Arcelor Mittal

March 27, 2018 | Author: enriqueuno | Category: Transformer, Alternating Current, Stainless Steel, Steel, Chemistry



Electrical Steels Grain Oriented Silicon Steels Non-Oriented Silicon SteelsArcelorMittal Inox Brasil steel plant in Timóteo .Brazil .Minas Gerais . Export sales have been boosted since the integration with the distribution network of Arcelor. ArcelorMittal Inox Brasil is one of the most modern and productive steel companies in the world. and has an advanced Research Center. state of Minas Gerais.Introduction ArcelorMittal Inox Brasil is the sole integrated plant for the production of flat stainless and silicon steels in Latin America. ArcelorMittal Inox Brasil is the leading company in its segment. the major steel group in the world. . in the Vale do Aço (Steel Valley) region. The ArcelorMittal Inox Brasil industrial complex is located in Timóteo. In the context of the Brazilian market. where products are developed and tested for several market applications.000 tons of liquid steel per year. It has an installed capacity to produce 900. 2 . the maximum core loss will be supplied at 1.85 0. hydro and turbogenerators.05 1.40 1.87 1. tested after stress relief annealing.97 1.75 0. Magnetic Aging (%) Reference ArcelorMittal Inox Brasil E003 E003 E004 E004 E005 E006 1.97 5 7.35 0.83 2.78 1.54 1.44 1.00 Min.63 1.28 1. Bending Index B800 B2500 B10000 M108-23 M117-23 M112-27 M125-27 M140-30 M150-35 0. Core Loss (W/kg) Min.73 0.65 95.27 0.12 1.17 1.46 1.27 0. The customer shall specify only one condition for both induction and frequency in order to guarantee the maximum core loss value. power reactors. required for higher equipment performance with increased energy saving.7 T 50 Hz 1.5 T 50 Hz 60 Hz 0.40 1. Primary characteristics: the main characteristic of this product is that its magnetic properties are vastly superior in the rolling direction. Assumed Lamination Density Factor (g/cm3) (%) Min. Guaranteed Characteristics The core loss values represented in the chart refer to the fully processed product.99 1.23 0. Unless otherwise specified.24 1. This steel is supplied with ASTM C-5 coating.23 0. Magnetic Induction (T) Max.Grain Oriented Silicon Steels More Efficiency and Energy Saving GO Silicon Steels have been developed to achieve low core losses and high magnetic permeability.08 1.50 60 Hz 1. Guaranteed Characteristics Thickness (mm) Grade Max.80 0. in samples which were cut longitudinally to the rolling direction.0 2 ArcelorMittal Inox Brasil can supply the Grain Oriented Silicon Steel according to the main international standards or in accordance with the main customer specifications.12 1. The supply of special conditions may be provided upon previous request.5 1. 3 .5 T and 60 Hz.08 94. Primary applications: production of transformer cores.95 0.30 0. 10 1.00 1.7 T / 50 Hz C-5 Coating An inorganic phosphate-based coating applied over a layer of magnesium silicate (ASTM C-2) that is present in the surface of the steel.97 B800 1.93 Core Loss (W/kg) 1.345 0.24 1.04 1.20 1.40 1.40 1.57 ASTM A876 M Grade 23H070 27H074 30H083 35H094 (W/kg) 1.arcelormittalinoxbrasil.10 1.32 60 Hz 1.87 Magnetic Induction (T) B2500 1.96 1.39 1.01 1.16 1.171 4 .24 1.80 0.17 1. Average (A) 0.42 1.57 JIS 2553-2000 Grade 23G110 27G120 27G130 30G140 35G155 (W/kg) 1.300 Max.5 T 50 Hz 60 Hz 0.50 ABNT NBR 9119 Grade GO110-27 