Asana chart

March 22, 2018 | Author: Sabarni Mahapatra | Category: Asana, Hand, Foods, Dieting, Yoga



YogaPREPARATORY PRACTICE Basic Movements (yoga sopan book) Preparatory Movements (yoga pravesh book) for Obesity Sun Salutatons with Slow Speed (yoga pravesh book) USEFUL PRACTICES Preparatory Movements type 1 to 10 with fast speed Sun Salutations 32 rounds in 8 minutes Asana Uttanpad Chakrasana (3 rounds) Sarwangasana (3 minutes) Halasana (1minute) Matsyasana (1 minute) Ardhamatsyendrasana (2 minutes on each side) Paschimottasana (1 minute) Cleasing Practices Agnisar 100 strokes total in 3 to 4 rounds Uddiyan Bandh 5 rounds ( each round 30 seconds) Kapalbhati 5 rounds (120 strokes per round) Vaman Dhouti (once a week ) Laghoo Shankhaprakashlana (once a week) Full shankhaprakshalana (once a year) Pranayama Suryabhedan Pranayama with Kumbhak for 10 minutes Bhastrika Pranayama with Kumbhak for 10 minutes Akarna Dhanurasana (1 minute on wach side) Ushtrasana (2 minutes) Udarsanchalan (3 rounds) Trikonasana (1 minute on each side) Veerasana (1 minute on each side) Shavasana (when needed) OPTIONAL Asana Bhujangasana Dhanurasana Vipritakarni Vakrasana Uttanpadasana Pawavanmuktasana Pranayama Anulom Viloma with or without Kumbhak, Right Nostrill Breathing Ardhpaschimottanasana Sulabh Ushtrasana Garudasana Parivart Trikonasana Patangasana PRACTISES Vastra Dhouti . Rice. Best food is Fruits (except banana. Preserved Food. First Day . mango & grapes ) & Vegetables. Refined Foods. This includes the diet for three days as follows. Oily & Spicy Food. Fast Food. Asana / Yoga Technique 1 Omkar Chanting 2 Prepeparatory movements 1 to 10 (5 repetitions) 3 Sun salutations .Dand Dhouti . Avoid Nonveg Food.Only Juices & Soupes (liquid diet only) DAILY PRACTICE PROGRAMS No.Only Water with Lemon Juice & Salt Third day . Milk & Milk Products (Skimmed milk can be taken).Only Fruits and Raw Vegitables (no other food to be taken) Second day .Nouli (all types) Walking for 60 minutes CONTRAINDICATONS Shirshasana (Head stand) & Its Variations FOOD HABITS Suitable Normal Food with Less Fats & Carbohydrates but with High Fibres. SPECIAL FOOD PROGRAMME FANEER This is a specially designed food programme for reduction of weight.Cleasing Practices Neti .32 repetitions 4 Shavasana 5 Dharasana (bow pose in prone position) 6 Sarwangasana (shoulder stand) 7 Halasana (plough pose) 8 Matsyasana (fish pose) 9 Shavasana (corpse pose) 10 Uttanpad chakrasana 3 rounds 11 Ushtrasana (camel pose) 12 Ardha Matsyendrasana (spinal twist) both sides 13 Paschimottanasana (forward bend) 14 Akarna Dhanurasana Type 1 or Akarna Dhanurasana Type 2 15 Udar sanchalana type 2 (abdominal movements) 16 Trikonasana (triangle pose) 1 min X 2 sides Duration in Minutes 5 8 8 2 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 5 2 3 3 3 . Laghoo Shankhaprakashlana (once a week) Pranayama Anulom Vilom Deep Breathing 15 minutes Ujjayi Pranayama without kumbhak for 10 minutes Right Nostrill Purak followed by Bhramari Rechak (21 rounds) Akarna Dhanurasana (1 minute on wach side) Ushtrasana (2 min) Trikonasana (1 minute on each side) Veerasana (1 minute on each side) Shavasana (when needed) .Right Nostril Breathing + Surya Bhedan (bellows breath) 25 Prayer Total Time Additional Practices Yoga Nidra (once a day) Vaman Dhouti & Laghoo Shankh Prakshalana Full Shankh Prakshalana 3 2 2 4 3 5 2 10 7 90 once aweek once a Yoga for Depression & Anxiety PREPARATORY PRACTICE Basic Movements (yoga sopan book) Preparatory Movements (yoga pravesh book) Sun Salutatons with slow speed (yoga pravesh book) USEFUL PRACTICES Preparatory Movements type 1 to 10 with slow speed Sun Salutations 12 rounds in 8 minutes Asana Bhujangasana (1 minute) Shalabhasana (15 Secs) Dhunurasana (30 sec) Ardhamatsyendrasana (2 minutes on each side) Paschimottasana (1 minute) Cleansing Practices