Asset Closing in SAP FICO

March 20, 2018 | Author: Anil Kumar Sripati | Category: Depreciation, Balance Sheet, Technology, Computing, Business



Asset Closing: 1. Check Last Closed Fiscal Year in FI and FI-AA • First close the fiscal year in Asset Accounting and then in FI • Make sure that, at the most, two years are open for posting in FI-AA • Once the fiscal year is closed, you can no longer post or change values within Asset Accounting (for example, by recalculating depreciation). • The fiscal year that is closed is always the year following the last closed fiscal year. You cannot close the current fiscal year For e.g current fiscal year (current date): March 19xx last closed fiscal year: 19xx - 2 you can close fiscal year 19xx - 2. Run program RACHECK1 to eliminate inconsistencies between company code and asset management account data Errors in Customizing of depreciation areas, transaction types and period rules. • These can cause the following problems: o Inexplicable error messages are issued when adjustment postings are made, although nothing was changed in Customizing. A typical example of these error messages is AAPO 176 “Transaction type XY cannot be used for activity Z.” • • • Transfer postings cannot be carried out. Differences occur due to missing account assignments. When depreciation is recalculated, there are inexplicable error messages 3. Check Incomplete Assets (T code AUVA) if the calculation of replacement values was not up-to-date. when the user lacks authorization for master data fields that are required entry fields. Recalculate Depreciation (AFAR) This might be necessary if: • • • • • Have changed a depreciation key. This results in an incorrect display in the asset value display transaction. but these are not so critical that the asset cannot be created at all. Use transaction AYLS It is important to carry out a recalculation of depreciation after the index series have been maintained 5. Values are not calculated correctly. Recalculation at this point often does not correct the error. We can go directly from the report to their asset master records and correct them.o o Need to find and process incomplete assets before the year-end closing using report RAUNVA00 There are two different types of incomplete assets: 1. but can be posted 2. The asset is incomplete. Have made mass changes that you programmed yourself. Differences between the general ledger and subsidiary ledger are possible. Check Indexes We should enter the indexes for: determining replacement values or for updating the base insurable value. For example. Assets with indexed depreciation areas are possibly not deactivated in the case of a complete retirement. there are assets with the message “Depreciation values not completely calculated for this asset“ (error message AA510). as long as this is allowed by your authorization profile 4. In the new fiscal year. The system sets an indicator showing that assets are incomplete. The asset is incomplete and cannot be posted. and these changes affected data relevant to depreciation. • • • • . For assets that are still incomplete when the report is run. We need to correct both types. a statistical log is issued. you can only use index series that calculate historically. In order to correctly calculate replacement values. however. Start the depreciation recalculation program for the whole company code. Execute AFAR test mode with the List assets and Execute in Background options When you run AFAR. you can repeat all activities as often as necessary to ensure that the system is up-to-date • • 6. and then carefully consider the log. before starting RAPOST2000 in update mode. o Perform the depreciation posting run for the last period of the year (usually period 12 of the fiscal year being closed). This posting run posts the planned depreciation for each posting level for each asset as a lump sum amount. Recommend that start report RAPOST2000 first in the Background and in test mode. for which the year-end closing is to be carried out. If error messages are issued in the test run. an asset transaction does not immediately cause an update of the depreciation and value adjustment accounts for the financial statements. Correct the errors leading to any error messages you receive. However. The log contains any error messages. Execute Depreciation Posting Run(AFAB) Every asset transaction in the Asset Accounting (FI-AA) component immediately causes a change of the forecasted depreciation. The planned depreciation is posted directly to Financial Accounting (FI) when you run the periodic depreciation posting run. and start an update run of AFAR for these assets Note: Up to and including this step.• You want to calculate subsequent revaluation (after the legacy data transfer is closed) using current index figures. then correct the errors (usually these are in account determination or Customizing of cost centers). since the report cannot be reversed o . During a repeat posting run.• Planned posting run We post to the next period that is specified according to the posting cycle. In a restart run. if the depreciation terms were changed for individual assets in connection with the year-end closing. specify an unplanned posting run. we need to run for full company code Repeat posting run A repeat run might be necessary. as well as for the period entered • • • . The system then posts for all periods that were skipped. As long as the last normal period was already posted. only those assets are processed and displayed in the logs that were not processed successfully in the prior run. the system only posts the differences that resulted between the first posting run and the repeat posting run (no double posting) You can limit the run to particular assets Restart Using the restart mode ensures that all system activities are repeated that were not completed in the run containing the errors. for example. it is possible to post to special periods in FI. Thus. The system does not allow for limiting the run to particular assets. Unplanned posting run If we want to skip over one or more posting periods. Therefore RAPER2000 has to be executed at least once in update mode 8. Create two asset