Australian Steelwork Evolution



AUSTRALIAN STEEL INSTITUTE(ABN)/ACN (94) 000 973 839 STEEL CONSTRUCTION JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALIAN STEEL INSTITUTE VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2 JUNE 1999 The Evolution of Australian Material Standards for Structural Steel Pressure Vessel Steel Plate Steel Stocked in Australia A Summary for Designers of Heavy Steelwork Reproduction of V33N2 June 1999 Printing ISBN 0049-2205 Print Post Approved pp 255003/01614 AISC Steel Construction Journal June 1999, Vol 33 No 2 EDITORIAL As with any aspect of procurement, a suitable Australia – A Summary for Designers of Heavy description of the product or item being obtained Steelwork”, the paper is written as a brief note on is crucial to ensuring that you get what you want Australian structural materials and components and it performs to the requirements that you may which are readily available for Australian need of it. Material Standards and specifications fabrication. The paper’s author, Dr Russell provide this means of “suitable” description Keays, has had a long and substantial track within the construction industry and are record with steel construction and has been considered to be important references for the involved in various high- profile projects around procurement process. Currently, typical material Australia. Standards for steel construction include AS/NZS Lastly, readers should note that a list of papers 3678 (Hot- rolled plates, floorplates and slabs), considered in more recent journal issues is AS/NZS 3679.1 (Hot- rolled bars and sections) provided after the third paper. and AS/NZS 3679.2 (Welded I sections). Entitled “The Evolution of Material Standards for Structural Steel”, the first paper in this issue of Steel Construction documents the changes that have occurred for Australian material Standards for structural steel. With a general emphasis on plate product - sections and bars are also considered - the paper describes the changes that have occurred to structural steel material Standards since the early 1920’s and provides the reasons behind these changes. Part of the reason for these changes was also due to the ongoing development of BHP’s impressive Port Kembla steelworks in terms of products and capability. A brief mention of the steelwork’s development is also considered in the paper. The first paper’s author, Mr Sharad Kotwal, has long been associated with BHP and Standards Australia and is in a good position to write about the changes to structural steel material Standards. Mr Kotwal’s role at BHP also saw substantial involvement with steel plates for pressure vessels which is the subject of the second paper. Entitled “The Evolution of Australian Material Standards for Pressure Vessel Steel Plate”, the second paper is published as complementary text to the first paper. Mr Kotwal retires from BHP in mid- 1999 and AISC wishes him well for the future. On the subject of material Standards, a third paper is presented in this issue which provides some guidance to overseas designers on local steel products. Entitled “Steel Stocked in STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2, JUNE 1999 2 THE EVOLUTION OF AUSTRALIAN MATERIAL STANDARDS FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL S Kotwal1 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to document the history of changes that have taken place in Australian Standards for Structural Steel with specific reference to plate product. All the significant changes have been listed and, wherever possible, reasons for such changes are given. As most of these changes are as a result of the development of steelmaking facilities in Australia, major developments/plant commissioning in this area are also listed. For the benefit of readers and steel users the following attachments are also included: Attachment 1: Summary With an emphasis on plate product, this attachment lists in chronological order: (A) Australian Standards for Structural Steel, and (B) Development of the Port Kembla Steelworks Attachment 2: Evolution of Australian Standards for Structural Steel This attachment shows the relationship and evolution of Australian Structural Steel Standards in two time periods - (A) 1928 to 1986 and (B) <1989 to 1997. The table has been split in this manner as 1989/1990 saw a major revision (ie change in direction) and two other Standards (AS1446 and AS 1594) were also involved in this rework along with all the other Structural Steel Standards. Attachment 3: Australian Structural Steel Plate – Grade Equivalence of Obsolete Grades This table shows the Structural Steel grades that replaced old grades or grades that were added or deleted in the new Standard and their equivalence. Attachment 4: Australian Weather Resistant Structural Steel Plate – Grade Equivalence of Obsolete Grades This table shows the Weather- resistant Structural steel grades that replaced old grades or grades that were added or deleted in the new Standard and their equivalence. Attachment 5: Structural Steel Plate - International Standards Comparison This attachment gives a table of the grades from four (ISO, EN, ASTM & JIS) international Standards which are equivalent to current Australia/New Zealand Structural steel plate grades. 2. MATERIAL STANDARDS PROGRESSION The first Australian Standard Specification for Structural Steel was published in 1920 by the Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry. 1 Standards Metallurgist, BHP Flat Products, Port Kembla, NSW, Australia. STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2, JUNE 1999 3 Bloom Mill and 36” Mill were commissioned at Australian Iron and Steel Proprietary Limited’s Port Kembla plant. This steel was not allowed to be used in Bridges or for plates ¼” thickness and over or Rivet Bars. No. Three grades (classes) had the Yield and Tensile strength properties as noted in Table 1.33 tons per square inch and the yield point was only to be recorded on test reports.S. By this time.33.1. Option B had a Phosphorus limit of 0. A.S. A. Part 1 had two steel. 58. The major change in this revision was the addition of tolerances to Cross Sectional dimensions of Beams and Channels. Option B.401) STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2.In 1922. allowed steel to be made by the Bessemer Process. A. The grades (classes) in this Standard were designated “D”.510) 25. in addition to the Open Hearth process. No. Part 1 was for material specification and Part 2 gave Dimensions and Properties of Australian Standard Rolled Steel Sections.1. No.S. A.08% and a Sulphur limit of 0. the Australian Commonwealth Engineering Standards Association (ACESA) was superseded by the Standards Association of Australia (SAA) and this was the first product Standard published by SAA. A.1.30 (386. No. Option A allowed the steel to be made by the Open Hearth Process. A.1. 1 Open Hearth. No. it also replaced the plates portion of A. The Standard had only one grade (A1) with a specified tensile Strength range of 28. In doing so. No. The only Chemical composition limits on these grades were maximum Phosphorus and Sulphur of 0.1937: Plates for General Engineering purposes This Standard was published in 1937 to cover plates for General Engineering purposes.making options.1928.) Tons/Sq. Also in 1931.1931: Structural Steel and Australian Standard Rolled Steel Sections for Structural purposes This was the revision of A.1937 Class D E F 4 Thickness (inch) All All All Yield Strength (min. Unfired Pressure Vessels and their Appurtenances) which was also being prepared at the same time. A.06%.1931.463) 21. Table 1: A. “E” and “F” so as not to clash with Boiler grades “A”.26 (324.S. A.S.S.06%. “B” and “C” from A.S. The Standard had two parts. No.1. the newly.33 (432. No. inch (MPa) 50% actual UTS 50% actual UTS 50% actual UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength Tons/Sq. Because of this. in which case Phosphorus and Sulphur content must not be more than 0.founded Australian Commonwealth Engineering Standards Association (ACESA) was invited to consider the revision of the above specification and its publication under the name of the Association.1928 Standard but was printed as an amendment notice to save the cost of reprinting.33.1928: Structural Steel and Australian Standard Rolled Steel Sections for Structural purposes This is the first known Australian Standard for Structural Steel which covered plates and structural sections.S. inch (MPa) 28. A. A.B.1937 (Carbon Steel Plates for Boilers.06%. The result was the publication of a new National Standard A. JUNE 1999 . No. 1955 Class D E F Thickness(inch) ≤3/4 >3/4 All All Yield Strength (min.S. A. inch (MPa) 28.1.401) - A. Sheet Piling and Bars for Structural Use) with appropriate amendments to suit Australian conditions.revision of Part 1 of A. AS