Atlantis is discovered - Atlantis in Middle Danubian Depression (Pannonian Basin) a new location of Atlantis Island

March 29, 2018 | Author: paulct20047212 | Category: Atlantis, Greece, Earth Sciences, Earth & Life Sciences, Physical Geography



The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008“Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 ATLANTIS ISLAND IS DISCOVERED Atlantis Island “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 Introduction The location of Atlantis Island in relation with one of the palaeogeographic image of Pannonian Basin rely on important previous studies: 1. Studies of mythical palaeogeography published in 1991, in Bratislava (The XIIth International Congress of the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences) 2. Studies of palaeogeography on the Panoniann Basin (2006 – The XVIIIth Congress of the Carpathian – Balkans Geological Association - Belgrade) 3. Studies of paleoclimat (Oslo, 2008 – The 33rd International Geological Congress – General contributions to climate change) 4. Bilateral Romanian - Hungarian cooperation (Geological Survey of Romania–Bucharest and MAFI-Budapest ) – correlations of the Quaternary deposits from the East edge of the Pannonian Basin “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 a. The myths of Atlantis reflects exclusive European palaeogeographical realities “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 b. These are focused mainly on the actual Middle Danube Depression “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 Late Quaternary Pannonian Basin d. This has been isolated over 10 My ago from the adjacent basins. The last possible connection with the Dacic Basin (in the Middle Pontian ) was interrupted about 7 My ago. “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 e. The Pannonian Lake survived during Quaternary almost until the end of the Pleistocene, namely until the end of the Paleolithic f. The Iron Gates Gorge (s.l.) formation, respectively the interruption of the endorheic character of the Pannonian Basin, can be connected to the moment of the Moon capture by the Earth, about 39.000 years ago “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 g. This phenomenon can be correlated to the huge water flow that marked, before the Great Flood, the islands in the Northern part of the Aegean Sea (Diodorus Siculus) “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 Important considerations: Bratislava, 1991 h. After this moment, in the Pannonian Depression survived a relict lake (the Relict Pannonian Lake), whose shore maintained till the Great Flood (thus until about 9.541 + 2008 = 11.549 years ago) around the + 100 m elevation Deliblat area Fruška Gora “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 Fruška Gora The Relict Pannonian Lake Deliblat area i. The Pannonian Relict Lake was characterized by the presence of two important islands. The first corresponded to the actual Hill Fruška Gora, and the second one was represented by Deliblat area. “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 Atlantic Sea At la nt is j. The Atlantis Island (with Poseidon’s residence) can be identified with the actual Deliblat are (with a NW – SE orientation) Is la nd Atlantic Sea Pillars of Heracles “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 Atlantic Sea At la nt is Is la k. On this Island (composed at that time only by Pleistocene deposits, respectively by loess) was placed the mountain not very high and not very great from Evenor’s island, mountain placed in the actual Dumacia summit area (today ~ 250 m). nd Atlantic Sea Pillars of Heracles “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 l. The Atlantis “sunk” (from 11,549 years ago ), following a meteorites rain that triggered the Great Flood (biblical Flood), was due to the great increase of the Pannonian Lake level “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 l’. The Atlantis “sunk” (from 11,549 years ago ), following a meteorites rain that triggered the Great Flood (biblical Flood), was due to the great increase of the Pannonian Lake level “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: m. This increase was accompanied by huge quantities of alluvial deposits (sands and muds) accumulated especially in some areas of the Relict Pannonian Lake The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: