ATN 905 V200R002C01 Configuration Guide 03(CLI)

March 19, 2018 | Author: Salman Iqbal | Category: Computer Network, Encryption, Ethernet, Ip Address, Internet Protocols



ATN 905 Multi-Service Access EquipmentV200R002C01 Configuration Guide (CLI) Issue 03 Date 2013-11-22 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. Notice The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email: [email protected] Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) About This Document About This Document Purpose This document provides the basic concepts, configuration procedures, and configuration examples in different application scenarios of the Lan features supported by the ATN 905 device. The usage precautions are as follows: l A device can store keys in plaintext, reversible algorithm encryption, or irreversible algorithm encryption mode. The plaintext mode has the low security level, and the irreversible algorithm encryption mode has the highest security level. Use different storage modes for different scenarios. Exercise caution when using an insecure storage mode. The system automatically selects the irreversible algorithm encryption mode to store local user keys. Generally, the reversible algorithm encryption mode is used to store protocol keys to meet interworking requirements. l If the plaintext mode is used, a password is stored in plaintext in the configuration file. This results in high security risks. The plaintext mode applies only to scenarios with special requirements, such as compatibility and interworking requirements. Related Version The following table lists the product version related to this document. Product Name Version ATN 905 V200R002C01 Intended Audience This document is intended for: l Commissioning Engineer l Data Configuration Engineer l Network Monitoring Engineer l System Maintenance Engineer Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii performance degradation. Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk. Ltd. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.. One item is selected.. will result in death or serious injury. which if not avoided. { x | y | . which if not avoided. or unexpected results. Italic Command arguments are in italics.. which if not avoided. [ x | y | . }* Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. iii . [ x | y | . ]* Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) About This Document Symbol Conventions Symbol Description DANGER WARNING CAUTION Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk. TIP Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save time.. NOTE Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement important points of the main text... [] Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional. data loss... } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all items can be selected.. Command Conventions Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Convention Description Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface. ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars. could result in equipment damage. Several items or no item can be selected. could result in minor or moderate injury. { x | y | . One item is selected or no item is selected. parameters. iv . For example. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Change History Updates between document issues are cumulative.. Changes in Issue 02 (2013-08-15) This document has the following updates: Known bugs are fixed. Ltd. Changes in Issue 03 (2013-11-22) This document has the following updates: Known bugs are fixed. For example. window. click OK. Therefore. menus.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) About This Document GUI Conventions Convention Description Boldface Buttons. choose File > Create > Folder. Changes in Issue 01 (2013-05-30) This document is the first release of the V200R002C01 version. and dialog titles are in boldface. tabs. the latest document issue contains all updates made in previous issues. > Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">" signs. ................................................................................................................................................48 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co........................................................................3.....39 3..............2 Configuring the VTY User Interface......................................................................5....................................................................2 Select Management Plane Configuration Solution.....................................................................................................................................................5........................................................3 Configuring the Management Plane................................................................2................................... Ltd....40 3...............33 3..............................................................................................................13 2....................25 3...........................................1 1.3 Configuring VRF Lite Services....................1 Scenario Introduction..........5................................................................2..................6................................................................................................................1 Small-cell Base Station Bearer Scenario...................................2 EDD Scenario.1 Logging In to the ATN 905 by Using SSH...............................................................................................................................................................................3 Configuring AAA Users.......................2 Data Planning.......................................2 Logging In to the ATN 905.................................................4..........3.............................2.............46 3..............................................................40 3.....................42 3.............................................2 Configuration Overview......................................................................3...............................2...............19 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access.............................................................28 3.....7 2...................................................................................................................................................................................................................35 3.....2 1............1 Configuration Roadmap.......................23 3................................41 3.....................................................................6 2......................30 3.....................................................4................................................................................................................................................2.................1 Networking Models.................................................3 Select Service Solution..............................................................................ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) Contents Contents About This Document.................................................................................4 Deploying the Management Plane............1 Configuring an NE Name............................................................................................................ii 1 Application Scenario Overview........................................................................2 Logging In to the ATN 905 by Using the Console Interface.......................................................................................5 Deploying VRF Lite Services.....................1 Select Overall Solution.............. v ...................................................................................................................................................2 Data Planning.........34 3.................................................................36 3...............................................1 Configuration Roadmap..............................................................................................................2 2 Configuration Overview......16 2..................................................................................................................3......28 3.............4 Configuring the SNMP.....................4...................14 2..................................................6 Deploying Static Routes....................................43 3..................................................................................................................5 2......................................................3 Configuring Basic Information..........................................................................................48 3..............41 3.......................................................................3 Recommended Solutions..............37 3..........................................................................................1 Configuration Roadmap............................................................................................................... ...............................................1 Configuring the Management Plane.......................3 Configuring Basic Information.........................73 4.........1 Configuring QoS..............................................3 Configuring VRF Lite Services.................2 Configuring the VTY User Interface.....................................................56 3............................................................................................................................................................................4 Checking Static Route Configurations................................................58 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access.......1 Scenario Introduction...................................54 3..............................................................3 Configuring Static Routes.............1 Configuring the IS-IS...............101 5..........................................................................................83 4....................................................................................................................8......................................6................................................8 Deploying the Clock.........................................................95 4...................................2...............................................................................................6..........79 4........... Ltd.......................................................74 4...............................................................78 4.............................7 Deploying QoS..............................................................ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) Contents 3....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................94 4......57 3........................................................................................62 4.......................................................................................72 4............................................................................3.................................60 4................1 Configuring NE Information.........................................................1 Configuring QoS.........................................85 4.6......3 Configuring Synchronous Ethernet to Achieve Frequency Synchronization..8............85 4......................................2 Data Planning..............................................49 3..........................2 Data Planning........6..................5.......................................................................................................................................2 Logging In to the ATN by Using the Console Interface......................................................................................................................................8..............................................................................103 5...................6 Deploying the IGP............................1 Configuration Roadmap.....................76 4...3 Configuring Synchronous Ethernet to Achieve Frequency Synchronization...........................................................7.................................94 4..............1 Logging In to the ATN by Using SSH...............4 Configuring IEEE 1588v2 to Achieve Time Synchronization...............................70 4.....................2 Logging In to the ATN 905......................................................2 Deploying the OSPF.....95 4......8...........................................................................................................8............5 Deploying VRF Lite Services............................55 3..........................8.........................................................................90 4...........96 4................................................................... vi ........7 Deploying QoS................4.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Logging In to the ATN 905.6..........................................................................................3...........8....1 Configuration Roadmap..................2 Data Planning..................................1 Scenario Introduction..................................................................................................................................................76 4........................................................................................................................................................................3 Configuring AAA Users..............65 4..................................................................................................................8 Deploying the Clock........................................100 5.................................71 4.............................................................................1 Configuration Roadmap..........................5.......4 Configuring the SNMP......................................................................................................................................................................67 4...........................52 3.......3..................53 3..............................................................................3.4 Configuring the Management Plane..4 Configuring IEEE 1588v2 to Achieve Time Synchronization......7.....54 3................................2.........................................................................................................2 Logging In to the ATN by Using the Console Interface.....................................................1 Logging In to the ATN by Using SSH.........2......................2 Data Planning...........................................105 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co..............65 4.............................................................................2.103 5...............................................................55 3.........................97 4................................................................................98 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access..............5...............................................................78 4...................................................................................................8.............................................................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................4 Configuring the SNMP...122 5.........124 5.....................................3 Configuring Ethernet Services.........................................................5..........................................................2 Data Planning.......................................................................7...............6...3..............................................................................................................110 5......121 5...................................... vii .............................................4..............108 5...............................................................112 5........7.......7...........................................................4.........6 Deploying QoS.................................................................................... Ltd....................2 Data Planning...................................................................ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) Contents 5............1 Configuration Roadmap....................5 Deploying the serive..2 Configuring the VTY User Interface...................................................................................1 Configuration Roadmap..........3.........................................................................1 Configuration Roadmap............1 Configuring QoS...................................................................................125 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.......................4 Configuring the Management Plane....................................................................................116 5....................................109 5...........121 5.......................................................................................................119 5............3 Configuring Synchronous Ethernet to Achieve Frequency Synchronization.................................................................2 Data Planning.........................................................................................3.........................................118 5.....................................................................................................................................................................123 5...................3 Configuring AAA Users.............................................3 Configuring the Management Plane...........................................................................4 Configuring IEEE 1588v2 to Achieve Time Synchronization............................5.............................................................111 5.3 Configuring Basic Information..............................3.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................122 5.....................4.............5.................1 Configuring NE Information.................................................115 5.........................................117 5...............................................................................7................................................................................................................7 Deploying the Clock.......117 5......114 5.......114 5............................................ 1.2 EDD Scenario Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. and low power-consuming case-shaped equipment. light-weighted. The application scenarios of ATN 905 are divided into the small-cell base station bearer scenario and the Ethernet demarcation device (EDD) scenario. 1 . Ltd.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 1 1 Application Scenario Overview Application Scenario Overview About This Chapter ATN 905 is small-sized.1 Small-cell Base Station Bearer Scenario 1.. and easy installation.1 Small-cell Base Station Bearer Scenario Application Scenarios 1. By deploying an EDD Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. easy deployment. 2 . In this topic. with characteristics such as low cost.. Ltd. and easy O&M. Huawei's mobile bearer solution integrates mobile bearer clock and maintenance solutions in an end-to-end manner. Small-cell base station bearer scenario Mobile networks are transforming from dominant macro base stations to co-existing macro and small-cell base stations. Figure 1 shows the networking diagram of the solution using the ATN 905 as the bearer device at the small-cell base station. The Ethernet demarcation device (EDD) is a key element in provider-level Ethernet services. and features low cost. 1. leased network services. Huawei's IPRAN solution (ATN + CX networking) on the macro base station side is used as an example to illustrate the deployment configuration. As an extension of the IPRAN mobile bearer solution based on the macro base station.2 EDD Scenario Application Scenario Overview A provider network is large-scale and complex. wide coverage.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 1 Application Scenario Overview 1. ATN 905 devices are used as small-cell base station bearer NEs and connected to the access device (the CSG in the figure) at the macro base station in chain networking mode. and applications of mobile backhaul networks. small-cell base stations. making management and fault locating difficult. Figure 1-1 Networking diagram of the small-cell base station bearer solution Small-cell Base Station Access Micro/Pico Micro/Pico IPRAN Macro Cell BSC ATN 905 ATN 905 RNC Micro/Pico Micro/Pico CSG ASG RSG MME /SGW NOTE The mobile bearer device at the macro base station may be a third-party device. will play a more and more important role in future network construction. In addition. In Huawei's mobile bearer solution. how to divide maintenance responsibilities for the provider's wireless and network departments in the case of an argument? An EDD can be deployed at each base station to obtain information such as the throughput. As an EDD. and the boundaries need to be clearly demarcated to facilitate maintenance. the enterprise user's CPE connects to the provider's PE using an optical fiber. Ltd. Figure 1-2 Dividing Maintenance Responsibilities for the Provider's Departments Wireless maintenance territory MBH maintenance territory BSC ASG EDD RSG CSG RNC ATN 905 2. These maintenance domains are independent from each other and do not need to perceive each other. Figure 1-3 Enterprise private line network with the EDD User Network CPE Provider Network EDD PE User Network PE ATN 905 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 1 Application Scenario Overview on the user side and connecting it to the CPE. performs end-to-end fault monitoring and diagnosis. Huawei's ATN 905 provides strong link OAM functions. There are boundaries between different maintenance domains. and jitter. so maintenance responsibilities are difficult to divide in the case of a fault. latency. the provider separates the customer network from the provider network. However. the CPE is usually far from the PE. For example. and automatically verifies the service level agreement (SLA). the provider network is divided into different maintenance domains based on maintenance responsibilities. Demarcating the Provider Network and Enterprise Network As shown in Figure 2. on an enterprise private line network. Dividing Maintenance Responsibilities for the Provider's Departments As shown in Figure 1. 1. packet loss rate.. EDD CPE ATN 905 3 . faults cannot be clearly demarcated. To resolve this problem. However. Figure 1-5 Demarcating the Provider Network and Leased Network Wholesale Network Provider Network EDD PE PE ATN 905 B A NOTE For easy description. PE User Network CPE PE Demarcating the Provider Network and Leased Network As shown in Figure 4. the upstream network of the EDD is called aggregation network. Figure 1-4 Enterprise private line network without the EDD User Network Provider Network CPE 3. Ltd. and periodically provides an SLA to the enterprise user so as to prove the provider's network quality. In this manner. 4 . maintenance responsibilities can be divided. and jitter. obtains information such as the throughput. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. so arguments always occur between providers A and B. However. latency.. an EDD can be deployed on provider A's side and deploy OAM functions such as RFC 2544 and IP FPM based on live network requirements to monitor and measure information such as the throughput. the EDD monitors service packets in real time using IP FPM. packet loss rate. an enterprise rents a 100M private line from a provider. packet loss rate. How can the provider divide the maintenance responsibilities? The provider can deploy an EDD near the CPE and test the throughput using RFC 2544 before the deployment so as to prove that the bandwidth meets the requirements.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 1 Application Scenario Overview As shown in Figure 3. the enterprise user considers the bandwidth as lower than 100 M. and jitter. provider B rents a network from provider A. latency. the enterprise user tends to call the provider and complain. After services are provisioned. In the case of a fault on the enterprise user network. 1 Networking Models 2.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 2 Configuration Overview 2 Configuration Overview About This Chapter 2.. Ltd.3 Recommended Solutions Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 5 .2 Configuration Overview 2. l Native IP access solution l Native Ethernet access solution In both solutions. That is. If the operator's network is regarded as an abstract "cloud".1 Networking Models Networking Model for the Configuration Example The application scenarios of the ATN 905 are small-base station bearer and enterprise private line EDD. this topic only provides detailed configuration description from the angle of the access technology. the solutions can be classified into the following types by access technology. the ATN 905 is connected to the nearby network of the operator. From the deployment point of view. the configuration roadmaps and procedures in both solutions are basically the same.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 2 Configuration Overview 2. scenarios are not differentiated while only solutions are differentiated. Ltd. l Native IP scenario: Layer 3 IP packets are forwarded between the ATN 905 and CSG. Micro/Pico Macro Cell RNC/SGW ATN 905 ATN 905 IPRAN CSG Micro/Pico Native IP Traffic flow l Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Native Ethernet scenario: Layer 2 Ethernet packets are forwarded between the ATN 905 and CSG. only the deployment and configuration of the part (marked by the dotted rectangle on the left) on the access network need to be considered. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. For the marked part of the access network. Therefore.. 6 . The following typical networking models are provided for the configuration example. 2 Configuration Overview Overall Configuration Roadmap 1. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. For details. see Networking Models. regardless of the small-cell base station bearer solution or EDD bearer solution. NOTE Typical networking models are used in the following schematic diagrams. Scenario Overall Solution l If a Layer 3 access solution (such as HVPN) is used on the macro base station side. Native IP solution l If a Layer 3 access solution (such as MPLS/IP) is used on the aggregation network. Ltd.. 7 . you are advised to deploy the native IP solution between the ATN 905 and PE to forward services.