GO117-27 GO128-30 GO146-35 (W/kg) 1.50 DIN EN 10107 Grade M110-23S M120-23S M120-27S M130-27S M140-30S M150-35S (W/kg) 1.93 B5000 1.10 1.Typical Magnetic Properties Typical Characteristics Grade Reference M108-23 M117-23 M112-27 M125-27 M140-30 M150-35 ArcelorMittal Inox Brasil E003 E003 E004 E004 E005 E006 Thickness (mm) 0.19 1.225 0.30 1.08 1.7 T 50 Hz 1.69 1. This coating has good electrical resistivity and withstands stress relief annealing.14 1. Table of Guaranteed Values .266 0.12 1.Franklin Test (A) ASTM Coating C-5 Guaranteed Value International Standards ArcelorMittal Inox Brasil Grade M108-23 M117-23 M112-27 M125-27 M140-30 M150-35 (W/kg) 1.650 Typical Value Average (A) 0.300 0.96 B10000 1.20 1.25 1.50 Core Loss at 1.27 1.20 1.40 1.93 1.30 1.69 0.265 0.30 1.85 1.29 1.88 0.96 1.90 0.98 Typical curves are available on ArcelorMittal Inox Brasil's website: www.41 1.74 1.77 0.48 1.225 0.09 1.74 0.39 1. Per Reading (A) 0. 0 Typical 97.5 -0/+1.030 +/.0.65 5 .27 0. The diameter tolerance in both cases is (-10/+20) mm. “L” and “T” correspond to samples cut longitudinally and transversally to the rolling direction.030 Width (mm) 30 up to 150 151 to 500 501 to 1020 Tolerance (mm) -0/+0.025 +/.5 94. upon previous request.5 95. Thickness (mm) 0.27 0.23 0.0.3 -0/+0.41 97. The coils can be supplied with an internal diameter of 508 mm.30 0. Standard Dimensions All coils are supplied with a standard internal diameter of 610 mm.41 97.35 Density (g/cm3) Lamination Factor (%) Guaranteed 94.30 0.0 7. The standard internal diameter for strips is 508 mm.44 97.50 Thickness (mm) 0.0.23 0.0 95. and not used as specifications.Typical Mechanical Properties Yield Strength (MPa) L 323 T 337 Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa) L 356 T 392 L 17 Elongation (%) T 33 Bending Index L 20 T 8 Hardness (HV5) 172 The values above indicated should be considered only as references.35 Tolerance (mm) +/.0.030 +/. Applications Hydrogenerators / Turbogenerators Transformers for Electrical / Electronic Industry Transformers for Welding Machines Voltage Transformers Power Reactors / Magnetic Amplifiers DC and AC Large Scale Motors DC and AC Medium Scale Motors DC and AC Small Scale Motors Electricity Meters Ballasts Hermetic Motors 6 . Non-Oriented Silicon Steels E100 • E105 • E110 • E115 • E125 • E137 • E145 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Note: (1) High Permeability Steel. low core losses and can be supplied with insulated coating. fluorescent lamp ballasts. Assembly of hydro generator. Primary applications: generator cores and electrical motors. The product has excellent permeability values at high inductions. electricity meters. Primary property: good magnetic properties in all directions. Hermetic compressor for refrigerators and freezers. hermetic motors for refrigerators and freezers as well as a vast array of other electrical equipment.Non-Oriented Silicon Steels More Efficiency and Economy in Your Daily Work The fully processed non-oriented silicon steels have their properties fully developed. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • E157 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • E170 E185 E230 E233 (1) 7 . 