Arma 3 Editor Guide

March 25, 2018 | Author: aaronsmith812732 | Category: Technology, Computing, Software, Computing And Information Technology



sproyd's Simple Arma 3 Editor Guide v0.7 Introduction Hi, I'm sproyd. Welcome to my simple Arma 3 Editor Guide. This guide is designed to teach you how to use the Arma 3 editor from scratch to create your own missions and scenarios and get your ideas from your head into the game. It is written in plain English and assuming no prior knowledge of editing although you should have a good ase level of skill in playing Arma. This guide is designed to e read from start to finish and should ring you up to a asic level of skill in the Arma 3 Editor. A little a out me ! I am y no means an editor guru, in fact my first foray into Arma missions was in Arma 3. I don't have a ackground in coding or game design ut I am a huge gamer and Arma fan and I hope that this guide will introduce you to the wonderful world that awaits you in the Arma 3 Editor. What Can I Do The Arma 3 editor is pro a ly one of the most powerful editors in the gaming world. This isn't a cookie!cutter editor with only a few customi"ation options ! you can create everything from asic #ingle $layer or %o!&p missions to huge 'ultiplayer wars or entirely new game modes( This guide will focus on how to create fairly asic missions with functional )riefings, *ynamic Tasks, +in conditions, ,ose conditions and more. A!!reviations "sed in #his Guide A##$W - At the time of writing .this is important as Arma 3 ATT&+ is in )eta phase and there will e a lot of changes to the game as it goes through development and final release. I will try and keep this up to date as est I can, so check ack online to make sure you have the latest version of the /uide0 %IS - )ohemia Interactive #tudios .the developers of Arma0 A3 - Arma 3 .all versions0 A& - Arma 1 $A - Arma 12 &peration Arrowhead ! a standalone e3pansion for A1 D'C - *ownloada le %ontent .e3pansion packs0 Editor - Arma 3 Editor Guide - sproyd's #imple Arma 3 Editor /uide S( - #ingle $layer )( - 'ultiplayer Co*$p - %o!&perative .'$ with friends playing together against the AI0 A$ - Area of &perations #$D - Time &f *ay Gettin+ Started 4. %uy Arma 3. ATT&+ you can uy A3 from either #team or from )I# directly at their online store. 5ersions ought from )I# will still need to e activated in #team for download. There are three now two versions of A3, all include the ase game in its varying phases of development and access to the full game upon release. Here is what you are getting for each version. a. Arma 3 %eta The cheapest option, includes everything you need to start playing A3. . Arma 3 Di+ital Delu,e Edition The mid!tier option. Includes .a0, some digital goodies including maps, soundtrack and a tactical guide as well as Arma 2 %old +ar Assault. c. Arma 3 Supporter Edition no lon+er availa!le The most e3pensive version included all of .a0 and . 0, Arma 6 ! which is pretty much every previous Arma game including A1, &A and *,% ! and access to future unannounced A3 *,%. 7ou could also get a )I# 8orum adge and early purchasers got their names in the A3 credits. 1. 'aunch A3 in Steam. There are a num er of things you can do pre!launch to optimise your e3perience. I won't go into detail here ut I'll point you in the right direction if you want to google it. 7ou can9 a0 %ustomise launch parameters to make the game oot faster or optimise hardware detection. 0 &pt!in to the developer's uild which includes fre:uent updates and roll!out of e3perimental features at the e3pense of sta ility. c0 &ptimise your hardware. A3 is %$;!heavy so many users overclock their %$; to oost in!game performance. 3. 'aunch the Editor. %lick Editor in the 'ain 'enu. <. Choose a )ap and clic- Continue. ATT&+ the only map .A=A an island0 availa le in A3 is Stratis. This is the map we will e using for the purposes of this guide. However, thanks to A3's iterative engine, it is possi le to play A1, &A and user created maps in A3 with almost no glitches. >efer to the )I# 8orums for guides on that. ?. Chan+e to #raditional 'ayout. 7ou should now e in the Editor, viewing a map of #tratis. The default A3 editor layout is a new layout called '#treamlined'. +e are going to change this to the 'Traditional' layout which I think is more user!friendly. %lick the utton indicated elow. @ow click Traditional, then &=. 7ou will need to restart the Editor, although ne3t time you launch the Editor it should default to Traditional layout. A. #a*Da. /ou are no0 ready to create. #he main Editor (anel. the Arro0s allow you to merge two missions together and the Chec-er %oard toggles etween topographical . *on't worry a out the rest of the icons you won't need them for now. you can edit Advanced Intel which allows you to customise the name of the 'ission. the second 1loppy Dis. 7ou will e a le to see all of the units. triggers and modules that you have placed.recommended0 and satellite view. The (revie0 %utton will appear here once you have placed a $layer unit ! this lets you Bump into the game to check things out ! and the %ontinue utton will appear once you have clicked $review once . Here is the visual representation of your mission. #he icons in the top left should look familiar ! from left to right9 The 4e0 (a+e icon opens a fresh 'ission. the 1loppy Dis. waypoints. #he )ap. the date and highly detailed weather adBustments and you can select the various editing modes. 4. . 1.useful for templates0. you can also use the 15 to 17 -eys on your key oard to select these modes. Here you can :uick!edit the Weather and #$D.although I recommend not using %ontinue to ensure any changes you make have a chance to reload0. the 1older icon opens an e3isting 'ission you are working on. 3. Alternatively. Thankfully. Here is a small section of a mission I have made to give you an idea of what it will look like when +I$.ayout that you will e working with. 'arkers are only visi le in the Editor when in 'arkers mode which helps to reduce clutter.1amiliari2in+ /oursel3 0ith the 'ayout There are 3 key areas of the . As you can imagine it can get :uite messy so it is important to try and keep things as clean as possi le.icon saves your current 'ission.icon is 'save as' which allows you to save a version of your current 'ission without overwriting the main 'ission . et's give it a's place a solitary man in the middle of the runway at the large airfield on the +est of the island. then hover over where you want to create a duplicate unit and press Ctrl . .mousescroll or numpad DE!0 and dou le click. 7ou can also open an e3isting unit's dialog o3 for editing y dou le clicking on that unit in the Editor. Ignore this for now and Bust click &=.