Arthroscope s

March 22, 2018 | Author: Adriana Ferreira | Category: Public Health, Health Care, Clinical Medicine, Medicine, Wellness



WWW.DEZMED.COM Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site ( Arthroscopes Scope of this Product Comparison This Product Comparison covers diagnostic and operating arthroscopes; the chart also lists compatible light sources. Other endoscopes are covered in the following Product Comparisons:    Bronchoscopes, Flexible; Video Colonoscopes; Sigmoidoscopes Duodenoscopes; Gastroscopes; Choledochoscopes; Video Systems, Endoscopic, Ingestible Cameras  Laparoscopes  Video Endoscopy Systems These devices are also called: articular cavity endoscopes. Purpose Arthroscopes are telescopic devices that enable visualization and therapeutic treatment of the interior of a joint (e.g., knee, shoulder, wrist, elbow, hip, ankle). They are used by physicians to facilitate the diagnosis and/or treatment of a wide variety of joint diseases and injuries. As a minimally invasive surgical procedure, arthroscopy is less traumatic than arthrotomy (open-joint surgery) and usually results in a shorter recovery time. Principles of operation An arthroscope consists of a magnifying-lens system sealed within a rigid tube and is available in two basic optical designs: the rod-lens system and the single-image fiber system. The rod-lens system employs long, rodlike lenses separated by small spaces, permitting small scope diameters and providing a brighter image than that with the single-image fiber system. Single-image fiber systems are even narrower in diameter (1 to 2.7 mm versus 4 to 6.5 mm) and consist of one image-transmitting fiber bundle rather than separate lenses. The smaller diameter of single-image fiber systems enables the arthroscopist to view hard-to-reach parts of the knee and to examine small joints such as the wrist or ankle. In both designs, the lens system is surrounded by optical fibers that transmit light to the interior of the joint from a distant source. In most cases, the intensity of the light source can be adjusted for direct viewing or viewing with video systems. (For more detailed information, see the Product Comparison titled Light Sources, Fiberoptic.) UMDNS Information This Product Comparison covers the following device term and product code as listed in ECRI Institute’s Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System™ (UMDNS™): Arthroscopes [10-198] Arthroscopes generally provide a field of view similar to that of the 5200 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462-1298, USA  Tel +1 (610) 825-6000  Fax +1 (610) 834-1275  Web  E-mail [email protected] Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site ( Arthroscopes WWW.DEZMED.COM human eye—between 70° and 100°. Most manufacturers offer arthroscopes with a number of viewing angles (directions of view). Many arthroscopists prefer a 30° direction of view because it increases the area that can be visualized while maintaining forward orientation as the scope is rotated about its longitudinal axis. Most arthroscopes use video cameras that attach to the eyepiece to view and document the procedure. The camera houses charge-coupled devices that convert the image produced at the eyepiece to a digital electronic signal. Once the arthroscope is inserted into the joint (often through a working sleeve or sheath), irrigation valves, which may be components of the sleeve or the scope, allow the joint to be distended and/or lavaged with saline solution, washing out blood and debris and allowing for better viewing. There are two basic techniques for performing arthroscopic surgery. One method uses an operating arthroscope with an instrument channel, which allows tools to be passed down the optical line of the Figure 1. Triangulation method of arthroscopy arthroscope. This technique is useful when it is difficult to enter a joint from a second or third portal. The other method, called the triangulation method, involves inserting a diagnostic arthroscope through one portal while the operating instrument is inserted through a second portal. This method allows for a greater variety of approaches than is possible with an operating arthroscope. Reported problems As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection or introduction of foreign particles. Skin microorganisms can enter the joint, especially during trocar insertion, and subsequent joint infections could present serious complications. Major contraindications to arthroscopy include sepsis (generalized infection), blood-clotting disorders, and restricted joint motion. Hemarthrosis (blood entering the joint or its synovial cavity) is a complication that can be treated by aspirating the blood from the joint. Other complications include breakage of surgical instruments inside the joint, lethal air embolism, subcutaneous emphysema, effusions, adhesions, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, and cardiovascular and neurologic problems. Use of optical catheter systems for arthroscopic evaluation and treatment of the knee in an office setting may compromise visual acuity, resulting in missed or incorrect diagnoses (Meister et al. 1996). The optical catheter has been a popular choice due to its compact size and relatively low cost. Purchase considerations ECRI Institute recommendations Included in the accompanying comparison chart are ECRI Institute’s recommendations for minimum performance requirements for arthroscopes; recommended specifications have been categorized into one group— general arthroscopes. The general category covers both diagnostic and operating arthroscopes. Compatibility with existing and future equipment should be taken into account. Standard arthroscopes should permit connection to all common models of camera heads, and video arthroscopes should preferably be compatible not only with the facility’s current video processors but with more recent processor models offered by the same manufacturer. Additionally, the manufacturer should make available a sufficient variety of light guides to permit connection to all common light source designs. 2 ©2007 ECRI Institute. All Rights Reserved. et al. WWW. field of view) is highly subjective. the better the hospital may be able to effectively manage its inventory. Upson K. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Indelicato PA. Am J Med 1983 Oct 31. J Craniomandib Disord 1987 Fall. to ensure that the only variable under consideration is the scope’s performance. light sources and guides. Shneider DA. Harris NL. Two per cent glutaraldehyde: a disinfectant in arthroscopy and arthroscopic surgery. video processors. Buoncristiani R. Gray R. resolution. these improvements have also enabled the arthroscopist to examine smaller joints such as the temporomandibular joint. ©2007 ECRI Institute. hospitals may wish to strongly consider scopes that are also compatible with autoclaving and other fast sterilization methods. et al.42(2):166-9. Stage of development With the incorporation of fiberoptic light cables and improvements in lens systems. Arthroscopic surgery [annotation]. Diagnostic and surgical arthroscopy of the temporomandibular joint: clinical experience with 137 procedures over a 2-year period. All Rights Reserved 3 . Yoshitake H. AORN J 1984 Jun. Shibuya T. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1982 Feb. ECRI Institute recommends trialing arthroscopes to allow surgeons to directly compare perceived performance. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1983 Mar. Jackson RW. including monitors.75(4B):50-5. Diagnostic and therapeutic uses of the arthroscope in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.39(7):1230-3.DEZMED.1(3):202-13. Bibliography Altman RD. New instruments allow for fewer complications and higher success rates with current techniques. Therefore. Meister K.g.10(3):495-517. Harrison C. Diagnostic arthroscopy. Current concepts review: arthroscopic surgery. Comparison of an optical catheter office arthroscope with a standard rigid rod-lens arthroscope in the evaluation of the knee. Ike Arthroscopes Hospitals should carefully consider the reprocessing methods approved by the scope manufacturer. hospitals should standardize all other equipment. enabling less traumatic and more advanced procedures. Johnson LL.64(2):237-9.COM Assessing factors that affect image usefulness (e. BR J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2004 Apr. Louis: CV Mosby. Use of a new instrument for lateral release in arthroscopic surgery of the tempomandibular joint: a preliminary study. and signal format. Symposium on arthroscopy and arthrography of the knee. et al. Kino K.24(6):819-23. When performing such trials. 1978. Increased miniaturization of the arthroscope and refinement of instruments and techniques are continuing. Arthroscopy is being performed more widely in the outpatient arena as surgeons become more comfortable with arthroscopic techniques and as instruments become smaller and less expensive. Other considerations Accessory equipment includes electrosurgical and shaver accessories as well as various mechanical cutting and grasping instruments.66(5):627-8.dezmed. the arthroscope has become more streamlined and refined. While glutaraldehyde and EtO are commonly approved agents. Baillieres Clin Rheumatol 1996 Aug. The wider the variety of options.65(3):416-20. St. color reproduction. Am J Sports Med 1996 Nov-Dec.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1984 Nov. Dandy DJ. Sanders B. Purchasers should consider buying arthroscopes and accessories from the same manufacturer to ensure compatibility. Arthroscopy instrumentation and time-savers. Austin MD. [email protected] Aesculap Inc [101658] 3773 Corporate Pkwy Center Valley. PA 18034 Phone: (610) 797-9300. Yamamoto Arthroscopes Takahashi E-mail: Aesculap Japan Co Ltd [186629] Hongo TS Building 2-38-16 Hongo Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-0033 Japan Phone: 81 (3) 38142525 Fax: 81 (3) 56847080 Internet: http://www.COM Supplier information AED Advanced Endoscopy Devices Inc [360637] 22134 Sherman Way Canoga Park. All Rights Arthroscopy 1997 Hip CANADA ENDOSCOPE Canada Endoscope Corp [377686] 160 Konrad Crescent Unit 4 Markham ON L3R 9T9 Canada 4 ©2007 ECRI E-mail: advendodev@earthlink. .jp E-mail: ga. CA 91303 Phone: (818) 227-2720 Fax: (818) 227-2724 Internet: http://[email protected](1) E-mail: customerservice@aesculap. Development and clinical application of a flexible arthroscopy system. Br J Hosp Med 1992 May 20-Jun AESCULAP Aesculap AG & Co KG [139214] Am Aesculap-Platz Postfach 40 Tuttlingen D-78532 Germany Phone: 49 (7461) 950 Fax: 49 (7461) 952600 Internet: http://www. WWW. Villar B Braun Medical Ltd [305573] Thorncliffe Park Sheffield S35 2PW England Phone: 44 (114) 2259000 Fax: 44 (114) 2259111 Internet: http://www. (800) 258-1946 Fax: (610) 791-6880 Internet: E-mail: [email protected] of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. (800) 563-2907 Fax: (905) 479-6495 Internet: E-mail: [email protected] KARLHEINZ HINZE Karl-Heinz Hinze Optoengineering GmbH & Co [282461] Kieler Strasse 464-470 Hamburg D-22525 Germany Phone: 49 (40) 542590 Fax: 49 (40) 543573 Internet: E-mail: [email protected] HANS HERMANN Hans Hermann GmbH [332067] Wuerttemberger Strasse 26 Fridingen D-78567 Germany Phone: 49 (7463) 99670 Fax: 49 (7463) 996750 Internet: WWW. FL 33773 Phone: (727) 392-6464.COM EFER EFER [177016] Zone Industrielle Athelia 1 La Ciotat Cedex F-13705 France Phone: 33 (4) 42715101 Fax: 33 (4) 42833325 Internet: http://www.DEZMED.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site ( HI-TEC Hi-TEC Medical GmbH [248698] Industrie-Strasse 7 Tuttlingen D-78532 Germany Phone: 49 (7461) 94690 Fax: 49 (7461) 946916 Internet: http://www. (800) 237-0169 Fax: (727) 399-5256 ©2007 ECRI LINVATEC Linvatec Corp [226512] 11311 Concept Blvd E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] ENDO OF SHENYANG Endoscope Ltd Co of Shenyang University Endoscope [291543] No 176 Lianhe Road Dadong District Shenyang 110044 People’s Republic of China Phone: 86 (24) 88908788 Fax: 86 (24) 88325910 Internet: http://www. All Rights Reserved 5 .com) Arthroscopes Phone: (905) E-mail: hermann-medizintechnik@t-online. E-mail: Arthroscopes Internet: http://www. TN 37204 Phone: (615) 269-7256. All Rights Reserved.dezmed. MA 01440-3338 Phone: (978) E-mail: [email protected] MAHE International Inc [298390] 468 Craighead St PRECISION OPTICS Precision Optics Corp [169370] 22 E Broadway Olympus Optical Co (UK) Ltd [320553] 2-8 Honduras Street London EC1Y O7X England Phone: 44 (20) 72532772 Fax: 44 (20) 72516330 Internet: E-mail: [email protected]/ E-mail: info@maheinternational. (800) 645-8160 Fax: (631) 844-5442 Internet: http://www. . (800) 294-7946 Fax: (615) 269-4605 Internet: http://www.DEZMED.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site ( Olympus (Europa) GmbH [155981] Wendenstrasse 14-18 Postfach 104908 Hamburg D-20097 Germany Phone: 49 (40) 237735401 Fax: 49 (40) 23773656 Internet: MAHE Medical Technology Co Ltd [340682] 1/412 Gardenhome Village Phaholyothin Rd Kukod Lamlukke Pathumthani 12130 Thailand Phone: 66 (2) 9936769 Fax: 66 (2) 9936778 OLYMPUS Olympus America Inc [276750] 2 Corporate Center Dr PO Box 9058 Melville.COM MAHE\RG Medical MAHE Barthelmes Medizintechnik GmbH [286788] Friedrich-Woehler-Strasse 10 Emmingen D-78576 Germany Phone: 49 (7465) 92750 Fax: 49 (7465) 927529 Internet: E-mail: [email protected]@olympus. NY 11747-9058 Phone: (631) E-mail: [email protected]. (800) 447-2812 Fax: (978) 630-1487 6 ©2007 ECRI Institute. com E-mail: KARL STORZ Karl Storz Endoscopy-America Inc [102159] 600 Corporate Pointe Culver City.DEZMED. NJ 08054 Phone: E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: E-mail: [email protected] SOPRO-COMEG SOPRO-COMEG [399024] Zone d'Activites Athelia IV avenue des Genevriers La Ciotat Cedex F-13705 France Phone: 33 (4) 42980101 Fax: 33 (4) 42717690 Internet: http://www.