Audio Visual Aids

March 28, 2018 | Author: Khawaja Haseeb Ur Rehman | Category: Websites, Cyberspace, Computing, Technology, Communication



APPLICATION OF AUDIO VISUALAIDS IN TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN IGBO (A CASE STUDY OF EZE NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA IN ENUGU STATE) TO DOWNLOAD “APPLICATION OF AUDIO VISUAL AIDS IN TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN IGBO” COMPLETE PROJECT MATERIALS, FOLLOW THE BELOW INSTRUCTIONS *** Read the following instructions carefully *** This website is www.!"#$%&'()*.!'). Our main website is Please take note of the websites and our Phone numbers if you wish to order this material. F%$ E!+"$"'*, C,--. /0/122345/4 %$ /0263/564/2, M%!7 F$", 0,875#8 ONLY. O)*"9' N":'$",, C,--. ;4350/122345/4 %$ ;4350263/564/2. ********************************************** PREVIEW MATERIAL FREE BEFORE PAYMENT. 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