Ats2946 Sample Exam s2 2017

May 27, 2018 | Author: hafsatutu | Category: Wiki Leaks, Argument, Antibiotics, Wellness, Chemicals



ATS2946.Critical Thinking Sample Exam General directions • This exam consists of EIGHT (8) questions. Some questions have more than one part. • Some questions carry more marks than others, as indicated. • You must answer all eight questions • You have TWO (2) hours to complete the exam. • Write your answers in the booklet provided. You can answer the questions in any order, but make sure you clearly indicate which question you are answering. (1) Put the argument from the following passage into standard form and construct an argument map diagram. There is no need to include unstated premises (assumptions) in your answer. (20 marks) Utilitarianism is a more demanding ethical code than any other. For it says that we should always act to bring about the best consequences. So utilitarianism demands that we sacrifice our own interests whenever a greater good can be achieved by doing so, and that is almost always the case. (2) For each of the following short arguments; (a) say whether the argument is deductively valid or invalid. Then (b) if you think the argument is invalid, explain why the argument is invalid – that is, explain how it is possible for the premises to all be true and the conclusion false. If you think the argument is valid, then represent the logical form of the argument, making sure you indicate what your schematic letters stand for. (6 marks each, for each a total of 24 marks) (i) Students will only succeed in their studies if they do sufficient work outside of class. But if students do sufficient work outside class, they will not have time for a part time job. Therefore, no student with a part time job will succeed in their studies. ATS2946 Critical Thinking pg. 1 of 7 My baby is crying. But we know that it does. 20 marks in total. safecosmetics. (3) Read the information from the two sources below. which concern a dispute concerning the safety of the chemical triclosan. For each source. then television advertising would never influence viewers to buy a product. how credible is the source? 2 marks for each of the above five questions. cosmetics. Triclosan is a commonly used antimicrobial agent that accumulates in our bodies and has been linked to hormone disruption and the emergence of bacteria resistant to antibodies and antibacterial products. (iii) The death penalty is immoral. as well as in many deodorants. So it cannot be true that television does not affect behaviour. is the source in a position to know? (3) Are there any reasons to suspect the reliability of the source? (4) Is there independent corroboration of the source’s claims? (5) Overall. There is evidence that triclosan is an endocrine disruptor and impacts thyroid function and thyroid homeostasis. Triclosan is an antimicrobial agent found in a wide variety of antibacterial soaps and detergents. (iv) If what was shown on television did not affect people’s behaviour. Source #1: The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. 2 of 7 . Write a short evaluation of the credibility of each source with regard to this issue. so he must be hungry or in pain. you should answer the following questions: (1) What main claim or claims does the source make? (2) Regarding the claim(s) in (1). fabrics and plastics. for each source. A 2009 study found that triclosan decreased thyroid hormone ATS2946 Critical Thinking pg. 100-200 words for each source. (ii) Babies cry when they are hungry and when they are in pain. The death penalty results in some innocent people being wrongly executed. Anything that results in some innocent people being executed is morally wrong. a number of studies have found microorganisms that are resistant to triclosan. housed at the Breast Cancer Fund. reproductive harm and other adverse health impacts from cosmetics and personal care products. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2010.. [3] Aiello. working to clean up the beauty aisle through public advocacy and market campaigns designed to eliminate dangerous chemicals linked to cancer. et al (2009). [2] Heath. which manufacturers have safely used in soap and other personal care products for decades. and there is mounting evidence linking the use of triclosan with the promotion of bacteria that are resistant to both antibiotic medications and antibacterial products [2. 