March 22, 2018 | Author: MK VISWANATH ASTROLOGER | Category: Planets In Astrology, Astrological Sign, Pisces (Astrology), Zodiac, Ancient Astronomy



HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGYSELF TEACHING HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY LESSONS AUTHOR MK VISWANATH Jyothisha Visharadha EDITOR – ASTROVISION FREE E MAGAZINE AUTHOR OF ASTROLOGY BOOKS FLAT 204B, BLOCK 1 JANAPRIYA TOWNSHIP MALLAPUR, NACHARAM PO HYDERABAD-500 076, INDIA Mob : 91-9542 693 230 e-mail:[email protected] 1 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 1 Zodiac wheel The zodiac wheel is of 360 deg arc. There are 12 months in a year. 30 deg. is one month or one rashi one month is equal to one rashi rashi is also called as sign Hence one rashi or sign is of 30 deg. longitude 30 deg x 12 signs =360 deg. 270 deg. 90 deg. 360d 0 deg. 180 deg. The signs are :-(1)Aries, (2) Taurus, (3) Gemini, (4) Cancer, (5) Leo, (6) Virgo, (7) Libra, (8) Scorpio, (9) Sagittarius, (10) Capricorn, (11) Aquarius and (12) Pisces. 2 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 2 RASHI CHAKRA Aries Pisces Caner Aquarius Capricorn Sagittarius Scorpio Savya chakram Leo Libra Virgo Taurus Gemini Solar months English name Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Sanscrit name – Mesham – Vrushabam – Mithunam -- Karkataka -- Simha -- Kanya -- Tula -- Vruchika -- Dhanush -- Makaram -- Kumbam -- Meenam Tamil name Chittirai Vaigasi Ani Adi Avani Purattasi Alpaisi Kartigai Margali Thai Masi Panguni Malayalam name Medam Edavam Mithunam Karkatakam Chingam Kanni Tulaam Vrichikam Dhanu Makaram Kumbham Meenam 3 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 3 NAVAGRAHAS There are nine planets in the solar system. They are called navagrahas. These navagrahas are classified into three groups. Navagrahas English name Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu (North node) Ketu (South node) Indian names, Ravi, Aditya, Surya Chandra, soma Kuja, Chhowa, Angaraka Budha, sowmya Guru, Bruhaspathi Sukra, Velli, Bhargava Shani, Manda Rahu, Sarpi Ketu, Sikhi Groups are :I) Illuminaries, (II) Planets and (III) Shadowy planets. 1) Group I -– Sun and Moon are illuminaries 2) Group II -- Five planets such as Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn 3) Group III -- Shadowy planets (Chaaya graha) – Rahu and Ketu 4 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 4. RULERS OF RASHIS. The Rashis or signs are ruled / governed by certain planets. Aries Pisces Caner Aquarius Capricorn Sagittarius Scorpio Savya chakram Leo Libra Virgo Taurus Gemini Solar months English name Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Sanscrit name Lord (owner of sign) Mars Venus Mercury Moon Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Saturn Jupiter –- Mesham –- Vrushabam -– Mithunam -- Karkataka -- Simha -- Kanya -- Tula -- Vruchika -- Dhanush -- Makaram -- Kumbham -- Meena In other words, Aries and Scorpio are ruled by Mars, Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus and so on. While Moon and Sun have got ownership of one sign each only i.e., Cancer and Leo respectively. 5 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 5 TATWA The rashis are segregated into different tatwas as given below: Pis Aqu Cap Sag Watery Airy Ari Fiery Tau Earthy Gem Can Airy Watery Fiery Earthy Tatwa chakram Earthy Fiery Sco Watery Lib Airy Leo Vir Fiery : Agni tatwa Earthy : Bhu tatwa Airy : Vayu Tatwa Watery : Jala tatwa Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are Fiery (agni tatwa) signs. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are earthy signs (Bhu tatwa). Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are watery signs (jala tatwa) And Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are Airy (Vayu tatwa signs) 6 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 6 GENDER OF RASHIS Aries is an odd and male rashi while Taurus is even and a female rashi. Thus other rashis… in the same order as per chart given below. Pis Fem Ari Odd Male Tau Even Fem Gem Odd Male Even Fem Male Fem Aqu Cap Sag Male Gender chakram Fem Male Sco Fem Lib Male Can Leo Vir 7 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY Chapter 7 NAKSHTRAS There are 27 nakshatras (stars, constellations), which are: 01) Ashwini 02) Bharani 03) Kruthika 04) Rohini 05) Mrugashira 06) Arudra 07) Punarvasu 08) Pushyami 09) Aslesha 10) Makha 11) Pubba 12) Uthara 13) Hasta 14) Chitta 15) Swati 16) Visakha 17) Anuradha 18) Jyeshta 19) Moola 20) Purva Ashada 21) Uthara Ashada 22) Sharavana 23) Dhanishta 24) Satabisha 25) Purva Bhadra 26) Uthara Badra 27) Revathi Longitude of one nakshatra is 13 deg. 20 minutes. Hence 13 deg 20 minutes x 12 rashis = 360 degrees. NB : 60 seconds = 1 minute. 60 minutes = 1 deg. 30 degrees = 1 rashi. 360 deg = 1 rashi chakra. Hence 13 deg. 20 minutes = 800 minutes. 13 deg x 60 minutes = 780 minutes + 20 minutes = 800 minutes. 8 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY Chapter 8 PLACEMENT OF NAKSHTRA IN RASHIS The placement of all the 27 nakshatras and its padams are as per the chakra given below: Revathi 1,2,3,4 U. Bhadra 1,2,3,4 P. Bhadra 4 P. Badra 1,2,3 Satabish 1,2,3,4 Dhani 3,4 Dhanish 1,2 Shravana 1,2,3,4 U. Ashda 2,3,4 U. Asha 1 P. Asha 1,2,3,4 Moola 1,2,3,4 Asw 1,2,3,4 Bhar 1,2,34 Krut 1 Kru 2,3,4 Roh 1,2,3,4 Mrig 1,2 Nakshatras Jyeshta 1,2,3,4 Anurad 1,2,3,4 Visaka 4 Visha 1,2,3 Swati 1,2,3,4 Chitta 3,4 Mrig 3,4 Arud 1,2,3,4 Puna 1,2,3 Puna 4 Pushya 1,2,3,4 Aslesh 1,2,3,4 Maka 1,2,3,4 Pubba 1,2,3,4 Uthra 1 Uthra 2,3,4 Hasta 1,2,3,4 Chita 1,2 1 nakshtra is having 4 padams (Charanam) 1 rashi has got 9 nakshtra padams You will see from the above that Aswhini 1,2,3,4 padams, Bharani 1,2,3,4 padams and Kruthika 1 padam forms Aries (Mesham) = total 9 padams. Kruthika 2,3,4 padams, Rohini 1,2,3,4 padams and Mrigashira 1,2 padams form (Taurus) Vrishabham = total 9 padams. For other Rashis as per the chart given above. 9 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 9 SYMBOL OF RASHIS. Each rashi is allocated a symbol, which is given below: Sign / Solar month Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Sign Symbol Mesham Vrishabham Mithunam Karkataka Simham Kanya Tula Vrichika Dhanush Makaram Kumbham Meenam Ram (goat found in hill area) Bull Man and Woman Crab Lion Female Balance Scorpion Centaur Crocodile with deer face Man with Pot Two fishes 10 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 10 NAVAKAM and VIMSHOTTARI DASHA Vimshottari Star Lord maha dasha 07 years Ashwini Maka Moola Ketu 20 years Bharani Pubba Poorvashada Venus 06 years Kruthika Uttara Uttaraashada Sun 10 years Rohini Hasta Shravana Mon 07 years Mrugashira Chitta Dhanishta Mars 18 years Arudra Swathi Satabhisha Rahu 16 years Punarvasu Visaka Poorvabhadra Jupiter 19 years Pushyami Anuradha Uttarabhadra Saturn 17 years Aslesha Jyesta Revathi Mercury Total 120 years A person’s life is divided into different Vimshottari Dashas, totaling to 120 years. Hence the total life is 120 years for a human being as per Hindu Predictive Astrology. All persons borne under the Nakshatra Ashwini, Maka and Moola are borne in the Vimashottari maha dasha of Ketu, since Ketu is the lord of these stars. For other nakshatras in the Navakam Vimshottari dasha will be the same way as per the respective lord of the Nakshatra. Though there are other maha dashas such as Narayana dasha, Rashi dasha, Ashttothari dasha, etc. the most commonly used and widely accepted mahadasha is Vimshottari mahadasha. 11 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 11 PLANETS CABINET & PROFESSION. Sun Moon Mercury Jupiter Venus Mars : King : Queen : Fin. Minister : Prime Minister : Minister : Commander in Chief Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are servants. CHAPTER 12 PLANETARY GENDER Sun Jupiter Mars Moon Venus Mercury Saturn Rahu Ketu : male : male : male : female : female : eunuch : eunuch : male : Eunuch But some astrologers believe that Rahu is female too. 12 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 13 PLANETARY NAVARASAMS Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu : Roudram : Karuna : Veerathwam : Haasyam : Shantam : Shrungaram : Bhayanakam : Bheebatswam : Athbhutham CHAPTER 14 PLANETARY NAVA RATNAMULU ( NINE GEM STONES ) Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu : Ruby, Kempu : Muthyam, Pearl : Pakadam, Red coral : paccha, Emerald, : Pushyaragam, Yellow Sapphire : Vajram, Diamond : Neelam, blue sapphire : Gomedh, Hessonite : Vydooryam, Cat’s eye 13 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 15 SIGNS OF VOICES Aries Pisces VOICE Aquarius Capricorn Sagittarius VOICE(1st 15deg.) Scorpio Taurus Gemini VOICE Caner Savya chakram Leo Libra Virgo VOICE Signs such as Aries, Gemini, Virgo and 1st 15 deg. of Sagittarius are called signs of voice. 14 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 16 UCHHA RASHI (EXALTATION) All planets have got Uchha rashi (exaltation) as per the chart given below: VEN Pisces SUN Aries MON Aries JUP Cancer MAR Capricorn SAT Libra MER Virgo In effect, Sun exalts in Aries, Moon in Taurus, Jupiter in Cancer, Mercury in Virgo, Saturn in Libra, Mars in Capricorn, and Venus in Pisces. PARAMA UCHHA STHANAM (DEEP EXALTATION POINT) VEN 28 deg SUN 10 deg MON 03 deg JUP 05 deg MAR 27 deg SAT 20 deg MER 15 deg When Sun reaches 10 deg. in Aries, it is said that Sun is in Parama Uchha Sthanam or in deep exaltation. Same way for other planets as per the chart above. 