Army Regulation 500–5 - Army Mobilization



Army Regulation 500–5Emergency Deployment of Army and Other Resources Army Mobilization Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 7 June 96 UNCLASSIFIED and maintaining the Unit Deployment Designator System (UDDS) (para 4a(5). 4c(2)). o Adds conducting mobilization in a predetermined systematic manner to the objectives paragraph (para 6b). o Adds responsibility for developing. U. o Expands the listing of required and related publications (App A). 13). o Adds specific mobilization responsibilities for the CG. o Adds section on Unit Deployment Designator System (UDDS) (new section III). U. .S.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) (para 4d). o Adds specific mobilization responsibilities for the CG.SUMMARY of CHANGE AR 500–5 Army Mobilization This revision-o Changes the title from The Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System (AMOPES) to Army Mobilization. o Deletes references to specified commands throughout the regulation. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) (para 4e). publishing. o Changes the number of copies of mobilization plans required for review from one to two (para 4f(9). page 3 (Listed by paragraph and page number) Section I General. to a division chief within the proponent agency in the grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent. page 2 Unit Deployment Designator System • 7. page 3 *This regulation supersedes AR 500-5. page 2 Mobilization Action Officer Review (MAOR) • 8. page 1 Appendix A. 400 Army Pentagon. page 1 References • 2. D for Army National Guard. page 2 Glossary Index Section III Formal Reviews. DC 7 June 96 Effective 7 July 96 Emergency Deployment of Army and Other Resources Army Mobilization History. This regulation provides policy and guidance for implementing the Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System (AMOPES). It also sets forth responsibilities to establish. page 3 General Officer Mobilization Review (GOMR) • 10. Army management control process. Supplementation.S. AR 500–5 • 7 June 96 UNCLASSIFIED i . Army Reserve. ODCSOPS (DAMO-ODM). page 2 Army Mobilization Review (AMR) • 9. page 5 Section II The Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System (AMOPES).Active Army. ODCSOPS (DAMO-ODM). Because the publication has been extensively revised. The proponent of this regulation is the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans (DCSOPS). Following a review of guidance in AR 11-2. page 1 Purpose • 1. and Department of the Army civilians.*Army Regulation 500–5 Headquarters Department of the Army Washington. page 1 Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 3. Users are encouraged to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications) directly to HQDA. in writing. This regulation applies to all components of America’s Army -. Proponent and exception authority. page 2 Objectives • 6. dated 6 August 1986. intended for command levels E for Active Army. 400 ARMY PENTAGON. Users will destroy interim changes on their expiration dates unless sooner superseded or rescinded. and U. Army Reserve (USAR). Distribution of this regulation is made in accordance with initial distribution number (IDN) 092196. The proponent may delegate the approval authority. page 3 Required Mobilization Files • 12. WASH DC 203100440. Summary. page 3 The Army Mobilization Plan (AMP) • 13. page 1 Responsibilities • 4. page 1 Concept • 5. Supplementation of the regulation and the establishment of forms other than DA forms are prohibited without prior approval from HQDA. Management Controls. This printing publishes a revision of this publication. Army National Guard (ARNG)/Army National Guard of the United States (ARNGUS). page 3 Required Mobilization Plans • 11.S. U. Applicability. Suggested Improvements. Washington DC 20310-0440. Distribution. and maintain mobilization and operational plans for approved operation plans and contingency operations. It provides guidance establishing the priority for mobilization of Army Reserve Component units through the Unit Deployment Designator Contents System (UDDS). it is determined that this regulation does not contain a management control provision. Interim changes to this regulation are not official unless they are authenticated by the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army. the changed portions have not been highlighted. publish. Reference. The proponent has the authority to approve exceptions to this regulation that are consistent with controlling law and regulation. Section IV Required Mobilization Plans and Files. Interim changes. RESERVED ii AR 500–5 • 7 June 96 . to