AS 4458_AMD1

March 29, 2018 | Author: Nang Truong | Category: Steel, Welding, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Heat Treating, Alloy



AS 4458/Amdt 1/1999-12-05STANDARDS AUSTRALIA Amendment No. 1 to AS 4458 — 1997 Pressure equipment—Manufacture REVISED TEXT The 1997 edition of AS 4458 is amended as follows; the amendment(s) should be inserted in the appropriate place. SUMMARY : This Amendment applies to Clauses 1.4.4 and 1.4.6, Section 2, Clauses 3.1 and 3.6, Table 6.1, Clause 6.3.1, Tables 7.1 and 7.2, Clauses 8.3.1 and 8.3.3, Tables 8.1 and 8.2, Clauses 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 and 9.5.2, Tables 10.1 and 11.1, Clauses 13.3, 14.2 and 14.3, Table 14.1, Clauses 14.5.1, 14.6.6, 14.7 and 14.11, Table 19.2 and Appendices A, C and F. Accessed by CURTIN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 06 Mar 2013 (Document currency not guaranteed when printed) Published on 5 December 1999. AMDT No. 1 DEC. 1999 Page 9 Clause 1.4.4 Delete Clause and substitute as follows: 1.4.4 Fabrication inspection body — a body corporate, firm or person, able to provide the inspection services of materials and construction of pressure equipment. NOTE: In this Standard, ‘fabrication inspection body’ is referred to as the ‘inspection body’. Where such a body is not appointed, the owner should refer to the purchaser. AMDT No. 1 DEC. 1999 Page 9 Clause 1.4.6 Delete the words ‘for use in a workplace or pressure equipment intended to be used in a workplace’. Page 10 Section 2 Second paragraph, add the following as the last sentence: The design strength tables of AS 1210, AS 1228 and AS 4041 contain the material grouping for each specification listed. AMDT No. 1 DEC. 1999 AMDT No. 1 DEC. 1999 AMDT No. 1 DEC. 1999 Page 12 Clause 3.1 Item (a) after ‘constructed’ insert ‘, the class of construction’. Page 13 Clause 3.6 Delete the last paragraph and substitute the following: For boilers constructed to AS 1228, the report shall be the manufacturer’s data report as given in Appendix A of AS 1228. For piping constructed to AS 4041, the report shall be the manufacturer’s data report as given in Clause 1.11 of AS 4041. ISBN 0 7337 3034 5 Page 43 Clause 8. 1 DEC. AS 1594 and AS 3678 materials. delete ‘A3 3920.1’ and substitute ‘AS 4343’. 1 DEC. delete ‘(Note 2)’ and substitute ‘(Notes 1 and 2)’. Page 45 Table 8.1 Informal table. 2 3 4 AMDT No.3. Item (b). delete ‘Bore of pipe’ and substitute ‘Nominal bore of pipe ( DN)’. Recommended forming temperature range 950–1050. 1999 AMDT No.1.3. 1 DEC. 1999 Page 42 Clause 8.AMDT No. delete values for Bore of pipe and substitute as follows: DN ≤ 100 100 < DN ≤ 300 DN > 300 . . 1999 AMDT No. Material group A1 & A2. delete ‘12 < t ≤ 40’ and substitute ‘20 < t ≤ 40’.3.3. 1 DEC. 1 DEC.1 1 2 First column. . Page 44 Clause 8. 1999 Page 35 Table 7. Recommended forming temperature range 850–950. 1999 AMDT No. 1 DEC.2 1 2 First column. First column for ‘Nominal inside diameter’. Recommended heat treatment after hot forming. diameter’ insert ‘(D)’. First column. Note 1. Note to informal Table First line. delete ‘30°’ and substitute ‘15°’.3 Item (a).1 1 Material group A1 & A2. Recommended heat treatment after hot forming. delete ‘Class H’ and substitute ‘Classes 1H and 2H’. 1 DEC.1 1 2 First column. Note 1. delete all entries and substitute as follows: D ≤ 900 900 < D ≤ 1500 D > 1500 AMDT No. Delete all entries for outside diameter and substitute as follows: Do ≤ 100 < Do ≤ 200 < Do ≤ 300 < Do ≤ Do > 100 200 300 600 600 AMDT No. add ‘(Note 1)’.1 Item (a). 1 DEC. delete ‘Outside diameter’ and substitute ‘Outside diameter ( D o)’. after ‘. 1999 AMDT No. first line. fifth line. Page 34 Table 7. 1999 Accessed by CURTIN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 06 Mar 2013 (Document currency not guaranteed when printed) Page 27 Clause 6. add the following as the final sentence: This testing will apply to some grades of AS 1548. 