Asia Crisis & Security Group 2010 Annual Compensation Survey
Asia Crisis & Security Group 2010 Annual Compensation Survey
March 30, 2018 | Author: AlvinMatabang | Category:
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Asia Crisis and Security Group Asia-Pacific Annual Compensation Survey – 2010November 2010 © Asia Crisis and Security Group – 2010 – see Copyright Notice for details For further information please contact
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1.0 INTRODUCTION • The purpose of this survey is to provide accurate and up to date compensation data regarding corporate security, crisis and continuity positions in the Asia-Pacific • The data and findings from this survey are intended for those professionals themselves, for their industry peers in other regions of the world, Human Resource functions and for other industry stakeholders, such as recruitment firms • The intention in providing this data and findings is to enable a better understanding of compensation specific to the Asia-Pacific, and how compensation packages relate to experience and structure of positions • The anticipated outcome is that companies creating corporate security, crisis and contingency management functions in Asia-Pacific, as well as those that already have such positions, can position them appropriately in regard to location, management level, experience, education and compensation • The 2010 survey compares data from the 2006 to 2009 surveys which provides a benchmark and trend analysis for the industry 1 2.0 SURVEY HIGHLIGHTS Total Compensation • Total Compensation figures across the survey group are all up compared with the 2009 survey, excluding Regional Managers’ where a drop of 10.6% was reported • Average Total Compensation across the survey group has increased by 4.95% since 2010 and is almost on par with the 2008 figure. Median Total Compensation is up by 5.6%, and on par with the 2008 result. • On an industry sector basis compensation rose in the Banking/Finance and Petro-chemical/Mining/Heavy Industry/Tobacco sectors. The IT/Technology sector was flat whilst drops were noted in the Service and Pharmaceutical/Bio-Science/Chemical sectors Base Compensation • Average Base Compensation across the 2010 survey group is up by 7% since 2009 and Median Base Compensation is up by 12% in the same period Bonuses • Bonuses account for 23.2% of Total Compensation, up from 17.3% in 2009 and very close to the 2008 figure. Education and Accreditation • The highest paid respondents have Masters level security and risk qualifications, up 10% compared with the 2009 survey • The value of accreditation has risen again. CPP holders receive 27% more Total Compensation when compared to 2006, with the 2010 figure up 6.3% on 2009. CFE holders have recorded the single largest increase in Total Compensation with a 25% increase between 2009 and 2010. 2 annual bonuses. As there were only 4 respondents who categorised themselves outside of a Security role this information has not been analyzed separately but rolled up into the broader results. education and other allowances of respondents were added together • 2006 to 2009 ACSG survey benchmark data is used where available and marked in each table or page that it is used. 3 .0 An analysis of questions on career development is included at Section 5. emergency or contingency roles outside of a Corporate Security function to indicate such.3.0 The 2010 survey asked respondents performing crisis. housing. • • • • A breakdown of Total Compensation structures is provided in Section 4. Figures left blank indicate a breakdown of data to that level was not statistically significant • To achieve these numbers the base salary.0 SURVEY RESULTS • All figures quoted in the survey are in US dollars and represent the Total Compensation package earned by the respondents.0 A breakdown of respondents can be found in Section 6. Total Compensation (US$) 25th percentile 2010 2009 2008 115.500 80.000.000 170.000.500 128.000 182.00 $100.000 Median 140.000.000 75th percentile 260.000 Average 192. All Respondents .000 75th percentile 190.487 B.000.416 $200.00 $140.000 170.000 235.000 120.Base Compensation (exclusive of all bonuses and allowances) (US$) 25th percentile 2010 2009 2008 82.000 160.00 $120.000 80.00 $180.000 125.429 122.000 240.000 Average 137.COMPENSATION DATA (1/8) A.945 194.00 2007 2008 2009 2010 Average Total Compensation Average Base Compensation Source: ACSG survey – 2007 to 2010data 4 .000.00 4 Year Compensation Trend Data $160. All Respondents .750 Median 180.000 100.000 108.000.000 180. 