n. One of the important accumulation areas was represented by the area of the Atlantis Island, in witch the actual sand dunes represented a part of these delluvial accumulations (alluvial deposits) The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 Legend: 1 - Lakes and swamps; 2 - Holocene sands; 3 - Actual lakes Balaton and Neusiedl (Fertö); 4 - Land “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 o. The area in witch Poseidon would had built his “fortress” could be placed in the SE of the Atlantis Island “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 Loess deposit near Dupljaja (Vojvodina, Serbia) p. If the hydrotechnic works of the Atlantis Island represented a reality, these were dug in the loess deposits (fact that seems to be credible) “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: r. More precisely, the centre of the Poseidon’s settlement ( with the island having a circular shape) can be connected by the triangle formed by the actual heights Čardak (159,1 m ), Keja Lahului (157 m), and Crni vrh (189 m) The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: s. A more suitable placement implies the area with the actual topographic name “Eronja”, placed between the heights Čardak and Keja Lahului The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 Eronja from Enorja (by rhotacism ) and Enorja (Enoria) from (Ev) enor = Evenor “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 t. The toponyms Deliblato (Big Mud) and Major Bara (Big Swamp) from the same area are in the favour of the proposed placement. Also Belgrade (White Town) and Biserica Alba (Bela Crkva – White Church) toponyms suggest the colour of the Olympian Gods (white). This placement is also sustained by the Coronini toponym (with the hidden name of the Cronos ) Deliblat area “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 u. Pillars of Heracles reflect much subsequent geographical reality in comparison with the Atlantis Sea and can be connected to the area of the actual rock Babacai, nearby Coronini village “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 u’. Pillars of Heracles Babacai stone “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 Turdaş Atlantis Sea Tărtăria Sarmisegetusa Regia Atlantis Island Vinča Lepenski Vir v.The reconsideration of the archaeological discoveries from neighboring areas Anina (Ion, the oldest man from Europe) ~ 40,000 years Pillars of Heracles Herakles “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) Important considerations: w. Sarmisegetusa Regia – the closest sacred area of antiquity. The Dacian kingdom (Burebista, Decebal), the closest imperial power of the antiquity The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 Important considerations: Deliblato village Relict of Atlantic Sea x. Nowadays, the Platon’s text (Critias) can be broken up in distinct passages referring to very different paleogeographical realities, repspectively: 2. The Pannonian Lake before the Moon capture 3. The Europe beyond this lake ( Western Europe ) = real and whole continent 4. The Atlantis Island 5.Fruška Gora Hill 6. The Atlantis Sea – the Relict Pannonian Lake 7. The Middle Danube Depression “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 ATLANTIS ISLAND IS DISCOVERED The Evenor’s Mountain Eronja “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) ABSTRACT of the paper “Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression” by Mircea Ţicleanu, Paul Constantin, Radu Nicolescu presented at November 10, 2008 (Session 3) of The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 he attempts to identify the area that might correspond, undoubtfully, to the This civilization was based on the presence of some important natural resources mythic land Atlantis, hadn’t succeeded so far, as they weren’t relied on the (forests, salt, gold, silver, copper etc) known even in the present in the Carpathians, paleogeographic reality, very important for The Old World far history. These were which border the Pannonian Basin in the North, and in the East. connected to the long maintenance in the present Depression of Middle Danube, thus This view might effectively solve not only the Atlantis location problem, but the within the Pannonian Basin, of an endoreic region in which a huge lacustrian area connection to real geographic areas of some mythic