Asocopi Newsletter March 2007

March 19, 2018 | Author: steamboycardona | Category: English As A Second Or Foreign Language, Multilingualism, Teachers, Language Education, Linguistics



March 2007ASOCOPI ASOCOPI - Calle 25 No. 32-32 1er piso. Bogotá, Colombia - Tel/fax: (571) 2444167 e-mail: [email protected] - newsletter Nancy Villamizar from the Instituto Técnico Mercedes Abrego, who will serve as ASOCOPI Spokesperson Gabriel Obando from the Universidad de Nariño, who will serve as ASOCOPI VicePresident Carlos Rico from the Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, who will serve as ASOCOPI Treasurer Melba Libia Cárdenas from the Universidad Nacional, Bogotá, who will serve as ASOCOPI President The new Board of Directors reaffirms its commitment to the Colombian academic community in the area of ELT and totally supports the original mission statement of the association. In order to fulfil the objectives of ASOCOPI, you are cordially invited to continue supporting the endeavours that have been made during the last years and that have helped the association become stronger and more recognized as an academic, serious and participative professional organization as well as a relevant and important space that promotes scholarship, programs, research, materials, academic debates, and initiatives. I also want to welcome Professor Alvaro Quintero, of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, who has kindly accepted to edit our newsletter. His support has been evident as a member of the HOW Journal Advisory Board, as a presenter in several ASOCOPI conferences, and as one of the reviewers of the academic committee in charge of the evaluation of proposals sent to our last two conferences. Finally, the Board of Directors, on behalf of the Association, wants to thank two people who were – and hopes they will continue to be – vital in the making of the current position of ASOCOPI in the academic panorama. These people are Ricardo Romero and Rigoberto Castillo, who comprised part of the board of Directors for several years and devoted endless hours to the enrichment and betterment of the ELT of ASOCOPI. Their commitment and contributions are very much appreciated. ASOCOPI will keep on offering opportunities for teacher professional development through the organization of conferences and seminars as well as through the publications that have traditionally been relevant references for Colombian teachers of English, namely, HOW Journal, ET Forum and ASOCOPI Newsletter. In addition, you are invited to visit the ASOCOPI website in order to learn about other events, the Special Interest Groups, how to become an ASOCOPI member and other interesting information. Best wishes, Melba Libia Cárdenas, ASOCOPI President Letter from the President Dear ASOCOPI members, friends and stakeholders, We are glad to share with you the latest news of the Association in regards to its governmental and administrative organization. As you might know, the General Assembly of ASOCOPI, held during the 41st ASOCOPI Annual Conference that was carried out from October 13-16, 2006, in Ibagué, brought some changes to the Board of Directors of the Association. After a comprehensive report given by the former BOD members concerning the academic, financial, and administrative matters during the last year, a new structure for the Board of Directors was presented to the current ASOCOPI members attending the assembly. In accordance with the ASOCOPI by-laws, and after hearing the professional profiles and proposals of the people who were nominated, members voted and accepted the following professors to be part of the Board of Directors: Adriana González from the Universidad de Antioquia, who will serve as ASOCOPI Secretary Universidad Javieriana .Report on the 41st Annual Conference From October 13-16. books. Nancy Villamizar. particularly. as well as the presentations of native musical groups and dances. Furthermore. teaching grammar in context. Colombia. Aida Salamanca (British Council consultant). 2006. 1 coplenary session. concurrent sessions and. Rosa Maria Cely (Plan Nacional de Bilingüismo). The Performers.Treasurer. there were interesting cultural activities such as the play ‘Pirates Island’ by The Argentine theatre troupe. The main topic of the conference ‘Language Policies and Classroom Realities: Bridging the Gap’ was developed during the 4-day event in 10 plenary sessions. At a time when the National Bilingual Program is being implemented and the standards for Foreign Languages are launched. Jenny Dooley (Express Publishing). On the other hand. Most plenary speakers were also invited to answer the questions asked by participants during the panels with regards to the implementation of the bilingualism program. Adriana González. plenary sessions. cooperative learning. Universidad de Antioquia . The following is the new structure of the Board: Melba Libia Cárdenas. 2 panel sessions.Secretary. Universidad Nacional de Colombia . international speakers such as Edythe Johnson Holubec (sponsored by the U.S Embassy). the following Colombian speakers presented their views in plenary sessions: Melba Libia Cárdenas (Universidad Nacional de Colombia). Gabriel Obando. brain-based studies applied to language teaching and learning. programs and technologies for teaching and learning English.Spokesperson 2 ASOCOPINewsletter . which validated the ASOCOPI Convention as the biggest and most important forum in Colombia for the ELT community. textbooks. which structured the academic program. a central part of Colombia. The annual conference would not have been as successful as it was without the participation of the publishing houses that filled the 20-stand area of the book exhibit and presented the latest materials. The conference served as a forum for different actors involved in Colombian language policies to present their viewpoints with regards to the application of national programs to the classroom realities present in our country. Rigoberto Castillo who formed part of the BOD for several years and served as President during the last 9 months. the panels at ASOCOPI Conference presented the pros and cons of the official plans for achieving ‘bilingualism’ in Colombia. Additionally. Arlen Gargagliano (Cambridge University Press). Adriana González (University of Antioquia). Carlos Rico. Alvaro Quintero (Distrital University). Universidad de Nariño . The Champagnat School offered its campus for over 900 participants to enjoy the different activities programmed during this event. and over 70 workshops and awareness presentations. and Silvia Valencia (University of Quindío). JoEllen Simpson (Richmond). this conference had an impact on the governance of the Association since changes and new positions in the National Board of Directors were presented during the Annual ASOCOPI Assembly.President. the 41st ASOCOPI Annual Conference took place in the beautiful city of Ibagué. In order to fulfil the aim of the conference to be a forum for different perspectives. Ricardo Romero (Cambridge University Press). which introduced participants to the culture and traditions of El Tolima.Vice President. among others. Manuel dos Santos (McGraw-Hill). Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander . A big thank you goes to Dr. Nick Perkins (Pearson) and Costas Pexos (MM Publications) also enriched the conference with topics as varied as teaching writing. 