(lacin+ and Editin+ "nits @ow time for the fun part(( $lacing units in the Editor is very easy. simply hold do0n Shi3t and then click the unit. To Delete a unit hover your cursor over the unit and press the Delete -ey. . #o place a unit8 you simply dou!le clic. Care3ul8 this can't !e undone. This will also copy fields from the units *ialog )o3 including the Init field. +e'll now take a look at the "nit Dialo+ %o. 7our Editor should now look like this. holding the mouse utton . Hence why you need to deli erately hover over the unit to delete it. If you want to )ove the placement of the unit.which will turn green0 and dragging until the desired orientation is reached. If you are now a solitary rifleman standing in the middle of the airfield then congratulations you have successfully Bust placed your first unit in the Editor. Coom in on the airfield . %lick it. Bust dra+ and drop like you would with a file in +indows. < to (aste. C to Copy. The same applies to Copy : (aste ! hover over a unit. that pops up when you first create a unit. 7ou have pro a ly noticed that a (revie0 utton has appeared on the Editor (anel to the right now that we have a $layer unit. . #elect 6157 "nits with your mouse on the right hand side of the screen or press 15 on your key oard.on the map. A dialog o3 will pop! up. If you want to 9otate the unit's initial orientation. press Ctrl . $ress Esc and Suspend to return to the Editor. *o that now on our >ifleman. selecting 1lyin+ will place your unit flying in mid!air . #electing In Car+o will place your unit in a friendly vehicle he is /rouped with .nit for a given #ide. Class2 *ifferent types of units.more on /rouping later0. . Side= This is pro a ly greyed out as ). and if selected as $layer you will usually e the driver. )y default vehicles created will e occupied y men.8&> for our unit. We are +oin+ to ma-e some chan+es to our ri3leman in !lue underline.. +e have selected ). 'et's choose >uad!i-e. and In 1ormation . 1action= At the moment there is only one option of 8action for each #ide so it can't e changed. 'eave this on In 1ormation 3or no0. "nit= This will show us all the different types of . in the future there may e different options i.#. However. this is a very powerful tool for editing our units. 'et's chan+e Class 3rom ')en' into 'Cars'.nit ecause different #ides have access to different types of e:uipment and training. %hanging the #ide also changes selections availa le for the type of . 7ou can also place empty vehicles y changing #ide to Empty.+hile this o3 may look slightly daunting.the default0 will place the unit instantly in formation with the /roup leader.8&> there could e . even if they were placed on opposite ends of the map.e.. 8rance. 8action and %lass. Here is what everything does. This is ecause he is our first unit and has already een created.=. for ).8&> F )lue F %ars and so should e a le to see a selection of different vehicles. Special= This had to do with a su !element of placement. Any new unit or su se:uent unit we create you can change its #ide. ..aircraft only(0. #electing 4one will put your unit e3actly where you placed him in the Editor. . &nly one unit can e designated as (layer and this is who you will control in #$ 'issions. Condition o3 (resence= Ignore for now. *efault is G which is ground level. let's chan+e it 3rom (rivate to 'ieutenant. make sure you keep track of each of your unit's names. <ehicle 'oc-= *etermines who can and can't use a vehicle.sed for providing intel i. 4ame= The . A2imuth and Elevation= I recommend adBusting unit A2imuth . This is e3tremely important for advanced editing. including customising a .e. launching scripts and a myriad of other features. If you want to have multiple units facing the e3act same direction you can manually enter the A2imuth in the dialog o3. 4on (laya!le is self!e3planatory I hope( &ther options are availa le when placing vehicles i.direction0 directly on the 'ap y holding down Shi3t . .nits at the correct floor in multi! floored uildings. Air 8orce. These roughly resem le military ranks ut are more for game purposes rather than realism as in real life ranks vary depending on country and military division . (lacement 9adius= Another element of randomness ! this will randomise placement within a set radius from where you place the unit on the map.. . @ealthAArmor8 1uel8 Ammunition= #elf!e3planatory. @avy etc0. Important for /roups . In3o A+e= Ignore this for now.eave it lank for now.Army. Important for advanced editing. 'et's call our >uad!i-e unit ?uad5 !y typin+ in the !o. #hat's it 3or the "nit Dialo+ %o.e.nits designated as (laya!le can e selected y players in %o!&p or '$ missions. Higher skill means the unit will e more accurate when shooting.nit's loadout. 8or now. Description= *isplayed if the unit is a $laya le unit. (ro!a!ility o3 (resence= 8or $laya leE$layer units leave this at default. last known position. S-ill= AI #kill if an AI unit.more on that later0. Clic-. !!! Initiali2ation= Also known as the Init 1ield. 7our first unit y default will e (layer. Elevation is useful for determining height of flying aircraft and is also useful for placing .eave on *efault. used to adBust the various :ualities of units and vehicles. (layer as Driver or (laya!le as Gunner. .Control= This is :uite important.nit's Editor name. 8or @on $laya le units this will introduce an element of randomness and varia ility to your missions as some friendly or enemy units may or may not e spawned on mission launch depending on your settings. . 9an-= The unit's military rank.. #elect 61&7 Groups with your mouse on the right hand side of the screen or press 1& on your key oard.nits ut it would take a while to create each . %lick $review again to see what's changed.nits.. @ote that the units spawn in formation. 7ou could do this manually via H84I . %lick $review to see what you've done.nit that you want one y one. &nce you do this you will notice that the /rouping lines now all lead to the $layer as the /roup .Groups and Groupin+ The /roup functionality of A3 is fully accessi le via the Editor.nits $lacing /roups of . The dialog o3 that pops up is like an a reviated version of the . $lacing /roups of . This is where the second part of the /rouping mode comes in.nit to the #:uad .nits. 7ou should see a group of 4G . +ith /roups selected you can do 1 things ! place /roups of . *ou le click on the airfield near your $layer . %urrently we aren't part of the /roup. This will Boin the Juad ike to the e3isting /roup. This is ecause we earlier changed the >ank of the $layer to .eader to our $layer . with /rouping lines leading from each .nits is a :uick way to create multiple . with the e3ception of the group leader who is the a3is point for the formation. with us on our Juad ike in the middle.nit . or /roup e3isting .nits in the Editor.nit to