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 2 Configuration Overview Micro/Pico Macro Cell RNC/SGW ATN 905 ATN 905 IPRAN CSG Micro/Pico Native Eth Traffic flow 2. Overall solution selection: Determine the small-cell base station bearer solution or EDD bearer solution based on the macro base station mobile bearer solution or aggregation network bearer solution. you are advised to deploy the native IP solution between the ATN 905 and cell site gateway (CSG) to forward services. Diagram Macro Cell Micro/Pico ATN 905 ATN 905 IPRAN RNC CSG Micro/Pico Native IP This solution facilitates end-toend IP-based continuity check (CC) and performance monitoring. Select a management plane configuration solution based on the overall solution selected in step 1 and the actual networking requirements. Instead. a. Native Ethernet solution 2 Configuration Overview Diagram Macro Cell Micro/Pico ATN 905 ATN 905 IPRAN RNC CSG Micro/Pico Native Eth l If a Layer 2 access solution (such as metro Ethernet) is used on the aggregation network. static routes need to be manually configured again.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) Scenario Overall Solution l If a Layer 2 or Layer 2 + Layer 3 access solution (such as mixed VPN) is used on the macro base station side. you are advised to deploy the native Ethernet solution between the ATN 905 and CSG to transparently transmit packets from the small-cell base station. The following describes the applicable scenarios of these feature solutions. Prerequisit e Scenario Managemen t Plane Mode Advantage Disadvantage Native IP/ Native Ethernet solution The network scale is small.. packets of the small-cell base station or enterprise private line user are transparently transmitted. Ltd. Public network static route The reliability and stability are high. 8 . Service solution selection: During actual service deployment. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. multiple feature solutions are available. The scalability is poor. the VLAN information of the small-cell base station or enterprise private line user is not modified. In this solution. You can choose an appropriate solution based on the actual networking requirements. When the network topology changes. you are advised to deploy the native Ethernet solution between the ATN 905 and PE to forward services. 2. Ltd. The management mode can be the same as that of the upstream IPRAN or aggregation network. adjusted when the network topology changes. The scalability is high. 2. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. When devices are added to the network. 3.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) Prerequisit e 2 Configuration Overview Scenario Managemen t Plane Mode Advantage 1. Upstream devices are managed using the public network IGP. The ATN 905 is networked with Huawei products. Disadvantage 2. The CSG (or PE) must be a Huawei product. Private network DCN 1. The network scale is large. 9 . The management mode can be the same as that of the upstream IPRAN or aggregation network. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Public network static route/ Public network IGP/ Private network DCN management flow Select a service plane access mode based on the overall solution selected in step 1 and the actual networking requirements. The scalability is high and IGP configurations need to be routes are automatically planned and maintained. 2. The configuration is simple and management routes do not need to be configured by NE. Public network IGP 1.. Figure 2-1 Management plane configuration diagram Micro/Pico Micro/Pico Macro Cell ATN 905 ATN 905 IPRAN CSG RNC Micro/Pico Micro/Pico b. the management plane configuration of other devices does not need to be modified. Ltd. Configurations for this solution is complex because a unique IP route and Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) process need to be planned and configured for each virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instance as required. Users or services do not need to be separated. This solution cannot separate users or separate services from the management plane.. 2 Configuration Overview If the native IP solution is selected in step 1: Prerequisite Scenario Access Mode Advantage Disadvantage Native IP solution Users or services need to be separated. A unique IP route and IGP process for each VRF instance can be resolved only by making public network channels available. Figure 2-2 Native IP service access (VRF access) configuration diagram VRF1 VRF2 ATN 905 Macro Cell ATN 905 IPRAN CSG VRF2 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) VRF1 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. l This solution can separate different enterprise users accessed to a network using the ATN 905 as the EDD. l This solution can separate different wireless operators accessed to a network using the ATN 905 as the backhaul device for the small-cell base station. RNC main interface Dot1q sub-interface VRF1 service flow VRF2 service flow 10 .ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) a. IP addresses need to be planned in a centralized manner. VRF access This solution can separate services. Entire public network access The planning and configuration is simple. select a service plane routing mode based on the actual networking requirements. skip this step. Figure 2-4 Native Ethernet service access (hybrid interface access) configuration diagram port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 to 20 Macro Cell VLAN10 VLAN20 IPRAN ATN 905 ATN 905 VLAN20 c. 11 . Main interface VRF1 Service flow If the native Ethernet solution is selected in step 1: Prerequisite Scenario Access Mode Advantage Disadvantage Native Ethernet solution Users or services do not need to be separated. VLANs for customers and operators need to be planned in a centralized manner. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) VLAN10 CSG RNC Hybrid interface Service flow If the native IP solution is selected in step 1. If the native Ethernet solution is selected in step 1. Hybrid interface access Extra encapsulation costs are saved. Ltd. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co..ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 2 Configuration Overview Figure 2-3 Native IP service access (public network access) configuration diagram VRF1 VRF2 Macro Cell ATN 905 IPRAN ATN 905 RNC CSG VRF2 b. Scenario QoS Mode Traffic management is required. When a device is added to the network. and network flapping caused by a network topology change is prevented. Figure 2-5 Service plane route configuration diagram Macro Cell ATN 905 IPRAN ATN 905 CSG Static route / IGP d. l When a PE is added to the network. static routes need to be added by hop for the network segment from the PE to the EDD. 1. l When a small-cell base station is added to the network. IGP route 1. Simple traffic classification Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Network flapping may occur when the network topology changes. 2. 12 .ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 2 Configuration Overview Prerequisit e Scenario Service plane routing mode Advantage Disadvantage Native IP solution The network scale is small. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) RNC Service flow Select the QoS deployment mode based on the actual networking requirements. The scalability is poor. only the interface configurations on its adjacent devices need to be adjusted. The configuration is simple. Static Route 1.. Configurations on other devices do not need to be modified. 2. IGP configurations need to be planned and maintained. The reliability and stability are high. Ltd. The network scale is large. static routes need to be added by hop for the network segment from the small-cell base station to the corresponding macro base station. The scalability is high. 2 Configuration Overview Select the clock deployment mode based on the actual networking requirements.1 Select Overall Solution Solution Selection Principle Determine the small-cell base station bearer solution or EDD bearer solution based on the macro base station mobile bearer solution or aggregation network bearer solution.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) e.2. Native IP solution l If a Layer 3 access solution (such as MPLS/IP) is used on the aggregation network. you are advised to deploy the native IP solution between the ATN 905 and cell site gateway (CSG) to forward services. 1588v2 2. you are advised to deploy the native IP solution between the ATN 905 and PE to forward services. 13 . Scenario Overall Solution l If a Layer 3 access solution (such as HVPN) is used on the macro base station side. Ltd. Synchronous Ethernet Time synchronization needs to be achieved between NEs. Diagram Macro Cell Micro/Pico ATN 905 ATN 905 IPRAN RNC CSG Micro/Pico Native IP This solution facilitates end-toend IP-based continuity check (CC) and performance monitoring. Scenario Clock Mode Frequency synchronization needs to be achieved between NEs. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. you are required to deploy the native Ethernet solution between the ATN 905 and CSG to transparently transmit packets from the small-cell base station. When the network topology changes.. Ltd. packets of the small-cell base station or enterprise private line user are transparently transmitted. Prerequisit e Scenario Managemen t Plane Mode Advantage Disadvantage Native IP/ Native Ethernet solution The network scale is small. Instead. the VLAN information of the small-cell base station or enterprise private line user is not modified. Native Ethernet solution 2 Configuration Overview Diagram Macro Cell Micro/Pico ATN 905 ATN 905 IPRAN RNC CSG Micro/Pico Native Eth l If a Layer 2 access solution (such as metro Ethernet) is used on the aggregation network. In this solution. 14 . The scalability is poor. Public network static route The reliability and stability are high.2.2 Select Management Plane Configuration Solution Solution Selection Principle Select a management plane configuration solution based on the overall solution selected in step 1 and the actual networking requirements. 2. static routes need to be manually configured again.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) Scenario Overall Solution l If a Layer 2 or Layer 2 + Layer 3 access solution (such as mixed VPN) is used on the macro base station side. you are required to deploy the native Ethernet solution between the ATN 905 and PE to forward services. The scalability is high. The configuration is simple and management routes do not need to be configured by NE. The CSG (or PE) must be a Huawei product. the VRF of Private network DCN 1. Figure 2-6 Management plane configuration diagram Micro/Pico Micro/Pico Macro Cell ATN 905 ATN 905 IPRAN CSG RNC Micro/Pico Micro/Pico Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Public network static route/ Public network IGP/ Private network DCN Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The ATN 905 is networked with Huawei products. Disadvantage 2. 2.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) Prerequisit e 2 Configuration Overview Scenario Managemen t Plane Mode Advantage 1. When devices are added to the network. The scalability is high and IGP configurations need to be routes are automatically planned and maintained. 3. the management plane configuration of other devices does not need to be modified. management flow 15 . The network scale is large. Public network IGP 1. adjusted when the network topology changes. The management mode can be the same as that of the upstream IPRAN or aggregation network. The management mode can be the same as that of the upstream IPRAN or aggregation network. Upstream devices are managed using the public network IGP. Ltd. 2.. A unique IP route and IGP process for each VRF instance can be resolved only by making public network channels available. Select a service plane access mode based on the overall solution selected in step 1 and the actual networking requirements. IP addresses need to be planned in a centralized manner. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.3 Select Service Solution Overview The service solution selection involves the following parts: 1. This solution cannot separate users or separate services from the management plane. Configurations for this solution is complex because a unique IP route and Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) process need to be planned and configured for each virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instance as required.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 2 Configuration Overview 2.. Selecting the service plane routing mode 3. 16 . Selecting the service plane access mode 2.2. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Entire public network access The planning and configuration is simple. VRF access This solution can separate services. l This solution can separate different enterprise users accessed to a network using the ATN 905 as the EDD. Selecting the clock deployment mode Solution Selection Principle 1. a. l This solution can separate different wireless operators accessed to a network using the ATN 905 as the backhaul device for the small-cell base station. Ltd. Selecting the QoS deployment mode 4. Users or services do not need to be separated. If the native IP solution is selected in step 1: Prerequisite Scenario Access Mode Advantage Disadvantage Native IP solution Users or services need to be separated. Main interface VRF1 Service flow If the native Ethernet solution is selected in step 1: Prerequisite Scenario Access Mode Advantage Disadvantage Native Ethernet solution Users or services do not need to be separated. VLANs for customers and operators need to be planned in a centralized manner. Ltd. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 2 Configuration Overview Figure 2-7 Native IP service access (VRF access) configuration diagram VRF2 VRF1 ATN 905 Macro Cell ATN 905 IPRAN RNC CSG VRF2 main interface Dot1q sub-interface VRF1 service flow VRF2 service flow VRF1 Figure 2-8 Native IP service access (public network access) configuration diagram VRF1 VRF2 Macro Cell ATN 905 IPRAN ATN 905 RNC CSG VRF2 b. Hybrid interface access Extra encapsulation costs are saved. 17 .. VLAN10 CSG RNC Hybrid interface Service flow If the native IP solution is selected in step 1. The scalability is high.. and network flapping caused by a network topology change is prevented. static routes need to be added by hop for the network segment from the PE to the EDD. The scalability is poor. The configuration is simple. Ltd. Static Route 1. Network flapping may occur when the network topology changes. If the native Ethernet solution is selected in step 1. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. static routes need to be added by hop for the network segment from the small-cell base station to the corresponding macro base station. Configurations on other devices do not need to be modified. skip this step. 1. 2. l When a PE is added to the network. 2. Prerequisit e Scenario Service plane routing mode Advantage Disadvantage Native IP solution The network scale is small. IGP configurations need to be planned and maintained. When a device is added to the network. l When a small-cell base station is added to the network. only the interface configurations on its adjacent devices need to be adjusted. select a service plane routing mode based on the actual networking requirements. The network scale is large. The reliability and stability are high. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) IGP route 1.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 2 Configuration Overview Figure 2-9 Native Ethernet service access (hybrid interface access) configuration diagram port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 to 20 Macro Cell VLAN10 VLAN20 IPRAN ATN 905 ATN 905 VLAN20 2. 18 . l Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Solution 1: Native IP + public network static management plane + VRF access + static route Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 4. Scenario Clock Mode Frequency synchronization needs to be achieved between NEs. RNC Service flow Select the QoS deployment mode based on the actual networking requirements.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 2 Configuration Overview Figure 2-10 Service plane route configuration diagram Macro Cell ATN 905 IPRAN ATN 905 CSG Static route / IGP 3. Ltd. 1588v2 2. 19 .3 Recommended Solutions Introduction to the Recommended Solutions Huawei recommends the following solutions based on the common networking modes: 1. Scenario QoS Mode Traffic management is required. Simple traffic classification Select the clock deployment mode based on the actual networking requirements. Synchronous Ethernet Time synchronization needs to be achieved between NEs. Solution 3: Native Ethernet + public network IGP management plane + hybrid interface access NOTE The preceding recommended solutions are only common ones and there are also other combination types. Solution 2: Native IP + DCN private network management plane + VRF access + dynamic route 3.. Solution 1: Native IP + public network static management plane + VRF access + static route 2. 2. 1. Interconnection with third-party equipment is supported. 1. the mobile bearer NE (or PE) on the macro base station side can be a third-party NE. Solution 2: Native IP + DCN private network management plane + VRF access + dynamic route Application Scope Advantage Constraint This solution applies to networks of any scale that use a Layer 3 access solution as the macro base station bearer solution (or the aggregation network bearer solution in the EDD scenario) in a mobile bearer solution. Network flapping may occur when the network topology changes. The basic native IP feature is used. Solution 3: Native Ethernet + public network IGP management plane + hybrid interface access Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. l 2. 20 . NOTE This solution applies to networks built with Huawei equipment only. and the IGP does not need to be planned. l When a PE is added to the network. Users are separated using the VRF. The scalability is poor. This solution does not apply to large-scale networks. The configuration is simple. static routes need to be added by hop for the network segment from the small-cell base station to the corresponding macro base station. Configurations on other devices do not need to be modified. 1. 2. Equipment can be managed together with the upstream equipment using a DCN private network. The scalability is high. 3. When a small-cell base station is added to the network. 1. Ltd. which is convenient and effective.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 2 Configuration Overview Application Scope Advantage Constraint This solution applies to small-scale networks that use a Layer 3 access solution as the macro base station bearer solution (or the aggregation network bearer solution in the EDD scenario) in a mobile bearer solution. 3.. That is. only the interface configurations on its adjacent devices need to be adjusted. This solution is recommended for relatively large networks. 2. Users are separated using the VRF. IGP configurations need to be planned and maintained. dynamic protocols such as the IGP are not involved. static routes need to be added by hop for the network segment from the PE to the EDD. l Issue 03 (2013-11-22) l When a small-cell base station is added to the network. On the ATN 905. Manage the ATN 905 using the DCN management plane. This solution is especially applicable to scenarios in which the ATN 905 is used as the EDD. A protocol needs to be configured to prevent loops and Layer 2 broadcast storms. 2. 2.. Plan and configure an NE IP address for each NE. VLANs for customers and operators do not need to be separated. Configure public static routes leading from the ATN 905 to the NMS by hop for the network segment from the ATN 905 to the CSG (or PE). 21 . Overall Configuration Roadmap of the Recommended Solutions Opti on Solution 1: Native IP + Public Network Static Management Plane + VRF Access + Static Route Solution 2: Native IP + DCN Private Network Management Plane + VRF Access + Dynamic Route Solution 3: Native Ethernet + Public Network IGP Management Plane + Hybrid Interface Access Mana geme nt plane confi gurati on 1. Use Layer 3 subinterfaces between the ATN 905 and backhaul device at the macro base station to establish public network IP connections. 1. 1. create a loopback interface on the ATN 905 and configure a management IP address for it. 1. Ltd. 1. 2. Establish public network IP interconnections between the ATN 905 and the CSG (or PE) using Layer 3 subinterfaces. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 2 Configuration Overview Application Scope Advantage Constraint This solution applies to networks of any scale that use a Layer 2 access solution as the macro base station bearer solution (or the aggregation network bearer solution in the EDD scenario) in a mobile bearer solution. 3. Switch the NNI of the ATN 905 to a Layer 2 switching port and add a segment of VLANs that each AC interface allows to pass through. 3.. Bind the AC port of the ATN 905 to the VRF instance that the directlyconnected small-cell base station (or CPE) belongs to. Configure an independent IGP process for each VRF instance between the ATN 905 and the CSG (or PE) to learn the routes leading to the small-cell base station (or CPE) and RNC (or PE) respectively. On the access port of the CSG (or PE). Enable synchronous Ethernet and IEEE 1588v2 for each interface. 22 . 3. Establish VRFinstance-based IP connections between the ATN 905 and the CSG (or PE) using Layer 3 subinterfaces. 2. Bind the AC port of the ATN 905 to the VRF instance that the directly-connected small-cell base station (or CPE) belongs to. Establish VRFinstance-based IP connections between the ATN 905 and the CSG (or PE) using Layer 3 subinterfaces. Switch the AC port of the ATN 905 to a Layer 2 switching port and configure a segment of VLANs that the AC interface allows to pass through. 2. 2. QoS confi gurati on Enable simple traffic classification for each service interface.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) Opti on Solution 1: Native IP + Public Network Static Management Plane + VRF Access + Static Route Solution 2: Native IP + DCN Private Network Management Plane + VRF Access + Dynamic Route Solution 3: Native Ethernet + Public Network IGP Management Plane + Hybrid Interface Access Servi ce confi gurati on 1. Ltd. 3. configure a virtual leased line (VLL) for each service VLAN or terminate the VLAN for Layer 3 forwarding. Clock confi gurati on 1. 1. Configure the priority of imported clock sources for the NNI. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) 2 Configuration Overview 2. 1. Configure static routes leading to the small-base station and RNC by hop for the network segment from the ATN 905 to the CSG (or PE). 3. Logical channels of the management plane and other planes. are sufficient for a simple network to function. for the devices. and mainly adopts the Native IP service solution. static routes are created between ATN 905 devices and access devices in a macro base station. are introduced. are separated.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access About This Chapter Native IP VRF static route access is applicable to small-sized networks. such as the service plane.2 Logging In to the ATN 905 This chapter describes how to log in to the ATN 905 for later commissioning.5 Deploying VRF Lite Services This topic describes how to deploy VRF Lite services. 3. 3. In this solution. Two login methods. VRF instances are configured to isolate services of different carriers. and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) configurations. including overview. including the device name. and meanwhile.1 Scenario Introduction This section gives a brief introduction about scenarios. 23 . 3.6 Deploying Static Routes Static routes. login by using the console interface and SSH. configuration roadmap. management plane packets are transmitted through public network static routes.. you need to perform basic configurations. 3. user login parameter. 3. authorization. 3. and accounting (AAA). authentication.3 Configuring Basic Information Before configuring services.7 Deploying QoS Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. so devices can still be managed when the other planes become abnormal. and data planning.4 Deploying the Management Plane The management plane is an exclusive logical channel that is used to transmit management packets between NEs on an ATN network. Ltd. instead of dynamic routes. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 24 .ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access You can deploy quality of service (QoS) on a carrier network to provide differentiated QoS assurance as required.. 3. Ltd.8 Deploying the Clock You are advised to use a clock synchronization solution based on actual clock synchronization requirements. Ltd.1 Scenario Introduction This section gives a brief introduction about scenarios. and data planning..ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access 3. including overview. RNC main interface Dot1q sub-interface public network management plane VRF1 service flow VRF2 service flow 25 . configuration roadmap. Overview Solution 1: Native IP VRF static route access (native IP + public network static management plane + static route + VRF access) Figure 3-1 Example network of Native IP VRF static route access VRF1 VRF2 Macro Cell ATN 905 IPRAN ATN 905 CSG VRF2 VRF1 Static route Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. This solution is not applicable to large-sized networks. Configure static routes between ATN 905 and Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. and dynamic routing protocols. l Management plane: Public network static routes l IP route: Static routes l Native IP access: VRF access 2.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Table 3-1 Solution information Solution Feature Applicable Scenario Solution Advantage Solution Constraint l Service configurations for small-cell base stations: Native IP 1. create multiple VRFs on the ATN 905 and CSG devices so that different services use their own VRFs. l Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Hop by hop configure static routes from the ATN 905 and the CSG in a macro base station to the small-cell base station and the RNC. When services need to be isolated at station access devices. The VRF instances are created on transmission equipment to isolate services of different wireless users. 2. When services do not need to be isolated at station access devices. Small-sized network 3. the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). l Use dot1p sub-interfaces to create VRF-instance-based IP connections between the ATN 905 and the CSG in a macro base station. VRF instances are created for service isolation. create and configure only one VRF on the ATN 905 and CSG devices so that different services use the same VRF. The VRFs must be the same as those configured on the macro base station. if the service IP address of the small-cell base station changes. Scenario in which the carrier solution on the macro base station side adopts the Layer 3 access solution 1. Huawei IPRAN products or the third-party NEs deployed in the upstream direction of the macro base station 2. Basic features are applied to this solution. NOTE 1. 