Aung Kyaw Moe-Task (4)-Module (1)

March 29, 2018 | Author: Aung Kyaw Moe | Category: Aids, Internally Displaced Person, Non Governmental Organization, Refugee, Humanitarian Aid



Aung Kyaw Moe / Task 4 - Humanitarian Aid and Supply ChainMemo To: Date: RE: Francois Damba 28 May 2013 From: Aung Kyaw Moe TASK 4 – HUMANITARIAN AID SUPPLY CHAIN There are various humanitarian actors working in Betaland. All of them are scrutinized here very briefly and also reflecting what are the opportunities with them for SCILaid Betaland. Government in Betaland To provide humanitarian aid in the emergency situation is the major responsibility of any government, whether it may be a local, district or national government. In this case, a government may play different roles as follows: • • • • • As the sole provider of humanitarian aid As the decision-maker deciding to call for outside international organizations for help or to help with sufficient available resources locally obtained As the host-country to all external humanitarian organizations As the co-ordinator of programmes in different sectors As the main supporter of military infrastructures such as vehicles and telecommunication network UN Agencies in Betaland UN Agencies are the international bodies operating according to a mandate that is given by the UN General Assembly. The following is taken from the UN website :‘Since it first coordinated humanitarian relief operations in Europe following the devastation and massive displacement of people in the Second World War, the United Nations has been relied on by the international community to respond to natural and man made disasters that are beyond the capacity of national authorities alone. Today the Organisation is a major provider of emergency relief and longer-term assistance, a There are a number of specific UN agencies that have specific mandates to work in humanitarian action. United Nations Food Aid (UNFA) Another international Humanitarian Organizations that is helping SCILaid is The United Nations Food Aid (UNFA) which is the food aid arm of the United Nations system. UNIRP’s core value is Impartiality since it protects and assists to refugees and others in an impartial manner. are unable to produce enough food or do not have the resources to otherwise obtain the food that they and their households require for active and healthy lives. UNIRP encourages states and other institutions to reduce the forced displacement of the people. Eradicating hunger and poverty is the main objectives of UNFA. Opportunities for SCILaid UNIRP provides money and goods to SCILaid and SCILaid is implementing relief program in accordance with the principle of Impartiality and involvement of targeted beneficiaries. UNIRP UNIRP’s chief mandate is to lead and coordinate international action for the worldwide protection of refugees and the resolution of refugee problems. On one hand it has sought to bring immediate relief to the victims. UNIRP fully implies the principle of participation by helping refugees on decisions that affect their lives. and to return one’s home country voluntarily. IDPs (internally displaced persons) and the people who are stateless or whose nationality is disputed.people who.catalyst for action by governments and relief agencies. . It seeks to help to improve the lives of the poorest people . primarily through its operational agencies. are included in the program of relief aid by UNIRP. to create conditions which are conducive to the protection of human rights and to consolidate the reintegration of returning refugees in their country of origin. either permanently or during crisis periods. on the other hand it has sought more effective strategies to prevent emergencies from arising in the first place’. It pays particular attention to the needs of children and promotes the equal rights of women and girls. and an advocate on behalf of people struck by emergencies. The United Nations has been engaged on two fronts. on the basis of their need alone. UNIRP tries to make sure that everyone has the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another state. UNIRP involved with the other groups of Humanitarian Organizations which is fully authorized by its Executive Committee and the UN General Assembly. United Nations Protection Fund (UNPF) United Nations Protection Fund (UNPF) is working for the protection of children's rights their basic needs and helping to actualize their opportunities to reach their full potential. Another thing is that food aid is a fundamental investment in the development human resources. and To help build assets and promote the self-reliance of poor people and communities. the provision of relief food aid will be coordinated with the relief assistance provided by other humanitarian organisations. consumption patterns and dependency on food aid. UNPF based such value as the survival. Moreover. UNPF is providing special protection for the most disadvantaged children .In the light of the principle of Universality. UNFA mainly concentrate on utilizing the available resources what it is best suited to implement its mandates in a cost-effective way. To improve the nutrition and quality of life of the most vulnerable people at critical times in their lives. regardless of the political orientations of governments. particularly through labour-intensive works programmes. it seeks to response refugee and other emergency food needs and the associated logistics support The core policies and strategies that govern UNFA activities are to provide food aid: • • • To save lives in refugee and other emergency situations. UNFA also manages to avoid negative effects on local food production. Food can be utilized to use poor labour in order to create employment and income and to build the infrastructure essential for sustainable development. extreme poverty. Under the guidance of the Convention on the Rights of the Child UNPF strives to establish children's rights as enduring ethical