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. (800) 343-5717 Fax: (978) 749-1599 Internet: Smith & Nephew Inc Endoscopy [270765] 150 Minuteman Rd Arthroscopes Internet: http://www. (866) 717-6776 Fax: (856) 222-4726 Internet: http://[email protected] SOPRO-COMEG [452355] 124 Gaither Dr Suite 140 Mount SMITH & NEPHEW Smith & Nephew Endoscopy (UK) [344552] Endoscopy House Cardinal Park Godmanchester Huntingdon PE29 2SN England Phone: 44 (1480) 423200 Fax: 44 (1480) 423201 Internet: http://www.COM REMA REMA Medizintechnik GmbH [160182] In Breiten 10 Duerbheim D-78589 Germany Phone: 49 (7424) 4064 Fax: 49 (7424) 501590 Internet: http://www. MA 01810-1031 Phone: (978) E-mail: [email protected] Smith & Nephew Ltd (Hong Kong) [289996] 13/Fl Grandtech Centre Unit 1318 8 On Ping Street Siu Lek Yuen Shatin New Territories People’s Republic of China Phone: 852 26487700 Fax: 852 26487282 Internet: All Rights Reserved 7 . CA 90230-7600 ©2007 ECRI Institute. (800) 729-2917 Internet: http://www.strykerendo. IL 60061-3110 Phone: (847) 913-1113. (800) 624-4422 Fax: (408) E-mail: [email protected] Stryker (S) Pte Ltd [307324] 1 Maritime Square #10-39 Harbourfront Centre Singapore 099253 Republic of Singapore Phone: 65 63776515 Fax: 65 62722464 Internet: STRYKER ENDOSCOPY Stryker Endoscopy [107536] 5900 Optical Ct San [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Karl Storz GmbH & Co KG [152361] Postfach 230 Tuttlingen D-78503 Germany Phone: 49 (7461) 7080 Fax: 49 (7461) 708105 Internet: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (310) Richard Wolf UK Ltd [366841] Waterside Way Wimbledon London SW17 0HB England Phone: 44 (20) 89447447 Fax: 44 (20) 89441311 Internet: http://www. (800) 323-9653 Fax: (847) 913-1488 Internet: http://www.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site ( Richard Wolf France Sarl [366842] rue Daniel Berger Zone d'Activites la Neuvillette 8 ©2007 ECRI Institute. All Rights E-mail: E-mail: [email protected]. (800) 421-0837 Fax: (310) 410-5527. .richardwolfusa. (800) 321-1304 Internet: RICHARD WOLF Richard Wolf Medical Instruments Corp [102126] 353 Corporate Woods Pkwy Vernon Richard Wolf GmbH [161114] Postfach 1164 Knittlingen D-75434 Germany Phone: 49 (7043) 350 Fax: 49 (7043) 35300 Internet: Arthroscopes WWW. CA 95138 Phone: (408) 754-2000. dezmed.richard-wolf. at additional E-mail: [email protected]. keep in mind that.S. Moreover. All Rights Reserved 9 .Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. Because test methods vary. And although we try to indicate which features and characteristics are standard and which are not. products and specifications are subject to frequent WWW. +1 (610) 834-1275 (fax). Arthroscopes Reims F-51100 France Phone: 33 (3) 26780289 Fax: 33 (3) 26876033 Internet: http://www. dollars to facilitate comparison among models. Need to know more? For further information about the contents of this Product Comparison. contact the HPCS Hotline at +1 (610) 8256000. However.DEZMED. or hpcs@ecri. ECRI Institute is not responsible for the quality or validity of the information presented or for any adverse consequences of acting on such information. unless otherwise noted. For those models whose prices were supplied to us in currencies other than (e-mail). some may be optional. 5265. the list price does not reflect supplier discounts. ext. When reading the charts.COM Note: The data in the charts derive from suppliers’ specifications and have not been verified through independent testing by ECRI Institute or any other agency. we have also listed the conversion to U. Last updated July 2007 ©2007 ECRI Institute. different products’ specifications are not always comparable. keep in mind that exchange rates change often. 000 healthcare organizations worldwide rely on ECRI Institute’s expertise in patient safety improvement.COM The information in Product Comparisons comes from a number of sources: medical and biomedical engineering literature. even though no reference to this fact may be made. specifications from product literature. procedures. nor do they own stock in medical device companies. or of claims made for it by the manufacturer. ECRI Institute is one of only a handful of organizations designated as both a Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization and an Evidence-based Practice Center by the WWW. More than 5. dedicates itself to bringing the discipline of applied scientific research in healthcare to uncover the best approaches to improving patient care. and ECRI Institute’s Problem Reporting System. visit http://www. and drug technology. While these data are reviewed by qualified health professionals.dezmed. ECRI Institute and its employees accept no royalties. The appearance or listing of any item.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. The appearance of any name without designation as proprietary should not be regarded as a representation that is not the subject of proprietary rights.S. or value. ECRI Institute respects and is impartial to all ethical medical device companies and Arthroscopes Policy Statement The Healthcare Product Comparison System (HPCS) is published by ECRI Institute. The Healthcare Product Comparison System and ECRI Institute are not responsible for the quality or validity of information derived from outside sources or for any adverse consequences of acting on such information. risk and quality management. a nonprofit organization. or the use of a photograph thereof. a nonprofit organization.g.DEZMED. 10 ©2007 ECRI Institute. HPCS provides comprehensive information to help healthcare professionals select and purchase diagnostic and therapeutic capital equipment more effectively in support of improved patient care. performance. Many of the words or model descriptions appearing in the Healthcare Product Comparison System are proprietary names (e. Employees engage in no private consulting work for the medical device industry.. devices. For more information. healthcare processes. in the Healthcare Product Comparison System does not constitute the endorsement or approval of the product’s quality. they have not been tested by ECRI Institute’s clinical and engineering personnel and are largely unconfirmed. ECRI Institute marries experience and independence with the objectivity of evidence-based research. correspondence and discussion with manufacturers and distributors. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. or commissions from the medical device industry. All Rights Reserved. trademarks). gifts. .ecri. About ECRI Institute ECRI Institute. finder’s fees. The Healthcare Product Comparison System accepts no advertising and has no obligations to any commercial interests. The information and photographs published in Product Comparisons appear at no charge to manufacturers. As pioneers in this science for nearly 40 years. dezmed.DEZMED.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. All Rights Reserved 11 .com) WWW.COM Arthroscopes Product Comparison Chart ©2007 ECRI Institute. 8 2:1 Bayonet mounting 250-350 Not specified Rod lens 0 : 70 90 : 90 Yes 6 2:1 Bayonet mounting.5 1. 