15 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 17 -APASAVYA CHAKRA Taurus Gemini Aries Pisces Aquarius Cancer Capricorn Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius This type of chart which is counted in anti-clock wise is called Apa Savya chakra, and is widely used in east Indian sides such as Orissa, West Bengal, Assam, Tripura and part of coastal Andhra Pradesh. The chart is used in North India Counted anti Clock wise. Taurus Gemini Aries Pisces Aquari Cancer Capricorn Leo Libra Sagitarus Virgo Scorpio Diamond chakra 16 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 18 NEECHA RASHI (DEBILITATION) All planets have got Neecha rashi (debilitation), which is exactly 7 signs (or 180 degrees) opposite to the exaltation point: MER Pisces SAT Aries Aries MAR Cancer JUP Capricorn MON Scorpio SUN Libra VEN Virgo In effect, Sat debilitates in Aries, Moon in Sco, Jupiter in Cap, Mercury in Pis, Sa Sun in Libra, Mars in Can, and Venus in Virgo PARAMA NEECHA STHANAM (DEEP DEBILITATION POINT) Mer 15 deg Sat 20 deg Mar 27 deg Jup 5 deg Sun 10 deg Ven 28 deg The parama (deep) debilitation point of all the planets are given above, which is exactly opposite (7 signs or 180 deg) to the exaltation point. 17 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 19 PANCHANGAM (ALMANAC) Panchangam is an astrological book. However, in astrological terms panchangam is “pancha angams” which literally means five limbs. The such five limbs are:-1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Nakshathram (Star, Constellation). Vaaram (week days). Thithi (Two parts of a month, when Moon waxes and wanes) Yogam (Nithya yogam) Karanam (a part of panchangam). 1)Nakshathrams are 27. 2) Vaaram are 7. 3)Thithis are 30. 4)Yogam are 27. 5)Karanam are 11. 18 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 20 PANCHANGAM -- NAKSHATRAM Nakshatrams are 27 such as:-01) 02) 03) 04) 05) 06) 07) 08) 09) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) Aswini, Bharani Kruthika, Rohini, Mrigashira, Arudra, Punarvasu, Pushyami, (pushya) Aslesha, Makha, Pubba, (purva phalguni) Uthara, (uthara phalguni) Hasta, Chitta, (Chitra) Swati, Visaka, Anuradha, Jyeshta, Moola, Purva Ashada, Uthara Ashada, Shravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada, Uthara Bhadrapada, Revathi. 19 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 21 PANCHANGAM – VAARAM. Vaaram are 7 such as:-Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. They are called Aadhivaram, somavaaram, Mangalavaaram, Budhavaaram, Guruvaaram, Sukravaaram, Sanivaaram. In astrologically they are called:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Bhaanu vasare Indu vaasare Bowmya vaasare Sowmya vaasare Guru vaasare Bhrudu vaassare Sthira vaasare (Manda vaasare) day good for meeting Ministers, Kings, Authorities, etc day good for doing anything which is giving pleasure to mind. day good for war, fight, etc. day good for business activities, negotiations day good for educational activities, teachings, etc. day good for purchasing, ornaments, gold, real estates. day good for spiritual activities. For marriage good days are: Wednesday, Friday, Thursday – 1st level Saturday and Monday are 2nd level. Now-a-days Sunday is also taken into consideration. 20 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 22 PANCHANGAM -- NITHYA YOGAMS YOGAMS ARE 27 which are:-01) Vishwabham, 02) Preethi, 03) Ayushmaan 04) Sowbhagyam 05) Shobhanam 06) Athigamdam 07) Sukarma 08) Bhruthi 09) Shoolam 10) Gandam 11) Vrudhi 12) Druvam 13) Vyakhatham 14) Gharshana 15) Vajram 16) Siddhi 17) Vyaathipath 18) Variyaan 19) Parikha 20) Shivam 21) Shiddham 22) Saadhyam 23) Shubham 24) Shuklam 25) Brahmam 26) Indram 27) Vydruthi GOOD YOGAMAS ARE HIGHLIGHTED. 21 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 23 PANCHANGAM -- THITHI (PAKSHAM) There are two pakshmas, i.e., Sukla Paksham(When moon waxes) and Bhahula Paksham (when moon wanes) There are 15 thithis in one paksham and hence total 30 thithis. Longitude of one thithi is 12 degrees. Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Thithi Paadyamai Dwithiya Thathiya Chavithi Panchami Sasthi Sapthami Ashtami Navami Dasami Ekadasi Dwadashi Thriyodashi Chathurdashi Pournami Longitude (in degrees) 00 to 12 12 to 24 24 to 36 36 to 48 48 to 60 60 to 72 72 to 84 84 to 96 96 to 108 108 to 120 120 to 132 132 to 144 144 to 156 156 to 168 168 to 180 Sl. No. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Thithi Paadyamai Dwithiya Thathiya Chavithi Panchami Sasthi Sapthami Ashtami Navami Dasami Ekadasi Dwadashi Thriyodashi Chathurdashi Amavasya Longitude (in degrees) 180 to 192 192 to 204 204 to 216 216 to 228 228 to 240 240 to 252 252 to 264 264 to 276 276 to 288 288 to 300 300 to 312 312 to 324 324 to 336 236 to 348 348 to 360 Longitude 00 to 180 deg. is called Suklapaksha and longitude from 180 to 360 deg. is called bahulapaksham (Krishna paksham). Full moon – Sukla paksha Ashtami to Krishna Paksha Ashtami Chandra (Moon) has got strength (balam). This is called waxing moon. From Krishna paksha ashtami to Suklapakshma Ashtami Chandra has got no balam (strength). This is called waning moon. 22 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 24 PANCHANGAM – KARANAMS Karanams are 11, which are given below: 1) Bhava 2) Baluva 3) Kauluva 4) Thaithula 5) Gharaji 6) Vanaji 7) Bhadra 8) Sakuni 9) Chatushpath 10) Nagavam 11) Kimsthugan Longitude of Karanam is 6 deg. 23 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 25 CALCULATION OF TIME OR UNITS OF TIME. 60 seconds 60 minutes 24 hours 1440 minutes 60 minutes == 1 minute == 1 hour == 1 day == 24 hours == 1 degree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30 degree 12 signs Longitude of one Nakshatra 13 deg 20 minutes == 1 sign (rashi) == 1 rashi chakra == 13 deg. 20 minutes == 800 minutes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nakshatra Padam of each Nakshatra Total padams (27 x 4) == 27 == 04 == 108 in Rashi chakra ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One day comprises of day (12 hours) and night (12 hours). Day means from Sun rise to Sun set. Night means from Sun set to next day Sun rise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 day 2 ½ Ghatika 1 ghatika 1 ghatika 1 vighatika 60 minutes == 60 ghatika == 1 Hour == 24 minutes == 60 vighatika == 24 seconds. = = 2 ½ ghatika 24 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 26 PLANETS – BENEFIC AND MALEFIC Good planets (benefics, subha grahams) 1) 2) 3) 4) Jupiter. Venus. Un-afflicted Mercury. Waxing moon. Bad planets (malefics, Ashubha grahams) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Saturn. Mars. Rahu. Ketu. Afflicted Mercury. Waning Moon. Sun is treated as a cruel planet. 25 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 27 AYANAMS There are two ayanams in a year, which are Utharayanam and dakshinayam. Ayanam means travel. Travel of Sun signifies ayanam. When sun enters Capricorn (makara) on January 15, Utharayanam starts and when Sun leaves Gemini (Mithunam) Utharayanam ends. When Sun enters Cancer (Karkataka) around July 17, Dakshinayam starts and it ends on January 14 when Sun leaves Sagittarius (Dhanu). 26 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 28 ASPECTS (DRUSHTI) All the planets are aspecting or having Drushti on the seventh house from its position. A diagram is given below:-Sun Mon 7 Mar 7 Mer 7 7 7 Ven Jup 7 7 RAH SAT 7 From the example diagram Sun is placed in Aries. Count from Aries. 7th house is libra. Hence Sun aspects Libra. For all other planets, same way, i.e., aspecting on 7th house from its position. 27 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 29 SPECIAL ASPECTS (VISESHA DRUSHTI) While all the planets are aspecting or having Drushti on the seventh house from its position, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars are having special Drushti. Jupiter is having special Drushti on 5th and 9th houses from its position. Saturn is having special Drushti on 3rd and 10th houses from its position. Mars is having special Drushti on 4th and 8th houses from its position. (All other planets do not have special Drushti.) A diagram (example) is given below:-- Mar 8 4 9 Jup 5 3 SAT 10 Mars is placed in Gemini and is having special Drushti on Virgo (4th from Gemini) and Capricorn (8th from Gemini) Drushti or aspect of benefic planets is called benefic aspect (subha Drushti). Drushti or aspect of malefic planets is called malefic aspect (paapa Drushti). 28 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 30 NAVA DANYAMULU (NINE CEREALS) Like Navagraha, nava rathna and nava rasa, planets have got nava dhanya also, which are:-Planets Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket English Wheat Paddy Thoor Dal Kannada Suji Godi Akki Thogari Bele Telugu Godumulu Vaddlu Kandi Pappu Peraru Pappu Senagalu Chikudu Pappu Nuvullu Nalla Minumulu Ullavalu Tamil Goduma Arisi Thuvaram Paruppu Pasi Paruppu Kondai Kadala Mochha Kottai Yellu Pappu Ulutham Kollu Moong Dal Hesaru Bele Chana Dal Kaddale Rajma Sesame Urud Dal Horse Gram Aura Bele Yeilu Uddin Bele Hurli 29 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 31 RASHI CHARECTERISTICS. PIS Dual (Ubhaya Rashi) AQU Fixed (Sthira Rashi) CAP Moveable (Chara Rashi) SAG Dual (Ubhaya Rashi) ARI Moveable (Chara Rashi) TAU Fixed (Sthira Rashi) GEM Dual (Ubhaya Rashi) CAN Moveable (Chara Rashi) LEO Fixed (Sthira Rahi) SCO Fixed (Sthira Rashi) LIB Moveable (Chara Rashi) VIR Dual (Ubhaya Rashi) 30 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 32. ASTROLOGY AND ITS HISTORY 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Vedic Period Puranic Period Parashiri period Varaha Mihira period Teachers’ period 23,750 years BC to 8,300 BC 8,300 years BC to 3,000 BC 3,000 years BC to 57 BC 57 years BC to 1,900 AD 1,900 years AD to uptill now 31 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 33 RASHIS RISING BY: PIS Head and Hinder AQU Head (Shiraus) CAP Hinder (Prushtam) SAG Hinder (Prushtam) ARI Hinder (Prushtam) TAU Hinder (Prushtam) GEM Head (Shiraus) CAN Hinder (Prushtam) LEO Head (Shiraus) SCO Head (Shiraus) LIB Head (Shiraus) VIR Head (Shiraus) 32 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 34 PLANETARY SWA KSHETRA BALAM (STRENGTH IF PLACED IN OWN HOUSE) PIS Jup AQU Sat CAP Sat SAG Jup ARI Mar TAU Ven GEM Mer CAN Mon LEO Sun SCO Mar LIB Ven VIR Mer Fame, wealth, position, land, happiness and good children are the results of Swa kshetra balam. 