March 20, 2018 | Author: Bose Thambidurai | Category: Sailor, Safety, Audit, General Contractor, Shipping



OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARDFOR MARINE CONTRACTORS (ADMA-OPCO REF. HSE-209/02) ZADCO REF. ZDC/ASMC/2005) OPCO DOCUMENT OPCO/ASMC-2000 Revision 1 Dated: 31.12.2004 Authorised by: ___________________________ ZADCO, LOGISTICS MANAGER _______________________________ ADMA-OPCO, MANAGER LOGISTICS Approved by: _________________________ ZADCO, GENERAL MANAGER ______________________________ ADMA-OPCO, GENERAL MANAGER : 1 Date: 31.04 .10.00 0 All New issue 31. Revision number shall start from “0” denoting a new document. No.2. No.04 OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS Page No. Dated: 31.4.12. PAGES REVISION (Brief Description) 15.02.: 2 REVISION RECORD Date REV.06 1 9 5. OPCO/ASMC-2000 Rev 1.02.12. 2.3 – 1st sentence deleted “key” and replaced with “all” deleted “a)”. Each revision shall be numbered in accordance with OPCO Document Policy Standards.06 1 12 5. Any revision to this Document shall be jointly approved by the signatory authorities of the original Document.12.04 1 All Revised issue 04. deleted “b)” and replaced with “or” 04.GENERAL POLICY & PROCEDURE Marine Operations Rev.2 – inserted “technically acceptable” vessel “proposed” 1. REFERENCES 5 4. Vessel Inspection Procedure (Flow Chart) 13 2. POLICY 4 4.12.3 Pre-Acceptance Documentation 11 5.: 1 Date: 31.1 Responsibilities 8 5. OBJECTIVES 4 2. Qualification & Experience Requirements 16 3.04 Page No. Contractor Marine & HSEMS Management Audit Protocol 17 NOTE:¾ Please note that all modified items are indicated with a straight line under the item number ( ____ ). No.04 . Marine Support Staff.12. ¾ All new items added are indicated with a dotted line under the item number ( ……. ADMINISTRATION AND DOCUMENTATION 8 5.2 Abbreviations 6 5.4 Audits & Inspections 12 ATTACHMENTS 1. SCOPE 4 3. OPCO/ASMC-2000 Rev 1.GENERAL POLICY & PROCEDURE Marine Operations OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS Rev. ).1 Reference Documents 5 4.2 Personnel Experience & Training 9 5. Dated: 31.: 3 CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1. No.2 Throughout these "OPCO Acceptance Standards for Marine Contractors" the term "vessel" shall be taken to mean any Self-propelled Marine Unit being used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on the water. 3.12. Dated: 31. Rev. or that cannot offer professional and realistic support to marine vessel operations. 2. subcontractors or marine operators. SCOPE 2. Any contractor that fails to demonstrate a clear management structure. fully understands its role and responsibility towards correct implementation and adherence to safe working practices and procedures for itself and its vessels. 1.3 Constructive improvements to this document will be welcomed.3 To ensure that any OPCO marine contractor. 1. Contractor should note the specific requirements laid out in Section 5.04 .12.04 Page No.: 1 Date: 31. which relate directly to contractors' management capabilities.4. 3.GENERAL POLICY & PROCEDURE Marine Operations OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS 1.1 OPCO Line Managers and Job Officers shall extend their full support and co-operation in order to enforce these standards. POLICY 3. 2.2 To ensure that marine contractor companies that operate in OPCO controlled areas have sufficient and appropriate management resources. as a pre-requisite to OPCO assessment of its marine vessels and crews. OPCO/ASMC-2000 Rev 1.2 This OPCO document is intended to pre-qualify the shore management of a marine contractor or subcontractor and its support structure. Any amendment proposed should be processed through the original signatory authorities. 3.1 These "OPCO Acceptance Standards for Marine Contractors" shall apply to any contractor or subcontractor that supplies marine vessels to operate in OPCO offshore controlled areas. in line with OPCO defined standards. and are structured and competent to act as safe and responsible vessel contractors. will not be considered capable and its vessels will not be considered for contracts with the OPCO. or subcontractor.1 To define the minimum general standard that will be accepted for all marine contractors engaged to operate vessels in OPCO controlled areas.: 4 OBJECTIVES The objectives of this document are threefold: - 1. IMO Dangerous Goods Code . and subsequent amendments . 32 of 1982. No. National and Company legislation and codes.Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU) Code 1989.: 1 Date: 31. 