1999 Page 23 Table 6. delete ‘group A3’. First column. . add the following last sentence: Welders of pressure piping shall be supervised in accordance with AS 4041.3. Delete item and substitute as follows: Mixture of gas — where the qualified welding procedure requires the use of a gas mixture. third line before ‘. pipe’ insert (T)’.2 Competence of welders components shall — (a) (b) Each welder engaged in the welding of pressure hold an appropriate welder’s certificate in accordance with AS 1796.3 Delete Clause and substitute as follows: 9. delete last sentence and substitute as follows: Production welding carried out by welders not holding an AS 1796 certification.2 Item (g). .5. Accessed by CURTIN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 06 Mar 2013 (Document currency not guaranteed when printed) AMDT No. Supervisors required to supervise non-certificated welders shall hold an AS 1796 supervisors certificate or equivalent.2 Delete Clause and substitute as follows: The manufacturer shall qualify welding procedures in accordance with the requirements of AS/NZS 3992 or equivalent and nominate any welding procedures that do not require qualification to be applied in manufacture.1 1 2 3 First paragraph.AMDT No.1 of AS/NZS 3992.3. First paragraph. Second paragraph. but otherwise qualified in accordance with AS/NZS 3992 shall be supervised by a welding supervisor certificated in accordance with AS 1796. 1999 Page 49 Clause 9. it shall comply with the essential variable in Table 5. 1 DEC. or have had training or experience in the particular welding process to be used and be qualified in accordance with the requirements of AS/NZS 3992 for each welding procedure to be used. 1 DEC. AMDT No. or by a person having qualifications and experience acceptable to the inspection body. 1 DEC. after ‘. except where otherwise agreed by the parties concerned. 9. application Standard’. 1 DEC. insert ‘design and’. 1999 Page 46 Table 8. .2 1 2 First column.1 Competence of welding supervisors All welding on pressure components shall be carried out under the supervision of a person who has had suitable training or experience in the forms of fabrication and the processes of welding employed in the manufacturing process.3 WELDING PERSONNEL 9. 1999 Page 48 Clause 9. AMDT No. 1999 Page 48 Clause 9. AMDT No. . delete values for Nominal thickness of pipe and substitute as follows: T 3< T 4< T T 3 ≤ ≤ ≤ > 3 4 5 5 Delete last column ‘Minimum weld leg length’. 1999 Page 48 Clause 9. . 1 DEC. 1 Alloy steel (alloy <¾) C-½ Mo 50 75 ½C-½Mo 1¼Mn-½Mo C 4.AMDT No.1 not including Notes to Table 10. 347 L 10. 304.1.2 15Cr Chromium steels J 7. 0 25 manganese steel (High XF 500 yield strength) API 5L X52 B 3. 316. 8. 9 200 10 10 250 10 10 7.5 High chromium steel Types 442.1 Carbon and carbonAS 1548: 7-430 0 20 manganese steel (low 7-460 strength) ASTM A 106-B A2 1. CARBON-MANGANESE AND LOW ALLOY STEELS A1 1. 8 50 75 7 100 125 7.1 Alloy steels 2¼ Cr-1 Mo 150 200 5B.1 Ferritic high Types 405. 7 80 125 7. AMDT No. 1999 Page 52 Table 10.8 steel HIGH ALLOY STEELS H — 12Cr-1Mo-V(W) 6. °C (Note 2) specifications or for following thicknesses (Note 3) nominal >12 mm >25 mm >50 compositions ≤12 mm ≤25 mm ≤50 mm mm 40 75 Notes Accessed by CURTIN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 06 Mar 2013 (Document currency not guaranteed when printed) CARBON. 8 150 25 75 150 25 75 7. 410S.1 Alloy steel 1 Cr-½Mo 50 75 (¾ ≤ total alloy < 3) 1¼ Cr-½Mo D1 — Alloy steel ½ Cr-½ Mo-¼V 200 200 (vanadium type) Mn-V D2 5A. 8 7.1 Delete Table 10. 1 DEC. 8 100 200 200 200 125 200 200 200 7. 10 10 Cr-Ni steel 304L. 316L.1 unless the welding procedure qualification has proven that another temperature is acceptable. 8 7. 8. and substitute the following: TABLE ASME P and subgroup No.1 3½ Ni steel 3½ Ni 150 150 F 11A.2 Carbon and CarbonAS 1548: 5-490 20 50 manganese steel7-490 (medium strength) ASTM A 106-C A3 — Carbon and carbon AS 1594: XF 400. the recommended minimum preheat temperature should be that applicable to the thinner of the materials at the joint from Table 10.1 13Cr Martensitic 200 200 6. 10 — . 321. 10 10 chromium steel 430 K — Austenitic Types 302.6.8. 9 7. 446 200 200 M — Ferritic-austenitic 22Cr-5Ni-3Mo 10 10 Cr-Ni steel 6. 8 7. 1 DEC.1 (3 ≤ total alloy < 10) 5 Cr-½ Mo 200 200 9Cr-1 Mo.4 Delete Clause and substitute as follows: For joints in materials of different thicknesses.10 — — 200 10 200 10 7. 10. 9Cr-1 Mo-V E 9B. 1999 Page 52 Clause 10.1 RECOMMENDED PREHEAT TEMPERATURES FOR ARC WELDING OF STEEL Material group (Note 1) Material type Recommended minimum preheat Typical temperature. 