Assurance Lounge

March 25, 2018 | Author: narayan_khuspe | Category: Databases, Sql, Software Development Process, Software Testing, Relational Database



Campus Commune8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Introduction to Testing Q 2.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Testing as a career Q 4.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Database Concepts Q 6.Data Query Language Q 7.DDL, DML & TCL Q 8.Single Row, Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Categories of testing Q 10.Testing Techniques Q 11.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Defect Management Q 13.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 1.Introduction to Testing Objective Introduction to Software Testing Importance of Software Testing What is testing? A procedure for critical evaluation or a means of determining the presence, quality, or genuineness of something is termed as testing. In general, 1 / 174 Campus Commune 8/5/2014 testing is finding out how well something works. What is Software? Software is a set of instructions to perform some task. Software is used in many applications of the real world. Some of the examples are Application software, such as word processors Firmware in an embedded system Middleware, which controls and co-ordinates distributed systems System software such as operating systems Video Games Websites Software is both a product and a vehicle for delivering a product (information). It is not manufactured but engineered. As time goes, the software deteriorates during changing conditions and requirements. All of these software applications need to run without any error and provide a quality service to the user of the application. In this regard the software has to be tested for its accuracy and correctness. Introduction to Software Testing Software Testing is the process which ensures that the system or application is free from the inconsistency or unusual behaviour and working as per the expected behaviour or requirements. It is a critical element in the software development life cycle and has the potential to save time and money by identifying problems early and to improve customer satisfaction by delivering a more defect-free product. Software Testing can be defined in simple words as “Performing Verification and Validation of the Software Product” for its correctness and accuracy of working. IEEE Definition Software testing is the process of analysing a software item to detect the differences between existing and required conditions (that is, bugs) and to evaluate the features of the software item. Importance of Software Testing “A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.” Albert Einstein Why is testing necessary? Complexity of software makes it error prone Untested or weakly tested software can cause losses in real life. To learn about reliability of software To stay in business Software testing answers questions that development and code reviews cannot. Does it really work as expected? Does it meet the users’ requirements? Is it what the users expect? Do the users like it? Is it compatible with our other systems? How does it perform? How does it scale when more users are added? Which areas need more work? Is it ready for release? Examples of Importance of Software Testing. ISRO calls off GSLV launch after fuel leak. 2 / 174 Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Because of the final flight test ISRO could identify the problem and called off the launch and thus saved millions and millions of RS NASA Mars Polar Lander NASA Mars Polar Lander – 1999 – Malfunction due to an unexpected setting of a single data bit Disney’s Lion King Disney’s Lion King – 1994 – 1995- The software did not work on the most common systems that the public had Related Videos 3 / 174 SDLC and STLC Objective Introduction to Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC) SDLC Phases SDLC Models Introduction to Software Testing Life Cycle(STLC) https://campuscommune.Defect Management Q 13.Categories of testing Q 4 / 174 .Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Testing as a career Q 4.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 2.Introduction to Testing Q 2.tcs.DDL. DML & TCL Q 8.SDLC and STLC Q 3. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Database Concepts Q 6.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Data Query Language Q 7.Single Row.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Testing Techniques Q 11. 3 Introduction to Software Testing Life Cycle https://campuscommune.2 SDLC Models 5 / 174 .1 Introduction to Software Development Life Cycle 2.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 STLC Phases 2.tcs. Introduction to Software Development Life Cycle Software Development Life Cycle (or SDLC) is the process which is followed to develop a software product. this process may.Testing Techniques Q 11.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. be customized based on the organizations requirement and framework followed by organization. at times.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Categories of testing Q 6 / 174 .Defect Management Q 13. It is a structured way of building software applications.Testing as a career Q 4. Most organizations have a process in place for developing software.SDLC and STLC Q 3.1.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.tcs.Database Concepts Q 6.Data Query Language Q 7. Life Cycle Model is one specific embodiment of a software process SDLC Phases The software development life cycle (SDLC) is a framework defining tasks performed at each step in the software development process. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 2.Single Row. DML & TCL Q 8. https://campuscommune. Design Software design is the blueprint of the system. It consists of a detailed plan describing how to develop.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 The software development life cycle (SDLC) is a framework defining tasks performed at each step in the software development process. Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. they are translated into software modules/functions/libraries. Requirements Gathering A Software Requirement Specification or SRS is a document which records expected behavior of the system or software which needs to be developed. which once completed can be provided to developers for code 7 / 174 . Coding During this phase. The following picture depicts the phases that are part of a development cycle. Time taken to complete the development depends on the size of the application and number of programmers involved. replace and alter or enhance specific software. Based on the components in design. the blueprint of the software is turned to reality by developing the source code of the entire application. etc and these pieces together form a software system. maintain.tcs. The life cycle defines a methodology for improving the quality of software and the overall development process. These models are also referred as "Software Development Process Models".Single Row. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9. DML & TCL Q 8. in order to ensure success in process of software development.Database Concepts Q 6.2.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Testing Techniques Q 11.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 2.tcs. https://campuscommune.Data Query Language Q 7.Categories of testing Q 10.Introduction to Testing Q 2. SDLC Models There are various software development life cycle models defined and designed which are followed during software development process.Qualities of a Tester Q 8 / 174 .SDLC and STLC Q 3. Each process model follows a Series of steps unique to its type.DDL.Testing as a career Q 4.Defect Management Q 13.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. force elaborate specifications of poorly understood user interfaces and decisionsupport functions.tcs. Works well for smaller projects where requirements are very well understood. Advantages Below are some of the advantages of the Waterfall Model Simple and easy to use. Each phase must be completed before the next phase begins. The waterfall model is the oldest and most widely used in software development life cycle. Phases are processed and completed one at a time. At the end of each review takes place to determine if the project is on the right track or not.Since different phases are explicitly recognized.the finalisation of the Contract is seen with reference to delivery and payment schedules of different phases. the project takes a straight line path.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Waterfall Model In the Waterfall document-driven standards. In this model. Poor model where requirements are at a moderate to high risk of changing. It may also result in extensive rework 9 / 174 . Since requirement validation is not done in an explicit manner. Poor model for complex and object-oriented projects. the different phases of the software development life cycle are explicitly recognized as mentioned in picture below: . V-Model https://campuscommune. It is also known as sequential may result in design and development of large quantities of unusable code. High amounts of risk and uncertainty. Easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model – each phase has specific deliverable and a review process. Disadvantages Adjusting scope during the life cycle can kill a project No working software is produced until late during the life cycle. Advantages Simple and easy to use Each phase has specific deliverable Higher chance of success over the waterfall model due to the development of test plans early on during the life cycle Works well for where requirements are easily understood Disadvantages Very inflexible.To commit to an approach for the next iteration Advantages Good for large projects and also for medium to high risk projects High amount of risk analysis hence avoidance of risk is enhanced String approval and documentation control Additional functionality can be added at a later date Software is produced early in the software life the middle of the core functionality.To evaluate alternatives . potential performance problems. https://campuscommune. design. Disadvantages Can be a costly model to use. to check what was actually wanted. for the next iteration.model is a sequential path of execution of processes. One layer of the project is rolled first. Each iteration involves the following steps: . testing. But in actuality. Testing is emphasized in this model more so than the waterfall model though.tcs. Testing of the product is planned in parallel with a corresponding phase of development. problems in underlying technology etc. Each iteration moves your project to a larger scale. followed by coding (version 1. alternatives and constraints . explore the risks (such as poorly understood requirements and architecture. during each of the phases preceding implementation. work on the next layer is started. then proceeds towards design.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 V. like the waterfall model Little flexibility and adjusting scope is difficult and expensive Software is developed during the implementation phase. Project’s success is highly dependent on the risk analysis phase. so no early prototypes of the software are produced Model does not provide a clear path for problems found during testing phases The Spiral Model A well-managed development project should take a straight line approach. Each phase must be completed before the next phase begins. moves back to analysis and then design. The basic idea behind this model is that you start on a small scale.To plan the next iteration .To identify and resolve risks . and acceptance to operation. The testing procedures are developed early in the life cycle before any coding is done.To develop the deliverables for that iteration.To determine objectives. The project starts with the analysis phase. This should be followed by a commitment to 10 / 174 . the project needs to proceed iteratively by taking a spiral path. Risk analysis requires highly specific expertise.0) and back to design and so forth. and to verify their correctness .right from feasibility report to analysis.) and then make a plan to handle the risks. and then. Incremental model The whole requirement is divided into various builds. The process continues till the complete system is achieved Advantages Generates working software quickly and early during the software life cycle. Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication. Each module passes through the requirements. Customer can respond to each built. more easily managed modules. Extreme Programming (XP). Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design. Customers. A working version of software is produced during the first module. Easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration. Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months). Multiple development cycles make the life cycle a “multi-waterfall” cycle. Close.tcs. developers and testers constantly interact with each other.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Doesn’t work well for smaller projects. Lowers initial delivery cost. daily cooperation between business people and developers. Disadvantages Needs good planning and design. Cycles are divided up into smaller. More flexible – less costly to change scope and requirements. Needs a clear and complete definition of the whole system before it can be broken down and built https://campuscommune. Software is developed in incremental.rallydev. This results in small incremental releases with each release building on previous functionality.swf Advantages People and interactions are emphasized rather than process and tools. Easier to manage risk because risky pieces are identified and handled during each iteration. Scrum are some of the most well known agile development model 11 / 174 . rapid cycles. Each subsequent release of the module adds function to the previous release. implementation and testing phases. Expensive than waterfall model Agile Model Agile model is also a type of Incremental model which is used for time critical applications. design. Each release is thoroughly tested to ensure software quality is maintained. The right model or combination of models has to be chosen based on the project and all other related factors.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Regular adaptation to changing circumstances. it is difficult to assess the effort required at the beginning of the software development life cycle. The project can easily get taken off track if the customer representative is not clear what final outcome that they want. Hence it has no place for new programmers.tcs. Related Videos Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts Closed Doubts SANGEETA DUTTA What does "string approval and documentation control" mean as written as an advantage of the spiral model? Thanks in advance :) about 23 hours ago 12 / 174 . Disadvantages In case of some software deliverables. Only senior programmers are capable of taking the kind of decisions required during the development process. unless combined with experienced resources. There is lack of emphasis on necessary designing and documentation. Even late changes in requirements are welcome. Different software development models have their own advantages and disadvantages. especially the large ones. Defect Management Q 13. DML & TCL Q 8.tcs.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz Q 2.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. https://campuscommune. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Database Concepts Q 6.Testing Techniques Q 11.Testing as a career Q 4. The overall aspect of STLC phase deals with testing and rectifying any error code generating within the program under various test conditions. different activities are carried out to improve the quality of the product.