standardize CONUS-wide policies and procedures for mobilizing. implementing. (2) Act as the primary DA executing agent for development. Army (EUSA). as required. and other relevant decisions authenticated by appropriate authority. Army objectives. (1) Develop Army mobilization and operations policy and guidance. and Commanders. and action officer level representation at Mobilization Action Officer Reviews. U.S. demobilization. Commanding General. upon deployment. redeployment. (5) Ensure adequate allocation of resources for unit/individual training and full-time support to respective ARSTAF reserve units in terms of manpower and equipment. (4) Provide assistance to FORSCOM with unit mobilization. skill assessment and training of Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) personnel. and upon request.S. f. to respective staff support agencies (SSAs) or field operating agencies (FOAs) on mobilization. (4) Develop. Army Forces Command (CG FORSCOM) will-(1) Act as the primary DA executing agent within CONUS for unit mobilization. colonel level representation at Army Mobilization Reviews. distribute and maintain AMOPES. AMOPES will be updated biennially. (3) Provide follow-on personnel and equipment to sustain RCSOF units and individuals provided to the supported CINC. Army Europe (USAREUR). Prinicipal Officials of Headquarters. (5) Develop. deploying. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). publish. and for accomplishment of wartime and other assigned missions. Purpose This regulation prescribes responsibilities and provides guidance for developing. as a minimum. No forms have been prescribed in this publication. (5) Develop and maintain TEMOPES as part of AMOPES. (2) Develop a system for identifying the priority for mobilization of Army Reserve Component (RC) units. References Required and related publications are listed in appendix A. Total Army Personnel Command (PERSCOM). redeployment demobilization and reconstitution related matters. Office of the Chief. and maintain the UDDS. Army component of CENTCOM and U. Army Pacific (USARPAC). Review and approve mobilization plans of respective SSAs and FOAs. (7) Provide general officer (or civilian equivalent) representation at periodic General Officer Mobilization Reviews. equipping. Commanding General. Utilize UDDS in contingency planning. as appropriate. Operations. to include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.S. redeployment. training. (10) Update. Also responsible for demobilization operations when CRCs are converted to CONUS Demobilization Centers. commensurate with DA guidance. e. U. and deployment of CONUS based RCSOF. U. Programming. Major Army Commands (MACOMs)/Army components of unified commands will-(1) Assist HQDA in developing and maintaining AMOPES and UDDS. Responsible for establishing and operating CRC. (8) Serve as the executive secretary for mobilization reviews. Army Reserve (OCAR). Responsibilities a. (3) Disseminate additional guidance. (2) Perform mobilization. validation. (6) Coordinate the structure and content of AMOPES with ARSTAF agencies. when required. (6) Identify the command level at which RC combat units would. (7) Review and approve mobilization and operation plans of MACOMs and Army components of unified commands. and maintaining the Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System (AMOPES). which receive and prepare individual replacements and filler personnel for onward movement. publish. demobilizing and reconstituting CONUS based Army forces in support of approved military operations.S. 2.S. U. TRADOC) will-(1) Act as HQDA executing agent for CONUS Replacement Center (CRC) operations. (2) Coordinate processing. through established Planning. consistent with the UDDS. exercising. Army Training and Doctrine Command (CG. U. b. Task these elements to prepare appropriate portions of AMOPES. demobilization and reconstitution through the use of TRADOC mobilization stations. Budgeting and Execution System (PPBES) procedures. U. deployment. Readiness and Mobilization Directorate (DAMOOD) will serve as the functional proponent. not later than 45 days after the publication of Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP). Explanation of abbreviations and terms Abbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are explained in the glossary. U. where appropriate. (5) In addition. deployment and a demobilization of all RC SOF units for accomplishment of wartime and other assigned missions.S. (3) Direct the call-up or mobilization of RC forces and prepare them for deployment. operational and reconstitution planning and programming activities within appropriate functional