Ata 25 Equipment and Furnishing

March 25, 2018 | Author: Meda | Category: Window, Door, Manufactured Goods, Nature



Training ManualATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C ATA 25 EQUIPMENT AND FURNISING Revision 1/ October 2011 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 1 Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C For training purposes only. Copyright by Jat Tehnika/Solinair Technical Training. Jat Tehnika/Solinair is the owner of all rights to training documents. Any use outside the training measures, especially reproduction and/or copying of training documents − also extracts thereof −in any format all (photocopying, using electronic systems or with the aid of other methods) is prohibited. Passing on training material to third parties for the purpose of reproduction and/or copying is prohibited without the express written consent of Jat Tehnika/Solinair . Legal requirements under copyright and criminal law, apply. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 2 Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C ATA 25 EQUIPMENT / FURNISHING…………………………………………………………………………………………..6 25-00 GENERAL…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6 25-10 FLIGHT COMPARTMENT………………………………………………………………………………………………..8 FLIGHT COMPARTMENT EQUIPMENT LOCATION………………………………………………………………………...8 PILOTS’ SEAT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10 PILOTS’ SEAT REMOVAL & INSTALLATION………………………………………………………………………………..12 OBSERVER’S SEAT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14 25-20 PASSENGER COMPARTMENT………………………………………………………………………………………..16 COMPONENT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION………………………………………………………………………………..16 PASSENGER COMPARTMENT SEATS………………………………………………………………………………………18 PASSENGER COMPARTMENT SEATS (CONT)…………………………………………………………………………….20 SIDEWALL LININGS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..22 WINDOW REVEAL ASSEMBLY………………………………………………………………………………………………..24 SIDEWALL RISER PANELS AND AIR GRILLES…………………………………………………………………………….26 SCULPTURED CEILING PANELS……………………………………………………………………………………………..28 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 3 Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C CEILING PANEL HINGE ASSEMBLY…………………………………………………………………………………………28 PASSENGER SERVICE UNITS………………………………………………………………………………………………..30 OVERHEAD STOWAGE COMPARTMENT…………………………………………………………………………………..31 OVERHEAD STOWAGE COMPARTMENTS (CONT)……………………………………………………………………….35 25-30 BUFFET / GALLEY………………………………………………………………………………………………………37 GALLEY LOCATIONS AND IDENTIFICATION……………………………………………………………………………….37 GALLEY INSTALLATION………………………………………………………………………………………………………..39 GALLEY SERVICE POWER (CONFIG. 1)…………………………………………………………………………………….41 GALLEY SERVICE POWER (CONFIG. 2)…………………………………………………………………………………….42 25-40 LAVATORIES……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..45 LAVATORIY EQUIPMENT………………………………………………………………………………………………………45 25-50 CARGO COMPARTMENTS……………………………………………………………………………………………..47 CARGO COMPARTMENTS……………………………………………………………………………………………………..47 CARGO NET………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………49 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 4 Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C 25-60 EMERGENCY……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..51 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT…………………………………………………………………………………………………….51 ESCAPE STRAP………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….53 DOOR MOUNTED ESCAPE SLIDES…………………………………………………………………………………………..55 ESCAPE SLIDE MAINTENANCE PRACTICES……………………………………………………………………………….57 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 5 Equipment and furnishings are located in the flight compartment and the passenger compartment. Emergency equipment is throughout the airplane including slides on each door and escape straps.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C ATA 25 EQUIPMENT / FURNISHING 25-00 GENERAL INTRODUCTION Equipment and furnishings provide for the comfort and convenience of passengers and crew members. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 6 . and for ensuring passenger and crew safety in an emergency. for handling and stowing cargo. Cargo nets are around the door opening in each cargo compartment to prevent cargo from blocking the doors. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Equipment and Furnishing FIGURE 1 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 7 . first officer.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C 25-10 FLIGHT COMPARTMENT FLIGHT COMPARTMENT EQUIPMENT LOCATION The flight compartment provides stations for the captain. Aft of the center console and forward of the flight compartment entrance door is a first observer seat. the seat folds and stows behind the P6 panel. The flight compartment is air conditioned. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 8 . which is controlled separately from the passenger cabin. An optional second observer’s seat is fixed behind the captain between the P18 panel and the first observer’s station. and observers. The captain’s seat is on the left and the first officer’s seat is on the right. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Control Cabin Equipment Location FIGURE 2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 9 . FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 10 . The captain’s seat is on the left side of the flight compartment. integral with the seat back cushion. the angles of the seat back and bottom can also be independently varied. a support linkage and safety harness. the seat back. and the first officer’s seat is on the right side. and up and down. Adjustment of the lumbar support is accomplished with the aid of an air valve on the inboard side of each seat. The seat can be adjusted fore and aft. A metal frame forms the main structure of the seat back. the seat bottom. The captain’s and first officer’s seats are opposite hand assemblies. An improved back and seat bottom cushion is fastened to the frame and a sheepskin cover 15 attached to the cushion. thick foam cushion. and an inflatable lumbar support. The main elements of each seat are the base. The adjustment control levers are on the inboard side of each seat.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C PILOTS’ SEAT The purpose of the pilots’ seat is to provide a safe and comfortable crew station for the captain and the first officer. The seat back includes a dense. Three relief valves are provided to automatically compensate for changes in cabin pressure. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Pilot’s Seat FIGURE 3 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 11 . Removal Procedure (Curved tracks): . . . Seats should move freely without racking or binding. Adjustment Tapered rollers are adjusted after the seat is fully assembled and installed on floor tracks.Release the fore-aft control lever.Actuate the fore-aft control lever. All operational checks should be accomplished with a person in the seat (170 pounds.Remove the forward travel limit stops from the floor tracks. Align each bogie unit so the tapered roller and adjustment nut face inboard. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 12 . Installation Installation is the reverse of the removal. 77 Kg minimum weight).Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C PILOTS’ SEAT REMOVAL & INSTALLATION Maintenance Practices The pilots’ seats are mounted on floor tracks and adjust fore and aft. .Move the seat forward until all of the bogie unit rollers are free from the tracks. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Pilot’s Seat Removal & Installation FIGURE 4 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 13 . The seat back is hinged to the seat bottom. A shoulder harness and lap belt are provided. and thus hold the seat bottom in its unfolded position. The seat bottom is a cushion fastened to a metal framework. The seat must be folded to allow persons to enter or leave the control cabin. on tracks. Before returning the seat to the recess in the entryway. The seat back is hinged to the seat bottom. The sections are attached to the wall by Velcro tape. the seat is adjacent to the P18 panel but recessed. The seat bottom cushion is made of a buoyant material and is certified as a flotation device. bottom. fore and aft. The seat back has upper and lower sections joined by straps.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C OBSERVER’S SEAT First Observer’s Seat The first observer’s seat is erected in the entryway in front of the control cabin door. When erected. The seat bottom cushion is made of a buoyant material and is certified as a flotation device. The main elements of the seat are the bottom. The seat bottom is adjustable. A hinge on the right side fastens the seat bottom to the wall of the control cabin entryway. The back must be folded onto the seat before the bottom is folded into the recess in the entryway wall. the seat back must be folded forward onto the seat bottom. Second Observer’s Seat The second observer’s seat is fixed to the aft compartment wall behind the captain’s seat. The pins fit into holes in a support bracket on the aft left control cabin bulkhead and hold the seat bottom in its unfolded position. and the safety harness. The shoulder harness is fixed. The pins fit into holes in latch plates on the left wall of the control cabin entryway. The right wall of the entryway has a recess into which the seat can be folded. the back. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 14 . the seat back must be fastened to the sides of the doorway to provide rigidity to the seat assembly. There are two retractable pins on the left side of the seat bottom. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Observer’s Seats FIGURE 5 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 15 . service units. provisions for equipment and luggage stowage. The passenger compartment is located between the aft end of the flight compartment. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16 . and emergency equipment for the comfort and convenience of the passengers. and the pressure bulkhead at the aft end of the airplane. at the forward end of the airplane. sidewall and ceiling panels.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C 25-20 PASSENGER COMPARTMENT COMPONENT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The passenger compartment contains seats. floor coverings. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C FIGURE 6 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 17 . The actuating button for the seatback is on the armrest. The seats are two and three unit assemblies. Most seats have tables. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 18 . in the seatback. The tracks are continuous extrusions with circular cutouts which receive the seat attachment fittings and allow them to be positioned in 1-inch increments. The seats have reclining backrests and lap belts.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C PASSENGER COMPARTMENT SEATS Passenger seats attach to tracks on the compartment floor. which fold down. Seat cushions can be used as flotation devices. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C FIGURE 7 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 19 . A communication handset is installed adjacent to the headrest. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 20 .Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C PASSENGER COMPARTMENT SEATS (CONT) An attendant seat is mounted on the aft wall structure of the forward lavatory. Flashlight and life vest stowage is in a compartment below the seat bottom. Each attendant seat has a shoulder harness and a lap belt. The headrest can be used as a flotation device. One seat mounts on the forward side of each aft lavatory. The seat bottom folds vertically when stowed. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C FIGURE 8 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 21 . The blankets thermally and acoustically insulate the compartment. The sidewall panels attach to structure with support brackets on each panel retainer along the vertical sides. The inboard edge of the panel slides into the air conditioning extrusion. The panel can now be lifted to clear the bottom retaining spring clips then pulled out and down to slip the top out of the channel in the air conditioning extrusion. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 22 .Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C SIDEWALL LININGS Sidewall Panels . there are also 2—bay 1—window and 1-bay and 1-window panels.Fiberglass insulation blankets with moisture impervious coverings are in the sidewall. pull the decorative strip down and out of each side of the panel to be removed. Decorative trim strips fit in grooves in the panel retainer and cover the fasteners. The majority of the panels are 2-bay 2-window. Release the five fasteners on each side securing the panel to the airplane structure. Passenger window reveal assemblies mount in cutouts near the middle of each panel and are removable with the panel and seats in place. Insulation . The exposed surface is scratch—resistant and washable. The window lights fit through a cutout near the top of the panel. Disconnect all window light electrical connections. Maintenance Practices To remove the panel. however.The sidewall panels are fire-resistant fiberglass-fabric covered. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Side Wall Linings FIGURE 9 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 23 . It can be removed without removing the sidewall panel. use the reverse procedure. there are two window reveal assemblies per sidewall panel. shade. pull inboard on the bottom of the window reveal assembly until the bottom clears the sidewall panel.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C WINDOW REVEAL ASSEMBLY The window reveal assembly consists of the trim ring. With the latch released. Normally. Push down firmly to release the latch. To install the reveal. Pull window shade full down. insert latch release tool (3/32-inch (2 mm) rod) downward into the hole on the bottom of the trim ring. inner pane. and reveal. Lower the assembly enough to clear the two top securing stops from the sidewall panel. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 24 . Maintenance Practices To remove the reveal assembly. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Window Reveal FIGURE 10 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 25 . They permit air from the passenger compartment to circulate around the cargo compartments.Air grilles are located in the majority of the riser panels.The riser panel is a nomex honeycomb-covered panel with the exposed surface covered with carpet. Air Grilles .Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C SIDEWALL RISER PANELS AND AIR GRILLES Carpet Riser Panel . Pull the bottom out and lower the panel to free it from the spring clips on the lower edge of the sidewall panel. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 26 . remove the carpet to expose the screws. The panel is replaced in reverse order. The grille is removed by two push-push fasteners. the panel is lifted slightly to clear the floor carpet. Maintenance Practices To remove the panel. After removing the screws. The back of the air grille is covered with a screen to prevent lint and debris from being drawn through into the space between the fuselage and the cargo compartment. The panel is secured to the airplane structure with two screws at each circumferential. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Sidewall Riser Panels and Air Grills FIGURE 11 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 27 . The inboard edge can be lowered. Raising the panel is done in reverse order. When both hinge-halves are clear. the panel can be removed. . FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 28 . After the panel is lowered. The inboard edge slides into and is secured by a groove in the conditioned air outlet extrusion. The restraining lanyard on the panel inboard side restricts downward movement to prevent damage. The ceiling panel hinge-half can be drawn inboard and clear of the stowage bin hinge-half. and the outboard edge pivots on the ceiling panel hinge-half.To remove the panel. The panels pivot on releasable hinge mechanisms on the two outboard corners. This frees the inboard edge of the sculptured ceiling panel from the groove in the air outlet extrusion. press down and hold the release lever. The panel can be removed by disconnecting the lanyard and releasing the two hinges.The ceiling panel hinge-half can now be moved outboard in the slots in the stowage bin hinge-half. They have a scratch-resistant exposed surface. it is necessary to lower the panel first.To lower the sculptured ceiling panels release the hinge by pressing down on the release lever on each hinge assembly. A lanyard connected between the airplane structure and the panel limits downward movement when opened.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C SCULPTURED CEILING PANELS Sculptured panels line the ceiling over the passenger compartment aisles. Panel Removal . CEILING PANEL HINGE ASSEMBLY Maintenance Practices Lower/Raise Panel . Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C FIGURE 12 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 29 . The PSU can be positioned longitudinally in one inch increments. life vest stowage. and information signs. FASTEN SEAT BELT). speaker. The speaker. Each PSU contains emergency oxygen equipment. reading lights. gasper air outlets. Individual reading lights are controlled by switches on the PSU. not from left to right sides. The latches are on the inboard side and are released by inserting a small round rod through the two small holes in the panel and pushing up on the latch. PSUs are interchangeable only forward and aft. gasper air and reading light assemblies are all on one panel. An attendant call light and switch is located between the reading lights. information signs (NO SMOKING. life vest stowage. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 30 . The PSU panel assembly is hinged outboard and has a lanyard to limit the lowering distance when opened.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C PASSENGER SERVICE UNITS Passenger service units (PSU) are above each passenger seat row. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C FIGURE 13 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 31 . Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Passenger Service Units FIGURE 14 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 32 . when pressed. They vary in length and width depending on the installation locations. rotates a torque tube that releases the latches at both ends of the door. The latch handle. The door is attached by hinges to the bin.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C OVERHEAD STOWAGE COMPARTMENT The overhead stowage compartments extend the length of the passenger compartment above the seats. The bins are correctly positioned with alignment pins. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 33 . A mechanical actuator on each hinge assembly assists in door opening and maintains the door in the open position. The compartments are secured to structure with turnbuckles. A diagonal turnbuckle prevents forward and aft movement. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Overhead Stowage Compartments FIGURE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 34 . and install alignment pin(s).Install each turnbuckle. . .Install emergency aisle light or zone temperature sensor as required.Attach inboard edge of bullnose to extrusion. . Remove PSU and spacer panels to access lower turnbuckles.Remove fasteners on outboard side of bullnose.Support stowage bin and remove bolts to disconnect upper turnbuckles. .Raise bullnose and install fasteners. outboard side of stowage bin. .Adjust turnbuckles to support stowage bins weight while maintaining alignment with adjacent stowage bins. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 35 .Remove ceiling panel(s) mounted on stowage compartment. Remove overhead stowage bin. .Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C OVERHEAD STOWAGE COMPARTMENTS (CONT) Removal . . Installation . .Install PSU and spacer panels. Remove alignment pins between adjacent stowage bins.Position overhead stowage bin between adjacent stowage bins or structure . .Remove fluorescent light and disconnect electrical connector. . remove emergency aisle light and zone temperature sensor if installed and remove bullnose. .Install ceiling panel(s). .Remove bolts to disconnect turnbuckles at lower.Install fluorescent light if required. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C FIGURE 16 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 36 . The number and location of the galleys is determined by the customer. There are seven possible locations. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 37 .Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C 25-30 BUFFET / GALLEY GALLEY LOCATIONS AND IDENTIFICATION The purpose of the galleys is to provide food and beverage preparation facilities. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Galley Location FIGURE 17 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 38 . MIL-C-11796. Class 3.