As 1101.3-GraphicalSymbols for General Engineering

March 18, 2018 | Author: buqra67 | Category: Nondestructive Testing, Metalworking, Joining, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering



AS 1101.3—1987 Australian Standard GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS FOR GENERAL ENGINEERING Part 3 : WELDING AND NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION This Australian standard was prepared by Committee WD/1, Welding Definitions and Symbols. It was approved on behalf of the Council of the Standards Association of Australia on 12 November 1986 and published on 6 February 1987. The following interests are represented on Committee WD/1: Australian Welding Institute Australian Welding Research Association Bureau of Steel Manufacturers of Australia Confederation of Australian Industry CSIRO, Division of Manufacturing Technology Department of Defence Electricity Supply Association of Australia Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board Metal Trades Industry Association of Australia Railways of Australia Committee Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Review of Australian Standards. To keep abreast of progress in industry, Australi an Standards are subject to periodic review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new editi ons as necessary. It is important therefore that Standards users ensure that they are in possession of the latest editi on, and any amendments thereto. Full detail s of all Australi an Standards and related publications wil l be found in the Standards Australia Catalogue of Publications; this informati on is supplemented each month by the magazine ‘The Australi an Standard’, which subscribing members receive, and which gives details of new publi cati ons, new edit ions and amendments, and of withdrawn Standards. Suggesti ons for improvements to Australian Standards, addressed to the head off ice of Standards Australi a, are welcomed. Noti fi cati on of any inaccuracy or ambiguity found in an Australi an Standard should be made without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken. This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 85138. AS 1101.3—1987 Australian Standard GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS FOR GENERAL ENGINEERING Part 3 : WELDING AND NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION First publi shed (as AS Z6) . . . . Revised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AS 1101, Part 3 fi rst publi shed . . Second editi on . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .... ... . .. ... ... .. .. .. . ..... .. .. .. .. 1955 1969 1979 1987 PUBLISHED BY STANDARDS AUSTRALIA (STANDARDS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA) 1 THE CRESCENT, HOMEBUSH, NSW 2140 ISBN 0 7262 4462 7 AS 1101.3—1987 2 PREFACE This edition of this standard was prepared by the Association’s Committee on Welding Definitions and Symbols, to supersede AS 1101, Graphical Symbols for General Engineering, Part 3—1979—Symbols for Welding. It is generally based on ANSI/AWS A2.4-79, Symbols for Welding and Nondestructive Testing, and the permission of the American Welding Society Inc. to use their standard is acknowledged. The standard provides a scheme whereby complete details of welds and welded joints can be delineated on drawings. A separate section has been included establishing symbols for use on drawings to specify requirements for non-destructive examination for determining the soundness of materials. The method for symbolic representation of welds on engineering drawings used in this standard is consistent with the ‘third angle’ method of projection, which is the preferred method given in AS 1100, Technical Drawing, Part 101—General Principles. It should be noted, however, that the scheme is equally appropriate to drawings in which the ‘first angle’ method of projection is used. The committee noted the practice currently adopted in ISO 2553, Welds—Symbolic Representation on Drawings, in regard to the position of the symbols on drawings, viz the dual reference line, and felt that this situation should not be carried over into this standard. Therefore, the practice of using one continuous reference line remains unaltered in this edition. Illustrations used with the text are intended only to show how symbols may be used to convey welding or testing information and do not necessarily represent good or accepted design practice.  Copyri ght STANDARDS AUSTRALIA Users of Standards are reminded that copyri ght subsists in all Standards Australi a publications and soft ware. Except where the Copyri ght Act all ows and except where provided for below no publications or software produced by Standards Austr alia may be reproduced, stored in a retri eval system in any form or transmitt ed by any means without pri or permission in wri ti ng fr om Standards Australi a. Permission may be conditi onal on an appropriate royalt y payment. Requests for permission and information on commercial soft ware royalti es should be dir ected to the head off ice of Standards Australi a. Standards Australi a wil l permit up to 10 percent of the technical content pages of a Standard to be copied for use exclusively in-house by purchasers of the Standard without payment of a royalty or advice to Standards Austr alia. Standards Australi a wil l also permit the inclusion of its copyri ght material in computer soft ware programs for no royalt y payment provided such programs are used exclusively in-house by the creators of the programs. Care should be taken to ensure that material used is fr om the current editi on of the Standard and that it is updated whenever the Standard is amended or revised. The number and date of the Standard should therefore be clearly identif ied. The use of material in pri nt form or in computer soft ware programs to be used commercially, with or without payment, or in commercial contracts is subject to the payment of a royalty. This policy may be vari ed by Standards Austr alia at any ti me. 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. . . . . . . . . . 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SYMBOLS FOR FLANGE WELDING 6. . . . . . . . . . . 4. . 23 23 23 23 26 26 . . . . 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 SIZE OF FILLET WELDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 MULTIPLE-JOINT FLANGE WELDS . . .5 DIMENSIONING OF INTERMITTENT FILLET WELDING 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . SYMBOLS FOR SURFACING 5. .3 LENGTH OF FILLET WELDS . . . . . . . . .. .3 CORNER-FLANGE WELDS . . . . . . .2 EDGE-FLANGE WELDS . 5. . . .4 DIMENSIONS OF FLANGE WELDS . . . . . AND ORIENTATION OF SURFACES BUILT UP BY WELDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3—1987 CONTENTS Page SECTION 1. . . . 2.5 SURFACING A WELD FACE .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . SYMBOLS FOR BUTT WELDS 4. . . . . . . . 3. . . 4. SECTION 5. . . . . . . . . . . . .6 TERMINATION OF INTERMITTENT FILLET WELDING . .3 DEFINITIONS .5 BACKING RUN OR BACKING WELDS . . .8 CONVENTION FOR BACK GOUGING AFTER WELDING ONE SIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 SCOPE . . . . . . .1 GENERAL . . . . . . . .1 BASIC SYMBOLS . . . . . . . . . . 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 JOINT WITH BACKING . . .9 SURFACE FINISH AND CONTOUR OF FILLET WELDS . . 6. . . . 26 26 26 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .2 USE OF SURFACING SYMBOL . . . . . . .1 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 FILLET WELDS IN HOLES AND SLOTS . . . SYMBOLS FOR FILLET WELDS 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 JOINT PREPARATION DIMENSIONS . . 3. .. .2 DEPTH OF PREPARATION AND DESIGN THROAT THICKNESS OF BUTT WELDS . . . . .1 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. . 4. . . . . . . . . . . . .3 AS 1101. . . . . . . . 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . BASIC PRINCIPLES 2.1 GENERAL . .4 EXTENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS . . . 5. . . . . 6. . .. . . 29 29 36 36 43 44 44 44 48 48 48 48 48 50 50 50 50 50 . . . . . 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOCATION. . .4 SURFACE FINISH AND CONTOUR OF BUTT WELDS . . . . . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 JOINT WITH SPACER . 4. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .3 GENERAL PROVISIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 SKEWED JOINTS . . 3. . . . .2 BASIC TYPES OF JOINTS AND WELDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. . . . . . . . . SECTION 4. . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCOPE AND GENERAL 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 COMBINATION OF INTERMITTENT AND CONTINUOUS FILLET WELDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 5 SECTION 2. . . SECTION 6. . . .3 SIZE (THICKNESS) OF SURFACES BUILT UP BY WELDING 5.. . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . .4 EXTENT OF FILLET WELDING . 6. . 6 7 7 SECTION 3. . . . . . . . 7. . . . .. 11. . . . . . . . . . . . 