Asset Aloe Veritas

March 30, 2018 | Author: sotitobahal | Category: Gastrointestinal Tract, Placebo, Cancer, Dietary Supplements, Clinical Medicine



[Plant-Derived Ingredients] Vol. 16 No. 4 April 2011 Aloe Veritas By Sandy Almendarez, Editor Aloe vera seems to have evolved right alongside the human species. Like man, it thrives in tropical, warm, dry climates. Quite advantageous for our ancestors, as it is a part of many ancient civilizations’ medicine cabinets—from Egypt to Greece, Arabia and Spain. Today, people around the globe consider it part of their medicinal heritage, including China, India, Japan, Russia, the Caribbean, Jamaica and the United States. "Aloe vera is one of the ingredients that has stood the test of time," said Santiago Rodriguez, Ph.D., CEO, Lorand Laboratories LLC. "There is anecdotal information about use of aloe for thousands of years. Recently, a multitude of peer-reviewed scientific studies give solid support to the anecdotal evidence about the biological activities of Aloe vera both when taken internally or when used orally, making it a very attractive functional ingredient." Modern consumers don’t have to go to a naturopath or medicine man to obtain Aloe vera . In fact, it’s most likely featured in products found in the small toiletry section of the nearest gas station. It’s found everywhere from shaving creams to lotions, cosmetics, soaps, facial and toilet tissues, and sunburn creams. The refrigerated and home cleaning sections also feature Aloe vera with drinks and household cleaners, respectively. And then there are the aloe capsules and juices found in the supplement aisle. In 2009, SPINS listed Aloe vera first in its five top-selling herbal supplements, and SPINS data from 2010 shows aloe selling $11,695,785 in the natural channel, excluding Whole Foods Market, which was a 6.7-percent increase from 2009. With good reason, as Aloe vera gel contains many active constituents, including amino acids, vitamins, minerals, sterols, enzymes and polysaccharides. “All of the ingredients in Aloe vera are combined and balanced perfectly in nature to provide a soothing tonic fo r the body's systems,” noted Marina Linsley, marketing director, NP Nutra. Bill Pine, vice president, Improve USA Inc., agreed and added, “Aloe works well with the body’s innate immune system to aid in a defense to protect us from the invasion of what is out there. It is becoming a goal for consumers to try to keep themselves well instead of waiting until they become ill and then going to the doctor. Aloe can assist in this goal.” The plant is also forgiving as it prefers solid sun and can withstand being watered infrequently. Freezing destroys Aloe vera crops only about once every 20 years, which results in a shortage where the bad weather hits. Because Aloe vera is grown in many areas of the globe, a freeze has never eliminated the entire crop, but it has caused rises in global costs. For modern-day natural product purposes, it’s important to distinguish the different types of aloe and processing methods. While there are more than 400 known aloe species, Aloe vera , the common name for the species Aloe vera (L.) Burm f. (or aloe barbadensis) is the primary species used in the Page 1 and then. and you get into the latex. the plant can be stripped of the outer rind either by hand (known as “filleting”) or by Page 2 . founder and executive director of the American Botanical Council (ABC). Aloe latex.. a strong laxative found in the yellowbrown sap. Numerous organizations that express concerns about the safety of Aloe vera gel intake often err by including effects of whole-leaf products known to contain aloin. Aloe arborescens is popular among gardeners. which is found in much lower quantities per weight in the Aloe vera /aloe barbadenous than you would find from aloe ferox/aloe capensis for the drug laxative.” said Mark Blumenthal. many confuse and combine the properties of the different species of aloe and components of Aloe vera used. co-CEO and chief science officer of Mannatech. you will still get some of these anthraquinones in the gel.” As ubiquitous as Aloe vera products are. and therefore. but it is approved by many pharmacopeias throughout the world and by FDA as an over-the-counter (OTC) laxative. and is an OTC laxative drug. as each component offers different effects in the human body. MNS.D. contains hydroxyanthracene derivatives. including aloins. but is rarely used in finished goods Aloe ferox. The remaining material is then ground or crushed into juice. This aloe type is the primary source of bitter aloes. which cause a laxative effect in humans. It doesn’t help that most pharmacopeias refer to aloe latex simply as “aloe” or “aloe juice. 16 No. from regulators to manufacturers and consumers. the latex is rinsed away.” Blumenthal noted.” Whole-leaf aloe is obtained by grinding the entire aloe leaf. do not have the expected sugar profiles or are contaminated with aloe latex.