23 March. and Women’s Voices for the Earth. et al (2005). Since 2000. References [1] Zorrilla. there are concerns that bacteria that become resistant to triclosan will also become resistant to antibiotics. A.. Inhibition of the Staphylococcus aureus NADPH-dependent enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase by triclosan and hexchlorophene. the Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow (represented by Clean Water Action). L. Antibacterial Cleaning Products and Drug Resistance.” Source #2: Angela Logomasini. The Campaign’s steering committee is made up of the Breast Cancer Fund. Because triclosan’s mode of action and target site in bacteria are similar to those of antibiotics. Friends of the Earth. The effects of Triclosan on Puberty and Thyroid Hormones in Male Wistar Rats. Background information on Source #1 The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics describe themselves as “a broad-based coalition. A 2010 report by the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety determined that even low concentrations of triclosan can trigger antibiotic resistance in bacteria [4]. concentrations [1].E.. green hype has led federal regulators to force companies to try to do the impossible—prove that their products ATS2946 Critical Thinking pg. Preliminary opinion on triclosan antimicrobial resistance). 107(1) 56-64. et al (2000).3]. The Green Campaign Against Triclosan is Dangerous and Regressive: Efforts to Ban Widely Used Antibiotic Tackles Phantom Risks Environmental activists have sounded the alarm suggesting that consumers face serious health risks from the antibacterial chemical triclosan. Brussels. Unfortunately. Journal of Biological Chemistry. Toxicological Sciences. 275: 654-59. European Commission. 11(10) [4] SCCS (Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety). R. 3 of 7 . [3] Greens might suggest that industry research is tainted because it is motivated by profit. Private firms risk their very survival if their products do harm— which gives them far stronger incentives than that of unaccountable bureaucrats and government-funded researchers who never experience direct consequences for their decisions or research findings. MJ. including such foods as broccoli. [3] See the numerous studies posted on this industry website: http://www. 4 of 7 . pose no risk or remove them from the market. Claims suggesting that triclosan significantly contributes to antibiotic resistance among medicines are also unfounded. ATS2946 Critical Thinking pg. Privately conducted research has already provided significant assurance that triclosan is unlikely to pose significant health risks. Committee on Comparative Toxicology of Naturally Occurring Carcinogens. Carcinogens and Anticarcinogens in the Human Diet: A Comparison of Naturally Occurring and Synthetic Substances (Washington DC: National Academies Press. 24 (2007. pickles. Hedge. which is clearly the case with the chemical triclosan. [1] Similar rodent studies also find that many naturally occurring chemicals found in food cause health problems when given to rats and mice in high doses. References [1] Crofton. coffee. http://www. [2] We do not need an FDA review of these foods to know they are safe to eat and that these rodent studies are not particularly relevant to human health risks from trace chemicals. “Short-term in Vivo Exposure to the Water Contaminant Triclosan: Evidence for disruption of thyroxine?” Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. For example. Triclosan has been used widely for more than 40 But nothing in life is risk free. DeVito. which has little relevance to humans exposed to trace amounts in the environment. the claim that triclosan disrupts human thyroid functioning is based on a study where researchers dosed rats with high amounts of the chemical. KB. Rather. It is not clear how much effect triclosan has on resistance of any kind. and more. [2] For example. see National Research Council. JM. 1996).): pp. 194–197. and there is no hard evidence of triclosan-caused cancers. but those incentives actually improve the quality of private research.nap.fightgermsnow. Vol. KM. or creation of triclosan- resistant bacteria affecting human health. the question is whether products provide more benefits than risks. health problems. do they support the conclusion that there is a causal link between the art therapy program and the reduction in behavioural ATS2946 Critical Thinking pg. population and target property and comment on whether the survey supports the conclusion drawn in the report. Yet computers can only solve problems by following some set of mechanically applicable rules. (5) Read the following report which describes the results of a survey about the study habits of Monash university students. The CEI describes itself as follows: “The Competitive Enterprise Institute is a non-profit public policy organization dedicated to advancing the principles of limited government. Our mission is to promote both freedom and fairness by making good policy good politics. resistance-hygience-hands-sanitizer. The sample of 50 students reported that they spent on average 90 minutes per week studying for the unit outside class. Identify the sample. A questionnaire about study habits was given to a random sample of students taking a large introductory philosophy unit at Monash University. for there are some problems that cannot be solved by following any set of mechanically applicable rules.” (4) Put the