place a /roup. Here we can see the group of 4G . %hoose the default option ! a ).nits all in wedge formation.nits together.8&> Infantry >ifle #:uad.nit *ialog )o3 ut features /roups instead of .eader as elow.ieutenant.nits.or vice versa0 while still in /roup mode. . *rag a line from the #:uad .eader. not where they're placed on the map. which Bust happens to e the highest >ank in this /roup. nit *ialog )o3 you have chosen In 8ormation under the #pecial field.nit far away from the /roup. If he were to get killed. If you dou le click the #:uad . /ive it a go. @ow go ack to the Editor and try dragging your $layer .8&> and &$8&> /roup at opposite ends of the airfield and watch them fight it out( &r create your own /roup and assault an enemy /roup's position.nit. %ool huhK &kay. you should still e /rouped ut you are no longer the /roup . If you change this to @one you will remain /rouped with the /roup ut will retain your map placement upon launch.eader you are now in control of the /roup and should see an icon for each /roup 'em ers at the ottom left of the screen. 7our AI /roup . %licking $review now you should notice that you are still in formation with the /roup. #hat's a!out all you need to -no0 a!out Groupin+ 3or no0. as the /roup .eader you will see he is a #ergeant.. +hat's more. the /roup . 7ou can issue commands to a /roup y pressing the 8 key corresponding to the unit otherwise they will follow you in formation and attack when they see an enemy. %hange ack to 6157 "nits mode and dou le click the $layer . 7ou can now give commands to your /roup and if you move up the airfield they will follow you in formation.eader.+ell as you can see you now look like a adass on your Juad ike with your 4G man /roup flanking you in wedge formation. If you are getting ored and want to have a little fun efore moving on. %licking $review you will notice you are instantly ack In 8ormation with the /roup as under your . /o /roups( . try creating a separate ).eader role would then default to the ne3t highest rank and so on. #o unGroup a "nit 3rom a Group Bust select the 61&7 Group mode and dra+ 3rom the unit to an empty space on the map.eader might even yell at you L>eturn to 8ormation((L. %hange his >ank ack to $rivate and click &=. now for an e3periment. As you can see. ut instead now you are no longer in control of the /roup and you will e at the ack of the formation. et's change the Speed field to 'imited and %ehaviour to Sa3e. However. 7our Editor should look like this. thankfully. This isn't very natural ehaviour and once he gets there he is pro a ly Bust going to stop and look dum . .nits. . +aypoints are assigned to specific . He should e legging it towards the +aypoint you set. Must like editing .myself included0 they are not a tool for guiding the player through a mission . @ow create a rifleman ne3t to you . 8irst.that is est done with Tasks and 'arkers which give more fle3i's create one now. +ith the >ifleman selected dou le!click on a near y spot and the +aypoint *ialog )o3 will pop up. #elect 61E7 Waypoints with your mouse on the right hand side of the screen or press 1E on your key's go ack to the Editor now and dou le click the +aypoint. 'ove.nits the +aypoint *ialog )o3 will pop!up. %lick (revie0 to see what the >ifleman does. delete all units e3cept your player on the Juad ike. contrary to what a lot of eginners think . )y far the most fre:uently used +aypoint is a )ove waypoint. .make sure he is not /rouped to you0. The default +aypoint is. although +aypoints assigned to a /roup . . allowing you to edit it.Waypoints Cdon't 0orry8 0e'll +et to #ri++ers laterD +aypoints are the est way to control AI ehaviour in A3. and so Bust click &= for now.eader will e e3ecuted y the /roup. nit will go to.. 8irst. although pretty chilled. @ote that the %ycle +aypoint is not actually a +aypoint that the . &ur >ifleman. 7ou will notice I have purposefully placed my %ycle +aypoint out of the way. &ur >ifleman is now walking at a natural. ut the >ifleman will Bust walk ack and forth etween the two initial +aypoints forever. and then create another +aypoint. the /roup will e3ecute the +aypoint.nits. which saves a lot of time and Editor clutter in assigning individual +aypoints to individual . create another 'ove +aypoint.. . very useful if you have do"ens of waypoints going around the map. As mentioned earlier. it instead instructs him what +aypoint to go to once he has reached the prior +aypoint creating a loop. still stops at one point. 7ou will notice handy arrows that show you the direction of travel.0. This much more realistically reflects how a soldier would act in a non! com at situation . . nearer to the first +aypoint and change the Select #ype to Cycle in the +aypoint *ialog )o3.unless eing yelled at y a %& of's create two new +aypoints ! a second 'ove +aypoint for him to move to after the first.eader. #u se:uent +aypoints will follow the prior +aypoint settings if you leave them set at @o change. forming a triangle.%lick $review and lets see the difference. if you assign a +aypoint to a /roup . There are lots of other +aypoint Types ut 'ove and %ycle is all we really need to know for now. casual pace with his weapon down and one hand free. and then a %ycle +aypoint which will have him loop ack and walk etween prior +aypoints. This is how your Editor should look. to complete. to play a sound. there are often many different ways to do things. to change a varia le.#ri++ers8 #as-s8 )odules8 <aria!les and Syncin+ CBust the !asicsD 7ou should now know enough to place a mi3 of units. to change the weather. The methods shown elow are y no means the only way to achieve the desired outcome and are instead the most self!e3planatory.8&> is $resentL the Trigger will e Activated..sort of0 in order ! so y setting Activation to %'"1$9 we get L&nce ). *ou le click the Trigger flag to ring up the Trigger *ialog )o3. the Trigger does nothing. to display some te3t.. @ow click $review. you get the idea. If you want a custom condition for activation you can enter it under the %ondition field. Triggers are designed for one thing ! to e Activated. 