33 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 35. CHANDRA (MOON) LAGNA (JANMA RASHI). The placement of Moon is very important in a horoscope. The Rashi in which Moon is placed is called Chandra Lagna or Janma Rashi or Moon Rashi or Chandra lagnam. Suppose in a horoscope if the Moon is placed at 10 deg. 50 minutes, we will say that the Nakshatra of the person is Aswhini 4th padam. The lord of Ashwini is Ketu. Since Moon is placed in Aries, the sign lord is Mars. Star lord is Ketu. Hence the sign lord is Mars and The Chandra rashi is more powerful than the Sun rashi. 34 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPITER 36 PLANETARY DIETIES. Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu == Shiva, Rudra == Lakshmi, Parvathi == Subramanya, Karthikeya or Hanuman == Vishnu, Venkateshwara == Vishnu, Venkateshwara == Lakshmi, Parvathi == Hanuman or Ayyappa == Ganesh, Hanuman == Subramanya, Ganesh 35 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 37 NAKSHATRAS, PADAMS (QUARTERS) AND ITS LONGITUDES. (nakshatra longitudes in deg and minutes) Star 1st pada From Ashwani Bharani kruthika Rohini 0-00 13-20 26-40 40-00 To 3-20 16-40 30-00 43-20 56-40 70-00 83-20 96-40 11000 12320 13640 15000 16320 17640 19000 20320 21640 23000 24320 25640 27000 28320 29640 31000 32320 33640 35000 2nd pada From 03-20 16-40 30-00 43-20 56-40 70-00 83-20 96-40 110-00 123-20 136-40 150-00 163-20 176-40 190-00 203-20 216-40 230-00 243-20 256-40 270-00 283-20 296-40 310-00 323-20 336-40 350-00 To 06-40 20-00 33-20 46-40 60-00 73-20 86-40 100-00 113-20 126-40 140-00 153-20 166-40 180-00 193-20 206-40 220-00 233-20 246-40 260-00 273-20 286-40 300-00 313-20 326-40 340-00 353-20 3rd pada From 06-40 20-00 33-20 46-40 60-00 73-20 86-40 100-00 113-20 126-40 140-00 153-20 166-40 180-00 193-20 206-40 220-00 233-20 246-40 260-00 273-20 286-40 300-00 313-20 326-40 340-00 353-20 To 10-00 23-20 36-40 50-00 63-20 76-40 90-00 103-20 116-40 130-00 143-20 156-40 170-00 183-20 196-40 210-00 223-20 236-40 250-00 263-20 276-40 290-00 303-20 316-40 330-00 343-20 356-40 4th pada From 10-00 23-20 36-40 50-00 63-20 76-40 90-00 103-20 116-40 130-00 143-20 156-40 170-00 183-20 196-40 210-00 223-20 236-40 250-00 263-20 276-40 290-00 303-20 316-40 330-00 343-20 356-40 To 13-20 26-40 40-00 53-20 66-40 80-00 93-20 106-40 120-00 Ket 133-20 Ven 146-40 Sun 160-00 Mon 173-20 Mar 186-40 Rah 200-00 Jup 213-20 Sat 226-40 Mer 240-00 Ket 253-20 Ven 266-40 Sun 280-00 Mon 293-20 Mar 306-40 Rah 320-00 Jup 333-20 Sat 346-40 Mer 360-00 17 19 16 18 07 10 06 20 07 17 19 16 18 07 10 06 20 07 Ket Ven Sun Mon Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer 07 20 06 10 07 18 16 19 17 Star lord V D Mrugashira 53-20 Arudra Punarvasu Pushyami Aslesha Makha Pubba Uttara Hasta Chitta Swati Visaka Anuradha Jyesta Moola 66-40 80-00 93-20 106-40 120-00 133-20 146-40 160-00 173-20 186-40 200-00 213-20 226-40 240-00 Poorvashad 253-20 Uttaraashad 266-40 Shravana Dhanishta 280-00 293-20 Satabhisha 306-40 Purvbhadra 320-00 Uttarbhadra 333-20 Revathi 346-40 The total longitude of a Nakshatra is 13 deg. 20 minutes, which is divided into 4 and shown above as padams. This particular division is called padam or charan. Longitude of each padam is 3 deg. 20 minutes. Hence 3-20 x 4 = 13-20. 36 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY The total longitude of the rashi chakra or zodiac is 360 deg. 37 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 38 MOTIONS OF PLANETS Planets move forward and backward, which is called direct and retrogression. Illuminaries such as Sun and Moon always move forward and it is called clock-wise movement. This is also called direct movement. Planets such as Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn move both forward and backward (clock wise and anti clock wise), which is called direct and retrogression respectively. (All movements backward or anti-clock wise are called retrogression). Shadowy planets such as Rahu and Ketu always move backwards and hence they are always in retrogression. 38 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 39 LONGITUDE OF RASHI CHAKRA OR ZODIAC The total longitude of Zodiac or Rashi Chakra is 360 deg., the details of which is given below: Sl.No 01) 02) 03) 04) 05) 06) 07) 08) 09) 10) 11) 12) Rashi Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Longitude from 00 deg. 00 m. 30 deg. 00 m. 60 deg. 00 m. 90 deg. 00 m. 120 deg. 00 m. 150 deg. 00 m. 180 deg. 00 m. 210 deg. 00 m. 240 deg. 00 m. 270 deg. 00 m. 300 deg. 00 m. 330 deg. 00 m. Longitude upto 30 deg. 00 m. 60 deg. 00 m. 90 deg. 00 m. 120 deg. 00 m. 150 deg. 00 m. 180 deg. 00 m. 210 deg. 00 m. 240 deg. 00 m. 270 deg. 00 m. 300 deg. 00 m. 330 deg. 00 m. 360 deg. 00 m. 39 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 40 HINDU LUNAR YEARS Among the Hindus, 60 lunar years constitute one cycle, which is given below:-Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Lunar year Prabava Vibhava Sukhla Pramoduta Prajotpatti Angirasa Srikumkha Bhava Yuva Dhatu Eswara Bahudanya Pramadi Vikrama Vishnu Chitrabhanu Swabhanu Tarana Parthiva Vyaya Sarwajitu Virodhi Virodhi Vikriti Khara Nandana Vijaya Jaya Manmatha Durmukhi Sl. No. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Lunar year Hevilambi Vilambi Vikari Sarwari Plava Shubharitu Shobhakritu Krodhi Viswavasu Parabhava Plavanga Kilaku Soumya Saharana Virodhikritu Paridhavi Pramadicha Ananda Rakshasa Nala Pingala Kalaykti Siddharthi Roudri Durmathi Dunhubhi Rudirodgari Rakthakshi Krodhana Akshaya 40 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 41 RITU OR SEASONS. The principal seasons among the Hindus are six. Vasantha Ruthu (Spring) Greesham Ruth (Summer) Varsha Ruthu (Rainy season) Sarad Ruthu (Autumn) Hemantha Ruthu (Winter) Sisira Ruthu (Winter) : Chaitra and Vaisakah masam : Jyeshta and Ashada : Shravana and Bhadrapada : Aswija and Kartika : Margasira and Pushya : Magha and Phalguna -- Venus -- Sun and Mar -- Mon -- Mercury -- Jup -- Saturn Whereas the Europeans consider only four seasons: Autumn, Spring, Winter and Summer 41 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 42 LUNAR MONTHS Sl. No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Lunar month Chaitra Vaisakha Jyeshta Ashadha Shravana Bhadrapada Aswija Karthika Margashira Pushya Magha Phalguna English Mar-Apr Apr-May May-Jun Jun-Jul Jul-Aug Aug-Sep Sep-Oct Oct-Nov Nov-Dec Dec-Jan Jan-Feb Feb-Mar The name of each lunar month is given as a result of the constellation on the full moon day of the particular month. 42 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 43 BARREN AND FRUITFUL RASHIS. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are fruitful Gemini, Leo and Virgo are barren 43 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 44 RASHI (SIGNS) DIVISIONS. The signs from 1 to 12 are divided into two types, which are Upachaya and Apachaya houses. Houses 3, 6,10 and 11 are Upachaya houses from lagna. Upachaya houses are progressive houses. Houses 1,2,4,5,7,8,9, and 12 are Apachaya houses from lagna. These houses are again divided into: Quadrants (Kendra) Trines (Trikona) Cadent (Panaparas) Suceedent (Apoklima) : Houses 1,4,7,10 from lagna : Houses 5 and 9 from lagna : 2,5,8 and 11 from Langa : 3,6, 9 and 12 (9th being Trine should be omitted) 44 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 45 COLOUR OF PLANETS. Sun Mars Moon Saturn Mercury Jupiter Venus : Copper colour : Blood red (deep red) : White : Black : Green : Bright yellow : Variegated (mixture of all) colors. 45 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 46 PLANETARY REPRESENTATIONS. Moon Sun and Jupiter and divine in nature and indicates satvika guna or philosophical and philanthropic dispositions. Venus and Mercury represent Rajasa or imperious dispositions. Mars and Saturn denote thamsa or dull nature. Sun and Mars fiery in nature, Mercury earthy, Saturn airy, Jupiter ethereal and Venus and Moon are watery. Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn : ego or atma. : Manas or mind. : Martial power. : good and eloquent speech. : Wisdom. : Voluptuousness and gross sensual pleasures. : Sorrows and miseries. 46 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPITER 47 PLANTERY RELATIONSHIPS. A) PERMANENT RELATIONS. Planet Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Friends Mon, Mar, Jup Sun, Mer Sun, Mon, Jup Sun, Ven Sun, Mon, Mar Mer, Sat Mer, ven Neutrals Mer Mar, Jup, Ven, Sat Ven, Sat Mar, Jup, Sat Sat Mar, Jup Jup Enemies Sat, Ven (None) Mer Mon Ven, Mer Sun, Mon Sun, Mon, Mar B) TEMPORARY RELATIONSHIP. Planets placed in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th and 12th signs from any other planets are temporary friends. Permanent Friend Permanent Friend Permanent Enemy Permanent Enemy Permanent Neutral Permanent Neutral Temporary Friend Temporary Enemy Temporary Enemy Temporary Friend Temporary Friend Temporary Enemy Best Friend Neutral Bitter Enemy Neutral Friend Enemy 47 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 48 MOOLATRIKONA There are certain positions of planets, which are called Moolatrikonas, and they are similar to those of exaltation. Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn : Leo 00 to 20 deg. : Tau 04 to 20 deg. : Ari 00 to 20 deg. : Vir 16 to 20 deg. : Sag 00 to 10 deg. : Lib 00 to 15 deg. : Aqu 00 to 20 deg. There is a view that Mooltrikonas are “Office” of planets. 48 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 49 PLANETARY DIRECTIONS (DIK) SUN MOON MARS MERCURY JUPITER VENUS SATURN RAHU : East : North West : South : North : North East : South East : West : South West 49 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 50 PLANETARY PECULIARITIES Athichaara or Acceleration Stambhana or Stagnation : Faster movement of planet is called acceleration : Placement in the same sign for more than usual Period is called stagnation or stationery. : Planets in intimate conjunction with Sun get combustion. : Planets placed along with Mon gets samagama : Ascending direction from neecha to ucha. : Descending direction from uccha to neecha Astangata or combustion Samagama Arohana Avarohana CHAPTER 50 Athichaara or Acceleration : Faster movement of planet is called acceleration There are planets who move faster in certain signs, especially Mercury, etc. Some Astrologers while evaluating a horoscope and when a querist asked about the fructification of an event, the speed of the planet is looked into and result told thereon depending upon the fastness too. Stambhana or Stagnation : Placement in the same sign for more than usual Period is called stagnation or stationery. This is called a planet getting stagnant in a house. Normally Mars takes around 45 days to cross over a sign. But if you remember during last year Mars stayed in Aries for approx. 