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SECTION 12. .. .. . . . . 7. .. . . SYMBOLS FOR SEAM WELDING 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 73 12. B DESIGN OF STANDARD SYMBOLS . . . . . . . . . . SYMBOLS FOR PLUG WELDING 7. . .. . . . . . . . . . . 7. . . .3 DETAILS OF SLOT WELDS . . SYMBOLS FOR SPOT WELDING 9. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .7 MULTIPLE-JOINT SEAM WELDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 73 12. ..7 FLUSH SPOT WELDED JOINTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. . .. . . . .5 ORIENTATION OF SEAM WELDS .3 LENGTH OF SEAM WELDS . . . .. . .2 SIZE AND STRENGTH OF SEAM WELDS . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .1 GENERAL .3—1987 4 Page SECTION 7. . . . . .2 DEPTH OF FILLING . . . . 8.. . . . . . . . C APPLICATION DRAWING ..1 GENERAL .3 SPACING OF SPOT WELDS . . . . . . . .. . SYMBOLS FOR BRAZED JOINTS 11.4 DIMENSIONING OF INTERMITTENT SEAM WELDS 10. . . . . . . 75 APPENDICES A ABBREVIATIONS OF TERMS FOR WELDING AND APPLIED PROCESSES . . . . . . SYMBOLS FOR SLOT WELDING 8.4 DEPTH OF FILLING . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 9. .. . . . .. . . 9. . . . . . . . . . . 8. .3 ANGLE OF COUNTERSINK .. . .4 EXTENT OF SPOT WELDING . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. . . . . . . . . . . . ...AS 1101. . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 SPACING OF PLUG WELDS . . . . . . 57 57 57 59 SECTION 9. . . .1 GENERAL .5 NUMBER OF SPOT WELDS . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .2 GENERAL PROVISIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 GENERAL . . 7. .6 FLUSH SEAM WELDED JOINTS .1 GENERAL . 8. . . . . . . .2 SIZE OF PLUG WELDS . . . . . . . 10. 69 69 . . . . . . . SYMBOLS FOR NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 60 60 60 60 64 64 64 . . . . . . . 7. . . 10. . . . . . . . 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 65 65 65 65 66 66 SECTION 11. . .2 SIZE AND STRENGTH OF SPOT WELDS 9. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 SURFACE CONTOUR OF PLUG WELDS . . . . . .. .3 METHODS OF SPECIFYING EXTENT OF NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. . . . . . .6 GROUPED SPOT WELDS . . . . . . . SECTION 10. . . .2 JOINT PREPARATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 77 79 82 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .8 MULTIPLE-JOINT SPOT WELDS . . . . . 10. 54 54 54 54 54 54 SECTION 8. . . . . .4 SURFACE FINISH AND CONTOUR OF SLOT WELDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 BASIC SYMBOLS . . . . . . . . COPYRIGHT . Brazing and Cutting of Metals — Glossary of Terms 1. For the purpose of this standard. and non-destructive examination. Appendix A gives a listing of abbreviations normally used for welding and allied processes. 1. while Appendix C gives a typical example for the use of symbols on structural drawings.1 SCOPE. It covers the details and application of symbols related to various welding processes (including brazing).5 AS 1101.2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS. This standard describes symbols which provide the means of placing complete welding information on drawings. SCOPE AND GENERAL 1. Appendix B shows the design of standard symbols.3—1987 STANDARDS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA Australian Standard for GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS FOR GENERAL ENGINEERING PART 3—WELDING AND NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION SECTION 1. the definitions given in AS 2812 shall apply. The following standards are referred to in this standard: AS 2536 Surface Texture AS 2812 Welding.3 DEFINITIONS. 1.1) indicates the type of weld.3 Basic weld symbols. Basic weld symbols shall be as shown in Fig. BASIC PRINCIPLES 2.3—1987 6 SECTION 2. Fig.AS 1101. NOTE: Not all of the above elements need to be used unless requir ed for clarit y.4 Supplementary symbols.5 Standard location of elements of a welding symbol.1. 2. or other references.2. This standard makes a distinction between the terms weld symbol and welding symbol.1. process. (h) Specification.3) is a method of representing the weld symbol on drawings. (e) Supplementary symbols.2 Illustrations. (f) Finish symbols. 2. 2. (d) Dimensions and other data. BA SIC WELD SY MBOLS COPYRIGHT . 2.3. They are not intended to represent design practices or to replace code or specification requirements. Supplementary symbols to be used in connection with welding symbols shall be as shown in Fig. The elements of a welding symbol shall have standard locations with respect to each other as shown in Fig. 2. (b) Arrow. The weld symbol (see Fig.1 BASIC SYMBOLS 2.1. 2. 2.1. 2.1. Examples given including dimensions (in millimetres) are illustrative only and are intended to facilitate communications.1. The symbols shall be drawn ‘on’ the reference line (shown dotted). 2. and includes supplementary information and consists of the following eight elements: (a) Reference line (shown horizontally). The welding symbol (see Fig. (c) Basic weld symbols. (g) Tail. 2.1 Distinction between weld symbol and welding symbol. Specification and process references should be shown in the tail of the welding symbol. ) Butt.2. 2.1. and projection welds.1.2 and 9. 2. Fig.1. spot. 2. 2. (See figures cited in Sections 7 to 10 inclusive).2 Other side. 2.1. The basic types of joints are shown in Fig. 2.7.2 Location of weld with respect to joint. Plug. Fig.1 Arrow side. Welds on the other side of the joint shall be shown by placing the weld symbol on the side of the reference line away from the reader (see Fig.3. Applicable welds in basic types of joints are listed in Fig.5. 2.3. The other member of the joint shall be considered the other side member.7 AS 1101. 2.1. 2. 2.2. 2. fillet.2 Applicable welds.1).3.9.1. LOCA TION SIGNIFICA NC E OF ARR OW 2.3.3 GENERAL PROVISIONS 2.1 Basic types of joints. seam and projection weld symbols. 2.9 and Clause 2. 2.1). The side opposite the arrow side of the joint shall be considered the other side of the joint (See Fig.3—1987 Fig.2. seam.1. slot.3.4).6. the arrow shall connect the welding symbol reference line to one side of the joint and this side shall be considered the arrow side of the joint. SU PP LEMENTAR Y SY MBOLS 2. Some weld symbols have no arrow side or other side significance. 2.1. Welds on the arrow side of the joint shall be shown by placing the weld symbol on the side of the reference line towards the reader (see Fig.2. 2.3. The member towards which the arrow points shall be considered the arrow side member. spot. although supplementary symbols used in conjunction with them may have significance (see Fig. SY MBOLS WITH NO SIDE SIGNIFICAN CE 2.3.7 and Clauses 9. For symbols for butt. * Use appropriate letter symbol for process Fig. and flange weld symbols.3. and flange welds. The location significance of arrow is shown in Fig.8. COPYRIGHT Fig. For symbols for plug.2 BASIC TYPES OF JOINTS AND WELDS.3. WELDS ON AR ROW SIDE 2. 2.1 General.4 Symbols with no side significance. 2. the arrow shall connect the weld symbol reference line to the outer surface of one of the members of the joint at the centreline of the desired weld. fillet.8 and Clause 2. slot.5.1 Location significance of arrow.3. 2. WELDS ON OTHE R SIDE . 2. STAN DA RD LOCA TION OF ELEMENTS OF A WELDING SY MBOL COPYRIGHT .3.3—1987 8 Fig.AS 1101. butt J-butt Flare-bevel. 2.butt Edge-f lange Braze Applicable welds Flare-bevel.9 AS 1101.4.butt Applicable welds J-butt Flare-V-butt Flare-bevel.butt V-butt U-butt J-butt Fig.butt Spot Projecti on Seam Braze Applicable welds Square-butt Bevel.3—1987 Square-butt V-butt Bevel.butt U-butt J-butt Flare-V-butt Fillet Plug Slot Square-butt Bevel.butt U-butt Fillet Square-bult V-butt Bevel.butt Edge-f lange Corner-f lange Spot Projecti on Seam Braze Applicable welds J-butt Flare-bevel.butt Spot Projecti on Seam Braze Applicable welds Fillet Plug Slot Bevel. BA SIC TYP ES OF JOINTS COPYRIGHT Edge-f lange Corner-f lange Seam Edge . 6. 2. AP PLICATION OF ARR OW SIDE AN D OTHER SIDE CONV EN TION COPYRIGHT .3—1987 10 Fig.AS 1101. 13. 2.3. Site weld (welds not made in a shop or at the place of initial construction) shall be indicated by means of the site weld symbol. general notes such as the following may be placed on a drawing to provide detailed information pertaining to the predominant welds: ‘Unless otherwise indicated.3—1987 2.3. Where desired.10 and Fig.3. all fillet welds are 6 mm in size. towards and away from the reader (see Fig.6. Complete penetration welds from one side that is to be made flush by mechanical means shall be shown by adding both the flush contour symbol and the required finish symbol to the symbol for complete penetration from one side (see Clause 2. or other reference is used with a welding symbol.. Where desired. or other references in the following instances: (a) Where a note such as the following appears on the drawing: ‘Unless otherwise designated. 2.1.1 Symbols with references. INDICA TION OF FLUS H CONTOUR .4. If it is desired to specify height of reinforcement. procedure.4.3. 