7ou pro a ly notice that there is no visual representation of the Trigger in game. Triggers are very versatile ! they can e used to +in a 'ission. Save your )ission. The #ri++er Dialo+ %o. %ondition 'this' Bust means that the a ove condition applies. %hange #ype to End F5 . Tasks and the like.. Hopefully you remem ered where you put it ! otherwise go ack to the Editor and put it in an easier place to reach. to . . group them together and get them to move around the map.. >ight now. to. #elect 6137 #ri++ers with your mouse on the right hand side of the screen or press 13 on your key's have this Trigger Win the )ission upon Activation. The ne3t 3 fields read .ose a 'ission. &ne of the most asic Triggers is a '&nce $resent' Trigger which is the default. In the Editor. It's time to learn some more interesting stuff ! let's create a mission. However. . to call in reinforcements. >emem er. not even on your 'ap. If done correctly you should get )ission Completed. don't change anything and Bust click &= at this stage. )efore we egin. to show a hint. *ou le click in some empty space on the airfield to place a Trigger. due to the richness and comple3ity. fail or assign a Task. 7ou should now see the Trigger in the Editor sym olised y a lue flag with a lue circle around it reflecting the default ?G3?G radius. to trigger AI to move to a new waypoint.which is e:uivalent to +in N4 ! there can e up to A different endings O 4 . will appear. if you haven't already done so.ose0. easy to remem er. simple ways I've found to effectively create Triggers. #ome of the stuff you will e doing now is a little it more difficult to replicate so you want to make sure you Save as you go. *rive towards your Trigger. #as-s. *elete the old Trigger and create 3 new Triggers ! one to the @orth.7ou wouldn't0. 'ake sure that the $layer is not in the Trigger areas ! if you want you can play with different Trigger areas and shapes in the Trigger *ialog )o3. you may e wondering what would happen if another ). I'll hold your hand.nit the Trigger is /rouped with is part of an actual /roup. if the . <ehicle means the "nit that this #ri++er is Grouped 0ith * 0hether that !e a lone soldier8 an empty car8 a man on a ?uad!i-e8 a helicopter etc. @ow open the Trigger *ialog )o3 for one of the Triggers. change the @orthern 'ost Trigger to a G area. A light lue line should now run from each Trigger to your $layer like the picture to the left. &nce the $layer has done oth of these tasks we want the 'ission to complete. 7ou will notice that the Activation field should now read <'s leave this on 5ehicle for now ! the Trigger should Activate &nce the $layer .. +hat if there were multiple triggers in a missionK . there are some other great options like having to have the +hole /roup present in order to Activate the Trigger or Any /roup 'em er for a mission where some casualties are accepta le.Must imagine(0 +e are now going to step up the level of comple3ity y using #ri++ers.+ell done. . It is not restricted to vehicles per se. +e are going to use a simple and useful techni:ue rather than Bust the L&nce ). . .et's check the other options y clicking on the drop!down o3. And if you didn't know the Trigger was there ! how would you know where to goK . )odules. Syncin+ and <aria!les all in one step( *on't worry. *o the same with the other Trigger. #witch to /roups mode and /roup the $layer with each of the two +est and East Triggers y dragging etween them.7es0. +e want to give the $layer two Tasks ! one to arrive at the +est Trigger and one to arrive at the East Trigger. you Bust completed your first 'ission( However.nit it is /rouped with is present in the Trigger radius..8&> unit was to stum le into the Trigger area while you were out doing heroic duties ! would that also trigger 'ission %ompleteK . +est and East of the $layer. However. if all A3 'issions were like this you'd get ored pretty :uickly( Also. However.8&> presentL we used earlier ! and it actually uses the H81I /roups mode we learned a out earlier. . . %lick $review. so now we have a task with an I* of task4.or #yncing0 works Bust like /rouping. #ynchroni"ing . Must like efore. The est way I've found is to use the Tasks 'odule. FYI 'odules e3ist in the Editor to simplify things that you would do :uite often ut would take much more time or skill than Bust simply using the 'odules feature. As you can imagine. 7ou have pro a ly already guessed the ne3t step ! we need to synchroni"e our $layer with the 'odule in order to give him the task.a mission . It doesn't matter where you place this module ! ut make it easily accessi le. /reat. E3citing( +e finally get to use 61G7 Synchroni2e( 7ou know the drill.ed up it can !rea. in this case the 'odule to your $layer. !!! 7ou will notice the #ync line is dark lue.more on that shortly0. Bust drag a line from one item to another. this 'odule will %reate a Task for us. dou le click on the map to place a 'odule. %lick &=. #elect 6177 )odules with your mouse on the right hand side of the screen or press 17 on your key's fill in a few more details as elow. and then once in!'s change the Cate+ory field to Intel and )odule field to Create #as-. in this case entire /roups of synchroni"ed o Bects.Creatin+ #as-s "sin+ )odules There are a variety of ways to create Tasks including hard coding. +oohoo we have a task( . This is important to distinguish as Groupin+ and Syncin+ have a completely di33erent e33ect and i3 mi. click on the #ynchroni"e mode or press 8? on your key oard. and the Title and *escription will e visi le to whoever owns this Task. whereas the /rouping lines are light lue. press H to check your tasks. and set the 'odule 8ield to #et Task #tate and the #tate to's now set a *estination for the Task that will display to the $layer on the map and in!game when set as the current Task so you know where to go. /ood Bo ( . However.40 *e/roup the two 'odules . @ow I'm going to stop holding your hand and ask you to replicate everything we've done a ove ut for the Eastern Trigger. @ow move the new 'odule where you want the Task to e ! somewhere in the Trigger area is a good idea.10 #ync the two 'odules and . +e are saying that only once the #ri++er is Activated8 can the Set #as. synchroni"ing the #et Task #tate 'odule to the Trigger is a different yet very important concept which once you understand will give you a lot of power and control over mission elements.State )odule proceed. %reate another 'odule and set the 'odule field to #et Task *estination and the *estination field to 'odule $osition. @ow. and once in!game press 'M' to view Tasks and click Set as Current #as. #ync the new 'odule with the original %reate Task 'odule . and don't forget to un/roup0. If you have followed all of the steps a ove correctly you will get a nice little pop!up animation like this. #ynchroni"ing here has two different effects. . %lick $review.a light lue line0 to the %reate Task module.30 #ync the #et Task #tate 'odule to the +estern Trigger. This 'odule will e use to set our Task to %omplete once fulfilled. #ynchroni"ing the two 'odules asically Bust links them together so A3 knows that they relate to the same task in this instance. and drive due +est towards the trigger. %lick &=. 7ou will notice that y default the 'odule is /rouped . .et's test this out ! Bump in to the game. calling the Task I* tas-& ! readyK /o( No peeking on the next page until you're done! .