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Data Query Language Q 7.Single Row.3. Introduction to Software Testing Life Cycle The process of testing a software in a well-planned and systematic way is known as Software testing life cycle (STLC) Software testing life cycle is an integral part of the software development life cycle.Categories of testing Q 10.Introduction to Testing Q 2. In STLC 13 / 174 . Deliverables: RTM Automation feasibility report. System Architects.tcs. automation scripts (if applicable) Review and baseline test cases and scripts Create test data (If Test Environment is available) Deliverables: Test cases/scripts Test data Test Environment Setup Test environment decides the software and hardware conditions under which a work product is tested. Activities: Create test cases. Test environment set-up is one of the critical aspects of testing process and can be done in parallel with Test Case Development Stage. Requirements could be either Functional (defining what the software must do) or Non Functional (defining system performance /security availability). Test Design This phase involves creation. etc) to understand the requirements in detail. Activities: Identify types of tests to be performed. Training requirement Deliverables: Test plan /strategy document. Prepare Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM).Campus Commune 8/5/2014 STLC Phases Requirement Analysis During this phase. verification and rework of test cases & test scripts. Test data. a Senior QA manager will determine effort and cost estimates for the project and would prepare and finalize the Test Plan. (if applicable) Test Planning This phase is also called Test Strategy phase. Typically. Effort estimation document. Gather details about testing priorities and focus. Business Analyst. is identified/created and is reviewed and then reworked as well. in this stage. Technical Leads. test team studies the requirements from a testing point of view to identify the testable requirements. Activities: Preparation of test plan/strategy document for various types of testing Test tool selection Test effort estimation Resource planning and determining roles and responsibilities. Identify test environment details where testing is supposed to be carried out. Test team may not be involved in this activity if the customer/development team provides the test environment in which case the test team is required to do a readiness check (smoke testing) of the https://campuscommune. Automation feasibility for the given testing project is also done in this stage. Automation feasibility analysis (if required). The QA team may interact with various stakeholders ( 14 / 174 . Setup test Environment and test data Perform smoke test on the build Deliverables: Environment ready with test data set up Smoke Test Results. The idea is to remove the process bottlenecks for future test cycles and share best practices for any similar projects in future. Activities: Evaluate cycle completion criteria based on Time. Critical Business objectives and Quality Prepare test metrics based on the above parameters. Document the learning out of the project Prepare Test closure report Qualitative and quantitative reporting of quality of the work product to the customer. Bugs will be reported back to the development team for correction and retesting will be performed. Test result analysis to find out the defect distribution by type and severity Deliverables: Test Closure report Test metrics Related Videos Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts Closed Doubts JAYA BOSE What is the meaning of Automation Feasibility? https://campuscommune. discuss and analyze testing artifacts to identify strategies that have to be implemented in future. Cost.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 given environment.tcs. Activities: Execute tests as per plan. Test 15 / 174 . Software. taking lessons from the current test cycle. Document test results and log defects for failed cases Map defects to test cases in RTM Retest the defect fixes Track the defects to closure Deliverables: Completed RTM with execution status Execute tests as per plan. Test cases updated with results Test Cycle Closure Testing team will meet. Activities: Understand the required architecture. Test Execution During this phase test team will carry out the testing based on the test plans and the test cases prepared. environment set-up and prepare hardware and software requirement list for the Test Environment. Campus Commune 8/5/2014 about 3 days ago INDERJEET KAUR “Feasibility analysis in automation testing refers to a checklist on basis of which we can decide that we should proceed with the automation of the test cases or 16 / 174 .” Q https://campuscommune.tcs. Introduction to Testing Q 2.Categories of testing Q 10.Defect Management Q 13.Testing as a career Objective Need for Testing as a separate stream Testing as a profession Building career in testing Professional certifications in testing Roles and Responsibilities Latest trends in Testing https://campuscommune.Data Query Language Q 7.Testing Techniques Q 11.Testing as a career Q 4.SDLC and STLC Q 3.DDL. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Qualities of a Tester Q 17 / 174 .Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. DML & TCL Q 8.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Single Row.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 3.tcs.Database Concepts Q 6. tcs.5 Latest trends in Testing 18 / 174 .4 Roles and Responsibilities 3.3 Professional Certifications in Testing 3.1 Need for Testing as a separate stream and Testing as a Profession 3.2 Building a career in Testing 3.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Course Content 3. It provides sufficient information to the stake holders for decision making regarding release of the software/ system. Need for Testing as a separate stream https://campuscommune.1. DML & TCL Q 8.Single Row.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 3.DDL.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Testing as a career Q 4. for the next development step or handover to customers.Testing Techniques Q 11. It is understanding the domain and application functionality. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Defect Management Q 13.Data Query Language Q 7. Testing is not just plain documentation.Testing is breaking the code to make better solutions.tcs.Database Concepts Q 6.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Categories of testing Q 10. Need for Testing as a separate stream and Testing as a Profession Testing is part of overall Quality Assurance – It covers the Quality Control aspect of ensuring 19 / 174 . coding in case of Automation. Campus Commune 8/5/2014 The testing team needs to be independent and empowered in order to be effective. Separate Testing team would have people having sufficient knowledge and ability to test the software Testers would have independent view about the work products derived from requirement statement Developers tend to be optimistic while developing s/w that right and correct input will be given to the s/w while testing. Platform or database related defects may not be uncovered as developers may feel that as a technological limitations. There may be blindfolds while understanding requirements or selection of approach. and developers may not be willing to find more defects. technology is creating problems. Developers have more of creation skills while testing needs more of a destruction skill Special skills required for doing special tests would be available in independent testing teams.tcs. Testing as a Profession The Wrong Notion: The Reality: https://campuscommune. Understanding approach related defects may not be found by 20 / 174 . As per developers. tcs.Campus Commune Ask a doubt 8/5/2014 (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts There are no doubts yet Closed Doubts 21 / 174 . DDL.Data Query Language Q 7.Database Concepts Q 6.Single Row.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. Building a career in Testing The below points to be noted for building a career in Testing Understand the Testing Principles Have the right mind set and set up own goals Learn testing processes & methodologies Take training on testing tools Take professional training on software testing https://campuscommune.2.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Testing as a career Q 4.Categories of testing Q 10. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. DML & TCL Q 8.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 3.Testing Techniques Q 11.SDLC and STLC Q 3.tcs.Defect Management Q 22 / 174 . tcs. Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Complete software testing certifications Learn the Domain Move up in the hierarchy Behind every great Developer there is an equally great 23 / 174 . SDLC and STLC Q 3.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Database Concepts Q 6. Assurance Academy which is part of the Assurance Services Unit caters to the competency development in software testing in TCS. DML & TCL Q 8. Professional Certifications in Testing Training & Certification makes a better Test Professional.3. Below is the list of some of the widely taken up certifications in Testing.Single Row. https://campuscommune. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Defect Management Q 13.Testing as a career Q 24 / 174 .Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.tcs.Categories of testing Q 10.DDL.Data Query Language Q 7.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 3.Testing Techniques Q 11.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. .Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts Closed Doubts MAYUR SAPRE what is the purpose of assurance 25 / 174 .tcs.?? about 1 day ago https://campuscommune. Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Introduction to Testing Q 2.4.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 3.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Defect Management Q 13. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Single Row. DML & TCL Q 8.Testing as a career Q 4.tcs.DDL.Testing Techniques Q 11. Roles and Responsibilities https://campuscommune.Database Concepts Q 26 / 174 .Categories of testing Q 10.Data Query Language Q 7. tcs. testers and test manager Test Automation Engineer Prepare test automation design based on the test automation architecture and framework defined for the project Define standards and guidelines for automation Test Strategist Design testing framework including automated testing Review testing deliverables Analyze testing tools and recommend for use Define test strategy Define Metrics Test Process Consultant Assess testing processes and recommend improvement action plan Assess test automation feasibility Prepare assessment plan and coordinate with the project/program stakeholders Test Manager Develop test strategy Planning. effort 27 / 174 . resource management and training Manage and deliver the Testing team activities Establish. track and improve process efficiencies Identifying risks and formulating mitigation strategies Business Analyst https://campuscommune. processes and implement methodologies Report status of testing and co-ordinate with end-users.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Test Engineer / Tester Execute test cases as per test plans and log defects Work closely with Test Lead / Analyst to achieve desired objectives Test Analyst Develop Test Cases. Test Scripts and Test Data Prepare traceability matrix Work closely with Testing team to achieve the desired test result Test Lead Develop and manage Test Plans Monitor test execution and track defects Establish Testing Environment. risks and concerns at test centre level Reporting to Customer Management Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts Closed Doubts SANGEETA DUTTA Is there any difference between test strategy and test plan ?? Thanks in advance! about 12 hours ago SHABANA FATHIMA yeah there is. about 23 days ago https://campuscommune.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Prepare high level test scenarios based on business scenarios and requirements Analyze requirements for accuracy and completeness from a business perspective Review high level test scenarios prepared Test Consultant Assess testing processes and recommend improvement action plan Prepare assessment plan and coordinate with the project/programme stakeholders Pre-sales/ business development Test Automation Consultant Automation feasibility analysis and tool evaluation Automation approach and roadmap Pre-sales/ business development Creation of assets Product review/ keep abreast of developments in product space Test Center Delivery Manager End-to-end management of testing delivery for multiple projects / initiatives Identify and monitor issues. thank you for the comprehensive explanation of the testing hairarchy.but i would like to know what designation we will be given as soon as we finish our 28 / 174 . test plan is the way you want to carry out testing. ARAVINDAN KRRISHNAN sir. risks and concerns at test centre level Reporting to Customer Management Establish Client expectations End-to-end management of testing delivery Identify and monitor gives you an overall view of testing and defects. test strategy gives you idea of how your testing process is progessing. com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/latest-trends-in-testing 29 / 174 . Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9. DML & TCL Q 8.tcs.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz Q 3.Categories of testing Q 10. Mobile Usability testing Client side performance testing Automated cross browser testing Mobile performance testing Exploratory Testing https://campuscommune.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.5.Data Query Language Q 7.Introduction to Testing Q 2.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Testing Techniques Q 11. Latest trends in Testing Some of the major trends in software testing are as follows.Single Row.Database Concepts Q 6.Testing as a career Q 4.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.DDL.Defect Management Q 13.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Testing in the cloud Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts Closed Doubts JAYA BOSE What is Automated Cross browser testing? about 2 days ago Q 30 / 174 . tcs. https://campuscommune. Software testing requires a unique skill set. In short. and the best software testers are the ones that continuously strive to expand their knowledge and hone their testing strategies. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.DDL. A Great Tester is one who wants to know more than the developers know to have that breaking 31 / 174 . good testers always want to get better.Defect Management Q 13.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 4.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Qualities of a Tester Objective Attributes to become a good Tester Not just anyone can claim to be an exceptional software tester.Testing as a career Q 4.Testing Techniques Q 11.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Single Row.Data Query Language Q 7.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Database Concepts Q 6. DML & TCL Q 8.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Categories of testing Q 10.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. Also in communicating with developers.tcs. An attitude to Test to break. Passion: A software tester must have a great degree of passion for Testing. Technical skills: A good software tester must have strong technical skills. Attitude: A good software tester should have a GREAT attitude.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Skills required to become a Software Tester Following skills are indispensable to become a good software Tester. Also Technical skills help in test Automation. clients and management (Negotiation and Soft skills). have high 32 / 174 . bug reports. Analytical skills will help break up a complex software system into smaller units to gain a better understanding and create corresponding test cases. It helps in creation of Testing artifacts like test cases. The passion should be. to make a career in testing but not just to treat it as a job. Productivity: A software tester must efficiently manage workload. detail orientation. exhibit optimal time management and organization skills. https://campuscommune. Analytical Skills Technical skills Communication skills Attitude Productivity Passion Analytical Skills: A good software tester should have sharp analytical skills. It helps the testers to have a real insight into the kinds of bugs that come into software and the likeliest place to find them. Only then one can excel in this profession. test strategies. suggest process improvements. upgrade technical skills with the changing technologies and work independently without much supervision. Communication skills: A good software tester must have a good verbal and written communication skills. willingness to learn. test plans. Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Testing Techniques Q 11.DDL. DML & TCL Q 8.Data Query Language Q 7.Categories of testing Q 10.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Defect Management Q 33 / 174 .Database Concepts Q 6.Single Row.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 5.Database Concepts Objective Introduction Database Management System Traditional Data Processing System Need of a Database Management System Types of DBMS Relational Database Management System Terminology Keys https://campuscommune.Introduction to Testing Q 2.tcs.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Testing as a career Q 4.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. 1 Introduction 34 / 174 .3 RDBMS terms https://campuscommune.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Related Videos 5.tcs.2 Types of DBMS 5. Qualities of a Tester Q 5. https://campuscommune.Database Concepts Q 6.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 5.Defect Management Q 35 / 174 . Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Testing Techniques Q 11.Single Row.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. DML & TCL Q 8.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Categories of testing Q 10.DDL.managed and updated. What is a database? A database is a collection of related data organized in a way that data can be easily accessed .tcs.Data Query Language Q 7.SDLC and STLC Q 3. Introduction What is a data ? Any factual information in raw and disorganized form is called data.1.Testing as a career Q 4. Traditional File Processing System A file system is a method of storing and organizing computer files and the data they contain and to make it easy to find and access them. Application Development Ease 6.Oracle. FileMaker Pro. Data Security 7. Data Integration 4. Data Dependence 4. Data Redundancy 3. Transactional Problems 8. the modern DBMS was created. Well-known DBMS's include MySql. Concurrency problems Need of a Database Management System To overcome the limitations of the traditional file processing system . Inflexibility in retrieving the Data 6. Data Sharing 5. Difficulty in representing data from the user's view 5. creation. Better Controls 7.Foxpro.tcs. updating and administration of databases. The primary goal of a Database Management System(DBMS) is to provide a way to store and retrieve database information that is both convenient and efficient. Functions of DBMS : 1.SQLite. Reduced Maintenance Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. querying. Limitations of File processing System: 1. Data Consistency 3. Data Independence 36 / 174 . Minimal Data Redundancy 2. Separated and Isolated Data 2.Microsoft SQL server.