30. Winter. C-mount. British Standard. Aesculap. Pilling. EtO. HSW. Storz. except USA No Yes Diagnostic 2. EtO. Storz. Model Footnotes Data Footnotes 12 ©2007 ECRI Institute. Dyonics. Zimmer Yes ACMI. 30. Not specified 6 months Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Sleeves with 1 or 2 rotating stopcocks. autoclave Glutaraldehyde. Wolf Yes ACMI. mL/min COMPATIBLE LIGHT SOURCES DOCUMENTATION OPTIONS RECOMMENDED REPROCESSING PURCHASE INFORMATION List price Warranty Delivery time. 70. Olympus.COM MODEL WHERE MARKETED FDA CLEARANCE CE MARK (MDD) TYPE Diameter. Aesculap. except USA No Yes Diagnostic 4 92 Rod lens 0. Winter. Weck. ARO Number sold Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS LAST UPDATED Supplier Footnotes ECRI INSTITUTE'S RECOMMENDED SPECIFICATIONS1 General Arthroscopes AED AESCULAP AESCULAP 5700A : 5700B : 5700C : 5700W Worldwide Yes Not specified Diagnostic 5 : 4 : 2. 1-click coupling 360 All common models ACMI. 45. 90.7 Not specified Worldwide. repair/exchange program. Wolf. STERIS. other video mounts. Wolf Yes All common methods.DEZMED. 90 70. HSW.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. autoclave Glutaraldehyde. . EtO. mm OPTICS Lens configuration Direction of view. 155 Yes 2. All Rights Reserved. or 70 70-100 1 year August 2005 1These recommendations are the opinions of ECRI Institute's technology experts. August 2005 Diagnostic/operating 0.dezmed. autoclavable preferred Glutaraldehyde. mm Insertion length with sleeve. and universal arthroscopes available. ° Field of view. Stryker.9 90 : 140 : 155 : 180 PE 182A : PE 202A PE 484A : PE 524A Worldwide. mm Irrigation valves Locking system IRRIGATION FLOW. 120. autoclave tip sheath available. 2 Bayonet mounting Rod lens 0 : 30 92 : 97 Yes 3.2 : 3 : 4 : 5. 25.7 : 1. Olympus. STERRAD. autoclave $800 3 years 2-4 weeks Not specified Not specified January to December Adapts to all sheath systems. Arthroscopes Product Comparison Chart WWW. ECRI Institute assumes no liability for decisions made based on this data. Olympus. 105. ° SLEEVE Outside diameter. British Standard. July 2007 Not specified 6 months Not specified Not specified 1997 Not specified None specified. Storz. repair/exchange program. except USA No Yes Diagnostic 4 115 AESCULAP PE 514A Worldwide. mm Insertion length with sleeve. HSW. British Standard. repair/exchange program. Wolf Yes ACMI. Storz. Wolf Yes ACMI.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. autoclave tip sheath available. ARO Number sold Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS LAST UPDATED Supplier Footnotes Model Footnotes Data Footnotes AESCULAP PE 485A Worldwide. mm OPTICS Lens configuration Direction of view. Winter. HSW. EtO. HSW. Aesculap. autoclave Not specified 6 months Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Sleeves with 1 or 2 rotating stopcocks. autoclave tip sheath available. 1-click coupling 360 Rod lens 30 102 Yes 6 2 Bayonet mounting. Olympus. Wolf Yes ACMI. mm Irrigation valves Locking system IRRIGATION FLOW. Olympus. Olympus. Storz. autoclave Glutaraldehyde. British Standard. August 2005 Not specified 6 months Not specified Not specified 1987 Not specified Sleeves with 1 or 2 rotating stopcocks. autoclave Glutaraldehyde. Aesculap.DEZMED. repair/exchange program. Olympus. HSW. autoclave Glutaraldehyde. ° SLEEVE Outside diameter. autoclave tip sheath available.COM MODEL WHERE MARKETED FDA CLEARANCE CE MARK (MDD) TYPE Diameter. Storz. except USA No Yes Diagnostic 4 92 AESCULAP PE 525A Worldwide. British Standard. except USA No Yes Diagnostic 4 115 AESCULAP PE 505A Worldwide. ° Field of view. 1-click coupling 360 Rod lens 30 93 Yes 6 2:1 Bayonet mounting.dezmed. 1-click coupling 360 Arthroscopes Product Comparison Chart WWW. Winter. August 2005 Not specified 6 months Not specified Not specified 1995 Not specified Sleeves with 2 rotating stopcocks. EtO. EtO. repair/exchange program. August 2005 ©2007 ECRI Institute. EtO. Winter. Storz. mL/min COMPATIBLE LIGHT SOURCES DOCUMENTATION OPTIONS RECOMMENDED REPROCESSING PURCHASE INFORMATION List price Warranty Delivery time. Wolf Yes Glutaraldehyde. All Rights Reserved 13 . Aesculap. autoclave tip sheath available. except USA No Yes Diagnostic 4 115 Rod lens 0 100 Yes 6 2:1 Bayonet mounting. 1-click coupling 360 Rod lens 70 102 Yes 6 2:1 Bayonet mounting. August 2005 Not specified 6 months Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Sleeves with 1 or 2 rotating stopcocks. British Standard. Aesculap. Winter. mm Irrigation valves Locking system IRRIGATION FLOW. 30. mm OPTICS Lens configuration Direction of view. ° Field of view. HSW. Not specified 1 year Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified None specified. Applitech. mL/min COMPATIBLE LIGHT SOURCES DOCUMENTATION OPTIONS RECOMMENDED REPROCESSING PURCHASE INFORMATION List price Warranty Delivery time. autoclave Glutaraldehyde. STERRAD EtO Not specified 6 months Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Sleeves with 1 or 2 rotating stopcocks. mm Insertion length with sleeve. 4 120. EtO.2 Bayonet mounting Rod lens : Self-focus : Selffocus 0 : 0 : 30 120 Optional 2. Zimmer Yes Compatible with all lightsource types Storz. 4504-A. Wolf. ° SLEEVE Outside diameter. Dyonics. 30 : 70 : 0 65 Yes 5. Storz. 3004A. August 2005 July 2007 March 2001 ©2007 ECRI Institute. 2504-A. Olympus.1 2 Self-locking collar . 3027-A Worldwide Not specified Not specified Diagnostic 2. except USA No Yes Diagnostic 4 92 : 115 CANADA ENDOSCOPE CE 0004-A. Wolf Yes Yes Glutaraldehyde. Winter. autoclave tip sheath available. 7004-A.5.DEZMED. 25. EtO. Olympus.7.6 : 3.dezmed. $580 : $580 : $500 1 year 40 days Not specified 1982 January to December None specified.8 : 5.COM Product Comparison Chart MODEL AESCULAP PE 544A : PE 545A WHERE MARKETED FDA CLEARANCE CE MARK (MDD) TYPE Diameter.5 1. Stryker. August 2005 Not specified 1 year 1 week Not specified 1998 November to October None specified. repair/exchange program. 180 Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 2:3:4 76 : 85 : 183 China No No Diagnostic/operating 4 175 Rod lens Rod lens Rod lens 45 93 : 95 Yes 6 2:1 Bayonet mounting. Wolf Yes ACMI. 1-click coupling 360 0. All Rights Reserved. 0027-A. 5.5 2 Bayonet mounting Not specified Not specified Not specified ACMI. autoclave Glutaraldehyde. 70 80-106 Yes 3. Aesculap. Arthroscopes WWW. British Standard.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. ARO Number sold Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS LAST UPDATED Supplier Footnotes Model Footnotes Data Footnotes 14 EFER AW 2000P : AW 3000P : AY 4030P ENDO OF SHENYANG ShenDa J0230 : J0270 : J02000 Worldwide. Pilling. 45. EtO. 5 : 3. ° Field of view. Weck.5 : 2. November 2002 Not specified 1 year Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified None specified. Dyonics. Olympus. autoclave Glutaraldehyde.5 1 or 2 Bayonet mounting Rod lens 0. Zimmer Yes ACMI. autoclave Not specified 1 year Not specified Not specified Not specified January to December None specified. mm Insertion length with sleeve.dezmed. Wolf. bayonet mounting Not specified ACMI. 30. 