Asme Bpvc.iii.3 2017

May 1, 2018 | Author: Saikishore Saisudhayil | Category: Ductility, Fracture, Steel, Welding, Industries



AS M E B PVC . I I I .3- 20 1 7 SE C TI O N I I I Rules for Construction of N u cl ear Faci l i ty C om pon e n ts 201 7 ASME Bo i l e r a n d Pr e s s u r e Ve s s e l C o d e An I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o d e D i vi si on 3 Containment Systems for Transpor tation and Storage of Spent N u clear Fuel and H igh-Level Radioactive M aterial Markings such as “ASME,” “ASME Standard,” or any other marking including “ASME,” ASME logos, or the Certification Mark shall not be used on any item that is not constructed in                           accordance with all of the applicable requirements of the Code or Standard. Use of ASME’s name,                                   logos, or Certification Mark requires formal ASME certification; if no certification program is                                 available, such ASME markings may not be used. (For Certification and Accreditation Programs,                           see accreditation.)                             ‐   Items produced by parties not formally certified by ASME may not be described, either explicitly   or implicitly, as ASME certified or approved in any code forms or other document.                                                           AN I N TERN ATI ON AL CODE 2017 ASM E Boi ler & Pressu re Vessel Cod e 2 017 Ed i ti on J u ly 1, 2 017 III RU LES FOR CON STRU CTI ON OF N U CLEAR FACI LI TY COM PON EN TS Di vi si on 3 Con tai n m en t System s for Tran sportati on an d Storag e of Spen t N u clear Fu el an d H i g h -Level Rad i oacti ve M ateri al ASM E Boi ler an d Pressu re Vessel Com m i ttee on Construction of Nuclear Facility Components Two Park Avenue • New York, NY • 1 001 6 USA Date of Issuance: July 1, 2017 This international code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American National Standards and it is an American National Standard. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was made available for public review and com- ment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large. ASME does not “ approve,” “rate,” or “endorse ” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity. ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assume any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility. Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or standard. ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the es- tablished ASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals. The endnotes and preamble in this document (if any) are part of this American National Standard. ASME collective membership mark Certification Mark The above ASME symbol is registered in the U.S. Patent Office. ASME ” is the trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. “ No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 56-3934 Printed in the United States of America Adopted by the Council of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1914; latest edition 2017. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 Copyright © 2017 by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All rights reserved TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii Statement of Policy on the Use of the Certification Mark and Code Authorization in Advertising . . . . . . . . . . xix Statement of Policy on the Use of ASME Marking to Identify Manufactured Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix Submittal of Technical Inquiries to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiii Organization of Section III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xlii Summary of Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xlv List of Changes in Record Order Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l Cross-Referencing and Stylistic Changes in the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . li Subsection WA General Requirements ................................................... 1 Article WA-1000 Scope of Division 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 WA-1100 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 WA-1110 Nature of These Rules and Containment Systems to Which They Are Applicable . . . 1 WA-1120 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 WA-1130 Limits of These Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 WA-1140 Use of Code Editions and Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 WA-1150 Units of Measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 WA-1200 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 WA-1210 Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 WA-1220 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 WA-1230 Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Article WA-2000 Design Basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 WA-2100 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 WA-2110 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 WA-2120 Design Basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 WA-2130 Special Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Article WA-3000 Responsibilities and Duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 WA-3100 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 WA-3110 Responsibilities Vs. Legal Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 WA-3120 Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 WA-3130 Welding and Subcontracting of Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 WA-3300 Responsibilities of an N3 Certificate Holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 WA-3320 Categories of the N3 Certificate Holder s Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’ 7 WA-3330 Obtaining a Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 WA-3340 Compliance With This Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 WA-3350 Design Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 WA-3360 Fabrication Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 WA-3370 Responsibility for Quality Assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 WA-3380 Data Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 WA-3390 N3 Certificate Holder s Responsibility for Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’ 10 WA-3400 Responsibilities of an NPT Certificate Holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 WA-3420 Categories of an NPT Certificate Holder s Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’ 10 WA-3430 Obtaining a Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 WA-3440 Compliance With This Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 WA-3450 Responsibility for Quality Assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 WA-3460 Documentation of Quality Assurance Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 iii WA-3470 Data Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 WA-3800 Metallic Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 WA-3810 Scope and Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 WA-3820 Material Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Article WA-4000 Quality Assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 WA-4100 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 WA-4110 Scope and Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 WA-4120 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 WA-4130 Establishment and Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Article WA-5000 Authorized Inspection ................................................... 14 WA-5100 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 WA-5110 Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 WA-5120 Performance of Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 WA-5130 Access for Inspection Agency Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 WA-5200 Duties of Inspector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 WA-5210 General Inspection Duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 WA-5220 Categories of Inspector s Duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’ 15 WA-5230 Scope of Work, Design Specifications, Design Reports, and Fabrication Specifications 15 WA-5240 Quality Assurance Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 WA-5250 Qualification Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 WA-5260 Materials, Parts, and Heat Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 WA-5270 Examinations and Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 WA-5280 Final Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 WA-5290 Data Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 WA-5300 Responsibilities of the Authorized Inspection Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Article WA-7000 Reference Standards .................................................... 17 WA-7100 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Article WA-8000 Certificates of Authorization, Nameplates, Certification Mark, and Data Reports 19 WA-8100 Authorization to Perform Code Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 WA-8110 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 WA-8120 Scope of Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 WA-8130 Inspection Agreement Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 WA-8140 Quality Assurance Program Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 WA-8150 Application for Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 WA-8160 Evaluation for Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 WA-8170 Issuance of Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 WA-8180 Renewal of Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 WA-8200 Nameplates and Stamping With Certification Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 WA-8210 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 WA-8220 Nameplates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 WA-8230 Nameplates for Certification Mark With NPT Designator Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 WA-8300 Certification Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 WA-8310 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 WA-8330 Removable Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 WA-8400 Data Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 WA-8410 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Article WA-9000 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 WA-9100 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 WA-9200 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 iv Subsection WB Class TC Transportation Containments .................................... 31 Article WB-1000 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 WB-1100 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 WB-1120 Limits of Rules for Class TC Transportation Containments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 WB-1130 Boundaries of Jurisdiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Article WB-2000 Material ................................................................ 33 WB-2100 General Requirements for Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 WB-2110 Scope of Principal Terms Employed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 WB-2120 Containment Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 WB-2130 Certification of Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 WB-2140 Welding Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 WB-2150 Material Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 WB-2160 Deterioration of Material in Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 WB-2170 Heat Treatment to Enhance Impact Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 WB-2180 Procedures for Heat Treatment of Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 WB-2190 Material Not Performing a Containment Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 WB-2200 Material Test Coupons and Specimens for Ferritic Steel Material and Ductile Cast Iron 35 WB-2210 Heat Treatment Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 WB-2220 Procedure for Obtaining Test Coupons and Specimens for Quenched and Tempered Material and for Ductile Cast Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 WB-2300 Fracture Toughness Requirements for Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 WB-2310 Material to Be Toughness Tested . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 WB-2320 Impact Test Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 WB-2330 Test Requirements and Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 WB-2340 Number of Toughness Tests Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 WB-2350 Retests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 WB-2360 Calibration of Instruments and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 WB-2400 Welding Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 WB-2410 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 WB-2420 Required Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 WB-2430 Weld Metal Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 WB-2440 Storage and Handling of Welding Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 WB-2500 Examination and Repair of Containment Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 WB-2510 Examination of Containment Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 WB-2520 Examination After Quenching and Tempering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 WB-2530 Examination and Repair of Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 WB-2540 Examination and Repair of Forgings and Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 WB-2550 Examination and Repair of Seamless and Welded Tubular Products and Fittings . . . 49 WB-2570 Examination and Repair of Cast Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 WB-2580 Examination of Bolts, Studs, and Nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 WB-2600 Material Organization s Quality System Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’ 55 WB-2610 Documentation and Maintenance of Quality System Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 WB-2700 Dimensional Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Article WB-3000 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 WB-3100 General Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 WB-3110 Loading Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 WB-3120 Special Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 WB-3130 General Design Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 WB-3200 Design of Containments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 WB-3210 Design Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 WB-3220 Stress Limits for Other Than Bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 WB-3230 Stress Limits for Bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 WB-3240 Nozzles or Openings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 WB-3250 Design of Welded Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 v WB-3260 Special Containment Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 WB-3700 Strain-Based Acceptance Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Article WB-4000 Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 WB-4100 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 WB-4110 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 WB-4120 Certification of Materials and Fabrication by Certificate Holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 WB-4130 Repair of Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 WB-4200 Forming, Fitting, and Aligning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 WB-4210 Cutting, Forming, and Bending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 WB-4220 Forming Tolerances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 WB-4230 Fitting and Aligning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 WB-4240 Requirements for Weld Joints in Containments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 WB-4300 Welding Qualifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 WB-4310 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 WB-4320 Welding Qualifications, Records, and Identifying Stamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 WB-4330 General Requirements for Welding Procedure Qualification Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 WB-4400 Rules Governing Making, Examining, and Repairing Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 WB-4410 Precautions to Be Taken Before Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 WB-4420 Rules for Making Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 WB-4430 Welding of Attachments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 WB-4450 Repair of Weld Metal Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 WB-4600 Heat Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 WB-4610 Welding Preheat Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 WB-4620 Postweld Heat Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 WB-4630 Heat Treatment of Welds Other Than the Final Postweld Heat Treatment . . . . . . . . . 111 WB-4700 Mechanical Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 WB-4710 Bolting and Threading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 WB-4720 Bolting Flanged Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Article WB-5000 Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 WB-5100 General Requirements for Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 WB-5110 Procedures, Qualifications, and Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 WB-5120 Time of Examination of Welds and Weld Metal Cladding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 WB-5130 Examination of Weld Edge Preparation Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 WB-5140 Examination of Adjacent Base Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 WB-5200 Required Examination of Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 WB-5210 Category A Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 WB-5220 Category B Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 WB-5230 Category C Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 WB-5240 Category D Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 WB-5260 Fillet, Partial Penetration, Socket, and Attachment Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 WB-5270 Special Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 WB-5300 Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 WB-5320 Radiographic Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 WB-5330 Ultrasonic Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 WB-5340 Magnetic Particle Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 WB-5350 Liquid Penetrant Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 WB-5400 Final Examination of Containments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 WB-5410 Examination After Hydrostatic Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 WB-5500 Qualifications and Certification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel . . . . . . . . . 117 WB-5510 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 WB-5520 Personnel Qualification, Certification, and Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 WB-5530 Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Article WB-6000 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 WB-6100 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 WB-6110 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 vi WB-6120 Testing of Containments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 WB-6130 Preparation for Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 WB-6200 Hydrostatic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 WB-6210 Hydrostatic Test Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 WB-6220 Hydrostatic Test Pressure Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 WB-6300 Pneumatic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 WB-6310 Pneumatic Testing Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 WB-6320 Pneumatic Test Pressure Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 WB-6400 Test Gages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 WB-6410 ........................................................................ 121 WB-6600 Special Test Pressure Situations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 WB-6610 Containments Designed for External Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 WB-6620 Testing of Combination Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 WB-6700 Leak Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 WB-6710 Helium Leak Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Article WB-8000 Nameplates, Stamping With Certification Mark, and Reports ................ 122 WB-8100 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Subsection WC Class SC Storage Containments ........................................... 123 Article WC-1000 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 WC-1100 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 WC-1120 Limits of Rules for Class SC Storage Containments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 WC-1130 Boundaries of Jurisdiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Article WC-2000 Material ................................................................ 125 WC-2100 General Requirements for Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 WC-2110 Scope of Principal Terms Employed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 WC-2120 Containment Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 WC-2130 Certification of Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 WC-2140 Welding Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 WC-2150 Material Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 WC-2160 Deterioration of Material in Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 WC-2170 Heat Treatment to Enhance Impact Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 WC-2180 Procedures for Heat Treatment of Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 WC-2190 Attachment Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 WC-2200 Material Test Coupons and Specimens for Ferritic Steel Material and Ductile Cast Iron 127 WC-2210 Heat Treatment Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 WC-2220 Procedure for Obtaining Test Coupons and Specimens for Quenched and Tempered Material and for Ductile Cast Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 WC-2300 Fracture Toughness Requirements for Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 WC-2310 Material to Be Impact Tested . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 WC-2320 Impact Test Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 WC-2330 Test Requirements and Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 WC-2340 Number of Impact Tests Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 WC-2350 Retests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 WC-2360 Calibration of Instruments and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 WC-2400 Welding Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 WC-2410 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 WC-2420 Required Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 WC-2430 Weld Metal Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 WC-2440 Storage and Handling of Welding Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 WC-2500 Examination and Repair of Containment Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 WC-2510 Containment Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 WC-2530 Examination and Repair of Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 WC-2540 Examination and Repair of Forgings and Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 vii WC-2550 Examination and Repair of Seamless and Welded (Without Filler Metal) Tubular Products and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 WC-2560 Examination and Repair of Tubular Products and Fittings Welded With Filler Metal 142 WC-2570 Examination and Repair of Cast Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 WC-2580 Examination of Bolts, Studs, and Nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 WC-2600 Material Organizations Quality System Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’ 145 WC-2610 Documentation and Maintenance of Quality System Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 WC-2700 Dimensional Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Article WC-3000 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 WC-3100 General Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 WC-3110 Loading Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 WC-3120 Special Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 WC-3130 General Design Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 WC-3200 Design Rules for Containments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 WC-3210 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 WC-3220 Design Consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 WC-3230 Openings and Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 WC-3250 Design of Welded Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 WC-3260 Special Containment Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 WC-3700 Strain-Based Acceptance Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Article WC-4000 Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 WC-4100 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 WC-4110 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 WC-4120 Certification of Materials and Fabrication by Certificate Holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 WC-4130 Repair of Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 WC-4200 Forming, Cutting, and Aligning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 WC-4210 Cutting, Forming, and Bending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 WC-4220 Forming Tolerances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 WC-4230 Fitting and Aligning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 WC-4260 Requirements for Weld Joints in Containments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 WC-4300 Welding Qualifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 WC-4310 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 WC-4320 Welding Qualifications, Records, and Identifying Stamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 WC-4330 General Requirements for Welding Procedure Qualification Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 WC-4400 Rules Governing Making, Examining, and Repairing Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 WC-4410 Precautions to Be Taken Before Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 WC-4420 Rules for Making Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 WC-4430 Welding of Attachments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 WC-4450 Repair of Weld Metal Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 WC-4500 Brazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 WC-4510 Rules for Brazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 WC-4520 Brazing Qualification Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 WC-4530 Fitting and Aligning of Parts to Be Brazed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 WC-4540 Examination of Brazed Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 WC-4600 Heat Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 WC-4610 Welding Preheat Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 WC-4620 Postweld Heat Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 WC-4630 Heat Treatment of Welds Other Than the Final Postweld Heat Treatment . . . . . . . . . 199 WC-4700 Mechanical Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 WC-4710 Bolting and Threading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 WC-4720 Bolting Flanged Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Article WC-5000 Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 WC-5100 General Requirements for Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 WC-5110 Procedures, Qualifications, and Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 WC-5120 Time of Examination of Welds and Weld Metal Cladding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 viii WC-5130 Examination of Weld Edge Preparation Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 WC-5140 Examination of Adjacent Base Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 WC-5200 Required Examination of Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 WC-5210 Category A Longitudinal Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 WC-5220 Category B Circumferential Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 WC-5230 Category C Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 WC-5240 Category D Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 WC-5250 Examination of Containment Closure Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 WC-5260 Fillet, Partial Penetration, Socket, and Attachment Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 WC-5270 Special Welds and Brazed Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 WC-5300 Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 WC-5320 Radiographic Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 WC-5330 Ultrasonic Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 WC-5340 Magnetic Particle Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 WC-5350 Liquid Penetrant Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 WC-5360 Visual Acceptance Standards for Brazed Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 WC-5400 Final Examination of Containments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 WC-5410 Examination After Pressure Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 WC-5500 Qualifications and Certification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel . . . . . . . . . 206 WC-5510 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 WC-5520 Personnel Qualification, Certification, and Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 WC-5530 Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Article WC-6000 Testing ................................................................. 208 WC-6100 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 WC-6110 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 WC-6120 Testing of Containments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 WC-6130 Preparation for Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 WC-6200 Hydrostatic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 WC-6210 Hydrostatic Test Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 WC-6220 Hydrostatic Test Pressure Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 WC-6300 Pneumatic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 WC-6310 Pneumatic Testing Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 WC-6320 Pneumatic Test Pressure Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 WC-6400 Test Gages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 WC-6410 ........................................................................ 210 WC-6600 Special Test Pressure Situations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 WC-6610 Containments Designed for External Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 WC-6620 Pressure Testing of Combination Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 WC-6700 Leak Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 WC-6710 Helium Leak Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 WC-6720 Containment Closures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Article WC-8000 Nameplates, Stamping With Certification Mark, and Reports ................ 212 WC-8100 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Subsection WD Class ISS Internal Support Structures ..................................... 213 Article WD-1000 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 WD-1100 Scope and General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 WD-1110 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 WD-1120 Limits of Rules for Class ISS Internal Support Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 WD-1130 Boundaries of Jurisdiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Article WD-2000 Material ................................................................ 215 WD-2100 General Requirements for Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 WD-2110 Scope of Principal Terms Employed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 WD-2120 Material for Internal Support Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 WD-2130 Certification of Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 ix WD-2140 Welding Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 WD-2150 Material Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 WD-2160 Deterioration of Material in Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 WD-2170 Heat Treatment to Enhance Impact Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 WD-2180 Procedures for Heat Treatment of Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 WD-2190 Temporary Attachment Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 WD-2200 Material Test Coupons and Specimens for Ferritic Steel Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 WD-2210 Heat Treatment Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 WD-2220 Procedure for Obtaining Test Coupons and Specimens for Quenched and Tempered Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 WD-2300 Fracture Toughness Requirements for Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 WD-2310 Material to Be Impact Tested . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 WD-2320 Impact Test Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 WD-2330 Test Requirements and Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 WD-2340 Number of Impact Tests Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 WD-2350 Retests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 WD-2360 Calibration of Instruments and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 WD-2400 Welding Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 WD-2410 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 WD-2420 Required Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 WD-2430 Weld Metal Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 WD-2440 Storage and Handling of Welding Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 WD-2500 Examination and Repair of Internal Support Structure Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 WD-2510 Examination of Internal Support Structure Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 WD-2520 Examination After Quenching and Tempering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 WD-2530 Examination and Repair of Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 WD-2540 Examination and Repair of Forgings and Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 WD-2550 Examination and Repair of Seamless and Welded Tubular Products and Fittings . . . 228 WD-2580 Examination of Bolting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 WD-2600 Material Organizations Quality System Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’ 230 WD-2610 Documentation and Maintenance of Quality System Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Article WD-3000 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 WD-3100 General Requirements for Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 WD-3110 Loading Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 WD-3120 Special Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 WD-3130 General Design Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 WD-3200 Design Rules for Plate- and Shell-Type Internal Support Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 WD-3210 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 WD-3220 Design by Analysis Requirements for Plate- and Shell-Type Internal Support Structure Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 WD-3230 Design Requirements for Plate- and Shell-Type Internal Support Structure Bolted Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 WD-3240 Design Requirements for Plate- and Shell-Type Internal Support Structure Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 WD-3300 Design Rules for Linear-Type Internal Support Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 WD-3310 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Article WD-4000 Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 WD-4100 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 WD-4110 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 WD-4120 Certification of Material and Fabrication by Certificate Holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 WD-4130 Repair of Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 WD-4200 Forming, Fitting, and Aligning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 WD-4210 Cutting, Forming, and Bending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 WD-4230 Fitting and Aligning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 x WD-4300 Welding Qualifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 WD-4310 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 WD-4320 Welding Qualifications, Records, and Identifying Stamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 WD-4330 General Requirements for Welding Procedure Qualification Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 WD-4400 Rules Governing Making, Examining, and Repairing Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 WD-4410 Precautions to Be Taken Before Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 WD-4420 Rules for Making Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 WD-4430 Welding of Attachments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 WD-4440 Special Requirements for Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 WD-4450 Repair of Weld Metal Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 WD-4500 Brazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 WD-4600 Heat Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 WD-4610 Welding Preheat and Interpass Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 WD-4620 Postweld Heat Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 WD-4630 Heat Treatment of Welds Other Than the Final Postweld Heat Treatment . . . . . . . . . 269 WD-4650 Heat Treatment After Bending or Forming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 WD-4700 Mechanical Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 WD-4710 Bolting and Threading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 WD-4720 Bolting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Article WD-5000 Examination ............................................................ 271 WD-5100 General Requirements for Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 WD-5110 Procedures, Qualifications, and Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 WD-5120 Time of Examination of Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 WD-5130 Examination of Weld Edge Preparation Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 WD-5140 Examination of Adjacent Base Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 WD-5200 Required Examination of Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 WD-5210 Permissible Examination Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 WD-5220 Requirements for Radiography or Ultrasonic and Liquid Penetrant or Magnetic Par- ticle Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 WD-5230 Requirements for Liquid Penetrant or Magnetic Particle Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 WD-5260 Requirements for Surface Visual Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 WD-5270 Special Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 WD-5300 Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 WD-5320 Radiographic Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 WD-5330 Ultrasonic Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 WD-5340 Magnetic Particle Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 WD-5350 Liquid Penetrant Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 WD-5360 Visual Examination Acceptance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 WD-5500 Qualifications and Certification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel . . . . . . . . . 275 WD-5510 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 WD-5520 Personnel Qualification, Certification, and Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 WD-5530 Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 Article WD-8000 Nameplates, Stamping With Certification Mark, and Report ................. 277 WD-8100 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 FI GU RES WA-8212-1 Form of Stamping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 WB-2433.1-1 Weld Metal Delta Ferrite Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 WB-2552.1-1 Axial Propagation of Sound in Tube Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 WB-3221-1 Stress Categories and Limits of Stress Intensity for Design Loadings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 WB-3222-1 Stress Categories and Limits of Stress Intensity for Normal Loadings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 WB-3224.1-1 Stress Categories and Limits of Stress Intensity for Accident Loadings for Elastic Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 WB-3251-1 Welded Joint Locations Typical of Categories A, B, C, and D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 WB-3252-1 Typical Butt Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 xi WB-3261-1 Categories A and B Joints Between Sections of Unequal Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 WB-4221.1-1 Maximum Difference in Cross ‐ Sectional Diameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 WB-4221.2(a)-1 Maximum Permissible Deviation e From a True Circular Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 WB-4221.2(a)-2 Maximum ARC Length for Determining Plus or Minus Deviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 WB-4233(a)-1 Butt Weld Alignment and Mismatch Tolerances for Unequal I.D. and O.D. When Items Are Welded From One Side and Fairing Is Not Performed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 WB-4243-1 Acceptable Full Penetration Weld Details for Category C Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 WB-4243-2 Typical Flat Heads With Hubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 WB-4244(a)-1 Nozzles Attached by Full Penetration Butt Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 WB-4244(b)-1 Nozzles Attached by Full Penetration Corner Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 WB-4244(c)-1 Deposited Weld Metal Used as Reinforcement of Openings for Nozzles . . . . . . . . . . . 93 WB-4244(d)-1 Nozzles Attached by Partial Penetration Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 WB-4427-1 Fillet Weld Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 WB-4433-1 Types of Attachment Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 WB-4622.9(c)(8)-1 Temper Bead Weld Repair and Weld Temper Bead Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 WB-4622.9(c)(8)-2 Temper Bead Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 WB-4622.9(f)-1 Qualification Test Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 WB-4622.11(c)(6)-1 Temper Bead Weld Repair and Weld Temper Bead Reinforcement of Dissimilar Metal Welds or Buttering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 WC-2433.1-1 Weld Metal Delta Ferrite Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 WC-3224.6-1 Design Curves for Torispherical Heads and 2:1 Ellipsoidal Heads for Use With WC-3224.8 and WC-3224.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 WC-3225-1 Typical Flat Heads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 WC-3225-2 Some Acceptable Types of Unstayed Flat Heads and Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 WC-3225-3 Attachment of Flat Heads to Containment Shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 WC-3232.2-1 Chart for Determining the Value of F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 WC-3251-1 Welded Joint Locations Typical of Categories A, B, C, and D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 WC-3251-2 Typical Butt Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 WC-3261-1 Categories A and B Joints Between Sections of Unequal Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 WC-4221.1-1 Maximum Difference in Cross ‐ Sectional Diameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 WC-4221.2(a)-1 Maximum Permissible Deviation e From a True Circular Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 WC-4221.2(a)-2 Maximum ARC Length for Determining Plus or Minus Deviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 WC-4233-1 Butt Weld Alignment and Mismatch Tolerances for Unequal I.D. and O.D. When Items Are Welded From One Side and Fairing Is Not Performed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 WC-4265-1 Acceptable Full Penetration Weld Details for Category C Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 WC-4265-2 Typical Partial Penetration Weld Detail for Category C Flat Head Closure Joints . . . . 175 WC-4265-3 Typical Flat Heads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 WC-4266(a)-1 Nozzles Attached by Full Penetration Butt Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 WC-4266(b)-1 Full Penetration Corner-Welded Attachments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 WC-4266(c)-1 Deposited Weld Metal Used as Reinforcement of Openings for Nozzles . . . . . . . . . . . 179 WC-4266(d)-1 Fittings With Internal Threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 WC-4266(e)-1 Partial Penetration Weld Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 WC-4427-1 Fillet and Socket Weld Details and Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 WC-4433-1 Typical Types of Attachment Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 WC-4433-2 Typical Attachments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 WC-4622.10(c)(7)-1 Temper Bead Weld Repair and Weld Temper Bead Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 WC-4622.10(c)(7)-2 Temper Bead Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 WC-4622.10(f)-1 Qualification Test Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 WC-4622.12(c)(6)-1 Temper Bead Weld Repair and Weld Temper Bead Reinforcement of Dissimilar Metal Welds or Buttering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 WD-1131-1 Jurisdictional Boundary Between the Internal Support Structure and the Containment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 WD-2433.1-1 Weld Metal Delta Ferrite Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 WD-3221-1 Stress Categories and Limits of Stress Intensities for Design Loadings . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 WD-3222-1 Stress Categories and Limits of Stress Intensities for Normal Loadings . . . . . . . . . . . 239 WD-3224-1 Stress Categories and Limits of Stress Intensities for Off-Normal Loadings . . . . . . . . 243 xii WD-4427-1 Fillet Weld Details and Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 WD-4441-1 Weld Inlay and Overlay Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 TABLES WA-4134.17-1 Lifetime Quality Assurance Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 WA-4134.17-2 Nonpermanent Quality Assurance Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 WA-7100-1 Dimensional Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 WA-7100-2 Standards and Specifications Referenced in Division 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 WA-8100-1 Authorizations and Certification Mark Issued by the Society for the Construction of Transportation and Storage Components and Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 WB-2331.2-1 Required LST‐ R TN D T Values for Ferritic Steel Material for Containment Material . . . . . 39 WB-2331.2-2 Required Fracture Toughness Values for Ferritic Steel Material for Containments Having a Specified Yield Strength of 50 ksi (350 000 kPa) or Less at 100°F (38°C) . . . . . . . . . . 39 WB-2332(a)-1 Required C v Values for Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 WB-2333-1 Required C v Values for Bolting Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 WB-2432.1-1 Sampling of Welding Materials for Chemical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 WB-2432.2-1 Chemical Analysis for Welding Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 WB-3133.4-1 Values of Spherical Radius Factor, K1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 WB-3217-1 Classification of Stress Intensity in Containments for Some Typical Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 WB-4232-1 Maximum Allowable Offset in Final Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 WB-4622.1-1 Mandatory Requirements for Postweld Heat Treatment of Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 WB-4622.4(c)-1 Alternative Holding Temperatures and Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 WB-4622.7(b)-1 Exemptions to Mandatory PWHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 WB-5111-1 Thickness, IQI Designations, Essential Holes, and Wire Diameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 WC-2311(a)-1 Exemptions From Impact Testing Under WC-2311(a)(7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 WC-2332.1-1 Required C v Lateral Expansion Values for Containment Material Other Than Bolting . . . 131 WC-2332.1-2 Required C v Energy Values for Containment Material Other Than Bolting . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 WC-2332.3-1 Required C v Values for Bolting Material Tested in Accordance With WC-2332.3 . . . . . . . 132 WC-2432.1-1 Sampling of Welding Materials for Chemical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 WC-2432.2-1 Welding Material Chemical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 WC-3133.4-1 Values of Spherical Radius Factor, K1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 WC-3217-1 Stress Intensity k Factors for Design and Operating Load Combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 WC-3262-1 Stress Reduction Factors and Examinations for Closure Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 WC-4232(a)-1 Maximum Allowable Offset in Final Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 WC-4524-1 Maximum Design Temperatures for Brazing Filler Metal, °F (°C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 WC-4622.1-1 Mandatory Requirements for Postweld Heat Treatment of Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 WC-4622.4(c)-1 Alternative Holding Temperatures and Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 WC-4622.7(b)-1 Exemptions to Mandatory PWHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 WC-5111-1 Thickness, IQI Designations, Essential Holes, and Wire Diameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 WD-2331(a)-1 Required C v Values for Internal Support Structure Material With 2 in. (50 mm) Maximum Thickness (Other Than Bolting) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 WD-2333-1 Required C v Values for Bolting Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 WD-2432.1-1 Sampling of Welding Materials for Chemical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 WD-2432.2-1 Welding Material Chemical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 WD-3217-1 Classification of Stress Intensities for Some Typical Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 WD-3229.2-1 Values of K for Various Boundary Conditions and a /b Ratios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 WD-3234-1 Stress Limit Factors for Bolt Design by Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 WD-3234.1(d)-1 Effective Slip Coefficient Versus Surface Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 WD-3234.2-1 Maximum Sizes of Bolt Holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 WD-3234.3(a)-1 Minimum Edge Distances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 WD-3234.4-1 Increment C1 for Minimum Spacing Between Oversized and Slotted Holes . . . . . . . . . . . 251 WD-3235.4-1 Classification of Loading Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 WD-3235.5-1 Stress Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 WD-3235.6-1 Allowable Stress Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 WD-3240-1 Permissible Welded Joints and Design Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 WD-4622.1-1 Mandatory Requirements for Postweld Heat Treatment (PWHT) of Welds . . . . . . . . . . . 266 xiii WD-4622.4(c)-1 Alternative Holding Temperatures and Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 WD-4622.7(b)-1 Exemptions to Mandatory PWHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 WD-5111-1 Thickness, IQI Designations, Essential Holes, and Wire Diameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 FORMS N-7 Nuclear Containments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 N-8 For Class SC or TC Closure Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 N-9 Shop Fabricated Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 N-11 Certificate Holder s Data Report for Internal Support Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’ 28 ENDNOTES ................................................................................. 279 xiv LI ST OF SECTI ON S ð 17Þ SECTIONS I Rules for Construction of Power Boilers II Materials • Part A — Ferrous Material Specifications • Part B — Nonferrous Material Specifications • Part C — Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals • Part D — Properties (Customary) • Part D — Properties (Metric) III Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components • Subsection NCA — General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2 • Appendices * • Division 1 – Subsection NB — Class 1 Components – Subsection NC — Class 2 Components – Subsection ND — Class 3 Components – Subsection NE — Class MC Components – Subsection NF — Supports – Subsection NG — Core Support Structures • Division 2 — Code for Concrete Containments • Division 3 — Containment Systems for Transportation and Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Material • Division 5 — High Temperature Reactors IV Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers V Nondestructive Examination VI Recommended Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating Boilers VII Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers VIII Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels • Division 1 • Division 2 — Alternative Rules • Division 3 — Alternative Rules for Construction of High Pressure Vessels IX Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications X Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels XI Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components XII Rules for Construction and Continued Service of Transport Tanks * The 2015 Edition of Section III was the last edition in which Section III, Division 1, Subsection NH, Class 1 Components in Elevated Tem- perature Service,was published. The requirements located within Subsection NH were moved to Section III, Division 5, Subsection HB, Subpart B for the elevated temperature construction of Class A components. xv I N TERPRETATI ON S Interpretations are issued in real time in ASME ’ s Interpretations Database at His- torical BPVC interpretations may also be found in the Database. CODE CASES The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code committees meet regularly to consider proposed additions and revisions to the Code and to formulate Cases to clarify the intent of existing requirements or provide, when the need is urgent, rules for materials or constructions not covered by existing Code rules. Those Cases that have been adopted will appear in the appropriate 2017 Code Cases book: “ Boilers and Pressure Vessels ” or “ Nuclear Components.” Supplements will be sent or made available automatically to the purchasers of the Code Cases books up to the publication of the 2019 Code. xvi FOREWORD * In 1911, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers established the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee to for- mulate standard rules for the construction of steam boilers and other pressure vessels. In 2009, the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee was superseded by the following committees: (a) Committee on Power Boilers (I) (b) Committee on Materials (II) (c) Committee on Construction of Nuclear Facility Components (III) (d) Committee on Heating Boilers (IV) (e) Committee on Nondestructive Examination (V) (f) Committee on Pressure Vessels (VIII) (g) Committee on Welding, Brazing, and Fusing (IX) (h) Committee on Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels (X) (i) Committee on Nuclear Inservice Inspection (XI) (j) Committee on Transport Tanks (XII) (k) Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC) Where reference is made to “ the Committee ” in this Foreword, each of these committees is included individually and collectively. The Committee ’ s function is to establish rules of safety relating only to pressure integrity, which govern the construction ** of boilers, pressure vessels, transport tanks, and nuclear components, and the inservice inspection of nu- clear components and transport tanks. The Committee also interprets these rules when questions arise regarding their intent. The technical consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development activities of the Committees is supported and guided by the Technical Oversight Management Committee. This Code does not address other safety issues relating to the construction of boilers, pressure vessels, transport tanks, or nuclear components, or the inservice inspection of nuclear components or transport tanks. Users of the Code should refer to the pertinent codes, standards, laws, regulations, or other relevant documents for safety issues other than those relating to pressure integ- rity. Except for Sections XI and XII, and with a few other exceptions, the rules do not, of practical necessity, reflect the likelihood and consequences of deterioration in service related to specific service fluids or external operating environ- ments. In formulating the rules, the Committee considers the needs of users, manufacturers, and inspectors of pressure vessels. The objective of the rules is to afford reasonably certain protection of life and property, and to provide a margin for deterioration in service to give a reasonably long, safe period of usefulness. Advancements in design and materials and evidence of experience have been recognized. This Code contains mandatory requirements, specific prohibitions, and nonmandatory guidance for construction ac- tivities and inservice inspection and testing activities. The Code does not address all aspects of these activities and those aspects that are not specifically addressed should not be considered prohibited. The Code is not a handbook and cannot replace education, experience, and the use of engineering judgment. The phrase engineering judgment refers to technical judgments made by knowledgeable engineers experienced in the application of the Code. Engineering judgments must be consistent with Code philosophy, and such judgments must never be used to overrule mandatory requirements or specific prohibitions of the Code. The Committee recognizes that tools and techniques used for design and analysis change as technology progresses and expects engineers to use good judgment in the application of these tools. The designer is responsible for complying with Code rules and demonstrating compliance with Code equations when such equations are mandatory. The Code neither requires nor prohibits the use of computers for the design or analysis of components constructed to the * The information contained in this Foreword is not part of this American National Standard (ANS) and has not been processed in accordance with ANSI's requirements for an ANS. Therefore, this Foreword may contain material that has not been subjected to public review or a con- sensus process. In addition, it does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the Code. ** Construction , as used in this Foreword, is an all-inclusive term comprising materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing, certification, and pressure relief. xvii requirements of the Code. However, designers and engineers using computer programs for design or analysis are cau- tioned that they are responsible for all technical assumptions inherent in the programs they use and the application of these programs to their design. The rules established by the Committee are not to be interpreted as approving, recommending, or endorsing any pro- prietary or specific design, or as limiting in any way the manufacturer s freedom to choose any method of design or any ’ form of construction that conforms to the Code rules. The Committee meets regularly to consider revisions of the rules, new rules as dictated by technological development, Code Cases, and requests for interpretations. Only the Committee has the authority to provide official interpretations of this Code. Requests for revisions, new rules, Code Cases, or interpretations shall be addressed to the Secretary in writing and shall give full particulars in order to receive consideration and action (see Submittal of Technical Inquiries to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committees). Proposed revisions to the Code resulting from inquiries will be pre- sented to the Committee for appropriate action. The action of the Committee becomes effective only after confirmation by ballot of the Committee and approval by ASME. Proposed revisions to the Code approved by the Committee are sub- mitted to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and published at to invite comments from all interested persons. After public review and final approval by ASME, revisions are published at regular intervals in Editions of the Code. The Committee does not rule on whether a component shall or shall not be constructed to the provisions of the Code. The scope of each Section has been established to identify the components and parameters considered by the Committee in formulating the Code rules. Questions or issues regarding compliance of a specific component with the Code rules are to be directed to the ASME Certificate Holder (Manufacturer). Inquiries concerning the interpretation of the Code are to be directed to the Commit- tee. ASME is to be notified should questions arise concerning improper use of an ASME Certification Mark. When required by context in this Section, the singular shall be interpreted as the plural, and vice versa, and the fem- inine, masculine, or neuter gender shall be treated as such other gender as appropriate. xviii STATEM EN T OF POLI CY ON TH E U SE OF TH E CERTI FI CATI ON M ARK AN D CODE AU TH ORI ZATI ON I N ADVERTI SI N G ASME has established procedures to authorize qualified organizations to perform various activities in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. It is the aim of the Society to provide recognition of organizations so authorized. An organization holding authorization to perform various activities in accordance with the requirements of the Code may state this capability in its advertising literature. Organizations that are authorized to use the Certification Mark for marking items or constructions that have been constructed and inspected in compliance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code are issued Certificates of Authorization. It is the aim of the Society to maintain the standing of the Certification Mark for the benefit of the users, the enforcement jurisdictions, and the holders of the Certification Mark who comply with all requirements. Based on these objectives, the following policy has been established on the usage in advertising of facsimiles of the Certification Mark, Certificates of Authorization, and reference to Code construction. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers does not “ approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “ endorse ” any item, construction, or activity and there shall be no state- ments or implications that might so indicate. An organization holding the Certification Mark and/or a Certificate of Authorization may state in advertising literature that items, constructions, or activities “ are built (produced or per- formed) or activities conducted in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,” or “ meet the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.” An ASME corporate logo shall not be used by any organization other than ASME. The Certification Mark shall be used only for stamping and nameplates as specifically provided in the Code. However, facsimiles may be used for the purpose of fostering the use of such construction. Such usage may be by an association or a society, or by a holder of the Certification Mark who may also use the facsimile in advertising to show that clearly spe- cified items will carry the Certification Mark. General usage is permitted only when all of a manufacturer’ s items are constructed under the rules. STATEM EN T OF POLI CY ON TH E U SE OF ASM E M ARKI N G TO I DEN TI FY M AN U FACTU RED I TEM S The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code provides rules for the construction of boilers, pressure vessels, and nuclear components. This includes requirements for materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, and stamping. Items constructed in accordance with all of the applicable rules of the Code are identified with the official Certification Mark described in the governing Section of the Code. Markings such as “ASME,” “ASME Standard,” or any other marking including “ASME ” or the Certification Mark shall not be used on any item that is not constructed in accordance with all of the applicable requirements of the Code. Items shall not be described on ASME Data Report Forms nor on similar forms referring to ASME that tend to imply that all Code requirements have been met when, in fact, they have not been. Data Report Forms covering items not fully complying with ASME requirements should not refer to ASME or they should clearly identify all exceptions to the ASME requirements. xix ð 17Þ SU BM I TTAL OF TECH N I CAL I N QU I RI ES TO TH E BOI LER AN D PRESSU RE VESSEL STAN DARDS COM M I TTEES 1 I N TRODU CTI ON (a) The following information provides guidance to Code users for submitting technical inquiries to the applicable Boiler and Pressure Vessel (BPV) Standards Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee). See the guidelines on approval of new materials under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code in Section II, Part D for requirements for requests that involve adding new materials to the Code. See the guidelines on approval of new welding and brazing ma- terials in Section II, Part C for requirements for requests that involve adding new welding and brazing materials (“ con- sumables ” ) to the Code. Technical inquiries can include requests for revisions or additions to the Code requirements, requests for Code Cases, or requests for Code Interpretations, as described below: (1 ) Code Revisions. Code revisions are considered to accommodate technological developments, to address admin- istrative requirements, to incorporate Code Cases, or to clarify Code intent. (2) Code Cases. Code Cases represent alternatives or additions to existing Code requirements. Code Cases are writ- ten as a Question and Reply, and are usually intended to be incorporated into the Code at a later date. When used, Code Cases prescribe mandatory requirements in the same sense as the text of the Code. However, users are cautioned that not all regulators, jurisdictions, or Owners automatically accept Code Cases. The most common applications for Code Cases are as follows: (-a) to permit early implementation of an approved Code revision based on an urgent need (-b) to permit use of a new material for Code construction (-c) to gain experience with new materials or alternative requirements prior to incorporation directly into the Code (3) Code Interpretations (-a) Code Interpretations provide clarification of the meaning of existing requirements in the Code and are pre- sented in Inquiry and Reply format. Interpretations do not introduce new requirements. (-b) If existing Code text does not fully convey the meaning that was intended, or conveys conflicting require- ments, and revision of the requirements is required to support the Interpretation, an Intent Interpretation will be issued in parallel with a revision to the Code. (b) Code requirements, Code Cases, and Code Interpretations established by the Committee are not to be considered as approving, recommending, certifying, or endorsing any proprietary or specific design, or as limiting in any way the freedom of manufacturers, constructors, or Owners to choose any method of design or any form of construction that conforms to the Code requirements. (c) Inquiries that do not comply with the following guidance or that do not provide sufficient information for the Com- mittee ’ s full understanding may result in the request being returned to the Inquirer with no action. 2 I N QU I RY FORM AT Submittals to the Committee should include the following information: (a) Purpose.Specify one of the following: (1 ) request for revision of present Code requirements (2) request for new or additional Code requirements (3) request for Code Case (4) request for Code Interpretation (b) Background. The Inquirer should provide the information needed for the Committee ’ s understanding of the In- quiry, being sure to include reference to the applicable Code Section, Division, Edition, Addenda (if applicable), para- graphs, figures, and tables. Preferably, the Inquirer should provide a copy of, or relevant extracts from, the specific referenced portions of the Code. xx (c) Presentations. The Inquirer may desire to attend or be asked to attend a meeting of the Committee to make a for- mal presentation or to answer questions from the Committee members with regard to the Inquiry. Attendance at a BPV Standards Committee meeting shall be at the expense of the Inquirer. The Inquirer’ s attendance or lack of attendance at a meeting will not be used by the Committee as a basis for acceptance or rejection of the Inquiry by the Committee. How- ever, if the Inquirer’ s request is unclear, attendance by the Inquirer or a representative may be necessary for the Com- mittee to understand the request sufficiently to be able to provide an Interpretation. If the Inquirer desires to make a presentation at a Committee meeting, the Inquirer should provide advance notice to the Committee Secretary, to ensure time will be allotted for the presentation in the meeting agenda. The Inquirer should consider the need for additional audiovisual equipment that might not otherwise be provided by the Committee. With sufficient advance notice to the Committee Secretary, such equipment may be made available. 3 CODE REVI SI ON S OR ADDI TI ON S Requests for Code revisions or additions should include the following information: For requested revisions, the Inquirer should identify those requirements of the (a) Requested Revisions or Additions. Code that they believe should be revised, and should submit a copy of, or relevant extracts from, the appropriate require- ments as they appear in the Code, marked up with the requested revision. For requested additions to the Code, the In- quirer should provide the recommended wording and should clearly indicate where they believe the additions should be located in the Code requirements. (b) Statement of Need. The Inquirer should provide a brief explanation of the need for the revision or addition. (c) Background Information. The Inquirer should provide background information to support the revision or addition, including any data or changes in technology that form the basis for the request, that will allow the Committee to ade- quately evaluate the requested revision or addition. Sketches, tables, figures, and graphs should be submitted, as appro- priate. The Inquirer should identify any pertinent portions of the Code that would be affected by the revision or addition and any portions of the Code that reference the requested revised or added paragraphs. 4 CODE CASES Requests for Code Cases should be accompanied by a statement of need and background information similar to that described in 3(b) and 3(c), respectively, for Code revisions or additions. The urgency of the Code Case (e.g., project un- derway or imminent, new procedure) should be described. In addition, it is important that the request is in connection with equipment that will bear the Certification Mark, with the exception of Section XI applications. The proposed Code Case should identify the Code Section and Division, and should be written as a Question and a Reply, in the same format as existing Code Cases. Requests for Code Cases should also indicate the applicable Code Editions and Addenda (if ap- plicable) to which the requested Code Case applies. 5 CODE I N TERPRETATI ON S (a) Requests for Code Interpretations should be accompanied by the following information: (1 ) Inquiry. The Inquirer should propose a condensed and precise Inquiry, omitting superfluous background infor- mation and, when possible, composing the Inquiry in such a way that a “ yes ” or a “ no ” Reply, with brief limitations or conditions, if needed, can be provided by the Committee. The proposed question should be technically and editorially correct. (2) Reply. The Inquirer should propose a Reply that clearly and concisely answers the proposed Inquiry question. Preferably, the Reply should be “yes ” or “ no,” with brief limitations or conditions, if needed. (3) Background Information. The Inquirer should provide any need or background information, such as described in 3(b) and 3(c), respectively, for Code revisions or additions, that will assist the Committee in understanding the proposed Inquiry and Reply. If the Inquirer believes a revision of the Code requirements would be helpful to support the Interpretation, the In- quirer may propose such a revision for consideration by the Committee. In most cases, such a proposal is not necessary. (b) Requests for Code Interpretations should be limited to an Interpretation of a particular requirement in the Code or in a Code Case. Except with regard to interpreting a specific Code requirement, the Committee is not permitted to con- sider consulting-type requests such as the following: (1 ) a review of calculations, design drawings, welding qualifications, or descriptions of equipment or parts to de- termine compliance with Code requirements xxi (2) a request for assistance in performing any Code-prescribed functions relating to, but not limited to, material selection, designs, calculations, fabrication, inspection, pressure testing, or installation (3) a request seeking the rationale for Code requirements 6 SU BM I TTALS (a) Submittal. Requests for Code Interpretation should preferably be submitted through the online Interpretation Sub- mittal Form. The form is accessible at Upon submittal of the form, the In- quirer will receive an automatic e-mail confirming receipt. If the Inquirer is unable to use the online form, the Inquirer may mail the request to the following address: Secretary ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee Two Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5990 All other Inquiries should be mailed to the Secretary of the BPV Committee at the address above. Inquiries are unlikely to receive a response if they are not written in clear, legible English. They must also include the name of the Inquirer and the company they represent or are employed by, if applicable, and the Inquirer s address, telephone number, fax num- ’ ber, and e-mail address, if available. (b) Response. The Secretary of the appropriate Committee will provide a written response, via letter or e-mail, as ap- propriate, to the Inquirer, upon completion of the requested action by the Committee. Inquirers may track the status of their Interpretation Request at xxii PERSONNEL ð 17Þ ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committees, Subgroups, and Working Groups January 1, 2017 TECHNICAL OVERSIGHT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (TOMC) CONFERENCE COMMITTEE T. P. Pastor, Chair J. F. Henry D. A. Douin — Ohio , Secretary J. LeSage, Jr. — Louisiana S. C. Roberts , Vice Chair R. S. Hill III M. J. Adams — Ontario, Canada A. M. Lorimor — South Dakota J. S. Brzuszkiewicz , Staff Secretary G. G. Karcher J. T. Amato — Minnesota M. Mailman — Northwest R. W. Barnes W. M. Lundy W. Anderson — Mississippi Territories, Canada R. J. Basile G. C. Park R. D. Austin — Arizona D. E. Mallory — New Hampshire T. L. Bedeaux M. D. Rana R. J. Brockman — Missouri W. McGivney — City of New York, D. L. Berger R. F. Reedy, Sr. J. H. Burpee — Maine New York D. A. Canonico M. Byrum — Alabama S. V. Nelson — Colorado C. B. Cantrell — Nebraska B. W. Roberts A. Chaudouet A. K. Oda — Washington D. B. DeMichael F. J. Schaaf, Jr. S. Chapman — Tennessee R. P. Deubler B. F. Shelley D. C. Cook — California M. Poehlmann — Alberta, Canada P. D. Edwards W. J. Sperko B. J. Crawford — Georgia J. F. Porcella — West Virginia J. G. Feldstein D. Srnic E. L. Creaser — New Brunswick, C. F. Reyes — City of Los Angeles, R. E. Gimple R. W. Swayne Canada California T. E. Hansen C. Withers J. J. Dacanay — Hawaii M. J. Ryan — City of Chicago, G. W. Hembree J. E. Batey, Contributing Member C. Dautrich — North Carolina Illinois R. Delury — Manitoba, Canada D. Sandfoss — Nevada P. L. Dodge — Nova Scotia, Canada M. H. Sansone — New York D. Eastman — Newfoundland and A. S. Scholl — British Columbia, Labrador, Canada Canada J. J. Esch — Delaware T. S. Seime — North Dakota A. G. Frazier — Florida C. S. Selinger — Saskatchewan, HONORARY MEMBERS (MAIN COMMITTEE) T. J. Granneman II — Oklahoma Canada D. R. Hannon — Arkansas J. E. Sharier — Ohio E. G. Hilton — Virginia F. P. Barton W. G. Knecht N. Smith — Pennsylvania C. Jackson — City of Detroit, T. M. Cullen J. LeCoff G. E. Feigel T. G. McCarty R. Spiker — North Carolina Michigan D. J. Stenrose — Michigan M. L. Jordan — Kentucky O. F. Hedden G. C. Millman M. H. Jawad R. A. Moen E. Kawa, Jr. — Massachusetts R. J. Stimson II — Kansas A. J. Justin R. F. Reedy, Sr. A. Khssassi — Quebec, Canada R. K. Sturm — Utah J. Klug — City of Milwaukee, S. R. Townsend — Prince Edward Wisconsin Island, Canada K. J. Kraft — Maryland R. D. Troutt — Texas K. S. Lane — Alaska M. C. Vogel — Illinois L. C. Leet — City of Seattle, T. Waldbillig — Wisconsin ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE Washington M. Washington — New Jersey T. P. Pastor, Chair J. F. Henry S. C. Roberts , Vice Chair R. S. Hill III J. S. Brzuszkiewicz , Staff Secretary G. C. Park R. W. Barnes T. L. Bedeaux M. D. Rana D. L. Berger B. F. Shelley G. W. Hembree W. J. Sperko INTERNATIONAL INTEREST REVIEW GROUP MARINE CONFERENCE GROUP V. Felix C. Minu Y.-G. Kim T. S. G. Narayannen H. N. Patel , Chair G. Pallichadath S. H. Leong Y.-W. Park J. S. Brzuszkiewicz , Staff Secretary N. Prokopuk W. Lin A. R. R. Nogales J. G. Hungerbuhler, Jr. J. D. Reynolds O. F. Manafa P. Williamson xxiii COMMITTEE ON POWER BOILERS (BPV I) Subgroup on Materials (BPV I) D. L. Berger, Chair Y. Oishi G. W. Galanes , Chair F. Masuyama R. E. McLaughlin , Vice Chair E. M. Ortman J. F. Henry, Vice Chair D. W. Rahoi U. D Urso , Staff Secretary ’ J. T. Pillow M. Lewis , Secretary J. M. Tanzosh J. L. Arnold M. Slater S. H. Bowes J. Vattappilly D. A. Canonico J. M. Tanzosh D. A. Canonico K. K. Coleman D. E. Tompkins K. K. Coleman F. Zeller P. D. Edwards D. E. Tuttle K. L. Hayes M. Gold , Contributing Member J. G. Feldstein J. Vattappilly J. S. Hunter B. W. Roberts , Contributing G. W. Galanes R. V. Wielgoszinski O. X. Li Member T. E. Hansen F. Zeller J. F. Henry Y. Li , Delegate J. S. Hunter H. Michael , Delegate G. B. Komora B. W. Roberts , Contributing W. L. Lowry Member F. Massi D. N. French , Honorary Member L. Moedinger T. C. McGough , Honorary Member Subgroup on Solar Boilers (BPV I) P. A. Molvie R. L. Williams , Honorary Member E. M. Ortman , Chair P. Jennings R. E. Hearne , Secretary D. J. Koza H. A. Fonzi, Jr. F. Massi G. W. Galanes S. V. Torkildson , Contributing Subgroup on Design (BPV I) J. S. Hunter Member J. Vattappilly, Chair P. A. Molvie D. I. Anderson, Secretary L. S. Tsai D. Dewees M. Wadkinson H. A. Fonzi, Jr. C. F. Jeerings , Contributing Member J. P. Glaspie S. V. Torkildson , Contributing G. B. Komora Member Germany International Working Group (BPV I) H. Michael , Chair T. Ludwig H. P. Schmitz , Secretary R. A. Meyers M. Bremicker F. Miunske Subgroup on Fabrication and Examination (BPV I) P. Chavdarov P. Paluszkiewicz B. Daume H. Schroeder J. L. Arnold, Chair T. E. Hansen J. Fleischfresser A. Spangenberg P. Becker C. T. McDaris E. Helmholdt M. Sykora D. L. Berger R. E. McLaughlin R. Kauer J. Henrichsmeyer, Contributing S. Fincher R. J. Newell S. Krebs Member G. W. Galanes Y. Oishi P. F. Gilston J. T. Pillow J. Hainsworth R. V. Wielgoszinski Subgroup on General Requirements and Piping (BPV I) India International Working Group (BPV I) E. M. Ortman , Chair R. E. McLaughlin U. Revisanakaran , Chair G. V. S. Rao D. Tompkins , Vice Chair B. J. Mollitor A. J. Patil , Vice Chair M. G. Rao F. Massi , Secretary J. T. Pillow H. Dalal , Secretary N. Satheesan P. Becker D. E. Tuttle K. Asokkumar M. R. Kalahasthi G. U. Shanker D. L. Berger M. Wadkinson P. D. Edwards R. V. Wielgoszinski I. Kalyanasundaram D. Shrivastava G. W. Galanes C. F. Jeerings , Contributing Member A. R. Patil S. Venkataramana T. E. Hansen S. V. Torkildson , Contributing M. Lemmons Member W. L. Lowry R. Uebel , Contributing Member Task Group on Modernization of BPVC Section I Subgroup on Locomotive Boilers (BPV I) D. I. Anderson, Chair R. E. McLaughlin L. Moedinger, Chair S. D. Jackson U. D Urso , Staff Secretary ’ P. A. Molvie S. M. Butler, Secretary M. A. Janssen J. L. Arnold E. M. Ortman P. Boschan S. A. Lee D. Dewees J. T. Pillow J. R. Braun G. W. Galanes R. C. Franzen, Jr. G. M. Ray J. P. Glaspie B. W. Roberts G. W. Galanes R. B. Stone T. E. Hansen D. E. Tuttle D. W. Griner M. W. Westland J. F. Henry J. Vattappilly xxiv COMMITTEE ON MATERIALS (BPV II) Subgroup on International Material Specifications (BPV II) J. F. Henry, Chair J. M. Tanzosh A. Chaudouet, Chair M. Ishikawa J. F. Grubb , Vice Chair R. G. Young A. R. Nywening, Vice Chair O. X. Li C. E. O Brien , Staff Secretary ’ F. Zeller T. F. Miskell , Secretary W. M. Lundy F. Abe O. Oldani , Delegate D. A. Canonico E. Upitis A. Appleton H. D. Bushfield , Contributing H. Chen F. Zeller J. Cameron Member A. F. Garbolevsky O. Oldani , Delegate D. A. Canonico M. Gold , Contributing Member D. O. Henry H. Lorenz , Contributing Member A. Chaudouet W. Hoffelner, Contributing Member D. B. Denis M. Katcher, Contributing Member J. R. Foulds M. L. Nayyar, Contributing Member Subgroup on Nonferrous Alloys (BPV II) D. W. Gandy E. G. Nisbett, Contributing Member M. H. Gilkey R. C. Sutherlin , Chair D. W. Rahoi D. T. Peters , Contributing Member M. H. Gilkey, Vice Chair J. A. Hall W. Ren K. M. Hottle B. W. Roberts , Contributing J. Calland Member J. Robertson M. Ishikawa D. B. Denis E. Shapiro O. X. Li E. Thomas , Contributing Member J. F. Grubb E. Upitis , Contributing Member M. H. Skillingberg F. Masuyama T. Hartman R. K. Nanstad T. M. Cullen , Honorary Member A. Heino J. Weritz K. E. Orie W. D. Edsall , Honorary Member M. Katcher R. Wright D. W. Rahoi G. C. Hsu , Honorary Member J. A. McMaster S. Yem E. Shapiro R. A. Moen , Honorary Member L. Paul D. T. Peters , Contributing Member M. J. Slater C. E. Spaeder, Jr. , Honorary R. C. Sutherlin Member R. W. Swindeman A. W. Zeuthen , Honorary Member Subgroup on Physical Properties (BPV II) J. F. Grubb , Chair H. D. Bushfield , Contributing D. B. Denis , Vice Chair Member E. Shapiro Executive Committee (BPV II) J. F. Henry, Chair J. F. Grubb C. E. O Brien , Staff Secretary ’ R. W. Mikitka Subgroup on Strength, Ferrous Alloys (BPV II) A. Appleton B. W. Roberts M. J. Slater, Chair M. Ortolani A. Chaudouet M. J. Slater S. W. Knowles , Secretary D. W. Rahoi J. R. Foulds R. C. Sutherlin F. Abe M. S. Shelton M. Gold R. W. Swindeman D. A. Canonico R. W. Swindeman A. Di Rienzo J. M. Tanzosh J. R. Foulds R. G. Young J. A. Hall F. Zeller J. F. Henry M. Gold , Contributing Member Subgroup on External Pressure (BPV II) K. Kimura M. Nair, Contributing Member R. W. Mikitka, Chair J. R. Harris III F. Masuyama B. W. Roberts , Contributing D. L. Kurle , Vice Chair T. Ono Member M. H. Jawad J. A. A. Morrow, Secretary C. R. Thomas L. F. Campbell H. Chen M. Wadkinson Subgroup on Strength of Weldments (BPV II & BPV IX) D. S. Griffin M. Katcher, Contributing Member J. F. Grubb C. H. Sturgeon , Contributing W. F. Newell, Jr. , Chair J. F. Henry S. Guzey Member S. H. Bowes E. Liebl K. K. Coleman J. Penso M. Denault D. W. Rahoi P. D. Flenner B. W. Roberts J. R. Foulds W. J. Sperko Subgroup on Ferrous Specifications (BPV II) D. W. Gandy J. P. Swezy, Jr. M. Ghahremani J. M. Tanzosh A. Appleton , Chair C. Hyde K. L. Hayes M. Gold , Contributing Member K. M. Hottle , Vice Chair D. S. Janikowski P. Wittenbach , Secretary L. J. Lavezzi H. Chen S. G. Lee Working Group on Materials Database (BPV II) B. M. Dingman W. C. Mack M. J. Dosdourian A. S. Melilli R. W. Swindeman , Chair J. L. Arnold, Contributing Member O. Elkadim C. E. O Brien , Staff Secretary J. Grimes , Contributing Member K. E. Orie ’ J. D. Fritz F. Abe W. Hoffelner, Contributing Member M. Gold J. Shick J. R. Foulds T. Lazar, Contributing Member T. Graham E. Upitis J. F. Henry D. T. Peters , Contributing Member J. M. Grocki J. D. Wilson M. J. Slater W. Ren , Contributing Member J. F. Grubb R. Zawierucha R. C. Sutherlin B. W. Roberts , Contributing J. Gundlach E. G. Nisbett, Contributing Member D. Andrei , Contributing Member Member xxv Working Group on Creep Strength Enhanced Ferritic Steels (BPV II) Executive Committee (BPV III) J. F. Henry, Chair W. F. Newell, Jr. R. S. Hill III , Chair J. C. Minichiello J. A. Siefert, Secretary M. Ortolani A. Byk, Staff Secretary M. Morishita F. Abe J. Parker T. M. Adams D. K. Morton S. H. Bowes W. J. Sperko C. W. Bruny J. A. Munshi D. A. Canonico R. W. Swindeman P. R. Donavin K. K. Coleman J. M. Tanzosh R. M. Jessee C. A. Sanna P. D. Flenner R. H. Worthington R. B. Keating S. Sham J. R. Foulds R. G. Young R. P. McIntyre W. K. Sowder, Jr. G. W. Galanes F. Zeller M. Gold G. Cumino , Contributing Member F. Masuyama B. W. Roberts , Contributing Subcommittee on Design (BPV III) T. Melfi Member P. R. Donavin , Chair M. N. Mitchell D. E. Matthews , Vice Chair W. J. O Donnell, Sr. ’ G. L. Hollinger, Secretary E. L. Pleins Working Group on Data Analysis (BPV II) T. M. Adams S. Sham J. F. Grubb , Chair W. Ren R. L. Bratton J. P. Tucker F. Abe M. Subanovic C. W. Bruny W. F. Weitze J. R. Foulds R. P. Deubler M. J. Swindeman R. I. Jetter K. Wright M. Gold J. F. Henry R. W. Swindeman C. Jonker T. Yamazaki M. Katcher B. W. Roberts , Contributing R. B. Keating J. Yang F. Masuyama Member K. A. Manoly R. S. Hill III , Contributing Member R. J. Masterson M. H. Jawad , Contributing Member China International Working Group (BPV II) Subgroup on Component Design (SC-D) (BPV III) B. Shou , Chair X. Wang A. T. Xu , Secretary F. Yang T. M. Adams , Chair T. M. Musto W. Fang G. Yang R. B. Keating, Vice Chair T. Nagata Q. C. Feng H.-C. Yang S. Pellet, Secretary A. N. Nguyen S. Huo R. Ye G. A. Antaki E. L. Pleins F. Kong L. Yin S. Asada I. Saito H. Li D. Zhang J. F. Ball G. C. Slagis J. Li H. Zhang C. Basavaraju J. R. Stinson S. Li X.-H. Zhang R. P. Deubler G. Z. Tokarski Z. Rongcan Yingkai Zhang P. Hirschberg O.-S. Kim J. P. Tucker S. Tan Yong Zhang R. Klein P. Vock C. Wang Q. Zhao J. Wang S. Zhao H. Kobayashi C. Wilson Q.-J. Wang J. Zou K. A. Manoly J. Yang R. J. Masterson C. W. Bruny, Contributing Member D. E. Matthews A. A. Dermenjian , Contributing J. C. Minichiello Member COMMITTEE ON CONSTRUCTION OF NUCLEAR FACILITY D. K. Morton K. R. Wichman , Honorary Member COMPONENTS (BPV III) R. S. Hill III , Chair M. Morishita R. B. Keating, Vice Chair D. K. Morton Working Group on Core Support Structures (SG-CD) (BPV III) J. C. Minichiello , Vice Chair T. Nagata A. Byk, Staff Secretary R. F. Reedy, Sr. J. Yang, Chair M. Nakajima T. M. Adams I. Saito J. F. Kielb , Secretary M. D. Snyder A. Appleton S. Sham L. C. Hartless A. Tsirigotis R. W. Barnes C. T. Smith D. Keck R. Vollmer W. H. Borter W. K. Sowder, Jr. T. Liszkai R. Z. Ziegler C. W. Bruny W. J. Sperko H. S. Mehta J. T. Land, Contributing Member T. D. Burchell J. P. Tucker R. P. Deubler K. R. Wichman A. C. Eberhardt C. S. Withers Working Group on Design of Division 3 Containment Systems R. M. Jessee Y. H. Choi , Delegate (SG-CD) (BPV III) R. I. Jetter T. Ius , Delegate C. C. Kim H.-T. Wang, Delegate D. K. Morton , Chair E. L. Pleins G. H. Koo M. Zhou, Contributing Member D. J. Ammerman C. J. Temus V. Kostarev E. B. Branch, Honorary Member G. Bjorkman X. Zhai K. A. Manoly G. D. Cooper, Honorary Member V. Broz D. E. Matthews D. F. Landers , Honorary Member S. Horowitz I. D. McInnes , Contributing Member R. P. McIntyre R. A. Moen , Honorary Member D. W. Lewis H. P. Shrivastava, Contributing M. N. Mitchell C. J. Pieper, Honorary Member J. C. Minichiello Member xxvi Working Group on HDPE Design of Components (SG-CD) (BPV III) Working Group on Valves (SG-CD) (BPV III) T. M. Musto , Chair P. Krishnaswamy P. Vock, Chair C. A. Mizer J. Ossmann , Secretary K. A. Manoly S. Jones , Secretary J. O Callaghan ’ T. M. Adams M. Martin M. C. Buckley H. O Brien ’ T. A. Bacon J. C. Minichiello R. Farrell K. E. Reid II M. Brandes D. P. Munson G. A. Jolly J. Sulley D. Burwell F. J. Schaaf, Jr. J. Klein I. H. Tseng S. Choi R. Stakenborghs T. Lippucci J. P. Tucker J. R. Hebeisen H. E. Svetlik Working Group on Vessels (SG-CD) (BPV III) Working Group on Piping (SG-CD) (BPV III) D. E. Matthews , Chair T. J. Schriefer C. Wilson , Secretary M. C. Scott G. A. Antaki , Chair R. B. Keating C. Basavaraju P. K. Shah G. Z. Tokarski , Secretary V. Kostarev J. V. Gregg, Jr. J. Shupert T. M. Adams D. Lieb M. Kassar C. Turylo T. A. Bacon T. B. Littleton R. B. Keating C. Basavaraju Y. Liu D. Vlaicu D. Keck J. Catalano J. F. McCabe W. F. Weitze J. Kim F. Claeys J. C. Minichiello T. Yamazaki O.-S. Kim C. M. Faidy I.-K. Nam R. Z. Ziegler T. Mitsuhashi R. G. Gilada M. S. Sills M. Nair A. Kalnins , Contributing Member N. M. Graham G. C. Slagis M. A. Gray N. C. Sutherland R. J. Gurdal C.-I. Wu R. W. Haupt A. N. Nguyen , Contributing Member A. Hirano N. J. Shah, Contributing Member Subgroup on Design Methods (SC-D) (BPV III) P. Hirschberg E. A. Wais , Contributing Member M. Kassar E. C. Rodabaugh , Honorary C. W. Bruny, Chair D. Keck J. Kawahata Member S. McKillop , Secretary M. N. Mitchell K. Avrithi W. J. O Donnell, Sr. ’ W. Culp P. J. O Regan P. R. Donavin ’ W. D. Reinhardt J. V. Gregg, Jr. H. T. Harrison III P. Smith Working Group on Pressure Relief (SG-CD) (BPV III) S. D. Snow K. Hsu J. F. Ball , Chair A. L. Szeglin C. Jonker W. F. Weitze K. R. May D. G. Thibault M. Kassar K. Wright D. Miller I. H. Tseng Working Group on Design Methodology (SG-DM) (BPV III) Working Group on Pumps (SG-CD) (BPV III) S. D. Snow, Chair J. F. McCabe C. F. Heberling II , Secretary S. McKillop R. Klein , Chair M. Higuchi K. Avrithi S. Ranganath D. Chowdhury, Secretary R. Ladefian C. Basavaraju W. D. Reinhardt P. W. Behnke W. Lienau D. L. Caldwell D. H. Roarty R. E. Cornman, Jr. K. J. Noel D. Dewees P. K. Shah X. Di R. A. Patrick C. M. Faidy R. Vollmer M. D. Eftychiou J. Sulley R. Farrell S. Wang A. Fraser R. Udo H. T. Harrison III W. F. Weitze C. Gabhart P. Hirschberg J. Wen R. Ghanbari A. G. Washburn M. Kassar T. M. Wiger R. B. Keating K. Wright J. Kim J. Yang H. Kobayashi R. D. Blevins , Contributing Member T. Liszkai M. R. Breach, Contributing Member Working Group on Supports (SG-CD) (BPV III) J. R. Stinson , Chair S. Pellet U. S. Bandyopadhyay, Secretary I. Saito K. Avrithi H. P. Srivastava Working Group on Environmental Effects (SG-DM) (BPV III) T. H. Baker C. Stirzel F. J. Birch C. Jonker, Chair J. Kim R. P. Deubler G. Z. Tokarski B. D. Frew, Secretary J. E. Nestell N. M. Graham P. Wiseman W. Culp M. Osterfoss R. J. Masterson C.-I. Wu P. J. Dobson T. J. Schriefer xxvii Working Group on Environmental Fatigue Evaluation Methods Subgroup on Elevated Temperature Design (SC-D) (BPV III) (SG-DM) (BPV III) S. Sham, Chair G. H. Koo K. Wright, Chair S. R. Gosselin T. Asayama S. Majumdar M. A. Gray, Vice Chair Y. He C. Becht IV J. E. Nestell W. F. Weitze , Secretary P. Hirschberg F. W. Brust W. J. O'Donnell, Sr. T. M. Adams H. S. Mehta P. Carter R. W. Swindeman S. Asada T. Metais B. F. Hantz D. S. Griffin , Contributing Member K. Avrithi J.-S. Park A. B. Hull W. J. Koves , Contributing Member R. C. Cipolla D. H. Roarty M. H. Jawad D. L. Marriott, Contributing T. M. Damiani I. Saito R. I. Jetter Member C. M. Faidy D. Vlaicu T. D. Gilman R. Z. Ziegler Working Group on Allowable Stress Criteria (SG-ETD) (BPV III) R. W. Swindeman , Chair D. Maitra Working Group on Fatigue Strength (SG-DM) (BPV III) R. Wright, Secretary S. N. Malik J. R. Foulds J. E. Nestell P. R. Donavin , Chair S. H. Kleinsmith C. J. Johns W. Ren M. S. Shelton , Secretary S. Majumdar K. Kimura B. W. Roberts T. M. Damiani S. N. Malik T. Le M. Sengupta D. Dewees S. Mohanty M. Li S. Sham C. M. Faidy D. H. Roarty S. R. Gosselin R. J. Gurdal A. Tsirigotis C. F. Heberling II K. Wright Working Group on Analysis Methods (SG-ETD) (BPV III) C. E. Hinnant H. H. Ziada P. Hirschberg W. J. O'Donnell, Sr. , Contributing P. Carter, Chair T. Krishnamurthy K. Hsu Member M. J. Swindeman , Secretary T. Le M. R. Breach S. Sham M. E. Cohen D. K. Williams R. I. Jetter Working Group on Graphite and Composites Design (SG-DM) (BPV III) Working Group on Creep-Fatigue and Negligible Creep (SG-ETD) M. N. Mitchell , Chair S. T. Gonczy (BPV III) M. W. Davies , Vice Chair M. G. Jenkins T. D. Burchell , Secretary Y. Katoh T. Asayama, Chair T. Le A. Appleton J. Ossmann F. W. Brust B.-L. Lyow S. R. Cadell M. Roemmler P. Carter S. N. Malik S.-H. Chi S. Yu R. I. Jetter H. Qian W. J. Geringer G. L. Zeng G. H. Koo S. Sham Working Group on Elevated Temperature Construction (SG-ETD) Working Group on Probabilistic Methods in Design (BPV III) (SG-DM) (BPV III) M. H. Jawad , Chair M. N. Mitchell M. Golliet, Chair M. Morishita A. Mann , Secretary B. J. Mollitor T. Asayama P. J. O'Regan D. I. Anderson C. Nadarajah K. Avrithi N. A. Palm R. G. Brown P. Prueter D. O. Henry I. Saito D. Dewees R. S. Hill III B. F. Hantz M. J. Swindeman R. I. Jetter J. P. Glaspie , Contributing Member S. Krishnamurthy D. L. Marriott, Contributing T. Le Member Special Working Group on Computational Modeling for Explicit Dynamics (SG-DM) (BPV III) Working Group on High Temperature Flaw Evaluation (SG-ETD) G. Bjorkman , Chair W. D. Reinhardt (BPV III) D. J. Ammerman , Vice Chair P. Y.-K. Shih V. Broz , Secretary S. D. Snow F. W. Brust, Chair H. Qian M. R. Breach N. Broom D. L. Rudland J. M. Jordan C.-F. Tso P. Carter P. J. Rush S. Kuehner M. C. Yaksh T. Le D.-J. Shim D. Molitoris U. Zencker S. N. Malik S. X. Xu xxviii Special Working Group on Inelastic Analysis Methods (SG-ETD) Subgroup on Materials, Fabrication, and Examination (BPV III) (BPV III) R. M. Jessee , Chair J. Johnston, Jr. S. Sham , Chair T. Hassan B. D. Frew, Vice Chair C. C. Kim S. X. Xu, Secretary G. H. Koo S. Hunter, Secretary M. Lashley R. W. Barnes B.-L. Lyow W. H. Borter T. Melfi J. A. Blanco M. J. Swindeman T. D. Burchell H. Murakami B. R. Ganta G. L. Zeng G. R. Cannell J. Ossmann P. J. Coco J. E. O Sullivan ’ M. W. Davies M. C. Scott R. H. Davis W. J. Sperko Subgroup on General Requirements (BPV III) D. B. Denis J. R. Stinson R. P. McIntyre , Chair E. C. Renaud G. B. Georgiev J. F. Strunk L. M. Plante , Secretary J. Rogers S. E. Gingrich R. Wright V. Apostolescu D. J. Roszman M. Golliet S. Yee A. Appleton C. T. Smith J. Grimm H. Michael , Delegate S. Bell W. K. Sowder, Jr. L. S. Harbison R. W. Barnes , Contributing Member J. R. Berry R. Spuhl J. DeKleine G. E. Szabatura J. V. Gardiner D. M. Vickery J. W. Highlands C. S. Withers E. V. Imbro H. Michael , Delegate Working Group on Graphite and Composite Materials (SG-MFE) K. A. Kavanagh G. L. Hollinger, Contributing (BPV III) Y.-S. Kim Member T. D. Burchell , Chair W. J. Geringer M. W. Davies , Vice Chair S. T. Gonzcy M. N. Mitchell , Secretary M. G. Jenkins Working Group on Duties and Responsibilities (SG-GR) (BPV III) A. Appleton Y. Katoh J. V. Gardiner, Chair Y. Diaz-Castillo R. L. Bratton J. Ossmann G. L. Hollinger, Secretary K. A. Kavanagh S. R. Cadell M. Roemmler D. Arrigo J. M. Lyons S.-H. Chi N. Salstrom S. Bell A. Covac T. Shibata L. M. Plante S. W. Doms S. Yu J. R. Berry P. J. Coco D. J. Roszman S. F. Duffy G. L. Zeng M. Cusick B. S. Sandhu J. DeKleine E. M. Steuck N. DeSantis J. L. Williams Working Group on HDPE Materials (SG-MFE) (BPV III) Working Group on Quality Assurance, Certification, and Stamping M. Golliet, Chair D. P. Munson (SG-GR) (BPV III) M. A. Martin , Secretary T. M. Musto C. T. Smith , Chair D. T. Meisch W. H. Borter S. Patterson C. S. Withers , Secretary R. B. Patel G. Brouette S. Schuessler V. Apostolescu E. C. Renaud M. C. Buckley A. Appleton T. Rezk J. Hakii R. Stakenborghs O. Elkadim J. Rogers J. Johnston, Jr. M. Troughton S. M. Goodwin W. K. Sowder, Jr. P. Krishnaswamy B. Hauger, Contributing Member J. Grimm R. Spuhl J. W. Highlands J. F. Strunk Y.-S. Kim G. E. Szabatura B. McGlone D. M. Vickery R. P. McIntyre C. A. Spletter, Contributing Member Joint ACI-ASME Committee on Concrete Components for Nuclear Service (BPV III) Special Working Group on General Requirements Consolidation J. A. Munshi , Chair N. Orbovic (SG-GR) (BPV III) J. McLean , Vice Chair C. T. Smith A. Byk, Staff Secretary J. F. Strunk J. V. Gardiner, Chair J. Rogers K. Verderber, Staff Secretary T. Tonyan C. T. Smith , Vice Chair D. J. Roszman C. J. Bang S. Wang S. Bell B. S. Sandhu L. J. Colarusso T. J. Ahl , Contributing Member M. Cusick G. J. Solovey A. C. Eberhardt J. F. Artuso , Contributing Member Y. Diaz-Castillo F. Farzam J.-B. Domage , Contributing Member R. Spuhl J. Grimm P. S. Ghosal J. Gutierrez , Contributing Member J. M. Lyons G. E. Szabatura B. D. Hovis T. Kang, Contributing Member B. McGlone J. L. Williams T. C. Inman T. Muraki , Contributing Member R. Patel C. S. Withers C. Jones B. B. Scott, Contributing Member E. C. Renaud S. F. Harrison , Contributing O. Jovall M. R. Senecal , Contributing T. Rezk Member N.-H. Lee Member xxix Working Group on Design (BPV III-2) Working Group on In-Vessel Components (BPV III-4) N.-H. Lee , Chair J. A. Munshi M. Kalsey, Chair Y. Carin M. Allam T. Muraki S. Bae S. Wang L. J. Colarusso M. Diaz , Contributing Member A. C. Eberhardt S. Diaz , Contributing Member F. Farzam A. Istar, Contributing Member P. S. Ghosal B. R. Laskewitz , Contributing Working Group on Magnets (BPV III-4) B. D. Hovis Member S. Lee , Chair K. Kim , Vice Chair T. C. Inman B. B. Scott, Contributing Member C. Jones Z. Shang, Contributing Member O. Jovall M. Sircar, Contributing Member Working Group on Materials, Fabrication, and Examination Working Group on Materials (BPV III-4) (BPV III-2) M. Porton , Chair P. Mummery P. S. Ghosal , Chair N. Lee T. Tonyan , Vice Chair C. T. Smith M. Allam J. F. Strunk C. J. Bang D. Ufuk J.-B. Domage J. F. Artuso , Contributing Member A. C. Eberhardt J. Gutierrez , Contributing Member Working Group on Vacuum Vessels (BPV III-4) C. Jones B. B. Scott, Contributing Member I. Kimihiro , Chair B. R. Doshi T. Kang Z. Shang, Contributing Member L. C. Cadwallader Special Working Group on Modernization (BPV III-2) J. McLean , Chair S. Wang N. Orbovic , Vice Chair S. Diaz , Contributing Member Subgroup on High Temperature Reactors (BPV III) A. Adediran J.-B. Domage , Contributing Member O. Jovall M. Morishita , Chair G. H. Koo C. T. Smith F. Lin, Contributing Member R. I. Jetter, Vice Chair D. K. Morton M. A. Ugalde N. Stoeva, Contributing Member S. Sham, Secretary J. E. Nestell N. Broom T. D. Burchell G. L. Zeng Subgroup on Containment Systems for Spent Nuclear Fuel and M. W. Davies X. Li , Contributing Member High-Level Radioactive Material (BPV III) S. Downey L. Shi , Contributing Member D. K. Morton , Chair C. J. Temus D. J. Ammerman , Vice Chair W. H. Borter, Contributing Member G. R. Cannell , Secretary R. S. Hill III , Contributing Member G. Bjorkman P. E. McConnell , Contributing V. Broz Member Working Group on High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors S. Horowitz A. B. Meichler, Contributing (BPV III-5) D. W. Lewis Member E. L. Pleins T. Saegusa, Contributing Member J. E. Nestell , Chair T. Le R. H. Smith N. M. Simpson , Contributing M. Sengupta, Secretary T. R. Lupold G. J. Solovey Member N. Broom S. N. Malik T. D. Burchell D. L. Marriott M. W. Davies D. K. Morton Subgroup on Fusion Energy Devices (BPV III) R. S. Hill III S. Sham E. V. Imbro G. L. Zeng W. K. Sowder, Jr. , Chair G. Li R. I. Jetter X. Li , Contributing Member D. Andrei, Staff Secretary X. Li Y. W. Kim L. Shi , Contributing Member D. J. Roszman , Secretary P. Mokaria L. C. Cadwallader T. R. Muldoon B. R. Doshi M. Porton M. Higuchi F. J. Schaaf, Jr. G. Holtmeier P. Smith M. Kalsey Y. Song Working Group on High Temperature Liquid-Cooled Reactors K. A. Kavanagh M. Trosen (BPV III-5) K. Kim C. Waldon I. Kimihiro I. J. Zatz S. Sham, Chair R. I. Jetter S. Lee R. W. Barnes , Contributing Member T. Asayama, Secretary G. H. Koo M. Arcaro T. Le R. W. Barnes S. Majumdar Working Group on General Requirements (BPV III-4) P. Carter M. Morishita M. E. Cohen J. E. Nestell D. J. Roszman , Chair W. K. Sowder, Jr. A. B. Hull G. Wu , Contributing Member xxx Argentina International Working Group (BPV III) India International Working Group (BPV III) O. Martinez , Staff Secretary M. M. Gamizo B. Basu, Chair S. Kovalai A. Acrogliano A. Gomez G. Mathivanan , Vice Chair D. Kulkarni W. Agrelo I. M. Guerreiro C. A. Sanna, Staff Secretary M. Ponnusamy G. O. Anteri I. A. Knorr S. B. Parkash, Secretary R. N. Sen M. Anticoli M. F. Liendo A. D. Bagdare K. R. Shah C. A. Araya L. R. Miño V. Bhasin A. Sundararajan J. P. Balbiani J. Monte A. A. Betervide R. L. Morard D. O. Bordato A. E. Pastor G. Bourguigne E. Pizzichini M. L. Cappella A. Politi Korea International Working Group (BPV III) A. Claus J. L. Racamato R. G. Cocco G. H. Koo , Chair D. Kwon A. Coleff H. C. Sanzi G. J. Scian S. S. Hwang, Vice Chair B. Lee A. J. Dall Osto ’ O.-S. Kim, Secretary D. Lee L. M. De Barberis G. G. Sebastian H. S. Byun Sanghoon Lee D. P. Delfino M. E. Szarko G.-S. Choi P. N. Torano Sangil Lee D. N. Dell Erba S. Choi S.-G. Lee ’ F. G. Diez A. Turrin J. Y. Hong A. Dominguez O. A. Verastegui H. Lim N.-S. Huh I.-K. Nam S. A. Echeverria M. D. Vigliano J.-K. Hwang J. Fernández P. Yamamoto B. Noh C. Jang E. P. Fresquet M. Zunino I. I. Jeong C.-K. Oh H. J. Kim C. Park J. Kim H. Park J.-S. Kim J.-S. Park K. Kim T. Shin M.-W. Kim S. Song Y.-B. Kim J. S. Yang China International Working Group (BPV III) Y.-S. Kim O. Yoo J. Yan , Chair G. Sun W. Tang, Vice Chair Z. Sun C. A. Sanna, Staff Secretary G. Tang Y. He , Secretary L. Ting L. Guo Y. Tu Special Working Group on Editing and Review (BPV III) Y. Jing Y. Wang D. E. Matthews , Chair D. K. Morton D. Kang H. Wu R. L. Bratton L. M. Plante Y. Li X. Wu R. P. Deubler R. F. Reedy, Sr. B. Liang S. Xue A. C. Eberhardt C. Wilson H. Lin Z. Yin J. C. Minichiello S. Liu G. Zhang W. Liu W. Zhang J. Ma W. Zhao K. Mao Y. Zhong W. Pei Z. Zhong Special Working Group on HDPE Stakeholders (BPV III) D. Burwell , Chair D. Keller S. Patterson , Secretary M. Lashley T. M. Adams K. A. Manoly M. Brandes D. P. Munson S. Bruce T. M. Musto Germany International Working Group (BPV III) S. Choi C. M. Faidy J. E. O Sullivan C. Huttner, Chair C. Krumb ’ M. Golliet V. Rohatgi H.-R. Bath, Secretary W. Mayinger B. Arndt D. Moehring J. Grimes F. J. Schaaf, Jr. M. Bauer D. Ostermann R. M. Jessee R. Stakenborghs G. Daum G. Roos J. Johnston, Jr. M. Troughton R. Doring J. Rudolph L. Gerstner C. A. Sanna G. Haenle H. Schau K.-H. Herter R. Trieglaff R. E. Hueggenberg P. Völlmecke Special Working Group on Honors and Awards (BPV III) E. Iacopetta J. Wendt U. Jendrich F. Wille R. M. Jessee , Chair D. E. Matthews D. Koelbl M. Winter A. Appleton J. C. Minichiello G. Kramarz N. Wirtz R. W. Barnes xxxi Special Working Group on Industry Experience for New Plants Subgroup on Cast Boilers (BPV IV) (BPV III & BPV XI) J. P. Chicoine , Chair J. A. Hall J. T. Lindberg, Chair O.-S. Kim T. L. Bedeaux, Vice Chair J. L. Kleiss E. L. Pleins , Chair Y.-S. Kim J. M. Downs J. Ossmann , Secretary K. Matsunaga T. L. Chan D. E. Matthews H. L. Gustin Subgroup on Materials (BPV IV) R. E. McLaughlin P. J. Hennessey D. O. Henry D. W. Sandusky M. Wadkinson , Chair J. A. Hall J. Honcharik T. Tsuruta J. Calland A. Heino E. V. Imbro R. M. Wilson J. M. Downs B. J. Iske C. G. Kim S. M. Yee Subgroup on Water Heaters (BPV IV) J. Calland , Chair R. E. Olson Special Working Group on International Meetings (BPV III) L. Badziagowski M. A. Taylor C. T. Smith, Chair R. S. Hill III J. P. Chicoine T. E. Trant A. Byk, Staff Secretary M. N. Mitchell C. Dinic R. D. Troutt T. D. Burchell R. F. Reedy, Sr. B. J. Iske S. W. Cameron C. A. Sanna R. L. Crane Subgroup on Welded Boilers (BPV IV) P. A. Molvie , Chair J. L. Kleiss L. Badziagowski R. E. Olson Special Working Group on New Plant Construction Issues (BPV III) T. L. Bedeaux G. Scribner E. L. Pleins , Chair M. Kris B. Calderon R. D. Troutt M. C. Scott, Secretary J. C. Minichiello J. Calland M. Wadkinson A. Byk C. Dinic R. V. Wielgoszinski D. W. Sandusky A. Cardillo R. R. Stevenson P. J. Coco J. Honcharik R. Troficanto COMMITTEE ON NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION (BPV V) E. V. Imbro M. L. Wilson G. W. Hembree , Chair R. W. Kruzic O.-S Kim J. Yan F. B. Kovacs , Vice Chair C. May J. S. Brzuszkiewicz , Staff Secretary A. B. Nagel S. J. Akrin T. L. Plasek J. E. Batey F. J. Sattler Special Working Group on Regulatory Interface (BPV III) P. L. Brown P. B. Shaw E. V. Imbro , Chair K. Matsunaga M. A. Burns G. M. Gatti , Delegate P. Malouines , Secretary D. E. Matthews B. Caccamise C. Emslander X. Guiping, Delegate S. Bell B. McGlone A. S. Birks , Contributing Member A. Cardillo N. Y. Faransso P. J. Coco A. T. Roberts III N. A. Finney J. Bennett, Alternate J. Grimm R. R. Stevenson A. F. Garbolevsky H. C. Graber, Honorary Member J. Honcharik M. L. Wilson J. F. Halley O. F. Hedden , Honorary Member J. W. Houf J. R. MacKay, Honorary Member S. A. Johnson T. G. McCarty, Honorary Member COMMITTEE ON HEATING BOILERS (BPV IV) Executive Committee (BPV V) J. A. Hall , Chair G. Scribner T. L. Bedeaux, Vice Chair R. D. Troutt F. B. Kovacs , Chair N. Y. Faransso G. Moino , Staff Secretary M. Wadkinson G. W. Hembree , Vice Chair N. A. Finney B. Calderon R. V. Wielgoszinski J. S. Brzuszkiewicz , Staff Secretary S. A. Johnson J. Calland H. Michael , Delegate J. E. Batey A. B. Nagel J. P. Chicoine D. Picart, Delegate B. Caccamise J. M. Downs A. Heino , Contributing Member B. J. Iske S. V. Voorhees , Contributing J. Klug Member Subgroup on General Requirements/Personnel Qualifications and P. A. Molvie J. L. Kleiss , Alternate Inquiries (BPV V) C. Emslander, Chair S. A. Johnson J. W. Houf, Vice Chair F. B. Kovacs Subgroup on Care and Operation of Heating Boilers (BPV IV) S. J. Akrin D. I. Morris J. E. Batey M. Wadkinson , Chair J. A. Hall N. Carter A. B. Nagel T. L. Bedeaux P. A. Molvie N. Y. Faransso A. S. Birks , Contributing Member J. Calland C. Lasarte , Contributing Member N. A. Finney J. P. Swezy, Jr. , Contributing J. M. Downs G. W. Hembree Member xxxii Special Working Group on NDE Resource Support (SG-GR/PQ & I) Working Group on Guided Wave Ultrasonic Testing (SG-VM) (BPV V) (BPV V) N. Y. Faransso , Chair S. A. Johnson N. A. Finney, Chair R. Kelso J. E. Batey, Vice Chair G. M. Light D. Adkins C. Magruder D. Alleyne P. Mudge J. Anderson J. W. Mefford, Jr. N. Amir M. J. Quarry D. Bajula K. Page J. F. Halley J. Vanvelsor J. Bennett D. Tompkins C. T. Brown D. Van Allen T. Clausing T. Vidimos Italy International Working Group (BPV V) J. L. Garner R. Ward K. Hayes M. Wolf P. L. Dinelli , Chair M. A. Grimoldi A. Veroni , Secretary G. Luoni R. Bertolotti O. Oldani Subgroup on Surface Examination Methods (BPV V) F. Bresciani P. Pedersoli G. Campos S. A. Johnson , Chair G. W. Hembree N. Caputo A. Tintori J. Halley, Vice Chair R. W. Kruzic M. Colombo M. Zambon S. J. Akrin B. D. Laite F. Ferrarese G. Gobbi , Contributing Member J. E. Batey C. May E. Ferrari G. Pontiggia, Contributing Member P. L. Brown L. E. Mullins B. Caccamise A. B. Nagel N. Carter F. J. Sattler N. Y. Faransso P. B. Shaw COMMITTEE ON PRESSURE VESSELS (BPV VIII) N. Farenbaugh G. M. Gatti , Delegate R. J. Basile , Chair G. B. Rawls, Jr. N. A. Finney A. S. Birks , Contributing Member S. C. Roberts , Vice Chair F. L. Richter E. Lawson , Staff Secretary C. D. Rodery S. J. Rossi , Staff Secretary E. Soltow Subgroup on Volumetric Methods (BPV V) G. Aurioles, Sr. J. C. Sowinski A. B. Nagel , Chair G. W. Hembree J. Cameron D. B. Stewart N. A. Finney, Vice Chair S. A. Johnson A. Chaudouet D. A. Swanson S. J. Akrin D. B. DeMichael J. P. Swezy, Jr. F. B. Kovacs J. E. Batey J. P. Glaspie S. Terada R. W. Kruzic J. F. Grubb P. L. Brown C. May E. Upitis B. Caccamise L. E. Hayden, Jr. L. E. Mullins R. Duan , Delegate J. M. Davis G. G. Karcher T. L. Plasek D. L. Kurle P. A. McGowan , Delegate N. Y. Faransso H. Michael , Delegate A. F. Garbolevsky F. J. Sattler K. T. Lau M. D. Lower K. Oyamada, Delegate J. F. Halley C. Vorwald R. Mahadeen M. E. Papponetti , Delegate R. W. Hardy G. M. Gatti , Delegate X. Tang, Delegate R. W. Mikitka U. R. Miller M. Gold , Contributing Member Working Group on Acoustic Emissions (SG-VM) (BPV V) B. R. Morelock W. S. Jacobs , Contributing Member T. P. Pastor K. Mokhtarian , Contributing N. Y. Faransso , Chair S. R. Doctor D. T. Peters Member J. E. Batey, Vice Chair R. K. Miller M. J. Pischke C. C. Neely, Contributing Member M. D. Rana K. K. Tam , Honorary Member Working Group on Radiography (SG-VM) (BPV V) B. Caccamise , Chair G. W. Hembree Subgroup on Design (BPV VIII) F. B. Kovacs , Vice Chair S. A. Johnson S. J. Akrin R. W. Kruzic D. A. Swanson , Chair M. D. Rana J. E. Batey B. D. Laite J. C. Sowinski, Vice Chair G. B. Rawls, Jr. P. L. Brown C. May M. Faulkner, Secretary S. C. Roberts C. Emslander R. J. Mills G. Aurioles, Sr. C. D. Rodery N. Y. Faransso A. B. Nagel S. R. Babka T. G. Seipp A. F. Garbolevsky T. L. Plasek O. A. Barsky D. Srnic R. W. Hardy B. White R. J. Basile S. Terada M. R. Breach J. Vattappilly F. L. Brown R. A. Whipple D. Chandiramani Working Group on Ultrasonics (SG-VM) (BPV V) B. F. Hantz K. Xu N. A. Finney, Chair R. W. Kruzic C. E. Hinnant K. Oyamada, Delegate J. F. Halley, Vice Chair B. D. Laite C. S. Hinson M. E. Papponetti , Delegate B. Caccamise M. H. Jawad W. S. Jacobs , Contributing Member C. May P. K. Lam, Contributing Member J. M. Davis D. L. Kurle L. E. Mullins K. Mokhtarian , Contributing C. Emslander M. D. Lower N. Y. Faransso A. B. Nagel R. W. Mikitka Member P. T. Hayes F. J. Sattler U. R. Miller S. C. Shah , Contributing Member S. A. Johnson C. Vorwald T. P. Pastor K. K. Tam , Contributing Member xxxiii Working Group on Design-By-Analysis (BPV VIII) Task Group on U-2(g) (BPV VIII) B. F. Hantz , Chair S. Krishnamurthy G. Aurioles, Sr. R. F. Reedy, Sr. T. W. Norton , Secretary A. Mann S. R. Babka S. C. Roberts R. G. Brown G. A. Miller R. J. Basile M. A. Shah D. Dewees C. Nadarajah D. K. Chandiramani D. Srnic R. D. Dixon P. Prueter R. Mahadeen D. A. Swanson Z. Gu M. D. Rana U. R. Miller J. P. Swezy, Jr. C. F. Heberling II T. G. Seipp T. W. Norton R. Uebel C. E. Hinnant M. A. Shah T. P. Pastor K. K. Tam , Contributing Member R. Jain S. Terada M. H. Jawad D. Arnett, Contributing Member Subgroup on Heat Transfer Equipment (BPV VIII) Subgroup on Fabrication and Examination (BPV VIII) G. Aurioles, Sr. , Chair U. R. Miller J. P. Swezy, Jr. , Chair B. F. Shelley S. R. Babka, Vice Chair D. Srnic D. I. Morris , Vice Chair P. L. Sturgill P. Matkovics , Secretary A. M. Voytko E. A. Whittle , Vice Chair E. Upitis D. Angstadt R. P. Wiberg B. R. Morelock, Secretary K. Oyamada, Delegate M. Bahadori I. G. Campbell , Contributing N. Carter J. H. Barbee W. J. Bees , Contributing Member Member S. Flynn O. A. Barsky L. F. Campbell, Contributing I. Garcia, Contributing Member S. Heater L. Bower O. Mulet Member J. Mauritz , Contributing Member A. Chaudouet M. J. Pischke W. S. Jacobs , Contributing Member M. D. Clark T. W. Norton , Contributing Member M. J. Rice J. Lee , Contributing Member S. Jeyakumar F. Osweiller, Contributing Member C. D. Rodery R. Uebel , Contributing Member G. G. Karcher J. Pasek, Contributing Member D. L. Kurle R. Tiwari , Contributing Member R. Mahadeen S. Yokell , Contributing Member S. Mayeux S. M. Caldwell , Honorary Member Subgroup on General Requirements (BPV VIII) M. D. Lower, Chair K. T. Lau J. P. Glaspie , Vice Chair T. P. Pastor F. L. Richter, Secretary S. C. Roberts Task Group on Plate Heat Exchangers (BPV VIII) R. J. Basile J. C. Sowinski D. T. Davis P. Speranza P. Matkovics , Chair R. Mahadeen D. B. DeMichael D. B. Stewart S. R. Babka D. I. Morris M. Faulkner D. A. Swanson K. Devlin M. J. Pischke F. Hamtak R. Uebel S. Flynn C. M. Romero L. E. Hayden, Jr. C. C. Neely, Contributing Member J. F. Grubb E. Soltow F. Hamtak D. Srnic Task Group on Subsea Applications (BPV VIII) R. Cordes , Chair F. Kirkemo Subgroup on High Pressure Vessels (BPV VIII) L. P. Antalffy C. Lan R. C. Biel N. McKie D. T. Peters , Chair E. A. Rodriguez P. Bunch G. M. Mital , Vice Chair E. D. Roll S. K. Parimi J. Ellens A. P. Maslowski , Staff Secretary K. C. Simpson, Jr. S. Harbert M. Sarzynski L. P. Antalffy J. R. Sims X. Kaculi Y. Wada R. C. Biel D. L. Stang K. Karpanan D. T. Peters , Contributing Member P. N. Chaku F. W. Tatar R. Cordes S. Terada R. D. Dixon J. L. Traud L. Fridlund R. T. Hallman R. Wink A. H. Honza K.-J. Young Task Group on UG-20(f) (BPV VIII) R. M. Hoshman , Contributing J. A. Kapp S. Krishnamurthy, Chair B. R. Macejko J. Keltjens Member T. Anderson J. Penso A. K. Khare D. J. Burns , Honorary Member K. Bagnoli M. Prager N. McKie D. M. Fryer, Honorary Member R. P. Deubler M. D. Rana S. C. Mordre G. J. Mraz, Honorary Member B. F. Hantz G. T. Nelson E. H. Perez , Honorary Member xxxiv Subgroup on Materials (BPV VIII) Italy International Working Group (BPV VIII) J. Cameron , Chair D. W. Rahoi G. Pontiggia, Chair M. Guglielmetti P. G. Wittenbach , Vice Chair R. C. Sutherlin A. Veroni , Secretary P. Mantovani K. Xu , Secretary E. Upitis B. G. Alborali M. Massobrio A. Di Rienzo G. S. Dixit, Contributing Member P. Angelini L. Moracchioli J. D. Fritz M. Gold , Contributing Member R. Boatti C. Sangaletti J. F. Grubb M. Katcher, Contributing Member A. Camanni S. Sarti M. Kowalczyk J. A. McMaster, Contributing P. Conti A. Teli W. M. Lundy Member P. L. Dinelli I. Venier J. Penso E. G. Nisbett, Contributing Member F. Finco G. Gobbi , Contributing Member Subgroup on Toughness (BPV II & BPV VIII) Special Working Group on Bolted Flanged Joints (BPV VIII) D. L. Kurle , Chair J. P. Swezy, Jr. R. W. Mikitka, Chair J. R. Payne K. Xu , Vice Chair S. Terada W. Brown G. B. Rawls, Jr. N. Carter E. Upitis H. Chen M. S. Shelton W. S. Jacobs W. J. Koves J. Vattappilly K. E. Orie M. D. Rana K. Oyamada, Delegate F. L. Richter K. Mokhtarian , Contributing K. Subramanian Member D. A. Swanson C. C. Neely, Contributing Member Working Group on Design (BPV VIII Div. 3) E. D. Roll , Chair K. C. Simpson C. Becht V J. R. Sims R. C. Biel D. L. Stang Subgroup on Graphite Pressure Equipment (BPV VIII) R. Cordes K. Subramanian R. D. Dixon S. Terada A. Viet, Chair C. W. Cary L. Fridlund J. L. Traud G. C. Becherer E. Soltow R. T. Hallman R. Wink F. L. Brown A. A. Stupica K. Karpanan J. Keltjens Y. Xu N. McKie F. Kirkemo , Contributing Member G. M. Mital D. J. Burns , Honorary Member S. C. Mordre D. M. Fryer, Honorary Member G. T. Nelson G. J. Mraz , Honorary Member China International Working Group (BPV VIII) D. T. Peters E. H. Perez , Honorary Member X. Chen , Chair D. Luo B. Shou , Vice Chair Y. Luo Z. Fan, Secretary C. Miao Y. Chen X. Qian Z. Chen B. Wang Working Group on Materials (BPV VIII Div. 3) J. Cui F. Xu R. Duan F. Xuan F. W. Tatar, Chair J. A. Kapp W. Guo K. Zhang L. P. Antalffy A. K. Khare B. Han Y. Zhang P. N. Chaku J. Hu S. Zhao Q. Hu J. Zheng H. Hui G. Zhu Task Group on Impulsively Loaded Vessels (BPV VIII) E. A. Rodriguez , Chair R. A. Leishear Germany International Working Group (BPV VIII) G. A. Antaki P. O. Leslie J. K. Asahina F. Ohlson P. Chavdarov, Chair D. Koelbl D. D. Barker C. Romero A. Spangenberg, Vice Chair S. Krebs A. M. Clayton N. Rushton H. P. Schmitz , Secretary T. Ludwig J. E. Didlake, Jr. J. H. Stofleth B. Daume R. A. Meyers T. A. Duffey Q. Dong, Contributing Member A. Emrich B. L. Haroldsen H.-P. Schildberg, Contributing J. Fleischfresser H. Michael K. Hayashi Member A. Gastberg P. Paluszkiewicz D. Hilding J. E. Shepherd ,Contributing R. Helmholdt H. Schroeder K. W. King Member R. Kauer M. Sykora R. Kitamura M. Yip , Contributing Member xxxv Subgroup on Interpretations (BPV VIII) Subgroup on Plastic Fusing (BPV IX) U. R. Miller, Chair D. I. Morris E. W. Woelfel , Chair J. E. O Sullivan ’ E. Lawson , Staff Secretary D. T. Peters D. Burwell E. G. Reichelt G. Aurioles, Sr. S. C. Roberts M. Ghahremani M. J. Rice R. J. Basile C. D. Rodery K. L. Hayes S. Schuessler J. Cameron D. B. Stewart R. M. Jessee M. Troughton R. D. Dixon P. L. Sturgill J. Johnston, Jr. J. Wright M. Kowalczyk D. A. Swanson D. L. Kurle J. P. Swezy, Jr. M. D. Lower J. Vattappilly R. Mahadeen P. G. Wittenbach G. M. Mital T. P. Pastor, Contributing Member Subgroup on Welding Qualifications (BPV IX) COMMITTEE ON WELDING, BRAZING, AND FUSING (BPV IX) M. J. Rice , Chair E. G. Reichelt D. A. Bowers , Chair W. J. Sperko J. S. Lee , Vice Chair M. B. Sims M. J. Pischke , Vice Chair M. J. Stanko M. Bernasek W. J. Sperko S. J. Rossi , Staff Secretary P. L. Sturgill M. A. Boring M. Bernasek J. P. Swezy, Jr. S. A. Sprague D. A. Bowers P. L. Sturgill M. A. Boring P. L. Van Fosson R. B. Corbit J. G. Feldstein E. W. Woelfel J. P. Swezy, Jr. P. D. Flenner P. D. Flenner A. Roza, Delegate L. S. Harbison P. L. Van Fosson S. E. Gingrich M. Consonni , Contributing Member K. L. Hayes T. C. Wiesner K. L. Hayes S. A. Jones , Contributing Member W. M. Lundy A. D. Wilson R. M. Jessee A. S. Olivares , Contributing T. Melfi D. Chandiramani , Contributing J. S. Lee Member W. F. Newell, Jr. Member W. M. Lundy S. Raghunathan, Contributing B. R. Newton M. Consonni , Contributing Member T. Melfi Member S. Raghunathan M. Degan , Contributing Member W. F. Newell, Jr. R. K. Brown, Jr. , Honorary Member D. K. Peetz M. L. Carpenter, Honorary Member E. G. Reichelt B. R. Newmark, Honorary Member M. J. Rice S. D. Reynolds, Jr. , Honorary M. B. Sims Member Subgroup on Brazing (BPV IX) Italy International Working Group (BPV IX) M. J. Pischke , Chair A. F. Garbolevsky A. Camanni , Chair N. Maestri E. W. Beckman N. Mohr A. Veroni , Secretary M. Mandina L. F. Campbell A. R. Nywening P. Angelini M. Massobrio M. L. Carpenter J. P. Swezy, Jr. R. Boatti L. Moracchioli P. L. Dinelli F. Ferrarese G. Pontiggia A. Ghidini S. Verderame Subgroup on General Requirements (BPV IX) E. Lazzari A. Volpi P. L. Sturgill , Chair R. M. Jessee L. Lotti G. Gobbi , Contributing Member E. W. Beckman D. Mobley J. P. Bell D. K. Peetz D. A. Bowers J. Pillow G. Chandler H. B. Porter P. R. Evans J. P. Swezy, Jr. S. Flynn K. R. Willens P. Gilston E. W. Woelfel COMMITTEE ON FIBER-REINFORCED PLASTIC PRESSURE VESSELS F. Hamtak E. Molina, Delegate (BPV X) A. Howard B. R. Newmark, Honorary Member D. Eisberg, Chair D. H. Hodgkinson B. F. Shelley, Vice Chair L. E. Hunt Subgroup on Materials (BPV IX) P. D. Stumpf, Staff Secretary D. L. Keeler A. L. Beckwith B. M. Linnemann M. Bernasek, Chair M. J. Pischke D. Bentley D. H. McCauley T. Anderson A. Roza F. L. Brown N. L. Newhouse J. L. Arnold C. E. Sainz J. L. Bustillos E. Cutlip B. R. Colley D. J. Painter W. J. Sperko A. A. Pollock S. S. Fiore T. W. Cowley S. E. Gingrich M. J. Stanko I. L. Dinovo G. Ramirez L. S. Harbison P. L. Sturgill M. R. Gorman J. R. Richter R. M. Jessee J. Warren B. Hebb D. O. Yancey, Jr. T. Melfi C. Zanfir M. J. Hendrix P. H. Ziehl xxxvi COMMITTEE ON NUCLEAR INSERVICE INSPECTION (BPV XI) China International Working Group (BPV XI) G. C. Park, Chair S. A. Norman J. H. Liu , Chair Y. Liu S. D. Kulat, Vice Chair J. E. O Sullivan ’ Y. Nie , Vice Chair W. N. Pei R. W. Swayne , Vice Chair R. K. Rhyne C. Ye , Vice Chair C. L. Peng L. Powers , Staff Secretary A. T. Roberts III M. W. Zhou , Secretary G. X. Tang V. L. Armentrout D. A. Scarth J. F. Cai Q. Wang J. F. Ball F. J. Schaaf, Jr. D. X. Chen Q. W. Wang W. H. Bamford J. C. Spanner, Jr. H. Chen Z. S. Wang S. B. Brown D. J. Tilly H. D. Chen L. Wei T. L. Chan D. E. Waskey Y. B. Guo F. Xu R. C. Cipolla J. G. Weicks Y. Hou Z. Y. Xu D. R. Cordes H. D. Chung, Delegate D. M. Kang Q. Yin D. D. Davis C. Ye , Delegate S. W. Li K. Zhang R. L. Dyle R. E. Gimple , Contributing Member X. Y. Liang X. L. Zhang E. V. Farrell, Jr. R. D. Kerr, Contributing Member S. X. Lin Y. Zhang M. J. Ferlisi B. R. Newton , Contributing Member L. Q. Liu Z. M. Zhong P. D. Fisher R. A. West, Contributing Member E. B. Gerlach R. A. Yonekawa, Contributing T. J. Griesbach Member Germany International Working Group (BPV XI) J. Hakii M. L. Benson , Alternate D. O. Henry J. T. Lindberg, Alternate H.-R. Bath U. Jendrich W. C. Holston R. O. McGill, Alternate R. Doring H. Schau D. W. Lamond C. J. Wirtz , Alternate B. Erhard H.-J. Scholtka D. R. Lee C. D. Cowfer, Honorary Member M. Hagenbruch G. A. Lofthus F. E. Gregor, Honorary Member B. Hoffmann X. Schuler E. J. Maloney O. F. Hedden , Honorary Member E. Iacopetta J. Wendt G. Navratil P. C. Riccardella, Honorary Member Special Working Group on Editing and Review (BPV XI) R. W. Swayne , Chair J. E. Staffiera C. E. Moyer D. J. Tilly K. R. Rao C. J. Wirtz Task Group on Inspectability (BPV XI) Executive Committee (BPV XI) J. T. Lindberg, Chair D. Lieb S. D. Kulat, Chair W. C. Holston M. J. Ferlisi , Secretary G. A. Lofthus G. C. Park, Vice Chair D. W. Lamond W. H. Bamford D. E. Matthews L. Powers , Staff Secretary J. T. Lindberg A. Cardillo P. J. O Regan ’ W. H. Bamford R. K. Rhyne D. R. Cordes J. Ossmann R. L. Dyle J. C. Spanner, Jr. D. O. Henry E. Henry R. Rishel M. J. Ferlisi R. W. Swayne E. B. Gerlach M. L. Benson , Alternate J. Honcharik S. A. Sabo J. Howard P. Sullivan R. Klein C. Thomas C. Latiolais J. Tucker Task Group on ISI of Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Transportation Containment Systems (BPV XI) K. Hunter, Chair R. M. Meyer Argentina International Working Group (BPV XI) A. Alleshwaram , Secretary B. L. Montgomery D. J. Ammerman M. Moran O. Martinez , Staff Secretary R. J. Lopez W. H. Borter T. Nuoffer D. A. Cipolla M. Magliocchi J. Broussard M. Orihuela A. Claus L. R. Miño S. Brown R. Pace D. Costa J. Monte C. R. Bryan E. L. Pleins D. P. Delfino M. D. Pereda T. Carraher R. Sindelar D. N. Dell Erba A. Politi D. Dunn H. Smith ’ A. Dominguez C. G. Real N. Fales S. A. Echeverria F. M. Schroeter R. C. Folley J. C. Spanner, Jr. E. P. Fresquet G. J. Scian B. Gutherman C. J. Temus M. M. Gamizo M. J. Solari S. Horowitz G. White I. M. Guerreiro P. N. Torano M. W. Joseph X. J. Zhai M. F. Liendo O. A. Verastegui H. Jung P.-S. Lam , Alternate F. Llorente P. Yamamoto M. Liu J. Wise , Alternate xxxvii Subgroup on Evaluation Standards (SG-ES) (BPV XI) Task Group on Evaluation Procedures for Degraded Buried Pipe (WG-PFE) (BPV XI) W. H. Bamford , Chair Y. S. Li N. A. Palm, Secretary R. O. McGill R. O. McGill , Chair G. A. A. Miessi H. D. Chung H. S. Mehta S. X. Xu , Secretary M. Moenssens R. C. Cipolla K. Miyazaki G. A. Antaki D. P. Munson R. L. Dyle R. Pace R. C. Cipolla R. Pace C. M. Faidy J. C. Poehler K. Hasegawa P. J. Rush B. R. Ganta S. Ranganath K. M. Hoffman D. A. Scarth T. J. Griesbach D. A. Scarth K. Hasegawa T. V. Vo K. Hojo K. R. Wichman D. N. Hopkins S. X. Xu K. Koyama M. L. Benson , Alternate D. R. Lee T. Hardin , Alternate Working Group on Operating Plant Criteria (SG-ES) (BPV XI) N. A. Palm, Chair A. D. Odell A. E. Freed , Secretary R. Pace V. Marthandam , Secretary J. C. Poehler K. R. Baker S. Ranganath Task Group on Evaluation of Beyond Design Basis Events (SG-ES) W. H. Bamford W. L. Server (BPV XI) M. Brumovsky D. V. Sommerville T. L. Dickson R. Pace , Chair S. A. Kleinsmith C. A. Tomes R. L. Dyle K. E. Woods , Secretary H. S. Mehta S. R. Gosselin A. Udyawar G. A. Antaki D. V. Sommerville T. J. Griesbach T. V. Vo P. R. Donavin T. V. Vo M. Hayashi D. P. Weakland R. G. Gilada S. A. Kleinsmith K. E. Woods T. J. Griesbach K. R. Wichman G. M. Wilkowski H. Kobayashi H. Q. Xu H. L. Gustin H. S. Mehta T. Hardin , Alternate M. Hayashi S. X. Xu K. Hojo T. Weaver, Contributing Member Working Group on Pipe Flaw Evaluation (SG-ES) (BPV XI) Working Group on Flaw Evaluation (SG-ES) (BPV XI) D. A. Scarth, Chair E. J. Houston R. C. Cipolla, Chair D. R. Lee G. M. Wilkowski , Secretary R. Janowiak S. X. Xu , Secretary Y. S. Li K. Azuma S. Kalyanam W. H. Bamford M. Liu W. H. Bamford K. Kashima M. L. Benson M. L. Benson V. Lacroix H. S. Mehta B. Bezensek M. Brumovsky Y. S. Li G. A. A. Miessi F. W. Brust M. Brumovsky K. Miyazaki R. O. McGill H. D. Chung H. D. Chung H. S. Mehta R. K. Qashu R. C. Cipolla T. E. Demers S. Ranganath G. A. A. Miessi C. M. Faidy N. G. Cofie P. J. Rush K. Miyazaki B. R. Ganta J. M. Davis D. A. Scarth T. E. Demers S. H. Pellet R. G. Gilada H. Rathbun H. L. Gustin W. L. Server C. M. Faidy D.-J. Shim B. R. Ganta P. J. Rush F. D. Hayes D.-J. Shim P. H. Hoang A. Udyawar S. R. Gosselin T. V. Vo C. E. Guzman-Leong A. Udyawar K. Hojo B. Wasiluk K. Hasegawa T. V. Vo D. N. Hopkins Y. Kim K. R. Wichman P. H. Hoang B. Wasiluk K. Koyama G. M. Wilkowski K. Hojo S. X. Xu V. Lacroix D. L. Rudland , Alternate D. N. Hopkins A. Alleshwaram , Alternate Task Group on Crack Growth Reference Curves (BPV XI) Subgroup on Nondestructive Examination (SG-NDE) (BPV XI) D. A. Scarth, Chair D. N. Hopkins J. C. Spanner, Jr. , Chair J. T. Lindberg H. I. Gustin , Secretary K. Kashima D. R. Cordes , Secretary G. A. Lofthus W. H. Bamford K. Koyama T. L. Chan G. R. Perkins M. L. Benson D. R. Lee S. E. Cumblidge S. A. Sabo F. W. Brust H. S. Mehta F. E. Dohmen F. J. Schaaf, Jr. R. C. Cipolla K. Miyazaki K. J. Hacker R. V. Swain R. L. Dyle S. Ranganath J. Harrison C. J. Wirtz K. Hasegawa T. V. Vo D. O. Henry C. A. Nove , Alternate xxxviii Working Group on Personnel Qualification and Surface Visual and Task Group on Repair by Carbon Fiber Composites Eddy Current Examination (SG-NDE) (BPV XI) (WGN-MRR) (BPV XI) J. T. Lindberg, Chair D. O. Henry J. E. O'Sullivan , Chair P. Raynaud J. E. Aycock, Secretary J. W. Houf B. Davenport C. W. Rowley C. Brown , Secretary C. Shinsky M. Golliet V. Roy S. E. Cumblidge J. C. Spanner, Jr. L. S. Gordon J. Sealey A. Diaz J. T. Timm M. P. Marohl N. Stoeva N. Farenbaugh C. J. Wirtz N. Meyer M. F. Uddin R. P. Ojdrovic J. Wen D. Peguero T. Jimenez , Alternate A. Pridmore G. M. Lupia, Alternate Working Group on Procedure Qualification and Volumetric Working Group on Design and Programs (SG-RRA) (BPV XI) Examination (SG-NDE) (BPV XI) S. B. Brown , Chair H. Malikowski G. A. Lofthus , Chair F. E. Dohmen A. B. Meichler, Secretary M. A. Pyne J. Harrison , Secretary K. J. Hacker O. Bhatty P. Raynaud G. R. Perkins , Secretary D. A. Kull R. Clow M. T. Anderson C. A. Nove R. R. Croft R. R. Stevenson M. Briley D. Nowakowski E. V. Farrell, Jr. R. W. Swayne A. Bushmire S. A. Sabo E. B. Gerlach R. Turner D. R. Cordes R. V. Swain M. Dennis S. J. Todd S. R. Doctor D. K. Zimmerman Subgroup on Water-Cooled Systems (SG-WCS) (BPV XI) D. W. Lamond , Chair K. W. Hall G Navratil , Secretary P. J. Hennessey J. M. Agold K. Hoffman V. L. Armentrout S. D. Kulat Subgroup on Repair/Replacement Activities (SG-RRA) (BPV XI) J. M. Boughman T. Nomura S. B. Brown E. B. Gerlach, Chair J. E. O Sullivan ’ S. T. Chesworth T. Nuoffer E. V. Farrell, Jr. , Secretary S. Schuessler D. D. Davis G. C. Park J. F. Ball R. R. Stevenson H. Q. Do H. M. Stephens, Jr. S. B. Brown R. W. Swayne M. J. Ferlisi M. J. Homiack, Alternate R. Clow P. D. Fisher D. J. Tilly K. J. Karwoski D. E. Waskey Task Group on High Strength Nickel Alloys Issues (SG-WCS) (BPV XI) S. L. McCracken J. G. Weicks B. R. Newton P. Raynaud , Alternate R. L. Dyle , Chair H. Malikowski B. L. Montgomery, Secretary S. E. Marlette W. H. Bamford G. C. Park P. R. Donavin G. R. Poling K. Hoffman J. M. Shuping K. Koyama J. C. Spanner, Jr. Working Group on Welding and Special Repair Processes (SG-RRA) C. Lohse D. P. Weakland (BPV XI) D. E. Waskey, Chair M. Kris Working Group on Containment (SG-WCS) (BPV XI) D. J. Tilly, Secretary S. L. McCracken D. Barborak D. B. Meredith H. M. Stephens, Jr. , Chair J. McIntyre S. J. Findlan S. G. Brown , Secretary J. A. Munshi B. R. Newton P. S. Ghosal P. D. Fisher M. Sircar M. L. Hall J. E. O Sullivan ’ H. T. Hill K. J. Karwoski D. Segletes R. D. Hough S. Walden , Alternate C. C. Kim J. G. Weicks B. Lehman T. J. Herrity, Alternate Working Group on Inspection of Systems and Components (SG-WCS) (BPV XI) Working Group on Nonmetals Repair/Replacement Activities M. J. Ferlisi , Chair S. D. Kulat (SG-RRA) (BPV XI) N. Granback, Secretary A. Lee J. M. Agold G. J. Navratil J. E. O'Sullivan , Chair T. M. Musto R. W. Blyde T. Nomura S. Schuessler, Secretary S. Patterson C. Cueto-Felgueroso J. Johnston, Jr. A. Pridmore H. Q. Do J. C. Nygaard M. Lashley P. Raynaud K. W. Hall R. Rishel M. P. Marohl F. J. Schaaf, Jr. K. M. Hoffman J. C. Younger xxxix Working Group on Pressure Testing (SG-WCS) (BPV XI) COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT TANKS (BPV XII) J. M. Boughman , Chair A. E. Keyser M. D. Rana, Chair M. Pitts S. A. Norman , Secretary D. W. Lamond N. J. Paulick, Vice Chair T. A. Rogers T. Anselmi J. K. McClanahan R. Lucas , Staff Secretary S. Staniszewski Y.-K. Chung B. L. Montgomery A. N. Antoniou A. P. Varghese M. J. Homiack C. Thomas P. Chilukuri J. A. Byers , Contributing Member W. L. Garfield R. Meyers , Contributing Member G. G. Karcher M. R. Ward, Contributing Member Task Group on Buried Components Inspection and Testing (WG-PT) (BPV XI) D. W. Lamond , Chair B. Davenport J. M. Boughman , Secretary A. Hiser Executive Committee (BPV XII) M. Moenssens , Secretary J. Ossmann T. Anselmi N. J. Paulick, Chair M. D. Rana R. Lucas , Staff Secretary S. Staniszewski M. Pitts A. P. Varghese Working Group on Risk-Informed Activities (SG-WCS) (BPV XI) M. A. Pyne , Chair D. W. Lamond S. T. Chesworth , Secretary R. K. Mattu J. M. Agold A. McNeill III Subgroup on Design and Materials (BPV XII) C. Cueto-Felgueroso G. J. Navratil A. P. Varghese , Chair T. A. Rogers R. Haessler R. C. Sallash, Secretary J. Hakii P. J. O Regan ’ S. Staniszewski N. A. Palm D. K. Chandiramani K. Xu K. W. Hall P. Chilukuri M. J. Homiack D. Vetter A. T. Duggleby, Contributing Y. Doron S. D. Kulat J. C. Younger Member R. D. Hayworth G. G. Karcher T. J. Hitchcock, Contributing S. L. McWilliams Member N. J. Paulick M. R. Ward, Contributing Member Working Group on General Requirements (BPV XI) M. D. Rana J. Zheng, Contributing Member R. K. Rhyne , Chair P. J. Hennessey C. E. Moyer, Secretary E. J. Maloney J. F. Ball R. K. Mattu T. L. Chan T. Nuoffer Subgroup on Fabrication, Inspection, and Continued Service (BPV XII) Special Working Group on Reliability and Integrity Management M. Pitts , Chair L. Selensky Program (BPV XI) P. Chilukuri , Secretary S. Staniszewski R. D. Hayworth S. E. Benet, Contributing Member F. J. Schaaf, Jr. , Chair D. M. Jones K. Mansker J. A. Byers , Contributing Member A. T. Roberts III , Secretary A. L. Krinzman G. McRae A. S. Olivares , Contributing N. Broom D. R. Lee O. Mulet Member S. R. Doctor R. K. Miller T. A. Rogers L. H. Strouse , Contributing Member S. Downey M. Rudek S. V. Voorhees , Contributing M. N. Mitchell J. D. Fletcher R. C. Sallash Member J. T. Fong R. Morrill T. Graham T. Roney N. Granback R. W. Swayne J. Grimm S. Takaya Subgroup on General Requirements (BPV XII) JSME/ASME Joint Task Group for System-Based Code (SWG-RIM) S. Staniszewski , Chair P. Chilukuri , Contributing Member (BPV XI) B. F. Pittel , Secretary K. L. Gilmore , Contributing Member A. N. Antoniou T. J. Hitchcock, Contributing T. Asayama, Chair D. R. Lee Y. Doron Member S. R. Doctor H. Machida J. L. Freiler G. McRae , Contributing Member K. Dozaki M. Morishita W. L. Garfield S. L. McWilliams , Contributing S. R. Gosselin O. Mulet Member A. T. Roberts III M. Hayashi M. Pitts T. A. Rogers , Contributing Member D. M. Jones F. J. Schaaf, Jr. T. Rummel D. G. Shelton , Contributing Member Y. Kamishima S. Takaya R. C. Sallash L. H. Strouse , Contributing Member A. L. Krinzman D. Watanabe L. Selensky M. R. Ward, Contributing Member xl Subgroup on Nonmandatory Appendices (BPV XII) Subcommittee on Safety Valve Requirements (SC-SVR) N. J. Paulick, Chair D. G. Shelton D. B. DeMichael , Chair W. F. Hart S. Staniszewski , Secretary S. E. Benet, Contributing Member C. E. O Brien , Staff Secretary ’ D. Miller P. Chilukuri D. D. Brusewitz , Contributing J. F. Ball B. K. Nutter R. D. Hayworth Member J. Burgess T. Patel K. Mansker S. Cammeresi S. L. McWilliams T. J. Hitchcock, Contributing J. A. Cox M. Poehlmann N. J. Paulick Member R. D. Danzy Z. Wang M. Pitts A. P. Varghese , Contributing J. P. Glaspie J. A. West T. A. Rogers Member S. F. Harrison S. R. Irvin, Sr. , Alternate R. C. Sallash M. R. Ward , Contributing Member COMMITTEE ON OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION (BPV XIII) D. B. DeMichael , Chair S. F. Harrison Subgroup on Design (SC-SVR) C. E. O Brien , Staff Secretary ’ W. F. Hart J. F. Ball D. Miller D. Miller, Chair T. Patel J. Burgess B. K. Nutter C. E. Beair J. A. West S. Cammeresi T. Patel B. Joergensen R. D. Danzy, Contributing Member J. A. Cox M. Poehlmann B. J. Mollitor R. D. Danzy Z. Wang J. P. Glaspie J. A. West COMMITTEE ON BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT (CBPVCA) Subgroup on General Requirements (SC-SVR) P. D. Edwards , Chair D. Cheetham, Contributing Member J. F. Ball , Chair J. P. Glaspie L. E. McDonald , Vice Chair T. P. Beirne , Alternate G. Brazier B. F. Pittel K. I. Baron , Staff Secretary J. B. Carr, Alternate J. Burgess M. Poehlmann M. Vazquez , Staff Secretary J. W. Dickson , Alternate D. B. DeMichael D. E. Tuttle J. P. Chicoine J. M. Downs , Alternate S. T. French J. White D. C. Cook B. J. Hackett, Alternate T. E. Hansen B. L. Krasiun , Alternate K. T. Lau D. W. Linaweaver, Alternate D. Miller B. R. Morelock P. F. Martin , Alternate J. D. O Leary ’ I. Powell , Alternate G. Scribner R. Rockwood , Alternate Subgroup on Testing (SC-SVR) B. C. Turczynski L. Skarin , Alternate D. E. Tuttle R. D. Troutt, Alternate W. F. Hart, Chair A. Donaldson R. Uebel S. V. Voorhees , Alternate T. P. Beirne G. D. Goodson E. A. Whittle P. Williams , Alternate J. E. Britt B. K. Nutter R. V. Wielgoszinski A. J. Spencer, Honorary Member J. Buehrer C. Sharpe S. Cammeresi Z. Wang J. A. Cox A. Wilson J. W. Dickson S. R. Irvin, Sr. , Alternate COMMITTEE ON NUCLEAR CERTIFICATION (CNC) R. R. Stevenson , Chair S. F. Harrison , Contributing J. DeKleine , Vice Chair Member E. Suarez , Staff Secretary S. Andrews , Alternate G. Gobbi D. Arrigo , Alternate S. M. Goodwin J. Ball , Alternate U.S. Technical Advisory Group ISO/TC 185 Safety Relief Valves J. W. Highlands P. J. Coco , Alternate K. A. Huber P. D. Edwards , Alternate T. J. Bevilacqua, Chair D. Miller J. C. Krane C. E. O Brien , Staff Secretary B. K. Nutter D. P. Gobbi, Alternate ’ M. A. Lockwood J. F. Ball T. Patel K. M. Hottle , Alternate G. Brazier J. A. West R. P. McIntyre L. M. Plante K. A. Kavanagh , Alternate D. B. DeMichael H. B. Prasse P. Krane , Alternate T. E. Quaka D. Nenstiel , Alternate C. T. Smith M. Paris , Alternate C. Turylo G. Szabatura, Alternate D. M. Vickery A. Torosyan , Alternate E. A. Whittle S. V. Voorhees , Alternate C. S. Withers S. Yang, Alternate xli ð 17Þ ORG AN I ZATI ON OF SECTI ON I I I 1 G EN ERAL Section III consists of Division 1, Division 2, Division 3, and Division 5. These Divisions are broken down into Subsec- tions and are designated by capital letters preceded by the letter “ N ” for Division 1, by the letter “ C ” for Division 2, by the letter “ W” for Division 3, and by the letter “H ” for Division 5. Each Subsection is published separately, with the exception of those listed for Divisions 2, 3, and 5. • Subsection NCA — General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2 • Appendices * • Division 1 – Subsection NB — Class 1 Components – Subsection NC — Class 2 Components – Subsection ND — Class 3 Components – Subsection NE — Class MC Components – Subsection NF — Supports – Subsection NG — Core Support Structures • Division 2 — Code for Concrete Containments – Subsection CC — Concrete Containments • Division 3 — Containment Systems for Transportation and Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Material – Subsection WA — General Requirements for Division 3 – Subsection WB — Class TC Transportation Containments – Subsection WC — Class SC Storage Containments – Subsection WD — Class ISS Internal Support Structures • Division 5 — High Temperature Reactors – Subsection HA — General Requirements Subpart A — Metallic Materials Subpart B — Graphite Materials Subpart C — Composite Materials – Subsection HB — Class A Metallic Pressure Boundary Components Subpart A — Low Temperature Service Subpart B — Elevated Temperature Service – Subsection HC — Class B Metallic Pressure Boundary Components Subpart A — Low Temperature Service Subpart B — Elevated Temperature Service – Subsection HF — Class A and B Metallic Supports Subpart A — Low Temperature Service – Subsection HG — Class A Metallic Core Support Structures Subpart A — Low Temperature Service Subpart B — Elevated Temperature Service – Subsection HH — Class A Nonmetallic Core Support Structures Subpart A — Graphite Materials Subpart B — Composite Materials 2 SU BSECTI ON S Subsections are divided into Articles, subarticles, paragraphs, and, where necessary, subparagraphs and subsubparagraphs. * The 2015 Edition of Section III was the last edition in which Section III, Division 1, Subsection NH, Class 1 Components in Elevated Tem- perature Service , was published. The requirements located within Subsection NH were moved to Section III, Division 5, Subsection HB, Subpart B for the elevated temperature construction of Class A components. xlii 3 ARTI CLES Articles are designated by the applicable letters indicated above for the Subsections followed by Arabic numbers, such as NB-1000. Where possible, Articles dealing with the same topics are given the same number in each Subsection, except NCA, in accordance with the following general scheme: Article Number Title 1000 Introduction or Scope 2000 Material 3000 Design 4000 Fabrication and Installation 5000 Examination 6000 Testing 7000 Overpressure Protection 8000 Nameplates, Stamping With Certification Mark, and Reports The numbering of Articles and the material contained in the Articles may not, however, be consecutive. Due to the fact that the complete outline may cover phases not applicable to a particular Subsection or Article, the rules have been pre- pared with some gaps in the numbering. 4 SU BARTI CLES Subarticles are numbered in units of 100, such as NB-1100. 5 SU BSU BARTI CLES Subsubarticles are numbered in units of 10, such as NB-2130, and generally have no text. When a number such as NB-1110 is followed by text, it is considered a paragraph. 6 PARAG RAPH S Paragraphs are numbered in units of 1, such as NB-2121. 7 SU BPARAG RAPH S Subparagraphs, when they are major subdivisions of a paragraph, are designated by adding a decimal followed by one or more digits to the paragraph number, such as NB-1132.1. When they are minor subdivisions of a paragraph, subpar- agraphs may be designated by lowercase letters in parentheses, such as NB-2121(a). 8 SU BSU BPARAG RAPH S Subsubparagraphs are designated by adding lowercase letters in parentheses to the major subparagraph numbers, such as NB-1132.1(a). When further subdivisions of minor subparagraphs are necessary, subsubparagraphs are desig- nated by adding Arabic numerals in parentheses to the subparagraph designation, such as NB-2121(a)(1). 9 REFEREN CES References used within Section III generally fall into one of the following four categories: (a) References to Other Portions ofSection III. When a reference is made to another Article, subarticle, or paragraph, all numbers subsidiary to that reference shall be included. For example, reference to Article NB-3000 includes all material in Article NB-3000; reference to NB-3100 includes all material in subarticle NB-3100; reference to NB-3110 includes all paragraphs, NB-3111 through NB-3113. (b) References to Other Sections. Other Sections referred to in Section III are the following: (1 ) Section II, Materials. When a requirement for a material, or for the examination or testing of a material, is to be in accordance with a specification such as SA-105, SA-370, or SB-160, the reference is to material specifications in Section II. These references begin with the letter “S.” xliii (2) Section V, Nondestructive Examination. Section V references begin with the letter “T ” and relate to the nondes- tructive examination of material or welds. (3) Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications. Section IX references begin with the letter “Q” and relate to weld- ing and brazing requirements. (4) Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection ofNuclear Power Plant Components. When a reference is made to inser- vice inspection, the rules of Section XI shall apply. (c) Reference to Specifications and Standards Other Than Published in Code Sections (1 ) Specifications for examination methods and acceptance standards to be used in connection with them are pub- lished by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). At the time of publication of Section III, some such specifications were not included in Section II of this Code. A reference to ASTM E94 refers to the specification so desig- nated by and published by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. (2) Dimensional standards covering products such as valves, flanges, and fittings are sponsored and published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers and approved by the American National Standards Institute. ** When a product is to conform to such a standard, for example ASME B16.5, the standard is approved by the American National Standards Institute. The applicable year of issue is that suffixed to its numerical designation in Table NCA-7100-1, for example ASME B16.5-2003. Standards published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers are available from ASME ( (3) Dimensional and other types of standards covering products such as valves, flanges, and fittings are also pub- lished by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry and are known as Standard Prac- tices. When a product is required by these rules to conform to a Standard Practice, for example MSS SP-100, the Standard Practice referred to is published by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc. (MSS), 127 Park Street, NE, Vienna, VA 22180. The applicable year of issue of such a Standard Practice is that suffixed to its numerical designation in Table NCA-7100-1, for example MSS SP-89-2003. (4) Specifications for welding and brazing materials are published by the American Welding Society (AWS), 8669 Doral Boulevard, Suite 130, Doral, FL 33166. Specifications of this type are incorporated in Section II and are identified by the AWS designation with the prefix “SF,” for example SFA-5.1. (5) Standards applicable to the design and construction of tanks and flanges are published by the American Petro- leum Institute and have designations such as API-605. When documents so designated are referred to in Section III, for example API-605 – 1988, they are standards published by the American Petroleum Institute and are listed in Table NCA- 7100-1. (d) References to Appendices. Section III uses two types of appendices that are designated as either Section III Appen- dices or Subsection Appendices. Either of these appendices is further designated as either Mandatory or Nonmandatory for use. Mandatory Appendices are referred to in the Section III rules and contain requirements that must be followed in construction. Nonmandatory Appendices provide additional information or guidance when using Section III. (1 ) Section III Appendices are contained in a separate book titled “Appendices.” These appendices have the potential for multiple subsection applicability. Mandatory Appendices are designated by a Roman numeral followed, when appro- priate, by Arabic numerals to indicate various articles, subarticles, and paragraphs of the appendix, such as II-1500 or XIII-1210. Nonmandatory Appendices are designated by a capital letter followed, when appropriate, by Arabic numerals to indicate various articles, subarticles, and paragraphs of the appendix, such as D-1200 or Y-1440. (2) Subsection Appendices are specifically applicable to just one subsection and are contained within that subsec- tion. Subsection-specific mandatory and nonmandatory appendices are numbered in the same manner as Section III Ap- pendices, but with a subsection identifier (e.g., NF, NH, D2, etc.) preceding either the Roman numeral or the capital letter for a unique designation. For example, NF-II-1100 or NF-A-1200 would be part of a Subsection NF mandatory or non- mandatory appendix, respectively. For Subsection CC, D2-IV-1120 or D2-D-1330 would be part of a Subsection CC man- datory or nonmandatory appendix, respectively. (3) It is the intent of this Section that the information provided in both Mandatory and Nonmandatory Appendices may be used to meet the rules of any Division or Subsection. In case of conflict between Appendix rules and Division/ Subsection rules, the requirements contained in the Division/Subsection shall govern. Additional guidance on Appendix usage is provided in the front matter of Section III Appendices. ** The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) was formerly known as the American Standards Association. Standards approved by the Association were designated by the prefix “ASA” followed by the number of the standard and the year of publication. More recently, the Amer- ican National Standards Institute was known as the United States of America Standards Institute. Standards were designated by the prefix “ USAS ” followed by the number of the standard and the year of publication. While the letters of the prefix have changed with the name of the organization, the numbers of the standards have remained unchanged. xliv SUMMARY OF CHANGES Errata to the BPV Code may be posted on the ASME Web site to provide corrections to incorrectly published items, or to correct typographical or grammatical errors in the BPV Code. Such Errata shall be used on the date posted. Information regarding Special Notices and Errata is published by ASME at Changes given below are identified on the pages by a margin note, (17) , placed next to the affected area. The Record Numbers listed below are explained in more detail in “ List of Changes in Record Number Order” following this Summary of Changes. Page Location Change (Record Number) xv List of Sections Updated xx S ub mittal o f Techni cal Revised in its entirety (1 3-2222) Inquiries to the Boiler a n d P re s s u re Ve s s e l Standards Committees xxiii Personnel Updated xlii Organization of Section III (1 )In “1 General,” title of Section III, Division 3 revised (1 3-1 594) (2) In “1 General,” for Section III, Division 3, Subsection WD added (3) In “ 1 General,” entry for Subsection NH deleted and footnote editorially revised (4) In “ 9 References,” subparas. (a) and (d)(1) revised (1 6-1 48) 1 WA-1110 (1 ) Title and paragraphs revised (1 3-1 594) (2) Former endnote 2 deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 1 WA-1130 Subparagraph (b) revised (1 3-1 594, 1 5-2548) 1 WA-1140 Title and subparas. (a), (b), (d), and (d)(1) through (d)(3) revised (1 3-1 594) 2 WA-1210 Revised (1 3-1 594) 2 WA-1221 Revised (1 3-1 594) 2 WA-1230 Revised (1 3-1 594) 3 Article WA-2000 Title revised (1 3-1 594) 3 WA-2100 (1 )WA-2 1 1 0 , WA-2 1 2 1 , WA-2 1 2 2 , WA-2 1 2 3 (e) , WA-2 1 2 3 .4, WA-2124, and WA-2130 revised (1 3-1 594) (2) Fo rm e r e n d n o te 4 i n co rp o r ate d i n to WA- 2 1 2 1 (c) a n d WA-2123(c) and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) (3) Former endnote 5 incorporated into WA-2123.4(b) and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 5 WA-3110 Revised (1 3-1 594) 5 WA-3111 Revised (1 3-1 594) 5 WA-3112 Revised (1 3-1 594) 5 WA-3113 In subpara. (a), first sentence revised (1 3-1 594) 6 WA-3123 Revised in its entirety (1 4-21 59) 6 WA-3124 Added (1 4-21 59) xlv Page Location Change (Record Number) 7 WA-3320 Subparagraphs (d) and (f) revised (1 3-1 594) 7 WA-3330 Revised (1 3-1 594) 7 WA-3340 Revised (1 3-1 594) 7 WA-3351 WA - 3 3 5 1 . 1 , WA- 3 3 5 1 . 2 ( d ) , WA- 3 3 5 1 . 2 ( g ) , WA - 3 3 5 1 . 2 ( h ) , WA-3 3 5 1 .2 (i) , WA-3 3 5 1 .3 , and WA-3 3 5 1 .4 revised (1 3-1 594, 1 5-209) 8 WA-3352.1 Subparagraphs (a), (b), (d), and (e) revised (1 3-1 594) 8 WA-3356 Revised in its entirety (1 3-1 594, 1 5-209) 9 WA-3357 Subparagraph (c) revised (1 3-1 594) 9 WA-3361 (1 ) WA-3361.1, WA-3361.2, and WA-3361.4 revised (1 3-1 594) (2) WA-3361.3 revised (1 3-1 594, 1 5-209) 10 WA-3461 Revised (1 3-1 594) 10 WA-3800 (1 ) WA-3810 and WA-3812 revised (1 3-1 594, 1 6-2075) (2) WA-3811(b) and WA-3820 revised (1 6-2075) 12 WA-4110 In subpara. (a), first sentence revised (1 3-1 594) 12 WA-4120 (1 ) New subpara. (b) added (1 5-226) (2) Former subpara. (b) redesignated as (c) and (d) (1 5-226) 13 Table WA-4134.17-1 Revised (1 3-1 594) 13 Table WA-4134.17-2 Revised (1 3-1 594) 14 WA-5122 Revised (1 3-1 594) 14 WA-5125 Subparagraph (a) revised (1 3-1 594) 14 WA-5210 Subparagraph (b) revised (1 3-1 594) 15 WA-5230 Subparagraph (c) revised (1 5-209) 16 WA-5262 Subparagraph (c) revised (1 3-1 594) 17 Article WA-7000 Revised in its entirety (1 3-1 594) 19 Table WA-8100-1 Revised (1 3-1 594) 20 WA-8150 WA-8151, WA-8152, and WA-8154 revised (1 3-1 594) 20 WA-8161 In subpara. (b), last sentence revised (1 3-1 594, 1 5-209) 20 WA-8211 Subparagraphs (a) and (a)(5) revised (1 3-1 594) 21 Figure WA-8212-1 Revised (1 3-1 594, 1 6-961 ) 21 WA-8220 (1 ) Subparagraph (b) revised (1 3-1 594) (2) Subparagraph (c) added (1 6-961 ) 21 WA-8230 Second sentence revised (1 3-1 594) 21 WA-8300 (1 ) WA-8310(b) revised (1 3-1 594) (2) In WA-8311, first paragraph and subpara. (b) revised (1 3-1 594) 23 Form N-7 Revised (1 3-1 594) 25 Form N-8 Revised (1 3-1 594) 26 Form N-9 Revised (1 3-1 594) 28 Form N-11 Added (1 3-1 594) xlvi Page Location Change (Record Number) 29 WA-9200 (1 )Definitions of component, containment, containment closure weld, disposal, energy-limited dynamic event, internal support structure, qualified source material, regulatory authority, source material, storage, and transportation revised (1 3-1 594, 1 6-2075) (2) Definition of Certification Mark deleted (1 3-1 594) (3) Definitions of Class ISS, Containment Systems, and Lowest Service Temperature (LST) added (1 3-1 594, 1 5-2548) 31 WB-1100 Subparagraphs (a) and (b) revised (1 3-1 594, 1 6-1 48, 1 6-1 537) 31 WB-1120 (1 ) Title revised (1 4-1 895) (2) Former subparagraph (a) deleted and former subpara. (c) redesignated as (a) and revised (1 4-1 895) 33 WB-2122 First sentence revised (1 6-2075) 34 WB-2123 Last line revised (1 6-2075) 34 WB-2150 First sentence revised (1 6-2075) 35 WB-2211 (1 ) Title revised (1 5-2548) (2) Former endnote 8 incorporated into paragraph and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 36 WB-2222.2 Fraction “1/2 ” corrected by errata to “ 1/4” (1 3-1 40) 36 WB-2222.3 Fraction “1/2 ” corrected by errata to “ 1/4” (1 3-1 40) 36 WB-2223.1 Fraction “1/2 ” corrected by errata to “ 1/4” (1 3-1 40) 38 WB-2321.3 Revised and former endnote 9 deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 38 WB-2321.4 Revised and former endnote 9 deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 38 WB-2331.1 Subparagraph (a) revised (1 5-2548) 39 WB-2331.2 Subparagraph (a) revised (1 5-2548) 39 WB-2332 Subparagraphs (a)(1) and (b) revised (1 5-2548) 40 WB-2333 Revised (1 5-2548) 41 WB-2360 Subparagraphs (a) and (b) revised (1 6-2075) 42 WB-2431.1 Former endnote 8 incorporated into subpara. (c) and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 43 WB-2432.1 Former endnote 12 incorporated into subpara. (c) and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 49 WB-2551 Former endnote 13 incorporated into subpara. (a) and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 53 WB-2581 Revised (1 4-1 396) 53 WB-2582 Revised (1 4-1 396) 55 WB-2610 Subparagraph (b) revised (1 6-2075) 56 WB-3113 Former endnote 15 deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 59 Table WB-3133.4-1 Reformatted editorially 63 WB-3215 Former endnote 18 added after last paragraph as in-text Note and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 66 WB-3222.4 First sentence revised (1 6-336) xlvii Page Location Change (Record Number) 69 WB-3222.6 Fo rm er en dn o te 1 9 ad d ed as i n - te xt N o te an d de l e te d fro m Endnotes (1 5-2548) 69 WB-3222.9 Former endnote 21 incorporated into subpara. (d) (3) and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 71 WB-3222.11 In subpara. (a) , former endnote 2 2 added as in-text Note below nomenclature y ’ and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 71 WB-3224.1 Subparagraphs (c) and (e) revised (1 5-2529) 73 WB-3224.2 Revised (1 5-2529) 75 WB-3234 Subparagraph (a) revised (1 5-2529) 76 WB-3251.1 Former endnote 23 deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 81 WB-4121.1 Revised (1 6-21 06) 83 WB-4221.1 Revised (1 3-542) 84 WB-4221.3 Last two lines revised (1 5-209) 84 WB-4222.1 Revised (1 3-542) 87 WB-4243 Former endnote 24 incorporated into subpara. (c) (1) and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 97 WB-4335.2(e)(1) Revised (1 5-2548) 99 Figure WB-4427-1 Editorially updated 101 WB-4622.1 Former endnote 8 incorporated into paragraph and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 123 WC-1100 (1 ) In subpara. (a), last line revised (1 3-1 594) (2) In subpara. (b), first sentence revised (1 6-1 48, 1 6-1 537) 123 WC-1120 (1 ) Title revised (1 4-1 895) (2) F o r m e r s u b p a r a . ( a ) d e l e te d a n d fo r m e r s u b p a r a . ( c ) redesignated as (a) and revised (1 4-1 895) 125 WC-2122 In first paragraph, first sentence revised (1 6-2075) 126 WC-2124 In first paragraph, first sentence revised (1 6-2075) 126 WC-2125 Former endnote 3 1 added as second paragraph and deleted from Endnotes (1 6-2075) 127 WC-2150 First sentence revised (1 6-2075) 127 WC-2211 Former endnote 8 added to the end of the paragraph and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 129 WC-2311 Subparagraphs (a)(7), (a)(8), and (b) revised (1 5-2548) 130 WC-2321.3 Revised (1 5-2548) 131 WC-2331 Subparagraphs (a) (1 ) and (a) (2 ) revised and former endnote 3 3 deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 131 WC-2332 (1 ) Title and WC-2332.3 revised (1 5-2548) (2) Former endnote 3 5 incorporated into the first paragraph of WC - 2 3 3 2 . 1 a n d WC - 2 3 3 2 . 