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Database Management System A general-purpose Database Management System(DBMS) is a software system designed to allow the definition. Object relational database https://campuscommune. Types of DBMS Commonly used databases are: 1.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.DDL.Single Row.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Database Concepts Q 6.Defect Management Q 13. Network model database 3.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Testing Techniques Q 11. DML & TCL Q 8.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 5.tcs.Data Query Language Q 37 / 174 . Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.2.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Testing as a career Q 4.Categories of testing Q 10. Hierarchical Database 2. https://campuscommune. 3. 2. The data structure "tree" is followed by the DBMS to structure the database.tcs. 2. and code bases are easier to maintain. Object Oriented DBMS add database functionality to object oriented programming 38 / 174 . use more natural data modelling. applications require less code. Relational database Model Hierarchical DBMS: 1. As a result. Object Oriented Relational Database : 1. Thus the structure of a network database is extremely complicated because of these many-to-many relationships in which one record can be used as a key of the entire database. A DBMS is said to be a Network DBMS if the relationships among data in the database are of type many-to-many and appears in the form of a network.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 4. 2. They bring much more than persistent storage of programming language objects. A DBMS is said to be hierarchical if the relationships among data in the database are established in such a way that one data item is present as the subordinate of another one or a sub unit. Network Model DBMS: 1. 4. Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. Relational model is the most successfully used Data Base Management System Model (DBMS) model. 2. Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Access.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Relational Database Management System: 39 / 174 .tcs. 3. A Data Base Management System that is based on a relational model is called as Relational Database Management System. Some popular examples are Oracle. Relational model represents data in the form of tables. also called a row of data.Data Query Language Q 7. Tuple: A tuple.Categories of testing Q 10.Testing Techniques Q 11. 40 / 174 . is each individual entry that exists in a table.Introduction to Testing Q 2.DDL.Defect Management Q 13.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz Q 5.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Database Concepts Q 6. RDBMS terms Relation: The Relation is a collection of related data entries and it consists of columns and rows.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Single Row.Testing as a career Q 4. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.tcs. DML & TCL Q 8.3. Keys in DBMS Keys are used to establish and identify relation between tables Super Key: A Super key is any combination of fields within a table that uniquely identifies each record within that table. 2. Primary key: 1.tcs. A primary key is a candidate key that is most appropriate to be the main reference key for the table. In one book I read that A super key is a combination of all the fields within the table that uniquely identifies each record within that table. Candidate Key: 1. 3. A candidate key is a single field or the least combination of fields that uniquely identifies each record in the table. Foreign key: 1. A candidate is a subset of a super key.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Fields: Every table is broken up into smaller entities called fields. Which one is correct?? https://campuscommune. The least combination of fields distinguishes a candidate key from a super key. A field is a column in a table that is designed to maintain specific information about every record in the table. It is a key that uniquely identifies a record in a table. 2. A foreign key is the field that generally references values from primary key field of other table Related Videos Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts Closed Doubts SIKRUTI MOHANTY what is the difference between a super key and candidate key? about 3 hours ago VINEET JINDAL Here it is given that A Super key is any combination of fields within a table that uniquely identifies each record within that 41 / 174 . it opens a new tab for a quiz on the topic "Introduction to Java". customer_name. more than one or ALL the fields. Also. customer_name. customer_id is super key as it uniquely identifies each customer.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 about 4 days ago NARENDRA BOYANAPALLI I think a super key is any combination of fields within a table that uniquely identifies each record in that table because a table can have more than one super key. And all fields combined together can form only one super key for each table.then where can i find the study materials for the same? about 22 days ago SURYATEJA AMARA same doubt. customer_address> form a super key as can uniquely identify a customer. Am i supposed to take that test? If 42 / 174 . it will definitely form a super key!!! PRASANT SUKUMAR What does the unloaded image between the "Foreign key" para and the "related videos" mean ?Upon clicking that image. <customer_id. ANITA JAS A super key is a combination of one or more fields which uniquely identifies each record in a table. customer_name cannot be a super key as two customers can have the same name.tcs. customer_address. For example. we have three fields namely customer_id. So a super key contains one. INDERJEET KAUR same doubt Q https://campuscommune. customer_address> all these fields when taken together definitely forms a super key as it can uniquely identify a customer. Its quite obvious that if all the fields are taken together. But <customer_name. Introduction to Testing Q 2.tcs.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 6.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Testing Techniques Q 11.Defect Management Q 13. DML & TCL Q 8.Data Query Language Objective Introduction to SQL Data Query Language (DQL) : SELECT DQL : Projection DQL : Selection Using DISTINCT Keyword Using ORDER BY Keyword Using Concatenation Operator https://campuscommune.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Testing as a career Q 4.Data Query Language Q 7.Single 43 / 174 . Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Categories of testing Q 10.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Database Concepts Q 6.DDL. 3 SELECT Statement (Projection & Selection) 6.1 Introduction to SQL 6.4 DISTINCT Keyword 6.5 ORDER BY Clause 6.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Using Column Alias Course Content 44 / 174 .2 Data Query Language : SELECT 6.6 GROUP BY Clause 6.8 Column Alias https://campuscommune.tcs.7 Concatenation Operator 6. SDLC and STLC Q 3.1.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. and retrieving data stored in a computer database.Data Query Language Q 7.DDL.tcs. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Database Concepts Q 6.Defect Management Q 13.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 45 / 174 . SQL Statements can be divided into following sub categories: Data Definition Language (DDL) Data Manipulation Language (DML) Data Query Language (DQL) https://campuscommune. DML & TCL Q 8.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Testing Techniques Q 11. Introduction to SQL Structured Query Language or SQL is a tool for organizing. managing.Categories of testing Q 10.Testing as a career Q 4.Single Row. com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/introduction-to-sql 46 / 174 .tcs.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Data Control Language (DCL) Transaction Control Language (TCL) Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. Using SELECT statement the following operation can be performed Projection : The operation results subset of columns Selection : The operation results subset of rows Projection means selecting set of columns from a table.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Data Query Language Q 7. 3 columns marked with yellow colour suggesting that those columns are https://campuscommune.Single Row. Data Query Language : SELECT The Data Query Language (DQL) is used to retrieve the data from one or more tables.Categories of testing Q 10.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Introduction to Testing Q 2. The SELECT statement is the only DQL statement.Database Concepts Q 6.DDL.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Testing Techniques Q 47 / 174 .tcs.Testing as a career Q 4. DML & TCL Q 8.2.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 6. In the below table.Defect Management Q 13. Selection means selecting set of rows from a table. The remaining four clauses are optional. Consider the following table Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. In the below table. Syntax: SELECT column_name [. column_list] FROM table_name [WHERE search_condition] [GROUP BY grouping_column_name] [HAVING aggregated_search_condition] [ORDER BY sorting_column] 1. The SELECT and FROM clauses of the statement are mandatory.tcs. A Typical SELECT statement may consists of six clauses. 3 rows marked with yellow colour suggesting that those rows are 48 / 174 .Campus Commune 8/5/2014 selected. Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Introduction to Testing Q 2.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Testing as a career Q 4.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Database Concepts Q 6.Data Query Language Q 7.DDL, DML & TCL Q 8.Single Row, Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Categories of testing Q 10.Testing Techniques Q 11.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Defect Management Q 13.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 6.3. SELECT Statement (Projection & Selection) To display all records from table SELECT keyword with asterisk(*) is used: 49 / 174 Campus Commune 8/5/2014 The above query displays all the records from customer_details To retrieve selected columns from the table, specific column names separated by commas(,) are used The above query displays only id, name and salary columns from customer_details SELECT Statement (selection) The where clause can be used to refine selection results by adding a search criteria. Restricting Selection using comparison operators: SELECT name, age FROM customer_details WHERE salary>50000; The above query displays name and age of customers whose salary more than 50000 From customer_details table Restricting Selection using IN keyword: SELECT name,location FROM customer_details WHERE location IN ('Kolkata','Delhi'); The above query displays name and location of customers who are from Kolkata and Delhi Restrict based on pattern matching: SELECT name,location FROM customer_details WHERE name LIKE '_a%'; The above query displays name and location of customers whose name's second character is a. '_' identifies that one character can appear before 'a' and ' % ' identifies that any numbers of character can appear after 'a'. Restricting Selection using BETWEEN … AND keyword: SELECT name,location FROM customer_details WHERE age BETWEEN 20 AND 40; The above query displays name and location of customers whose age ranging from 20 to 40 Restricting based on NULL value: In Database terminology NULL is referred as value which is unspecified or unavailable Based on database configuration, NULL value may not display anything but it should not be misunderstood as zero or blank space. Condition on NULL value can be given using the keyword IS. SELECT name, age FROM customer_details WHERE location IS NULL; The above query displays name and age of customers whose location not specified 50 / 174 Campus Commune 8/5/2014 SELECT name, age FROM customer_details WHERE age IS NOT NULL; The above query displays name and age of customers whose age available Related Videos Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts There are no doubts yet Closed Doubts 51 / 174 Testing as a career Q 4.Categories of testing Q 10.4.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Database Concepts Q 6. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9. DISTINCT Keyword To eliminate duplicate rows DISTINCT keyword is used in the SELECT statement.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Data Query Language Q 7.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 6.Single Row. DML & TCL Q 8.DDL.tcs. https://campuscommune.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Defect Management Q 13.Testing Techniques Q 11.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Levels of testing & test cases Q 52 / 174 . Campus Commune 8/5/2014 The above query displays only the different age values.tcs. Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) 53 / 174 . Levels of testing & test cases Q 54 / 174 .Database Concepts Q 6.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 6.Categories of testing Q 10. https://campuscommune.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. DML & TCL Q 8.tcs.Single Row.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Data Query Language Q 7.5.DDL. ORDER BY Clause ORDER BY clause in the SELECT statement is used to sort the results.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Testing as a career Q 4.Defect Management Q 13. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Testing Techniques Q 11.SDLC and STLC Q 3. 2. Name. DESC keyword can be used to display the list in descending order Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts There are no doubts yet Closed Doubts https://campuscommune. age and salary of the customers displayed as per the ascending order of their salary.tcs.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 55 / 174 . tcs.DDL.Levels of testing & test cases Q 56 / 174 .SDLC and STLC Q 3.6.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 6. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Data Query Language Q 7. https://campuscommune.Database Concepts Q 6.Testing Techniques Q 11.Testing as a career Q 4. DML & TCL Q 8.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Defect Management Q 13. GROUP BY Clause The GROUP BY statement is used to group the result-set by one or more columns.Categories of testing Q 10.Single Row. Campus Commune 8/5/2014 The above query displays number of customers present in particular age 57 / 174 . Note: Group By Statements will be discussed in detail later Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. Defect Management Q 13.tcs.Database Concepts Q 6.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 6. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.7.Categories of testing Q 10. DML & TCL Q 8.SDLC and STLC Q 58 / 174 .Introduction to Testing Q 2.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Testing as a career Q 4.Single Row.DDL.Data Query Language Q 7.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. Concatenation Operator The concatenation( || ) operator can be used to combine character strings and values from table. https://campuscommune.Testing Techniques Q 11. com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/concatenation-operator 59 / 174 .tcs.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 The Name. age and the strings are displayed as single output columns Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. Introduction to Testing Q 2.Qualities of a Tester Q 60 / 174 .Testing as a career Q 4.tcs. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9. Column Alias Column heading in the result set can be changed with Column aliases using the keyword AS. https://campuscommune.Data Query Language Q 7. DML & TCL Q 8.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz Q 6.Defect Management Q 13.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.8.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Categories of testing Q 10.Testing Techniques Q 11.Single Row.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.DDL.Database Concepts Q 6. Column headings in the table is unchanged. The columns name and id are displayed as customer_name and customer_id in the result set.tcs. 2. Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Q https://campuscommune.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 61 / 174 . DML & TCL Objective Introduction to DDL Data types Types of Data Definition Language Introduction to DML INSERT statement UPDATE statement DELETE statement https://campuscommune.Defect Management Q 13.DDL. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.DDL.Data Query Language Q 7.Testing Techniques Q 62 / 174 .SDLC and STLC Q 3.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Categories of testing Q 10.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Testing as a career Q 4.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Single Row.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 7.tcs. DML & TCL Q 8.Database Concepts Q 6. 3 Transaction CONTROL Language (TCL) https://campuscommune.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Introduction to Transaction Control Transaction Control Statements 7.1 Data Definition Language (DDL) 63 / 174 .2 Data Manipulation Language(DML) 7.tcs. Testing as a career Q 4.Categories of testing Q 10.Defect Management Q 64 / 174 .Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 7. DML & TCL Q 8.Database Concepts Q 6.SDLC and STLC Q 3. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9..Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.1. All DDL statements are auto committed means the changes will become permanent and database objects created are available to all users.DDL.Data Query Language Q 7.Single Row.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Testing Techniques Q 11.Introduction to Testing Q 2. Commonly used DDL statements are: https://campuscommune.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. Data Definition Language (DDL) Data Definition Language (DDL) DDL statements define the data structure such as tables. that make up the database. views etc. E_Mail and Country. The above statement creates a table named Employee with columns Emp_id. column_name3 DATATYPE(Size) ). DDL statement: CREATE The CREATE keyword is used for creating database objects like tables. Salary number(8). Ex: Create Table Employee ( Emp_id number(4) NOT NULL. Syntax: CREATE TABLE table_name ( column_name1 DATATYPE(Size) . VARCHAR2 (size) – Used to store variable length string data. triggers. column_name2 DATATYPE(Size). Modifying the column: https://campuscommune. Some commonly used data types are: CHAR (size) . precision) – Used to store numbers(fixed or floating point) DATE – Used to represent date and time..tcs. LONG – Used to store large variable length strings(upto 2GB). Table created.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 CREATE ALTER DROP RENAME TRUNCATE Data Types A data type identifies or classifies a particular type of information or data. Name. NUMBER (size. DDL statement: ALTER Alter statement is used to modify the structure of database or database objects like tables.Used to store character strings values of fixed length.Salary. views etc. Alter table statement . Country varchar2(20).to add column to a table: The above statement adds a new column 'age' of number data type with constraint not 65 / 174 . ). and indexes. Name varchar2(20) NOT NULL. E_Mail varchar2(30). views. Table Altered. DROP TABLE Employee. Related Videos Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts Closed Doubts SAMAPTI SINHAMAHAPATRA What is schema? about 24 days ago PRASANT SUKUMAR a schema is the organization or structure for a database.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Ex: ALTER TABLE Employee MODIFY salary number(10. DROP. Renaming a Table: RENAME Employee to Emp_table. Rename and Drop a Column: Using the alter statement we can rename a column and also the drop any column. RENAME Truncate Table: Remove all the rows and resets schema of the table. Drop table : Deletes table entirely from the database. The above statements renames the column name salary to em_sal and drops column age. DDL statements: 66 / 174 . https://campuscommune. TRUNCATE TABLE Employee.2). stu_clg) forms the schema and (101.tcs.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 JAYA BOSE Schema is the structure of the 67 / 174 . eg in the student table (stu_id.cvrce) is one row which contains data according to the schema specified. https://campuscommune.Ram.stu_name. DDL.Testing Techniques Q 11. 2.Single Row. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 7.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. https://campuscommune.Introduction to Testing Q 2. DML & TCL Q 8.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. updating and deleting data in the database objects like table or view.Database Concepts Q 6.Categories of testing Q 10.tcs.2. DML comprises the SQL change statements which modifies the stored data but not the database object.Testing as a career Q 4.Data Query Language Q 7. Data Manipulation Language(DML) is a structured query language which is used for inserting.Defect Management Q 68 / 174 . Data Manipulation Language(DML) Introduction 1. https://campuscommune... …. Ex: If values in all the columns inserted in proper order. value2.). Ex: Insertion can also be done in interactive way.)] VALUES(value1.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 3.. &value2..Column_name2=value2. value2. Syntax: INSERT INTO table_name[(column1. Ex..).... Ex: UPDATE statement Update command is used to change or modify data of one or more records in a table.. column2..). The records can be inserted in interactive manner also Syntax: INSERT INTO table_name VALUES(& 69 / 174 ..] [WHERE Condition].. column names are not mandatory.tcs. Syntax-:INSERT INTO table_name VALUES(value1. DML consist of three SQL statements namelyInsert Update Delete INSERT statement Insert statement is used for inserting data into table. Syntax: UPDATE Table_name SET Column_name1=value1 [.... Insertion of data can be done in multiple ways. Syntax: DELETE FROM Table_Name [WHERE Condition].Campus Commune 8/5/2014 DELETE statement 1. otherwise all records are 70 / 174 . Ex: Note: Delete statement without where condition deletes all the rows from table. 2. Example- Related Videos https://campuscommune. A subset may be defined for deletion using a condition. Delete statement using WHERE condition.tcs. Delete statement is used to remove one or more records from a table. (alter table tablename drop column column-name. in 2 "column" keyword is used which is not present in 71 / 174 . But delete is used to just delete the data.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts Closed Doubts SUGANTHI SEKAR whether the following two are correct for delete the particular column from the table 1.alter table table-name drop column column-name.e rows.ALTER table is used to remove the column.tcs. Because Alter is DDL which will modify the structure of table. about 1 month ago VIJAYAN KANNAN Best Answer I think 2 is correct. 2. It will not remove entire column SHANMUGAPRIYA GANESAN I think DELETE is used to remove records i.). delete from table-name where condition. NARENDRA BOYANAPALLI I think only 1 is correct because. https://campuscommune. Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Introduction to Testing Q 2.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Testing as a career Q 4.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Database Concepts Q 6.Data Query Language Q 7.DDL, DML & TCL Q 8.Single Row, Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Categories of testing Q 10.Testing Techniques Q 11.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Defect Management Q 13.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz Q 7.3. Transaction CONTROL Language (TCL) Introduction to Transaction Oracle server ensures data consistency based upon transactions. Transactions consist of DML statements that make up one consistent change to the data. Transaction Start and End Scenarios: 72 / 174 Campus Commune 8/5/2014 A Transaction begins when the first executable sql statement is encountered. The Transaction terminates when the following specifications occur. A COMMIT or ROLL BACK issued. A DDL statement issued A DCL statement issued Failure of machine or system crashes A DDL or DCL statement is automatically committed and hence implicitly ends a Transaction. Explicit Transaction Control Statements COMMIT SAVEPOINT ROLLBACK COMMIT: It ends the current Transaction by making all pending data changes permanent. Syntax:COMMIT; Once commit is issued, data changes will become permanent. The previous state of the data is permanently lost. All users can view the results of the recent transactional changes. Ex: UPDATE employee SET salary =1000 WHERE emp_id = 10; COMMIT; SAVEPOINT: It marks a savepoint with in the current Transaction. We can create multiple savepoints in single Transaction. Savepoints can be used to control the reverting of changes. Syntax:SAVEPOINT <NAME>; Ex: SAVEPOINT S1; ROLLBACK: It ends the current Transaction by discarding all pending data changes. The data changes are undone. The previous state of data is restored. The locks on the affected rows are automatically released. Syntax: ROLLBACK or ROLLBACK to <SAVEPOINT NAME>; Ex: UPDATE employee SET salary =1000 WHERE emp_id = 10; ROLLBACK; using savepoint the Transaction can be discarded up to the marker by using rollback statement. Ex: INSERT INTO employee VALUES(10,'JHON',3000); INSERT INTO employee VALUES(10,'KELLY',2000); SAVEPOINT S1; INSERT INTO employee VALUES(10,'WILSON',4000); ROLLBACK TO S1; 73 / 174 Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Related Videos Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts Closed Doubts VINITA SHEWALE The question asked in quiz was- Which is the Explicit Transaction Control Statement? Options wereCOMMIT SAVEPOINT ROLLBACK all the options were correct. What to do? Similarly, Most of the questions were marked as right, But it has given all of them as wrong. My first attempt was not cleared due to that all mess up... about 3 days ago NARENDRA BOYANAPALLI For options COMMIT and ROLLBACK it is given right. Q 74 / 174 Categories of testing Q 10.Defect Management Q 13.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. DML & TCL Q 8.Data Query Language Q 7.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Single 75 / 174 .Testing as a career Q 4.tcs.Introduction to Testing Q 2.DDL.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 8.Single Row.Database Concepts Q 6.Testing Techniques Q 11. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Objective Introduction to Oracle Built-in Functions Single Row Functions and types Conversion Functions Character Functions Numeric Functions Dual table ABS and MOD function https://campuscommune. 3 Conversion Functions 8.6 Dual table 8.5 Numeric Functions 8.2 Single Row Functions 8.4 Character Functions 8.7 Aggregate / Group functions https://campuscommune.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 POWER and SQRT function FLOOR and CEIL function TRUNC and ROUND function Numeric functions examples Group functions Using GROUP BY statement Using WHERE clause Using HAVING clause 8.tcs.1 Introduction to Oracle Built-in Functions 76 / 174 . Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Data Query Language Q 7.SDLC and STLC Q 3.tcs.Single Row.Testing Techniques Q 11.Database Concepts Q 6.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. DML & TCL Q 8. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.DDL.Defect Management Q 13. Single Row Functions: Single row or Scalar functions return a value for every row that is processed. Introduction to Oracle Built-in Functions Oracle Built-in Functions are the functions supplied by Oracle that can be used to manipulate data items and return a result.1. performs the aggregate function(sum.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 8. Group Functions: These functions group the rows of data based on the values returned by the query.avg https://campuscommune.Testing as a career Q 77 / 174 .Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. There are two types of Built-in functions available in Oracle.Categories of testing Q 10. tcs.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 etc. Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune.) on each group and return one value per group of 78 / 174 . Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9. Single Row Functions Single row or Scalar functions return a value for every row that is processed .Data Query Language Q 7. DML & TCL Q 8. For Example: a null value into an actual value.Testing as a career Q 4. or a value from one data type to another data type like NVL. There are four different types of single row functions1)Conversion Functions: These are functions that help us to convert a value in one form to another form. TO_DATE etc.Defect Management Q 13.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.2.Categories of testing Q 10.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.tcs. https://campuscommune.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 79 / 174 .DDL..SDLC and STLC Q 3.Database Concepts Q 6..Single Row.Testing Techniques Q 11. TO_NUMBER.Introduction to Testing Q 2. Consider the following table Employee: Related Videos Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune.tcs.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 2)Character or Text Functions: These are functions that accept character input and can return both character and number values. 4)Date Functions: These are functions that take values that are of data type DATE as input and return values of data type 80 / 174 . except for the MONTHS_BETWEEN function. 3)Numeric Functions: These are functions that accept numeric input and return numeric values. which returns a number. Qualities of a Tester Q 5. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.DDL.Defect Management Q 13. https://campuscommune. replace_with). Syntax : NVL( string1.Database Concepts Q 6.Categories of testing Q 10.Testing as a career Q 4. DML & TCL Q 8.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 8.tcs.Testing Techniques Q 11.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Single 81 / 174 . Conversion Functions NVL NVL2 NULLIF NVL: let us replace null with a string in the results of a query .3.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Data Query Language Q 7. If they are not equal.0) FROM Employee. The above query returns NULL if dep_name field consists of 'HR'. Ex: SELECT NVL(emp_name. The above query returns 0 only if the salary is defined as NUMBER and is NULL. You cannot specify the literal NULL for expr1. Syntax : NVL2(string1.'NA') FROM Employee. then NVL returns replace_with . NVL2: NVL2 function extends the functionality found in the NVL 82 / 174 . Ex: SELECT NVL(salary. Ex: SELECT NVL(emp_name.tcs.dep_name. It lets you substitutes a value when a null value is encountered as well as when a non-null value is encountered. The above query will display dep_name wherever emp_name is NULL.'HR') FROM Employee. The above query will display 'NA' wherever emp_name is null. otherwise it returns job.expr2) Ex: SELECT NULLIF( dep_name. NULLIF: NULLIF compares expr1 and expr2. Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts There are no doubts yet Closed Doubts https://campuscommune. if string1 is null then NVL2 returns value_if_null. If string1 is not null.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 If string1 is null. then the function returns null. Syntax : NULLIF(expr1. We can also replace with another column. then the function returns expr1 .dep_name) FROM Employee. The emp_name and dep_name should belongs to same data type family.value_if_null) if string1 is not null then NVL2 returns value_if_not_null. then NVL returns string1. If they are equal.value_if_not_null. Ex: SELECT NVL2(emp_name.'NOT AVAILABLE') FROM Employee. Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.4. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.tcs.Data Query Language Q 7.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 8.Single Row. Character Functions There are two types of character functions.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Testing as a career Q 4.DDL.Defect Management Q 83 / 174 .Categories of testing Q 10.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Testing Techniques Q 11. Character to character functions accept string as input and will give string as output. INITCAP LOWER UPPER https://campuscommune.Database Concepts Q 6.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. DML & TCL Q 8. LENGTH INSTR INITCAP: This function sets the first character in each word to upper case and the rest to lower case. LOWER: This function converts all letters in the specified string to lower case.expr2) Ex: SELECT CONCAT( 84 / 174 . CONCAT: This function allows you to concatenate two strings together.RPAD TRIM SUBSTR REPLACE Character to number functions accept string as input and will give number as output. The above query returns the emp_name & dep_name concatenated into a single string.n) https://campuscommune. Syntax : CONCAT(expr1. UPPER:This function converts all letters in the specified string to uppercase. If there are characters in the string that are not letters. Syntax : LOWER(expr1) Ex: SELECT LOWER (emp_name) FROM employee: amit ajay sima dipa anuj The above query returns all the characters of the employee name in lower case.