
April 4, 2018 | Author: Timea | Category: Arsenic, Adsorption, Water Purification, Ion Exchange, Iron



A szikvíz tisztított Ez év tavaszán a megyei napilapban olvashattunk arról, hogy Hajdú –Bihar megye különbözı településein a vezetékes ivóvizek milyen arányban tartalmaznak egészségügyi kockázatot jelentı anyagokat, például arzént. Minden ember lehetısége szerint ügyel saját- és családja egészségére, és ennek megfelelıen elı- vigyázatos. A hír kapcsán többen úgy gondolták, hogy a Nagylétai Szikvízüzem is csapvízbıl állítja elı a szódavizet, így fogyasztása nem kockázatmentes. Ez érezhetı és mérhetı volt a keresletben, forgalmazásban is. Pedig ez nem így van. nıttek nyertek), a tarcsai csipıspaprika, a Békésszentandrási meggysör (+18 !), a Békési- és a Csárdaszállási retro koncert (Szatmári-Tarnai -Nagy D.), a Kertészné Vica -féle „gyógy-gaz-tea” keverék, a Gyomaendrıdön összeállt „Magnum Pink” formáció (Szilágyi N, Csordás N, Báthori A, Hegyi Z) élményszámba menı elıadássorozata, a sörös kolbász és puliszka + sok más, amit fel sem ismertünk (köszönjük Nagy J. és Szatmári I. „bácsiknak”)! Köszönet jár a Horváth-krumpli és a Sas-paradicsom felajánlóinak, továbbá a logisztikai háttér közhasznú munkásainak: Horvát Lászlónak, B-né Csige Tündének, ifj. Domján Sándornak, Mikó Zoltánnak! Bertóthy Áginak köszönjük a póló – grafikát, Máté Józsefnek pedig az igényes kivitelezést. Végül, de nem utolsó sorban köszönöm a két túravezetı társamnak Nagy Károlynak és Nagy Tamásnak, akiknek segítségével (immár tizennegyedszer) minden baj nélkül „levittük” a társaságot a Körös folyón. Élmény volt veletek túrázni! Bertóthy Tamás Tóth József szikvízkészítı elmondta, hogy régebben igen komoly összegbıl vásárolt egy ASMet arzén- és bórmentesítı berendezést. A legutóbbi, 2013. augusztusi laboratóriumi vizsgálat jegyzıkönyvének tanúsága szerint a nagylétai szikvíz arzén – bór tartalma 0,52 mikrogramm, az elfogadható 10,00 egység helyett. * Korábban hírt adtunk arról, hogy a Létavértes Városi Önkormányzat pályázati támogatással az egész település ivóvizének állandó tisztítását, többek között arzénmentesítését végzı berendezéseket telepít a „Szigeten” található kutakhoz. VITENS ADART, SAR BACKGROUND Arsenic is a metalloid readily found in natural waters worldwide. Groundwater in SERBIA, BANGLADESH, INDIA, HUNGARY, USA and CANADA among many others places are affected by this element. Long-term exposure to arsenic via drinking water causes cancer of the skin, lungs, urinary bladder and kidneys (World Health Organisation - WHO). The target established in the Millennium Development Goal Nr. 7 is "halving the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe water and basic sanitation by 2015" (United Nations). An innovative, low-cost and robust technique that is widely used for removing arsenic from drinking water can contribute to reaching this ambitious target. In Europe more than half a million people living in small towns and villages in northern Serbia drink water with high levels of arsenic that, in some cases, are more than 10 times above the WHO's safety guidelines of 10 microgram/l. In southern HUNGARY, drinking water in almost 400 settlements is contaminated. Outside of Europe, the presence of arsenic in groundwater is well documented in each of the following countries: ARGENTINA, AUSTRALIA, BOLIVIA, CANADA, CHILE, CHINA, FINLAND, GHANA, JAPAN, MEXICO, MONGOLIA, NEPAL, NEW ZEALAND, SOUTH AFRICA, THAILAND and the USA. Many 'new' cases of contaminated groundwater are expected to be discovered in the near future. DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY PROPOSED: This project aims for an innovative, low cost and robust arsenic removal technology, based on the integration of two innovative ideas: 1) Adsorptive Dutch Arsenic Removal Technology based on adsorption of arsenic on Iron Oxides Coated Sand and an in-situ regeneration procedure (ADART). 2) Subsurface Arsenic Removal (SAR). Ad 1) ADART In collaboration with VITENS, IHE DELFT has been developing an innovative arsenic removal technology based on adsorption of arsenic onto iron oxide coated sand (IOCS) and an in-situ regeneration procedure. IOCS is a by-product of iron removal plants in many countries around the world that apply an aeration-filtration process and use quartz sand or other materials as filter media. Either pressure or gravity filters can be employed. Highly effective arsenic removal is achieved irrespective of its speciation. Adsorptive filters are operated at filtration rates typical for groundwater treatment (e.g. Vf = 5 m/h). After a given operation type, IOCS becomes partially arsenic saturated. To prolong the life time of IOCS, IHE DELFT has been developing an innovative regeneration principle based on in-situ development of a new nano-active surface layer above the arsenic adsorbed on IOCS. Results conducted under laboratory conditions using arsenic containing model water were very encouraging. Field tests conducted at a number of arsenic contaminated locations in HUNGARY confirmed the lab findings, but at the same time showed that at some locations, an