[Plant-Derived Ingredients ] Vol. also known at aloe capensis. which is the inside of the green leaf material. It’s also important to differentiate between the different parts of the Aloe vera plant used in products. has been mistaken when it comes to aloe preparations.” The International Aloe Science Council (IASC) holds the position that Aloe vera products meant for consumption should have an aloin content of 10 mg/L or less. “Such products have typically been found to contain little (or no) Aloe vera gel. “If you dig too deep. “It used to be a mark of poor filleting if the filleter cut into the leaf’s parenchyma. and companies should be able to provide that information to consumers upon request. A good filtration process removes the aloe latex down to 10 ppm or less in orally administered finished products and 50 ppm or less in cosmetic applications.” Everyone in the aloe chain. The bitter. Ph. “A lot of the industry has gone to whole-leaf Aloe vera gel. then removing the rind material and aloe latex via filtration.naturalproductsinsider. Aloe latex contains anthraquinones. 4 April 2011 majority of products. This whole leaf mash may also have some of the anthraquinones in it. you may have more of a laxative effect than you would normally. yellow-brownish. “We have long been aware of the prevalence of adulterated Aloe vera gel commercial products. the bitter yellow sap from the outer skin of the leaf. The anthraquinone aloin is particularly known for its strong laxative effects. Sinnott.” said Robert A. To get to the inner leaf juice (aka aloe gel) without the latex. is also not used in natural products too often. “It’s more efficient and cost effective than manually pressing it out. www. sap-like material found in between the inner leaf and the rind is known as aloe latex and is used primarily in crude drugs. burn. 24 and 28 hours. The IASC program verifies products contain a string of sugars called acemannan. can decrease the number and size of papillomas. psoriasis. Post surgery. and two weeks after surgery compared to placebo www. and cumulative evidence supports its use for helping the body to heal small wounds and burns. some get further confounded because some manufacturers “fairy dust” products with Aloe vera so efficacious doses are not present. "The reason we focus so much on the acemannan content of our aloe is because according to the published literature. lichen planus. human papilloma Page 3 . Lorand Labs' flagship ingredient BiAloe Aloe vera powder is processed via a proprietary process that ensures high acemannan content in a soluble form. frostbite. it potentially has the power to deliver beneficial effects. aloe can also offer relief. aphthous stomatitis. “We hope most [manufacturers] will use enough aloe in the finished product to actually do the consumer some good. All of Improve USA Inc. they noted evidence does not support the topical application of Aloe vera as an effective prevention for radiation-induced injuries and has no sunburn or suntan protection. 16 No." he said. “In fact. 4 April 2011 Besides for mixing up the types used. and reduce the incidence of tumors and leishmania parasitemia by more than 90 percent in the liver.1 Expanding beyond dry skin. and its promotion of wound healing after hemorrhoid-removal surgery. spleen and bone marrow. according to Pine. most of the benefits of including aloe in the diet are due to this very important natural component of Aloe vera. placebo-controlled trial with 49 patients. Most recognizable are its skin benefits. "Our product has the highest immune-modulatory acemannan content.’s aloe has been certified by IASC for purity.[Plant-Derived Ingredients ] Vol. “Aloe vera is calming and moisturizing for the skin. However. IASC established a certification program in the 1980s. randomized. using a prospective.3 Researchers found.2 The Iranian researchers reported Aloe vera can be effective for genital herpes. a 40-study review of dermatology-oriented in vitro and in vivo experiments and clinical trials of Aloe vera determined oral administration of Aloe vera in mice is effective on wound healing. those in the topical aloe cream group (n=24) had significantly less postoperative pain at 12. double blind.” A Brazilian study of 20 women found freeze-dried Aloe vera extract was an effective ingredient for improving skin hydration and suggested it may be used in moisturizing cosmetic formulations and also as a complement in the treatment of dry skin. among other components.naturalproductsinsider. Products that contain a level of aloe that will deliver a benefit will see consumers coming back for more. Acemannan is naturally occurring in the plant and is measured by IASC using a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method. seborrheic dermatitis. a compound present in Aloe vera called acemannan can assist the immune system by boosting the amount of T-lymphocyte cells in the body. xerosis. A 2010 study from Iran assessed the effects of Aloe vera cream in reducing