3% .A: 25.9% . The following is the detailed report of the answers given by attendees who responded to the general evaluation sheet of the conference.4% .asocopi.SD: 0% .D: 0% .6% .A: 17.TA: .DK/NR: 2.4% .7% .D: 8.3% .D: 0% .SD: 2.A: 28. We really appreciate their comments as they are vital in maintaining the quality of the Annual Conference and in detecting the areas that still need improvement: Evaluation Criteria: TA.D: 28.SD: 0% .D: 0% .DK/NR: 0% General logistics met my expectations TA: 22.DK/NR: 0% Cultural activities were interesting and fun TA: 45.SD: 0% .D: 8.D: 28.6% .7% . Strongly Disagree.9% .DK/NR: 2.4% . Totally Agree.8% The overall program fulfilled my expectations TA: 34.SD: 5. SD.3% .A: 48.D: 8.7% .A: 51.DK/NR: 0% On site registration was fast and efficient TA: 65.A: 52% .7% .9% . Disagree. TA: 54.9% .A: 28.DK/NR: 0% During the event: - - - - .D: 0% .DK/NR: 2. Learn more about this event and the Association by visiting the website www. Prior to the event: Complete information about the event that could be found in the website.A: 57.D: 14.DK/NR: 0% - The Central Office in Bogotá responded to inquiries promptly and efficiently TA: 42%.3% .6% .A: 40% .DK/NR: 0% Volunteers were effective in solving my problems TA: 28.SD: 0% . Agree. DK/NR: Do not Know / No Response.6% .SD: 0% The registration form was easy to find TA: 71.7% .A: 45.1% .6% .DK/NR: 0% I was able to register without difficulties TA: 82. our annual journal.DK/NR: 0% The schedule was convenient and presentations were punctual TA: 20% . We also want to invite our colleagues from Colombia and other parts of the world to send their contributions to our newsletter as well as to How.D: 6% .SD: 0% . A.5% .SD: 0% .SD: 0% . DK/NR: 0% . D.SD: 0% .D: 2.A: 37.The 41st ASOCOPI Annual Conference reaffirmed the commitment of the Colombian Association of Teachers of English to the professional development of teachers as well as to the improvement of the teaching of English in Colombia by offering academic and wide spaces where everyone involved can make his/her voice be heard.3% .D: 14.8% I learned about the event in a timely manner.9% .A: 42.6% .DK/NR: 0% The book exhibit was well organized TA: 54.6% .8% Academic program contributed to my professional development TA: 51.1% .A: 40% .SD: 0% .SD: 0% .3% .1 . and Academic Programs at the primary. Encourage research in the area of foreign language teaching and learning. Encourage a high level of education and professionalism among its members. we have been able to compile some information that both the readers who attended and those who could not make it to the Conference may find useful as regards the conformation of the new Board of Directors (BOD). English for Special Purposes.A.A. the summaries of five plenary sessions that serve as pointers for reflection and practice kindly written by their authors. Stimulate the cooperation of mutual support among language teachers. secondary and university levels. Sincerely. Organize support activities for the development and maintenance of linguistic abilities of non-native students and teachers. sponsors. information.. the report on the evaluation of the last Conference. Provide a consultative and advisory road in the development of educational innovations. and participate in our Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Promote the exchange of ideas. Professor Melba Libia Cárdenas. Promote high levels of education and professional development of university students. Quintero Polo. 4 ASOCOPINewsletter . M. Provide opportunities of continued professional development of teachers. Álvaro H. Material Development. Quintero Polo. in the field of foreign language teaching. make suggestions on our website. Provide a forum for the introduction and exchange of new ideas and practices and for the production of educational material. Lastly.. M. resources. This constitutes a way for ASOCOPI to successfully represent the interests of its members. and experiences between language teachers on a national level as well as at an international level. the address of the new ASOCOPI President. After our massive 41st ASOCOPI Annual Conference in the warm city of Ibague. and the ELT directory. Applied Linguistics. and additional information on events. Distrital University Very gladly we are presenting the Colombian ELT community with this year’s first ASOCOPI Newsletter. We would also like to take this opportunity to encourage every stakeholder of our Association to contribute to our HOW Journal or our Newsletter. Newsletter Editor Welcome to our first ASOCOPI Melba Libia Cárdenas President Gabriel Vicente Obando Vice-President Carlos Rico T roncoso Troncoso Treasurer Adriana González Secretary Nancy Villamizar Spokesperson Álvaro Hernán Quintero Editor in Chief César Vivas Valderrama Design.From the Editor 2007Newsletter! Álvaro H. Strengthen the sense of identity of language teachers through membership in a professional organization. we would like to acknowledge the contribution of people and institutions that appear in this Newsletter. one short article on academic issues. and Graphic Process Edwin Martínez Office Manager Randal Barfield Reviewer newsletter ASOCOPI Mission Statement - Improve the practice of English language teaching. org ). among others. Many English Language Teaching Forum (http://www. As standards for English Language Teaching develop and improve ESL Magazine (http://www.eltforum. The Internet.its-teachers.techlearning.eslmag.tefl. Lynch . a surprising variety of Topic areas emerged. though wanting to expand their current boundaries. IATEFL (www.etprofessional. in-depth English teacher training workshops and seminars beyond what may be available locally or regionally from such organizations as TESOL (www. ELT online forum participation and in-house discussions can likewise be of aid in upgrading the level of English teacher interest and involvement in advanced training in ELT topics. The T opics Topics The following are the key teacher training topics which consistently emerge as preferred areas of interest for progressive educators: Short Class Activities Using Drama EFL Learning Games Vocabulary Development Techniques Listening Comprehension Using Short Stories Giving Presentations Creating Materials Using Art & Pictures EFL Teacher Certification Using Songs Writing Skills The Need for INSET Each area is pertinent in its own right and care should be taken to provide an extensive variety of themes in any program of INSET (in-service training) that wellmeaning administrators may undertake.Santiago de Cali University - Learning Disabilities Virtual EFL Teaching Preparing Evaluations Reading Comprehension Training Program Providers Local universities may have programs or experienced. but more experienced group of English language teachers were these areas: Technology & Learning (www.iatefl. As with a growing number of ELT professionals. National and regional teacher organizations may also be called upon to offer recommendations for INSET programs and materials. there is a continuing need for training and development.britishcouncil. interest nor resources to pursue a higher degree nor effectuate a full return to formal education. TEFL websites like www. in part. ASOCOPI ( These options can assist you in planning a personal improvement program. They could also aid in providing guidance for the establishment of a faculty development series of English language teacher training workshops and seminars 5 ASOCOPINewsletter . The and the British Council (www.oxfordjournals. may well be for savvy administrators to schedule a series of well-planned. materials and Language Training Consultants who can provide needed input for teacher development There are many other options that could also be explored.FROM ELT PROFESSIONALS What English Teachers Want To Know Key Teacher Development Topics For 2007 Larry Its-teachers (http://www.tesol. have neither the time. Trade P ublications: Publications: The Problem When a group of English as a foreign language teachers was surveyed as to what topic areas most interested Modern English Teacher online (http://www. Teacher Trainers Oxford ELT Journal ( and others are also good sources for locating programs. Additional T opics of Interest Topics Some additional topics of interest to a lesser. Internet TESL Journal (http://iteslj. a stepped-up program of technical reading. increasing pressure on tenured teachers will cause a growing need for in-house teacher training programs that introduce new techniques and English language teaching concepts as well as that update English teachers on new language acquisition theories and reinforce sound language teaching English Teaching Professional ( school teachers. programme