Argosy University ASP 100 Complete Course

March 26, 2018 | Author: justquestionanswer | Category: Study Skills, Homework, Memory, Educational Technology, Educational Assessment



Argosy University ASP 100 CompleteCourse Get help for Argosy University ASP 100 for all week assignments and discussions. We provide assignment, homework, discussions and case studies help for all subject Argosy University for Session 2015-2016. ASP 100 Module 1 Assignment Assignment 3: Academic and Career Goals Before You Begin… To successfully complete your assignment, you should have completed the following tasks: • From the textbook, Keys to effective learning: Study skills and habits for success, read: o Chapter 1, "Habits for Success: Reality Check" o Chapter 4, "Setting and Reaching Goals: Using Values, Stress Management, and Teamwork" This module, you will write about at least one academic goal (which is achieving a specific degree) and at least one career goal (which is seeking a particular job position or starting your own business). Note: These are two separate goals you will be describing. An important aspect of achieving your academic goal knows the academic advising you have available as an Argosy student. For Online students, this means identifying the members and roles of your Grad Team. For campus-based students using this course, it is recognizing the role of your academic advisor as well as the assistance offered through the Student Support Services staff. You learned about this important aspect of your academic success in this module’s lectures. To get started with this assignment, write your goal statement. In one paragraph, describe your academic goal(s). Then, in another paragraph, write about your career goal(s). Make sure each paragraph includes answers to the following questions: • What is/are your goal(s)? • What is the source(s) of motivation for you to achieve each goal? Is the motivation intrinsic, extrinsic, or both? (See the lecture about motivation for definitions of intrinsic and extrinsic.) • How will your attitude toward the learning process help or hinder the achievement of each goal? Do you need to make some adjustments? Why or why not? Remember the following when writing your goals: • Is your goal clear? • Is it measurable? • Is it realistic? After you have drafted your goal paragraphs in the last paragraph of this assignment, you will do the following: • For Online Students: Go to the My Contacts section of the Campus Common to locate the members of your Grad Team. This may include a Student Success Advisor (SSA), and Financial Aid Counselor. • Describe the role of each member of your Grad Team and how that person can help you achieve your academic goal. • For Campus-Based Students: Identify the advisor you were assigned when you enrolled. This may be an academic advisor or a department chair depending on your campus. If you do not remember who your advisor is, contact the Student Services Office or the College of Undergraduate Studies (CUGS) Chair. • Describe any contact you have had with your advisor and what role s/he will play as you progress toward your academic goal. Note for all students: It is a good idea to record the name and contact information for your advisor(s) and save this information in an easily accessible place (maybe your phone, your address book, or a folder with your registration materials) so you have it readily available throughout this course and your academic career. Type your goal statement paragraphs and your Grad Team/Advisor description in an MS Word document. (If you do not have MS Word, write your goal statement in an MS WordPad or Mac TextEdit .rtf file.) Save your document as M1_A3_Lastname_Firstinitial.doc (orM1_A3_Lastname_Firstinitial.rtf) ASP 100 Module 1 Discussion Assignment 2: Learning Styles Discussion Discussion Rules of Engagement: • Be polite and professional. • Keep an open mind. • Keep personal information personal. • Issue complaints privately. • Be patient. • Be honest. Before You Begin… To successfully complete your assignment, you should have completed the following tasks: • Read Chapter 2, "Learning Styles: Building and Using Self-Knowledge • Review materials under the topic of “How We Learn” To prepare for the college work that lies in front of you, it is important to find out where you stand with your academic skills and readiness for online learning. In this assignment, you will use the tool SmarterMeasure to do so. The SmarterMeasure gauges your readiness for online learning, and the results give you a good idea of your strengths and opportunities for development in online learning. The SmarterMeasure does not determine whether you "qualify" for online learning. Rather, it is a tool to help you succeed throughout your program. This assessment will also help you learn about your learning style. Click this SmarterMeasure link and take the assessment. Be sure to complete the SmarterMeasure assessment early in this module. If you need to stop the SmarterMeasure while taking it, on-screen instructions will let you know how to stop and how to return and begin where you left off. The test takes about thirty-five minutes. For any technical assistance you might require, you will see on-screen options for receiving the help you need. After you complete your test, a copy of your score report will be immediately displayed in PDF format. For a copy of the score report, do the following: • Click the Print/Download Report button in the upper right-hand corner of the page to save a copy of this report to your computer. • Alternatively, click the Email Report button located in the upper right-hand corner of the page to receive a PDF formatted copy of this report by e-mail. Provide your e-mail address when prompted. You will use your Smarter Measure score report for your assignments throughout this course. After completing