March 26, 2018 | Author: Osman Tezgiden | Category:
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ASHRAE 16Method of Testing for Rating Room Air Conditioners and Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners - Includes Errata: 07/24/2006 ASHRAE 17 Method of Testing Capacity of Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves ASHRAE 18 Methods of Testing for Rating Drinking-Water Coolers with SelfContained Mechanical Refrigeration ASHRAE 20 Method of Testing for Rating Remote Mechanical-Draft Air-Cooled Refrigerant Condensers ASHRAE 22 Methods of Testing for Rating Water-Cooled Refrigerant Condensers ASHRAE 23 Methods of Testing for Rating Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors and Condensing Units Methods of Testing for Rating the Performance of Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors and Condensing Units that Operate at Subcritical Temperatures of the Refrigerant ASHRAE 23.1 ASHRAE 24 Methods of Testing for Rating Liquid Coolers ASHRAE 25 Methods of Testing Forced Convection and Natural Convection Air Coolers for Refrigeration - Errata: 04/20/2006 ASHRAE 26 Mechanical Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Installations Aboard Ship ASHRAE 28 Methods of Testing Flow Capacity of Refrigerant Capillary Tubes ASHRAE 29 ERTA Method of Testing Automatic Ice Makers ASHRAE 29 ERTA Method of Testing Automatic Ice Makers ASHRAE 29 Method of Testing Automatic Ice Makers ASHRAE 30 Methods of Testing Liquid-Chilling Packages ASHRAE 32.1 INT 2 Methods of Testing for Rating Vending Machines for Bottled, Canned, and Other Sealed Beverages ASHRAE 32.1 Methods of Testing for Rating Vending Machines for Bottled, Canned, and Other Sealed Beverages - Incorporates Interpretation IC 32.1-20041: 03/29/2006 Methods of Testing for Rating Pre-Mix and Post-Mix Beverage Dispensing Equipment ASHRAE 32.2 ASHRAE 33 Method of Testing Forced Circulation Air Cooling and Air Heating Coils ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15-2007 Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems and ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-2007 Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants - Standard 15 Errata: 10/01/2009, Addenda a, b, c, d, and e, Addenda f & h, Addenda g, and Addenda i Method of Testing Desiccants for Refrigerant Drying ASHRAE 15 & 34 ASHRAE 35 ASHRAE 37 Methods of Testing for Rating Electrically Driven Unitary AirConditioning and Heat Pump Equipment ASHRAE 40 Methods of Testing for Rating Heat-Operated Unitary Air-Conditioning and Heat-Pump Equipment ASHRAE 41.1 Standard Method for Temperature Measurement 2 Standard Methods for Laboratory Airflow Measurement ASHRAE 41.10 Standard Methods for Volatile-Refrigerant Mass Flow Measurements Using Flowmeters .Errata:January 5.9 Calorimeter Test Methods for Mass Flow Measurements of Volatile Refrigerants ASHRAE 41.8 Standard Methods of Measurement of Flow of Liquids in Pipes Using Orifice Flowmeters ASHRAE 41.6 Standard Method for Measurement of Moist Air Properties ASHRAE 41.7 Method of Test for Measurement of Flow of Gas ASHRAE 41.ASHRAE 41.3 Standard Method for Pressure Measurement .4 Standard Method for Measurement of Proportion of Lubricant in Liquid Refrigerant ASHRAE 41.1998 ASHRAE 41. 2 ADD B Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size ASHRAE 52.2 Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size ASHRAE 55 ERTA Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy ASHRAE 55 ERTA Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy ASHRAE 55 ADD D. F AND G Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy .2 ERTA Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size ASHRAE 52.2 ERTA Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size ASHRAE 52.ASHRAE 51 Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance Rating ASHRAE 52. E. B Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy ASHRAE 55 INT 2 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy ASHRAE 55 INT 1 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy ASHRAE 55 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy ASHRAE 58 Method of Testing for Rating Room Air Conditioner and Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Heating Capacity ASHRAE 62.Incluye adendo listado en el anexo I.Includes ANSI/ASHRAE addenda listed in Appendix J ASHRAE 62.1 USERS MANUAL ERTA VENTILATION FOR ACCEPTABLE INDOOR AIR QUALITY .1 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality .1 SPANISH Ventilacion para una Calidad Aceptable de Aire Interior .ASHRAE 55 ADD A. PC 1/09 ASHRAE 62. 2 Method of Testing Liquid Line Filter-Drier Filtration Capability ASHRAE 64 Methods of Laboratory Testing Remote Mechanical-Draft Evaporative Refrigerant Condensers ASHRAE 68 Laboratory Method of Testing to Determine the Sound Power in a Duct .Includes ANSI/ASHRAE addenda listed in Appendix B Ventilacion y Calidad de Aire Interior Aceptable en Edificios Residenciales de Baja Altura . Includes Access to Additional Content ASHRAE 62.2 SPANISH ASHRAE 63.1 USERS MANUAL Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality .ASHRAE 62.1 Method of Testing Liquid Line Refrigerant Driers ASHRAE 63.Incluye los adendda ANSI/ASHRAE listados en el Apéndice C ASHRAE 62.Incorporate Errata: 06/17/2008.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings .AMCA 330-97 ASHRAE 70 Method of Testing the Performance of Air Outlets and Air Inlets . 2006 ASHRAE 84 Method of Testing Air-to-Air Heat/Energy Exchangers .Errata: June 8.ASHRAE 72 ERTA Method of Testing Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers ASHRAE 72 INT 2 Method of Testing Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers ASHRAE 72 INT 1 Method of Testing Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers ASHRAE 72 Method of Testing Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers ASHRAE 74 Method of Measuring Solar-Optical Properties of Materials ASHRAE 78 Method of Testing Flow Capacity of Suction Line Filters and FilterDriers ASHRAE 79 Method of Testing for Rating Fan-Coil Conditioners . 1-2007 I-P INT 3 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings .3 Method of Testing Propeller Fan Vibrationâ €”Diagnostic Test Methods ASHRAE 90.1-2007 I-P INT 5 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings ASHRAE 90.2 In-Situ Method of Testing Propeller Fans for Reliability ASHRAE 87.1-2007 I-P ERTA Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings ASHRAE 90.1-2007 I-P INT 4 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings ASHRAE 90.ASHRAE 86 ERTA Methods of Testing the Floc Point of Refrigeration Grade Oils ASHRAE 86 Methods of Testing the Floc Point of Refrigeration Grade Oils ASHRAE 87. 1-2007 I-P ASHRAE 90.1-2007 I-P INT 1 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings ASHRAE 90.1-2007 I-P ERTA Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings Errata applies to 2008 Supplement ASHRAE 90. ad. y.1-2007 I-P SUPP Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings Addenda a. m. j. q. l. p. s.ASHRAE 90. h.1-2007 SI ERTA Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings ASHRAE 90. Incorporates all errata's ASHRAE 90. i.1-2007 SI INT 3 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings .1-2007 I-P ADD R Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings ASHRAE 90. and aw Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings Includes ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Addenda listed in Appendix F. b. w. PC 11/08. u. k. g. n. t. c.1-2007 I-P INT 2 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings ASHRAE 90. Includes Addenda Listed in Appendix F ASHRAE 90. b. u.1 SI ADD R Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings ASHRAE 90. m. l. c. y.1-2007 SI INT 1 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings ASHRAE 90.1-2007 SI ERTA Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings ASHRAE 90. p. t. k. h. ad.SI Edition. w.ASHRAE 90.1-2007 SI Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings .1-2007 SI SUPP Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings Addenda a.1 USERS MANUAL ERTA ENERGY STANDARD FOR BUILDINGS EXCEPT LOW-RISE RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS . s. and aw ASHRAE 90.1-2007 SI INT 2 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings ASHRAE 90.1 USERS MANUAL ERTA ENERGY STANDARD FOR BUILDINGS EXCEPT LOW-RISE RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ASHRAE 90. q. g. n. j. i. Includes Access to Additional Content Refer to: ASHRAE 90.ASHRAE 90.Includes ANSI/ASHRAE Addenda listed in Appendix C ASHRAE 90.2 Method of Testing Thermal Storage Devices with Electrical Input and Thermal Output Based on Thermal Performance ASHRAE 94.3 Method of Testing Active Sensible Thermal Energy Devices Based on Thermal Performance .2 Energy-Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings .2 Diseño de Edificios Residenciales Bajos Energéticamente Eficientes Incluye apéndice de ANSI/ASHRAE listado en el Anexo C ASHRAE 93 Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Solar Collectors ASHRAE 