AS1735 Code for Australia

March 26, 2018 | Author: Barry Sherman | Category: Escalator, Elevator, Regulatory Compliance, Engineering, Technology



Last UpdatedAugust 2004 E.5 LIFTS – TABLE OF CONTENTS UNSW DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS – WEB ENTRY PAGE SECTION A – INTRODUCTION SECTION B – DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING SECTION C – ARCHITECTURAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION D – EXTERNAL WORKS SECTION E.1 – HYDRAULIC SERVICES SECTION E.2 – MECHANICAL SERVICES SECTION E.3.1 – ELECTRICAL SERVICES SECTION E.3.2 – LIGHTING SECTION E.3.3 – SPECIAL SYSTEMS SECTION E.3.4 – HIGH VOLTAGE SECTION E.4 – COMMUNICATIONS E.5 LIFTS – SCHEDULE OF CHANGES – REVISION 4.1......................................... 3 E.5. LIFTS .................................................................................................................. 4 E.5.1. General........................................................................................................ 4 E.5.1.1. Requirements ....................................................................................... 4 E.5.1.2. Standards ............................................................................................. 5 E.5.1.3. Minimum Lift Services .......................................................................... 5 E.5.1.4. Minimum Requirements for Persons with Disabilities .......................... 5 E.5.1.5. Provision of Stretchers and Emergency Lifts ....................................... 6 E.5.1.6. Performance Requirements ................................................................. 6 E.5.1.7. Performance Criteria Parameters......................................................... 7 E.5.1.8. Type Of Lift Drive & Escalators ............................................................ 7 E.5.1.9. Lift Monitoring....................................................................................... 8 E.5.1.10. Lift Cars................................................................................................ 9 E.5.1.11. Keyed Operation .................................................................................. 9 E.5.1.12. Log Book Cabinet ................................................................................ 9 E.5.2. Maintenance ................................................................................................ 9 E.5.2.1. Maintainability..................................................................................... 10 E.5.2.2. Integration With Existing Maintenance Procedures............................ 10 E.5.2.3. Lift Car Lighting .................................................................................. 11 E.5.2.4. Attachment - Reporting, Logging Of Visits and Inspections ............... 11 E.5.2.5. Maintenance Schedule....................................................................... 12 UNSW Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1) 1/13 .............. 12 E................................................. 13 E.........5........ Performance Schedule Proforma (Example)..5.6 – FUME CUPBOARDS SECTION F – SPECIFIC AREA REQUIREMENTS APPENDIX 1 – BUILDING AUTOMATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS SPECIFICATION APPENDIX 2 – CONCRETE FOR STRUCTURES APPENDIX 3 – UNSW CONTROL SYSTEM STANDARDS HVAC APPENDIX 4 – DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS APPENDIX 5 – UNSW STANDARD PRELIMINARIES APPENDIX 6 – SECURITY SYSTEMS UNSW Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4..5........................... Chargeable Calls..3........5........................ 12 E...5.. 12 E..................3...7...................... 12 E..................Last Updated August 2004 Lift Performance Reports ....1) 2/13 ................. Inspections ................2..... 12 E....... 13 SECTION E.............................................. 13 E.. Routine Calls ...........2... Trapped Passengers .....4.................................. Running on Arrival........................3.........................6..................................2.......5.....................1................... Definition Of Breakdown..5......................5....................... E..............5.................3..............3..........3.3........................... 