ASTM A 240-A 240M-08



Designation: A 240/A 240M – 08Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 240/A 240M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense. E 112 Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size E 527 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys in the Unified Numbering System (UNS) 2.2 SAE Standard:4 J 1086 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS) 1. Scope* 1.1 This specification2 covers chromium, chromium-nickel, and chromium-manganese-nickel stainless steel plate, sheet, and strip for pressure vessels and for general applications. 1.2 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the standard. 1.3 This specification is expressed in both inch-pound and SI units. However, unless the order specifies the applicable “M” specification designation (SI units), the material shall be furnished in inch-pound units. 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 3. General Requirements 3.1 The following requirements for orders for material furnished under this specification shall conform to the applicable requirements of the current edition of Specification A 480/A 480M. 3.1.1 Definitions; 3.1.2 General requirements for delivery; 3.1.3 Ordering information; 3.1.4 Process; 3.1.5 Special tests; 3.1.6 Heat treatment; 3.1.7 Dimensions and permissible variations; 3.1.8 Workmanship, finish and appearance; 3.1.9 Number of tests/test methods; 3.1.10 Specimen preparation; 3.1.11 Retreatment; 3.1.12 Inspection; 3.1.13 Rejection and rehearing; 3.1.14 Material test report; 3.1.15 Certification; and 3.1.16 Packaging, marking, and loading. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: 3 A 370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products A 480/A 480M Specification for General Requirements for Flat-Rolled Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip A 923 Test Methods for Detecting Detrimental Intermetallic Phase in Duplex Austenitic/Ferritic Stainless Steels 4. Chemical Composition 4.1 The steel shall conform to the requirements as to chemical composition specified in Table 1 and shall conform to applicable requirements specified in Specification A 480/ A 480M. 1 This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.17 on Flat-Rolled and Wrought Stainless Steel. Current edition approved May 15, 2008. Published May 2008. Originally approved in 1940. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as A 240/A 240M – 07. 2 For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specification SA-240 in Section II of that Code. 3 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website. 5. Mechanical Properties 5.1 The material shall conform to the mechanical properties specified in Table 2. 4 Available from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 400 Commonwealth Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, *A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. 1 3 Grade S31060. 7 or coarser as measured by Test Methods E 112. Keywords 7.2 When specified by the purchaser. chromiummanganese-nickel stainless steel.1 chromium. as measured by Test Methods E 112.2 Supplementary Requirement S2 shall be invoked when non-H grade austenitic stainless steels are ordered for ASME Code applications for service above 1000°F [540°C]. shall conform to an average grain size of ASTM No. 7.A 240/A 240M – 08 6. unless otherwise specified in the purchase order. Charpy impact tests shall be performed in accordance with Supplementary Requirement S1. pressure vessels 2 . chromium-nickel stainless steel. Materials for High-Temperature Service 6. 7 or coarser. 6. 5. 6.1 The austenitic H Types shall conform to an average grain size of ASTM No. .. ..80 2.040 0.03–0. .045 0.0–19..40 max FeH 39.020 0.0 12.00 0. Nitrogen .040 0.0 19.. ..0–6.. 2.60 FeH 39.0 Austenitic (Chromium-Nickel) (Chromium-Manganese-Nickel) Phosphorus TABLE 1 Chemical Composition Requirements.75 3.08 0.045 0.060 0. .00 2.50 2..0–35.... . .. .0 16.08 0.75 3.08 .030 0..0 24.0 17. Ce 0. .04 0... ..030 0...0–21. .30 0.0–19..80 2...50–0. .75 0. 0. ..75 0.10 0.... 