paleogeographic data for which survived: The Pannonian Lake. This was definitely isolated from the neighbored no viable solution was found so far, among there could be mentioned Thot Lake and basins of the Central Paratethys about 7 m.y. ago and it maintained until prehistoric Ha Lake (Egyptian myths), Ginnunga Gap, Audhumbla, Yggdrasil and Asgard time, as an inner sea characterized mainly by the presence of an archipelagos in its (Scandinavian myths), Cronus Sea (that became “The Dead Sea”) and Okeanos Western part. Only after The Iron Gates Gorge shaping, probably during some (Greek myths), the Life Land and the Death Waters (Sumerian myths), Havila Lands, cataclysms which affected the whole Earth, the old lake picture radically changed. In Cus Lands, and Asiria (in the Bible), Alybe (=Alybas) Lands (Homer) and Siriat the South-Eastern part of the Pannonian Basin, a lake maintained for a long time. It (Egyptians). The mythic land Vanenheim (= the Land of Vans), whose name is kept by was supplied mostly by the 4 main rivers of the Middle Danube Depression. the actual “Panonia” could be distinguished of all. Such point of view was sustained The last huge catastrophe that struck this edenic humanity realm, about 11.600 by us even from 1991 [Ţicleanu et al., XIIth International Congress of the Prehistoric years ago, was due to a meteorites rain that affected Terra, a well described rain from and Protohistoric Sciences, Bratislava]. the biblical text (Apocalypse of John). It was concentrated upon the Western area of The Pannonian Lake (“Atlantis Sea”) and the Atlantis Island disappearance the Atlantic Ocean where a huge vapors mass appeared which turned towards East, following some successive catastrophes: floods, earthquakes, tsunami could led to the and triggered The Great Flood (or Biblical Deluge) that could be better understood disappearance of the main material remains of Atlantis civilization described by Plato only in connection with the Pannonian area paleogeography. The same catastrophe led and considered by many Atlantologists as very important criteria in searching the to the last paleogeographic picture of the Pannonian Basin, meaning a relict lake Atlantis. whose shore maintained for a long time at about +100 m height, and existed during the The population saved after such events kept in memory both the Flood myths, Early Holocene [Ţicleanu et al., 2006 - The XVIIIth Congress of the Carpathian- and the Atlantis disappearance as well. Afterwards, these myths were brought in by Balkans Geological Association, Belgrade]. the population spread in those areas. In addition, the old inhabitants of the Pannnonian Picturing a Pannonian Atlantis might easily solve some location problems, space “exported” own toponyms of this primordial area in numerous regions where difficult to be solved so far, and could very well answer the numerous criteria they settled on, after successive migrations. The relations between the Atlantes and the proposed for a realistic search of this fascinating mythic land. Thus, the West old Greeks could be easily explained in connection to the Pannonian area as well, by Pannonian archipelago allowed the finding of an island to which the Atlants capital the present toponyms with Greek mythic resonance from the North-West area of the could be linked. The Pannonian Lake corresponded to the Atlantes navigable sea, Apuseni (Western) Mountains. placed “beyond” the “Pillars of Herakles”, that could be found only within the area of There had to be mentioned the “trend” to find a solution for the Atlantis problem the Iron Gates gorge, as a few antic authors (i. e. Pindar) or actual ones (i. e. according to the information, unjustified absoluted many times, offered by Plato in his Densusianu), and as a lot of myths and toponyms connected to the mythic hero writings, in the terms in which extremely precious data were comprised in other antic Hercule did. The sudden disappearance of the Pannonian Lake might explain the authors writings, among which Diodorus Siculus with his “Biblioteca Historica”, appearance of some fine, unconsolided sediments (mud) that isolated for a while the mainly from the traditions regarding the Amazons. off-islands of the Pannonian Lake. The moment of the Atlantis “sunken” can be One should not neglect that from the near close of this area there were some established together