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C GALLEY INSTALLATION Structure Attachments . The grease. The gasket and cover are installed to complete the installation. is liquified by heating it to 65C (15OF). FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 39 . The connections to the potable water system and electrical power system are in the top of the galley unit.Each galley is attached to the airplane structure with four plunger-type floor attachments. it is then poured into the recess and allowed to solidify. The recesses are filled with grease to waterproof the connections. a tie rod assembly is attached to galley structure and to a ceiling attachment fitting. . Galley Utilities . An access plate in the upper compartment of the galley allows access to the tie rod assembly.At the top of the galley.Water and electrical power are supplied to some galley units. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C FIGURE 18 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 40 . coffee makers. 28 volts dc for the relays comes from opposite generator control units. 1) Power Three-phase. or other electrically powered units. provides a ground for the galley power relays. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 41 . 115 volt. Loss of either generator will automatically cause a loss of power to all galleys. 400 Hertz. located on the P-5 panel. ac power is supplied to galley units for ovens. Control The control switch for galley electrical power.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C GALLEY SERVICE POWER (CONFIG. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C FIGURE 19 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 42 . 2) Power Three-phase. current through the galley switch solenoid on the P5 panel will exceed 0. the forward galley will be powered. Also. The galley powered by one generator bus is enabled by the control devices of the other generator bus. or external power. de-energize galley relay R62. energize galley relay R62. In order to preserve power for critical systems. If the current in any phase exceeds 162 amps. power will no longer be available to the forward galley even though galley relay R61 remains energized. At the same time. Control The galley switch on the P5 panel controls electrical power to the galleys.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C GALLEY SERVICE POWER (CONFIG. The higher the current. The loss of either generator bus causes a loss of power to all galleys. When R61 and R62 are energized. if the number 1 generator fails. and allow the number 2 generator to power the aft galley. and remove power from the aft galley. APU GB1 will close. When switch S1 is energized. APU generator breaker (APU GB). the APU. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 43 . Operation The galley switch provides power to energize the galley power relay which provides electrical grounds for relays R61 and R62. the galleys are connected to the respective generator busses. EGB 1 will open. Also. If the APU is turned on and connected to number 1 generator bus. The galley relays will be energized if the appropriate engine generator breaker (EGB). all galley power will be lost automatically if a generator bus loses power.8 amps and turn the galley switch OFF. switch S1 will be energized. For example. all galley power will be lost if the total electrical load on the APU exceeds the maximum. The number 1 and 2 generator busses are powered by the engine driven generators. The galley load shed sensor module senses the phase current generated by the APU. 115 volt ac power from the number 1 and 2 generator busses operates the galley units. or external power contactor (EPC) is closed. the faster S1 will be energized. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C FIGURE 20 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 44 . FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 45 . Each lavatory contains a toilet. Water is supplied from the potable water system. and all the necessary vanity items and disposal units. mirror.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C 25-40 LAVATORIES LAVATORIY EQUIPMENT The lavatories provide sanitary facilities on the airplane. wash basin. Ventilation is provided through the service unit. Air exhausts through overboard vents in each lavatory. Lavatories are located in the forward and aft ends of the passenger compartment. Structure in the lavatory area is painted with a protective coating to prevent corrosion. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C FIGURE 21 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 46 . Each compartment has blowout panels. There is no airflow through the cargo compartments during flight. Any fire starting in the compartment will consume the oxygen and extinguish itself. Air can then flow into or out of the compartment at a greater rate than the pressure equalization valves would allow. An inward-opening door is in the right side wall of each compartment. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 47 . The blowout panels are pushed out of their supports by a differential pressure of 1. freight. Airflow goes around the compartments in the space between the fuselage and the compartment lining. The forward compartment volume is 425 cubic feet and the aft compartment volume is 643 cubic feet. The valves allow air flow into or out of the compartments to keep the compartment pressure the same as cabin pressure. The cargo compartments are located below the passenger compartment. A pressure equalization valve is located in the aft bulkhead of each compartment.0 psi. The compartments are pressurized class D (smother type) compartments for fire protection. and cargo. The forward compartment has an access panel in the ceiling through which the compartment can be entered from the passenger cabin. One compartment is forward of the center wing section. Access is also possible through the E & E compartment by removing the bulkhead blowout panel. and the other is aft of the main wheel well. equipment.