202 ...0–22.0–35.0–7.30 0.040 0.50–3.060 0.00 2..10–0.0 19.00 0..00 2.04–0.00–3. Al 0.5–4..00 0.15 0.0 17. .03 0.0 14.0 22.060 0.... . . .045 0.. 1.0 11.08–0.5–9..60 FeH 39.045 0.25 0....75 0. .0 17.0 22.. .0–18.. . .50 1. ..0–19.0–24. 1.5 17...75 1..5 24. .0 12.00 24.0–18.10 0.0–16.. XM-29J 301 301LG 301LNG 302 304 304L 304H .15–0.0 20..030 0...0–5. 6. .10 0...0 1..0–10.5 8.0–9..0–23...0–20.0–15.5 9...04–0.16 0.030 0..0 4.0–8.06–0....035 1.. .75 1.045 0.0 10.75 0.00 0. 0.0 23...0–16. . Other ElementsE.. .00 2.030 0. 0...40 . .0–10.10 0. . .0 1..00 11.0 32.030 0.5 3.. .05 . .5 8.04–0..5–13.. .14–0.0–10. .25–0..030 0. .0 17.0–22.0 16.0–12.0–24.00 0.0–26.0–9.0–28.75 1.00 1.0 4.00 2..5–13.030 0.10 max Cb 103C min.20 0.4–7.0 7.75 0.00 2.0–17.00 0.0–6. .00 0..10 .030 0...0 7..00 2..0 17..10 0.18–0.15 0.5–22..75 0.0 18.00 Manganese Sulfur Silicon Chromium Nickel 0.5 min Al 0.12 0.35 min 0.0–8.0–5. .5–14.5–25.30 V 0.5–5.12 0...045 0.50 0.045 0.16–0.. . .020 0..2–4.040 0. 309S 309HG 309CbG 309HCbG 310S 310HG N08367 N08700 N08800 N08810 N08811 N08904 N08926 S20100 S20103 S20153 S20161 S20200 S20400 S20910 S21400 S21600 S21603 S21800 S24000 S30100 S30103 S30153 S30200 S30400 S30403 S30409 S30415 S30451 S30452 S30453 S30500 S30600 S30601 S30615 S30815 S30908 S30909 S30940 S30941 S31008 S31009 3 0.0 2...0 ..0 7.25 0.045 0.00 .015 0.0 1..5–7.15–0.0–18. . .5–9.5–10.05–0.5 19....0–18... . 201 ..015 0..10 0.20 . ...00 2.10–0.....20 0..0 3.00 2..00–3.045 0.5 20.0–18.0..5 18..0–19.0–18..0–18.18 0.. .25 .03 0.0–35...24 0.030 0.0–10.F A 240/A 240M – 08 .030 0....0 7. .0–7.0–19. 1..03 0.40 0. 0.20 . ..0–24.. %A .0–12.00 2.75 0.0 2.5–23.00 2....80–1.10–0.00 1.03–0..00 1.. . . ..0–26. .05–0.6 3. 800G 800HG . ..25 0.0 1. .5–19..0 12....045 0..75 0.40–2. .75 3.00–2.50 Ce 0..030 0. ... ..0 18.07–0.0–8. .0–23.. ..00 5.00 2.0 20..0–16. 0..5–7.5 6.030 0.060 0.0 12.16 .0–9..5–19..045 0.. ...10 0....0 22..045 0..0 18.5–22. Cb 0. . .5 4...25 0.0–6...0–20. ..030 0.00 1.5 min TiI 0..030 0..045 0.013 0.0 8...60 .030 0.. .5 30.08–0. .25 0. .045 0.0–2. .0–18.0 1..020 0.0–15.045 0. . .030 0.0–26.030 0...15–0.04–0.0 13.0–19..0–4.5–16.20–0.25–0. .030 0. . Cb 83C min 0. 0..00–3.12–0...00 2. .15–0...0 16.18 0.0–10.. .75 0.75 0.0 8.75 0.030 0.0–4..35 ..045 0.... . 1.. 0.50 0.0–17.030 0.06 0.020 0.16–0.015 0.030 0....018 0..030 0.0–23...0 17...07 0.0 15...10 max .. .50 0..75 0. ..045 0..045 0. .00 0. .00 2. .045 0. N08020 CarbonD TypeC UNS DesignationB 2.0–23..5 8..040 0.0–22.10 0..00 Molybdenum .0 19. 0..5 17..00 14.3–3..0–7.08 0.0–5.60 Ti 0.60 Ti 0..03 0..0 8.. ...50–3.00 2.030 0.00 1.. Cb 103C min.0–38..10 0....10 0.00 2..0 17.04–0.75 0.80 2. ..06 0.50 3.00 max .030 0.045 0.0 0.0 19..045 0.03 0.045 0. .0 7.0 8.030 0.15–0.00 5. .10–0....0 16..0–26.5 17. ..00 0.0 19.040 0.00 1.. 4.030 0.0 16.0–12.0–24... 0. .0 6.0 16...030 0. .0 24..0–22. . .00 1..08 0.00 2.030 0.15 0.0–23..75 0.5–5.0 16.030 0.5 .0 18.75 0.00 .15–0.08 .0–18.00 0.50 1.60 AlI 0.0–20.5–1.. .0 19. . ...045 0.0 Copper Cb 83C min.5 min Al 0.0–18.0 8. .0 6.030 0..07 ..10 0. .50 0.30–1....030 0.00 ..15 0.0 19.010 0.0 19. 1. .030 0...030 0...0 23. ...20 0.10 0....00 1.0 30.10–0.7 6..5 5.75 1.0 4. XM-19J XM-31J XM-17J XM-18J ..0 22...5 2.5 4.08 0.15–0.3–5.035 0. 304N XM-21J 304LN 305 ..0–10.030 0.015 0.5 17..20 0.15 0.15–0.20–0..045 0.0–15.50 1. 1.. 904LG .0–18.030 0.040 0.3 5.040 0.0–20.045 0.00 2.10 ..0 17.030 0.75 0.0 10.0 4.0 17...7–4.0–21.015 0.030 0.. .0–7.08 0.00 2.30 .030 0.0–6..5 0.0 30.045 0.08 0..045 0.0 5.0 6.5 15. 75 0..00 2.0 10.0–14.0–14. 1.020 0. 1.035 0.00 2. .010 0..75 0.0–12..045 0.18–0.0 16.0–14.10 Co 0. .00 2....045 0.045 0.10 max ..0–28..030 0.00 0.0–4.22 0.30–0..010 0.10 310HCb S31041 G 0.75 1.0–28.. .00 0..40 0.0–23.0–13.0–13.0 20.030 0..5–8.0–6..0–19....045 0.10–0.0 3.5 21.0–15..0 16..030 Sulfur 0..00–3.00 2.0–18.0–21..10 0.50–1.5–18.75 0.00 2.00 2.0 16.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0. 0.75 0.0–25..0–18..020 0. Nitrogen . ..0 26. . 0.0 21.010 0.75 1.030 0. . .0–33... .50 0. .030 0.0–26..030 0.020 0..08 310 MoLN .015 0. Ti 5 3 (C + N) min.09–0..00 3..04–0...0–19.5 23.00 1.75 0. 