26 .) 4. the static routes configured on the backhaul devices need to be changed accordingly. are not included in this solution. The configurations are very simple and easy to understand. Specifically. Ltd.. This solution is of poor expansibility. Wireless devices are insensible to the VRF instances. 2. Configuration Roadmap l Configure a management plane (based on public network static routes) between the ATN 905 and the CSG in a macro base station. 1. for example. Small-cell base station providing access for multiple wireless carriers (Services of different wireless carriers are isolated from each other. 27 . Static routes from the ATN 905 to the small-cell base station need to be configured.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access small-cell base stations that are directly connected to it. 4. A service IP address pool (32-bit mask) needs to be planned. and between ATN 905 and small-cell base stations that are directly connected to the downstream ATN 905. VRF instances are planned by wireless carriers. QoS Issue 03 (2013-11-22) STC is deployed on each service interface of the ATN 905. Ltd. l VRF ATN 905 data: 1. Different VRF instances need to be configured to isolate services of different wireless carriers. l Management IP address 2. 2. The default route from the ATN 905 to the RNC needs to be configured. l NE name l User login parameter l SNMP l AAA Small-cell base station data: l Voice services IP address l Data services IP address 1. l IP address of the link that connects the small-cell base station to the ATN 905 3. Data Planning Item Planning Guidelines Basic configuration parameters: You are advised to configure the basic configuration parameters except NE name in the centralized manner based on the entire network. these basic configuration parameters are planned once for all. In this way. 2. An IP address pool of links that connect small-cell base stations to the ATN 905 needs to be planned. between ATN 905 and its downstream ATN 905. l VRF Static route: l Destination IP address l Next-hop IP address 1. l Deploy simple traffic classification (STC) on the ATN 905. A service IP address pool (32-bit mask) needs to be planned. 3. Static routes are imported into the BGP area configured on the backhaul device in a macro device.. deploy IEEE 1588v2 to implement time synchronization. Static routes from the ATN 905 to the downstream ATN 905 and small-cell base station need to be configured. 3. Each AC port of the ATN 905 needs to be added into the related VRF instance. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The dot1q sub-interfaces between the backhaul devices are bound to different VRF interfaces to transmit packets hop by hop. A management IP address pool (32-bit mask) needs to be planned. l Deploy Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) on the ATN 905 to implement frequency synchronization. This section describes only the SSH login by using the PuTTY program.1 and the login protocol to SSH. Ltd. Procedure Step 1 As shown in the following figure. Compared with Telnet. 3.. Figure 3-2 Networking diagram for logging in to the ATN 905 by using SSH network SSH Client SSH Server Prerequisite l The ATN 905 is running properly. NOTE Perform the following configurations on the ATN 905 that serves as the SSH server. 28 . l A direct or reachable route exists between the SSH client and the ATN 905. SSH is a secure remote login protocol developed based on the traditional Telnet protocol. SSH is greatly improved in terms of the authentication mode and data transmission security. l The ATN 905 has been logged in using the console interface and an IP address for each interface has been configured on the ATN 905. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. login by using the console interface and SSH. set the IP address of the ATN 905 to 192.1 Logging In to the ATN 905 by Using SSH This section describes how to log in to the ATN 905 by using SSH. 3. are introduced. Figure 3-2 shows the networking diagram for logging in to the ATN 905 by using SSH. Two login methods. Logging In to the ATN 905 This chapter describes how to log in to the ATN 905 for later commissioning.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Item Planning Guidelines Clock SyncE and 1588v2 functions are enabled on the ATN 905 so that the ATN 905 traces the clock and time of the upstream device and transmits the clock signals to base stations. Figure 3-3 Login by using the PuTTY program Step 2 Enter the user name root and the password Changeme_123. you can log in to it in STelnet mode. change the default password in time.1.0. The user name and password are root and Changeme_123 respectively. NOTE After the ATN is powered on for the first time.1 will be automatically changed to the IP address that DHCP obtains during the startup. 29 . If the ATN has accessed the network when it is powered on for the first time. The IP address of the management network interface Ethernet0/0/0 (the console interface) is 129. Ltd.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access NOTE After the ATN is powered on for the first time. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. its IP address 129.0. After logging in to the ATN. you can log in to it in STelnet mode.0.0.. Figure 3-5 Networking diagram for logging in to the ATN 905 by using the console interface PC ATN Prerequisite l The ATN 905 is running properly. Ltd. l The PC is connected to the ATN 905 through an asynchronous interface..ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Figure 3-4 Login using the PuTTY program ----End 3. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. For more information.2 Logging In to the ATN 905 by Using the Console Interface This section describes how to use the HyperTerminal in Windows on the PC to log in to the ATN 905 after setting up a local configuration environment with the console interface. see ATN 905Multi-service Access Equipment Installation Guide. Context Figure 3-5 shows the networking diagram for logging in to the NE80E/40E by using the console interface. The console port applies the non-standard serial port communication cable sequence. 30 . l Installing terminal emulation program on the PC (such as Windows XP HyperTerminal) NOTE Perform the following configurations on the HyperTerminal on the PC.2. enter the name of the new connection in the Name text box. 31 .. Choose Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications to start the HyperTerminal in Windows. For more information about the console interface. see the ATN 905Multi-service Access EquipmentHardware Description.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Procedure Step 1 Use a serial cable to connect the serial interface on the PC and the console interface on the ATN 905. Step 2 Start the HyperTerminal on the PC. Step 3 Set up a connection. click OK. and select an icon. In the Connect To dialog box shown in Figure 3-7. Ltd. As shown in Figure 3-6. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. click OK. select a port from the drop-down list box of Connect using according to the port actually used on the PC or terminal. Then. Figure 3-6 Setting up a connection Step 4 Set a connection port. Then. the login will fail. NOTE l Setting the COM1 properties according to the description in Figure 3-8 and setting them by clicking Restore Defaults have the same effect. This means that if default settings are not used for the interface attributes on the ATN 905. ensure that the COM1 properties on the HyperTerminal are consistent with the interface attribute settings on the ATN 905. set the COM1 properties according to the description in Figure 3-8 or by clicking Restore Defaults. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. the COM1 properties on the HyperTerminal must be changed to be consistent with the interface attribute settings on the ATN 905. Otherwise.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Figure 3-7 Setting a connection port Step 5 Set communication parameters. 32 . Ltd. The default settings of the console interface will be used. When the COM1 Properties dialog box is displayed as shown in Figure 3-8.. l When you log in to the ATN 905 by using the console interface. If the login still fails. Set an authentication password. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.. repeat Step 1 to check whether the parameters or physical connections are correct. Set a password and keep it safe! Otherwise you will not be able to login via the console. 33 . 3. authentication. and accounting (AAA). An initial password is required for the first login. Please configure the login password (6-16) Enter Password: Confirm Password: If the login fails. log in to the ATN 905 again. Ltd. and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) configurations. An initial password is required for the first login via the console. click Disconnect and then Call.3 Configuring Basic Information Before configuring services. user login parameter. you need to perform basic configurations.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Figure 3-8 Setting communication parameters ----End Commissioning Result After the preceding configurations are complete. The system automatically saves the set password. including the device name. authorization. for the devices. If they are correct. press Enter. ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access 3.3.1 Configuring an NE Name If multiple devices on a network need to be managed, set equipment names to identify each device. Data Planning An NE name consists of the site name, device model, and device number. Each NE is named in the format of AA-BB-CC. The following provides the meaning of the letters. l AA: device model, for example, ATN 910 or ATN 905 l BB: site name, for example, SmallCellSiteA l CC: device number, starting from 001 For example, ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 refers to an ATN 905 numbered 001 at site SmallCellSiteA. Parameter Value Description sysname ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001 Indicates the NE name. NOTE All the NEs involved in this document are named as shown in the following figure. Figure 3-9 NE names SmallCellSiteB1 SmallCellSiteA1 Macro Cell Micro/Pico ATN905SmallCellSiteB-002 Micro/Pico Micro/Pico ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001 IPRAN ATN910MacroCellSite-003 RNC Micro/Pico SmallCellSiteA2 SmallCellSiteB2 Configuration Process l Configure the name of the NE as ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001. sysname ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 l Configure the name of the NE as ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002. sysname ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 34 ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) l 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Configure the name of the NE as ATN910-MacroCellSite-003. sysname ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 3.3.2 Configuring the VTY User Interface To log in to an ATN device remotely, you can configure the virtual type terminal (VTY) user interface to ensure equipment security. Data Planning To log in to an ATN device in telnet or Secure Shell (SSH) mode, you can configure the VTY user interface to ensure equipment security. The following parameters are involved: the maximum number of VTY user interfaces, user authentication mode, user privilege, and VTY attributes. l By setting the maximum number of VTY user interfaces, you can limit the number of users who can log in to the ATN device concurrently. l By setting the user authentication mode, you can enhance the equipment security. The user authentication mode can be set to AAA authentication or password authentication. 1. The AAA authentication mode is based on users, ensuring high security. To log in to the ATN device, you need to enter the user name and password. 2. The password authentication mode is based on VTY channels, requiring simple configuration while ensuring high security. You only need to be create a login password. l By setting the user privilege, you can differentiate the access rights of different users on the ATN device to enhance the management security. User privileges are divided into 16 levels, which are numbered 0 to 15. A larger value indicates a higher user privilege. l You can configure the VTY attributes of a VTY user interface, such as the timeout interval of communication failure for login users. Each VTY attribute on the VTY user interface has a default value on the ATN device. You can re-configure the terminal attributes as required. NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions, such as network size and topology. The following recommended values in this example are only for reference. Parameter Value Description user-interface maximum-vty 15 Sets the maximum number of users that are allowed to log in to the NE to 15. NOTE When the value of this parameter is set to 0, no user (even the NMS user) can log in to the ATN device through the VTY user interface. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 35 ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Parameter Value Description user-interface vty 0 14 Indicates that the maximum number of VTY user interfaces is the total number of users that have logged in to the NE through Telnet or STelnet. authentication-mode aaa Sets the authentication mode to AAA authentication for users that attempt to log in to the NE. protocol inbound ssh Specifies the login protocol supported by the VTY user interface to SSH. user privilege level 3 Specifies the command level to level 3. idle-timeout 50 Sets the timeout interval of communication failure for login users. Configuration Process Perform the following configurations on all ATN devices: 1. Set the maximum number of VTY user interfaces. user-interface maximum-vty 15 //Set the maximum number of VTY user interfaces that are allowed to log in to the NE at the same time. 2. Configure VTY attributes. user-interface vty 0 14 //Perform configurations for VTY 0 to VTY 14. protocol inbound ssh authentication-mode aaa user privilege level 3 idle-timeout 5 0 3.3.3 Configuring AAA Users If the user authentication mode is set to AAA authentication on an ATN device, you need to configure user names and passwords on the ATN device to manage and authenticate users. Data Planning If the user authentication mode is set to AAA authentication in an ATN device, a user needs to keep the login user name and password properly, and uses them to log in to the ATN device. The levels of commands that can be used by users logging in to an ATN device concurrently are determined by the privileges of these users in the AAA configuration. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 36 The system manages commands by command level. 3. set a user level. local-user level 3 Sets the user level for the local user. NOTE Requirements on user names and passwords for ATN products are as follows: l A local user name contains 1 to 253 characters. an authorization scheme. l A password must contain eight characters at least. The following recommended values in this example are only for reference. and special characters. Ltd. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. the NMS can monitor and manage NEs. or configure an authentication scheme.3. local-user xxx service-type xxx USER01 Sets the access type of local users to SSH. Parameter Value Description aaa - Enters the AAA view to create a user. upper-case and lower-case letters. Hello@*#123 ssh Configuration Process Perform the following configurations on all ATN devices: aaa local-user USER01 password cipher Hello@*#123 //Add a local uer (USER01) and set the password. excluding question marks (?) and spaces. such as network size and topology.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions. local-user USER01 level 3 //Set the user level of the local user.4 Configuring the SNMP After the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is configured. l The password cannot be the same as the user name or the user name in reverse order. or a domain. A user can use only the commands whose levels are lower than or equal to the user level. l A password must contain digits. local-user XXX password cipher XXX USER01 Adds a local user USER01. an accounting scheme. 37 . so that the NE authenticates users. local-user USER01 service-type ssh //Set the access type for the user.. Sets a write community name. the ATN notifies the neighbors of its status and obtains the status of the neighbors through LLDP packets. The NMS can access a device only when the community name set on the NMS is the same as that set on the device. namely. snmp-agent mib-view included iso-view iso Includes the iso subtree in the SNMP MIB view. NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions. The NMS uses the management information base (MIB) to identify and manage devices. such as network size and topology. and SNMPv3. the SNMP defines several device management operations that can be performed by the NMS and alarms that can be automatically sent to the NMS when the ATN equipment is faulty. which are all supported by the ATN 905. snmp-agent community read cipher Huawei123! Sets a read community name. In this manner. The NMS can access a device only when the community name set on the NMS is the same as that set on the device. The NMS then can get information about Layer 2 connection of the ATN. By default. Table 3-2 SNMP parameters Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Parameter Value Description snmp-agent - Enables the SNMP agent function. snmp-agent sys-info version all Configures the system to adopt all the SNMP versions. The Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is a Layer 2 discovery protocol defined in 802. The SNMP versions include SNMPv1. SNMPv1. the SNMP agent function is disabled. SNMPv2c. and SNMPv3. The NMS can manage NEs using the SNMP. The following recommended values in this example are only for reference. Specifically.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Data Planning The SNMP is a standard network management protocol widely used on TCP/IP networks. the NMS can analyze the network topology. When the ATN and its neighbors are all enabled with LLDP. SNMPv2c.. 38 . Enables all traps on a device. snmp-agent community write cipher Huawei@123 snmp-agent trap enable - mib-view iso-view mib-view iso-view Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1ab. Ltd. snmp-agent trap enable snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain 20. snmp-agent trap source LoopBack0 //Set the source interface for trap messages. snmp-agent mib-view included iso-view iso //Include the iso subtree SNMP MIB view. Logical channels of the management plane and other planes.4 Deploying the Management Plane The management plane is an exclusive logical channel that is used to transmit management packets between NEs on an ATN network. Application Process Perform the following configurations on all ATN devices: snmp-agent snmp-agent sys-info version all //Enable SNMP of all versions for the system. configure private-netmanager and ext-vb..20. SNMP trap messages can be sent to the U2000 at management IP address 20. 39 . params securityname Huawei@123 v2c privatenetmanager ext-vb snmp-agent trap enable feature-name lldp - Enables the LLDP trap function.20. snmp-agent extend error-code enable Enables the extended error code function.20. such as the service plane. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.20. snmp-agent community read cipher Huawei123! mib-view iso-view snmp-agent community write cipher Huawei@123 mib-view iso-view //Set the read and write permissions for the write attributes. Allows the SNMP agent to send SNMP trap messages to the Huawei NMS at 20. the write attribute command will override the read attribute command. so devices can still be managed when the other planes become abnormal.20 params securityname Huawei@123 v2c private-netmanager ext-vb //When the management plane is deployed on public network routes. If an NMS provided by Huawei is used. are separated. lldp enable - Enables the LLDP function.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Parameter Value Description snmp-agent trap source LoopBack0 Configures the LoopBack0 interface as the source interface that sends trap messages.20. snmp-agent trap enable feature-name lldp snmp-agent extend error-code enable lldp enable 3.20 using entity name Huawei@123. When the read entity name and write entity name are the same. snmp-agent targethost trap address udp-domain 20.20. Ltd. When the management plane becomes abnormal.9 30 - vlan-type dot1q 1 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The following recommended values and precautions in this example are for reference only.21/30 Macro Cell GE0/2/1. when other planes become abnormal. 40 .4. That is.11/32 IPRAN GE0/2/0 GE0/2/0 Loopback0 128.1.11 32 - GigabitEthernet 0/2/1.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access 3. other planes can still be used. Data Planning NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions.13.22/30 Table 3-3 Interface planning table NE Name Interface IP Address VPN ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001 Loopback0 128. making equipment management more and more complex and costly.1 dot1q 1 192. the logical channels of the management plane and other planes are separated.2 Data Planning This topic describes data planning for the management plane configuration.1 dot1q 1 192.12. Ltd.1 dot1q 1 192. such as network size and topology. 3. devices can still be managed. it is more and more important to separate the management and service planes.4.168.9/30 GE0/2/1. A user operates and manages devices using the management plane and deploys services using other planes.1.1 dot1q 1 192.4. Therefore.1 Configuration Roadmap This topic describes the configuration roadmap for the management plane. such as the service plane.168.11.4. The configuration roadmap is as follows: l Establish a management plane between the ATN 905 and the CSG based on public network static routes.10/30 Loopback0 128.1 192.1.12/32 Loopback0 128. Traditional management and service packets are closely coupled. Figure 3-10 Management plane configuration diagram GE0/2/0.. RNC/SGW GE0/2/0. 1.4. Configuring ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1.168.168. 1 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access NE Name Interface IP Address VPN ATN905SmallCellSiteB-002 Loopback0 128.1.1 description ToNext905 vlan-type dot1q 1 ip address 192. 41 .1.10 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1.5 Deploying VRF Lite Services This topic describes how to deploy VRF Lite services.22 30 - vlan-type dot1q 1 GigabitEthernet 0/2/1.1.1 description NNI vlan-type dot1q 1 ip address 192.168. Ltd.. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.3 Configuring the Management Plane This topic describes how to configure the management plane.21 30 - 192.1 192.9 30 Configuring ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0.13.1 description NNI vlan-type dot1q 1 ip address 192.13 32 - GigabitEthernet0/2/0.10 30 - Loopback0 128.21 30 Configuring ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/ vlan-type dot1q 1 ATN910MacroCellSite-003 vlan-type dot1q 1 3.168.22 30 3.1 description NNI vlan-type dot1q 1 ip address 192.12 32 - GigabitEthernet 0/2/ corresponding VRF instances are logically connected on the CE and PE. each PE can be divided into multiple virtual routers. VRF Lite is a typical example. so the PE and CE can run a routing protocol in each VRF instance to exchange VPN routes. Although VRF instances are usually used with Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). Figure 3-11 L3VPN configuration roadmap VRF1 VRF2 Macro Cell ATN 905 IPRAN ATN 905 CSG VRF2 VRF1 RNC Main interface Dot1q sub-interface VRF1 service flow VRF2 service flow The preceding figure shows how to configure VRF instances. In this manner. VRF instances are configured on the CE. In this manner. That is. The configuration roadmap is as follows: l Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Use different VPNs to carry data flows of different users and bind AC interfaces on the ATN 905 to VRF instances. The enterprise branch needs only 1 CE to connect to the PE. VRF instances are configured on the CE.1 Configuration Roadmap This topic describes the configuration roadmap for local VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instances. multiple VRF instances. VRF instances can be used alone. 42 . Logically. network addresses and routing information of different users need to be separated to ensure security. and the PE needs to provide 3 interfaces for the enterprise branch.. VRF Lite is introduced. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.5. and corresponding interfaces. The following figure shows the networking mode. In addition. the CE connects to the PE through only 1 physical link and subinterfaces of the CE interface are bound to VRF instances. the enterprise branch requires 3 egress routers and 3 links leading to the PE. Each VRF instance corresponds to a VPN and has its own routing table. That is. that is.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access 3. and the CE interfaces for the 3 departments are bound to VRF instances. port and link resources are wasted and costs increase. When a user wants to keep the internal network topology and address allocation plan from other users. To resolve this problem. a PE shared by multiple VPNs is simulated as multiple exclusive PEs and the routing information exchanged between the PE and CE is related to a specific VPN. In this manner. Usually multiple users share a device. VRF Lite indicates that VRF instances are supported on the CE. The following provides an example: Three departments of an enterprise branch are required to be isolated from each other and each department is connected to the PE through a CE. VPN routes are separated. forwarding table. Ltd. In this case. 1. create multiple VRFs on the ATN 905 and CSG devices so that different services use their own VRFs.1.1.6 172.21/30 dot1q 3 VRF2 Macro Cell 192. Figure 3-12 Data planning for service deployment GE0/2/ dot1q 3 VRF2 192.1.3 192.18 GE0/2/3 192.2 172.168.17 GE0/2/2 GE0/2/0 GE0/2/1 GE0/2/1 192.168.21.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access NOTE 1. l Configure dotlq subinterfaces for the interfaces connecting the ATN 905 devices and the CSG and bind these subinterfaces to VRF instances.14 GE0/2/ GE0/2/2 192.0/24 IP address of a small-cell wireless base station for data services Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 43 .1.13 RNC/SGW 10.224.22/30 dot1q 2 VRF1 GE0/2/0.22/30 dot1q 3 VRF2 10. 3.1. NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions such as network scale and topology. The VRFs must be the same as those configured on the macro base station.1.. 172.4/32(VRF2) 10.10/30 dot1q 3 VRF2 10. When services need to be isolated at station access devices. 