750 230.100 115.200 256.000 90.Minor 2009 2008 RM .000 147.500 199.000 165.000 342.000 150.500 229.500 90.250 165.000 120.250 90.500 90.000 180.500 75th percentile 166.000 108.Major 2009 2008 46.000 170. All Respondents .500 99.500 171.000 Regional Manager 2009 2008 Global Manager 2009 2008 Source: ACSG survey – 2008 to 2010 data 5 .000 320.500 140000 112.500 180.250 160.000 285.000 90.000 152.000 230.500 168.000 101.000 182.Total Compensation by Job Level (US$) 25th percentile Country Manager 2009 2008 Area Manager 2009 2008 RM .000 210.000 60.000 198.000 285.250 55.000 210.500 305.250 125.500 140.000 212.000 85.100 167.500 283.000 200.100 231.000 Median 112.000 327.000 290.000 270.000 171.000 120.300 105.300 129.000 240.500 140.500 70.COMPENSATION DATA (2/8) C.000 235.000 137.400 235.000 Average 115.000 200.000 146.000 180.700 309.100 128.400 139.500 164.750 107. 000 $170.Minor Global Manager Source: ACSG survey – 2007 to 2010 data 6 . All Respondents .Major Area Manager Regional Manager RM .000 $130.COMPENSATION DATA (3/8) D.Total Average Compensation by Job Level (US$) – 4 Year Trend Data $290.000 $250.000 $90.000 $210.000 2007 2008 2009 2010 Country Manager RM . 500 310.800 207.000 210.000 220.000 148.000 75th percentile 285.000 140.500 222.900 Note: Data was not recorded for NGO and Transport sectors in 2008 and 2009 due to lack of data Source: ACSG survey – 2008 to 2010 data 7 .500 198.500 128.000 232.700 242.000 175.000 227.250 193.000 Average 219.500 150.300 129.000 110.000 112.000 255.250 242.000 230.000 226.000 175.000 220.000 112.000 181.500 235.000 320.000 140.900 186.000 170.000 120.000 130.000 232.000 110.750 75.500 250.500 170.COMPENSATION DATA (4/8) E.000 Median 210.000 120.500 290.000 300.000 210.000 180.900 244.000 225.000 290.Total Compensation by Industry (US$) 25th percentile Banking/Financial Services 2009 2008 145.000 305.000 165.500 121.000 162.000 285.000 75.900 187.000 IT/ Telecom/ Technology 2009 2008 NGOs Petrochemical/ Mining/ Heavy Industry/Tobacco 2009 2008 Pharmaceutical/ Bio-science/Chemical 2009 2008 Service Industry 2009 2008 Transportation/Logistics 53. All Respondents .000 172.000 160.000 260.000 145. 000 $240.000 $140.000 $120.000 $100.000 2006 Banking/Financial Services 2007 2008 2009 IT/Technology 2010 Pharma/Bio-science/Chemical Service Industry Petrochem/Heavy Industry/Tobacco Source: ACSG survey – 2006 to 2010 data 8 .COMPENSATION DATA (5/8) F.000 $200. All Respondents .000 $180.Total Average Compensation by Industry (US$) – 5 Year Trend Data $260.000 $160.000 $220. 750 90.000 $80.700 134.400 248.700 $280.900 232.000 $120.400 176.500 132.700 209.500 133.250 185.300 211.100 Over 20 Years 229.200 233.600 215. All Respondents .000 188.400 190.000 226.900 152.600 146.000 200.600 181.000 133.000 207.500 175.500 118.200 181.400 169.000 $160.800 252.000 $240.600 157.500 265.500 145.250 207.Total Average Compensation by Years of Experience (US$) <2 Years Time in Industry 2009 2008 Time in Corporate Roles 2009 2008 Time in Current Role 2009 2008 2-5 92.COMPENSATION DATA (6/8) G.000 195.500 196.500 178.100 271.700 220.100 5-10 155.250 181.000 Less then 2 2 to 5 5 to 10 10 to 15 15 to 20 Over 20 Industry Corporate Current Role Source: ACSG survey – 2008 to 2010 data 9 .200 173.000 Total Average Compensation by Experience in 2010 $200.700 242.700 183.600 223.600 10-15 137.000 15-20 197.600 155.500 151. 000 182.400 218.000 - Source: ACSG survey – 2006 to 2010 data 10 .000 244.600 210.500 2009 2008 220.400 206.900 177. All Respondents .600 191.500 200.000 182.Total Average Compensation by Qualifications.700 171.400 172.400 219.000 152.000 189.250 183.800 200.600 150.700 204.COMPENSATION DATA (7/8) H.900 221.800 202.000 185. Education and Accreditation (US$) All Respondents by Education Level (US$) Education level Masters Level Security Qualification CFE CPP Masters or PhD (All Types) Secondary Bachelor Level Security Qualification MBA Tertiary (All types) Diploma Level Security Qualification Average Compensation 245. Education and Accreditation (US$) $250.000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 CPP Masters or PHD (All types) Bachelor's Level Security Qualification CFE Masters Level Security Qualification Diploma Level Security Qualification Source: ACSG survey – 2006 to 2010 data 11 .000 $225. All Respondents .000 $175.000 $200.COMPENSATION DATA (8/8) I.000 $150.Total Average Compensation by Qualifications. 