01/0217/07 . REFERENCES 4.UAE Ministerial Act No.IMO Convention on Standards of Training. (OPCO) No.1 Reference Documents Rev. 9 of 1985 OPCO/ASMC-2000 Rev 1.Marine Crew Familiarisation Policy & Procedure.04 hazards .OPCO HSE Regulations and subsequent amendments .Code of safe working practices for Merchant Seamen .12.SOLAS 74.IMO Marpol 1973/78 .UAE Ministerial Decree No.: 5 Reference has been made in the document to the following International. applicable to the vessel or to offshore vessel operations.GENERAL POLICY & PROCEDURE Marine Operations OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS 4. Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1978 and amendments (for Vessels over 500 GT) .OPCO Standing Instructions for Marine Operations . and amendments .12.ITU Radio Regulations . Protection of manpower from occupational Article 22 b .OPCO Acceptance Standard for Marine Vessels .04 Page No. Dated: 31. . No.2 Abbreviations ADMA-OPCO Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company ADNOC Abu Dhabi National Oil Company ARPA Automated Radar Plotting Aid BS (I) British Standards (Institute) BSL Barge Section Leader DPV Dynamic Positioning Vessel. Safety & Environmental Management System IACS International Association of Classification Societies ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation ILO International Labour Organisation IMO International Maritime Organisation IOPP International Oil Pollution Prevention ISM International Safety Management (Code) ISO International Standards Organisation ISPS International Ship & Port Security Code ITU International Telecom Union LGO ZADCO Logistics Marine Operations LG Logistics Manager-ZADCO LGSS Logistics Standards & Support Team Leader MHSE Manager Health. Safety and Environment Manager HSEMS Health. 2 or 3) DMO Duty Marine Officer DVD Digital Video Recorder EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon FIFI Fire Fighting FRC Fast Rescue Craft GMDSS Global Maritime Distress Safety System GRT Gross (Registered) Tonnage HS&E Health.04 Rev. (Can be DPV 1. Safety & Environment ML Manager Logistics ADMA-OPCO MO ZADCO (Marine Operations) control group MODU Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit OPCO/ASMC-2000 Rev 1.12.GENERAL POLICY & PROCEDURE Marine Operations OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS 4. Safety and Environment HSE Manager ZADCO Health.: 1 Date: 31.12.: 6 . Dated: 31.04 Page No. 12.GENERAL POLICY & PROCEDURE Marine Operations OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS MSL Mean Sea Level MSTL Marine Support Team Leader NRT Net Registered Tonnage N/A Not Applicable OPCO Operating Companies (ADMA-OPCO & ZADCO) OPSFTL Operations Safety Team Leader POB Persons On Board PA Public Address PMS Planned Maintenance Schedule PPE Personal Protective Equipment SART Search and Rescue Transponder SCBA Self Contained Breathing Apparatus SI Statutory Instrument (UK Legal Regulation) SIMO Standing Instructions for Marine Operations SM (ZK) Site Manager (Zakum) SM (US) Site Manager (Umm Shaif) SO Safety Operations Group SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea SMS ADMA-OPCO Senior Marine Supervisor SSRV Standby Safety Rescue Vessel SSB Single Side Band STCW Standards of Training. No.04 Rev.: 7 .: 1 Date: 31. Certification and Watchkeeping. Dated: 31. SWL Safe Working Load TPOTL Tower & Pipeline Operations Team Leader UAE United Arab Emirates UZSM Upper Zakum Site Manager ZADCO ZAKUM Development Company OPCO/ASMC-2000 Rev 1.04 Page No.12. copies of all OPCO’s relevant Standing Instructions shall be forwarded to the successful bidder.3 Job Officers It is the Job Officer's responsibility to ensure.04 Page No.: 8 No vessel may operate in an OPCO controlled offshore oil field or port area unless a field entry permit has been issued for that unit and all conditions attached to such permit or raised during the inspection have been met and rectified. The Contractor must obtain permission from the Job Officer prior to any intended additions. OPCO/ASMC-2000 Rev 1." (relevant Sections) ♦ "OPCO Acceptance Standards for Marine Vessels" inclusive of Appendices and Attachments relevant to a vessel's specific duty requirements and the Job Officer's Specifications ♦ This document “OPCO Acceptance Standards for marine Contractors” ♦ With the Letter of Intent (to award a contract).1 Field Entry Permits Rev. or procedures. Procedures and Codes of Practice.GENERAL POLICY & PROCEDURE Marine Operations 5. This also includes intended changes of key personnel. No. codes of practice. It is the Job Officer's responsibility to ensure that all concerned parties are informed of any such changes that may have a bearing on the safety of the operation.12. to comply with all relevant legislation.: 1 Date: 31. including: ♦ OPCO Contractors' Safety Requirements ♦ OPCO "HSE Manual. Dated: 31. specific contract requirements and permit to work conditions. operations procedures.04 . Bidder shall send written confirmation to the Company that it will adhere to all agreed Standing Instructions.2 Compliance It is the responsibility of the contractor. that the contractor is supplied with appropriate and adequate information relating to OPCO Marine and HSE Standards. 