 5.1.00 32.1.N. University.Component list for battery charger card 18. Component list for Relay card: Component ULN2003 RELAY RW-SH-112D RELIM-2 Quantity 1 4 10 Designators U1 RL1 RL2 RL3 RL4 J2 J6 J10 J1 J3 J7 J11 J4 J8 J5 J9 Rate 5.3.00 33. Page | 98 . Component list for battery charger card: Footprint Capacitor 2200uf/25V 0. Mumbai-049. Component list for power supply card 18.00 4.00 Table 18.D.00 P.POLYTECHNIC.00 1 1 4 4 TOTAL 8.1.00 1.2.V.00 140.1.1uf IC BRIDGE W10 L7805CV (TO-220) Connector CON PHO 2PIN Relimate 2 pin relimate 3 pin Heat sink (TO-220) Quantity Rate 1 4 4 10.22uf 0.00 20.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Table 18. T.Component list for relay card 18.2K 1K IC 4N33 89V51RD2FN MAX232CP Connector Relimate 2 pin Relimate 3 pin Relimate 4 pin 2 pin terminal block LED LED 3mm green LED 3mm red LED 5mm green LED 5mm red IC sockets 40 pin Quantity Designators Rate 2 4 2 1 C5 C9 C3 C1 C4 C8 C2 C7 C6 2.00 8.00 8.00 Table 18.Component list for controller card: Component Capacitor 0.00 120.00 25.1.V.50 8.00 3.00 189.1.00 6.N.00 4. Page | 99 .00 2.00 1 1 6 R1 R8 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 1.D.00 1 1 4 4 L9 L10 1.00 P.50 1.00 9 2 1 1 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 L4 L3 L2 L1 J3 J4 J2 J1 46. S.00 1 1 1 U3 U1 U2 5. University.1uf 1uf 22pf 33uf Resistor 10K 2.POLYTECHNIC.00 1 10.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 16 pin ic socket 1 Total 4. Mumbai-049. 00 4.POLYTECHNIC. Mumbai-049.50 20.00 8.4. Page | 100 .00 30.00 mechanical items Enclosure Acrylic sheet 12mm cable gland Screw 3mm Screw 3.00 24.00 90.00 10.00 16.00 1 165.00 20.00 P.N.00 2.00 40. S. University.00 37.00 8.00 300.T.0592MHz Tack switch 1 1 5.1.00 Table 18.Component list for microcontroller card total 270.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 16 pin 6 pin Misc SIP resistor Crystal 11.00 1 4 1 4 4 8 2 1 meter 1 19 5 2 200.00 10.00 18.00 15.V.1.5.00 1 1 1 RN1 XL1 S1 2.00 40.D.00 5.5mm 1 2' X 1' 1 33 6 250. Miscellaneous material: Material electronic item Transformer TXR1 0-9-15 0-9 @ 1A 0-15 @ 100mA TXR2 0-9 0-9 @ 1A Proximity switch Red push bottom Green push button Red led 5mm Green led 5mm Led holder Copper clad 3 core cable 3 pin plug 2 pin relimate wire 3 pin relimate wire 4 pin relimate wire Quantity Rate 1 200. POLYTECHNIC.50 Table 18.V. Mumbai-049.5. S.00 Total 1623.T. University.00 25.1.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 10 mm spacers 10mm insert to stud cable tie 100 50 15.D.N. Page | 101 .Component list for miscellaneous material CHAPTER 19 APPENDIX  APPENDIX P.00 100. D. 78xx IC datasheet: P.1.N. APPENDIX: 19.T. University.1.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 19.1.POLYTECHNIC. S. Page | 102 .V. Mumbai-049. S.N.2.POLYTECHNIC.T.V.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 19. W10 datasheet: P.1. Page | 103 .D. University. Mumbai-049. University. Mumbai-049.D.POLYTECHNIC.T. Page | 104 .V.N.3. 4n33 IC datasheet: P. S.1.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 19. 2. 3.D. LED pins 1 and 2 are common. For this test. MAX 232: P. 5. refer to figure 7. 4.7 mA rms. Mumbai-049. 1.0% . and phototransistor pins 4. duty cycle ������2.T.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Notes * Indicates JEDEC registered data. Page | 105 .4.POLYTECHNIC.1.5 and 6 are common. For test circuit setup and waveforms. Pulse test: pulse width = 300μs. 19.0 mA and IC = 0. University. 6. S..V. The current transfer ratio(IC/IF) is the ratio of the detector collector current to the LED input current with V CE @ 10 V. IF adjusted to IC = 2.N. The frequency at which IC is 3dB down from the 1 KHz value. D.POLYTECHNIC. ULN2003a IC datasheet: P.