5 LIFTS – SCHEDULE OF CHANGES – REVISION 4.1 As a guide only.1) 3/13 . attention is drawn to changes that have been made in the following clauses since the last revision Clause General revision No Change Date August 2004 UNSW Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.Last Updated August 2004 E. user friendly to people with disabilities and in compliance with the Building Code of Australia. The lifts must be easily maintained. local history of reliability The lifts must meet minimum requirements of handling capacity and waiting time for passenger lifts and materials for goods lifts. regulations. All lifts shall be. codes and practices as well as gain approval and certification from the local lift inspectorate prior to the lift being placed into service. E. The lifts must comply fully with all local rules. LIFTS E. Requirements A competent. other than the original manufacturer.1. as well as major upgrades. by multiple (other than the original manufacturer) lift maintenance contractors. General Any new lift system is to meet. on the University's campuses and buildings. may be used. with minimal problems. The lifts must meet the minimum requirements for use of persons with disabilities as defined by the Building Code of Australia.1. lift contractor with at least 10 years local lift installation experience shall only install lifts. The information detailing lift installations described in this brief is to be used as the guideline for all new lift installations. Any lift power system that can be proven to be more efficient or less power consuming and environmentally friendly shall have preference over a less efficient system.5. well-established. the following minimum basic requirements: a) b) c) d) e) f) The lifts must be safe and comply with all relevant codes and standards. as a minimum. The lifts must have a proven. Only non proprietary lift equipment or lift equipment that has been available locally for at least 5 years in Australia. but not be limited to.5. Lift equipment shall UNSW Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.Last Updated August 2004 E. Consideration shall be given to lift power systems that are energy efficient and environmentally friendly.1. or lift equipment that has a ready supply of spare parts to local lift companies. Full compliance to the lift code AS 1735.5.12 will be applied as detailed in later clauses. The lifts are to be as flexible and versatile in operation as possible.1) 4/13 . Last Updated August 2004 mean any and all parts of the entire lift installation.3.1. Minimum Requirements for Persons with Disabilities All lifts installed at any of the University campuses or buildings shall comply with at least the Building Code of Australia requirement for Facilities for People with Disabilities Clause E3.low rise platforms Lifts for persons with limited mobility .4.6 plus all lift car control buttons shall comply with clause 8.2. Where the height of a building exceeds 10.5.4 Tactual Labelling of AS 1735.12 Only lifts complying with.Lift Code AS 3000 . any other Local regulation and the requirements of the Inspection Authority.5.1) 5/13 . goods and persons with disabilities. in particular the controller and its various parts A list of how many lifts of the same type and in particular with the same control system that have been installed over the past 5 years is required to be supplied by intended installers in order to be considered at the time of tender. AS 1735 Parts 2 or 3 shall be used for providing access for people with disabilities.5 metres or there is more than 3 floors served.non. Standards All new lift installations must comply with the current Australian Standards and Codes: AS 1735 . Minimum Lift Services For 2 and 3 storey buildings there is a minimum requirement to provide a lift for the vertical movement of furniture. Preference shall be given to well established lift systems that have a proven track record of reliability and ease of maintenance.14 AS 1735. The list is to show the address of the lift installations and if the original manufacturer or installer is now maintaining the lift. consideration should be given to more than one lift being installed.1.15 Lifts for persons with limited mobility .restricted use .13 AS 1735. E.3.1.manually powered Lifts for persons with limited mobility .Wiring Rules Building Code of Australia (BCA) Work Cover NSW.5.restricted use . E.automatically controller lifts UNSW Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4. E. Unless prior approval from the University is given the following lifts shall not be used for the access of people with disabilities: AS 1735. as distinct from goods service or Facilities for Disabled Persons lift. Class Rooms.the maximum up peak average departure interval from the main lowest floor landing for administrative and office buildings.Last Updated August 2004 AS 1735.1. Performance Requirements Administrative and Office Buildings If a normal passenger lift service.5 % 15.5. UNSW Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.5.0 % 12. Lift installation in a buildings or parts of buildings of this type requires a accurate theoretical traffic analysis.6. A detailed study is to carry out and a full written report is to be provided by an appropriate independent consultant or at least 3 separate studies supplied by 3 potential tendering lift companies. Automatic Audible Information for the lift car position indicator and operation of all lift car buttons shall be by oral announcement only.0 % Tutorial Rooms. Provision of Stretchers and Emergency Lifts Provision shall be made for the use of stretchers and emergency lifts as detailed in the latest version of the Building Code of Australia E. is deemed necessary under the design concept it shall be designed to meet the following design criteria: Waiting Interval .1.5.automatically controlled Where the need is clearly identified for the specific use for access of people with disabilities then Part 12 of AS 1735 shall be applied to the lift or at least one lift if more than one lift is being installed in a group. & Lecture Theatres. 