following argument into standard form and identify at least one unstated premise (assumption) that is required by the argument. Background information on Source #2. (6) Assuming the premises in the following argument are true. We make the uncompromising case for economic freedom because we believe it is essential for entrepreneurship. Therefore. Angela Logomasini is employed by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI). innovation. we can be reasonably confident that the true average amount of time students spent studying for this unit outside class is between 84 and 96 minutes per week. 100-200 words). and prosperity to flourish. (4 marks) No computer will ever be able to do everything that some human minds can do. and individual liberty. It was calculated that the margin of error due to sampling variation for this estimate was plus or minus 6 minutes. 5 of 7 . free enterprise. (12 marks. would they provide a sufficient reason to accept the conclusion? 2. Andrew swims regularly but. so this photo must consist of two duplicated images of the same snowflake. (7) The reasoning in each of the following arguments is flawed in some way. Support: If the premises were true. The children were given art therapy over a period of six weeks. The historians claim is therefore false. briefly explain where the argument goes wrong. But there are many stones in the ring. The researchers concluded that art therapy can play a significant role in reducing behavioural problems in children. For each argument. 6 of 7 . independent observers assessed the children and only 50 of them (20%) showed behavioural problems. so the chance that one pair will point in an astronomically significant direction is large. (ii) Regular exercise such as swimming makes you fitter. (8) Read the following opinion piece from a newspaper. Jane: How can you tell? Mary: It must be. Darren does not. (iii) Mary: Did you know that no two snowflakes are alike? Jane: I don’t think that’s true. Truth: Are the premises true? ATS2946 Critical Thinking pg. Look at this book – it has a photo of two identical snowflakes. state the main conclusion and then write a short evaluation of the argument. The evidence for this claim is that two of the stones determine a line pointing directly to the position of the sun at sunrise at the spring equinox. (10 marks) A study looked at group of 250 children aged 8-11 years old who had been diagnosed with extreme behavioural problems such as violent tantrums. Your evaluation should consider the following questions: 1. problems? Explain your answer. At the end of the six week period. All snowflakes are different. So Andrew is probably fitter than Darren. (4 marks each for a total of 12 marks) (i) Some historians claim that the people who built a ring of stones thousands of years ago in Britain were knowledgeable about astronomy. Mary: The photo is obviously a fake. government particularly disturbing. dropped its account when the company received calls from staff of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security: asking “Are there plans to take the site down?” Another company. December 2010. you should explain what kind of evidence would be relevant. Explain your Adapted from ‘The Weight of the Word’. ATS2946 Critical Thinking pg. Amazon. who vetted the documents for sensitive or risky information. banning donations to WikiLeaks. nobody objects when cabinet discussions are leaked during a general election for example. No matter how new the medium. Tableau. published in The Age newspaper. WikiLeaks is therefore legitimate journalism. Chris Berg is a research fellow with the Institute of Public Affairs. These political attempts to choke WikiLeaks’ funding and foundations are a clear breach of freedom of the press. Mastercard and Paypal have all followed suit. leaks are a legitimate part of contemporary journalism. How could you find out whether the premise was true or not? What kind of source could you use to check? (10 marks. WikiLeaks even asked the US State Department for help editing risky documents.S. a practice common when the press deals with classified material. which was hosting WikiLeaks for a short time. it is an absolute and fundamental infringement of free speech when a government tries to gag a media outlet it doesn’t like. about 250 words) Are Julian Assange and WikiLeaks really doing anything that unusual? After all.S government has clearly been trying to remove corporate support for WikiLeaks. which makes recent actions by the U. If you do not know whether a premise is true. which was providing software for WikiLeaks to visualise the data. 7 of 7 . Visa. The diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks were first given to the mainstream press. They severed their relationship with the site too. WikiLeaks only published the edited cables. The U. by Chris Berg. was also contacted by congressional staff.
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