SmarterMeasure, review the assessment of your Learning Style(s), which is the focus of this assignment. Respond to the following: • What does Smarter Measure tell you about your learning style? • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the online learning environment in the context of your learning style? • What strategies can you use to help you reach the goals you have set for yourself, given your learning style? Be sure to be specific. How might knowledge of your learning style affect the way you learn? Give reasons and examples in support. Write your initial response in one to two paragraphs. ASP 100 Module 2 Discussion Assignment 1: Finance Management Discussion Discussion Rules of Engagement: • Be polite and professional. • Keep an open mind. • Keep personal information personal. • Issue complaints privately. • Be patient. • Be honest. Before You Begin… To successfully complete your assignment, you should have completed the following tasks: • From your textbook, Keys to effective learning: Study skills and habits for success, read: o Time and money: Managing important resources o Setting and reaching goals: Using values, stress management, and teamwork • Review materials under the topic “Personal Financial Management” In addition to time, another resource that demands good management in order to succeed is money. How can you best manage your finances in tough economic times? What do you need to do financially to succeed in school? The bottom line is to be wise when borrowing money. This module will help you develop skills to manage your time and money. Read the scenario and respond to the following questions: Jenny has a part-time job and her net take-home income is $2000 per month. She needs to allocate her funds to reflect a balanced monthly budget. Jenny's main expense categories include rent, utilities, and groceries. • How would Jenny best allocate her income for the month? • What categories and in what amounts should Jenny allocate her funds to reflect a balanced monthly budget? Include the main categories as well as examples of other categories. Considering your own monthly budget, what specific behaviors or actions can you take to be more financially responsible and healthy? Do you have good or bad financial habits? You need not provide any specific personal information. Perhaps you could buy fewer pairs of shoes or limit your entertainment budget, or perhaps you’ve devised clever ways to save money that you can share. ASP 100 Module 2 Assignment Assignment 2: Organizing Your Time for Success Before You Begin… To successfully complete your assignment, you should have completed the following tasks: • From the textbook, Keys to effective learning: Study skills and habits for success, read: o Time and money: Managing important resources o Setting and reaching goals: Using values, stress management, and teamwork • Review materials under the topic of “Dealing with Stress” • Review materials under the topic of “Time Management” Your education is definitely a priority, as is your job. Family, friends, hobbies, and religion are also priorities for many people. However, having many competing priorities can be stressful. To tackle this, mapping out deadlines, blocking out time that is “non-negotiable” such as that spent at work, and blocking out time for study and other responsibilities, and then creating a visual reference—a calendar—would be well worth your effort. In this assignment, you will develop a calendar to highlight key dates, deadlines, and nonnegotiable blocks of time—your work and coursework schedule. For inclusion in your calendar, consider the following activities and appointments: • Nonnegotiable dates, such as when your rent or mortgage is due • Healthcare appointments • Pressing deadlines for work projects • Deadlines for class assignments • Deadlines for your FAFSA application, if you need financial aid. Refer to Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). (2010). Retrieved from • Dates connected with your income such as paydays at work • Family events and appointments • Time for sleep, personal hygiene, and relaxation It may take some revisions to come up with the calendar that works best for you, but once completed, it becomes an effective time management tool. In turn, this becomes a vital part of your learning plan. This assignment has two parts. Complete both parts. Part I: Develop Calendar for Four Days The first step in time management is to find out how you actually use your time. This Time Management exercise will help you discover exactly that. Here’s how the Time Management exercise works. You will track your time for four days using this Microsoft Word template. You will plan each day in advance based on how you think it will turn out. Then you will track what actually happens in your calendar. • Using your notes, itemize your calendar with the events from the four-day period that you were tracking. Please make sure to appropriately label each item. • Save this calendar as LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2_Part1.doc. Part II: Review and Reflection Refer to the calendar that you completed in Part I. If you have not yet completed this exercise, please do so before continuing with the questions below. • What did you learn about how you actually use time compared to how you planned to use your time? o Did you find places where you tend to ineffectively or inefficiently use your time? o Did you find some pockets of time that you could use for high priority tasks? • What can you do to improve the way you manage your daily tasks? • How do you plan to manage your schoolwork along with your other key priorities? After a few days, review the calendar and the goals you developed in Part I of this assignment and respond to the following questions: • Were your daily goals realistic considering the amount of time you gave yourself