ASEP Steel Handbook.pdf

March 29, 2018 | Author: Mark Arboleda Gumamela | Category: Buckling, Structural Steel, Structural Engineering, Building Engineering, Mechanical Engineering



ANDBOOKAssaciation of Struct gheers of the Philippines, Inc. Unit T-10, New Manila Condominium 21 N. Domingo St.. Quezon City Steel Flat Products 6-47 Table 6-49: Tolerance on Width and Length I Unit:mm 7 I I Division I I Width I I Length 1 --- \ I I I Tolerance +10 0 I I I I t15 0 Mote: The actual length of coils must not be less than the nominal length. ASEP Steel wandbook -27. I I 1 I I J FOREWORD PART 1 . . . .. . .......... . Built-Up Shapes PART 2 Cold-Formed Plate Shapes .... PART 3 Cold-Formed Light Gage Shapes PART 4 Rolled Shapes ...... PART 5 Metal Decks . . . . . . . PART 6 Steel Fiat Products PART 7 Design Examples PART 8 Welded Joints . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 to . .. 1-52 . . . . . . . . . . 2-1to 2-20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 to 3-40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 1 to 4-80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 to 5-22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 to 6-48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 7- 1 to 7-42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7 t o 8-26 PART 9 Miscetlaneous Tahtes and Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3 to 3.430 el0 cm am* sxct. &GI. ila kefm klJ m . mex mtn mm WIPa N Be psi rad sq.m. temp As TYP W PNS -- - center t o center centimeter cubi~ meter exclusive inclusive kilogram kilogram per meter kiloNewton meter maximum minimum millimeter megapascal Newton Pascal pounds per square inch radians square meter temperature steel typical weight - American Concrete Institute American Institute of Steel Construction Arnerlcan Iron and Steel lnstitute Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines American Society for Testing and Materials American Welding Society British Standards Japanese Industrial Standards, 1991 National Structural Code of the Philippines, Vol. 1, Fourth Edition, 7992 Philippine National Standards * - --- ASEP Steel Hmdbook ."iij . GENERAL. This @EP Steel Handbookis intended primarily to serve as a guide En the se1ec.tict1and use of locatiy available structurat steel products. These products are divided into five classes based o n tho method of,manufact~lrr: and/or maximum thickness of the section, The first five parts of this handhook corresponrt t o t!lesct classes as follows: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Built-Up Shapes Cold-Formed Plate Shapes Cold-Formed Light Gagc Shapes Rol!ec! Shapes Metal Decks Each o f these parts presents a series of tables of computed and/or compiled data. These data consist of sectional dimensions and properties chosen and arranged to enable rapid and convenient selection o f structilral steel members. For increased usefulness, several other tables, formulas, and design information are presented in Parts 6 t o 9 o f this handbook. A s an updated edition of the ASE-P Handbook of Steel Shapes and Sections, this handbook has considerably been expanded and contains several major revisions. The major revisions include the following: 1. The thickness of steel piates for the built-up and bent plate have been modified. The thickness adopted corresponds to the bar sizes of reinforcing steel bars primarily t o facilitate recollecr;on. This adaptation eliminates thickness w i t h fractions o f millimeters. The maximum thickness adopted for built-up sections was also increased from 44 to 45 millimeters. The maximum thicltness usad for b e n t shapes has been reduced from 25 t o 20 millimeters. 2. The thickness of steel sheets for light gage sectiorrs have heen modified. The adopted thickness range f r o m 2.0 to 6.0 millimeters in increments of 0.5 millimetix. This compares witit the thicl~ness used in the first edition which range from 1.2 t o 4.7 miili~neiers w i t h varying incren~entso f 0.2 or 0.3 miliirnetcr ~WT. The discussion on welded ]oints. The discussion on steel frat products.8 - . Part 5. ASEP Steel tianrievok . BuUt-up wide flrnga Tee.The range of overali depths of built-up BW and BH sections has been modified. The overail depths of BH sections sdopred from 200 to 700 millimeters compared to the prevlous 195 ro 425 millimeters.$ectionproperties has been added. Although the standard AtSC designations were adopted. the tabulated section properties are in SI units. An expanded misceftaneoos tables and data is presented in Part 9. originally incorporated within the rolted shapes. presenting two metal deck shapes has bean added to the hendtrook.000 mitfimeters in increments of 50 or 100 mitlimetets from the previous range of 100 lo 920 millimeters with variable increments. 93h edition. has been considerably expanded to include excerpts from standard specifications. except for the angle sections. Metal decks are cold-formed light gage shapes and norn~affyvary with the manufacturer. his expansion mftriteri the separation of the discussion to a new Part 6 uf the handbook. The handbook limited the shapes to those shapes tocally available. Each of the five design exampies include detaiiod discussions and references to the differen1 parts of this handbooit a s wall as if)@ NSCP. is presented in a seaerated Part 8 af this handbook. Design examples has bean added in the new Part 7 of the handbook. The overall depths of BW sections adopted range from 200 to 1. pteviously presented with the miscell~neaustabtes and &ate. The rolled shapes and sections has considerably been expanded with the adoption of sections from the AtSC Manual of Steel Consttuction. Heavy Column I BWT H x W 1 BC H x B x t Wide Flange-Tee Channel I Stiffened Cee [ LC HxBxCxt Stiffened Zee I LZ HxBxCxt LR HxBxt Rectangular Tube ---.Extra Strona - Pipe Double-Extra ASEP Ste . -- - Shape Designation 1 Wide-Flange BW H x W BH H x W I / .Foreword CU\SSIFICATION AND DESIGNATIONS The folfowing classifications and designations are used for the different structural shapes presented in this handbook.standard Pioe . I -. I 1 I . Square Tube I LS Wide Fianae I H x B x --t W d x w S-Shape 1 S d x w C dxw WT d x w L HxBxt PS d PE d PD d f I f Channel Structural Tee Angfe Pipe . Handbook . these shapes are divided into two classes ckybtrnding on the thickness of the base metal used. ASEP Steel Handbook xii - . Shapes may also be cold-formed by passing the Rat steel products in roils the desired shape is attained. in ibslft. in mm. or strips. is the overalt depth of lip of tight gage sections. or by press brake bending. #s the depth of the section. coils sheets.0millimeter. Cold-fot . Shapes produced by weldrnents are referred here as 'flultt-Up' shapes an8 are limited t o the use of plates having a thickness greater than or equal t o 6. These sections are timited therefore by the availability of these fkt products. or strips with thicknessless than or eq nl to 6. in mm. on the other hand. in mm. There are t w o generai methods af producing structural shapes from flat m e t products. in inches. and the availabiiity and limitations of the equipment required in tha fabrication of these shapes and sections. in mm. kgtm. shorter side of tubular sections. Cold-formed tight gage shapes. in mm. On$ is by welding together plates into the desired shape.Where: 3 is the aange width of the section. however. is tho naminat weight per unit Ienipth of rolled sections. shorter leg of angles. and the other is by cold-formine plates. For consistency with common practice. are prod^ ad from coifs. Is the depth of rolled sections.0 milfimoters.0 mlllit: \tw. tonger leg of angles. is the base metal thickneaur of the piate shapes are produced from plates with thickness greatef than ar equal $6. is the nominal weight p w unit ien@th. is tho ovoratf widths of ineta8 decks. longer side of tubular section. The sectfons and shapes ptessnted in the first three parts of this handbook may be refarred t o as fabricated sttapes as they are made from rolled flat products. The AlSC sections adopted include the W.5. Because of the general flexibility of the fabrication methods.4. A s stated above.For light gage sections the following thickness.4. 16. were adopted: 2.45. W T and pipe sections. in millimeters. S. Use of special shapes and sections may be advantageous in somfa cases where substantial economy may be derived from its use.0. ROLLED SHAPES Rolled shapes are defined here as those produced b y passina red-hot blooms or billet steel through rolls until the desired shape is attained.5.0.0. the shapes and sections adopted are those from the 9 t h edition of the AlSC Manual of Steel Construction. 10.8. C.Foreword For plates.0. special shapes and sections may also be required to meet requirements particular t o a given problem. 5. Except f ~ r the angles.40.2. 3. the dimensions were chosen such that the optimum utilization of the available flat products is attained.5. Note that the f a b r i ~ a t e dsections presented are n o t standard stock sections. Furthermore. 12.3. the dimensions were chosen such that certain limits given in the provisions of applicable codes and specificatioi~sare n o t exceeded. These limits are discussed more fully in the text accompar!ving each part of this handbook. 32.6. the designation used in this handbook is identical to those used i n the AlSC Manual. the following thickness.5. For the sections. in millimeters.5. 20. The designer is also in no way limited t o the tabulated shapes and sections.0. Simplifications and/or assumptions particular for each class of shapes arc discussed in the descriptive material pieceeding each part of this handbook. Furthermore. an infinite variation of shapes and sections can b e produced. although the section dimensions and properties are presented in the SI units. SECTION AND PROPERTIES The sectional properties tabulated were calculated based o n generally accepted engineering principles and were generated using micro-computers.25. 28. were adopted: 6. ASCP Steel UC~wJbook ~ 8 i 1 . The shapes presented have been limited t o those con~monlyused for each classification. Ibkrrrances not covered shall he based on applicable specificatloos felating to the designer with proper ragard ra f&bication and erection requirements. each cfaslr and shalt be specified by STEEL FLAT PRODUCTS Flat structural steei ~roduetsare locaiiy avsifable a s hot-rolled plates. cold-rolled coils and sheets are also montdfactured tecdy. csih and sheets. a mass density of 7850 kglrn3 was used' RKMANSHIP AMD TOLERANCES The dimensions and proparries shown on the rables are theoretical values and rhose of the finished prodtrcis will be subjected to the usual variatia:is. The fabricated shapes are based on these products. The detailed discussion on flat products and available sizes can be found in Part 6. . in calculating the theoretical weight of the sreei sections. ASEP :hoe! Har~rlbo:k xiv . BUILT-UP SHAPES ASEP 'tee1 H a n d b o o k -1- . ................................. 1-49 Values of C........................ ............1-8 Welds ............. 1-14 Shapes .................................................................1-4 Dimensiolial Tolerances . 1-48 Compressive Stress Table .....CONTENTS ... 1-6 Sectional Cimensi~ns ...................... General ..............................................3 ...................... Steel Handbc k ................ 1-34 able ................................................................................Shapes Beam Selection ................................... ................................. 1-5 mterialg ....... 1-8 Comments on the Design Tables ......................................... 1-6 Nomenclature ................ Table Allowable AS.........................................................4 4 ............................................ 1-24 Shapes BWT.................1 ........................... Scope and Classifioation .. .........1-10 Sectional Properties Tables of Dimensions and Properties BW BH - ....................... Chapter 4. 4. 4.5.NOmNCLATURE Definition 1 crass-sectional aree Area of cowresstan f l m s e Ftange width Slenderness ratio of compression elements ae defi~t3i n Appendix A of 1992 NSCP. 1992 NSCP First mnuant of area of the beam flange about the neutral axis Axial stress reduction factor where wiaththicknsaa ratio of unsttdfened elements exceeas flirniting value given i n Sect.6QTp based on NSCP Gact. Appendix A. Axial cmapriissivs stress paraittad in a pritmatic matbar in the abrsence of bending inolwnt specifid nrinlmw yield stress of structural steel Depth of tb section Clear aiatarmce Mtwemn f3augss Moaasnt of iwrtita about tha i t 4 axis mmmnt of izmztia abatlt the Y-Y axis EffeCtiv@ Langth factor for prismatic amber zlcwsr mtbrac& P W i m m mibraceid of tba aapressioo fl8age at which the alloapabla baading stress may lm takeucl aa 0.4.60PY B%an raolsting moment Ratio of effective profile area of an axiafly r to its total profile area.12. Appenaix x o f 1992 NSCP Radius of gyration of a section coaprising the comprcsisaion flange plus I f 3 of the comprel~sion web area.X hxis .9.1 Maxi mBraeat3 length of the compression flange at which the allowable bending stress may be taken as 0.1. taken about an axis in the plane af the web Radius of gyrstiora ahout the X-x axis Radius of gyration about the Y-Y axis Elastic sectmn modulus about X . z~ Elastic section modulus about Y-Y axis Height of web excluding weid thickness Flange thickness Web thickness Minimum fillet weld size Weight of the section per unit length Plastic section modulus about the X-X axis Plastic section modulus about the Y-Y axils ASEP Steel H a book -5- .Built-up Shapes 1-3 s~ T tf t" w W 2. 0 nun to 45.5 BUILT-UP SHAPES Built-up 8hapc.0 mm.s are herein defined as structural steel sections made up of steel platas with thicknesi* ranging from 5 . With the tables presented in this Part 2 of the Steel Handbook.Bui l t . Three specific built-up shapes are presented in this Steel Handbook. however. the tables may be used to facilitate the substitution of built-up becrions for rolled sect ions. welded together to form structural ohapas. Alternatively. The BWT sections are intended for use as truss top and bottom nhord elements. These modern equipment have considerably increased the economy and efficiency of production of built-up sections.U p Shapes 1 . there is an infinite number of posslble shapes which could be presented. The BW sections are intended primarily for use as becam members. the bi-symmetric I shape and the wide flange Tee shape. such as multiple head gas cutting amchines and automatic welding machines. designers may dlrectly select and speclfy a built-up section. built-up sections are fre-quently used as a substitute for rolled sections. the BW. . For simplicity. Considering that locally produced rolled shapes are normally limited to depths of about 200 mm. while the BH sections are normally intended for use as columns. and BWT shapes. BH. this Steel Handbook is limited to the most corrronly used built-up shapes. The classification and designation relating to tZ?eseshapes are given below. Soma fabricators use modern equipment. needed in the production of built-up shapes. i-e. Scope and Classification As defined above. /ry ratios gtraater h a or equal to 3. The depth df BWT soctione are therefore half Of those correapon&. doe8 not imply that tne EW aectiom are to be used only as beams./ry ratios less than 3. The BW and BH sections are distinguished by the ratio. tion is structural steel coxktoxining to ASTR A36 and/or J f S ~ 3 1 0 1 SS 400 (formerly JTS C3101 SS 41). EU sectiona have r. Of these. Pap ticular loading or lateral support conditions or other requireabents m y dictate the shape o f a given memb%r. Lng Btt sections. The adopted form i s tisimpler and is one which is familiar to local desiwers . 