A149.S. Shapes. A. A. inch (MPa) Tons/Sq.25 (236) 28.5 (193) 10.33.33 (432. The major change in this revision was that the actual minimum Yield strength requirement was specified for all Classes.1965 (see below) and AS A149.1955: Carbon Steel Plates for General Structural Engineering Purposes In 1955.1965: Dimensions of Hot.1. Sections.06% for Open Hearth process and maximum Phosphorus of 0.rolled Steel Plates. AS A147.1937. The Standard had only one grade (A1) with the Yield and Tensile strength properties shown in Table 3. No. No.1956: Structural Steel (Excluding Plates) and Australian Standard Rolled Steel Sections for Structural Purposes The 1931 edition of this Standard was revised in 1940 and amended in 1955.A. The revised Yield and Tensile properties are noted in Table 2.1965: General requirements for supply of Hot.1.S. A.1956. Table 3: A. A. this Australian Standard was revised to replace A.rolled Steel Shapes and Sections for Structural Purposes This Standard was prepared as a revision of Part 2 of A. Part 1 of A.26 (324.1956 was superseded by AS A147.33. inch (MPa) 15.510) 14. No.33 (432.510) 28. The only Chemical composition limits in this Standard were maximum Phosphorus and Sulphur of 0. Pilings and Bars for Structural Purposes This Standard was prepared as a part. In 1954 the first Flat products were produced in Australia and in 1955 the Slab Mill and Hot Strip Mill were commissioned at the Port Kembla steelworks.S.33.75 (228) 12.08% and Sulphur of 0.1956 Thickness(inch) ≤3/4 >3/4 Yield Strength (min. Table 2: A. The No. 2 Open Hearth was commissioned at Port Kembla plant in 1956 and in 1963 the Wide (140”) Plate Mill was commissioned.25 (236) 14.1.S.1965 (see below). The 1956 edition included the 1940 revision and the 1955 amendment.510) - AS A1. No.06% for Acid Bessemer Process. No. JUNE 1999 .S.33 (432.30 (386.510) 25.1956. A.1965: Mild Steel for General Structural purposes - 5 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2. A.S.463) 21.S.75 (228) 28.1.) Tons/Sq.33 (432. It was based on ASTM A6 (General requirements for Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates. inch (MPa) 15. A.5 (162) Tensile Strength Tons/Sq.) Tensile Strength Tons/Sq. the upper limit on Tensile Strength was removed leaving only the minimum Tensile Strength requirement.50_C. provides some guidance in this respect. the Charpy V.34 (417. In September 1970. Tons/Sq.1956.notch impact test.525) - AS A135. The Standard was based on British Standard BS 2762. This Standard only covered Plates and Bars up to a maximum thickness of 2 inches. The Standard covered two steel classes (Class A and Class B) which were based on Tensile Strength and 4 levels of notch ductility. ---≤1/4 Bend Test Only Bend Test Only Sections >1/4 ≤3/4 16. A. A.34 (417.1965 Chemical Composition: (Ladle analysis) Carbon ≤0.30_C.00 (247) 15. welding and stress.10% minimum Silicon requirement on these grades. The logic behind this change being that as long as minimum elongation requirements were met. JUNE 1999 .S. In addition to Phosphorus and Sulphur. Grades of Notch toughness levels ND III and ND IV were to be made from a fully killed steel .1.525) & Flat bars Bars (other than flat bars) >3/4 >1 1/2 --->1/4 >3/4 ≤1 1/2 ---≤1/4 ≤3/4 ≤1 1/2 15.relieving.. and .25%.33 and hot.formed hollow sections. These are the same requirements as used in today’s Standards.50_C) grade also allowed Impact testing at higher temperatures (up to . Impact test temperatures for four levels of notch ductile (ND) grades were 0_C.525) 27. 2.1965: Notch Ductile Steel for General Structural purposes This Standard was prepared in recognition of the demand for steels with a better “resistance to brittle fracture” than conventional AS A149 steels.replacing grade D from A. especially at sub.42%.33.forming.00 (232) 14. however. indicated by the 0. It also cautioned that the properties of steels may be affected by cold.34 (417. The preface of the Standard recognised that there was no general agreement on the correct tests to measure notch ductility. by Amendment No.This Standard was prepared as a part. The Chemical composition and Tensile properties specified are noted in Table 5.revision of Part 1 of A. C + Mn/6 ≤0. and Phosphorus and Sulphur ≤ 0.10_C) but with a higher acceptable absorbed Impact energy requirement.) Tons/Sq. The scope was widened to include both ordinary plates formerly covered by A.S. Tonf/in Table 4: AS A149.34 2 tensile strength and Chemical composition and Tensile properties specified in Table 4. material with higher tensile strength would be suitable for most of the general structural applications.525) Bend Test Only 27. (min ) Tons/Sq Tons/Sq inch (MPa) inch (MPa) Plates. 6 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2.75 (228) Bend Test Only 16.525) 27.atmospheric temperatures.34 (417. The Standard made reference to AS A147 for general delivery requirements. The ND IV (.S.05% Yield and Tensile Properties: Thickness(inch) Yield Strength Tensile Strength (min.00 (232) 27.34 (417.00 (247) 27.1955) of 27. The minimum Absorbed Impact Energy requirement was 20ft lbf (27 joules) average of 3 tests and 15ft lbf (20 joules) for an individual test. A. The Standard included only one grade (A149 . limits were set on Carbon and Carbon equivalent (C + Mn/6). 1955 Standard replacing the Class E (Grade 24) and Class F (Grade 20) steels. inch (MPa) 25.25 (220) ≤3/4 16. 0_C.30_C. Aluminium. The Chemical composition and Tensile properties specified are noted in Table 6.10/0.31.15_C.Table 5: A 135.17 % max 1.517) - Yield and Tensile Properties: Class A B Thickness(inch) --->3/4 --->3/4 Yield Strength (min.33. and . Impact test temperatures for 4 levels of notch ductile grades were +20_C.40% ≤0.402) Bend Test Only 24.5 (394.33.5.486) 27.25 (236) AS A157.5.463) - Yield and Tensile Properties: Grade 20 24 Thickness(inch) --->1/4 --->1/4 ≤1/4 ---≤1/4 ---- AS A151.50 (178) Bend Test Only 13.5 (394.00 (232) ---14.31.) Tons/Sq.) Tons/Sq. .36% Phosphorus and Sulphur≤0.15% C + Mn/6 ≤0.05 % max ND III.5. ND II Chemical Composition (Ladle analysis) Carbon 0. Grade D had a minimum Absorbed Impact Energy requirement of 30 ft lbf (41 joules) for average of 3 tests and 22 ft lbf (30 joules) for a single test. the minimum Absorbed Impact Energy requirement was 20ft lbf (27 joules) for average of 3 tests and 15ft lbf (20 joules) for an individual test.05 % max Tensile Strength Tons/Sq. The grade designation in this Standard was based on minimum tensile strength requirement in tons per square inch. The Standard was based on the corresponding British Standard BS 968.05% Tensile Strength Tons/Sq.1966: Low and Intermediate Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Quality This Standard was prepared as a part revision of A.50 % max 0.g.5. The Standard covered one grade based on Tensile Strength and four levels (A to D) of notch ductility. Table 6: AS A157. JUNE 1999 .33. Grade D was specified as a fully.20% ≤0.5 (425. A. ND IV 0. The Chemical composition and Tensile properties specified are noted in Table 7. Titanium.05% Yield Strength (min. Niobium and Vanadium) was included in the Chemical composition table.1966 Chemical Composition: (Ladle analysis) Grade 20 Carbon ≤0.040% (maximum) was specified on this grade and a maximum limit for Grain refining elements (e.486) 25.26 (309. For all other grades (A to C). 7 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2.517) 27.00 (247) ---15.50 % max Silicon Phosphorus and Sulphur 0.1966: Structural Steel of High Yield Stress (Welding Quality) This Standard was prepared following recognition of the demand for an Australian Standard for structural steels whose yield point is higher than that of AS A135 and A149 steels.20 % max Manganese 1. inch (MPa) Bend Test Only 11. inch (MPa) Bend Test Only 20.35 %max 0.5 (425.50 (208) Grade 24 ≤0. A lower Phosphorous and Sulphur limit of 0.S.1965 - GRADES ND I.killed fine grained steel and plates ≥1/2” thickness for Grades C and D were to be supplied in normalized condition.30 (371. inch (MPa) ≤3/4 15. AFNOR 35.1965 concurrently with the preparation of two new Structural Steel Standards: AS A186.04 0. For plate.603) 31. the grade designation used in the Australian Standard was based on the minimum yield stress in MPa (rounded to 50 MPa) and a letter suffix L was introduced followed by 0 or 15 depending on the temperature at which the Charpy V notch impact tests were to be carried out (i. two grades of yield stress were specified with two levels of impact test requirements. inch (MPa) 23.00 (355) 23.00 (355) 22. Tensile properties were specified in kip/in2 units rather than tonf/ in2 . JUNE 1999 . at 0_C or . A149 and A151. DIN 17100. in this revision.50 0. BS4360.39 (478. five grades based on yield stress were specified with three levels of impact test requirements.040% maximum.603) - Yield and Tensile Properties: Thickness(inch) <3/8 ≥3/4 <5/8 >5/8 ≤1 1/4 >1 1/4 ≤2 >2 AS A147.20 1.e. by Amendment 3.1971: Structural Steels . Additionally. AS A186. Hollow sections were not included in this standard as they were covered in AS A177.60 0.39 (478.) Tons/Sq.In September 1970. Phosphorous and Sulphur levels on all grades were lowered to 0. In preparing this Standard.603) 31. The bend tests were omitted from the mechanical test requirements and included as an appendix giving recommended minimum bending radii for fabrication. the upper limit on Tensile Strength was removed leaving only the minimum Tensile Strength requirement.1971: General requirements for supply of Hot.1971 (see below) and AS A187.00 (339) BY AGREEMENT % Maximum 0. Table 7: AS A151. Sections.15_C as appropriate). Pilings and Bars for Structural Purposes This Standard was prepared as a revision of AS A147. the range of structural steels available was increased to cover thin plate of higher yield strength (70 kip/in2 ).39 (478. inch (MPa) 31.50 0.1966 Chemical Composition: (Ladle analysis) Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus and Sulphur Chromium Manganese + Chromium Grain refining elements Yield Strength (min. For sections and bars.50 (348) 22.rolled Steel Plates.39 (478. 