334G ..00 max Ta 0..0 17. .0 16.5–20.0–19.5 14.00 Other ElementsE. .0–14..0 16.00 2. .030 0... .030 0.10 0.00 4.50 0.50 1.. .0 9.030 0.25 .030 0.0–25..0–18.030 0.0 24. Molybdenum .00 6.0 16.10 0.. 1.045 0.15–0.0–24.0–18..0 17..55 .0 9.0 Al 0..030 0. 0.0–38.015 0.50 20.5–17.00 max (Cb + Ta) 103C min.00 2..0–24. . 2.0–20.50 0.0 17. 347 347H 348 348H ...00 1..0–7.045 0.00 1.0 17......045 0.60 Cb 0.60 .50–1. 0.F A 240/A 240M – 08 . .5 19.0–25.040 0.70 max Cb 10 3 C min.0 1..015 0.04–0.50 0..0–4. .00–3.020 0...0 31. S31050 S31060 S31254 S31266 S31277 S31600 S31603 S31609 S31635 S31640 S31651 S31653 S31700 S31703 S31725 S31726 S31727 S31753 S32050 S32053 S32100 S32109 4 S32615 S32654 S33228 S33400 S34565 S34700 S34709 S34800 S34809 S35045 S35125 S35135 0.030 0.00–3.10 ..0 22.0–20.00 1.0 23.00 5.70 max .0–8.045 0.030 0..035 0. Copper Cb 103C min..0–5.070 B 0..8 5.0–4...0 9.0 16.. .0 9... W 1. . .10 0.045 Phosphorus 0.0 19. .0 11.001–0.10 0..0–20.0 Nickel 2..0–35.0–26.15–0. 0..5–16.00–2..0 16. .0–18...0–15. 1.5 13.030 0.0 10.08 0.8–6. ..60 Ti 0. .75 0.8 ...030 0..0 20.10 max Cb 103C min.0 18. 0..07 0.0 9.00 2.030 0.10 0. Ti 5 3 (C + N) min.10 0..045 0.0 17..50–2...00 2..10 max .5–17..0–24..045 0..75 0.0–13.08 0. 4.40–1.030 0..0 0. .0 3.. 0..030 0.21 0.0–4.5 11. ..5 10.15–0. .0 10.5 24...75 0..030 0.0 3.0–6.0–29..0–4.045 0..04–0.5–23.045 0.0–20.00 1.0–18.045 0.75 .50 0.70 max Ti 4 3 (C + N) min....60 Ti 0.08 0.5–23.0–23.0–15...0–4.00 1.50 .50 1... .00 2..0–18...10–0.020 0..60–2.20 Al 0.045 0.50 0.45–0. 1. ..045 0.0 10.00 Manganese 0. Ce + La 0..75 1.020 0.08 310CbG S31040 G CarbonD TypeC UNS DesignationB 1..0 4.10 Cb 10 3 C min. 2.0–13.00–3..00 2.030 0.20 0.10 0.00 2.0–5. .22 0.0 19.0–5.08 0.60 ..0 22.00–1.00 2. .0–19.045 0....04–0.06–0..0 10.0 24.0–20..00–3.04–0.0 4.00 2.00 2.00–3. .20 0..025 Al 0.010 0.. . ..75 0.00 1.60 Cb 0. .0 . .0–37.0–14. 1.010 .0 32.10–0. 1.25–0.5 5..5 3. ..75 0.045 0.00 2.0 24. Ce 0.00 max Cb 8 3 C min.22 0.030 0.75 0. .0 18..04–0.045 0.00–3.0–22.15–0.0 19.00 2..0 10.0 Chromium Continued Silicon TABLE 1 31. 321 321H ..0 30.045 0.. . .030 0.0 19.50 2.00 1..10–0.0–19. ..6–1.0–22.0 20. ...17–0.015 0.045 0..00 2..00 2.0–24..0–25.005 0.10 0.10 0. .030 0.75 0..0 20..030 0.0–12.0 16.05–0. .010 0.30–0.. 1.40–0..030 0..030 0.0 17..50 7.00 max Ta 0.00 0.0 25. .030 0.8–4.00 0.32 0. .030 0.75 1.030 0.0–23..60–1. . ..0–14..0–12..0 . .030 0.50 .30–1.00 0.75 0.21–0. 0.0 2..0 17..20 (Cb + Ta) 83C min..0 18.030 0.0 ...16 0.0. 0..0 2. 2.15–0.0 24.50–2..030 0.0 9.. 0.0–6. 0.75 1.08 0.30 0.030 0..0 13.15 0..75 0.10 Co 0.10 0.8–4.00–3.10 0.030 0. .05–0.00 2..030 0..0 17.00 4..0 10... .08 0.020 0..2–6...75 0.00 1..00 2.0–26.18–0. .60 .00 2..10 Cb 0.00 2.00 2.0 11.35–0.0–19.08 0.0 17.08 0.030 0..2 6. .08 0.045 0.. ..08 0.5–19.0–20.0–14.045 0...50 0.0 6.015 0.0 18.025–0.60 0.. .5–19.... ...0–26. 316 316L 316H 316TiG 316CbG 316N 316LN 317 317L 317LMG 317LMNG .0 22. .16 0.60 Ti 0.40 . .10 0.0 .00 2.80 1.0 18.00 1.030 0.0–18.045 0. 317LNG .0–22.0 26. F A 240/A 240M – 08 .50 2.08 0.00 ..00 2.00 1.040 0..030 0.00 1.60 3.5–21.030 0.50 0.5 21.030 0. ..30 Other ElementsE.10–0.0–28..030 0. 0..0–17...00 4.5–3.10 .0 24.00 2.00 0.00 1.045 0...030 0.030 0....5–7. .5 19.50 0..35 0.04–0... 1.0–26..35 0.0–4.50 1.0–3.0 10.7 10. .040 0.2–1.5–6.0 21.030 0....0 Nickel .5 14. ..15–0..50 0..0–26.10 3.50–2.40 0.. 0..50 ..0–27..030 0.60 3. 255G 2507G ...75 max .5 2..0–26.5 6. 0...5–18.00 Manganese 0.040 0..0–29..60 .030 0. 0..17 Ti 83(C+N) min.0 26. .. . S32803 S40920 .030 0.030 0.0–5.18 .05–0. .030 0.030 1.030 0.32 0.5 5. Ti 0.5–6..0 21.9 3. .5–24.030 0. 410 ..015 0.26 0. 0.60 0.020 0.00 1.7 10..00 1.00 1.. .08–0.00–3... 0.030 0.00 2.0 1.040 0.040 Phosphorus 24.5–15. .50–1. .00 1.0 17.30 W 0.. ..030 0. ...010 0.80–2..0 17.030 0.0 2.0–23. Cb 0. 0..00 1.08 0.60 1.0–36.030 0.... .00 1. .7 11.030 1.80 24.030 0.90 0.030 0. 0. . .040 0...030 0.50–1.00 2. .0 24..5–6..040 0.00 1.03 0.20 0.030 0.5 28.030 0.0 24. 0.....10 .04 0..0 2.0–4.50 1. W 0..5 3.00 0.0–5.5 11. .5–11.03–0... Cb 123(C+N) min. .5 3.00 1. .00 1..60 0.08+8 3(C+N)] min.. ..... ... .12 0. .5 0. 