8 8 are SU sections with depths ranging frw 200 1 ~ 1to 1000 m. Materials The m~nimumquality reqairement for built-cp shape fabrrca. 'St 1 f?andbook . A total of 255 built-up sections are presented in this st-1 Bandbook. and BH sections aa columns.-7 Class Shapa Oesignaticn Bur lt-Up Wide Flanne Heavy CQ11ma Wide Flange Tee - -4 BW BH HxW HxU BWT HxW ! i 1 1 The designation of built-up sections arm based on outside depth weight per meter length rather than on a21 dimensions of the buikt-up section as is used in other standards. The built-up tee (BWT) sections presented are assumed to be obtained by cutting BW sections similar to rolled tee sections. tx/r y e of the radius of gyration about the %-X and Y-Y axes. rosplctively.0.0. 3. The grouping. however. There are 81 BH sections with depths ranging from 206 am to 700 m.. while BH sections have r..1-5 DuiJt-Up Shapes - I I I i I -. There are 86 BW-sections with depthp ranging tram 100 am to 500 mmn. Further information regarding materials for built-up ahapes i s given in Part 6. out-to-out" depth at predlctable increments is adopted in this Steel Handbook. This situation is unlike the case of rolled wide-flange and S-shapes whose clear distances between flanges are kept constant for each family of the nominal depths. the clear distance between flanges will vary depending on the flange thickness resulting in a lower .. it is'believed that the cited ut i l iz. I".Locally rolled plates are available for these grades oi mtructural steel which have minimum specified yield stresses. fabrication a i d erection.rre where sectional differences within a family are achie>*ed by vdifying the flange dimensions and the web thicknesses. of 248 Wtj aad 245 MPa.4. The sectional propertief5 and limits of built-up shapes and sections are based on thcse values. This limiting ratio. Sectional Dimensions A major consideration in the choice of dimensions of the sections is the optimum utilization of locally available plates.yield of the web plates.lticn of plates could still be improved by choosing a proper cutting layout or by using the remaining plate materials for sec:ondar.1. Built-up sections.!t-tc-ont" dapth would provide ease in detailing. ff: I s believed that the use of a constant " ASTM A 3 6 . 4. of 170/JFg. to facilitate easy recall in detailing and deslgn and to simplify splices between connections. respectively. The constant clear distance between flanges of rolled sections is due to the roiling equipment used in its manutact:?. Again.y structural elements such as gussets and stiffeners. equals to 10. Asids from the utii-izationof available plates. however. With the "out-to-out" depth.1.5. . are not subject to these limitations. the dimensions of the flanges of both BW and RH sections were proportioned to satisfy the limit on the width to thickness ratio for unatiffened elements of the compression flange according to NSCP Sect.8 for structural steel coaforming. Fi:rthermore. 4.5. the thickneases were limited so that the depth to thickness ratio of the web. and C'.1. Part 2 of the MBCP. Fy equal to 248 MFa are also tabulated. A5 and A6 of Chapter 4. Note that stiffeners should still be provided as requirad by o t b r provisions of the code. For ttm ueb dimensions of BH aections.. 1 7 . equal to ]1000/lF For a yield stress of 248 MPa. The dtmansion " w " given in the tables of dimensions properties is the minimum Leg size of fillet weld& as Specified The actual size of fillet welds must be in NSCP Table 4 .andbook . To facilitate this calculation. the krullt-up tee conforms to NSCP Sect. 675/JFy.8 for Fy equal to 248 NRa. Where no values of 9.2. limiting ratio.10. Ifi a competitive design r*nd constmctien environment. For gections with width to thickness ratio of unstiffened projecting eleaants of comgreesion flange exceeds 330/JFy as specified ip.40Fg without.9. h/t. cl~asr distance between flanges to web thickness h/t.1-8 Built. This Qar not exceed the value specified by NSCP forxala 4. the quantity Qf/Ix are tabulated for each BW and BH oectio~~s. The maximum ratio of the. 2 A . has a value of 42. and weights of the sections were aemputed cansidering the diQ+amions of the flange and web plates anly.-ilp Shapes For the web dimensions of BW sections. . the thicknesses were lFaited such that the allwnbls shear stress ray be taken as Q. the use of stiffeners. For built-up tees. particularly NSCP Sects. The weld aatarial was excluded. the allowable stress is governed by the ~ S O V ~ S ~ of O ~ Appendix S A. 4. this ratio has a value of 63. and C'. Section A 2 .5-4b.Qi i s ASEP ' eel I' . lPSCP Sect.5 and 4. some besigners would include the capacity o f the weld nmterial. ti%ctional Properties The properties. specified by the designer.10. ratios.b. values of Q . 4.9.10. for Steel with minimum yield oltrese. are shown.2 and is considered as fully effective. AS1 Stes Handbook . Groove welds may also be used to connect the flanges to the web plate. a Beam Selaction Table for the BW sections is included to facilitate the sslect2. Kl/r. the quantities required to check the compact section criteria are included. groove welds shall be as specified by the designer.on of flexural members dtlslgned on the basis of NSC? Sect.4.1. Co-nts an the Design Tables Aside ftom the tables of dimensions and properties. together with the limiting values of the unbraced lengths.5. For the design of compression members. is also included.X axis. a table of the allowable stress as a function with the slenderness ratio. If required.1. 4. For ease of use.Duilt-Up Shapes 1-9 the first moment of area of a flange about the X . I 1 1 1 3 1 f 6 3 I i I 6 I i 5 J {B/lOO. outside face c " the . F is the laaximwa o f f s e t a t the toe of the flange fron. r f i n e noma1 t o the plane o f the web through the tntessection o f the web center l i n e and tb flange. but aoti I leas than 6 ruJ a H is maeured patulle1 to the web a t the ueb center l i n e . but not 1 below a I less than 6 mn +--i (Camber I I I I I 1 I 1 Sweep " /Beams with ltopflange lembedded in ( concrete I 1 Beams 1 IPermissible Variations from Specified I C a m b e r or Sweep.ecified tolerance is for over and U P X ~ U Kspecified camber.1Member I Length 1 Permissible Variations in I I -t +-1 I columns ( I i I I Beams w/o !specified (Camber or 1 Sweep 1 I I I . IMI I --I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 0.7 m) I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I Straightness.Built-up Shapes :-.700 Over 13.1 1 Less than 9. The toierarice under tho specifted camber is 0 KUII.100 to 13. STIWIGHTMESS TOLERANCE - --- I-----7 . c':.5 mm x (total length in m). I I I I I . x (test length in m). mm I rrrm 1 I 1 All I I I 1 1 mm x (total length in m ) C . but not less than 6 mm 1 mm x (total length in m) Tolerance over specified camber of beams need not exceed the greater of 1 m x (length to the nearest end in m ) or 19 m.I1 B.700 1 I 1 mm x (total length in m) 10 mm 10 mm + 1 mm x (total length in m 13. CAMBER AND SWEEP TOLERANCES i i~arlable I I Member 1 I I lBeams except ( 2 raa.100 9. Flust ~ n have i a designed concrete haunch.I. Built-Up Shapes 1-13 TABLES OF DtMENSlO S AND PROPERTIES . .ht kr IgrmMon HxW W km HI4 A mm2 llmm Rrn ASEP 2 '%? mdhoo!. k -17. U p Shapes 1-15 I BW SHAPES Dlmenalonr Proputlor 8opwkiea 7 Axis Y-Y I I Plmtte Modulus 7 Dwgnrtion HxW BW 1COOx 518 x 457 x 373 BW mx 496 x 444 x 4'93 x 370 x 357 x 333 x 334 x 2e3 BW 900x M7 x 315 x 264 x 2% x 225 x ASEP Steel Iiandh .B u r l t . .. ASEP steel Handbar. -18. . Built-up Shapes 1-17 . . 1 x % x s.< 123 x 13? RW mr $3 x 13 BW Wx 181 x :m x 115 l$Q <. x l(XI BW 450 x 1C.3 .7 Deaignat~on HxW -BW 6 0 0 x It% x x x x 13 '9 150 133 1113 BW mx \Ff x 1% . ASE itee Handbook . 2 5 ASEP Steel Handbook "7 .Built-IJp Shapes 1 . . Rullt-Up Shapes 1-27 BH SHAPES Dimensions Proputirs - I xll AXIS X-X 1 I heignatinn HxW S x10: mm- ;m *YSEP Stee 1 Handbook -29. ASF2 S i War .ocrk - R u i l t - U p Shapes 1 29 BH SHAPES Dlmonrlonr Propertler - Plastr Axis Y-Y Deeignation :I@ xl03 nm4 rnm3 HxW mm ASEP Steel Handbi -31- mrn3 k 1-35 Built-Up Shapes. BX S W E G Dimensions Proportier Oeelgnabon HxW BH 2 X ) x :5 x 14 x 12 x i3 x 10 x 8 x 7 BH 250x 5 x 5 X 4 BH X O x % x 6) x 71 .x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 BH 3 x 3 x 3: 2(10x Dcr'lgnrtiien HxW . Bti S W E S Dimensions Prupairiirs A S C P S t ee i 3-1 ktnnrlbook . 1-24 Builk-Up Shapes . .951 0.845 137 x 187 ! 0..BWT 533 x 2 4 0.:-X Axis Y-Y ... .951 0.845 137 x 232 O M 137 x 214 0.845 137 x 197 0...703 0.x ?ti?! x iiX/ .7CQ 129 BWT 1 29 1% '$3 4 5 0 x 1 4 3 iI x 1411 X 1321 x :IS.. 1-36 Built-Up Shapes BW SHAPES Dlmonrlonr Propwllor I Axie X-x I ---- BWT 4CCx x x x 14 :3 12t :1t x 1 C+ ---- --- Where no value of C', w Q,to ohown, the mclun Mmp!!eO wtlh NGCP Sect ASEP .- eel H"mdbook -39- 1-38 Built-Up Shapes Built-up Shapes 1-39 87 65 3e.S 0638 34.1 0.618 160 BWT 780 150 12 RO 213 MB 5x1 m ao zrs aia 5 0.1.654 156 x 2 I Where no value o: G'. cx 9.lo ohown.4 1 BWT SHAPES Dlmenrions Properties . -mm 1 1 brignation tixw -- 128 BWT 41. 41. me uaclbn cornplleo wlth NGCP Sect.978 128 175x 2' x 2. 4.Built-up Shapes 1 .1 O.2 - PISEP S t e e l tlandboc -13- -- .8.7 0.B70 38. --Up Shapes ASCP ?eel Iiandbnok -44- ..? . 4 t B:rL 1-r.. 1 I .1 .8.L A - -- ohown.Elsatlc Proprrtiee Axis Y -Y axia X-X Whera no vaius 01 C' cx Q IQ . 2 ASEE Steel Handbook -45- . the mctbn mrnplleo wtitr NSCP ~ s c t4. .eel Iartdbo -46- .1-44 Built-up Shapes BEAM SELECTION TABLE ASCF St. . E P S t e e ~ kandbook 4.BEAM SELECTION TABLE A. 4 6 Built-Up Shapes .1 . BEAM SUECffON TABLE ASEP Steel Handbook -49- . 1-46 Bui 1%-Up Shapes . 75 132.01 128.8Q 136.96 123.90 124.33 10505 104 27 la49 102 71 101 92 122.83 l27.lO 131.29 132. (MPa) l38.QO 1 S639 134. = 248 MPa - Main and Swndsrv Mombus Kl/r not F.40 11943 118 76 11809 117 41 11672 3 E L 1S.Q4 128.71 .23 l27. F.33 98 52 68.07 1 I6 03 134.54 12m? 129.43 1W04 108 09 10734 10658 10582 125.05 121.PLLOWABLE COMPRESSIVE STRESS TABLE F.82 133. -37.82 12521 1 23.13 I W.39 112 50 1 1 1 78 1 1 1 05 11032 109 58 12t.21 11533 11463 113 93 113 22 1 31 .35 133.75 -12m9 101.59 ASEP Steel Nandboo -51- .69 122.40 120. 1-50 Built-Up Shapes . &LOWABLE COMPRESSIVE STRESS T A 9 E . . ............ Tables of Dimensions and Properties BA-Shapes (Equal Legs) .................................................................................... ASEP Str 1 Handbook 5 7- . BA-Shapes (Unequal Legs) ......................................... Sectional Dlmenslons ............................................................................................................................ BC-shapes ..................... General .. Sectional Properties ...... Materials ....c Sbap-1s 2 -1 CONTENTS Nomenclature ..............Cold-Formed P1at.................................. Scope and Classificat~on..................................... 2-2 Cold-Formed Plate SiiapeS NOMENCLATURE Definition Cross-sectional area Flange width of channel or length of shorter leg of angle Depth of the channel or length of longer leg of angle Specified minimum yield stress of structural steel Moment of inertia about U-U axis Moment of Inertia about V-V axis Moment of inertia about X-X axis Moment of inertia about Y-Y axis Inside radius of bend Radius of gyration about U-U axis Radius of gyration about V-V axis Radius of gyration about X-X axis Radius of gyration about Y-Y axis Elastic sectlon modulus about X-X axis Elastic section modulus about Y-Y axis Base metal thickness Flat width of elements exclusive of fillets Weight of the section per unit length Distance from centroid to outer face of the section along the X-X axis Distance from centroid to outer face of the section along the Y-Y axis Angle between the X-X axis and the principal U-U axis ASEP Steel ifandboo6 Units mm2 mm mm MPa mm4 mm4 mm4 mm4 mm mm ntm mm m mm3 m m3 m3 mm mm kg/m mm mm rad . simple shapes requiring few bends are included i n this handbook.Cold-i'ormed 1' 1at.0 mm was adopted for cold-formed plate sections.0 mm formed by cold rolling or by press brake bending into the desired shapes.r.0 mm to 20. ASE Steel ilandbr 7k -59- . the pronlslons of the American Iron and Steel Institute's (AISI) Specificario~l for the Deaign Of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members are recommended. The classification and designations relating to these shapes are given below. For the design of cold-formed plate sections. Furthermore. a maximum plate thickness of 20. Compared to built-up sections which use plate thicknesses up to 45. Scope of Classification Only two families of simple structural shapes are given in this Part 2: the angles and the channel. Shapes cold-formed from thinner plates are designated as light gage shapes and are covered in Part 3 of this handbook. Shapes 2--3 COLD-FORMED PLATE SHAPES General Cold-formed plate shapes are normally used as substitutes for particular families of rolled shapes llke angles and channels because .0 mm. Cold-formed plate shapes are defined here as sections made from steel plates with thickness ranging from 6. because of t"o relatively thicker steel material used compared to the light gape shapes only. This maximum was adopted due to concerns on possible material damage and the difficulty of fabrlcating shapes using thicker plates.of the limited ranges of sections available for the latter. .9 63103. The remaining 1 7 sections are BC shapes with depths ranging froop 70 m to 390 m ~ n . and 27 are BA shams w i n g unequal. The miniquality rrzquirisanl: for cold-farmed plate fabrrcation is structural steel eonforming to ASTW A35 and/or 31.. whicb have mlnrspecified yield stress.. EA Plate Cmnnel BC II --i I /I i NxBxt NxBxt I i i A tatal o t 77 bent-plate sections are presented in this statel Wandbgcik. %.%ation o f fbcalXy-wai'lahle staa3 plates. -I1 Class Shape Designation i1 cold-~ormaei Angle.i . Y i e l C t is Camputed 1 1 ? i r ~ 1829 nun wide p l a t e s . and an allowance o f 3 ale gmr cut. Locally rolled plates are avaifabls for these grades of rirtructurai steel. of 248 MPa and 245 MPa. iegs wkrn deptfu3 ranging from 75 m to 225 mi.. 5S400 [farmerly 319 C3101 SSQl).?kianal prcpertfera and listits of cold-formsd plate s are W35o8 M these values. Further informatiozi regarding ials of col8-forme4 plate shapes is given in Part 6 o f t h i s R consideration in the chc?ice o f dimtlnsions i S "ihe util :. equal ~ i d t hstrips. The aw. . Of these. xespecly. 