8 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2. For the first time.1971 (see below).50 1.603) 31.15 Tensile Strength Tons/Sq.501 and ASTM A36 standards. account was taken of the ISO/R630.Ordinary Weldable Grades This Standard was prepared as an omnibus specification for ordinary weldable structural steels and superseded Australian Standards A135.1969. The Chemical composition and Tensile properties specified are noted in Table 8. L15 70.0 Round and Square bars Grades 250 250L0 350 350L0 Minimum Yield Stress.50 1.0 ≤4.0 70.11 and a draft addendum to BS4360.15 0.50 0.0 --------Tensile Strength >2. 350L0 Minimum Yield Stress. JUNE 1999 . Being similar to AS A186 Standard. whereas sections and bars were covered only by a 350 MPa yield strength grade.0 50.25 0. inch Tensile Strength ≤0.alloy weather. L15 60.0 38. for thickness of.0 34.40 0.15 C + Mn/6 0.0 50.0 ≤6.0 60.23 Mn ---1.0 49.0 70.0 >2.040 0. L15 350.0 400.42 0.40 0. L0.040 0.0 --------500.0 36.040 0.e.Resistant Weldable Grades This Standard was prepared to cover low.0 50.0 Sections and Flat bars Grades 250.5 60.040 0. inch Tensile Strength 60.50 0. L0.6 250L0. L15 53.TEN 50. L15 40.resistant steel and a suffix number 1 or 2 was used to differentiate Carbon and Phosphorus levels.0 70.0 36.0 350.22 0. 60 and 70 steels.375 >0.Table 8: AS A186. L15 300 300L0.60 Si 0.0 ----75.040 G R elements ------0.75 >0.0 43.15 0.040 0.0 ≤2. 400L0.0 33.50 34.40 0. inch Grades ≤0.47 0.15 0.0 52.50 38.0 AS A187.42 0.42 0.50 ---1.040 0. In preparing this Standard.0 34.0 41.0 36.0 38.45 0. The Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) was commissioned at Port Kembla in 1972.040 S 0. for thickness of.0 36. The Standard covered plate in three levels of yield strength.5 250 40.0 50.0  48.50 0.0 Min 33. Canadian Standard C40.15_C as appropriate).0 >4.0 60.5 41.0 33. L15 500.0 50.0  46.0 36.0 34. 350L0.0 >0.0  >1.0 33.040 0. account was taken of the ASTM A242 and A588 Standards.0 41.0 300. The Chemical composition and Tensile properties specified are noted in Table 9.49 Yield and Tensile Properties: kip/in2 Plate Minimum Yield Stress.040 0.040 0.0 65.5 >0.0 ------------>1. for thickness of.23 0. 500L0.50 % Maximums P 0.50 1.15 0.040 0. 9 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2.0 53.50 ≤2. at 0_C or .20 0.5 ≤2. L15 C 0.0 41.1971: Structural Steels .040 0. L15 400.0 ----80. the grade designation used in this Standard was based on the minimum yield stress in MPa (rounded to 50 MPa) and a letter suffix L was introduced followed by 0 or 15 depending on the temperature at which the Charpy V notch impact tests were to be carried out (i.0 50.50 ≤1.42 0.0 70. A prefix of WR was used to indicate weather.20 0.1971 Chemical Composition (Ladle analysis): Grade 250 250L0.5 ≤0.Weather.040 0. L0. L0.50 36.375 ≤0.25 0.0  60.0 48.50 1. At the time of preparing this Standard these steels were supplied by AIS/BHP as AUS.resistant structural steel of high yield strength. 250L0 350. L15 45.0 60.75 ≤1. 50.70 0.460 - AS 1131.00 Cu 0.0 75.1973: Dimensions of Hot.1973 Grade 180 210 Thickness(mm) <6 ≥6 <6 ≥6 Minimum Yield Strength MPa Bend Test Only 180 Bend Test Only 210 Tensile Strength MPa Bend Test Only 310.40/1.25/0.0 AS 1204.1966.040 0. The new yield and tensile property requirements are noted in Table 10. Thickness units used were millimetres and the stress units used were expressed in Megapascals (MPa).1971 Standards respectively.1972: Structural Steels .1965 were eliminated in this revision as a result of comprehensive investigations carried out by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) and BHP.60 0.1971 Chemical Composition (Ladle analysis): Grade WR 350/1 WR 400/1 WR 500/1 WR 350/2 WR 400/2 WR 500/2 C Mn Si P 0. grade designation was changed to be based on minimum yield stress in Megapascals (MPa) (from minimum tensile strength in tons per square inch in AS A157).20/0.50 0.1965.50 Yield and Tensile Properties: Plate Grades Minimum Yield Stress (kip/in2 ) WR350* WR400* WR500* Sections and Bars: WR350* * and Derivatives. Both of 10 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2. JUNE 1999 .12 1.0 70.0 70.rolled Structural Steel Sections This Standard was prepared as a metric version of AS A1.06/0.040 0.35 0.Weather.0 60. This meant the new grade designations were 180 and 210.0 Minimum Tensile Strength (kip/in2 ) 70. AS 1204 and AS 1205 Standards were prepared as a metric version of the AS A186.45 Ni 0.70 0.Table 9: AS A187. Some of the sections from AS A1. In line with AS 1204 and AS 1205 Standards.15/0.Resistant Weldable Grades In 1972.040 Cr 0. Table 10: AS 1405.15 % Maximum or range S 0.20/0.Ordinary Weldable Grades.1972: Structural Steels .0 80.00 0.20/0.400 Bend Test Only 370.1973: Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Quality This Standard was prepared as a metric version of AS A157. AS 1405.1971 and AS A187.0 50. and AS 1205.19 1.45 0. rolled Structural Steel Sections This was a revision of AS 1131.1973. The number of grades of steel covered by this Standard were reduced to include only those grades which were readily available i. the product range was extended to cover strip and floorplate.Ordinary Weldable Grades This Standard was prepared as a revision of AS 1204.rolled or cold. In 1977.1971 Standard. Pilings and Bars for Structural Purposes This Standard was prepared as a metric version of AS A147. 400 and 500 were deleted. AS 1204.these studies showed that a number of sections could be eliminated without significantly decreasing the design efficiency. The specified tolerances gave a smoother rationalized tolerance system than the former system.1980: Structural Steels .1973. Grades 180 and 210 from AS 1405.1973: Tolerances for Hot. AS 1227. concurrently with the preparation of metric standards for structural steels.rolled and Cold.030 0. Table 11: AS 1204. Sections. The number of grades of steel covered by this Standard were reduced to include only those grades which were readily available i.1979: Dimensions of Hot. At the same time. No.alloying elements.1980: General Requirements for the Supply of Hot.rolled Unalloyed Low Carbon Steels This Standard was prepared to cover metric tolerances for steel plate. Sections Piling and Bars for Structural Purposes This Standard was prepared as a revision of AS 1227.rolled unalloyed low carbon steel supplied as coil or cut lengths.e. 1 Slabcaster was commissioned. AS 1227.030 Yield and Tensile Properties: Minimum Yield Strength (MPa) 200 C + Mn/6 0. 1 Open Hearth at Port Kembla works ceased operation and in 1978 the No. A number of sections.25 Minimum Tensile Strength (MPa) 300 AS 1205.1972 and AS 1405. especially tapered.1980: Structural Steels . It was intended to serve as a basis for hot.e. For the first time in Australian Standards. AS 1131.25 percent.rolled Steel Plates. particularly for steels with a maximum carbon content of 0.1974 and was intended to be used in conjunction with the Structural Steel Standards AS 1204 and AS 1205 as well as AS 1446 (Plates for General Engineering Purposes) and AS 1548 (Steel Plates for Boilers and Unfired Pressure 11 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2.15 0. which were no longer in production were deleted and new universal column sections were added.1980 Chemical Composition (Ladle analysis): % Maximums Grade C P S 200 0.1972. AS 1365.flange beams. grades 300.Weather.Resistant Weldable Grades This Standard was prepared as a revision of AS 1205. JUNE 1999 .1974: General requirements for the supply of Hot. a distinction was made between grain refining elements and micro.Rolled Steel Plates.1973 were replaced by a new grade 200 which had the Chemical and Tensile properties as noted in Table 11. sheet and strip. grades WR400 and WR500 and their derivatives were deleted. 