2 a n d d e l e te d fr o m E n d n o te s (1 5-2548) (3) WC-2332.3 revised (1 5-2548) xlviii Page Location Change (Record Number) 133 WC-2360 References to NCA revised (1 6-2075) 135 WC-2431.1 Former endnote 8 incorporated into subpara. (c) and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 136 WC-2432.1 Former endnote 12 incorporated into subpara. (c) and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 141 WC-2552 Former endnote 13 added as new paragraph and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 144 WC-2582 Revised (1 4-1 396) 149 Table WC-3133.4-1 Reformatted editorially 150 WC-3211.1 In subpara. (a), first sentence revised (1 3-1 594) 151 WC-3216.3 In subparas. (a)(2) and (c), references to Section III Appendices revised (1 6-1 48) 152 Table WC-3217-1 Notes (3) and (4) revised (1 5-2529, 1 6-1 48) 152 WC-3217.2 Last line and endnote 19 (formerly 36) revised (1 6-1 48) 153 WC-3219.1 Reference to Section III Appendices revised (1 6-1 48) 153 WC-3219.1.2 Revised in its entirety (1 6-1 48) 154 WC-3224.6 Reference to Section III Appendices revised (1 6-1 48) 154 WC-3224.8 Reference to Section III Appendices revised (1 6-1 48) 156 WC-3224.9 Reference to Section III Appendices revised (1 6-1 48) 157 Figure WC-3225-1 In the callout for sketches (a), (b), and (c), “0.2 ” corrected by errata to “ 0.20 ” (1 7-335) 158 Figure WC-3225-2 In the callout for sketches (b) through (e), “ 0.2 ” corrected by errata to “ 0.20 ” (1 7-335) 159 Figure WC-3225-3 In the callout for sketches (a) , (b) , and (d) through (g) , “ 0.2 ” corrected by errata to “ 0.20 ” (1 7-335) 156 WC-3225.2 Former endnote 3 9 added as subpara. (c) and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 161 WC-3251.1 Reference to endnote 23 deleted (1 5-2548) 166 WC-4121.1 Cross-reference revised (1 6-21 06) 167 WC-4130 Subparagraph (d) revised (1 3-1 594) 168 WC-4221.1 Revised (1 3-542) 169 WC-4222.1 Revised (1 3-542) 174 WC-4265 Former endnote 24 incorporated into subpara. (d)(1) and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 182 WC-4335.2 Subparagraphs (b)(1) and (c)(1) revised (1 5-2548) 189 WC-4622.1 Former endnote 8 incorporated into paragraph and deleted from Endnotes (1 5-2548) 213 Subsection WD Added (1 3-1 593, 1 4-1 895, 1 6-960, 1 6-21 06) xlix LI ST OF CH AN G ES I N RECORD ORDER N U M BER Record Number Change 13-140 Errata corrections. See Summary of Changes for details. 13-542 Revised WB/WC-4221.1 and WB/WC-4222.1 to clearly establish the equations for U.S. Custom- ary and SI units, to be consistent across BPVC Divisions and book Sections. 13-1593 Added new Subsection WD. 13-1594 Revised the Organization of Section III to address the incorporation of a new proposed Subsec- tion WD that addresses internal support structures. 13-2222 Revised the front guidance on interpretations in its entirety. 14-1396 Revised WB-2581, WB-2582, and WC-2582 Visual Examination and added references to ASTM F788 and ASTM F812. 14-1895 Revised to eliminate statements regarding whether components shall be constructed to Divi- sion 3 rules, also revised to make WB/WC/WD-1000 more consistent. 14-2159 Revised WA-3123 and added WA-3124 to allow approval of subcontracted calibration and test- ing services by acceptance of International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) Mu- tual Recognition Agreement (MRA) approved laboratories. 15-209 Revised the term “ Registered Professional Engineer” to “ Certifying Engineer” and added re- quirements to be consistent with changes in Mandatory Appendix XXIII. 15-226 Revised WA-4120(b) to clarify applicability of NQA-1 definitions. 15-2529 Updated cross references as a result of revision of Nonmandatory Appendix F as a Mandatory Appendix. 15-2548 Updated Subsections WA/WB/WC, as well as the Division 3-related Nonmandatory Appendix EE, to incorporate and delete some endnotes into the text. 16-148 Revised numerous sections of text related to incorporation of revised Mandatory Appendix XIII. 16-336 Revised WB-3222.4 to evaluate normal loads. 16-960 Revised Table WD-2331(a)-1 so that the maximum thickness matches that established in WD-2331 and WD-2332. Clarified Table WD-2331(a)-1 column heads as being applicable to all material (not just pipe or shells) by deleting “ wall,” and added an additional stress limit to WD-3229.2(c) to address those situations when buckling is not a limiting issue. 16-961 Revised WA-8220 to add alternative nameplate requirements and revised Figure WA-8212-1, removing date info since this is not mentioned in the WA requirements. 16-1537 Revised WB/WC-1100(b) for clarity. 16-2075 Made numerous revisions in WA-3810, WA-3811, WA-3812, and WA-3820 to change refer- ences to NCA-385X to NCA-425X, based on the proposed revisions identified in Record 16-341. 16-2106 Revised WB/WC/WD-4121.1 to align the phrasing of Division 1 with Divisions 2 and 3 for con- sistency. 17-335 Errata corrections. See Summary of Changes for details. l CROSS-REFEREN CI N G AN D STYLI STI C CH AN G ES I N TH E BOI LER AN D PRESSU RE VESSEL CODE There have been structural and stylistic changes to BPVC, starting with the 2011 Addenda, that should be noted to aid navigating the contents. The following is an overview of the changes: Su bparag raph Breakd own s/N ested Li sts H i erarch y • First-level breakdowns are designated as (a), (b), (c), etc., as in the past. • Second-level breakdowns are designated as (1), (2), (3), etc., as in the past. • Third-level breakdowns are now designated as (-a), (-b), (-c), etc. • Fourth-level breakdowns are now designated as (-1), (-2), (-3), etc. • Fifth-level breakdowns are now designated as (+a), (+b), (+c), etc. • Sixth-level breakdowns are now designated as (+1), (+2), etc. Footn otes With the exception of those included in the front matter (roman-numbered pages), all footnotes are treated as end- notes. The endnotes are referenced in numeric order and appear at the end of each BPVC section/subsection. Su bm i ttal of Tech n i cal I n q u i ri es to th e Boi ler an d Pressu re Vessel Stan d ard s Com m i ttees Submittal of Technical Inquiries to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committees has been moved to the front matter. This information now appears in all Boiler Code Sections (except for Code Case books). Cross-Referen ces It is our intention to establish cross-reference link functionality in the current edition and moving forward. To facil- itate this, cross-reference style has changed. Cross-references within a subsection or subarticle will not include the des- ignator/identifier of that subsection/subarticle. Examples follow: • (Sub-)Paragraph Cross-References. The cross-references to subparagraph breakdowns will follow the hierarchy of the designators under which the breakdown appears. – If subparagraph (-a) appears in X.1(c)(1) and is referenced in X.1(c)(1), it will be referenced as (-a). – If subparagraph (-a) appears in X.1(c)(1) but is referenced in X.1(c)(2), it will be referenced as (1)(-a). – If subparagraph (-a) appears in X.1(c)(1) but is referenced in X.1(e)(1), it will be referenced as (c)(1)(-a). – If subparagraph (-a) appears in X.1(c)(1) but is referenced in X.2(c)(2), it will be referenced as X.1(c)(1)(-a). • Equation Cross-References. The cross-references to equations will follow the same logic. For example, if eq. (1) ap- pears in X.1(a)(1) but is referenced in X.1(b), it will be referenced as eq. (a)(1)(1). If eq. (1) appears in X.1(a)(1) but is referenced in a different subsection/subarticle/paragraph, it will be referenced as eq. X.1(a)(1)(1). li I NTE N TI O NALLY LE FT B LANK ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 SU BSECTI ON WA G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS ARTI CLE WA-1000 SCOPE OF DI VI SI ON 3 WA-1100 SCOPE (b) The rules are intended to be applicable to any item that serves a containment or internal support structure ð 17Þ WA-1110 N ATU RE OF TH ESE RU LES AN D function. CON TAI N M EN T SYSTEM S TO WH I CH TH EY ARE APPLI CABLE (a) The rules of Division 3 contain the requirements for WA-1140 U SE OF CODE EDI TI ON S AN D CASES ð 17Þ the construction of individual components (and parts (a) The Design Specification shall establish the Code where appropriate) that comprise Containment Systems Edition. (Article WA-9000). Division 3 Containment Systems are (b) The Certificate Holder shall construct the compo- used for the transportation and/or storage, including nents or parts under the provisions of a Quality Assurance disposal, 1 of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive Program which has been accepted by the Society. The material. Quality Assurance Program shall be updated to meet the (b) As used in Division 3, Containment Systems may be requirements of the latest Division 3 Edition within comprised of one or more components, such as contain- 6 months of issuance. ments and internal support structures. Containment Sys- (c) Code Cases are permissible and may be used begin- tem components for which Division 3 provides rules are ning with the date of approval by the ASME Council. Only as follows: Code Cases that are specifically identified as being applic- (1 ) the transportation containment (Subsection WB able to this Division may be used. Code Cases may only be — Class TC) used by mutual consent of the parties involved. (2) the storage containment (Subsection WC — Class (d) Materials produced and certified in accordance with SC) Code Editions and Addenda, if applicable, other than the (3) the internal support structure (Subsection WD — one specified in the Design Specification may be used, Class ISS) provided all of the following requirements are satisfied. (1 ) The material (WA-1220) meets the applicable re- quirements of a material specification permitted by WA-1120 DEFI N I TI O N S WB-2121, WC-2121, or WD-2121, as appropriate, of the Definitions of key terms used in this Division are in- Edition specified for construction. cluded in Article WA-9000. (2) The material meets all the requirements of Article WB-2000, Article WC-2000, or Article WD-2000, as ap- propriate, of the Edition specified for construction. (3) The material was produced under the provisions ð 17Þ WA-1130 LI M I TS OF TH ESE RU LES (a) The rules of this Division provide requirements for of a Quality System Program which had been accepted by new construction including consideration of mechanical the Society or qualified by a party other than the Society and thermal stresses due to cyclic operation. They do (NCA‐ 3820), in accordance with the requirements of the not cover deterioration which may occur in service as a latest Edition and Addenda, if applicable, issued at the result of radiation effects, corrosion, erosion, or instabil- time the material was produced. Material exempted from ity of the material. These effects shall be addressed in portions of the provisions of NCA ‐ 3800 by WB-2610, the Design Specification by requiring appropriate mea- WC-2610, or WD-2610, as appropriate, may be used, pro- sures to be included in the design. vided the requirements of (1) and (2) above are met. 1 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WA- 1150 U N I TS OF M EASU RE WA- 12 20 M ATERI ALS Either U.S. Customary or SI units may be used for com- WA- 12 21 M etalli c M ateri als ð 17Þ pliance with all requirements of this edition, but one sys- Metallic materials shall be manufactured to an SA, SB, tem shall be used consistently throughout for all phases of or SFA Specification, 2 or any other material specification construction. permitted by WB-2121, WC-2121, or WD-2121, as appro- Either the U.S. Customary units or SI units that are priate. Such material shall be manufactured, identified, listed in Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix and certified in accordance with the requirements of this XXIV shall be used consistently for all phases of construc- Division. Tubular products and fittings welded with filler tion (e.g., materials, design, fabrication, and reports). metal shall meet the requirements of Section III, Division Since values in the two systems are not exact equivalents, 1, Class 1. each system shall be used independently of the other without mixing U.S. Customary units and SI units. WA- 12 22 M ateri al, ASTM Speci fi cati on When SI units are selected, U.S. Customary values in re- ferenced specifications that do not contain SI units shall Materials produced under an ASTM designation may be be converted to SI values to at least three significant accepted as complying with the corresponding ASME figures for use in calculations and other aspects of Specification, provided the ASME Specification is desig- construction. nated as being identical with the ASTM Specification for With the publication of the 2004 Edition, Section II, the grade, class, or type produced and provided that the Part D is published as two separate publications. One pub- material is confirmed as complying with the ASTM Spec- lication contains values only in U.S. Customary units and ification by a Certified Material Test Report, when per- the other contains values only in SI units. The selection mitted by NCA‐ 3862.1(a), or Certificate of Compliance of the version to use is dependent on the set of units se- from the Material Manufacturer. lected for construction. WA- 12 23 Weld i n g M ateri al, AWS Speci fi cati on Welding material produced under an AWS designation WA-12 00 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS may be accepted as complying with the corresponding ð 17Þ WA- 12 10 VALVES ASME Specification, provided the latter Specification is in- dicated to be identical with the AWS Specification and Valves may form part of the Class TC or Class SC con- provided the welding material is confirmed as complying tainment boundary. If valves are included in the contain- with the AWS Specification by a Certified Material Test m en t, th ey s hall b e de s igne d an d co n s tructed in Report or Certification from the Material Manufacturer. accordance with Section III, Division 1, Class 1 for trans- portation containments, or Class 1 or Class 2 for storage WA- 12 30 PARTS ð 17Þ containments. The Design Specification and Design Documents for parts shall meet the requirements of WA-3350. If the fab- rication of such parts is subcontracted to others, the sub- co ntracto r s hall p o s s es s a vali d and ap p ro p ri ate Certificate of Authorization for Section III, Division 3 construction. 2 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WA-2000 ð 17Þ DESI G N BASI S ð 17Þ WA-2 100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS (b) Normal loadings result from normal conditions. (c) Off‐ normal loadings result from off‐ normal condi- WA-2 110 SCO PE tions [applicable only to storage uses (Subsections WC Rules for the design of components or parts used for and/or WD)]. tran s p o rtati o n an d s to rage as de fi ne d i n Arti cl e (d) Accident loadings result from accident conditions. WA-1 0 00 are provided in Article WB-3 000 , Article (e) Test loadings include pressure and leak tests re- WC-3000, or Article WD-3000. The N3 Certificate Holder quired by Article WB-6000 or Article WC-6000 of this shall be responsible for establishing a Design Specifica- Division. tion that identifies design and safety criteria for the de- Design Loadings for sign of the component or part in accordance with the W A- 2 1 2 3 . 1 D e s i g n L o ad i n g s . components shall be in accordance with (a), (b), and (c) appropriate rules of this Division. below and the additional requirements of this Division. (a) Design Pressure. The specified internal and external WA-2 12 0 DESI G N BASI S Design Pressure shall not be less than the maximum dif- WA-2 12 1 Con si d erati on of Operati n g Con d i ti on s ference in pressure between the inside and outside of (a) Transportation or storage components (WA-1110) the item, or between any two chambers of a combination are subject to operating and test conditions (when speci- unit, which exists under the most severe loadings for fied) that are required to be considered in the design in which the Level A Service Limits are applicable. It shall in- order to satisfy applicable safety criteria. clude allowances for pressure surges and static pressure (b) Operating conditions for transportation or storage heads. Pressure loads are not applicable to internal sup- components are classified as either normal, off-normal port structures per Article WD-3000. [applicable only to storage uses (Subsections WC and/ (b) Design Temperature . The specified Design Tempera- or WD), or accident conditions. Each condition shall be ture shall not be less than the expected maximum metal defined in the Design Specification. temperature through the thickness of the part under con- (c) The selection of operating conditions, and the deter- sideration for which Level A Service Limits are specified. mination of their significance to the design and operabil- Where a component is heated by internal heat generation ity or functionality of the component, are beyond the the effects of such heat input shall be considered in estab- scope of this Division. Appropriate guidance for the selec- lishing the Design Temperature. tion of operating conditions may be derived from safety (c) Design Mech anical Loads. The Design Mechanical criteria documents from the regulatory and enforcement Loads identified in the Design Specification shall include authorities having jurisdiction. the weight of the component(s), contents, and other items such as operating equipment, impact limiting devices, WA-2 12 2 Con si d erati on of Test Con d i ti on s shielding, insulation, and linings, as applicable. (a) Components shall be subject to a test, when re- WA- 2 1 2 3 . 2 When the Design O p e rati n g Lo ad i n g s. quired by Article WB-6000 or Article WC-6000. The stress Specification or applicable Subsection of this Division re- produced in the component during testing shall not ex- quires computation to demonstrate compliance with spe- ceed the limits provided in WB-3225 or WC-3218, as cified Service Limits, the Design Specification shall appropriate. provide information from which the operating loadings (b) Other tests may be specified in the Design Specifica- can be identified (pressure, temperature, mechanical tion. Stresses produced in the component by such a test loads, cycles, etc.). The Design Specification shall desig- shall not exceed the test limits specified in the Design nate the appropriate Service Limit (WA-2123.4) to be as- Specification. sociated with each operating loading or combination of loadings. WA-2 12 3 Establi sh m en t of Load i n g s, Stresses, WA-2123. 3 Test Load i n g s. an d Li m i ts (a) Test loadings include pressure tests required by (a) The Design Specification shall identify the loadings this Division. and combination of loadings and the applicable Service (b) Loads due to other types of tests as may be required Limits for the stresses resulting from those loadings. by the Design Specification. 3 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WA- 2123. 4 Desi g n , Servi ce, an d Test Li m i ts. repair, which may require removal of the component (a) Design Limits. The limits for Design Loadings shall from service. The selection of this limit shall be reviewed meet the requirements of the appropriate Subsection of for compatibility with established safety criteria. this Division. (c) Alternative Service Limits. Components may be de- signed using more restrictive Service Limits than speci- (b) Service Limits. The Design Specification shall desig- fied in the Design Specification. For example, Level C nate Service Limits as defined in (1) through (3). Level B Service Limits may be used when Level D Service Limits Service Limits are not used in this Division. have been specified. (1 ) Level A Service Limits. Level A Service Limits are (d) Test Limits those sets of limits that must be satisfied for all normal (1 ) The limitsfor Test Loadings shall meet the re- loadings identified in the Design Specification to which quirements of the appropriate Subsection of this Division. the component may be subjected in the performance of (2) The selection of limits for other tests shall be in- its specified function. The component must withstand cluded in the Design Specification. these loadings without damage requiring repair. (2) Level C Service Lim its . Level C Service Limits, WA- 2124 Acceptan ce Cri teri a which are applicable only to storage uses (Subsections (a) Components shall comply with the design rules es- WC and/or WD), are those sets of limits that must be sa- tablished for design, operating, and test conditions in the tisfied for all off‐ normal loadings identified in the Design appropriate Subsection of this Division. Specification for which these Service Limits are desig- (b) Design documentation shall be completed in accor- nated. These sets of limits permit large deformations in dance with the requirements of the Subsection applicable areas of structural discontinuity, which may necessitate to the component. removal of the component from service for inspection or repair of damage to the component. The selection of WA- 2130 SPECI AL REQU I REM EN TS this limit shall be reviewed for compatibility with estab- Contractual arrangements between the Owner and the lished safety criteria. N3 Certificate Holder (WA-3111) that specify require- (3) Level D Service Limits. Level D Service Limits are ments in addition to, or more restrictive than, those spe- those sets of limits that must be satisfied for all accident cified by the rules of this Division may be applied, loadings identified in the Design Specification for which provided such requirements do not negate any rules of these Service Limits are designated. These sets of limits this Division. Such special contractual requirements are permit gross general deformation with some consequen- beyond the scope of this Division and shall not apply as tial loss of dimensional stability and damage requiring conditional requirements for Code construction. 4 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WA-3000 RESPON SI BI LI TI ES AN D DU TI ES WA-3100 G EN ERAL WA-3 113 N PT Certi fi cate H old er ð 17Þ ð 17Þ WA-3 110 RESPON SI BI LI TI ES VS. LEG AL (a) The NPT Certificate Holder is the organization that LI ABI LI TI ES fabricates components and/or parts in accordance with the requirements of the Fabrication Specification. The The parties identified in WA-3 11 1 , WA-3 1 12 , and NPT Certificate Holder obtains an N type Certificate of WA-3113 are involved in the construction of transporta- ‐ Authorization issued by the Society, completes the appro- tion and storage components or items that come under priate Data Report Form, and applies a Certification Mark the jurisdiction of this Division. Each party has specific to the items they fabricate as required by this Division. duties and responsibilities as set forth in this Article. The responsibilities relate only to Code compliance and (b) N3 Certificate Holders may perform the duties of an are not to be construed as involving contractual or legal NPT Certificate Holder provided these activities are with- liabilities. A single organization may perform one or more in the scope of their Certificate of Authorization. of the roles assigned to each party provided all the re- quirements of this Division are met. WA-3 12 0 AU TH ORI ZATI ON WA-3 12 1 Types of Au th ori zati on ð 17Þ WA-3 111 N 3 Certi fi cate H old er Table WA-8100-1 lists the types of certificates issued (a) The N3 Certificate Holder is the organization that by the Society and indicates the responsibilities of each obtains a Certificate of Authorization issued by the So- Certificate Holder. ciety. The N3 Certificate Holder prepares a Design Speci- fication (WA-3351), determines the loads applied to the component, designs the component, demonstrates the WA-3 12 2 Su bcon tracted Servi ces adequacy of the design of the component, and issues a De- sign Report and other documents required by this (a) Services may be subcontracted that are both within Division. and beyond the scope of this Division. There are no re- (b) If there are site-specific design criteria that must be quirements for the subcontracting of services beyond met to satisfy the requirements of this Division, then it is the scope of this Division. Services covered by this Divi- the responsibility of the N3 Certificate Holder to obtain sion may either be of a type for which the Society issues these criteria for inclusion into the Design Documents re- Certificates, or may be of the type for which the Society quired by this Division. does not issue a Certificate. Subcontracts for activities (c) The N3 Certificate Holder is responsible for the pre- for which Certificates are required shall be made only paration and certification of the Fabrication Specification to Certificate Holders. The Certificate Holder may subcon- tract to another organization the surveying and auditing and its issuance to the component fabricator. of his subcontractors and Material Organizations, but (d) The N3 Certificate Holder has the overall responsi- must retain the responsibility for these activities and bility for the construction of the component in accordance for the qualification of these subcontractors and Material with the requirements of this Division. In addition to ob- Organizations. taining a Certificate of Authorization from the Society, the (b) An N3 Certificate Holder may subcontract the fabri- N3 Certificate Holder completes the appropriate Data Re- port Form and applies the Certification Mark to com- cation of parts to a Section III, Division 1 Class 1 NPT Cer- pleted components as required by this Division. tificate Holder provided the scope of work is included in the scope of the subcontractor s N type Certificate of ’ ‐ Authorization. (c) The Certificate Holder shall describe in his Quality ð 17Þ WA-3 112 O wn er Assurance Manual the manner in which he controls and The Owner, as used in this Division, is the organization accepts the responsibility for the subcontracted activities that assumes title to the transportation or storage compo- that are not required by this Division to be subcontracted nent upon delivery by the Certificate Holder. to a Certificate Holder. 5 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ð 17Þ WA- 312 3 Su bcon tracted Cali brati on Servi ces Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), Mutual Re- As an alternative to survey and audit of suppliers of cognition Arrangement (MRA) , provided the require- subcontracted calibration services, a Certificate Holder, ments of (a) through (d) are met. Material Organization, or approved supplier may accept (a) A documented review of the supplier s accredita- ’ accreditation by accrediting bodies recognized by the In- tion shall be performed and shall include verification ternational Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), (1 ) that the accreditation is to ISO/IEC 17025:2005, Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA), provided the re- General Requirements for the Competence of Testing quirements of (a) through (d) are met. and Calibration Laboratories, from an accredited body re- (a) A documented review of the supplier s accredita- ’ cognized by the ILAC MRA tion shall be performed and shall include verification (2) that the published scope of accreditation for the (1 ) that the accreditation is to ISO/IEC 17025:2005, testing laboratory covers the needed testing services in- General Requirements for the Competence of Testing cluding test methodology and tolerances/uncertainties and Calibration Laboratories, from an accredited body re- (b) The procurement documents shall specify cognized by the ILAC MRA (1 ) that the service must be provided in accordance (2) that the published scope of accreditation for the with the accredited ISO/IEC 17025:2005 program and calibration laboratory covers the needed measurement scope of accreditation parameters, ranges, and uncertainties (2) that the service supplier shall not subcontract the (b) The procurement documents shall specify service to any other supplier (1 ) that the service must be provided in accordance (3) that the Certificate Holder, Material Organization, with the accredited ISO/IEC 17025:2005 program and or approved supplier must be notified of any condition scope of accreditation that adversely impacts the laboratory s ability to maintain ’ (2) that the calibration certificate/report shall in- the scope of accreditation clude identification of the laboratory equipment/stan- (4) additional technical and quality requirements, as dards used necessary, based on a review of the procured scope of ser- (3) that the calibration certificate/report shall in- vices, including but not limited to, tolerances, accuracies, clude as found calibration data when calibrated items ‐ ranges, and industry standards are found to be out of tolerance ‐ ‐ (c) At receipt inspection, the Certificate Holder, Materi- (4) that the service supplier shall not subcontract the al Organization, or approved supplier shall be responsible service to any other supplier for validating that the supplier s documentation certifies ’ (5) that the Certificate Holder, Material Organization, (1 ) that the subcontracted testing was performed in or approved supplier must be notified of any condition accordance with the supplier s ISO/IEC 17025:2005 pro- ’ that adversely impacts the laboratory s ability to maintain ’ gram and scope of accreditation the scope of accreditation (2) conformance to the procurement document s ’ (6) additional technical and quality requirements, as requirements necessary, based on a review of the procured scope of ser- (d) This activity shall be documented in the Certificate vices, including but not limited to, tolerances, accuracies, Holder s Quality Assurance Program, Material Organiza- ranges, and industry standards. ’ tion s Quality System Program Manual, or approved sup- (c) At receipt inspection, the Certificate Holder, Materi- ’ plier s quality program. al Organization, or approved supplier shall be responsible ’ for validating that the supplier s documentation certifies ’ (1 ) that the subcontracted calibration was performed WA- 313 0 WELDI N G AN D SU BCON TRACTI N G O F in accordance with the supplier s ISO/IEC 17025:2005 ’ WELDI N G program and scope of accreditation WA- 313 1 Weld i n g Du ri n g Con stru cti on (2) conformance to the procurement document s This Division requires that all welding during construc- ’ requirements (d) This activity shall be documented in the Certificate tion be done only by an organization holding the N type‐ Holder s Quality Assurance Program, Material Organiza- Certificate of Authorization appropriate to the scope of welding to be performed. A Certificate Holder may engage ’ tion s Quality System Program Manual, or approved sup- individuals by contract for their services as welders or ’ plier s quality program. welding operators at the location shown on the Certifi- ’ cate, provided the conditions of (a) through (f) below ð 17Þ WA- 3124 Su bcon tracted Testi n g Servi ces are met. This is an acceptable method of complying with As an alternative to survey and audit of suppliers of Section IX requirements concerning responsibility for subcontracted services, a Certificate Holder, Material welding. Organization, or approved supplier may accept accredita- (a) The work performed by such welders and welding tion by accrediting bodies recognized by the International operators is within the scope of the Certificate. 6 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (b) The conditions governing the use of such welders (k) making available the Certified Design Specification and welding operators are contained in the Quality Assur- a n d d o c u m e n ta ti o n o f r e vi e w to th e I n s p e c to r ance Manual of the Certificate Holder. The Quality Assur- (WA-3358); ance Program (WA-3372 and WA-3460) shall include a (l) making available to the Inspector the Certified De- requirement for direct supervision and direct technical sign Report and other documents required by this Divi- control of the welders and welding operators by the Cer- sion and those requested by the Inspector to assure tificate Holder during such welding operations, and this compliance with Code requirements; program shall be acceptable to the Certificate Holder s ’ (m) obtaining an agreement with an Authorized In- Authorized Inspection Agency (WA-5121) performing spection Agency (WA-8130); the inspections. (n) establishing and maintaining a Quality Assurance (c) The welding procedures have been properly quali- Program (WA-4130): fied by the Certificate Holder, and Code responsibility (1 ) documenting a Quality Ass urance Pro gram for such procedures is retained by the Certificate Holder. (WA-3372); (d) Welders and welding operators are qualified by the (2) filing the Quality Assurance Program (WA-3373); Certificate Holder to perform such procedures. (3) qualification of Material Organizations and sup- (e) The Certificate Holder shall have contractual con- pliers of subcontracted services (WA-3371); trol of the welding operation, including authority to as- (o) review of Certified Material Test Reports and Certi- sign or remove welders and welding operators at his fi cate s o f C o m p l i an ce fo r mate ri al s u s e d b y hi m discretion. (WA-1220); (f) The Certificate Holder shall be responsible for Code (p) documentation of the review and approval of mate- compliance of the completed item including stamping rials used by him [WA-1140(d)]; with the Certification Mark and providing the completed (q) preparation, accumulation, control, and protection appropriate Data Report Form. of required records while in his custody [WA-4134(b)]; (r) Data Reports (WA-3380); (s) subcontracting (WA-3122) for materials, design, WA-3300 RESPON SI BI LI TI ES OF AN N 3 fabrication, examination, testing, and inspection. The N3 CERTI FI CATE H OLDER Certificate Holder shall retain overall responsibility, in- cluding certification and stamping; ð 17Þ WA-3 320 CATEG ORI ES OF TH E N 3 CERTI FI CATE (t) review of the Design Report (WA-3357). H OLDER’ S RESPON SI BI LI TI ES The N3 Certificate Holder s responsibilities include the ’ WA-3 330 O BTAI N I N G A CERTI FI CATE ð 17Þ following: An N3 Certificate (WA-8100) shall be obtained for con- (a) o b taining an N 3 C ertificate o f Autho rizatio n struction of components intended to be in compliance (WA-3330); with the requirements of this Division and to be stamped (b) compliance with this Division (WA-3340); with a Certification Mark with N3 Designator. The N3 Cer- (c) achievement of structural integrity (WA-3340); tificate Holder may do all the work of an NPT Certificate (d) establishing the Code Editions and Code Cases to be Holder, provided that the scope of work is included in this used in the Design Specification, and determining they are Certificate. acceptable to the regulatory and jurisdictional authorities (WA-1140); WA-3 340 CO M PLI AN CE WI TH TH I S DI VI SI O N ð 17Þ (e) developing and certifying a Design Specification The N3 Certificate Holder has the responsibility for as- (WA-3351); suring that the construction of a component to be (f) evaluating the loads applied to components; stamped with the Certification Mark with N3 Designator (g) provision of a Design Report (WA-3350) including: meets all the requirements of this Division. (1 ) stress analysis for parts (WA-3353) (2) reconciliation of Design Drawing changes with WA-3 350 DESI G N DOCU M EN TS the Design Report (WA-3355) WA-3 351 Desi g n Speci fi cati on s ð 17Þ (3) certification of the Design Report (WA-3356); WA- 3 3 51 . 1 It is the re- Pro vi si o n an d Co rre lati o n . (h) preparing and certifying the Fabrication Specifica- sponsibility of the N3 Certificate Holder to prepare, certi- tion (WA-3360); fy and issue the Design Specification for a component. The (i) providing the Certified Fabrication Specification to N3 Certificate Holder shall also be responsible for the cor- the fabricator (WA-3361.4); relation of all Design Specifications. Separate Design Spe- (j) providing and correlating the Certified Design Spec- cifications are not required for parts that form part of a ification, Certified Design Report and Certified Fabrica- component when they are included in the Design Specifi- tion Specification to the Owner; cation for the component (WA-1230). 7 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WA-3351.2 Contents of Design Specifications. The (c) The Design Drawings shall be in agreement with the Design Specifications shall contain sufficient detail to pro- Design Report before it is certified (WA-3356) and shall vide a complete basis for design and construction in ac- be identified and described in the Design Report. cordance with this Division. Such requirements shall not (d) When the design includes parts, including piping result in design or construction that fails to conform with that is to be purchased from an NPT Certificate Holder the rules of this Division. All Design Specifications shall or valves that are to be purchased from a Division 1 N Cer- include (a) through (i) below. tificate Holder, the N3 Certificate Holder shall incorporate (a) the functions and boundaries of the items covered the Design Documents for the purchased items into the (WA-3351.3); Design Documents of the component. (b) the design requirements (Article WA-2000); (e) The N3 Certificate Holder shall demonstrate the (c) the environmental conditions, including radiation; adequacy of the design of any item comprising the bound- (d) the Code classification(s) (TC, SC, both TC and SC, or ary of the component to meet the requirements of the De- ISS) of the components covered; sign Specification and this Division. This demonstration (e) material requirements including imp act tes t shall be included in the Design Report for the component. requirements; (f) examination and testing requirements for contain- ment closure welds; WA-3353 Design Output Documents for Parts (g) the effective Code Edition and Code Cases to be used for construction; When the N3 Certificate Holder purchases parts from (h) the maximum allowable leakage rate; and an NPT Certificate Holder, it is the responsibility of the (i) mechanical loads, such as drop and handling, that N3 Certificate Holder to provide or cause to be provided must be considered in the design. the calculations for the parts and to incorporate them into WA-3351.3 Boundaries of Jurisdiction. In order to the Design Output Documents. define the boundaries of components with respect to ad- jacent components and other structures, the Design Spe- cifications shall include the boundary of the component WA-3355 Modification of Document and as given i n WB - 1 1 3 0 , WC - 1 1 3 0 , o r WD - 1 1 3 0 , as Reconciliation With Design Report appropriate. Any modification of any document used for design from WA-3351.4 Certification of the Design Specifica- the corresponding document used for design analysis, tions. The Design Specifications shall be certified to be shall be reconciled with the Design Report by the person correct and complete and to be in compliance with the re- or organization responsible for the design. A revision or quirements of WA-3351 by one or more Certifying Engi- addenda to the Design Report shall be prepared and cer- neers, competent in the applicable field of design and tified (WA-3356) to indicate the basis on which this has related transportation or storage component require- been accomplished. All such revised documentation shall ments and qualified in accordance with the requirements be filed with the completed Design Report. of Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix XXIII. WA-3351.5 Availability of the Design Specification. WA-3356 Certification of Design Report ð 17Þ The N3 Certificate Holder shall make a copy of the com- pleted Design Specification available to the Inspector (a) The Design Report shall be certified to be correct and the Owner. and complete and to be in accordance with the require- ments of WA-3352 by one or more Certifying Engineers WA-3352 Requirements for Design Documents competent in the applicable field of design and related ð 17Þ WA-3352.1 Design Documents. transportation or storage component requirements and (a) The Design Report and the Design Drawings used qualified in accordance with the requirements of Section for construction are the primary Design Documents. The III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix XXIII. The Design design shown by the Design Drawings shall comply with Report shall be certified only after all design require- the Design Specification and the rules of this Division ments of this Division have been met. Such Certifying En- and shall be in agreement with the other Design Docu- gineers shall be other than the individuals certifying the ments. The Design Report shall demonstrate the ade- Design Specification (WA-3351.4), and they are not re- quacy o f the des ign with regard to the s tructural quired by these rules to be independent of the organiza- integrity of the component. tion holding the Certificate. (b) The N3 Certificate Holder may subcontract stress (b) It is the intent of this Division that the certification analysis or complete design of all or a portion of a compo- of the Design Report shall in no way relieve the N3 Certi- nent. However, the N3 Certificate Holder is responsible ficate Holder of the responsibility for ensuring that the for the design of the component and for the Design design of the component meets the conditions stated in Documents. the Design Specification and this Division. 8 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ð 17Þ WA-3 357 Revi ew of Desi g n Report W A- 3 3 6 1 . 4 F i l i n g t h e F ab ri cat i o n S p e ci fi cat i o n . (a) A review of the Design Report shall be made by the Fabrication Specification in its entirety shall become the N3 Certificate Holder certifying the Design Specification principal document governing fabrication and shall be to determine that all the design and loading conditions available at the location of fabrication during the com- identified in the Design Specification have been consid- plete fabrication process. ered, and that the acceptance criteria established in the WA-3361. 5 Avai labi li ty of th e Fabri cati on Speci fi ca- Design Specification and this Division have been met. This The N3 Certificate Holder shall make a copy of the ti on . review shall be made by individuals who did not prepare completed Fabrication Specification used for fabrication the Certified Design Report. available to the Inspector and the Owner. (b) Documentation shall be provided to the Owner to indicate that the review required by (a) above has been completed. (c) A copy of the documentation required by (b) above WA-3 370 RESPON SI BI LI TY FOR QU ALI TY shall be attached to, and become part of, the Design ASSU RAN CE Report. WA-3 371 Scope of Respon si bi li ti es The N3 Certificate Holder shall be responsible for sur- WA-3 358 Avai labi li ty of Desi g n Reports veying, qualifying, and auditing suppliers of subcon- The N3 Certificate Holder shall make a copy of the com- tracted services (WA-3122), including nondestructive pleted Certified Design Report, including documentation examination contractors and Material Organizations. Ma- of the review when required (WA-3357), and drawings terial Organizations holding Quality System Certificates used for construction available to the Inspector. (Materials), and Certificate Holders whose scope includes the supply or manufacture of materials, need not be sur- veyed or audited for work or material covered by the scope of their Certificate. Subcontractors holding an ap- WA-3 360 FABRI CATI ON SPECI FI CATI O N ð 17Þ WA-3 361 Provi si on s of th e Fabri cati on propriate Certificate of Authorization need not be sur- Speci fi cati on veyed nor audited for work within the scope of the WA- 3 361. 1 It is the responsibility of Respon si bi li ty. subcontractor s Certificate. ’ the N3 Certificate Holder to prepare, certify, and issue An N3 Certificate Holder may qualify vendors of sub- the Fabrication Specification for components. The N3 Cer- contracted services (WA-3122) other than those requir- tificate Holder shall be responsible for the correlation of ing a Certificate of Authorization for another Certificate all Data Reports for the component. Separate Fabrication Holder doing work for that N3 Certificate Holder. The Specifications are not required for parts when they are in- qualification documentation shall be supplied to the other cluded in the Fabrication Specification for the component. Certificate Holder prior to their use of the subcontracted WA- 3 3 61 . 2 Con te n ts o f th e Fab ri cati o n Sp e ci fi ca- service. The Fabrication Specification shall be based upon ti on . the Design Specification and the Design Output Docu- ments, and shall contain sufficient detail, including form- WA-3 372 Docu m en tati on of Qu ali ty Assu ran ce ing and fabrication tolerances, to provide a complete Prog ram basis for fabrication in accordance with this Division. Fab- rication Specifications for components shall include the The N3 Certificate Holder shall be responsible for doc- examination and testing requirements for closure welds. umenting its Quality Assurance Program (WA-4134). Such requirements shall not result in fabrication that fails to conform with the Design Specification, Design Docu- ments and the rules of this Division. WA-3 373 Fi li n g of Qu ali ty Assu ran ce M an u al WA- 33 61. 3 Certi fi cati on of th e Fab ri cati on Speci fi - The N3 Certificate Holder shall file with the Authorized The Fabrication Specification shall be certified cati o n . Inspection Agency (WA-5121) copies of the Quality As- to be correct and complete and to be in compliance with surance Manual. The N3 Certificate Holder shall keep a the requirements of WA-3361.2 by one or more Certifying copy on file available to the Inspector (WA-5123). Engineers, competent in the requirements of this Division and the field of Division 3 component fabrication and qualified in accordance with the requirements of Section WA-3 380 DATA REPO RTS III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix XXIII. Such Regis- tered Professional Engineers are not required to be inde- The N3 Certificate Holder shall certify compliance with pendent of the organization preparing the Fabrication this Division by signing the appropriate Data Report and Specification. application of the Certification Mark (Article WA-8000). 9 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WA- 339 0 N 3 CERTI FI CATE H OLDER ’ S WA- 3450 RESPON SI BI LI TY FOR QU ALI TY RESPON SI BI LI TY FOR RECORDS ASSU RAN CE The N3 Certificate Holder shall be responsible for main- WA- 3451 Scope of Respon si bi li ti es taining the records identified in Tables WA-4134.17-1 (a) The NPT Certificate Holder shall be responsible for and WA-4134.17-2 during construction. Upon completion surveying, qualifying, and auditing suppliers of subcon- of construction, these records shall be transferred to the tracted services (WA-3122) including nondestructive ex- Owner. amination contractors and M aterial Organizations. Material Organizations holding Quality System Certificate (Materials), and Certificate Holders whose scope includes WA-3400 RESPON SI BI LI TI ES OF AN N PT the supply or manufacture of materials, need not be sur- CERTI FI CATE H OLDER veyed or audited for work or material covered by the WA- 342 0 CATEG O RI ES OF AN N PT CERTI FI CATE scope of their Certificate. Subcontractors holding an ap- H OLDER ’ S RESPO N SI BI LI TI ES propriate Certificate of Authorization need not be sur- veyed nor audited for work within the scope of the The responsibilities of an NPT Certificate Holder in- subcontractor s Certificate. ’ clude the following: (b) An NPT Certificate Holder may qualify vendors of (a) obtaining an NPT Certificate (WA-3430); subcontracted services other than those requiring a Cer- (b) compliance with this Division (WA-3440); tificate for another Certificate Holder doing work for that (c) qualification of Material Organizations and suppli- NPT Certificate Holder. The qualification documentation ers of subcontracted services (WA-3451); shall be supplied to the other Certificate Holder prior to (d) establishing and maintaining a Quality Assurance their use of the subcontracted service. Program (WA-3460); (e) d o cu m e n ti n g a Qu a l i ty As s u ra n ce P ro gra m WA- 346 0 DOCU M EN TATI ON O F QU ALI TY (WA-3460); ASSU RAN CE PROG RAM (f) filing the Quality Assurance Manual (WA-3461); The NPT Certificate Holder shall be responsible for doc- (g) Data Reports (WA-3470); umenting its quality assurance program. (h) obtaining an agreement with an Authorized Inspec- tion Agency (WA-8130); WA- 3461 Fi li n g of Qu ali ty Assu ran ce Prog ram ð 17Þ (i) fabricating parts assigned to him in accordance with The NPT Certificate Holder shall file with the Author- the Fabrication Specification(s) and this Division; ized Inspection Agency (WA-5121) copies of the Quality (j) p re p ari n g fab ri cati o n p ro ce du re s an d s h o p Assurance Manual. The NPT Certificate Holder shall keep drawings; a copy on file and available to the Inspector (WA-5123). (k) making available to the Inspector the documents specified by this Division and those requested by him to WA- 3470 DATA REPORT assure compliance with Code requirements; The NPT Certificate Holder shall certify compliance (l) review of Certified Material Test Reports and Certi- with this Division by signing the appropriate Data Report fi cate s o f C o m p l i ance fo r m ate rial s u s e d b y h i m Form and applying the appropriate stamping (Article (WA-1220); WA-8000). (m) preparation, accumulation, control, and protection of required records while in his custody [WA-4134(b) and NCA 4134.17]; ‐ WA-3800 M ETALLI C M ATERI AL ð 17Þ (n) documentation of review and approval of material used by him as permitted by WA-1140(d). WA- 3810 SCOPE AN D APPLI CABI LI TY The requirements of WA-3800 provide for various WA- 343 0 OBTAI N I N G A CERTI FI CATE entities known as Certificate Holders, Material Organiza- tio ns (N C A 3 8 2 0 ) , and ap p ro ve d s up p liers ‐ An NPT Certificate (WA-8100), listing Division 3 in its (NCA-4255.3). These entities are involved in the perfor- scope, shall be obtained for the fabrication of any item in- mance of operations, processes, and services related to tended to be in compliance with the requirements of this the procurement, manufacture and supply of material, Division and to be stamped with a Certification Mark with source material, and unqualified source material, as de- NPT Designator. fined in the Glossary (NCA 9200). ‐ WA- 3440 COM PLI AN CE WI TH TH I S DI VI SI ON WA- 3811 Li m i tati on s The NPT Certificate Holder shall have all work per- The following limitations apply to approved suppliers: formed in accordance with the applicable requirements (a) Approved suppliers shall not approve other suppli- of this Division. ers of materials or services that affect materials. 10 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (b) Approved suppliers may adopt a limited scope qual- (a) Certified Material Test Reports or Certificates of ity system program as approved by the Certificate Holder Compliance shall meet the requirements of NCA‐ 3862.1. or Material Organization [NCA-4255.3(b)]. (b) For construction of components meeting the re- quirements of this Division, material identification and marking shall meet the requirements of NCA-4256.3. WA-3 812 Exclu si on s Material falling within the small products exclusion of WA-3 82 0 M ATERI AL ORG AN I ZATI ON S WB-2610, WC-2610, or WD-2610, as appropriate or ma- A Material Organization shall be certified or qualified in terial that is allowed by this Section to be furnished with accordance with NCA ‐ 3820 through NCA-3842.2, and a Certificate of Compliance, is exempted from the require- NCA-4250 through NCA-4259.2. Material Certification ments of WA-3800, except: shall be in accordance with NCA‐ 3860. 11 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WA- 4000 QU ALI TY ASSU RAN CE WA-4100 REQU I REM EN TS (d) For the following terms, which are defined in both NQA-1 and Article WA-9000 or Article NCA-9000, the de- ð 17Þ WA- 4110 SCO PE AN D APPLI CABI LI TY finitions in Article WA-9000 or Article NCA-9000 shall ap- (a) This Article sets forth the requirements for plan- ply, as determined by (b). ning, managing, and conducting Quality Assurance Pro- (1 ) item grams for controlling the quality of activities performed (2) Owner under this Division and the rules governing the evaluation (3) quality assurance of such Programs prior to the issuance of Certificates for (4) repair construction of Division 3 components. The Quality As- (5) rework surance requirements for Material Organizations are pro- (6) service vided in WA-3800. Certificate Holders are advised to (7) use ‐ as ‐ is consult other regulations for quality assurance require- (8) nonconformance ments governing activities beyond the scope of this Division. WA- 4130 ESTABLI SH M EN T AN D (b) N3 and NPT Certificate Holders shall comply with I M PLEM EN TATI ON the requirements of ASME NQA-1, “ Quality Assurance Re- quirements for Nuclear Facility Applications,” Part I, 3 as WA- 4131 M ateri al O rg an i zati on s m o di fi e d an d s u p p l e m e n te d i n WA- 4 1 2 0 (d) and The requirements of NCA‐ 3800 and WA-3800 apply. WA-4134. WA- 4134 Di vi si on 3 Certi fi cate H old ers ð 17Þ WA- 412 0 DEFI N I TI ON S (a) Provisions of NCA‐ 4134 apply to N3 and NPT Certi- (a) The definitions in Article WA-9000 shall apply. ficate Holders. (b) The definitions in Article NCA-9000 shall apply un- (b) Fo r this D ivis io n, Tab les WA- 41 3 4. 1 7 - 1 and less defined in Article WA-9000 WA- 4 1 3 4 . 1 7 - 2 s h a l l b e u s e d i n p l a c e o f T a b l e s (c) The terms and definitions of NQA-1 shall apply un- NCA‐ 4134.17 ‐ 1 and NCA‐ 4134.17 ‐ 2 to identify lifetime less defined in Article WA-9000 or Article NCA-9000. and nonpermanent records. 12 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WA-4134.17-1 ð 17Þ Lifetime Quality Assurance Records Record Record 1. Index to lifetime records (NCA‐ 4134.17) 9. Final nondestructive examination reports 2. Code Data Reports (WA-8400) 10. Repair records when required by Code (Article WB-4000, 3. Design Specification (WA-3300) Article WC-4000, Article WD-4000) 4. Design Documents (WA-3300) 11. Weld procedures 5. As ‐ built drawings (WA-3300) 12. Audit and survey reports (NCA‐ 4134.18) 6. Certified Material Test Reports (CMTR) and documentation 13. Process sheets, travelers, or checklists providing traceability to location used, if required 14. Joint‐ welder identification records when such records are (WB-4100, WC-4100, WD-4100) used in lieu of physical marking of welds (WB-4300, 7. Heat treatment records [Note (1)] WC-4300, WD-4300) 8. Final hydrostatic and pneumatic test results (Article 15. Fabrication Specification (WA-3300) WB-6000, Article WC-6000) 16. Casting Plan (WB-2126, WC-2126) GENERAL NOTE: Nonconformance reports that affect those records listed shall be incorporated into the record or be retained with the records. NOTE: (1) Either heat treatment charts or certified summaries of time and temperature data may be provided. These data may be included as part of the CMTR. Table WA-4134.17-2 ð 17Þ Nonpermanent Quality Assurance Records Record Retention Period 1. QA Program Manual 3 yr after superseded or invalidated 2. Design procurement and QA procedures 3 yr after superseded or invalidated (NCA‐ 4134.5) 3. NDE procedures (WB-5112, WC-5112, WD-5112) 10 yr after superseded or invalidated 4. Personnel qualification records (WB-5520, 3 yr after superseded or invalidated WC-5520, WD-5520 and WB-4322, WC-4322, WD-4322) 5. Purchase orders 10 yr after superseded or invalidated 6. Final radiographs not covered in Table 10 yr after completion WA-4134.17-1 7. Calibration records (NCA‐ 4134.12) Until recalibrated GENERAL NOTE: Nonconformance reports that affect those records listed and are not incorporated into the record shall be retained for the retention period applicable to the record the nonconformance report affects. 13 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WA-5 000 AU TH ORI ZED I N SPECTI ON WA-5100 I N TRODU CTI ON Certificate Holder is actively engaged in Section III work. The Supervisor shall be available, as needed, for consulta- WA- 5110 APPLI CABI LI TY tion and support of the local inspection staff. The Super- This Article provides the requirements for inspection visor shall maintain supervisory control over one or by the Authorized Inspection Agency. more Authorized Nuclear Inspectors and shall perform all of the functions and maintain the records required of WA- 512 0 PERFORM AN CE OF I N SPECTI ON him in ASME QAI 1. ‐ WA- 512 1 Au th ori zed I n specti on Ag en cy (b) The portion of a Certificate Holder s Quality Assur- ’ ance Program that involves Material Organization activ- (a) The Authorized Inspection Agency shall be accre- ities [NCA 3820(c)] shall be audited by the Supervisor dited by the Society in accordance with the provisions ‐ at least once each year. set forth in ASME QAI 1. ‐ (b) The Authorized Inspection Agency shall notify the WA- 5130 ACCESS FOR I N SPECTI ON AG EN CY Society when it enters into an agreement with a Certifi- PERSON N EL cate Holder, or whenever an existing agreement is terminated. WA- 5131 Access to th e Certi fi cate H old er’ s Faci li ti es ð 17Þ WA- 512 2 Au th ori zed N u clear I n spector (a) The Certificate Holder shall arrange for the Inspec- Su pervi sor tion Agency Personnel to have free access at all times to The Autho rized I nspectio n Agency shall employ those locations where Code activities, including those Authorized Nuclear Inspection Supervisors, qualified in concerned with supply or manufacture of materials, are accordance with ASME QAI 1, to supervise the Inspectors. ‐ being performed on an item, when so requested. The Cer- tificate Holder shall keep the Inspector informed of the WA- 512 3 Au th ori zed N u clear I n spector progress of the work and shall notify him reasonably in The Authorized Inspection Agency shall also employ advance when the item will be ready for any required Authorized Nuclear Inspectors qualified in accordance tests or inspections. (b) The Certificate Holder shall provide personnel to with the latest revision of ASME QAI 1, to perform inspec- accompany the Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor ‐ tions required by this Division. The inspections required by this Division shall be performed by an Authorized Nu- during his required audits. clear Inspector. Any reference to Inspector throughout this Division shall mean Authorized Nuclear Inspector. WA-52 00 DU TI ES OF I N SPECTOR The Authorized Nuclear Inspector shall not be in the em- ploy of a Certificate Holder. WA- 52 10 G EN ERAL I N SPECTI ON DU TI ES ð 17Þ (a) The Inspector who performs the detailed inspec- ð 17Þ WA- 512 5 Du ti es of Au th ori zed N u clear I n spector tions in compliance with this Division shall witness or Su pervi sors otherwise verify all examinations and make all inspec- (a) Supervisors, in conjunction with Inspectors em- tions required by this Division. The Inspector shall also ployed by the same Authorized Inspection Agency make any other inspections and witness or verify (includ- (WA-5121), shall participate in the Society s review of ’ ing making measurements) any other examinations and the applicant s Quality Assurance Program (WA-8160). ’ additional investigations which, in the Inspector s judg- ’ In those cases where the Supervisor performs the func- ment, are necessary to ascertain whether the item being tions of the Inspector, he may represent both during the inspected has been constructed (WA-1110) in compliance review of the Program. A Supervisor designated by the with the rules of this Division. Parts, including piping sub- Authorized Inspection Agency shall review and accept assemblies, shall be in accordance with the accepted any proposed modifications to Quality Assurance Manuals documents (WA-3300). before they are put into effect. The Authorized Nuclear In- (b) The duties of the Inspector shall not be interpreted spector Supervisor shall audit the Inspector s perfor- ’ by virtue of these rules to extend to any construction re- mance at least twice per year at locations where the quirements beyond those of this Division that may be set 14 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 forth in the Fabrication Specifications (WA-3360). How- WA-5242 M on i tori n g of Qu ali ty Assu ran ce ever, such requirements shall not result in construction Prog ram s which fails to conform with the requirements of this The Inspector shall monitor the performance of the Division. Certificate Holder for conformity to the requirements of their Quality Assurance Program accepted by the Society. WA-52 20 CATEG ORI ES OF I N SPECTOR ’ S DU TI ES The Inspector shall verify that all changes to the Quality Assurance Manual have been accepted by the Authorized The duties of the Inspector shall include but not neces- Inspection Agency before they are put into effect. sarily be limited to those given in (a) through (i) below. (a) verifying the s co p e of wo rk to b e performed WA-5243 Process Con trol Ch eckli st [WA-5230(a)]; The Inspector shall indicate on the Certificate Holder s ’ (b) monitoring of the Certificate Holder s Quality Assur- ’ process sheets or checklist his concurrence that compli- ance P ro gram i ncluding s ub co n tracted activi tie s ance has been attained at each point stipulated by him (WA-5240); (WA-5241). (c) reviewing of the Certificate Holder s qualification ’ records (WA-5250); WA-52 50 QU ALI FI CATI O N RECORDS (d) verifying materials (WA-5260); WA-52 51 Revi ew of Qu ali fi cati on Record s (e) witnessing or verifying in process fabrication, non- ‐ The Inspector shall review the qualification records of destructive examination, and tests (WA-5270); the Certificate Holder. (f) witnessing final testing (WA-5280); (g) reviewing and signing Data Reports (WA-5290); WA-52 53 Weld i n g Proced u res (h) reviewing drawings and inspecting in accordance The Inspector shall assure himself that the welding pro- with them; cedures employed in fabrication have been qualified un- (i) performing all other duties specifically required in der the provisions of this Division. The Certificate ASME QAI 1. ‐ Holder shall submit evidence to the Inspector that these requirements have been met. When there is a specific rea- son to question the welding procedure, the Inspector may ð 17Þ WA-52 30 SCO PE OF WORK, DESI G N require requalification as a requirement for the proce- SPECI FI CATI O N S, DESI G N REPORTS, dure to be used on work subject to his inspection. AN D FABRI CATI ON SPECI FI CATI ON S WA-52 54 Weld ers an d Weld i n g Operators (a) The Inspector shall verify that the scope stated in the N type Certificate of Authorization includes the work ‐ The Inspector shall assure himself that all welding is to be performed. performed by welders or welding operators qualified un- (b) The Inspector shall verify that the Design Specifica- der the provisions of this Division. The Certificate Holder tion, Design Reports, and Fabrication Specifications, when shall make available to the Inspector a certified copy of required, are on file and that they have been properly cer- the record of performance qualification tests of each tified in accordance with WA-33 51.4, WA-3 356, and welder and welding operator as evidence that these re- WA-3361.3. quirements have been met. When there is a specific rea- son to question the ability of the welder or the welding (c) The Inspector shall not be held responsible for the operator to make welds that meet the requirements of scope or adequacy of the Design Specifications, for the the specification, the Inspector may require requalifica- completeness or accuracy of the Design Report or calcula- tion before the welder or welding operator is permitted tions or for the qualification of Certifying Engineers certi- to continue welding on work subject to his inspection. fying documents in compliance with the requirements of The Inspector shall also assure himself that each welder this Division. and welding operator has been assigned an identifying symbol and that such symbols are regularly and consis- WA-5240 QU ALI TY ASSU RAN CE PROG RAM S tently applied when required by this Division. WA-5241 Sti pu lati on of I n specti on s Pri or to WA-52 55 Exam i n ati on Proced u res The Inspector shall assure himself that the examination I ssu an ce of Process Sh eets or Con trols Prior to the issuance of process sheets or controls re- and testing procedures required by this Division have quired by NCA 4134.9, the Certificate Holder shall review ‐ been qualified. When there is a specific reason to question them and the applicable drawings with the Inspector, who whether the examination or testing procedure require- shall then stipulate the inspections he intends to make in ments are being met, the Inspector may require requalifi- order to fulfill the requirements of WA-5210. cation of the procedure. 15 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WA- 52 56 N on d estru cti ve Exam i n ati on WA- 5280 FI N AL TESTS Person n el The Inspector shall witness final tests required by this The Inspector has the duty to verify the qualification Division and examinations performed during such tests and certification of nondestructive examination person- by the Certificate Holder. nel employed by the Certificate Holder and has the duty to monitor the nondestructive examination activities WA- 529 0 DATA REPO RTS and require requalification of any personnel when there is reason to question the performance of that person. In The appropriate Data Reports prepared by the Certifi- addition, the Inspector shall monitor the Certificate cate Holder shall be reviewed and signed by the Inspector Holder s Quality Assurance Program as it relates to the only after they have been certified by a responsible repre- sentative of the Certificate Holder and after he has satis- ’ nondestructive examination activities of Material Organi- zations, and NDE subcontractors that the Certificate fied himself that all requirements of this Division have Holder qualified. been met and that each Data Report certified is a correct record. WA- 5260 M ATERI ALS, PARTS, AN D H EAT TREATM EN T WA-5300 RESPON SI BI LI TI ES OF TH E WA- 5261 I n specti on of M ateri als for Com pli an ce AU TH ORI ZED I N SPECTI ON The Inspector shall assure himself that all materials AG EN CY used comply with all applicable requirements of this Divi- sion. The Certificate Holder shall make available to the In- The responsibilities of the Authorized Inspection spector certified reports of the results of all tests Agency shall include but not necessarily be limited to performed in accordance with (a) and (b) below: those given in (a) through (j) below. (a) the material specifications; (a) Maintain a staff of Authorized Nuclear Inspectors (b) the requirements in the applicable materials a n d Au th o r i z e d N u c l e a r I n s p e c to r S u p e r vi s o r s Articles of this Division, including certified reports of (WA-5122 and WA-5123). the results of all required tes ts and examinatio ns (b) Make agreements with Certificate Holders for in- performed. spection service (WA-5121 and WA-8130). Notify the So- ci ety wh en e ve r s uch agree me nts are term in ate d ð 17Þ WA- 5262 Di m en si on al Ch eck (WA-5121). The Inspector shall satisfy himself: (c) Provide for participation in the Society s review of’ (a) that the item is being constructed within the toler- the applicant s Quality Assurance Program (WA-5125). ’ ance required by the Design Specification, Design Draw- (d) Provide for the review and acceptance of any pro- ings, and Fabrication Specifications, and this Division; posed modifications to Quality Assurance Manuals before (b) that head and shell sections conform to the pre- they are put into effect (WA-5125). scribed shape and meet the thickness requirements; (e) Review and accept the Certificate Holder s method ’ (c) that fittings and attachments to be welded to the of securing the nameplate to components to which, be- component fit properly to the surface of that component. cause of size or other considerations, the nameplate can- If required by the Inspector, the Certificate Holder shall not be directly attached [WA-8220(b)]. make available accurately formed templates for his use. (f) Review and accept the Certificate Holder s alterna- ’ tive method of identification, including the unique meth- WA- 5263 Ch eck of H eat Treatm en t Practi ce od of marking of components to which, because of size or The Inspector shall satisfy himself that all heat treat- other considerations, nameplates cannot be directly at- ment operations required by this Division are correctly tached [WA-8220(b)]. performed and that the temperature readings and gradi- (g) Review and accept the Certificate Holder s alterna- ’ ents conform to the requirements. tive method of marking of parts (WA-8230). (h) Review and accept the Certificate Holder s proce- ’ WA- 52 70 EXAM I N ATI ON S AN D TESTS dures for alternative stamping requirements (WA-8311). The Inspector shall witness in process fabrication non- ‐ (i) Determine by agreement with the Certificate Holder destructive examinations and destructive tests, when fea- the sequence for stamping and the completion of the Code sible; alternatively, he shall check the examination and Data Report [WA-8310(c)]. test records to determine the acceptability of the items (j) And all other duties specifically required in ASME involved. QAI 1. ‐ 16 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WA-7000 ð 17Þ REFEREN CE STAN DARDS WA-7100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS The standards and specifications referenced in the text of each Subsection are listed in Table WA-7100-2. Where Dimensions of standard products shall comply with the reference is made within Division 3 to requirements, that dimensional standards listed in Table WA-7100-1 when are part of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, the standard is referenced in the Division 3 Subsection. they are not included in this Table. However, compliance with these standards does not re- place or eliminate the requirements for stress analysis when called for by Article WB-3000, Article WC-3000, or Article WD-3000 for a specific component. Table WA-7100-1 Di m en si on al Stan d ard s Section III Referenced Other Acceptable Standard ID Published Title Edition Editions Pipes and Tubes ASME B36.10M Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe 2004 2000, 1996, 1985 ASME B36.19M Stainless Steel Pipe 2004 1985 (R1994) Fittings, Flanges, and Gaskets ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings 2009 2003, 1998, 1988, 1981 ASME B16.9 [Note (1)] Factory‐ Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings 2007 2001, 1993, 1986, 1981 ASME B16.11 Forged Fittings, Socket‐ Welding and Threaded 2009 2001, 1996, 1980 ASME B16.20 Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges: Ring‐ Joint Spiral Wound and 2007 2000, 1998, 1984 Jacketed ASME B16.21 Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges 2005 1992 ASME B16.25 Buttwelding Ends 1997 1986 ASME B16.47 Large Diameter Steel Flanges 2006 1998 MSS SP ‐ 43 Wrought and Fabricated Butt-Welding Fittings for Low 2008 1991 (R1996)(R2001), Pressure, Corrosion Resistant Applications 1982 (R1986), 1982 Bolting ASME B18.2.1 [Note (2)] Square, Hex, Heavy Hex, and Askew Head Bolts and Hex, Heavy 2010 1999, 1981 Hex, Hex Flange, Lobed Head and Lag Screws ASME/ANSI B18.2.2 Square and Hex Nuts (Inch Series) 1987 (R1999) 1987, 1972 (R1983) [Note (2)] ASME B18.3 [Note (2)] Socket Cap, Shoulder, and Set Screws, Hex and Spine Keys (Inch 2003 1998, 1986, 1982 Series) Threads ASME B1.1 [Note (2)] Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form) 2003 (R2008) 1989, 1982 ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch) 1983 (R2006) 1983 (R1992) [Note (2)] ANSI B1.20.3 [Note (2)] Dryseal Pipe Threads (Inch) 1976 (R2008) 1976 (R1981) (R1982) (R1991) (R1998) NOTES: (1) Analysis per ASME B16.9, para. 2.2, is acceptable only for caps and reducers. (2) These standards are referenced for dimensional purposes only. Any manufacturing or inspection requirements contained in item are not mandatory. The SA or SB Material Specification specifies the applicable manufacturing and inspection requirements. 17 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WA-7100-2 Standards and Specifications Referenced in Division 3 Section III Referenced Standard ID Published Title Edition The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) ASME NQA‐ 1 Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications 2008, 2009a ASME QAI ‐ 1 Qualifications for Authorized Inspection Latest American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) SNT‐ TC ‐ 1A Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing 2011 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) ASTM E23 Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials 2002a ASTM E185 Standard Practice for Design of Surveillance Programs for Light‐ Water Moderated Nuclear Power 2010 Reactor Vessels ASTM E186 Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy‐ Walled (2 to 4 1/2 − in.) [(51 to 114 − mm)] Steel Castings 67, 73, 75, 79 ASTM E208 Standard Test Method for Conducting Drop ‐ Weight Test to Determine Nil ‐ Ductility Transition 1991 Temperature of Ferritic Steels ASTM E280 Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy‐ Walled (41/2 to 12 ‐ in.) [(114 to 305 − mm)] Steel Castings 68, 72, 75 ASTM E399 Standard Test Method for Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials 1983, 1990 ASTM E446 Standard Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings up to 2 in. (51 mm) in Thickness 72, 75, or 78 ASTM E604 Standard Test Method for Dynamic Tear Testing of Metallic Materials 1983 ASTM E1820 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness 2001 ASTM F788 Standard Specification for Surface Discontinuities of Bolts, Screws, and Studs, Inch and Metric Series 2013 ASTM F812 Standard Specification for Surface Discontinuities of Nuts, Inch and Metric Series 2012 American Welding Society (AWS) AWS A4.2 Calibrating Magnetic Instruments to Measure the Delta Ferrite Content of Austenitic and Duplex 1991 Ferritic ‐ Austenitic Stainless Steel American National Standards Institute (ANSI) ANSI N14.5 Leakage Test on Packages for Transportation 1997, 2014 18 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WA-8000 CERTI FI CATES OF AU TH ORI ZATI ON , N AM EPLATES, CERTI FI CATI ON M ARK, AN D DATA REPORTS WA-8100 AU TH ORI ZATI ON TO PERFORM (b) The Society may, at any time, make regulations con- CODE ACTI VI TI ES cerning the issuance and use of Certificates and the Certi- fication Mark as it deems appropriate, and all regulations WA-8110 G EN ERAL s hall b eco me b inding up o n the ho lders o f a valid Certificates of Authorization to use the official Certifica- Certificate. tion Mark in Table WA-8100-1 to certify work in this Di- vision will be granted by the Society for a 3-yr period WA-8130 I N SPECTI ON AG REEM EN T REQU I RED pursuant to the provisions set forth in this Article. Certificate Holders shall possess an agreement with an ASME accredited Authorized Inspection Agency to pro- WA-812 0 SCOPE OF AU TH ORI ZATI ON vide inspection and audit services. The agreement with (a) The Certificate of Authorization (WA-3120) will the Authorized Inspection Agency shall be made prior identify the facility covered and state the scope of activ- to application for a survey. Certificate Holders shall notify ities for which authorization is granted. The Society the Society whenever their agreements with an Author- may, at its discretion, limit or extend the scope of an ized Inspection Agency are cancelled or changed to an- authorization to any types or classes of items or to a spe- other Authorized Inspection Agency. cific location. Table WA- 8100-1 ð 17Þ Au th ori zati on s an d Certi fi cati on M ark I ssu ed by th e Soci ety for th e Con stru cti on of Tran sportati on an d Storag e Com pon en ts an d Parts Type of Organization (Code Division Data Report Division) Scope Division 1 3 Form Notes N3 or NPT (Div. 3) Transportation containments … Class TC N‐7 (1) Storage containments … Class SC N‐7 (1) Internal support structures … Class ISS N-11 … N3 or NPT (Div. 3) Parts … Class TC, N‐9 (1), (2) SC, or ISS Field closure welds … Class TC N‐8 (1) or SC NPT (Div. 1) Tubular products welded with filler Class 1 for transportation containments, … NM ‐ 1 (3) metal Class 1 or 2 for storage containments N (Div. 1) Line valves Class 1 for transportation containments, … NPV‐ 1 (4) Class 1 or 2 for storage containments NOTES: (1) Completed Data Reports for closure welds of containments shall be forwarded to the Owner. (2) Data reports for parts shall be forwarded in duplicate to the Certificate Holder of the finished component. (3) Material (WA-1220) shall be documented on a Certified Material Test Report or a Certificate of Compliance in accordance with Article WB-2000, Article WC-2000, or Article WD-2000, as appropriate.. (4) Line valves shall meet the requirements of Division 1 in their entirety. 19 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WA- 8140 QU ALI TY ASSU RAN CE PRO G RAM WA- 816 0 EVALU ATI O N FOR AU TH ORI ZATI O N REQU I REM EN TS WA- 816 1 Evalu ati on for Certi fi cate of ð 17Þ It is a requirement that a Certificate Holder have a Au th ori zati on Quality Assurance Program (Article WA-4000) that has (a) Applicants for a new or renewed N3 or NPT Certifi- been evaluated and accepted by the Society. cate of Authorization for construction require a survey of their facilities. The purpose of the survey is to evaluate ð 17Þ WA- 8150 APPLI CATI ON FOR AU TH O RI ZATI ON the applicant s Quality Assurance Manual and the imple- ’ An Organization desiring a Certificate of Authorization mentation of the Quality Assurance Program. shall apply to the Society upon forms issued by the So- (b) The extent of the survey will be determined by the ciety describing the scope of Code activities to be Society based on a review of the applicant s intended ’ performed. scope of Code activities described in the application. The acceptance by the Society of the Quality Assurance Program shall not be interpreted to mean endorsement WA- 8151 Fi eld Operati on s of technical capability to perform design work such as The N3 or NPT Certificate of Authorization may be ex- system design or stress analysis. Such capability is im- tended to include field operations such as the completion plied for the specific component involved by the certifica- or repair of components and parts constructed under that tion of Design Reports ( WA-3 3 5 6) b y a Certifying authorization. Except as permitted in WA-8152, the So- Engineer. ciety requires a survey of each field site to assure that (c) Authorization to certify a Data Report or apply a the Quality Assurance Program described in the Manual Certification Mark to an item will be granted only after is implemented and enforced. a survey by the Society has satisfactorily demonstrated the adequacy and implementation of the Quality Assur- WA- 8152 Fi eld Operati on s for Con tai n m en t ance Program. Closu re Weld s The N3 or NPT Certificates may be extended to field lo- WA- 8170 I SSU AN CE OF AU TH ORI ZATI ON cations for making final closure welds to loaded spent nu- Each Certificate Holder shall have agreed that each Cer- clear fuel or high-level radioactive material containments tificate and Certification Mark (if one is issued) is at all without a site survey by the Society, provided times the property of the Society, that it will be used ac- (a) the control of materials, special processes, examina- cording to the rules and regulations of this Division, and tions, inspections, tests, and certification at field locations that the Certificate and Certification M ark will be shall be described in the Certificate Holders Quality As- promptly returned to the Society upon demand, or when surance Manual, including involvement of the Inspector; the Certificate Holder discontinues the scope of Code ac- (b) the Certificate Holders Quality Assurance Program tivities covered by his Certificate. The holder of a Certifi- has been reviewed and accepted by the Authorized In- cation Mark shall not permit any other party to use its spection Agency to confirm (a) above prior to any welding Certificate or Certification Mark. The Society reserves at field locations; the absolute right to cancel or refuse to renew such (c) unique identifiers are permanently marked on each authorization, returning fees paid for the prorated unex- of the containment parts that are to be assembled pired term. together; (d) the welds are to be made in accordance with the re- WA- 8180 REN EWAL O F AU TH O RI ZATI ON quirements of the Fabrication Specification; and Not later than 6 months prior to the date of expiration (e) the Data Report for each containment includes the of any Certificate, the Certificate Holder shall apply for a unique identifiers of (c) above. renewal of such authorization and the issuance of a new Certificate. WA- 8153 Sh op Assem bly Shop assembly of components, or components to piping WA-82 00 N AM EPLATES AN D STAM PI N G or other items, may be by N type Certificate Holders if ‐ WI TH CERTI FI CATI ON M ARK such activities are included within the scope of their N type Certificate of Authorization. ‐ WA- 8210 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS WA- 8211 N am eplates ð 17Þ (a) Each component or part to which a Certification WA- 8154 Cod e Acti vi ti es Pri or to Certi fi cati on Code activities performed prior to issuance of an N3 or Mark is applied shall have a nameplate, except as other- NPT Certificate of Authorization shall be subject to the ac- wise permitted by this subarticle. Marking shall be as re- ceptance of the Inspector. quired by (1) through (5) below. 20 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (1 ) the applicable official Certification Mark, as Agency. The use of this alternative method of identifica- shown in Table WA-8100-1; tion, including the method of marking, shall be reviewed (2) Class of construction and Designator; by and found acceptable to the Authorized Inspection (3) the statement “ Certified by” ; Agency (WA-5121) prior to implementation by the Certi- (4) Certificate Holder’ s name; ficate Holder. (5) Serial number and, if applicable, National Board (c) For internal support structures, if because of size, number and/or Canadian registration number. geometric constraints, or other considerations the name- (b) Valves fabricated by a Division 1 Certificate Holder plate cannot be directly attached to the component, an al- shall be stamped in accordance with Article NCA‐ 8000. ternative method of identification may be used. The alternative method is to be acceptable to the Authorized WA-82 12 Stam pi n g Wi th th e Certi fi cati on M ark Inspection Agency and includes application of a unique The Certification Mark shall be stamped on a nameplate identification mark to the component that will serve to attached to an item, except as otherwise permitted by this identify the component with the appropriate Data Report. subarticle. The arrangement of markings shall be as The marking shall be of a visible, permanent type and not shown in Figure WA-8212-1. The data shall be in charac- detrimental to the component. That type, method, and ters not less than 3/3 2 in. (2.5 mm) high. The selected manner of marking shall be described in the Certificate method shall not result in any harmful contamination or Holder's Quality Assurance Program or Procedure. The sharp discontinuities. Stamping directly on items, when use of this alternative method of marking shall be re- used, shall be done with blunt‐ nosed continuous or blunt‐ viewed by and found acceptable to the Authorized Inspec- nose interrupted dot die stamps. tion Agency (WA-5121) prior to the implementation by the Certificate Holder. WA-82 13 Attach m en t of N am eplates (a) The nameplate shall be attached by a method that WA-82 30 N AM EPLATES FOR CERTI FI CATI ON ð 17Þ will not affect the structural integrity of the item. M ARK WI TH N PT DESI G N ATOR I TEM S (b) If the nameplate is marked before it is attached, the Parts shall have a separate nameplate equivalent to Certificate Holder shall assure that the nameplate with that required for completed items when the size and the correct marking has been attached and the Inspector use of the item will accommodate such a nameplate. shall verify that this has been done. When the size or use of the item will not permit the instal- lation of a nameplate, the marking shall consist of suitable ð 17Þ WA-82 2 0 N AM EPLATES identification of the item until it has been incorporated (a) The markings required by WA-8210 shall be ap- into the finished component or other Certification Mark plied to a separate nameplate attached to the item. The with NPT Designator item. This alternative method of nameplate shall be of a visible, permanent type and not marking shall be reviewed with and found acceptable to detrimental to the item. The type, method, and manner the Authorized Inspection Agency before being used by of marking shall be described in the Certificate Holder’ s the Certificate Holder. Quality Assurance Program or Procedure. (b) If, because of size or other considerations, the nameplates cannot be directly attached to the component WA-8300 CERTI FI CATI ON M ARK ð 17Þ or part, the Certificate Holder may secure the nameplate in a manner acceptable to the Authorized Inspection WA-8310 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS (a) The Certification Mark shall be applied by the Certi- ficate Holder only with authorization of the Inspector. In ð 17Þ Fi g u re WA- 8212 -1 any case, the Certification Mark shall not be applied until Form of Stam pi n g completion of the required examination and testing, ex- cept as permitted in WA-8311. (b) Table WA-8100-1 provides Certification Mark re- Certified by quirements as related to type of certificates, scope of work, and class of construction. The class of construction shall be indicated by the letters TC, SC, TC and SC, or ISS stamped below and outside the official Certification Mark. (Designator) (Name of Certificate Holder) For construction of components, parts, or welds to be cer- (Class) tified as meeting a Section III Edition or Addenda before the 2011 Addenda, the ASME Certification Mark is equiva- (Serial number) lent to and may be used in lieu of the N3 or NPT Stamp shown in the Section III Edition and Addenda used for construction. 21 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (c) The completed Code Data Report certifies that the WA- 833 0 REM OVABLE I TEM S Inspector has inspected the item and authorized the ap- plication of the Certification Mark. The sequence for Removable items that form part of a containment stamping and the completion of the Code Data Report boundary shall have unique markings identifiable to an shall be determined by agreement between the Author- individual component. ized Inspection Agency and the Certificate Holder. WA- 8311 Altern ati ve Stam pi n g Req u i rem en ts WA-8400 DATA REPORTS For containments where final closure welds are not completed until after spent nuclear fuel or high-level WA- 8410 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS radioactive materials are loaded into the containment, The appropriate Data Report, 4 as specified in Table the organization assuming overall responsibility for the WA-8100-1, shall be filled out by the Certificate Holder containment may apply the Certification Mark with N3 and shall be signed by the Certificate Holder and the In- Designator prior to completion of the final closure welds, spector for each item (except as provided elsewhere in provided this Article) to be marked with a Certification Mark. Any (a) unique identifiers are permanently marked on each quantity to which units apply shall be entered on the of the containment parts that are to be assembled Manufacturer s Data Report with the chosen units. together; ’ (b) the Data Report for each component includes the assigned unique identifiers; and WA- 8412 Avai labi li ty of Data Reports (c) the procedure for controlling, and the use of, the un- ique identifiers shall be included in the Certificate Holders All Data Reports and referenced supporting material Quality Assurance Program and accepted by the Certifi- shall be available to the Inspector, Owner, and enforce- cate Holders Authorized Inspection Agency prior to use. ment, or regulatory authority having jurisdiction. 22 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 FORM N-7 NUCLEAR CONTAINMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code, Section III, Division 3 Pg. 1 of ð 17Þ 1 . Manufactured and certified by 2. Manufactured for 3. Transport and/or Storage (name and address) 4. Type (horizontal or vertical) (Containment serial no.) (Certificate Holder’s serial no.) (CRN) (National Bd. no.) (year built) 5. ASME Code, Section III, Division 3 (edition) (class) (Code Case no.) 6. Shell (material spec. no.) (tensile strength) (nominal thickness) (diameter ID) [length (overall)] 7. Seams Long ; girth (type) (HT) (RT or UT) (joint eff. %) (type) (HT) (RT or UT) (joint eff. %) 8. Heads [(a) material spec. no.] (tensile strength) [(b) material spec. no.] (tensile strength) [(c) material spec. no.] (tensile strength) [(d) material spec. no.] (tensile strength) Location (top, Crown Knuckle Elliptical Conical Hemispherical Flat Side to Pressure bottom, ends) Thickness Radius Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radius Diameter (convex or concave) (a) (b) (c) (d) If removable, bolts used; . If quick opening closure or other fastening, describe in detail 9. Design pressure at . Min. pressure-test temp. . Pneu., hydro., or comb. test pressure He leak test [maximim acc. leak rate (from fab. spec.)] 1 0. Supports Lugs Legs Other Attached (yes or no) (quantity) (quantity) (describe) (where and how) 1 1 . Nozzles Diameter How Reinforcement Purpose Quantity or Size Type Attached Material Thickness Material Location 1 2. Parts supplied by others (Data Reports attached). (a) Part (b) Serial No. (c) CRN No. (d) National Bd. No. 1 3. For containments list identifying markings of matching items to be joined in the field by welding. to be welded to (closure plates, heads) (shell assembly) 1 4. Remarks (07/1 7) 23 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 FORM N-7 (Back — Pg. 2 of ) Certificate Holder’s Serial No. CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN Design Specification on file at Design Specification certified by P.E. State or Prov. Reg. No. Design Report on file at Design Report certified by P.E. State or Prov. Reg. No. Fabrication Specification on file at Fabrication Specification certified by P.E. State or Prov. Reg. No. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR OVERALL RESPONSIBILITY Following completion of the above, the Certificate of Authorization Holder accepting overall responsibility for this Division 3 containment shall complete the following statement: We certify that the statements made by this report are correct and that construction of the items described in this Data Report conforms to the rules of the construction of the ASME Code, Section III, Division 3. N3 Certificate of Authorization No. Expires Date N3 Certificate Holder Signed (authorized representative) CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION I , th e u n dersigned, h ol di ng a val id com m issi on i ssu ed by th e N ation al Board of Boi l er and Pressu re Vessel I n spectors and em pl oyed by of have compared the statements described on this Data Report with those described in the attached Certificate Hold- er's Data Reports and to the best of my knowledge and belief, the described items have been constructed in accordance with the ASME Code, Section III, Division 3. By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the items described in this Data Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Date Signed Commission (Authorized Nuclear Inspector) [National Board Number and Endorsement] CERTIFICATE OF SHOP COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that this nuclear containment conforms to the rules for construction of the ASME Code, Section III, Division 3. Certificate of Authorization Type and No. Expires Date Name Signed (N3 Certificate Holder) (authorized representative) CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION I , th e u ndersigned, h ol ding a val i d com m i ssion i ssued by th e N ational Board of Boi l er and Pressu re Vessel I nspectors and em pl oyed by of have inspected the component described in this Data Report on , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Certificate Holder has constructed this component in accordance with the ASME Code, Section III, Division 3. By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the component described in this Data Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Date Signed Commission (Authorized Nuclear Inspector) [National Board Number and Endorsement] (07/1 7) 24 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 FORM N-8 FOR CLASS SC OR TC CLOSURE WELDS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code, Section III, Division 3 ð 17Þ 1 . Welds made by (name and address of certificate holder) 2. Welds made for (owner’s name and address) 3. Location of installation (name and address) 4. Welds were made in accordance with Fabrication Specification No. Revision Date 5. Containment Serial No. National Bd. No. CRN No. Year Built Identification Markings of Items to be Joined Welded to (heads, covers) (shell assy.) 6. ASME Code, Section III, Division 3 , (editions) (class) (Code Case no.) 7. Testing: Hydro., pneu., or comb. pressure test at He leak test of Welds (max. acceptable leak rate) 8. Remarks: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that these closure welds conform to the rules of construction of the ASME Code, Section III, Division 3, and the Fabrication Specification listed on this Data Report. Certificate of Authorization Type and No. Expires Date Name Signed (Certificate Holder) (authorized representative) CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION I, th e u ndersigned, h ol ding a val id comm ission issued by th e N ational Board of Boiler and Pressu re Vessel Inspectors and em ployed by of have inspected these items described in this Data Report on , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Certificate Holder has fabricated these parts in accordance with the ASME Code, Section III, Division 3. Each part listed has been authorized for stamping on the date shown above. By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the equipment described in this Data Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Date Signed Commission (Authorized Nuclear Inspector) [National Board Number and Endorsement] (07/1 7) 25 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 FORM N-9 SHOP FABRICATED PARTS ð 17Þ As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code, Section III, Division 3 Pg. 1 of 1 . Manufactured and certified by (name and address of N Certificate Holder) 2. Manufactured for (name and address of Purchaser) 3. Transport and/or Storage 4. Type (horizontal or vertical) (Serial no.) (Certificate Holder’s serial no.) (CRN) (National Bd. no.) (year built) 5. ASME Code, Section III, Division 3 (edition) (class) (Code Case no.) 6. Shell (material spec. no.) (tensile strength) (nominal thickness) (diameter ID) [length (overall)] 7. Seams Long ; girth (type) (HT) (RT or UT) (joint eff. %) (type) (HT) (RT or UT) (joint eff. %) 8. Heads [(a) material spec. no.] (tensile strength) [(b) material spec. no.] (tensile strength) [(c) material spec. no.] (tensile strength) [(d) material spec. no.] (tensile strength) Location (top, Corrosion Crown Knuckle Elliptical Conical Hemispherical Flat Side to Pressure bottom, ends) Thickness Allowance Radius Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radius Diameter (convex or concave) (a) (b) (c) (d) If removable, bolts used . If quick opening closure or other fastening, describe in detail 9. Design pressure at . Min. pressure-test temp. . Pneu., hydro., or comb. test pressure He leak test [maximum acc. leak rate (from fab. spec.)] 1 0. Supports Lugs Legs Other Attached (yes or no) (quantity) (quantity) (describe) (where and how) 1 1 . Nozzles Diameter How Reinforcement Purpose Quantity or Size Type Attached Material Thickness Material Location 1 2. Parts supplied by others (Data Reports attached). (a) Part (b) Serial No. (c) CRN No. (d) National Bd. No. 1 3. For components list identifying markings of matching items to be joined in the field by welding. to be welding to (closure plates, heads) (shell assembly) 1 4. List of Drawings (with last revision and date) 1 5. Remarks (07/1 7) 26 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 FORM N-9 (Back — Pg. 2 of ) Certificate Holder’s Serial No. 1 6. Fabrication specification used for the manufacture of this item revision no. prepared by Certified by P.E. State or Prov. Reg. No. CERTIFICATE OF SHOP COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made by this report are correct and that this (these) conforms to the rules of the construction of the ASME Code, Section III, Division 3 Certificate of Authorization Type and No. Expires Date Name Signed (NPT Certificate Holder) (authorized representative) CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION I , th e u ndersigned, h ol ding a val id com m ission issu ed by th e N ational Board of Boil er and Pressu re Vessel I nspectors and em pl oyed by of have inspected these items described in this Data Report on , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Certificate Holder has fabricated these parts in accordance with the ASME Code, Section III, Division 3. Each part listed has been authorized for stamping on the date shown above. By signing this certificate, neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the equipment described in this Data Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Date Signed Commission (Authorized Nuclear Inspector) [National Board Number and Endorsement] (07/1 7) 27 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 FORM N-1 1 CERTIFICATE HOLDER’S DATA REPORT FOR INTERNAL SUPPORT STRUCTURES* ð 17Þ As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code, Section III, Division 3 Pg. 1 of 1 . Manufactured and certified by (name and address of Certificate Holder) 2. Manufactured for (name and address of Purchaser) 3. Applicable Installation(s) (specific identifiers) 4. Type (Transportation, storage, or both) (C.H.’s serial no.) (CRN) (drawing no.) (National Bd. no.) (year built) 5. ASME Code, Section III, Division 3 (edition) (class) (Code Case no.) 6. Manufactured in accordance with specification Rev. Date (Fabrication Specification) 7. List of Drawings (with last revision and date) 8. Remarks CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN AND FABRICATION Design Specification certified by P.E. State Reg. no. Design Report certified by P.E. State Reg. no. Fabrication Specification certified by P.E. State Reg. no. CERTIFICATE OF INTERNAL SUPPORT STRUCTURES The undersigned, having a valid Certification of Authorization, certify that the construction of the internal support structure will not adversely affect the integrity of the containment. N3 Certificate of Authorization No. Expires Date Name Signed (Certificate Holder) (authorized representative) CERTIFICATE OF SHOP COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that this internal support structure conforms to the rules of construction of the ASME Code, Section III, Division 3. Certificate of Authorization Type and No. Expires Date Name Signed (Certificate Holder) (authorized representative) CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and employed by have inspected the internal support structure described in this Data Report on , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Certificate Holder has constructed this item in accordance with the ASME Code, Section III, Division 3. By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the item described in this Data Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Date Signed Commission (Authorized Nuclear Inspector) [National Board Number and Endorsement] * Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided: (1 ) size is 8 1 /2 ? 1 1 ; (2) information in items 1 through 4 on this Data Report is included on each sheet; and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. (07/1 7) 28 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WA-9 000 G LOSSARY WA-9100 I N TRODU CTI ON Containment Systems: a collective term for one or more components whose construction requirements are ad- This Article defines selected terms used in this Division. dressed by Division 3. Division 3 does not require nor The definitions in this Glossary shall prevail should a con- prohibit any Containment System component to be used flict exist with definitions found elsewhere in this Division in co nj unctio n with ano ther C o ntainment S ys tem or other documents referenced in this Division. Unless de- component. fined below, the definitions of Article NCA ‐ 9000 shall apply. Design Documents: documents used to establish the de- sign requirements, which include those criteria, para- meters, bases, or other design requirements upon which ð 17Þ WA-92 00 DEFI N I TI ON S detailed final design is based. For this Division, these in- clude the Design Specifications and any other documents Authorized Nuclear Inspector: an Authorized Nuclear In- referenced by them. Additionally, Design Documents are spector is an employee of an Authorized Inspection the output of the above and provide the technical descrip- Agency who has qualifications for and has been properly tion of the item; these include Certified Design Reports, qualified for Division 3. drawings, calculations, and Fabrication Specifications. Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor: an Authorized Design Specification (Division 3) : a document prepared by Nuclear Inspector Supervisor is an employee of an the N3 Certificate Holder which provides a complete basis Authorized Inspection Agency who has been assigned for design in accordance with this Division. by that agency to oversee and direct the work of one or more Authorized Nuclear Inspectors and who has qualifi- disposal: the permanent placement of spent nuclear fuel cations for and has been properly qualified for Division 3. or high-level radioactive material in a repository. Class ISS: the Division 3 classification assigned to internal energy-limited dynamic event:a time-dependent, nonre- support structures. peating event characterized by an impact or other me- Class SC: the Division 3 classification assigned to storage chanical loading with a known level of energy content. containments. examination :specific actions by qualified personnel using Class TC: the Division 3 classification assigned to trans- qualified procedures to verify that items and fabrication portation containments. processes are in conformance with specified require- Code Class: the classification, specified in the Design Spec- ments. This term, when used in conjunction with qualifi- ification, which establishes the rules for design and con- cation of personnel to perform quality‐ related activities, struction of items. shall mean a written examination. component: a containment or internal support structure Fabrication Specification :a document, or set of docu- that is designed, constructed, and stamped in accordance ments, prepared by the N3 Certificate Holder that estab- with the rules of Division 3. lishes the requirements for fabrication. construction (as used in Division 3) : an all ‐ inclusive term Inspector: the Authorized Nuclear Inspector as defined in comprising materials, design, fabrication, examination, WA-5123. testing, inspection, and certification required in the man- ufacture of an item. in tern al support structure : a component used within contain m ent: an enclosure that serves as a barrier for transportation or storage containments that performs a spent nuclear fuel or high-level radioactive material with- combination of structural and configuration control and in a prescribed volume for transportation or storage. other functions as described by the Design Specification (e.g., heat transfer and criticality). containment closure weld: a weld made to close the con- tainment after spent nuclear fuel or high-level radioactive item : a product constructed under a Certificate of Author- material has been loaded into the containment. ization (WA-3120) or material (WA-1220). 29 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Lowest Service Temperature (LST) : the lowest tempera- source material: metallic products used by a Material Or- ture that the metal may experience in service as detailed ganization or Certificate Holder in a product form conver- in the Design Specification. s i o n p r o c e s s i n t h e m a n u fa c t u r e o f m a t e r i a l [NCA-4251.2(a)(1)] , or in a qualification process based m aterial: for Section III, Division 3, metallic materials on test and examination to the requirements of the mate- manufactured to an SA, SB, SFA, or any other material rial specification [NCA-4255.5(a)(2) and (3)]. Source ma- specification permitted by this Division. terial may be qualified or unqualified. modification : a change to an item made necessary by, or special process: a process, the results of which are highly resulting in, a change in design requirements. dependent on the control of the process or skill of the op- erator, or both. N3 Certificate Holder (Division 3) : the organization that storage: the interim placement of spent fuel or high-level causes a Design Specification, Design Report, and Fabrica- tion Specification to be developed. This organization as- radioactive material in a Section III, Division 3, Class SC sumes responsibility for Code compliance with respect containment in accordance with specified requirements. to materials, design, fabrication, examination, testing, in- supplier: any individual or organization that furnishes ma- spection, certification, and stamping of items constructed terials or services in accordance with a procurement to the requirements of this Division. document. Owner: the organization that takes legal ownership of a survey: a documented evaluation of an organization s abil- ’ Division 3 component. ity to perform Code activities as verified by a determina- tion of the adequacy of the organization s quality program ’ qualified source material: metallic products produced by and by a review of the implementation of that program at an approved supplier, Material Organization, or Certifi- the location of the work. cate Holder in accordance with the requirements of testing : an element of verification for the determination of WA-3800, or the output of the qualification process re- quirements of NCA-4255.5. the capability of an item to meet specified requirements by subjecting the item to a set of physical, chemical, envi- quality control: measurement of the characteristics of an ronmental, or operating conditions. item or process to determine conformance to specified traceability: the ability to verify the history, location, or requirements. ap p l i cati o n o f an i te m b y m e an s o f re co rd e d Quality System Certificate : a Certificate issued by the So- identification. ciety that permits an organization to perform specified transportation : the conveyance of spent nuclear fuel or Material Organization activities in accordance with Code high-level radioactive material over public access routes requirements. in a Section III, Division 3, Class TC containment in accor- dance with specified requirements. regulatory authority: a Federal Government Agency, such as the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, em- unqualified source material: source material not produced powered to issue and enforce regulations concerning the by a Certificate Holder, Material Organization, or ap- design and construction of components used for trans- proved supplier in accordance with the requirements of portation and/or storage of spent nuclear fuel and high- WA-3800. level radioactive material. use ‐ as‐ is: only applicable requirements of this Division have been met. sh op drawin gs : drawings which describe fabrication details, physical dimensions, arrangements, and any sig- verification : a review to ensure that activities have been nificant engineering features needed to establish confor- performed and documented in accordance with applic- mance to the Fabrication Specification, and this Division. able requirements. 30 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 SU BSECTI ON WB CLASS TC TRAN SPORTATI ON CON TAI N M EN TS ARTI CLE WB- 1000 I N TRODU CTI ON ð 17Þ WB-1100 SCOPE WB-113 2 Bou n d ary Between a Con tai n m en t an d Attach m en ts (a) Subsection WB contains rules for the material, de- sign, fabrication, examination, testing, marking, stamping, WB- 1132. 1 Attach m en ts. and preparation of reports by the Certificate Holder for (a) An attachment is an element in contact with or con- Class TC transportation containments for spent nuclear nected to the inside or outside of a containment, which fuel and high-level radioactive material. may perform a containment function, and either a struc- tural or nonstructural function. (b) The rules of Subsection WB cover the strength and (b) Attachments that do not perform a containment containment integrity of items where their failure could breach the containment boundary. The rules cover load function include items such as stiffeners or containment stresses but do not cover deterioration which may occur opening reinforcement. in service as a result of corrosion, radiation effects, or in- (c) Attachments with a noncontainment function in- stability of containment materials. WA-1130 further lim- clude items in the containment support load path such its the rules of this Subsection. as support and shear lugs, brackets, trunnions and skirts. (d) Attachments with a structural function (structural attachments) perform a containment function or are in ð 17Þ WB-112 0 LI M I TS OF RU LES FOR CLASS TC the containment support load path. TRAN SPORTATI ON CO N TAI N M EN TS (e) Attachments with a nonstructural function (non- structural attachments) do not perform a containment (a) Subsection WB does not contain rules to cover all function nor are they in the containment support load details of construction of Class TC containments. Where path. Nonstructural attachments include items such as complete details are not provided in this Subsection, it nameplates and lifting lugs. is intended that the N3 Certificate Holder, subject to re- view by the Inspector (Article WA-5000), shall provide WB- 1132 . 2 The jurisdic- J u ri s d i cti o n al B o u n d ary. the details of construction which will be consistent with tional boundary between a containment and an attach- those provided by the rules of this Subsection. ment defined in the Design Specification shall not be (b) Valves, classified as part of the containment by the any closer to the containment than as defined in (a) Design Specification, shall be classified as Class 1 and through (g) below. shall meet the requirements of Division 1 in lieu of all (a) Attachments forged with the containment or weld other requirements of this Division. buildup on the containment surface shall be considered part of the containment. (b) Attachments, welds, and fasteners having a contain- WB-113 0 BO U N DARI ES OF J U RI SDI CTI ON m e n t fu n c ti o n s h a l l b e c o n s i d e r e d p a r t o f th e containment. WB-113 1 Bou n d ary of Con tai n m en ts (c) Except as provided in (d) and (e) below, the bound- The Design Specification shall define the boundary of a ary between a containment and an attachment not having containment. The containment includes the vessel and a containment function shall be at the surface of the any penetrations attached to the vessel. containment. 31 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (d) The first connecting weld of a structural attachment (f) Mechanical fasteners used to connect an attachment that does not perform a containment function to a con- that does not perform a containment function to the con- tainment shall be considered part of the containment. tainment shall be considered part of the attachment. (e) The first connecting weld of a welded nonstructural (g) The boundary may be located further from the con- attachment to a containment shall be considered part of tainment portion of the containment than as defined in the attachment. (a) through (f) above when specified in the Design Specification. 32 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WB-2000 M ATERI AL WB-2100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS FOR apply to the product form in which the material is used. M ATERI AL As an additional control, only the following materials shall be used: (1 ) materials whose P-Numbers are listed in Table WB-2 110 SCOPE O F PRI N CI PAL TERM S WB-4622.1-1 EM PLOYED (a) The term material as used in this Subsection is de- (2) ductile cast iron castings per specifications fined in Article WA-9000. The term Material Organization SA-874 or SA/JIS G5504 is defined in Article NCA‐ 9000. (b) The requirements of this Article do not apply to (b) The term containment material as used in this Sub- seals and gaskets. section applies to items such as containment shells and (c) Material for instrument line fittings, NPS 1 (DN 25) heads; reinforcement around openings and penetrations and less, may be of material made to specifications other such as leak testing and drainage ports, and structural re- than those listed in Section II, Part D, Tables 2A and 2B, inforcements required by design to maintain structural provided that the material is determined to be adequate integrity. for the service conditions by the containment designer. (c) The requirements of this Article make reference to (d) Welding material used in the manufacture of items the term thickness t. For the purpose intended, the follow- ing definitions of nominal thickness apply. shall comply with an SFA specification in Section II, Part C, except as otherwise permitted in Section IX, and shall also (1 ) plate: the thickness is the dimension of the short comply with the applicable requirements of this Article. transverse direction. The requirements of this Article do not apply to material (2) forgings: the thickness is the dimension defined used as backing rings or backing strips in welded joints. as follows: (-a) hollow forgings: the nominal thickness is mea- sured between the inside and outside surfaces (radial WB-2 12 2 Speci al Req u i rem en ts Con fli cti n g Wi th ð 17Þ thickness) Perm i tted M ateri al Speci fi cati on s (-b) disk forgings (axial length less than the out- side diameter): the nominal thickness is the axial length Special requirements stipulated in this Article shall ap- ply in lieu of the requirements of the material specifica- (-c) flat ring forgings (axial length less than the ra- tion wherever the special requirements conflict with the dial thickness): for axial length ≤ 2 in. (50 mm), the axial material specification requirements (NCA‐ 4256). Where length is the nominal thickness. For axial length > 2 in. the special requirements include an examination, test, (50 mm), the radial thickness is the nominal thickness. or treatment which is also required by the material spec- (-d) rectangular solid forgings: the least rectangu- ification, the examination, test, or treatment need be per- lar dimension is the nominal thickness formed only once. Required nondestructive examinations (3) castings: thickness for fracture toughness testing shall be performed as specified for each product form in and heat treatment purposes is defined as the wall thick- WB-2500. Any examination, repair, test, or treatment re- ness of the containment. quired by the material specification or by this Article may be performed by the Material Organization or the Certifi- WB-2 12 0 CON TAI N M EN T M ATERI AL cate Holder as provided in WB-4121. Any hydrostatic or pneumatic pressure test required by a material specifica- WB-2 12 1 Perm i tted M ateri al Speci fi cati on s tion need not be performed, provided the material is iden- (a) Containment material and material welded thereto, tified as not having been pressure tested and it is except as permitted in WB-4435, and except for welding subsequently pressure tested as part of the containment and hard surfacing metals and cladding which is 10% or pressure test in accordance with WB-6100, except where less of the thickness of the base material (WB-3122), shall the location of the material in the component or the in- conform to the requirements of one of the specifications stallation would prevent performing any nondestructive for material given in Section II, Part D, Tables 2A, 2B, examination required by the material specification to be and 4, including all applicable footnotes in the table, performed subsequent to the hydrostatic or pneumatic and to all of the special requirements of this Article which test. 33 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (a) The stress rupture test of SA-453 and SA-638 for WB-2 126 Du cti le Cast I ron for Con tai n m en t Grade 660 (UNS S66286) is not required for design tem- peratures of 800°F (427°C) and below. The containment body shall be cast by a single pouring controlled by a casting plan to ensure reproducibility. The casting plan shall be agreed upon between the manufac- ð 17Þ WB-2 12 3 Si ze Ran g es turer and purchaser and shall become a lifetime quality Material outside the limits of size or thickness given in assurance record in accordance with WA-4134. any specification in Section II may be used if the material is in compliance with the other requirements of the spec- ification and no size limitation is given in the rules for WB-2 12 7 Ad d i ti on al Req u i rem en ts Wh en construction. In those specifications in which chemical Strai n -Based Acceptan ce Cri teri a H ave composition or mechanical properties are indicated to Been I m plem en ted vary with size or thickness, any material outside the spec- In order to satisfy the strain-based acceptance criteria ification range shall be required to conform to the compo- of WB-3700 regarding sufficient ductility, all material sition and mechanical properties shown for the nearest specified to be used in the construction of the contain- specified range (NCA‐ 4256). ment and implementing the strain-based acceptance cri- te ri a s h al l m e e t th e re q u i re m e n ts o f S e cti o n I I I WB-2 124 Fabri cated H u bbed Flan g es Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix FF, FF-1122, and FF-1140(a) or FF-1140(b). Assurance of satisfying these Fabricated hubbed flanges shall be in accordance with requirements shall be documented in the final Design Re- the following: port. Per Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix (a) Hubbed flanges may be machined from a hot rolled FF, FF-1140(a), when temperature-dependent material or forged billet. The axis of the finished flange shall be test data are not available, the Certified Material Test parallel to the long axis of the original billet. (This is not Report(s) shall include reduction of area values in order intended to imply that the axis of the finished flange to have the necessary data to ensure sufficient material and the original billet must be concentric.) ductility. This requirement is only necessary when strain- (b) Hubbed flanges, except as permitted in (a) above, based acceptance criteria have been employed in the de- shall not be machined from plate or bar stock material un- sign of the containment. less the material has been formed into a ring, and further provided that: (1 ) in a ring formed from plate, the original plate sur- WB-2 13 0 CERTI FI CATI O N O F M ATERI AL faces are parallel to the axis of the finished flange (this is All material used in construction of containments shall not intended to imply that the original plate surface must be certified as required in NCA‐ 3860. Certified Material be present in the finished flange); Test Reports are required for containment material ex- (2) the joints in the ring are welded butt joints that cept as provided by NCA‐ 3860. A Certificate of Compli- conform to the requirements of this Division. Thickness ance may be provided in lieu of a Certified Material Test to be used to determine postweld heat treatment and Report for all other material. Copies of all Certified Mate- radiography requirements shall be the lesser of t , or rial Test Reports and Certificates of Compliance applic- (A − B )/2, where these symbols are as defined in Section able to material used in a component shall be furnished III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix XI, XI-3130. with the material. (c) The back of the flange and the outer surface of the hub shall be examined by the magnetic particle method or the liquid penetrant method in accordance with WB-2 140 WELDI N G M ATERI AL WB-2540 to ensure that these surfaces are free from defects. For the requirements governing the material to be used for welding, see WB-2400. WB-2 12 5 Bolti n g M ateri al (a) Material for bolts and studs shall conform to the re- WB-2 150 M ATERI AL I DEN TI FI CATI ON ð 17Þ quirements of one of the specifications listed in Section II, The identification of containment material and materi- Part D, Subpart 1, Table 4. Material for nuts shall conform als welded thereto shall meet the requirements of to SA-194 or to the requirements of one of the specifica- NCA‐ 4256. Material for small items shall be controlled tions for nuts or bolting listed in Section II, Part D, Sub- during manufacture and installation of a component so part 1, Table 4. that they are identifiable as acceptable material at all (b) The use of washers is optional. When used, they times. Welding material shall be controlled during the re- shall be made of wrought material with mechanical prop- pair of material and the manufacture and installation so erties compatible with the nuts with which they are to be that they are identifiable as acceptable until the material employed. is actually consumed in the process (WB-4122). 34 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WB-2 16 0 DETERI ORATI ON OF M ATERI AL I N heat treated in the same manner as the containment, ex- SERVI CE cept that test coupons and specimens for P ‐ No. 1 material Consideration of deterioration of material caused by with a nominal thickness of 2 in. (50 mm) or less are not service is generally outside the scope of this Subsection. required to be so heat treated. The Certificate Holder shall It is the responsibility of the N3 Certificate Holder to se- provide the Material Organization with the temperature lect material suitable for the conditions stated in the De- and heating and cooling rate to be used. In the case of sign Specifications (WA-3351), with specific attention postweld heat treatment, the total time at temperature being given to the effects of service conditions upon the or temperatures for the test material shall be at least properties of the material. Any special requirement shall 80% of the total time at temperature or temperatures be specified in the Design Specifications (WA-3351 and during actual postweld heat treatment of the material, WB-3120). When so specified, the check analysis shall and the total time at temperature or temperatures for be made in accordance with the base metal specification the test material, coupon, or specimen may be performed and in acco rdance with WB - 2 42 0 fo r the welding in a single cycle. Any postweld heat treatment time, which material. is anticipated to be applied to the material or item after it is completed, shall be specified in the Design Specifica- WB-2 170 H EAT TREATM EN T TO EN H AN CE tion. The Certificate Holder shall include this time in the I M PACT PRO PERTI ES total time at temperature specified to be applied to the test specimens.. Carbon steels and low alloy steels may be heat treated by quenching and tempering to enhance their impact properties. Postweld heat treatment of the component WB-2 2 12 Test Cou pon H eat Treatm en t for at a temperature of not less than 1,100°F (595°C) may Qu en ch ed an d Tem pered M ateri al be considered to be the tempering phase of the heat Where ferritic steel mate- treatment. WB- 2212. 1 Cooli n g Rates. rial is subjected to quenching from the austenitizing tem- WB-2 180 PROCEDU RES FOR H EAT TREATM EN T perature, the test coupons representing that material OF M ATERI AL shall be cooled at a rate similar to and no faster than the main body of the material except in the case of certain When heat treating temperature or time is required by forgings (WB-2223.2). This rule shall apply to coupons ta- the material specification and the rules of this Subsection, ken directly from the material as well as to separate test the heat treating shall be performed in temperature ‐ coupons representing the material, and one of the general surveyed and temperature ‐ calibrated furnaces or shall procedures described in WB-2212.2 or one of the specific be performed with thermocouples in contact with the ma- procedures described in WB-2220 shall be used for each terial or attached to blocks in contact with the material. product form. Heat treating shall be performed under furnace loading conditions such that the heat treatment is in accordance WB- 22 12. 2 G en eral Proced u res. One of the general with the material specification and the rules of this procedures stipulated in (a), (b), and (c) below may be ap- Subsection. plied to quenched and tempered material or test coupons representing the material, provided the specimens are ta- WB-2 19 0 M ATERI AL N OT PERFORM I N G A ken relative to the surface of the product in accordance CO N TAI N M EN T FU N CTI O N with WB-2220. Further specific details of the methods M aterial not performing a containment function to be used shall be the obligation of the Material Organi- welded at or within 2 t of the containment shall comply zation and the Certificate Holder. with the requirements of WB-4430. (a) Any procedure may be used which can be demon- strated to produce a cooling rate in the test material which matches the cooling rate of the main body of the WB-22 00 M ATERI AL TEST COU PON S AN D product at the region midway between midthickness SPECI M EN S FOR FERRI TI C STEEL and the surface (1/4t ) and no nearer any heat-treated edge M ATERI AL AN D DU CTI LE CAST than a distance equal to the nominal thickness t being I RON quenched within 25°F (14°C) and 20 sec at all tempera- tures after co o ling b egins fro m the aus teni tizing temperature. WB-2 2 10 H EAT TREATM EN T REQU I REM EN TS ð 17Þ WB-2 2 11 Test Cou pon H eat Treatm en t for (b) If cooling rate data for the material and cooling rate Ferri ti c M ateri al control devices for the test specimens are available, the Where ferritic steel material is subjected to heat treat- test specimens may be heat treated in the device to repre- ment during fabrication of a containment, the material sent the material, provided that the provisions of (a) used for the tensile and impact test specimens shall be above are met. 35 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (c) When any of the specific procedures described in the material at least 1/4 t deep and t from any edge of WB-2220 are used, faster cooling rates at the edges may the product. Unless cooling rates applicable to the bulk be compensated for by: pieces o r p ro duct are simulated in acco rdance with (1 ) taki n g th e te s t s p e ci m e n s a t l e as t t fro m a WB -2 2 1 2 .2 (b) , the dimensions of the coupon shall be quenched edge, where t equals the material thickness; not less than 3 t × 3 t × t , where t is the nominal material (2) attaching a steel pad at least t wide by a partial thickness. penetration weld (which completely seals the buffered surface) to the edge where specimens are to be removed; WB-2 2 2 3 Forg i n g s or WB- 2 2 2 3 . 1 Locati on o f Cou pon s. Coupons shall be ð 17Þ (3) using thermal barriers or insulation at the edge taken so that specimens shall have their longitudinal axes where specimens are to be removed. It shall be demon- at least 1/4 t from any surface and with the midlength of strated (and this information shall be included in the Cer- the specimens at least t from any second surface, where tified Material Test Report) that the cooling rates are t is the maximum heat-treated thickness. A thermal buffer equivalent to (a) or (b) above. as described in WB-2 2 1 2 .2 (c) may be used to achieve these conditions, unless cooling rates applicable to the WB-2 2 13 Test Cou pon H eat Treatm en t for bulk forgings are simulated as otherwise provided in Du cti le Cast I ron WB-2212.2. The tensile and impact coupon shall receive the same WB - 2 2 2 3 . 2 Very Th i ck o r Co m p le x Fo rg i n g s. Test heat treatment as the casting. coupons for forgings that are very thick or complex and other forgings that are contour shaped or machined to es- WB-2 2 2 0 PROCEDU RE FO R O BTAI N I N G TEST sentially the finished product configuration prior to heat COU PO N S AN D SPECI M EN S FO R treatment may be removed from prolongations or other QU EN CH ED AN D TEM PERED stock provided on the product. The Certificate Holder M ATERI AL AN D FOR DU CTI LE CAST shall specify the surfaces of the finished product sub- I RON j ected to high tensile stresses in service. The coupons WB-2 2 2 1 G en eral Req u i rem en ts shall be taken so that specimens shall have their longitu- dinal axes at a distance below the nearest heat-treated The procedure for obtaining test coupons and speci- surface, equivalent at least to the greatest distance that mens for quenched and tempered material is related to the indicated high tensile stress surface will be from the the product form. Coupon and specimen location and nearest surface during heat treatment, and with the mid- the number of tension test specimens shall be in accor- length of the specimens a minimum of twice this distance dance with the material specifications, except as required from a second heat-treated surface. In any case, the longi- by the following paragraphs. References to dimensions tudinal axes of the specimens shall not be nearer than signify nominal values. 3 /4 in. (19 mm) to any heat-treated surface and the mid- l e n g th o f th e s p e c i m e n s s h a l l b e a t l e a s t 1 1/2 i n . WB-2 2 2 2 Plates (38 mm) from any second heat-treated surface. WB- 2 2 2 2 . 1 N u m b e r of Ten si o n Test Co u p on s. The number of tension test coupons required shall be in ac- WB- 2 2 2 3 . 3 C o u p o n s F ro m S e p a ra t e l y P ro d u ce d co rd an ce wi th th e m a te ri al s p e ci fi cati o n a n d wi th Test coupons representing forgings from Test Forg i n g s. SA-2 0 , except that from carbon steel plates weighing one heat and one heat treatment lot may be taken from 42 ,0 0 0 lb (1 9 0 0 0 kg) and over and alloy steel plates a separately forged piece under the conditions given in weighing 40,000 lb (18 000 kg) and over, two tension test (a) through (e) below. coupons shall be taken, one representing the top end of (a) The separate test forging shall be of the same heat the plate and one representing the bottom end of the of material and shall be subj ected to substantially the plate. same reduction and working as the production forging it represents. ð 17Þ WB - 2 2 2 2 . 2 O ri e n tati o n an d Lo cati o n o f Co u p o n s. (b) The separate test forging shall be heat treated in the Coupons shall be taken so that specimens shall have their same furnace charge and under the same conditions as longitudinal axes at least 1/4 t from a rolled surface and the production forging. with the midlength of the specimen at least t from any (c) The separate test forging shall be of the same nom- heat-treated edge, where t is the nominal thickness of inal thickness as the production forging. the material. (d) Test coupons for simple forgings shall be taken so ð 17Þ WB - 2 2 2 2 . 3 Re q u i re m e n ts fo r Se p arate Te s t Co u - that specimens shall have their longitudinal axes at the re- pon s. Where a separate test coupon is used to represent gion midway between midthickness and the surface, and the component material, it shall be of sufficient size to en- with the midlength of the specimens no nearer any heat- sure that the cooling rate of the region from which the treated edge than a distance equal to the forging thick- test coupons are removed represents the cooling rate of nes s , excep t when the thicknes s – length ratio o f the 36 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 production forging does not permit, in which case a pro- WB-2300 FRACTU RE TOU G H N ESS duction forging shall be used as the test forging and the REQU I REM EN TS FOR M ATERI AL midlength of the specimens shall be at the midlength of the test forging. WB-2 310 M ATERI AL TO BE TOU G H N ESS TESTED (e) Test coupons for complex forgings shall be taken in WB-2 311 M ateri al for Wh i ch Tou g h n ess Testi n g accordance with WB-2223.2. I s Req u i red (a) Containment material and material welded thereto WB- 2223. 4 When test Test Speci m en s for Forg i n g s. shall be toughness tested in accordance with the require- specimens for forgings are to be taken under the applic- ments of this subarticle, except that the material listed in able specification, the Inspector shall have the option of (1) through (7) below is not to be toughness tested as a witnessing the selection, placing an identifying stamping requirement of this Subsection: on them, and witnessing the testing of these specimens. (1 ) material with a nominal section thickness of 3 /16 in. (5 mm) and less where the thicknesses shall be ta- ken as defined in (-a) through (-c) below: WB-2 2 24 Locati on of Cou pon s (-a) for containments, use the nominal thickness of the shell or head, as applicable; (a) Bars. Coupons shall be taken so that specimens shall (-b) for items welded to containments, use the les- have their longitudinal axes at least 1/4t from the outside ser of the containment shell thickness to which the item is or rolled surface and with the midlength of the specimens welded or the maximum radial thickness of the item ex- at least t from a heat-treated end, where t is either the bar clusive of integral shell butt welding projections; diameter or thickness. (-c) for flat heads or flanges, use the maximum (b) Bolting . For bolting materials, tests shall be made of shell thickness associated with the butt welding hub; either full ‐ size bolts or test coupons as required by the (2) bolting, including studs, nuts, and bolts, with a base specification. The gage length of the tension speci- nominal size of 1 in. (25 mm) and less; mens and the area under the notch of Charpy specimens (3) bars with a nominal cross ‐ sectional area of 1 in. 2 shall be at least one diameter or thickness from the heat- 2 (650 mm ) and less; treated end. (4) all thicknesses of material for fittings with an NPS 6 (DN 150) diameter and smaller; (5) material for fittings with all pipe connections of 5 WB-2 2 25 Tu bu lar Prod u cts an d Fi tti n g s /8 in. (16 mm) nominal wall thickness and less; (6) austenitic stainless steels, including precipitation WB- 2 2 2 5 . 1 Coupons shall be Locati on of Cou po n s. hardened austenitic Grade 660 (UNS S66286); taken so that specimens shall have their longitudinal axes (7) nonferrous material. at least 1/4t from the inside or outside surface and with the (b) Drop weight tests are not required for precipitation midlength of the specimens at least t from a heat-treated hardening steels listed in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, end, where t is the nominal wall thickness of the tubular Table 2A. The other requirements of WB-2332 apply for product. these steels. For nominal wall thicknesses greater than 2 1/2 in. (64 mm), the required Charpy V‐ notch values shall WB - 2 2 2 5 . 2 Se p arate ly Pro d u ce d Co u p o n s Re p re - be 40 mils (1.02 mm) lateral expansion. Separately produced test coupons rep- sen ti n g Fi tti n g s. res e nti ng fi tti ngs m ay b e us e d. When s e p aratel y WB-2 32 0 I M PACT TEST PROCEDU RES p ro duced co up o ns are us ed, the requirements o f WB-2 32 1 Types of Tests WB-2223.3 shall be met. WB- 2321. 1 Drop Wei g h t Tests.The drop weight test, when required, shall be performed in accordance with ASTM E208. Specimen types P ‐ 1, P ‐ 2, or P ‐ 3 may be used. WB-2 2 26 Ten si le Test Speci m en Locati on for The results, orientation, and location of all tests per- Du cti le Cast I ron formed to meet the requirements of WB-2330 shall be re- Tensile specimens shall be taken from each contain- ported in the Certified Material Test Report. ment casting or its excess length part that has the same WB-2321. 2 C h a rp y V- N o tch Tests.The Charpy or equivalent solidification property. The location shall V‐ notch test (C v), when required, shall be performed in be near the center of the thickness and shall be at a dis- accordance with SA-370. Specimens shall be in accor- tance from the end of the excess length part that is not dance with SA-370, Figure 11, Type A. A test shall consist less than one-half of the maximum casting thickness. of a set of three full ‐ size 0.394 in. × 0.394 in. (10 mm The excess length part shall be at least the same thickness × 10 mm) specimens. The lateral expansion and absorbed as the maximum casting thickness. energy, as applicable, and the test temperature, as well as 37 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 the orientation and location of all tests performed to meet (4) Specimens for all plate material, including that the requirements of WB-2330 shall be reported in the used for pipe, tube, and fittings, shall be oriented in a di- Certified Material Test Report. rection normal to the principal rolling direction, other than thickness direction. ð 17Þ WB- 232 1. 3 Fracture F ra c t u re T o u g h n e s s T e s t s . (5) Specimens for cast material shall have their axes toughness tests, when required, shall be performed in ac- oriented the same as the axes of the tensile specimens cordance with ASTM E399. The tests shall be performed (WB-2226). at the lowest service temperature (LST). A test shall con- sist of two test specimens. (6) The plane of the toughness test specimen notch shall be normal to the surface of the material. However, ð 17Þ WB - 2 3 2 1 . 4 The dynamic tear D yn am i c Te ar Te s t. for ductile cast iron, the fracture toughness specimen or- tests, when required, shall be performed in accordance ientation shall be L-R, as identified in ASTM E399, Fig. 1 with ASTM E604. The tests shall be performed at the (Crack Plane Identifications for Cylindrical Bars and LST. A test shall consist of two test specimens. Tubes). (b) Specimens for drop weight tests may have their axes oriented in any direction. The orientation used shall WB-2 32 2 Test Speci m en s be reported in the Certified Material Test Report. WB-2322. 1 Locati on of Test Speci m en s. (a) Toughness test specimens for quenched and tem- WB-2 3 30 TEST REQU I REM EN TS AN D pered material shall be removed from the locations in ACCEPTAN CE STAN DARDS 5 each product form specified in WB-2220 for tensile test specimens. For material in other heat-treated conditions, WB-2 3 31 M ateri al for Con tai n m en ts toughness test specimens shall be removed from the loca- WB-2331. 1 Test Req u i rem en ts for Ferri ti c Steel Ma- ð 17Þ tions specified for tensile test specimens in the material teri al for Con tai n m en ts. Ferritic steel material for con- specification. For all material, the number of tests shall tai nm en ts , o the r than b o l tin g, s h al l b e te s te d i n be in accordance with WB-2340. For bolting, the C v tough- accordance with (a) and (b), (c), or (d) below. Considera- ness test specimen shall be taken with the longitudinal tion shall be given to the test temperature requirements axis of the specimen located at least one ‐ half radius or of leak testing and hydrostatic testing of the containment 1 in. (25 mm) below the surface plus the machining allow- (WB-6212). ance per side, whichever is less. The fracture plane of the (a) For material with a nominal section between 3/16 in. specimens shall be at least one diameter or thickness (5 mm) and 5/8 in. (16 mm) thick, the dynamic tear test from the heat-treated end. When the studs, nuts, or bolts shall exhibit at least 80% shear fracture at the LST. For are not of sufficient length, the midlength of the specimen material of 5/8 in. (16 mm) and more but not exceeding shall be at the midlength of the studs, nuts, or bolts. The 12 in. (300 mm) thick, the reference temperature, RT N D T , studs, nuts, or bolts selected to provide test coupon mate- shall be established as follows: rial shall be identical with respect to the quenched con- (1) Determine a temperature T N D T that is at or tour and size except for length, which shall equal or above the nil ‐ ductility transition temperature by drop exceed the length of the represented studs, nuts, or bolts. weight tests. (b) For fracture toughness requirements, toughness (2) At a temperature not greater than T N D T + 60°F test specimens for ductile cast iron shall be taken from ( T N D T + 3 3 ° C ) , e a c h s p e c i m e n o f th e C v t e s t each containment casting or its excess length part. The lo- (WB-2321.2) shall exhibit at least 35 mils (0.89 mm) lat- cation shall be the same as that for the tensile specimens. eral expansion and not less than 50 ft-lb (68 J) absorbed energy. Retesting in accordance with WB-2350 is per- WB - 2 3 2 2 . 2 O ri e n tati o n o f To u g h n e s s Te s t Sp e ci - mitted. When these requirements are met, TN D T is the re- m en s. ference temperature RTN D T . (a) Toughness test specimens shall be oriented as (3) In the event that the requirements of (2) above follows: are not met, conduct additional C v tests in groups of three (1) Specimens for forgings, other than bolting and specimens (WB-2321.2) to determine the temperature T c bars used for containments, shall be oriented in a direc- at which they are met. In this case the reference tempera- tion normal to the principal direction in which the mate- ture RT N D T = T c − 60°F (RT N D T = Tc − 33°C). Thus, the rial was worked. Specimens are neither required nor reference temperature RTN D T is the higher of T N D T and prohibited from the thickness direction. (Tc − 60°F) (Tc − 33°C). (2) Specimens from material for pipe, tube, and fit- (4) When a C v test has not been performed at T N D T tings, except for those made from plate and castings, shall + 6 0 ° F ( T N D T + 3 3 ° C ) , o r wh e n th e C v te s t a t be oriented in the axial direction. TN D T + 60°F (TN D T + 33°C), does not exhibit a minimum (3) Specimens from bolting material and bars shall of 50 ft-lb (68 J) and 35 mils (0.89 mm) lateral expansion, be oriented in the axial direction. a temperature representing a minimum of 50 ft-lb (68 J) 38 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 and 35 mils (0.89 mm) lateral expansion may be obtained from a full C v impact curve developed from the minimum Table WB-2 33 1. 2- 2 data points of all the C v tests performed. Req u i red Fractu re Tou g h n ess Valu es for Ferri ti c Steel M ateri al for Con tai n m en ts (b) Apply the procedures of (a) above to (1), (2), and H avi n g a Speci fi ed Yi eld Stren g th of 50 ksi (3) below. (350 000 kPa) or Less at 100°F (38°C) (1) the containment base materials, 6 Rapid ‐ Load Fracture (2) the base material, the heat-affected zone, and Toughness, weld metal from the weld procedure qualification tests Nominal Wall Thickness, in accordance with WB-4330; in. (mm) [Note (1)] (3) the weld metal of WB-2431. 5 /8 (16) 50 (55) (c) For materials where fracture toughness values are 1 (25) 64 (70) determined in accordance with WB-2321.3 the measured 2 (50) 94 (103) fracture toughness shall be reported in the Certified Ma- 3 (75) 113 (124) terial Test Report. 4 (100) 130 (143) (d) Bars having a width or diameter of 2 in. (50 mm) GENERAL NOTE: Linear interpolation is permissible. and less which prohibit obtaining drop weight test speci- NOTE: mens shall be tested in accordance with WB-2332. (1) Measured for test time equal to or less than 10 ms. ð 17Þ WB- 23 31. 2 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s for Ferri ti c Steel M ateri al fo r E xcep t as limi ted i n Con tai n m en ts. WB-4330, the reference temperature R T N D T shall be WB-2331. 3 Test Req u i rem en ts for Du cti le Cast I ron the highest value of the individual R TN D T values deter- A rapid-load fracture toughness test for Co n tai n m en ts. m i n e d i n acco rdan ce wi th WB - 2 3 3 1 . 1 (a) an d shall be performed in accordance with WB-2321.3, except WB-2331.1(b). If applicable, the containment base mate- that ASTM E1820 shall be used. A test shall consist of at rials shall be tested to determine the fracture toughness least four specimens. The test shall be performed at in accordance with WB-2321.3. The results shall meet − 40°F (− 40°C). the acceptance standards of either (a) or (b) below. (a) For materials not exceeding 12 in. (305 mm), the re- WB- 2 3 3 1. 4 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s for D u cti le Cast ference temperature RTN D T shall satisfy the value of A in The rapid-load fracture tough- I ro n fo r Co n tai n m e n ts. acco rdance wi th Tab l e WB - 2 3 3 1 . 2 - 1 wh ere ness value shall satisfy the following inequality at − 40°F A = L ST − RTN D T . (− 40°C): (b) For materials not exceeding 4 in. (100 mm), the rapid ‐ load fracture toughness of the base material shall satisfy the required value in Table WB-2331.2-2, and (1) All full penetration fabrication weld joints are ul- where trasonically examined in accordance with WB-5110 and KI C, R = rapid-load fracture toughness, ksi-in. 1/2 meet the ultrasonic acceptance standards of WB-5330. (MPa-m 1/2 ) (-a) Rules for fracture toughness requirements σ SD = standard deviation, ksi-in. 1/2 (MPa-m 1/2 ) b as ed o n fracture mechanics metho do l o gy are in preparation. The average value and standard deviation shall be es tab lis hed as s uming Weib ull dis tri b utio n o f the measurements. Table WB-2 33 1. 2- 1 Req u i red LST- RT N D T Valu es for Ferri ti c Steel WB-2 332 M ateri al for Pi pi n g , Exclu d i n g Bolti n g ð 17Þ M ateri al for Con tai n m en t M ateri al M ateri al Nominal Wall Thickness, A = LST‐ R T N D T , (a) Containment boundary material, other than bolting, in. (mm) 5 °F (°C) with nominal wall thickness 2 1/2 in. (64 mm) and less for /8 (16) 25 (14) piping (pipe and tubes) and fittings with all pipe connec- 1 (25) 45 (25) tions of nominal wall thickness 2 1/2 in. (64 mm) and less 2 (50) 75 (42) 3 (75) 90 (50) shall be tested as required in (1) and (2) below. 4 (100) 103 (57) (1) Test three C v specimens at a temperature lower 8 (200) 115 (64) than or equal to the LST. All three specimens shall meet 12 (300) 120 (67) the requirements of Table WB-2332(a)-1. GENERAL NOTE: Linear interpolation is permissible. (2) Apply the procedures of (1) above to: (-a) the base material; 6 39 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WB-2 3 42 Forg i n g s Table WB-2 332 (a) -1 Req u i red C v Valu es for Pi pi n g (a) Where the weight of an individual forging is less than 1,000 lb (450 kg), one test shall be made to repre- Lateral Nominal Wall Thickness, Expansion, sent each heat in each heat treatment lot. in. (mm), [Note (1)] mils (mm) (b) When heat treatment is performed in a continuous 5 /8 (16) or less No test required type furnace with suitable temperature controls and Over 5/8 to 3/4 (16 to 19) , incl. 20 (0.50) equipped with recording pyrometers so that complete Over 3/4 to 1 1/2 (19 to 38), incl. 25 (0.64) heat treatment records are available, a heat treatment Over 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 (38 to 64), incl. 40 (1.0) charge shall be considered as the lesser of a continuous run not exceeding 8 hr duration or a total weight, so treat- NOTE: ed, not exceeding 2,000 lb (900 kg). (1) For fittings, use the nominal pipe wall thickness of the (c) One test shall be made for each forging of 1,000 lb connecting piping. to 10,000 lb (450 kg to 4 500 kg) in weight. (d) As an alternative to (c), a separate test forging may be used to represent forgings of different sizes in one heat (-b) the base material, the heat-affected zone, and and heat treat lot, provided the test piece is a representa- weld metal from the weld procedure qualification tests in tion of the greatest thickness in the heat treat lot. accordance with WB-4330; and (-c) the weld metal of WB-2431. WB-2 3 43 Bars (b) Containment material, other than bolting, with One test shall be made for each lot of bars with cross- nominal wall thickness over 2 1/2 in. (64 mm) for piping sectional area greater than 1 in. 2 (650 mm 2 ), where a (pipe and tubes) and fittings with any pipe connections lot is defined as one heat of material heat treated in one of nominal wall thickness greater than 2 1/2 in. (64 mm) charge or as one continuous operation, not to exceed shall meet the requirements of WB-2331. The LST shall 6,000 lb (2 700 kg). not be lower than R TN D T + 100°F (R T N D T + 56°C). WB-2 3 44 Tu bu lar Prod u cts an d Fi tti n g s On products which are seamless or welded without fil- ð 17Þ WB-2 3 33 Bolti n g M ateri al ler metal, one test shall be made from each lot. On pro- For bolting material, including studs, nuts, and bolts, ducts which are welded with filler metal, one additional test three C v specimens at a temperature no higher than test with the specimens taken from the weld area shall the preload temperature or the LST, whichever is less. also be made on each lot. A lot shall be defined as stated All three specimens shall meet the requirements of Table in the applicable material specification, but in no case WB-2333-1. shall a lot consist of products from more than one heat of material and of more than one diameter, with the nom- inal thickness of any product included not exceeding that WB-2 3 40 N U M BER OF TOU G H N ESS TESTS to be tested by more than 1/4 in. (6 mm); such a lot shall be REQU I RED in a single heat treatment load or in the same continuous WB-2 3 41 Plates run in a continuous furnace controlled within a 50°F (28°C) range and equipped with recording pyrometers. One test shall be made from each plate as heat treated. Where plates are furnished in the nonheat‐ treated condi- WB-2 3 45 Bolti n g M ateri al tion and qualified by heat-treated test specimens, one test One test shall be made for each lot of material, where a shall be made for each plate as ‐ rolled. The term as‐ rolled lot is defined as one heat of material heat treated in one refers to the plate rolled from a slab or directly from an charge or as one continuous operation, not to exceed in ingot, not to its heat-treated condition. weight the following: Diameter, in. (mm) Weight, lb (kg) Table WB-2 333 -1 1 3/4 (44) and less 1,500 (680) Req u i red Cv Valu es for Bolti n g M ateri al Over 1 3/4 to 2 1/2 (44 to 64) 3,000 (1 350) Over 2 1/2 to 5 (64 to 127) 6,000 (2 700) Lateral Over 5 (127) 10,000 (4 500) Expansion, Absorbed Nominal Diameter, in. (mm) mils (mm) Energy, ft-lb (J) 1 (25) or less No test required No test required WB-2 3 46 Test Defi n i ti on s Over 1 to 4 (25 to 100), incl. 25 (0.64) No requirements Over 4 (100) 25 (0.64) 45 (61) U n l e s s o th e rwi s e s ta te d i n WB - 2 3 4 1 th ro u gh WB-2345, the term one test is defined to include the com- bination of the drop weight test and the C v test when 40 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 R TN D T is required [WB-2331.1(a) and WB-2331.1(b) ] (4) minimum tensile strength [WB-2 43 1.1 (e) ] in o r o nly the C v tes t o r the fracture to ughnes s tes t the as ‐ we l de d o r he at- tre ate d co ndi ti o n o r b o th when R T N D T is no t required [ WB - 2 3 3 1 . 