94.1-2007 I-P ASHRAE 90.1 USERS MANUAL ENERGY STANDARD FOR BUILDINGS EXCEPT LOW-RISE RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS .1 Method of Testing Active Latent-Heat Storage Devices Based on Thermal Performance ASHRAE 94. Includes Access to Additional Content ASHRAE 110 Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods . Expressing and Comparing Building Energy Performance .ASHRAE 95 Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Solar Domestic Water Heating Systems ASHRAE 96 Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Unglazed Flat-Plate Liquid-Type Solar Collectors ASHRAE 97 Sealed Glass Tube Method to Test the Chemical Stability of Materials for Use within Refrigerant Systems ASHRAE 99 Refrigeration Oil Description ASHRAE 100 Energy Conservation in Existing Buildings ASHRAE 103 Method of Testing for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency of Residential Central Furnaces and Boilers ASHRAE 105 Standard Methods of Measuring. Electric.1 Method of Testing for Rating Commercial Gas. Adjusting. Testing. and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems ASHRAE 111 Measurement.2 Method of Testing for Rating Residential Water Heaters ASHRAE 119 Air Leakage Performance for Detached Single-Family Residential Buildings ASHRAE 120 Method of Testing to Determine Flow Resistance of HVAC Ducts and Fittings .ASHRAE 111 ERTA Measurement. and Oil Service Water Heating Equipment ASHRAE 118. and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems ASHRAE 113 Method of Testing for Room Air Diffusion ASHRAE 116 Methods of Testing for Rating Seasonal Efficiency of Unitary Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps ASHRAE 118. Adjusting. Testing. ASHRAE 124 Methods of Testing for Rating Combination Space-Heating and WaterHeating Appliances ASHRAE 125 Method of Testing Thermal Energy Meters for Liquid Streams in HVAC Systems . (with minor editorial changes) ASHRAE 126 Method of Testing HVAC Air Ducts and Fittings ASHRAE 127 Method of Testing for Rating Computer and Data Processing Room Unitary Air Conditioners .Errata: 05/01/2006.(with minor editorial changes) ASHRAE 130 Methods of Testing Air Terminal Units ASHRAE 133 Method of Testing Direct Evaporative Air Coolers .P/C: 02/2009 ASHRAE 128 Method of Rating Unitary Spot Air Conditioners ASHRAE 129 Measuring Air-Change Effectiveness . 1 Method of Test for Conformance to BACnet ASHRAE 135 ERTA A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 ERTA A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks .Errata to Addendum W ASHRAE 135 INT 5 BACnet . Air-Conditioning.A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 ERTA BACnet Errata A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks .ASHRAE 134 Graphic Symbols for Heating.Includes Access to Additional Content ASHRAE 135.Errata to Addendum J ASHRAE 135 ADD Y A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 ADD X A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks . Ventilating. and Refrigerating Systems . A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks .ASHRAE 135 ADD W A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 ADD U A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 ADD T A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 ADD N A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 ADD K A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 ADD H A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 INT 4 BACnet .A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 INT 3 BACnet . A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 INT 1 BACnet .A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks .ASHRAE 135 ADD V BACnetâ €”A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 ADD S BACnetâ €”A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 ADD R BACnetâ €”A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 ADD O BACnetâ €”A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 ADD L BACnetâ €”A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 ADD J BACnetâ €”A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 INT 2 BACnet . Includes Access to Additional Content .Errata to Addendum Q ASHRAE 135 ADD Q BACnetâ €”A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 135 A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks ASHRAE 136 A Method of Determining Air Change Rates in Detached Dwellings ASHRAE 137 Methods of Testing for Efficiency of Space-Conditioning/WaterHeating Appliances that Include a Desuperheater Water Heater ASHRAE 138 Method of Testing for Rating Ceiling Panels for Sensible Heating and Cooling ASHRAE 139 Method of Testing for Rating Desiccant Dehumidifiers Utilizing Heat for the Regeneration Process ASHRAE 140 ERTA Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs .ASHRAE 135 ERTA BACnet A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks . Includes Access to Additional Content ASHRAE 140 ASHRAE 143 Method of Test for Rating Indirect Evaporative Coolers ASHRAE 145.Includes ANSI/ASHRAE addenda listed in Annex C.1 Laboratory Test Method for Assessing the Performance of Gas-Phase Air-Cleaning Systems: Loose Granular Media ASHRAE 146 Method of Testing and Rating Pool Heaters ASHRAE 147 ERTA Reducing the Release of Halogenated Refrigerants from Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Systems ASHRAE 147 Reducing the Release of Halogenated Refrigerants from Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Systems ASHRAE 149 Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans Used to Exhaust Smoke in Smoke Management Systems .ASHRAE 140 ADD A Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs . Adjusting.1 Methods of Testing Capacity of Refrigerant Solenoid Valves ASHRAE 158. and Balancing Shipboard HVAC&R Systems ASHRAE 152 Method of Test for Determining the Design and Seasonal Efficiencies of Residential Thermal Distribution Systems ASHRAE 154 Ventilation for Commercial Cooking Operations ASHRAE 154 SPANISH Ventilación para Operaciones Comerciales de Cocina ASHRAE 158.2 Methods of Testing Capacity of Refrigerant Pressure Regulators ASHRAE 160 ERTA Criteria for Moisture-Control Design Analysis in Buildings .ASHRAE 150 Method of Testing the Performance of Cool Storage Systems ASHRAE 151 Practices for Measuring. Testing. 1 Method of Test for Residential Central-System Humidfiers ASHRAE 169-2006 ERTA Weather Data for Building Design Standards ASHRAE 169-2006 ADD A Weather Data for Building Design Standards ASHRAE 169-2006 Weather Data for Building Design Standards .Includes Access to Additional Content .ASHRAE 160 Criteria for Moisture-Control Design Analysis in Buildings ASHRAE 161 ERTA Air Quality within Commercial Aircraft ASHRAE 161 ADD A AND B Air Quality within Commercial Aircraft ASHRAE 161 Air Quality within Commercial Aircraft ASHRAE 164. ASHRAE 170 ADD B Ventilation of Health Care Facilities ASHRAE 170 ADD A Ventilation of Health Care Facilities ASHRAE 170 Ventilation of Health Care Facilities ASHRAE 171 Method of Testing Seismic Restraint Devices for HVAC&R Equipment ASHRAE 174 Method of Test for Rating Desiccant-Based Dehumidification Equipment ASHRAE 180 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems ASHRAE 180 SPANISH Norma General para Inspección y Mantenimiento de Sistemas HVAC en Edificios Comerciales ASHRAE 182 Method of Testing Absorption Water-Chilling and Water-Heating Packages . RP-1119 ASHRAE 4667 Considerations in the Design and Application of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Energy Systems in Residential Markets ASHRAE 4668 Results of a Residential Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell Demonstration at a Military Facility in New York .ASHRAE 183 Peak Cooling and Heating Load Calculations in Buildings Except LowRise Residential buildings ASHRAE 189.1 Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings ASHRAE 3637 Development of a Revised Cooling and Heating Load Calculation Manual ASHRAE 4512 An Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Wall Jets ASHRAE 4666 A Study of Geothermal Heat Pump and Standing Column Well Performance .1 ERTA Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings ASHRAE 189. ASHRAE 4669 Thermal Analysis of Solar-Powered Continuous Adsorption AirConditioning System ASHRAE 4670 A Comparative Study of Shell-Side Condensation on Integral-Fin Tubes with R-114 and R-236a ASHRAE 4671 A Comparative Study of the Airside Performance of Winglet Vortex Generator and Wavy Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangers ASHRAE 4672 A Modified Model to Predict Air Infiltration into Refrigerated Facilities through Doorways ASHRAE 4673 A Switched Reluctance Motor in a Variable-Speed Pumping Application ASHRAE 4674 An Algorithm of Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry for Full-Scale Room Airflow Studies ASHRAE 4675 Average Modified Stanton Number for Evaluating the Ice-Melting Characteristics of Ice Harvested from a Thermal Storage Tank ASHRAE 4676 Comparsion of Diffusion Characteristics of Aersol Particles in Different Ventilated Rooms by Numercial Method . RP-1093 . Visible Air Intakes ASHRAE 4682 Heat Transfer Augmentation by Segmented Tape Inserts During Condensation of R-22 Inside a Horizontal Tube ASHRAE 4683 Impact of Modeling Accuracy on Predictive Optimal Control of Active and Passive Building Thermal Storage Inventory ASHRAE 4685 Overview of Existing Literature on Diversity Factors and Schedules for Energy and Cooling Load Calculations .ASHRAE 4677 Consumptive Water Use for U.S. Power Production ASHRAE 4678 Convective Evaporation on Plain Tube and Low-Fin Tube Banks Using R123 and R-134a ASHRAE 4679 Dynamic Modeling and Control of Multi-Evaporator Air-Conditioning Systems ASHRAE 4680 Energy Savings Potential of Energy Recovery Ventilation in an Animal Housing Facility ASHRAE 4681 Exhaust Contamination of Hidden vs. Part 2: Application to Office Buildings ASHRAE 4691 ASHRAE 4692 ASHRAE 4693 .ASHRAE 4686 Sensitivity Study of Slab-on-Grade Transient Heat Transfer Model Parameters ASHRAE 4687 Tests of Stairwell Pressurization Systems for Smoke Control in a HighRise Building ASHRAE 4688 Thermal Mixing of Outdoor and Return Airflows in Typical Air-Handling Units .Part 1: General Framework Development and Implementation of HVAC-KBCD: A Knowledge-Based Expert System for Conceptual Design of HVAC&R System .RP-1045 ASHRAE 4689 Thermodynamic Modeling and Experimental Validation of Screw Liquid Chillers ASHRAE 4690 Uncertainty-Based Quantitative Model for Assessing Risks in Existing Buildings Development and Implementation of HVAC-KBCD: A Knowledge-Based Expert System for Conceptual Design of HVAC&R System .Part 2: Application to Office Buildings Development and Implementation of HVAC-KBCD: A Knowledge-Based Expert System for Conceptual Design of HVAC&R System . RP1161 ASHRAE 4696 Heat Transfer through a Composite Wall with a Rectangular Graybody Radiating Cavity: A Numerical Solutions ASHRAE 4697 An Air-Conditioning Model Validation and Implementation into a Building Energy Analysis Software ASHRAE 4698 Application of Advanced Software Technologies and Engineering Standards to Improve the Process of HVAC System Design ASHRAE 4699 Dehumidification Characteristics of Commercial Building Applications RP-1121 ASHRAE 4700 Indoor Air Quality of an Energy-Efficient. Personal Control.ASHRAE 4694 Measurements and Model Development for R-400 Series Refrigerants RP-1215 ASHRAE 4695 Operable Windows. and Occupant Comfort . Healthy House with Mechanically Induced Fresh Air ASHRAE 4701 A Comparison of Electrical.and Thermal-Load-Following CHP Systems . RP1123 ASHRAE 4708 Calibration and Testing of Thermal Simulation Models of Air Heaters ASHRAE 4709 CFD-Based Parametric Study of Ventilation and Diesel Exhaust in Locomotive Facilities .ASHRAE 4702 A Preliminary Investigation on the Use of Ultra-Wideband Radar for Moisture Detection in Building Envelopes ASHRAE 4703 A Study on the Control Methods for Radiant Floor Heating and Cooling System in Residential Building ASHRAE 4704 Analysis and Validation of a Psychrometric Apparatus ASHRAE 4705 Axial-Flow Air-Vapor Compression Rdfrigerating System for Air Conditioning Cooled by Ciculating Water ASHRAE 4706 Benefits of Multi-Building Electric Load Aggregation: Actural and Simulation Case Studies .RP-1146 ASHRAE 4707 Calculation of Food Freezing Times and Heat Transfer Coefficients .RP-1191 . RP-1172 ASHRAE 4715 Double-Qalled Heat Exchanger Risk Analysis for Group B1 and Group B2 Refrigerants .ASHRAE 4710 Climatic Impacts on Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF) and Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) for Air-Source Heat Pumps ASHRAE 4711 Coefficient of Performance of Fluorinatied Ether and Fluorinated Ether Mixtures ASHRAE 4712 Performance Analysis of Low-pressure Household Water Heaters ASHRAE 4713 Development of Energy-Efficient Single-Coil Twin-fan Air-Conditioning System with Zonal Ventilation Control ASHRAE 4714 Domestic Hot Water End Use Analysis Methods and Preliminary Results .RP-1042 ASHRAE 4716 Effect of Boundary Condition on the Prediction of Temperature Distribution for Curtain Walls ASHRAE 4717 Effect of Ventilation System on Particle Spatial Distribution in Ventilated Rooms . ASHRAE 4718 Full-Scale Burning Tests of Mechanical Smoke Exhaust in Large Atrium ASHRAE 4719 Heat and Moisture Production of Poultry and Their Housing Systems: Molting Hens .RP-1044 ASHRAE 4721 Indoor Humidity Modeling and Evaluation of Condensation on Interior Surfaces ASHRAE 4722 Integrated Damper and Pressure Reset for VAV Supply Air Fan Control ASHRAE 4723 Laboratory Observations of Biocide Efficacy in Model Cooling Tower Systems ASHRAE 4724 Method of Thermal Metering on the Air Side for Fan Coil Units ASHRAE 4725 Minimizing TEWI in a Compact Chiller for Unitary Applications .RP-1044 ASHRAE 4720 Heat and Moisture Production of Poultry and Their Housing Systems: Pullets and Layers . RP-1191 ASHRAE 4733 Simulation and Performance Analysis of Lithium Bromide/Water for Absorption Heat Transformer Cycle Systems .RP-1191 ASHRAE 4732 Simple Approach to Evaluate the View Factors between Internal Heat Sources and Their Environment .ASHRAE 4726 Multidimensional Effects of Ground Heat Transfer on the Dynamics of Building Thermal Performance ASHRAE 4727 Natural Convection Heat Transfer for Fin-Tube Heat Exchangers ASHRAE 4728 Neural Network Optimal Controlled for Comemercial Ice Thermal Storage Systems ASHRAE 4729 Numerical Analysis of the Movement of Biological Particles in Two Adjacent Rooms ASHRAE 4730 Numerical Study of the Similarity Law for the Cross-Flow fan of a SplitType Air Conditioner ASHRAE 4731 Overview of Exisiting Guidance and Ventilation Approaches for Control of Diesel Exhaust Inside Locomotive Facilities . Aggregated Operation .RP-1146 ASHRAE 4738 Proposed Tools and Capabilities for Proactive Multi-Building Load Management: Part 2 .RP-1146 ASHRAE 4739 Verification of a Neural Network-Based Controller for Commercial Ice Storage Systems ASHRAE 4740 Wind Effects on Performance of Static Smoke Exhaust Systems: Horizontal Ceiling Vents ASHRAE 4741 An Oil Circulation Observer for Estimating Oil Concentration and Oil Amount in Refrigerant Compressors .Customer Aggregation .ASHRAE 4734 Smoke Control for Retail Shops with Cabin Design ASHRAE 4735 Study of Typical Meteorological Years and Their Effect on Building Energy and Renewable Energy Simulations ASHRAE 4736 Thermal Performance Characteristics of an Energy-Efficient. Healthy House ASHRAE 4737 Proposed Tools and Capabilities for Proactive Multi-Building Load Management: Part 1 . RP-1253 ASHRAE 4747 Neural-Based Air-Handling Unit for Indoor Relative Humidity and Temperature Control ASHRAE 4748 A Study for Evaluating Performance of Radiant Floor Cooling Integrated with Controlled Ventilation ASHRAE 4749 A Survey Technique for Evaluating Heating.RP-1074 ASHRAE 4745 Field Performance Assessment of VAV Control Systems to Determine the Longevity of Recommissioning .ASHRAE 4742 Coil Frosting and Defrosting Issues at Low Freezer Temperature Near Saturation Conditions ASHRAE 4743 Condensation Enhancement of R-22 by Twisted-Tape Inserts Inside a Horizontal Tube ASHRAE 4744 Determination of Dielectric Properties of Refrigerants . Ventilating.RP-1137 ASHRAE 4746 Measurement of Solubility. Viscosity and Density of R-507A Refrigerant/Lubricant Mixtures . and AirConditioning Systems . Numerical Study. Test and Evaluation Procedures .ASHRAE 4750 Determination of Building Materials´ Transport Properties for Modeling VOC Emissions ASHRAE 4751 Field Observations of Room Air Distribution Performance in Two Rooms of a Cold-Climate Home ASHRAE 4752 Improving Laboratory Building Energy Performance and Indoor Air Quality Using a Laboratory Air-Handling Unit System (LAHU) ASHRAE 4753 Thermal Sensation of Local Airflows with Different Temperatures and Velocities: Comparison between Summer and Winter ASHRAE 4754 Dynamic Model of a Centrifugal Chiller System-Model Development. and Validation ASHRAE 4755 A New Local Ventilation System Using a Vortex Flow Generated with a Finned Rotating Annular Disk ASHRAE 4756 A Semi-Empirical Model for Residential Electric Hot Water Tanks ASHRAE 4757 An Experimental Evaluaton of Duct-Mounted Relative Humidity Sensors: Part 1. RP-1162 .RP-1071 ASHRAE 4765 Window Performance for Human Thermal Comfort .ASHRAE 4758 Comparison of Two Models for Particle Separation in a Vane-Induced Uniflow Cyclone ASHRAE 4759 Control Optimization for Chilled Water Thermal Storage System Under Complicated Time-of-Use Electricity Rate Schedule ASHRAE 4760 Coupling of Airflow and Pollutant Dispersion Models with Evacuation Planning Algorithms for Building System Controls ASHRAE 4761 Measurements and Modeling of VOC Emissions from a Large Wall Assembly of Typical Wood-Framed Residential Houses ASHRAE 4762 Development and Testing of an Integrated Daylighting Control System ASHRAE 4763 Integrated Thermal and Daylighting Analysis for Design of Office Buildings ASHRAE 4764 Development of Methodology to Quantify the Impact of Fenestration Systems on Human Thermal Comfort . RP-1037 .RP-1199 ASHRAE 4769 The Residential Heat Balance Method for