15% and all steel made by this process was made to a fully.Vessels). AS 1205.and products supplied in coil form but zeds. 2 Slab. AS 2624. In July 1987.caster (fully. Floor. AS 1227. JUNE 1999 .1986 revision in which tolerances were specified on a process (Mill) basis. recognized the steepness ratio as an alternative means of expressing flatness and this was included only as a guide in Appendix A.1973 and the scope of the Standard was extended to cover slabs. a major revision of Australian Structural Steel standards took place. plates and floorplates. The six existing Standards which were consolidated in these new Standards were AS 1204. 1205 and 1227 Standards were amended. AS 1131 and AS 1594. AS 3679 covered Hot.1990.of.caster route. formability.rolled Steel Products This Standard was prepared as a revision of AS 1365. normalised.killed. this Standard was rarely used and was eventually withdrawn in 1996 when 100% of Australian plates were produced from the Slab. In 1986. This Standard now made provision for the supply of floorplate. Consequently.square of I. AS 3678 Standard was based on a Plate (reversing) mill product. As a result. The reason for a separate Standard for this purpose was that AS 1204.sections. tees and bulb angles were no longer included. (AIP). the No. The intention was that this Standard would cover all wide flat. This now meant that 100% of steel plate production in Australia was now via the slab.1986: Tolerances for Flat. all Flat Products (ie Plate.rolled steel products.killed steel) and some of the above requirements were incorporated in AS 3678. This resulted in significant improvement in weldability.rolled bars and sections and AS 1594 covered Hot Strip (continuous) Mill flat products. for the first time. In addition. In 1982. six existing Standards were consolidated into three new Standards. notch toughness characteristic and quality of steel.caster was commissioned at the Port Kembla plant. the intention of this Standard was to rationalise the Australian tank fabricators’ and users’ requirements into one Standard and to keep the costs of the material as low as possible and make the material readily available. This Standard. This meant all steel.making at Port Kembla now was by Basic Oxygen Steel. The major changes in this revision were tighter tolerances on flatness of plate and out. AS 1365. A standard multiplication factor of 1. The reason for this philosophy change was that control of properties and tolerances were very much dependent upon process (or Mill) characteristics and it made sense that product coming from the same Mill be combined together.making (BOS) process.killed fine grain steel.25%. Thickness and flatness tolerances specified here were for unalloyed carbon steels with a carbon content of less than or equal to 0.making practice. AS 1446.25%.1983: Steel plate and strip for the construction of Welded steel tanks for oil storage This standard was prepared to cover oil storage tanks requirements to suit Australian conditions. By this amendment. the typical Carbon levels on Structural steels came down from 0. No. A change in philosophy meant that Australian Structural Steel Standards now were process oriented rather than end use and subject oriented. 12 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2.21% to 0. (ii) some grade/thickness combinations being fully.1980 did not comply with the API 650 requirements of (i) Carbon and Carbon Equivalent limits. During 1989/1990.plate & Strip) tolerance tables from AS 1227 were deleted and AS 1204 and AS 1205 referred to AS 1365 for these tolerances. For various reasons. on request from Australian Institute of Petroleum Ltd. AS 1204. strip . 2 Open Hearth ceased operation. and (iii) API 650 impact testing frequency. This philosophy was also in line with the AS 1365.5 was used for low alloy steels and unalloyed steels with carbon greater than 0. Phopshorous and Sulphur were significantly reduced.1990: Hot. The impact tested derivatives were rationalized into one L15 grade. AS 1205 and AS 1227. Due to the uniformity of the slab.grain steel. “Determination of compliance” requirements (including those on Sampling.Mechanical Control Rolled steels. (L0 in case of WR350/1).1990: Hot. A new grade XK1016 was added as a replacement for the Ingot route grade K1022.1 by Amendment No. AS 1205. a new appendix B “Determination of compliance” requirements was added and Sampling.cast product. Testing frequency and re.thickness position testing was introduced so as to obtain consistent results and to eliminate controversy about the testing position through the thickness.rolled structural steel plates. testing frequency was reduced from a minimum of up to 4 tests per heat to up to 2 tests per heat. this Standard became AS 3679. In line with Standards Australia policy. the opportunity was taken to drastically rationalise AS 1446 grades (supplied to Chemical composition only) used in Australia. ladle and product analysis and limits on Carbon.bending and Hot.alloying elements was made by specifying limits on Niobium. floorplates and slabs - 13 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2. The term ‘Trimmed edge’ replaced the terms ‘Sheared edge’ & ‘Gas. In doing so.2. floorplates and slabs This Standard brought together the Plate Mill product requirements from parts of AS 1204.rolled structural steel bars and sections This Standard brought together AS 1131 and the Bars and Sections part of AS 1204. When AS 3679.cut edge’ and the term ‘Untrimmed edge’ replaced the terms ‘Mill edge’ & ‘Universal edge’. AS 3679.1 and AS 3679. AS 1227 and AS 1446 Standards. The other major changes were: Two grades 300 and 400 (maximum thickness = 50 mm) were re. JUNE 1999 . The maximum thickness on WR350/1 was increased to 50mm allowing for the elimination of WR350/2 grades. In line with Standards Australia policy. The Standard was based on parts of AS 1554. the recommendations in the Appendix specifying Cold. Limits were set on IIW (weldability) Carbon equivalent rather than (C+ Mn/6).1991: Structural steel Part 2: Welded sections This Standard was prepared as an extension of AS 3679 Part 1 to cover the range of welded sections produced at BHP’s Welded Products plant at Unanderra. For thick plate (>32 mm) quarter. AS 3679. Vanadium and Titanium.AS 3678. As 100% of the steel produced in Australia to this Standard was made from the slab.rolled structural steel plates. 1.1 Standards. AS/NZS 3678. Provision was made for a base through thickness tested grade with minimum reduction of area of 20%.forming performance of plate during fabrication were significantly improved.caster route and to a fully.killed fine.making practice. A further distinction between grain refining and micro. One set of limits were specified for both.introduced.tests requirements were moved to this Appendix. Testing frequency and re. The minimum Tensile strength requirement on 350 and WR 350 grades was reduced to 450 MPa (from 480MPa) to allow for the supply of better weldable Thermo.tests) were moved to Appendix B.2 was published in 1991 (see below). The plate feed for these sections was obtained from AS 3678 Standard.1996: Hot. 1.New Zealand Standard. AS/NZS 3679. 14 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2.1990. The chemical composition grades were further rationalized by eliminating grades XK1026.Structural steel Part 1: Hot. AS/NZS 3679. Since plate feed for these sections is obtained from AS/NZS 3678. K10B55 and K1073.1990. A Freedom from defects clause was revised to align with the two International Standards. A new grade 450 was added to a maximum thickness of 50 mm. The major changes of this revision were: In line with the Closer Economic Relations (CER) agreement. The suffix number 1 on WR350 grades was eliminated as the Standard now covered only one variation of carbon and phosphorus level. this was now a joint Australia.rolled bars and sections This Standard was prepared as a joint Australia / New Zealand Standard to supersede AS 3679.resistant (WR) grades were deleted as there was no demand for these grades in this product. The materials portion of this Standard now refers to AS/NZS 3678. The major changes of this revision were: Weather.Structural steel Part 2: Welded I sections This Standard was prepared as a joint Australia / New Zealand Standard to supersede AS 3679. ISO 7788: 1985 and EN 10163: 1991. the material specification part from this Standard was deleted.resistant (WR) grades were deleted as there was no demand for these grades in this product.2:1996 .1:1996 . Geometrical properties of sections were deleted as they were not considered part of this Standard.This Standard was prepared as a joint Australia / New Zealand Standard to supersede AS 3678.2. The major changes of this revision were: Weather. Geometrical properties of sections were deleted as they were not considered to be part of this Standard – ie such data was considered as proprietary information rather than being part of a Standard. Universal Bearing Piles and 690 & 760 Universal Beams were deleted.1991. JUNE 1999 . A.Resistant Weldable Grades AS 1204.rolled Steel Plates.Weather.1973 Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Quality AS 1131.Ordinary Weldable Grades AS A187.1979 Dimensions of Hot.rolled structural steel plates.1.rolled Unalloyed Low Carbon Steels AS 1227.1.33.1973 Dimensions of Hot. floorplates and slabs AS 3679.rolled Structural Steel Sections AS 1227. No.S. Bloom Mill and 36” Mill commissioned .1980 General Requirements for the Supply of Hot.1971 Structural Steels . A. A.Resistant Weldable Grades AS 1405.1966 Low and Intermediate Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Quality AS A186. 