* you should now see a Task location arrow and distance on screen making it much easier to find.not the #et Task #tate 'odule ! this won't work. 7our Editor should e looking like this.%reate another 'odule near y. This is not what we want and is Bust an unwanted default feature of the engine .it may e fi3ed in future uilds0. )ut wait.4s and Gs0 or logic and some asic Arma!specific scripting language. Hopefully.=D. we don't have a cool 'I##I&@ %&'$. your Editor should now look a little something like this and you didn't get too lost without me. It uses oolean maths . I'll show you a few.. This is a fairly simple snippet of code ut your synta3 has to e perfect or the Editor won't recognise it.e. Try it now( . If so. simply open your +est and East triggers and give them a name in the @ame field. In!/ame you should now e a le to see two Tasks when pressin+ H and hopefully you remem ered to change the second Task I*. delete the te3t 'this' and insert the following code. The OO in the middle . 7ou should e a le to separately complete each Task . 5D 4amin+ #ri++ers This is an easy way. )ut. Title etc if you used a copy O paste method. Then let's open our End Trigger and in the Condition )o3. westtrigger has een activated If activated it will return True .. let's call one simply 0esttri++er and the other easttri++er. and if we change one of the Triggers to a +in Trigger then it will Bust end the mission regardless of what else needs doing. it instead will activate once the code ecomes True..ETE* screen like efore. This is what our third Trigger to the @orth is need two Os0 means the %ondition is only True if oth snippets of code return a value of True. Way 4o. it has no area and is not grouped with any units so how can we have this Trigger end the 'issionK . The script 'triggerActivated' will check whether a named trigger i. Code triggerActivated westtrigger OO triggerActivated easttrigger #o instead of the Trigger re:uiring a standard condition like ). don't tell me you forgot a out that one( 'et's chan+e it to an End F5 #ri++er .in any order0 and you should also e a le to switch current Task etween the two to see the two different destinations.ike many things in the Editor there are multiple ways of going a out it y using scripting.or oolean 40.Welcome !ac.and from now on I'll call it End Trigger0.8&> or 5ehicle present or not present. well done( If you are having issues make sure you read ack over the steps efore proceeding. States This is a very similar method to +ay @o. ?. huhK @otice the semicolon . unfortunately ATT&+ this doesn't appear to e working with the Task 'odule in A3. An e3ample of when that might e useful is having a Trigger cover a key area with a %ondition of &$8&> @ot $resent ! you might want &$8&> to e kept out of that area for a set amount of time in order to win the mission so the %ountdown mode will work well. If you have them all set at ? seconds. and allow you to put multiple lines in here . *o the same for the East Trigger ut call the varia le 'eastdone'. the mission will complete at e3actly ? seconds after oth TriggersETasksE5aria les have een completed. &D Chec-in+ #as. This will give A3 time for the Trigger to complete the Task efore 'ission %omplete( FYI The %ountdown Timer 'ode means that the %onditions have to e met for that length of time efore the Trigger is Activated. 4G like I have the final End Trigger will complete anywhere etween 4 and 4G seconds after the Activation conditions have een met at an average point of ? seconds. In this case it doesn't make a maBor difference. @ow open the End Trigger. %urrently the $n Act )o3 is lank and typically you don't need to put anything in here. However. you can get Triggers to do a whole load of cool stuff once Activated y using this field. . Way no. 'ake sure its set to Timeout not %ountdown mode and fill in the three fields 'in. *elete whatever is in the %ondition o3 and simply input westdone OO eastdone. Try it out. . the mission should complete Bust like efore when oth varia les ecome true.each with 9 after it0. So no08 0hen each #ri++er is activated they 0ill do t0o thin+s8 complete the synchroni2ed tas-8 and create a uni?ue varia!le 0hich is set to #rue. 'id and 'a3. the pro lem here is A3 is so fast that it may complete the mission efore the Trigger even completes the Task( A :uick fi3 is to open the End Trigger and edit the Timer section in the ottom!left.Way 4o. 4 ut using tas-Completed instead of tri++erActivated and the two scripts should work identically. 3D "sin+ <aria!les This is another fun and :uick way to trigger stuff. we can use varia's create a varia le called '0estdone' and set the value of the varia le to true as follows9 Easy. The units are seconds and there are three fields in order to introduce an element of randomness.90 afterwardsK This is not mandatory here ut will denote the end of the scripting line. If you use 4. Although. However. &pen the +est Trigger. . ye! 7ou are still here aren't you. +ell okay then. this is still sproyd's Simple Arma 3 Editor Guide8 ut from here on in I'm not going to hold your hand as much and things may e a it more complicated. I would strongly advise going away for now and e3periment y making a few missions of your own for you and your friends. Try e3perimenting with different . Custom 'oadouts AA #$D AA Co*$p AA %rie3in+s AA )ore Scriptin+ . 7ou should now e a le to play with the Editor and do everything you need to do to make a cool asic mission. here is a sneak peak of what's to come. #o far. After all. Tasks ! get as complicated as you dare ut remem er to test your mission for ugs regularly. Triggers.Well you are now a basic mission making machine.nits.. I hope you have een a le to easily follow the e3amples and guides without too many issues. %onditions. (lu!lish on Steam Wor-shop= This lets you pu lish your mission directly on #team( However. scripts and everything will e contained in one neat little p o file. . changelog and any known issues and upcoming changes.port to sin+le missions : E. %lick &=. &nce you e3port your mission.seful if you are working from a template. or if there are two comple3 parts to your mission you might want to work on them separately and merge them the utton in the top!right or press Ctrl . @ote that mission Editor files are generally saved under !y "ocuments # $rma % # !issions +hereas p o files will e saved under your core A3 directory &rogram Files # 'team # steamapps # $rma % # !issions or !&!issions Send !y e*mail= This doesn't seem to work ATT&+.t3t document that has asic mission information. play with friends and have all the finishing touches and polish that you would expect from a BI -made mission! (u!lishin+ and Distri!ution #o far.port to multiplayer missions= This is what we want ! it will create a p o mission file in your Arma 3 folder. I strongly suggest posting it online or with friends for testing efore you do this. In order to distri ute. Any name is fine. 