429G 430 S40975 S40977 S41000 S41003 S41008 S41045 S41050 S41500M S42035 S42900 S43000 ..14–0.0–4..5–7.040 0...17 0.7 10. .5–14.030 0. .030 0.10–0.50 0.0–4.030 0...00 1.0–16.08 0.00 1.18–0.0–26....50 0.50 1.2 .0 10.030 ..75–1... 0.....030 0.00 1.2 6.030 0..50 .. Ce 0.. . S31200 S31260 S31803 S32001 S32003 S32101 S32202 S32205 S32304 S32506 S32520 S32550 S32750 S32760K S32900 S32906 S32950 S39274† 405 409L ...0 34.00 0.00 0.030 .020 Sulfur 0.80 .60 1.5–13.030 0.20–0.00 1. .10 (Ti+Cb) [0..040 0..0035 1. W 0.10–0.20 0.....00 0.00 1.40 Ti 0.040 0.60 max ..030 0.020 0. .. .10–0. . ..0 2. .5 11..00 1..05 min Cb 0. .00 1. 0.030 0. 329 .040 0.14–0.25 0.5–5.010 0.040 0.5 .50–1.50 2.0–22...24–0. 0.0–3.00 1. 0..60 1. 0.00 0. 2205G 2304G .0 6.5–5.0–6.0 28. S35315 S38100 S38815 S40500 S40900L S40910 TypeC UNS DesignationB 0.12–0.010 0.5–14.75 0.20–0.020 0.50–2..00 1.50–1.030 0.00 1.20–0.80 1.75 max.. 0.00 1..5–24.20–2..5–11. S40930 S40945 .20 0.020 (C+N) 0..5–3..00 1.5 13. W 1. ..030 0.50–2.5 Chromium Continued Silicon TABLE 1 0.80 . Nitrogen .0 2.70 1.80 .0 19..030 0. .00 2..50 1.0 1..5 1.00 1.50–1. .10–0.50 Molybdenum 0.00–2.5 0.50 0.030 0.00 5..50–2.00 1..00 1.. ..5 3.05–0.035 0. Al 0. .75 1.50 Al 0.05–0.00 1. Ti 0.040 0..030 0.35–1..18–0..00 . 0. . 0. .00–2..00 0... .030 0...015 0. .0–19....030 ..00 1.0 4.25 0.030 0...05 0..5–12..15–0..030 0. .0–26. ...00 4......00 1.030 0.50 5.08 0.80 ..12 0.00 1.50 max. .00 2.040 0.0–26.040 0.0 5..0–26..00 0. ... ..00 0.030 0.00–2.0–18.020 0.0–30.030 0.040 0.20 0.10–0....30–0. .5 24.5–6.50.55 10. 410S .20 Ti 63(C+N) min.5–11.030 0.05–0.0–8.8–7.30 .20 1. .0–13.80 0.20–2..0 23..045 0.0 1.24–0..80 4..040 0.020 0. .00 1.08–0... 0.00 0....50 Copper Ti 63(C+N) min..0–23.30 0.030 0.030 0.0 16.040 0.030 0.14–0.020 0.00 1.00 0.80–1..035 0.. 0.32 0.30 ..05–0.030 0..75 1.80 1.15 0.00 1.030 0.00 1..20–0.00 0.80 0. . Ti 0.0 Duplex (Austenitic-Ferritic) 1.75 0.20 0.030 0.5–3.5 .0–8..5–6...0 3.5 10.5–11....2 5.5–12.00 3. .00 0.5–13...5 .5–11. .50 0. .5–12.035 0. ..9–3.045 0.08 0. . . .030 CarbonD 0.08–0.0–15.00 .75–1.0–26... ..00 1...5–22.45 3..50 1. .0 24.. .030 0.030 0.30–1..00 0.030 0.040 0....030 0. ...50 2...030 0.030 0.0 Ferritic or Martensitic (Chromium) 0.5–8..50 0..15–0..0 13.50–2.30–0..020 0.00 2.040 0..0 13..0 21.50 .0–29.00 1. 0.020 0.20 0. .040 0.20–0.020 0.5 12.05–0.5 11... Cb 0.0 24.0 24.040 0.0–5..50 1. Cb 93(C+N) min. XM-15J .0–8.50–2..040 0.020 0.0–6.04 0..030 0.5 5. 1.08 0.7 10.015 0..0 22. .0–2.5 4..030 0.5 1.60–1... 75–1.. M Plate version of CA-6NM..2 3.015N 0.80 max Cb 103(C+N) min.20.0–18.50 0.0 16.30 Cb 0. C Unless otherwise indicated...00 Manganese 0.30–0.00.040 0.030 0.020 0.015 0. L S40900 (Type 409) has been replaced by S40910.50 0.15 Ti 0.030 .07–0. widely used. which shall be reported to nearest 0. 0.00 1. .50 .00 1.05–0.10–0.. ..5–19.75–2.040 0. N Product (check or verification) analysis tolerance over the maximum limit for C and N in XM-27 shall be 0.30 1. 0.0 24.00 1... E The terms Columbium (Cb) and Niobium (Nb) both relate to the same element...80 max (Ti+Cb) [0..30+(33C)] min (Ti+Cb)[0.030 0.30 1.00 20. 0. 0..00 1.0–27.00 1.. 0.5 17. Ti + Cb 63(C+N) min (C+N) 0.040 0.0–30.020 434 436 S43400 S43600 0.00 1. not a trademark.50 (Ti+Cb) [0. 0. the higher minimum or lower maximum shall apply.2 .035 . 0..20 0.002 %.020 0.40 0..50 . (Ti+Cb) 63 (C+N) min (C+N) 0..040 0.75–1.0 Chromium Continued Silicon TABLE 1 . or S40930.03–0.F B Maximum.5 3.040 Phosphorus 0.030 Nitrogen 0.040 0.020 0.20 (Ni + Cu) 0..025 0..020 0.045 0.. XM-33J S44626 S44535 .80 0.040 0. .030 0.12 0.75–1.85–1.00 1.50 0.5–26.040 0.00–2...5–18.030 0.00 1.20+4(C+N)] min. 1.15 .50 ... I (Al + Ti) 0.025 Ti 0. Al 0.50 Other ElementsE.80 max Ti 0..00 0.5–4.03 0.0–20.5–4..00 .030 0.. S40920..0 16..00 1. may at the option of the manufacturer be certified as S40900.0–19.030 0.15 ..10 max.10–0..00.5–4.. 0. S43940 .0–30. Al 0.0–4.5 25. 0. H Iron shall be determined arithmetically by difference of 100 minus the sum of the other specified elements.030 0.80 max (Ti+Cb) 0.XM-27J . Designation established in accordance with Practice E 527 and SAE J 1086. as in the case of both a value from a formula and an absolute value.20+4(C+N)] min.025 0.0 17..20–1.040 0..0 25. G Common name. A .00 1.. † UNS number was editorially corrected.0–30.. an order specifying S40900 or Type 409 shall be satisfied by any one of S40910. F When two minimums or two maximums are listed for a single type. 3..75–1.20 0.0 28..0–27.5 0..0 18.0–3...00 1.15 1.. 