to fulfill them? Explain your response. • If you have revised your initial goals after your review, explain why you think this revision is necessary and how your plans have changed as a result. • If you have not revised your goals, consider what factors you may have failed to identify in your initial goal setting activity. Summarize your review in a one- to two-page paper in MS Word format and save it as LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2_Part2.doc. By Tuesday, February 23, 2016, submit both documents—your calendar (LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2_Part1.doc) and your reflection and review (LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2_Part2.doc)—to the M2: Assignment 2 Dropbox. ASP 100 Module 3 Assignment Assignment 2: Study Strategies and Learning Style Before You Begin… To successfully complete your assignment, you should have completed the following tasks: • From the textbook, Keys to effective learning: Study skills and habits for success, read: o Critical and creative thinking: Solving problems and making decisions o Reading and studying: Focusing on print and online materials • Review materials under the topic “Critical Thinking” • Review materials under the topic “Effective Reading” • SmarterMeasure Assessment results from Module 1 Understanding your learning style is an important part of understanding who you are as a student. In this assignment, you will determine which study strategies best suit your learning style, which is very useful. You should also consider the space and arrangements you have made to study, your "learning environment." For this assignment do the following: • Review your results from your SmarterMeasure Assessment that you took in Module 1. • Then, identify at least three study strategies that were presented in your readings and online lectures in Module 3. • Explain how each study strategy would work for you (or not) based on your learning style. Consider your current learning environment as well; this includes your study space, where and when you will study, and your surroundings as you study. Do your skills fit with your current environment? Do you need to modify your approach to studying, or modify your studying environment? Explain. Summarize your review in a two-page paper in Microsoft Word and name your fileLastname_FirstInitial_M3_A2.doc. ASP 100 Module 3 Discussion Assignment 1: Memory Techniques Discussion Discussion Rules of Engagement: • Be polite and professional. • Keep an open mind. • Keep personal information personal. • Issue complaints privately. • Be patient. • Be honest. Before You Begin… To successfully complete your assignment, you should have completed the following tasks: • From your textbook, Keys to effective learning: Study skills and habits for success, read: o Critical and creative thinking: Solving problems and making decisions o Memory: Maximizing recall for test success o Reading and studying: Focusing on print and online materials • Review materials under the topic of “Memory Techniques” For this assignment, refer back to the memory techniques you learned this module. Try some of these techniques to see what works best for you. Choose any three of the following of the mnemonic devices you learned about: jingles, sentences, words, story lines, acronyms, or pegging. Pick methods that are new or not very familiar to you. Then, try out the three methods to memorize any information that you want to remember later. For example, you could use the following: • Material that has been covered in this course so far • Information from a book (such as a textbook) • A list of vocabulary words and their definitions (either in English or in a foreign language) • A list of telephone numbers • Any other information that you always wished you could remember After you think you have memorized the information, test yourself 30 minutes later, then a few hours later, and if you are working on this assignment ahead of the due date (as you are always encouraged to do), a day later. On the basis of the above activity, write a response in approximately 300 words in which you: • Name and describe the three memory techniques you selected. • Compare and contrast the effectiveness of the different techniques with one another and with any memory techniques you used before this assignment. • Explain whether you find that your preferred memory technique coincides with your learning preference that you identified in Module 1. • Describe which technique(s) you will use in the future and why. ASP 100 Module 4 Discussion Assignment 1: Study Skills and Learning Styles Discussion Discussion Rules of Engagement: • Be polite and professional. • Keep an open mind. • Keep personal information personal. • Issue complaints privately. • Be patient. • Be honest. Before You Begin… To successfully complete your assignment, you should have completed the following tasks: • From your textbook, Keys to effective learning: Study skills and habits for success, read: o Active listening and note taking: Taking in and recording information o Test taking I: Test preparation and objective tests o Test taking II: Getting results on essay tests and graded projects • Review materials under the topic “Note Taking” • Review materials under the topic “Test Taking” In this module's discussion assignment: • Share three strategies you have learned that you would like to implement in your current studies. • Explain how each strategy complements your learning environment and how you may have modified it to meet your personal learning style. ASP 100 Week 5 Individual Assignment 2 Research Career Resources Before You Begin From the textbook, Keys to effective learning: Study skills and habits for success, read: o Appendix A: Guide to library and Internet research • Review materials under the topic “Researching Tips” When considering the