March 22, 2018 | Author: Amit Panchal | Category: Steel, Heat Treating, Stainless Steel, Specification (Technical Standard), Alloy



Standard Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium-Nickel-Molybdenum CorrosionResistant, Duplex (AustenitidFerritic) for General Application' This standard is issued under fixed designation A 8 W A 890M; the number immediately following the designation indicates year the the of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. 3. Ordering Information 1.1 This specification covers a groupcast duplex stainless of 3.1 Orders for material to specification shall include the this steels (austeniticlfemtic). following, as required, to describe the material adequately: 1.2 The duplex stainless steel alloys offer a combinationof 3.1.1 Description of casting by pattern or drawing number enhanced mechanical properties and corrosion resistance when(dimensional tolerance shall be included on the casting drawproperly balanced in composition and properly heat treated. ing), Ferrite levels are not specified, but these alloys will develop a 3.1.2 Specification designation and grade including yearof issue, range of approximately 30 to 60 % ferrite withthebalance austenite. 3.1.3 Options in the specification ( S e e 9. I), and 3.1.4Supplementaryrequirementsdesired,includingthe 1.3 The values stated in either inch-pound units or memc (SI) units are tobe regarded separatelyas standard. Within the standards of acceptance. text the metric (SI) units are shown in brackets. The values 4. stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each Process 4.1 The steel shall be made by the electric furnace process system must be used independently of the other. Combining as argon-oxygenwith or without separate refining such values from the two systems may result in nonconformance decarburization (AOD). with the specification. 5. Heat Treatment 2. Referenced Documents 5.1Castingsshall be heattreated in accordancewiththe 2.1 ASTM Standards: A 370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing requirements in Table 1. of Steel Products2 NOTE1-Proper heat treatment of these alloys is usually necessary to A 732A732M Specification for Castings, Investment, Car- enhancecorrosion resistance and insomecasestomeetmechanical bonandLow-AlloySteelforGeneralApplication,and properties. Minimum heat-treat temperatures are specified; however, it is Cobalt Alloy for High Strength at Elevated Temperatures3 A 781/A781M Specification for Castings, Steel and Alloy, TABLE 1 HeatTreatment Requirements Common Requirements, for General Industrial Use3 E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Grade Heat Treatment Determine Conformance With Specifications4 l A , 18, 1C Heat to 1900°F[104O"C] minimum, hdd for sufficienttime to E 562 Practice for Determining VolumeFractionbySysheat casting uniformly to temperature, quench in water or rapid cool by other means. tematic Manual Point Counts 2A Heat to 2050°F [1120°C] minimum, hold for sufficient time to E 1245 Practice for Determining the Inclusion or Secondheat casting uniformly to temperature, quench in water or rapid cool by other means. Phase Constituent Contentof Metals by Automatic Image Heat to 1950°F [1070"C] minimum, hold for sufficient time to 3A Analysis' heat casting uniformly to temperature, quench in water 4A or rapid cool by other means. Heat to 2050°F [112O"C] minimum for sufficient time to heat casting uniformly to temperature and water quench, or the casting may be fumace cooled to 1850°F [1010"C]minimum, hold for 15 min minimum and then water quench. A rapid cool by other means may be employed in lieu of water quench. Heat to 2050°F [112O0C]minimum, hold for sufficient time to heat casting to temperature, fumace cool to 1910°F [1045"C] minimum, quench in water or rapid cool by other means. Heat to 2010°F [liOO"C] minimum, hold for sufficient time to heat casting uniformly to temperature, quench in water or cool rapidly by other means. 1 Scope . ' This specification is under the jurisdiction of A S T M Committee A-1 on Steel, Stainless Steel, and Related Alloysand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.18 on Castings. Currenteditionapproved Dec. 10, 1999. Published January 2000. Originally published as A 890 - 88. Last previous edition A 89O/A 8WM - 98. ' A n n u l Book o ASTM Standards. Vol01.03. f Ann& Book of ASTM Stanhdy. Vol01.02. Annual Book of ASTM Storrdards. Vol 14.02. 5Arulual Book ofASTM Stanhrds. Vol 03.01. Copyright OASTM. 