'ay take some setting up.The rest of the Guide is for those of you that want to get more involved and create missions that are of a high quality . Then click the #ave As utton in the top tool ar or press Ctrl . &pen the mission you'd like to e3port and firstly. the options are as follows2 "ser mission= This Bust saves another version of your mission in the Editor.p!o'. However. A3 has a specific mission file format called '. have critiqued. Shi3t . It is considered good practice to undle the p o into a "ip file with a . otherwise #team users may e less forgiving and downvote your mission efore its up to speed. %lick the #ave As dropdown o3. if we want to share these missions with friends and the A3 community we will need to e3port the missions from the Editor.good enough to distribute publicly. making pu lishing and distri ution a cinch. S. . all the comple3 commands. we have een testing our missions with the $review utton in the Editor. E. you simply need to email the p o file to your friends and they can place it into their 'issions folder. version num er. make sure your mission is named under Advanced Intel . W0. the sliders on the right are the forecast weather and the slider the ottom is over what time period the conditions will change from '#tart' to '8orecasted' ! in this case 3h 33mins. If your mission is +I$ and very uggy..+here to pu lish and get feed ackK 7ou can pu lish your mission on any we site ut the most popular places are the %IS 3orums and Armaholic. If you pu lish a mission full of ugs as 'finished'.ATT&+ rain has een disa led pending an overhaul0 and lightning. sunset and sun and moon . waviness. Simple= 7ou can :uickly change T&* and weather using the top!right tool ar. as a mission maker e aware that you lose a lot of your ownership rights when doing this. make sure you upload it to the 'In $rogress' part of the forums for testing. If you want to put added time pressure into the mission you can set the 8orecasted weather to poor conditions so the player is forced to rush to get things done efore the weather gets hairy. 7ou can also even change the date of the mission which should adBust for sunrise. foginess. then people will e less likely to test out your missions in future. FYI $u lishing on #team is great for players as it makes downloading and updating missions easy. raininess . There are generally lots of community mem ers that are willing to help test your missions if you are open and honest a out the shortcomings. cloudiness.iness. Advanced= )y clicking Advanced Intel 7ou can adBust windiness. Weather and #$D Conditions The Editor has some powerful yet simple tools for editing weather and T&* for your mission. I will often Bump in and out of my mission while adBusting weather and T&* to get things feeling Bust right. However.. As illustrated elow the sliders on the left are the conditions upon mission start. 7ou should now see some lines of code looking something similar to the elow. $ress space to activate the paper doll gear selector which should look like this9 &n the right hand side you will notice a range of sliders. &nce in!game you should see yellow te3t saying '%haracter %ustomi"er'.Customisin+ "nit 'oadouts &ne of the coolest things a out A3 is the sweet gear that comes with the game without needing to add mods. I've put red crosses ne3t to the fields that are lank.nit types have different gear e:uipped y default ut if you really want to spice up your mission then you can create a custom loadout for your . Insert the folder into your 'y *ocuments E Arma 3 E 'issions folder and open the mission in the Editor. . ATT&+ there is no really easy way to edit loadouts like in other games .like )830.Ctrl . In this case you can see that I added new headgear. uniform. weapon. If we now alt*ta! to windows and open @otepad . *Ifferent . ackpack and other fields. $lay around with them and you'll notice your player character magically changes his loadout. *ownload the '$aper *oll' gear menu here2 http2EEdslyec3i.nfortunately. The rest is fairly self!e3planatory.comEshacktacPwpEshacktac!modsEdslyec3is!paper!doll!gear!menuE which is a p o file in the Editor format.nits( . click the %&$7 utton on the ottom!left which will copy the loadout with scripting commands to the clip oard of your $%. scope ut did not change the vest. I'll show you the most effective way I've found to do it ! using dslyec3i's '$aper *oll' gear selector. its free(0 and press paste . <D. %lick $review.or @otepadDD which is what I like to use. &nce you've found the loadout you want. The semicolons 9 denote the end of the scripting can tell ecause it's in :uotations0 and refers to items in game using what are known as Lclass namesL. although the list isn't e3haustive.. 'uch etter( @ow I'm going to copy and paste this into my . he pro a ly doesn't have any ammo( 7ou are going to have to find out the class name of the ammo for each particular weapon and add it in..nit's init field ack in my mission in the Editor. http2EE rowser. . @ow $review.si3! proBects. add headgear and the last part is called a string . +ow.netEcfgPweaponsEclasslistKversion-AQ In this case I know the ammo class name is %()*nd)+.$C&)!ag)'!-)(.et's alt!ta ack to the Editor and %trl D 5 to paste. I am going to delete the lank fields . this unit now looks great with a custom loadout. However. +hich translates in English to a 3G round maga"ine of <?A%$ ammo for #'/PG4( @ow how to add it.nit in :uestion.with red 6's0 to tidy up the code and prevent script errors. The formatting is a it messy ut should work fine... 7ou can search for it here. 'addHeadgear' etc is a scripting command instructing the engine to. you guessed it. ./uh0 +ondering what all this gi erish meansK Its scripting( 'this' refers to the . There is a great scripting command called add'aga"ines which simply adds maga"ines to your . and that's Bust not cricket( %lick $review and your . I3 you are insertin+ the script in the unit's init 3ield you can Bust type 'this' li-e 0ith our loadout script a!ove. that way the weapon will already have a maga"ine loaded. Easy. If you do it the other way around you will end up with a weapon that re:uires reloading in!game efore it can e used.?I9 'ake sure there are still semicolons separating each script line.nit's inventory. Here's the one for add'aga"ines. the Script command Cit must !e in this orderD ma+a2ine4ame is a strin+ so must !e in ?uotations count is a num!er8 not a strin+8 no ?uotations unit add)a+a2ines H ma+a2ine4ame . #he unit that the script applies to. Each scripting command has a very particular synta3 which must e strictly followed in order for the