areas. within the policy and guidance established by DA. be integrated with active forces. c. and reconstitution planning and execution. (4) Coordinate matters pertaining to Reserve Component (RC) units or individuals with the National Guard Bureau (NGB). Department of the Army will-(1) Assist DCSOPS in developing and maintaining those portions of AMOPES pertaining to respective ARSTAF functional areas. U. deployment. major Army commands (MACOMs) and Army components of unified commands. (4) Develop the FORSCOM Mobilization and Deployment Planning System (FORMDEPS).S. USASOC) will-(1) Be responsible for the alert notification of US Army Reserve Component Special Operations Forces (RCSOF) units. AR 500–5 • 7 June 96 1 . Commanding General.Section I General 1. redeploying. d. redeployment and demobilization. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM).S. publication and maintenance of UDDS. provide copies of these plans to ODCSOPS (DAMO-ODM). Army Special Operations Command (USASOC). Use UDDS to group units according to the timing of deployment after mobilization. Section II The Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System (AMOPES) 4. (2) Coordinate with FORSCOM during the mobilization process for sustainment. comply with paragraph 6 below.S. Army Special Operations Command (CG. Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans (DCSOPS) will&emdash. deployment. for mobilization. General Officer Mobilization Review decisions. (3) Prepare Army forces (minus Special Operations Forces and some other specific units) in CONUS. Also responsible for mobilization.S. deployment. It provides guidance establishing training criteria of Army Reserve Component for mobilization through the Unit Deployment Designator System (UDDS). 3. publish and distribute AMOPES. (9) Ensure that AMOPES guidance and procedures comply with Department of Defense (DoD) and Joint Staff guidance. (3) Establish procedures for rapid expansion of the training base infrastructure to provide trained manpower to support contingency operations. Eighth U. as required. upon request. The MAOR will provide action officers a forum in which to discuss. ODCSOPS (DAMO-ODM). The composition of the MAOR will include. demobilization and reconstitution of Army forces. sustainment. Unit Deployment Designator System The UDDS is an umbrella system that integrates DoD policy guidance. and DAMO-TRR) (10) Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel . b.OCAR . survival. It also documents detailed policy and guidance for crisis response.OTJAG AR 500–5 • 7 June 96 .DISC4 . dissemination. and planning assumptions for the functional areas of training. Presidential Selected Reserve Call-up (PSRC). UDDS plays a very important role in OPLANs approved by the Chairman. (5) Perform mobilization training. Composition. Financial Management and Comptroller . exercises. exercise. AMOPES Annex C (Operations) and AR 700-140. AMOPES also performs the following functions: (1) It provides the procedures and guidance necessary to plan and execute Army support to contingency operations and approved operation plans. Logistics and Environment .DCSPER . readiness. the Joint Operations Planning and Execution System (JOPES).ASA(FM&C)-(SAFM-BUC-E) (2) Assistant Secretary of the Army. USARPAC. Army Reserve . redeployment. (2) It consolidates Army policies. OCAR.(DAMO-ODM.(DAPE-MO) (11) Office of the Judge Advocate General . Installations. procedures. and the DOD Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) and is in concert with FM 100-17. The MAOR may make recommendations on topics to be considered by the Army Mobilization Review (AMR). to subordinate elements. Concept a. USASOC and EUSA will use FORMDEPS as a guide and will coordinate their mobilization plans with FORSCOM (HQDA’s executing agent for mobilization). redeployment. DAMO-ODO. In the event of a global threat. deploy. demobilization and reconstitution related guidance and instructions. It clarifies the amount of post-mobilization training time programmed for respective RC units. partial. full.(SAIS-PPP) (6) National Guard Bureau . mobilization. b. coordination. DAMO-SSW. deployment. 5. Purpose. This policy and guidance is provided both for operations without the involuntary call-up of reserve forces and for operations requiring involuntary call-up/mobilization. AR 11-30 . b. with the training doctrine and readiness criteria essential to the integration of Army Reserve Component with Active Component for contingencies. and during reconstitution of forces.