unacceptably high regeneration frequency was required and could question the feasibility of the technology. It was assumed that the ground water quality matrix has a controlling effect on process performance. The experiments conducted so far were however insufficient to fully understand this correlation and find an adequate solution. The working principle behind IOCS for arsenic removal has been shown on laboratory scale and under field conditions. In order to develop the ADART arsenic removal technology, the main technological challenges that remain to be addressed are: the regeneration effectiveness; - the correlation between the regeneration conditions and groundwater quality. Ad 2) SAR In collaboration with IHE Delft, DELFT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY has shown the principle of subsurface arsenic removal at laboratory scale. The working principle of subsurface arsenic removal is that periodically aerated water is injected into an anoxic or anaerobic aquifer through a tube well, partially displacing groundwater containing ferrous iron. An oxidation zone is built up around the tube well and iron precipitates onto the soil grains forming an in-situ adsorbent. When the flow is reversed, iron is adsorbed onto the coated soil grains and water with virtually no iron able to be abstracted. These iron surfaces provide excellent adsorption for trace elements such as arsenic. Objective This project aims to develop an innovative, low-cost and robust technique to remove arsenic from drinking water. This objective is to obtain by an approach of two complementary innovative treatment steps: 1) Subsurface Arsenic Removal; 2) Arsenic filtration with adsorption of arsenic onto iron oxide coated sand. Both technologies are based on the fundamental working principle of adsorbing arsenic onto iron oxides LENNTECH Adsorption Adsorption method The used filter media LennSORB Arsenic Removal which is based on granular ferric hydroxide is a high performance adsorbent. This product is recognized for its high quality and purity, LennSORB Arsenic Removal 102 adsorbent complies with all requirements of DIN EN 15029 for drinking water treatment. In addition it is certified in accordance with NSF/ANSI Standard 61. Adsorption can be consider the best and the most economical method of removing arsenic for small flows within a filter performance up to 220 000 as treated bed volumes. The parameters which should be taken into the consideration by designing this system are the phosphate, silica, pH, NTU and the temperature. The basic design of this method is consist of an adsorbent vessel filled with a supported layer of gravel in addition to the adsorbent media LennSORB Arsenic Removal. In order to remove the fines particles from the media this has to be backwashed frequently until the water becomes free of turbidity. htm prebuilt on aluminum skids. technical drawing. What we need to have is a complete water analysis and the water flow to design the appropriate arsenic removal plant. Optionally. Removal is normally carried out by vacuum transfer or flushing out through the lower removal channel.lenntech. we can offer extra control cabinet for standard or advanced control: we can ensure that it integrates well with a pre existing system. We can either deliver as individual parts the equipment. If needed.When treated water quality drops below specification. What we offer We can offer you a personalized arsenic removal plant. we provide full documentation: technical handbook. for an on-site assembling following Lenntech instructions. as well as installation and operational manuals.lenntech. Also. Read more: http://www. or deliver as a complete plug and play http://www.The LennSORB Arsenic Removal bed must be replaced. we can offer installation supervision and operational training. Drinking Water In drinking water applications. Ramana3 reports using DOWEX M4195 in the copper form. At pH 6. H3AsO3. Chanda2 similarly reports the use of an iminodiacetic acid chelating/selective resin such as AMBERLITE™ IRC748i Resin in the ferric ion form for this same purpose. under reducing conditions. . forms anionic complexes so it can be removed from solutions with a strong base anion exchange resin like DOWEX™ 21K XLT Resin. arsenate is very weakly ionic so it is not selectively removed and resin capacity will be limited in the presence of the other anions. Therefore.5 to 8. Selective Removal Arsenic removal is reported with immobilized metals on a variety of ion exchange supports. Chanda1 reports using the ferric ion form of DOWEX™ M4195 Chelating Resin to remove arsenic from solution. it needs to be further oxidized to arsenate for removal as described above. selective removal of arsenate (As5+) can be achieved with ADSORBSIA™ As600 Titanium-based Adsorbent Media. by addition of an oxidizing agent such as peroxide. is present as uncharged arsenious acid. arsenite. As3+. For streams that have a high organic content and are prone to surface fouling DOWEX MARATHON™ MSA Resin is recommended. ADSORBSIA As600 can be disposed in compliance with the EPA TCLP