60 2.88 1.84 1.50 1.95 4.83 10 5 7.73 B10000 1.20 1.20 2.40 3.00 0.30 2.50 2.90 1.60 1.78 5 7.71 3.95 5.: Note that the other steels have guaranteed magnetic induction higher that the international standards.54 2.80 5 7.0 1.64 1.28 1.40 1.50 3.22 3. Unless otherwise specified.90 2.59 1.14 3.0 10 0.35 1. Lamination Density Bending Factor (g/cm3) Index (%) Reference P800-100A (1) P470-65A (1) ArcelorMittal Inox Brasil E233 E233 E230 E185 E170 E157 E230 E233 E230 E185 E170 E157 E145 E137 E125 E115 E110 E105 E100 E170 E157 E145 E137 E125 E115 E110 E100 1.58 1.91 2.48 1.60 1.75 97.91 2.76 5 7.65 3 7.80 0.67 1.30 3.30 1.75 3 0.68 5.85 3.90 2.56 1.00 4.15 1.60 B2500 1.79 0.66 6.90 0.84 1. tested with no stress relief annealing.00 6.58 1.64 2.15 2. Guaranteed Properties Guaranteed Characteristics Max.73 1.05 1.34 2.00 2.10 4.15 1.30 3.60 1.10 1.30 1.68 3.64 B5000 1.55 2.59 1.70 2.65 95.00 5.30 1.45 1.50 2.35 1.17 1.84 1.84 4.40 5. with 50 percent of the samples cut longitudinally to the rolling direction and 50 percent cut transversally to it.0 5 M600-65A M470-65A M450-65A M400-65A M530-54A P400-50A (1) 10 1.98 3.39 1.0 T and 50 Hz.70 4.48 1.95 0.15 1.20 1.0 2 Note: (1) High permeability steel.75 5 5 7.25 3.00 3.33 4.64 1.20 2.05 2.85 1.40 7.66 5. as cut.69 1.65 3.50 2.26 97. The user shall specify only one condition for both induction and frequency in order to guarantee the maximum core loss value.69 1.95 60 Hz 10.45 1.75 98.10 3.76 1. Obs. Magnetic Aging (%) 5 Thickness (mm) Grade Maximum Core Loss (W/kg) Minimum Magnetic Induction (T) Min.95 3.75 2.90 2.5 T 50 Hz 8.70 2. 8 .25 1.00 1.37 1.70 1.33 3.30 4.35 2.49 3.Guaranteed Magnetic Properties The core loss values refer to the fully processed product.66 4.20 3.45 3.70 6.79 1.0 T 50 Hz 60 Hz 4.0 5 1.80 7.00 1.70 1.75 97. Note: Grades in italic do not exist in standards yet.95 2.00 5.65 2. the core loss value will be supplied at 1.57 M530-50A M470-50A M400-50A M370-50A M350-50A M330-50A M310-50A M290-50A M270-50A M250-50A M230-50A M330-35A M300-35A M290-35A M270-35A M250-35A M235-35A M210-35A M195-35A 1.15 2.74 1. Assumed Min.25 6.42 3.19 4.70 2.10 1.95 1.66 1.73 1. 64 1.72 1.99 2. and not used as specifications.39 1.69 1.84 0.00 3.93 1.21 3.59 1.41 1.01 4.02 2.83 60 Hz 4.42 1.10 1.27 2.30 1.21 4.72 1.01 1.19 3.72 2.26 3.66 Magnetic Induction (T) B5000 1.85 M530-50A M470-50A M400-50A M370-50A M350-50A M330-50A M310-50A M290-50A M270-50A M250-50A M230-50A M330-35A M300-35A M290-35A M270-35A M250-35A M235-35A M210-35A M195-35A 1.08 1.70 1.9 97.08 1.93 4.90 3.59 3.82 0.04 6.9 97.36 3.82 0.23 1.70 1.9 Hardness (HV5) Lamination Factor (%) Thickness = 0.34 1.04 0.97 4.38 1.54 1. “L” and “T” correspond to samples cut longitudinally and transversally to the rolling direction.23 1.93 3.77 1. .88 1.79 Typical curves are available on ArcelorMittal Inox Brasil’s website: www.62 B2500 1.85 4. The values above indicated should be considered only as references.70 3.62 1.79 1.66 1.73 1.26 2.74 3.28 3.61 1.35 2.50 mm.9 97.82 1.16 5.38 1.46 1.54 2.97 3.60 1.72 1.25 2.93 1.10 4.62 1.50 1.77 2.40 2.75 1.46 1.15 2.72 1.11 1.51 2.01 0.76 1.04 1.24 1.60 2. 