1 (c) and [WB-2431.1(c)]; WB-2331.1(d)]. (5) drop weight test for material as ‐ welded or heat- treated, or both (WB-2331); WB-2 350 RETESTS (6) Charpy V ‐ notch test for material as ‐ welded or (a) For C v tests required by WB-2330, one retest at the heat treated, or both (WB-2331); the test temperature same temperature may be conducted provided the re- and the lateral expansion or the absorbed energy shall quirements of (1) through (3) below are met: be provided; (1 ) the average value of the test results meets the (7) fracture toughness test for material as ‐ welded or minimum requirements; heat treated, or both (WB-2331); (2) not more than one specimen per test is below the (8) the preheat and interpass temperatures to be minimum requirements; used during welding of the test coupon [WB-2431.1(c)]; (3) the specimen not meeting the minimum require- (9) postweld heat treatment time, temperature ments is no t lo wer than 1 0 ft- lb (1 4 J ) o r 5 mils range, and maximum cooling rate, if the production weld (0.13 mm) below the specified requirements. will be heat treated [WB-2431.1(c)]; (b) A retest consists of two additional specimens taken (1 0) elements for which chemical analysis is required as near as practicable to the failed specimens. For accep- per the SFA Specification or Welding Procedure Specifica- tance of the retest, both specimens shall meet the mini- tion and WB-2432; mum requirements. (1 1 ) minimum delta ferrite (WB-2433). WB-242 0 REQU I RED TESTS ð 17Þ WB-2 36 0 CALI BRATI ON OF I N STRU M EN TS AN D EQU I PM EN T The required tests shall be conducted for each lot of Calibration of temperature instruments and test ma- covered, flux cored, or fabricated electrodes; for each heat chines used in toughness testing shall be performed at of bare electrodes, rod, or wire for use with the OFW, the frequency given in (a) and (b) below. GMAW, GTAW, and PAW processes (Section IX); for each (a) Temperature instruments used to control test tem- heat of consumable inserts; for each combination of heat perature of specimens shall be calibrated and the results of bare electrodes and lot of submerged arc flux (SAW); recorded to meet the requirements of NCA‐ 4258.2 at least for each combination of lot of fabricated electrodes and once in each 3 month interval. lot of submerged arc flux; or for each combination of heat (b) Test machines shall be calibrated using the fre- of bare electrodes or lot of fabricated electrodes, and dry quency and methods outlined in ASTM E23 and employ- blend of supplementary powdered filler metal, and lot of ing standard specimens obtained from the National submerged arc flux. Tests performed on welding material Institute of Standards and Technology, or any supplier in the qualification of weld procedures will satisfy the of subcontracted calibration services accredited in testing requirements for the lot, heat, or combination of accordance with the requirements of WA-3 1 2 3 and heat and batch of welding material used, provided the NCA-4255.3(c). tests required by Article WB-4000 and this subarticle are made and the results conform to the requirements of this Article. The definitions in (a) through (h) below WB-2400 WELDI N G M ATERI AL apply. (a) A dry batch of coverin g m ixture is defined as the WB-2410 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS quantity of dry covering ingredients mixed at one time (a) All welding material used in the construction and in one mixing vessel; a dry batch may be used singly or repair of containments, except welding material used may be subsequently subdivided into quantities to which for cladding or hard surfacing, shall conform to the re- the liquid binders may be added to produce a number of quirements of the welding material specification or to wet mixes [see (c) below]. the requirements for other welding material as permitted (b) A dry blend is defined as one or more dry batches in Section IX. In addition, welding material shall conform mixed in a mixing vessel and combined proportionately to the requirements stated in this subarticle and to the to produce a uniformity of mixed ingredients equal to that rules covering identification in WB-2150. obtained by mixing the same total amount of dry ingredi- (b) The Certificate Holder shall provide the organiza- ents at one time in one mixing vessel. tion performing the testing with the information listed be- (c) A wet mix is defined as the combination of a dry low, as applicable. batch or dry blend [(a) and (b) above, respectively], and (1 ) welding process; liquid binder ingredients at one time in one mixing vessel. (2) SFA Specification and classification; (d) A lot ofcovered, flux cored, or fabricated electrodes is (3) other identificatio n if no SFA Specification defined as the quantity of electrodes produced from the applies; same combination of heat of metal and dry batch, dry 41 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 blend, or chemically controlled mixes of flux or core ma- (h) A dry blend of supplementary powdered filler metal terials. Alternatively, a lot of covered, flux cored, or fabri- is defined as one or more mixes of material produced in cated electrodes may be considered one type and size of a continuous period, not to exceed 24 hr and not to ex- electrode, produced in a continuous period, not to exceed ceed 2 0 ,0 0 0 lb (9 0 0 0 kg) from chemically controlled 24 hr and not to exceed 100,000 lb (4 500 kg), from chem- mixes of powdered filler metal, provided each container ically controlled tube, wire, or strip and a dry batch, a dry of powdered metal is coded for identification and trace- blend, or chemically controlled mixes of flux, provided able to the production period, the shift, and the mixing each container of welding material is coded for identifica- vessel. A chemically controlled mix ofpowdered filler metal tion and traceable to the production period, the shift, line, is defined as powdered filler metal material that has been and the analysis range of both the mix and the rod, tube, chemically analyzed to assure that it conforms to the per- or strip used to make the electrode. cent allowable variation from the powdered filler metal (1 ) Chemically controlled tube, wire, or strip is defined manufacturer s standard, for each chemical element, for ’ as consumable tube, wire, or strip material supplied on that type of powdered filler metal. A chemical analysis coils with a maximum of one splice per coil that has been shall be made on each mix made in an individual mixing chemically analyzed to ensure that the material conforms vessel after blending. The chemical analysis range of the to the electrode manufacturer s chemical control limits ’ supplemental powdered filler shall be the same as that for the specific type of electrode. Both ends of each coil of the welding electrode, and the ratio of powder to elec- shall be chemically analyzed, except that those coils which trode used to make the test coupon shall be the maximum are splice free need only be analyzed on one end of the permitted for production welding. coil. (2) Chemically controlled mixes of flux are defined as WB-2430 WELD METAL TESTS flux material that has been chemically analyzed to ensure WB-2431 Mechanical Properties Test that it conforms to the percent allowable variation from Tensile and toughness tests shall be made, in accor- the electrode manufacturer s standard for each chemical ’ element for that type electrode. A chemical analysis shall dance with this paragraph, of welding materials which be made on each mix made in an individual mixing vessel are used to join P Nos. 1 and 3 base materials in any com- ‐ after blending. bination, with the exceptions listed in (a) through (d) below. (e) A heat ofbare electrode, rod, wire, or consumable in- (a) austenitic stainless steel and nonferrous welding sert is defined as the material produced from the same material used to join the listed P Numbers; melt of metal. ‐ (b) consumable inserts (backing filler material); (f) Alternatively, for carbon and low alloy steel bare (c) welding material used for GTAW root deposits with electrode, rod, wire, or consumable inserts for use with SAW, OFW, GMAW, GTAW, and PAW processes, a h eat a maximum of two layers; may be defined as either the material produced from (d) welding material to be used for the welding of base the same melt of metal or the material produced from material exempted from toughness testing by WB-23 11 one type and size of wire when produced in a continuous shall likewise be exempted from the impact testing re- period [not to exceed 24 hr and not to exceed 100,000 lb quired by WB-2330 and this paragraph. (45 000 kg)] from chemically controlled wire, subj ect to WB-2431.1 General Test Requirements. The welding ð 17Þ requirements of (1) , (2), and (3) below. test coupon shall be made in accordance with (a) through (1 ) For the chemical control of the product of the rod (f) below, using each process with which the weld mate- mill, coils shall be limited to a maximum of one splice rial will be used in production welding. prior to processing the wire. Chemical analysis shall be (a) Test coupons shall be of sufficient size and thick- made from a sample taken from both ends of each coil ness such that the test specimens required herein can of mill coiled rod furnished by mills permitting spliced be removed. coil practice of one splice maximum per coil. A chemical (b) The weld metal to be tested for all processes shall analysis need be taken from only one end of rod coils be deposited in such a manner as to eliminate substan- furnished by mills prohibiting spliced coil practice. tially the influence of the base material on the results of (2) Carbon, manganese, silicon, and other intention- the tests. Weld metal to be used with the electroslag pro- ally added elements shall be identified to ensure that cess shall be deposited in such a manner as to conform to the material co nfo rms to the SFA o r us er s material ’ one of the applicable Welding Procedure Specifications specification. (WPS) for production welding, Section IX. The base mate- (3) Each container of wire shall be coded for identifi- rial s hall confo rm to the requirements o f Section I X, cation and traceability to the lot, production period, shift, QW 403.1 or QW 403.4, as applicable. ‐ ‐ line, and analysis of rod used to make the wire. (c) The welding of the test coupon shall be performed (g) A lot ofsubmerged arc flux is defined as the quantity within the range of preheat and interpass temperatures of flux produced from the same combination of raw mate- that will be used in production welding. Coupons shall rials under one production schedule. be tested in the as welded condition, or they shall be ‐ 42 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 tested in the applicable postweld heat-treated condition number of C v specimens, drop weight specimens, and when the production welds are to be postweld heat- fr a c tu r e to u gh n e s s te s t s p e c i m e n s r e q u i r e d b y treated. The postweld heat treatment holding time shall WB-2330, where applicable. be at least 80% of the maximum time to the weld metal (c) The welding of the test coupon shall conform to the in production application. The total time for postweld requirements of the SFA Specification for the classifica- heat treatment of the test coupon may be applied in one tion of electrode being tested. Coupons shall be tested heating cycle. Any postweld heat treatment time, which in the as ‐ welded condition and also in the postweld heat- is anticipated to be applied to the material or item after treated condition. The PWHT temperatures shall be in ac- it is completed, shall be specified in the Design Specifica- cordance with Table WB-4622.1-1 for the applicable tion. The Certificate Holder shall include this time in the P ‐ Number equivalent. The time at PWHT temperature total time at temperature specified to be applied to the shall be 8 hr. (This qualifies PWHT of 10 hr or less.) When test specimens. The cooling rate from the postweld heat the PWHT of the production weld exceeds 10 hr, or the treatment temperature shall be of the same order as that PWHT temperature is other than that required above, applicable to the weld metal in the component. the general test of WB-2431.1 shall be used. (d) The tensile specimens, and the C v test specimens (d) The tensile and C v specimens shall be located and where required, shall be located and prepared in accor- p rep ared in acco rdance with the requirements o f dance with the requirements of SFA-5.1 or the applicable SFA-5.1 or SFA-5.5, as applicable. Drop weight and frac- SFA specification. Drop weight and fracture toughness ture toughness test specimens, where required, shall be test specimens, where required, shall be oriented so that located and oriented as specified in WB-2431.1(d). the longitudinal axis is transverse to the weld with the (e) One all weld metal tensile specimen shall be tested notch in the weld face or in a plane parallel to the weld face. For specimen preparation and testing, the applicable and shall meet the specified minimum tensile strength re- parts of WB-2321.1 and WB-2321.2 shall apply. The lon- quirement of the SFA Specification for the applicable elec- trode classification. gitudinal axis of the specimen shall be at a minimum depth of 1/4 t from a surface, where t is the thickness of (f) The requirements of WB-2431.1(f) shall be applic- the test weld. able to the toughness testing of this option. (e) One all weld metal tensile specimen shall be tested and shall meet the specified minimum tensile strength re- quirements of the base material specification. When base WB-2432 Chemical Analysis Test materials of different specifications are to be welded, the Chemical analysis of filler metal or weld deposits shall tensile strength requirements shall conform to the speci- be made in accordance with WB-2420 and as required by fied minimum tensile strength requirements of either of the following subparagraphs. the base material specifications. (f) Toughness specimens of the weld metal shall be WB-2432.1 Test Method. The chemical analysis test ð 17Þ tested where toughness tests are required for either of shall be performed in accordance with this subparagraph the base materials of the production weld. The weld metal and Table WB-2432.1-1, and the results shall conform to shall conform to the parts of WB-2331.1(a) or WB-2332 WB-2432.2. applicable to the base material. Where different require- (a) A‐ No. 8 welding material to be used with GTAW and ments exist for the two base materials, the weld metal PAW processes and any other welding material to be used may conform to either of the two requirements. with any GTAW, PAW, or GMAW process shall have chem- ical analysis performed either on the filler metal or on a WB-2431.2 Standard Test Requirements. In lieu of weld deposit made with the filler metal in accordance the use of the General Test Requirements specified in with (c) or (d) below. WB-2431.1, tensile and toughness tests may be made in accordance with this subparagraph where they are re- quired for mild and low alloy steel covered electrodes; the material combinations to require weld material test- Table WB-2432.1-1 ing, as listed in WB-2431, shall apply for this Standard Sampling of Welding Materials for Chemical Test Requirements option. The limitations and testing un- Analysis der this Standard Test option shall be in accordance with All Other (a) through (f) below. GTAW/PAW GMAW Processes (a) Testing to the requirements of this subparagraph A‐ No. 8 filler metal Filler metal or shall be limited to electrode classifications included in weld deposit Weld deposit Weld deposit Specifications SFA-5.1 or SFA-5.5. All other filler metal Filler metal or Filler metal weld deposit or weld (b) The test assembly required by SFA-5.1 or SFA-5.5, deposit Weld deposit as applicable, shall be used for test coupon preparation, except that it shall be increased in size to obtain the 43 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (b) A‐ No. 8 welding material to be used with other than (a) See (1) and (2) below. the GTAW and PAW processes and other welding material (1 ) All welding material of ferrousalloys A‐ No. 8 and to be used with other than the GTAW, PAW, or GMAW A‐ No. 9 (Section IX, Table QW‐ 442) shall be analyzed for process shall have chemical analysis performed on a weld the elements listed in Table WB-2432.2-1 and for any deposit of the material or combination of materials being other elements specified in the welding material specifi- certified in accordance with (c) or (d) below. The removal cation referenced by the WPS or in the WPS. of chemical analysis samples shall be from an undiluted (2) All other welding material shall be analyzed for weld deposit made in accordance with (c) below. As an al- the elements specified in either the welding material ternative, the deposit shall be made in accordance with specification referenced by the WPS or in the WPS. (d) below for material that will be used for corrosion re- (b) The chemical composition of the weld metal or filler sistant overlay cladding. Where the Welding Procedure metal shall conform to the welding material specification Specification or the welding material specification speci- for elements having specified percentage composition fies percentage composition limits for analysis, it shall limits. Where the Welding Procedure Specification con- state that the specified limits apply for the filler metal tains a modification of the composition limits of SFA or analysis, the undiluted weld deposit analysis, or in situ other referenced welding material specifications, or pro- cladding deposit analysis in conformance with the above vides limits for additional elements, these composition required certification testing. limits of the welding procedure specification shall apply (c) The preparation of samples for chemical analysis of for acceptability. undiluted weld deposits shall comply with the method (c) The results of the chemical analysis shall be re- given in the applicable SFA Specification. Where a weld ported. Elements listed in Table WB-2432.2-1 but not deposit method is not provided by the SFA specification, specified in the welding material specification or WPS the sample shall be removed from a weld pad, groove, shall be reported for information only. or other test weld made using the welding process that will be followed when the welding material or combina- WB-2433 Delta Ferrite Determination tion of welding materials being certified is consumed. The methods given in the Appendix of SFA-5.9 shall be A determination of delta ferrite shall be performed on used to establish a welding and sampling method for A‐ No. 8 weld material (Section IX, Table QW‐ 442) backing the pad, groove, or other test weld to ensure that the weld filler metal (consumable inserts); bare electrode, rod, or wire filler metal; or weld metal, except that delta ferrite deposit being sampled will be substantially free of base determinatio ns are no t required fo r S FA- 5 . 9 and metal dilution. The weld for A‐ No. 8 material to be used SFA-5.4, Type 16 ‐ 8 ‐ 2, or A‐ No. 8 weld filler metal to be with the GMAW process shall be made using the shielding used for weld metal cladding. gas composition specified in the WPSs that will be fol- lowed when the material is consumed. Where a chemical WB-2433.1 Method. Delta ferrite determinations of analysis is required for a welding material which does not welding material, including consumable insert material, have a mechanical properties test requirement, a chemi- shall be made using a magnetic measuring instrument cal analysis test coupon shall be prepared as required and weld deposits made in accordance with (b) below. Al- by WB-2431.1(c), except that heat treatment of the cou- ternatively, the delta ferrite determinations for welding pon is not required and the weld coupon thickness re- materials may be performed by the use of chemical quirements of WB-2431.1(c) do not apply. anal ys i s o f WB - 2 4 3 2 i n co nj u ncti o n wi th Fi gure (d) The alternative method provided in (b) above for WB-2433.1-1. the preparation of samples for chemical analysis of weld- (a) Calibration of magnetic instruments shall conform ing material to be used for corrosion resistant overlay to AWS ‐ A4.2. cladding shall require a test weld made in accordance (b) The weld deposit for magnetic delta ferrite determi- with the essential variables of the WPS that will be fol- nation shall be made in accordance with WB-2432.1(c). lowed when the welding material is consumed. The test (c) A minimum of six ferrite readings shall be taken on weld shall be made in conformance with the require- the surface of the weld deposit. The readings obtained ments of Section IX, QW‐ 214.1. The removal of chemical shall be averaged to a single Ferrite Number (FN). analysis samples shall conform with Section IX, Table QW-453 for the minimum thickness for which the weld- ing procedure specification is qualified. Table WB-2432.2-1 Chemical Analysis for Welding Material WB-2432.2 Requirements for Chemical Analysis. Materials Elements The chemical elements to be determined, the composition Chromium – Nickel C, Cr, Mo, Ni, Mn, Si, requirements of the weld metal, and the recording of re- stainless steels Cb + Ta sults of the chemical analysis shall be in accordance with (a) through (c) below. 44 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Fi g u re WB-243 3. 1-1 Weld Metal Delta Ferri te Con ten t 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 18 18 ) ( FN er mb 4 0 nu 16 16 8 te 12 rr i 2 Fe 16 6 Ni eq ? Ni ? 35 C ? 20 N ? 0.25 Cu 20 24 8 10 2 14 35 18 14 22 14 45 26 30 55 40 65 50 75 60 85 12 12 70 80 95 90 1 00 10 10 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Creq ? Cr ? Mo ? 0.7 Nb GENERAL NOTES: (a) The actual nitrogen content is preferred. If this is not available, the following applicable nitrogen value shall be used: (1 ) GMAW welds — 0.08%, except that when self-shielding flux-cored electrodes are used — 0.12% (2) Welds made using other processes — 0.06% (b) This diagram is identical to the WRC ‐ 1992 Diagram, except that the solidification mode lines have been removed for ease of use. WB - 24 3 3 . 2 The minimum Acce p tan ce S tan d ard s . WB-2500 EXAM I N ATI ON AN D REPAI R OF acceptable delta ferrite shall be 5FN. The results of the CON TAI N M EN T M ATERI AL delta ferrite determination shall be included in the Certi- fied Material Test Report of WB-2130 or WB-4120. WB-2 510 EXAM I N ATI O N OF CON TAI N M EN T M ATERI AL WB-2440 STORAG E AN D H AN DLI N G OF (a) Containment material and material welded thereto WELDI N G M ATERI AL shall be examined by nondestructive methods applicable Suitable storage and handling of electrodes, flux, and to the material and product form as required by the rules other welding material shall be maintained. Precautions of this subarticle. Seamless pipe, tubes, and fittings NPS 1 shall be taken to minimize absorption of moisture by (DN 25), and less, need not be examined by the rules of fluxes and cored, fabricated, and coated electrodes. this subarticle. (b) The requirements of this subarticle for repair by welding, including examination of the repair welds, shall be met wherever repair welds are made to containment material and material welded thereto. The exceptions in (a) above do not apply to repair welds. 45 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WB-2 52 0 EXAM I N ATI ON AFTER QU EN CH I N G (c) Acceptance Standards. Material that shows one or AN D TEM PERI N G more imperfections which produce indications exceeding in amplitude the indication from the calibration notch is Ferritic steel products that have their properties en- unacceptable unless additional exploration by the straight hanced by quenching and tempering shall be examined beam method shows the imperfections are laminar in nat- by the methods specified in this subarticle for each pro- ure and are acceptable in accordance with WB-2532.1(b) . duct form after the quenching and tempering phase of the heat treatment. WB-2 53 7 Ti m e of Exam i n ati on Acceptance examinations shall be performed at the WB-2 53 0 EXAM I N ATI ON AN D REPAI R OF PLATE time of manufacture as required in (a) through (c) below. WB-2 53 1 Req u i red Exam i n ati on (a) Ultrason ic exam in ation shall be performed after All plates 2 in. (5 0 mm) nominal thickness and less rolling to size and after heat treatment, except for post- shall be examined by the angle beam ultrasonic method weld heat treatment. in accordance with WB-2 5 3 2 .2 . All plates greater than (b) Radiographic examination of repair welds, when re- 2 in. (50 mm) thickness shall be examined by the straight quired, may be performed prior to any required postweld beam ultrasonic method in accordance with WB-2532.1. heat treatment. (c) Magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination of repair welds shall be performed after final heat treat- WB-2 53 2 Exam i n ati on Proced u res ment, except that the examination may be performed WB-2 532 . 1 S t ra i g h t B e a m E xa m i n a t i o n . The re- p rio r to po s tweld heat treatment o f P ‐ N o . 1 material quirements for straight beam examination shall be in ac- 2 in. (51 mm) and less nominal thickness. cordance with SA-5 78, Specification for Straight Beam Wave Ultrasonic Testing and Inspection of Plain and Clad WB-2 53 8 Eli m i n ati on of Su rface Defects Steel Plates for Special Applications, as shown in Section V, except that the extent of examination and the accep- Surface defects shall be removed by grinding or ma- tance standards to be applied are given in (a) and (b) chining, provided the requirements of (a) through (d) be- below. low are met. (a) Extent of Examination . One hundred percent of one (a) The depression, after defect elimination, is blended major plate surface shall be covered by moving the search uniformly into the surrounding surface. unit in parallel paths with not less than a 10% overlap. (b) After defect elimination, the area is examined by the (b) Acceptance Standards magnetic particle method in accordance with WB-2 545 o r the l i qu i d p ene trant metho d i n acco rdance wi th (1 ) Any area where one or more imperfections pro- WB-2546 to ensure that the defect has been removed or duce a continuous total loss of back reflection accompa- reduced to an imperfection of acceptable size. nied by continuous indications on the same plane that cannot be encompassed within a circle whose diameter (c) Areas ground to remove oxide scale or other me- is 3 in. (75 mm) or one ‐ half of the plate thickness, which- chanically caused impressions for appearance or to facil- ever is greater, is unacceptable. itate proper ultrasonic testing need not be examined by the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant test method. (2) In addition, two or more imperfections smaller (d) When the eliminatio n o f the defect reduces the than described in (1) above shall be unacceptable unless thickness of the section below the minimum required to separated by a minimum distance equal to the greatest satisfy Article WB-3 000, the product shall be repaired diameter of the larger imperfection, or unless they may in accordance with WB-2539. be collectively encompassed by the circle described in (1) above. WB-2 53 9 Repai r by Weld i n g WB- 2532. 2 The require- An g le Beam Exam i n ati o n . ments for angle beam examination shall be in accordance The Material Organization may repair by welding mate- with SA-577, Specification for Ultrasonic Beam Wave In- rial from which defects have been removed, provided the spection of Steel Plates, as shown in Section V and supple- depth of the repair cavity does not exceed one ‐ third the mented b y (a) and (b ) b elow. The calibratio n notch, nominal thickness and the requirements of the following extent of examination, and acceptance standards to be ap- subparagraphs are met. Prior approval of the Certificate plied are given in (a) through (c) below. Holder shall be obtained for the repair of plates to be used (a) Calibration . Angle beam examination shall be cali- in the manufacture of a containment. brated from a notch. WB-2 539. 1 Defect Rem oval. The defect shall be re- (b) Extent of Examination . One hundred percent of one moved by suitable mechanical or thermal cutting or gou- major plate surface shall be covered by moving the search gi n g m e th o d s a n d th e c a vi ty p r e p a r e d fo r r e p a i r unit in parallel paths with not less than 10% overlap. (WB-4211.1). 46 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WB- 2 539 . 2 Q u ali fi cat i o n o f W e ld i n g P ro ce d u re s WB-2 540 EXAM I N ATI ON AN D REPAI R OF The welding procedure and welders or an d W e ld e rs . FORG I N G S AN D BARS welding operators shall be qualified in accordance with WB-2 541 Req u i red Exam i n ati on s Article WB-4000 and Section IX. (a) Forgings and bars shall be examined by the ultraso- WB- 2539. 3 After repair, Blen d i n g of Repai red Areas. nic method in accordance with WB-2542, except forgings the surface shall be blended uniformly into the surround- or sections of forgings which have coarse grains, or con- ing surface. figurations which do not yield meaningful examination WB - 2 539 . 4 Exam i n ati on of Repai r Weld s. Each re- results b y ultras o nic metho ds , s hall b e examined b y pair weld shall be examined by the magnetic particle radio grap hic metho ds in acco rdance with S ectio n V, method (WB-2 5 45 ) or by the liquid penetrant method Article 2 , using the acceptance standards of WB-5 3 2 0. (WB-2546). In addition, when the depth of the repair cav- In addition, all external surfaces and accessible internal ity exceeds the lesser of 3/8 in. (10 mm) or 10% of the sec- surfaces shall be examined by a magnetic particle method tion thickness, the repair weld shall be radiographed after (WB-2545) or a liquid penetrant method (WB-2546). repair in accordance with WB-5110 and to the acceptance (b) Forged flanges and fittings, such as elbows, tees, standards of WB-5320. The penetrameter and the accep- and couplings, shall be examined in accordance with the tance standards for radiographic examination of repair requirements of WB-2550. welds shall be based on the section thickness at the repair (c) Bar material used for bolting shall be examined in area. accordance with WB-2580. WB-2539 . 5 H eat Treatm en t After Repai rs. The pro- (d) Forgings and forged or rolled bars which are to be duct shall be heat treated after repair in accordance with bored to form tubular products or fittings shall be exam- the heat treatment requirements of WB-4620. ined in accordance with the requirements of WB-2 5 5 0 after boring. WB-2539 . 6 Materi al Report Descri bi n g Defects an d Repai rs. Each defect repair exceeding in depth the lesser WB-2 542 U ltrason i c Exam i n ati on of 3/8 in. (10 mm) or 10% of the section thickness shall be WB- 2 542 . 1 Exam i n ati o n Pro ced u re. All forgings in described in the Certified Material Test Report. The Certi- the rough ‐ forged or finished condition, and bars, shall fied Material Test Report for each piece shall include a be examined in accordance with Section V, Article 5 and chart which shows the location and size of the prepared the following supplemental requirements. The techniques cavity, the welding material identification, the welding of (a) through (d) below are required, as applicable. procedure, the heat treatment, and the examination re- (a) Forgings may be examined by the use of alternative sults, including radiographs. ultrasonic methods which utilize distance amplitude cor- Repai r of Clad d i n g by Weld i n g . The Ma- WB-2539 . 7 rections, provided the acceptance standards are shown to terial O rganization may repair defects in cladding by be equivalent to those listed in WB-2542.2. welding, provided the requirements of (a) through (d) be- (b) Cylindrical section bars shall be scanned from the low are met. entire external circumference. (a) Qualification of Weldin g Procedures and Welders. (c) Noncylindrical section bars shall be scanned in two The welding procedure and the welders or welding op- perpendicular directions to the maximum extent possible erators s hall b e qualified in acco rdance with Article (through each pair of parallel sides). WB-4000 and with Section IX. (d) Bar products do not require recording and report- (b) Defect Removal and Examination of Cavity. The de- ing of indications smaller than the acceptance standard, fect shall be removed, and the cavity prepared for repair except when so specified for specialized applications. s h al l b e e xam i n e d b y th e l i q u i d p e n e tran t m e th o d WB- 2542. 2 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s. (WB-2546). (a) Straight Beam General Rule. A forging shall be unac- (c) Examination of Repaired Areas. The repaired area ceptable if the results of straight beam examinations s h a l l b e e x a m i n e d b y a l i q u i d p e n e tr a n t m e th o d show one or more reflectors which produce indications (WB-2546). accompanied by a complete loss of back reflection not as- (d) Report of Repairs. Each defect repair shall be de- sociated with or attributable to geometric configurations. scribed in the Certified Material Test Report for each Complete loss of back reflection is assumed when the piece, including a chart which shows the location and size back reflection falls below 5% of full calibration screen of the repair, the welding material identification, welding height. procedure, heat treatment, and examination results. (b) Straigh t Beam Special Rule for Con tain m en t Shell Sections (1 ) A ring forging made to fine grain melting practice and used for containment shell sections shall be unaccep- table if the results of the straight beam radial examination show one or more reflectors producing a continuous 47 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 complete loss of back reflection accompanied by continu- (3) four or more indications in a line separated by 1 ous indications on the same plane that cannot be encom- /16 in. (1.5 mm) or less edge to edge; 2 2 passed with a circle whose diameter is 3 in. (75 mm) or (4) ten or more indications in any 6 in. (4 000 mm ) one ‐ half of the wall thickness, whichever is greater. of area whose maj or dimension is no more than 6 in. (2) In addition, two or more reflectors smaller than (150 mm) with the dimensions taken in the most unfavor- described in (1) above shall be unacceptable unless sepa- able location relative to the indications being evaluated. rated by a minimum distance equal to the greatest dia- meter o f the larger reflecto r o r unles s they may b e WB-2 546 Li q u i d Pen etran t Exam i n ati on collectively encompassed by the circle described in (1 ) WB- 25 46. 1 Exam i n ati on Proced u re. The procedure above. for liquid penetrant examination shall be in accordance (c) Angle Beam Rule. A forging shall be unacceptable if with the methods of Section V, Article 6. the results of angle beam examinations show one or more WB-2546. 2 Evalu ati on of I n d i cati on s. reflectors which produce indications exceeding in ampli- (a) Mechanical discontinuities at the surface are re- tude the indicatio n fro m the app ro priate calib ration vealed by bleeding out of the penetrant; however, local- notches. ized surface discontinuities, s uch as may occur from machining marks, surface conditions, or an incomplete WB-2 545 M ag n eti c Parti cle Exam i n ati on bond between base metal and cladding, may produce sim- WB-2 545. 1 Exam i n ati o n Proced u re. The procedure ilar indications which are not relevant. for magnetic particle examination shall be in accordance (b) Any indication in excess of the WB-2 546.3 accep- with the methods of Section V, Article 7. tance standards, which is believed to be nonrelevant, shall be reexamined to verify whether or not actual defects are WB-2545. 2 Evalu ati on of I n d i cati on s. present. Surface conditioning may precede the reexami- (a) Mechanical discontinuities at the surface are re- nation. Nonrelevant indications and broad areas of pig- vealed by the retention of the examination medium. All in- mentation, which would mask defects, are unacceptable. dications are not necessarily defects, ho wever, since (c) Relevan t in dications are indications which result certain metallurgical discontinuities and magnetic perme- from imperfections. Linear indications are indications in ability variations may produce similar indications which which the length is more than three times the width. are not relevant. Rounded in dication s are indications which are circular (b) Any indication in excess of the WB-2 545.3 accep- or elliptical with the length equal to or less than three tance standards, which is believed to be nonrelevant, shall times the width. be reexamined by the same or other nondestructive ex- WB-2546. 3 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s. amination methods to verify whether or not actual de- (a) Only imperfections producing indications with ma- fects are present. Surface conditioning may precede the jor dimensions greater than 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) shall be con- reexamination. Nonrelevant indications which would sidered relevant imperfections. mask defects are unacceptable. (b) Imperfections producing the following indications (c) Relevant indications are indications which result are unacceptable: from imperfections. Linear indications are indications in 1 (1 ) a n y l i n e a r i n d i c a ti o n s gre a te r th a n /1 6 i n . which the length is more than three times the width. (1.5 mm) long for material less than 5/8 in. (16 mm) thick, Rounded indications are indications which are circular greater than 1/8 in. (3 mm) long for material from 5/8 in. or elliptical with the length equal to or less than three (16 mm) thick to under 2 in. (50 mm) thick, and 3/1 6 in. times the width. (5 mm) long for material 2 in. (50 mm) thick and greater; WB-2545. 3 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s. (2) ro unded indications with dimensions greater (a) Only imperfections producing indications with ma- than 1/8 in . (3 m m) fo r thi ckn e s s e s l e s s th an 5/8 i n. jor dimensions greater than 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) shall be con- (16 mm) and greater than 3/16 in. (5 mm) for thicknesses 5 sidered relevant imperfections. /8 in. (16 mm) and greater; (b) Imperfections producing the following indications (3) four or more indications in a line separated by 1 are unacceptable: /16 in. (1.5 mm) or less edge to edge; 2 2 1 (1 ) a n y l i n e a r i n d i c a ti o n s gre a te r th a n /1 6 i n . (4) ten or more indications in any 6 in. (4 000 mm ) 5 (1.5 mm) long for material less than /8 in. (16 mm) thick, of area whose maj or dimension is no more than 6 in. greater than 1/8 in. (3 mm) long for material from 5/8 in. (150 mm) with the dimensions taken in the most unfavor- (16 mm) thick to under 2 in. (50 mm) thick, and 3/1 6 in. able location relative to the indications being evaluated. (5 mm) long for material 2 in. (50 mm) thick and greater; WB-2 547 Ti m e of Exam i n ati on (2) ro unded indications with dimensions greater than 1/8 in . (3 m m) fo r thi ckn e s s e s l e s s th an 5/8 i n. Acceptance examinations, including those for repair (16 mm) and greater than 3/16 in. (5 mm) for thicknesses welds, shall be performed at the time of manufacture as 5 /8 in. (16 mm) and greater; required in (a) through (d) below. 48 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (a) Ultrasonic examination may be performed at any notches or grooves of WB-2552.1(b), and the eddy cur- time after forging [WB-2541(d)], and the maximum prac- rent method shall be calibrated to the circumferential tical volume, including weld repairs, if required, shall be no tches and gro o ves as well as the radial ho le o f examined after final heat treatment, excluding postweld WB-2554.2. heat treatment. (-b) As an alternative to the eddy current exami- (b) Radiographic examination of repair welds, if re- nation or when the eddy current examination does not quired, may be performed prior to any required postweld yield meaningful results, an axial scan ultrasonic exami- heat treatment. nation in two opposite axial directions, 7 in accordance (c) Magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination with WB-2552.1(b), shall be made. shall be performed in the finished condition, except repair 1 (2) Pipe and tubing 2 /2 in. (64 mm) O.D. and larger welds of P ‐ No. 1 material, 2 in. (50 mm) nominal thick- ness and less, may be examined prior to postweld heat shall be examined by the ultrasonic method in accordance treatment. with WB-2552.1(a) in two opposite circumferential direc- (d) Forgings and rolled bars which are to be bored or tions, and in accordance with WB-2552.1(b) in two oppo- turned to form tubular parts or fittings shall be examined site axial directions. Alternatively, for welded without after boring or turning, except for threading. filler metal pipe larger than 6 3/4 in. (170 mm) O.D., the plate shall be examined by the ultrasonic method in ac- WB-2 548 Eli m i n ati on of Su rface Defects cordance with WB-2530 prior to forming and the weld shall be examined by the radiographic method in accor- Elimination of surface defects shall be made in accor- dance with WB-2553. Radiographic examination of welds, dance with WB-2538. including repair welds, shall be performed after final roll- ing and forming and may be performed prior to any re- WB-2 549 Repai r by Weld i n g quired postweld heat treatment. Rep ai r b y we ldi ng s hall b e in acco rdance wi th (3) Copper – nickel alloy and nickel alloy seamless WB-2539, except that: pipe and tubing shall be examined as follows. (a) the depth of repair that is permitted is not limited; and (-a) Each pipe and tube, all sizes shall be ultraso- (b) for ferritic steel forgings, the completed repair may nically examined in accordance with WB-2552.1(a) in be examined by the ultrasonic method in accordance with two opposite circumferential directions. 1 the requirements of WB-2542 in lieu of radiography. (-b) Pipe and tubing smaller than 2 /2 in. (64 mm) O.D. shall be examined by the eddy current method in ac- WB-2 550 EXAM I N ATI ON AN D REPAI R OF cordance with WB-2554 if meaningful indications can be SEAM LESS AN D WELDED TU BU LAR obtained from the reference specimen notches. If mean- PRODU CTS AN D FI TTI N G S ingful indications cannot be obtained from the reference ð 17Þ WB-2 551 Req u i red Exam i n ati on specimen, an axial scan ultrasonic examination in two op- posite axial directions, in accordance with WB-2552.1(b), In addition to the requirements of the material specifi- shall be made. cation and of this Article, seamless and welded tubular 1 (-c) Pipe and tubing 2 /2 in. (64 mm) O.D. and larg- products (including pipe flanges and fittings machined from forgings and bars) shall comply with the following. er shall be examined by an axial scan ultrasonic examina- (a) Wrought seamless and welded pipe and tubing shall tion in two opposite axial directions in accordance with be examined over the entire volume of the material in ac- WB-2552.1(b). cordance with (1), (2), or (3), as follows. The volumetric (b) Wrought seamless and welded without filler metal examinations required by this paragraph need only be fittings (including pipe flanges and fittings machined from conducted from one surface. Tubular products may re- forgings and bars) shall be examined in accordance with quire both outside and inside surface conditioning prior the material specification, and in addition by the magnetic to examination. particle method in accordance with WB-2555, or the li- (1 ) Pipe and Tubing quid penetrant method in accordance with WB-2556 on (-a) Pipe and tubing smaller than 2 1/2 in. (64 mm) all external surfaces and all accessible internal surfaces O.D. shall be examined by the ultrasonic method in accor- (excluding bolt holes and threads). Additionally, for fit- dance with WB-2552.1(a) in two opposite circumferential tings over NPS 6 (DN 150), the entire volume shall be ex- directions 7 and by the eddy current method in accor- am i n e d b y th e u l tras o n i c me th o d , i f fe a s i b l e , i n dance with WB-2554, provided the product is limited to accordance with WB-2552, or the radiographic method sizes, materials, and thicknesses for which meaningful re- in accordance with WB-2553. Alternatively, the plate shall sults can be obtained by eddy current examination as evi- be examined by the ultrasonic method in accordance with denced by detection of required standards. Each method WB-2530 prior to forming and the weld shall be exam- shall be calibrated to the appropriate standard: that is, ined by the radiographic method in accordance with the ultrasonic method shall be calibrated to the axial WB-2553. Radiographic examination of welds, including 49 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 repair welds, shall be performed after final rolling and WB-2552.2 Examination Procedure for Fittings. forming, and may be performed prior to any required (a) Procedure . The procedure for ultrasonic examina- postweld heat treatment. tion of fittings shall be in accordance with the require- ments of SA-3 88 for straight beam examination and, where feasible, angle ‐ beam examination in two circum- WB-2552 Ultrasonic Examination 7 ferential directions. (b) Acceptance Standards. Fittings shall be unaccepta- WB-2552.1 Examination Procedure for Pipe and ble if straight beam examination shows one or more re- Tubing. Independent channels or instruments shall be flectors that p roduce indicatio ns acco mp anied b y employed for circumferential and axial scans. complete loss of back reflection not associated with or at- (a) Circumferential Direction . The procedure for ultra- tributable to the geometric configuration, or if angle beam sonic examination of pipe and tubing in the circumferen- examination results show one or more reflectors that pro- tial direction shall be in accordance with SE-213 except as duce indications exceeding in amplitude the indications required in WB - 2 5 5 1 (a) (1 ) , WB - 2 5 5 1 (a) (2 ) , and from the calibrated notch. Complete loss of back reflec- WB-2551(a)(3)(-a), and the requirements of this para- tion is assumed when the back reflection falls below 5% graph. The procedure shall provide a sensitivity which of full calibration screen height. will consistently detect defects that produce indications WB-2552.3 Reference Specimens. equal to, or greater than, the indications produced by (a) The reference specimen shall be of the same nom- the standard defects included in the reference specimens inal diameter and thickness, and of the same nominal specified in WB-2552.3. composition and heat-treated condition as the product (b) Axial Direction . When required by WB-2551, the ul- which is being examined. For circumferential scanning, trasonic examination of pipe and tubing shall include an- the standard defects shall be axial notches or grooves gle beam scanning in the axial direction. The procedure on the outside and inside surfaces of the reference speci- for the axial scans shall be in accordance with SE-213, ex- men, and shall have a length of approximately 1 in. cept that the propagation of sound in the tube or pipe wall (25 mm) or less, a width not to exceed 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) shall be in the axial direction instead of the circumferen- for a square notch or U ‐ notch, a width proportional to tial direction and as required in WB-2 551 (a) (1) (-b) , the depth for a V‐ notch, and a depth not greater than WB - 2 5 5 1 (a) (2 ) , WB - 2 5 5 1 (a) (3 ) (- b ) , and the larger of 0.004 in. (0.10 mm) or 5% of the nominal WB-2551(a)(3)(-c). Figure WB-2552.1-1 illustrates the wall thickness. For axial scanning in accordance with characteristic oblique entry of sound into the pipe or tube SE-213, a transverse (circumferential) notch shall be in- wall and the axial direction of ultrasonic energy propaga- troduced on the inner and outer surfaces of the standard. tion to detect transverse notches or similar surface Dimensions of the transverse notch shall not exceed those discontinuities. of the longitudinal notch. The reference specimen may be the product being examined. (c) Acceptance Standards. Products with defects that (b) The reference specimen shall be long enough to produce indications in excess of the indications produced by the standard defects in the reference specimen are un- simulate the handling of the product being examined acceptable unless the defects are eliminated or repaired through the examination equipment. When more than in accordance with WB-2558 or WB-2559. one standard defect is placed in a reference specimen, the defects shall be located so that indications from each defect are separate and distinct without mutual interfer- Figure WB-2552.1-1 ence or amplification. All upset metal and burrs adjacent Axial Propagation of Sound in Tube Wall to the reference notches shall be removed. WB-2552.4 Checking and Calibration of Equipment. The proper functioning of the examination equipment shall be checked and the equipment shall be calibrated by the use of the reference specimens, as a minimum (a) at the beginning of each production run of a given size and thickness of a given material; (b) after each 4 hr or less during the production run; (c) at the end of the production run; (d) at any time that malfunctioning is suspected. If, dur- ing any check, it is determined that the test equipment is not functioning properly, all of the product that has been tested since the last valid equipment calibration shall be reexamined. 50 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WB-2553 Radiographic Examination surface plus a 1/1 6 in. (1 .5 mm) diameter hole drilled through the wall. These shall be used to establish the re- (a) Gen eral. When radiographic examination is per- j ection level for the product to be tested. The reference formed as an alternative for ultrasonic examination of notches shall have a depth not greater than the larger of the entire volume of the material, it shall apply to the en- 0 .00 4 in. (0 .1 0 mm) or 5 % of the wall thickness. The tire volume of the pipe, tube, or fitting material. Accep- width of the notch shall not exceed 1/1 6 in. (1 .5 mm) . tance standards specified for welds shall apply to the The length shall be approximately 1 in. (25 mm) or less. entire volume of material examined. The size of reference specimens shall be as specified in (b) Examination Procedure . The radiographic examina- WB-2552.3. tion shall be performed in accordance with Section V, Article 2, as modified by WB-5111. WB-2554.3 Checking and Calibration of Equipment. (c) A ccep tan ce Stan da rd . Welds that are s ho wn b y The checking and calibration of examination equipment radiography to have any of the following types of discon- shall be the same as in WB-2552.4. tinuities are unacceptable: (1 ) any type of crack or zone of incomplete fusion or WB-2555 Magnetic Particle Examination penetration; (2) any other elongated indication which has a length Magnetic particle examination shall be performed in ac- greater than: cordance with the requirements of WB-2545. 1 3 (-a) /4 in. for t up to /4 in. (6 mm to 1 9 mm) , inclusive WB-2556 Liquid Penetrant Examination 1 3 1 (-b) /3 t fo r t fro m /4 in. to 2 /4 i n. , incl us ive Liquid penetrant examination shall be performed in ac- (19 mm to 57 mm) cordance with the requirements of WB-2546. 3 1 (-c) /4 in. for t over 2 /4 in. (19 mm to 57 mm) where t is the thickness of the thinner portion of WB-2557 Time of Examination the weld; (3) any group of aligned indications having an aggre- (a) Products that are quenched and tempered shall be gate length greater than t in a length of 12 t , unless the examined, as required, after the quenching and tempering minimum distance between successive indications ex- heat treatment. ceeds 6 L , in which case the aggregate length is unlimited, (b) Products that are not quenched and tempered shall L being the length of the largest indication; receive the required examinations as follows: (4) rounded indications in excess of that shown as (1 ) Ultrasonic or eddy current examination, when re- acceptable in Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appen- quired, shall be performed after final heat treatment, ex- dix VI. cept postweld heat treatment. (2) Radiographic examination, when required, may WB-2554 Eddy Current Examination b e p e rfo rm e d p ri o r to an y re qu i re d p o s twe l d he at This examination method is restricted to materials with treatment. uniform magnetic properties and of sizes for which mean- (3) Magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examina- ingful results can be obtained. tion, including repair welds, shall be performed after final heat treatment, except that the examination may be per- WB-2554.1 Examination Procedure. The procedure formed prior to postweld heat treatment for P ‐ No. 1 (Sec- for eddy current examination shall provide a sensitivity tion IX of the Code) materials of 2 in. (50 mm) and less that will consistently detect defects by comparison with nominal thickness. the standard defects included in the reference specimen (4) Forgings and rolled bars which are to be bored specified in WB-2 554.2. Products with defects that pro- duce indications in excess of the reference standards and/or turned to form tubular parts or fittings shall be ex- are unacceptable unless the defects are eliminated or re- amined after boring and/or turning, except for threading. p aired in acco rdance with WB - 2 5 5 8 o r WB - 2 5 5 9 as Fittings shall be examined after final forming. applicable. WB-2554.2 Reference Specimens. The reference WB-2558 Elimination of Surface Defects specimen shall be of the same nominal diameter and Surface defects shall be removed by grinding or ma- thickness, and of the same nominal composition and heat- chining, provided the requirements of (a) through (c) be- treated condition as the product that is being examined. low are met. The standard shall contain tangential or circumferential (a) The depression, after defect elimination, is blended notches on the outside surface plus a 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) dia- uniformly into the surrounding surface. meter hole drilled through the wall. For copper– nickel al- (b) After defect elimination, the area is examined by the loy and nickel alloy materials, the standard shall have one method which originally disclosed the defect to assure notch extending circumferentially on the outside surface that the defect has been removed or reduced to an imper- and one notch extending circumferentially on the inside fection of acceptable size. 51 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (c) If the elimination of the defect reduces the thickness (1 ) Areas giving indications exceeding the Amplitude of the section below the minimum required to satisfy the Reference Line with any dimension longer than those spe- rules of Article WB-3000, the product shall be repaired in cified in the following tabulation shall be unacceptable: accordance with WB-2559. Longest Dimension of Area, in. (mm) UT Quality Level [Notes (1), (2), and (3)] WB-2 559 Repai r by Weld i n g 1 1.5 (38) Repair of defects shall be in accordance with WB-2539, 2 2.0 (50) except repair by welding is not permitted on copper – 3 2.5 (64) 4 3.0 (75) nickel alloy and nickel alloy materials. NOTES: WB-2 570 EXAM I N ATI O N AN D REPAI R OF CAST (1) The areas for the Ultrasonic Quality Levels in SA-609 refer to the surface area on the casting over which PRO DU CTS co ntinuo us indicatio n, exceeding the trans fer- WB-2 571 Req u i red Exam i n ati on corrected distance amplitude curve, is maintained. (2) Areas shall be measured from dimensions of the For examination of the containment casting, the follow- movement of the search unit, using the center of the ing shall apply: search unit as the reference point. (a) All cast products shall be examined by the ultraso- (3) In certain castings, because of very long metal path nic method as specified in WB-2574. distances or curvature of the examination surfaces, the surface area over which a given discontinuity is (b) All external and accessible internal surfaces, except detected may be considerably larger or smaller than threaded surfaces, shall be examined using either the li- the actual area of the discontinuity in the casting; in quid penetrant method (WB-2576) or the magnetic parti- such cases, other criteria that incorporate a considera- cle method (WB-2577). tion of beam angles or beam spread shall be used for realistic evaluation of the discontinuity. WB-2 572 Ti m e of N on d estru cti ve Exam i n ati on (2) Quality Level 1 shall apply for the volume of cast- All examinations shall be performed after final machin- ings within 1 in. (25 mm) of the surface regardless of the ing except that ultrasonic testing shall be performed at overall thickness. the time when the configuration is best suited for scan- (3) Discontinuities indicated to have a change in ning and the most meaningful results can be obtained. depth equal to or greater than one-half the wall thickness or 1 in. (25 mm), whichever is less, shall be unacceptable. WB-2 573 Provi si on s for Repai r of Base M ateri al (4) Two or more indications in the same plane with by Weld i n g amplitudes exceeding the Amplitude Reference Line and separated by a distance less than the longest dimension Castings shall not be repaired by plugging, welding, of the larger of the adjacent indications shall be unaccep- brazing, impregnation, or any other means. table if they cannot be encompassed within an area less than that of the Quality Level specified in (1). WB-2 574 U ltrason i c Exam i n ati on of Casti n g s (5) Two or more indications greater than permitted for Quality Level 1 for castings less than 2 in. (50 mm) Ultrasonic examination shall be performed in accor- in thickness, greater than permitted for Quality Level 2 dance with Section V, Article 5, T-571.4. Each manufac- fo r t h i c k n e s s e s 2 i n . t h r o u g h 4 i n . ( 5 0 m m turer shall certify that the procedure is in accordance through 100 mm), and greater than permitted for Quality with the following requirements and shall make the pro- Level 3 for thicknesses greater than 4 in. (100 mm), sepa- cedure available for approval upon request. rated by a distance less than the longest dimension of the The following acceptance standards shall be applied: larger of the adjacent indications, shall be unacceptable if (a) The Quality Levels of SA-609 as shown in Section V they cannot be encompassed in an area less than that of shall apply for the casting thickness indicated. the Quality Level requirements stated in (1). (1 ) Quality Level 1 fo r thicknes s es up to 2 in. (50 mm) WB-2 576 Li q u i d Pen etran t Exam i n ati on (2) Quality Level 3 for thicknesses 2 in. to 4 in. (a) Castings shall be examined, if required, on all acces- (50 mm to 100 mm) sible surfaces by the liquid penetrant method in accor- (3) Quality Level 4 for thicknesses greater than 4 in. dance with Section V of the Code. (100 mm) (b) Evaluation of Indications. All indications shall be (b) In addition to the Quality Level requirements stated evaluated in terms of the acceptance standards. Mechan- in (a) above, the requirements in (1) through (5) below ical discontinuities intersecting the surface are indicated shall apply for both straight beam and angle beam by bleeding out of the penetrant; however, localized sur- examination. face discontinuities as may occur from machining marks, 52 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 scale, or dents may produce indications that are not rele- (c) Acceptance Standards. The following relevant indi- vant. Any indication in excess of the acceptance standards cations are unacceptable: 1 believed to be nonrelevant shall be regarded as a defect (1 ) linear indications greater than /1 6 in. (1.5 mm) 5 until it is reexamined to verify whether actual defects long for materials less than /8 in. (16 mm) thick, greater are present. Nonrelevant indications and broad areas of than 1/8 in. (3 mm) long for materials from 5/8 in. (16 mm) pigmentation that would mask indications of defects are thick to under 2 in. (50 mm) thick, and 3/1 6 in. (5 mm) long unacceptable. Surface conditioning may precede the reex- for materials 2 in. (50 mm) thick and greater amination. Relevant indications are those that result from (2) ro unded indications with dimens io ns greater mechanical discontinuities. Linear indications are those th a n 1/8 i n . (3 m m ) l o n g fo r m a te ri a l s fro m 5/8 i n . whose length is more than 3 times the width. Rounded in- (16 mm) thick to under 2 in. (50 mm) thick, and 3/1 6 in. dications are those that are circular or elliptical with the (5 mm) long for materials 2 in. (50 mm) thick and greater length less than 3 times the width. Indications with major (3) four or more relevant indications in a line sepa- dimensions greater than 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) are considered rated by 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) or less edge-to-edge 2 relevant. (4) ten or more relevant indications in any 6 in. 2 (c) Acceptance Standards. The following relevant indi- (4 000 mm ) of surface with the major dimension of this cations are unacceptable: area not to exceed 6 in. (150 mm) taken in the most un- 1 (1 ) a n y l i n e a r i n d i c a ti o n s gre a te r th a n /1 6 i n . favorable orientation relative to the indications being 5 (1.5 mm) long for materials less than /8 in. (16 mm) thick, evaluated greater than 1/8 in. (3 mm) long for materials from 5/8 in. (16 mm) thick to under 2 in. (50 mm) thick, and 3/1 6 in. WB-2 580 EXAM I N ATI ON OF BOLTS, STU DS, AN D (5 mm) long for materials 2 in. (50 mm) thick and greater N U TS (2) rounded indications with dimensions greater WB-2 581 Req u i red Exam i n ati on ð 17Þ than 1/8 i n . (3 mm ) fo r th ickne s s e s les s th an 5/8 i n . (16 mm) and greater than 3/16 in. (5 mm) for thicknesses All bolting material shall be visually examined in accor- 5 /8 in. (16 mm) and greater dance with WB-2 582. In addition, nominal sizes greater (3) four or more relevant indications in a line sepa- than 1 in. (25 mm) shall be examined by either the mag- rated by 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) or less edge-to-edge netic particle method in accordance with WB-2583 or the (4) ten or more relevant indications in any 6 in. 2 liquid penetrant method in accordance with WB-2584. In 2 (4 000 mm ) of surface with the major dimension of this addition, nominal sizes greater than 2 in. (50 mm) but not area not to exceed 6 in. (150 mm) taken in the most un- over 4 in. (100 mm) shall be examined by the ultrasonic favorable orientation relative to the indications being method in accordance with WB-2585 and nominal sizes evaluated greater than 4 in. (100 mm) shall be examined by the ul- trasonic method in accordance with both WB-2585 and WB-2 577 M ag n eti c Parti cle Exam i n ati on (for WB-2586. Du cti le Cast I ron ) WB-2 582 Vi su al Exam i n ati on ð 17Þ (a) Castings of magnetic material shall be examined, if required, on all accessible surfaces by a magnetic particle The final surfaces of threads, shanks, and heads shall be method in accordance with Section V of the Code. visually examined for workmanship, finish, and appear- (b) Evaluation of Indication s. All indications shall be ance in acco rdance with the requirements o f AS TM evaluated in terms of the acceptance standards. Mechan- F788 for bolting material and ASTM F812 for nuts. The vi- ical discontinuities intersecting the surface are indicated sual examination personnel shall be trained and qualified by retention of the examination medium. All indications in accordance with the Material Organization s Quality ’ are not necessarily defects since certain metallurgical dis- System Program or the Certificate Holder s Quality Assur- ’ continuities and magnetic permeability variations may ance Program. These examinations are not required to be produce indications that are not relevant. Any indication performed either in accordance with procedures qualified in excess of the acceptance standards that is believed to to WB-5100 or by personnel qualified in accordance with be nonrelevant shall be regarded as a defect until it is re- WB-5500. examined to verify whether actual defects are present. WB-2 583 M ag n eti c Parti cle Exam i n ati on (for Nonrelevant indications that would mask indications of Ferri ti c Steel Bolti n g M ateri al On ly) defects are unacceptable. Surface conditioning may pre- cede the reexamination. Relevant indications are those WB- 2583 . 1 Exam i n ati on Proced u re. All bolts, studs, that result from unacceptable mechanical discontinuities and nuts greater than 1 in. (2 5 mm) nominal bolt size a n d h a ve a m a j o r d i m e n s i o n gr e a te r th a n 1/1 6 i n . shall be examined by the magnetic particle method in ac- (1 .5 mm) . Linear indications are those whose length is cordance with ASTM A2 75. If desired, the supplier may more than 3 times the width. Rounded indications are perform liquid penetrant examination in accordance with those that are circular or elliptical with the length less WB-2584 instead of magnetic particle examination. Such than 3 times the width. e xa m i n a ti o n s h a l l b e p e r fo r m e d o n th e fi n i s h e d 53 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 component after threading or on the materials stock at pigmentation also shall be reexamined after recleaning approximately the finished diameter before threading or light surface conditioning, as appropriate. Any indica- and after heading (if involved) . This examination shall tion observed during such reexamination shall be consid- be performed on all accessible surfaces. ered relevant and s hall b e evaluated in terms o f the WB-2583. 2 Evalu ati on of I n d i cati on s. acceptance standards. (a) All indications shall be evaluated in terms of the ac- WB - 2 5 84. 3 Acce p tan ce Stan d ard . Linear nonaxial ceptance standards. Linear indications are those indica- indications are unacceptable. Linear axial indications ti o n s i n whi ch the l e ngth i s m o re than 3 ti m e s the greater than 1 in. (25 mm) long are unacceptable. width. Rounded indications are those which are circular or elliptical with the length equal to or less than 3 times WB-2 585 U ltrason i c Exam i n ati on for Si zes the width. G reater Th an 2 i n . (50 m m ) (b) All indications are not necessarily relevant: leakage All bolts, studs, and nuts greater than 2 in. (5 0 mm) of magnetic fields and permeability variations may pro- nominal bolt size shall be ultrasonically examined over duce indications that are not relevant to the detection the entire cylindrical surface prior to threading in accor- of unacceptable discontinuities. Indications with maj or dance with the following requirements. dimensions of 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) or less are not relevant. WB-2585. 1 U ltrason i c M eth od . Examination shall be (c) Any indication that is believed to be nonrelevant, carried out by the straight beam, radial ‐ scan method in and that is larger than acceptable, shall be considered accordance with Section V, Article 23, SA-388. to be a defect and shall be reexamined after light surface conditioning. WB- 2 5 85 . 2 E xam i n ati o n P ro ce d u re . Examination (d) Any indication observed during such reexamination shall be performed at a nominal frequency of 2 .25 MHz shall be considered relevant and shall be evaluated in with a search unit not to exceed 1 in. 2 (650 mm 2 ). terms of the acceptance standards. W B - 2 5 85 . 3 Cali b rati o n o f E q u i p m e n t. Calibration (e) As an alternative to magnetic particle reexamina- sensitivity shall be established by adj ustment of the in- tion, other nondestructive examination means (such as li- strument so that the first back reflection is 75% to 90% quid penetrant examination for surface discontinuities) of full ‐ screen height. may be used to determine relevancy. WB-2585. 4 Acceptan ce Stan d ard . Any discontinuity WB - 2 5 83 . 3 Linear nonaxial Acce p tan ce Stan d ard . that causes an indication in excess of 20% of the height of indications are unacceptable. Linear axial indications the first back reflection or any discontinuity that prevents greater than 1 in. (25 mm) in length are unacceptable. the production of a first back reflection of 50% of the ca- libration amplitude is not acceptable. WB-2 584 Li q u i d Pen etran t Exam i n ati on WB-2584. 1 Exam i n ati on Proced u re. All bolts, studs, WB-2 586 U ltrason i c Exam i n ati on for Si zes Over and nuts greater than 1 in. (2 5 mm) nominal bolt size 4 i n . (100 m m ) shall be examined by a liquid penetrant method in accor- In addition to the requirements of WB-2585, all bolts, dance with the methods of Section V, Article 6. Such exam- studs, and nuts over 4 in. (1 00 mm) nominal bolt size ination shall be performed on the finished component shall be ultrasonically examined over the entire surface after threading or on the materials stock at approximately of each end before or after threading in accordance with the finished diameter before threading and after heading the following requirements. (if involved). WB-2586. 1 U ltrason i c M eth od . Examination shall be WB-2584. 2 All indications Evalu ati on of I n d i cati on s. carried o ut b y the s traigh t b eam, lo ngitudinal ‐ s can shall be evaluated in terms of the acceptance standards. method. Linear indications are those indications in which the WB- 2 5 86 . 2 E xam i n ati o n P ro ce d u re . Examination length is more than three times the width. Rounded indi- cations are those which are circular to elliptical with the shall be performed at a nominal frequency of 2 .25 MHz length equal to or less than three times the width. All pen- with a search unit having a circular cross section with a etrant indications are not necessarily relevant. Surface diameter not less than 1/2 in. (1 3 mm) nor more than imperfections such as machining marks and scratches 1 1/8 in. (29 mm). may produce indications that are nonrelevant to the de- WB - 2 5 86 . 3 Cali b rati o n o f E q u i p m e n t. Calibration tection of unacceptable discontinuities. Broad areas of shall be established on a test bar of the same nominal pigmentation, which could mask indications of defects, composition and diameter as the production part and a are unacceptable. Indications with maj or dimensions of minimum of one ‐ half of the length. A 3/8 in. (10 mm) dia- 1 /1 6 in. (1.5 mm) or less are not relevant. Any indication meter by 3 in. (75 mm) deep flat‐ bottom hole shall be that is believed to be nonrelevant, and that is larger than drilled in one end of the bar and plugged to full depth. acceptable, shall be considered to be a defect and shall be A distance – amplitude curve shall be established by scan- reexamined after light surface conditioning. Any area of ning from both ends of the test bar. 54 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WB- 2586. 4 Any discontinuity Acceptan ce Stan d ard . (b) The requirements of NCA 3860 and NCA 4256 shall ‐ ‐ that causes an indication in excess of that produced by the be met as required by WB-2130 and WB-2150, respec- calibration hole in the reference specimen as corrected by tively. The other requirements of WA-3800 need not be the distance amplitude curve is not acceptable. – used by Material Organizations for small products, as de- fined in (c) below, and for material which is allowed by WB-2 587 Ti m e of Exam i n ati on this Subsection to be furnished with a Certificate of Com- Acceptance examinations shall be performed after the pliance. For these products, the Certificate Holder s Qual- ’ final heat treatment required by the basic material ity Assurance Program (Article WA-4000) shall include specification. measures to provide assurance that the material is furn- ished in accordance with the material specification and WB-2 588 Eli m i n ati on of Su rface Defects with the applicable requirements of this Subsection. Unacceptable surface defects on finished bolts, studs, (c) For the purpose of this paragraph, small products and nuts are not permitted, and are cause for rejection. are defined as given in (1) through (4) below: (1 ) p ipe, tube, pipe fittings, and flanges NPS 2 WB-2 589 Repai r by Weld i n g (DN 50) and less; Weld repairs of bolts, studs, and nuts are not permitted. (2) bolting material, including studs, nuts, and bolts of 1 in. (25 mm) nominal diameter and less; (3) bars with a nominal cross sectional area of 1 in. 2 ‐ WB-2600 M ATERI AL ORG AN I ZATI ON ’ S (650 mm2 ) and less; and QU ALI TY SYSTEM PROG RAM S (4) material for valves with inlet pipe connections of ð 17Þ WB-26 10 DOCU M EN TATI ON AN D NPS 2 (DN 50) and less. M AI N TEN AN CE O F QU ALI TY SYSTEM PRO G RAM S (a) Except as provided in (b) below, Material Organiza- WB-2700 DI M EN SI ON AL STAN DARDS tions shall have a Quality System Program or an Identifi- cation and Verification Program, as applicable, which Dimensions of standard items shall comply with the meets the requirements of WA-3800. standards and specifications listed in Article WA-7000. 55 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WB-3000 DESI G N WB-3100 G EN ERAL DESI G N WB- 3112. 4 Desi g n Stress I n ten si ty Valu es. WB-3 110 LOADI N G CRI TERI A (a) Design stress intensity values for Section III, Class TC materials listed in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables WB-3 111 Load i n g Con d i ti on s 2A, 2B, and 4 shall be used. The materials shall not be The loadings considered in designing a containment as used at temperatures that exceed the temperature limit identified in the Design Specification shall include, but are established in the stress tables. The stress intensity val- not limited to those in (a) through (g) below: ues in the tables may be interpolated for intermediate (a) internal and external pressures temperatures. As an additional control on permitted (b) impact loads caused by either internal or external transportation containment materials listed in Section conditions, including drop and puncture II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2B, only the following (c) weight of the containment and normal contents un- materials shall be used: der operating or test conditions, including additional (1 ) materials whose P-numbers are listed in Table pressure due to static and dynamic head of liquids WB-4622.1-1, or (d) superimposed loads such as other components, op- (2) ductile cast iron castings per specifications erating equipment, impact limiting devices, shielding, in- SA-874 or SA/JIS G5504 of Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, sulation, and linings Table 2A (e) shock loads, vibration loads, transportation loads, (b) The design of a containment shall be determined so and handling loads that the primary membrane and primary membrane plus (f) reaction loads from attachments and supports bending stress intensities due to any combination of De- (g) temperature effects caused by contents, the exter- sign Loading does not exceed the maximum design stress nal environment, and other components intensity value permitted at the Design Temperature. These design stress intensity values may be interpolated WB-3 112 Desi g n Load i n g s for an intermediate Design Temperature. The Design Loadings shall be established in accordance with WA-2123.1 and the following subparagraphs. WB-3 113 O perati n g an d Test Con d i ti on s ð 17Þ WB - 3 11 2 . 1 The specified internal D esi g n Pressu re. (a) Transportation containments (WA-1110) are sub- and external D es ign Pres s ures to b e us ed in this ject to operating and test conditions that are required Subsection shall be established in accordance with to be considered in the design of the containment in order WA-2123.1(a). to satisfy applicable safety criteria. WB- 3 11 2 . 2 The specified De- D e si g n Tem p eratu re. (b) The selection of operating and test conditions is be- sign Temperature shall be established in accordance with yond the scope of this Division. The Design Specification WA-2123.1(b). It shall be used in computations involving shall specify these conditions using appropriate guidance the Design Pressure and the coincidental Design Mechan- from safety criteria documents for transportation con- ical Loads. If necessary, the metal temperature shall be tainments and the requirements of regulatory and enfor- determined by computation using accepted heat transfer cement authorities having jurisdiction. procedures or by measurement from equipment in ser- (c) Each operating and test condition to which the vice under equivalent operating conditions. In no case containment may be subjected shall be classified in accor- shall the temperature of the metal exceed the maximum dance with WA-2120, and Service Limits [WA-2123.4(b)] temperature listed in the applicability column of Section shall be designated in the Design Specification in such de- II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A, 2B, and 4, nor exceed tail as will provide a complete basis for design in accor- the maximum temperature limitations specified else- dance with this Subsection. where in this Subsection. (d) When any loading for which Level A or D Service WB- 3112. 3 The specified Desi g n M ech an i cal Load s. Limits are specified in the Design Specification, they shall Design Mechanical Loads shall be established in accor- be evaluated in accordance with WA-2120 and in compli- dance with WA-2123.1(c). They shall be used in conjunc- ance with the applicable design and stress intensity limits tion with the Design Pressure. of this Subsection. 56 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WB-3114 Stress Li m i ts WB- 3123 . 2 Fi llet Weld ed Attach m en ts. Fillet welds Stress limits associated with operating and test condi- conforming to Figure WB-4427-1 may be used for attach- tions are specified in WB-3220 and WB-3230. ments to containments except as limited by WB-4433. Limits for primary and secondary stress intensities in WB-3120 SPECI AL CON SI DERATI ON S the weld shall be one ‐ half of the allowable primary and secondary stress intensities for the weaker of the materi- WB-3121 M ateri al Deg rad ati on als being joined. Evaluation for cyclic loading shall be Material subject to thinning by corrosion, erosion, me- made in accordance with WB-3222.9, using a fatigue chanical abrasion, or other environmental effects shall strength reduction factor of 4, and shall include consid- have provision made in the Design Specification for these eration of temperature differences between the contain- effects by indicating the increase in the thickness of the m e n t a n d th e a tta c h m e n t, a n d o f e xp a n s i o n o r base metal over that determined by the design analysis contraction of the containment produced by internal or (WB-3200). Other suitable methods of protection may external pressure. be used. Material added or included for these purposes need not be of the same thickness for all areas of the con- tainment if different rates of attack are expected for the WB-3130 G EN ERAL DESI G N RU LES various areas. WB-3131 Desi g n Reports The Certificate Holder shall provide a Design Report WB-3122 Clad d i n g co nfo rming to the requirements o f WA- 3 3 5 2 and The rules of this paragraph apply to the design of clad WB-3211. containments constructed of materials permitted in Sec- tion II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2B. Only materials whose P ‐ numbers are listed in Table WB-4622.1-1 shall WB-3132 Di m en si on al Stan d ard s for Stan d ard be used. Prod u cts WB- 312 2. 1 No structural strength Pri m ary Stresses. Dimensions of standard products shall comply with the shall be attributed to the cladding. standards and specifications listed in Table WA-7100-1 when the standard or specification is referenced in the WB- 312 2. 2 The dimensions giv- Desig n Di m en si on s. specific design subarticle. However, compliance with en in (a) and (b) below shall be used in the design of the these standards does not replace or eliminate the require- containment. ments for stress analysis. (a) For containments subjected to internal pressure, the inside diameter shall be taken at the nominal inner face of the cladding. WB-3133 Extern al Pressu re, Axi al Com pressi on , (b) For containments subjected to external pressure, Bu ckli n g , an d I n stabi li ty the outside diameter shall be taken at the outer face of Rules are given in this paragraph for the consideration the base metal. of statically applied external pressure and axial compres- WB- 3122. 3 Secon d ary an d Peak Stresses. In satisfy- sion loads for Design Loadings and normal loadings. Com- ing WB-3222.6 and WB-3222.9, the presence of the clad- pressive loads as a result of accident loadings shall use ding shall be considered with respect to both the thermal the rules from WB-3224.1(e). analysis and the stress analysis. The stresses in both ma- terials s hal l b e limited to the values s p eci fied in WB- 3133. 1 Rules are given in this para- G e n e ral. WB-3222.6 and WB-3222.9. However, when the cladding graph for determining the thickness of spherical shells, is of the integrally bonded type and the nominal thickness cylindrical shells with or without stiffening rings, and of the cladding is 10% or less of the total thickness of the formed heads under external pressure loading. containment, the presence o f the cladding may b e WB- 3133. 2 The symbols used in this N om en clatu re. neglected. paragraph are defined as follows: WB-3122.4 Beari n g I n s a ti s fyi n g Stresses. A = factor determined from Section II, Part D, Subpart WB-3227.1, the presence of cladding shall be included. 3, Figure G and used to enter the applicable materi- al chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3. For the case WB-3123 Weld i n g of cylinders having D o /T values less than 10, see WB- 3 1 2 3 . 1 In satisfying the re- D i ss i m i lar M e tals. WB-3133.3(b). Also, factor determined from the quirements of this subarticle, caution shall be exercised applicable chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 in design and construction involving dissimilar metals for the material used in a stiffening ring, corre- having different chemical compositions, mechanical prop- sponding to the factor B and the design metal tem- erties, and coefficients of thermal expansion to avoid dif- perature for the shell under consideration. ficulties in service. A s = cross ‐ sectional area of a stiffening ring 57 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 B = factor determined from the applicable chart in Sec- Pa = allowable external pressure, psi (MPa) (gage or ab- tion II, Part D, Subpart 3 for the material used in a solute as required) shell or stiffening ring at the design metal tempera- R = inside radius of spherical shell ture, psi (MPa) S = the lesser of 1.5 times the stress intensity at design Do = outside diameter of the cylindrical shell metal temperature from Section II, Part D, Subpart E = modulus of elasticity of material at Design Tem- 1, Tables 2A and 2B or 0.9 times the tabulated yield perature, psi (MPa). For external pressure and axial strength at design metal temperature from Section compression design in accordance with this Sub- II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table Y-1, psi (MPa) section, the modulus of elasticity to be used shall T = minimum required thickness of cylindrical shell or be taken from the applicable materials chart in Sec- spherical shell tion II, Part D, Subpart 3. (Interpolation may be Tn = nominal thickness used, less corrosion allowance, made between lines for intermediate tempera- of a cylindrical shell tures.) The modulus of elasticity values shown in WB-3133.3 Cylindrical Shells. The thickness of cylin- Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 for material groups may differ from those values listed in Section II, ders under external pressure shall be determined by the Part D, Subpart 2, Tables TM for specific materials. procedure given in (a) or (b) below. Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 values shall be applied (a) Cylinders having D o / T values ≥ 10: only to external pressure and axial compression Step 1 . Assume a value for T and determine the ratios design L / D o and D o / T . I = available moment of inertia of the combined ring‐ Step 2 . Enter Section II, Part D, Subpart 3, Figure G at shell section about its neutral axis, parallel to the the value at L / D o determined in Step 1. For values of axis of the shell. The width of the shell which is ta- L / D o greater than 50, enter the chart at a value of L / D o ken as contributing to the combined moment of in- of 50. For values of L /D o less than 0.05, enter the chart ertia shall be not greater than 1.10 and shall at a value of L /D o of 0.05. be taken as lying one ‐ half on each side of the cen- Step 3. Move horizontally to the line for the value of troid of the ring. Portions of shell plates shall not D o / T determined in Step 1. Interpolation may be made be considered as contributing area to more than for intermediate values of D o /T . From this point of inter- one stiffening ring. section move vertically downward to determine the value Is = required moment of inertia of the combined ring‐ of factor A . shell section about its neutral axis parallel to the Step 4. Using the value of A calculated in Step 3, enter axis of the shell the applicable material chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart L = the design length of a containment taken as the lar- 3 for the material under consideration. Move vertically to gest of the following: an intersection with the material/temperature line for the (a) the distance between head tangent lines plus Design Temperature. Interpolation may be made between one ‐ third of the depth of each head if there are no lines for intermediate temperatures. In cases where the stiffening rings value of A falls to the right of the end of the material/tem- (b) the greatest center ‐ to ‐ center distance be- perature line, assume an intersection with the horizontal tween any two adjacent stiffening rings projection of the upper end of the material/temperature (c) the distance from the center of the first stif- line. For values of A falling to the left of the material/tem- fening ring to the head tangent line plus one ‐ third perature line, see Step 7. of the depth of the head, all measured parallel to the axis of the containment Step 5. From the intersection obtained in Step 4, move Ls = one ‐ half the distance from the center line of the stif- horizontally to the right and read the value of B . fening ring to the next line of support on one side, Step 6. Using this value of B , calculate the value of the plus one ‐ half of the center line distance to the next maximum allowable external pressure P a using the fol- line of support on the other side of the stiffening lowing equation: ring, both measured parallel to the axis of the com- ponent. A line of support is one of the following: (a) a stiffening ring that meets the requirements of this paragraph (b) a circumferential line on a head at one ‐ third Step 7. For values of A falling to the left of the applicable the depth of the head from the head tangent line material/temperature line, the value of P a can be calcu- (c) circumferential connection to a jacket for a lated using the following equation: jacketed section of a cylindrical shell P = external Design Pressure, psi (MPa) (gage or abso- lute, as required) 58 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Step 8. Compare P a with P . If P a is smaller than P , se- Step 4. Using the value of B obtained in Step 3, calculate lect a larger value for T and repeat the design procedure the value of the maximum allowable external pressure P a until a value of P a is obtained that is equal to or greater using the following equation: than P . (b) Cylinders having D o / T values <10: Step 1 . Using the same procedure as given in (a) above, obtain the value of B . For values of D o /T less than 4, the value of factor A can be calculated using the following Step 5. For values of A falling to the left of the applic- equation: able material/temperature line for the Design Tempera- ture, the value o f P a can b e calculated us ing the following equation: For values of A greater than 0.10, use a value of 0.10. Step 2 . Using the value of B obtained in Step 1, calculate a value P a 1 using the following equation: Step 6. Compare P a obtained in Steps 4 or 5 with P . If P a is smaller than P , select a larger value for T and repeat the design procedure until a value for P a is obtained that is equal to or greater than P . Step 3 . C alculate a value Pa 2 using the follo wing (b) Nomenclature for Formed Heads. The nomenclature equation: defined below is used in the equations of (c) through (e) below. D = inside length of the major axis of an ellipsoidal head Do = outside diameter of the head skirt at the point un- der consideration Step 4. The smaller of the values of P a 1 calculated in h = one ‐ half of the length of the minor axis of the ellip- Step 2, or P a 2 calculated in Step 3 shall be used for the soidal head or the inside depth of the ellipsoidal maximum allowable external pressure P a . Compare P a head measured from the tangent line, head bend with P . If P a is smaller than P , select a larger value for line T and repeat the design procedure until a value for P a K1 = a factor depending on the ellipsoidal head propor- is obtained that is equal to or greater than P . tions, given in Table WB-3133.4-1 WB-3133.4 Spherical Shells and Formed Heads. R = for hemispherical heads, the inside radius in the corroded condition (a) Spherical Shells. The minimum required thickness of = for ellipsoidal heads, the equivalent inside spheri- a spherical shell under external pressure shall be deter- cal radius taken as K1 D o in the corroded condition mined by the procedure given in Steps 1 through 6 below. = for torispherical heads, the inside radius of the Step 1 . Assume a value for T and calculate the value of cro wn p o rti o n o f th e h e ad i n th e co rro de d factor A using the following equation: condition T = minimum required thickness of head after forming, exclusive of corrosion allowance (c) Hemispherical Heads. The required thickness of a Step 2 . Using the value of A calculated in Step 1, enter hemispherical head having pressure on the convex side the applicable material chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart shall be determined in the same manner as outlined in 3 for the material under consideration. Move vertically to (a) above for determining the thickness for a spherical an intersection with the material/temperature line for the shell. Design Temperature. Interpolation may be made between lines for intermediate temperatures. In cases where the value of A falls to the right of the end of the material/tem- Table WB-3133.4-1 ð 17Þ perature line, assume an intersection with the horizontal Values of Spherical Radius Factor, K 1 projection of the upper end of the material/temperature D /2 h 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 line. For values of A falling to the left of the material/tem- K1 1.36 1.27 1.18 1.08 0.99 0.90 0.81 0.73 0.65 0.57 0.50 perature line, see Step 5. GENERAL NOTE: Equivalent spherical radius = K1 D ; D /2 h = axis Step 3 . From the intersection obtained in Step 2, move ratio; interpolation permitted for intermediate values. horizontally to the right and read the value of factor B . 59 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (d) Ellipsoidal Heads. The required thickness of an ellip- Step 6. If the required I s is greater than the computed soidal head having pressure on the convex side, either moment of inertia I for the combined ring‐ shell section seamless or of built‐ up construction with butt joints, shall selected in Step 1, a new section with a larger moment not be less than that determined by the following of inertia must be selected and a new I s determined. If procedure. the required I s is smaller than the computed I for the sec- Step 1 . Assume a value for T and calculate the value of tion selected in Step 1, that section should be satisfactory. factor A using the following equation: (b) Stiffening rings may be attached to either the out- side or the inside of the containment by continuous welding. WB-3133.6 Cylinders Under Axial Compression. The Step 2 . Using the value of A calculated in Step 1, follow maximum allowable compressive stress to be used in the the same procedure as that given for spherical shells in design of cylindrical shells subjected to loadings that pro- (a) Step 2 through (a) Step 6 above. duce longitudinal compressive stresses in the shell or wall (e) Torispherical Heads. The required thickness of a tor- shall be the lesser of the values given in (a) or (b) below: ispherical head having pressure on the convex side, either (a) the S m value for the applicable material at Design seamless or of built‐ up construction with butt joints, shall Temperature given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables not be less than that determined by the same design pro- 2A and 2B cedure as is used for ellipsoidal heads given in (d) above, (b) the value of the factor B determined from the ap- using the appropriate value for R . plicable chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 using the fol- lowing definitions for the symbols on the charts: WB-3133.5 Stiffening Rings for Cylindrical Shells. (a) The required moment of inertia of the combined R = inside radius of the cylindrical shell ring‐ shell section is given by the equation: T = selected thickness of the shell, exclusive of the corro- sion allowance The value of B shall be determined from the applicable chart contained in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 as given in The available moment of inertia I for a stiffening ring Steps 1 through 5 below. shall be determined by the procedure given in Steps 1 Step 1 . Using the selected values of T and R , calculate through 6 below. the value of factor A using the following equation: Step 1 . Assuming that the shell has been designed and D o , L s , and T n are known, select a member to be used for the stiffening ring and determine its area A s and the value of I defined in WB-3133.2. Then calculate B by Step 2 . Using the value of A calculated in Step 1, enter the equation: the applicable material chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 for the material under consideration. Move vertically to an intersection with the material/temperature line for the Design Temperature. Interpolation may be made between lines for intermediate temperatures. In cases where the Step 2 . Enter the right‐ hand side of the applicable mate- value at A falls to the right of the end of the material/tem- rial chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 for the material perature line, assume an intersection with the horizontal under consideration at the value of B determined in Step projection of the upper end of the material/temperature 1. If different materials are used for the shell and stiffen- line. For values of A falling to the left of the material/tem- ing ring, then use the material chart resulting in the larger perature line, see Step 4. value for factor A in Step 4 or Step 5 below. Step 3. From the intersection obtained in Step 2, move Step 3. Move horizontally to the left to the material/ horizontally to the right and read the value of factor B . temperature line for the design metal temperature. For This is the maximum allowable compressive stress for values of B falling below the left end of the material/tem- the values of T and R used in Step 1. perature line, see Step 5. Step 4. For values of A falling to the left of the applic- Step 4. Move vertically to the bottom of the chart and able material/temperature line, the value of B shall be read the value of A . calculated using the following equation: Step 5. For values of B falling below the left end of the material/temperature line for the Design Temperature, the value of A can be calculated using the following equation: Step 5. Compare the value of B determined in Step 3 or Step 4 with the computed longitudinal compressive stress in the cylindrical shell, using the selected values of T and 60 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 R . If the value of B is smaller than the computed compres- one ‐ half the difference between the algebraically largest sive stress, a greater value of T must be selected and the and the algebraically smallest of the three principal stres- design procedure repeated until a value of B is obtained ses at the point. which is greater than the compressive stress computed for the loading on the cylindrical shell. WB-32 13 Term s Relati n g to Stress An alysi s Terms used in this Subsection relating to stress analy- WB-3134 Leak Ti g h tn ess sis are defined in the following subparagraphs. The leak tightness requirements for each containment WB- 32 13 . 1 Stress I n ten si ty. Stress intensity is de- 8 shall be set forth in the Design Specification. fined as twice the maximum shear stress, which is the dif- ference between the algebraically largest principal stress WB-3135 Attach m en ts and the algebraically smallest principal stress at a given (a) Except as permitted in (c) and (d) below, attach- point. Tensile stresses are considered positive and com- ments and connecting welds within the jurisdictional pressive stresses are considered negative. boundary of the containment as defined in WB-1130 shall WB-32 13 . 2 Gross G ro s s S tru ctu ral D i s co n ti n u i ty. meet the stress limits of the containment. structural discontinuity is a geometric or material discon- (b) The design of the containment shall include consid- tinuity that affects the stress or strain distribution eration of the interaction effects and loads transmitted through the entire wall thickness of the containment. through the attachment to and from the containment. Gross discontinuity‐ type stresses are those portions of Thermal stresses, stress concentrations, and restraint of the actual stress distributions that produce net bending the containment shall be considered. and membrane force resultants when integrated through (c) Beyond 2 t from the outside surface of the contain- the wall thickness. Examples of a gross structural discon- ment shell, where t is the nominal thickness of the con- tinuity are head ‐ to ‐ shell junctions, flange ‐ to ‐ shell junc- tai n m e n t s h e l l , th e a p p ro p ri a te d e s i gn ru l e s a s tions, reinforcement of openings in containment shells identified in the Design Specification may be used. and heads, and junctions between shells of different dia- (d) Nonstructural attachments shall meet the require- meters or thicknesses. ments of WB-4435. WB-32 13 . 3 Local L o cal S tru ct u ral D i s c o n ti n u i t y. structural discontinuity is a geometric or material discon- WB-3200 DESI G N OF CON TAI N M EN TS tinuity that affects the stress or strain distribution through a fractional part of the wall thickness. The stress WB-32 10 DESI G N CRI TERI A distribution associated with a local discontinuity causes WB-32 11 Req u i rem en ts for Acceptabi li ty only very localized deformation or strain and has no sig- The requirements for the acceptability of a design by nificant effect on the shell ‐ type discontinuity deforma- analysis are given in (a) through (d) below. ti o n s . E xa m p l e s a re s m a l l fi l l e t ra d i i a n d s m a l l (a) The design shall be such that stress intensities will attachments. not exceed the limits described in this subarticle and ta- WB-3213. 4 N orm al Stress. Normal stress is the com- bulated in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A, 2B, ponent of stress normal to the plane of reference. This is and 4. The material shall not be used at metal or Design also referred to as direct stress. Usually the distribution of Temperature that exceeds the temperature limit in the normal stress is not uniform through the thickness of a applicability column for which stress intensity values part, so this stress is considered to have two components, are listed. The values in the tables may be interpolated one uniformly distributed and equal to the average stress for intermediate temperatures. across the thickness under consideration, and the other (b) The design details shall conform to the rules given varying from this average value across the thickness. in this Article. WB-3213. 5 Sh ear Stress. Shear stress is the compo- (c) For configurations where compressive stresses oc- nent of stress tangent to the plane of reference. cur, in addition to the requirements in (a) and (b) above, the critical buckling stress shall be taken into account as WB - 3 2 1 3 . 6 M e m b ran e Stre s s. Membrane stress is specified in WB-3133. the component of normal stress that is uniformly distrib- (d) Protection against nonductile fracture shall be pro- uted and equal to the average stress across the thickness vided. An acceptable procedure for nonductile failure pre- of the section under consideration. vention is given in WB-2300. WB- 32 13. 7 Bending stress is the B e n d i n g S t re s s . component of normal stress that varies across the thick- WB-32 12 Basi s for Determ i n i n g Stresses ness. The variation may or may not be linear. The theory of failure, used in the rules of this Subsec- WB- 32 13 . 8 P ri m ary S tre s s . Primary stress is any tion for combining stresses, is the maximum shear stress normal stress or shear stress developed by an imposed theory. The maximum shear stress at a point is equal to l o ad i n g, th at i s n e ce s s ary to s a ti s fy th e l a ws o f 61 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 equilibrium of external and internal forces and moments. intensity exceeds 1.1 S m ). Discrete regions of local pri- The basic characteristic of a primary stress is that it is not mary membrane stress intensity, such as those resulting self‐ limiting. Primary stresses that considerably exceed from concentrated loads acting on brackets, where the the yield strength will result in failure or, at least, in gross membrane stress intensity exceeds 1.1 S m , shall be spaced distortion. Primary membrane stress is divided into gen- so that there is no overlapping of the areas in which the eral and local categories. A general primary membrane membrane stress intensity exceeds 1.1 S m . stress is one that is so distributed in the structure that WB-3213.11 Peak Stress. Peak stress is that incre- no redistribution of load occurs as a result of yielding. Ex- ment of stress that is additive to the primary plus second- amples of primary stress are: ary stresses by reason of local discontinuities or local (a) general membrane stress in a circular cylindrical thermal stress [WB-3213.13(b)], or localized application shell or a spherical shell due to internal pressure or to dis- of dynamic load including the effects, if any, of stress con- tributed loads; centrations. The basic characteristic of a peak stress is (b) bending stress in the central portion of a flat head that it does not cause any noticeable distortion and is ob- due to pressure; jectionable only as a possible source of a fatigue crack or a (c) longitudinal stress due to cylinder bending in the brittle fracture. A stress that is not highly localized falls central portion of a horizontal cylindrical shell being de- into this category if it is of a type that cannot cause notice- celerated by forces applied at its extreme ends. able distortion. Examples of peak stress are: Refer to Table WB-3217-1 for examples of primary (a) the thermal stress in the austenitic steel cladding of stress. a carbon steel part; WB-3213.9 Secondary Stress. Secondary stress is a (b) certain thermal stresses that may cause fatigue but normal stress or a shear stress developed by the con- not distortion; straint of adjacent material or by self‐ constraint of the (c) the stress at a local structural discontinuity; structure. The basic characteristic of a secondary stress (d) surface stresses produced by thermal shock. is that it is self‐ limiting. Local yielding and minor distor- W B - 3 2 1 3 . 1 2 L o a d - C o n t ro l le d S t re s s . L o a d - tions can satisfy the conditions that cause the stress to oc- cur and failure from one application of the stress is not to controlled stress is the stress resulting from application be expected. Examples of secondary stress are: of a loading, such as internal pressure, inertial loads, or (a) general thermal stress [WB-3213.13(a)]; gravity, whose magnitude is not reduced as a result of (b) bending stress at a gross structural discontinuity. displacement. Refer to Table WB-3217-1 for examples of secondary WB-3213.13 Thermal Stress. Thermal stress is a self‐ stress. balancing stress produced by a nonuniform distribution WB-3213.10 Local Primary Membrane Stress. Cases of temperature or by differing thermal coefficients of ex- arise in which a membrane stress produced by pressure pansion. Thermal stress is developed in a solid body or other mechanical loading and associated with a discon- whenever a volume of material is prevented from assum- tinuity would, if not limited, produce excessive distortion ing the size and shape that it normally would under a in the transfer of load to other portions of the structure. change in temperature. For the purpose of establishing al- Conservatism requires that such a stress be classified as lowable stresses, two types of thermal stress are recog- a local primary membrane stress even though it has some nized, dep ending o n the vo lume o r area in which characteristics of a secondary stress. distortion takes place, as described in (a) and (b) below. A stressed region may be considered local if the dis- (a) General thermal stress is associated with distortion tance over which the membrane stress intensity exceeds of the structure in which it occurs. If a stress of this type, 1.1 S m does not extend in the meridional direction more neglecting stress concentrations, exceeds twice the yield strength of the material, the elastic analysis may be inva- than , where R is the minimum midsurface radius lid and successive thermal cycles may produce incremen- of curvature and t is the minimum thickness in the region tal dis to rtio n. Therefo re this type is clas s ified as considered. Regions of local primary stress intensity in- secondary stress in Table WB-3217-1. Examples of gener- volving axisymmetric membrane stress distributions that al thermal stress are: exceed 1.1 S m shall not be closer in the meridional direc- (1) stress produced by an axial temperature distribu- tion than , where R L is defined as (R 1 + R 2 )/2 tion in a cylindrical shell; and t L is defined as ( t 1 + t 2 )/2 (where t 1 and t 2 are (2) stress produced by the temperature difference the minimum thicknesses at each of the regions consid- between a nozzle and the shell to which it is attached; ered, and R 1 and R 2 are the minimum midsurface radii (3) the equivalent linear stress 9 produced by the ra- of curvature at these regions where the membrane stress dial temperature distribution in a cylindrical shell. 62 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (b) Local thermal stress is associated with almost com- WB-32 14 Stress An alysi s plete suppression of the differential expansion and thus produces no significant distortion. Such stresses shall A detailed stress analysis of all major structural compo- be considered only from the fatigue standpoint and nents shall be prepared in sufficient detail to show that are therefo re clas s ified as p eak s tres s es in Tab le each of the stress limitations of WB-3220 and WB-3230 WB-3217-1. Examples of local thermal stress are: is satisfied when the component is subjected to the load- (1 ) the stress in a small hot spot in a containment ings of WB-3110. wall; (2) the difference between the actual stress and the WB-32 15 Deri vati on of Stress I n ten si ti es ð 17Þ equivalent linear stress resulting from a radial tempera- ture distribution in a cylindrical shell; One requirement for the acceptability of a design (3) the thermal stress in a cladding material that has (WB-3210) is that the calculated stress intensities shall a coefficient of expansion different from that of the base not exceed specified allowable limits. These limits differ metal. depending on the stress category (primary, secondary, etc.) from which the stress intensity is derived. This para- WB- 3213 . 14 Total Stress. Total stress is the sum of graph describes the procedure for the calculation of the the primary, secondary, and peak stress contributions. stress intensities that are subject to the specified limits. Recognition of each of the individual contributions is es- The steps in the procedure are stipulated in (a) through sential to establishment of appropriate stress limitations. (e) below. WB- 3213. 15 Operati on al Cycle. Operational cycle is (a) At the point on the component that is being investi- defined as the initiation and establishment of new condi- gated, choose an orthogonal set of coordinates, such as tions followed by a return to the conditions that prevailed tangential, longitudinal, and radial, and designate them at the beginning of the cycle. The types of operating con- by the subscripts t , l , and r . The stress components in ditions that may occur are further defined in WB-3113. these directions are then designated σ t , σ l , and σ r for di- WB- 3213. 16 Stress Cycle. Stress cycle is a condition rect stresses and τ l t , τ l r , and τ r t for shear stresses. in which the alternating stress difference [WB-3222.9(e)] (b) Calculate the stress components for each type of goes from an initial value through an algebraic maximum loading to which the part will be subjected, and assign value to an algebraic minimum value and then returns to each set of stress values to one or a group of the following the initial value. A single operational cycle may result in categories: one or more stress cycles. Dynamic effects shall also be (1 ) g e n e r a l p r i m a r y m e m b r a n e s t r e s s P m considered as stress cycles. (WB-3213.8); WB- 3213. 17 Fa- Fati g u e Stren g th Red u cti on Factor. (2) l o c a l p r i m a r y m e m b r a n e s t r e s s P L tigue strength reduction factor is a stress intensification (WB-3213.10); factor that accounts for the effect of a local structural dis- (3) primary bending stress P b ( WB-3 2 1 3 .7 and continuity (stress concentration) on the fatigue strength. WB-3213.8); In the absence of experimental data, the theoretical stress (4) secondary stress Q (WB-3213.9); concentration factor may be used. (5) peak stress F (WB-3213.11). WB- 3213. 20 Deform ati on . Deformation of a compo- WB-3217 provides guidance for this step. nent part is an alteration of its shape or size. (c) For each category, calculate the algebraic sum of the WB- 3213. 21 Ratcheting is a progressive Ratch eti n g . σ t values that result from the different types of loadings incremental inelastic deformation or strain that can occur and similarly for the other five stress components. Certain in a component that is subjected to variations of mechan- combinations of the categories must also be considered. ical stress, thermal stress, or both. (d) Translate the stress components for the t , l , and r WB- 32 13 . 22 Sh ake d o wn .Shakedown of a structure directions into principal stresses σ 1 , σ 2 , and σ 3 . In many occurs if, after a few cycles of load application, ratcheting pressure component calculations, the t , l , and r directions ceases. The subsequent structural response is elastic, or may be so chosen that the shear stress components are elastic – plastic, and progressive incremental inelastic de- zero and σ 1 , σ 2 , and σ 3 are identical to σ t , σ l , and σ r . formation is absent. Elastic shakedown is the case in (e) Calculate the stress differences S 1 2 , S 2 3 , and S 3 1 which the subsequent response is elastic. from the relations: The stress intensity S is the largest absolute value of S 1 2 , S 2 3 , and S 3 1 . 63 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 NOTE: Membrane stress intensity is derived from the stress compo- (c) Subtract each of the six stress components σ t i , σ l i , nents averaged across the thickness of the section. The averaging etc., from the corresponding stress components σ t , σ l , shall be performed at the component level in (b) or (c). etc., at each point in time during the cycle and call the re- sulting components σ ′t , σ ′ l , etc. WB-32 16 Deri vati on of Stress Di fferen ces (d) At each point in time during the cycle, calculate the If the specified operation of the component does not principal stresses σ ′ 1 , σ ′ 2 , and σ ′ 3 derived from the six meet the conditions of WB-3222.9(d), the ability of the stress components σ ′t , σ ′ l , etc. Note that the directions component to withstand the specified cyclic operation of the principal stresses may change during the cycle without fatigue failure shall be determined as provided but each principal stress retains its identity as it rotates. in WB-3222.9(e). The determination shall be made on (e) Determine the stress differences S ′ 1 2 = σ ′ 1 − σ ′ 2 , the basis of the stresses at a point of the component, S ′ 2 3 = σ ′ 2 − σ ′ 3 , and S ′ 3 1 = σ ′ 3 − σ ′ 1 versus time for and the allowable stress cycles shall be adequate for the the complete cycle and find the largest absolute magni- specified service at every point. Only the stress differ- tude of any stress difference at any time. The alternating ences due to cyclic operating loadings, as specified in stress intensity S a l t is one ‐ half of this magnitude. the Design Specification, need to be considered. WB-32 17 Classi fi cati on of Stresses WB-3216. 1 Con stan t Pri n ci pal Stress Di recti on . For any case in which the directions of the principal stresses Table WB-3217-1 provides assistance in the determi- at the point being considered do not change during the cy- nation of the category to which a stress should be cle, the steps stipulated in (a) through (c) below shall be assigned. taken to determine the alternating stress intensity. (a) Principal Stresses. Consider the values of the three WB-32 20 STRESS LI M I TS FOR OTH ER TH AN principal stresses at the point versus time for the com- BOLTS plete stress cycle, taking into account both the gross WB-32 21 Desi g n Li m i ts and local structural discontinuities and the thermal ef- The stress intensity limits that must be satisfied for De- fects, which vary during the cycle. These are designated sign Loadings (WB-3112) stated in the Design Specifica- as σ 1 , σ 2 , and σ 3 for later identification. tion are the limits of the following subparagraphs and (b) Stress Differences. Determine the stress differences the Special Stress Limits of WB-3227. The design stress S 1 2 = σ 1 − σ 2 , S 2 3 = σ 2 − σ 3 , and S 3 1 = σ 3 − σ 1 versus intensity values S m are given by WB-3229. The limits time for the complete cycle. In what follows, the symbol are summarized in Figure WB-3221-1. S i j is used to represent any one of these three stress differences. WB - 3 2 2 1 . 1 G e n eral Pri m ary M e m b ran e Stre s s I n - (c) Alternating Stress Intensity. Determine the extremes (Derived from P m in Figure WB-3221-1) This te n s i ty. of the range through which each stress difference S i j fluc- stress intensity is derived from the average value across tuates and find the absolute magnitude of this range for the thickness of a section of the general primary stresses each S i j . Call this magnitude S r i j and let S a l t i j = 0.5 S r i j . (WB-3213.8) produced by Design Loadings, which in- The alternating stress intensity S a l t is the largest S a l t i j clude internal pressure and other specified mechanical value. loads, but excluding secondary and peak stresses. Aver- aging is to be applied to the stress components prior to WB - 32 16 . 2 Varyi n g Pri n ci pal Stress D i recti on . For determination of the stress intensity values. The allow- any case in which the directions of the principal stresses able value of this stress intensity is S m at the Design at the point being considered do change during the stress Temperature. cycle, it is necessary to use the more general procedure of (a) through (e) below. WB- 32 21 . 2 Lo cal Pri m ary M em bran e Stress I n ten - (a) Consider the values of the six stress components σ t , si ty.(Derived from P L in Figure WB-3221-1) This stress σ l , σ r , τ l t , τ l r , and τ r t versus time for the complete stress intensity is derived from the average value across the cycle, taking into account both the gross and local struc- thickness of a section of the local primary stresses tural discontinuities and the thermal effects that vary dur- (WB-3213.10) produced by Design Pressure and specified ing the cycle. Design Mechanical Loads, but excluding all thermal and (b) Choose a point in time when the conditions are one peak stresses. Averaging is to be applied to the stress of the extremes for the cycle (either maximum or mini- components prior to the determination of the stress in- mum, algebraically) and identify the stress components tensity values. The allowable value of the stress intensity at this time by the subscript i . In most cases, it will be pos- is 1.5 S m . sible to choose at least one time during the cycle when the WB- 32 2 1 . 4 Pri m ary M e m b ran e (G e n e ral or Lo cal) conditions are known to be extreme. In some cases, it may [Derived from Plu s Pri m ary B e n d i n g Stre ss I n te n s i ty. be necessary to try different points in time to find the one (P m or P L ) + P b in Figure WB-3221-1] This stress inten- that results in the largest value of alternating stress sity is derived from the highest value across the thickness intensity. of a section of the general or local primary membrane 64 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WB-3 217-1 Classi fi cati on of Stress I n ten si ty i n Con tai n m en ts for Som e Typi cal Cases Containment Part Location Origin of Stress Type of Stress Classification Cylindrical or spherical shell Shell plate remote Internal pressure General membrane Pm from discontinuities Gradient through plate Q thickness Axial thermal gradient Membrane Q Bending Q Junction with head or Internal pressure Membrane PL flange Bending Q [Note (1)] Any shell or head Any section across External load or General membrane Pm entire containment moment, or internal averaged across full pressure section External load or moment Bending across full Pm section Near nozzle or other External load or Local membrane PL opening moment, or internal Bending Q pressure Peak (fillet or corner) F Any location Temperature difference Membrane Q [Note (2)] between shell and Bending Q [Note (3)] head Any location away Impact on unyielding General membrane Pm from impact area surface Bending across full Pm section At impact area Impact on puncture bar Local membrane P L [Note (4)] Local bending Q Dished head or conical head Crown Internal pressure Membrane Pm Bending Pb Knuckle or junction to Internal pressure Membrane P L [Note (5)] shell Bending Q Flat head Center region Internal pressure Membrane Pm Bending Pb Junction to shell Internal pressure Membrane PL Bending Q [Note (1)] Square or rectangular Center region Uniform pressure Membrane Pm containment of flat plates Bending Pb Junction between flat Uniform pressure Membrane PL plates Bending Pb Any section across Lateral internal loading Bending across full Pm entire containment cross section Cladding Any Differential expansion Membrane F Bending F Any Any Radial temperature Equivalent linear Q distribution [Note (6)] stress [Note (7)] Nonlinear portion of F stress distribution Any Any Any Stress concentration F (notch effect) GENERAL NOTE: Q and F classification of stresses refers to other than design condition (Figure WB-3222-1). NOTES: (1) If the bending moment at the edge is required to maintain the bending stress in the middle to acceptable limits, the edge bending is classified as P b . Otherwise, it is classified as Q . 65 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WB- 32 17-1 Classi fi cati on of Stress I n ten si ty i n Con tai n m en ts for Som e Typi cal Cases (Con t'd ) NOTES (CONT'D): (2) Components such as concentric shells attached to each other at the ends or in close radial contact may develop stresses due to tem- perature differences or differential expansion between dissimilar materials. Members subjected to compressive load shall be eval- uated against buckling, treating the membrane stresses as P m . (3) If an end connection of two concentric shells is relatively weak, the differential thermal expansion of the shells may lead to the for- mation of a plastic hinge in the connection and could cause excessive deformation or failure. The end connection shall be evaluated for such a condition treating the bending stresses as P b . (4) The special stress limits of WB-3227 shall also be met. (5) Consideration shall also be given to the possibility of wrinkling and excessive deformation in containments with a large diameter– thickness ratio. (6) Consider possibility of thermal stress ratchet. (7) Equivalent linear stress is defined as the linear stress distribution that has the same net bending moment as the actual stress distribution. stresses plus primary bending stresses produced by De- determination of the stress intensity values. The allow- sign Pressure and other specified Design Mechanical able value of this stress intensity is S m at the normal op- Loads, but excluding all secondary and peak stresses. erating temperature. For solid rectangular sections, the allowable value of this stress intensity is 1.5 S m . For other than solid rectangular WB- 3222 . 2 Local Pri m ary M em bran e Stress I n ten - sections, a value of α times the limit established in si ty.(Derived from P L in Figure WB-3222-1) This stress WB-3221.1 may be used, where the factor α is defined intensity is derived from the average value across the as the ratio of the load set producing a fully plastic section thickness of a section of the local primary stresses to the load set producing initial yielding in the extreme fi- (WB-3213.10) produced by normal loads, but excluding bers of the section. In the evaluation of the initial yield all thermal and peak stresses. Averaging is to be applied and fully plastic section capacities, the ratios of each indi- to the stress components prior to the determination of vidual load in the respective load set to each other load in the stress intensity values. The allowable value of this that load set shall be the same as the respective ratios of stress intensity is 1.5 S m . the individual loads in the specified design load set. The ð 17Þ value of α shall not exceed the value calculated for bend- WB- 32 2 2 . 4 Pri m ary M em bran e (G e n eral or Local) [Derived from ing only (P m = 0). In no case shall the value of α exceed Plu s Pri m ary B e n d i n g Stre ss I n te n s i ty. (P m or P L ) + P b in Figure WB-3222-1] This stress inten- 1.5. The propensity for buckling of the part of the section sity is derived from the highest value across the thickness that is in compression shall be investigated. of a section of the general or local primary membrane WB-32 22 Level A Servi ces Li m i ts stresses plus primary bending stresses produced by nor- mal loads, but excluding all secondary and peak stresses. The stress intensity limits that must be satisfied for For solid rectangular sections, the allowable value of this normal loadings (WB-3113) stated in the Design Specifi- stress intensity is 1.5 S m . For other than solid rectangular cation are the Level A Service Limits [WA-2123.4(b)(1)] sections, a value of α times the limit established in of the following subparagraphs and the Special Stress WB-3222.1 may be used, where the factor α is defined Limits of WB-3227. The design stress intensity values as the ratio of the load set producing a fully plastic section S m are given by WB-3229. The limits are summarized to the load set producing initial yielding in the extreme fi- in Figure WB-3222-1. bers of the section. In the evaluation of the initial yield WB - 32 2 2 . 1 G en e ral Pri m ary M em b ran e Stress I n - and fully plastic section capacities, the ratios of each indi- te n si ty.(Derived from P m in Figure WB-3222-1) This vidual load in the respective load set to each other load in stress intensity is derived from the average value across that load set shall be the same as the respective ratios of the thickness of a section of the general primary stresses the individual loads in the specified design load set. The (WB-3213.8) produced by normal loads, which include in- value of α shall not exceed the value calculated for bend- ternal pressure and other specified mechanical loads, but ing only (P m = 0). In no case shall the value of α exceed excluding secondary and peak stresses. Averaging is to 1.5. The propensity for buckling of the part of the section b e a p p l i e d to th e s tr e s s c o m p o n e n ts p r i o r to that is in compression shall be investigated. 66 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Fi g u re WB- 322 1- 1 Stress Categ ori es an d Li m i ts of Stress I n ten si ty for Desi g n Load i n g s Stress Primary Category General Membrane Local Membrane Bending Description (for Average primary Average stress Component of examples see stress across across any primary stress Table WB-321 7-1 ) solid section. solid section. proportional to Excludes Considers distance from discontinuities discontinuities centroid of solid and concentra- but not concen- section. tions. Produced trations. Excludes by Design Produced by discontinuities Loads. Design Loads. and concentra- tions. Produced by Design Loads. Symbol [Note (1 )] Pm PL Pb Combination of stress compo- nents and allowable limits of Pm Sm stress intensities. PL 1 .5 Sm (Pm or PL ) + Pb 1 .5 Sm [Note (2)] Legend: = Allowable value = Calculated value NOTES: (1) The symbols P m , P L , and P b do not represent single quantities, but rather sets of six quantities representing the six stress components σt, σ l , σ r , τ l t , τ l r , and τ r t . (2) Allowable values shown are for a solid rectangular section. See WB-3221.4 for other than a solid rectangular section. 67 Fi g u re WB-32 2 2- 1 Stress Categ ori es an d Li m i ts of Stress I n ten si ty for N orm al Load i n g s Primary Secondary [Note (2)] Stress M embrane Plus Category General M embrane Local M embrane Bending Bending Peak Description (for examples, Average primary stress Average stress across any Component of primary Self-equilibrating stress Increment added to see Table WB-3217-1) across solid section. solid section. Considers stress proportional to necessary to satisfy prim ary or second- Excludes disconti- discontinuities but distance from centroid continuity of structure ary stress by a nuities and concentra- not concentrations. of solid section. Ex- discontinuities. Can be concentration tions. Produced by Produced by pressure cluding effects of (notch). pressure and mechani- and mechanical loads, caused by pressure, discontinuities and Certain thermal cal loads. including inertia effects. concentrations. Pro- mechanical loads, or differential thermal stresses that may duced by pressure and cause fatigue but mechanical loads, expansion. Excludes local stress not distortion. including inertia effects. concentrations. In local impact regions. Symbol Pm PL Pb Q F ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 [N ote (1)] Combination of stress com- ponents and allowable 68 limits of stress intensities Pm 1.0 S m PL 1.5 S m ( Pm or PL) + Pb 1.5 S m [N ote (6)] ( Pm or PL) + Pb + Q 3Sm [N ote (4)] [N otes (2) and (3)] Legend: [N ote (5)] = Allowable value = Calculated value ( Pm or PL) + Pb + Q + F Sa NOTES: (1) The symbols P m , P L , P b , Q , and F do not represent single quantities, but sets of six quantities representing the six stress components: σ t , σ l , σ r , τ l t , τ l r , τ r t . (2) When the secondary stress is due to a temperature transient at the point at which the stresses are being analyzed, the value of S m shall be taken as the average of the tabulated S m values for the highest and the lowest temperatures of the metal during the transient. When part or all of the secondary stress is due to the mechanical load, the value of S m shall not exceed the value for the highest temperature during the transient. (3) The 3 S m limit is applicable to the range of stresses. (4) The stresses in Category Q are those parts of the total stress that are produced by thermal gradients, structural discontinuities, etc., and they do not include primary stresses that may also exist at the same point. However, it should be noted that a detailed stress analysis frequently gives the combination of primary and secondary stresses directly and, when appropriate, the calculated value represents the total of P m + P b + Q , and not Q alone. Similarly, if the stress in Category F is produced by a stress concentration, the quantity F is the additional stress produced by the notch over and above the nominal stress. For example, if a point has a nominal stress intensity P m + P m (K − 1) = KP m . However, P L is the total membrane stress that results from mechanical loads, including discontinuity effects rather than a stress increment. Therefore, the P L value always includes the P m contribution. (5) S a is obtained from the fatigue curves, Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix I. The allowable stress intensity for the full range of fluctuation is 2 S a . (6) Allowable values shown are for a solid rectangular section. See WB-3222.4 for other than a solid rectangular section. ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ð 17Þ WB- 32 2 2 . 6 Pri m ary Plu s Se co n d ary Stre ss I n te n - the condition where the stress fluctuates about a mean [Derived from ( P m or P L ) + P b + Q in Figure s i ty. value that is different from zero. As a consequence of this WB-3222-1] . This stress intensity is derived from the procedure, it is essential that the requirements of highest value at any point across the thickness of a section WB-3222.6 be satisfied at all times with transient stresses of the general or local primary membrane stresses, plus included, and that the calculated value of the alternating primary bending stresses plus secondary stresses, pro- stress intensity be proportional to the actual strain ampli- duced by normal loads. The allowable value of the maxi- tude. To evaluate the effect of alternating stresses of vary- mum range of this stress intensity is 3 S m . ing amplitudes, a linear damage relation is assumed in NOTE: The concept of stress differences discussed in WB-3216 is es- (e)(5) below. sential to determination of the maximum range, since algebraic signs (d) Components Not Requiring Analysis for Cyclic Opera- must be retained in the computation. This limitation on range is ap- tion . An analysis for cyclic operation is not required, and it plicable to the entire history of normal loadings, not just to the stres- may be assumed that the limits on peak stress intensities, ses resulting from each individual transient. as governed by fatigue, have been satisfied for a compo- nent by compliance with the applicable requirements ð 17Þ WB- 3222. 9 An alysi s for Cycli c Operati on . for material, design, fabrication, examination, and testing (a) Suitability for Cyclic Operation . The suitability of a of this Subsection, provided the specified normal loads of component for specified normal loadings and Test Load- the component, or portion thereof, meet all the conditions ings [if required by WB-3225(d)] involving cyclic applica- stipulated in (1) through (5) below. tion of loads and thermal conditions shall be determined (1 ) Atmospheric to Normal Pressure Cycle. The speci- by the methods described herein, except that the suitabil- fied number of times that the pressure will be cycled from ity of high strength bolts shall be determined by the meth- atmospheric pressure to normal pressure and back to at- ods of WB-3232.4(b), and the possibility of thermal stress mospheric pressure during normal conditions does not ratche t s h al l b e i n ves ti gate d i n acco rdance wi th exceed the number of cycles on the applicable fatigue WB-3222.11. If the specified normal loads of the compo- curve of Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix I, nent meet all of the conditions of (d) below, no analysis corresponding to an S a value of three times the S m value for cyclic operation is required, and it may be assumed for the material at the maximum normal temperature. that the limits on peak stress intensities, as governed by (2) Normal Pressure Fluctuation . The specified full fatigue, have been satisfied by compliance with the applic- range of pressure fluctuations during normal conditions able requirements for material, design, fabrication, exam- does not exceed the quantity 1/3 × Design Pressure × ination, and testing of this Subsection. If the normal loads (S a /S m ), where S a is the value obtained from the applic- do not meet all the conditions of (d) below, a fatigue anal- able design fatigue curve for the total specified number of ysis shall be made in accordance with (e) below or a fati- significant pressure fluctuations and S m is the allowable gue test shall be made in accordance with Section III stress intensity for the material at the maximum normal Appendices, Mandatory Appendix II, II-1500. temperature. If the total specified number of significant (b) Peak Stress Intensity. This stress intensity is derived pressure fluctuations exceeds the maximum number of from the highest value at any point across the thickness of cycles defined on the applicable design fatigue curve, a section of the combination of all primary, secondary, the S a value corresponding to the maximum number of and peak stresses produced by specified normal loads. cycles defined on the curve may be used. Significant pres- (c) Conditions and Procedures. The conditions and pro- sure fluctuations are those for which the total excursion cedures of WB-3222.9 are based on a comparison of peak exceeds one-third of the Design Pressure multiplied by stresses with strain cycling fatigue data. The strain cycling (S a /S m ) where S is defined as follows: 6 fatigue data are represented by design fatigue strength (-a) If the total specified number of cycles is 10 curves of Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix I. cycles or less, S is the value of S a obtained from the ap- These curves show the allowable amplitude S a of the al- plicable design fatigue curve for 10 6 cycles. ternating stress intensity component (one ‐ half of the al- (-b) If the total specified number of cycles exceeds ternating stress intensity range) plotted against the 10 6 cycles, S is the value of S a obtained from the applic- number of cycles. This stress intensity amplitude is calcu- able design fatigue curve for the maximum number of cy- lated on the assumption of elastic behavior and, hence, cles defined on the curve. has the dimensions of stress, but does not represent a real (3) Temperature Difference — Normal Condition . The stress when the elastic range is exceeded. The fatigue total algebraic range of temperature difference, °F (°C), curves are obtained from uniaxial strain cycling data in between any two adjacent points 10 does not change dur- which the imposed strains have been multiplied by the ing normal conditions by more than the quantity S a /2 E α , elastic modulus and a design margin has been provided where S a is the value obtained from the applicable design so as to make the calculated stress intensity amplitude fatigue curve of Section III Appendices, Mandatory and the allowable stress intensity amplitude directly com- Appendix I, for the total specified number of significant parable. Where necessary, the curves have been adjusted temperature difference fluctuations, α is the value of to include the maximum effects of mean stress, which is the instantaneous coefficient of thermal expansion, and 69 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 E at the mean value of the temperatures at the two points (-b) If the total specified number of cycles exceeds as given by Section II, Part D, Subpart 2, Tables TE and 10 6 cycles, S is the value of S a obtained from the applic- TM. A temperature difference fluctuation shall be consid- able design fatigue curve for the maximum number of cy- ered to be significant if its total algebraic range exceeds cles defined on the curve. the quantity S /2 E α , where S is defined as follows: (e) Procedure for Analysis for Cyclic Loading . If the spe- 6 (-a) If the total specified number of cycles is 10 cified normal loads for the component do not meet the cycles or less, S is the value of S a obtained from the ap- conditions of (d), the ability of the component to with- plicable design fatigue curve for 10 6 cycles. stand the specified cyclic operation without fatigue failure (-b) If the total specified number of cycles exceeds shall be determined as provided in this subsubparagraph. 10 6 cycles, S is the value of S a obtained from the applic- The determination shall be made on the basis of the stres- able design fatigue curve for the maximum number of cy- ses at a point, and the allowable stress cycles shall be ade- cles defined on the curve. quate for the specified normal loads at every point. Only (4) Temperature Difference — Dissimilar Materials. the stress differences due to operation cycles as specified For components fabricated from materials of differing in the Design Specifications need be considered. Compli- moduli of elasticity or coefficients of thermal expansion, ance with these requirements means only that the compo- the total algebraic range of temperature fluctuation, °F nent is suitable from the standpoint of possible fatigue (°C), experienced by the component during normal condi- failure; complete suitability for the specified normal loads tions does not exceed the magnitude S a /2(E 1 α 1 − E 2 α 2 ), is also dependent on meeting the general stress limits of where S a is the value obtained from the applicable design WB-3 2 2 2 and any applicable special stress limits of fatigue curve for the total specified number of significant WB-3227. temperature fluctuations, E 1 and E 2 are the moduli of (1 ) Stress Differences. For each normal load, deter- elasticity (Section II, Part D, Subpart 2, Tables TM), and mine the stress differences and the alternating stress in- α 1 and α 2 are the values of the instantaneous coefficients tensity S a in accordance with WB-3216. of thermal expansion (Section II, Part D, Subpart 2, Tables (2) Local Structural Discon tin uities . These effects TE) at the mean temperature value involved for the two materials of construction. A temperature fluctuation shall shall be evaluated for all conditions using stress concen- be considered to be significant if its total excursion ex- tration factors determined from theoretical, experimen- ceeds the quantity S /2(E 1 α 1 − E 2 α 2 ), where S is defined tal, or photoelastic studies, or numerical stress analysis as follows: techniques. Experimentally determined fatigue strength (-a) If the total specified number of cycles is 10 6 reduction factors may be used when determined in accor- cycles or less, S is the value of S a obtained from the ap- dance with the procedures of Section III Appendices, Man- plicable design fatigue curve for 10 6 cycles. datory Appendix II, II-1600, except for high strength alloy steel bolting for which the requirements of WB-3232.4(c) (-b) If the total specified number of cycles exceeds shall apply when using the design fatigue curve of Section 10 6 cycles, S is the value of S a obtained from the applic- III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix I, Figure I-9.4. No fa- able design fatigue curve for the maximum number of cy- tigue strength reduction factor greater than five need be cles defined on the curve. If the two materials used have used. different applicable design fatigue curves, the lower value of S a shall be used in applying the rules of this paragraph. (3) Design Fatigue Curves . Section III Appendices, (5) Mechanical Loads. The specified full range of me- Mandatory Appendix I, contains the applicable fatigue de- chanical loads, excluding pressure but including support sign curves for the materials permitted by this Subsec- reactions, handling and transportation loads, and assem- tion. When more than one curve is presented for a bly/dissembly loads, does not result in load stresses given material, the applicability of each is identified. whose range exceeds the S a value obtained from the ap- Where curves for various strength levels of a material plicable design fatigue curve of Section III Appendices, are given, linear interpolation may be used for intermedi- Mandatory Appendix I, for the total specified number of ate strength levels of these materials. The strength level is significant load fluctuations. If the total specified number the specified minimum room temperature value. of significant load fluctuations exceeds the maximum (4) Effect of Elastic Modulus. Multiply S a l t (as deter- number of cycles defined on the applicable design fatigue mined in WB-3216.1 or WB-3216.2) by the ratio of the curve, the S a value corresponding to the maximum num- modulus of elasticity given on the design fatigue curve ber of cycles defined on the curve may be used. A load to the value of the modulus of elasticity used in the anal- fluctuation shall be considered to be significant if the total ysis. Enter the applicable design fatigue curve of Section excursion of load stress exceeds the quantity S , where S is III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix I at this value on defined as follows: the ordinate axis and find the corresponding number of 6 cycles on the abscissa. If the operating cycle being consid- (-a) If the total specified number of cycles is 10 cycles or less, S is the value of S a obtained from the ap- ered is the only one which produces significant fluctuat- plicable design fatigue curve for 10 6 cycles. ing stresses, this is the allowable number of cycles. 70 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (5) Cum ulative Dam age . If there are two or more NOTE: For both x and y ′ , it is permissible to use 1.5 S m whenever it is types of stress cycle that produce significant stresses, greater than S y . their cumulative effect shall be evaluated as stipulated in Steps 1 through 6 below. Case 1 : Linear variation of temperature through the Step 1 . Designate the specified number of times each wa l l : fo r 0 < x < 0 . 5 , y ′ = 1 / x a n d , fo r type of stress cycle of types 1, 2, 3, ..., n , will be repeated 0.5 < x < 1.0, y ′ = 4(1 − x ) during the life of the component as n 1 , n 2 , n 3 , ..., n n , Case 2 : Parabolic constantly increasing or constantly de- respectively. creasing variation of temperature through the wall: for 0.615 < x < 1.0, y ′ = 5.2(1 − x ) and, ap- NOTE: In determining n 1 , n 2 , n 3 ,..., n n , consideration shall be given proximately for x < 0.615, y ′ = 4.65, 3.55, and to the superposition of cycles of various origins that produce a total stress difference range greater than the stress difference ranges of 2.70 for x = 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5, respectively the individual cycles. For example, if one type of stress cycle pro- (b) Use of yield strength, S y , in the above relations in- duces 1,000 cycles of a stress difference variation from zero to stead of the proportional limit allows a small amount of +60,000 psi (+414 MPa) and another type of stress cycle produces 1 0 , 0 0 0 cycles o f a s tres s difference variatio n fro m zero to growth during each cycle until strain hardening raises − 50,000 psi ( − 345 MPa), the two types of cycle to be considered the proportional limit to S y . If the yield strength of the are defined by the following parameters: material is higher than 2 times the S a value for the max- (a) for type 1 cycle, n 1 = 1,000 and Salt 1 = (60,000 + 50,000)/ imum number of cycles on the applicable fatigue curve of 2 = 55,000 psi; Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix I for the ma- (b) fo r typ e 2 cycle, n 2 = 9 ,0 0 0 and S a l t 2 = (5 0 , 0 0 0 + 0 ) / terial, the latter value shall be used if there is to be a large 2 = 25,000 psi. number of cycles because strain softening may occur. Step 2 . For each type of stress cycle, determine the al- ternating stress intensity S a l t by the procedures of WB-3224 Level D Service Limits WB-3216.1 or WB-3216.2 above. Call these quantities S a l t 1 , S a l t 2 , S a l t 3 , ..., S a l t n . (a) Level D Service Limits [WA-2123.4(b)(3)] are those Step 3 . For each value S a l t 1 , S a l t 2 , S a l t 3 , ..., S a l t n , use limits that must be satisfied for accident loadings the applicable design fatigue curve to determine the max- (WB-3113) stated in the Design Specification. imum number of repetitions that would be allowable if (b) Any deformation limits prescribed by the Design this type of cycle were the only one acting. Call these val- Specification for accident loadings, such as those to limit ues N 1 , N 2 , N 3 , ..., N n . leakage, shall be satisfied. Step 4. For each type of stress cycle, calculate the usage WB-3224.1 Elastic Analysis. The stress intensity lim- ð 17Þ factors U 1 , U 2 , U 3 , ..., U n , from U 1 = n 1 /N 1 , U 2 = n 2 /N 2 , its that must be satisfied for accident loadings stated in U 3 = n 3 / N 3 , ..., U n = n n / N n . the Design Specification are the Level D Service Limits Step 5. Calculate the cumulative usage factor U from of this paragraph and in Figure WB-3224.1-1 for elastic U = U 1 + U 2 + U 3 + ... + U n . analysis. The design stress intensity values S m are given Step 6. The cumulative usage factor U shall not exceed by WB-3229. 1.0. (a) The general primary membrane stress intensity P m WB-3222.10 Deformation Limits. Any deformation shall not exceed the lesser of 2.4 S m and 0.7 S u for auste- limits prescribed by the Design Specifications, such as nitic steel, high ‐ nickel alloy, and copper– nickel alloy ma- those intended to limit leakage, shall be satisfied. terials included in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2B, or 0.7 S u for ferritic steel materials included ð 17Þ WB-3222.11 Thermal Stress Ratchet. It should be in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 2A. noted that under certain combinations of steady state (b) The local primary membrane stress intensity P L and cyclic loadings there is a possibility of large distor- shall not exceed 150% of the limit for general primary tions developing as the result of ratchet action; that is, membrane stress intensity P m but not greater than 1.0 S u . the deformation increases by a nearly equal amount for (c) The primary membrane (general or local) plus pri- each cycle. Examples of this phenomenon are treated in this subparagraph and in WB-3227.3. mary bending stress intensity, (P m or P L ) + P b shall not exceed 150% of the limit for general primary membrane (a) The limiting value of the maximum cyclic thermal stress intensity P m , but not greater than 1.0 S u . For other stress permitted in a portion of an axisymmetric shell than solid rectangular sections, consideration of the fac- loaded by steady state internal pressure in order to pre- tor α as discussed in WB-3221.4 shall be incorporated vent cyclic growth in diameter is as follows. Let into the stress evaluation. The α factor is not permitted x = maximum general membrane stress due to pressure for Level D Service Limits when inelastic component anal- divided by the yield strength, S y ysis is used as permitted in Section III Appendices, Man- y′ = maximum allowable range of thermal stress com- datory Appendix XXVII. puted on an elastic basis divided by the yield (d) The average primary shear across a section loaded strength, S y in pure shear shall not exceed 0.42 S u . 71 Fi g u re WB-32 24. 1-1 Stress Categ ori es an d Li m i ts of Stress I n ten si ty for Acci d en t Load i n g s for Elasti c An alysi s Primary [Note (2)] Secondary Stress Category General M embrane Local M embrane Bending M embrane Plus Bending Peak Description (for examples, Average primary stress Average stress across any Component of primary stress propor- Self-equilibrating stress necessary to Increment added to primary see Table WB-3217-1) across solid section. solid section. Considers tional to distance from centroid satisfy continuity of structure. or secondary stress by a Excludes discontinuities discontinuities but not of solid section. Excluding dis- Occurs at structural discontinu- concentration (notch). and concentrations. concentrations. Produced continuities and concentrations. ities. Can be caused by mechanical Produced by pressure and by pressure and mechanical Produced by pressure and loads or by differential thermal Certain thermal stresses that mechanical loads. loads, including inertia mechanical loads, including expansion. Excludes local stress may cause fatigue but not effects. inertia effects. concentration. distortion of vessel shape. ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Symbol Pm PL Pb Q F [N ote (1)] WB-3213.6 and WB-3213.8 WB-3213.10 WB-3213.7 and WB-3213.8 WB-3213.9 WB-3213.11 Combination of stress 72 components and allowable limits of stress intensities 2.4 S m 3.6 S m 3.6 S m Pm 0.7 S u PL 1.0 S u ( Pm or PL ) + Pb 1.0 S u ( Pm or PL ) + Pb Q F + + 2S a @ 10 cycles [N ote (3)] [N ote (3)] [N ote (4)] [N ote (3)] Legend: = Allowable value = Calculated value NOTES: (1) The symbols P m or P L , P b , Q , and F do not represent single quantities, but sets of six quantities representing the six stress components: σ t , σ l , σ r , τ l t , τ l r , τ rt . (2) For configurations where compressive stresses occur, the stress limits shall be revised to take into account critical buckling stresses [WB-3211(c) ] . (3) Use the lesser of the values specified. (4) Allowable values shown are for a solid rectangular section. See WB-3224.1(c) for other than a solid rectangular section. ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (e) For compressive loads, Section III Appendices, Man- requirements and the basic stress limits, the rules of datory Appendix XXVII shall be used. WB-3227 take precedence for the particular situations ð 17Þ WB-3224.2 Plastic Analysis. The plastic analysis to which they apply. rules contained in Section III Appendices, Mandatory WB-3227.1 Bearing Loads. Appendix XXVII may be used to evaluate primary stresses (a) The average bearing stress for resistance to crush- resulting from accident loadings, provided the require- ing under the maximum load, experienced as a result of ments of WB-3224(b) are satisfied. Design Loadings, Test Loadings, or Operating Loadings, WB-3224.3 Alternative Strain-Based Acceptance except those for which Level D Service Limits are desig- Cri teri a. I n lieu o f the requirements p ro vided in nated, shall be limited to S y at temperature, except that WB - 3 2 2 4 . 1 o r WB - 3 2 2 4 . 2 , th e re q u i re m e n ts o f when the distance to a free edge is larger than the dis- WB-3700 may be used to evaluate inelastic containment tance over which the bearing load is applied, a stress of responses to energy-limited dynamic events. 1.5 S y at temperature is permitted. For clad surfaces, the yield strength of the base metal may be used if, when cal- WB-3225 Testing Limits culating the bearing stress, the bearing area is taken as the lesser of the actual contact area or the area of the base The evaluation of pressure test loadings [WB-3113] metal supporting the contact surface. shall be in accordance with (a) through (d) below. (b) When bearing loads are applied near free edges, (a) The containments shall be subjected to an internal pressure test. The general primary membrane stress in- such as at a protruding ledge, the possibility of a shear tensity P m produced in the containment during the test failure shall be considered. In the case of load stress only shall not exceed 90% of the tabulated yield strength S y (WB-3213.12), the average shear stress shall be limited to at test temperature. 0.6 S m . In the case of load stress plus secondary stress (WB-3213.9), the average shear stress shall not exceed (b) For pressure tested containments, the primary (1) or (2) below: membrane plus bending stress intensity P m + P b shall not exceed the applicable limits given in (1) or (2) below: (1 ) for material to which Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, (1 ) For P m ≤ 0.67 S y Table 2A, Note G7 or Table 2B, Note G1, applies, the lower of 0.5 S y at 100°F (38°C) and 0.675 S y at temperature; (2) for all other materials, 0.5 S y at temperature. (2) For 0.67 S y < P m ≤ 0.90 S y For clad surfaces, if the configuration or thickness is such that a shear failure could occur entirely within the clad material, the allowable shear stress for the cladding shall be determined from the properties of the equivalent wrought material. If the configuration is such that a shear where failure could occur across a path that is partially base me- S y = the tabulated yield strength at test temperature tal and partially clad material, the allowable shear stres- ses for each material shall be used when evaluating the (c) Additional tests may be specified in the Design combined resistance to this type of failure. Specification. Stresses produced in the containment by (c) When considering bearing stresses in pins and sim- such tests shall not exceed the limits specified for normal loadings (Figure WB-3222-1). ilar members, the S y at temperature value is applicable, except that a value of 1.5 S y may be used if no credit is giv- (d) Tests, with the exception of either the first 10 hy- en to bearing area within one pin diameter from a plate drostatic tests in accordance with WB-6220, the first 10 edge. pneumatic tests in accordance with WB-6320, or any combination of 10 such tests, shall be considered in the WB-3227.2 Pure Shear. fatigue evaluation of the component. In this fatigue eva- (a) The average primary shear stress across a section luation, the limits on the primary plus secondary stress loaded in pure shear, experienced as a result of Design intensity range (WB-3222.6) may be taken as the larger Loadings, Test Loadings, or Operating Loadings except of 3 S m or 2 S y when at least one extreme of the stress in- those for which Level D Service Limits are designated tensity range is determined by the test loadings. (for example, keys, shear rings, screw threads), shall be limited to 0.6 S m . WB-3227 Special Stress Limits (b) The maximum primary shear that is experienced as The following deviations from the basic stress limits a result of Design Loadings, Test Loadings, or Operating are provided to cover special Design and Operating Load- Loadings (except those for which Level D Service Limits ings or configurations. Some of these deviations are more are designated), exclusive of stress concentration, at the restrictive, and some are less restrictive, than the basic periphery of a solid circular section in torsion shall be s tre s s l i m i ts . I n cas e s o f co n fl i ct b e twe e n th e s e limited to 0.8 S m . Primary plus secondary and peak shear 73 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 stresses shall be converted to stress intensities (equal to Sy = yield strength of the material at the mean value of two times the pure shear stress) and as such shall not ex- the temperature of the cycle ceed the basic stress limits of WB-3222.6 and WB-3222.9. WB-32 29 Desi g n Stress Valu es WB - 3 2 2 7. 3 Pro g re s si ve D i s to rti o n o f N o n i n te g ral The design stress intensity values S m are given in Sec- Screwed on caps, screwed in plugs, shear Co n n ecti on s. tion II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2B for component ring closures, and breech lock closures are examples of materials. Values for intermediate temperatures may be nonintegral connections that are subject to failure by bell found by interpolation. These form the basis for the var- mouthing or other types of progressive deformation. If ious stress limits. Values of yield strength are given in Sec- any combination of applied loads (including Test Loads) tion I I, Part D , Subpart 2 , Table Y 1 . Values of the produces yielding, such joints are subject to ratcheting ‐ coefficient of thermal expansion are in Section II, Part D, because the mating members may become loose at the Subpart 2, Tables TE, and values of the modulus of elasti- end of each complete operating cycle and start the next city are in Section II, Part D, Subpart 2, Tables TM. The ba- cycle in a new relationship with each other, with or with- sis for establishing stress values is given in Section III out manual manipulation. Additional distortion may oc- Appendices, Mandatory Appendix III. The design fatigue cur in each cycle so that interlocking parts, such as curves used in conjunction with WB-3222.9 are those of threads, can eventually lose engagement. Therefore, pri- Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix I. mary plus secondary stress intensities (WB-3222.6) , which result in slippage between the parts of a noninte- gral connection in which disengagement could occur as a result of progressive distortion, shall be limited to the WB-32 30 STRESS LI M I TS FOR BOLTS value S y (Section II, Part D, Subpart 2, Table Y 1). ‐ The evaluation of bolting requires a number of analysis The algebraic sum of considerations, including (a) through (f) below and the criteria specified in this subsubarticle for the loads WB- 32 2 7. 4 Tri axi al Stresses. the three primary principal stresses (σ 1 + σ 2 + σ 3 ) shall not exceed four times the tabulated value of S m , except imposed. for accident loadings. (a) When gaskets are used for preservice testing only, the design is satisfactory if WB-3231 requirements are sa- WB- 3 2 2 7. 5 Ap p l i c a t i o n s o f E l a s t i c An al ys i s fo r tisfied for m = y = 0, and the requirements of WB-3232 Certain of the allow- Stresses Beyon d th e Yi eld Stren g th . are satisfied when the appropriate m and y factors are able stresses permitted in the design criteria are such used for the test gasket. that the maximum stress calculated on an elastic basis (b) The membrane and bending stresses in the bolt may exceed the yield strength of the material. The limit produced by thermal expansion due to differences in on primary plus secondary stress intensity of 3 S m the temperature or thermal expansion coefficients, shall (WB-3222.6) has been placed at a level that ensures sha- be treated as primary stresses in bolting analysis. kedown to elastic action after a few repetitions of the (c) The bolting analysis shall consider the effects of stress cycle, except in regions containing significant local structural discontinuities or local thermal stresses. These loading eccentricities due to puncture loads and eccentric last two factors are considered only in the performance of impact loads. a fatigue evaluation. Therefore: (d) The bolting analysis shall consider prying effects, (a) In evaluating stresses for comparison with the which cause amplification of the bolt loads due to rotation stress limits on other than fatigue allowables, stresses of the closure surfaces. shall be calculated on an elastic basis. (e) Bolting analysis shall consider bolt preload applica- (b) In evaluating stresses for comparison with fatigue tion methodology and resulting bolt forces. allowables, all stresses except those that result from local (f) Gasket characteristics and leak tightness require- thermal stresses [WB-3213.13(b)] shall be evaluated on ments shall be considered in the bolting analysis. an elastic basis. In evaluating local thermal stresses, the elastic equations shall be used, except that the numerical value substituted for Poisson s ratio shall be determined ’ WB-32 31 Desi g n Li m i ts from the expression: The number and cross sectional area of bolts required ‐ to resist the Design Pressure shall be determined in ac- cordance with the procedures of Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix E, using the larger of the bolt where loads, given by the equations of Section III Appendices, S a = al te rn a ti n g s tre s s i n te n s i ty d e te rm i n e d i n Nonmandatory Appendix E, as a Design Mechanical Load. WB-3222.9(e) prior to the elastic modulus adjust- The stress limits shall utilize the values given in Section II, ment in WB-3222.9(e)(4) Part D, Subpart 1, Table 4 for bolting material. 74 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WB-32 32 Level A Servi ce Li m i ts (3) fillet radii at the end of the shank shall be such that the ratio of fillet radius to shank diameter is not less Actual stresses in bolts, such as those produced by the than 0.060. combination of preload, pressure, and differential ther- (c) Fatigue Strength Reduction Factor (WB-321 3. 1 7) . mal expansion, may be higher than the values given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 4. Unless it can be shown by analysis or tests that a lower value is appropriate, the fatigue strength reduction factor WB- 32 32 . 