career goal you identified in Module 1, it is helpful to know where to go to find current information about that career. For this assignment, you will: • Search the Internet to find the salary range for someone on your chosen career path in the area where you plan to live and work. • You will also search the Argosy University Online Library for a journal, or any other periodical, that can help you keep up with the trends in your chosen career. • Explore the Argosy University Center Platform, develop a profile, and complete the Holland Interest Assessment to assess how well your career path matches your interests. Part I. Internet Search For your Internet search, you can consider visiting the following links to appropriate websites for information on: • Salary Search • Salary Information Write a one-page Microsoft Word document describing your findings from your Internet research using the following guidelines: • Using your Internet browser, do a keyword search using terms that will help you determine the salary range in your chosen career in your region. For example: paralegal salary ranges in PA • Identify the URL of the website(s) providing relevant information. • Describe why you think this is a reliable website. Click here for a checklist about what makes a credible website. • Explain whether the salary information is consistent with the career goal you have set. • Describe whether you can envision being satisfied with this level of salary in your chosen career. What factors may affect your satisfaction, including cost of living in your state, size of your family, debt obligations, housing costs, etc... • List two or three other questions or concerns you still have about your chosen career. • Create a separate reference page, cite the author, date of publication, and the URL where you found the information. Here is an example of a citation for a website. Gladly, C. (2012, January 4) Earnings have increased for college graduates over the past 20 years! Retrieved from Part II. Library Research Write a one-page Microsoft Word document describing your library research using the following guidelines: • Access the Online Library. • path. Identify the name of at least one journal that provides articles relevant to your chosen career • Describe an article in this journal that contains information you find interesting and explain why you find it interesting. • Explain how this information may relate to your career goals or help in the future. • After reading this article, describe a question or topic you wish the article had pursued further. • On your separate reference page, cite the author, date of publication, article title, publication, volume, and the URL where you found the information. For example: Author, I. (2013). Three easy steps to becoming a rocket scientist. Journal of reliable career information, 66(13), 5–7. Retrieved from Part III. The Career Platform and The Holland Interest Assessment For this part of the assignment, you need to follow the link below to Argosy's online Career Platform. There you will set up your own profile, and complete an interest inventory to explore your areas of interest. Areas of interest are those activities and goals that we find more interesting and satisfying. You will then answer the questions below about the results of your interest inventory. To Assess the Argosy Career Platform and complete the Holland Interest Assessment: 1. Go to 2. Click on "Student Sign In" 3. Follow the prompts to register by clicking on either "Sign in with LinkedIn" (if you already have a LinkedIn account) OR "Create a New Account". 4. If you click on "Create a New Account", you will immediately receive an email with a link to return to the Career Platform. Check your e-mail and follow the link. 5. You will then be directed to complete your profile. As soon as you complete and SAVE your profile, you will be taken back to the Home Page of the Career Platform. You will see a large green button that says "To complete ASP100 Assignment, Click Here". Click the button and follow the prompts to complete the assessment which takes about 5-10 minutes. As soon as you are finished, your results will appear on the screen. Review your results. At this point, you can return to your assignment and write your response to the following questions: • What did you learn about your interests after completing the Holland Interest Assessment? • Which occupations were recommended to you, based on your results? • Were you surprised by your results? Do you agree with the results? Provide your response in a one-page Microsoft Word document. Submitting Your Assignment Collate your findings from Part I, Part II, and Part III into a single Microsoft Word document and include a separate page for your title page and references. You are encouraged to use the M5A2 Template provided below to help you organize your assignment. • Use this M5A2 Template to help format your assignment and save it as Lastname_Firstinitial_M5_A2.doc. • Your assignment should include: • Title page in APA format (Click here for guidelines.) • Part I: Internet Research • Part II: Library Research • Part III: The Career Platform and The Holland Interest Assessment • References page in APA format. (Click here for guidelines.) • The following M5A2 Template can help you with formatting your assignment. Submit your document to the M5 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Tuesday, March 15, 2016. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Described Internet research findings about salary range for career path. 45 Described library research information about career-related journal. 40 Included Career Platform portion and addressed questions clearly. 20 Provided a clear title page, citations, and references. Used correct spelling and grammar. 