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 CONCAT LPAD. If there are characters in the string that are not letters. Syntax : UPPER(expr1) Ex: SELECT UPPER (emp_name) FROM Employee: AMIT AJAY SIMA DIPA ANUJ The above query returns all the characters of the employee name in upper case. starting from specific position to required characters length. they are unaffected by this function.dep_name) full_name FROM Employee. SUBSTR: Returns specified characters from a string. Syntax : SUBSTR(col/expr. they are unaffected by this function.tcs.m. Syntax : INITCAP(expr1) Ex: SELECT INITCAP(emp_name) FROM Employee: Amit Ajay Sima Dipa Anuj The above query returns all the employee names with the first letter in upper case and rest other characters in lower case. padded_length.'x') FROM dual. LPAD. Syntax : REPLACE(string. If 'n' is omitted.8 .'Mumbai'.2) FROM dual. If the replacement string is omitted or null all occurrences of search string will be removed. Ex: SELECT SUBSTR(emp_name. The above query starts searching from the third position of the employee name from the starting of the string and displays two characters from there. jhonxxxx The above query fills the four blank spaces with 'x' right of the given string. xxxxjhon The above query fills the four blank spaces with 'x' left of the given string.'Kolkata') FROM Employee WHERE dep_name = 'HR'.search_string. Syntax : RPAD(expr1. TRIM: It enables to trim leading or trailing characters or both from a string.'x') FROM dual. Ex: SELECT LTRIM('s' from 'ssmithss') FROM dual.RPAD: LPAD pads the character value right justified to a total width of n character positions. Syntax : TRIM( [LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH] character FROM string) LTRIM : Removes the leading characters RTRIM : Removes the trailing characters TRIM : Removes both Ex: SELECT RTRIM('s' from 'ssmithss') FROM dual. dc The above query starts searching from the fourth position of the given string from the end of the string and display two characters from there. mithss The above query removes 'leading' 's' from the given string.padded_string) RPAD pads the character value left justified to a total width of n character positions. Ex: SELECT SUBSTR('abcdefg'-4.tcs. Ex: SELECT LPAD('jhon'. If we don’t specify anything.8 . REPLACE: It returns the every occurrence of search_string replaced by the replacement_string. Oracle returns all characters to end of the string starting from m. If it is negative Oracle counts from the end of string.8) FROM dual. jhon Since the third parameter is not specified in the result of the above query will be by default space padded for the previous four positions. The above query replaces branch name to 'Kolkata' wherever 'Mumbai' is available for the HR department . Syntax : LPAD(expr1.padded_length.2) FROM 85 / 174 . it will trim spaces.replace_string) Ex: SELECT REPLACE(branch_name. ssmith The above query removes 'trailing' 's' from the given string.padded_string) The default padding character is space.3. counts from beginning of string. Ex2: SELECT LPAD('jhon'.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 If 'm' is positive. Ex3: SELECT RPAD('jhon'. Ex: SELECT INSTR('internet'.1. Ex: SELECT TRIM(' smith ') FROM dual. LENGTH: Returns number of characters in a value. Ex: SELECT LENGTH('jhon') FROM dual. mith The above query removes 'trailing' & 'leading' 's' from the given string. 7 The above query returns the second position of 'e' searched from the start of the given string.2) FROM dual. nth_appearance ] ] ).'e'. Ex: SELECT INSTR('internet'. The above query returns number characters in the branch_name field for each and every record. If not specified.1) FROM dual. always INSTR starts with first position and will give first appearance. start_position [.tcs. INSTR: This function returns the location of a sub string in a given string.'e') FROM dual. 4 The above query returns the first position of 'e' searched from the start of the given string. start_position and nth_appearance are optional. 4 The above query returns the number of characters from the given string. Syntax : LENGTH(column) Ex: SELECT LENGTH(branch_name) FROM Employee. 3 The above query returns the first position of 'e' searched from the fifth position of the given string. Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune.5. Smith The above query removes 'trailing' & 'leading' spaces from the given string.'e'. sub_string [.com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/character-functions 86 / 174 . Ex: SELECT INSTR('internet'.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Ex: SELECT TRIM('s' from 'ssmiths') FROM dual. Syntax : INSTR( string. tcs.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 8. Numeric functions are used to perform operations on numbers. ABS and MOD b. DML & TCL Q 8.Defect Management Q 13.Data Query Language Q 7.SDLC and STLC Q 3. a.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Database Concepts Q 6. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Categories of testing Q 10.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Testing Techniques Q 11.DDL. FLOOR and CEIL https://campuscommune. 3.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. Numeric Functions 1.Single Row. 87 / 174 . Following are the few examples of Numeric functions available in Oracle.5. They accept numeric values as input and return numeric values as output.Testing as a career Q 4. POW and SQRT c. com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/numeric-functions 88 / 174 .tcs. TRUNC and ROUND Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 d. tcs.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. Oracle presents the output of every operations in a tabular format so that it seems to the user that the output comes from a table https://campuscommune.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Testing Techniques Q 11.Data Query Language Q 7.Database Concepts Q 6. DML & TCL Q 8.Categories of testing Q 10. 2. This is used to perform mathematical calculations without using a table.6.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. This is a single row and single column dummy table provided by oracle.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 8.Single Row.Introduction to Testing Q 2. Dual table 1.SDLC and STLC Q 3.DDL.Testing as a career Q 4.Defect Management Q 13. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 89 / 174 . Campus Commune 8/5/2014 ABS and MOD Function The ABS function returns the absolute value of the parameter passed. Syntax : ABS(number) Ex: SELECT ABS(-10) FROM dual; 10 The above query returns the absolute value of the given 'number'. The MOD function returns the remainder value of the parameter passed. Syntax : MOD(number1,number2) Ex: SELECT MOD(10,4) FROM dual; 2 The above query returns the remainder when 10 is divided by 4. POWER and SQRT Function POWER function returns the argument raised to the specified power. Syntax : POWER(number1,number2) Ex: SELECT POWER(4,3) As Cube FROM dual; 64 The above query returns the output when 4 is raised to the power of 3. SQRT function returns the square root of a number passed as parameter. Syntax: SQRT(number) Ex: SELECT SQRT(64) As “Square Root” FROM dual; 8 The above query returns the square root value of 64. FLOOR and CEIL Function The FLOOR function returns the largest integer less than or equal to the value passed in parameter. Syntax: FLOOR(decimal number) Ex: SELECT FLOOR(7.14), FLOOR(7.84) FROM dual; 7 7 The above query returns the largest integer nearest to 7.14 & 7.84. Ex: SELECT FLOOR(-7.14) FROM dual; -8 The above query returns the largest integer nearest to -7.14. The CEIL function returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the value 90 / 174 Campus Commune 8/5/2014 mentioned in parameter. Syntax: CEIL(decimal number) Ex: SELECT CEIL(7.14), CEIL(7.84) FROM dual; 8 8 The above query returns the smallest integer nearest to 7.14 & 7.84. Ex: SELECT CEIL(-7.14) FROM dual; -7 The above query returns the smallest integer nearest to -7.14. TRUNC and ROUND Function 1) The TRUNC function truncates the value present in the column, expression up to decimal places mentioned in first parameter. 2) If the second argument is 0 or is missing, the value is truncated to zero decimal places. Syntax: TRUNC(decimal number,number of places) Ex: SELECT TRUNC(137.5738,3) As Rounded FROM dual; 137.573 The above query returns the decimal number with three digits after the decimal point. Ex: SELECT TRUNC(137.5738,0) As Rounded FROM dual; 137 The above query returns the integer value. The ROUND function round off the value present in the column, expression up to decimal places mentioned in first parameter. If the second argument is 0 or is missing, the value is rounded to zero decimal places. Syntax: ROUND(decimal number,number of places) Ex: SELECT ROUND(137.5738,3) As Rounded FROM dual; 137.574 The above query returns the decimal number with three digits after the decimal point where 4th digit is rounded. SQL> SELECT ROUND(137.5738,0) As Rounded FROM dual; 138 The above query returns the integer value rounded to the next highest value. If the second argument is negative number, the value is rounded up specified decimal places to the left (rounded to the nearest unit of 10). Ex: SELECT ROUND(137.5748,-1) As Rounded FROM dual; 140 The above query returns the integer value which is the nearest tens value. Ex: SELECT ROUND(137.5748,-2) As Rounded FROM DUAL; 100 The above query returns the integer value which is the nearest hundreds value. Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts Closed Doubts 91 / 174 Campus Commune 8/5/2014 SAMAPTI SINHAMAHAPATRA What exactly dual table is? about 20 days ago MOHIT THAKUR suppose u are creating a script which has multiple sql queries , now u need to use a formula to calculate a value and use it in another query , what will u do , either u will create another table to perform such task , which would be inconvenient in case your script is run on different databases , so dual table is a table which is already there to be used for such temporary calculations . 92 / 174 Based on the query statement it may return single or multiple rows. Aggregate / Group functions Aggregate / Group Functions Group Functions.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Database Concepts Q 6.Testing Techniques Q 11.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.SDLC and STLC Q 3. The functions that are used as Aggregate Functions are: 93 / 174 .Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz Q 8.Defect Management Q 13.tcs.Single Row. Group function returns a single result row for every group of queried rows. as the name suggests. DML & TCL Q 8.Data Query Language Q 7.Testing as a career Q 4. are functions that operate on groups(sets) of values and returns one result per group.Introduction to Testing Q 2.DDL.Categories of testing Q 10. <columName2>] . Ex: SELECT dep_name. Syntax: SELECT <columnName1>[.com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/aggregate-group-functions 94 / 174 .COUNT(emp_id) "No of Employee" FROM Employee GROUP BY dep_name. Syntax: COUNT([DISTINCT] column_name) Ex: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Dep_name) Departments FROM Employee. ignoring null values. 5 The above query displays the total number of rows in table Employee. COUNT:(*) Count function with asterisk returns the count of total number of rows including null values Syntax: COUNT(*) Ex: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Employee. Syntax: MIN([DISTINCT] column_name) Ex: SELECT MIN(salary) as “Minimum Salary” FROM Employee where Dep_Name='HR'. COUNT: Returns the count of not null values ignoring null values. ignoring null values. containing several sets of records grouped together based on a condition. 10000 The above query displays the minimum salary of all the employees in HR Department in the table Employee. ignoring null values. GROUP BY clause Creates a data set. AGGREGATE FUNCTION(<expression>) FROM Table_Name GROUP BY <columnName1>[. 16000 The above query displays the maximum salary of all the employees in HR Department in the table Employee.tcs.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 SUM AVG MAX MIN COUNT Consider the following table: Employee AVG: Returns an average value. 3 The above query displays the count of different departments in the table Employee. MIN: Returns the minimum value. Syntax: AVG([DISTINCT] column_name) Ex: SELECT AVG(salary) as “Average Salary” FROM Employee. HR 2 Marketing 2 https://campuscommune.<columnName2>]. Syntax: MAX([DISTINCT] column_name) Ex: SELECT MAX(salary) as “Maximum Salary” FROM Employee where Dep_Name='HR'. 21500 The above query displays the average salary of all the employees in the table Employee MAX: Returns the maximum value. <columName2>] . HR 16000 Marketing 20000 The above query displays the departments for which total salary is less 30000 excluding the Admin department. https://campuscommune.<columnName2>].Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Admin 1 The above query displays the number of employee in each department. HR 1 Marketing 1 Admin 1 The above query displays department wise count of salary more than 15000. AGGREGATE FUNCTION(<expression>) FROM Table_Name WHERE <condition_before_grouping_rows> GROUP BY <columnName1>[.<columnName2>]. SUM(Salary) FROM Employee WHERE Salary>12000 GROUP BY Dep_Name HAVING SUM(Salary)<30000. total salary for which is 40000. HAVING clause Used to apply a filter condition on Aggregate values. Ex: SELECT Dep_Name. Syntax: SELECT <columnName1>[. WHERE clause Used to apply a filter condition before the Grouping the rows. Syntax: SELECT <columnName1>[.<columName2>] HAVING <condition_on_grouped_result>.COUNT(Salary) FROM Employee WHERE Salary>15000 GROUP BY Dep_Name. AGGREGATE FUNCTION(<expression>) FROM Table_Name WHERE <condition_before_grouping_rows> GROUP BY <columnName1>[.tcs. Ex: SELECT Dep_Name. Related Videos Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts Closed Doubts SAMAPTI SINHAMAHAPATRA What is the significance of using [DISTINCT] in aggregate functions? about 20 days ago NARENDRA BOYANAPALLI DISTINCT is the keyword that allows you to consider only those rows which have different 95 / 174 . It eliminates the rows with same values. SUM(Salary) FROM Employee WHERE Salary>12000 GROUP BY Dep_Name HAVING SUM(Salary)< 96 / 174 .tcs. and HAVING if you need to filter after the Aggregation is applied .Campus Commune 8/5/2014 VIJAYAN KANNAN What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING clauses? Shall we use the both in single query? about 1 month ago MEGHANA MHAISEKAR Moderator WHERE is used for filtering before the grouping of rows . It can be used in a single query SELECT Dep_Name. Q https://campuscommune. tcs.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Defect Management Q 13.Categories of testing Q 10.DDL.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Testing as a career Q 4.Testing Techniques Q 11.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Database Concepts Q 97 / 174 .Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Data Query Language Q 7.Single Row.Categories of testing Objective Static Testing Dynamic Testing 9.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 9. DML & TCL Q 8.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.1 Introduction https://campuscommune. tcs.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 9.3 Dynamic Testing https://campuscommune.2 Static Testing 98 / 174 . Testing Techniques Q 11. Introduction Testing is broadly categorised into two namely Static and Dynamic Testing.Data Query Language Q 7.Database Concepts Q 6.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 9.Categories of testing Q 10. https://campuscommune.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.DDL. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Single 99 / 174 .Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Defect Management Q 13. DML & TCL Q 8.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Introduction to Testing Q 2. Dynamic Testing is again categorised into Black Box and White Box Testing.1.Testing as a career Q 4. com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/static-testing 100 / 174 .tcs.Campus Commune Ask a doubt 8/5/2014 (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. Testing Techniques Q 11.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 9.DDL. It starts early in the life cycle and is a part of verification process.Testing as a career Q 4. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.SDLC and STLC Q 3.2. the work products are not executed.Data Query Language Q 7. The following are the static testing techniques Reviews https://campuscommune.Categories of testing Q 10.Single Row. It does not require a computer as there will not be execution of the software work products.Introduction to Testing Q 2.tcs.Defect Management Q 13.Database Concepts Q 6. In this 101 / 174 .Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. Static Testing Static Testing is testing of software work products either manually or by usage of tools. DML & TCL Q 8.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. 4. A formal follow-up is carried out by the moderator applying exit criteria. Peer reviews and Walkthroughs are informal reviews whereas Inspection is a formal review process. 3. Conduct meaningful training for all reviewers. 9. In a recap of above techniques . During inspection the documents are prepared and checked thoroughly by the reviewers before the meeting. enabling junior engineers to observe different approaches to software analysis. 2. Limit rebuttal and debate. Set an agenda and maintain it. Useful for the people if they are not from the software discipline. It is led by the trained moderators. A separate preparation is carried out during which the product is examined and the defects are found. Allocate resources and schedule time for all reviewers. Informal . logic. Formal – Inspection: It is the most formal review type. Enunciate problem area. Informal . 5.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Walkthroughs Inspections Of the above mentioned techniques. Develop a checklist for each product that is likely to be reviewed. It is usually led by trained moderator who is NOT the author. Formal Technical Review Objectives Uncover errors in function. External reference . The report is prepared with the list of issues that needs to be addressed. Author guides the participants through the document according to his or her thought process to achieve a common understanding and to gather feedback.pdf Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. Especially useful for higher level documents like requirement specification. 