23 are BA shapes having equal legs witn deptha ranging front 50 to 200 m. exceed 166/JF. the legs of the angles and the flanges of the channels were propor-. 0 nun in the Jst Edition. does not.5 times to 2. Based on current observations of locally-produced material. minimum The radii of bends.tee1 H a r -61 book .60Fy based on the AISI provisions.0 times the material thickness in the 1st Edrtion. The so-called "linear method" normally used for light gage sections is not used for the determination of the sectional properties of tbese shapes. tioned such that the flat width to thickness ratio. given in the tables are values and are measured from the inside face 3f the bends. and weights of these cold-formed plate shapes are computed using the so-called "area m. the plate thicknesses of the hdse metal now adopts metrlc dimensions and increments ranging from 6.0 mm as compared with 6. Sectional Properties Sectional properties used in this Steel Handbook are now computed utilizing selected metric dimensions and increments based on ASTM A36M-87 steel plates as compared wlth the 1st Edition which were done using selected ASTM A 3 6 st. this maximum limit of 20.3 mm to 2 5 .0 times the material thickness compared with the 1.thodw based on the actual dimensions of the section taking into consideration the effect of the bend. The properties. w/t. ratios. Thus.eel plates with "English" dimensions and increments.. This limiting ratio has a value of 10.The sectional dimensions are also chosen such that the maximum allowable compressive stress on the unstiffened elements may be taken as 0. ASEP :. In coordination with the metal fabricators. R.0 mm is considered as the current practical limit because of the difficulty of bendlng thicker plates to the required radius. In this Steel Handbook.0 mm to 20. These limits arc imposed to avoid "necking" and micro-cracking of the material at the bends during cold-forming.54 for F y equal to 248 &pa.. the inside bend radius of thcse cold-formed plate shapes are now uniformly made as 2. 6 Cold-Formed Plate Shapes For the angles. tangent Q £ the angles maae by the.el Uandb. ASEP 5 . X-X a x i s and t h e U-U axis are also given in the tables. ok -E:!- .2 . the moments af inertia and the radii o t gyration about the principal centroidal axes are given. mcibook 6- .Cold-Formed Plate Shapes 2-7 TABLES OF ENSIQNS AND PROPERTIES ASEP i *eel "'. g 31.9 ASEP Ctee X Etar.4 24.2-8 Cold-Formed Plate SRapes I rid Yc mm 807 58.4 51.4 29.2 23.0 37.w .2 a.1 48 6 424 40.6 s3.5 30.I 21.dboc k .5 s> 3 52.7 38. 051 8 48s z406 2 408 1.051 44 s 5.732 884 761 673 894 761 570 570 432 432 673 .3 I Xld mm' I XI d - mm' - 27.882 7.648 1 6.732 625 5.874 5.225 13.Colcl-Formed P l a t e Shapc:s 2 .714 1.425 7.429 1.640 10.640 0.874 3046 4.882 1.714 1.429 3.425 22.046 4.972 1.972 1.848 17. 3-10 Cold-Fotnrsd Plate Shapes ist abldiw 8 Y. rnm - - 24.e .0 16.0 rnrn 1s.2 17.0 m.0 320 I$*$ 38. . 2-12 Gold-Formed Plate Shams t -tan a a258 4251 0.24B a342 0.333 0,324 0412 0 401 A399 0.306 0 526 RSl4 0 508 a 504 0880 R6@ Q@M 0.6s BA SHAPES D~rneneione PropMt~es Unequal Anglm .I XI o3 T14 a,202 Z,913 '0,940 17,491 14,920 11,887 1 2.741 10,925 8,740 7,511 6,977 5,610 4,043 4,003 4,575 3.709 3,207 2, ass 2-14 Cold-Forated P l a t t ? Shapfts AGRP Stsel Handbook --70- 2-1;6 Cold-Formed Plate Shapes ASEP S 631 Handbook <. Cold-Formed Plate Shapes 2-17 BC Shapr Dknrnrlons Propriles . 2-18 Cald-Fofrew3 Plate Shapes ASEP Steel H a ~ d i m o k -74- . Cold Formed Plate S h d p e s 2 .s 23.2 24 5 258 .1 9 r rnm 433 44.5 45 7 330 38.3 37. PART 3 COLD.FORMED LIGHT 6 . ........................................................ 3-34 ...........1 .........................................................Cold-Formed L i g h t Gage Shapes 3....................................... 3-3 Scope and Classification .................3-4 Materials .................................. 3-6 General Slitting Guide For Lip Sections ........ 3-55 Methods of Cold-Forming ........................................... 3-10 Tables of Dimensions and Properties ........................1 4 LZ-Shapes ............................................................... 3-6 S~ctionalProperties . 3 ........3-38 ASEP S t e e l H................. LS-shapes.........................................1 CONTENTS Nomenclature ................. 3-5 Sectional Dimensions ................ 3-7 Dimensional Tolerances ........................................................3-24 LC-Shapes LR-Shapes ................... 3 ......................................... Jbook ...... 2 axis Elastic section modulus about X-X axis Elastic section modulus about Y-Y axrs Base metal thickness of section Flat w$dth of element exclusive of fillets Nominal weight per unit length Distance from centroid to outer face of the section along the X-X axis Distance from centroid to outer face of the section along the Y-Y axis Angle between the X-X axis and the Principal Z-Z axis " ASEP Stee 1 Hand1 ?k nn mm2 mm mm mm mm mm MPa MPa mm4 mm4 mm mm mm mm mm3 mm 3 mm mm kg/m mm mm rad .3-2 Cold-Formed Light Gage Shapes NOMENCLATURE Units Definition Cross-sectional area Flange width of section or shorter leg of .tubular section Effective design width of element Overall depth of stiffening lip Depth of section or longer leg of tubular sect ion Clear distance between flanges Basic design stress Specified minimum yield stress of structural steel Moment of inertia about the X-X axis Moment of inertia about the Y-Y axis Inside radius of bend Radius of gyration about X-X axis Radius of gyration about Y-Y axis Radius of gyration about 2 . and bearing stresses. Shapes bent from plates with thicknesses from 6. In such situation. The design criteria for these sectlons *re therefore based on the post-buckling strength ~f the members after local buckling has occurred. Because of its slender flat elements. shear.0 mm to 20. The provisions of the American Iran and Steel Institute's Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members are recommended for use in conjunction with the analysis and design of light gage steel sections. ASEP Steel Handbook 0. design specifications for heavy hot-rolled and built-up steel construction do not apply. bending. . connections.0 mm are designated as coldformed plate shapes and covered in Part 2 of this Steel Handbook. Light gage steel construction also differs from that of heavy steel in the shapes of the sections used. as these are normally open sections.0 mm. and fabrication practices.3 COLD-FORMED LIGHT GAGE SHAPES General This part of the Steel Handbook deals with light gage structural steel shapes cold-formed from coils or sheets which thicknesses ranging from 2. The use of conventional built-up shapes is uneconomical in some cases bscause of the very low stress developed even for the lightest available section. Furthermore. i The performance of light gage shapes under load.0 mm to 6. . however. torsional buckling or torsion-flexural buckling may be significant depending on the relationship of the shear center to the centroid of the section. neceasariiy mean failure as additional loads may still be carried even by the "buckled" member.Cold-Formed Light Gage Sha~x?s3 . As a result. This local buckling does not. light gage sections tend to buckle at stress levels lower than the yield point when subjected to compressive. differs in several significant respects from that of heavy rolled sections. light gage sections are normally used. however. The remaining two. angles. There are 107 LZ sections with depths ranging from 65 mnt to 200 mm. these sections are stiffened with lips or other edge atiffenem to inhibit premature local buckling. wall panels. on the nixes a v . The latter closed seetions. 107 are LC sections with depths ranging from (5% m to 255 r m . Of these. this Steel HdndWak presents only four of the simpler light gage shapes. 34 are LR sections and 33 ara LS sections. ASEP Steel Handbook -82- . Frequently. and I-oactLone. several shapes have been developed and us&. These include cees. Because of their wide popularity and usage in the Country. however. hats. the square tube and the rectangular tube s W t i 0 n s are esaentially utilized as compression members. tees. For the tubular sections. The latter are generally used for roof decks. zeee. The LR sections have depths ranginq from 2 5 mm t o 1 7 5 m while the LS sections have depths ranging The latter two closed sections are based from 24 mm to I D 3 ma. I 1 Class Shape Designation C----------- i[Gold-Formed ltight Gage I IL- 1 I 4 HXBXCX~ i HxBxCxt HxBxt HxBxt 1I I I L i p-Cee Lip-Zee Rectangular Tubing Square Tubing LC LZ LR LS -------J A total of 281 light gage sections are given in this Steel Handbook. The classifications and designations relating to these shapes are given tm(IDI0w.3-4 Cold-For@& Light Gage Shapes 9wp and Clalaapiification cold-formd light gage atructural steel me-rs can be Uivibed into two product categories: fraraing members and nurface rpsmbars. ~li able from local manufacturers. may also be uned as flexural members. Due to the relative ease of producing a great variety of cold-fornred sections. Two of the lour shaves. and siding material. the lip-cee and the lip-me shapes are primarily used as flexural members. tubes. floor decks. respectively. light gage sections used as s-tructuralmembers should not be thinner than 2.0 m. To minimize "necking" and micro-cracking at the bend radius and prevent change of properties in the affected zone of the bent'portion.0 mm.Q?. the inside radius (in coordination with Steel fabricators in the country) are made equal to 2.2 mm to 9. the minimum requirement is commercial qrlality (CQ) hot-rolled conforming to JIS G3131 SPHC and JIS G3141 SPCC (or PNS 127 Class I). special Set of rolls needed for each shape is available.0 mm. The specified yield strength. light gage section plate thickness should not be thicker than 6. or for nonstructural members.Materials The minimum quality requirement for light-gage structural framing members is structural' steel conforming to JIS G3101 SS400. Roll forming is uaualiy confined to a limited number of If the shapes because of the cost of the rolling equipment. These are: of (1) By roll rolling. the specified yield stress. . to avoid inefficient structural properties when inside radius of pressed light gage sections are fabricated. Mthods of Cold-Forming There are two methods generally used in the manufacture cold-farmed sections. When strength is not of prime consideration. On the other side. ASEP St el Handbook . Light gage shapes are normally manufactured from hotrolled coils which are locally available in 930 mm widths and thicknesses ranging from 1. and ( 2 ) By press brake bending. However. Fy.0 times the plate material thickness. For the SPHC and SPCC (or PNS 127 Class 1) steels. the production of large quantities of identical shapes is best accorcplish@d by roll forming. to minimize corrosiqn problems and to insure structural durability. Further information is given in Part 6 of this Steel Handbook. Fy is taken as 170 MPa. of SS 400 steel is taken as 245 MPa. These percentages may. Note that the full unreduced section properties are also used in the calculation of deflections.Forming in press brakes. mPy a minimum change of tooling i s needed to accommodate t h ~ f&arication of a great variety of shapes. Thta is so because." The lip dimeneions were so chosen that they are effective for stresses not exceeding 0.60Fy. utilization of locally manufactured sheets or coils. is however. Sectional Properties The calculation of areas. one of the major consiaarations in the choice of sectional dimensions is the optimun. n~omentsof inertia and other sectf.The adopted anetions could result in an average 93% coil utilization (with a ra%ximum of about 98% and a minimum of about 88%). the lip stiffeners of the LC and LZ sections mgst satisfy a minimum overall depth to be considered effect~veas a * l i p stiffener. under theee stresses the full dimensions of the lip may or may not be fully effective in the computation of the effective section properties. Other considerations in the choice of the sectional dimensions are based on the provisions of the AISI Specifications. For one. however. more economical fox maderate production runs of limited quantities of a given shape. will differ because of existing current coil width8 and could be improved by proper planning of fabrication procedures. Its mdjor drawbacks a m the lower dimensional quality control and the higher susceptibility to micro-cracking of the marerials at the corner bends which may affect the structural integrity of the shapes. Sectional Dimensions As with the other fabsicated shapes. however. in the semi-manual use of the gresa brakes.onal properties are usually done using appropridtc? simp1 i f i cations. . The computed deslgn stresses based on the effective section properties shall not exceed the basic allowable stresses specified Slitting Guide For Lip Sections The following discussion is intended primarily as a guide to fabricators and manufacturers of light gage sections in the vlitting of locally available coil products." In this method. The table gives the number of identical strips to be cut iron the coil and the expected yield in percent. Note that the width of the strips increases as the thickness of the steel decreases. ASEF Steel Handbcok . the varlous area elements which compose the. Note that further economy may be attained by combining sections and the use of Tahl.Led above. was followed in this Part 7 of the Steel Handbook. This table is useful in determining the combination of sections whict would optimize utilization of coils. the appropriat-e section properties of the actual sectlon can be obtained by This procedure multiplying these quantities by the thickness. section are replaced by stralqhtline or curved-line elements. Table 3-1 gives the theoretical blank width required for each particular LC or LZ section. 1 as 11o. Calculating the total lengtn. the yield could be as high as 98%. It should be noted that the actual area o f thln elements under compressive stresses must frequently be replaced by a reduced effective area for calculating the effective crosssectional properties as required by the AISI. and thus should be computed and considered in the design.6 3. Two tables are herein presented giving the theoretical width of strips and the recommehded slitting schedule. As shown.. Table 3-2 presents the recommended slitting scheclulc? for coil widths assuming uniform blank wigths are to be produced.YE .The section properties of thin-walled shapes are computed using the so-called "line3r method. moments of inertia. of these line elements. etc. Dimensional Tolerances The tabulated dimensions and properties are theoretical values and the finished product will normally have some slight variations from these tabulations. To guide the designer and fabricator. a set of recommended dimensional tolerances are given below. . Table 3-1 Theoreticel Width aC Strips ( S i ~ e ap . I KxBtC I 1 C . Ttilekness.5 5.5 3. 