Heating and Cooling Load Calculations .RP-1199 ASHRAE 4770 Energy Performances of Prototype VAV and CAV Systems under Simulated Humid Tropical Climates ASHRAE 4771 Heat Exchanger Dynamic Observer Design ASHRAE 4772 Implications of Coil Frosting on System Designs for Low-Temperature Applications ASHRAE 4773 Incorporate Radiant Heaters over 300 Degree F into Thermal Comfort Calculations Using BCAP .ASHRAE 4766 Development of a Nonintrusive Refrigerant Charge Indicator ASHRAE 4767 Development of Computer-Aided Design Program for Refrigerator Duct Systems ASHRAE 4768 Development of the Rsidential Load Factor Method for Heating and Cooling Load Calculations . ASHRAE 4774 Integrated Cleanroom Design and Construction ASHRAE 4775 Integration of ASOS Weather Data into Model-Derived Solar Radiation RP-1226 ASHRAE 4776 Mechanism for Reaction Between Polyolester Lubricant and Ferrous Metals.RP-1211 ASHRAE 4777 Modified RC Thermal Circuit Model Applied to Cold Storage System with Multi-Loop Heat Pipes ASHRAE 4778 On Atrium Smoke Management System Design ASHRAE 4779 Zone Modeling Simulations on Retail Shop Fires ASHRAE 4780 Studies on Gas-Stack Heat Transfer for Research and Development of the Thermoacoustic Refrigerating System ASHRAE 4781 Study of Cross-Flow Cooling and Heating of Air via and Elliptical Tube Array . Part 1. Literature Search . ASHRAE 4782 Techno-Economic Analysis of a Large-Scale Rooftop Photovoltaic System ASHRAE 4783 2001 Seattle Energy Code: Striving for 20% Total Building Energy Savings Compared to Standard 90.RP-1273 ASHRAE 4822 An Indoor Thermal Climate Optimization Technique Taking Account of a Multi-Phase Design Process ASHRAE 4823 Application of H Compensator to a Plant with a Large Amount of Changes in Characteristics ASHRAE 4824 Assessment of the Enthalpy Performance of Houses Using Energy Recovery Technology ASHRAE 4825 Ceiling Radiant Cooling Panels Employing Heat-Conducting Rails: Deriving the Governing Heat Transfer Equations ASHRAE 4826 Comparative Analysis of Three Solar Models for Tunisia .1-1999 ASHRAE 4784 The Calculation of Climatic Design Conditions in the 2005 ASHRAE Handbook .Fundamentals . ASHRAE 4827 Comparison of SPIV Measurements for Different Test Room Air Inlet Nozzle Configurations ASHRAE 4828 Condensing Boilers and Baseboard Hydronic Heating Systems ASHRAE 4829 Development of an Interactive Web-Based Owning and Operating Cost Database .(RP-1237) ASHRAE 4830 Service Life Data from an Interactive Web-Based Owning and Operating Cost Database .(RP-1237) ASHRAE 4831 Efficacy of Intermittent Ventilation for Providing Acceptable Indoor Air Quality ASHRAE 4832 Environmental Impacts of Surface Water Heat Pump Systems ASHRAE 4833 Impacts of Manufacturing Tolerances of the Effectiveness-Ntu Method for Regenerative Exchanger Design ASHRAE 4834 Investigation into Airborne Transport Characteristics of Airflow Due to Coughing in a Stagnant Indoor Environment . (RP-1137) . and Heat Production in Nouse Cages with Two Bedding Types.ASHRAE 4835 Mass Generation Rates of Ammonia. Moisture. Two Mouse Strains and Two Room Relative Humidities Model Predictive Control of Supply Air Temperature and Outside Air Intake Rate of a VAV Air-Handling Unit ASHRAE 4836 ASHRAE 4837 Modeling and Testing of a Utility Peak Reducing Residential Hot/Dry Air Conditioner (HDAC) Using Microchannel Heat Exchangers ASHRAE 4838 Simulated Influence of Roof Reflectance on the Building Energy Balance in Two Northern Cities ASHRAE 4839 Smoke Control Through a Double-Skin FaCade Used for Natural Ventilation ASHRAE 4840 Study on the Applicability of Combining a Desiccant Cooling System with a Heat Pump in a Hot and Humid Climate ASHRAE 4841 The Effect of Elbows on the Accuracy of Liquid Flow Measurement with an Insertion Flowmeter ASHRAE 4842 VAV Airflow Sensor Response in Relation to â €œPoorâ€� Upstream Duct Geometry . ASHRAE 4843 Effect of Data Availability on Modeling of Residential Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps for Energy Calculations . and Tools . Uncertainty. Procedures.(RP1051) Distribution of Water between Vapor and Liquid Phases of Refrigerants .(RP-1239) ASHRAE 4844 ASHRAE 4845 ASHRAE 13256-1 Water-source heat pumps testing and rating for performance Part 1: Water-to-air and brine-to-air heat pumps ASHRAE 13256-2 Water-source heat pumps testing and rating for performance Part 2: Water-to-water and brine-to-water heat pumps ASHRAE 90061 I-P POCKET GUIDE for Air Conditioning Heating Ventilation Refrigeration (Inch-Pound Edition) ASHRAE 90138 DAMPERS AND AIRFLOW CONTROL ASHRAE 90154 62.(RP-1197) Literature Review on Calibration of Building Energy Simulation Programs: Uses. Problems.2-2004 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings .2 Userâ €™s Manual ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62. Ventilating.ASHRAE 90290 System Performance Evaluation and Design Guidelines for Displacement Ventilation ASHRAE 90313 Energy Efficiency Guide for Existing Commercial Buildings: The Business Case for Building Owners and Managers ASHRAE 90322 ASHRAE GreenGuide The Design. and Operation of Sustainable Buildings ASHRAE 90329 Performance Measurement Protocols for Commercial Buildings ASHRAE 90343 Practical Guide to Noise and Vibration Control for HVAC Systems (IP) ASHRAE 90365 Heating. Construction. and Air-Conditioning Design Guide for Department of Energy Nuclear Facilities ASHRAE 90376 Pumps-Source Heat Pumps: Design of Geothermal Systems for Commercial and Institutional Buildings Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities Achieving 30% Energy Savings Toward a Net Zero Energy Building ASHRAE 90377 . 6th Edition ASHRAE 90405 PRINCIPLES OF HEATING VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING: SOLUTIONS MANUAL .ASHRAE 90379 Advanced Energy Design Guide for Highway Lodging Achieving 30% Energy Savings Toward a Net Zero Energy Building ASHRAE 90399 Load Calculation Applications Manual ASHRAE 90401 Load Calculation Applications Manual SI Edition .6th Edition ASHRAE 90412 HVAC Design Manual for Hospitals and Clinics ASHRAE 90414 HVAC Design Guide for Tall Commercial Buildings ASHRAE 90420 The ASHRAE Guide for Buildings in Hot and Humid Climates .RP-1326 ASHRAE 90403 PRINCIPLES OF HEATING VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING . ASHRAE 90421 Humidity Control Design Guide for Commercial and Institutional Buildings ASHRAE 90422 PRINCIPLES OF HEATING VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING ASHRAE 90424 PRINCIPLES OF HEATING VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SOLUTIONS MANUAL ASHRAE 90426 Procedures for Commercial Building Energy Audits ASHRAE 90427 Datacom Equipment Power Trends and Cooling Applications ASHRAE 90428 Underfloor Air Distribution (UFAD) Design Guide ASHRAE 90429 Structural and Vibration Guidelines for Datacom Equipment Centers ASHRAE 90430 Liquid Cooling Guidelines for Datacom Equipment Centers . ASHRAE 90432 Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Retail Buildings Achieving 30% Energy Savings Toward a Net Zero Energy Building ASHRAE 90433 Design Essentials for Refrigerated Storage Facilities ASHRAE 90434 Advanced Energy Design Guide for K-12 School Buildings ASHRAE 90435 Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Office Buildings - (Contains Color) ASHRAE 90436 Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Warehouses and Self-Storage Buildings ASHRAE 90437 Design Considerations for Datacom Equipment Centers ASHRAE 90438 Best Practices for Datacom Facility Energy Efficiency ASHRAE 90439 HVAC Simplified - Reprint: 02/2009; Includes Access to Additional Content ASHRAE 90440 HVAC Simplified Solutions Manual ASHRAE 90441 High Density Data Centers Case Studies and Best Practices ASHRAE 90442 The ASHRAE Guide for Buildings in Hot & Humid Climates ASHRAE 90443 Thermal Guidelines for Data Processing Environments ASHRAE 90444 Particulate and Gaseous Contamination in Datacom Environments ASHRAE 90445 Design Considerations for Datacom Equipment Centers ASHRAE 90446 REAL-TIME ENERGY CONSUMPTION MEASUREMENTS IN DATA CENTERS ASHRAE 90447 Best Practices for Datacom Facility Energy Efficiency ASHRAE AN-04-1 Symposium on Air-to-Carbon Dioxide Heat Exchangers ASHRAE AN-04-1-1 Experimental Study of Supercritical CO2 Gas Cooling in a Microchannel Gas Cooler ASHRAE AN-04-1-2 Flow Distribution Issues in Parallel Flow Heat Exchangers ASHRAE AN-04-1-3 Two-Phase Refrigerant Distribution in Round Tube Manifolds ASHRAE AN-04-2 Symposium on Testing of Seismic Restraints and HVAC Equipment to Meet Seismic Requirements of the International Building Code ASHRAE AN-04-2-1 Vibration Isolation: Harmonic and Seismic Forcing Using the Wilson Theta Method ASHRAE AN-04-2-2 Static Testing of Seismic Restraint Devices ASHRAE AN-04-2-3 Shake Table Testing ASHRAE AN-04-3 Symposium on Applications and Knowledge-Based Tools for Enchanced Building Energy Simulation ASHRAE AN-04-3-1 Development and Testing of the Characteristic Curve Fan Model ASHRAE AN-04-3-2 Total Energy Comsumption Model of Fan Subsystem Suitable for Continuous Commissioning ASHRAE AN-04-3-3 