4.COM MODEL WHERE MARKETED FDA CLEARANCE CE MARK (MDD) TYPE Diameter. Olympus. Arthroscopes Product Comparison Chart WWW. Pilling. mm OPTICS Lens configuration Direction of view.7 175 HI-TEC Arthroscope Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic/operating 2. Zimmer Yes Glutaraldehyde.5 350 Rod lens 0 : 30 : 70 95. July 2007 Not specified 3 years Not specified Not specified Not specified January to December Hip arthroscopy scope.DEZMED. Weck. mm Irrigation valves Locking system IRRIGATION FLOW. Weck. July 2007 Yes ©2007 ECRI Institute. Storz. 70 Not specified Yes Varies Not specified Not specified Rod lens 30. Wolf Yes All ACMI. autoclave Autoclave Glutaraldehyde. Dyonics. July 2007 Not specified 3 years Not specified Not specified Not specified January to December Hip arthroscopy scope. ° SLEEVE Outside diameter. EtO. 70 90-110 Yes 4 1 Bayonet mounting Not specified Not specified Not specified Rod lens 30 Full screen Yes 8 2 Continuous-flow sheath. Pilling.7 : 1. Wolf. EtO. Storz. Olympus.7. Storz. 105 Optional 5. Stryker. varies Varies KARL STORZ 28005 BA/CA Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic/operating 4 300 KARL STORZ 28031 BA Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic/operating 6. EtO. All Rights Reserved 15 . ARO Number sold Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS LAST UPDATED Supplier Footnotes Model Footnotes Data Footnotes HANS HERMANN H84-017-000 : H84-040-070 Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 4 : 2. mL/min COMPATIBLE LIGHT SOURCES DOCUMENTATION OPTIONS RECOMMENDED REPROCESSING PURCHASE INFORMATION List price Warranty Delivery time. Dyonics. Stryker.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. Pilling. 5 1 Bayonet mounting Rod lens 30 90-110 Optional 6 2 Autolock sheath Not specified Rod lens 30. STERRAD. Stryker. Zimmer Yes ACMI. autoclave Glutaraldehyde.7 110 KARL STORZ 28300 Arthroscopes Product Comparison Chart WWW.5 1 Bayonet mounting Rod lens 0. 12 cm scope. mm OPTICS Lens configuration Direction of view. . 30 90-110 Optional 2. Storz. mL/min COMPATIBLE LIGHT SOURCES DOCUMENTATION OPTIONS RECOMMENDED REPROCESSING PURCHASE INFORMATION List price Warranty Delivery time. July 2007 ©2007 ECRI Institute. Weck. Stryker. Weck. Pilling. Stryker. ° SLEEVE Outside diameter. mm Irrigation valves Locking system IRRIGATION FLOW. Dyonics. Stryker. CA Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic/operating 2.COM MODEL WHERE MARKETED FDA CLEARANCE CE MARK (MDD) TYPE Diameter. ARO Number sold Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS LAST UPDATED Supplier Footnotes Model Footnotes Data Footnotes 16 KARL STORZ 28208 BA Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic/operating 2. Storz. 70 75 Optional 3. Wolf. autoclave STERIS. ° Field of view. Olympus. Zimmer Yes ACMI. Dyonics. autoclave Not specified 3 years Not specified Not specified Not specified January to December Extended eyepiece. STERRAD.9 65 KARL STORZ 28728 BWA Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic/operating 4 120 Rod lens 30 75 Optional 3. July 2007 July 2007 July 2007 Not specified 3 years Not specified Not specified Not specified January to December Forward oblique.4 100 KARL STORZ 28305 AA. Not specified 3 years Not specified Not specified Not specified January to December None specified. mm Insertion length with sleeve. Olympus. All Rights Reserved.dezmed. Dyonics. strobel locking Not specified Not specified Not specified ACMI. Pilling. Wolf. Storz. EtO.DEZMED. Wolf.2 1 Bayonet mounting. Not specified 3 years Not specified Not specified Not specified January to December None specified. Pilling. autoclave STERIS. EtO. Olympus. Dyonics. Zimmer Yes Glutaraldehyde. Wolf. BA Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic/operating 1. Weck. Pilling. EtO. Weck.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. EtO. Zimmer Yes ACMI. Storz. Olympus. Dyonics. Not specified 3 years Not specified Not specified Not specified January to December C-mounted scopes for tricam camera. 30. April 2004 ©2007 ECRI Institute. mm OPTICS Lens configuration Direction of view. 2 Bayonet mounting. Olympus. Olympus. except USA No Yes Diagnostic 4 : 2. EtO. 6 1. autoclave Not specified 3 years Not specified Not specified Not specified January to December None specified. ° Field of view. autolock sheath Not specified Self-focus lens 0 105 Optional Arthroscopes Product Comparison Chart WWW. DA Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic/operating 4 180 KARL STORZ 28834 AWA. autoclave Liquid. Dyonics. 6 1.COM MODEL WHERE MARKETED FDA CLEARANCE CE MARK (MDD) TYPE Diameter. 90 90-110 Optional 5. 30. FWA. 30. 45. STERRAD.7 107 KARLHEINZ HINZE MEDICASCOPE Standard Arthroscope Worldwide. July 2007 July 2007 April 2004 Not specified 1 year 1 week Not specified 1992 Not specified Sleeves with 1 or 2 fixed or rotatable stopcocks.5.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. mL/min COMPATIBLE LIGHT SOURCES DOCUMENTATION OPTIONS RECOMMENDED REPROCESSING PURCHASE INFORMATION List price Warranty Delivery time. Not specified 1 year 1 week Not specified 1992 Not specified Sleeves with 1 or 2 fixed or rotatable stopcocks. Pilling.5 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified ACMI. CWA. repair/exchange program. Weck. mm Irrigation valves Locking system IRRIGATION FLOW. 70 95. STERRAD. All Rights Reserved 17 . BWA. Wolf. Storz.DEZMED. Zimmer Yes All All Video Video STERIS. ° SLEEVE Outside diameter. Stryker. 110 : 90 Optional 5 : 3. 70. Zimmer Yes ACMI.7 175 : 187 Rod lens 0. 90 90-110 Optional 5.2 Not specified Not specified Rod lens 0. BWA. Storz. EtO. 70.5. Wolf. mm Insertion length with sleeve. Pilling. autolock sheath Not specified Rod lens 0. Stryker. CWA. 2 Bayonet mounting. ARO Number sold Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS LAST UPDATED Supplier Footnotes Model Footnotes Data Footnotes KARL STORZ 28731 AWA.dezmed. Weck. autoclave STERIS. DA Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic/operating 4 180 KARLHEINZ HINZE MEDICASCOPE MicroArthroscope Worldwide. EtO Liquid. except USA No Yes Diagnostic 1. EtO. STERIS. Storz.850 1 year Not specified Not specified 2000 January to December Eyecup or cartridge designs. Linvatec.500-1. mm Irrigation valves Locking system IRRIGATION FLOW. Stryker.COM MODEL WHERE MARKETED FDA CLEARANCE CE MARK (MDD) TYPE Diameter. autoclave. 30 60 Yes 2.000.5 mm Autoclavable Series Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 2. autoclave. STERRAD Glutaraldehyde.5 1 J-lock 600-800 Dyonics. 70 80 Yes 3. Olympus. STERRAD Glutaraldehyde.9 1. mm Insertion length with sleeve. 1. EtO. EtO. 4. 70 105 Yes 5. EtO. 5. 44.5.500-1. Olympus. Stryker. STERRAD Glutaraldehyde. mL/min COMPATIBLE LIGHT SOURCES DOCUMENTATION OPTIONS RECOMMENDED REPROCESSING PURCHASE INFORMATION List price Warranty Delivery time.DEZMED.680 1 year Not specified Not specified 2001 January to December Eyecup or cartridge designs. 30. 70 105 Yes 4. STERIS.410 2 years Not specified Not specified 1992 January to December Eyecup or cartridge designs. EtO. autoclave. others Yes Glutaraldehyde. STERIS. T1400. Olympus. Stryker. 