May 16, 2018 | Author: David Rivadeneira | Category: Heat Treating, Annealing (Metallurgy), Alloy, Welding, Extrusion



Designation: B 601 – 02Standard Classification for Temper Designations for Copper and Copper Alloys— Wrought and Cast1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 601; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. Scope * 5.3 Manufactured Tempers, M—Tempers produced in the 1.1 This is a classification of temper designations for copper product by the primary manufacturing operations of casting and copper alloys—wrought and cast. The temper designations and hot working and controlled by the methods employed in are classified by the process or processes used in manufactur- the operations. ing the product involved and its resulting qualities. It is not a 5.4 Cold-Worked Tempers, H—Tempers produced by con- specification of copper and copper alloy products. trolled amounts of cold work. 1.2 The property requirements for the tempers are given in 5.5 Cold-Worked (Drawn), Stress-Relieved Tempers, HR— the applicable product specification. Tempers produced by controlled amounts of cold work fol- lowed by stress relief. 2. Referenced Documents 5.5.1 Order-Strengthening Tempers, HT—Tempers pro- 2.1 ASTM Standards: duced by controlled amounts of cold work followed by a B 846 Terminology for Copper and Copper Alloys2 thermal treatment to produce order strengthening. 5.6 Heat-Treated Tempers, T—Tempers that are based on 3. Terminology heat treatments followed by rapid cooling. 3.1 For terminology related to copper and copper alloys, 5.6.1 Quench-Hardened Tempers, TQ—Tempers produced refer to Terminology B 846. by quench-hardening treatments. 5.6.2 Solution Heat-Treated Temper, TB—Tempers pro- 4. Significance and Use duced by solution heat-treating precipitation hardenable or 4.1 Significance—This classification establishes an alpha- spinodal hardenable alloys. numeric code of the tempers of copper and copper alloy 5.6.3 Solution Heat-Treated and Cold-Worked Tempers, products. TD—Tempers produced by controlled amounts of cold work of 4.2 Use—The alphanumeric code is used to designate prod- solution heat-treated precipitation hardenable or spinodal hard- uct tempers in specifications and published data. enable alloys. 4.2.1 The letters in the code identify the type of process 5.6.4 Precipitation Heat-Treated Temper, TF—Tempers used to produce the product temper. For example, “H” indi- produced by precipitation heat treatment of precipitation- cates a temper resulting from cold working. hardenable alloys. 5.6.5 Spinodal Heat Treated Temper, TX—Tempers pro- NOTE 1—These letters are frequently the same as those used in temper duced by spinodal heat treatment of spinodal hardenable systems of other metal products. alloys. 5. Classification of Tempers 5.6.6 Cold-Worked and Precipitation Heat-Treated Tem- 5.1 Annealed Tempers, O—Tempers produced by annealing pers, TH—Tempers produced in alloys that have been solution to meet mechanical property requirements. heat treated, cold worked, and precipitation heat treated. 5.2 Annealed Tempers, OS—Tempers produced by anneal- 5.6.7 Cold-Worked and Spinodal Heat-Treated Tempers, ing to meet standard or special grain size requirements. TS—Tempers produced in alloys that have been solution heat treated, cold worked, and spinodal heat treated. 