Ashirvad Plumbing Price List 1-4-2016-Old

April 2, 2018 | Author: pbsrivinay | Category: Plumbing, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Industries, Engineering, Materials



STLI CE I PR PLUMBING, DRAINAGE AND SANITARY PRODUCTS w.e.f. 01st April, 2016 CIDC - 2015 WCRC Leaders The National Summit 2014 Award 2007 Construction Industry Database (CIDC) - 2015 WCRC Leaders Summit - 2014 Ashirvad Pipes, The National Award - 2007 Ashirvad won the Has been enlisted as an Approved Vendor “One Of The 100 Fastest Growing Marketing National Award for “Outstanding Entrepreneurship for providing the following Service /Products Brands In Asia” (Evaluated and selected by in Medium Enterprises”. The award was presented Manufacturing of CPVC & uPVC Pipes & Fittings. KPMG) The Global Audit Firm. by the Prime Minister of India. Freedom from Lowest bacterial Fire Retardant toxicity, odours growth and tastes Suitable for use No Corrosion, UV resistant up to 930C leakage, scaling and pitting Why only Ashirvad FLOWGUARDTM PLUS? Features Ashirvad and Benefits FLOWGUARDTM PLUS Raw material has a successful track record of over Yes 50 years – across the globe Raw material has been used in the highest number of projects Yes in India over the last 12 years Raw material is NSF certified Yes Widest range of pipes and fittings from ½” to 6” Yes Consistent lab testing in Europe, USA and India Yes Tested and proven for over 10 years in Indian conditions Yes Nationwide marketing and support team Yes Factory warranty on all products Yes THE SUPERIOR HOT/COLD WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM When you specify FLOWGUARDTM PLUS pipes and fittings, you benefit from the most experienced installation and support network in the industry. Let us help you specify the pipes, fittings, solvent cements and installation technologies that meet your most stringent standards for reliability and performance. Generic CPVC Generic CPVC Generic CPVC Parameters Ashirvad Pipes Processed From Remarks FLOWGUARDTM Generic CPVC Material PLUS Pipes and Fittings Generic CPVC product has continuous problem in Vicat Softening Pass Fail hot water lines. In generic CPVC product, material is inconsistent Vice Crush Pass Fail which weakens pipe and has high risk of pipe failure. Malfunction Failure Pass Fail Generic CPVC product has less life expectancy. at 95oC Manufacturing FLOWGUARDTM PLUS pipes have strong quality Pass Fail Process control and has no batch to batch variation. Specification and FLOWGUARDTM PLUS pipe is strong on technical Pass Fail Code Acceptance grounds and is a well accepted brand. Product FLOWGUARDTM PLUS pipe assures product Pass Fail Consistency uniformity CPVC PLUMBING SYSTEM CPVC Pipes in SDR 11 & 13.5 and fittings in SDR 11 as per ASTM D 2846 in CTS (Copper Tube Sizes) Pipe SDR 11 (Class 1) 3 & 5 mtr. length MRP Rs. Incl. of all Taxes/Mtr Male Adapter Plastic Threaded - MAPT Size Size Part No. Part No. Std. MRP Rs. MRP Rs. MRP Rs. Size Size Part Std. Box MRP Rs. MRP Rs. (inch) (cm) Incl. of all Incl. of all (inch) (cm) 3 mtr. 5 mtr. Pkg. / mtr / Length SDR 11 / Length SDR 11 No. Pkg. Qty. Taxes/ pc Taxes for (SDR 11) (SDR 11) SDR 11 (3 mtr.) (5 mtr.) Std. Pkg. ½ 1.5 2129101 2129111 50 79.00 237.00 395.00 ½ 1.5 2225301 50 3500 14.00 700.00 ¾ 2.0 2129102 2129112 50 122.50 367.50 612.50 ¾ 2.0 2225302 50 1600 20.00 1000.00 1 2.5 2225303 25 1000 29.50 737.50 1 2.5 2129103 2129113 25 191.00 573.00 955.00 1¼ 3.2 2225304 10 500 51.50 515.00 1¼ 3.2 2129104 2129114 15 291.50 874.50 1457.50 1½ 4.0 2225305 10 350 77.00 770.00 2 5.0 2225306 5 175 148.50 742.50 1½ 4.0 2129105 2129115 10 400.50 1201.50 2002.50 2 5.0 2129106 2129116 10 667.00 2001.00 3335.00 Reducing Male Adapter Plastic Threaded - MAPT ¾ x ½ 2.0 x 1.5 2225307 25 2000 27.50 687.50 Pipe SDR 13.5 (Class 2) 3 & 5 mtr. length MRP Rs. Incl. of all Taxes/Mtr 1x¾ 2.5 x 2.0 2225309 25 1200 36.50 912.50 Size Size Part No. Part No. Std. MRP Rs. MRP Rs. MRP Rs. (inch) (cm) 3 mtr. 5 mtr. / mtr / Length SDR / Length SDR (SDR 13.5) (SDR 13.5) Pkg. SDR 13.5 13.5 13.5 Female Adapter Plastic Threaded - FAPT (3 mtr.) (5 mtr.) ½ 1.5 2225401 50 2500 18.00 900.00 ½ 1.5 2129001 2129011 50 69.00 207.00 345.00 ¾ 2.0 2225402 50 1300 26.50 1325.00 ¾ 2.0 2129002 2129012 50 112.50 337.50 562.50 1 2.5 2225403 25 700 38.50 962.50 1 2.5 2129003 2129013 25 163.50 490.50 817.50 1¼ 3.2 2225404 10 350 102.00 1020.00 1½ 4.0 2225405 10 250 134.50 1345.00 1¼ 3.2 2129004 2129014 15 245.00 735.00 1225.00 2 5.0 2225406 5 130 211.50 1057.50 1½ 4.0 2129005 2129015 10 338.50 1015.50 1692.50 Union 2 5.0 2129006 2129016 10 557.00 1671.00 2785.00 ½ 1.5 2225901 10 1200 49.50 495.00 Elbow 90° ¾ 2.0 2225902 10 500 77.00 770.00 1 2.5 2225903 10 450 97.00 970.00 Size Size Part Std. Box MRP Rs. MRP Rs. (inch) (cm) No. Pkg. Qty. Incl. of all Incl. of all 1¼ 3.2 2225904 10 250 157.00 1570.00 Taxes/ pc Taxes for Std. Pkg. 1½ 4.0 2225905 5 150 260.50 1302.50 ½ 1.5 2225701 100 3000 15.00 1500.00 2 5.0 2225906 5 70 467.50 2337.50 ¾ 2.0 2225702 100 1200 17.00 1700.00 End Cap 1 2.5 2225703 50 600 35.50 1775.00 ½ 1.5 2224721 100 6000 9.00 900.00 ¾ 2.0 2224722 50 3000 12.00 600.00 1¼ 3.2 2225704 25 300 75.00 1875.00 1 2.5 2224723 25 1500 19.50 487.50 1½ 4.0 2225705 10 200 142.00 1420.00 1¼ 3.2 2224724 10 800 40.50 405.00 1½ 4.0 2224725 10 600 59.50 595.00 2 5.0 2225706 5 80 293.00 1465.00 2 5.0 2224726 10 250 125.50 1255.00 Reducer Elbow 90° Tank Nipple ¾ x ½ 2.0 x 1.5 2225707 100 1600 28.00 2800.00 ½ 1.5 2223601 25 600 51.50 1287.50 1 x ½ 2.5 x 1.5 2225708 25 1000 45.00 1125.00 ¾ 2.0 2223602 10 500 57.00 570.00 1 2.5 2223603 10 250 86.00 860.00 1 x ¾ 2.5 x 2.0 2225709 25 600 68.00 1700.00 1¼ 3.2 2223604 10 200 134.50 1345.00 Tee 1½ 4.0 2223605 10 130 196.00 1960.00 2 5.0 2223606 5 100 309.00 1545.00 ½ 1.5 2226001 100 2000 20.00 2000.00 2½ 6.5 2223609 1 20 1321.00 2642.00 ¾ 2.0 2226002 50 800 27.50 1375.00 3 8.0 2223610 1 15 1735.00 1735.00 1 2.5 2226003 25 400 43.00 1075.00 Tank Nipple (with one side pipe fitment) 1¼ 3.2 2226004 10 200 96.00 960.00 ¾ 2.0 2223607 10 500 47.50 475.00 1½ 4.0 2226005 10 120 172.50 1725.00 1 2.5 2223608 10 300 75.00 750.00 2 5.0 2226006 5 60 367.50 1837.50 Elbow 45° Coupler ½ 1.5 2225801 25 3000 17.00 425.00 ¾ 2.0 2225802 25 1500 25.00 625.00 ½ 1.5 2224701 100 4000 11.50 1150.00 1 2.5 2225803 10 600 43.00 430.00 ¾ 2.0 2224702 50 2000 13.50 675.00 1¼ 3.2 2225804 10 400 96.00 960.00 1½ 4.0 2225805 10 250 147.50 1475.00 1 2.5 2224703 50 900 23.00 1150.00 2 5.0 2225806 5 100 304.50 1522.50 1¼ 3.2 2224704 25 500 46.00 1150.00 3 Way Elbow 1½ 4.0 2224705 10 300 85.00 850.00 New ¾ 2.0 2225722 25 1000 46.00 1150.00 2 5.0 2224706 5 150 177.00 885.00 WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD FLOWGUARD™ 18 PLUS PIPES & FITTINGS AND SOLVENT CEMENT IS USED. Manufactured from NSF approved raw material 2 2224764 10 350 111.50 975. Qty.00 ¾ 2.00 1½ x 1½ x ½ 4. Box MRP Rs.00 550.5 2224905 25 600 71.00 2½ x2 6.00 750.0 x 2.5 x 2.50 1882.0 x 5.2 2224784 10 800 39.50 1265. of all Taxes/ pc Incl.00 1x1x¾ 2.50 1235.0 2226103 10 300 90.00 1020.0 x 4.00 1¼ 3.00 3 x 2½ 8.00 2200.00 1½ x 1¼ 4.00 300.5 2224601 50 2500 20.00 1½ x 1½ x ¾ 4.0 x 2.0 2224911 10 150 203.5 x 5.00 1¼ x 1¼ 3. Box MRP Rs.00 2020.00 1½ x 1¼ 4.50 1012.2 x 1.00 1625. MRP Rs.0 x 1.50 575. 2016 19 Ideal for Hot & Cold Water Plumbing .00 2 x 1½ 5.5 2224904 50 1000 44.0 x 2.00 1¼ x 1¼ x ½ 3.00 Reducing Male Adapter Brass Threaded . Qty.5 2224761 10 350 112. Reducer Coupler Converter Bushing Size Size Part Std.00 2500.00 ¾x½ 2.50 1487.0 x 3.0 2224916 3x2 8.0 2225605 10 250 117.0 2224612 5 200 237.00 1x1x1 2.0 x 4.5 2224781 25 3500 12.0 x 4. (inch) (cm) Incl.5 2225606 5 120 252.00 2040.5 2225603 10 200 136.0 2224785 10 500 50.0 2226109 5 150 257. Size Size Part Std. Incl.0 x 2.50 375.0 2225604 10 150 202.0 x 2.5 x 1.5 x 2.0 2224782 25 2000 15.50 1962.00 1440.0 x 1.2 x 3.0 x 1.00 ¾ x ¾ x ½ 2.0 x 1.00 1440.5 2224909 10 250 123.50 705.5 2224914 5 80 376.0 x 4.00 ¾ 2.0 2224603 25 1200 32.2 x 2.0 x 2.5 x 6.00 1775.50 1303.0 x 1. Pkg.00 2x½ 5.00 1¼ x ½ 3.00 1110.0 2224917 1x¾ 2.2 2225204 2 60 598.5 2224916 5 80 377.0 2224786 5 250 76.00 1¼ x 1 3.00 1425.5 x 1.0 2225206 1 25 1425.0 x 1.5 2224611 5 200 202.50 1½ x 1 4.5 2224604 10 700 69.0 2224901 50 800 43.00 3 x 3 x 2 ½ 8.00 1 2.50 2045.5 x 2.2 x 3. Std.00 1020.50 2515.5 2225103 5 100 288.2 2226106 5 100 467.0 x 5.00 1¼ x 1¼ x ¾ 3.00 2x2x½ 5.MABT 1x½ 2.5 x 5.0 2224608 10 400 112.00 ½x½x½ 1. ¾x½ 2.0 x 4.00 2 5.00 1½ x ¾ 4.0 x 5.0 x 2.00 2 x 1¼ 5. Taxes/ pc Taxes for (inch) (cm) No.0 x 8.00 530.00 1¼ x ½ 3.50 1195.50 1225.0 x 2.50 Introducing Shortly 2x¾ 5.5 x 2.5 2224609 10 400 102.00 2 5.0 x 5.0 x 5.5 x 2.00 ½ 1.0 2224915 5 80 391.00 1½ x 1 4.50 1927.5 x 1.50 1385.5 x 1.50 ¾ x ½ 2.00 1358.00 ¾ x ¾ x ¾ 2.5 2224752 50 2000 24.2 x 3.0 2224906 25 500 80.00 Reducer Tee 1¼ x ½ 3.0 2224920 1¼ 3.0 x 1.00 1955.5 x 1.00 Female Adapter Brass Threaded .0 2224918 5 80 385.0 x 2.5 x 2.00 375.00 1185.50 1287.00 1120.00 945.5 2224912 10 150 202.00 1x¾ 2.5 2224783 25 1250 22.2 x 3.0 2225205 2 50 743.0 2224615 5 200 236.5 x 2.0 x 1.00 1180. of all Incl.00 2080.5 2224606 10 700 71.5 2224910 10 150 204.50 2337.50 Male Adapter Brass Threaded .5 2224757 10 700 70.00 1½ 4.00 2 x 1¼ 5.5 x 2.0 x 2.0 2226107 10 200 185.5 2226104 10 300 119.00 2x¾ 5.50 ¾ x ½ x ½ 2.e.00 425.00 460.0 x 3.2 x 3.00 Tee (Brass) 1x1x½ 2.00 1½ x 1½ x 1 4.5 2226101 25 500 60.5 x 1.00 1¼ x ¾ 3.5 x 2.5 2224907 10 250 126.0 2225102 10 250 185.0 2225209 10 200 204.0 2225202 10 250 185.50 515.5 2225201 10 350 144.0 x 2.0 x 2. of all No.50 1175.00 2020.0 2224908 10 250 149.50 1887.00 2x1 5.5 2226105 10 200 359.2 x 2.00 1490.50 1213.5 2224607 10 500 101.5 2224602 25 1500 30.5 2224763 10 350 103.0 x 3.5 x 2.00 1010.5 x 2.0 x 2.00 ¾ x ½ 2.0 x 8.00 1850. 01 April.00 Bushing 2 5.5 2225601 25 500 78.00 1030.0 2224753 25 2000 17.5 2224921 1½ 4.0 2225105 2 50 679.00 1970.00 1 2.0 x 3.00 2000.50 1512.f.50 2075.5x 2.50 CPVC PLUMBING SYSTEM PRICE LIST w.5 2224902 50 800 44.0 x 3.5 2225101 10 350 138.0 x 2.00 1¼ x 1 3.00 2 x 2 x 1½ 5.50 1365.00 ½ 1.0 x 4.50 ½ 1.0 x 2.50 1x1x¾ 2.5 2224754 10 1200 46.5 2225203 5 100 288.0 x 1.2 2225104 2 60 606.2 2224610 10 300 97.0 x 1.5 2226108 5 150 219.50 ½ x ½ x ¾ 1.00 690.00 1½ x ½ 4.2 2224614 5 200 189.0 2224755 10 1200 33.00 1120.5 x 1.0 2224762 10 350 102.00 290.00 ¾ 2.2 x 1.MABT 2 x 2 x ¾ 5.50 335.2 2224913 10 150 197.00 ¾ x ¾ x ½ 2.0 2224605 10 700 65.00 1¼ x ¾ 3.50 1025.00 2x1 5.00 1½ 4.50 395.2 x 2.0 x 2.00 2 x 1½ 5.00 1x¾ 2.00 900.0 x 1.5 2224613 5 200 172.00 1850. MRP Rs.0 2224903 50 800 40.2 x 1.00 Elbow 90° (Brass) 2x½ 5.0 x 1.0 2224765 10 350 92.5 x 2.50 2175.0 x 3.50 1 2.5 x 1.00 1440.00 1x1x½ 2.FABT 1½ x ¾ 4.0 2224919 3x3x2 8.5 2225607 10 150 251.00 1½ x 1½ x 1¼ 4.00 1¼ x 1¼ x 1 3.0 x 5.2 x 1.00 800.0 x 5.00 1850.5 2226102 25 400 65.00 1½ x ½ 4.2 x 2.0 x 6.00 1x½ 2.00 2 ½ x 2 ½ x 2 6.2 x 2.50 1197.0 2224758 10 700 53.5 x 1.5 x 1.00 1¼ 3.5 x 2.2 2224760 10 700 37.50 862.50 ½x½ 1.00 Introducing Shortly 2x2x1 5.5 x 1.50 1097. of all Taxes for Std.0 x 4.00 920.00 500.5 2224756 10 1200 29.5 2225208 10 200 207.5 x 2.00 1120.2 x 2.00 710.50 2035.00 3590.00 1¼ x 1¼ x ½ 3. Pkg.5 2224759 10 700 51.00 650.50 795.2 x 1.2 x 2. Pkg.00 1x¾ 2. Pkg.00 2 x 2 x 1¼ 5.00 1x½ 2.0 x 2.00 1x½ 2.5 2225207 10 300 112.50 382.00 1¼ x ¾ 3.50 ¾ x ½ x ¾ 2.50 2225.2 2224917 5 80 416.5 2224751 50 6000 11.5 2224918 1x1 2.00 1260.0 x 6.00 ¾ x ¾ 2.0 x 1.0 2225106 1 25 1303.5 2225602 10 300 79.0 x 1. 50 ¾ 2.Handle Brass Tee .50 ¾x½ 2.00 Cross Tee Speciality 3 in 1 Mixer Adaptor All Top (6”) ½ 1.0 2227106 3 18 599.5 3824403 25 500 9.2 2224804 2 32 354.5 2227101 25 400 57.0 2223502 25 1000 10.00 ¾ 2.50 2137.5 2224402 25 400 9. Qty.0 2227005 5 100 129.50 1512.50 297.50 162.5 2221602 10 250 104.0 2224805 2 14 550.50 Tee Holder Top and Bottom (6”) ½x½x½ 1.50 ¾x½ 2.50 1x1x½ 2.00 ¾ 2.5 2224773 5 150 286.5 x 1.5 x 1.00 Threaded End Plug Hot Up and Cold Down (6”) ½ 1.00 1355.50 1x½ 2.00 1750.0 2226008 25 600 60.50 2137.00 110.00 2 5.50 Hot Side and Cold Down (7”) 2 5.50 2137.50 Expansion Loop Hot Side and Cold Down (6”) ½ 1. Qty.00 New ¾x½ 2.5 2229102 10 250 172.00 1650.5 2227007 10 300 71.50 2137.00 1750.0 x 1.00 1 2.50 2517.00 1400.50 2137.50 197.5 2224007 05 280.00 1x½ 2.00 1750.00 1070.00 1750. Reducing Female Adapter Brass Threaded .00 1¼ 3. Manufactured from NSF approved raw material .00 2778.5 x 1.00 Ball Valve .5 2221105 05 70 427.5 x 1.00 1720.50 1¼ 3.00 1430.5 2222025 05 70 427.50 1x½ 2.00 1750.5 2226009 10 300 101.0 x 1.50 2137.5 2271021 05 1500 15.50 709.50 487.0 2224775 2 60 791.5 2221107 05 70 350.5 2225107 10 500 79.0 x 1.50 112. ¾ x ½ 2.5 x 2.00 1750.5 x 1.50 Brass Elbow MABT 1½ 4.5 2222105 05 70 427.50 ½x¾ 1.2 2224774 5 100 503.5 2224771 5 500 86.50 ¾x½ 2.00 378.50 1x½ 2.2 2271024 05 500 53.0 2227006 5 50 271.00 200.00 250.00 1750.00 1 2.50 ¾ 2.5 2224801 5 200 59.00 ½x½ 1.0 x 1.5 2222015 05 70 427.MABT ½ 1.5 2222027 05 70 350.0 2224776 2 30 1389.50 1257.50 647.00 1 2.00 1x½ 2.0 x 1.00 1x½ 2.50 Short Bend Hot Up and Cold Down (7”) ½ 1. Std.00 New ¾x½ 2.00 1750.00 1 2.5 x 1.00 1797.5 x 1.0 x 2.50 327.00 WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD FLOWGUARD™ 20 PLUS PIPES & FITTINGS AND SOLVENT CEMENT IS USED.50 1101.2 2227104 5 100 269.00 225.5 x 1.50 1437.0 2224772 5 300 152.FABT Ball Valve Size Size Part Std.5 2221027 05 70 350.00 1750.5 2222007 05 70 350.Socket at Both Sides 1x½ 2.0 x 1.00 Brass Elbow Long 1½ 4.0 x 1.0 x 1.50 432.00 ½ 1. Box MRP Rs.50 2137. of all Taxes/ pc Incl.50 2137.00 790.50 1½ 4.50 2137.00 265. Incl.00 All Top (7") 1½ 4.0 2224802 5 100 108.5 2222207 05 70 350.00 Top and Side (6”) Elbow Holder ¾x½ 2.0 x 1.5 x 1.5 2227003 5 200 65. of all No. Taxes for (inch) (cm) No.00 ¾ 2. Pkg.50 2137.00 770. Incl.00 1¼ 3.50 1121.00 710.5 2221015 05 70 427.00 760.00 New ¾x½ 2.2 2227009 10 180 114.0 2224806 1 8 1121.5 x 1.5 x 1.0 x 1.00 New ¾x½ 2.5 2221025 05 70 427.50 405.00 Sweep Bend .5 x 2.00 1¼ 3.5 x 2. Pkg.00 75.50 1¼ 3.50 1 2.00 1¼ 3.00 ¾x¾x½ 2.50 New ¾x½ 2.50 162.0 2271022 05 1000 22.50 1015.50 Step Over Bend Top and Bottom (7") ½ 1.00 2 5.5 2223501 25 1200 8.5 x 1.50 1x½ 2.5 2227001 5 500 22.5 2224803 2 50 189.00 1582.5 2222005 05 70 427.0 2227002 5 300 39.0 x 1.00 1040.5 2221205 05 70 427.5 2221017 05 70 350.5 x 1.0 2271025 05 400 63.0 x 1. Box MRP Rs. MRP Rs.00 750.50 317.5 2221005 05 70 427.0 2227008 10 600 40.0 x 2.0 2271026 05 250 99.00 1x½ 2. (inch) (cm) of all Taxes/ pc Incl.50 1145. MRP Rs. of all Taxes for Std.5 2222017 05 70 350. Pkg.50 Top and Side (7") 1½ 4.00 1x¾ 2.5 2224401 25 500 6.0 2225109 10 400 107.5 2222305 05 70 427.2 2227004 5 150 97.0 x 1.50 ¾ 2. Size Size Part Std.5 2225108 10 400 101.5 x 1.50 New ¾x½ 2.00 225.00 ¾x½ 2.50 2 5.5 2221207 05 70 350.5 2222107 05 70 350.00 495.5 2271023 05 600 34.00 ¾x½ 2. Pkg.5 2229207 10 350 165.0 x 1.0 2223302 25 500 7.00 ¾ 2.00 Kithchen Mixer Adaptor Down New 1 2.00 ¾ 2.00 ¾ x ¾ x ½ 2.00 170.00 1 2.00 1750.5 2223301 25 500 6.00 1x½ 2.00 540.0 x 1.5 2226007 50 1500 29.5 2227103 5 100 150.00 1x½ 2.00 1010.0 2227105 5 75 251.5 x 1.00 175.00 1450.0 x 1.50 1347.0 2227102 10 300 77.00 ¾x½ 2.5 2221007 05 70 350.00 2 5. 