administrators. October 13. examinations. will be discussed in this conference. In professional conferences like the second international symposium on bilingualism and bilingual education in Latin America held last week in Bogotá. as in the case of indigenous communities of our country. In order to reach higher proficiency levels in English language teaching and learning. I am sure these reasons. or at least some of them. but the goals and the means being used to achieve said goals. Those presentations.KEYNOTE SPEECH . Real bilingualism should expand to the whole community. . These questions were posed by Dr. and publishers. teacher educators. and for what real purposes.Universidad Nacional de Colombia Language Policies and Classroom Realities: Ibagué. we need to revise school policies as well as our teaching practices. in which circumstances. Schools and universities welcome the idea of placing teacher education at the cornerstone of the bilingual Colombia programme. with languages in contact. Likewise. talking about bilingualism implies thinking about a number of sociological and linguistic reasons. We cannot deny that lack of teacher 6 ASOCOPINewsletter . It is also important to consider how we are pursuing teacher preparation. The challenges we face nowadays pose key issues in language teaching and teacher education. and teacher preparation. I want to recognize the contribution of the university teachers who have actively worked in the English programmes and in the preparation of teachers. In our search for professional development. together with the concurrent sessions that focus on the alternatives some teachers use in local contexts. The last question draws our attention towards teacher preparation. in the area of teacher education. First of all. Our presence here also shows that we agree on the importance of strengthening English proficiency at all educational levels. but we cannot deny that there are doubts and concerns about policies and the teaching conditions needed to achieve the defined goals. Given the fact that it is necessary to create all the conditions to help people to use languages in real contexts. As examined by Colombian and international teachers and researchers. Also. can make us think if ‘bilingualism’. Authentic bilingualism does not happen inside all our classrooms or in the academic world. Plenary sessions on what is proposed by the national bilingual programme can give us the chance to hear what the Ministry of Education has decided for our country. and support the need to revise how we teach English. We know that bilingualism happens in authentic contexts. Can a monolingual country provide enough outside practice? Can students speak a language with only two hours of instruction? Bridging the Gap Melba Libia Cárdenas B. as well as in local seminars and conferences. Professionals from different contexts and with diverse backgrounds gather in this event to socialize what we do and think.At the 41st ASOCOPI Annual Conference the teaching of grammar and writing. Let us then start revising not only the name of the so called “bilingual programme”. brainbased learning in an EFL context. the term that has been used to name foreign language policies. three important actions have been prioritised for our country: the definition of standards. using the term “bilingualism” does not represent or match what we have in our Colombian context. we have done our best to organize a programme with a variety of presentations around the topic of this year’s conference: Language Policies and Classroom Realities: Bridging the Gap. Kent Sutherland in conferences organised by ASOCOPI and sponsored by the American Embassy: Can Colombian students learn English effectively in a classroom? The second and third questions are connected with the conditions we have to ensure policy implementation. Our presence here evidences our interest in the English language teaching area. prospective teachers. The following questions are often posed when we reflect upon our challenges and responsibilities as teachers of English. Can teachers guarantee effective learning with very large groups? This first question can lead us to the sessions on how we can accelerate our students’ learning. is appropriate. it is necessary to know with whom we can work to help learners achieve higher proficiency levels and to take advantage of what has been investigated in the teaching profession. and cooperative learning. Something similar has happened in several national and local conferences and symposia held in the last three years in our country and in international scenarios. researchers. classroom-based experiences reported by teachers and researchers can give us ideas for effective teaching practices. 2006 ASOCOPI welcomes national and international presenters. we have wondered if it is possible to provide enough opportunities to practice the language outside the classroom. In our latest newsletter we raise questions that can draw our attention towards issues that will be addressed in this conference. This year we have an increased participation of presenters who will let us know what is being done in teacher preparation. with little or no attention to what teachers think and feel. Let us learn from other countries’ lessons. when we are not working hand in hand with the Spanish area.preparation has been one of the main concerns in education and that it has been used to gain publicity in mass media or to attract markets. have invested time and materials to contributing to teachers’ updating. indeed. In the area of teacher education. in tune with the philosophy of social responsibility. no single way of learning it. Some sessions will raise the reasons for using examinations. Graddol. embassies. ASOCOPI. If we defend diversity and tolerance. no single syllabus or textbook and. experiences. After all. that is to say. ASOCOPI promotes academic discussion of ELT issues. They are not enough. Several conferences and academic papers have documented why similar projects to the ones being created in our country have not been successful. publications. English next. that we do not have enough preparation. no single motive for doing so. These experiences will explain why they consider that we should go beyond the perspective of training teachers to take an international exam. among others. I hope this conference gives you the chance to examine implications at different levels. and to the advisors or representatives of the Ministry of Education: Let us remember that openness and stronger school and university participation are needed to guarantee success in English language teaching. and participation in diverse projects. Projects that started in Europe and in other contexts similar to ours. It is not about information as regards what we do and not being open to questions. think or say or ignoring them shows you do not have solid evidence or arguments to engage in real academic debates. however important it may be on the international stage. Some presentations will illustrate how some universities are replicating international programmes in different Colombian contexts. Nonetheless. I would like to invite you to consider the place other foreign languages have in language policies. Let us keep in mind that the arguments for and against the scope of policies. Recognising local expertise means respecting and having the courage to admit the viability of other people’s ways of thinking and doing things. If we want to bridge the gap between language policies and classroom realities. but efforts have been recognized. But the different plenary and concurrent sessions are valuable forums to explore that possibility. let us keep in mind what Graddol says in his latest study. In brief. We should also be careful with the real contexts we have for language learning so that we do not create false expectations. A multicultural and multilingual nation needs a language policy which takes into account a globalised world as well as our local complexities. Our conference will give us the chance to reflect upon how