tests for disposal. Arsenate can also be removed withreverse osmosis (RO) membranes.5. Unfortunately. or by ozonolysis. Oxidation can be accomplished by air stripping the water stream. DOW™ Ultrafiltration Modules have also been used to remove coagulated iron-arsenate complexes from drinking water. Designed to be non-regenerable.Separation of Arsenic from Liquid Media 33 As Water/Wastewater Arsenate. As5+. The media’s life expectancy is dependent on site-specific water quality and operating crystalline granular Bayoxide® E33 media was designed with a high capacity for https://www. http://www. Therefore. passing TCLP or landfill leachate requirements. Media is filled into the vessels from sacks by gravity or by hydraulic educting. Spent media can be removed hydraulically or by vacuum.Arsenic Removal (0 votes)  0 Reviews The dry. The exhausted media is classified as non-hazardous in the United States and can be sent to a landfill. Currently there are no sensors that can measure the arsenate breakthrough and switch a system into regeneration mode to prevent high concentrations of arsenic from potentially ending up in the produced drinking water. providing long operating cycles and low operating costs. care must be taken when employing anion exchange resin as the primary method of removing arsenate from drinking water. Please check the application status before use and sale. pdf BAYOXID E33 From Water & Wastewater Treatment . These products may be subject to drinking water application restrictions in some countries. For more information see our regulatory information. Downloads .Note: Arsenate is weakly held by anion exchange resins and is easily displaced by sulfate.dow.antsz. This may result in effluents having extremely high arsenate levels as arsenate is displaced by these competing anions. French Ministry of Health and to NSF 61 . 5% max  Bulk Density: Approx. Severn Trent Services’ arsenic removal program incorporates a process and filter media that can be used by those feeling the pressures of regulatory compliance.4 . Bayoxide E33 media applications:  Drinking Water  Bottled Water Production  Food and Beverage  Factories and Process  Private wells  Wastewater treatment Technical details Bayoxide E33 media:  Chemical Designation: Synthetic Iron Oxide  Fe2O3 Content >70%  Specifi c Surface Area: 120 . Severn Trent Services and its Bayoxide E33 have over 240 full scale systems awarded worldwide. high levels of certain interferants can reduce the media’s adsorption capacity for arsenicphosphate (>1.0mm. 5% max o   Particle Density: Approx. 0.Arsenic Removal Media Brochure View All Local regulations in other countries. French Ministry of Health and the US National Sanitary Foundation (NSF61). Adsorption tests on Bayoxide® E33 have shown that it will adsorb a range of ions in addition to arsenic.  Chemical Designation: Synthetic Iron Oxide  Fe2O3 Content >70%  Specific Surface Area: 120 – 200 m2 /g  Sieve Analysis: <0. 20 % max. iron oxide media. and will therefore affect disposal routes. Secretary of State (United Kingdom). It is important that users meet the disposal requirements for spent media to ensure compliance with local and national legislation.6 gm/cm3 NSF Standard 61 certified. which will be adsorbed in preference to these other ions.000 customers in the UK.Bayoxide E33 .S.0. with numerous installations throughout Europe. Under high pH conditions. o >2.0 mm. The SORB 33 technology uses Bayoxide E33 granular or Bayoxide E33P pelletized. Both forms of the iron oxide media have a high capacity for arsenic removal. The ferric oxide absorptive media is capable of reducing arsenic levels to below 4 ug/l across a complete range of drinking and non drinking water applications and is approved for use in potable water treatment by the UK Secretary of State.200 m2/g  Sieve Analysis: <0.0 ppm) and silica (>40 ppm) can present interference and reduce the media’s adsorption capacity for arsenic. 20% max >2. Long term exposure to arsenic is proven to have a detrimental effect on human health. Severn Trent Services’ arsenic removal experience dates back to 1999 with 16 arsenic removal treatment facilities treating over 174 Ml/d for over 500.5 mm.5mm.6 kg/litre  Certifi cation by the UK Secretary of State. 3. Consequently the global water treatment market has been tasked with finding technological solutions to reduce arsenic levels from the old WHO permissible 50 μg/l (micrograms per litre) level to below 10 μg/l. such as the European Union can differ from the U. French and Hungarian Ministry of Health approved and compliant with EN15029:2006 (Products used for the treatment of water intended for human consumption – Iron Hydroxide Oxides). 4 .0 mm.6 kg/litre ..Bayoxide E33 media advantages:  High capacity for arsenic removal  Removes both As (III) and As (V) below 4 μg/l  Robust dry media  Long media life under continuous operation  Low capital costs  Low operating costs  Easy disposal of spent media  Long shelf life of dry media Technical details Bayoxide E33P media:  Chemical Designation: Synthetic Iron Oxide  Fe2O3 Content >70%  Specifi c Surface Area: 120 .4 mm. 5% max  Bulk Density: Approx. 