2.21/30 dot1q 2 VRF1 GE0/2/0.21.0/24 IP address of a small-cell wireless base station for voice services 10.2 10.168.3 192.21.3/32(VRF1) Table 3-4 Network segment planning Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Network Segment Remarks 10. create and configure only one VRF on the ATN 905 and CSG devices so that different services use the same VRF. dot1q 2 VRF1 GE0/2/1. Ltd.3 172. When services do not need to be isolated at station access devices.21.4/32(VRF2) 10.1.2 IPRAN GE0/2/0 GE0/2/3 GE0/2/0.3/32(VRF1) The following recommended values in this example are only for reference.1.10/30 dot1q 2 VRF1 GE0/2/1.1/32(VRF1) GE0/2/0.2 Data Planning This topic describes data planning required for service deployment. 2/32 VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSite A2 for data services GigabitEth ernet 0/2/1.1/32 VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSite A1 for voice services loopback1 172.0/24(VRF2) IP address of the access link for all small-cell base stations connected to one macro base station.0/24(VRF1) IP address of the access link for all small-cell base stations connected to one macro base station. 44 .3 vlan-type dot1q 3 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.168.21.1/32 VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSite A1 for data services loopback0 10.1.2/32 VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSite A2 for voice services loopback1 10..182.9/30 VRF2 NNI on a backhaul device SmallC ellSiteA 2 ATN90 5SmallC ellSiteA -001 vlan-type dot1q 2 GigabitEth ernet 0/2/1.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Network Segment Remarks 172.1.1. Table 3-5 Interface planning NE Name NE Name Interface IP Address VPN Remarks SmallCellSi teA SmallC ellSiteA 1 loopback0 10.21. VRF1 NNI on a backhaul device 192. Ltd. vlan-type dot1q 3 GigabitEth ernet 0/2/ 0 VRF2 To Next905 172.10/30 VRF1 NNI on a backhaul device vlan-type dot1q 2 GigabitEth ernet 0/2/0.5/30 VRF1 To NE SmallCellSite A1 GigabitEth ernet 0/2/3 192.4/32 VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSite B1 for voice services loopback1 VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSite B2 for voice services loopback1 10.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) NE Name SmallCellSi teB NE Name SmallC ellSiteB 1 SmallC ellSiteB 2 ATN90 5SmallC ellSiteB -002 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Interface IP Address VPN Remarks GigabitEth ernet 0/2/2 172.1.4/32 VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSite B1 for data services loopback0 10. 45 .21.21/30 VRF1 To Next905 VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSite B2 for data services GigabitEth ernet 0/2/0.2 VRF2 To NE SmallCellSite A2 loopback0 10.182.168. Ltd.2 vlan-type dot1q 2 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 10/3 0 VRF2 NNI on a backhaul device GigabitEth ernet 0/2/2 192.22/3 0 VRF2 To Next905 vlan-type dot1q 3 MacroCellS ite ATN91 0MacroC ellSite-0 03 vlan-type dot1q 2 GE0/2/0.1.3 vlan-type dot1q 3 Table 3-6 VRF data planning NE VPN Instance Name RD Remarks ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001 VRF1 100:1 VRF2 100:2 Isolates base station data.168.168.1.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) NE Name NE Name 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Interface IP Address VPN Remarks GigabitEth ernet 0/2/1.13/30 VRF1 To NE SmallCellSite B2 GE0/2/0.17/3 0 VRF2 To NE SmallCellSite B1 GigabitEth ernet 0/2/3 172.1.21..2 172.3 192. Ltd. ATN905SmallCellSiteB-002 VRF1 100:1 VRF2 100:2 ATN910MacroCellSite-003 VRF1 200:1 VRF2 200:2 3. 46 .22/30 VRF1 To Next905 192.5. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.3 Configuring VRF Lite Services This topic describes how to configure VRF Lite to carry services.21.1. and adds each AC port of ATN 905 to the specific VRF.1.168. 47 .10 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1.9 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 description To SmallCellSiteA1 ip binding vpn-instance VRF1 ip address interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0. ip vpn-instance VRF1 ipv4-family route-distinguisher 100:1 ip vpn-instance VRF2 ipv4-family route-distinguisher 100:2 2. Create a VRF instance.1.21 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0.3 description To SmallCellSite vlan-type dot1q 3 ip binding vpn-instance VRF2 ip address 192.2 description NNI vlan-type dot1q 2 ip binding vpn-instance VRF1 ip address 172.1. Configure subinterfaces and bind them to the VRF instance.21 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/ 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1..1.1.2 description To Next905 vlan-type dot1q 2 ip binding vpn-instance VRF1 ip address 172.3 description NNI vlan-type dot1q 3 ip binding vpn-instance VRF2 ip address 192.21.2 description To SmallCellSite vlan-type dot1q 2 ip binding vpn-instance VRF1 ip address 172. Create a VRF instance. ip vpn-instance VRF1 ipv4-family route-distinguisher 100:1 ip vpn-instance VRF2 ipv4-family route-distinguisher 100:2 2.10 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 description To SmallCellSiteB1 ip binding vpn-instance VRF2 ip address 192.17 30 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.168.1 30 Configuring ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1. Configure subinterfaces and bind them to the VRF instance.3 description To Next905 vlan-type dot1q 3 ip binding vpn-instance VRF2 ip address 192.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Configuring ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 1. Ltd.1.5 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/3 description To SmallCellSiteA2 ip binding vpn-instance VRF2 ip address 192. ip vpn-instance VRF1 ipv4-family route-distinguisher 200:1 ip vpn-instance VRF2 ipv4-family route-distinguisher 200:2 2. when the network undergoes a fault or the network topology changes.6 Deploying Static Routes Static routes.1. configuring only static routes allows the network to work properly. Create a VRF instance.6.22 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0.3 description NNI vlan-type dot1q 3 ip binding vpn-instance VRF2 ip address 192. Ltd. However. Configure subinterfaces and bind them to the VRF instance. 48 .21.168.2 description NNI vlan-type dot1q 2 ip binding vpn-instance VRF1 ip address 172.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access interface GigabitEthernet0/2/3 description To SmallCellSiteB2 ip binding vpn-instance VRF1 ip address 172..1.1 Configuration Roadmap This topic describes the configuration roadmap for service plane static routes. instead of dynamic routes.13 30 Configuring ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 1.1. static routes will not change automatically but must be changed by users manually.22 30 3. 3. On a network with a simple topology. Static routes refer to routes that must be manually configured. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Static routes are easy to be configured and have low requirements on the system. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0.21. are sufficient for a simple network to function. configure a static route leading to the downstream ATN 905 and another one leading to the small-cell base station that is directly connected to the downstream ATN 905. The configuration roadmap is as follows: l Configure static routes between the ATN 905 and small-cell base stations that are directly connected to it.6. configure static routes to each small-cell base station. The following recommended values in this example are only for reference. 3. 49 . In other words.2 Data Planning This topic describes data planning for static route configuration. Ltd.. such as network size and topology. l On the ATN 905. NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions. l On the CSG.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Figure 3-13 Static route configuration diagram Micro/Pico Macro Cell IPRAN CSG Micro/Pico NativeIP RNC Configure static routes to downstream ATN 905 devices. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. configure a static route from the ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 NE to the ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 NE and configure a static route from the ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001 NE to its connected small-cell base station. and to small-cell base stations that are directly connected to the downstream ATN 905 devices Static route The preceding figure shows how to configure service plane static routes. l Configure a default route in the upstream direction of the ATN 905. 168.1 GE0/2/3 192.5 GE0/2/2 dot1q 3 VRF2 10. Ltd.182.1.2/32 192.3 32(VRF1) Table 3-7 Interface planning table Issue 03 (2013-11-22) NE Name Destination IP Address Next Hop VPN Remarks ATN905SmallCellSite A-001 dot1q 2 VRF1 GE0/2/ VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteA 1 for data services 10.2 32(VRF2) 10.1.2 VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteA 2 for data services 32(VRF1) 10.2 32(VRF2) IPRAN GE0/2/0.168.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Figure 3-14 Static route configuration diagram GE0/2/ 172.2 VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteA 2 for voice services 10.3 dot1q 2 VRF1 GE0/2/1.1.6 VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteA 1 for voice services 10.21 VRF1 VRF1-based default upstream route Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1.3 32(VRF2) GE0/2/0.1. 50 .10/30 dot1q 3 VRF2 default route in the upstream Macro Cell direction 32(VRF2) Configure a default route in the upstream direction RNC/SGW 32(VRF1) 10.17 GE0/2/2 GE0/2/1 GE0/2/0 GE0/2/1 192.18 172.1.2 172.1.3 192.224.21/30 dot1q 3 VRF2 172.6 dot1q 3 VRF2 10.168..1/32 172.21.14 GE0/2/ dot1q 2 VRF1 Configure a GE0/2/0.2 172.2 GE0/2/0 GE0/2/3 172.22/30 dot1q 2 VRF1 GE0/2/0. 1.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) NE Name ATN905SmallCellSite B-002 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Destination IP Address Next Hop VPN Remarks 0.1.18 VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteB2 for data services 10.18 VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteB2 for voice services VRF2 VRF2-based default upstream route Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 172..0. 51 .1/32 172.224.14 VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteB1 for voice services 10.9 VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteA 2 for voice services 10.9 VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteA 1 for voice services 10.1.2/32 192.3/32 172.14 VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteB1 for data services 10.2/32 VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteA 1 for data services 192.182.3/32 172.168.22 VRF1 VRF1-based default upstream route VRF2 VRF2-based default upstream route 10. Ltd.1.0 192.168.0 192.9 VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteA 2 for data services 0.182. VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteB1 for data services 10.1.2/32 192.3/32 172.4/32 172. Configure NE ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 l Configure static routes to small-cell base stations that are directly connected.1.21 VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteA 2 for voice services 192.6 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.168.21 VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteB2 for voice services 10.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access NE Name Destination IP Address Next Hop VPN Remarks ATN910MacroCellSit e-003 10. 52 .21.1/32 172.1.6////Sets a static route with the destination IP address as 10.21 VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteA 1 for voice services 10. ip route-static vpn-instance VRF1 32 172. Ltd. VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteA 1 for data services 192.21 VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteB1 for voice services 10.1.3/32 32 172.182.21 VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSiteB2 for data services 10. ip route-static vpn-instance VRF1 10.3 Configuring Static Routes This topic describes the method of configuring static routes. and the next-hop address as 172.182..21 VRF2 IP address of NE SmalloCellSite A2 for carrying data services 3.1. 0.1. #Use the Ping command to check the connectivity. Ltd.1.. ip route-static vpn-instance VRF2 0.2 32 32 32 32 you can check the configurations. 53 .3 10.1.9 192.4 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 172.21 10.1. l Run display ip routing-table vpn-instance verbose to query the detailed information about the IPv4 route table.9 Configure static routes to the small-cell base stations that the downstream ATN 905 directly connected.1.2 10. ipv4-family vpn-instance IPRAN2 import-route static 3.182. ip route-static vpn-instance VRF1 0.1 Configure a default route in the upstream direction. 192.22 Configure NE ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 l Configure static routes to the small-cell base stations that the downstream ATN 905 directly connected.10 Configure NE ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 l Configure static routes to small-cell base stations that are directly connected. bgp 100 ipv4-family vpn-instance IPRAN1 import-route static//Configures BGP to import static routes. ip route-static vpn-instance VRF1 0.0 0 192.0 0 ip route-static vpn-instance VRF2 0. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.224.21 192.21 192.0 0 172.0. ip ip ip ip l vpn-instance vpn-instance vpn-instance vpn-instance VRF1 VRF1 VRF2 VRF2 10.3 10.1.14 172.1 10. ip ip ip ip l route-static route-static route-static route-static route-static route-static route-static route-static vpn-instance vpn-instance vpn-instance vpn-instance VRF1 VRF1 VRF2 VRF2 10.1.168. #Query detailed route information. l Run display ip routing-table vpn-instance to query the brief information about the IPv4 route table.1.3 192.1 10. ip ip ip ip ip ip ip ip l route-static route-static route-static route-static route-static route-static route-static route-static vpn-instance vpn-instance vpn-instance vpn-instance vpn-instance vpn-instance vpn-instance vpn-instance VRF1 VRF1 VRF2 VRF2 VRF1 VRF1 VRF2 VRF2 10.168.21 Configure a route to the private network. ip route-static vpn-instance VRF2 10.1.2 32 192.21 192.21.4 Checking Static Route Configurations After completing static route configuration. 172.0.2 10.182.4 32 32 32 32 172.2 32 172.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access ip route-static vpn-instance VRF2 l Configure a default route in the upstream direction.4 10. The destination address ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 is the IP address of the interface connecting the small-cell base station to the macro base station.0 0 192. Run the ping command on the access device at a macro base station to verify the connectivity.21 1.1. That is. the ATN 905 can manage the traffic. Subcode Code 3.5: bytes=100 Sequence=1 time = 4 ms Return 1 Reply from 172.7. during traffic management.7 Deploying QoS You can deploy quality of service (QoS) on a carrier network to provide differentiated QoS assurance as required.1p) for encapsulation based on the above-mentioned priority and color.1. Subcode 3.1p fields. on the ingress.5: bytes=100 Sequence=4 time = 4 ms Return 1 Reply from 172. However. Against this backdrop. Subcode Code 3. IP networks must ensure the quality of each type of service that they carry.5/30 : 100 data bytes.1.21.FEC: IPV4 PREFIX 172.1 Configuring QoS You can configure simple traffic classification to classify data packets into multiple priorities or service classes. with fast development of IP-oriented Internet services and emerging of various new services (such as VoIP and VPN services). In this manner. Subcode Code 3.1.21. When configured with simple traffic classification. Ltd.5: bytes=100 Sequence=5 time = 5 ms Return 1 --.21.21.5 LSP PING FEC: IPV4 PREFIX 172. Subcode Code 3. Therefore.21. Configuration Roadmap Traditional IP networks in best-effort mode are mainly used to carry data services. Priority mapping based on simple traffic classification indicates that the priority of the packets on a network is mapped into the packets of another network so that the packets of the first network can be transmitted on the second network based on the original or user-defined packet priority. 3.21. packets of different services join different queues.5: bytes=100 Sequence=3 time = 4 ms Return 1 Reply from 172.1.1. To configure simple traffic classification. and the service quality seems insignificant. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 54 . IP networks have changed from pure data networks to bearer networks with commercial values.21.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access [HUAWEI]ping -v -vpn-instance VRF1 172..5/32 ping statistics --5 packet(s) transmitted 5 packet(s) received 0.1. the packets obtain the priority and color for scheduling on the ATN equipment based on the values of the DSCP and 802. press Reply from 172.21. quality of service (QoS) is developed. the outgoing packets obtain the values of the priority fields (such as DSCP and 802. ensuring differentiated scheduling.5: bytes=100 Sequence=2 time = 4 ms Return 1 Reply from 172. and therefore to provide differentiated services. After being scheduled on the ATN equipment. The ATN 905 functions as a small-cell base station bearer device or enterprise private line Ethernet demarcation device (EDD). do as follows: l Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Bind the default DiffServ domain to service interfaces (including main interfaces and subinterfaces) of the ATN 905 to configure simple traffic classification.00% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/5 ms CTRL_C to break Code 3. ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access Data Planning NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions such as network scale and topology. synchronization. The following recommended values in this example are only for reference. Parameter Value Description trust upstream default Bind the DiffServ domain to an interface. In this solution. must be ensured Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 3.2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/1. Ltd. To ensure that most services run normally on a current communication network.2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/0.8 Deploying the Clock You are advised to use a clock synchronization solution based on actual clock synchronization requirements.3 trust upstream default 3.2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/0.3 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/1.3 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/3 trust upstream default l For ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 interface GE0/2/0. 55 . Application Process l For ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 interface GE0/2/1. either frequency synchronization or phase synchronization.1 Configuration Roadmap Synchronization includes frequency synchronization and phase synchronization. you are advised to configure synchronous Ethernet and IEEE 1588v2 on the ATN 905 to achieve frequency synchronization and phase synchronization respectively. That is.8..2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/1. devices on the entire network should keep the frequency or phase difference within a permitted range.3 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/3 trust upstream default l For ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 interface GE0/2/0. In the IP RAN scenario. they are in phase synchronization. configure clock signal priorities in the local priority list. are not be selected during source selection. you are advised to configure synchronous Ethernet and IEEE 1588v2 on the ATN 905 to achieve frequency synchronization and phase synchronization respectively. Ltd. l Issue 03 (2013-11-22) For IEEE 1588v2. the ATN equipment needs to support frequency or phase synchronization to meet the requirements of base stations.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access on the network. The configuration roadmap is as follows: l Enable synchronous Ethernet and IEEE 1588v2 for the ATN 905. and send them to base stations. there is no phase difference between signals. SSUA. Frequency synchronization (also known as clock synchronization) indicates that signals retain certain relationships with respect to the phase. if two watches always indicate the same time. In this solution. 3. and enable synchronization status message (SSM) control. SDH equipment clock (SEC). the phase difference between signals is constant. and DNU. l The SSM clock quality levels are in the following descending order: primary reference clock (PRC). For example. if the two watches always have a constant time difference (such as 6 hours). l The local priority is configured as follows: The value range is 1 to 255. That is. Phase synchronization (also known as time synchronization) indicates that signals have the same frequency and phase. 56 . That is. SSUB.2 Data Planning This topic describes data planning for clock deployment. l For synchronous Ethernet. Figure 3-15 Networking diagram for clock deployment Micro/Pico Micro/Pico BITS GE0/2/2 GE0/2/3 pri 20 GE0/2/1 GE0/2/2 GE0/2/1 pri 20 GE0/2/0 GE0/2/0 ASG pri 10 RSG GE0/2/3 Clock Tracking Path pri n Priority of a reference clock source at a port The preceding figure shows how to configure a clock. they are in frequency synchronization. and a clock source with quality level being DNU. and clock source type.8. so that the ATN 905 can track the upstream clock information and time information.. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. NOTE For synchronous Ethernet clock synchronization. and a smaller value indicates a higher priority. local priority setting. Mainstream PSN-based synchronization technologies in the industry include IEEE 1588v2 and synchronous Ethernet. a clock source is selected based on the following descending order of priority: SSM clock quality. use the best master clock (BMC) algorithm. A source for which no quality level is defined. ATN905SmallCellSiteB-002 ATN910MacroCellSite-003 GE0/2/3 Table 3-9 Data planning for IEEE 1588v2 time synchronization NE Name Parameter Value Remarks ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 Port delay measurement mechanism delay The mechanism is recommended to be set consistently networkwide. Ltd.8. ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 GE0/2/3 3. NE type BC The networkwide BC mode is recommended. Clock output port GE0/2/2 Connects to a base station. clock accuracy.3 Configuring Synchronous Ethernet to Achieve Frequency Synchronization To achieve frequency synchronization on a network.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access NOTE When the BMC algorithm is used by a 1588v2-enabled device for master clock selection. Ring network asymmetry automeasurement enable Automatically adjusts the length difference between transmit and receive fibers when ring network protection switching occurs for restoration. Table 3-8 Data planning for synchronous Ethernet time synchronization NE Name Parameter Value Remarks ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001 Local priority list 20 - Clock output port GE0/2/2 Connects to a base station. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. use synchronous Ethernet. the clock class is compared.. The time source with the highest priority is selected as the master clock. and priority2. 57 . If priority1 of candidate time sources is the same. Configure NE ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 clock ethernet-synchronization enable //Enables global synchronous Ethernet in the system view. then the clock class. priority1 of each candidate time source is compared first. and so on. A smaller value indicates a higher priority.8. ptp device-type bc //Specifies the BC mode for all devices.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access clock ssm-control on //Configures SSM for source selection. clock synchronization enable//Enables synchronous Ethernet for an interface. Configure NE ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 ptp enable //Enables global IEEE 1588v2. 58 . ptp enable //Enables IEEE 1588v2 for the interface. Ltd.4 Configuring IEEE 1588v2 to Achieve Time Synchronization After frequency synchronization is achieved on a network using synchronous Ethernet. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0 clock synchronization enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 clock synchronization enable Configure NE ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 clock ethernet-synchronization enable clock ssm-control on interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0 clock priority 20 clock synchronization enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 clock synchronization enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 clock synchronization enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/3 clock synchronization enable Configure NE ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 clock ethernet-synchronization enable clock ssm-control on interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0 clock synchronization enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 clock synchronization enable 3. Assigning the highest priority to each interface on the shortest path for clock signal transmission is recommended. use IEEE 1588v2 to achieve time synchronization on the network. By default. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/3 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable Configure NE ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 ptp enable ptp device-type bc interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. This will affect clock selection in the inbound direction on the local end. SSM is enabled for an ATN NE.. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 ptp delay-mechanism delay //Configures the delay measurement mechanism of a device as delay which calculates the time difference based on the link delay of the master and slave clocks. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 clock priority 20//Assigns a clock priority to the interface. Ltd.. 59 .ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 3 Solution 1: Native IP VRF Static Route Access interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/3 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable Configure NE ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 ptp enable ptp device-type bc interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. VRF instances are configured to isolate services of different carriers.1 Scenario Introduction This section gives a brief introduction about scenarios. login by using the console interface and SSH. user login parameter.7 Deploying QoS You can deploy quality of service (QoS) on a carrier network to provide differentiated QoS assurance as required. and meanwhile. authorization.3 Configuring Basic Information Before configuring services. and mainly adopts the Native IP service solution.6 Deploying the IGP The Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) can be deployed using either of the intermediate system to intermediate system (IS-IS) or the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol. you need to perform basic configurations. and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) configurations. for the devices.2 Logging In to the ATN 905 This chapter describes how to log in to the ATN 905 for later commissioning. including the device name. 4. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. authentication. the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) is run between ATN 905 devices and access devices in a macro base station. Ltd. 4. In this solution. are introduced.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access About This Chapter Native IP VRF dynamic route access is applicable to large-sized networks. and accounting (AAA).5 Deploying VRF Lite Services This topic describes how to deploy VRF Lite services.. 60 . configuration roadmap. 4. Two login methods. including overview. 4. 4. 4. 4. management plane packets are transmitted through DCN private network routes. and data planning.4 Configuring the Management Plane This topic describes the configuration roadmap for the management plane. .ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access 4. 61 .8 Deploying the Clock You are advised to use a clock synchronization solution based on actual clock synchronization requirements. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access 4. configuration roadmap. RNC main interface Dot1q sub-interface DCN management plane VRF1 service flow VRF2 service flow 62 . Overview Solution 2: Native IP VRF dynamic route access (native IP + DCN private network management + dynamic route + VRF access) Figure 4-1 Example network of native IP VRF dynamic route access VRF1 VRF2 Macro Cell ATN 905 IPRAN ATN 905 CSG VRF2 VRF1 IGP Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.. and data planning. including overview.1 Scenario Introduction This section gives a brief introduction about scenarios. Ltd. only the interface configurations of the neighbor backhaul devices need to be modified. Configuration Roadmap l Configure a DCN management plane between the ATN 905 and the macro base station. create multiple VRFs on the ATN 905 and CSG devices so that different services use their own VRFs. NOTE 1. l Management plane: Private network DCN l IP route: IGP route l Native IP access: VRF access 2. Scenario in which the carrier solution on the macro base station side adopts the Layer 3 access solution 1. and VLANs and IP addresses are planned independently.) 4. This solution features high expansibility. When a new small-cell base station is connected to the ATN 905. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. VRF instances are created for service isolation. The Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) planning and maintenance are required for this solution. 2. When services do not need to be isolated at station access devices.. Ltd.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Table 4-1 Solution information Solution Feature Applicable Scenario Solution Advantage Solution Constraint l Service configurations for small-cell base stations: Native IP 1. 1. When services need to be isolated at station access devices. Different-sized networks 3. 2. The VRFs must be the same as those configured on the macro base station. 63 . This solution is applicable to large-sized networks. Small-cell base station providing access for multiple wireless carriers (Services of different wireless carriers are isolated from each other. Wireless devices are insensible to VRF instances. 3. create and configure only one VRF on the ATN 905 and CSG devices so that different services use the same VRF. l Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Use dot1p sub-interfaces to create VRF-instance-based IP connections between the ATN 905 and the backhaul device in a macro base station. The network topology changes may result in network flapping. Scenario in which the network consists of only Huawei products and DCN private network management is used in the upstream direction of the macro base station 2. An independent IGP process needs to be configured for each VRF instance between the ATN 905 and the backhaul device in a macro base station. 2. A service IP address pool (32-bit mask) needs to be planned. A management IP address pool (32-bit mask) needs to be planned.. Clock SyncE and 1588v2 functions are enabled on the ATN 905 so that the ATN 905 traces the clock and time of the upstream device and transmits the clock signals to base stations. Different VRF instances need to be configured to isolate services of different wireless carriers.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access l Configure an independent IGP process for each VRF instance between the ATN 905 and the backhaul device in a macro base station. A service IP address pool (32-bit mask) needs to be planned. l Deploy simple traffic classification (STC) on each service interface. Each AC port of the ATN 905 needs to be added into the related VRF instance. Data Planning Item Planning Guidelines Basic configuration parameters: You are advised to configure the basic configuration parameters except NE name in the centralized manner based on the entire network. 3. l Deploy Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) on the ATN 905 to implement frequency synchronization. In this way. Static routes and direct routes are imported into the IGP area. Ltd. The default route from the ATN 905 to the RNC needs to be configured. QoS STC is deployed on each service interface of the ATN 905. l NE name l User login parameter l SNMP l AAA Small-cell base station data: l Voice services IP address l Data services IP address 1. 2. The dot1q sub-interfaces between the backhaul devices are bound to different VRF interfaces to transmit packets hop by hop. Static routes from the ATN 905 to the logical IP address of the small-cell base station need to be configured. l IGP: IGP process number 3. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. VRF instances are planned by wireless carriers. these basic configuration parameters are planned once for all. deploy IEEE 1588v2 to implement time synchronization. l Management IP address 3. An IP address pool of links that connect small-cell base stations to the ATN 905 needs to be planned. l VRF ATN 905 data: 1. 64 . l IP address of the link that connects the small-cell base station to the ATN 905 2. l VRF Routes l Static route: destination IP address. next-hop IP address Issue 03 (2013-11-22) 1. 0. you can log in to it in STelnet mode. are introduced. 65 . Procedure Step 1 As shown in the following figure. login by using the console interface and SSH. Compared with Telnet. NOTE Perform the following configurations on the ATN 905 that serves as the SSH server.168. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The IP address of the management network interface Ethernet0/0/0 (the console interface) is 129. This section describes only the SSH login by using the PuTTY program. set the IP address of the ATN 905 to 192.0.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access 4. SSH is greatly improved in terms of the authentication mode and data transmission security.1. 4. Figure 4-2 Networking diagram for logging in to the ATN 905 by using SSH network SSH Client SSH Server Prerequisite l The ATN 905 is running properly.0. l The ATN 905 has been logged in using the console interface and an IP address for each interface has been configured on the ATN 905.2 Logging In to the ATN 905 This chapter describes how to log in to the ATN 905 for later commissioning. Two login methods. Ltd.1 will be automatically changed to the IP address that DHCP obtains during the startup. NOTE After the ATN is powered on for the first time.. SSH is a secure remote login protocol developed based on the traditional Telnet protocol.1. If the ATN has accessed the network when it is powered on for the first time.2.0.1 and the login protocol to SSH. Figure 4-2 shows the networking diagram for logging in to the ATN 905 by using SSH. l A direct or reachable route exists between the SSH client and the ATN 905. its IP address 129.1 Logging In to the ATN by Using SSH This section describes how to log in to the ATN 905 by using SSH. change the default password in time. After logging in to the ATN. NOTE After the ATN is powered on for the first time. you can log in to it in STelnet mode. 66 . The user name and password are root and Changeme_123 respectively.. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Figure 4-3 Login by using the PuTTY program Step 2 Enter the user name root and the password Changeme_123. Ltd. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The console port applies the non-standard serial port communication cable sequence. l Installing terminal emulation program on the PC (such as Windows XP HyperTerminal) NOTE Perform the following configurations on the HyperTerminal on the PC. Context Figure 4-5 shows the networking diagram for logging in to the NE80E/40E by using the console interface.2 Logging In to the ATN by Using the Console Interface This section describes how to use the HyperTerminal in Windows on the PC to log in to the ATN 905 after setting up a local configuration environment with the console interface. see ATN 905Multi-service Access Equipment Installation Guide.. Figure 4-5 Networking diagram for logging in to the ATN 905 by using the console interface PC ATN Prerequisite l The ATN 905 is running properly. Ltd.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Figure 4-4 Login using the PuTTY program ----End 4. For more information.2. 67 . l The PC is connected to the ATN 905 through an asynchronous interface. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. select a port from the drop-down list box of Connect using according to the port actually used on the PC or terminal.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Procedure Step 1 Use a serial cable to connect the serial interface on the PC and the console interface on the ATN 905. For more information about the console interface. 68 . Then. In the Connect To dialog box shown in Figure 4-7. As shown in Figure 4-6.. see the ATN 905Multi-service Access EquipmentHardware Description. Step 2 Start the HyperTerminal on the PC. Figure 4-6 Setting up a connection Step 4 Set a connection port. click OK. Choose Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications to start the HyperTerminal in Windows. click OK. Then. and select an icon. Step 3 Set up a connection. enter the name of the new connection in the Name text box. Ltd. .ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Figure 4-7 Setting a connection port Step 5 Set communication parameters. ensure that the COM1 properties on the HyperTerminal are consistent with the interface attribute settings on the ATN 905. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. When the COM1 Properties dialog box is displayed as shown in Figure 4-8. set the COM1 properties according to the description in Figure 4-8 or by clicking Restore Defaults. NOTE l Setting the COM1 properties according to the description in Figure 4-8 and setting them by clicking Restore Defaults have the same effect. Otherwise. the COM1 properties on the HyperTerminal must be changed to be consistent with the interface attribute settings on the ATN 905. the login will fail. l When you log in to the ATN 905 by using the console interface. 69 . Ltd. The default settings of the console interface will be used. This means that if default settings are not used for the interface attributes on the ATN 905. . authorization. user login parameter. and accounting (AAA). log in to the ATN 905 again.3 Configuring Basic Information Before configuring services. If the login still fails. Ltd. An initial password is required for the first login. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 4. If they are correct. authentication. repeat Step 1 to check whether the parameters or physical connections are correct. The system automatically saves the set password. click Disconnect and then Call. An initial password is required for the first login via the console. Set a password and keep it safe! Otherwise you will not be able to login via the console. you need to perform basic configurations. for the devices.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Figure 4-8 Setting communication parameters ----End Commissioning Result After the preceding configurations are complete. and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) configurations. including the device name. Please configure the login password (6-16) Enter Password: Confirm Password: If the login fails. press Enter. Set an authentication password. 70 . Figure 4-9 NE names SmallCellSiteB1 SmallCellSiteA1 Macro Cell Micro/Pico ATN905SmallCellSiteB-002 Micro/Pico Micro/Pico ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001 IPRAN ATN910MacroCellSite-003 RNC Micro/Pico SmallCellSiteA2 SmallCellSiteB2 Configuration Process l Configure the name of the NE as ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001. ATN 910 or ATN 905 l BB: site name. sysname ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 l Configure the name of the NE as ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002. SmallCellSiteA l CC: device number. and device number. The following provides the meaning of the letters. starting from 001 For example. sysname ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 refers to an ATN 905 numbered 001 at site SmallCellSiteA. device model. for example. Each NE is named in the format of AA-BB-CC. Data Planning An NE name consists of the site name.. set equipment names to identify each device. 71 . for example. Parameter Value Description sysname ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001 Indicates the NE name. Ltd. NOTE All the NEs involved in this document are named as shown in the following figure.1 Configuring NE Information If multiple devices on a network need to be managed. l AA: device model.3.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access 4. l By setting the user authentication mode. Parameter Value Description user-interface maximum-vty 15 Sets the maximum number of users that are allowed to log in to the NE to 15. You can re-configure the terminal attributes as required. you need to enter the user name and password. which are numbered 0 to 15. l By setting the user privilege. 72 . and VTY attributes. NOTE When the value of this parameter is set to 0. sysname ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 4. Each VTY attribute on the VTY user interface has a default value on the ATN device. l By setting the maximum number of VTY user interfaces. To log in to the ATN device.. The AAA authentication mode is based on users. The following recommended values in this example are only for reference.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) l 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Configure the name of the NE as ATN910-MacroCellSite-003. The following parameters are involved: the maximum number of VTY user interfaces. you can differentiate the access rights of different users on the ATN device to enhance the management security. you can configure the virtual type terminal (VTY) user interface to ensure equipment security. you can configure the VTY user interface to ensure equipment security. NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions. you can enhance the equipment security. ensuring high security. no user (even the NMS user) can log in to the ATN device through the VTY user interface. l You can configure the VTY attributes of a VTY user interface. A larger value indicates a higher user privilege. User privileges are divided into 16 levels.2 Configuring the VTY User Interface To log in to an ATN device remotely. such as network size and topology. 2. user privilege. 1. You only need to be create a login password. user authentication mode. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Data Planning To log in to an ATN device in telnet or Secure Shell (SSH) mode. requiring simple configuration while ensuring high security. The user authentication mode can be set to AAA authentication or password authentication. Ltd. you can limit the number of users who can log in to the ATN device concurrently. such as the timeout interval of communication failure for login users.3. The password authentication mode is based on VTY channels. idle-timeout 50 Sets the timeout interval of communication failure for login users.3. user privilege level 3 Specifies the command level to level 3. and uses them to log in to the ATN device. user-interface vty 0 14 //Perform configurations for VTY 0 to VTY 14. Configuration Process Perform the following configurations on all ATN devices: 1. The levels of commands that can be used by users logging in to an ATN device concurrently are determined by the privileges of these users in the AAA configuration. Ltd. Configure VTY attributes. you need to configure user names and passwords on the ATN device to manage and authenticate users. a user needs to keep the login user name and password properly. protocol inbound ssh Specifies the login protocol supported by the VTY user interface to SSH.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Parameter Value Description user-interface vty 0 14 Indicates that the maximum number of VTY user interfaces is the total number of users that have logged in to the NE through Telnet or STelnet. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Set the maximum number of VTY user interfaces. 73 .. 2.3 Configuring AAA Users If the user authentication mode is set to AAA authentication on an ATN device. user-interface maximum-vty 15 //Set the maximum number of VTY user interfaces that are allowed to log in to the NE at the same time. authentication-mode aaa Sets the authentication mode to AAA authentication for users that attempt to log in to the NE. protocol inbound ssh authentication-mode aaa user privilege level 3 idle-timeout 5 0 4. Data Planning If the user authentication mode is set to AAA authentication in an ATN device. 74 . Ltd. NOTE Requirements on user names and passwords for ATN products are as follows: l A local user name contains 1 to 253 characters. such as network size and topology. or configure an authentication scheme. and special characters. This topic describes how to configure the SNMP. an authorization scheme. local-user USER01 level 3 //Set the user level of the local user. or a domain. upper-case and lower-case letters.. l The password cannot be the same as the user name or the user name in reverse order. local-user XXX password cipher XXX USER01 Adds a local user USER01. Hello@*#123 ssh Configuration Process Perform the following configurations on all ATN devices: aaa local-user USER01 password cipher Hello@*#123 //Add a local uer (USER01) and set the password. so that the NE authenticates users. l A password must contain eight characters at least.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions. The following recommended values in this example are only for reference. set a user level. 4. local-user xxx service-type xxx USER01 Sets the access type of local users to SSH. l A password must contain digits. local-user level 3 Sets the user level for the local user. Parameter Value Description aaa - Enters the AAA view to create a user. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. local-user USER01 service-type ssh //Set the access type for the user. excluding question marks (?) and spaces. The system manages commands by command level.3. A user can use only the commands whose levels are lower than or equal to the user level. an accounting scheme.4 Configuring the SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) needs to be configured so that devices can be managed by the network management system (NMS). This parameter indicates a write community name.20. By default.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Data Planning NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions such as network scale and topology. Ltd. snmp-agent targethost trap address udp-domain 20. snmp-agent sys-info version v2c This parameter indicates the SNMP version. Table 4-2 SNMP parameters Parameter Value Description snmp-agent - The SNMP agent function is enabled. The following recommended values and precautions in this example are only for reference. the SNMP agent function is disabled. mib-view iso-view mib-view iso-view params securityname Huawei@123 v2c privatenetmanager ext-vb Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The NMS can gain access to a device only when the community names set on the NMS are the same as those set on the device.20.20. snmp-agent mib-view included iso-view iso The SNMP MIB view contains the iso subtree.20. which is set to V2C. snmp-agent community write cipher Huawei@123 snmp-agent trap enable - This parameter indicates a command used to enable all traps on a device. The NMS can gain access to a device only when the community names set on the NMS are the same as those set on the device. snmp-agent community read cipher Huawei123! This parameter indicates a read community name.20 This parameter indicates a command that allows the SNMP agent to send SNMP trap messages to the Huawei NMS with 20.20. 75 .. snmp-agent trap source NNI This parameter indicates a command used to configure the NNI interface as the source interface that sends trap messages. 76 .20. snmp-agent trap enable feature-name lldp 4. Ltd. When the read community name is consistent with the write community name. snmp-agent community read cipher Huawei123! mib-view iso-view snmp-agent community write cipher Huawei@123 mib-view iso-view//The write attribute includes the read-write permission. snmp-agent trap enable snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain 20. Therefore. When the Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.20.. ftp client-source i NNI This parameter indicates a command used to configure the NNI interface as the source interface of the FTP client.4. the command line of the read attribute will be overwritten by the command line of the write attribute. In this scenario. Configuration Process Configure the SNMP as follows: # snmp-agent snmp-agent sys-info version all//Configure the system to use SNMP of all versions. it is more and more important to separate the management and service planes.4 Configuring the Management Plane This topic describes the configuration roadmap for the management plane. such as the service plane. SNMP trap messages can be sent to the IP address 20. That is.20. If the U2000 is used.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Parameter Value Description snmp-agent trap enable feature-name lldp - This parameter indicates a command used to enable the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) trap function. the community name Huawei@123 is used. Configuration Roadmap Traditional management and service packets are closely coupled.20 of the U2000. you are advised to set parameters private-netmanager and ext-vb. the logical channels of the management plane and other planes are separated.20. snmp-agent mib-view included iso-view iso//The SNMP MIB view contains the iso subtree.20 vpn-instance __dcn_vpn__ params securityname Huawei@123 v2c private-netmanager ext-vb//When the management plane traverses a DCN private network channel. snmp-agent trap source LoopBack1024//Specify a source interface that sends trap packets. 4.1 Configuring the Management Plane This topic describes the configuration roadmap for the management plane. making equipment management more and more complex and costly. A user operates and manages devices using the management plane and deploys services using other planes. after the ATN equipment is powered on.. which indicates that the logical channel is unrelated to services. management packets can be transmitted.0. In this manner. The configuration roadmap is as follows: l Establish a management plane between the ATN 905 and the CSG based on private network DCN channels.12. an exclusive logical channel independent from the control and service planes. the logical channel is available no matter whether services are available.0 255. This VPN is only used to transit management packets and cannot be occupied by user services. 77 . The DCN is independent from the control plane. is used to transmit management packets between NEs.4. an independent service VPN (the VPN instance is named __dcn_vpn__) is occupied. the following configuration is generated by default: # interface LoopBack1023 description DCN loopback interface ip binding vpn-instance __dcn_vpn__ ip address 100.255 # ospf 65534 vpn-instance __dcn_vpn__ description DCN ospf create by default opaque-capability enable hostname vpn-instance-capability simple area 0.12.255. management channels can be interconnected without any user operations.255 Data Planning When being initialized. Currently.0. NEs can communicate with each other.0.255. The DCN is independent from the service plane. That is.255 # dcn ne-ip 100. DCN automatically becomes available and management packets can be transmitted. some users can re-plan the NE ID and NE IP address as required instead of using the default ones. when other planes become abnormal. NOTE After DCN is enabled on the ATN equipment. However.12 255.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access management plane becomes abnormal.255. devices can still be managed.12 255. Therefore. each NE on a DCN automatically generates an NE IP address that maps the default NE ID.255.0.255. Therefore. and automatically generates a core routing table that indicates the mapping between the NE IP and NE IP address.4. on actual networks. diffuses the NE ID and NE IP address through the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol. which indicates that the logical channel can be automatically established without extra service control signaling and routes.0 network 0. The ATN-supported private network DCN. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. That is. other planes can still be used.255. Ltd. set neid 9a0005//Set the NE ID in the user view. It is set before the device is delivered and can be planned and changed as required.5 Deploying VRF Lite Services This topic describes how to deploy VRF Lite services. and corresponding interfaces. Configuration Process Re-plan the NE ID and NE IP address.9. VRF Lite is a typical example. a PE shared by multiple VPNs is simulated as multiple exclusive PEs and the routing information exchanged between the PE and CE is related to a specific VPN. VRF Lite indicates that VRF instances are supported on the CE. When a user wants to keep the internal network topology and address allocation plan from other users. the NE ID and NE IP address are associated.0//Set the NE IP address in the DCN view.160. 78 . the default association between the NE ID and NE IP address no longer exists. multiple VRF instances.0/8 network segment. NEIP All NE IP addresses are in the 128. forwarding table.5. Usually multiple users share a device. Each VRF instance corresponds to a VPN and has its own routing table. network addresses and routing information of different users need to be separated to ensure security. After the NE IP address is changed. 