teachers and teacher educators perceive the design and implementation of language policies as well as the preparation of teachers. This will surely contribute to stronger networking. Let us keep in mind that other views and arguments might be based on experiences. let us recognise different international perspectives and local expertise. In addition. with top-down perspectives. universities. Blaming contradictors by saying that they do not know what we do. practices and products do not necessarily imply criticism. no single variety of English which provides the target of learning”. teach. Rather than considering only one way of thinking and implementing language policy. others will present experiences that have been created and led by local academics. we have to hear what project managers and practitioners have to say. 82. p. It is very likely that we will not end this conference with the magic formula to bridge that gap. As Anne-Marie de Mejía stresses in an article published this year in the Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal. We cannot refer to bilingual programmes when emphasis is placed on monolingual education. Recognising local expertise does not mean listening to or working only with the people who do what we say or who agree with us. have been reported in academic publications. We teachers of English might feel very happy because this language has been given more attention in all education levels. Let us remember that different voices. cares for the inclusion of different perspectives. or sell. and perspectives will surely contribute to the discussion of language policies and to the so-called bilingualism goals. we are teachers and students. Welcome to our 41st conference and let us continue working hard for a better education in Colombia. we cannot make the mistake of ignoring the importance of other codes of communication. publishers. research. We need more opportunities to develop professionally. Or perhaps. constructive criticism and recommendations. programme administrators. investigate. we will have to get information on teacher education models and actions being implemented in our country. say. rather than only the political and economical reasons that are often used to justify what is being done or what is planned to be done. it is fair to talk about other foreign languages. “Secretarías de educación”. British Council. This is my invitation to project managers. let us be coherent and respect what other disciplines have been doing. 7 ASOCOPINewsletter . cultural agencies. I want to refer to the risks a topdown policy development approach might have. we should bear in mind the social or cultural benefits language policies have. and ASOCOPI. I do believe that in order to gain more credibility and collaboration in policymaking and implementation. it is important to pay attention to the voices of Colombian academics who are warning against an exclusive concern with one language of power and prestige. Let us remember that contradictions are signals of other teachers’ concerns and interest to contribute to the achievement of local and national goals. others will question the obsession for examinations that concentrate on numbers rather than on alternative assessment and evaluation. “English Next”: “There is no single way of teaching English. (2006). In the area of implications. when we are giving more attention to the English language. Do not get upset if other people do not share or agree with what you do. D. They account for their practices from inside the same practices. is that of the classroom. according to Corder. has come from abroad for the consumption and replication of Colombian teachers. or better called. Especially if one sees that the relevance that conducting sociolinguistic studies has as the basis for policy making that determines what language to teach in the educational system and the role of different languages in the political and commercial life of the community and its contacts in the world outside is overlooked. This is an area of linguistic studies known as language planning that seems to be of little relevance at the Colombian political level. At the linguistic and sociolinguistic level. This has marked a tendency to take foreign educational models for granted. For instance.Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas The question who decides what language to teach and to whom inspired me for this presentation because of its relation to the topic of planning functions. are applied linguists. are the ones who can move up to a second level. syllabus or materials design reported in theses or monographs in teacher education programs in Colombian universities. Traditionally. The third level at which decisions are made about language teaching. However. in the ongoing Bilingual Program in Colombia. Traditionally. Voices of those involved in educational practices in the Colombian territory do not necessarily constitute any influence for their decisions. bearing in mind the Colombian case. Those teachers. One may think that linguistics has no contribution to make at this level. there are ways to show that there are Colombian teachers who have started to go beyond what is merely instructional. among many others. but especially by language teachers. . the Ministry of Education through some representatives shows a deceiving academic face of an initiative that does not necessarily result from formal and systematic educational research.PLENARY .A. As an illustration of this. Furthermore. intelligence and personality. the actors at a political level. This has also served as ways of validating the decisions made at the level above. becomes a mandatory activity at this level. applied linguists). The actors and activities in each level can be interpreted. But many other considerations play a part: general pedagogical principles concerned with motivation. Corder indicates that decisions are made at various levels. or what from now on I will call decision-making.e. applied linguists in the area of ELT in Colombia are almost nonexistent. an initial emphasis on the instrumental and instructional dimensions of those research agendas is perceived in projects of curriculum. the middle level. Kaplan. I also intended to make my point about the need of research agendas that can be initiated by actors at all levels. they are expected to be educators or at least to have had some teaching experience. Contrary to this. as follows: In Colombia. It is in the Hierarchy of Planning Functions in the Language-Teaching Operation Álvaro Quintero Polo. the lowest level. In relation to the above. This is quite true for the Colombian case. and is concerned with how people learn languages other than their native ones. the actors. attitudes. M. Fortunately. and are just as important in the teaching of other subjects as in the teaching of languages.At the 41st ASOCOPI Annual Conference The Place of Language Teachers’ Decision Making then. The decisions at this level are usually influenced by external factors associated with economic agreements. They mandate what language to teach and to whom to teach that language. Turning to a critical view of the Government’s initiative of implementing a bilingual program in Colombia. let us first see the facts: This initiative is politically and economically oriented. The representatives of the Ministry of Education represent the very Ministry but seldom do they represent the teachers in Colombian schools. the decisions at this level are usually supported by showing statistics that meet the terms of external agents and that mislead the attention of practitioners. Spreading some information that is mandated from above is what characterizes their unwary participation. the top level. This sensitivity to the social and cultural life of educational communities in Colombia is also appreciated in publications prepared by Colombian teacher researchers for Colombian educators. They see instruction not as a skillbased end but as the means through which they can make sense of phenomena that constitute life issues. Research. These are largely non-linguistic. knowledge resulting from research done by well-known applied linguists such as Corder. teachers have been regarded as those in charge of making decisions about instructional activities and materials with the supervision of specialists (i. Hymes. This initial emphasis has evolved from instrumental to critical since one now sees that research projects consider social and cultural issues explored in educational settings through the implementation of instructional proposals. teacher researchers. in order to inform their decisions and to make their voices (and through their voices the voices of thousands of students) be heard by those who represent all the levels in the hierarchy of planning functions in the language-teaching operation in Colombia. The contribution here is psychological. are representatives of the Ministry of Education. I must highlight the emergence of research agendas proposed by some Colombian teachers as a valid and transformative alternative for the work of foreign applied linguists. 