5.1. removal or substitution of any equipment.1 RESPONSIBILITIES 5. at the bid stage of the contract. All such Vessel Entry Permits will be issued in strict compliance with the OPCO documents "Standing Instructions for Marine Operations” & HSE Regulations.1. 5. on both corporate and personal levels.1. OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS ADMINISTRATION AND DOCUMENTATION 5. safety standards.12. the courses are part of requirement for the certificate of competency (as per STCW 95) and are valid or.: 1 Date: 31.3 Approval of Safety Training Establishments Safety training certificates for personnel may only be recognised if.2 PERSONNEL EXPERIENCE & TRAINING 5.1.4 OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS Oil Field Security Passes Rev. "OPCO Acceptance Standards for Marine Vessels.1 & 2. and in accordance with the relevant "Marine Crew Familiarisation Policies & Procedures.2. 5. OPCO/ASMC-2000 Rev 1. No. Contractors will be required to keep records and demonstrate to OPCO's satisfaction that such approved training is being conducted as required. Certification and Watchkeeping for seafarers (STCW) 1978/95 and all subsequent amendments. conducted by organisations or individuals approved by the OPCO. The CV's of Contractor's senior marine personnel will be reviewed and approved by OPCO Logistics (Marine) before engagement of any vessel on contract under OPCO's control.1 Responsibility The Contractor is required to have an experienced and qualified Port Captain (or Marine Superintendent) and Port Engineer (or Engineer Superintendent) within its shore management support structure.2.: 9 It is the responsibility of the contractor to make sure that it maintains validity of the security passes for the Vessel and for the Vessel's crewmembers.04 . Dated: 31. The OPCO will provide a letter of introduction to the appropriate Abu Dhabi Authority in order to assist successful contractors’ applications for security passes. Marine crew appointed by the Contractor must comply with the requirements of the International Standards of Training.12.2. these persons will be expected to make sure that only appropriately qualified and experienced marine personnel are appointed to Vessels that are under their responsibility. The expected qualifications of these persons are detailed in Attachment 2 to this document. and his responsibility in turn to ensure that these details are passed to the relevant Logistics Department for approval." Attachments Nos.2 Safety Training Contractor's marine personnel working in areas under OPCO's control must comply with the requirements of the document. at least one week before planned mobilisation. 5.) It is the Contractor's responsibility to provide details of such personnel to the OPCO Job Officer.12. and to make sure that all other personnel based onboard the Vessel possess valid security passes. to directly assess crew experience for the marine operations proposed." (See "OPCO Acceptance Standards for Marine Vessels.1 and 2 ". 5. Attachment Nos. Security passes shall be endorsed for the Field Areas designated by the OPCO.04 Page No. In turn.GENERAL POLICY & PROCEDURE Marine Operations 5. OPCO representatives may personally interview key personnel on board the vessel. : 1 Marine Operations Date: 31.7 Work Rotation Schedules Contractor shall make sure that senior crewmembers of its Vessels.5 Fitness to work offshore All personnel working on vessels in OPCO controlled areas should be certified medically fit to do so. Food Handlers Certificate Persons employed on vessels under OPCO control involved in handling or preparation of food shall hold a specific "Food Handlers Certificate. Contractor shall supply at least one certificated "Ship's Cook" to any of its Vessels that are in excess of 1.2.12. and will familiarise such personnel fully with the Abu Dhabi port areas." This certificate must be renewed annually and shall only be accepted by the OPCO if issued by a qualified physician recognised by the UAE Authorities. Certificates issued outside the Emirates will not be recognised. No. The frequency of medical examination shall be: - 5. Dated: 31.2. 