20 % max. >1. 0.200 m2/g  Sieve Analysis: <1.0. com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4407/related/1 http://msdssearch. ( ioncserélő gyanták összefoglalva) filepath=liquidseps/pdfs/noreg/177-01755.pdf&fromPage=GetDoc http://www.lenntech.htm? gclid=Cj0KEQjwwIKxBRDKhOz7ytT30vkBEiQAT1NaPef3OV93QC9yTqRgVr8drGYhRZaLCH13ENvkeCzBecaAqA48P8HAQ .com/PublishedLiteratureDOWCOM/dh_0054/0901b803800541d8.dow. First. etc. Mexico. Wisconsin. However. Reclamation. The arsenic in the +5 state combines with the iron floc and is filtered. manganese is oxidized and precipitated in the presence of chlorine and the catalytic media. window manufacturers. circuit board manufacturers. Demineralization. colleges. The iron is then oxidized and precipitated by the chlorine in the presence of the catalytic media. paint booths for automobiles. etc. we feel the co-precipitation process is the easiest to operate and most economical. Degasification. Canada. Sunshine also supplies commercial and industrial companies for car washes. When iron and manganese are in the water. modular home parks. manganese and arsenic to be removed in one step. it is necessary to remove them first before using RO. Often. or any. Like the iron. RO and adsorptive processes. When no iron is present and ferric chloride is used to provide the floc. There are many methods available to remove arsenic including ion exchange. the chlorine feed is still required in case any arsenic remains in the arsenite (+3) state. arsenic will be present in combination with iron and/or manganese. Reverse Osmosis. greenhouses. An example of some distant sales include Australia. humidifiers. apartments. hotels. Sunshine manufacturers a full range of water treatment equipment. iron present to remove the arsenic. In instances where there is not enough. ARSENIC REMOVAL. which includes: Aeration. Filtration. However.Welcome to Sunshine Water Treatment MEDIA G2 Sunshine Water Treatment is a company that manufactures water treatment equipment. Ultra Violet. Filtration done with GreensandPlus enables the iron. car dealerships. Chlorinating and Water Conditioning. municipalities. Florida. California. a dual media bed of sand and anthracite is used in lieu of GreensandPlus. Deionization. chlorine is fed to oxidize all the arsenite (+3) up to the arsenate (+5) state and to regenerate the catalytic GreensandPlus media. an iron coagulant like ferric chloride can be added to provide the floc necessary for arsenic removal. hospitals. FERROSAND H&T uses co-precipitation followed by filtration as the preferred method for removal of arsenic from drinking water. Learn more about Arsenic by watching ADI's video. ion exchange or an adsorptive process to extract the arsenic. Sunshine has no geographical boundaries. . Arsenic is poisonous in doses significantly larger than 65 mg (1 grain). Maximum Contaminant Level The EPA established a maximum contaminant level for arsenic. it has been reported to affect the vascular system in humans and has been associated with the development of diabetes. 50 micrograms per liter (50 uq/L) or parts per billion (ppb) in 1976. wood preservatives.Arsenic Removal The Origin of Arsenic Arsenic is an element that occurs in the earth’s crust. or from repeated small doses. can be fully automated for minimal operator intervention  No need for expensive. In addition. for example. People may also be exposed from industrial sources. In general. petroleum refining. Consumption of food and water are the major sources of arsenic exposure for the majority of the population. since it is a known human carcinogen. Exposure to arsenic at high levels poses serious health effects. and herbicides. as. there are natural sources of exposure. consumable ion exchange resins or regeneration equipment  No need for redundant pretreatment processes  No handling of dangerous chemicals For additional information on this process please contact your local Hungerford & Terry represenative. and the poisoning can arise from a single large dose. Accordingly. the most common valence states of arsenic are As+5 (or arsenate) which is more prevalent in aerobic surface waters. and complicated membrane systems  Efficient operation. In the arsenate state. In 2002. a common precipitate produced in the CR Ferrosand Filtration process. mainly inorganic forms are present in water. animal feed additives. MACROLITE Study: Kinetico's Macrolite filtration system removes arsenic . arsenic tends to adhere to ferric hydroxide. and As+3 (or arsenite) which is more likely to occur in anaerobic ground waters. the MCL was lowered to 10 ppb. Public Health Concerns Arsenic can combine with other elements to form inorganic and organic arsenicals. single stage filtration process alone  Simple control requirements. minimal waste product with no need for neutralization  No need for expensive. Treatment Technology In water. Advantages of Simple Filtration Over Other Technologies  Up to 95% removal of total arsenic through a simple. inorganic derivatives are regarded as more toxic than the