ASME B16.33

March 26, 2018 | Author: Geovane Souza | Category: Valve, Ultimate Tensile Strength, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Bending, Deformation (Engineering)



33-1990) . The American Society of Mechanical Engineers A N A M E R I C A N N A T I O N A L S T A N D A R D MANUALLY OPERATED METALLIC CAS VALVES FOR USE IN GAS PIPINC SYSTEMS UP TO 125 PSI (WES NPS V2THROUGH NPS 2) ASME B I6.33-2002 (Revision 01 ASME 616. " or "endorse" any item. Date of Issuance: July 30.A. New York. There will be no addenda or written interpretations of the requirements of this Standard issued to this edition. The proposed code or standard was made available for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry. Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not t o be interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or standard. This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American National Standards. ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. construction. and the public-at-large. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Three Park Avenue. ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. . ASME does not "approve. nor assumes any such liability. regulatory agencies. academia. proprietary device. 2002 The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2007. and the risk of infringement of such rights." "rate. Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights. without the prior written permission of the publisher. or activity. NY 10016-5990 Copyright O 2002 by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All Rights Reserved Printed i n U. which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.S. i n an electronic retrieval system or otherwise. ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued i n accordance with the established ASME procedures and policies. and does not undertake t o insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable letters patent. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form. is entirely their own responsibility. .... ............. .... .................... .......................................... .......................... 1 1.. ...... ...... ..... ... 1 2 Construction ............. ............................. ... ...... ......................... Figure 1 Test Assembly ........... ........ 4.. ............. ..... ...... 2 3 Materials ................. 2 2..................................................... ............... 1 1.........3 Configuration .. 1 1....... ............................................. 6 B Quality System Program . .. ..... ......... ...... 3 Bending Moment Values ........ ... vi Correspondence with the B16 Committee ... 4. .... ...... .. ..... ................................................... . ........... .... .. ............. ......................Foreword .1 General ......... .................................. ................... .. . .. ........... . ...............5 Convention .... 1 1............. ..... ....... . .. .. ........4 Structural Provision .. .................... iv Committee Roster .................... .................................. 2 3. 2 Torque Values .. ........................................ .............................................................................................. 8 .... ................... and Seating Materials ....1 General ...2 Gas Tightness ... .. ............. ............. ........................ 4.. ..... ........... .............................. ........................................ .............. ........... vii 1 Scope ................ ..5 Flow Capacity ........... 4 Tables 1 Materials for Metallic Valve Parts .......... . .................................... .......................... ...... .. ..........3 Standards and Specifications .... .................................. .............. ............... . 1 1... .................................6 Codes and Regulations ... .......................... 1 1........ .... .......................... 1 2.2 Tamper-Proof Features ...... 4 Tensile Load Values ......... ........................................... ............. ... .......... ................... ....... ............1 Metallic Materials for Valve Parts ........................... ..................4 Marking ..... .......2 Lubricants.......................... 6 Minimum Gas Flows ........ 5 Maximum Turning Torque Values ....................................... ............. .... .............. ............................ .... ...... ... .... .............. .... ..... .. ...... ..... ...... .... ................. ......................... ................................. .. ... 