Assignment Hmef5053 Measurement and Evaluation in Education

March 21, 2018 | Author: Jamil Ang | Category: Educational Assessment, Argument, Evaluation, Epistemology, Educational Psychology



FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND LANGUAGE________________________________________________________________________ HMEF5053 MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION IN EDUCATION MAY SEMESTER 2015 ASSIGNMENT ________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS 1. This assignment contains question that is set in English. 2. Your assignment should be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing. 3. You must submit your hardcopy assignment to your Facilitator and ON-LINE via the MyVLE. For the online student, you are to submit a softcopy of your assignment via MyVLE and another softcopy to the facilitator via e-mail. Refer to the portal for instructions on the procedures to submit your assignment on-line. You are advised to keep a copy of your submitted assignment and proof of the submission for personal reference. Your assignment must be submitted on 1012 July 2015 (4th Seminar). 4. Your assignment should be prepared individually. You should not copy another person’s assignment. You should also not plagiarise another person’s work as your own. EVALUATION This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course. Explain the principles and/or applications of performance assessment. Question 1 requires you to gather information from various sources and write an essay in not more than 1000 words. [30 marks] 2. The details of the tasks are explained below: QUESTIONS: 1. and write a research report using an appropriate report writing format. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of performance assessment as practised in your country. 2. Explain the term performance assessment. analyse literature on the approaches of performance assessment and discuss performance assessment strategies. Identify a teacher who is using performance assessment and observe students during the assessment. Write your report in not more than 5000 words. Carry out a small research or case study on the usage of performance assessment in the classroom. interpret and synthesize the data collected to produce a coherent report. Carry out your small research or a case study guided by the research questions below: - Are they actively involved and on-task? - Do they seem motivated and eager to get feedback on their performance? - How “authentic” is the task? 2 . INSTRUCTIONS: The assignment consists of two (2) related tasks.OBJECTIVE: The assignment is intended to provide you the opportunity to: 1. implement a research in school and collect relevant data for the research. Justify your answer with suitable examples. Question 2 requires you to carry out a case study on the usage of performance assessment in the classroom.  The assignment should contain about 3000 – 5000 words (15 – 20 pages)  Provide reference using the American Psychological Association (APA) format  References should be latest (year 2005 onwards)  Assignments should be submitted according to the due date. Below are some questions to guide your interview: - What do they like and dislike about them? - How do they compare to more traditional types of assessment? - How could they be more effective? Write your research report in NOT more than 5000 words. e. owl.- Can there be more than on correct answer? - Is the instruction integrated with the assessment? Interview some students and ask them how they react to performance assessments.g. If you are not sure what is meant by plagiarism. [70 marks] [TOTAL: 100 MARKS] ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES / ASSIGNMENT FORMAT  Use double space and 12-point of Times New Roman font.  You are to submit a softcopy of your assignment online through MyVLE and a hardcopy to your facilitator. refer to the various websites which discuss this matter.  Plagiarism is not acceptable.english. 3 .edu/handouts. you are to submit a softcopy of your assignment via MyVLE and another softcopy to the facilitator via e-mail. For the online student.purdue. explanations and substantiation. Quality of Review Excellent critical review: Accurate.MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION IN EDUCATION SCORING GUIDE Question 1 (30 marks) Scale 25-30 Criteria Coverage & Content Accurate. Includes more than adequate number of primary and secondary sources. Relationship of ideas is clear. 4 . A good range of relevant literature is chosen and used appropriately. Ideas developed fully and clearly with appropriate examples. Organisation Well organised. relevant and thorough analysis of case. comprehensive and complete analysis of ideas and issues. A comprehensive range of relevant literature is chosen and used appropriately. Includes a very wide variety of primary and secondary sources.MAY SEMESTER 2015 HMEF5053. Quality of Sources Excellent referencing and bibliographical skills. logical and coherent. Ideas well developed and includes adequate supporting facts or examples. Quality of Review Good Critical review: Concise. Quality of Sources Excellent referencing and bibliographical skills with a few minor errors. Relationship of ideas is clearly shown. accurate analysis of ideas Organisation Well organised with a few minor errors. 20-24 Coverage & Content Relevant and substantial analysis of case. Quality of Review Little or no critical review. Quality of Sources Fairly good referencing and bibliographical skills. Includes adequate number of primary and secondary sources.Scale Criteria 15-19 Coverage & Content Mostly relevant and good analysis of case. spelling or language errors. 0-10 Coverage & Content Insufficient/ irrelevant analysis of case Relationship of ideas not shown clearly. relevant analysis of case. Fairly well-developed ideas that include adequate supporting facts/examples. Organisation Fairly well organised with some lapses. 10-14 Coverage & Content Fairly accurate. 5 . With few supporting facts/examples. Fair range of relevant literature is chosen and used Relationship of ideas is fairly clear Quality of Review Fairly good critical review Fairly accurate analysis of ideas and issues. Organisation Fairly well-organised. logical and coherent. Includes fairly sufficient number of primary and secondary sources. Some typographical. Quality of Sources Good referencing and bibliographical skills. Quality of Review Fairly good critical review: Fairly accurate and in depth analysis of ideas. Organisation Poorly organised with profound weaknesses in organisation. Ideas are poorly developed with little or no substantiation. Relationship of ideas is fairly clear. Ideas developed fairly well. Illogical and unconvincing analysis of ideas. A satisfactory range of relevant literature is chosen and used. Lacking in both primary and secondary sources.Scale Criteria Quality of Sources Poor referencing and bibliographical skills. 6 . 