Assignment DNHE

March 26, 2018 | Author: mohit | Category: Nutrition, Saturated Fat, Information, Foods, Public Health



DNHEDiploma Progamme in Nutrition and Health Education ASSIGNMENT 1 TO 3 January/July Session 2013 School of Continuing Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068 ............. 7) Submission: The completed Assignment should be sent to the Coordinator of the Study Centre allotted to you.............. name................................. ... 6) You should write in your own handwriting................ 4) Use only foolscape size paper for your responses and tie all the pages carefully..............Diploma Programme in Nutrition and Health Education (DNHE) ASSIGNMENTS 1–3 January/July Session 2013 Dear Students...... assignment number and name of the study centre you are attached to in the centre of the first page of your response sheet(s)........ The course-wise distribution of assignments is as follows: Assignment 1 (TMA) ......based on DNHE-3 INSTRUCTIONS Before attempting the assignments please read the following instructions carefully........... Date...based on DNHE-2 Assignment 3 (TMA) ... Course Title..... You will have to do three assignments in all.. 5) Write the question number with each answer......................... 1) Read the detailed instructions about assignments given in the Programme Guide.. Each Tutor Marked Assignment carries 100 marks...... 2) Write your roll number..... full address and date on the top right corner of the first page of your response sheet(s)..........Enrolment No Name........................................ The top of the first page of your response sheet should look like this: ................................... Study Centre...... Assignment No..based on DNHE 1 Assignment 2 (TMA) .............. 3) Write the course title.... Address............... writing each answer neatly and underline the points you wish to emphasize.A Note of Caution It has been noticed that some students are sending answers to Check Your Progress Exercises to the University for evaluation.  The title ofthe course and assignment number have been written clearly. Section B: Practical Activities (20-40 marks) You would be required to submit your responses to activities given in Practical Manuals I. Give attention to your introduction and conclusion. Make sure that your answer: a) is logical and coherent. The introduction must offer your brief interpretation of the question and how you propose to develop it. please make sure you have taken care of the following points:  Your roll number. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange these in a logical order. style and presentation. you can write down . Please do not send them to us. . GUIDELINES FOR TMA The Tutor Marked Assignments have two parts. we have provided the answers to these exercises at the end of each Unit. These exercises are given to help in judging your own progress. 3) Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answers. Section A: Descriptive Questions (60-80 marks) In this section.he final version for submission. 2) Organization: Be a little more selective and analytical. The conclusion must summarize your response to the question. you have to answer questions of descriptive type. 2 and 3 respectively. For this purpose. We have already mentioned this in the Programme Guide. POINTS TO KEEP IN MIND You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind: 1) Planning: Read the assignments carefully. b) has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs. Now read the guidelines before answering questions. d) does not exceed the number of words indicated in the question.  Each assignment has been written on separate sheets and pinned properly. name and address have been written correctly. Go through the units on which they are based. c) is written correctly giving adequate consideration to your expression.  All the questions in the assignments have been answered. Before despatching your answer script. 2014 Section A . (2 marks) . a) While selecting the energy giving foods what food items will you consider and what are the different nutritional factors affecting their selection? (3 marks) b) Discuss the significance of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in our diet. What suggestions will you give to Manju regarding intelligent buying in relation to household food budget? (2 marks) 6. Each question carries 6 marks.Assignment 1 (TMA-1) Course Code: DNHE-1 Assignment Code: DNHE-1/AST-1/TMA-1/2013 Last date for submission for: January Session – 31 July. (4 marks) b) What are food accessories? Mention two functions of spices in food. a) How vitamin A helps in maintaining the normal vision of eyes? b) List down the food sources and functions of the following nutrients:  Thiamine  Riboflavin  Iron  Folic acid 4. 2013 July Session – 31 January. (2 marks) c) What do you understand by the protein sparing action of carbohydrates? (2 marks) 2. (3 marks) b) What steps would you follow in planning a well balanced diet? Enumerate. (2 marks) c) Manju is a housewife belonging to a lower middle class family. a) What are recommended dietary intakes? Give some of the salient (4 marks) (2 marks) (4 marks) features of recommended dietary intakes and how they are expressed. a) List the functions of food in our body and explain each of them briefly. a) How are fats digested. 1. absorbed and utilized in our body? (2 marks) b) What are non-available carbohydrates? What important roles do they play in the regulation of body functions? 3. (3 marks) 5. While selecting fats and oils what points will you keep in mind? (3 marks) 7. a) Discuss the nutritional contribution of fruits and vegetables in our diet.Descriptive Type Questions (60 marks) There are ten short questions in this part. (2 marks) b) Illustrate the process of absorption and utilization of food in our body. Answer all questions. a) What points will you keep in mind while planning a meal for a school going child? (2 marks) b) What do you understand by food budget? Enlist the factors affecting the household food expenditure. (4 marks) b) What is diet survey? Give its relevance in assessing the nutritional status. (10 marks) 2. Answer all four.8. Look up Section 2. Discuss in detail the moist heat. Also mention the major nutrients supplied by each meal of the elderly. Plan a day’s diet for an old aged person keeping in mind the factors like food preferences. a) Who are the main beneficiaries of the National Anaemia Control Programme? What distribution strategy is adopted for the prevention of anaemia in those target groups? (3 marks) b) Illustrate the following using diagrams/flow charts: (3 marks)  ICDS: Services and beneficiaries  Mid-day meal: Services and beneficiaries Section B: Practical Activities(40 marks) There are four exercises in this