1 Averag e Stress. The maximum value of used in the fatigue evaluation of threaded members shall stress, averaged across the bolt cross section and neglect- be not less than 4.0. However, when applying the rules of ing stress concentrations, shall not exceed two-thirds of (b) for high strength alloy steel bolts, the value used shall the yield strength values, S y , of Section II, Part D, Subpart be not less than 4.0 1, Table Y-1. (d) Effect of Elastic Modulus. Multiply S a l t (as deter- mined in WB-3216.1 or WB-3216.2) by the ratio of the WB- 32 32 . 2 The average bolt shear S h e ar S t re s s . modulus of elasticity given on the design fatigue curve stress expressed in terms of available shear stress area to the value of the modulus of elasticity used in the anal- shall not exceed 40% of the yield strength values, S y , ysis. Enter the applicable design fatigue curve at this val- (at temperature) of Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table ue on the ordinate axis and find the corresponding Y-1. number of cycles on the abscissa. If the cyclic operation WB- 3232. 3 The maximum value of M axi m u m Stress. being considered is the only one which produces signifi- stress, except as restricted by WB-3232.4(b), at the per- cant fluctuating stresses, this is the allowable number of iphery of the bolt cross section resulting from direct ten- cycles. sion plus bending and neglecting stress concentrations (e) Cumulative Damage . The bolts shall be acceptable shall not exceed the yield strength values, S y , of Section for the specified cyclic application of loads and thermal II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table Y-1. Stress intensity, rather stresses provided the cumulative usage factor U, as deter- than maximum stress, shall be limited to this value when mined in WB-3222.9(e)(5), does not exceed 1.0. the bolts are tightened by methods other than heaters, stretchers, or other means which minimize residual WB-32 34 Level D Servi ce Li m i ts ð 17Þ torsion. (a) The rules contained in Section III Appendices, Man- WB- 32 32. 4 Unless the F ati g u e An alys i s o f B o lts . datory Appendix XXVII may be used in evaluating load- components on which they are installed meet all the con- ings for which Level D Service Limits are specified, ditions of WB-3222.9(d) and thus require no fatigue anal- independently of all other loadings. ysis, the suitability of bolts for cyclic service shall be (b) If leak tightness of the closure is required by the De- determined in accordance with the procedures of (a) sign Specification, the analysis of the bolting shall demon- through (e) below. Thermal stress ratchet shall be evalu- strate that no yielding occurs in the bolt or sealing surface ated in accordance with WB-3222.11. materials. This requirement may be satisfied by using the (a) Bolting Having Less Than 1 00.0 ksi (689 MPa) Ten- rules of WB-3232. sile Strength . Bolts made of material which has specified m i n im um tens i l e s trength o f l e s s than 1 0 0 . 0 ks i WB-32 35 Testi n g Li m i ts (689 MPa) shall be evaluated for cyclic service by the Bolts shall not yield for test conditions. methods of WB-3222.9(e), using the applicable design fa- tigue curve of Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appen- WB-32 36 Desi g n Stress I n ten si ty Valu es dix I and an appropriate fatigue strength reduction factor [see (c)]. The design stress intensity values S m are given in Sec- (b) High Strength Alloy Steel Bolting . High strength alloy tion II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 4 for bolting. Values for steel bolts and studs may be evaluated for cyclic service i n t e r m e d i a t e t e m p e r a t u r e s m a y b e fo u n d b y by the methods of WB-3222.9(e) using the design fatigue interpolation. curve of Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix I, provided: WB-3240 N OZZLES OR O PEN I N G S (1 ) the maximum value of the stress (WB-3232.3) at (a) The rules for nozzles or openings are given in (1) the periphery of the bolt cross section, resulting from di- through (5) below, where R is the mean radius and t is rect tension plus bending and neglecting stress concen- the nominal thickness of the containment shell or head tration, shall not exceed 0.9 S y if the higher of the two at the location of the nozzle or opening; and lo ca lly fatigue design curves given in Section III Appendices, stressed area means any area in the containment where Mandatory Appendix I, Figure I-9.4 is used. The 2/3 S y limit the primary local membrane stress exceeds 1.1 S m . for direct tension is unchanged. (1 ) A single nozzle or opening shall not have a dia- (2) threads shall be of a Vee ‐ type having a minimum meter exceeding or NPS 2 (DN 50), whichever is thread root radius no smaller than 0.003 in. (0.08 mm). smaller. Nozzles shall be self‐ reinforcing. 75 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (2) If there are two or more nozzles or openings flat sided containment; and circumferential welded joints within any circle of diameter , the sum of the dia- connecting hemispherical heads to main containment meters of such nozzles or openings shall not exceed shells, or transitions in diameters. . W B - 3 2 51 . 2 Category B comprises cir- Cate g o ry B . (3) No two nozzles or openings shall have their cen- cumferential welded joints within the main containment ters closer to each other, measured on the inside of the shell or transitions in diameter, including joints between containment wall, than 1 .5 times the sum of their the transition and a cylinder at either the large or small diameters. end; and circumferential welded joints connecting formed (4) No nozzle or opening shall have its center closer heads other than hemispherical to main shells. than to the edge of a locally stressed area in the WB-3251. 3 C atego ry C co mpris es Cat e g o ry C . shell. welded joints connecting flanges or flat heads to main (5) Nozzles or openings shall be such that there are containment shell, to formed heads, or to transitions in substantially no significant external load or reactions on diameter, any welded joint connecting one side plate to the nozzle(s). another side plate of a flat sided containment. (b) Any nozzle or opening not meeting the require- ments in (a) above shall meet the requirements of WB-3251. 4 Category D comprises Cate g o ry D . WB-3220. welded joints connecting integral attachments or protru- sions to main containment shells, to spheres, to transi- WB-32 50 DESI G N OF WELDED CON STRU CTI ON tions in diameter, to heads, or to flat sided containments. WB-32 51 Weld ed J oi n t Categ ory The term Category defines the location of a joint in a WB-32 52 Perm i ssi ble Types of Weld ed J oi n ts containment, but not the type of joint. The categories es- The design of the containment shall meet the require- tablished are for use in specifying special requirements ments for each category of joint. Butt joints are full pene- regarding joint type and degree of examination for certain tration joints between plates or other elements that lie welded joints. Since these special requirements, which approximately in the same plane. Figure WB-32 52 -1 are based on service, material, and thickness, do not apply shows typical butt welds for each category joint. to every welded joint, only those joints to which special requirements apply are included in the categories. The WB-3252. 1 All welded joints of J oi n ts of Categ ory A. special requirements apply to joints of a given category Category A as defined in WB-3251 shall meet the fabrica- only when specifically stated. The joints included in each tion requirements of WB-4241 and shall be capable of category are designated as joints of Categories A, B, C, and being examined in accordance with WB-5210. D. Figure WB-3251-1 illustrates typical joint locations in- WB-3252. 2 All welded joints of J oi n ts of Categ ory B. cluded in each category. Category B as defined in WB-3251 shall meet the fabrica- ð 17Þ WB-3251. 1 Categ ory A. Category A comprises longi- tion requirements of WB-4242 and shall be capable of tudinal welded joints within the main containment shell, being examined in accordance with WB-52 2 0. When transitions in diameter, any welded joint within a sphere, joints with opposing lips to form an integral backing strip within a formed or flat head, or within the side plates of a or joints with backing strips not later removed are used, Fi g u re WB-3251-1 Weld ed J oi n t Locati on s Typi cal of Categ ori es A, B, C, an d D C D C A A A A A A B B A D 76 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WB-3252-1 Typical Butt Joints 77 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 the suitability for cyclic operation shall be analyzed by the (b) Partial Penetration Welds method of WB-3222.9 using a fatigue strength reduction (1 ) Partial penetration welds, as shown in Figure factor of not less than 2. WB-4244(d)-1, are allowed only for connecting items on WB-3252.3 Joints of Category C. All welded joints of which there are substantially no reaction loads, such as Category C, as defined in WB-3251, shall meet the fabrica- openings for instrumentation. For such connecting items, tion requirements of WB-4243 and shall be capable of all reinforcement shall be integral with the portion of the being examined in accordance with WB-5230. Minimum containment boundary penetrated. Partial penetration dimensions of the welds and throat thickness shall be welds shall be of sufficient size to develop the full as shown in Figure WB-4243-1 or Figure WB-4243-2 strength of the connecting items. Connecting items at- where: tached by partial penetration welds shall have an interfer- (a) for forged flat heads and forged flanges with the ence fit or a maximum diametric clearance between the weld preparation bevel angle not greater than 45 deg item and the containment boundary penetration of measured from the face: (-a) 0.010 in. (0.25 mm) for d ≤ 1 in. (25 mm) (-b) 0.020 in. (0.50 mm) for 1 in. (25 mm) < d ≤ t, t n = nominal thicknesses of welded parts tc = 0.7 t n or 1/4 in. (6 mm), whichever is less 4 in. (100 mm) tw = t n /2 or t /4, whichever is less (-c) 0.030 in. (0.76 mm) for d > 4 in. (100 mm) (b) for all other material forms and for forged flat where d is the outside diameter of the item, except that heads, and forged flanges with the weld preparation bevel the above limits on maximum clearance need not be angle greater than 45 deg measured from the face: met for the full length of the opening, provided there is a region at the weld preparation and a region near the t, tn = nominal thicknesses of welded parts end of the opening opposite the weld that does meet tc = 0.7 t n or 1/4 in. (6 mm), whichever is less the above limits on maximum clearance, and the latter re- tw = t n or t /2, whichever is less gion is extensive enough (not necessarily continuous) to (c) Hubs for butt welding to the adjacent shell, head, or provide a positive stop for deflection of the connecting other containment part, as in Figure WB-4243-2, shall not item. be machined from rolled plate. The component having the (2) In satisfying the limit of WB-3222.6, the stress in- hub shall be forged in such a manner as to provide in the tensities resulting from pressure-induced strains (dila- hub the full minimum tensile strength and elongation spe- tio n o f ho le) may b e treated as s eco ndary in the cified for the material, in a direction parallel to the axis of penetrating part of partial penetration welded construc- the vessel. Proof of this shall be furnished by a tension tio n, pro vided the requirements o f (f) and Figure test specimen (subsize if necessary) taken in this direc- WB-4244(d)-1 are fulfilled. tion and as close to the hub as is practical. In Figure (c) Butt-Welded Conn ection s. Connections shall meet WB-4243-2, the minimum dimensions are as follows: the fabrication requirements of WB-4244(a) and shall (1 ) sketch (a), r not less than 1.5 t n be cap ab le o f b eing examined in accordance with (2) sketch (b), r not less than 1.5 t n , and e not less WB-5242. The minimum dimensions and geometrical re- than t n quirements of Figure WB-4244(a)-1 shall be met, where (3) sketch (c), r not less than 1.5 t n 1 r1 = /4t or 3/4 in. (19 mm), whichever is less (4) sketch (d), t f not less than 2 t n and r not less than 1 r2 = /4 in. (6 mm) minimum 3tf t = nominal thickness of part penetrated (5) sketch (e), t f not less than 2 t n , r not less than 3 t f, tn = nominal thickness of penetrating part and e not less than t f WB-3252.4 Joints of Category D. All welded joints of (d) Full Penetration Corner-Welded Connections. Con- Category D, as defined in WB-3251, shall be in accordance nections shall meet the fabrication requirements of with the requirements of one of (a) through (f) below. WB-4244(b) and shall be capable of being examined as (a) Full Penetration Welds. Full penetration welds, as required in WB-5243. The minimum dimensions of Figure shown in Figures WB-4244(a) -1, WB-4244(b) -1, and WB-4244(b)-1 shall be met, where WB-4244(c)-1 may be used [except as otherwise pro- 1 vided in (b)] for the purposes of achieving continuity of r1 = /4t or 3/4 in. (19 mm), whichever is less 1 metal and facilitating the required radiographic examina- r2 = /4 in. (6 mm) minimum tion. When all or part of the required reinforcement is at- t = nominal thickness of part penetrated tributable to the connecting item, the connecting items tc = 0.7 t n or 1/4 in. (6 mm), whichever is less shall be attached by full penetration welds through either tn = nominal thickness of penetrating part the containment shell or head, the thickness of the con- necting item, or both. 78 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (e) Use o f D ep o sited Weld Meta l fo r Op en in g s a n d WB-32 55 Weld i n g G rooves Connections (1 ) Connections shall meet the fabrication require- The dimensions and shape of the edges to be joined ments of WB-4244(c) and shall be capable of being exam- shall be such as to permit complete fusion and complete ined in accordance with WB-5244. j oint penetration, except as otherwise permitted in (2) When the deposited weld metal is used as rein- WB-3252.4. forcement, the coefficients of thermal expansion of the base metal, the weld metal, and the connection shall not differ b y more than 1 5 % of the lo west co efficient WB-32 56 Th erm al Treatm en t involved. All containments and containment parts shall be given (3) T h e m i n i m u m d i m e n s i o n s o f F i g u r e the appropriate postweld heat treatment prescribed in WB-4244(c)-1 shall be met, where WB-4620. 1 r1 = /4t or 3/4 in. (19 mm), whichever is less t = nominal thickness of part penetrated tc = 0.7 t n or 1/4 in. (6 mm), whichever is less WB-3260 SPECI AL CO N TAI N M EN T tn = nominal thickness of penetrating part REQU I REM EN TS The corners of the end of each connection extend- (4) WB-3261 Categ ory A or Categ ory B J oi n ts Between Secti on s of U n eq u al ing less than beyond the inner surface of the part Th i ckn ess penetrated shall be rounded to a radius of one ‐ half the thickness t n of the connection or 3/4 in. (19 mm), which- In general, a tapered transition section as shown in ever is smaller. Figure WB-3261-1, which is a type of gross structural dis- (f) Attachment ofConnections Using Partial Penetration continuity (WB-3213.2), shall be provided at joints of Ca- Welds tegories A and B between sections that differ in thickness (1 ) Partial penetration welds used for connections as by more than one ‐ fourth the thickness of the thinner sec- permitted in (b) shall meet the fabrication requirements tion. The transition section may be formed by any process of WB-4244(d) and shall be capable of being examined that will provide a uniform taper. An ellipsoidal or hemi- in accordance with the requirements of WB-5245. spherical head that has a greater thickness than a cylinder (2) T h e m i n i m u m d i m e n s i o n s o f F i g u r e of the same inside diameter may be machined to the out- WB-4244(d)-1 shall be met where side diameter of the cylinder, provided the remaining thickness is at least as great as that required for a shell d = outside diameter of the connecting item of the same diameter. A uniform taper is not required 1 r1 = /4t n or 3/4 in. (19 mm), whichever is less for flanged hubs. The adequacy of the transition shall be t = nominal thickness of part penetrated evaluated by stress analysis. Stress intensity limitations tc = 0.7 t n or 1/4 in. (6 mm), whichever is less are given in WB-3220. The requirements of this para- tn = nominal thickness of penetrating part graph do not apply to flange hubs. The corners of the end of each connecting item, (3) extending less than beyond the inner surface of the part penetrated, shall be rounded to a radius of one ‐ WB-3700 STRAI N -BASED ACCEPTAN CE half of the thickness t n of the penetrating part or 3/4 in. CRI TERI A (19 mm), whichever is smaller. (4) Weld groove design for partial penetration joints The strain-based acceptance criteria are applicable attaching connecting item may require special considera- only to the metallic containments of transportation tion to achieve the 1.25 t n minimum depth of weld and packagings subject to energy-limited dynamic events. It adequate access for welding examination. The welds is not the intent of this subarticle to permit significant re- shown in the sketches of Figure WB-4244(d)-1 may be gions or major portions of the containment to experiences on either the inside or the outside of the containment strains at or near the limits of these strain-based accep- shell. Weld preparation may be J ‐ groove, as shown in tance criteria without consideration of the overall compo- the figures, or straight bevel. nent deformation. These strain-based acceptance criteria (5) A fatigue strength reduction factor of not less are established to address the regions of the containment than four shall be used when fatigue analysis is required. that experience high strains due to the effects of direct im- pacts. Deformation limits, if any, provided in the Design WB-32 54 Stru ctu ral Attach m en t Weld s Specification shall be satisfied. Welds for structural attachments shall meet the re- Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix FF quirements of WB-4430. provides the strain-based acceptance criteria. 79 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WB-3261-1 Categories A and B Joints Between Sections of Unequal Thickness GENERAL NOTE: Length of taper may include the width of the weld. 80 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WB-4000 FABRI CATI ON WB-4100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS (b) the amount of material removed from the surface exceeds the lesser of 1/8 in. (3 mm) or 10% of the mini- WB-4110 I N TRO DU CTI ON mum required thickness of the item. Containments shall be fabricated and installed in accor- dance with the requirements of this Article and shall be manufactured from materials that meet the requirements WB-412 2 M ateri al I d en ti fi cati on of Article WB-2000. (a) Material performing a containment function shall carry identification markings which will remain distin- guishable until the containment is assembled. If the origi- nal identification markings are cut off or the material is WB-412 0 CERTI FI CATI ON OF M ATERI ALS AN D divided, the marks shall either be transferred to the parts FABRI CATI ON BY CERTI FI CATE cut or a coded marking shall be used to ensure identifica- H OLDER WB-412 1 M ean s of Certi fi cati on tion of each piece of material during subsequent fabrica- The Certificate Holder for a containment shall certify, tion. In either case, an as ‐ built sketch or a tabulation of by application of the Certification Mark and completion materials shall be made identifying each piece of material of the appropriate Data Report in accordance with Article with the Certified Material Test Report, where applicable, WA-8000, that the materials used comply with the re- and the coded marking. For studs, bolts, and nuts it is per- quirements of Article WB-2000 and that the fabrication missible to identify the Certified Material Test Reports for complies with the requirements of this Article. material in each component or item in lieu of identifying each piece of material with the Certified Material Test Re- ð 17Þ WB- 412 1. 1 Certi fi cati on of Treatm en ts, Tests, an d port and the coded marking. Material supplied with a Cer- If the Certificate Holder or Subcontractor Exam i n ati on s. tificate of Compliance, and welding material, shall be performs treatments, tests, repairs, or examinations re- identified and controlled so that they can be traced to quired by this Division, the NPT or N3 Certificate Holder the containment, or else a control procedure shall be em- shall certify that this requirement has been fulfilled ployed which ensures that the specified materials are (WA-3800 or WA-8410). Reports of all required treat- used. ments and of the results of all required tests, repairs, (b) Material from which the identification marking is and examinations performed shall be available to the lost shall be treated as nonconforming material until ap- Inspector. propriate tests or other verifications are made and docu- mented to assure material identification. Testing is WB- 4121. 2 If Repeti tion of Ten si le or I m pact Tests. required unless positive identification can be made by during the fabrication of the containment the material is other documented evidence. The material may then be re ‐ subjected to heat treatment that has not been covered marked upon establishing positive identification. by treatment of the test coupons (WB-2200) and that may reduce either tensile or impact properties below WB-4122 . 1 M a rk i n g M a t e ri a l . Material shall be the required values, the tensile and impact tests shall be marked in accordance with WB-2150. repeated by the Certificate Holder on test specimens ta- ken from test coupons which have been taken and treated in accordance with the requirements of Article WB-2000. WB-412 3 Exam i n ati on s WB- 4121. 3 Repeti ti on of Su rface Exam i n ati on After Visual examination activities that are not referenced for If, during the fabrication of a containment, M ach i n i n g . examination by other specific Code paragraphs, and are materials are machined, then the Certificate Holder shall performed solely to verify compliance with requirements reexamine the surface of the material in accordance with of Article WB-4000, may be performed by the persons WB-2500 when: who perform or supervise the work. These visual exami- (a) the surface was required to be examined by the nations are not required to be performed by personnel magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method in accor- and procedures qualified to WB-5500 and WB-5100, re- dance with WB-2500; and spectively, unless so specified. 81 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WB-4124 Ad d i ti on al Req u i rem en ts Wh en preheating the material, using preheat schedules such Strai n -Based Acceptan ce Cri teri a H ave as suggested in Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Been I m plem en ted Appendix D. In order to satisfy the strain-based acceptance criteria WB-42 12 Form i n g an d Ben d i n g Processes of WB-3700 regarding the locations of unique material heats used in containment fabrication, traceability of all Any process may be used to hot or cold form or bend unique material heats and their specific location(s) of containment material, including weld metal, provided use shall be established and documented in the final De- the required dimensions are attained (see WB-4214 and sign Report and the as-built Design Drawings. This WB-4220), and provided the impact properties of the ma- requirement is only necessary when strain-based accep- terial, when required, are not reduced below the mini- tance criteria have been employed in the design of the mum specified values, or they are effectively restored containment. by heat treatment following the forming operation. Hot forming is defined as forming with the material tempera- ture higher than 100°F (38°C) below the lower transfor- WB-412 5 Testi n g of Weld i n g M ateri al mation temperature of the material. All welding material shall meet the requirements of WB-2400. WB-42 13 Qu ali fi cati on of Form i n g Processes for I m pact Property Req u i rem en ts WB-4130 REPAI R OF M ATERI AL A procedure qualification test shall be conducted using WB-4131 Eli m i n ati on an d Repai r of Defects specimens taken from material of the same specification, grade or class, heat treatment, and with similar impact Material originally accepted on delivery in which de- properties, as required for the material in the contain- fects exceeding the limits of WB-2 500 are known or ment. These specimens shall be subjected to the equiva- discovered during the process of fabrication is unaccepta- lent forming or bending process and heat treatment as ble. The material may be used provided the condition is the material in the containment. Applicable tests shall corrected in accordance with the requirements of be conducted to determine that the required impact prop- WB-2500 for the applicable product form, except erties of WB-2300 are met after straining. (a) the limitation on the depth of the weld repair does Procedure qualification not apply WB- 42 13 . 1 E xe m p t i o n s . tests are not required for materials listed in (a) through (b) the time of examination of the weld repairs to weld (f) below: edge preparations shall be in accordance with WB-5130 (a) hot formed material, such as forgings, in which the hot forming is completed by the Material Organization WB-4132 Docu m en tati on of Repai r Weld s of Base prior to removal of the impact test specimens; M ateri al (b) hot formed material represented by test coupons The Certificate Holder who makes a repair weld ex- required in either WB-2211 or WB-4121.2, which have ceeding in depth the lesser of 3/8 in. (10 mm) or 10% of been subjected to heat treatment representing the hot the section thickness, shall prepare a report which shall forming procedure and the heat treatments to be applied include a chart which shows the location and size of the to the parts; (c) material that does not require impact tests in accor- prepared cavity, the welding material identification, the welding procedure, the heat treatment, and the examina- dance with WB-2300; tion results of repair welds. (d) material that has a final strain less than 0.5%; (e) material where the final strain is less than that of a previously qualified procedure for that material; (f) material from which the impact testing is required WB-42 00 FORM I N G , FI TTI N G , AN D by WB-2300 is performed on each heat and lot, as applic- ALI G N I N G able, after forming. WB-4210 CU TTI N G , FORM I N G , AN D BEN DI N G WB-4213. 2 The proce- Proced u re Qu ali fi cati on Test. WB-4211 Cu tti n g dure qualification test shall be performed in the manner stipulated in (a) through (f) below. Materials may be cut to shape and size by mechanical (a) The tests shall be performed on three different means, such as machining, shearing, chipping, or grinding, heats of material both before straining and after straining or by thermal cutting. and heat treatment to establish the effects of the forming WB- 42 11. 1 P re h e a t i n g B e fo re T h e rm a l C u t t i n g . and subsequent heat treatment operations. When thermal cutting is performed to prepare weld joints (b) Specimens shall be taken in accordance with the re- or edges, to remove attachments or defective material, or quirements of Article WB-2000 and shall be taken from for any other purpose, consideration shall be given to the tension side of the strained material. 82 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (c) The percent strain shall be established by the fol- WB- 4213. 3 Acceptan ce Cri teri a for Form ed M ateri - lowing equations: al. To be acceptable, the formed material used in the com- (1 ) For cylinders ponent shall have impact properties before forming sufficient to compensate for the maximum loss of impact properties due to the qualified forming processes used. WB-4213. 4 A new procedure quali- Req u alifi cati on . fication test is required when any of the changes in (a), (2) For spherical or dished surfaces (b), or (c) below are made. (a) The actual postweld heat treatment time at tem- perature is greater than previously qualified considering WB-2211. If the material is not postweld heat treated, the procedure must be qualified without postweld heat (3) For pipe treatment. (b) The maximum calculated strain of the material ex- ceeds the previously qualified strain by more than 0.5%. (c) Preheat over 250°F (120°C) is used in the forming or bending operation but not followed by a subsequent where postweld heat treatment. R = nominal bending radius to the center line of the WB-42 14 M i n i m u m Th i ckn ess of Fabri cated pipe, in. (mm) M ateri al R f = final radius to center line of shell, in. (mm) If any fabrication operation reduces the thickness be- R o = original radius (equal to infinity for a flat part), in. low the minimum required to satisfy the rules of Article (mm) WB-3000, the material may be repaired in accordance r = nominal radius of the pipe, in. (mm) with WB-4130. t = nominal thickness, in. (mm) (d) The procedure qualification shall simulate the max- WB-42 2 0 FORM I N G TO LERAN CES imum percent surface strain, employing a bending pro- WB-42 2 1 Toleran ce for Con tai n m en t Sh ells ces s s imilar to that us ed in the fab ricatio n o f the Cylindrical or spherical shells of a completed contain- material or by direct tension on the specimen. ment vessel, except formed heads covered by WB-4222, (e) Sufficient C v test specimens shall be taken from shall meet the requirements of the following subpara- each of the three heats of material to establish a transition graphs at all cross sections, where not further limited curve showing both the upper and lower shelves. On each by design. of the three heats, tests consisting of three impact speci- WB- 4221. 1 M axi m u m Di fferen ce i n Cross- Section al ð 17Þ mens shall be conducted at a minimum of five different The difference in inches (millimeters) be- D i am e te rs . temperatures distributed throughout the transition re- tween the maximum and minimum diameters at any cross gion. The upper and lower shelves may be established section shall not exceed the smaller of by the use of one test specimen for each shelf. Depending on the product form, it may be necessary to plot the tran- (U.S. Customary Units) sition curves using both lateral expansion and energy lev- el data (WB-2300). In addition, drop weight tests shall be made when required by WB-2300. (f) Using the results of the impact test data from each (SI Units) of three heats, taken both before and after straining, de- termine either: (1 ) the maximum change in NDT temperature along with: where D is the nominal inside diameter, in. (mm), at the (-a) the maximum change of lateral expansion and cross section under consideration. The diameters may energy at the temperature under consideration; or be measured on the inside or outside of the containment cylindrical s hell . I f meas ured o n the o uts i de, the (-b) the maximum change of temperature at the diameters shall be corrected for the plate thickness lateral expansion and energy levels under consideration; at the cro s s s ectio n under co ns i deratio n (Fi gure or WB-4221.1-1). When the cross section passes through (2) when lateral expansion is the acceptance criter- an opening, the permissible difference in inside diameters ion (WB-2300), either the maximum change in tempera- given herein may be increased by 2% of the inside dia- ture or the maximum change in lateral expansion. meter of the opening. 83 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (d) The dimensions of a completed containment may be Figure WB-4221.1-1 brought within the requirements by any process which Maximum Difference in Cross-Sectional will not impair the strength of the material. Diameters (e) Sharp bends and flat spots shall not be permitted unless provision is made for them in the design. WB-4221.3 Deviations From Tolerances. Deviations ð 17Þ fr o m th e to l e r a n c e r e q u i r e m e n ts s ti p u l a te d i n WB-4221.1 and WB-4221.2 are permitted, provided the drawings are modified and deviations are reconciled with the calculations and the licensing documents. Deviations are permitted, provided Design Documents (WA-3350) and corrective actions are certified by a Certifying Engi- neer in an addendum to the Design Report. WB-4221.4 Tolerance Deviations for Containment Parts Fabricated From Pipe. Containments subjected to WB-4221.2 Maximum Deviation From True Theore- either internal or external pressure and fabricated from tical Form for External Pressure. Containments designed pipe, meeting all other requirements of this Subsection, for external pressure shall meet the tolerances given in may have variations of diameter and deviations from cir- (a) through (e) below. cularity permitted by the specification for such pipe. (a) The maximum plus or minus deviation from the true circular form of cylinders or the theoretical form of WB-4222 Tolerances for Formed Vessel Heads other shapes, measured radially on the outside or inside of the component, shall not exceed the maximum permis- The tolerance for formed vessel heads shall be as set sible deviation obtained from Figure WB-4221.2(a)-1. forth in the following subparagraphs. Measurements shall be made from a segmental circular WB-4222.1 Maximum Difference in Cross-Sectional ð 17Þ template having the design inside or outside radius de- Diameters. The skirt or cylindrical end of a formed head pending on where the measurements are taken and a shall be circular to the extent that the difference in inches chord length equal to twice the arc length obtained from (millimeters) between the maximum and minimum dia- Figure WB-4221.2(a)-2. For Figure WB-4221.2(a)-1, the meters does not exceed the lesser of maximum permissible deviation e need not be less than 0.3 t . For Figure WB-4221.2(a)-2, the arc length need (U.S. Customary Units) not be greater than 0.30 D o . Measurements shall not be ta- ken on welds or other raised parts. (b) The value of t , in., at any cross section is the nom- inal plate thickness less corrosion allowance for sections (SI Units) of constant thickness and the nominal thickness of the thinnest plate less corrosion allowance for sections hav- ing plates of more than one thickness. (c) The value of L in Figures WB-42 2 1 .2 (a) -1 and where D is the nominal inside diameter, in. (mm), and WB-4221.2(a)-2 is determined by (1) and (2) below. shall match the cylindrical edge of the adjoining part within the alignment tolerance specified in WB-4232. (1 ) For cylinders, L is the total length, in., of the de- sign length of a containment section, taken as the largest WB-4222.2 Deviation From Specified Shape. of the following: (a) The inner surface of a torispherical or ellipsoidal (-a) the distance between head tangent lines plus head shall not deviate outside the specified shape by one ‐ third of the depth of each head if there are no stiffen- more than 1 1/4% of D , inside the specified shape by more ing rings; than 5/8 % of D , where D is the nominal inside diameter of the containment. Such deviations shall be measured per- (-b) the greatest center ‐ to ‐ center distance be- pendicular to the specified shape and shall not be abrupt. tween any two adjacent stiffening rings; or The knuckle radius shall not be less than specified. For 2:1 (-c) the distance from the center of the first stif- ellipsoidal heads, the knuckle radius may be considered fening ring to the head tangent line plus one ‐ third of to be 17% of the diameter of the containment. the depth of the head, all measured parallel to the axis (b) Hemispherical heads and any spherical portion of a of the containment, in. formed head shall meet the local tolerances for spheres as (2) For spheres, L is one ‐ half of the outside diameter given in WB-4221.2, using L as the outside spherical ra- D o , in. dius, in. (mm), and D o as two times L . 84 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Fi g u re WB-42 2 1. 2 (a) - 1 M axi m u m Perm i ssi ble Devi ati on e From a Tru e Ci rcu lar Form 1 ,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 e? Outside Diameter ? Thickness, Do /t 300 1 .0 t e? 0. 8 200 t e? 0. 6 t e? 0. 5 t 1 00 90 e? 80 0. 4 t 70 60 e? 50 0. 3 t 40 30 25 0.1 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 .0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 Design Length ? Outside Diameter, L/Do (c) Deviation measurements shall be taken on the sur- WB-42 32 Ali g n m en t Req u i rem en ts Wh en face of the base material and not on welds. Con tai n m en ts Are Weld ed From Two Si d es WB-42 30 FI TTI N G AN D ALI G N I N G (a) Alignment of sections which are welded from two WB-42 31 Fi tti n g an d Ali g n i n g M eth od s sides shall be such that the maximum offset of the fin- Parts that are to be joined by welding may be fitted, ished weld will not be greater than the applicable amount aligned, and retained in position during the welding op- listed in Table WB-4232-1, where t is the nominal thick- eration by the use of bars, jacks, clamps, tack welds, or ness of the thinner section at the joint. temporary attachments. (b) Joints in spherical containments or within heads, Tack welds used to secure and joints between cylindrical shells and hemispherical heads shall meet the requirements in Table WB-4232-1 WB- 42 3 1. 1 Tack Weld s. alignment shall either be removed completely, when they have served their purpose, or their stopping and starting for longitudinal joints. ends shall be properly prepared by grinding or other suit- WB- 4232. 1 Any offset within the Fai ri n g of Offsets. able means so that they may be satisfactorily incorpo- allowable tolerance provided above shall be faired to at rated into the final weld. Tack welds shall be made by least a 3:1 taper over the width of the finished weld or, qualified welders using qualified welding procedures. if necessary, by adding additional weld metal beyond When tack welds are to become part of the finished weld, what would otherwise be the edge of the weld. In addi- they shall be visually examined and defective tack welds ti o n , o ffs e ts gre a te r th a n th o s e s ta te d i n T a b l e shall be removed. WB-4232-1 are acceptable provided the requirements of WB-3200 are met. 85 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Fi g u re WB- 42 2 1. 2(a) -2 M axi m u m ARC Len g th for Determ i n i n g Plu s or M i n u s Devi ati on o o o o o o o o o o 0. 2 o o 0. 3 o o D D D c ? 085D D c ? 50D c ? 7 5D D D D D D D D o 0D 2,000 55 65 c ? . 07 5 25 35 45 00 50 00 30 40 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 2 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 0 c? c? c? c? c? c? c? c? c? c? c? Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar 1 ,000 800 600 500 400 Outside Diameter ? Thickness, Do /t 300 200 1 00 80 60 50 40 30 20 10 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 1 .0 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 20 Design Length ? Outside Diameter, L/Do WB-423 3 Ali g n m en t Req u i rem en ts Wh en I n si d e (-a) Fo r circumferential j o ints the ins ide dia- Su rfaces Are I n accessi ble meters shall match each other within 1/1 6 in. (1.5 mm) . When the items are aligned concentrically, a uniform mis- (a) When the inside surfaces of items are inaccessible match of 1/32 in. (0.8 mm) all around the joint can result as for welding or fairing in accordance with WB-4232, align- shown in Figure WB -42 3 3 (a) - 1 s ketch (a) . H owever, ment of sections shall meet the requirements of (1) and other variables not associated with the diameter of the (2) below: item often result in alignments that are offset rather than (1 ) See (-a) and (-b) below. concentric. In these cases, the maximum misalignment at any one point around the j oint shall not exceed 3/3 2 in. (2 .5 mm) as shown in Figure WB-42 3 3(a) -1 sketch (b) . S ho uld to lerances o n diameter, wall thicknes s , o ut ‐ Table WB-42 32 -1 of‐ roundness, etc., result in inside diameter variations M axi m u m Allowable Offset i n Fi n al Weld ed which do not meet these limits, the inside diameters shall J oi n ts be counterbored, sized, or ground to produce a bore with- Direction of Joints in these limits, provided a gradual change in thickness Longitudinal Circumferential from the item to adjoining items is maintained. Any weld- Section Thickness, in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) ing transition is acceptable, provided the wall thickness in Up to 1/2 (13), incl. 1 /4t 1 /4 t the transition region is not less than the minimum wall Over 1/2 to 3/4 (13 to 19) , incl. 1 /8 (3) 1 /4 t thickness of the containment or item and sharp reentrant Over 3/4 to 1 1/2 (19 to 38), incl. 1 /8 (3) 3 /16 (5) angles and abrupt changes in slope in the transition re- Over 1 1/2 to 2 (38 to 50), incl. 1 /8 (3) 1 /8 t gion are avoided. Over 2 (50) Lesser of 1/16 t or Lesser of 1/8 t or 3/4 3 /8 (10) (19) 86 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WB-4240 REQU I REM EN TS FOR WELD J OI N TS I N Fi g u re WB-42 33 (a) -1 CON TAI N M EN TS Bu tt Weld Ali g n m en t an d M i sm atch Toleran ces for U n eq u al I . D. an d O . D. Wh en I tem s Are WB-4241 Categ ory A Weld J oi n ts i n Weld ed From On e Si d e an d Fai ri n g I s N ot Con tai n m en ts Perform ed Category A weld joints containments shall be full pene- tration butt joints. Joints that have been welded from one 1 /32 in. (0.8 mm) maximum s ide with b acking that has b een remo ved and tho s e uniform mismatch around joint welded from one side without backing are acceptable as full penetration welds provided the weld root side of the joints meets the requirements of WB-4424. WB-4242 Categ ory B Weld J oi n ts i n Centerline Component centerline Con tai n m en ts Category B weld j oints in containments shall be full penetration butt joints. When used, backing strips shall be continuous in cross section. Joints prepared with op- posing lips to form an integral backing strip and j oints t with backing strips which are not later removed are ac- ceptable provided the requirements of WB-3 2 5 2 .2 are t = nominal thickness, in. (mm) met. (a) Concentric Centerlines WB-4243 Categ ory C Weld J oi n ts i n ð 17Þ Con tai n m en ts Category C weld joints shall be described in subparas. 3 /32 in. (2.5 mm) maximum at any (a) through (c) below. one point around the joint (a) Full Penetration Butt Joints. Category C welds shall be full penetration j oints. Joints that have been welded from one side with backing where backing has been sub- sequently removed and those welded from one side with- o ut b acking are acceptable as full penetratio n welds provided the weld root side of the j oints meets the re- Centerline 1 quirements of WB-442 4. Butt-welded j oints are shown Centerline 2 in Figure WB-4243-1. (b) Full Penetration Corner Joints. Full penetration cor- ner j oints shall be groove welds extending completely through at least one of the parts being joined and shall be fully fused to each part. Typical details for type No. 1 and No. 2 full penetration corner j oints are shown in Figure WB-4243-1. (c) Flat Heads With Hubs (b) Offset Centerlines (1 ) Hubs for butt welding to the adjacent shell, head, o r o th e r c o n ta i n m e n t p a r ts , a s s h o w n i n F i g u r e WB-4243-2, for flat heads, shall not be machined from flat (-b) Offset of outside surfaces shall be faired to at plate. The hubs shall be forged in such a manner as to pro- least a 3:1 taper over the width of the finished weld or, if vide in the hub the full minimum tensile strength and necessary, by adding additional weld metal. elongation specified for the material in the direction par- (2) For longitudinal joints the misalignment of inside allel to the axis of the containment vessel. Proof of this surfaces shall not exceed 3/3 2 in. (2.5 mm) and the offset of shall be furnished by a tension test specimen (subsize, if outside surfaces shall be faired to at least a 3:1 taper over necessary) taken in this direction and as close to the hubs the width of the finished weld or, if necessary, by adding as is practical. One test specimen may represent a group additional weld metal. of forgings, provided they are of the same nominal dimen- (b) Single-welded j oints may meet the alignment re- sions, from the same heat material and the same heat quirements of (a) (1) and (a) (2 ) above in lieu of the re- treatment lot, and forged in the same manner. The mini- quirements of WB-4232. mum height of the hub shall be the lesser of 1 1/2 times 87 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WB-4243-1 Acceptable Full Penetration Weld Details for Category C Joints tw tc t t tc tw tc tw tn tn (a) (b) Type 1 Corner Welds tc t t tc tc tn tn (c) (d) Type 2 Corner Welds GENERAL NOTE: For definitions of nomenclature, see WB-3252.3. 88 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 the thickness of the containment part to which it is (a) Butt-Welded Nozzles. Nozzles shall be attached by welded or 3/4 in. (19 mm), but need not be greater than full penetration butt welds through the wall of the con- 2 in. (50 mm). tainment as shown in Figure WB-4244(a) -1. Backing (2) Hubbed flanges shall not be machined from flat strips, if used, shall be removed. plate. (b) Corner-Welded Nozzles. Nozzles shall be joined to the containment by full penetration welds through the WB-4244 Category D Weld Joints in wall of the containment similar to those shown in Figure Containments WB-4244(b)-1. Backing strips, if used, shall be removed. Category D weld joints in containments and similar (c) Deposited Weld Metal of Openings for Nozzles. Noz- weld joints in other components shall be full or partial zles shall be joined to the containment by full penetration penetration weld joints using one of the details of (a) weld to built‐ up weld deposits applied to the containment through (d) below. as shown in Figure WB-4244(c)-1. Backing strips, if used, shall be removed. Fillet welds shall be used only to pro- vide a transition between the parts joined or to provide Figure WB-4243-2 Typical Flat Heads With Hubs Tension test specimen Tension test specimen e tn tn tn r r r r t t (a) (b) (c) tf Tension test specimen tf tn e Tension test specimen tn r r t t (d) (e) GENERAL NOTE: For definitions of nomenclature, see WB-3252.3(c). 89 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WB-4244(a)-1 Nozzles Attached by Full Penetration Butt Welds tn tn r2 30 deg min. tn 1 / in. (1 3 mm) r2 2 45 deg max. min. r2 3 30 deg max. r2 t3 t 1 r2 t r1 r2 t 1 t4 r1 r 1 1 /2 t min. 1 2 t3 t4 0.2 t but 1 2 1 8.5 deg (a) (b) (c) tn A 3 / (1 9 mm) 4 tn tn R min. 45 deg max. 45 deg max. r1 r2 t r2 1 8.5 deg max. 30 deg max. r2 r2 Max. r2 r2 = 0.2 t (e) r1 r1 t Backing ring, if used, shall t be removed tn Section A–A 30 deg max. A 3 / (1 9 mm) 4 R min. Sections perpendicular and parallel to the t r1 cylindrical axis of the component (d) (f) GENERAL NOTE: For definition of nomenclature, see WB-3252.4. 90 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WB-4244(b)-1 Nozzles Attached by Full Penetration Corner Welds GENERAL NOTE: For definition of nomenclature, see WB-3252.4. 91 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 a seal. The fillet welds, when used, shall be finished by WB-432 0 WELDI N G QU ALI FI CATI ON S, RECORDS, grinding to provide a smooth surface having a transition AN D I DEN TI FYI N G STAM PS radius at its intersection with either part being joined. WB-432 1 Req u i red Qu ali fi cati on s (d) Partial Penetration Welded Nozzles. Partial penetra- tion welds in containments shall meet the weld design re- (a) Each Certificate Holder is responsible for the weld- quirements of WB-3252.4(f) . Nozzles shall be attached as ing done by his organization, and each Certificate Holder shown in Figures WB-4244(d)-1. shall establish the procedure and conduct the tests re- quired by this Article and by Section IX in order to qualify b o th th e we l d i n g p ro ce du re s an d th e p e rfo rm ance o f we l ders and we ldi ng o p e rato rs who ap p ly the s e procedures. WB-4300 WELDI N G QU ALI FI CATI ON S (b) Procedures, welders, and welding operators used to WB-4310 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS j oin permanent or temporary attachments to contain- WB-4311 Types of Processes Perm i tted ments and to make permanent or temporary tack welds used in such welding shall also meet the qualification re- (a) Only those welding processes which are capable of quirements of this Article. producing welds in accordance with the welding proce- (c) When making procedure test plates for butt welds, dure qualification requirements of Section IX and this consideration shall be given to the effect of angular, lat- Subsection may be used for welding containment material eral, and end restraint on the weldment. This applies par- or attachments thereto. Any process used shall be such ticularly to material and weld metal of 80.0 ksi (550 MPa) that the records required by WB-432 0 can be prepared, tensile strength or higher and heavy sections of both low except that records for stud welds shall be traceable to and high tensile strength material. The addition of re- the welders and welding operators and not necessarily straint during welding may result in cracking difficulties to each specific weld. that otherwise might not occur. (b) This Subsection does not permit the use of inertia (d) WA-3131 provides specific additional requirements and continuous drive friction welding, specially designed when welding services are subcontracted to or through seal welds, electroslag, or electrogas welding. organizations not holding an appropriate Certificate of Authorization. WB-4311. 1 Stu d Weld i n g Restri cti on s. Stud welding is acceptable only for nonstructural and temporary at- tachments (WB -443 5 ) . Studs shall be limited to 1 in. WB-432 2 M ai n ten an ce an d Certi fi cati on of (2 5 mm) maximum diameter for ro und studs and an Record s equivalent cross sectional area for studs of other shapes ‐ when welding in the flat position and 3/4 in. (19 mm) dia- The Certificate Holder shall maintain a record of the meter for all other welding positions. Postweld heat treat- qualified welding procedures and of the welders and ment shall comply with WB-4600 , except that time at welding operators qualified by him, showing the date temperature need not exceed 1/2 hr regardless of base ma- and results of tests and the identification mark assigned terial thickness. Welding procedure and performance to each welder. These records shall be reviewed, verified, qualification shall comply with the requirements of Sec- and certified by the Certificate Holder by signature or tion IX. some other method of control in accordance with the Cer- tificate Holder s Quality Assurance Program and shall be ’ WB- 4311. 2 Capaci tor Di sch arg e Weld i n g . Capacitor available to the Authorized Nuclear Inspector. discharge welding may be used for welding temporary at- WB- 432 2 . 1 I d e n t i fi cat i o n o f J o i n t s b y W e ld e r o r tachments and permanent nonstructural attachments Weld i n g Operator. provided: (a) Each welder or welding operator shall apply the (a) temporary attachments are removed in accordance identification mark assigned by the Certificate Holder with the provisions of WB-4435(b) ; and on or adjacent to all permanent welded j oints or series (b) the energy output for permanent nonstructural at- of joints on which he welds. The marking shall be at inter- tachments such as strain gages and thermocouples is lim- vals of 3 ft (1 m) or less and shall be done with either ited to 1 2 5 W sec, and the minimum thickness of the ‐ blunt nose continuous or blunt nose interrupted dot die material to which the attachment is made is greater than stamps. As an alternative, the Certificate Holder shall 0.09 in. (2.3 mm); and keep a record of permanent welded j oints in each item (c) a Welding Procedure Specification is prepared de- and of the welders and welding operators used in making scribing the capacitor discharge equipment, the combina- each of the joints. tio n o f materials to b e j o ined, and the technique o f (b) When a multiple number of permanent structural application; qualification of the welding procedure is attachment welds, nonstructural welds, fillet welds, sock- not required. et welds, weld metal cladding, and hard surfacing are 92 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WB-4244(c)-1 Deposited Weld Metal Used as Reinforcement of Openings for Nozzles 3 / in. (1 9 mm) min. 4 tn tn t Step 1 (a) Step 2 3 / in. (1 9 mm) min. 4 tn tn t Step 1 (b) Step 2 3 / in. (1 9 mm) tn Backing ring, 4 min. if used, shall tc t be removed r1 t r1 Step 1 (c) Step 2 Backing ring, tn if used, shall 3 / in. (1 9 mm) 4 min. be removed t r1 t r1 Step 1 (d) Step 2 GENERAL NOTE: For definition of nomenclature, see WB-3252.4. 93 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Fi g u re WB-4244(d ) -1 N ozzles Attach ed by Parti al Pen etrati on Weld s d d d tn tn tn 1 1 /2 tn min. t t t r1 r1 1 .25 tn min. 1 .25 tn min. 3 / t min. 4 n tc [Note (1 )] r1 tc (a) (b) (c) Welding buildup added, when required, to meet reinforcement limitations [Notes (2) and (3)] GENERAL NOTE: For definitions of symbols and other related requirements, see WB-3252.4. NOTES: (1) The 3/4 t n minimum dimension applies to the fillet leg and the J ‐ groove depth. (2) Weld deposit reinforcement, if used, shall be examined as required by WB-5244. (3) Weld buildups are not attached to the nozzle. made on the containment, the Certificate Holder need not WB-4330 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS FOR identify the welder or welding operator who welded each WELDI N G PROCEDU RE individual joint, provided the following applies: QU ALI FI CATI O N TESTS (1 ) the Certificate Holder maintains a system that WB-4331 Con form an ce to Secti on I X will identify the welders or welding operators who made Req u i rem en ts such welds on the containment so that the Inspector can verify that the welders or welding operators were all All welding procedure qualification tests shall be in ac- properly qualified; cordance with the requirements of Section IX as supple- mented or modified by the requirements of this Article. (2) the welds in each category are all of the same type and configuration and are welded with the same WB-4333 H eat Treatm en t of Qu ali fi cati on Weld s Welding Procedure Specification. for Ferri ti c M ateri als Postweld heat treatment of procedure qualification WB-432 3 Weld i n g Pri or to Qu ali fi cati on s welds shall conform to the applicable requirements of No welding shall be undertaken until after the welding WB-4600 and Section IX. The postweld heat treatment procedures which are to be used have been qualified. time at temperature shall be at least 80% of the maximum Only welders and welding operators who are qualified time to be applied to the component weld material. The in accordance with WB-4320 and Section IX shall be used. postweld heat treatment total time may be applied in one heating cycle. WB-4324 Tran sferri n g Qu ali fi cati on s WB-4334 Preparati on of Test Cou pon s an d Speci m en s The welding procedure qualifications and the perfor- mance qualification tests for welders and welding opera- (a) Removal of test coupons from the test weld and the tors conducted by one Certificate Holder shall not qualify dimensions of specimens made from them shall conform welding pro cedures and s hall not qualify welders o r to the requirements of Section IX, except that the removal welding o p erato rs to weld fo r any o ther C ertificate of impact test coupons and the dimensions of impact test Holder, except as provided in Section IX. specimens shall be in accordance with (b) below. 94 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (b) Weld deposit of each process in a multiple process specimens. The axis of the unaffected base material speci- weld shall, where possible, be included in the impact test mens shall be parallel to the axis of the heat-affected zone specimens. When each process cannot be included in the specimens, and the axis of the notch shall be normal to the full ‐ size impact test specimen at the 1/4t location required s u rface o f th e b as e m a te ri a l . Wh e n re q u i re d b y by this Subsection, additional full ‐ size specimens shall be WB-4335.2(b), drop ‐ weight specimens shall be removed obtained from locations in the test weld that will ensure from a depth as near as practical to midway between that at least a portion of each process has been included the surface and center thickness of the unaffected base in full ‐ size test specimens. As an alternative, additional material and shall be tested in accordance with the re- test welds can be made with each process so that full‐ size quirements of WB-2321.1. specimens can be tested for each process. WB-4334. 1 Cou pon s Represen ti n g th e Weld Depos- WB-43 35 I m pact Test Req u i rem en ts Impact test specimens and testing methods shall con- i t. When materials are required to be impact tested per form to WB-2321. The impact specimen shall be located WB - 2 3 0 0 , i m p a c t te s ts o f th e we l d m e ta l a n d so that the longitudinal axis of the specimen is at least heat-affected zone shall be performed in accordance with 0.25 t and, where the thickness of the test assembly per- the following subparagraphs. The weld procedure qualifi- mits, not less than 3/8 in. (10 mm) from the weld surface cation impact test specimens shall be prepared and tested of the test assembly. In addition, when the postweld heat in accordance with the applicable requirements of treatment temperature exceeds the maximum tempera- WB-2330 and WB-4334. Retests in accordance with the ture specified in WB-4620 and the test assembly is cooled provisions of WB-2350 are permitted. at an accelerated rate, the longitudinal axis of the speci- men shall be a minimum of t from the edge of the test as- WB- 4335. 1 I m pact Tests of Weld M etal. s em b ly. The s p eci me n s hall b e trans vers e to the (a) Impact tests of the weld metal shall be required for longitudinal axis of the weld with the area of the notch lo- welding procedure qualification tests for production weld cated in the weld. The length of the notch of the Charpy joints exceeding 5/8 in. (16 mm) in thickness when the V‐ notch specimen shall be normal to the surface of the weld will be made on the surface or penetrate base mate- weld. Where drop weight specimens are required, the rial that requires impact testing in accordance with tension surface of the specimen shall be oriented parallel WB-2310. In addition, such testing of the weld metal is re- to the surface of the test weld assembly. quired for the welding procedure qualification tests for any weld repair to base material that requires impact W B - 4 3 3 4 . 2 C o u p o n s R e p re s e n t i n g t h e testing in accordance with WB-2310, regardless of the Where impact tests of the heat- H e at - Affe ct e d Z o n e . depth of the repair. Exemption from impact testing under affected zone are required by WB-4335.2, specimens shall WB-2311(a) does not apply to weld metal of welding pro- be taken from the welding procedure qualification test as- cedure qualification tests for either production weld semblies in accordance with (a) through (c) below. joints or base metal repairs unless the specific weld metal (a) If the qualification test material is in the form of a used is A‐ No. 8. plate or a forging, the axis of the weld shall be oriented (b) The impact test requirements and acceptance stan- in the direction parallel to the principal direction of roll- dards for welding procedure qualification weld metal ing or forging. shall be the same as specified in WB-2330 for the base (b) The heat-affected zone impact test specimens and material to be welded or repaired. Where two materials testing methods shall conform to the requirements of are to be joined by welding and have different fracture WB-2321.2. The specimens shall be removed from a loca- toughness requirements, the test requirements and ac- tion as near as practical to a depth midway between the ceptance standards of either material may be used for s u r fa c e a n d c e n te r th i c kn e s s . T h e c o u p o n s fo r the weld metal except where this is otherwise specified heat-affected zone impact specimens shall be taken trans- in the Design Specification. verse to the axis of the weld and etched to define the (c) Impact tests are not required for austenitic and heat-affected zone. The notch of the Charpy V‐ notch spe- nonferrous weld metal. cimen shall be cut approximately normal to the material (d) A Welding Procedure Specification qualified to the s u rface i n s u ch a m an n e r as to i n cl u d e as m u ch impact testing requirements of Division 1, Subsection heat-affected zone as possible in the resulting fracture. NB or NE may be accepted as an alternative to the Weld- Where the material thickness permits, the axis of a speci- ing Procedure Specification impact testing requirements men may be inclined to allow the root of the notch to align of this Subsection. parallel to the fusion line. (c) For the comparison of heat-affected zone values WB-4335. 2 I m pact Tests of H eat-Affected Zon e. with base material values [ WB -43 3 5 .2 (b) ] , Charpy (a) Charpy V‐ notch tests of the heat-affected zone of the V‐ notch specimens shall be removed from the unaffected welding procedure qualification test assembly are re- base material at approximately the same distance from quired whenever the thickness of the weld exceeds 5 the base material surface as the heat-affected zone /8 in. (16 mm) and either of the base materials require 95 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 impact testing in accordance with the rules of WB-2310. (6) As an alternative to (5), if the average lateral ex- The o nly excep tio ns to the requirements are the pansion value of the heat-affected zone specimens is no following: less than 3 5 mils (0.89 mm) and the average of the (1) the qualification for welds in P ‐ Nos. 1 and 3 and heat-affected zone specimens is not less than 5 mils SA-336 F12 materials that are postweld heat treated. (0.13 mm) below the average lateral expansion value of (2) the qualification for weld deposit cladding. the unaffected base material specimens, T A D J may be ta- (3) that portion of the heat-affected zone associated ken as 15°F (8°C). with GTAW root deposits with a maximum of two layers (7) As a second alternative to (5), if the average lat- or 3/16 in. (5 mm) thickness, whichever is less. eral expansion value of the heat-affected zone specimens (b) The required testing shall be in accordance with (c) is no less than 35 mils (0.89 mm), the difference between belo w for base material tested under WB -2 3 3 1 or the average lateral expansion of the heat-affected zone WB-2332(b) and in accordance with (d) below for base and the unaffected base material specimens shall be cal- material tested under WB-2332(a). culated and used as described in (e)(3) below. (c) For heat-affected zones associated with base mate- (d) For heat-affected zones associated with base mate- rial tested under WB-2331 or WB-2332(b), the required rials tested under WB-2332(a), the required testing shall testing shall be in accordance with (1) through (7). be in accordance with (1) through (5). (1) Determine the TN D T of the unaffected base mate- (1) Three Charpy V‐ notch specimens shall be re- rial to be used in the welding procedure qualification test moved from both the unaffected base material and the assembly. heat-affected zone. The unaffected base material speci- (2) Charpy V‐ notch test specimens representing both mens shall be tested at a test temperature established the heat-affected zone and the unaffected base material in the Design Specification, or additional testing shall be shall be tested. The unaffected base material specimens performed at higher temperatures until the applicable re- shall be tested at the ( T N D T + 60°F) ( T N D T + 3 3 °C) quirements of Table WB-2332(a)-1 are met for the thick- temperature. ness of material to be welded in production. (3) The Charpy V‐ notch tests of the unaffected base (2) The heat‐ affected zone specimens shall be tested material shall meet the applicable requirements of at the test temperature determined in (1). The average WB-2330 or additional testing shall be performed at high- lateral expansion value of the specimens shall equal or ex- er temperatures until the requirements of WB-2330 are ceed the average lateral expansion value of the unaffected met. base material. For this case, the qualification test is ac- (4) The heat-affected zone specimens shall be tested ceptable for the essential and supplemental essential vari- at the test temperature determined in (3). The average ables recorded on the weld procedure qualification lateral expansion value of the specimens shall equal or ex- record. If the heat-affected zone average lateral expansion ceed the average lateral expansion value of the unaffected value is less than the unaffected base material lateral ex- base material. For this case, the qualification test is ac- pansion value, the adjustment given in (3) through (5) ceptable for the essential and supplemental essential vari- shall be determined and applied as provided in (e). Alter- ables recorded on the welding procedure qualification natively, another test coupon may be welded and tested. record. If the heat-affected zone average lateral expansion (3) Additional Charpy V‐ notch tests shall be per- value is less than the unaffected base material lateral ex- formed on either the heat-affected zone or the unaffected pansion value, the adjustment given in (5) through (7) base material, or both, at temperatures where the lateral shall be determined and applied as provided in (e). Alter- expansion value of all three specimens tested is not less natively, another test coupon may be welded and tested. than the values shown in Table WB-2332(a)-1 for the (5) Additional Charpy V‐ notch tests shall be per- thickness of base material to be welded in production. formed on either the heat‐ affected zone or the unaffected The average lateral expansion value for each test meeting base material, or both, at temperatures where the lateral this requirement shall be plotted on a lateral expansion expansion value of all three specimens tested is not less versus temperature graph. The difference in temperature than 35 mils (0.89 mm). The average lateral expansion between T H A Z and T U B M , where the heat-affected zone value for each test meeting this requirement shall be and the unaffected base material average lateral expan- plotted on a lateral expansion versus temperature graph. sion values are the same and not less than that specified The difference in temperature between TH A Z and T U B M , in (2) above, shall be used to determine the adjustment where the heat-affected zone and the unaffected base ma- temperature TA D J , where: terial average lateral expansion values are the same and not less than 35 mils (0.89 mm), shall be used to deter- mine the adjustment temperature TA D J , where: If TA D J ≤ 0, then TA D J = 0 (4) As an alternative to (3), if the average lateral ex- pansion value of the heat‐ affected zone is no less than If TA D J ≤ 0, then TA D J = 0 35 mils (0.89 mm) and the average of the heat‐ affected 96 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 zone specimens is not less than 5 mils (0.13 mm) below identification, storage, and handling of electrodes, flux, the average lateral expansion value of the unaffected base and other welding material shall be maintained. Precau- material, T A D J may be taken as 15°F (8°C). tions shall be taken to minimize absorption of moisture (5) As a second alternative to (3), if the average lat- by electrodes and flux. eral expansion value of the heat-affected zone specimens is no less than 35 mils (0.89 mm), the difference between WB-4412 Clean li n ess an d Protecti on of Weld i n g the average lateral expansion of the heat-affected zone Su rfaces and the unaffected base material specimens shall be cal- The method used to prepare the base metal shall leave culated and used as described in (e)(3) below. the weld preparation with reasonably smooth surfaces. (e) At least one of the following methods shall be used The surfaces for welding shall be free of scale, rust, oil, to compensate for the heat-affected zone toughness de- grease, and other deleterious material. The work shall crease due to the welding procedure effects: be protected from deleterious contamination and from ð 17Þ (1 ) The R T N D T temperature established in WB-2331 rain, snow, and wind during welding. Welding shall not or WB-2332(b) or the LST specified in the Design Specifi- be performed on wet surfaces. cation [WB-2332(a)] for all of the material to be welded in production Welding Procedure Specifications supported WB-442 0 RU LES FO R M AKI N G WELDED J OI N TS by this Procedure Qualification Record shall be increased WB-442 1 Backi n g Ri n g s by the adjustment temperature T A D J . (2) The specified testing temperature for the produc- Backing rings shall conform to the requirements of tion material may be reduced by TA D J . WB-4240. The material for backing rings, when used, (3) The materials to be welded may be welded using shall be compatible with the base metal. Permanent back- the WPS, provided they exhibit Charpy V‐ notch values ing rings, when permitted by WB-3252, shall be continu- which are no less than the minimum required lateral ex- ous, and any splices shall be made by full penetration pansion value required by WB-2300 plus the difference in welds. Spacer pins shall not be incorporated into the average lateral expansion values established in (c)(7) or welds. (d)(5) above. (f) The Charpy V ‐ notch testing results shall be re- WB-442 2 Peen i n g corded on the welding procedure qualification record Controlled peening may be performed to minimize dis- and any offsetting T A D J or increased toughness require- tortion. Peening shall not be used on the initial layer, root ments shall be noted on the welding procedure qualifica- of the weld metal, or on the final layer unless the weld is tion record and on the welding procedure specification. postweld heat treated. More than one compensation method may be used on a par basis. WB-442 3 M i scellan eou s Weld i n g Req u i rem en ts (g) A Welding Procedure Specification qualified to the (a) Before applying weld metal on the second side to be impact testing requirements of Division 1, Subsection welded, the root of full penetration double welded joints NB or Subsection NE may be accepted as an alternative shall be prepared by suitable methods, such as chipping, to the Welding Procedure impact testing requirements grinding, or thermal gouging, except for those processes of this Subsection. of welding by which proper fusion and penetration are otherwise obtained and demonstrated to be satisfactory WB-43 36 Qu ali fi cati on Req u i rem en ts for by welding procedure qualification. Bu i lt-U p Weld Deposi ts (b) If the welding is stopped for any reason, extra care Built‐ up weld deposits for base metal reinforcement shall be taken in restarting to get the required penetra- shall be qualified in accordance with the requirements tion and fusion. For submerged arc welding, chipping of WB-4331 through WB-4335. out a groove in the crater is recommended. (c) Where single-welded joints are used, particular care shall be taken in aligning and separating the compo- WB-4400 RU LES G OVERN I N G M AKI N G , nents to be joined so that there will be complete penetra- EXAM I N I N G , AN D REPAI RI N G tion and fusion at the bottom of the joint for its full length. WELDS WB-4424 Su rfaces of Weld s WB-4410 PRECAU TI ON S TO BE TAKEN BEFORE WELDI N G As ‐ welded surfaces are permitted. However, the sur- face of welds shall be sufficiently free from coarse ripples, WB-4411 I d en ti fi cati on , Storag e, an d H an d li n g grooves, overlaps, and abrupt ridges and valleys to meet of Weld i n g M ateri al (a) through (e) below. Each Certificate Holder is responsible for control of the (a) The surface condition of the finished weld shall be welding electrodes and other material which is used in suitable for the proper interpretation of radiographic the fabrication of containments (WB-412 0) . Suitable and other required nondestructive examinations of the 97 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 weld. In those cases where there is a question regarding WB-4430 WELDI N G O F ATTACH M EN TS the surface condition of the weld on the interpretation WB-4431 M ateri als for Attach m en ts of a radiographic film, the film shall be compared to the actual weld surface for interpretation and determination Attachments (WB-1 1 3 2 ) welded to the containment of acceptability. shall be of materials which meet the requirements of (b) Reinforcements are permitted in accordance with WB-2 1 2 1 . Materials for the containment attachments WB-4426.1. shall meet the requirements of WB-2120. 1 (c) Undercuts shall not exceed /3 2 in. (0.8 mm) and shall not encroach on the required section thickness. WB-4432 Weld i n g of Stru ctu ral Attach m en ts (d) Concavity on the root side of a single ‐ welded cir- The rules of WB-4321 governing welding qualifications cumferential butt weld is permitted when the resulting shall apply to the welding of structural attachments to thickness of the weld meets the requirements of Article containments. WB-3000. (e) If the surface of the weld requires grinding to meet WB-4433 Stru ctu ral Attach m en ts the above criteria, care shall be taken to avoid reducing the weld or base material below the required thickness. Structural attachments shall conform reasonably to the curvature of the surface to which they are to be attached WB-4426 Rei n forcem en t of Weld s and shall be attached by full penetration, fillet, or partial W B - 4 426 . 1 Th i ckn e s s o f W e ld Re i n fo rce m e n t fo r penetration continuous welds. When fillet and partial The surface of the reinforcement of all Co n tai n m e n ts . penetration welds are used on containments, the require- butt-welded j oints in containments may be flush with ments of WB-3123.2 shall be met. Attachments to the in- the b as e material o r may have unifo rm cro wns . The ternal surfaces of containments shall be made only with height of reinforcement on each face of the weld shall full penetratio n welds. Figure WB - 443 3 - 1 illustrates not exceed the thickness in the following tabulation: some of the typical details for attaching structural attach- ments to a containment using full penetration welds. Maximum Reinforcement, in. WB-4434 Weld i n g of I n tern al Stru ctu ral Nominal Thickness, in. (mm) (mm) Su pports to Clad Con tai n m en ts 3 Up to 1 (25), incl. /32 (2.5) Over 1 to 2 (25 to 50) , incl. 1 /8 (3.0) Internal structural supports on clad containments shall Over 2 to 3 (50 to 75) , incl. 5 /32 (4.0) be welded to the base metal and not to the cladding, ex- Over 3 to 4 (75 to 100), incl. 7 /32 (5.5) cept for weld overlay cladding. 1 Over 4 to 5 (100 to 125), incl. /4 (6) 5 Over 5 (125) /16 (8) WB-4435 Weld i n g of N on stru ctu ral an d Tem porary Attach m en ts an d Th ei r WB-442 7 Sh ape an d Si ze of Fi llet Weld s Rem oval Fillet welds may vary from convex to concave. The (a) Nonstructural attachments welded to the contain- shape and size of the weld shall be in accordance with ment need not comply with Article WB-2 000 and may the requirements of Figure WB-442 7-1 . A fillet weld in be welded with continuous fillet or partial penetration any single continuous weld may be less than the specified welds, provided the requirements of (1) through (4) be- fillet weld dimension by not more than 1/1 6 in. (1.5 mm) , low are met. provided that the total undersize portion of the weld does (1 ) The welding procedure and the welders have not exceed 10% of the length of the weld. Individual un- been qualified in accordance with WB-4321. dersize weld portions shall not exceed 2 in. (50 mm) in (2) The material is identified and is compatible with length. In making socket welds, a gap as shown in Figure the material to which it is attached. WB-4427-1 shall be provided prior to welding. The gap (3) The welding material is identified and compatible need not be present nor be verified after welding. with the materials joined. (4) The welds are postweld heat treated when re- WB-442 8 Seal Weld s of Th read ed J oi n ts quired by WB-4620. Where seal welding of threaded pipe j oints is per- (b) Removal of nonstructural attachments, when tem- formed, the exposed threads shall be either removed en- porary, shall be accomplished as follows. tirely or covered with weld metal. (1 ) The immediate area around the temporary at- 11 tachment is marked in a suitable manner so that after re- WB-442 9 Weld i n g of Clad Parts moval the area can be identified until after it has been The joint types and welding procedures used for clad- examined in accordance with (3) below. ding shall be such as to prevent the formation of brittle (2) The temp o rary attachment is co mp letely re- weld composition. moved in accordance with the procedures of WB-4211. 98 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Fi g u re WB-442 7-1 ð 17Þ Fi llet Weld Detai ls Theoretical throat Theoretical throat Surface of vertical member Surface of vertical member Convex fillet weld Concave fillet weld Size of weld Surface of horizontal member Size of weld (a) Equal Leg Fillet Weld [Note (1 )] Theoretical throat Theoretical throat Surface of vertical member Surface of vertical member Convex fillet weld Concave fillet weld Surface of horizontal member (b) Unequal Leg Fillet Weld [Note (2)] NOTES: (1) The size of an equal leg fillet weld is the leg length of the largest inscribed right isosceles triangle. Theoretical throat = 0.7 × size of weld. (2) The size of an unequal leg fillet weld is the shorter leg length of the largest right triangle that can be inscribed within the fillet weld cross section. (3) After the temporary attachment has been re- (c) The area is examined by a magnetic particle or li- moved, the marked area is examined by the liquid pene- quid penetrant method in accordance with WB-5110 after trant or magnetic particle method in accordance with b l en di ng and me ets the acce p tance s tandards o f the requirements of WB-5110, and meets the acceptance WB-5300 to ensure that the defect has been removed or s tandards o f WB - 5 3 40 or WB - 5 3 5 0 , whichever is reduced to an imperfection of acceptable limit. Defects de- applicable. tected by visual or volumetric method and located on an (4) As an alternative to (a)(4) above, postweld heat interior surface need only be reexamined by the method treatment may be deferred until after removal of the which initially detected the defect when the interior sur- attachment. face is inaccessible for surface examination. WB-4453 Req u i rem en ts for M aki n g Repai rs of WB-4450 REPAI R OF WELD M ETAL DEFECTS Weld s WB-4451 G en eral Req u i rem en ts Excavations in weld metal, when repaired by welding, Defects in weld metal detected by the examinations re- shall meet the following requirements. quired by Article WB-5000, or by the tests of Article WB - 6 0 0 0 , s hall b e eliminated and rep aired when WB- 4453 . 1 Defects may be re- D e fe c t R e m o va l . necessary. moved by mechanical means or by thermal gouging pro- cesses. The area prepared for repair shall be examined by a liquid penetrant or magnetic particle method in ac- WB-4452 Eli m i n ati on of Su rface Defects cordance with WB-5110, and meet the acceptance stan- Weld metal surface defects may be removed by grind- dards of WB-5340 or WB-5350. This examination is not ing or machining, and need not be repaired by welding, required where defect elimination removes the full thick- provided that the requirements of (a) through (c) below ness of the weld and where the backside of the weld joint are met. is not accessible for removal of examination materials. (a) The remaining thickness of the section is not re- WB- 4453 . 2 R e q u i re m e n t s fo r W e ld i n g M at e ri al, duced below that required by Article WB-3000. The weld repair shall be made Proced u res, an d Weld ers. (b) The depression, after defect elimination, is blended using welding material, welders, and welding procedures uniformly into the surrounding surface. qualified in accordance with WB-4125 and WB-4300. 99 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WB-4433-1 Types of Attachment Welds 1 / in. (6 mm) Di m . n ot 4 su ffi ci en t m i n . ra d i u s for wel d A A from i n si d e A A Secti on Secti on A – A A – A ( a) Attach m en t of Lu g s, Sh oes, an d Brackets A A Secti on A – A ( b) Attach m en t of Tru n n i on s ( c) Attach m en t of Ri n g s 100 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WB- 4453. 3 After repair, Blen d i n g of Repaired Areas. WB-46 12 Preh eati n g M eth od s the surface shall be blended uniformly into the surround- Preheat for welding or thermal cutting, when em- ing surface. ployed, may be applied by any method which does not WB- 4453. 4 Exam i n ati on of Repai r Weld s. harm the base material or any weld metal already applied, or which does not introduce deleterious material into the (a) The examination of a weld repair shall be repeated welding area which is harmful to the weld. as required for the original weld, except that when the de- fect was originally detected by the liquid penetrant or WB-46 13 I n terpass Tem peratu re magnetic particle method, and when the repair cavity Consideration shall be given to the limitations of inter- does not exceed the lesser of 3/8 in. (10 mm) or 10% of pass temperatures for quenched and tempered material the thickness, it need only be reexamined by the liquid to avoid detrimental effects on the mechanical properties. penetrant or magnetic particle method. (b) When repairs to welds joining P ‐ No. 1 and P ‐ No. 3 WB-46 20 POSTWELD H EAT TREATM EN T materials require examination by radiography as re- WB-46 21 H eati n g an d Cooli n g M eth od s quired in (a) above, but construction assembly prevents meaningful radiographic examination, ultrasonic exami- Postweld heat treatment (PWHT) may be accomplished nation may be substituted provided: by any suitable methods of heating and cooling, provided the required heating and cooling rates, metal tempera- (1 ) the weld had been previously radiographed and ture, metal temperature uniformity, and temperature met the applicable acceptance standards; control are maintained. (2) the ultrasonic examination is performed using a procedure in accordance with Section V, Article 4, to the WB-46 22 PWH T Ti m e an d Tem peratu re acceptance standards of WB-5330; Req u i rem en ts (3) the substitution is limited to Category A and B WB- 4622. 1 Except as other- G en eral Req u irem en ts. ð 17Þ welds in containments, and similar type welds in other wise permitted in WB-4622.7, all welds, including repair items. welds, shall be postweld heat treated. During postweld The absence of suitable radiographic equipment is heat treatment, the metal temperature shall be main- not justification for the substitution. tained within the temperature range and for the mini- mum holding time specified in Table WB-462 2 .1 -1 , WB-4453. 5 The H eat Treatm en t of Repai red Areas. e xcep t as o th erwi s e p erm itte d in WB - 46 2 2 . 4(c) . area shall be heat treated in accordance with WB-4620. P ‐ Number groups in Table WB-4622.1-1 are in accor- dance with Section IX, QW-420. Except as provided in WB-4624.3, PWHT shall be performed in temperature ‐ surveyed and ‐ calibrated furnaces, or PWHT shall be per- WB-4600 H EAT TREATM EN T formed with thermocouples in contact with the material or attached to blocks in contact with the material. Any postweld heat treatment time, which is anticipated to WB-46 10 WELDI N G PREH EAT REQU I REM EN TS be applied to the material or item after it is completed, shall be specified in the Design Specification. The Certifi- WB-46 11 Wh en Preh eat I s N ecessary cate Holder shall include this time in the total time at tem- The need for and temperature of preheat are depen- perature specified to be applied to the test specimens. In dent on a number of factors, such as the chemical analysis, addition, the requirements of the following subpara- degree of restraint of the parts being joined, elevated tem- graphs shall apply. perature, physical properties, and material thicknesses. WB- 462 2 . 2 – Ti m e Time – Tem pe ratu re Re cord i n g s. Some practices used for preheating are given in Section temperature recordings of all postweld heat treatments III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix D as a general shall be made available for review by the Inspector. Iden- guide for the materials listed by P ‐ Numbers of Section tification on the time – temperature recording shall be to IX. It is cautioned that the preheating suggested in Section the weld or containment, as applicable. A summary of III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix D does not ne- the time – temperature recording may be provided for per- cessarily ensure satisfactory completion of the welded manent records in accordance with WA-4134. joint and that the preheating requirements for individual WB-4622. 3 D e fi n i t i o n o f N o m i n al Th i ckn e s s materials within the P ‐ Number may be more or less re- G overn i n g PWH T. N o m i n a l th i c kn e s s i n T a b l e strictive. The Welding Procedure Specification for the ma- WB-4622.7(b)-1 is the thickness of the weld, the contain- terial being welded shall specify the minimum preheating ment material for structural attachment welds or the requirements under the welding procedure qualification thinner of the containment materials being joined, which- requirements of Section IX. ever is least. It is not intended that nominal thickness 101 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WB-4622.1-1 Mandatory Requirements for Postweld Heat Treatment of Welds Holding Minimum Holding Time at Temperature for Weld Thickness (Nominal) Temperature 1 Range, °F (°C) /2 in. (13 mm) Over 1/2 in. to 2 in. Over 2 in. to 5 in. P ‐ No. (Sec. IX, QW-420) [Note (1)] or less (13 mm to 50 mm) (50 mm to 125 mm) Over 5 in. (125 mm) 1, 3 1,100 – 1,250 30 min 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) 2 hr plus 15 min each 2 hr plus 15 min each (595 – 675) additional inch (2 h additional inch (2 h plus 0.5 min/mm) plus 0.5 min/mm) over 2 in. (50 mm) over 2 in. (50 mm) P ‐ Nos. 8, 10 H Gr. 1, 34, 42, 43, 45 and hard surfacing on P ‐ No. 1 base metal PWHT neither required nor prohibited whose reported carbon content is not more than 0.30% GENERAL NOTE: Exemptions to the mandatory requirements of this Table are defined in WB-4622.7. NOTE: (1) All temperatures are metal temperatures. include material provided for forming allowance, thin- (1 ) Except for P ‐ No. 1 materials, when welds in the ning, or mill overrun when the excess material does not materials listed in Table WB-4622.4(c)-1 are to be post- exceed 1/8 in. (3 mm). For fillet welds the nominal thick- weld heat treated at the lower minimum temperatures, ness is the throat thickness, and for partial penetration the impact test specimens for the welding procedure qua- and material repair welds the nominal thickness is the lification required by WB-4300 shall be made using the depth of the weld groove or preparation. same minimum temperatures and increased minimum WB-4622.4 Holding Times at Temperature. holding time. Welding procedures, qualified at the tem- (a) The holding time at temperature as specified in perature range and minimum holding time specified in Table WB-4622.1-1 shall be based on the nominal thick- Table WB-4622.1-1 and at the lower temperature and in- ness of the weld. The holding time need not be continu- creas e d mi ni mu m ho ldi ng ti me p e rm itted b y Tab le ous. It may be an accumulation of the times of multiple WB-462 2.4(c) -1 , are also qualified for any temperature postweld heat treat cycles. in between. When such an in ‐ between temperature is (b) Holding time at temperature in excess of the mini- used, the minimum holding time shall be interpolated mum requirements of Table WB-4622.1-1 may be used, from Table WB-462 2 .1 -1 and the alternative require- provided that specimens so heat treated are tested in ac- ments from Table WB-4622.4(c)-1. cordance with WB-2200, WB-2400, and WB-4300. (2) Except for P ‐ No. 1 materials, when welds in the (c) Alternatively, when it is impractical to postweld materials listed in Table WB-4622.4(c)-1 are to be post- heat treat at the temperature range specified in Table weld heat treated at these lower minimum temperatures, WB-4622 .1-1 , it is permissible to perform the postweld the welding material certification required by WB-2400 heat treatment of certain materials at lower temperatures shall be made using the same minimum temperature fo r lo nger perio ds o f time in acco rdance with Tab le and increased minimum holding time. Welding material WB-4622.4(c)-1 and (1), (2), and (3) below. certified at the temperature range and minimum holding time specified in Table WB-462 2 .1 -1 and at the lower minimum temperatures and increased minimum holding Table WB-4622.4(c)-1 time permitted by Table WB-4622 .4(c) -1 are also certi- Alternative Holding Temperatures and Times fied for any temperature in between. Alternative Minimum (3) B a s e m a te ri a l ce rti fi e d i n a c co rd a n c e wi th Material Holding Temperatures, Alternative Minimum WB-2200 may be postweld heat treated at the lower mini- P ‐ No. °F (°C) Holding Times [Note (1)] mum temperature ranges and increased minimum hold- 1, 3 1,050 (565) 2 hr/in. (4 min/mm) thick i n g ti m e s wi th o u t r e c e r ti fi c a ti o n . P o s twe l d h e a t 1, 3 1,000 (540) 4 hr/in. (8 min/mm) thick treatment at these lower minimum temperatures and in- NOTE: creased minimum holding times may also be the temper- (1) All other requirements of WB-4622 shall apply. ing operation provided a higher tempering temperature is not required by the material specification. 102 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WB-4622.5 PWHT Requirements When Different (d) welds connecting nozzles to containments provided P-Number Materials Are Joined. When materials of two the requirements in WB-4622.8 are met; different P ‐ Number groups are joined by welding, the ap- (e) weld repairs to containments provided the require- plicable postweld heat treatment shall be that specified in ments of WB-4622.9 are met; Table WB-4622.1-1 for the material requiring the higher (f) weld repairs to cladding after final postweld heat PWHT temperature range. treatment provided the requirements of WB -462 2 .1 0 WB-4622.6 PWHT Requirements for Noncontain- are met; ment Parts. When noncontainment material is welded (g) weld repairs to dissimilar metal welds after final to containment material, the postweld heat treatment postweld heat treatment provided the requirements of temperature range of the containment material shall WB-4622.11 are met. control. WB-4622.7 Exemptions to Mandatory Require- WB-4622.8 Requirements for Exempting PWHT of ments. Postweld heat treatment in accordance with this Nozzles to Containment Welds. Welds connecting noz- subarticle is not required for: zles of P ‐ No. 1 materials to containments of P ‐ No. 1 or (a) nonferrous material; P ‐ No. 3 materials that are not exempted from PWHT in (b) welds exempted in Table WB-4622.7(b)-1; Table WB-4622.7(b)-1 need not be given a postweld heat (c) welds subjected to temperatures above the PWHT treatment if the requirements of (a) below are met for temperature range specified in Table WB-4622 .1-1, pro- partial penetration and (b) below are met for full penetra- vided the Welding Procedure Specification is qualified tion welds. in accordance with Section IX and the base material and (a) The partial penetration welds are made with A‐ No. the deposited weld filler material have been heat treated 8 or non ‐ air ‐ hardening nickel – chromium – iron weld me- at the higher temperature; tal after: Table WB-4622.7(b)-1 Exemptions to Mandatory PWHT P ‐ No. (Section IX, Nominal Thickness, in. Max. Reported Min. Preheat QW‐ 420) Type of Weld [Note (1)] (mm) (WB-4622.3) Carbon, % [Note (2)] Required, °F (°C) 1 All welds, where the materials being joined are 1 1/4 (32) and less 0.30 and less … 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) and less Over 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 (32 to 38) 0.30 and less 200 (95) 3 /4 (19) or less Over 0.30 … Over 3/4 to 1 1/2 (19 to 38) Over 0.30 200 (95) All welds in material over 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) 3 /4 (19) or less … 200 (95) 1 Gr. 1 or Gr. 2 Cladding or repair of cladding [Note (3)] with … 0.30 100 (38) A‐ No. 8 or F ‐ No. 43 filler metal in base material of: 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) or less Over 1 1/2 in. to 3 in. (38 mm to 75 mm) … 0.30 200 (95) [Note (4)] Over 3 in. (75 mm) … 0.30 250 (120) [Note (5) ] 3 For containment repair without required … … 350 (175) PWHT, see WB-4622.9 or WB-4622.10 3 except Gr. 3 All welds, except repair welds in containments, 5/8 (16) or less 0.25 or less 200 (95) provided weld procedure qualification is made using equal or greater thickness base material than production weld [Note (6)] 1 Attachment welds joining containment to /2 (13) or less 0.25 or less 200 (95) noncontainment material GENERAL NOTE: The exemptions noted in this Table do not apply to electron beam welds in ferritic materials over 1/8 in. (3 mm) in thickness. NOTES: (1) Where the thickness of material is identified in the column Type of Weld, it is the thickness of the base material at the welded joint. (2) Carbon level of the pressure-retaining materials being joined. (3) The maximum resulting hardness of the heat-affected zone, in the procedure qualification test plate shall not exceed 35 Rc. (4) Intermediate postweld soak at not less than 200°F (95°C) for 2 hr minimum. (5) Intermediate postweld soak at not less than 300°F (150°C) for 2 hr minimum. (6) Weld Procedure Qualification coupon need not exceed 1.5 in. (38 mm) in thickness. 103 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (1 ) the ferritic materials to be joined are buttered or (2) The weld metal shall be deposited by the manual b u i lt ‐ up wi th A ‐ N o . 8 o r no n ‐ ai r ‐ harden i ng ni ckel – shielded metal arc process using low hydrogen type elec- chromium – iron weld metal having a minimum thickness trode. The maximum bead width shall be four times the of 1/4 in. (6 mm), and electrode core diameter. (2) the heat-affected zones of the buttered or built‐ (3) Welding electrodes shall meet the requirements up ferritic materials are postweld heat treated in accor- for supplemental designators “ R” indicating a moisture- dance with WB - 462 0 , without the PWHT exemptions resistant coating and “ H4 ” indicating that they are low being applied, prior to making the final welds. in diffusible hydrogen as defined in the applicable speci- (b) The full penetration welds are made with A‐ No. 1 or fications in Section II, Part C. Welding electrodes shall also A‐ No. 2 weld metal provided that: be supplied in unopened hermetically sealed containers. (1 ) the containment is built‐ up or buttered in the (4) After a hermetically sealed container is opened, area of the attachment with A‐ No. 1 or A‐ No. 2 metal hav- the electrodes shall be stored in holding ovens at 225°F ing a minimum thickness of 1/4 in. (6 mm); to 350°F (105°C to 175°C). When electrodes are removed (2) the A‐ No. 1 or A‐ No. 2 weld metal buildup or but- from elevated storage, they may be exposed to the atmo- te ri ng is p o s twe ld heat tre ate d i n acco rdance wi th sphere for a maximum of 8 hr. WB-462 0 for P ‐ No. 1 or P ‐ No. 3 materials without the (5) Electrodes, which are exposed to the atmosphere PWHT exemptions being applied; for more than 8 hr, shall be discarded or baked to remove (3) the welds do not penetrate through the contain- any absorbed moisture for the time and temperature rec- ment thickness; ommended by the electrode manufacturer. After baking (4) weld metal with A ‐ No. 1 or A ‐ No. 2 analysis is and b efo re the electro des are allowed to coo l b elo w used to j oin the nozzle of P ‐ No. 1 material to the weld 225°F (105°C), they shall be transferred immediately into buildup or buttering; holding ovens at 225°F to 350°F (105°C to 175°C). When (5) the nominal thickness of the weld joining the noz- the once-baked electrodes are removed from elevated zle to the containment does not exceed 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) storage, they may be exposed to the atmosphere for an and the maximum reported carbon content of the nozzle additional 8 hr after which they shall be discarded. does not exceed 0.30%; (6) If the repair area is to be subjected to a significant (6) a 200°F (95°C) minimum preheat is maintained fast neutron fluence (greater than 10 1 9 nvt E o >1 MeV) , during welding whenever the nominal thickness of the electrode shall be limited to Cu content of 0.10% maxi- weld exceeds: 1 mum (as deposited). (-a) 1 /4 in. (32 mm) and the maximum reported (7) The weld area plus a band around the repair area carbon content of the material of the nozzle is 0.3 0% or of at least 1 1/2 times the component thickness or 5 in. less, or 3 (125 mm), whichever is less, shall be preheated and main- (-b) /4 in. (1 9 mm) and the maximum reported tained at a minimum temperature of 350°F (175°C) dur- carbon content of material of the nozzle exceeds 0.30%. ing welding. The maximum interpass temperature shall WB-4622.9 Temper Bead Weld Repair. Limited weld be 450°F (230°C) . Thermocouples and recording instru- repairs to P ‐ No. 1 and P ‐ No. 3 material, and A‐ Nos. 1, 2, ments shall be used to monitor the process temperatures. 1 0, or 1 1 weld filler metal (Section IX, Table QW-442 ) , Their removal shall be in accordance with WB-4435(b) . may be made without PWHT or after the final PWHT, pro- (8) The cavity s hal l b e b uttered, us i ng a /3 2 in . 3 vided it is impossible or impractical to postweld heat ( 2 . 5 m m ) d i a m e te r e l e c tr o d e a s s h o wn i n F i g u r e treat the area after repair, and provided the requirements WB-462 2 .9(c) (8) -1 . The weld bead crown surface shall of the following subparagraphs are met: be removed by grinding or machining before depositing (a) Examination of Area to Be Repaired. Before repair, the second layer [see Figure WB-4622.9(c)(8)-1 , Step 2] . the area shall be examined by either the magnetic particle T h e s e c o n d l a ye r s h a l l b e d e p o s i te d wi th a 1/8 i n . or liquid penetrant method in accordance with Article (3 mm) diameter electro de. S ub s equent layers s hall WB-5000. b e d e p o s i te d wi th a we l d i n g e l e c tr o d e n o l a r ge r (b) Maximum Extent ofRepair. The maximum area of an th a n 5/3 2 i n . ( 4 m m ) d i a m e t e r . B e a d d e p o s i ti o n individual repair based on the finished surface shall be s h a l l b e p e r fo r m e d i n a m a n n e r s h o wn i n F i gu r e 100 in. 2 (65 000 mm 2 ) and the depth of repair shall not WB -462 2 .9(c) (8) -1 , Step 3 . The completed weld shall be greater than one ‐ third of the base material thickness. have at least one layer of weld reinforcement deposited (c) Repair Welding Procedure . The welding procedure and then this reinforcement shall be removed by mechan- shall be in accordance with Section IX and this Subsection ical means, making the finished surface of the repair sub- and shall include the requirements of (1 ) through (6) stantially flus h with the s urface o f the co ntainment below. surrounding the repair [Figure WB-4622.9(c) (8) -2 ] . The (1 ) The area to be repaired shall be suitably prepared technique described in this paragraph shall be performed for welding in accordance with a written procedure. in the procedure qualification test. 104 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WB-4622.9(c)(8)-1 Temper Bead Weld Repair and Weld Temper Bead Reinforcement Step 1 : Butter cavity with one layer of weld metal using 3 / in. (2.5 mm) diameter coated electrode. 32 Step 2: Remove the weld bead crown of the first layer of grinding. Reinforcement weld Temper bead layer Step 3: The second layer shall be deposited with a 1 /8 in. (3 mm) diameter electrode. Subsequent layers shall be deposited with welding electrodes no larger than 5 /32 in. (4.0 mm) maximum diameter. Bead deposition shall be performed in the manner as shown. Particular care shall be taken in the application of the temper bead reinforcement weld at the tie-in points as well as its removal to ensure that the heat-affected zone of the base metal and the deposited weld metal is tempered and the resulting surface is substantially flush. 105 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (g) This test assembly may be used to qualify proce- Figure WB-4622.9(c)(8)-2 dures for weld buildup repairs of pressure-retaining ma- Temper Bead Reinforcement terials. In this case, the depth of the cavity shall not be less than the thickness of the weld buildup or 1 in. (25 mm), whichever is greater, and the area of the weld buildup to be applied or 54 in. 2 (35 000 mm 2 ), whichever is less. (h) In all cases, the test assembly and cavity shall be of sufficient size to permit removal of the required test specimens. NOTE: (i) Performance Qualifications. If the repair weld is to (1) Apply temper bead reinforcement weld metal to a level above be performed where physical obstructions impair the the surface and then remove it substantially flush to the surface welder s ability to perform, the welder shall also demon- ’ as required by WB-4622.9(c)(8). strate the ability to deposit sound weld metal in the posi- tions required, using the same parameters and simulated (9) The weld area shall be maintained at a tempera- physical obstructions as are involved in the repair. ture of 450°F to 550°F (230°C to 290°C) for a minimum WB-4622.10 Repair Welds to Cladding After Final period of 2 hr after completion of the weld repair in Postweld Heat Treatment. Nonpostweld heat-treated P No. 1 materials. For P No. 3 materials, the holding time ‐ ‐ weld repairs may be made to P No. 8 or P No. 43 cladding ‐ ‐ shall be a minimum of 4 hr. of P No. 1 and P No. 3 material after final PWHT, provided ‐ ‐ (d) Examination of Repair Welds. The second (temper it is impossible or impractical to postweld heat treat the bead) layer shall be examined by the magnetic particle area after repair, and provided the requirements of the or liquid penetrant method. The completed weld shall following subparagraphs are met: have the weld reinforcement, including the final layer, re- (a) Maximum Extent of Repair. This procedure may be moved substantially flush with the surface prior to per- used with the base material exposed to a depth not great- forming the required nondestructive examination. The er than 1/4 in. (6 mm) or 10% of the base material thick- nondestructive examination shall be performed after the ness, whichever is less, nor to an individual area greater completed weld has been at ambient temperature for a than 100 in. 2 (65 000 mm 2 ). Areas with greater base ma- minimum period of 48 hr to detect the presence of possi- terial exposure depth shall be repaired in accordance ble delayed cracking of the weldment. The nondestructive with WB-4622.9 to within this limit before implementing examination of the repair welded and preheated region the cladding repair. shall be in accordance with WB-4453.4. In addition, all re- (b) Repair Welding Procedure . The welding procedure pairs shall be ultrasonically examined. All nondestructive shall be in accordance with Section IX and this Division, examination shall be in accordance with Article WB-5000. and shall include the requirements of (1) through (7) (e) Documentation of Weld Repairs. Documentation of below. weld repairs shall be in accordance with WB-4130, exclu- (1 ) The repairs shall be made using A No. 8 weld me- sive of the size requirements. ‐ tal (Section IX, Table QW-442) for P No. 8 cladding or (f) Welding Procedure Qualification Test Plate . The test ‐ F No. 43 weld metal (Section IX, Table QW-432) for either assembly materials for the welding procedure qualifica- ‐ P No. 8 or P No. 43 cladding. tion shall be of the same P Number and Group Number, ‐ ‐ (2) The manual shielded metal arc process shall be ‐ including a postweld heat treatment that is at least used for welding with a bead width not to exceed four equivalent to the time and temperature applied to the ma- times the electrode core diameter. terials being repaired. The depth of cavity in the test as- (3) All covered electrodes used for qualification test sembly shall be a minimum of one half the depth of and repair welding shall be from unopened, hermetically ‐ actual repair, but not less than 1 in. (25 mm). The test as- sembly thickness shall be a minimum of twice the depth sealed packages or heated ovens maintained between of cavity in the test assembly. The test assembly shall 225°F (105°C) and 350°F (175°C). Electrodes withdrawn be large enough to permit removal of the required test from hermetically sealed containers or ovens for longer specimens. In order to simulate the restraint that the than 8 hr shall be discarded, or baked once at the time weld metal will experience in the repair section of the and temperature recommended by the electrode manu- component, the test assembly dimensions surrounding facturer and placed immediately back into the holding the cavity shall be equal to the test assembly thickness, ovens. Electrodes exposed to the atmosphere for more but not less than 6 in. (150 mm). The qualification test than 8 hr after once being baked shall be discarded. plate shall be prepared in acco rdance with Figure (4) During the repair, the electrodes may be main- WB-4622.9(f)-1. tained in heated ovens in the repair area. The oven tem- perature shall be maintained between 225°F (105°C) and 350°F (175°C). Electrodes exposed to the atmosphere for more than 8 hr shall be discarded, or baked once at 106 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WB-4622.9(f)-1 Qualification Test Plate Discard Side bend specimen Reduced section specimen Side bend specimen Charpy V – Notch (HAZ) Plan view Charpy V – Notch (HAZ) Charpy V – Notch (HAZ) Side bend specimen Reduced section specimen Side bend specimen Charpy V – Notch (HAZ) 1 /8 in. 1 /32 in. (3 mm 0.8 mm) Fusion line 30 deg (max.) 3 /8 in. (1 0 mm) Elevation WB-4622.9(f) view 1 /2 in. (1 3 mm) min. Weld metal Heat-affected zone 107 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 the time and temperature recommended by the electrode WB-4622.11 Temper Bead Weld Repair to Dissimilar manufacturer and placed immediately back into the hold- Metal Welds or Buttering. Whenever PWHT is impracti- ing ovens. Electrodes exposed to the atmosphere for more cal or impossible, limited weld repairs to dissimilar metal than 8 hr after once being baked shall be discarded. welds of P No. 1 and P No. 3 material or weld filler metal ‐ ‐ (5) The weld area plus a band around the clad repair A No. 8 (Section IX, Table QW-442) or F No. 43 (Section ‐ ‐ of 1 1/2 times the component thickness or 5 in. (125 mm), IX, Table QW-432) may be made without PWHT or after whichever is less, shall be preheated and maintained at a the final PWHT provided the requirements of the follow- minimum temperature of 350°F (175°C) during welding. ing subparagraphs are met: The maximum interpass temperature shall be 450°F (a) Examination of Area to Be Repaired. Before repair, (230°C). Thermocouples and recording instruments shall the area shall be examined by either the magnetic particle be used to monitor the process temperatures. Their re- or liquid penetrant method in accordance with Article moval shall be in accordance with WB-4435. WB-5000. (6) All areas of the base material on which weld me- (b) Maxim um Exten t of Repair. Repairs made to this tal is to be deposited shall be covered with a single layer paragraph are limited to those along the fusion line of a of weld deposit using 3/32 in. (2.5 mm) diameter electrode, nonferritic weld to ferritic base material where 1/8 in. followed by a minimum of one layer of weld deposit using (3 mm) or less of nonferritic weld deposit exists above 1 /8 in. (3 mm) diameter electrode. Subsequent layers may the original fusion line after defect removal. If the defect be deposited with electrode no larger than 5/32 in. (4 mm). penetrates into the ferritic base material, repair of the The weld bead crown surface of the first layer shall be re- base material may be performed in accordance with moved by grinding. WB-4622.11 provided the depth of repair in the base ma- (7) After completion of welding, the weld area shall terial does not exceed 3/8 in. (10 mm). The repairs to a be maintained at a temperature of 45 0 °F to 5 5 0 °F completed joint shall not exceed one half the joint thick- ‐ (230°C to 290°C) for a period of 2 hr for P No. 1 material ‐ ness. The surface of the completed repair shall not exceed and 4 hr for P No. 3 material. ‐ 100 in. 2 (65 000 mm 2 ). (c) Exam ination of Repair Welds. The weld repair as (c) Repair Welding Procedure . The welding procedure well as the preheated band shall be examined by the li- and welder qualification shall meet all of the require- quid penetrant method. All nondestructive examination ments of Section IX and the additional requirements of shall be in accordance with Article WB-5000. this Article. In addition, the Welding Procedure Specifica- (d) Documentation of Weld Repairs. Documentation of tion shall include the following requirements. weld repairs shall be in accordance with WB-4130, exclu- (1 ) The area to be repaired shall be suitably prepared sive of the size requirements. for welding in accordance with the written procedure to (e) Welding Procedure Qualification Test Plate be used for the repair. (1 ) The test assembly material for the welding proce- (2) The weld metal shall be deposited by the shielded dure qualification test shall be of the same P Number and ‐ metal arc welding process (SMAW) using A No. 8 weld ‐ Group Number, including a postweld heat treatment that metal (Section IX, Table QW-442) for P No. 8 to P No. 1 ‐ ‐ is at least equivalent to the time and temperature of that or P No. 3 weld joints or F No. 43 weld metal (Section ‐ ‐ applied to the material being repaired. If the repair in- IX, Table QW-43 2 ) for either P No. 8 or P No. 43 to ‐ ‐ volves two different P Number or Group Number materi- ‐ P No. 1 or P No. 3 weld joints. The maximum bead width ‐ ‐ als, the test assembly shall duplicate the combination. shall be four times the electrode core diameter. (2) The test assembly base material shall be at least (3) All covered electrodes used for qualification test 1 2 in. (3 00 mm) by 1 2 in. (300 mm) , 2 in. (50 mm) and repair welding shall be from unopened, hermetically min. thickness, with a clad surface area of at least 8 in. sealed packages or heated ovens maintained between (200 mm) by 8 in. (200 mm), in the area from which 225°F (105°C) and 350°F (175°C). Electrodes withdrawn the bend test specimens will be removed. from hermetically sealed containers or ovens for longer (3) The qualification test plate assembly shall be pre- than 8 hr shall be discarded, or baked once at the time pared and tested in accordance with the requirements of and temperature recommended by the electrode manu- Section IX. The guided bend test acceptance standards de- facturer and placed immediately back into the holding scribed in Section IX for cladding shall also be applicable ovens. Electrodes exposed to the atmosphere for more to the HAZ of the base material. than 8 hr after once being baked shall be discarded. (f) Performance Qualifications. If the repair weld is to (4) During the repair, the electrode may be main- be performed where physical obstructions impair the tained in heated ovens in the repair area. The oven tem- welder s ability to perform, the welder shall also demon- ’ perature shall be maintained between 225°F (105°C) strate the ability to deposit sound weld metal in the posi- and 350°F (175°C). Electrodes exposed to the atmosphere tions required, using the same parameters and simulated for more than 8 hr shall be discarded, or baked once at physical obstructions as are involved in the repair. the time and temperature recommended by the electrode 108 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 manufacturer and placed immediately back into the hold- (e) Documentation of Weld Repairs. Documentation of ing ovens. Electrodes exposed to the atmosphere for more weld repairs shall be in accordance with WB-4130, exclu- than 8 hr after once being baked shall be discarded. sive of the size requirements. (5) The weld area plus a band around the weld repair (f) Welding Procedure Qualification Test Plate. The test of 1 1/2 times the component thickness or 5 in. (125 mm), assembly materials for the welding procedure qualifica- whichever is less, shall be preheated and maintained at a tion shall be of the same P Number and Group Number, ‐ minimum temperature of 350°F (175°C) during welding. including a postweld heat treatment that is at least The maximum interpass temperature shall be 450°F equivalent to the time and temperature applied to the ma- (230°C). Thermocouples and recording instruments shall terials being repaired. The depth of cavity in the test as- be used to monitor the metal temperature during weld- sembly shall be a minimum of one half the depth of ‐ ing. Their removal shall be in accordance with WB-4435. actual repair but not less than 1 in. (25 mm). The test as- (6) All areas of the ferritic base material, exposed or sembly thickness shall be a minimum of twice the depth not, on which weld metal is to be deposited, shall be cov- of cavity in the test assembly. The test assembly shall ered with a single layer of weld deposit using 3/3 2 in. be large enough to permit removal of the required test (2.5 mm) diameter electrode. The weld bead crown sur- specimens. In order to simulate the restraint that the face shall be removed by grinding before depositing the weld metal will experience in the repaired section of second layer. The second layer shall be deposited with the component, the test assembly dimensions surround- 1 ing the cavity shall be equal to the test assembly thick- /8 in. (3 mm) diameter electrode. Subsequent layers may be deposited with 5/32 in. (4 mm)maximum diameter ness, but not less than 6 in. (150 mm). The qualification electrode. The techniques described in this paragraph test plate shall be prepared in accordance with Figure shall be duplicated in the procedure qualification. [See WB-4622.9(f)-1. Figure WB-4622.11(c)(6)-1.] (g) Performance Qualifications. If the repair weld is to 3 (7) After at least /1 6 in. (5 mm) of weld metal has be performed where physical constructions impair the been deposited, the preheated area as defined in (5) welder s ability to perform, the welder shall also demon- ’ ab o ve s hal l b e mai ntained in the range o f 45 0 ° F strate the ability to deposit sound weld metal in the posi- to 550°F (230°C to 290°C) for 4 hr as a minimum. tions required, using the same parameters and simulated (8) Subsequent to the above heat treatment, the bal- physical obstructions as are involved in the repair. ance of the welding may be performed at a minimum pre- heat temperature of 100°F (40°C) and at a maximum WB-4623 PWHT Heating and Cooling Rate interpass temperature of 350°F (175°C). Requirements (d) Examination of Repair Areas Above 800°F (425°C) the rate of heating and cooling in (1 ) After the heat treatment specifiedin (c)(7) above any hourly interval shall not exceed 400°F (220°C) di- has been completed, the repaired area shall be examined vided by the maximum thickness in inches of the material by the liquid penetrant method. being heat treated, but shall not exceed 400°F (220°C) (2) The repaired area and the preheated band as de- and need not be less than 100°F (55°C) in any hourly in- fined in (c)(5) above shall be examined by the liquid pen- terval. During the heating and cooling period there shall etrant method after the completed weld has been at not be a greater variation in temperature than 250°F ambient temperature for a minimum of 48 hr. The re- (140°C) within any 15 ft (4.5 m) interval of weld length. paired region shall be examined by the radiographic method and, if practical, by the ultrasonic method. WB-4624 Methods of Postweld Heat Treatment (3) For repairs to partial penetration welds, the The postweld heat treatment shall be performed in ac- radiographic and ultrasonic examinations specified in cordance with the requirements of one of the following (2) above need not be performed, if meaningful results subparagraphs. cannot be obtained. For these cases, liquid penetrant ex- amination only shall be performed. For weld repair — WB-4624.1 Furnace Heating One Heat. Heating depths approximately 3/16 in. (5 mm), liquid penetrant ex- the item in a closed furnace in one heat is the preferred amination shall be performed at the time specified in (2) procedure and should be used whenever practical. The above. For weld repair depths greater than 3/1 6 in. furnace atmosphere shall be controlled so as to avoid ex- (5 mm), liquid penetrant examination shall be performed cessive oxidation and direct impingement of flame on the after approximately 3/16 in. (5 mm) thickness has been de- containment is prohibited. posited and the post heat specified in (c)(7) above has WB-4624.2 Furnace Heating — More Than One been completed. Additional incremental deposit thick- Heat. The item may be heated in more than one heat in nesses shall be liquid penetrant examined in accordance a furnace, provided the furnace atmosphere control re- with WB-5245. The final weld surface shall be liquid pen- quirements of WB-4624.1 apply and overlap of the heated etrant examined at the time specified in (2) above. sections of the component or item is at least 5 ft (1.5 m). (4) All nondestructive examination shall be in accor- When this procedure is used, the portion of the compo- dance with Article WB-5000. nent or item outside the furnace shall be shielded so that 109 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WB-4622.11(c)(6)-1 Temper Bead Weld Repair and Weld Temper Bead Reinforcement of Dissimilar Metal Welds or Buttering 3 / in. (1 0 mm) maximum axial depth into the original base material for 8 repair to WB-4622.1 1 . Greater depths shall be repaired to WB-4622.9 to the 3 /8 in. (1 0 mm) level before implementing the WB-4622.1 1 repair. 1/T max. 2 depth Step 1 : Prepare cavity and determine axial depth into ferritic base material. Nonferritic Ferritic base material base material Step 2: Butter cavity with one layer of weld metal using 3 /32 in. (2.5 mm) diameter coated electrode. Nonferritic Ferritic base material base material Step 3: Remove the weld bead crown of the first layer by grinding. Nonferritic Ferritic base material base material Reinforcement weld Temper bead layer Step 4: The second layer shall be deposited with a 1 /8 in. (3 mm) diameter electrode. Subsequent layer shall be deposited with welding electrodes no larger than 5 /32 in. (4.0 mm) diameter. Bead deposition shall be performed in the manner as shown. Particular care shall be taken in the Nonferritic Ferritic application of the temper bead reinforcement weld at base material base material the tie-in point with the ferritic material as well as its removal to ensure that the base metal and the deposited weld metal are tempered and the resulting surface is substantially flush. 110 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 the temp erature gradient is no t harmful. The cro s s WB-4700 M ECH AN I CAL J OI N TS section where the containment projects from the furnace WB-4710 BO LTI N G AN D TH READI N G s h a l l n o t i n te r s e c t a n o z z l e o r o th e r s tr u c tu r a l discontinuity. WB-4711 Th read En g ag em en t W B - 4 6 24 . 3 L o cal H e at i n g . Welds may be locally The threads of all bolts or studs shall be engaged in ac- postweld heat treated when it is not practical to heat treat cordance with the design. the entire component or item. Local postweld heat treat- ment s hall consist o f heating a circumferential b and WB-4712 Th read Lu bri can ts around the containment at temperature within the ranges Any lubricant or compound used in threaded j oints specified in this subarticle. The minimum width of the shall be suitable for the service conditions and shall not controlled band at each side of the weld, on the face of react unfavorably with either the service fluid or any con- the greatest weld width, shall be the thickness of the weld tainment material in the system. or 2 in. (50 mm) , whichever is less. The temperature of the component or item from the edge of the controlled WB-4713 Rem oval of Th read Lu bri can ts band outward shall be gradually diminished so as to avoid All threading lubricants or compounds shall be re- harmful thermal gradients. This procedure may also be moved from surfaces which are to be seal welded. used for postweld heat treatment after repairs. WB- 4624. 4 The contain- H eati n g I tem s I n tern ally. WB-472 0 BOLTI N G FLAN G ED J OI N TS ment may be heated internally by any appropriate means In bolting gasketed flanged joints, the contact faces of and with adequate indicating and recording temperature the flanges shall bear uniformly on the gasket and the gas- devices to aid in the control and maintenance of a uniform ket shall be properly compressed in accordance with the distribution of temperature in the containment. Previous design principles applicable to the type of gasket used. All to this operation, the item should be fully enclosed with flanged j oints shall be made up with relatively uniform insulating material. bolt stress. WB-46 30 H EAT TREATM EN T OF WELDS OTH ER TH AN TH E FI N AL POSTWELD H EAT TREATM EN T The holding temperature, the time at temperature, the heating rate, and the cooling rate need not conform to the requirements of this Article for heat treatments other than the final postweld heat treatment. 111 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WB-5 000 EXAM I N ATI ON WB-5100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS FOR WB-5113 Post- Exam i n ati on Clean i n g EXAM I N ATI ON Following any nondestructive examination in which ex- amination materials are applied to the piece, the piece WB-5110 PROCEDU RES, QU ALI FI CATI ON S, AN D shall be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with applicable EVALU ATI O N material or procedure specifications. WB-5111 G en eral Req u i rem en ts Nondestructive examinations shall be conducted in ac- WB-512 0 TI M E OF EXAM I N ATI ON OF WELDS cordance with the examination methods of Section V, ex- AN D WELD M ETAL CLADDI N G cept as they may be modified by the requirements of this Article. Radiographic examination shall be performed in Acceptance examinations of welds and weld metal clad- accordance with Section V, Article 2, except that fluores- ding required by WB-5200 shall be performed at the cent screens are not permitted for film radiography, the times stipulated in (a) through (f) below during fabrica- geometric unsharpness shall not exceed the limits of Sec- tion and installation. tion V, Article 2, T-274.2, and the image quality indicators (a) Radiographic examination of welds shall be per- (IQIs) of Table WB-5111-1 shall be used in lieu of those formed after an intermediate 12 or final postweld heat shown in Section V, Article 2, Table T-276. The require- treatment, when required, except that radiographic exam- ments for the retention of electronic and digital radio- ination of welds in containments fabricated of P ‐ No. 1 or graphic images are the same as that for radiographic P ‐ No. 3 materials may be performed prior to an inter- film. Ultrasonic examination shall be in accordance with mediate or final postweld heat treatment, provided the Section V, Article 4; magnetic particle examination shall welds are ultrasonically examined after an intermediate be in accordance with Section V, Article 7; and liquid pen- or final postweld heat treatment. The ultrasonic examina- etrant examination shall be in accordance with Section V, tion and acceptance standards shall be in accordance with Article 6. The examinations required by this Article, or by this Article. reference to this Article, shall be performed by personnel (b) Magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examinations who have been qualified as required by this Article. The of welds shall be performed after any required postweld results of the examinations shall be evaluated in accor- heat treatment, except that welds in P ‐ No. 1 material may dance with the acceptance standards of this Article. be examined either b efo re o r after po s tweld heat treatment. (c) All dissimilar metal weld joints, such as in austenitic WB-5112 N on d estru cti ve Exam i n ati on or high nickel to ferritic material, or using austenitic or Proced u res high nickel alloy filler metal to join ferritic materials All nondestructive examinations required by this which penetrate the wall, shall be examined after final Article shall be performed in accordance with detailed postweld heat treatment. written procedures which have been proven by actual de- (d) The magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examina- monstration to the satisfaction of the Inspector. The pro- tion of weld surfaces that are to be covered with weld me- cedures shall comply with the appropriate Article of tal cladding shall be performed before the weld metal Section V for the particular examination method. The di- cladding is deposited. The magnetic particle or liquid pen- gitization of radiographic film and radioscopic images etrant examination of weld surfaces that are not accessi- shall meet the requirements of Section V, Article 2, Man- ble after a postweld heat treatment shall be performed datory Appendix III, “ Digital Image Acquisition, Display, prior to the operation which caused this inaccessibility. and Storage for Radiography and Radioscopy.” Written These examinations may be performed before PWHT. procedures and records of demonstration of procedure (e) Weld metal cladding shall be examined after either capability and personnel qualification shall be made avail- an intermediate 12 or final postweld heat treatment, ex- able to the Inspector on request. At least one copy of the cept the examination of weld metal cladding on P ‐ Nos. 1 procedure shall be readily available to all applicable non- and 3 materials may be performed before or after the destructive examination personnel for reference and use. intermediate 12 or final postweld heat treatment. 112 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WB-5111-1 Th i ckn ess, I QI Desi g n ati on s, Essen ti al H oles, an d Wi re Di am eters U.S. Customary Units Single Wall IQI(s) — Hole or Wire Type [Note (1)] Material Source Side Film Side Thickness Hole Essential Required Wire Hole Essential Required Wire Range, in. Designation Size Hole Diameter IQI — Designation Size Hole Diameter — IQI Up to 0.25 incl. 5 0.040 4 T 0.006 5 0.040 4 T 0.006 Over 1/4 – 3/8 7 0.040 4 T 0.006 7 0.040 4 T 0.006 Over 3/8 – 1/2 10 0.040 4 T 0.010 10 0.040 4 T 0.010 Over 1/2 – 5/8 12 0.050 4 T 0.013 12 0.050 4 T 0.013 Over 5/8 – 3/4 15 0.060 4 T 0.016 12 0.050 4 T 0.013 Over 3/4 – 1 20 0.040 2 T 0.016 17 0.035 2 T 0.013 Over 1 – 1 1/4 25 0.050 2 T 0.020 17 0.035 2 T 0.013 Over 1 1/4– 1 1/2 30 0.060 2 T 0.025 20 0.040 2 T 0.016 Over 1 1/2 – 2 35 0.070 2 T 0.032 25 0.050 2 T 0.020 Over 2 – 2 1/2 40 0.080 2 T 0.040 30 0.060 2 T 0.025 Over 2 1/2 – 3 45 0.090 2 T 0.040 35 0.070 2 T 0.032 Over 3 –4 50 0.100 2 T 0.050 40 0.080 2 T 0.040 Over 4–6 60 0.120 2 T 0.063 45 0.090 2 T 0.040 Over 6–8 80 0.160 2 T 0.100 50 0.100 2 T 0.050 Over 8 – 10 100 0.200 2 T 0.126 60 0.120 2 T 0.063 Over 10 – 12 120 0.240 2 T 0.160 80 0.160 2 T 0.100 Over 12 – 16 160 0.320 2 T 0.250 100 0.200 2 T 0.126 Over 16 – 20 200 0.400 2 T 0.320 120 0.240 2 T 0.160 SI Units Single Wall IQI(s) — Hole or Wire Type [Note (1)] Material Source Side Film Side Thickness Hole Essential Required Wire Hole Essential Required Wire Range, mm Designation Size Hole Diameter IQI — Designation Size Hole Diameter — IQI Up to 6 incl. 5 1.02 4 T 0.15 5 1.02 4 T 0.15 Over 6 – 10 7 1.02 4 T 0.15 7 1.02 4 T 0.15 Over 10 – 13 10 1.02 4 T 0.25 10 1.02 4 T 0.25 Over 13 – 16 12 1.27 4 T 0.33 12 1.27 4 T 0.33 Over 16 – 19 15 1.52 4 T 0.41 12 1.27 4 T 0.33 Over 19 – 25 20 1.02 2 T 0.41 17 0.89 2 T 0.33 Over 25 – 32 25 1.27 2 T 0.51 17 0.89 2 T 0.33 Over 32 – 38 30 1.52 2 T 0.64 20 1.02 2 T 0.41 Over 38 – 50 35 1.78 2 T 0.81 25 1.27 2 T 0.51 Over 50 – 64 40 2.03 2 T 1.02 30 1.52 2 T 0.64 Over 64 – 75 45 2.29 2 T 1.02 35 1.78 2 T 0.81 Over 75 – 100 50 2.54 2 T 1.27 40 2.03 2 T 1.02 Over 100 – 150 60 3.05 2 T 1.60 45 2.29 2 T 1.02 Over 150 – 200 80 4.06 2 T 2.54 50 2.54 2 T 1.27 Over 200 – 250 100 5.08 2 T 3.20 60 3.05 2 T 1.60 Over 250 – 300 120 6.10 2 T 4.06 80 4.06 2 T 2.54 Over 300 – 400 160 8.13 2 T 6.35 100 5.08 2 T 3.20 Over 400 – 500 200 10.16 2 T 8.13 120 6.10 2 T 4.06 NOTE: (1) Hole (plaque) type IQIs may be used on flat plates and on objects with geometries such that the IQI hole image is not distorted. 113 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (f) All of the joints in austenitic stainless steel and non- WB-5200 REQU I RED EXAM I N ATI ON OF ferrous material shall be examined by the liquid pene- WELDS trant method after an intermediate or final postweld heat treatment, if any, is performed. WB-52 10 CATEG O RY A WELDED J OI N TS Category A welded joints in containments shall be ex- amined by the radiographic and either the liquid pene- WB-513 0 EXAM I N ATI ON OF WELD EDG E trant or magnetic particle method. PREPARATI ON SU RFACES WB-52 2 0 CATEG ORY B WELDED J OI N TS All full penetration weld edge preparation surfaces for joint Categories A, B, C, D, and similar joints in material Category B welded joints in containments shall be ex- 2 in. (50 mm) or more in thickness shall be examined amined by the radiographic and either the liquid pene- by the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method. Indi- trant or magnetic particle method. cations shall be evaluated in accordance with the accep- tance standards of (a), (b), and (c) below. WB-52 30 CATEG O RY C WELDED J O I N TS (a) Only indications with major dimensions greater WB-52 31 G en eral Req u i rem en ts than 1/1 6 in. (1 .5 mm) shall be considered relevant (a) Category C full penetration butt-welded joints in imperfections. containments shall be examined by the radiographic (b) Laminar‐ type imperfections are acceptable without and either the liquid penetrant or magnetic particle repair if they do not exceed 1 in. (25 mm) in length. The method. extent of all laminar‐ type imperfections exceeding 1 in. (b) Category C full penetration corner-welded joints in (25 mm) in length shall be determined by ultrasonic ex- containments shall be ultrasonically or radiographically amination. Imperfections exceeding 1 in. (25 mm) in examined and either liquid penetrant or magnetic particle length shall be repaired by welding to a depth of 3/8 in. examined. (10 mm) or the depth of the imperfection, whichever is (c) Type 2 Category C full penetration corner-welded less, unless the ultrasonic examination reveals that addi- joints similar to Figure WB-4243-1 sketches (c) and (d) tional depth of repair is required to meet the ultrasonic also require the fusion zone and the parent metal beneath examination requirement for the product form. the attachment surface to be ultrasonically examined after welding to verify freedom from lack of fusion and la- (c) Indications of nonlaminar imperfections of (1) minar defects. through (3) below are unacceptable: (1 ) any linear indications greater than 3/16 in. (5 mm) WB-5240 CATEG O RY D WELDED J OI N TS long; WB-5241 G en eral Req u i rem en ts (2) rounded indications with dimensions greater than 3/16 in. (5 mm); All Category D welded joints in containments shall be examined as stated in the following paragraphs. (3) four or more indications, in a line separated by 1 /16 in. (1.5 mm) or less, edge to edge. WB-5242 Fu ll Pen etrati on Bu tt-Weld ed N ozzles (d) Weld repairs made to weld edge preparations for Category A, B, C, D, or similar type welds shall be exam- Nozzles attached by full penetration butt-welded joints ined by the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method as shown in Figure WB-4244(a)-1 shall be examined by before the surfaces become inaccessible. The examination the radiographic and either the liquid penetrant or mag- may b e p erfo rmed b efo re o r after p o s tweld heat netic particle method. treatment. WB-5243 Corn er-Weld ed N ozzles Full penetration corner-welded nozzles in contain- WB-5140 EXAM I N ATI ON O F ADJ ACEN T BASE ments as shown in Figure WB-4244(b)-1 shall be exam- M ATERI AL ined b y either the ultras o nic o r the radio grap hic method, and either the liquid penetrant or magnetic par- When performing the surface examinations of weld ticle method. If radiographed, the weld fusion zone and joint Categories A, B, C, and D as required by WB-5200, the parent metal beneath the weld for details shown in the external and accessible internal weld surfaces and ad- Figure WB-4244(b)-1 sketches (a) and (b) and the weld jacent base material for at least 1/2 in. (13 mm) on each fusion zone and parent material beneath the attachment side of the weld shall be included in the examination. Ac- surface for details shown in Figure WB -42 44(b) -1 ceptance standards for the weld shall be as stated in this sketches (c), (d), (e), and (g) shall be ultrasonically exam- Article while the acceptance standards for base material ined after welding to assure freedom from lack of fusion shall be as stated in WB-2500. and laminar defects. 114 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WB-5244 Weld M etal Bu i ld u p at Open i n g s for WB-5279 Speci al Excepti on s N ozzles When the joint detail, or environmental conditions (i.e., When weld metal buildup is made to a surface as background radiation), does not permit radiographic ex- shown in Step 1 of Figure WB-4244(c)-1, the weld metal amination to be performed in accordance with this buildup and the parent metal beneath the weld metal Article, ultrasonic examination plus liquid penetrant or buildup shall be ultrasonically examined. The parent ma- magnetic particle examination of the completed weld terial beneath the weld metal buildup shall be ultrasoni- may be substituted for the radiographic examination. cally examined to detect laminar defects after weld The absence of suitable radiographic equipment shall metal buildup. Nozzles may then be attached by a full pen- not be justification for such substitution. The substitution etration weld as shown in Step 2 of Figure WB-4244(c)-1. of ultrasonic examination can be made, provided the ex- The full penetration butt-welded joint shall be examined amination is performed using a detailed written proce- by either the ultrasonic or radiographic method, and dure which has been proven by actual demonstration to either the liquid penetrant or magnetic particle method the satisfaction of the Inspector as capable of detecting and the weld metal buildup shall be examined by either and locating defects described in this Division. The non- the magnetic particle or liquid-penetrant method. destructive examination shall be in accordance with WB - 5 1 1 0 an d m e e t the acce p tan ce s tan dard s o f WB-5245 Parti al Pen etrati on Weld ed J oi n ts WB-5300. Partial penetration welded j oints, as permitted in WB-3252.4(b), and as shown in Figure WB-4244(d)-1, shall have the surface of the finished welded joint exam- WB-5300 ACCEPTAN CE STAN DARDS ined by either the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method. WB-532 0 RADI OG RAPH I C ACCEPTAN CE STAN DARDS WB-526 0 FI LLET, PARTI AL PEN ETRATI O N , Indications shown on the radiographs of welds and SO CKET, AN D ATTACH M EN T WELDED characterized as imperfections are unacceptable under J OI N TS the following conditions: WB-526 1 Fi llet, Parti al Pen etrati on , an d Socket (a) any indication characterized as a crack or zone of Weld ed J oi n ts incomplete fusion or penetration; Fillet and partial penetration welded joints, except for (b) any indication characterized as incomplete penetra- nonstructural attachments (WB-1 13 2 .1 ) , and socket tion or incomplete fusion, except that such indications in welds shall be examined by the magnetic particle or liquid welds between P ‐ 8 metals that were made using GTAW or penetrant method. SMAW in which the deposit analysis in A‐ 8 or A‐ 9 are ac- ceptable provided they do not exceed the length in (c). WB-526 2 Stru ctu ral Attach m en t Weld ed J oi n ts (c) any other elongated indication which has a length Structural attachment welded joints made to contain- greater than: 1 3 ment material shall be examined by either the magnetic (1 ) /4 in. (6 mm) for t up to /4 in. (19 mm), inclusive 1 3 1 particle or liquid penetrant method. (2) /3 t for t from /4 in. to 2 /4 in. (19 mm to 57 mm), inclusive 3 1 WB-5270 SPECI AL WELDED J O I N TS (3) /4 in. (19 mm) for t over 2 /4 in. (57 mm) WB-5272 Weld M etal Clad d i n g where t is the thickness of the thinner portion of the weld; Weld metal cladding shall be examined by the liquid (d) internal root weld conditions are acceptable when penetrant method. the density change or image brightness difference as indi- cated in the radiograph is not abrupt; elongated indica- WB-5273 H ard Su rfaci n g ti o n s o n th e r a d i o gr a p h a t e i th e r e d ge o f s u c h Hard surfacing weld metal shall be examined by the li- conditions shall be unacceptable, as provided in (c) quid penetrant method in accordance with WB-2546, and above; the acceptance standards applicable to materials less than (e) any group of aligned indications having an aggre- 5 /8 in. (16 mm) thick shall apply. gate length greater than t in a length of 12 t , unless the minimum distance between successive indications ex- WB-5277 Electron Beam Weld s ceeds 6 L , in which case the aggregate length is unlimited, In addition to the requirements for the type of weld L being the length of the largest indication; being examined, all complete penetration welds made (f) rounded indications in excess of that shown as ac- by the electron beam welding process shall be ultrasoni- ceptable in Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix cally examined. VI. 115 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WB-5330 U LTRASON I C ACCEPTAN CE (3) four or more rounded indications in a line sepa- STAN DARDS rated by 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) or less edge to edge; (4) ten or more rounded indications in any 6 in. 2 All imperfections that produce a response greater than 20% of the reference level shall be investigated to the ex- (4 000 mm 2 ) of surface with the major dimension of this tent that the operator can determine the shape, identity, area not to exceed 6 in. (150 mm) with the area taken in and location of all such imperfections and evaluate them the most unfavorable location relative to the indications in terms of the acceptance standards given in (a) and (b) being evaluated. below. WB-5350 LI QU I D PEN ETRAN T ACCEPTAN CE (a) Imperfections are unacceptable if the indications STAN DARDS exceed the reference level amplitude and have lengths exceeding: WB-5351 Evalu ati on of I n d i cati on s (1 ) 1/4 in. (6 mm) for t up to 3/4 in. (19 mm), inclusive (a) Mechanical discontinuities at the surface are re- (2) 1/3 t for t from 3/4 in. to 2 1/4 in. (19 mm to 57 mm), vealed by bleeding out of the penetrant; however, local- inclusive ized surface discontinuities, such as may occur from (3) 3/4 in. (19 mm) for t over 2 1/4 in. (57 mm) machining marks, surface conditions, or an incomplete where t is the thickness of the weld being examined; if bond between base metal and cladding, may produce sim- a weld joins two members having different thicknesses at ilar indications which are nonrelevant. the weld, t is the thinner of these two thicknesses. (b) Any indication which is believed to be nonrelevant (b) Indications characterized as cracks, lack of fusion, shall be reexamined to verify whether or not actual de- or incomplete penetration are unacceptable regardless fects are present. Surface conditioning may precede the of length. reexamination. Nonrelevant indications and broad areas o f p i gm e n ta ti o n wh i c h wo u l d m a s k d e fe c ts a re WB-5340 M AG N ETI C PARTI CLE ACCEPTAN CE unacceptable. STAN DARDS (c) Relevant indications are indications which result WB-5341 Evalu ati on of I n d i cati on s from imperfections. Linear indications are indications in which the length is more than three times the width. (a) Mechanical discontinuities at the surface are re- Rounded indications are indications which are circular vealed by the retention of the examination medium. All in- or elliptical with the length equal to or less than three dications are not necessarily defects, however, since times the width. certain metallurgical discontinuities and magnetic perme- ability variations may produce similar indications which WB-5352 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s are not relevant. (b) Any indication that is believed to be nonrelevant (a) Only imperfections producing indications with ma- shall be reexamined by the same or other nondestructive jor dimensions greater than 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) shall be con- examination methods to verify whether or not actual de- sidered relevant imperfections. fects are present. Surface conditioning may precede the (b) Imperfections producing the following indications reexamination. After an indication has been verified to are unacceptable: be nonrelevant, it is not necessary to reinvestigate repeti- (1 ) any cracks or linear indications; tive nonrelevant indications of the same type. Nonrele- (2) rounded indications with dimensions greater va n t i n d i c a ti o n s th a t w o u l d m a s k d e fe c ts a r e than 3/16 in. (5 mm); unacceptable. (3) four or more rounded indications in a line sepa- (c) Relevant indications are indications which result rated by 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) or less edge to edge; from imperfections. Linear indications are indications in (4) ten or more rounded indications in any 6 in. 2 which the length is more than three times the width. (4 000 mm 2 ) of surface with the major dimension of this Rounded indications are indications which are circular area not to exceed 6 in. (150 mm) with the area taken in or elliptical with the length equal to or less than three the most unfavorable location relative to the indications times the width. being evaluated. WB-5342 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s WB-5400 FI N AL EXAM I N ATI ON OF (a) Only imperfections producing indications with ma- CON TAI N M EN TS jor dimensions greater than 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) shall be con- sidered relevant imperfections. WB-5410 EXAM I N ATI ON AFTER H YDROSTATI C (b) Imperfections producing the following indications TEST are unacceptable: After the pressure testing of a containment, all weld (1 ) any cracks and linear indications; joints and heat-affected zones of Categories A, B, C, and (2) rounded indications with dimensions greater D, used to join ferritic material and repair welds in ferritic than 3/16 in. (5 mm); material that exceed in depth either 3/8 in. (10 mm) or 116 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 10% of the section thickness, whichever is less, shall be (3) The number of hours of training and experience examined when physically accessible by the magnetic for nondestructive examination personnel who perform particle or liquid penetrant method. only one operation of a nondestructive examination method that consists of more than one operation, or per- form nondestructive examination of limited scope, may WB-55 00 QU ALI FI CATI ON S AN D be less than that recommended in Table 6.3.1 A of SNT ‐ CERTI FI CATI ON OF TC 1A. The time of training and experience shall be de- ‐ N ON DESTRU CTI VE EXAM I N ATI ON scribed in the written practice, and any limitations or re- PERSON N EL strictions placed on the certification shall be described in the written practice and on the certificate. WB-5510 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS The minimum classroom training times for visual ex- Organizations performing Code required nondestruc- amination personnel identified in Table 6.3.1 A of SNT- tive examinations shall use personnel competent and TC-1A for Level II certification may be reduced from knowledgeable to the degree specified by WB-552 0. 16 hr to 8 hr. When these services are subcontracted by the Certificate (4) For the near-vision acuity examination, the Jaeger Holder or Quality System Certificate Holder, he shall ver- Number 1 letters shall be used in lieu of the Jaeger Num- ify the qualification of personnel to the requirements of ber 2 letters specified in paragraph 8.2.1 of SNT TC 1A. ‐ ‐ WB-5520. All nondestructive examinations required by The use of equivalent type and size letters is permitted. this Subsection shall be performed by and the results (5) An NDE Level I individual shall be qualified to evaluated by qualified nondestructive examination properly perform specific setups, specific calibrations, personnel. specific NDE, and specific evaluations for acceptance or rejection determinations according to written instruc- WB-552 0 PERSON N EL QU ALI FI CATI ON , tions, and to record results. The NDE Level I individual CERTI FI CATI O N , AN D VERI FI CATI ON shall receive the necessary instruction and supervision WB-552 1 Qu ali fi cati on Proced u re from a certified NDE Level II or Level III individual. A Lev- (a) Personnel performing nondestructive examinations el I individual may independently accept the results of shall be qualified in accordance with the recommended nondestructive examinations when the specific accep- guidelines of SNT TC 1A. 13, 14 The ACCP Level II and III ‐ ‐ tance criteria are defined in the written instructions. provisions for qualification and certification and the (b) For nondestructive examination methods not cov- ASNT administered Level II certification provision for ered by SNT TC 1A documents, personnel shall be quali- ‐ ‐ qualification and certification of NDE Personnel shall fied to comparable levels of competency by subjection not be used for Section III. The Employer s 15 written prac- ’ to comparable examinations on the particular method tice, required by paragraph 5 of SNT TC 1A, shall identify ‐ ‐ involved. the requirements relative to the recommended guide- (c) The emphasis shall be on the individual s ability to ’ lines. The recommended guidelines of SNT TC 1A shall ‐ ‐ perform the nondestructive examination in accordance be considered as minimum requirements, except as mod- wi th th e a p p l i c a b l e p ro ce d u r e fo r th e i n te n d e d ified in (1) through (5) below. application. (1 ) Qualification of Level III nondestructive examina- (d) For nondestructive examination methods that con- tion personnel shall be by examination. sist of more than one operation or type, it is permissible (-a) The basic and method examinations, para- to use personnel qualified to perform one or more opera- graphs 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 of SNT TC 1A, may be prepared ‐ ‐ tions. As an example, one person may be used who is and administered by Employer, 1 5 ASNT, or an outside qualified to conduct radiographic examination and an- agency. other may be used who is qualified to interpret and eval- (-b) The specific examination, paragraph 8.8.3 of uate the radiographic film. SNT TC 1A, shall be prepared and administered by the ‐ ‐ Employer or an outside agency. The Employer or outside agency administering the specific examination shall iden- WB-552 2 Certi fi cati on of Person n el tify the minimum grade requirement in the written pro- gram when the basic and method examinations have (a) The Employer retains responsibility for the ade- been administered by ASNT, which issues grades on a quacy of the program and is responsible for certification pass/fail basis. In this case, the minimum grade for the o f Levels I , I I , and I I I nondestructive examination specific examination may not be less than 80%. personnel. (2) The written practice identified in paragraph 5 of (b) When ASNT is the outside agency administering SNT TC 1A and the procedures used for examination of ‐ ‐ t h e L e v e l I I I b a s i c a n d m e th o d e x a m i n a t i o n s personnel shall be referenced in the Employer s Quality ’ [WB-5521(a)(1)(-a)], the Employer may use a letter from Program. ASNT as evidence on which to base the certification. 117 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (c) When an outside agency is the examining agent for and qualified by them in accordance with WA-3 820 and Level III qualification of the Employer s personnel, the ex- ’ subcontractors who provide nondestructive examination amination results shall be included with the Employer s ’ services to them. record. WB-5530 RECORDS WB-5523 Verification of Nondestructive Personnel qualification records identified in paragraph Examination Personnel Certification 9.4 of SNT TC 1A shall be retained by the Employer. ‐ ‐ The Certificate Holder has the responsibility to verify the qualification and certification of nondestructive ex- amination personnel employed by Material Organizations 118 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WB-6 000 TESTI N G WB-6100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS WB-6123. 2 The containment M ateri al Pressu re Test. test may be used in lieu of any pressure test required by WB-6110 SCOPE the material specification for material used in the contain- (a) This Article contains the testing requirements for ment provided transportation containments constructed in accordance (a) nondestructive examinations, if required by the ma- with the rules of this Subsection. terial specification, can be performed subsequent to the (b) The terms test and testing as used in this Article in- containment test clude hydrostatic testing (WB-6200), pneumatic testing (b) the material can be repaired by welding in accor- (WB-6300), and leak testing (WB-6700). dance with the rules of WB-4130 (c) postweld heat treatment, when required after re- WB-612 0 TESTI N G O F CO N TAI N M EN TS pairs, can be performed in accordance with WB-4620 Except for final closure welds and final mechanical clo- WB-6124 M ach i n i n g After Testi n g sures made on inner containments meeting the require- ments of this Subsection and made after the inner An additional amount of material, not to exceed 10% of containment is loaded (e.g., dual-purpose containments the wall thickness or 3/8 in. (10 mm), whichever is less, is that are totally enclosed in a transportation containment permitted on the completed item after testing where cri- meeting the requirements of this Subsection), all trans- tical dimensions and tolerances is required. portation containments shall be pressure tested and then leak tested in accordance with WB-6700. Final closure WB-613 0 PREPARATI ON FOR TESTI N G welds and final mechanical closures made after inner con- WB-613 1 Exposu re of J oi n ts tainments are loaded shall be tested as required by All joints, including welded joints, shall be left uninsu- WB-6700. lated and exposed for examination during the test. WB-612 1 Pn eu m ati c Testi n g WB-6132 Ad d i ti on of Tem porary Su pports A pneumatic test in accordance with WB-6300 may be Containments may be provided with additional tem- substituted for the hydrostatic test when permitted by the porary supports, if necessary, to support the weight of Design Specification. the test liquid when hydrostatic testing is performed. WB-6121. 1 A pneu- P n e u m at i c T e s t L i m i t at i o n s . matic test at a pressure not to exceed 25% of the Design WB-613 3 Restrai n t or I solati on of Expan si on Pressure may be applied, prior to either a hydrostatic or a J oi n ts pneumatic test, as a means of locating leaks. Expansion joints shall be provided with temporary re- straints, if required, for the additional pressure load un- WB- 612 1. 2 P re cau ti o n s to B e E m p lo ye d i n P n e u - der test. Compressed gaseous fluid is hazardous m ati c Te s ti n g . when used as a testing medium. Therefore, it is recom- WB-613 6 Precau ti on s Ag ai n st Test M ed i u m mended that special precautions for protection of person- Expan si on nel be taken when a gaseous fluid under pressure is used as a test medium. If a test is to be maintained for a period of time and the test medium in the system is subject to thermal expan- WB-612 2 Wi tn essi n g of Tests sion, precautions shall be taken to avoid excessive pressure. All testing required by this Article shall be performed in the presence of the Inspector. WB-6137 Ch eck of Test Eq u i pm en t Before Applyi n g Pressu re WB-612 3 Ti m e of Testi n g The test equipment shall be examined before pressure WB- 6123. 1 Completed containments Con tai n m en ts. is applied to ensure that it is tight and that all low pres- shall have all the testing required by this Article com- sure filling lines and other items that should not be sub- pleted prior to initial service. jected to the test have been disconnected or isolated. 119 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WB-62 00 H YDROSTATI C TESTS the Design Specification shall be directed away from the surface of the containment to avoid masking leaks from WB-6210 H YDRO STATI C TEST PROCEDU RE other joints. WB-6211 Ven ti n g Du ri n g Fi ll O perati on The containment in which the test is to be conducted shall be vented during the filling operation to minimize WB-6300 PN EU M ATI C TESTS air pocketing. WB-6 310 PN EU M ATI C TESTI N G PROCEDU RES WB-6212 Test M ed i u m an d Test Tem peratu re WB-6 311 G en eral Req u i rem en ts (a) Water or an alternative liquid, as permitted by the When a pneumatic test is performed, it shall be con- Design Specification, shall be used for the hydrostatic test. d u c te d i n a cc o rd a n ce wi th th e re q u i re m e n ts o f (b) It is recommended that the test be made at a tem- WB-6100 and this Article. perature that will minimize the possibility of brittle frac- ture (Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix G). The test pressure shall not be applied until the contain- WB-6 312 Test M ed i u m an d Test Tem peratu re ment and the pressurizing fluid are at approximately (a) T h e g a s u s e d a s th e te s t m e d i u m s h a l l b e the same temperature. nonflammable. (b) Testing temperature shall be in accordance with WB-622 0 H YDROSTATI C TEST PRESSU RE REQU I REM EN TS WB-6212(b). WB-622 1 M i n i m u m H yd rostati c Test Pressu re (a) The containment shall be hydrostatically tested at WB-6 313 Proced u re for Applyi n g Pressu re not less than 1.50 times Design Pressure. The pressure in the system shall gradually be increased to not more than one ‐ half of the test pressure, after which WB-622 2 M axi m u m Perm i ssi ble Test Pressu re the pressure shall be increased in steps of approximately The stress limits specified in WB-3225 shall be used in one ‐ tenth of the test pressure until the required test pres- determining the maximum permissible test pressure. In sure has been reached. multichamber containments, pressure may be simulta- neously applied to the appropriate adjacent chamber to WB-6 32 0 PN EU M ATI C TEST PRESSU RE satisfy these stress limits. REQU I REM EN TS WB-6 32 1 M i n i m u m Req u i red Pn eu m ati c Test WB-622 3 H yd rostati c Test Pressu re H old i n g Pressu re Ti m e The hydrostatic test pressure shall be maintained a The containment shall be pneumatically tested at not minimum of 10 minutes prior to initiation of the examina- less than 1.5 times Design Pressure. tion for leakage required by WB-6224. WB-6 32 2 M axi m u m Perm i ssi ble Test Pressu re WB-6224 Exam i n ati on for Leakag e After Appli cati on of Pressu re The maximum test pressure shall be limited as defined Following the application of the hydrostatic test pres- in WB-6222. sure for the required time (WB-6223), all joints, connec- tions, and regions of high stress, such as regions around WB-6 32 3 Test Pressu re H old i n g Ti m e openings and thickness transition sections, shall be exam- ined for leakage. This examination shall be made at a The test pressure of WB-6321 shall be maintained for a pressure equal to the greater of the Design Pressure or minimum total time of 10 minutes. three ‐ fourths of the test pressure and it shall be wit- nessed by the Inspector. Leakage of temporary gaskets and seals, installed for the purpose of conducting the hy- WB-6 324 Exam i n ati on for Leakag e After drostatic test and which will be replaced later, may be Appli cati on of Pressu re permitted unless the leakage exceeds the capacity to Following the application of pressure for the time spe- maintain test pressure for the required amount of time. cified in WB-6323, the test pressure shall be reduced to a Other leaks, such as those from permanent seals, seats, value equal to the greater of the Design Pressure or three ‐ and gasketed joints in containments, may be permitted fourths of the test pressure and held for a sufficient time when specifically allowed by the Design Specification. to permit examination as defined in accordance with Leakage from temporary seals or leakage permitted by WB-6224. 