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 19.T. Mumbai-049. Page | 106 .V.N. S.5. University.1. University. S.N. Mumbai-049.POLYTECHNIC.D.V.T.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” P. Page | 107 . POLYTECHNIC. 89V51RD2 IC datasheet: P. Page | 108 . University.N. S.T.1. Mumbai-049.D.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 19.V.6. Page | 109 .D.N.POLYTECHNIC.T.V. S.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” P. University. Mumbai-049. “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” P. University.T. S.V. Mumbai-049. Page | 110 .POLYTECHNIC.N.D. Mumbai-049.POLYTECHNIC.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” P.D.N.T.V. Page | 111 . University. S. “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” P. Mumbai-049. University. S.N. Page | 112 .V.T.POLYTECHNIC.D. POLYTECHNIC.V. Page | 113 .“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” CHAPTER 20 CONCLUSION  CONCLUSION P.D. University.N. S.T. Mumbai-049. CONCLUSION: The coin-operated mobile phone charger is already successfully installed in hundreds of locations worldwide. P.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 20. providing a unique service to the public and a source of revenue for site providers. The charger offers a unique revenue opportunity for a vast range of businesses – from airports to pubs. from universities to health clubs.N.1. virtually any location where there is a high footfall. provide battery charging.T. The charger can charge up to 4 different mobile phones simultaneously.POLYTECHNIC. It will extend low mobile phone talk time. creating a large number of potential users.D. The coin-operated mobile charger can be quickly and easily installed in any business premises. Page | 114 . S. University. Mumbai-049.V. “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” CHAPTER 21 IMAGES OF THE PROJECT P.V.POLYTECHNIC, S.N.D.T. University, Mumbai-049. Page | 115 “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER”  Images of the project 21.1. IMAGES OF THE PROJECT: fig.21.1 ‗Coin operated mobile battery charger' project P.V.POLYTECHNIC, S.N.D.T. University, Mumbai-049. Page | 116 “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Fig.21.2 Circuit arrangement of coin operated mobile battery charger Fig. 21.3 Constant voltage battery charger circuit P.V.POLYTECHNIC, S.N.D.T. University, Mumbai-049. Page | 117 D.POLYTECHNIC. University.21.T.21. Page | 118 .5 Metal detector proximity switch Fig.6 Relay driver circuit Fig.21.V. S. 21.N. Mumbai-049.4 Power supply circuit Fig.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Fig.7 Microcontroller circuit P. “EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” P.T. Mumbai-049. S.V.D.POLYTECHNIC.N. Page | 119 . University. Mumbai-049.8 coin operated mobile battery charger project presentation P.T.POLYTECHNIC.D.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” Fig.N. University. S.22.V. Page | 120 . D.V.POLYTECHNIC.T.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” CHAPTER 22 BIBILOGRAPHY  BIBLIOGRAPHY P.N. Mumbai-049. Page | 121 . University. S. com www. www.wikipedia. Page | 122 .datasheetcatlog.“EMERGENCY COIN OPERATED MOBILE BATTERY CHARGER” 22.J B Gupta Electronics For You Magazine INTERNET LINKS:      www.T. BIBLIOGRAPHY: BOOKS:         Microprocessor Architecture.Keneth Ayala Electronic Devices Applications & Integrated Circuits-Mathur/Kulshreshtha/Chadha Electronic Devices And Circuits Programming Applications – Gaonkar CMOS Integrated Circuits Data Book – Sierra Optoelectronics Handbook – National Microprocessor Data Handbook Micro-Controller . WWW. Mumbai-049.
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