Electricity Diversity Profiles for Energy Simulation of Office Buildings RP-1093 ASHRAE AN-04-4 Symposium on Topics Energy Recovery Ventilation ASHRAE AN-04-4-1 Wheel Selection for Heat and Energy Recovery in Simple HVAC Ventilation Design Problems ASHRAE AN-04-4-2 Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Air-Handling Units with and without Airto-Air Energy Exchangers ASHRAE AN-04-4-3 Measurement of Pore Size Variation and Its Effect on Energy Wheel Performance . ASHRAE AN-04-5 Symposium on Factors Influencing the Energy Performance of ForcedAir Systems ASHRAE AN-04-5-1 Energy-Saving Opportunities in Residential Air-Handler Efficiency ASHRAE AN-04-5-2 How Much Energy Could Residential Furnace Air Handlers Save? ASHRAE AN-04-5-3 Heat Pump System Performance in Northern Climates ASHRAE AN-04-6 Symposium on Thermal and Solar Heat Gain Characteristics of Venetian Blinds ASHRAE AN-04-6-1 Heat Transfer Analysis of a Between-Panes Venetian Blind Using Effective Longwave Radiative Properties ASHRAE AN-04-6-2 Method for Calculating the Effective Longwave Radiative Properties of a Venetian Blind Layer ASHRAE AN-04-6-3 Calorimetric Analysis of the Solar and Thermal Performance of Windows with Interior Louvered Blinds . and Water Quality Issues for GSHPS ASHRAE AN-04-8-1 A Bin Method Energy Analysis for Ground-Coupled Heat Pumps .ASHRAE AN-04-6-4 Estimating the Solar Heat and Thermal Gain from a Window with an Interior Venetian Blind ASHRAE AN-04-7 Symposium on Absorption/Sorption Heat Pumps and Refrigeration Systems ASHRAE AN-04-7-1 Experimental Verification of an Absorption Chiller for BCHP Applications ASHRAE AN-04-7-2 Theoretical and Experimental Study of a New Absorption Refrigeration Cycle ASHRAE AN-04-7-3 Heat-Activated Dual-Function Absorption Cycle ASHRAE AN-04-7-4 Ammonia-Water Absorption Heat and Mass Transfer in Microchannel Absorbers with Visual Confirmation ASHRAE AN-04-8 Symposium on Pumping. Piping.RP1217 . Immediate and LongTerm Research Needs ASHRAE AN-04-10 Symposium on Renewable Energy Sources.ASHRAE AN-04-8-2 Operational Performance of Ground-Coupled (Closed-Loop) GroundSource Heat Pump System Pumping Alternatives . and BPS for Sustainable Local and Regional Development .RP-1217 ASHRAE AN-04-8-3 Water Chemistry Issues in Geothermal Heat Pump Systems ASHRAE AN-04-9 Symposium on High-Density Electronic Equipment Facility Cooling ASHRAE AN-04-9-1 Evolution of Data Center Environmental Guidelines ASHRAE AN-04-9-2 A Thermal Bus System for Cooling Electronic Components in HighDensity Cabinets ASHRAE AN-04-9-3 Cooling of High Heat Density Rooms Today and in the Future ASHRAE AN-04-9-4 Efficient Thermal Management of Data Centers . Energy Efficiency. ASHRAE AN-04-10-1 Local Energy Plans . and Biogas and New Jersey´s Incentive Programs Symposium on Fire and Smoke Control Practice and Research: IBC and NFPA ASHRAE AN-04-11 ASHRAE AN-04-11-1 Tenability and Open Doors in Pressurized Stairwells .RP-1108 .RP-1203 ASHRAE AN-04-11-2 Smoke Control and the International Building Code ASHRAE AN-04-11-3 Smoke Control and High-Rise Office Buildings with Operable Windows: Two Case Studies ASHRAE AN-04-11-4 Full-Scale Fire Tests for Cables in Plenums . Wind Power.A Way to Improve the Energy Balance and the Environmental Impact of the Cities: Case Study of Barcelona ASHRAE AN-04-10-2 Decision Support Software for Sustainable Buidling Refurbishment ASHRAE AN-04-10-3 Renewable Energy for High-Performance Buildings in New Jersey: Discussion of PV. and Dormitories ASHRAE APP SI CH 6 Educational Facilities ASHRAE APP SI CH 7 Health Care Facilities . Motels.ASHRAE APP IP HDBK 2007 ASHRAE Handbook HVAC Applications I-P Edition ASHRAE APP SI CH 1 Residences ASHRAE APP SI CH 2 Retail Facilities ASHRAE APP SI CH 3 Commercial and Public Buildings ASHRAE APP SI CH 4 Places of Assembly ASHRAE APP SI CH 5 Hotels. ASHRAE APP SI CH 8 Justice Facilities ASHRAE APP SI CH 9 AUTOMOBILES AND MASS TRANSIT ASHRAE APP SI CH 10 Aircraft ASHRAE APP SI CH 11 Ships ASHRAE APP SI CH 12 Industrial Air Conditioning ASHRAE APP SI CH 13 Enclosed Vehicular Facilities ASHRAE APP SI CH 14 Laboratories ASHRAE APP SI CH 15 Engine Test Facilities . ASHRAE APP SI CH 16 Clean Spaces ASHRAE APP SI CH 17 Data Processing and Electronic Office Areas ASHRAE APP SI CH 18 Printing Plants ASHRAE APP SI CH 19 Textile Processing Plants ASHRAE APP SI CH 20 Photographic Material Facilities ASHRAE APP SI CH 21 MUSEUMS. GALLERIES. ARCHIVES. AND LIBRARIES ASHRAE APP SI CH 22 Environmental Control for Animals and Plants ASHRAE APP SI CH 23 Drying and Storing Selected Farm Crops . ASHRAE APP SI CH 24 Air Conditioning of Wood and Paper Product Facilities ASHRAE APP SI CH 25 Power Plants ASHRAE APP SI CH 26 Nuclear Facilities ASHRAE APP SI CH 27 Mine Air Conditioning and Ventilation ASHRAE APP SI CH 28 Industrial Drying Systems ASHRAE APP SI CH 29 Ventilation of the Industrial Environment ASHRAE APP SI CH 30 Industrial Local Exhaust Systems ASHRAE APP SI CH 31 Kitchen Ventilation . ASHRAE APP SI CH 32 Geothermal Energy ASHRAE APP SI CH 33 Solar Energy Use ASHRAE APP SI CH 34 Thermal Storage ASHRAE APP SI CH 35 Energy Use and Management ASHRAE APP SI CH 36 Owning and Operating Costs ASHRAE APP SI CH 37 Testing. and Balancing ASHRAE APP SI CH 38 Operation and Maintenance Management ASHRAE APP SI CH 39 Computer Applications . Adjusting. ASHRAE APP SI CH 40 Building Energy Monitoring ASHRAE APP SI CH 41 Supervisory Control Strategies and Optimization ASHRAE APP SI CH 42 HVAC Commissioning ASHRAE APP SI CH 43 Building Envelopes ASHRAE APP SI CH 44 Building Air Intake and Exhaust Design ASHRAE APP SI CH 45 Control of Gaseous Indoor Air Contaminants ASHRAE APP SI CH 46 Design and Aplication of Controls ASHRAE APP SI CH 47 Sound and Vibration Control . ASHRAE APP SI CH 48 Water Treatment ASHRAE APP SI CH 49 Service Water Heating ASHRAE APP SI CH 50 Snow Melting and Freeze Protection ASHRAE APP SI CH 51 Evaporative Cooling ASHRAE APP SI CH 52 Fire and Smoke Management ASHRAE APP SI CH 53 Radiant Heating and Cooling ASHRAE APP SI CH 54 Seismic and Wind Restraint Design ASHRAE APP SI CH 55 Electrical Considerations . BIOLOGICAL. AND EXPLOSIVE INCIDENTS ASHRAE APP SI CH 59 CODES AND STANDARDS ASHRAE DA-07-001 The Use of Numerical Acoustics to Solve Classic Acoustics Problems at an HVAC Original Equipment Manufacturer ASHRAE DA-07-002 Using Numberical Acoustics to Perdict the Attenuation of HVAC Plenums .RP-1218 ASHRAE DA-07-003 Using Numerical Methods to Analyze Multicomponent HVAC Systems RP-1218 ASHRAE DA-07-004 Net Zero Energy Building Case Study: Science House . RADIOLOGICAL.ASHRAE APP SI CH 56 Room Air Distribution ASHRAE APP SI CH 57 Integrated Building Design ASHRAE APP SI CH 58 CHEMICAL. ASHRAE DA-07-005 Tale of Two Low-Energy Designs: Comparison of Mechanically and Naturally Ventilated Office Buildings in Temperate Climates ASHRAE DA-07-006 Jack Evans Police Headquarters: 24-Hour Low Energy Use ASHRAE DA-07-007 Meausered Energy Performance of a US-China Demonstration EnergyEfficient Office Building ASHRAE DA-07-008 Applications of Customized Absorption Heat Pumps with Heating capacities above 500kW ASHRAE DA-07-009 Designing Sustainable On-Site CHP Systems ASHRAE DA-07-010 Low-Temperature Heat Storage for Solar Heating and Cooling Applications ASHRAE DA-07-011 Liquid Cooling for Extreme Heat Densities ASHRAE DA-07-012 Performance of a rack of Liquid-Cooled Servers . Inventor.RP-1143 ASHRAE DA-07-017 Two-Dimensional CFD and Conduction Simulations of Heat Transfer in Horizontal Window Frames with Internal Cavaties ASHRAE DA-07-018 Performance Criteria for Residential Zero-Energy Windows ASHRAE DA-07-019 Re-Inventing the Wheel in HVAC&R Technology: History Does Repeat! ASHRAE DA-07-020 carl von Linde .Scientist. Global Player .ASHRAE DA-07-013 Comparison between Underfloor Supply and Overhead Supply Ventilation Designs for Data Center High-Density Clusters ASHRAE DA-07-014 Capture Index: An Airflow-Based Rack Cooling Performance Metric ASHRAE DA-07-015 Characterization of a High-Density Data Center ASHRAE DA-07-016 Advanced Solar Irradiance Model and Procedure for Spectral Solar Heat Gain Calculation . Jr.: A Great Inventor and Innovator ASHRAE DA-07-027 Cascade Systems: Past. present.ASHRAE DA-07-021 The Heating System of the roman Baths ASHRAE DA-07-022 Best practices for Data Center Thermal and Energy Management Review of Literature ASHRAE DA-07-023 Prediction of Distributed Air Leakage in Raised-Floor Data Centers ASHRAE DA-07-024 Occurrence of humid Air Diagrams within a Short Period at Three Distant Places on a Globe ASHRAE DA-07-025 Tobacco Smoke and Haze Control in the Houston Astrodome ASHRAE DA-07-026 The Work of Frank J. and Future ASHRAE DA-07-028 A Model for Self-Contained solid Door Refrigerated Display Cabinets . Dean. ASHRAE DA-07-029 Protectecing Buildings Against Bioterrorism-Review of Guidance and Tools ASHRAE DA-07-030 An Experimental and Modeling Assessment of Room Air Cleaners for Building Protection Requirements for a Probabilistic Quantiative Relative Risk-Based Decision Methodology for Reducing Vulnerability