6.0 2.5 T O I 1 .0 5.0 mm 3.5 4.0 4. 220 1.220 1.220 930 1.220 930 Number of Strip8 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 Yield X 94 91 91 91 98 91 91 98 95 90 98 5 98 5 4 90 94 94 93 89 95 93 93 97 89 5 6 4 6 5 6 7 7 .220 1.220 1.220 1.220 1.2'10 1.220 930 1.220 1.m 930 1.Table 3-2 Recommended Slitting Schedule Coil Width.220 930 930 1.210 1.220 1.220 1.055 1. 5 I I -1 I 1 C. (7. Lip mu. a .0 I I I I Out-of-Squareness of Corners mm/mm I I 4 I I 1 .- 0.-. excl 1. 7 -. . Flange Width !Under 151) ou. mma a -.DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES C o l d .. STRAIGHTNESS TOGFX?NCE .51 1150 to 300 om. eicl 2.. Depth I mm I I -8 .-- Permissible variation under specified length is (I m for all lengths.F o m d l L i g h t Gage Shapes FORMING TOLERANCES -. I - _ Permissible Variations Over and Under Specified DJmensiona H.01 i i m { Length mm 1.000 40 + 5 an x (total length in m -- 40 .000and over lover 7.01 1300 as and over 3.. 2.7) I .076 Permissible Variation Over Specified Length. OF DlMENSlO S AND PROPERPIES A S E P "tee1 andbnok . .M E P Stael Piandhoak -07. . LC SHAPES Full Swtion Propratlrr x103 mm4 ' xl@ n3r. I j r rnm 1 xtd nm4 . ASEP Steel Handbook I 4 . FPropwtb* ASZP Steal Handbook 95 .LC $WAPEIZ Full Swon . LC SHAPES Fuil Section Proportior ASEP S t e e l H i 96- dbook . .LC SHAPES Full Seotion Propwticl. LC SHhPES Full SraUon Proputbr . LC 8HMES Full W o n Proportlor kdr X-X I 1 I I Axis Y-Y I 1 RSEP St. s I I 1. Han 4- xxok . LC SHAPES Full S d o n Pro~utirs Radius R mm . LC SHAPES Full $&Ion Proporties . 035 1.674 1.543 1.038 900 761 61 7 1.3 .d-Fnrntad 1 .418 1.45 ----" I 1 rnrn .aye Shapes LZ SHAPES Full Sao!ion Prapatier - Area A mm2 Inm 1.741 16'9 1.2 4 Ca1.801 1.295 1.167 1.001 070 736 597 1.127 1. i y h t :.537 1.250 1.493 1 352 5. . U SHAPES Full Swtlon Properties Radiun A Axis 2-2 tan r . Coin-Fo~mect Light Gage Shapes 3-27 R S E P Steel I' 10' iribook . Z R Cold-Formod tight Gage Shapef* Pvea A Radium R ASEP S1 el Handbook lic Axir 2-2 tan i r .3. 2 53.1 47.2 48.1 .7 46.I 51.8 28.9 4.0 47.Q 53% I 54 4 32.3 57.7 581) 40.6 21).0 tja.7 ST.2 47.4 45.7 32. s I n.5 9.Cold-Formed L l g t ~ tGage Shapes 3-29 U SHAPES Full Saotlon PropwtlrH rnm4 rims mrn Ms 6 80.2 31.1 58.8 mrn3 ] mm4 ASEP S"e1 TI' I0 ndbooh mrn 1 1 .3 58.6 35.7 30.a 28.s.Q 29.3 34.Q 58.2 544 *.€I 53.2 407 34.5 47.4 35.7 57.7 93.7 47. 3-30 Cold-Formed Light Gage Shapes U BHAPES Full Sootion ASEP S+ .-eL Handbook OR- . nn .Cotb-Formed Lr ght Gage St~apes ' .3 1 ASEP Steel Handbook . 3 .3 2 Cold-k'orared Light Gage Sxnapcs lei . 13 . eor ir Light C a g e Shaves 3.~ o l ( t .~m. 3-34 Cold-For ~ i g h tGage Shapes iA SHAPES Full Sootlen Prop#tir8 74! 1574 %B)t St r 42t 34 538 2% l2E llt I& R 81 18 I@ #I #1 24 21 14 12 ASEP S t t b 1 ' Eiandhook 12- . 3 5 !A SHAPES ~ u lSwtlon i Prowtmr -- Radiur of Gmtron Dlssignatt~n .Cold-Formed Light G a q e S h a p w 3 . 3 .3 6 Cold-Formed Light Gage Shapes LP SHAPES Full SIL7tlon Wright h r Radius W A R ASEP Steel Ifandbook Moment ol l n ~ r t r . Cold-Formed Light Gage Shapes 3-13. 1 Rud~tinof C SIction Modulus s. d xlo9 XI rnm3 mm3 fx I rnm ASEP Steel Handbook -115- .! LR SMAPES Full Srckion Frop8rtirs 1 - 8. . Radius R mrn 8.[ 6.I 4.C 4' C -- .t 5.c 6.t 7.C 5.( 71 6. 4.1 7.t 5. PART 4 ROLLED SHAPES . ................4-42 Structural Tees . 4-12 ............................................................................ 4-38 Channels ...+...................... 4-5 Scope and Classificat~on Tables of Dimensions and Properties W-Shapes .....................CONTENTS Nomenclature ....l ? t .................................................................................................................... 4-4 Sectlanal Dimensions and Properties .......................................... 4-66 .................. 4-46 Angles . 'L -2 ................................................................................ 4-76 S-Shapes ASEP Steel Nandbo ........................................................... 4-4 Dimensional Tolerances...............4-3 Materials . ...................... 4-38 channels ..... 4-66 Structural Tees Pipes ........... 4 .....................................................+.................................. Materials ........................................................................4-4 Scope and Classification Diatensionai Tolerances .................. 4-4 Sect~onalDimensions and Properties ................... 4-5 Tables of Dimensions and Properties ........... 4-46 Angles ...........................l General .....................................Nomenclature ............................... 4-12 S-Shapes ...........................................4-42 W-Shapes ..............4 .................................................3 ....................................... 4-76 &SRP Steel Nannbo -121 ........................................... 4-2 Rolled Shapes NOMENCLATURE Units Definition Cross-sectional area Width of the flange section or the length of shorter leg of the angle Flange width of the rolled section Nominal diameter of the rolled section Nominal depth of section: or length longer leg of angle Moment of inertia Designation for standard welght pipe Designation for double-extra strong pipe Designation for extra strong plpe Radius of gyration Radius of gyration of a section comprising the compression flange plus 1/3 of the compression web area. taken about an axis in the plane of the web Elastic section modulus Base metal thickness of the rolled section Base metal thickness of the section Flange thickness Web thickness Nominal weight of the section per unit length Nominal weight of the rolled section per unit length Distance from the outer face of channel web or angle leg to the centroid along the X-X axis Distance from the outer face of channel flanges or angle leg to the centroid along the Y-Y axis Angle of 2-Z axis with respect to Y-Y axis ASEP Sts 1 Handbook 2- m inches inches mEl mm3 inches m s mnl mm kg/m lbS/ft mra mm rad . the number of sections presented in the 1st gaition was linitad as they were based on locally produced seetiwns. angle and pipe sections. channel. 8 shagws. A s a result. These include channel sections up to a depth of 150 m. 9th Edition hut the dinzeneions/elastic properties and weight are converted to 8. square bars up to a maximum o f 25 m. The classification and designations relating t > these nhapes are given below. ALL designations are identical to thm AAXSC Manual of Steel Construction. WT shapes. f l a t bass up to a maximum s i z e of LOO mm. The available shapes and sizes of locally produced rolled shapes are limited. WT. and pipea. units Scope and Classification The following structural steel rolled shapes normally produced abroad and imported in the country are: wide Flange.ROLLED SHAPES Rolled steel shapes are herein defined to inslude s t r u c t u r a l steel sections produced by passing red-hot blooms (for larger sections) or billets (for smaller sections) through rolls until tke desired shape is attained. angle sections up to n.naximun of 100 aun.1. R. Part 4 has keen considerably expanded to include the angles (which can be produced locally up to 100 mm) and the AISC Standard W shapes. . To increase the usefulness of the handbook. 291 are W shapes. Channels have depths ranging from 76. W shapes have depths ranging from 105. Sectional Dimensions and Properties Except for the angles which can be locally produced up to a maximum depth of 100 nun. Materials The minimum quality requirement for rolled shapes is struc- tural ateel conforming to the billet specifications for PNS 49 Grade 230 (structural Grade.4-4 Ilolled Shapes 1 I ) Class Shape Designation Wide Flange S Shapes Channe1s Structural Tees Angles Pipes-standard strength Pipes-extra strength Pipes-double extra strength W S C WT L PS PE PD t--------- I 1 Rolled I I I I I I I dxw dxw dxw dxw HxBxt d d d I --j 1 I I I I I I I I A total of 674 steel sections are presented in this Steel Handbook. 9th Edition but converted to S.8 mm.0 nun to 200. 29 are channels.7 nun to 1. WT shapes have depths ranging from 52. S shapes have depths ranging from 76.0 mm. 31 are S shapes. Angles have depths ranging from 20. ASEP ' ' eel Handbook -124 .0 nun. Locally produced rolled shapes are available only for structural steel whose minimum specified yield stress. 206 are WT shapes.2 mm to 622. Manual of Steel Construction.3 nun. units. and Properties of steel sections presented in this Part 4 of the Steel Handbook are based on the data compiled from AISC. formerly PTS 230). Fy.7 nun to 304. the shapes.016.2 mm to 381.0 mm. dimensions.0 nun. Of these. Pipe sections have depths ranging from 12.I. is 230 MPa.8 mm to 475. 80 are angles and 37 are pipes. Such close tolerances are adopted to avoid overlaps in angle legs and thickness dimensions in keeping with internationally accepted standards as can be found say in ASTM. For a detailed discussion on these tolerances as well as other fabrication requirements reference to the ASTM A6 specifications and AISC Manual of Steel Construction. a summdry a i the dimensional tolerances as given by the ASTM Specifications A 6 i s also given below. 9th Edition is hereby suggested.n increments of 25 mm.For the locally produced angles. Dimensional Tolerances The tabulated dlmennions and properties dre theoretical values and the finished product will. normally have some slight variations. . The increment of the angles' thicknesses were made to be similar to that of the plate thicknesses of the built-up shapes to facilitate easy recall in detailing and design. the adopted sec:tions have leg dimensions which axe i. To guide the deslgner and fabricator. 8 j 0.1 j 9.8 . i . / under 1 . E / 0.-. I i 1- 4 ?a:iationr fros Specitin4 Yeb j Pef#isibi) Y a t i a i i o r ~ ~r~ ji F'i ~ . 1 inc: /at. 1 ---.. incl lover 180-369 115 tnd nodes /ever 25-50. ' ~ e! b t . aej aar.___i ]Over Uader/aar.s 1.2 0. iyJ ASEP Steel Nan ~ o u k . i excl lover 75-106. I incl 0. Over and Under. loat-01-1 o f f ioepth aver /Thickness.api / #R 1 land 1 Over 5 i Over 10 1 I I 1 -.? 1 7 ~ led ~1 Shapes DfMENSXONAt TOLERANCES Rolled Shapes 1 ba(le/Homiaal S h e . 1 eat: i%-1BQ. i.t- .inti !over 180-360 i t 3 and under 1we1 10.5i ----- jver 50-75. ~ a i --. j inel jcver i33-l5d.- ! i jllp to 318 175-l80. I <fi.__.8 1. i n / / Dm 1bqnareb! centac Specified.02. . 0 is oaeaaured parallel to flange.0?1 inc~ U ~ d e r I Over 6 I i i I 25 . F + F 1 applies when channel flanges are toed in or out.. / Y.600 13.000 map. For unequal angles.000 t o 6. the permissible out-of-square is 0. at the back or web for C and L shapes. the longer leg determines the nominal size classification.047 mm /m o f depth.CM to 15.. For channels 16 mi and under in depth. 4 ASEP S t e Har' -1% I- . i.Rolled Shapes 4-7 a W is neasured at center iine of web for W and S shapes.500 mm or fraction tt~ereof. i 6. permissible variation over opecifled length = 10 ma plus 7 WII for each additional 1.500 mm or fraction thereof.O@ 1 I 1 I 411 1 I 1 i I I Over Bnder 13 6 ex1 1 O w 1 1 I 13 Under 6 / i inci O w Undei I1 6 I i i Over I i I 19 --t o ll.000. G is measured parallel to web. Tolerance is given per ~ n nof flange width for S and C shapes. a# l ~ b a ~ j ~ e m i nsitea: al I I n a j 1 1 I / I 1 I ! + 75 and 1 over 1 1 --r * 500 to 3.F88 iocl . W ahapee used as columns with lengths over 9.isoverall for C shapes under 75 mm. Out-of-square tolerance is per mm of leg length.. BnCci E 4 I a Nominal size pertains to greatest: sectional dimension. Xeasurement.. CUTTING T O L E M C E S -- r- Variation Iros Speciized Gi?en teagth.800 t o 9.060.i. W shapes with a nominal size of 610 mm and under w i t h lengths over 9...uok .000 mut perntissihfe variation over specified length 13 mm p l u s 2 ~ B I for each addittomi 1. permissible variation is mm/nm of d e p t h o r T i h~. . permissible variation is mm/mm ot t h e l o n i r t r ASEPStc H -1G dbook 1t. Lt'ngth.i. For angles.!th whichever is greater.4-8 I. Rolled Shapes I I' 1 7 : I Shpc8 1 -1 Pernissible Variation f o r Ends Out-of-Square nmim I o f Depth a For W shapes. ) ) I (tot. j a (total.710om and under 1 m I .C. or 4 rm 15 and over Sueep I0 am I - For L shapes.L Permissible Variations Section or Noninal Size a mn (total length in m .Rolled Shapes 4-9 STRAIGHTNESS TOLERANCES - I i S4ape -l- 1 I Variable I Canoer and / I Sweep Sections with flange wiOth less thal 150 mn Length over 13.500 ma. ASEP Stec? Handbook .length in I.f these shapes.71 0 . nominal size pertains to longer leg. equal to depth and specified on order as coiunns Length of 13.A . tolerances for sweep are subject to negotiations betmeen aanufacturer m d purchaser lor the indi'~idua1 sections --a (1 mm 6 01 in any 1.).13. 1 Due to the extrene variations in flexibility . i ! I I ! -_--__.leogth in n. but over 10 am t 1 (total length in n .120 nu 1 t 1 Camber I I I 1 Z nm Sections with a flange u ~ d t h appro:. 1 GIP x (total le~gthin 1 . TABLES OF DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES . . . 5 446 4 4420 437.7 306.4 434.5 420.Q 422.5 4a3 427.3 307.4-14 Rolled Shapes W SHAPES Dimensions Properties Weight W kg/m Area A mm2 Flange Wdth " f mm 4eo 5 458.4 307.8 451.0 421.5 424.7 3m.4 410.4 423.5 -R S E P Steel Handbook -134 Flange rhldcness tr mm .3 310.8 309.2 303.6 304 B 3W.4 419. Rolled Shapes 4-15 ASEP Steel liandbook '35- . 4 411.1 19.4 388.a ----- Ihldcnnl/ Flangn .4-16 Rolled Shapes W SHAPES Dimendons Proprtlrs Wnb 'hldtnrss tw in m 50.9 262.4 418.7 18.0 399.0 41.6 50.8 293.0 46.0 392 9 3 % .1.2 17.1 320 29.0 401.7 14. 2a.5 4255 421.1 15.0 292.1 34 5 31.8 401.4 396.5 408.5 --29.0 45.5 41.4 38.0 16.9 38.9 403.5 406.4 14.4 22 1 21.9 408.6 411.4 4G2.5 26.0 4 M .0 414.6 35.4 24.0 ASEP S t e c l Handbook 136 Flange Width bi mm 429.4 291. . 1 63 0 57 9 53.9 38 1 34 0 ASEP S t c .1 30.W 45.0 15.1 dandhook i- .1 49.4 23 6 21.9 38 1 3a4 30.6 19.9 69.0 25.0 41.1 27.3 17.4-18 Rolled Shapes W SHAPES Dimenrioncl Proputir Flanp 'hldcnocls t mm 47.0 40.9 83 1 75.5 89. . 4-20 Rolled Shapes Arm Dwth Fbnqr Width A H mrn mrn md bf 367.5 3%.7 326.1 354.7 233 0 3m3 354.0 330'5 328.5 337.4 333.8 334.8 2W.4 233.4 3411.s 323 1 323 9 ---ASEP Steel Nandhook -140- .9 327.0 343.4 32%1 38.3 255. 5 $47.8 3%.7 254. MSX-X I 1 s 1 AXISY-Y i I s i I -1 i-2 .Rolled Shapes 4-21 I Y Elastlo Praprrtlr. 4-22 Holtea Shapes ASEP Steel Hmdbc 142 k . Rolled Shapes 4 .2 3 ASEP Steel Handbook 3% . W BWAPEB Dimenaionr Pro . W6.142 162.3 k ] Designation .432 1 448 ASEP Steel haadhc . Axis Y-Y Mr X-X 3m.748.393 [email protected] 2$3.4 816.7 1.2 5 W 6HAPES Dimensions Praprrtisr I Elastic Prepsrtllr.746 144.e 1. 