1 to 4 floors served 45 second 5 to 8 floors served 35 seconds 8 and higher floors served 30 seconds Handling Capacity .1) 6/13 .Minimum 5 minute handling capacity expressed as a percentage of building population above the main lowest floor landing for administrative and office buildings: 1 to 4 floors served 5 to 8 floors served 8 and higher floors served 10.restricted use .1. E.16 Lifts for persons with limited mobility . Where AS 1735 Part 12 is applied clause 8. b) Geared To be used for all applications from 3 floors and higher. shall be seriously considered.1. Door Times .7. E. Performance Criteria Parameters The following performance criteria shall apply to all lifts: Door Times . Type Of Lift Drive & Escalators The type of lift drive shall be based on the following: a) Electro-hydraulic To be used for up to 4 floors served or 14 metres rise.Last Updated August 2004 The basic requirement for classrooms up to 4 floors served shall have a waiting interval as a maximum of 45 seconds with a handling capacity of a minimum of 15% up to a maximum of 50%. except for hydraulic lifts as detailed above.(maximum in either direction and with varying loads) Noise Ambient in sidecar no greater than 55dba Door operation or other lift noise no greater than 60dba E.5.0 Seconds 3.5%) Open Doors Close Doors 2. It shall be for limited use for people with disabilities or for goods services. as the case may be. c) Gearless UNSW Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.0 Seconds Floor Levelling Accuracy 10 mm +/.5. The use of escalators at least in part. The speed shall be 1 metre and up to 2 metres per second.1.5 Seconds Door time measurement shall be made manually by stopwatch and shall be measured from start of door movement to completion of the opening or closing function. This type of lift shall only be used for general passenger service when the starts per hour are clearly less than 60 per hour.1) 7/13 .8.Dwells (maximum) Car Call Lobby Call 3.0 Seconds 2. For classrooms in buildings over 5 floors special consideration will be required for the correct lift system and layout for the particular application.Speeds (+ or . All step chain rollers are to have roller or ball bearings not bushes The use of nylon or other “soft” materials shall not be used for major items such as drive and handrail sprockets Automatic lubricators shall have sufficient capacity to provide lubrication at appropriate levels for periods of at least 1 (one) month without topping up. Alternating Current machines are to be used for the main driving machine. The following functions and operations shall be monitored by the BACS. Refer also: Section B.Last Updated August 2004 To be used for lift requiring a speed of 2.000 hours.5. Escalators shall comply with the following. Variable Voltage Variable Frequency Alternating Current machines are preferred for both geared and gearless lifts.1. The speed of any escalator shall be limited to no more than 0.5 mps E. Lift Monitoring All lifts with the exception of Dumb Waiters are to have functions listed below monitored by a campus Building Automation and Control System (BACS) which uses the BACnet. Step chains shall have a service life of at least 100.5 metres per second and higher. Variable Voltage Direct Current machines being a secondary option for Gearless lifts only.9. All handrail returns (newels) are to have roller guides not sliders. communication protocol for building automation and control networks. Lift fail to start Lift on Fire Service Alarm button pressed Stop button pressed Lift on Independent Service Lift machine room high temperature alarm The interface between the lifts and the BACS shall be by a suitable BACnet gateway and implemented as follows: The lift microprocessor shall be directly linked at a high level interface or gateway to indicate status and fault information to be monitored at real time continuously via the BACS Or UNSW Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4. Balustrades are to be made of substantial materials other than glass unless other wise approved by UNSW There shall be at least 3 level steps at the entry and exit of each escalator.1) 8/13 . 