Agnisar 100 strokes total in 3 to 4 rounds Uddiyan Bandh 5 rounds (each round 30 seconds) Jalneti (Once a week) .17 Veerasana (warrior pose) 1 min X 2 sides 18 Garudasana 1 min X 2 sides 19 Shavasana (corpse pose) 20 Agnisar (100 rounds) 21 Uddiyan Bandha (abdominal lock) 5 rounds 22 Shavasana (corpse pose) 23 Kapalbhati (forceful exhalations) 120 X 5 24 Bhasrika . Akarna Dhanurasana Type 2 14 Ushtrasana Duration in Minutes 10 2 2 1 5 2 3 2 1 2 5 1 2 1 . Any Pranayama with Kumbhak.Dand Dhouti . Asana / Yoga Technique 1 Sun Salutation 12 + 2 2 Shavasana (corpse pose) 3 Bhujangasana (cobrea pose .Garudasana Patangasana PRACTISES Pranayama Bothnostrill Breathing.OPTIONAL Asana Vipritakarani Vakrasana Uttanpadasana Pawavanmuktasana Ardhpaschimottanasana Sulabh Ushtrasana Marjarasana . DAILY PRACTICE PROGRAMS No. Fast Food. Best food is fruits & vegetables. Preserved Food. Avoid Nonveg food.straight hand + bent hand) 4 Shalabhasana (locust pose) 5 Dhanurasana (bow pose) 3 rounds 6 Makarasana 7 Sarwangasana (shoulder stand) 8 Halasana (plough pose) 9 Matsyasana 10 Shavasana 11 Ardha Matsyendrasana (half spinal twist) 12 Paschimottanasana 13 Akarna Dhanurasana Type 1. Salts.Nouli (all types) Walking for 60 minutes CONTRAINDICATONS Shirshasana (Head stand) & its variations. refined foods.Vastra Dhouti . Bhramari Pranayama without Kumbhak Bhastrika Pranayama without Kumbhak Cleasing Neti . Oily & Spicy food. Practices FOOD HABITS Suitable Normal food with less fats & carbohydrates but with high fibres. Ardha Chakrasana 2 Anantasana 1. each 22 Shavasana (corpse pose) 23 Anulom Vilom Deep breathing OR Right nostrill purak & Bhramari Rechak 24 Ujjayi Breathing 25 Prayer Total Time Omkar Chanting Jala Neti ( once a week ) Laghoo Shankh Prakashalana (once a week) Yoga Nidra for Stress relief (Every day 1 time) Listen Omkar chanting throughout the night 2 3 3 2 3 3 5 2 10 10 7 90 30 30 Yoga PREPARATORY PRACTICE Basic Movements & Gurukul Yogic Kriya. Anantasana 2 Shavasana (when needed) Preparatory Movements with slow speed . for Arthritis USEFUL PRACTICES Asaas Tadagasana Shavasana and slow practice of all basic movements Vajrasana series from Yoga Sopan book Pavanmuktasana Cleansing Practices Agnisar 100 strokes total in 3 to 4 rounds Uddiyan Bandh 5 rounds (each round 30 seconds) Kapalbhati 5 rounds (120 strokes per round) Vaman Dhouti (once a week ) Laghoo Shankhaprakashlana (once a week ) Ardha Chakrasana 1.15 Shavasana 16 Trikonasana (Triangle) from both sides 17 Veerasana 18 Shavasana 19 Agnisar (stimulating fire technique) 20 Uddiyan Bandha (abdominal lock) 21 Kapalabhati 5 rounds of 1 min. Refined Foods. Best food is Fruits & Vegetables. 3 (knee movements) 5 Shavasana (corpse pose) 6 Vajrasana 7 Skandha sanchalana type 1.Sankatasana PRACTISES Breathing. Shirshasana (head stand) & Iits Variations. Bhramari Pranayama without Kumbhak.Pranayama Anulom Vilom Deep Breathing (15 minutes) Purak with Right Nostrill followed by Bhramari Rechak (21rounds) Suryabhedan Pranayama with Kumbhak for 10 minuits Bhastrika Pranayama with Kumbhak for 10 minuits OPTIONAL Asana Vakrasana Uttanpadasana Sulabh Ushtrasana Pranayama Right Nostrill Cleasing Neti. CONTRAINDICATONS Suryanamaskar. Avoid Nonveg Food. DAILY PRACTICE PROGRAMS No.. 2. 2. Preserved Food. 2. Halasana. 3 (leg movements) 4 Janu sanchalana type 1. 2 (shoulder movement) 8 Kantha sanchalana type 1. 2 (neck movements) 9 Datta Mudra Duration in Minutes 2 7 7 7 2 1 4 4 2 . Sheetali & Sitakari Pranayama. Left Nostrill Breathing. Fast Food. Asana / Yoga Technique 1 Shavasana (Corpse pose) 2 Hasta Sanchalana Type 1. 3 (hands movements) 3 Pada sanchalana type 1. Ushtrasana Marjarasana . Practices FOOD HABITS Suitable Normal Food with Less Fats. Sarwangasana. Spicy Food. Protines & Carbohydrates but with high Fibres. 