2.3 General notes. 2.4.1). Symbols intended to appear in publications or otherwise to be of high precision may be drawn with dimensions and proportions shown in Appendix B. or other reference.3.3. Where no specification. Fig. process.6. US E OF SITE WELD SYMBO L 2. 2.2.5 Symbol without tail. it shall be shown on the drawing.14.2.4 Location of a specification.15). Where use of a definite process is required.3 Both sides. 2.’ ‘Unless otherwise indicated.3 Method of drawing symbols.6. (See Fig. 2.) 2. The flag shall point away from the arrow.14).10 WELDS ON BOTH SIDE S 2.4 Process indication.3.3. 2. 2. 2. 2. COPYRIGHT Fig. 2. 2.11.11). the reference shall be placed in the tail (see Fig. Dimensions of complete penetration need not be shown on the welding symbol.3. (See Fig. The symbol for complete penetration from one side shall be used only where complete joint or member penetration plus reinforcement is required in welds made from one side only (see Fig.10 and Clause 2.) Fig. the tail may be omitted.3.’ The information need not be repeated on the symbols. process.6 Symbol for complete penetration from one side.3 Dimensions. procedure.4.1 Flush contour.5 Site weld symbol.11 AS 1101. Fig..’ (b) Where the welding procedure to be used is prescribed elsewhere. Symbols may be drawn mechanically or freehand as desired.15.14). 2. Where a specification.12).3.7 Contour and surface finish methods for complete penetration from one side.3. 2.3. symbols may be used without specification. 2.12 PROCE SS IND ICATION Fig. or other reference is used with a welding symbol.3.2 Location. such as in shop instructions and process sheets. 2. all welds are to be made in accordance with Specification No.4. the process shall be indicated by letter designations as shown in Appendix A (see Fig.. 2.13. 2. Welds on both sides of the joint shall be shown by placing weld symbols on both sides of the reference line. root gaps for all butt welds are 3 mm. process. 2.2 Symbols without reference.3. RE FERE NC E LOCA TION 2. 2. The symbol for complete penetration from one side shall be placed on the side of the reference line opposite to the weld symbol (see Fig.1 Use. process. AS 1101.3—1987 12 Fig. 2.14 APP LICA TION OF SY MBOL FOR COMPLETE PE NE TRATION FROM ONE SIDE COPYRIGHT . CONS TRUC TION OF SY MBOLS 2. of finish: C — Chipping. Fig. all welds shall be continuous. COPYRIGHT Fig. 2. If the welding on the hidden point is different from that of the visible joint. Welds extending completely around a joint shall be indicated by the weld-all-around symbol (see Fig.18). Welds completely around a joint in which the metal intersections at the points of welding are in more than one plane shall also be indicated by the weld-all-around symbol.8.4. shall be designated by the weld-all-around symbol.3.3. it may be indicated as in Fig.25. 2.11 Construction of symbols. 2. bevel and J-butt. INDICA TION OF CO NV EX CON TOUR 2.2 Hidden joints. Fillet. Fig. CR AN K IN AR ROW . 2. and also Figs 2.7.10 Finishing of welds.4 Use of weld-all-around symbol . 4. 2.9. flare-bevel-butt. a section is desirable but is not necessary. If needed for clarification. and corner-flange weld symbols shall be shown with the perpendicular leg always to the left (see Fig.25).3. Welds that are completely around a joint which includes more than one type of weld. The following finishing symbols indicate the method.3.8. indicated by a combination weld symbol.7.20).6. the arrow shall point with a definite crank towards that member (see Fig. the welding on hidden joints may be covered. Symbols apply between abrupt changes in the direction of the welding or to the extent of hatching or dimension lines. Where the exact location of the weld is not critical. other than cleaning.17. M — Machining. auxiliary illustrations or views shall be added.21 and 2.22).8.8 Extent of welding denoted by symbols. 9.3. 4. G — Grinding. Fig.13 AS 1101. Finishing of welds.17.26.5. 2. (See Clauses 2.3.) 2. Complete penetration welds from one side that is to be mechanically finished to a convex contour shall be shown by adding both the convex contour symbol and the required finish symbol to the symbol for complete penetration from one side (see Clause 2.3.19 and 2. Where the welding of the hidden joint is the same as that of the visible joint. see AS 2536. shall be indicated by suitable contour and finish symbols. EX AM PLE OF HIDD EN JOINT 2. In such case.18. 2.3. Unless otherwise indicated. not the degree * .20(c)). Where one member of a joint is to be prepared. and 10. except where the weld-all-around symbol is used (see Figs 2. 2. 2.6.4. 7. US E OF WELD-ALL-AROUN D SYMBO L 2. The drawing shall indicate the presence of hidden members. specific information for the welding of both shall be given. 2. 2. 2.12 Crank in arrow.26. 2. as shown in Fig.3.2 Convex contour.3. 3.3.9 Weld continuity. (See Fig 2.1 Abrupt changes.3.10 and Fig.3—1987 2.3 Approximate location.8. 8. 2. * For methods of indicating degree of finish. Fig. R — Rolling. P — Peening.3.19(d). 19.AS 1101. 2.3—1987 14 Fig. DE SIGN ATION OF LOCA TION AND EX TENT OF FILLET WELDS COPYRIGHT . 15 (a) Weld wit h abrupt changes in dir ecti on Fig. 2.20 DES IGNA TION OF EXTEN T OF WELDING COPYRIGHT AS 1101.3—1987 . 20 ( continued ) COPYRIGHT . 2.3—1987 16 (b) Weld-all-around symbol Fig.AS 1101. 3—1987 .20 ( continued ) COPYRIGHT AS 1101.17 (c) Weld in several planes (W eld conti nues around periphery) (d) Round point (r ound member prepared by machining to round point) (e) Chisel point (r ound member prepared by machining to chisel point) Fig. 2. AS 1101. AP PLICATION OF CR AN K IN ARR OW OF WELDING SY MBOL (BEV EL-BUTT WELD) COPYRIGHT .3—1987 18 (a) Arrow side (b) Other side (c) Both sides Fig.21. 2. 2.3—1987 . AP PLICATION OF CR AN K IN AR ROW OF WELDING SYMBO L (J-BUTT WELD) COPYRIGHT AS 1101.19 (a) Arrow side (b) Other side (c) Both sides Fig.22. 2. CO MB INATION OF WELD SYMBO LS SHOWING CR AN K IN ARR OW COPYRIGHT .AS 1101.23.butt weld symbols (d) Single-bevel-butt and double-fi llet weld symbols Fig.3—1987 20 (a) Single-bevel-butt and backing run weld symbols (b) Back or backing. single-J-butt and fillet weld symbols (c) Fillet and double-bevel. 1 (see Fig.7 and Fig. DE SIGNATIONS OF SP EC IAL WELD TYPE S Desired weld Symbol (a) Desired weld Symbol (b) Fig.2. AS 1101.3.24. AP PLICATION OF ELEC TROGAS WELDING AND ELEC TROS LAG WELDING WITH COMBINATION OF WELD SYMBO LS COPYRIGHT .14).27). or other data with a reference thereto on the welding symbol in accordance with the location conventions given in Clause 2. Where the basic weld symbols are inadequate to indicate the desired weld.15 Complete penetration.13 Reading of information on welding symbols. The letters ‘CP’ in the tail of the arrow indicate a complete penetration weld regardless of the type of weld or joint preparation (see Clause 4.21 2. For joints having more than one weld.3. 2. 4. 2.27.3. 2.3.23 and 2. a symbol shall be shown for each weld (see figs 2. 2. the weld shall be shown by a crosssection.3. 2.24).3—1987 Fig. Information on welding symbols shall be placed to read from left to right along the reference line in accordance with the usual conventions of drafting.14 Combined weld symbols. detail. 2.16 Designation of special types of weld. the weld-all-around symbol or test-all-around symbol shall be placed at the junction of the arrow line and reference line for each operation to which it is applicable. US E OF SU PP LEMENTAR Y SYMBO L WITH MULTIPLE RE FERE NC E LINE Fig.3.17.30. 2. The first operation is shown on the reference line nearest the arrow. Two or more reference lines may be used to indicate a sequence of operations.1 Sequence of operations.17.29.17. Additional reference lines may be used to show data supplementary to welding symbol information included on the reference line nearest to the arrow (see Fig. 2. 2. (See Fig. Supplementary data. (See Fig.17 Multiple reference lines.29).) Fig.3. 2. Subsequent operations are shown sequentially on other reference lines. US E OF AD DITION AL REFER EN CE LINE FOR SUP PLEM EN TARY DA TA COPYRIGHT . Where required.17. The site weld symbol may also be applied in the same manner. INDICA TION OF SE QU EN CE OF OP ER ATION 2.AS 1101.3. Test information may be shown on a second or third reference line away from the arrow as described in Section 12.3.4 Supplementary symbols.) 2.3—1987 22 2. 2.28. Fig. 2.3 Test information. 2.30. 1 and 3.3. and (d)).1. Where penetration for a given root opening is specified.2 Symbols with no general note. where indicated on the welding symbol.2.3.6. Where it is desired to shown the extent of fillet welding graphically. Where fillet welding extends for the full distance between abrupt changes in the direction of the welding (see Clause 2.19. the appropri ate appli cati on standard should be foll owed for fi ll et weld sizes. AS 1101.) 