0.00.40 0. Material meeting the requirements of S40910..20+4 (C+N)] min.50 0.030 0. .. .. Unless otherwise specified in the ordering information. S44627 S44635 S44660 6 0.030 0. D Carbon analysis shall be reported to nearest 0. 0.50 Nickel .0–24...20+4(C+N)] min.030 0.5 17.030 Sulfur 0.00 0.75 1.75 1.20 − 1.20 Al 0.0 19. not associated with any one producer. .20 1.20–1. 3.0 25. Molybdenum . ..00 1.010N .20 1.0 3.04–0. 0. S44500 . ..50 0.60 1. 1.06 .04 0. unless range or minimum is indicated.20 Ti 0..035 0..0–28.00 0..010 0.0 17..00 1. 0.030 0.75 max.030 439 S43035 CarbonD TypeC UNS DesignationB A 240/A 240M – 08 .040 0.0–18.040 0.020 0.. 2..60 (Ti+Cb) [0.020 0...00 1.25 0.25 .50 0.30–0. S43932 S44700 S44735 0. S40920.001 %.60 Cb [0. .80 max La 0.010 0.030 0..50 0.0 28. J Naming system developed and applied by ASTM.6–4.20+4 (C+N)] min.020 0.030 0..020 0.00 0..0–21.. or S40930 at the option of the seller.0–19.025 (Ti+Cb) 0.15 .75 0.040 0.3 Mo + 16 N = 40 min..040 0.00 1. S40920. a grade designation originally assigned by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). . .60 .01 % except for the low-carbon types. .025 0... 444 S44400 S44800 S46800 0.050 0. and S40930.012 0.025 0..0 28. Copper Ti [0. 0..2 3.5 0. Ti 7(C+N) min Cb 0.. Cb 53C min... .12 0.030 0. 0.00 1. K Cr + 3...030 0.5–4. ...B min Tensile Strength... . XM-19K ..... 904LF .... 217 241 217 241 255 241 241 217 Brinell 100 100 95 88 . 202 .. not required not required not required not not not not not not not not not not not not required not required not required not required not required not required not required not required not required not required not required not required not required not required not required .. 800F 800HF . ... min..... 100 95 Rockwell B Hardness.. 95 95 95 95 95 100 100 95 100 100 92 92 92 92 95 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ... XM-29K XM-18 K XM-17J . 304N XM-21K .......... .. % Austenitic (Chromium-Nickel) (Chromium-Manganese-Nickel) MPa ksi ksi MPa Yield Strength.... 309S 309HF 309CbF 301 301LF 301LNF 302 304 304L 304H .... 95 100 95 100 25J . .. ... . not required not required Cold Bend°D A 240/A 240M – 08 .... TypeA 90 85 75 70 78 78 90 87 75 75 75 100 100 75 80 80 75 75 70 75 87 80 100 90 95 100 90 105 100 100 95 80 75 65 65 71 94 75 95 95 95 125 90 95 80 620 585 515 485 540 540 620 600 515 515 515 690 690 515 550 550 515 515 485 515 600 550 690 620 655 690 620 725 690 690 655 550 520 450 450 490 650 515 655 655 655 860 620 655 550 50 40 30 25 35 37 40 45 30 30 30 60 55 30 32 35 30 30 25 30 42 35 60 50 50 60 50 60 55 45 45 35 30G 25G 25 31 43 38 45 38 45 50 38 48 35 345 275 205 170 240 255 275 310 205 205 205 415 380 205 220 240 205 205 170 205 290 240 415 345 345 415 345 415 380 310 310 240 205G 170G 170 220 295 260 310 260 310 345 260 330 240 30 30 40 40 40 30 35 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 45 45 40 40 40 40 40 30 40 40 35 40 40 30 35 30 30 30 30H 30 30 35 35 40 40 40 45 40 40 35 30E Elongation in 2 in....... . not required not required not required . 241 192 .. 90 . 90 . .. . min TABLE 2 Mechanical Test Requirements 241 241 217 183 .. .N08020 N08367 Sheet Plate N08700 N08800 N08810 N08811 N08904 N08926 S20100 S20100 S20103 S20153 S20161 S20200 S20400 S20910 Sheet Plate S21600 Sheet Plate S21603 Sheet Plate S21800 S24000 Sheet Plate S30100 S30103 S30153 S30200 S30400 S30403 S30409 S30415 S30451 S30452 Sheet Plate S30453 S30500 S30600 S30601 S30615 S30815 S30908 S30909 S30940 7 and Strip and Strip and Strip and Strip and Strip and Strip UNS Designation 304LN 305 . maxC required required required required required required required required required required required not required not required not required not required ... not required not required ... .... or 50 mm.. 201-1I 201-2I 201LF 201LNF . 217 217 217 217 217 241 241 217 241 241 201 201 201 201 217 217 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 ...... . .. . 