9 .83 1.37 3.82 1.20 2.86 1.93 0.17 1.58 3.42 1.70 4.00 Core Loss (W/kg) 1.41 3.10 3.11 2.Note: Grades in italic do not exist in standards yet.37 2.75 1.56 1.42 2.26 2.33 1.84 3.13 3.14 2.86 0.67 1.76 B10000 1.98 0.46 1.59 2.69 2.5 T 50 Hz 60 Hz 8.arcelormittalinoxbrasil.82 1.82 3.70 1.9 97.83 2.59 1.31 1.57 3.62 1.81 1.60 1.74 1.05 1.08 1.92 1. Typical Mechanical Properties Arcelor Mittal Inox Brasil Grade E233 E230 E185 E170 E157 E145 E137 E125 E115 E110 E105 E100 Yield Strength (MPa) L 300 311 311 300 300 300 354 354 354 354 354 354 T 304 315 315 304 304 304 379 379 379 379 379 379 Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa) L 420 433 433 420 420 420 463 463 463 463 463 463 T 425 438 438 425 425 425 473 473 473 473 473 473 Elongation (%) L 31 30 30 31 31 31 23 23 23 23 23 23 T 31 30 30 31 31 31 24 24 24 24 24 24 Bending Index T 20 20 20 20 20 20 4 4 4 4 4 4 147 154 148 147 147 147 183 183 183 183 183 183 98 98 98 98 98 98 97.94 2.Typical Magnetic Properties Typical Characteristics Grade Reference P800-100A (1) P470-65A (1) M600-65A M470-65A M450-65A M400-65A M530-54A P400-50A (1) ArcelorMittal Inox Brasil E233 E233 E230 E185 E170 E157 E230 E233 E230 E185 E170 E157 E145 E137 E125 E115 E110 E105 E100 E170 E157 E145 E137 E125 E115 E110 E100 Thickness (mm) 1.81 1.92 5.35 1.60 1.09 2.20 Note: (1) High Permeability Steel.16 1.9 97.08 3.48 2.29 3.69 1.53 1.80 0.0 T 50 Hz 3.49 2. 70 2.0.50 3.30 3. ABNT NM 71-2000 and DIN EN 10106 = thickness 0.14 3.00 DIN EN 10106 Grade M600-65A M470-65A M450-65A M400-65A M530-50A M470-50A M400-50A M370-50A M350-50A M330-50A M310-50A M290-50A M270-50A M250-50A M230-50A M330-35A M300-35A M290-35A M270-35A M250-35A M235-35A M210-35A M195-35A (W/kg) 5.10 2. The coils can be supplied with an internal diameter of 508 mm.90 3.00 0.05 2. Note: For the E100 to E137 steels.65mm.70 4.00 3.0.40 4.47 and 0.52 JIS 2552-2000 Grade 50A 470 50A 400 50A 350 50A 310 50A 290 50A 270 50A 250 35A 360 35A 300 34A 270 34A 250 35A 230 35A 210 35A 200 (W/kg) 4.30 4.68 3.50 2.87 3.00 2.05 +/.10 2.00 5.03 Mill Edge Edge Slit Edge Width (mm) 30 up to 150 151 to 500 501 to 1060 1010 1020 1080 Tolerance (mm) .92 4.04 2.54 0.93 2. The diameter tolerance in both cases is (-10/+20) mm.39 3.30 4.60 3.79 4.3 .5 .10 . The supply of special conditions may be provided upon previous request. Standard Dimensions All coils are supplied with a standard internal diameter of 610 mm.10 2.0 / + 0.59 4.90 2.30 3.30 3.0.50 0.13 2.70 2.47 mm thickness product may be supplied upon previous request.50 0.18 3.30 2.50 4.70 4.05 +/.90 2.89 4.10 3.75 2.70 4.70 2.32 3.64 Grade ABNT NM71-2000 Grade 65F 770M 65F 600M 65F 540M 65F 500M 50F 684M 50F 519M 50F 466M 50F 433M 50F 422M 50F 398M 50F 385M 50F 370M 35F 420M 35F 395M 35F 371M 35F 349M 35F 320M (W/kg) 6.International Standards ArcelorMittal Inox Brasil’s non-oriented silicon steels are supplied according to the main international standards or in accordance with the main customer specifications.0 / + 1.33 3.65 3.87 2.18 3.10 4. Thickness (mm) 1.25 3.70 3.42 3.95 5.35 2.11 2.70 2.10 The 0.31 3.0.50 2.15 / + 10 + / .10 1. ASTM A677 M = thickness 0.0 / + 0.04 +/.5 + / . the maximum width is 1040 mm (trimmed edge).64 0.35 Tolerance (mm) +/.54 0.5T / 50Hz.04 +/. 10 .50 3.0.53 M-27 M-22 M-19 M-15 M-36 M-27 M-22 M-19 M-15 AISI Grade M-45 M-43 M-36 ASTM A677 M Grade 64F 320 64F 275 64F 235 64F 225 47F 280 47F 240 47F 210 47F 200 47F 190 47F 180 47F 165 36F 195 36F 175 36F 165 36F 155 36F 145 (W/kg) 5.70 2. The E230 and E185 steels can be supplied in 1080 mm.35 0. upon previous request.48 3. Grades in italic do not exist in standard DIN EN 10106 yet. The standard internal diameter for strips is 508 mm.70 4.36mm.50 3.00 2.50 2.95 Note: Core Loss at 1.90 2. Thickness ArcelorMittal (mm) Reference Inox Brasil P470-65A (1) M600-65A M470-65A M450-65A M400-65A M530-54A P400-50A (1) M530-50A M470-50A M400-50A M370-50A M350-50A M330-50A M310-50A M290-50A M270-50A M250-50A M230-50A M330-35A M300-35A M290-35A M270-35A M250-35A M235-35A M210-35A M195-35A E233 E230 E185 E170 E157 E230 E233 E230 E185 E170 E157 E145 E137 E125 E115 E110 E105 E100 E170 E157 E145 E137 E125 E115 E110 E100 0.00 3. 