3.4(f)). the dimensions of fillet welds on both sides of the joint shall be shown (see Figs 3.1. the location of the weld may be shown by hatching (see Fig.3. as in Fig.2.4(d).4 EXTENT OF FILLET WELDING. The size of a fillet weld with unequal legs shall be indicated to the left of the weld symbol. the deposited fillet weld size shall be not less than the size shown on the drawing. 3. the dimensions of fillet welds need not be shown on the symbol.1 Location. Minimum size.3. 3. WELDS WITH DIFFERE NT DIMEN SIONS 3. and also Fig. such as ‘unless otherwise indicated.1.3 LENGTH OF FILLET WELDS. 3. Specific lengths of fillet welding may be indicated by symbols in conjunction with dimension lines (see Fig.2 SIZE OF FILLET WELDS.3 Specific lengths.1 GENERAL 3.8(a). 3. Where a general note appears on the drawing governing the dimensions of fillet welds. the inspection method for determining penetration depth is to be included in the applicable specification.3.23 SECTION 3. 3. 3. NOTE: Examples shown in Fig.5). Unless otherwise indicated.1 Location. (See Fig. 3.1 Hatching. LENGTH OF FILLET WELDS 3.6.3 Symbols with general note.3—1987 SYMBOLS FOR FILLET WELDS 3. 3.2. Fig. For root gaps caused by workmanship tolerances. 3. EX TENT OF FILLET WELDING SH OWN BY HA TCHING COPYRIGHT . Where no general note governing the dimensions of fillet welds appears on the drawing. Dimensions of fillet welds shall be shown on the same side of the reference line as the weld symbol (see Figs 2. 3. 2.4(e)).3.2.2 Abrupt changes.1 Dimensioning fillets. 3. all fillet welds are 8 mm in size’.4 Penetration. The length of a fillet weld.2). 3. 3. 3. 3. 3.4 are for joints wit hout root gaps. 3. and also Fig. 3. 3.7.1. Fig. Weld orientation is not indicated by the symbol and shall be shown on the drawing when necessary. 3.4. and 3.8). no length dimension need be shown on the welding symbol (see Fig. (c).2 Unequal legs. Fig. WELDS WITH SAM E DIMEN SIONS Fig. The size of a fillet weld shall be shown to the left of the weld symbol (see Fig. 3. (b). 3.19(a) and (c)). 3. Fig. shall be shown to the right of the weld symbol (see Fig.7). INDICA TION OF SP EC IFIC LEN GTHS OF FILLET WELDS 3.4(a). AP PLICATION OF DIMEN SIONS TO FILLET WELD COPYRIGHT .4.AS 1101.3—1987 24 Fig. 3. 3—1987 (a) Length and pit ch of increments of intermitt ent welding (b) Length and pit ch of increments of chain intermitt ent welding (c) Length and pitch of increments of staggered intermit tent welding NOTE: If required by actual length of the joint.5. Fig. 3. the length of the increment of the welds at the end of the joint should be increased to terminate the weld at the end of the joint. AP PLICATION OF DIMEN SIONS TO INTER MITTEN T FILLET WELD SY MBOLS COPYRIGHT .25 AS 1101. 3. 3. 3.10). 3.1 (see Fig. the symbol indicates that spaces equal to the pitch minus the length of one increment shall be left at the ends of the dimensioned length (see Figs 2. CONVEX CONTOUR BY MECHANICAL MEANS 3. 3. INDICATION OF WELD CONTOUR WITHOUT MECHANICAL MEANS 3.10 and Fig.10 and Fig.20(a).1 Contours obtained by welding.5(a)).9.4 Concave contour by mechanical means.3.19(a)).5).2 Flat contour by mechanical means. 3.6. 3. 3. 3.9. 2.11).6. Where intermittent fillet welding is used between continuous fillet welds.19(a) and 3. in accordance with the location conventions given in Clause 2. the detail of the desired joint and weld configuration shall be shown on the drawing. 2.2 Intermittent welds between continuous welds.10 and Fig.3. in accordance with the location conventions given in Clause 2.7 COMBINATION OF INTERMITTENT AND CONTINUOUS FILLET WELDING. Fig.4. 3.11. Separate welding symbols shall be used for intermittent and continuous fillet welding where the two are used in combination along one side of the joint (see Fig.AS 1101. FLAT CONTOUR BY MECHANICAL MEANS 3.3. Fig. (b) The pitch (centre-to-centre spacing) of intermittent fillet welding shall be shown to the right of the length dimension (see Fig. 3.3. Fillet welds in holes and slots shall be shown by means of fillet weld symbols (see Fig.1 Intermittent fillets only.12. 3.2 Welds beyond abrupt changes.9. 3.1 (see Clause 2.5(b). 3. in accordance with the location conventions given in Clause 2. (c) Dimensions of chain intermittent fillet welding shall be shown on both sides of the reference line. convex. Fillet welding extending beyond abrupt changes in the direction of the welding shall be indicated by means of additional arrows pointing to each section of the joint to be welded.8 FILLET WELDS IN HOLES AND SLOTS. CONCAVE CONTOUR BY MECHANICAL MEANS Fig. Dimensioning of intermittent fillet welding shall be as follows: (a) The pitch (centre-to-centre spacing) of intermittent fillet welding shall be shown as the distance between centres of increments on one side of the joint (see Fig. 3.12). the symbol indicates that increments shall be located at the ends of the dimensioned length (see Fig. or concave without recourse to any method of finishing shall be shown by adding the flush. 3. 3. or concave contour symbol to the weld symbol. (d) Dimensions of staggered intermittent fillet welding shall be shown on both sides of the reference line using the convention shown in Fig.1 (see Clause 2.10 SKEWED JOINTS.9. in accordance with the location conventions given in Clause 2.8(b)).19(b)). 2.5(c). 3.9.3 Convex contour by mechanical means. Chain intermittent fillet welds shall be opposite each other as shown in Fig. 3.9). convex.9 SURFACE FINISH AND CONTOUR OF FILLET WELDS. Where intermittent fillet welding is used by itself. 3. Where the angle between fusion faces is such that the identification of the type of weld and hence the proper weld symbol is in question.5).3. Fillet welds that are to be welded approximately flat. 3.5 DIMENSIONING OF INTERMITTENT FILLET WELDING. as shown in Fig. except where the weld-all-around symbol is used. COPYRIGHT . Fillet welds that are to be mechanically finished to a convex contour shall be shown by adding both the convex contour symbol and the required finish symbol to the weld symbol. Fillet welds that are to be mechanically finished to a concave contour shall be shown by adding both the concave contour symbol and the required finish symbol to the weld symbol.6 TERMINATION OF INTERMITTENT FILLET WELDING. Fillet welds that are to be made flat faced by mechanical means shall be shown by adding both the flush contour symbol and the required finish symbol to the weld symbol.1 (see Clause 2. 3.3.3—1987 26 3.10. 3. Fig. 8. 3.3—1987 Symbol (a) Combination fillet and butt weld in T-joint with specified root gap (b) Fillet weld in holes (or slot) Fig. APPLICATION OF FILLET WELD SYMBOLS COPYRIGHT .27 Desired weld AS 1101. 3—1987 28 (c) Double fillet weld symbols for one joint (d) Double fillet weld symbols for two joints Fig.8. COPYRIGHT .AS 1101. (continued). 3. AP PLICATION OF DIMEN SIONS TO BUTT WELD SYMBO LS (BUTT WELD SYM BO L SH OWING US E OF COMBINED DIMENS IONS ) COPYRIGHT .1 Location. 4. complete joint penetration is required (see Fig.1 Dimension location.29 AS 1101.12 (see Fig. Where no depth of groove preparation or design throat thickness is shown on the welding symbol for single-butt and symmetrical double-butt welds. Where a general note appears on the drawing governing the dimensions of butt welds.9).3—1987 SECTION 4. Where no general note governing the dimensions of welds appears on the drawing. 4.1. 4. 4. such as ‘unless otherwise noted. 4. the dimensions of double-butt welds shall be shown on both welds (see Figs 4.2 Double-butt dimensions. 4.2.3. neither butt weld need be dimensioned. a cranked arrow shall be used to indicate which member is prepared as described in Clause 2. Fig.4 Dimensions in general note. all V-butt welds shall have a 60° groove angle’.5).6 to 4.1. 4.3 and 4.2 Complete joint penetration required. and also Fig.2.2 DEPTH OF PREPARATION AND DESIGN THROAT THICKNESS OF BUTT WELDS.1.3 Cranked arrow. 4. For bevel-butt.1).6(d) and (e)).4). 4.1. SYMBOLS FOR BUTT WELDS 4.1 GENERAL 4. 4.2. J-butt and corner flange welds.1. Dimensions showing preparation of butt welds shall be indicated on the same side of the reference line as the weld symbol (see Fig. The depth of groove preparation (S) and design throat thickness (D) of a butt weld shall be shown to the left of the weld symbol (see Figs 4. 4. DIME NS IONS LOCA TION FOR BUTT WELDS Fig. 4. 4. WELDS WITH DIFFERE NT DIMEN SIONS Fig. WELDS WITH SAME DIMEN SIONS Fig. 4.3.5.AS 1101.2. US E OF CRA NK ED AR ROW COPYRIGHT . 4.3—1987 30 Fig.4. 3—1987 . DE SIGN ATION OF DE SIGN THROAT THICKN ES S OF BUTT WELDS COPYRIGHT AS 1101.6.31 Fig. 4. EX AM PLES OF DIFFER EN T RE LATIONSH IPS BE TWEE N DE PTH OF PR EP AR ATION ‘S’ AN D DES IGN THROAT THICKN ES S (D) COPYRIGHT . 4.7.AS 1101.3—1987 32 (a) Depth of preparati on ‘S’ equal to design throat thickness (D) (b) Depth of preparati on ‘S’ less than design throat thickness (D) (c) Depth of preparation ‘S’ more than design throat thickness (D) (d) No preparation Fig. 8.3—1987 . 4. DE SIGN ATION OF DES IGN THR OA T THICK NE SS OF BU TT WELDS WITH SP EC IFIED DEP TH OF PRE PA RA TION COPYRIGHT AS 1101.33 Fig. DE SIGN ATION OF DES IGN THR OA T THICK NE SS OF BU TT WELDS WITHOUT SPE CIFIED DEP TH OF PR EP AR ATION COPYRIGHT . 