750 Source: ACSG survey – 2007 to 2009 data 12 .500 316.3.000 Global Managers Total Compensation by COLA (US$) Industry COLA 1 COLA 2 COLA 3 Average 225.100. • The average Total Compensation for a GM based in the Asia-Pacific in the 2010 survey is US$ 283.000 349.750 2009 2008 247.2 GLOBAL MANAGERS (GM) • The Global Manager is defined as the most senior manager in the organization responsible for security. • Based on the 2010 data the following breakdown analysis was conducted: Global Managers Total Compensation by Industry (US$) Industry Banking/Financial Services Service Petrochemical/ Mining/ Heavy Industry/Tobacco Average 329. an increase of 21% when compared with 2009 survey data.500 278. The Median figure for 2010 is US$ 285. crisis or contingency management.000 315.000 247.000 263.000. The ACSG 2010 Compensation survey received 16 responses for the GM group. an increase of almost 36% when compared with the 2009 survey data.000 353. • The median Total Compensation for a RM in the AP in the 2010 survey is US$ 235.3 REGIONAL MANAGERS (RM) • The Regional Manager is defined as the most senior manager in the organization in the Asia-Pacific responsible for security.200. • The average Total Compensation for a RM in the AP in the 2010 survey is US$ 229.6% when compared with the 2009 survey. a decrease of 2. Source: ACSG survey data 13 .1% when compared with the 2009 survey • RM Total Compensation is broken down by Industry sector and COLA in the following three pages. a decrease of 10.3.000. crisis or contingency management. • The ACSG 2010 Compensation Survey received 62 responses for the RM group. COMPENSATION DATA – REGIONAL MANAGERS (1/3) Regional Managers .000 253.000 310.000 225.500 200.000 208.000 110.900 230.000 203.000 220.000 180.000 212.000 Source: ACSG survey data – 2008 to 2010 14 .000 380.000 302.000 375.000 185.Total Compensation by Industry (US$) 25th Percentile Banking/Financial Services 2009 2008 NGO IT.500 420.500 273.300 272.000 325.500 166.000 170.000 320.000 250. Telecommunications/Technology 2009 2008 Petrochemical/Mining/Heavy Industry/Tobacco 2009 2008 Pharmaceutical/Bio-science/Chemical 2009 2008 Service Industry 2009 2008 Transport/logistics 80.500 204.000 265.000 177.000 193.000 75th Percentile 287.500 149.000 151.000 190.000 325.500 290.000 Median 250.000 Average 267.500 294.500 240.500 342.000 222.000 170.000 150.000 165.000 197. 000 $300.Total Compensation by Industry (US$) – 5 Year Trend Data $350.000 $100.000 $250.000 $200.000 $150.000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Banking/Financial Services Pharma/Bio-science/Chemical Service Industry Source: ACSG survey data – 2006 to 2010 IT/Technology Petrochem/Heavy Industry/Tobacco 15 .COMPENSATION DATA – REGIONAL MANAGERS (2/3) Regional Managers . 200 Region 3 (All non Region 1&2 locations) 2009 2008 95. Sydney.000 200.000 230.300 199.000 299.750 240. and Taipei) 2009 2008 190.000 160.000 237.COMPENSATION DATA – REGIONAL MANAGERS (3/3) All Regional Managers by COLA (US$) 25th Percentile Median 75th Percentile Average Region 1 (Japan.000 160.000 285.000 190.000 270.250 300.000 120.000 170. Korea and Hong Kong) 2009 2008 190.000 340.000 170.500 274.000 Region 2 (Beijing.000 164.500 230.000 246.000 240.400 186.000 306.000 278.000 290.000 410.000 200.600 Source: ACSG survey data – 2008 to 2010 16 .750 225.000 135.000 241. Shanghai. Singapore.600 236. Business Continuity Management.4 REGIONAL MANAGER – MAJOR FUNCTION (RM-Major) • The Regional Manager .3. • The Median Total Compensation for a RM – Major in the AP in the 2010 survey is US$ 152. • RM – Major Total Compensation is broken down by Industry sector and COLA on the following page. Source: ACSG survey data 17 . Fraud/Fraud Risk Management.100. reporting in to a Regional Manager. Major functions are Physical Security. a decrease of 15% when compared with the 2009 survey.Major Function is defined as the regional manager for one or more major security functions within the organisation. a marginal increase when compared with the 2009 