2.257 203.SBF)E 1.258.712 a.202 [email protected] 7 f.5 908.027 26*.Rolled Shapes 4 .3983 1.C 1.4 1. ? 1?.ASEP S tee1 J1~~~3t>rtttk -146- IS.7 taa NO4 4%- 145 48.4 133 toe SB ll! 3861 $7 3785 .28 t5. s 0 8 I +-nono crnrnom U) X X X X X .-- aai-* ~ -n.4 o tn o $ j g ~ n m a n g w b r n X X X X X X X T- Z v- 3: r- P X X X X T W O X X X X E %mma X X X (0 3 rD a. 3 . Handbook 2- Fkngs Thldnnm .4-28 Rolled %hapals Flange Width wt4xm x4 s x 428 X x $90 x $42 ~$11 xaea x 257 xm x211 x leg x 176 x 156 x 143 Wl4xf k 120 x loo x w x BO W 1 4 x $2 Y 'P4 x 68 RSEP Stee -. . - Eiastic PI . .W SHAPES D~mensions Proportlrr --- " AXISX-X I 1 i ! I . ASEP Sta Pandbuok .5(1 . No1 l e d Shapus 4-32 RSEP Steel Han&book -15%- . 8 2M.3 100.0 280. mm -254.3 256 0 2540 254.7 259.8 102.1 Dorignation I i Flange Width b.7 101.6 164.6 165.7 202.4 101.2 204 3 203.3 253.8 257.9 205.5 282.8 202 2 14T6 -146.6 .0 203.3 188. . 6 206.6 T553.i w. e 2228 215.1 m.7 m.( 2112.c 208.! 159: RSEP Steel Handb .7 2S.7 201.s mi 23.d 210.k -151- . : 203.1 me.4-34 Rolled Shapes me. $ rn~ 182' 1m 1%' ilS. . -- web 'hkkmu Fkngr width t bf mm mm 8.e 61 I 7.1 1a3.1 n.9 1n.o i -ASEP S t o e l Handbook -1Sli- . oProportlo8 M a X-X Axlr Y-Y I A S E P Steel Handbook 15/ .Rolled Shapes 4-37 W SHAPES Dimonrionr Proporllu Ela8t. ASEP Steel Handbook -1s . tbook t cn .Rolled Shapes 4-39 ASEP Steel ~&. * 101.271 2. k -160- .0 67 8 1.4 7a 3 1.887 83.077 8a 7 569.4 4.794 2.k# A mn? 6.2 aao ASEP Steel Nandb.WQ 1.QIO 1.w 106.426 1.456 71.6 2.645 4.9 3.6 3.w 90.m 980 3.813 1256 118.8 84. Rolled Shaws 4-41 ASEP Si'ecll Handbook 161- . 4-42 Rolled Shapes ASEP Steel H a n hook -162- . 74 @me Bas 1.4 P I I Rl.007 LKW 731 / 1133 arw [email protected]? 171.t e?i7 .95 574 487 99 7 6&19 404 in*$ ASEP Steel Handbook -163- .Rolled Shapes 4-43 CHANNELS Dimrnsiane Properties Etaetlo Proprrtir 1 M e X-X I I s I 221 8 21. 4-44 Rolled Shapets * ASEP steel Handbook -164- . 811 f .704 3.802 770 &St ASEP Stuef Handbook -165- .a7 $48 3.Rolled Shapes 4-45 El& Axis X-X I xtd mid Proper I xtd xr d mm4 mrr? I 7.242 @.FM 3. 4-45 Rolled Shapes STRUCNRK TEEe Oinrensionr Proputhe Cut horn W S h m ASEP :eel Handbook -166- . $2 94.M $3.84 35.CIS $7'36 08.72 ASEP Steel Handbook 161 WT18x17Q.5x 164 x 150 x 140 xt30 x tns I xi15 .Rolled Shapes 4-47 8fRUCTURAL TEE5 bimrions it PropMrn Cut from W Shbprr I 980% 07. BTRUCTURPL TEE8 Dimmiom Propwtiw Cut ham W $ h r w &n Depth A H mmi mm ASEP S tee1 Handbook -160- . w 1s..409 gpo. I 8 1 AX!.m 1 lM.8365 1 30.m7 I#.134 94. Ekntlo Propwtlr I I MJd X-X .954 ASEP Steel Handbook -169- I .as m1540 ~ a o i mart #I 1m. Y-Y I I 8 xld rnm4 270. .W 148. ma.MI i9.w n.288 101. 8 ASEP Steel Handbook -170- . e '346.9 339.t ' 805.0 301.e m*f 31K3.2 310.4 am.2 941.m.t 325.9 m.2 301.5 3173 314.7 344.5 289.8 311. 851 ?a20 77.738 M55 @5.w tH 891.31 70.377 6607 S%MS eaao 128970 as? awoa #39 2f. tm ASEP Steel Ear book -171- .g77 me0 00.@7 61.72 e m €a00 y11c 7.190 14.E l r m Propertin 1 Axlr X-X s I I P i- I I e& Ir 30.159 6.7@ @OlS ?a45 7585 5 24$43 22M5 if@%% 17.185 6758 87. . (5234 sq1os 52.837 52861 43 785 42.oae W9lt 711.872 30.043 31.eet 4q $32 44 2%m a043 34.Rolled Shapes 4-53 DerlgnrUon dxw I xl 0' md M. a87 ASEP Steel Wmdbaok -173.094 02.027 34 423 29.338 69. .435 54 1Sl 59. 1'8 10.14.0 ASEP Steel Randbook -174- 284.8 2ea 3 m15 280 0 .8 ras 1. Rollea Shapes 4-55 STRUCTURAL TEE8 Dlmrnaiona PrOprrUr Cut horn W S h a p ~ Y$ Eiraklo Prbprrllw X-X I I I I Axlr Y-Y 8 Designation . STRUCTURAL TEES Dimcnaionc Propartbe Cut kern W S h r m m* Web 'hldtnrrr nrn mm H tv -284.2 .7 2744 285 7 257.0 a.8 217.8 1 79.5 ma 241. 21.7 1B .8 480 42 0 89.9 80.l) 27.2 24-9 2516.8 237.2 $87.% 1 W.8 2m.o 13 3 $23 11.0 65. 189 If 3 184 15.8 828 Hi.1 212.4 227'8 2P.1 ' qndbook 176- 7r.7 fa2 103.4 ASEP Steel 70.g 24s 0 232.9 181. 8 IS$.3 1 90.o 2m.9 179.1 36.0 $1'2 47. 5 2.4 6W1.B 2774.3 877 5 7u.2 1B08.2 972.5 1188.9 5514 50D 4 4% 2 408 8 .4 3469.@ 2318.2 1%29.Rolled Shapes 4-57 xtd md 4323.0 1321.2 241 .1 1 084.2 2153.3 1977.1 3105. B7l 1 1Qi.O 3l.15 r4r2~ t7ix-i 174.452 ASEP Steel Iimdt-178- rk .6"H aqen ma@ 44895 I867 lQ000 182.2 lii.c arg 213 6 m3 80t. Rolled Shapcs 4-59 K~V mm' XI@ mw? t mm Y mm XI d mm' XI o3 mm' ASEP Steel Handbook -179- . 0 5.8 6.6 8.1 1a0 155 140 rat 11.5 7.8 8.6 5.4 8.1) 1au 9.6 50 6.1 8.STRUCTURK TEE8 Dimrnsion F'roprtkr Cut tom W Bhapau 20.8 0.t ASEP Steel H a .5 7.ibook -180- . 91 44.40 41.406 9.1.246 3.43 11.RoXled Shapes 4-61 liTRUCTURM TEE8 Dimendona Propwtlw Cut kom W Shprr Y mm t rnm 1 xrd mm' I 82.20 44.193 48.730 10.157 $a02 5.94 eqew 56.605 3228 31.592 34.70 970 783 587 491 ASEP Steel -1 landbook .078 4.75 41.831: 71.02 44.sea 36.72 2R70 27.~1 25.94@ 2682 25.~5:! 40.29 a251 3a2a m70 27.298 aare wm 2531 1qQ37 28. 4-52 Rolled ASBP Steel Handbook -18%- . Rolled Shapes 4-63 ASEP Stc r IIandbook 183 . 1 66 5.4-64 Rolled Shapes STRUCTURAL TEES Dirnsnrion~ Propwtkr Cut from W S h a p Depth H rn m Web 'hlcknecr L mrn 91 79 72 72 62 64 58 62 58 43 8.8 68 58 43 s9 61 --7 1 ASEP Seeel Handbc -Flange Thlcknwa 4 rnm . Rolled Shapes 4-65 STRUCTURAL TEE8 Dimonlions Proputla Cut tam W 8hapor I I M r Y-Y 8 ASEP Steel Handbook -185- . ASEP Steel 't nabnok -I35 . Roi led Shapes 4-67 x mm r mm tan a . 0 t6A BO B0 t6.0 16.0 80 0.O 90 &O tao .O 16.0 16. lC andbook .ASEP Steel . . Rolled Shapos 4-73 . 4-74 gWll& Shapes ASEP S tee1 -1r :aridbook . lt. .Rolled Shame ASEP Steel. Handbook -195- 4-. 3 7ao me 101.6 114.1 273.l e d Shapes 21 3 aat 3a4 422 4a3 00.3 a7 38 4 422 48 3 64 3 73 0 Be B 101.3 1aar.3 ASEP Steel H a n d b o o k -196- .8 21.8 114.3 141.a 219.1 323.4-'76 MoJ. I d .Rolled Shapes 4- C r ASEP Steel HanP jook -197- 1 No. PIPES Dimrtuionr Propath8 ASEP Steel Hand1 ok -198- . 7 9 Sohedula No. ASEP Steel Harlbook -199- .Rolled Shapes 4 . PART 5 METAL DECKS . ....................................... 5-5 Fireproofing ...........5-11 ................................... 5-9 BD Concrete Volumes and Weighta .....................pip .... 10 SD Panel Section Properties 9D Colmpcsite Slab Allowable Superimposed Load ........................5-2 -era1 ........................................... 5-14 CD Panel ~ropartica ASEP Steel Handbook -203- ....5-5 nanclat urO Wrrosion .........................................Metal Decks 5-1 CONTENTS ........5-3 mtsrial .................... 5-13 CQ Panel ReactLon Data ............................................................................................ 5-9 Allowable Lateral Loads for BD Composite Slab ..........................................................................................................................................5-4 D...............................................5......................5-6 SD Dtteign Data ............5-13 Colqpsrbite Slab Propertlee.............5-8 . ma4 ma4 .NOMENCLATURE D.f inition Crosa-mectionrl area Concrsts strength at 28 days Rblnforci'ng bsr yield ettength SpecifFe8 y i e l d stress of structural ateal Coapoeita section mowmt: of inertia Positive bending rorant of inertia Uegativa bending momant of inertia Second mofent of orea for negativs moment regime (Strength) Second au3aent of orea tor poeitivs rtoPent regiono (Strength) Owarning lrawnt capacity of section in the negative S m e Governing moment capacity of section in the positlv~%one Overall width of the metal deck Inside radius of bend Positive &ancling section modulus Negative -ding section modulus Base metal thickness of thta metal decks Cmtpo8ite eection raodulua for concrete Elastic modulus for nwative moment tone (Compression flange) Elastic modulus for negative 84wurt some (Tension flange) Elastic mdulus for gositive aooant zona (Compression flange) &laatic modulus for positive moment eona (Tension flange) Coapasite aection modulus for steel deck Perimster of embedded metal deck ASEP Steel -2C mdborrk Units mm2 MPa MPa NP a m4. indentations along the longitudinal elements are provided. the metal decks have positive bond enhancements between the concrete and the metal profile to preserve the integrity of the composite action. unlike conventional formworks.Metal Decks 5-3 METAL DECKS Metal decks or panels. steel deck. In the absence of a ceiling. Materials used are normally steel. For composite systems. vertical folds or stiffened webs are totally embedded in the concrete to provide the necessary grip for composite action. Generally. metal decks with flat soffits are desirable over the ribbed type. siding or wall and floor panels of various profiles. aluminum and sometimes stainless steel (for special application) "h This Part 5 of the Steel Handbook deals with steel floor panels. Metal deck products are mostly proprietary in nature. ASEP Steel I mdbook -20 . are categorized under the classification of surface members. belong to this classification. bowaver. as a composite alternative to conventional wood or metal formworks. metal decking or aimply metal deck. generally considered as part of the family of cald-fornned structural steel members. metal decks are permanent and therefore not reusable. metal decks are availabla either in "ribbedn profiles or with "flatn soffits. Cold-forming may be done using press brakiog/bending Rathods in the manufacture of "special" profiles. normally referred to as floor deck. Metal decks may be used structurally. roll forming is employed by most manufacturers for mass production. For "othern profiles. coating and base waterials. The manufacturer usually holds a patent for each particular metal deck profile being produced. Roofing. However. Regarding the architectural aspect. metal decks are manufactured from galvanized-coated continuous coils or cut sheeta. Similar to cold-formed light gage frame members. For "trapezoidal profile" metal decks used in composite slabs. Fy. the minimum quality r-irerrwt ia physical (structural) quality zinc-coated steel c o n f o w t9y t o the requirements of ASW A446 Grades A to F or c o r r e s m + lag tWS 6 7 squiwalsnt.The metal deck profiles featured in this Part 5 of the Steel Blur.60 nun are locally avallabla) ir 914 and 1219 lea\ widths. conforming to the requireraents of JIS G3141 SPCC-8 and/or PWS 127 Class 1-8. and whose choice is norafilly dictated ~ ~ t ~ n ~considerations. lengths should cover a minillwr of three apanm.11 rj.75 m to 3.75 RMI to 1. Fy. are l.20 nm (wherein 0.bletal decks under the brand names Steeldeck and Condeck. ~llprctively. with a minimlu yield stress. thicknesses of metal decks range from 0. of 245 MPa. the minimu quality requirement is high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) st-1 conforming to the requirements of JIS G3125 SPA-C or SPA-H. . F of 275 Wa and 550 MPa. rer. with minimum yield atress. Very long apana may be limited by transport limitations. for efficiency in drsifm.available from Philmetal Products while the * s l a t n or *soffitm profile is produced by Condeck lnternatioaal. Pot hot-rolled varieties. Metal decks floor slab systems are rWar locally available in specified minimum yield strengths. llirtal decks aay be ordered in s~acific length. the minimmi quality requirement is mtmel conforming to JIS 63101 SS 400. -lfied gtwtural :i ' ?or gatvaniaed steel varietiee.l#otifieQ in this Steel Usndbook as SD panels and CD panelm. Specified ID deClDKIls and very seldom in wire end sheet metal gages. ASEP Steel Handbook -206- . Metal decks lass than three spans shall be check4 for both bending stresses and deflections- The basa metal quality requirement for metal (floor) decks be colg-rolled steel having a minimum yield point of 206 a . l i c gh.dbk ara only those available locally. respectively. of 314 MPa and 343 MPa."rilpb&" profile is . The "trapezoidaln or . Par atmospheric corrosion-resistant steels. . Regardless of this claim. Furthermore. only the galvanized cold-rolled steel of minimum yield strengths. The structural propertias for each particular profile were supplied by the manuf aoturers. Fy. fire. The respective nrtinufacturers claim that their metal decks are "fire-rated" from one to two hours. the design calculations for metal becks are more complicated. The NSCP and its referral codes. When a metal deck i a primarily used as permanent form for ii concrete slab. they must . the AISC fox steel. its design is straight forward similar to the ecasign of an ordinary floxuzal member. Fireproofing Fireproofing is a very critical aspect of metal decks especially if metal decks are used entirely or partially as reinforcement for concrete slabs. depending on the concrete slab thickness. however.Metal Decks 5-5 Currently. of 275 MPa and 550 MPa are locally a v a l l able. However. As a component of a composite slab system.-resistivepaints or coatings. ASEP requires that for metal decks used as total or partial reinforcement for composite sections. and rhe presence ar absence Of positive. calculation of proper t i a s of special configurations follow the method specified in the Cold-Formed Steel Design Manual. Design examples o f each Particular metal deck profile are available free from the ra8peCtiVe manufacturers' brochures. where it is considered as a posit i v e moment zeinforcament. AISI 1986 Edition. Ameri can Concrete Institute (ACI) for concrete and AlSX for coldformed members are silent on this aspect of design involving natal decks. each manufacturer has its o m carnposlte dasign method usually based on Allowable Stress Design or Strength Design The basic principles used are usually the X I Code or the British Standard (BS) Code of practice for trie dmaign of reinforced concr~teflexural members. the concrete type (whether normal-weight or light-weight ) used. and structures having acidic or abrasive enviranmnts ( l i k e . For structures built in corrosive environments (lika s a r i n r off-ahor6 structures. all composite concretcr and metal decks slab system. and structuree at or near b b o t e s ) . rsquiras the inetallatiOn of positive and permanent methods eP fire protaction. manufacturing plants).ha provided with a permanent effective fireproofing. For .&W!P Corrosion Another very important aspect of nbatal decks if used structural reinforcement tor concrete slabs is the corrosion factor. astal decks should at best be used wily as a rrsplacentant to fonaiorks. ASEP Steel Hanctbook -208- . Metal Decks 5-7 TABLES OF DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES ASEP Steel Handbook -7nq- . PROFILE AND DIMEWSlONS .SD PANEL SECTIOPJ. 6 .NO METAL -- 76 2 W:ICIlTS C h E N INCLUDE ALLOWANCE FOR DEFLECTION ASEP S t a d Handbook -211- .SD PANEL SECTION PROPERTIES ( PeR W3"i'R WIDTH f t I POSITIVE BENDING MOMENT NEGATIVE BEPI'DING YOYEKT SUB DEPTH O W TOP OF 41). mm unm I SO I NOTE3 : 1 WEIGHTS FOR CONCRETE ONLY 03. NO KICRWE IN VPLUES %OWN S PERMIXED FOR W!ND OR SEiSMiC FORCES.00 26.W 2.240 24. UTW 2.ALLOWABLE LATERAL LOADS FOR SD COMPOSITE SLAB LATERAL LOADS f N/m2 f UWABLE 'COUL SIM PwIx. mm I f I MKiNAnON SPAN NwX L - C/C OF SUPPORTS.490 223. WELDS TO SUPPORTING MEMBERS S W L HAM A FUSION A R M '.600 @ Oil0 X -212- II I .360 23.400 2. mill 1.0% LW VALUES ARE o o r * ~ oBY s 8 sum *NO ~ S K I A KOF S LOS ANCKLK u u r o ~ N uw o o m COMLJNEU IN RESEARCH RECOMMENDATION No 2757 OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OfFlilliLS 1.100 2.820 24.120 25.370 23.910 58 SW X 1.80 26.700 3.200 22.990 25. 