1 Open Hearth.1972 Structural Steels . Sections Piling and Bars for Structural Purposes AS 2624.Weather. Pilings and Bars for Structural Purposes AS A149.S.ATTACHMENT 1: SUMMARY (A) Australian Standards for Structural Steel A.1991 Structural steel Part 2: Welded sections AS/NZS 3678:1996Hot.1955 arbon Steel Plates for General Structural Engineering Purposes C A. Sections. No.Resistant Weldable Grades AS 1131.rolled and Cold.Ordinary Weldable Grades AS 1205.S.rolled structural steel plates.33.Ordinary Weldable Grades AS 1205. No.2:1996 Structural steel Part 2: Welded I sections (B) 1931 1954 1955 1956 1963 1972 1977 1978 1982 1986 Development of the Port Kembla Steelworks No. A. 2 Open Hearth ceased operation No.1990 Structural steel Part 1: Hot. No.1956 Structural Steel (Excluding Plates) and Rolled Steel Sections for Structural Purposes AS A.1937 arbon Steel Plates C A.1973 Tolerances for Hot. 2 Open Hearth commissioned Wide Plate Mill commissioned BOS commissioned No.rolled Steel shapes and Sections for Structural Purposes AS A147.1966 Structural Steel of High Yield Stress (Welding Quality) AS A157. 1 Slab. JUNE 1999 .1990 Hot.1971 Structural Steels .1965 Dimensions of Hot. floorplates and slabs AS/NZS 3679.2.1974 General requirements for supply of Hot.1965 Notch Ductile Steel for General Structural purposes AS A151.rolled Steel Plates.1965 General requirements for supply of Hot.Weather.1:1996 Structural steel Part 1: Hot.1928 (1931) Structural Steel and Australian Standard Rolled Steel Sections for Structural purposes.1980 Structural Steels .1986 Tolerances for Flat.rolled bars and sections AS 3679. Sections.Rolled Steel plates.1965 Mild Steel for General Structural purposes AS A135.First Steel made.rolled bars and sections AS/NZS 3679. Pilings and Bars for Structural Purposes AS 1204.1972 Structural Steels .rolled Structural Steel Sections AS 1365.rolled Steel Products AS 3678.1983 Steel plate and strip for the construction of Welded steel tanks for oil storage AS 1365. 1 Open Hearth ceased operation No. First Flat products produced Slab Mill and Hot Strip Mill commissioned No. A.1980 Structural Steels . 2 Slab caster commissioned 15 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2.S.caster commissioned No.1. 2 1131 1227 1204 1205 1446 1594 1365        3679        1992 AS 1204 1227 1204 1205 1365 1997 AS/NZS 1131 (B) <1989 AS <1989 to 1997 1989 AS 1996 AS/NZS 3679.1 3679. 2 A1 1131 1365 1990 AS 1991 AS 3679.1    3678   1594 3678 1594 1594 1365 16 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2. 1 A147 A147 1227 A149   A135 A186 1204  A151  A187 1205 A1:Pt.2 3679.ATTACHMENT 2: EVOLUTION OF AUSTRALIAN STANDARDS FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL (Standards in Bold indicate when the original Standard was introduced) (A) 1928 to 1986 1928/31 1937 1955 1956 1965 1966 1971 1972 1973 1974 1979 1980 1986 AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS A1(plt) A33 A1(Other) A33 A157 1405 A1:Pt. JUNE 1999 . Grade Equivalence of Obsolete Grades A1 A33 1928 1937 /1931 F E A1 D A33 A149 A135 A151 A157 1955 1965 1965 1966 1966 F E D 20 24 NDIA NDIIA NDIIIA NDIVA NDIB NDIIB NDIIIB NDIVB A186 1204 1405 1204 3678 1971 1972 1973 1980 1990 180 200 210 250 250 250 250 250L0 250L0 250L0 250L15 250L15 250L15 250L0 250L0 250L0 250L15 250L15 250L15 300 300 300L0 300L0 300L15 300L15 350 350 350 350L0 350L0 350L0 350L15 350L15 350L15 400 400 400L0 400L0 400L15 400L15 500 500 500L0 500L0 500L15 500L15 3678 1996 A149 200 200 250 250 250 250 250L15 250L15 250L15 250L15 250L15 250L15 300 300L15 300L15 350 350L15 350L15 400 400L15 400L15 250L15 250L15 300 300L15 300L15 350 350L15 350L15 400 400L15 400L15 450 450L15 A B C D 17 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2.ATTACHMENT 3: AUSTRALIAN STRUCTURAL STEEL PLATE . JUNE 1999 . TEN 60/2L0 WR400/2L0 AUS.TEN 50/1L0 A187.TEN 50/2L0 WR350/2L0 AUS.TEN 60/2L15 WR400/2L15 AUS.TEN 60/2 WR400/2 AUS.TEN 50/1 AUS.TEN 70/2 WR500/2 AUS.TEN 60/1L0 WR400/1 WR400/1L0 AUS.TEN 70/1 AUS.TEN 50/2 WR350/2 AUS.1990 3678.1971 WR350/1 WR350/1L0 1205.TEN 50/2L15 WR350/2L15 AUS.TEN 70/1L0 WR500/1 WR500/1L0 AUS.TEN 70/2L0 WR500/2L0 AUS.1996 WR350/1 WR350 WR350/1L0WR350L0 AUS.Grade Equivalence of Obsolete Grades BHP GRADES AUS.1980 WR350/1 WR350/1L0 WR350/2 WR350/2L0 WR350/2L15 3678.RESISTANT STRUCTURAL STEEL PLATE .TEN 70/2L15 WR500/2L15 - 18 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2.TEN 60/1 AUS.1972 WR350/1 WR350/1L0 WR350/2 WR350/2L0 WR350/2L15 WR400/1 WR400/1L0 WR400/2 WR400/2L0 WR400/2L15 WR500/1 WR500/1L0 WR500/2 WR500/2L0 WR500/2L15 1205.ATTACHMENT 4: AUSTRALIAN WEATHER. JUNE 1999 . D European American EN 10025.G - 3101.SM520B.A 3101. G4 A572. JUNE 1999 .0 E235A.345 A573.SM490A 3106. D 520 540 550 450 450L15 S355J0 S355J2G3.450 A242 A242 A573.415 E275A.SS490 3106.290 Japanese JIS.450 - 19 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2.400 S275JR A283.SM490YB 3106. C 3106.C - S275J0 S275J2G3.B S235J0 S235J2G3. B E235C.SM490YA 3106.H - 480 490 3101.ATTACHMENT 5: STRUCTURAL STEEL PLATE .SS400 3101.SS330 S235JRG2 A283.C A36 A573.D A572.SM400A 3101. C 3101.SM490B.SS540 A572.SPA. D Australian International AS/NZS ISO 630 3678 200 E185. B E275C.ASTM S185 A283. G4 A572.485 3125. G4 A283.INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS COMPARISON Tensile Strength (MPa) 290 300 310 330 340 380 400 410 250 250L15 430 450 300 300L15 350 350L15 WR350 WR350L0 400 400L15 S355JR E355C.SM400B. No. ASTM & JIS) international Standards which are equivalent to current Australian Pressure vessel steel plate grades.forming as well as cold.forming MATERIAL STANDARDS PROGRESSION A.58. The major change in the 1988 revision was the introduction of an interchangeable 7. This was obviously too much for the tonnage supplied to the Australian industry to gain any economy of scale and. As most of these changes are as a result of the development of the steel industry in Australia. For the benefit of the readers and steel users the following attachments are included: Attachment 1: Summary This includes: (A) Australian Standards for Pressure Vessel steel plate. grades and delivery conditions could be supplied. 2 and 6) and the introduction of suffixes R. As a result. Unfired Pressure Vessels and their Appurtenances This is the first Australian Standard for Carbon Steel Plates for Boilers and Pressure Vessels prepared by the Standards Association of Australia (SAA). The evolutionary process reveals the Standard expanded until the 1968 revision such that. Attachment 3: Australian Boiler & Pressure Vessel Plate . The Standard included 3 classes. NSW. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to document the history of changes that have taken place in the Australian Standard for Pressure Vessel Steel Plate. major developments/plant commissioning in the steel industry are also listed. BHP Flat Products. The major change in the 1981 revision was the elimination of Coarse. as many as 264 combinations of steel types. N and A to indicate plate delivery and test piece heat. reasons for such changes are given. It was prepared to assist the stabilization of the quality and dimensions of various types of plate rolled in Australia. Additionally. 1 Standards Metallurgist. 