6 months. At that time mars and Saturn were in mutual aspect (viewing each other). This has resulted in catastrophic effects all over the world. There were ship sinking, mine collapsing, heavy rains, landslides, etc. In the chart of President Kennedy, Mars and Saturn were in similar position (Mars in Aries and Saturn in Cancer). In the chart of Attorney General Robert F Kennedy, Mars and Saturn were in proximity to each other. Hence it is concluded that malefic planet getting stagnant is dangerous. However, planets like Sun and Moon or shadowy planets like Rahu or Ketu does not stagnant. Astangata or combustion : Planets in intimate conjunction with Sun get combustion. There is normal belief that whoever planets get closer to Sun, gets their strength reduced. Samagama Samagama is equality. Arohana : Ascending direction from neecha to ucha. 50 : Planets placed along with Mon gets samagama HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY There are planets who goes from debilitation to exaltation or vice versa. For example, Sun debilitates at 20 deg in Libra and movement therefrom is called Arohana (ascending) Avarohana : Descending direction from uccha to neecha Avarohana (descending) is exactly opposite to Arohana 51 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 51 HUMOURS AND BODILY PARTS. Ravi and Kuja Chandra and Sukra Guru Shani and Rahu Budha Ketu – Pitta or bile – Vata and Kapha or wind and phlegm – Kapha or Plegm – Vata or wind. - mixture of all humours. - (is like Kuja or Mars) Sl No. 1 2 Planet Sun Mon Bodily parts Bile, Heart, brain, head, eye and bone. Breast, saliva, womb, water, blood and lymphatic and glandular systems. Bile, ears, nose, forehead, sinews, fiber and muscular tissues. Abdomen, tongue, lungs, bowels, nerve centers, bile and muscular tissues. Phlegm, blood, thighs, flesh and fat and arterial system. Ovaries, eyes, generative system, kidneys, water, semen and phlegm. Feet wind, acids, knees and marrow. 3 Mar 4 Mer 5 Jup 6 Ven 7 Sat 52 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 52 ANTAR DASHA (BHUKTI) Each Vimshottari Mahadasha is divided into Antar Dasha (Bhukti) as per the planets. Some of the examples are given below: Suppose Venus Mahadasha is of 20 years, which is divided into nine planetary antar dasha as below: Suppose VENUS MAHADASHA 20 years starts from 19.09.2005 Calculation is planetary dasha x planetary dasha Take the last digit and multiply by 3. Rest digits may be treated as months. Hence Venus antar dasha will be: 20 x 20 = 40. Here last digit is 0. Hence 40 months, which is 3 years and 4 months. Venus Antar Dasha 0 days, 4 months, 3 years, 19.09.2005 00.04.0003 ------------19.01.2009 Sun Antar Dasha 20 x 6 = 120 means 12 months, which means 1 year 00.00.0001 ------------19.01.2010 Moon Antar Dasha 20 x 10 = 210 = 0 days, 11 months, 1year 00.11.0001 ------------19.12.2011 Mars Antar Dasha Rahu Antar Dasha Jupiter Antar Dasha Saturn Antar Dasha Mercury Antar Dasha Ketu Antar Dasha Another example: Rahu mahadasha, Rahu Antar dasha. 18 x 18 =324 Last digit 4 x 3 =12. hence 12 days and 32 months. 32 months is 2 years and 8 months Hence Rahu MD, Rahu A.D. will be 12 d, 8 m, 2 years, and so on. 53 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 53 CHARACTERISTICS OF RASHIS OR SIGNS. 01st House 02nd House 03rd House 04th house 05th House 06th House 07th House 08th House 09th House 10th House 11th House 12th House Thana Bhavam Dhana Bhavam Bhatru Bhavam Mathru bhavam Putra bhavam Roga bhavam Kalatra bhavam Ayush Bhavam Pitru Sthanam Karma sthanam Laabha sthanam Vyaya Sthanam Self Wealth Co-borns Mother Children Illnesses Marital affairs Longevity Father Profession Gains Loss 01st House 02nd House 03rd House 04th house 05th House 06th House 07th House 08th House 09th House 10th House 11th House 12th House Self, character, longevity, environment. Wealth, education, speech, food, source and manner of death. Co-borns, concentration, courage, short journey, mental inclination, letters & writings. Mother, Land, House, Ancestral property, Education. Children, dignity, creativity, Higher education, intelligence. Diseases, wounds and cuts in body, self acquisition, enemies, debts. Wife, marriage, alliance, partnership, business, death. Longevity, degradation, sorrow, place of death. Father, foreign travel, dharma, higher education, Preceptor. Job, Profession, promotion, dignity, honors, self respect. Gains, elder brothers, personality, Fulfillment of desires, accomplishments. Loss, state after death, final emancipation, Expenditure, waste, expenses. 54 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 54 CHARACTERISTICS OR SIGNFICATIONS OF PLANETS Sun Moon Mars Father, Ego, atma, druggists and chemists, Ruby Mother, mind, Liquids, Water, white milk, pearls Younger brothers, blood, military, Police, Excise, Spy, Courage, Engineers, Metals, Machines, Guns, Surgeons, Dentists, Butcher, Taylor, red corals, red colours Speedy calculation, computers, astrology, kavithwam, haasyam, intelligence, journalists, book-sellers, emerald, green, letters and writings, business. Preceptor, Astrology, vendanta, Saastra, wisdom, intelligence, law Wife, sex, sexual organs, fine arts, dance, singing, beautiful eyes, diamond, variegated colors. Pain, misery, spirituality, guru, blue sapphire, blue or black, black thill Foreigners, muslims, maternal grand father, astrology, gomedh Paternal grand father, astrology, paternal grand father, moksha, final emancipation, vaiduryam, spy, secret services Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu 55 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 55 LAGNAM CALCULATION. Lagnam or Ascendant refers to the time of birth. There are 12 rashis in the zodiac. There are 24 hours in a day. Hence each rashi is having approximately 2 hours. The earth on its axis rotates one time in 24 hours. The calculation for lagna is as given below:-There are two types of birth: before noon birth and after noon birth. BEFORE NOON BIRTH. All births before 12.00 noon are called before noon births. Suppose, one person is borne at 9.30 a.m. on 02-Sept 1961 at Ernakulam. The calculation for lagna is as follows (to be read with “Lahiri” Table of Ascendants):-Hr-min-sec 09-30-00 00-24-48 Indian standard time (time of birth) Local mean time correction (for Ernakulam). 82-30 Central Longitude of India (GMT Minus 5.30 hrs) 76-18 Longitude of Ernakulam 06-12 x 4–4 24-48 Local mean time Noon time (since morning birth) Local mean time Table IV correction for 9 hours (LMT) -do- for 5 minutes (LMT) Corrected time interval (CTI) minus OR minus Plus plus OR 09-05-12 12-00-00 11-59-60 09-05-12 02-54-48 00-00-20 00-00-09 02-54-77 02-55-17 10-43-48 00-00-54 00-00-04 10-43-106 10-44-46 Sidereal time (for Sept 2nd ) Year correction (for 1961) Place Correction (for Ernakulam) Corrected Sidereal time (CST) Plus Plus OR Since morning birth, calculation is CST minus CTI: Corrected Sidereal time (CST) Corrected time interval Sidereal time for Epoch (TFE) 56 10-44-46 02-55-17 07-49-29 minus HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY Contd.. Latitude for Ernakulam 09 deg. 59 min North Please see page 17 of “Table of Ascendants” by NC Lahiri. The time for Epoch is 7-49-29, which means 7 hours 49 minutes 29 seconds. sign-deg-min 06-05-04 06-04-05 00-00-59 The table of ASC is (for 7-52) as per table The table of ASC is (for 7-48) as per table Difference Hence difference between 7-52 and 7-48 is 4 minutes. Difference between signs is 59 minutes. Minus Hence 59 / 4 == 14.75 say 15minute arc for one minute of time. For Time for Epoch To arrive at TFE 7-49-29 Ayanamsa correction for 1961 (year of birth) The Ascendant Hence the ascendant is 06 signs, 04 degrees and 01 minute. i.e., Tula (Libra) Asc at 04 degree and 01 minutes, which is Chitta 4 padam. or 184 deg. 01 minute. 06-04-05 00-00-15 06-04-20 00-00-19 06-04-01 plus minus 57 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 56 SUB LORD CALCULATION. The sub-lord is a calculation by Late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurty, who has brought about his own way of prediction in which Sub lord is given more importance. The sub-lord is nothing but all the nakshatras are divided into 9 as per the Vimshottari dasha system as given below: The longitude of a constellation is 13 deg. 20 minutes. For Example, take the constellation Aswhini, longitude of which is 13 deg. 20 min., which is 800 minutes when converted into minutes. (13 x 60 = 780 + 20 min). The calculation for sub lord of aswhini i.e., from 00 deg 00 min to 13 deg.20 min are as follows: Aswhini lord being Ketu, the sub-lord is started from Ketu. Hence 800 x Ketu’s Vimshottari dasha divided by 120 years of total Vimshottari dasha. 800 x 7 ------120 long of VMD star (A) 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 (B) 7 20 6 10 7 18 16 19 17 Total Result Duration VMD (minutes) D-M-S (C ) 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 A*B/C 46.67 133.33 40.00 66.67 46.67 120.00 106.67 126.67 113.33 00-46-40 02-13-20 00-40-00 01-06-40 00-46-40 02-00-00 01-46-40 02-06-40 01-53-20 Longitude Sub-lord From 00-00-00 00-46-40 03-00-00 03-40-00 04-46-40 05-33-20 07-33-20 09-20-00 11-26-40 To 00-46-40 03-00-00 03-40-00 04-46-40 05-33-20 07-33-20 09-20-00 11-26-40 13-20-00 Ketu Ven Sun Mon Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Note : VDM means Vimshottari Maha Dasha D-M-S == Degrees, Minutes, Seconds Similar way for other nakshatras. After Aswini, next Nakshatra is Bharani, whose lord is Venus. Hence the sub-lord starts from Venus. For example if a planet or asc. Falls within 00-00-00 to 00-46-40 degrees in Aries, we can say the sub-lord of that planet is Ketu. If Sun is placed in the above longitude, we can say the sign lord is Mars, Star Lord is Ketu and Sub lord is also Ketu and so on. 58 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY INDEX 01) ZODIAC WHEEL 02) RASHI CHAKRA – SAVYA CHAKRA 03) NAVAGRAHAS 04) RULERS OF RASHIS. 