5 2.300 Max. however.Coating Electrical steels are usually coated to minimize the occurrence of eddy currents in the core of electrical machines and to reduce energy consumption. This coating has an excellent electrical resistance and improves the material punchability.600 0. The coating withstands burn-off treatments and stress relief annealing.300 0. AMIBr Coating ASTM Coating Characteristics C-0 C-0 An inorganic insulation that consists in a thin layer of natural oxides formed during the final annealing process. This coating withstands stress relief annealing. C-3 C-6 Organic-based coating to which inorganic fillers have been added to increase the insulating ability of the coating. The composition of the coating determines most of its properties.573 0. It is used for applications requiring high surface resistance and good punchability.400 0.166 0. C-4 C-4 Coating formed by phosphating of the steel surface.0 0. Average (A) 0. Per Reading (A) 0.700 0. but does not withstand stress relief annealing. Coating ArcelorMittal Inox Brasil C-S C-4 C-6 C-3 ASTM C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 Guaranteed Values Max.800 0. The coating normally is suitable for operating temperatures up to about 180°C. This oxide layer provides sufficient insulating quality for most small cores. The coating withstands burn-off treatments.5 3. and the inorganic composition emphasizes thermal resistance and weldability.This coating typically is formed by an organic resin added to an inorganic base. The organic composition emphasizes resistivity and drawability.145 Layer Typical (µm) 3.500 0.121 0.500 Typical Value Average (A) 0.0 11 . it does not withstand stress relief annealing. C-6 C-5 Mostly inorganic coating that is applied to the surface. This coating withstands stress relief annealing. This type coating is used in applications requiring moderate levels of insulation resistance. C-S C-3 Organic varnish coating that is applied to the steel surface. horizontal axis Coil for overseas market . internal and external edge cover in metalic sheet (horizontal axis) Steel ribbon Vertical / horizontal axis Coil for domestic market .Packaging GO / GNO Spacers for strips With or without pallet Domestic Market Edge protection Transparent polyethylene film Steel or polyester ribbon Vertical / horizontal axis Spacers for strips Pallet Orvic paper.vertical axis 12 . corrosion inhibitor Overseas Market Transparent polyethylene film Wrapper in coated steel (vertical axis) Wrapper. . 55 (11) 3818 1700 .SP .br ED. 9 .Belo Horizonte .Brazil Tel.Timóteo .Brazil Tel.20º andar 01452-919 .com.Steel mill Praça 1º de Maio. Brigadeiro Faria Lima.Brazil Tel.Centro 35180-018 . 55 (31) 3235 4200 .São Paulo .355 .arcelormittalinoxbrasil.Fax 55 (31) 3848 4699 headQuarter Av. 1. 2 / maio 2009 . 55 (31) 3849 7000 . João Pinheiro.Fax 55 (31) 3235 4294 commercial office Av.MG .Centro 30130-180 . 580 .MG .Fax 55 (11) 3816 2847 www.
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