organic forms. since arsenic is used in semi-conductor manufacturing. While food contains both inorganic and organic arsenicals. These include weathering of rocks and erosion depositing arsenic in water bodies and uptake of the metal by animals and plants. As+3 may be converted through pre-oxidation to As+5. inhalation of arsenical gases or dust. or you may email or call Hungerford & Terry headquarters today. which allows for a smaller building to be constructed to house the unit. Ohio. but they did not yield significant improvements. or contact the company at 800-432-1166 with any questions .com/municipl. The system effectively reduced arsenic levels to an average of a municipality facing both an iron and arsenic problem can solve both problems with this technology.nsf. which equates to very little wastewater. (or micrograms per liter)." says Latimer. manager . "Not only does the report verify the effectiveness of Kinetico's unique Macrolite filtration for reducing arsenic. whereas Macrolite ceramic media does not typically need to be or www. More information about Kinetico can be obtained at www. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and NSF International." says Glen Latimer. in the effluent according to the report. The total concentration of arsenic found in the feed water averaged 93 percent. "Macrolite has been designed with efficiencies in mind. and continues to save money with significantly lower operational and maintenance costs. visit the company's website at www. but it also demonstrates the system's impressive efficiency. industrial. surface waters and groundwater under the influence requiring filtration can meet these needs easily with Macrolite.S. Utah. For more information regarding the study. with all of the durability of ceramic. Kinetico Incorporated is a world leader in the engineering and manufacturing of water treatment systems for municipal. Oct. Various solutions were considered and implemented. Read how WaterGEMS helped pinpoint a leak in an area with very deep pipelines. conducted at the Spiro Tunnel Water Filtration Plant in Park City.S. EPA has created the ETV Program to assist in the deployment of innovative or improved environmental technologies through performance verification and circulation of information. commercial and residential markets.municipal sales for Kinetico. which is an engineered ceramic filtration media and is an effective and efficient alternative to membrane filtration. Kinetico's system demonstrated a recovery rate of 95 percent. a manufacturer of quality water treatment systems. The goal of the ETV program is to further environmental protection by substantially accelerating the acceptance and use of improved and more cost-effective technologies. The U. Brought To You By "We are pleased with the performance of our system.kinetico. Also. log on to www.9 parts per billion (PPB). It offers a much lower capital cost compared to membrane filtration. SPONSORED CONTENT BY Bentley ? Cost-effective Leak Identification using WaterGEMS The pipe network of a DMA in Malabon City experienced high head loss. Membranes commonly require periodic replacement. preventing water from being supplied within the prescribed service level.html. The system also has a small footprint.epa. Recovery rates refer to the amount of water that is treated versus the amount that is wasted during filtration. For more information on Kinetico's Macrolite filtration 2001 — Kinetico Incorporated. and the results validate the system's compliance with those requirements. evaluated the performance of package drinking water treatment systems. For instance. has developed a filtration system that is effective in removing arsenic from drinking water according to a study performed under the direction of the U.Sponsored by NEWBURY. Kinetico's system uses Macrolite. Kinetico's Macrolite® Coagulation Filtration System demonstrated outstanding performance for reducing arsenic averaging a 95 percent removal rating of the total amount found in the feedwater. 16. The 15-day study. Macrolite systems can effectively solve multiple problems using one technology." The system was tested to the new ETV (Environmental Technology Verification) protocol. CATALYTIC High capacity Arsenic (As) removal at low cost Arsenic Chemistry Arsenic Species As (III) – H AsO . HAsO 3 3 -1 3 2 As (V) – H AsO .WATCHWATER.DE KatALOX. . AsO 3 4 4 -1 4 -2 3 -2 What is the significance of Arsenic speciation? As (V) is more effectively removed than As (III) but this is the case by most of the Adsorbents. Arsenic Occurrence Most of the surface waters as they get enough oxygen the Arsenic is predominantly As (V) Lack of oxygen in Ground waters are usually found with As (III). H AsO . But some times they can be as As (V) or a combination of both As (III) and As (V). HAsO . . 