8 ASOCOPINewsletter . There are two orientations in LP: namely. the idea that the Ministry of Education promotes as regards the relation between number of hours of instruction and level of proficiency can be debated. rather than participatory. The institutions that lead the bilingual program took as reference the Common European Framework from which they only use the levels of proficiency for the diagnostic and plan of actions. It acts to preserve. These views relate to the understanding of the distinction between bilingual development and bilingual education. The initiative has spread from Bogotá and Cundinamarca to other regions in Colombia. The role of the universities in educating language teachers has not been fully taken into account. These two orientations determine language views. Only to mention a few indexed publications in the ELT area are the following: PROFILE of the Universidad Nacional IKALA of the Universidad de Antioquia FOLIOS of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional LENGUAJE of the Universidad del Valle COLOMBAIN APPLIED LINGUISTICS JOURNAL (CALJ) of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Directive and instructive. EVALUATION. AND ENGLISH LEARNING of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional In relation to decision-making. The voices of teachers have not been considered in the design of the initiative. language as a right and language as a resource. There are no equal conditions for the development of a mother tongue. The knowledge originated in universities takes the shape of publications that can serve as reference for different activities at whatever level. Even though public universities were initially called to form part of the founding group. problem. Consequently. The normative or prescriptive orientation relates to the view of language as a 9 ASOCOPINewsletter .related to the concepts of productivity and competitiveness. middle level. foster and develop the mother tongue for the benefit of every one in a community. Among the research groups in universities I can mention the following: EALE of the Universidad de Antioquia LECTOESCRINAUTAS of the Universidad Distrital ENGLISH DIDACTICS AND TECHNOLOGY of the Universidad Distrital PROFILE of the Universidad Nacional HYPERMEDIA. It cultivates language as a social resource. Language as a resource has to do with strategies to revalue. Language as a right relates to the efforts to support the students’ cultural identity. It lacks a sociolinguist framework. or improve the language status in a community. I can only say that teachers as researchers can take the place of applied linguists. About this. The implications of these orientations for practice are that language as a problem is something that needs to be eliminated through instruction. language planning (LP) appears as something necessary but usually overlooked by policy makers. Concluding this summary. is the attitude of the Government and its representatives. I propose encouraging research by teachers as opposed to research on teachers—research that bridges theories of critical pedagogies with actual classroom practices. The professional development component is limited only to an instructional training that lacks a reflective dimension. The descriptive orientation considers language as a tool and language as a cultural means. Our Colombian language education reality needs a cooperative and participatory framework. the lack of academic discussion caused withdrawal of some university representatives. a descriptive one and a prescriptive one. the Government’s initiative needs to consider both the causes and consequences of research processes that enlighten decision-making at all levels. As an alternative to this. Additionally. bilingual education as an activity that goes beyond language as a purpose. These facts make me think that it is mandatory to assign a central role to the Colombian universities as institutions that generate knowledge. as contributors to the whole language teaching operation in Colombia. protect. LP as a linguistic discipline contributes to making decisions about language. I can point out the expertise and willingness of teacher researchers who are members of officially recognized research groups to conduct research on aspects that can add to the development of an understanding of language as a social phenomenon. This is not the same as merely an informative tendency. Based on research.britishcouncil. 2007 15th Annual ELT Conference and Book Fair “Teachers or English Language Professionals?” Centro Cultural Colombo www.html In a world where change is inevitable it is important to understand and absorb information quickly and to think logically and creatively.At the 41st ASOCOPI Annual Conference PLENARY How Can We Accelerate our Students’ Learning? The Origins of The “Accelerated Learning Method” and its Implications for Elt. Deadline April 14. Costas Pexos . 10 ASOCOPINewsletter . teenagers and adults to learn quicker and easier at school or at work. Accelerated Learning Programmes around the world are suggesting new ways of helping children. Publications. Traditional Learning Rigid Sombre & serious Single-pathed Means-centered Competitive Behaviorist Verbal Controlling Materials-centered Mental (cognitive) Time-based Dave Meier - - The learning environment (classroom) Aesthetic appeal / Use of colour / Temperature / Seating / Music / Body language Mnemonics Over-stimulation Pattern spotting and learning in broad strokes Theory of multiple intelligences application Objective setting Comparison of Traditional Learning vs.PLENARY .asocopi.htm May 4-5. Cali. McGraw Hill. Accelerated Learning A comparison between some of the characteristics of Traditional Learning and AL reveals the following differences. Bogotá.edu. 2007 10th National ELT Conference “Information Technology and ELT” Universidad de la Sabana. we suggest simple ways to accelerate your students’ learning process and provide them with the stimulation they need. Specifically. Guidelines at: Accelerated Learning Flexible Joyful Multi-pathed Ends-centered Collaborative Humanistic Multi-sensory Nurturing (taking care of sb) Activity-centered Mental/emotional/physical Results-based The Accelerated Learning Handbook.MM Publications HOW JOURNAL HOW Journal is receiving papers for its 2007 issue. 