100 Barr Harbor Driie. West Conshohocken. PA 194282959. United States 5A 6A 1 COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials Licensed by Information Handling Services 0.O 0. max Silicon.04 0.7 2.030 0.0 6. Repair by Welding 10.0 4.0 6.25 0.10-0.o 0.00 1.5 8. duplex stainless steel.0 4. SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS The following supplementary requirements shall not apply unless specified purchase order. hold for some minimum time at temperature and then rapidly coolthe castings i order n to enhance the corrosion resistanceand meet mechanical properties. Chemical Composition 6.5 . Small-size castings be such that marking must may limited consistent with the available area.03 1. addition. Product Marking 9.10-0. max Sulfur..oo 1.1 austenite..5 3..40-1.2 Weld repairs shall be subject the quality to same standards as are used to inspect the castings.0-5.0-26.25 3A 25CrSNi-Mo-N 593371 CD6MN 4A 2ZCr-5Ni-Mo-N J92205 CD3MN 0.30 .03 1.04 1. ferrite.75-3.5-1 .7-2.06 1 .10-0.04 0.o 0. including any supplementary requirements are that indicated the in purchase order.04 22.C-8.max 0.50 0.5 4. 0.04 24.50 1.3 When post weldheat treatment is believed necessary for adequate corrosion resistance impact or resistance. 0.22-0.30 0.oo 0.020 21.25 2.25 0..04 1.O 3.o 1. Those are that ordinarily considered suitable use this for with 2 COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials Licensed by Information Handling Services .5-1 .5-6.040 24.5 .6-6..03 1.oo 1. stainless steel.75-6.0-6. 9. Marking shall be in such position as not to injure the usefulness of the casting.oo 0.oo 0. max Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Copper Tungsten Nitroaen A 1A 25Cr-5Ni-MoCu J93370 CD4MCu 10 25Cr-5Ni-MO-Cu-N J93372 CWMCuN 0. in the A list of standardized supplementary requirements for use at the option of the purchaser is included in Specification A 781/A 781M.7 5.3 2. Keywords 8. m a x Phosphorus.10-0. max Phosphorus.030 1.5 2. max Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Copper Tungsten Nitroaen Grade Type UNS ACI Composition: Carbon..7-3. rnax Silicon..0-27..0-26. max Sulfur.08 1. In case of conflict between the requirements of this specificationandSpecificationA781/ A 781M.040 0.040 0.5-26.15-0. 8.5 1.9-3. similar to that of the casting or may be suitably alloyed to achieve the desired corrosion resistance and mechanical prop.20-0.5 4.5-25. TABLE 2 Chemical Reauirernents Grade Twe UNS ACI Composition: Carbon.0 1.5 4.3 % Mo + 16 % N 2 40.o 0.5-26.10 2A 24Cr-1ONi-Mo-N J93345 CE8MN 0. .W.0 .5-8.30 0.025 24.030 0.040 24.90 0. Sup plementary Requirement S33 Post Welmeat Treatment shall be included in the purchase order.75-2.50 1.1 steel conform the The shall to requirements chemical composition prescribed in Table2.5-3.oo 1.1 The composition of the deposited weld metal may be 10.sometimes necessary to heat-treat at higher temperatures.3 .0 1. The markingheat of numbers on individual castings shallbe agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser. this specification shall prevail.030 24.C-23. Failure to comply with the general requirements of Specification A 78UA 781M constitutes nonconformance with this specification.1 Material furnished to this specification shall conform to the requirements of Specification A 781/A 781M. 6. o o 0.oo 1 . rnax Manganese.1 Castings shallbe marked for material identification with the specification designation and grade.0-26.oo 0..752. 0. max Manganese...OO.04 1CA 250-6Ni-Mo-Cu-N 593373 CD3MCuN 0.steel castings erties.04 6AA 25Cr-7Ni-Mo-N J93380 CD3MWCuN 0. the manuIn facturer's name or identification mark and the pattern number shall cast be or stamped using low-stress stamps on all be castings. as to 8. 8. 7. 0. General Requirements 7.C-11 .33 5AA 25Cr-7Ni-Mo-N 593404 CE3MN 0.04 24.30 % Cr + 3.8 1..M.7-6.20 1. or by other methods agreement upon S33.2 Weld repairs shall be considered major the case of in betweenthemanufacturerandthepurchaser. mid 1A 24Cr-1ONi-Mo-N 95 [655] 6565 14501 [415] 25 2A (6901 25Cr-5Ni-MoGu 100 70 14851 16 3A 25CrSNi-Mo-N 95 [655] 60 [450] 25 4A 22Cr-5Ni-Mo-N 90 [620] 25 6A Grade 25Cr-5Ni-MoType strength. S35. Prior Approval of Weld Material furnaces the to same shall be heat-treated in production S34.’