9 (to avoid silica interference) Iron hydroxide FERROLOX based adsorbent adsorption Best recommendation pH .5 .6. x20 times the As conc.) in 7-10 years absorption Best recommendation pH 6.9 Estimated media replacement in 8-18 months (depending on contaminants) in 8-18 months (depending on contaminants) See combined use of Katalox-Light & Catalytic Cabron for Arsenic Removal Katalox-Light : Advanced Catalytic Filter Media ® Print .9 in 2-5 years (regenerable) Media name Catalytic Carbon Feroxyhyte coated GAC adsorption (highest Best Titanium dioxide loading capacity) recommendation pH TITANSORB based adsorbent 6.Here are the table of the products that can address the Arsenic removal for industrial or municipal application: Media composition Removal process Dependency High content Katalox Light MnO2 coated ZEOSORB adsorption with precipitated iron hydroxide Iron in the inlet water* (min.5 . Media Description: High content(10%) gamma Manganese dioxide (MnO ) coated ZEOSORB 2 ® Katalox-Light Removal methods: 1. Radionuclides) Filtration ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Odour (≤ Total Colour 3 µm) Suspended (some. Mechanical Filtration (fine particles.) 2. Adsorbtion (flocculant formation and adsorption of As. up to 20 mg /L) ♦ Ars eni c ♦ 2 . Cu. of: Re Best features: ANSI/NSF 61 Solids m • Sediments ov Certified Turbidity al • Very high surface Organics of: area organic) ♦ • High MnO coating Iro (10%) n • Contains NO (Inl crystalline Silica et • No mandatory co dosing required nc. Heavy Metals. • Light weight up media saves to. Catalytic precipitation and sorption (Fe. TSS. Turbidity etc. backwash water 80 • Replacement mg frequency every 7/L) 10 years ♦ Ma ng an es e (Inl et co nc. Mn.) 3. Pb etc. Ra diu m ♦ He av y Me tal s ♦ Ra dio nu cli de .Hy dro ge n sul fid e ♦ Ur ani um . Velocity of 60 98 m/h (25 – 40 gpm/ft²) Backwash and rinse rate is normal for Heavier medias.Why Katalox-Light is "The Best" compared to other products in the market? • Much higher gamma Manganese coating (10%) for better filtration. more service life. Savings with Katalox-Light . while keeping the bulk density close to the density of water 1000 kg/m³ (Katalox-Light Bulk Density: 1060 kg/m³) • Heavier the media requires higher backwash rates and extra pumps (Energy) to backwash. 0 Tolerance High tolerance Only air medium medium 800 kg/m³ 1425 kg/m³ 2400 kg/m³ .5 .5 6.10.5 > 6.5 .8 No Yes Yes Treats Yes.8.8 6.9 Yes only above only above above 6.Katalox Light ® BIRM Greensand Plus ManOX Contains Silica. High Capacity* Hydrogen Sulfide No Limited Limited Removes Arsenic III &V Yes** No Limited ? Removes Uranium and Radium Yes No No No Removes Lead & Copper Yes*** No No No Bulk SI Densit U y S 1060 kg/m³ 66 lb/ft³ 50 lb/ft³ 89 lb/ft³ 150 lb/ft³ Operatio nal pH range 5. Quartz No Yes Yes No Conatins Silica. Tripoli No Yes Yes No Carcinog en in humans No Yes Yes No Treats Iron Treats Mangane se at pH 7 at pH 6 .8 6.9.8 .8 6. to Oxidizing agents Fine High performance. Not a Filter Sediment Filtration up to 2-3 Filtration micron No No . Advanced Features of Katalox-Light . Ad va nc ed Ap pli ca tio ns : •F ra cki ng : Re du cin g ra dio nu cli de wa ste in fra cki ng wa ste wa ter (se e det ail) •I nd us tri al wa st e wa . Big Impact ! te r: •C oo lin g to we r recir cu lat io n: dr am ati cal ly red uci ng the blo wdo wn wa ter an d usi ng pa rt of it in recir cul ati on pro ce ss .Small Granules. • Re ve rs e Os m osi s Pr etr ea tm en t: Inc rea sin g the me mb ra ne life sp an 3-4 tim es mo re •C ya ni de re m ov al • Re m ov al . Ur an iu m) : Adsorbent With Power .of Ar se ni cb y the me tho d of copre cip ita tio n (se e det ail) • Ra di on uc lid e re m ov al (R ad iu m. Advanced. TITANSORB™: Titanium dioxide based high capacity Adsorbent media TITANSORB Advantages  Highest Arsenic . Powered & Patented. including bacteria making it perfect for purifying water. while adsorbing Arsenic. Thus a new super high capacity (adsorption) powered Adsorbent is developed. there will be a massive increase in the Global Demand for Adsorbents. (See report on Global Adsorbent Market and Watch-Water is one of the major Adsorbent manufacturer. With the worlds’ Population expected to hit 8. technical service and representatives and Logistic centers in Seven continents. With out branches for sales. Selenium free drinking water. a water company. Lead.Loading ®  Operates in wider pH range  Highest purity  Low cost SPLIT WATER Not only can TITANSORBgranules help split water in H and OH . it can also make water filter Adsorbent hydrophilic – allowing water to flow easily through it. Lead. Selenium and other foreign contaminants.3 billion by 2030. All water and food need Arsenic.) + - Watch-Water is a world leader in Adsorbent manufacturing for water purification solutions. we are always there to serve you globally. de ® . Watch-Water Adsorbents are made by Watch-Water German y. ® Contact us Watch-Water GmbH email: info@watchwater. Zinc. Selenium. such a low cost Adsorbent is expected to have immense potential to help tackle on going Global Adsorbent Market in Arsenic and Environmental issues of Arsenic Removal. TITANSORB a new advanced Wonder Adsorbent that can remove Arsenic (III & V). Cadmium. Lead. Antimony. With its superior bacteria killing capabilities. . Watch-Water have succeeded in developing a high capacity.Titanium Dioxide Titanium