4.9.3—1987 34 (a) Butt joint with no root opening (b) Arrow side bevel-butt weld wit h root opening (c) Both sides V-butt weld with root opening Fig.AS 1101. 3—1987 NOTE: The total design throat thickness of the T-butt porti on of the weld cannot be greater than the thickness of the intersecti ng plate.35 AS 1101.10. Fig. 4. DE SIGN ATION OF DES IGN THROAT THICK NE SS OF COMBINE D WELDS COPYRIGHT . (D) is shown less than S on the welding symbol (see Figs 4. 4. 4.4. 4.20.5— design throat thickness where specified less than depth of preparation. 4. Radii and land of Ubutt and J-butt welds shall be shown by a crosssection. 4. 4. INDICA TION OF DEP TH OF PR EP AR ATION AND DES IGN THR OA T THICKN ES S Fig 4. detail. (c) and (d)).16). EXA MPLES OF INDICA TING DETAILS OF RA DII AN D ROOT FACE S 4.3. or other data. The root gap of butt welds shall be shown inside the weld symbol (see Fig. 4.AS 1101.7(a).1 (see Fig. INDICA TION OF DE PTH OF PR EP AR ATION ONLY 4. PA RTIAL JOINT PEN ETRA TION the design throat thickness may be specified by placing the dimension D on the arrow side or other side of the reference line as required but omitting the weld symbol (see Fig. V-butt weld.1 (see Fig.7 Joint preparation optional. 4. The dimension S of flarebutt welds is considered as extending only to the tangent points indicated below by dimension lines (see Fig.8.6 Special case of requirement of Clause 4. J-butt weld. Butt welds that are to be welded approximately flush without recourse to any method of finishing shall be shown by adding the flush contour symbol to the weld symbol. 4. and also Figs 4. in accordance with the location conventions given in Clause 2. 4.2. 4.8 Joint preparation optional.13.18).1 Contours obtained by welding. 4. (See Fig. or other drawings where conditions dictate.3—1987 36 4.3 Partial joint penetration specified. Fig. with reference thereto on the welding symbol. 4. The design throat thickness (D) only is shown for the square-butt weld.4 SURFACE FINISH AND CONTOUR OF BUTT WELDS. 4. Fig.10. depth of preparation not specified.2. and also Fig.11. Where it is desired to indicate a design throat thickness (D) less than the depth of preparation S. and 4. and also Fig.9 Flare-butt welds.2. 4. 4.4 Depth of preparation specified. NOTE: In no case shall the total design throat thickness exceed the thickness of the thinner member of the weld joint. Fig.15). 4.19).12).14).2. Contract design drawings.13.5 Depth of preparation and design throat thickness specified. or U-butt weld indicates only the depth of preparation (see Fig.25(a)).3 Radii and root faces.7(c) and 4. 4. the design throat thickness (D) in relation to the depth of groove preparation S shall be shown to the left of the weld symbol.17). Fig. or specified elsewhere.11. 4. For contract design drawings where conditions dictate. 4. The design throat thickness of butt welds which extend only partly through the member or members being joined shall be shown in parentheses on the welding symbol (see Fig. 4.2. 4. in accordance with the location conventions given in Clause 2. design throat thickness not specified. The preparation angle of butt welds shall be shown outside the weld symbol (see Fig.3.9.3 JOINT PREPARATION DIMENSIONS. may allow optional joint preparation with complete joint penetration required by placing the letters ‘CP’ in the tail of the arrow and omitting the weld symbol (see Fig.2 Preparation angle. INDICA TION OF FLUS H CONTOUR WITHOUT MEC HA NICA L MEAN S COPYRIGHT .) The design throat thickness (D) shall always be enclosed in brackets. 4.3. complete penetration required. design throat thickness specified. 4. A dimension not in parentheses placed to the left of the symbol for a bevel weld.3. 4. 4.1 Root gap.16).19. Except for square-butt welds. (b).2.2.3. 14.37 AS 1101. 4. JOINT PR EP AR ATION OPTIONA L COPYRIGHT .3—1987 (a) Joint preparation opti onal Desired weld Symbol (b) Joint preparation opti onal Fig. CO MP LETE PE NE TRATION REQ UIRE D. JOINT PRE PA RA TION OP TIONAL COPYRIGHT .15.3—1987 38 Fig. PA RTIAL PE NE TRATION SPE CIFIED . 4.AS 1101. 16.39 AS 1101. 4.3—1987 (a) Flare-V-butt weld with specif ied parti al joint preparation (b) Flare-bevel. AP PLICATION OF FLAR E-BE VE L-BU TT AND FLARE -V-BUTT WELD SYMBO LS COPYRIGHT .butt weld with specif ied part ial joint penetrati on and fi llet weld Fig. (continued ) COPYRIGHT .16. 4.AS 1101.3—1987 40 Fig. 3—1987 . 4.17.41 Fig. DE SIGN ATION OF ROOT GAP OF BU TT WELDS COPYRIGHT AS 1101. DE SIGN ATION OF PR EP AR ATION AN GLE OF BU TT WELDS COPYRIGHT .18. 4.AS 1101.3—1987 42 Fig. 3. and also Fig. 4.10).5 BACKING RUN OR BACKING WELDS. The backing run or backing weld symbol shall be used to indicate bead type backing run or backing welds or single-butt welds (see Fig.43 4. 4.25(c) and Clause 2.1 Contours obtained by welding.5.22.26). in accordance with the location conventions given in Clause 2. 4. INDICA TION OF CONV EX CONTOUR BY MECH AN ICAL MEAN S COPYRIGHT . Fig.3—1987 4. 4. 4.26).23. Butt welds that are to be mechanically finished to a convex contour shall be shown by adding both the convex contour symbol and the required finish symbol to the weld symbol. US E OF BA CK ING RU N OR BA CK ING WELD SY MB OL Fig. 4. Backing run or backing welds that are to be welded approximately flush without recourse to any method of finishing shall be shown by adding the flush contour symbol to the backing run or backing weld symbol (see Fig.3 Surface contour of backing run or backing welds.2 Flush contour by mechanical means. 4.3.1 (see Fig.10). 4.24. 4.3. 4.3.3. INDICA TION OF FLUS H CONTOUR BY MECH AN ICAL MEAN S 4. 4.5. AS 1101.28 and Clause 2. Fig. and also Fig.10).1 (see Fig.3 Convex contour by mechanical means.5.3. 4. and also Fig.10). Butt welds that are to be made flush by mechanical means shall be shown by adding both the flush contour symbol and the required finish symbol to the weld symbol.2 Backing run or backing weld symbol. 4.2 Flush contour by mechanical means. Fig 4. Backing runs or backing welds of single-butt welds shall be shown by placing a backing run or backing weld symbol on the side of the reference line opposite the butt weld symbol (see Fig.3.28. 4. in accordance with the location conventions given in Clause 2.23. Fig.25 and Clause 2.4. INDICA TION OF CO NV EX CON TOUR BY ME CH AN ICAL ME AN S 4. IND ICATION OF FLUS H CONTOUR WITHOUT MEC HA NICA L MEAN S 4. Fig.3 Convex contour by mechanical means. 4. and Clause 2.27.21. Backing run or backing welds that are to be mechanically finished to a convex contour shall be shown by adding both the convex contour symbol and the required finish symbol to the backing run or backing weld symbol (see Fig.4.1 General. Backing runs or backing welds that are to be made flush by mechanical means shall be shown by adding both the flush contour symbol and the required finish symbol to the backing run or backing weld symbol (see Fig. INDICA TION OF FLUS H CON TOUR BY ME CH AN ICAL ME AN S 4. 4.5.5. 4. 4. NOTE: Materi al and dimensions of backing as specif ied.6 JOINT WITH BACKING.7 JOINT WITH SPACER. and the rectangle shall include a notation as shown in Fig. 4. 4. A joint with spacer shall be shown with the butt weld symbol modified to show a rectangle within it. for a second operation which cannot be performed until after the first is completed.8 CONVENTION FOR BACK GOUGING AFTER WELDING ONE SIDE.AS 1101. A second reference line may be used (see Clause 2. INDICA TION OF BA CK GOUGING AFTER WELDING COPYRIGHT . 4.29. Back gouging and welding as a second operation are thus indicated as shown in Fig.3. Fig.29.3—1987 44 4. Symbol NOTE: The total design throat thickness not to exceed thickness of member Fig. 4. JOINT WITH BA CK ING 4. 4. A joint with backing shall be shown as a combination of the butt weld symbol on one side of the reference line and a rectangle on the opposite side in which shall be included one of two notations as shown in Fig. 45 (a) Arrow side flush contour symbol (b) Other side flush contour symbol (c) Both sides convex contour symbol Fig. 4.25. AP PLICATION OF FLUS H AN D CONV EX CONTOUR SY MBOLS TO BU TT WELD SYMBO LS COPYRIGHT AS 1101.3—1987 AS 1101.3—1987 NOTE: 46 Butt weld made before welding other side (a) Use of backing run or backing weld symbol to indicate single-run back weld NOTE: Butt weld made aft er welding other side (b) Use of backing run or backing weld symbol to indicate single-run backing weld NOTE: The total design throat thickness cannot be greater than 25 mm (c) Back gouging after welding one side NOTE: The total design throat thickness cannot be greater than plate thickness T (d) Use of backing weld with root gap Fig. 4.26. AP PLICATION OF BA CK ING RUN OR BAC KING WELD SY MBOL WITH AN D WITHOUT GOUGING COPYRIGHT 47 (a) Spacer in double-bevel- butt joint (b) Spacer in double-V-butt joint (c) Spacer in double-bevel-butt joint NOTE: Materials and dimensions of spacer as specif ied. Fig. 4.30. JOINTS WITH SPA CE RS COPYRIGHT AS 1101.3—1987 AS 1101.3—1987 48 SECTION 5. SYMBOLS FOR SURFACING 5.1 GENERAL (see Fig. 5.1). The surfacing symbol shall be used to indicate surfaces built up by welding for such purposes as the following: (a) Correcting dimensions. (b) Transition between dissimilar metals. (c) Corrosion resistance. (d) Wear resistance. 