(DAAR-OP) (8) Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics . expanded capabilities through the various levels of mobilization (PSRC. (3) It documents planning and execution policy and guidance in OPLAN format. It helps prioritize unit training requirements following mobilization. and matters pertaining to RC units or individuals with NGB. action officer representation at Mobilization Action Officer Reviews. as a minimum. employment.DCSLOG . AR 500-5. DAMO-ODP. and total mobilization.(DALO-PLP) (9) Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations -DCSOPS . partial. accurate mobilization dates and post-mobilization training with respect to Army RC units. and total mobilization). provide command and control of assigned or attached RC units when activated. AMOPES provides a source document for issuing policies. to improve Army capability to mobilize and deploy its forces. d.ASA(RDA)-(SARD-ZR). USAREUR. (9) Provide two copies of the command’s mobilization plan to HQDA. it provides policy and guidance for total mobilization in a concept form. (6) Coordinate training. redeployment. and reconstitution related issues. and recommend courses of action on the issues identified.ASA (IL&E) (5) Director of Information Systems for Command.(2) Assist HQDA in programming funds by ensuring that mobilization issues are appropriately addressed in the MACOM Program Objective Memorandum (POM) submissions during the PPBES process. Research Development and Acquisition . guidance. 6. full. the Department of Defense (DOD) Master Mobilization Plan (MMP). and conduct programming activities within respective mission areas and areas of responsibility. DCSOPS. AMOPES provides a framework for mobilization and operations planning and execution.ASA (M&RA) (3) Assistant Secretary of the Army. deployment. recovery 2 and reconstitution of the Army. and. Memorandums of Understanding with FORSCOM will be initiated. procedures and plans in terms of development. DAMO-ODR. FORSCOM. mobilization. Objectives a.that is. (3) As appropriate. exercise mobilization planning. Approve mobilization plans of subordinate units and installations. for execution of mobilization. Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS). (4) Use policy and procedures as specified by FORSCOM in FORMDEPS in developing plans to mobilize. deployment. using functional annexes and appendices. MOSO-ODF. demobilization and reconstitution functions. (c) To ensure the Army has a forum for periodic mobilization reviews to focus and where possible. (4) Assistant Secretary of the Army. To ensure the Army establishes and executes mobilization of reserve component units in a predetermined systematic manner. (8) Provide general officer (or civilian equivalent) representation at periodic General Officer Mobilization Reviews. or other issues approved by HQDA. In general. the principal mobilization officers of the following DA offices: (1) Assistant Secretary of the Army. c. To ensure the Army plans and executes actions necessary to provide the forces and resources to meet requirements of the combatant commanders. where appropriate. These requirements may stem from contingency operations or approved operation plans under pre-mobilization and post-mobilization conditions. Plans will include consideration of each level of mobilization -. evaluate. Furthermore. ATTN: DAMO-ODM for review not later than 120 days following publication of AMOPES. A meeting of DA mobilization action officers will be scheduled as needed to address mobilization. deployment.NGB . demobilization. redeploy. and appropriate MACOMs/Army component commands. Communications and Computers . Mobilization Action Officer Review (MAOR) a. about unit availability. These reviews guide continued development and improvement of AMOPES and UDDS. DA Master Priority List (DAMPL). Manpower and Reserve Affairs . Section III Formal Reviews 8. from the Bottom-Up-Review (BUR) and the strategy objectives in the JSCP.(NGB-ARO) (7) Office of the Chief. and during peacetime where applicable. redeployment. AR 220-1. AMOPES supports joint military capabilities and operations planning under the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP). colonel level representation at periodic Army Mobilization Reviews. FM 100-22 and FM 100-23. using current capabilities (operations without mobilization). demobilize and reconstitute assigned or attached Army forces for approved operation plans and contingency operations. review and approval of mobilization plans. demobilization. (7) Provide additional training. to include exercise participation. Control. it assists in ensuring that regional OPLANS are anchored to valid alignments and assumptions (as provided under Title XI). It assists in the peacetime allocation of scarce resources. 