ASTM C90 - Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units

March 21, 2018 | Author: Vanz Yngente | Category: Concrete, Masonry, Cement, Construction Aggregate, Building Materials



-ltrflUlt) C 90 - 05 Desiqnation: trt-7..- tryERuano!4 for StandardSpecification LoadbearingConcreteMasonryUnitsl This stanrlardis issuedunderthe fixed rlesignationC 90; the numberimmediatelyfollowing the designationindicatesthe year of original indicatesthe year of last reapproval.A superscript adoptionor, in the caseof revision, the year of last revision.A numberin parentheses epsilon (e) indicatesan editorial changesince the last revision or reapp'oval' ThLsstandard has been approvedfor use b1tagencies o.f the l)epartment of Defense 1. Scope* 1.1 This specificationcovers hollow and solid (see5.3 and -5.4) concrete masonry units made from hydraulic cement, water, and mineral aggregateswith or without the inclusion of other materials. There are three classes of concrete masonry units: (1) normal weight, (2) medium'weight, and (3) lightweight. These units are suitable for both loadbearing and ":,rra: ' nontadbearing applications. 1.2 Concretemasonry units covered by this specificationare made from lightweight or nonnal weight aggregates,or both. 1.3 The text of this standardreferencesnotes and footnotes which provide explanatory material' These notes and footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered as requirements of the standard. 1.4 The values statedin inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only. Nore l-When particularfeaturesaredesiredsuchas surfacetextures propertiessuchas or bond,finish,color,or penticular for appearance thermal fireresistance, strength, highercompressive weightclassification, performance, shouldbe specified these1'eatures performance or acoustical asto the Localsuppliers shouldbeconsulted by thepurchaser. separately availabilityof unitshavingthe desiredfeatures. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards:z C 33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates C 140 Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units C 150 Specification for Portland Cement C 331 Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for Concrete Masonry Units I This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C15 on Manuf'acturedMasonry Units and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C15.03 on ConcreteMasonry Units and RelatedUnits. Current edition approved Feb. l. 2005. Published April 2005. Originally approvedin 1931. Last previousedition approvedin 2003 as C 90-03' 2 For referencedASTM standards,visit the ASTM rvebsite,w*'w.astm'org, or contactASTM CustomerServiceat service@astmorg. For Ann'ualBook of ASTM volume infonnation,refer to the standard'sDocumentSummarypageon Stantlarul.s the ASTM website. C 426 Test Method for Linear Drying Shrinkage of Concrete Masonry Units C 595 Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements C 618 Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Concrete C 989 Specification for Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag for Use in Concrete and Mortars C ll57 Performance Specification for Hydraulic Cement C l2?g Terminology of Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units C 1232 Terminology of Masonry C 1314 Test Method for Compressive Strength of Masonry Prisms E 519 Test Method for Diagonal Tension (Shear) in Masonry Assemblages E 72 Methods for Conducting Strength Tests of Panels fbr Building Construction 3. Terminology 3.1 Terminology defined in Terminology C 1209 and Terminology C 1232 shall apply for this specification. 4. Materials 4.1 CementitiousMaterials-Materials shall confbrm to the following applicable specifications: 4.7.1 Portland Cem.ent-SpecificationC 150. 4.I.2 Modified Ponland Cement-Portland cement conforming to Specification C 150, modified as follows: (I) Limestone-If calcium carbonate is added to the cement, the CaCO. content shall not be less than 85 Vc. (2) Limitation on Insohtble Resi.due-l .5 Vo. (3) Limitation on Air Content of Mortar-Yolume percent, 22Vo max. (4) Limitation on Loss on lgnition--:7 Vo. 4.1.3 Blended Hydraulic Cements-Specification C 595. 4.1.4 Hydraulic Cement-Specification C 11-57. 4.1.5 Pozzolans-SpecificationC 618. 4.1.6 Blast Furnace Slag Cement-Specification C 989. 4.2 Aggregafes-Aggregates shall conform to the following specifications, except that grading requirements shall not necessarily apply: *A Surnmary of Changessection appears at the end of this standard' CopyrightO ASTNI International,100 Batr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United Slates. {$pceo-05 4.2.1 Normal Weight Aggregates-SpecificationC 33. 4.2.2 Li ghmeight Aggregales-Specifi cation C 331. 4.3 Other Constituents-Air-entraining agents, coloring pigments, integral water repellents, finely ground silica, and other constituentsshall be previously establishedas suitable for use in concrete masonry units and shall conform to applicable ASTM standardsor shall be shown by test or experiencenot to be detrimental to the durability of the concrete masonry units or any material customarily used in masonry construction. 