2. JUNE 1999 .460R grade whereby plates from this grade could be used for both . due to the commissioning of the Slab.caster at the Port Kembla steelworks. and (B) Developments of Australian Steel industry. EN. Attachment 2: Australian Pressure Vessel Steel Plate – Grade Equivalence of Obsolete Grades This attachment lists the Pressure Vessel steel grades that replaced old grades or grades that were added or deleted in the new Standard and their equivalence.Grained steels (types 1.Equivalent International Grades This attachment gives a table of the grades from four (ISO. 1 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2. two steel types (3 and 4) and some strength levels from other steel types were deleted from the revision. Port Kembla. from the 1974 revision onwards.S. Australia. B.treatment condition.1937: Carbon Steel Plates for Boilers. the emphasis was on rationalisation.THE EVOLUTION OF AUSTRALIAN MATERIAL STANDARDS FOR PRESSURE VESSEL STEEL PLATE by S Kotwal1 1. further rationalisation and other major changes to the Standard were made in the 1981 and 1988 revisions. from the 1968 Edition. Only the significant changes have been listed and. wherever possible. to meet the needs of industry. mud. The chemical analysis limits specified were the same as in the previous edition.32 (432. buttstraps and gussets.58. Class B for Flanging plates and Class C for Pressing plates some properties of which are noted in Table 1.32 (432.30 (400.58. manhole doors.1937 and was initiated so that the range of tensile strengths could be increased up to a maximum of 36 tons per sq.30%. the following provisos were added: When plates were intended for use above 700_F (371_C).S. in.boxes. Carbon on heat or cast analysis shall not exceed 0. Fireboxes of locomotive boilers.36 (493.28 (370. Deep pressing.S.432) 24.drums. G and J were added in this revision. Further. Silicon shall be 0. (MPa) 32.34 (462. Boiler & Unfired Pressure vessel shells and ends. The only chemical analysis limits specified were Phosphorus and Sulphur contents not to exceed 0.1958: Carbon Steel Plates for Boilers.493) 26.462) 24. G or A. if the carbon exceeds 0.10% minimum and must be ordered to one of the (high strength) classes H.05%. However.e. i. No.28 (370. which wanted to use higher tensile plates to reduce the weight of boilers and pressure vessels. in.1968: Steel Plates for Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels - 2 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2. New grades H. Phosphorus and Sulphur not to exceed 0.524) 28. Typical uses for these plates were: Class H and G Class A and B Class C Plates Class J Plates Boiler & Unfired Pressure vessel shells. No.432) Minimum Elongation Percent 20 20 20 23 23 25 AS B250. B.1958 Yield Strength Tons per sq.5”. The Standard now included 6 classes (grades) of steel as noted in Table 2. If the steel plates covered by this specification were to be welded.S. in (MPa) Class H Class G Class A Class B Class C Class J 50% of UTS 50% of UTS 50% of UTS 50% of UTS 50% of UTS 13 (201) Ultimate Tensile Strength Tons per sq. Table 2: A. Table 1: A. special precautions in welding may need to be taken. No.555) 30. B.26% and thickness exceeds 1.493) 26.432) Minimum Elongation Percent 20 23 23 A.30 (400.B.462) 24.Class A for Shell plates.S. Unfired Pressure Vessels and their Appurtenances This was the revision of A. (MPa) 28. These plates were not to be used at temperatures exceeding 900_F (482_C). No.28 (370.58.05% each.58. combustion chambers and furnaces exposed to flame. in Class A Class B Class C 50% of UTS 50% of UTS 50% of UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength Tons per sq.1937 Yield Strength Tons per sq. in. where the plates may be flanged or dished fire worked or fire welded and furnaces exposed to flame. cross. JUNE 1999 . The British numbering system was not used principally because BS 1501 material was normally supplied in the normalized condition whereas AS B250 material was normally supplied in the as.1958 and was based on BS1501:1964. The steel types and grades covered in sections 1 to 7 are noted in Table 3.killed) Carbon. a letter indicating whether an elevated temperature properties were required (H).1974: Steel Plates for Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels This Standard was prepared as a revision and a metric version of AS B250. 32R.S. and Appendix B provided information on the influence of fabrication and heat treatment on mechanical properties.treated) Carbon. 430 430 490.28. 28 26. In this revision an opportunity was taken to rationalize the various grades of steel.rolled condition.Manganese steel (semi. 32 AS 1548. 1 Slabcaster which was commissioned in 1978 and all the steels produced 3 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2. the letter L together with temperature A (ambient) or X (at or below 0_C) indicating whether a low temperature impact test is required . The grade of steel represented the minimum tensile strength in MPa (N/mm2 ).killed) Carbon.killed niobium. Creep rupture properties for some of the materials covered in this Standard were given in Appendix A.killed) Carbon steel (silicon. Semi. 28 28.1970 covered Sections and Bars (AS B251 was replaced by AS 1750 in 1975 which was eventually withdrawn in September 1988 due to lack of demand in this product range).killed niobium.treated) Carbon. AS B250:7.Manganese steel (silicon. 32 32.1968 Steel type Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Carbon steel (semi.Manganese steel (fully.treated) Grades 26. 36R 28. The grade designation was made up of the Standard Number (AS B 250). In line with the ISO TC11 agreement. In preparation of this edition. consideration was given to BHP’s No.Manganese steel (silicon. Accordingly.1974.28L20.Manganese steel (silicon. The steel types and grades covered in this revised Standard are noted in Table 4.This Standard was a revision of A. 28 26.killed niobium.1974 Steel type Section 1 Section 2 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Carbon steel (semi. This Standard had eight sections. in this revision.Manganese steel (fully.killed aluminium.Manganese steel (silicon. Section 0 listed the general requirements for sections 1 to 7 which covered seven different steel types.treated) Carbon.treated) Grades 400.killed) AS B250:1. AS B250 covered plate product and AS B251.killed steels of types 3 and 4 and some grades from other types of steels were deleted mainly due to lack of demand by industry.killed) Carbon steel (silicon. B. 490R 490 430 AS 1548. elevated temperature proof stress properties were specified where appropriate. Table 3: AS B250. Grade of steel (tensile strength minimum in tonf/in2 ).1981: Steel Plates for Boilers and Pressure Vessels This Standard was prepared as a revision of AS 1548. Table 4: AS 1548.58.Manganese steel (semi.killed aluminium.killed) Carbon.32H. AS B250:7.1968. or (ii) on the basis of actual representative hot tensile tests on samples taken from the plates. and provision was made to supply these steels either with the elevated temperature proof stress properties by (i) certified on a statistical basis. 32 28. JUNE 1999 .killed) Carbon. Type of Steel (1 to 7). This was supposed to reduce the steel. The A designation plates are also used where the vessel is to be hot. Steel type 8 was deleted and two new grades 460 and 490 were added to the steel type 7. As all steels now were produced from the slab.1981 Suffix Plate condition R N A As Rolled Normalized As Rolled Test piece condition Stress.490. 7. 2.490R. to a fully.7.through this process were made to a fully.killed fine.Relieved Normalized + Stress. In addition. applications Hot forming (dished ends) AS 1548.5 tonnes to above a mass of 5 tonnes) because of the greater product consistency of the slab.gauge” their vessel thickness and bring benefits to 490 grade users in - 4 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2. Because of the deletion of grade 6.grain steel. thus avoiding the additional costs of normalized plate. As the weldability of this grade was expected to be the same as the 7. except that it was thought that to achieve 490 MPa tensile strength it would be necessary to add small quantities of Copper and Nickel to the type 7 steel. the coarse. The 8. The other changes that were introduced in this revision were: The deletion of a bend test requirement.430 and 8.making variations and help in heat building and sequence casting.490.490 and 5.32 grade (this grade was .caster. The deletion of steel types 1.430 grade. the Standard also made provision for the supply of plates in the normalized (N) condition for R and A designations.making practice this test was of deemed to be of less relevance as the test always passed. 3 etc.460. it would enable 430 grade users to “down.grained steel. As a result of discussion with the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Manufacturers Association of Australia (BPVMAA) and Standards Australia ME/1 Committee members a number of major changes were made in this revision. These included: One set of limits were specified for both cast and product Chemical Analysis.1988: Steel Plates for Boilers and Pressure Vessels This Standard was prepared as a revision of AS 1548.Relieved Typical uses Cold forming (vessel shells) Low temp.deleted in the previous revision).killed fine.caster product.relieving of all test pieces was introduced.1981. 