2. To that end consideration must be given.1. Goods lifts are to be sized and have features as required for their particular application and usage. The log book cabinet is to be powder coated heavy duty pressed metal construction of the following internal dimensions: Width – 350 mm Depth – 300 mm Height – 250 mm Cabinet is to have one internal shelf and hinged door with UNSW standard “E-key” locking.Last Updated August 2004 Inputs from the lifts to indicate status and fault information to the BACS will be by voltage free relay contacts rated at 240Vac 1A resistive load. The Lifts trade shall also provide the gateways.1) 9/13 . Goods lifts are to have provision for protective blankets in the lift car to protect their finishes.” Other maintenance and service functions are to be keyed to be: “Low & Fletcher – Type 702”. E.10. before UNSW Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4. Log Book Cabinet A dedicated ‘Log Book’ cabinet is to be provided in each lift motor room. The Lifts trade shall supply and install all cable and conduit between terminal strips. Lift Cars The minimum size of lift cars shall be 9 persons for all passenger lifts.5. All controls are to have vandal resistant controls and communication systems.5.12. Keyed Operation Fire service keying is to be: “Low & Fletcher . interface box or gateway provided by the Lift Contractor adjacent to each lift machine room and the BACS for the transfer of signals between the systems. terminations. E.Type 701. Refer to APPENDIX 1.1.1. E.11. testing and all other requirements necessary for the correct operation and monitoring of the required functions between the lifts and the BACS. Any lift car emergency phone system shall be directly connected to the University's Security Office for 24 hour monitoring. Cabinet is to be wall mounted. and documentation must be provided. Maintenance The University has many lifts under maintenance and requires all new lifts to be as compatible and easily integrated with the existing lifts and lift maintenance contractor. E.5.5. Supported Maintainability The University will consider new lift equipment. and as part of the requirements for. E. serviced and maintained. in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of each designer.1) 10/13 . supplier.2. Integration With Existing Maintenance Procedures The following procedures shall be included into any new lift construction specification to assist the integration of any new lifts into the existing lift maintenance program. even if only required on very infrequent occasions.5. manufacturer or installer of the lift equipment. spare parts or intellectual property. All Operation and Maintenance manuals are to include instructions on how to use or apply these tools. the lift equipment will be deemed to be not compliant with this requirement if it is reasonably necessary for UNSW or its maintenance contractor to. at any time during the life of the lift equipment. keys. and no additional amount will be payable at any time to the contractor or any third party for the University or its contractors to receive or to have access to the relevant devices. keys and cards. spare parts and intellectual property required for independent maintainability will be provided to or made available to the University at. which is not compliant with the independent maintainability requirement in Independent Maintainability above if: all devices. but not limited to. Maintainability Independent Maintainability All new lift equipment must be able to be fully and effectively repaired. E. service or maintain the lift equipment. practical completion. Without limiting the foregoing. tools. UNSW Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4. pass words. cards. by any qualified and competent lift maintenance contractor without the need to rely on or use devices.2. spare parts and intellectual property.etc. spare parts or intellectual property of a proprietary nature such as.2.1. to pay and/or to enter into contractual arrangements with. a designer. pass words. for access to or for the use of any thing or any intellectual property in order to effectively repair. supplier. instruments. instruments. manufacturer and installer of the lift equipment (including as set out in the Operation and Maintenance Manuals required under the contract).5.Last Updated August 2004 accepting any new lift system that clearly identifies it as being easily and effectively maintained by the existing lift maintenance contractor. All documentation must be made available to the Section with at least one week prior notice of the assessment date. Time of departure.Last Updated August 2004 Facilities Engineering Operations is to be involved in all new lift tender assessments.2.5. Building B14a. Breakdown Calls Log entries must be made at the time that the visits. High Street. At least 2 weeks prior notice is to be given to the Section of any commissioning of new lifts. It is the contractor's responsibility to ensure that the procedures being applied are current and the latest available. The Contractor must record the following details in the Breakdown