script to work.nit should now e loaded up with ? maga"ines of your chosen ammo( . &ro12ip Always place an add'aga"ines script efore an add+eapon script in the init field. count I 9 *on't forget the other synta3 like Hs:uare racketsI. commas and always end with a semicolon( #o in order to add the ammo to our unit lets put this script into his init field this addmaga"ines HL3G>ndP<?A%$P'agP#'/PG4L. I'm now going to place our :uad4 . If you try and create a 'arker without a name you will get a pop!up error message.nit at the @E corner of the #tratis Air )ase. I'll set a 'arker for him to rende"vous with a contact in Agia 'arina. #elect 61I7 )ar-ers with your mouse on the right hand side of the screen or press 17 on your key oard. This means that the professional looking riefings that you see when starting a mission can ecome a feature of your missions too( 'arkers . This mode allows you to create 'arkers which are visi le to the $layer when viewing the 'ap or a riefing.displays on the map0. near the each. As efore. 7ou will need to select the Icon .displays ne3t to the 'arker on the's call our first 'arker 'marker4'.important for riefings0 and Te3t . . 'arkers have to e named. Bust dou le!click on the map to place and open the 'arker *ialog )'s learn a out 'arkers first. placing 'arkers is easy. This is an a solutely critical way of conveying intel to the player that heEshe will need to complete the mission. Try and keep track of your 'arker names for later. @ame . %olour. >emem er.)ar-ers8 %rie3in+s and 1inishin+ #ouches &ne of the many greath things a out the Editor is that it's )I#'s tool for creating official A3 missions. . 7ou can also place 'arkers over "ones. in 'y *ocs E Arma 3 E missionsE 'y8irst'ission. )elow I have placed a red.i. 7ou should see a )riefing ta . where do they need to do it and what tools do they have at their disposal to do it.HL)riefing InfoL. Alt!Ta from A3 and open your 'ission folder . in this case Enemy A&. you can select shapes of >ectangle and Ellipse. )riefings )riefings are critical intel to your troops on the ground which they should receive efore em arking on their 'ission ! what do they need to do. #elect a shape and play with the a3is si"es. . click this and within the )riefing Info . 7ou also need to create a file called init. %lick $review. open it with notepad and insert the following to launchEe3ecute your riefing upon mission start9 Code e3ec5' L riefing. &pen the document in @otepad .s:f.e.nfortunately. $lace another 'arker +est of Agia 'arina.or @otepadDD0 and type the following9 Code player create*iary>ecord HL*iaryL. 7ou can orientate the 'arkers the same as . I can then place another 'filled arrow' marker ne3t to it to la el it.7our Editor display should now look something like this. If you click on 'the each' you should see the 'ap center on your marker4 you created earlier as elow. . LIt's vitally important that you drive to Rmarker name -'marker4'Fthe each REmarkerF LII9 This will create a line of code for your riefing.ike Triggers. they can also interact with your 'arker names via a hyperlink. Then press ''' to open your 'ap and you should e a le to see the 'arker that you placed. vertically filled ?G34GG "one.or whatever you named it0 su !ta you will see the description. y holding down #hift and clicking and dragging from the center point.s:fL9 $review the mission and press ''' to check your map.s:f in the same folder. In addition to )riefings displaying te3t and the map with the 'arkers you have set. )riefings re:uire a it of light scripting.#tratis0 and create a new file called riefing. .nits. &kay. and you can even insert this e3planation in the document as the EE tells the A3 Editor to ignore the te3t. . let's add some asic flourishes to our mission y adding the following code to description.Bp+KL EEmission picture for loading screen. &ro12ip 7ou can create multiple riefing entries in riefing.comEwikiE*escription.e3t . 8inishing Touches If you want to look fancy then you'll need to add some finishing touches to your mission.e. &peration #and %astle is looking pretty official. file in mission root folder respa0nJGL EEallows Team #witch and respawn to ne3t playa le unit on side on'oad)ission#ime J 5L EEshows mission time on launch de!rie3in+J5L EEdefines if the de riefing is shown at the end of the mission. one descri ing the opposing forces etc. @ote that this doesn't have any effect when $reviewing with the Editor ut when your mission has een e3ported or pu lished this will make the )riefing display efore the $layer is launched into the 'ission. the overviewTe3t field has a character limit so keep the description short.t in your mission folder. The )riefing is to e used for more detailed instructions to the $layer.e.I always do0 then place another file in the mission folder called mission. Try having one entry descri ing the main o Bectives. this time called's save our mission to our #$ 'issions folder and see how it looks when players load it. 8irstly. Code authorJKyournameKL EEappears as author in the overview and loading screen overvie0#e.html ut leave the whole thing lank. file in mission root folder loadscreenJKloadpic. Here's how to do it. >emem er. This might help with future editing. A full list of description.p to you.t scripts and their possi le values is availa le at http2EEcommunity./et creative with your loading screen or Bust display a screenshot. The te3t after EE e3plains what each line of code does. istudio.tJKA Simple )issionKL EEte3t that appears in overview and loading screen on'oad4ameJK)y 1irst )issionKL EEmission name for loading screen only overvie0(ictureJKovervie0.s:f y inserting multiple 'player create*iary>ecord' entries.t with notepad. This will tell the Editor to launch the riefing prior to starting the mission. .'s create another file. one descri ing the weather.Bp+KL EEmission picture for overview screen.If you'd like for the )riefing to display upon 'ission start without having to enter the map . L'ission AccomplishedL9 su title .L7ou %heatedL9 description . +e've only really done two ut you can set many different ending and de riefing te3ts to match( @ow we need to do some minor scripting in the Editor to ring up these de riefings. Insert the following code into your description.L9 T9 T9 This script creates multiple endings and de riefings for the $layer to achieve using the 'title'.LL9 description . you won the mission( +ell done chap.L'ission 8ailedL9 su title .'ore 8ancy #tuff .e.e3t file. As you can see End5 is set as 'ission 8ailed with a rude comment a out cheating ! this is ecause most mission win cheats involve invoking End4 so this will strip them of their satisfaction( End& we have set as the est outcome and End3 is set as failure of the mission.' field Code Lend1L call )I#PfncPend'ission . Code class %fg*e riefing S class End4 S title . we will then instead insert the following te3t into the '&n Act.L'ission 8ailedL9 su title . 