5.6.8 Mill-Hardened Tempers, TM—Tempers of heat- 1 This classification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B05 on treated materials as supplied by the mill resulting from Copper and Copper Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B05.91 on Editorial and Publications. combinations of cold work and precipitation heat treatment or Current edition approved Oct. 10, 2002. Published November 2002. Originally spinodal heat treatment. published as B 601 – 74. Last previous edition B 601 – 01. 2 5.6.9 Precipitation Heat-Treated or Spinodal Heat-Treated Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.01. *A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. 1 . pers. cold H08 Spring working. OS120 0. with Temper Designations Nominal HR08 Spring and Stress Relieved Grain Size Prescribed—OS Avg Grain Size. 6.2 Annealed to Meet Nominal Average Grain Size.1 Cold Worked and Stress Relieved. With these treatments. and annealing when pro. H10 Extra Spring 5. OS100 0.. HR: O81 Annealed to Temper—1⁄4 Hard O82 Annealed to Temper—1⁄2 Hard Temper Names HR01 ⁄ Hard and Stress Relieved 14 6.. OS. TL—Tempers produced by cold OS060 0. mm HR10 Extra Spring and Stress Relieved HR12 Special Spring and Stress Relieved OS005 0.7. or cold working.6. .1 Tube..7.. O: Cold-Worked Temper Names 6.. and Fully Finished Tempers..120 Treated.005 HR20 As-finned OS010 0. the weld area has been .. . and stress relieving when producing tube. WH— H03 3⁄4 Hard Tempers that result from forming... transformed into a wrought structure.050 Temper Name 2 .7. H: 5.. Light Cold-Worked H58 Drawn General Purpose O10 Cast and Annealed (Homogenized) H60 Cold Heading. O: Tempers—H H50 Extruded and Drawn Annealed Temper Names H52 Pierced and Drawn Tempers—O H55 Light Drawn.2. Welded.. Welded and Annealed Temper.2 Tube.2 Cold-Worked Tempers to Meet Standard Requirements Based on Temper Names Applicable to Particular Products...1 Annealed Tempers. H: duced from strip of various tempers and essentially have the 6. W—(Welded tubes are pro.1. H—Tempers that result from both annealing a welded and H12 Special Spring cold-worked tube.7 Tempers of Welded Tubes.. H01 ⁄ Hard 14 H02 1⁄2 Hard 5.045 OS050 0.. 5.10 Precipitation Heat-Treated or Spinodal Heat.065 OS070 0. Temper Designation Codes 6.025 6.7.010 OS015 0..070 alloys. HR: OS035 0. Welded and Cold-Worked Tempers. Cold-Worked Temper Names Tempers—H 5. Cold-Worked and Stress-Relieved Tem. OS: HR02 ⁄ Hard and Stress Relieved 12 HR04 Hard and Stress Relieved HR06 Extra Hard and Stress Relieved Annealed Tempers. Forming O11 As Cast and Precipitation Heat Treated H63 Rivet O20 Hot Forged and Annealed H64 Screw O25 Hot Rolled and Annealed H66 Bolt O30 Hot Extruded and Annealed H70 Bending O31 Extruded and Precipitation Heat Treated H80 Hard Drawn O32 Hot Extruded and Temper Annealed H85 Medium Hard-Drawn Electrical O40 Hot Pierced and Annealed Wire O50 Light Anneal H86 Hard-Drawn Electrical Wire O60 Soft Anneal H90 As-finned O61 Annealed O65 Drawing Anneal O68 Deep Drawing Anneal 6. O. H06 Extra Hard 5.035 OS045 0. WM—Tempers that result from forming and welding when producing tube.150 OS200 0.7.3 Tube. . and the usual temper designations apply. 6.1.2 Drawn and Stress Relieved.1 Annealed to Meet Mechanical Properties. and Thermal Stress-Relieved Tempers. B 601 – 02 and Cold-Worked Tempers. . H00 ⁄ Hard 18 ducing tube. OS150 0.3.3 Cold-Worked Tempers with Added Treatments: O70 Dead Soft Anneal O80 Annealed to Temper—1⁄8 Hard 6. welding. welding.) Based on Cold Rolling or Cold Drawing. WO—Temper that results from forming..4 Tube.1 Cold-Worked Tempers to Meet Standard Requirements temper of the strip except in the heat-affected zone. ... welding. As-Welded Tempers. .2. . Cold-Worked.2 Cold-Worked Tempers. WR—Tempers that result from forming. Welded. and cold working H04 Hard when producing tube.015 OS025 0.200 TR—Tempers produced in the cold-worked precipitation heat- treated or spinodal heat-treated alloys by thermal stress relief.5 Tube. H: 6. a welded cold-worked and H13 Ultra Spring H14 Super Spring annealed tube.3.060 working the precipitation heat-treated or spinodal heat-treated OS065 0..100 5. . 