8 7.1 Quenched and ASTM A 517 10 for 75 for to tempered low alloy AS 3597:700 PV ≤15 mm >15 mm 11B.1 9 Ni steel 9 Ni 25 25 G 11B. 310S. Material group G. 1999 Page 60 Clause 14. after ‘. 1 DEC.’ and substitute ‘Not allocated. interpass and energy limitations of AS/NZS 3992 apply.’ . Last paragraph. plate’ insert ‘(t)’.1 1 Note 2. Note 5. after ‘required’ insert ‘prior to. Note 2. 1 DEC. insert the following at the end of the sentence: For material groups A1 and A2 temperatures up to 650°C are acceptable without the need for further testing. . delete Note and substitute ‘See Section 6 for normalizing and quenching and tempering. In both cases. 1 DEC. 1999 Page 53 Notes to Table 10. second line.3 First paragraph after Item (c). 6 Note 23. delete ‘For carbon equivalent (CE) see Table 5.45 percent based on reported ladle analysis. AMDT No. AMDT No.’ and substitute ‘Not allocated. delete Note and substitute the following: Higher or lower temperatures may be required to achieve the qualified welding procedure.1 1 2 First column. 1 DEC. Material group G. add the units ‘mm’. Page 61 Clause 14. delete ‘Section 13’ and substitute ‘Section 14’. delete ‘All’. 2 3 Note 4.AMDT No. Material group C. delete ‘22’. delete ‘has’ and substitute ‘have’. Note references. 1999 Page 55 Table 11.’. first line delete ‘AS 3920.1 1 2 3 4 5 Fourth column heading.1 (Note 2).2 First paragraph. first line. Note references. Column 4.’. delete values for Thickness of plate and substitute as follows: t 3< t 6< t 12 < t t ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ > 3 6 12 25 25 Accessed by CURTIN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 06 Mar 2013 (Document currency not guaranteed when printed) AMDT No. First column. . delete ‘12’.’. 1999 AMDT No. 1 DEC. delete ‘The specifications listed here are those which will usually have a carbon equivalent (CE) less than 0.1’ and substitute ‘AS 4343’. Pages 61 to 63 Table 14. 1999 Page 59 Clause 13. last line.3 1 2 Second paragraph. 1999 AMDT No. preheat. 1 DEC. 11.1 and substitute the following: 14. For example a pad type manway welded in the centre of a head may cause the head assembly to require post weld heat treatment prior to assembly to the vessel. flanges or similar constructions. flat ends. 1 DEC. NOTE: Where not all the joints in an item of pressure equipment are required by Table 14. The base material nominal thickness of integrally clad plate. 1999 Page 64 Clause 14. the shell. NOTE: This Item (vii) does not apply to seal welded tubes with throat thickness not . only those joints having a nominal thickness requiring post weld heat treatment need be heat treated. Column 4.1 shall be the greatest of the following: (a) (b) (c) The thickness of the material at full penetration butt welds between parts of the same thickness.1 General The nominal thickness above which postweld heat treatment for pressure equipment is required is given in Table 14.exceeding 6 mm. The nominal thickness at each joint (including corrosion and other allowances) to be used in applying Table 14. The thickness of the shell in welded connections to tubeplates. (vii) The throat thickness of the weld in tube to tubeplate connections in pressure vessels and fire-tube boilers. the thickness shall be the diameter of the stud. the throat thickness of the weld across the branch neck. including shell to end connections. or the throat thickness of the attachment fillet weld.1. The throat thickness of the weld includes the throat thickness of the butt or fillet weld but excludes weld reinforcement. Accessed by CURTIN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 06 Mar 2013 (Document currency not guaranteed when printed) (iii) (iv) (B) (v) (vi) The thickness of the branch neck at the weld in branch neck to flange connections. When postweld heat treatment is necessary to satisfy low-temperature requirements of the selected material. or of material with weld overlay deposit or welded corrosion-resistant lining. The thicker of the shell or the fillet weld throat. covers.5. the thickness of shell or end at the weld. except that the thicker shall apply for group G steels.5. Where the welded joint