5. August 2005 ©2007 ECRI Institute. Wolf.dezmed. 2 QuickLatch 800-1.2 1. ARO Number sold Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS LAST UPDATED Supplier Footnotes Model Footnotes Data Footnotes 18 LINVATEC 1. Linvatec. autoclave $3. Wolf. All Rights Arthroscopes Product Comparison Chart WWW.700 maximum Dyonics. August 2005 August 2005 August 2005 $3. Storz. others Yes Rod lens 0. mm OPTICS Lens configuration Direction of view.9 65 LINVATEC 2.7.700 maximum Dyonics. STERRAD.9 mm Autoclavable Series Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 1. Wolf.9 mm Series Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 2. 1. 30. . Storz. Olympus.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www.000. $3.9 185 LINVATEC 4 mm Series Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 4 180 Rod lens 0. ° SLEEVE Outside diameter.75 1 Bayonet mounting 600-800 Rod lens 0.895 1 year Not specified Not specified 2000 January to December Eyecup or cartridge designs. Linvatec. Storz. STERIS.5 72 LINVATEC 2. others Yes Dyonics. $3. others Yes Rod lens 0. T1430. Wolf. 2 QuickLatch 800-1. and T1470 couple directly to Cmounted camera head. Stryker. Linvatec. ° Field of view. 30. 30. EtO. 3-5 days Not specified 2001 April to March QuickLock camera connection.S. July 2007 $4. 30.COM Product Comparison Chart MODEL MAHE\RG Medical Arthroscope WHERE MARKETED FDA CLEARANCE CE MARK (MDD) TYPE Diameter. TIFF) Steam autoclaving recommended.S. repair/exchange program.490-2.890 1 year II ©2007 ECRI Institute.690 5-year Goldtip autoclavibility guarantee in U. ° SLEEVE Outside diameter. ARO Number sold Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS 1-4 weeks Not specified Not specified January to December Sleeves with 1 or 2 rotating stopcocks available.DEZMED. Dyonics. Olympus recommended Video and still images (JPEG. July 2007 LAST UPDATED Supplier Footnotes Model Footnotes Data Footnotes OLYMPUS A70960A1 : A70961A1 : A70962A1 Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 2.7 : 4 1. mL/min COMPATIBLE LIGHT SOURCES DOCUMENTATION OPTIONS RECOMMENDED REPROCESSING PURCHASE INFORMATION List price Warranty Delivery time.7 140 OLYMPUS A70963A1 Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 4 : 2.dezmed. repair/exchange program. repair/exchange program. Olympus. TIFF) Steam autoclaving recommended. EtO Video and still images (JPEG.570 5-year Goldtip autoclavibility guarantee in U. 70 85-105 Yes 5. mm Irrigation valves Locking system IRRIGATION Arthroscopes WWW. 3-5 days Not specified 2001 April to March QuickLock camera connection. Wolf Yes All.7 176 : 145 OLYMPUS A70940A1 : A70941A1 : A70942A1 Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 4 140 Rod lens 0. Olympus recommended All. 70 70 Optional Not specified 1. EtO Video and still images (JPEG.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. July 2007 1TrueView 1TrueView 1TrueView Glutaraldehyde.2 Self-locking collar Not specified Rod lens 0. Storz. mm OPTICS Lens configuration Direction of view. 3-5 days Not specified 2001 April to March QuickLock camera connection. TIFF) Steam autoclaving recommended. Olympus recommended All. ° Field of view. 30. All Rights Reserved II Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 2.570 5-year Goldtip autoclavibility guarantee in U. repair/exchange program. EtO $4. 2 Autolock connection 560-700 Rod lens 30 70 Optional Not specified 1. 2 Autolock connection 560-700 ACMI. 70 115 Optional Not specified 1. 2 Autolock connection 560-700 Rod lens 0. mm Insertion length with sleeve. autoclave $1. July 2007 $4.S.7 50 II 19 . 2 Autolock connection 560-700 Fiber telescope 0. $4.9 95 OLYMPUS WA70000A1 : WA70005A1 : WA70010A1 Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 4 140 OLYMPUS WA70015A1 : WA70020A1 : WA70025A1 Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 2. July 2007 $4. All Rights Reserved. mm Irrigation valves Locking system IRRIGATION FLOW. repair/exchange program.7 140 Fiber telescope 0.970 5-year Goldtip autoclavibility guarantee in U.COM Product Comparison Chart MODEL OLYMPUS A7504A1 : A7505A1 OLYMPUS A7506A1 : A7507A1 WHERE MARKETED FDA CLEARANCE CE MARK (MDD) TYPE Diameter. direct camera connection with integrated light guide cable. mL/min COMPATIBLE LIGHT SOURCES DOCUMENTATION OPTIONS RECOMMENDED REPROCESSING PURCHASE INFORMATION List price Warranty Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 1. TIFF) Steam autoclaving recommended.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www.9 45 Delivery time.720 5-year Goldtip autoclavibility guarantee in U. mm OPTICS Lens configuration Direction of view. Olympus recommended Video and still images (JPEG. direct camera connection with integrated light guide cable. July 2007 July 2007 $4. 30 90 Optional Not specified 1.930 5-year Goldtip autoclavibility guarantee in U. EtO Video and still images (JPEG. EtO Video and still images (JPEG. repair/exchange Arthroscopes WWW.S. Olympus recommended All. 3-5 days Not specified 2001 April to March QuickLock camera connection. ° Field of view. Olympus recommended All. TIFF) Steam autoclaving recommended. EtO $4. 3-5 days Not specified 2005 April to March One-hand control. Olympus recommended All. 3-5 days Not specified 2001 April to March QuickLock camera connection. 30 90 Optional Not specified 1. repair/exchange program. ARO Number sold Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS LAST UPDATED Supplier Footnotes Model Footnotes Data Footnotes 20 Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 1. 2 Autolock connection 560-700 Rod lens 0 : 30 : 70 115 Optional Not specified 1. ° SLEEVE Outside diameter.S.970 5-year Goldtip autoclavibility guarantee in U. 2 Autolock connection 560-700 Rod lens 0 : 30 : 70 70 Optional Not specified 1.S.S.DEZMED. EtO Video and still images (JPEG. mm Insertion length with sleeve. repair/exchange program. July 2007 1TrueView 1TrueView 1TrueView Mini 1TrueView Mini ©2007 ECRI Institute. Direct Direct . 2 Autolock connection 560-700 All. 3-5 days Not specified 2005 April to March One-hand control. TIFF) Steam autoclaving recommended. TIFF) Steam autoclaving recommended. Olympus. August 2005 July 2007 July 2007 PURCHASE INFORMATION List price Warranty Delivery time. repair/exchange program. mm Irrigation valves Locking system Worldwide Yes Yes Not specified 4 : 2. cidex Glutaraldehyde. Immediate Not specified Not specified Not specified Uses rod lens system.5 Not specified Self-locking collar IRRIGATION FLOW. Arthroscopes WWW. Wolf. ARO Number sold Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS LAST UPDATED Supplier Footnotes Model Footnotes Data Footnotes 1TrueView Yes Direct ©2007 ECRI Institute. 115 Rod lens 30 70 Optional Not specified 1.690 1 year Not specified 2 years $3.S. July 2007 $1. EtO. ° Field of view.7 Not specified Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 2. 