4.255. The following provides an example: Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co..ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Parameter Value Remarks NEID It is set before the device is delivered and can be planned and changed as required. that is. dcn ne-ip 128.5 255. after the NE IP address is changed.1 Configuration Roadmap This topic describes the configuration roadmap for VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) Lite. In this manner.0. the NE ID will not change. VPN routes are separated.255. If the NE ID is changed later. VRF instances can be used alone. the NE IP address will not change accordingly. By default. Ltd. After the NE ID is changed. Although VRF instances are usually used with Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). 4.0. In this manner. each PE can be divided into multiple virtual routers. Logically. the NE IP address will also change. In this case. To resolve this problem. VRF instances are configured on the CE.5.2 Data Planning This topic describes data planning required for service deployment. 4. the enterprise branch requires 3 egress routers and 3 links leading to the PE. NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions such as network scale and topology. In addition. corresponding VRF instances are logically connected on the CE and PE. so the PE and CE can run a routing protocol in each VRF instance to exchange VPN routes. and the PE needs to provide 3 interfaces for the enterprise branch. l Configure dotlq subinterfaces for the interfaces connecting the ATN 905 devices and the CSG and bind these subinterfaces to VRF instances. Ltd. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The configuration roadmap is as follows: l Use different VPNs to carry data flows of different users and bind AC interfaces on the ATN 905 to VRF instances.. VRF Lite is introduced. VRF instances are configured on the CE. the CE connects to the PE through only 1 physical link and link subinterfaces are bound to VRF instances. That is. In this manner. The following figure shows the networking mode. and the CE interfaces for the 3 departments are bound to VRF instances. That is.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Three departments of an enterprise branch are required to be isolated from each other and each department is connected to the PE through a CE. The following recommended values in this example are only for reference. The enterprise branch needs only 1 CE to connect to the PE. 79 . port and link resources are wasted and costs increase. Figure 4-10 Networking diagram for L3VPN deployment VRF1 VRF2 Macro Cell ATN 905 IPRAN ATN 905 CSG VRF2 VRF1 RNC Main interface Dot1q sub-interface VRF1 service flow VRF2 service flow The preceding figure shows how to configure VRF instances. 224.1.182. 192.2 172.1.3 10.21.10/30 dot1q 3 VRF2 10.1.0/24 IP address of a small-cell wireless base station for data services 172.1.2 172.1 GE0/2/3 192.1.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Figure 4-11 Data planning for service deployment GE0/2/1.3 192.1.4/32(VRF2) 10.18 172.0/24 IP address of a small-cell wireless base station for voice services dot1q 3 VRF2 10.22/30 dot1q 3 VRF2 GE0/2/0.21/30 dot1q 2 VRF1 GE0/2/ dot1q 2 VRF1 GE0/2/ GE0/2/0.1/32(VRF1) 10. 80 . IP address of the access link for all small-cell base stations connected to one marco base station.1.1.13 RNC/SGW dot1q 2 VRF1 GE0/2/0.2/32(VRF2) 10.3/32(VRF1) 10.17 GE0/2/2 GE0/2/1 GE0/2/0 GE0/2/1 192.3/32(VRF1) Table 4-3 Network segment planning Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Network Segment Remarks 10.168.6 172.168.2 GE0/2/ GE0/2/2 192.224.3 192.224.0/24(VRF1) IP address of the access link for all small-cell base stations connected to one marco base station. Ltd.21.2 IPRAN GE0/2/0 GE0/2/3 172.1. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.21/30 dot1q 3 VRF2 Macro Cell 192.9/30 dot1q 2 VRF1 GE0/2/1.2 172.1.1. 1. 81 . VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSite A1 for data services loopback0 VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSite A1 for voice services loopback1 10.1.1/30 VRF2 To NE SmallCellSite A2 SmallC ellSiteA 2 ATN90 5SmallC ellSiteA -001 vlan-type dot1q 2 GigabitEth ernet 0/2/ 172.5/30 VRF1 To NE SmallCellSite A1 GigabitEth ernet 0/2/3 192.9/30 VRF2 NNI on a backhaul device GigabitEth ernet 0/2/2 172.21..1.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Table 4-4 Interface planning NE Name NE Name Interface IP Address VPN Remarks SmallCellSi teA SmallC ellSiteA 1 loopback0 10.9/30 VRF1 NNI on a backhaul device 192. Ltd. VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSite A2 for data services loopback0 128.3 vlan-type dot1q 3 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. - Router ID of ATN905SmallCellSite A-001 GigabitEth ernet 0/2/1.2/32 VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSite A2 for voice services loopback1 10. vlan-type dot1q 2 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1.4/32 VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSite B1 for voice services loopback1 10.12.21/3 0 VRF2 To Next905 172.168.12/32 - Router ID of ATN905SmallCellSite B-002 GigabitEth ernet 0/2/0. Ltd..10/30 VRF1 NNI on a backhaul device SmallC ellSiteB 2 ATN90 5SmallC ellSiteB -002 vlan-type dot1q 2 GigabitEth ernet 0/2/0.182.4/32 VRF2 IP address of NE SmallCellSite B1 for data services loopback0 10.2 172.4.21/30 VRF1 To Next905 192.3 vlan-type dot1q 3 GigabitEth ernet 0/2/ 82 .3/32 VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSite B2 for data services loopback0 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access NE Name NE Name Interface IP Address VPN Remarks SmallCellSi teB SmallC ellSiteB 1 loopback0 10.3/32 VRF1 IP address of NE SmallCellSite B2 for voice services loopback1 10. 3 192.2 172.13/32 - Router ID GE0/2/0.13/30 VRF1 To NE SmallCellSite B2 loopback0 0 VRF2 To Next905 vlan-type dot1q 3 MacroCellS ite ATN91 0MacroC ellSite-0 03 vlan-type dot1q 2 GE0/2/0.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) NE Name NE Name 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Interface IP Address VPN Remarks GigabitEth ernet 0/2/1.22/30 VRF1 To Next905 192.3 vlan-type dot1q 3 Table 4-5 VRF data planning NE VPN Instance Name RD Remarks ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001 VRF1 100:1 VRF2 100:2 Isolates base station data.168.10/3 0 VRF2 NNI on a backhaul device GigabitEth ernet 0/2/2 0 VRF2 To NE SmallCellSite B1 GigabitEth ernet 0/2/3 172.1. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. and adds each AC port of ATN 905 to the specific VRF. Configuring VRF Lite Services This topic describes how to configure VRF Lite to carry services. ATN905SmallCellSiteB-002 VRF1 100:1 VRF2 100:2 ATN910MacroCellSite-003 VRF1 200:1 VRF2 200:2 4. 83 . ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Configuring ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 description To SmallCellSite vlan-type dot1q 3 ip binding vpn-instance VRF2 ip address 192.17 30 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Create virtual private network (VPN) instances.1.21 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1.21.5 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/3 description To SmallCellSiteA2 ip binding vpn-instance VRF2 ip address description NNI vlan-type dot1q 3 ip binding vpn-instance VRF2 ip address 192.2 description To SmallCellSite vlan-type dot1q 2 ip binding vpn-instance VRF1 ip address 172.10 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 description To SmallCellSiteB1 ip binding vpn-instance VRF2 ip address 192. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0. 84 .2 description NNI vlan-type dot1q 2 ip binding vpn-instance VRF1 ip address 172.168.21. Ltd.1. Configure subinterfaces and bind them to the VRF instance.1 30 Configuring ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 1.9 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1. ip vpn-instance VRF1 ipv4-family route-distinguisher 100:1 ip vpn-instance VRF2 ipv4-family route-distinguisher 100:2 2.168.21. Create VPN instances. ip vpn-instance VRF1 ipv4-family route-distinguisher 100:1 ip vpn-instance VRF2 ipv4-family route-distinguisher 100:2 2.2 description To Next905 vlan-type dot1q 2 ip binding vpn-instance VRF1 ip address 172.1.21 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0.10 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1..21.3 description To Next905 vlan-type dot1q 3 ip binding vpn-instance VRF2 ip address 192. Configure subinterfaces and bind them to the VRF instance.1.1.9 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 description To SmallCellSiteA1 ip binding vpn-instance VRF1 ip address 172.1.1. the level-2 router among areas. Configuration Roadmap This topic describes the configuration roadmap for the multi-process IS-IS. the IS-IS protocol runs within an autonomous system (AS). To support large-scale networks.21. the IS-IS protocol uses a 2-level structure in the route domain and enables the division of 1 domain into multiple areas. Ltd.6 Deploying the IGP The Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) can be deployed using either of the intermediate system to intermediate system (IS-IS) or the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol. This is to relieve routing burden of cell site gateways (CSGs).22 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1.21. In the IS-IS. Generally speaking.1 Configuring the IS-IS This topic describes how to configure different IS-IS processes on the access ring and aggregation ring to isolate routes. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1.13 30 Configuring ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 1. In the OSPF.1.1. the IS-IS protocol calculates routes by running the shortest path first (SPF) algorithm. the level-1 router is deployed within an area. As an interior gateway protocol (IGP). Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. the SPF algorithm is used for both level-1 and level-2 routes to generate shortest path trees (SPTs). Create VPN instances. 4. Also as a link status protocol.. 85 .22 30 4. ip vpn-instance VRF1 ipv4-family route-distinguisher 100:1 ip vpn-instance VRF2 ipv4-family route-distinguisher 100:2 2. Configure subinterfaces and bind them to the VRF instance.2 description NNI vlan-type dot1q 2 ip binding vpn-instance VRF1 ip address 172.3 description NNI vlan-type dot1q 3 ip binding vpn-instance VRF2 ip address 192.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access interface GigabitEthernet0/2/3 description To SmallCellSiteB2 ip binding vpn-instance VRF1 ip address 172.1.168. and the level-1-2 router between the level-1 router and level-2 router.6. routes between different areas are advertised through the backbone area and the SPF algorithm is used only within the same area. however. 3 isis 1002 VRF2 10.2 isis 1001 VRF1 GE0/2/1.1.2 isis 1001 VRF1 GE0/2/0.4 32(VRF2) 10.1.182. Data Planning This topic describes the data planning for IS-IS configuration.2 isis 1001 VRF1 GE0/2/1.1.132(VRF1) GE0/2/0. Import static routes and direct routes to the IS-IS configured on the ATN 905. l Service process number for VRF2: 1002 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1.1. Configure a static route between the ATN 905 and its directly-connected small-cell base station.. Configure an IS-IS process number for each virtual private network (VPN). 2.182. Enable IS-IS on interconnected interfaces between NEs. 32(VRF1) The configuration roadmap is as follows: 1. 86 . Ltd.224.3 isis 1002 VRF2 10. 4.182.4 32(VRF2) 10.2 32(VRF2) IPRAN RNC/SGW GE0/2/0.224. 3.3 isis 1002 VRF2 10.224.2 isis 1001 VRF1 GE0/2/0.1 32(VRF1) 10.3 isis 1002 VRF2 Macro Cell GE0/2/2 GE0/2/1 GE0/2/1 GE0/2/2 GE0/2/3 GE0/2/0 GE0/2/0 GE0/2/3 GE0/2/1. Table 4-6 IS-IS parameters Parameter Value Remarks isis l Service process number for VRF1: 1001 The IS-IS process is enabled.2 32(VRF2) 10.1.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Figure 4-12 IS-IS network diagram GE0/2/1.3 32(VRF1) 10. 00 l ATN910MacroCellSite-003: 49.00 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) is-level Level-2 This parameter indicates the NE level.0010. the level-1 neighbor cannot be created. Routes with the specified cost style (in this example. otherwise.1003 . l ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001: 49.0020. l ATN905SmallCellSiteB-002: 49.00 ISIS 1002 l ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001: 49.0010. If a level-1 neighbor needs to be created.0100.1002 . the area addresses of devices in the level-1 area must be the same. timer lspgeneration 1 50 50 This parameter specifies the delay for generating a label switched path (LSP).0100. the initial delay to 50 ms.1001 .. For example. 87 .0100.1001 .0010. If network NETs are not unique. and the incremental delay to 50 ms. set the value to CSG1 for the NE.0100.00 NOTICE You are advised to convert loopback interface addresses into NETs to ensure that each NET is unique on a network.0020. Set the maximum delay to 1s. cost-style Wide This parameter specifies the cost style.0020. is-name This parameter name is the same as the NE name. the NETs must be properly planned.00 l ATN910MacroCellSite-003: 49.1002 .0020.0010.1003 . Ltd.0020. ISIS does not check whether the area addresses of devices in the level-2 area are the same.00 l ATN905SmallCellSiteB-002: 49. it is wide) are received or advertised. Therefore.0100. This parameter specifies the dynamic host name for the IS-IS process.0010.0020. When creating a level-2 neighbor.0100. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.0010. route flapping easily occurs.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Parameter Value Remarks network-entity ISIS 1001 This parameter indicates a network entity title (NET). 0020. ip route-static vpn-instance VRF1 10. timer lsp-generation 1 50 50 level-2 //Specify the delay for generating LSPs.2 32 192. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1.0100.0010.168. ip route-static vpn-instance VRF1 10.00 //Configure a NET.1002.1. Configuring ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 l Configure service-layer IS-IS functions for VRF1 and VRF2.0020.2 //Enable IS-IS for the interface.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Parameter Value Remarks flash-flood level-2 The LSP fast flooding function is enabled to speed up the convergence of an ISIS network. isis enable 1001 isis 1002 vpn-instance VRF2 is-level level-2 cost-style wide timer lsp-generation 1 50 50 level-2 flash-flood level-2 network-entity 49. Ltd.00 is-name ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 import-route static cost 15 import-route direct cost 15 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1 32 172. is-name ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 //Specify the dynamic host name for the ISIS process.0010. import-route direct cost 15 //Import direct routes.21.1. Configuring Basic IS-IS Functions This topic describes how to configure basic IS-IS functions.6 is the IP address of the interface connecting the small-cell base station to the network.1.21.00 is-name ATN905-SmallCellSite1-001 import-route static cost 15 import-route direct cost 15 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1.1001.1.6 //10.182.0100.6 ip route-static vpn-instance VRF2 isis 1001 vpn-instance VRF1 is-level level-2 //Configure an NE as a Level-2 NE. import-route static cost 15 //Import static routes.1 is the logical address of the small-cell base station and 172.2 Configuring ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 l Configure service-layer IS-IS functions for VRF1 and VRF2.1.0100.168.182.0010. 88 . isis 1001 vpn-instance VRF1 is-level level-2 cost-style wide timer lsp-generation 1 50 50 level-2 flash-flood level-2 network-entity 49.1001.1 32 172.224.0020. network-entity 49.1. flash-flood level-2 //Enable LSP fast flooding to speed up IS-IS network convergence.2 32 192.3 isis enable 1002 l Configure static routes from the ATN 905 to its directly-connected small-cell base stations.1.224..2 ip route-static vpn-instance VRF2 10.1.1. cost-style wide //Set the cost type of the received and advertised IS-IS routes to wide. 0010.3 isis enable 1002 l If the small-cell base station uses a logical address.224.1. isis 1001 vpn-instance VRF1 is-level level-2 cost-style wide timer lsp-generation 1 50 50 level-2 flash-flood level-2 network-entity 49.00 is-name ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 default-route-advertise always //Advertise the default route to a common ISIS area.18 Configuring ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 l Configure service-layer IS-IS functions.2 32 32 32 32 192. #After IS-IS routes are successfully configured.182.1 10.168. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0. a static route leading to the logical address of the small-cell base station must be configured.2 isis enable 1001 isis 1002 vpn-instance VRF2 is-level level-2 cost-style wide timer lsp-generation 1 50 50 level-2 flash-flood level-2 network-entity 49.1.1 10.0100.1.0020.3 isis enable 1002 l Import VPN routes to a macro base station.0020.168.0 is-name ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 default-route-advertise always //Advertise the default route to a common ISIS area.1.0100.14 192.1003.2 isis enable 1001 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1.168. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0.224.00 is-name ATN905-SmallCellSite1-001 import-route static cost 15 import-route direct cost 15 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0. 89 .0010.1002.18 192.0100. bgp 100 ipv4-family vpn-instance VRF1 import-route isis 1001 //Import IS-IS routes to the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).1.2 isis enable 1001 isis 1002 vpn-instance VRF2 is-level level-2 cost-style wide timer lsp-generation 1 50 50 level-2 flash-flood level-2 network-entity 49.1. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.14 192. ipv4-family vpn-instance VRF2 import-route isis 1002 Verifying IS-IS Route Configurations This topic describes how to verify IS-IS route configurations after the routes are successfully configured.168.2 10. Ltd.3 isis enable 1002 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1.1003.1.0010.0020.1. you can view route details.182.. ip ip ip ip route-static route-static route-static route-static vpn-instance vpn-instance vpn-instance vpn-instance VRF1 VRF1 VRF2 VRF2 10.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0. 1. press CTRL_C to break Reply from 172. and common areas are connected to the backbone area to communicate with each other.21. The backbone area is formed by consecutive NEs. the OSPF protocol runs within an autonomous system (AS). #You can run the Ping command to verify the connectivity.1.00% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/2 ms 4. l Run the display ip routing-table vpn-instance verbose command to view the detailed information about the IPv4 routing table.1.21.1.. 56 data bytes.21.6.172. The destination address is the IP address of the interface on the NE ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001 for connecting the NE and a small-cell base station.21.5: bytes=56 Sequence=3 ttl=251 ms Reply from 172. the backbone area (represented by area 0) must be defined. In the OSPF.5 ping statistics --5 packet(s) transmitted 5 packet(s) received 0. [HUAWEI]ping -v -vpn-instance VRF1 172. The OSPF partitions an AS into 1 or multiple logical areas and advertises routes through link state advertisement (LSA).21.21.5: bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=251 ms Reply from 172.5 PING 172. 90 .1.1. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1.5: bytes=56 Sequence=4 ttl=251 ms Reply from 172.5: bytes=56 Sequence=5 ttl=251 ms time=2 time=1 time=1 time=1 time=1 --.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access l Run the display ip routing-table vpn-instance command to view the brief information about the IPv4 routing table. Run the ping command on the access device at a macro base station to verify the connectivity. As an interior gateway protocol (IGP). Ltd.2 Deploying the OSPF Configuration Roadmap This topic describes the configuration roadmap for the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol.5: bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=251 ms Reply from 172. 3 OSPF 1002 VRF2 Macro Cell GE0/2/2 GE0/2/2 GE0/2/1 GE0/2/1 GE0/2/3 IPRAN GE0/2/0 GE0/2/0 GE0/2/3 RNC/SGW GE0/2/1.1 32(VRF1) 10.224.3 32(VRF1) 10.3 OSPF 1002 VRF2 10.2 OSPF 1001 VRF1 GE0/2/0.1.4 32(VRF2) 10.182. Table 4-7 OSPF parameters Parameter Value Remarks ospf l Service process number for VRF1: 1001 The OSPF process is enabled. Data Planning This topic describes the data planning for Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) deployment.2 OSPF 1001 VRF1 GE0/2/0.1.1. Initial interval: 50 ms Incremental interval: 50 ms Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. spf-scheduleinterval Maximum interval: 200 ms This parameter specifies the SPF timer.224.2 32(VRF2) GE0/2/ OSPF 1001 VRF1 GE0/2/1..ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Figure 4-13 OSPF network diagram GE0/2/1.4 32(VRF2) 10.3 OSPF 1002 VRF2 10. Ltd.1.1.132(VRF1) GE0/2/0.3 OSPF 1002 VRF2 OSFP 1001 VRF1 GE0/2/1.1. l Enable OSPF on interconnected interfaces between NEs. l Import static routes and direct routes to the OSPF configured on the ATN 905. l Configure a static route between the ATN 905 and its directly-connected small-cell base station.182. 91 .2 32(VRF2) 10. l Service process number for VRF2: 1002 area 1 OSPF area 1 is created.224.3 32(VRF1) The configuration roadmap is as follows: l Configure an OSPF process for each virtual private network (VPN).1. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1.0.2 ospf enable 1001 area 0.12 vpn-instance VRF1 spf-schedule-interval intelligent-timer 200 50 50 lsa-originate-interval intelligent-timer 500 50 100 lsa-arrival-interval intelligent-timer 100 50 50 import-route direct cost 15 import-route static cost 15 area 0. initial interval to 50 ms.0 For ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 l Configure service-layer OSPF functions for VRF1 and VRF2. 92 .4.11.12. initial interval to 50 ms.0.0 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0. import-route static cost 15 //Import static routes.4. ospf 1002 router-id 128. import-route direct cost 15 //Import direct routes. Initial interval: 50 ms Incremental interval: 50 ms lsa-arrivalinterval Maximum interval: 500 ms Initial interval: 50 ms Incremental interval: 1000 ms This parameter specifies the intelligent timer for receiving LSAs. Configuring Basic OSPF Functions This topic describes how to configure basic Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) functions. ospf 1001 router-id 128.0//Configure the OSPF area. and incremental interval to 100 ms.11 vpn-instance VRF2 spf-schedule-interval intelligent-timer 200 50 50 lsa-originate-interval intelligent-timer 500 50 100 lsa-arrival-interval intelligent-timer 100 50 50 import-route direct cost 15 import-route static cost 15 area ospf 1001 router-id 128..0. area interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1. For ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 l Configure service-layer OSPF functions (VRF1 and VRF2). spf-schedule-interval intelligent-timer 200 50 50//Set the maximum interval for OSPF route calculation to 200 ms. lsa-arrival-interval intelligent-timer 100 50 50//Set the maximum interval for receiving OSPF LSAs to 100 ms.0.0.0//Enable the OSPF for the interface.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Parameter Value Remarks lsa-originateinterval Maximum interval: 100 ms This parameter specifies the intelligent timer for updating link-state advertisements (LSAs).0 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1.2 ospf enable 1001 area 0. initial interval to 50 ms. Ltd. lsa-originate-interval intelligent-timer 500 50 100//Set the maximum interval for updating OSPF link-state advertisements (LSAs) to 500 ms.0 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.11.0.3 ospf enable 1002 area 0.0.2 ospf enable 1001 area 0.0. and incremental interval to 50 ms.0.11 vpn-instance VRF1//Create OSPF process 1001. and incremental interval to 50 ms.0. l Run the display ip routing-table vpn-instance verbose command to view the detailed information about the IPv4 routing table..0.13 vpn-instance VRF2 spf-schedule-interval intelligent-timer 200 50 50 lsa-originate-interval intelligent-timer 500 50 100 lsa-arrival-interval intelligent-timer 100 50 50 default-route-advertise //Advertise the default route to a common OSPF area.0.13 vpn-instance VRF1 spf-schedule-interval intelligent-timer 200 50 50 lsa-originate-interval intelligent-timer 500 50 100 lsa-arrival-interval intelligent-timer 100 50 50 default-route-advertise //Advertise the default route to a common OSPF area.3 ospf enable 1002 area 0. The destination address ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 is the IP address of the interface at the small-cell base station to which the macro base station is connected. area 0. Ltd.0.0 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0.5: 56 data bytes.0 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/ ospf enable 1002 area 0.4.0. #After OSPF routes are successfully configured.12 vpn-instance VRF2 spf-schedule-interval intelligent-timer 200 50 50 lsa-originate-interval intelligent-timer 500 50 100 lsa-arrival-interval intelligent-timer 100 50 50 import-route direct cost 15 import-route static cost 15 area 0.0.0 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0.3 ospf enable 1002 area 0. 93 .5 PING 172. press CTRL_C to break Reply from 172.0.0 ospf 1002 router-id 128.21.0. [HUAWEI]ping -v -vpn-instance VRF1 172.21. bgp 100 ipv4-family vpn-instance VRF1 import-route ospf 1001//Import OSPF routes to the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).0.5: bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=251 time=2 ms Reply from 172.4. ipv4-family vpn-instance VRF2 import-route ospf 1002 Verifying OSPF Route Configurations This topic describes how to verify Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) route configurations after the routes are successfully configured.0 l Import VPN routes.0 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access ospf 1002 router-id 128.1. ospf 1001 router-id 128.0.0. area 0. you can view route details.21.4.0 For ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 l Configure service-layer OSPF functions for VRF1 and VRF2.13.1.5: bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=251 time=1 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. l Run the display ip routing-table vpn-instance command to view the brief information about the IPv4 routing table.12.13. #You can run the Ping command to verify the connectivity.0.2 ospf enable 1001 area 0. Run the ping command on the access device at a macro base station to verify the connectivity.0.0. 00% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/2 ms 4. Priority mapping based on simple traffic classification indicates that the priority of the packets on a network is mapped into the packets of another network so that the packets of the first network can be transmitted on the second network based on the original or user-defined packet priority.1. 