7. design.http://www. Limit number of participants and insist on advance preparation.Walkthrough: It is not a formal process. but don’t attempt to solve every problem noted. Review the product not the producer.tcs. 10.Peer Review: Peer Reviews are documented and uses a defect detection process that has peers and technical specialist as part of the review process. The Review process does not involve management participation. Review your early reviews. who are not used to or cannot easily understand software development process. It is led by the authors. Take written notes.toronto. and implementation Serves to promote backup and continuity because a number of people become familiar with parts of the software that they may not have otherwise seen Formal Technical Reviews Involves 3 to 5 people (including reviewers) Advance preparation (no more than 2 hours per person) required Duration of review meeting should be less than 2 hours Focus of review (walkthrough or inspection) is on a discrete work product Review leader organizes the review meeting at the producer's request Reviewers ask questions that enable the producer to discover his or her own error (the product is under review not the producer) Producer of the work product walks the reviewers through the product Recorder writes down any significant issues raised during the review Reviewers decide to accept or reject the work product and whether to require additional reviews of product or not Formal Technical Review Guidelines 1. or implementation for any representation of the software Verify that the software under review meets its requirements Ensure that the software has been represented according to predefined standards Achieve software that is developed in a uniform manner Make projects more manageable Serve as a training 102 / 174 . etc. 6. The defects found are documented in a logging list or issue log. Testing as a career Q 4. DML & TCL Q 8.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Testing Techniques Q 11.Single Row. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Defect Management Q 13.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.DDL. It comes under the validation.Categories of testing Q 10.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz Q 9.tcs. The dynamic method requires the code be compiled and run. Dynamic Testing Consists of Two Types: 1) White-Box testing https://campuscommune. Dynamic testing is a method of assessing the feasibility of a software program by giving input and examining output (I/O).SDLC and STLC Q 3.Introduction to Testing Q 2.3.Data Query Language Q 7. Dynamic Testing Testing the software by dynamically executing the application is termed as dynamic 103 / 174 .Database Concepts Q 6. Key Note: White box tests can be designed only after Component –level design ( source code ) is available.tcs. Some of the Black box testing types: Integration Testing System Testing Acceptance Testing These testing levels will be detailed later in the course. Requirements are the only test basis and knowledge of the internal code is not required. Checks out the paths and statements. Can it be guaranteed that all independent paths within a module will be executed at least once? Can all logical decisions be exercised on their true and false branches? Will all loops execute at their boundaries and within their operational bounds? Can internal data structures be exercised to ensure their validity? Black Box Testing Black box testing is the testing that ignores the internal mechanism of a system or component and focuses solely on the outputs generated in response to the selected inputs and execution conditions. Unit testing can be termed as a White box testing where in the developer would test the paths. The logical details of the program must be available White-Box Testing Questions The following questions need to be asked by testers to themselves before designing the white box test cases. It is conducted to evaluate the compliance of a system or component with specified functional requirements.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 1) White-Box testing 2) Black-Box testing White Box Testing White Box testing can be outlined as below. branches that are part of code is conforming to the functionality the program is supposed to do. How is functional validity tested? How is system behavior and performance tested? What classes of input will make good test cases? Is the system particularly sensitive to certain input values? How are the boundaries of a data class isolated? What data rates and data volume can the system tolerate? What effect will specific combinations of data have on system operation? Related Videos https://campuscommune. Testing that takes into account the internal mechanism of a system or 104 / 174 . For example. branches that are executed Requires knowledge of the internal code. Black-Box Testing Questions Following would be some of the questions that a black box tester to consider before designing the test cases. 105 / 174 .Campus Commune Ask a doubt 8/5/2014 (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Q https://campuscommune. Single Row.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. DML & TCL Q 8.tcs.Testing Techniques Objective Understand what is Testing Technique Why to use Testing Techniques Categories of Testing Techniques Understand some of the Testing Techniques.Defect Management Q 106 / 174 .Testing as a career Q 4.Database Concepts Q 6.SDLC and STLC Q 3. Course Content https://campuscommune.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Data Query Language Q 7.DDL. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Testing Techniques Q 11.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 10.Categories of testing Q 10. 6 Statement coverage technique 10.1 What is Testing technique 10.5 Boundary Value Analysis technique 107 / 174 .8 Multiple Condition Coverage technique 10.10 Call Coverage technique 10.11 Path Coverage technique https://campuscommune.3 Categories of Testing Techniques.9 Loop Coverage technique 10.tcs.4 Equivalence partitioning technique 10.2 Why to use Testing Techniques 10.7 Branch Coverage technique 10.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 10. 10. Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune.Data Query Language Q 7. It is based on the functional or structural model of the 108 / 174 .Introduction to Testing Q 2.Testing Techniques Q 11.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.DDL. What is Testing technique Testing technique is a procedure for selecting or designing tests. DML & TCL Q 8.Testing as a career Q 4.Defect Management Q 13.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 10.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.1.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. The techniques have a high success rate of finding faults.Single Row.Database Concepts Q 6.Categories of testing Q 10. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9. It is a way of deriving the test cases which also helps in measuring the testing effort quantitatively. com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/what-is-testing-technique 109 / 174 .Campus Commune 8/5/2014 https://campuscommune.tcs. The reason why testing techniques are used is because there would be large number of test scenarios and finite time which would make it impossible to test.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 10.Defect Management Q 13.Single Row. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.DDL.Data Query Language Q 7.Testing Techniques Q 11.Testing as a career Q 4. Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) 110 / 174 . we use different testing techniques that have evolved as per different business scenarios. DML & TCL Q 8. Hence the usage of software testing techniques reduce the number of tests to be run whilst providing the sufficient coverage of system under test.Introduction to Testing Q 2.SDLC and STLC Q 3.2.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Database Concepts Q 6. Why to use Testing Techniques To ease the development of test cases.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Categories of testing Q 10. 111 / 174 .Campus Commune 8/5/2014 https://campuscommune. tcs.Introduction to Testing Q 2. There are two types of test design techniques: Black Box techniques White Box techniques https://campuscommune.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Categories of testing Q 10.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Data Query Language Q 7.Database Concepts Q 6. Categories of Testing Techniques. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 112 / 174 .Defect Management Q 13.Testing as a career Q 4.3.DDL. DML & TCL Q 8.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Testing Techniques Q 11.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 10.Single Row. com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/categories-of-testing-techniques 113 / 174 .Campus Commune Ask a doubt 8/5/2014 (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune.tcs. Database Concepts Q 6.Data Query Language Q 7. There are two types of input equivalence classes. DML & TCL Q 8. Equivalence class technique can significantly reduce the number of test cases that must be created and executed https://campuscommune.DDL.Qualities of a Tester Q 114 / 174 . to identify a minimal set of well selected test cases to represent these classes.Categories of testing Q 10. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. Equivalence partitioning technique Equivalence partitioning technique is to partitioning the input domain of a program into a finite number of classes [sets].Testing as a career Q 4.tcs. valid and invalid.Single Row.Testing Techniques Q 11.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 10.Defect Management Q 13.4.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Introduction to Testing Q 2. This valid range is called a partition. standing for January to December. In this example there are two further partitions of invalid ranges. The valid range for the month is 1 to 12. The first invalid partition would be <= 0 and the second invalid partition would be >= 115 / 174 . Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune.tcs.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Illustration for EP EP may be best explained with an example of a function which has the pass parameter "month" of a date. Categories of testing Q 10.tcs.Single Row.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.5. DML & TCL Q 8.Testing as a career Q 4.Database Concepts Q 6. procedure parameters is known as Boundary Value Analysis Technique.SDLC and STLC Q 3. data structures.Defect Management Q 13.Testing Techniques Q 11. minimum.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9. and trivial Values . Boundary Value Analysis technique A selection technique in which test data are chosen to lie along "boundaries“ of the input domain [or output range] 116 / 174 .Data Query Language Q 7.DDL. Choices often include maximum.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 10.This technique mainly focus on the boundaries of the input. Illustration for BVA https://campuscommune. in BVA the emphasis is on the ‘edges’.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 If the same example of a function which has the pass parameter "month" of a date Valid Class is 1<= month <=12 Invalid Class 1 is month <1 Invalid Class 2 is month >12 When compared to EP. which says select any test case within a range and any on either side of it . 1 and 12 for the ‘edges’ of the Valid class 0 and 13 for the Invalid class Related Videos Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) 117 / 174 . Coverage is 100 percentage when a set of test cases causes every program statement to be executed at least once.DDL.6. DML & TCL Q 8.Testing as a career Q 4.Defect Management Q 13.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Testing Techniques Q 11.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 10. Statement coverage technique It is a technique to satisfy the criterion that each statement in a program to be executed at least once during program testing.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Data Query Language Q 118 / 174 . Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9. The chief disadvantage of statement coverage is that it is insensitive to some control structures.Categories of testing Q 10.tcs.Database Concepts Q 6.Single Row.SDLC and STLC Q 3. Example https://campuscommune. com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/statement-coverage-technique 119 / 174 .> 4 .tcs.> 11 Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune.> 6 .> 10 .> 9 . 4 while ( i < n && a[i] < x ) 5 { 6 if (a[i] < 0) 7 a[i] = . x=9 covers everything . Flow 1 . 11 } One test case n=1. 9 } 10 return 1.> 3 .Campus Commune 8/5/2014 1 int select ( int a[]. int x) 2 { 3 int i = 0.a[i].> 2 . int n. 8 i++.> 5 . a[0]=-7.> 8 .> 7 . Single 120 / 174 .Categories of testing Q 10.tcs.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. all possibilities for a CASE statement. Branch Coverage technique In Branch Coverage Technique execution of decisions is considered rather than execution of each statement.Testing as a career Q 4. bypassing of the loop body and return to the beginning of the loop. The result of decisions determines which statement will be executed next.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 10.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Database Concepts Q 6.7. Test every Decision Output both Then and Else part of IF.e execution of the loop body. loops i. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Defect Management Q 13.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Testing Techniques Q 11.Introduction to Testing Q 2.DDL. DML & TCL Q 8.Data Query Language Q 7. Example: https://campuscommune. > 9 .> 11 Flow B : 1 . 9 } 10 return 1.> 8 . 8 i++.> 4 .> 7 .com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/branch-coverage-technique 121 / 174 .> 11 Related Videos Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Example: 1 int select ( int a[]. 11 } Test Data: Flow A : 1 . int x) 2 { 3 int i = 0. 4 while ( i < n && a[i] < x ) 5 { 6 if (a[i] < 0) 7 a[i] = .> 2 .a[i].> 3 .> 2 .> 3 .tcs.> 4 .> 10 .> 10 .> 5 .> 6 . int n. Testing as a career Q 4.Testing Techniques Q 11.DDL.Data Query Language Q 7.Single Row. A large number of test cases may be required for full multiple condition coverage. Example: https://campuscommune. are invoked at least once. Multiple Condition Coverage technique A test coverage criteria which requires enough test cases such that all possible combinations of condition outcomes in each decision.Database Concepts Q 6.8. DML & TCL Q 8.Levels of testing & test cases Q 122 / 174 .Defect Management Q 13. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Categories of testing Q 10.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Introduction to Testing Q 2.tcs.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 10. and all points of entry.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. Campus Commune 8/5/2014 1 int select ( int a[]. int x) 2 { 3 int i = 0. int n.a[i].tcs. 4 while ( i < n && a[i] < x ) 5 { 6 if (a[i] < 0) 7 a[i] = .com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/multiple-condition-coverage-technique 123 / 174 . 8 i++. 9 } 10 return 1. 11 } Test Data: Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. Data Query Language Q 7.DDL. Example: main ( ) { https://campuscommune.9.Single Row.Introduction to Testing Q 2. exactly once or more than once.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Database Concepts Q 6.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Testing Techniques Q 124 / 174 . DML & TCL Q 8.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.tcs. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9. Loop Coverage technique A test coverage criteria which checks whether loop body executed zero times.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 10.Categories of testing Q 10.Testing as a career Q 4.Defect Management Q 13.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. x. &i. &n. &a[i]. 125 / 174 . a[i] ). } Test Data: Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune.tcs.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 int i. printf (“Enter the values”). &x). scanf (“%d %d %d %d”. while ( i < n && a[i] < x ) { if (a[i] < 0) a[i] = .a[i]. } printf (“%d” . a[10]. i++. DML & TCL Q 126 / 174 .Testing as a career Q 4.10.Data Query Language Q 7.Testing Techniques Q 11.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Database Concepts Q 6. Example: main ( ) https://campuscommune.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.DDL.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 10.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.tcs. Call Coverage technique A test coverage criteria which checks whether function called zero times.Categories of testing Q 10.Defect Management Q 13. each function call is executed. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Single Row.SDLC and STLC Q 3. exactly once or more than once. Since probability of failure is more in function calls. com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/call-coverage-technique 127 / 174 . &i). } Test Data: Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. i”). break . i = i + 1. if ( y > 10 ) y = y + x . int y ) { If ( x > 10 ) x = x + y . scanf (“ %d %d %d “. b. printf (“Enter the value of a. i . } } sample ( int x . b.&b. break . &a . b).tcs.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 { int a. if ( i < 10 ) { sample ( a. Defect Management Q 13. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Single Row.Database Concepts Q 128 / 174 .Qualities of a Tester Q 5. DML & TCL Q 8.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Data Query Language Q 7.SDLC and STLC Q 3.DDL.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Testing Techniques Q 11.Categories of testing Q 10. Path Coverage technique Testing to satisfy coverage criteria that each logical path through the program be tested.11. Often paths through the program are grouped into a finite set of classes.