AUSREP Marine Order 63

March 23, 2018 | Author: Capt.Ajith | Category: Latitude, Ships, Controlled Substances Act, Longitude, Politics



Marine Order 63, issue 1 (AUSREP) This compilation was prepared on 25 June 2012 taking into account amendments up to Marine Orders Part 63 Amendment 2012 (No. 1) Prepared by the Office of Legislative Drafting, Australian Maritime Safety Authority MO63 compil-120626Z Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2012C00411 .................................................................................................................................................... 12 2 Marine Order 63....................................................................................................................... 5 AUSREP reporting requirements ............................................. 4 Prescribed matters .......Contents Page 1A 1 2 4 5 6 Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Name of Order .................................................................................................. 4 Application ......................................................................................... issue 1 (AUSREP) MO63 compil-120626Z Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2012C00411 .................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Obligation to report ....... 3 Definitions ..................... 3 Purpose and power ....... 6 AUSREP area ...................................................... 1 Purpose and power 1. and (vi) any other matter in respect of which a right is conferred. the reporting requirements: (a) of all ships (other than Australian ships) that are in. and (ii) the rescue of persons in distress at sea.1 Consistent with Regulation 11 of Chapter V of SOLAS and Chapter 5 of the Annex to the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue. and (iv) the safety of ships.2. or in the process of entering or leaving. and in relation to. on Australia under customary international law or as a contracting party under international treaties that provide for: (i) coast watching. 1. and (iii) the prevention.1. on Australia.2. issue 1.1. or carry out the duties imposed.3 Subsection 425(1AA) of the Navigation Act provides for the making of orders with respect to matters that can be made by the regulations.Provision 1 1A Name of Order This Order is Marine Order 63. the prescribed area in relation to a reporting matter. 1. the AUSREP area. Marine Order 63. minimisation or reduction of pollution of the sea by ships or by activities associated with ships. or a duty imposed. or in the process of entering or leaving. and (b) of all Australian ships wherever located. 1979.2. or which are necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to the Act.1 Section 269D of the Navigation Act provides that the regulations may make provision for. 1. issue 1 (AUSREP) MO63 compil-120626Z Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2012C00411 3 .1 Purpose 1. 1.2 This Order contributes to these objects by establishing a system for the reporting of the movement or intended movement of ships in.2 Subsection 425(1) of the Navigation Act provides for regulations to be made prescribing matters requiring or permitted to be prescribed. and (v) the safeguarding of ships against any unlawful interference with maritime transport. the objects of Division 14 of Part IV of the Navigation Act include the making of provisions with respect to the reporting of the movement or intended movement of ships so as to enable Australia: (a) to exercise rights conferred.2 Power 1. and (b) to establish reporting requirements for Australian ships. 2. responsible for coordinating search and rescue across the Australian search and rescue region (SRR). Note 2 For information on obtaining copies of IMO documents mentioned in this Order — see AMSA’s website at http://www. Note 3 For guidance about AUSREP procedures — see the AUSREP booklet published by AMSA. REEFVTS means the navigational service known as the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait Vessel Traffic Service operated jointly by AMSA and Maritime Safety to mean a ship to which Part II of the Navigation Act applies. These documents may also be purchased from the IMO — see the IMO website at http://www.amsa. 4 Application This Order applies to the following ships while in the AUSREP area: (a) an Australian ship. an ‘Australian ship’ is defined. Note 1 For Division 14 of Part IV of the Navigation Act. Inmarsat-C means the two-way data satellite communication system known as Inmarsat-C.161(78) and MSC. all commercial ships are encouraged to participate in it whenever they are in the AUSREP Note 2 The AUSREP system is designed to assist AMSA carry out its functions in a search and rescue situation. AUSREP area means the area mentioned in Schedule 2. The booklet includes a description of the ship reporting arrangements mentioned in this Order and is available on AMSA’s website at http://www. Note 1 Some terms used in this Order are defined or explained in Marine Order 1 (Administration) including:  IMO  Navigation Act  penal provision  SOLAS. as amended by Resolutions MSC.Provision 2 2 Definitions In this Order: AIS means the automatic identification system required by Regulation 19.4 of Chapter V of SOLAS to be fitted on a ship. in section 269B of the Act. REEFREP means the mandatory ship reporting system established by IMO Resolution MSC. HF DSC means AMSA’s high frequency digital selective calling maritime radio network.imo.315(88) and given effect by Marine Orders Part 56 (REEFREP). issue 1 (AUSREP) MO63 compil-120626Z Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2012C00411 .au. RCC Australia means the Rescue Coordination Centre. even when it is not mandatory for them to do so.52(66). AUSREP means the Australian Ship Reporting System established by this (b) a ship (other than an Australian ship) from its arrival at its first port in Australia until its departure from its final port in Australia. 