2000. we can mention the following points with regards to Accelerated learning in the context of foreign language learning. These characteristics are points on a continuum and should not be interpreted as polar opposites. info@colomboamericano. Upcoming Events April 26-28. ) and believes it is an essential part of her presentation to demonstrate how sound theory becomes sound practice. What the speaker intends to do during the lecture is firstly. At the same time. The argument that will be made here is that the more teaching practices reflect the way learners think and learn the more positive and effective the learning experience will be. state and parents. however. thankfully. Parents also become result orientated as they have no other measure by which to judge their children’s progress.PLENARY . On closer inspection. Children find that language learning becomes an exercise in memorisation and testing that becomes highly negative and results in little in terms of communicative language skills. Using her experience as both teacher and author. either deliberately or not. gaps do start to appear. these days there is considerable help around. aim to bring teaching more into line with the way that the brain naturally functions. These expectations basically come from three sources: student. and. teaching hours. The speaker is highly sensitive to the realities of the classroom (class sizes. Thus the gap is bridged between expectation and implementation. The state. Task types will be analysed both in terms of how they compare to theory and how they aid in the day to day business of creating competent Colombian speakers of English. It goes without saying that all concerned parties must ultimately be catered for. On the surface all three seem to agree with what they expect from foreign language instruction: that learners become competent in the target language. tends to force teachers into an exambased mentality that can override all other goals. it is only logical to assume that if our teaching practices are more effective they will ultimately lead to satisfactory examination results. she will discuss how these theories have affected contemporary course design and how this design will shape the form of the lesson.Express Publishing The gap in education is often to be found in what is expected of a course and what is ultimately delivered. . etc. based on neurological research.At the 41st ASOCOPI Annual Conference Brain Based Learning in an EFL Context Jenny Dooley . to outline contemporary cognitive learning theories which. We would all choose our friends to work with if given the choice . with clear goals that are accomplished quickly in class. Display and continually remind students to use them. If nothing else. have them share what they learned with their partner. 8. This will help them develop cooperative skills and reinforce cooperative habits. vocabulary learning. www. A clear learning goal. using cooperative learning. then have them explain how it can help them learn. friends may hurry through the work or get off-task. listen with care. Change groups often enough so no-one gets stuck for long periods with a difficult class member. Students need a clear learning goal so they can determine both group and individual learning success. Use cooperative learning in some way in every class period. randomly assign them to groups. conversation practice or sentences/ paragraph translation. 6. Don’t progress to longer and more significant assignments until students are successful with the smaller ones and then continually emphasize the goal: learning by all members. Have partners work in class daily to check for understanding. no one is left out and students get a more intensive learning experience. encourage everyone to participate. help others learn. 2. Here is some advice for getting started. It is up to the educators in charge of the classroom to make sure that the groups in the class are cooperative groups. Don’t let students choose their own groups. use the groups for short get-acquainted and review activities to build success. Just because students have worked in groups before doesn’t mean that they know how to be effective group members. Build a classroom learning community. Smaller groups are more likely to stay on task and take less time to achieve most tasks. 5.PLENARY . However. Cooperative Learning is when students work together to help each other learn and achieve mutual goals. 4. Prepare students to work in cooperative groups. Students need the skills of working with many different types of people. When students are good at learning together in class. MN 55455. David W. Teach students appropriate interaction skills. contribute ideas. Give students consistent practice in cooperative learning. Explain to students why you are 12 ASOCOPINewsletter . In twos or threes. In effective language classrooms. 3. and add additional instruction. and Roger T. Initial cooperative learning activities should be frequent and short (2-7 minutes). In starting students out. Remind them that their job is to make sure their partner learns. Example: You are finished when every member in your group can explain the answers and/or pass a quiz. Use it daily in the classroom as frequent bursts of activities that are too short for students to get off task and that will give them the understanding and practice they need. do a short cooperative learning activity. Then they need lots of practice to make their learning and responses automatic. To help them develop positive working relationships with all class members.’s safer. keep your use of cooperative learning simple. Key: they aren’t done until their partner knows and can explain the material. These goals are best met when educators use cooperative learning. Keep group size small: 2 or 3 members are most effective and efficient. give feedback. but plan such activities carefully and include all five essential This is a powerful tool in helping students learn. You then listen. University of Minnesota Minneapolis. Start small and build. Initially. then you can venture to more complex cooperative activities. show respect for others.At the 41st ASOCOPI Annual Conference Using Cooperative Learning Effectively in ESL Classrooms Edythe Johnson Holubec. students must gain an understanding of what to do and how to do it. 7. Examples: stay on task. However. Ask students to contribute to a class list of appropriate group behaviors. not all groups are cooperative groups. Johnson The Cooperative Learning Center. Teachers also monitor the groups and give them feedback on how well they observed members working. Build in initial success by giving review activities. use cooperative learning for ungraded guided practice to help students perform well on individual tests and assignments. your classrooms will become more effective. checker for understanding. Carefully monitor the groups while they are working. These elements come from the research: good groups have them. groups need the following: Positive Interdependence. If individual students can’t comprehend the material they need to teach. Be among the groups correcting misconceptions. using cooperative learning can be both simple and complex. absolutely fair for each member. 11. If you want success in using it to help your students learn. 12. Monitor the groups carefully by observing interactions and encouraging appropriate learning and teamwork skills. and elaborating (relating what is being learned to previous learning) are important types of verbal interchanges. Also. Give group grades only when absolutely necessary. shared materials and information (one paper for each group or each member receives only part of the information needed to do the assignment). As you and your students become more adept in finding effective ways to help each other learn. trust. Be careful when you try advanced techniques such as Jigsaw. Briefly. students are not ready to do jigsaw with that lesson. poor groups don’t. Celebrate success! When groups accomplish their goals (no matter how small). Accentuate the positive. Instead. research. Beneficial educational outcomes are due to the interaction patterns and verbal exchanges that take place among students in carefully structured cooperative learning groups. Students do not come to school with the social skills they need to collaborate effectively with others. In the meantime. and elaborating (relating what is being learned to previous learning) are important types of verbal interchanges. As you can see. encourager of participation. Oral summarizing. leadership. No magic exists in positive interdependence in and of itself.Start every group session with a quick partner get-acquainted or relationship-building question. 