survey. or a Deputy Regional Manager.500. Crisis Management & Emergency Planning and Investigations • The ACSG 2010 Compensation Survey received 24 responses for the RM – Major group • The average Total Compensation for a RM – Major in the AP in the 2010 survey is US$ 168. Taipei) 2009 2008 Region 3 (All non Region 1&2 locations) 2009 2008 Median 180.000 All RM-Major . Sydney.COMPENSATION DATA: REGIONAL MANAGER – MAJOR FUNCTION All RM-Major .000 70. Singapore.000 Average 250.000 174.200 171.000 105.500 251.000 185.000 190.500 Combination of remaining Industries 2009 2008 142.000 180.000 Source: ACSG survey – 2008 to 2010 data 18 .600 178. Korea. Hong Kong) 2009 2008 Region 2 (Beijing.500 160.Total Compensation by Industry (US$) Industry Banking/Financial Services 2009 2008 Median 275.200 124.000 180.000 Average 239.000 265.Total Compensation by COLA (US$) COLA Region Region 1 (Japan.000 126.400 188.100 102.000 150.000 163. Shanghai.900 171.000 195.900 154.400 185.000 150.000 255.500 230. 100. Minor functions are typically a part of the RM-Major functions outlined in Section 3.4 and include security systems management. guarding management.5 REGIONAL MANAGER – MINOR FUNCTION (RM-Minor) • The Regional Manager . Source: ACSG survey data 19 . • The median Total Compensation for a RM – Minor in the AP in the 2010 survey is US$ 90. due diligence investigations. training & awareness and command center management • The ACSG 2010 Compensation Survey received 11 responses for the RM – Minor group • The average Total Compensation for a RM – Minor in the AP in the 2010 survey is US$ 99. staff screening. a decrease of 14. a decrease of 25% when compared with the 2009 survey.2% when compared with the 2009 survey.Minor Function is defined as the regional manager for one or more minor functions within the organization.3.000. • RM – Minor Total Compensation is broken down by Industry sector and COLA on the following page. 000 2009 Note: There was insufficient data for a COLA Region 3 report Source: ACSG survey – 2009 to 20010 data 20 .000 82.750 85.500 84.COMPENSATION DATA: REGIONAL MANAGER – MINOR FUNCTION All RM Minor .000 190.300 185.000 Average 140.500 85.000 152. Hong Kong) 2009 Region 2 (Beijing. Sydney. Shanghai. Singapore.000 83.Total Compensation by COLA (US$) COLA Region Region 1 (Japan.000 140.300 188.000 Average 148.000 185.000 All RM Minor .Total Compensation by Industry (US$) Industry Banking/Financial Services 2009 Combination of remaining Industries 2009 Median 145.000 85. Taipei) Median 145. Korea. 3.2% when compared with the 2009 survey. South Asia. a decrease of 25% when compared with the 2009 survey. • AM Total Compensation is broken down by geographical area and Industry sector is presented on the following 2 pages.100. crisis or continuity manager with responsibility for a sub• • The average Total Compensation for an AM in the AP in the 2010 survey is US$ 99. Source: ACSG survey data 21 . a decrease of 14.6 AREA MANAGERS (AM) • An Area Manger is defined as a security. North & North East Asia. region: Greater China. South East Asia and Australasia The ACSG 2010 Compensation Survey received 18 responses from AMs based within the Asia-Pacific • The median Total Compensation for an AM in the AP in the 2010 survey is US$ 90.000. 000 4 Year Compensation Trend Data $150.000 160.000 $100.000 Median 97.500 140.400 210.000 198.000 $50.000 90.000 110.000 76.300 149.000 Average 105.000 $0 2007 2008 2009 2010 Banking/Financial Services Petrochem/Heavy Industry/Tobacco IT/Technology Pharma/Bio-science/Chemical Source: ACSG survey – 2007 to 2010 data 22 .000 225.000 150.000 164.000 140.000 $200.000 114.000 120.000 125.000 220. Telecommunications/Technology 2009 2008 Petrochemical/Mining/Heavy Industry/Tobacco 2009 2008 Pharmaceutical/Bio-science/Chemical 2009 2008 $250.Total Compensation by Industry (US$) Industry Banking/Financial Services 2009 2008 IT.COMPENSATION DATA: AREA MANAGERS (1/2) Area Managers .700 156.300 163.500 125.000 115. 250 82.500 160.700 182.000 200.000 0 2007 Australia 2008 Greater China 2009 North/North-East Asia 2010 South Asia Source: ACSG survey – 2007 to 2010 data 23 .500 105.000 50.100 54.000 100.500 191.700 81.COMPENSATION DATA: AREA MANAGERS (2/2) Area Managers .Total Compensation by Area (US$) Area Australasia 2009 2008 Average 157.000 Greater China 2009 2008 North/North-East Asia 2009 2008 South Asia 2009 2008 Note: There was insufficient data for a SEA report 250.000 212.700 160.000 175.500 4 Year Compensation Trend Data 150.000 152. 