7. FM 100-19. expansion of forces beyond the approved force structure. training. Army South -. HQDA.FORSCOM. The GOMR is scheduled at the direction of the VCSA. Army Reserve -.S.DACS-DPZA. Control.OCCH. Washington DC 20310-0440.ODISC4.ACSIM . (g) Office of the Chief of Chaplains -. Volume I (HQDA Mobilization Plan -.USAISC. (h) Office of the Chief of Engineers -. demobilization. The Director for Operations. Army. 1. as well as for other issues approved by the Vice Chief of Staff. Composition. (q) Office of The Surgeon General -. Readiness and Mobilization (DAMO-OD). 13. (12) U. (m) Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans -. (i) Office of the Chief of Public Affairs -. A periodic AMR will address Army mobilization.ARPERCEN. Plans and Policy --DAMO-SS. Representatives from all other Army Staff agencies.USASOC. The GOMR acts as a problem-solving body that makes recommendations to the Army leadership. (6) Staff support agencies and field operating agencies as directed by the principal DA official responsible for the agency. (4) U. Readiness and Mobilization -.DAMO-TR.OASA (IL&E). Strategy. Required Mobilization Files Mobilization files. Two copies each of these plans will be forwarded to HQDA.(12) Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management . Army Forces Command -. FORSCOM or the commanders of EUSA.MDW. in place of plans.USARSO. (c) Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs -. (17) U.OASA (M&RA). (f) Office of Chief. ODCSOPS. HQDA. (p) Office of The Inspector General -. (j) Office of the Chief of Staff. (l) Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics -ODCSLOG. The Army Mobilization Plan (AMP) The AMP is a collection of the following individually published mobilization plans of the MACOMs.MEDCOM. Army Materiel Command -. for inclusion in the AMP: a.OTJAG. Army Reserve Personnel Center -. Army components of unifiedcommands.S. Director. 2. General Officer Mobilization Review (GOMR) a.ACSIM. Composition. ODCSOPS. The GOMR is chaired by the VCSA.USARSPACE.OASA (FM & C). (d) Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army(Research. the Director of the Army Staff (DAS) serves as the alternate chairman. (o) Office of the Director of Information Systems for Command.AMC.S.OCE. 3. (13) Military Traffic Management Command --MTMC. exercises or crises and may be identified by DoD. Pacific -. or his designated representative. Total Army Personnel Command -. Army Intelligence and Security Command --INSCOM. Army National Guard -. (16) U. (15) U. (11) U. demobilization. (9) U.S. MACOMs. and reconstitution related issues.DAMO-FD. (5) U.DAMP) Proponent: DACS-DM AR 500–5 • 7 June 96 3 . USASOC. Army (VCSA). normally reviewed by the AMR.(DAC-IM) c. in accordance with guidance contained in the basic plan and annexes of the Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System (AMOPES): (1) MACOMs. and other designated Army elements. or USARPAC as appropriate. Army Corps of Engineers -. HQDA. Army Information Systems Command -. 4. Department of the Army (DA): (a) Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) -. (19) U. (2) Army components of unified commands. may originate as the result of peacetime activities.OCSA. (4) Coordinating installations.S. Army Military District of Washington -. Director.S.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command -. 9. and other Army elements as indicated by HQDA.ODCSOPS.S. Army -. or civilian equivalent.DAMOOD.OCPA. Army Special Operations Command -. (18) U. Program Analysis and Evaluation Directorate -. Army -. (3) Mobilization stations. b. Logistics and Environment) -. ODCSOPS will coordinate and chair MAOR meetings. Army Mobilization Review (AMR) a. Mobilization Division (DAMO-ODM). It also provides guidance. and Army components of unified commands as listed below: (1) Headquarters.S. (r) Office of The Judge Advocate General -. HQDA. as designated in AR 5-9. The issues.USACE. Communications. Required Mobilization Plans a. Army components of unified commands. MACOMs or Army components of unified commands. Army Criminal Investigation Command -. (10) U. ADCSOPS. ATTN: DAMO-ODM for review prior to publication. to include deployment. (e) Office of the Chief. 12. Chief.CIDC. Training -. The latter commanders will use FORSCOM guidance in the development of mobilization files. For mobilization planning and managment refer to AR 690-11.OASA (RDA). (6) U.USARPAC. (7) U.S. b.OTIG. 10.DACS-SF.DARNG. as designated in AR 5-9. (5) Support installations. c. Force Development -.S. Army Europe -.S. will be maintained as determined by the Commander.DACS-DMZ. b.EUSA. USAREUR. The GOMR consists of general officer representatives. Each of the following commands/activities will prepare mobilization plans. The AMR will identify problems within the purview of its charter and will provide recommended courses of action to the General Officer Mobilization Review.OCAR. and Computers -. Development and Acquisition) -. 