5. Physical Requirements Physical Reqrrirements 5.1 At the time of delivery to the purchaser, units shall conform to the physical requirementsprescribedin Table I and Table 2. thanthoselistedin Table2 may strengths NorE 2-Higher cornpressive be specifiedwhererequiredby design.Consultwith local suppliersto strength. availabilityof unitsof highercompressive determine capability has been establishedwhen tested in accordancewith the applicable provisions of Test Methods 872, C 1314, E 5i9, or other applicable tests and the appropriate design criteria developed is in accordancewith applicablebuilding codes. 5.4 Solid Units: 5.4.1 The net cross-sectionalarea of solid units in every plane parallel to the bearing surfaceshall be not less than75 Vo of the gross cross-sectionalarea measuredin the same plane. 5.5 End Flanges: 5.5.1 For units having end flanges, the thickness of each flange shall not be less than the minimum face shell thickness. Nore 5-Flangesbeveledat the endsfor mortarless headjoint applicationsthat will be filled with groutareexemptfrom this requirement. Flanges whicharespeciallyshaped for mortarless headjoint applications which have been shownby testingor field experienceto provide performance equivalent areexemptfrom thisrequirement. 6. Permissible Variations in Dimensions 6.1 Standard Units-For standardunits, no overall dimension (width, height, and length) shall differ by more than +Vs in. (3.2 mm) from the specifieddimensions. Norr 3-The purchaseris the public body or authority,uSro.iutio-iil"'o'' 6.2 Partictilar Feqture Units-For perticular feature units, partnership, or individualenteringinto a contractor agreecorporation, dimensions shall be in accordancewith the following: masonryunits.Thetimeof or both,concrete or instaLll, mentto purchase 6.2.1 For molded face units, no overall dimension (width, delivery to the purchaseris FOB plant when the purchaseror the height, and length) shall differ by more than :Va in. (3.2 mm) purchaser's the concretemasonryunits,or at the time agenttransports agent from the specified standarddimension. Dimensions of molded or themanufacturer's unloaded at theworksiteif themanufacturer masonryunits. transports theconcrete featuresshall be within a%e in. (1.6 mm) of the specified standarddimensions and shall be within + t/rc in. ( 1.6 mm) of 5.3 Hollovv Units: the specified placement of the molded feature. 5.3.1 Face shell thickness(tt ) and web thickness(t-) shall conform to the requirementsprescribed in Table 1. NorB6-Molded featuresinclude.but arenot limitedto: r'ibs.scores, andpatterns. Noru 4-Web thickness(L) not conforming to the requirements hex-shapes, provided structural equivalent prescribed I may be approved, in Tablc 6.2.2 For split-faced units, all non-split overall dimensions shall differ by not more than +Ve in. (3.2 mm) from the specified standard dimensions. On faces that are split, overall TABLE1 MinimumThicknessof FaceShellsand Webs dimension will vary. Consult with local suppliers to determine Web Thickness (t-) achievable dimensional tolerances. EquivalentWeb 6.2.3 For slump units, no overall height dimension shall Thickness,min, differ by more than -+/s in. (3.2 mm) from the specified in./linearft8'c (mm/linearm) standarddimension. On faces that are slumped, overall dimen3/t 3/a (19) (19) 1% (136) 3 (76.2)and 4 (102) sions will vary. Consult with local suppliers to determine 21/q(188) 1 (25) 1 (2s)D 6 (15 2 ) achievable dimensional tolerances. p2)D (188) 5.2 At the time of delivery to tlrq purchaser, the linear shrinkage of units shall not exceed 0.065 7o. *"uill,H"llff'" n ftii*j** w?:fimn, 8 {203) 10 (2s4) 12 (305) and greater 1V4 13la (35)D 11/+ (32)D'E 1V, (38) 1 (25) 11/a(29) 2% 21/e(209) 1Ve (29\ 21/z(209) 11/t (32)D'E AAverage of measurements on 3 units taken at the thinnest point when measuredas describedin Test MethodsC 140. When this standardis used for split face units, nol more than 10 % of a split face shell area shall be less than shown, and the face shell thicknessin this area shall be not less than % in. (19.'l mm). When the units are solid grouted the 10 o/. limit does not apply. aAverage of measurements on 3 units taken at the thinnest point when measured as described in Test Methods C 140. The minimum web thickness for unitswith webs closerthan 1 in. (25.4 mm) apart shall be3/+in. (19.1 mm). c Sum of the measuredthicknessesot all webs in the unit,multipliedby 12 and divided by the length of the unit. Equivalentweb thickness does not apply to the portionof the unit to be filled with grout.The lengthof that portionshall be deducted from the overall length ol the unit for the calculation of the equivalent web thickness. D For solidgroutedmasonryconstruction, minimumJaceshellthicknessshallbe not less than % in. (.16mm). EThis face shell thickness(t.) is applicablewhere allowabledesign load is reduced in proportion to the reduction in thickness from basic tace shell thicknesses shown, except that allowabledesign loads on solid grouled units shall not be reduced. 7. Finish and Appearance 7.1 All units shall be sound urd free of cracks or other defects that interfere with the proper placement of the unit or significantly impair the strengthor perrnanenceof the construction. Minor cracks, incidental to the usual method of manufacture or minor chipping resulting from customary methods of handling in shipment and delivery, are not grounds for rejection. 1.2 Where units are to be used in exposedwall construction, the face or faces that are to be exposed shall not show chips or cracks, not otherwise permitted, or other imperfections when viewed from a distance of not less than 20 ft (6.1 m) under diffused lighting. 