5.2 USE OF SURFACING SYMBOL. 5.2.1 Symbol application. Surfaces built up by welding, whether by single-pass or multiple-pass surfacing welds, shall be shown by the surfacing symbol (see Fig. 5.1). 5.2.2 Arrow side significance. The surfacing symbol does not indicate the welding of a joint and therefore has no arrow or other side significance. The symbol shall be drawn beneath the reference line and the arrow shall point clearly to the surface on which the weld is to be deposited. (See Fig. 5.1.) 5.2.3 Dimension location. Dimensions used in conjunction with the surfacing symbol shall be shown on the same side of the reference line as the weld symbol (see Fig. 5.1). 5.3.2 Unspecified thickness. Where no specific thickness of weld deposit is desired, no size dimension need be shown on the welding symbol. 5.4 EXTENT, LOCATION, AND ORIENTATION OF SURFACES BUILT UP BY WELDING. 5.4.1 Entire area. Where the entire area of a plane or curved surface is to be built up by welding, no dimension other than size (thickness of deposit) need be shown on the welding symbol (see Fig. 5.1(c)). 5.4.2 Portion of area. Where a portion of the area of a plane or curved surface is to be built up by welding, the extent, location, and orientation of the area to be built up shall be indicated on the drawing (see Fig. 5.1(d)). 5.5 SURFACING A WELD FACE. Where it is desired to show a subsequent surfacing operation over another weld, the multiple reference line concept may be used with a fillet weld or butt weld as the first operation and the surfacing operation the second (see Fig. 5.2, and also Clause 2.3.17). 5.3 SIZE (THICKNESS) OF SURFACES BUILT UP BY WELDING. 5.3.1 Minimum thickness. The size of a surface to be built up by welding shall be indicated by showing the minimum thickness of the weld deposit to the left of the weld symbol (see Fig. 5.1(a)). COPYRIGHT Fig. 5.2. SU RFAC ING A WELD FACE AP PLICATION OF SUR FACING SYMBO L TO INDICA TE SU RFAC ES BU ILT UP BY WELDING COPYRIGHT AS 1101.3—1987 .49 Fig.1. 5. 3 CORNER-FLANGE WELDS. 6. 6. 6.AS 1101.4.4.2 Joint not detailed.3. (See Fig. The thickness of flange welds shall be shown by a dimension placed outward of the flange demensions (see Fig. For flange welds. LOCA TION OF DIME NS IONS Fig. this shall be shown by the corner-flange weld symbol. 6. 6. 6. there shall be a break in the arrow to show which member is flanged (see Fig.5. Where the corner-flange joint is not detailed. Flange welding symbols shall be used to indicate joints in light gauge metal involving the flanging of the edges to be joined. 6.3.4 Root opening.5.2.3).6. The radius and the height shall read in that order from left to right along the reference line.) (See Fig.6. Dimensions of flange welds shall be located on the same side of the reference line as the weld symbol (see Fig.4. 6. separated by a plus sign.4.4 DIMENSIONS OF FLANGE WELDS. If it is desired to specify the root opening.1 Location.) (See Fig. and also Fig. 6. (This symbol has no both sides significance.1 GENERAL. where one or more pieces are inserted between the two outer pieces.) 6. and placed to the left of the weld symbol.2 EDGE-FLANGE WELDS.5 MULTIPLE-JOINT FLANGE WELDS. 6.3 Weld thickness. 6.1 Joint detailed. Edge-flange welds shall be shown by the edge-flange weld symbol. Fig.2 Radius and height.4(b) and (c)). 6. The radius and the height above the point of tangency shall be indicated by showing both the radius and the height. it shall be shown on the drawing. and also fig. 6.) 6.4).3. SYMBOLS FOR FLANGE WELDING 6. Fig. 6. CO RN ER -FLANG E JOINT (NO T DE TAILED ) 6. 6. the symbol used for the two outer pieces shall be used regardless of the number of pieces inserted (see Fig. 6. 6. The root opening of flange welds shall not be shown on the welding symbol.3—1987 50 SECTION 6. RA DIUS AN D HE IGHT INDICA TION 6. Where the corner-flange weld is detailed.4) 6. 6.4).7. and also Fig.1. Fig. WELD THICK NE SS IND ICATION 6.7. COPYRIGHT . (This symbol has no both sides significance. 6.1. AP PLICATION OF EDGE-FLAN GE WELD SY MBOL COPYRIGHT AS 1101.51 Fig.3—1987 . 6.2.AS 1101. AP PLICATION OF CORNE R-FLAN GE WELD SY MBOL COPYRIGHT .3—1987 52 Fig. 6. AP PLICATION OF EDG E-FLAN GE AND CORNE R-FLAN GE WELD SY MBOLS COPYRIGHT .4.3—1987 Fig.53 AS 1101. 3 Dimensions. 7.3 ANGLE OF COUNTERSINK.1. it shall be shown inside the weld symbol.1. FLUS H CONTOUR BY MEC HA NICA L MEAN S .3—1987 54 SECTION 7.2).1 Flush welds without finishing.4 Fillets in holes. 7.2 SIZE OF PLUG WELDS. Holes in the other side member of a joint to be plug welded shall be indicated by placing the weld symbol on the side of the reference line away from the reader (see Fig.AS 1101. 7. Holes in the arrow side member of a joint to be plug welded shall be indicated by placing the weld symbol on the side of the reference line toward the reader (see Fig. The size of a plug weld shall be shown to the left of the weld symbol (see Fig.1. 7. 7. Fig. 7.6. The plug weld symbol shall not be used to designate fillet welds in holes (see Clause 3.2(b)). 7. 7. 7.2 Other side holes.10). Included angle of countersink of plug welds shall be shown on the symbol (see Fig. 7. FLUS H CONTOUR WITHOUT MECH AN ICAL MEAN S 7. 7. Pitch (centre-tocentre) of plug welds shall be shown to the right of the weld symbol (see Fig. 7.3.8).4 DEPTH OF FILLING. 7. the depth of filling of plug welds shall be complete.2(d)). 7.4 and Clause 2.3).6 SURFACE CONTOUR OF PLUG WELDS. Where the depth of filling is less than complete. COPYRIGHT Fig. 7. Plug welds that are to be welded approximately flush without recourse to any method of finishing shall be shown by adding the flush contour symbol to the weld symbol (see Fig.4.5 SPACING OF PLUG WELDS.6.) 7.1(a)). 7.1 Arrow side holes. Unless otherwise indicated.1(b)). Dimensions of plug welds shall be shown on the same side of the reference line as the weld symbol (see Fig.3.2(a)). 7. (See Fig.2 Flush welds mechanically finished. 7. 7.2(c). Plug welds that are to be made flush by mechanical means shall be shown by adding both the flush contour symbol and the required finish symbol to the weld symbol (see Fig.1.1 GENERAL 7. SYMBOLS FOR PLUG WELDING 7. 7. AP PLICATION OF PLUG WELD SY MBOL COPYRIGHT AS 1101.1.3—1987 .55 Fig. 2.3—1987 56 Fig. AP PLICATION OF DIMEN SIONS TO PLUG WELD SY MBOLS COPYRIGHT .AS 1101. 7. Slots in the arrow side member of a joint to be slot welded shall be indicated by placing the weld symbol on the side of the reference line toward the reader (see Fig.57 AS 1101.1. For fil let welds in slots. (See Fig. Length.1. see Clause 3. Where the depth of filling is less than complete.8. the depth of filling of slot welds shall be complete. width. 8.2). (a) Arrow side slot weld symbol Note: See drawing for dimensions and ori entati on. 8. AP PLICATION OF SLOT WELD SYMBO L COPYRIGHT .1 Arrow side slots. (b) Other side slot weld symbol Fig.2.1(a)). 8. 8.1. the depth of filling shall be shown inside the weld symbol.2 Other side slots. 8. These data shall be shown on the drawing or by a detail with a reference thereto on the welding symbol.) Note: See drawing for dimensions and ori entati on.2(b). 8. Slots in the other side member of a joint to be slot welded shall be indicated by placing the weld symbol on the side of the reference line away from the reader (see Fig. included angle of countersink. (See Fig.3 DETAILS OF SLOT WELDS.) 8. Dimensions of slot welds shall be shown on the same side of the reference line as the weld symbol (see Fig. 8. orientation. spacing.3.1.3—1987 SECTION 8. in accordance with the location conventions given in Clause 2.1(b)).1. 8.1 GENERAL 8. 8. and location of slot welds cannot be shown on the welding symbol.2 DEPTH OF FILLING. SYMBOLS FOR SLOT WELDING NOTE: This Secti on applies only to slot welds which are part iall y or completely fi ll ed. Unless otherwise indicated. 8.3 Dimensions. AP PLICATION OF DIMEN SIONS TO SLOT WELD SYMBO L COPYRIGHT .2. 8.AS 1101.3—1987 58 Fig. 8.2 Flush welds mechanically finished.10). 8. 8. Slot welds that are to be made flush by mechanical means shall be shown by adding both the flush contour symbol and the required finish symbol to the weld symbol (see Fig. Slot welds that are to be welded approximately flush without recourse to any method of finishing shall be shown by adding the flush contour symbol to the weld symbol (see Fig.4 SURFACE FINISH AND CONTOUR OF SLOT WELDS. 8. FLUS H CONTOUR WITH MECH AN ICAL MEAN S COPYRIGHT .4 and Clause 2. FLUS H CO NTOU R WITHOU T ME CH AN ICAL ME AN S Fig.3—1987 8.3.59 AS 1101.4. Fig. 8. 8.1 Flush welds without mechanical means. and shall be shown to the left of the weld symbol (see Fig. 9.2).3 Process reference.1. (b) Strength.4).4.1.3(a)). 9. and also Fig. 9.3 SPACING OF SPOT WELDS.AS 1101. 9.3. 9. INDICA TION OF NU MBER OF SP OT WELDS COPYRIGHT . 