0 FOCUS OF INVESTIGATION / ISSUE OF CONCERN (10 marks) 9-10 7-8 6 5 0-4 Substantial articulation of the issue that relates to the practice of performance assessment in classroom. Very good description of the information gathering procedures and convincing justification for the use of the strategies. Vague description of the information gathering procedures and convincing justification for the use of the strategies. 7 . Adequate description of the information gathering procedures and convincing justification for the use of the strategies. Vague description of T&L experience that is relevant to the focus of study. Very good description of T&L experience that is relevant to the focus of study.0 INTRODUCTION Reflection on teaching experience EXCELLENT DISTINCTION CREDIT PASS FAIL 9-10 7-8 6 5 0-4 Good description of T&L experience that is relevant to the focus of study. Good articulation of the issue that relates to the practice of performance assessment in classroom. Very good articulation of the issue that relates to the practice of performance assessment in classroom. Outstanding description of T&L experience that is relevant to the focus of study. Adequate description of T&L experience that is relevant to the focus of study. Good description of the information gathering procedures and convincing justification for the use of the strategies. Appropriate articulation of the issue that relates to the practice of performance assessment in classroom. Outstanding description of the information gathering procedures and convincing justification for the use of the strategies.Question 2 (70%) MARKING RUBRICS FOR RESEARCH/CASE STUDY REPORT Aspect Criteria 1. (10 marks) 2. Inappropriate/ limited articulation of the issue that relates to the practice of performance assessment in classroom. class / position. 5 4 3 2. The objective is clearly stated. Adequate description of participants. academic performance and other unique aspects of participants. class / position. Good description of the data gathering methods and well-argued justification for the use of methods. academic performance and other unique aspects of participants.4 Very clear and detailed description of participants. Limited/Flawed explanation of data gathering methods. number. 2. class / position. gender. The objective is adequately stated.5 0-2. academic performance and other unique aspects of participants. Clear description of participants. number.0 Data Gathering Methods (5 marks) 5. 3.4 The objective is fully and very clearly stated.4 Data gathering methods are insufficiently explained. Focused and appropriate research questions. The objective is inadequately stated. with some gaps. Vague/Inappropriate description of participants. Good description of participants. Research questions are insufficient and/or inappropriate. gender. number.0 TARGET GROUP/ PARTICIPANTS (5 marks) . Adequate discussion of data gathering methods and some justification for the use of methods. Very good description of the data gathering methods and convincing justification for the use of methods. number. academic performance and other unique aspects of participants. 0-2. 8 0-2. generally focused and relevant. Highly focused and appropriate research questions.0 OBJECTIVE/ RESEARCH QUESTIONS (5 marks) 4 . gender. class / position. The objective is satisfactorily stated. 5 4 3 2. 5 Very clear and detailed description of data analysis methods with highly convincing justification. 3 Good description of data analysis methods with fairly convincing justification. 4 Very good description of data analysis methods with convincing justification. number. class / position.5 0-2. gender. Good research questions which are pertinent to the investigation.Aspect Criteria 3. academic performance and other unique aspects of participants.4 .5 Outstanding description of the data gathering methods and convincing justification for the use of methods.5 Data analysis methods are generally outlined and justified although with possible gaps.0 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA (5 marks) EXCELLENT DISTINCTION CREDIT PASS FAIL 5 4 3 2. Satisfactory research questions. gender. A good standard of presentation is maintained. straightforward. Presentation is very good in all respects. 6 All major aspects of the question are taken into account with no notable omissions. 5 The findings satisfactorily answer the research questions. relevance. Presentation is generally clear and appropriate. 5 The work is conventional. . and. 0-2. logic and critical judgment/argument. 5 A comprehensive range of relevant literature is chosen and used appropriately.Aspect Criteria 6.5 7-8 The work demonstrates critical. with some gaps. presents a generally acceptable argument and conclusion. 0-4 The work contains some obvious and significant inadequacies in terms of content. 4 A very good range of relevant literature is chosen and used appropriately. 0-2. 7-8 Findings are relevant to the study and answer the research questions.0 LIST OF REFERENCES (5 marks) EXCELLENT DISTINCTION CREDIT PASS 9-10 Findings are highly relevant to the study and answer the research questions. on balance. 9 FAIL 0-4 The findings are insufficient and/or irrelevant to the study.4 Insufficient coverage of and familiarity with a range of relevant literature.0 ACADEMIC WRITING (5 marks) 9. Language is accurate and clear and contains no significant errors. 3 A good range of relevant literature is chosen and used appropriately in most 2.5 A core range of relevant literature has been consulted. Language is accurate and clear and contains very few errors. Language is intelligible at all times and contains some errors.. Presentation is excellent in all respects. 5 4 3 2. There is clear evidence of ability to synthesize ideas. Language is generally clear and substantially correct with no serious or sustained miscommunication.0 CONCLUSION (10 marks) 8. incisive argument and a highly appropriate conclusion based on a full analysis. 9-10 The work demonstrates highly critical.4 Presentation is generally not clear.0 FINDINGS (10 marks) 7. strong argument and an appropriate conclusion based on a substantial analysis. and to produce critically aware material. Language is generally faulty with numerous errors which impede communication. 6 Findings are mostly relevant to the study and answer most of the research questions. Acceptable level of compliance with APA academic conventions. Limited quotations and references are included in the text. Some technical errors. Few technical errors. Full compliance with APA academic conventions. Excellent referencing and bibliographical skills. Numerous technical errors. In compliance with APA academic conventions. Several technical errors. Good referencing and bibliographical skills. A very good level of compliance with APA academic conventions. 10 . Inaccurate and inconsistent use of APA academic conventions. Very good referencing and bibliographical skills. Acceptable referencing skills. Few if any technical errors.Aspect EXCELLENT DISTINCTION CREDIT PASS FAIL Criteria parts.
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