postoperative and post-defecation pain. wound healing and inflammation.” According to Rodriguez. the highest bioavailable acemannan content and the highest total acemannan content. or beta 1-4 acetylated glucomanan.” Linsley said. To combat this issue." Skin Health If a product has enough acemannan and other healthy aloe components. and contains a minimal amount of aloe latex. Moving along to other GI issues. which would make the Aloe vera gel treatment appear less effective. Aloe cream reduced the pain after defecation in 24 and 48 hours post surgery (P<0.5 percent) significantly reduced UV-induced erythema after 48 hours. improvement and response in nine (30 percent). placebo-controlled Danish trial that included 41 patients reported Aloe vera gel’s effects on stable plaque psoriasis was modest and not better than placebo. 4 April 2011 (n=25). an extract of aloe ferox Mill showed improved intestinal motility. In 2010.6 However. they noted the high response rate of placebo indicated a possible effect in its own right. But Aloe vera also benefits the gastrointestinal (GI) tract with its wound-healing properties. animals in the Aloe vera grouphad smaller ulcer sizes compared to the ulcer group without treatment. and thereby beneficially modulate wound healing. and as an alkalizer.001). a 2004 study from London concluded oral Aloe vera taken for four weeks produced clinical remission.7 GI Health As noted earlier. and recent research is still examining this outcome. The plant fared better in a German study of 40 volunteers. “It encourages the release of digestive enzymes when the stomach is full.5 The Thai researchers reported the average difference in healing time of the Aloe vera groups was 8.001). such as psoriasis and erythema (reddening of the skin). which signifies less inflammation.[Plant-Derived Ingredients ] Vol. which maintain and support collagen and elastin. GI benefits have been reported from non-branded Aloe vera as well.4 A review of clinical trials for burn healing examined Aloe vera ’s effects in four studies with a total of 371 patients. according to the researchers at the University of Fort Hare. double blind.79 days shorter than those in the control groups (P=0. A randomized. South Africa. compared with one www. and was superior to the 1-percent hydrocortisone in the placebo gel. including studies reporting the prebiotic effects of Aloe vera gel and its digestion by enzymes produced by human intestinal microbiota. “Ingestion of Aloe vera can be of benefit to the GI system. increased fecal volume and normalized body weight in constipated rats with a 200-mg/kg dose showing the best efficacy. Both topical and oral treatments with Aloe vera were found to have a positive influence on the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans. if one considers GI disturbances as wounds. respectively. research has long found aloe ferox produces a laxative effect. Aloe vera has also been tested in its ability to help specific skin ailments. promoting healthy digestion and bowel Page 4 . Wound healing at the end of the second postoperative week was significantly greater in the aloe group compared with the placebo group (P<0. 16 No.” Sinnott said Mannatech has presented numerous posters about Aloe vera gel at scientific meetings.” Linsley said. which we believe are associated with their effects on GI health. Thai researchers found rats with ulcers that were treated with Aloe vera had lower tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) levels. it may prevent excessive acid in the digestive process.naturalproductsinsider.8 These results compared favorably to a standard laxative on various aspects of constipation.9 Further. which found Aloe vera gel (97.” he said. of 30 ulcerative colitis patients given Aloe vera . 11 (37 percent) and 14 (47 percent).006). “We have been investigating the prebiotic properties of our Ambrotose products. And. the researchers said they could not rule out the possibility that improvement occurred in patients with diarrhea or alternating IBS while taking Aloe vera. 24-ethyl-lophenol. reported aloe gel prepared using the filleting method significantly increased the bioavailability of vitamin C four. While not Aloe vera . oral administration of 300 mg/kgbw/d of ethanolic extract from Aloe vera leaf gel to diabetic rats for a period of 21 days significantly restored the alterations in phosphatases and lysosomal hydrolases enzymes activity to near normalcy.06) and two (14 percent. A 2010 UC Davis Medical Center.[Plant-Derived Ingredients ] Vol. of 14 patients taking placebo. P<0. While another London study found no evidence Aloe vera benefits patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). CA. 51 percent and 55 percent of control levels. respectively. comparable with the pharmaceutical drug glibenclamide.09). 