2 Autolock connection Rod lens 0 : 30 : 70 66 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Rod lens 0 : 30 : 70 Not specified Yes 2. Storz. Aesculap. repair/exchange program.7 : 1. autoclave Autoclave.7 mm : 1. EtO Video ACMI.7 : 3.979 1 year Immediate Not specified Not specified Not specified Couplers and adapters are optional. Pilling.dezmed. mL/min COMPATIBLE LIGHT SOURCES 560-700 NA Not specified Panoview Plus 25. All Rights Reserved 21 . Smith & Nephew/Dyonics.DEZMED.2 : 5. mm OPTICS Lens configuration Direction of view. 70 96 Yes 4 1 Self-locking spring-action collar 350 All.930 5-year Goldtip autoclavibility guarantee in U. Storz DOCUMENTATION OPTIONS RECOMMENDED REPROCESSING Video and still images (JPEG.7 100. EtO. ° SLEEVE Outside diameter. 3-5 days Not specified 2005 April to March One-hand control.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. STERIS $4.7 95 PRECISION OPTICS 5132-812 : 5132-814 : 5204-806 Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 4 176 WHERE MARKETED FDA CLEARANCE CE MARK (MDD) TYPE Diameter.COM Product Comparison Chart MODEL OLYMPUS WA70021A1 REMA 4 mm : 2. 4 weeks Not specified Not specified January to December Sleeves with 1 or 2 fixed or rotatable stopcocks. TIFF) Steam autoclaving recommended. mm Insertion length with sleeve.43X Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 2. Olympus recommended Most brands Olympus.490-1. liquid. HSW.7 mm RICHARD WOLF 8476. direct camera connection with integrated light guide cable. Winter. Zimmer Yes EtO. 7 180 RICHARD WOLF 8860. Smith & Nephew/Dyonics. 45. glutaraldehyde. 70 96 Yes 4 1 Self-locking spring-action collar 350 Panoview Plus 5. liquid. Smith & Nephew/Dyonics. glutaraldehyde. Pilling. ° Field of view. mm Insertion length with sleeve. July 2007 ©2007 ECRI Institute. glutaraldehyde.COM MODEL WHERE MARKETED FDA CLEARANCE CE MARK (MDD) TYPE Diameter. glutaraldehyde.4 78 RICHARD WOLF 8880.779 1 year Immediate Not specified Not specified Not specified Uses rod lens system. July 2007 $3. Storz Yes Olympus.5XX Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 4 170 Panoview Plus 0.402 Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 2. STERIS Autoclave. 25. mm OPTICS Lens configuration Direction of view.5 1 Self-locking spring-action collar Not specified Panoview Plus 0. ARO Number sold Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS LAST UPDATED Supplier Footnotes Model Footnotes Data Footnotes 22 RICHARD WOLF 8672. Arthroscopes Product Comparison Chart WWW. 2 Qui-Connect. All Rights Reserved. self-locking spring-action collar Not specified Olympus. 6. Pilling. Smith & Nephew/Dyonics. STERIS $4.DEZMED. Storz Yes Autoclave. 6. EtO.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www.075 1 year Immediate Not specified Not specified Not specified Uses rod lens system. mL/min COMPATIBLE LIGHT SOURCES DOCUMENTATION OPTIONS RECOMMENDED REPROCESSING PURCHASE INFORMATION List price Warranty Delivery time. liquid. Storz Yes Olympus. Smith & Nephew/Dyonics.43X Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 1.195 1 year Immediate Not specified Not specified Not specified Uses rod lens system.8 2 Self-locking spring-action collar Not specified Panoview Plus 25 96 Yes 3. EtO. liquid. STERIS Autoclave.6 1. . 25 96 Yes 2. STERIS Autoclave. July 2007 $4. Storz Yes Olympus.708 1 year Immediate Not specified Not specified Not specified Uses rod lens system. 70 96 Yes 5. liquid.0. mm Irrigation valves Locking system IRRIGATION FLOW.4XX Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 2. 6. 3. 30.9 120 RICHARD WOLF 8871. EtO. EtO.6.dezmed. July 2007 $4.3. ° SLEEVE Outside diameter. Pilling. glutaraldehyde. ARO Number sold Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS LAST UPDATED Supplier Footnotes Model Footnotes Data Footnotes RICHARD WOLF 8882. glutaraldehyde. self-locking spring-action collar Not specified Direct couple 30.3.3. STERIS $3.3. Pilling. ° SLEEVE Outside diameter. EtO Autoclave. 6. EtO.6 2 Qui-Connect. self-locking spring-action collar Not specified Direct couple 30 85 Yes 4 1. Pilling. ° Field of view.0.X73 Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 4 170 RICHARD WOLF 8885.4XX Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 5 180 RICHARD WOLF 8883. 70 100 Yes 5. mL/min COMPATIBLE LIGHT SOURCES DOCUMENTATION OPTIONS RECOMMENDED REPROCESSING PURCHASE INFORMATION List price Warranty Delivery time. 6.310 1 year Immediate Not specified Not specified Not specified Uses rod lens system. Storz Yes Autoclave. July 2007 ©2007 ECRI Institute. 70 115 Yes 5.6 1. Storz Yes Olympus. Pilling. STERIS Autoclave. 6. liquid. EtO Autoclave.0.191 1 year Immediate Not specified Not specified Not specified None specified. 6. Smith & Nephew/ Arthroscopes Product Comparison Chart WWW. EtO. Smith & Nephew/Dyonics. 6. mm OPTICS Lens configuration Direction of view.6 1.4XX Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 4 170 RICHARD WOLF 8883.DEZMED. July 2007 $4. mm Insertion length with sleeve. 6. 6. 2 Qui-Connect. self-locking spring-action collar Not specified Olympus. Smith & Nephew/Dyonics.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. Storz Yes Olympus. 2 Self-locking spring-action collar Not specified Panoview 3 0.COM MODEL WHERE MARKETED FDA CLEARANCE CE MARK (MDD) TYPE Diameter. mm Irrigation valves Locking system IRRIGATION FLOW. liquid. July 2007 $4. 2 Qui-Connect. July 2007 $4.6.947 1 year Immediate Not specified Not specified Not specified Uses rod lens system. All Rights Reserved 23 . Pilling.6. 25. 70 115 Yes 6. Smith & Nephew/Dyonics.191 1 year Immediate Not specified Not specified Not specified None specified. Storz Yes Olympus.dezmed.4XX Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 4 180 Panoview 3 25. Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. July 2007 $3. 30. Weck. Stryker. 4.5 sheath) DOCUMENTATION OPTIONS RECOMMENDED REPROCESSING PURCHASE INFORMATION List price Warranty Delivery time. Weck. ° SLEEVE Outside diameter. 2 J-lock. Wolf. Smith & Nephew. couples directly to camera head.5 1. sapphire distal and proximal windows. Weck. steam $3.5. Olympus. 2 J-lock 250 (4. July 2007 July 2007 July 2007 ©2007 ECRI Institute. All Rights Reserved. Storz 250 (4. 5. Smith & Nephew.174 1 year 24 hr Not specified 2002 Not specified Compatible with autoclavable camera. ° Field of view. 30. 2 J-lock 250 (4. STERIS.9 : 2. ARO Number sold Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS LAST UPDATED Supplier Footnotes Model Footnotes Data Footnotes 24 SMITH & NEPHEW Autoclavable HD VideoArthro 4 mm Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic/operating 4 155 SMITH & NEPHEW Autoclavable VideoArthro 4 Rod lens. STERIS. Smith & Nephew.9. 5. Zimmer Yes ACMI. 4 mm 0.338 1 year 24 hr Not specified 1978 Not specified Interchangeable cannula system. Wolf.5 1.7 : 4 90 : 155 Rod lens. Smith & Nephew. 70 75 : 90 : 115 Optional 2.7 : 4 SMITH & NEPHEW Autoclavable Arthro 2. repair/exchange program. Stryker. Zimmer Yes EtO.5.5 sheath) Rod lens. STERRAD. mm OPTICS Lens configuration Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic/operating 1.5.7 : 4 65 : 90 : 155 Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic/operating 2. STERRAD. sapphire distal and proximal windows 0. Storz.DEZMED. 4. 