10 Shavasana (corpse pose) 11 Vajrasana Chain of Asanas 12 Shavasana (corpse pose) 13 Deep breathing in Tadagasana (pond pose) 14 Swastikasana (auspicious pose) 15 Sheetali (Inhalation) + Bhramari (exhalation) 16 Inhale (right nostril) + Bhramari (exhalation) 21 times 17 Fast Breathing Type 1 to 6 18 Prayer Total Time Vaman Dhouti (once a week) Laghoo Shankh Prakashalana (once a week) Yoga Nidra (once a day) Omkar Chanting 2 12 2 5 1 9 10 5 7 90 30 30 Yoga PREPARATORY PRACTICE Basic Movements (yoga sopan book) Preparatory Movements (yoga pravesh book) for Diabetes Sun Salutatons with Slow Speed (yoga pravesh book) USEFUL PRACTICES Preparatory Movements type 1 to 10 with Fast Speed Sun Salutations 32 rounds in 8 minutes Asana Uttanpad Chakrasana (3 rounds) Dhanurasana 3 rounds (1 minute each) Ashwini Mudra in Sarwangasana (3 minutes) Halasana (1 minute) Matsyasana (30 seconds) Ardhamatsyendrasana (2 minutes on each side) Paschimottasana (1 minute) Cleasing Practices Agnisar 100 strokes total in 3 to 4 rounds Uddiyan Bandh 5 rounds ( each round 30 seconds) Akarna Dhanurasana (1 minute on wach side) Udarsanchalan (3 rounds) Hansasana or Mayurasana (3 rounds each) Privart Trikonasana (1 minute on each side) Veerasana (1 minute on each side) Shavasana (when needed) . Only Fruits and Raw Vegitables (no other food to be taken) Second day . Rice. Fast Food. Sugar cane. First Day . SPECIAL FOOD PROGRAMME FANEER This is a specially designed food programme for reduction of weight.Dand Dhouti . Preserved Food. Refined Foods. Best food is Fruits (except banana. This includes the diet for three days as follows.Vastra Dhouti Walking for 60 minutes CONTRAINDICATONS No Contraindication FOOD HABITS Suitable Normal Food with Less Fats & Carbohydrates but with High Fibres. Nonveg food. Asana / Yoga Technique Duration in .Only Water with Lemon Juice & Salt (no other food to be taken) Third day .Kapalbhati 5 rounds (120 strokes per round) Nouli (all types) Vaman Dhouti (once a week) Full shankhaprakshalana (once a year) followed by Laghoo Shankhaprakashlana for 40 days Pranayama Suryabhedan Pranayama with Kumbhak for 10 minutes Bhastrika Pranayama with Kumbhak for 10 minutes OPTIONAL Asana Bhujangasana Noukasana Vipritakarani Vakrasana Pranayama Anulom Viloma Uttanpadasana Pawanmuktasana Ardhapaschimottanasana Ushtrasana PRACTISES with or without Kumbhak. Right Nostrill Breathing Practices Cleasing Neti .Only Juices & Soupes (liquid diet only) DAILY PRACTICE PROGRAMS No. Milk & Milk Products. Avoid Sugar. mango & grapes ) & Vegetables. Oily & Spicy Food. Cervical / Lumber Spondilolysis) PREPARATORY Basic Movements (yoga sopan book) PRACTICE . Akarna Dhanurasana (Type 2) 14 Udar Sanchalana 3 rounds 15 Shavasana 16 Hansasana (swanp pose) / Mayurasana (picock) 17 Parivarta Trikonasana (twisted triangle) from both sides 18 Veerasana from both sides 19 Shavasana 20 Agnisar (stimulating fire technique) 100 strokes 21 Uddiyan Bandha (abdominal lock) 5 rounds 22 Shavasana (corpse pose) 23 Kapalbhati (forceful exhalations) 5 rounds 24 Bhasrika (bellow¶s breath) 25 Prayer Total Time Meditation on Pancreas during the practice of all Asanas Yoga Nidra (once a day) Laghu Shankha Prakshalana (once a week) Shankha prakshalana (complete) + 40 Days of Laghu shankha prakshalana (once a year) 5 8 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 5 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 10 7 90 Yoga for Spine Problems (Lower Back Ache. Paschimottanasana (Full) 13 Akarna Dhanurasana (Type 1).Minutes 1 Omkar Chanting 2 Sun Salutation 32 rounds 3 Shavasana (corpse pose) 4 Uttan Chakrasana 3 rounds 5 Dhanurasana (bow pose) 3 rounds 6 Makarasana 7 Ashwini Mudra in Sarwangasana (horse gesture) 8 Halasana 9 Matsyasana 10 Shavasana 11 Ardha Matsyendrasana (spinal twist) both sides 12 Paschimottanasana (Half). Sulabh Ushtrasana. Halasana.USEFUL PRACTICES Asana