2 and 6 were deleted from the Standard. As a result the committee decided to call this steel. The addition of suffix R.rolled plate in all respects. as normalizing was seen as producing better properties than as.490 grade was really the same as AS B250.manganese steel with the possibility of rationalizing the whole Boiler and Pressure Vessel market into this grade. This opportunity was taken to simplify the format of the Standard which meant that a section number (1. ) was no longer associated with the steel type. a type 8 steel and introduced the grade 8. N or A to the grade designation indicating the condition of the supplied plate and that of the test piece as noted in Table 5. there was no technical reason why they could not use that plate in place of R or A designation plate. The reduction in the tensile and impact testing frequency (from an additional test per as produced plate above a mass of 2. BHP Steel had developed this grade as a weldable carbon. This rationalisation was achieved through negotiations with the Boiler and Pressure vessel Manufacturer’s Association of Australia (BPVMAA).Relieved Stress. Since this method produced a better quality steel and was seen as a preferred method of pressure vessel plate production.490. Hence.490 was added to the Standard. Table 5: AS 1548. if a customer has N designation plate in stock. The new grade 7.making practice. The mandatory stress. JUNE 1999 . a new grade 8.460 was based on ISO 2604 part IV grade P15 and BS 1501: Part 1 Grade 224. 2 and 6 meant that the only grades and steel types left in the Standard were 5.grained steel types 1.formed after fabrication. killed fine.terms of reduction in material preheating and fabrication costs which. may be supplied in the TMCR condition thus eliminating the cost of normalizing a plate to achieve these properties.40_C) in normalized Carbon. subject to agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. thus not affecting its interchangeability.50_C were included for 7. Hence. 5 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2. L0 specification was superfluous for this type of steel.1988. Provision was made for grades 7. fully. At the request of BPVMAA. The subsurface impact test position for plates >32mm thick was amended to specify tests in the quarter thickness position. This meant that.verification option. For patterns (as. RH and A.1991 and EN 10028. would outweigh the estimated 6% reduction in strength. The rolling procedure used for this interchangeability is also known as “Normalize.produced plates) greater than 5 tonnes. In addition to R.Manganese steels without small amounts of Niobium addition and therefore a Niobium addition of up to 0. the testing frequency for tensile and impact tests was reduced from two tests (front and back end) to one test (either end). produced from the slab. This was possible because of the uniformity of Slab.20_C and below). Impact tests in the transverse direction were not included in this Standard but provision was made for such tests . The intention was that some of the impact tested plate (L20 and below) which could only be supplied in the normalized condition in the past. this addition was not permitted to R.tolerance was specified. This approach aligns with that of ISO 9328. The impact energy values on RL0 grades were increased to bring them in line with those of the pressure equipment code AS 1210. with three levels of reduction of area requirements. Additional revisions included: The verification option for elevated temperature properties and the former Appendix C.1992. N and A. the concept of The ME/1 Committee recognized that it was difficult to achieve good impact properties (especially at and below . JUNE 1999 .grain steels from the slab.caster.caster will always meet a minimum of L20 requirement..relieved ) designated grades. an appendix was added to the Standard which gave procedures for establishing the “interchangeability” of grade designations R and A for type 7 (Carbon.1980 and would help in achieving consistent results and avoid controversy of different parties testing from different through. a NIL thickness under.relieved tests).460R grade plate under this appendix. both of which do not allow a . The Standard now allowed impact tests for less than 7mm thick plate by agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. In this revision.2. A provision was made to supply through thickness tested grades. Impact tests at 0_C were excluded from N (Normalized) and A (Normalized and Stress.mechanically Controlled Rolled (TMCR) Plate. AH grades of this steel type.460R to be impact tested at 0_C.490 grade. they can then supply these plates as interchangeable. interchangeability was extended to 7. as it was considered that in these heat treatment conditions.490 grades for N and A designations.caster product.2.2 of EN 10028 Part 2. However.430R and 7. AS 1548.025% was permitted to type 7 steels (at temperatures . to some extent.manganese) steels. BHP was acknowledged as a supplier of Interchangeable 7. the European Standard for steel for pressure purposes.1995: Steel Plates for Pressure Equipment This Standard was prepared as a revision of AS 1548.460 and 7. As a result of extensive data analysis and discussion between BHP and Committee ME/1 members.2.relieved tests) can also meet the properties in the A condition (normalized and Stress.tolerance of AS 1548 in line with BS 1501 and was expected to assist in the acceptance of Australian pressure vessel plate and pressure vessels in New Zealand. provided the plate manufacturer by presentation of data establishes that their R designation plate (stress. Impact tests at . a designation T was introduced for Thermo. This was in line with BS 1501: Part 1.thickness positions as could happen when specified only as 3 mm below surface. which gave charts for verification of elevated temperature proof tests were deleted.rolled” and is now also covered by clause 8. This brought the thickness under. A new clause A6 was added so that distributors and users can carry out additional testing (e.relieved.000 hours . The creep values for 5.g.g.430/460 grades. In doing so. As a result. without the stress relieving treatment. if the vessels are not to be stress. JUNE 1999 .1991 and . these values are lower than those for 7. These two Standards do not give creep values for Type 5 (Niobium bearing) steels.2.2.430/460 grades in some cases.490 grade were based on either historical data or calculated as 95% of 7.were added.EN 10028. 7.000 hours and 250. Appendix D. additional creep values for 10. was updated and aligned with ISO 9328. Creep Rupture Properties. 6 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2. elevated temperature test or impact test) on base grade plate in stock (e.460R).1992. 1 Slab.58. JUNE 1999 . No. First Flat products produced Slab Mill and Hot Strip Mill commissioned No. No. Bloom Mill and 36” Mill commissioned . B. S. 2 Slab caster commissioned 7 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2.First Steel made.1937 Carbon Steel Plates for Boilers. S. 1 Open Hearth ceased operation No.1958 Carbon Steel Plates for Boilers.1968 Steel Plates for Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels AS 1548. Unfired Pressure Vessels and their Appurtenances AS B250. 2 Open Hearth commissioned Wide Plate Mill commissioned BOS commissioned No. 2 Open Hearth ceased operation No. B.1988 Steel Plates for Boilers and Pressure Vessels AS 1548.1995 Steel Plates for Pressure Equipment (B) 1931 1954 1955 1956 1963 1972 1977 1978 1982 1986 Development of Port Kembla Steelworks No. 1 Open Hearth.1974 Steel Plates for Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels AS 1548.caster commissioned No.58.1981 Steel Plates for Boilers and Pressure Vessels AS 1548. Unfired Pressure Vessels and their Appurtenances A.ATTACHMENT 1: SUMMARY (A) Australian Standards for Pressure Vessel Steel Plate A. ------.26 3.------.430 ---.32 5.ATTACHMENT 2: AUSTRALIAN PRESSURE VESSEL STEEL PLATE .490 5.490 ------7.---1.26 1.460 ---5.---7. J B A B58 1958 C.------.490R .430 .---5..26 2.32 5.32 5.28 2..------.460 ---5..490 5.490 ...------------------------------7.---...36R ---.430 .28 ---4.430 7. J B A B250 1548 1548 1548 1548 1968 1974 1981 1988 1995 ---1.---1.490 ------------------------------7..430 7.490 ------7.32 7..---.28 3.28 6.. JUNE 1999 .400 .2.6...430 7..32R 6.Grade Equivalence of Obsolete Grades Minimum Tensile Strength (MPa) 370 400 430 B58 1937 C.28 4..8.490 ---.490 ---- 460 490 G H G H 550 --- --- 8 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2.28 7. 2.415 A516.A A285.3.SPV355 - 3103.2.G P235 P265 .SPV315 A516.P275N - 430 460 490 7.2 European EN 10028 American ASTM A285. JUNE 1999 .380 A662.B 3126.SGV450 A516.490 P290 P315 .SGV410 3126.SGV480 A537.B A285.460 7.A Japanese JIS .430 7.P355GH - A515.P265GH .485 3118.SLA235 3126.SB450 A515.P235GH .P295GH - 520 5.SB480 A515.450 3118.2.490 - P355 .SPV235 3118.ATTACHMENT 3: AUSTRAIAN BOILER & PRESSURE VESSEL PLATE .B 3103.2.CL1 A737.SB410 3115.485 3115.450 A662.3.SLA360 A299 3115.C 3103.P355N .415 A662.Equivalent International Grades Tensile Strength (MPa) 310 340 360 380 400 Australian AS 1548 International ISO 9328.C A516.SLA325 - 9 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2. which is roughly equivalent to Fe. 50. Australia. 