principles and international standards of behaviour towards children. and to maintain a neutral stance for assistance in situations where many donor countries could not directly provide assistance. Opportunities for SCILaid UNFA is the main provider of food items to SCILaid Betaland. UNFA will apply food aid to support economic and social development.victims of war. protection and development of children for the sake of universal development imperatives that are integral to human progress. Not only food but transport and logistics expertise were provided by UNFA and assistance to ensure rapid and efficient delivery of humanitarian aid. disasters. Therefore. all forms of violence and exploitation and those with . UNFA is keeping the principle of Neutrality in aid assistance since it take advantage of its capability to operate almost everywhere in the developing world. UNFA’s view is that food aid is essential for all humanitarian relief activities. It is inherently linked up with the development activities. UNPF initiates rapid response available to its partners to relieve the suffering of children and those who provide their care. The ICHR ensure the enforcement and respect for international humanitarian law by means of minimizing the dangers to which people are exposed.disabilities. making their voices heard and providing them with support. This programme can help to reduce casualties caused by mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW). It also promote the international humanitarian law for enforcement of using force with restraints and it trains and lobbies the armed forces. Opportunities for SCILaid UNPF can be a potential implementing partner for SCILaid Betaland because in the refugee camps at the border areas. Opportunities for SCILaid ICHR can be a strong partner of SCILaid for the following areas of humanitarian aids activities: • • • Health Care and Hygiene Education Food Security Education for children . access to food (food security) and hygiene education. social. The ICHR mainly works for the protection of civilians and prisoners/detainees (detention). There is an essential part of the ICHR's preventive work which is a mine and Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) awareness programme. and economic development of their communities. The major aim of UNPF is to promote the equal rights of women and girls and to support their full participation in such different sectors of life as the political. water and sanitation. Coordinating with the other United Nations partners and humanitarian agencies. The International Committee of Humanitarian relief (ICHR) The International Committee of Humanitarian relief (ICHR) is an international organization based on the principles of impartiality. upholding their rights. neutrality and independence. UNPF is a major player and a flagship that is fighting for the right and protection of women and children. economic security. ICHR’s main programs comprise the following sectors: Health and Nutrition. UNPF gives priority to the most disadvantaged children and the countries in greatest need because its approach is non-partisan and its cooperation is based on the principle of discrimination. there can be some issues of child right abuse and oppression of women. preventing or putting a stop to violations committed against them. Its major contribution to the field of humanitarian aids is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence and to provide them with assistance. and education. their own charter. ethics etc. • Local NGOs working in their own country. For the sake of raising public awareness. Poverty Relief International (PRI) Poverty Relief International (PRI) is working for both long-term development. NGO have their own rules. In the domain of water and sanitation programs.• Raising awareness of Mine and Explosives NGOs in Betaland There are two main types of NGOs. debt and aid. This organization is working for humanitarian aids project for over 60 years. conflict. PRI works on a broad range of issues. Its other activities include research and campaigning for a fairer world. PRI is famous for its campaign and building of alliance with the other humanitarian actors. PRI’s water engineers are very professional for providing large scale water supplies in the most difficult areas. it strongly designs and utilizes the Media available. There are able water and sanitation experts working with PRI and they can . They are: • International NGOs working in the international field. and emergency work. but they are not mandated by any officially recognised body to act in particular aid situations or activities. PRI’s right based approach consists of the 5 main basic rights • • • • • Right to sustainable livelihood Right to basic social services Right to life and security Right to be heard Right to have an identity Opportunities for SCILaid The common area of interest between PRI and SCILaid is that of water and sanitation supply. including trade. PRI is also very active in lobbying to change the international policies and practices and it takes a leading role for ensuring the poor to have their rights and opportunities.. code of conduct. and HIV/AIDS. It also operates feeding centers for malnourished children. In its more than 3000 missions.000 locally hired staff are helping these professionals to provide medical care. water-and-sanitation experts. security and agriculture as well as health and HIV/AIDS. natural or man-made disasters. EHR can mobilize both volunteers and professionals based on independent assessments of need and volunteer systems and 80% of its funding sources come from the general public whereas other 20% comes from the various institutional donors. Emergency Health Relief (EHR) Emergency Health Relief (EHR) is an international NGO which is an independent medical humanitarian organisation that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict. and provides shelter materials like blankets and