3.780 25.950 24.300 3.950 23.?UIVALENT TO 1 2 7 m m EFfECTlVE DIAMETER (COMMONLYREFERRED TO A3 PUDDLE WELD) ASEP Steel Ha? .000 3.510 23. - ~~ .1100 j~Y3.'SI!I'f'ORTS..OAL) OFPIH ~ DTAL SLAB EPTH. VALUES ARE BASED ON 960 Pa CONSTRUCTION LOAD. lorn -- ~~~~ 1~-1.Metal D e c k s 5-11 _ - DESIGNATION N.. ASEP Steel Hand1 ok -213- . COMI'OSI'I'I~ SLAB AI. SUI'iIH1MI'OSl~:I) I. BUTTON PUNCH SIDE M E AT 9UOrnm O C 4.. f'c = 21 MPa B 28 r)nvs.OIVI\I<LI:. x t i ! (\VOMING S T I ~ K S SD E S I G N ) .800 NOTES : 1 ONE ROW OF SHORING IS RLOUIRED AT MIOSI'AN FOR VALUE$ ON StihDED AREAS 2. - 7 i & l . SPAN-C/C . NO. 6. STEELDEK COMPOSITE SW. .".. PRCIWDE WELDED WIRE MESH OR EQUIVALENT FOR SHRINKAGE CONTROL 3. -~-- / 3.3 CAN SP4N MORE THAN 36311rnm ABC TABLE DID NOT W O W ALLOWABLE LOAO #A!CkS ABOVE 3. mrn $1) .600rnm DlJE TO SPACE COhlSTRAlNT.L.. .. OF SPANS .. - -- 01.i. FY = 275 MPO 5 . CD PANEL PROPERTIES ( PER METER rmx ) CD PANEL REACTION DATA ASEP Steel Iianiibook .21% . .fam~dhook .CONCRETE SLAB CD COMPOSITE SLAB PROPERTIES PER METER WIDTH (I'c = 20 N/mm 2) ASEP S t c . .CD COMPOSITE SLAB PROPERTIES PER METER WIDTH (rSc = 20 N/mm 2. -1 Elandbook 218- = 25 N/rma2) .CD COMPOSITE SLAB PROPERTIES PER METER XfBYB (2% ASEP St. 5 N/mm2) I DESIGNATION .Metal Decks 5-17 91n CONCRSTE SUB CD COMPOSITE SLAB PROPERTIES PER METER WIDTH (I'c = 25 N/mm2) STEEL BASED IrZeXURAL PROPERTIES I I = BOND DATA (U I \I I 0. ca couposrm SLAB PROPERTIES ASEP Steef Handha k .%.%A . Metal Decks 5-19 CD COMPOSITE SIAB PROPEKTIES PER METER WIDTH (f'c = 30 N/mm 2 ) . ABBP ytrel Handbook -222- . .CD COMPOSITE SLAB PROPERTIES PER HEXER WtDTfl ff'c = 40 N/mm 2. PART 6 STEEL FLAT PRODUCTS ASEP Steel ' mdbook --- . ......Steel Flat Products 6-1 CONTENTS N m n c l a t u r e .... ....................................... 6-15 JIS G3131..90 ...........................6-24 JIS G3141...................................................................... 6-2 . 6-7 JIS G3101-87 .................................... 6-46 ASEP Steel Handhnok -227- .....3 Scope and Classification............................................................................nmral PNS 67-86 ........6-38 ASTM A446M-87 ......................................................................... 6-43 6......... 6-2 re via ti on^ .............................................. 6 ....... 6-31 PNS 127....88 .........................................................................4 ASTM A36M-87 .................... 6 ............90 .............................. 6-3 mtariale ............. .rp drllrinp quality cold rolled steel as per JI$ 63141 C m r e i a l quality cold-rolled steel.llOy st-1 i J Xn&mtri a1 itltriatEards Pkilipgpiaa Hatianal Staedarde $twtilra1. 6.Units MPa h r i c c m Society for Te6ting and Materials C rcial quallty mid-rolx~acoil Cold-rolled sheet srclusiv. tension and f o ~ i l i ~ valuaa y guaranteed. as per 31s 63141 Btructural quality Structural steel ASEP Steel Wglr8'xtok 930 . me-roll& coil Rot-rolletl plate %at-rotTu4. quality btrosphsrlc corrosion-resistaat osSb-&Wl*d s t m l u plr a161 6312 gtrocturrl quality aOaosghsric corrosion-re8istult ~ s r318 63125 h$-mllod st-1 as p Carrrcial qmalfty arrl&rolled stksl r s per JKS 63141 Braniq qurlity cold-relled steel a6 par JIS G3141 dlr&wfng qyalitp cold-rolled steel as mr 31s G314l )Ilea-aqming. s h M t PigQ-rtreWtb l~-. Steel flat products are Locally available in the form of hot-rolled plates (HRP). The process of hot rolling consists of passing xed-hot ductile steel slabs between two large. Likewise. on the other hand. cylindrical steel rolls ( i n Contrast with the grooved rolls used in the production of tShapeS. Commercial (CQ) or structural ( S Q ) plates. such as structural beams) revolving in opposite directlonrr but at the ease peripheral speed. coldrolled and/or coated sheets. Scoge and Classification Thls Part 6 of the Steel Handbook specifies the characteris- tics of plate and sheet (hot-an6 cold-rolled) products which arrl differentiated one from the other as follaws (based from ASTM A6M and ASTM A56824 definitions): ABEP Steel Hm' dok -229- . CQ or E+Q strip.Steel Flat Products 6-3 STEEL FLAT PRODUCTS Flat rolling or processing may be considered to involve those operations in steel plants associated with the conver~lon of slabs. or sheet are the resulting end-proaucts. the hotrolled strip is processed to final ordered thickness without any further heating except for annealing or heat treating purposes. The product standards to which these are manufactured are listed in Table 6-1. are also available in the form of hot-dipped zinc-coated (or galvanized) steel. coated (or finished steel) flats which predominantly use CRC/CRS as base material. strip. In cold rolling operations. and cold-rolled coils/sheet (CRC/CRS). hot-rolled ccils/sheets (HRC/HRS). including hot-rolled. into finished plates. it is classified into hot-rolling and cold-rolling operations which results to a final product with a width to thickness ratio which is usually fairly large. an8 strip products. either continuously or ingot-cast. or sheet are the resulting endproducts. sheeta. Conveniently.. taken as 170 MPa.5 mm.2 aua to 6 . hot-rolled steel classified as over 300 m to 1. 0 m. excl.8 w. For the fabrication of &wilt-UD ShaDCIg enumerated in (Part 1) of thia steel classified as over 200 mm in width and over 6. the s e r i a l n q u i n - lunte involve the following: siiniaw quality steel for structural members shall conform to ASTM A36M and/or JIS G3101 SS400. Fy.200 mm in width and 1.- (1) Plate. in thickness. These steels have alnimtm s-cified yield . of 250 MPa and 245 MPa. The basic allowable stress shall be taken as 0. in width and 0.1) JIS 63131 SPHC and/or ASTM A569M for the hotrolled steel varieties.200 mm.60F Y' ASEP Stcte 1 Handbook -230- . flat.0 mm in thickness: or over 1. These steels have a minimum specified yield stress.5 lam in thickness. ( 1 ) Not-rollaa Note: minimum thickness for S t a x (HSLA) ia 1. in thickness: or over 1. or over 300 mrn in width and 0. in width and 1. incl. - sheet flat. m6saectiV.l Y .0 am. incl.2 nuu to 4. cold-rolled Steel c h ~ s i f i e d &a 50 8* to 300 ma. in thickneea. Fat tlm fabrication af &#at$ ia (pert 3 ) of this St:: d-f orawl Jiaht-a pre- Handbook.35 to 2. Handbook and cold-formed plate shames tabulated i a (Part 2) of this Steel Handbook. Fy. incl. (1) ThQ (2) The minimum quality steel for the non-structural mmbsrg shall conform to (2.trees.35 a and over in thiclmsas. the minimum quality steel for Ivemtural Pleabers shall conform to ASTM A36M and/or JIS 63101 (foramrly designated as JIS G3101 SS41). excl.200 las in width ernd over 4. High-Strength Low-Alley - (3) Cold-rolled sheet flat. 30 mm in thickness and widths from 660 mm to 1 . ASTM A366M and/or PNS 127 Class 1 for the cold-rolled varieties.50 nun up to 12. Fy. this is limited by the capabilities of the local manufacturer of flat steel products. Fy. 7 5 mrn to 1. Steel of this variety is locally available in thic)messes from 0 . respectively. conforming to the requirements of JIS G3141 SPCC-8 and/or PNS 127 Class 1-8. However. with a specified minimum yield stress. with minimure yield stress. Steel conforming to other material specifications can also be rolled Locally. The designer should consult with the flat steel manufacturer before specifying any type of Locally manufactured structural or high-strength steel not listea here in the Steel Handbook.. 2 ) JIS G3141 SPCC. 5 2 4 nun. ~he'basicallowable stress shall be taken as 0. of 314 M P a and 343 MPa.60Fy. conforming to ASEP Steel Handbook -2 i . and specified yield strengths Fy. in widths of 914 mm and 1. ranging from 226 MPa to 550 MPa) or the corresponding PNS 67 equivalent.219 m. Current mill capabilities limit these grades of steel from 1. (3) The minimum specification for galvanized varieties is physical (structural) quality steel conforming to the requirements of ASTM A446 Grades A to F (with minimum yield stress. taken as 170 MPa. These steels have a minimum specified yield stress. For the fabrication of the metal decks (Part 5) of Steel Handbook: this (1) The base metal quality requirement for floor decks shall be cold-rolled steel having a minimum yield point of 206 MPa.Steel Flat Products 6-5 ( 2 .60 m. Fy. of 2 7 5 MPa or 5 5 0 MPa. of 245 MPa . (2) The minimum quality for hot-rolled varieties is structural steal conforming to the requirelnents of JIS G3101 SS400. (4) The minimum quality for atmospheric corrosion-resistant varieties Is high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel conforming to the requirements of JIS G3125 SPA-C or SPA-H. F. 1 ProQucts. I 1 I 1 ASTM A446-87 PNS 67-86 1 I i Sheets and Strip Cold-Rolled Steel Sheets and Strip Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Sheets and Strip I I (Oslvanized Steel I I Structural Steel Rolled Steel for General Structures ( JIS G3131-90 ) Hot-Rolled Mild Steel Plates. I i Titles IMt-Rolled Coil I I (Cold-Rolled Coil 1 ( I (cw) I Standard I INot-Rolled Plate 1 I I 1 1 1 I ! i I 1 Structural Quality Galvanized Steel Sheets/ / Galvanized Steel Sheets and Coils ?or convmnience. a listing of currently laanufacturad t h t stsel products a r e listed in T a b l e 6-1: Locally Available l W 4 S t .8Rd their corresponding "near grade equivalentstc F o r reference purposes. AWI'Pl A607. JLS '3125.6-6 S t e e l Flat Products ~ p d f i c a t i o n s such as JIS G3106. J L S G9113. excerpts from these relevant standards i n Tabla8 6-2 t o 6-49. ASEP Steel Handbook -232- I are . Teblr 6-1: Locally Available Flat Steel Products I Product Form I I (m@) I I I I ASTH A36R-87 JIS G3101-87 1 I I I I It=) I 1 JIS G3141-90 PNS 127-88 I . JIS G3114. =50mm 1 S rnax.051 I I 0. ASEP Steel -2: mdbook .40-1.26 0. the minimum Cu shall be 0.--+ [Strength( (MPa) [GL-200 mJG1.0 7.0 6.Steel F l a t Products 6-7 A S T M A36M-87 Table 6-2: P r e f e r r e d S p e c i f i e d T h i c k n e s s 1 I Unit:mm 1 5.0 20. '3. 1 1 I 1 lor 8 in. a deduction from the percentage of elongation in 203 mm of 1.rl under 8 mm in thickneaa.0 1 1 I I Table 6-3: Chemical and M e c h a n i c a l Property Requirements 7 I I Tensile Test (Transverse Direction) Chemical Composition.04 0. max.15 0.04 0. i-------t-----.% min.*'( [Tensile I Point I-.0 45. t 1 trZO 10. elongation requirement is reduced 2%.0 25.20%. For plates wider than 610 m ~ the .80 mm o f the awcified thickness below 8 mm.0 30.0 14. [or 2 in.0 5.0 ) 16. When coppet steel is specified.20 0. 1 - - >40-50 10.0 8.0 12.0 10.0 9.5 18. ?or uteri. '2.051 I I I I (MPa) I I min.25 I 1 i I S i HI? P I Yield 1 Elongation.0 50.0 ( 40.80 1 -0.% 1' I -+--7---1 I I t 1 Thick.0 32.0 1 38.0 28.25% shall be made for each decrease of 0.0 22.0 35.0 11.I (neesCema) 1 I I C max.I I I I I I I I I II I I I * I . the peraissrble maximum over tolerance shall be increased by 75% rotmded to the nearest 0. ucl ( i i I-Permissible variation under specified thickness. WOTI1 %Thickness to be measured a t 10 arsa to 20 lam from the longitudinal edge.100.800. NOTE &-For thickness meas*~redat any Location other than that specified in Note 2 .500.andboo)r 234- . 0. excl I i 1. NOTC 3-For specified thickness other than Chose s h o w .1 am.200 to 1. excl 1.6-8 T&Le Steel Fiat Products 6-4a: Permiselble Variatxons in Thickness Unit: am 1 Tolerance Over Specified Thickness for Widths 1.400.800 to 2.500 to 1.100 to 2. excl 2. the next h i g h e r thicknear will apply.3 m.200 and Under Over 1. IK)TI1 ASEP Steel K. 700 t o 3. 4. M?TE 3-For r p e c i f i e d thickness o t h e r than those shown.000 t o 3.P e m i s r i b l e v a r i a t i o n under s p e c i f i e d thickness.200.1 mm. 3.300 t o 3. the permissible naximura over t o l e r a n c e s h a l l b e increased by 75% rounded t o t h e n e a r e s t 0. 0. NOTI4 2-Thickness t o be measured a t 10 rn t o 20 cm from the l o n g i t u d i n a l edge. 2.700.600. ASEP Steel Handbook 9QC .600 to 3.400 t o 2. excl excl excl excl excl I 1 I I I tWrE 1 . 1 mm 1 1 1 I I T o l e r a n c e Over S p e c i f i e d T h i c k n e s s f o r W i d t h s I 1 1 2. 3.Steel F l a t P r o d u c t s 6-9 T a b l e 6-4b: P e r m i s s i b l e Variations i n T h i c k n e s s ( C o n t ' d .300. t h e next higher thickneon will apply.000. MOTE 4-For thickness measured a t any l o c a t i o n o t h e r than t h a t s p e c i f i e d i n Note 2 .3 m . ) U n i t : lorn I 7 I 1 ( M ISpecified 1 (Thicknesa. I 1.000 t o 6 .250 I P Table 6-39: Length Tolerance A 1 t I I ( Division by Nominal Length Unit: m m i i I Under 2 .250 I 1.250 and over 1 I I +7 0 I 410 I 0 I I Unit: mm Table 6-38: Width Tolerance B I 1 I t I Division by Nominal Width I I Under 1.250 and over i I ASEP Steel liand' w k 3267- Tolerance + 10 -- I I I . 0 0 0 4. e x c l . 0 0 0 .4 1 Unit: nun Table 6 .3 7 : Width Tolerance A 1 r I Division by Nominal width I I I 1 Under 1.Steel Flat Products 6 . I 10. and ~quivalentMasses. nu.1 I UCl. ucl.780. Width Length 10 13 11 l6 11 16 13 l8 13 19 16 22 16 22 19 25 ASEP Steel Handbook . 1. UC1. length only of Universal Hill Plate s 50 mm thick I I Ik.lM to 2.100. I 2.excl.5 excl.cified Riraulaions Width I-.700 a d ever 1 I I I I 1 I I I I Variations Over Specified Width and ~ength*for Thickness. 1 1 1 1 I TO 1. I I I I 1 t I -+ 4- I I &QM. kg/m2 To 10.50 to 125.6-34 Steel Flat Proolucts T e l e 6-5a: Paraiesible Variations in Width and Length for Sheered Plates s 40 pa thick. I 1.-236- I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 .excl.5.5 to 16.l 78. To 78. 1 excl I Width Length I .500.560 to 2.6. ~1. 1 ( 2.6 to 196.700 and I over I I 1 1 1 To 1. 196.000. 1. ASEP Str 11'Aandbook -2%- I I i I I I I I I .700. I I 2. nun and Equivalent Masses. 1 excl. kg/m2 1 Width To 1. excl. 13 19 16 25 16 22 19 25 19 25 25 29 22 29 29 32 I I I I i 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I axcl.500. 7 0 0 . I 1 2. ) I 6.500 to 2.Steel Flat Products 6-11 Table 6-5b: Permissible Variations in Width and Length Sheared Plates 5 40 mm thick: length only of Universal Mill Plate s 50 mm thick (Cont'd. I I 1.100 to 2.100 to 2 . icucl. excl Length Width .2. 6 1.l 1 excl.) I I I I 1I I Specified Dimensions I 1 Length I I I I C -------t-------IT0 3. 1 excl.500.000. 1 I I UC'. I I I I I I I I I Variations Over Specified Width and ~ength*for Thickness. I ( 2.100. I I I 1 I I 13.100. 25 to 50. incl.000 to I If1.5.2 to 392.) I sxc1.500 20 2.700 and I 1 over I lor 16 25 19 29 19 25 22 32 21 29 25 35 22 32 29 35 I A Permisrible variations under specified width and length. 1 125. I Width Length I excl. 16 to 25. 1509. axcl. 16 to 10. or in any 4. 1 1 P e r m i e ~ i b l eVariations fron a Flat l4 19 24 32 35 13 16 19 24 29 13 14 16 16 19 11 13 14 16 16 13 14 16 16 13 13 14 14 l1 lo I i f I I I I I I I II I I for Length .2.I incl. I 1 * Flatness Variations I 1 ( s u r f a c e f o r specified widths.2. the pemissible variation . When the longer dimension is from 900 8. 