0 2228500 2 30 599. Pkg.00 Triangle 2221231 01 709.00 Plastic Clamp 32 oz 946 ml Tin 4021105 12 24 1327.00 Round 2221113 01 898. Qty.5 3822009 50 1000 12. MRP Rs. MRP Rs.00 ½ Triangle 2221131 01 683.00 ½ 1.Brush 1½ 4. Pkg.f.5 3825401 10 2. 01 April. Pkg.5 oz 15 ml Tube 4021099 50 500 69.00 Square 2221102 01 765.50 1199.00 650.00 Full New Round 2221213 01 913. Square 2221202 01 790.00 0.00 Speciality Triangle 2221221 01 709.00 80.00 Triangle 2221111 01 765.00 10704.00 Round 2221103 01 898.00 Square 2221132 01 683. 5.50 ¾ ¾ 2. Qty.50 No.0 3822012 25 500 15. 1 Step CPVC Cement (inch) (cm) Incl.00 Flange .0 2228499 2 40 411. .5 3823009 50 1000 14.50 Size Size Part Std. Pkg.00 225.00 ¾ Triangle 2221211 01 790. Size Size Part Std.50 Quarter ½ 1.00 20.0 2228600 2 50 595. Taxes/ pc Taxes for Std.00 Solvent Cement . Incl.0 2225416 10 13.00 Quarter ¾ 2.5 2222203 50 2000 6.00 300.00 100.50 ¾ 2.00 No.00 375.00 1 2. Pkg.00 20.00 851.2 3825904 10 4.00 ¾ 2.0 2223616 10 15.00 1 2.0 3825906 10 7.2 3822010 25 1000 12.00 2 5.00 2 5.5 2223613 10 10. MRP Rs.00 Plastic (CP) 2221116 01 898.2 2228598 2 80 311. Pkg.00 4850. of all Taxes/ pc Incl. Triangle 2221101 01 765.00 1 2. of all Quarter Taxes for Round 2221203 01 913. Qty.00 Full Round 2221133 01 816.0 2225412 10 2.00 1½ 4. MRP Rs.00 Primer 2 5. (oz) (ml) Incl.00 2 5.00 Plastic (CP) 2221136 01 816.5 3825903 10 4. Pkg. Pkg 1¼ 3.00 70.00 600. of all Incl. Pkg.00 15924.00 Round 2221123 01 816.00 325. Box MRP Rs.00 1 2.0 2222205 25 1000 11.00 Full 2 5.00 Full New Round 2221233 01 841.00 80.00 5304.End Cap Open 2 5.00 375.00 150.50 1¼ 3.50 1 2.00 Size Size Part Std.5 2225413 10 2.2 2228498 2 60 304.Union Square 2221122 01 683.50 1307. of all Taxes/ pc Incl.00 6900.00 822.00 2 Step CPVC Cement ¾ 2.00 Square 2221232 01 709.00 1¼ 3.50 1¼ 3. of all 1 2. MRP Rs.2 2225414 10 8.0 3823008 50 1500 13.0 3825905 10 5. Turn Knob Incl.00 Plastic (CP) 2221236 01 841. of all (inch) No.50 ½ 1.00 608.0 2225415 10 8. of all Incl.00 6816.5 3822007 100 2000 9.00 500.50 1½ 4.e.00 900.00 275. 1810052 10 .00 1000.00 Size Size Part Std. Long Concealed Valve (1 inch variants to be introduced shortly) SS Clamp Size Part Std. of all Incl.00 Square 2221222 01 709. Taxes/ pc Taxes for Std.00 1½ 4.00 ¾ 2.00 Plastic (CP) 2221106 01 898.5 2228497 5 90 255.00 7872.00 1 2. Size Size Part Std.00 ½ 1.00 3450. Pkg.00 400.00 Square 2221212 01 790.00 30. Qty.50 Rubber Washer . of all Taxes 1¼ 3.00 8 oz 237 ml Tin 4021103 48 96 379. Taxes / pc for Std.00 .00 Square 2221112 01 765.00 20. Pkg 1½ 4.00 100.50 1191.00 130.0 2223612 10 9.2 3823010 25 1000 15.00 300.00 180.5 ml Tube 4021100 50 240 97.Tank Nipple Speciality Triangle 2221201 01 790.50 (inch) (cm) No. Box MRP Rs.50 1 2.00 20.0 3822008 100 1500 10.00 8 oz 237 ml 4021123 24 96 221.00 100. Incl.50 1¼ 3.00 Triangle 2221121 01 683.2 2222204 25 1500 9.End Cap Closed 2 oz 59 ml Tin 4021106 48 384 142.00 Plastic (CP) 2221216 01 913.0 3823011 10 500 18. Box MRP Rs.00 8 oz 237 ml 4021113 24 96 328.0 2222202 100 3000 5.00 Std.00 220.00 1½ 4. MRP Rs.5 2222201 100 4000 4.00 ½ 1¼ 3.0 2222206 25 750 15.00 1½ 4.00 16488.00 325.00 375.0 2223615 10 10.00 Powder Coated Metal Clamp CPVC Cement ½ 1.0 2228599 2 70 425.2 2223614 10 10.00 1 oz 29. Box MRP Rs.00 50.50 1277. of all (inch) (cm) No.5 2223611 10 8.00 2 oz 59 ml Tube 4021101 50 144 138.0 3823012 10 500 22.00 Flange .FAPT Quarter Round 2221223 01 841.00 4 oz 118 ml Tin 4021102 48 192 223.00 Rubber Washer .5 2228597 5 100 261.5 3823007 25 2000 13.00 700.00 Plastic (CP) 2221226 01 841.00 Short Concealed Valve (1 inch variants to be introduced shortly) 2 5.00 Plastic (CP) 2221126 01 816.00 40.00 622.00 CPVC PLUMBING SYSTEM PRICE LIST w.0 3822011 25 500 13.00 50.00 1¼ 3.00 40.0 3825902 10 3. 2016 21 Ideal for Hot & Cold Water Plumbing .00 16 oz 473 ml Tin 4021104 24 24 687. (oz) (ml) Incl.00 1½ 4.00 18192. of all No.00 80.5 3825901 10 2. MRP Rs. Plastic (CP) 2221206 01 913.00 2 5.00 ½ 1.00 Rubber Washer .00 90. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std. 5 2228111 2228101 05 335.00 1452.50 x 4441.0 2228314 x 01 5085. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std.0 2228803 01 983.00 2016.MAPT (SCH 80) Pipes available in 3 & 5 mtr length (SCH 80) MRP Rs.50 7632.00 1222.50 1854. MRP Rs.00 x 1740.50 Flange .0 2228404 04 1057.00 x 3858. of all Incl.50 19528. of all Incl.00 Short Bend (SCH 40 & 80) M16 X 125MM 3822208 02 319.00 New 3 8. SCH 40 Pkg. 3”. Std.0 2228902 02 585.5 2228211 2228201 02 520.5 x 2228701 05 x 348.End Cap Open (SCH 40 & 80) Size Size Part No. MRP Rs.50 x 3133.00 3 8.00 2½ 6. Pkg.0 2228214 x 01 3858.00 Pkg.0 2129302 2129312 05 2089.50 x M12 X 125MM 3822207 02 216.00 762.00 x 2328.0 x 2228603 02 x 2220.00 9132.0 2524109 01 12758.00 3276. No.0 x 2228602 02 x 1346.50 x 3450.0 2524115 01 21356.00 Size Part Std.00 2½ 6.50 3 8.00 10545.00 1475.5 2524108 01 10545.00 1262.00 15220.50 3439.End Cap Closed (SCH 40 & 80) 6 15.00 6 15. Taxes / pc Taxes / pc Taxes for Std.50 Male Adapter Plastic Threaded .00 4 10. (mm) Incl. Incl.00 6x4 15.50 12460. of all 2½ 6.5 2228901 02 359.00 2630.00 559.50 Bushings (SCH 80) Elbow 90° (SCH 40 & 80) 2½ x 2 (CTS) 6. 4” & 6” 2½ 6.0 x 6.00 1041.0 2228003 01 2015. MRP Rs.50 2235. 3 x 2 (CTS) 8.5 2228415 04 922.50 3 8.00 Size Size Part Part Std. SDR 11 (3 mtr.0 2524111 01 13803.0 2228213 2228203 01 1262.00 3015.00 3604.00 21356. of all Taxes/Mtr Size Size Part Std. (inch) (cm) Incl.50 1212.00 4 x 2½ 10.00 x 1780.00 6 15.0 x 8.00 3095.5 2228311 2228301 02 737.50 2½ 6.50 x 2693. MRP Rs.00 2445.00 4 10.00 2424.00 740.50 5732.0 2228417 01 1536.00 4 10.00 938.50 13803.00 4 x 2 (CTS) 10.0 x 2228702 05 x 512. Incl. MRP Rs.0 x 6.5 2228413 05 394. MRP Rs.00 2229.0 2228903 01 983.50 1802.50 4579.0 x 10.50 3 8.00 6789. SCH 80 3 x 2½ 8.00 1536.00 2½ 6.00 3 8. of all Incl.50 7632.00 x 2260. Pkg 6 15.50 4 10.0 x 2228503 02 x 2193.0 2228114 x 01 1938.50 798.00 x 2½ 6.00 M16 X 150MM 3822209 02 367.00 11315. of all Incl.00 10445.50 1322.00 2½ 6.00 Coupler (SCH 40 & 80) 3 8.00 3 8.0 2228002 02 1117.50 900.00 SS Bolts for Butterfly Valves 3 8.0 2129204 2129214 01 4153.00 1536.5 2227201 2227301 01 938.50 x CPVC products Speciality Flange . Pkg.00 WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD FLOWGUARD™ 22 PLUS PIPES & FITTINGS AND SOLVENT CEMENT IS USED.00 1315.0 2228614 x 01 3450.0 2228416 04 819.00 4 10.00 4 10.00 2046.00 • Disc material: Corzan CPVC • Liner: EPDM 3 8.50 x 4387.0 2228212 2228202 02 768.00 2½ 6.5 2228801 02 370.00 x 2686.0 2228113 2228103 02 728.5 2228001 02 787.0 x 8.0 x 2228502 02 x 1343.00 Revised 6 15.0 2228312 2228302 02 1114.0 2228401 05 304.00 4x3 10.0 2129203 2129213 03 2263. MRP Rs.50 2235.0 2228514 x 01 3133.50 32547. No. Taxes for Std. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std.00 2½ 6.00 6 15.5 x 5.00 983.50 1575.0 x 5. of all Size Size Part Part Std.00 3688. CPVC Pipes in SCH 40 and 80 as per ASTM F 441 & Fittings in SCH 40 as per ASTM F 438 & SCH 80 as per ASTM F 439 Pipes available in 3 & 5 mtr length (SCH 40) Female Adapter Plastic Threaded .00 6267. of all Incl.00 Butterfly Valve 6 15.0 2227202 2227302 01 1452.50 3 8. Pkg. MRP Rs.00 x Bushings (SCH 40) Tee 90° (SCH 40 & 80) 6x3 15.00 432.00 3 8.50 x 1602.0 2129202 2129212 05 1526.00 x 1938. MRP Rs. Taxes / pc Taxes for (inch) (cm) / mtr / Length / Length No.00 2016.00 3015.00 4 10.) Std.00 4 10.00 Elbow 45° (SCH 80) 6 15. 2½ 6.5 x 2228601 02 x 1164.00 12758.0 2228112 2228102 04 463.0 2129303 2129313 03 3044.00 1520. MRP Rs.50 20767.00 734.) (5 mtr.50 • Nominal pressure: 10 bar • Multifunction handle • Body in PP-GR 4 10. MRP Rs. Sch 40 Sch 80 SCH 40 SCH 80 Pkg.00 1800.00 2½ 6. of all No.50 1972.00 1170. Pkg. 5 mtr.0 2228418 01 1553.5 x 2228501 02 x 1130.00 No.FAPT (SCH 80) MRP Rs.00 2795. 3 mtr.00 1675.0 2129304 2129314 01 6509. 3 8.00 • Complements the existing Ashirvad range of 6 15.0 2228802 02 509.50 1322. Manufactured from NSF approved raw material . of all 4 10. Pkg.50 1456. Pkg.0 x 5.00 M16 X 160MM 3822210 02 381. MRP Rs. MRP Rs.00 638.00 (inch) (cm) Incl.50 1553.00 x 5085.00 4 10.00 x SPACE SAVING AND ENHANCED FLOW RATES End Cap (SCH 40 & 80) • Sizes available 2½”.0 2228714 x 01 1602.00 1018.50 2015. of all Taxes/Mtr 2½ 6.0 x 2228703 02 x 890.0 2228313 2228303 01 2046.50 719. No.50 4230.00 3194.00 983.5 2129201 2129211 05 1146.50 2235.50 x 4 10.50 x 2562. of all Incl.0 2228402 05 619. (inch) (cm) Incl.50 4579.5 2129301 2129311 05 1526. (inch) (cm) Incl. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std. ½ 1.0 2522111 01 20444.00 299. MRP Rs.00 Ceramic Disc 2569005 01 82.00 ¾ 2. MRP Rs. QT 2569003 01 283. Pkg. Ball Valve Allen Key (for round Knob) FOR CONSISTENT IN-LINE FLOW CONTROL Size Size Part No.00 13.5 2561001 01 132.00 (inch) (cm) Incl.00 13.00 Knobs Plastic 2569016 01 299.00 Square 2569014 01 145.e.00 283. FT 2569004 01 289.00 Screw with Washer (for triangle and square knob) 2569019 01 7.00 New Short. of all Incl. FT 2569002 01 258.00 Long.00 SPARES FOR CPVC CONCEALED VALVE Red & Blue Buttons Recently Introduced 2569022 01 13. Incl.00 Revised 3 8.00 8.00 82.00 Triangle 2569013 01 145. Pkg. 01 April. 2½ 6. provided with adjustable Std.5 2522108 01 11248.f.00 CPVC PLUMBING SYSTEM PRICE LIST w. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std. of all Incl.00 76.00 Body in CPVC Size Size Part No.00 95.00 Rubber Washer 2569023 01 8. Pkg.00 Threaded End Plug Short. • Sizes available: 2½”.00 132. • Support.0 2561002 01 157.00 4.50 4 10.00 299.00 145.00 2569501 01 5.00 Flange 2569010 01 95. of all Pkg. MRP Rs.00 Short 2569012 01 76. 2569021 01 4.00 7.00 Round 2569015 01 299.00 132.00 • PE ball seats • Operating pressure: PN 10 at 20° C • Solvent cemented CPVC • Complements the existing Ashirvad range of CPVC products Speciality Grub Screw (for round Knob) Size Size Part No.00 Extension Tube Long 2569011 01 132.00 145. 2016 23 Ideal for Hot & Cold Water Plumbing . MRP Rs. of all Taxes / pc Taxes for • True union. MRP Rs. QT 2569001 01 252.00 157. Std.00 289. round ball • EPDM seals 2569020 01 13.00 258. MRP Rs.00 252. of all Incl.00 5.00 Brass Mechanism Long. Std. 3” & 4”.00 20444. of all Pkg.50 14525.00 11248. (inch) (mm) Pkg. Std.0 2522109 01 14525. WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD PIPES 24 & FITTINGS AND uPVC SOLVENT CEMENT IS USED. . Free Strong and Durable UV Resistant Fire Resistant Good Chemical Good Corrosion Low thermal Solvent cement Resistance Resistance conductivity jointing Field of Applications Ashirvad Aqualife Systems do not support combustion and are therefore ideally suited for use in buildings and houses. in buildings lines zinc plating and tanning plants Salt water lines Water distribution Aggressive/corrosive Sugar. chrome. uPVC must be forced to burn due to its High Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI) of 45.f. Lead Free Freedom from Cost Effective Easy to Install Toxicity. Cold water plumbing Industrial process Swimming pools Dye plants. Why Ashirvad Aqualife? Ashirvad Pipes manufactures “Lead Free” uPVC Aqualife Solvent weld plumbing system which is an Engineer’s and Architect’s delight. LOI is the percentage of oxygen needed in an atmosphere to support combustion. 2016 25 Ideal for Cold Water Plumbing . Aqualife pipes and fittings are available from size 15 mm (½”) to 150 mm (6”) in Sch 40 and Sch 80. Tastes Maintenance . exclusively for cold water pipelines. 01 April. paper and mains fluid transportation distillery industries uPVC AQUALIFE PLUMBING SYSTEM PRICE LIST w. Odors.e. 50 495.5 2½ 2238901 02 80 84.00 2. (3 mtr) (6 mtr) Std.00 846.50 8.00 162.00 Tank Nipple (SCH 80) 8.uPVC AQUALIFE PLUMBING SYSTEM uPVC Pipes in SCH 40 & 80 as per ASTM D 1785 & Fittings in SCH 80 as per ASTM D 2467 uPVC Pipes (SCH 40) 3 & 6 mtr length Tee (SCH 80) Size Size Part No.00 2.00 WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD PIPES 26 & FITTINGS AND uPVC SOLVENT CEMENT IS USED.00 1072.00 1.0 2 2139006 2139016 10 05 238.00 600.00 10.2 1¼ 2235704 10 200 43.0 3 2238302 02 20 392.0 4 2238803 01 32 231.00 709.00 15.5 2½ 2238101 05 70 115.00 500.00 10. 10.5 1 2233603 10 300 49.00 558.5 2½ 2238201 02 40 197.0 2 2235306 05 150 45.00 2.50 425.50 2. Incl.00 Coupler (SCH 80) 5.0 1½ 2236005 10 80 77.5 ½ 2234701 50 1300 10.0 6 2139204 2139214 01 01 1205.00 uPVC Pipes (SCH 80) 3 & 6 mtr length 4.00 6.00 380.50 245.50 375.50 325.5 ½ 2139001 2139011 50 25 54.00 Size Size Part Std.50 815.00 2.2 1¼ 2233604 10 200 70.00 770.50 285.0 ¾ 2233607 10 500 28.50 1041.50 657.00 2.0 4 2238903 01 32 227.00 430.0 2 2235906 05 50 232. of all Incl.5 1 2139103 2139113 25 15 141.50 227.50 712.0 ¾ 2139102 2139112 35 20 93.50 1.0 3 2238902 02 60 137.00 1122.0 3 2139302 2139312 05 03 647.50 345.50 417.50 275.0 4 2139303 2139313 03 03 947.00 3.50 425.50 432.0 ¾ 2236002 25 400 22.5 1 2233608 10 300 46.00 3.50 3.00 700.50 533.5 1 2235403 25 500 20.00 5.0 ¾ 2235902 10 350 37.00 4. Taxes/mtr Taxes/length Taxes/length No.5 1 2234703 25 500 24.50 4. 