3.S. ODCSOPS. will be submitted to. (14) U. Purpose. Readiness and Mobilization. MACOMs and Army components of unified commands may attend and participate in scheduled MAOR meetings. deployment.S. Additional mobilization plans may be developed to meet unique requirements or as desired by the command or agency. Purpose. The AMR is a council of colonels chaired by the Deputy Director of Operations. (b) Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations.S. Mobilization plans of MACOMs. (3) U. 1. 400 Army Pentagon. deployment. National Guard Bureau: Director. (n) Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel -ODCSPER. (2) Eighth U.USAREUR. Management Directorate -. U. ATTN: DAMO-ODM.S. Operations.S.S. redeployment and demobilization related issues. Army Safety Office -. 2. (s) Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management -. for the resolution of mobilization. U. and reconstitution actions when appropriate. redeployment. Army Medical Command -. Readiness and Mobilization serves as the host. Section IV Required Mobilization Plans and Files 11.PERSCOM. as appropriate. Army Space Command -. (8) U. Joint Staff.OTSG.S. as well as other issues approved by the Director of Operations.TRADOC. as listed in paragraph 11a (Commands and activities preparing mobilization plans throughout the Army). from DA and its agencies. Director. (k) Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence -ODCSINT. The AMR consists of colonel-level (or civilian equivalent) representatives from DA. redeployment. Operations Planning and Execution System) Proponent: USACIDC n. Volume XIV (ARPERCEN Mobilization Plan) Proponent: ARPERCEN o. Volume VIII (MEDCOM Mobilization Planning System-MEDCOMMPS) Proponent: MEDCOM i. Volume V (AMC Mobilization Operations Planning and Execution Plan -. Volume XI (USASOC Army Special Operations Planning and Execution System -. Volume XII (USAREUR Mobilization Plan) Proponent: USAREUR m. Volume XIX (USARSPACE Mobilization Plan) Proponent: USARSPACE 4 AR 500–5 • 7 June 96 . Volume IV (MTMC Mobilization Plan) Proponent: MTMC e. Volume III (TRADOC Mobilization Operations Planning and Execution System --TMOPES) Proponent: TRADOC d. Volume XVII (EUSA Mobilization Plan) Proponent: EUSA 18.FORMDEPS) Proponent: FORSCOM c. Volume XVI (MDW Mobilization Plan) Proponent: MDW 17.ASOP) Proponent: USASOC l. Volume XVIII (USARSO Mobilization Plan) Proponent: USARSO 19. Volume II (FORSCOM Mobilization and Deployment Planning System -. Volume VII (INSCOM Mobilization Plan) Proponent: INSCOM h.AMCMOPES) Proponent: AMC f. Volume X (Corps of Engineers Mobilization. Operations Planning and Execution System-CEMO) Proponent: USACE k. Volume VI (USAISC Mobilization Plan) Proponent: USAISC g.b. Volume XIII (USACIDC Mobilization. Volume XV (PERSCOM Mobilization Plan) Proponent: USTAPC p. Volume IX (USARPAC Mobilization Plan) Proponent: USARPAC j. Washington DC 20318-0200.) FM 100–23 Peace Operations. published by the Office of Joint Chiefs of Staff. Washington DC.11A Mobility Supplement to the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP).36 Assignment of Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities to Department of Defense Components.36P DOD Master Mobilization Plan. JCS 4–05 Mobilization. WASH DC 203180200. Washington DC. Deployment.) AR 690–11 Mobilization Planning and Managment. Redeployment and Demobilization. (Cited in para 5c.6 Equipping the Reserve Forces. DODD 3020. DODD 3020. AR 500–5 • 7 June 96 5 . (Cited in para 5c.) FM 100–19 Domestic Support Operations.) Section II Related Publications CS 5–03. Section III Prescribed Forms This section contains no entries. published by the Office of Joint Chiefs of Staff. WASH DC 20318-0200. published by the Office of Joint Chiefs of Staff.) FM 100–22 Installation Management. published by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Publications). published by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Publications). (Cited in para 11a. CJCSI 3110. Section IV Referenced Forms This section contains no entries.) FM 100–17 Mobilization. (Cited in para 11c. (Cited in para 5c. Washington DC. published by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Publications). DODD 1225.Appendix A Reference Section I Required Publications AR 5–9 Intraservice Support Installation Area Coordination. Volume I through V Joint Operations Planning and Execution System (JOPES). (Cited in para 5c. National Guard Bureau CONUS Continental United States DA Headquarters. Army Materiel Command AMC MOPES U.S.S. Army Materiel Command Mobilization Planning and Execution System AMOPES Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System AMP Army Mobilization Plan AMR Army Mobilization Review ARAP Army Remedial Action Program ARNG Army National Guard ARNGUS Army National Guard of the United States ARPERCEN U. Army Special Operations Command MEDCOM U. Army South MAOR Mobilization Action Officer Review USARCSOF U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command 6 USACE U. Army Pacific MACOM Major Army command USARSO U. Army Criminal Investigative Command USAISC U. Army Reserve OTJAG Office of the Judge Advocate General PERSCOM U. or both) SSA staff support agency EUSA Eighth U.S.S. Army Medical Command USARSPACE U.S.S.S. Army Europe JSCP Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan USARPAC U. Army Information Systems Command USAR U. Section III Special Abbreviations and Terms This section contains no entries. Army Intelligence and Security Command JCS Joint Chief of Staff UDDS Unit Deployment Designator System USACIDC U. Army Space Command MMP DOD Master Mobilization Plan WWMCCS Worldwide Military Command and Control System MTMC Military Traffic Management Command NGB National Guard Bureau OCAR Office of the Chief.S. Army Reserve USARC U. Army TMOPES TRADOC Mobilization Operations Planning and Execution System FOA Field Operating Agency TRADOC U.S. Total Army Personnel Command PSRC Presidential Selected Reserve Call-up RC Reserve Component (including ARNGUS and USAR. Army Corps of Engineers AR 500–5 • 7 June 96 Section II Terms This section contains no entries. ?? .S. Army Reserve Command JOPES Joint Operations Planning and Execution System USAREUR U.Glossary Section I Abbreviations ADCSOPS Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans AMC U. Army Reserve Component Special Operations Forces MDW U.S.S. Department of the Army DAMPL Department of the Army Master Priority List DAMP Department of Army Mobilization Plan DCSOPS Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans DoD Department of Defense DPG Defense Planning Guidance FORMDEPS Forces Command Mobilization and Deployment Planning System GOMR General Officer Mobilization Review DAMP HQDA Mobilization Plan INSCOM U.S.S.S. Army Military District of Washington USASOC U.S. Army Reserve Personnel Center ARSTAF Army Staff agency/agencies CNGB Chief.S.S.S. see Mobilization Action Officers Review National Guard Bureau (NGB). 4a(1) Publication. 5d(3). 5 Executing Agent. 4e(4). 13 Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System (AMOPES). 4f(6). 10b. 4e(1. 5d(2). Army Reserve (CAR) (see OCAR)Demobilization. 4a(9). 10a. 10b(1e) U. 4a(5). 4b(6) Concept. 11a(2).4d(1). 4d(2).3). 8a. see General Officers Mobilization Review MAOR. 10b Purpose. 4c(1) Objectives. 4b(4). 12. 4f(8). 5c Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP). 5c Major Army Commands (MACOMs). 4b(4). 9a. 9b. Unit Deployment Designator System (UDDS). 4a(10) Responsibilities. 4b(3). 8a. Topics and subtopics are identified by paragraph number. 9a.13 U. 10b(5). 13 Army Mobilization Review (AMR). 10b(17).4).S. 4f(4. Section VI. 12a(6) FORSCOM. 10a Joint Operations Planning and Execution System (JOPES). 4b(7). 4f(4. 4f(8). 5b.10a. 4b(7). 9 Chief. 4a(6 & 7).11b. 8b(6) Office of the Chief. 4a(6). 12. Sections V & VI Mobilization Reviews: AMR. 6c. 1. 4f(4. 4b(4). 4b(4). 8b Purpose. 13 FORSCOM Mobilization and Deployment Planning System (FORMDEPS). 4a(10). 10b(10). 4f(6).6). 4f(4).13 U. 4f Mobilization Action Officers Review (MAOR). 7 Army Components of Unified Commands. 8a Mobilization Files.7). 4c(1. Army Reserve (OCAR). Section II Concept. 10 Composition. 12. 13 AR 500–5 • 7 June 96 7 . 4f(4). 5c Field Operating Agency (FOA).5). Army Europe (USAREUR). 4d. 6 Proponent. 4b(4). 8 Composition. 11c. 5c. 4b(4).S. and 11a Defense Planning Guidance (DPG). 4 Army Mobilization Plan. see Army Mobilization Review GOMR. 4f(4).Index This index is organized alphabetically by topic and subtopic. 13 General Officer Mobilization Review (GOMR). 4b(3).S. 8b(12). 5c DOD Master Mobilization Plan (MMP). 4f(4). 4c(4). Army Special Operations Command (USASOC). 4c. 4f. 12 Mobilization Plans. 4b(3). Army Pacific (USARPAC). 11. 12. 8b(7). UNCLASSIFIED PIN 049627–000 . Version 2...USAPA ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING SYSTEM TEXT FORMATTER .45 PIN: DATE: TIME: PAGES SET: 049627–000 08-13-98 14:36:21 11 DATA FILE: DOCUMENT: DOC STATUS: e15.fil AR 500–5 NEW PUBLICATION .
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