28 percent.15 Aloe vera ’s benefits on diabetes are also shown in scientific studies.17 Cancer While few products in the natural arena tout cancer-abating abilities. which means it may improve wound healing in those with diabetes. Aloe vera has been shown to help reduce tumors and increase lifespan in cancer patients.14 but it can help diabetes patients in more ways than skin health. but not with placebo. P= ]0. one (7 percent.05).12 The researchers also examined both forms’ effects on plasma vitamin B12 after supplementing and found both aloes significantly increased serum levels at one and two hours compared to baseline and placebo. Texan researchers noted after 12 weeks. An earlier study reported both types of aloe improved the absorption of vitamins C and E. six. Page 5 .10 Further.03. 47 percent. 71 percent of cats that had leukemia and were treated with acemannan were alive www. P=0. 16 No. specifically lophenol. the Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index and histological scores decreased significantly during treatment with Aloe vera (P=0. eight and 24 hours after supplementation.01 and P=0. fasting blood glucose levels decreased to approximately 64 percent. respectively.16 After administration of the five phytosterols for 28 days in mice. cycloartanol and 24-methylene-cycloartanol. 24-methyl-lophenol. a 2006 Japanese study concluded Aloe vera gel and phytosterols derived from Aloe vera gel have a long-term blood glucose level control effect and would be useful for the treatment of type 2 diabetes after the researchers evaluated the anti-hyperglycemic effect of Aloe vera gel and isolated a number of compounds from the gel. Back in 1991.11 Aloe vera can also assist the GI tract in absorbing nutrients. For instance.13 Diabetes One 2003 study found Aloe vera can affect both intercellular communication and proliferation of diabetic fibroblasts in vitro. and aloe whole leaf gel increased vitamin C’s bioavailability eight and 24 hours after supplementing compared to baseline and placebo. 4 April 2011 (7 percent.naturalproductsinsider. aloe excelsa powder produced a dose-dependent reduction in blood glucose levels of diabetic rats. respectively). noted cGMPs (current good manufacturing practices).001) and a higher number of healed patients (20/30 (66. a Copenhagen. which are FDA required as of last www. The percentage of one-year survival was significantly higher in patients treated with melatonin plus aloe (9/24 vs. Thankfully.5-percent Aloe vera extract is more efficacious than placebo.22 The group treated with Aloe vera extract cream had both significantly shorter mean time to healing than the placebo group (4. the Scandinavian eco-label and medical-grade GMP (good manufacturing practice) certification and approval by Danish Health Authorities.naturalproductsinsider. inhibited expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression. minor burns and cuts.) was affirmed GRAS (generally recognized as safe) for use in foods. a natural compound from the root and rhizome of Rheum palmatum.05). inhibited the growth of human cervical cancer cells. 40 percent of cats with feline leukemia are dead within four weeks and 70 percent within eight weeks of the onset of clinical symptoms. Patrick Anderson. Aloe vera has benefitted human cancer patients as well. P<0. The percentage of non-progressing patients was significantly higher in the group treated with melatonin plus aloe than in the melatonin-only group (14/24 vs. an Aloe vera product (Qmatrix® from Aloecorp Inc. in a dose-dependent manner at concentrations ranging between 2.9 days vs. In a 2007 Turkish study.05). P<0.001). and assists in wound healing. 4/26. international sales manager. Clinical results from a 2007 study suggested a hydrophilic cream with 0. GI tract tumors.19 Getting out of the cat-and-mouse game. and David Nelson. all of which reduce cancer cells.20 The study included 50 patients suffering from lung cancer.18 Normally. but it is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) worldwide. who were treated with melatonin alone (20 mg/d orally in the dark period) or melatonin plus Aloe vera tincture (1 ml twice/d). and suppressed the expression of PKCalpha and c-myc. Regulation and Formulation With all these health benefits being revealed in a lab setting. In addition to the Canadian NPN. And. 12 days. was granted a Natural Products Number (NPN) by Canadian Health Authorities. no cure has been discovered for genital herpes. A clinical study administered aloe and melatonin to patients with advanced solid tumors for whom no effective standard anticancer therapies are available. reliable and effective treatment to cure the first episodes of genital herpes in men. Terry Labs. Western governments are increasingly allowing Aloe vera to be included in foods and supplements with health claims. beverages and supplements in the United Page 6 . a simplex virus infection.