of Building Occupants to Extreme IAQ Events Laboratory Evaluation of Residential Window Installation Methods on Stucco Wall Assemblies ASHRAE DA-07-031 ASHRAE DA-07-032 ASHRAE DA-07-033 Evaluating Stucco-Clad Building Wall Systems through Hygrothermal Modeling ASHRAE DA-07-034 Mold Risk Reduction Strategies for Builers ASHRAE DA-07-035 Use of Electronically Commutated Motors (ECMs) in Air Terminal Units ASHRAE DA-07-036 Air Distribution in Rooms with a Fan-Driven Convector . ASHRAE DA-07-037 A New Idea That Is 40 Years Old-Air Curtain Hospital Operating Room Systems ASHRAE DA-07-038 Evaluating RNG k-e Models using PIV Data for Airflow in Animal Buildings at Different Ventilation Rates ASHRAE DA-07-040 A Semi-Automated Commissioning Tool for VAV Air-Handling Units: Functional Test Analyzer ASHRAE DA-07-041 Characterization and Cancellation of Static Nonlinearity in HVAC Systems ASHRAE DA-07-042 Numverical Study of Air Movement in a Slot-Ventilated Enclosure ASHRAE DA-07-043 Implementation of Controller Area Networks for Monitoring of Animal Environments ASHRAE DA-07-044 Analysis of Airflow in a Full-Scale Room with Non-Isothermal Jet Ventilation Using PTV Techniques ASHRAE DA-07-045 A Review of Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Technologies for EnergyEfficient Healthy Buildings in the Tropics . Measured Delta P for Compressed Flexible Ducts ASHRAE DA-07-050 A Fast Algorithm for the Simulation of GCHP Systems ASHRAE DA-07-051 An Experimental Investigation of Response Times for Duct-Mounted Relative Humidity Transmitters ASHRAE DA-07-053 decoupled modeling of Chilled-Water cooling Coils ASHRAE DA-07-055 Impact of the Position of the Radiators on Energy Consumption and Thermal Comfort in a Mixed Radiant and Convective Heating Systems .ASHRAE DA-07-046 Monitored Indoor Moisture and Temperature Conditions in HumidClimate US Residences ASHRAE DA-07-047 Best Practices for Energy-Efficient Data centers Identified through Case Studies and Demonstration Projects ASHRAE DA-07-048 The impact of Moore's Law on the Total Cost of Computing and How Inefficiencies in the Data Center Increase These Costs ASHRAE DA-07-049 Comparative Analysis of CFD Delta P vs. High-Efficiency Grease Filter System for Kitchen Hoods Development of a Ground-Source Heat Pump System with Ground Heat Exchanger Utilizing the Cast-in-Place Concrete Pile Foundations of Buildings ASHRAE DA-07-061 ASHRAE DA-07-062 Development of a New Energy Management Programming Tool.ASHRAE DA-07-056 Applying the Effectiveness-NTU Method to Elemental Heat Exchanger Models ASHRAE DA-07-057 Comparative Analysis of four Solar Models for Tropical Sites . TSC ASHRAE DA-07-063 New Procedure for Estimating Seasonal energy Efficiency Ratio of Chillers .RP-1309 ASHRAE DA-07-058 Impact of Solar Models on Building Energy Analysis for Tropical Sites (RP-1309) ASHRAE DA-07-059 Coupling Multiple Heat production and Consumption Units by Employing a New Three-Pipe System ASHRAE DA-07-060 Development and Performance of a Retrofittable. Surface Temperatures.ASHRAE DA-07-064 Predicting Individual Differences in Human Thermal Strain Using Computational Models ASHRAE DA-07-065 Quantifying Modeling Uncertainties for the Human Thermal System ASHRAE DA-07-066 Self-Assessed Productivity and the Office Environment: Monthly Surveys in Five European Countries ASHRAE DA-07-067 Simulated performance Analysis of a Multizone VAV System under Different Ventilation Control Strategies The effects of thermostat Setback and Setup on Seasonal Energy Consumption. and Recovery Times at the CCHT Twin House Research Facility ASHRAE DA-07-068 ASHRAE DA-07-069 Use of Factorial Sensitivity Analysis in Multizone Airflow Model Tuning ASHRAE EQUIP IP ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONditions and Corrections AdS ASHRAE EQUIP IP HDBK 2008 ASHRAE HANDBOOK HVAC Systems and Equipment I-P Edition . ASHRAE EQUIP SI HDBK 2008 ASHRAE HANDBOOK HVAC Systems and Equipment SI Edition ASHRAE FUN IP HDBK 2009 ASHRAE HANDBOOK FUNDAMENTALS I-P Edition . C.1 HVAC&R Technical Requirements for The Commissioning Process ASHRAE GUIDELINE 2 Guideline to Engineering Analysis of Experimental Data ASHRAE GUIDELINE 4 Preparation of Operating and Maintenance Documentation for Building Systems . B.Includes Access to Additional Content ASHRAE GUIDELINE 0 ADD A.P/C: 02/2009 ASHRAE GUIDELINE 1.Includes Access to Additional Content ASHRAE FUN SI HDBK 2009 ASHRAE HANDBOOK FUNDAMENTALS SI Edition . D The Commissioning Process ASHRAE GUIDELINE 0 The Commissioning Process . Includes addenda listed in Annex D ASHRAE GUIDELINE 14 ERTA Guideline to Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings .ASHRAE GUIDELINE 5 Guideline to Commissioning Smoke Management Systems ASHRAE GUIDELINE 6 Refrigerant Information Recommended for Product Development and Standards ASHRAE GUIDELINE 8 Guideline to Energy Cost Allocation for Multiple-Occupancy Residential Buildings ASHRAE GUIDELINE 11 Field Testing of HVAC Controls Components ASHRAE GUIDELINE 12 Guideline to Minimizing the Risk of Legionellosis Associated with Building Water Systems ASHRAE GUIDELINE 12 SPANISH Minimización del Riesgo de Legionellosis Asociado a los Sistemas de Agua de los Edificios ASHRAE GUIDELINE 13 Specifying Direct Digital Control Systems . (with minor editorial changes) ASHRAE GUIDELINE 16 Selecting Outdoor.ASHRAE GUIDELINE 14 ERTA Guideline to Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings ASHRAE GUIDELINE 14 Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings . and Relief Dampers for Air-Side Economizer Systems ASHRAE GUIDELINE 22 Instrumentation for Monitoring Central Chilled-Water Plant Efficiency Includes Access to Additional Content ASHRAE GUIDELINE 24 Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings ASHRAE GUIDELINE 26 ERTA Guideline for Field Testing of General Ventilation Devices and Systems for Removal Efficiency In-Situ by Particle Size and Resistance to Flow ASHRAE GUIDELINE 26 Guideline for Field Testing of General Ventilation Devices and Systems for Removal Efficiency In-Situ by Particle Size and Resistance to Flow ASHRAE GUIDELINE 29 ADD A Guideline for the Risk Management of Public Health and Safety in Buildings . Return. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research .Volume 2. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Number 4. Ventilating. Number 2. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Number 2.ASHRAE GUIDELINE 29 ERTA Guideline for the Risk Management of Public Health and Safety in Buildings ASHRAE GUIDELINE 29 Guideline for the Risk Management of Public Health and Safety in Buildings ASHRAE IJHVAC 1-1 International Journal of Heating. Ventilating. Ventilating.Volume 1. October 1995 ASHRAE IJHVAC 2-1 International Journal of Heating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . April 1996 . Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research .Volume 1. Number 1. Ventilating. Ventilating. January 1996 ASHRAE IJHVAC 2-2 International Journal of Heating. Ventilating. July 1995 ASHRAE IJHVAC 1-4 International Journal of Heating.Volume 1. April 1995 ASHRAE IJHVAC 1-3 International Journal of Heating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . January 1995 ASHRAE IJHVAC 1-2 International Journal of Heating. Number 1.Volume 2. Number 3.Volume 1. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . April 1997 ASHRAE IJHVAC 3-3 International Journal of Heating. Ventilating. January 1997 ASHRAE IJHVAC 3-2 International Journal of Heating. Ventilating. April 1998 . Number 4. Number 3. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research .Volume 4. July 1997 ASHRAE IJHVAC 3-4 International Journal of Heating. Number 3. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Number 2.Volume 3. Ventilating. Ventilating. July. January 1998 ASHRAE IJHVAC 4-2 International Journal of Heating. Ventilating.Volume 4. October 1997 ASHRAE IJHVAC 4-1 International Journal of Heating.Volume 2. Ventilating.Volume 2.ASHRAE IJHVAC 2-3 International Journal of Heating.Volume 3. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Number 4. October 1996 ASHRAE IJHVAC 3-1 International Journal of Heating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Number 1.Volume 3. Number 2. Number 1. Ventilating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating . 1996 ASHRAE IJHVAC 2-4 International Journal of Heating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research .Volume 3. Ventilating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Ventilating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Number 4. April 2000 . Number 3. Ventilating. October 1999 ASHRAE IJHVAC 6-1 International Journal of Heating. Number 3. July 1999 ASHRAE IJHVAC 5-4 International Journal of Heating. October 1998 ASHRAE IJHVAC 5-1 International Journal of Heating.Volume 5. Number 2. Ventilating. Number 1.Volume 5.ASHRAE IJHVAC 4-3 International Journal of Heating. Number 4. January 1999 ASHRAE IJHVAC 5-2 International Journal of Heating.Volume 5. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Ventilating. Ventilating.Volume 5. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Number 1. January 2000 ASHRAE IJHVAC 6-2 International Journal of Heating. Ventilating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . April 1999 ASHRAE IJHVAC 5-3 HVAC&R Research .Volume 6. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research .Volume 4. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research .Volume 6. Ventilating.Volume 4. Number 2. July 1998 ASHRAE IJHVAC 4-4 International Journal of Heating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Number 4. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research .Volume 8. April 2002 .Volume 8. October 2001 ASHRAE IJHVAC 8-1 International Journal of Heating.Volume 6. Number 3. Number 4.Volume 7. Number 3.Volume 7. January 2001 ASHRAE IJHVAC 7-2 International Journal of Heating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Ventilating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . January 2002 ASHRAE IJHVAC 8-2 International Journal of Heating. July 2000 ASHRAE IJHVAC 6-4 International Journal of Heating. Ventilating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Ventilating. Number 1.Volume 7. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research .Volume 7. Ventilating. Ventilating. July 2001 ASHRAE IJHVAC 7-4 International Journal of Heating. Ventilating. Ventilating.ASHRAE IJHVAC 6-3 International Journal of Heating. Ventilating. October 2000 ASHRAE IJHVAC 7-1 International Journal of Heating. Number 2. Number 1. April 2001 ASHRAE IJHVAC 7-3 International Journal of Heating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Number 2.Volume 6. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Number 3. July 2002 ASHRAE IJHVAC 8-3 International Journal of Heating. Number 4. Ventilating.ASHRAE IJHVAC 8-3 ERTA Formulation of High Temperature Properties for Moist Air .Volume 9. Number 3. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research .Volume 8. Number 2.Volume 8. July 2002 ASHRAE IJHVAC 8-4 International Journal of Heating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Number 3. Ventilating. April 2003 ASHRAE IJHVAC 9-3 International Journal of Heating. Number 1.Volume 8.Volume 9.Volume 9. Number 4. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Ventilating. October 2002 ASHRAE IJHVAC 9-1 HVAC&R Research .Volume 10.Volume 9. Ventilating. October 2003 ASHRAE IJHVAC 10-1 HVAC&R Research . January 2003 ASHRAE IJHVAC 9-2 International Journal of Heating. January 2004 . Number 1. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . July 2003 ASHRAE IJHVAC 9-4 HVAC&R Research . Volume 11. April 2004 ASHRAE IJHVAC 10-3 ERTA Errata: Parametric Study of Single-Pipe Diffusers in Stratified Chilled Water Storage Tanks . Number 4 . Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Ventilating.ASHRAE IJHVAC 10-2 HVAC&R Research . Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Number 1. Number 3. October 2004 ASHRAE IJHVAC 11-1 International Journal of Heating.Volume 10.Volume 11. Ventilating. Number 3 ASHRAE IJHVAC 11-4 International Journal of Heating. Ventilating.Volume 10. July 2004 ASHRAE IJHVAC 10-4 International Journal of Heating. Ventilating. Number 2 ASHRAE IJHVAC 11-3 International Journal of Heating. Number 2. January 2005 ASHRAE IJHVAC 11-2 International Journal of Heating.Volume 10. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research .Volume 10. July 2004 ASHRAE IJHVAC 10-3 HVAC&R Research .Volume 11. Number 3. Ventilating.Volume 11. Number 4. Number 1 ASHRAE IJHVAC 12-2 An International Journal of Heating.Volume 12. Number 2 ASHRAE IJHVAC 12-3 HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating. Ventilating. Ventilating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research ASHRAE IJHVAC 12-3A HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research ASHRAE IJHVAC 12-4 HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating. Ventilating. Ventilating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research ASHRAE IJHVAC 13-1 HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research ASHRAE IJHVAC 12-3C HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating. Ventilating. Ventilating. Ventilating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research ASHRAE IJHVAC 12-3B HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating. Air-Conditioning and REfrigerating Research .Volume 12.ASHRAE IJHVAC 12-1 An International Journal of Heating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Ventilating. ASHRAE IJHVAC 13-2 HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Ventilating. Ventilating. Ventilating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research ASHRAE IJHVAC 14-2 HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating. Ventilating. Ventilating. Ventilating.Volume 13. Ventilating. Ventilating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research ASHRAE IJHVAC 13-4 HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research ASHRAE IJHVAC 13-3 HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating. Number 4 ASHRAE IJHVAC 13-5 HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating. Number 5 ASHRAE IJHVAC 13-6 HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research . Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research ASHRAE IJHVAC 14-3 HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research ASHRAE IJHVAC 14-1 HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating.Volume 13. Number 2 ASHRAE IJHVAC 15-3 HVAC&R Research . Number 1 ASHRAE IJHVAC 15-2 HVAC&R Research . Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research ASHRAE IJHVAC 15-1 HVAC&R Research . Ventilating. Ventilating. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research ASHRAE IJHVAC 14-6 HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating. Ventilating.Volume 15.ASHRAE IJHVAC 14-4 HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating.Volume 15. Number 4 ASHRAE IJHVAC 15-5 HVAC&R Research . Number 3 ASHRAE IJHVAC 15-4 HVAC&R Research .Volume 15. Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research ASHRAE IJHVAC 14-5 HVAC&R RESEARCH An International Journal of Heating.Volume 15. Includes Additions and Corrections ASHRAE INDEX OF VOL 108 PT 2 Index of Technical and Symposium Papers. Number 6.Volume 15. Part 1 .Volume 16. November 2009 ASHRAE IJHVAC 15-6 HVAC&R Research ASHRAE IJHVAC 16-1 HVAC&R Research ASHRAE IJHVAC 16-2 HVAC&R Research . Part 2 ASHRAE INDEX OF VOL 109 PT 1 Index of Technical and Symposium Papers. 109. Vol. Vol. 108. March 2010 ASHRAE IJHVAC 16-3 HVAC&R Research ASHRAE INDEX IP Composite Index .ASHRAE IJHVAC 15-6 ERTA HVAC&R Research . Number 2. Part 1 ASHRAE INDEX OF VOL 111 PT 2 Index of Technical and Symposium Papers. Vol. Number 3. 110. Part 1 ASHRAE INDEX OF VOL 110 PT 2 Index of Technical and Symposium Papers. Part 2 ASHRAE INDEX OF VOL 111 PT 1 Index of Technical and Symposium Papers.Volume 37.Volume 37. Vol. Vol. April 1995 . 109. Part 2 ASHRAE INDEX SI Composite Index . Number 4.Includes Additions and Corrections ASHRAE JOURN 37-3 TA ASHRAE Journal . 110. 111. 111. Vol. Part 2 ASHRAE INDEX OF VOL 110 PT 1 Index of Technical and Symposium Papers. March 1995 ASHRAE JOURN 37-4 CTPD ASHRAE Journal .ASHRAE INDEX OF VOL 109 PT 2 Index of Technical and Symposium Papers. Vol. November 1995 ASHRAE JOURN 37-12 HHSGG ASHRAE Journal .Volume 37.Volume 37. Number 10. Number 7.Volume 37. May 1995 ASHRAE JOURN 37-6 CPE ASHRAE Journal . Number 5. Number 12. December 1995 . August 1995 ASHRAE JOURN 37-9 KV ASHRAE Journal .ASHRAE JOURN 37-5 TS ASHRAE Journal . Number 6. October 1995 ASHRAE JOURN 37-11 HDSMPA ASHRAE Journal . September 1995 ASHRAE JOURN 37-10 TCCC ASHRAE Journal . June 1995 ASHRAE JOURN 37-7 GBH ASHRAE Journal .Volume 37. Number 9. July 1995 ASHRAE JOURN 37-8 SMS ASHRAE Journal .Volume 37. Number 11. Number 8.Volume 37.Volume 37.Volume 37. April 1996 ASHRAE JOURN 38-5 UPMS ASHRAE Journal . May 1996 ASHRAE JOURN 38-6 IAQ ASHRAE Journal . June 1996 ASHRAE NA-04-1 Symposium on Refrigerant Flammability and Other Properties ASHRAE NA-04-1-1 Vicosity Measurments and Model Comparisons for the Refrigerant Blends R-410A and R-507A .Volume 38. Number 4.Volume 38. Number 5. January 1996 ASHRAE JOURN 38-2 BQA ASHRAE Journal .Volume 38. Number 6.Volume 38. Number 1.Volume 38. February 1996 ASHRAE JOURN 38-3 TA ASHRAE Journal . Number 3. March 1996 ASHRAE JOURN 38-4 OTCM ASHRAE Journal .Volume 38.ASHRAE JOURN 38-1 AASI ASHRAE Journal . Number 2. Indoor and Outdoor Temperature ASHRAE NA-04-2-4 ASHRAE NA-04-2-5 Thermal Comfort in the Climatic Conditions of Southern Italy ASHRAE NA-04-2-6 Recalibration of the Complaint Prediction Model .ASHRAE NA-04-1-3 Burning Velocity and Refrigerant Flammability Classification ASHRAE NA-04-1-4 Assessing Combustion Hazard of Flammable Gases: Revision of RFNumber ASHRAE NA-04-2 Symposium on HVAC Is for People ASHRAE NA-04-2-1 Thermal Comfort and Adaptation in Semi-Outdoor Environments ASHRAE NA-04-2-3 A Stochastic Approach to Thermal Comfort-Occupant Behavior and Energy Use in Buildings Do People Like