6 mtr.50 512.50 6.00 5.00 750.00 4.00 2904.50 169. Qty.00 2.50 1162.00 5. of all (cm) (inch) Incl.0 1½ 2235405 10 200 37.50 520.00 2.00 3.00 10. Taxes / pc Taxes for 3 mtr.5 ½ 2235301 50 2000 6.2 1¼ 2139004 2139014 15 10 147. Female Adaptor Plastic Threaded – FAPT (SCH 80) 1.2 1¼ 2234704 10 300 34.50 208.2 1¼ 2235304 10 400 24.0 ¾ 2139002 2139012 35 20 73.50 Male Adaptor Plastic Threaded – MAPT (SCH 80) 1.50 265.50 5668. of all Incl.00 590.00 1.00 8.0 ¾ 2235402 50 900 12.00 Tank Nipple (with One Side Pipe Fitment) 3.00 575.0 4 2238303 01 10 654.00 1941.0 1½ 2235305 10 250 32.5 ½ 2235401 50 1500 8.50 652.0 2 2234706 05 120 58.50 2.0 2 2236006 05 50 117. Part No.0 4 2238103 02 26 257.00 2.00 2244.00 265.00 2.2 1¼ 2235404 10 300 28. Pkg.50 5685.5 1 2236003 25 200 36.00 423. (cm) (inch) 3 mtr. 1.0 6 2139304 2139314 01 01 1889.5 1 2139003 2139013 25 15 109.0 ¾ 2234702 50 800 15.5 ½ 2139101 2139111 50 25 69.50 912.50 875.00 3.50 946. MRP Rs.00 (cm) (inch) Incl.50 2877.2 1¼ 2139104 2139114 15 10 187. Std.00 1.50 2062.5 ½ 2236001 50 600 15.50 612.50 7233.0 2 2139106 2139116 10 05 315. Pkg.00 4.0 4 2139203 2139213 03 03 687.00 6.50 1431.50 587.50 227.0 ¾ 2235302 50 1200 10.0 1½ 2235705 10 120 59.0 3 2233610 01 15 709.00 5.50 2842.50 235.50 515.0 2 2235706 05 80 86.0 3 2238102 04 52 163.00 324.00 2.2 1¼ 2235904 05 150 76.00 882. of all Incl.50 486.50 775.00 4.00 4.0 1½ 2234705 10 200 42.00 2.50 4125.50 1125.00 1. Qty.0 2 2233606 05 100 130.00 1452.5 ½ 2233601 25 600 22.00 6.50 654.0 3 2238202 02 28 284. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std. Pkg.00 2.00 3.50 10.5 ½ 2235701 50 1000 12.50 292.0 3 2238802 02 60 117.50 691.50 525.00 2.00 8. MRP Rs.0 1½ 2139005 2139015 10 10 173.0 1½ 2139105 2139115 10 10 230.50 1383.50 1893.50 687. Pkg.00 5.00 2. MRP Rs.50 437.00 231.50 325.50 173. of all Incl.5 2½ 2139301 2139311 05 05 479. Size Size Part Std.00 4.00 5.00 Union (SCH 80) 2.00 5.0 ¾ 2233602 10 500 30.00 6.00 10.0 ¾ 2235702 50 600 17.5 ½ 2235901 10 550 26. Box MRP Rs.50 8.5 2½ 2233609 02 20 536.50 625.00 3616.50 375.50 15. Pkg.0 1½ 2235905 05 90 137.00 5. Box MRP Rs.00 2.00 3. MRP Rs.50 1438.50 6.50 569.5 1 2235703 25 350 28.50 715.50 465.50 8.2 1¼ 2236004 10 120 60. .00 2.50 485.00 6.00 441.0 1½ 2233605 10 150 81.50 2.50 441.00 Elbow 90° (SCH 80) 8. of all No.00 4.00 3882. MRP Rs.50 562.00 8.00 6. 6 mtr.0 2 2235406 05 150 53.5 1 2235303 25 600 17.50 625.0 4 2238203 01 14 486.50 328.5 2½ 2238301 02 28 266.0 3 2139202 2139212 05 03 484.50 305.5 2½ 2238801 02 80 86.50 285.5 11337.5 1 2235903 10 250 48.00 1.50 3.50 785.00 279.00 10.00 394. of all Pkg. Std.5 2½ 2139201 2139211 05 05 374.00 550.50 220.50 654.00 550. 50 392.0 3 2238002 02 30 248.2 2 x 2 x 1¼ 2234917 05 60 114.00 5.0 x 2.00 470.5 1¼ x ½ 2234754 10 700 24.5 3 x 2½ 2234621 4.00 400.5 2½ 2238001 02 50 172.00 10.00 500.2 2 x 1¼ 2234764 10 250 45.50 871.50 552.00 3.50 307. (cm) (inch) Incl.5 4 x 2½ 2238415 04 56 236.00 uPVC To CPVC Converter .0 x 4.0 x 5.50 End Cap (SCH 80) 5.00 5.5 2x1 2234613 05 150 56.5 1½ x 1 2234609 10 250 39.5 1½ x ½ 2234607 10 250 36.00 5.50 265.5 ½ 2234721 50 2500 6.0 2 2234726 10 250 47.00 6.00 750.5 2x½ 2234761 10 250 49.50 4.50 565.00 140.50 3.00 250.00 6.5 x 5.5 x 1.00 710.0 x 3.00 2.0 x 4.2 x 2.0 x 4.50 345.00 1.0 3x2 2238412 05 100 138.0 x 1.00 270.0 1½ 2238505 02 100 127.00 8.0 3 x 2 (CTS) 2238402 05 100 155.50 4.5 1 2235503 25 500 31.0 x 5.50 946.00 472.50 235.5 1 2234723 50 900 15.5 3 x 2 ½ 2234618 10.00 5.00 788.50 179.00 2.50 515.00 4.5 1x1x½ 2234905 25 250 37. MRP Rs. Pkg.00 300.50 5.5 2x2x½ 2234914 05 60 105.0 4 x 2 (CTS) 2238404 04 56 269.50 237.00 4.00 8.00 Introducing Shortly 3.50 575.50 467.00 2.50 447.2 1½ x 1¼ 2234760 10 500 14.00 uPVC AQUALIFE PLUMBING SYSTEM PRICE LIST w.0 x 2.2 2 x 1¼ 2234614 05 150 60.50 2.00 3.00 5.50 537.50 262.50 725. of all Incl.0 x 5.0 x 1.00 2.5 1¼ x 1¼ x ½ 2234907 10 150 56.00 2.00 8.50 5.00 10.0 x 5.0 x 4.5 1¼ x 1 2234756 10 700 12.0 ¾ 2234722 50 1500 9.00 5.5 3 x 2½ 2238413 05 100 93.0 3x2 2234620 3.0 ¾ 2235802 25 600 16.0 x 3.2 1¼ 2234724 10 500 22.00 3.00 6.5 x 1.2 x 2.00 1136.2 1½ x 1¼ 2234610 10 250 41.5 x 5.0 1½ 2235505 10 200 85.00 4.50 8.2 x 1.00 300.00 2.0 2 x 2 x ¾ 2234915 05 60 108.50 497.0 x 1.50 8.0 x 1.00 10.0 2½ x 2 2238411 05 150 56.00 4.2 1½ x 1½ x 1¼ 2234913 10 100 77.50 245. 01 April.0 3 2238502 02 40 268.00 480.00 4.5 ¾ x ½ 2234601 25 800 13.50 855.50 3.0 3x2 2234617 8. Qty.50 2.0 x 1.50 455.00 1.5 2½ 2238701 05 120 78.0 x 4.0 x 5.50 5.50 527.0 x 6.00 275.5 1½ x 1½ x 1 2234912 10 100 72.00 540.00 3.50 775.2 x 2.0 x 1.2 x 3.5 ½ 2235801 25 1000 11.5 ½ 2235501 50 1300 14.0 x 5.0 2½ x 2 (CTS) 2238401 05 150 69.00 700.50 Elbow 45° (SCH 80) 3.0 x 2.2 x 2.50 962.0 x 6. Taxes / pc Taxes for Taxes / pc Taxes for Std.00 4. 2016 27 Ideal for Cold Water Plumbing .0 x 5.0 1x1x¾ 2234906 25 250 38.0 x 2.50 347.00 525.00 5.0 x 2.50 225.0 x 8.0 x 3.0 x 5. of all (cm) (inch) No.Open (SCH 80) 5.50 565.50 255.50 305.0 2 x 1½ 2234765 10 250 34.0 3 2238702 05 90 113. of all No.50 282.50 725.00 3.0 x 5.5 x 5.00 450.5 1x½ 2234752 50 1200 11.50 1078.5 2½ 2238501 02 50 236.50 10.00 1.0 1½ x 1½ x ¾ 2234911 10 100 71.50 4.00 8.5 x 2.50 777.0 x 6.50 4.5 x 2.0 x 1.0 x 1.50 272.0 2 ½ x 2 2234616 6.0 4 2238503 02 24 435.00 3.0 2 2235806 05 100 75.00 8. of all Incl.5 1¼ x 1 2234606 10 350 29.0 x 3. Size Size Part Std.00 8.0 1½ 2234725 10 350 30. Incl.Coupler (SCH 80) 3.50 355.50 582.00 Reducer Coupler (SCH 80) 5.50 595.50 345.00 5.50 377.0 x 4.0 ¾ 2235502 50 800 20.5 ¾x½ 2234751 50 2000 5.00 2.5 x 2.50 295.50 365.00 405.0 x 1.00 5.50 4.5 ¾ x ¾ x ½ 2234904 25 450 24.5 x 1.0 x 3.0 x 3.50 692.00 6.00 440.50 2.5 2x1 2234763 10 250 51.0 4x3 2238416 04 56 197.50 2.00 2.00 5.50 495. Pkg.f.2 1¼ 2235804 10 250 35.0 1x¾ 2234603 25 500 21.0 x 2.0 1½ x ¾ 2234758 10 500 26.0 x 2.5 2x½ 2234611 05 150 52.0 1x¾ 2234753 50 1200 7.2 x 2.00 2.0 1¼ x ¾ 2234605 10 350 27.50 185.0 2½ x2 2234619 2.0 2 2235506 05 120 89.00 6.5 1¼ x 1¼ x 1 2234909 10 150 59.50 447.50 337.0 x 2.0 x 5.5 1½ x 1 2234759 10 500 23.0 1¼ x ¾ 2234755 10 700 18. Box MRP Rs.0 2x¾ 2234612 05 150 54.00 565. Reducing Male Adapter Plastic Threaded – MAPT Reducer Tee (SCH 80) Size Size Part Std.0 2 x 2 x 1½ 2234918 05 60 116.00 5. Pkg. Pkg.0 x 2.50 355.2 x 3.50 415.5 2x2x1 2234916 05 60 110.00 4.00 3.50 125.0 4 2238003 01 15 447.0 4x2 2238414 04 56 284.2 x 1.e.0 4 2238703 02 46 196.5 x 2.5 ¾ x ½ 2235307 25 1000 9.5 1½ x ½ 2234757 10 500 25.5 1½ x 1½ x ½ 2234910 10 100 70.2 1¼ 2235504 10 300 48.0 1½ 2235805 10 150 48.5 x 5. Box MRP Rs.00 Bushing (SCH 80) 5.50 787. Qty.0 2 x 1½ 2234615 05 150 61.0 x 2.0 1¼ x 1¼ x ¾ 2234908 10 150 56.5 1 2235803 10 400 25.50 375.50 485.0 2 2238506 02 60 177.0 1½ x ¾ 2234608 10 250 37. 2.00 392.00 925.00 Introducing Shortly 10.00 4.50 612.0 x 2.00 570.5 1¼ x ½ 2234604 10 400 27.2 x 2.0 x 4.50 395.5 1 2238504 05 150 81.2 1¼ 2238507 02 60 89.0 x 2.50 2.00 2.2 x 1.5 x 2.5 1x½ 2234602 25 500 20.50 255.50 255. MRP Rs.00 4.00 5.00 370.2 x 3.50 1025.50 275.00 10.00 6.0 x 6.00 4.00 8. Std.50 282.0 x 2.0 2x¾ 2234762 10 250 44.0 x 1.0 x 5.50 Flange End Cap . 50 766.50 687.50 1535. (cm) (inch) Incl.5 2½ 2523108 01 08 7837.00 Ball Valve Speciality 2.5 1 2236009 10 180 53. Pkg.5 1 2238604 05 100 81.0 3 2237007 01 05 766.00 10.5 1 2235203 05 150 245.0 ¾ 2235102 10 350 114.50 643.0 1x¾ 2235709 25 400 28.50 247.5 x 1.00 360.5 x 2.50 539.50 931.50 Revised 8.0 ¾x¾ Cross Tee (SCH 80) 2235604 10 153.5 ½ 2236007 25 500 24.0 ¾ 2234772 05 230 100.50 7837.2 1¼ 2237004 05 70 108.00 1140.2 1¼ 2234774 05 80 304.50 142.00 2.5 1 x 1 x 1 2235605 10 265.0 2236008 25 300 34.50 2655.00 x 2.50 Male Adaptor Brass Threaded .0 1x¾ 2236106 10 150 163. Pkg.50 1675.5 1x½ 2235708 25 400 27.5 x 2.50 885.2 1¼ 2238607 02 100 92.0 3 2238602 02 70 269.50 2.0 ¾x¾ 2.5 1 2271003 05 600 41.00 x 1.50 ¾ 2. .0 ¾ 2271002 05 1000 26.50 Butterfly Valve Reducing Male Adaptor Brass Threaded – MABT 6.0 1½ 2271005 05 400 77.50 363.00 x 2.00 10051.5 x 1.2 1¼ 2235204 02 100 358.5 1 2234773 05 130 190.0 1½ 2237005 05 50 137.00 778.50 4607.50 1227.Closed (SCH 80) Short Bend (SCH 80) Size Size Part Std.50 5.00 2.0 2 2235106 01 50 643.00 New 2.50 3.50 3.50 Brass Elbow 90° (SCH 80) 8.00 5.00 2. Size Size Part Std. of all No.0 1½ 2235205 02 80 389.5 ¾ x ½ 2236102 25 250 107.00 3.00 x 1.50 952.50 1.50 2.50 332.0 x 1.0 x 2.50 2.50 825.0 2 2238606 02 50 181.0 2 2234776 02 30 890.50 1175.5 2½ 2238601 02 72 237.5 1x½ 2235108 10 300 114.50 502.00 x 2.00 190.00 262.00 1070.5 ½ 2234771 05 500 49.0 ¾ x ¾ 2236103 10 250 117. Box MRP Rs.00 716.5 2½ 2521108 01 04 4607.50 13955.5 1 2237003 05 130 66.FABT (SCH 80) 1.0 x 2.0 2 2235206 01 50 668.50 925.5 x 2.50 3.0 1½ 2238605 02 70 131.00 1780.00 x 1.5 x 2.00 8.50 1052. Std.50 6.50 Ball Valve Handle Reducing Female Adaptor Brass Threaded – FABT 1.0 1½ 2234775 02 60 465.50 2235602 25 150 122.00 1390.50 2.MABT (SCH 80) 4.0 2 2237006 05 30 210.5 Ball Valve (SCH 80) Female Adaptor Brass Threaded .50 542.0 x 2.00 Elbow Reducer 90° (SCH 80) Brass Tee (SCH 80) 2.00 6.0 x 1.50 668.50 4.0 1½ 2235105 02 80 453.50 1.0 2.00 15.50 WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD PIPES 28 & FITTINGS AND uPVC SOLVENT CEMENT IS USED.00 605.00 2.00 10.5 ¾ x ½ 2235707 50 650 18. MRP Rs.50 1.5 ½ 2237001 05 350 28.50 207.50 2.00 2. Pkg.00 1170.0 4 2238603 02 16 442.0 x 1.00 2. Qty.50 322.00 3.5 x 1.5 ½ 2271001 05 700 18. Qty.50 9015.00 4. of all Incl.50 907.50 2.50 10212.50 612.50 862.50 1.00 2.00 6498.5 1x1 2236105 10 150 204.50 490.00 2.5 1x½ 2236104 10 150 139.00 675.0 6 2523115 01 03 13955.00 1630.00 3050.0 2 2271006 05 250 121.5 ½ 2235201 10 400 117.5 ½x½ 2.5 2½ 2237008 01 10 490.00 1.5 ½ 2235101 10 500 82.00 2.00 2.50 8.50 2687.00 5.5 1.00 3.2 1¼ 2235104 02 100 305.50 1205. of all Taxes / pc Taxes for Std.50 185.0 x 1.5 2.50 615. Pkg.00 2600.5 1 2237103 05 120 114. uPVC Fittings in SCH 80 as per ASTM D 2467 & SCH 40 as per ASTM D 2466 Flange End Cap .00 5.50 10.00 2040.00 4. Taxes / pc Taxes for (cm) (inch) No.0 4 2521111 01 02 10212.5 1 x 1 x ¾ 2235606 10 100 195.50 845.00 1.00 5.00 385.50 535.00 2.5 x½ 2.0 4 2523111 01 05 10051.5 x 2.50 1522.5 ½ 2237101 10 450 36.0 x¾ 2.5 x 2.00 Stepover Bend (SCH 80) 2.00 130.00 4.50 572.0 3 2521109 01 04 6498.50 92.00 1950.00 2235601 25 250 104.50 712.5 x 1.00 4. Incl.00 5.5 ½x½ 2236101 25 350 85.50 407.5 ¾ x ½ 2235207 10 400 120.00 2125.00 1140.5 x½ 2.00 610.50 475.50 6.50 1555.0 ¾ 2237102 10 250 61. Box MRP Rs.5 ¾ x ½ 2235107 10 500 84.5 1 2235103 05 150 214.2 1¼ 2271004 05 500 64.0 3 2523109 01 06 9015.50 1 x 1 x ½ 2235603 10 100 167.0 ¾ 2235202 10 300 155.00 2.0 ¾ 2237002 05 250 38. of all Incl.5 x 1. MRP Rs. 2. 5 1 2232203 50 1800 6.50 392. Pkg. Qty.0 ¾ 1.00 15.0 6 2238314 01 04 1105.00 2.50 Coupler (SCH 40) Concealed Valve 6. of all Incl.00 2.0 3 2238212 02 30 166.50 Size Size Part Std.50 262.50 262. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std.5 1 2237013 05 130 52.0 3 2238312 02 20 250.00 2.0 6 2238614 01 10 702.00 10956.50 362.00 500.00 Introducing Shortly 3.0 x 8.00 M16 x 150 mm 3822209 02 367.5 ml 3831100 64 384 55.50 725.00 8.0 1½ 2232205 25 750 12. MRP Rs.0 4 2238313 01 10 445.0 3 2237018 01 05 634.00 638.5 ½ 3833007 25 2000 11.0 ¾ 3832008 100 1500 11.00 432.50 Introducing Shortly 10.00 32 oz 946 ml 4031105 12 24 913.Open (SCH 40) 15.0 ¾ 2232202 100 2500 5. of all (cm) (inch) Incl.00 2.0 4 2238113 02 26 167.0 6 2238114 01 08 397.00 401.0 2 2232206 25 600 16.00 3.00 8. Pkg.00 16 oz 473 ml 4031104 12 24 538. of all Taxes End Cap (SCH 40) No.2 1¼ 3833010 25 1000 14.5 1 2.00 15.00 2.50 10.50 333.0 3 2238112 04 60 108.0 6 2238514 01 10 638.00 1.0 2 3832012 25 500 16.00 4248.5 ½ 8. Qty.0 6x4 2238418 01 20 401.00 400.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 125.0 ¾ 2.50 412.50 325.00 1 Step PVC Cement 15. 01 April.00 416.5 1 3832009 50 1000 11. Box MRP Rs. 2016 29 Ideal for Cold Water Plumbing .00 15.50 3.50 5. MRP Rs. of all Incl.00 650.00 275.50 575.5 1 3833009 50 1000 13.50 335.0 6 2238714 01 20 350.00 734.50 634.50 5.50 501.5 ½ 2237011 05 350 21.5 2½ 2237017 01 10 416.00 Tube 4 oz 118 ml 4031102 24 192 177.50 401.0 1½ 3833011 10 500 16.00 432.5 1 10.50 160.5 ½ Powder Coated Metal Clamp 2.00 105.00 6624. Pkg 1 oz 29. Size Size Part Std.00 638.00 Reducer Bushing (SCH 40) 8 oz 237 ml 4031103 24 96 276.0 2 2237016 05 30 155.0 x 10.00 Tee (SCH 40) 2.50 575.00 6.50 1050. of all No.50 522.00 350. SS Bolts for Butterfly Valves SS Clamp Size Part Std.00 702.50 Short Bend (SCH 40) 1.5 ½ 3832007 100 2000 10.00 4.50 832.00 2.00 190.00 3. M12 x 125 mm 3822207 02 216.00 3200.50 445.Closed (SCH 40) 15. Box MRP Rs.0 4 2238213 01 15 279. MRP Rs. Std.0 ¾ 2237012 05 250 25. Pkg.0 6 2238214 01 05 832.00 5. (oz) (ml) Incl.0 2 3833012 10 500 19. Box MRP Rs. Pkg.00 Flange End Cap .f.0 1½ 2237015 05 50 104.50 Flange End Cap .50 M16 x 160 mm 3822210 02 381.00 326. Taxes / pc for Std.2 1¼ 3832010 50 1000 14.50 312.50 397.50 New 6.50 777.5 2½ 2238211 02 50 117.0 6x3 2238417 01 20 401.00 6.0 ¾ 3833008 50 1500 11.50 1.0 1½ 3832011 25 500 14.00 762.00 Tube 2 oz 59 ml 3831101 40 240 80.2 1¼ 2237014 05 70 77. of all Incl. Taxes / pc Taxes for No.00 Elbow 90 (SCH 40) 2.00 2.50 1.00 M16 x 125 mm 3822208 02 319.50 4.50 362.5 ½ 2232201 100 3500 4.50 1105.50 8.50 Plastic Clamp 15.e.00 12912.00 NRVS / Check Valves 5.50 279.50 1150.2 1¼ 2232204 25 1200 10.50 15.00 uPVC AQUALIFE PLUMBING SYSTEM PRICE LIST w.5 2½ 2238111 05 80 78.50 412. (mm) Incl.5 2½ 2238311 02 30 163.00 385. Pkg. Qty.00 3520.50 235. WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD PIPES. 30 FITTINGS AND SOLVENT CEMENT OR LUBRICANT IS USED . housing and public sector developments. Ashirvad systems include solvent-weld and push-fit options. all built on the strength of our quality and innovation. superior technology and are suitable for all types of installations. on par with International Quality Standards. This system comes with a pre-fitted rubber (Yellow Seal™) in the groove that ensures a leak proof joint. a comprehensive range of products and accessories. industrial. the advanced co-moulding technology for the first time in India. at the same time providing adequate scope for thermal expansion/contraction. 