history sheets for the accounts involved using the following parameters: Limiting the account assignment or the asset class in the dynamic selections • • • Sort version 0020 Group totals Report date – fiscal year end of prior year and current year Setting “Depreciation posted” If the starting and final value of the asset history sheets are different. you should repeat the fiscal year change in asset accounting ( transaction AJRW). Follow the procedure outlined in SAP Note 194635. In this case: . Reconcile General Ledger and Subsidiary Ledger (ABST2) A. since this is the only way for them to be in agreement. As a result. C. proceed with the following steps. In addition. For the account concerned. If the report logs differences in table EWUFI_BAL (table FAGLFLEXD if the New G/L functionality is active) . If the starting and final values are still different after you repeat the fiscal year change. B. it is necessary in order to be able to make available the current status of all depreciation areas on a given key date. the general ledger and subsidiary ledger are consistent to each other. The asset history sheet for the previous year does not agree within itself when you cross-foot. then check to see if there is an asset with a capitalization date but without acquisition data. the periodic balance sheet postings are an important step before the reconciliation of the general ledger and subsidiary ledger for the individual depreciation areas. compare the last two fiscal years using the account display transaction (FS10N or FAGLB03 in New G/L) in the General Ledger. Execute Periodic Posting Program(ASKB) This program posts APC values from depreciation areas designated in the chart of depreciation as posting periodically From an accounting perspective. It is important to keep in mind here that the year-end closing report checks the date of the last periodic posting program run using the system date as a reference. Start report RAABST02. If the report does not find any differences. If the closing balance and opening balance differ. you have to start the balance carryforward program again for the current year. the year-end closing can only be carried out at a time close to the end of the year. D.7. with the document numbers involved. use report RACORR05A. d) Account determinations that have errors or are incomplete can also cause differences. at the latest. If you are unsure of how to proceed. Execute Fiscal Year change AJRW Fiscal year change is the opening of a new fiscal year for a company code At the fiscal year change. There are two possible scenarios: Missing line items during asset acquisition. e) Manual postings to asset balance sheet accounts.a) Start RAABST01 for accounts with line item management. To see which line items are involved. In the case of multiple account assignments. Missing line items during asset retirement. For correcting this problem. In this case. a) The difference arose already during the legacy data transfer. There are various possible causes that then also require different actions on your part. contact SAP R/3 Support. which cause errors during the euro conversion. perform depreciation recalculation. c) Line items with incorrect acquisition year. These can not be created using report RACORR05. see the log of RAABST01 or RAABST02. describing the exact parameters of the asset concerned. consider your results from point 2. contact SAP Support. In this case. you should now. the asset values from the previous fiscal year are carried forward cumulatively into the new fiscal year. you now have to reset the year-end closing. E. possibly carry out a depreciation posting run. and then run the year-end closing again. if not before. contact SAP Remote Consulting. . contact SAP Remote Consulting. For these errors. there are a number of correction reports that are listed in SAP Note 366848. These can be created easily using report RACORR05. b) Start RAABST02 for reports without line item management. The starting balance values of the current year do not agree with the value of the balance display. c) If the balance carry forward is affected. This situation is found at times with postings from invoice verification (transactions MRHR or MIGO). 9. b) Missing line items. In this case. even if the assets have errors. The Fiscal Year Change program has some similarities with some of the other periodic programs in FI-AA. At the same time. even after the fiscal year change. You can continue to post in the old fiscal year. In this way it is very similar to other balance roll forward programs such as SAPFGVTR in the General Ledger. It is not possible to run this program for select assets or depreciation areas.How is it executed? • As you can see the only selection criteria is the company code. There is no risk or further changes made if the program is run multiple times. The system automatically corrects any values that are affected by postings in the past. Of course the other field that has to be evaluated is the New fiscal year field. The system provides statistics per company code for the assets that have been changed. The program can be run repeatedly. it is run for an entire company code and all active assets and depreciation areas are updated. In fact.. The system carries out the fiscal year change for all assets. The fiscal year change can only be carried out (even in test mode) for the new fiscal year. you can post to assets using value dates in the new fiscal year. There is a test run indicator which can be useful to uncover an obvious error before committed to a productive run. you can continue to post in the previous fiscal year. this is often required for subsequent adjustments made to new assets in the prior fiscal year. It is not possible to reverse a Fiscal Year Change using standard methods Once the fiscal year change takes place. • • • • • • • • . Simply enter in the value for the new fiscal year that you want to open. The program must be run in the background when it is run in productive mode.. When can it be executed? • The program can be run as early as the last regular fiscal period of the current fiscal year. You can choose any point in the new fiscal year for carrying out the fiscal year change Before you can change to fiscal year YYYY. You can have a maximum of two fiscal years open for posting at one time • • • What kind of output is there? • The first thing that you should notice is the program text displayed at the top of the output list. The earliest that you can carry out a fiscal year change is in the last month of the old fiscal year.2. 