4 Marine Order 63.amsa. For this reason. located in Canberra. au.amsa. Note RCC Australia may be contacted as follows: (a) telephone: +61 (0)2 6230 6880.2 However.918(22). Note For further information about the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases — see IMO Resolution A. a master of a ship reporting to REEFVTS under Marine Orders Part 56 (REEFREP) is not required to report under this Order while the ship is in the REEFREP area. (b) freecall: 1800 641 792 (within Australia). (d) a Final Report under clause 4 of Schedule 1. See the AUSREP booklet for further information. 6. issue 1 (AUSREP) MO63 compil-120626Z Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2012C00411 5 .gov. 6. (c) Inmarsat-C. and (b) using the transmission method mentioned in Schedule 1 for the report.Provision 6 5 Prescribed matters For the purposes of the definition of prescribed area in section 269B of the Navigation Act. (b) Position Reports under clause 2 of Schedule 1. Marine Order (d) fax: +61 (0)2 6230 6868. (f) email: rccaus@amsa. This is a penal provision.1 of Schedule 1 — a Deviation Report under clause 3 of Schedule 1.1 The master of a ship that is in the AUSREP area must make. The AUSREP booklet is available on AMSA’s website at http://www. the following reports to RCC Australia: (a) a Sailing Plan under clause 1 of Schedule 1. the prescribed area is the AUSREP area. (c) if required under clause 3.3 A report is to be made: (a) in English using the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases. or arrange to be made. 6 Obligation to report 6. (e) AFTN: YSARYCYX. 1.1 A Sailing Plan must be submitted in respect of an Australian ship: (a) no earlier than 24 hours before.1) 1 Sailing Plan 1.1. 1. whether at sea or in port. the Sailing Plan must be submitted electronically by email or HF DSC.2 How Sailing Plan is to be submitted 1. and (b) no later than 2 hours after. and (b) no later than 2 hours after. 1.4 A new Sailing Plan must be submitted in respect of a ship: (a) if the Sailing Plan previously submitted is deemed to be cancelled under 1.Schedule 1 AUSREP reporting requirements Schedule 1 AUSREP reporting requirements (subsection 6.3 If the ship in respect of which a Sailing Plan has been submitted enters the AUSREP area or departs from a port within the AUSREP area more than 2 hours after the time specified in the Sailing Plan.1 Subject to 1.2.3 Information to be provided in Sailing Plan 1.2.3 A Sailing Plan must: (a) insert the code ‘AUSREP/SP//’ in the first line of text.1.1 When Sailing Plan must be submitted 1. the ship: (c) enters the AUSREP area.2. 1.1. or (d) departs from a port within the AUSREP area. or (b) if information contained in the Sailing Plan previously submitted is no longer valid. the Sailing Plan is deemed to be cancelled.1. the ship departs from a port within the AUSREP area.2 A Sailing Plan must be submitted in respect of a ship (other than an Australian ship): (a) no earlier than 24 hours before.3. 1. and 6 Marine Order 63.2 If communication is not possible using Inmarsat-C.2.1. issue 1 (AUSREP) MO63 compil-120626Z Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2012C00411 . 1. the master of a ship must submit a Sailing Plan using Inmarsat-C. breakdown. issue 1 (AUSREP) MO63 compil-120626Z Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2012C00411 7 . and gross tonnage 9 V Medical personnel aboard 10 G Name of last non-Australian port of call visited by the ship 11 I Name of the next non-Australian port of destination and the estimated time of arrival at that port 12 Q Details of any defect. set out the information mentioned in column 3 of those items in the order mentioned in the table. set out the information mentioned in column 3 of whichever of those items is applicable to the Plan in the order mentioned in the table. for example oil or chemicals Details of any pollution sighted during voyage (if any) 14 X Other remarks Marine Order 63. Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Message format field identifier Information to be given in the Sailing Plan 1 A Ship name. failure or other limitation that affects the safety of the ship. damage. call sign and IMO number 2 F Speed 3 H Date and time (in UTC) and point of joining the AUSREP system (being either the latitude and longitude of the point at which the ship enters the AUSREP area. or the Australian port of departure) 4 K Date and time (in UTC) and point of departure from the AUSREP system (being either the latitude and longitude of the point at which the ship departs the AUSREP area. and (c) using the message format field identifier mentioned in column 2 of items 10 to 14 of the following table. the code ‘NOREP’ is to be inserted 8 U Details of the ship’s: type.AUSREP reporting requirements Schedule 1 (b) using the message format field identifier mentioned in column 2 of items 1 to 9 of the following table. length (in metres). or the Australian port of arrival) 5 L Route information 6 M Details of communication arrangements 7 N If no reports are to be sent by the master in respect of the outbound voyage of a ship (other than an Australian ship). including any AIS malfunction 13 R Details of the type of pollution lost overboard (if any). issue 1 (AUSREP) MO63 compil-120626Z Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2012C00411 . (b) type. (c) position.2. (e) speed.4 of Chapter V of SOLAS requires AIS to provide this information. Note The methods of transmission are listed in order of RCC Australia’s preference of receiving a report.3 ]Regulation 19. 