4...... .. .................... ............. 5 Production Testing . ..2 Design ..... .. ................................ ........................... . 111 .............. ........ ............. Annexes A References ..........1 General ................... 2 4 Design Qualification .....................3 Temperature Resistance ...... ................ ........................... ............................... .. 4. .............................. 2 3..... ......................... 1 2.... . .......................... ...... .4 Quality Systems ......... ............................................ .. ..5 Lubrication (Sealant) .... .............. .......... ................ ......... ...... ............................ 2 2... ............ ... ..... Sealants... . ..................... ......................................... 1 2... ............................... .............. ......... ........... . ..... Work was agonizingly slow as the group gradually developed the document in the desired format. United States of America Standards Institute. This Standard offers more performance requirements than has been customary in B16 standards. The American Gas Association determined that standardization of gas shut-off valves used in distribution services was desirable and needed. Its efforts were successful when. In 1982. This edition established U. The revision was approved on February 10. and development work commenced in 1958. In addition. Also incorporated were metric values and a nonmandatory Quality System Program Annex. The revised standard incorporated testing criteria for valves. The group operated as a Sectional Committee (later redesignated as a Standards Committee) under the authorization of the American Engineering Standards Committee (subsequently named American Standards Associ- ation.S. the AGA Committee became Subcommittee No. a new materials section was added along with several other revisions. iv . customary units as the standard and metric equivalents were deleted. In 2002. The 1990 revision deleted the sampling inspection table on the basis that the scope clearly limited the standard to turning torque valves at the time of manufacture. American National Standards Committee B16 was recognized as an ASME Committee operating under procedures accredited by ANSI. and the Heating and Piping Contractors National Association (later the Mechanical Contractors Association of America). FOREWORD The B16 Standards Committee was organized in the Spring of 1920 and held its organizational meeting on November 21 of that year. which could have a specific pressure rating within this pressure range. final approval was granted by the institute. the scope of the standard was clarified so that the standard could be applicable to all manually operated metallic gas valves for use in gas piping standards up to 125 psig. In 1968. and is neither permitted nor prohibited. The revision incorporated some major revisions to the format. American National Standards Institute). The AGA Task Committee on Standards for Valves and Shut-Offs was formed. Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve & Fittings Industry. 13 of the BI6 activity. on July 18. and now. it was determined that a more acceptable document would result if approval were gained from the American National Standards Institute and to facilitate such action. 1973. 1981. Use of these valves in higher rated systems is outside the scope of this Standard. It is expected that this will permit both manufacturers and users greater latitude in producing and using products made to this Standard. This revision was made to clarify the fact that the standard is also applicable to valves with service designations other than 60 psig and 125 psig. Sponsors for the group were The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. B16 Committee. New York. 2002.Y. All requests for interpretations or suggestions for revisions should be sent to the Secretary. this revision to the 1990 edition of this Standard was approved as an American National Standard by ANSI on May 16. . 10016-5990. N. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Following approval by the ASME B16 Standards Committee. Three Park Avenue. N. Stephan. A. Vice Chair. G. A. Reddington. A. Inc. Vice Chair P. A. Moino. Pietramale and Associates T. Floren. Nayyar. White and Associates D. Jolly. Solutia. Nibco. Worley. Clark. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers T. Glover. NIBCO. D. F. W. R. A. A. Vogt Valve Co. L. Chair M. Stroud. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers R. M. J. Knecht. A. Nayyar. Stevens.) OFFICERS H. TPS Consulting. Brass Craft Manufacturing C. W. Rw Lyall & Co. Conley. F. E. Inc. Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association R. Southern Company Services L. L. Kerotest Manufacturing Corp. W. T. ABS America A. Pitzl. R. Floren. Inc. H. R. Inc. Hamilton. W. R. P. Newco Valves M. Csa International A. E. M. Mueller Co. Reddington. D. Schmidt. Brodin. Zapalac. S. J. R. ASME B I 6 COMMITTEE Standardization of Valves. Grinnell Corp. BWAP International. McLean. Inc. Tennessee Valley Authority C. Inc. Anric Enterprises R. Koester. Flanges. W. Sonderegger. Cohen. D. Richard E.GAS SHUTOFFS AND VALVES C. A. M. Volgstadt. Trinity-Ladish Co. Fittings. SUBCOMMITTEE L . G. Gaskets. White. Willis. National Meter Co. R. J. A. A. Bechtel Power Corp. vi . and Valve Actuators (The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard. R. Chair. Secretary COMMITTEE PERSONNEL R. R. Sonderegger. Inc. Muller Co. Pietramale. W. Perrera. A Y McDonald D. Cohen and Associates C. Eckel. The William Powell Co. E. Heil. Frikken. Union Carbide Corp. Flexitallic. Fisher Controls International. Inc. R. Williams. A. G. P. The Dow Chemical Co. Barnes. The Committee welcomes proposals for revisions to this Standard. however. CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE 616 COMMITTEE General. the B 16 Committee will render an interpretation of any requirement of the Standard. and attending Committee meetings. Upon request. Persons wishing to attend any meeting should contact the Secretary of the B16 Main Committee. ASME Standards are developed and maintained with the intent to represent the consensus of concerned interests. It is further recommended that the inquirer submit hisher request in the following format: Subject: Cite the applicable paragraph number(s) and the topic of the inquiry. including any pertinent documentation. proposing revisions. Edition: Cite the applicable edition of the Standard for which the interpretation is being requested. The B 16 Main Committee regularly holds meetings. Requests that are not in this format will be rewritten in this format by the Committee prior to being answered. Attending Committee Meetings. persons aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee or Subcommittee. which may inadvertently change the intent of the original request. Further. which are necessary to explain the question. The inquirer may also include any plans or drawings. Correspondence should be addressed to: Secretary. Approved revisions will be published periodically. and a detailed description of the reasons for the proposal. Revisions are made periodically to the Standard to incorporate changes that appear necessary or desirable. as demonstrated by the experience gained from the application of the Standard. proprietary device. ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of any interpretation when or if additional information that might affect an interpretation is available. the proposed wording. NY 10016-5990 Proposing Revisions. not as a request for an approval of a proprietary design or situation. which are open to the public. ASME does not “approve. Question: Phrase the question as a request for an interpretation of a specific requirement suitable for general understanding and use. construction. B16 Main Committee The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Three Park Avenue New York.” “rate. vii . citing the paragraph number(s). Interpretations can only be rendered in response to a written request sent to the Secretary of the B16 Main Committee.” “certify. they should not contain proprietary names or information. Interpretations.” or “endorse” any item. Such proposals should be as specific as possible. users of this Standard may interact with the Committee by requesting interpretations. The request for interpretation should be clear and unambiguous. or activity. As such. the convention for fixing significant digits The Standard applies to valves operated in a temperature where limits. for outdoor installation as gas shut-off valves at the end 1.5 Convention of the gas service line and before the gas regulator and meter where the designated gauge pressure of the For the purpose of determining conformance with gas piping system does not exceed 125 psi (8. The worhanship employed in the manufac- sponsoring organizations are shown in Nonmandatory ture and assembly of each valve shall provide gas Annex A. tions in the individual references.2 Tamper-Proof Features of reference standards and in all other aspects conform.1 General turer’s Quality System Program are described in