Australia Tourist Visa Checklist



AMBASADA AUSTRALIJE, BEOGRADTURISTICKA VIZA - LISTA DOKUMENATA (ovaj dokument se nalazi na:  VAZNO: PRILIKOM PODNOSENJA VASE MOLBE ZA POSETU AUSTRALIJI DOSTAVITE SVA DOLE NAVEDENA DOKUMENTA. UKOLIKO NE DOSTAVITE SVA DOKUMENTA, VASA MOLBA MOZE BITI ODBIJENA.  VAZNO: UZ DOLE NAVEDENA DOKUMENTA OBAVEZNO JE DOSTAVITI I PREVOD NA ENGLESKI JEZIK.  TAKSA ZA OBRADU MOLBE 48R za turisticku vizu u kategoriji 676 (poseta do tri meseca i preko tri meseca).  Formular Molimo da obavezno odgovorite na sva pitanja i da potpisete formular  Dodatni UPITNIK potpisan – molimo da obavezno odgovorite na sva pitanja.  Cetiri FOTOGRAFIJE pasoskog formata koje nisu starije od godinu dana. biometrijske stranice vaseg pasosa koja sadrzi vasu fotografiju i koja pokazuje da je pasos vazeci tokom  Kopiju vaseg planiranog perioda boravka u Australiji. POSECUJETE RODJAKA ILI PRIJATELJA U AUSTRALIJI - dokaz o australijskom drzavljanstvu ili stalnom boravku  Ako kao i pismena izjava da ce snositi troskove vaseg smestaja, pruziti finansijsku i zdravstvenu pomoc te da cete napustiti Australiju pre isteka vize. vas RODJAK ILI PRIJATELJ obezbedjuje finansije za vase putovanje i boravak u Australiji, neophodno je da dostavi  Ukoliko dokaz novijeg datuma da tu obavezu moze i da ispuni (npr. izvod iz banke, dokaz o placenom porezu, pismo poslodavca /izvestaj o primanjima itd). ste zaposleni, pismo novijeg datuma VASEG POSLODAVCA u kojem je naveden vas licni dohodak, od kada ste  Ako zaposleni, na kom radnom mestu radite, period odobrenog odsustva sa posla i informaciju da li cete biti u radnom odnosu nakon povratka iz Australije. Ako ste vlasnik firme, dostavite potvrdu o registraciji firme kao i dokaz o placenom porezu ili potvrda o bonitetu firme.  Dokaz o IMOVINSKOM STANJU/nekretninama (vlasnicki list). sami snosite troskove puta i boravka u Australiji, dokaz da imate PRISTUP FINANSIJAMA. Dokaz moze biti u vidu  Ako izvoda iz banke (novijeg datuma) koji pokazuje stanje na vasem racunu u poslednjih 6 meseci, izvestaj o primanjima.  Gotovina kao dokaz nije prihvatljiva. Ako ste UCENIK/STUDENT, potvrda od skole/fakulteta da ste redovan ucenik/student i da vam je odobreno odsustvo sa nastave, kao i indeks. imate manje od 18 godina, ili ako je dete mladje od 18 godina ukljuceno u vasu molbu:  Ako  IZVOD IZ MATICNE KNJIGE RODJENIH za dete.   Ako dete putuje samo ili sa jednim roditeljem - saglasnost oba roditelja. Ova saglasnost mora biti overena u sudu, opstini, australijskoj ambasadi ili australijskom konzulatu. imate 75 ili vise godina moracete da obavite lekarski pregled da bi se ustanovilo da li ste sposobni za put.  Ukoliko U toku obrade molbe obavesticemo vas kako i gde da obavite taj pregled. financial assistance and your departure from Australia before your authorised stay expires.  Evidence of your PROPERTY AND ASSETS. potrebno je da dostavite pismenu saglasnost. This could include a recent Taxation Assessment Notice. VISITING A RELATIVE OR FRIEND IN AUSTRALIA . Cash held is not acceptable evidence of funds. AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY BELGRADE TOURIST VISA .  NAPOMENA: Ukoliko zelite da treca osoba (agent. rodjaci ili osoba koju nameravate da posetite) dobija informacije o vasem predmetu. a recent bank statement or a recent letter from their employer stating their income level. You must provide a letter from your employer confirming your  Evidence length of employment. Zdravstveno  Ako osiguranje mozete dostaviti nakon sto obradimo vase lekarske nalaze.  Four passport sized PHOTOGRAPHS – less than one year old.serbia. .please ensure all questions are answered and the  FORM form is signed. If you are self employed please provide evidence that your company is registered with the appropriate authorities. salary and position.evidence of Australian Citizenship or permanent residence  Ifforyouthatareperson and a statement about whether he/she is prepared to guarantee your accommodation.DOCUMENT CHECKLIST (available on www.  VISA QUESTIONNAIRE – please ensure all questions are answered and the questionnaire is signed. you are meeting the costs of your travel and stay in Australia. IF YOU DO NOT PROVIDE ALL OF THE DOCUMENTS.imate 75 ili vise godina ZDRAVSTVENO OSIGURANJE za ceo period vaseg boravka u  PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU PROVIDE ALL OF THE DOCUMENTS LISTED BELOW WHEN YOU LODGE YOUR TOURIST VISA APPLICATION. YOUR APPLICATION MAY BE REFUSED.For a standard short or long stay tourist visa application . This should include ownership documents for property. EVIDENCE OF FUNDS in the form of a recent  Ifbank statement showing transactions for a 6 month period preceding this application .gov. This letter should also state how much paid leave you have been granted and whether your employer guarantees that you will have a job on your return. your relative or friend will be financially supporting your travel to and stay in Australia. and that it is currently operational. of your EMPLOYMENT STATUS AND INCOME. you must provide evidence of your  IfRELATIVE OR FRIEND’S INCOME.embassy.  IT IS ALSO IMPORTANT THAT ALL DOCUMENTS ARE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION  Evidence of payment of the VISA APPLICATION CHARGE 48R. of your passport bio data page showing your photograph and passport validity for your proposed period  Aof copy stay in Australia. . you must provide:  If youchild’s BIRTH CERTIFICATE. we must have written consent from you to liaise with that person. or any third person is seeking  Please information about your application. family member in Australia or in your own country. public notary or by an officer of the Australian Embassy or Consulate. a CERTIFICATE FROM YOUR SCHOOL OR UNIVERSITY showing that you are enrolled and whether  Ifyouyouhave been approved to take leave from your studies.   are 75 years of age or over you must provide evidence that you have HEALTH CARE COVER for the entire period of  Ifyouryoustay in Australia. and if the child is travelling without both parents. This signed statement must be witnessed by a court.are a student. are a child aged under 18 years of age. migration agent. as well as your Student Book. or if a child under 18 is included in your application. the non-travelling parent(s) must provide WRITTEN CONSENT FOR THE CHILD TO TRAVEL to Australia. If you are 75 years of age or over you will be required to undergo a medical examination to determine your fitness to travel. You will be advised of how and where this examination is to be done once your application has been assessed. note: If your inviter.
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