241 201 201 201 201 .... 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 223 217 217 250 217 217 217 . ..25 in. ........ 31J 25J ... 217 217 .. 96 96 .. 96 95 95 .. 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 96 96 95 .. S30941 S31008 S31009 S31040 S31041 S31050 UNS Designation 25 20 25 25 30 30 40 40 30 35 35 35 40 40 40 40 40 30 35 40 35 40 40 40 35 40 40 40 40 40 25 40 30 30 35 40 40 40 40 35 35 25 25 40 40 40 40 40 40 Elongation in 2 in.. or 50 mm.. .. 334F . ... 95 92 100 92 92 92 92 .. ... t > 0... min 75 75 75 75 75 F TypeA 309HCb 310S 310HF 310CbF 310HCbF 310 MoLNF t # 0. % 293 290 293 . 223 223 .. .. . . .25 in.. S31060 S31254 Sheet and Strip Plate S31266 S31277 S31600 S31603 S31609 S31635 S31640 S31651 S31653 S31700 S31703 S31725 S31726 S31727 S31753 S32050 S32053 S32100 S32109 S32615L S32654 S33228 S33400 S34565 S34700 S34709 S34800 S34809 S35045 S35125 S35135 Sheet and Strip Plate S35315 S38100 S38815 S31200 S31260 S31803 S32001 100 100 90 90 580 540 600 84 78 87 690 690 620 620 550 515 650 515 540 515 515 515 515 515 MPa 205 205 270 205 255 310 310 420 360 205 170 205 205 205 240 205 205 205 205 240 245 240 330 295 205 205 220 430 185 170 415 205 205 205 205 170 205 270 255 280 205 205 205 205 205 65 70 65 65 450 485 450 450 Duplex (Austenitic-Ferritic) 30 30 39 30 37 45 45 61 52 30 25 30 30 30 35 30 30 30 30 35 36 35 48 43 30 30 32 62 27 25 60 30 30 30 30 25 30 39 37 41 30 30 30 30 30 MPa ksi Continued ksi TABLE 2 Yield Strength... min.... 317LN . 95 95 ... ............ maxC required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required required not required ...8 690 655 750 770 515 485 515 515 515 550 515 515 515 515 550 550 550 675 640 515 515 550 750 500 485 795 515 515 515 515 485 485 100 95 109 112 75 70 75 75 75 80 75 75 75 75 80 80 80 98 93 75 75 80 109 73 70 115 75 75 75 75 70 70 80 75 94 75 78 .. .. 250 217 ..... . . ... not required not required not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not required not required not required not not not not not Cold Bend°D A 240/A 240M – 08 .B min Tensile Strength..... 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 Brinell 31J .. . ... XM-15K ... . 316 316L 316H 316TiF 316CbF 316N 316LN 317 317L 317LMF 317LMNF .. . 321 321H ..... 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 Rockwell B Hardness...... .... 347 347H 348 348H ... 0 mm] t $ 0...00 mm] .... t < 0... 183 180 241 179 293 310 310 310 290 293 290 302 310 302 310 270 269 290 290 293 293 Brinell not required 32J 88 88 88 80 92 88 96 20J 89 80 89 32J 88 89 89 89 89 89 89 88 100 88 not not not not not 180 180 180 180 180 required 180 required 180 180 180 required required 180 180 180 180 180 180 required not required 180 not required not required not required 32J 32J 32J not required not required not required not required not required not required not required not required not required not required . 405 409N ... [10... [5..187 in...0 25.. 329 ..00 mm] t $ 0. [5.. 197 180 217 223 183 .187 in.4 in... [5.. . .. . ... 410 . min. ...... S32003 UNS Designation 9 750 109 600 415 380 380 380 380 415 450 450 455 415 380 415 795 550 450 450 415 450 450 415 430 87 60 55 55 55 55 60 65 65 66 60 55 60 115 80 65 65 60 65 65 60 62 690 800 800 116 100 116 650 655 600 620 770 760 795 750 620 650 94 94 95 87 90 112 110 116 108 90 700 655 95 101 690 100 MPa 485 550 550 650 450 450 400 450 550 550 550 550 485 450 530 450 485 25 25 25 30 40 41 30 40 30 30 30 90 55 30 30 30 35 35 30 36 72 25 170 170 170 205 275 280 205 275 205 205 205 620 380 205 205 205 240 240 205 250 500 170 Ferritic or Martensitic (Chromium) 70 80 80 94 65 65 58 65 80 80 80 80 70 65 77 65 70 MPa ksi Continued ksi TABLE 2 Yield Strength... .0 mm] ... min 20 20 20 22 20 18 20 18 22O 22 22 15 16 22O 22O 22 22 22 22 18 16 20 15 15 25.00 mm] .. . .. .187 in. .. ... 255F 2507F . 32J 32J .... .. 429F 430 439 434 436 .. maxC A 240/A 240M – 08 ..4 in.. S32803 S40500 S40900N S40910 S40920 S40930 S40945 S40975 S40977 S41000 S41003 S41008 S41045 S41050 S41500 S42035 S42900 S43000 S43035 S43400 S43600 S43932 S43940 S32202 S32205 S32304 S32506 S32520 S32550 S32750 S32760 S32900 S32906 S32101 S32950M S39274† TypeA ....B min Tensile Strength....0 30 25 25 18 25 15 15 25 15 30 30 25 25 Elongation in 2 in. t # 0.... [5. 