05) RASHI - TATWAS 06) GENDER OF RASHIS 07) NAKSHATRAS 08) PLACEMENT OF NAKSHATRAS IN RASHIS. 09) SYMBOL OF RASHIS 10) NAVAKAM AND VIMSHOTTARI DASHA 11) PLANETS CABINET & PROFESSION 12) PLANETARY GENDER 13) PLANETARY NAVARASAMS 14) PLANETARY NAVARATNAS 15) SIGNS OF VOICES 16) UCHHA RASHI (EXALTATION) 17) APASAVYA CHAKRA 18) NEECHA RASHI (DEBILITATION) 19) PANCHANGAM (ALMANAC) 20) PANCHANGAM – NAKSHATRAM 21) PANCHANGAM - VAARAM 22) PANCHANGAM – NITHYA YOGAM 23) PANCHANGAM – THITHI (PAKSHAM) 24) PANCHANGAM - KARANAM 25) CALCULATION OF TIME OR UNITS OF TIME. 26) PLANETS – BENEFIC AND MALEFIC 27) AYANAMS 28) ASPECTS (DRUSHTI) 29) SPECIAL ASPECTS (VISESHA DRUSHTI) 30) NAVA DANYAMULU (NINE CEREALS) 31) RASHI CHARECTERISTICS. 32) ASTROLOGY AND ITS HISTORY 33) RASHIS RISING BY 34) PLANETARY SWA KSHETRA BALAM 35) CHANDRA LAGNA (JANMA RASHI). 36) PLANETARY DIETIES 37) NAKSHATRAS, PADAMS (QTRS) AND ITS LONGITUDES 38) MOTIONS OF PLANETS 39) LONGITUDE OF RASHI CHAKRA OR ZODIAC 40) HINDU LUNAR YEARS 41) RITU OR SEASONS. 42) LUNAR MONTHS 43) BARREN AND FRUITFUL RASHIS 44) RASHI (SIGNS) DIVISIONS 45) COLOUR OF PLANETS 46) PLANETARY REPRESENTATIONS 47) PLANTERY RELATIONSHIPS 48) MOOLATRIKONA 49) PLANTERY DIRECTIONS (DIK) 50) PLANETARY PECULIARTIES. 51) HUMOURS AND BODILY PARTS. 52) ANTAR DASHA (BHUKTI) 53) CHARACTERISTICS OF RASHIS OR SIGNS. 54) CHARACTERISTICS OR SIGNFICATIONS OF PLANETS 55) LAGNAM CALCULATION 56) SUB LORD CALCULATION 59 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY OM TAT SAT HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY. SEMESTER 1 Astrovision999 Flat 204 B, Block1, Janapriya Township, Mallapur, Nacharam PO, Hyderabad-500 076. Mob: 9440 346 285 60 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 57 NAKSHATRAS (CONSTELLATIONS) The nakshatras are classified based on various characteristics. GENDER OF THE NAKSHATRAS: Male Aswini Punarvasu Pushyami Hasta Anuradha Shravana Purvabhadra Utharabhadra Female Bharani Kruthika Rohini Arudra Aslesha Makha Purva Phalguni (Pubba) Uthara Chitta Swati Visakha Jyeshta Purva Ashada Uthara Ashada Dhanista Revati Neutral Mrighashira Moola Satabisha NAKSHATRA DIRECTIONS. East South North West Central South East Aslesha Makha Pubba South West Swati Visakha Anurada North West U.Ashada Shravana Danishta North East Revati Aswini Bharani Arudra Punarvas Pushya Uthara Hasta Chitta Satabhi P Bhadra U Bhadra Jyeshta Moola PAshada Kruthika Rohini Mrigashira ELEMENTS REPRESENTED BY THE NAKSHATRAS Akasa (Ether or Space) Dhanishta Satabhisha Purva Ashada Utharabhadra Revati Prithvi (Earth) Aswini Bharani Kruthika Rohini Mrigashira Jala (Water) Arudra Punarvasu Pushya Aslesha Makha Pubba Agni (Fire) Uthara Hasta Chitta Visakha Anuradha Vayu (Air) Jyeshta Moola P Ashada U. Ashada Shravana Note: The above-mentioned characteristics apply to analysis of the charts (both Jataka and Prashna). 61 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 58 NAKSHATRA AND NAME LETTERS. Each Constellation (Nakshatra or Star) is divided into 4 parts and each quarter known as Charan or Padam. The representing Alphabet for each quarter or Padam is given hereunder: Constellation or Nakshatra Aswini (Asvini - Ashvini) Bharani Krittika (Karthikai - Kiruthikai) Rohini Mrigasiro (Mrigaseersham) Ardra (Thiruvathirai) Punarvasu (Punarpusam) Aswathi 1st Quarter Su Li A (as in accent) O Ve Ku Ke Hu Di Ma Mo De Pu Pe Ru Thi Ni No Ye Bhu 2nd Quarter Che Lu E Va Vo Ga Ko He Du Mi Ta Da Sha Po Re Thu NI Ya Ya Da 3rd Quarter Cho Le Oo (U) Vi Kaa Ng Ha Ho De Mu Ti Pa Na Ra Ro The Nu Yi Bha Fa 4th Quarter La LLo Aa(as in Airport) Vu Ki Chha Hi Ha Do Me To Pi Tha Ri Dha Tho Ne Yu Bhi Ta Pusam (Pushyam) Aslesha (Ayilyam) Makam (Maga) Pooram (Purva Palguni) Uthiram (Uthira Palguni) Hastham Chithra (Chithirai) Swathi Visakam (Visaka - Vishaka) Anuradha (Anusham) Jyeshta (Kettai) Moola (Mulam) Poorvashada (Puradam - Purva Broshtapatha) Uthrashada (Uthiradam - Uthra Broshtapatha) Abhijit (Abhijeet)** Shravan (Thiruvonam) Dhanishta (Avittam) Sadabishak (Sathayam. Shathatharaka) P.Broshtapata (Poorattathi - P.Bhadra) U.Broshtapata (Uthirattathi - U.Bhadra) Revathi Bhu Jho Jha Jhi Ki Gha Go So Dhu Dhe Kui Ghi Sa She Sha Dho Khe Goo Si Dha Cha Sa Kho Ge Shu Dhi Dha Chi 62 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY You may name your child according to Birth Star (Janma Nakshatra) The recommended Name and its values are surely to benefit, if a child is named after the representing alphabets of their Birth Constellation (Nakshatram). ANOTHER VIEW OF RASHI AND ITS CORRESPONDING NAME LETTERS. Your moon sign The alpahabets that your rashi name starts with Mesha (Aries) chu , che , cho , la , li , lu , le , lo ,a Vrishabh(Taurus) ee, uu,ae, o , va , vi , vu , ve , vo Mithuna (Gemini) ka , ki , ha , ku , gha , rh, ch , ke , ko Karka ( Cancer) hu , he , ho , da , di , du , de , do ( d pronounced as D in desire) Simha ( Leo) ma , me , mu , me , tta , tti , ttu , tte ( tt as pronounced T in telephone) Kanya (Virgo) to , pa , pi , pu , sh , rhn, tha, pe , po Tula ( Libra) ra , ri , ru , re , ro , ta , ti , tu , te ( t pronounced as T in Toofan) Vrishchik na , ni , nu , ne , no, ya , yi , yu (Scorpio) Dhanu ye , yo , bh , bhi , bhu , bhe ,dha , pha , rha ( Sagittarius) Makar bho , ja, ji , ju , je, jo , khi, khu, khe,kho,ga , gi ( Capricorn) Kumbha( gu, ge , go , saa , si , su , se , so , da ( d pronounced as D in Daawat) Aquarius) Meen ( Pisces) di , du , tha , jha , eeyan , de , do , cha , chi ( d pronounced as D in Daawat) 63 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER – 58. ABHIJIT NAKSHATRA. Abijit (Abhijeet) Nakshatra is an existing constellation (Star - Nakshatra) in the stellar system. But the same is said to have been de-activated by the Lord Sri Maha Vishnu after the Mahabharatha War. However, persons born after four hours of Uthrashada (Uthiradam) nakshatra are said to be part of this Abhijt (Abijeet) nakshatram. It is considered that Last part or end of 4th quarter in Uthirashada and two hours in the first part of or 1st Charan or Quarter of Shravan are considered as Abhijeet Nakshatram. ABHIJIT LAGNA. The 4th lagna from Sun’s position is called Abhijit lagna. For example if the Sun is placed in Aries on a particular day, the fourth sign from Aries is Cancer. Hence Cancer is the Abhiji lagna, and so on. 64 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 59 TRANSIT OF PLANETS. For all planets certain positions are considered good while certain position is considered in-auspicious. Malefic planets Sun Mars Saturn Rahu Ketu Benefic planets Jupiter Venus Mercury Moon Good in signs from natal moon during transit 3,6,10,11 3,6,10,11 3,6,11 3,6,11 3,6,11 Good in signs from natal moon during transit 2,5,7,9,11 Average in signs from natal moon during transit Bad in signs from natal moon during transit 1,2,5,7,9,8,12 Rest all Rest all Rest all Rest all Bad in signs from natal moon during transit Rest all Rest all Rest all Rest all 9, 10 Average in signs from natal moon during transit 1,10 Saturn -- You are aware that Saturn takes 2 ½ years to cross over one sign and for the entire rashi Chakra it takes 30 years. When Saturn reaches 12th sign from your natal moon (the sign in which moon is placed in your original birth chart) your Saade saath (or elartha shani) starts. This will continue till Saturn leaves your 2nd sign from natal moon. So when Saturn transits 12th, 1st and 2nd signs of your natal moon you will be experiencing Saade Sath Shani. 65 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 60 RASHI AND LAGNA DIRECTIONS. The 4th house in an individual‘s chart signifies the living place of the native. And the matters related to house are indicated by the planets in the 4th house and also the position of the 4th lord in a chart. Planets play a crucial role in understanding the nature of the directions. Here are few notes on the individual lagna (ascendant) and the main directions associated with that particular lagna. *For *For *For *For *For *For *For *For *For *For Mesha (Aries) lagna moon is the 4th lord, and northwest is the main direction. Rishabha (Taurus) lagna East is the main direction. Mithuna (Gemini)North is the main direction. Kataka (Cancer) lagna the southeast is main direction. Simha (Leo) lagna the south is main direction. Thula (Libra) and Vrichika (Scorpio) lagna the west is the main direction. Dhanus (Sagittarius) lagna the northeast is the main direction. Makara (Capricorn) lagna the south is the main direction. Kumbha (Aquarius) southeast is the main direction. Meena (Pisces) lagna north is the main direction. 66 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 60 MOON RASHI FAVOURABLE DATES & DIRECTIONS, LUCKY NUMBERS & COLOURS. Aries or Mesha: Favourable Dates Lucky Numbers Favourable Direction Lucky Colours : 3, 4, 5 : 1, 2, 4 : North : Black, green, pink Taurus or Vrishabh: Favourable Dates: 3, 6, 7 Lucky Numbers: 1, 4, 5 Favourable Direction: South Lucky Colours: Yellow, white, red Gemini or Mithun: Favourable Dates: 5, 7, 9 Lucky Numbers: 2, 3, 5 Favourable Direction: East Lucky Colours: Green, red, pink Cancer or Karka: Favourable Dates: 4, 7, 8 Lucky Numbers: 4, 6, 9 Favourable Direction: North-east Lucky Colours: Chocolate, pink, ash Leo or Simha: Favourable Dates: 3, 5, 9 Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 5 Favourable Direction: North Lucky Colours: Brown, white, red Virgo or Kanya: Favourable Dates: 5, 6, 8 Lucky Numbers: 3, 5, 6 Favourable Direction: South Lucky Colours: Orange, black, white Libra or Tula: Favourable Dates: 3, 4, 8 Lucky Numbers: 5, 6, 8 Favourable Direction: East-north Lucky Colours: Grey, pink, red Scorpio or Vrishchik: Favourable Dates: 3, 7, 9 Lucky Numbers: 6, 8, 9 Favourable Direction: West Lucky Colours: Red, black, orange Contd….. 