2016 31 Faster Installation Leak-Proof Joints . 100% leak proof High Chemical Cost Effective Low weight . 01 April. 160 and 200 mm. high quality finish. Ashirvad introduces Yellow Seal™.f. RING SEAL RING SEAL DEPTH OF ENTRY MARK DEPTH OF ENTRY MARK WITHDRAW BY 10MM WITHDRAW BY 10MM SWR DRAINAGE SYSTEM PRICE LIST w.easy joints Resistance handle + transport Smooth Interior . 90. Waste and Rain Water Plumbing products for commercial. Strong and Durable UV Stabilized Corrosion free of incrustations and abrasion resistance Why Ashirvad Pushfit? Ashirvad Pushfit Pipes and Fittings are manufactured as per IS 13592 and IS 14735 in 75. 110. The system is joined by simply pushing the spigot end into the socket end. Why Ashirvad SWR? Ashirvad SWR systems include an extensive range of Soil. with unrivalled installation options.e. 50 3282.00 3852.00 4 11.00 Bend 45° 6 16.00 3 9.50 4372.00 3 9.00 4 11.00 3748.00 4598.5 2258403 25 175.50 Door Tee 4 11.0 2256007 02 1113.0 x 11.00 4890.00 4256.00 2½ 7.00 3 9.00 2½ 7.50 3489.00 3660.50 3037. MRP Rs MRP Rs.50 New 4 11.5 2256806 19 242.0 2254110 32 231.0 2254705 27 112.00 1820.00 3672.00 3 9.0 2254108 10 449. of all No.0 2255104 25 149.00 4 11. Taxes/pc Taxes for 6 x 4 (T) 16 x 11 2556717 01 1140.00 8 20.0 x 7.00 2040.50 6030.00 1932.50 Door Y 4 11.50 4 11.00 3106.5 2255103 40 104.00 7392.0 2255806 11 348.50 Single Y New 6 16.5 2254603 42 61. of all Taxes for Std.50 New 4 11.00 Double Door Y Reducing Tee 2½ 7.0 x 7.5 2256506 14 204.00 3 9.00 3 9.0 2255006 10 404.00 WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD PIPES.00 3920.IS 14735 (inch) (cm) No.0 2258007 02 1553.50 4387.00 Reducer 8 20. Pkg.0 2254606 12 279. SWR DRAINAGE SYSTEM Reducing Y with Door Size Size Part Std.0 x 16.0 2255004 30 122.50 3384.5 2256203 12 161.00 2760.0 x 7.0 2255804 35 107.00 2562.0 2255107 04 937.00 2½ 7.50 3833.0 2256104 16 198.50 4932.00 2870.00 3505.00 2856.00 1904.5 2256103 14 136.00 3 9.00 1140.50 2499.50 2557.5 2256003 17 113.0 x 11. 2½ 7.5 2258203 09 198. SWR Fittings mfg.0 2254707 06 522.00 1665.0 x 7.00 2100. of all Taxes/pc Incl.PUSHFIT 4x2½ 11.00 8x6 20.00 6 16.50 2112.0 2256304 10 268.00 8 20.00 New 3 9.00 6 16.5 2256508 07 610.0 2258004 16 211. 4x2½ 11.00 2½ 7.50 4x3 11.50 8 20.5 2254106 60 100.0 x 7.00 3663.00 8 20.5 2254105 33 77.50 4031.0 2254607 06 550.00 Reverse Y Reducing Door Tee 2½ 7.0 2256006 06 581.0 2256305 11 366.0 2254706 12 282.00 8 20. of all Incl.50 3542.0 2254107 36 107.00 4270.0 2256205 14 304.00 2½ 7.00 (inch) (cm) Inc.5 2256608 07 621.0 2258106 04 885.0 2254704 25 84.5 2254703 42 59.00 4160. MRP Rs MRP Rs.00 3124.0 2256004 19 163.50 2½ 7.50 2982.0 2258006 04 820. SWR FITTINGS .0 2258104 13 245.00 2½ 7.00 3745.00 6 x 2½ (F) 16.00 1921.5 2258003 13 140.00 Double Tee 4 11.00 2455.50 3737. 32 FITTINGS AND SOLVENT CEMENT OR LUBRICANT IS USED .00 8 20.00 4845.00 4 11.00 New 6 (T) 16.0 2258304 08 345.0 2256106 06 612.00 6x4 16.50 4517.00 6x4 16.5 2256505 20 156.5 2256303 09 185.5 2255803 62 75.0 2258105 13 347.50 Double Y 4 x 2½ 11.0 2255005 30 163.00 3 9.50 1786.0 2258005 15 291.00 2½ 7.0 x 7.00 4131.00 3097.0 2255105 24 205.50 3390.00 2½ 7.0 2254604 25 84.50 3135.0 2254605 27 116. Pkg.50 4350.00 Std.0 2258205 09 407.00 8 20.0 2258106 02 1627.00 3456.00 6 16.5 2256605 18 192.0 2255805 22 142.00 4 x 2½ 11.00 4 11.00 4 11.50 6x4 16.00 3312.0 2255807 05 701.5 2256606 12 248.00 2680.0 2558206 01 2455.0 x 7.50 3354.0 2256105 16 271.00 4650.0 x 7. Inc.50 Repair Coupler 6 16. Pkg.00 6 16.5 2255003 50 82.0 x 7.0 2258204 10 287.50 3176.5 2258103 12 170.50 3x2½ 9.0 x 9.0 2256610 06 535.0 x 11.00 4040.00 Plain Bend Reducing Y without Door Size Size Part Std.0 2256204 12 223.00 2522.50 3255.0 2255106 09 459.50 2227.00 1659.5 2256706 17 285.00 4336.00 3 x 2½ 9.00 3210.50 3191. as per .0 2256005 17 226.00 3 9.00 3842.00 Single Tee 4 11.0 2256107 02 1261.00 6 x 2½ (F) 16.00 3 9.00 4 x 2 ½ 11.00 3 9.00 Door Bend 6 16.50 3303.00 New 8 20.50 3145.00 3 x 2½ 9.0 2258305 08 490.00 2½ 7.00 3 9.0 2256510 07 493.00 6 16.50 4125.0 x 7.50 2682. Pkg.5 2258303 07 237.00 Double Door Tee Coupler 2½ 7.00 3451.0 2255007 04 828.00 3120.00 4490. 00 575.00 Right Side Door Tee Rubber Washer Size Size Part Std.00 4 11.50 3819.00 4530. Pkg.0 2259206 Long Swept Tee with Door 4 11.00 8 20.50 3832.50 4910.00 6 16.00 100 gm 4051101 100 19.00 Aerator SINGLE STACK SWR SYSTEMS Swept Tee Plain with Door A single stack soil and waste system offering Speciality 4 11.0 2259005 01 708.00 New 6 16.00 6 16.00 2½ 7.0 2251004 400 15.00 6 16.50 1622.00 New 4 11.50 Left Side Door Elbow Pass Over Bend (Type ‘B’ .00 5706.0 2259004 01 575. (inch) (cm) Inc.0 3 9.00 4 11.0 2257004 26 171.00 6 16.00 6 16.0 2258417 01 1709.0 2257417 01 1622. MRP Rs 4 11. of all Taxes/pc 2½ 7.00 4230.00 Product Size Part Std. of all No.00 1900. less installed cost (PVC pipe system with low weight. 2016 33 Faster Installation Leak-Proof Joints .00 3613.0 2258603 15 302. Taxes / pc 6 16.00 New 11.00 the possibility to connect multiple toilets.00 6196.00 4 11.00 650.00 Introducing Shortly 250 gm 4051102 40 37. Inc.50 8 20. Pkg.50 4740.0 2556105 01 650.0 2257005 14 228.0 2259705 04 1549. Std.50 3 9.0 2258503 20 245.0 2255307 03 1325.50 3976.00 Swept Tee Triple Socket (T) 4 11.00 New 8 20. MRP Rs.00 380.e.00 1709.00 5740.f.0 2255207 03 1195.00 1480.0 2251005 200 23. Pkg. of all Incl.0 2256415 16 239.00 3 9.00 5600.50 3199.0 2258415 14 410.50 SWR .50 6336.0 2251007 80 62.0 2255206 06 636.5 2251003 600 10.00 New Left Side Door Tee Rubber Lubricants 4 11. (cm) Incl. Taxes/pc Taxes for No.0 2255306 05 706.0 2258613 15 302.PUSHFIT 16.00 8 20.0 2255305 18 317. Cleaning Pipe Long Swept Bend with Door Size Size Part Std.50 Right Side Door Elbow NRV / Back Flow Preventer 4 11.0 2259205 02 2968.0 2256405 14 286. MRP Rs MRP Rs.0 2255205 24 264.5 2257003 40 118.00 4 11.00 3530. Size Size Part Std. of all Incl.00 500 gm 4051103 20 73. 01 April.5 2259003 01 380. 4 11.0 2259706 01 3613.00 3682. Pkg.0 2251006 120 40.Pipes) 4 11.00 2760. elimination of Long Swept Tee vent pipe and its connections) and reduced hydraulic pressure.00 SWR DRAINAGE SYSTEM PRICE LIST w. of all No.0 2257416 05 846.50 708. MRP Rs MRP Rs. The main advantages of the Ashirvad SWR aerator being: space saving. higher flow capacity of stack.50 4011.00 New 8 20. 2½ 7. of all (inch) (cm) Inc. Taxes/pc Taxes for Std.0 2257006 07 526.00 New Long Swept Bend 4 11.0 2258513 20 245. Pkg.00 4530.00 1460.00 3585. Pkg.00 (inch) (cm) No.0 2257415 16 350.00 Swept Tee Plain 4 11.0 2258416 04 690.50 4910.50 4459. 00 2½ 7. of all No.0 2266305 13 286.5 2268103 13 155.00 3 9.0 2264715 36 142. (inch) (cm) Inc. MRP Rs.00 1680.00 6 16.5 2268003 15 134.0 x 7.00 4 x 2½ 11.50 Bend 45° 3 9.00 Repair Coupler Double Tee 2½ 7.00 5250.00 3429.50 3795. MRP Rs.0 x 7.00 3200.00 2½ 7.0 2266106 07 491.00 3 9.00 3036.0 2265004 36 99 .00 3 x 2½ 9.00 6 16.50 3966.00 3 9.00 5112.00 3 9.00 Door Bend 3 9.00 3619.50 3655.50 3017.00 6 16.5 2264713 51 55.0 2268304 09 270.0 2264710 04 1168.00 2430. 2½ 7.50 2739.0 2265105 30 175.00 5200.5 2264106 54 87.50 2830.00 2½ 7.00 4 11.00 4 11.00 5 14.00 4 11.00 3726. Pkg.00 4 11.50 2½ 7.00 3528.50 2021.0 2265804 46 82.00 4 11.00 Reducing Door Tee 4 11.00 2 6.50 2½ 7. of all Incl.50 2470.00 2556.00 2048.0 2268006 05 588.00 3500.5 2268303 08 204.0 2267006 10 433.3 2264707 84 32.SOLFIT Double Door Tee Plain Bend Size Size Part Std.00 4 11.50 2250. MRP Rs.0 2266104 20 166.0 2268305 09 397.00 2592.0 2264702 150 21.50 Cleaning Pipe 3 9.0 2266005 24 183.5 2265803 36 62.5 2266303 11 161.00 3320.50 2½ 7.0 2265006 12 330.00 4 11.0 2265106 10 365.00 1705.00 Reducing Tee 10 25.00 6 16.0 2267004 29 142. Std.50 1776.0 2264604 31 55.0 2265805 27 115.00 3718.50 3 9.00 4 x 2½ 11.5 2265103 24 94.00 6 16.00 4672.00 3960.00 4670.0 2266304 12 213.0 2266204 18 174.0 2264606 30 155. as per .0 2268105 16 303.0 x 11.0 2266105 20 230.0 2265806 14 269.0 2266004 23 132.0 2264605 45 75.50 4 11.0 x 7.00 4330.5 2266103 16 128.00 4 11.00 Single Y 6 16.00 Door Y 6 16.00 3 9.00 2½ 7.00 4698.00 2010.50 Single Tee 6x4 16.50 2562.00 3 9.0 x 11. Taxes/pc Taxes for Size Size Part Std.00 3 x 2½ 9.00 Coupler Double Door Y 1¼ 4.00 2256.50 3672.50 4665.50 4590.00 4 11.00 4 11.00 1729.50 3 9.00 3150.5 2264603 61 42.0 226605 16 229.00 3375.00 2½ 7.5 2268203 10 168.0 2267005 16 200. MRP Rs. Pkg.00 6 16.00 6 16.00 3105.00 6 16.0 2266610 07 452.0 2264708 36 127.0 2264110 45 167.00 Reducer Offset 3 9.0 2268005 20 260.00 4848.0 2268204 12 217.0 2268205 11 329.5 2266606 15 214.0 x 7. (inch) (cm) Inc. of all Incl.00 4 11.0 2264701 225 15.0 2264706 30 147.50 2194.00 WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD PIPES.50 3217.0 x 7.50 3582.00 3375.0 2266006 08 441.50 2730.0 2268004 20 175.0 2264705 45 71. of all No.5 2266505 22 124.00 2½ 7.0 2268106 04 639.00 12 31.00 Double Y Heavy Coupler 2½ 7.00 4118.00 2604.5 2266003 21 104.00 1632.00 4 11.5 2266203 13 133.0 2265005 32 134.50 2592.00 2½ 7.00 2½ 7. Pkg.00 1½ 5.0 x 11.5 2266506 17 177.50 4610.5 2264703 61 40.0 2265104 27 127.00 3 9.00 4080.50 3167.00 8 20.5 2267003 24 108.00 6x4 16.SWR DRAINAGE SYSTEM SWR Fittings mfg.50 4425.5 2264711 02 2335.50 3 9.0 0 3132.50 2942.00 3328. 34 FITTINGS AND SOLVENT CEMENT OR LUBRICANT IS USED . Taxes/pc Taxes for Std.50 3217.00 2160.5 2265003 55 72.0 2266510 09 414.IS 14735 SWR FITTINGS .00 3140.00 4 11.00 2½ 7. Pkg.0 2264709 06 680.00 4392.50 4304.00 3766.0 2264704 40 54.00 3573.5 2266605 20 157.0 2268104 16 208.50 Door Tee 6x4 16.00 7515.00 3437.00 4 x 2½ 11. 00 Swept Tee with Door 5 14.50 3040.00 4452.00 Product Size Part Std.50 5265.50 2 x 1½ 6. Inc.50 6817. Inc. of all Taxes/pc Taxes for 2½ x 1½ 7.00 Reducing Bush 5 14.50 6 16.00 2159. Pkg.50 4599.0 x 9.00 1½ 2266002 60 4 11.0 48.00 4 x 2½ 11.00 2 6.5 2265303 36 103.5 2264803 52 66.00 3645.00 2½ x 1¼ 7.50 Swept Tee Plain 5.5 x 6. 2½ x 2 7.0 x 11.0 2264910 45 164.00 4 11. Reducer Coupler SWR EQUAL FITTINGS .5 420.00 2880.50 1827.0 X 4. Taxes / pc 4 x 1¼ 11.50 3325.0 X 6.00 4x3 11.50 3937.00 2 6. Pkg. 2 x 1½ 6.00 3 9. 01 April.00 4 x 1¼ 11.00 3 9.00 4 11.3 2266807 17 107.0 2264905 96.50 and its connections) and reduced hydraulic 4 x 2½ 11.5 x 6.00 3 9.00 4 11.50 5337.00 A single stack soil and waste system offering the Equal Reducer Door Tee possibility to connect multiple toilets.5 x 25.00 Pass Over Bend (Type ‘B’ .00 4920. 4x3 11. Pkg.50 2 6.0 2265108 12 304.50 6276.00 572.00 P .0 2269206 4x2 11.0 2265008 16 268.0 2264809 126 35.0 2265305 26 230.0 2266806 17 161.0 2266809 24 293.00 5x4 14.5 x 4.50 4062. The main advantages of the Ashirvad SWR 2½ x 1¼ 7.0 x 7.00 4180.50 4666.00 4950.0 2266001 175 30.50 3531.0 2265002 95 34.0 2265405 25 210. Pkg.50 7020.00 4728.00 2½ 7.00 2369.00 2½ 7.3 x 5.00 5 14.5 x 4.5 x 5.0 x 9.0 2266805 17 179.00 SWR DRAINAGE SYSTEM PRICE LIST w.0 2265010 04 1113.00 1000 ml 4061104 06 338.5 2265603 17 127. less installed cost (PVC pipe system with low weight.00 3348.50 5681. (cm) Incl.00 4 x 1½ 11.00 SWR .3 2265107 70 74.0 2269005 01 697.00 3040.00 3 9.00 New Equal Tee 4 11.00 3748.0 2266705 22 150.3 2264807 126 38.0 2269205 02 2691.0 x 7.00 1½ x 1¼ 5.00 4 x 2½ 11. MRP Rs.00 3225.50 3311.00 5310.0 2264904 105 37.00 8 20. higher flow 2½ x 1½ 7. MRP Rs.50 2745.0 x 7.00 2 6.0 x 7.0 2264805 20 152. MRP Rs.50 5652.0 2264806 150 31.00 1½ 5.00 7380.00 6x4 16.00 1½ 5.0 2266808 24 292.00 5250.0 x 9.3 2264907 81 45.5 x 6.00 Solvent Cement 2½ x 1½ 7.0 x 9.50 capacity of stack.00 6 16. of all Taxes/pc Incl.00 2986.50 4264.0 2264804 50 66.0 x 20.0 2262613 17 277.00 4 11.0 x 11.00 1¼ 4.0 2266109 07 504.5 x 4.00 420.50 3458.0 2264912 06 966. (inch) (cm) No.3 2266007 61 76.00 2½ x 2 7.00 4x3 11.0 2266405 16 266.50 Introducing Shortly aerator being: space saving.5 2266803 24 251.00 4636.00 5848.5 2265403 24 99.0 2265204 33 114. MRP Rs.00 (inch) (cm) No.50 Equal Reducer Tee 2½ x 1¼ 7.00 7128.0 2264906 150 33.0 x 16.00 2½ x 1½ 7.00 7.0 x 9.00 4x3 11.3 2266710 27 256.5 x 6.0 2264801 270 19.00 7032. 2016 35 Faster Installation Leak-Proof Joints .00 3450.50 6125.0 2266804 24 261.50 8 20.00 Equal Elbow with Door 2½ x 2 7.50 2388.50 3x3 9.0 2264810 126 36.0 x 7.0 2266706 23 132.3 2266107 51 91.00 6 16.0 2266415 19 220.00 5300. elimination of vent pipe 2½ x 2 7.0 2265404 26 137.0 2266102 46 58.00 5796.50 6036.0 x 9.50 3778.00 4 x 2½ 11. of all No.00 3 9. Pkg.50 5993.00 2668.50 4473.00 1¼ 4.00 11.00 5376.SOLFIT 16.00 4788.00 3230.00 3x3 9.00 5180.0 2265304 40 152.50 3174.e.3 2265007 90 59.f.Trap With Leg 1½ 5.50 12 x 8 31.0 2266008 12 338.00 697.Trap Without Leg 5 14.0 2266704 26 218.00 pressure.0 2264909 63 127.00 2½ 2269003 01 6 16.0 2264913 02 1874.00 4288.0 2265205 34 172.0 2266010 02 1493.00 5x4 14.0 2269004 01 572.50 6790.50 4193.5 2264802 75 46.0 2266709 27 252.50 8032.0 2265009 11 354.00 8x6 20.50 4717.50 3590.5 x 5.50 100 ml 4061101 48 52.00 3 x 2½ 9.0 2266009 07 453.0 2265604 20 179.50 4427.50 Std.00 Equal Tee with Door P .50 Speciality Aerator 4 x 1½ 11.0 x 11.0 X 6.00 3648.50 2676.0 2262513 14 299.00 2½ 7.00 6080.50 3575.00 6912.50 4725.00 500 ml 4061103 24 197. Size Size Part Std.5 X 5.0 x 4.SOLFIT Size Size Part Std.00 2496.5 X 5.50 3899.50 3050.0 X 5.0 2264911 10 492.0 X 4. MRP Rs.0 2265001 250 24.5 2266703 27 215.00 2028. of all Taxes for Equal Elbow Std.00 2½ 7.0 2265109 10 426.3 2266810 24 297.0 2265102 75 43.0 X 5.0 2265605 20 265.5 2264908 72 78.3 2266707 23 103.3 x 5.5 2265203 55 80.0 2264808 24 111.0 x 11.0 2266108 12 279.00 6x4 16.50 New 10 x 8 25.Pipes) 4 11. of all Incl.50 4265.00 3708.50 SINGLE STACK SWR SYSTEMS 4x2 11.00 5805.0 2266708 27 251.00 New 250 ml 4061102 48 112. 0 x 12.00 5 14.5 2250003 01 491.3 2263507 180 23.0 2263505 40 62.00 WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD PIPES.50 3262.0 2261102 45 72. Pkg.00 4 11.0 x 9.50 New 2250005 01 New 4 x 4 (5” ht) 11.50 6 16.0 2265812 15 277.00 4x4 11. Size Size Part Std.00 Common Fittings for both Pushfit and Solfit End Cap ‘P’ Trap 1¼ 4. MRP Rs.0 Nahani Trap without Jali 4 11.0 x 7.5 2262503 26 185.0 3841902 80 402.0 3 x 3 (3” ht) 9.50 4927. (inch) (cm) Inc.00 4 x 2½ (3” ht) 11.50 4230. MRP Rs. of all 1½ 5. of all (inch) (cm) Inc. Equal Y Gully Trap with Jali Size Size Part Std.50 4275. MRP Rs.50 5162. 