6. Treated and 1⁄8 Hard TF: TL01 Precipitation Heat Treated or Spinodal Heat Treated and 1⁄4 Hard 3 . TS: M07 As Continuous Cast M10 As Hot Forged—Air Cooled Temper Names M11 As Forged—Quenched M20 As Hot Rolled TS00 ⁄ Hard and Spinodal Hardened (1⁄8 TS) 18 M25 As Hot Rolled and Rerolled TS01 ⁄ Hard and Spinodal Hardened (1⁄4 TS) 14 M30 As Hot Extruded TS02 1⁄2 Hard and Spinodal Hardened (1⁄2 TS) M40 As Hot Pierced TS03 3⁄4 Hard and Spinodal Hardened (3⁄4 TS) M45 As Hot Pierced and Rerolled TS04 Hard and Spinodal Hardened . M: TH01 ⁄ Hard and Precipitation Heat Treated (1⁄4 HT) 14 TH02 ⁄ Hard and Precipitation Heat Treated (1⁄2 HT) 12 Temper Names TH03 3⁄4 Hard and Precipitation Heat Treated (3⁄4 HT) TH04 Hard and Precipitation Heat Treated (HT) M01 As Sand Cast M02 As Centrifugal Cast M03 As Plaster Cast 6..9 Precipitation Heat Treated or Spinodal Heat Treated TD01 Solution Heat Treated and Cold Worked: ⁄ Hard (1⁄4 H) 14 and Cold Worked. TM: 6. . TB: Manufacturing Designations TM00 AM Temper Name TM01 1⁄4 HM TM02 1⁄2 HM TB00 Solution Heat Treated (A) TM03 3⁄4 HM TM04 HM TM05 SHM 6... HT: Hardness (ATLH) TF02 Precipitation Heat-Treated Plate—High Hardness (ATHH) Temper Names HT04 Hard Temper and Treated HT08 Spring Temper and Treated 6... .4 Hard Drawn End Annealed.4 As-Manufactured Tempers.1 Quench Hardened.2 Solution Heat Treated. TQ: TS08 Spring and Spinodal Hardened .3 Cold Rolled and Order Strengthened. Temper Name 6.5.5 Solution Heat Treated and Spinodal Heat Treated. .3. TS10 Extra Spring and Spinodal Hardened Temper Names ..7 Cold-Worked Tempers and Spinodal Heat Treated to M04 As Pressure Die Cast Meet Standard Requirements Based on Cold Rolling or Cold M05 As Permanent Mold Cast M06 As Investment Cast Drawing.. Cold Drawn and Stress Relieved TQ75 Interrupted Quench 6.5. TD: TM06 XHM TM08 XHMS Temper Names TD00 Solution Heat Treated and Cold Worked: ⁄ Hard 18 6.6 Solution Heat Treated. . B 601 – 02 Temper Name HR50 Drawn and Stress Relieved TF00 Precipitation Hardened (AT) TF01 Precipitation Heat-Treated Plate—Low 6...5. TH: Temper Names 6.3 Solution Heat Treated and Cold Worked.5..3. TL: TD02 Solution Heat Treated and Cold Worked: 1⁄2 Hard (1⁄2 H) TD03 Solution Heat Treated and Cold Worked: 3⁄4 Hard (3⁄4 H) TD04 Solution Heat Treated and Cold Worked: Hard (H) Temper Names TL00 Precipitation Heat Treated or Spinodal Heat 6. T: TS06 Extra Hard and Spinodal Hardened .....4 Solution Heat Treated and Precipitation Heat Treated...5. Cold Worked. HE: TX00 Spinodal Hardened (AT) Temper Name 6.. 6. .5.5. and Precipita- HE80 Hard Drawn and End Annealed tion Heat Treated.. TS12 Special Spring and Spinodal Hardened TQ00 Quench Hardened TS13 Ultra Spring and Spinodal Hardened TQ30 Quench Hardened and Tempered TS14 Super Spring and Spinodal Hardened TQ50 Quenched Hardened and Temper Annealed TQ55 Quench Hardened and Temper Annealed.8 Mill Hardened.5..5..5 Heat-Treated Tempers. TX: . 6. Cold Drawn.6. 