7.2.1 Fle percentof a shipmentcontainingchips,not larger than 1 in. (25.4 mm) in any dimension, or cracks not wider than 0.02 in. (0.5 mm) and not longer than 25 Vo of the nominal height of the unit, is permitted. ,fipceo-05 TABLE 2 Strength, Absorption, and Weight Classification Requirements Maximum Water MinimumNet Area CompressiveStrength - , Less Than 105 (1680) tbltt3 ofG MediumWeight,105 to Less than 125 (1680-2000) or more tS (Z+O) tz (ZzZ) ZO(SZO) l..tnit tzOO(tt.z) tnOiviOLrat A Average oven-drydensity,based on a set of three units, shall fall within ranges defined in the table to be classifiedas lightweight,medium weight, or normal weight. 7.3 The color and texture of units shall be specified by the purchaser.The finished surfacesthat will be exposed in place shall conform to an approved sample, consisting of not less than four units, representing the range of texture and color permitted. 7.4 A shipment shall not contain more than 5 7o of units, including broken units, that do not meet the requirements of 6 .1 , 7 . 1, 7. 2, and7. 2 .1 . from the shipment. A new sample shall be selected by the purchaser from remaining units from the shipment with a similar configuration and dimension and tested at the expense of the manufacturer.If the second sample meets the specified requirements, the remaining ponion of the shipment represented by the sample meets the specified requirements.If the second sample fails to meet the specified requirements, the remaining portion of the shipment representedby the sample fails to meet the specified requirements. 8. Sampling and Testing Nors 7-Unless otherwisespecified in thepurchase order,thecostof 8.1 The purchaser or authorized representative shall be accordedproper facilities to inspect and sample the units at thE:+' testsis typicallyborneasfollows:(1) if theresultsof thetestsshowthat thecost theunitsdo notconformto therequirements of thisspecification, place of manufacture from the lots ready for delivery. (2) if theresultsof thetestsshowtharthe is typically borne by the seller; Test Methods with in units accordance and test 8.2 Sample requirements, thecostis typicallyborne unitsconformto thespecification c r40. the purchaser. by 8.3 Total linear drying shrinkage shall be based on tests of concretemasonry units made with the samematerials,concrete 10. Keywords mix design, manufacturing process, and curing method, con10.1 absorption; concrete masonry units; equivalent web ducted in accordancewith Test Method C 126 and not more thickness; face shell; flange; lightweight; linear shrinkage; than 24 months prior to delivery. loadbearing; medium weight; normal weight; webs 9. Compliance 9.1 If a sample fails to conform to the specified requirements, the manufacturer shall be permitted to remove units APPENDTXES (Nonmandatory Information) XI. WATER PENETRATION X1.1 Exterior walls are often subjected to moisture penetration from one or more sources. For example, basement walls may be exposed to water from saturated soil. Abovegrade exterior walls are usually exposed to wind-driven rain. To prevent water penetration, proper detailing, construction, RESISTANCE flashing, and drainage should be provided. Proper water penetration resistanttreatmentsshould be applied to the walls. While it is not within the scopeof Specification C 90 to include information on resistanceto water penetration, such information and guidelines are available from other organizations. X2. CRACKCONTROL X2.L Restrained or differential movement in building elements and building materials can result in cracking. Some common causesof movement are: loads created by wind, soil pressure,seismic forces, or other external sources; settlement of foundations; or volume changesin materials. For example, volume changes in concrete masoffy units can be caused by moisture gain and loss, thermal expansionand contraction, and carbonation. To limit and control cracking due to these and other causes,proper design, detailing, construction, and materials are necessary.Specification C 90 provides a maximum limitation on the total linear drying shrinkage potential of the units, but it is not within the scope of this specification to address other design, detailing, construction, or material recommendations.This type of information and related guidelines for crack control are available from other orsanizations. ceo-os ,($fp SUMMARY OF CHANGES Committee C15 has identified the location of selectedchangesto this standardsince the last issue (C 90 - 03) that may impact the use of this standard. (1) Table ? was modified to define individual unit requirements for water absorption. (2) Footnote A in Table 2 was rewritten to define that weight classifications shall be determined based on oven-dry density. ASTM lnternational takes no position respecting the validity ot any patent ights asseied in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validw of any sueh patent ights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised, either reapprcved or withdrawn- Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and shoutd be addressed to ASTM lnternational Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technica! committee, which you may aftend. If Wu feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, tJnited States. lndividual reprinti (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website . . 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