2 6.00 ‘S’ Trap 2½ 7. 36 FITTINGS AND SOLVENT CEMENT OR LUBRICANT IS USED .3 2261103 45 109.5 2259150 90 135.00 Size Size Part Std.0 x 11.00 2376.5 2265808 36 66.0 x 12.50 4806. Std.00 5040.00 7536.0 2261101 80 48.00 6 16.50 3618.00 1½ 5. Pkg.00 Floor Trap 4x2 11.50 5616.0 2 x 2 (3” ht) 6.50 3843.00 1½ 5.50 4 x 2½ (5” ht) 11.3 2261203 42 129.0 x 7.00 32160.50 3187.00 4 x 3 (5” ht) 11.50 4162. MRP Rs.00 Taxes/pc Taxes for Std. of all Incl.0 3841903 50 507.00 2 6.5 2264509 12 400.00 2½ 7.00 2½ 7.0 2263106 24 173. (inch) (cm) No.0 2265801 300 21. 1¼ 4.0 2263506 18 137.50 4600.0 x 7.00 4 x 2½ (S/F) 11.50 5058.5 2263503 108 33. of all Incl.00 4 11.50 6224.50 3003.50 2475.0 2261509 32 187.00 6576.00 4152.0 x 11.00 434.5 2266504 15 388.00 4902.0 (short) 2262504 18 331.00 3840.0 2261507 38 129.00 ‘Q’ Trap Socket Plug 4x4 11.0 x 9.00 4 (4” ht) 11.00 1¼ 4.5 3841901 90 377.50 5577.0 2250004 01 434.00 4752.00 3 9.50 491.50 4709.50 433.00 1½ 5.00 4 11. Inc.00 5820.0 x 6.0 2265802 175 29.0 2261505 29 215.50 7410.0 2263502 400 11. Pkg.50 4 x 4½ 11.0 x 11.50 6175.50 25375.00 4 x 4½ 11.0 2263105 72 70.5 2263103 190 32.0 x 7.00 2½ 7.0 2265809 43 87. Pkg.0 2265811 18 213.00 4810.00 4 11.0 2263504 75 42.00 4 11.00 1½ 5. Pkg.5 2265509 10 503. Taxes/pc Taxes for No. of all No.00 2 6.50 2 6.0 2263102 270 16.0 x 12.0 x 9.0 2250006 01 662.00 3145.00 3 9.0 433. MRP Rs.50 2 6.5 3 9.00 Pipe Stacker Base 4 x 4 (3” ht) 11.50 4455.0 2261504 40 153.50 3762.50 Multi Trap without Jali 2½ 7.3 2269505 34 161.0 x 11.0 2263501 1050 8.0 2265505 10 487.00 2½ 7.0 x 6.0 2265810 36 140.00 6120.50 5491.00 33930.3 2261506 48 157.00 1¼ 4.00 2 6.0 2264505 12 396.00 4548.0 x 11.3 2261502 75 67.00 3564.0 x 11.00 6 16.0 x 7.00 5025.0 2261510 32 194.00 4400. Pkg.00 Bell Mouth Trap Introducing Shortly Threaded End Plug 4 x 2½ (P/F) 11.50 6249.5 2261508 32 175.00 662.00 3 9.0 2267605 12 617.5 (long) 2262509 12 379.50 5940.00 6000.0 2263104 66 45.50 5035.00 6 16.00 Pipe Stacker Nylon Bush 4 x 2 (3” ht) 11.50 Gully Trap without Jali Equal Y with Door 4 (Square) 11.0 2261705 24 247.00 7920.0 x 12.50 6000.00 Lip Ring 6 16.3 x 6.00 4 x 3 (3” ht) 11.3 2263107 150 28.0 2263101 400 11.50 6450.50 5967. of all Incl.00 5418.5 2261503 48 137.00 12150.00 4x4 11.00 6 16.50 4875.0 2261605 22 162.5 2266503 15 400.00 4 x 4½ 11.3 2265807 115 48.5 2269506 34 138.50 4 x 4½ 11.00 8400. MRP Rs.00 4 (Square) 11. Taxes/pc Taxes for Std.50 4 (7” ht) 11.50 5047.0 2261202 37 85.00 4x4 11.50 2500.00 Equal Bend 450 4 x 2½ 11.0 2267505 12 660.0 (long) 2262505 14 360.00 3 9.3 2½ 7. 00 Size Size Part Std. MRP Rs.0 2267501 11 465. Cowl 3.00 648.50 4284.60 3 inch 2541002 01 39900. (lps) Incl.18 mm Offset Speciality Part Std.8 cm 9.00 3 9.3 2250507 80 640 12.40 mm Offset Part Std. Pkg.50 1000.0 2253005 18 126 39.00 95.50 (mm & ml) No. MRP Rs WC Connecter (Bend) SPIGOT SWR No. 2016 37 Faster Installation Leak-Proof Joints .50 280.00 cm 2571101 01 25000.0 x 4.5 2260009 55.9 .20 4 inch 2541202 01 84900.5 2259103 01 225. Qty.20 2 inch 2549101 01 29000.00 2 6. MRP Rs.8 cm 9.00 5115. of all Taxes/pc 9.10.0 x 9.10. Size Size Part Std.0 x 16.5 x 6.7 .100 2551102 01 6490.3 2267503 11 431.50 4641.0 2250706 20 144 61.00 Fire Collars 4x2 11.00 805.7 .00 Pan Connectors 6 16.00 4 11. MRP Rs.0 Introducing Shortly Part Std. Promastop .00 580.00 4 x 1½ 11.00 364. Taxes / pc 4 11.0 2252214 30 360 23.00 APCS2 . Pkg.10. Taxes/pc Anti Siphon 9. MRP Rs.00 30 .5 2252213 35 350 23.0 2250505 30 360 23.00 3 9. Pkg.00 3.10. 2½ 7. MRP Rs. 4 x 2½ 11. 300 ml 2571201 01 2000.00 4 x 4½ 11. MRP Rs.00 Vent.e.7 .9 .10. Box Std.50 Size Part Std.00 Speciality 6 16.5 cm 4 x 4½ 11.0 2259105 01 263.00 2½ 7.00 1464. (inch) (cm) Inc.5 2254503 510 24.00 Solid Interceptors Speciality 3 9. of all Incl. of all No.9 .50 4 11.0 2254504 380 32.10.00 580. Std.0 2254506 115 138.0 2259106 01 364. MRP Rs 2½ x 2 7.00 690.0 2252204 30 360 23.9 .50 2551101 01 3995.00 5225.0 2254505 210 45.00 SWR DRAINAGE SYSTEM PRICE LIST w.00 690.00 2411002 45 392. of all Incl.00 441.3 2254506 840 17.0 APCC2 .STRAIGHT WC Connecter (Straight) Part Std.5 2260105 26 178. of all SPIGOT SWR No.00 4345. MRP Rs Inc. MRP Rs.0 2252205 20 260 29.0 x 12.0 2254502 1050 11. of all SPIGOT SWR No.5 2252203 35 350 23.00 4 11.0 2253004 24 192 27.50 4702.5 x 5.10. Taxes/pc Taxes for No.50 6 16.94 2 inch 2541001 01 27900.0 2252215 20 260 29.0 2259104 01 280. Pkg.5 cm 2411003 40 392. Pkg.00 1. Taxes/pc Taxes for Std.3 Inc.00 6 x 6 16. Box Std.00 Pipe Clips-Big Holes 2½ 7.f.50 705.00 2½ x 1¼ 7. Pkg.Unicollar Speciality Pipe Clips-Small Holes 225.0 2267506 11 395.7 .00 263.5 2267504 11 389.COLLAPSIBLE 2½ x 1½ 7.8 cm 9.00 2½ 7. Pkg.00 APC04 . Inc.50 3 9.00 6 16.50 810.50 9.00 225.00 Promastop .00 Door Cap 1½ 5.50 4746.10.5 2253003 21 147 21. Taxes/pc 9.00 Speciality 0.0 2252216 10 200 58.8 cm 9. of all Incl.0 x 5.00 New 4 11. Incl.00 Flow rate Inlet Part Std.Sealant (inch) (cm) Inc. 01 April.00 2½ 7.00 580.00 APC02 .00 70 .0 2252206 10 200 58. Pkg.00 805. Pkg. of all connection No.00 702. Taxes/pc Taxes for Std.0 2250506 60 660 13. of all Taxes / pc 4x3 11. Pipe Stacker Square Jali Size Size Part Std.00 580. of all SPIGOT SWR No.00 Air Admittance Valves 3 9. Qty. Taxes/pc 4 x 1¼ 11. Pkg.00 Grease Interceptors 3 9.00 4 11.0 x 6.5 cm 2411001 45 368.00 Round Jali 2 6. Pkg.0 2267502 11 427. of all No.5 cm 2411004 25 950.0 x 12. MRP Rs Inc.0 x 7. MRP Rs. Pkg. of all (inch) (cm) Inc.5 x 4. 2159104 693. ----. MRP / Length No.50 Single Socket 3. (9 Ft. ----.) 2159703 168.50 2159214 946.) ----.) 2169401 ----.50 2159516 2216.00 ----.00 Single Socket 1. 2169402 176.) 2151103 417.00 2159806 806.) 2169201 230. ----.00 2159514 ----. MRP / Length No.00 Single Socket 1.00 2159814 419. (6 Ft. as per . as per . ----. (10 Ft.) 2159203 458. 2159515 1170. ----- WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD PIPES. MRP / Length No.00 Double Socket 0.00 2169207 373. (6”) MRP ----. (10 Ft.00 Double Socket 0. ----- Type A Single Socket 6 Mtr.00 Single Socket 3. ----- / Length / Length / Length Single Socket 6 Mtr. (3 Ft.0 cm (6) No. 2169403 275.50 2169303 872.0 cm (3) Part 11. of all Taxes / Length Part 7. of all Taxes / Length Part 11. ----.0 cm Part 16.) 2159903 307.80 Mtr.0 cm (6) No.0 cm No.0 cm Part 5.00 2159604 ----.00 2159316 4261. ----. (6 Ft. ----. (2½”) MRP No. (2”) MRP No.00 Double Socket 3 Mtr.50 2159706 628.) 2159813 362. (2 Ft. 2169606 400. ----.50 2169206 1740.50 2159404 ----. MRP / Length Single Socket 2.) ----.50 ----.00 2169208 1366.0 cm (3”) No. (20 Ft.60 Mtr.00 2159105 969. 2159114 1135. 2169503 454. 2169603 107. (10 Ft.7 Mtr.00 Double Socket 0.3 cm Part 7.5 cm Part 9. ----.00 Item Type B MRP Rs.7 Mtr. (12 Ft.00 2159305 1566. MRP / Length Single Socket 2. ----- Single Socket 1. (10 Ft. ----. ----.00 ----.50 ----.) ----. 2159705 287.50 2159906 1147. 2169406 1015. 38 FITTINGS AND SOLVENT CEMENT OR LUBRICANT IS USED .50 2159804 ----. of all Taxes / Length Part 7. 2159605 206.00 2159816 1020.50 Single Socket 1.20 Mtr. ----. (2 Ft.00 2169407 ----.50 ----.5 cm (2½) Part 9.) 2169505 818.00 2169202 293.50 ----.) 2159613 199.00 SWR Pipes . ----. (6 Ft.50 ----. (10 Ft.50 2159406 1111. 2151115 1081.) ----.0 cm Part 6.00 2169404 ----- Double Socket 3 Mtr.50 2159306 3443. (6 Ft.) 2159603 117.90 Mtr. ----. ----- Single Socket 3 Mtr. (4”) MRP No.00 2159206 1771.) 2159403 280.50 Double Socket 0. ----. ----.0 cm Part 14.00 2159704 ----.) 2169205 788. (1½”) MRP No.) 2169301 465. (12 Ft.00 Double Socket 1.50 2159416 1284.60 Mtr.) 2159503 480.) 2159803 210.80 Mtr. (3 Ft.00 2159314 1870.) 2159313 1551. 2169506 1702.50 ----. 2159805 372. (4 Ft. ----.00 2159504 ----.80 Mtr.00 2169302 568.00 Double Socket 1.50 2169504 590. (10 Ft.) 2169305 1549. ----. 2159505 847. Incl. (20 Ft.50 2159815 538. (10 Ft.20 Mtr. ----- Single Socket 3 Mtr.00 2169204 570. (2 Ft.IS 13592 Item Type A MRP Rs. SWR Pipes .50 ----.00 2159205 810. (5”) MRP No. Incl.50 2159614 ----. ----- Type B Single Socket 6 Mtr. ----. (2 Ft.50 ----.80 Mtr.00 Double Socket 3 Mtr.00 2159315 2310.00 2159616 568.0 cm (4) Part 16. of all Taxes / Length Part 4.50 2159414 ----. (20 Ft.00 2169308 2689. (4 Ft. ----.IS 13592 Item Type A MRP Rs.00 2159506 1840.00 Type A Single Socket 3 Mtr. 2159415 695.) 2159913 516.) ----.50 2159714 ----. ----.00 2159215 1170. ----- Type A Single Socket 3 Mtr. (6 Ft.90 Mtr.80 Mtr. (6 Ft.50 2159916 1439. ----. 2159615 297.50 Double Socket 0.) 2159413 475.6 Mtr.5 cm (2½) Part 9.) 2159303 892.60 Mtr.60 Mtr.) 2169605 191. ----- Double Socket 3 Mtr. ----.00 ----.00 Double Socket 1.) 2159213 761. (10 Ft.00 2169604 ----- Item Type A MRP Rs. ----. Incl. ----.0 cm (4) Part 16.00 2159914 ----.00 2169307 760. ----.80 Mtr.Pushfit Washer / Ring Type Mfg.0 cm (3) Part 11. 2159915 773. MRP / Length / Length / Length / Length / Length Single Socket 6 Mtr.00 2159904 ----. ----.00 2159204 583. Incl. MRP / Length No.Solfit Pasting / Solvent Type Mfg. 2151105 750. (20 Ft. MRP / Length No. 2159405 511.50 ----. ----.) 2169405 488.) 2159713 279. ----. ----. 2159715 416.50 2169304 1122.50 2159304 1136.50 2159216 2202. MRP / Length No. (9 Ft. (1¼”) MRP No.6 Mtr. 2159905 542.50 2169306 3410. ----.00 2159606 445.00 2169203 448.00 ----. ----- Double Socket 0.50 2159115 1395.00 Double Socket 1.00 2159716 789.) 2159513 777. 50 2169219 3522. MRP / Length / Length / Length / Length / Length Single Socket 6 Mtr.50 2169318 3241. (4 Ft. ----.) 2169615 285.Solfit Pasting / Solvent type mfg.f.00 Item Type B MRP Rs. ----. ----.) ----. ----. 2016 39 Faster Installation Leak-Proof Joints . ----.5 cm Part 9. ----. ----.00 ----. ----.0 cm Part 25.00 ----.00 2169813 358. Incl. (4 Ft.00 2169314 1837.) ----.60 Mtr.50 2169312 986.00 ----.50 2169513 759.) 2269311 782.50 2169212 499.0 cm Part 5. 2169616 544.50 2169614 204.20 Mtr.00 2169317 1239.20 Mtr. ----.80 Mtr. (12”) MRP / Length / Length / Length / Length / Length / Length Single Socket 6 Mtr. (2 Ft.80 Mtr.50 Type B Single Socket 1. ----- Double Socket 1. of all Taxes / Length Part 4.0 cm Part 16. (5”) MRP No. ----.3 cm Part 7. ----.) ----.0 cm Part 14. ----. ----. (6 Ft. (6 Ft. ----. ----. ----- Double Socket 0. ----.50 2169319 6916.50 2169217 647. (20 Ft.50 Double Socket 1. ----. ----. ----. ----.50 2169414 ----- Double Socket 3 Mtr.0 cm (3”) No. (1½”) MRP No.00 2169613 191. ----.00 2169313 1518.00 2169321 17291. ----. ----. 2169812 269.0 cm Part 31. SWR Pipes .00 Type B Single Socket 1.00 ----. (10 Ft. ----. (10 Ft. 2169416 1284.50 ----. ----.50 2169218 1679.00 Single Socket 3 Mtr.e.IS 13592 Item Type B MRP Rs. ----.) ----.) 2169415 691. ----.50 2169221 8889. 2169512 628. (10 Ft.50 2169220 5490. (10 Ft.00 Single Socket 3 Mtr.00 2169913 521. ----.) 2169215 1157. ----. 2169413 467. ----.00 2169213 755.5 cm No. of all Taxes / Length Part 11. ----.) 2169915 740.00 Double Socket 0. ----. ----- Double Socket 3 Mtr. 01 April. (6 Ft. 2169412 305. ----. (8”) MRP No. (4”) MRP No.00 2169214 929. ----. Incl. ----. ----. as per .80 Mtr.00 Double Socket 1.00 ----. ----- Double Socket 1. ----.) 2169211 390. 2169912 418. ----.60 Mtr. ----. (2”) MRP No. (10”) MRP No.00 2169417 ----. (2 Ft.00 2169316 4192. ----.00 2169914 595.50 2169320 10743. ----. ----.0 cm Part 6. (6”) MRP No.50 2169814 415.) 2169411 ----.50 ----.) 2169315 2279.00 2169216 2116.00 2169514 954.) 2169515 1170.) ----. ----. (1¼”) MRP No. 2169516 2154. ----. (6Ft. 2169612 137. (2½”) MRP No. ----.80 Mtr.0 cm Part 20. (20 Ft. ----- SWR DRAINAGE SYSTEM PRICE LIST w. 0 2171006 1680.0 2172009 13915.50 12 31.0 2171007 3602.0 2172002 520. 4 11.0 2172005 1678.0 ----. 40 FITTINGS FITTINGSAND ANDSOLVENT SOLVENTCEMENT CEMENTOR ORLUBRICANT LUBRICANTIS ISUSED USED Pipes .50 2 6.0 2171005 1168.0 2172007 5082.5 2172010 22333.5 2171004 840. Taxes / Length 2 6.3 2171003 583. AS PER IS 4985 4 KG & 6 KG PRESSURE 4 Kg Pressure (Class 2) 6 Mtrs 6 Kg Pressure (Class 3) 6 Mtrs Size Size Part. PIPES. ----- 6 16.50 8 20.00 2½ 7.50 5 14.0 2172006 2356.50 12 31.50 3 9. MRP Rs.0 2172008 8970. of all (inch) (cm) Incl.00 1¼ 4.50 3 9.50 8 20.50 5 14.00 1½ 5.00 10 25.50 WARRANTY WARRANTYAPPLICABLE APPLICABLEONLY ONLYIF IFASHIRVAD ASHIRVADPIPES. MRP Rs.5 2171010 15237. Size Size Part. (inch) (cm) Incl. ----.0 2171009 9488.0 ----.0 2172001 349.PRESSURE PIPES FOR WATER SUPPLY (AGRI PIPES) PASTING TYPE MFG.00 6 16. Taxes / Length No. of all No.00 4 11.0 2171008 6095.3 2172003 798.5 2172004 1143.00 2½ 7.50 10 25. Pkg.00 • With lubricant APCS2 APCC2 Straight Collapsible 12.7 . pipework is at a significant distance from the WC spigot outlet or if it is in a vertical position.5 cm 2411002 45 392.2 cm No.10. of all SPIGOT SWR Taxes/pc Taxes/pc 9.COLLAPSIBLE • Multiple fins to ensure water tight fit on Part Std. by these two WC pan connectors.2 cm 2420104 100 80. MRP Rs No. of all No.5 x 11.8 cm 4.5 cm • Individually packed 2411004 25 950.STRAIGHT Corrugated Waste Pipe (White) Part Std.10. the connectors tolerate movement.10.9 .0 cm The straight connector (APCS2) is used when the The flexible connector (APCC2) is extendable from spigot outlet on the WC is in line with the SWR 22.00 • Connects different materials APCC2 . MRP Rs Size Part Std.10. MRP Rs No.10.00 3. Inc.0 cm 12.7 .40 cm Offset • Flexible and made in plastic Part Std.8 cm 9.10. Inc. 2016 41 Faster Installation Leak-Proof Joints . Pkg.5 cm • Secure fit on WC side 2411003 40 392.7 .00 Part Std.0 cm 12. of all 2420111 80 90.5 x 11.10. MRP Rs Inc. Pkg. are leak proof (with multiple fins) and can connect different pipe materials. of all SWR side SPIGOT SWR Taxes/pc 9. APCO2 APCO4 1.5 cm 2411001 45 368.5 to 55. Offsets of up to 4.PAN CONNECTORS Technology from UK To connect toilets with horizontal outlets to standard SWR pipework.0 cm Offset Offset 12.7 .8 cm 9.00 APC02 .00 Specifications for Pan Connectors APC04 .9 .00 SPIGOT SWR Taxes/pc (Long) 9.e.5 x 11. Pkg.0 cm The two ranges of offset connectors (APCO2 and APCO4) are useful if there is a mismatch between the centres of the spigot on the WC and the SWR pipework. (cm) No. of all • WC load bearing SPIGOT SWR Taxes/pc 9. Pkg.9 .0 cm can be catered to. APCS2 .10. 