1800..1 Steel P l a t Products T a b l e 6-6a: P e r m i s s i b l e V a r i a t i o n s f r o m Flatness the longer dimension is under 900 m.2 to I I"1c1. k t e l-men f 1 I I 4 I 1i)p.hculd nat exceed 6 ao.The flatness variations across the width should not exceed the tabular mount for the specified wl!th. and peraiasible variations in flatr~cssalong the length ahould not exceed the tabular a w u n t for the specified width in plates up to 6. excl.1 157.1 to 1 ( 78. ASEP Steel H-lndbook -238 . 1200.cifi. ( 392. bared on the maximtun diwnriwlr of those plates. excl. excl. excl. excl.5.1. mc1.The longer dimension specified is considered the length.d I Specified I P J ~ l c k n m ~ sI. ( l a t o 20. 2100 I 1 ercl. 1 I . Maom. tho peraiasible variation should not exceed 75% of the tabular w u r t for the specified width.0. Wta 2-Thara variations apply to plates that have a specified minimum or conparable chemical corpotenmile mtrangth of not more than 400 . 3-16 t&le and these notas caver the permissible variations far flatness of ctreular and sketch plates. ) ( 78.0 to L l 196. excl. but in no case lees than 6 nm. I "el.2 t o I I I 157.1 I 131 to 50.000 mm of longer p l a b e e .000 in length. l@ t o 25. ( mxcl. excl.5 to i 1 94. I ) 47. Flatness Variatfons for Width . (ucl.. IUac1. . excl. ( TO 47. The limits in the table are increased 50% for plater specified t o a higher minimum tensile strength or coapatible chemirtry or hardness. I S O to 12. I ( 1 1 1 1 94. 1" 1 ro/r2 +-+ I'ZO 6. m a A*" ) To 900 to 1 2 0 0 to 1500 to 1800 to ( ( 900.'IM rition or hardnes8. 196. to 1 m .5. 2. 147.2 to 1 l9 I"cl 1157. 1196. 1 axcl .incl. 1 110 to 12. 1392. the permimsiblc variation should not exceed 75% of the tabular aount for the npecifiad width. based on the maximum dimennionr of thora plates. and permissible variations in flatness along the length should not exceed the tabular amount for the specified width in plates up to 4.1 to 1excl excl 47. . (94.2.he longer dimension is from 900 mm to 1800 r.5. excl. .. but in no case less than 6 m. excl. 1 32 (78.Steel Flat Products 6-13 Table 6-6b: Permissible Variatians trom Flatness (Cont'd. . - ASEP Steel Handbook .) the longer dimension is under 900 m.5. .- .... 8 x 1 . When . ( kg/m2 P I I I Parmieslble Variations from a Flat Surface for Specified Widths. lote 1-When I I I Specified /Specified Thickness. 1196..000 m of longer plates. Iete 3-Thin tabla and these notes cover the permissible variations for flatness of circular and sketch plates. or in any 4. axcl. 3000. Note 2-Them variations apply to plates t h a t have a specified minimum tensile 8trongth Of not more than 400 MPa or comparable chemical cmposition or herdnese.0 to 1 l6 35 38 41 . exc1. 1 Mans.igher minimum tensile strength or compatible chemirtry or hardness.. excL.2 t o l6 Iucl.. 4200. excl.000 mm in length. The flatness var~iations across the w i d t h Platnese Variations for width Should not excped the tabular amount for the specified width.1 125 to 50. ( 7 8 . mm A * B 12100to 2400to 2700to 3000to 3600to 4200 12400. 3600. 1 120 to 25. . 1157. I (12 to 2 0 . 5 to 1 22 (ucl. over t---------- t- l 1 I 38 41 44 48 .. ) oscl. ITO IT0 6 .710. excl. the permissible variation should not exceed 6 mm. 16 to 10.1. 194. The limits in t h e table are increased 50% for plates specified to a t.1 I L I I I A Flatness Variations for Length - The longer dimension specified is conaidared the length. 2700. excl. and lexcl.0. 25 29 32 48 54 25 25 29 38 51 i$ 22 25 35 44 16 16 18 29 38. . ASEP Steel 1 ~ d b o o k -74 Steel F l a t Products 6-15 Unit: nm Table 6-8: Preferred Standard Thicknesses -I 11.2 3 . 6 Jll.0 122.0 1 1.4 4.0 12.5 25.0 ( 2 . 6 ) 2.8 6.3 7.0 8.0 16.0 (17.0) 18.0 36.0 38.0 40.0 2.5 1.8 2.0 2.3 5.0 5.6 6.0 12.7 13.0 14.0 15.0 25.4 28.0 (30.0) 32.0 1.6 4.5 (2.9) 9.0 3.2{ 10.0) 19.0 20.0) 45.0 50.0) J Rssark: The standard be used. thicknesa not i n parentheses Table 6-9: Preferred Standard Widths should preferably Unit: m I -1 Ramark: For p l a t e , the standard widths of 914 mm, 1.219 mm and mu or over s h a l l be applied. steel T a l e 6-10: Preferred Standard Lengths 1,400 6-16 St-1 B1.t Products 'fable 6-11: Chemical P r o p s t y Rapuir-nta - - - I 0.050 mu. - - 0.050 max. 0.050 - - 0.050 mar. 0.050 0.30 rex. 1.60 max. 0.010 l a x . Wto: 0.050 max. f I I max. 1 I I max. 1 0.040 nax. I 1 I Allgiw e l n a n t a other than in above table can be added to SS540 acc o d & q to r ~ u i r e m n t a . ASEP Steel Handbc ~k -242- Steel F l a t Products 6-17 Table 6-12a: Mechanical Property Requirements T e n s i l e Test 1 Yield. Point or / T e n s i l e Yield 1Strength Strength / */m2I ~ / m m ~ 2 0 5 min. I-"-1 330-630 1 I I f I Elongation I I Dimensions .of Rolled S t e e l , = I I Test 1 Piece I % i t--4 1 . S t e e l s h e e t or s t r i p has a thickness of n o t more than 5 mm +Steel plate o r s t r i p has a thickness of over 5 to 16 i n c l . N0.5 / 26 No.5 f 19 min. sin. * S t e e l sheet or s t r i p haa a thickness of n o t sore than 5 mu @ S t e e lp l a t e or s t r i p h a s a thickness o f over 5 to 16 i n c l . I * S t e e l a h e a t or s t k i p has a thicttalhdO tr* n o t more than 9 am * S t e e l p l a t e or s t r i p has a thickness o f over 5 t o 16 i n c l . 1 I 1 * S t e e l s h e e t or s t r i p ha8 a thicknese o f R o t more than 5 mm *Steel p l a t e o r s t r i p has a thickne&s of over 5 t o 1 6 f n s l . j I E No.5 [ Ilo.XA I 5 j 15 mtn. i 1 1 1 Po.LA I I 1 I I i ] 16 Bin. I f f 13 min. 1 I 8-18 Steel F l a t Products TgLlo 6-12b: mechanical Propslrty R6quirement.s (Cont'd.) I 4" :I S \ 1 I 1 I I I 1 Bcqding Test I I I Ihr&ms Angle Inner Diameter 1 I I Test Piece I I I I __C____i I NO. 1 I I I I I I I NO. 1 I I I NO. 1 1 ,I ASEP Steel Handbook A. 000 1 2. excl 163.0 o r over ( to C u c l .0 ~0.00 or over I t o L .0 or over 1 to L ercl.0 t0. 25. p C 1 * 5.Steel Flat Pxoducts 6-19 Unit: ma Table 6-13a: Tolerance on Thickness I I I(Thickness 1 .55 110. 6 . 1 100 11.9 250 22. in thi8 cane shall be equal to those given in Table. (160 or over ) to C exu1.8 200 *1. 2.0 or over I to &.5 160 il. ASEP Gteol :landbook -7dF- .0 or over *0.1 300 22. (40. and at any point not less than 15 am from the aforementioned line for the cut edge p l a t e . (250 or avrr 1 t o 6 ucl.75 to C mxcl. 3 0 14. 16. 6 0 0 or Width ovar to and excl. 40. Thicknes~ shall be measured at any point inward the scheduled cutting lfaa concerning width for the as-rolled steel plate (with untrimed edge). 2. 1108 ot over I to C u e l .60 20.65 ( iO. 1100 0s ova* 1 t o G ercl. 63. 10.500 1 1 --14.65 10.000 or 1 over t o and e x c l . Lither plur aide or minus aide of the thickness tolerances given in tha above Tabla m y ba lhited on request.3 350 L L u r k a 1.30 or over ( to 6 ucl. 1300 or w a r ( t o O iacl.95 .00 (5.0 116. 2.0 o r ovar I to L rxcl.0 il.0 *o.00 or over I t o & excl. The total tolerances. 80 125. 150 / axcl.. 3.i F . Thiclrnesa shall be measured a t any Ipoint inVIlrd the scheduled W t i n g l i n e concerning width for the as-rolled steel plate [with untrimed edge)..50. The total toierances.000 f 1 t .003 - 1 I 1 I I Ramarks 1. i n t h i a case s h a l l be equal t o those given i n Table.0000s over t o and excl. Either plus s i d e or ninus aide o f the t h i c h e r r tolardnces g i v e n in the above Table lay be l i a i t e d en request..39 or I I 1 1 1 3. ASEP Steel H a n mok -246- .6-20 Steel F l a t Products Table. 4. 2. 6-13b: Tolersncs on Thickneee (Cont'd. from the aforementioned l i n e for the cut etlge p l a t e .) I I I Unit: t 1 2. . and at any polnt not less than 15 p.150 or 1 I over to and 1 over to and ( I I f Phiekneosr I arcl. 5. 65 I 1 Mi%tIth 1 4.i t 0 . ASEP Steel Handbook I .5% 0 +0.$-I- 1 ---------+10 I 0 I I +15 I I 0 I I 1 I r u r k : Toler*nca 8 doas not apply t o thickneas of 220 m.5% 0 .Steel F l a t Products 6-21 I I Length I 1 I I I I Thickness ------+ i-i 26300 uni t: mm Tolerance on Length Table 6-14: I 1 I I <6 26 I I I I I Tolerance ---I I +0. . 20.6-22 Steel F l a t Products Unit: mm Table 6-15a: Tolerance on Width I .0 or over I I L - / m r L tesC1.I ( S t e e l pLateIStee1 II Cut edge I Mill edge I Thickness I Tolerance I I .0 l5 0 5.5 I I 4.5 1 i0. 6. Ii s 1 I I .0 I specified I 120. 0 0 o r rjver t o 20.15 or over t o J m r & e r c l .0 lo 3. i ! ' I p h r 6 0 I I I ' 1 .0 0 1 I 2..00 I 1 t2 1 10 1 b . -1 0 ' 110 I 1 0 1 ~ 0 .5 I I 1 1 I - 1 - I I I .15 o r over t o I 1 I S I I 6 ezcl.0 I 1 1 I I I 10 i-____I(I I I 1 I h s x c i .) 1 I I is I +20 0 1 1 15 I 4.k. - 1 10 I I I H 2.3 I - I -___( I I I 1 5 2.&i 1 . 1190 120. :I.0 0 1 1 1 I 1 - I I - 15 I I I - I - 0 1 io.5 I 4.00 ! 6 .0 C (6.4 e0..0 0 - 1 3.15 .. 5 i0.n I s 3.5 1 - .0 or over ! I I B A Iedge ) + I4-------I (Under 3. - 5 i__l_f- I I C (sfrip and\ Normal 1 cut I cut edge 4-+___1-___( 1160 or13. 6.I I I I 10 120. i .0 1 I 3.00 I (.0 or over I I 0 + Not specified I I ( i2 1630 I s I 1 I I I 1 . $.. 6.0 .0 or over C----i 1 /Under 3. .. 1 1 I :I ]Width ) I II 1 1 .00 or over to' I I I 1 c e ~ c l .20.0 1 - 1 1 t0. 6.00 or over t o c .15 I I 1 5 13. 1 L crcl. 20. (as rolled ((with Juntri-d I Resheared \Slitted \ or fine i edge 1 (length8 1 (therefrom1 cut edge I \ I I I I - I & e x e l ..0 0 1 t-0.00 I 0 1 16.0 0 - -24a idbook I I - I 1 I 1 1 I I I I ASEP Steel r' t0.00 or over t o I + Not 1 ( h excl. 00 1 0 I +30 1 I (to.00 ( 0 (or ~ 6 .) r 1 iI I 1 1 1-1 Tolerance I I I I Thickness I I t-------~-----l [Steel plate(Stee1 I 1 1 iJwidth I( I I 1 I Ira rolled (with 1 luntrilrwd edge) I I I I (rttip m d l (cut I A Normal cut edge I (lengths I lthereftoml + 1 +25 0 1 B - ----------I ---------1 -------I I I 1 lo I 1 lo (Under 3.15 or over to1 Iwer & axcl.800 1 & excl.000 I20.0 or over I I I l5 I H -----------1 -------+ ------I -----i-(1.15 or over to] 4.0orcver 1 11 ------------A 1 +40 0 I 15 1 lo lo (1. 20.0 I 1 I 6. 0 0 o r o v e r t o ~+ N o t lover 1 & excl.0 0 II Iercl.15 I I 1 lo 4.0 0 I 10 0 I I I 15 I i-t ---------.0 1 specified I I I 11. 20.00or over to1 + Not I 0 1 15 0 6.2% ASEP Steel Handboo! 4.1 -------i -(1.2% 0 I I 1.0 0 1 J e x ~ l . 6.0 I (or 13.0 I 1 10 I lwer 1 & excl.00orovartol + N o t I 0 (15 0 6. 20.0 4.0 1 1 lo I lover I & excl.250 120.000 (Under 3.15 1630 or13. 6.0 6. 20.& (6.0 1 specified I I I ~20.600 120.0 - 0 I I I 1 I I - .0 4.0 or over I H -'-------I I (Under 3.15 I ----+ I 1 ---A 1 1 I I 13.250 (Under 3.0 I lor 13-15 or over t o ) 4.15 or over to1 11.I & excl. 6.Steel Flat Products 6-23 Unit: raa T a b l e 6-15b: Tolerance on Width (Cont'd.0 ( specified ( I I J1. 6.00 or over to1 + Not (excl.0 f specified 11. 1 & 8 x 1 .00 1 0 I +35 I (to & (6.0or over ( 1 Cut edge Hilt edge Resheared ISlitted or fine edge I cut edge I + .1 C--- I I II I 4. ( h excl.15 1 I I'-----------A lo 4.00 1 0 (to L 16. Unit: r I 1 steel strip and cut lrwythr therefrom.rd widths of 2.000 m 0r urrd. 2. Per tha in parenthercr should preferably clte<I strip M cut loncthr therefrom.r rh. Q . the rtuul. the rtandard 12.70 r ~r under shall k r ~ 1 i . m r k : Par ASEP Steel Ha ibook -2517- .d Stamlard Width.sEerrab T h i c k ~ o ~ a(for s SPHC) Unit: lp Eeoarkr: 1.11 h a@licd. 'fha thickncrr not otandard be u d .6-24 Steel Flat Products rl 6-16: Prfb. thicbarror af V d & a 6-17: Proirrr. 5 nun I 1 I mln.1 27 I I 1 I/Tensile I1 Deeig-1 Chemical nation( Compo1 . 6 mm excl. I I H 4 -------I JSPHC )0.2 mm to 1 . SPHD and SPHE are manufactured from carbon rtael having r C cantent of 0.05010.Steel Plat Products 6-25 Table 6-18a: Chemical and Jfechanical Property Requirements r I I I t I I I I (Strength 1 --t (MPa) * I P / ( 1 IS I max.1 max.1 I I max.040)0. 33 m i n . 29 min. 32 min. excl .1 I I JBPHD 10.% I I Tenslle Test . 0 mm to 2. The C and tin contents are not specified.0351 mx. I I I _ I J I Raarke: 1. I 270 min.152 or below and an Mn content of 0. mition.040( 270 rain.10% or below and an Un content of 0. Nechanical test values do not apply to abnormal parts of at both M a ateel atrip (coflii). 33 min. ASEP Steel Handbook -251- .6 nun to 2 . I Thickness 1. 29 min.03010. 2. II 31 min.1 max.60% or below.c. 35 rnin. but SPHC i s manufactured f r w carbon ateel having a C content of 0.) I L I I I 1 -I Elongation % ----I I Thickness 1.1Pia.[ IIB?RE I10. i 1 30 m i n .50% or below.0501 270 min. 0 nun excl Thickness 2 . 2 aun 3.atk steel mtrip (coils).2 mm to 4. 4. Rolling 41 min.0 excl . I 0.8 / 1- P I S 2 . a or b.05010. ( excl. 31 nin. 2 . kmcbmical teat values Qs not apply to abnorul part8 of at both 1. C a d Ibi .0 aa and and over -- 31 min. i Elongation % i ch. 37 rin. . 5 ap to 3 .Iaw.EQ. 5 39 min.040) 35 min. ==. 39 min.1 0. SNU) and S W are ~ ~ u f ~ t u r ferda carhen rtoel havisyl r C centant of 0. Direction 1 eonteats are not specified. but SFHC is manufactured arbst stanl havia( r C content of 0.6-26 Steel Plat Products TsPale 6-lab: Chemical and (Cont'd.0501 29 nin. u*.10% or below and an ih contQ4tt 0 Z 0 . uu. ASEP Steel .ntioal C W - ( Thickna8s Thickness Thickness 8ition. __(I 0.IO. m or b l o w .040~0.0351 37 min.Iur.15% 0s helor and an ibr frcm cansul: of 0 . No.2E mdbook .10~.I WU.03OJb.) Mechmical Property Requirements P I 1 I I Tensile Test C . 20. to.25 I ( 1 . i0.00 excl.65 ( 10. 55 I i0. ASEP Steel "xndbook -2~ .00 excl. The position of thickness measurement shall be taken on an arbitrary point inside not l e a 8 than 25 ma away from the edge for mill edged steel atrip and cut plate therefrom of not less 50 mm in width.0 e x c l . 20.500 excl.60 ~ x c l .15 to 4.55 1 4.25 1 2.000 excl.00 to 5. - - I -tee: X .00 t o 16.30 excl.60 1 5.00 to 2.34 1 3.0 e x c l .600 to 1 2. 34 1 20. It shall be an arbitrary point inside of the aeeumed cutting line for as-rolled steel plate having r i m and an arbitrary point not less than 15 n m inside of the edge for cut edged steel plate.600 I ) Thickness I ______) I--/ U n d e r 1. 1 *O.15 excl. I *0. I to.65 I k0. The values of tolerance in the table are unchangeable on plus or minus side provided that the overall tolerance range is left unchanged.60 to 2.60 1 t0. the central position for less than 50 mm in width. 1 2. 65 i0.23 I 1 1.29 1 2.00 to 6.00 excl. I k0. 1.50 excl.Steel F l a t Products 6-27 Unit: mm Table 6-19: Thickness Tolerance _ I 71.50 to 3.65 1 6.000 t o Under WiCth I 2.29 i0. an arbitrary point inaide not less than 15 rpm away from the edge fcr cut edged strip and cut plate from it of not less than 30 nuu in width and the central position for Law? than 30 mm in width.30 to 10. 2 5 to 1. 2. 300 and over 1 I A (Ordinary Cutting) 1 L I lB (Re-cutting or1 ]Precise Cuttingjl ------------4 P t25 1 +5 I 0 0 I I I ! I 1 +25 +10 I I I 0 I 0 I -------------1 -----1 I +0.300 1 I I I I 16.00 I I [Undcr 6.5% 0 I .5% 0 I ' 16. I Th'ickneas I I 1 I I I /Under 6.6-28 Steel Flat Products -- Table 6-20: Length Tolerance " ib EL W Unit: mm I I I t h #! lk.andbook - I I I ASEP Ste I .00 and over I I IUndNr 6 . I I +10 0 +15 0 I I I I I .00 and over I I -I I Tolerances +0.OO I (6. 