67 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY Sagittarius or Dhanu: Favourable Dates: 4, 8, 9 Lucky Numbers: 6, 7, 9 Favourable Direction: South-east Lucky Colours: Ash, white, brown Capricorn or Makar: Favourable Dates: 3, 8, 9 Lucky Numbers: 5, 7, 9 Favourable Direction: North Lucky Colours: Pink, yellow, black Aquarius or Kumbha: Favourable Dates: 4, 5, 7 Lucky Numbers: 2, 6, 7 Favourable Direction: North Lucky Colours: Black, brown, ash Pisces or Meen: Favourable Dates: 4, 6, 8 Lucky Numbers: 4,5,8 : Favourable Direction: West Lucky Colours: White, sky-blue, green 68 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 61 – ERECTING THE HOROSCOPE. The books of ephemeries are giving planetary positions for every day or every alternative days at 5.30 a.m. or 5.30 pm. The most read ephemery is the one made by N.C. Lahiri. In order to erect the horoscope we need to find out the planetary position for any given time and date. For example: Female born on 02.05.1979 at 12.05 hours (earning morning of 02.05.1979) at Hyderabad, India. The time lapsed from 5.30 am on 01.05.1979 to the time of birth i.e., 12.05 am (midnight of 01.05.1979) on 02.05.1979 is : Time of birth: 24-05 pm Ephemery pnt: 05-30 am Difference : 18-35 hours Hence the total time lapsed upto the time of birth is 18 hours 35 minutes, which when converted into minutes is 1115 minutes (18x 60=1080 + 35). 24 hours when converted into minutes, we get 1440 minutes. The planetary position is taken from NC Lahiri ephemeries as below: Plan et Sun Dates Longitude at 5.30 am S—D--M--S 00-17-26-53 00-16-28-13 Lapsed time S—D--M--S 00-00-58-40 Calculation for lapsed time 058*1115/1440 ==44.909 min Longitude arrived at : S—D--M--S 00-16-28-13 00-00-45-00 00-17-13-13 02-05-1979 01-05-1979 Star/ pada/ long. Bhr 2p 017-13 Pun 1p 081-35 Rev 3p 355-30 Rev 3p 352-15 Push 2p 97-27 Reva 1p 346-47 Makha 4 Sig n Ari Sign / Star Lord Ma / Ve Mon 02-05-1979 01-05-1979 02-23-22-36 02-11-02-20 00-12-20-16 740*1115/1440 ==572.98 min 02-11-02-20 00-09-33-00 02-21-35-20 Ge Me / Ju Mar 02-05-1979 01-05-1979 11-25-41-41 11-24-55-51 00-00-45-50 045*1115/1440 ==34.843 min 11-24-55-51 00-00-35-00 11-25-30-51 Pis Ju / Me Mer 02-05-1979 01-05-1979 11-22-34-45 11-21-11-32 00-01-23-13 083*1115/1440 ==64.267 Min 11-21-11-32 00-01-04-00 11-22-15-32 Pis Ju / Me Jup 02-05-1979 01-05-1979 03-07-30-16 03-07-23-56 00-00-06-20 006*1115/1440 ==4.646 min 03-07-23-56 00-00-04-00 03-07-27-56 Can Mo / Sa Ven 02-05-1979 01-05-1979 11-17-05-16 11-15-52-53 00-01-12-23 072*1115/1440 ==55.75 min 11-15-52-53 00-00-55-00 11-16-47-53 Pis Ju / Me Sat ® 02-05-1979 01-05-1979 04-13-33-31 04-13-34-22 00-00-00-51 001*1115/1440 ==0.774 min 04-13-34-22 00-00-00-46 04-13-33-15 Leo Su / Ke 133-33 Pubba 2 Leo Su / Ve Rah ® 02-05-1979 01-05-1979 04-21-15-01 04-21-18-12 00-00-03-11 003*1115/1440 ===2.332 min 04-21-18-12 00-00-02-00 04-21-16-12 141-16 PB 1 Aqu Sa / Ju Ket ® 02-05-1979 01-05-1979 10-21-15-01 10-21-18-12 003*1115/1440 ===2.332 min 10-21-18-12 00-00-02-00 10-21-16-12 321-16 S—D—M—S = signs, degrees, minutes and seconds. 69 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY Contd.. 70 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY Hence the rashi chakra shall be as follows:-Ven 16-47 Mer 22-15 Mar 25-30 Ket® 21-16 Sun 17-13 Mon 21-35 Jup 07-27 Rashi Chakra, female 02-May-1979 at 00.05 min. Hyderabad. Sat® 13-33 Rah® 21-16 What is missing in the above Rashi Chakra is the Ascendant or lagna. Now shall we make the Ascendant as per chapter CHAPTER 55 71 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 62 LAGNAM CALCULATION (II) Lagnam or Ascendant means the time of birth. There are 12 rashis and 24 hours in a day. Hence each rashi is having approximately 2 hours. The earth on its axis rotates one time in 24 hours. The calculation for lagna is as given below:-There are two types of birth: before noon birth and after noon birth. BEFORE NOON BIRTH. All births before 12.00 noon are called before noon births. Suppose, one person is borne at 00.05 a.m. on 02-May 1979 at Hyderabad. The calculation for lagna is as follows as per book Table of Ascendants by NC Lahiri:-Hr-min-sec 00-05-00 00-24-48 09-05-12 12-00-00 11-59-60 09-05-12 02-54-48 00-00-20 00-00-09 02-54-77 02-55-17 Indian standard time (time of birth) Local mean time correction (for Ernakulam). Local mean time Noon time (since morning birth) Local mean time Table IV correction for 9 hours (LMT) -do- for 5 minutes (LMT) Corrected time interval (CTI) minus OR minus Plus plus OR Sidereal time (for May 2nd ) Year correction (for 1979) Place Correction (for Hyderabad) Corrected Sidereal time (CST) Plus Plus OR 10-43-48 00-00-54 00-00-04 10-43-106 10-44-46 Since afternoon birth, calculation is CST plus CTI: Corrected Sidereal time (CST) Corrected time interval Sidereal time for Epoch (TFE) 10-44-46 02-55-17 07-49-29 minus Latitude for Ernakulam 09 deg. 59 min North Please see page 17 of “Table of Ascendants” by NC Lahiri. The time for Epoch is 7-49-29, which means 7 hours 49 minutes 29 seconds. 72 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY sign-deg-min 06-05-04 06-04-05 00-00-59 The table of ASC is (for 7-52) as per table The table of ASC is (for 7-48) as per table Difference Hence difference between 7-52 and 7-48 is 4 minutes. Difference between signs is 59 minutes. Minus Hence 59 / 4 == 14.75 say 15minute arc for one minute of time. For Time for Epoch To arrive at TFE 7-49-29 Ayanamsa correction for 1961 The Ascendant Hence the ascendant is 06 signs, 04 degrees and 01 minute. i.e., Tula lagnam at 04 degree and 01 minutes, which is Chitta 4 padam. or 184 deg. 01 minute. 06-04-05 00-00-15 06-04-20 00-00-19 06-04-01 plus minus 73 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHATPER 63 NAVAMSA CHAKRA Ari Asw Rohi Puna Makh Hast Visak Mool Sharv P.Bha Tau Asw Roh Puna Makh Hast Visak Mool Sharv P.Bha Gem Can Asw Roh Puna Makh Hast Visak Mool Sharv P.Bha Asw Roh Puna Makh Hast Visak Mool Sharv P.Bha Le Bhar Mrig Push Pubb Chitta Anur P.Ash Dhani U.Bha Vir Bhar Mrig Push Pubb Chitta Anur P.Ash Dhani U.Bha Lib Bhar Mrig Push Pubb Chitta Anur P.Ash Dhani U.Bha Sco Bhar Mrig Push Pubb Chitta Anur P.Ash Dhani U.Bha Sag Krut Aru Asle Uthra Swat Jyesh U. Ash Satab Revati Cap Krut Aru Asle Uthra Swat Jyesh U. Ash Satab Revati Aqu Krut Aru Asle Uthra Swat Jyesh U. Ash Satab Revati Pis Krut Aru Asle Uthra Swat Jyesh U. Ash Satab Revati If any planet or Asc falls in Aswini 1st pada I.e., 00 deg to 3 deg 20 min in Aries, in the Navamsa chakra, please put that planet or Asc in Aries only. Suppose one person born on 14 April to 17 april and that case the longitude of sun is 0 deg to 3-20 then in the navamsa chakra place sun in Aries only. Once the longidue of Sun is in between 3-20 to 6-40 then place Sun in Taurus. The same way for other planets. The same way for other planets who are placed in other stars as per the table above. 74 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 64 TRANSIT The transit of planets is very important in predictive part. Following are the planets’ transit time in a sign. Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Asc 30 days 2 ¼ days 45 days 30 to 40 days 1 year (including retrograde time) 30 to 40 days 2 ½ years (including retrograde time) 18 months 18 months 2 hours (Asc is not a planet, but a mathematical point) 75 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 65 CLUE TO ASC CALCULATION. There will be 12 Ascendants in a day, each having approx. 2 hours, thus totaling to 24 hours, which is one day again. The ascendant is always counted from the position of Sun. For example on April 14th every year Sun enters Aries as per Nirayana. From Sun rise to approx for next hours Asc will be in Aries. Say 8 a.m. From 8 a.m. onwards upto 10 a.m. (apprx.) Asc will be in Taurus and so on. Similar way from May 15th every onwards the Asc starts at sun rise at Taurus, since Sun will be in Taurus as per Nirayana. The same way for other signs. Mar Rah Sun Mon Mer Chart at 11.04 a.m. on 17th May 2007 at Hyderabad, India Jup® Ven Asc –16 deg 14min Sat Ket Jup® == R means retrograde. Other planets are in direct motion. Of course, Rahu and Ketu are always in retrograde motion. Today is 17th May 2007 and Sun is in Taurus at around 2 degrees. At the time of Sun rise on 17th May 2007, the ascendant (lagna) shall be at Taurus. At 11.04 a.m. Asc travelled upto Cancer at 16 deg 14 minutes. This is a clue to Asc calculation. 76 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 66 – PLANETARY YOGAMS Moon or Lunar yogas. Following are the yogas connected with the planet Moon. Anapha yogam When there is a planet excepting Sun, Rahu and Ketu placed in the sign 12th from moon sign, it is called Anapha yogam. Sunapha yogam When there is a planet excepting Sun, Rahu and Ketu placed in the sign 2nd from moon sign, it is called Sunapha yogam. Mars Moon Moon Mercury Anapha yogam Sunapha yogam Durdura yogam When there is a planet, excepting Sun, Rahu and Ketu placed in the signs 12th and 2nd from moon sign, it is called Durdura yogam. Kemadruma yogam When there is no planet placed either in 12th or 2nd from Moon sign, it is called Kemadruma yogam. Mars Moon Mercury Durdura yogam Jup Kemadruma yogam Mar Sun Ven Mer ==== Moon ==== Sat Gaja Kesari yogam When Moon and Jupiter are placed in equal quadrants, it is called Gaja Kesari yogam. The quadrants are 1,4,7,10. Suppose (1) Jupiter is placed in a sign along with Moon (2) Jupiter is placed in 4th sign from Moon sign (3) Jupiter is placed in 7th sign from Moon sign (4) Jupiter is placed in 10th sign from Moon sign. If any of the above conditions are met, then it is called Gaja Kesari yogam. 