1 is deactivated and another has no value. Of the remaining 3 records. When entering in the new fiscal year it must be only one year in the future. Code &1 possible only after year-end closing &2". There are 6 records in the company code but 3 have already been rolled forward to 2008. The log shown below is an example of how it looks if AJRW is run a second time after new records was posted in the prior year. • • • . You can have only 2 open fiscal years in the FI-AA sub ledger so you'll have to be sure that the prior fiscal year is already closed before running RAJAWE00. By far the most common error that is encountered when running this program is AA761 "Fiscal year change in co. The other asset is active and has a value so it needs to be updated for 2008 (the To change column) but it has an error with it so it causes the program to output a record in the Incorrect column. If the prior fiscal year is already closed then this error shouldn't appear.. After the text at the top is a table that displays the status of the run by company code as well as some statistical information. it's logical to close the subledger before finalizing the close of the General Ledger. It gives some basic information about the program and how it relates to the financial closing. You should carry out the fiscal year close process in FI-AA before you complete the closing process in the FI-GL. in December of 2007 I can only run the program for 2008. For example. you must have already closed fiscal year YYYY . not 2009 or later. In both cases there are no values that need to be brought into the new year so they will be skipped by the program.. You're now looking at the Application Log in SAP which will display the error messages for the program. You'll then have to investigate elsewhere to figure out what the error is and how to fix it. there is a section to display messages at the bottom of the screen but no messages will actually be displayed there. Unlike some of the other asset periodic programs. you'll have to click on the Error Log button to see more. The only indication that there is a problem is because the Incorrect column has a value. At this point. The log will display each asset that is in error. .An asset is marked as incorrect during the execution o AJRW because there is an error in the asset's depreciation calculation. you won't be able to run any of the asset periodic programs in the new year such as posting depreciation or posting periodic values. ANLB is also updated. T093C-LGJAHR serves a similar purpose.What happens if I don't run it? If the Fiscal Year Change is not executed. the reports will all terminate with message AB059 "Fiscal year change not yet made for company code XXXX". What does it do (technically)? There are three tables that are updated by RAJAWE00. whether it's the end of the prior year or current year.. If you try.. Third. or whether it's a year-end date or period-end date won't matter. The second limitation is that you won't be able to make any asset postings in the new year. I'd bet that this error is what reminds at least half of the SAP customer base that they have to execute this program.. The field label is "Current Fiscal Year" but the description of the data element is "Last fiscal year opened by the fiscal year change" which tells you all you need to know about what the field represents. Regardless of what report date you choose on the asset report.. all asset reporting becomes inoperable once you cross over into the new year (as determined by the system date). Similar to T093C the new fiscal year of the asset is entered in field LGJAN "Last fiscal year". • . The new fiscal year is entered in LGJAHR. This represents the highest fiscal year that the asset can be posted to. For those situations where the program is not run in advance. • The configuration table T093C gets a small update. the transactions will terminate with error AA347 "You cannot post to asset in company code XXXX fiscal year YYYY". 10.• The most important table that is updated is ANLC. Once the fiscal year is closed. they have an acquisition date). Therefore. but have not yet been capitalized (the capitalization date is not set). by recalculating depreciation) The fiscal year that is closed is always the year following the last closed fiscal year.g. the system checks that there are no assets that have been posted (that is. we can limit the selection for the asset class here. By executing this program new entries are created for the new fiscal year in this table. we can no longer post or change values within Asset accounting (for example. This check does not make sense for assets under construction. e. so that assets under construction are not included in this check. Year End Closing AJAB Assets Under constructionAt the year-end closing. ANLC is the core table for most all asset reporting and is keyed by fiscal year. since it is normal for them to have acquisition postings but not be capitalized. For.2 We can close fiscal year 19xx .1 • You have to carry out the year-end closing as background processing for performance reasons Reversing Year End Closing • • • . • We use the year-end closing program to close the fiscal year for one or more company codes from an accounting perspective. Current fiscal year (current date): March 19xx Last closed fiscal year: 19xx . These assets are then identified as having errors. (T code OAAR) . either for selected depreciation areas in a company code.We closed a fiscal year too soon. or for all depreciation areas in a company code. and still need to make corrections. you can reset the last closed fiscal year ( t code OAAQ) • • You do this by changing the field for the last closed fiscal year Using this function. you can re-open the last closed fiscal year.
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