5- 2. I I ! I I f0.0 4.00 to 20.3 - 4.0 1 5.15 1 I 168 to I 3..00 excl.00 Lo 20.0 0 3.00 to 20.-] I - 3.5 I 1 / ] t0.t 9tetl I I I.5 tO..000 1 6..l 1 10. 1 10.5 I 1 I 1..0 1 I I I I I 1 3.15 1 1 (110 ( 3.0 - I ---1 1 0 3.15 1 (250 1 1.15 to 6.0 1 6.0 ercl. 1 11..15 t o 6.15 to 6.0 ' I I 1 ta.0 t r c l .5 - 1 !o.0 ud ore1 J I I I i1 5 5 5 I1 l5 lo rpeclflbd 0 1 1 I I 0 Not epocltlcd t30 t 0 1 I 1 I J lo lo 15 I 1 1 I I 0 lo 10 lo '5 I I / 1 0 0 0 Hanabook .0 I - lo 15 10 420 I 0 5 s t llrecls~Cutting\ /(Slitting1 1 10 1 0 t Not t I I 1 ' lo NO^ I - 1 1 I 1 I specifled I - i ..00 O to 20.0 c1c1. I 1 ( 10. 1 Jtc 150 1 6. l Cut Edged L(Ord1nary Cuttlag) I I l )1b0 I I I I 1 H I Dm1 3. 10.4 1 0 3.S t e e l F l a t Products 6-29 Unit: mm Table 6-2la: Tolerance on Width r' I I 1 Ititth 1 I i t I 1 I I I i 1 Hill Edged I plate# s t t a ~s t t i p i s Rolled 136 Cut Plate (Raving R i l ) tbcrefror 1 I .6 1 I 1 4.0 exel.00 crcl. ) t o 630 ) 9.00 to 20.00 8rcl. j I I t0.0 1 1 4 .15 to 6.)(IYu + .0 4.t i 5 1 1 I I Under 3. i t2 - !2 1 ) ~ l 1.l 1 1. ) 10..15 1400 3.0 1 4 j0.5 I ' - - II !0.00 uld ovrr / I I I I 1 under 3.15 t o L O O rrcl..0 ~ Y C I .3 1 1 - 1 1 II - I I I I I 2 .0 and over I I ( 1 1 1 0 15 i 1 I I l&r 3. lucl.0 1.0 and over I I I I I I tneer 3.0 lad over 1 t I I I ~ C ~ O6.90 excl..15 I 1-r I Tolerance8 I 0 1 1 1 1 I I 0 .0 - ASEP Ster i c 0 I 1 4. I pel.0 1 3. %+lermuaoa steal a t r i p sill W and cut platdm therefrom loan than 400 r tr width u i l l B.) 1 Cut Edged Hill Kdptd - I $tee1 ~lites S t d Strip a$ Rolltd ad Cat Plat6 (Baring Ria) ?barefro8 0 t lot c p c i f ied A(0rdlnarg Cutting) s\ra )(Re-totting or / C rtclsa Cutting) /(Slitting) I I I t il Fb. the tolermcar on plun ni& #lull bs twiee tke WLW #ivm i n above table. ASEP Stet IanBbook 6- . In tbne c i n e . allorad t o l i m i t t h rims aide o t toloraeu te mro.S-m Steel F l a t Products % Unit: T a b l e 6-21b: Tolerance on Width (Cont'd. 201 0. 1 I 0.035 0.040 nex. I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I Rearrk: For steel sheets and coils of grade 1/8 hard. 1/4 hard. increase in hardness is achieved by sometimes changing their chemical composition instead of by temper rolling.50 1.30 0. ASEP Steel Handbook -157 .030 max.Steel Flat Products 6-31 J I S G3141-90 Table 6-22: Preferred Standard Thickness Unit: mm t I 1 0. 0.035 max.045 max. 0.____I 0.08 max.00 0.10 max.60) 2. 0.45 max. 1 I 1 s 0.80 0.90 1.70 2.030 max.00 (2.20 1.40 max.60 2. Tabla 6-23: Chemical Composition ( % ) I 1 I Quality I + I I I c Mn _I__j 1 I I I I SPCC SPCD SPCE [Informative reference] I 1 I 0.50 1. I I I 1 I MX. 1 0. 0. P -.40 J (2.60 0. 1/2 hard and full hard.90) 3.12 mar.80 Note: The standard thickness not in parentheses should preferably be used.80 2. 0.40 11. 0.50 max. !2 I 1 I i I I I 36 1 1 11 j j 13 I I I I I j I I -1 . Vaiee (t1 1. tSro u n 8 i a b test r h a l l be m t t t d f o r tbicImer8 lass tk8n e. w mI '1*1m I 1. t e e a i m t e a t vrlrwa o r Erichsan valusr or h t h are yaraotm$ fog U)DC i n eaepli. In prineipla. r i ~ ) ~ l p l e tension .BO m.I. t ~ j(Q. Ilhem .J-. 2. The bending test s h a l l be w i t t e d f o r standard tempering.I i 34 I I I IWltf i I.863) / 2 .60 tb j ~ .pmla 6-24a: mcwical Properties I t 1 i reasion test I 1 Elonqatioo Win. twt value8 r h r l l not apply to STCC.039) [[email protected] I(@. t o 10. 34 I j 36 I I 3/ 1 .3 u c l I(0. & sivwr to th* *i#KuItioIl: SPCn: 3. 1 '1 37 39 1 39 I / 40 I I 41 1 I . but v b a r*i~ei$ by the cwt-t tba valuer i n the prarratharis ahall 1 1 *rJ.Blil lit-OZl) /(1.-+.PW l w e i . o .sca with a customer's rectutrt. I . non-ming shall be guaranteed f o r a period of mix mearks from thc date of ahipsent from the works. t o j1. 4. lPrsrl4I%fep 1 ' s 'I I .lOuel/l.i to j I W)' j[@. 1 . Ron-agutim fadieatas p e r f o t u n c e i n which s t r e t c h e r s t r a i n does not occur during Working proceurr. : I I '1 S i ( 1 I 1 1 I / I 1 .091) li) l ( o .10 t o 10.03+) 118.! 1 36 f / I 38 j 40 I 38 I 1.I1 '27%I - 1 I' ILZU 1 'I / I I 1. 5 & i rd/O.6 azcl 12. t&c 8 u f f i r T *If. 1 I I / I I 1. For §FOB#.Oerel 11. the suffix 'f shall be given to the designation: SPGCT 3. (rU0j ' I i I I 1- I 2270 j i 2218 Roiling /direction 1 I I 1 18b' i --. but whm rr~uiredby the customer the values in the parenthesis ahall apply.0iO) ver I i ------i-. 4.25 and 1 :I I I 1 I I 0. For SFCEN.) Tens!os test Eesdicg ?e:! ! ---- -4- ensile I trength j in { W a ) itppe an3 A ~ i r c c t i e of n japticirjens I I i :Bending anq!e /Inside radios i ! IType 326 /lending aagle tinside radios IDirecticn of ! i lsperinens . In principle.Steel Flat Products 6-33 Table 6-24b: Mechanical Properties (Cont'd. . The bending test shall be omitted for standard tempering. Xn principle.i Closing I Tiqhtly i Remarks: 1. Nan-ageisg ~ndfcatea performance in which stretcher strain does not occur during warking processi.---I------- -' I . non-ageing shall be guaranteed for a period of six mnths from the date of shipment from the works. the tension test shall be omitted for thickness leas than 0.60 m e . When tension test values or Erichsen values or ~ o t hare guaranteed for SPCC in compliance with a customer's request. 2. tension test values shall not apply to SPCC. the thickness 1. I 10 min. ) t I 1 I 1 1 I 135-185 1 I 1 180' 170 min I I - 1115-150 1 *emmr 1 Propclrtles.5 time. I I 1 I 25 min. SPCC.0 t i m e the thicknems 180' I 1 I 1 I ( 1 Elongation.% I i----32 min.Table 6-25. 1 I - i I I I I II 1 I I I 1 . ASEP Steel Handbook -260- iI I I 1 I I Tamper-Designated I 270 min. i 0. Temper-Designated I I Hardness 1 1 Bending test I Inside radius I I tightly I Cloaing tightly I I Closing i Ii//Hazd 1 1 2 r I 1 I t IltarQ I 1 1 I T-lm 4 2 1 I 1 I I 1 I 65-80 74-89 85 rin 6-25b: Mechanical (Cont 'd. Tsnsile Strength 294-412 -dl1 1 I I I iI 1 I 373-490 441-588 550 mln. SPCC.: r ? - blschanical Properties. 15 and over L Remarks: 1.25 10.80. excl. excl. 10. 1600. excl. excl. excl. ASEP Steel Haridbook -9Rl.40. /2.60 to 2. 10. 10.00. Tolerance on thickness.00 to 1. ercl. and over( 1 I 1 I I [Lees than 0.00 to 2. 1250. 15. exci. When tolerances stricter than those in Table A are specified.S t e e l F l a t Products 6-35 Tolerance on Thickness Table 6 . ercl. 2. the tolerances shall comply w i t h Table 8. 11. (1.50 to 3. Tolerances A 1 Nominal f Width I [Mominal Thickness 1 I I 1 Unit: mm Under 630 630 to 1000 to 1250 to 1600 1 1000.80 to 1. width and length are usually in accordance with Table A.40 to 0. excl.25 to 1.00. excl.60. 12.65. excl. (1.' .25 to 0.50. excl.25.2 6 : Thickness.60 to 0.60. 05 to.045 t0.06 :0.04 t0. escl. 1"' .040 to.10 to 0.030 to.. W to 1. 1O. 1..00 to 2. 400 to 630. 09 to. (8.50.250 and ~terial wer 1 -0 I ASEP 5 eel Handbook -262- -0 I I I I I I .lO 10.020 t0. tO. - - - - t0. width and length are usually in mace with Table A.60. excl.25.035 to.M :0.10 tO.05 tO.08 t0.040 t0..035 t0.025 ~0. 12.05 to.W t0. excl. 07 +a-0s to.06 tO.025 to.25.00. excl.06 t0. 11.00.07 t0. excl.60.05 t5.020 t0.06 t0.05 to. accordthe tolerancer shall ccap1. excl.09 tO.larimel width / I Length Tolerances A Length Tolerances R 1 @riaor1. 10.09 I I I 1 ( I I I I I 1 *O . excl.045 tO. When tolerances stricter than those in Table A are 6-Nrd.16. Tabla 6-27: Thickness ~olerancesB k Unit: mm I I Nominal Width I jhainal ~htclrnaes j h s s than 0.10 tO. j2.00 to 1.030 t0.015 20.ll I I I -1 M ~ s k s :1. 10.08 to .040 r0.. 05 2.010 t0.80.05 *O .25 to 0. Under 160 / i 1 160 to 250.09 20.25 to 1. ) l .60 to 0.15 ancl over axcl. sxcl. 19. axel excl.1 with Table 6 .045 20. ~xcl. excl. 14.040 t0.035 rO.16 to 0.15.W to 3.u) to 0.40.6-36 Steel Flat Products . 2. 10 250 to 400.r I I ( I Unit: mm : Tolerance oar width @#I$* . 030 SO. Tolcrmeo on thickmaan.08 to .020 t0.250 I +7 +3 I i -0 -0 II I +I0 +4 I 1 1 6 I j. encl. 19. Steel Flat Products 6-37 Unit: mm T a b l e . excl. 1 I 1 I I I Ih. I2.000.rka: The specification shall apply to cold-rolled steel sheets 500 mm or more in width of standard temper grade.( 15 1 1 1 1 8 1 4 1 3 1 2 Flatness A Flatness B ------+ 11. Unless otherwise specified. T o l e r a n c e pn Flatnerrs I U n ~ t :mm I --1 I I 1 I 1 Xind of ----. excl. Flatnear A shall apply.250ta1.600 I and over l z O l l 3 l 9 1 5 1 4 1 2 I .e1cl. 2 s o .000 td 4 .000 II t o 2. I 14.000 I I11.600. e x c l . excl. 6-29: T o l e r a n c e on Length r I I' Length Tolerances A Material \ IWominal Length Length Tolerances B I IUnder 1. e r c i .. I (3. ASEP Steel Handbook -263- . o o o t o 1 .--1{--INominal Strain 1 Bow I Wavy I Center I Bow I Wavy I Center IWidth 1 I Edge 1 Buckle I ( Edge I Buckle ------I ------I -----i 4------I /under 1.OOO t o 3. 1 15 1 9 8 j 3 1 2 1 2 ~ t o 6. 0 0 0 .000 1 1 2 1 $ 1 6 I 2 1 2 1 ~ i . IL +3 -0 -0 +15 +6 +15 -0 +8 -0 -0 + 10 I I I 1 I I I I -0 +10 +4 -0 -0 - *20 -0 - 28ble 6-30. 40 I I I I P 1 0. 10 rain. 4 aada r I I I I P*rgar 1 8 r---------I1 1 I 4 2 1 I t 1 1 1 I I 1 Tension Test Tsneilo Strength. ASEP f t c j I 1.08 0.45 I I 0.10 0 . - I i I --I 1 I I I A .50 I 0. 2 . Handbook '64- Elongation.6-38 Steel Flat Prociucts PNS 127-88 Unit: m tabla 6-31: Preferred Standard ~hickness Table 6-32: Chemical Propertiem.030 Table 6-33: Tensile Strength and Elongation of Tempers 1. I 1 class [---------I 1 I I 1 2 3 I I I c I m --------I 0. MPa 294-412 I I 373-490 441-588 I 549 =in.035 I I 1 I 0.% 25 min.040 1 0.%.045 I 1 0.12 1 0.030 I I I s I --I ---------I 0.035 0. m x . 60.OO. excl. 3.50. 1 bylTensile - I t------4 1 0. min.Steel Flat Products 6-39 Table 6-34: Tensile Strength and ÿ long at ion of Tempere A and S I I I I I I 7 .5 & ( over I I 39 41 A3 1 I I i Notes: 1.60.(SPa. ercl.\ 1 3 1 I I t------4 1 Division 0. excl. Class S where non-ageing of the aheet/strip is designated. For teuper S. excl. 0. unless specified by the purchaser. 1. 37 39 41 38 40 42 32 34 36 34 36 38 36 38 40 I 2.40. NominallStrength Thickness.60 to 0.25 to 0. I -I 2. sin.25 I Class ( I over t----------1 I 1 1 275 1 275 2 1 Tension Test 1 1 I 275 & 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I Elongation. 2. the material shall have a six-month guarantee after delivery by the manufacturer. 1 . Table 6-34 applies to steel sheets and strips 30 mm or more in width but does not apply to those less than 0. ASEP Steol Handb >k -265- .60 mm in thickness.%.00 to 1.60 to 1. The tension teat values do not usually apply to Class 1 .40 to 0. excl. 10 20. to 0.07 fO. 12 Under 160 160 t o 250.20 1.ll tO.50.04 i0.20 1 - Table 6-36: Thickness Toleraacs B Divl.09 iO.00 to 1.60 to 2.14 ~0.25 10.40 0.j 6xcl. 18 to.1 excl. e x c ~ . sxcl.06 rO.25 to 0.08 k0.ll k0.00.46.00. e x c l .70 i0.80 1.12 t0.20 and over 1 exc1./ sxcl. e x c l . e x c l t o 1. exc1. and over ASEP Steel Hand >ok -266- 250 to 400.600. 12.25.600 and over - - t C 37 10.80. e x c l . t o 1.11 10.80 ta 1.l excl. 13. 10. to 1. e x c l . 09 10. t o 0.60 0. exc1. t o 2.60 t o 0.19 kO.04 *0.14 ] r0. 1.10 tO. e x c l .20 to 1.60.18 ( ~0. to 0.03 10.16 r0.06 r0.03 $0.25 0.000 t o 1. 11.13 20. excl . I . t o 3. t o 3. excl .17 1. e x c l .1 exc1. e x c l .06 r o . excl.250 to 1.16 LO.05 t0. fl.1 exel. x0.sion by Naainal iJidth Division by Nominal Thickness 1 I 1 1 400 t c 630. 11. Unaar 0.00 1.000. I I t f 1 1 t0.50.10 0.40.16 0.08 ~0.1 excl. 20 iO. e x c l .00.20. 10.20 to 0.10 0.80. BxCf.40 to 0.60 2.1 axcl 1 inn 1 660 to 1.05 *O .60. t o 2.00 2-50 3.20.08 10.6-40 S t e e l F l a t Products - Unit: able 6-35: Thickness Tolerance A r I t Division by/ I1Ttivtrrien mminal by width1 I ~NetnlnalTbicknesa 1 lVlldar 0. 10.00.60. /2-00 to 2. t o 0.16 I 10. 1.12 k0. 6-42 Steel Plat Products Unit:mm ?awl. Buckling wave is I 1 1 I 1 1 I Elongation I Elongation I the warpage of the entire width o f the sheet or strip. 3. dlosgaticxa of strip. L l ~ s t i o nof edge is the uarpage o f edges of the5 aheet or atrip. Unit: u - I 1. center i r the warpage of the center of the Sheet or ASEP Steel Handbook -268- . 9 . 6-40: Length Tolerance B Ff_ I Division by Worinal Length 1 Tolerance I +3 I1 0 Wk 5-41: F h t a u o Tolrranm - I Clu~iiicetionl Pucklf8wd 1 Io-8: '. - -- - -- Rec6.y1ended Recamended Thicknesses. nun Widths.Steel F l a t Products 6-43 ASTM A446M-87 iI . m ASEP Steel Yandbook -269- Recommended Lengths. nun i I . r. I Grade 0.04 0. Base Metal I I Grade 1 Yield Point.50 0.04 0. no tensiaa t e a t i. I I I 1 1 li in l C..t I 1 1 1 i d a r b .20 0.20 0.. . mas.20 0. 12 I I I I I 1 I ff the lodsrrll 6 reeult is 85 or k1lh. Strength..04 0.. MX.20 0.5% elengation.~ttm w i l e mtr-th and sire* tkmw i a so *rlt in the g y r er &rap in tha be-.25 0. table 6-41: Machsnical Rsquirements.. ~lu sir14 miat apgworck. i (Sulfur.04 0. aphorus.10 0.) min.20 0. the yield point s k f d h taken PI tRe strrres at 0. Elongation in 501 ain MFa (kai) as (2 in.20 0.20 0. ASEP Stan1 landbook 1- . 20 18 (55) 16 (65) 12 12 .10 0. $1 ?1 \ .04 0. I f3118 .04 0.40 0.04 0. mint I I {So--par.20 ( t I A Class 1 and 2 .@0) 310 360 380 450 (45) (52) .04 0.. 570 (82) 460 6 7 0 ) @ I % ..04 I 1 1 1 0. I when copper 1 steal is ipecified. 230 (33) 255 (37) 275 (40) 34 5 ( 50 ) 343 ( 5 0 ) !KMS(.20 0. under load. win MPa (ksi) 1 Tansils. M x .. required.20 0. 0 Through 1.5 I I Through 1 Through 2.. nun I I For Spacif fed Thickness. over and under.5 1 1 i I 1 Thickness is measured at any point across the width not less than 10 mm from a side edge.0 S m c i f i o d Width.4 Over 1. the total tolerance should be equal to twice the tabular talerancee.15 0. the total tolerance should be equal to twice the tabular tolerances.15 0. .23 I 1 1.500 . o w r and under.0 Through 2.5 Through 5.500 I 0. ) I I I A I 1 Thickness Tolerance.20 0.23 0. mm 1 Over A Through Through 0. Fable 6-45b: Thicknees Tolerances of Hot-Dip Galvanizad Sheet (ContId. Regardlela o f whether total thickness tolerance is specified equally ' or unequally.23 I Specified Width.5 Over 2.4 Through 1. Plus and Minus.. mm I Thiclulcar is measured at any point across the width not less than 10 mm from r side edge.Steel Flat Products 6-45 Table 6-45a: Thickness Tolerances of Hot-Dip Galvanized Sheet ' j A 1 j Thickness Tolerance. mm 1 I 1 For Specified Thickness. mB I I I Over 0. nunB f M -1 1 Over 1. I 0. 1. Regardless of whether total thickness tolerance is specifled equally or unequally.0 I I -= i I .0 Over 2.. Plus and Minus.. 25 to 0.60.06 * O . 10.10 t0. 07 *O.000 I 1 1.60 II 1 I excl.06 r0. eacl. 1 excl.04 e0. jQ.25 18.i Standard Length - T a b l e 6-481 l$ickne8s Tolereace t i I Width 1 Unit: UnQcr 1.40. ( I I II 20.04 20.05 20. Unit: nun T a l e 6-47: Standard Width and Length 18tandard Width .220 ?&mtaal *afekoesl [@Mar 0.40 t o 0. 09 20. axcl.a $eta: I The nominal thicknem of sheets and coils is the thickness of the base metal in millimeter measured prior to galvanizing.07 iO.000 to1.00 to 1.13 J Ilote: 1. Thickness is measured at any point across the width not less than 50 m from the side edges.05 t0. ASEP S t e e l F -272 ndbook .60 to I i I 1 I 1 I I i0. 11. 11. 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