5. STERRAD EtO. steam EtO. STERIS.5 1.9. Zimmer Yes ACMI.5. STERIS. Olympus. 4.COM Product Comparison Chart MODEL SMITH & NEPHEW Arthroscope 1. Olympus.5 sheath) ACMI. mm Insertion length with sleeve. 70 90 : 115 Yes 2. optimized for use with HD video camera. 3. mL/min COMPATIBLE LIGHT SOURCES 0. 70 90 : 115 Optional Arthroscopes WWW.5 1.500 1 year 24 hr Not specified 2007 Not specified Arthroscope couples directly to camera. 30. 2.dezmed.600 1 year 24 hr Not specified 1994 Not specified Direct view. 4. 2 J-lock 250 (4.5. Wolf. Steam EtO. Zimmer Yes ACMI.7 : 4 WHERE MARKETED FDA CLEARANCE CE MARK (MDD) TYPE Diameter. Storz. Wolf. $4. Stryker. 3. Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic/operating 4 115 30. 4 mm Rod lens.2. stainless steel construction with sapphire distal window. 5. sapphire distal and proximal windows Direction of view.6. Storz.9 : 2. Olympus.9. $4. Stryker. STERRAD. Weck.9. Storz. 70 115 Yes 2.5 sheath) . mm Irrigation valves Locking system IRRIGATION FLOW. 9 : 2.795 1 year 24 hr Not specified 1987 Not specified Arthroscope couples directly to camera. 30. Wolf All common models All common models Yes Not specified Yes EtO.500 1 year 1 day Not specified 1987 April to March Repair in 3 days.9 : 2. mm Irrigation valves Locking system IRRIGATION FLOW.7 :4 Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic/operating 1. All Rights Reserved 25 . 2 J-lock 250 (4. Olympus. STERIS. mm OPTICS Lens configuration Direction of view. autoclavable with renewed warranty.4 69 Rod lens.5.993 2 years Not specified Not specified 1990 January to December None specified. STERIS. Smith & Nephew.946 : $1. autoclave. EtO. steam. EtO. autoclave Glutaraldehyde. sapphire distal window 0 : 30 : 70 105 Yes Not specified 1. ° Field of view. STERRAD.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www.9 73 Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 2. 4 mm Rod lens. mL/min COMPATIBLE LIGHT SOURCES DOCUMENTATION OPTIONS RECOMMENDED REPROCESSING PURCHASE INFORMATION List price Warranty Delivery time.2. no independent coupler needed. stainless steel construction with sapphire distal windows. 3. STERIS. 4. mm Insertion length with sleeve. Storz.052 2 years Not specified Not specified 2005 January to December None specified.2. 3. Wolf. July 2007 $2. $2. Zimmer Yes ACMI.5 1. 70 75 : 90 : 115 Optional 2.7 : 4 75 : 90 : 155 SOLOS ENDOSCOPY AR8400 : AR8430 : AR8470 SOPRO-COMEG 161 191 040 SOPRO-COMEG 161 240 [980 : 982] Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 4 Not specified Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 1.8 (high flow) 1 Standard Not specified ACMI.6. STERRAD.DEZMED. August 2005 July 2007 July 2007 0. ARO Number sold Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS LAST UPDATED Supplier Footnotes Model Footnotes Data Footnotes SMITH & NEPHEW Video Arthroscope 1. autoclave $3. Stryker. 2. Olympus. WA 98-106 Not specified 3. Arthroscopes Product Comparison Chart WWW.5 sheath) ©2007 ECRI Institute. 2 Bayonet mounting Not specified Rod lens Rod lens 0 45 Not specified 2.5 1 Standard Not specified 0 : 30. 5. Storz. STERRAD Glutaraldehyde. Glutaraldehyde. Solos. $1. Stryker.9. ° SLEEVE Outside diameter. EtO.COM MODEL WHERE MARKETED FDA CLEARANCE CE MARK (MDD) TYPE Diameter.dezmed. STERIS. LAST UPDATED Supplier Footnotes Model Footnotes Data Footnotes July 2007 $1. Smith and Nephew. All Rights Reserved. eyepiece scopes. STERRAD.6. STERRAD.701 $4. EtO.5 (high flow) 1.088 : $2. EtO. EtO.0 1. peracetic acid.COM Product Comparison Chart MODEL SOPRO-COMEG 161 271 [770 : 772 : 775] SOPRO-COMEG 161 412 255 STRYKER ENDOSCOPY 342 Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 2. ARO Number sold Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS 2 years Not specified Not specified 1981 January to December None specified. direct-coupled device.922 : $1. WA 98-106 Not specified 4.5 1. STERIS. EtO. 6. 2 Standard Rod lens 70 98-106 Not specified 5. Weck.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. STERIS. Storz.922 : $1. speed lock 200 IRRIGATION FLOW. Stryker. July 2007 26 July 2007 ©2007 ECRI Institute.DEZMED. ° SLEEVE Outside diameter. STERRAD.606 Warranty Delivery time. mm Irrigation valves Locking system Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 4 169 Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 2. STERRAD. 2 Standard Rod lens 0 : 30 : 45 : 70.7 119 SOPRO-COMEG 161 411 [800 : 802 : 803 : 805] Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 4 119 WHERE MARKETED FDA CLEARANCE CE MARK (MDD) TYPE Diameter. Wolf Yes .790 : $ Arthroscopes WWW. 2 Self-locking collar.3 74 Rod lens 0 : 30 : 70. peracetic acid is used in the STERIS SYSTEM 1.dezmed. July 2007 90 days Not specified Not specified 1999 Not specified C-mount. ° Field of view. autoclave Glutaraldehyde. mL/min COMPATIBLE LIGHT SOURCES DOCUMENTATION OPTIONS RECOMMENDED REPROCESSING All common models All common models All common models Yes Yes Not specified Glutaraldehyde.088 $1. autoclave Glutaraldehyde. mm OPTICS Lens configuration Direction of view. autoclave Glutaraldehyde. 2 years Not specified Not specified 2005 January to December None specified. WA 98-106 Not specified 5. ACMI.946 : $2.922 2 years Not specified Not specified 1981 January to December Ready Reserve repair/exchange available. mm Insertion length with sleeve. with anticorrosive chemicals PURCHASE INFORMATION List price $1.6 2 Standard Not specified Not specified Not specified Rod lens 85-120 120 Yes 3. 166 Rod lens 0. speed lock 100. autoclavable. peracetic acid is used in the STERIS SYSTEM 1. 900 ACMI. with anticorrosive chemicals $5. mm Insertion length with sleeve. 4 1.DEZMED. speed lock 200. EtO. 200 Rod lens 0.COM MODEL WHERE MARKETED FDA CLEARANCE CE MARK (MDD) TYPE Diameter. 2 Self-locking collar. mm OPTICS Lens configuration Direction of view. Stryker. Weck. 2. 30.7 65.8. 6. -577 Series Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 4 Arthroscopes Product Comparison Chart WWW. mm Irrigation valves Locking system IRRIGATION FLOW. Smith and Nephew.9. Weck. with anticorrosive chemicals Glutaraldehyde.182-5. 30. 5.Comprehensive of Biomedical Engineering Site (www. mL/min COMPATIBLE LIGHT SOURCES DOCUMENTATION OPTIONS RECOMMENDED REPROCESSING PURCHASE INFORMATION List price Warranty Delivery time. STERRAD. peracetic acid is used in the STERIS SYSTEM 1. 2. 120. 45. All Rights Reserved 27 . ARO Number sold Year first sold Fiscal year OTHER SPECIFICATIONS LAST UPDATED Supplier Footnotes Model Footnotes Data Footnotes STRYKER ENDOSCOPY 502 Series Worldwide Yes Yes Diagnostic 1.8. 500.7. EtO.190 90 days Not specified Not specified 2002 Not specified None specified. autoclave. Stryker. 120 Yes 2. July 2007 ©2007 ECRI Institute.183 90 days Not specified Not specified 1995 Not specified Autoclavable. Smith and Nephew. Storz. peracetic acid.5 1. ° Field of view. Wolf Yes Glutaraldehyde. 70 80. peracetic acid. ° SLEEVE Outside diameter. 70 105 Yes 5. 2 J-lock. Wolf Yes ACMI. 140 STRYKER ENDOSCOPY 502-477.991-5. Storz. 80.dezmed. July 2007 $4.
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