Non- This Standard covers requirements for manually oper. shall be designed and constructed to minimize the mance even though the edition reference may be possibility of the removal of the core of the valve with changed in a subsequent revision of this Standard. safety.8. E 29. mandatory Annex B. is production tests that will produce a valve that will subject to any limitation of that code or regulation. freedom Erom injurious imperfections and defects. A product made in conformance with a prior edition 2. or the National Fuel Gas Code. 2 CONSTRUCTION 2.3 Standards and SDecifications Each valve at the time of manufacture shall be Standards and specifications adopted by reference in capable of meeting the requirements set forth in this this Standard and the names and addresses of the Standard. This Standard sets forth the minimum capabilities. in order to be A valve used under the jurisdiction of the Code of considered suitable for use in gas piping systems. and properties. are speci- environment between -20°F and 150°F (-29°C and fied shall be “rounding off’ as defined in ASTM Practice 66°C). 1 .6 bar). which a valve at the 1. including such design and B31. characteristics. maximum or minimum values. Decimal values and tolerances do not imply a particular method 1. 2223. other than specialized tools. have the required capabilities to meet this Standard) remain the responsibility of the manufacturer. they ing to this Standard will be considered to be in confor. and reliability of performance and specific edition of each of the standards and specifica. Details of design and manufacture (other than those the ASME Code for Pressure Piping such as ASME stated in this Standard.2 Design of measurement. ated metallic valves sizes NPS ‘/2 through NPS 2. Federal Regulation (CFR) such as Title 49 Part 192.6 Codes and Regulations time of manufacture must possess. This requires that an observed or calculated value shall be rounded off to the nearest unit in the last right-hand digit used for expressing the limit. Where valves are specified to be tamper-proof. Instead the specific edition references are included in Nonmandatory Annex A. It is not considered practical to refer to a tightness.1 General 1.1. ASME 616.4 Quality Systems Nonmandatory requirements relating to the manufac- 1. this Standard.33-2002 MANUALLY OPERATED METALLIC GAS VALVES FOR USE IN GAS PIPING SYSTEMS UP TO 125 PSI (SIZES NPS THROUGH NPS 2) 1 SCOPE 1. 3 MATERIALS 2.2 Valve End.33 mark is the manufacturer’s ac.2. etc. The manufacturer’s name or porating them meets the requirements of this Standard.1.1 Name.3.2 Pressure Rating. The design must be such ASTM D 573 at 212°F (lOO”C). and CZP 2002 (c) ASME B16.3 Configuration TABLE 1 MATERIALS FOR METALLIC VALVE PARTS 2.1. Metallic materials known to be acceptable for compli- valves shall be marked as required in MSS SP-25 and ance with this Standard are listed in Table 1.3.4 Marking 3. The valve shall be Cast Iron ASTM A 126 Class 6 so marked or constructed that the operator can visually ASTM A 48 Class 30 determine: Malleable Iron ASTM A 47 (a) when a v4 turn valve is in the open or closed ASTM A 197 position (if flat head. Compliance 3. Sealants. Lubricants a n d 2. The valve manufacturer is responsible for selection of seating and stem seal materials and for determination of their 2.4. valve.3 Tamper-Proof. and hardness property requirements a follows: when lubricated in accordance with the manufacturer’s Tensile tests shall be conducted on six dumbbells in instruction. The B16. 3.4. 3.33-2002 GAS PIPING SYSTEMS UP TO 125 PSI 2. Valve ends shall comply with Alloy UNS C84400 Forged Brass ASTM B 283 Alloy UNS C37700 the following standards where applicable: Rod Brass ASTM B 16 Alloy UNS C36000 (a) ASME B1.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings. Casi Bronze ASTM B 62 Cast Brass ASTM B 584 Alloy UNS C83600 2.1 Air Aging Tests. and Seating knowledgement that the valve was manufactured in Materials conformance with ASME B16. Other shall include the following requirements.33”.2. accordance with ASTM D 412. injection of lubricant through fittings to the sealing surface of the valve) shall be capable of being lubricated 3. as to minimize entry of lubricant into the gasway tensile. Steel ASTM A 1O8 (b) when the valve requires more than v4turn to ASTM A 505 operate valve. may be shown on the such as natural. trademark and. metallic materials may be used when the product incor- 2.3. 