01 April.0 cm and is very useful when the SWR pipework system.5 x 11.18 cm Offset 4. Ashirvad has introduced a new range of products that are plumber friendly in nature. made of flexible plastic.8 cm 9. Inc. MRP Rs 4.8 cm 9.9 . Inc.5 cm 2420013 100 75.f. SWR DRAINAGE SYSTEM PRICE LIST w. FITTINGS AND ACOUSTIC GIRPI BRACKET AS AN ENTIRE SYSTEM WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD PIPES. FOR BEST RESULTS. FITTINGS AND SOLVENT CEMENT OR LUBRICANT IS USED WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD PIPES. 42 FITTINGS AND SOLVENT CEMENT OR LUBRICANT IS USED . USE ONLY ASHIRVAD LOW NOISE PIPES. fittings and brackets that is specially designed to reduce the noise that accompanies during the flow of water and waste in the system. 63. Dependable leak Highly rigid Corrosion Testingby fraunhofer smooth inner layer proof joints and abrasion institute for building resistance physics. 160 and 200 mm Blue core (mineralized uPVC) Outer Layer (uPVC) Inner Layer (uPVC) Cheese head screw assembly Anchoring Bolt: Element Fixing: • Ø8 x 85 mm for • The pipe clip to the 75 mm pipe clip building’s structure. one of the finest technologies in the plumbing world. • Ø8 x 100 mm for Elimination of the acoustic 110 and 160 mm bridge between the soil • Ø10 x 110 mm for stack and the building’s 200 mm pipe clip structure SWR DRAINAGE SYSTEM PRICE LIST w. Ashirvad pipe brackets are manufactured under license from GIRPI (Aliaxis group) and is patented. They are made from an innovative 3 layer uPVC structure. 90. Low Noise SWR system is a combination of pipes. Blue core + Brackets BLUE CORE: The high molecular special formula mineralized uPVC used in the middle layer of three layer pipe attenuates this noise and avoids if from going out. High perceived Acoustically inherent Noise insulation of Noise insulation of Technology quality sound insulating Silent SWR system Silent Plus SWR from France properties is less than 13dB at system is less than 10dB 2 lps flow rate at 2 lps flow rate Abrasion resistant. 50.e. 75. 01 April. 2016 43 Faster Installation Leak-Proof Joints . 110. They have a hinge opening and single point of fixation. Germany. These patented pipe clamps absorb the vibrations from the pipe and reduce structural noise.f. 8 pipe bracket diameters Pipe clip fastening 40. Why Ashirvad Low Noise SWR? Ashirvad Low Noise (silent and silent plus) SWR systems delivers excellent noise insulation values. 50 16.00 16.50 6975.50 4254.0 8 2275807 05 867. of all No.00 5248.50 6184.00 20.50 5629.00 5570.50 11.5 2½ 2274703 76 91.00 11.00 11.00 20.00 Size Size Part Std.00 16.00 5460.00 6050.5 3 x 2½ 2276605 18 276.0 8x4 2274111 10 557.00 20.00 11.50 4575.00 16.00 11. Taxes / length 9.00 7392.0 6 2274606 18 346.0 3 2276004 17 245.00 9.0 6 2275806 12 456.00 6479. 16.0 3 2275104 26 216.50 2819.0 8 2275007 04 1063.0 6 2152104 3117.0 x 7. MRP Rs.00 4165.5 2½ 2152101 806.00 20.00 Bend 45° Single Y with Door 7.0 x 7.00 20.5 3 x 2½ 2276505 20 228.00 9.00 3648.50 5295. Taxes / pc Taxes for Size Size Part MRP / Std.0 8 2274607 06 601.5 2½ 2275003 50 121.00 20.0 x 11.00 11.0 4 2275805 37 190.50 6237.0 6 2278006 04 977.50 4824.00 6120.00 11.0 x 11. MRP Rs.00 (cm) (inch) Incl.00 11.00 7.5 2½ 2278003 27 207.5 2½ 2274603 76 88.00 4968.50 11.00 4472.00 9.00 16.00 Door Bend Single Y 7.5 2½ 2276103 25 200.0 8 2275107 04 1180. (cm) (inch) Incl.00 Door Tee 11.50 6381.0 6 2276006 06 762.0 4 2278105 16 455. of all Incl. as per international standard EN-12056 SILENT SWR SYSTEM .0 x16. Pkg.0 8 2278107 02 1941. Size Size Part Std.00 4252.0 6 2278106 04 1035.50 5232.0 x 7.00 7. Reducing Y without Door 7.0 8 2276007 02 1409.5 2½ 2278103 22 243.50 5478.50 4570.00 8400.0 8 2276417 01 1775.0 4 2276105 16 373.0 x 7.50 7048.00 Reducer Offset 9.0 8 2278007 02 1824.0 8 2274707 06 614. MRP Rs.0 8 2276107 02 1542.0 4 2278005 16 397.50 4692.00 4608.00 Coupler 7.00 Plain Bend 11.0 3 2278004 16 301.0 4 2152103 1426. MRP Rs.0 6 2276416 05 938.00 7.50 Reducing Tee with Door 20.00 Single Tee 9. FITTINGS AND SOLVENT GIRPI BRACKET AS AN ENTIRE SYSTEM CEMENT OR LUBRICANT IS USED Special acoustic ‘Girpi’ bracket .50 5012.00 9.00 7.50 4142.00 9.0 x 7.50 Repair Coupler 20.0 6 2275006 10 557.0 4 2275005 30 232.0 6 2275106 10 612. USE ONLY ASHIRVAD WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF 44 LOW NOISE PIPES.00 6120.50 7288.50 4179.5 2½ 2276003 32 169. Pkg.00 16.00 7.00 16.0 6 2274706 18 354.00 3908.5 4 x 2½ 2276806 19 341.0 3 2276104 16 288.00 20.50 4722.50 5424. (cm) (inch) Incl.5 3 x 2½ 2274105 64 110.00 Long Swept Tee 11.00 5328.00 7040.00 9.0 6x4 2274110 32 318.00 11.00 5968.50 9.00 16.50 4097.00 5589.0 4 2276415 16 386.5 2½ 2275803 60 106.0 3 2278104 13 344.00 9.0 x 11.50 3883. of all Incl.00 6688.0 4 2274605 48 152.00 11. Pkg.0 6x4 2276610 08 656.5 4 x 2½ 2276606 12 354. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std.00 FOR BEST RESULTS.00 20.PUSHFIT Reducing Tee Single Socket (Ringfit Pipe) 3 Mtr.0 3 2152102 1026.00 3606.00 4335.00 6360.0 6 2276106 05 819.00 7296.5 4 x 2½ 2274106 60 140.50 5357.0 4 2276005 17 311.0 3 2274604 50 128.0 4 2274705 48 154.00 16.00 7.0 x 7.00 3684.50 20.00 6400.50 7212.00 5570.50 6525.5 2½ 2275103 40 153.0 3 2274704 50 130.0 3 2275004 30 182.50 1775.50 11.50 6360.50 20.50 3085.0 8 2152105 4033.0 6x4 2276510 09 592. Pkg. of all No.0 3 2275804 35 149. FITTINGS AND ACOUSTIC ASHIRVAD PIPES.00 16.00 9.00 9.00 10176.50 16. of all No.00 16.0 4 2275105 25 288.00 16.5 4 x 2½ 2276506 14 298.0 x 7.50 6954.SILENT / SILENT PLUS SWR DRAINAGE SYSTEM Silent / Silent Plus SWR Pipes and Fittings are mfg. 9.0 8 Anchor Bolt & Nut (10 x 3822304 77.00 9010.00 4185.0 1¼ 2152320 405.00 15300. of all Incl.00 6.e.0 3x3 2272513 17 274.5 2½ 2305004 55 119.0 1¼ 2301101 150 71.0 3x3 2272503 14 304.00 16.50 7.0 1¼ 2306001 200 47.0 1½ 2306002 110 75.0 1¼ 2305001 300 37.0 6 110mm) 3822303 77. Size Size Part MRP Rs.00 20.00 3640. of all Incl.50 2529.00 11.00 6. of all No.5 4 x 4½ 2272519 12 681.00 8250.0 8 2276407 01 1830.00 110mm) 20.00 Taxes / length 11.5 2½ 2272203 40 91.0 4x4 2272504 12 707.0 3 2305805 43 128.0 6 2279206 Equal Bend 45° 4.00 5395. of all Incl.50 13167.00 16.50 4932.0 4 2275205 24 312.50 1830.00 7137.50 12075.0 6 2276406 04 986.0 1½ 2305802 210 43.0 3 2277005 26 273.00 6.0 6 2275306 05 786.00 5544.00 9.0 6 2274506 115 114.2No’s 11.00 9030.00 P Trap with Leg 7.00 9.00 (10mm) .00 New 11.00 Revised 11.50 5346.SOLFIT 5.50 6579.0 1½ 2152321 516.0 x 9.00 6.00 7. Long Swept Tee with Door Spares for Brackets Size Size Part Std.50 7500. 4. 2016 45 Silence Assured .00 9080.0 4 2274505 210 48.2No’s 16.0 1¼ 2272201 130 65.00 (10mm) .00 6450.50 10725.50 9500.50 5.00 7200.3 Mtr.50 Introducing Shortly 6.2No’s 16.3 2 2305803 115 71. Taxes / pc Taxes for Item Name No.00 11.00 5504.00 4.50 13515.50 8222.00 Equal Tee 9.00 Without Socket Pipe .00 Anchor Plug (12mm) .00 6790.00 12800. Pkg. MRP Rs.0 8 2272207 06 705.50 10185.0 6 2275206 06 717.Plastic Hexagonal Lock Nut Long Swept Bend (10mm) . Std.00 9.00 4658.0 6 2272206 06 421.0 8 2275307 03 1395.00 5. 7.00 Hexagonal Lock Nut 20.00 14060.0 1½ 2305002 170 53.00 77.50 4179.0 4 2275305 18 365.0 3 2152324 1023.00 Anchor Plug (10mm) .50 20. Pkg. 01 April.50 4263.00 16.00 20.0 4 2279205 02 3962.50 7225.50 8490. of all No.0 x 11.00 Equal “Y” 7.50 7111.00 4020. Hexagonal Lock Nut 11.50 8055.2No’s Anchor Bolt & Nut (10 x 16. of all (cm) (inch) Incl.50 5897.00 11.00 SILENT/SILENT PLUS SWR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS PRICE LIST w.5 2½ 2306004 36 154.5 2½ 2277003 40 161.00 Equal Elbow Size Size Part Std.0 1¼ 2305801 400 32.0 1½ 2274501 1050 11.3 2 2152322 657.00 9.50 11250.00 11.0 4 2276405 14 428. MRP Rs.50 8528.0 8 2275207 03 1340.00 77.3 2 2306003 61 117. Taxes / pc Taxes for P Trap without Leg Std.00 4.3 2 2274502 850 18.3 2 2305003 90 89.00 8172.00 9010. (cm) (inch) Incl.00 Long Swept Bend with Door Anchor Plug (12mm) .00 Aerator 9.00 9.00 5992.00 Anchor Plug (10mm) .50 4305.00 6. Pkg.00 16.00 (8mm) .50 Girpi Bracket 7.0 x 9.00 7245.00 Speciality 4.0 4 2272205 36 148.00 56.f. Pkg. MRP Rs.0 3 2272208 50 129.00 Cleaning Pipe 7.00 5676.0 3 2306005 40 227.00 5.00 4.0 3 2274504 370 38.5 2½ 2305804 70 97.50 3932.0 1½ 2301102 85 106. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std.0 3 2305005 33 172.00 5.00 6.3 2 2272204 65 83.0 4x4 2272514 13 669.00 6545.00 7924.0 x 12.0 4 Anchor Bolt & Nut (8 x 100mm) 3822302 59. (cm) (inch) Incl.00 9.5 2½ 2274503 510 26.0 1½ 2272202 100 72.5 2½ 2152323 803. MRP Rs.00 7. Pkg.5 4 x 4½ 2272509 10 722.Plastic 16. MRP Rs.0 4 2277004 13 321.0 x 12.00 59.00 5.5 2½ Anchor Bolt & Nut (8 x 85mm) 3822301 56. of all No.00 Size Size Part MRP / (cm) (inch) Incl.0 6 2277006 07 842.00 8697.00 New 11.3 2 2301103 45 161.50 4233.Plastic Door Cap SILENT SWR SYSTEM .Plastic Hexagonal Lock Nut 11.00 11.50 5.0 x 11.00 6440. 00 6.0 6 2285006 10 734.0 3 2152202 1591.00 20.50 2819.00 Coupler Repair Coupler 4.5 2½ 2152201 1308.50 4722.0 8 2284707 06 670.00 11.50 7.0 6 2285106 10 813.00 777.00 6.00 20.50 10237. MRP Rs.00 5922.0 x16.00 11.0 8x6 2284111 10 557.50 8184.00 7340.50 3085.50 10516.00 6. of all No. 16.00 11.50 6884. Pkg.0 1½ 2301202 78 98.00 9.00 11. of all No.00 7.00 Introducing Shortly 11.0 4 2152203 2303.5 4 x 2½ 2286506 14 445.5 2½ 2285003 50 172.0 4 2286005 17 465.00 20. Incl.0 4 2288005 16 607.00 16.0 4 2285105 25 409.0 4 2309205 02 3884.00 7116.0 3 2305705 65 81.5 2½ 2305704 120 63. MRP Rs.00 4335.00 Single Y with Door Plain Bend 7.00 10912. (cm) (inch) Incl.00 16.50 11750.00 20.50 16.0 x 7.0 8 2285107 04 1180.00 4252.50 9720.00 11.00 11.00 4752.00 13080.50 7920.0 4 2285005 30 346.50 6531.00 20. Pkg.0 8 2285807 05 867.0 x 7.00 5220.50 8250.00 16.0 6 2309206 Reducing Tee with Door 11.00 3936. Pkg.50 6102.50 5242.00 8130.0 6 2284606 18 377.0 x 11.0 6 2152204 3435.3 2 2305703 160 49.50 16. of all Incl.00 11.00 Equal Elbow with Door 16.50 7.0 8 2284607 06 656.00 20.0 1½ 2305702 280 32.5 2½ 2285803 60 137.0 6 2288006 04 1188.00 16. of all Incl.0 3 2308004 20 261.0 4 2284705 48 170.00 7.50 10395.0 4 2286105 16 540.00 7768.00 8600.5 2½ 2288103 22 313.00 5. Std. 5.5 2½ 2286003 32 218.3 2 2305107 70 111.0 8 2285007 04 1063.5 4 x 2½ 2284106 60 218.50 7683.50 5292.0 1¼ 2305701 500 23.50 7913.00 8968.0 6 2286106 05 1058.00 7.00 3648.00 11.0 6x4 2284110 27 389.0 6 2288106 04 1310.5 2½ 2284703 76 107.0 8 2286007 02 1409.3 2 2301203 42 155.0 8 2288007 02 1824.00 Size Size Part Std.50 20.00 Single Tee 20. Size Size Part Std.00 Multi Trap without Jali (7” ht) Reducing Tee 11.0 4 2285805 37 283. MRP Rs.50 5614.0 4 2284605 48 166.00 9.50 20.00 16. MRP Rs.0 6x4 2286510 09 789.0 6x4 2286610 08 860. MRP Rs.00 7398.00 16.00 8132.0 x 7. of all (cm) (inch) Incl.00 7074.00 SILENT PLUS SWR SYSTEM .0 4 2288105 16 682.00 11. Pkg.00 5570. Single Y Size Size Part MRP / (cm) (inch) No.00 Door Tee Bend 45° 7.00 4020. FITTINGS AND SOLVENT GIRPI BRACKET AS AN ENTIRE SYSTEM CEMENT OR LUBRICANT IS USED Special acoustic ‘Girpi’ bracket .50 8100. of all Taxes / Length 7. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std.50 9.50 6897.00 Door Bend 11.00 (cm) (inch) Incl. Pkg.00 16.50 8648.00 Aerator 16.5 2½ 2286103 25 257.0 x 11.50 3883.50 6437.5 2½ 2288003 22 274.0 6 2285806 12 593. Pkg.00 6976.00 7.0 8 2152205 4364.50 5297.5 4 x 2½ 2286606 12 508.50 6237.5 2½ 2285103 40 202.5 2½ 2284603 76 118.00 8544.50 6795.00 FOR BEST RESULTS.0 6 2284706 18 393. of all Incl.00 10471.00 8960.0 x 11.00 16. Equal “Y” with Door Coupler Size Size Part Std.0 6 2286006 06 987.00 7.00 16.00 7560.PUSHFIT Single Socket (Ringfit Pipe) 3 Mtr.00 20.00 7101.50 20.0 8 2286107 02 1542.0 4 2301705 24 356. MRP Rs.00 7.50 7992.5 2½ 2308003 28 200. 11. Taxes / pc Taxes for No.00 Reducer Offset Single “Y” 11. FITTINGS AND ACOUSTIC ASHIRVAD PIPES.00 7. USE ONLY ASHIRVAD WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF 46 LOW NOISE PIPES.0 8 2288107 02 1941. 0 6 2286406 04 1336.5 2½ 9.00 9198.Plastic SILENT/SILENT PLUS SWR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS PRICE LIST w.50 105. MRP Rs Inc.10.00 7200.60 3 inch 2541002 01 39900.0 3 2282208 50 129.00 Size Part Std.0 8 2282207 06 705.00 9.50 4263.00 7230.10.50 8739.0 cm Offset 9.0 x 9.7 .0 4 2282205 36 148.00 Inc.00 Revised 11.00 P Trap without Leg APCC2 .50 7.00 77.00 Part Std.9 . of all SPIGOT SWR No.50 5346. of all 5.50 6.10.20 2 inch 2549101 01 29000.0 1½ 2282202 100 72. (lps) Incl.8 cm 9. MRP Rs. Introducing Shortly Taxes / pc Taxes for Std.00 620. 01 April. New 11.00 5466.00 4985.50 2551101 01 3995.0 6 2285206 06 911. New 2282504 12 Taxes/pc 9. MRP Rs. Size Size Part Std.Unicollar 7. Taxes / pc Hexagonal Lock Nut (10mm) . Taxes/pc 20.8 cm 9.0 4x4 2282514 13 669.Plastic connection No.STRAIGHT 11. Pkg. Long Swept Tee Common Fittings for both Silent & Silent Plus Size Size Part Std.7 .00 300 ml 2571201 01 2000.3 2 2282204 65 83. Pkg.00 20. Threaded End Plug (cm) (inch) Incl.00 4812.8 cm Offset 7.50 7. Taxes / pc Taxes for 70 .00 20.00 2411004 25 950.00 Std.10.00 Anchor Plug Flow rate Inlet Part Std.0 4 16.50 2529. Pkg.00 59.00 6450.Plastic Hexagonal Lock Nut 3.1. (lps) Incl.00 Promastop .9 .5 cm Taxes/pc 11.f.0 3x3 2282513 17 274.0 8 Anchor Bolt & Nut (10 x 3822304 77.00 20.0 3 2271104 400 15.50 6337.00 390. of all Incl.0 6 2271106 120 39.00 3640.10.00 Std. of all 11. MRP Rs.8 cm 9.5 4 x 4½ 2282509 10 723.0 4 2286405 14 657. MRP Rs.4.10.00 SPIGOT SWR No.0 6 2282206 06 421.e.00 (12mm) .5 2½ 2282203 40 91.00 No.0 cm 2571101 01 25000.0 4 2271105 200 23. Taxes / pc 6.0 4 2286415 16 597.50 9560.5 2½ 2271103 600 10.0 1¼ 2282201 130 65.9 .0 8 2285307 03 1604. Pkg.5 cm 16. Pkg.0 3x3 2282503 14 304. Pkg. MRP Rs.5 4 x 4½ 2282519 12 681.00 4020.00 Rubber Washer 20.00 56. Pkg.00 16.00 2411003 40 392. of all Incl.0 x 11. of all 11.00 150. Pkg.2No’s Grease Interceptors 7. Taxes / pc 20.0 8 2285207 03 1340.50 10140.0 x 9. of all SPIGOT SWR No. of all Item Name No.00 9.00 11.2No’s Anchor Bolt & Nut (10 x 16.0 4 2284505 210 65.50 5346.00 16. Speciality Hexagonal Lock Nut (8mm) .0 4 2285305 18 485. MRP Rs.00 230.10.00 P Trap with Leg APC04 .0 8 2271107 80 62.00 225. Taxes / pc Taxes for 11.20 4 inch 2541202 01 84900.00 8697.0 6 2286416 05 1267. Pkg.00 Part Std.00 Air Admittance Valves Spares for Brackets Size Size Part MRP Rs.10.5 2½ 2284503 510 33.00 9.00 11.0 4 Anchor Bolt & Nut (8 x 100mm) 3822302 59. of all Hexagonal Lock Nut (10mm) . MRP Rs Inc.9 .0 8 2286407 01 2150. MRP Rs.00 Pan Connectors Long Swept Bend with Door APCS2 . Pkg. of all No.100 2551102 01 6490.00 Anchor Plug 1.7 .0 x 11. of all (10mm) .00 (10mm) .00 (10mm) . MRP Rs Inc. Pkg.00 8172.00 13650.50 4233.0 6 110mm) 3822303 77.5 cm 2411001 45 368. Taxes/pc 9.00 77.5 2½ Anchor Bolt & Nut (8 x 85mm) 3822301 56. 