10 10 Total: 125 ASP 100 Module 5 Assignment 1 Researching Reliable Resources Discussion Rules of Engagement: • Be polite and professional. • Keep an open mind. • Keep personal information personal. • Issue complaints privately. • Be patient. • Be honest. Before You Begin… To successfully complete your assignment, you should have completed the following tasks: • From your textbook, Keys to effective learning: Study skills and habits for success, read: o Appendix A: Guide to library and Internet research • Review materials under the topic of “Researching Tips” • Review materials under the topic of “Content Integrity” The Internet is a wonderful universe of information. But not all of it is trustworthy, or credible, for use in college-level academic research. Using the Internet for research, identify at least one academically credible website for each of the following topics: • Plagiarism or academic citation • Study skills • Time management • Stress management • Budgeting or personal finance ASP 100 Module 5 Assignment 2 Research Career Resources Before You Begin… • From the textbook, Keys to effective learning: Study skills and habits for success, read: o Appendix A: Guide to library and Internet research • Review materials under the topic “Researching Tips” When considering the career goal you identified in Module 1, it is helpful to know where to go to find current information about that career. For this assignment, you will: • Search the Internet to find the salary range for someone on your chosen career path in the area where you plan to live and work. • You will also search the Argosy University Online Library for a journal, or any other periodical, that can help you keep up with the trends in your chosen career. • Explore the Argosy University Center Platform, develop a profile, and complete the Holland Interest Assessment to assess how well your career path matches your interests. Part I. Internet Search For your Internet search, you can consider visiting the following links to appropriate websites for information on: • Salary Search • Salary Information Write a one-page Microsoft Word document describing your findings from your Internet research using the following guidelines: • Using your Internet browser, do a keyword search using terms that will help you determine the salary range in your chosen career in your region. For example: paralegal salary ranges in PA • Identify the URL of the website(s) providing relevant information. • Describe why you think this is a reliable website. Click here for a checklist about what makes a credible website. • Explain whether the salary information is consistent with the career goal you have set. • Describe whether you can envision being satisfied with this level of salary in your chosen career. What factors may affect your satisfaction, including cost of living in your state, size of your family, debt obligations, housing costs, etc... • List two or three other questions or concerns you still have about your chosen career. • Create a separate reference page, cite the author, date of publication, and the URL where you found the information. Here is an example of a citation for a website. Gladly, C. (2012, January 4) Earnings have increased for college graduates over the past 20 years! Retrieved from Part II. Library Research Write a one-page Microsoft Word document describing your library research using the following guidelines: • Access the Online Library. • path. Identify the name of at least one journal that provides articles relevant to your chosen career • Describe an article in this journal that contains information you find interesting and explain why you find it interesting. • Explain how this information may relate to your career goals or help in the future. • After reading this article, describe a question or topic you wish the article had pursued further. • On your separate reference page, cite the author, date of publication, article title, publication, volume, and the URL where you found the information. For example: Author, I. (2013). Three easy steps to becoming a rocket scientist. Journal of reliable career information, 66(13), 5–7. Retrieved from Part III. The Career Platform and The Holland Interest Assessment For this part of the assignment, you need to follow the link below to Argosy's online Career Platform. There you will set up your own profile, and complete an interest inventory to explore your areas of interest. Areas of interest are those activities and goals that we find more interesting and satisfying. You will then answer the questions below about the results of your interest inventory. To Assess the Argosy Career Platform and complete the Holland Interest Assessment: 1. Go to 2. Click on "Student Sign In" 3. Follow the prompts to register by clicking on either "Sign in with LinkedIn" (if you already have a LinkedIn account) OR "Create a New Account". 4. If you click on "Create a New Account", you will immediately receive an email with a link to return to the Career Platform. Check your e-mail and follow the link. 5. You will then be directed to complete your profile. As soon as you complete and SAVE your profile, you will be taken back to the Home Page of the Career Platform. You will see a large green button that says "To complete ASP100 Assignment, Click Here". Click the button and follow the prompts to complete the assessment which takes about 5-10 minutes. As soon as you are finished, your results will appear on the screen. Review your results. At this point, you can return to your assignment and write your response to the following questions: • What did you learn about your interests after completing the Holland Interest Assessment? • Which occupations were recommended to you, based on your results? • Were you surprised by your results? Do you agree with the results? Provide your response in a one-page Microsoft Word document.
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