[Plant-Derived Ingredients ] Vol. 4 April 2011 and in good health. Aloe vera Group. in April 2010. Aloe vera can play a role in healing outbreak sores. increased alkaline phosphatase activity. HeLa. In 2008. breast cancer or brain glioblastoma. western regional sales manager. Two years later.5 and 40 micromol/L. 16 No. 2/30 (6. thus supporting the benefits of Aloe vera therapy as an alternative.7 percent). P<0. including the Nordic Swan Mark. the main lectin present in Aloe vera leaf pulp extract (Aloctin I) decreased the tumor markers serum sialic acid and TNF-alpha levels in mice. P<0. Denmark-based manufacturer of Aloe vera products. aloe emodin. 7/26. which allows the company to make label claims that its aloe gel product is effective for treating sunburn.21 Like cancer.7 percent) vs. the researchers pointed out. the company earned approval in European markets. which does not require heat. Page 7 . “The biggest issue on regulation of aloe may be coming down the pike because of an upcoming report. and ensuring the right kind of aloe is used and in the right dosages.[Plant-Derived Ingredients ] Vol.6 ppm. and. The results of the NTP two-year oral consumption study are expected to be released sometime in 2011. Terry Labs goes one step further by not adding enzymes to our product. has been conducting a two-year study on an ingredient identified as “nondecolorized whole leaf extract of aloe barbadensis Miller” In a position paper. More governments are OK’ing aloe. have helped the industry by mandating a system that requires vendors to test for identification of products. “All of our suppliers are approved through a vendor-qualification process. but that doesn’t mean this green plant has only smooth sailing in the future. “If a substance that is used as an herbal ingredient or dietary supplement gets a negative or less than stellar safety evaluation. However. “This laboratory.” the paper noted. We concentrate our liquids using reverse osmosis.” www. according to Devon Powell. was not able to detect it in any of our products. Anderson and Nelson said. from the National Toxicology Program (NTP). Each subsequent lot is evaluated upon receipt. it can be problematic for that product with respect to regulation and its position in the market. public-relationship wise. the results don’t look good for the aloe industry. “Stabilization of gels within two hours from harvest to finish raw materials determines the efficacy. an interagency program with the objective of evaluating substances of possible public health concern. which the NTP has indicated is a likely constituent of concern. 16 No. executive director of the IASC.” Blumenthal noted. according to IASC. Initial reports from the IASC's analysis of the NTP material indicates that the material studied is vastly different than the ingredient sold in products available in the marketplace. 4 April 2011 year. and a preliminary chemical analysis showed an aloin content high above IASC’s current policy limit of 10 mg/L. IASC said it obtained a sample specimen of the Aloe vera material used in the NTP rodent-feeding studies. regulatory agents and consumers by practicing strict processing methods. which was able to detect aloin at levels as low as 0. and we also use no heat to concentrate the Aloe vera liquids.” He added an independent laboratory recently tested Mannatech’s Aloe vera gel to make sure it was aloin-free. “This helps to eliminate adulteration within the industry. Starting close to the field.” they said. “The IASC has been informed of the high probability the study will conclude that there is clear evidence of carcinogenic activity in test animals.” Blumenthal added. on-site audits and certificate of analysis (C of A) verification on initial lots. in particular in regards to the aloin content. which I’m not sure has been finalized. This includes supplier questionnaires.naturalproductsinsider. quality and integrity of Aloe vera . Ingredient suppliers can validate their Aloe vera products to product manufacturers.” he said. Sinnott noted Mannatech submitted its Aloe vera gel powders to an independent laboratory for chemical analyses and also conducts product ingredient analyses in house. IASC urged manufacturers to make sure to inform their consumers of the difference between the ingredient used in the NTP study and those found in their products. ” G Ital Dermatol Venereol.1(4):505-9. double-blind study. 2. 2009 Feb. Feily A. Korsholm L.59(3):179-86. www. rehydrates well and is perfect for formulations requiring strict liquid control. et al. Eshghi F. Still.” And Linsley duly added. 5. even with bad press. 12:24146.144(1):85-91.” J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. Syed TA et al. especially as more research Page 8 .” Even with the possible negative press. 3. “Aloe vera has well and truly earned its position in the marketplace. Chandrakasan G. Paulsen E. As Linsley noted. placebo-controlled study of a commercial Aloe vera gel in the treatment of slight to moderate psoriasis vulgaris. 