[65 cm2]. Heat Treatment of Test Material at the producer’s option. min in. except when investment castings are ordered. %.or smaller. Post Weld/Heat Treatment S33.Frequencyof a casting that has leaked on hydrostatic testing or when the be testing and location of tests shall by agreement between the 20 depth of the cavity after preparation for repair exceeds % of manufacturer and the purchaser. S31. ksi [MPa]. Tensioncouponsshallbe machned tothe form and dimensions Fig. S32. in ratio 3 COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials Licensed by Information Handling Services . cast blocks in accordance with Figs. S32. magnetic response. whichever is theactualwallthickness. heat but treatment minor repairs not after weld is (Practice E 562).1 The purchaser must give approval ofallweld filler procedure as the castings it represents. the gage length to reduced section diameter shall be 4:l. Liquid Penetrant Examination S5. min Elongationin 2 in. an observed value or calculated value shall be rounded off in accordance with Practice 29 to the nearest E 500 psi [5 MPa] for yield and tensile strength and to the nearest 1 % for elongation and reduction of area. 1 and 2 of Specification TABLE S32. S32.1 Tensile Requirements Grade Type strength. 4 of Test Methods and Definitions of A370. by measurement of the purchaser. Testbarsshallbepouredinspecialblocksfromthe Table 1. Others enumerated in Specification 1/A 78 1M may be by A 78 used with this specification upon agreement between the manufacturer and purchaser.3 Test specimens maybe cut from heat-treated castings. S2. the manufacturer prepare are may test specimens in accordance with of Specification A 7 3 2 S3. ksi [MPa].or when theextent of thecavityexceedsapproxiS 2 Tensile Requirements 3. %.) S32.1.2 %75 [515] offset). S35. Examination of Weld Preparation M.1 Femte contents shall be determined by point count pairs. [50 mm].4. Tensile 25Cr-7Ni-Mo-N SA 25Cr-7Ni-Mo-N 100 [6W] 1B CU-N 100 [690] 65 [450] 25 1c 100 [690] 65 [45O] 25 ksi [MPa]. All other repairs be may be discarded and another substituted the fiom same heat.3 Post weld heat treatment shall be in accordance with S32.4 Testcouponsmaybe cast integrally or as separate the castings it represents. S12 Test Report S 3 Unspecified Elements 1. Testing shallbe in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A 370. [25 mm].2 ed strength l Yo offset).Estimating Ferrite Content A 781/A 781M.1 One tensile test shall be made f o eachheatand rm considered minor. instead of from test bars. weld shall mately 10 in. 1 in. mmA CU-N 100 [690] 70 [485] 16 18 A When IC1 test bars are used in tensile testing as provided for this specification. Elongation in 2 [50 mm]. Cbarpy Impact Test S 0 Hardness Test 1. Radiographic Examination S3.## A 89WA 890M specification are listed below title only. (See S32. same heat as the castings represented. Tensile ksi [MPa]. by other quantitative metallographic methods required exceptupon agreement between the manufacturer and such as image analysis (Practice E 1245).1 Test material for each heat shall be heat-treated with S32.2 A 732M. When investment castings ordered.6 To determine conformance the with tension test requirements. materials to be used prior to any weld repairs. min N (0.1 Castingsshallbeheat-treatedaftermajorweldreS3 1. Certification i S7.2 The barfromwhich the test specimen is removed S34. Prior Approval of Major Weld Repairs S9.5 If any specimen shows defective machining or develops flaws. min Yield strength (0. S33. shallconformtothetensilerequirementsspecifiedinTable S33. 100 Barr Harbor Drive.are entirely their own responsibility.A 890/A 890M The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in wnnectmn of the validity with any item mentioned in this standard. the address shown below.or through the ASTM website (www. United States. and the risk of infringement such rights. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of any such of patent rights. either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments will receive careful consideration a meetingof the responsible to at If technical feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on (e-mail). 610-832-9555(fax). PA Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone). at This standard is copyrighted S m . COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials Licensed by Information Handling Services . or service@astm. This standard is subjectrevisbn at any time by the responsible technical committee and be reviewed every five years and to must if not revised. A by PO West Conshohocken. Your are invited either for revision comments of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed ASTM Headquarters. which you may attend. Box (2700.
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