section. Specify its name. These exercises are based on Practical Manual-1.2. Plan a regional nutritious snack food item for pregnant and lactating women. method of preparation and the nutrient that are found to be in substantial amount in that food item. dry heat and dry heat (using fat or oil as medium) methods that are commonly used in your home for the preparation of food items. Also answer the questions given on the basis of the results obtained. Activity 1 in Practical Manual-1. (2 marks) 10. (10 marks) 3. Explain by giving suitable examples from your daily diet. (3 marks) b) Comment on the role of following food items in the diet of a person suffering from heart disease: (3 marks)  Egg  Ghee  Mustard oil  Pickles and papads  Fibrous vegetables  Processed meats 9. Read the activity carefully and then note down your results in the given chart. a) What anthropometric measures are best suitable for the assessment of nutritional status for children in the age group of 2-6 years? Explain in brief discussing their significance. (10 marks) . 1. ingredients. (10 marks) 4. nutritional needs and activity level. a) How will you identify a child suffering from PEM in a community? Enumerate any three measures you would like to adopt to prevent PEM in a village community. Explain any three in detail. 2014 Maximum Marks: 100 Section A: Descriptive Questions (80 marks) There are ten questions in this part. Discuss the major problems and dietary management in the following disorders:  Diabetes  Coronary heart disease  Obesity  Peptic ulcer . Each question carries 10 marks. Your answer should not exceed 500-700 words each. Answer eight questions in all. 2013 July Session – 28 February. 3.Assignment 2 (T MA-2) Course Code: DNHE-2 Assignment Code: DNHE-2/AST-2/TMA-2/2013 Last date for submission for: January Session – 31 August. What are vital statistics? Discuss the main sources of data on vital statistics with suitable examples. 1. 2. Enlist the spacing and terminal methods of family planning. What do you understand by substance abuse? What are the drugs commonly abused? Write briefly. List any four common food-borne diseases. 8. 1. 5. preventive measures and management. What are the different factors causing skin infections? Discuss any two in detail mentioning their identification. eye camps  their problems with regard to health and sanitation What conclusions can you draw from the interviews? Follow the guidelines given in Activity 2 in Practical Manual 2 for submitting your response. (10 marks) 2. Section B: Practical Activities (20 marks) This section is based on Practical Manual-2. 10. 6. 9. Discuss briefly the preventive measures you would adopt to prevent their occurrence. Complete the Activity 7 given in the Practical Manual 2. Which areas at home can have a potential for accidents? Explain in detail giving suitable examples. Explain any two in detail. Enlist the major health programmes being run in our country. Crohn’s disease 4. Discuss the causative/spreading factors. . symptoms/complications and preventive and management strategies for: 1) Tetanus 2) Cholera 7. Submit your response as per the guidelines given in the activity. While planning therapeutic diets what important considerations should be kept in mind? Briefly explain different therapeutic diets used in hospitals. Differentiate between normal and therapeutic diets. Interview 5 men and 5 women residing in a semi urban/urban slum and record their views on : (10 marks)  the local health practitioners  availability of health services provided by Governmental or Non-governmental agencies such as immunization. What are folk approaches of communication? Enumerate their advantages and impact of . process and significance of woman-to-woman strategy of conveying information.Assignment 3 (T MA-3) Course Code: DNHE-3 Assignment Code: DNHE-3/AST-3/TMA-3/2013 Last date for submission for: January Session – 15 September. Your answer should not exceed 500-700 words each. 2014 Maximum Marks: 100 Section A: Descriptive Questions (80 marks) There are ten questions in this part. 4. 2. What are the major determinants of community health? Illustrate with the model and explain in detail. 3. 2013 July Session – 15 March. 1. Give suitable examples. Answer eight questions in all. groups and other agencies while working in a community. Discuss the principles. What is community? Discuss the benefits of working with individuals. Each question carries 10 marks. 5. Describe the meaning and principles of participatory learning. 1. What are the essentials of nutrition education planning? Explain different steps in the process of nutrition education.centered methods in detail. What are teaching aids? Give their role and classification. How the group discussion and role play methods prove to be effective in providing nutrition education in a community? Prepare a plan for conducting group discussion and role play methods of communication in a village set-up. List the specific questions you asked. What are its different approaches? Explain any two of them. What do you understand by information. heart diseases and diabetes) and dietary patterns in old age using both positive and negative approaches. 8. 9. Prepare an informative and colourful comic strip for children on balanced diet (2-3 pages only). Give examples of some messages linked to nutritional deficiencies. In Activity 6 of Practical Manual 3 you were asked to identify "focus groups" of mothers in a community setting and to conduct separate sessions for discussion with these groups regarding different aspects. Define communication. 7. How the content and presentation of a message prove to be effective while conveying it to a community group or individuals. nutrition related disorders (obesity. (10 marks) 2. Submit your response for this activity following the guidelines mentioned in that.) ii) Analyze whether the message of the comic strip was understood by each child by asking 2-3 questions. Section B: Practical Activities (20 marks) This section is based on Practical Manual-2. Read the comic strip in separate sessions with five school-going children staying in your locality and: (10 marks) i) Record the reactions of each child (indicate each child's name. socioeconomic background. 10. For this activity follow the guidelines mentioned in Activity 3 of Practical Manual 3. sex. 6. Briefly discuss different types of folk approaches. Suppose you have to provide nutrition education in a rural community. and any other factor of importance. .modern electronic media on them. age.centered and behavior -centered methods? Explain the information. iii) Suggest modifications based on i) and ii). Mention the different non-machine media you will use for providing nutrition education and also the reason for their use.
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