4.172. on the ingress.. After being scheduled on the ATN equipment. quality of service (QoS) is developed. To configure simple traffic classification. The ATN 905 functions as a small-cell base station bearer device or enterprise private line Ethernet demarcation device (EDD). ensuring differentiated scheduling.5: bytes=56 Sequence=5 ttl=251 time=1 ms --.5 ping statistics --5 packet(s) transmitted 5 packet(s) received 0.21. with fast development of IP-oriented Internet services and emerging of various new services (such as VoIP and VPN services).21.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access ms Reply from 172.1p fields. When configured with simple traffic classification.21. Configuration Roadmap Traditional IP networks in best-effort mode are mainly used to carry data services.1p) for encapsulation based on the above-mentioned priority and color. IP networks have changed from pure data networks to bearer networks with commercial values. the outgoing packets obtain the values of the priority fields (such as DSCP and 802.1. Against this backdrop.7 Deploying QoS You can deploy quality of service (QoS) on a carrier network to provide differentiated QoS assurance as required.5: bytes=56 Sequence=4 ttl=251 time=1 ms Reply from 172.1. 94 . packets of different services join different queues. the ATN 905 can manage the traffic. In this manner. Ltd. and the service quality seems insignificant.5: bytes=56 Sequence=3 ttl=251 time=1 ms Reply from 172. However. the packets obtain the priority and color for scheduling on the ATN equipment based on the values of the DSCP and 802. IP networks must ensure the quality of each type of service that they carry.7. Therefore.1 Configuring QoS You can configure simple traffic classification to classify data packets into multiple priorities or service classes. and therefore to provide differentiated services.1. during traffic management. do as follows: Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.21. That is. ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) l 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Bind the default DiffServ domain to service interfaces (including main interfaces and subinterfaces) of the ATN 905 to configure simple traffic classification. Data Planning NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions such as network scale and topology. The following recommended values in this example are only for reference. Parameter Value Description trust upstream default Bind the DiffServ domain to an interface. Application Process l For ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 interface GE0/2/1.2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/1.3 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/3 trust upstream default l For ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 interface GE0/2/0.2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/0.3 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/1.2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/1.3 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/3 trust upstream default l For ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 interface GE0/2/0.2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/0.3 trust upstream default 4.8 Deploying the Clock You are advised to use a clock synchronization solution based on actual clock synchronization requirements. 4.8.1 Configuration Roadmap Synchronization includes frequency synchronization and phase synchronization. In this solution, you are advised to configure synchronous Ethernet and IEEE 1588v2 on the ATN 905 to achieve frequency synchronization and phase synchronization respectively. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 95 ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access To ensure that most services run normally on a current communication network, devices on the entire network should keep the frequency or phase difference within a permitted range. That is, synchronization, either frequency synchronization or phase synchronization, must be ensured on the network. Frequency synchronization (also known as clock synchronization) indicates that signals retain certain relationships with respect to the phase. That is, the phase difference between signals is constant. Phase synchronization (also known as time synchronization) indicates that signals have the same frequency and phase. That is, there is no phase difference between signals. For example, if two watches always indicate the same time, they are in phase synchronization; if the two watches always have a constant time difference (such as 6 hours), they are in frequency synchronization. In the IP RAN scenario, the ATN equipment needs to support frequency or phase synchronization to meet the requirements of base stations. Mainstream PSN-based synchronization technologies in the industry include IEEE 1588v2 and synchronous Ethernet. In this solution, you are advised to configure synchronous Ethernet and IEEE 1588v2 on the ATN 905 to achieve frequency synchronization and phase synchronization respectively. Figure 4-14 Networking diagram for clock deployment Micro/Pico Micro/Pico BITS GE0/2/2 GE0/2/3 pri 20 GE0/2/1 GE0/2/2 GE0/2/1 pri 20 GE0/2/0 GE0/2/0 ASG pri 10 RSG GE0/2/3 Clock Tracking Path pri n Priority of a reference clock source at a port The preceding figure shows how to configure a clock. The configuration roadmap is as follows: l Enable synchronous Ethernet and IEEE 1588v2 for the ATN 905, so that the ATN 905 can track the upstream clock information and time information, and send them to base stations. 4.8.2 Data Planning This topic describes data planning for clock deployment. l For synchronous Ethernet, configure clock signal priorities in the local priority list, and enable synchronization status message (SSM) control. NOTE For synchronous Ethernet clock synchronization, a clock source is selected based on the following descending order of priority: SSM clock quality, local priority setting, and clock source type. l The SSM clock quality levels are in the following descending order: primary reference clock (PRC), SSUA, SSUB, SDH equipment clock (SEC), and DNU. A source for which no quality level is defined, and a clock source with quality level being DNU, are not be selected during source selection. l The local priority is configured as follows: The value range is 1 to 255, and a smaller value indicates a higher priority. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 96 ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) l 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access For IEEE 1588v2, use the best master clock (BMC) algorithm. NOTE When the BMC algorithm is used by a 1588v2-enabled device for master clock selection, priority1 of each candidate time source is compared first, then the clock class, clock accuracy, and priority2. If priority1 of candidate time sources is the same, the clock class is compared, and so on. The time source with the highest priority is selected as the master clock. Table 4-8 Data planning for synchronous Ethernet time synchronization NE Name Parameter Value Remarks ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001 Local priority list 20 - Clock output port GE0/2/2 Connects to a base station. ATN905SmallCellSiteB-002 ATN910MacroCellSite-003 GE0/2/3 Table 4-9 Data planning for IEEE 1588v2 time synchronization NE Name Parameter Value Remarks ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 Port delay measurement mechanism delay The mechanism is recommended to be set consistently networkwide. NE type BC The networkwide BC mode is recommended. Ring network asymmetry automeasurement enable Automatically adjusts the length difference between transmit and receive fibers when ring network protection switching occurs for restoration. Clock output port GE0/2/2 Connects to a base station. ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 GE0/2/3 4.8.3 Configuring Synchronous Ethernet to Achieve Frequency Synchronization To achieve frequency synchronization on a network, use synchronous Ethernet. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 97 Configure NE ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 ptp enable //Enables global IEEE 1588v2.4 Configuring IEEE 1588v2 to Achieve Time Synchronization After frequency synchronization is achieved on a network using synchronous Ethernet.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access Configure NE ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 clock ethernet-synchronization enable //Enables global synchronous Ethernet in the system view. clock ssm-control on //Configures SSM for source selection. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0 clock synchronization enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 clock synchronization enable Configure NE ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 clock ethernet-synchronization enable clock ssm-control on interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0 clock priority 20 clock synchronization enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 clock synchronization enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 clock synchronization enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/3 clock synchronization enable Configure NE ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 clock ethernet-synchronization enable clock ssm-control on interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0 clock synchronization enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 clock synchronization enable 4. Ltd.. use IEEE 1588v2 to achieve time synchronization on the network. 98 . interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 clock priority 20//Assigns a clock priority to the interface. By default. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/3 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable Configure NE ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 ptp enable ptp device-type bc Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.8. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 ptp delay-mechanism delay //Configures the delay measurement mechanism of a device as delay which calculates the time difference based on the link delay of the master and slave clocks. This will affect clock selection in the inbound direction on the local end. SSM is enabled for an ATN NE. ptp enable //Enables IEEE 1588v2 for the interface. A smaller value indicates a higher priority. ptp device-type bc //Specifies the BC mode for all devices. clock synchronization enable//Enables synchronous Ethernet for an interface. Assigning the highest priority to each interface on the shortest path for clock signal transmission is recommended. . 99 . Ltd.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 4 Solution 2: Native IP VRF Dynamic Route Access interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/3 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable Configure NE ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 ptp enable ptp device-type bc interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. are introduced. 5. Two login methods.. you need to perform basic configurations. 5. covering the overview.1 Scenario Introduction This topic briefly introduces the application scenarios of the ATN 905. login by using the console interface and SSH. and VLAN packets from a small-cell base station are transparently transmitted between the ATN 905 and the access device at the macro base station.6 Deploying QoS You can deploy quality of service (QoS) on a carrier network to provide differentiated QoS assurance as required. authentication.5 Deploying the serive 5. for the devices.7 Deploying the Clock You are advised to use a clock synchronization solution based on actual clock synchronization requirements. Ltd. 5.3 Configuring Basic Information Before configuring services. 100 . and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) configurations. and accounting (AAA). including the device name. and data planning. authorization. 5.4 Configuring the Management Plane This topic describes the configuration roadmap for the management plane. In the native Ethernet solution. configuration roadmap. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 5. VLANIF interfaces are configured to transmit management plane packets.2 Logging In to the ATN 905 This chapter describes how to log in to the ATN 905 for later commissioning. user login parameter. 5.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access About This Chapter The native Ethernet access solution is applied to the scenario where Layer 2 access solutions are used for the upstream network. Overview Solution 3: Native Ethernet access (native Ethernet + public network IGP management plane + hybrid interface access) Figure 5-1 Example network of native Ethernet access VLAN (10.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access 5.20) service flow VLAN(30.40) Issue 03 (2013-11-22) VLAN (10. configuration roadmap. covering the overview.20) VLAN (30. RNC Trunk interface Dot1q sub-interface Management plane VLAN(10. and data planning. Ltd.20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1 Scenario Introduction This topic briefly introduces the application scenarios of the ATN 905..40) service flow 101 .40) Macro Cell ATN 905 IPRAN ATN 905 CSG VLAN (30. The configuration roadmap is as follows: l Add each AC port of the ATN 905 into the VLANs to which the small-cell base station data belongs. Data Planning Item Planning Guidelines Basic configuration parameters: You are advised to configure the basic configuration parameters except NE name in the centralized manner based on the entire network. deploy IEEE 1588v2 to implement time synchronization. l NE name l User login parameter l SNMP l AAA Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Users' VLANs are not isolated from carriers' VLANs. Scenario in which users' VLANs are not isolated from carriers' VLANs Configuration Roadmap Small-cell base station packets need to be transparently transmitted to the CSG. Users' IP address planning does not need to be concerned. l Configure L2VPNs for packets with different VLAN tags on each AC port of the CSG.. 3. l Deploy Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) on the ATN 905 to implement frequency synchronization.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Table 5-1 Solution information Solution Feature Applicable Scenario Solution Advantage Solution Constraint l Service configurations for small-cell base stations: native Ethernet 1. these basic configuration parameters are planned once for all. Scenario in which the carrier solution on the macro base station side adopts the Layer 2 access solution 1. In this way. l Establish a management plane between the ATN 905 and the CSG based on public network subinterfaces. l Deploy simple traffic classification (STC) on the ATN 905. l Management plane: public network IGP management plane l Native Ethernet access: hybrid interface access 2. The loopbreaking protocols need to be deployed to prevent Layer 2 broadcast storms. 1. Ethernet demarcation device (EDD) scenario 2. 102 . Ltd. and add the NNI interfaces of the ATN 905 into the VLANs to which the AC ports belong. SSH is a secure remote login protocol developed based on the traditional Telnet protocol. Compared with Telnet. Figure 5-2 Networking diagram for logging in to the ATN 905 by using SSH network SSH Client SSH Server Prerequisite l The ATN 905 is running properly. A VLAN ID needs to be planned to traverse interfaces interconnecting the ATN 905 devices.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Item Planning Guidelines Small-cell base station data: 1. 2. l Vlan ID for trunk QoS STC is deployed on each service interface of the ATN 905.2 Logging In to the ATN 905 This chapter describes how to log in to the ATN 905 for later commissioning. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. SSH is greatly improved in terms of the authentication mode and data transmission security. are introduced. 103 . 5.2. 5. Management subinterfaces and their IP addresses need to be planned.1 Logging In to the ATN by Using SSH This section describes how to log in to the ATN 905 by using SSH. The VLAN (to which the small-cell base station data belongs) need to be planned. Figure 5-2 shows the networking diagram for logging in to the ATN 905 by using SSH. Clock SyncE and 1588v2 functions are enabled on the ATN 905 so that the ATN 905 traces the clock and time of the upstream device and transmits the clock signals to base stations. Two login methods. l The ATN 905 has been logged in using the console interface and an IP address for each interface has been configured on the ATN 905.. login by using the console interface and SSH. l VLAN ID ATN 905 data: l Management subinterfaces and their IP addresses 1. l A direct or reachable route exists between the SSH client and the ATN 905. Ltd. ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access NOTE Perform the following configurations on the ATN 905 that serves as the SSH server. you can log in to it in STelnet mode. you can log in to it in STelnet mode.1. 104 . NOTE After the ATN is powered on for the first time. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1. Procedure Step 1 As shown in the following figure. The user name and password are root and Changeme_123 respectively. NOTE After the ATN is powered on for the first time.0.0. This section describes only the SSH login by using the PuTTY program. its IP address 129.1 and the login protocol to SSH. change the default password in time.0. Ltd. The IP address of the management network interface Ethernet0/0/0 (the console interface) is 129.1 will be automatically changed to the IP address that DHCP obtains during the startup. After logging in to the ATN.0.168.. set the IP address of the ATN 905 to 192. Figure 5-3 Login by using the PuTTY program Step 2 Enter the user name root and the password Changeme_123. If the ATN has accessed the network when it is powered on for the first time. 2 Logging In to the ATN by Using the Console Interface This section describes how to use the HyperTerminal in Windows on the PC to log in to the ATN 905 after setting up a local configuration environment with the console interface.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Figure 5-4 Login using the PuTTY program ----End 5. l The PC is connected to the ATN 905 through an asynchronous interface. Figure 5-5 Networking diagram for logging in to the ATN 905 by using the console interface PC ATN Prerequisite l The ATN 905 is running properly. Ltd.2. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Context Figure 5-5 shows the networking diagram for logging in to the NE80E/40E by using the console interface. 105 . The console port applies the non-standard serial port communication cable sequence. For more information.. see ATN 905Multi-service Access Equipment Installation Guide. l Installing terminal emulation program on the PC (such as Windows XP HyperTerminal) NOTE Perform the following configurations on the HyperTerminal on the PC. Ltd. 106 .ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Procedure Step 1 Use a serial cable to connect the serial interface on the PC and the console interface on the ATN 905. In the Connect To dialog box shown in Figure 5-7. see the ATN 905Multi-service Access EquipmentHardware Description. Step 2 Start the HyperTerminal on the PC. and select an icon. Choose Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications to start the HyperTerminal in Windows. For more information about the console interface. click OK. click OK.. Step 3 Set up a connection. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. As shown in Figure 5-6. enter the name of the new connection in the Name text box. Figure 5-6 Setting up a connection Step 4 Set a connection port. Then. select a port from the drop-down list box of Connect using according to the port actually used on the PC or terminal. Then. 107 . the login will fail. set the COM1 properties according to the description in Figure 5-8 or by clicking Restore Defaults. the COM1 properties on the HyperTerminal must be changed to be consistent with the interface attribute settings on the ATN 905.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Figure 5-7 Setting a connection port Step 5 Set communication parameters. When the COM1 Properties dialog box is displayed as shown in Figure 5-8. The default settings of the console interface will be used. l When you log in to the ATN 905 by using the console interface.. Otherwise. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. ensure that the COM1 properties on the HyperTerminal are consistent with the interface attribute settings on the ATN 905. Ltd. NOTE l Setting the COM1 properties according to the description in Figure 5-8 and setting them by clicking Restore Defaults have the same effect. This means that if default settings are not used for the interface attributes on the ATN 905. The system automatically saves the set password. log in to the ATN 905 again. Ltd. press Enter. If the login still fails. Set an authentication password. you need to perform basic configurations. 5. click Disconnect and then Call. and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) configurations. Please configure the login password (6-16) Enter Password: Confirm Password: If the login fails. An initial password is required for the first login. user login parameter. An initial password is required for the first login via the console. including the device name. for the devices. Set a password and keep it safe! Otherwise you will not be able to login via the console. 108 .. authorization.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Figure 5-8 Setting communication parameters ----End Commissioning Result After the preceding configurations are complete. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. authentication. If they are correct. repeat Step 1 to check whether the parameters or physical connections are correct.3 Configuring Basic Information Before configuring services. and accounting (AAA). SmallCellSiteA l CC: device number. Ltd. Data Planning An NE name consists of the site name. starting from 001 For example. for example. Parameter Value Description sysname ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001 Indicates the NE name.. NOTE All the NEs involved in this document are named as shown in the following figure. for example.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access 5. The following provides the meaning of the letters. Figure 5-9 NE names SmallCellSiteB1 SmallCellSiteA1 Macro Cell Micro/Pico ATN905SmallCellSiteB-002 Micro/Pico Micro/Pico ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001 IPRAN ATN910MacroCellSite-003 RNC Micro/Pico SmallCellSiteA2 SmallCellSiteB2 Configuration Process l Configure the name of the NE as ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001. set equipment names to identify each device. sysname ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 l Configure the name of the NE as ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002. and device number. ATN 910 or ATN 905 l BB: site name. device model. 109 .3. ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 refers to an ATN 905 numbered 001 at site SmallCellSiteA. l AA: device model. Each NE is named in the format of AA-BB-CC. sysname ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1 Configuring NE Information If multiple devices on a network need to be managed. You can re-configure the terminal attributes as required. you can differentiate the access rights of different users on the ATN device to enhance the management security. and VTY attributes. 2. The user authentication mode can be set to AAA authentication or password authentication. you can configure the virtual type terminal (VTY) user interface to ensure equipment security.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) l 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Configure the name of the NE as ATN910-MacroCellSite-003. Ltd. l You can configure the VTY attributes of a VTY user interface.3. 110 . no user (even the NMS user) can log in to the ATN device through the VTY user interface. you need to enter the user name and password. l By setting the maximum number of VTY user interfaces. The AAA authentication mode is based on users. Data Planning To log in to an ATN device in telnet or Secure Shell (SSH) mode. such as the timeout interval of communication failure for login users. User privileges are divided into 16 levels. you can limit the number of users who can log in to the ATN device concurrently.. Each VTY attribute on the VTY user interface has a default value on the ATN device. NOTE When the value of this parameter is set to 0. A larger value indicates a higher user privilege. The following parameters are involved: the maximum number of VTY user interfaces. To log in to the ATN device. Parameter Value Description user-interface maximum-vty 15 Sets the maximum number of users that are allowed to log in to the NE to 15. user privilege. l By setting the user authentication mode. user authentication mode. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.2 Configuring the VTY User Interface To log in to an ATN device remotely. The following recommended values in this example are only for reference. ensuring high security. 1. requiring simple configuration while ensuring high security. sysname ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 5. The password authentication mode is based on VTY channels. l By setting the user privilege. You only need to be create a login password. which are numbered 0 to 15. such as network size and topology. you can configure the VTY user interface to ensure equipment security. you can enhance the equipment security. NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions. protocol inbound ssh Specifies the login protocol supported by the VTY user interface to SSH.. 111 . protocol inbound ssh authentication-mode aaa user privilege level 3 idle-timeout 5 0 5. user-interface maximum-vty 15 //Set the maximum number of VTY user interfaces that are allowed to log in to the NE at the same time. Data Planning If the user authentication mode is set to AAA authentication in an ATN device. idle-timeout 50 Sets the timeout interval of communication failure for login users. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. a user needs to keep the login user name and password properly. The levels of commands that can be used by users logging in to an ATN device concurrently are determined by the privileges of these users in the AAA configuration.3. Set the maximum number of VTY user interfaces. you need to configure user names and passwords on the ATN device to manage and authenticate users. user-interface vty 0 14 //Perform configurations for VTY 0 to VTY 14. Ltd.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Parameter Value Description user-interface vty 0 14 Indicates that the maximum number of VTY user interfaces is the total number of users that have logged in to the NE through Telnet or STelnet. and uses them to log in to the ATN device. authentication-mode aaa Sets the authentication mode to AAA authentication for users that attempt to log in to the NE. user privilege level 3 Specifies the command level to level 3.3 Configuring AAA Users If the user authentication mode is set to AAA authentication on an ATN device. 