125G. Marking for pressure or sealants shall be resistant to the action of fuel gases ratings such as 60G. Except as may be modified herein.33.4.20. or body. Elastomer parts that with this provision can be met if lubrication can be are exposed to fuel gas shall be made from materials accomplished with the valve in both the fully opened that. This designation may be shown on the head or stem.3 Elastomer Components while subjected to the pressure rating.1 Lubricants and Sealants. valve manufacturer is responsible for the selection of 2.1 Pipe Threads.2 Lubricants. and for the determination of tamper-proof construction where tamper-proof features their suitability for the service conditions specified in are not easily identifiable without disassembling the the scope of this Standard.2 Seating and Stem Seal Materials. the designation “B16. longitudinal axis of the head Ductile Iron ASTM A 395 ASTM A 536 Grade 60-40-18 or shall be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the Grade 65-45-12 valve when valve is in the closed position).1 Metallic Materials for Valve Parts 2.1.1 Cast Iron Flanges and Flanged MPIF Std 35 Code CZP 3002 or Fittings.. where space permits. turning direction to open or close the ASTM A 589 valve.2. The head.2. stem. following 70 hr air aging in accordance with and fully closed positions. Sintered Brass ASTM B 282 ( b ) ASME B16.1 General. 3. Three dumbbells shall 2 .1 Operating Indication. and LP gases. The designation “T” for lubricants and sealants. meet elongation.5 Lubrication (Sealant) suitability for the service conditions specified in the Valves which require pressure lubrication (by the scope of this Standard. manufactured. MANUALLY OPERATED METALLIC GAS VALVES FOR USE IN ASME 816.4. 008 in. 3. Three of the tensile flow (breaking away) of bubbles shall not be permitted.3 Before each test is conducted. Three specimens shall be 4. The average of the three tests for the non-aged specimen shall be the basis for the 4. 3 .2. With not show an increase in volume of more than 25% or the valve in the open position and the outlet plugged.2. shall be made from materials that. in accordance with ASTM D 395. ASTM D 471. a decrease in volume of more than 1%.2 Method of Test for Gas Tightness. (2. and tensile property requirements as follows: in the open or closed position when subjected progres- Volume change test shall be conducted using six sively to internal air pressure of first 4 f 2 psi (0.1. The average the test pressure shall be applied to the inlet of the of the three tests for the non-aged specimen shall be valve. determined that it can be opened and closed.3.008 in.3.2).3 Other means of leak detection may be used the three individual n-hexane tests shall exceed 60% provided they can be shown to be equivalent in leak retention of ultimate elongation and 60% retention of detection sensitivity. The average of 4. With the valve subjected to an internal air pressure at least equal 3. Elastomer ranging from -20°F to 150°F (-29°C to 66°C) without parts.080 + 0. The average of 4.1 Each basic valve design shall be qualified retention of tensile strength at break. in 4. water at a temperature of 74°F I15°F (23°C I8°C) Tensile tests shall be conducted on six dumbbells for a period of 15 seconds. Method b.1. The dumbbells shall have a thickness of 0.2 Gas Tightness after 70 hr exposure in n-hexane at 74°F (23"C).0 I 0.2. than 25% after 22 hr at 212°F (lOO"C).5 times the pressure 8. (2. The average of the three individual n-hexane tests shall 4.4 PTFE Components.2 All tests. which are exposed to fuel gas.3 specimen in accordance with ASTM D 471. The average of and demonstrated as suitable for the service by testing the three individual tests for the non-aged dumbbells randomly selected production valves of each size. Polytetrafluoroethylene to the pressure rating and with the outlet end of (PTFE) materials shall comply with ASTM D 4894 or the valve arranged to vent to atmosphere.1 The valve shall provide a shut-off when in accordance with ASTM D 47 1. with ASTM D 395. type shall be the basis for % retention calculation. 212°F (100°C).3. which may be exposed to fuel gas. Leakage.2 mm). The dumbbells shall have a thickness of 0.080 + 0.2. hexane at 74°F (23OC) for 70 hr in accordance with outlet opened and the test repeated.3 Compression Set Tests.1 General the three individual tests for the aged dumbbells shall exceed 60% retention of ultimate elongation and 60% 4. meet the volume change.2 Swell Tests.1 bar) and then to at least 1. tensile strength at break. the closed position and shall not leak to the atmosphere elongation. The valve shall then be turned to the closed position. shall be air aged 70 hr in accordance with ASTM D 573 at conducted at a temperature of 74°F + 15°F (23°C I 8°C).2. Hardness and pressure shell material according to the design tests shall be conducted using specimens in accordance qualification tests.2 mm).33-2002 be air aged 70 hr in accordance with ASTM D 573 4 DESIGN QUALIFICATION at 212°F (100°C).1.3. Three specimen shall be exposed for 70 hr at 74°F rating of the valve. all parts to come to equilibrium temperature. service. unless otherwise specified. The average of the three individual tests for the aged specimens shall not show a hardness 4. Type 2.MANUALLY OPERATED METALLIC GAS VALVES FOR USE IN GAS PIPING SYSTEMS UP TO 125 PSI ASME 616. as evidenced by in accordance with ASTM D 412. Elastomer parts. 