9.4 Projection welds. Dimensions shall be shown on the same side of the reference line as the symbol.1.3(c)). 9. The spot weld symbol shall be centred above or below (not on) the reference line to designate in which member the embossment is placed. 9. 9. 9. and shall be shown to the left of the weld symbol (see Fig.3(d)).3.5 NUMBER OF SPOT WELDS. the extent shall be dimensioned (see Fig. Where projection welding is to be employed the spot weld symbol shall be used with the projection welding process reference in the tail of the welding symbol. The strength of spot welds shall be designated in Newtons per spot. The size of spot welds shall be designated as the diameter of the weld.4. in accordance with its location in relation to the reference line.1.8). 9. 9. the number shall be shown in parentheses either above or below the weld symbol (see Fig. or on either side where the symbol is located astride the reference line and has no arrow side or other side significance (see Fig. Fig.3.1.1. 9.4 EXTENT OF SPOT WELDING. The process reference shall be indicated in the tail of the welding symbol (see Clause 2.4. in accordance with the location conventions given in Clause 2. or less than the full length of the joint (see Clause 2. depending on the process used.1 Arrow side significance The spot weld symbol. The pitch (centre-to-centre spacing) of spot welds shall be shown to the right of the weld symbol (see Fig. 9. 9. SYMBOLS FOR SPOT WELDING 9. 9. Where spot welding extends less than the distance between abrupt changes in the direction of the welding. 9. Spot welds shall be dimensioned by either size or strength as follows: (a) Size.1 DIMEN SION LOCA TION FOR SPO T WELD Fig.2 Dimension location.2 SIZE AND STRENGTH OF SPOT WELDS.3(e)). may or may not have arrow side or other side significance. Where a definite number of spot welds is desired in a certain joint. 9.3(b)). and also Fig.3—1987 60 SECTION 9.1 GENERAL. 2. AP PLICATION OF SPO T WELD SY MBOL COPYRIGHT AS 1101. 9.3—1987 .61 Fig. 3. AP PLICATION OF DIMEN SIONS TO SPO T WELD SY MBOLS COPYRIGHT . 9.AS 1101.3—1987 62 (a) Diameter of spot weld (b) Shear strength of spot weld Fig. 63 (d) Extend of spot welding (e) Specif ied number of spot weld located at random (f ) Spot weld symbol showing use of combined dimensions Fig. 9.3—1987 . ( continued ) COPYRIGHT AS 1101.3. the same symbol as for the two outer pieces shall be used regardless of the number of pieces inserted.3—1987 64 9. where one or more pieces are inserted between the two outer pieces. For spot welds. 9. 9. A group of spot welds may be located on a drawing by intersecting centrelines.5.6).1 (see Fig. in accordance with the location conventions given in Clause 2. 9.8 MULTIPLE-JOINT SPOT WELDS.6 GROUPED SPOT WELDS. Fig. 9. with the arrows pointing to at least one of the centrelines passing through each weld location (see Fig.5). that surface shall be indicated by adding the flush contour symbol to the weld symbol. FLUS H SP OT WELDS COPYRIGHT .AS 1101. 9. 9. GROUPE D SPO T WELDS Fig.6.3.7 FLUSH SPOT WELDED JOINTS. Where the exposed surface of either member of a spot welded joint is to be flush. shall be shown to the right of the weld symbol (see Fig. 10. 10. 10. and also Fig. 10. The strength of seam welds shall be designated in Newtons per millimetre and shall be shown to the left of the weld symbol (see Fig.3(a)). The pitch (centre-to-centre spacing) of intermittent seam welds shall be shown as the distance between centres of the weld increments. The seam weld symbol.8). and also Fig. see Appendix A. depending on the process used. 10.65 AS 1101.3. a detailed drawing shall be used to show the weld orientation (see Fig.3 Process reference.6. or less than the full length of the joint. 10. 10. The size of seam welds shall be designated as the width of the weld expressed in millimetres and shall be shown to the left of the weld symbol (see Fig.2 Abrupt changes. 10.5. 10.4. (b) Strength.1. 10.1. 10. SYMBOLS FOR SEAM WELDING 10.3.3(a)). 10.3(a)).7).1. where indicated on welding symbols. in accordance with its location in relation to the reference line.1 Arrow side significance. Fig.2 Dimensions.3(a)). the extent shall be dimensioned (see Fig.3(c)).1. 10. Dimension location. 10.1. 10.2 SIZE AND STRENGTH OF SEAM WELDS. 10. 10. The process reference shall be indicated in the tail of the welding symbol.3 Specific lengths.1 GENERAL 10. The pitch (centre-tocentre spacing) of intermittent seam welds shall be shown to the right of the length dimension (see Fig. DIME NS ION LOC ATION FOR SE AM WELDS Fig. 10. DIME NS IONING SE AM WELD 10. NOTE: For symbols relati ng to process.3(b)). 10. Where the orientation of seam welds is not as in Clause 10.4 DIMENSIONING OF INTERMITTENT SEAM WELDS. or on either side where the symbol is located astride the reference line and has no arrow side or other side significance (see Fig.3 LENGTH OF SEAM WELDS.3—1987 SECTION 10. Dimensions shall be shown on the same side of the reference line as the symbol. 10.4 and also Fig.3. COPYRIGHT . and also Fig.5.5.2 Showing orientation. Seam welds shall be dimensioned by either size or strength as follows: (a) Size. SP EC IFIC LEN GTH OF SE AM WELD Fig. Unless otherwise indicated. 10.5 ORIENTATION OF SEAM WELDS. may or may not have arrow side or other side significance. no length dimension need be shown on the welding symbol.2.4. 10. Fig. intermittent seam welds shall be interpreted as having length and pitch measured parallel to the axis of the weld (see Fig.1 Dimension location.5.) 10. Where a seam weld extends less than the distance between abrupt changes in the direction of the welding.3.1 Pitch distance. 10. 10.1 Intermittent welds. The length of seam. Where a seam weld extends the full distance between abrupt changes in the direction of the welding (see Clause 2.6. DIMENS ION LOCATION FOR INTERMITTENT SEA M WELDS 10. 10. 10.8. Where the exposed surface of either member of a seam welded joint is to be flush. ORIENTATION OF SEA M WELD 10. FLUS H SEA M WELDS COPYRIGHT . For seam welds.7. where one or more pieces are inserted between the two outer pieces. the symbol used for the two outer pieces shall be used regardless of the number of pieces inserted.6 FLUSH SEAM WELDED JOINTS.3. Fig.3—1987 66 Fig.7 MULTIPLE-JOINT SEAM WELDS. 10. that surface shall be indicated by adding the flush contour symbol to the weld symbol. in accordance with the location conventions given in Clause 2.AS 1101. 10.1 (see Fig.8). 10. 10.2.3—1987 . AP PLICATION OF SE AM WELD SYMBO L COPYRIGHT AS 1101.67 Fig. 3—1987 68 Fig.3. 10. AP PLICATION OF DIMENS IONS TO SE AM WELD SY MBOLS COPYRIGHT .AS 1101. COPYRIGHT .69 AS 1101. only the arrow shall be used with the brazing process indicated in the tail (see Fig.2 JOINT PREPARATION.1. Figs 11.1 GENERAL. 11. 11. If no special joint preparation other than cleaning is required.2). SYMBOLS FOR BRAZED JOINTS 11. 11.1(a) to (e) show how joint clearances can be indicated.3—1987 SECTION 11. Application of conventional welding symbols to brazed joints shall be as illustrated in Fig. 1.3—1987 70 (a) (b) (c) Fig. AP PLICATION OF BR AZING SY MBOLS COPYRIGHT .AS 1101. 11. 1 (continued ) COPYRIGHT AS 1101. 11.71 (d) (e) (f ) (g) Fig.3—1987 . BR AZING JOINTS WITH NO SPE CIAL PR EP AR ATION COPYRIGHT .AS 1101. 11.3—1987 72 Fig.2. 12.3). 12. EX AM INATIONS ON AR RO W SIDE 12. 12.2.3. Fig.2.1 Arrow side location.1 BASIC SYMBOLS.3 Direction of radiation. 12. 12.1 Basic examination symbols. 12.1. 12. Where specified . The side of the part to which the arrow points shall be considered the arrow side of the part. the testing symbols shall be centred on the reference line (see Fig. DIRE CTION OF RAD IATION . Fig.2. Examinations to be made on the arrow side of the part shall be indicated by the examination symbol on the side of the reference line towards the reader (see Fig. Examinations to be made on both sides of the part shall be indicated by examination symbols on both sides of the reference line (see Fig.1. EX AMINATIONS ON BO TH SIDE S 12. The arrow shall connect the reference line to the part to be examined.1. Basic nondestructive examination symbols shall be as follows: Type of examination Symbol Acoustic emission AEE Eddy current EE Leak LE Magnetic particle ME Neutron radiographic NRE Penetrant PE Proof PRE Radiographic RE Ultrasonic UE Visual VE 12.5). 12.2 Other side location.2. 12. 12.73 AS 1101. Fig. The direction of radiation may be indicated by a symbol located on the drawing at the desired angle (see Fig.2.2. 12. Examinations to be made on the other side of the part shall be indicated by the examination symbol on the side of the reference line away from the reader (see Fig. The examination symbol consists of the following elements: Reference line Arrow Basic examination symbol Examine-all-around symbol Number of tests (N) Examination in site Tail Specification or other reference 12. EX AMINATIONS WITH NO ARR OW OR OTHE R SIDE SIGNIFICAN CE 12.2. 12. The elements of an examination symbol shall have standard locations with respect to each other as shown in Fig.3—1987 SECTION 12. 