500.3. Hong Kong is defined as a single country for this survey • The 2010 ACSG Compensation Survey received 18 responses from CMs who are based in the AsiaPacific region. • The median Total Compensation for a CM in the AP in the 2010 survey is US$ 112.7 COUNTRY MANAGERS (CM) • A Country Manger is defined as a manager with responsibility for a single country.5% when compared with the 2009 survey. • The average Total Compensation for a CM in the AP in the 2010 survey is US$ 115. an increase of 25% when compared with the 2009 survey. an increase of 9. • CM Total Compensation is broken down by geographical area and Industry sector is presented on the following page. Source: ACSG survey data 24 .300. 000 68.250 142.000 140.000 60.000 48.000 95.Total Compensation by Industry (US$) Industry Banking/Financial Services 2009 2008 IT.200 Country Managers Total Compensation by Country (US$) Country Average 170.000 168.500 140.COMPENSATION DATA: ALL COUNTRY MANAGERS Country Managers .000 111.500 164.000 110.000 110. Telecommunications/Technology 2009 2008 Average 114.500 90.300 25 Australia 2009 2008 China 2009 2008 India 2009 2008 Japan 2009 2008 Source: ACSG survey – 2008 to 2010 data .000 104.400 110.300 54. with no determinable trend by industry or role • 57% of respondents receive standard local coverage. 27% receive full expatriate medical coverage. whilst 13% receive Third Country National (TCN) coverage and 7% receive no medical coverage from their employer • Dental coverage was only provided to 35% of respondents.4.0 ANALYSIS OF COMPENSATION STRUCTURE The graph below represents a breakdown of Total Compensation compared across industries. The comparison is based on averages across all compensation packages across each industry and is represented only in proportional terms 100% 80% Other 60% House Bonus 40% Base 20% 0% Banking/ Financial Services IT/Technology NGO Pharma/ Bioscience/ Chemical Petrochem/ Heavy Industry/ Tobacco Service Industry Transport/ Logistics Medical Benefits • Medical benefits provided to respondents varied significantly. with 11% of all respondents receiving full dental coverage Source: ACSG survey data 26 . The results are represented in graphical format below.5.0 CAREER DEVELOPMENT (1/3) Survey respondents were asked to provide feedback on their anticipated career direction. What is Your Anticipated Career Direction in the Next 5 Years? 100% 80% 60% Country Managers RM Minor RM Major 40% Regional Managers Group Managers Area Managers 20% 0% No room for promotion Promotion to global level Promotion in the AP Region Transfer to alternate security function Responsibility for additional geographies Move into a nonsecurity role Source: ACSG survey data 27 . CAREER DEVELOPMENT (2/3) Survey respondents were asked to provide feedback on their anticipated career direction. The results are represented in graphical format below. Why Would You Consider Changing jobs? 100% 80% Country Managers 60% RM Minor RM Major 40% Regional Managers Group Managers Area Managers 20% 0% I am not considering moving Improved compensation A promotion Better promotional opportunities More challenges Greater Responsibility Source: ACSG survey data 28 . CPP PSP 20 3 CFE Security Related Qualification 11 4 Information Security Qualification BCM Qualification 13 4 PhD 3 MBA 2 Legal Qualification 2 Source: ACSG survey data 29 .CAREER DEVELOPMENT (3/3) The following table represents a collation of courses and accreditations that respondents are expected to take in the next 5 years. Responses below 2 have not been included. Please list any accreditations or qualifications you are seeking to attain in the next 5 years. Minor RM .6.0 Respondent Breakdown Survey respondents in 2010 are broken down as follows: By Managerial Level 13% 12% 12% 7% Country Manager By Industry sector 10% 14% 5% 31% Banking/Financial Services IT/Technology NGO Pharma/Bioscience/Chemical Petrochem/Heavy Industry/Tobacco Service Industry Transport/Logistics Area manager RM .Major 42% 16% 11% 7% 21% Regional Manager Global Manager By Time in Industry (yrs) 8% 49% 7% 2 to 5 By Education Level 3% PhD 15% 35% 5 to 10 10 to 15 15 to 20 51% Masters Secondary 