5. New Marine Crewmembers shall attend OPCO Safety Induction sessions in order to gain familiarity with. which shall include as a minimum the Master.2. Contractor shall make sure that its marine personnel possess medical certificates issued by OPCO approved medical centres in the Emirates.04 OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS Page No.12. Chief Engineer. Other persons employed by a Contractor on marine Vessels under OPCO control shall not work longer than six months without an adequate rest period at home of at least one month.4 Rev. Chief Mate and Deck Supervisor shall work a rotation period of three months on duty and one month off duty or better.04 .2. A suitable hand-over and familiarisation period must be allowed before a new Master may take over command. and be made fully aware of. Medical certificates issued outside the Emirates will not be accepted in this regard. Contractor shall make time available for personnel to attend these training sessions.6 a) Less than 40 years of age – every 3 years. Visiting personnel on board vessels. are not required to hold a valid medical certificate. c) Over 50 years of age – annual. for periods of up to 3 days.000 GT. 5. established OPCO safety procedures and regulations.: 10 Marine Crew Familiarisation Contractor's Port Captain and Port Engineer will fully brief all newly appointed Masters and Chief Engineers on local conditions and the performance expected by the OPCO. d) This requirement does not supercede any stricter requirements of flag state or other regulations. OPCO/ASMC-2000 Rev 1. rules and regulations before appointing them to the vessel. b) Age 40 – 50 years of age – every 2 years.GENERAL POLICY & PROCEDURE 5. and marine crews' Seaman's Books. Dated: 31. 5.5 Stock Control and Purchasing Policy : Contractors shall warrant that it has a structured stock Control and Purchasing policy in place with suppliers that will ensure an efficient and sufficient supply of genuine spare parts.12. or better. the Contractor shall submit the following certification for review to the relevant OPCO: a) Marine personnel certificates and CVs (see "OPCO Acceptance Standards for Marine Vessels. and before joining a vessel in case of replacement crew members. at any time during the contract period.2 Third Party Certification Where independent inspection.12. b) Marine Vessel certificates and documents (see "OPCO Acceptance Standards for Marine Vessels. which may result in contract suspension without further notification. Item 5. (see "OPCO Acceptance Standards for Marine Vessels.3. 5.3 PRE-ACCEPTANCE DOCUMENTATION 5.: 11 It is Contractor's responsibility to ensure that this minimum rotation schedule is correctly followed. This Register shall be in the safekeeping of the Master of the vessel and must be available for inspection at any time during the contract. Photocopies of required certificates are acceptable.3 Certificates Register Contractor shall ensure that its vessels carry a "Certificates Register" that is fully indexed and contains all necessary original certification. Attachment No. Attachment No. provided that the copies are clearly legible. OPCO/ASMC-2000 Rev 1.3"). in order to verify that the agreed rotation schedules.3.3. Transfer of personnel to other work locations at the end of their duty period on the vessel is not acceptable and will automatically be construed as breach of contract. Marine personnel will be required to produce their original valid certificates of competency during the physical inspection of the vessel by OPCO inspectors. testing and certification of any unit or its equipment is required.1 & 2").1 Certification Before the start of any contract. No.3.3.3").: 1 Date: 31.GENERAL POLICY & PROCEDURE Marine Operations Rev.4 Vessel Age See OPCO Acceptance Standards for Marine Vessels page 10. 5. Attachments Nos.04 OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS Page No.5. 5. the Contractor should note that this type of certificate will only be accepted from an OPCO recognised Third Party. The OPCO reserves the right. are followed correctly.04 . to inspect a Contractor's personnel records.3. 