4.3 Temperature Resistance % volume change calculation. tests shall be conducted on dumbbells exposed in n. (23°C) in n-hexane in accordance with ASTM D 471.2. using standard test 4. shall be made affecting the capability of the valve to control the flow from materials having a compression set of no more of gas. 4.1 A valve should be operable at temperatures 3. it shall be ASTM D 4895. 5.2 The valve shall be maintained at a temperature specimen in accordance with ASTM D 395 (See of -20°F (-29°C) for a period long enough to allow para. the valve shall change of more than +lo shore hardness points relative be in the condition in which it would be placed in to the average hardness of the non-aged specimens. The valve shall be immersed in a bath containing the basis for the % retention change calculation. Section + 0.0 I 0. G = gas valve L = load: 4.000 678 2. TABLE 3 4.2 Strength.200 2 850 8. the A = load application yoke smaller size shall determine the torque value.4 Bending. there shall (1) For valves having a different size inlet and outlet.mi (lb) (NI inoperable.4. shall withstand the torque Test specified in Table 2 applied directly to the ends of the Nominal valve.000 8. 4. B = solid steel bars machined to the nominal iron pipe size diameter of the valve ends and firmly connected t o the valve ends as a test assembly.4. After the bending stress is relieved.500 4.4 Structural Provision Equation t o determine the bending moment 1 '/* 14. the smaller size shall determine the bending Moment and be no permanent deformation that would render the Load values.33-2002 GAS PIPING SYSTEMS UP TO 125 PSI Load TABLE 2 application Typical TORQUE VALUES knife ~~ Nominal Toraue ~ supports Valve Size B B [Note íl)1 - ílbt in. or 4 .2.) (N .2. valve inoperable.060 4.600 1 200 3. [When threaded 4.3. after release of the torque. 1. A valve in both the open and closed 2 25.720 para. without rupture or permanent deformation that Valve Sire Bending Load would.4 The valve shall then be allowed to return to S = 24 in.n valve could result (Le. Y = 12 in.4.500 1640 4. when tested in both BENDING MOMENT VALUES the open and closed position.3.830 21.400 37.3 Twist. 4. and tightened t o 50% of the values specified in 4. A valve in the open position with the outlet plugged shall withstand an internal hydrostatic without rupture or permanent deformation that would.20.4 and 4. 1 TEST ASSEMBLY 4.4. or cause '12 1..4.800 203 600 2.m) '12 800 90 "4 1000 113 1 1200 136 1'/4 1450 164 1'/2 1550 175 2 1650 186 where: NOTE: (1) For valves having a different size inlet and outlet. (610 mm) span between points for load re- a temperature of 74°F 2 15°F (23°C 5 8°C) and sistance satisfactorily pass the test outlined in para.) (N .200 362 1. Each test in which damage to the L(S. 4.4.670 it to leak to atmosphere when tested as outlined in "/4 3.4. pressure of 425 psi (29 bar) for a period of one minute after release of the pressure. MANUALLY OPERATED METALLIC GAS VALVES FOR USE IN ASME 816.3. the bars shall be threaded with American Standard Taper Pipe Threads (NPT) as de- temperature of 150°F (66°C) for a period long enough scribed in ASME 81. Tests 4. without NOTE: rupture.900 1 v4 10. incapable of providing a shut-off. (305 mm) span between points of load appli- cation 4.2 With the valve subjected to an internal air pressure at Table 21 least equal to the pressure rating. render the valve inoperable.1 General. it shall be determined C = resistance yoke that it can be opened and closed. Mb = . FIG.2. The valve body. 4.400 positions shall withstand the bending moment specified in Table 3 when applied as indicated in Fig.1 coated with thread lubricant to allow all parts to come to equilibrium temperature.3. incapable of providing a shut-off.3 The valve shall then be maintained at a end valve used. 4.4. 