77 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY Mon Jup Gaj Kesari yogam. Jup in 1st from Mon. Mon Jup Gaj Kesari yogam. Jup in 4th from Mon. Jup Gaj Kesari yogam. Jup in 7th from Mon. Mon Mon Gaj Kesari Yogam. Jup in 10th from Mon. Jup “Gaj” means elephant and “kesari” means lion. The person will have the strength of a lion and brain of an elephant. Can witness 1000 full moons in his life time, builder of a town or village, good memory power, intelligent, wise, proud, but adamant in nature, can foresee the future. Chandra Aadi yogam Garuda Yogam Chandra mangala yogam When Mars and Moon either in equal 7ths or conjointed, it is called Chandra (Sashi) mangala yogam. The native will be very courageous. May earn in unscrupulous way, mean minded. Worldly wise and materially successful. Kuhu yogam Conjunction of Sun and Moon is stated to be Kuhu yogam. Amavasya yogam When the Moon is placed within 348 deg. to 360 deg. from longitude of Sun Amavasya causes, which renders lesser strength for moon. Chandra Chandala yogam When Moon is placed along with Rahu in a sign, it is called Chandra Chandala yogam. The person may have mean mind or poor intelligence. 78 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY Sakata yogam When Moon and Jupiter are placed in 6 / 8 houses from each other, it is called Sakata yogam. Sakata means wheel. It is said that the fortune of such native will be like a wheel, which means ups and downs. SUN YOGAS Vasi yogam When there is a planet excepting the Nodes and Moon placed in the 12th sign from Sun, it is called Vasi yogam. Vesi yogam When there is a planet excepting the Nodes and Moon placed in the 2nd sign from Sun, it is called Vesi yogam. If a malefic is posited in 2nd house from Sun then it is called papa vesi yogam. If a benefic planet is posited in the 2nd house from Sun, then it is called subha vesi yogam. Same rule is applicable for Vasi yoga also. Ubhayachari yogam When there is a planet excepting the Nodes and Moon placed in the 2nd and 12th signs from Sun, it is called Ubhayachari yogam. Athi-nipuna yogam When Mercury joins Sun it is called Athi-nipuna yogam or Budha Aditya yogam. This makes the native very strong, intelligenet, wise, and entail good longevity (When Sun or Mercury is connected with longevity). Surya Mangala yogam. When Sun is placed with Mars it is called Surya Mangala yogam. Surya Chandaala yogam. When Sun is placed with Rahu, it is called Surya Chandaala yogam. 79 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY CHAPTER 67 OTHER IMPORTANT YOGAS. AMALA YOGAM. If a benefic planet is occupied in the 10th house (house of profession) then it is called Amala yogam. The native will be trustworthy, good qualities, can trust him for anything. Benefic planets are Jupiter, Venus, un-afflicted Mercury, strong and unafflicted Moon. SUBHA KARTARI YOGA When a planet or Ascendant, though a mathematical point in astrology, falls in between benefic planets, Subha Kartari yoga confers. Subha means benefic and Kartari means scissors (cutting). The significations allocated to such a planet and its lordship gets fortified. PAPA KARTARI YOGA When a planet or Ascendant, though a mathematical point in astrology, falls in between malefic planets, Subha Kartari yoga confers. Papa means malefic and Kartari means scissors (cutting). The significations allocated to such a planet and its lordship gets afflicted. Ket Asc Sat Mar Asc Mon Papa Kartari yoga for 5th house. (all childredn died) Ket Mar Jup Sat Papa Kartari yoga for 7th lord. (husband died early) RAJA YOGAMS (HIGHEST POSITIONS) When lords of kendra and kona (Quadrants and trines) conjoin, aspect this yoga is formed. VIPARITA RAJA YOGA When the lords of 6,8,12 are connected to each other or placed in 6,8,12 respectively, Viparita Raja yoga causes. Viparita means reverse. Sudden rise to the position, but losses out suddenly and _____________. 80 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR ASTROLOGERS. The following are the general guidelines to be maintained religiously by Astrologers:Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do not use false words to any consultant or boast about yourself. maintain humbles to the maximum possible. not use astrology as a weapon to exploit the public. maintain calmness and do not get annoyed. not be egoistic. not do any upasana of any idol. chant Vishnu sahasranama whenever time permits chant gayantri mantra daily chant mahamruthyunjaya mantra daily worship lord ganesha / lord mahavishnu. 81 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY ASTRONOMY – SUN The Sun is the most prominent feature in our solar system. It is the largest object and contains approximately 98% of the total solar system mass. One hundred and nine Earths would be required to fit across the Sun's disk, and its interior could hold over 1.3 million Earths. The Sun's outer visible layer is called the photosphere and has a temperature of 6,000°C (11,000°F). This layer has a mottled appearance due to the turbulent eruptions of energy at the surface. Solar energy is created deep within the core of the Sun. It is here that the temperature (15,000,000° C; 27,000,000° F) and pressure (340 billion times Earth's air pressure at sea level) is so intense that nuclear reactions take place. This reaction causes four protons or hydrogen nuclei to fuse together to form one alpha particle or helium nucleus. The alpha particle is about .7 percent less massive than the four protons. The difference in mass is expelled as energy and is carried to the surface of the Sun, through a process known as convection, where it is released as light and heat. Energy generated in the Sun's core takes a million years to reach its surface. Every second 700 million tons of hydrogen are converted into helium ashes. In the process 5 million tons of pure energy is released; therefore, as time goes on the Sun is becoming lighter The chromosphere is above the photosphere. Solar energy passes through this region on its way out from the center of the Sun. Faculae and flares arise in the chromosphere. Faculae are bright luminous hydrogen clouds which form above regions where sunspots are about to form. Flares are bright filaments of hot gas emerging from sunspot regions. Sunspots are dark depressions on the photosphere with a typical temperature of 4,000°C (7,000°F). The corona is the outer part of the Sun's atmosphere. It is in this region that prominences appears. Prominences are immense clouds of glowing gas that erupt from the upper chromosphere. The outer region of the corona stretches far into space and consists of particles traveling slowly away from the Sun. The corona can only be seen during total solar eclipses. The Sun appears to have been active for 4.6 billion years and has enough fuel to go on for another five billion years or so. At the end of its life, the Sun will start to fuse helium into heavier elements and begin to swell up, ultimately growing so large that it will swallow the Earth. After a billion years as a red giant, it will suddenly collapse into a white dwarf -- the final end product of a star like ours. It may take a trillion years to cool off completely 82 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY ASTRONOMY – MERCURY Mercury was named by the Romans after the fleet-footed messenger of the gods because it seemed to move more quickly than any other planet. It is the closest planet to the Sun, and second smallest planet in the solar system. Its diameter is 40% smaller than Earth and 40% larger than the Moon. It is even smaller than Jupiter's moon Ganymede and Saturn's moon Titan. If an explorer were to step onto the surface of Mercury, he would discover a world resembling lunar terrain. Mercury's rolling, dust-covered hills have been eroded from the constant bombardment of meteorites. Fault-cliffs rise for several kilometers in height and extend for hundreds of kilometers. Craters dot the surface. The explorer would notice that the Sun appears two and a half times larger than on Earth; however, the sky is always black because Mercury has virtually no atmosphere to cause scattering of light. As the explorer gazes out into space, he might see two bright stars. One appearing as cream colored Venus and the other as blue colored Earth. Until Mariner 10, little was known about Mercury because of the difficulty in observing it from Earth telescopes. At maximum elongation it is only 28 degrees from the Sun as seen from Earth. Because of this, it can only be viewed during daylight hours or just prior to sunrise or after sunset. When observed at dawn or dusk, Mercury is so low on the horizon that the light must pass through 10 times the amount of Earth's atmosphere than it would if Mercury was directly overhead. During the 1880's, Giovanni Schiaparelli drew a sketch showing faint features on Mercury. He determined that Mercury must be tidally locked to the Sun, just as the Moon is tidally locked to Earth. In 1962, radio astronomers looked at radio emissions from Mercury and determined that the dark side was too warm to be tidally locked. It was expected to be much colder if it always faced away from the Sun. In 1965, Pettengill and Dyce determined Mercury's period of rotation to be 59 +- 5 days based upon radar observations. Later in 1971, Goldstein refined the rotation period to be 58.65 +- 0.25 days using radar observations. After close observation by the Mariner 10 spacecraft, the period was determined to be 58.646 +- 0.005 days. Although Mercury is not tidally locked to the Sun, its rotational period is tidally coupled to its orbital period. Mercury rotates one and a half times during each orbit. Because of this 3:2 resonance, a day on Mercury (sun rise to sun rise) is 176 Earth days long as shown by the following diagram 83 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY ASTRONOMY -- VENUS Venus, the jewel of the sky, was once know by ancient astronomers as the morning star and evening star. Early astronomers once thought Venus to be two separate bodies. Venus, which is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, is veiled by thick swirling cloud cover. Astronomers refer to Venus as Earth's sister planet. Both are similar