7ou will remem er that we earlier created a mission win Trigger when the player achieved westdone OO eastdone varia les.t. .L9 T9 class End3 S title .L%heaters fail at lifeL9 T9 class End1 S title's open that Trigger and change type to @one.LE3pect a demotion and some time to think. 'su title' and 'description''s do some more fancy stuff with description.L+ell *one(L9 description . This time we'll create multiple de riefings and do so with )I#'s cool graphic interface. once we complete a mission we should get some cool te3t. /et creative( .@ow. /reat( This seems to work.e. in line with the appropriate ending in the description. alerting guards or a convoy reaching a destination.ose Trigger set to activate from whatever you want. you can have the .aunch the 'ission and see what happens after a minute. %reate a new Trigger and in the %ondition field simply enter9 Code time F AG9 time is a script command ased in seconds and can e any length you'd like. &f course. such as death of a 5I$.t file like so9 As for the 'ission 8ailed de riefing ! let's have a strict AG second time limit for 'ission completion. In the &n Act. field enter9 Code Lend3L call )I#PfncPend'ission . e. This is a very fun trick and very useful. and y now you should e starting to appreciate the power of Arma's native scripting language. then 61&7 Group the Trigger with the static o Bect."se3ul Scriptin+ Commands : )ission #ric-s +ell. 'ake sure the Trigger Activation is set to '#tatic & Bect' '@ot $resent' in order for the Trigger to activate once the static o BectE uilding is destroyed. vip4 and vip10 I could also use the or and . 7ou can also switch it with an ( e3clamation mark to mean not alive. #imply create a Trigger with a radius that circles the uilding then press the I* ta to display static o Bect I*s.t. Trigger activated once uilding destroyed 7ou can have a Trigger activate upon destruction of a uilding.e. %ondition can e left as this and you can put a varia le into the &n Act. Its used to check whether an o Bect is alive.330 modifiers so that the mission finishes if one or oth of them die. field as well as syncing it with a #et Task #tate 'odule for full effect. I've compiled a list of some trusty scripts that should stand you in good stead for your asic mission making aspirations. #o for e3ample if I had a 5I$ who was named in the Editor . And without further ado I give you9 Alive yntax" alive ob#ect This is a oolean script so only can have two possi le values TrueE4 or 8alseEG.nit *ialog )o3 as 'vip' I could have the following Trigger. If I had multiple vip's . Must make sure you place the Trigger area over the o Bect or it won't work( . end3 would e called from description. we've done some :uite cool things in the Editor you and I.i. +hich means with the 5I$ is dead. 7ou can then have these units Bust Boint the player's /roup ! the most common usage ! or any other group y specifying . . &ro12ip 7ou can set Time&ut times for +ay$oints Bust like Triggers. ack and then cycle. %reating $atrols 'ilitary patrol routes are common in real life as well as in games and A3 is no different. . The key thing to note is that the first part of the script has to e an array which means it needs to e in s:uare rackets. 'ake sure you set the first +aypoint to have the correct 8ormation. +hat this does is make AI . unit'( #oin ilent )group unit*+ %unit&. or Bust one if you like. #u se:uent +aypoints can e left as @o change. #et up an enemy patrol with any num er of waypoints ut make sure you set up a cycle +aypoint so the patrol keeps going ackwards and forwards on its route.and hence your control0 once you get near to them. unit'( #oin ilent player This is a useful script that will Boin a . putting players off their game. )elow I've set a patrol of two &$8&> to walk a long route along a ridgeline. The most common is of course %olumn. in this case units. #peed and )ehaviour that you P30 where P3 is a mem er of the group. )y varying your 'in and 'a3 fields you can create an element of randomisation in patrols as AI will wait at +aypoints for a random amount of time.imited and #afe.Boin#ilent yntax" i!e! or unit$rray #oin ilent group %unit&.nit or multiple . +hen might this e usefulK In a hostage situation you might have hostages Boin your group . An array can contain any num er of items.nits wait at +aypoints efore moving on.nits to aEyour /roup. @ow. ut in this case it doesn't matter what you name them. $lace a $layer . Bust simply set the heli to captive and forget a out comple3 A3 AI conse:uences. As you might have gathered this makes it :uite a powerful scripting tool so should e used sparingly. make sure you select the 'arker Icon as Empty. As mentioned a ove.>andom #pawn $oints 7ou can easily randomise spawn location of $layers and AI using a simple trick with invisi le 'arkers. the most asic application would e to make your player effectively invisi le to enemy AI. 7ou now need to 61&7 Group the Empty 'arkers with your .nits .nit it will have 3 possi le start positions. The same applies to AI units which can e used to create an element of randomness.. everytime the . the 'arkers disappear( 'ake sure you remem er where you put them and if you can't find them Bust switch ack to 61I7 )ar-ers mode to find them. 7ou could insert the following code in your player's init line9 Code this set%aptive true9 Try it out now and see if you can run circles around an enemy and even shoot at them without them flinching.nit spawns it's start position will e randomised etween the 'arkers and its placement position.nit.set%aptive0 Another mission making trick of the trade is to set units to captive state. you have to name all 'arkers. I mainly use this script when testing missions so I can run around watching ehaviour without getting shot at. Try it now ! keep restarting your 'ission until you see all 3 start points to verify they are working. In plain English this means that these units cannot e seen y other units so can go a out their usiness without affecting their ehaviour. %aptive . This means if there are two 'arkers /rouped with the . This is also useful for mission atmospheric elements ! you might want a helicopter to fly overhead ut without invoking enemy fire. This is a little tricky as once you press 81 to switch to Group mode.ame set-aptive status #o for e3ample. Intros and $utros )ission E.nit on the map and then place two 'arkers at different ends of the map. However..amples #$ %E C$4#I4"ED8 ('EASE ($S# 1EED%ACM $4 %IS 1$9")S I1 /$" 'IME W@A# /$" SEE S$ 1A9 A4D WA4# )$9E C$4#E4# . yntax" unit.
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