120 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WB-6400 TEST G AG ES WB-66 2 0 TESTI N G OF COM BI N ATI ON U N I TS WB-66 2 1 Pressu re Ch am bers Desi g n ed to WB-6410 Operate I n d epen d en tly WB-6411 Types of G ag es to Be U sed an d Th ei r Locati on Pressure chambers of combination units that have been designed to operate independently shall be tested as se- Test gages used in testing shall be indicating pressure parate containments; that is, each chamber shall be tested gages and shall be connected directly to the item being without pressure in the adjacent chamber. tested. If the indicating gage is not readily visible to the operator controlling the test, an additional indicating WB-66 2 2 Com m on Elem en ts Desi g n ed for a gage shall be provided where it will be visible to the op- M axi m u m Di fferen ti al Pressu re erator for the duration of the test. (a) When chambers of combination units have their common elements designed for the maximum differential WB-6412 Ran g e of I n d i cati n g G ag es pressure and the differential pressure is less than the (a) Analog type indicating gages used in testing shall be higher of the Design Pressure of the adjacent chambers, graduated over a range not less than 1 1/2 times nor more the common elements shall be subjected to a test pres- than 4 times the test pressure. sure of at least 1 1/4 times the maximum differential (b) Digital type gages may be used without range re- pressure. striction provided the combined error due to calibration (b) Following the test of the common elements, as re- and readability does not exceed 1% of the test pressure. quired by (a) above and their inspection, the adjacent chambers shall be tested. Care must be taken to limit WB-6413 Cali bration of Pressu re Test G ag es the differential pressure between the chambers to the pressure used when testing the common elements. All test gages shall be calibrated against a standard dead weight tester or a calibrated master gage. The test gages shall be calibrated before each test or series of tests. WB-6700 LEAK TESTI N G A series of tests is that group of tests using the same pres- sure test gage or gages which is conducted at the same WB-6710 H ELI U M LEAK TESTI N G site within a period not exceeding 2 weeks. Requirements for helium leak testing: (a) Helium leak testing shall be conducted in accor- dance with Section V, Article 10, and ANSI N14.5. 16 Per- WB-6600 SPECI AL TEST PRESSU RE sonnel performing helium leak testing shall be qualified SI TU ATI ON S in accordance with Article WB-5000. (b) The allowable volumetric leakage rate shall be de- WB-66 10 CON TAI N M EN TS DESI G N ED FOR fined in the Design Specification. An acceptable method EXTERN AL PRESSU RE to determine the maximum, permissible volumetric leak- Containments designed for external pressure only shall age rate can be found in ANSI N14.5. be subjected to an internal test pressure at 1.5 times the (c) If a single leak-rate test is conducted, the conver- Design External Pressure. The pressure shall be under sion methods in ANSI N14.5 shall be used to determine proper control so that the required test pressure is never if the leakage rates specified in the Design Specification exceeded by more than 6%. have been met. 121 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WB-8000 N AM EPLATES, STAM PI N G WI TH CERTI FI CATI ON M ARK, AN D REPORTS WB-8100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS The requirements for nameplates, stamping with the Certification Mark, and reports shall be as given in Article WA-8000. 122 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 SU BSECTI ON WC CLASS SC STORAG E CON TAI N M EN TS ARTI CLE WC-1000 I N TRODU CTI ON ð 17Þ WC-1100 SCOPE WC-1132 Bou n d ary Between a Con tai n m en t an d Attach m en ts (a) Subsection WC contains rules for the material, de- sign, fabrication, examination, testing, marking, stamping, WC-1132. 1 Attach m en ts. and preparation of reports by the Certificate Holder for (a) An attachment is an element in contact with or con- Class SC storage containments for spent nuclear fuel nected to the inside or outside of a containment, which and high-level radioactive material. may perform a containment function, and either a struc- tural or nonstructural function. (b) The rules of Subsection WC cover the strength and (b) Attachments that do not perform a containment containment integrity of items where their failure could function include items such as stiffeners or containment breach the containment boundary. The rules cover load opening reinforcement. stresses but do not cover deterioration which may occur in service as a result of corrosion, radiation effects, or in- (c) Attachments that do not perform a containment stability of containment materials. WA-1130 further lim- function include items in the containment support load its the rules of this Subsection. path such as support and shear lugs, brackets, trunnions and skirts. (d) Attachments with a structural function (structural attachments) perform a containment function or are in the containment support load path. ð 17Þ WC-1120 LI M I TS OF RU LES FOR CLASS SC STORAG E CON TAI N M EN TS (e) Attachments with a nonstructural function (non- (a) Subsection WC does not contain rules to cover all structural attachments) do not perform a containment details of construction of Class SC containments. Where function nor are they in the containment support load complete details are not provided in this Subsection, it path. Nonstructural attachments include nameplates and is intended that the N3 Certificate Holder, subject to re- lifting lugs. view by the Inspector (Article WA-5000), shall provide the details of construction which will be consistent with W C- 1 1 3 2 . 2 The jurisdic- J u ri s d i cti o n al B o u n d ary. those provided by the rules of this Subsection. tional boundary between a containment and an attach- ment defined in the Design Specification shall not be (b) Valves, classified as part of the containment by the any closer to the containment than as defined in (a) Design Specification, shall be classified as Class 1 or Class through (g) below. 2 and shall meet the requirements of Division 1 in lieu of (a) Attachments forged with the containment or weld all other requirements of this Division. buildup on the containment surface shall be considered part of the containment. (b) Attachments, welds, and fasteners having a contain- WC-1130 BOU N DARI ES OF J U RI SDI CTI ON m e n t fu n c ti o n s h a l l b e c o n s i d e r e d p a r t o f th e containment. WC-1131 Bou n d ary of Con tai n m en ts (c) Except as provided in (d) and (e) below, the bound- The Design Specification shall define the boundary of a ary between a containment and an attachment not having containment. The containment includes the vessel and a containment function shall be at the surface of the any penetration assemblies attached to the vessel. containment. 123 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (d) The first connecting weld of a structural attachment (f) Mechanical fasteners used to connect an attachment that does not perform a containment function to a con- that does not perform a containment function to the con- tainment shall be considered part of the containment. tainment shall be considered part of the attachment. (e) The first connecting weld of a welded nonstructural (g) The boundary may be located further from the con- attachment to a containment shall be considered part of tainment portion of the containment than as defined in the attachment. (a) through (f) above when specified in the Design Specification. 124 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WC-2000 M ATERI AL WC-2100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS FOR (2) ductile cast iron castings per specifications M ATERI AL SA-874 or SA/JIS G5504 (3) SA-2 63, Specification for Corrosion ‐ Resisting WC-2 110 SCOPE OF PRI N CI PAL TERM S Chromium ‐ Steel Clad Plate, Sheet, and Strip EM PLOYED (4) SA-2 64, Specification for Corrosion ‐ Resisting (a) The term material as used in this Subsection is de- Chromium – Nickel Steel Clad Plate, Sheet, and Strip fined in WA-1220. The term Material Organization is de- (5) SA-265, Specification for Nickel and Nickel ‐ Base fined in Division 1, Article NCA‐ 9000. Alloy Clad Steel Plate (b) The term containment materials, as used in this Sub- (b) The requirements of this Article do not apply to ma- section applies to containment shells, heads, nozzles and terial for items not associated with the containment func- bolting that form part of the containment boundary. tion of a component such as seals, gaskets, and ceramic (c) The requirements of this Article make reference to insulating materials and special alloys used as seal mate- the term thickness. For the purpose intended, the follow- rials in electrical penetration assemblies. ing definitions of nominal thickness apply: (c) Material for line fittings, NPS 1 (DN 25) and less, (1 ) plate: the thickness is the dimension of the short may be of material made to specifications other than transverse direction; those listed in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, provided that (2) forgings: the thickness is the dimension defined the fittings are in conformance with the requirements of as follows: NC ‐ 3671.4 and the material is determined to be adequate for the service conditions by the piping system designer. (-a) hollow forgings: the nominal thickness is mea- (d) Welding and brazing materials used in manufacture sured between the inside and outside surfaces (radial of items shall comply with an SFA specification in Section thickness); II, Part C, except as otherwise permitted in Section IX, and (-b) disk forgings (axial length less than the out- shall also comply with the applicable requirements of this side diameter): the nominal thickness is the axial length; Article. The requirements of this Article do not apply to (-c) flat ring forgings (axial length less than the ra- materials used as backing rings or backing strips in dial thickness): for axial length ≤ 2 in. (50 mm), the axial welded joints. length is the nominal thickness. For axial length ≥ 2 in. (e) The requirements of this Article do not apply to (50 mm), the radial thickness is the nominal thickness. hard surfacing or corrosion resistant weld metal overlay (-d) rectangular solid forgings: the least rectangu- that is 10% or less of the thickness of the base material lar dimension is the nominal thickness. (WC-3122). (3) castings: thickness for fracture toughness testing and heat treatment purposes is defined as the wall thick- WC-2 12 2 Speci al Req u i rem en ts Con fli cti n g Wi th ð 17Þ ness of the containment. Perm i tted M ateri al Speci fi cati on s Special requirements stipulated in this Article shall ap- WC-2 12 0 CON TAI N M EN T M ATERI AL ply in lieu of the requirements of the material specifica- WC-2 12 1 Perm i tted M ateri al Speci fi cati on s tions wherever the special requirements conflict with the material specification requirements (NCA ‐ 4256) . (a) Containment materials shall conform to the re- Where the special requirements include an examination, quirements of one of the specifications for materials given test, or treatment which is also required by the material in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2B including specification, the examination, test, or treatment need all applicable reference notes in the table, and to all of the be performed only once. Required nondestructive exami- requirements of this Article that apply to the product nations shall be performed as specified for each product form in which the material is used. Attachments that per- form in WC-2500. Any examination, repair, test, or treat- form a containment function shall be containment materi- ment required by the material specification or by this al. As an additional control, only the following materials Article may be performed by the Material Manufacturer shall be used: or the Certificate Holder as provided in WC-4121.1. Any (1 ) materials whose P-Numbers are listed in Table hydrostatic or pneumatic pressure test required by a ma- WC-4622.1-1 terial specification need not be performed, provided the 125 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 material is identified as not having been pressure tested unusual restraint such as may occur at points of stress and it is subsequently pressure tested in accordance with concentration and also because of metallurgical changes WC-6123, except where the location of the material in the occurring at high temperatures. component or the installation would prevent performing any nondestructive examination required by the material specification to be performed subsequent to the hydro- WC- 2126 Du cti le Cast I ron for Con tai n m en t static or pneumatic test. The containment body shall be cast by a single pouring (a) The stress rupture test of SA-453 and SA-638 for controlled by a casting plan to ensure reproducibility. The Grade 660 (UNS S66286) is not required for design tem- casting plan shall be agreed upon between the manufac- peratures of 800°F (427°C) and below. turer and purchaser and shall become a lifetime quality (b) In addition to tension testing required by the mate- assurance record in accordance with WA-4134. rial specification, forgings produced for flat heads with hubs, for butt welding to the adjacent shell, head, or other pressure part, shall have tensile tests performed in accor- WC- 2127 Ad d i ti on al Req u i rem en ts Wh en dance with WC-4265(d). The tension test specimen shall Strai n -Based Acceptan ce Cri teri a H ave be located in accordance with WC-4265(d) and Figure Been I m plem en ted WC-4265-3. In order to satisfy the strain-based acceptance criteria of WC-3700 regarding sufficient ductility, all material spe- ð 17Þ WC- 2124 M ateri al Si ze Ran g es an d Toleran ces cified to be used in the construction of the containment and implementing the strain-based acceptance criteria In those specifications in which chemical composition shall meet the requirements of Section III Appendices, or mechanical properties are indicated to vary with size Nonmandatory Appendix FF, FF-1122 and FF-1140(a) or thickness, any material outside the specification range or FF-1140(b). Assurance of satisfying these require- shall be required to conform to the composition and me- ments shall be documented in the final Design Report. chanical properties shown for the nearest specified range Per Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix FF, (NCA‐ 4256). FF-1140(a), when temperature-dependent material test (a) Plate material shall be ordered not thinner than the data are no t available, the Certified M aterial Test design thickness. Components, except for piping, made of Report(s) shall include reduction of area values in order plate furnished with an undertolerance of not more than to have the necessary data to ensure sufficient material the lesser value of 0.01 in. (0.25 mm) or 6% of the or- ductility. This requirement is only necessary when strain- dered thickness, may be used at the full design pressure based acceptance criteria have been employed in the de- for the thickness ordered. If the specification to which sign of the containment. the plate is ordered allows a greater undertolerance, the ordered thickness of the material shall be sufficiently greater than the design thickness so that the thickness WC- 2128 Bolti n g M ateri al of the material furnished is not more than the lesser of (a) Material for bolts and studs shall conform to the re- 0.01 in. (0.25 mm) or 6% under the design thickness. quirements of one of the specifications listed in Section II, (b) If pipe or tube is ordered by its nominal wall thick- Part D, Subpart 1, Table 4. Material for nuts shall conform ness, the manufacturing undertolerance on wall thickness to SA-194 or to the requirements of one of the specifica- shall be taken into account. The manufacturing under- tions for nuts or bolting listed in Section II, Part D, Sub- tolerances are given in the several pipe and tube specifi- part 1, Table 4. cations listed in the applicable tables in Section II, Part D, (b) The use of washers is optional. When used, they Subpart 1. After the minimum wall thickness is deter- mined (Article WC-3000), it shall be increased by an shall be made of wrought material with mechanical prop- amount sufficient to provide for the manufacturing un- erties compatible with the nuts with which they are to be dertolerance allowed in the pipe or tube specification. employed. ð 17Þ WC- 2125 M ateri al i n Com bi n ati on WC- 2130 CERTI FI CATI ON OF M ATERI AL A containment may be designed and constructed of any All materials used in the construction of containments combination of materials permitted in Article WC-2000, s h a l l b e c e rti fi e d a s re q u i re d i n N C A ‐ 3 8 6 2 a n d provided the applicable rules are followed and the re- NCA‐ 3861. Certified Material Test Reports are required quirements of Section IX for welding dissimilar metals fo r co n tai n m e n t m ate ri al e xce p t as p ro vi de d b y are met. NCA‐ 3861. A Certificate of Compliance may be provided When components have different thermal coefficients in lieu of a Certified Material Test Report for all other ma- of expansion of dissimilar materials, caution shall be exer- terial. Copies of all Certified Material Test Reports and cised in construction in order to avoid difficulties in ser- Certificates of Compliance applicable to material used in vice under extreme temperature conditions, or with a component shall be furnished with the material. 126 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-2 140 WELDI N G M ATERI ALS surface of the containment shell portion of the component For the requirements governing the materials to be need not comply with Article WC-2000 or Division 1, used for welding, see WC-2400. Article NF‐ 2000, provided the requirements of WC-4430 are met. ð 17Þ WC-2 150 M ATERI AL I DEN TI FI CATI O N (c) Structural steel rolled shapes, which are permitted by this Subsection to be furnished with a Certificate of The identification of containment material shall meet Compliance, may be repaired by welding using the the requirements of NCA‐ 4256. Material for small items welders, documentation, and examination requirements shall be controlled during manufacture and installation specified in SA-6/SA-6M. of the containment so that they are identifiable as accept- able material at all times. Welding and brazing materials shall be controlled during the repair of material and the manufacture and installation so that they are identifiable WC-22 00 M ATERI AL TEST COU PON S AN D as acceptable until the material is actually consumed in SPECI M EN S FOR FERRI TI C STEEL the process. M ATERI AL AN D DU CTI LE CAST I RON WC-2 16 0 DETERI ORATI ON OF M ATERI AL I N WC-2 2 10 H EAT TREATM EN T REQU I REM EN TS SERVI CE Consideration of deterioration of material caused by WC-2 2 11 Test Cou pon H eat Treatm en t for ð 17Þ service is generally outside the scope of this Subsection. Ferri ti c M ateri al It is the responsibility of the N3 Certificate Holder to se- Where ferritic steel material is subjected to heat treat- lect material suitable for the conditions stated in the De- ment during fabrication or installation of a containment, sign Specifications (WA-3351), with specific attention the material used for the tensile and impact test speci- being given to the effects of service conditions upon the mens shall be heat treated in the same manner as the con- properties of the material. tainment, except that test coupons and specimens for P ‐ No. 1 material with a nominal thickness of 2 in. WC-2 170 H EAT TREATM EN T TO EN H AN CE (50 mm) or less are not required to be so heat treated I M PACT PROPERTI ES where nominal thickness for flanges refers to the wall Carbon steels, low alloy steels, and high alloy chromium thickness at the weld joint to the containment. The Certi- (Series 4XX) steels may be heat treated by quenching and ficate Holder shall provide the Material Organization with tempering to enhance their impact properties. Postweld the temperature and heating and cooling rate to be used. heat treatment of the component at a temperature of In the case of postweld heat treatment, the total time at not less than 1,100°F (595°C) may be considered to be temperature or temperatures for the test material shall the tempering phase of the heat treatment. be at least 80% of the total time at temperature or tem- peratures during actual postweld heat treatment of the WC-2 180 PRO CEDU RES FOR H EAT TREATM EN T material, and the total time at temperature or tempera- OF M ATERI AL tures for the test material, coupon, or specimen may be When heat treating temperature or time is required by performed in a single cycle. Any postweld heat treatment the material specification and the rules of this Subsection, time, which is anticipated to be applied to the material or the heat treating shall be performed in temperature ‐ item after it is completed, shall be specified in the Design surveyed and ‐ calibrated furnaces or the heat treating Specification. The Certificate Holder shall include this shall be controlled by measurement of material tempera- time in the total time at temperature specified to be ap- ture by thermocouples in contact with the material or at- plied to the test specimens. tached to blocks in contact with the material or by calibrated pyrometric instruments. Heat treating shall WC-2 2 12 Test Cou pon H eat Treatm en t for be performed under furnace loading conditions such that Qu en ch ed an d Tem pered M ateri al the heat treatment is in accordance with the material WC-2212. 1 Cooli n g Rates. Where ferritic steel mate- specification and the rules of this Subsection. rial is subjected to quenching from the austenitizing tem- perature, the test coupons representing those materials WC-2 19 0 ATTACH M EN T M ATERI AL shall be cooled at a rate similar to and no faster than (a) Material in the containment support load path and the main body of the material except in the case of certain not performing a containment function (see WC-1130) forgings and castings (WC-2223.3 and WC-2226). This welded to containment material shall meet the require- rule shall apply for coupons taken directly from the mate- ments of Division 1, NF‐ 2000. rial as well as for separate test coupons representing the (b) Material not performing a containment function material, and one of the general procedures described in and not in the containment support load path (nonstruc- WC-2212.2 or one of the specific procedures described in tural attachments) welded at or within 2 t of the outside WC-2220 shall be used for each product form. 127 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC- 22 12 . 2 G en eral Proced u res. One of the general WC- 22 2 2 Plates procedures in (a) , (b) , and (c) below may be applied to WC- 2 2 2 2 . 1 O ri e n tati o n an d Lo cati o n o f Co u p o n s. quenched and tempered material or test coupons repre- Coupons shall be taken so that specimens shall have their senting the material, provided the specimens are taken longitudinal axes at least 1/4 t from a rolled surface and relative to the surface of the product in accordance with with the midlength of the specimen at least t from any WC-2 2 2 0. Further specific details of the methods to be heat-treated edge, where t is the nominal thickness of used shall be the obligation of the Material Organization the material. and the Certificate Holder. (a) Any procedure may be used which can be demon- WC- 2 2 2 2 . 2 Re q u i re m e n ts fo r Se p arate Te s t Co u - strated to produce a cooling rate in the test material that pon s. Where a separate test coupon is used to represent matches the cooling rate of the main body of the product the component material, it shall be of sufficient size to en- at the region midway between midthickness and the sur- sure that the cooling rate of the region from which the face (1/4 t ) and no nearer any heat-treated edge than a dis- test coupons are removed represents the cooling rate of tance equal to the nominal thickness t being quenched the material at least 1/4 t deep and t from any edge of within 25°F (14°C) and 2 0 sec at all temperatures after the product. Unless cooling rates applicable to the bulk cooling begins from the austenitizing temperature. pieces o r p ro duct are simulated in acco rdance with WC-2212.2, the dimensions of the coupon shall be not less (b) If cooling rate data for the material and cooling rate th a n 3 t × 3 t × t , wh e re t i s th e n o m i n a l m a te ri a l control devices for the test specimens are available, the thickness. test specimens may be heat treated in the device to repre- sent the material, provided that the provisions of (a) above are met. WC- 22 2 3 Forg i n g s (c) When any of the specific procedures described in WC- 2 2 23 . 1 Forg i n g s Wi th 2 i n . (50 m m ) M axi m u m WC-2220 are used, faster cooling rates at the edges may For forgings with a maximum thickness of Th i ckn e s s . be compensated for by: 2 in. (50 mm) , the coupons shall be taken so that speci- (1 ) taki n g th e te s t s p e ci m e n s a t l e a s t t fro m a mens shall have their longitudinal axes at the midplane quenched edge, where t equals the material thickness; of the thickness or the center of the cross section and with the midlength of the specimens at least 2 in. (5 0 mm) (2) attaching a steel pad at least t wide by a partial from any second surface. penetration weld (which completely seals the buffered surface) to the edge where specimens are to be removed; WC- 2223. 2 Forg i n g s Wi th Th i ckn ess Exceed i n g 2 i n . or (5 0 m m ) . Fo r forgings exceeding a thickness of 2 in. (3) using thermal barriers or insulation at the edge (50 mm), the coupons shall be taken so that specimens where specimens are to be removed. shall have their longitudinal axes at least 1/4 t of the max- It shall be demonstrated (and this information shall be imum heat-treated thickness from any surface and with included in the Certified Material Test Report) that the the midlength of the specimens at least t from any second cooling rates are equivalent to (a) or (b) above. surface. This is normally referred to as 1/4t × t , where t is th e m a x i m u m h e a t- tr e a te d th i c kn e s s . A th e r m a l b uffer may b e us ed to achieve the ab o ve co nditio ns WC- 22 13 Test Cou pon H eat Treatm en t for [WC-2212 .2(c) (3) ] unless cooling rates applicable to the Du cti le Cast I ron b u l k fo r g i n g s a r e s i m u l a te d i n a c c o r d a n c e w i th WC-2212.2. The tensile and impact coupon shall receive the same Very Th i ck an d Com plex Forg i n g s. Test heat treatment as the casting. WC- 2 223. 3 coupons for forgings that are both very thick and com- plex, such as contour nozzles, flanges, nozzles, and other WC- 22 2 0 PROCEDU RE FOR OBTAI N I N G TEST complex forgings that are contour shaped or machined CO U PON S AN D SPECI M EN S FOR to essentially the finished product configuration prior to QU EN CH ED AN D TEM PERED heat treatment, may be removed from prolongations or M ATERI AL AN D FOR DU CTI LE CAST o ther sto ck pro vided on the p ro duct. The C ertificate I RON Holder shall specify the surfaces of the finished product subjected to high tensile stresses in service. The coupons WC- 22 2 1 G en eral Req u i rem en ts shall be taken so that specimens shall have their longitu- T h e p ro c e d u re fo r o b ta i n i n g te s t s p e c i m e n s fo r dinal axes at a distance below the nearest heat-treated quenched and tempered material is related to the product surface, equivalent to at least the greatest distance that form. Coupon and specimen location shall be as required the indicated high tensile stress surface will be from the by the material specification, except as stated in the fol- nearest surface during heat treatment, and with the mid- lowing paragraphs of this subarticle. References to di- length of the specimens a minimum of twice this distance mensions signify nominal values. fro m a s eco nd heat- treated surface. I n any cas e, the 128 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 longitudinal axes of the specimens shall not be nearer heat-treated end. When the studs, nuts, or bolts are not than 3/4 in. (19 mm) to any heat-treated surface and the of sufficient length, the midlength of the specimen shall midlength o f the s p ecimens s hall b e at leas t 1 1/2 in. be at the midlength of the studs, nuts, or bolts. The studs, (38 mm) from any heat-treated surface. nuts, or bolts selected to provide test coupon material shall be identical with respect to the quenched contour W C- 2 2 2 3 . 4 C o u p o n s F ro m S e p a rat e ly P ro d u ce d and size except for length, which shall equal or exceed Test Forg i n g s. Test coupons representing forgings from the length of the represented studs, nuts, or bolts. one heat and one heat treatment lot may be taken from a separately forged piece under the conditions given in WC-2 2 2 5 Tu bu lar Prod u cts (a) through (e) below. (a) The separate test forging shall be of the same heat WC- 2 2 2 5 . 1 Tu b u lar P ro d u cts W i th 2 i n . ( 5 0 m m ) of material and shall be subj ected to substantially the For tubular products with 2 in. M axi m u m Th i ckn e s s . same reduction and working as the production forging (50 mm) maximum wall thickness, the coupons shall be it represents. taken so that specimens shall have their longitudinal axes (b) The separate test forging shall be heat treated in the on a surface midway between the outside and inside sur- same furnace charge and under the same conditions as faces and with the midlength of the specimens at least one the production forging. wall thickness from a heat-treated end. (c) The separate test forging shall be of the same nom- WC-2 22 5. 2 T u b u l a r P r o d u c t s E xc e e d i n g 2 in. inal thickness as the production forging. For tubular products with (5 0 m m ) N om i n al Th i ckn ess. (d) Test coupons for simple forgings shall be taken so nominal wall thicknesses exceeding 2 in. (5 0 mm) , the that specimens shall have their longitudinal axes at the re- coupons shall be taken so that specimens shall have their gion midway between midthickness and the surface and longitudinal axes at least 1/4 t from the outside surface and with the midlength of the specimens no nearer any heat- with the midlength of the specimens at least one wall treated edge than a distance equal to the forging thick- thickness from a heat-treated end. ness, except when the thickness – length ratio of the pro- WC- 2 2 2 5 . 3 S e p arate ly Pro d u ce d Co u p o n s Re p re - d u c ti o n fo r gi n g d o e s n o t p e r m i t, i n wh i c h c a s e a sen ti n g Fi tti n g s. Separately produced test coupons rep- production forging shall be used as the test forging and r e s e n ti n g fi tti n g s m a y b e u s e d . Wh e n s e p a r a te l y the midlength of the specimens shall be at the midlength p r o d u c e d c o u p o n s a r e u s e d , th e r e q u i r e m e n ts o f of the test forging. WC-2223.4 shall be met. (e) Test coupons for complex forgings shall be taken in accordance with WC-2223.3. WC-2 2 26 Ten si le Test Speci m en Locati on for WC-2223. 5 When test Test Speci m en s for Forg i n g s. Du cti le Cast I ron specimens for forgings are to be taken under the applic- Tensile specimens shall be taken from each contain- able specification, the Inspector shall have the option of ment casting or its excess length part that has the same witnessing the selection, placing an identifying stamp on or equivalent solidification property. The location shall them, and witnessing the testing of these specimens. be near the center of the thickness and shall be at a dis- tance from the end of the excess length part that is not WC-2 2 24 Bars an d Bolti n g M ateri al less than one-half of the maximum casting thickness. W C - 2 2 24 . 1 B ars W i th 2 in. (50 m m ) M axi m u m The excess length part shall be at least the same thickness Th i ckn ess. For bars with diameters or thicknesses 2 in. as the maximum casting thickness. (50 mm) or less, the coupons shall be taken so that speci- mens shall have their longitudinal axes on a line repre- WC-2300 FRACTU RE TOU G H N ESS s e n ti n g th e c e n te r o f th e th i c kn e s s a n d wi th th e REQU I REM EN TS FOR M ATERI AL midlength of the specimens at least one diameter or thick- ness from a heat-treated end. WC-2 310 M ATERI AL TO BE I M PACT TESTED WC- 2 2 24. 2 Bars Wi th Th i ckn esses Exceed i n g 2 i n . WC-2 311 M ateri al for Wh i ch I m pact Testi n g I s ð 17Þ (5 0 m m ) .For bars with diameters or thicknesses over Req u i red 2 in. (50 mm) , the coupons shall be taken so that speci- (a) Containment material shall be impact tested in ac- mens shall have their longitudinal axes at least 1/4 t from cordance with the requirements of WC-2330, except that the outside or rolled surface and with the midlength of impact testing of materials described in (1) through (8) the specimens at least t from a heat-treated end, where below is not a requirement of this Subsection. t is either the bar diameter or thickness. (1 ) material with a no minal s ectio n thicknes s o f 5 WC- 2 2 24. 3 B o lti n g M ate ri al. For bolting material, /8 in. (16 mm) and less where thicknesses shall be taken the coupons shall be taken in conformance with the ap- as defined in (-a) through (-c) below. plicable material specification and with the midlength of (-a) for containments, use the nominal thickness the specimen at least one diameter or thickness from a of the shell or head, as applicable; 129 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (-b) for nozzles or parts welded to containments, (c) Drop weight tests are not required for the marten- use the lesser of the containment shell thickness to which s itic high allo y chro mium (Series 4XX) s teels and the item is welded or the maximum radial thickness of the precipitation ‐ hardening steels listed in Section II, Part item exclusive of integral shell butt welding projections; D, Subpart 1 , Table 2 A. The other requirements of (-c) for flat heads, or flanges, use the maximum WC-2331 and WC-2332 apply for these steels. For nom- shell thickness associated with the butt welding hub. inal wall thicknesses greater than 2 1/2 in. (64 mm), the re- (2) bolting, including studs, nuts, and bolts, with a quired C v values shall be 40 mils (1 .0 mm) lateral nominal size of 1 in. (25 mm) or less; expansion. (3) bar with a nominal cross ‐ sectional area that does not exceed 1 in. 2 (650 mm 2 ); WC- 2320 I M PACT TEST PROCEDU RES (4) all thicknesses of material for pipe, tube, fittings, with a NPS 6 (DN 150) diameter and smaller; WC- 2321 Types of Tests (5) austenitic stainless steels, including precipitation WC-2321. 1 Drop Wei g h t Tests.The drop weight test, hardened austenitic Grade 660 (UNS S66286); when required, shall be performed in accordance with (6) nonferrous materials; ASTM E208 ‐ 91. Specimen types P ‐ 1, P ‐ 2, or P ‐ 3 may be (7) materials listed in Table WC-2311(a)-1 for which used. When drop weight tests are performed to meet the listed value of TN D T 17 is lower than the Lowest Ser- the requirements of WC-2300, the test temperature and vice Temperature (LST) by an amount established by the results shall be reported on the Certified Material Test the rules in Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Report. Appendix R. This exemption does not exempt either the WC- 2 321. 2 C h arp y V- N o tch The Charpy Tests. weld metal (WC-2430) or the welding procedure qualifi- V‐ notch test (C v), when required, shall be performed in cation (WC-4335) from impact testing. accordance with SA-370. Specimens shall be in accor- (8) materials for containments for which the LST ex- dance with SA-370, Figure 11, Type A. A test shall consist ceeds 150°F (65°C). of a set of three full ‐ size 10 mm × 10 mm specimens. The (b) The Design Specification shall state the LST for the lateral expansion and absorbed energy, as applicable, and containments. the test temperature, as well as the orientation and loca- tion of all tests performed to meet the requirements of WC-2330 shall be reported in the Certified Material Test Table WC-2 311(a) -1 Report. Fracture Exem pti on s From I m pact Testi n g U n d er WC- 2 32 1. 3 F ra c t u r e T o u g h n e s s T e s t s . ð 17Þ toughness tests, when required, shall be performed in ac- WC-2 311(a) (7) Material Condition TN D T , °F (°C) cordance with ASTM E399. The tests shall be performed Material [Note (1)] [Note (2)] [Notes (3) and (4)] at the LST. A test shall consist of two test specimens. SA-537, Class 1 N − 30 (− 34) SA-516, Grade 70 Q&T − 10 (− 23) WC- 2322 Test Speci m en s SA-516, Grade 70 N 0 (− 18) SA-508, Class 1 Q&T +10 (− 12) WC-2322. 1 Locati on of Test Speci m en s. SA-533, Grade B Q&T +10 (− 12) (a) Impact test specimens shall be removed from a SA-299 [Note (5)] N +20 (− 7) depth within the material that is at least as far from the SA-36 (Plate) HR +40 (+4) material surface as that specified for tensile test speci- SA-508, Class 2 Q&T +40 (+4) mens in the material specification. For bolting, the C v im- NOTES: pact test specimens shall be taken with the longitudinal (1) These materials are exempt from toughness testing when axis of the specimen located at least one ‐ half radius or LST − T N D T is satisfied in accordance with the rules established 1 in. (25 mm) below the surface plus the machining allow- in Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix R. ance per side, whichever is less. The fracture plane of the (2) Material Condition letters refer to: specimen shall be at least one diameter or thickness from N = normalize the heat-treated end. When the studs, nuts, or bolts are Q & T = quench and temper HR = hot rolled not of sufficient length, the midlength of the specimen (3) These values for T N D T were established from data on heavy shall be at the midlength of the studs, nuts, or bolts. The section steel [thickness greater than 2 1/2 in. (64 mm)] . Values studs, nuts, or bolts selected to provide test coupon mate- for sections less than 2 1/2 in. (64 mm) thick are held constant rial shall be identical with respect to the quenched con- until additional data are obtained. tour and size except for length, which shall equal or (4) T N D T = temperature at or above nil ‐ ductility transition tem- exceed the length of the represented studs, nuts, or bolts. perature NDT (ASTM E208); T N D T is 10°F (5°C) below the tem- perature at which at least two specimens show no ‐ break (b) For fracture toughness requirements, toughness performance. test specimens for ductile cast iron shall be taken from (5) Materials made to a fine grain melting practice. each containment casting or its excess length part. The lo- cation shall be the same as that for the tensile specimens. 130 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-2322. 2 Ori en tati on of I m pact Test Speci m en s. Table WC-2 3 32 . 1-1 (a) Specimens for C v impact tests shall be oriented as Req u i red C v Lateral Expan si on Valu es for required in WC-2200 for the tensile test specimen or, al- Con tai n m en t M ateri al Oth er Th an Bolti n g ternatively, the orientation may be in the direction of maximum stress. The notch of the C v specimen shall be Lateral Expansion, mils (mm) normal to the surface of the material. Nominal Wall Thickness, Average of Lowest in. (mm) [Note (1)] 3 1 of 3 (b) Specimens for drop weight tests may have their 5 axes oriented in any direction. /8 (16) or less [Note (2)] … … Over 5/8 to 1 (16 to 25), incl. 20 (0.50) 15 (0.38) (c) Toughness test specimens for cast material shall Over 1 to 1 1/2 (25 to 38), incl. 25 (0.64) 20 (0.50) have their axes oriented the same as the axes of the ten- Over 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 (38 to 64), incl. 35 (0.89) 30 (0.75) sile specimens (WC-2226). Over 2 1/2 (64) [Note (3)] 45 (1.14) 40 (1.0) (d) The plane of the toughness test specimen notch GENERAL NOTES: shall be normal to the surface of the material. The fracture (a) Where weld metal tests of WC-2400 are made to these re- toughness specimen orientation of ductile cast iron shall quirements, the impact lateral expansion shall conform to be L-R, as identified in ASTM E399, Fig. 1 (Crack Plane the requirements of either of the base materials being joined. Identifications for Cylindrical Bars and Tubes). (b) Where two base materials having different required lateral ex- pansion values are joined, the weld metal lateral expansion re- quirements of WC-4330 shall conform to the requirements of WC-2 33 0 TEST REQU I REM EN TS AN D either of the base materials. ACCEPTAN CE STAN DARDS NOTES: (1) For containment use the least of: ð 17Þ (a) the maximum radial thickness of the item exclusive of in- WC-2 33 1 Con tai n m en t M ateri al Test M eth od s an d Tem peratu re tegral butt-welded projections; (b) the containment shell thickness to which the item is (a) Containment material shall be impact tested in ac- welded; cordance with one of the test methods indicated below: (c) the maximum shell thickness associated with the item for 18 (1 ) Charpy V‐ notch testing at or below the LST flat heads or flanges. (2) drop weight testing to show that the value of (2) No test required. (LST − T N D T 17 + A ) is satisfied in accordance with the (3) For use with WC-2332.2(b). rules established in Section III Appendices, Nonmanda- tory Appendix R (3) fracture toughness test for ductile cast iron at (b) Charpy V‐ Notch Testing for Absorbed Energy Values. − 40°F (− 40°C) The test results of the three specimens, collectively and singly, shall meet the respective requirements of Table WC-2332.1-2. ð 17Þ WC-2 33 2 Speci fi c Test M eth od s an d Acceptan ce (c) Drop Weight Testing . An acceptance test shall con- Stan d ard s for Con tai n m en t M ateri al sist of at least two no ‐ break specimens as described in for Tests Based on Lowest Servi ce ASTM E208. Tem peratu res WC- 2332. 2 Con tai n m en t M ateri al Oth er Th an Bolt- For con- WC-2332.1 Con tai n m en t M ateri al Oth er Th an Bolt- 1 1 For con- i n g Wi th Th i ckn ess Exceed i n g 2 /2 i n . (64 m m ) . tainments , us e the les s er o f the: maximum radial i n g Wi th 2 /2 i n . (64 m m ) Maxi m u m Th i ckn ess. tainments , us e the les s er o f the: maximum radial thickness of the item, exclusive of integral butt-welded thickness of the item, exclusive of integral butt-welded projections; the containment shell thickness to which projections; the containment shell thickness to which the item is welded; and the maximum shell thickness as- the item is welded; and the maximum shell thickness as- sociated with the item for flat heads or flanges. Except as sociated with the item for flat heads or flanges. limited in WC - 43 3 5 , ap p ly o ne o f the metho ds o f (a) The base material, and the weld procedure qualifi- WC-2331 to test: base material; the base material, the cation weld metal tests of WC-4335, shall be tested by heat-affected zone, and weld metal for the weld proce- the drop weight method as specified in WC-2321.1 and dure qualification tests of WC-4335; and the weld metal WC-2331(a)(2). for WC-2431. The impact test results shall meet one of (b) Except as limited in WC-4335, apply one of the the acceptance standards applicable to the specified test methods of WC-2331(a) to test: the base material and method. the heat-affected zone of the weld procedure qualification (a) Charpy V‐ Notch Testing for Lateral Expansion Val- tests for WC-4335; and the weld metal for WC-2431. ues. The test results of the three specimens, collectively (c) The acceptance standards shall be as given in and singly, shall meet the respective requirements of WC-2 3 3 2 .1 (a) , WC-2 3 3 2 .1 (b) , or WC-2 3 3 2 .1 (c) , as Table WC-2332.1-1. applicable. 131 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WC-2 3 32 . 1- 2 Req u i red C v En erg y Valu es for Con tai n m en t M ateri al Oth er Th an Bolti n g Energy, ft-lb (J) for Base Materials [Note (1)] of Specified Minimum Yield Strength, ksi (MPa) Over 55 ksi to 75 ksi Over 75 ksi to 105 ksi Nominal Wall Thickness, in. 55 ksi (380 MPa) or Below (380 MPa to 515 MPa), incl. (515 MPa to 725 MPa), incl. (mm) [Note (2)] Average of 3 Lowest 1 of 3 Average of 3 Lowest 1 of 3 Average of 3 Lowest 1 of 3 5 /8 (16) or less [Note (3)] … … … … … … Over 5/8 to 1 (16 to 25), incl. 20 (27) 15 (20) 25 (34) 20 (27) 30 (41) 25 (34) Over 1 to 1 1/2 (25 to 38), incl. 25 (34) 20 (27) 30 (41) 25 (34) 35 (47) 30 (41) Over 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 (38 to 64) , incl. 35 (47) 30 (41) 40 (54) 35 (47) 45 (61) 40 (54) Over 2 1/2 (64) [Note (4)] 45 (61) 40 (54) 50 (68) 45 (61) 55 (75) 50 (68) GENERAL NOTE: Where weld metal tests of WC-2400 are made to these requirements, the impact energy shall conform to the re- quirements of either of the base materials being joined. NOTES: (1) Where two base materials having different required energy values are joined, the weld metal impact energy requirements of the procedure qualification tests of WC-4330 shall conform to the requirements of either of the base materials. (2) For containment vessels use the least of: (a) the maximum radial thickness of the item exclusive of integral butt-welded projections; (b) the containment shell thickness to which the item is welded; (c) the maximum shell thickness associated with the item for flat heads or flanges. (3) No test required. (4) For use with WC-2332.2(b) . (d) Fracture Toughness Testing for Ductile Cast Iron . A shall be made for each plate as rolled. The term as‐ rolled rapid-load fracture toughness test shall be performed in refers to the plate rolled from a slab or directly from an accordance with WC-2 3 2 1 .3 , except that ASTM E1 82 0 ingot, not to its heat-treated condition. shall be used. A test shall consist of at least four test speci- mens. The test shall be performed at − 40°F (− 40°C). (e) A cceptan ce Stan dards for Ductile Cast Iron . The WC- 23 42 Forg i n g s rapid-load fracture toughness value shall satisfy the fol- lowing inequality at − 40°F (− 40°C): (a) Where an individual forging is less than 1 ,000 lb (450 kg) , one test shall be made to represent each heat in each heat treatment charge. (b) When heat treatment is performed in a continuous- where type furnace with s uitable temperature controls and 1/2 equipped with recording pyrometers so that complete KI C , R = rapid-load fracture toughness, ksi-in. heat treatment records are available, a heat treatment 1/2 (MPa-m ) charge shall be considered as the lesser of a continuous σ S D = standard deviation, ksi-in. 1/2 (MPa-m 1/2 ) run not exceeding 8 hr duration or a total weight, so treat- The ave rage val u e an d s tand ard de vi ati o n s hal l b e ed, not exceeding 2,000 lb (900 kg). e s ta b l i s h e d a s s u m i n g We i b u l l d i s tri b u ti o n o f th e (c) One test shall be made for each forging of 1,000 lb measurements. to 10,000 lb (450 kg to 4 500 kg). WC- 2 3 3 2 . 3 B o lti n g M ate ri al. For bolting material, including nuts, studs, and bolts, a Charpy V‐ notch test shall be performed. The tests shall be performed at or be- Table WC-2 33 2 . 3- 1 low the LST, and all three specimens shall meet the re- Req u i red Cv Valu es for Bolti n g M ateri al quirements of Table WC-2332.3-1. Tested i n Accord an ce Wi th WC-2 33 2 . 3 Nominal Diameter, Lateral Expansion, Absorbed in. (mm) mils (mm) Energy, ft-lb (J) WC- 23 40 N U M BER OF I M PACT TESTS REQU I RED 1 (25) or less No test required No test required WC- 23 41 Plates Over 1 through 4 (25 through 100) 25 (0.64) No requirements One test shall be made from each plate as heat treated. Over 4 (100) 25 (0.64) 45 (61) Where plates are furnished in the non ‐ heat‐ treated condi- tion and qualified by heat‐ treated test specimens, one test 132 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (d) As an alternative to (c), a separate test forging may (1 ) the average value of the test results meets the be used to represent forgings of different sizes in one heat a ve ra ge o f th r e e r e q u i r e m e n ts s p e c i fi e d i n T a b l e and heat treat lot, provided the test piece is a representa- WC-2332.1-1 or Table WC-2332.1-2, as applicable; tion of the greatest thickness in the heat treat lot. In addi- (2) not more than one specimen per test is below the ti o n , t e s t fo r g i n g s s h a l l h a v e b e e n s u b j e c te d to lo wes t o ne o f three requirements s p ecified in Tab le substantially the same reduction and working as the forg- WC-2332.1-1 or Table WC-2332.1-2, as applicable; ings represented. (3) the specimen not meeting the requirements is not (e) Forgings larger than 10,000 lb (4 500 kg) shall have lower than 5 ft-lb (6.8 J) or 5 mils (0.13 mm) below the two tests per part for Charpy V‐ notch and one test for lo wes t o ne o f three requirements s p ecified in Tab le drop weights. The location of drop weight or C v test speci- WC-2332.1-1 or Table WC-2332.1-2, as applicable. mens shall be selected so that an equal number of speci- (b) A retest consists of two additional specimens taken mens is obtained from positions in the forging 180 deg as near as practicable to the failed specimens. For accep- apart. tance of the retests, both specimens shall be equal to or greater than the average of three requirements specified WC-2 343 Bars i n T a b l e WC - 2 3 3 2 . 1 - 1 o r T a b l e WC - 2 3 3 2 . 1 - 2 , a s One test shall be made for each lot of bars with a cross ‐ applicable. sectional area greater than 1 in. 2 (650 mm 2 ) where a lot is defined as one heat of material heat treated in one charge WC-2 352 Retests for Bolti n g M ateri al or as one continuous operation, not to exceed 6,000 lb (a) For Charpy V‐ notch tests required by WC-2330, one (2 700 kg). rete s t at the s am e te m p e rature m ay b e co n ducte d, provided WC-2 344 Tu bu lar Prod u cts an d Fi tti n g s (1 ) not more than one specimen per test is below the On products which are seamless or welded without fil- acceptance requirements; ler metal, one test shall be made from each lot. On pro- (2) the specimen not meeting the acceptance re- ducts which are welded with filler metal, one additional quirements is not lower than 5 ft-lb (6.8 J) or 5 mils test with the specimens taken from the weld area shall (0.13 mm) below the acceptance requirements. also be made on each lot. A lot shall be defined as stated (b) A retest consists of two additional specimens taken in the applicable material specification, but in no case as near as practicable to the failed specimens. For accep- shall a lot consist of products from more than one heat tance of the retests, both specimens shall meet the speci- of material and of more than one diameter, with the nom- fied acceptance requirements. inal thickness of any product included not exceeding that to be impact tested by more than 1/4 in. (6 mm); such a lot WC-2 36 0 CALI BRATI ON O F I N STRU M EN TS AN D ð 17Þ shall be in a single heat treatment load or in the same con- EQU I PM EN T tinuous run in a continuous furnace controlled within a Calibration of temperature instruments and C v impact 5 0 ° F ( 2 8 ° C ) r a n g e a n d e q u i p p e d wi th r e c o r d i n g test machines used in impact testing shall be performed pyrometers. at the frequency specified in (a) or (b) below. (a) Temperature instruments used to control test tem- WC-2 345 Bolti n g M ateri al perature of specimens shall be calibrated and the results One test shall be made for each lot of material where a recorded to meet the requirements of NCA‐ 4258.2 at least lot is defined as one heat of material heat treated in one once in each three month interval. charge or as one continuous operation, not to exceed (b) C v impact test machines shall be calibrated and the following: th e re s u l ts re c o rd e d to m e e t th e re q u i re m e n ts o f NCA‐ 4258.2. The calibrations shall be performed at least Diameter Weight once per year using methods outlined in ASTM E23 and 1 3/4 in. (44 mm) and less 1,500 lb (680 kg) employing standard specimens obtained from the Na- Over 1 3/4 in. to 2 1/2 in. (44 mm to 64 mm) 3,000 lb (1 350 kg) Over 2 1/2 in. to 5 in. (64 mm to 127 mm) 6,000 lb (2 700 kg) tional Institute of Standards and Technology, or any sup- Over 5 in. (127 mm) 10,000 lb (4 500 kg) plier of subcontracted calibration services accredited in acco rdance with the requirements o f WA- 3 1 2 3 and NCA‐ 4255.3(c). WC-2 350 RETESTS WC-2400 WELDI N G M ATERI AL WC-2 351 Retests for M ateri al Oth er Th an Bolti n g WC-2410 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS (a) For Charpy V‐ notch tests required by WC-2330, one (a) All welding material used in the construction and rete s t at the s am e te m p e rature m ay b e co n ducte d, repair of containments or material, except welding mate- provided rial used for cladding or hard surfacing, shall conform to 133 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 the requirements of the welding material specification or (b) A dry blend is defined as one or more dry batches to the requirements for other welding material as per- mixed in a mixing vessel and combined proportionately mitted in Section IX. In addition, welding material shall to produce a uniformity of mixed ingredients equal to that conform to the requirements stated in this subarticle obtained by mixing the same total amount of dry ingredi- and to the rules covering identification in WC-2150. ents at one time in one mixing vessel. (b) The Certificate Holder shall provide the organiza- (c) A wet m ix is defined as the combination of a dry tion performing the testing with the information listed be- batch (a) or dry blend (b) and liquid binder ingredients low, as applicable: at one time in one mixing vessel. (1 ) welding process; (d) A lot ofcovered, flux cored, or fabricated electrodes is (2) SFA specification and classification; defined as the quantity of electrodes produced from the (3) o th e r i d e n ti fi c a ti o n i f n o S F A s p e ci fi ca ti o n same combination of heat of metal and dry batch, dry applies; blend, or chemically controlled mixes of flux or core ma- (4) minimum tensile strength [ WC - 2 43 1 . 1 (e) ] in terials. Alternatively, a lot of covered, flux cored, or fabri- either the as welded or heat-treated condition, or both ‐ cated electrodes may be considered one type and size of [WC-2431.1(c) ] ; electrode, produced in a continuous period, not to exceed (5) drop weight test for material in either the as ‐ 2 4 hr and not to exceed 1 00,000 lb (45 0 00 kg) , from welded or heat-treated condition, or both (WC-2332); chemically controlled tube, wire, or strip and a dry batch, (6) Charpy V notch test for material as welded, or ‐ ‐ a dry blend, or chemically controlled mixes of flux, pro- heat treated, or both (WC-2 3 3 1 ) ; the test temperature vided each container of welding materials is coded for and the lateral expansion or the absorbed energy shall identification and traceable to the production period, be provided; the shift, line, and the analysis range of both the mix (7) the preheat and interpass temperatures to be and the rod, tube, or strip used to make the electrode. used during welding of the test coupon [WC-2431.1(c) ] ; (1 ) Chemically controlled tube, wire, or strip is defined (8) p o s twel d h e at tre atm e nt ti m e , te m p e ratu re as consumable tube, wire, or strip material supplied on range, and maximum cooling rate, if the production weld coils with a maximum of one splice per coil that has been will be heat treated [WC-2431.1(c) ] ; chemically analyzed to assure that the material conforms (9) elements for which chemical analysis is required to the electrode manufacturer s chemical control limits ’ per the SFA specification or WPS, and WC-2432; for the specific type of electrode. Both ends of each coil (1 0) minimum delta ferrite (WC-2433). shall be chemically analyzed except that those coils which are splice free need only be analyzed on one end of the WC- 2420 REQU I RED TESTS coil. The required tests shall be conducted for each lot of (2) Chemically controlled mixes of flux are defined as covered, flux cored, or fabricated electrodes; for each heat flux material that has been chemically analyzed to assure of bare electrodes, rod, or wire for use with the OFW, that it conforms to the percent allowable variation from GMAW, GTAW, PAW, and EGW (electrogas welding) pro- the electrode manufacturer s standard for each chemical ’ cesses (Section IX); for each heat of consumable inserts; element for that type electrode. A chemical analysis shall for each combination of heat of bare electrodes and lot be made on each mix made in an individual mixing vessel of submerged arc flux; for each combination of lot of fab- after blending. ricated electrodes and lot of submerged arc flux; for each (e) A heat ofbare electrode, rod, wire, or consumable in- combination of heat of bare electrodes or lot of fabricated sert is defined as the material produced from the same electrodes and dry blend of supplementary powdered fil- melt of metal. ler metal and lot of submerged arc flux; or for each com- bination of heat of bare electrodes and lot of electroslag (f) Alternatively, for carbon and low alloy steel bare flux. Tests performed on welding material in the qualifica- electrode, rod, wire, or consumable inserts for use with tion of weld procedures will satisfy the testing require- SAW, OFW, GMAW, GTAW, PAW, and EGW processes, a ments fo r the l o t, heat, o r co mb i nati o n o f he at and heat may be defined as either the material produced from batch of welding material used, provided the tests re- the same melt of metal or the material produced from one quired by Article WC-4000 and this subarticle are made type and size of wire when produced in a continuous per- and the res ults co nfo rm to the requirements o f this iod [not to exceed 2 4 hr and not to exceed 1 00,000 lb Article. The definitions in (a) through (h) below apply. (45 000 kg) ] from chemically controlled wire, subject to (a) A dry batch of coverin g m ixture is defined as the requirements of (1), (2), and (3) below. quantity of dry covering ingredients mixed at one time (1 ) For the chemical control of the product of the rod in one mixing vessel; a dry batch may be used singly or mill, coils shall be limited to a maximum of one splice may be subsequently subdivided into quantities to which prior to processing the wire. Chemical analysis shall be the liquid binders may be added to produce a number of made from a sample taken from both ends of each coil wet mixes. of mill coiled rod furnished by mills permitting spliced 134 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 coil practice of one splice maximum per coil. A chemical (b) The weld metal to be tested for all processes except analysis need be taken from only one end of rod coils electroslag welding shall be deposited in such a manner furnished by mills prohibiting spliced coil practice. as to substantially eliminate the influence of the base ma- (2) Carbon, manganese, silicon, and other intention- terial on the results of the tests. Weld metal to be used ally added elements shall be identified to ensure that with the electroslag process shall be deposited in such a the material conforms to the SFA or user s material ’ manner as to conform to one of the applicable Welding specification. Procedure Specifications (WPS) for production welding. (3) Each container of wire shall be coded for identifi- The base material shall conform to the requirements of cation and traceability to the lot, production period, shift, Section IX, QW 403.1 or QW 403.4, as applicable. ‐ ‐ line, and analysis of rod used to make the wire. (c) The welding of the test coupon shall be performed (g) A lot of submerged arc or electroslag flux is defined within the range of preheat and interpass temperatures as the quantity of flux produced from the same combina- that will be used in production welding. Coupons shall tion of raw materials under one production schedule. be tested in the as welded condition, or they shall be (h) A dry blend of supplementary powdered filler metal ‐ is defined as one or more mixes of material produced in tested in the applicable postweld heat-treated condition a continuous period, not to exceed 24 hr and not to ex- when the production welds are to be postweld heat- ceed 20,000 lb (9 000 kg) from chemically controlled treated. The postweld heat treatment holding time shall mixes of powdered filler metal, provided each container be at least 80% of the maximum time to be applied to of powdered metal is coded for identification and trace- the weld metal in production application. The total time able to the production period, the shift, and the mixing for postweld heat treatment of the test coupon may be ap- vessel. A chemically controlled mix of powdered filler me- plied in one heating cycle. Any postweld heat treatment tal is defined as powdered filler metal material that has time, which is anticipated to be applied to the material been chemically analyzed to assure that it conforms to or item after it is completed, shall be specified in the De- the percent allowable variation from the powdered filler sign Specification. The Certificate Holder shall include this metal manufacturer s standard, for each chemical ele- ’ time in the total time at temperature specified to be ap- ment, for that type of powdered filler metal. A chemical plied to the test specimens. The cooling rate from the analysis shall be made on each mix made in an individual postweld heat treatment temperature shall be of the same mixing vessel after blending. The chemical analysis range order as that applicable to the weld metal in the compo- of the supplemental powdered filler shall be the same as nent. In addition, weld coupons for weld metal to be used that of the welding electrode, and the ratio of powder to with the electroslag process, which are tested in the as ‐ electrode used to make the test coupon shall be the max- welded condition or following a postweld heat treatment imum permitted for production welding. wi th i n the h o l di n g te m p e ratu re ran ge s o f Tab l e WC-4622.1-1 or Table WC-4622.4(c)-1, shall have a thick- WC-2430 WELD METAL TESTS ness within the range of 0.5 to 1.1 times the thickness of WC-2431 Mechanical Properties Test the welds to be made in production. Electroslag weld cou- pons to be tested following a postweld heat treatment, Tensile and impact tests shall be made in accordance which will include heating the coupon to a temperature with this paragraph, of welding materials which are used to join P Nos. 1 and 3 base materials in any combination, a b o ve th e H o l d i n g T e m p e ratu re Ra n ge o f T ab l e WC-4622.1-1 for the type of material being tested, shall ‐ with the exceptions listed in (a) through (d) below. (a) austenitic stainless steel and nonferrous welding have a thickness within the range of 0.9 to 1.1 times the material used to join the listed P Numbers; ‐ thickness of the welds to be made in production. (b) consumable inserts (backing filler material); (d) The tensile specimens, and the C v impact specimens (c) welding material used for GTAW root deposits with when required, shall be located and prepared in accor- a maximum of two layers; dance with the requirements of SFA-5.1 or the applicable (d) welding material to be used for the welding of SFA specification. Drop weight impact test specimens, b as e materials exemp ted fro m i mp act tes ti ng b y where required, shall be oriented so that the longitudinal WC - 2 3 1 1 (a) (1 ) th ro ugh WC - 2 3 1 1 (a) (6 ) o r axis is transverse to the weld, with the notch in the weld WC-2311(a)(8) shall also be exempted from the impact face or in a plane parallel to the weld face. For impact spe- testing required by this paragraph. cimen preparation and testing, the applicable parts of ð 17Þ WC-2431.1 General Test Requirements. The welding WC-2321.1 and WC-2321.2 shall apply. The longitudinal test coupon shall be made in accordance with (a) through axis of the specimen shall be at a minimum depth of 1/4t (f) below, using each process with which the weld mate- from a surface, where t is the thickness of the test weld. rial will be used in production welding. (e) One all weld metal tensile specimen shall be tested ‐ ‐ (a) Test coupons shall be of sufficient size and thick- and shall meet the specified minimum tensile strength re- ness such that the test specimens required herein can quirements of the base material specification. Where base be removed. materials of different specifications are to be welded, the 135 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 tensile strength requirements shall conform to the speci- WC-2432.1 Test Method. The chemical analysis test ð 17Þ fied minimum tensile strength requirement of either of shall be performed in accordance with this Subparagraph the base material specifications. and Table WC-2432.1-1, and the results shall conform to (f) Impact specimens of the weld metal shall be tested WC-2432.2. where impact tests are required for either of the base ma- (a) A‐ No. 8 welding material to be used with GTAW and terials of the production weld. The weld metal shall con- PAW processes and any other welding material to be used form to the parts of WC-2331 or WC-2332 applicable to with any GTAW, PAW, or GMAW process shall have chem- the base material. Where different requirements exist ical analysis performed either on the filler metal or on a for the two base materials, the weld metal may conform weld deposit made with the filler metal in accordance to either of the requirements for either base material. with (c) or (d) below. (b) A‐ No. 8 welding material to be used with other than WC-2431.2 Standard Test Requirements. In lieu of the use of the General Test Requirements specified in the GTAW and PAW processes and other welding material WC-2431.1, tensile and impact tests may be made in ac- to be used with other than the GTAW, PAW, or GMAW cordance with this Subparagraph where they are required process shall have chemical analysis performed on a weld for mild and low alloy steel covered electrodes. The mate- deposit of the material or combination of materials being rial combinations to require weld material testing, as certified in accordance with (c) or (d) below. The removal listed in WC-2431, shall apply for this option. The limita- of chemical analysis samples shall be from an undiluted tions and testing under this option shall be in accordance weld deposit made in accordance with (c) below. As an al- with (a) through (f) below. ternative, the deposit shall be made in accordance with (a) Testing to the requirements of this Subparagraph (d) below for material that will be used for corrosion re- shall be limited to electrode classifications included in sistant overlay cladding. Where the Welding Procedure SFA-5.1 or SFA-5.5. Specification or the welding material specification speci- fies percentage composition limits for analysis, it shall (b) The assembly required by SFA-5.1 or SFA-5.5, as ap- state that the specified limits apply for the filler metal plicable, shall be used for test coupon preparation, except analysis, the undiluted weld deposit analysis, or the in situ that it shall be increased in size to obtain the number of cladding deposit analysis in conformance with the above impact specimens required by WC-2331 or WC-2332, as required certification testing. applicable. (c) The preparation of samples for chemical analysis of (c) The welding of the test coupon shall conform to the undiluted weld deposits shall comply with the method requirements of the SFA specification for the classifica- given in the applicable SFA specification. Where a weld tion of electrode being tested. Coupons shall be tested deposit method is not provided by the SFA specification, in the as ‐ welded condition and the postweld heat-treated the sample shall be removed from a weld pad, groove, condition. The postweld heat treatment temperatures or other test weld made using the welding process that shall be in accordance with Table WC-4622.1-1 for the ap- will be followed when the welding material or combina- plicable P ‐ Number equivalent. The time at postweld heat tion of welding materials being certified is consumed. treatment temperature shall be 8 hr (this qualifies post- The methods given in the Appendix of SFA-5.9 shall be weld heat treatments of 10 hr or less). When the postweld used to establish a welding and sampling method for heat treatment of the production weld exceeds 10 hr or the pad, groove, or other test weld to ensure that the weld the PWHT temperature is other than that required, the deposit being sampled will be substantially free of base general test of WC-2431.1 shall be used. metal dilution. The weld for A‐ No. 8 material to be used (d) The tensile and C v specimens shall be located and with the GMAW or EGW process shall be made using prep ared in accordance with the requirements o f the shielding gas composition specified in the Welding SFA-5.1 or SFA-5.5, as applicable. Drop weight impact test Procedure Specifications that will be followed when the specimens, where required, shall be located and oriented as specified in WC-2431.1(d). (e) One all ‐ weld ‐ metal tensile specimen shall be tested Table WC-2432.1-1 and shall meet the specified minimum tensile strength re- Sampling of Welding Materials for Chemical quirement of the SFA specification for the applicable elec- Analysis trode classification. (f) The requirements of WC-2431.1(f) shall be applic- All Other GTAW/PAW GMAW Processes able to the impact testing. A‐ No. 8 filler metal Filler metal or Weld deposit Weld deposit weld deposit WC-2432 Chemical Analysis Test All other filler metal Filler metal or Filler metal Weld deposit weld deposit or weld Chemical analysis of filler metal or weld deposits shall deposit be made in accordance with WC-2420 and as required by the following Subparagraph. 136 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 material is consumed. The test sample for ESW shall be WC-243 3 Delta Ferri te Determ i n ati on removed from the weld metal of the mechanical proper- ties test coupon. Where a chemical analysis is required A determination of delta ferrite shall be performed on for a welding material which does not have a mechanical A‐ No. 8 weld material (Section IX, Table QW-442) backing properties test requirement, a chemical analysis test cou- filler metal (consumable inserts); bare electrode, rod, or pon shall be prepared as required by WC-2431.1(c), ex- wire filler metal; or weld metal, except that delta ferrite cept that heat treatment of the coupon is not required determinations are not required for SFA-5.4 Type 16 ‐ an d th e we l d co u p o n th i ckn e s s re q u i re m e n ts o f 8 ‐ 2 or A‐ No. 8 weld filler metal to be used for weld metal WC-2431.1(c) do not apply. cladding. (d) The alternate method provided in (b) above for the WC- 243 3 . 1 Delta ferrite determinations of M eth o d . preparation of samples for chemical analysis of welding welding material, including consumable insert material, material to be used for corrosion resistant overlay clad- shall be made using a magnetic measuring instrument ding shall require a test weld made in accordance with and weld deposits made in accordance with (b) below. Al- the essential variables of the welding procedure specifica- ternatively, the delta ferrite determinations for welding tion that will be followed when the welding material is materials may be performed by the use of the chemical consumed. The test weld shall be made in conformance anal ys i s o f WC - 2 4 3 2 i n co n j u n cti o n wi th Fi gu re with the requirements of Section IX, QW‐ 214. The re- WC-2433.1-1. moval of chemical analysis samples shall conform to (a) Calibration of magnetic instruments shall conform QW‐ 453 for the minimum thickness for which the Weld- to AWS A 4.2. ing Procedure Specification is qualified. (b) The weld deposit for magnetic delta ferrite determi- W C- 24 3 2 . 2 Re q u i re m e n ts fo r Ch e m i cal An alys i s . nation shall be made in accordance with WC-2432.1(c). The chemical elements to be determined, the composition (c) A minimum of six ferrite readings shall be taken on requirements of the weld metal, and the recording of re- the surface of the weld deposit. The readings obtained sults of the chemical analysis shall be in accordance with shall be averaged to a single Ferrite Number. (a), (b), and (c) below. (a) Welding material of ferrous alloy A‐ No. 8 (Section WC-2433. 2 The minimum ac- Acceptan ce Stan d ard s. IX, Table QW-442) shall be analyzed for the elements ceptable delta ferrite shall be 5FN (Ferrite Number). The listed in Table WC-2432.2-1 and for any other elements results of the delta ferrite determination shall be included specified either in the welding material specification re- in the Certified Material Test Report of WC-213 0 or ferenced by the Welding Procedure Specification or in WC-4120. the Welding Procedure Specification. (b) The chemical composition of the weld metal or filler WC-2440 STO RAG E AN D H AN DLI N G OF metal shall conform to the welding material specification WELDI N G M ATERI AL for elements having specified percentage composition Suitable storage and handling of electrodes, flux, and limits. Where the Welding Procedure Specification con- other welding materials shall be maintained. Precautions tains a modification of the composition limits of SFA or shall be taken to minimize absorption of moisture by other referenced welding material specifications, or pro- fluxes and cored, fabricated, and coated electrodes. vides limits for additional elements, these composition limits of the Welding Procedure Specification shall apply for acceptability. (c) The results of the chemical analysis shall be re- WC-2500 EXAM I N ATI ON AN D REPAI R OF ported in accordance with NCA‐ 3862.1. Elements listed CON TAI N M EN T M ATERI AL in Table WC-2432.2-1 but not specified in the welding WC-2 510 CON TAI N M EN T M ATERI AL material specification or Welding Procedure Specification shall be reported for information only. Containment material shall be examined and repaired in accordance with the material specification and as otherwise required by this subarticle. WC-2 530 EXAM I N ATI ON AN D REPAI R OF PLATE WC-2 531 Req u i red Exam i n ati on Table WC-243 2. 2 -1 Plates shall be examined in accordance with the re- Weld i n g M ateri al Ch em i cal An alysi s quirements of the material specification. In addition, for Materials Elements ferritic steels, the containment shell in the area of the clo- Cr– Ni stainless C, Cr, Mo, Ni, Mn, Si, Cb sure welds made, after loading the containment (Figure WC-4265-3) shall be examined by the ultrasonic method in accordance with WC-2532. 137 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WC-2433.1-1 Weld Metal Delta Ferrite Content 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 18 18 ) ( FN er mb nu 4 0 te 16 16 8 r ri Ni eq ? Ni ? 35 C ? 20 N ? 0.25 Cu Fe 12 2 16 6 20 10 24 28 14 35 18 14 14 45 22 55 26 30 40 65 50 75 60 12 85 12 70 80 95 90 1 00 10 10 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Creq ? Cr ? Mo ? 0.7 Nb GENERAL NOTES: (a) The actual nitrogen content is preferred. If this is not available, the following applicable nitrogen value shall be used: (1 ) GMAW welds — 0.08%, except that when self-shielding flux-cored electrodes are used — 0.12% (2) Welds made using other processes — 0.06% (b) This diagram is identical to the WRC ‐ 1992 Diagram, except that the solidification mode lines have been removed for ease of use. WC-2532 Ultrasonic Examination Procedures (b) Acceptance Standards (1 ) Any area where one or more imperfections pro- WC-2532.1 Straight Beam Examination. The re- quirements for straight beam examination shall be in ac- duce a continuous total loss of back reflection accompa- cordance with SA- 5 7 8 /SA- 5 78 M , Specificatio n fo r nied by continuous indications on the same plane that Straight Beam Wave Ultrasonic Testing and Inspection cannot be encompassed within a circle whose diameter of Plain and Clad Steel Plates for Special Applications, as is 3 in. (75 mm) or one ‐ half of the plate thickness, which- shown in Section V, except that the extent of examination ever is greater, is unacceptable. (2) In addition, two or more imperfections smaller and the acceptance standards to be applied are given in (a) and (b) below. than described in (1) above shall be unacceptable unless (a) Exten t of Exam in ation . The examination shall in- separated by a minimum distance equal to the greatest clude the area adjacent to the closure weld to a distance diameter of the larger imperfection, or unless they may of at least three times the nominal shell thickness. One be collectively encompassed by the circle described in hundred percent of one major plate surface shall be cov- (1) above. ered by moving the search unit in parallel paths with not less than a 10% overlap. 138 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-2 537 Ti m e of Exam i n ati on WC-2539. 5 H eat Treatm en t After Repai rs. The pro- duct shall be heat treated after repair in accordance with Acceptance examinations shall be performed at the the requirements of WC-4620. time of manufacture as required in (a) through (c) below. (a) Ultrason ic exam in ation shall be performed after WC-2539. 6 M ateri al Report Descri bi n g Defects an d rolling to size and after heat treatment, except for post- Each defect repair that is required to be radio- Re p ai r. weld heat treatment. graphed shall be described in the Certified Material Test (b) Radiographic examination of repair welds, when re- Report. The Certified Material Test Report for each piece quired, may be performed prior to any required postweld shall include a chart which shows the location and size of heat treatment. the prepared cavity, the welding material identification, (c) Magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination or the welding procedure, the heat treatment, and a report repair welds shall be performed after final heat treat- of the results of the examinations, including radiographic ment, except that the examination may be performed film. prior to postweld heat treatment of P ‐ No. 1 material WC-2539. 7 Repai r of Clad d i n g by Weld i n g . The Ma- 2 in. (50 mm) and less nominal thickness. terial Organization may repair defects in cladding by welding, provided the requirements of (a) through (d) be- WC-2 538 Eli m i n ati on of Su rface Defects low are met. Surface defects shall be removed by grinding or ma- (a) Qualification of Weldin g Procedures and Welders. chining, provided the requirements of (a) and (b) below The welding procedure and the welders or welding op- are met. erato rs shall b e qualified in acco rdance with Article (a) The depression, after defect elimination, is blended WC-4000 and Section IX. uniformly into the surrounding surface. (b) Defect Removal and Examination of Cavity. The de- (b) When the eliminatio n of the defect reduces the fect shall be removed, and the cavity prepared for repair thickness of the section below the minimum required s h al l b e e xam i n e d b y th e l i q u i d p e n e tran t m e th o d by the design, the material shall be repaired in accordance (WC-2546). with WC-2539. (c) Examination of Repaired Areas. The repaired area s h a l l b e e x a m i n e d b y a l i q u i d p e n e tr a n t m e th o d WC-2 539 Repai r by Weld i n g (WC-2546). (d) Report of Repairs. Each defect repair shall be de- The Material Organization may repair by welding mate- scribed in the Certified Material Test Report for each rials from which defects have been removed, provided the piece, including a chart which shows the location and size depth of the repair cavity does not exceed one ‐ third of the of the repair, the welding material identification, welding nominal thickness and the requirements of the following procedure, heat treatment, and examination results. subparagraphs are met. Prior approval of the Certificate Holder shall be obtained for the repair of plates to be used in the manufacture of containment vessels. WC-2 540 EXAM I N ATI ON AN D REPAI R OF FO RG I N G S AN D BARS WC- 253 9. 1 The defect shall be re- Defect Rem oval. moved or reduced to an imperfection of acceptable limit WC-2 541 Req u i red Exam i n ati on s by suitable mechanical or thermal cutting or gouging Forgings and bars shall be examined in accordance methods and the cavity prepared for repair (WC-4211.1). with the requirements of the material specification, ex- WC- 2 5 3 9 . 2 Q u ali fi cati o n o f W e ld i n g P ro ce d u re s cept when magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examina- The welding procedure and welders or an d W e ld e rs . tion is specifically required by the rules of this Subsection, welding operators shall be qualified in accordance with in which case the examination shall conform to the re- Article WC-4000 and Section IX. quirements of WC-2545 or WC-2546, as applicable. WC-2539. 3 Blen d i n g of Repai red Areas. After repair, WC-2 545 M ag n eti c Parti cle Exam i n ati on the surface shall be blended uniformly into the surround- ing surface. WC-2 545. 1 Exam i n ati on Proced u re. The procedure for magnetic particle examination shall be in accordance WC- 253 9 . 4 Exam i n ati on of Repai r Weld s. Each re- with the methods of Section V, Article 7. pair weld shall be examined by the magnetic particle method (WC-2 5 45 ) or by the liquid penetrant method WC-2545. 2 Evalu ati on of I n d i cati on s. (WC-2546). In addition, when the depth of the repair cav- (a) Mechanical discontinuities at the surface are re- ity exceeds the lesser of 3/8 in. (10 mm) or 10% of the sec- vealed by the retention of the examination medium. All in- tion thickness, the repair weld shall be radiographed in dications are no t necessarily defects, however, since accordance with and to the applicable acceptance stan- certain metallurgical discontinuities and magnetic perme- dards of WC-5320. The image quality indicator (IQI) shall ability variations may produce similar indications which be based upon the section thickness of the repaired area. are not relevant. 139 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (b) Any indication in excess of the WC-2 545 .3 accep- Rounded indications are indications which are circular tance standards which is believed to be nonrelevant shall or elliptical with the length equal to or less than three be reexamined by the same or other nondestructive ex- times the width. amination methods to verify whether or not actual de- WC-2546. 3 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s. fects are present. Surface conditioning may precede the (a) Only imperfections producing indications with ma- reexamination. Nonrelevant indications which would jor dimensions greater than 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) shall be con- mask defects are unacceptable. sidered relevant. (c) Relevant indications are those which result from imperfections. Linear indications are those indications (b) Imperfections producing the following relevant in- in which the length is more than three times the width. dications are unacceptable: Rounded indications are indications which are circular (1 ) a n y l i n e a r i n d i c a ti o n s gre a te r th a n 1/1 6 i n . or elliptical with the length equal to or less than three (1.5 mm) long for material less than 5/8 in. (16 mm) thick, times the width. Indications resulting from nonmetallic greater than 1/8 in. (3 mm) long for material from 5/8 in. inclusions are not considered relevant indications. (16 mm) thick to under 2 in. (50 mm) thick, and 3/1 6 in. (5 mm) long for material 2 in. (50 mm) thick and greater; WC-2545. 3 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s. (2) ro unded indications with dimensions greater (a) Only imperfections producing indications with ma- than 1/8 in . (3 m m) fo r thi ckn e s s e s l e s s th an 5/8 i n. jor dimensions greater than 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) shall be con- (16 mm) and greater than 3/16 in. (5 mm) for thicknesses sidered relevant imperfections. 5 /8 in. (16 mm) and greater; (b) Imperfections producing the following relevant in- (3) four or more relevant indications in a line sepa- dications are unacceptable: rated by 1/1 6 in. (1.5 mm) or less edge to edge; (1 ) a n y l i n e a r i n d i c a ti o n s gre a te r th a n 1/1 6 i n . (4) ten or more relevant indications in any 6 in. 2 (1.5 mm) long for material less than 5/8 in. (16 mm) thick, (4 000 mm 2 ) of area whose major dimension is no more greater than 1/8 in. (3 mm) long for material from 5/8 in. than 6 in. (1 5 0 mm) with the dimensions taken in the (16 mm) thick to under 2 in. (50 mm) thick, and 3/1 6 in. most unfavorable location relative to the indications (5 mm) long for material 2 in. (50 mm) thick and greater; being evaluated. (2) ro unded indications with dimensions greater than 1/8 in . (3 m m) fo r thi ckn e s s e s l e s s th an 5/8 i n. (16 mm) and greater than 3/16 in. (5 mm) for thicknesses WC- 2547 Ti m e of Exam i n ati on 5 /8 in. (16 mm) and greater; The requirements for time of examination shall be the (3) four or more relevant indications in a line sepa- same as stated in WC-2537. rated by 1/1 6 in. (1.5 mm) or less edge to edge; (4) ten or more relevant indications in any 6 in. 2 WC- 2548 Eli m i n ati on of Su rface Defects (4 000 mm 2 ) of area whose major dimension is no more than 6 in. (1 5 0 mm) with the dimensions taken in the Elimination of surface defects shall be made in accor- most unfavorable location relative to the indications dance with WC-2538. being evaluated. WC- 2549 Repai r by Weld i n g WC- 2546 Li q u i d Pen etran t Exam i n ati on s Repair by welding shall be performed in accordance WC- 2546. 1 The procedure Exam i n ati o n Proced u re. with WC-2539, except that the depth of repair that is per- for liquid penetrant examination shall be in accordance mitted is not limited. with the methods of Section V, Article 6. WC- 2546. 2 Evalu ati on of I n d i cati on s. WC- 2550 EXAM I N ATI ON AN D REPAI R OF (a) Mechanical discontinuities at the surface are re- SEAM LESS AN D WELDED (WI TH OU T vealed by bleeding out of the penetrant; however, local- FI LLER M ETAL) TU BU LAR PRODU CTS ized surface dis continuities, s uch as may occur from AN D FI TTI N G S machining marks or surface conditions, may produce sim- WC- 2551 Req u i red Exam i n ati on ilar indications which are not relevant. (b) Any indication in excess of the WC-2 546.3 accep- (a) All seam welds in welded (without filler metal) tub- tance standards, which is believed to be nonrelevant, shall ular products shall be examined by one of the following be reexamined to verify whether or not actual defects are methods: present. Surface conditioning may precede the reexami- (1 ) u l tra s o n i c e xa m i n a ti o n i n a c c o rd a n c e wi th nation. Nonrelevant indications and broad areas of pig- WC-2552 mentation which would mask defects are unacceptable. (2) radiographic examination in accordance with (c) Relevant indications are those which result from WC-2553 imperfections. Linear indications are those indications (3) eddy current examination in accordance with in which the length is more than three times the width. WC-2554 140 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (b) Wrought seamless and welded (without filler me- standard defects shall be axial notches or grooves on tal) tubular products and fittings, except copper alloy the outside and inside surfaces of the reference specimen and nickel alloy tubular products and fittings, shall com- and shall have a length of approximately 1 in. (25 mm) or ply with the requirements of WC-2557, WC-2558, and less, a width not to exceed 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) for a square WC-2559, in addition to the basic material specification. notch or U ‐ notch, a width proportional to the depth for (c) Copper alloy and nickel alloy wrought seamless and a V‐ notch, and a depth not greater than the larger of welded (without filler metal) tubular products and fit- 0.004 in. (0.10 mm) or 5% of the nominal wall thickness. tings shall comply with the requirements of WC-2558, (b) The reference specimen shall be long enough to in addition to the basic material specification. simulate the handling of the product being examined through the examination equipment. When more than ð 17Þ WC-2552 Ultrasonic Examination one standard defect is placed in a reference specimen, The volumetric examinations required by this para- the defects shall be located so that indications from each graph need only be conducted from one surface. defect are separate and distinct without mutual interfer- WC-2552.1 Examination Procedure for Welds in ence or amplification. All upset metal and burrs adjacent Pipe and Tubing. to the reference notches shall be removed. (a) Circumferential Direction — 3 6 /4 in. (1 70 mm) O. D. WC-2552.4 Checking and Calibration of Equipment. and Smaller. The welds in pipe and tubing shall be exam- The proper functioning of the examination equipment ined in two circumferential directions. The procedure for shall be checked, and the equipment shall be calibrated ultrasonic examination of pipe and tubing in the circum- by the use of the reference specimens, as a minimum: ferential direction shall be in accordance with SE-213, (a) at the beginning of each production run of a given Standard Method for Ultrasonic Examination of Pipe size and thickness of a given material; and Tubing for Longitudinal Discontinuities, and the re- (b) after each 4 hr or less during the production run; quirements of this paragraph. The procedure shall pro- vide a sensitivity which will consistently detect defects (c) at the end of the production run; that produce indications equal to or greater than the indi- (d) at any time that malfunctioning is suspected. cations produced by standard defects included in the re- If, during any check, it is determined that the testing ference specimens specified in WC-2552.3. equipment is not functioning properly, all of the product 3 (b) Pipe and Tubing Larger Than 6 /4 in. (1 70 mm) O.D. that has been tested since the last valid equipment cali- The welds in pipe and tubing shall be examined in two cir- bration shall be reexamined. cumferential directions. The procedure for ultrasonic ex- aminatio n o f p ip e and tub ing larger than 6 3/4 i n. (170 mm) O.D. shall be in accordance either with the re- WC-2553 Radiographic Examination quirements of SA-388 for angle beam scanning in the cir- (a) Gen eral. When radiographic examination is per- cumferential direction, or with the requirements of formed as an alternative to ultrasonic examination of SE-213. The reference standard shall be in accordance the entire volume of the material, it shall apply to the en- with WC-2552.3 below. tire volume of the pipe, tube, or fitting material. Accep- (c) Acceptan ce Stan dard. Products with defects that tance standards specified for welds shall apply to the produce indications in excess of the indications produced entire volume of material examined. by the standard defects in the reference specimen are un- (b) Examination Procedure . The radiographic examina- acceptable unless the defects are eliminated or repaired in accordance with WC-2558 or WC-2559. tion shall be performed in accordance with Section V, Article 2, as modified by WC-5111. WC-2552.2 Examination Procedure for Welds in Fit- (c) A ccep tan ce Stan da rd . Welds that are shown by tings. radiography to have any of the following types of discon- (a) Procedure . The procedure for ultrasonic examina- tinuities are unacceptable: tion of welds in fittings shall be in accordance with the re- (1 ) any type of crack or zone of incomplete fusion or quirements of Recommended Practice SA-388 for angle beam examination in two circumferential directions. penetration; (b) Acceptance Standard. Fittings shall be unacceptable (2) any other elongated indication which has a length if angle beam examination results show one or more re- greater than: 1 3 flectors that produce indications exceeding in amplitude (-a) /4 in. (6 mm) for t up to /4 in. (19 mm) , the indications from the calibrated notch. inclusive 1 3 1 WC-2552.3 Reference Specimens. (-b) /3 t for t from /4 in. (1 9 mm) to 2 /4 in. (a) The reference specimen shall be of the same nom- (57 mm), inclusive 3 1 inal diameter and thickness and of the same nominal com- (-c) /4 in. (19 mm) for t over 2 /4 in. (57 mm) position and heat-treated condition as the product which where t is the thickness of the thinner portion of the is being examined. For circumferential scanning, the weld; 141 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (3) any group of aligned indications having an aggre- may be performed prior to postweld heat treatment for gate length greater than t in a length of 12 t , unless the P ‐ No. 1 (Section IX of the Code) materials of 2 in. minimum distance between successive indications ex- (50 mm) and less nominal thickness; ceeds 6 L , in which case the aggregate length is unlimited, (4) forgings and rolled bars which are to be bored L being the length of the largest indication; and/or turned to form tubular parts or fittings shall be ex- (4) rounded indications in excess of that shown as amined after boring and/or turning, except for threading; acceptable in Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appen- fittings shall be examined after final forming; dix VI. (5) when surface examination is required, all exter- nal surfaces and all accessible internal surfaces shall be WC- 2554 Ed d y Cu rren t Exam i n ati on examined, except for bolt holes and threads. This examination method is restricted to materials with uniform magnetic properties and of sizes for which mean- WC- 2558 Eli m i n ati on of Su rface Defects ingful results can be obtained. Surface defects shall be removed by grinding or ma- WC- 2 554. 1 The procedure Exam i n ati on Proced u re. chining, provided the requirements of (a) through (c) be- for eddy current examination shall provide a sensitivity low are met. that will consistently detect defects by comparison with (a) The depression, after defect elimination, is blended the standard defects included in the reference specimen uniformly into the surrounding surface. specified in WC-2554.2. Products with defects that pro- (b) After defect elimination, the area is examined by the duce indications in excess of the reference standards method which originally disclosed the defect to assure are unacceptable unless the defects are eliminated or re- that the defect has been removed or reduced to an imper- paired in accordance with WC-2 5 5 8 or WC-2 55 9 as fection of acceptable size. applicable. (c) If the elimination of the defect reduces the thickness of the section below the minimum required to satisfy the The reference rules of Article WC-3000, the product shall be repaired in WC- 2 5 5 4. 2 R e fe re n ce S p e ci m e n s . specimen shall be of the same nominal diameter and thickness and of the same nominal composition and heat- accordance with WC-2559. treated condition as the product that is being examined. The standard shall contain tangential or circumferential WC- 2559 Repai r by Weld i n g notches on the outside surface plus a 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) dia- Repair of defects shall be in accordance with WC-2539. meter hole drilled through the wall. These shall be used to establish the rejection level for the product to be tested. WC- 256 0 EXAM I N ATI ON AN D REPAI R OF The reference notches shall have a depth not greater than TU BU LAR PRODU CTS AN D FI TTI N G S the larger of 0.004 in. (0.10 mm) or 5% of the wall thick- WELDED WI TH FI LLER M ETAL ness. The width of the notch shall not exceed 1/1 6 in. (1 .5 mm) . The length shall be approximately 1 in. WC- 2561 Req u i red Exam i n ati on (25 mm) or less. The size of reference specimens shall (a) Welded (with filler metal) tubular products, such as be as specified in WC-2552.3. pipe made in accordance with SA-358, SA-409, SA-671, SA-672, and SA-691 and fittings made in accordance with WC- 2554. 3 Ch ecki n g an d Cali brati on of Eq u i pm en t. the WPW grades of SA-234, SA-403, and SA-420, which The checking and calibration of examination equipment are made by welding with filler metal, shall be treated shall be the same as in WC-2552.4. as material; however, inspection by an Inspector and stamping with a Certification Mark with NPT Designator WC- 2557 Ti m e of Exam i n ati on shall be in accordance with Section III requirements. In (a) Products that are quenched and tempered shall be addition to the Certification Mark with NPT Designator, examined, as required, after the quenching and tempering a numeral 1 shall be stamped below and outside the offi- heat treatment. cial Certification Mark. (b) Products that are not quenched and tempered shall (b) In addition to the requirements of the material receive the required examinations as follows: specification and of this Article, all welds shall be exam- (1 ) ultrasonic or eddy current examination, when re- ined 100% by radiography in accordance with the basic quired, shall be performed after final heat treatment, ex- material specification. When radiographic examination cept postweld heat treatment; is not specified in the basic material specification, the (2) radiographic examination, when required, may welds shall be examined in accordance with WC-2563. be performed prior to any required postweld heat (c) Tubular products and fittings which have been treatment; radiographed shall be marked to indicate that radiogra- (3) magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examina- phy has been performed. The radiographs and a radio- tion of welds, including repair welds, shall be performed graphic report showing exposure locations shall be after final heat treatment, except that the examination provided with the Certified Material Test Report. 142 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (d) The Authorized Inspector shall certify by signing The following acceptance standards shall be applied: the Partial Data Report Form NM-1 (see Section III Ap- (a) The Quality Levels of SA-609 as shown in Section V pendices, Mandatory Appendix V) in accordance with shall apply for the casting thickness indicated. NCA‐ 5290. (1 ) Quality Level 1 fo r thicknes s es up to 2 in. (50 mm) WC-2 563 Rad i og raph i c Exam i n ati on (2) Quality Level 3 for thicknesses 2 in. to 4 in. The radiographic examination shall be performed in ac- (50 mm to 100 mm) (3) Quality Level 4 for thicknesses greater than 4 in. cordance with the requirements of WC-2553. (100 mm) (b) In addition to the Quality Level requirements stated WC-2 567 Ti m e of Exam i n ati on in (a) above, the requirements in (1) through (5) below The time of examination shall be in accordance with the shall apply for both straight beam and angle beam requirements of WC-2557. examination. (1 ) Areas giving indications exceeding the Amplitude WC-2 568 Eli m i n ati on of Su rface Defects Reference Line with any dimension longer than those spe- Unacceptable surface defects shall be removed in ac- cified in the following tabulation shall be unacceptable: cordance with the requirements of WC-2558. Longest Dimension of Area, in. (mm) UT Quality Level [Notes (1), (2), and (3)] WC-2 569 Repai r by Weld i n g 1 1.5 (38) When permitted by the basic material specification, 2 2.0 (50) 3 2.5 (64) base material defects shall be repair welded in accor- 4 3.0 (75) dance to the requirements of WC-2559. Repair welding o f weld s eam defects s hall b e in acco rdance with NOTES: WC-4450. (1) The areas for the Ultrasonic Quality Levels in SA-609 refer to the surface area on the casting over which co ntinuo us indicatio n, exceeding the trans fer- WC-2 570 EXAM I N ATI ON AN D REPAI R OF CAST corrected distance amplitude curve, is maintained. PRODU CTS (2) Areas shall be measured from dimensions of the WC-2 571 Req u i red Exam i n ati on movement of the search unit, using the center of the search unit as the reference point. For examination of the containment casting, the follow- (3) In certain castings, because of very long metal path ing shall apply: distances or curvature of the examination surfaces, (a) All cast products shall be examined by the ultraso- the surface area over which a given discontinuity is nic method as specified in WC-2574. detected may be considerably larger or smaller than the actual area of the discontinuity in the casting; in (b) All external and accessible internal surfaces, except such cases, other criteria that incorporate a considera- threaded surfaces, shall be examined using either the li- tion of beam angles or beam spread shall be used for quid penetrant method (WC-2576) or the magnetic parti- realistic evaluation of the discontinuity. cle method (WC-2577). (2) Quality Level 1 shall apply for the volume of cast- WC-2 572 Ti m e of N on d estru cti ve Exam i n ati on ings within 1 in. (25 mm) of the surface regardless of the All examinations shall be performed after final machin- overall thickness. ing except that ultrasonic testing shall be performed at (3) Discontinuities indicated to have a change in the time when the configuration is best suited for scan- depth equal to or greater than one-half the wall thickness ning and the most meaningful results can be obtained. or 1 in. (25 mm), whichever is less, shall be unacceptable. (4) Two or more indications in the same plane with WC-2 573 Provi si on s for Repai r of Base M ateri al amplitudes exceeding the Amplitude Reference Line and by Weld i n g separated by a distance less than the longest dimension of the larger of the adjacent indications shall be unaccep- Castings shall not be repaired by plugging, welding, table if they cannot be encompassed within an area less brazing, impregnation, or any other means. than that of the Quality Level specified in (1). (5) Two or more indications greater than permitted WC-2 574 U ltrason i c Exam i n ati on of Casti n g s for Quality Level 1 for castings less than 2 in. (50 mm) Ultrasonic examination shall be performed in accor- in thickness, greater than permitted for Quality Level 2 dance with Section V, Article 5, T-471.4. Each manufac- fo r t h i c k n e s s e s 2 i n . t h r o u g h 4 i n . ( 5 0 m m turer shall certify that the procedure is in accordance through 100 mm), and greater than permitted for Quality with the following requirements and shall make the pro- Level 3 for thicknesses greater than 4 in. (100 mm), sepa- cedure available for approval upon request. rated by a distance less than the longest dimension of the 143 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 larger of the adjacent indications, shall be unacceptable if produce indications that are not relevant. Any indication they cannot be encompassed in an area less than that of in excess of the acceptance standards that is believed to the Quality Level requirements stated in (1). be nonrelevant shall be regarded as a defect until it is re- examined to verify whether actual defects are present. WC- 2576 Li q u i d Pen etran t Exam i n ati on Nonrelevant indications that would mask indications of (a) Castings shall be examined, if required, on all acces- defects are unacceptable. Surface conditioning may pre- sible surfaces by the liquid penetrant method in accor- cede the reexamination. Relevant indications are those dance with Section V of the Code. that result from unacceptable mechanical discontinuities (b) Evaluation of Indication s. All indications shall be a n d h a ve a m a j o r d i m e n s i o n gre a te r th a n 1/1 6 i n . evaluated in terms of the acceptance standards. Mechan- (1 .5 mm) . Linear indications are those whose length is ical discontinuities intersecting the surface are indicated more than 3 times the width. Rounded indications are by bleeding out of the penetrant; however, localized sur- those that are circular or elliptical with the length less face discontinuities as may occur from machining marks, than 3 times the width. scale, or dents may produce indications that are not rele- (c) Acceptance Standards. The following relevant indi- vant. Any indication in excess of the acceptance standards cations are unacceptable: believed to be nonrelevant shall be regarded as a defect 1 until it is reexamined to verify whether actual defects (1 ) linear indications greater than /1 6 in. (1.5 mm) 5 are present. Nonrelevant indications and broad areas of long for materials less than /8 in. (16 mm) thick, greater pigmentation that would mask indications of defects are than 1/8 in. (3 mm) long for materials from 5/8 in. (16 mm) unacceptable. Surface conditioning may precede the reex- thick to under 2 in. (50 mm) thick, and 3/16 in. (5 mm) long amination. Relevant indications are those that result from for materials 2 in. (50 mm) thick and greater mechanical discontinuities. Linear indications are those (2) rounded indications with dimensio ns greater whose length is more than 3 times the width. Rounded in- th a n 1/8 i n . (3 m m ) l o n g fo r m a te ri a l s fro m 5/8 i n . dications are those that are circular or elliptical with the (16 mm) thick to under 2 in. (50 mm) thick, and 3/1 6 in. length less than 3 times the width. Indications with major (5 mm) long for materials 2 in. (50 mm) thick and greater dimensions greater than 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) are considered (3) four or more relevant indications in a line sepa- relevant. rated by 1/1 6 in. (1.5 mm) or less edge to edge (c) Acceptance Standards. The following relevant indi- 2 cations are unacceptable: (4) ten or more relevant indications in any 6 in. 2 1 (1 ) a n y l i n e a r i n d i c a ti o n s gre a te r th a n /1 6 i n . (4 000 mm ) of surface with the major dimension of this 5 (1.5 mm) long for materials less than /8 in. (16 mm) thick, area not to exceed 6 in. (150 mm) taken in the most un- greater than 1/8 in. (3 mm) long for materials from 5/8 in. favorable orientation relative to the indications being (16 mm) thick to under 2 in. (50 mm) thick, and 3/1 6 in. evaluated (5 mm) long for materials 2 in. (50 mm) thick and greater (2) ro unded indications with dimensions greater than 1/8 in . (3 m m) fo r thi ckn e s s e s l e s s th an 5/8 i n. WC- 2580 EXAM I N ATI O N OF BO LTS, STU DS, AN D (16 mm) and greater than 3/16 in. (5 mm) for thicknesses N U TS 5 /8 in. (16 mm) and greater (3) four or more relevant indications in a line sepa- WC- 2581 Req u i rem en ts rated by 1/1 6 in. (1.5 mm) or less edge-to-edge 2 All bolting material shall be visually examined in accor- (4) ten or more relevant indications in any 6 in. 2 (4 000 mm ) of surface with the major dimension of this dance with WC-2582. area not to exceed 6 in. (150 mm) taken in the most un- favorable orientation relative to the indications being evaluated WC- 2582 Vi su al Exam i n ati on ð 17Þ WC- 2577 M ag n eti c Parti cle Exam i n ati on (for The final surfaces of threads, shanks, and heads shall be Du cti le Cast I ron ) visually examined for workmanship, finish, and appear- (a) Castings of magnetic material shall be examined, if ance in acco rdance with the requirements o f AS TM required, on all accessible surfaces by a magnetic particle F788 for bolting material and ASTM F812 for nuts. The vi- method in accordance with Section V of the Code. sual examination personnel shall be trained and qualified (b) Evaluation of Indication s. All indications shall be in accordance with the Material Organization s Quality ’ evaluated in terms of the acceptance standards. Mechan- System Program or the Certificate Holder s Quality Assur- ’ ical discontinuities intersecting the surface are indicated ance Program. These examinations are not required to be by retention of the examination medium. All indications performed either in accordance with procedures qualified are not necessarily defects since certain metallurgical dis- to WC-5100 or by personnel qualified in accordance with continuities and magnetic permeability variations may WC-5500. 144 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-2600 M ATERI AL ORG AN I ZATI ON S ’ to provide assurance that the material is furnished in ac- QU ALI TY SYSTEM PROG RAM S cordance with the material specification and with the ap- plicable requirements of this Subsection. WC-2610 DOCU M EN TATI ON AN D M AI N TEN AN CE (c) For the purpose of this paragraph, small products OF QU ALI TY SYSTEM PROG RAM S are defined as given in (1) through (3) below: (a) Except as provided in (b) below, Material Organiza- (1 ) p ipe, tube, pipe fittings, and flanges NPS 2 tions shall have a Quality System Program or an Identifi- (DN 50) and less; cation and Verification Program, as applicable, which (2) bolting materials, including studs, nuts, and bolts meets the requirements of WA-3800. of 1 in. (25 mm) nominal diameter and less; (b) The requirements of NCA 3862 shall be met as re- ‐ (3) bars with a nominal cross sectional area of 1 in. 2 ‐ q u i re d b y WC - 2 1 3 0 . T h e o th e r re q u i re m e n ts o f (650 mm2 ) and less. WA-3800 need not be used by Material Organizations for small products, as defined in (c) below, for brazing material, and for material which is allowed by this Sub- WC-2700 DI M EN SI ON AL STAN DARDS section to be furnished with a Certificate of Compliance. For these products, the Certificate Holder s Quality Assur- ’ Dimensions of standard items shall comply with the ance Program (Article WA-4000) shall include measures standards and specifications listed in Table WA-7100-1. 145 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WC- 3000 DESI G N WC-3100 G EN ERAL DESI G N WC-3 112 . 3 The specified Desi g n M ech an ical Load s. Design Mechanical Loads shall be established in accor- WC- 3110 LOADI N G CRI TERI A dance with WA-2123.1(c). They shall be used in conjunc- WC- 3111 Load i n g Con d i ti on s tion with the Design Pressure. The loadings considered in designing a containment as WC- 3 112 . 4 D esi g n Allowab le Stress I n ten si ty Val- identified in the Design Specification shall include, but are u es. Design stress intensity values for Section III, Class not limited to, those in (a) through (g) below. SC materials listed in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables (a) internal and external pressures 2A, 2B, and 4 shall be used. The materials shall not be (b) impact loads, either internal or external, that may used at temperatures that exceed the temperature limit be caused by operational drop events, nonmechanistic established in the stress tables. The stress intensity val- tip-over, missile impact, design-basis aircraft crash, ues in the tables may be interpolated for intermediate earthquake-induced impact, or other dynamic events temperatures. As an additional control on permitted stor- age containment materials listed in Section II, Part D, Sub- (c) weight of the containment and normal contents un- part 1, Tables 2A and 2B, only the following materials der operating or test conditions, including additional shall be used: pressure due to static and dynamic head of liquids (a) materials whose P-numbers are listed in Table (d) superimposed loads such as other components, op- WC-4622.1-1, or erating equipment, impact limiting devices, shielding, and (b) ductile cast iron castings per specifications SA-874 linings or SA/JIS G5504 of Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 2A (e) external environments such as wind loads, snow loads, vibrations, handling loads, and earthquake loads, WC- 3113 Operati n g an d Test Con d i ti on s where specified (a) Storage containments (WA-1110) are subject to op- (f) reaction loads from attachments and supports erating and test conditions that are required to be consid- (g) temperature effects caused by contents or the ex- ered in the design of the contaiment in order to satisfy ternal environment applicable safety criteria. (b) The selection of operating and test conditions is be- yond the scope of this Division. The Design Specification WC- 3112 Desi g n Load i n g s shall specify these conditions using appropriate guidance from safety criteria documents for storage containments The Design Loadings shall be established in accordance and the requirements of regulatory and enforcement with WA-2123.1 and the following subparagraphs. authorities having jurisdiction. WC- 3 1 1 2 . 1 D esi g n Pressu re. The specified internal (c) Each operating and test condition to which the and external Design Pressures to be used in this Subsec- containment may be subjected shall be classified in accor- ti o n s h al l b e e s tab l i s h e d i n a cco rd an ce wi th dance with WA-2123, and Service Limits [WA-2123.4(b)] WA-2123.1(a). shall be designated in the Design Specification in such de- tail as will provide a complete basis for design in accor- WC- 3 11 2 . 2 The specified De- D e si g n Tem pe ratu re. dance with this Subsection. sign Temperature shall be established in accordance with (d) When any loading for which Level A, C, or D Service WA-2123.1(b). It shall be used in conjunction with the De- Limits are specified in the Design Specification, they shall sign Pressure. If necessary, the metal temperature shall be evaluated in accordance with WA-2120 and in compli- be determined by computation using accepted heat trans- ance with the applicable design and stress intensity limits fer procedures or by measurement from equipment in of this Article. service under equivalent operating conditions. In no case shall the temperature at the surface of the metal exceed the maximum temperature listed in the applicability col- umn of Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A, 2B, and 4, nor exceed the maximum temperature limitations spe- cified elsewhere in this Subsection. 146 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-3 12 0 SPECI AL CON SI DERATI O N S compliance with these standards does not replace or WC-3 12 1 Corrosi on eliminate the requirements for stress analysis when cal l e d fo r b y the de s i gn s ub arti cl e fo r a s p eci fi c Material subject to thinning by corrosion, erosion, me- containment. chanical abrasion, or other environmental effects shall have provision made in the Design Specification for these WC-3 133 Con tai n m en ts U n d er Extern al Pressu re effects by indicating the increase in the thickness of the W C- 3 1 3 3 . 1 Rules are given in this para- G e n e ral. base metal over that determined by the design analysis graph for determining the thickness under external pres- (WC-3200). Other suitable methods of protection may sure loading in spherical and cylindrical shells without be used. Material added or included for these purposes stiffening rings. Charts for determining the stresses in need not be of the same thickness for all areas of the con- shells and hemispherical heads are given in Section II, tainment if different rates of attack are expected for the Part D, Subpart 3. various areas. WC-3133. 2 The symbols used in this N om en clatu re. WC-3 12 2 Clad d i n g paragraph are defined as follows: The rules of this Paragraph apply to the design of clad A = factor determined from Section II, Part D, Subpart containments constructed of materials permitted in Sec- 3, Figure G and used to enter the applicable materi- tion II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A, 2B, and 4. al chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3. For the case of cylinders having D o /T values less than 10, see WC-3122 . 1 Stre sses.E xce p t as p erm i tted b y WC-3133.3(b). WC-3214, no structural strength shall be attributed to B = factor determined from the applicable chart in Sec- the cladding. tion II, Part D, Subpart 3 for the material used in a WC- 3 12 2 . 2 The dimensions Desi g n D i m en si on s. shell at the design metal temperature, psi (MPa) given in (a) and (b) below shall be used in the design of D o = outside diameter of the cylindrical shell the containment. E = modulus of elasticity of material at Design Tem- (a) For containments subjected to internal pressure, perature, psi (MPa). For external pressure and axial the inside diameter shall be taken at the nominal inner compression design in accordance with this Article, face of the cladding. the modulus of elasticity to be used shall be taken (b) For containments subjected to external pressure, from the applicable materials chart in Section II, the outside diameter shall be taken at the outer face of Part D, Subpart 3. (Interpolation may be made be- the base metal. tween lines for intermediate temperatures.) The modulus of elasticity values shown in Section II, WC-3 12 3 Weld s Between Di ssi m i lar M etals Part D, Subpart 3 for material groups may differ from those values listed in Section II, Part D, Sub- In satisfying the requirements of this subarticle, cau- part 2, Tables TM for specific materials. Section II, tion shall be exercised in construction involving dissimi- Part D, Subpart 3 values shall be applied only to ex- lar metals having different chemical compositions, ternal pressure and axial compression design. mechanical properties, and coefficients of thermal expan- L = the design length of a containment taken as the dis- sion in order to avoid difficulties in service. tance between head tangent lines plus one ‐ third of the depth of each head WC-3 130 G EN ERAL DESI G N RU LES P = external Design Pressure, psi (MPa) (gage or abso- The design shall be such that the rules of this Article are lute, as required) satisfied for all configurations and loadings using the P a = allowable external pressure, psi (MPa) (gage or ab- stress intensity values of WC-3112.4 and including the solute, as required) use of standard products listed in Table WA-7100-1. R = inside radius of spherical shell S = the lesser of 1.5 times the stress intensity at design WC-3 131 Desi g n Reports metal temperature from Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2B or 0.9 times the tabulated yield The Certificate Holder shall provide a Design Report strength at design metal temperature from Section conforming to the requirements of WC-3211. II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table Y-1, psi (MPa) T = minimum required thickness of cylindrical shell or WC-3 132 Di m en si on al Stan d ard s for Stan d ard spherical shell Prod u cts Tn = nominal thickness used, less corrosion allowance, Dimensions of standards products shall comply with of a cylindrical shell the s tan d ard s a n d s p e ci fi cati o n s l i s te d i n Tab l e WA-7100-1 when the standard or specification is refer- enced in the s p ecific des ign s ub article. H o wever, 147 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-3133.3 Cylindrical Shells. The thickness of cylin- Step 2 . Using the value of B obtained in Step 1, calculate ders under external pressure shall be determined by the a value P a 1 using the following equation: procedure given in (a) or (b) below. (a) Cylinders Having D o / T Values ≥ 10 Step 1 . Assume a value for T and determine the ratios L / D o and D o / T . Step 2 . Enter Section II, Part D, Subpart 3, Figure G at Step 3 . C alculate a value Pa2 us ing the fo llo wing the value of L / D o determined in Step 1. For values of equation: L / D o greater than 5 0, enter the chart at a value of L / D o = 50. For values of L / D o less than 0.05, enter the chart at a value of L /D o of 0.05. Step 3. Move horizontally to the line for the value of Step 4. The smaller of the values of P a 1 calculated in D o / T determined in Step 1. Interpolation may be made Step 2, or P a 2 calculated in Step 3 shall be used for the for immediate values of D o /T. From this point of intersec- maximum allowable external pressure P a . Compare P a tion move vertically downward to determine the value of factor A . with P . If P a is smaller than P , select a larger value for T and repeat the design procedure until a value for P a Step 4. Using the value of A calculated in Step 3, enter is obtained that is equal to or greater than P . the applicable material chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 for the material under consideration. Move vertically to WC-3133.4 Spherical Shells and Formed Heads. an intersection with the material/temperature line for the (a) Spherical Shells. The minimum required thickness of Design Temperature. Interpolation may be made between a spherical shell under external pressure shall be deter- lines for intermediate temperatures. In cases where the mined by the procedure given in Steps 1 through 6. value of A falls to the right of the end of the material/tem- Step 1 . Assume a value for T and calculate the value of perature line, assume an intersection with the horizontal projection of the upper end of the material/temperature factor A using the following equation: line. For values of A falling to the left of the material/tem- perature line, see Step 7. Step 5. From the intersection obtained in Step 4, move horizontally to the right and read the value of B . Step 2 . Using the value of A calculated in Step 1, enter Step 6. Using this value of B , calculate the value of the the applicable material chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart maximum allowable external pressure P a using the fol- 3 for the material under consideration. Move vertically to lowing equation: an intersection with the material/temperature line for the Design Temperature. Interpolation may be made between lines for intermediate temperatures. In cases where the value at A falls to the right of the end of the material/tem- Step 7. For values of A falling to the left of the applic- perature line, assume an intersection with the horizontal able material/temperature line, the value of P a can be cal- projection of the upper end of the material/temperature culated using the following equation: line. For values of A falling to the left of the material/tem- perature line, see Step 5. Step 3. From the intersection obtained in Step 2, move horizontally to the right and read the value of factor B . Step 4. Using the value of B obtained in Step 3, calculate Step 8. Compare P a with P . If P a is smaller than P , se- lect a larger value for T and repeat the design procedure the value of the maximum allowable external pressure P a until a value of P a is obtained that is equal to or greater using the following equation: than P . (b) Cylinders Having D o / T Values < 10 Step 1 . Using the same procedure as given in (a) above, obtain the value of B . For values of D o /T less than 4, the Step 5. For values of A falling to the left of the applic- value of factor A can be calculated using the following able material/temperature line for the Design Tempera- equation: ture, the value o f P a can b e calculated us ing the following equation: For values of A greater than 0.10, use a value of 0.10. 148 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Step 6. Compare P a obtained in Step 4 or Step 5 with P . not be less than that determined by the same design pro- If P a is smaller than P , select a larger value for T and re- cedure as is used for ellipsoidal heads given in (d) above, peat the design procedure until a value for P a is obtained using the appropriate value for R . that is equal to or greater than P . WC-3133.6 Cylinders Under Axial Compression. The (b) The nomenclature defined below is used in the maximum allowable compressive stress to be used in the equations of (c) through (e) below. design of cylindrical shells subjected to loadings that pro- D = inside length of the major axis of an ellipsoidal head duce longitudinal compressive stresses in the shell or wall Do = outside diameter of the head skirt at the point un- shall be the lesser of the values given in (a) or (b) below: der consideration (a) the S m value for the applicable material at Design h = one-half of the length of the minor axis of the ellip- Temperature given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables soidal head, or the inside depth of the ellipsoidal 2A and 2B; head measured from the tangent line, head bend (b) the value of the B determined from the applicable line chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 using the following K1 = a factor depending on the ellipsoidal head propor- definitions for the symbols on the charts: tions, given in Table WC-3133.4-1 R = for hemispherical heads, the inside radius in the R = inside radius of the cylindrical shell corroded condition T = selected thickness of the shell, exclusive of the corro- = for ellipsoidal heads, the equivalent inside spheri- sion allowance cal radius taken as K1 D o in the corroded condition The value of B shall be determined from the applicable = for torispherical heads, the inside radius of the chart contained in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 as given in cro wn p o rti o n o f th e h e ad i n th e co rro de d Steps 1 through 5. condition Step 1 . Using the selected values of T and R , calculate T = minimum required thickness of head after forming, the value of factor A using the following equation: exclusive of corrosion allowance (c) Hemispherical Heads. The required thickness of a hemispherical head having pressure on the convex side shall be determined in the same manner as outlined in Step 2 . Using the value of A calculated in Step 1, enter (a) above for determining the thickness for a spherical the applicable material chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart shell. 3 for the material under consideration. Move vertically to (d) Ellipsoidal Heads. The required thickness of an ellip- an intersection with the material/temperature line for the soidal head having pressure on the convex side, either Design Temperature. Interpolation may be made between seamless or of built‐ up construction with butt joints, shall lines for intermediate temperatures. In cases where the not be less than that determined b y the fo llowing value at A falls to the right of the end of the material/tem- procedure. perature line, assume an intersection with the horizontal Step 1 . Assume a value for T and calculate the value of projection of the upper end of the material/temperature factor A using the following equation: line. For values of A falling to the left of the material/tem- perature line, see Step 4. Step 3 . From the intersection obtained in Step 2, move horizontally to the right and read the value of factor B . This is the maximum allowable compressive stress for Step 2 . Using the value of A calculated in Step 1, follow the values of T and R used in Step 1. the same procedure as that given for spherical shells in (a)Step 2 through (a) Step 6. Step 4. For values of A falling to the left of the applic- able material/temperature line, the value of B shall be (e) Torispherical Heads. The required thickness of a tor- calculated using the following equation: ispherical head having pressure on the convex side, either seamless or of built‐ up construction with butt joints, shall Step 5. Compare the value of B determined in Step 3 or ð 17Þ Table WC-3133.4-1 4 with the computed longitudinal compressive stress in Values of Spherical Radius Factor, K 1 the cylindrical shell, using the selected values of T and D /2 h 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 R . If the value of B is smaller than the computed compres- K1 1.36 1.27 1.18 1.08 0.99 0.90 0.81 0.73 0.65 0.57 0.50 sive stress, a greater value of T must be selected and the GENERAL NOTE: Equivalent spherical radius = K1 D ; D /2 h = axis design procedure repeated until a value of B is obtained ratio; interpolation permitted for intermediate values. which is greater than the compressive stress computed for the loading on the cylindrical shell. 149 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC- 313 5 Attach m en ts (c) For configurations where compressive stresses oc- (a) Except as in (c) and (d) below, attachments and cur, the critical buckling stress shall be taken into ac- connecting welds within the jurisdictional boundary of count. The maximum allowable compressive stress to be the containment as defined in WC-1130 shall meet the used in the design of cylindrical shells subjected to load- stress limits of the containment. ings that produce longitudinal compressive stress in the (b) The design of the containment shall include consid- shell shall be the smaller of the following values: eration of the interaction effects and loads transmitted (1 ) the S m value from Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, through the attachment to and from the containment. Tables 2A and 2B Thermal stresses, stress concentrations, and restraint of (2) th e va l u e o f fa c to r B d e te r m i n e d fr o m the containment shall be considered. WC-3133.6 (c) Beyond 2 t from the outside surface of the contain- (d) For the special case of external pressure, the rules ment shell, where t is the nominal thickness of the con- of WC-3133 shall be met. tainment shell, the appropriate design rules of Division 1, Article NF‐ 3000 may be used as a substitute for the de- WC-3211. 3 A containment Materi al i n Com bi n ati on . sign rules of Article WC-3000 for portions of attachments may be designed for and constructed of combinations of that are in the containment support load path. materials permitted in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables (d) Nonstructural attachments shall meet the require- 2A, 2B, and 4, provided the applicable rules are followed, ments of WC-4435. including WC-3112.4, and the requirements in Section IX for welding dissimilar metals are met. WC-3211. 4 When a Mu lti ple Ch am ber Con tai n m en t. WC-32 00 DESI G N RU LES FOR containment consists of more than one independent CON TAI N M EN TS chamber, operating at the same or different pressures WC- 3210 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS and temperatures, each chamber shall be designed and constructed to withstand the most severe condition of co- WC- 3211 Basi s for U se incident pressure and temperature expected. ð 17Þ WC-3211. 1 Scope. (a) This subarticle contains design rules for contain- WC- 3 2 1 1 . 5 M i n i m u m Th i ckn e ss o f Sh e ll o r H e ad . ments used for storage of spent nuclear fuel and high- The thickness after forming and without allowance for level radioactive material. The design shall be such that corrosion of any containment shell or head subject to stress intensities will not exceed the limits described in pressure shall be not less than 1/4 in. (6 mm) for carbon this subarticle and in WC-3700 using the S m values tabu- and low alloy steels or 1/8 in. (3 mm) for stainless steel. lated in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A, 2B, and 4. WC-3211. 6 The se- Selecti on of M ateri al Th i ckn ess. (b) A stress analysis of containment shall be performed lected thickness of material shall be such that the forming, considering all the loadings of WC-3111 and the Design heat treatment, and other fabrication processes will not Specification. This analysis shall be done in accordance reduce the thickness of the material at any point below with Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix XIII 19 the minimum value required by these rules. for all applicable stress categories. Alternatively, an ex- perimental stress analysis may be performed in accor- dance with Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix WC- 3214 Clad d i n g II. WC-3214. 1 No structural strength Pri m ary Stresses. (c) As an alternative, for energy-limited dynamic shall be attributed to the cladding in satisfying WC-3217 events for which Level D Service Limits have been estab- primary stress limits. lished, the strain-based acceptance criteria of WC-3700 may be used rather than satisfying stress criteria as dis- WC-3214. 2 In satisfy- Secon d ary an d Peak Stresses. cussed above. ing the secondary stress limits of WC-3217 and the fati- (d) A Design Report shall be prepared by the Certificate gue requirements of WC-3219, the presence of cladding Holder showing compliance with this subarticle. This De- shall be considered with respect to both thermal analysis sign Report shall meet the requirements of WA-3350 for a and stress analysis. The stresses in both materials shall be Design Report (Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory limited to the values that meet the requirements of both Appendix C). WC-3217 and WC-3219. However, when the cladding is of the integrally bonded type and the nominal thickness WC-3211. 2 Req u i rem en ts for Acceptabi li ty. of the cladding is 10% or less of the total thickness of (a) The design shall be such that the requirements of the containment, the presence of the cladding may be WC-3100 and this subarticle are satisfied. In cases of con- neglected. flict, the requirements of this subarticle shall govern. (b) The design shall be such that stress intensities do WC-3214. 3 Be ari n g I n s a ti s fyi n g Stresses. not exceed the limits given in WC-3217. WC-3216.3, the presence of cladding shall be included. 150 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-32 15 Desi g n Basi s material, the allowable shear stresses for each material WC- 32 15 . 1 P re s s u re an d T e m p e rat u re R e lat i o n - shall be used when evaluating the combined resistance The design shall take into account the maximum sh i ps. to this type of failure. (3) When considering bearing stresses in pins and differences in pressure, temperature, and loadings, which exist under the specified operating conditions, between similar members, the S y value at temperature is applic- the inside and outside of the containment at any point able, except that a value of 1.5 S y may be used if no credit or between chambers of a multiple chamber containment. is given to bearing area within one pin diameter from a The design thickness for evaluating stresses due to pres- plate edge. (b) Pure Shear. The average primary shear stress across sure and other loadings shall not include any metal added as corrosion or erosion allowance. a section under Design Loadings in pure shear, for exam- ple, keys, shear rings, and screw threads, shall be limited to 0.6 S m . The maximum primary shear under Design WC-32 16 Desi g n Stress I n ten si ty Valu es Loadings, exclusive of stress concentration at the periph- ery of a solid circular section in torsion, shall be limited to WC-3216. 1 The design stress intensity Stress Tables. 0.8 S m . values S m are given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables (c) Progressive Distortion of Nonintegral Connections. 2A, 2B, and 4. Values for intermediate temperatures may Screwed ‐ on caps, screwed ‐ in plugs, shear ring closures, be found by interpolation. These S m values form the basis and breech lock closures are examples of nonintegral con- for the various stress limits that are described in Section nections which are subject to failure by bell mouthing or III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix XIII, and are used in other types of progressive deformation. If any combina- determining the membrane stress intensity limits for the tion of applied loads produces yielding, such joints are various load combinations given in Table WC-3217-1. subject to ratcheting because the mating members may WC- 3 2 16 . 2 Co effi ci e n t o f Th e rm al E xp an si o n an d become loose at the end of each complete operating cycle Values of the coefficient of thermal M od u lu s of Elasti ci ty. and start the next cycle in a new relationship with each expansion are in Section II, Part D, Subpart 2, Tables TE other, with or without manual manipulation. Additional and values of the moduli of elasticity are in Section II, Part distortion may occur in each cycle so that interlocking D, Subpart 2, Tables TM. parts, such as threads, can eventually lose engagement. Therefore, primary plus secondary stress intensities (Sec- ð 17Þ WC- 32 16 . 3 The deviations S p e ci al S t re s s L i m i t s . tion III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix XIII, XIII-3420), between (a), (b), and (c) below from the basic stress which result in slippage between parts of a nonintegral limits are pro vided to cover special co nditions or connection in which disengagement could occur as a re- configurations. sult of progressive distortion, shall be limited to the value (a) Bearing Loads S y given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table Y-1. (1 ) The average bearing stress for resistance to crushing under the maximum design load shall be limited WC-32 17 Desi g n Cri teri a to the yield strength S y at temperature except that, when These design requirements provide specific rules for the distance to a free edge is greater than the distance containments. Simplified criteria are included for deter- over which the bearing load is applied, a stress of 1.5 S y mining whether analysis for cyclic operation is required. at temperature is permitted. For clad surfaces, the yield Stress analysis of the containment shall be performed strength of the base metal may be used if, when calculat- using the most severe combination of loadings expected ing the bearing stress, the bearing area is taken as the les- to occur simultaneously during design and operating con- ser of the actual contact or the area of the base metal ditions. Allowable stress intensities, k S m , for primary supporting the contact surface. stresses shall be satisfied for all Service Limits. Table (2) When bearing loads are applied on parts having WC-3217-1 lists values of k that are appropriate for var- free edges, such as at a protruding ledge, the possibility ious load combinations. of a shear failure shall be considered. The average shear (a) The theory of failure used in this subarticle is the stress shall be limited to 0.6 S m in the case of design load maximum shear stress theory. Stress intensity is defined stress [Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix XIII, as two times the maximum shear stress. XIII-1300(m)] and 0.5 S y in the case of design load stress (b) The average value of the general primary mem- plus secondary stress [Section III Appendices, Mandatory brane stress intensity across the thickness of the section Appendix XIII, XIII-1300(ab)] . For clad surfaces, if the under consideration, P m , due to any combination of pres- configuration or thickness is such that a shear failure sure and mechanical loadings expected to occur simulta- could occur entirely within the clad material, the allow- neously, should not exceed the design stress intensity able shear stress for the cladding shall be determined value kS m . from the properties of the equivalent wrought material. (c) The local primary membrane stress intensity, P L If the configuration is such that a shear failure could occur due to any combination of pressure and mechanical load- across a path that is partially base metal and partially clad ings expected to occur simultaneously is limited to 151 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-3217. 3 N om en clatu re. ð 17Þ Table WC- 3217-1 Stress I n ten si ty k Factors for Desi g n an d Pb = primary bending stress intensity, psi (MPa). This Operati n g Load Com bi n ati on s stress intensity is the component of the primary Service Limits [Note (1)] k [Note (2)] stress proportional to the distance from the cen- troid of the solid section. It excludes discontinuities Design 1.0 Level A [Note (3)] 1.0 and concentrations and is produced only by pres- Level C 1.2 sure and other mechanical loads. Level D [Note (4)] PL = local primary membrane stress intensity, psi (MPa). This stress intensity is derived from the NOTES: average value across the solid section under con- (1) For Design Limits, use Design Pressure at design metal sideration. It considers discontinuities but not temperature; for Service Limits, use operating pressure at operating metal temperature. concentrations. (2) The condition of structural instability or buckling must Pm = general primary membrane stress intensity, psi be considered. (MPa). This stress intensity is derived from the (3) See WC-3219 and Section III Appendices, Mandatory average value across the solid section under con- Appendix XIII. sideration. It excludes discontinuities and concen- (4) The stress limits of Section III Appendices, Mandatory trations and is produced only by pressure and Appendix XXVII shall be applied. As an alternative, the re- other mechanical loads. quirements of WC-3700 may be used to evaluate inelastic containment responses to energy-limited dynamic Sm = design stress intensity values given in Section II, events. Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A, 2B, and 4, psi (MPa) Sy = yield strength values in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table Y-1, psi (MPa) 1.5 k S m . The distance over which the stress intensity ex- ceeds 1.1 kS m shall not extend in the meridional direction WC- 3218 U pper Li m i ts of Test Pressu re more than , where R is the mean radius at the mid- The evaluation of pressure test loadings shall be in ac- surface of the containment shell or head and t is the nom- cordance with (a) through (d) below. inal thickness of the shell or head at the point under (a) Test Pressure Limit. If the calculated pressure at any consideration. (d) The general or local primary membrane plus bend- point in a containment including static head, exceeds the ing stress intensity (P m or P L ) + P b due to any combina- required test pressure defined in WC-6221 or WC-6321 tion of pressure and mechanical loadings expected to by more than 6%, the resulting stresses shall be calcu- occur simultaneously, shall not exceed 1.5 kS m . The provi- lated using all the loadings that may exist during the test. sions of Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix XIII The stress allowables for this situation are given in (b) apply. and (c) below. (b) Hydrostatically Tested Con tain m en ts. The hydro- Secondary stresses static test pressure of a completed containment shall WC- 32 17. 1 Secon d ary Stresses. may exist in containments designed and fabricated in ac- cordance with the rules of this subarticle. Secondary not exceed that value which results in the following stress stresses shall be evaluated in accordance with the rules intensity limits: of Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix XIII. Sec- (1 ) a calculated primary membrane stress intensity ondary stresses need be evaluated only for Level A Ser- P m of 90% of the tabulated yield strength S y at test tem- vice Limits. perature as given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table ð 17Þ WC-3217. 2 Peak Stresses. As described in Section III Y-1 Appendices, Mandatory Appendix XIII, the peak stresses (2) a calculated primary membrane plus primary do not cause any noticeable distortion and are objection- bending stress intensity P m + P b shall not exceed the ap- able only as a possible source of a fatigue crack or a brittle plicable limits given in (-a) or (-b) below: fracture. The allowable value of peak stress intensity is (-a) P m + P b ≤ 1.35 S y for P m ≤ 0.67 S y dependent on the stress intensity range and on the num- (-b) P m + P b ≤ ( 2 . 1 5 S y − 1 . 2 P m ) fo r ber of times it is to be applied. If a fatigue analysis is re- 0.67 S y < P m ≤ 0.90 S y quired, peak stresses shall be evaluated in accordance with the fatigue analysis rules provided in Section III Ap- where S y is the tabulated yield strength at test tempera- pendices, Mandatory Appendix XIII. 19 ture. For other than rectangular sections, P m + P b shall not exceed a value of α times 0.90 S y , where the factor α is defined as the ratio of the load set producing a fully plastic section divided by the load set producing inital yielding in the extreme fibers of the section. 152 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (c) Pneumatically Tested Containments. The limits given the factor given in the following table, and by adding the in (b) above shall apply to pneumatically tested contain- resulting numbers. The factors are as follows: ments, except that the calculated membrane stress inten- sity shall be limited to 80% of the yield strength at the test Metal Temperature Differential, °F (°C) Factor temperature. For other than rectangular sections, P m + P b 50 (28) or less 0 shall not exceed a value of α times 0.8 S y , where the factor 51 to 100 (29 to 56) 1 α is defined in (b)(2) above. 101 to 150 (57 to 83) 2 151 to 250 (84 to 139) 4 (d) Multichamber Containments. In case of multicham- 251 to 350 (140 to 194) 8 ber containments, pressure may be applied simulta- 351 to 450 (195 to 250) 12 n e o u s l y to th e ap p ro p ri ate ad j acen t cham b e r to Excess of 450 (250) 20 maintain the stress intensity limits given in (b) and (c) above (WC-6600). WC-32 19 Fati g u e Evalu ati on If cyclic loadings are identified in the Design Specifica- (For example: Consider a design subjected to metal tions, the need for a fatigue analysis shall be determined temperature differentials for the following number of in accordance with WC-3219.1. times: Δ T, °F (°C) Cycles ð 17Þ WC- 32 19 . 1 Ru le s to D e te rm i n e N e e d fo r F at i g u e 40 (22) 1,000 A fatigue An alys i s o f I n te g ral Parts o f Co n tai n m e n ts. 90 (50) 250 analysis need not be made, provided all of Condition A 400 (220) 5 (WC-3219.1.1) or all of Condition B (WC-3219.1.2) is met. If neither Condition A nor Condition B is met, a de- tailed fatigue analysis shall be made in accordance with the rules of Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix XIII for those parts which do not satisfy the conditions. The rules of Condition A or Condition B are applicable the effective number of changes in metal temperature is to all integral parts of the containment, including inte- grally reinforced type nozzles. WC- 32 19 . 1. 1 Fatigue analysis is not Con d i ti on A. The number used as type (c) in performing the compar- mandatory for materials having a specified minimum ten- ison with 1,000 is then 310. Temperature cycles caused sile strength not exceeding 80.0 ksi (550 MPa) when the by fluctuations in atmospheric conditions need not be total of the expected number of cycles of types (a) plus considered. (d) for containments with welds between materials (b) plus (c) plus (d) , defined below, does not exceed 1,000 cycles: having different coefficients of expansion, is the number o f te m p e ra tu re c ycle s , whi ch caus e s th e val u e o f (a) is the expected design number of full range pressure cycles; ( α 1 − α 2 ) Δ T to exceed 0.00034, where α 1 and α 2 are (b) is the expected number of operating pressure cycles the mean coefficients of thermal expansion, 1/°F (1/°C) in which the range of pressure variation exceeds 20% (Section II, Part D, Subpart 2, Tables TE), and Δ T is the op- of the Design Pressure. Cycles in which the pressure var- erating temperature range, °F (°C). This does not apply to iation does not exceed 20% of the Design Pressure are not cladding. limited in number. Pressure cycles caused by fluctuations WC- 32 19 . 1. 2 Fatigue analysis is not Con d i ti o n B. ð 17Þ in atmospheric conditions need not be considered; mandatory when all of the conditions of Section III Ap- (c) is the effective number of changes in metal tempera- pendices, Mandatory Appendix XIII, XIII-3510 are met. 10 ture between any two adjacent points in the contain- ment, including nozzles. The effective number of such WC-32 2 0 DESI G N CON SI DERATI ON changes is determined by multiplying the number of WC-32 24 Con tai n m en ts U n d er I n tern al Pressu re changes in metal temperature of a certain magnitude by WC- 3 2 24. 1 For calculating G e n e ral Re q u i rem e n ts. the required area of reinforcement of openings, the mini- mum thickness of the containment vessel and parts shall be determined using the Design Pressure and the equa- tions in the following paragraphs. In addition, the other Design Loadings shall be considered in establishing the value of F as defined below. 153 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-3224.2 Nomenclature. The symbols used are de- WC-3224.4 Minimum Thickness of Spherical Shells. fined below. Except for test conditions, dimensions used The minimum thickness of spherical shells shall be the or calculated shall be in the corroded condition. greatest of the thicknesses determined by (a), (b), and (c) below. D = inside diameter of a head skirt or inside length of the (a) major axis of an ellipsoidal head at the point under consideration measured perpendicular to the axis of revolution F = meridional membrane force in the shell wall at the point under consideration resulting from primary If P > 0.4S , the following equation may be used: Design Loadings other than internal pressure, lb/ in. (N/mm) length of circumference. If this force is not uniform, the loading requiring the greatest shell thickness shall be used where the tensile load is (b) If F is positive positive. h = one ‐ half the length of the minor axis of an ellipsoidal head or the inside depth of an ellipsoidal head, mea- sured from the tangent line (c) If F is negative, the condition of instability shall be k = stress intensity factor for design, Service Level A, considered. WC-3211.2(c) for cylinders may be used for and test load combination from Table WC-3217-1 spheres, provided biaxial compression does not exist. L = inside spherical or crown radius of torispherical and WC-3224.5 Minimum Thickness of Formed Heads. hemispherical heads The minimum thickness at the thinnest point after form- P = internal pressure at the top of the containment ves- ing of ellipsoidal, torispherical, and hemispherical heads sel plus any pressure due to the static head of the under pressure acting against the concave surface shall fluid, at any point under consideration, psi (MPa) be determined by the appropriate rule or equation in R = inside radius of the shell under consideration, in. the following subparagraphs. (mm). This radius is measured normal to the surface from the axis of revolution. WC-3224. 6 Min i m u m Th i ckn ess of Ellipsoid al ð 17Þ r = inside knuckle radius of torispherical heads Heads 20, . 21 The minimum thickness of a 2:1 ellipsoidal S = membrane stress intensity limit from Section II, Part head shall be established using the procedures given in D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2B multiplied by the WC-3224.8 and the curve of Figure WC-3224.6-1, which stress intensity factor in Table WC-3217-1 is labeled “2:1 ellipsoidal head.” Ellipsoidal head designs = kS m psi (MPa) which have D /2 h values different from 2 shall be ana- t = minimum thickness of shell lyzed as equivalent torispherical heads or according to Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix II, or Manda- WC-3224. 3 Min im u m Th ickn ess of Cylin d rical tory Appendix XIII. The cylindrical shell to which the head Shells. The minimum thickness of cylindrical shells shall is attached shall be equal to or greater in thickness than be the greatest of the thicknesses determined by (a), (b), the required head thickness for a distance, measured and (c) below. from the tangent line along the cylinder, of not less than (a) . Transition joints to shells of thickness less than the required head thickness shall not be located within the minimum distance. Transition joints to shells of thick- ness greater than the required head thickness may be lo- cated within this minimum distance and shall be in If P > 0.4S , the following equation must be used: accordance with WC-3260 and Figure WC-3261-1. WC-3224.7 Minimum Thickness of Hemispherical Heads. For hemispherical heads, the thickness shall be as required for spherical shells, WC-3224.4. The require- where ln is the natural log. ments for the transition to cylindrical shells of different thickness, given in WC-3260 and Figure WC-3261-1 shall (b) If F is positive and exceeds 0.5 PR , be met. WC-3224.8 Minimum Thickness of Torispherical ð 17Þ Heads. 20 The minimum thickness of a torispherical head having t / L ≥ 0.002 up to a t / L where P / S ≤ 0.08 (ap- (c) If F is negative, the condition of axial structural in- proximately t / L = 0.04 to 0.05) shall be established by stability or buckling shall be considered separately [see using the curves in Figure WC-3224.6-1. Interpolation WC-3211.2(c)]. may be used for r / D values which fall within the range 154 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WC-3224.6-1 Design Curves for Torispherical Heads and 2:1 Ellipsoidal Heads for Use With WC-3224.8 and WC-3224.6 0.1 0 0.05 r/D 0.1 7 (2:1 ellipsoidal head) 0.1 0 0.06 0.20 0.1 5 P/S 0.01 t h 0.005 L r D/2 For 2:1 ellipsoidal heads, use CL L ? 0.9 D to calculate t/L 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 t/L 155 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 of curves; however, no extrapolation of the curves is per- WC-3225.1 Nomenclature. The notations used are mitted. For designs where P /S > 0.08, which is above the defined as follows: upper limit of Figure WC-3224.6-1, the thickness shall be set by the following equation: C = a factor depending upon the method of attachment of head, shell dimensions, and other items as listed i n Fi gure s WC - 3 2 2 5 - 1 thro u gh WC - 3 2 2 5 - 3 , dimensionless D = bolt circle diameter where t / L < 0.002, which is below the lower limit of d = diameter Figure WC-3224.6-1, the head design must be analyzed hG = gasket moment arm, equal to the radial distance according to Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix from the centerline of the bolts to the line of the II, or Mandatory Appendix XIII. The cylindrical shell to gasket reaction, (Figure WC-3225-2) which the head is attached shall be equal to or greater L = distance from centerline of the head to shell weld to in thickness than the required head thickness for a dis- tangent line on formed heads, as indicated in Figure tance, measured from the tangent line along the cylinder, WC-3225-2 of not less than . Transition joints to shells of thick- m = the ratio t r /t s , dimensionless ness less than the required head thickness shall not be lo- P = Design Pressure, psi (MPa) cated within this minimum distance. Transition joints to r = inside corner radius on a head formed by flanging shells of thickness greater than the required head thick- or forging ness may be located within this minimum distance and S = design stress intensity S m from Section II, Part D, s hall b e in acco rdance with WC - 3 2 6 0 and Fi gure Subpart 1, Tables 2A, 2B, and 4, multiplied by the WC-3261-1. k factor tabulated in Table WC-3217-1, psi (MPa) WC-3224.8.1 Crown and Knuckle Radii. In connec- T= minimum required thickness of flat head, cover, or tion with the design procedures of WC-3224.8 and Figure flanges, exclusive of corrosion allowance WC-3224.6-1, the inside crown radius to which an un- tf = actual thickness of the flange on a formed head, at stayed head is formed shall not be greater than the inside the large end, exclusive of corrosion allowance diameter of the skirt of the head. The inside knuckle ra- tp = the smallest dimension from the face of the head to dius of a torispherical head shall not be less than 6% of the edge of the weld preparation the outside diameter of the skirt nor less than three times tr = required thickness of shell or nozzle for pressure the head thickness. ts = actual thickness of shell or nozzle ð 17Þ WC-3224.9 Loadings on Heads Other Than Pres- W= total bolt load sure. Provision shall be made for other loadings given WC-3225.2 Equations for Minimum Thickness. ð 17Þ in WC-3111. For torispherical and ellipsoidal heads, the (a) The thickness of flat heads as shown in Figures effect of other loadings must be determined in accordance WC-3225-1 through WC-3225-3, shall be not less than with Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix II, or that calculated by the following equation: Mandatory Appendix XIII. For the spherical portion of heads, the effect of composite loading may be treated as in WC-3224.3 and WC-3224.4. (b) The thickness of cover plates and blind flanges at- WC-3225 Flat Heads and Covers tached by bolts causing an edge moment as shown in Figure WC-3225-2 shall be not less than that calculated The minimum thickness of unstayed flat heads, cover by the following equation: plates, and blind flanges shall conform to the require- ments given in this Paragraph. Some acceptable types of flat heads and covers are shown in Figures WC-3225-1, WC-3225-2, and WC-3225-3. The dimensions are exclu- (c) The thicknesses determined in (a) and (b) above, sive of extra metal added for corrosion allowance. address stress requirements. In some cases, greater thick- ness may be necessary if deflection would cause leakage of threaded or gasketed joints NOTE: In some cases, the initial bolt load required to seat the gasket is larger than the operating bolt load. The thickness should be checked for both the operating condition and the initial bolt load re- quired to seat the gasket. 