dioxide is a widely available compound that can be mined from minerals in the ground and is commonly found in food as whitening additives and in sunblock products. Uranium and many other heavy metals and produces Clean-Water. which has taken Watch-Water five years to develop the Double Capacity Titanium dioxide crystals into Patented Adsorbent. it can also be used to kill bacteria in water. This breakthrough.Chromium (VI). revolutionary Adsorbent that can do all the above mentioned at very low cost compared to other Titanium-oxidebased existing technology. TITANSORB. Copper. and an increased risk of cancer.. Since 2006. which will be the focus of this article. Lime precipitation 2.S.. most commonly in the +3 and +5 oxidation states. arsenic can cause skin damage. Coagulation/filtration 4. has been 10 ug/L.D.E. and the world. the drinking water standard (maximum contaminant level. and even the human body. Adsorptive media 5. At concentrations above the MCL. Typical technologies for arsenic removal are a combination of chemical and physical processes. 2015 Arsenic Removal Technologies: A Review By Mark Reinsel. and biological processes. natural groundwater.S. Many treatment technologies have been developed and refined to remove arsenic from water. It is an odorless and tasteless semi-metal (metalloid) that is naturally present in aquifers throughout the U. Oxidation 3. circulatory problems. or MCL) for arsenic in the U. PLLC Arsenic is a common element in the earth’s crust. Ph.Guest Column | March 11. P. including chemical. Arsenic is typically found as an oxyanion in the environment. Apex Engineering. physical. Chemical/Physical Treatment Technologies Methods for reducing arsenic concentrations include: 1. Ion exchange . Several emerging technologies will also be discussed. . or ozone can be added to oxidize As to As .. which is termed coagulation/filtration (CF) in the water treatment industry. Accordingly. Kinetico.6. so alum should only be used in systems with low arsenic concentrations. Alum coagulation is generally less efficient than iron coagulation. Oxidation is a chemical process typically used in conjunction with other processes for arsenic removal. Reverse osmosis Lime precipitation has been used to reduce arsenic concentrations from high levels (e. 3+ 5+ 3+ 5+ A cost-effective approach for arsenic removal is coagulation and precipitation (chemical processes) followed by filtration (a physical process). hydrogen peroxide. Following coagulation. a process such as multimedia filtration with automated backwashing is typically used to remove precipitated arsenic (Figure 1). an additional process would be required to “polish” arsenic concentrations down to drinking water standards. hundreds of mg/L) to moderate levels (e.g. 1 to 5 mg/L). CF systems are provided by companies such as Pureflow Filtration. an oxidant such as chlorine. Precipitation is typically followed by clarification or filtration for solids removal. and Tonka. Common coagulants used for arsenic are iron salts and aluminum sulfate (alum). As (As(III) or arsenite) is more soluble in water and less available for precipitation/adsorption reactions than its As (As(V) or arsenate) relative. However.g. . Typical iron salts used are ferric chloride and ferric sulfate. potassium permanganate. Table 1 details an extensive list of media evaluated recently for arsenic removal. new adsorbent materials have been developed to remove metals and metalloids such as arsenic from solution. It is estimated that 80 percent of utilities that remove arsenic from drinking water do so with adsorptive media. with 80 percent of the operating cost due to media replacement (Water Online. Adsorptive media (AM) is another common technology for arsenic removal that can be used in place of or to augment CF. AM systems are provided by companies such as Severn Trent. AdEdge Technologies. As with CF systems. a variety of equipment and materials suppliers are available. Comparison of Arsenic Removal Sorbents . Titanium dioxide adsorption vessel at the Alta. Pureflow Filtration. UT drinking water plant Iron-based AM is regarded as the industry standard for arsenic removal. 2014). Pureflow coagulation/filtration system at the Salt Lake Service Area #3 (Snowbird.Figure 1. most adsorptive media are iron-based. UT) drinking water plant While CF is effective. Table 1. Figure 2. variations include titanium dioxide. and other ion exchange resins (Figure 2). Siemens. zirconium. Reducing pH to the 5 to 7 range can enhance AM effectiveness. and BioteQ. As with coagulants. Since waste disposal may be problematic. IX is not typically used for arsenic removal. which creates a liquid waste containing a high concentration of arsenic..Source: Chen et al. . IX media is typically regenerated with sodium hydroxide and sodium chloride. Water Research Foundation The ion exchange (IX) process differs from the AM process in that IX media is meant to be regenerated periodically and reused after arsenic adsorption. 