10. After putting these into place you need to learnthe five essential elements of cooperative learning and how to put them in lessons. Don’t give group grades. Students give each other positive. giving and receiving explanations. joint rewards (if all group members achieve above a certain percentage on a test. So teachers need to teach the appropriate communication. decision making. and more fun! For more information about training. and then increase the difficulty of the tasks so students gain confidence in their ability to work together. You can usually check whether the groups were successful with individual tests. helping students understand. Interpersonal and Small Group Skills. and reinforcing good teamwork skills. Processing means giving students the time and procedures to analyze how well their groups are functioning and using the necessary social skills. Have them thank their partners for helping them. specific feedback (how they helped the group) or analyze the group behaviors (list three things your group did well in working together and one thing that would make your group even better). elaborator). Students will look forward to coming to a class where they get help in learning and hear positive statements about their work with others. tell them how great they are. Don’t sit at your desk: this is teaching time. Processing helps all group members achieve while maintaining effective working relationships among members. and assigned roles ( Keep individuals on their toes by asking them at random to explain their group’s work. giving and receiving explanations. such as finding out their partner’s favorite flavor of ice-cream. 13 ASOCOPINewsletter . start with simple learning activities and build up to more complex Some ways to create this feeling are through establishing mutual goals (students must learn the material and make certain group members learn the material). that they sink or swim together. Group Processing. You must give additional assignments to help students learn the material. just because a student taught members doesn’t mean that they learned. and conflict management skills to students and provide the motivation to use these skills in order for groups to function effectively. 9. The purpose of cooperative learning is to help each student learn. Students must feel that they need each other in order to complete the group’s task. each will receive bonus points). The jigsaw technique is one where each student learns part of the material and then teaches it to their group members. No magic exists in positive interdependence in and of itself. Oral summarizing. Individual Accountability. Face-to-face Promotive Interaction. or resources. check out the website of the Cooperative Learning Center: www. Help the groups work toward mastery of every student. give direct instruction with cooperative guided practice. Praise them for positive interactions and helpful behaviors. Beneficial educational outcomes are due to the interaction patterns and verbal exchanges that take place among students in carefully structured cooperative learning groups. and when you have taught the students how to work together. more efficient. I intend to connect present policy developments and intervention in educational reforms underway in Colombia with globalizing processes. the lack of coherent policy and foreign language provision in the public sector has led to the rise and success of private schools and institutes. as the profession is seen as a discipline with a central concern with psycholinguistic abstractions. As a result of globalization processes. Critical work on the spread of English (Smith. it is necessary to look at the hegemonic position of English in tandem with ELT. among others) has focused also on ethical and political concerns. ‘there is no consensus as to what is precisely meant by the term ‘bilingualism’ [in Colombia]…most people take it to mean ‘proficiency in the use of the foreign language’ (1997: 5 cited in de Mejía. Brutt-Griffler. focuses on the need to form bilingual individuals in 10 years. In order to analyze of the role of English in a globalized world. I will comment on some of the findings of this research study as a backdrop to the analysis of ELT in Colombia. in the end. In connection with the latter. Although discourses about the spread of English in many parts of the world have often embodied a positive image of English. in the 1960s. undermining the development of other elite bilingualisms. The ideas that teachers have about the possibility of learning English in public school contexts are pessimistic. 2005). in the government program. The dominant discourse about bilingualism (with English) is articulated in the public school context too. or the languages of native communities. Reforms in the educational system in Colombia have generally responded to international tendencies. 1984. the spread of the English language started to be questioned on moral terms. and the way teachers position the learners also has a direct effect on the attitude of the students. and the increasing emphasis on the ‘necessity’ to know English has. set out to explore bilingual classroom interaction between teachers and learners in two English classes in each school. 1994.D. Quindío. Drawing on research carried out in Armenia. There are few resources and difficult working conditions. Bilingüismo is then primarily understood as Spanish with English. as the latter has been the vehicle for the promotion of English worldwide. 1992. The construction of these discourses is also relevant to teacher education practice of ELT. ‘a remarkable number of governments talk not only about the need to learn a foreign language but of an ambition to make their country bilingual’ (Graddol 2006: 89). cultural or political contexts of education (Pennycook. The pervasive discourse about ‘bilinguismo’ in Colombia clearly shows the effects of globalization. As Graddol (2006:10) notes. A recent case study carried out in two secondary public schools in Armenia. 2002. . however. English has become ‘the’ global language. The findings in this study show that globalisation pressures. Quindio. though many students feel that success in English language learning is only achieved outside the realm of the public school (Valencia Giraldo. hoping to provide points for reflection on ELT pedagogical practices in public schools and recent developments in ‘bilingüismo’. globalisation trends and pressures do not Insights from Research on ELT Policy And Practice Silvia Valencia Giraldo. Furthermore. 1994: 142). a phenomenon regarded by many as an inevitable consequence of globalization and global capitalism. As Rey de Castro and García have noted. increasing in this way the divide between public and private education. in addition.Universidad del Quindío In this presentation. however. The government project. more people than ever before want to learn English. the study also looked into the pervasive discourses in Colombia about ‘investing’ in English and the impact of globalization. or ‘English only’. ‘Programa Nacional de Bilingüismo’. Ph. 2004: 388). Due to global trends and structural and educational reforms. Phillipson.At the 41st ASOCOPI Annual Conference Implications of ‘Bilingüismo’ and Globalization Processes in Colombia: promotion of multilingualism. acting as a form of exclusion for the less privileged and placing students in public institutions at a different level in terms of economic opportunities and access to higher education. The study is a critical analysis of policy and educational reforms where language was a central issue. had little impact on the people in the lower economic sectors of Colombian society as they do not have access to the same privileges and opportunities that those in the middle and upper sectors have. Pennycook. instead of addressing the social.PLENARY . and there is no 14 ASOCOPINewsletter . Spanish seems to be taken for granted. in this context there is not a clear understanding about what ‘bilingüismo’ means. there are clearly no tangible outcomes. Smith. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal. Nevertheless. The General Law of Education (MEN. it can be said that a critical approach to education in general and specifically to ELT policy needs to be adopted. The analysis of the classroom interaction data in this study shows how traditional institutionalised pedagogical practices remain embedded in these schools. Bilingualism and English language teaching in Colombia: A critical outlook. for those who try to invest in the acquisition of Spanish-English bilingualism as part of their public school education.seem to have a direct effect on the teaching practices in public schools in Colombia. Teachers such as the two I have focused on in this study fall back on their own beliefs and personal experiences to comply with the demands of the syllabus and the curriculum (Valencia Giraldo. British Council. English teachers. the possibility of applying the Common European Framework as a referent for measuring the proficiency of teachers and learners is seen as a threat by many. Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.7. Graddol. Ministerio de Educación Nacional. 2006). A. M. materials are expensive for students and teachers. Previous research has demonstrated how. J. the selection. therefore. ‘[m]ost of the logical considerations of the Framework. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. English Next. References ASOCOPI Newsletter. despite language policy reforms. Prestige and Bilingualism. (1992) Linguistic Imperialism. teachers in primary schools are extremely concerned about teaching in a foreign language without adequate preparation of materials. 5. grammar translation) still prevail. (1994) Ley General de Educación. traditional pedagogical orientations in ELT (e.g. There does not seem to exist adequate funding for the “Progama Nacional de Bilingüismo”. must assume a critical role regarding their profession. (eds. Phillipson. Westport: Ablex Publishing. Valencia Giraldo (2005). Teachers and learners in public schools are aware of the discourses about ‘bilingualism’ that circulate in contemporary Colombian society.) (2001) Voices of Authority. given the intense interest in bilingualism in Colombia. 2005). Power. the current discourse on investment in English must be analyzed critically to determine who. some social groups may be excluded with few possibilities of enjoying/ benefiting from the fruits of globalization. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (2006). however. Oxford: Oxford University Press. M. O. Universidad del Quindío. Pennycook. D. Brutt-Griffler. Editorial MEN. Santa Fé de Bogotá.M. (1994). London: Longman. A. Although the introduction of a second language in primary school is part of the present discourse. “interesting opportunities for research…it may be said that elite bilingual education has moved from being a priority of minority groups to a national educational concern” (2002: 181). Besides. these developments offer. Teachers in particular need to be critical of the discourses of investing in English and also need to be aware of the misconceptions and promises of ‘bilingualism’ as it is understood by those who promote it. On the other hand. April. A. 1994) advocates a critical reflection and a more predominant role in the type of support they can provide for in-service teacher education. it is not clear which actions have been taken. In conclusion.need to be approached with healthy academic analysis…teachers still have limited proficiency in the foreign language. (2002) World English. others were re-designed as teachers ‘localized’ texts to make them more familiar to the students. Mejía. This observation has been confirmed in this study. Universities have an important role to play in this respect. Open discussion is necessary. This issue of ASOCOPI newsletter is sponsored by www. 2001). Heller. Mejía. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. As Melba Libia Cardenas has noted. Number 8. in reality. Thus. ELT practices in the Colombian context certainly need to be viewed in a different way. September. No. construction and use of texts did not only reflect global pressures. M. The apathy of students and their lack of interest in learning in institutional contexts need to be dealt with. textual and pedagogical practices were more complex (Ibid). It is important to discuss how English may function as a barrier for those people who do not acquire the basic skills in the language (English). and there is limited access to personal growth and professional development opportunities for teachers (ASOCOPI Newsletter. 2005. Octubre 6-7. and Martin-Jones. Valencia Giraldo (2006).de (2004) “Bilingual education in Colombia: Towards an integrated perpective. even after having studied it through secondary schools and even throughout both primary and secondary school. From this research study. Paper presented at Primeras Jornadas de Traducción y Lenguas Modernas: Universidad del Quindío 45 años. North American publications with a clear cultural orientation to North American middle-class values and way of life). Some of the texts used by the teachers in these schools were ‘global’ in nature (i. R. (1984) The Politics of Language (1791-1819). benefits from the promotion of bilingualism (Heller and Martin-Jones. the discourse of ‘bilingüismo’ and the promises inherent in this discourse. There is a pressing need for reflection on ELT pedagogy and school culture in order to adapt to the new realities teachers must face in schools. de (2002). The Cultural Politics of English as an International Language.e. In an excluding society like ours.and other foreign frameworks. and channels of communication need to be strengthened with local and national education authorities. The experience of schools and teachers needs to be accounted 15 ASOCOPINewsletter . as De Mejía states. The contradictions implicit in current discourses on ‘investment in English’ should be debated.britishcouncil. 122-49 Local 39 Bogotá Tel: 481 49 01 Fax: 619 72 72 englishlas@andinet. Claudia Mejia Carrera 18 B No.Tel-fax: 2211178 luzangelaumana@hotmail. Bogotá Grupo Editorial Norma The Anglo Publishing House Juan Carlos Gómez. 2007 Universidad de 42nd ASOCOPI Annual Conference October 11 .co [email protected]. 33-44.FAX 6129551 [email protected] +57 (1) 258 0793 testingservices@booksandbooks. ELT Manager .co [email protected] Mr Books 5336725 anamaria. Tel: 919-967-5144 – Fax: 919-967-8224 [email protected] .co.www.www. Àngela - Macmillan / Distribuidor: Editorial Educativa Ltda. Fitzroy Kennedy Calle 79 No. Luis Felipe Toledo Calle 36 Bogotá Tels: +57 (1) .org Books & Books Soraya Cortés Calle 140 Nº 31A . 123 . 110 [email protected] .com VIF Program Jennifer McInnis Wiggins PO Box 3566 Chapel Gerente División ELT/School Carrera 65 B [email protected] Carlos Eduardo Bermúdez.Oxford University Press Ignacio Mejia. Bogotá [email protected]. Manizales Cambridge University Press Colombia Ricardo Romero : 232-0191 eeducativa@epm. 22 .com Angelica Pinzón Calle 80 # www.www. Álvaro Toledo. 108-05 .www. NC 27515 – 3566 U.Tel: 6351200 Ext 138 [email protected] y/o 33 Tel: 6490625 .greenwich-elt. Ana María Rojas Calle 95 . Bogotá Tel: 600 38 54 .com Houghton Mifflin Luz Angela Umaña Calle 46 No.Greenwich EL T ELT Oscar Laiton.www. Gerente Comercial Carrera 11 #93-46 Of. Bogotá Tel(s) : 3383110 / 2875184 . 6160675 English Language Services Nidia Sánchez Av.ELT DIRECTORY Pearson Educación de Colombia Thomson Learning de Colombia .co www.: 6129596 . Bogotá Tel: +57 (1) 633 3300 Ext. 14-30.17B-39 Bodega 27 Sector Hayuelos.33.ellis. Colombia Pbx: +57(1) 2922040 McGraw-Hill Interamericana S.A.Fax +57 (1) 6216664 interbookshop@andinet. 90 No.Tel: .uk Richmond – Grupo Santillana Maria Vidalia Má Nadia Reina . Bogotá Tel: 4106355 Ext 1702. Transversal 29 #139 A .com .Andean Pact Cra.Tel: 2212454 .uk .hmco.Fax: 6490626/7 cambridge@cable. Bogotá .com [email protected]: 600 38 22 [email protected]. 14-32 . 40-11.pearsoneducacion. 19 No.Fax: 260 7358 angela.
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