156 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WC-3225-1 ð 17Þ Typical Flat Heads e r ts r ts r r ts For unstayed For unstayed C flat heads: ? 0.33 m C flat heads: ? 0.33 m For unstayed flat heads: but not less than 0.20, r but not less than 0.20, C m ? 0.33 when is not less r when is not less than 1 .5 ts than 1 .5 s t e t is not less than s but not less than r 0.20, when is not less than 1 .5 st Thickness of Thickness of flat head flat head (a) (b) (c) tf tf ts e ts r For unstayed flat heads: C ? 0.1 7, when: r For unstayed C flat heads: ? 0.1 7, t f is not less than 2 s t t r is not less than 3 f t when f is not less t r than 2 s, and is e is not less than ft not less than 3 f t Thickness of Thickness of flat head flat head (d) (e) 157 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ð 17Þ Figure WC-3225-2 Some Acceptable Types of Unstayed Flat Heads and Covers GENERAL NOTE: All these illustrations are diagrammatic only. Other designs that meet the requirements of WC-3225.2 are acceptable. 158 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WC-3225-3 ð 17Þ Attachment of Flat Heads to Containment Shell tp ts ts c ts ac a a b b a + b not less b cL than 2 ts a + b not less a + b but not less than 2 ts than 3 ts T b + c not less cL cL than ts T C = 0.33m but not T b + c not less less than 0.20 than ts C = 0.33m but not less than 0.20 (a) (b) (c) c b c T c T b b ts C = 0.33m but not ts C = 0.33m but not less than 0.20 less than 0.20 (d) (e) cL cL c T T c c C = 0.33m but not C = 0.33m but not less than 0.20 less than 0.20 ts ts (f) (g) GENERAL NOTE: C min. = 0.7 t s 1 or /4 in. (6 mm) , whichever is less; b = the lesser of ts or T/2 . 159 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC- 323 0 OPEN I N G S AN D REI N FORCEM EN T (b) No two unreinforced openings shall have their cen- WC- 323 1 G en eral Req u i rem en ts ters closer to each other, measured on the inside of the containment wall, than 1 .5 times the sum of their (a) If the fatigue analysis exemption requirements of diameters. WC-3219.1 are met, no specific fatigue analysis is re- (c) No unreinforced opening shall have its center closer quired for pressure loadings for locations in the vicinity than to the edge of a locally stressed area in the of openings. containment boundary. (b) The stress limits of Section III Appendices, Manda- tory Appendix XIII may also be considered to be satisfied WC-3232. 2 The to- Req u i red Area of Rei n forcem en t. if, in the vicinity of an opening, the stress intensity result- tal cross ‐ sectional area of reinforcement A , required in ing from external nozzle loads and thermal effects, includ- any given plane for a containment under interal pressure, ing gross but not structural discontinuities, is shown by shall not be less than: analysis to be less than 1.5 S m . (c) The provisions of (a) and (b) above are not intended to restrict the design to any specified section thicknesses where or other design details provided the basic stress limits are satisfied. If it is shown by analysis that the stress require- d = finished diameter of a circular opening or finished ments have been met, the rules of (d) through (g) are dimension (chord length) of an opening on the waived. plane being considered for elliptical and oblong openings in corroded condition (d) Openings shall be circular, elliptical, or of any other F = a correction factor that compensates for the varia- shape that results from the intersection of a circular or el- tion in pressure stresses on different planes with liptical cylinder with a containment vessel of the shapes respect to the axis of containment vessel (a value permitted by this Division. If fatigue analysis is not re- of 1.00 shall be used for all configurations, except quired, the restrictions on hole spacing in WC-3232.1 that Figure WC-3232.2-1 may be used for integrally are applicable, unless there will be essentially no reaction reinforced openings in cylindrical shells loads at these locations. t r = the thickness that meets the requirements of (e) All references to dimensions apply to the finished WC-3220 in the absence of the opening dimensions excluding material added as corrosion allow- ance. Rules regarding metal available for reinforcement Not less than half the required material shall be on each are given in WC-3235. side of the centerline. (f) Any type of opening permitted by these rules may be located in a welded joint. WC- 323 3 Req u i red Rei n forcem en t for Open i n g s (g) Nozzles are limited to NPS 2 (DN 50) or smaller and i n Flat H ead s shall be self‐ reinforcing. Flat heads that have an opening with a diameter that does not exceed one ‐ half of the head diameter shall have a total cross ‐ sectional area of reinforcement A , not less WC- 3232 Rei n forcem en t Req u i rem en ts for than that given by the equation: Open i n g s i n Sh ells an d Form ed H ead s WC-3232. 1 Open in g s N ot Req u i ri n g Rei n forcem en t. The rules for openings not requiring reinforcement are where given in (a) through (c) below, where R is the mean ra- dius and t is the nominal thickness of the containment d = the diameter as defined in WC-3232.2 shell or head at the location of the opening: and locally t r = the thickness that meets the requirements of stressed area means any area in the containment bound- WC-3225.2 and as defined in WC-3232.2 ary where the primary local membrane stress exceeds WC- 323 4 Li m i ts of Rei n forcem en t 1.1 S m , but excluding those areas where such primary lo- cal membrane stress is due to an unreinforced opening. The boundaries of the cross ‐ sectional in any plane nor- (a) A single opening has a diameter not exceeding mal to the containment wall and passing through the cen- ter of the opening within which metal shall be located in , or if there are two or more openings within any order to have value as reinforcement are designated as circle of diameter, , then the sum of the diameters the limits of reinforcement for that plane and are given of such unreinforced openings shall not exceed . in the following subparagraphs. 160 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-32 35 M etal Avai lable for Rei n forcem en t Fi g u re WC-3 232. 2 -1 Ch art for Determ i n i n g th e Valu e of F Metal may be counted as contributing to the area of re- inforcing called for in WC-3232, provided it lies within 1 .00 the limits of reinforcement specified in WC-3234, and shall be limited to material that meets the following requirements: 0.95 (a) metal forming a part of the containment wall, which is in excess of that required by WC-3232 and WC-3233, 0.90 and is exclusive of corrosion allowance; (b) weld metal that is fully continuous with the contain- ment weld; 0.85 (c) the mean coefficient of thermal expansion of metal to be included as reinforcement under (b) above shall be within 15 % of the value of the containment wall 0.80 material; (d) metal not fully continuous with the shell, such as Value of F 0.75 that in items attached by partial penetration welds, shall not be counted as reinforcement; (e) metal available for reinforcement shall not be con- 0.70 sidered as applying to more than one opening. 0.65 WC-32 36 Stren g th of Rei n forci n g M ateri al Material used for reinforcement shall preferably be the 0.60 same as that of the containment wall. If the material of the wall of the reinforcement has a lower design stress inten- sity value S m than that for the containment material, the 0.55 amount of area provided by the reinforcement in satisfy- ing WC-3232 or WC-3233 shall be taken as the actual area 0.50 provided multiplied by the ratio of attachment wall pro- 0 1 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 trusion or reinforcement design stress intensity value to Angle of Plane With Longitudinal Axis, deg the containment material design stress intensity value. No reduction in the reinforcing required may be taken for the increased strength of reinforcing material or for WC-3234. 1 Li m i ts of Rei n forcem en t Alon g th e Con - weld metal having higher design stress intensity values tai n m e n t Wall.The limits of reinforcement, measured than that of the material containment wall. The strength along the midsurface of the nominal wall thickness of of the material at the point under consideration shall be the containment, shall meet the following: used in fatigue analyses. (a) 100% of the required reinforcement shall be within a distance on each side of the axis of the opening equal to WC-32 50 DESI G N O F WELDED CON STRU CTI ON the greater of the following: WC-32 51 Weld ed J oi n t Categ ori es (1 ) the diameter of the finished opening in the cor- roded condition; The term category defines the location of a joint in a (2) the radius of the finished opening in the corroded containment vessel but not the type of joint. The cate- condition plus the sum of the thicknesses of the contain- gories are for use in specifying special requirements re- ment wall and the nozzle wall. garding j o int typ e and method o f examinatio n fo r (b) Two ‐ thirds of the required reinforcement shall be certain welded joints. Since these special requirements, within a distance on each side of the axis of the opening which are based on service, material, and thickness, do equal to the greater of the following: not apply to every welded joint, only those joints to which (1 ) , where R is the mean radius of shell special requirements apply are included in the categories. or head, t is the nominal containment wall thickness, and The joints included in each category are designated as r is the radius of the finished opening in the corroded joints of Categories A, B, C, and D. Figure WC-3251-1 illus- condition; trates typical joint locations included in each category. (2) the radius of the finished opening in the corroded WC-3251. 1 Category A comprises longi- Categ ory A. ð 17Þ condition plus two ‐ thirds the sum of the thicknesses of tudinal welded joints within the main shell or nozzles; the containment wall and the nozzle wall. any welded joint within a sphere within a formed or flat 161 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WC-3251-1 Welded Joint Locations Typical of Categories A, B, C, and D C D C A See WC-3262 A A A A A B A D B head, or within the side plates of a flat‐ sided containment; WC-3252.3 Joints of Category C. All welded joints of and circumferential welded joints connecting hemispheri- Category C, except for final closure welds (WC-3262), cal heads to main shell or to nozzles. shall meet the fabrication requirements of WC-4265 and WC-3251.2 Category B. Category B comprises cir- shall be capable of being examined in accordance with cumferential welded joints within the main shell or noz- WC-52 3 0. Minimum dimensions of welds and throat zles, circumferential welded joints connecting formed thickness shall be as shown in Figure WC-4265-1 where heads other than hemispherical to main shells or to (a) Figure WC-4265-1, sketches (a) and (b) nozzles. (1) for forged flat heads and forged flanges with the weld preparation bevel angle not greater than 45 deg. WC-3251.3 Category C. Category C comprises welded Measured from the face: joints connecting flanges to formed heads or flat heads, to main shell, and any welded joint connecting one side plate b = t s /2 or T /4, whichever is less to another side plate of a flat‐ sided vessel. c = 0.7 t s or 1/4 in. (6 mm), whichever is less T, t s = nominal thickness of welded parts WC-3 2 51. 4 Categ ory D. Category D comprises welded j oints connecting nozzles to main shells, to (2) for all other material forms and for forged flat spheres, to heads, or to flat‐ sided containments. heads, and forged flanges with the weld preparation bevel angle greater than 45 deg. Measured from the face: WC-3252 Permissible Types of Welded Joints b = t s or T /2, whichever is less c = 0.7 t s or 1/4 in. (6 mm), whichever is less The design of the containment shall meet the require- T, t s = nominal thickness of welded parts ments for each category of joint. Butt joints are full pene- tration joints between plates or other elements that lie (b) Figure WC-4265-1, sketches (c) and (d) approximately in the same plane. Figure WC-32 51-2 c = 0.7 t s or 1/4 in. (6 mm), whichever is less shows typical butt welds for each category joint. T, t s = nominal thickness of welded parts WC-3252.1 Joints of Category A. All welded joints of (c) Figure WC-4265-1, sketch (e) Category A as defined in WC-3251 shall meet the fabrica- tion requirements of WC-4263 and shall be capable of a + b = not less than 2 t s being examined in accordance with WC-5210. b = not less than t s WC-3252.2 Joints of Category B. All welded joints of t p = not less than t s t s = actual thickness of shell Category B as defined in WC-3251 shall meet the fabrica- tion requirements of WC-4264 and shall be capable of (d) Hubs for butt welding to the adjacent shell, head, or being examined in accordance with WC-52 20. When other containment part, as in Figure WC-4265-3, shall not joints with opposing lips to form an integral backing strip be machined from rolled plate. The component having the or joints with backing strips not later removed are used, hub shall be forged in such a manner as to provide in the the suitability for cyclic service shall be analyzed by the hub the full minimum tensile strength and elongation spe- method of WC-3 2 1 9 . 1 Co ndition B using a fatigue cified for the material, in a direction parallel to the axis of strength reduction factor of not less than 2. the vessel. Proof of this shall be furnished by a tension 162 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WC-3251-2 Typical Butt Joints test specimen (subsize if necessary) taken in this direc- (b) Full Pen etration Corn er-Welded Nozzles . Nozzles tion and as close to the hub as is practical. In Figure shall meet the fabrication requirements of WC-4266(b) WC-4265-3, the minimum dimensions are as follows: and shall be capable of being examined in accordance (1 ) sketch (a) , r not less than 1.5 t s with WC-5243. The minimum dimensions and geometri- (2) sketch (b) , r not less than 1.5 t s and e not less than cal requirements of Figure WC-4266(b)-1 shall be met, ts where (3) sketch (c) , r not less than 1.5 t s 1 (4) sketch (d) , t f not less than 2 t s and r not less than r1 = /4t or 3/4 in. (19 mm), whichever is less 1 3 tf r2 = /4 in. (6 mm) min. (5) sketch (e) , t f not less than 2 t s , r not less than 3 t f, t = nominal thickness of part penetrated and e not less than t f tc = 0.7 t n or 1/4 in. (6 mm), whichever is less tn = nominal thickness of penetrating part WC-3252.4 Joints of Category D. All welded joints of Category D, as defined in WC-3251, shall be in accordance (c) Use o f D ep o sited Weld Meta l fo r Op en in g s a n d with the requirements of (a) through (e). Nozzles. (a) Butt-Welded Nozzles. Nozzles shall meet the fabrica- (1 ) Nozzles shall meet the fabrication requirements tion requirements of WC-4266(a) and shall be capable of of WC-4266(c) and shall be capable of being examined being examined in accordance with WC-5242. The mini- in accordance with WC-5244. mum dimensions and geometrical requirements of Figure (2) When the deposited weld metal is used as rein- WC-4266(a)-1 shall be met, where forcement, the coefficients of thermal expansion of the r1 = 1 /4t or 3/4 in. (19 mm), whichever is less base metal, the weld metal, and the connection shall not r2 = 1 /4 in. (6 mm) min. differ b y mo re than 1 5 % of the lo west coefficient t = nominal thickness of part penetrated involved. tn = nominal thickness of penetrating part (3) T h e m i n i m u m d i m e n s i o n s o f F i g u r e WC-4266(c)-1 shall be met, where r1 = 1/4t or 3/4 in. (19 mm), whichever is less 163 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 t = nominal thickness of part penetrated (4) Type No. 1 full penetration joints shall be used tc = 0.7 t n or 1/4 in. (6 mm), whichever is less when the openings are in shells 2 1/2 in. (64 mm) or more tn = nominal thickness of penetrating part in thickness. (4) The corners of the end of each connection extend- (5) The welded joints shall be examined by the meth- ing less than beyond the inner surface of the part ods stipulated in WC-5240. (b) A ttach m en ts . Typical attachments are shown in penetrated shall be rounded to a radius of one ‐ half the thickness t n of the connection or 3/4 in. (19 mm), which- Figure WC-4433 -2. The minimum dimensions in this ever is smaller. figure are as follows: (d) Fittings With Internal Threads. Internally threaded fittings shall be limited to NPS 2 (DN 50) . Internally threaded fittings shall be attached by means of full pene- tration groove welds meeting the fabrication require- ments of WC-42 66(d) and shall be capable of being examined in accordance with WC-5245. The minimum di- mensions and geometrical requirements of Figure WC-4266(d)-1 shall be met, where where c = minimum thickness of weld metal from the root to tc = 0.7 t n or 1/4 in. (6 mm), whichever is less tn = nominal thickness of neck the face of the weld t = thickness of attached member (e) A ttach m en t of Nozzles Usin g Partial Pen etration Welds. Partial penetration welds shall meet the fabrica- WC- 326 0 SPECI AL CON TAI N M EN T tion requirements of WC-4266(e) and shall be capable REQU I REM EN TS of being examined in accordance with WC-5245. They WC- 326 1 Categ ory A or B J oi n ts Between shall be used only for attachments such as instrumenta- Secti on s of U n eq u al Th i ckn ess tion openings and inspection openings, which are sub- jected to essentially no external mechanical loadings In general, a tapered transition section as shown in and on which there will be no thermal stresses greater Figure WC-3261-1, shall be provided at joints of Cate- than those on the containment itself. Such attachments gories A and B between sections that differ in thickness shall satisfy the requirements of WC-3231(g). by more than one ‐ fourth the thickness of the thinner sec- tion. The transition section may be formed by any process that will provide a uniform taper. An ellipsoidal or hemi- spherical head that has a greater thickness than a cylinder WC- 3254 Stru ctu ral Attach m en t Weld s Welds for structural attachments shall meet the re- of the same inside diameter may be machined to the out- quirements of WC-4432. side diameter of the cylinder, provided the remaining thickness is at least as great as that required for a shell WC- 3255 Weld i n g G rooves of the same diameter. A uniform taper is not required The dimensions and shape of the edges to be joined for flanged hubs. The adequacy of the transition shall be shall be such as to permit complete fusion and complete evaluated by stress analysis. Stress intensity limitations j oint penetration, except as otherwise permitted in are given in Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix WC-3252.4 or WC-3262. XIII. The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to flanged hubs. WC- 3259 Desi g n Req u i rem en ts for N ozzle Attach m en t Weld s an d Oth er Con n ecti on s WC- 326 2 Categ ory C Fu ll an d Parti al The minimum design requirements for nozzle attach- Pen etrati on Closu re Weld s i n ment welds and other connections are set forth in (a) Con tai n m en ts and (b) below. WC-3262. 1 Welds in the end closures using a single (a) Permitted Types of Nozzles and Other Connections. cover plate [Figure WC-4265-3, sketch (a)] and made Nozzles and other connections may be any of the types after the containment is loaded may be full or partial pen- for which rules are given in this subarticle, provided the etration and shall be examined in accordance with Table requirements of (1) through (5) below are met. WC-3262-1 either by magnetic particle or liquid pene- (1 ) Nozzles shall meet requirements regarding trant method. The allowable stress intensity values of Sec- location. tion II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A, 2B, and 4 shall be (2) The attachment weld shall meet the require- reduced by the stress reduction factor provided in Table ments of WC-3252.4. WC-3262-1. The welds shall be tested in accordance with (3) The requirements of WC-3230 shall be met. WC-6720. 164 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-3262. 2 For welds in the end closures using two Fi g u re WC-3 26 1-1 cover plates [Figure WC-4265-3, sketch (b)] and made Categ ori es A an d B J oi n ts Between Secti on s of after the containment is loaded, the following apply: (a) The inner cover plate weld shall use a design stress U n eq u al Th i ckn ess reduction factor of 0.9. The root and final layers shall be examined by the liquid penetrant or magnetic particle method in accordance with Article WC-5000, and shall be tested in accordance with WC-6720. (b) The outer cover plate weld shall use the stress re- duction factors of Table WC-3262-1 and shall be exam- ined to the requirements of Table WC-3262-1. WC-3262. 3 Vent and drain cover plate welds may be full penetration welds examined in accordance with WC-5250 partial penetration welds using the examination and stress reduction factors of Table WC-3262-1. WC- 3262. 4 For partial penetration closure welds, a fatigue strength reduction factor of not less than 4.0 shall be used when fatigue analysis is required. WC-3700 STRAI N -BASED ACCEPTAN CE CRI TERI A The strain-based acceptance criteria are applicable GENERAL NOTE: Length of taper may include the width of the weld. only to the metallic portions of storage containments sub- ject to energy-limited dynamic events. It is not the intent of this subarticle to permit significant regions or major portions of the containment to experience strains at or near the limits of these strain-based acceptance criteria without consideration of the overall component deforma- tion. These strain-based acceptance criteria are estab- lished to address the regions of the containment that experience high strains due to the effects of direct im- pacts. Deformation limits, if any, provided in the Design Specification shall be satisfied. Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix FF provides the strain-based acceptance criteria. Table WC-3262 -1 Stress Red u cti on Factors an d Exam i n ati on s for Closu re Weld s Examination Requirements Stress Reduction [Note (1)] Factors Volumetric Examination 1.00 Liquid Penetrant or Magnetic Particle Examination: Root and each 0.90 successive 1/4 in. (6 mm) of weld thickness and the final layer Liquid Penetrant or Magnetic Particle Examination: Root, mid, and final 0.80 layer [Note (2)] NOTES: (1) All examinations shall be performed and accepted to the re- quirements of Article WC-5000. (2) Mid layer is defined as approximately one-half of the maximum weld thickness. 165 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WC-4000 FABRI CATI ON WC-4100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS (b) the amount of material removed from the surface exceeds the lesser of 1/8 in. (3 mm) or 10% of the mini- WC- 4110 I N TRODU CTI ON mum required thickness of the part. Containments and parts shall be fabricated and in- stalled in accordance with the rules of this Article and shall be manufactured from materials that meet the re- WC- 412 2 M ateri als I d en ti fi cati on quirements of Article WC-2000. (a) Material for performing a containment function shall carry identification markings which will remain dis- WC- 412 0 CERTI FI CATI ON OF M ATERI ALS AN D tinguishable until the containment is assembled. If the FABRI CATI ON BY CERTI FI CATE original identification markings are cut off or the material H OLDER is divided, either the marks shall be transferred to the WC- 412 1 M ean s of Certi fi cati on parts cut or a coded marking shall be used to ensure iden- tification of each piece of material during subsequent fab- The Certificate Holder for an item shall certify, by appli- rication. In either case, an as ‐ built sketch or a tabulation cation of the appropriate Certification Mark and comple- of materials shall be made identifying each piece of mate- tion of the appropriate Data Report in accordance with rial with the Certified Material Test Report, when applic- Article WA-8000, that the materials used comply with able, and the coded marking. For studs, bolts, and nuts it the requirements of Article WC-2000 and that the fabrica- is permissible to identify the Certified Material Test Re- tion or installation complies with the requirements of this ports for material in each containment in lieu of identify- Article. ing each piece of material with the Certified Material Test ð 17Þ WC- 412 1. 1 Certi fi cati o n of Treatm en ts, Tests, an d Report and the coded marking. Material supplied with a If the Certificate Holder or Subcontractor Exam i n ation s. Certificate of Compliance and welding and brazing mate- performs treatments, tests, repairs, or examinations re- rials shall be identified and controlled so that they can be quired by other paragraphs of this Article, the Certificate traced to each containment or else a control procedure Holder shall certify that this requirement has been ful- shall be used that ensures that the specified materials filled (WA-3800 or WA-8410). Reports of all required are used. treatments and of the results of all required tests, repairs, (b) Material from which the identification marking is and examinations performed shall be available to the lost shall be treated as nonconforming material until ap- Inspector. propriate tests or other verifications are made and docu- mented to assure material identification. Testing is WC-4121. 2 If Repeti ti on of Ten si le or I m pact Tests. required unless positive identification can be made by during the fabrication or installation of the item the mate- other documented evidence. The material may then be re- rial is subjected to heat treatment that has not been cov- marked upon establishing positive identification. ered by treatment of the test coupons (WC-2200) and that may reduce either tensile or impact properties below the WC- 41 2 2 . 1 M arki n g M at e ri als . Material shall be required values, the tensile and impact tests shall be re- marked in accordance with WC-2150. peated by the Certificate Holder on test specimens taken from test coupons which have been taken and treated in accordance with the requirements of Article WC-2000. WC- 412 3 Exam i n ati on s WC-4121. 3 Repeti ti on of Su rface Exam i n ation After Visual examination activities that are not referenced for During the fabrication or installation of an M ach i n i n g . examination by other specific Code paragraphs, and are item, if containment materials are machined, then the performed solely to verify compliance with requirements Certificate Holder shall reexamine the surface of the ma- of Article WC-4000, may be performed by the persons terial in accordance with WC-2500 when: who perform or supervise the work. These visual exami- (a) the surface was required to be examined by the nations are not required to be performed by personnel magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method in accor- and procedures qualified to WC-5100 and WC-5500, re- dance with WC-2500; and spectively, unless so specified. 166 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-4124 Ad d i ti on al Req u i rem en ts Wh en preheating the material, using preheat schedules such Strai n -Based Acceptan ce Cri teri a H ave as suggested in Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Been I m plem en ted Appendix D. In order to satisfy the strain-based acceptance criteria WC-42 12 Form i n g an d Ben d i n g Processes of WC-3700 regarding the locations of unique material heats used in containment fabrication, traceability of all Any process may be used to hot or cold form or bend unique material heats and their specific location(s) of containment materials, including weld metal, provided use shall be established and documented in the final De- the required dimensions are attained (see WC-4214 and sign Report and the as-built Design Drawings. This WC-4220), and provided the impact properties of the ma- requirement is only necessary when strain-based accep- terials, when required, are not reduced below the mini- tance criteria have been employed in the design of the mum specified values, or they are effectively restored containment. by heat treatment following the forming operation. Hot forming is defined as forming with the material tempera- WC-4125 Testi n g of Weld i n g an d Brazi n g ture higher than 100°F (55°C) below the lower transfor- M ateri als mation temperature of the material. When required, the All welding and brazing materials shall meet the re- process shall be qualified for impact properties as out- quirements of WC-2400. lined in WC-4213. WC-42 13 Qu ali fi cati on of Form i n g Processes for ð 17Þ WC-4130 REPAI R OF M ATERI AL I m pact Property Req u i rem en ts Material originally accepted on delivery in which de- fects exceeding the limits of WC-2 500 are known or When impact testing is required by the Design Specifi- discovered during the process of fabrication is unaccepta- cations, a procedure qualification test shall be conducted ble. The material may be used, provided the condition is using specimens taken from materials of the same speci- corrected in accordance with the requirements of fication, grade or class, heat treatment, and with similar WC-2500 for the applicable product form, except that: impact properties, as required for the material in the (a) the limitation on the depth of the weld repair does component. These specimens shall be subjected to the not apply; equivalent forming or bending process and heat treat- (b) the time of examination of the weld repairs to weld ment as the material in the component. Applicable tests edge preparations shall be in accordance with WC-5130; shall be conducted to determine that the required impact (c) radiographic examination is not required for weld properties of WC-2300 are met after straining. repairs to seal membrane material when the material W C- 42 1 3 . 1 Procedure qualification E xe m p t i o n s . thickness is 1/4 in. (6 mm) or less. tests are not required for material listed in (a) through (d) When the repair by welding provisions of WC-2539 (f) below: are used within 1/2 in. (13 mm) on each side of the final (a) hot formed material, such as forgings, in which the closure welds, on canisters that are loaded with spent fuel hot forming is completed by the Material Organization or high-level radioactive material, progressive examina- prior to removal of the impact test specimens; tion of each deposited weld layer by the magnetic particle (b) hot formed materials represented by test coupons m e th o d ( WC - 2 5 4 5 ) o r l i q u i d p e n e tra n t m e th o d required in either WC-2211 or WC-4121.2 that have been (WC-2546), in addition to a final surface examination, subjected to heat treatment representing the hot forming may be substituted for the radiographic examination re- procedure and the heat treatments to be applied to the quired by WC-2539.4. The thickness of each layer shall parts; not exceed 1/4 in. (6 mm). (c) materials which do not require impacts in accor- dance with WC-2300; (d) materials which have a final strain less than 0.5%; WC-42 00 FORM I N G , CU TTI N G , AN D (e) material where the final strain is less than that of a ALI G N I N G previously qualified procedure for that material; WC-42 10 CU TTI N G , FO RM I N G , AN D BEN DI N G (f) material from which the impact testing required by WC-2300 is performed on each heat and lot, as applicable, WC-42 11 Cu ttin g after forming. Materials may be cut to shape and size by mechanical WC-4213. 2 The proce- Proced u re Qu ali fi cati on Test. means, such as machining, shearing, chipping, or grinding, dure qualification test shall be performed in the manner or by thermal cutting. stipulated in (a) through (f) below. W C - 42 1 1 . 1 P re h e a t i n g B e fo re T h e rm a l C u t t i n g . (a) The tests shall be performed on three different When thermal cutting is performed to prepare weld joints heats of material, both before straining and after straining or edges, to remove attachments or defective material, or and heat treatment, to establish the effects of the forming for any other purpose, consideration shall be given to and subsequent heat treatment operations. 167 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (b) Specimens shall be taken in accordance with the re- WC-4213. 3 Acceptan ce Cri teri a for Form ed M ateri - quirements of Article WC-2000 and shall be taken from al.To be acceptable, the formed material used in the com- the tension side of the strained material. ponent shall have impact properties, before forming, (c) The percent strain shall be established by the fol- sufficient to compensate for the maximum loss of impact lowing equations: properties due to the qualified forming procedure used. (1 ) For cylinders WC- 4213. 4 A new procedure quali- Req u ali fi cati on . fication test is required when any of the changes in (a), (b), or (c) below are made. (a) The actual postweld heat treatment time at tem- (2) For spherical or dished surfaces perature is greater than previously qualified considering WC-2211. If the material is not postweld heat treated, the procedure must be qualified without postweld heat treatment. (b) The maximum calculated strain of the material ex- (3) For pipe ceeds the previously qualified strain by more than 0.5%. (c) Where preheat over 250°F (120°C) is used in the forming or bending operation but not followed by a sub- sequent postweld heat treatment. where WC- 42 14 M i n i m u m Th i ckn ess of Fabri cated R = nominal bending radius to the center line of the M ateri al pipe R f = final radius to center line of shell If any fabrication operation reduces the thickness be- R o = original radius (equal to infinity for a flat part) lo w the minimum required to s atis fy the rules o f r = nominal radius of the pipe WC-2124 and Article WC-3000, the material may be re- t = nominal thickness paired in accordance with WC-4130. (d) The procedure qualification shall simulate the max- imum percent surface strain, employing a bending pro- WC- 42 2 0 FORM I N G TOLERAN CES ces s similar to that used in the fab ricatio n o f the WC- 42 2 1 Toleran ce for Con tai n m en t Sh ells material or by direct tension on the specimen. Cylindrical, conical, or spherical shells of a completed (e) Sufficient C V test specimens shall be taken from containment, except formed heads covered by WC-4222, each of the three heats of material to establish a transition shall meet the requirements of the following subpara- curve showing both the upper and lower shelves. On each graphs at all cross sections. of the three heats, tests consisting of three impact speci- mens shall be conducted at a minimum of five different WC-4221. 1 M axi m u m Di fferen ce i n Cross-Secti on al ð 17Þ temperatures distributed throughout the transition re- D i am eters.The difference in inches (mm) between the gion. The upper and lower shelves may be established maximum and minimum diameters at any cross ‐ section by the use of one test specimen for each shelf. Depending shall not exceed the smaller of on the product form, it may be necessary to plot the tran- (U.S. Customary Units) sition curves using both the lateral expansion and energy level data (WC-2300). In addition, drop weight tests shall be made when required by WC-2300. (f) Using the results of the impact test data from each of three heats, taken both before and after straining, de- (SI Units) termine either: (1 ) the maximum change in NDT temperature along with: where D is the nominal inside diameter, in. (mm), at the (-a) the maximum change of lateral expansion and cross section under consideration. The diameters may energy at the temperature under consideration; or be measured on the inside or outside of the containment. (-b) the maximum change in temperature at the If measured on the outside, the diameters shall be cor- lateral expansion and energy levels under consideration; rected for the plate thickness at the cross section under or consideration (Figure WC-4221.1-1). When the cross sec- (2) where lateral expansion is the acceptance criteria tion passes through an opening, the permissible differ- (WC-2300), either the maximum change in temperature ence in inside diameters given herein may be increased or the maximum change in lateral expansion. by 2% of the inside diameter of the opening. 168 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-4221.4 Tolerance Deviations for Containment Figure WC-4221.1-1 Parts Fabricated From Pipe. Containment parts sub- Maximum Difference in Cross-Sectional jected to either internal or external pressure and fabri- Diameters cated from pipe, meeting all other requirements of this Subsection, may have variations of diameter and devia- tions from circularity permitted by the specification for such pipe. WC-4221.5 Localized Thin Areas. Localized thin areas are permitted if the adjacent areas surrounding each have sufficient thickness to provide the necessary reinforcement according to the rules for reinforcement in WC-3232.2. WC-4222 Tolerances for Formed Vessel Heads WC-4221.2 Maximum Deviation From True Theore- The tolerance for formed vessel heads shall be as set tical Form for External Pressure. Containments designed forth in the following subparagraphs. for external pressure shall meet the tolerances given in (a) through (e) below. WC-4222.1 Maximum Difference in Cross-Sectional ð 17Þ (a) The maximum plus o r minus deviatio n fro m Diameters. The skirt or cylindrical end of a formed head the true circular form of cylinders or the theoretical form shall be circular to the extent that the difference in inches of other shapes, measured radially on the outside (mm) between the maximum and minimum diameters or inside of the containment, shall not exceed the maxi- does not exceed the lesser of mum p ermis s ib le deviatio n o b tained fro m Figure WC-4221.2(a)-1. Measurements shall be made from a seg- (U.S. Customary Units) mental circular template having the design inside or out- side radius depending on where the measurements are taken and a chord length equal to twice the arc length ob- tai n e d fro m F i gu re WC - 4 2 2 1 . 2 (a ) - 2 . F o r F i gu re (SI Units) WC-4221.2(a)-1, the maximum permissible deviation e need not be less than 0.3 t . For Figure WC-4221.2(a)-2, the arc length need not be greater than 0.30 D o . Measure- ments shall not be taken on welds or other raised parts. where D is the nominal inside diameter, in. (mm), and (b) The value of t , in. (mm), at any cross section is the shall match the cylindrical edge of the adjoining part nominal plate thickness less corrosion allowance for sec- within the alignment tolerance specified in WC-4232. tions of constant thickness and the nominal thickness of the thinnest plate less corrosion allowance for sections WC-4222.2 Deviation From Specified Shape. having plates of more than one thickness. (a) The inner surface of a torispherical or ellipsoidal (c) The value of L in Figures WC-42 2 1 .2 (a) -1 and head shall not deviate outside the specified shape by WC-4221.2(a)-2 is determined by (1) and (2) below. more than 1 1/4% of D , nor inside the specified shape by (1 ) For cylinders, L is as given in WC-3133.2. more than 5/8 % of D , where D is nominal inside diameter (2) For spheres, L is one ‐ half of the outside diameter of the containment. Such deviations shall be measured D o , in. (mm). perpendicular to the specified shape and shall not be (d) The dimensions of a completed containment may be abrupt. The knuckle radius shall not be less than speci- brought within the requirements by any process which fied. For 2:1 ellipsoidal heads, the knuckle radius may will not impair the strength of the material. b e co n s i de re d to b e 1 7 % o f th e di am e te r o f th e (e) Sharp bends and flat spots shall not be permitted containment. unless provision is made for them in the design. (b) Hemispherical heads and any spherical portion of a WC-4221.3 Deviations From Tolerances. Deviations formed head shall meet the local tolerances for spheres as fr o m th e to l e r a n c e r e q u i r e m e n ts s ti p u l a te d i n given in WC-4221.2, using L as the outside spherical ra- WC-4221.1 and WC-4221.2 are permitted, provided the dius in inches (mm) and D o as 2 times L . drawings are modified and reconciled with the design (c) Deviation measurements shall be taken on the sur- calculations. face of the base material and not on welds. 169 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WC-4221.2(a)-1 Maximum Permissible Deviation e From a True Circular Form 170 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Fi g u re WC-422 1. 2 (a) -2 M axi m u m ARC Len g th for Determ i n i n g Plu s or M i n u s Devi ati on o o o o o o o o o o 0. 2 o o 0. 3 o o D D D D D D D c ? 085D D c ? 50D c ? 7 5D D D D o 0D 2,000 35 45 55 65 c ? . 07 5 25 30 40 00 50 00 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 2 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 0 c? c? c? c? c? c? c? c? c? c? c? Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar 1 ,000 o D 90 800 0. 3 600 c? 500 Ar 400 Outside Diameter ? Thickness, Do /t 300 200 1 00 80 60 50 40 30 20 10 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 1 .0 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 20 Design Length ? Outside Diameter, L/Do WC-42 30 FI TTI N G AN D ALI G N I N G WC-42 32 Ali g n m en t Req u i rem en ts Wh en Com pon en ts Are Weld ed From Two WC-42 31 Fi tti n g an d Ali g n i n g M eth od s Si d es Parts that are to be j oined by welding may be fitted, aligned, and retained in position during the welding op- (a) Alignment of sections which are welded from two eration by the use of bars, j acks, clamps, tack welds, or sides shall be such that the maximum offset of the fin- temporary attachments. ished weld will not be greater than the applicable amount listed in Table WC-42 3 2 (a) -1 , where t is the nominal Tack Weld s. Tack welds used to secure WC- 42 3 1. 1 thickness of the thinner section at the joint. alignment shall either be removed completely when they (b) J o ints in s p herical co ntainments , j o ints within have served their purpose, or their stopping and starting heads and j oints between cylindrical shells and hemi- ends shall be properly prepared by grinding or other suit- spherical heads shall meet the requirements in Table able means so that they may be satisfactorily incorpo- WC-4232(a)-1 for longitudinal joints. rated into the final weld. Tack welds shall be made by Fai ri n g of Offsets. Any offset within the qualified welders using qualified welding procedures. WC-4232. 1 When tack welds are to become part of the finished weld, allowable tolerance provided above shall be faired to at they shall be visually examined and defective tack welds least 3:1 taper over the width of the finished weld or, if removed. necessary, by adding additional weld metal beyond what would otherwise be the edge of the weld. 171 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC- 4260 REQU I REM EN TS FOR WELD J OI N TS I N Table WC-42 32 (a) -1 CON TAI N M EN TS M axi m u m Allowable Offset i n Fi n al Weld ed J oi n ts WC- 4262 Descri pti on an d Li m i tati on s of J oi n t Types Section Thickness, Direction of Joints in. (mm) Longitudinal Circumferential The description of the joint types are as follows: 1 Up to /2 (13), incl. 1 /4t 1 /4t (a) Type No. 1 Butt Join ts. Type No. 1 butt j oints are Over 1/2 to 3/4 1 /8 in. (3 mm) 1 /4t those produced by double welding or by other means (13 to 19) , incl. which produce the same quality of deposited weld metal Over 3/4 to 1 1/2 1 /8 in. (3 mm) 3 /16 in. (5 mm) on both inside and outside weld surfaces. Welds using (19 to 38) , incl. Over 1 1/2 to 2 1 /8 in. (3 mm) 1 /8 t backing strips which remain in place do not qualify as (38 to 50), incl. Type No. 1 butt j oints. Type No. 1 butt joints shall have Over 2 (50) Lesser of 1/16 t or Lesser of 1/8 t or complete joint penetration and full fusion and shall meet 3 /8 in. (10 mm) 3 /4 in. (19 mm) the requirements of WC-4424 and WC-4426. (b) Type No. 2 Butt Join ts. Type No. 2 butt j oints are single-welded butt joints having backing strips which re- main in place. WC-3252.2 gives stress concentration fac- WC- 42 3 3 Ali g n m en t Req u i rem en ts Wh en I n si d e tors to be applied to Type No. 2 j oints when a fatigue Su rfaces Are I n accessi ble analysis is required. When Type No. 2 butt joints are used, care shall be taken on aligning and separating the compo- (a) When the inside surfaces of items are inaccessible nents to be joined so that there will be complete penetra- for welding or fairing in accordance with WC-4232, align- tion and fusion at the bottom of the j oints for their full ment of sections shall meet the requirements of (1) and length. However, weld reinforcement need be supplied (2) below. only on the side opposite the backing strip. The require- (1 ) See (-a) and (-b) below. ments of WC-4424 and WC-4426 shall be met. (-a) Fo r circumferential j o ints the ins ide dia- meters shall match each other within 1/1 6 in. (1 .5 mm) (c) Full Pen etration Corn er Join ts . Corner j oints are When the items are aligned concentrically, a uniform mis- those connecting two members approximately at right an- match of 1/32 in. (0.8 mm) all around the joint can result, gles to each other in the form of an L or T and shall be as shown in Figure WC-4233-1 sketch (a). However, other made with full penetration welds (WC-3 2 5 2 .3 ) . Type variables not associated with the diameter of the item of- No. 1 corner-welded j oints have full penetration welds ten result in alignments that are offset rather than con- that penetrate through the thickness of the shell [Figure centric. In these cases, the maximum misalignment at WC-42 65 -1 , sketches (a) and (b) ] . Type No. 2 corner- any one point around the j oint shall not exceed 3/3 2 in. welded joints have a full penetration weld that penetrates (2 .5 mm) , as shown in Figure WC-42 3 3 - 1 sketch (b) . through the thickness of the head [Figure WC-42 65 -1 , S ho uld to lerances o n diameter, wall thicknes s , o ut ‐ sketches (c), (d), and (e)] . of‐ roundness, etc., result in inside diameter variation (d) Fillet Welded Joints. Fillet welded joints, permitted which does not meet these limits, the inside diameters by the rules of this subarticle, are those of approximately shall be counterbored, sized, or ground to produce a bore triangular cross section, joining two surfaces at approxi- within these limits, provided a gradual change in thick- mately right angles to each other and having a throat di- ness from the item to adj oining items is maintained. mension at least 70% of the smaller thickness of the parts Any welding transition is acceptable provided the wall being joined but not less than 1/4 in. (6 mm). thickness in the transition region is not less than the mini- mum wall thickness of the component or item and sharp reentrant angles and abrupt changes in slope in the tran- WC- 4263 Categ ory A Weld J oi n ts sition region are avoided. Category A weld joints shall be Type No. 1 butt joints. (-b) Offset of outside surfaces shall be faired to at least a 3:1 taper over the width of the finished weld or, if necessary, by adding additional weld metal. WC- 4264 Categ ory B Weld J oi n ts (2) For longitudinal joints the misalignment of inside surfaces shall not exceed 3/3 2 in. (2.5 mm), and the offset Category B weld joints shall be Type No. 1 or Type No. 2 of outside surfaces shall be faired to at least a 3:1 taper butt joints. Backing strips shall be removed from Type No. over the width of the finished weld or, if necessary, by 2 joints unless access conditions prevent their removal. adding additional weld metal. Backing strips shall be continuous, and any splices shall (b) Single-welded j oints may meet the alignment re- be butt welded. Circumferential single-welded butt joints quirements of (a) (1) and (a) (2 ) above in lieu of the re- wi th o n e p l a te o ffs e t to fo r m a b a c ki n g s tr i p a r e quirements of WC-4232. prohibited. 172 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Fi g u re WC-42 33 -1 Bu tt Weld Ali g n m en t an d M i sm atch Toleran ces for U n eq u al I . D. an d O . D. Wh en I tem s Are Weld ed From On e Si d e an d Fai ri n g I s N ot Perform ed 1 /32in. (0.8 mm) maximum uniform mismatch around joint Centerline Centerline t t= nominal thickness, in. (mm) (a) Concentric Centerlines 3 /32in. (2.5 mm) maximum at any one point around the joint Centerline 1 Centerline 2 (b) Offset Centerlines 173 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ð 17Þ WC-4265 Category C Weld Joints elongation specified for the material in the direction par- Category C weld joints shall be as described in subpar- allel to the axis of the containment vessel. Proof of this agraphs (a) through (d) below. shall be furnished by a tension test specimen (subsize, if (a) Full Penetration Butt Joints. Category C welds shall necessary) taken in this direction and as close to the hubs be Type No. 1 or Type No. 2 butt joints. as is practical. One test specimen may represent a group (b) Full Penetration Corner Joints. Welds in full penetra- of forgings, provided they are of the same nominal dimen- tion corner joints shall be groove welds extending com- sions, from the same heat material and the same heat pletely through at least one of the parts being joined treatment lot, and forged in the same manner. The mini- and shall be fully fused to each part. Typical details for mum height of the hub shall be the lesser of 1 1/2 times type No. 1 and No. 2 full penetration corner joints are the thickness of the containment part to which it is shown in Figure WC-4265-1. welded or 3/4 in. (19 mm), but need not be greater than (c) Partial Penetration Closure Joints. Partial penetra- 2 in. (50 mm). (2) Hubbed flanges shall not be machined from flat tion joints are acceptable for flat head closure welds (per WC-3 2 62 ) . Typical details are shown in Figure plate. WC-4265-2. (d) Flat Heads With Hubs WC-4266 Category D Weld Joints (1 ) Hubs for butt welding to the adjacent shell, head, Category D and similar weld joints shall be welded o r o th e r co n tai n m e n t p arts , as s h o wn i n F i gu re using one of the details of (a) through (e) below. WC-4265-3, for flat heads, shall not be machined from flat (a) Butt-Welded Attachments. Nozzles shall be attached plate. The hubs shall be forged in such a manner as to pro- by Type No. 1 butt welds through either the containment vide in the hub the full minimum tensile strength and or the nozzle wall as shown in Figure WC-4266(a)-1. Figure WC-4265-1 Acceptable Full Penetration Weld Details for Category C Joints GENERAL NOTE: For definitions of nomenclature, see WC-3252.3. 174 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (e) Attach m en t of Nozzles Usin g Partial Pen etration Welds. Partial penetration welds are limited by the re- Fi g u re WC- 4265-2 Typi cal Parti al Pen etrati on Weld Detai l for strictions of WC-3252.4(e). The weld size shall be such Categ ory C Flat H ead Closu re J oi n ts that the depth of penetration t w will be at least 1 1/4t n . Ty- pical details are shown in Figure WC-4266(e)-1. WC-426 7 Types of Attach m en t Weld s Structural attachments shall be attached to contain- ments by continuous or intermittent welds. WC-4300 WELDI N G QU ALI FI CATI ON S WC-43 10 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS WC-43 11 Types of Processes Perm i tted (a) Single Closure Wel d Detail Only those welding processes which are capable of pro- ducing welds in accordance with the welding procedure qualification requirements of Section IX and this Subsec- tion may be used for welding containments or attach- ments thereto. Any process used shall be such that the records required by WC-4320 can be prepared, except that records for stud welds shall be traceable to the t ? shell thickn ess welders and welding operators and not necessarily to each specific weld. WC-4311. 1 Stud welding Stu d Weld in g Restri cti on s. is acceptable only for nonstructural and temporary at- tachments (WC-443 5). Studs shall be limited to 1 in. t (25 mm) maximum diameter for round studs and an equivalent cross ‐ sectional area for studs of other shapes when welding in the flat position and 3/4 in. (19 mm) dia- meter for all other welding positions. Postweld heat treat- ( b ) Dou b le Closure Wel d Detail ment shall comply with WC-4600, except that time at temperature need not exceed 1/2 hr regardless of base ma- terial thickness. Welding procedure and performance (b) Full Penetration Corner-Welded Attachments. Noz- qualification shall comply with the requirements of Sec- zles shall be attached by full penetration welds through tion IX. the wall of the containment or nozzle as shown in Figure WC-4266(b)-1. The welds shall be groove welds extend- WC-43 11. 2 Capacitor Capaci tor Disch arg e Weld i n g . ing completely through at least one of the parts being discharge welding may be used for welding temporary at- joined and shall be fully fused to each part. Backing strips tachments and permanent nonstructural attachments shall be used with welds deposited from only one side or provided: when complete joint penetration cannot be verified by vi- (a) temporary attachments are removed in accordance sual inspection. Backing strips, when used, shall be re- with the provisions of WC-4435(b); moved after welding. (b) the energy output for permanent nonstructural at- (c) Use of Deposited Weld Metal for Openings and Noz- tachments such as strain gages and thermocouples is lim- zles. Weld metal may be deposited on the containment ited to 125 W‐ sec and the minimum thickness of the or nozzle prior to making the full penetration weld as material to which the attachment is made is greater than shown in Figure WC-4266(c)-1. 0.09 in. (2 mm); and (d) Fittings With Internal Threads. Internally threaded (c) a Welding Procedure Specification is prepared de- fittings shall be limited to NPS 2 (DN 50). They shall meet scribing the capacitor discharge equipment, the combina- the requirements of WC-3252.4(d) and be attached by full tion of materials to be j oined, and the technique of p enetratio n gro o ve welds as illus trated in Figure application; qualification of the welding procedure is WC-4266(d)-1 sketches (a), (b), and (c). not required. 175 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WC-4265-3 Typical Flat Heads Te n sio n test specime n Te n sio n test specime n e r ts r ts ts r r Thickn ess of Thickn ess of flat head flat head (a) ( b) (c) tf Te n sio n test specime n tf ts e Te n sio n test specime n ts Thickn ess of Thickn ess of flat head flat head ( d) (e) GENERAL NOTE: For definition of nomenclature, see WC-3225. 176 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WC-4266(a)-1 Nozzles Attached by Full Penetration Butt Welds tn r2 30 deg min. 1/ in. (1 3 mm) 2 te min. tn r2 tn 45 deg max. t3 r1 r2 t a1 t4 3 30 deg max. t 1 r2 t r2 a2 t3 + t4 ? 0.2 t, but r1 a1 + a2 ? 1 8.5 deg r1 1 1 /2 t min (a) (b) (c) tn A 3 / in. (1 9 mm) R min. 4 tn tn t r1 45 deg max. 45 deg max. r2 r2 1 8.5 deg max. 30 deg max. r2 r (d) r2 r2 2 Backing strip, if used, shall r1 r1 t be removed tn t 30 deg max. 3 / in. (1 9 mm) R min. Section A - A 4 Maximum = 0.2 t A r1 t Sections perpendicular and parallel to the containment’s cylindrical axis (e) (c – 1 ) GENERAL NOTE: For definitions of nomenclature, see WC-3252.4(a) . 177 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WC-4266(b)-1 Full Penetration Corner-Welded Attachments GENERAL NOTE: For definitions of nomenclature, see WC-3252.4(b) . 178 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Fi g u re WC-426 6(c) -1 Deposi ted Weld M etal U sed as Rei n forcem en t of O pen i n g s for N ozzles 3 / in. (1 9 mm) 4 min. tn tn t Step 1 Step 2 (a) 3 / in. (1 9 mm) 4 min. tn tn t Step 1 Step 2 (b) GENERAL NOTE: For definitions of nomenclature, see WC-3252.4(c) . Fi g u re WC-426 6(d ) -1 Fi tti n g s Wi th I n tern al Th read s Either method of attachment is satisfactory tc tc tc tc (a) (b) (c) For N PS 2 (DN 50) and smaller GENERAL NOTE: For definitions of nomenclature, see WC-3252.4(d) . 179 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Fi g u re WC- 4266(e) -1 Parti al Pen etrati on Weld Con n ecti on s tc tn tc tn N ot less tha n tw 1 1 1 /4t n tw tc 1/ i n . (1 .5 mm) 16 1/ i n . (1 .5 mm) N ot less tha n recess 16 1 S ectio n 1 – 1 recess 1 1 /4t n (a) ( b) tn tw t r1 d (c) GENERAL NOTE: For definitions of nomenclature, see WC-3252.4(e) . WC- 4320 WELDI N G QU ALI FI CATI ON S, RECORDS, WC- 4322 M ai n ten an ce an d Certi fi cati on of AN D I DEN TI FYI N G STAM PS Record s WC- 4321 Req u i red Qu ali fi cati on s The Certificate Holder shall maintain a record of his (a) Each Certificate Holder is responsible for the weld- qualified welding procedures and of the welders and ing done by his organization, and he shall establish the welding operators qualified by him, showing the date procedure and conduct the tests required by this Article and results of tests and the identification mark assigned and by Section IX in order to qualify both the welding pro- to each welder. These records shall be reviewed, verified, cedures and the performance of welders and welding op- and certified by the Certificate Holder by signature or erators who apply these procedures. some other method of control in accordance with the Cer- (b) Procedures, welders, and welding operators used to tificate Holder s Quality Assurance Program and shall be ’ j oin permanent or temporary attachments to contain- available to the Authorized Nuclear Inspector. ments and to make permanent or temporary tack welds WC- 432 2 . 1 I d e n t i fi cat i o n o f J o i n t s b y W e ld e r o r used in such welding shall also meet the qualification re- Weld i n g Operator. quirements of this Article. (a) Each welder or welding operator shall apply the (c) When making procedure test plates for butt welds, identification mark assigned to him by the Certificate consideration shall be given to the effect of angular, lat- Holder on or adjacent to all permanent welded j oints or eral, and end restraint on the weldment. This applies par- series of joints on which he welds. The marking shall be ticularly to material and weld metal of 80.0 ksi (550 MPa) at intervals of 3 ft (1 m) or less and shall be done with tensile strength or higher and heavy sections of both low either blunt nose continuous or blunt nose interrupted and high tensile strength material. The addition of re- dot die stamps. As an alternative, the Certificate Holder straint during welding may result in cracking difficulties shall keep a record of permanent welded j oints in each that otherwise might not occur. item and of the welders and welding operators used in making each of the joints. 180 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (b) When a multiple number of permanent structural WC-43 34 Preparati on of Test Cou pon s an d attachment welds, nonstructural welds, fillet welds, sock- Speci m en s et welds, weld metal cladding, and hard surfacing welds (a) Removal of test coupons from the test weld and the are made on an item, the Certificate Holder need not iden- dimensions of specimens made from them shall conform tify the welder or welding operator who welded each in- to the requirements of Section IX, except that the removal dividual joint, provided: of impact test coupons and the dimensions of impact test (1 ) the Certificate Holder maintains a system that specimens shall be in accordance with (b) below. will identify the welders or welding operators who made (b) Weld deposit of each process in a multiple process such welds on each item so that the Inspector can verify weld shall, where possible, be included in the impact test that the welders or welding operators were all properly specimens. When each process cannot be included in the qualified; full size impact test specimen at the 1/4 t location required (2) the welds in each category are all of the same by this Section, additional full size specimens shall be ob- type and configuration and are welded with the same tained from locations in the test weld that will ensure that Welding Procedure Specification. at least a portion of each process has been included in full (c) Welder or welding operator identification is not re- size test specimens. As an alternative, additional test quired for tack welds. welds can be made with each process so that full size spe- cimens can be tested for each process. WC-4334. 1 Cou pon s Represen ti n g th e Weld Depos- WC-43 2 3 Weld i n g Pri or to Qu ali fi cati on s i ts. Impact test specimens and testing methods shall con- form to WC-2321. The impact specimen shall be located No welding shall be undertaken until after the welding so that the longitudinal axis of the specimen is at least procedures which are to be used have been qualified. 1 /4 t and, where the thickness of the test assembly permits, Only welders and welding operators who are qualified not less than 3/8 in. (10 mm) from the weld surface of the in accordance with WC-4320 and Section IX shall be used. test assembly. In addition, when the postweld heat treat- ment temperature exceeds the maximum temperature specified in WC-4620, and the test assembly is cooled at WC-43 24 Tran sferri n g Qu ali fi cati on s an accelerated rate, the longitudinal axis of the specimen shall be a minimum of t from the edge of the test assem- The welding procedure qualifications and performance bly. The specimen shall be transverse to the longitudinal qualification tests for welders and welding operators con- axis of the weld with the area of the notch located in the ducted by one Certificate Holder shall not qualify welding weld. The length of the notch of the Charpy V‐ notch speci- procedures, and shall not qualify welders or welding op- men shall be normal to the surface of the weld. Where erators to weld for any other Certificate Holder, except as drop weight specimens are required, the tension surface provided in Section IX. of the specimen shall be oriented parallel to the surface of the test assembly. WC-4334. 2 Cou pon s Re p re s e n ti n g th e H eat- WC-43 30 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS FO R WELDI N G PRO CEDU RE Affected Zo n e. Where impact tests of the heat-affected QU ALI FI CATI ON TESTS zone are required by WC-433 5.2, specimens shall be ta- ken from the welding procedure qualification test assem- WC-43 31 Con form an ce to Secti on I X blies in accordance with (a) through (c) below. Req u i rem en ts (a) If the qualification test material is in the form of a All welding procedure qualification tests shall be in ac- plate or a forging, the axis of the weld shall be oriented cordance with the requirements of Section IX as supple- either parallel to or perpendicular to the principal direc- mented or modified by the requirements of this Article. tion of rolling or forging. (b) The heat-affected zone impact test specimens and testing methods shall conform to the requirements of WC-2321.2. The specimens shall be removed from a loca- WC-43 33 H eat Treatm en t of Qu ali fi cati on Weld s tion as near as practical to a depth midway between the for Ferri ti c M ateri als s urface and center thicknes s . The co up o ns fo r heat- Postweld heat treatment of procedure qualification affected zone impact specimens shall be taken transverse welds shall conform to the applicable requirements of to the axis of the weld and etched to define the heat- WC-4600 and Section IX. The postweld heat treatment affected zone. The notch of the Charpy V‐ notch specimen time at temperature is to be at least 80% of the maximum shall be cut approximately normal to the material surface time to be applied to the component weld material. The in such a manner as to include as much heat-affected zone postweld heat treatment total time may be applied in as possible in the resulting fracture. Where the material one heating cycle. thickness permits, the axis of a specimen may be inclined 181 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 to allow the root of the notch to align parallel to the fusion WC-4335. 2 I m pact Tests of H eat-Affected Zon e. ð 17Þ line. When a grain refining heat treatment is not per- (a) Charpy V‐ notch tests of the heat‐ affected zone of the formed on welds made by the electroslag or electrogas welding procedure qualification test assembly are re- welding process, the notch for the impact specimens shall quired whenever the thickness of the weld exceeds be located in the grain coarsened region. 5 /8 in. (16 mm) and either of the base materials require (c) For the comparison of heat-affected zone values impact testing in accordance with the rules of WC-2310. with base material values [ WC-43 3 5 .2 (b) ] , Charpy Exemption of base materials by WC-2311(a) (7) does V‐ notch specimens shall be removed from the unaffected no t ap p l y to the welding p ro cedure qualificatio n base material at approximately the same distance from heat‐ affected zone or unaffected base material for such the base material surface as the heat-affected zone speci- materials. The only exceptions to the requirements are mens. The axis of the unaffected base material specimens the following: shall be parallel to the axis of the heat-affected zone speci- (1) the qualification for welds in P ‐ Nos. 1 and 3 ma- mens, and the axis of the notch shall be normal to the sur- terials that are postweld heat treated and are made by face of the base material. When required by WC-2330, any process other than electroslag, electrogas, or thermit; drop weight specimens shall be removed from a depth (2) the qualification for weld deposit cladding or as near as practical to midway between the surface and hardfacing on any base material. center thickness of the unaffected base material and shall (3) that portion of the heat‐ affected zone associated b e tes ted in accordance with the requirements o f with GTAW root deposits with a maximum of two layers WC-2321. or 3/16 in. (5 mm) thickness, whichever is less. (b) Charpy V‐ notch testing shall be performed as speci- WC- 433 5 I m pact Test Req u i rem en ts fied in (1) through (6). (1) Charpy V‐ notch test specimens representing both When materials are required to be impact tested per the heat‐ affected zone and the unaffected base material WC - 2 3 0 0 , i m p a c t te s ts o f th e we l d m e ta l a n d shall be tested. The unaffected base material shall be heat-affected zone shall be performed in accordance with tested at a temperature equal to or below the LST. the following subparagraphs. The weld procedure qualifi- (2) The Charpy V‐ notch tests of the unaffected base cation impact test specimens shall be prepared and tested material shall meet the applicable requirements of Table in accordance with the applicable requirements of WC-2332.1-1 or Table WC-2332.1-2, as applicable, or ad- WC-2332.1 and WC-4334. Retests in accordance with ditional testing shall be performed at higher tempera- the provisions of WC-2350 are permitted. tures until either of the above requirements are met. WC-4335. 1 I m pact Tests of Weld M etal. (3) The heat‐ affected zone specimens shall be tested (a) Impact tests of the weld metal shall be required for at the test temperature determined in (2). The average welding procedure qualification tests for production weld applicable toughness values of the heat‐ affected zone spe- joints exceeding 5/8 in. (16 mm) in thickness when the cimens shall equal or exceed the average applicable weld will be made on the surface or will penetrate the toughness values of the unaffected base material speci- base material that requires impact testing in accordance mens, or the adjustment given in (4) through (6) shall with WC-2310. In addition, such testing of the weld metal be made. Alternatively, another test coupon may be is required for the welding procedure qualification tests welded and tested. for any weld repair to base material that requires impact (4) Additional Charpy V‐ notch tests shall be per- testing in accordance with WC-2310, regardless of the formed on either the heat‐ affected zone or the unaffected depth of the repair. base material, or both, at temperatures where the applic- (b) The impact test requirements and acceptance stan- able toughness values of all three specimens tested is not dards for welding procedure qualification weld metal less than that specified in (2). The applicable average shall be the same as specified in WC-2330 for the base toughness values for each test meeting this requirement material to be welded or repaired. Where two materials shall be plotted on an applicable toughness value versus are to be joined by welding and have different fracture temperature graph. The difference in temperature T H A Z toughness requirements, the test requirements and ac- and T U B M where the heat‐ affected zone and the unaf- ceptance standards of either material may be used for fected base material applicable average toughness values the weld metal. are the same and not less than that specified in (2) shall (c) A Welding Procedure Specification qualified to the be used to determine the adjustment temperature T A D J impact testing requirements of Subsection WB, NB, NC, where: or NE may be accepted as an alternative to the Welding Procedure Specification impact testing requirements of this Subsection. If T A D J ≤ 0, then TA D J = 0. 182 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (5) As an alternative to (4), if the applicable tough- WC-4400 RU LES G OVERN I N G M AKI N G , ness values of the heat‐ affected zone specimens is no less EXAM I N I N G , AN D REPAI RI N G than the values specified in Table WC-2332.1-1 or Table WELDS WC-2 3 3 2 .1 -2 , as applicable, and the average of the heat-affected zone specimens is not less than 7 ft-lb WC-4410 PRECAU TI O N S TO BE TAKEN BEFORE (10 J) or 5 mils (0.13 mm) below the average applicable WELDI N G toughness values of the unaffected base material, T A D J WC-4411 I d en ti fi cati on , Storag e, an d H an d li n g may be taken as 15°F (− 8°C). of Weld i n g M ateri als (6) As a second alternative to (4), if the applicable toughness values of the heat‐ affected zone specimens Each Certificate Holder is responsible for control of the a r e n o l e s s th a n th e va l u e s s p e c i fi e d i n T a b l e welding electrodes and other materials that are used in WC-2332.1-1 or Table WC-2332.1-2, as applicable, the th e fa b r i c a ti o n a n d i n s ta l l a ti o n o f c o m p o n e n ts difference between the average applicable toughness val- (WC-4120). Suitable identification, storage, and handling ues of the heat-affected zone and the unaffected base ma- of electrodes, flux, and other welding materials shall be terial shall be calculated and used as described in (c)(3). maintained. Precautions shall be taken to minimize ab- (c) At least one of the following methods shall be used sorption of moisture by electrodes and flux. to compensate for the heat‐ affected zone toughness de- crease due to the welding procedure. WC-4412 Clean li n ess an d Protecti on of Weld i n g (1 ) The LST specified in the Design Specification for Su rfaces all of the material to be welded in production welding procedure specifications (WPS) supported by this proce- The method used to prepare the base metal shall leave dure qualification record (PQR) shall be increased by the the weld preparation with reasonably smooth surfaces. adjustment temperature T A D J . The surfaces for welding shall be free of scale, rust, oil, (2) The specified testing temperature for the produc- grease, and other deleterious material. The work shall tion material may be reduced by T A D J . be protected from deleterious contamination and from (3) The materials to be welded may be welded using rain, snow, and wind during welding. Welding shall not the WPS provided they exhibit toughness values that are be performed on wet surfaces. no less than the minimum required toughness values re- quired by WC-2300 plus the difference in the average WC-442 0 RU LES FOR M AKI N G WELDED J OI N TS toughness values established in (b)(6). (d) The Charpy V ‐ notch testing results shall be re- WC-442 1 Backi n g Ri n g s corded on the PQR and any offsetting T A D J or increased Backing rings that remain in place may be used. The toughness requirements on the production material on materials for backing rings shall be compatible with the which welding is to be performed shall be noted on the base metal, but spacer pins shall not be incorporated into PQR and WPS. More than one compensation method the weld. may be used on a par basis. (e) A WPS qualified to the impact testing requirements of Subsection WB, NB, NC, or NE may be accepted as an WC-442 3 Dou ble-Weld ed J oi n ts, Si n g le-Weld ed alternative to the WPS impact testing requirements of this J oi n ts, an d Peen i n g Subsection. WC- 442 3 . 1 Before applying D ou ble- Weld ed J oi n ts. weld metal on the second side to be welded, the root of WC-43 36 Qu ali fi cati on Req u i rem en ts for full penetration double ‐ welded joints shall be prepared Bu i lt-U p Weld Deposi ts by suitable methods such as chipping, grinding, or ther- Built‐ up weld deposits for base metal reinforcement mal gouging, except for those processes of welding by shall be qualified in accordance with the requirements which proper fusion and penetrations are otherwise ob- of WC-4331 to WC-4335, inclusive. tained and demonstrated to be satisfactory by welding procedure qualifications. WC- 442 3 . 2 Where single- S i n g le - W e ld e d J o i n t s . welded joints are used, particular care shall be taken in aligning and separating the items to be joined so that there will be complete penetration and fusion at the bot- tom of the joint for its full length. WC-4423. 3 Controlled peening may be per- Peen i n g . formed to minimize distortion. Peening shall not be used on the internal layer (root) of the weld metal nor on the final layers unless the weld is postweld heat treated. 183 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC- 4424 Su rfaces of Weld s dimension by not more than 1/1 6 in. (1.5 mm) , provided that the total undersize portion of the weld does not ex- As ‐ welded surfaces are permitted. However, the sur- ceed 10% of the length of the weld. Individual undersize face of welds shall be sufficiently free from coarse ripples, weld portions shall not exceed 2 in. (50 mm) in length. grooves, overlaps, abrupt ridges, and valleys to meet the I n m aki n g s o cke t we l d s , a gap a s s h o wn i n F i gu re requirements of (a) through (e) below. WC-442 7-1 shall be provided prior to welding. The gap (a) The surface condition of the finished weld shall be need not be present nor be verified after welding. For suitable for the proper interpretation of radiographic sleeve type joints without internal shoulder, the gap shall and other required nondestructive examination of the be between the butting ends of the pipe or tube. weld. In those cases where there is a question regarding (b) Socket welds smaller than those specified in Figure the surface condition on the interpretation of a radio- graphic film, the film shall be compared to the actual weld WC-442 7-1 may be used provided the requirements of Article WC-3000 are met. s u r fa c e fo r i n te r p r e ta ti o n a n d d e te r m i n a ti o n o f acceptability. WC- 442 8 Seal Weld s of Th read ed J oi n ts (b) Reinforcements are permitted in accordance with WC-4426.1. Where seal welding of threaded pipe j oints is per- 1 (c) Undercuts shall not exceed /3 2 in. (0.8 mm) and formed, the exposed threads shall be either removed en- shall not encroach on the required section thickness. tirely or covered with weld metal. (d) Concavity on the root side of a single-welded cir- cumferential butt weld is permitted when the resulting WC- 4430 WELDI N G OF ATTACH M EN TS thickness of the weld meets the requirements of Article WC- 4431 M ateri als for Attach m en ts WC-3000. Structural attachments that are not part of the contain- (e) If the surface of the weld requires grinding to meet ment shall be of the materials that meet the requirements the above criteria, care shall be taken to avoid reducing of WC-2190. Structural attachments that are part of the the weld or base material below the required thickness. containment shall meet the requirements of WC-2120. WC- 442 5 Weld i n g I tem s of Di fferen t Di am eters WC- 4432 Weld i n g of Stru ctu ral Attach m en ts When items of different diameters are welded together, there shall be a gradual transition between the two sur- The rules of WC-4321 governing welding qualifications faces. The slope of the transition shall be such that the shall apply to the welding of structural attachments to length – offset ratio shall not be less than 3:1, unless great- containment material. er slopes are shown to be acceptable by analysis for ves- sels designed to WC-3 2 00. The length of the transition WC- 4433 Stru ctu ral Attach m en ts may include the weld. Structural attachments shall conform reasonably to the curvature of the surface to which they are to be attached WC- 4426 Rei n forcem en t of Weld s and shall be attached by full penetration, fillet, or partial WC- 4426. 1 Weld Rei n forcem en t. The surface of the penetration continuous or intermittent welds. Figures reinforcement of all butt-welded joints may be flush with WC-4433-1 and WC-4433-2 illustrate some of the typical the b as e material o r may have unifo rm cro wns . The details for attaching structural attachments to a compo- height of reinforcement on each face of the weld shall nent using full penetration welds. not exceed the thicknesses in the following tabulation: WC- 4434 Weld i n g of I n tern al Stru ctu ral Maximum Su pports to Clad Con tai n m en ts Reinforcement, in. Nominal Thickness, in. (mm) (mm) Internal structural supports on clad containments shall Up to 1 (25), incl. 3 /32 (2.5) be welded to the base metal and not to the cladding ex- Over 1 to 2 (25 to 50), incl. 1 /8 (3) cept for weld overlay cladding. 5 Over 2 to 3 (50 to 75), incl. /32 (4) 7 Over 3 to 4 (75 to 100) , incl. /32 (5.5) WC- 4435 Weld i n g of N on stru ctu ral an d 1 Over 4 to 5 (100 to 125), incl. /4 (6) Tem porary Attach m en ts an d Th ei r 5 Over 5 (125) /16 (8) Rem oval (a) Nonstructural attachments welded to the contain- WC- 442 7 Sh ape an d Si ze of Fi llet Weld s ment need not comply with Article WC-2 000 and may (a) Fillet welds may vary from convex to concave. Ex- be welded with continuous or intermittent fillet or partial cept as permitted in (b) below, the shape and size of penetration welds, provided the requirements of (1 ) the weld shall be in accordance with the requirements through (4) below are met. of Figure WC-4427-1. A fillet weld in any single continu- (1 ) The welding procedure and the welders have o us we l d m ay b e l es s than the s p eci fi e d fi l le t wel d been qualified in accordance with WC-4321. 184 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WC-4427-1 Fillet and Socket Weld Details and Dimensions Theoretical throat Theoretical throat Surface of vertical member Surface of vertical member Convex fillet weld Concave fillet weld Size of weld Surface of horizontal member Size of weld (a) Equal Leg Fillet Weld [Note (1 )] Theoretical throat Theoretical throat Surface of vertical member Surface of vertical member Convex fillet weld Concave fillet weld Surface of horizontal member (b) Unequal Leg Fillet Weld [Note (2)] x, min. Cx tn nominal pipe x, min. wall thickness tn 1/ in. (1 .5 mm) approx. Cx 16 before welding 1/ in. (1 .5 mm) approx. 16 before welding (c-1 ) Socket Welding Flange [Note (3)] (c-2) Socket Welding Fittings [Note (4)] (c) Minimum Welding Dimensions for Slip-On and Socket Welding Flanges and Socket Welding Fittings NOTES: (1) The size of an equal leg fillet weld is the leg length of the largest right isosceles triangle. Theoretical throat = 0.7 × size of weld. (2) The size of an unequal leg fillet weld is the shorter leg length of the largest right triangle that can be inscribed within the fillet weld cross section. (3) x , min. = 1.4 t n or the thickness of the hub, whichever is smaller, but not less than 1/8 in. (3 mm) (4) C x , min. = 1.09 t n where t n = nominal pipe wall thickness 185 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WC-4433-1 Typical Types of Attachment Welds Dimension not sufficient for weld from inside A A A A Section A-A Section A-A 1 / in. (3 mm), max. 1 / in. (3 mm), max. 8 8 (a) Attachment of Lugs, Shoes, Pipe Saddles, and Brackets A Section A A-A 1/ in. (3 mm), max. 8 (b) Attachment of Trunnions 1/ in. (3 mm), max. 8 (c) Attachment of Rings GENERAL NOTE: The welds may be partial penetration or fillet welds. 186 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Fi g u re WC-443 3-2 Typi cal Attach m en ts GENERAL NOTES: (a) a ≥ t /4; b ≥ t /2; c ≥ t t = thickness of attached member c = minimum thickness of weld metal from the root to the face of the weld (b) All welds continuous. (2) The material is identified and is compatible with WC-4450 REPAI R OF WELD M ETAL DEFECTS the material to which it is attached. (3) The welding material is identified and is compati- WC-4451 G en eral Req u i rem en ts ble with the materials joined. (4) The welds are postweld heat treated when re- Defects in weld metal detected by the examinations re- quired by WC-4620. quired by Article WC-5 000 or by the tests of Article (b) Removal of nonstructural attachments, when tem- WC-6000 shall be eliminated and repaired when neces- porary, shall be accomplished as follows: sary or the indication reduced to an acceptable limit. (1 ) The immediate area around the temporary at- tachment is marked in a suitable manner so that after re- moval the area can be identified until after it has been WC-4452 Eli m i n ati on of Su rface Defects examined in accordance with (3) below. (2) The temporary attachment is completely re- Weld metal surface defects may be removed by grind- moved in accordance with the procedures of WC-4211. ing or machining and need not be repaired by welding, (3) After the temporary attachment has been re- provided the requirements of (a), (b), and (c) below are moved, the marked area is examined by the liquid pene- met. trant or magnetic particle method in accordance with (a) The remaining thickness of the section is not re- the requirements of WC-5120 and meets the acceptance duced below that required by Article WC-3000. s tandards o f WC - 5 3 40 o r WC - 5 3 5 0 , whichever is (b) The depression, after defect elimination, is blended applicable. (4) As an alternative to (a)(4) above, postweld heat uniformly into the surrounding surface. treatment may be deferred until after removal of the (c) The area is examined by a magnetic particle or li- attachment. quid penetrant method in accordance with WC-5100 after b l en di ng and me ets the accep tance s tan dards o f WC-5300 to ensure that the defect has been removed or the indication reduced to an acceptable limit. Defects de- tected by visual or volumetric method and located on an interior surface need only be reexamined by the method which initially detected the defect when the interior sur- face is inaccessible for surface examination. 187 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC- 4453 Req u i rem en ts for M aki n g Repai rs of WC-4500 BRAZI N G Weld s WC- 4510 RU LES FO R BRAZI N G Excavations in weld metal, when repaired by welding, WC- 4511 Wh ere Brazi n g M ay Be U sed s h a l l m e e t th e r e q u i r e m e n ts o f th e fo l l o w i n g subparagraphs. Brazing is permitted for nonstructural attachments only. WC- 4453 . 1 Defects may be re- D e fe c t R e m o v a l . moved by mechanical means or by thermal gouging pro- WC- 4512 Brazi n g M ateri al cesses. The area prepared for repair shall be examined Where brazing is permitted, the brazing filler material by a liquid penetrant or magnetic particle method in ac- and fluxes shall conform to the rules covering identifica- cordance with WC-5100 and meet the acceptance stan- tion in WC-2150 and to the requirements of (a) , (b) , dards of WC-5340 or WC-5350. This examination is not and (c) below. required where defect elimination removes the full thick- (a) The filler material used in brazing shall be a nonfer- ness of the weld and where the backside of the weld joint rous metal or alloy with a solidus temperature above is not accessible for removal of examination materials. 800°F (425°C) and at least 500°F (280°C) above the high- WC- 4 4 5 3 . 2 Re q u i re m e n ts fo r We ld i n g M ate ri als , est temperature of the joint in service. The weld repair shall be made Proced u res, an d Weld ers. (b) The filler material shall melt and flow freely by ca- using welding materials, welders, and welding proce- pillary action within the desired temperature range, and dures qualified in acco rdance with WC - 41 2 5 and in conjunction with a suitable flux or controlled atmo- WC-4300. sphere the filler material shall wet and adhere to the sur- faces to be joined. WC-4453. 3 After repair Blen d i n g of Repai red Areas. (c) Fluxes that are fluid and chemically active at the the surface shall be blended uniformly into the surround- brazing temperature shall be used, when necessary, to ing surface. prevent oxidation of the filler metal and the surfaces to be j oined, and to promote free flowing of the filler WC-4453. 4 Exam i n ati on of Repai r Weld s. material. (a) The examination of a weld repair shall be repeated as required for the original weld, except that it need only WC- 452 0 BRAZI N G QU ALI FI CATI ON be reexamined by the liquid penetrant or magnetic parti- REQU I REM EN TS cle method when the unacceptable indication was origi- WC- 452 1 Brazi n g Proced u re an d Perform an ce nally detected by the liquid penetrant or magnetic Qu ali fi cati on particle method and when the repair cavity does not ex- ceed the following: Qualification of the brazing procedure to be used and of (1 ) 1/3 t for t ≤ 3/4 in. (19 mm) the performance of brazers and brazing operators is re- quired and shall comply with the requirements of Section (2) 1/4 in. (6 mm) for 3/4 in. (19 mm) < t ≤ 2 1/2 in. IX, except as noted below. (64 mm) (3) the lesser of 3/8 in. (10 mm) or 10% t for t > 2 1/2 in. WC- 452 3 Reh eated J oi n ts (64 mm) where t equals the thickness of the weld. In addition to the requirements of Section IX, the braz- (b) When repairs to welds joining P ‐ No. 1 and P ‐ No. 3 ing procedure shall be set up as a new procedure specifi- materials require examination by radiography as re- cation and shall be completely requalified when the quired in (a) above, but construction assembly prevents construction of the brazed components includes reheat- meaningful radiographic examination, ultrasonic exami- ing of any portion of the completed brazed joint to a tem- nation may be substituted, provided that: perature that is within 300°F (1 70°C) of the solidus (1 ) the weld has been previously radiographed and temperature of the filler metal. met the applicable acceptance standards; (2) the ultrasonic examination is performed using a WC- 4524 M axi m u m Tem peratu re Li m i ts procedure in accordance with Section V, Article 4 to the The Design Temperature shall not exceed the upper acceptance standards of WC-5330; temp erature s ho wn in the third co lum n o f Tab le (3) the substitution is limited to Category A and B WC-4524-1. For Design Temperatures below the tem- welds in containments and similar type welds in other p e r a tu r e s h o wn i n th e s e c o n d c o l u m n o f T a b l e items. WC-4524-1, no further testing beyond that required by The absence of suitable radiographic equipment is Section IX is required. For Design Temperatures in the not justification for the substitution. range shown in the third column of Table WC-4524-1, tests in addition to those required by Section IX are re- WC-4453. 5 The H eat Treatm en t of Repai red Areas. quired. These tests shall be considered a part of the pro- area shall be heat treated in accordance with WC-4620. cedure qualification. For such Design Temperatures, two 188 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 tension tests on production type joints are required, one WC-4612 Preh eati n g M eth od s at the Design Temperature and one at 1.05 T [where T is Preheat for welding or thermal cutting, when em- the Design Temperature in °F (°C) ] . Neither of these ployed, may be applied by any method which does not production ‐ type joints shall fail in the braze metal. harm the base material or any weld metal already applied or which does not introduce deleterious material into the WC-4530 FI TTI N G AN D ALI G N I N G OF PARTS TO welding area which is harmful to the weld. BE BRAZED Parts to be joined by brazing shall be fitted, and re- WC-4613 I n terpass Tem peratu re tained in position during the brazing operation within Consideration must be given to the limitations of inter- the tolerances specified in the brazing procedure specifi- pass temperatures for quenched and tempered materials cation. Brazed joints shall be assembled in a sequence to avoid detrimental effects on the mechanical properties. which will permit the maximum number of joints to be vi- sually examined on both sides of the joint after brazing. WC-462 0 PO STWELD H EAT TREATM EN T WC-4540 EXAM I N ATI O N OF BRAZED J OI N TS WC-462 1 H eati n g an d Cooli n g M eth od s The completed brazed joints shall be visually examined Postweld heat treatment (PWHT) may be accomplished on all accessible surfaces in accordance with WC-5275. by any suitable methods of heating and cooling, provided the required heating and cooling rates, metal tempera- ture, metal temperature uniformity, and temperature WC-4600 H EAT TREATM EN T control are maintained. WC-4610 WELDI N G PREH EAT REQU I REM EN TS WC-462 2 PWH T Ti m e an d Tem peratu re WC-4611 Wh en Preh eat I s N ecessary Req u i rem en ts The need for and temperature of preheat are depen- WC-4622. 1 Except as other- G en eral Req u i rem en ts. ð 17Þ dent on a number of factors, such as the chemical analysis, wise permitted in WC-4622.7, all welds, including repair degree of restraint of the parts being joined, elevated tem- welds, shall be postweld heat treated. During postweld perature, physical properties, and material thicknesses. heat treatment, the metal temperature shall be main- Some practices used for preheating are given in Section tained within the temperature ranges for the minimum III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix D as a general holding time specified in Table WC-4622.1-1 except as guide for the materials listed by P ‐ Number of Section IX. otherwise permitted in WC-4622.4(c). P ‐ Number groups It is cautioned that the preheating suggested in Section in Table WC-4622.1-1 are in accordance with Section IX, III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix D does not ne- QW‐ 420. Except as provided in WC-4624.3, PWHT shall cessarily ensure satisfactory completion of the welded be performed in temperature ‐ surveyed and ‐ calibrated joint and that the preheating requirements for individual furnaces, or PWHT shall be performed with thermocou- materials within the P ‐ Number listing may be more or ples in contact with the material or attached to blocks less restrictive. The welding procedure specification for in contact with the material. Any postweld heat treatment the material being welded shall specify the minimum pre- time, which is anticipated to be applied to the material or heating requirements under the welding procedure quali- item after it is completed, shall be specified in the Design fication requirements of Section IX. Specification. The Certificate Holder shall include this Table WC-4524-1 M axi m u m Desi g n Tem peratu res for Brazi n g Fi ller M etal, °F (°C) Temperature Below Temperature Range Requiring Filler Metal Which Section IX Tests Section IX Tests and Additional Classification Only Are Required Tests BCuP 300 (150) 300 – 350 (150 – 175) BAg 400 (205) 400 – 500 (205 – 260) BCuZn 400 (205) 400 – 500 (205 – 260) BCu 400 (205) 400 – 650 (205 – 345) BAISi 300 (150) 300 – 350 (150 – 175) BNi 800 (425) … GENERAL NOTE: Temperatures are based on AWS recommendations. 189 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 time in the total time at temperature specified to be ap- (c) Alternatively, when it is impractical to postweld plied to the test specimens. In addition, the requirements heat treat at the temperature range specified in Table of the following subparagraphs shall apply. WC-462 2 .1-1, it is permissible to perform the postweld heat treatment of certain materials at lower temperatures WC-4622.2 Time –Temperature Recordings. Time- fo r lo nger perio ds o f time in acco rdance with Tab le temperature recordings of all postweld heat treatments WC-4622.4(c)-1 and (1) , (2), and (3) below. shall be made available for review by the Inspector. Iden- (1 ) Except for P ‐ No. 1 materials, when welds in the tification on the time – temperature recording shall be to materials listed in Table WC-4622.4(c) -1 are to be post- the weld, part, or component. A summary of the time – weld heat treated at the lower minimum temperatures, temperature recording may be provided for permanent the impact test specimens for the welding procedure qua- records in accordance with WA-4134. lification required by WC-43 00 shall be made using the same minimum temperatures and increased minimum WC-462 2 . 3 Defi n i ti on of N om i n al Th i ckn ess holding time. Welding procedures, qualified at the tem- G o v e rn i n g P W H T . N o m i n a l t h i c k n e s s i n T a b l e perature range and minimum holding time specified in WC-4622.7(b)-1 is the thickness of the weld, the contain- Table WC-4622.1-1 and at the lower temperature and in- ment material for structural attachment welds or the creas e d mi ni mum ho ldi ng ti me p e rmi tted b y Tab l e thinner of the containment materials being joined, which- WC-462 2 .4(c) -1 , are also qualified for any temperature ever is least. It is not intended that nominal thickness in- in between. When such an in ‐ between temperature is clude material provided for forming allowance, thinning, used, the minimum holding time shall be interpolated or mill overrun when the excess material does not exceed from Table WC-462 2 .1 -1 and the alternative require- 1 /8 in. (3 mm). For fillet welds the nominal thickness is the ments from Table WC-4622.4(c)-1. throat thickness, and for partial penetration and material (2) Except for P ‐ No. 1 materials, when welds in the repair welds the nominal thickness is the depth of the materials listed in Table WC-4622.4(c) -1 are to be post- weld groove or preparation. weld heat treated at these lower minimum temperatures, the welding material certification required by WC-2 400 WC-4622.4 Holding Times at Temperature. shall be made using the same minimum temperature (a) The holding time at temperature as specified in and increased minimum holding time. Welding material Table WC-4622.1-1 shall be based on the nominal thick- certified at the temperature range and minimum holding ness of the weld. The holding time need not be continu- time specified in Table WC-462 2 .1 -1 and at the lower ous. It may be an accumulation of the times of multiple minimum temperatures and increased minimum holding postweld heat‐ treat cycles. time permitted by Table WC-462 2.4(c) -1 are also certi- (b) Holding time at temperature in excess of the mini- fied for any temperature in between. mum requirements of Table WC-4622 .1-1 may be used, (3) B as e m ate ri al s ce rti fi e d i n acco rdan ce wi th provided that specimens so heat treated are tested in ac- WC-2 2 00 may be postweld heat treated at these lower cordance with WC-2200, WC-2400, and WC-4300. minimum temperatures and increased minimum holding Table WC-4622.1-1 Mandatory Requirements for Postweld Heat Treatment of Welds Holding Minimum Holding Time at Temperature for Weld Thickness (Nominal) Temperature 1 Range, °F (°C) /2 in. (13 mm) Over 1/2 in. to 2 in. Over 2 in. to 5 in. P ‐ No. (Sec. IX, QW-420) [Note (1)] or less (13 mm to 50 mm) (50 mm to 125 mm) Over 5 in. (125 mm) 2 hr plus 15 min each 2 hr plus 15 min each 1,100 – 1,250 additional inch (2 h additional inch (2 h 1, 3 30 min 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) (595 – 675) plus 0.5 min/mm) plus 0.5 min/mm) over 2 in. (50 mm) over 2 in. (50 mm) P ‐ Nos. 8, 10H Gr. 1, 34, 42, 43, 45 and hard surfacing on P ‐ No. 1 base metal PWHT neither required nor prohibited whose reported carbon content is not more than 0.30% GENERAL NOTE: Exemptions to the mandatory requirements of this Table are defined in WC-4622.7. NOTE: (1) All temperatures are metal temperatures. 190 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WC-4622.7(b)-1 need not be given a postweld heat Table WC-4622.4(c)-1 treatment if the requirements of (a) are met for partial Alternative Holding Temperatures and Times penetration and (b) are met for full penetration welds. Alternative Minimum (a) The partial penetration welds are made with A‐ No. Material Holding Temperatures, Alternative Minimum 8 or non ‐ air‐ hardening nickel – chromium – iron weld me- P ‐ Numbers °F (°C) Holding Times tal after: 1, 3 1,050 (565) 2 hr/in. (4 min/mm) thick (1 ) the ferritic materials to be joined are buttered or 1, 3 1,000 (540) 4 hr/in. (8 min/mm) thick b u i l du p wi th A ‐ N o . 8 o r n o n ‐ ai r ‐ harde n i n g n i cke l – GENERAL NOTE: All other requirements of WC-4622 shall apply. chromium – iron weld metal having a minimum thickness of 1/4 in. (6 mm); and (2) the heat-affected zones of the buttered or buildup ferritic materials are postweld heat treated in accordance times without recertification. Postweld heat treatment at with WC-4620, without the PWHT exemptions being ap- these lower minimum temperatures and increased mini- plied, prior to making the final welds. mum holding times may also be the tempering operation, (b) The full penetration welds are made with A‐ No. 1 or provided a higher tempering temperature is not required A‐ No. 2 weld metal, provided that: by the material specification. (1 ) the containment is built up or buttered in the WC-4622.5 PWHT Requirements When Different area of the attachment with A‐ No. 1 or A‐ No. 2 metal hav- P-Number Materials Are Joined. When containment ma- ing a minimum thickness of 1/4 in. (6 mm); terials of two different P ‐ Number groups are j oined by (2) the A‐ No. 1 or A‐ No. 2 weld metal buildup or but- welding, the applicable postweld heat treatment shall be te ri ng i s p o s twe l d he at tre ate d i n acco rdance wi th that specified in Table WC-4622.1-1 for the material re- WC-462 0 for P ‐ No. 1 or P ‐ No. 3 materials without the quiring the higher PWHT temperature range. PWHT exemptions being applied; (3) the welds do not penetrate through the contain- WC-4622.6 PWHT Requirements for Noncontain- ment thickness; ment Parts. When parts not performing a containment (4) weld metal with A ‐ No. 1 or A ‐ No. 2 analysis is function are welded to contaiment materials, the post- used to j oin the nozzle of P ‐ No. 1 material to the weld weld heat treatment temperature range of the contain- buildup or buttering; ment materials shall control. (5) the nominal thickness of the weld joining the noz- WC-4622.7 Exemptions to Mandatory Require- zle to the containment does not exceed 1 1/2 in. (38 mm), ments. Postweld heat treatment in accordance with this and the maximum reported carbon content of the nozzle subarticle is not required for (a) through (g) below: connection does not exceed 0.30%; (a) nonferrous materials; (6) a 2 00°F (95°C) minimum preheat is maintained (b) welds exempted in Table WC-4622.7(b)-1; during welding whenever the nominal thickness of the weld exceeds: (c) welds subj ected to temperatures above the PWHT 1 (-a) 1 /4 in. (32 mm) and the maximum reported temperature range specified in Table WC-4622.1-1, pro- carbon content of the material of the nozzle is 0.30% or vided the Welding Procedure Specification is qualified less; or in accordance with Section IX and the base material and 3 the deposited weld material have been heat treated at (-b) /4 in. (1 9 mm) and the maximum reported the higher temperature; carbon content of material of the nozzle connection ex- ceeds 0.30%. (d) welds connecting nozzles to containments provided the requirements in WC-4622.8 are met; WC-4622.9 Weld Repair to Containments. Limited (e) weld repairs to P ‐ No. 1 or P ‐ No. 3 materials in con- weld repairs to containments of P ‐ No. 1 and P ‐ No. 3 ma- tainments, provided the requirements of WC-462 2 .9 or terials and A‐ No. 1, A‐ No. 2, A‐ No. 10, or A‐ No. 11 weld fil- WC-4622.10 are met; le r me tal (S e cti o n I X, Tab l e QW- 4 42 ) may b e m ade (f) weld repairs to cladding after final postweld heat without PWHT or after the final PWHT, provided the re- treatment provided the requirements of WC-462 2 .1 1 quirements of the following subparagraphs are met: are met; (a) Examination of Area to Be Repaired. Before a repair is made, the area shall be examined by magnetic particle (g) weld repairs to dissimilar metal welds after final or liquid penetrant method in accordance with WC-5100 postweld heat treatment provided the requirements of and shall meet the acceptance standards of WC-5340 or WC-4622.12 are met. WC-5350, as appropriate. WC-4622.8 Requirements for Exempting PWHT of (b) Maximum Extent of Repairs. A repair shall not ex- Nozzles to Containment Welds. Welds connecting noz- ceed 1 0 in. 2 (6 500 mm 2 ) in surface area and shall not zles of P ‐ No. 1 materials to containments of P ‐ No. 1 or be greater in depth than 50% of the base metal or weld P ‐ No. 3 materials that are not exempted from PWHT in thickness or 1/2 in. (13 mm), whichever is less. 191 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WC-4622.7(b)-1 Exemptions to Mandatory PWHT P ‐ No. (Section IX, Nominal Thickness, in. Max. Reported Min. Preheat QW‐ 420) Type of Weld [Note (1)] (mm) (WC-4622.3) Carbon, % [Note (2)] Required, °F (°C) 1 All welds, where the materials being joined are 1 1/4 (32) and less 0.30 and less … 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) and less Over 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 (32 to 38) 0.30 and less 200 (95) 3 /4 (19) or less Over 0.30 … 3 1 Over /4 to 1 /2 (19 to 38) Over 0.30 200 (95) All welds in material over 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) 3 /4 (19) or less … 200 (95) 1 Gr. 1 or Gr. 2 Cladding or repair of cladding [Note (3) ] with … 0.30 100 (38) A‐ No. 8 or F ‐ No. 43 filler metal in base material of: 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) or less Over 1 1/2 in. to 3 in. (38 mm to 75 mm) … 0.30 200 (95) [Note (4) ] Over 3 in. (75 mm) … 0.30 250 (120) [Note (5)] 3 For containment repair without required … … 350 (175) PWHT, see WC-4622.9 or WC-4622.10 3 except Gr. 3 All welds, except repair welds in containments, 5/8 (16) or less 0.25 or less 200 (95) provided weld procedure qualification is made using equal or greater thickness base material than production weld [Note (6)] 1 Attachment welds joining containment to /2 (13) or less 0.25 or less 200 (95) noncontainment material GENERAL NOTE: The exemptions noted in this Table do not apply to electron beam welds in ferritic materials over 1/8 in. (3 mm) in thickness. NOTES: (1) Where the thickness of material is identified in the column Type of Weld, it is the thickness of the base material at the welded joint. (2) Carbon level of the pressure-retaining materials being joined. (3) The maximum resulting hardness of the heat-affected zone, in the procedure qualification test plate shall not exceed 35 Rc. (4) Intermediate postweld soak at not less than 200°F (95°C) for 2 hr minimum. (5) Intermediate postweld soak at not less than 300°F (150°C) for 2 hr minimum. (6) Weld Procedure Qualification coupon need not exceed 1.5 in. (38 mm) in thickness. (c) Repair Welding Procedure may be made without PWHT or after the final PWHT, pro- (1 ) The repairs shall be made using one or more pro- vided it is impossible or impractical to postweld heat cedures and welders qualified in accordance with Section treat the area after repair, and provided the requirements IX and the requirements of this Article using the shielded of the following subparagraphs are met: metal ‐ arc process and low hydrogen covered electrodes. (a) Examination of Area to Be Repaired. Before repair, 5 (2) The largest electrode diameter shall be /3 2 in. the area shall be examined by either the magnetic particle (4 mm) , and the bead width shall not exceed four times or liquid penetrant method in accordance with Article the electrode diameter. WC-5000. (3) The repair weld shall be made with a minimum of (b) Maximum Extent ofRepair. The maximum area of an two layers of weld metal. The last layer shall be limited or individual repair based on the finished surface shall be ground off so that the weld surface does not extend above 100 in. 2 (65 000 mm 2 ) and the depth of repair shall not the base metal a greater distance than that allowed for re- be greater than one ‐ third of the base material thickness. inforcement of butt welds. (c) Repair Welding Procedure . The welding procedure (4) A preheat and interpass temperature of 3 00°F shall be in accordance with Section IX and this Subsection (150°C) minimum shall be used. and shall include the requirements of (1 ) through (8) (d) Examination of Repair Welds. Following the repair below. and when the area has reached ambient temperature, (1 ) The area to be repaired shall be suitably prepared the area shall again be examined by magnetic particle for welding in accordance with a written procedure. methods and accepted in accordance with (a) above. (2) The weld metal shall be deposited by the manual WC-4622.10 Temper Bead Technique. Limited weld shielded metal arc process using low hydrogen type elec- repairs to P ‐ No. 1 and P ‐ No. 3 material, and A‐ Nos. 1, 2, trode. The maximum bead width shall be four times the 1 0, or 1 1 weld filler metal (Section IX, Table QW-442 ) , electrode core diameter. 192 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (3) Welding electrodes shall meet the requirements removed substantially flush with the surface prior to per- fo r s u p p l e m e n ta l d e s i g n a to r s “ R ” i n d i c a ti n g a forming the required nondestructive examination. The moisture ‐ resistant coating and “ H4 ” indicating that they nondestructive examination shall be performed after the are low in diffusible hydrogen as defined in the applicable completed weld has been at ambient temperature for a specifications in Section II, Part C. Welding electrodes minimum period of 48 hr to detect the presence of possi- shall also be supplied in unopened hermetically sealed ble delayed cracking of the weldment. The nondestructive containers. examination of the repair welded and preheated region (4) After a hermetically sealed container is opened, shall be in accordance with WC-4453.4. In addition, all re- the electrodes shall be stored in holding ovens at 225°F pairs shall be ultrasonically examined. All nondestructive to 350°F (105°C to 175°C). When electrodes are removed examination shall be in accordance with Article WC-5000. from elevated storage, they may be exposed to the atmo- (e) Documentation of Weld Repairs. Documentation of sphere for a maximum of 8 hr. weld repairs shall be in accordance with WC-4130, exclu- (5) Electrodes, which are exposed to the atmosphere sive of the size requirements. for more than 8 hr, shall be discarded or baked to remove (f) Welding Procedure Qualification Test Plate. The test any absorbed moisture for the time and temperature rec- assembly materials for the welding procedure qualifica- ommended by the electrode manufacturer. After baking tion shall be of the same P ‐ Number and Group Number, and before the electrodes are allowed to cool below including a postweld heat treatment that is at least 225°F (105°C), they shall be transferred immediately into equivalent to the time and temperature applied to the ma- holding ovens at 225°F to 350°F (105°C to 175°C). When terials being repaired. The depth of cavity in the test as- the once ‐ baked electrodes are removed from elevated sembly shall be a minimum of one ‐ half the depth of storage, they may be exposed to the atmosphere for an actual repair, but not less than 1 in. (25 mm). The test as- additional 8 hr after which they shall be discarded. sembly thickness shall be a minimum of twice the depth (6) The weld area plus a band around the repair area of cavity in the test assembly. The test assembly shall of at least 1 1/2 times the containment thickness or 5 in. be large enough to permit removal of the required test (125 mm), whichever is less, shall be preheated and main- specimens. In order to simulate the restraint that the tained at a minimum temperature of 350°F (175°C) dur- weld metal will experience in the repair section of the ing welding. The maximum interpass temperature shall component, the test assembly dimensions surrounding be 450°F (230°C). Thermocouples and recording instru- the cavity shall be equal to the test assembly thickness, ments shall be used to monitor the process temperatures. but not less than 6 in. (150 mm). The qualification test Their removal shall be in accordance with WC-4435(b). plate shall be prepared in accordance with Figure 3 (7) The cavity shall be buttered, using a /3 2 in. WC-4622.10(f)-1. (2 . 5 mm) diameter e lectro de as s ho wn i n Figure (g) This test assembly may be used to qualify proce- WC-4622.10(c)(7)-1. The weld bead crown surface shall dures for weld buildup repairs of pressure-retaining ma- be removed by grinding or machining before depositing terials. In this case, the depth of the cavity shall not be less the second layer [see Figure WC-4622.10(c)(7)-1, Step than the thickness of the weld buildup or 1 in. (25 mm), 2 ] . The second layer shall be deposited with a 1/8 in. whichever is greater, and the area of the weld buildup (3 mm) diameter electrode. Subsequent layers shall be to be applied or 54 in. 2 (35 000 mm 2 ), whichever is less. d e p o s i te d w i th a w e l d i n g e l e c tr o d e n o l a r g e r (h) In all cases, the test assembly and cavity shall be of than 5/3 2 in. (4 mm) diameter. Bead deposition shall sufficient size to permit removal of the required test b e p e r fo r m e d i n a m a n n e r s h o w n i n F i g u r e specimens. WC-4622.10(c)(7)-1, Step 3. The completed weld shall (i) Performance Qualifications. If the repair weld is to have at least one layer of weld reinforcement deposited be performed where physical obstructions impair the and then this reinforcement shall be removed by mechan- welder’ s ability to perform, the welder shall also demon- cial means, making the finished surface of the repair sub- strate the ability to deposit sound weld metal in the posi- stantially flush with the surface of the vessel surrounding tions required, using the same parameters and simulated the repair [Figure WC-4622.10(c)(7)-2] . The technique physical obstructions as are involved in the repair. described in this paragraph shall be performed in the pro- cedure qualification test. WC-4622.11 Repair Welds to Cladding After Final (8) The weld area shall be maintained at a tempera- Postweld Heat Treatment. Nonpostweld heat-treated ture of 450°F to 550°F (230°C to 290°C) for a minimum weld repairs may be made to P ‐ No. 8 or P ‐ No. 43 cladding period of 2 hr after completion of the weld repair in of P ‐ No. 1 and P ‐ No. 3 material after final PWHT, provided P ‐ No. 1 materials. For P ‐ No. 3 materials, the holding time it is impossible or impractical to postweld heat treat the shall be a minimum of 4 hr. area after repair, and provided the requirements of the (d) Examination of Repair Welds. The second (temper following subparagraphs are met: bead) layer shall be examined by the magnetic particle (a) Maximum Extent of Repair. This procedure may be or liquid penetrant method. The completed weld shall used with the base material exposed to a depth not great- have the weld reinforcement, including the final layer, er than 1/4 in. (6 mm) or 1 0% of the base material 193 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WC-4622.10(c)(7)-1 Temper Bead Weld Repair and Weld Temper Bead Reinforcement Step 1 : Butter cavity with one layer of weld metal using 3 / in. (2.5 mm) diameter coated electrode. 32 Step 2: Remove the weld bead crown of the first layer of grinding. Reinforcement weld Temper bead layer Step 3: The second layer shall be deposited with a 1 /8 in. (3 mm) diameter electrode. Subsequent layers shall be deposited with welding electrodes no larger than 5 /32 in. (4 mm) maximum diameter. Bead deposition shall be performed in the manner as shown. Particular care shall be taken in the application of the temper bead reinforcement weld at the tie-in points as well as its removal to ensure that the heat-affected zone of the base metal and the deposited weld metal is tempered and the resulting surface is substantially flush. 194 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (5) The weld area plus a band around the clad repair Figure WC-4622.10(c)(7)-2 of 1 1/2 times the component thickness or 5 in. (125 mm), Temper Bead Reinforcement whichever is less, shall be preheated and maintained at a minimum temperature of 350°F (175°C) during welding. The maximum interpass temperature shall be 450°F (230°C). Thermocouples and recording instruments shall be used to monitor the process temperatures. Their re- moval shall be in accordance with WC-4435. (6) All areas of the base material on which weld me- tal is to be deposited shall be covered with a single layer NOTE: (1) Apply temper bead reinforcement weld metal to a level above of weld deposit using 3/32 in. (2.5 mm) diameter electrode, the surface and then remove it substantially flush to the surface followed by a minimum of one layer of weld deposit using 1 as required by WC-4622.10(c)(7). /8 in. (3 mm) diameter electrode. Subsequent layers may be deposited with electrode no larger than 5/32 in. (4 mm). The weld bead crown surface of the first layer shall be re- thickness, whichever is less, nor to an individual area moved by grinding. greater than 100 in. 2 (65 000 mm 2 ). Areas with greater (7) After completion of welding, the weld area shall base material exposure depth shall be repaired in accor- be maintained at a temperature of 45 0°F to 5 5 0 °F dance with WC-4622.10 to within this limit before imple- (230°C to 290°C) for a period of 2 hr for P No. 1 material ‐ menting the cladding repair. and 4 hr for P No. 3 material. ‐ (b) Repair Welding Procedure . The welding procedure (c) Exam in ation of Repair Welds. The weld repair as shall be in accordance with Section IX and this Article, well as the preheated band shall be examined by the li- and shall include the requirements of (1) through (7) quid penetrant method. All nondestructive examination below. shall be in accordance with Article WC-5000. (1 ) The repairs shall be made using A No. 8 weld me- ‐ (d) Documentation of Weld Repairs. Documentation of tal (Section IX, Table QW-442) for P No. 8 cladding or ‐ weld repairs shall be in accordance with WC-4130, exclu- F No. 43 weld metal (Section IX, Table QW-432) for either ‐ sive of the size requirements. P No. 8 or P No. 43 cladding. ‐ ‐ (e) Welding Procedure Qualification Test Plate (2) The manual shielded metal arc process shall be (1 ) The test assembly material for the welding proce- used for welding with a bead width not to exceed four dure qualification test shall be of the same P Number and ‐ times the electrode core diameter. Group Number, including a postweld heat treatment that is at least equivalent to the time and temperature of that (3) All covered electrodes used for qualification test applied to the material being repaired. If the repair in- and repair welding shall be from unopened, hermetically volves two different P Number or Group Number materi- sealed packages or heated ovens maintained between ‐ als, the test assembly shall duplicate the combination. 225°F (105°C) and 350°F (175°C). Electrodes withdrawn (2) The test assembly base material shall be at least from hermetically sealed containers or ovens for longer 12 in. (3 00 mm) by 12 in. (3 00 mm) , 2 in. (5 0 mm) than 8 hr shall be discarded, or baked once at the time min. thickness, with a clad surface area of at least 8 in. and temperature recommended by the electrode manu- (200 mm) by 8 in. (200 mm), in the area from which facturer and placed immediately back into the holding the bend test specimens will be removed. ovens. Electrodes exposed to the atmosphere for more (3) The qualification test plate assembly shall be pre- than 8 hr after once being baked shall be discarded. pared and tested in accordance with the requirements of (4) During the repair, the electrodes may be main- Section IX. The guided bend test acceptance standards de- tained in heated ovens in the repair area. The oven tem- scribed in Section IX for cladding shall also be applicable perature shall be maintained between 225°F (105°C) to the HAZ of the base material. and 350°F (175°C). Electrodes exposed to the atmosphere (f) Performance Qualifications. If the repair weld is to for more than 8 hr shall be discarded, or baked once at be performed where physical obstructions impair the the time and temperature recommended by the electrode welder s ability to perform, the welder shall also demon- ’ manufacturer and placed immediately back into the hold- strate the ability to deposit sound weld metal in the posi- ing ovens. Electrodes exposed to the atmosphere for more tions required, using the same parameters and simulated than 8 hr after once being baked shall be discarded. physical obstructions as are involved in the repair. 195 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WC-4622.10(f)-1 Qualification Test Plate Discard Side bend specimen Reduced section specimen Side bend specimen Charpy V – Notch (HAZ) Plan view Charpy V – Notch (HAZ) Charpy V – Notch (HAZ) Side bend specimen Reduced section specimen Side bend specimen Charpy V – Notch (HAZ) 1 /8 in. 1 /32 in. (3 mm 0.8 mm) Fusion line 30 deg (max.) 3 /8 in. (1 0 mm) Elevation WC-4622.1 0(f) view 1 /2 in. (1 3 mm) min. Weld metal Heat-affected zone 196 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-4622.12 Temper Bead Weld Repair to Dissimilar manufacturer and placed immediately back into the hold- Metal Welds or Buttering. Whenever PWHT is impracti- ing ovens. Electrodes exposed to the atmosphere for more cal or impossible, limited weld repairs to dissimilar metal than 8 hr after once being baked shall be discarded. welds of P ‐ No. 1 and P ‐ No. 3 material or weld filler metal (5) The weld area plus a band around the weld repair A‐ No. 8 (Section IX, Table QW-442) or F‐ No. 43 (Section of 1 1/2 times the component thickness or 5 in. (125 mm), IX, Table QW-432) may be made without PWHT or after whichever is less, shall be preheated and maintained at a the final PWHT provided the requirements of the follow- minimum temperature of 350°F (175°C) during welding. ing subparagraphs are met: The maximum interpass temperature shall be 450°F (a) Examination of Area to Be Repaired. Before repair, (230°C). Thermocouples and recording instruments shall the area shall be examined by either the magnetic particle be used to monitor the metal temperature during weld- or liquid penetrant method in accordance with Article ing. Their removal shall be in accordance with WC-4435. WC-5000. (6) All areas of the ferritic base material, exposed or not, on which weld metal is to be deposited, shall be cov- (b) Maxim um Exten t of Repair. Repairs made to this ered with a single layer of weld deposit using 3/3 2 in. paragraph are limited to those along the fusion line of a (2.5 mm) diameter electrode. The weld bead crown sur- nonferritic weld to ferritic base material where 1/8 in. face shall be removed by grinding before depositing the (3 mm) or less of nonferritic weld deposit exists above second layer. The second layer shall be deposited with the original fusion line after defect removal. If the defect 1 /8 in. (3 mm) diameter electrode. Subsequent layers penetrates into the ferritic base material, repair of the may be deposited with 5/32 in. (4 mm)maximum diameter base material may be performed in accordance with electrode. The techniques described in this paragraph WC-4622.12 provided the depth of repair in the base ma- shall be duplicated in the procedure qualification. [see terial does not exceed 3/8 in. (10 mm). The repairs to a Figure WC-4622.12(c)(6)-1]. completed joint shall not exceed one ‐ half the joint thick- 3 (7) After at least /1 6 in. (5 mm) of weld metal has ness. The surface of the completed repair shall not exceed been deposited, the preheated area as defined in (5) 100 in. 2 (65 000 mm 2 ). ab o ve s hal l b e mai ntained in the range o f 45 0 ° F (c) Repair Welding Procedure . The welding procedure to 550°F (230°C to 290°C) for 4 hr as a minimum. and welder qualification shall meet all of the require- (8) Subsequent to the above heat treatment, the bal- ments of Section IX and the additional requirements of ance of the welding may be performed at a minimum pre- this Article. In addition, the Welding Procedure Specifica- heat temperature of 100°F (38°C) and at a maximum tion shall include the following requirements: interpass temperature of 350°F (175°C). (1 ) The area to be repaired shall be suitably prepared (d) Examination of Repair Areas for welding in accordance with the written procedure to (1 ) After the heat treatment specifiedin (c)(7) above be used for the repair. has been completed, the repaired area shall be examined (2) The weld metal shall be deposited by the shielded by the liquid penetrant method. metal arc welding process (SMAW) using A‐ No. 8 weld (2) The repaired area and the preheated band as de- metal (Section IX, Table QW-442) for P ‐ No. 8 to P ‐ No. 1 fined in (c)(5) above shall be examined by the liquid pen- or P ‐ No. 3 weld joints or F ‐ No. 43 weld metal (Section etrant method after the completed weld has been at IX, Table QW-43 2 ) for either P ‐ No. 8 or P ‐ No. 43 to ambient temperature for a minimum of 48 hr. The re- P ‐ No. 1 or P ‐ No. 3 weld joints. The maximum bead width paired region shall be examined by the radiographic shall be four times the electrode core diameter. method and, if practical, by the ultrasonic method. (3) For repairs to partial penetration welds, the (3) All covered electrodes used for qualification test radiographic and ultrasonic examinations specified in and repair welding shall be from unopened, hermetically (2) above need not be performed, if meaningful results sealed packages or heated ovens maintained between cannot be obtained. For these cases, liquid penetrant ex- 225°F (105°C) and 350°F (175°C). Electrodes withdrawn amination only shall be performed. For weld repair from hermetically sealed containers or ovens for longer depths approximately 3/16 in. (5 mm), liquid penetrant ex- than 8 hr shall be discarded, or baked once at the time amination shall be performed at the time specified in (2) and temperature recommended by the electrode manu- above. For weld repair depths greater than 3/1 6 in. facturer and placed immediately back into the holding (5 mm), liquid penetrant examination shall be performed ovens. Electrodes exposed to the atmosphere for more after approximately 3/16 in. (5 mm) thickness has been de- than 8 hr after once being baked shall be discarded. posited and the post heat specified in (c)(7) above has (4) During the repair, the electrode may be main- been completed. Additional incremental deposit thick- tained in heated ovens in the repair area. The oven tem- nesses shall be liquid penetrant examined in accordance perature shall be maintained between 225°F (105°C) with WC-5245. The final weld surface shall be liquid pen- and 350°F (175°C). Electrodes exposed to the atmosphere etrant examined at the time specified in (2) above. for more than 8 hr shall be discarded, or baked once at (4) All nondestructive examination shall be in accor- the time and temperature recommended by the electrode dance with Article WC-5000. 197 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WC-4622.12(c)(6)-1 Temper Bead Weld Repair and Weld Temper Bead Reinforcement of Dissimilar Metal Welds or Buttering 3 /8 in. (1 0 mm) maximum axial depth into the original base material for repair to WC-4622.1 2. Greater depths shall be repaired to WC-4622.9 to the 3 /8 in. (1 0 mm) level before implementing the WC-4622.1 2 repair. 1 /2 T max. depth Step 1 : Prepare cavity and determine axial depth into ferritic base material. Nonferritic Ferritic base material base material Step 2: Butter cavity with one layer of weld metal using 3 /32 in. (2.5 mm) diameter coated electrode. Nonferritic Ferritic base material base material Step 3: Remove the weld bead crown of the first layer by grinding. Nonferritic Ferritic base material base material Reinforcement weld Temper bead layer Step 4: The second layer shall be deposited with a 1 /8 in. (3 mm) diameter electrode. Subsequent layer shall be deposited with welding electrodes no larger than 5 /32 in. (4 mm) diameter. Bead deposition shall be performed in the manner as shown. Particular care shall be taken in the Nonferritic Ferritic application of the temper bead reinforcement weld at base material base material the tie-in point with the ferritic material as well as its removal to ensure that the base metal and the deposited weld metal are tempered and the resulting surface is substantially flush. 198 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (e) Documentation of Weld Repairs. Documentation of item outside the furnace shall be shielded so that the tem- weld repairs shall be in accordance with WC-4130, exclu- perature gradient is not harmful. The cross section where sive of the size requirements. the item projects from the furnace shall not intersect a (f) Welding Procedure Qualification Test Plate. The test nozzle or other structural discontinuity. assembly materials for the welding procedure qualifica- tion shall be of the same P Number and Group Number, W C - 4 6 24 . 3 Welds may be locally L o cal H e at i n g . postweld heat treated when it is not practical to heat treat ‐ including a postweld heat treatment that is at least equivalent to the time and temperature applied to the ma- the entire item. Local postweld heat treatment shall con- terials being repaired. The depth of cavity in the test as- sist of heating a circumferential band around the item at sembly shall be a minimum of one half the depth of temperatures within the ranges specified in this subarti- cle. The minimum width of the controlled band at each ‐ actual repair but not less than 1 in. (25 mm). The test as- sembly thickness shall be a minimum of twice the depth side of the weld, on the face of the greatest weld width, of cavity in the test assembly. The test assembly shall shall be the thickness of the weld or 2 in. (50 mm), which- be large enough to permit removal of the required test ever is less. The temperature of the item from the edge of specimens. In order to simulate the restraint that the the controlled band outward shall be gradually dimin- weld metal will experience in the repaired section of ished so as to avoid harmful thermal gradients. This pro- the containment, the test assembly dimensions surround- cedure may also be used for postweld heat treatment ing the cavity shall be equal to the test assembly thick- after repairs. ness, but not less than 6 in. (150 mm). The qualification W C - 4 6 24 . 4 The H e ati n g C o m p o n e n ts I n te rn ally. test plate shall be prepared in accordance with Figure item may be heated internally by any appropriate means WC-4622.10(f)-1. and with adequate indicating and recording temperature (g) Performance Qualifications. If the repair weld is to devices to aid in the control and maintenance of a uniform be performed where physical constructions impair the distribution of temperature in the item. Previous to this welder s ability to perform, the welder shall also demon- ’ operation, the item should be fully enclosed with insulat- strate the ability to deposit sound weld metal in the posi- ing material. tions required, using the same parameters and simulated physical obstructions as are involved in the repair. WC-46 30 H EAT TREATM EN T OF WELDS OTH ER WC-462 3 PWH T H eati n g an d Cooli n g Rate TH AN TH E FI N AL POSTWELD H EAT Req u i rem en ts TREATM EN T Above 800°F (425°C), the rate of heating and cooling in any hourly interval shall not exceed 400°F (220°C) di- The holding temperature, the time at temperature, the vided by the maximum thickness in inches (millimeters) heating rate, and the cooling rate need not conform to the of the material being heat treated, but shall not exceed requirements of this Article for heat treatments other 400°F (220°C) and need not be less than 100°F (56°C) than the final postweld heat treatment. in any hourly interval. During the heating and cooling per- iod there shall not be a greater variation in temperature than 250°F (140°C) within any 15 ft (4.5 m) interval of weld length. WC-4700 M ECH AN I CAL J OI N TS WC-4710 BO LTI N G AN D TH READI N G WC-4624 M eth od s of Postweld H eat Treatm en t WC-4711 Th read En g ag em en t The postweld heat treatment shall be performed in ac- cordance with the requirements of one of the following The threads of all bolts or studs shall be engaged in ac- subparagraphs. cordance with the design. WC- 4624. 1 Fu rn ace H eati n g — Heating O n e H eat. the component or item in a closed furnace in one heat WC-4712 Th read Lu bri can ts is the preferred procedure and should be used whenever practical. The furnace atmosphere shall be controlled so Any lubricant or compound used in threaded joints as to avoid excessive oxidation, and direct impingement shall be suitable for the service conditions and shall not of flame on the item is prohibited. react unfavorably with either the service fluid or any W C - 4 6 24 . 2 F u rn a c e H e a t i n g — M o re T h a n O n e component material in the system. H eat.The component or item may be heated in more than one heat in a furnace, provided the furnace atmosphere WC-4713 Rem oval of Th read Lu bri can ts control requirements of WC-4624.1 apply and that over- lap of the heated sections of the item is at least 5 ft All threading lubricants or compounds shall be re- (1.5 m). When this procedure is used, the portion of the moved from surfaces which are to be seal welded. 199 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC- 472 0 BOLTI N G FLAN G ED J OI N TS design principles applicable to the type of gasket used. All flanged j oints shall be made up with relatively uniform In bolting gasketed flanged joints, the contact faces of bolt stress. the flanges shall bear uniformly on the gasket and the gas- ket shall be properly compressed in accordance with the 200 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WC-5 000 EXAM I N ATI ON WC-5100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS FOR WC-5113 Post-Exam i n ati on Clean i n g EXAM I N ATI ON Following any nondestructive examination in which ex- amination materials are applied to the piece, the piece WC-5110 PROCEDU RES, QU ALI FI CATI ON S, AN D shall be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with applicable EVALU ATI ON material or procedure specifications. WC-5111 G en eral Req u i rem en ts WC-512 0 TI M E OF EXAM I N ATI ON OF WELDS Nondestructive examinations shall be conducted in ac- AN D WELD M ETAL CLADDI N G cordance with the examination methods of Section V, ex- cept as they may be modified by the requirements of this Acceptance examinations of welds and weld metal clad- Article. Radiographic examination shall be performed in ding required by WC-5200 shall be performed at the accordance with Section V, Article 2, except that fluores- times stipulated in (a) through (g) below during fabrica- cent screens are not permitted for film radiography, the tion and installation. geometric unsharpness shall not exceed the limits of Sec- (a) Radiographic examination of welds shall be per- tion V, Article 2, T-274.2, and the image quality indicators formed after an intermediate 1 2 or final postweld heat (IQIs) of Table WC-5111-1 shall be used in lieu of those treatment, when required, except radiographic examina- shown in Section V, Article 2, Table T-276. The require- tion of welds in containments fabricated of P ‐ No. 1 or ments for the retention of electronic and digital radio- P ‐ No. 3 materials may be performed prior to an inter- graphic images are the same as that for radiographic mediate or final postweld heat treatment, provided the film. Ultrasonic examination shall be in accordance with welds are ultrasonically examined after an intermediate Section V, Article 4; magnetic particle examination shall or final postweld heat treatment. The ultrasonic examina- be in accordance with Section V, Article 7; and liquid pen- tion and acceptance standards shall be in accordance with etrant examination shall be in accordance with Section V, this Article. Article 6. The examinations required by this Article, or by (b) Magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examinations reference to this Article, shall be performed by personnel of welds shall be performed after any required postweld who have been qualified as required by this Article. The heat treatment, except that welds in P ‐ No. 1 material may results of the examinations shall be evaluated in accor- be examined either before or after postweld heat treat- dance with the acceptance standards of this Article. ment. The magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examina- tion of welds at progressive stages of welding, as required in WC-5245, may be performed before PWHT. (c) All dissimilar metal weld joints, such as in austenitic WC-5112 N on d estru cti ve Exam i n ati on or high nickel to ferritic material, or using austenitic or Proced u res high nickel alloy filler metal to join ferritic materials All nondestructive examinations required by this which penetrate the wall, shall be examined after final Article shall be performed in accordance with detailed postweld heat treatment. written procedures which have been proven by actual de- (d) The magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examina- monstration to the satisfaction of the Inspector. The pro- tion of weld surfaces that are to be covered with weld me- cedures shall comply with the appropriate Article of tal cladding shall be performed before the weld metal Section V for the particular examination method. The di- cladding is deposited. The magnetic particle or liquid pen- gitization of radiographic film and radioscopic images etrant examination of weld surfaces that are not accessi- shall meet the requirements of Section V, Article 2, Man- ble after a postweld heat treatment shall be performed datory Appendix III, “ Digital Image Acquisition, Display, prior to the operation which caused this inaccessibility. and Storage for Radiography and Radioscopy.” Written These examinations may be performed before PWHT. procedures and records of demonstration of procedure (e) Weld metal cladding shall be examined after either capability and personnel qualification shall be made avail- an intermediate 12 or final postweld heat treatment, ex- able to the Inspector on request. At least one copy of the cept the examination of weld metal cladding on P ‐ Nos. 1 procedure shall be readily available to all applicable non- and 3 materials may be performed before or after the destructive examination personnel for reference and use. intermediate 12 or final postweld heat treatment. 201 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WC-5111-1 Th i ckn ess, I QI Desi g n ati on s, Essen ti al H oles, an d Wi re Di am eters U.S. Customary Units Single Wall IQI(s) — Hole or Wire Type [Note (1)] Material Source Side Radiograph Side Thickness Hole Essential Required Wire Hole Essential Required Wire Range, in. Designation Size Hole Diameter IQI — Designation Size Hole Diameter — IQI Up to 0.25 incl. 5 0.040 4 T 0.006 5 0.040 4 T 0.006 Over 1/4– 3/8 7 0.040 4 T 0.006 7 0.040 4 T 0.006 Over 3/8 – 1/2 10 0.040 4 T 0.010 10 0.040 4 T 0.010 Over 1/2 – 5/8 12 0.050 4 T 0.013 12 0.050 4 T 0.013 Over 5/8 – 3/4 15 0.060 4 T 0.016 12 0.050 4 T 0.013 Over 3/4– 1 20 0.040 2 T 0.016 17 0.035 2 T 0.013 Over 1 – 1 1/4 25 0.050 2 T 0.020 17 0.035 2 T 0.013 Over 1 1/4– 1 1/2 30 0.060 2 T 0.025 20 0.040 2 T 0.016 Over 1 1/2 – 2 35 0.070 2 T 0.032 25 0.050 2 T 0.020 Over 2 – 2 1/2 40 0.080 2 T 0.040 30 0.060 2 T 0.025 Over 2 1/2 – 3 45 0.090 2 T 0.040 35 0.070 2 T 0.032 Over 3 –4 50 0.100 2 T 0.050 40 0.080 2 T 0.040 Over 4–6 60 0.120 2 T 0.063 45 0.090 2 T 0.040 Over 6 –8 80 0.160 2 T 0.100 50 0.100 2 T 0.050 Over 8 – 10 100 0.200 2 T 0.126 60 0.120 2 T 0.063 Over 10 – 12 120 0.240 2 T 0.160 80 0.160 2 T 0.100 Over 12 – 16 160 0.320 2 T 0.250 100 0.200 2 T 0.126 Over 16 – 20 200 0.400 2 T 0.320 120 0.240 2 T 0.160 SI Units Single Wall IQI(s) — Hole or Wire Type [Note (1)] Material Source Side Radiograph Side Thickness Hole Essential Required Wire Hole Essential Required Wire Range, mm Designation Size Hole Diameter IQI — Designation Size Hole Diameter — IQI Up to 6 incl. 5 1.02 4 T 0.15 5 1.02 4 T 0.15 Over 6 – 10 7 1.02 4 T 0.15 7 1.02 4 T 0.15 Over 10 – 13 10 1.02 4 T 0.25 10 1.02 4 T 0.25 Over 13 – 16 12 1.27 4 T 0.33 12 1.27 4 T 0.33 Over 16 – 19 15 1.52 4 T 0.41 12 1.27 4 T 0.33 Over 19 – 25 20 1.02 2 T 0.41 17 0.89 2 T 0.33 Over 25 – 32 25 1.27 2 T 0.51 17 0.89 2 T 0.33 Over 32 – 38 30 1.52 2 T 0.64 20 1.02 2 T 0.41 Over 38 – 50 35 1.78 2 T 0.81 25 1.27 2 T 0.51 Over 50 – 64 40 2.03 2 T 1.02 30 1.52 2 T 0.64 Over 64 – 75 45 2.29 2 T 1.02 35 1.78 2 T 0.81 Over 75 – 100 50 2.54 2 T 1.27 40 2.03 2 T 1.02 Over 100 – 150 60 3.05 2 T 1.60 45 2.29 2 T 1.02 Over 150 – 200 80 4.06 2 T 2.54 50 2.54 2 T 1.27 Over 200 – 250 100 5.08 2 T 3.20 60 3.05 2 T 1.60 Over 250 – 300 120 6.10 2 T 4.06 80 4.06 2 T 2.54 Over 300 – 400 160 8.13 2 T 6.35 100 5.08 2 T 3.20 Over 400 – 500 200 10.16 2 T 8.13 120 6.10 2 T 4.06 NOTE: (1) Hole (plaque) type IQIs may be used on flat plates and on objects with geometries such that the IQI hole image is not distorted. 202 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (f) All of the joints in austenitic stainless steel and non- WC-52 00 REQU I RED EXAM I N ATI ON OF ferrous material shall be examined by the liquid pene- WELDS trant method after an intermediate or final postweld heat treatment, if any, is performed. WC-52 10 CATEG ORY A LON G I TU DI N AL WELDED (g) Ultrasonic examination of electroslag welds in ferri- J OI N TS tic materials shall be performed after a grain refining heat Category A longitudinal welded joints shall be exam- treatment, when performed, or after final postweld heat ined by the radiographic and either the liquid penetrant treatment. or magnetic particle method. WC-52 2 0 CATEG ORY B CI RCU M FEREN TI AL WC-5130 EXAM I N ATI ON OF WELD EDG E WELDED J OI N TS PREPARATI O N SU RFACES Category B welded j oints shall be examined by the All full penetration weld edge preparation surfaces for radiographic and either the liquid penetrant or magnetic joint Categories A, B, C, D, and similar joints in material particle method. 2 in. (50 mm) or more in thickness shall be examined by the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method. Indi- WC-52 3 0 CATEG ORY C WELDED J OI N TS cations shall be evaluated in accordance with the accep- tance standards of (a), (b), and (c) below. WC-52 3 1 G en eral Req u i rem en ts (a) Only indications with major dimensions greater Except for welds that meet the requirements o f than 1/1 6 in. (1 .5 mm) shall be considered relevant WC-3262 all Category C welded joints shall meet the fol- imperfections. lowing requirements: (b) Laminar‐ type imperfections are acceptable without (a) Category C Type No. 1 or Type No. 2 full penetration repair if they do not exceed 1 in. (25 mm) in length. The butt-welded joints shall be examined by the radiographic extent of all laminar‐ type imperfections exceeding 1 in. and either the liquid penetrant or magnetic particle (25 mm) in length shall be determined by ultrasonic ex- method. amination. Imperfections exceeding 1 in. (25 mm) in (b) Category C Type No. 1 or Type No. 2 full penetration length shall be repaired by welding to a depth of 3/8 in. corner-welded joints shall be ultrasonically or radiogra- (10 mm) or the depth of the imperfection, whichever is phically examined and either liquid penetrant or mag- less, unless the ultrasonic examination reveals that addi- netic particle examined. tional depth of repair is required to meet the ultrasonic (c) Category C Type No. 2 full penetration corner- examination requirement for the product form. welded joints similar to Figure WC-4265-1 sketches (c), (c) Indications of nonlaminar imperfections of (1 ) (d), and (f) also require the fusion zone and the parent through (3) below are unacceptable: metal beneath the attachment surface to be ultrasonically (1 ) any linear indications greater than 3/16 in. (5 mm) examined after welding to verify freedom from lack of fu- long; sion and laminar defects. (2) rounded indications with dimensions greater (d) Category C partial penetration and fillet welded than 3/16 in. (5 mm); joints shall be examined by either the magnetic particle (3) four or more indications, in a line separated by or liquid penetrant method on all accessible surfaces. 1 /16 in. (1.5 mm) or less, edge to edge. (d) Weld repairs made to weld edge preparations for WC-5240 CATEG ORY D WELDED J O I N TS Category A, B, C, D, or similar type welds shall be exam- WC-5241 G en eral Req u i rem en ts ined by the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method All Category D welded joints shall be examined as sta- before the surfaces become inaccessible. The examination ted in the following paragraphs. may b e p erfo rmed b efo re o r after p o s twel d heat treatment. WC-5242 Fu ll Pen etrati on Bu tt- Weld ed N ozzles Nozzles attached by full penetration butt-welded joints WC-5140 EXAM I N ATI ON OF ADJ ACEN T BASE as shown in Figure WC-4266(a)-1 shall be examined by M ATERI AL the radiographic and either the liquid penetrant or mag- When performing the surface examinations of weld netic particle method. joint Categories A, B, C, and D as required by WC-5200, the external and accessible internal weld surfaces and ad- WC-5243 Corn er-Weld ed N ozzles jacent base material for at least 1/2 in. (13 mm) on each Full penetration corner-welded nozzles in contain- side of the weld shall be included in the examination. Ac- ments as shown in Figure WC-4266(b)-1 shall be exam- ceptance standards for the weld shall be as stated in this ined b y either the ultras o nic o r the radio grap hic Article, while the acceptance standards for base material method, and either the liquid penetrant or magnetic par- shall be as stated in WC-2500. ticle method. If radiographed, the weld fusion zone and 203 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 the parent metal beneath the attachment surface for de- WC- 5262 Stru ctu ral Attach m en t Weld ed J oi n ts tails shown in Figure WC-42 66(b) -1 sketches (c) , (d) , (d- 1 ) , (e) , and (g) an d b e ne ath the wel d s u rface i n Structural attachment welded joints made to contain- sketches (a) and (b) shall be ultrasonically examined after ment material shall be examined by either the magnetic welding to assure freedom from lack of fusion and lami- particle or liquid penetrant method. nar defects. WC- 52 70 SPECI AL WELDS AN D BRAZED J OI N TS WC- 5244 Weld M etal Bu i ld u p at O pen i n g s for WC- 52 72 Weld M etal Clad d i n g N ozzles Weld metal cladding shall be examined by the liquid When weld metal b uildup is made to a s urface as penetrant method. shown in Step 1 of Figure WC-4266(c)-1, the weld metal buildup and the parent metal beneath the weld metal buildup shall be ultrasonically examined. The parent ma- WC- 52 73 H ard Su rfaci n g terial beneath the weld metal buildup shall be ultrasoni- cally examined to detect laminar defects after weld Hard surfacing weld metal shall be examined by the li- metal buildup. Nozzles may then be attached by a full pen- quid penetrant method in accordance with WC-2546, and etration weld as shown in Step 2 of Figure WC-4266(c)-1. the acceptance standards applicable to materials less than 5 The full penetration butt-welded joint shall be examined /8 in. (16 mm) thick shall apply. by either the ultrasonic or radiographic method, and either the liquid penetrant or magnetic particle method and the weld metal buildup shall be examined by either WC- 52 75 Brazed J oi n ts the magnetic particle or liquid-penetrant method. Flux and flux residue shall be removed from all surfaces prior to examination. Joints shall be visually examined on WC- 5245 Oth er Weld ed J oi n ts all accessible surfaces to determine whether there has been adequate flow of brazing metal through the j oint. O the r we l de d j o i nts , as s ho wn i n Fi gure s Optical aids may be employed for indirect visual examina- WC-4266(d)-1 and WC-4266(e)-1 , shall be examined pro- tion of joints which cannot be directly examined. gressively using either the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods. The increments of examination shall be the lesser of one ‐ half of the maximum welded joint di- WC- 52 77 Electron Beam Weld s mension measured parallel to the center line of the con- nection or 1/2 in. (1 3 mm) . The surface of the finished In addition to the requirements for the type of weld welded joint shall also be examined by either method. being examined, all complete penetration welds made by the electron beam welding process shall be ultrasoni- cally examined. WC- 52 50 EXAM I N ATI ON OF CON TAI N M EN T CLOSU RE WELDS Containment closure welds meeting the requirements WC- 52 79 Speci al Excepti on s of WC-3 2 62 shall be examined in accordance with (a) below: Except for those closure welds addressed in WC-5250, when the joint detail, or environmental conditions (e.g., (a) Full and partial penetration welds shall be exam- background radiation), does not permit radiographic ex- i ned in acco rdan ce wi th the re qui re me nts o f Tab le aminatio n to b e p erfo rmed in acco rdance with this WC-3 2 62 -1 . Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance Article, ultrasonic examination plus liquid penetrant or with WC-5340 or WC-5350. magnetic particle examination of the completed weld may be substituted for the radiographic examination. WC- 5260 FI LLET, PARTI AL PEN ETRATI ON , The absence of suitable radiographic equipment shall SOCKET, AN D ATTACH M EN T WELDED not be justification for such substitution. The substitution J OI N TS of ultrasonic examination can be made, provided the ex- amination is performed using a detailed written proce- WC- 5261 Fi llet, Parti al Pen etrati on , an d Socket dure which has been proven by actual demonstration to Weld ed J oi n ts the satisfaction of the Inspector as capable of detecting Fillet and partial penetration welded joints, except for an d l o cati n g d e fe cts d e s cri b e d i n th i s Arti cl e . T h e nonstructural attachments and socket welds shall be ex- nondestructive examination shall be in accordance with amined b y the magnetic particle o r liquid penetrant WC - 5 1 1 0 a n d m e e t th e a c c e p ta n c e s ta n d a r d s o f method. WC-5300. 204 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-5300 ACCEPTAN CE STAN DARDS (b) Indications characterized as cracks, lack of fusion, or incomplete penetration are unacceptable regardless WC-532 0 RADI OG RAPH I C ACCEPTAN CE of length. STAN DARDS Indications shown on the radiographs of welds and WC-5340 M AG N ETI C PARTI CLE ACCEPTAN CE characterized as imperfections are unacceptable under STAN DARDS the following conditions: WC-5341 Evalu ati on of I n d i cati on s (a) any indication characterized as a crack or zone of incomplete fusion or penetration; (a) Mechanical discontinuities at the surface are re- vealed by the retention of the examination medium. All in- (b) any indication characterized as incomplete penetra- dications are no t necessarily defects, however, since tion or incomplete fusion, except that such indications in welds between P ‐ 8 metals that were made using GTAW or certain metallurgical discontinuities and magnetic perme- SMAW in which the deposit analysis is A‐ 8 or A‐ 9 are ac- ability variations may produce similar indications which ceptable provided they do not exceed the length in (c) . are not relevant. (b) Any indication that is believed to be nonrelevant (c) any other elongated indication which has a length shall be reexamined by the same or other nondestructive greater than: 1 3 examination methods to verify whether or not actual de- (1 ) /4 in. (6 mm) for t up to /4 in. (19 mm), inclusive 1 3 1 fects are present. Surface conditioning may precede the (2) /3 t for t from /4 in. to 2 /4 in. (19 mm to 57 mm), reexamination. After an indication has been verified to inclusive 3 1 b e no nrel evant, i t is no t n eces s ary to re inve s tigate (3) /4 in. (19 mm) for t over 2 /4 in. (57 mm) repetitive nonrelevant indications of the same type. Non- where t is the thickness of the thinner portion of the r e l e va n t i n d i c a ti o n s th a t wo u l d m a s k d e fe c ts a re weld; unacceptable. (d) internal root weld conditions are acceptable when (c) Relevant indications are indications which result the density change or image brightness difference as indi- from imperfections. Linear indications are indications in cated in the radiograph is not abrupt; elongated indica- which the length is more than three times the width. ti o n s o n th e ra d i o gra p h a t e i th e r e d ge o f s u c h Rounded indications are indications which are circular co nditio ns s hall b e unaccep tab le, as p ro vided in (c) or elliptical with the length equal to or less than three above; times the width. (e) any group of aligned indications having an aggre- gate length greater than t in a length of 12 t , unless the WC-5342 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s minimum distance between successive indications ex- (a) Only imperfections producing indications with ma- ceeds 6 L , in which case the aggregate length is unlimited, jor dimensions greater than 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) shall be con- L being the length of the largest indication; sidered relevant imperfections. (f) rounded indications in excess of that shown as ac- (b) Imperfections producing the following indications ceptable in Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix are unacceptable: VI. (1 ) any cracks and linear indications; (2) rounded indications with dimensions greater WC-5330 U LTRASO N I C ACCEPTAN CE than 3/16 in. (5 mm); STAN DARDS (3) four or more rounded indications in a line sepa- All imperfections which produce a response greater rated by 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) or less edge to edge; 2 than 2 0% of the reference level shall be investigated to (4) ten or more rounded indications in any 6 in. 2 the extent that the operator can determine the shape, (4 000 mm ) of surface with the major dimension of this identity, and location of all such imperfections and evalu- area not to exceed 6 in. (150 mm) with the area taken in ate them in terms of the acceptance standards given in (a) the most unfavorable location relative to the indications and (b) below. being evaluated. (a) Imperfections are unacceptable if the indications exceed the reference level amplitude and have lengths WC-5350 LI QU I D PEN ETRAN T ACCEPTAN CE exceeding: STAN DARDS 1 3 (1 ) /4 in. (6 mm) for t up to /4 in. (19 mm), inclusive WC-5351 Evalu ati on of I n d i cati on s 1 3 1 (2) /3 t for t from /4 in. to 2 /4 in. (19 mm to 57 mm), (a) Mechanical discontinuities at the surface are re- inclusive 3 1 vealed by bleeding out of the penetrant; however, local- (3) /4 in. (19 mm) for t over 2 /4 in. (57 mm) ized s urface dis continuities, such as may occur fro m where t is the thickness of the weld being examined; if a machining marks, surface conditions, or an incomplete weld joins two members having different thicknesses at bond between base metal and cladding, may produce sim- the weld, t is the thinner of these two thicknesses. ilar indications which are nonrelevant. 