1 6.530 15.5) shall be conducted on new unused samples of the valve. render the valve [Note (111 - (Ibt in. 0 the valve for the purpose of transmitting the tensile load.33-2002 TABLE 4 TABLE 5 TENSILE LOAD VALUES MAXIMUM TURNING TORQUE VALUES Nominal Load IL) Nominal Maximum Turning Torque Valve Size Valve Size [Note Ilil [Note (111 (Ibr) (NI [Note (211 (Ihr . The test shall be conducted using a technically at a pressure of at least 1.035 bar). the continue to operate the valve after breaking loose from smaller size shall determine the Minimum Gas Flow. 0. the smaller size shall determine the M a x i m u m Turning Torque values. (7.) - IN mi '12 4.200 34.64 shall be capable of complying with the provisions of specific gravity. TABLE 6 MINIMUM GAS FLOW 4. The test fluid and type of test facility and for gas tightness in para.0 it to leak to atmosphere when tested as outlined in 1.3 in.5 times the pressure rating recognized procedure such as that contained in ISA marked on the valve.MANUALLY OPERATED METALLIC GAS VALVES FOR USE IN GAS PIPING SYSTEMS UP TO 125 PSI ASME 816.400 68. the smaller size shall determine the Tensile Load values. Schedule 80 steel pipe shall be connected to 1. when applied gradually to valve [Note ilil íft3/h) Im3/hi ends. NOTES: 4. 40 pipe.4.4 would.000 1 320 36 1v4 8. assuming the valve is on schedule para. after release of the tensile load. * (2) For valves having a different size inlet and outlet.4.2.000 27.000 15% 500 56 1'12 8.5 Flow Capacity instrumentation are at the discretion of the manufacturer and shall be fully described in their test records. (2) Minimum gas flow in standard cubic feet per hour (cubic its set or stationary position shall not exceed the amounts meters per hour) with the valve in the fully open position specified in Table 5.02. 4.000 36. shall meet the minimum gas flow as specified jn Table 6.000 94 240 27 1 8. without rupture or permanent deformation that 190 5.6 Turning Torque. and 0.2. according to the method of test S75. incapable of providing a shut-off.200 136 NOTE: NOTES: (1) For valves having a different size inlet and outlet.000 2 1. A valve in both the open Nominal Minimum Gas Flow at and closed positions shall withstand the tensile load Valve Size Reference Conditions [Note (211 specified in Table 4. (1) Measured at a temperature of 74°F 5 15°F (23°C 8°C).000 1'12 700 79 2 10.2 inoperable. 4.0 para. A valve of each size and type shall be tested to verify 5 PRODUCTION TESTING that the pressure loss is not greater than that specified in Each valve shall be tested at the time of manufacture Table 6.5 psi (0.6 mm) water column net valve pressure drop. All valves at the end of this test at an inlet pressure of 42. 5 . The torque required to (1) For valves having a different size inlet and outlet.5 Tensile Strength.000 36.000 36.000 44. render the valve 290 8. cause it to leak to atmosphere when tested as outlined in para. when in the full open position. 4. The valves. 4.2.5 2.000 18. 70°F (21"C). or cause 600 17. 4.000 '12 200 23 94 6.2. and Copper-Alloy Die Forgings (Hot-Pressed) ASTM B 584-00 Standard Specification for Copper ASME B1. 600. 100 Barr Harbor Drive. 900. Sheet Publisher: US Government Printing Office. 250.8-1999 Gas Transmission and Distribution ASTM D 471-98e1 Standard Test Method for Rubber Piping Systems Property-Effect of Liquids Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engi. Cold-Finished. ASTM A 536-84 (99el) Standard Specification for DC 20402-9328 Ductile Iron Castings ASTM A 589-96 (2001) Standard Specification for ISA S75. Standard Quality Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Confor- ASTM A 126-95e1 (2000) Standard Specification for mance with Specifications Gray Iron Castings for Valves. Box ASTM D 4894-98a Standard Specification for Polytetra- 2300. Research Triangle chines Park. New York. Fairfield. Washington. Alloy. Superinten- and Strip. ASTM E 29-93a(1999) Standard Practice for Using Carbon. Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled. Bar and Shapes for Use in Screw Ma. Three Park Ave. and 2500 plastic Elastomers-Tension ASME B3 1. NJ 07007-2300 fluoroethylene (PTFE) Grannular Molding and Ram ASTM A 47-99 Standard Specification for Ferritic Extrusion Malleable Iron Castings ASTM D 4895-98 Standard Specification for Polytetra- ASTM A 48-00 Standard Specification for Gray Iron fluoroethylene (PTFE) Resin Produced from Dis- Castings [Metric] persion ASTM A 108-99 Standard Specification for Steel Bars.20. West Consho- ASTM A 197-00 Standard Specification for Cupola hocken. PO Box 12277. 125. Class 25. Alexander Drive.Part 1: Guidelines for selection Sintered Brass Structural Parts and use 6 . 