Calls Log: Time of arrival. Engineering Operations are to be involved in the commissioning of all new lift installations. The Contractor must present the Breakdown Calls Log to the University Representative for signature at regular intervals of not more than 1 month. Lift Car Lighting Maintenance of lift car lighting is to be included as part of the lift maintenance contract for each lift installation. Copy of reporting procedure attached.5. The contact for Engineering Operations is the Manager Engineering Operations.3. Kensington. Telephone: 9385 4299 Any lifts placed into Defects Liability Period must comply with the procedures for recording and reporting of the existing lifts that are in place for the University at the time of tender.2. E. Details of all call out attendances and nature of fault rectified UNSW Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4. E. Prior to commissioning of any new lifts (at least 1 week) Engineering Operations are to be provided with at least one copy of the Operational and Maintenance Manuals for the particular lift.1) 11/13 . Logging Of Visits and Inspections The following documentation shall be included with all lift installations and Breakdown Calls Log: The Contractor shall provide the University Representative with an approved Breakdown Calls Log. which must be kept on site in a designated location.4. Attachment . Details of repairs or replacements carried out. service calls or repairs are made.Reporting. and the Contractor must enter in the Breakdown Calls Log a record of each visit made in response to a Breakdown. The Breakdown report shall be in "Spreadsheet" form in a format.5. all routine maintenance items as scheduled are to be initialled and dated in the appropriate column in the Maintenance Schedule by the person carrying out the work. Definition Of Breakdown E.5. Lift Performance Reports On the first day of each Quarter the Contractor must provide the lift performance information in Annexure A to the University Representative.3. E. in spreadsheet format.5.5. or stoppages and rectification effected. E.Last Updated Details of all tests and adjustments carried out Mechanics names. The format in Annexure B is to be used as a guide to the setting out of the information.3. August 2004 The Contractor shall on the first day of each month forward to the University Representative a detailed list of all maintenance visits.2. Inspections The Contractor shall when required by the University's Representative inspect the Entire Elevator Equipment in company with the University's Representative to ascertain the condition in which the equipment is being maintained. Trapped Passengers Where a lift is stopped and passengers are trapped requiring release by the Contractor.2.1) 12/13 . Immediately prior to the completion of the Defects Liability Period. E.5.5. The responsibility for arranging such annual inspection shall rest with the Contractor. is unable to close its doors.6. for the Contractor's guidance. in normal service. Routine Calls Where a lift. Breakdowns.0.5. UNSW Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.7. E. The Contractor must give a minimum of two (2) weeks notice to the University Representative of such annual inspection. E. Such an inspection shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of its obligations to perform the Lift Services.2. which will enable the University Representative to assess the number of Breakdowns per lift per month. A sample proforma is attached as Annexure C. travel to another floor and open its doors in response to a car or lobby call.3.2. Maintenance Schedule In addition to the logging of visits as set out in clause 1.1. and an amount.5. is caused by deliberate interference.5. by way of reimbursement. E.3.Dwells Car Lobby Performance Noise Floor level No 1 No 1 No 1 UNSW Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.Last Updated E. which in the opinion of the University Representative.3.3. Chargeable Calls Where the call back relates to a Breakdown.Speeds Open Doors Close Doors Door Times .4. and the lift is found to be functioning normally upon attendance at the site by the Contractor. E. Performance Schedule Proforma (Example) PERIOD COVERED BY THIS SCHEDULE From _______________ to _______________Date _______________ Sign and Print Name ________________________________________ Door Times . based on the rates provided. in respect of parts and materials used that are necessary for restoring the lift to operation. misuse or vandalism: The Contractor is entitled to be paid reasonable labour costs. The call back will be recorded on the Breakdown Calls Log report but not used for calculation of the per/lift/month breakdown averages.3.5.1) 13/13 .5. Running on Arrival August 2004 Where a lift is observed stopped or is behaving in an erratic manner that disallows the lift from providing "normal" service.
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