Tadagasana. Less Protin Diet. Preserved Food. for about 10 days Bhujangasana Shalabhasana Dhunurasana Ardhamatsyendrasana Tadasana Cleansing Practices Uddiyan Bandh 3 Rounds (each round 30 seconds) Jalaneti (once a week) Pranayama Anulom Vilom Deep Breathing (15 minutes) Sheetali Purak followed by Bhramari Rechak (21 rounds) Tiryak Tadasana Katichakrasana Trikonasana Veerasana Shavasana (when needed) OPTIONAL PRACTISES Asana Vakrasana. Vajrasana series from Yoga Sopan book. Shankha Prakshalana (Laghoo / Purna) FOOD HABITS Suitable Normal Food with Less Fats & Carbohydrates but with High Fibres. Salts. Best Food is Fruits & Vegetables. Ushtrasana. Shirshasana (Head stand) & its variations Fast Breathing. Uttanpadasana. Ardha Chakrasana.Sankatasana Pranayama Right Nostrill Breathing. Pavanmuktasana. Any Pranayama with Kumbhak. Anantasana. Marjarasana . Bhramari Pranayama without Kumbhak Cleasing Practices Neti CONTRAINDICATONS Asana All Forward Bending Asanas Sarwangasana. Bhastrika Pranayama. Oily & Spicy Food. Fast Food. Avoid Nonveg Food. Vaman Dhouti. Left nostrill Breathing. Rice. Refined Foods. DAILY PRACTICE PROGRAMS . Milk & Milk Products ( Skimmed milk can be taken). The Pranayama and thus its advantages are skillfully incorporated in Surya Namaskar.No. In all this Surya Namaskar is an appreciated exercise among people of all ages from kids to old age people. which are chanted before practicing are also very useful. Asana / Yoga Technique 1 Shavasana (corpse pose) 2 Basic Movements all Types (with very slow movements) 3 Shavasana 4 Vajrasana Series from Yoga Sopan Book 5 Shavasana 6 Bhujangasana 7 Dhanurasana (bow pose) 8 Shalabhasana (locust pose) 9 Makarasana 10 Pavanmuktasana 11 Ardhachakrasana 1. . Anantasana 2 13 Ardhamatsyendrasana 14 Shavasana (corpse pose) 15 Tadasana. Deep Breathing 22 Sheetali Purek & Bhramari Rechak 23 Ujjayi Breathing without Kumbhak 24 Prayer Total Time Omkar Chanting Jala Neti (once a week) Yoga Nidra for Stress Relief (once a day) Listen Omkar Chanting Throughout the Night Duration in Minutes 5 15 5 15 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 10 10 10 7 90 30 30 Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) It is considered as the best exercise for human body. Ardhachakrasana 2 12 Anantasana 1. Surya Namaskar consists of important Yogasanas and Pranayama. Tiryak Tadasana 16 Katichakrasana 17 Trikonasana 18 Veerasana 19 Shavasana (corpse pose) 20 Shavasana 21 Anulom Vilom. The Mantras (Bija Mantras). they are Position 1 Inhale and maintain the position as shown in figure in standing position with hands joined together near chest. stretch the chest forward and push shoulders backwards. Keep the right leg and both the hands in the same position. thumbs at 90 degree angle Legs straight Try to touch the forehead to the knees Relax the neck Don'ts Do not bend the knees Do not keep the neck tense Position 3 Inhale and take the left leg back with left toes on the floor. In all one Namaskar includes 10 different positions. fingers pointing forward. It is often recommended for obesity. Breathing EXHALE Do's While exhaling bend forward in the waist Palms touching the ground. Don't bend knees while performing. keeping the toes erect. feet together and toes touching each other. Breathing INHALE Do's Take the left leg backwards and touch the knee to the floor.Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is the best way to burn the calories and reduce weight. press the waist downwards and raise the neck. Keep the right leg folded. At first you may find it difficult to attain the ideal position but try to bend as much as possible without bending in knees. . Breathing INHALE Position 2 Exhale and bend forward in the waist till palms touch the ground in line with the toes. Breathing EXHALE Do's Bring the body towards the floor placing the 8 parts on the floor: Toes. Take care that the neck. knees. Since only eight parts rest on the ground . The knee of the left leg should touch the ground.The knee of the right leg will be bent. thighs and the feet are in a straight line. next to the shoulders. Straighten both the legs and both hands. Keep the arms straight. palms. Keep the elbows pointed to the sky and close in to the body. and forehead. Do not drop the hips/waist towards the floor. both the palms. Gaze is upwards. it is called ' Ashtanga' position. knees should touch the ground and rest of the body not touching the floor. Breathing HOLD Do's Take the right leg back and place it beside the left leg. Do not stick the buttocks into the air. Keep the neck straight and site fixed. Keep both the toes erect. Drop the waist/ hips towards the floor. Do not look towards the floor. Keep the body in one straight line . both the toes. Don'ts Do not bend the neck forward. Do not bend the knees. spine. Don'ts Do not bend the arms. The forehead. chest. chest.plank position. Gaze forward. both arms are straight. Keep the hands close to the body. . touch the knees on the ground. Do not bend the elbows. keep both the elbows close to chest. keeping the toes erect. Position 4 Hold the breath and raise the knee of left leg. Position 5 Exhaling bend both the hands in elbows and touch forehead on the ground. Take the right leg backwards and keep it close to the left leg. Don'ts . Breathing INHALE Do's Push the upper body upwards so that the arms are straight. thumbs at 90 degree angle. Position 7 Hold the breath. legs and knees together. Keep the toes erect. Position 6 Inhale and straighten the elbows. do not move the palms on the floor. Do not hunch the shoulders towards the ears. Do not let the elbows fall away from the body. Don'ts Do not let the legs or heels be apart. waist or abdomen to the floor. Try to touch the heels to the floor.Don'ts Do not touch the thighs. Keep the fingers pointed forwards. Open the chest. Breathing HOLD Do's Push the body upward so the buttocks and waist are raised into the air. pull the shoulders downwards. Do not bend the elbows. palms on the ground. press the waist downwards but dont bend the arms. Take the head and chin towards the chest. Do not touch the chin to the floor. push the body backwards and touch the heels on the ground. Push the neck backwards and site upwards. Drop the head and neck backwards and gaze upwards towards the sky. hips. Keep the knees and toes on the floor. Keep the heels. leaving the body in an Inverted µV¶ position. raise the waist upwards. stretch the shoulders upwards. bend the neck downwards and press the chin in the throat. Relax the neck. Breathing HOLD Do's Take the right leg forward and place it between the hands. thumbs at 90 degree angle. Position 9 Exhale and bring the left leg forwards as in the position 2 and place it in between both the arms. both arms are straight. Do not keep the neck tense.. Palms touching the ground. Try to touch the forehead to the knees. Don'ts Do not bend the knees. . bring the right leg in the front and place it in between the hands like in position 3 but instead of left leg in the front here take right leg and place left leg in the back with left knee and toes on the ground. The knee of the right leg will be bent. The knee of the left leg should touch the ground.Do not bend the legs in the knees. Legs straight. Gaze is upwards. Drop the waist/ hips towards the floor. Do not bend the arms. Position 8 Hold the breath as in position 7. Don'ts Do not bend the neck forward. Breathing EXHALE Do's Take the left leg forward and place it beside the right. Do not bend the elbows. fingers pointing forward. Position 10 Inhaling start getting up and attain the position as in position 1. Breathing INHALE .
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