with the meteorites rain from about 9.541 B.C. (a much closer world priorities: “The Mesolithic Paradise” (Lepenski Vir – 9.000 BP), the oldest data to the one mentioned by Plato). The Atlantes civilization (which beyond the world known writing (Vinca, Tartaria – about 7.500 BP), the oldest ceramic tubes archipelago included as well areas from the Pannonian Lake shores, thus the total area network for drinkable water (inside the area of the old Dacian capital from was closed to the one estimated by Plato) developed in a mild climate, influenced by Sarmizegetusa Regia, in the South Carpathians - about 7.000 BP). In addition there the Atlantis position in connection to a huge water mass and the presence of some had to be mentioned the Dacian sanctuary presence from Sarmizegetusa, a proof of a important hydrothermal resources, known even nowadays inside the Pannonian Basin very developed civilization, placed within the central area already known as “The Old (nowadays there could be found the largest thermal lake in the world – the Héviz Europe” Lake, and about 1500 thermal springs as well). Mircea ŢICLEANU, Paul CONSTANTIN, Radu NICOLESCU (Romania) T The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 ULUGERGELI E. Onsekiz Mart University TURKEY KUUMLRCER A. Onsekiz Mart University TURKEY November 10, 2008 EKINCI Y.L. Onsekiz Mart University TURKEY 09:00 Welcome November 10, 2008 FYTIKAS M. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GREECE 11:20 - 13:20 Session 2 PAPAMARINOPOULOS S. University of Patras GREECE 12:40 Copper and tin-bronze in the Bronze and Iron Ages in the Western 09:10 The myth of Gaia, from Bronze age to modern scientific era Mediterranean: The Iberian Peninsula PAVLIDES S. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GREECE ROVIRA S. Museo Arqueologico Nacional SPAIN 09:40 - 11:00 Session 1 13:00 An active Greek Bronze age trading centre in SE Sweden 09:40 Crete Thera Atlantis: Culture and Writing MORNER N.A. Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics SWEDEN FACCHETTI G. Universita Grave dell’Insubria ITALY LIND H. Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics SWEDEN NEGRI M. IULM University, MILAN ITALY 14:40 - 16:20 Session 3 NOTTI E. IULM University MILAN ITALY 14:40 Late Quaternary Paleogeography of the Pannonian Basin, the Key to 10:00 The story of Atlantis and Plato’s intentions Locate the Atlantis in the Middle Danube Depression PARISAKI T. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GREECE TICLEANU M. Geological Institute of Romania ROMANIA 10:20 11500 years ago ? CONSTANTIN P. Independent Researcher ROMANIA VIENI R. Independent Researcher ITALY NICOLESCU R. Geological Institute of Romania ROMANIA 10:40 World maps from the Stone Age? New rock drawings show unbelievable 15:00 Atlantis in South Spain - a realistic hypothesis knowledge of prehistoric cultures WICKBOLDT W. Independent Researcher GERMANY GOERLITZ D. ILZ University Bonn GERMANY 15:20 Atlantis, the last heir of an old legacy 11:20 - 13:20 Session 2 RODRIGUEZ SANCHEZ J.J. Ayuntamiento de Madrid SPAIN 11:20 The strange and undocumented discoveries of Antarctica and South America 15:40 The Achaeans’ coming to Lamos’ kingdom in the Atlantic Ocean WEIHAUPT J. University of Colorado UNITED STATES PAPAMARINOPOULOS S. University of Patras GREECE PAPAMARINOPOULOS S. University of Patras GREECE 16:00 Flooding of the North Evia Gulf pre-historic lake and a possible 11:40 Atlantis’ position, shape and dimensions meteorite impact in Late Pleistocene Early Holocene SARANTITIS G. Independent Researcher GREECE SAKELLARIOU D. Hellenic Centre of Marine Research GREECE 12:00 New palaeobotanical and paleoclimatical data from the fossil Quaternary flora in 16:50 - 18:30 Session 4: the caldera walls of the Santorini island 16:50 Atlantis: Lost Kingdom of the Andes VELITZELOS E. University of Athens GREECE ALLEN J. Independent Researcher UNITED KINGDOM 12:20 Skepticism on the geomorphological and archaeoseismological evolution of Troy 17:10 Atlantis in Hispaniola: further discussion plain and fault, based on new field data SPEDICATO E. University of Bergamo ITALY PAVLIDES S. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GREECE 17:30 Examining the relationship between Ogygia island and Atlantis CHATZIPETROS A. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GREECE GEORGIANNIS V. Technological Education Institute of Piraeus GREECE MICHAILIDOU A. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GREECE 17:50 Atlantis in Middle America SBORAS S. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GREECE TEELUCK J. Independent Researcher CANADA SYRIDES G. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GREECE 18:10 Rethinking Atlantis: Three events that shaped the legend VALKANIOTIS S. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GREECE KONTARATOS A. Independent Researcher GREECE VOUVALIDIS K. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GREECE ZERVOPOULOU A. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GREECE TUTKUN S.Z. Onsekiz Mart University TURKEY PROGRAM November 11, 2008 09:00 - 11:00 Session 5 09:00 A focus on the geologic sciences related to Atlantis-Bakhu: Can a paradigm shift solve the mystery? WELLS G. Wells Research UNITED STATES 09:20 Plato’s Atlantis story is his humorous legacy in the form of an ironical brainteaser SCHWEITZER E. Independent Researcher GERMANY 09:40 Testing Plato’s statement of prehistoric catastrophes in Greece, at Rharion field and in the Eleusis gulf STAMOU A. Eleusinan Studies Center “Daira” GREECE 10:00 The four main questions of the great logical myth of Atlantis MITROPETROU E. University of Patras GREECE 10:20 Denudation of Atlantis and its resemblance to the mythology of Dwarka - a geomythological analysis KOAK Y. Hinchingrook Hospital UNITED KINGDOM 10:40 Circumstantial Evidence for Plato’s Island Atlantis in the SoussMassa-Draa Region of today’s South Morocco HUEBNER M. Independent Researcher GERMANY 11:20 - 13:20 Session 6 11:20 Plato’s “atlantida nesos” as the island of Meroe GHEMBAZA T. Independent Researcher FRANCE 11:40 The truth status of Plato’s Atlantic tale BERGMAN J. Independent Researcher SWEDEN 12:00 Evidence for a Large Neolithic Settlement in a Caldera-Like Geomorphologic Structure in South-West Morocco HUEBNER M. Independent Researcher GERMANY HUEBNER S. Independent Researcher GERMANY 12:20 The constitutional and economic structure of Atlantis BALOGLOU C. Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A. GREECE 12:40 Plato’s justification to call the Atlantic panpelagos and not ocean PAPAMARINOPOULOS S. University of Patras GREECE COSSEYAN C. School Advisor GREECE 13:00 That’s why Atlantis must be located within Mediterranean Sea MONTE L. Indipendent Researcher ITALY 14:40 - 16:00 Session 7 14:40 Modeling of tsunami generated during the Minoan eruption of Thera and evaluation of nearshore wave amplitudes and run-up along coastal areas of the southern Aegean Sea. McCOY F. University of Hawaii GREECE NOVIKOVA T. National Observatory of Athens GREECE PAPADOPOULOS G. National Observatory of Athens GREECE The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 15:00 The search for lost Atlantis in the marine region westwards of Santorini island- Program Atlantis 2003 - Preliminary results MITROUSIS A. Hellenic Center for Marine Research GREECE 15:20 King Italos = King Atlas of Atlantis? FRANKE T. Independent Researcher GERMANY 15:40 Minoan tsunami deposits on the coast of Crete and their relation to the Santorini eruption SIGURDSSON H. University of Rhode Island UNITED STATES CAREY S. University of Rhode Island UNITED STATES ALEXOPOULOS G. Third Ephorate of Antiquities GREECE VAKIRTZI S. Akrotiri Archeological Institute GREECE VOUGIOUKALAKIS G. Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration GREECE November 11, 2008 16:00 - 16:40 Session 8: Posters 01. A hidden calendar in the Atlantis story PLIAKOS A. Pliakou Language Schools GREECE 02. A new map for the lost Atlantis - The sinking of Atlantis happened, at least, in two destructions PASCHOS T. Independent Researcher GREECE 03. Archaeoastronomy, and the Proto-Greek pre-cartographic knowledge of the world GREGORY G. International Centre for Earth Sciences ITALY PAPAMARINOPOULOS S. University of Patras GREECE GREGORY L. International Centre for Earth Sciences ITALY 04. Archaeological excavations at Indus valley sites correlate with description of Atlantis continent and Atlantis city KOAK Y. Hinchingrook Hospital UNITED KINGDOM 05. Are medieval planispheres representing late Pleistocene Antarctica? BARBIERO F. Independed Researcher ITALY 06. Aristotle?s notes regarding the location of Erytheia- a second look at the Myth KATSAROS T. University of Aegean