connects parts of different thickness: (i) (ii) The thinner of two adjacent butt-welded parts. For attachment of non-pressure parts to pressure parts — (A) (B) for pressure vessels and piping. For branch to shell or end welds. . the end or the reinforcing pad. or for boilers including integral piping.AMDT No. the throat thickness of the weld at the point of attachment to the pressure part. (d) (e) (f) For stud welds. the greater thickness of — (A) for pressure vessels and piping. the thickness of the shell or end except as provided in Clause 14. in connections to intermediate flanged ends which use the flange as a backing strip for the shell butt welds.5. the reference thickness according to AS 1210 or AS 4041.1 Delete Clause 14. or for boilers including integral piping.1 to be subjected to post weld heat treatment. after ‘. AMDT No. These exemptions do not apply where postweld heat treatment is required by Clause 14. 1 DEC. AMDT No. 1999 Pages 83 Table 19.AMDT No.11 EXEMPTIONS TO POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT OF ATTACHMENTS TO AND REPAIR WELDS IN POSTWELD HEAT TREATED EQUIPMENT Welded branch connections.3 as a service requirement. 1 DEC. shall be given a postweld heat treatment as required in Clause 14. the weld throat is 12 mm or less. delete ‘see Notes 2 and 10’ and substitute ‘see Notes 2 and 9’. 1 DEC. . 1 DEC. diameter’ insert ‘(OD)’. or where the need for postweld heat treatment is demonstrated in weld procedure tests.11 and substitute the following: 14. delete values for Tube nominal outside diameter and substitute as follows: OD ≤ 38 < OD ≤ 50 < OD ≤ 85 < OD ≤ 38 50 85 100 .2 1 2 First column.6 Last line.4 except as exempted in Items (a) and (b) below.25 percent by ladle analysis and with thickness over 16 mm where — (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) the inside diameter of the branch is not greater than 65 mm. and the minimum preheat temperature during welding is 100°C or as required in Table 10. welded attachments of non-pressure parts and repair welds which are made to pressure equipment that has been or is required to be postweld heat treated. Page 68 Clause 14.7 Item (d) add the following as the final sentence: The holding time shall be an accumulation of all the time at temperature when multiple heat treatment cycles are applied. provided that the distance from the weld to the connection to the pressure part exceeds four times the thickness of the material. First column. 1999 AMDT No.6. Accessed by CURTIN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 06 Mar 2013 (Document currency not guaranteed when printed) Postweld heat treatment is not required for welds which attach non-pressure parts to non-pressure parts which have been postweld heat treated. ends or other pressure parts of Groups A1 and A2 steels over 32 mm thickness or of group B steels with maximum carbon content of not more than 0. (a) Postweld heat treatment is not required for welds attaching branches and attachments or repair welds to shells. whichever is the greater.1. the series of connections do not form ligaments that require an increase in the shell or end thickness. . 1999 Page 70 Clause 14.11 Delete Clause 14. 1999 Page 66 Clause 14. letter E. 2 Table F1. 1 DEC. 1 DEC. insert on the next line the following: ±1 mm per 800 mm of length plus 5 mm. last column. 1999 Page 88 Appendix A 1 2 After the entry for AS 1674.2. Pages 99 Appendix F 1 Table F1. 1999 AMDT No. last column. 1 DEC. delete and insert ‘See Clause 7.AMDT No. 1999 Pages 94 and 95 Appendix C Manufacturer’s data report.2’. Accessed by CURTIN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 06 Mar 2013 (Document currency not guaranteed when printed) . delete the word ‘copyright’ from the bottom of each page. Ref. with a maximum of 30 mm for vessels over 800 mm. add the following: 4343 Pressure equipment — Hazard levels AMDT No. add the following: 1796 Certification of welders and welding supervisors After entry for AS 4041. letter D. Ref. Accessed by CURTIN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY on 06 Mar 2013 (Document currency not guaranteed when printed) This page has been left intentionally blank. .
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