31J 32J 32J . not required not required 31 not required J Cold Bend°D 31J Rockwell B Hardness. 28J ..... 2205F 2304F ..187 in. 183 302 180 183 183 183 . [10. 410S ... % 179 179 179 .. .00 mm] t > 0. or 50 mm.. t # 0.... S40920. Brinell 96 83 96 90 28J 100 20J 25J 20J 90 50–90P Rockwell B Hardness. . E Elongation for thickness. L For S32615.. O Material 0. the tensile value for S32950 was 90 ksi.015 in.5 %. J Rockwell C scale. may at the option of the manufacturer be certified as S40900.. [0. [0. [25. N S40900 (Type 409) has been replaced by S40910. paragraph 4.. in 1 in... but is not required to meet a particular requirement. or S40930 at the option of the seller..50 mm] in thickness.4 mm].27 mm] and under in thickness shall have a minimum elongation of 20 %.020 in [0.. Comparison Method. .. % 217 . Plate II. an alternative method of determining yield strength may be based on total extension under load of 0. 3 or finer.. ... S40920. H Not applicable for thicknesses under 0. an order specifying S40900 or Type 409 shall be satisfied by any one of S40910... not a trademark. Ordering Information)... G Yield strength requirements shall not apply to material under 0. widely used.. Unless otherwise specified in the ordering information. . a grade designation originally assigned by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). XM-33K XM-27K . D Bend tests are not required for chromium steels (ferritic or martensitic) thicker than 1 in. maxC 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 not required Cold Bend°D B Unless otherwise indicated. M Prior to Specification A 240 – 89b. Material meeting the requirements of S40910.38 mm] shall be 20 % minimum. Unless otherwise specified (see Specification A 480/A 480M. not associated with any one producer.11.. A S44400 S44500 S44626 S44627 S44635 S44660 S44700 S44735 S44800 S46800 S44535 UNS Designation A A 240/A 240M – 08 10 .B min Tensile Strength.. shall be No. Type 60 62 68 65 90 85 80 80 80 60 58 415 427 470 450 620 585 550 550 550 415 400 40 30 45 40 75 65 60 60 60 30 36 275 205 310 275 515 450 415 415 415 205 250 MPa ksi ksi MPa Yield Strength.. or 50 mm.050 in [1. ..1. or S40930. K Naming system developed and applied by ASTM.2 % in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A 370. † UNS number was editorially corrected.. . S40920. [25 mm] or for any austenitic or duplex (austenitic-ferritic) stainless steels regardless of thickness. . I Type 201 is generally produced with a chemical composition balanced for rich side (Type 201-1) or lean side (Type 201-2) austenite stability depending on the properties required for specific applications. the grain size as determined in accordance with the Test Methods E 112.010 in. min TABLE 2 Continued 20 22 20 22 20 18 20 18 20 22 25E Elongation in 2 in. P Hardness is required to be provided for information only.. min. .. C Either Brinell or Rockwell B Hardness is permissible.. Yield strength shall be determined by the offset method at 0.25 mm]. less than 0.. and S40930. 217 187 269 241 223 255 223 . F Common name. Charpy Impact Testing of Plate S1. and grain size (see Section 6). Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue. that may impact the use of this standard. S2.5 Acceptance Limit —Unless otherwise specified on the purchase order. test temperature. 7 or coarser as determined in accordance with Test Methods E 112.1 Unless an H grade has been ordered. 2008. expressed as impact energy. (Approved April 1. annealing temperature. 