GREECE PAPAMARINOPOULOS S. University of Patras GREECE COSSEYAN C. School Advisor GREECE 07. Atlantis in Antarctica BARBIERO F. Independed Researcher ITALY 08. Atlantis mythology and it’s correlation to Vedic mythology KOAK Y. Hinchingrook Hospital UNITED KINGDOM 09. Atlantis on Lesvos, Greece ANAGNOSTOPOULOS P. Independent Researcher GREECE 10. Crop and shamanic plants on both sides of the Atlantic support the theory of an ancient trans-Atlantic exchange GOERLITZ D. ILZ University Bonn GERMANY 11. Evidence of presentation of Dholavira site - matching the criterias laid down by the Atlantis Hypothesis: searching for a lost land conference 2005 KOAK Y. Hinchingrook Hospital UNITED KINGDOM 12. First Images of mythic Atlantis from satellites COSCI M. Independent Researcher ITALY 13. Heracles’ Pillars SARANTITIS G. Independent Researcher GREECE 14. Land and marine calendrical systems of prehiostoric Crete. REGORIADES P. Independent Researcher GREECE 15. Neolithic and Early Bronze Age technological innovations BASSIAKOS Y. NCSR Demokritos GREECE 16. Nicotine and cocaine in man made and nature made Egyptian mummies PAPAMARINOPOULOS S. University of Patras GREECE 17. Odysseus’ transatlantic “imaginary” craft SIDERIS M. Independent Reasearcher GREECE 18. On the reversal of earth rotation axis SPEDICATO E. University of Bergamo ITALY 19. Post Atlantis migration of people to Europe - Is evidence of migration of Indus people indicative of migration to Europe KOAK Y. Hinchingrook Hospital UNITED KINGDOM 20. Testing Plato’s geomorphological statements of Achean’s country land CHALARI A. University of Patras GREECE PAPAMARINOPOULOS S. University of Patras GREECE FERENTINOS S. University of Patras GREECE GEGARA M. University of Patras GREECE PAPATHEODOROU G. Univeristy of Patras GREECE 21. The Achaeans coming in Africa and the island of Pharos CHALARI A. University of Patras GREECE PAPAMARINOPOULOS S. University of Patras GREECE PAPATHEODOROU G. Univeristy of Patras GREECE FERENTINOS S. University of Patras GREECE 22. The Atlantis research charter. A defined position in the colourful world of Atlantis research FRANKE T. Independent Researcher GERMANY HOFMANN U. Independent Researcher GERMANY The 2nd International Conference “Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land” Athens, Greece 2008 SCHOPPE C. Independent Researcher GERMANY SCHOPPE S. Independent Researcher GERMANY 23. The Egyptian origin of Plato’s Atlantic tale BERGMAN J. Independent Researcher SWEDEN 24. The Plato’s unfinished trilogy (Timaeus, Critias, Hermocrates), mythological traditions and archaeological data. A cross-curricular approach. TSAKOPOULOS F. Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences of Athens GREECE 25. The Sekmet-Phaeton catastrophe, in 1300 B.C. COMBES M.A. Independed Rerearher FRANCE 26. The Thera Volcano at the Transition between the Cycladic Thrustbelt and the Streched Continental Crust of the Cretan Sea PAPOULIA J. Hellenic Centre for Marine Research GREECE MAKRIS J. University of Hamburg & GeoPro GmbH GREECE 27. The coastal cross-flow Cephalonia’s paradox: A lost Atlantic attractor? STERGIOPOULOS V. The School of Pedagogical and Technological Ed. GREECE STERGIOPOULOU A. The School of Pedagogical and Technological Ed.GREECE STERGIOPOULOS G. The School of Pedagogical and Technological Ed.GREECE 28. The descriptions of TIMAIOS and KRITIAS, from the point of view of a researcher and not a Reader. SARANTITIS G. Independent Researcher GREECE 29. The event 10,000 years ago COMBES M.A. Independed Rerearher FRANCE 30. The importance of Herodotus’ Histories for the Atlantis problem FRANKE T. Independent Researcher GERMANY 31. The mythical Thule to be located in Iceland? GIANAZZA G. Independent Researcher ITALY STUCCHI M. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcan ITALY 32. The true dimensions of Libya, Asia and Atlantis SARANTITIS G. Independent Researcher GREECE 33. Topographical analysis of Atlantis description correlates with South Asian location KOAK Y. Hinchingrook Hospital UNITED KINGDOM 34. Where was Plato’s Atlantic Sea located? - Comparism of different mythological traditions BREMER D. Independent Researcher GERMANY 16:40 - 18:00 Session 9 - Closing Remarks KONTARATOS A. Independent Researcher GREECE PAPAMARINOPOULOS S. University of Patras GREECE
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