plastic sheeting. EHR provides a variety of health related services such as rehabilitation and running of hospitals and clinics. .provide a very strong technical assistance and transfer of technical know-how for the implementing programme of SCILaid in Betaland . performing surgery. Opportunities for SCILaid EHR can help SCILaid in the following sectors: • • • • Malnutrition treatment for children Prevention and Care of infectious diseases Counselling and caring of Mental health Water Supply and Sanitation Humanitarian Relief Society (HRS) Humanitarian Relief Society (HRS) is a Betaland nongovernmental Organisation. and other medical and nonmedical professionals. HRS's programmes address needs in the principal areas of food. administrators. In the area of water supply. or exclusion from health care in more than 70 countries. logisticians. EHR treats patients with infectious diseases such as tuberculosis. EHR also constructs wells and dispenses clean drinking water. epidemics. and provides medical and psychological care to marginalised groups such as street children. and implementation of vaccination campaigns. nurses. sleeping sickness. and offers mental health care. More than 20. battles epidemics. EHR can employ volunteer doctors. Monitoring humanitarian projects and setting up coordination arrangements. Opportunities for SCILaid HRS can be a future partner of SCILaid for the projects that alleviate the problems generated by HIV/AIDS. The organisations involved in providing aid are relying on the money provided by these donors to maintain the ongoing running costs. worth a total of more than € 500 million per year. HAA addresses the following issues more than just fund humanitarian aid: • • • Feasibility studies for its humanitarian operations.HRS also supports water resource development. . crossgenerational and transactional sex. medical equipment. medicines and fuel to get to crisis zones fast. Its grants cover emergency aid. HRS's HIV/AIDS Initiative promotes prevention through basic HIV/AIDS information and counselling. HAA is a donor organization that ensure goods and services including essential supplies. the provision of humanitarian aid and all the activities associated with it could not be actualized. micro enterprise development and emergency humanitarian aid. There are 2 Institutional donors working in Betaland . life skills. More than 85 countries in the world received humanitarian aid funding from HAA. education on topics such as gender inequity. Donors in Betaland Without funding. For example the HIV/AIDS programme is done under the coordination of Betaland Ministry of Health. Donors therefore play a key role in providing the funds. and stigma reduction. The Humanitarian Aid Agency's (HAA) The only institutional donor that provides funding to SCILaid is The Humanitarian Aid Agency's (HAA). HRS is working in close collaboration with Betaland concerned authorities. water purification teams and logistical support. Services may include medical teams. specific foodstuffs. strengthening institutions and running pilot micro-projects. environmental management. basic education. Donors also give money and gifts in kind needed to provide development aid or to respond to a disaster situation and they also provide funds for specific use or may leave it to the aid organisation to decide how to use the funds. HAA is able to mobilize Goods and services to the disaster areas. Using the help of its partners. or gifts in kind (goods or services donated free of charge). Coordinates disaster prevention measures by training specialists. and techniques ranging from peer education to creative uses of drama. food aid and aid to refugees and displaced persons. It can be a main source of resources in terms of prevention and treating HIV and Opportunistic Infections suffered by the AIDs patients. GAA is headed by one of the senior ministers in the Government. crimes. HAA demands the absolute transparency so it has strict procedures to ensure that public money is used with efficiency.• • • Provision of technical assistance to the partners. political conflicts. So far. Opportunities for SCILaid SCILaid have had a 3 month contract with HAA. The Global Aid Agency (GAA) Being a part of the Government. GAA is participating in the process of fighting against hunger and poverty in a global scale. the donors are quite satisfied with the operational reply. Best Regards. Poverty is also the main cause of war. One fifth of the whole mankind is very poor and it shows the worse effect in the rate of U5 children mortality which is 10 millions annually. 113 millions children are not learning in the schools. illegal drug trafficking and spread of the contagious diseases. in term of operation. they are still waiting for the last report from Homeland. Aung Kyaw Moe . GAA manages aid to poor countries and works to get rid of extreme poverty. The main values GAA enshrine are:      ambition and determination to eliminate poverty diversity and the need to balance work and private life ability to work effectively with others desire to listen. GAA is working for the global plan of reduction of poverty to its half at 2015. This shows that the way the Government sees reducing poverty around the world is much important. disease and poverty in Betaland. Raising public awareness about humanitarian issues through actions carried out directly by HAA in order to promote the awareness of humanitarian aid. The Humanitarian Organizations which receive HAA funding have to adhere strictly to these rules and are accountable for the resources allocated to them by HAA. which is now being extended for another 6 months. Provision of financial support for network and training study initiatives in the humanitarian field. but again. learn and be creative professionalism and knowledge Opportunities for SCILaid GAA can provide funding and in kind donation to SCILaid for fighting against hunger.
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