30 .2No’s 0.00 16830. (cm) (inch) Incl.00 Girpi Bracket Fire Collars Speciality 4.Sealant 16.00 Promastop .00 9.0 x 12.00 Long Swept Bend 11.0 4 2285205 24 422.50 2411002 45 392.00 Solid Interceptors Anchor Plug (12mm) .00 110mm) Anchor Plug 3.0 8 2286417 01 2006. MRP Rs 160 6 2285306 05 997.0 6 11.5 cm 11.50 2006.50 13167.50 8528.3 2 20.50 2150.50 8490.00 16.Plastic Flow rate Inlet Part Std.2No’s connection No.00 SPIGOT SWR No. of all Incl. MRP Rs.00 Part Std.00 Part Std. (cm & ml) Incl.00 (cm) (inch) Incl. of all No.8 cm 9.0 x 12.COLLAPSIBLE 9. 16.94 2 inch 2541001 01 27900.0 3 Long Swept Tee with Door 11.00 Door Cap APC02 . 2016 47 Silence Assured .0 4x4 707.00 4658.7 . Pkg.00 5395.0 6 2284506 115 114. FITTINGS AND ACOUSTIC ASHIRVAD PIPES. FOR BEST RESULTS. FITTINGS AND SOLVENT GIRPI BRACKET AS AN ENTIRE SYSTEM CEMENT OR LUBRICANT IS USED Special acoustic ‘Girpi’ bracket . USE ONLY ASHIRVAD WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF 48 LOW NOISE PIPES. 2016 49 Silence Assured . Due to its ability of absorbing the load. Outer and inner layers are designed to take the load as well as provide chemical resistance while middle layer of foamed PVC gives rigidity and maintains the shape of the pipe under load.f. foam core pipes are most suitable for underground drainage systems. Unlike conventional drainage products. it is free from ingress and seepage of water and hence considered to be most hygienic.e. 01 April. Wide range of Under technical Fully analyzed raw Best pipes and fittings collaboration from materials manufacturing REDI* standards Abrasion resistant. Being 100% watertight. Outer Layer (uPVC) layer pipes having outer and inner layers of conventional PVC and middle Inner Layer (uPVC) layer of foamed PVC. it is free from pollution of underground water. soil or ill effects on building foundations. Dependable leak Tough and Corrosion Technology from smooth inner layer proof joints reliable and abrasion Italy resistance About Foam Core Foam core (uPVC) Foam core pipes are basically multi. a complete solution for drainage and sewerage application. Why Ashirvad Underground Drainage System? Ashirvad Underground System is a smart efficient drainage system. where soil exerts a lot of pressure on pipe surfaces. • Light weight and strong • Dampening of vibrations and noise level • High impact strength • Wide temperature range • Thermal insulation • Water ingress prevention (resulting from filling of hollow space) Wide range of products SILENT/SILENT PLUS SWR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS PRICE LIST w. Taxes / Length (cm) (inch) Incl.50 16.50 25.50 31.0 10 2201504 3605.00 25.00 20.50 Double Socket Ringfit SN 4 (3 Mtr) 11.0 4 2203401 2318. 23 50 FITTINGS AND SOLVENT CEMENT OR LUBRICANT IS USED Pipes .0 4 2201201 20.00 20.0 4 2202401 1986.50 31.0 8 2201603 4435.0 10 2203104 5124.0 8 2203203 6873.00 31.0 6 2201602 2919.00 25.50 25.0 4 2201101 16.00 11.0 4 2203201 2264.00 20.0 6 2203102 2297.50 20.5 12 2202105 6815. of all Size Size Part MRP / No.0 10 2202204 8711.5 12 2203405 16356.5 12 2202405 13760.50 20.5 12 2203105 8101.0 8 2201503 2218.0 8 2202403 5910. as per EN 1401-1 PUSHFIT Double Socket Ringfit SN 2 (6 Mtr) Single Socket Ringfit SN 2 (3 Mtr) Size Size Part MRP / (cm) (inch) Incl.00 16.00 31. Taxes / Length 11.00 25.00 31.50 Single Socket Ringfit SN 8 (3 Mtr) 16.0 10 2201104 3819.00 WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD PIPES.50 31.50 Single Socket Ringfit SN 2 (6 Mtr) 16.5 12 2202205 13405.5 12 2201605 11122.00 11.00 Without Socket Plain Pipe SN 2 (6 Mtr) Doulbe Socket Ringfit SN 2 (3 Mtr) 11.0 6 2203402 4636.50 20.50 Single Socket Ringfit SN 4 (3 Mtr) 20.00 31.50 25.00 16.50 25.0 6 2202102 1850.00 16.50 11.00 Double Socket Ringfit SN 8 (3 Mtr) 31.0 4 2202101 984.0 6 2201202 3016.00 11.0 8 2203403 7032.5 12 2201205 11570.0 8 2201103 2332.00 31.00 20.0 4 2202301 1025.00 25.50 31.0 10 2202404 8964.0 4 2201601 11.0 8 2203103 3475.0 4 2201401 11.00 20.0 4 2201501 11.00 Without Socket Plain Pipe SN 2 (3 Mtr) Single Socket Ringfit SN 8 (6 Mtr) 11.50 Double Socket Ringfit SN 4 (6 Mtr) 31.0 6 2202302 1920.5 12 2201105 5898.0 8 2201403 4716.5 12 2203205 15978.50 25.50 25.0 10 2202304 4633.5 12 2203305 8404.50 16.0 10 2201404 7726.0 10 2202104 4431.5 12 2201405 11905.00 20.0 6 2201502 1459.00 20.5 12 2201505 5562.0 6 2202402 3735.00 20.0 10 2201305 6177.0 10 2203404 10363.00 Single Socket Ringfit SN 4 (6 Mtr) 16.0 6 2201402 3097.50 16.0 8 2202203 5768.0 10 2203204 10094.0 8 2201203 4585.0 4 2202201 1936.50 31.00 25.0 8 2202103 2921.0 10 2203304 5332.00 11.00 25.uPVC UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE SYSTEM Underground Drainage Pipes are mfg.00 25.0 10 2201303 2436.00 Double Socket Ringfit SN 8 (6 Mtr) 11.0 8 2203303 3595.00 31.5 12 2202305 7105.0 6 2203202 4540.0 8 2202303 3034.0 10 2201604 7213.0 6 2202202 3647.0 8 2201302 1600. of all No.5 12 2201304 4014.50 25.50 16.0 6 2201102 1534.50 16.00 25.0 4 2203101 1149.0 4 2201301 16.0 6 2203302 2371.00 31. as per IS:16098-1 & Fittings are mfg.00 11.00 20.0 10 2201204 7486.0 4 2203301 1191. 00 3148.0 10 x 6 2294113 08 826.0 8 2294707 06 577.0 x 20.5 12 2202505 6462.00 11.5 x 20.00 16.0 6 2296416 05 828.50 5304.50 16.00 2200.00 20.50 3069.0 8 2296007 02 1241.00 20.00 1480.50 6468.00 25.0 6 2294706 16 278.50 100 gm 4051101 100 19.0 4 2295005 30 196. of all Incl.0 10 2291008 40 150.00 25.5 12 2291009 20 220.00 2068. MRP Rs.0 8 2203603 6687.00 20. Pkg. 2016 51 Faster Keeping The Plumbing It Silent Leak-Proof Underground RevolutionJoints .00 Coupler 11. 11.5 12 2203505 7723.0 6 2297006 07 614.00 Without Socket Plain Pipe SN 8 (6 Mtr) 11.50 5895.00 3614.0 8 2296407 03 1055.50 3717.e.00 20.00 16.50 4635.0 6 2298006 04 829.0 10 2203504 4888.Without Socket Plain Pipe SN 4 (3 Mtr) Repair Coupler Size Size Part MRP / Size Size Part Std.50 6338.00 31.0 4 2203501 1106. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std.0 6 2203502 2211.00 Reducing Tee 16. MRP Rs.0 4 2294605 48 133.00 20.00 3462.0 6 2202602 3543. of all Incl.00 20.00 25.0 4 2298005 16 336.00 6384.00 Plain Bend New 16.0 8 2294607 06 577.00 PAN CONNECTORS SILENT/SILENT uPVC PLUS SWR UNDERGROUND SYSTEMS DRAINAGE SYSTEM 23 PRICE PRICELIST LISTw.0 6 2295006 10 480.0 8 2203503 3345.00 16.00 16.5 12 2202605 12922.50 4456.0 4 2203601 2211.00 Long Swept Tee 25.50 4142.50 4805.0 x 11.0 4 2296415 16 331. 20.00 20.50 5045.5 12 2294709 02 1858.50 16.0 6 2202502 1771.0 x 16.0 4 2202501 943.00 3718.50 3318.f w.50 5142. Pkg. Rubber Washer 11.50 5384.00 31.50 4456.00 Size Size Part Std.0 6 2203602 4422.0 8 2296417 01 1514.00 Single Tee 11.00 1500.00 1460.0 6 2291006 120 40. Pkg.00 Single Y 250 gm 4051102 40 37. MRP Rs.0 10 x 8 2294112 06 904.0 x 16.00 400.00 3462.1501March.00 500 gm 4051103 20 73.0 4 2296005 17 268.50 11.50 20.00 20.00 2082.00 20.00 25.00 3165.0 x 11.00 11.0 8 2202503 2799.0 4 2296405 24 269. (cm) (inch) Incl.0 4 2294705 48 133.0 6 2296406 06 511. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std.00 1514.00 31.00 11.00 20. of all No.50 16.0 8 2298007 02 1574.0 4 2291005 200 23.0 8 2295007 04 888. Taxes / Length No.50 9840.0 (T) 8 2557001 01 2082.00 11.0 6 2294606 16 278.00 31.0 6x4 2294110 32 307.00 Bend 45° 25.0 6x4 2296519 10 504.00 16.50 2483.00 Long Swept Bend Without Socket Plain Pipe SN 8 (3 Mtr) 11.50 4710.0 10 2294608 02 1034.0 10 2294708 02 1034.50 6612.00 (cm) (inch) Incl.00 4298.00 20.00 Ringfit Lubricant 20.00 31. MRP Rs. April.0 10 2202504 4208.00 31.00 31.00 2068.00 16.00 20.50 6086.0 4 2202601 1885.00 11.00 620.00 Reducer Offset Without Socket Plain Pipe SN 4 (6 Mtr) 16.50 31.00 11.0 12 x 10 2294115 02 1724.e.0 6 2295806 12 392.50 31.50 25.f.50 4564.5 x 25.5 12 2203605 15444. of all No.00 25.50 Cleaning Pipe 11.00 16.0 8 2202603 5597.00 16.00 3448.0 10 2203604 9777.00 16.0 4 2297005 13 278. of all (cm) (inch) Incl.00 5424.00 6384.00 1900.0 8 2295807 05 1028.0 10 2202604 8416.50 25.0 6 2296006 06 644.50 3554.0 4 2295805 37 164. Pkg.0 12 x 8 2294114 04 1584.0 8 2291007 80 62.5 12 2294609 02 1859.0 8x6 2294111 10 463.00 230.00 3864.00 16. 5 12 2322105 6645.00 Bend 45° 11.00 16.00 6900.0 6x4 2316519 09 501.00 2496.00 11. (cm) (inch) Incl.0 4 2323201 2208. of all Incl.00 9552.5 12 2314709 02 2128.00 9024.50 5450.50 4257.50 4106.50 Reducer Coupler 20.0 6 2316006 07 548.00 4728.0 8 2316010 02 1315.0 8 2322203 5621.00 Single Socket Solfit Pipe SN 4 (3 Mtr) 20.50 4625.0 8x6 2314911 10 462.0 6 2318006 05 593.00 5376.00 4072.0 6 2321202 2941.00 Coupler 20.0 6 2315806 13 315.50 5589.50 3003. of all No.5 12 2323205 15579.0 6 2321102 1496. Taxes / pc Taxes for Size Size Part MRP Rs. Pkg.0 x 11.0 4 2315805 64 141.0 x 16.00 25.00 Single Socket Solfit Pipe SN 2 (6 Mtr) 16.50 25.50 1000 ml 4061104 06 338.50 20.0 12 x 10 2314913 02 1651.5 12 2321205 11281.00 11.50 31.50 Reducing Tee 31.0 4 2315005 32 170.50 11.0 6 2315006 12 412. MRP Rs. Pkg.00 20.00 20.00 250 ml 4061102 48 112.0 10 2321204 7299. Pkg.0 8 2321103 2274.00 16.00 11. MRP Rs.0 4 2314705 75 92.0 8 2323103 3389.00 25.00 11.0 10 2321104 3723. (cm) (inch) Incl.50 Equal Tee Single Socket Solfit Pipe SN 8 (6 Mtr) 20.00 2028.0 8 2323203 6701.00 25.50 25.0 4 2322201 1888.00 16.00 20.50 4513.00 16.0 4 2323101 1121.50 4101.0 8 2321203 4470. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std.5 12 2323105 4898.0 10 2323104 4996.00 31.50 5115.00 2965.0 8 2322103 2848.50 25.50 Reducer Offset 25.00 100 ml 4061101 48 52.00 3836.00 16.00 31. of all No.0 10 x 8 2314912 06 852.0 4 2321201 16.00 5800. Taxes / length 11.00 Single Socket Solfit Pipe SN 4 (6 Mtr) 11.0 x 20.50 20.0 6 2322202 3556.0 8 2314707 06 599.00 16. Pkg.5 12 2322205 13070. of all No.0 6 2322102 1804.00 500 ml 4061103 24 197.0 8 2315010 04 1018.0 x 11.00 25.0 6x4 2314110 48 199.50 5565.0 6 2323202 4426. of all Incl.5 12 2321105 5751.00 16. Solvent Cement 11. 23 52 FITTINGS AND SOLVENT CEMENT OR LUBRICANT IS USED Pipes .00 16.0 4 2321101 16.50 31.0 4 2322101 960.00 20.0 4 2318005 18 310. MRP Rs.50 16.50 Single Tee 31.00 16. (cm) (inch) Incl.50 4950.0 10 2322104 4320. Std.0 6 2323102 2240.50 Plain Bend Size Size Part Std.00 WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD PIPES.50 3597.0 10 2323204 9842.00 31.00 31.50 11.0 10 2314708 04 1026.0 4 2316005 25 232.0 10 2322204 8493. MRP Rs.SOLFIT Single Y Single Socket Solfit Pipe SN 2 (3 Mtr) Size Size Part Std.0 6 2314706 30 185.50 2631.5 x 25.00 Single Socket Solfit Pipe SN 8 (3 Mtr) Equal Elbow 11. 2-11.S 2299107 02 1145.00 315 Dia.00 Water Meter Chamber (Full Set) 45.00 Bottle Gully Trap Jali 16.0 cm Connection No.3-110. 45.0 6 2297509 01 82.00 3444. of all Taxes for Std. Pkg.0 cm.00 Bottle Gully Trap with Jali . 2-11.3-110.50 3575.0 cm.0 4 2297507 06 554.00 8890.00 82. Pkg. MRP Rs.4-110 2299102 02 1087.2-160. 2-16.2-110.0 10 2293108 36 200.4-160.50 6-315.00 Dummy Plug 11.0 8 2293107 70 127. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std.0 2293506 50 59.0 cm Connection 16. MRP Rs. 6-11.50 6-450.5 12 2293109 17 405.0 2299503 01 534.Single Side 11.50 219.0 4 2297506 06 504.0 6 3841007 01 29. (cm) Incl.50 10090.00 3324.e.50 45. 31.50 2273.R-90 2299105 02 1228.0 2299303 02 1895.0 6 2297508 01 219. MRP Rs.0 cm Connection 6-450.0 cm Connection 90° Bend L/R 16. of all Incl. 2-11.0 cm Connection 4-315.00 2356.50 3027.00 3790.f w.0 2299413 03 3363. of all No.L-90 2299106 02 1228.INSPECTION CHAMBERS Inspection Chamber Frame & Cover (Assembly) Size Part Std.50 1804.2-110 2299202 01 3444.L/R-90 2299104 02 1223. MRP Rs.0 cm Connection 90° Bend L Bottle Gully Trap with Jali .00 PAN CONNECTORS SILENT/SILENT uPVC PLUS SWR UNDERGROUND SYSTEMS DRAINAGE SYSTEM 23 PRICE PRICELIST LISTw.5 2299302 03 601. Pkg.00 25.0 cm Connection 90° Bend R 3-315. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std.00 2867.1501March.00 New 315 Dia. 2016 53 Faster Keeping The Plumbing It Silent Leak-Proof Underground RevolutionJoints . 3-315. Pkg.f.00 Bottle Gully Trap Washer 16.00 454. MRP Rs.0 cm Connection 90° Bend L/R (cm) (inch) No.50 2175.5 2299412 07 1682.2-200.00 11960.50 315 Dia.3-110.2-110 2299201 01 2867. April.00 2456. Pkg. 2-11.00 2290. Pkg.50 45.0 2299151 02 5980. 3-11.00 Riser 31.L/R-90 2299103 02 1136. 3-11.50 New (cm) Incl.5 2299402 01 1136. 4-11. MRP Rs.2-110.50 6893.00 534.6-110 2299101 02 1178. 315 Dia.00 315 Dia. 4-16.5 2299502 01 454.e.00 7200.0 cm Straight Connection 2-315.50 11777. of all Incl.00 31.00 450 Dia. Incl. of all Taxes / pc Incl.0 2293505 110 32.0 cm. of all 315 Dia.50 Chamber Cover Frame 31.0 2299403 01 2594.00 Spares for Bottle Gully Trap Bottle Gully Trap Inner 450 Dia.00 End Cap Size Size Part Std.00 2456.50 1136.Double Side 3-315. 2-20.00 2446.00 315 Dia.00 29.00 11. 3-11.50 2594.00 2-315. Size Part Std.50 2975.00 20.00 45.00 Chamber Cover 31. 16.16.0 cm 16.0 cm 16. 500 high A5B.25.4-11.4-16.R-90° 11. 16.0 cm 11.0 cm 16.0 cm 11. Straight and Left.50.0 cm 3 way Chamber. 600 dia.0 cm 16. 315 dia 6-315.25. 20 cm 20. 90° 3-315. 16.0 cm.0 cm.50. 90° 3-315.60.11/125 11.0 cm 3 way Chamber.0 cm 16.16/75 16.6-11. 750 high A5B. 800 dia.0 cm WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD PIPES.0 cm. 1000 high A3BL.0 cm 5 way Chamber.60.0 cm.0.11/100 11. 500 high A5B.2-11.16.0 cm Large dia inspection 5 way Chamber. 