2. Configure VTY attributes. Configuration Process Perform the following configurations on all ATN devices: 1. ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions. excluding question marks (?) and spaces. local-user USER01 service-type ssh //Set the access type for the user. l A password must contain eight characters at least. A user can use only the commands whose levels are lower than or equal to the user level.. or configure an authentication scheme. and special characters. l A password must contain digits.3. l The password cannot be the same as the user name or the user name in reverse order. local-user USER01 level 3 //Set the user level of the local user. so that the NE authenticates users. local-user xxx service-type xxx USER01 Sets the access type of local users to SSH. an accounting scheme. NOTE Requirements on user names and passwords for ATN products are as follows: l A local user name contains 1 to 253 characters. local-user XXX password cipher XXX USER01 Adds a local user USER01. the NMS can monitor and manage NEs. 112 . upper-case and lower-case letters. The following recommended values in this example are only for reference. Parameter Value Description aaa - Enters the AAA view to create a user. an authorization scheme. 5. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The system manages commands by command level. Hello@*#123 ssh Configuration Process Perform the following configurations on all ATN devices: aaa local-user USER01 password cipher Hello@*#123 //Add a local uer (USER01) and set the password. local-user level 3 Sets the user level for the local user. or a domain. set a user level. Ltd. such as network size and topology.4 Configuring the SNMP After the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is configured. Specifically.1ab. such as network size and topology. and SNMPv3. Table 5-2 SNMP parameters Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Parameter Value Description snmp-agent - Enables the SNMP agent function. SNMPv1. The NMS can manage NEs using the SNMP. NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions. namely. Sets a write community name. snmp-agent sys-info version all Configures the system to adopt all the SNMP versions. snmp-agent community read cipher Huawei123! Sets a read community name.. When the ATN and its neighbors are all enabled with LLDP. the ATN notifies the neighbors of its status and obtains the status of the neighbors through LLDP packets. By default. The NMS can access a device only when the community name set on the NMS is the same as that set on the device. The NMS can access a device only when the community name set on the NMS is the same as that set on the device. 113 . In this manner. the NMS can analyze the network topology. the SNMP defines several device management operations that can be performed by the NMS and alarms that can be automatically sent to the NMS when the ATN equipment is faulty. snmp-agent community write cipher Huawei@123 snmp-agent trap enable - mib-view iso-view mib-view iso-view Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. which are all supported by the ATN 905. The NMS uses the management information base (MIB) to identify and manage devices. The SNMP versions include SNMPv1. The NMS then can get information about Layer 2 connection of the ATN. The following recommended values in this example are only for reference. The Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is a Layer 2 discovery protocol defined in 802.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Data Planning The SNMP is a standard network management protocol widely used on TCP/IP networks. SNMPv2c. and SNMPv3. SNMPv2c. snmp-agent mib-view included iso-view iso Includes the iso subtree in the SNMP MIB view. the SNMP agent function is disabled. Enables all traps on a device. snmp-agent community read cipher Huawei123! mib-view iso-view snmp-agent community write cipher Huawei@123 mib-view iso-view //Set the read and write permissions for the write attributes. Therefore.4 Configuring the Management Plane This topic describes the configuration roadmap for the management plane.20. snmp-agent trap enable snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain 20.20 params securityname Huawei@123 v2c private-netmanager ext-vb //When the management plane is deployed on public network routes..20.20 Allows the SNMP agent to send SNMP trap messages to the Huawei NMS at 20. When the read entity name and write entity name are the same.4. it is more and more important to Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. lldp enable - Enables the LLDP function. Traditional management and service packets are closely coupled.20.20 using entity name Huawei@123. 5.20. snmp-agent trap enable feature-name lldp snmp-agent extend error-code enable lldp enable 5.20. 114 .20. the write attribute command will override the read attribute command.1 Configuration Roadmap This topic describes the configuration roadmap for the management plane. making equipment management more and more complex and costly. snmp-agent trap source LoopBack0 //Set the source interface for trap messages. If an NMS provided by Huawei is used. configure private-netmanager and ext-vb. Application Process Perform the following configurations on all ATN devices: snmp-agent snmp-agent sys-info version all //Enable SNMP of all versions for the system. snmp-agent extend error-code enable Enables the extended error code function.20. snmp-agent targethost trap address udp-domain 20. Ltd.20.20.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Parameter Value Description snmp-agent trap source LoopBack0 Configures the LoopBack0 interface as the source interface that sends trap messages. params securityname Huawei@123 v2c privatenetmanager ext-vb snmp-agent trap enable feature-name lldp - Enables the LLDP trap function. SNMP trap messages can be sent to the U2000 at management IP address 20. snmp-agent mib-view included iso-view iso //Include the iso subtree SNMP MIB view. The following recommended values and precautions in this example are for reference only.11 32 1001 - Loopback10 10.1 dot1q 1 192. 30 vlan-type dot1q 1 ATN905SmallCellSiteB-002 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Loopback0 Loopback0 128.4. Data Planning NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions.1 192.12 32 Loopback10 10.1 dot1q 1 192.1.4. other planes can still be used.168.11/32 IPRAN GE0/2/0 GE0/2/0 Loopback0 GE0/2/1. A user operates and manages devices using the management plane and deploys services using other planes.4.182.1 dot1q 1 192.168.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access separate the management and service planes.4.1.. when other planes become abnormal. That is.1 32 GigabitEthernet 0/2/1.1.1. 115 .168.4. The configuration roadmap is as follows: l Establish a management plane between the ATN 905 and the CSG based on public network Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) routes. the logical channels of the management plane and other planes are separated. devices can still be managed.21/30 Macro Cell GE0/2/1. Ltd. When the management plane becomes abnormal.12.22/30 Table 5-3 Interface planning table NE Name Interface IP Address OSPF Process ID VPN ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001 Loopback0 128.1 dot1q 1 192.11.12/32 Loopback0 128. such as network size and topology.4.13/32 RNC/SGW GE0/2/0.1.2 Data Planning This topic describes data planning for the management plane. such as the service plane.12.2 32 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Figure 5-10 Management plane configuration diagram GE0/2/0. ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) NE Name 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Interface IP Address OSPF Process ID GigabitEthernet 0/2/0.1 30 NOTE The OSPF process ID must be the same as the manage ment OSPF process ID on the macro base station side. vlan-type dot1q 1 GigabitEthernet 0/2/1.1 30 vlan-type dot1q 1 ATN910MacroCellSite-003 Loopback0 32 Loopback10 32 GigabitEthernet0/2 /0.1 30 vlan-type dot1q 1 VPN 5.4.3 Configuring the Management Plane This topic describes how to configure the management plane. Configuring ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1.1 description NNI vlan-type dot1q 1 ip address 30 interface Loopback0 //Set the router ID. ip address 32 interface Loopback10 //Set the management IP address. ip address 32 ospf 1001 router-id //Configure an IGP route between management IP addresses. area network network Configuring ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0.1 description ToNext905 vlan-type dot1q 1 ip address 30 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1.1 description NNI vlan-type dot1q 1 ip address 30 interface Loopback0 ip address 32 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 116 ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access interface Loopback10 ip address 32 ospf 1001 router-id area network network Configuring ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0.1 description NNI vlan-type dot1q 1 ip address 30 interface Loopback0 ip address 32 interface Loopback10 ip address 32 ospf 1001 router-id area network network 5.5 Deploying the serive 5.5.1 Configuration Roadmap This topic describes the configuration roadmap for Ethernet services. In the native Ethernet scenario, the ATN 905 needs to transparently transmit small-cell base station packets to the cell site gateway (CSG). Trunk interfaces can be added into multiple VLANs to interconnect network devices. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 117 ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Figure 5-11 Ethernet services configuration roadmap Port trunk allow-pass 10 20 30 40 Port trunk allow-pass 10 20 30 40 Micro Cell VLAN:30,40 VLAN:10,20 GE0/2/2 GE0/2/2 GE0/2/1 GE0/2/1 GE0/2/0 IPRAN GE0/2/0 GE0/2/3 GE0/2/3 RNC/SGW VLAN:10,20 VLAN:30,40 The L3VPN configuration roadmap is as follows: l Configure the AC interface and NNI-side interface on the ATN 905 as trunk interfaces and allow packets with the VLAN of the small-cell base station to pass through. 5.5.2 Data Planning This topic describes the data planning for service configuration. NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions such as network scale and topology. The following recommended values in this example are only for reference. Table 5-4 Data planning NE Name Interface VLAN Remarks ATN905SmallCellSiteA-00 1 GigabitEthernet 0/2/1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 20 30 40 To Next905 GigabitEthernet 0/2/2 port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 20 To SmallCellSiteA1 GigabitEthernet 0/2/3 port trunk allow-pass vlan 30 40 To SmallCellSiteA2 GigabitEthernet 0/2/0 port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 20 30 40 To MacroCellSite GigabitEthernet 0/2/1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 20 30 40 To Next905 GigabitEthernet 0/2/2 port trunk allow-pass vlan 30 40 To SmallCellSiteB1 ATN905SmallCellSiteB-02 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 118 3 vlan-type dot1q 30 To Next905 GigabitEthernet 0/2/0.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) NE Name ATN910MacroCellSite-003 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Interface VLAN Remarks GigabitEthernet 0/2/3 port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 20 To SmallCellSiteB2 GigabitEthernet 0/2/0. Configuring ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 portswitch port link-type trunk //Specify the interface as a trunk interface.3 Configuring Ethernet Services This topic describes the configuration roadmap for Ethernet services. VDSL2 is an extension to VDSL1. the upstream interface on ATN905-ATN905SmallCellSiteB-002 can be a VDSL2 or Ethernet interface. l If the upstream interface is a VDSL2 interface. The ATN 905 supports VDSL2. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 portswitch port link-type trunk port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 20 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/3 portswitch port link-type trunk port trunk allow-pass vlan 30 40 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is a technology that provides digital connections over the copper wire or a local telephone network. 119 . xDSL refers to various DSL technologies.2 vlan-type dot1q 20 To Next905 GigabitEthernet 0/2/0.. Ltd. In this scenario.4 vlan-type dot1q 40 To Next905 5. perform the following steps: Configuring ATN905-ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 interface xdsl 0/2/0 quit interface virtual-ethernet 0/2/0 quit interface dsl-group 0/2/0 add xdsl 0/2/0 dsl-group enable bind virtual ethernet 0/2/0 quit interface virtual-ethernet 0/2/0 portswitch port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 20 30 40 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.5. an xDSL technology. port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 20 30 40 //Allow packets with a VLAN ID ranging from VLAN 10 to VLAN 20 to pass through.1 vlan-type dot1q 10 To Next905 GigabitEthernet 0/2/0. It is a family of bandwidth-efficient modulation techniques developed to achieve extremely high data transfer rates over twisted-pair cables. 38 517 control-word raw secondary Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 120 .37 516 control-word raw mpls l2vc 11.0. see corresponding documents of the access network.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 portswitch port link-type trunk port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 20 30 40 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/3 portswitch port link-type trunk port trunk allow-pass vlan 30 40 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/4 portswitch port link-type trunk port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 20 NOTE In this scenario.1 vlan-type dot1q 10 //Configure a VLAN for the dot1q VLAN tag termination subinterface.2 vlan-type dot1q 20 mpls l2vc 11.0. Ltd. For detailed DSLAM configuration.35 514 control-word raw mpls l2vc 11.. the ATN 905 uses a VDSL2 interface to connect to a DSLAM.3 vlan-type dot1q 30 mpls l2vc mpls l2vc 11.32 511 control-word raw secondary mpls l2vpn redundancy master mpls l2vpn reroute delay 500 mpls l2vpn stream-dual-receiving mpls l2vpn arp-dual-sending interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0. l If the upstream interface is an Ethernet interface.0.0.0. perform the following steps: Configuring ATN905-ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0 portswitch port link-type trunk port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 20 30 40 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 portswitch port link-type trunk port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 20 30 40 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 portswitch port link-type trunk port trunk allow-pass vlan 30 40 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/3 portswitch port link-type trunk port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 20 Configuring ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 interface GigabitEthernet0/2/ 510 control-word raw mpls l2vc 513 control-word raw secondary mpls l2vpn redundancy master mpls l2vpn reroute delay 500 mpls l2vpn stream-dual-receiving mpls l2vpn arp-dual-sending interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0.33 512 control-word raw mpls l2vc 11.0.4 vlan-type dot1q 40 mpls l2vc 11.0.36 515 control-word raw secondary mpls l2vpn redundancy master mpls l2vpn reroute delay 500 mpls l2vpn stream-dual-receiving mpls l2vpn arp-dual-sending interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0.0. packets of different services join different queues. IP networks must ensure the quality of each type of service that they carry.6 Deploying QoS You can deploy quality of service (QoS) on a carrier network to provide differentiated QoS assurance as required. That is. the ATN 905 can manage the traffic..6. and the service quality seems insignificant. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 121 . The ATN 905 functions as a small-cell base station bearer device or enterprise private line Ethernet demarcation device (EDD).1p) for encapsulation based on the above-mentioned priority and color. do as follows: l Bind the default DiffServ domain to service interfaces (including main interfaces and subinterfaces) of the ATN 905 to configure simple traffic classification. Priority mapping based on simple traffic classification indicates that the priority of the packets on a network is mapped into the packets of another network so that the packets of the first network can be transmitted on the second network based on the original or user-defined packet priority. the packets obtain the priority and color for scheduling on the ATN equipment based on the values of the DSCP and 802. Therefore. ensuring differentiated scheduling. Against this backdrop. The following recommended values in this example are only for reference. and therefore to provide differentiated services. during traffic management. IP networks have changed from pure data networks to bearer networks with commercial values. In this manner. 5. After being scheduled on the ATN equipment. Configuration Roadmap Traditional IP networks in best-effort mode are mainly used to carry data services. on the ingress. quality of service (QoS) is developed.1 Configuring QoS You can configure simple traffic classification to classify data packets into multiple priorities or service classes. with fast development of IP-oriented Internet services and emerging of various new services (such as VoIP and VPN services). However. Ltd. the outgoing packets obtain the values of the priority fields (such as DSCP and 802. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Parameter Value Description trust upstream default Bind the DiffServ domain to an interface.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) mpls mpls mpls mpls l2vpn l2vpn l2vpn l2vpn 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access redundancy master reroute delay 500 stream-dual-receiving arp-dual-sending 5. When configured with simple traffic classification.1p fields. To configure simple traffic classification. Data Planning NOTE Set these parameters based on the actual network conditions such as network scale and topology. In the IP RAN scenario.2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/1. Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. you are advised to configure synchronous Ethernet and IEEE 1588v2 on the ATN 905 to achieve frequency synchronization and phase synchronization respectively.3 trust upstream default 5. Ltd. In this solution. That is.7 Deploying the Clock You are advised to use a clock synchronization solution based on actual clock synchronization requirements. 5. if two watches always indicate the same time. For example. the ATN equipment needs to support frequency or phase synchronization to meet the requirements of base stations. To ensure that most services run normally on a current communication network. must be ensured on the network.2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/1.2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/0. 122 .3 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/3 trust upstream default l For ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 interface GE0/2/0.3 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/1. you are advised to configure synchronous Ethernet and IEEE 1588v2 on the ATN 905 to achieve frequency synchronization and phase synchronization respectively.1 Configuration Roadmap Synchronization includes frequency synchronization and phase synchronization. That is.3 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/3 trust upstream default l For ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 interface GE0/2/0.7. devices on the entire network should keep the frequency or phase difference within a permitted range. synchronization. Mainstream PSN-based synchronization technologies in the industry include IEEE 1588v2 and synchronous Ethernet.2 trust upstream default interface GE0/2/0. Phase synchronization (also known as time synchronization) indicates that signals have the same frequency and phase. either frequency synchronization or phase synchronization. there is no phase difference between signals.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Application Process l For ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 interface GE0/2/1. they are in phase synchronization. the phase difference between signals is constant. That is. if the two watches always have a constant time difference (such as 6 hours). they are in frequency synchronization.. Frequency synchronization (also known as clock synchronization) indicates that signals retain certain relationships with respect to the phase. In this solution. A source for which no quality level is defined. NOTE When the BMC algorithm is used by a 1588v2-enabled device for master clock selection. clock accuracy. and a smaller value indicates a higher priority. The time source with the highest priority is selected as the master clock. use the best master clock (BMC) algorithm. l For IEEE 1588v2. The configuration roadmap is as follows: l Enable synchronous Ethernet and IEEE 1588v2 for the ATN 905. and send them to base stations. then the clock class. and a clock source with quality level being DNU. 123 . 5. the clock class is compared. are not be selected during source selection.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Figure 5-12 Networking diagram for clock deployment Micro/Pico Micro/Pico BITS GE0/2/2 pri 20 GE0/2/1 GE0/2/3 GE0/2/2 GE0/2/1 pri 20 GE0/2/0 GE0/2/0 ASG pri 10 RSG GE0/2/3 Clock Tracking Path pri n Priority of a reference clock source at a port The preceding figure shows how to configure a clock. and enable synchronization status message (SSM) control. SDH equipment clock (SEC). and clock source type. so that the ATN 905 can track the upstream clock information and time information. and DNU. and priority2. SSUA. l The SSM clock quality levels are in the following descending order: primary reference clock (PRC). configure clock signal priorities in the local priority list. NOTE For synchronous Ethernet clock synchronization.. local priority setting.7. Table 5-5 Data planning for synchronous Ethernet time synchronization NE Name Parameter Value Remarks ATN905SmallCellSiteA-001 Local priority list 20 - ATN905SmallCellSiteB-002 Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.2 Data Planning This topic describes data planning for clock deployment. If priority1 of candidate time sources is the same. Ltd. SSUB. a clock source is selected based on the following descending order of priority: SSM clock quality. and so on. l For synchronous Ethernet. priority1 of each candidate time source is compared first. l The local priority is configured as follows: The value range is 1 to 255. ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 GE0/2/3 5. SSM is enabled for an ATN NE. NE type BC The networkwide BC mode is recommended. This will affect clock selection in the inbound direction on the local end. A smaller value indicates a higher priority. Ring network asymmetry automeasurement enable Automatically adjusts the length difference between transmit and receive fibers when ring network protection switching occurs for restoration..3 Configuring Synchronous Ethernet to Achieve Frequency Synchronization To achieve frequency synchronization on a network. GE0/2/3 Table 5-6 Data planning for IEEE 1588v2 time synchronization NE Name Parameter Value Remarks ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 Port delay measurement mechanism delay The mechanism is recommended to be set consistently networkwide. Ltd. Clock output port GE0/2/2 Connects to a base station. Assigning the highest priority to each interface on the shortest path for clock signal transmission is recommended. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 clock priority 20//Assigns a clock priority to the interface.7.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access NE Name Parameter Value Remarks ATN910MacroCellSite-003 Clock output port GE0/2/2 Connects to a base station. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0 clock synchronization enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 clock synchronization enable Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. use synchronous Ethernet. clock ssm-control on //Configures SSM for source selection. 124 . By default. clock synchronization enable//Enables synchronous Ethernet for an interface. Configure NE ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 clock ethernet-synchronization enable //Enables global synchronous Ethernet in the system view. use IEEE 1588v2 to achieve time synchronization on the network. Configure NE ATN905-SmallCellSiteA-001 ptp enable //Enables global IEEE 1588v2.7.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access Configure NE ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 clock ethernet-synchronization enable clock ssm-control on interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0 clock priority 20 clock synchronization enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 clock synchronization enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 clock synchronization enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/3 clock synchronization enable Configure NE ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 clock ethernet-synchronization enable clock ssm-control on interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0 clock synchronization enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 clock synchronization enable 5.4 Configuring IEEE 1588v2 to Achieve Time Synchronization After frequency synchronization is achieved on a network using synchronous Ethernet.. Ltd. 125 . interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 ptp delay-mechanism delay //Configures the delay measurement mechanism of a device as delay which calculates the time difference based on the link delay of the master and slave clocks. ptp device-type bc //Specifies the BC mode for all devices. ptp enable //Enables IEEE 1588v2 for the interface. interface GigabitEthernet0/2/3 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable Configure NE ATN905-SmallCellSiteB-002 ptp enable ptp device-type bc interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/2 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/3 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable Configure NE ATN910-MacroCellSite-003 ptp enable ptp device-type bc Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 126 .. Ltd.ATN 905 Multi-Service Access Equipment Configuration Guide (CLI) 5 Solution 3: Native Ethernet Access interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable interface GigabitEthernet0/2/1 ptp delay-mechanism delay ptp enable Issue 03 (2013-11-22) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.
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