2010. Effects of Water Quality . as seen in Table 2 (Odell and Perry.Figure 3. WA Many studies have been conducted on the effects of different water quality parameters on the most widely used arsenic treatment processes. IX vessel for arsenic removal at the Buckhorn Mountain Mine water treatment plant. 2013): Table 2. Republic. Biological systems for arsenic removal require a relatively long residence time. An in situ bio-oxidation process using air produces bioscorodite.Biological Treatment Technologies The ABMet process originally developed by Applied Biosciences of Salt Lake City. This system requires little maintenance. a Dutch company. Nitrate. selenium. An organic nutrient is continuously added to feed the bacteria. treating flows up to 2 million gallons per day (MGD).000 mg/L) and low-temperature (4 C) waters. and mercury may also be removed in the process. for removing arsenic from water through biological formation of bioscorodite (FeAsO 2 H O). ABMet has been installed at several locations in North America and Europe. such as 4 to 8 hours. o The THIOTEQ™ Scorodite process has been developed by PAQUES. Bacteria oxidize iron and available arsenic to ferric iron and arsenate. which 4 . 2 . with the nutrient comprising most of the operating cost. UT (now part of GE Water) uses biological sulfate reduction to precipitate arsenic and heavy metals. This biological process has been successful with both high-TDS (35.  The iron dose and solid waste volume are less than in ferric arsenate processes. In one technology developed by the National Institute for Materials Science. Backwashing and regenerating iron-based media. It is estimated that over 60 million people in those two countries drink groundwater contaminated with high levels of naturally occurring arsenic. Very low levels of . regenerated media has shown no signs of degradation after five years of regenerating. is a development being evaluated at the Twentynine Palms Water District in California (Water Online. the entire media regeneration process is still 60 percent less expensive than purchasing new media. At Twentynine Palms. 2012). A caustic soda solution (pH 13) is used to strip arsenic off the reportedly highly stable. where naturally occurring arsenic is common in groundwater. the inner walls of nanoporous substances are densely packed with a functional group that is sensitive to and selective for adsorbing arsenic (Water Online. which can then be removed from the water through settling and/or filtration.  Bioscorodite is more stable than scorodite produced from conventional processes. Including wastewater disposal. iron-based media can. Most are aimed at providing simple. The technology was developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Labs and is currently being pilot-tested by a company called SimpleWater. It is targeted for communities or countries that do not have the resources for standard coagulation/filtration plants. or variations of existing technologies. 2014). low-cost arsenic removal to developing countries such as Bangladesh and India. The rust binds to arsenic. Emerging Treatment Technologies Several innovative arsenic removal technologies. Regenerating adsorptive media (AM) is another recent development. The process has been used with arsenic concentrations greater than 1. The ECAR process is reportedly much less expensive than conventional technologies. As shown earlier in this paper. Although alumina. rather than replacing it. Operator training (a more complicated process plus safety training) and wastewater disposal are the major considerations for regenerating iron-based AM. Each regeneration removes about 90 percent of the arsenic accumulated on the media. PAQUES claims these advantages of THIOTEQ™ Scorodite over chemical processes for arsenic removal:  Air is used as an oxidant. titanium and zirconium-based media cannot yet be regenerated. Several nanomaterials have recently been developed for arsenic removal. several types of AM media have been used for arsenic removal for decades. have been developed over the past decade.000 mg/L and is currently being pilot-tested. ElectroChemical Arsenic Remediation (ECAR) uses a low electrical current to create rust from iron plates in contaminated water.  High temperature is not required. This technology uses controlled oxidation with air and filtration to reduce arsenic to low levels. In a modified in situ process. Another low-cost technology designed to address arsenic removal in developing countries is subterranean arsenic removal (SAR).arsenic can reportedly be adsorbed. The SAR process is being used at several plants in India and one community in Washington State. No chemicals are used and the sludge produced is immobilized underground. A distinctive feature of the technology is that the color of the nanomaterial changes as arsenic is adsorbed. . where ferric arsenate particles are then filtered. This nanomaterial is reportedly lightweight with rapid kinetics but also low-cost. water is oxidized above-ground and injected back into the aquifer. Application at both largescale treatment plants and point-of-use systems is being explored.
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