1⁄2 Hard and Stress Relieved Purpose WH80 Welded and Reduced or Hard Drawn TR04 Precipitation Heat Treated or Spinodal Heat Treated. and Stress Relieved from: Eighth Hard Temper Names WR01 Welded.6 Tempers of Welded Tube. Thermal Stress Relieved WM21 As-Welded from 1⁄4 Hard Strip. B 601 – 02 TL02 Precipitation Heat Treated or Spinodal Heat WC55 Welded Treated and 1⁄2 Hard and Light TL04 Precipitation Heat Treated or Spinodal Heat Cold-Worked Treated and Hard TL08 Precipitation Heat Treated or Spinodal Heat Treated and Spring 6. Thermal Stress Temper Names Relieved WM20 As-Welded from 1⁄8 Hard Strip. TR: WH02 Welded and Drawn: Half Hard WH03 Welded and Drawn: Three Quarter Hard Temper Names WH04 Welded and Drawn: Hard WH06 Welded and Drawn: Extra Hard TR01 Precipitation Heat Treated or Spinodal Heat Treated.1.6. WC: Temper Name 7. Hard and Stress Relieved 6.1. WR: 6.3 Welded Tube and Light Cold-Worked. Drawn to Meet Property Re- Temper Names quirements: WO50 Welded and Light Annealed Temper Names WO60 Welded and Soft Annealed WO61 Welded and Annealed H— Use appropriate designation for property requirement.1 Fully Finished Tube.6.1 copper and copper alloys. 1⁄4 Hard and Stress Relieved WH55 Welded and Cold Reduced or Light Drawn WH58 Welded and Cold Reduced or Drawn. W: Temper Names 6.10 Precipitation Heat Treated or Spinodal Heat Treated. 6.6. WO: 6.1. Drawn.2 Welded Tube and Annealed.2 Fully Finished Tube.1 As-Welded. and Stress Relieved from: Half Hard WM50 As-Welded from Annealed Strip WR03 Welded. OS. General TR02 Precipitation Heat Treated or Spinodal Heat Treated. and Stress Relieved from: Hard WM02 As-Welded from 1⁄2 Hard Strip WR06 Welded.6.1 or 6. See 6. Keywords 7. Fully Finished.5 Welded Tube. Drawn. WH01 Welded and Drawn: Quarter Hard Cold Worked.4 Welded Tube and Cold Drawn. WH: TL10 Precipitation Heat Treated or Spinodal Heat Treated and Extra Spring Temper Names WH00 Welded and Drawn: Eighth Hard 6.5. and Thermal Stress Relieved.6. Thermal Stress Relieved or grain size requirements. Drawn.6. H: WM06 As-Welded from Extra Hard Strip WM08 As-Welded from Spring Strip 6. WM: WR00 Welded. Drawn.6. and Stress Relieved from: Quarter Hard WR02 Welded. and Stress Relieved from: Three WM00 As-Welded from 1⁄8 Hard Strip Quarter Hard WM01 As-Welded from 1⁄4 Hard Strip WR04 Welded.6 Welded Tube. Annealed to Meet Property WM10 As-Welded from Extra Spring Strip Requirements: WM15 As-Welded from Annealed Strip. and Stress Relieved.2.6. and Stress Relieved from: Extra Hard WM03 As-Welded from 3⁄4 Hard Strip WM04 As-Welded from Hard Strip 6. temper designation 4 . Thermal Stress Relieved O— & OS— Use appropriate designation for property WM22 As-Welded from 1⁄2 Hard Strip. Drawn. Drawn.2 6. See 6. O. are entirely their own responsibility. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone). which you may attend. or service@astm. PA 19428-2959. 5 .1.astm. at the address shown below. either reapproved or withdrawn. United States. B 601 – 02 SUMMARY OF CHANGES Committee B05 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (B 601 .org). Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. and the risk of infringement of such rights. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent (e-mail).01) that may impact the use of this standard: (1) The O32 temper designation was added to 6. PO Box C700.1. West Conshohocken. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee. 100 Barr Harbor Drive. 610-832-9555 (fax). If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International. or through the ASTM website (www. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised. ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard.
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