21% Over 20 11% Tertiary (Bachelor's Degree/Diploma) Source: ACSG survey data 30 . crisis and continuity industries in the Asia-Pacific via an on-line survey tool. which establishes New York as 100. The Mercer COLA index for 2009 was used. The tool also allows for anonymous responses as no e-mail or IP address is made available to the administrator of the survey Survey Period • The survey was conducted from August 13th to September 19th.zoomerang. annual bonus.0 SURVEY BACKGROUND Methodology • The survey was completed by individuals who work in the security. Survey Tool • The compensation survey was performed using the Zoomerang (www. crisis and continuity professionals working in corporations or organizations and based in the Asia-Pacific. Korea.For the purpose of the survey 3 distinct Cost of Living Area regions were defined to ensure respondents did not identify themselves by nature of unique personal data. This tool allows for customized surveys to be developed. examination and ongoing • • • • • education. Accreditation must be currently valid to be included Average is the standard statistical value calculated by adding up individual data elements and dividing by the total number of data elements used Xth percentile . Sydney. and Hong Kong (≥110) COLA 2 – Beijing. The regions were defined as follows: COLA 1 – Japan. and Taipei (85-109) COLA 3 – <85 Total Compensation is the combined annual base compensation.com) survey tool. This methodology was adopted to encourage as much participation as possible Respondents • The survey targeted 360 security. Shanghai. 2010 DEFINITIONS • Accreditation is the recognition of achievement in the subject area by way of experience. Singapore. housing allowance and additional bonuses 31 Source: Asia Crisis and Security Group . The definitions also assisted in ensuring the data sets obtained were of statistical relevance.7.That data point that is higher than X% of all other data in the sample when ranked from low to high Median is the 50th percentile COLA . acsgroup.org. information sharing and best practices amongst professionals across the region for the benefit of the members and their organizations The Group was formed in early 2005 in direct response to the Asia Tsunami of December 26th 2004.org COPYRIGHT NOTICE • This report is published by the Asia Crisis and Security Group (ACSG) and remains the property of the ACSG • The report may not be reproduced (save for the circumstances below) in any form. or via admin@acsgroup. nor in any publication without the • • • express consent of ACSG The report may be used openly inside organizations to discuss the structure and compensation levels of corporate security departments The report will be provided directly to a number of executive search companies for use in advising clients and candidates on compensation trends in the Asia-Pacific The report will be provided to a number of security organizations for distribution to their membership with the objective of assisting hiring managers and budget holders when establishing Corporate Security positions in the Asia-Pacific Source: Asia Crisis and Security Group 32 .profit organization registered in Hong Kong in 2006 under the Societies Ordinance – More information is available at www.ABOUT THE ASIA CRISIS AND SECURITY GROUP • The Asia Crisis and Security Group (ACSG) is a network of corporate security. As a result of working together in response to the Tsunami the founding ACSG members recognized the value of growing cooperation and information sharing amongst corporate security professionals in Asia-Pacific The ACSG Steering Committee undertakes projects on behalf of the membership that are intended to serve the best interests of the membership As of October 30th 2010. These organizations are primarily MNCs but also include NGOs and a limited number of representatives from Government agencies whose membership benefits the objectives of both the ACSG and their own organizations ACSG is a non. the ACSG had 350 individual members representing 150 organizations operating in the AsiaPacific. crisis and continuity management • • • • professionals with primary responsibilities in the Asia-Pacific region. The Group facilitates cooperation.
Report "Asia Crisis & Security Group 2010 Annual Compensation Survey"
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