to Feel "Neutral"? Response to the ASHRAE Scale for Subjective Warmth in Relation to Thermal Preference.RP-1129 . RP-1026 ASHRAE NA-04-3-2 Pressure Drop and Acoustical Application Guidelines for HVAC Plenums .ASHRAE NA-04-3 Symposiumm on Inside the Box: Using Plenums and Plenum Fans Wisely ASHRAE NA-04-3-1 The Acoustic Properties of Common HVAC Plena .RP-1026 ASHRAE NA-04-3-3 Plenum Fans in HVAC Equipment: The Good. the Bad. and the Ugly ASHRAE NA-04-4 Symposium on High-Density Cooling Issues Update June 2004 ASHRAE NA-04-4-1 Distribution of Cooling Airflow in a Raised-Floor Data Center ASHRAE NA-04-4-2 Thermal Profile of a High-Density Data Center-Methodology to Thermally Characterized a Data Center ASHRAE NA-04-4-3 Liquid Cooling-Friend or Foe . RP-1172 ASHRAE NA-04-5-5 Field Performance of HPWH Preheating for Water Heating Systems in Schools ASHRAE NA-04-6 Symposium on Forced Air Distribution System Performance ASHRAE NA-04-6-1 Field Observations of Room Air Distribution Performance in a HighPerformance Home .ASHRAE NA-04-5 Symposium on Recent Findings in Water Heating Technology ASHRAE NA-04-5-1 Hot Water Use in a High School Cafeteria ASHRAE NA-04-5-2 Measured Performance and Impacts of "Drop-In" Residential Heat Pump Water Heaters ASHRAE NA-04-5-3 Numerical Evaluation of Alternative Residential Hot Water Distribution Systems ASHRAE NA-04-5-4 Online Domestic Hot Water End-Use Database . ASHRAE NA-04-6-2 Characterization of Airflows at the Exit of Registers Using Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) ASHRAE NA-04-6-3 An Analysis of the Effective R-Value for Insulation Buried Attic Ducts ASHRAE NA-04-6-4 Evaluation of Two New Duct Leakage Measurement Methods in 51 Homes ASHRAE NA-04-6-5 Validating and Improving the Delta-Q Duct Leakage Test ASHRAE NA-04-7 Symposium on Integration in Cleanroom Disign and Construction ASHRAE NA-04-7-1 Using Certification Data of Cleanrooms to Determine Degradation and Retrofit ASHRAE NA-04-7-2 Quantitative Multistage Pressurizations in Controlled and Critical Environments ASHRAE NA-04-7-3 Using Benchmarking to Identify Energy Efficiency Opportunity in Cleanrooms: The Labs 21 Approach . ASHRAE NA-04-7-4 Controlled Clean Operating Room Area ASHRAE NA-04-8 Symposium on Modeling Moisture Sorption/Desorption by Building Matierials ASHRAE NA-04-8-1 Evaluation of Moisture Buffer Effects by Performing Whole-Building Simulations ASHRAE NA-04-8-2 Effect of Moisture on Hygrothermal and Energy Performance of a Building with Cellular Concrete Walls in Climatic Conditions of Poland ASHRAE NA-04-8-3 Moderating Indoor Conditions with Hygroscopic Building Materials and Outdoor Ventilation ASHRAE NA-04-8-4 Predicting Indoor Temperature and Humidity Conditions Including Hygrothermal Interactions with the Building Envelope ASHRAE NA-04-9 Symposium on Load Calculations ASHRAE NA-04-9-1 Application of Conduction Transfer Functions and Periodic Response Factors in Cooling Load Calculation Procedures . RP-1104 ASHRAE NA-04-9-3 We´re on Deadline--Printing Press Heat Gain Is More (or Less) than Just Motor Load ASHRAE NY-08-001 Some Worst Case Practices in Data Centers ASHRAE NY-08-002 Monitoring Vibration at a Data Center ASHRAE NY-08-003 Current Best Practices in High-Density Cooling Applications ASHRAE NY-08-004 Method for Optimizing Equipment Cooling Effectiveness and HVAC Cooling Costs in Telecom and Data Centers ASHRAE NY-08-005 Electrical and Heat Load Planningâ €”Keep Your Data Processing Environment Running .RP-1104 ASHRAE NA-04-9-2B Heat Loss from Electrical and Control Equipment in Industrial Plants: Part II .Methods and Scope .Results and Comparisons .ASHRAE NA-04-9-2A Heat Loss from Electrical and Control Equipment in Industrial Plants: Part 1 . ASHRAE NY-08-006 Evaporative Cooling Choices to Maximize Waterside Economizer Use in Datacom Installations ASHRAE NY-08-007 Geothermal Heat Rejection Systems for Data Centers ASHRAE NY-08-008 Optimizing Data Center TCO: Efficiency Metrics and an Infrastructure Cost Model ASHRAE NY-08-009 The Impact of Seismic Testing on the HVAC Industry ASHRAE NY-08-010 Experimental Seismic-Performance Evaluation of Integrated Isolation/Restraint Systems for Heavy HVAC Equipment ASHRAE NY-08-011 Piping.RP-1292 ASHRAE NY-08-013 Performance of VAV Parallel Fan-Powered Terminal Units: Experimental Results and Models . and Conduit Seismic Restraints ASHRAE NY-08-012 Performance of VAV Fan-Powered Terminal Units: Experimental Setup and Methodology .RP-1292 . Ductwork. RP-1300 ASHRAE NY-08-020 Evaluation of Atrium Smoke Exhaust Make-Up Air Velocity .ASHRAE NY-08-014 Performance of VAV Series Fan-Powered Terminal Units: Experimental Results and Models . Exergetic and Environmental Assessments of the Edremit Geothermal District Heating System ASHRAE NY-08-018 Investigation of Optimal Heating and Cooling Systems in Residential Buildings ASHRAE NY-08-019 Parameters Affecting Fire Plumes .RP-1292 ASHRAE NY-08-015 Exergetically Efficient Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Sustainable Buildings ASHRAE NY-08-016 Exergy Analysis of a SOFC-Based Cogeneration System for Buildings ASHRAE NY-08-017 Energetic.RP-1300 ASHRAE NY-08-021 Residential Stucco Wall Assembly Moisture Performance Evaluation . ASHRAE NY-08-022 ASHRAE Standard 160Pâ €”Criteria for Moisture Control Design Analysis in Buildings ASHRAE NY-08-023 Assessment of Fire Heat Release Rate for Train Fires ASHRAE NY-08-024 Application of a Multistage Compartment Fire Model in Predicting the Heat Release Rate History of Railcar Fires ASHRAE NY-08-025 Comparing Residential Furnace Blowers for Rating and Installed Performance ASHRAE NY-08-026 Evaluation of Building Energy Performance Rating Protocols - RP-1286 ASHRAE NY-08-027 Design and Performance of the Smith House, A Passive House ASHRAE NY-08-028 Performance Results from a Cold Climate Case Study for Affordable Zero Energy Homes ASHRAE NY-08-029 Methodology for Estimating Thermodynamic Parameters and Performance of Alternative Refrigerants - RP-1308 ASHRAE NY-08-030 A Homogeneous Flow Model for Adiabatic Helical Capillary Tube ASHRAE NY-08-031 Integration of Network Flow Modeling and Computational Fluid Dynamics to Simulate Contaminant Transport and Behavior in the Indoor Environment Method for Coupling Three-Dimensional Transient Pollutant Transport into One-Dimensional Transport Simulation Based on Concentration Response Factor On-Site Experimental Validation of a Coupled Multizone and CFD Model for Building Contaminant Transport Simulations ASHRAE NY-08-032 ASHRAE NY-08-033 ASHRAE NY-08-034 Predictive and Diagnostic Methods for Centrifugal Chillers ASHRAE NY-08-035 Recent Developments in the Design of a New Air-Cooled, Hot-WaterDriven H2O-LiBr Absorption Chiller ASHRAE NY-08-036 Using the Analogy Approach to Extrapolate Performance Data for Cooling Towers ASHRAE NY-08-037 An Inverse Model for Transient Cooling and Dehumidifying Coil Performance - RP-1194 ASHRAE NY-08-038 Development of Simple Cooling Coil Models for Simulation of HVAC Systems ASHRAE NY-08-039 Balcony Spill Plumes: Full-Scale Experiments, Part 1 - RP-1247 ASHRAE NY-08-040 CFD Study of the Air Entrainment of Balcony Spill Plumes at the Balcony Edge - RP-1247 ASHRAE NY-08-041 Balcony Spill Plumes: Full-Scale Experiments, Part 2 - RP-1247 ASHRAE NY-08-042 CFD Investigation of Balcony Spill Plumes in Atria - RP-1247 ASHRAE NY-08-043 Sensible Airside Performance of Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangersâ €” Data with Larger Diameter Tube ASHRAE NY-08-044 Development of a Correlation for System Efficiency of a VariableSpeed Pumping System ASHRAE NY-08-045 Development of Models for Hourly Solar Radiation Prediction - RP1309 Temperate Climate by Using the Second Law of Thermodynamics ASHRAE NY-08-055 Supply Fan Control Methods for VAV Systems Using a Fan Airflow Station ASHRAE NY-08-056 The Effect of Ganging on Pollutant Dispersion from Building Exhaust Stacks .ASHRAE NY-08-046 Early Refrigerated Meat Shipping in New Zealand ASHRAE NY-08-048 HVAC Design and Operations in Response to Homeland Security Issuesâ €” A Decision-Making Process ASHRAE NY-08-049 Influence of Natural Convection in Water-Filled Boreholes for GCHP ASHRAE NY-08-052 Performance of Local Ventilated Hood in a General Ventilation Working Environment ASHRAE NY-08-053 Predicting Local Thermal Discomfort Adjacent to Glazing ASHRAE NY-08-054 Prediction of More Useful Work from a Person in Moderate. ASHRAE NY-08-057 Thermal Resistance of a Window with an Enclosed Venetian Blind: A Simplified Model ASHRAE NY-08-058 Validation of Solar/Optical Models for Louvered Shades Using a Broad Area Illumination Integrating Sphere ASHRAE NY-08-059 Appliances Taxonomy Across Both Domestic and Nondomestic Building Sectors ASHRAE REF IP HDBK 2006 ASHRAE Handbook Refrigeration ASHRAE REF SI HDBK 2006 ASHRAE Handbook Refrigeration ASHRAE TRAN 2009-1 2009 ASHRAE TRANSACTIONS VOLUME 115 PART 1 ASHRAE TRAN 2009-2 2009 ASHRAE TRANSACTIONS VOLUME 115 PART 2 ASHRAE TRAN 2010-1 2010 ASHRAE TRANSACTIONS VOLUME 116 PART 1 .
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