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz Q 10. number of paths may be infinite if there are loops Example: https://campuscommune.tcs.Testing as a career Q 4.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. One path from each class is then tested General coverage requires executing all paths. com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/path-coverage-technique 129 / 174 . break . x .Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Linear Independent Paths Path 1 -> p1 – d1 – d2 – p4 Path 2 -> p1 – d1 – p2 – p4 Path 3 -> p1 – d1 – d2 – p3 – p4 Sample Program: 1 sample ( int x .tcs. 4 if ( y > 10 ) 5 y = y + x . break . Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Q https://campuscommune. y). } 6 printf (“%d %d”. int y ) { 2 If ( x > 10 ) 3 x = x + y . DDL.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Database Concepts Q 6. DML & TCL Q 8.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Single 130 / 174 .Testing as a career Q 4.Data Query Language Q 7. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.tcs. Test Step Description of test case components Test Case Example https://campuscommune.Defect Management Q 13.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 11.Testing Techniques Q 11.Levels of testing & test cases Objective Understanding various levels of Testing Test Scenario Test Case Classification of Test Scenario/Test case.Categories of testing Q 10. com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/levels-of-testing 131 / 174 .5 Test Step.1 Test Scenario 11.2 Test case 11. 11.6 Test Case example 11.4 Classification of Test Scenario and Test Case 11.7 Effective way of writing Test cases 11.3 Description of Test case components 11.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Effective way of writing test cases 11.tcs.8 Levels of Testing https://campuscommune. It includes writing of test scenarios and test cases.1.Introduction to Testing Q 2. Test scenarios are derived from requirement documents or use cases. Test scenario is a high level test condition.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. Test Scenario directly verifies a functional/business need without getting too much granular level of testing. It can be further broken down into many test cases.DDL.tcs.Defect Management Q 13.Testing as a career Q 4.Database Concepts Q 6.Single Row.Data Query Language Q 7.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Testing Techniques Q 11. Test Scenario Test design is the crucial phase in the software testing process. Each test scenario depend on output of the previous one. DML & TCL Q 8. Each https://campuscommune.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 11.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Categories of testing Q 132 / 174 . Set of test cases that ensure that the business process flows are tested from end to end is defined as Test Scenario. Each level of testing has its corresponding test scenarios. Each test scenario depend on output of the previous one.tcs. Test Scenario Template Related Videos Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) 133 / 174 . Points to remember while writing Test Scenarios: A good practice is to add both positive and negative test scenarios Each scenario should be specific to a functional behavior Do not club scenarios together. It can be further broken down into many test cases. Test Scenario Name Purpose Assumptions Module Name Priority Prerequisite. Expected Result. Test Scenario ID. Components of Test Scenario: Requirement ID. Test scenarios ensure that all process flows are tested from End to End.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 much granular level of testing. 2. A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether an application. Test cases are written to keep track of testing coverage of Software.Categories of testing Q 10.Database Concepts Q 6. It is a detailed procedure that fully tests a feature or an aspect of feature.Testing Techniques Q 11. Test cases are usually derived from test scenario https://campuscommune. DML & TCL Q 8. A test case has components that describes an input.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 11. Test case Test case is the smallest unit of Testing. to determine if a feature of an application is working correctly. software system or one of its features is working as it was originally established for it to do.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Introduction to Testing Q 134 / 174 . action or event and an expected response.Defect Management Q 13.Data Query Language Q 7.Testing as a career Q 4.Single Row.SDLC and STLC Q 3.tcs. Test Data Expected Result Actual Result Status. such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement. The most extensive effort in preparing to test a 135 / 174 . is writing test cases It Improves productivity during test execution by reducing the “Understanding” time during test execution. execution conditions. Test cases should cover valid. predicted results. Test Case Description Module Priority Purpose Assumptions Prerequisite Test Scenario ID Test Step Test Step Description. IEEE Standard 829 defines test case as follows: Documentation specifying inputs. Objective and Importance of Test Case. invalid. expected and unexpected conditions. and expected results developed for a particular objective.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Test cases are written to keep track of testing coverage of Software. Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. Writing effective test cases is a skill It requires in-depth study of the application Breaking down the Test Requirements into Test Scenarios and Test Cases would help the testers avoid missing out certain test conditions Components of Test Case: Test Case ID. Test cases are usually derived from test scenario IEEE Standard 610 defines test case as follows: A set of test inputs.tcs. and a set of execution conditions for a test item. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Testing Techniques Q 11. https://campuscommune. Defined by the values – High. Assumptions: Assumptions if any to be included in this field.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. Test Case Description: A brief description of the test case.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Data Query Language Q 7. DML & TCL Q 8.Introduction to Testing Q 136 / 174 .Categories of testing Q 10. Priority: Describes the priority of the test case in order of complexity and execution.Defect Management Q 13.tcs.Database Concepts Q 6. Medium & Low.3.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Single Row.DDL. Module: Function or the Module which is impacted with the test case.Testing as a career Q 4. Description of Test case components Test Case ID: A Unique Test case identification number. Test Case Name: Summary of the test case.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 11. Purpose: The intention of the Test case. Step 3 and so on. test data appropriate to execute the test case etc. Usually derived from requirements. Test Step: Test Step 137 / 174 . Block. Nothing but execution instruction. Actual Result: The actual output observed while execution to be captured in this field. availability of Environment & application under test. Fail.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Prerequisite: Any pre-condition that need to be satisfied for executing the test case to be specified in this field. Test Scenario ID: ID of the Scenario to which test case belongs to be provided. Step 2. Example. Status: Status defined as Pass. Not Applicable to be provided over here. Expected Result: The expected output has to be specified in this field. Usually starts from Step 1. Test case template Related Videos Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. Test Step Description: Each and every action that has to be performed to execute the test case.tcs. Test Data: The data required for execution of the test step. In progress. Priority is a mandatory component for Test Case and Test Scenario. https://campuscommune.SDLC and STLC Q 3. DML & TCL Q 138 / 174 .4.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Categories of testing Q 10.Data Query Language Q 7.DDL.Defect Management Q 13.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 11. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Testing Techniques Q 11.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Testing as a career Q 4.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. Medium & Low Priority based on the complexity and usage of the functionality in production.Single Row.tcs. It is an important field to be captured as it helps to decide whether to give a sign-off for the product during crisis.Database Concepts Q 6. Classification of Test Scenario and Test Case Priority: Test Scenarios and Cases are categorized as High.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/classification-of-test-scenario-and-test-case 139 / 174 .tcs.Campus Commune Ask a doubt 8/5/2014 (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. SDLC and STLC Q 3. https://campuscommune. Each and every action that a user has to perform while execution of a test case is a test 140 / 174 . Test Step.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. Test step may contain either condition or execution instructions. It’s a mandatory component of Test case.Testing as a career Q 4.Database Concepts Q 6. Test step provides detailed description about test cases.Single Row. Detailed description of Test case is a Test step. means how to perform that test case.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 11.tcs.Testing Techniques Q 11. Test case is incomplete without a step. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.DDL. DML & TCL Q 8.Defect Management Q 13.Data Query Language Q 7.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.5. A Test case decomposes into test steps.Categories of testing Q 10. Campus Commune Ask a doubt 8/5/2014 (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) 141 / 174 .tcs. 1. Validate that a Rental can occur.Categories of testing Q 10. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.tcs.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Testing as a career Q 4.Single Row.Defect Management Q 13. DML & TCL Q 8. Test Case example Example 1: Rental Car Application 1.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Database Concepts Q 6.Testing Techniques Q 11.6.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 11.1 Check Customer policy coverage 142 / 174 .Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Data Query Language Q 7.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Introduction to Testing Q 2.DDL. 4 Validate area code is an existing area code number.tcs. We have multiple conditions to be checked under this scenario like Validate that the phone number is numeric which is nothing but a test case.1. 1. the premium is $1000 R00104 For anyone 65 years of age or more. Billing Function Validate that credit card approval is obtained Validate changing an existing customer In the above example Validate that a Rental can occur is a Business/functional Requirement.1.1 Validate that the first name is all alpha 1.1 Validate that a customer record can be entered 1. From the business requirements. scenarios which are high level testable conditions are derived.1.1. Validate that status on the car record is changed from “waiting” to “rented” 2. the premium is $3000 R00103 For males between 25 and 64 years of age.4.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 1.1.1. the premium is $1500 Example: Causes & Effect https://campuscommune.2 Validate that the age is > 21. the premium is $500 R00102 For males less than 65 years of age.2 Query Car availability 1. 1.1 Validate that a new customer can be added to the customer table 1. Reservation Function Let’s look at the lower levels for the below one 1.4.3 Query Car rates 1.4 Open a Rental ticket 143 / 174 .3 Validate that the phone number is Numeric Validate that a customer record can be entered 1. In this example Validate that a new customer can be added to the customer table is a Scenario.4.1 Validate that a customer record can be entered Understanding functionalities Example: Rental Car Application 1.4.4. Validate that a Rental can occur. Example 2: Consider the following set of requirements as an example: Requirements for calculating Car Insurance Premiums: R00101 For females less than 65 years of age.1.4 Open a Rental ticket 1. 144 / 174 .Campus Commune Ask a doubt 8/5/2014 (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. DDL. DML & TCL Q 8.Testing as a career Q 4.Testing Techniques Q 11.Levels of testing & test cases Q 145 / 174 . Detail test cases – Test Cases should be in detail and no generic statements should be included. Which field has to be verified for what value has to be explained clearly.Database Concepts Q 6. Keep test case simple – Test Cases should be written in simple plain language without any ambiguous or complicated statements.Data Query Language Q 7.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.SDLC and STLC Q 3.7. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Defect Management Q 13.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. https://campuscommune.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 11.Categories of testing Q 10. Effective way of writing Test cases Points to be noted while writing Test cases: Document sign off – Requirements / Design / Use case document should be signed off before starting with test case writing.tcs.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Single Row. Logout and other common Test Steps can be made as reusable Test Steps and can be called in other Test Cases. In this Test Case name. Track Test Case changes: Maintain Test Case history to capture changes made to Test Cases Others will execute your test cases: Test cases should be written presuming others will execute them and hence test cases have to be detailed. Example: TC_Login_REQ1_3. Test Case Naming Convention: Name Test Cases that will identify objective. Example: The application should display the account information screen Sample ATM test cases Test Scenario and Test Cases Assignments Test Scenario and cases Assignments1 Test Scenario and cases Assignments2 Test Scenario and cases Assignments3 Test Scenario and cases Assignments4 Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts Closed Doubts V PRIYA should assignments also be completed along with the quiz??will incompetion of assignments lead to any reduction in miles?? about 2 months ago https://campuscommune.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Embed Test Data: Test Data to be used for each of the Test Step should be provided. Test Case review is a must: Ensure that all the test cases are reviewed by required stake holders (peer reviewed or SME reviewed or client review) Language Usage: Use Simple and Easy-to-Understand language and use Active voice while writing test cases Example: Click on OK button Navigate to the account Summary page. Test cases written should be tracked with a Requirements traceability matrix. Example 146 / 174 . 100% Requirement Coverage is a must: Check and ensure 100% requirement coverage and track the requirements covered. Login page is being tested and requirements Req-01 and Req-03 are being covered. Verify word Must: Use words like “Verify” for starting any sentence in Test Case description Example: Verify whether the account information gets displayed on clicking the “Account Summary” menu Future Tense Words for Expected Result: Use always words like “Should” and “Must” for Expected Results.tcs. Reusable Test Steps: Common and repeated Test Steps can be made as reusable and can be called in other Test Cases. Levels of Testing Levels of Testing There are broadly four levels of testing done in any Testing Project Unit Testing Integration Testing System Testing https://campuscommune.Data Query Language Q 7.8.Introduction to Testing Q 2.DDL.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz Q 11.Testing as a career Q 4.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Defect Management Q 13.Testing Techniques Q 11.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.tcs.Categories of testing Q 147 / 174 .SDLC and STLC Q 3. DML & TCL Q 8.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Database Concepts Q 6.Single Row. r. System Testing System Testing is a test. It tests the functional aspects. after coding is completed.