23 54 FITTINGS AND SOLVENT CEMENT OR LUBRICANT IS USED Pipes . 500 dia.11/50 11.0 cm 11. 600 dia.0 cm.0 11.0.S 11. 16.60.2-11.0 cm 5 way Manhole. 90° 3-315.80.0 cm 16.L-90° 11.0 cm 5 way Manhole.0 cm.11/75 11.0 cm 16.20.0 11.0 cm Chamber.0 cm. SMALL 6-450.0 11. 20. 25. 600 dia.0 cm. 800 dia.0 cm 11.LR-90° 11.16. 25. 1000 high A5B.0 cm 3 way Chamber. LARGE 6-450.0 cm 16. Left and Right.11/75 11. 20.0 cm 11.11/100 11. 1500 high A5B.0.0 cm 11. 315 dia.2-20.11/150 11.0 cm 25.0 cm 3 way Chamber.0.0. 20. Straight 2-315.0.0 cm 16. 315 dia.60.0 cm Chamber. 500 dia.0 cm. 500 high A3BL. Left or Right.11/100 11.80. 16.16.0 cm Small dia Chamber.0 cm.16.3-11.2-16.0 cm.2-110 11.0 cm Manholes 5 way Manhole. 16. 16.0 cm chambers 5 way Chamber.60. 25.0 cm inspection chambers Chamber.0 cm 5 way Chamber. 750 high A5B. 315 dia.0 cm. outlet dias pipe dia (cm) (cm) 5 way Chamber. 1000 high A5B. 315 dia 4-315.0 cm 5 way Chamber.3-11.0 cm.0 cm 11.16.3-110.20.16. 600 dia.0 cm.0. 16.uPVC UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE SYSTEM Selection Chart for Underground Drainage Inspection Chambers and Manholes Product Description Ashirvad code Inlet pipe Max.2-11.0 cm.11/50 11. 16. 16. 750 high A3BL. 1000 high A5B. Straight and Right.L/R-90° 11.50. 1250 high A5B. 500 dia. 90° 2-315.0 cm.16/50 16.0 cm.0 cm.0 cm 25.0 cm 25. 315 dia. 16. 600 dia.80.0 cm 5 way Chamber.0 cm Chamber.16/100 16.0 cm Chamber. 450 dia. 450 dia.25. 800 dia. 315 dia.0 cm 16. 600 dia.0 cm Chamber. 2412151 . 2412153 2412154 . . 2412152 . Not supplied 2299107 2299302 2299502 2299402 2293505 . . . 2412153 2412154 . . Not supplied 2412107 . . . . . . . 2412153 2412154 . Not supplied 2412103 . . . . 2412153 2412154 . . . . . 2016 55 Faster Keeping The Plumbing It Silent Leak-Proof Underground RevolutionJoints . 2299201 2299303 2299503 2299403 . . 2412153 2412154 .1501March. Not supplied 2412104 . 2412153 2412154 . . . . . Not supplied PAN CONNECTORS SILENT/SILENT uPVC PLUS SWR UNDERGROUND SYSTEMS DRAINAGE SYSTEM 23 PRICE PRICELIST LISTw. . . . . 2412154 2412155 2412156 . . . . Not supplied 2412106 . . Not supplied 2412201 . Not supplied 2299106 2299302 2299502 2299402 2293505 . Not supplied 2299105 2299302 2299502 2299402 2293505 . . . Not supplied 2412202 . . . Not supplied 2412203 . . 2299202 2299303 2299503 2299403 . . Not supplied 2293506 2293505. .f w.f. . . . . . . . . Not supplied 2299102 2299302 2299502 2299402 2293505 . Not supplied 2299104 2299302 2299502 2299402 2293505 . . . 2412153 2412154 . . . Not supplied 2293506 2412101 . Not supplied 2412108 . . April. 2412153 2412154 . 2412154 2412155 2412156 . Not supplied 2293505. Not supplied 2412105 .e. 2412152 . . 2412151 . . 2412154 2412155 2412156 . 2412152 . .e. . . 2412152 . . Not supplied 2412109 . . . BOM (chamber + riser + frame + lid + dummy plugs + inlet seals + concrete ring) Chamber Riser Frame Non-traffic Dummy Rubber inlet seals Concrete load Lid plugs 110 160 200 250 315 bearing ring 2299101 2299302 2299502 2299402 2293505 . . . . . . . . Not supplied 2412102 . . . . . 2412153 2412154 . 2412151 . . . 2412152 . Not supplied 2299103 2299302 2299502 2299402 2293505 . . 2412152 . . . . 0 2556512 01 1936. MECHANISM NRV / Back Flow Preventer Non return valves are simple and effective devices for Size Part Std. Pkg.0 2559181 01 7015.00 6 16.0 x 11.5 2556009 01 7358. of all Taxes / pc flowback through the underground drainage system.00 10 25.00 New Std.0 2559194 01 3522.0 2556107 01 2340. Main 4.0 x 16.0 2556713 01 4973.00 3435.00 3522.00 12 x 8 31.00 4992. concrete. Mechanical Saddle Size Size Part Std. Pkg. The Easy Clip downstream in the network.0 2556008 01 3699. Incl.00 1690. for connections means greater sewage volume to piping systems conformed to European 20.00 8x4 20. The inlet pipe dia can be 160 mm or 200 mm.0 x 20.0 2559154 01 12720.0 2559191 01 3415. Drain pipes can be corrugated (in PE/PP/PVC).0 x 11.00 to be evacuated. 8x6 20.0 2556511 01 1754.0 2559193 01 3446. • Malfunctioning or blockages MAKING CONNECTIONS TO SEWER LINES 1. The main reducing thecauses of back risk of flood damageflow are by surface water caused (cm) No.00 Back Swivel flow event: with non return valve 110 mm to 315 10 x 4mm 25.00 1240.0 x 11.0 2299706 01 3616.00 1754.00 10 x 4 25.0 2556714 01 4992.00 6 16.0 2299705 04 1627. functioning Malfunctioning components or blockages downstream in the and operation network. 8x4 2556531 01 2190.0 2556517 01 5273.0 x 16.00 between the8 xfacility 6 20.00 Back flow event: without non return valve 14 x 6 40. Pkg.00 7358. Incl.0 x 16. MRP Rs. Incl.0 2558008 01 5023.00 1936.00 1527. clay.0 2555808 01 2425.00 10290.00 5413. Easy Clip Size Size Part Std.0 2556709 01 from 1953.5 x 20.0 2556518 01 5413.0 2558209 01 2990.0 x 16.00 12 x 4 31. Taxes/pc Taxes for 8 20.00 3836.5 2558009 01 10290.00 4973.00 2990.00 10 25.00 3384.00 This product can be obtained in sizes 8 x 6 20. Sewer pipes can be compact & smooth (PP / PVC) or in GRP and SN2 or SN4 or SN8 class.00 3317.00 1953. Overall under-sizing of the public sewage.00 5023. 6x4 16.00 10 x 8 25.00 3699.0from x 11.00 9541.0 x 16.0 2556514 01 3317.00 2290. Taxes / pc Taxes for Std. 2556710 01 3384.00 1510.0 2556106 01 1390.00 3415.0 x 16.00 3300.00 2425.00 WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD PIPES. Branch Any flowback Double Socket 45° will automatically shut the 4 11.00 Adjustable Bend 5°-30° sewer.00 7015.00 3446. Pkg.00 1094.0 2556728 01 2740. Injection moulded non return valves made of UPVC designed for connections to piping systems conform to European EN 1329 and RETURN NON EN 1401VALVE standards.0 2556715 01 5845.5 x 16.00 8x6 20. of all Installation 6 16.5 x 20.00 12 x 6 31.5 2559155 01 19761. MRP Rs. of all closing handle Taxes / pc Taxes for Std.0 2556708 01 1527.00 New 12 x 8 31. Growing urbanization areas means greater sewage volume dia. The Mechanical saddle can be used to connect to sewer lines of 200 mm to 400 mm dia.00 6x4 16.0 25565145 01 3626. Emergency (inch) (cm) No.00 Non return valve 8x4 20.00 2740.00 case of intense rainfalls). compact & to be evacuated.0 Ashirvad.0 2556712 01 3836.0 x 11.00 • Overall Injection under-sizing moulded non return of valves • Growing themade of uPVC designed urbanization areas 16.0 x 20. MRP Rs.00 Installation of NRV20. Pkg.00 10 25.0be protected 2556532 01 and main 2290. Pkg.0 x 11.00 1390.00 10 x 6 25.0 2556513 01 3168. 11.5 x 11.00 8x4 20.0 2258105 01 690.0 2559161 01 1510.0 2556727 01 1240.5 x 16.0 2558106 01 1690.00 Branch Triple Socket 45° 10 x 6 25.00 No. High peak of flow (example in case of intense rainfalls).00 12 31.0 x 16.5 x 16.0 2559182 01 9541.0 2559171 01 2514. (inch) (cm) Incl. 6 16.00 TRADED PRODUCTS IN UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE Introduced Recently PROTECTED Bend 45° Tee Triple Socket Size (inch) Size (cm) Part Std.00 NON PROTECTED MAKING CONNECTIONS TO SEWER Removable LINES Closing Cover The inlet pipe dia can be 200 mm or 250 mm or 315 mm or 400 Flap mm.00 public sewage.0 x 16. smooth (PP / PVC).00 valve.00 12 31.00 10 x 8 25.0 within an access point 2190.00 8 20. MRP Rs Inc. • main The Highcauses peak of ofback flowflow (example are in 31.00 1094. 2. 23 56 FITTINGS AND SOLVENT CEMENT OR LUBRICANT IS USED Pipes .0 2556711 01 3435. GRP or cast iron.flood damage caused by surface water flowback through the underground SPECIALITY PRODUCTS drainage system. of all MRP Rs.00 12 x 6 31. MRP Rs. of all Incl. can be used to connect to drain pipes of 300 mm to 1200 mm 3.0 x 11.00 2340.00 5138.0 2556729 01 2440.00 5845.0 2559192 01 3430. of all Incl. Pkg.0 xto16.00 3626.00 2440.00 12 x 4 31.0 2556707 01 1094. of all No.00 Tee Double Socket 870 12 x 6 31.0 2556516 01 5138.00 3168.00 EN 1329 and EN 1401 standards 25.00 8 20.00 4 11.0isx 11.00 5273.5 x 11.00 8x6 20.00 2514.0 2559153 01 7015.00 10 x 6 25. MRP Rs. No Lid Provided • Lightweight and strong • Top cover supports 200 kgs of pedestrian and light 800 2412201 01 23010. Order Lid Separately 600 2412107 01 10185.00 359.00 • Compact.00 duty traffic • Connected using mechanical joint couplings allowing 1250 High.00 REMOVES FOOD WASTE.00 3. MRP Rs.00 • High flow rates guaranteed • Wide temperature range of operation from . Pkg. of all connection No.100 2551102 01 6490. Taxes / pc Lid Non Traffic Area 0. Order Lid Separately • Easy to install 600 2412104 01 9510.00 • Strip moulded with grafitex intumescent technology • Tested with many types of plastics • 4 hours fire resistance level INSPECTION CHAMBER • One-size-fits-all pipe diameters concept • Easy to use dispenser & MANHOLES • Unique patented cut-to-length strip • Single ordered component 5 WAY CHAMBER 500 dia • Provided with acrylic sealant Size Part Std.00 30 . user-friendly solution • Moulded one piece tank that eliminates seams and potential leaks 5 Way Manhole 800 dia • Can withstand continuous discharge up to 104°C 1000 High.00 750 High.00 13740.00 250 2412156 01 1020.20 4 inch 2541202 01 84900.00 948. OIL AND GREASE 750 High.00 1120.f.00 11625.00 1020.00 Rubber Inlet Seal Solid Interceptors 110 2412153 01 480. 800 2412202 01 29445.0 2553507 01 359.00 3315.f w.00 2250 mm 2571101 01 25000.Unicollar 500 2412101 01 7710. (lps) Incl.00 160 2412154 01 768. Order Lid Separately ADDRESS NEGATIVE PRESSURES 500 2412103 01 11625. Order Lid Separately Air Admittance Valves 600 2412106 01 13740.00 2077.00 35880.00 3.20 2 inch 2549101 01 29000. April.00 300 ml 2571201 01 2000.00 PREVENT FIRES FROM SPREADING 12 31. class A I 1000 High.00 23010.1501March.00 9510. No Lid Provided Grease Interceptors 800 2412203 01 35880.00 7710. Order Lid Separately • Ease of maintenance • Flexibility in the planning of driainage system ventilation 600 2412105 01 11625.can be installed in-floor. No Lid Provided for use of various piping materials • Flexibility of installation .00 • Built to EN 12380.00 200 2412155 01 948. (Dia) No.00 500 2412151 01 3315.00 3 WAY CHAMBER 600 dia 70 .50 2551101 01 3995.00 9510. Order Lid Separately • Injection moulded in engineered thermoplastics 600 2412108 01 12300.00 Flow rate Inlet Part Std. of all 500 High. 2016 57 Faster Keeping The Plumbing It Silent Leak-Proof Underground RevolutionJoints .00 on floor or semi-recessed 1500 High. Pkg. Pkg.00 1. MRP Rs.00 29445. Inc.5 2553509 01 2077.0 2553508 01 1120. durable.Socket Plug OTHER TRADED PRODUCTS 8 20.00 3.e. of all Taxes for Fire Collars Std. MRP Rs MRP Rs.00 PAN CONNECTORS SILENT/SILENT uPVC PLUS SWR UNDERGROUND SYSTEMS DRAINAGE SYSTEM 23 PRICE PRICELIST LISTw.e.20°C to + 60°C 750 High.00 11625. Order Lid Separately Promastop . Pkg.00 480. Order Lid Separately No. of all Taxes/pc Incl. (mm & ml) Incl.94 2 inch 2541001 01 27900.60 3 inch 2541002 01 39900.00 600 2412152 01 4755.20 2 inch 2549101 01 29000.00 12300.00 4755.00 10185.00 1000 High.00 • Keeps water seals intact 5 WAY CHAMBER 600 dia • Two variants: DN 30-50 ans DN 70-+100 • Aesthetic design 500 High. Size Part Std.00 500 High.Sealant 500 2412102 01 9510.00 10 25. Taxes / pc Promastop .00 768. MRP Rs Short (Half Tread) No. of all No. Taxes/pc Short (Full Tread) Short Round 2520041 100 69. of all No.00 No. MRP Rs Inc. Taxes/pc Waste Coupling Long 2520031 100 99.00 needed • Produced to national standards Part Std.00 Part Std. Pkg. MRP Rs Waste Coupling Taxes/pc Inc. of all Taxes/pc • Chrome plated to resist corrosion and Bottle Trap (32 mm) 2520052 28 395.00 • Compact and durable Part Std. Pkg.00 Part Std. Pkg. Taxes/pc Waste Coupling Short (Full Tread) 2420041 100 133. of all No. Pkg. of all No. MRP Rs Inc. of all No.00 Part Std. Taxes/pc Waste Coupling Part Std. of all No. Pkg. Taxes/pc Self Cleaning Trap 2420061 32 395. of all No. Pkg. Taxes/pc Long Flat Bottle Trap 2420071 25 799. of all No.00 tarnish • Elegant design to provide aesthetic look Part Std. MRP Rs Inc. of all Taxes/pc Bottle Trap • Produced in high quality ABS (32 mm) 2520051 30 295. MRP Rs and feel Inc. Pkg. MRP Rs WATER SEAL TO PREVENT FOUL SMELL Short Round No. Inc. Inc. MRP Rs Inc. MRP Rs Inc. Taxes/pc Self Cleaning Trap 2420081 25 749.00 Bottle Trap (32 mm) 2420011 25 699.00 With Chrome Plating Part Std. Pkg. of all 2520061 88 72. Part Std.00 Taxes/pc Long Conical Bottle Trap (32 mm) Part Std. Pkg. Pkg.00 Part Std. Taxes/pc Waste Coupling Long 2420031 100 159. MRP Rs Inc. Taxes/pc Long Flat • Traps fulfill the hydraulic requirements as Bottle Trap 2520071 25 395. of all 2420021 25 839. of all No. MRP Rs • Easy to install and plumber friendly Long Conical No.SANITARY PRODUCTS Bottle Traps and Waste Couplings Without Chrome Plating (White) Technology from Spain Part Std. Inc.00 Part Std. Pkg. MRP Rs Inc. MRP Rs Inc. MRP Rs Inc. of all No. Pkg. 23 58 FITTINGS AND SOLVENT CEMENT OR LUBRICANT IS USED Pipes . Pkg. Taxes/pc Waste Coupling Short (Half Tread) 2420051 88 131.00 Part Std. Pkg.00 WARRANTY APPLICABLE ONLY IF ASHIRVAD PIPES. e. SOUTH ZONE EAST ZONE 4-B. INDIA. Chittoor 8106946665 Patna 9135009680 T +91 80 2782 0542 F +91 80 2782 0463 Hyderabad 7680843777 Guwahati 9954044425 M +91 9902 333 333 Vijayawada 9100939258 E [email protected]. Bengaluru 9663378848 Raipur 9111010019 Hosur Road. 2016 59 23 Faster Plumbing Keeping It Silent Leak-Proof Joints .562 Ahmedabad 9909034955 Jaipur 9928055523 Indore 9300702899 Ghaziabad 9310842797 Pune 7722078559 Lucknow 9634110680 Nagpur 8378990067 Karnal 8199889321 Ludhiana 8288074480 PAN CONNECTORS SILENT/SILENT PLUS SWR SYSTEMS PRICE PRICELIST LISTw. Bengaluru . April.f w.ashirvad. CONTACTS EAST ZONE: Jabalpur 9300702899/ TAMIL NADU 9755093899 Chennai / Assam 9051619008/ Rewa 9755912912 Kanchipuram / 8486024236 Nimar 9300804599 Pondicherry/ 9843009246/ Bihar 9431206452 9698279997 Chattisgarh 9301002830/ NORTH ZONE: Villupuram 9842730079 9111010020 Hosur / Salem 9842710097 Jharkhand 9431206452/ UP EAST 9634223390/ Vellore 9842710993 7783084441 7060008935 Tiruvannamalai 8973179997 Orissa 9937087796/ UP WEST 9634091888/ Coimbatore / Erode 9810505240/ 9937223708 Tirupur 9842760097/ 7060008935 West Bengal 9051619008/ 9976379997 Delhi .f. 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