205 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (b) Any indication which is believed to be nonrelevant WC-5500 QU ALI FI CATI ON S AN D shall be reexamined to verify whether or not actual de- CERTI FI CATI ON OF fects are present. Surface conditioning may precede the N ON DESTRU CTI VE EXAM I N ATI ON reexamination. Nonrelevant indications and broad areas PERSON N EL o f p i gm e n ta ti o n wh i c h wo u l d m a s k d e fe c ts a re unacceptable. WC- 5510 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS (c) Relevant indications are indications which result Organizations performing Code required nondestruc- from imperfections. Linear indications are indications in tive examinations shall use personnel competent and which the length is more than 3 times the width. Rounded knowledgeable to the degree specified by WC-5 52 0. indications are indications which are circular or elliptical When these services are subcontracted by the Certificate with the length equal to or less than 3 times the width. Holder or Quality System Certificate Holder, he shall ver- ify the qualification of personnel to the requirements of WC-5520. All nondestructive examinations required by this Subsection shall be performed by and the results WC- 53 52 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s evaluated by qualified nondestructive examination (a) Only imperfections producing indications with ma- personnel. jor dimensions greater than 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) shall be con- sidered relevant imperfections. WC- 552 0 PERSON N EL QU ALI FI CATI ON , (b) Imperfections producing the following indications CERTI FI CATI ON , AN D VERI FI CATI ON are unacceptable: WC- 552 1 Qu ali fi cati on Proced u re (1 ) any cracks or linear indications; (a) Personnel performing nondestructive examinations (2) rounded indications with dimensions greater shall be qualified in accordance with the recommended than 3/16 in. (5 mm); guidelines of SNT TC 1A. 13, 14 The ACCP Level II and III ‐ ‐ provisions for qualification and certification and the (3) four or more rounded indications in a line sepa- ASNT administered Level II certification provision for rated by 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) or less edge to edge; qualification and certification of NDE Personnel shall (4) ten or more rounded indications in any 6 in. 2 not be used for Section III. The Employer s 15 written prac- ’ (4 000 mm 2 ) of surface with the major dimension of this tice, required by paragraph 5 of SNT TC 1A, shall identify ‐ ‐ area not to exceed 6 in. (150 mm) with the area taken in the requirements relative to the recommended guide- the most unfavorable location relative to the indications lines. The recommended guidelines of SNT TC 1A shall ‐ ‐ being evaluated. be considered as minimum requirements, except as mod- ified in (1) through (5) below. (1 ) Qualification of Level III nondestructive examina- WC- 53 60 VI SU AL ACCEPTAN CE STAN DARDS tion personnel shall be by examination. FOR BRAZED J OI N TS (-a) The basic and method examinations, para- graphs 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 of SNT TC 1A, may be prepared ‐ ‐ Braze metal shall give evidence of having flowed uni- and administered by Employer, 15 ASNT, or an outside formly through a joint by the appearance of an uninter- agency. rupted, narrow visible line of brazing alloy at the end of (-b) The specific examination, paragraph 8.8.3 of the joint. SNT TC 1A, shall be prepared and administered by the ‐ ‐ Employer or an outside agency. The Employer or outside agency administering the specific examination shall iden- tify the minimum grade requirement in the written pro- WC-5400 FI N AL EXAM I N ATI ON OF gram when the basic and method examinations have CON TAI N M EN TS been administered by ASNT, which issues grades on a pass/fail basis. In this case, the minimum grade for the WC- 5410 EXAM I N ATI ON AFTER PRESSU RE TEST specific examination may not be less than 80%. (2) The written practice identified in paragraph 5 of After the hydrostatic or pneumatic pressure test of a SNT TC 1A and the procedures used for examination of ‐ ‐ containment, all weld joints and heat-affected zones of Ca- personnel shall be referenced in the Employer s Quality ’ tegories A, B, C, and D, used to join ferritic material and Program. repair welds in ferritic material that exceed in depth (3) The number of hours of training and experience either 3/8 in. (10 mm) or 10% of the section thickness, for nondestructive examination personnel who perform whichever is less, shall be examined when physically ac- only one operation of a nondestructive examination cessible by the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method that consists of more than one operation, or per- method. form nondestructive examination of limited scope, may 206 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 be less than that recommended in Table 6.3.1 A of SNT ‐ operations. As an example, one person may be used TC 1A. The time of training and experience shall be de- ‐ who is qualified to conduct radiographic examination scribed in the written practice, and any limitations or re- and another may be used who is qualified to interpret strictions placed on the certification shall be described in and evaluate the radiographic film. the written practice and on the certificate. The minimum classroom training times for visual ex- amination personnel identified in Table 6.3.1 A of SNT- WC-5522 Certification of Personnel TC-1A for Level II certification may be reduced from (a) The Employer retains responsibility for the ade- 16 hr to 8 hr. quacy of the program and is responsible for certification (4) For the near-vision acuity examination, the Jaeger o f Levels I , I I , and I I I nondestructive examination Number 1 letters shall be used in lieu of the Jaeger Num- personnel. ber 2 letters specified in paragraph 8.2.1 of SNT TC 1A. ‐ ‐ (b) When ASNT is the outside agency administering The use of equivalent type and size letters is permitted. t h e L e v e l I I I b a s i c a n d m e th o d e x a m i n a t i o n s (5) An NDE Level I individual shall be qualified to [WC-5521(a)(1)(-a)], the Employer may use a letter from properly perform specific setups, specific calibrations, ASNT as evidence on which to base the certification. specific NDE, and specific evaluations for acceptance or (c) When an outside agency is the examining agent for rejection determinations according to written instruc- tions, and to record results. The NDE Level I individual Level III qualification of the Employer s personnel, the ex- ’ shall receive the necessary instruction and supervision amination results shall be included with the Employer s ’ from a certified NDE Level II or Level III individual. A Lev- record. el I individual may independently accept the results of nondestructive examinations when the specific accep- WC-5523 Verification of Nondestructive tance criteria are defined in the written instructions. Examination Personnel Certification (b) For nondestructive examination methods not cov- ered by SNT TC 1A documents, personnel shall be quali- ‐ ‐ The Certificate Holder has the responsibility to verify fied to comparable levels of competency by subjection the qualification and certification of nondestructive ex- to comparable examinations on the particular method amination personnel employed by Material Organizations involved. and qualified by them in accordance with WA-3820 and (c) The emphasis shall be on the individual s ability to ’ subcontractors who provide nondestructive examination perform the nondestructive examination in accordance services to them. wi th th e a p p l i ca b l e p ro c e d u r e fo r th e i n te n d e d application. WC-5530 RECORDS (d) For nondestructive examination methods that con- sist of more than one operation or type, it is permissible Personnel qualification records identified in paragraph to use personnel qualified to perform one or more 9.4 of SNT TC 1A shall be retained by the Employer. ‐ ‐ 207 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WC-6 000 TESTI N G WC-6100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS (a) nondestructive examinations, if required by the ma- terial specification, can be performed subsequent to the WC- 6110 SCOPE containment test; (a) This Article contains the testing requirements for (b) the material can be repaired by welding in accor- storage containments constructed in accordance with this dance with the rules of WC-4130. Subsection. (c) postweld heat treatment, when required after re- (b) The terms test and testing as used in this Article in- pairs, can be performed in accordance with WC-4620. clude hydrostatic testing (WC-6200), pneumatic testing (WC-6300), and leak testing (WC-6700). WC- 6124 M ach i n i n g After Testi n g WC- 6120 TESTI N G OF CON TAI N M EN TS An additional amount of material, not to exceed 10% of Except for closure welds meeting the requirements of the wall thickness or 3/8 in. (10 mm), whichever is less, is WC-3262 all storage containments shall be hydrostati- permitted on the completed item after testing where cri- cally (WC-6200), or pneumatically (WC-6300) pressure tical dimensions and tolerances is required. tested, except as permitted by WC-6710. Closure welds made after containments are loaded and meeting the re- WC- 6130 PREPARATI ON FOR TESTI N G quirements of WC-3262 shall be tested as required by WC- 6131 Exposu re of J oi n ts WC-6720. All joints, including welded joints, shall be left uninsu- WC- 6121 Pn eu m ati c Testi n g lated and exposed for examination during the test. A pneumatic test in accordance with WC-6300 may be substituted for the hydrostatic test when permitted by the WC- 6132 Ad d i ti on of Tem porary Su pports Design Specification. Containments designed to contain vapor or gas may be WC- 612 1. 1 A pneu- P n e u m at i c Te s t L i m i t at i o n s . provided with additional temporary supports, if neces- matic test at a pressure not to exceed 25% of the Design sary, to support the weight of the test liquid when hydro- Pressure may be applied, prior to either a hydrostatic or a static testing is performed. pneumatic test, as a means of locating leaks. WC- 6 1 2 1 . 2 P re cau ti o n s to B e E m p lo ye d i n Pn e u - WC- 6133 Restrai n t or I solati on of Expan si on Compressed gaseous fluid is hazardous m ati c Te sti n g . J oi n ts when used as a testing medium. Therefore, it is recom- Expansion joints shall be provided with temporary re- mended that special precautions for protection of person- straints, if required, for the additional pressure load un- nel be taken when a gaseous fluid under pressure is used der test. as a test medium. WC- 6122 Wi tn essi n g of Tests WC- 6134 I solati on of Eq u i pm en t N ot Su bj ected to Testi n g All testing required by this Article shall be performed in the presence of the Inspector. Equipment that is not to be subjected to the pressure test shall be either disconnected from the containment WC- 6123 Ti m e of Testi n g or isolated during the test by a blind flange or similar Completed containments means. Valves may be used if the valves with their clo- sures are suitable for the proposed test pressure. WC-612 3. 1 Con tai n m en ts. shall have all the testing required by this Article com- pleted prior to initial service. WC- 6123. 2 The containment M ateri al Pressu re Test. WC- 6135 Treatm en t of Flan g ed J oi n ts test may be used in lieu of any pressure test required by Con tai n i n g Blan ks the material specification for material used in the contain- Flanged joints at which blanks are inserted to isolate ment provided other equipment during the test need not be retested. 208 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-6136 Precau ti on s Ag ai n st Test M ed i u m WC-62 24 Exam i n ati on for Leakag e After Expan si on Appli cati on of Pressu re If a test is to be maintained for a period of time and the Following the application of the hydrostatic test pres- test medium in the system is subject to thermal expan- sure for the required time (WC-6223), all joints, connec- sion, precautions shall be taken to avoid excessive tions, and regions of high stress, such as regions around pressure. openings and thickness transition sections, shall be exam- ined for leakage. This examination shall be made at a pressure equal to the greater of the Design Pressure or WC-6137 Ch eck of Test Eq u i pm en t Before three ‐ fourths of the test pressure and it shall be wit- Applyi n g Pressu re nessed by the Inspector. Leakage of temporary gaskets The test equipment shall be examined before pressure and seals, installed for the purpose of conducting the hy- is applied to ensure that it is tight and that all low pres- drostatic test and which will be replaced later, may be sure filling lines and other items that should not be sub- permitted unless the leakage exceeds the capacity to jected to the test have been disconnected or isolated. maintain test pressure for the required amount of time. Other leaks, such as those from permanent seals, seats, and gasketed joints in containments, may be permitted WC-6200 H YDROSTATI C TESTS when specifically allowed by the Design Specification. Leakage from temporary seals or leakage permitted by WC-62 10 H YDROSTATI C TEST PROCEDU RE the Design Specification shall be directed away from the WC-62 11 Ven ti n g Du ri n g Fi ll Operati on surface of the containment to avoid masking leaks from other joints. The containment in which the test is to be conducted shall be vented during the filling operation to minimize air pocketing. WC-6300 PN EU M ATI C TESTS WC-6 310 PN EU M ATI C TESTI N G PROCEDU RES WC-62 12 Test M ed i u m an d Test Tem peratu re WC-6 311 G en eral Req u i rem en ts (a) Water or an alternative liquid, as permitted by the Design Specification, shall be used for the hydrostatic test. When a pneumatic test is performed, it shall be con- (b) It is recommended that the test be made at a tem- d u cte d i n a c c o rd a n c e wi th th e re q u i re m e n ts o f perature that will minimize the possibility of brittle frac- WC-6100 and this Article. ture (Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix G). The test pressure shall not be applied until the contain- WC-6 312 Test M ed i u m an d Test Tem peratu re ment and the pressurizing fluid are at approximately (a) T h e ga s u s e d a s th e te s t m e d i u m s h a l l b e the same temperature. nonflammable. (b) Testing temperature shall be in accordance with WC-62 20 H YDROSTATI C TEST PRESSU RE WC-6212(b). REQU I REM EN TS WC-6 313 Proced u re for Applyi n g Pressu re WC-62 21 M i n i m u m H yd rostati c Test Pressu re The pressure in the system shall gradually be increased The containment shall be hydrostatically tested at not to not more than one ‐ half of the test pressure, after which less than 1.25 times Design Pressure. the pressure shall be increased in steps of approximately one ‐ tenth of the test pressure until the required test pres- WC-62 22 M axi m u m Perm i ssi ble Test Pressu re sure has been reached. The stress limits specified in WC-3218 shall be used in determining the maximum permissible test pressure. In WC-6 320 PN EU M ATI C TEST PRESSU RE multichamber containments, pressure may be simulta- REQU I REM EN TS neously applied to the appropriate adjacent chamber to WC-6 321 M i n i m u m Req u i red Pn eu m ati c Test satisfy these stress limits. Pressu re The containment shall be pneumatically tested at not WC-62 23 H yd rostati c Test Pressu re H old i n g less than 1.25 times Design Pressure. Ti m e The hydrostatic test pressure shall be maintained a WC-6 322 M axi m u m Perm i ssi ble Test Pressu re minimum of 10 minutes prior to initiation of the examina- The maximum test pressure shall be limited as defined tion for leakage required by WC-6224. in WC-6222. 209 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC- 632 3 Test Pressu re H old i n g Ti m e WC- 662 0 PRESSU RE TESTI N G O F COM BI N ATI ON The test pressure of WC-6321 shall be maintained for a U N I TS minimum total time of 10 minutes. WC- 662 1 Pressu re Ch am bers Desi g n ed to Operate I n d epen d en tly WC- 6324 Exam i n ati on for Leakag e After Appli cati on of Pressu re Pressure chambers of combination units that have been designed to operate independently shall be tested as se- Following the application of pressure for the time spe- parate containments; that is, each chamber shall be tested cified in WC-6323, the test pressure shall be reduced to a without pressure in the adjacent chamber. value equal to the greater of the Design Pressure or three ‐ fourths of the test pressure and held for a sufficient time to permit examination as defined in accordance with WC- 662 2 Com m on Elem en ts Desi g n ed for a WC-6224. M axi m u m Di fferen ti al Pressu re (a) When chambers of combination units have their WC-6400 TEST G AG ES common elements designed for the maximum differential WC- 6410 pressure and the differential pressure is less than the higher of the Design Pressure of the adjacent chambers, WC- 6411 Types of G ag es to Be U sed an d Th ei r the common elements shall be subjected to a test pres- Locati on sure of at least 1 1/4 times the maximum differential Test gages used in testing shall be indicating pressure pressure. gages and shall be connected directly to the item being (b) Following the test of the common elements, as re- tested. If the indicating gage is not readily visible to the quired by (a) above and their inspection, the adjacent operator controlling the test, an additional indicating chambers shall be tested. Care must be taken to limit gage shall be provided where it will be visible to the op- the differential pressure between the chambers to the erator for the duration of the test. pressure used when testing the common elements. WC- 6412 Ran g e of I n d i cati n g G ag es (a) Analog type indicating gages used in testing shall be graduated over a range not less than 1 1/2 times nor more WC-6700 LEAK TESTI N G than 4 times the test pressure. (b) Digital type gages may be used without range re- WC- 6710 H ELI U M LEAK TESTI N G striction provided the combined error due to calibration (a) Helium leak testing of containment welds, other and readability does not exceed 1% of the test pressure. than closure welds of WC-3262, may be substituted for pressure testing if the primary membrane stress due to WC- 6413 Cali brati on of Pressu re Test G ag es a hydrostatic (WC-6200) or pneumatic (WC-6300) test All test gages shall be calibrated against a standard does not exceed the smaller of the one-third of the mini- dead weight tester or a calibrated master gage. The test mum specified minimum yield strength or one-fifth of the gages shall be calibrated before each test or series of tests. minimum specified tensile strength of the containment A series of tests is that group of tests using the same pres- material and when specified in the Design Specification. sure test gage or gages which is conducted at the same (b) Helium leak testing shall be conducted in accor- site within a period not exceeding 2 weeks. dance with Section V, Article 10, and ANSI N14.5, Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment. 16 Personnel performing WC-6600 SPECI AL TEST PRESSU RE leak testing shall be qualified in accordance with Article WC-5000. SI TU ATI ON S (c) The allowable volumetric leakage rate shall be de- WC- 6610 CON TAI N M EN TS DESI G N ED FO R fined in the Design Specification. An acceptable method EXTERN AL PRESSU RE to determine the maximum, permissible volumetric leak- Containments designed for external pressure only shall age rate can be found in ANSI N14.5. be subjected to an internal test pressure at 1.25 times the (d) If a single leak-rate test is conducted, the conver- Design External Pressure. The pressure shall be under sion methods in ANSI N14.5 shall be used to determine proper control so that the required test pressure is never if the leakage rates specified in the Design Specification exceeded by more than 6%. have been met. 210 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WC-672 0 CON TAI N M EN T CLO SU RES (c) The allowable volumetric leakage rate shall be de- (a) Closure welds identified in the Design Specification fined in the Design Specification. An acceptable method as meeting the requirements of WC-3262, and mechanical to determine the maximum, permissible volumetric leak- closures and seals shall be helium leak tested. age rate can be found in ANSI N14.5. (b) Helium leak testing shall be conducted in accor- (d) If a single leak-rate test is conducted, the conver- dance with Section V, Article 10, and ANSI N14.5. Person- sion methods in ANSI N14.5 shall be used to determine nel performing helium leak-rate testing shall be qualified if the leakage rates specified in the Design Specification in accordance with Article WC-5000. have been met. 211 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WC-8000 N AM EPLATES, STAM PI N G WI TH CERTI FI CATI ON M ARK, AN D REPORTS WC-8100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS The requirements for nameplates, stamping with the Certification Mark, and reports are contained in Article WA-8000. 212 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 SU BSECTI ON WD ð 17Þ CLASS I SS I N TERN AL SU PPORT STRU CTU RES ARTI CLE WD-1000 I N TRODU CTI ON WD-1100 SCOPE AN D G EN ERAL WD-112 0 LI M I TS O F RU LES FOR CLASS I SS REQU I REM EN TS I N TERN AL SU PPORT STRU CTU RES WD-1110 SCOPE (a) Subsection WD does not contain rules to cover all details of construction of internal support structures. (a) Subsection WD contains rules for the material, de- Where complete details are not provided in this Subsec- sign, fabrication, examination, marking, stamping, and tion, it is intended that the N3 Certificate Holder, subject preparation of reports by the Certificate Holder for Class to review by the Inspector (Article WA-5000), shall pro- ISS internal support structures for spent nuclear fuel and vide the details of construction that will be consistent high-level radioactive material. These internal support with the rules provided in this Subsection. structures 22 are for use in transportation (Class TC) or (b) Items that facilitate containment operations (e.g., storage (Class SC) containments. vent and drain tubes, neutron moderator materials, and (b) The rules of Subsection WD cover the requirements shielding) are not included as part of the internal support for strength integrity of items, the failure or excessive de- structure unless they are relied on to supplement the formation of which would cause loss of geometric config- structural integrity of the internal support structure. u ra ti o n o f th e co n tai n m e n t co n te n ts . G e o m e tri c configuration is defined as maintaining geometry of the WD-113 0 BOU N DARI ES OF J U RI SDI CTI O N contents as required by the Design Specification to main- tain the relative physical location of the contents (e.g., cri- WD-113 1 Bou n d ari es Between th e I n tern al ticality control and/or damage from physical contact). Su pport Stru ctu re an d Con tai n m en t Acceptable deformations shall be defined by the Design The jurisdictional boundary between the internal sup- Specification. Deformations may be demonstrated to be port structure and containment shall be as defined in acceptable by the use of analytical methods or testing. (a) through (d) below. The rules address load stresses but do not address dete- (a) The jurisdictional boundary between an internal rioration that may occur in service as a result of corro- support structure and the containment shall be the inner sion, erosion, radiation effects, or instability of internal surface of the containment. support structure material. These shall be addressed in (b) The first connecting weld of an internal support the Design Specification by requiring appropriate preven- structure to the containment shall be considered part of tion or mitigation measures to be included in the design the containment unless the weld is more than 2 t from (WA-1130). the boundary of the containment, where t is the nominal (c) Th e rul e s o f S u b s e cti o n WD do n o t addres s thickness of the containment material. pressure-retaining or containment boundary com- (c) Beyond the first connecting weld to the contain- ponents. ment, or beyond 2 t from the boundary of the contain- (d) The rules of Subsection WD do not apply to internal ment, the attachment or other welds shall be considered structures of containment systems where geometric con- part of the internal support structure, unless otherwise figuration is not required unless required by the Design specified in the Design Specification. Specification. (d) Mechanical fasteners used to connect an internal support structure to the containment shall meet the re- quirements of the containment. The effects of holes into the containment material shall be addressed by the ap- propriate containment rules. 213 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Figure WD-1131-1 is provided as an aid in defining the WD- 1132. 1 Attach m en ts. b o undary and co ns tructi o n re qui re m en ts o f thi s (a) An attachment is an element in contact with or con- Subsection. nected to the inside or outside surface of the internal sup- port structure. (b) Attachments may have either a structural or non- WD-1132 Bou n d ari es Between th e I n tern al structural function. Su pport Stru ctu re an d N on stru ctu ral I tem s (1 ) Attachments with a structural function (structur- The jurisdictional boundary between the internal sup- al attachments) port structure and nonstructural items (e.g., criticality (-a) perform a geometry control function poisons, vent and drain piping) shall be as defined in (a) and (b) below. (-b) are in the internal support structure load path (a) Welds used to connect a nonstructural item to the (-c) may be permanent or temporary internal support structure shall be considered part of (2) Nonstructural attachments include items such as the internal support structure. nameplates, insulation supports, drain tubes, locating (b) Mechanical fasteners used to connect a nonstruc- lugs, and lifting lugs that are not in the structural load tural item to the internal support structure shall be con- path during operations involving spent nuclear fuel or sidered part of the internal support structure. high-level radioactive material. Fi g u re WD- 1131-1 J u ri sd i cti on al Bou n d ary Between th e I n tern al Su pport Stru ctu re an d th e Con tai n m en t 1 Jurisdictional boundary (heavy line). 2 2 Containment shall conform to Subsection WB 1 or WC requirements as appropriate. 5 3 Boundary of the containment. 2t 4 Weld buildup shall conform to Subsection WB 86 or WC requirements as appropriate. 6 5 At or within 2 t from the boundary of the 5 containment, the first connecting weld shall conform to Subsection WB or WC requirements as appropriate. 4 6 Beyond 2 t from the boundary of the 8 6 containment or beyond the first connecting weld, the attachment or weld shall conform to Subsection WD requirements. 7 7 Attachment connection shall conform to 3 Subsection WD requirements. 86 9 6 8 At or within 2 t from the boundary of the containment, the interaction effects of the attachment shall conform to Subsection WB or WC requirements as appropriate. 9 Drilled or threaded holes through the boundary of the containment and into the containment shall conform to Subsection WB or WC requirements as appropriate. GENERAL NOTES: (a) The sketch is intended to show jurisdictional concepts and should not be considered as recommended configurations. (b) If the attachment is an internal structure [WD-1110(d)], material, design, and connections, as appropriate, are outside Code jurisdiction except when the N3 Certificate Holder stipulates in the Design Specification that it shall conform to Subsection WD. 214 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WD- 2000 M ATERI AL WD-2 100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS FOR comply with the applicable requirements of this Article. M ATERI AL The requirements of this Article do not apply to materials used as backing rings or backing strips in welded joints. WD-2 110 SCOPE OF PRI N CI PAL TERM S EM PLOYED WD-2 12 2 Speci al Req u i rem en ts Con fli cti n g Wi th (a) The term material as used in this Subsection is de- Perm i tted M ateri al Speci fi cati on s fined in NCA-1220. The term Material Organization is de- Special requirements stipulated in this Article shall ap- fined in Article NCA-9000. ply in lieu of the requirements of the material specifica- (b) The requirements of this Article make reference to tion wherever the special requirements conflict with the the term thickness. For the purpose intended, the follow- material specification requirements (NCA-4256). Where ing definitions of nominal thickness apply: the special requirements include an examination, test, (1 ) plate: the thickness is the dimension of the short o r treatment that is also required by the material transverse direction specification, the examination, test, or treatment need (2) forgings: the thickness is the dimension defined be performed only once. Required nondestructive exami- as follows: nations shall be performed as specified for each product (-a) hollow forgings: the nominal thickness is mea- form in WD-2500. Any examination, repair, test, or treat- sured between the inside and outside surfaces (radial ment required by the material specification or this Article thickness) may be performed by the Material Organization or the Certificate Holder as provided in WD-4121.1. Any hydro- (-b) disk forgings (axial length less than the out- static or pneumatic pressure test required by a material side diameter): the nominal thickness is the axial length specification need not be performed. (-c) flat ring forgings (axial length less than the ra- (a) The stress rupture test of SA-453 and SA-638 for dial thickness): for axial length ≤ 2 in. (50 mm), the axial Grade 660 (UNS S66286) is not required for design tem- length is the nominal thickness; for axial length >2 in. peratures of 800°F (427°C) and below. (50 mm), the radial thickness is the nominal thickness (-d) rectangular solid forgings: the least rectangu- WD-2 124 Si ze Ran g es lar dimension is the nominal thickness Material outside the limits of size, weight, or thickness given in any specification in Section II may be used if the WD-2 12 0 M ATERI AL FOR I N TERN AL SU PPORT material is in compliance with the other requirements of STRU CTU RES the specification and no size limitation is given in the rules for construction. In those specifications in which chemical composition, mechanical properties, or both WD-2 12 1 Perm i tted M ateri al Speci fi cati on s (a) Internal support structural material, and material are indicated to vary with size or thickness, any material welded thereto, and bolting materials, with the exception outside the specification range shall be required to con- of welding material (WD-2400), hard surfacing material form to the composition and mechanical properties (Section IX, QW-251.4), or cladding, which is 10% or less shown for the nearest specified range (NCA-4256). of the thickness of the base material (WD-3122), shall conform to the requirements of the specifications for ma- WD-2 128 Bolti n g M ateri al terial given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and (a) Material for bolts and studs shall conform to the re- 2B, including all applicable notes in the table, and to all of quirements of one of the specifications listed in Section II, the special requirements of this Article that apply to the Part D, Subpart 1, Table 4. Material for nuts shall conform product form in which the material is used. to SA-194 or to the requirements of one of the specifica- (b) The Certificate Holder shall certify that the material tions for nuts or bolting listed in Section II, Part D, Sub- used for the internal support structures shall not ad- part 1, Table 4. versely affect the integrity of the applicable containment. (b) The use of washers is optional. When used, they (c) Welding material used in manufacture of items shall shall be made of wrought material with mechanical prop- comply with an SFA Specification in Section II, Part C, ex- erties compatible with the nuts with which they are to be cept as otherwise permitted in Section IX, and shall also employed. 215 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WD-2 13 0 CERTI FI CATI ON OF M ATERI AL or by calibrated pyrometric instruments. Heat treating All material used in the construction or installation of shall be performed under furnace loading conditions such internal support structures shall be certified as required that the heat treatment is in accordance with the material in NCA-3862 and NCA-3861. Certified Material Test Re- specification and the rules of this Subsection. ports are required for internal support material except as provided by NCA-3861. A Certificate of Compliance WD-2 19 0 TEM PORARY ATTACH M EN T M ATERI AL may be provided in lieu of Certified Material Test Reports for all other material. Copies of all Certified Material Test Material used for temporary attachments need not Reports and Certificates of Compliance applicable to ma- comply with Article WD-2000 and may be welded to the terial used in an internal support structure shall be furn- internal support structure provided the requirements of ished with the material. WD-4430 are met. WD-2 140 WELDI N G M ATERI AL For the requirements governing the material to be used WD-22 00 M ATERI AL TEST COU PON S AN D for welding, see WD-2400. SPECI M EN S FOR FERRI TI C STEEL M ATERI AL WD-2 150 M ATERI AL I DEN TI FI CATI ON The identification of material for internal support WD-2 2 10 H EAT TREATM EN T REQU I REM EN TS structures shall meet the requirements of NCA-4256. Ma- WD-2 2 11 Test Cou pon H eat Treatm en t for terial for small items shall be controlled during manufac- Ferri ti c M ateri al ture of the internal support structures so that they are identifiable as acceptable material at all times. Welding Where ferritic steel material is subjected to heat treat- material shall be controlled during the repair of material ment during construction, the material used for the ten- and the manufacture and installation of internal support sile and impact test specimens shall be heat treated in structures so that they are identifiable as acceptable ma- the same manner as the internal support structures, ex- terial until the material is actually consumed in the pro- cept that test coupons and specimens for P-No. 1 Groups cess (WD-4122). Nos. 1 and 2 material with a nominal thickness of 2 in. (50 mm) or less are not required to be so heat treated. WD-2 16 0 DETERI ORATI ON O F M ATERI AL I N The Certificate Holder shall provide the Material Organi- SERVI CE zation with the temperature and heating and cooling rates to be used. In the case of postweld heat treatment, Consideration of deterioration of material caused by the total time at temperature or temperatures for the test service is generally outside the scope of this Subsection. material shall be at least 80% of the total time at tempera- It is the responsibility of the Owner to select material suit- ture or temperatures during actual postweld heat treat- able for the conditions stated in the Design Specifications ment of the material and the total time at temperature (WA-3351), with specific attention being given to the ef- or temperatures for the test material, coupon, or speci- fects of service conditions upon the properties of the men may be performed in a single cycle. Any postweld material. heat treatment time, which is anticipated to be applied to the material or item after it is completed, shall be spe- cified in the Design Specification. The Certificate Holder WD-2 170 H EAT TREATM EN T TO EN H AN CE shall include this time in the total time at temperature I M PACT PROPERTI ES Carbon steels, low alloy steels, and high alloy chromium specified to be applied to the test specimens. (Series 4XX) steels may be heat treated by quenching and tempering to enhance their impact properties. Postweld heat treatment of the component at a temperature of WD-2 2 12 Test Cou pon H eat Treatm en t for not less than 1,100°F (595°C) may be considered to be Qu en ch ed an d Tem pered M ateri al the tempering phase of the heat treatment. WD-2212. 1 Cooli n g Rates. Where ferritic steel mate- rial is subjected to quenching from the austenitizing tem- WD-2 180 PROCEDU RES FOR H EAT TREATM EN T perature, the test coupons representing those materials OF M ATERI AL shall be cooled at a rate similar to and no faster than When heat treating temperature or time is required by the main body of the material except in the case of certain the material specification and the rules of this Subsection, forgings (WD-2223.3). This rule shall apply for coupons the heat treating shall be performed in temperature- taken directly from the material as well as for separate surveyed and temperature-calibrated furnaces or the test coupons representing the material, and one of the heat treating shall be controlled by measurement of ma- general procedures described in WD-2212.2 or one of terial temperature by thermocouples in contact with the the specific procedures described in WD-2220 shall be material or attached to blocks in contact with the material used for each product form. 216 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WD - 22 12 . 2 One of the general G en eral Proced u res. 40,000 lb (18 000 kg) and over, two tension test coupons procedures stipulated in (a) through (c) below may be ap- shall be taken, one representing the top end of the plate plied to quenched and tempered material or test coupons and one representing the bottom end of the plate. representing the material, provided the specimens are ta- ken relative to the surface of the product in accordance WD - 2 2 2 2 . 2 O ri e n tati o n an d Lo cati o n o f Co u p o n s. with WD-2220. Further specific details of the methods Coupons shall be taken so that specimens shall have their to be used shall be the obligation of the Material Organi- longitudinal axes at least 1/4 t from a rolled surface and zation and the Certificate Holder. with the midlength of the specimen at least t from any (a) Any procedure may be used that can be demon- heat treated edge, where t is the nominal thickness of strated to produce a cooling rate in the test material that the material. matches the cooling rate of the main body of the product at the region midway between midthickness and the sur- WD- 2 2 2 2 . 3 Re q u i re m e n ts fo r S e p arate Te s t Co u - face (1/4t ) and no nearer any heat treated edge than a dis- pon s. Where a separate test coupon is used to represent tance equal to the nominal thickness t being quenched the internal support structure material, it shall be of suf- within 25°F (14°C) and 20 sec at all temperatures after ficient size to ensure that the cooling rate of the region cooling begins from the austenitizing temperature. from which the test coupons are removed represents (b) If cooling rate data for the material and cooling rate the cooling rate of the material at least 1/4 t deep and t control devices for the test specimens are available, the from any edge of the product. Unless cooling rates applic- test specimens may be heat treated in the device to repre- able to the bulk pieces or product are simulated in accor- sent the material provided that the provisions of (a) dance with WD-2212.2(b), the dimensions of the coupon above are met. shall be not less than 3 t × 3 t × t , where t is the nominal (c) When any of the specific procedures described in material thickness. WD-22 2 0 are used, faster cooling rates at the edges may be compensated for by: (1 ) taking the test specimens at least t from a WD-2 22 3 Forg i n g s quenched edge, where t equals the material thickness; (2) attaching a steel pad at least t wide by a partial WD - 2 2 2 3 . 1 Coupons shall be Locati o n of Cou pon s. penetration weld, which completely seals the buffered taken so that specimens shall have their longitudinal axes surface, to the edge where specimens are to be removed; at least 1/4 t from any surface and with the midlength of or the specimens at least t from any second surface, where (3) using thermal barriers or insulation at the edge t is the maximum heat treated thickness. A thermal buffer where specimens are to be removed as described in WD-2212.2(c) may be used to achieve It shall be demonstrated (and this information shall be in- these conditions, unless cooling rates applicable to the cluded in the Certified Material Test Report) that the cool- bulk forgings are simulated as otherwise provided in ing rates are equivalent to (a) or (b) above. WD-2212.2. WD-2 22 0 PROCEDU RE FOR O BTAI N I N G TEST WD- 2223. 2 Very Th i ck an d Com plex Forg i n g s. Test COU PO N S AN D SPECI M EN S FO R coupons for forgings that are both very thick and com- QU EN CH ED AN D TEM PERED plex, such as contour nozzles, flanges, nozzles, and other M ATERI AL complex forgings that are contour shaped or machined to essentially the finished product configuration prior to WD-2 22 1 G en eral Req u i rem en ts heat treatment, may be removed from prolongations or The procedure for obtaining test coupons and speci- other stock provided on the product. The Certificate mens for quenched and tempered material is related to Holder shall specify the surfaces of the finished product the product form. Coupon and specimen location and subjected to high tensile stresses in service. The coupons the number of tension test specimens shall be in accor- shall be taken so that specimens shall have their longitu- dance with the material specifications, except as required dinal axes at a distance below the nearest heat treated by this subarticle. References to dimensions signify nom- surface, equivalent at least to the greatest distance that inal values. the indicated high tensile stress surface will be from the nearest surface during heat treatment, and with the mid- WD-2 22 2 Plates length of the specimens a minimum of twice this distance WD - 2 2 2 2 . 1 The N u m b er o f Ten si on Test Co u po n s. from a second heat treated surface. In any case, the longi- number of tension test coupons required shall be in ac- tudinal axes of the specimens shall not be nearer than 3 cordance with the material specification and SA-20, ex- /4 in. (19 mm) to any heat treated surface and the mid- cept that from carbon steel plates weighing 42,000 lb l e ngth o f th e s p e ci m en s s hal l b e at l eas t 1 1/2 in . (19 000 kg) and over and alloy steel plates weighing (38 mm) from any second heat treated surface. 217 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WD - 2 2 2 3. 3 C o u p o n s F ro m S e p a ra t e ly P ro d u ce d WD - 2 2 2 5 . 2 Se p arate ly Pro d u ce d Co u p o n s Re p re - Test Forg in g s.Test coupons representing forgings from Separately produced test coupons rep- sen ti n g Fi tti n g s. one heat and one heat treatment lot may be taken from res enting fittings may b e us ed. When s ep arately a separately forged piece under the conditions given in p ro duced co up o ns are us ed, the requirements o f the following: WD-2223.3 shall be met. (a) The separate test forging shall be of the same heat of material and shall be subjected to substantially the same reduction and working as the production forging WD-2300 FRACTU RE TOU G H N ESS it represents. REQU I REM EN TS FOR M ATERI AL (b) The separate test forging shall be heat treated in the WD-2 310 M ATERI AL TO BE I M PACT TESTED same furnace charge and under the same conditions as WD-2 311 Com pon en ts for Wh i ch I m pact Testi n g the production forging. of M ateri al I s Req u i red (c) The separate test forging shall be of the same nom- (a) When the Design Specification for internal support inal thickness as the production forging. structures requires impact testing, they shall be impact (d) Test coupons for simple forgings shall be taken so tested in accordance with the requirements of WD-2300 that specimens shall have their longitudinal axes at the re- or Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix G gion midway between midthickness and the surface and may be used as an alternative procedure for assuring pro- with the midlength of the specimens no nearer any heat tection against nonductile fracture, except that the follow- treated edge than a distance equal to the forging thick- ing materials are not to be impact tested as a requirement ness except when the thickness-to-length ratio of the pro- of this Subsection: ductio n fo rging do es no t p ermit, in which cas e a (1 ) material with a nominal section thickness of /8 in. 5 production forging shall be used as the test forging and (16 mm) and less the midlength of the specimens shall be at the midlength (2) bolting, including studs, nuts, and bolts with a of the test forging. nominal size of 1 in. (25 mm) and less 2 (e) Test coupons for complex forgings shall be taken in (3) bars with a nominal cross-sectional area of 1 in. 2 accordance with WD-2223.2. (650 mm ) and less (4) all thicknesses of materials for pipe, tube, and fit- tings with an NPS 6 (DN 150) diameter and smaller (5) a u s t e n i t i c s t a i n l e s s s t e e l s , i n c l u d i n g WD-2 2 24 Locati on of Cou pon s precipitation-hardened austenitic Grade 660 (UNS (a) Bars. Coupons shall be taken so that specimens shall S66286) have their longitudinal axes at least 1/4t from the outside (6) nonferrous material or rolled surface and with the midlength of the specimens (b) Drop weight tests are not required for martensitic at least t from a heat treated end, where t is either the bar h i gh al l o y ch ro m i u m (S e ri e s 4 XX) s te e l s an d diameter or thickness precipitation-hardening steels listed in Section II, Part (b) Bolting Material. For bolting material, the coupons D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2B. The other requirements shall be taken in conformance with the applicable materi- of WD-2331 and WD-2332 apply for these steels. For al specification and with the midlength of the specimen at nominal wall thickness greater than 2 1/2 in. (64 mm), least one diameter or thickness from a heat treated end. the required C v value shall be 40 mils (1.00 mm) lateral When the studs, nuts, or bolts are not of sufficient length, expansion. the midlength of the specimen shall be at the midlength of the studs, nuts, or bolts. The studs, nuts, or bolts selected WD-2 32 0 I M PACT TEST PROCEDU RES to provide test coupon material shall be identical with re- WD-2 32 1 Types of Tests spect to the quenched contour and size except for length, The drop weight test, which shall equal or exceed the length of the represented WD-2321. 1 Drop Wei g h t Tests. when required, shall be performed in accordance with studs, nuts, or bolts. ASTM E208. Specimen types P-1, P-2, or P-3 may be used. The orientations and locations of all test specimens and the results of all tests performed to meet the require- WD-2 2 2 5 Tu bu lar Prod u cts an d Fi tti n g s ments of WD-2330 shall be reported in the Certified Ma- WD - 2 2 2 5 . 1 Coupons shall be Locati on of Cou pon s. terial Test Report. taken so that specimens shall have their longitudinal axes WD - 2 3 2 1 . 2 The Charpy V- Ch arp y V- N o tch Te s ts . at least 1/4t from the inside or outside surface and with the notch test (C v), when required, shall be performed in ac- midlength of the specimens at least t from a heat treated cordance with SA-370. Specimens shall be in accordance end, where t is the nominal wall thickness of the tubular with SA-370, Fig. 11, Type A. A test shall consist of a set product. of three full-size 10 mm × 10 mm specimens. The lateral 218 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 expansion and absorbed energy, as applicable, and the WD-2 330 TEST REQU I REM EN TS AN D test temperature, as well as the orientation and location ACCEPTAN CE STAN DARDS 23 of all tests performed to meet the requirements of WD-2 331 M ateri al for I n tern al Su pport WD-2330 shall be reported in the Certified Material Test Stru ctu res N ot Exceed i n g 2 i n . (50 m m ) Report. M axi m u m Th i ckn ess Material for internal support structures (other than bolting) with nominal thickness 2 in. (50 mm) and less WD-2 32 2 Test Speci m en s shall be tested as required in the following: (a) Test three C v specimens at a temperature lower WD- 2322. 1 Locati on of Test Speci m en s. Impact test than or equal to the lowest service temperature. All three specimens for quenched and tempered material shall be s p e ci m en s s h al l mee t the requ i rem en ts o f Tab l e removed from the locations in each product form speci- WD-2331(a)-1. fied in WD-2220 for tensile test specimens. For material (b) Apply the procedures of (a) above to: in other heat treated conditions, impact test specimens (1) base material, 24 shall be removed from the locations specified for tensile specimens in the material specification. For all other ma- (2) the base material, the heat affected zone, and terial, the number of tests shall be in accordance with weld metal from the weld procedure qualification tests WD-2340. For bolting, the C v impact test specimens shall in accordance with WD-4330, and be taken with the longitudinal axis of the specimen lo- (3) the weld metal of WD-2431. cated at least one-half radius or 1 in. (25 mm) below the surface plus the machining allowance per side, which- WD-2 332 M ateri al Wi th Th i ckn ess Exceed i n g 2 ever is less. The fracture plane of the specimens shall be i n . (50 m m ) at least one diameter or thickness from the heat treated Material for internal support structures (other than end. When the studs, nuts, or bolts are not of sufficient bolting) with nominal thickness over 2 in. (50 mm) shall length, the midlength of the specimen shall be at the mid- meet the following requirements: length of the studs, nuts, or bolts. The studs, nuts, or bolts (a) Establish a reference temperature RT N D T ; this shall selected to provide test coupon material shall be identical be done as required in (1) through (5) below: with respect to the quenched contour and size except for (1) Determine a temperature T N D T that is at or length, which shall equal or exceed the length of the rep- above the nil-ductility transition temperature by drop resented studs, nuts, or bolts. weight tests. WD-2322. 2 Ori en tati on of I m pact Test Speci m en s. (2) At a temperature not greater than [T N D T + 60°F (33°C)] , each specimen of the C v test (WD-2321.2) shall (a) Specimens for Charpy V-notch tests shall be or- exhibit at least 35 mils (0.89 mm) lateral expansion and iented as follows: not less than 50 ft-lb (68 J) absorbed energy. Retesting (1) Specimens for forgings, other than bolting and in accordance with WD-2350 is permitted. When these re- bars, shall be oriented in a direction normal to the princi- quirements are met, T N D T is the reference temperature pal direction in which the material was worked. Speci- R TN D T . mens are neither required nor prohibited from the (3) In the event that the requirements of (2) above thickness direction. are not met, conduct additional C v tests in groups of three (2) Specimens from material for pipe, tube, and fit- specimens (WD-2321.2) to determine the temperature tings, except for those made from plate, shall be oriented T C v at which they are met. In this case, the reference in the axial direction. (3) Specimens from bolting material and bars shall be oriented in the axial direction. Table WD-2 331(a) -1 Req u i red C v Valu es for I n tern al Su pport (4) Specimens for all plate material, including those Stru ctu re Materi al Wi th 2 i n . (50 m m ) used for pipe, tube, and fittings, shall be oriented in a di- M axi m u m Th i ckn ess (Oth er Th an Bolti n g ) rection normal to the principal rolling direction, other Lateral than thickness direction. Nominal Thickness, Expansion, (5) In (1) through (4) above, the length of the notch in. (mm), mils (mm) of the C v specimen shall be normal to the surface of the 5 /8 (16) or less No test required material. Over 5/8 to 3/4 (16 to 19), incl. 20 (0.50) Over 3/4 to 1 1/2 (19 to 38), incl. 25 (0.64) (b) Specimens for drop weight tests may have their Over 1 1/2 to 2 (38 to 50), incl. 40 (1.00) axes oriented in any direction. The orientation used shall be reported in the Certified Material Test Report. 219 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 temperature R TN D T = T C V − 60°F (33°C). Thus, the refer- WD-2 340 N U M BER OF I M PACT TESTS REQU I RED ence temperature R T N D T is the higher of T N D T or [T C V − WD-2 341 Plates 60°F (33°C)]. (4) When a C v test has not been performed [T N D T + One test shall be made from each plate as heat treated. 60 °F (3 3 °C ) ] o r when the C v test at [ T N D T + 60 °F Where plates are furnished in the nonheat-treated condi- (33°C)] does not exhibit a minimum of 50 ft-lb (68 J) en- tion and qualified by heat treated test specimens, one test ergy absorption and 35 mils (0.89 mm) lateral expansion, shall be made for each plate as-rolled. The term as-rolled a temperature representing a minimum of 50 ft-lb (68 J) refers to the plate rolled from a slab or directly from an energy absorption and 35 mils (0.89 mm) lateral expan- ingot, not to its heat treated condition. sion may be obtained from a full C v impact curve devel- oped from the minimum data points of all the C v tests WD-2 342 Forg i n g s performed. (a) Where the weight of an individual forging is less (5) The lowest service temperature shall be not low- than 1,000 lb (450 kg), one test shall be made to repre- er than R T N D T + 100°F (56°C) unless a lower tempera- sent each heat in each heat treatment lot. ture is j ustified by using methods similar to those (b) When heat treatment is performed in a continuous contained in Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory type furnace with suitable temperature controls and Appendix G. equipped with recording pyrometers so that complete (b) Apply the procedures of (a) above to heat treatment records are available, a heat treatment charge shall be considered as the lesser of a continuous (1 ) the base material run not exceeding 8 hr duration or a total weight, so treat- (2) the base material, the heat-affected zone, and ed, not exceeding 2,000 lb (900 kg). weld metal from the weld procedure qualification tests (c) One test shall be made for each forging of 1,000 lb in accordance with WD-4330 to 10,000 lb (450 kg to 4 500 kg) in weight. (3) the weld metal of WD-2431 (d) As an alternative to (c) above, a separate test forg- (c) Product forms having dimensions that prohibit ob- ing may be used to represent forgings of different sizes in taining drop weight test specimens shall be tested in ac- one heat and heat treat lot, provided the test piece is a re- cordance with WD-2331. presentation of the greatest thickness in the heat treat lot. (d) Consideration shall be given to the effects of irradia- In addition, test forgings shall have been subjected to sub- tion on material toughness properties. The Design Speci- stantially the same reduction and working as the forgings ficatio n s hall include additio nal requirements , as represented. (e) Forgings larger than 10,000 lb (4 500 kg) shall have necessary, to assure adequate fracture toughness for the service lifetime of the internal support structures. The two tests per part for Charpy V-notch and one test for toughness properties may be verified in service periodi- drop weights. The location of drop weight or C v impact cally by a material surveillance program using the meth- test specimens shall be selected so that an equal number ods of ASTM E185 and the material conditions monitored of specimens is obtained from positions in the forging 180 by the inservice inspection requirements of Section XI. deg apart. WD-2 343 Bars WD-2 33 3 Bolti n g One test shall be made for each diameter or size having a nominal cross-sectional area greater than 1 in. 2 in each For bolting material, including studs and nuts, test lot, where a lot is defined as one heat of material heat three C v specimens at a temperature no higher than the treated in one charge or as one continuous operation, preload temperature or the lowest service temperature, not to exceed 6,000 lb (2 700 kg). whichever is the lesser. All three specimens shall meet the requirements of Table WD-2333-1. WD-2 344 Tu bu lar Prod u cts an d Fi tti n g s On products that are seamless or welded without filler Table WD-2 3 33- 1 metal, one test shall be made from each lot. On products Req u i red Cv Valu es for Bolti n g M ateri al that are welded with filler metal, one additional test with the specimens taken from the weld area shall also be Lateral made on each lot. A lot shall be defined as stated in the Nominal Diameter, Expansion, Absorbed applicable material specification but in no case shall a in. (mm) mils (mm) Energy, ft-lb (J) lot consist of products from more than one heat of mate- 1 (25) or less No test required No test required rial and of more than one diameter, with the nominal 1 (25) through 4 (100) 25 (0.64) No requirements Over 4 (100) 25 (0.64) 45 (61) thickness of any product included not exceeding that to be impact tested by more than 1/4 in. (6 mm); such a lot shall be in a single heat treatment load or in the same 220 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 continuous run in a continuous furnace controlled within WD-2400 WELDI N G M ATERI AL a 5 0 °F (2 8°C) range and equipped with recording pyrometers. WD-2410 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS (a) All welding material used in the construction WD-2 345 Bolti n g M ateri al and repair of components or material, except welding ma- One test shall be made for each lot of material where a terial used for hard surfacing, shall conform to the re- lot is defined as one heat of material heat treated in one quirements of the material specification or to the charge or as one continuous operation, not to exceed in requirements for other welding material as permitted in weight the following: Section IX. In addition, welding material shall conform to the requirements stated in this subarticle and to the Diameter, in. (mm) Weight, lb (kg) rules covering identification in WD-2150. 1 3/4 (45) and less 1,500 (700) (b) The Certificate Holder shall provide the organiza- Over 1 3/4 to 2 1/2 (45 to 64) 3,000 (1 350) tion performing the testing with the following informa- Over 2 1/2 to 5 (64 to 125) 6,000 (2 700) tion, as applicable: Over 5 (125) 10,000 (4 500) (1 ) welding process (2) SFA Specification and classification (3) other identification if no SFA Specification applies WD-2 346 Test Defi n i ti on (4) minimum tensile strength [WD-2 431.1 (e) ] in either the as-welded or heat-treated condition or both U n l e s s o th e rwi s e s ta te d i n WD - 2 3 4 1 th ro u gh [WD-2431.1(c)] WD-2345, the term one test is defined to include the com- (5) drop weight test for material as-welded or heat bination of the drop weight test and the C v test when treated or both (WD-2332) R T N D T is required (WD-2332) and only the C v test when (6) Charpy V-notch test for material as-welded or determination of R TN D T is not required (WD-2331). heat treated or both (WD-2331); the test temperature, WD-2 350 RETESTS and the lateral expansion or the absorbed energy, shall be provided (a) For C v tests required by WD-2330, one retest at the (7) the preheat and interpass temperatures to be same temperature may be conducted, provided: used during welding of the test coupon [WD-2431.1(c)] (1 ) the average value of the test results meets the (8) postweld heat treatment time, temperature minimum requirements range, and maximum cooling rate, if the production weld (2) not more than one specimen per test is below the will be heat treated [WD-2431.1(c)] minimum requirements (9) elements for which chemical analysis is required (3) the specimen not meeting the minimum require- per the SFA Specification or WPS, and WD-2432 ments is not lower than 1 0 ft-lb (1 3 .6 J) or 5 mils (1 0) minimum delta ferrite (WD-2433) (0.13 mm) below the specified requirements (b) A retest consists of two additional specimens taken as near as practicable to the failed specimens. For accep- WD-242 0 REQU I RED TESTS tance of the retest, both specimens shall meet the mini- The required tests shall be conducted for each lot of mum requirements. covered, flux cored, or fabricated electrodes; for each heat of bare electrodes, rod, or wire for use with the OFW, WD-2 360 CALI BRATI ON OF I N STRU M EN TS AN D GMAW, GTAW, and PAW processes (Section IX); for each EQU I PM EN T heat of consumable inserts; for each combination of heat Calibration of temperature instruments and C v impact of bare electrodes and lot of submerged arc flux; for each test machines used in impact testing shall be performed combination of lot of fabricated electrodes and lot of sub- at the frequency specified in the following: merged arc flux; or for each combination of heat of bare (a) Temperature instruments used to control test tem- electrodes or lot of fabricated electrodes and dry blend perature of specimens shall be calibrated and the results of supplementary powdered filler metal and lot of sub- recorded to meet the requirements of NCA-4258.2 at least merged arc flux. Tests performed on welding material in once in each 3-month interval. the qualification of weld procedures will satisfy the test- (b) C v test machines shall be calibrated and the results ing requirements for the lot, heat, or combination of heat recorded to meet the requirements of NCA-4258.2. The and batch of welding material used, provided the tests re- calibrations shall be performed using the frequency and quired by Article WD-4000 and this subarticle are made methods outlined in ASTM E23 and employing standard and the results conform to the requirements of this specimens obtained from the National Institute of Stan- Article. The following definitions apply: dards and Technology, or any supplier of subcontracted (a) dry batch of covering mixture : the quantity of dry calibration services accredited in accordance with the re- covering ingredients mixed at one time in one mixing ves- quirements of WA-3123 and NCA-4258.2(c). s e l ; a d r y b a tc h m a y b e u s e d s i n gl y o r m a y b e 221 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 subsequently subdivided into quantities to which the li- of mill coiled rod furnished by mills permitting spliced quid binders may be added to produce a number of wet coil practice of one splice maximum per coil. A chemical mixes [see (c)]. analysis need be taken from only one end of rod coils (b) dry blend: one or more dry batches mixed in a mix- furnished by mills prohibiting spliced coil practice. ing vessel and combined proportionately to produce a (2) Carbon, manganese, silicon, and other intention- uniformity of mixed ingredients equal to that obtained ally added elements shall be determined to identify the by mixing the same total amount of dry ingredients at material to ensure that it conforms to the SFA or user s ’ one time in one mixing vessel. material specification. (c) wet mix: the combination of a dry batch or dry blend (3) Each container of wire shall be coded for identifi- [(a) and (b), respectively] and liquid binder ingredients at cation and traceability to the lot, production period, shift, one time in one mixing vessel. line, and analysis of rod used to make the wire. (d) lot ofcovered, flux cored, or fabricated electrodes: the (g) dry blend of supplementary powdered filler metal: quantity of electrodes produced from the same combina- one or more mixes of material produced in a continuous tion of heat of metal and dry batch, dry blend, or chemi- period, not to exceed 24 hr and not to exceed 20,000 lb cal l y co n tro l l e d mi xe s o f fl u x o r co re m ate ri al s . (9 000 kg), from chemically controlled mixes of powdered Alternatively, a lot of covered, flux cored, or fabricated filler metal, provided each container of powdered metal is electrodes may be considered one type and size of elec- coded for identification and traceable to the production trode, produced in a continuous period, not to exceed period, the shift, and the mixing vessel. 24 hr and not to exceed 100,000 lb (45 000 kg), from (h) chemically controlled mix of powdered filler metal: chemically controlled tube, wire, or strip and a dry batch, powdered filler metal material that has been chemically a dry blend, or chemically controlled mixes of flux, pro- analyzed to ensure that it conforms to the percent allow- vided each container of welding materials is coded for able variation from the powdered filler metal manufac- identification and traceable to the production period, turer s standard, for each chemical element, for that ’ the shift, line, and the analysis range of both the mix type of powdered filler metal. A chemical analysis shall and the rod, tube, or strip used to make the electrodes. be made on each mix made in an individual mixing vessel (1 ) chemically controlled tube, wire, or strip : consum- after blending. The chemical analysis range of the supple- able tube, wire, or strip material supplied on coils with a mental powdered filler shall be the same as that of the maximum of one splice per coil that has been chemically welding electrode, and the ratio of powder to electrode analyzed to ensure that the material conforms to the elec- used to make the test coupon shall be the maximum per- trode manufacturer s chemical control limits for the spe- ’ mitted for production welding. cific type of electrode. Both ends of each coil shall be chemically analyzed, except those coils that are splice free WD-2430 WELD METAL TESTS need only be analyzed on one end of the coil. (2) chemically controlled mixes of flux: flux material WD-2431 Mechanical Properties Test that has been chemically analyzed to assure that it con- Tensile and impact tests shall be made, in accordance forms to the percent allowable variation from the elec- with this paragraph, of welding material used to join P- tro de manufacturer s s tandard fo r each chemical ’ Nos. 1, 3 through 7, 9, and 11 base materials in any com- element for that type electrode. A chemical analysis shall bination, with the following exceptions: be made on each mix made in an individual mixing vessel (a) austenitic stainless steel and nonferrous welding after blending. material used to join the listed P-Numbers. (e) heat of bare electrode, rod, wire, or consumable in- (b) consumable inserts (backing filler material). sert: the material produced from the same melt of metal. (c) welding material used for GTAW root deposits with (f) Alternatively, for carbon and low alloy steel bare a maximum of two layers. electrode, rod, wire, or consumable inserts for use with (d) welding material to be used for the welding of base SAW, OFW, GMAW, GTAW, and PAW, processes, a heat material exempted from impact testing by WD-2300 shall may be defined as either the material produced from likewise be exempted from the impact testing required by the same melt of metal, or the material produced from this paragraph. one type and size of wire when produced in a continuous period, not to exceed 24 hr and not to exceed 100,000 lb WD-2431.1 General Test Requirements. The welding (45 000 kg), from chemically controlled wire, subject to test coupon shall be made in accordance with (a) through the following requirements: (f) below using each process with which the weld materi- (1 ) For the chemical control of the product of the rod al will be used in production welding. mill, coils shall be limited to a maximum of one splice (a) Test coupons shall be of sufficient size and thick- prior to processing the wire. Chemical analysis shall be ness such that the test specimens required herein can made from a sample taken from both ends of each coil be removed. 222 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (b) The weld metal to be tested for all processes shall Requirements option. The limitations and testing under be deposited in such a manner as to eliminate substan- this Standard Test Requirements option shall be in accor- tially the influence of the base material on the results of dance with the following: the tests. The base material shall conform with the re- (a) Testing to the requirements of this subparagraph quirements of Section IX, QW-403 .1 or QW-403.4, as shall be limited to electrode classifications included in applicable. Specification SFA-5.1 or SFA-5.5. (c) The welding of the test coupon shall be performed (b) The test assembly required by SFA-5.1 or SFA-5.5, within the range of preheat and interpass temperatures as applicable, shall be used for test coupon preparation, that will be used in production welding. Coupons shall except that it shall be increased in size to obtain the num- be tested in the as-welded condition or they shall be ber of C v specimens and the drop weight test specimens tested in the applicable postweld heat treated condition required by WD-2330, where applicable. when the production welds are to be postweld heat treat- (c) The welding of the test coupon shall conform to the ed. The postweld heat treatment holding time shall be at requirements of the SFA Specification for the classifica- least 80% of the maximum time to be applied to the weld tion of electrode being tested. Coupons shall be tested metal in production application. The total time for post- in the as-welded condition and also in the postweld heat weld heat treatment of the test coupon may be applied treated condition. The postweld heat treatment (PWHT) in one heating cycle. Any postweld heat treatment time, te m p e ratu re s s h al l b e i n acco rd an ce wi th T ab l e which is anticipated to be applied to the material or item WD-4622.1-1 for the applicable P-Number equivalent. after it is completed, shall be specified in the Design Spec- The time at postweld heat treatment temperature shall ification. The Certificate Holder shall include this time in be 8 hr (this qualifies postweld heat treatments of 10 hr the total time at temperature specified to be applied to or less). Where the postweld heat treatment of the pro- the test specimens. The cooling rate from the postweld duction weld exceeds 10 hr or the PWHT temperature heat treatment temperature shall be of the same order is other than that required above, the general test of as that applicable to the weld metal in the component. WD-2431.1 shall be used. (d) The tensile specimens, and the C v impact specimens (d) The tensile and C v specimens shall be located and where required, shall be located and prepared in accor- p rep ared in acco rdance with the requirements o f dance with the requirements of SFA-5.1 or the applicable SFA-5.1 or SFA-5.5, as applicable. Drop weight impact test SFA Specification. Drop weight impact test specimens, specimens, where required, shall be located and oriented where required, shall be oriented so that the longitudinal as specified in WD-2431.1(d). axis is transverse to the weld with the notch in the weld (e) One all weld metal tensile specimen shall be tested face or in a plane parallel to the weld face. For impact spe- and shall meet the specified minimum tensile strength re- cimen preparation and testing, the applicable parts of quirement of the SFA Specification for the applicable elec- WD-2321.1 and WD-2321.2 shall apply. The longitudinal trode classification. axis of the specimen shall be at a minimum depth of 1/4t (f) The requirements of WD-2431.1(f) shall be applic- from a surface, where t is the thickness of the test weld. able to the impact testing of this option. (e) One all weld metal tensile specimen shall be tested and shall meet the specified minimum tensile strength re- WD-2432 Chemical Analysis Test quirements of the base material specification. When base Chemical analysis of filler metal or weld deposits shall materials of different specifications are to be welded, the be made in accordance with WD-2420 and as required by tensile strength requirements shall conform to the speci- the following subparagraphs. fied minimum tensile strength requirements of either of the base material specifications. WD-2432.1 Test Method. The chemical analysis test (f) Impact specimens of the weld metal shall be tested shall be performed in accordance with this subparagraph where impact tests are required for either of the base ma- and Table WD-2432.1-1, and the results shall conform to terials of the production weld. The weld metal shall con- WD-2432.2. (a) A-No. 8 welding material to be used with GTAW and form to the requirements of WD-2330 applicable to the base material. Where different requirements exist for PAW processes and any other welding material to be used the two base materials, the weld metal may conform to with any GTAW, PAW, or GMAW process shall have chem- either of the two requirements. ical analysis performed either on the filler metal or on a weld deposit made with the filler metal in accordance WD-2431.2 Standard Test Requirements. In lieu of with (c) or (d) below. the use of the General Test Requirements specified in (b) A-No. 8 welding material to be used with other than WD-2431.1, tensile and impact tests may be made in ac- the GTAW and PAW processes and other welding material cordance with this subparagraph where they are required to be used with other than the GTAW, PAW, or GMAW for mild and low alloy steel covered electrodes. The mate- process shall have chemical analysis performed on a weld rial combinations to require weld material testing, as deposit of the material or combination of materials being listed in WD-2431, shall apply for this Standard Test certified in accordance with (c) or (d) below. The removal 223 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 of chemical analysis samples shall be from an undiluted weld deposit made in accordance with (c) below. As an al- Table WD-2432.1-1 ternative, the deposit shall be made in accordance with Sampling of Welding Materials for Chemical (d) below for material that will be used for corrosion re- Analysis sistant overlay cladding. Where the Welding Procedure All Other Specification or the welding material specification speci- GTAW/PAW GMAW Processes fies percentage composition limits for analysis, it shall A‐ No. 8 filler metal Filler metal or Weld deposit Weld deposit state that the specified limits apply for either the filler weld deposit metal analysis or the undiluted weld deposit analysis or All other filler metal Filler metal or Filler metal Weld deposit for in situ cladding deposit analysis in conformance with weld deposit or weld deposit the above required certification testing. (c) The preparation of samples for chemical analysis of undiluted weld deposits shall comply with the method given in the applicable SFA Specification. Where a weld (b) The chemical composition of the weld metal or filler deposit method is not provided by the SFA Specification, metal shall conform to the welding material specification the sample shall be removed from a weld pad, groove, or for elements having specified percentage composition other test weld made using the welding process that will limits. Where the Welding Procedure Specification con- be followed when the welding material or combination of tains a modification of the composition limits of SFA or welding materials being certified is consumed. The meth- other referenced welding material specifications, or pro- ods given in the Appendix of SFA-5.9 shall be used to es- vides limits for additional elements, these composition tablish a welding and sampling method for the pad, limits of the Welding Procedure Specification shall apply groove, or other test weld to ensure that the weld deposit for acceptability. being sampled will be substantially free of base metal di- (c) The results of the chemical analysis shall be re- lution. The weld for A-No. 8 material to be used with the ported in accordance with NCA-3862.1. Elements listed GMAW process shall be made using the shielding gas com- in Table WD-2432.2-1 but not specified in the welding position specified in the Welding Procedure Specifica- material specification shall be reported for information ti o n s that wi l l b e fo l l o we d whe n the m ate ri al i s only. consumed. Where a chemical analysis is required for a welding material that does not have a Mechanical Proper- ties Test requirement, a chemical analysis test coupon WD-2433 Delta Ferrite Determination shall be prepared as required by WD-2431.1(c), except A determination of delta ferrite shall be performed on that heat treatment of the coupon is not required and A-No. 8 weld material (Section IX, Table QW-442) backing th e we l d co u p o n th i ckn e s s re q u i re m e n ts o f filler metal (consumable inserts); bare electrode, rod, or WD-2431.1(c) do not apply. wire filler metal; or weld metal, except that delta ferrite (d) The alternative method provided in (b) above for determinations are not required for SFA-5.4, Type 16- the preparation of samples for chemical analysis of weld- 8-2, or A-No. 8 weld filler metal to be used for weld metal ing material to be used for corrosion-resistant overlay cladding. cladding shall require a test weld made in accordance with the essential variables of the Welding Procedure WD-2433.1 Method. Delta ferrite determinations of Specification that will be followed when the welding ma- welding material, including consumable insert material, terial is consumed. The test weld shall be made in confor- shall be made using a magnetic measuring instrument mance with the requirements of Section IX, QW-214. The and weld deposits made in accordance with (b) below. Al- ternatively, the delta ferrite determinations for welding removal of chemical analysis samples shall conform with Table QW-453 for the minimum thickness for which the Welding Procedure Specification is qualified. Table WD-2432.2-1 WD-2432.2 Requirements for Chemical Analysis. Welding Material Chemical Analysis The chemical elements to be determined, the composition Materials Elements requirements of the weld metal, and the recording of re- Carbon and low alloy C, Cr, Mo, Ni, Mn, Si, P, S, V, Cu sults of the chemical analysis shall be in accordance with materials the following: Chromium and Cr‐ Ni C, Cr, Mo, Ni, Mn, Si, P, S, V, Cb + Ta, Ti, Cu (a) All welding material shall be analyzed for the ele- stainless material ments listed in Table WD-2432.2-1 and for other ele- Nickel and Ni‐ alloy C, Cr, Mo, Ni, Mn, Si, S, Cb + Ta, Cu, Fe, Co m e n ts s p e c i fi e d e i th e r i n th e we l d i n g m a te r i a l materials specification referenced by the Welding Procedure Speci- fication or in the Welding Procedure Specification. 224 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 materials may be performed by the use of chemical WD-2440 STORAG E AN D H AN DLI N G OF an al ys i s o f WD - 2 4 3 2 i n co nj un cti o n wi th Fi gure WELDI N G M ATERI AL WD-2433.1-1. (a) Calibration of magnetic instruments shall conform Suitable storage and handling of electrodes, flux, and to AWS A4.2. other welding material shall be maintained. Precautions (b) The weld deposit for magnetic delta ferrite determi- shall be taken to minimize absorption of moisture by nation shall be made in accordance with WD-2432.1(c). fluxes and cored, fabricated, and coated electrodes. (c) A minimum of six ferrite readings shall be taken on the surface of the weld deposit. The readings obtained shall be averaged to a single Ferrite Number (FN). W D - 24 3 3 . 2 The minimum Acce p tan ce S tan d ard s . WD-2 500 EXAM I N ATI ON AN D REPAI R OF acceptable delta ferrite shall be 5FN. The results of the I N TERN AL SU PPORT STRU CTU RE delta ferrite determination shall be included in the Certi- M ATERI AL fied Material Test Report of WD-2130 or WD-4120. WD-2 510 EXAM I N ATI ON OF I N TERN AL SU PPORT STRU CTU RE M ATERI AL Material for internal support structures shall be exam- ined by nondestructive methods applicable to the materi- al and product form as required by the rules of this subarticle. Fi g u re WD-2433 . 1-1 Weld Metal Delta Ferri te Con ten t 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 18 18 ) ( FN er mb 4 0 nu 16 16 8 te 12 rr i 2 Fe 16 6 Ni eq ? Ni ? 35 C ? 20 N ? 0.25 Cu 20 24 8 10 2 14 35 18 14 22 14 45 26 30 55 40 65 50 75 60 85 12 12 70 80 95 90 1 00 10 10 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Creq ? Cr ? Mo ? 0.7 Nb GENERAL NOTES: (a) The actual nitrogen content is preferred. If this is not available, the following applicable nitrogen value shall be used: (1 ) GMAW welds — 0.08%, except that when self-shielding flux-cored electrodes are used — 0.12% (2) Welds made using other processes — 0.06% (b) This diagram is identical to the WRC ‐ 1992 Diagram, except that the solidification mode lines have been removed for ease of use. 225 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WD-2 52 0 EXAM I N ATI ON AFTER QU EN CH I N G WD-2 538 Eli m i n ati on of Su rface Defects AN D TEM PERI N G Surface defects shall be removed by grinding or ma- Ferritic steel products that have their properties en- chining provided the following requirements are met: hanced by quenching and tempering shall be examined (a) The depression, after defect elimination, is blended by the methods specified in this subarticle for each pro- uniformly into the surrounding surface with not less than duct form after the quenching and tempering phase of a 3:1 taper. the heat treatment. (b) After defect elimination, the area is examined by the magnetic particle method in accordance with WD-2545 WD-2 530 EXAM I N ATI ON AN D REPAI R OF PLATE or the liquid penetrant method in accordance with WD-2 531 Req u i red Exam i n ati on WD-2546 to assure that the defect has been removed or All plates for internal support structures greater than reduced to an imperfection of an acceptable size. 3 (c) Areas ground to remove oxide scale or other me- /4 in. (19 mm) thickness shall be examined by the straight beam ultrasonic method in accordance with WD-2532.1. chanically caused impressions for appearance or to facil- itate proper ultrasonic testing need not be examined by WD-2 532 Exam i n ati on Proced u res the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant test method. (d) If the elimination of the defect reduces the thickness WD -2 532 . 1 The re- S t ra i g h t B e am E xa m i n at i o n . of the section below the minimum required to satisfy the quirements for straight beam examination shall be in ac- rules of Article WD-3000, the product shall be repaired in cordance with SA-578, Specification for Straight-Beam accordance with WD-2539. Ultrasonic Examination of Rolled Steel Plates for Special Applications, as shown in Section V, except that the extent WD-2 539 Repai r by Weld i n g of examination and the acceptance standards to be ap- plied are given in the following: Material from which defects have been removed may (a) Extent ofExamination . 100% of one major plate sur- be repaired by welding, provided the requirements of face shall be covered by moving the search unit in parallel the following subparagraphs are met. Prior approval of paths with not less than a 10% overlap. the Certificate Holder shall be obtained for any repair of (b) Acceptance Standards plates to be used in the manufacture of internal support (1 ) Any area where one or more imperfections pro- structures. duce a continuous total loss of back reflection accompa- WD -2 539. 1 The defect shall be re- Defect Rem oval. nied by continuous indications on the same plane that moved or reduced to an imperfection of an acceptable cannot be encompassed within a circle whose diameter size by suitable mechanical or thermal cutting or gouging is 3 in. (75 mm) or one-half of the plate thickness, which- methods and the cavity prepared for repair (WD-4211). ever is greater, is unacceptable. (2) In addition, two or more imperfections smaller WD-2 539 . 2 Q u ali fi cat i o n o f W e ld i n g P ro c e d u re s than described in (1) above shall be unacceptable unless The welding procedure and welders or an d W e ld e rs . separated by a minimum distance equal to the greatest welding operators shall be qualified in accordance with diameter of the largest imperfection, or unless they may WD-4300 and Section IX. be collectively encompassed by the circle described in WD-2539. 3 After repair, Blen d i n g of Repai red Areas. (1) above. the surface shall be blended uniformly into the surround- ing surface. WD-2 537 Ti m e of Exam i n ati on WD - 2 539 . 4 Each re- Exam i n ati on of Repai r We ld s. Acceptance examinations shall be performed at the pair weld shall be examined by the magnetic particle time of manufacture as required in the following: method (WD-2545) or by the liquid penetrant method (a) Ultrason ic exam in ation shall be performed after (WD-2546). In addition, when the depth of the repair cav- rolling to size and after heat treatment, except postweld ity exceeds the lesser of 3/8 in. (10 mm) or 10% of the sec- heat treatment. tion thickness, the repair weld shall be radiographed in (b) Radiographic examination of repair welds, when re- accordance with Article WD-5000 and to the acceptance quired, may be performed prior to any required postweld standards of WD-5320 or shall be ultrasonically examined heat treatment. after repair in accordance with WD-2532.1. (c) Magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination of repair welds in ferritic material shall be performed after WD- 2539. 5 The pro- H eat Treatm en t After Repai rs. final heat treatment, except that the examination may duct shall be heat treated after repair in accordance with be performed prior to postweld heat treatment of P-No. the heat treatment requirements of WD-4620. 1 material 2 in. (50 mm) and less nominal thickness. All WD- 2539. 6 M ateri al Report Descri bi n g Defects an d repair welds in austenitic and nonferrous material may Repai rs. Each defect repair exceeding in depth the lesser be liquid penetrant examined prior to any required post- of 3/8 in. (10 mm) or 10% of the section thickness and, in weld heat treatment. addition, all repair welds exceeding an accumulated area 226 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 of 20% of the area of the part or 15 in. 2 (9 700 mm 2 ), Complete loss of back reflection is assumed when the whichever is less, shall be described in the Certified Mate- back reflection falls below 5% of full calibration screen rial Test Report. The Certified Material Test Report for height. each piece shall include a chart that shows the location (b) Angle Beam Rule. A forging shall be unacceptable if and size of the prepared cavity, the welding material iden- the results of angle beam examinations show one or more tification, the welding procedure, the heat treatment, and reflectors that produce indications exceeding in ampli- the examination results, including radiographs. tude the indication from the appropriate calibration notches. WD-2 540 EXAM I N ATI ON AN D REPAI R OF FORG I N G S AN D BARS WD-2 545 M ag n eti c Parti cle Exam i n ati on WD-2 541 Req u i red Exam i n ati on s WD - 2545. 1 The procedure Exam i n ati on Proced u re. (a) Forgings and bars except as noted in WD-2551(a) for magnetic particle examination shall be in accordance shall be examined by the ultrasonic method in accordance with the methods of Section V, Article 7. with WD-2542, except that forgings or sections of forg- ings that have coarse grains or configurations that do WD- 2545. 2 Evalu ati on of I n d i cati on s. not yield meaningful examination results by ultrasonic (a) Mechanical discontinuities at the surface are re- methods shall be examined by radiographic methods in vealed by the retention of the examination medium. All in- accordance with Section V, Article 2, and the acceptance dications are not necessarily defects, however, since standards of WD-5320. In addition, selected surfaces, as certain metallurgical discontinuities and magnetic perme- designated by the Certificate Holder, shall be liquid pene- ability variations may produce similar indications that are trant examined in accordance with WD-2546 or magnetic not relevant. particle examined in accordance with WD-2545. (b) Any indication in excess of the WD-2545.3 accep- (b) Forged flanges and fittings, such as elbows, tees, tance standards that is believed to be nonrelevant shall and couplings, shall be examined in accordance with the be reexamined by the same or other nondestructive ex- requirements of WD-2550. amination methods to verify whether or not actual de- (c) Bar material used for bolting shall be examined in fects are present. Surface conditioning may precede the accordance with WD-2580. reexamination. Nonrelevant indications that would mask defects are unacceptable. WD-2 542 U ltrason i c Exam i n ati on (c) Relevant indications are indications that result from All forgings in imperfections. Linear indications are indications in which the length is more than three times the width. Rounded WD - 2 5 42 . 1 Exam i n ati on Proced u re. the rough forged or finished condition, and bars, shall indications are indications that are circular or elliptical be examined in accordance with one of the following spe- cifications: SA-745, Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Ex- with the length equal to or less than three times the amination of Austenitic Steel Forgings; or SA-3 88, width. Recommended Practice for Ultrasonic Testing and Inspec- WD- 2545. 3 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s. tion of Heavy Steel Forgings, as shown in Section V, Article (a) Only imperfections producing indications with ma- 23. Contact, immersion, or water column coupling is per- jor dimensions greater than 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) shall be con- missible. The following techniques are required, as sidered relevant imperfections. applicable: (b) Imperfections producing the following relevant in- (a) All forgings and bars shall be examined by the ultra- dications are unacceptable: sonic method using the straight beam technique. 1 (1 ) any linear indicatio ns greater than /1 6 in. (b) Ring forgings and other hollow forgings shall, in ad- 5 (1.5 mm) long for material less than /8 in. (16 mm) thick, dition, be examined using the angle beam technique in greater than 1/8 in. (3 mm) long for material from 5/8 in. two circumferential directions, unless wall thickness or (16 mm) thick to under 2 in. (50 mm) thick, and 3/16 in. geometric configuration makes angle beam examination (5 mm) long for material 2 in. (50 mm) thick and greater impractical. (2) rounded indications with dimensions greater (c) Forgings may be examined by the use of alternative than 1/8 in. (3 mm) for thicknesses less than 5/8 in. ultrasonic methods that utilize distance amplitude correc- (16 mm) and greater than 3/16 in. (5 mm) for thicknesses tions provided the acceptance standards are shown to be 5 /8 in. (16 mm) and greater equivalent to those listed in WD-2542.2. (3) four or more relevant indications in a line sepa- WD- 2542. 2 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s. rated by 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) or less edge to edge 2 (a) Straight Beam General Rule.A forging shall be unac- (4) ten or more relevant indications in any 6 in. 2 ceptable if the results of straight beam examinations (4 000 mm ) of area whose major dimension is no more show one or more reflectors that produce indications ac- than 6 in. (150 mm) with the dimensions taken in the companied by a complete loss of back reflection not asso- most unfavorable location relative to the indications ciated with or attributable to geometric configurations. being evaluated 227 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WD-2 546 Li q u i d Pen etran t Exam i n ati on WD-2 548 Eli m i n ati on of Su rface Defects WD - 2 546. 1 The procedure Exam i n ati on Proced u re. Elimination of surface defects shall be made in accor- for liquid penetrant examination shall be in accordance dance with WD-2538. with the methods of Section V, Article 6. WD-2 549 Repai r by Weld i n g WD-2546. 2 Evalu ati on of I n d i cati on s. (a) Mechanical discontinuities at the surface are re- Rep air b y weldi ng s hall b e i n acco rdan ce wi th vealed by bleeding out of the penetrant; however, local- WD-2539, except that: ized surface discontinuities such as may occur from (a) the depth of repair that is permitted is not limited, machining marks or surface conditions may produce sim- and ilar indications that are not relevant. (b) for ferritic steel forgings, the completed repair may (b) Any indication in excess of the WD-2546.3 accep- be examined by the ultrasonic methods in accordance tance standards that is believed to be nonrelevant shall with the requirements of WD-2542 in lieu of radiography. be reexamined to verify whether or not actual defects are present. Surface conditioning may precede the reex- WD-2 550 EXAM I N ATI ON AN D REPAI R OF amination. Nonrelevant indications and broad areas of SEAM LESS AN D WELDED TU BU LAR pigmentation that would mask defects are unacceptable. PRODU CTS AN D FI TTI N G S (c) Relevant indications are indications that result from imperfections. Linear indications are indications in which WD-2 551 Req u i red Exam i n ati on the length is more than three times the width. Rounded (a) The examination performed shall be practical and indications are indications that are circular or elliptical yield meaningful pertinent information for the product with the length equal to or less than three times the form being examined. Certain examination methods are width. ineffective for some material conditions and product con- WD-2546. 3 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s. figuration. Some examples are: (a) Only imperfections producing indications with ma- (1 ) it may not be practical or meaningful to examine jor dimensions greater than 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) shall be con- irregular shapes such as welding flanges and fittings by sidered relevant imperfections. ultrasonic methods (b) Imperfections producing the following relevant in- (2) ultrasonic examination employing special techni- dications are unacceptable: ques is required on coarse-grained austenitic stainless (1 ) any linear indicatio ns greater than 1/1 6 in. steel or coarse-grained, nickel-base alloy materials (1.5 mm) long for material less than 5/8 in. (16 mm) thick, (b) Welded tubular products, including flanges and fit- greater than 1/8 in. (3 mm) long for material from 5/8 in. tings, made from plate material greater than 3/4 in. (19 (16 mm) thick to under 2 in. (50 mm) thick, and 3/16 in. mm) in thickness shall be ultrasonically or radio- (5 mm) long for materials 2 in. (50 mm) thick and greater graphically examined in accordance with WD-2552 or (2) rounded indications with dimensions greater WD-2553. than 1/8 in. (3 mm) for thicknesses less than 5/8 in. (c) All welds in welded tubular products, including (16 mm) and greater than 3/16 in. (5 mm) for thicknesses flanges and fittings, shall be ultrasonically or radiographi- 5 /8 in. (16 mm) and greater cal l y e xam i n e d i n acco rd an ce wi th WD - 2 5 5 2 o r (3) four or more relevant indications in a line sepa- WD-2553. In addition, all welds shall be magnetic particle rated by 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) or less edge to edge or liquid penetrant examined on all accessible surfaces in (4) ten or more relevant indications in any 6 in. 2 accordance with WD-2555 or WD-2556. (4 000 mm 2 ) of area whose major dimension is no more (d) Wrought seamless tubular products, including than 6 in. (150 mm) with the dimensions taken in the flanges and fittings machined from forgings and bars, most unfavorable location relative to the indications greater than 3/8 in. (10 mm) thickness, shall be ultrasoni- being evaluated cally or radiographically examined in accordance with WD-2552 or WD-2553. WD-2 547 Ti m e of Exam i n ati on Acceptance examinations, including those for repair WD-2 552 U ltrason i c Exam i n ati on welds, shall be performed at the time of manufacture as WD - 2552. 1 The procedure Exam i n ati on Proced u re. required in the following: for ultrasonic examination shall provide a sensitivity that (a) Ultrasonic examination may be performed at any will consistently detect defects that produce indications time after forging, and the maximum practical volume equal to and greater than the indication produced by shall be examined after final heat treatment, excluding standard defects included in the reference specimen spe- postweld heat treatment. cified in WD-2552.2. Products with defects that produce (b) Radiographic examination of repair welds, if re- indications in excess of the indications produced by the quired, may be performed prior to any required postweld standard defects in the reference specimens are unaccep- heat treatment. table unless the defects are eliminated or repaired in 228 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 accordance with WD-2558 or WD-2559, as applicable. Ex- WD-2 558 Eli m i n ati on of Su rface Defects aminations shall be performed in two opposite circumfer- Surface defects shall be removed by grinding or ma- ential directions using the angle beam technique. chining provided the following requirements are met: WD- 2552. 2 Referen ce Speci m en s. (a) The depression, after defect elimination, is blended (a) The reference specimen shall be of the same nom- uniformly into the surrounding surface. inal diameter and thickness and of the same nominal com- (b) After defect elimination, the area is reexamined by position and heat treated condition as the product that is the method that originally disclosed the defect to assure being examined. The standard defects shall be axial that the defect has been removed or reduced to an imper- notches or grooves on the outside and the inside surfaces fection of acceptable size. of the reference specimen and shall have a length of ap- (c) If the elimination of the defect reduces the thickness proximately 1 in. (25 mm) or less, a width not to exceed of the section below the minimum required to satisfy the 1 /16 in. (1.5 mm), and a depth not greater than the larger rules of Article WD-3000, the product shall be repaired in of 0.004 in. (0.10 mm) or 5% of the nominal wall thick- accordance with WD-2559. ness. The reference specimen may be the product being examined. WD-2 559 Repai r by Weld i n g (b) The reference specimen shall be long enough to Repair welding of base material defects shall be in ac- simulate the handling of the product being examined cordance with WD-2539. Repair welding of seam defects through the examination equipment. When more than shall be made in accordance with WD-4450. one standard defect is placed in a reference specimen, the defects shall be located so that indications from each WD-2 580 EXAM I N ATI ON OF BO LTI N G defect are separate and distinct without mutual interfer- WD-2 581 Req u i red Exam i n ati on s ence or amplification. Bolting shall be visually examined in accordance with WD-2552. 3 Ch ecki n g an d Cali brati on of Eq u i pm en t. WD-2582. In addition, externally threaded bolting 3/8 in. The proper functioning of the examination equipment (1 0 mm) and greater and nuts greater than 1 in. shall be checked and the equipment shall be calibrated (25 mm) shall be examined by either the magnetic parti- by the use of the reference specimens, as a minimum: cle or liquid penetrant method in accordance with (a) at the beginning of each production run of a given WD-2583. In addition, nominal sizes greater than 1/2 in. size and thickness of a given material. (13 mm) but not over 4 in. (100 mm) shall be examined (b) after each 4 hr or less during the production run. by ultrasonic methods in accordance with WD-2584, (c) at the end of the production run. and nominal sizes greater than 4 in. (100 mm) shall be ex- (d) at any time that malfunctioning is suspected. amined by ultrasonic methods in accordance with both WD-2584 and WD-2585. If during any check it is determined that the testing equip- ment is not functioning properly, all of the product that WD-2 582 Vi su al Exam i n ati on has been tested since the last valid equipment calibration The final surfaces of threads, shanks, and heads shall be shall be reexamined. visually examined for workmanship, finish and appear- ance in accordance with the requirements of ASTM WD-2 553 Rad i og raph i c Exam i n ati on F788 for bolting material and ASTM F812 for nuts. The vi- The radiographic examination shall be performed in ac- sual examination personnel shall be trained and qualified cordance with Section V, Article 2 , as modified by in accordance with the Material Organization s Quality ’ WD - 5 1 1 1 , u s i n g the accep tan ce requi reme n ts o f System Program or the Certificate Holder s Quality Assur- ’ WD-5320. ance Program. These examinations are not required to be performed either in accordance with procedures qualified to WD-5100 or by personnel qualified in accordance with WD-5500. WD-2 555 M ag n eti c Parti cle Exam i n ati on The magnetic particle examination shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of WD-2545. WD-2 583 M ag n eti c Parti cle or Li q u i d Pen etran t Exam i n ati on WD-2 556 Li q u i d Pen etran t Exam i n ati on Externally threaded bolting 3/8 in. (10 mm) and greater The liquid penetrant examination shall be performed in and nuts greater than 1 in. (25 mm) shall be examined by accordance with the requirements of WD-2546. a magnetic particle method (WD-2545) or a liquid pene- trant method (WD-2546). Such examination shall be per- formed on the finished bolting after threading and prior WD-2 557 Ti m e of Exam i n ati on to plating or other surface protection type treatments. Time of acceptance examination, including that of re- On threaded surfaces, no relevant indications are per- pair welds, shall be in accordance with WD-2537. m i tte d . Re l e va n t i n d i c a ti o n s i n c l u d e a n y l i n e a r 229 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 indications or rounded indications greater than 1/16 in. WD - 2 5 8 5 . 3 Calibration Cali b rati o n o f E q u i p m e n t. (1.5 mm). Indications, caused by a particular manufactur- shall be established on a test bar of the same nominal ing method, that may appear to be relevant, such as the composition and diameter as the production part and a crest of rolled threads or root of cut threads, may be minimum of one-half of the length. A 3/8 in. (10 mm) dia- shown to be nonrelevant and acceptable by prior process meter × 3 in. (75 mm) deep flat bottom hole shall be qualification or destructive metallographic examination. drilled in one end of the bar and plugged to full depth. On all other accessible surfaces, no linear indications or A distance amplitude correction curve shall be estab- – rounded indications greater than 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) are per- lished by scanning from both ends of the test bar. mitted, except that linear axial indications less than one diameter or 1 in. (25 mm) in length are permitted. WD-2585 . 4 Any imperfec- Acce p tan ce Stan d ard s. tion that causes an indication in excess of 50% of that pro- WD-2 584 U ltrason i c Exam i n ati on for Si zes duced by the calibration hole in the reference specimen, G reater Th an 1 /2 i n . (13 m m ) as corrected by the distance amplitude correction curve, – 1 All bolting greater than /2 in. (13 mm) nominal bolt size is not acceptable. shall be ultrasonically examined over the entire cylindri- cal surface prior to threading, in accordance with the re- quirements of the following subparagraphs. WD-2 586 Eli m i n ati on of Su rface Defects WD-2584. 1 Examination shall be U ltrason i c Meth od . Surface defects may be eliminated by grinding or ma- carried out by the straight beam, radial scan method. chining, provided the final dimension of the affected por- tion meets the requirements of the design and the area is WD - 2 5 8 4 . 2 Examination E xam i n ati o n Pro ce d u re . reexamined by the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant shall be performed at a nominal frequency of 2.25 MHz method in accordance with WD-2583. unless variables such as production material grain struc- ture necessitate the use of a 1 MHz frequency in order to assure adequate penetration, with a search unit not to ex- ceed 1 in. 2 (650 mm 2 ) area. WD-2600 M ATERI AL ORG AN I ZATI ON S ’ WD - 2 5 8 4. 3 Calibration Cali b rati o n o f E q u i p m e n t. QU ALI TY SYSTEM PROG RAM S sensitivity shall be established by adjustment of the in- strument so that the first back reflection is 75% to 90% WD-26 10 DOCU M EN TATI ON AN D of full-screen height. M AI N TEN AN CE OF QU ALI TY SYSTEM PROG RAM S WD - 2 5 84. 4 Any imperfec- Accep tan ce Stan d ard s . tion that causes an indication in excess of 20% of the (a) Except as provided in (b) below, Material Organiza- height of the first back reflection or any imperfection that tions shall have a Quality System Program that meets the prevents the production of a first back reflection of 50% requirements of WA-3800. of the calibration amplitude is not acceptable. (b) The requirements of NCA-3862 shall be met as re- qu i re d b y WD - 2 1 3 0 . T h e o th e r re q u i re m e n ts o f WD-2 585 U ltrason i c Exam i n ati on for Si zes O ver WA-3800 need not be used by Material Organizations 4 i n . (100 m m ) for small products, as defined in (c), and for material that In addition to the requirements of WD-2584, all bolting is allowed by this Subsection to be furnished with a Cer- over 4 in. (100 mm) shall be ultrasonically examined over tificate of Compliance. For these products, the Certificate the entire surface of each end before or after threading in Holder s Quality Assurance Program (Article WA-4000) ’ accordance with the requirements of the following shall include measures to provide assurance that the ma- subparagraphs. terial is furnished in accordance with the material speci- Examination shall be fication and with the applicable special requirements of this Subsection. WD-2585. 1 U ltrason i c M eth od . carried out by the straight beam, longitudinal mode scan method. (c) For the purpose of this paragraph, small products are defined as given in the following: WD - 2 5 85 . 2 Examination E xam i n ati o n P ro ce d u re . (1 ) pipe, tube (except heat exchanger tube), pipe fit- shall be performed at a nominal frequency of 2.25 MHz unless variables such as production material grain struc- tings, and flanges 2 in. nominal pipe size (DN 50) and less ture necessitate the use of a 1 MHz frequency in order to (2) bolting material, including studs, nuts, and bolts assure adequate penetration with a search unit having a of 1 in. (25 mm) nominal diameter and less circular cross section with a diameter not less than (3) bars with a nominal cross-sectional area of 1 in. 2 1 /2 in. (13 mm) nor more than 1 1/8 in. (29 mm). (650 mm 2 ) and less 230 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WD-3000 DESI G N WD-3100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS FOR (a) All temperatures referred to in this Subsection are DESI G N the metal temperatures expressed in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) (degrees Celsius, °C). (b) Where an internal support structure is heated by in- WD-3110 LOADI N G CRI TERI A WD-3111 Load i n g Con d i ti on s ternal heat generation, the effect of such heating shall be The loadings that shall be taken into account in design- incorporated into the establishment of the Design ing internal support structures identified in the Design Temperature. Specification include, but are not limited to, those in (a) WD-3112. 2 Desi g n M ech an i cal Load s. The specified through (f) below: Design Mechanical Loads shall be those identified in the (a) weight of the internal support structure including Design Specification (WA-3351) and designated as the the contents it is supporting; D e s i g n M e c h a n i c a l L o a d s i n a c c o r d a n c e w i th (b) superimposed static loads and reactions induced by WA-2123.1(c). the supported system components; WD-3112. 3 Materials Desi g n Stress I n ten si ty Valu es. (c) impact loads, either internal or external, that may shall not be used at temperatures that exceed the tem- be caused by drop events, non-mechanistic tip-over, mis- perature limit established in the applicable stress tables. sile impact, design-basis aircraft crash, earthquake- The stress values in the tables may be interpolated for in- induced impact, or other dynamic events; termediate temperatures. (d) loads due to temperature effects, which may be (a) Whe n th e p ro ce du re s o f de s i gn b y an al ys i s caused by thermal gradients or differential expansion, (WD-3220 and WD-3240) are employed, the applicable or both; design stress intensity values S m at temperature listed (e) cyclical loads such as transportation, shock, earth- in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2B shall quake, thermal, and vibration loads; be used. Only those materials in Tables 2A and 2B whose (f) interface loads between the internal support struc- P-numbers are listed in Table WD-4622.1-1 shall be used. ture and the containment. (b) When the procedures of linear elastic analysis for Each loading to which the structure may be subjected bolting (WD-3230) are employed, the allowable stress shall be classified in accordance with WA-2123 and the values shall be the applicable ultimate tensile strength Design and Service Limits (WA-2123.4) designated in S u at temperature (Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table the Design Specification in such detail as to provide a U) as modified by the design factors given in WD-3234. complete basis for design in accordance with these rules. Stresses in bolts shall not exceed the yield strength S y Test Co nditio ns , Test Loadings and Test Limits o f (Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table Y-1) of the material WA-2120 are not applicable to internal support struc- at temperature. tures. Design Pressure and other operating pressure load- (c) When the procedures of WD-3300 are employed, ings are not applicable to internal support structures. As the allowable stress values shall be the applicable yield such, internal support structures shall not be designed or strength values S y at temperature listed in Section II, Part be capable of providing a pressure boundary. Internal D, Subpart 1, Table Y-1 as modified by the design factors support structures with enclosed cavities shall be given in NF-3322. vented/drained to prevent entrapment of fluids. (d) In no case shall the metal temperature exceed the material specific maximum temperatures noted in WD-3113(d). WD-3112 Desi g n Load i n g s The Design Loadings applicable to the design of inter- WD-3113 Operati n g Con d i ti on s nal support structures are as defined in the following (a) Internal support structures (WA-1110) are subject subparagraphs. to o p e r a ti n g c o n d i ti o n s , re s u l ti n g i n D e s i gn WD - 3 1 1 2 . 1 The Design Tem- D e si g n Te m p e ratu re . (WA-2123.1) and operating loadings (WA-2123.2) that p erature s hall b e es tab lis hed in acco rdance wi th are required to be considered in the design in order to sa- WA-2123.1(b). tisfy applicable safety criteria. 231 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (b) The selection of operating conditions is beyond the WD- 3122. 2 Secon d ary an d Peak Stresses.In satisfy- scope of this Division. The Design Specification shall spe- ing WD-3200, the presence of the cladding shall be con- cify those conditions using appropriate guidance from sidered with respect to both the thermal analysis and safety criteria documents and the requirements of regula- the stress analysis. The stresses in both materials shall tory and enforcement authorities having jurisdiction. be limited to the values specified in WD-3200. However, (c) The actual metal temperature at the point under when the cladding is of the integrally bonded type and consideration (or a more conservative temperature that the nominal thickness of the cladding is 10% or less of yields conservative structural responses) shall be used the total thickness of the structure, the presence of the in all computations for the applicable operating condi- cladding may be neglected. tions and shall be determined using accepted heat trans- fer procedures or by measurement from equipment in WD-3122.3 Beari n g Stresses.I n s a ti s fyi n g service under system-equivalent operating conditions. WD-3227.1, the presence of cladding shall be included. (d) In no case shall the metal temperature exceed the material specific maximum temperatures noted below. WD-3 12 3 Desi g n s U si n g Di ssi m i lar M etals Material Tm a x , °F (°C) In satisfying the requirements of this Subsection, cau- Low alloy steel 700 (370) tion should be exercised in design and construction invol- Martensitic stainless steel 700 (370) vi ng di s s imi lar m etals having differe nt chemi cal Carbon steel 700 (370) compositions, mechanical properties and coefficients of Austenitic stainless steel 800 (425) thermal expansion in order to avoid difficulties in service. Nickel – chromium – iron 800 (425) Nickel – copper 800 (425) WD-3 124 En vi ron m en tal Effects Changes in material properties may occur due to envi- ronmental effects such as thermal degradation. If speci- WD-3 114 Stress Li m i ts fied in the Design Specification, these effects shall be Stress limits associated with operating conditions are considered in the design. specified in WD-3200 and WD-3300. WD-3 12 5 Cri ti cali ty Con trol WD-3 12 0 SPECI AL CON SI DERATI ON S WD-3 12 1 Corrosi on Maintaining the geometric configuration of the internal support structure (i.e., relative physical location of the Material subject to thinning by corrosion, mechanical contents) may be a key design provision of the internal abrasion, or other environmental effects shall have provi- support structure in order to ensure criticality control. sion made for these effects during the design or specified When criticality control is required, an upper bound cal- life of the structure by a suitable increase in or addition to culation shall be performed to assure a conservative esti- the thickness of the base metal over that determined by mate of permanent deformation is established. This the design formulas. Material added or included for these analysis may not be the same analysis that is performed purposes need not be of the same thickness for all areas of to calculate stresses in WD-3200 and WD-3300. Accept- the structure if different rates of attack are expected for ab le defo rmatio ns s hall b e defined b y the D es ign the various areas. It should be noted that the tests on Specification. which the design fatigue curves (Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix I) are based did not include tests in the presence of corrosive environments that might ac- WD-3 130 G EN ERAL DESI G N RU LES celerate fatigue failure. WD-3 131 Desi g n Reports WD-3 12 2 Clad d i n g The N3 Certificate Holder shall prepare a Design Report showing compliance with this Subsection and the require- The rules of this paragraph apply to the design of clad ments of WA-3350. plate- and shell-type structures constructed of material permitted in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2B. Cladding is material metallurgically bonded to the WD-3 132 Di m en si on al Stan d ard s for Stan d ard base metal for the specific purpose of acting as a barrier Prod u cts to environmental attack, without structural function. No Dimensions of standard products shall comply with the structural strength shall be attributed to the cladding. standards and specifications listed in Table WA-7100-1 Any significant loads induced by the cladding shall be con- when the standard or specification is referenced in this sidered in the design of the structure. Subsection. However, compliance with these standards WD-3122. 1 No structural strength Pri m ary Stresses. does not replace or eliminate the requirements for stress shall be attributed to the cladding in satisfying WD-3200. analysis. 232 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WD-3200 DESI G N RU LES FOR PLATE- AN D and the algebraically smallest principal stress at a given SH ELL-TYPE I N TERN AL SU PPORT point. Tensile stresses are considered positive and com- STRU CTU RES pressive stresses are considered negative. WD-32 10 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS WD-3213. 2 Normal stress is the com- N orm al Stress. ponent of stress normal to the plane of reference. This is Plate- and shell-type internal support structures are also referred to as direct stress. Usually the distribution of fabricated from plate and shell elements and are normally normal stress is not uniform through the thickness of a subjected to a biaxial stress field. The design procedures part, so this stress is considered to have two components, shall ensure that deformation criteria are satisfied as re- one uniformly distributed and equal to the average stress quired in WD-1110(b). The design procedures recognized across the thickness under consideration, and the other for the plate and shell elements are: varying from this average value across the thickness. (a) Design by analysis based on maximum shear stress theory using elastic analyses with the rules of WD-3220 WD-3213. 3 Sh ear Stress.Shear stress is the compo- (for Design, Level A and C); nent of stress tangent to the plane of reference. (b) Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix F, WD - 3 2 1 3 . 4 Membrane stress is M e m b ran e Stre ss . Table F-1200-1 for plate and shell-type supports (for Lev- the component of normal stress that is uniformly distrib- el D). uted and equal to the average stress across the thickness of the section under consideration. WD-32 11 Req u i rem en ts for Acceptabi li ty WD- 32 13. 5 Bending stress is the B e n d i n g S tre s s . The requirements for the acceptability of a design by component of normal stress that varies across the thick- analysis are those set forth in (a) through (d) below. In ness. The variation may or may not be linear. addition, when control of the geometric configuration WD - 32 13 . 6 Primary stress is any P ri m ary S t re s s . [WD-1110(b) and WD-3125] of the contents is required, normal stress or shear stress developed by an imposed the deformation limits prescribed by the Design Specifica- loading that is necessary to satisfy the laws of equilibrium tion shall be met. of external and internal forces and moments. The basic (a) The design shall be such that stress intensities will characteristic of a primary stress is that it is not self- not exceed the limits of WD-3200. limiting. Primary stresses that considerably exceed the (b) The design shall conform to the rules given in yield strength will result in failure or, at least, in gross dis- WD-3100. tortion. Primary membrane stress is divided into general (c) For configurations where compressive stresses oc- and local categories. A general primary membrane stress cur, in addition to the requirements in (a) and (b) above, is one that is so distributed in the structure that no redis- the critical buckling stress shall be calculated; see tribution of load occurs as a result of yielding. Examples WD-3229. of primary stress are (d) Protection against nonductile fracture shall be pro- (a) general membrane stress in a circular cylindrical vided. An acceptable procedure for nonductile failure pre- shell or a spherical shell due to pressure, inertial, or dis- vention is given in Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory tributed loads Appendix G. (b) bending stress in the central portion of a flat head due to pressure or inertial loads. WD-32 12 Basi s for Determ i n i n g Stresses Refer to Table WD-3217-1 for examples of primary The theory of failure used in the rules of this subarticle stress. for combining stresses is the maximum shear stress the- WD - 3213. 7 Secon d ary Stress.Secondary stress is a ory. The maximum shear stress at a point is equal to one- normal stress or a shear stress developed by the con- half the difference between the algebraically largest and straint of adjacent material or by self-constraint of the the algebraically smallest of the three principal stresses structure. The basic characteristic of a secondary stress at the point. is that it is self-limiting. Local yielding and minor distor- tions can satisfy the conditions that cause the stress to oc- WD-32 13 Term s Relati n g to Stress An alysi s cur and failure from one application of the stress is not to Terms used in this Subsection relating to stress analy- be expected. Examples of secondary stress are sis are defined in the following subparagraphs. The fol- (a) general thermal stress [WD-3213.12(a)]; lowing stress terms discuss a variety of applied loads in (b) bending stress at a gross structural discontinuity. order to achieve understanding and clarity but not all of Refer to Table WD-3217-1 for examples of secondary these loads are applicable to internal support structures. stress. WD - 32 13 . 1 Stress intensity is de- Stress I n te n si ty. 8 WD - 32 13 . 8 Local Pri m ary M em bran e Stress. Cases fined as twice the maximum shear stress, which is the dif- arise in which a membrane stress produced by pressure ference between the algebraically largest principal stress or other mechanical loading and associated with a 233 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 discontinuity would, if not limited, produce excessive dis- assuming the size and shape that it normally would under tortion in the transfer of load to other portions of the a change in temperature. For the purpose of establishing structure. Conservatism requires that such a stress be allowable stresses, two types of thermal stress are recog- classified as a local primary membrane stress even nized, depending on the volume or area in which distor- though it has some characteristics of a secondary stress. tion takes place, as described in (a) and (b) below. A stressed region may be considered local if the dis- (a) General thermal stress is associated with distortion tance over which the membrane stress intensity exceeds of the structure in which it occurs. If a stress of this type, 1.1 S m does not extend in the meridional direction more neglecting stress concentrations, exceeds twice the yield than , where R is the minimum midsurface radius strength of the material, the elastic analysis may be inva- of curvature and t is the minimum thickness in the region lid and successive thermal cycles may produce incremen- considered. Regions of local primary stress intensity in- tal dis to rtio n. Therefo re this typ e is clas s ified as volving axisymmetric membrane stress distributions that secondary stress in Table WD-3217-1. Examples of gener- exceed 1.1 S m shall not be closer in the meridional direc- al thermal stresses are tion than , where R L is defined as (R 1 + R 2 )/2 (1) stress produced by an axial temperature distribu- tion in a cylindrical shell; and t L is defined as ( t 1 + t 2 )/2 (where t 1 and t 2 are (2) stress produced by the temperature difference the minimum thicknesses at each of the regions consid- between a nozzle and the shell to which it is attached; ered, and R 1 and R 2 are the minimum midsurface radii (3) the equivalent linear stress 9 produced by the ra- of curvature at these regions where the membrane stress dial temperature distribution in a cylindrical shell. intensity exceeds 1.1 S m ). Discrete regions of local pri- (b) Local thermal stress is associated with almost com- mary membrane stress intensity, such as those resulting plete suppression of the differential expansion and from concentrated loads acting on brackets or flat plates, thus produces no significant distortion. Such stresses where the membrane stress intensity exceeds 1.1 S m , shall shall be considered only from the fatigue standpoint be spaced so that there is no overlapping of the areas in and are therefore classified as peak stresses in Table which the membrane stress intensity exceeds 1.1 S m . WD-3217-1. Examples of local thermal stress are: WD-3213.9 Peak Stress. Peak stress is that incre- (1) the stress in a small hot spot in a wall; ment of stress that is additive to the primary plus second- (2) the difference between the actual stress and the ary stresses by reason of local discontinuities or local equivalent linear stress resulting from a radial tempera- thermal stress [WD-3213.12(b)], or localized application ture distribution in a cylindrical shell; of dynamic load including the effects, if any, of stress con- (3) the thermal stress in a cladding material that has centrations. The basic characteristic of a peak stress is a coefficient of expansion different from that of the base that it does not cause any noticeable distortion and is ob- metal. jectionable only as a possible source of a fatigue crack or a WD-3213.13 Gross Structural Discontinuity. Gross brittle fracture. A stress that is not highly localized falls structural discontinuity is a geometric or material discon- into this category if it is of a type that cannot cause notice- tinuity that affects the stress or strain distribution able distortion. Examples of peak stress are through the entire wall thickness. Gross discontinuity- (a) the thermal stress in the austenitic steel cladding of type stresses are those portions of the actual stress distri- a carbon steel part; butions that produce net bending and membrane force re- (b) certain thermal stresses that may cause fatigue but sultants when integrated through the wall thickness. not distortion; Examples of a gross structural discontinuity are head-to- (c) the stress at a local structural discontinuity; shell junctions, flange-to-shell junctions, nozzles, and (d) surface stresses produced by thermal shock. j unctions between shells of different diameters or Refer to Table WD-3217-1 for examples of peak stress. thicknesses. WD-3213.10 Total Stress. Total stress is the sum of WD-3213.14 Local Structural Discontinuity. Local the primary, secondary, and peak stress contributions. structural discontinuity is a geometric or material discon- Recognition of each of the individual contributions is es- tinuity that affects the stress or strain distribution sential to establishment of appropriate stress limitations. through a fractional part of the wall thickness. The stress WD-3213.11 Load Controlled Stress. Load controlled distribution associated with a local discontinuity causes stress is the stress resulting from application of a loading, only very localized deformation or strain and has no sig- such as internal pressure, inertial loads, or gravity, whose nificant effect on the shell-type discontinuity deforma- magnitude is not reduced as a result of displacement. tions. Examples are small fillet radii, small attachments, WD-3213.12 Thermal Stress. Thermal stress is a self- and partial penetration welds. balancing stress produced by a nonuniform distribution WD-3213.15 Limit Analysis — Collapse Load. The of temperature or by differing thermal coefficients of ex- methods of limit analysis are used to compute the maxi- pansion. Thermal stress is developed in a solid body mum load or combination of loads a structure made of whenever a volume o f material is prevented from ideally plastic (nonstrain-hardening) material can carry. 234 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 The deformations of an ideally plastic structure increase WD-32 14 Stress An alysi s without bound at this load, which is termed the collapse A detailed stress analysis of the internal support struc- load. Among the methods used in limit analysis is a tech- ture shall be prepared in sufficient detail to show that nique that assumes elastic, perfectly plastic, material be- each of the stress limitations of WD-3220, WD-323 0, havior and a constant level of moment or force in those and WD-3240 are satisfied when the internal support redundant structural elements in which membrane yield, structure is subjected to the loadings of WD-3110. plastic hinge, or critical buckling load has been reached. Any increase in load must be accompanied by a stable pri- mary structure until a failure mechanism defined by the WD-32 15 Deri vati on of Stress I n ten si ti es lower bound theorem of limit analysis is reached in the One requirement for the acceptability of a design primary structure. (WD-3210) is that the calculated stress intensities shall WD- 3213. 16 Collapse Load — If, for a Lower Bou n d . not exceed specified allowable limits. These limits differ depending on the stress category (primary, secondary, given load, any system of stresses can be found that everywhere satisfies equilibrium and nowhere exceeds etc.) from which the stress intensity is derived. This para- the material yield strength, the load is at or below the col- graph describes the procedure for the calculation of the lapse load. This is the lower bound theorem of limit anal- stress intensities that are subject to the specified limits. ysis that permits calculations of a lower bound to the The steps in the procedure are stipulated in (a) through collapse load. (e) below. (a) At the point on the structure that is being investi- WD - 32 13 . 17 Critical buckling oc- Cri ti cal Bu ckli n g . gated, choose an orthogonal set of coordinates, such as curs when an internal support structure is loaded to a tangential, longitudinal, and radial, and designate them state at which an infinitesimal additional load or distur- by the subscripts t , l , and r . The stress components in bance causes the internal support structure to change these directions are then designated σ t , σ l , and σ r for from an equilibrium condition to one of instability. normal stresses and τ l t , τ l r , and τ r t for shear stresses. WD- 3213. 18 Operational cycle is Operati on al Cycle. (b) Calculate the stress components for each type of defined as the initiation and establishment of new condi- loading to which the part will be subjected and assign tions followed by a return to the conditions that prevailed each set of stress values to one or a group of the following at the beginning of the cycle. The types of operating con- categories [see Table WD-3217-1 and Figure WD-3222 – 1, ditions that may occur are further defined in WD-3113. Note (4)]: (1 ) g e n e r a l p r i m a r y m e m b r a n e s t r e s s P m WD- 3213. 19 Stress Cycle.Stress cycle is a condition (WD-3213.4 and WD-3213.6) in which the alternating stress difference goes from an in- (2) local primary membrane stress P L (WD-3213.8) itial value through an algebraic maximum value to an al- (3) primary bending stress P b ( WD-3 2 1 3 .5 and gebraic minimum value and then returns to the initial value. A single operational cycle may result in one or WD-3213.6) more stress cycles. Dynamic effects shall also be consid- (4) secondary stress Q (WD-3213.7) ered as stress cycles. (5) peak stress F (WD-3213.9) (c) For each category, calculate the algebraic sum of the WD- 3213. 20 Fa- Fatig u e Stren g th Red u cti on Factor. values of σ t , which result from the different types of load- tigue strength reduction factor is a stress concentration ings, and similarly for the other five stress components. factor that accounts for the effect of a local structural dis- Certain combinations of the categories must also be continuity (stress concentration) on the fatigue strength. considered. In the absence of experimental data, the theoretical stress (d) Translate the stress components for the t , l , and r concentration factor may be used. directions into principal stresses σ 1 , σ 2 , and σ 3 . In many WD -3213. 2 1 Deformation of a compo- Deform ati on . structure calculations, the t , l , and r directions may be so nent is an alteration of its shape or size. chosen that the shear stress components are zero and σ 1 , σ 2 , and σ 3 are identical to σ t , σ l , and σ r . WD- 32 13. 22 Ratcheting is a progressive Ratch eti n g . (e) Calculate the stress differences S 1 2 , S 2 3 , and S 3 1 incremental inelastic deformation or strain that can occur from the relations in a component that is subjected to variations of mechan- ical stress, thermal stress, or both. WD -32 13 . 2 3 Sh aked o wn .Shakedown of a structure occurs if, after a few cycles of load application, ratcheting ceases. The subsequent structural response is elastic, or elastic – plastic, and progressive incremental inelastic de- formation is absent. Elastic shakedown is the case in which the subsequent response is elastic. 235 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 The stress intensity S is the largest absolute value of S 1 2 , be necessary to try different points in time to find the one S 2 3 , and S 3 1 . that results in the largest value of alternating stress NOTE: Membrane stress intensity is derived from the stress compo- intensity. nents averaged across the thickness of the section. The averaging (c) Subtract each of the six stress components σ t i , σ l i , shall be performed at the component level in (b) or (c) above. etc., from the corresponding stress components σ t , σ l , etc., at each point in time during the cycle and call the re- WD-32 16 Deri vati on of Stress Di fferen ces an d sulting components σ ′t , σ ′ l , etc. Altern ati n g Stress I n ten si ti es (d) At each point in time during the cycle, calculate the If the specified operation of the internal support struc- principal stresses σ ′ 1 , σ ′ 2 , σ ′ 3 derived from the six stress ture does not meet the conditions of WD-3222.5(d), the components σ ′ t , σ ′ l , etc. Note that the directions of the ability of the structure to withstand the specified cyclic principal stresses may change during the cycle but each operation without fatigue failure shall be determined as principal stress retains its identity as it rotates. (e) Determine the stress differences S ′ 1 2 = σ ′ 1 − σ ′ 2 , provided in WD-3222.5(e). The determination shall be S ′ 2 3 = σ ′ 2 − σ ′ 3 , S ′ 3 1 = σ ′ 3 − σ ′ 1 versus time for the made on the basis of the stresses at a point throughout the structure, and the allowable stress cycles shall be ade- complete cycle and find the largest absolute magnitude quate for the specified service at every point. Only the of any stress difference at any time. The alternating stress stress differences due to cyclic operating loadings as spe- intensity S a l t is one ‐ half of this magnitude. cified in the Design Specifications need be considered. WD-32 17 Classi fi cati on of Stress WD-3216. 1 Con stan t Prin ci pal Stress Di recti on . For Table WD-3217-1 provides assistance in the determi- any case in which the directions of the principal stresses nation of the category to which a stress should be at the point being considered do not change during the cy- assigned. cle, the steps stipulated in (a) through (c) shall be taken to determine the alternating stress intensity. WD-32 2 0 DESI G N BY AN ALYSI S REQU I REM EN TS (a) Principal Stresses. Consider the values of the three FOR PLATE- AN D SH ELL-TYPE principal stresses at the point versus time for the com- I N TERN AL SU PPORT STRU CTU RE plete stress cycle, taking into account both the gross M EM BERS and local structural discontinuities and the thermal ef- fects that vary during the cycle. These are designated as Plate- and shell-type internal support structures shall σ 1 , σ 2 , and σ 3 for later identification. satisfy the stress intensity limits in WD-3220 and the ac- (b) Stress Differences. Determine the stress differences ceptable deformation limits set forth in the Design Speci- S 1 2 = σ 1 − σ 2 ; S 2 3 = σ 2 − σ 3 ; S 3 1 = σ 3 − σ 1 versus time fication to ensure criticality control. for the complete cycle. In what follows, the symbol S i j is (a) To satisfy stress intensity limits, an elastic analysis u s e d to re p re s e n t an y o n e o f th e s e th re e s tre s s shall be performed except as permitted by WD-3225. differences. (b) To satisfy deformation limits in those cases where (c) Alternating Stress Intensity. Determine the extremes stresses exceed S y at temperature, an analysis that max- of the range through which each stress difference S i j fluc- imizes deformations as discussed in WD-3125 shall be tuates and find the absolute magnitude of this range for performed. each S i j . Call this magnitude S r i j and let S a l t i j = 0.5 S r i j . The alternating stress intensity S a l t is the largest of the WD-32 2 1 Desi g n Li m i ts S a l t i j values. The stress intensity limits that shall be satisfied for the WD - 32 16 . 2 Varyi n g Pri n ci pal Stress D i re cti on . For Design Loadings (WD-3112) stated in the Design Specifi- any case in which the directions of the principal stresses cation are the three limits of this paragraph and the spe- at the point being considered do change during the stress cial stress limits of WD-3227. The design stress intensity cycle, it is necessary to use the more general procedure of values S m at the Design Temperature are described in (a) through (e) below. WD - 3 1 1 2 . 3 . The limits are s ummarized by Figure (a) Consider the values of the six stress components σ t , WD-3221-1. σ l , σ r , τ l t , τ l r , τ r t versus time for the complete stress cy- WD - 3 2 2 1. 1 G e n e ral Pri m ary M e m b ran e Stre ss I n - cle, taking into account both the gross and local structural This stress intensity (derived from P m in Figure ten si ty. discontinuities and the thermal effects that vary during WD-3221-1) is derived from the average value across the cycle. the thickness of a section of the general primary stresses (b) Choose a point in time when the conditions are one (WD-3213.6) produced by specified Design Mechanical of the extremes for the cycle (either maximum or mini- Loads, but excluding all secondary and peak stresses. mum, algebraically) and identify the stress components Averaging is to be applied to the stress components prior at this time by the subscript i . In most cases it will be pos- to determination of the stress intensity values. The allow- sible to choose at least one time during the cycle when the able value of the stress intensity is S m at the Design conditions are known to be extreme. In some cases it may Temperature. 236 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WD-32 17- 1 Classi fi cati on of Stress I n ten si ti es for Som e Typi cal Cases Internal Support Structure Location Origin of Stress Type of Stress Classification Any Plate or shell remote from Axial thermal gradient Membrane Q discontinuities Bending Q Any section across entire External load or moment General membrane averaged across full section. Pm plate or shell Stress component perpendicular to cross section. External load or moment Bending across full section. Stress component P m or P b perpendicular to cross section. [Note (1)] Near opening or discontinuity External load or moment Local membrane PL Bending Q Peak (fillet or corner) F Any Differential expansion Membrane Q Bending Q Thermal gradient through Stress due to equivalent bending portion Q [Note (3)] plate or shell thickness Stress due to nonlinear portion F [Note (2)] Any Stress concentration (notch effect) F NOTES: (1) Use P m for those geometries where there is not a stress reversal through the thickness of the portion of the full section under con- sideration. Otherwise, use P b for those geometries where there is a stress reversal through the thickness of the portion of the full section under consideration. (2) Consider the possibility of thermal stress ratchet. (3) Equivalent linear stress is defined as the linear stress distribution that has the same net force and net bending moment as the actual stress distribution. WD -32 21 . 2 Local Pri m ary M em bran e Stress I n ten - respective ratios of the individual loads in the specified This stress intensity (derived from P L in Figure s i ty. design load set. The value of α shall not exceed the value WD-3221-1) is derived from the average value across calculated for bending only (P m = 0). In no case shall the the thickness of a section of the local primary stresses value of α exceed 1.5. The propensity for buckling of the (WD-3213.8) produced by Design Mechanical Loads, but part of the section that is in compression shall be investi- excluding all secondary and peak stresses. Averaging is gated. The α factor is not permitted for Level D Service to be applied to the stress components prior to determi- Limits when inelastic component analysis is used as per- nation of the stress intensity values. The allowable value mitted in Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appen- of the stress intensity is 1.5 S m . dix F, F-1340. WD - 32 2 1. 3 Pri m ary M e m b ran e (G e n e ral o r Lo cal) This stress inten- Plu s Pri m ary Ben d i n g Stress I n ten si ty. WD-32 22 Level A Servi ce Li m i ts sity [derived from (P m or P L ) + P b in Figure WD-3221-1] The Level A Service Limits shall be satisfied for the nor- is derived from the highest value across the thickness of a mal loadings for which these limits are designated in the section of the general or local primary membrane stresses Design Specification and are the limits of this paragraph plus primary bending stresses produced by specified De- and WD-3227. The design stress intensity values S m at sign Mechanical Loads, but excluding all secondary and the coincident normal operating temperature are de- peak stresses. For solid rectangular sections, the allow- scribed in WD-3112.3. The limits are summarized by able value of this stress intensity is 1.5 S m . For other than Figure WD-3222-1. solid rectangular sections, a value of α times the limit es- tablished in WD-3221.1 may be used, where the factor α WD - 3 2 2 2 . 1 G e n e ral Pri m ary M e m b ran e Stre ss I n - is defined as the ratio of the load set producing a fully This stress intensity (derived from P m in Figure ten si ty. plastic section to the load set producing initial yielding WD-3222-1) is derived from the average value across in the extreme fibers of the section. In the evaluation of the thickness of a section of the general primary stresses the initial yield and fully plastic section capacities, the ra- (WD-3213.6) produced by the specified mechanical loads tios of each individual load in the respective load set to associated with normal loadings, but excluding all sec- each other load in that load set shall be the same as the ondary and peak stresses. Averaging is to be applied to 237 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Fi g u re WD-32 21-1 Stress Categ ori es an d Li m i ts of Stress I n ten si ti es for Desi g n Load i n g s Primary [Notes (1) and (2)] Stress Category General Membrane Local Membrane Bending Average primary stress across Average stress across any solid Component of primary stress Description (for solid section. Excludes section. Considers proportional to distance from examples, see Table discontinuities and discontinuities but not centroid of solid section. Excludes WD-321 7-1 ) concentrations. concentrations. effects of discontinuities and concentrations. Symbol Pm PL Pb Combination of Pm PL (Pm or PL) + Pb stress components and allowable limits of stress intensities. Sm 1 .5 Sm 1 .5Sm [Note (3)] Legend: ○ = Allowable value □ = Calculated Value NOTES: (1) The symbols P m , P L , and P b do not represent single quantities, but rather sets of six quantities representing the six stress components σ t , σ l , σ r , τ l t , τ l r , and τ r t . (2) For configurations where compressive stresses occur, the stress limits shall take into account critical buckling stresses [WD-3229]. (3) Values shown are for a solid rectangular section. See WD-3221.3 for other than a solid rectangular section. the stress components prior to determination of the developed from the specified mechanical loads associated stress intensity values. The allowable value of the stress with normal loadings. For solid rectangular sections, the intensity is S m . allowable value of this stress intensity is 1.5 S m . For other WD - 3222 . 2 Local Pri m ary M em bran e Stress I n ten - than solid rectangular sections, a value of α times the limit This stress intensity (derived from P L in Figure s i t y. established in WD-3222.1 may be used, where the factor WD-3222-1) is derived from the average value across α is defined as the ratio of the load set producing a fully the thickness of a section of the local primary stresses plastic section to the load set producing initial yielding (WD-3213.8) produced by the specified mechanical loads in the extreme fibers of the section. In the evaluation of associated with normal loadings, but excluding all sec- the initial yield and fully plastic section capacities, the ra- ondary and peak stresses. Averaging is to be applied to tios of each individual load in the respective load set to the stress components prior to determination of the each other load in that load set shall be the same as the stress intensity values. The allowable value of the stress respective ratios of the individual loads in the specified intensity is 1.5 S m . design load set. The value of α shall not exceed the value WD - 32 2 2 . 3 Pri m ary M em b ran e (G en eral or Lo cal) calculated for bending only (P m = 0). In no case shall the The combined Plu s P ri m ary B en d i n g Stress I n te n si ty. value of α exceed 1.5. The propensity for buckling of the stresses due to primary membrane and bending stresses part of the section that is in compression shall be investi- [derived from (P m or P L ) + P b in Figure WD-3222-1] are gated (see WD-3229). 238 Fi g u re WD- 32 2 2- 1 Stress Categ ori es an d Li m its of Stress I n ten si ti es for N orm al Load i n g s Primary Secondary Peak Stress Category [Notes (1), (2) and (3)] [Notes (1) and (4)] [Notes (1) and (4)] General Membrane Local Membrane Bending Membrane Plus Bending Increment added to primary or Component of primary Self-equilibrating stress secondary stress by a Average primary stress Average stress across stress proportional to necessary to satisfy concentration (notch). Description (for examples, across solid section. any solid section. distance from centroid of continuity of structure see Table WD-321 7-1 ). Excludes discontinuities Considers discontinuities solid section. Excludes discontinuities. Excludes Certain thermal stresses that and concentrations. but not concentrations. effects of discontinuities may cause fatigue but not and concentrations. local stress concentrations. distortion. Symbol Pm PL Pb Q F Combination of stress components and allowable Pm PL (Pm or PL) + Pb (Pm or PL) + Pb + Q (Pm or PL) + Pb + Q + F limits of stress intensities ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Level A 1 .5S m 1 .5S m Service Limits Sm 3 Sm Sa Elastic Elastic Elastic Elastic Elastic–Plastic 239 [Note (5)] [Note (5)] [Notes (5) and (6)] [Note (7)] Fatigue [Notes (8) and (9)] Legend: ○ = Allowable value □ = Calculated Value NOTES: (1) The symbols P m , P L , P b , Q and F do not represent single quantities, but rather sets of six quantities representing the six stress components σ t , σ l , σ r , τ l t , τ l r and τ rt . (2) For configurations where compressive stresses occur, the stress limits shall be reviewed to take into account critical buckling stresses [WD-3229]. (3) When loads are transiently applied, consideration should be given to the use of dynamic load amplification. (4) The stresses in Category Q are those parts of the total stress that are produced by thermal gradients, structural discontinuities, etc., and do not include primary stresses that may also exist at the same point. It should be noted, however, that a detailed stress analysis frequently gives the combination of primary and secondary stresses directly and, when appropriate, this calcu- lated value represents the total of P m + P L + P b + Q and not Q alone. Similarly, if the stress in Category F is produced by a stress concentration, the quantity F is the additional stress produced by the stress concentration, over and above the nominal stress. For example, if a plate has a nominal stress intensity, P m = S , P b = 0, Q = 0, and a notch with a stress concentration K is introduced, then F = P m (K − 1) and the peak stress intensity equals P m + P m (K − 1) = K P m . (5) The triaxial stresses represent the algebraic sum of the three primary principal stresses (σ 1 + σ 2 + σ 3 ) for the combination of stress components. Where uniform tension loading is present, triaxial stresses are limited to 4S m . See WD-3227.4. (6) Values shown are for a solid rectangular section. See WD-3222.3 for other than a solid rectangular section. (7) This limitation applies to the range of stress intensity. When the secondary stress is due to a temperature excursion at the point at which the stresses are being analyzed, the value of S m shall be taken as the average of the S m values tabulated in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2B for the highest and the lowest temperature of the metal during the transient. When part or all of the secondary stress is due to mechanical load, the value of S m shall be taken as the S m value for the highest temperature of the metal during the transient. (8) S a is obtained from the fatigue curves, Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix I. The allowable value of the stress intensity for the full range of fluctuation is 2 S a . (9) Values of S a l t , calculated on an elastic basis, shall not exceed the S a value associated with 10 cycles when using the fatigue curves of Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix I. ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WD - 3 2 2 2 . 4 Pri m ary Plu s Se co n d ary Stre ss I n te n - curves of Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix I. si ty.This stress intensity [derived from (P m or P L ) + P b These curves show the allowable amplitude S a of the al- + Q in Figure WD-3222-1] is derived from the highest val- ternating stress intensity component (one-half of the al- ue at any point across the thickness of a section of the ternating stress intensity range) plotted against the general or local primary membrane stresses, plus primary number of cycles. This stress intensity amplitude is calcu- bending stresses, plus secondary stresses, produced by lated on the assumption of elastic behavior and, hence, the specified mechanical loads and by general thermal ef- has the dimensions of stress, but it does not represent a fects associated with normal loadings. The effects of gross real stress when the elastic range is exceeded. The fatigue structural discontinuities but not of local structural dis- curves in Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix I continuities (stress concentrations) shall be included. are obtained from uniaxial strain cycling data in which NOTE: The concept of stress differences discussed in WD-3216 is es- the imposed strains have been multiplied by the elastic sential to determination of the maximum range, since algebraic signs modulus and a design margin has been provided so as must be retained in the computation. Note that this limitation on to make the calculated stress intensity amplitude and range is applicable to the entire history of normal loadings, not just to the stresses resulting from each individual transient. the allowable value of the stress intensity amplitude di- rectly comparable. Where necessary, the curves have The allowable value for the maximum range of this been adjusted to include the maximum effects of mean stress intensity is 3 S m [Figure WD-3222-1, Note (6)], ex- stress, which is the condition where the stress fluctuates cept for certain cyclic events that may exceed the 3 S m about a mean value that is different from zero. As a con- limit. For this exception, in lieu of meeting the 3 S m limit, sequence of this procedure, it is essential that the require- an elastic – plastic fatigue analysis in accordance with ments o f WD -3 2 2 2 .4 be satisfied at all times with WD-3228 may be performed to demonstrate that the cu- transient stresses included, and that the calculated value mulative fatigue usage attributable to the combination of of the alternating stress intensity be proportional to the these low cycle events plus all other cyclic events does not actual strain amplitude. To evaluate the effect of alternat- exceed a value of 1.0 when calculated in accordance with ing stresses of varying amplitudes, a linear damage rela- WD-3222.5. tion is assumed in (e)(5) below. WD-3222. 5 An alysi s for Cyclic Operati on . (d) Structures Not Requiring Analysis for Cyclic Opera- (a) Suitability for Cyclic Operation . The suitability of an tion . An analysis for cyclic operation is not required, internal support structure for specified operating load- and it may be assumed that the limits on peak stress in- ings involving cyclic application of loads and thermal con- tensities, as governed by fatigue, have been satisfied for ditions shall be determined by the methods described a structure by compliance with the applicable require- herein, except that the suitability of high strength bolts ments for material, design, fabrication, and examination shall be determined by the methods of WD-3235 and of this Subsection, provided the specified normal loadings the possibility of thermal stress ratcheting shall be inves- of the structure, or portion thereof, meets all the condi- tigated in accordance with WD-3222.6. If the specified tions stipulated in (1) through (4) below. normal loadings of the structure meet all of the conditions (1 ) Temperature Difference – Loading and Unloading of (d) below, no analysis for cyclic operation is required, of Con ten ts. The temperature difference in °F (°C) be- and it may be assumed that the limits on peak stress in- tensities, as governed by fatigue, have been satisfied by tween any two adj acent po ints 1 0 do es no t exceed S a /(2 E α ), where S a is the value obtained from the applic- compliance with the applicable requirements for materi- al, design, fabrication, and examination of this Subsection. able design fatigue curves of Section III Appendices, Man- If the normal loadings do not meet all the conditions of datory Appendix I for the specified number of load and (d) below, a fatigue analysis shall be made in accordance unload cycles, α is the value of the instantaneous coeffi- with (e) below or a fatigue test shall be made in accor- cient of thermal expansion at the mean value of the tem- dance with Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix peratures at the two points as given by Section II, Part D, II, II-1500. Subpart 2, Table TE, and E is taken from Section II, Part D, (b) Peak Stress Intensity. This stress intensity is derived Subpart 2, Table TM at the mean value of the tempera- from the highest value at any point across the thickness of tures at the two points. a section of the combination of all primary, secondary, (2) Temperature Difference – Normal Conditions. The and peak stresses produced by specified mechanical temperature difference in °F (°C) between any two adja- loads, and by general and local thermal effects associated cent points 1 0 does not change (the algebraic range of with normal conditions and including the effects of gross the difference shall be used) during normal conditions and local structural discontinuities. by more than the quantity S a /(2 E α ), where S a is the val- (c) Conditions and Procedures. The conditions and pro- ue obtained from the applicable design fatigue curve of cedures of WD-3222.5 are based on a comparison of peak Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix I for the total stresses with strain cycling fatigue data. The strain cycling specified number of significant temperature difference fatigue data are represented by design fatigue strength fluctuations. A temperature difference fluctuation shall 240 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 be considered to be significant if its total algebraic range (e) Procedure for Analysis for Cyclic Loading . If the spe- exceeds the quantity S /(2 E α ) where S is defined as cified normal loadings for the structure do not meet the follows: conditions of (d) above, the ability of the internal support (-a) If the total specified number of cycles is 10 6 structure to withstand the specified cyclic operation with- cycles or less, S is the value of S a obtained from the ap- out fatigue failure shall be determined as provided herein. plicable design fatigue curve for 10 6 cycles. The determination shall be made on the basis of the stres- (-b) If the total specified number of cycles exceeds ses at a point and the allowable stress cycles shall be ade- 10 6 cycles, S is the value of S a obtained from the applic- quate for the specified normal loadings at every point. able design fatigue curve for the maximum number of cy- Only the stress differences due to cycles as specified in cles defined on the curve. the Design Specification need be considered. Compliance (3) Temperature Difference – Dissimilar Materials. For with these requirements means only that the structure internal support structures fabricated from materials of is suitable from the standpoint of possible fatigue failure; differing moduli of elasticity or coefficients of thermal ex- complete suitability for the specified normal loadings is pansion, or both, the total algebraic range of temperature also dependent on meeting the general stress limits of fluctuation in °F (°C) experienced by the structure during WD-3 2 2 2 and any applicable special stress limits of normal conditions does not exceed the magnitude S a /2 WD-3227 and WD-3229. (E 1 α 1 – E 2 α 2 ), where S a is the value obtained from the (1 ) Stress Differences. For each normal condition, de- applicable design fatigue curve of Section III Appendices, termine the stress differences and the alternating stress Mandatory Appendix I for the total specified number of intensity S a in accordance with WD-3216. significant temperature fluctuations, E 1 and E 2 are the (2) Local Structural Discon tin uities . These effects moduli of elasticity, and α 1 and α 2 are the values of the shall be evaluated for all normal conditions using stress instantaneous coefficients of thermal expansion at the concentration factors determined from theoretical, ex- mean temperature value involved for the two materials perimental, or photoelastic studies, or numerical stress of construction (Section II, Part D, Subpart 2, Tables TE analysis techniques. Experimentally determined fatigue and TM). A temperature fluctuation shall be considered strength reduction factors may be used when stated here- to be significant if its total excursion exceeds the quantity in or when determined in accordance with the procedures S /2(E 1 α 1 – E 2 α 2 ), where S is defined as follows: of Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix II, II-1600. (-a) If the total specified number of cycles is 10 6 Except for the case of crack-like defects, no fatigue cycles or less, S is the value of S a obtained from the ap- strength reduction factor greater than five need be used. plicable design fatigue curve for 10 6 cycles. (3) Design Fatigue Curves . Section III Appendices, (-b) If the total specified number of cycles exceeds Mandatory Appendix I contain the applicable fatigue de- 10 6 cycles, S is the value of S a obtained from the applic- sign curves for the materials permitted by this Subsec- able design fatigue curve for the maximum number of cy- tion. When more than one curve is presented for a cles defined on the curve. If the two materials used have given material, the applicability of each curve to material different applicable design fatigue curves, the lower value of various strength levels is identified. Linear interpola- of S a shall be used in applying the rules of this paragraph. tion may be used for intermediate strength levels of these (4) Mechanical Loads. The specified full range of me- materials. As used herein, the strength level is the speci- chanical loads does not result in load stresses whose fied minimum room temperature value. range exceeds the S a value obtained from the applicable (4) E ffe c t o f E l a s t i c M o d u l u s . M u l ti p l y S a l t design fatigue curve of Section III Appendices, Mandatory (WD-3216.1 or WD-3216.2) by the ratio of the modulus Appendix I for the total specified number of significant of elasticity given on the design fatigue curve to the value load fluctuations. If the total specified number of signifi- of the modulus of elasticity used in the analysis. Enter the cant load fluctuations exceeds the maximum number of applicable design fatigue curve of Section III Appendices, cycles defined on the applicable design fatigue curve, Mandatory Appendix I at this value on the ordinate axis the S a value corresponding to the maximum number of and find the corresponding number of cycles on the ab- cycles defined on the curve may be used. A load fluctua- scissa. If the operating cycle being considered is the only tion shall be considered to be significant if the total excur- one that produces significant fluctuating stresses, this is sion of load stress exceeds the quantity of S , where S is the allowable number of cycles defined as follows: (5) Cum ulative Dam age . If there are two or more (-a) If the total specified number of cycles is 10 6 types of stress cycle that produce significant stresses, cycles or less, S is the value of S a obtained from the ap- their cumulative effect shall be evaluated as stipulated plicable design fatigue curve for 10 6 cycles. in Steps 1 through 6 below. (-b) If the total specified number of cycles exceeds Step 1 . Designate the specified number of times each 10 6 cycles, S is the value of S a obtained from the applic- type of stress cycle of Types 1, 2, 3, etc., will be repeated able design fatigue curve for the maximum number of cy- during the life of the structure as n 1 , n 2 , n 3 , … , n n , cles defined on the curve. respectively. 