2 Position Reports 2.4 of Chapter V of SOLAS applies must ensure the ship is fitted with AIS to transmit the following information about the ship: (a) identity.956(23). Note: 2.Schedule 1 AUSREP reporting requirements Note Each of the message format field identifiers uses the reporting formats found in the ‘General Principles for ship reporting systems and ship reporting requirements. 2.2 Information to be included in Position Reports transmitted by AIS The master of a ship to which Regulation 19.138 (53).851 (20).1 How Position Reports are to be transmitted Position Reports must be transmitted by AIS.4 Reporting of any AIS malfunction The master of a ship must report any malfunction of the ship’s AIS to RCC Australia using 1 of the following methods: (a) Inmarsat-C.2. 8 Marine Order 63.4 of Chapter V of SOLAS. (c) email.917(22) as amended by IMO Resolution A.2. (f) navigational status. (g) any safety related information. as amended by IMO Resolution MEPC. 2.2. (b) HF DSC. (d) course. harmful substances and/or marine pollutants’ as set out in IMO Resolution A. including guidelines for reporting incidents involving dangerous goods.4 of Chapter V of SOLAS provides that AIS must be operated taking into account the Guidelines for the onboard operational use of shipborne automatic identification systems (AIS) adopted by IMO Resolution A. Fitting and operation of AIS The master of the ship must ensure that the AIS is operated in accordance with Regulation 19. Note Regulation 19. set out the information mentioned in column 3 of whichever of those items is applicable to the Report in order mentioned in the table. insert ‘YES’ or ‘NO’. or has been. the master must submit a Deviation Report.AUSREP reporting requirements 3 Deviation Reports 3.2 How Deviation Reports are to be submitted The master of a ship must submit a Deviation Report using 1 of the following methods: (a) Inmarsat-C. and (c) using the message format field identifier mentioned in column 2 of items 6 to 12 of the following table. call sign and IMO number 2 B Date and time (in UTC) of report 3 C Position (latitude and longitude) 4 N Date and time (in UTC) of next report (if Inmarsat-C polling is not being used) 5 X Reason for deviation 6 E Course 7 F Speed 8 J Details of whether coastal pilotage is or has been used. Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Message format field identifier Information to be given in the Deviation Report 1 A Ship name. used — details of the pilot’s Marine Order 63.1 When Deviation Reports must be submitted Schedule 1 If a deviation has been made from the course and speed nominated in the Sailing Plan of a ship such that the ship will be more than two hours steaming from a position predicted from the Sailing Plan or last position reported. issue 1 (AUSREP) MO63 compil-120626Z Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2012C00411 9 . set out the information mentioned in column 3 of those items in the order mentioned in the table. and (b) using the message format field identifier mentioned in column 2 of the items 1 to 5 of the following table. 3. (c) email. (b) HF DSC. 3. If a coastal pilot is.3 Information to be provided in Deviation Report A Deviation Report must: (a) insert the code ‘AUSREP/DR//’ in the first line of text. harmful substances and/or marine pollutants’ as set out in IMO Resolution A. (c) email.1.851 (20). including guidelines for reporting incidents involving dangerous goods. or (b) the ship leaves the AUSREP area on a voyage during which AUSREP reports have been submitted in respect of the ship. 4. 10 Marine Order 63. the Sailing Plan will be regarded as the Final Report in respect of the ship if the word ‘NOREP’ is entered at field N.138 (53). Note If the master of a ship (other than an Australian ship) chooses not to report during the ship’s outbound voyage. 4.1 A Final Report must be submitted in respect of an Australian ship no later than 2 hours after the ship leaves the AUSREP area or arrives at a port within the AUSREP area.2 How Final Reports are to be submitted The master of a ship must submit a Final Report using 1 of the following methods: (a) Inmarsat-C. 4 Final Report 4.1.1 When Final Report must be submitted 4. issue 1 (AUSREP) MO63 compil-120626Z Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2012C00411 . as amended by IMO Resolution MEPC. or the Australian port of arrival) 10 L Route information 11 M Details of communication arrangements Note Each of the message format field identifiers uses the reporting formats found in the ‘General Principles for ship reporting systems and ship reporting requirements. (b) HF DSC.Schedule 1 AUSREP reporting requirements Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Message format field identifier Information to be given in the Deviation Report last name and the pilot’s licence number 9 K Date and time (in UTC) and point of departure from the AUSREP system (being either the latitude and longitude of the point at which the ship departs the AUSREP area.2 A Final Report must be submitted in respect of a ship (other than an Australian ship) no later than 2 hours after: (a) the ship arrives at an Australian port on a voyage during which AUSREP reports have been submitted in respect of the ship. and (b) using the message format field identifier mentioned in column 2 of items 1 and 2 of the following table. Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Message format field identifier Information to be given in the Final Report 1 A Ship name. and (c) using the message format field identifier mentioned in column 2 of item 3 of the following table.3 Schedule 1 Information to be provided in Final Report A Final Report must: (a) insert the code ‘AUSREP/FR//’ in the first line of text.138 (53). Marine Order 63. or the Australian port of arrival) Note Each of the message format field identifiers uses the reporting formats found in the ‘General Principles for ship reporting systems and ship reporting requirements.851 (20). set out the information mentioned in column 3 of that item (if applicable). issue 1 (AUSREP) MO63 compil-120626Z Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2012C00411 11 . set out the information mentioned in column 3 of those items in the order mentioned in the table. call sign and IMO number 2 K Date and time (in UTC) and point of departure from the AUSREP system (being either the latitude and longitude of the point at which the ship departs the AUSREP area. harmful substances and/or marine pollutants’ as set out in IMO Resolution A. including guidelines for reporting incidents involving dangerous goods.AUSREP reporting requirements 4. as amended by IMO Resolution MEPC. Schedule 2 AUSREP area Schedule 2 AUSREP area The area bounded by an imaginary line commencing at the intersection of the coastline of the Antarctic Continent and the meridian 75 east longitude. thence in a straight line to the intersection of the parallel 2º south latitude and the meridian 78 east longitude. 12 Marine Order 63. thence in a straight line to the intersection of the parallel 12º south latitude and the meridian 107 east longitude. thence along that parallel to its intersection with the meridian 92 east longitude. thence along that parallel to its intersection with the meridian 161 15 east longitude. thence in a straight line to the intersection of the parallel 17 40 south latitude and the meridian 163 east longitude. thence in a straight line to the intersection of the parallel 9 20 south latitude and the meridian 126 50 east longitude. thence along that meridian to its intersection with the coastline of the Antarctic Continent. thence along that parallel to its intersection with the meridian 155 east longitude. thence in a straight line to the intersection of the parallel 12 south latitude and the meridian 144º east longitude. thence along that meridian to its intersection with the parallel 6 south latitude. thence along that coastline to the point of commencement. thence along that parallel to its intersection with the meridian 141 east longitude. thence in a straight line to the intersection of the parallel 7 south latitude and the meridian 135 east longitude. thence along that meridian to its intersection with the parallel 14 south latitude. thence in a straight line to the intersection of the parallel 9 08 south latitude and the meridian 143 53 east longitude. thence along that parallel to its intersection with the meridian 123 20 east longitude. thence in a straight line to the intersection of the parallel 9 50 south latitude and the meridian 139 40 east longitude. issue 1 (AUSREP) MO63 compil-120626Z Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2012C00411 . thence in a straight line to the intersection of the parallel 9 24 south latitude and the meridian 144 13 east longitude. thence in a straight line to the intersection of the parallel 9 37 south latitude and the meridian 141 01 06" east longitude. saving or transitional provisions Marine Orders Part 63..... am.Note Notes to Marine Order 63... = repealed and substituted Marine Order 63. = amended rep........... am.............. = added or inserted am..1) (2012/5) 13 September 2006 27 November 2008 F2006L03051 6 October 2006 F2008L04382 20 December 2008 – 22 June 2012 F2012L01304 1 July 2012 – Table of Amendments ad................. 2008/11.. issue 1 amended as indicated in the following tables. rs.................... issue 1 (2006/11) (in force under subsection 425(1AA) of the Navigation Act 1912) as shown in this compilation comprises Marine Order 63... 2012/5 rs... 3 .... issue 1 (AUSREP) MO63 compil-120626Z Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2012C00411 13 ... issue 1 (AUSREP) Note 1 Marine Order 63... 1 ......... rs.. 2008/11................. Table of Orders Year and number Registration date FRLI number Commencement date Application...... 2012/5 am... 2012/5 rs......... 2008/11..................................... Schedule 1 .......... 2012/5 am...... 2012/5 rs............ = repealed Provision affected How affected 1A ... 6 ........ am 2012/5 rs........... ad. 2008/11.... 4 ..... issue 1 (2006/11) Marine Orders Part 63 Amendment 2008 (2008/11) Marine Orders Part 63 Amendment 2012 (No. 2008/11........................
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