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C 25-50 CARGO COMPARTMENTS CARGO COMPARTMENTS The lower cargo compartments provide space for carrying luggage. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Cargo Compartments FIGURE 22 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 48 . Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C CARGO NET A cargo net suspended across the compartment prevents cargo from shifting when the airplane is in flight. One-inch wide fabric straps form the webbing. Quick-release tie-down fasteners are sewed to the strap ends in some places on the outboard edges of the nets. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 49 . The webbing is attached to anchor-plates on the sidewalls and loop fittings on the ceilings. Other strap ends have snap latches or buckles. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Cargo Nets FIGURE 23 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 50 . Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C 25-60 EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT The emergency equipment provides a means for the flight attendants to assist passengers and passengers to assist themselves in the event of an emergency. Escape slides are located on each entry and service door. An optional escape strap may be installed at the overwing escape hatch. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 51 . Escape straps in the overhead above the captain’s and first officer’s seats. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Emergency Equipment FIGURE 24 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 52 . The fixed end of the strap is anchored to overhead structure.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C ESCAPE STRAP Control Cabin Escape Straps An escape strap is stowed in panel receptacles above the captain’s and first officer’s seats. Access to the strap is gained by unlatching the receptacle cover. Egress is through the No. 2 sliding windows. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 53 . Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Escape Strap Location FIGURE 25 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 54 . Each escape slide assembly consists of an escape slide package. inboard of the door sill. Inflation by the gas cylinder and aspirator is triggered by tension on the inflation cable secured to the girt bar and the gas cylinder discharge valve. gas cylinder. The gas cylinder contains high pressure gas for inflating the slide. For automatic escape slide deployment. and two floor brackets.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C DOOR MOUNTED ESCAPE SLIDES The escape slides provide a means of emergency egress from the airplane. a detachable girt. the slide must be placed in the operation readiness mode by securing the girt bar in the floor brackets. The floor brackets are located at the forward and aft ends of the doorways. The escape slide package is stowed in the escape slide compartment which is fastened to the lower inboard face of each entry and service door. tension on the girt and latch cable will cause the cover latch to separate. The valise holds the slide in the stowed position. and opens to deploy the slide. The escape slide package consists of an escape slide. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 55 . The slides can also be separated from the airplane and used as flotation devices. an escape slide compartment. The slide can be used as a flotation device. When the door is opened. Removing the parachute-type pin causes the slide to separate from the airplane. allowing the escape slide compartment to open and the slide to deploy. One end of a detachable fabric girt is attached to the slide with the opposite end attached to the girt bar. and valise. An escape slide is mounted on each entry and service door. girt bar. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Door Mounted Escape Slide FIGURE 26 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 56 . and that the bottle be recharged before the pressure drops below the minimum safe level. or not more than one needle width above. the green band. 70F) for initial installation of the slide on the airplane. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 57 . check the pressure gage reading at regular intervals as required by each airline’s operating procedures. Although the slide will be usable following inflation with the bottle pressure at the minimum safe level.Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C ESCAPE SLIDE MAINTENANCE PRACTICES To ensure that the slide is ready for use. The temperature compensating pressure gage needle should be within. it is recommended that the pressure should be no less than 3000 psig (at 21C. Training Manual ATA 25 – EQUIPEMENT & FURNISHING Boeing 737-300/400/500 –CFM56-3 ATA 104 – Level 1 C Escape Slide Maintenance Practices FIGURE 27 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 58 .
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