11 .A 240/A 240M – 08 SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS A supplementary requirement shall apply only when specified in the purchase order. It may be economical for the Charpy impact tests performed on duplex stainless steels covered in both Specification A 240 and Test Methods A 923 to be performed at the lower of the temperatures specified by this supplementary requirement and Test Methods A 923 Method B. S1. root of the notch perpendicular to the rolling face).38 mm].2 Number of Tests—One impact test (3 specimens) shall be made from one plate per heat treatment lot in the final heat treated condition. when the material meets all requirements of this specification and the grain size is ASTM No.3 Orientation of Test Specimens—Unless specified as transverse specimens (long axis of the specimen transverse to the final rolling direction. A 240/A 240M – 06c. S1. this supplementary requirement shall be specified for ASME Code applications for service above 1000°F [540°C]. S1. 2007. The manufacturer is permitted to test transverse specimens provided that such tests meet the acceptance criteria applicable to longitudinal specimens. The grain size shall be reported on a Certified Test Report. The manufacturer is permitted to test specimens at a temperature lower than that specified by the purchaser.) (1) New grade S32202 added to Table 1 and Table 2. with measurement of both lateral expansion and impact energy. applicable to some duplex (austenitic-ferritic) stainless steels as listed in Test Methods A 923. [0.6 Records—The recorded results shall include the specimen orientation. uses a Charpy impact test for the purpose of determining the absence of detrimental intermetallic phases. specimen size.015 in. S2.4 Test Temperature—The purchaser shall specify the test temperature. S2. Materials for High-Temperature Service S2.3 The user is permitted to use an L grade austenitic stainless steel for service above 1000°F [540°C]. (Approved May 15. the specimens shall be taken so as to include the mid-thickness of the product.2 The user is permitted to use an austenitic stainless steel as the corresponding H grade when the material meets all requirements of the H grade including chemistry. each of the three specimens tested shall show a lateral expansion opposite the notch of not less than 0.1 Charpy impact tests shall be conducted in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A 370. and lateral expansion opposite the notch. absorbed energy values (if required). steel covered. and C in S30400 in Table 1. Method B specifies a test temperature and acceptance criterion. S1. Method B. subject to the applicable allowable stress table of the ASME Code. the orientation of the specimens shall be longitudinal (long axis of the specimen parallel to the final rolling direction.) (1) Revised the Cr in the composition of S30400 and S30403. for each type of SUMMARY OF CHANGES Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (A 240/A 240M – 07) that may impact the use of this standard. NOTE —Test Methods A 923. S1. Unless otherwise specified on the purchase order. root of the notch perpendicular to the rolling face) on the purchase order. provided that such tests shall meet the acceptance criteria applicable to specimens tested at the specified temperature (see Note ). S1. 610-832-9555 (fax). 100 Barr Harbor Drive. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised. which you may attend. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee. or through the ASTM website (www. and the risk of infringement of such rights. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. United States. West PA 19428-2959. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International. at the address shown below. that may impact the use of this standard. ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. 2006. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards. A 240/A 240M – 06b. are entirely their own responsibility. 12 . Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights.astm. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone).) (1) Revised Si content in Table 1 for UNS S32906 from 0. (Approved November 1.A 240/A 240M – 08 Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue.50 % to 0. or service@astm. either reapproved or withdrawn.80 (e-mail). PO Box C700. ASTM NAS NASM MIL ISO EN DIN 等技 主营业务范围:ASTM ASTM、NAS NAS、NASM NASM、MIL MIL、ISO ISO、EN EN、DIN 术标准翻译;技术资料翻译;国外技术标准中文版代购。 QQ:2298175560 业务 QQ 专业 专注于技术翻译 诚信 质量不满意,可不付款 .
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