in size, mass, density and volume. Both formed about the same time and condensed out of the same nebula. However, during the last few years scientists have found that the kinship ends here. Venus is very different from the Earth. It has no oceans and is surrounded by a heavy atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide with virtually no water vapor. Its clouds are composed of sulfuric acid droplets. At the surface, the atmospheric pressure is 92 times that of the Earth's at sea-level. Venus is scorched with a surface temperature of about 482° C (900° F). This high temperature is primarily due to a runaway greenhouse effect caused by the heavy atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Sunlight passes through the atmosphere to heat the surface of the planet. Heat is radiated out, but is trapped by the dense atmosphere and not allowed to escape into space. This makes Venus hotter than Mercury. A Venusian day is 243 Earth days and is longer than its year of 225 days. Oddly, Venus rotates from east to west. To an observer on Venus, the Sun would rise in the west and set in the east. Until just recently, Venus' dense cloud cover has prevented scientists from uncovering the geological nature of the surface. Developments in radar telescopes and radar imaging systems orbiting the planet have made it possible to see through the cloud deck to the surface below. Four of the most successful missions in revealing the Venusian surface are NASA's Pioneer Venus mission (1978), the Soviet Union's Venera 15 and 16 missions (1983-1984), and NASA's Magellan radar mapping mission (1990-1994). As these spacecraft began mapping the planet a new picture of Venus emerged. Venus' surface is relatively young geologically speaking. It appears to have been completely resurfaced 300 to 500 million years ago. Scientists debate how and why this occurred. The Venusian topography consists of vast plains covered by lava flows and mountain or highland regions deformed by geological activity. Maxwell Montes in Ishtar Terra is the highest peak on Venus. The Aphrodite Terra highlands extend almost half way around the equator. Magellan images of highland regions above 2.5 kilometers (1.5 miles) are unusually bright, characteristic of moist soil. However, liquid water does not exist on the surface and cannot account for the bright highlands. One theory suggests that the bright material might be composed of metallic compounds. Studies have shown the material might be iron pyrite (also know as "fools gold"). It is unstable on the plains but would be stable in the highlands. The material could also be some type of exotic material which would give the same results but at lower concentrations. Venus is scarred by numerous impact craters distrubuted randomly over its surface. Small craters less that 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) are almost non-existent due to the heavy Venusian atmosphere. The exception occurs when large meteorites shatter just before impact, creating crater clusters. Volcanoes and volcanic features are even more numerous. At least 85% of the Venusian surface is covered with volcanic rock. Hugh lava flows, extending for hundreds of kilometers, have flooded the lowlands creating vast plains. More than 100,000 small shield volcanoes dot the surface along with hundreds of large volcanos. Flows from volcanos have produced long sinuous channels extending for hundreds of kilometers, with one extending nearly 7,000 kilometers (4,300 miles). 84 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY Giant calderas more than 100 kilometers (62 miles) in diameter are found on Venus. Terrestrial calderas are usually only several kilometers in diameter. Several features unique to Venus include coronae and arachnoids. Coronae are large circular to oval features, encircled with cliffs and are hundreds of kilometers across. They are thought to be the surface expression of mantle upwelling. Archnoids are circular to elongated features similar to coronae. They may have been caused by molten rock seeping into surface fractures and producing systems of radiating dikes and fractures ASTRONOMY -- SATURN Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and is the second largest in the solar system with an equatorial diameter of 119,300 kilometers (74,130 miles). Much of what is known about the planet is due to the Voyager explorations in 1980-81. Saturn is visibly flattened at the poles, a result of the very fast rotation of the planet on its axis. Its day is 10 hours, 39 minutes long, and it takes 29.5 Earth years to revolve about the Sun. The atmosphere is primarily composed of hydrogen with small amounts of helium and methane. Saturn is the only planet less dense than water (about 30 percent less). In the unlikely event that a large enough ocean could be found, Saturn would float in it. Saturn's hazy yellow hue is marked by broad atmospheric banding similar to, but fainter than, that found on Jupiter. The wind blows at high speeds on Saturn. Near the equator, it reaches velocities of 500 meters a second (1,100 miles an hour). The wind blows mostly in an easterly direction. The strongest winds are found near the equator and velocity falls off uniformly at higher latitudes. At latitudes greater than 35 degrees, winds alternate east and west as latitude increases. Saturn's ring system makes the planet one of the most beautiful objects in the solar system. The rings are split into a number of different parts, which include the bright A and B rings and a fainter C ring. The ring system has various gaps. The most notable gap is the Cassini [kahSEE-nee] Division, which separates the A and B rings. Giovanni Cassini discovered this division in 1675. The Encke [EN-kee] Division, which splits the A Ring, is named after Johann Encke, who discovered it in 1837. Space probes have shown that the main rings are really made up of a large number of narrow ringlets. The origin of the rings is obscure. It is thought that the rings may have been formed from larger moons that were shattered by impacts of comets and meteoroids. The ring composition is not known for certain, but the rings do show a significant amount of water. They may be composed of icebergs and/or snowballs from a few centimeters to a few meters in size. Much of the elaborate structure of some of the rings is due to the gravitational effects of nearby satellites. This phenomenon is demonstrated by the relationship between the F-ring and two small moons that shepherd the ring material. Radial, spoke-like features in the broad B-ring were also found by the Voyagers. The features are believed to be composed of fine, dust-size particles. The spokes were observed to form and dissipate in the time-lapse images taken by the Voyagers. While electrostatic charging may create spokes by levitating dust particles above the ring, the exact cause of the formation of the spokes is not well understood. 85 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY D –9 or Navamsha chakra is appended below: Aslesha Arudra Kruthika Aslesha Arudra Kruthika Aslesha Arudra Kruthika Aslesha Arudra Kruthika 4p 4p 4p 3p 3p 3p 2p 2p 2p 1p 1p 1p Aswini 1p Rohini 1p Punarvasu 1p Aswini 2p Rohini 2p Punarvasu 2p Aswini 3p Rohini 3p Punarvasu 3p Aswini 3p Rohini 3p Punarvasu 3p Bharani 1p Mrigashira 1p Pushya 1p Bharani 2p Mrigashir 2p Pushya 2p Bharani 4p Mrigashir 4p Pushya 4p Bharani 3p Mrigashir 3p Pushya 3p Jyeshta 4p Swati 4p Uthara 4p Jyeshta 3p Swati 3p Uthara 3p Jyeshta 2p Swati 2p Uthara 2p Jyeshta 1p Swati 1p Uthara 1p Makha Hasta Visakha 1p 1p 1p Makha Hasta Visakha 2p 2p 2p Pubba 4p Chitra 4p Anurada 4p Pubba 3p Chitra 3p Anurada 3p Makha 3p Hasta 3p Visakha 3p Makha 4p Hasta 4p Visakha 4p Pubba 1p Chitra 1p Anurada 1p Pubba 2p Chitra 2p Anurada 2p Revati 4p Satabish 4p U Ashada 4p Revati 3p Satabish 3p U Ashada 3p Revati 2p Satabish 2p U Ashada 2p Revati 1p Satabish 1p U Ashada 1p Moola Shrava P Bhadra 1p 1p 1p Moola Shrava P Bhadra 2p 2p 2p P Ashada 4p Dhanishta 4p U. Bhadra 4p P Ashada 3p Dhanishta 3p U. Bhadra 3p Moola Shrava P Bhadra Moola Shrava P Bhadra P Ashada Dhanishta U. Bhadra P Ashada Dhanishta U. Bhadra 3p 3p 3p 4p 4p 4p 1p 1p 1p 2p 2p 2p 86 HINDU PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY BADHAKA AND YOGAKRAKA Badhaka or house of obstruction details are as follows: For all Chara (Moveable sign) born 11th house shall be the house of obstruction (badhaka sthaan) For all Sthira (Fixed sign) born sthaan) 9th house shall be the house of obstruction (badhaka For all Dwi-swabhava (Dual sign born) 07th house shall be the house of obstruction (badhaka sthaan) Based upon this the following table may be perused: Sign Aries (Mesh) Taurus (Vrishabh) Gemini (Mithun) Cancer (Katak) Leo (Simha) Virgo (Kanya) Libra (Tula) Scorpio (Vrischik) Sagittarius (Dhanu) Capricorn (Makar) Aquarius (Kumbh) Pisces (Meen) Badhaka Sthaan 11th 09th 07th 11th 09th 07th 11th 09th 07th 11th 09th 07th Badhaka Sign Aquarius Capricorn Sagittarius Taurus Aries Pisces Leo Cancer Gemini Scorpio Libra Virgo Badhaka Sign lord Saturn Saturn Jupiter Venus Mars Jupiter Sun Moon Mercury Mars Venus Gemini Besides Badhaka lord, if any planet posited in Badhaka house will become a badhaka. A planet posited in the star of either lord of Badhaka or occupant of badhaka also become badhaka. Yoagaraka Yogakaraka is a planet become lord of Quadrant (1,4,7,10) and Trine (1,5,9) for a particular sign. The meaning of yogakaraka is “most beneficial” For example, if person is born in Libra or Taurus born Saturn shall be the yogakaraka planet. Saturn becomes lord of quadrant house as well as a trine house. For Taurus born (including Moon sign), Saturn becomes lord of 9 and 10. For Libra born (including Moon sign) Saturn becomes lord of 4 and 5. Similarly, for Cancer or Leo born, Mars shall be the lord of Quadrant and Trine and as such Mars is the yogakaraka for these two signs (both for Ascendant as well as for Moon.) For OCCUPANT IS STRONGER ROLE OF NODES 87
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