12.3 Standard location of elements.2 Elements of the examination symbol.5. EX AMINATIONS ON OTHE R SIDE 12. the direction of radiation may be shown in conjunction with the radiographic and neutral radiographic examination symbols. SYMBOLS FOR NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 12. 12.1 Location significance of arrow.2. COPYRIGHT Fig.6). Fig.1.6.2).2 GENERAL PROVISIONS.2.4 Centred symbols. Symbols on both sides.2. Where non-destructive examination symbols have no arrow or other side significance. 12.4).2 Location of examination symbol. 12. The side opposite the arrow side of the part shall be considered the other side. 3—1987 74 Fig.AS 1101.1. STAND AR D LOCATION OF ELEMEN TS OF NON-DE STRU CTIVE EX AMINATION COPYRIGHT . 12. the examination symbols may be combined (see Fig. Specifications or other references need not be used on examination symbols where the examination procedure is prescribed COPYRIGHT Fig. 12. Where a nondestructive examination symbol having no arrow or other side significance is combined with a symbol having such significance. the percentage of the length to be examined shall be indicated (see Fig. 12. Fig. 12.2. EX AM PLES OF COMBINA TION OF SY MB OLS WITH AR RO W SIDE SIGN IFICAN CE AN D NO AR RO W OR OTHER SIDE SIGN IFICAN CE 12. 12.3 Examination of full length. Length shown.3 METHODS OF SPECIFYING EXTENT OF NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION. the reference shall be placed in the tail (see Fig. 12.3.7. 12. the length shall be shown to the right of the basic examination symbol (see Fig.75 12. Where the full length of a part is to be examined. Partial examination.5 Use of references. PA RTIAL EX AMINATION .4. 12. SH OWING LOCATION OF SE CTION TO BE EXA MINE D 12.4 Combination of non-destructive examination symbols and welding symbols.1 Specifying length of section to be examined.9). SH OWING LEN GTH OF SEC TION TO BE EX AMINED 12. 12. Non-destructive examination symbols and welding symbols may be combined as shown in Fig.1 Welding and non-destructive examination symbols.2.2 Non-destructive examination symbols alone.2.1.11). 12. 12.3. EX AM PLES OF COMBINA TION OF WELD SY MB OLS AND NO N-DE STRU CTIVE EXA MINA TION SY MB OLS 12. Fig. 12. Fig. Non-destructive examination symbols may be combined as shown in Fig.4. Fig. AS 1101.8. US E OF RE FERE NC ES 12. dimension lines shall be used (see Fig. no length dimension need be shown on the examination symbol. 12.3. 12.2. 12.3—1987 elsewhere.12). 12. To specify examinations of welds on parts where only the length of a section need be considered.3. EX AM PLES OF COMBINA TION OF SY MB OLS FOR NO N-DE STRU CTIVE EXA MINA TION ALON E 12.2 Location shown.1.7. 12. Where less than the total length of a weld is to be examined with locations to be selected by a specified procedure. Fig.10.1. Where a specification or other reference is used with an examination symbol. To show the exact location of a section to be examined as well as its length. 12. Fig.12.3 Arrow side significance. 12. 12. 12.18). Where necessary.16.3. For non-destructive examination of an area represented as a plane on the drawing.17. the examine-all-around symbol shall be used (see Fig. Acoustic emission is generally applied to all or a large portion of a component. 12.AS 1101. 12.3. 12.3—1987 76 12. Non-destructive examination of parts (areas) shall be indicated by one of the following methods: (a) Plane areas. the area shall be indicated by using the examine-all-around symbol and appropriate dimensions.16. PLAN E ARE AS (b) Areas of revolution.3 Specifying examinations made all around a joint.4 Specifying examination of parts (areas). 12. On Fig. Fig.18. 12.14).17(a). To specify examinations to be made all around a joint.15). these enclosures shall be located by coordinate dimensions. the upper Fig. AR EA S OF RE VO LUTION 12. symbol indicates that the bore of the flange is to be subjected to a magnetic particle examination for a distance of 80 mm from the face. The examination symbol specifying the kind of non-destructive examination shall be used in connection with these lines as shown in Fig.17(b) indicate an area of revolution subject to an internal proof test and an external eddy current examination. such as a pressure vessel or pipe.15. Fig. The symbols on Fig. all the way around. Fig.3. 12. the number of desired examinations shall be shown in parentheses (see Fig. SHO WING NU MB ER OF EX AM INATIONS 12.2 Specifying number of examinations. EX AM INE-ALL-AR OU ND 12. To specify a number of examinations to be taken on a joint or part at random locations. Since no dimensions are given. 12. (a) Dimensions specifi ed (b) Dimensions not specif ied Fig.14. For non-destructive examination of areas of revolution. 12. The lower symbol indicates an area of revolution to be subjected to radiographic examination where dimensions are not available on drawing. The symbol indicates application of AEE to the component without specific reference to location of sensors (see Fig. 12. the area to be examined shall be enclosed by straight broken lines having a circle at each change of direction.5 Acoustic emission. AC OUSTIC EMISSION COPYRIGHT . the entire length is to be examined.3. 77 AS 1101.beam welding thermit welding oxy-acetylene welding Resistance welding high fr equency resistance welding percussion welding projecti on welding resistance seam welding resistance spot welding Soldering dip solderi ng furnace solderi ng induction solderi ng ir on soldering resistance soldering Soli d state welding diff usion welding explosion welding forge welding fr icti on welding hot pressure welding roll welding ultr asonic welding Thermal cutt ing air arc gouging arc cutti ng carbon-arc cutt ing fl ame gouging gas metal arc cutti ng metal.arc cutti ng plasma arc cutt ing electr on-beam cutt ing laser.3—1987 APPENDIX A ABBREVIATIONS OF TERMS FOR WELDING AND ALLIED PROCESSES TABLE A1 DESIGNATION OF WELDING AND ALLIED PROCESSES BY LETTERS Welding and all ied process Arc welding carbon-arc welding electr ogas welding fl ux cored arc welding gas metal arc welding gas tungsten arc welding manual metal arc welding plasma arc welding stud welding submerged arc welding Brazing dip brazing fl ame brazing furnace brazing induction brazing resistance brazing silver brazing Other welding processes electr on-beam welding electr oslag welding induction welding laser.beam cutti ng oxy-fuel gas cutti ng oxygen-arc cutti ng Thermal spraying fl ame spraying plasma spraying COPYRIGHT Lett er designation AW CAW EGW FCAW GMAW GTAW MMAW PAW SW SAW B DB FLB FB IB RB SB EBW ESW IW LBW TW OAW RW HFRW PEW RPW RSEW RSW S DS FS IS INS RS SSW DFW EXW FOW FRW HPW ROW USW TC AAG AC CAC FG GMAC MAC PAC EBC LBC OFC AOC THSP FLSP PSP . 3—1987 78 TABLE A2 ALPHABETICAL CROSS-REFERENCE TO TABLE A1 Lett er designation AAG AC AOC AW B CAC CAW DB DFW DS EBC EBW EGW ESW EXW FB FG FCAW FLB FLSP FOW FRW FS GMAC GMAW GTAW HFRW HPW IB INS IS IW LBC LBW MAC MMAW OAW OFC PAC PAW PEW PSP RB RPW RS RSEW RSW ROW RW S SAW SB SSW SW TC THSP TW USW Welding and all ied processes air arc gouging arc cutti ng oxygen-arc cutti ng arc welding brazing carbon-arc cutt ing carbon-arc welding dip brazing diff usion welding dip solderi ng electr on-beam cutt ing electr on-beam welding electr ogas welding electr oslag welding explosion welding furnace brazing fl ame gouging fl ux cored arc welding fl ame brazing fl ame spraying forge welding fr icti on welding furnace solderi ng gas metal arc cutti ng gas metal arc welding gas tungsten arc welding high fr equency resistance welding hot pressure welding induction brazing ir on soldering induction solderi ng induction welding laser.beam welding metal.AS 1101.beam cutti ng laser.arc welding manual metal arc welding oxy-acetylene welding oxy-fuel gas cutti ng plasma arc cutt ing plasma arc welding percussion welding plasma spraying resistance brazing projecti on welding resistance soldering resistance seam welding resistance spot welding roll welding resistance welding soldering submerged arc welding silver brazing soli d state welding stud welding thermal cutti ng thermal spraying thermit welding ultr asonic welding COPYRIGHT . REFER EN CE LINE Fig. B3. B7. SQU AR E-BU TT WELD Fig. V-BUTT WELD Fig. B4. tolerance shall be ± 1 mm or ±1° as applicable. 2. FILLET WELD Fig. Unless otherwise specif ied. All radii are minimum. B5.79 AS 1101. 3. Fig. J-BUTT WELD Fig. U-BUTT WELD COPYRIGHT . B6. B2. All dimensions in mil li metr es. B1.3—1987 APPENDIX B DESIGN OF STANDARD SYMBOLS NOTES to Figs B1 to B22: 1. BEV EL-BUTT WELD Fig. AS 1101.3—1987 80 COPYRIGHT . BA CK ING COPYRIGHT AS 1101. B22.81 Fig.3—1987 . Fig. A contact or working drawing would requir e additi onal views or notes about requir ed welds on opposit e side of girder.AS 1101. C1.3—1987 82 APPENDIX C APPLICATION DRAWING NOTE: This drawing is ill ustr ative of techniques used and is not intended to be complete. US E OF WELD SY MBOLS ON STRUC TURA L DR AWING COPYRIGHT .
Copyright © 2025 DOKUMEN.SITE Inc.