5. to ensure compliance with OPCO requirements.4. AUDITS & INSPECTIONS 5. iii) That the Contractor's HSE Management system provides a practical interface with the OPCO's HSE Management system.04 OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS Page No.12.1). ii) That the Contractor's personnel understand and adhere to the HSE Management system.1 Audit on Contractor's Organisation Contractors accredited ISO9000/14001 are preferred. during technical evaluation and before contract award. in order to ensure that: (a) (b) 5. (c) Contractor shall already be IMO-ISM certified. regardless of tonnage. Contractors are advised that the OPCO reserves the right to inspect any proposed vessel before a contract is awarded and at any time throughout the duration of the contract. ii) Contractor's accident and incident reporting and investigation records.: 1 Marine Operations Date: 31.4.4. iii) Contractor's safety training records.GENERAL POLICY & PROCEDURE Rev. Vessel Inspections OPCO will conduct physical inspections on any technically acceptable vessel proposed for use in OPCO controlled areas. but may vary as required by 'on site' circumstances. or at any time during a contract period. The Audit will include the following reviews: i) Contractor's management support structure. Contractors should note that the OPCO expects the principles of ISM to be applied to all contracted vessels.: 12 5. This system will have to show: i) Relevance to Contractor's operation. and that final vessel acceptance and mobilisation are also subject to satisfactory inspections.04 . OPCO/ASMC-2000 Rev 1. This inspection procedure shall be in line with the "Vessel Inspection Flow Chart" (see Attachment No. (d) Contractor shall have an effective and comprehensive planned maintenance system in place on all its proposed vessel(s).2 The Contractor has an active and adequate HSE Management System. Dated: 31. No. in order to monitor compliance with established Safety and Marine Requirements.12. or shall be expected to demonstrate a realistic and positive commitment to the full accreditation to IMO-ISM Certified Status. but the OPCO reserves the right in any case to audit the Contractor's management system before any work commences. 1 VESSEL INSPECTION PROCEDURE FLOW CHART OPCO/ASMC-2000 Rev 1.12.GENERAL POLICY & PROCEDURE Rev. Dated: 31. No.12.04 OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS Page No.: 1 Marine Operations Date: 31.04 .: 13 ATTACHMENT No. 12. No. VESSEL INSPECTION PROCEDURE (Flow Chart) CONTRACTOR ADVISES VESSEL'S READINESS TO OPCO ALL INSPECTION GROUPS LIASE TO ARRANGE INSPECTION DATE & TIME 7 DAYS MINIMUM NOTICE PERIOD CONTRACTOR ADVISES READINESS FOR RE-INSPECTION TO OPCO INSPECTION CONFIRMATION TO CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR RECTIFICATION OF DEFECTS ADVISE CONTRACTOR OF REJECTION VESSEL INSPECTION MAJOR DEFECTS YES RELEVANT OPCO AUTHORITY ISSUES PROVISIONAL ENTRY PERMIT.04 OUTSTANDING DEFECTS NO FIELD AUTHORITY ISSUES ENTRY PERMIT FIELD ENTRY . WITH SUBJECTS.04 OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS Page No.: 1 Marine Operations Date: 31.: 14 Attachment 1. AND ADVISES FIELD & SAFETY MINOR DEFECTS DEFECTS NO RELEVANT OPCO AUTHORITY ISSUES ENTRY PERMIT CONTRACTOR RECTIFIES MINOR DEFECTS MOBILISATION COPY OF VESSEL INSPECTION REPORT FOR INFORMATION & FOLLOW-UP OFFSHORE VESSEL INSPECTION LIASON BETWEEN FIELD & RELEVANT ONSHORE AUTHORITIES PLUS SAFETY YES OPCO/ASMC-2000 Rev 1.GENERAL POLICY & PROCEDURE Rev. Dated: 31.12. No.GENERAL POLICY & PROCEDURE Rev.04 OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS Page No.04 .2 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACTOR'S MARINE SUPPORT OFFICE STAFF OPCO/ASMC-2000 Rev 1. Dated: 31.: 15 ATTACHMENT No.: 1 Marine Operations Date: 31.12.12. OPCO/ASMC-2000 Rev 1. Dated: 31. PORT ENGINEER'S EXPERIENCE Minimum four years experience in the rank of Chief Engineer on types of vessel and engine types similar to those operated by Contractor. CERTIFICATE STCW-95 white list regulation II / 2 (unlimited). Must have held at some time an appropriate additional qualification for a similar type of vessel. MINIMUM CERTIFICATION & EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS Position All Vessel Types Specialist Vessels PORT CAPTAIN. Minimum six months operational experience in a senior rank on a similar type of vessel. CERTIFICATE Master Mariner STCW-95 STCW-95 white List Master Mariner Regulation II / 2(unlimited) white list Regulation II / 2(unlimited) PORT CAPTAIN'S EXPERIENCE Minimum four years experience in the rank of Master on the types of vessel operated by the Contractor. Minimum six months operational experience in a senior rank on a similar type of vessel.: 1 Marine Operations Date: 31.GENERAL POLICY & PROCEDURE Rev. Fluent in written and spoken English.12. Fluent in written and spoken English.: 16 ATTACHMENT 2 CONTRACTOR'S MARINE SUPPORT OFFICE STAFF. No. STCW-95 white list regulation II / 2 (unlimited). PORT ENGINEER.04 .12.04 OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS Page No. 04 OPCO ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS Page No.12. Dated: 31.: 1 Marine Operations Date: 31.12. No.04 .GENERAL POLICY & PROCEDURE Rev.: 17 ATTACHMENT 3 CONTRACTOR MARINE & HSEMS MANAGEMENT AUDIT PROTOCOL OPCO/ASMC-2000 Rev 1.
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