4 April 2011 Processing techniques can also make aloe easier to handle. It’s always going to be a part of the fabric of the herbal community—dietary supplements as well as cosmetics and other external products.16(6):647-50. safe and convenient processing practices will ensure quality Aloe vera products will be available to interested consumers for years to come. “Effects of Aloe vera cream on posthemorrhoidectomy pain and wound healing: results of a randomized. Brandrup F. as well as let them know the differences in the types and processing techniques of Aloe ver .” Trop Med Int Health.” J Altern Complement Med. “It has a great deal of cultural receptivity.” J Ethnopharmacol. so they can differentiate the products they buy. I see it gaining more market share.19(3):326-31. Aloe vera is sure to continue its popularity. “Management of psoriasis with Aloe vera extract in a hydrophilic cream: a placebo controlled. “Dehydrat ion is very popular because it provides a very convenient form of Aloe vera with a lot of flexibility for delivery. how could all of our ancestors have been wrong? References: 1. particularly in functional foods and drinks and supplements. Chithra P. blind. Dal’Belo SE et al. 6. “The future for Aloe vera is strong because it’s always been here as a strong medicinal plant. placebo-control study. “Influence of Aloe vera on the glycosaminoglycans in the matrix of healing dermal wounds in rats.[Plant-Derived Ingredients ] Vol. “A double-blind.. specific technologically advanced aloe-base formulations will continue to be used in the natural products industry. 1996 Aug. “Moisturizing effect of cosmetic formulations containing Aloe vera extract in different concentrations assessed by skin bioengineering techniques. It's a stable product that is cheap to transport. 1998 Jan. Namazi MR. particularly in personal care products where it is almost ubiquitous because of its well-known benefits for skin and hair.” Skin Res Tech. 4. In addition.” It’s up to product manufacturers to highlight new research to consumers.” Blumenthal predicted. “Aloe vera in dermatology: a brief review. 2005 May.naturalproductsinsider. 2006. After all. 2010 Jun. 16 No. Sajithlal GB. 21(2):106-10. 2010 Aug 19. “Randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial of aloe vera for irritable bowel syndrome. 1998. 2008. Lissoni P. Page 9 .” Int J Clin Pract.28(12):1991-5. “A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Crossover trial of Aloe Vera on Bioavailability of Vitamins C and B12 Blood Glucose. “Effects of Aloe vera and sucralfate on gastric microcirculatory changes. “Anti-diabetic activity of aloe excelsa. Abdullah KM et al.” Phytomedicine.” Biol Pharm Bull. cytokine levels and gastric ulcer healing in rats. clinical stabilization of feline leukemia virus-infected cats.12(10):760-5. 9. “Identification of five phytosterols from aloe vera gel as anti -diabetic compounds.60(9):1080-6. 20. 15. “Effect of Aloe vera preparations on the human bioavailability of vitamins C and E.10:95.” Ailment Pharmacol Ther. 2007. 16. “The effect of Aloe ferox Mill. placebo-controlled trial of oral aloe vera gel for active ulcerative colitis. 2003 Oct. J. Akev N. Langmead L.” Mol Biother. Andreoli L.” J Dietary Suppl2010.29(7):1418-22. “Randomized. 19. 2006.[Plant-Derived Ingredients ] Vol.12(13):2034 -9. 10. “Investigation of the anti-inflammatory potential of Aloe vera gel (97. Davis K. Wintola OA.21(11):1070-75. 8.16(1):27-33. “Effect of aloe vera lead gel extract on membrane bound phosphatases and lysosmal hydrolases in rats with streptozotocin diabetes. 1991. et al.” Cen Afr J Med.9(5):711-8.” Pharmazie.51(11-12):115-20.3(1):41-5. and Lipid Profile in Healthy Human Subjects. Gundidza M.5%) in the ultraviolet erythema test. Sheets MA. “Tumour preventive effect of Aloe vera leaf pulp lectin (Aloctin I) on Ehrlich ascites tumours in mice. 2005. 16 No. 2006. “Effects of Aloe vera on gap junctional intercellular communication and proliferation of human diabetic and nondiabetic skin fibroblasts. “Studies of the effect of acemannan (tradename) on retrosirius infections. 2004. in the treatment of loperamide-induced constipation in Wistar rats.” Skin Pharmacol Physiol. “Anti-cancer effect of aloe-emodin on cervical cancer cells involves G2/M arrest and induction of differentiation. 2006 Apr 7.” BMC Gastroenterol.” Nat Immun. Vinson JA. 2007. Eamlamnam K et al.” Acta Pharmacol Sin.” J Altern Complement Med. 17.19(7):739-47.naturalproductsinsider. 4 April 2011 7. 7(2):145-153 13.62(3):221-5. Rajasekaran S. “Biotherapy with the pineal immunomodulating hormone melatonin versus melatonin plus aloe vera in intreatable advanced solid neoplasms.” World J Gastroenterol. 14. 2007. 11. 21. et al. Afolayan AJ. Al Kharrat H. Sunmonu TO. Reuter J. 2005 Nov.” Phytother Res. www. Tanaka M. 18. Yun. 12. Guo JM. T. 4 April 2011 22.8(2):99-102 www. “Management of genital herpes in men with Page 10 . Syed.naturalproductsinsider.” J Dermatolog Treat. 2007. et al. 16 No.[Plant-Derived Ingredients ] Vol.5% Aloe vera extract in a hydrophilic cream: a placebo-controlled double-blind study.
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