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Acceptance Testing Unit Testing Unit Testing is testing unit of code (program or set of programs) using Unit Test Specifications. It involves the basic testing of a piece of 148 / 174 . although it is usually a function or a subroutine. It is a process of proving that the system meets its stated design specifications (design documents) w. date of journey. In Integration testing tester must look for bugs in the relationship and the interfaces between pairs of components and groups of components under test. Example: Check whether the calling program in previous example passes the right information relating to starting station and destination. Integration Testing The process of testing interfaces and data flows between the programs within a sub system. the size of which is often undefined in practice. It tests smallest testable part of an application. discounts to be applied and class requested. executed by the user(s) and system manager(s) in an environment simulating the operational environment to the greatest possible extent. Example: Testing of a cobol program in the reservation system that calculates the price for the ticket requested based on the inputs supplied to the program from the calling cobol program.tcs.t criteria such as recoverability. executed by the developer or independent test team in a laboratory environment that should demonstrate that the developed system or subsystems meet the requirements set in the functional and quality specifications. Non functional and Other types of Testing Performance testing Volume testing Load testing Limit testing Stress testing Disaster Testing Recovery testing Security testing Reliability testing Installation Testing Usability Testing Accessibility Testing Regression testing Related Videos https://campuscommune. and between the sub-systems within a system is known as Integration Testing. maintainability and security Example: – Comprehensive black box testing of railway reservation system with transactions initiated and validations performed on databases and reports generated after the completion of the transactions Acceptance Testing It is a test. that should demonstrate that the developed system meets the functional and quality requirements. It is done by the developer of the functionality. com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/levels-of-testing-0 149 / 174 .tcs.Campus Commune Ask a doubt 8/5/2014 (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Q https://campuscommune. Defect Management Objective Test Execution flow What is a Defect? Causes of Software Defects Defects Classification Defect Life Cycle https://campuscommune.Testing as a career Q 4.Introduction to Testing Q 2. DML & TCL Q 8.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Database Concepts Q 6.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Single Row.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Data Query Language Q 7.Testing Techniques Q 11.tcs.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Categories of testing Q 150 / 174 .Defect Management Q 13. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.DDL.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 12. 5 Defect Life Cycle https://campuscommune.4 Defect Classification 12.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 12.2 What is a defect? 151 / 174 .tcs.1 Test Execution Workflow 12.3 Causes of software defects 12. DML & TCL Q 8.tcs.DDL.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Defect Management Q 13.Categories of testing Q 10.Database Concepts Q 6.Data Query Language Q 7.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Levels of testing & test cases Q 152 / 174 .Testing as a career Q 4.Testing Techniques Q 11.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.1.Single Row. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 12. Test Execution Workflow https://campuscommune. com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/test-execution-workflow 153 / 174 .tcs.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts Closed Doubts SAMAPTI SINHAMAHAPATRA What is meant by regression testing? about 18 days ago https://campuscommune. Categories of testing Q 10.Testing Techniques Q 11.tcs.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 12.Data Query Language Q 7. Defects arising from each phase should be logged and tracked to closure.Defect Management Q 13. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Single Row. What is a defect? Defect is a variance from a desired product attribute.DDL. It is the difference between actual behavior and the desired behavior as stipulated by the requirements specifications.Database Concepts Q 6. https://campuscommune.2.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Introduction to Testing Q 2. DML & TCL Q 8.Testing as a career Q 4.Levels of testing & test cases Q 154 / 174 .Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.SDLC and STLC Q 3. A Defect that causes an error or negatively impacts a user/ customer is categorized as Failure Defect can arise in any of the Software Test Life Cycle Phase. tcs. flaw. failure. Related Videos Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. and a few are caused by compilers which are due to incorrect 155 / 174 . Most defects arise from mistakes and errors made by people in either a program's source code or its design. Test Specifications & Code. is said to be buggy. A program that contains a large number of bugs that seriously interfere with its functionality. Defects arise on doing verification and validation of the programming products like SRS.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 A software bug or defect is an error. or fault in a computer program that prevents it from behaving as intended. mistake. the system will fail to do what it is intended to do. Defects may result in failures.Categories of testing Q 10.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.bug) in an application.Single 156 / 174 .Defect Management Q 13.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.tcs. When a defect in the code is executed.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 12.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. Failures can also happen because of changing hardware conditions. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9. Defect may occur because of the following reasons like https://campuscommune. Causes of software defects A human error or mistake produces defects (fault .Database Concepts Q 6. code.Data Query Language Q 7. but not all defects lead to failures. in a system or in a document.DDL.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Testing as a career Q 4.3. DML & TCL Q 8.Testing Techniques Q 11.Introduction to Testing Q 2. com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/causes-of-software-defects 157 / 174 .tcs.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Fallible nature of human beings Time pressure Complex code Complexity of infrastructure Changed technologies Many system interactions etc Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. Single Row.Categories of testing Q 10.Testing as a career Q 4.4.Database Concepts Q 6. DML & TCL Q 8.Data Query Language Q 7.Qualities of a Tester Q 158 / 174 .DDL.Testing Techniques Q 11.Defect Management Q 13. Defect Classification All the defects which are raised would be assigned a severity level and a priority https://campuscommune. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 12.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. Campus Commune 8/5/2014 * The nomenclature of severity level and Priority may be different in different Defect/ Test management tools Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) 159 / 174 . Defect Management Q 13.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz Q 12. Defect Life Cycle Different steps and status of a defect during its life cycle till it is tracked to closure is as below. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Data Query Language Q 7. If a discrepancy exists. https://campuscommune. DML & TCL Q 8. The Test Manager or tester should review the problem log with the appropriate member of the development team to determine if the discrepancy is truly a defect.Database Concepts Q 6.DDL.Categories of testing Q 10.Single Row. it is logged with a status “Open.” Supplementary documentation. Execute the test and compare the actual results to the documented expected results.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. should be attached if available.Testing Techniques Q 160 / 174 .Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.SDLC and STLC Q 3.tcs.Introduction to Testing Q 2. such as screen prints or program traces.Testing as a career Q 4.5. the defect status is updated to “Closed. Additional regression testing is performed as needed based on the severity and impact of the fix 161 / 174 .tcs. the status is changed to “Re-Open” or “Open” and sent back to the developer. Defect Life Cycle Defect Life Cycle and Defect Status Related Videos https://campuscommune. The defect is routed back to the testing team for retesting.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Assign the defect to a developer for correction. Once the defect is corrected.” If the test results indicate that the defect is still not fixed. the developer will usually enter a description of the fix applied and updates the defect status to “Fixed” or “Resolved”. If the retest results match the expected results. ..tcs.. This superimposed link to quiz was present in some of the other chapters too.. Do we need to attempt those quiz or just ignore it as a bug ? about 15 days ago Q 162 / 174 . when clicked opens a quiz portal.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Open Doubts Closed Doubts RAJEEB DASH there is a picture file icon just above the "related videos " caption on the left side. Automation Testing Objective Introduction to Automation Testing 13.Data Query Language Q 7.Testing Techniques Q 11.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.tcs.Categories of testing Q 10.Defect Management Q 13.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 13.Testing as a career Q 4. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 163 / 174 .Single Row.Database Concepts Q 6.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.1 Introduction to Automation Testing https://campuscommune.DDL.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.SDLC and STLC Q 3. DML & TCL Q 8. Campus Commune 8/5/2014 164 / 174 .4 Testing Tools 13.2 Benefits of Automation Testing 13.tcs.5 Manual Testing Vs Automation Testing https://campuscommune.3 Choosing an Automation Tool 13. 165 / 174 . all negative scenarios is time and cost consuming.Data Query Language Q 7.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12. DML & TCL Q 8.Single Row.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Testing Techniques Q 11. It is difficult to test for multilingual sites manually. Automated tests can run unattended (overnight). Automation does not require Human intervention.Categories of testing Q 10. Automation increases speed of test execution. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9. Manual Testing can become boring and hence error prone. all fields.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Defect Management Q 13.1.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1. Automation helps increase Test Coverage.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 13.Testing as a career Q 4. https://campuscommune.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Database Concepts Q 6.tcs. Introduction to Automation Testing Manual Testing of all work flows. repetative and time consuming need to be taken into consideration for implementation of automation testing process.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Which Test Cases to Automate: Before going for Automation it should be analysed properly as to which test cases to automate. The factors to consider for Automation: High Risk . Usability Test cases Test cases that needed to be executed only once Tests without predictable results Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune.tcs.Business Critical test cases Test cases that are executed repeatedly Test Cases that are very tedious or difficult to perform manually Test Cases which are time consuming The following category of test cases are not suitable for automation: Test Cases that are newly designed and not executed manually at least once Test Cases for which the requirements are changing frequently Test cases which are executed on ad-hoc basis. Factors like 166 / 174 . Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 13.Single Row.2.tcs. 70% faster than the manual testing ? Reliable: Tests perform precisely the same operations each time they are run. DML & TCL Q 8.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Defect Management Q 167 / 174 .Data Query Language Q 7. Benefits of Automation Testing Fast: Automated tests run significantly faster than human users. https://campuscommune.Testing Techniques Q 11. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9. thereby eliminating human error ? Repeatable: You can test how the Web site or application reacts after repeated execution of the same operations.Testing as a career Q 4.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.DDL.Introduction to Testing Q 2. Hence automation testing ensures consistency.Categories of testing Q 10.Database Concepts Q 6. Wider test coverage can be achieved in Automation ? Reusable: You can reuse tests on different versions of a Web site or application even if the user interface changes Some more advantages of automation testing over manual testing are mentioned below.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 ? Programmable: You can program sophisticated tests that bring out hidden information ? Comprehensive: You can build a suite of tests that covers every feature in your Web site or application. Increases Efficiency Test Frequently and thoroughly More cycle of execution can be achieved through automation Early time to market Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune. Hence greater benefit in saving time and cost. Saves Time and Cost: Automation testing is much faster than manual 168 / 174 . Improves accuracy Reduction in Human resources: Human Intervention is not required while execution which in turn reduces human resources.tcs. Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Introduction to Testing Q 2.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Testing as a career Q 4.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Database Concepts Q 6.Data Query Language Q 7.DDL, DML & TCL Q 8.Single Row, Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Categories of testing Q 10.Testing Techniques Q 11.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Defect Management Q 13.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 13.3. Choosing an Automation Tool Selecting the right tool is a tricky task. Following criterion will help to select the best tool for the requirement. Assessment of organizational maturity, strengths and weaknesses and identification of opportunities for an improved test process supported by tools. Evaluation against clear requirements and objective criteria. A proof-of-concept to test the required functionality and determine whether the product meets its objectives. 169 / 174 Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Evaluation of the vendor (including training, support and commercial aspects). Identification of internal requirements for coaching and mentoring in the use of the tool. Environment Support and Ease of use Testing of Database Object identification feature of the tool and verifying against the objects of the application Image Testing Error Recovery Testing Scripting Language Used and the required expertise in the team. Support for various types of test – including functional, test management, mobile, etc., and also support for multiple testing frameworks. Debug feature available in the tool. It should be easy to debug the automation software scripts. Extensive test reports and results Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) 170 / 174 Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.Introduction to Testing Q 2.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Testing as a career Q 4.Qualities of a Tester Q 5.Database Concepts Q 6.Data Query Language Q 7.DDL, DML & TCL Q 8.Single Row, Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Categories of testing Q 10.Testing Techniques Q 11.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.Defect Management Q 13.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz 13.4. Testing Tools There are different types of Test automation tools available in the market for Automation testing. Different test tools support different test activities. Some tools support more than one test activity. Some vendors offer suite of tools that support a large range of test activity. Some tools are intrusive (they affect the test result) Some of the Test Automation tools available in the market are: Functional Testing tools: Following are the some of the tools which can be used for Functional Automation testing: 171 / 174 com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/testing-tools 172 / 174 .Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Functional Testing tools: Following are the some of the tools which can be used for Functional Automation testing: HP Quick Test Professional Selenium IBM Rational Functional Tester WinRunner Test Management tools: Following are some of the Test Management & Defect Management Tools HP Quality Center TCS Application Life Cycle Manager IBM Rational Quality Manager Test Link Performance Testing tools: Following are the some of the tools which can be used for Performance Automation testing: LoadRunner Silk test performer IBM Rational performance tester Open STA Webload Defect Tracking tools: Bugzilla is an example of defect tracking tool Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) https://campuscommune.tcs. DDL. Manual Testing Vs Automation Testing https://campuscommune.Database Concepts Q 6.Data Query Language Q 7. DML & TCL Q 8.Testing Techniques Q 11.Levels of testing & test cases Q 12.5.Introduction to Testing Q 2.Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Pre-ILP Home Assurance Lounge Logout Assurance Q 1.SDLC and STLC Q 3.Categories of testing Q 10.Defect Management Q 173 / 174 .Testing as a career Q 4.Single Row. Aggregate / Group functions in SQL Q 9.Automation Testing Course Completion Quiz Q 13.tcs.Qualities of a Tester Q 5. com/communities/assurance-lounge/content/manual-testing-vs-automation-testing 174 / 174 .Campus Commune 8/5/2014 Related Videos Ask a doubt (Misuse of 'Ask a Doubt' Section will be dealt as per the Terms & Conditions of Campus Commune) Q https://campuscommune.tcs.
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