1500. Title 49. NC 27709 ASTM B 62-93 Standard Specification for Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings IS0 9000-1-1994 Quality management and quality as- ASTM B 282-83a( 1995)el Standard Specification for surance standards . and 800 ASTM D 412-98a Standard Test Methods for Vulcan- ASME B16. General Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications Purpose (Inch) ASTM D 395-01 Standard Test Methods for Rubber ASME B16.1-1983 (R 1992) Pipe Threads. 67 Brass Rod. 300. and Pipe Publisher: The American Society for Testing and Materi- Fittings als (ASTM). dent of Documents.02-1996 Control Valve Capacity Test Proce- Seamless and Welded Carbon Steel Water-Well Pipe dures ASTM B 16-00 Standard Specification for Free-Cutting Publisher: Instrument Society of America (ISA). Order Department: 22 Law Drive.ASME 816. 400. Mail Stop SSOP. PA 19428-2959 Malleable Iron ASTM A 395-99 Standard Specification for Ferritic CFR.. NY Deterioration in an Air Oven 10016-5990. ized Rubber and Thermoplastic Rubbers and Thermo- Class 150.33-2002 NONMANDATORY ANNEX A REFERENCES The following is a list of standards and specifications ASTM B 283-99a Standard Specification for Copper referenced in this Standard showing the year of approval. Part 192 .2000 Transportation of Ductile Iron Pressure-Retaining Castings for Use at Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline: Minimum Federal Elevated Temperatures Standards ASTM A 505-00 Standard Specification for Steel.1-1998 Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Property-Compression Set Fittings. ASTM D 573-99 Standard Test Method for Rubber- neers (ASME).5-1996 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings. Flanges. surance standards .. tural Parts 11 West 42nd Street. the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Case Postale 56. Suite 680. 1825 Connecticut Publisher: International Organization for Standardization Ave. NY 10036 7 . and servicing Publisher: National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).Part 3: Guidelines for the applica- tion of IS0 9001 to the development.I998 Standard Marking System for Valves. NFPA 2223. NJ 08540 the Application of IS0 9001.. and servicing I S 0 9003-1994 Quality Systems . NW. production.Part 2: Generic guidelines for 105 College Road East. and I S 0 9003 MSS-SP-25. which have been approved 1121 Genève 20. DC 20009 (ISO).1 1999 National Fuel Gas Code lation. and Unions surance standards . instal. 1 rue de Varembré.1997 Quality management and quality as.33-2002 I S 0 9000-2. Vienna. Switzerland/Suisse as American National Standards may be obtained from MPIF Standard 35 Materials Standards for P/M Struc. Quincy.Model for quality PPI TR4-2000b HDBPDBMRS Listed Materiais assurance in final inspection and test Publisher: Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI). Inc. and maintenance of computer software Valve and Fittings Industry ( M S S ) . installation. New York. Princeton. IS0 9002. 127 Park Street I S 0 9001-1994 Quality Systems . development.Model for quality NE. CH- Publications listed above. IS0 9000-3-1997 Quality management and quality as- Fittings. MA 02269-9101 assurance in production. Publisher: Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF). supply. VA 22180 assurance in design.NONMANDATORY ANNEX A ASME 816.Model for quality 1 Batterymarch Park. Flanges. IS0 9002-1994 Quality Systems . Publisher: Manufacturers Standardization Society of the tion. Washington. installa. ASME 816.33-2002 NONMANDATORY ANNEX B QUALITY SYSTEM PROGRAM The products manufactured in accordance with this product manufacturer’s quality system program by an Standard shall be produced under a quality system independent organization shall be the responsibility of program following the principles of an appropriate the manufacturer. The product manufacturer is defined as the (ASQC) as American National Standards that are identified by a prefix “Q” replacing the prefix “ISO. A written sum- mary description of the program utilized by the product ’ The series is also available from the American National Standards manufacturer shall be available to the purchaser upon Institute (ANSI) and the American Society for Quality Control request. 8 . The detailed documentation demon- standard from the I S 0 9000 series.” Each standard of the entity whose name or trademark appears on the product series is listed under Annex A.’ A determination strating program compliance shall be available to the of the need for registration andor certification of the purchaser at the manufacturer’s facility. References. in accordance with the marking or identification require- ments of this Standard.
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