6. Other sizes and grades are available or could be imported. and 55 thick in Grade 250 and 350. Grade 350 is stocked in the same standard thicknesses from 5 to 50. 32.0 to 610UB125 (610 deep and 125kg/m). JUNE 1999 . 6. 110. 180.A SUMMARY FOR DESIGNERS OF HEAVY STEEWLORK by R H Keays1 1. 2. 225. Also available in reasonable quantities is Grade 350. 40. obtain a copy of the BHP “Hot Rolled and Structural Steel Products” catalogue. 25. and Universal Columns from 310UC158 down to 100UC14. 45. 18. 5. 36. 1 Keays Engineering. 120. Equal Angles from 25x25x3 to 200x200x26 and Unequal Angles from 65x50x5 to 150x100x12 are stocked. (b) a minimum purchase quantity may be demanded.360. 15. 180. Thicknesses stocked in Grade 250 are 5.510. 12mm thickness in Grade 250 only.rolled angles and channels. This is roughly equivalent to ISO Fe. Plates 28. and 60. 230.stock from steel merchants throughout Australia. 22. 200. 1 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2. 3. PLATE The common variety of structural plate is Grade 250 (yield 250MPa). Taper flange beams are available at 100 and 125 deep only. 12. 60. 100. 70 and 80 thick in Grade 350 are available to order. Note that common European thicknesses 14.board surface pattern) is available in 3.STEEL STOCKED IN AUSTRALIA .ROLLED SECTIONS These are produced in a BHP Proprietary material called “300PLUS”. 100. Standard lengths from 9m to 18m in 1. 90. 380. but (a) delivery times may be months.8. 70. Melbourne. Victoria. Universal Beams are produced in standard depths and several weights from 150UB14. If there is extensive use of rolled sections. 300. which has a nominal yield of 300MPa. 250. 8. 30.plate girders and on the light side by cold. 16. The range is limited. 150.5m increments are stocked. and (c) cost is likely to be higher. HOT. Floor plate (with a checker. but supplemented on the heavy side by 3. 20. 125. The standard structural variety has 690MPa yield and 790MPa ultimate. The sizes and grades of steel outlined here are readily available ex. 80. 140 and 150. 10. Parallel flange channels are available in depths 75. Heavy plate to XK1016 chemistry (no guarantee of mechanical properties. but roughly equal to Grade 250) is stocked in thicknesses 160. 250. and 75mm are not produced or stocked. 200. There is a range of quenched and tempered plates (called “Bisalloy”) available. 8. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this note is to provide a brief summary that can be given to overseas designers at the start of a project for Australian fabrication. 10. 150x50. 100. 200. 4340. with dimensions in mm. but there is a range of sizes made for stock by BHP. FLAT BARS Flat bars are available in an extensive range of width/thickness combinations. are stocked in sizes up to 360 diameter in a variety of alloys. En25. 35. 89. Structural pipe is cold. Some 250x16 square hollow section is imported from the UK. with a yield strength of 350MPa. 75. in the along. 5. 50. PIPE (CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS) Generally. 5. Detail draftsmen will select from that range for connection cleats to minimise fabrication effort. not Grade 300PLUS. - 2 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2. K1045. Common grades are CS1020. Girders are fabricated from plate with 300MPa nominal yield. and 12m above that. If Grade 300 or 350 material is essential. 8.forming a steel with an ultimate strength of 430MPa. A limited range of Imperial 12” to 20” RHS and SHS sections to ASTM A500 Grade C (345MPa yield) are imported from the USA. 100x50. If the welded sections are to interface directly to other sections. 50x25.4. Plate with 400MPa yield is also available to special order. The sections are denoted WB and WC (for Welded Beam and Welded Column) and are stocked in sizes from 700WB115 to 900WB282 and 350WC197 to 400WC361. 6 and 9 (but not all for all sizes). ROUND BARS Round bars for pins. obtain details of the tolerances on section dimensions. A wide range of hard metric sizes are available.formed and welded.PLATE GIRDERS Fabricators can make 3. Wall thicknesses are 3. web alignment. designers should assume connection plates and flats are Grade 250. 150. 65x35. and straightness (from AS3679. Rectangular hollow sections are 250x150. 30. Square hollow sections are available in depths 25. These are generally cheaper than special fabrications. as fabricators are liable to substitute plate where flat bar is not readily available. Take care not to specify Grade 350 for welded round bar unless this is absolutely essential. as it is not readily available. 150x100. THREE.plate girders to suit particular applications. En26. Wherever possible. 65. Weldable round and square bars up to 60 diameter are readily available in Grade 300PLUS. individual parts should be annotated. 4140.pipe direction. with Grade 300PLUS regularly stocked. and ultimate of 430MPa. 6. En36. as these are higher than one might expect. 7. Stock lengths are 8m up to 89x89. Yield of 350MPa is achieved by cold. 75x25. Further information and full dimensions are in the BHP catalogue. and K1045 may be supplied in an attempt to achieve the strength properties. 75x50. 4. pipe should be specified on drawings by “Outside diameter x Wall thickness CHS”. 125x75. 50x20. Larger sizes up to 1200WB455 and 500WC440 are produced with a 6 week lead time. 250. shafts etc.2). 40. 200x100. JUNE 1999 . 125. RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS These are supplied as Grade C350. and held in stock at merchants. with yield at 80% of that. 139. 9. bolts. 406.8 is 800MPa ultimate. 80.Outside diameters are the common Imperial diameters used in pressure piping (60. With the latter.1252. with cross bars at 100 centres. 76. 11. Lightly. M30.8. 13.rolled sheet metal sections. A reasonable range of wall thicknesses up to API XS in diameters up to 457mm is widely stocked. SECTIONS FOR LIGHT. but can leave component design to the fabricator’s shop detail draftsmen. which is similar to ASTM A325. There are specialist suppliers who hold limited quantities of heavier wall pipe (generally XXS and Schedules 60. M20.8 to AS.Grade 8. It is suggested that overseas designers delegate responsibility for purlin and cladding design to a local consultant familiar with Australian loading codes and available purlin and cladding sections. and changes will occur from time to time. Naturally. the steel industry is dynamic. 120) in diameters up to 813mm. This is suitable for spans up to 1000mm with 10kPa loading.wall and cold. and are normally sized from tables produced by the manufacturers. The Grade naming follows European conventions .loaded welds can be nominated as “General Purpose” (GP).9 bolts.WEIGHT STRUCTURES There are a number of thin. or welded mesh grating. 3 STEEL CONSTRUCTION VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2. Access stairs and ladders and maintenance platforms must comply with Australian Standard AS. and Ladders”.weight structures. and a design strength of 75% of the normal SP welds. M24.9. ROOF PURLINS AND CLADDING Roof purlins are normally cold. Some are prepainted or galvanized to give medium. Walkways. From 600 OD and over. 457mm).6 and 8. Designers should specify arrangements.9 and 12. Stairways.rolled sections available on the Australian market for application to light. and nominate welds as “Structural Purpose” (SP). the common size is 25x3 load bars at 40mm centres. 10.3. These have yield strengths in the range 350 to 550MPa. with an actual ultimate of 830MPa. It is also possible to find Grade 10. BOLTS Nuts. 114. 12. M36 Grade 8. JUNE 1999 . 88. 324. but not in large quantities. pipe can be fabricated for the job from standard plate. Seek advice from the Australian Institute of Steel Construction or a local steel merchant before freezing the design. Platforms and walkways are usually floor plate (see earlier). LATEST INFORMATION This list has been prepared to provide initial guidance to designers without experience of Australian steel stock and fabrication practices.1657 “Fixed Platforms. WELDING Fillet welds are measured by leg length. For structural bolts use M16. 273. 219. 168.3. For ordinary structural welding specify E48xx electrodes (ultimate tensile of weld metal is 480MPa). not throat thickness.term corrosion protection without further treatment. Depart from these guidelines if there are significant economies in special sections. and washers are readily available in Grade 4. which has a relaxed inspection standard. 356.1.
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