241 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 NOTE: In determining n 1 , n 2 , n 3 , … , n n , consideration shall be given NOTE: For both x and y ′ , it is permissible to use 1.5 S m whenever it is to the superposition of cycles of various origins that produce a total greater than S y . stress difference range greater than the stress difference ranges of (1 ) Case 1 : linear variation of temperature through the individual cycles. For example, if one type of stress cycle pro- duces 1,000 cycles of a stress difference variation from zero to the wall +60,000 psi and another type of stress cycle produces 10,000 cycles y′ = 1/x for 0 < x < 0.5 of a stress difference variation from zero to − 50,000 psi, the two types of cycles to be considered are defined by the following y′ = 4(1 − x ) for 0.5 < x < 1.0 parameters: (2) Case 2 : parabolic, constantly increasing or con- stantly decreasing, variation of temperature through the wall y′ = 5.2(1 − x ) for 0.615 ≤ x < 1.0 and, approximately, for x < 0.615 as follows: y′ = 4.65 , 3 .5 5 , and 2 .7 0 , for x = 0 .3 , 0 .4, and 0 .5 , respectively. (b) Use of yield strength S y in the above relations in- stead of the proportional limit allows a small amount of Step 2 . For each type of stress cycle, determine the al- growth during each cycle until strain hardening raises ternating stress intensity S a l t by the procedures of the proportional limit to S y . If the yield strength of the WD-3216.1 or WD-3216.2 above. Call these quantities material is higher than two times the S a value for the Sa l t 1 , S a l t 2 , Sa l t 3 , …, S a l t n . maximum number of cycles on the applicable fatigue curve of Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix I Step 3 . For each value S a l t 1 , S a l t 2 , S a l t 3 , … , S a l t n , use for the material, the latter value shall be used if there is the applicable design fatigue curve (Section III Appen- to be a large number of cycles because strain softening dices, Mandatory Appendix I) to determine the maximum may occur. number of repetitions that would be allowable if this type (c) Similar methodology shall be used for mechanical- of cycle were the only one acting. Call these values N 1 , N 2 , applied ratcheting loads specified in the Design Specifica- N3 , …, N n . tion. The Design Specification may prescribe specific Step 4. For each type of stress cycle, calculate the usage methodology. factors U 1 , U 2 , U 3 , … , U n , from U 1 = n 1 /N 1 , U 2 = n 2 /N 2 , Any deformation U 3 = n 3 /N 3 , … , U n = n n /N n . WD- 32 2 2 . 7 D e fo rm ati o n L i m i ts . limits prescribed by the Design Specification shall be sa- Step 5. Calculate the cumulative usage factor U from tisfied. See WD-3125. U = U1 + U2 + U3 + … + Un . Step 6. The cumulative usage factor U shall not exceed WD-32 24 Level C Servi ce Li m i ts 1.0. The Level C Service Limits shall be satisfied for off- normal loadings for which they are designated by the De- WD - 32 2 2 . 6 It should be noted S tre s s Ratch e ti n g . s ign S p ecificatio n and are s ummarized b y Figure that under certain combinations of steady-state and cyclic WD-3224-1. Dynamic instability shall be considered in loadings, there is a possibility of large distortions devel- meeting the load, stress, and deformation limits. oping as the result of ratchet action; that is, the deforma- tion increases by a nearly equal amount for each cycle. WD-3224. 1 The per- Pri m ary Stress I n ten si ty Li m i ts. Ratcheting can occur in a structure that is subjected to missible values for Level C Service Limits shall be taken as variations of mechanical stress, thermal stress, or both. 150% of the values given in WD-3221. See WD-3221.3 Examples of this phenomenon are treated in this subpar- when evaluating other than solid rectangular sections. agraph and in WD-3227.3. WD - 32 24. 2 The permissible Sp eci al Stre ss Li m i ts. (a) The limiting value of the maximum cyclic thermal values for special stress limits shall be taken as 150% stress permitted in a portion of an axisymmetric shell of the values given in WD-3227. The requirements of or plate with steady-state loading in order to prevent cyc- WD-3227.2(c) and WD-3227.3 need not be satisfied. lic progressive distortion is determined as follows. Let WD - 3 2 24 . 3 Any deformation D e fo rm ati o n L i m i ts . y′ = maximum allowable range of thermal stress com- limits prescribed by the Design Specification shall be sa- puted on an elastic basis divided by the yield tisfied. See WD-3125. strength S y taken at the average temperature of the transient under consideration WD-32 2 5 Level D Servi ce Li m i ts x = maximum general membrane stress divided by the If the Design Specification specifies any accident load- yield strength S y taken at the average temperature ings for which Level D Service Limits are designated of the transient under consideration [ WA-2 1 2 3 .4(b) ] , the rules contained in Section I II 242 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Fi g u re WD-3 224-1 Stress Categ ori es an d Li m i ts of Stress I n ten si ti es for Off-N orm al Load i n g s Stress Category Primary [Notes (1), (2), and (3)] General Membrane Local Membrane Bending Average primary stress across Average stress across any solid Component of primary stress Description (for solid section. Excludes proportional to distance from examples, see discontinuities and section. Considers discontinuities centroid of solid section. Excludes Table WD-321 7-1 ). concentrations. but not concentrations. effects of discontinuities and concentrations. Symbol Pm PL Pb Combination of Pm PL (Pm or PL) + Pb stress components and allowable limits of stress intensities. Elastic Elastic Elastic [Note 4] 1 .5Sm 2.25 Sm 2.25 Sm Level C Service Limits Legend: ○ = Allowable value □ = Calculated Value NOTES: (1) The symbols P m , P L , P b do not represent single quantities, but rather sets of six quantities representing the six stress components σ t , σ l , σ r , τ l t , τ l r and τ r t . (2) For configurations where compressive stresses occur, the stress limits shall be revised to take into account critical buckling stresses (WD-3229). (3) When loads are dynamically applied, consideration should be given to the use of dynamic load amplification. (4) Values shown are for a solid rectangular section. See WD-3224.1 for other than a solid rectangular section. Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix F shall be used in WD-3227. 1 Beari n g Load s. evaluating these loadings, independently of all other op- (a) The average bearing stress for resistance to crush- erating loadings. The rules in Section III Appendices, Non- ing under the maximum load, experienced as a result of mandatory Appendix F, Table F-1200-1 for plate- and Design Loadings or normal loadings for which Design or shell-type supports shall apply. The requirements of Level A Service Limits, respectively, are designated, shall WD-3229.3 shall be satisfied. Any deformation limits pre- be limited to S y , at temperature, except that when the dis- scribed by the Design Specification shall be satisfied. See tance to a free edge is larger than the distance over which WD-3125. the bearing load is applied, a stress of 1.5 S y at tempera- WD-32 27 Speci al Stress Li m i ts ture is permitted. For clad surfaces, the strength of the base metal may be used if, when calculating the bearing The following deviations from the basic stress limits stress, the bearing area is taken as the lesser of the actual are provided to cover special operating loadings or con- contact area or the area of the base metal supporting the figurations. Some of these deviations are more restrictive, contact surface. and some are less restrictive, than the basic stress limits. (b) When bearing loads are applied near free edges, Rules governing application of these special stress limits for Level C and Level D Service Limit applications are con- such as at a protruding ledge, the possibility of a shear tained in WD-3224.2 and WD-3225, respectively. In cases failure shall be considered. In the case of load stress only, of conflict between these requirements and the basic the average shear stress shall be limited to 0.6 S m . In the stress limits, the rules of WD-3227 take precedence for case of load stress plus secondary stress, the average the particular situations to which they apply. WD-3227 shear stress shall not exceed (1) or (2) below: does not apply to bolted joints (WD-3230). (1 ) for materials to which Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 2A, Note G7 or Table 2B, Note G1, applies, the l o we r o f 0 . 5 S y a t 1 0 0 ° F ( 3 8 ° C ) a n d 0 . 6 7 S y a t temperature; (2) for all other material, 0.5 S y at temperature. 243 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (c) For clad surfaces, if the configuration or thickness is WD-3227.5 Applications of Elastic Analysis for such that a shear failure could occur entirely within the Stresses Beyond the Yield Strength. Certain of the allow- clad material, the allowable shear stress for the cladding able stresses permitted in the design criteria are such shall be determined from the properties of the equivalent that the maximum stress calculated on an elastic basis wrought material. If the configuration is such that a shear may exceed the yield strength of the material. The limit failure could occur across a path that is partially base me- on primary plus secondary stress intensity of 3 S m tal and partially clad material, the allowable shear stres- (WD-3222.4) has been placed at a level that assures sha- ses for each material shall be used when evaluating the kedown to elastic action after a few repetitions of the combined resistance to this type of failure. stress cycle except in regions containing significant local (d) When considering bearing stresses in pins and sim- structural discontinuities or local thermal stresses. These ilar members, the S y at temperature value is applicable, last two factors are considered only in the performance of except that a value of 1.5 S y may be used if no credit is giv- a fatigue evaluation. Therefore en to bearing area within one pin diameter from a plate (a) in evaluating stresses for comparison with the edge. stress limits on other than fatigue allowables, stresses shall be calculated on an elastic basis WD-3227.2 Pure Shear. (b) in evaluating stresses for comparison with fatigue (a) The average primary shear stress across a section loaded in pure shear, experienced as a result of Design allowables, all stresses except those that result from local Loadings or normal loadings for which Design or Level thermal stresses [WD-3213.12(b)] shall be evaluated on A Service Limits, respectively, are designated (for exam- an elastic basis. In evaluating local thermal stresses, the ple, keys, shear rings), shall be limited to 0.6 S m . elastic equations shall be used, except that the numerical value substituted for Poisson s ratio shall be determined (b) The maximum primary shear, experienced as a re- ’ from the expression sult of Design Loadings or normal loadings for which Design or Level A Service Limits, respectively, are desig- nated, exclusive of stress concentration at the periphery of a solid circular section in torsion, shall be limited to 0.8 S m . where (c) Primary plus secondary and peak shear stresses shall be converted to stress intensities (equal to two times S a = al te rn a ti n g s tre s s i n te n s i ty d e te rm i n e d i n pure shear stress) and, as such, shall not exceed the basic WD-3222.5(e) prior to the elastic modulus adjust- stress limits of WD-3222.4 and WD-3222.5. ment in WD-3222.5(e)(4) S y = the yield strength of the material at the mean value WD-3227.3 Progressive Distortion of Nonintegral of the temperature of the cycle Connections. Screwed-on caps, screwed-in plugs, shear ring closures, and breechlock closures are examples of WD-3228 Simplified Elastic–Plastic Analysis nonintegral connections that are subject to failure by bell The 3 S m limit on the range of primary plus secondary mouthing or other types of progressive deformation. If stress intensity (WD-3222.4) may be exceeded, provided any combination of applied loads produces yielding, such that the requirements of (a) through (f) below are met joints are subject to ratcheting because the mating mem- (a) The range of primary plus secondary membrane bers may become loose at the end of each complete oper- plus bending stress intensity, excluding thermal bending ating cycle and start the next cycle in a new relationship stresses, shall be ≤ 3 S m . with each other, with or without manual manipulation. (b) The value of S a used for entering the design fatigue Additional distortion may occur in each cycle so that in- terlocking parts, such as threads, can eventually lose en- curve is multiplied by the factor Ke where gagement. Therefore, primary plus secondary stress intensities (WD-3222.4) that result in slippage between the parts of a nonintegral connection, in which disengage- ment could occur as a result of progressive distortion, shall be limited to the value S y (Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table Y-1) at the temperature under consideration. WD-3227.4 Triaxial Stresses. The algebraic sum of the three primary principal stresses (σ 1 + σ 2 + σ 3 ) shall not exceed four times the tabulated value of S m , except Sn = range of primary plus secondary stress intensity for Service Level D. 244 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 The values of the material parameters m and n for the (b) The value of the factor B determined from the ap- various classes of permitted materials are as follows: plicable chart contained in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3, using the following definitions for the symbols on the Material m n T m a x , °F (°C) charts: Low alloy steel 2.0 0.2 700 (370) Martensitic stainless steel 2.0 0.2 700 (370) R = inside radius of the cylindrical shell or tubular pro- Carbon steel 3.0 0.2 700 (370) duct, in. (mm); Austenitic stainless steel 1.7 0.3 800 (425) T = minimum required thickness of the shell or tubular Nickel – chromium – iron 1.7 0.3 800 (425) product, exclusive of the corrosion allowance, in. Nickel – copper 1.7 0.3 800 (425) (mm). The value of B shall be determined from the applicable chart contained in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 in the man- ner given in Steps 1 through 5 Step 1 . Using the selected values of T and R , calculate (c) The rest of the fatigue evaluation remains the same the value of factor A using the following equation: as required in WD-3222.5, except that the procedure of WD-3227.5 need not be used. (d) The temperature does not exceed those listed in the above table for the various classes of materials. Step 2 . Using the value of A calculated in Step 1, enter (e) The material shall have a specified minimum yield the applicable material chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart strength to specified minimum tensile strength ratio of 3 for the material under consideration. Move vertically to less than 0.80. an intersection with the material /temperature line for (f) The structure meets the stress ratcheting require- the Design Temperature (or the temperature under con- ment of WD-3222.6. sideration for operating loadings associated with Level A, C, or D Service Limits). Interpolation may be made be- WD-3229 Buckling tween lines for intermediate temperatures. In cases The internal support structures are typically composed where the value at A falls to the right of the end of the ma- of rectangular plates, shells, and tubular structural mem- terial/temperature line, assume an intersection with the bers. Care should be used when utilizing open cross- horizontal projection of the upper end of the material/ sections (angles, channels, I-beams, etc.) because these temperature line. For values of A falling to the left of items are susceptible to torsional and lateral-torsional the material /temperature line, see Step 4. Step 3 . From the intersection obtained in Step 2, move buckling. The allowable compression stress values for plates and horizontally to the right and read the value of factor B . shells for all loadings associated with Design and Level A This is the maximum allowable compressive stress for Service Limits shall be determined by one of the following the values of T and R used in Step 1. methods: Step 4. For values of A falling to the left of the applic- (a) cl a s s i c a l b u c kl i n g a n a l ys i s ( WD - 3 2 2 9 . 1 o r able material /temperature line, the value of B shall be WD-3229.2) reduced by margins that reflect the differ- calculated using the following equation (where E is the ence between the theoretical and actual load capacities; modulus of elasticity at Design Temperature or the tem- (b) detailed stability analysis, such as by the finite ele- perature under consideration for operating loadings asso- ment method; ciated with Level A, C, or D Service Limits): For all loadings associated with Level C and Level D Service Limits, the same methodology used for Design and Level A Service Limit loads shall be followed but This is the maximum allowable compressive stress for the the allowable compression stress values shall be adjusted values of T and R used in Step 1. per the requirements of WD-3229.3. Step 5. Compare the value of B determined in Step 3 or WD-3229.1 Cylindrical Shells Under Axial Compres- 4 with the computed longitudinal compressive stress in sion. The allowable compressive stress to be used in the the cylindrical shell or tube, using the selected values of T and R . If the value of B is smaller than the computed design of cylindrical shells and tubular products sub- jected to loadings that produce longitudinal compressive compressive stress, a greater value of T shall be selected stresses in the shell or wall shall be the lesser of the val- and the design procedure repeated until a value of B is ues given in (a) or (b) below. obtained (the allowable compression stress) that is great- (a) The S m value for the applicable material at Design er than the compressive stress computed for the loading Temperature (or the temperature under consideration on the cylindrical shell or tube. for operating loadings associated with Level A, C, or D Ser- WD-3229.2 Rectangular Plates Under Compressive vice Limits) given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables Loading. The internal support structural members that 2A and 2B. are subjected to compressive loading shall be designed 245 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 based on the performance of the individual members provide the values of σ x and σ y at which buckling may oc- rather than the entire structure. The elastic stress analy- cur. For a given σ x , σ y (c r ) shall be determined from the sis of the internal support structure shall be performed to above equation taking m = 1 and n = 1, if the following determine the axial forces and moments on individual inequality is satisfied: members. These forces and moments shall be used to size the members in accordance with the allowable compres- ð3 Þ sive stress provided in (c). (a) Rectangular Plate Under Uniaxial Compression . The critical buckling stress σ c r for a plate of dimension a by where b and thickness t shall be calculated using the following equation: ð4 Þ a If σ x is too large to satisfy the inequality in eq. (3), tak- ?x ing n = 1, the value of m shall be determined that satisfies b the inequality in eq. (5) ð5 Þ ð1 Þ Using the calculated value of m and n = 1, eq. (2) shall In the above equation, E is the elastic modulus of the be used to provide the critical buckling stress, σ y (c r ) . plate material at operating temperature, ν is Poisson s ra- ’ If σ x is too small to satisfy eq. (3), taking m = 1, the val- tio, and K is the plate buckling coefficient, which is a func- ue of n shall be determined that satisfies the inequality in tion of the boundary conditions of the plate. The smaller eq. (6). plate width should be greater than 10 times the thickness of the plate. ð6 Þ The plate geometry, the values of K for various bound- ary co n di tio ns , and a / b rati o are give n i n Tab le WD-3229.2-1. Values of K are provided for various com- Using the calculated value of n and m = 1, eq. (2) shall be binations of simply supported, clamped, and free edge used to calculate the critical buckling stress σ y (c r ) . constraints. Values not provided in the table shall be jus- (c) Allowable Compression Stress. For Design Loadings tified in the Design Report. K values for other combina- and normal loadings for which Design and Level A Service tions of edge constraints shall be justified in the Design Limits, respectively, are designated, the allowable com- Report. pressive stress shall be one-half of the critical buckling (b) Rectangular Plate Under Biaxial Compression . The stress as calculated in (a) or (b) above, but shall not ex- critical buckling stress shall be calculated using the fol- ceed S m for compressive primary membrane stress and lowing equations for a plate under biaxial compression 1.5 S m for compressive primary membrane plus primary that have all edges simply supported: bending stress. a WD - 32 29 . 3 Allo wab le Elasti c Co m p ress i ve Stre s s For off-normal loadings for Level C an d D Servi ce Li m i ts. for which Level C Service Limits are designated, 120% of ?x b the Design and Level A Service allowable compression stress shall not be exceeded. For accident loadings for which Level D Service Limits are designated, 150% of the Design and Level A Service allowable compressive ?y stress shall not be exceeded. WD-3229. 4 An inelastic buckling I n elasti c Bu ckli n g . ð2 Þ analysis of thin plates and shells may be performed. This is considerably more difficult to analyze than the elastic buckling. Finite element methods and testing are recom- Here m and n are integers and denote the number of mended for stability analysis of plates in the inelastic re- half waves in which a plate buckles in the x and y direc- gion and shall be j ustified in the Design Report. The tions, respectively. The positive values of the σ x and σ y methods and margins shall also be justified in the Design indicate compressive stresses. Equations (2) through (6) Report. 246 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WD-322 9 . 2- 1 Valu es of K for Vari ou s Bou n d ary Con d i ti on s an d a b / Rati os K a Edges b Simply Edges b Simply b b Edges b Simply Supported, One Edge Supported, One Edge Edges b Clamped, a All Edges Simply Supported, Edges a a Simply Supported a Clamped and Edges a Simply a /b Supported Clamped and Other Free Other Free Supported 0.2 22.2 … … … … 0.3 10.9 … … … … 0.4 6.92 7.76 … … … 0.5 … 6.32 3.62 … … 0.6 4.23 5.80 … … 11.0 0.7 … 5.76 … … … 0.8 3.45 6.00 … … 7.18 1.0 3.29 6.32 1.18 1.40 5.54 1.1 … … … 1.28 … 1.2 3.40 5.80 0.934 1.21 4.80 1.3 … … … 1.16 … 1.4 3.68 5.76 0.784 1.12 4.48 1.5 … … … 1.10 … 1.6 3.45 6.00 0.687 1.09 4.39 1.7 … … … 1.09 4.39 1.8 3.32 5.80 0.622 1.10 4.26 1.9 … … … 1.12 … 2.0 3.29 … 0.574 1.14 3.99 2.1 … 5.76 … … … 2.2 3.32 … … 1.19 … 2.4 3.40 … … 1.21 … 2.5 … … 0.502 … 3.72 2.7 3.32 … … … … 3.0 3.29 … 0.464 … 3.63 4.0 … … 0.425 … … 5.0 … … 0.416 … … ∞ 3.29 5.73 … … … WD-32 30 DESI G N REQU I REM EN TS FOR PLATE- WD-32 32 Fri cti on -Type J oi n ts AN D SH ELL-TYPE I N TERN AL Multiplying factors normally used to increase the Level SU PPORT STRU CTU RE BOLTED C and D Service Limits are not applicable to friction-type J O I N TS joints [see WD-3234.1(d)]. The evaluation of bolting requires a number of analysis considerations, including (a) through (d) below and the WD-32 34 Desi g n Req u i rem en ts for Bolted J oi n ts criteria specified in this subarticle for the loads imposed. (a) The bolting analysis shall consider the effects of The stress limits that shall be satisfied for any loadings loading eccentricities due to puncture loads and eccentric associated with Design and Level A, C and D Service Lim- impact loads. its, shall be those given in this paragraph, multiplied by (b) The bolting analysis shall consider prying effects, the appropriate stress limit factors given in Table which cause amplification of the bolt loads due to rotation WD-3234-1 (excluding bearing stresses) for the particu- of the closure surfaces. lar loading specified in the Design Specification. Stresses (c) Bolting analysis shall consider bolt preload applica- in bolts shall not exceed the yield strength S y of the ma- tion methodology and resulting bolt forces. terial at temperature. (d) The deformation limits specified in the Design Spec- WD - 3 2 3 4 . 1 Allowable tensile, Allo wab le Stre s se s . ification shall be satisfied. shearing, and bearing stresses in bolts and threaded parts shall be as given in the paragraphs below. All allowable WD-32 31 Desi g n Li m i ts stresses are expressed in ksi (MPa) acting on the actual The rules and stress limits that shall be satisfied for any bolt area available in the shear planes of the connected Design Loading stated in the Design Specification are parts. All are expressed in terms of the ultimate tensile those given in WD-3234. strength S u at temperature (Section II, Part D, Subpart 247 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WD-3234-1 Stress Limit Factors for Bolt Design by Analysis Stress Limit Factors for Loading Levels Stated in Design Specification [Note (1)] Service Service Service Stress Category Design Level A Level C Level D Tension and shear Kb o = 1.0 Kb o = 1.0 Kb o = 1.25 [Note (2)] GENERAL NOTE: Kb o = stress limit factor applicable to the allowable tensile and shear stresses NOTES: (1) Not to be used for friction-type connections. (2) Use Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix F, F-1335. 1, Table U). The shear capacity of bolts is directly propor- (-b) Threads Not Excluded From Shear Planes. The tional to the shear area available in the shear planes. allowable shear stress F v b in bolts and threaded parts Shear strength is unaffected by shear plane location. loaded in direct shear, expressed in ksi (MPa) of actual (a) Tensile Stress Only. Bolts loaded in direct tension shear stress area available (applicable to the total bolt shall be so proportioned that their average tensile stress root area in the shear planes in this case), shall not exceed F t b , computed on the basis of the actual tensile stress for ferritic steels: area availab le (indep endent o f any initial tightening force), shall not exceed: for ferritic steels: for austenitic steels: for austenitic steels: (c) Combined Tensile and Shear Stresses (1 ) Bearing ‐ Type Joints. Bolts subjected to combined shear and tension shall be so proportioned that either the shear stress fv or the tensile stress ft , expressed in S u = the specified minimum tensile strength ksi (MPa) at ksi (MPa) of actual cross ‐ sectional area, shall not exceed temperature the value derived from the ellipse equation below when the corresponding computed tensile or shearing stress The applied load shall be the sum of the external load is substituted and any tension resulting from prying action produced by deformation of the connected parts. (b) Shearing Stress Only (1 ) Bearing-Type Joints The allowable tensile stress and shear stress values (-a) Threads Excluded From Shear Planes. The al- shall be those derived from the equations given in (a) lowable shear stress F v b in bolts and threaded parts and (b). loaded in direct shear, expressed in ksi (MPa) of actual (2) Friction ‐ Type Join ts. A bolt in a connection de- shear stress area available (applicable to the total nom- signed as a friction ‐ type j oint is not subj ected to shear inal bolt area in the shear planes in this case) , shall not (provided the joint does not slip into bearing); it experi- exceed: ences tension only. Friction ‐ type joints shall be designed as given in (d). for ferritic steels: for austenitic steels: 248 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (d) Slip Resistan ce — Friction ‐ Type Join ts. The maxi- WD-3234.3 Minimum Edge Distance. mum slip resistance to which a friction ‐ type joint may (a) Min im um Edge Distan ce in Lin e of Load. In both be designed shall not exceed the value of P s , calculated bearing- and friction-type joints, the minimum distance in the following equation [see Table WD-3234.1(d)-1]: from the center of the end bolt in a connection to that edge of the connected part toward which the load is direc- ted shall be determined in accordance with either (1) or (2). (1 ) T h e e d ge d i s ta n ce s h al l s a ti s fy a l l o f th e where following: k s = the effective slip coefficient for the particular sur- face conditions taken from Table WD-3234.1(d)-1. m = the number of shear planes per bolt n = the number of bolts in the joint T i = initial clamping force per bolt, lb (N) For materials or surface conditions not listed, the slip coefficient used shall be justified in the Design Report. SA-307 and austenitic steel bolting shall not be used for friction-type joints. where If the joint clamping force will be reduced by any direct d = the nominal diameter of bolt, in. (mm) tension load on the joint, the T i value shall be reduced by fp = the computed bearing stress, ksi (MPa) an equivalent amount before substituting in the above = P /dt equation. L = the distance from center of bolt hole to edge of con- (e) Bearing Stress. Allowable bearing stress on the pro- nected part, in. (mm) P = force transmitted by a bolt, kips (N) jected area of bolts in bearing-type connections F p shall t = the thickness of a connected part, in. (mm) be: (2) The edge distance shall be as shown in Table WD-3234.3(a)-1. WD-3234.4 Minimum Spacing. The distance be- tween centers of standard, oversized, or slotted bolt holes where shall not be less than three times the nominal diameter of the bolt. Along a line of transmitted force, the distance be- d = the nominal diameter of bolt, in. (mm) tween centers of holes shall not be less than the following: L = the distance from center of bolt hole to edge of con- nected part, in. (mm) (a) Standard Holes: WD-3234.2 Size of Holes. The maximum size of holes for bolts shall be as shown in Table WD-3234.2-1. where H = standard hole diameter H′ = oversized hole diameter d = the nominal diameter of bolt, in. (mm) P = the force transmitted by one bolt to the connected part, kips (N) S u = the specified minimum tensile strength of the con- Table WD-3234.1(d)-1 Effective Slip Coefficient Versus Surface nected part, ksi (MPa) at temperature t = the thickness of the connected part, in. (mm) Condition (b) Oversized and Slotted Holes. The distance required Eff. Slip Coefficient, for standard holes, above, plus the applicable increment Surface Condition ks C1 in Table WD-3234.4-1, but the clear distance between Clean mill scale, grit-blasted heat treated 0.25 holes shall not be less than the bolt diameter. steel and machined surfaces Grit-blasted carbon and low alloy 0.41 WD-3234.5 Effective Bearing Area. The effective high-strength steel bearing area of bolts loaded in shear shall be the nominal Aluminum 0.45 diameter of the bolt multiplied by the length in bearing, except that for countersunk bolts one-half the depth of the countersink shall be deducted. 249 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WD-3234.2-1 Maximum Sizes of Bolt Holes Short-Slotted Hole Long-Slotted Hole Nominal Bolt Diameter Standard Hole Diameter Oversize Hole Diameter Dimensions (Width × Dimensions (Width × (d ) in. (mm) (H ) in. (mm) (H ′ ) in. (mm) Length) in. (mm) Length) in. (mm) 1 9 11 9 /2 (13) /16 (14) /16 (17) /16 (14) × 3/4 (19) 9 /16 (14) × 1 1/4 (32) 5 11 13 11 /8 (16) /16 (17) /16 (21) /16 (17) × 7/8 (22) 11 /16 (17) × 1 9/16 (40) 3 13 15 13 13 /4 (19) /16 (21) /16 (24) /16 (21) × 1 (25) /16 (21) × 1 7/8 (48) 7 15 /8 (22) /16 (24) 1 1/16 (27) 15 /16 (24) × 1 1/8 (29) 15 /16 (24) × 2 3/16 (56) 1 (25) 1 1/16 (27) 1 1/4 (32) 1 /16 (27) × 1 5/16 (33) 1 1 /16 (27) × 2 1/2 (64) 1 ≥ 1 1/8 (29) 1 H + /16 (2) 5 H ′ + /16 (8) [d + 1/16 (2)] × [d + 3/8 (10)] [d + 1/16 (2)] × 2 1/2 (64) × d WD-3234.6 Long Grips. For bolts that have a grip WD-3235.2 Definitions. High-cycle fatigue, as used in that exceeds five diameters, the effect of bolt length (such this subsubarticle, is defined as the damage that may re- as bending and prying) shall be considered in the Design sult in fracture after a sufficient number of fluctuations Report. of stress. Stress range is defined as the numerical sum of maximum repeated tensile and compressive stresses WD-3234.7 Thread Engagement. The thread engage- or the sum of maximum shearing stresses of opposite di- ment of any bolt shall be evaluated for thread shear fail- rection at a given point, resulting from differing arrange- ure. The shear stresses in the external threads of the bolt ments of load. and the internal threads of the mating material shall not exceed the allowable shear for the applicable material. WD-3235.3 Design Considerations. In the design of This evaluation is not required for standard bolts when members and connections subject to repeated variation used with standard nuts of the appropriate material. of live load stress, consideration shall be given to the number of stress cycles, the expected range of stress, and the type and location of members or detail. WD-3235 High-Cycle Fatigue Design for Bolted Joints WD-3235.4 Classification of Loading Conditions. Loading conditions shall be classified as shown in Table WD-3235.1 Scope. Members and their connections, WD-3235.4-1. subject to a number of cycles (>20,000) of fatigue loading resulting in damage as defined in WD-3235.2, shall be WD-3235.5 Stress Categories. Stress categories for proportioned to satisfy the stress-range limitations pro- use in establishing the maximum range of stress in rela- vided herein. tion to the type of member or part, material, and location shall be as stipulated in Table WD-3235.5-1. WD-3235. 6 Allowable Stresses. The maximum Table WD-3234.3(a)-1 stress shall not exceed the basic allowable stress per- Minimum Edge Distances mitted in WD-3234.1 and the maximum range of stress shall not exceed that given in Table WD-3235.6-1. Minimum Edge Distance for Punched, Reamed, or Drilled Holes, in. (mm) WD-3235.7 Provisions for Bolting. Range in tensile At Rolled Edges of stress in properly tightened bolts in friction-type connec- Plates, Shapes, or tions need not be considered, but the maximum com- Bolt Diameter Bars, or Gas Cut puted stress, including prying action, shall not exceed in. (mm) At Sheared Edges Edges [Note (1)] the values given in WD-3235.6, subject to the following 1 5 /2 (13) 7 /8 (22) 3 /4 (19) stipulations. /8 (16) 1 1/8 (29) 7 /8 (22) (a) Connections subject to more than 20,000 cycles, but 3 /4 (19) 1 1/4 (32) 1 (25) 7 /8 (22) 1 1/2 (38) 1 1/8 (29) not more than 500,000 cycles, of direct tension may be 1 (25) 1 3/4 (44) 1 1/4 (32) designed for the stress produced by the sum of applied 1 1/8 (29) 2 (51) 1 1/2 (38) and prying loads, if the prying load does not exceed 1 1/4 (32) 2 1/4 (57) 1 5/8 (41) 10% of the externally applied load. If the prying load ex- >1 1/4 (32) 1 3/4 (44) × d 1 1/4 (32) × d ce e ds l 0 % , th e al l o wab l e te n s i l e s tre s s gi ve n i n WD-3234.1(a) shall be reduced 40%, applicable to the ex- NOTE: ternal load alone. (1) All edge distances in this column may be reduced 1/8 in. (3 mm) when the hole is at the point where stress does not (b) Connections subject to more than 500,000 cycles of exceed 25% of the maximum allowed stress in the part. direct tension may be designed for the stress produced by the sum of applied and prying loads, if the prying load 250 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WD-3 2 34. 4-1 I n crem en t C1 for M i n i m u m Spaci n g Between Oversi zed an d Slotted H oles C1 for Slotted Holes in. (mm) Nominal Bolt Diameter C1 for Oversized Holes Perpendicular to Line of Parallel to Line of Force in. (mm) in. (mm) Force Short-Slotted Long-Slotted 1 1 3 11 /2 (13) /8 (3) 0 /16 (5) /16 (17) 5 1 3 7 /8 (16) /8 (3) 0 /16 (5) /8 (22) 3 1 3 /4 (19) /8 (3) 0 /16 (5) 1 1/16 (27) 7 1 3 /8 (22) /8 (3) 0 /16 (5) 1 1/4 (32) 3 1 1 (25) /16 (5) 0 /4 (6) 1 7/16 (37) 1 1/8 (29) 1 /4 (6) 0 5 /16 (8) 1 5/8 (41) 1 1/4 (32) 1 /4 (6) 0 5 /16 (8) 1 13/16 (46) Over 1 1/4 (32) 1 /4 (6) 0 5 /16 (8) 1 1/2 (38) × d − 1 /16 (2) GENERAL NOTE: When the length of the slot is less than the maximum allowable (Table WD-3234.2-1), C1 may be reduced by the dif- ference between the maximum and actual slot lengths. does not exceed 5% of the externally applied load. If the WD-3240 DESI G N REQU I REM EN TS FOR PLATE- prying load exceeds 5%, the allowable tensile stress given AN D SH ELL-TYPE I N TERN AL in WD-3234.1(a) shall be reduced 50%, applicable to the SU PPORT STRU CTU RE WELDED external load alone. The use of other bolts and threaded J OI N TS parts subject to tensile fatigue loading is not recommend- ed. Bolts and threaded parts subjected to cyclic loading in Welded joints shall be evaluated per the requirements shear may be designed for the bearing-type shear stresses of WD-3220, providing the quality factor n and fatigue given in WD-3234.1(b) insofar as the fatigue strength of factor f used in the analysis meet the requirements of the bolts is concerned. Table WD-3240-1 for the method of examination em- ployed. The quality factor n is used by multiplying the al- WD-32 36 Speci al Con si d erati on s lowable stress limit for primary and primary plus secondary stress categories by the quality factor in evalu- The provisions of WD-3120 apply. ating the design. The use of weld quality factor n is not re- quired for fatigue applications. In performing a fatigue analysis, multiply the alternating stress by the fatigue fac- tor f, designated in Table WD-3240-1, and use the results with the applicable fatigue curve in Section III Appen- dices, Mandatory Appendix I to determine the allowable number of fatigue cycles. WD-3241 Weld ed J oi n t Categ ori es Table WD-32 3 5. 4-1 Classi fi cati on of Load i n g Con d i ti on s (a) The term weld joint category as used herein defines the location of a joint. The categories established by this Number of Loading Cycles paragraph are for use elsewhere in this Subsection to Loading Condition From To identify special restrictions regarding type of joints per- 1 20,000 [Note (1)] 100,000 [Note (2)] mitted for the location. Joints whose design functions 2 100,001 500,000 [Note (3)] are neither to restrain nor support the internal support 3 500,001 2,000,000 [Note (4)] 4 >2,000,000 structure do not fall into any category. (b) The types of joints that may be used at the various NOTES: locations are defined in WD-3242. (1) Approximately equivalent to two applications every day for 25 yr. WD- 3241. 1 Joints of Category A J oi n ts of Categ ory A. (2) Approximately equivalent to ten applications every day for are longitudinal joints in plate and shell members. Catego- 25 yr. ry A joints may be of Type I, II, or, with the following re- (3) Approximately equivalent to 50 applications every day for 25 yr. striction, Type IV. When a Type IV j oint is used in (4) Approximately equivalent to 200 applications every day for Category A, the quality factor n shall be one-half that per- 25 yr. mitted for Type I or II by Table WD-3240-1 for the exam- ination used. 251 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WD-32 3 5. 5- 1 Stress Categ ori es Stress Category Type of Stress (See Table General Condition Situation [Note (1)] WD-3235.6-1) Mechanically fastened Base metal at gross section of high-strength bolted slip-critical T or Rev. B connections connections, except axially loaded joints that induce out-of-plane bending in connected material Base metal at net section of other mechanically fastened joints [Note T or Rev. D (2)] Base metal at net section of fully tensioned high-strength, T or Rev. B bolted-bearing connections NOTES: (1) T signifies range in tensile stress only and Rev. signifies a range involving reversal of tensile or compressive stress. (2) When stress reversal is involved, use of low strength bolts (e.g., SA-307) is not recommended. WD-3241. 2 Joints of Category B J oi n ts of Categ ory B. consumable inserts or gas backup, or with metal backing are girth welds in plate and shell members. Category B strips that are later removed, provided the backface of joints may be of Type I, II, or, with the following restric- such joints meets the requirements of WD-4424. tion, Type IV or V. When Type IV or V joints are used in WD- 3242. 2 Full penetration welds be- Type I I J oi n ts. Category B, the quality factor n shall be one-half that per- tween plates or other elements meet the categorizing in- mitted for Type I or II by Table WD-3240-1 for the exam- tent of this subparagraph when made either according to ination used. WD-3242.1 or with edges of the joint prepared with op- WD-3241. 3 Joints of Category C J oi n ts of Categ ory C. posing lips to form an integral backing strip, or with metal are for joints at the ends of plates and shell members. Cat- backing strips that are not later removed. When used, egory C joints may be of Type I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, or VIII. backing strips shall be continuous and any splices shall be full penetration welded. In addition, the suitability for cyclic operation shall be analyzed by the method of WD-3242 Perm i ssi ble Types of Weld ed J oi n ts WD-3222.5. Subject to the limitations given in WD-3241, internal WD - 3 242 . 3 Full penetration welds Typ e I I I J o i n ts. support structures may use any of the types of joints de- between plates or other elements that may have an offset scribed in the following subparagraphs. When evaluating angle up to 90 degrees meet the categorizing intent of this the load capacity of Type IV, V, VI, or VII Joints, the area of subp aragrap h when either are made according to the weld connection shall be determined as the product of WD-3242.2 or are corner welds. Attachment of connec- the weld throat thickness times the length of the weld. tions using deposited weld metal as reinforcement and WD-3242. 1 Full penetration welds be- Type I J oi n ts. oblique connections meet the intent of this subparagraph. tween plates or other elements that lie approximately in WD- 3242. 4 Partial penetration welds Type I V J oi n ts. the same plane or have an offset angle not greater than of double groove design (minimum depth of each groove 30 degrees meet the categorizing intent of this subpara- equals one-eighth times the thickness of the thinnest graph. This subparagraph is applicable when these welds are made either as double welded butt joints, or with Table WD-32 35. 6 -1 Allowable Stress Ran g es Allowable Range of Stress, F s r , ksi (MPa) Stress Category Used in Table Loading Condition 1, Loading Condition 2, Loading Condition 3, Loading Condition 4, WD-3235.5-1 Fs r 1 Fs r 2 Fs r 3 Fs r 4 B 49 (340) 29 (200) 18 (125) 16 (110) D 28 (195) 16 (110) 10 (70) 7 (50) NOTE: (1) Flexural stress range of 12 ksi (83 MPa) permitted at toe of stiffener welds on webs or flanges. 252 Table WD-3240-1 Permissible Welded Joints and Design Factors Quality Factors (n ) and Fatigue Factors (f) Permissible RT or UT and PT or Progressive PT or MT Root and Final PT or Surface PT or MT Surface Visual for Category MT Examination Examination MT Examination Examination Examination Type of Welded Joint [Note (1)] Shown Below WD-5220 WD-5231 WD-5232 WD-5233 WD-5260 I. Full penetration A, B, C n = 1.00 f= 1 n = 0.90 f= 1 n = 0.75 f= 1 n = 0.65 f= 1 n = 0.50 f= 1 II. Full penetration A, B, C n = 1.00 f= 2 n = 0.90 f= 2 n = 0.75 f= 2 n = 0.65 f= 2 n = 0.50 f= 2 III. Full penetration C n = 1.00 f= 1 n = 0.90 f = 1 n = 0.75 f = 1 n = 0.65 f = 1 n = 0.50 f = 1 [Note (2)] [Note (2)] [Note (2)] [Note (2)] IV Double groove partial penetration (RT A, B n = 0.50 f= 4 n = 0.45 f= 4 n = 0.40 f= 4 n = 0.35 f= 4 n = 0.25 f= 4 not applicable) C n = 0.90 f= 4 n = 0.80 f= 4 n = 0.70 f= 4 n = 0.60 f= 4 n = 0.40 f= 4 V. Double fillet (RT not applicable) B n = 0.50 f= 4 n = 0.45 f= 4 n = 0.40 f= 4 n = 0.35 f= 4 n = 0.25 f= 4 C n = 0.90 f= 4 n = 0.80 f= 4 n = 0.70 f= 4 n = 0.60 f= 4 n = 0.40 f= 4 VI. Single groove partial penetration (RT C n = 0.60 f= 4 n = 0.55 f= 4 n = 0.45 f= 4 n = 0.40 f= 4 n = 0.35 f= 4 not applicable) ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 VII. Single fillet (RT not applicable) C n = 0.60 f= 4 n = 0.55 f= 4 n = 0.45 f= 4 n = 0.40 f= 4 n = 0.35 f= 4 VIII. Intermittent fillet or plug C Not applicable n = 0.45 f= 4 n = 0.40 f= 4 n = 0.35 f= 4 n = 0.30 f= 4 253 NOTES: (1) See WD-3242 for definitions. (2) A minimum fatigue strength reduction factor of 1.0 is permitted when both sides of the weld are examined; otherwise a factor of 2.0 shall be used in analysis for cyclic operation. ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 element) meet the categorizing intent of this subpara- WD-3200 requirements unless it can be shown in the De- graph when the area of the weld connection is deter- sign Report that the resulting stresses due to thermal and mined per WD-3242. thermal gradient loads are less than 10% of S y at tem- WD - 3242. 5 Type V J oi n ts. Double fillet welds meet perature. Design procedures applicable to linear-type in- the categorizing intent of this subparagraph when the ternal support structures are provided in NF-3320 and a r e a o f th e we l d c o n n e c ti o n i s d e te r m i n e d p e r NF-3330 of Division 1. 25 These Division 1 design proce- WD-3242. Joints made having one side a single fillet and dures shall be used unless the design procedures of the other side a single groove meet the intent of this WD-3200 are used. The design procedures shall ensure subparagraph. that deformation criteria are satisfied as required in WD-1110(b). WD-3242. 6 Type VI J oi n ts.Partial penetration welds Welds in linear-type internal support structures shall of single groove design meet the categorizing intent of be evaluated per the requirements of NF-3 3 2 0 and this subparagraph when the area of the weld connection NF-3330 providing the quality factor n and fatigue factor is determined per WD-3242. f used in the analysis meet the requirements of Table WD - 3242. 7 Single fillet welds meet Type VI I J o i n ts. WD-3240-1 for the method of examination employed. the categorizing intent of this subparagraph when the The quality factor n is used by multiplying the allowable area of the weld connection is determined per WD-3242. stress limit for primary and primary plus secondary W D - 3 242 . 8 Intermittent fillet or Typ e VI I I J o i n ts . stress categories by the quality factor in evaluating the plug welds meet the categorizing intent of this subpara- design. The use of weld quality factor n is not required graph when the area of the intermittent fillet weld con- for fatigue applications. In performing a fatigue analysis, nection is determined as the product of the theoretical multiply the alternating stress by the fatigue factor f, de- throat thickness times the sum of weld lengths and the signated in Table WD-3240-1, and use the results with area of plug weld connection is determined as the product th e ap p l i ca b l e a l l o wab l e s tre s s ra n ge s o f T a b l e of the number of plug welds times the area of the mini- NF-3332.4-1 to determine the allowable number of fati- mum cross-section. gue cycles. WD-3242. 9 Li m i tati on s on Types of J oi n ts.The type WD-3 311 Req u i rem en ts for Acceptabi li ty of joint used for service shall be one of those permitted for the category of the joint (WD-3241). Reduced quality The requirements for the acceptability of a design by factors shall be used for certain types of joints when used analysis are those set forth in (a) through (b) below and in Categories A, B, and C (Table WD-3240-1). the general requirements of WD-3100. In addition, when geometric configuration [WD-1110(b) and WD-3125] of the contents is required, the deformation limits pre- WD-3300 DESI G N RU LES FOR LI N EAR-TYPE scribed by the Design Specification shall be met. I N TERN AL SU PPORT (a) The design shall conform to the general require- STRU CTU RES ments of NF-3310 and the design rules of NF-3320 and NF-3330 except as noted in (1) and (2) below. WD-3 310 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS (1 ) The use of single angle members is not allowed. A linear-type internal support structure is defined as (2) The use of NF-3 3 2 4.1 (a) (3 ) , NF-3 3 2 4.3 , and acting under essentially a single component of direct NF-3324.4(b) is not allowed. stress. Such elements may also be subjected to shear (b) Protection against nonductile fracture shall be pro- stresses. For members subjected to torsion, the rules of vided. An acceptable procedure for nonductile failure pre- WD-3200 apply. Support structures with thermal loads, vention is given in Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory the rm al gradi e n ts , o r b o th s h al l b e evaluate d to Appendix G. 254 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WD-4000 FABRI CATI ON WD-4100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS (b) the amount of material removed from the surface exceeds the lesser of 1/8 in. (3 mm) or 10% of the mini- WD-4110 I N TRODU CTI ON mum thickness of the part required to satisfy the rules Internal support structures (WD-1120) shall be fabri- of Article WD-3000. cated in accordance with the requirements of this Article and shall be manufactured from materials that meet the WD-412 2 M ateri al I d en ti fi cati on requirements of Article WD-2000. Material for internal support structures shall have identification markings that shall remain distinguishable until the internal support structure is fabricated. If the WD-412 0 CERTI FI CATI ON OF M ATERI AL AN D original identification markings are cut off or the material FABRI CATI ON BY CERTI FI CATE is divided, the marks shall either be transferred to the cut H OLDER parts or a coded marking shall be used to ensure identifi- cation of each piece of material during subsequent fabri- WD-412 1 M ean s of Certi fi cati on cation, unless otherwise provided by WD-2150. For studs, bolts, and nuts it is permissible to identify the Certified The Certificate Holder for an item shall certify, by appli- Material Test Reports for material in each component in cation of the appropriate Certification Mark and comple- lieu of identifying each piece of material with the Certified tion of the appropriate Data Report in accordance with Material Test Report and the coded marking. Material Article WA-8000, that the materials used comply with supplied with a Certificate of Compliance, and welding the requirements of Article WD-2000 and that the fabrica- material shall be identified and controlled so that they tion complies with the requirements of this Article. can be traced to the internal support structure, or else a WD - 412 1. 1 Ce rti fi cati on of Treatm en ts, Tests, an d control procedure shall be employed that ensures that If the Certificate Holder performs treat- Exam i n ati o n s. the specified materials are used. ments, tests, repairs, or examinations required by other Articles of this Subsection, the Certificate Holder shall cer- WD-412 3 Exam i n ati on s tify that this requirement has been fulfilled (WA-3800 or Visual examination activities that are not referenced for WA-8410). Reports of all required treatments and of the examination by other specific Code paragraphs, and are results of all required tests, repairs, and examinations performed solely to verify compliance with requirements performed shall be available to the Inspector. of Article WD-4000, may be performed by the persons who perform or supervise the work. These visual exami- WD- 4121. 2 If Repeti ti on of Ten si le or I m pact Tests. nations shall not be required to be performed by person- during the fabrication of the item the material is subjected nel and procedures qualified to WD-5500 and WD-5100, to heat treatment that has not been covered by treatment respectively, unless so specified. of the test coupons (WD-2200) , and that may reduce either tensile or impact properties below the required WD-412 5 Testi n g of Weld i n g M ateri al values, the tensile and impact tests shall be repeated by All welding material shall meet the requirements of the Certificate Holder on test specimens taken from test WD-2400. coupons that have been taken and treated in accordance with the requirements of Article WD-2000. WD-413 0 REPAI R OF M ATERI AL WD- 4121. 3 Repeti tion of Su rface Exam i n ati on After WD-413 1 Eli m i n ati on an d Repai r of Defects If, during the fabrication of an item, materials M ach i n i n g . Material originally accepted on delivery in which de- are machined, then the Certificate Holder shall reexamine fects exceeding the limits of WD-2500 are known or dis- the surface of the material in accordance with WD-2500 covered during the process of fabrication shall b e when: unacceptable. The material may be used provided the (a) the surface was required to be examined by the condition is corrected in accordance with the require- magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method in accor- ments of WD-2 500 for the applicable product form, dance with WD-2500; and except: 255 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (a) the limitation on the depth of the weld repair shall WD-42 13 Qu ali fi cati on of Form i n g Processes for not apply, and I m pact Property Req u i rem en ts (b) the time of examination of the weld repairs to weld A procedure qualification test shall be conducted using edge preparations shall be in accordance with WD-5120. specimens taken from material of the same specification, grade or class, heat treatment, and with similar impact properties, as required for the material in the structure. WD-4132 Docu m en tati on of Repai r Weld s of Base These specimens shall be subjected to the equivalent M ateri al forming process and heat treatment as the material in The Certificate Holder who makes a repair weld, ex- the structure. Applicable tests shall be conducted to de- ceeding in depth the lesser of 3/8 in. (10 mm) or 10% of te rm i n e th a t th e re qu i re d i m p a ct p ro p e rti e s o f the section thickness, shall prepare a report that shall in- WD-2300 are met after straining. clude a chart that shows the location and size of the pre- WD - 42 13 . 1 Procedure qualification E xe m p t i o n s . pared cavity, the welding material identification, the tests are not required for material listed in (a) through welding procedure, the heat treatment, and the examina- (f) below: tion results of repair welds. In addition, all repair welds (a) Hot formed material, such as forgings, in which the exceeding an accumulated area of 20% of the area of hot forming is completed by the Material Organization the part or 15 in. 2 (9 700 mm 2 ), whichever is less, shall prior to removal of the impact test specimens. require the same documentation as welds exceeding the (b) Hot formed material represented by test coupons minimum depth. that have been subjected to heat treatment representing the hot forming procedure and the heat treatments to be applied to the parts. WD-4200 FORM I N G , FI TTI N G , AN D (c) Material that does not require impact tests in accor- ALI G N I N G dance with WD-2300. (d) Material that has a final strain less than 0.5%. WD-42 10 CU TTI N G , FORM I N G , AN D BEN DI N G (e) Material when the final strain is less than that of a WD-42 11 Cu tti n g previously qualified procedure for that material. (f) Material when the impact testing required by Materials may be cut to shape and size by mechanical WD-2300 is performed on each heat and lot, as applicable, means, such as machining, shearing, chipping, grinding, after forming. or by thermal cutting. WD-4213. 2 Proced u re Qu ali fi cati on Test.The proce- WD - 42 1 1 . 1 P re h e a t i n g B e fo re T h e rm a l C u t t i n g . dure qualification test shall be performed in the manner When thermal cutting is performed to prepare weld joints stipulated in (a) through (f) below. or edges, to remove attachments or defective material, or (a) The tests shall be performed on three different for any other purpose, consideration shall be given to pre- heats of material, both before straining and after straining heating the material, using preheat schedules, such as and heat treatment, when applicable, to establish the ef- suggested in Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory fects of the forming and subsequent heat treatment, when Appendix D. applicable, operations. WD-4211. 2 M ateri al Preparati on After Th erm al Cu t- (b) Specimens shall be taken in accordance with the re- When metal is to be removed ti n g for P- N o. 8 M ateri al. quirements of Article WD-2000 and shall be taken from by thermal cutting methods, additional material shall be the tension side of the strained material. removed by mechanical means to the extent required in (c) The percent strain shall be established by the fol- the Design Specification. lowing equations: (1 ) For cylinders: WD-42 12 Form i n g an d Ben d i n g Processes Any process may be used to hot or cold form material, including weld metal, provided the required dimensions (2) For spherical or dished surfaces are attained (see WD-4214), and provided the specified impact properties of the material, when required, are not reduced below the minimum specified values, or they are effectively restored by heat treatment following the forming operation. Hot forming shall be defined as form- (3) For pipe ing with the material temperature higher than 100°F (56°C) below the lower transformation temperature of the material. 256 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 where WD-4214 M i n i m u m Th i ckn ess of Fabri cated R = nominal bending radius to the center line of the M ateri al pipe If any fabrication operation reduces the thickness be- r = nominal radius of the pipe low the minimum required to satisfy the rules of Article Rf = final radius to center line of shell WD-3000, the material may be repaired in accordance Ro = original radius (equal to infinity for a flat part) with WD-4130. t = nominal thickness The procedure qualification shall simulate the max- WD-423 0 FI TTI N G AN D ALI G N I N G (d) imum percent surface strain, employing a forming pro- WD-423 1 Fi tti n g an d Ali g n i n g M eth od s ces s s imilar to that us ed in the fab ricatio n o f the Parts that are to be joined by welding may be fitted, material or by direct tension on the specimen. aligned, and retained in position during the welding op- (e) Sufficient C v test specimens shall be taken from eration by the use of bars, jacks, clamps, tack welds, or each of the three heats of material to establish a transition temporary attachments. curve showing both the upper and lower shelves. On each of the three heats, tests consisting of three impact speci- WD - 423 1. 1 Tack welds used to secure Tack Weld s. mens shall be conducted at a minimum of five different alignment shall either be removed completely, when they temperatures distributed throughout the transition re- have served their purpose, or their stopping and starting gion. The upper and lower shelves may be established ends shall be properly prepared by grinding or other suit- by the use of one test specimen for each shelf. Depending able means so that they may be satisfactorily incorpo- on the product form, it may be necessary to plot the tran- rated into the final weld. Tack welds shall be made by sition curves using both lateral expansion and absorbed qualified welders using qualified welding procedures. energy data (WD-2300). In addition, drop weight tests When tack welds are to become part of the finished weld, shall be performed when required by WD-2300. they shall be visually examined in accordance with (f) Using the results of the impact test data from each WD-5360 and defective tack welds removed. of three heats, taken both before and after straining, de- termine either: WD-423 2 M axi m u m Offset of Ali g n ed Secti on s (1 ) the maximum change in NDT temperature along Alignment of sections shall be such that the maximum with: offset of the finished welded joint will not be greater than 1 (-a) the maximum change in lateral expansion and /4t , where t is the nominal thickness of the thinner sec- absorbed energy at the temperature under consideration; tion at the joint. or WD-4232. 1 Any offset within the Fai ri n g of Offsets. (-b) the maximum change in temperature at the allowable limit provided shall be faired to at least a 3:1 ta- lateral expansion and absorbed energy levels under con- per, length to offset, over the width of the finished weld sideration; or or, if necessary, by adding additional weld metal beyond (2) when lateral expansion is the acceptance criter- what would otherwise be the edge of the weld. In addi- ion (WD-2300), either the maximum change in tempera- tion, offsets greater than those stated in WD-4232 are ac- ture or the maximum change in lateral expansion. ceptable provided the requirements of Article WD-3000 WD- 4213. 3 Acceptan ce Cri teri a for Form ed M ateri - are met. al. To be acceptable, the formed material used in the structure shall have impact properties, before forming, WD-423 3 Com plete J oi n t Pen etrati on Weld sufficient to compensate for the maximum loss of impact Complete joint penetration is considered to be achieved properties due to the qualified forming procedure used. when the acceptance criteria for the examinations speci- WD- 4213. 4 A new procedure quali- Req u ali fi cati on . fied by this Subsection have been met. No other examina- fication test is required when any of the changes are made tion shall be required to assess that complete penetration in (a) through (c) below: has been achieved. (a) The actual postweld heat treatment time at tem- perature is greater than previously qualified considering WD-2211. If the material is not postweld heat treated, WD-4300 WELDI N G QU ALI FI CATI ON S the procedure shall be qualified without postweld heat WD-4310 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS treatment. (b) The maximum calculated strain of the material ex- WD-4311 Types of Processes Perm i tted ceeds the previously qualified strain by more than 0.5%. Only those welding processes that are capable of pro- (c) Preheat over 250°F (120°C) is used in the forming ducing welds in accordance with the welding procedure or bending operation but not followed by a subsequent qualification requirements of Section IX and this Subsec- postweld heat treatment. tion may be used for welding internal support structure 257 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 material or attachments thereto. Any process used shall to each welder. These records shall be reviewed, verified, be such that the records required by WD-4320 can be pre- and certified by the Certificate Holder by signature or pared. Stud welds shall not be permitted. some other method of control in accordance with the Cer- WD - 43 11. 1 Capacitor Capaci tor Di sch arg e Weld i n g . tificate Holder s Quality Assurance Program and shall be ’ discharge welding may be used for welding temporary at- available to the Inspector. tachments and permanent nonstructural attachments WD- 432 2 . 1 I d e n t i fi cat i o n o f J o i n t s b y W e ld e r o r provided that: Weld i n g Operator. (a) temporary attachments are removed in accordance (a) Each welder or welding operator shall apply the with the provisions of WD-4435(b), identification mark assigned to him by the Certificate (b) the energy output for permanent nonstructural at- Holder on or adjacent to all permanent welded joints or tachments such as strain gages and thermocouples is lim- series of joints on which he welds. The marking shall be ited to 125 W-sec and the minimum thickness of the at intervals of 3 ft (1 m) or less and shall be done with material to which the attachment is made is greater than either blunt nose continuous or blunt nose interrupted 0.09 in. (2.3 mm), and dot die stamps. As an alternative, the Certificate Holder (c) a Welding Procedure Specification is prepared de- shall keep a record of permanent welded joints in each scribing the capacitor discharge equipment, the combina- item and of the welders and welding operators used in tion of materials to be j oined, and the technique of making each of the joints. application; qualification of the welding procedure is (b) When a multiple number of permanent structural not required. attachment welds, nonstructural welds, fillet welds, and WD - 43 1 1 . 2 I n e rti a an d Co n ti n u o u s D ri ve Fri cti o n weld metal cladding are made on an item, the Certificate Inertia and continuous drive friction welding We ld i n g . Holder need not identify the welder or welding operator shall not be used. who welded each individual joint, provided: (1 ) the Certificate Holder maintains a system that WD-432 0 WELDI N G QU ALI FI CATI O N S, RECORDS, will identify the welders or welding operators who made AN D I DEN TI FYI N G STAM PS such welds on each item so that the Inspector can verify WD-432 1 Req u i red Qu ali fi cati on s that the welders or welding operators were all properly qualified; (a) Each Certificate Holder shall be responsible for the (2) the welds in each category are all of the same welding done by his organization, and each Certificate type and configuration and are welded with the same Holder shall establish the procedure and conduct the tests Welding Procedure Specification; required by this Article and by Section IX to qualify both (c) the identification of welder or welding operator the welding procedures and the performance of welders shall not be required for tack welds. and welding operators who apply these procedures. (b) Procedures, welders, and welding operators used to join permanent or temporary attachments to internal WD-432 3 Weld i n g Pri or to Qu ali fi cati on support structure parts and to make permanent or tem- No welding shall be undertaken until after the welding porary tack welds used in such welding shall also meet procedures that are to be used have been qualified. Only the qualification requirements of this Article. welders and welding operators who are qualified in ac- (c) When making procedure test plates for butt welds, cordance with WD-4320 and Section IX shall be used. consideration shall be given to the effect of angular, lat- eral, and end restraint on the weldment. This applies par- WD-4324 Tran sferri n g Qu ali fi cati on s ticularly to material and weld metal of 80.0 ksi (550 MPa) The welding procedure qualifications and the perfor- tensile strength or higher and heavy sections of both low mance qualification tests for welders and welding opera- and high tensile strength material. The addition of re- tors conducted by one Certificate Holder shall not qualify straint during welding may result in cracking difficulties welding procedures and shall not qualify welders or that otherwise might not occur. welding operators to weld for any other Certificate (d) WA-3131 provides specific additional requirements Holder except as provided in Section IX. when welding services are subcontracted to or through organizations not holding an appropriate Certificate of WD-43 30 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS FOR Accreditation. WELDI N G PROCEDU RE QU ALI FI CATI ON TESTS WD-432 2 M ai n ten an ce an d Certi fi cati on of Record s WD-43 31 Con form an ce to Secti on I X The Certificate Holder shall maintain a record of the Req u i rem en ts qualified welding procedures and of the welders and All welding procedure qualification tests shall be in ac- welding operators qualified by him, showing the date cordance with the requirements of Section IX as supple- and results of tests and the identification mark assigned mented or modified by the requirements of this Article. 258 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WD-433 3 H eat Treatm en t of Qu ali fi cati on Weld s location as near as practical to a depth midway between for Ferri ti c M ateri al the surface and center thickness. The coupons for heat- Postweld heat treatment of procedure qualification affected zone impact specimens shall be taken transverse welds shall conform to the applicable requirements of to the axis of the weld and etched to define the heat- WD-4600 and Section IX. The postweld heat treatment affected zone. The notch of the C v specimen shall be cut time at temperature shall be at least 80% of the maximum approximately normal to the material surface in such a time to be applied to the weld material. The postweld heat manner as to include as much heat-affected zone as pos- treatment total time may be applied in one heating cycle. sible in the resulting fracture. Where the material thick- ness permits, the axis of a specimen may be inclined to WD-433 4 Preparati on of Test Cou pon s an d allow the root of the notch to align parallel to the fusion Speci m en s line. (c) For the comparison of heat-affected zone values (a) Removal of test coupons from the test weld and the dimensions of specimens made from them shall conform with base material values [WD-4335.2(b)], C v specimens to the requirements of Section IX, except that the removal shall be removed from the unaffected base material at ap- of impact test coupons and the dimensions of impact test proximately the same distance from the base material specimens shall be in accordance with (b) below. surface as the heat-affected zone specimens. The axis of (b) Weld deposit of each process in a multiple process the unaffected base material specimens shall be parallel weld shall, where possible, be included in the impact test to the axis of the heat-affected zone specimens, and the specimens. When each process cannot be included in the axis of the notch shall be normal to the surface of the base full-size impact test specimen at the 1/4t location required material. When required by WD-4335.2(b), drop weight by this Subsection, additional full-size specimens shall be specimens shall be removed from a depth as near as prac- obtained from locations in the test weld that will ensure tical to midway between the surface and center thickness that at least a portion of each process has been included of the unaffected base material and shall be tested in ac- in full-size test specimens. As an alternative, additional cordance with the requirements of WD-2321.1. test welds can be made with each process so that full-size specimens can be tested for each process. WD-433 5 I m pact Test Req u i rem en ts WD-4334. 1 Cou pon s Represen ti n g th e Weld Depos- When materials are required to be impact tested per i ts.Impact test specimens and testing methods shall con- WD-2 3 00, impact tests of the weld metal and heat- form to WD-2321. The impact specimen shall be located affected zone shall be performed in accordance with the so that the longitudinal axis of the specimen is at least following subparagraphs. The weld procedure qualifica- 1 /4t and, where the thickness of the test assembly permits, tion impact test specimens shall be prepared and tested not less than 3/8 in. (10 mm) from the weld surface of the in accordance with the applicable requirements of test assembly. In addition, when the postweld heat treat- WD-2330 and WD-4334. Retests in accordance with the ment temperature exceeds the maximum temperature provisions of WD-2350 shall be permitted. specified in WD-4620 and the test assembly is cooled at an accelerated rate, the longitudinal axis of the specimen WD- 4335. 1 I m pact Tests of Weld Metal. shall be a minimum of t from the edge of the test assem- (a) Impact tests of the weld metal shall be required for bly. The specimen shall be transverse to the longitudinal welding procedure qualification tests for production weld axis of the weld with the area of the notch located in the joints exceeding 5/8 in. (16 mm) in thickness when the weld. The length of the notch of the C v specimen shall be weld will be made on the surface or will penetrate the normal to the surface of the weld. Where drop weight spe- base material that requires impact testing in accordance cimens are required, the tension surface of the specimen with WD-2310. In addition, such testing of the weld metal shall be oriented parallel to the surface of the test shall be required for the welding procedure qualification assembly. tests for any weld repair to base material that requires WD-4334. 2 Cou pon s Re p re s e n t i n g th e H e at- impact testing in accordance with WD-2310, regardless When impact tests of the heat-affected Affe cte d Z o n e . of the depth of the repair. Exemption from impact testing zone are required by WD-4335.2, specimens shall be ta- under WD-2311(a) shall not apply to weld metal of weld- ken from the welding procedure qualification test assem- ing procedure qualification tests for either production blies in accordance with (a) through (c) below. weld joints or base metal repairs unless the specific weld (a) If the qualification test material is in the form of a metal used is A-No. 8. plate or a forging, the axis of the weld shall be oriented (b) The impact test requirements and acceptance stan- in the direction parallel to the principal direction of roll- dards for welding procedure qualification weld metal ing or forging. shall be the same as specified in WD-2330 for the base (b) The heat-affected zone impact test specimens and material to be welded or repaired. Where two materials testing methods shall conform to the requirements of are to be joined by welding and have different fracture WD-2 3 21.2 . The specimens shall be removed from a toughness requirements, the test requirements and 259 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 acceptance standards of either material may be used for value of all three specimens tested is not less than 35 mils the weld metal except where otherwise specified in the (0.89 mm). The average lateral expansion value for each Design Specification. test meeting this requirement shall be plotted on a lateral (c) A Welding Procedure Specification qualified to the expansion versus temperature graph. The difference in impact testing requirements of Subsection WB, WC, NB, temp erature b etween T H A Z and T U B M , where the NC, or NE may be accepted as an alternative to the Weld- heat-affected zone and the unaffected base material aver- ing Procedure Specification impact testing requirements age lateral expansion values are the same and not less of this Subsection. than 35 mils (0.89 mm), shall be used to determine the adjustment temperature TA D J , where WD-4335. 2 I m pact Tests of H eat-Affected Zon e. (a) C v tests of the heat-affected zone of the welding pro- cedure qualification test assembly are required whenever the thickness of the weld exceeds 5/8 in. (16 mm) and If TA D J ≤ 0, then TA D J = 0. either of the base materials requires impact testing in ac- (6) As an alternative to (5) above, if the average lat- cordance with the rules of WD-2310. The only exceptions eral expansion value of the heat-affected zone specimens to the requirements are the following: is no less than 35 mils (0.89 mm) and the average of the (1) the qualification for welds in P-Nos. 1 and 3 and heat-affected zone specimens is not less than 5 mils (0.13 SA-336 F12 materials that are postweld heat treated mm) below the average lateral expansion value of the un- and are made by any process other than thermit; affected base material specimens, T A D J may be taken as (2) the qualification for weld deposit cladding or 15°F (8°C) hard-facing on any base material; (7) As a second alternative to (5) above, if the aver- age lateral expansion value of the heat-affected zone spe- (3) that portion of the heat-affected zone associated cimens is no less than 35 mils (0.89 mm), the difference with GTAW root deposits with a maximum of two layers b e twe e n th e a v e r a g e l a te r a l e x p a n s i o n o f th e or 3/16 in. (5 mm) thickness, whichever is less. heat-affected zone and the unaffected base material speci- (b) The required testing shall be in accordance with (c) mens shall be calculated and used as described in (e)(3) below for base material tested under WD-2332 and in ac- below. cordance with (d) below for base material tested under (d) For heat-affected zones associated with base mate- WD-2331. rials tested under WD-2331, the required testing shall be (c) For heat-affected zones associated with base mate- in accordance with (1) through (5) below. rial tested under WD-2332, the required testing shall be (1) Three C v specimens shall be removed from both in accordance with (1) through (7) below. the unaffected base material and the heat-affected zone. (1) Determine the TN D T of the unaffected base mate- The unaffected base material specimens shall be tested rial to be used in the welding procedure qualification test at the lowest service temperature established in the De- assembly. sign Specification or additional testing shall be performed (2) C v specimens representing both the heat-affected at higher temperatures until the applicable requirements zone and the unaffected base material shall be tested at of Table WD-2331(a)-1 are met for the thickness of mate- the (TN D T + 60°F) (T N D T + 33°C) temperature. rial to be welded in production. (3) The C v tests of the unaffected base material shall (2) The heat-affected zone specimens shall be tested meet the applicable requirements of WD-2332 or addi- at the test temperature determined in (1) above. If the tional testing shall be performed at higher temperatures average lateral expansion value of the specimens equals until the requirements of WD-2332 are met. or exceeds the average lateral expansion value of the un- (4) The heat-affected zone specimens shall be tested affected base material, the qualification test shall be ac- at the test temperature determined in (3) above. If the ceptable for the essential and supplemental essential average lateral expansion value of the specimens equals variables recorded on the Welding Procedure Qualifica- or exceeds the average lateral expansion value of the un- tion Record. If the heat-affected zone average lateral ex- affected base material, the qualification test shall be ac- pansion value is less than the unaffected base material ceptable for the essential and supplemental essential lateral expansion value, the adj ustment given in (3 ) variables recorded on the Welding Procedure Qualifica- through (5) below shall be determined and applied as tion Record. If the heat-affected zone average lateral ex- provided in (e) below. Alternatively, another test coupon pansion value is less than the unaffected base material may be welded and tested. average lateral expansion value, the adjustment given in (3) Additional C v tests shall be performed on either (5) through (7) below shall be determined and applied the heat-affected zone or the unaffected base material, as provided in (e) below. Alternatively, another test cou- or both, at temperatures where the lateral expansion val- pon may be welded and tested. ue of all three specimens tested is not less than the values (5) Additional C v tests shall be performed on either shown in Table WD-2331(a)-1 for the thickness of base the heat-affected zone or the unaffected base material, material to be welded in production. The average lateral or both, at temperatures where the lateral expansion expansion value for each test meeting this requirement 260 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 shall be plotted on a lateral expansion versus tempera- WD-433 6 Qu ali fi cati on Req u i rem en ts for ture graph. The difference in temperature between TH A Z Bu i lt-U p Weld Deposi ts and T U B M , where the heat-affected zone and the unaf- fected base material average lateral expansion values Built-up weld deposits for base metal reinforcement are the same and not less than that specified in (2) above, shall be qualified in accordance with the requirements shall be used to determine the adjustment temperature of WD-4331 to WD-4335, inclusive. T A D J , where WD-4400 RU LES G OVERN I N G M AKI N G , If TA D J ≤ 0, then T A D J = 0. EXAM I N I N G , AN D REPAI RI N G (4) As an alternative to (3) above, if the average lat- WELDS eral expansion value of the heat-affected zone is no less th a n 3 5 m i l s (0 . 8 9 m m ) a n d th e a ve ra ge o f th e WD-4410 PRECAU TI ON S TO BE TAKEN BEFORE heat-affected zone specimens is not less than 5 mils WELDI N G (0.13 mm) below the average lateral expansion value of WD-4411 I d en ti fi cati on , Storag e, an d H an d li n g the unaffected base material, T A D J may be taken as of Weld i n g M ateri al 15°F (8°C). Each Certificate Holder shall be responsible for control (5) As a second alternative to (3) above, if the aver- of the welding electrodes and other material that is used age lateral expansion value of the heat-affected zone spe- in the fabrication (WD-4120). Suitable identification, stor- cimens is no less than 35 mils (0.89 mm), the difference age, and handling of electrodes, flux, and other welding between the average lateral expansion of the heat- material shall be maintained. Precautions shall be taken affected zone and the unaffected base material specimens to minimize absorption of moisture by electrodes and shall be calculated and used as described in (e)(3) below. flux. (e) At least one of the following methods shall be used to compensate for the heat-affected zone toughness de- crease due to the welding procedure effects: WD-4412 Clean li n ess an d Protecti on of Weld i n g (1 ) The R T N D T temperature established in WD-2332 Su rfaces or the lowest service temperature specified in the Design The method used to prepare the base metal shall leave Specification (WD-2 331 ) for all of the material to be the weld preparation with reasonably smooth surfaces. welded in production Welding Procedure Specifications The surfaces for welding shall be free of scale, rust, oil, supported by this Welding Procedure Qualification Re- grease, and other deleterious material. The work shall cord shall be increased by the adjustment temperature be protected from deleterious contamination and from TA D J . rain, snow, and wind during welding. Welding shall not (2) The specified testing temperature for the produc- be performed on wet surfaces. tion material may be reduced by TA D J . (3) The materials to be welded may be welded using the Welding Procedure Specification provided they exhi- WD-442 0 RU LES FOR M AKI N G WELDED J OI N TS bit C V values that are no less than the minimum required WD-442 1 Backi n g Bars lateral expansion value required by WD-2300 plus the dif- ference in average lateral expansion values established in Backing bars shall conform to the requirements of (c)(7) or (d)(5) above. WD-3240. The material for backing bars, when used, shall (f) The C v testing results shall be recorded on the be compatible with the base metal. Permanent backing Welding Procedure Qualification Record and any offset- bars, when permitted by WD-3240, shall be continuous, ting T A D J or increased toughness requirements shall be and any splices shall be made by full penetration welds. noted on the Welding Procedure Qualification Record Spacer pins shall not be incorporated into the welds. and on the Welding Procedure Specification. More than one compensation method may be documented on the Welding Procedure Qualification Record. WD-442 2 Peen i n g (g) A Welding Procedure Specification qualified to the Controlled peening may be performed to minimize dis- impact testing requirements of Subsection WB, WC, NB, tortion. Peening shall not be used for stress mitigation. NC, or NE may be accepted as an alternative to the Weld- Peening shall not be used on the initial layer, root of the ing Procedure impact testing requirements of this weld metal, or on the final layer unless the weld is post- Division. weld heat treated. 261 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WD-4423 Dou ble Weld ed J oi n ts WD-4426 Rei n forcem en t of Weld s (a) Before applying weld metal on the second side to be The surface of the reinforcement of all butt welded welded, the root of full penetration double welded joints joints may be flush with the base material or may have shall be prepared by suitable methods such as chipping, uniform crowns. The height of reinforcement on each face grinding, or thermal gouging, except for those processes of the weld shall not exceed the thickness in the following of welding by which proper fusion and penetration are tabulation: otherwise obtained and demonstrated to be satisfactory Maximum by welding procedure qualification. Reinforcement, (b) If the welding is stopped for any reason, extra care Nominal Thickness, in. (mm) in. (mm) shall be taken in restarting to get the required penetra- Up to 1 (25), incl. 3 /32 (2.5) 1 tion and fusion. For submerged arc welding, chipping Over 1 to 2 (25 to 50), incl. /8 (3.0) 5 Over 2 to 3 (50 to 75), incl. /32 (4.0) out a groove in the crater is recommended Over 3 to 4 (75 to 100), incl. 7 /32 (5.5) (c) Where single welded joints are used, particular care Over 4 to 5 (100 to 125), incl. 1 /4 (6.5) shall be taken in aligning and separating the components Over 5 (125) 5 /16 (8.0) to be joined so that there will be complete penetration and fusion at the bottom of the joint for its full length. WD-4427 Sh ape an d Si ze of Fi llet Weld s WD-4424 Su rfaces of Weld s Fillet welds may vary from convex to concave. The shape and size of the weld shall be in accordance with As-welded surfaces shall be permitted. However, the the requirements of Figure WD-4427-1. A fillet weld in surface of welds shall be sufficiently free from coarse rip- any single continuous weld may be less than the specified ples, grooves, overlaps, abrupt ridges, and valleys to meet fillet weld dimension by not more than 1/16 in. (1.5 mm), (a) through (e) below. provided that the total undersize portion of the weld does (a) The surface condition of the finished weld shall be not exceed 10% of the length of the weld. Individual un- suitable for the proper interpretation of radiographic dersize weld portions shall not exceed 2 in. (50 mm) in and any other required nondestructive examinations of length. the weld. In those cases where there is a question regard- WD-4428 Weld i n g of Clad Parts 11 ing the surface condition of the weld on the interpretation of a radiographic film, the film shall be compared to the The joint types and welding procedures used for clad- actual weld surface for interpretation and determination ding shall be such as to prevent the formation of brittle of acceptability. weld composition. Any such weld deposited cladding shall be examined by a liquid penetrant method in accordance (b) Reinforcements shall be permitted in accordance with the requirements of WD-5110 and meet the accep- with WD-4426. tance standards of WD-5350. Parts welded to clad items 1 (c) Undercuts shall not exceed /3 2 in. (0.8 mm) and shall be welded directly to the base metal and not to shall not encroach on the required section thickness. the cladding, except in the case of weld overlay cladding. (d) Concavity on the root side of a single welded cir- cumferential butt weld shall be permitted when the re- WD-4430 WELDI N G OF ATTACH M EN TS sulting thickness of the weld meets the requirements of WD-4431 M ateri als for Attach m en ts Article WD-3000. Attachments welded to internal support structures (e) If the surface of the weld requires grinding to meet shall be of materials that meet the requirements of the above criteria, care shall be taken to avoid reducing WD-2120. the weld or base material below the required thickness. WD-4432 Weld i n g of Stru ctu ral Attach m en ts The rules of WD-4321 governing welding qualifications WD-4425 Weld i n g I tem s of Di fferen t Di am eters shall apply to the welding of structural attachments. When items of different diameters are welded together, WD-4433 Stru ctu ral Attach m en ts there shall be a gradual transition between the two sur- Structural attachments shall conform reasonably to the faces. The length of the transition may include the weld. curvature of the surface to which they are to be attached The slope of the transition shall be such that the length- and shall be attached by full penetration, fillet, or partial offset ratio shall not be less than 3:1, unless greater slopes penetration continuous welds. When fillet and partial are shown to be acceptable by analysis in accordance with penetration welds are used on components, the require- WD-3200 and WD-3300. ments of WD-3200 and WD-3300 shall be met. 262 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Fi g u re WD-442 7-1 Fi llet Weld Detai ls an d Di m en si on s Theoretical throat Theoretical throat Surface of vertical member Surface of vertical member Convex fillet weld Concave fillet weld Size of weld Surface of horizontal member Size of weld (a) Equal Leg Fillet Weld [Note (1 )] Theoretical throat Theoretical throat Surface of vertical member Surface of vertical member Convex fillet weld Concave fillet weld Surface of horizontal member (b) Unequal Leg Fillet Weld [Note (2)] NOTES: (1) The size of an equal leg fillet weld is the leg length of the largest inscribed right isosceles triangle. Theoretical throat = 0.7 × size of weld. (2) The size of an unequal leg fillet weld is the shorter leg length of the largest right triangle that can be inscribed within the fillet weld cross-section. WD-443 4 Weld i n g of Attach m en ts to Clad (2) The temporary attachment is completely re- Com pon en ts moved in accordance with the procedures of WD-4211. Structural attachments on clad components shall be (3) After the temporary attachment has been re- welded to the base metal and not to the cladding, except moved, the marked area is examined by the liquid pene- for weld overlay cladding. trant or magnetic particle method in accordance with the requirements of WD-5110 and meets the acceptance WD-443 5 Weld i n g of Tem porary Attach m en ts standards of WD-5340 or WD-5350, whichever is applic- an d Th ei r Rem oval able; this examination shall not be required if more than 1 /8 in. (3.0 mm) of material will be removed by any subse- (a) Temporary attachments may be noncertified mate- quent machining operations. rial and may be welded with continuous or intermittent (4) As an alternative to (a)(5) above, postweld heat fillet or partial penetration welds, provided the following conditions are met: treatment may be deferred until after removal of the (1 ) The welding procedure and the welders have attachment. been qualified in accordance with WD-4321. (2) The base material is identified and is suitable for WD-4440 SPECI AL REQU I REM EN TS FO R welding. WELDI N G (3) The base material is compatible with the material to which it is attached. WD-4441 Th rou g h -Th i ckn ess Load i n g (4) The welding material is identified and compatible Welded joint configurations causing significant through with the materials joined, and thickness tensile stress (defined as being in excess of 50% (5) The welds are postweld heat treated when re- of the allowable stress limits permitted by Article quired by WD-4620. WD-3000) during fabrication or service on rolled product (b) Removal of temporary attachments shall be accom- forms should be avoided. When this type of construction plished as follows: is used, weld volume and welding heat input on the rolled (1 ) The immediate area around the temporary at- surfaces should be limited to the extent practical. When tachment is marked in a suitable manner so that after re- identified by the Design Output Documents, weld joints moval the area can be identified until after it has been in primary members 1 in. (25 mm) or greater in thickness examined in accordance with (3) below. in component supports subjected to significant through 263 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 thickness tensile loads and any other weld joints identi- fied in the Design Output Documents shall meet one of Fi g u re WD-4441-1 the following requirements: Weld I n lay an d O verlay Speci fi cati on s (a) After completion of welding, the base material di- T rectly underneath the attachment shall be ultrasonically (typ.) examined in accordance with the requirements of Article WD-5000, as appropriate. (b) A weld metal inlay or overlay shall be made in ac- 3 /8in. min. cordance with Figure WD-4441-1 and ultrasonically ex- (typ.) amined in accordance with Article WD-5000, prior to (1 0 mm) making the weld joining the attachment member to the inlay or overlay. Step 2 (c) The material shall meet the acceptance standards of SA-770, Through-Thickness Tension Testing of Steel w Plates for Special Applications. t WD-4450 REPAI R OF WELD M ETAL DEFECTS WD-4451 G en eral Req u i rem en ts w Defects in weld metal detected by the examinations re- quired by Article WD-5000 shall be eliminated and re- Step 2 paired when necessary. Step 1 WD-4452 Eli m i n ati on of Su rface Defects 3 /8 in. min. Weld metal surface defects may be removed by grind- (typ.) ing or machining and need not be repaired by welding, (1 0 mm) provided that the following requirements are met: (a) The remaining thickness of the section is not re- Step 1 : Inlay or overlay weldment duced below that required by Article WD-3000. (b) The depression, after defect elimination, is blended Step 2: Completion of weldment uniformly into the surrounding surface. GENERAL NOTES: (c) The area is examined by a magnetic particle or li- (a) T is the width of the welded zone measured on the primary quid penetrant method in accordance with Article member surface. WD-5000 after blending and meets the acceptance stan- (b) Members may be welded on one side only or from both sides. dards of Article WD-5000 to ensure volumetric method (c) Inlay or overlay thickness shall be 1/4 in. (6 mm) min. for t = 1 in. (25 mm) and shall be increased 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) for each addi- and located on an interior surface need only be reexam- tional 3/8 in. (10 mm) of t but not exceed 1/2 in. (13 mm). ined by the method that initially detected the defect (d) When T exceeds t , w shall be increased by an additional 1/16 in. when the interior surface is inaccessible for surface (1.5 mm) for each 3/8 in. (10 mm) of T over t , to a maximum of examination. 1 /2 in. (13 mm). (e) The minimum specified tensile strength of the electrodes used for inlay or overlay shall not exceed the minimum specified ten- WD-4453 Req u i rem en ts for M aki n g Repai rs of sile strength of the base metal by more than 12 ksi (83 MPa). Weld s Excavations in weld metal, when repaired by welding, s h a l l m e e t th e r e q u i r e m e n ts o f th e fo l l o w i n g WD - 4453 . 2 R e q u i re m e n t s fo r W e ld i n g M at e ri al, subparagraphs. Proced u res, an d Weld ers.The weld repair shall be made using welding material, welders, and welding procedures WD - 4453. 1 D e fe c t R e m o va l .Defects may be re- qualified in accordance with WD-4125 and WD-4300. moved by mechanical means or by thermal gouging pro- WD- 4453. 3 After repair Blen d i n g of Repai red Areas. cesses. The area prepared for repair shall be examined the surface shall be blended uniformly into the surround- by a liquid penetrant or magnetic particle method in ac- ing surface. cordance with WD-5110 and meet the acceptance stan- dards of WD-5340 or WD-5350. This examination shall WD - 4453 . 4 The ex- Exam i n ati o n o f Rep ai r We ld s. not be required when defect elimination removes the full amination of a weld repair shall be repeated as required thickness of the weld and where the backside of the for the original weld, except that it need only be reexam- weld joint is not accessible for removal of examination ined by the liquid penetrant or magnetic particle method materials. 264 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 when the unacceptable indication was originally detected WD-462 0 POSTWELD H EAT TREATM EN T by the liquid penetrant or magnetic particle method and WD-462 1 H eati n g an d Cooli n g M eth od s when the repair cavity does not exceed the following: (a) 1/3 t for t ≤ 1/2 in. (13 mm) Postweld heat treatment (PWHT) may be accomplished by any suitable methods of heating and cooling, provided (b) 1/4 in. (6 mm) for 1/2 in. (1 3 mm) < t ≤ 2 1/2 in. the required heating and cooling rates, metal tempera- (64 mm) ture, metal temperature uniformity, and temperature (c) the lesser of 3/8 in. (10 mm) or 10% t for t > 2 1/2 in. control are maintained. (64 mm) where t equals the thickness of the weld. WD-462 2 PWH T Ti m e an d Tem peratu re Req u i rem en ts WD-4453. 5 The H eat Treatm en t of Repai red Areas. Except as other- area shall be heat treated in accordance with WD-4620. WD- 4622. 1 G en eral Req u i rem en ts. wise permitted in WD-4622.7, all welds, including repair welds, shall be postweld heat treated. During postweld heat treatment, the metal temperature shall be main- WD-4500 BRAZI N G tained within the temperature range and for the mini- mum holding time specified in Table WD-462 2 .1 -1 , Brazing shall not be permitted for internal support excep t as o therwis e p e rmitted in WD - 4 6 2 2 . 4 (c) . structures. P-Number groups in Table WD-4622.1-1 are in accor- dance with Section IX, QW-420. Except as provided in WD-4624.3, PWHT shall be performed in temperature- WD-4600 H EAT TREATM EN T surveyed and -calibrated furnaces, or PWHT shall be per- formed with thermocouples in contact with the material WD-4610 WELDI N G PREH EAT AN D I N TERPASS or attached to blocks in contact with the material. Any REQU I REM EN TS postweld heat treatment time, which is anticipated to WD-4611 Wh en Preh eat I s N ecessary be applied to the material or item after it is completed, shall be specified in the Design Specification. The Certifi- The need for and temperature of preheat are depen- cate Holder shall include this time in the total time at tem- dent on a number of factors, such as the chemical analysis, perature specified to be applied to the test specimens. In degree of restraint of the parts being joined, temperature, addition, the requirements of the following subpara- physical properties, and material thickness. Some prac- graphs shall apply. tices used for preheating are given in Section III Appen- dices, Nonmandatory Appendix D as a general guide for WD - 46 2 2 . 2 – Ti m e Time- Te m p e ratu re Re co rd i n g s. the materials listed by P-Numbers of Section IX. It is cau- temperature recordings of all postweld heat treatments tioned that the preheating suggested in Section III Appen- shall be made available for review by the Inspector. Iden- dices, Nonmandatory Appendix D does not necessarily tification on the time-temperature recording shall be to ensure satisfactory completion of the welded joint and the applicable weld, part, or internal support structure. that the preheating requirements for individual materials A summary of the time-temperature recording may be within the P-Number listing may be more or less restric- provided for permanent records in accordance with tive. The Welding Procedure Specification for the material WA-4134. being welded shall specify the minimum preheating re- WD - 46 2 2 . 3 D efi n i ti o n o f N o m i n al Th i ckn e ss G ov- quirements under the welding procedure qualification re- ern i n g PWH T. T h e n o m i n a l th i c kn e s s i n T a b l e quirements of Section IX. WD-4622.7(b)-1 shall be the thickness of the weld, the base material, or the thinner of the base materials being joined, whichever is least. It is not intended that nominal WD-4612 Preh eati n g M eth od s thickness include material provided for forming allow- Preheat for welding or thermal cutting, when em- ance, thinning, or mill overrun when the excess material ployed, may be applied by any method that does not harm does not exceed 1/8 in. (3 mm). For fillet welds, the nom- the base material or any weld metal already applied or inal thickness is the throat thickness, and for partial pen- that does not introduce deleterious material into the etration and material repair welds, the nominal thickness welding area that is harmful to the weld. shall be the depth of the weld groove or preparation. WD- 4622. 4 H old i n g Ti m es at Tem peratu re. (a) The holding time at temperature as specified in Table WD-4622.1-1 shall be based on the nominal thick- WD-4613 I n terpass Tem peratu re Consideration shall be given to the limitations of inter- ness of the weld. The holding time need not be continu- pass temperatures for quenched and tempered material ous. It may be an accumulation of the times of multiple to avoid detrimental effects on the mechanical properties. postweld heat treat cycles. 265 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WD-4622.1-1 Mandatory Requirements for Postweld Heat Treatment (PWHT) of Welds Holding Minimum Holding Time at Temperature for Weld Thickness (Nominal), in. (mm) Temperature 1 P ‐ Number (Sect. IX, Range, °F (°C) /2 in. (13 mm) Over 1/2 in. (13 mm) to Over 2 in. (50 mm) to QW‐ 420) [Note (1)] or less 2 in. (50 mm) 5 in. (125 mm) Over 5 in. (125 mm) 1, 3 1,100 – 1,250 30 min 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) 2 hr plus 15 min each 2 hr plus 15 min each additional (595 – 675) additional inch (2 h inch (2 h plus 0.5 min/mm) plus 0.5 min/mm) over 2 in. (50 mm) over 2 in. (50 mm) 4 1,100 – 1,250 30 min 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) 5 hr plus 15 min each additional (595 – 675) inch (5 h plus 0.5 min/mm) over 5 in. (125 mm) 5A, 5B, 5C, 6 except 1,250 – 1,400 P ‐ No. 6 Gr. 4 (675 – 760) 5 hr plus 15 min each additional 30 min. 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) inch (5 h plus 0.5 min/mm) 6 Gr. 4 1,050 – 1,150 over 5 in. (125 mm) (565 – 620) 7 1,300 – 1,400 30 min 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) 5 hr plus 15 min each additional (705 – 760) inch (5 h plus 0.5 min/mm) over 5 in. (125 mm) 9A Gr.1 1,100 – 1,250 5 hr plus 15 min each additional (595 – 675) inch (5 h plus 0.5 min/mm) 30 min 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) over 5 in. (125 mm) 9B Gr. 1 1,100 – 1,175 (595 – 635) 10F Gr. 1 1,100 – 1,250 5 hr plus 15 min each additional (595 – 675) inch (5 h plus 0.5 min/mm) 30 min 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) over 5 in. (125 mm) 10I Gr. 1 1,300 – 1,400 (705 – 760) 11A Gr. 4 1,000 – 1,050 30 min 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) (540 – 565) 15E Gr. 1 1,350 – 1,425 30 min 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm) 5 hr plus 15 min each additional (730 – 775) inch (5 h plus 0.5 min/mm) over 5 in. (125 mm) P ‐ Nos. 8, 34, 42, 43, 45 and hard surfacing on P ‐ No. 1 base metal PWHT neither required nor prohibited whose reported carbon content is not more than 0.30% GENERAL NOTE: Exemptions to the mandatory requirements of this Table are defined in WD-4622.7. NOTE: (1) All temperatures are metal temperatures. 266 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (b) Holding time at temperature in excess of the mini- mum requirements of Table WD-4622.1-1 may be used, Table WD-4622.4(c)-1 provided that specimens so heat treated are tested in ac- Alternative Holding Temperatures and Times cordance with WD-2200, WD-2400, and WD-4300. Alternative Minimum (c) Alternatively, when it is impractical to postweld Material Holding Temperatures, Alternative Minimum P ‐ No. °F (°C) Holding Times [Note (1)] heat treat at the temperature range specified in Table WD-4622.1-1, it shall be permissible to perform the post- 1, 3, 9A Gr. 1 2 hr/in. (4 min/mm) 1,050 (565) 9B Gr.1 thickness weld heat treatment of certain materials at lower tem- 1, 3, 9A Gr.1 4 hr/in. (8 min/mm) peratures for longer periods of time in accordance with 9B Gr.1 1,000 (540) thickness Table WD-4622.4(c)-1 and the following: (1 ) Except for P-No. 1 materials, when welds in the NOTE: (1) All other requirements of WD-4622 shall apply. materials listed in Table WD-4622.4(c)-1 are to be post- weld heat treated at these lower minimum temperatures, impact test specimens for the welding procedure qualifi- cation required by WD-4300 shall be made using the (c) Welds subjected to temperatures above the PWHT same minimum temperatures and increased minimum temperature range specified in Table WD-4622.1-1, pro- holding time. Welding procedures, qualified at the tem- vided the Welding Procedure Specification is qualified perature range and minimum holding time specified in in accordance with Section IX and the base material and Table WD-4622.1-1 and at the lower temperature and in- the deposited weld material have been heat treated at creased minimum holding time permitted by Table the higher temperature. WD-4622.4(c)-1, shall also be qualified for any tempera- (d) Internal support structures constructed of P-No. 7 ture in between. When such an in-between temperature Type 405 material or of Type 410 material with carbon is used, the minimum holding time shall be interpolated content not exceeding 0.08%, welded with electrodes that from Table WD-4622.1-1 and the alternative require- produce an austenitic chromium – nickel weld deposit or a ments from Table WD-4622.4(c)-1. non-air-hardening nickel – chromium – iron weld deposit, (2) Except for P-No. 1 materials, when welds in the provided the plate thickness at the welded joint does materials listed in Table WD-4622.4(c)-1 are to be post- not exceed 3/8 in. (10 mm). weld heat treated at these lower minimum temperatures, the welding material certification required by WD-2400 shall be made using the same minimum temperature WD-4623 PWHT Heating and Cooling Rate and increased minimum holding time. Welding material Requirements certified at the temperature range and minimum holding Above 800°F (425°C) the rate of heating and cooling in time specified in Table WD-4622.1-1 and at the lower any hourly interval shall not exceed 400°F (220°C) di- minimum temperatures and increased minimum holding vided by the maximum thickness in inches of the material time permitted by Table WD-4622.4(c)-1 shall also be being heat treated, but shall not exceed 400°F (220°C) certified for any temperatures in between. and need not be less than 100°F (56°C) in any hourly in- (3) B as e material certified in acco rdance with terval. During the heating and cooling period, there shall WD-2200 may be postweld heat treated at the lower not be a greater variation in temperature than 250°F minimum temperature ranges and increased minimum (140°C) within any 15 ft (4.5 m) interval of weld length. holding times without recertification. Postweld heat The following exceptions are permitted: treatment at these lower minimum temperatures and in- (a) P-No. 6 material may be cooled in air from the post- creased minimum holding times may also be the temper- weld heat treatment holding temperature specified in ing operation, provided a higher tempering temperature Table WD-4622.1-1. is not required by the material specification. (b) For P-No. 7 material, the cooling rate at tempera- tures above 1,200°F (650°C) shall not exceed 100°F/hr WD-4622.5 PWHT Requirements When Different (56°C/h), after which the rate of cooling shall be suffi- P-Number Materials Are Joined. When materials of two ciently rapid to prevent embrittlement. different P-Number groups are joined by welding, the ap- plicable postweld heat treatment shall be that specified in Table WD-4622.1-1 for the material requiring the higher WD-4624 Methods of Postweld Heat Treatment PWHT temperature range. The postweld heat treatment shall be performed in ac- WD-4622.7 Exemptions to Mandatory Require- cordance with the requirements of one of the following ments. Postweld heat treatment in accordance with this subparagraphs. subarticle shall not be required for: — WD-4624.1 Furnace Heating One Heat. Heating (a) Nonferrous materials. the internal support structure or item in a closed furnace (b) Welds exempted in Table WD-4622.7(b)-1. in one heat is the preferred procedure and shall be used 267 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WD-4622.7(b)-1 Exemptions to Mandatory PWHT P ‐ No. (Section IX, Nominal Thickness, Max. Reported Min. Preheat QW‐ 420) Type of Weld [Note (1)] in. (mm) (WD-4622.3) Carbon, % [Note (2)] Required, °F (°C) 1 All welds, where the materials being joined are 1 1/4 (32) and less 0.30 and less … 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) and less Over 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 (32 to 38) 0.30 and less 200 (95) 3 /4 (19) or less Over 0.30 … Over 3/4 to 1 1/2 (19 to 38) Over 0.30 200 (95) 1 3 All welds in material over 1 /2 in. (38 mm) /4 (19) or less … 200 (95) 1 Gr. 1 or Gr. 2 Cladding or repair of cladding [Note (3)] with A‐ No. 8 or F‐ No. 43 filler metal in base material of: 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) or less … 0.30 100 (38) Over 1 1/2 in. to 3 in. (38 mm to 75 mm) … 0.30 200 (95) [Note (4)] Over 3 in. (75 mm) … 0.30 250 (120) [Note (5)] 3 All welds … … 350 (175) 5 3 except Gr. 3 All welds, provided weld procedure /8 (16) or less 0.25 or less 200 (95) qualification is made using equal or greater thickness base material than production weld [Note (6)] 1 Attachment welds joining containment to /2 (13) or less 0.25 or less 200 (95) noncontainment material 9A Gr. 1 or 9B Gr. 1 All welds provided weld procedure qualification ⅝ (16) or less … 200 (95) is made using equal or greater thickness base material than production weld [Note (6)] Attachment welds joining containment to ½ (13) or less … 200 (95) non-containment material over ⅝ in. (16 mm) 10I Gr. 1 All weld materials ½ in. (13 mm) or less ½ (13) or less … … 11A Gr. 4 All weld materials ½ in. (13 mm) or less ½ (13) or less … 250 (120) GENERAL NOTE: The exemptions noted in this Table do not apply to electron beam welds in ferritic materials over 1/8 in. (3 mm) in thickness. NOTES: (1) Where the thickness of material is identified in the column Type of Weld, it is the thickness of the base material at the welded joint. (2) Carbon level of the materials being joined. (3) The maximum resulting hardness of the heat-affected zone, in the procedure qualification test plate, shall not exceed 35 Rc. (4) Intermediate postweld soak at not less than 200°F (95°C) for 2 hr minimum. (5) Intermediate postweld soak at not less than 300°F (150°C) for 2 hr minimum. (6) Weld Procedure Qualification coupon need not exceed 1.5 in. (38 mm) in thickness. whenever practical. The furnace atmosphere shall be con- WD-4624.3 Local Heating. Welds may be locally trolled so as to avoid excessive oxidation, and direct im- postweld heat treated when it is not practical to heat treat pingement of flame on the weldment shall be prohibited. the entire weldment. Local postweld heat treatment shall WD-4624.2 Furnace H eating — More Than One consist of heating a circumferential band around the weldment at temperature within the ranges specified in Heat. The weldment may be heated in more than one heat in a furnace, provided the furnace atmosphere control re- this subarticle. The minimum width of the controlled quirements of WD-4624.1 apply and overlap of the heated band at each side of the weld, on the face of the greatest sections of the weldment is at least 5 ft (1.5 m). When this weld width, shall be the thickness of the weld or 2 in. (50 procedure is used, the portion of the weldment outside mm), whichever is less. The temperature of the weldment the furnace shall be shielded so that the temperature gra- from the edge of the controlled band outward shall be dient is not harmful. The cross section where the weld- gradually diminished so as to avoid harmful thermal gra- ment proj ects from the furnace shall not intersect a dients. This procedure may also be used for postweld heat structural discontinuity. treatment after repairs. 268 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WD-463 0 H EAT TREATM EN T OF WELDS OTH ER (1 ) Oversized holes shall not exceed the require- TH AN TH E FI N AL POSTWELD H EAT ments of WD-3230. They may be used in any or all plies TREATM EN T of friction-type connections. Hardened washers shall be The holding temperature, the time at temperature, the installed over exposed oversized holes. heating rate, and the cooling rate need not conform to the (2) Short-slotted holes shall not be wider than per- requirements of this Article for heat treatments other mitted by WD-3230 and shall not have a length exceeding than the final postweld heat treatment. the oversize diameter allowed in WD-3230 by more than 1 /16 in. (1.5 mm). They may be used in any or all plies of WD-4650 H EAT TREATM EN T AFTER BEN DI N G friction-type or bearing-type connections. The slots may OR FORM I N G be used without regard to direction of loading in friction- type connections, but shall be normal to the direction of WD-4651 Ferri ti c M ateri als the load in bearing-type connections. Hardened washers Ferritic materials may be used in the as-formed or as- shall be installed over exposed short-slotted holes. b e n t co n d i ti o n , h e at tre ate d i n acco rdan ce wi th (3) Long-slotted holes shall not be wider than per- WD-4620, fully annealed, normalized and tempered, or mitted by WD-3230 and shall not have a length that ex- quenched and tempered, provided the requirements of ceeds 2 1/2 times the bolt diameter. In friction-type WD-2210, WD-4212, and WD-4213 are met. connections, the long-slotted holes may be used without regard to direction of loading, provided the stress on WD-4652 Au sten i ti c an d N on ferrou s M ateri als the bolts does not exceed 75% of the allowable working Heat treatment of austenitic and nonferrous materials stress given in Article WD-3000. In bearing-type connec- shall neither be required nor prohibited after forming tions, the long diameter of the slot shall be normal to the operations. direction of loading. Long-slotted holes may be used in only one of the connected parts of either a friction-type or bearing-type connection at an individual faying sur- WD-4700 M ECH AN I CAL J OI N TS face. Structural plate washers or a continuous bar not less than 5/16 in. (8 mm) in thickness shall be used to cover WD-4710 BOLTI N G AN D TH READI N G long slots that are in the outer plies of joints. These WD-4711 Th read En g ag em en t washers or bars shall have a size sufficient to cover the The threads of all bolts shall be engaged for the full slot completely after installation and shall meet the re- length of thread in the load carrying nut unless otherwise quirements of Article WD-3000. specified in the Design Output Documents. (c) Except as specified in (d), holes may be punched, provided the thickness of the material is not greater than WD-4712 Th read Lu bri can ts the nominal diameter of the bolt plus 1/8 in. (3 mm). When the thickness of the material is greater than the nominal Any lubricant or compound used in threaded joints diameter of the bolt plus 1/8 in. (3 mm), holes shall be shall be suitable for the service conditions and shall not drilled, subpunched and reamed, or thermally cut. react unfavorably with either the service fluid or any ma- terial in the system. Thermal cutting shall not be used unless the load bear- ing surfaces are machined or ground smooth. For sub- WD-4713 Rem oval of Th read Lu bri can ts punched holes, the die shall be at least 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) smaller than the nominal diameter of the bolt. All threading lubricants or compounds shall be re- 1 (d) Bolt holes in material over /2 in. (13 mm) thick hav- moved from surfaces that are to be welded. ing a specified minimum yield strength greater than 80 ksi (550 MPa) shall be drilled. (e) For bolts not subjected to shear, the limits for over- WD-472 0 BOLTI N G WD-472 1 Bolt H oles sized and slotted holes in (d) may be increased if structur- For the purpose of this Article, high strength bolts shall al plate washers or continuous bars that meet the be considered those with specified minimum yield requirements of Article WD-3000 are provided. strength greater than 80 ksi (550 MPa). Bolt holes shall meet the requirements of (a) through (e). (a) Holes shall meet the requirements of WD-3230. WD-472 2 Bolted Con n ecti on s When the bolt hole size is 1/8 in. (3 mm) larger than the (a) Surfaces of bolted parts in contact with the bolt bolt, and the bolt is 1/2 in. (13 mm) or smaller, standard head and nut shall not have a slope of more than 1:20 washers shall be used. with respect to a plane normal to the bolt axis. Where (b) Oversized or slotted bolt holes may be used with the surface of a high strength bolted part has a slope of high strength bolts 1/2 in. (13 mm) in diameter and larger, more than 1:20, a beveled washer shall be used to com- except as restricted in (1), (2), and (3) below. pensate for the lack of parallelism. 269 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (b) Bolts loaded in pure shear shall not have threads lo- locking compounds (when compatible with service condi- cated in the load bearing part of the shank unless per- tions), lock nuts, including full or jam, slotted, drilled and mitted by the Design Output Documents. wired, free spinning and prevailing torque shall all be ac- ceptable locking devices. Upset threads by cold working WD-4723 Precautions Before Bolting or tack welding may serve as locking devices. Internally All parts assembled for bolting shall have contact sur- and externally toothed washers, and disk and helical faces free from scale, chips, or other deleterious material. spring lock washers shall not be used as locking devices. Surfaces and edges to be joined shall be smooth, uniform, and free from fins, tears, cracks, and other defects that WD-4725.2 Preloading of High Strength Fasteners. would degrade the strength of the joint. Preloading threaded fasteners made of material with a yield strength of 80 ksi (550 MPa) or greater, loaded in WD-4724 Bolt Tension tension to a value at least 20% above the maximum load All high strength structural bolts shall be preloaded to a on the fastener for the specified loading conditions, lim- value not less than that given in the Design Output Docu- ited to 70% of the specified minimum tensile strength ments. Preloading shall be monitored by the turn of nut of the fastener material shall satisfy the requirement for method, by properly calibrated wrenches, by load indicat- locking. ing washers, or by direct extension indicators. Bolts pre- loaded by means of a calibrated wrench shall be installed WD-4725.3 Preloading of Non-High Strength Fas- with a hardened washer under the nut or bolt head, teners. When locking devices cannot be installed because whichever is the element turned in preloading. Hardened of assembly geometry, preloading of the threaded fasten- washers shall be required under the bolt head and the nut ers in an assembly with fastener material of yield strength when the direct extension or load indicating washer below 80 ksi (550 MPa) shall be an acceptable method for method is used. Hardened washers shall not be required locking provided the resulting preload is at least 20% when bolts are preloaded by the turn of nut method, ex- above the maximum load on the fastener for the specified cept that hardened washers are required under the nut loading conditions, but is limited to 70% of the specified and bolt head when the bolts shall be used to connect ma- minimum tensile strength of the fastener. The threaded terial having a specified yield strength less than 40 ksi assembly shall be tested for the dynamic loading condi- (270 MPa). tions specified in the Design Specification, and the estab- lished preload shall be verified on the assembly by WD-4725 Locking Devices properly calibrated wrenches, direct extension indicators, WD-4725.1 Types of Locking Devices. Threaded fas- or the turn of the nut method. The results of the test, re- teners shall be provided with locking devices to prevent quired preload, and specified thread lubrication shall be loosening during service. Elastic stop nuts and thread provided in the Design Report. 270 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WD-5 000 EXAM I N ATI ON WD-5100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS FOR WD-5113 Post- Exam i n ati on Clean i n g EXAM I N ATI ON Following any nondestructive examination in which ex- WD-5110 PROCEDU RES, QU ALI FI CATI ON S, AN D amination materials are applied to the piece, the piece EVALU ATI ON shall be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with applicable material or procedure specifications. WD-5111 G en eral Req u i rem en ts Nondestructive examinations shall be conducted in ac- WD-5120 TI M E O F EXAM I N ATI ON OF WELDS cordance with the examination methods of Section V, ex- Accep tance examinatio ns o f welds required b y cept as they may be modified by the requirements of this WD-5200 shall be performed at the time stipulated in Article. Radiographic examination shall be performed in the following subparagraphs during fabrication and accordance with Section V, Article 2, except that fluores- installation: cent screens are not permitted for film radiography, the (a) For welds in internal support structure compo- geometric unsharpness shall not exceed the limits of Sec- nents, radiographic or ultrasonic examination, when re- tion V, Article 2, T ‐ 274.2, and the image quality indicators quired, shall be performed after an intermediate or final (IQIs) of Table WD-5111-1 shall be used in lieu of those postweld heat treatment if heat treatment is required shown in Section V, Article 2, Table T ‐ 276. The require- by WD-4622. ments for the retention of electronic and digital radio- (b) Magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, or visual exam- graphic images are the same as that for radiographic inations shall be performed on the final surface after any film. Ultrasonic examination shall be in accordance with required postweld heat treatment, except that welds in Section V, Article 4; magnetic particle examination shall P ‐ No. 1 material may be examined either before or after be in accordance with Section V, Article 7; liquid pene- postweld heat treatment. Weld surfaces that are covered trant examination shall be in accordance with Section V, with weld metal cladding shall be examined before the Article 6; and visual examination shall be in accordance weld metal cladding is applied. Weld surfaces that are with Section V, Article 9. The examinations required by not accessible after a postweld heat treatment shall be ex- this Article or by reference to this Article shall be per- ami n e d p ri o r to th e o p e rati o n s th at caus e d th i s formed by personnel who have been qualified as required inaccessibility. by this Article. The results of the examinations shall be (c) All dissimilar metal weld joints, such as in austenitic evaluated in accordance with the acceptance standards or high nickel to ferritic material or using austenitic or of this Article. high nickel alloy filler metal to join ferritic material, shall be examined on the final surface after final postweld heat WD-5112 N on d estru cti ve Exam i n ati on treatment. Proced u res All nondestructive examinations required by this WD-5130 EXAM I N ATI ON OF WELD EDG E Article shall be performed in accordance with detailed PREPARATI ON SU RFACES written procedures that have been proven by actual de- All full penetration weld edge preparation surfaces in monstration to the satisfaction of the Inspector. The pro- material 1 in. (25 mm) or more in thickness shall be ex- cedures shall comply with the appropriate Article of amined by the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant meth- Section V for the particular examination method. The di- od. Indications shall be evaluated in accordance with the gitization of radiographic film and radioscopic images acceptance standards of (a) through (c) below. shall meet the requirements of Section V, Article 2, Man- (a) Only indications with major dimensions greater datory Appendix III, “ Digital Image Acquisition, Display, than 1/1 6 in. (1 .5 mm) shall be considered relevant and Storage for Radiography and Radioscopy.” Written imperfections. procedures and records of demonstration of procedure (b) Laminar‐ type imperfections are acceptable without capability and personnel qualification shall be made avail- repair if they do not exceed 1/2 in. (13 mm). The extent of able to the Inspector on request. At least one copy of the all laminar‐ type imperfections exceeding 1/2 in. (13 mm) procedure shall be readily available to all applicable non- shall be determined by ultrasonic examination. Imperfec- destructive examination personnel for reference and use. tions exceeding 1/2 in. (1 3 mm) shall be repaired by 271 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 Table WD-5111- 1 Th i ckn ess, I QI Desi g n ati on s, Essen ti al H oles, an d Wi re Di am eters IQI(s) — Hole or Wire Type [Note (1)] Source Side Radiograph Side Single Wall Material Hole Required Wire Hole Required Wire Thickness Range, Size, Essential Diameter — IQI, Size, Essential Diameter — IQI, in. (mm) Designation in. (mm) Hole in. (mm) Designation in. (mm) Hole in. (mm) Up to 1/4 (6) incl. 5 0.040 (1.02) 4T 0.006 (0.15) 5 0.040 (1.02) 4T 0.006 (0.15) Over 1/4– 3/8 (6 – 10) 7 0.040 (1.02) 4T 0.006 (0.15) 7 0.040 (1.02) 4T 0.006 (0.15) Over 3/8 – 1/2 (10 – 13) 10 0.040 (1.02) 4T 0.010 (0.25) 10 0.040 (1.02) 4T 0.010 (0.25) Over 1/2 – 5/8 (13 – 16) 12 0.050 (1.27) 4T 0.013 (0.33) 12 0.050 (1.27) 4T 0.013 (0.33) Over 5/8 – 3/4 (16 – 19) 15 0.060 (1.52) 4T 0.016 (0.41) 12 0.050 (1.27) 4T 0.013 (0.33) Over 3/4– 1 (19 – 25) 20 0.040 (1.02) 2T 0.016 (0.41) 17 0.035 (0.89) 2T 0.013 (0.33) Over 1 –1 1/4 (25 – 32) 25 0.050 (1.27) 2 T 0.020 (0.51) 17 0.035 (0.89) 2 T 0.013 (0.33) Over 1 1/4– 1 1/2 (32 – 38) 30 0.060 (1.52) 2 T 0.025 (0.64) 20 0.040 (1.02) 2 T 0.016 (0.41) Over 1 1/2 – 2 (38 – 50) 35 0.070 (1.78) 2 T 0.032 (0.81) 25 0.050 (1.27) 2 T 0.020 (0.51) Over 2 – 2 1/2 (50 – 64) 40 0.080 (2.03) 2 T 0.040 (1.02) 30 0.060 (1.52) 2 T 0.025 (0.64) Over 2 1/2 – 3 (64– 75) 45 0.090 (2.29) 2 T 0.040 (1.02) 35 0.070 (1.78) 2 T 0.032 (0.81) Over 3 – 4 (75 – 100) 50 0.100 (2.54) 2 T 0.050 (1.27) 40 0.080 (2.03) 2 T 0.040 (1.02) Over 4 – 6 (100 – 150) 60 0.120 (3.05) 2 T 0.063 (1.60) 45 0.090 (2.29) 2 T 0.040 (1.02) Over 6 – 8 (150 – 200) 80 0.160 (4.06) 2 T 0.100 (2.54) 50 0.100 (2.54) 2 T 0.050 (1.27) Over 8 – 10 (200 – 250) 100 0.200 (5.08) 2 T 0.126 (3.20) 60 0.120 (3.05) 2 T 0.063 (1.60) Over 10 – 12 (250 – 300) 120 0.240 (6.10) 2 T 0.160 (4.06) 80 0.160 (4.06) 2 T 0.100 (2.54) Over 12 – 16 (300 – 400) 160 0.320 (8.13) 2 T 0.250 (6.35) 100 0.200 (5.08) 2 T 0.126 (3.20) Over 16 – 20 (400 – 500) 200 0.400 (10.16) 2 T 0.320 (8.13) 120 0.240 (6.10) 2 T 0.160 (4.06) NOTE: (1) Hole (plaque) type IQIs may be used on flat plates and on objects with geometries such that the IQI hole image is not distorted. welding to a depth of 3/8 in. (10 mm) or the depth of the WD-5140 EXAM I N ATI ON OF ADJ ACEN T BASE imperfection, whichever is less, unless the ultrasonic ex- M ATERI AL amination reveals that additional depth of repair is re- When performing the surface examinations of weld quired to meet the ultrasonic examination requirement joints as required by WD-5200, the external weld surfaces for the product form. and adjacent base material for at least 1/2 in. (13 mm) on (c) The following relevant nonlaminar imperfections each side of the weld shall be included in the examination. are unacceptable: Acceptance standards for the weld shall be as stated in (1) any linear indication greater than 1/8 in. (3 mm) this Article while the acceptance standards for base mate- long for materials 1 in. (25 mm) thick to under 2 in. rial shall be as stated in WD-2500. (50 mm) thick and 3/1 6 in. (5 mm) long for materials 2 in. (50 mm) thick and greater (2) rounded indications with dimensions greater WD-52 00 REQU I RED EXAM I N ATI ON OF than 3/16 in. (5 mm) WELDS (3) four or more indications greater than 1/1 6 in. WD-52 10 PERM I SSI BLE EXAM I N ATI ON (1.5 mm) long in a line separated by 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) or M ETH ODS less edge to edge (4) ten or more indications greater than 1/1 6 in. Welds used in internal support structures shall be ex- (1.5 mm) long in any 6 in. 2 (4 000 mm 2 ) of area whose amined in accordance with the requirements of this sub- article for the type of examination specified by the major dimension is no more than 6 in. (150 mm) with Certificate Holder to meet the requirement of Table the dimensions taken in the most unfavorable location WD-3240-1. The Certificate Holder may upgrade the ex- relative to the indications being evaluated amination in Table WD-3240-1 to a level higher than orig- (d) Weld repairs made to weld edge preparations for inally specified. Types I, II, and III welds shall be examined by the mag- netic particle or liquid penetrant method before the sur- faces become inaccessible. The examination may be performed before or after postweld heat treatment. 272 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WD-52 2 0 REQU I REM EN TS FOR RADI OG RAPH Y WD-5260 REQU I REM EN TS FOR SU RFACE O R U LTRASON I C AN D LI QU I D VI SU AL EXAM I N ATI ON PEN ETRAN T OR M AG N ETI C PARTI CLE WD-5261 Vi su al Exam i n ati on i n Ad d i ti on to EXAM I N ATI ON Oth er N DT Exam i n ati on When required b y the Certificate H o lder (Tab le All welds shall be visually examined to the acceptance WD-3240-1), welds shall be radiographically examined criteria of WD-5361. This visual examination shall be in and the external and accessible internal weld surfaces addition to all other required examinations. and adjacent base metal for at least 1/2 in. (13 mm) on each side of the weld examined by either the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method. Ultrasonic examina- WD-5262 Vi su al Exam i n ati on for Weld Su rface tion may be substituted for radiography except for those I n teg ri ty materials and welds that have coarse grains or configura- tions that do not yield meaningful results by ultrasonic When required b y the Certificate H o lder (Tab le methods. WD-3240-1), welds shall be visually examined on the final surface to the acceptance criteria of WD-5362. WD-52 30 REQU I REM EN TS FO R LI QU I D PEN ETRAN T OR M AG N ETI C PARTI CLE WD-52 70 SPECI AL WELDED J OI N TS EXAM I N ATI ON WD-52 72 Weld M etal Clad d i n g WD-52 31 Req u i rem en ts for Prog ressi ve Li q u i d Pen etran t or M ag n eti c Parti cle Weld metal cladding shall be examined by the liquid Exam i n ati on penetrant method. When required b y the Certificate H o lder (Tab le WD-3240-1), welds shall be either liquid penetrant or WD-52 73 H ard Su rfaci n g magnetic particle examined progressively at the lesser of either one ‐ third of the thickness of the weld joint or Hard surfacing shall be examined by the liquid pene- each 1/2 in. (13 mm), and on the external and accessible trant method in accordance with WD-2546, and the ac- internal weld surfaces and the adjacent base material ceptance standards applicable to materials less than 5 for 1/2 in. (13 mm) on each side of the weld. For welds /8 in. (16 mm) thick shall apply. 3 /8 in. (10 mm) thick or less, examination of the root, each subsequent layer, and the external and accessible internal weld surfaces and adjacent base material for at least 1/2 in. WD-52 77 Electron Beam Weld s (13 mm) on each side of the weld is permitted in lieu of In addition to the requirements for the type of weld the above. being examined, all complete penetration welds made by the electron beam welding process shall be ultrasoni- cally examined. WD-52 32 Req u i rem en ts for Root an d Fi n al Li q u i d Pen etran t or M ag n eti c Parti cle Exam i n ati on WD-52 79 Speci al Excepti on s When required b y the Certificate H o lder (Tab le When the joint detail, or environmental conditions (i.e., WD-3240-1), welds shall be either liquid penetrant or background radiation), does not permit radiographic ex- magnetic particle examined after the root and final passes amination to be performed in accordance with this on the external and accessible internal weld surfaces and Article, ultrasonic examination plus liquid penetrant or the adjacent base material for at least 1/2 in. (13 mm) on magnetic particle examination of the completed weld each side of the weld. may be substituted for the radiographic examination. The absence of suitable radiographic equipment shall not be justification for such substitution. The substitution of ultrasonic examination can be made provided the ex- WD-52 33 Req u i rem en ts for Su rface Li q u i d amination is performed using a detailed written proce- Pen etran t or M ag n eti c Parti cle dure that has been proven by actual demonstration to Exam i n ati on When required b y the Certificate H o lder (Tab le the satisfaction of the Inspector as capable of detecting WD-3240-1), welds shall be either liquid penetrant or and locating defects described in this Subsection. The magnetic particle examined on the external and accessi- nondestructive examination shall be in accordance with ble internal weld surfaces and the adjacent base material WD - 5 1 1 0 an d m e e t th e acce p tan ce s tan dards o f for at least 1/2 in. (13 mm) on each side of the weld. WD-5300. 273 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 WD-5300 ACCEPTAN CE STAN DARDS WD-5340 M AG N ETI C PARTI CLE ACCEPTAN CE STAN DARDS WD-532 0 RADI O G RAPH I C ACCEPTAN CE WD-5341 Evalu ati on of I n d i cati on s STAN DARDS WD-532 1 Evalu ati on of I n d i cati on s (a) Mechanical discontinuities at the surface are re- vealed by the retention of the examination medium. All in- Indications shown on the radiographs of welds and dications are not necessarily defects, ho wever, since characterized as imperfections are unacceptable under certain metallurgical discontinuities and magnetic perme- the following conditions: ability variations may produce similar indications that are (a) any indication characterized as a crack or zone of not relevant. incomplete fusion or penetration (b) Any indication that is believed to be nonrelevant (b) any other elongated indication that has a length shall be reexamined by the same or other nondestructive greater than 1 3 examination methods to verify whether or not actual de- (1 ) /4 in. (6 mm) for t up to /4 in. (19 mm), inclusive 1 3 1 fects are present. Surface conditioning may precede the (2) /3 t for t from /4 in. (19 mm) to 2 /4 in. (57 mm), reexamination. After an indication has been verified to inclusive 3 1 b e n o nre le van t, it i s no t nece s s ary to rei nves ti gate (3) /4 in. (19 mm) for t over 2 /4 in. (57 mm) where t repetitive nonrelevant indications of the same type. Non- is the thickness of the thinner portion of the weld r e l e va n t i n d i c a ti o n s th a t wo u l d m a s k d e fe c ts a re (c) internal root weld conditions are acceptable when unacceptable. the density change or image brightness difference as (c) Relevant indications are indications that result from indicated in the radiograph is not abrupt; elongated indi- imperfections. Linear indications are indications in which cations on the radiograph at either edge of such condi- the length is more than three times the width. Rounded tions shall be unacceptable as provided in (b) indications are indications that are circular or elliptical (d) any group of aligned indications having an aggre- with the length equal to or less than three times the gate length greater than t in a length of 12 t , unless the width. minimum distance between successive indications ex- ceeds 6 L , in which case the aggregate length is unlimited, L being the length of the largest indication WD-5342 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s (e) any group of aligned indications whose aggregate (a) Only imperfections producing indications whose length exceeds the permissible length of a single indica- major dimensions are greater than 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) shall tion and with the minimum distance between these suc- be considered relevant imperfections. cessive indications less than 3 L , L being the length of (b) Imperfections producing the following indications the largest indication are unacceptable: (f) rounded indications in excess of that shown as ac- ceptable in Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix (1 ) any cracks and linear indications VI; four or more rounded indications shall constitute (2) rounded indications with dimensions greater aligned rounded indications for welds covered by Appen- than 3/16 in. (5 mm) dix VI (3) four or more rounded indications in a line sepa- rated by 1/1 6 in. (1.5 mm) or less edge to edge 2 WD-533 0 U LTRASON I C ACCEPTAN CE (4) ten or more rounded indications in any 6 in. 2 STAN DARDS (4 000 mm ) of surface with the major dimension of this All imperfections that produce a response equal to or area not to exceed 6 in. (150 mm), with the area taken in greater than 50% of the reference level are unacceptable, the most unfavorable location relative to the indications except as noted in (a). being evaluated (a) Imperfections are unacceptable if the indications exceed the reference level amplitude and have lengths WD-5350 LI QU I D PEN ETRAN T ACCEPTAN CE exceeding STAN DARDS 1 3 (1 ) /4 in. (6 mm) for t up to /4 in. (19 mm), inclusive 1 3 1 WD-5351 Evalu ati on of I n d i cati on s (2) /3 t for t from /4 in. (19 mm) to 2 /4 in. (57 mm), inclusive (a) Mechanical discontinuities at the surface are re- 3 1 (3) /4 in. (19 mm) for t over 2 /4 in. (57 mm) where t vealed by bleeding out of the penetrant; however, local- is the thickness of the weld being examined; if a weld ized s urface dis co ntinui ties s uch as may o ccur fro m j oins two members having different thicknesses at the machining marks or surface conditions may produce sim- weld, t is the thinner of these two thicknesses. ilar indications that are nonrelevant. (b) Indications characterized as cracks, lack of fusion, (b) Any indication that is believed to be nonrelevant or incomplete penetration are unacceptable regardless shall be reexamined to verify whether or not actual de- of length. fects are present. Surface conditioning may precede the 274 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 reexamination. Nonrelevant indications and broad areas (4) ten or more rounded imperfections greater than 1 o f p i g m e n ta ti o n th a t w o u l d m a s k d e fe c ts a r e /32 in. (0.8 mm) in any 6 in. 2 (4 000 mm2 ) of surface with unacceptable. the maj or dimension of this area not to exceed 6 in. (c) Relevant indications are indications that result from (150 mm) with the area taken in the most unfavorable lo- imperfections. Linear indications are indications in which cation relative to the imperfections being evaluated the length is more than three times the width. Rounded indications are indications that are circular or elliptical with the length equal to or less than three times the width. WD-5500 QU ALI FI CATI ON S AN D CERTI FI CATI ON OF N ON DESTRU CTI VE EXAM I N ATI ON WD-53 52 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s PERSON N EL (a) Only imperfections producing indications whose major dimensions are greater than 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) shall WD-5510 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS be considered relevant imperfections. Organizations performing Code required nondestruc- ‐ (b) Imperfections producing the following indications tive examinations shall use personnel competent and are unacceptable: knowledgeable to the degree specified by WD-55 2 0. (1 ) any cracks or linear indications When these services are subcontracted by the Certificate (2) rounded indications with dimensions greater Holder or Quality System Certificate Holder, he shall ver- than 3/16 in. (5 mm) ify the qualification of personnel to the requirements of (3) four or more rounded indications in a line sepa- WD-5520. All nondestructive examinations required by rated by 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) or less edge to edge this Subsection shall be performed by, and the results evaluated by, qualified nondestructive examination (4) ten or more rounded indications in any 6 in. 2 personnel. (4 000 mm2 ) of surface with the major dimension of this area not to exceed 6 in. (150 mm) with the area taken in the most unfavorable location relative to the indications WD-552 0 PERSON N EL QU ALI FI CATI ON , being evaluated CERTI FI CATI ON , AN D VERI FI CATI O N WD-552 1 Qu ali fi cati on Proced u re WD-53 60 VI SU AL EXAM I N ATI ON ACCEPTAN CE STAN DARDS (a) Personnel performing nondestructive examinations shall be qualified in accordance with the recommended WD-53 61 G en eral Acceptan ce Stan d ard s guidelines of SNT TC 1A. 13,26 The ACCP Level II and III ‐ ‐ When visual examination is performed in accordance provisions for qualification and certification and the with WD-5261, the following acceptance standards shall ASNT administered Level II certification provision for be met: qualification and certification of NDE Personnel shall (a) Weld reinforcement, underfill, undercut, and over- not be used for Section III. The Employer s 15 written prac- ’ l ap s h al l n o t e xce e d th e al l o wab l e l i m i ts o f thi s tice required by paragraph 5 of SNT TC 1A shall identify ‐ ‐ Subsection. Employer requirements relative to the recommended (b) The examined surface shall be free of abrupt guidelines. The recommended guidelines of SNT TC 1A ‐ ‐ irregularities. shall be considered minimum requirements except as modified in the following: (1 ) Qualification of Level III nondestructive examina- tion personnel shall be by examination. WD-53 62 Acceptan ce Stan d ard s for Vi su al Exam i n ati on for Weld Su rface I n teg ri ty (-a) The basic and method examinations, para- graphs 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 of SNT TC 1A, may be prepared ‐ ‐ (a) When visual examination is performed in accor- and administered by the Employer, ASNT, or an outside dance with WD-5262, the weld surface shall meet the ac- agency. ceptance criteria given in WD-5361. (-b) The specific examination, paragraph 8.8.3 of (b) The following imperfections are unacceptable: SNT TC 1A, shall be prepared and administered by the ‐ ‐ (1 ) any imperfection characterized as a crack, or lack Employer or an outside agency. The Employer or outside of penetration agency administering the specific examination shall iden- (2) rounded imperfections whose major dimension tify the minimum grade requirement in a written pro- exceeds 1/8 in. (3 mm) gram when the basic and method examinations have (3) four or more rounded imperfections greater than been administered by ASNT that issues grades on a 1 /32 in. (0.8 mm) in a line separated by 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) or pass/fail basis. In this case, the minimum grade for the less edge to edge specific examination may not be less than 80%. 275 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 (2) The written practice identified in paragraph 5 of (c) The emphasis shall be on the individual s ability to ’ SNT TC 1A and the procedures used for examination of ‐ ‐ perform the nondestructive examination in accordance personnel shall be referenced in the Employer s Quality ’ wi th th e ap p l i ca b l e p ro ce d u re fo r th e i n te n d e d Program application. (3) The number of hours of training and experience (d) For nondestructive examination methods that con- for nondestructive examination personnel who perform sist of more than one operation or type, it is permissible only one operation of a nondestructive examination to use personnel qualified to perform one or more opera- method that consists of more than one operation, or per- tions. As an example, one person may be used who is form a nondestructive examination of limited scope, may qualified to conduct radiographic examination and an- be less than that recommended in Table 6.3.1 A of SNT other may be used who is qualified to interpret and eval- uate the radiographic film. ‐ TC 1A. The training and experience times shall be de- ‐ scribed in written practice and any limitations or restric- WD-5522 Certification of Personnel tions placed on the certification shall be described in the written practice and on the certificate. (a) The Employer retains responsibility for the ade- The minimum classroom training times for visual ex- quacy of the program and is responsible for certification amination personnel identified in Table 6.3.1 A of SNT of the Levels I, II, and III nondestructive examination personnel. ‐ TC 1A for Level II certification may be reduced from 16 (b) When ASNT is the outside agency administering the ‐ hr to 8 hr. L e ve l I I I b a s i c a n d m e th o d e x a m i n a ti o n s [ s e e (4) For the near-vision acuity examination, the Jaeger WD-5521(a)(2) ] , the Employer may use a letter from Number 1 letters shall be used in lieu of the Jaeger Num- ASNT as evidence on which to base the certification. ber 2 letters specified in paragraph 8.2.1 of SNT TC 1A. ‐ ‐ (c) When an outside agency is the examining agent for The use of equivalent type and size letters is permitted. Level III qualification of the Employer s personnel, the ex- ’ (5) An NDE Level I individual shall be qualified to amination results shall be included with the Employer s ’ properly perform specific setups, specific calibrations, record. specific NDE, and specific evaluations for acceptance or rejection determinations according to written instruc- WD-5523 Verification of Nondestructive tions and to record results. The NDE Level I individual Examination Personnel Certification shall receive the necessary instruction and supervision The Certificate Holder has the responsibility to verify from a certified NDE Level II or Level III individual. A Lev- the qualification and certification of nondestructive ex- el I individual may independently accept the results of amination personnel employed by Material Organizations nondestructive examinations when the specific accep- qualified by them in accordance with NCA 3820 and sub- ‐ tance criteria are defined in the written instructions. contractors who provide nondestructive examination ser- (b) For nondestructive examination methods not cov- vices to them. ered by SNT TC 1A documents, personnel shall be quali- WD-5530 RECORDS ‐ ‐ fied to comparable levels of competency by subjection to comparable examinations on the particular method Personnel qualification records identified in paragraph involved. 9.4 of SNT TC 1A shall be retained by the Employer. ‐ ‐ 276 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ARTI CLE WD-8000 N AM EPLATES, STAM PI N G WI TH CERTI FI CATI ON M ARK, AN D REPORT WD-8100 G EN ERAL REQU I REM EN TS The requirements for nameplates, stamping with the Certification Mark, and reports shall be as given in Article WA-8000. 277 I NTE N TI O NALLY LE FT B LANK ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 ENDNOTES 1 Rules for Disposal Containments are not yet developed. 2 SA or SB Specifications listed under the heading Bars, Rods, Shapes, Forgings may be used as material for any of these product forms even though not all product forms are listed in the SA or SB Specification. 3 Part IV of ASME NQA-1 provides guidance for various applications. 4 Samples of the forms referred to in this subarticle may be found in this Subsection. Copies of these forms may be obtained from the Society ( 5 In addition to providing a basis for acceptance standards for material, the test data are designated to be used as a basis for establishing inservice operation and for use in fracture prevention evaluation [WB-3211(d)]. 6 The requirements for impact testing of the heat‐ affected zone (WB-4335.2) may result in reduced test temperatures or increased toughness requirements for the base metal. 7 The direction of ultrasonic examinations referenced is the direction of sound propagation. 8 This definition of stress intensity is not related to the definition of stress intensity applied in the field of Fracture Mechanics. 9 Equivalent linear stress is defined as the linear stress distribution that has the same net bending moment as the ac- tual stress distribution. 10 Adjacent points are defined in (a), (b), and (c) below: (a) For surface temperature differences on surfaces of revolution in the meridional direction, adjacent points are defined as points that are less than the distance , where R is the radius measured normal to the surface from the axis of rotation to the midjoint wall and t is the thickness of the part at the point under consideration. If the product R t varies, the average value of the points shall be used. (b) For surface temperature differences on surfaces of revolution in the circumferential direction and on flat parts, such as flanges and flat heads, adjacent points are defined as any two points on the same surface. (c) For through ‐ thickness temperature differences, adjacent points are defined as any two points on a line normal to any surface. 11 Welds that are exposed to corrosive action should have a resistance to corrosion that is not substantially less than that of the cladding. The use of filler metal that will deposit weld metal, which is similar to the composition of the cladding material, is recommended. If weld metal of different composition is used, it should have properties com- patible with the application. 12 An intermediate postweld heat treatment for this purpose is defined as a postweld heat treatment performed on a weld within a temperature range not lower than the minimum holding temperature range to which the weld shall be subjected during the final postweld heat treatment. 13 SNT ‐ TC ‐ 1A is a Recommended Practice for Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualification and Certification pub- lished by the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, 1711 Arlingate Lane, P.O. Box 28518, Columbus, OH 43228 ‐ 0518. 14 Personnel qualified by examination and certified to the previous editions of SNT‐ TC ‐ 1A are considered to be qual- ified when the recertification is based on continuing satisfactory performance. All reexaminations and new examinations shall be in accordance with the edition referenced in Table WA-7100-2. 15 Employer as used in this Article shall include: N Certificate Holders; Quality System Certificate Holders; Material Or- ganizations who are qualified in accordance with NCA‐ 3842, and organizations who provide subcontracted nondes- tructive examination services to organizations described above. 279 ASME BPVC.III.3-2017 16 ANSI N14.5 may be purchased from the American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036. 17 TN D T= temperature at or above the nil‐ ductility transition temperature NDT (ASTM E208); T N D T is 10°F (5°C) be- low the temperature at which at least two specimens show no ‐ break performance. 18 The requirements for impact testing of the heat‐ affected zone (WC-4335.2) may result in reduced impact test tem- peratures for the base material. 19 Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix XIII uses Division 1 rather than Division 3 terminology (e.g., Service Loadings versus Operating Loadings, vessel versus containment, pressure boundary versus containment boundary, etc.), but the application of these rules is identical for Division 3 use. 20 The head design curves have been developed considering membrane stress requirements, plastic collapse, cyclic load conditions, and the effects of maximum allowable tolerances in accordance with WC-4222. See Section III Ap- pendices, Nonmandatory Appendix A, Article A-4000 for the design equations for curves, of Figure WC-3224.6-1. 21 Heads having D /2 h = 2 have equivalent torispherical properties of a torisphere of L /D = 0.090 and r /D = 0.17. 22 Internal support structures are typically referred to as baskets. 23 In addition to providing a basis for acceptance standards for material, the test data are designated to be used as a basis for establishing inservice operation and for use in fracture prevention evaluation (Section III Appendices, Non- mandatory Appendix G). 24 The requirements for impact-testing of the heat-affected zone (WD-4335.2) may result in reduced test temperatures or increased toughness requirements for the base metal. 25 Subsection NF can be used with provisions defined in (a) and (b) below. (a) Division 1 uses Division 1 rather than Division 3 terminology (e.g., Service Loadings versus Operating Loadings, vessel versus containment, pressure boundary versus containment boundary) but the application of these rules is identical for Division 3 use. (b) Division 3 does not use Level B Service Limits. 26 Personnel qualified by examination and certified to previous editions of SNT-TC-1A are considered to be qualified to the edition referenced in Table WA-7100-2 when the recertification is based on continuing satisfactory perfor- mance. All reexaminations and new examinations shall be in accordance with the edition referenced in Table WA-7100-2. 280 201 7 ASME Bo i l e r a n d P r e s s u r e Ve s s e l C o d e AN I NT E RN AT I O NAL C O DE Th e AS ME Boil er a n d P ressu re Vessel C od e ( B P VC ) is “ An I n tern a tion a l H istoric Mec h a n ica l En g in eerin g La n d m a rk, ” wid el y recog n ized a s a m od el for cod es a n d sta n d a rd s worl d wid e. I ts d evel opm en t process rem a in s open a n d tra n spa ren t th rou g h ou t, yiel d in g “ l ivin g d ocu m en ts” th a t h a ve im proved pu bl ic sa fety a n d fa cil ita ted tra d e a cross g l oba l m a rkets a n d ju risd iction s for a cen tu ry. AS ME a l so provid es BP VC u sers with in teg ra ted su ites of rel a ted offerin g s: • referen c ed sta n d a rd s • rel a ted sta n d a rd s a n d g u id el in es • con fo rm ity a ssessm en t prog ra m s • tra in in g a n d d evel opm en t c ou rses • AS ME P ress books You gain unrivaled insight direct from the BPVC source, along with the professional quality and real-world solutions you have come to expect from ASME. For a d d ition a l in form a tion a n d to ord er: P h on e: 1 . 800. TH E. AS ME ( 1 . 800. 843. 2763) Em a il : cu stom erca re@ a sm e. org Website: g o. a sm e. org /bpvc1 7
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